Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo: Of Ponies and Nose Hair

by Ravings1

First published

After the defeat of the hair hunters, Bobobo and the gang finally have time to relax. But after a freak storm, they are transported to Equestria in a not so good condition.

After the defeat of Czar Baldy Bald the Fifth, Bobobo and the gang gets a much deserved vacation. However their vacation quickly goes south as things start to hit the fan. And what I mean by that is that a raging thunderstorm dawns over our heroes. And in a failed attempt to try and combat the storm, they're struck by lightning... how surprising. Anyway, this was no ordinary lightning strike, this bolt was embedded with magical properties.

Magical properties that transport our heroes to a different universe. At that time though, in a land known as Equestria, it is in a dire state. Many ponies are either missing or dead, and everything is falling apart. And it just so happens that Bobobo lands in Equestria. Will the gang be able to save the place from what ever has befallen it?

Believe it or not, the cover art is by me. Crappy first time I know, but I hope to get better in the future.

Ch. 1: A New Adventure

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Chapter 1: A New Adventure in a new land with a new problem, new enemies and new allies. Man, everything is new now, isn't it?

On a grassy plain, there was a teenage girl enjoying the calm cool breeze. She had short pink hair, a white, sleeveless shirt with an giant zipper hanging from the front. Underneath the white shirt, she wore a red short sleeve shirt. She hard blue eyes and teal colored pearl earrings hanging from her ears. She wore simple jeans, rolled up a bit at the bottom, on her jeans she had a belt with a heart shaped buckle, her shoes were black and round on all sides, white on the bottom. On her wrists she wore thick black bracelets.

"Isn't this day lovely Bobobo?" Beauty asked, but with not getting a response, she opened her eyes and looked behind her, only to see her friend, Bobobo sitting at a table with two other beings. Bobobo, his full name Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, wore a blue button shirt, which didn't cover all of his stomach, revealing his abs underneath. He had rather broad shoulders, his muscle clearly showing through the shirt. He had a large, golden afro, on his face was blue sunglasses. He wore black pants that tore off at the end, and he wore brown shoes.

To his right, sat a sun like creature, it was round, orange in color, spikes around its body, and thin white arms and legs, it also wore blue triangular shaped shoes. He had yellow eyebrows and blue eyes. To Bobobo's left, sat a jelly creature, there was not much to say about him, other than it was a humanoid, blocky blue jelly man with orange eyes.

"Have any sevens?" Bobobo asked, holding up cards.

"Go fish," Jelly Jiggler responded.

"I hate fishing though," Bobobo said.

"Got any threes?" Don Patch asked. Jelly handed him a card with a three on it. Don Patch smirked as he slammed his cards on the table. "I win again!" He proclaimed. A vein bulged in Bobobo forehead. He threw his set of cards down and grabbed the table.

"This is why I don't play Old Maid!" He yelled out, flipping the table, hitting Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch in the process, who both screamed out in pain, their eyes bulging out of their head. Beauty looked at them with an annoyed look.

"Well, it would be lovely if you three would know how to relax every once in a while," She said. Bobobo then turned to her, his hands in his pockets.

"Beauty's right, we should relax, we did just defeat the Chrome Dome Empire," He said.

"And Czar Baldy Bald the Fifth!" Don Patch chimed in.

"Yeah, him too," Bobobo acknowledged. As they were discussing this, a shadow fell over the plain, looking up, Beauty saw dark clouds moving over them.

"Looks like it's going to rain," Beauty stated.

"I need to get to some shelter then, or else I'll melt!" Jelly panicked. Suddenly, Bobobo picked him up by the legs, then using his right hand to squeeze him. He moved his hand upwards, turning Jelly Jiggler into an umbrella.

"Why? You make a great umbrella," Bobobo said, causing Jelly to panic even more.


A loud bang echoed through the plain, looking to where the sound came from, Beauty saw that lightning had struck the ground not far from them, leaving a charred black area.

"Bobobo, maybe we should get to some shelter, I don't want to be struck by lightning!" She said, worried for her safety, and her friends safety.

"Don't worry Beauty," Bobobo said, making Beauty look back at him, "we have a perfectly good lightning rod here." He said while giving a thumbs up. Next time him, Jelly and Don were on top of each other, tied together.

"Huh?!" The two eyes grew wide, their pupils shrank to pinpricks, and their jaws dropped.

"Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch are not a lightning rod! Even if they were, why are we standing so close to them?!" Beauty asked, her own eyes bulging out of her head and her jaw dropped. Before Bobobo or anyone else could come up with an answer, a purple bolt of electricity stuck all of them. They all screamed, more so in surprise than actual pain, in fact, there was no pain from being hit with lightning.

'Wha-what's happening?! Why... am I fading away?!' Beauty questioned, panicking as she saw her body slowly fading away. 'Am... I... dying?' She asked, before darkness fell over her vision.


Bobobo was the first to wake up out of the four. He picked himself up, getting on his hands and knees while looking down at the ground.

"Huh... Beauty? Are you alright?" He called out, but received no response. Looking up, he saw that he was complete alone no sight of Jelly Jiggler, Don Patch, or Beauty. "Beauty?!" Bobobo called out, worried for her safety, getting all the way up to his feet. Still no response. "Don Patch?!" He tried calling out for the sun thing instead, however, it produced the same results. "Jelly Jiggler?!" He called out for the jelly man, but nothing answered. "Anyone?!" He yelled out in the air, seeing if anything responded. After nothing, he looked back at the ground. "I... have to find Beauty," He said as he started jogging forward, calling her name out every now an then.


"It's dark and scary in here! There could be monsters in here! And I'm allergic to monsters," Jelly Jiggler said to himself. He had found himself in a forest, the tress blocked out any light that could have entered in. He was alone, no Don Patch, Beauty or Bobobo in sight. He was about to get up and look for them, until he heard a crack behind him. The color drained from his face (metaphorically) as he slowly turned around. Behind him, was some sort lion scorpion, bat... thing... that was looking straight at him.

"I knew there were monsters here!" Jelly cried out. The manticore let out roar, causing Jelly Jiggler to panic. Without wasting another second, he turned around and hightailed it out of there at unbelievable speeds. The manticore simply watched as Jelly sped off into the distance, it left out a huff as it turned back around, heading deeper into the forest.


"Ow, my head." Beauty said as she picked herself up. "Oh... Bobobo? Don Patch? Jelly Jiggler?" She called out, but received no response. "What? Where could they be? In fact, where am I?" She asked as she took a look. She seemed to be in a house of some sort, but it was horribly damaged, everything was wrecked on the inside, there was a burnt hole in the roof, it looked like a fire had been there. "Where... am I?"

"Ohhh, summoning spells are much harder to do than they look," Beauty heard a voice say behind her. She slowly turned around, and her jaw dropped. Behind her was a purple horse like creature, except with wings and a horn. It had some sort of marking on its flank, the creature was rubbing its head, as if it was trying to sooth a headache. Once it was done, it slowly opened its eyes, which then locked on to Beauty. The two stared at each other, not knowing what to do or say, but the horse was the first to break the silence.

"Uh, hello."

"Gah!" Beauty blurted out, jumping back. "You-you can talk?!" She asked, surprised beyond beyond belief. Sure, there was some weird talking creatures in her own world, but never a talking animal (except for the ones Bobobo summoned).

"Well, of course I can talk. Why wouldn't I?" The creature asked, almost casually.

"B-because your a horse!" Beauty said, almost yelling at this point.

"Excuse me, but I'm a pony, not a horse," Upon hearing the term 'pony', Beauty almost felt as though she wanted to wrap the creature in a tight hug... almost anyway.

"Wait, then why are you so big?!" It was true, while it wasn't a horse, it was almost horse size.

"Are ponies not this big from where you come from?"

"No, they're not." Beauty stated, seeming to finally calm down. The two stood in silence once more, before the pony spoke up again.

"Well, I should introduce myself. I'm Twilight Sparkle." She said, extending a hoof. Beauty looked at it hesitantly before taking a hold of it and shaking it.

"My name's Beauty." She said. The two then set their appendages down. "So, if you don't mind me asking Twilight, but how did I get here?"

"Oh, I must have summoned you here with my spell," She answered.

"Okay then, I have two other questions. One, why were you so calm when talking to me, and two, why did you summon me?"

"To answer your first question, I knew when using the summoning spell, I may not have contacted something pony. And as for why, well-"

"Don Patch!"

"Bobobo!" The two heard voices coming from outside. Beauty was the first to move outside, with Twilight behind. Once outside, the two watched Bobobo and Don Patch, tears streaming down their faces as they embraced each other in a hug.

"I found you buddy!" Bobobo cried out.

"I was alone and scared!" Don cried out too.

"Did... I bring these two here as well?" Twilight asked.

"Yes... yes you did," Beauty answered. Hearing the voices, Bobobo quickly turned to them.

"Beauty! You're okay!" He said running over to the two girls. He then stopped a few feet away from them. "Who's this now?" He asked, referring to Twilight.

"Oh, this is Twilight, Twilight, this is Bobobo and Don Patch," Beauty introduced them.

"Good to meet you." Twilight said with a smile.

"You too," Bobobo responded. Beauty then realized something.

"Wait, if me, you and Don Patch are here, then were is Jelly Jiggler?" Beauty asked. As if on cue, a cry was heard.

"WAAAAAHH!" Jelly Jiggler yelled out, running towards the four. "My butt! My butt! My butt! My butt!"

"Why is here yelling that?!" Beauty asked.

"Bobobo help me! There's a snake biting my butt!" Jelly yelled out, tears streaming off to the sides of his face from running.

"Jelly Jiggler!" Bobobo yelled out, running towards him. "Stop messing with that snake!" He yelled as he grabbed onto the snake and pushed Jelly away, who then landed flat on his front. Bobobo then swung the snake around, and slammed it into the ground. It was a miracle that the only thing that happened was that the snake was knocked out. Twilight just stared at them, not sure what to make of the scene.

