> Everypony Loves Rarity > by Fuzzyfurvert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > That One Time at the Spa... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sighed tiredly and adjusted her feathered sunhat.  It was a newer creation of her own design, crafted and completed just a few hours previously.  The construction was simple overall, being mostly a soft, fine weave canvas that sat lightly, held its shape well and blocked the Celestia-damned sun.  The feathers were a frilly touch she couldn’t help but add to spruce up the look of the chapo.  They were a delicate color of blue that perfectly matched her cutie mark, though their quality wasn’t top notch, so she didn’t mind at all about using them for a personal project.  It wasn’t - technically speaking - her best work either, but still, Rarity was proud of her every accomplishment, no matter how small.   It not only fit her head but also fit a day like today, when an otherwise busy boutique owner should be spending her time relaxing with a friend at the spa under the skilled care of Lotus and Aloe.   Rarity loved her spa days, perhaps a bit more than she should, but having a dear friend or two along to gossip and joke with made the time even more enjoyable.  However, she had no pony to share it with.  She’d gone to Fluttershy first, but pegasus was busy with a sick beaver or something.  Applejack, predictably, was busy with some hard bucking on the farm.  Pinkie Pie was busy with planning something she called a ‘Brown Bag Party’ - whatever that was - and Rainbow Dash was helping Pinkie.  That left Twilight.   Which was where Rarity found herself shortly, scowling at the Library’s door and a small sign hanging there proclaiming the purple unicorn’s absence in Spike’s strong script.  She still knocked, of course.  The darling little dragon was indeed the only one home, with Twilight off to see that rhyming witchdoctor in the Everfree Forest again.  So, Rarity left a message with her Spikie-Wikie and began the short trudge back to her boutique.  Not that the white unicorn actually trudged.  As far as the rest of Ponyville saw, she had her head high with a bounce in her step and a sway in her hips.  But once she was inside and her feathered chapo hung up, Rarity frowned and let her head hang dejectedly.   “Oh what a waste Opal!  Such a beautiful, warm day, perfect for a relaxing spa trip and not a single one of my friends is free to enjoy it with me!  Hmph!”  Rarity trotted into the private area in the rear of her shop, where her kitchen lay.  Opalescence, meowed lazily back at her, but remained in the spot of sunlight warming the showroom floor. “Well, friends or no, I can still enjoy a scrumptious lunch at least.  And with Sweetie Belle out with her friends, it should at least allow me some quiet time with that new paperback!”  Rarity clapped her hooves together and used a little magic to open her ice chest and draw out crisp salad her sister had tossed together earlier.  Opal meowed noncommittally in response from the front. “Opal, if you need me, I’ll be upstairs embroiled in the tawdry goings on of ruggedly handsome stallions and flaxen haired mares if the cover of my new book is anything to judge by.” Levitating the salad bowl and a bottle of cool, sparkling water up to her bedroom, Rarity closed the door behind her with a kick.  The paperback she was looking forward to reading was sitting on her nightstand.  It was a loaner from Fluttershy, and the poor dear had nearly fainted from embarrassment when Rarity had asked for a synopsis.  That alone was guarantee it was going to be a good one. She set down the salad and took a quick sip from the bottled water before stretching out on her queen sized bed.  It dominated the room, and left little floor space, but the silk sheets and canopy top were the things of fairy tales and felt like heaven against her tired flank.  Rarity rolled over, reached out and pulled the paperback to herself, gazing at its cover as she did so.   The stallion on the cover gazed back at her with smoky eyes as he lifted a blonde mare up from below in a sensual dance.   He made Rarity bite her lip to keep from squealing in unlady-like delight.  If only such a stud lived in Ponyville, with a dark purple coat and stylishly short and spiky green mane! Settling on her side, Rarity flipped past the preview and pages with the legal and technical information.  She didn’t care about that stuff.  She wanted good smutty clop if she was going to be denied her spa time. Rarity was only just into the first chapter introduction when there came a light tapping at her bedroom window.  Looking up with a pout, Rarity flexed her magic and pulled aside her curtains to peek out.  Hovering just outside the window was Fluttershy, looking bashful and timidly beautiful as ever. “Fluttershy?”  Rarity pulled the curtains back fully and sat up in bed.  “I thought you had a sick beaver today?” Fluttershy reached down and opened the window, setting her front hooves on the sill.  “Actually, it was an otter.  But, the poor dear got better!  Isn’t that nice?” Rarity rolled off her bed and smiled at Fluttershy.  “Well, whatever hairy little beast it was, it is nice that it recovered.  But it is even more nice that you are free and we can finally go to the spa!  Salad?” Fluttershy blinked at the floating bowl suddenly in front of her.  “Um...yes?” Rarity chuckled as the pegasus took a tiny bit of lettuce from the bowl to sample it.  After a moment of chewing though, Fluttershy’s eyebrows rose in surprise and she ducked her head into the bowl for a more hearty mouthful. “Sweetie Belle really has gotten a lot better in the kitchen, wouldn’t you say darling?” Fluttershy nodded vigorously, mouth full of salad-y goodness. *** Rarity smiled broadly, tossing her sunhat aside once more, but this time in the  Ponyville spa’s cubby for personal belongings.  The changing room was otherwise empty, so Rarity took her time, pausing to sip from the complementary flute of champagne as she slipped into a luxurious robe.  Fluttershy was already inside the spa proper, getting prepped for their traditional hooficure.  Rarity always scheduled one for the both of them, since - as a businessmare that utilized gems in her work - she frequently had her hooves to the literal grindstone. Rarity hummed to herself as she pranced towards the spa’s main relaxation room.   She stopped at the door when she heard the giggles and voices of not just Fluttershy, but each of her friends coming from inside.  Rarity blinked in confusion and tilted her head to the side as she listened.  Unless somepony was a very good impressionist, her five friends were indeed inside. Throwing the doors open dramatically, Rarity stepped in and looked around wide eyed. Inside, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and even Rainbow Dash awaited, already in their spa robes and talking together. “Well, it’s ‘bout time ya showed yer pretty lil’ horn, Rarity!”  Applejack waved from where she was lounging next to the large hot tub without her signature hat and her hair unbound. “B-but!” Rarity stammered and swayed unsteadily on her hooves.  “I thought you had farm work to do?  Twilight, weren’t you were visiting Zecora?  And Pinkie, Rainbow, weren’t you both working on a party planning?  I don’t understand?  Why are you all here?” “Oh you silly-billie!  Dashie and I finished up the planning of course!”  Pinkie grinned exaggeratedly from where she having her mass of curly pink locks dried and put up into a fluffy towel. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash piped in from where she was getting her feathers preened.  Dash snickered, smiling pleasantly as one of the spa ponies gently ran a pick through her wings, her hooves tucked under her body to keep them from being touched. Twilight giggled and levitated a cucumber slice off one eye as she turned to regard Rarity from one of the pampering stations.  “I got back just after you left the message with Spike.  It seems we all finished up our respective tasks and came here to meet you.  We got here just before you and Fluttershy.” “Well, we did stop for lunch.”  Rarity sighed and smiled happily as she cantered into the room.  She settled next to Fluttershy at the hooficure station and leaned against the pegasus as they waited for the spa ponies’ attention.  “To think, just an hour earlier I was ready to call this day a bust and snuggle up with a good book and now look, we’re all here and going to have the pampering of our lives.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded before she gasped and blushed.  She ducked her head to hide behind her mane and whisper quietly.  “You mean… that book I lent you?  The one with the stallion on the cover that has those burning eyes and the broad back and those big strong hooves that look like they could hold you forever?  That one?” Fluttershy blushed harder as Rarity nodded.  “Um...have you gotten to the part where he finds the dutchess alone on a trail behind her estate and he carries her home after she hurts her ankle and she is so grateful that she...th-that she...that s-s-she…?” Rarity chuckled and leaned closer in to whisper.  “No, I only just started.  But don’t worry, Fluttershy dear, I don’t mind a little spoiler like that.” “Um...h-h-he’s...ample.”  Fluttershy hid her face behind her wings Rarity grinned wickedly and giggled.  “I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed by a book that could make you blush this much!” *** Not long after each pony had received a royal pampering, the six mares decided to retire to, and relax in, the sauna.  The heat and steam was just what the doctor ordered to ease the last of the tension from their muscles and make their coats glisten.  