> My Little Red Orchestra > by R-ootie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Old Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "For the last time Vinyl, no!" "Octi, please! I'll never ask you again!" Octavia walked out of the doorway to Vinyl Scratch's room. A sharp tug stopped her as Vinyl Scratch latched onto one of her back legs, tripping Octavia. She lifted herself off of the ground and looked spitefully back at Vinyl. "Sorry," Vinyl said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head, blushing slightly. Octavia simply got up and brushed herself off. She turned around and continued to apprehend Vinyl "The day that I listen to your infernal 'wubs' again is the day that Twilight Sparkle will become an Alicorn! Now let me go to bed, I've had enough of you today!" Vinyl sighed in defeat and trodded sadly back to her room, closing the door behind her. As Octavia turned to her door Vinyl popped out of her doorway again. "I can pleasure you!" she yelled frantically. "Not tonight, I just want to sleep!" Octavia slammed her door shut and climbed into her bed, falling to sleep almost immediatley. --- Octavia awoke to an ear splitting explosion, scaring her half to death. She was standing in an upright position holding a metal tube-like device with her front hooves. On the bottom of the device was a long box of metal, and behind that was what appeared to be wood but was really more similar to plastic. Her right hoof was holding the grip closest to her body while the other held the box on the front. She was clad in a grey uniform with a steel helmet on her head, covering her ears and neck. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She tried to move but found she was suspended in some way in her current position. Suddenly a voice from behind her started shouting in some foreign tounge she could not decifer. Suddenly she found herself able to move and she quickly looked around her. Many other ponies that she had never seen before stood behind her, holding a wide variety of intruments in her hooves. Octavia called out to them, "Was ist los!?" She recoiled in suprise at the strange language she had just spoken. It was then that she noticed the world around her. There were buildings all around her, riddled with holes of varying sizes. Also it was cold. So very cold... --- Octavia had been following the strange ponies that were dressed in the same uniform as her. She had deducted that she was in a war, it would be foolish to stray from her allies seeing that she did not know who the enemy was yet. She hoped that she would not find out. The group kept moving through the ruined streets, filled with rubble. Octavia noticed how easily she walked standing on her hind legs, holding the strange object in her hooves as if it were some sort of weapon... 'A weapon. I, one of the most renowned musicians in all of Equestria am holding a weapon. I am in a war with ponies I don't even know about to face an enemy I don't even know...' She stopped in her tracks as reality struck her like a stone hurled straight at her chest. And boy did that stone hurt. Before she could even start crying one of the ponies at the very front of the group screamed as he fell to the ground, blood pouring out of his chest. The remaining soldiers took cover behind anything they could find. Rubble, strange carriage like things, craters it didn't seem to matter to them. As Octavia stared at the bleeding stallion in pure shock as something whizzed past her head, barely missing her. She yelped in fright as she ducked behind a pile of bricks with another soldier. Against her better judgment she peeked over her cover to see many more soldiers in khaki uniforms charging the friendly soldiers, yelling "UURRAAAHHH" at the top of their lungs, occasionally firing their weapons. Another projectile rocketed past her head again, hitting the building behind her. "Scheiße!" Octavia covered her mouth in shock at what she had just said, foreign language or not. Swears were considered unacceptable in Equestrian society and she had just screamed one of the worst ones! The harvest gold stallion in front of her seemed unfazed by her profanity. He yelled over his shoulder at Octavia "Deckung!" Octavia heard the work 'deck' in his shout. Quickly guessing the meaning she nodded before he walked over the bricks, only to have one of the projectiles pass through his chest sending him sprawling to the ground screaming in agony as he covered the wound with his hoof. He reached out to the traumatized Octavia with the other pleading, "Töte mich! Bitte!" Octavia thought the soldier was asking her to help him, so she slung her weapon on her back using it's strap and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to her side of the rubble. As she pulled him the soldier kept screaming, "Nein, nein! Töte mich du Narr!" Octavia paid the screams of the dying stallion little to no heed, believing she was helping him. The soldier quit shouting as Octavia set him down behind the pile and shakily pulled out a smaller device from a leather holster. Wimpering slightly, he raised the thing to his head and pulled the trigger. Octavia stared wide-eyed at the corpse of her comrade, who had just taken his own life to escape the pain he was in. Another explosion brought Octavia's attention back to the battle as the khaki soldiers fought with her allies. Her side was losing so she had decide to either go against everything her country stood for to stay alive, or to die in this horrible place. Gulping she prepared to leap over her cover, grasping her weapon with hesitant determination. Learning form how she saw her allies handle the devices she leaned over her bricks and fired the weapon at the enemy soldiers, screaming in terror and rage as the firearm spit out it's payload. She held the trigger until it no longer fired and instead just clicked, she ducked behind cover again. She was once again shocked at her actions. Her breathing was erratic, her hooves were shaking, and her vision was discolored and blurred. How could she take this so lightly!? She could have killed somepony, and for all she knew she may have. She was brought back from her thoughts by somepony across from her behind a strange armored carriage that was torn and mangled. It looked like it had burst through the building and into the street before it was destroyed by something. The teal mare behind it was shouting at Octavia in an authoritative tone saying, "Bekkomen Sie hier, dummkopf!" She had no idea what 'dummkopf' mean't, but she was starting to pick out the bits that sounded like Euqish out of whatever language they speaking. She quickly yelled back to the mare, "Ich kann nicht, es gibt zu Feuer!" The mare nodded and reached her belt, pulling out what looked like a potato masher. She pulled out the bottom of the stick and tossed it over her cover screaming, "Rauch aus!" Seconds later, Octavia could see a cloud of white smoke buliding up in the gap between her and the other mare's cover. The teal soldier waved her hoof towards her again yelling, "Schnell!" Octavia ran as fast as she could over to the teal mare.