'I hope... I called beings that could help me,' Twilight thought to herself. "Bobobo, Beauty, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler, could you come inside here please?" Twilight asked, leading everyone inside. Once inside, the five made themselves as comfortable as possible.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Jelly asked, seeing the damage.

"I'm about to explain that. I'm about to tell you why I summoned you here," She said. Beauty's eyes widened, she remembered she asked why they were brought here.

"Wait, you brought us here?" Don Patch asked.

"Yes, and the reason why is because... I need help," She said. "You see, about two days ago, a group of ponies attacked this town, destroying it and capturing ponies. Me and my friends, we tried to fight them, but there were just too powerful. And because of our loss, my friends were taken, so were many ponies."

"But wait. How are you here still?" Beauty asked.

"Me and a few others managed to hide from them, but they would send out scouting groups, to track down any ponies they may have missed. For two days now, I've been doing my best not to be spotted. As far as I can tell, I'm the last one here. Desperate for help, I looked up how to perform a summoning spell, just to try to find anything that could help. And, well, here you are now," She concluded. Bobobo took in every word of this into thought, he then suddenly stood up.

"Twilight," He said, getting her attention. "We will help you, and we'll get your friends and all the other ponies back. And we'll make whoever is responsible for this pay," This brought a smile to Twilight's mouth, but then it turned into a frown.

"Are... you sure you can beat them? They are very powerful," She said.

"Of course we can, if we can take out an entire evil empire, we can sure save this place," Bobobo said, causing Twilight's eyes to widen.

'They took out an entire empire?! Maybe... they can save Equestria,' She thought to herself. "Thank you all for this," She said, grateful for their help.

"Alright, this will be the last scout for this dump," They heard a male voice come from outside. Knowing what it was, Twilight shushed the group. She slowly made her way to a nearby window, peeking out to see what it was. Standing out there was a brown pony with brown hair and a brown tail. He had binoculars as a cutie mark, he was surrounded by robotic ponies, seeming to give them orders. "You know what to do, check in and out of the houses, and any other place they could be hiding. Now go," He said, as the robots made their way to separate houses. The five stayed quite, trying not to be spotted, well, at least that's what Twilight and Beauty were trying to do.

As a robot neared the entrance of the house the five were in, it was suddenly grabbed by Bobobo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler. Before it could even register what was happening it was pulled in, soon after, the sound of shredding metal could be heard, as a pile of scrap started building up at the entrance. All the robots turned their heads to the sound, just in time to see the door of the house slam shut.

"What was that?" The brown pony asked, having seen the whole process. Slowly, another robot crept its way to the door, wanting to investigate what had happened to its ally. When it was about five feet from the door, Don Patch had burst out of the door, having a cat snout and ears. The robot's visor bulged out of its head as it let out a robotic scream of surprise. "Whaaaat is that?!" The brown pony yelled out, shocked at Don Patch's appearance. Don, now back to normal, had an angry expression with pupiless eyes, hollering out as he delivered a strong punch to the robots head, shattering its visor. Suddenly out of nowhere, Bobobo popped up from out of the ground behind another robot.

"Haha! Surprise attack!" He announced, performing a German suplex on the robot, causing the robot's visor to bulge out of its head as it hit the ground. Then, Jelly Jiggler popped out behind another robot.

"Haha! Surprise a-ooohhhh!" Jelly tried to do the same thing as Bobobo did, but instead received a metallic buck from the robot pony.

"What-what are these things?! Is the Everfree Forest already making residence?!" The brown pony questioned out loud.

"Bobobo!" Beauty called out. The brown pony turned his attention to the house from where her voice came from. As he saw her and Twilight run, his eyes widened in realization.

"Ah, of course, she must be the cause if this."

"Is-is this something they normally do?" Twilight question, stopping a few feet from the battle.

"It's more normal than you think," Beauty responded, hoping she got the point.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The brown pony called out, getting her and Beauty's attention. "I should've guessed you would be behind this. In fact I'm impressed these... things are able to even combat my robots," He said, pointing his hoof to the three. Don Patch was now whacking a robot with his Don Patch Sword (green onion), Bobobo was slamming a robots head into the ground multiple times, and Jelly Jiggler was still being beaten up by the same robot he tried to sneak attack earlier. Twilight bared her teeth at the pony.

"Who are you?!" She questioned, trying to look threatening. The pony simply chuckled at her attempt to be fierce, before answering.

"Hehe, my name is Keen Eye, I'm the commander of this scouting squad of the Soul Hunters," Keen introduced himself. This got Bobobo's attention.

"Soul Hunters, huh?" He said, standing up with the robot in his grasp, said robot was panicking, not wanting to find out what this human would do to it. Bobobo then turned around, throwing the robot at a broken down house, as soon as it went through the wall, the house collapsed on top of it. He turned back to Keen, with fire in his eyes. "I'll make you and the Soul Hunters pay for what you've done," Keen simply let out a loud 'pfft!' before looking Bobobo in the eye.

"You may have been able to take down my robots, but I won't be so easy, I'd like to see you tr-" Keen Eye was unable to finish his sentence when Bobobo pulled him to his hind legs and gave him a side kick to the stomach. The force of the kick sent him tumbling backwards, rolling onto his back. He held his stomach, trying to regain the breath that was just kicked out of him. He coughed a few times before he was finally able to speak again. "That... was a cheap move... who... the heck... are you... anyway?" He questioned between pained breathes.

"Me? My name is Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, but just call me Bobobo for short," The human said.

"And I'm Don Patch, the popular one!" Don patch said, appearing in front of Bobobo.

"I'm Jelly Jiggler, but can someone please help me?! This robot is still beating me up!" Jelly called out, the same robot still punching him repeatedly. Keen was getting back up to his hooves, glaring at Bobobo.

"Heh, you may have been able to kick me, but you won't defeat me! I'll end you instead!" He yelled out, charging at the human, but instead, Don Patch met him half way in between, holding his weapon.

"Don Patch sword time!" He yelled out, smacking Keen across the face with it.

"Did he just hit me with a green onion?!" Keen questioned as he was knocked down to the ground again.

"I think its about time to finish this," Bobobo said. A golden aura started to form around him as his nose hair appeared out of his nose, just two long pieces of hair as they headed for the downed pony. "Super Fist of the Nose Hair!"

"Wh-wha-what?!" Keen panicked, using his hooves to try to shield himself from the oncoming nose hairs.

"Whipping enemies with my nose hair day and night is tiring, but I still do it!" Bobobo yelled out as he nose hairs whipped Keen into the air.

'Super Fist... of the Nose Hair?!' Keen questioned before landing on the ground, head first, then rolling down onto his back, passed out with pupiless eyes. Bobobo then turned around to the group.

"Well, that's one down, let's get going." He said as he have a thumbs up.

"Thank goodness the robot's gone," Jelly Jiggler said, bruises littering his entire body.

'He... actually did it, he defeated a Soul Hunter!' Twilight thought, amazed at Bobobo's performance. 'And this... Super Fist... I must ask him about it later,' She thought. However, unbeknownst to them all, the robot that had beaten Jelly Jiggler up had retreated, but had seen everything. Now it was reporting it all to the rest of the Soul Hunters. They would all come to hate Bobobo and his friends.

Ch. 2: The Journey Begins

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Chapter 2: The Journey Begins, but you already knew that, so let's just get going!

Bobobo and the gang made their way out of what use to be Ponyville, now nothing more than a ghost town. Twilight looked back at the town one last time, stopping to do so. She felt guilt, she felt as though this was her fault, that innocent ponies were taken away, that her friends were captured, that Ponyville was destroyed. She sniffed, before tuning back to join the others.

"Bobobo, can we not go in there?" Jelly Jiggler asked. Twilight looked up to see what 'there' was. Turned out it was the Everfree forest that Jelly didn't want to go in. He was currently tugging on Bobobo's shirt, his eyes big and watery. "There's monsters in there, and I'm allergic."

"Is he really allergic to monsters?" Twilight questioned, walking next to Beauty. She looked up to her before answering.

"I'm not really sure, he says he's allergic to a lot of things." Beauty answered, shrugging her shoulders and raising her hands. Twilight walked up to Bobobo and Jelly Jiggler.

"You know, there is a path that we can follow, so we don't get lost. I can show you it," Just as Twilight finished, Jelly clung onto her, tears streaming down his face.

"But do we have to go into the evil forest of nightmares?" Jelly asked. Twilight felt bad, she wanted to say no, but there really wasn't any other option. The Soul Hunters most likely had something in the forest, that's where some ponies said they came from.

"I'm sorry Jelly Jiggler, but it's our best bet to find the Soul Hunters."

"Man up Jelly, we'll just beat up anything that messes with us." Bobobo said, pulling Jelly Jiggler off of Twilight.

"But I can't man up, I'm jelly." Jelly responded, tears still falling from his face, but it fell upon deaf ears.

"Show us this path Twilight."


"Here it is." Twilight said, pointing to the dirt road that led into the Everfree, just past Fluttershy's cottage.

"Alright then, let's get going!" Bobobo yelled out, about to make a dash towards the entrance, until a voice stopped them.

"Not yet," The voice said. Emerging from the shadows was another pony, a unicorn to be exact, his coat was blue and his hair was emerald green. His cutie mark was a iron and gold ingot, and his eyes were ruby red. "I'm guessing you are Bobobo," The pony said.

"Yeah, and who are you?" Bobobo asked. The pony smirked before answering.

"My name is Cobalt, a member of the Soul Hunters. We heard of you Bobobo, how you destroyed the scouting squad and how you humiliated Keen Eye. Then again, he wasn't even the beginning of us. I also hear you have a special power."