Lotus and Aloe had retreated and left them to relax in peace with very low key music playing over the intercom. Rarity poured a ladle full of sweet scented herbs in the steam water for a little aromatherapy while she stretched out on her raised bench seat, flexing her newly polished hooves.  “Oh but this has been the best possible day!  I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a spa visit quite so much!  Everything.  Is.  Perfect!” On queue, the universe took that wonderful set-up and the lights above them flickered for a moment and the music in the background died on a warbly high note.  The six friends looked up and around, listening for anything that sounded like it was about to explode, or for some sort of ruckus to start.  The silence lasted only a few seconds though.  Music started up again from the intercom, but this time - instead of the light, aural tune it was before - there was a good deal more cheesy synthesizer and bass guitar. “What in the name of Equestria is that noise?”  Rarity frowned with haughty grace, eyeing the speakers with open disgust. “Sounds like cheap old porno music.”  Each pony in the room stared at Twilight Sparkle as she shared this gem of intellectual insight.  She lowered her eyebrows and glared back. “What?  It does!” “Well, this won’t do.”  Rarity sighed and set her once again half empty champagne glass aside and stood up, letting her spa robe fall as she moved toward the door. “Oh hold your horse, Rarity.  Sheesh, you can be so picky!”  Applejack rolled her eyes. Rainbow Dash shook her head and waved Rarity back toward her seat.  “It isn’t anything to worry about.  Just go with the flow, lil’ miss hot flank!” Rarity froze on the spot, blushing at the comment regarding her posterior.  Hot flank?  It wasn’t the first time she’d heard that particular phrasing, by far, but it seemed almost out of place to hear it come from her friend.  Flattering as it was, such comments were meant for the boudoir, not in public! “Rainbow Dash!  How rude!  You should watch your mouth young lady or it will get you in trouble.  Again!”  Rarity snorted and flipped her hair smugly. “Oh c’mon Rare, aren’t ya bein’ a bit hard on Dash?  We’re all friends here, aren’t we?” “Applejack!”  Rarity gasped and held a hoof to her chest as she turned and fixed Applejack with a stare.  “Don’t encourage Dash’s delinquency!” “Delinq-wha’ now?” “Delinquency!  She is acting like a delinquent and that sort of behavior is most unbecoming of a young mare.  Surely, even you understand?” Applejack smirked at the white unicorn and stood up, tossing her own robe aside carelessly.  The farming pony shook her head and grinned at Rarity. “Honestly Rare?  I only ever understand ‘bout one in three of th’ words that come outta that pretty mouth of yer’s.  Now, why don’t cha stop snapping at Dash fer nothin’ and get over here?  I know somethin’ I’d rather ya do with that silver tongue.”  AJ walked over to Rarity as she spoke and reached up to caress the seamstress’ cheek softly. Rarity blushed even more, eyes wide and breath caught in her throat.  Applejack’s hoof felt smooth and strong as it slid down her cheek and then along her jawline to her chin.  AJ pulled her closer and before she could react, Rarity felt the farmer’s lips against hers in a warm kiss.  Even as her mind was struggling to frame this in her world view, Rarity could feel a tongue pushing into her mouth, placing her firmly on the submissive side of the exchange. Applejack’s grip was strong and steady.  The kiss stole her breath and refused her more as it went on.  Rarity’s freeze lasted only moments as AJ’s tongue heated her up and she melted into the embrace.  The crass music in the background seemed to get a little louder in her ears, somehow keeping up with Rarity’s racing heartbeat.  It was horrible music, but somehow, it made her want to tongue dance at Applejack’s lead along with the beat.  Rarity wasn’t sure what was happening, but her body suddenly felt like it was the source of the steam in the sauna.  Her open robe was quickly becoming stifling. “Hold on AJ, ya gotta share!  Isn’t that right Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash’s robe followed Applejack’s as it was thrown into the air by her wings spreading.  Rearing up on her hind legs, Dash displayed a heretofore unnoticed prismatic colored strap-on of only slightly eyebrow raising proportions.  It was modeled after a real stallion’s, balls and all, and was held tight against RD’s crotch by some heavy duty leather harness straps. “You are so right, Dashie!”  Pinkie chucked her robe into the growing pile as she stood and reared up up with gusto to show off her own special strap-on accessory. “I call dibs on Rarity’s special Party Hole!”  Pinkie Pie bounced up and down excitedly, making her sex toy bob obscenely between her legs.  