Twilight invents the Internet

by Iamoriginality

First published

Twilight invents the internet but then regrets it fast.

Twilight was always a brilliant inventor, she has created dozens of inventions that are used in Ponyville, but when twilight invents something that will change Ponyville, and maybe even Equestria itself. She regrets it.

Beginnings and Roller Coasters

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"Alright, I think its up and running!" Twilight exclaimed as she pressed enter.
"How were you able to create such an awesome thing!?" Rainbow Dash asked hovering above twilight.
"Hard work 'n effort, that's what ah teach mahself on the farm." Applejack responded pointing to herself in appreciation.
"Are you sure this will work? If you um, don't mind me asking."
"I'm sure Princess Twilight knows what she is doing." Celestia reassured Fluttershy with a pat on the head.
"Princess, you don't have to call me Princess Twilight" She responded with a blush.


It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, the air smelled something like sweet cinnamon rolls. Most of Ponyville's residents were outside enjoying the sun. Except for Twilight, she was staying inside, playing video games.

"Take that! Oh shit, oh wait! Yes,--" Twilight was playing on her Ponybox, a console she invented, when she was interrupted by a knock at the door..

"Just a minute!" The lavender Alicorn paused her game, got up and trotted for the door. Immediately after she opened the door, a blur of pink tackled her.

"Twilight, Twilight! GUESS WHAT!"

Twilight got the wind knocked out of her immediately and could barely speak.
"Oh, sorry about that. Silly me!" Pinkie said getting off of Twilight.

"Anyhoo, guess what happend!"

Twilight was still a little light headed, adding insult to injury for what happened last night.


"Twilight, come on!" Rainbow exclaimed gesturing Twilight to herself.
"I don't know Rainbow, I heard these things can make ponys sick."
"But Twilight, it's okay, we've all experienced one, and ah believe it's time you do it to!" Applejack reassured Twilight.
Twilight was still unsure."This all sounds like peer pressure."
"Come on Twilight, it's fun, but you don't have to go, If you don't want to."

"Alright, if all of you say it's fine, I'll do it!" Twilight exclaimed.
With that all 6 mares gave a huzzah. Twilight then confidently trotted down the queue with her 5 other friends.
She then looked at the Stallion in the front of the line, he looked like a gentle creature, he was a teenager and wore a bright green uniform with the big bold letters on it spelling FUNLAND.
"How many?" He asked, Flashstep was his name.

"6 for The Firey Fist O' Pain." Twilight then reached into her purse and pulled out a single bit and gave it to Flashstep.
"Alright ladies, enjoy the ride!" He put the bit into some sort of bag attached to his uniform, and smiled to the 6.
The 6 mares trotted forward for a little while longer, Twilight could feel the adrenaline filling in her body as she got closer to the ride. Once all of them were next to the cars, there was another stallion there with a bright green uniform that said "FUNLAND".

"Alright ladies if you would please step into the cars." He exclaimed after he lifted the bars. The mares all sat in the cars, there was 3 of them each of which had 2 seats. They were all in a row connected, the first one painted bright green, the second one painted bright blue, and the third and final one painted bright orange. One they were all seated, the stallion put the bars back in front of their stomachs.
"Keep all hooves inside the cars please, and enjoy the ride!" He then pulled a lever, and pushed the go button. Without any hesitation the carts took off, first going up a large hill.

"Okay Twilight, get ready to have some fun!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. They were organized with, Applejack and Pinkie Pie in the front, Rainbow Dash and Twilight in the middle, and Rarity and Fluttershy in the back.

As the cars were riding up the big hill, you could hear the clicking of the chain carrying the cars up the hill. Once at the top, all 6 of them could see all of Ponyville, it was 8:30 at night and was also partially dark outside. The cars had paused at the top, seconds had passed which felt like minutes. Then almost suddenly the cars plummeted for the bottom.

They all had put their hooves into the air shouting "Ahh!" In a fun tone.
"It's barely started and I'm already having fun!" Shouted Twilight midst the screams of joy. The track had swiveled right then lead into a loop.

"This is the part that I find the most fun!" Shouted Fluttershy but still with a soft tone to her voice. Going around the loop to twilight was like going down the upside down stairs when Sombra came. After the loop the ride slowly angled down, then shot left almost instantaneously. The ride did more turns and loops and climbs before it came to a close. Everypony's manes were a mess, except for Rarity's because she somehow managed to pull out a mane salon and re-do her mane.

"Please stay in the ride until you are permitted to leave, thank you." Said the announcer.
"Oh my, I think I might have a headache in the morning."

Snapping back to reality, Twilight was wondering what was on Pinkie's mind, only Celestia could wonder.
"Come on Twilight, I don't have all day, GUESS WHAT HAPPEND!?" Pinkie shouted in a mildly annoyed tone.
"OH uh sorry, hmmm.... I don't know Pinkie what happend?" Twilight said in a sarcastic tone.
Twilight didn't really care for what Pinkie had to say, of course unless it was somethng important, if it was just one of her spastic speakings she would tune out.

"I just had sex!" Pinkie said with a big smile.
"Oh...Congratulations Pinkie, I'm happy for you. Who's the pony?" Twilight was smart enough to say pony, if she said mare or stallion Pinkie might get the wrong message.
"Well it's---" Pinkie was cut off by somepony knocking at the door.
"Oh that's must be them now!"