"As a matter of fact I do." Bobobo said, releasing his nose hair. Cobalt's face showed that of disgust at the sight.

"That's still very weird," Twilight commented. Cobalt regained his composer as he spoke again.

"That's... interesting to say the least. No matter, it's my job to put an end to you, and that's what I plan on doing. I hope your ready to face defeat."

"Well guess what, I don't know the definition of defeat!" Bobobo announced, almost proudly.

'Is he being serious?' Twilight and Cobalt thought at the same time.

"But I do know one thing, and that is that I'm going to destroy everyone in the Soul Hunters!" Bobobo proclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Then prove it," Cobalt taunted, which was, easily, the biggest mistake in his life.

"Alright then we will!" Bobobo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler yelled out as they all charged at Cobalt, who's eyes bulged out of his head. The three moved as one, all reaching the stallion at the same time, and also at the same time, all punched him in the chest. Cobalt was sent back from the force of the attack landing on his side. He quickly got up into a sitting position.

"Alright, so that's how you want to play, then I'll play like that!" He said, pushing himself up to his hind legs, balancing on them. What he said next, was a shock to everyone.

"Super Fist of Ore!" Bobobo's, Don's, Jelly's, Beauty's and Twilight's eyes widened. Cobalt then pointed his hooves at the three in front of him. "Ruby Storm!" He announced, ruby shooting out from his hooves. Bobobo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler all screamed out in pain as the rubies pelted them. Once the attack was over, Cobalt fell back to all fours, and the three were on their knees, shocked at what happened.

"What? How does he know a Super Fist?!" Bobobo questioned.

"I thought we were the only one's that had Super Fist's here!" Jelly said. Cobalt simply gave off a smirk.

"What's wrong? I thought you were going to prove that you could defeat the Soul Hunters." He taunted, juggling a some silver ore he summoned in his magic. The three slowly got to their feet, staring down Cobalt.

"Of course we can defeat the Soul Hunters! Do you know why?" Bobobo yelled out, causing Cobalt to stop his juggling act and get rid of the ore pieces as he looked at him with shock. "Because we are fueled by the power of friendship!" Twilight's eyes widened at this statement.

'Has Bobobo also discovered the magic of friendship? Maybe that's why he was so successful in his world,' She thought. Cobalt just looked at him before glaring at him.

"Oh really? Well, can friendship save you from this?! Super Fist of Ore: Mythril Bazooka!" He announced, a green beam consisting of mythril ore shooting out of his horn towards the three.

"Well of course it can!" Bobobo said confidently.

"What?!" Cobalt yelled out. The beam hit them, causing smoke to rise out. After a few seconds of waiting, the smoke started to clear, revealing the silhouette of Bobobo. Cobalt's eyes widen at the sight. As the smoke finally cleared, Bobobo was seen, holding up Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler in from of him, who had taken the attack for Bobobo. They both looked beat up with burn mark all over their bodies and pupiless eyes.

"What do you think about that?" Bobobo asked with a smirk, as if he had done nothing to Don and Jelly.

"I think you need a better definition on the term friendship!" Cobalt yelled out, shocked beyond comprehension. But not as shocked as Twilight. Her jaw was hanging open with wide eyes and pinprick eyes at what she just witnessed. Beauty looked up at her, seeing her genuinely shocked for the first time since they met each other.

"Yeah, I would say you get use to it, but you really don't," She said, since this happened on a daily basis back in her world.

"Di-bu-why-I-uh," Twilight tried to say something, but was far too shocked to say anything.

"Look at what you did to my dear friends," Bobobo said, removing his meat shields from the front of him, revealing tears streaming down his face. "I'll make you pay!" He yelled out into the sky, now the true chaos began.

"Wha?! Me?!" Cobalt asked, pointing a hoof to himself. Bobobo threw Don Patch to the ground and set Jelly Jiggler I front of him. He then brought back his fist to his side.

"Jelly Jiggler Magnum!" He yelled out, punching Jelly in the back of the head, sending his face flying towards Cobalt. It was moving too quickly for Cobalt to dodge, hitting him in the head. His head was whipped back from the force, his eyes widening in surprise and pain.

"He... just punched a hole through the guys face!" Cobalt said to himself. As he regained his stance, he glared at the human, but his glare changed into shock as he saw Bobobo holding up Don Patch by the spikes.

"Now it's your turn!" Bobobo yelled, throwing Don Patch at Cobalt, the orange sun thing had tears streaming from his wide eyes as he flew through the air. However, Cobalt was able to react to this one in time.

"Super Fist of Ore: Diamond Encrusted Hoof!" He announced, his front leg receiving a coat of diamonds. He swung his hoof forward, nailing Don in the jaw and sending him back at Bobobo. The human jumped over Don Patch and headed for the unicorn before him, seeing this, Cobalt called forth another attack. "The Super Fist of Ore: Emerald Hammer!" A giant hammer made out of emerald appeared in his magic. Quickly, he brought it down into Bobobo, crushing him underneath.

"Bobobo!" Beauty and Twilight cried out. Cobalt smirked evilly as he lifted the hammer, expecting to see the remains of Bobobo. However, there was no trace of him.

"Huh?! Where'd he go?!" He asked, looking around for him.

"I'm right here!" Bobobo said, Cobalt's eyes widened as he turned back to the impression in the ground from the hammer. In the impression was a worm sticking out of a hole, except it had Bobobo's glasses and afro.

"Wha?!" Cobalt's jaw dropped and his eyes lost their pupils.

"How did he do that?!" Twilight questioned, her own eyes bulging out of her head in shock. Bobobo, now back to normal (yeah right), delivered a solid punch to Cobalt's jaw, sending him to the ground.

"Why me?!" He cried out as he roughly landed.

"Now it's time to finish you off!" Bobobo proclaimed, jumping into the air. Cobalt began to panic, not knowing what was to come next. But it never did come, in fact, something entirely unexpected happen next.

"Bobobo, how dare you use me as a weapon!" Don Patch yelled out, punching Bobobo in the bottom of his jaw.

"You'll be used as a weapon and you'll like it!" Bobobo yelled, grabbing him by the thorns, trying to pull them out of his head. Soon enough, the two were in a full out brawl with each other, a cloud of dust and smoke obstructing the view of the fight.

"Bobobo!" Cobalt turned his head to see Jelly Jiggler, back in one piece, running towards the two fighting. "You used the magnum thing on me again!" He yelled, dolphin diving into the cloud of dust, making it bigger with a third body in the fight. Cobalt just stood there, at a lost for words, he didn't exactly want to get involved in the fight. Meanwhile, from the side lines, Beauty and Twilight watched the events as they unfolded.

"This... is normal for them?" Twilight asked, unsure of what else to say.

"Like I said before, it's more normal than you think." Beauty stated.

"I think the robot got the wrong creature that defeated Keen Eye," Cobalt said. These couldn't be the same ones that defeated him, they were just too... too... he didn't even know how to properly describe them.

"You!" Bobobo yelled out, grabbing Cobalt's hoof. "Don't think I forgot about you!"

"What the-wah!" Cobalt cried out, being pulled into the fight as well, the cloud growing in size again. Meanwhile, Twilight was trying to pass time.

"So... how often do they tend to do this?" She asked Beauty.

"About... every other second of the day," Beauty responded, trying to be as accurate as possible.

"And you put up with it?"

"I try to, like I said before, you never really get use to it." Suddenly, an explosion occurred, causing the two to cover their faces from the debris that followed. The two looked back at the four, finding them all burnt and smoking, sprawled out on the ground. "Wait, what the heck happened?!" Beauty questioned.

"That was fun, let's do it again!" Don Patch shot up, with a smile on his face.

"How was that fun?!" Twilight questioned. Soon, Bobobo and Jelly Jiggler joined Don at his sides.

"You two really need to lighten up," Bobobo said.

"Yeah, learn to have some fun," Jelly chimed in.

"Whaaa?!" The two girls yelled out in unison. Cobalt, meanwhile, was barely getting back up to his hooves, he looked over at the group, carefully planning on what to do next.

'Those three, they're insane! I won't be able to beat them, but... I can do something to the one close to them,' He thought as he prepared his next attack. "Super Fist of Ore: Topaz Cocoon," He said silently. Suddenly, topaz exploded from the ground beneath Beauty, trapping her in.

"Beauty!" Bobobo cried out. Running to the cocoon.

"I'd be carful, Bobobo," Cobalt said, an evil grin on his face. "That cocoon is littered with spikes on the inside, one wrong move, and she's gone!" Bobobo grinded his teeth at the evil pony.

"You fiend!" He yelled, but Cobalt's grin only grew.

"Looks like this is check mate Bobobo!" He said.

"No, this is!" Bobobo announced, throwing a giant pawn at Cobalt, scoring a direct hit. He yelled out in pain as his concentration was broken, the topaz cocoon breaking away, revealing Beauty. "Beauty! Are you alright?" Bobobo questioned franticly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She said. With that said, Bobobo slowly turned back to Cobalt, who was rubbing the side of his head.

"Ow, was that a giant pawn?" He questioned, unsure of what had hit him.

"Cobalt!" Bobobo hollered. Cobalt snapped his head to him, fear taking place of confusion. "How dare you try to hurt Beauty!" Cobalt's eyes shrank, he knew he screwed up now. "Super Fist of the Nose Hair!" He yelled out, hundreds of nose hair strands shooting out of his nose and towards Cobalt, who tried to back up from the attack in a vain attempt. "Nose hair whirlwind!" He announced, the nose hairs whacking Cobalt around in all directions, before being flung away.

'He's just... too powerful...' Cobalt thought as he hit the ground, head first then rolling onto his back, passed out.

"Yay! We defeated another Soul Hunter!" Beauty cheered.