In typical Pinkie Pie fashion, it was pink with peppermint studs along its length and buzzed loudly with vibration in time with the cheesy music being pumped in overhead. “Aw, c’mon!”  Dash frowned at Pinkie, but the manic earth pony was already focused and zeroing in on her target.  “Well, in that case, I guess I’ll take the front one then.  But, I REALLY wanted that marshmallow plot hole!” “You can have it on the second round, Rainbow Dash.”  Twilight Sparkle spoke up as she rose, moving gracefully toward Rarity and Applejack.  Her horn glowed a faint purple light as she slipped out of her cotton spa robe and folded it neatly. “I want that horn.  I’ve heard the ridges of a unicorn horn feel wonderful inside you.  When you aren’t being gored, of course.  And I’ve always wanted to test out that and the ‘magicgasm’ unicorns are supposed to be capable of.”  Twilight nodded to herself and then lowered her brow at Rainbow Dash’s incredulous look.  “What?  No pony has ever rode mine.  I’m not flexible enough to ride my own, despite repeated attempts and plenty of bits spent on yoga classes.  And Spike most definitely does not swing that way!” With a gasp and sharp intake of breath, Applejack released Rarity from their long tonsil hockey session.  Rarity wobbled a bit, unsteady on her hooves and with a hot blush on her cheeks and neck.  She was having trouble thinking in the heat and onslaught of her good friends expressing their desires.  The music was actually beginning to sound somewhat decent and her body left so alive!  She could feel the body heat off the ponies around her and smell the intoxicating scents coming from them.  When Rarity licked her lips, she could taste Applejack’s flavor on her tongue. AJ smiled at Rarity slyly, pushing up the brim of her hat.  “That was some mighty nice kissin’ ya done thar Rare.  Now, if’n ya’ll pardon the pun, Ah think it’s time fer this here ‘fashionista’ to...’go down on the farm’, if ya catch mah meaning.” “Uhg...sheesh, Applejack.  That was funny the first time, maybe.”  Dash rolled her eyes as she lifted Rarity’s robe and started to slide herself under the wobbly, mumbling and confused unicorn. Rarity shook her head slightly, trying to clear it as Rainbow lifted her in place.  “Oh...oh my, what’s ha-happening here?  I feel so strange…”  Rarity’s half-lidded, deep blue eyes followed Applejack as the orange pony sat on her dock in front of her, legs spread in open invitation. “Come ‘n git it, sugarcube.” The music reached a tinny sounding crescendo and Rarity felt Pinkie’s weight on her back. The earth pony pushed Rarity down with little resistance, bringing her face to face with Applejack’s plump and already moist mare parts.  The scent coming off her was heady and oddly non-apple based.  It smelled like a mare in heat, and to Rarity’s addled mind, that was more than good enough.  Her tongue hadn’t quite recovered from the kiss, but she leaned forward and ran the tip from the bottom to the top of the slit before her.  AJ rumbled happily and started to flush as Rarity started greedily lapping up her juices. Rainbow Dash smirked at the sight from below and angled herself to bring her plastic phallus to bear and tap on Rarity’s own lower set of lips.  Its tip came away wet and tacky with unicorn juice.  “Alright!  Looks like AJ wasn’t the only one ready to party!  How’s things on your end, Pinks?” Pinkie Pie wasted no time getting into position and brushing Rarity’s tail out of the way before running her hooves over one of her best friend’s supple and firm ass. “Ooh!  Looks nice, it’s even winking at me!”  Pinkie giggled as she placed the tip of her toy between those twin white mounds, right over that sacred entrance.  She shook a small bottle of lube from her mane and squirted a liberal amount onto one hoof which she then began to work onto her studded dildo. “I’m about to be the envy of all the colts in town!”  Mumbling a quick prayer to Celestia in thanks, Pinkie Pie plunged forward, followed a moment later by the wet sounding ‘skwelch’ of Rainbow stuffing Rarity’s twat with well over thirty inches of silicone. Rarity’s scream from the quick double entry was muffled by Applejack’s thighs and Twilight moving over her head and keeping it down as she mounted Rarity’s ridged, round tipped and surprisingly girthy love horn.  Twilight settled herself quickly and worked her hips until her cunt was pressed against the base of the horn.  She groaned, low in her chest and started to do tiny figure eight movements. “Oh yeah, Rarity…” Twilight bounced gently on her new pogo stick.  “Gimme the H!  They weren’t kidding about the ridges making a difference!” Rarity looked up at Twilight’s ass as she felt her fellow unicorn clamp down.  Her body was burning under the assault from her friends.  Twilight felt as hot as a fire on her horn while Applejack tasted heavenly.  