"Way to go guys!" Twilight cheered as well. Bobobo looked down at the passed out form of Cobalt, thoughts running through his head.

'Who are the Soul Hunters? And how do they know Super Fist's?' He wondered, wanting to know the answers.

Ch. 3: Threatened Lives

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Chapter 3: Threatened Lives. They can threaten Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler all they want, but threaten Beauty or Twilight, and there'll be trouble!

The gang continued their journey, now traveling through the forest. While Jelly Jiggler did try not to come in, he was forced to when Bobobo threw him like a spear. Now they were all on the dirt path, hoping to find something in this dreaded forest. However, Bobobo could not get his mind off of Cobalt. He had a Super Fist, that shouldn't have been possible, only beings from his world possessed Super Fists. And the way he acted while using it, it seemed so natural to him. This was something far bigger than some invasion.

'Bobobo,' The human suddenly heard something, he looked around, but saw nothing, the voice didn't belong to any of his friends. Then he heard it again. 'Don' bother looking for me, as a matter of fact, don't even call out for me. It won't do you any good.'

'Who is this?' Bobobo questioned in his mind, though he was not expecting a reply from the voice.

'Who am I? A member of the Soul Hunters, Pearl Sight. I'm here to ask a favor of you.' Bobobo scrunched his nose.

'What kind of favor?'

'Simple, really. All I ask is that you leave... now. This is none of your business to be in this world, fighting others battles.' Bobobo narrowed his eyes under his glasses. He couldn't just leave this world and left it to evil, especially when he made a promise to Twilight.

'Not gonna happen.'

'I thought you'd say that. So hear this instead, if you don't leave by sundown, I'll kill your pink haired friend,' Bobobo could feel a vein bulge in his head. How dare this Pearl make a threat towards Beauty.

'If you dare lay a hand, hoof, claw or whatever on her, I'll end you!'

'We'll see, remember, you have until sundown. I hope that you will make the right decision, and leave,' With that final statement, Pearl's voice was gone. Bobobo could feel his anger rising, his blood boiled, the Soul Hunters would pay for this, whether they hurt Beauty or not, they would feel his wrath for being such fiends.

"Guys, I think we should rest," Twilight suggested. "It's almost sundown, and it will be near impossible to see in the forest at night. Not only that, but that's when some of the more vile of creatures come out." Sure, she could light the area up with her horn, but dealing with the monsters that resided in here was a completely different story. Bobobo calmed down, not wanted to let them know what had happened with him just now.

"Sure. Don Patch, get some fire wood." Bobobo ordered Don.

"Yes sir!" Don saluted, suddenly wearing a soldier outfit as he headed into the forest.

"And Jelly, you be the bait."

"Yes si-wait what?!" Jelly asked, but before he could make any protest, Bobobo suddenly grabbed him, holding a robe he seemingly got from no where. He quickly tied Jelly Jiggler up, hanging him from a tree. Once he was done, Jelly started panicking, swinging from side to side in an attempt to get free. Suddenly, Don returned, carrying logs, sticks and twigs. He dropped them in the middle of the path in proration for a fire.

"Now its time to light it," Bobobo said. He grabbed Don Patch, tossing him onto the pile as he took a branch.

"That's not going to work! Why are you even trying it in the first place?!" Twilight questioned. However, Bobobo didn't listing he held Don's mouth open as he started rubbing the branch along his teeth, after a couple of minutes, Don Patch suddenly combusted, lighting the wood pile. He soon got up, screaming and running in circles from being on fire. Twilight just stood there, her eyes wide and mouth agape. 'These guys make Pinkie look tame!' She thought to herself.

Bobobo's afro then opened up, he reached inside it, pulling out a hose. Though everyone expected water to come out of it, (except Twilight, who was trying to figure out how there was even a water hose in his hair), instead, birds shot out, flying into Don. After the birds disappeared, Don Patch was laying on the ground, burnt to a crisp from the fire.

'... Scratch that, they make Discord look tame, very tame.' Twilight thought, these truly were insane creatures she had called.


It had been a while now, and our crazy heroes were catching some Z's. Jelly Jiggler was still tied up, Beauty had fallen asleep against a tree, Twilight had curled up next to the fire, and Don Patch had simply fallen asleep on the ground, drooling. Bobobo, however, couldn't sleep, the threat was still on his mind, but it was past sundown, was this Pearl all bark and no bite? Or had they simply forgotten. Just as he was about to brush off the issue, there was a noise, the rustling of leaves, the sound echoed throughout the trees, so Bobobo was unable to locate the source.

Suddenly, an area in the forest lit up, as a pink and white burst of magic shot out from the trees, and headed straight for Beauty. Thinking quickly, Bobobo picked up the nearest thing, which was Don Patch. Before he was even fully awake to register what was happening, he was thrown in the direction of the magic. He intercepted it, screaming out in pain as he fell to the ground, passed out with pupiless eyes. The scream had woken up everyone with a start.

"Clever use of your 'friends' there, Bobobo," A voice called out from the area where the magic shot out from. Emerging from the forest was a mare, her coat was grey, she had a brown mane, combed to the left, she wore black glasses and her cutie mark was a pair of glasses with a pearl behind them.

"You're Pearl Sight, aren't you?" Bobobo asked with hostility.

"Why yes, I am," She responded, she seemed to have an emotionless expression on her face. "And it appears you didn't meet with my demands."

"I wasn't going to just leave this place to rot!"

"Hmph, fine then, I'll just take care of all of you." Pearl said, her horn lighting up. Bobobo then readied up himself, grabbing Jelly Jiggler off the tree and swinging him around like a pair of nunchucks. "Super Fist of Sight: Retna Lasers!" She yelled out, a pair of large eyes appearing behind her, shooting white lasers at Bobobo. The human used Jelly to destroy the laser, swinging him infront of himself. Once the attack was finished, Bobobo spun Jellly Jiggler around then throwing him at Pearl. Both of them screamed out in pain as they collided with eachother, the eyes disappearing.

"Ugh, the robot was right, you are insane, using your friends as weapons like that," Pearl said, picking herself up.

"Wait, didn't you compliment him earlier for using his friends as weapons?!" Beauty questioned.

"I don't always use them as weapons, like right now, go sick 'em Don Patch!" Bobobo yelled, pointing towards Pearl Sight. Don Patch, now in a dog costum, ran past him, barking like an actual dog.

"What is wrong with these things?" Pearl questioned, before shaking her head. "I'll question it later. Super Fist of Sight: Foresee the Future!" She announced. Don Patch had reached her and was now throwing punches left and right, but no matter how hard he tried to hit her, she just kept dodging like it was nothing. As he tried to go in for the kick, Pearl ducked, turning around and giving a powerful buck to Don, sending him falling back. Bobobo was the next to run in, stepping on Jelly in the process, producing a scream and tears from him.

"How dare you do that to Don Patch?!" Bobobo yelled out, however, Pearl simply smirked. As Bobobo tried to punch her, she just kept dodging.

"As long as I can see the future of your attack, your attacks are useless!" She said, turning around and bucking Bobobo in the stomach. "This is why you should have left, if the Royal Sisters failed to stop the Soul Hunters, what makes you, a simple human, believe that you can triumph where they have failed?" Pearl asked, facing the downed human. Twilight's eyes widened, had the Soul Hunters also defeated Luna and Celestia?

"You want to know?" Bobobo asked, getting back up to his feet. "It's because I'm no simple human, I am Bobobo! And I have defeated far tougher enemies, sure Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler helped a little, but I'm the one that did most of the work!"

"Yeah! What he said!" Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler said, both standing at Bobobo's side now.

"And just because you can see into the future, doesn't mean our attacks are useless, all it means is that we need to be less predictable, and we're good at doing that," Bobobo said with a smirk.

"We have to agree there," Twilight and Beauty deadpanned.

"And exactly how unpredictable can you even be?" Pearl asked.

"This unpredictable!" Bobobo yelled out. He, Don and Jelly all started throwing fruits and vegetables at her at an incredible rate, all yelling as they did so. Pearls eyes widened at the projectile edibles, moving too fast for her dodge. Each one that managed to hit her ricocheting off of her. Soon, the barrage ended, but just as Pearl looked up to see the three, a tree collided with her, with the three riding on it. "How's that for unpredictable?" Bobobo asked.

"You three belong in an asylum!" Pearl yelled out, still being pushed by the tree. As her trip ended, Pearl fell to the ground, rolling from the impact, she slowly picked herself up, looking back at the three, only to see them wearing sailor outfits and holding bazookas. Her eyes bulged out of her head in surprise, her glasses flying off her face.

"Fire at the target!" Bobobo shouted. Don and Jelly complied, firing their weapons at Pearl alongside Bobobo. After about a full minute of nonstop blasting fun, the three stopped. As the smoke cleared, Pearl was seen in a what looked like a six foot deep pit, made of the explosions, Pearl herself had burn marks and bruises from the three's attack.

"Don't you think you went a little overboard?!" Twilight questioned, her eyes bulging out of her head. Pearl slowly picked herself up, looking up from the crater at the three looking down at her.

"And that's not even the beginning of it," Bobobo said, Pearls eyes widening. "We can be far more crazy and unpredictable than that, and it all takes place in a special place. And that place is Bobobo World!" Bobobo yelled into the air, the world around shifting into a plain with multi colored flowers spread across the ground. A forest surrounded the plain, the sky was a pink gold color, and mountains could be seen off in the distance.

"B-Bobobo world? What is this?" Pearl asked, looking around.

"Like you just said, it's Bobobo World, a place that is under my control, and this is how we are going to defeat you,". Bobobo casually stated, picking his nose. Before Pearl could say anything else, she felt something grab the back of her head. She didn't have time to see who the offender was before she felt herself be pushed forward, her head being slammed into the ground.

"Welcome to Bobobo World! We're all going to have a great fun time here, you got that?!" A giant purple nose hair said. It had yellow eyebrows and a yellow mustache with an electric bolt design to it. It wore glasses similar to Bobobo's, except they needed in a spike like design. Between its eyebrows was the word 'KING'. It also had human hands, arms, legs and feet. Bobobo then started printing towards the nose hair, tears streaming down his face.

"King Nose Hair, it's you!" Bobobo wailed, King Nose Hair also ran towards the human, tears rolling down his cheeks as well.

"Bobobo! It's been far too long buddy!" As soon as the two got close to each other, Bobobo suddenly side kicked him, sending him flying into Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler, who both screamed out in pain. "That's going to leave a mark." King said casually, as if the attack hadn't hurt him at all. If you thought things were crazy before, just wait until you see this!

"King Nose Hair! You ran into us!" Don Patch yelled out, he and Jelly Jiggler holding Japanese fans, (or whatever those things are called). They both begun smacking the nose hair in the face rapidly, they then finished off with a punch to his face, sending him flying back.

"Reunions hurt!" King Nose Hair said, as he landed on the grass with a grunt. The two heard a whistle from Bobobo, turning around, they saw him dressed in a samurai outfit, holding a katana.

"Prepare yourselves for the duel!" He yelled out. Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler both appeared in samurai outfits as well.

"We are always prepared!" The two said. They then charged at each other, screaming at the top of their lungs as they did so.

"Wait, why am I in the middle of this?!" Pearl questioned, looking between Bobobo and Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler. As the two groups neared each other, Bobobo suddenly pulled out an orca out of nowhere, swinging the animal and hitting the three, causing their eyes to bulge out and for them to scream out in pain.

"Stop this fighting right now before I call the cops on you!" King called out, clapping his hands. However, Bobobo ran him over in a police car.

"Police brutality!" He proclaimed as he sped off, running into a tree and being flung out of the car. Suddenly, the ground begun to shake. Don Patch was now a huge robot, stomping around.

"I am Mecha Patch! I have come for your postcards!" He said in a robotic voice. Bobobo, Jelly Jiggler and King Nose Hair all raised rocket launchers at the mechanical beast.

"Destroy the robot!" The three yelled out, Jelly and King fired rockets at it, while Bobobo fired Pearl at the robot. Don and Pearl both screamed out in pain as the robot exploded, sending Don Patch and Pearl Sight falling the thee ground.

"Oh no! We have to make sure they have a soft landing!" Bobobo said. The three rushed to the area they were falling towards, setting up bear traps for them. The three then saluted as the two fell into the traps, both of them screaming out in pain as the traps bit down on them. "Here, why don't you two also enjoy the comfort?!" Bobobo yelled out as he kicked Jelly Jiggler and King Nose Hair into the traps. The four continued to scream as the traps attached to them, suddenly, the traps disappeared as the four were finally let go.

"Bobobo, I'm going to make you pay!" Pearl hissed under her breath.

"Here's your pay then!" Bobobo yelled, throwing gold bricks at the four, who all screamed out in pain again.

"Are you happy you got your pay now?!" Jelly cried out.

"No, not at all!" Pearl cried back. King Nose Hair was back onto his feet as he had some gold in his hands.

"With this much gold, we could buy all the chicken soup in the world!" He said with a huge smile and sparkles in his eyes. Don and Jelly also had sparkles in their eyes at the thought.

"Why would you buy such useless stuff like that with gold?!" Pearl questioned with her eyes bulging out of her head. Suddenly the sky darkened, the four looked up to see what was happening. Heading towards them, was an uncountable number of missiles. They all screamed out at the sight, panicking. The missiles then all landed, exploding and sending the four flying.

"You can't do that with gold!" Bobobo yelled out, having been riding a missile.

'I've suffered too much damage, both physically and mentally...' Pearl thought as she flew through the air. She landed on her head, her glasses breaking, then she rolled onto her back, passed out. Don, Jelly and King all landed on their heads as well, rolling onto their backs too, all passed out.

"Aw, I thought Bobobo World would last longer than that." Bobobo complained as the world around them faded away, along with King Nose Hair.

"Look they're back!" Beauty said.

"Where did they go in the first place?" Twilight questioned.


"So, you failed to stop Bobobo and his band of misfits?" A figure asked.

"Yes, I am sorry, they were just too strong." Cobalt said, his eyes casted down in shame at his defeated.

"Well, that's too bad for you." Cobalt's head shot up as he looked at the figure with wide eyes.

"But... please, just give me a second chance, I promise, next time I'll-" He was unable to finish his statement as he was kicked in the jaw, being blown away by the impact.

"You don't deserve a second chance... and neither does your family." A light then flashed on, revealing two stallions and a mare, all passed out, Cobalt's siblings. His eyes widened as he saw them.

"No, please, do whatever you want to me, but please, leave them out of this!" Cobalt pleaded, tears starting to form in his eyes. However, the figure smirked.

"Say good-bye Cobalt." It said as it slowly made its way to the three. Tears started falling, Cobalt knew there was nothing he could do anymore.

"No... NOOOOO!" He cried out.

Ch. 4: A Castle of the Soul Hunters

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Chapter 4: A Castle of the Soul Hunters, boy, that was quick!

Morning had come and gone, and the gang were back on track, tracking down the Soul Hunters. The forest was quiet this morning... until a muffled scream was heard as two objects zoomed down the dirt road. Bobobo, Don Patch and Beauty were riding on top of a speeding Jelly Jiggler, with Twilight flying close behind. Jelly had tears streaming from his eyes, which fell off the asides of his face due to the speeds that the group was moving at. He had a rope in his mouth, that was held by Bobobo like a sleigh, and he was sliding across the ground.

"So why do you do this to your friends?" Twilight asked from behind the Jelly riding group.

"Because it's fun, that's why!" Bobobo responded without looking back at her. Twilight simply rolled her eyes, this is not how friendship should be... or at least she thought it shouldn't be like this. She shook her head of the thought, no, she will not get any ideas when she reunites with her friends. Beauty was looking ahead, keeping an eye out for anything, as she was looking, she saw an object coming into view in front of them. She squinted her eyes to get a better look, ahead of them, was a castle of some sort. It was no where near as big as Celestia's castle, but it was still a castle.

"Bobobo, there's a castle coming up." She said, however, she didn't relieve a response. "Bobobo?" She asked, looking up at him. Bobobo had fallen asleep while driving his head was tilted to the side, there was a snot bubble coming out of his nose and he was snoring quite loudly. "This is why you should get good sleep!" Beauty yelled, after Pearl Sight's defeat, he, Jelly and Don stayed up partying most of the night, celebrating their second win. And because of this, Bobobo got barely any sleep.

Beauty and Don Patches eyes bulged out of their head as they neared the front doors of the castle. Twilight's eyes widened, flying up to avoid ramming it to the door. The four however, plowed right through it, everyone screaming out in pain. As the smoke and debris cleared, the four where seen laying on the ground, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler twitched in pain, Beauty was coughing a bit from the wreckage, and Bobobo... was still asleep, laying on the ground, soon waking up with a pop of the snot bubble. He raised up into a sitting position, stretching his arms and letting out a rather loud yawn.

"Wow, what a restful nap." Bobobo said casually, he hadn't even realized what had happened just now.

"How was that restful?!" Twilight questioned, her eyes bulging out of her head. She was currently helping Beauty back to her feet, having landed a few seconds ago. Beauty thanked her, turning to Bobobo, about ready to badger him... until she saw what was behind the clearing smoke.

"Uh, guys?" She got everyone's attention, pointing forward. Everyone looked, once the smoke completely cleared, standing there, were hundreds of the Soul Hunter's robots, all their L.E.D. eyes looking directly at the group. Some of the robots were just staring at them while there were in the middle of doing choirs, frozen. Two robots were seen sweeping the ground, one was seen mowing the lawn, and another was seen trimming a bush. The two groups stared at each other for what felt like hours. Suddenly, the visors of the robots turned from black with their red eyes to completely red, presumedly realizing that their enemy had broken through the gates. All the robots dropped what they were doing and, with a metallic battle cry, all charged at the heroes.

Bobobo jumped back up to his feet, facing the robots.

"Twilight, quickly, take Beauty and get to a safe place!" Bobobo yelled out, not even facing them. Twilight wanted to put up an argument, but she would be risking her and Beauty's life. Without another hesitant moment, she nodded, picking Beauty up with her magic and placing her on her back. She than ran off, leaving the three stooges on their own to fight off the hordes of robots. Speaking of stooges, a certain orange and blue one were currently trying to sneak away from the fight unnoticed. However, Bobobo was aware of their plan, he did a full one-eighty, spinning around as if he were on a turntable, facing the two.

"You two aren't going anywhere!" Bobobo yelled out, grabbing Jelly by the head, and Don by a thorn. They both tensed up, before being thrown into the air, screaming as they went up. "Go and be the distractions!" Bobobo yelled out to them, just as they landed in the crowd of robots. All the robots stopped their charge and just stared at the two, said two who sat in the middle of the crowd with fear.

"Uh... pie?" Don Patch asked, pulling out a pie from nowhere and showing it to the metal ponies. Without another second wasted, the robots were on them like (American) football players, all pilling up on the two. Their muffled screams could be heard from underneath the pile up. Meanwhile, a small group of robots went after Bobobo, thinking they could take him on by himself.

"Alright then, Super Fist of the Nose Hair!" He announced, a bright light consuming him. Once the light faded, Bobobo was seen riding a red street sweeper, headed for the robots. "Vroom, Vroom goes the sweeper!" The human called out, running over multitudes of robots, all of which were crushed or taken apart by the vehicle. Once the wave of bots were gone, Bobobo got of the the car, then proceeding to kick it towards the pile of robots, all of them screaming in pain, including Jelly and Don. Once Jelly Jiggler was back on the ground, Bobobo grabbed him by the legs and began swinging him around. "Time to make a twister!" Bobobo yelled. After about twenty spins, a tornado finally formed, sucking in Don Patch and many of the robots in the area.