Rarity clamped her lips on AJ’s clit and sucked hard while she tried to rock her head back and forth some.  If Twilight wanted the full horn ride experience, who was she to deny the mare her very best effort? Rarity groaned as Pinkie and Rainbow started to build up a rhythm and filled the sauna with sounds of mare getting fucked to accompany the synth music of a d-list musician that was still playing from the speakers nested in the rafters.  When Rainbow pushed, her enormous faux-cock tapped Rarity’s cervix in a pleasurably painful way and it’s medial ring spread her open further than any stallion had ever managed.  At the same time, Pinkie pulled back, the peppermint studs stimulating her o-ring to the point it felt almost electric.  The incredibly full feeling and the stimulation had her gushing already. “Um...excuse me?” The music and everypony screeched to a halt.  In the sudden quiet, Rarity let go of Applejack’s swollen labia and turned her head as best she could to look up at Fluttershy.  “Er...yes, dear?” Fluttershy shrank bashfully under the  gaze of each of her friends, her mane falling over her eyes as she sat back.  “Oh...uh, sorry for interrupting.” “Nono, it’s fine - I say, Twilight, would you be a doll and raise up just a little?”  Rarity smiled and lifted her head slightly.  “Thank you, Twilight!  Now, Fluttershy, I’m so sorry that we’ve gone and forgotten you!  That pesky music was just so distracting.  What can I do for you?” “Um…”  Fluttershy continued to hide behind her own hair and drew small circles in the sauna bench with the edge of her hoof.  “Uh, if it’s alright...with you...um, could I…could I maybe - if it’s not too much to ask - ride Rarity’s giant futa cock?” Nopony said a word for a moment in sheer shock at Fluttershy’s request. Rainbow Dash grunted and pushed Rarity up some and looked between their bodies toward Rarity’s crotch.  Standing proudly unsheathed and now freed from between them, Rarity’s horsecock was already drippinng pre-cum. “Huh.”  Rainbow raised an eyebrow.  “How do I keep forgetting you have one of those?” Fluttershy nodded and licked her lips.  “Uh...I don’t forget, Rarity.  I think it’s just wonderful.” Rarity smiled.  “Well darling, come over and get it.  I’m all yours, in a manner of speaking.” Fluttershy stepped closer and looked at the tangle of bodies and limbs.  “Um, Twilight?  Could you lift up some more?  Let Applejack help prop you up.  Pinkie, could you please back up slightly?  And maybe hold Rarity too?  Yeah, that looks like enough room.  No no Rainbow Dash, you stay right where you are and let me wiggle in there.” Fluttershy giggled as everypony moved and let her snuggle in tightly until she was well and fully impaled on Rarity’s throbbing phallus.  Once she seated on her friend’s girldick, Fluttershy groaned low in her throat and the music started up again and the six friends started to fuck for real. *** Sweetie Belle looked up from the claw written manuscript in front of her.  Her eyes narrowed  and her mouth was drawn in a disappointed frown.  The other two CMC members were still reading their copies.  Applebloom looked confused, while Scootaloo was devouring it like Rainbow Dash devoured Daring Do novels. “Um...yeah Sweetie Belle?  Do you like it?”  Spike swallowed audibly as he smiled nervously. “Ok.  A couple of points.”  Sweetie lifted the manuscript with her magic and stood up from her pillow seat. “First of all, this isn’t earning us a Fan-fiction Pre-reader Cutie Mark.”  Sweetie gestured with a hoof at the blankness of her flank. Applebloom set her copy aside, still looking confused.  “Second of all, ah’ma filly and what is this?” Next to Applebloom, Scootaloo giggled quietly, her small wings flared out from her sides.  Her eyes were focused on the page in front of her, whipping back and forth as she read.  Sweetie Belle sighed and rolled her eyes as Scootaloo’s grin kept getting bigger. “Third, I can’t say I like this.  There are a lot of inconsistencies.  You write pretty good.  Which, is understandable considering all the Friendship Reports and lists you write for Twilight.  But your fiction...well, it leaves a lot to be desired.”  Sweetie Belle frowned harder as she re-read some passages. “But don’t let tha’ get yer hopes down Spike!”  Applebloom smiled reassuringly.  “Ya’ll are still a lot better at writing than we three are.  And, with a lil’ practice, Ah’m sure you could write a book tha’ Twilight would be mighty proud to have in her library!” Spike sighed and looked at Applebloom gratefully.  “Thanks Applebloom.  Besides, this is a first draft.  It won’t be perfect right off the bat.  Even Twilight revises everything she writes at least twice.  Sometimes more!” “And fourth thing,” Sweetie Belle looked up from the manuscript again, “my sister’s dick isn’t THAT big!  How can you live with ponies and know nothing about our anatomy?”