Within the tornado, the robots were smashing into each other, meanwhile, Don Patch was giving yoga lessons to some robots (how he got them to listen, both our would and Equestria will never know)... inside the freaking tornado!

"Now for the next exercise, you are going to want to take your leg, an pull it over your head as far as you can." Don Patch said, effortlessly pulling his leg behind him (its kinda creepy if you ask me). The robots all attempted to copy his pose, but because of the way they were built, their legs couldn't bend that way. Veins started bulging in his head, he "stood" up, and threw his yoga mat at the robots. "You all flunk!" He yelled, all the robots he was teaching now being carried away by the tornado.

"So do you!" Bobobo yelled out, hitting Don Patch with a chalk board, causing his eyes to bulge out of his head and to scream in pain. Once he recovered, he grabbed Bobobo's shirt, about to deliver a punch to his noggin, until he realized something.

"Wait, if you're here, then who's keeping the tornado up?" Don asked. The two stared at each other for a moment as the realization dawned onto them. Just as fast as the tornado appeared, it disappeared in an instant. All the robots, Bobobo and. Don Patch all floated in the sky for a moment, before panicking and plummeting to the ground. Don Patch landed on the worn out Jelly Jiggler, producing a scream and tears from him.

"Incoming!" Bobobo yelled, now a giant wrecking ball. He landed on the two below, causing them to flail their arms about and scream out in immense pain. All the robots that were in the tornado all fell around them, either breaking apart, or receiving enough damage to simply deactivate them. Bobobo, now a human once more, got up from his meat cushions and casually dusted himself off, as for Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler, they were both passed out with pupiless eyes on the ground.

"Bobobo, are you alright?" He heard Twilight ask from behind. He looked back them, seeing them at the front gate, inspecting the damage the three had caused to the robots, seeing them hanging off the walls, hanging off the castle roof, and in pieces on the floor. "We saw a tornado, Beauty said it was just you, but I wanted to make sure."

"Sure I'm alright, never been better," He said giving a thumbs up.

"And them?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof towards Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler.

"Eh, they're just taking a nap, now come on, we have Soul Hunters to destroy!" He said, heading towards the entrance. After a moment the two followed. The three came upon a large pair of doors into the castle. "Well, time to go in," Bobobo said, putting his hands on the doors.

"Yeah, let's go beat up some more Soul Hunters!" Jelly said, he and Don Patch appearing with the group again.

"Wait, where did you two come from?!" Twilight and Beauty questioned. However, the two didn't listen, as they both joined Bobobo at the door. The human then pushed it open, heading inside.

"Hello? House cleaning!" Bobobo, Jellly and Don Patch announced, appearing with maid outfits on.

"That's disturbing." Twilight commented, walking next to them, Beauty shortly joining.

"Welcome," A unicorn in the middle of the large, empty room said. He was a caramel color with a black mane and tail, his cutie mark was a sword. Next to him were to other ponies, one a pegasus mare with cyan coat and a purple mane and tail, her cutie mark a a Bowie knife. The other an earth pony stallion with a yellow coat, a green main and tail, and his cutie mark was a crumbled boulder. "I'm Silver Sword, this is Sharp Edge-" he pointed to the mare, "-and Crusher." He then pointed to the stallion. He then set down his hoof back onto the ground. "I'm just going to assume you're Bobobo and his weird gang. It's our job to make sure you don't enter the castle." Silver said, manifesting a sword in his magic.

"Well you better start looking for a new job, cause you're gonna be fired from this one!" Bobobo said, now back in his normal clothing.

"We'll see about that, even if you do get past us, you'll have to fight the-" Silver was unable to finish what he was about say, as Bobobo delivered a fist full of justice to his jaw.

"Enough talking! Let's start the fight!" Bobobo bellowed, as Silver screamed out in pain.

"Oi! What a cheap move!" Crusher yelled out.

"How dare you?!" Sharp yelled as well.

"Oh I'm sorry, I left you both out! Well here!" Bobobo yelled out, punching both Sharp and Crusher in the jaws as well, causing them to scream out in pain. As they both roughly landed, Silver quickly got back up to his hooves, bringing the magic sword out once more.

"Fine, you want to fight now, then we'll fight now!" He announced, running towards Bobobo, the human bringing out his nos hair as he too ran towards his enemy. While to two headed for eachother, Crusher and sharp were getting back to their hooves.

"Jeez, didn't think he could hit that hard," The stallion said.

"Well, he can, so let's just get this over with and defeat them already," Sharp snapped, fully standing up. When she looked up however, she saw Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch heading towards them. Don was wielding his Don Patch Sword, and Jelly was wielding his Daikon Sword. "What are these two nut cases doing?" Sharp asked, mainly to herself.

"Is that a green onion and a radish?" Crusher asked.

"It doesn't matter, you take Jiggler, I'll take out sunshine over there."

"Right." Crusher said, heading towards Jelly Jiggler. When he was close enough, Jelly took a swing at Crusher, but the stallion had dodged the attack, jumping upwards. "Let's just see how many pieces you split into!" Crusher said, landing on top of Jelly, causing him to scream out in pain and his eyes to bulge out of his head. Meanwhile, Sharp was heading for Don Patch, flying a little above the ground.

"Take this!" Don yelled out swinging his weapon, however, Sharp simply turned to the side, dodging the attack and ramming into Don.

"How did these idiots take out some of the Soul Hunters before?" Sharp questioned as she continued flying.

"I'll tell you how!" Sharp's eyes widened, she looked behind herself, only to see Don Patch catching a ride by holding onto her tail. Her jaw dropped and her eyes bulged out of her head, how did she not feel the sun thing grab on? Don Patch claimed his way onto her back, where he then began to whack her with his green onion.

"Hey! Ow, that hurts! Ow, quit it! Ow, knock it off! Speaking of, ow, off, get off me! I'm not a, ow, child's ride! Ow!"

"I'll never get off, not until I avenge Jelly Jiggler!" Don Patch retorted, continuing to hit Sharp over the head with his weapon. Meanwhile, Bobobo and Silver were still fighting, the human using his nose hairs as swords to fight Silver's magical sword.

"How are your nose hairs so strong?! My sword can't even cut through them!" Silver questioned, straining against the seemingly steel nose hairs. Bobobo didn't answered however, as he retracted his nose hairs. The sudden move caused Silver to stumble, where Bobobo proceeded to give him a powerful knee to the jaw, sending him sprawling. As soon as silver could get up, he got back into a battle stance, anticipating the human to be on him again. But instead, Bobobo was seen sitting in a chair, holding a guitar, a single spotlight on him that seemed to dim the room around them. "Huh?!" Silver's jaw dropped, he was not expecting this. Bobobo played a single note before pausing for a long moment.

"I don't do guitars!" He yelled out, slamming the instrument over Silver's head, causing his eyes to bulge out.

"No one said you had to play one!" Silver yelled out in pain. He flew into Crusher, who too yelled out in pain, letting the flattened Jelly Jiggler go free. Soon afterwards, Sharp fell from the sky, soon following her, a piano with Don Patch playing what sounded like dead cats fighting.

"Did you see me take that pony out?! That is why you don't mess with the popular one! I'm a force to be reckoned with!" Don "sang" with no beat or tune to it whatsoever while pounding on the piano. Jelly and Bobobo had tears in their eyes.

"What beautiful music," They both cried with large, watery eyes.

"What part of this song is beautiful?!" Twilight and Beauty questioned. After a moment, something hit the back of Don Patch's head, making him stop playing his horrible tune.

"Huh, what's this?" He questioned, taking whatever that had hit him into his hands. Once he looked and saw what it was, his eyes widened as his jaw dropped. It was C4. Before he could do anything about it, it suddenly exploded, causing him and Sharp, who was still underneath the piano, to scream out in pain.

"No more songs!" Bobobo yelled, making it obvious that it was him who threw the C4.

"Oi, that Bobobo is tough," Crusher said, getting up.

"Yeah, it was probably wrong to underestimate him," Said Silver.

"So we made a simple mistake, big deal!" Sharp commented.

'And this is why your parents named you Sharp, because you have a sharp attitude,' Silver thought to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Bobobo heading for them. "Oh great, here comes the human."

"And with some new weapons!" Bobobo announced, swinging Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch around himself like a mad man. The three pony's eyes bulged out of their head at the sight. They were unable to get away as the human started hitting them about with his friends, causing all five to scream out in pain. He then whacked the ponies away with Jelly. Once they landed, he threw Jelly down to the floor, and grabbed Don Patch's thorns. "Don, I need some of your extra thorns!" He said, pulling Don's thorns out from his body.

"Wait, I don't have extras! We already talked about this!" Don yelled, but the human didn't listen, as he plucked Don dry. Once he was done, he stood back up and kicked the orange spikeless ball away.

"Super Fist of the Nose Hair: Using Your Friends as Weapons Could be Very Useful!" Bobobo announced, throwing Don Patch's spikes at the three ponies, all of them screaming out in pain. Silver growled, lunging towards Bobobo with his magical sword.

"Enough!" He yelled, slicing Bobobo's afro in half. Once Silver landed, he looked up at the human, who didn't seem to be affected at all by the sudden attack. Suddenly, fire started spewing out of Bobobo's afro. "Woah! That's so weird!" Silver commented.

"Do you know what's weirder? The fact that you three are still standing! Now feel the wrath on an afro!" Bobobo yelled, bending down to allow the fire to hit the three ponies, all of them, once again, screaming out in pain.

'Oh, what a way to loose...' Silver thought as he, Crusher, and Sharp landed back onto the ground, head first then rolling onto their backs, passed out with pupiless eyes.

"And that's another win for the good guys!" Bobobo cheered. "Now come on, to the top of the castle!" Bobobo yelled, heading up a staircase to the next floor. Beauty and Twilight nodded as they followed the human, along with Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler. But what they would see at the top would add even more the mystery.

Ch. 5: The Plot Thickens

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Chapter 5: The Plot Thickens, or the mystery thickens, or... whatever you want to call it, it's getting more strange by the second.

When the five reached the top of the stairs, they reached another large open room. Sitting at the other end was another pony, an alicorn to be precise. She seemed to be almost double the height of Bobobo, right now, she was facing away from our heroes. She slowly stood on all fours, still facing the opposite direction.

"So, your finally here, Bobobo," she said in an oddly familiar voice, causing Twilight to tilt her head and raise an eyebrow in confusion. As she finally turned around to face them, Twilight's eyes widened.

"Co-Colgate?!" She asked, stepping forward. It was indeed Colgate, cutie mark and all. Colgate just looked at her with no emotion. "Colgate... it's me, Twilight, don't you recognize me?" She tried to get through to Colgate, however, the mare just squinted her eyes at the purple alicorn.

"All I recognize you as, is a threat to the Soul Hunters!" Colgate yelled out, getting into a battle position. "Super Fist of Dentistry: Hurtful Tooth Paste!" She announced, a stream of blue tooth paste shooting out from her horn.

"Watch out!" Bobobo yelled, getting infront of Twilight, blocking the attack with Don Patch. The sun thing screamed out in pain as the paste made contact with him, once the attack was over, Bobobo threw him to the side, where he made a dent in the wall.

'Why is she doing this?' Twilight question. 'Why is she working for the Soul Hunters, how is she an alicorn, how does she have a supper fist?' the questions continued to brew up in her mind. Meanwhile, Bobobo and his two idiots were make their way towards Colgate.

"Super Fist of the Nose Hair: Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, now in HD TV!" The human shouted, pulling a television out of nowhere and smacking Colgate with the flat screen. Her eyes bulged out of her head as she screamed out in pain. She landed hard on the ground, landing on her wing.

"Now, for the Super Fist of the Wobble Wobble: Jiggler Punch!" Jelly Jiggler announced, punching Colgate in the face. However, being made of jelly, nothing happened. Jelly sweat dropped as Colgate looked at him with an unamused look. She rose up to her full height, looking down at Jelly Jiggler with pure hatred. Jelly just stood there, looking up at the blue alicorn, blinking every now and then. Don Patch suddenly appeared, kicking Jelly into Colgate.

"I got ya!"' Don patch said as Jelly Jiggler and Colgate screamed out in pain.

"That's it!" Colgate yelled, landing on her hooves. "Super Fist of Dentistry: Time for Your Check up!" She announced. Dentist chairs (or whatever you call them) appeared behind our three heroes as mechanical arms pulled them in and held them in place.

"Bobobo!" Beauty called out.

"With these chairs, I'll pull all your teeth out, putting you in agony. I'll start with the annoying one, Jelly Jiggler!" She said. Jelly's eyes widened when he heard he was first.

"Why am I always first?!" Jelly cried out, tears rolling down his face as Colgate appeared beside him, tools at the ready. She was about to take his teeth out, before she thought of something else.

"Actually, just take this." She said, spraying Jelly with more toothpaste. He screamed out in pain as the toothpaste burned him. She moved on to Don Patch. She grabbed ahold of all his teeth with her magic, with one hard yank, all of them where gone. Don Patch then appeared with a gray mustache and eyebrows, and was wrinkled.

"He turned into an old man!" Bueaty and Twilight both shouted.

"You rotten kids and your fancy new technology, picking on the elderly like we're some stupid animals!" He yelled out, waving a cane around. "When I was a kid, we didn't have this fancy magic and technology, we had cards, cards and fireplaces!"

'Where is he even going with this?' Colgate questioned, she shook her head as she moved on to Bobobo. "Now it's your turn!" She said, grabbing onto a tooth and started pulling. Bobobo screamed out in pain as she continued pulling. Once the tooth was out, Colgate looked at it in her magic, only to see it wasn't a tooth anymore, it was some sort of pin. "Huh?" She asked, looking back at Bobobo, only to now see that the human was gone, and laying in his place was a grenade. She then realized that she pulled the pin of the grenade. "Wait, wha-" she was unable to finish her question when the grenade exploded, sending her back. With a grunt, she landed painfully on her back. Before she could recover, Bobobo was already over her.

"Now for the Super Fist of Dentistry!" he announced.

"Hey, that's my-" Colgate was unable to finish what she was about to say as Bobobo performed his attack.

"Say ah!" Bobobo said, squeezing hot mustard into her open mouth. Her eyes widened as the food (or whatever you classify it as) sank into her mouth. Once Bobobo was out, Colgate shut her mouth and made the stupid mistake of swallowing it. Sweat started forming on her face.

"Now it's our turn!" Don and Jelly yelled out, pushing Bobobo out of the way, holding their own spicy toppings. However, Colgate screamed out in pain, fire blazing out of her mouth, cooking the two idiots to a crisp. Once the fire died down, Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch were seen, pitch black from the fire, they both groaned as they fell backwards. Colgate started to push herself back up to her hooves, coughing from the mustard. With teary eyes, she glared at the human, who was just standing there all nonchalant, casually picking his nose.

"How... do you live being this crazy?" She asked.

"I just do," Bobobo answered, taking his finger out of his nose. "Do you know why? Because it's fun!" He said, sprinting towards Colgate, who gritted her teeth.

"Super Fist of Dentistry: Extremely Sharp Toothbrushes!" Colagate announced, giant toothbrushes forming in her magic. She then launched them towards the human. However, Bobobo simply grabbed them, confusing Colgate. "Wait, their suppose to hurt you if you touch them, how are you doing that?!" Bobobo didn't answer though, as he simply swung them around, hitting her with the giant toothbrushes. "They aren't sharp at all, their blunt!" She yelled out in pain. Twilight and Beauty just looked at her with deadpanned looks.

"Their toothbrushes," they simply stated.

"Now, for the annoyance ball!" Bobobo yelled, throwing Don Patch towards Colgate. He latched onto the alicorn, standing on her back.

"Hey, get off!" She yelled.

"Nope." He simply stated, giving her a kiss. She screamed out as Don's lips touched her cheek.

"You little creep!" She exclaimed, trying to shake Don Patch off her back, but no matter how hard she tried, the sun ball wouldn't fall off. She decided to take to the air instead, doing flips and rolls, but it was all in vain, as Don Patch still stayed on, riding her like a surfboard. After a couple more seconds of trying, she finally gave up, landing back on the ground.

"Okay, what do I have to do to get you off?"


"What if I give you candy or something?"


"A ticket to a movie concert?"


"Okay, what about a-"

"Enough!" Bobobo yelled out, riding in Jelly, who had somehow turned into a tank. He fired a shell at the two, resulting in a large explosion. The two screamed out in pain, their eyes bulging out of their faces as they flew back. Once Colagate landed, she pushed herself back up, growling a little, only to realize she still had a passenger.

"How are you still holding on?!" She questioned, looking over her shoulder at Don Patch, only to notice that there was now a small grill on her back that was lit. Her eyes widened as she tried desperately to shake it off.

"Hey, stop moving so much, you'll mess up the bacon," Don almost casually stated, wearing sunglasses and having a mustache.

"No one wants bacon!" Bobobo said, as he started smacking Don Patch and Colgate with a rolled up newspaper, which, surprisingly put them both in a lot of pain, as they screamed out with each hit. Once Don fell off of Colgate, Bobobo picked him up and threw him through the wall. Colgate quickly got up, about to attack Bobobo, but the human was too quick, and started to smother her with Jelly Jiggler's body, who seemed to be very bored at the moment, the situation not seeming to faze him in the slightest.

"Eat up!" Bobobo yelled, continuing to shove Jelly Jiggler in Colgate's face.

"Bobobo, can you kindly stop using me as a weapon?" Jelly asked. Bobobo stopped his assault as he grabbed Jelly by the legs.

"Not going to happen!" The man yelled out, slamming Jelly Jiggler on the floor. Jelly screamed out in pain each time his body made contact with the floor.

"That's it, the Super Fist of Dentistry: Time to Drill Those Teeth Out!" Colgate announced, giant drills appearing above the two. Bobobo and Jelly looked at the drills with wide eyes. As they came down, Bobobo put Jelly Jiggler over himself, protecting himself from the attack.

"What a painful attack!" Bobobo said.

"How could you say that, you aren't even getting hurt!" Jelly cried out, the drills tearing away at his body. Colgate was looking down at the floor, trying to regain her breath. Once she was good, she looked back at Bobobo and Jelly.

"Look at what you did to Bobobo!" Jelly yelled out angrily. Behind him, Bobobo was in a full body cast, in a wheel chair.

"Whaaa?!" Colgate, Beauty and Twilight all questioned.

"Do you know how expensive the hospital bill is?! This is coming out of your money!" He said, lifting Bobobo up and chucking him towards Colgate. "You take care of him!" He yelled out. The blue alicorn screamed out in pain as the bandaged human collided with her.

"Yeah, your paying for the bill!" Bobobo yelled out, bursting through the cast and punching Colgate.

"You two are not making any sense!" Colgate yelled out in pain. The wall suddenly began cracking, then, Don Patch burst in with bird wings and a beak, being followed by all different types of birds.

"I'm back!" He announced. The birds started to fly through the building, smacking and hitting Colgate, Bobobo, and Jelly Jiggler, in fact, some were even biting him.

"Hey, I'm not bird food!" Jelly cried out.

"Enough!" Colgate yelled out in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing all the birds to flee. "I am done with your-"

"Stop being so loud! Jerk!" Don Patch yelled through a megaphone, right into Colgate's ear. Her eyes widened as her ear ringed out in pain.

"You know, we're done too with this battle, so it's about time to finish it. Time for a little Bobobo Fusion!" Bobobo announced, his afro opening up like a hatch. Both Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch jumped in it as it closed.

"Is that thing bottomless?!" Twilight questioned. Bobobo began to glow as he yelled out into the air, wind blowing all around them. Colgate put a wing up in front of herself to block the winds.

"A fusion? But how?!" Colgate questioned as the light grew brighter. When it finally died down, a human stood in the place of where Bobobo was a few seconds ago. He had purple spiky hair standing upright, and wore a blue cabe that hard huge shoulder guards, under the shoulder guards were smaller red ones. He also wore golden body armor and gloves.

"The fusion is complete," the human stated, his voice raising and lowering in pitch.

"Who-who are you?" Colgate asked.

"My name is Bobopatchiggler, and I can only remain in this human form for one minute,' Bobopatchiggler stated.

'A fusion... I had no idea Bobobo was capable of it,' Twilight thought, amazed at Bobopatchiggler's appearance.

"So... your the result of the three huh?" Colgate asked.

"You are correct little pony," Bobopatchiggler responded.

'Little? I'm almost twice your height,' Colgate thought.

"But enough, talking, it's time to start the battle. And I'll defeat you with my trusty sword." He said, grabbing the hilt of his sword. Colgate's eye's widened. In a swift motion, Bobopatchiggler pulled out his sword, giving a shock to Twilight and Colgate.

"That is not a sword, that looks like something you pulled out of the toy shop!" Twilight yelled. At the end of his sword was the head of a human male, it wasn't stuck on, it was part of the sword. Colgate just looked at it in confusion, before a grin slowly crept onto her face, which then turned into a full on smile. She let out a small chuckle, before she was bent down laughing her head off. The two girls just looked at her as if she had lost it, while Bobopatchiggler just stared at her, his expression never changing, still as serious as ever. After a moment, Colgate was finally through laughing, she stood back up and wiped some tears out of her eyes with a hoof.

"Oh, and to think that I was actually worried for a second," she stated, "You're a joke. Do you honestly think you can defeat with with such a stupid weapon as that? Heck, before this fusion, you were doing so much better-" before she could continue her string of insults, Bobopatchiggler had quickly moved in and swing his weapon, nailing Colgate in the wing, the force of the blow sending her flying into the wall.

"Sweet Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed. Colgate groaned in pain as she removed herself from the wall, catching herself before she fell onto the ground.

"That was power of the Happy Man Merciless Sword," Bobopatchiggler stated, looking Colgate in the eye.

"Okay, maybe that sword of yours isn't a joke, but you're going to have to do much more if you plan on defeating me," Colagte stated, standing upright.

"I am aware of that," Bobopatchiggler stated, moving quickly towards her. "Now for the Brand of the Happy Man!" He stated, swiping at Colgate again, striking her back, leaving an imprint of the head on her back. In another swift movement, he was in front of Colgate, "Now for the front! Brand of the Happy Man!" He stated, hitting Colgate in the chest, leaving another mark.

'Unbelievable. Bobopatchiggler is truly a fierce fighter,' Twilight thought.

"It doesn't matter if a weapon looks ridiculous, as long as you know how to use it, it can become a lethal weapon," Bobopatchiggler stated, facing away from Colgate, who was picking herself up from his assault.

"That doesn't matter," she said under her breath, "That won't be enough to stop me from kicking your butt!" She yelled, heading for the human.

"True, not alone at least. That's why it's time for this," He stated, turning towards Colgate, "Ma. Ji. De," he said, making jesters with his hands, "It's Majide time!" he announced as the world around the two shifted from a castle into a space scenery. Colgate stopped her charge as she took into account where she now was.

"What? Where is this?" Colgate questioned, looking around, spotting Bobopatchiggler floating by.

"You are in Majide. A place that reacts to you saying 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!'. It is the most lethal attack that exists!" Bobopatchiggler stated.

"Are you serious?!" Colgate questioned, her eyes bulging out of her head.

"Don't ask me if I'm serious!" the human stated, bringing his sword up and smacking Colgate across the face with it.

"Are you serious?!" she questioned once more. Beneath the two, there were gold sparkles popping.

"Do you see that?" he asked, pointing to the sparkles. "It has detected your reaction."

"Seriously?" Colgate asked, looking back up at Bobopatchiggler.

"Be prepared. It's time for the Majide meteor shower!" he said, as giant Japanese words started flying by the two.

"Are you serious?! Meteor shower, these more look like Japanese Characters!" Colgate yelled out, as she was struck from the side by one, then another struck her in the front, pushing her back.

"Saying 'are you serious' can have serious consequences," Bobopatchigler stated, before being struck from behind, being carried along by the meteor. His eyes bulged out of his head as he let out a pained gasp.

"Are you serious?!" Colgate questioned, watching as Bobopatchiggler was struck by his own attack. Suddenly, everything abruptly stopped, with the meteors vanishing into small sparkles. Colgate looked down at where the meteor had just been moments ago. "They're... gone?" She asked. Bobopatchiggler was floating overhead.

"That is because you are now ready for true Majide," He said. Colgate just looked at him with hate.

"You can't expect me to just believe that!" She yelled, flying towards the human. He simply turned away from her, lifting his hand up.

"Suit yourself. Majide Influence!" He announced, white electricity shooting out from his hand and striking Colgate.

"Wait, what is that even?!" She asked through pain. Bobopatchiggler's attack ended as he faced the alicorn once more.

"Now Majide truly surrounds you. Random events will now occur to force you to say 'are you serious'. No power in this world can stop it," he calmly stated. Colgate just looked at him with confusion before hearing a voice from behind.

"Dearie," Colgate eyes widened as she turned around, facing an old mare.

"Are you serious?! Mom?!" She questioned.

"Are thought you would be hungry, so I brought you some snacks," Colgate's mom said, pulling out a box.

"Are you serious?! Chocolate covered crickets?!" A shadow then loomed over Colgate. Looking behind herself, she saw a giant robot.

"Oh look, it's your uncle," Her mom said.

"Are you serious?! My uncle is not a robot!" Colgate yelled out. Just then, the robot grabbed her and performed a german suplex on her. "Seriously?!" She yelled out in pain. Suddenly, a blue phone booth appeared out of nowhere. The door to it opened, revealing a man in a suit and bow tie. "Gah! Are you serious?! It's a humanized Dr. Whooves!"

"I'm here to cleanse the world of it's evil!" He stated, bringing out some weird tool.

"You can't be serious! He doesn't talk like that!"

"It's now time!" Bobopatchiggler suddenly yelled out, getting Colgate's attention.

"Time for what?" She asked. Suddenly, a gigantic ship appeared behind Bobopatchiggler.

"It's time to exact revenge," he stated.

"Are you serious?!" She asked. Just then, she and Bobopatchiggler both appeared inside the ship, the human driving. "Wait, who are we getting revenge on?"

"The space store! For not having my favorite brand of chocolate covered crickets!"

"Seriously?!" In front of them was a small corner store, floating out in space.

"Activate the doom beam!" Bobopatchiggler yelled out. The front of the ship started glowing, before letting out a colossal beam, headed straight for the store.

"Can't we just send them a nasty letter instead?!" Colgate questioned. The attack was so devastating that the store was no longer a store, but instead, it became a firework.

"Are you serious?! Why is that firework in the shape of me?!" After a few moments, the side of the ship opened up, revealing Colgate riding a bike, which was generating power for the ship. "Wait, seriously?! How did I get here?!"

"I think the time has come for your defeat," Bobopatchiggler stated, both of them appearing out of the ship as it flew off into space.

"Are you... s-serious?" Colgate asked.

"Of course, I've been nothing but serious. But time is short, as I only have five seconds left in this form."

"Seriously?! That was a long minute!"

"So, are you ready?" Bobopatchiggler asked, appearing on a bike with a basket.

"Seriously?! You're going to defeat me on a bike?!"

"Enough talk, here I come," he stated, making his way towards Colgate, ringing the bell of the bike. Sweat started forming on Colgate's head as Bobopatchiggler neared her. "Super Fist of the Eyelash!" He yelled out, his eyelashes stretching out and heading towards Colgate. As he rode by, the eyelashes struck Colgate, sending her into the air, as she screamed out in pain.

'Are... you... serious?' Colgate questioned, as the world around them suddenly changed back into the castle.

"Look, Colgate's out cold!" Beauty stated. The blue alicorn landed hard on her head, then rolled onto her back, passed out. Bobopatchiggler landed as well, getting of the bike and facing Beauty and Twilight. Suddenly, Colgate was covered in a white light, Twilight's eyes widened as she ran past Bobopatchiggler towards Colgate, just as the human was covered in a rainbow light, changing back into Bobobo, Don Patch, and Jelly Jiggler. As Twilight reached Colgate, her form suddenly shrunk down, her horn shrinking down to normal size and her wings disappearing. When the light died down, Colgate was on the floor back to normal.

She groaned and stirred as her eyes slowly opened.

"P-Princess Twilight?" She asked, slowly getting back up. She rubbed her head as she looked around, her eyes then landed back onto Twilight. "Princess, I'm sorry, I didn't want to-" she apologized, before Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder.

"It's alright Colgate, I know you wouldn't do something like this. But, do you know how you became an alicorn?" Twilight asked.

"No... I don't. Sorry." Colgate said.

"It's alright, but right now, you need to get back to Ponyville. Do you know how to get back from here?" Colgate looked at her and nodded her head. As Colgate left, Twilight and the rest of the gang made their way up the stairs to the final floor of the castle. Ready for anything."