> Rarity's 5 Spikes > by trahzo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Where have I seen this Before? WHERE?!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and Spike were in a quiet grassy field trying to practice the replication spell! "Okay Twilight, I'm wide open!" "Here I go!" Twilight focused hard until... "HI!" "Ah!" Then the shot blasted into the sky! "Pinkie, what are you doing here?" "You mean, what am I doing here again? With Rarity, again!" Then Rarity spotted Spike and gave him a big hug. "Pinkie, will you ever...EVER make sense?" "I don't think so, and as I remember, we should step away!" Then the shot began falling down towards Rarity & Spike! "Rarity, Spike, heads-up!" They called out, but it was too late, the shot landed! They were to busy canoodling to notice, yes, I just used canoodling! That's when the blast hit them! "Oh-no, are they alright?" The moron wondered. "Hey that's mean!" "Not as mean as this! Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats...HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now take down the stupid pink one!" "Aaaaah, Fluttershy help meeeeeee!" Then Pinkie Pie ran all the way to Fluttershy's cottage while the Thundercats chased her down! Rarity waved her front hooves clearing away the smoke! "Spike, are you okay!" "Yes, Rarity, I'm in fact fine after being hit by that magical force." "Oh, phew, if I could find you in this fog, I'd hug you right now!" "Aw, you're always so sweet on me that I don't deserve it!" This sounds similar...BUT TO WHAAAAAAAAT!!! "Spikey-wikey? Spikey poo? Where are you? *cough!* blasted smoke!" Then she felt some scales. "Oh, there you are my darling Spikey! Here comes a kiss, pucker-up!" "Whoa, pony who looks like Elusive, I am not Spike!" Said a female voice. Where have I seen this before...it's so fucking WEIRD, I feel like I read something similar! "Wait, what?" Then the smoke cleared revealing 5 Spikes! Regular Spike, Anthro Spike, Human Spike, Stallion Spike, and Barb the R63 Spike! "Oh, so that's why you called me Spike, because I look like him!" "Wow Twilight the spell worked!" A bruised "Yeah, but not in the way I intended!" "Finally! I always wanted brothers, now I have 3 and a sister!" "This is no time for stupid comments Spike, okay everyone, follow me!" "Coming!" Then all 5 Spikes, well 4 Spikes & Barb all lifted-up Rarity! Rarity felt like a queen! So, soon, they were all in Twilight & Spike's room to explain themselves! "Okay, lets' start with you!" "Hi, I'm Barb! I was thinking about what would happen if I suddenly turn lesbo, and now that I'm in a world where my handsome stallion: Elusive is now the beautiful mare: Rarity..." then she put a claw to her chin. "...I guess I'm turning lesbo!" "Alright, strange monkey Spike's turn, go!" "1st of all, I'm a human, 2nd of all, humans and apes only share genes, 3rd of all, I was just hanging out on my bed, tossing a baseball around feeling curious about bestiality, but now that I live in a world where Rarity is a pony..." Then he put his hand on her back. "...I guess I get to experience that!" "Okay, human looking but still a dragon Spike, go!" "I'm an anthro! Anyway, I was just wondering the same thing as well!" Then he put his claw on Rarity's back as well! "Pony Spike...(Oh gosh, do I need to break-up with Flash Sentry?) Go!" "Hey, I live in a world where dragons are the dominant species, I had just gotten rejected by Rarity because we're the different species, but now that I'm in a world where she is a pony..." then he had a pleading face! "...Please?" "Why of course, all of you are alternate versions of my wonderful darling Spike that I wouldn't mind having you all 5 of you as my harem! Hooray, I get to have Spike 5 times over!" "Geez, why don't you just go on your 1st date already?" "Hmph, you're just jealous because more males & females are attracted to me than you darling!" Then Twilight looked away and then took Pinkie to the hospital for her messed-up face! "So, I wonder who's gonna take me on my 1st date!" Then all 5 turned and discussed! "Break!" "Okay Rarity, after talking it over, your 1st date with one of us will count as the 1st date with all 5 of us, so, to be similar to that other story..." Wait, did human Spike say other story? "I'll be your 1st date, girlfriend!" "Ooh la la, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye everyone." "Bye Rarity! *Sigh!* " they all replied. > Ch.2: Barity, That's About It! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh God, Oh Dog, Oh God, I don't wanna do this, but I have to, for my fans! So everyone knows that Bico-kun doomed them all! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAH *COUGH!* *COUGH!* *HACK!* *WHEEZE!* Well anyway, all of the men and boys were looking at Rarity & Barb while they were on their date. "The boys seem to be staring at us darling." "I guess they never seen a girl some out of the closet before!" Then Barb made the 1st move and made all the men gasp by sloppy kissing Rarity's cheek! Rarity then returned the favor by sloppy kissing her cheek as well! "Oh, I'm so glad that we're together now!" "Me too...what nicknames did Elusive call you back in that world?" "Barby-Warby and Barby boo!" "Well Barby boo, I just adore you!" "Thanks Rarity, I think you're a sweeter pony than Elusive!" Then they nuzzled noses! "Okay lovebirds, here's your milkshake with the one straw!" Said Pumpkin Cake. "(I sure hope Pound aint taking pics of them, if he does, then I'm gonna pound him for being such a damn perv!)" She thought. "Thanks Pumpkin!" Then as she left... "Wouldn't you want kids?" "Well, I am dating 5 versions of you and 4 of them happen to be guys!" Then they giggled a bit. "How gay, but not in the offensive way!" Said Breaburn. "(Why do I feel like I just committed plagiarism?)" So they took turns using the same straw to drink, getting the tip covered in both of their saliva, then they decided to sip at the same time! "Oh my, fu fu fu!" The most perverted of the men and boys took pictures. Even Pound Cake. "You pathetic shit!" "No, Pumpkin, don't! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Pumpkin Cake then destroyed Pound's camera. "NOOOOOO!!! How could you?" Then they began arguing! "Oh, this looks bad, it might break out into a fight, and I'm sure you know how destructive the twins get!" "Your place?" "Yes." So they left right before the doors blasted out tables, chairs, baked good, customers, and flour! The guys who were still conscious after the explosion followed Rarity & Barb. "We're being tailed!" "Don't worry, I got this!" Then Barb blew out bright blinding flames, scaring them all away! Rarity & Barb entered the boutique and then cuddled on the couch. "Mmmm, this is relaxing!" "Indeed Barby-Warby!" They were both making bedroom eyes. They then opened their mouths and slowly closed their eyes, Barb then used her longer tongue to wrap around Rarity's and pull her mouth over to seal the cave shut! Then Princess Cadence walked in... "Hey Rarity, I was just wondering if you could fix my dre...well what do you know, Twilight was right that one time." Here's a link to what she's talking about! https://derpibooru.org/551708?scope=scpe0a0cba782c72f0d3a2b4b16a36ff14ca760eff96 After minutes of making out, they broke apart to breath. " *Gasp!* *Gasp!* I'll see you again tomorrow darling!" "I'll see you, but as a different gender." Then once Barb got home... "So, how did it go?" They 4 Spikes asked. "A lady never kisses and tells! Ku ku ku!" "Okay boys, who wants to go next?" Meanwhile at Carousel Boutique. "Oh, I am so happy, I didn't just get 1 Spikey-Wikey, I got 5!" She said while dancing and levitating Opal who couldn't care less. > Chapter Tres: The Same Species! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Get bent Thunderlane!" "Nu-uh! I'm here to tell you why this isn't right! Rarity, you & I belong together!" "No we don't Thunderlane, you took my friendly hug to seriously." "Rarity, baby! You know you don't really mean all of that, do you? Besides, this isn't even this world's Spike, the Spike we all know is a dragon which automatically means that the Spike right here is not compatible because he's not naturally a pony!" "I care not about the species, as long as there's love, it will work out!" Rarity said. "Yeah, we have a bunch of interspecies relationships besides us! Here in Ponyville, we got Fluttershy & Iron Will!" Then Thunderlane shot a disgusted look! "In Apploosa, Breaburn and Little Strong Heart!" Then he felt a pain! "Canterlot, Princess Celestia & Discord!" Then the pressure caused him to open himself up fro an attack! Stallion Spike then sent Thunderlane blasting off with a fire spell! Then Rarity hugged and kissed her hero! "That ruffian was getting on my nerves!" "Same here, now let's go before the movie begins!" Then they made it, 2 minutes before the movie began! The movie they were watching was serious romance, called Mike's 5 Kerri's...I'm in trouble aren't I? They sat down, and Rarity leaned against Spike, he responded by putting his hoof around her back. She silently sighed in delight. Spike planted a kiss on her forehead, and she nuzzled him. H-hey, manager, can you please remove that rude guy in the front he's got his phone on! Thanks for removing...hey, wait, why are you telling me to leave? Then the manager pointed to a sign that said no yelling, then I was kicked out. Fortunately with my reality bending powers as the author, I can still narrate! So they used their magic to feed popcorn each other. "Aren't you on a diet?" Spike whispered. "Yes, but today is binge day!" "Okay then." They then sat quietly throughout the movie until a romantic scene where they couldn't take it & just made out right there in the middle of the audience! No one noticed because some did the same thing, while the non-studs struck out miserably! Soon, Stallion Spike & Rarity broke the kiss and looked straight at each other happily. Soon the movie ended and the 2 lovebirds exited with thier heads leaning on each other. "What a magical time!" "It's as I always imagined, well how dragon me imagined it any way, he he!" Stallion Spike joked! "But yeah, I had a great time as well!" "So, do you have any other plans?" "We could take a long walk in the park before it gets dark!" "Good suggestion, I just have to leave by 7:45 because that's when I have to pick-up Sweetie Belle from Applejack's/" "Then let's get a move on my white flame!" "Oh you!" So they went down the road, seeing others on dates, others buying ice cream, and others packing-up their picnic items and carrying their sleepy children home, which caused something in Spike to feel uneasy... "Something he matter Spikey-Wikey?" "Wha? Oh, no I'm fine, I guess I'm just getting tired!" "Good timing, because we have just finished our walk! I'll see the next you tomorrow." "Okay...bye Rarity!" Then they left, and when Spike returned to the palace the other Spike's were doing...something. "Hey, glad you're back Pony me, quick, get that welding torch off the shelf!" said Human Spike. "Okay, but what are you doing?' "Oh, it's something that Rarity is going to love, I assure you!" Human Spike told him. > Chapter Yongou: The Sky is the Limit! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We start off this chapter with Derpy Hooves, stuck in a cloud. "Oookay Derpy, hold still, s I can get you out without getting shocked!" "Sure thing Rainbow Dash." Rainbow was about to do something but then an airplane zoomed right past, the surprised shock caused Rainbow to lose focus, and hit the cloud causing the cloud to electrocute the both of them! Rainbow Dash then poked her head out, puffing out a ring of smoke, and sees that Derpy got out of the cloud. "Grrrrr...THIS IS WHY ONLY WINGS SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN THE SKY!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled in anger. Who was the creature piloting that plane? It was Human Spike! "Wow, this is extraordinarily amazing Spikey poo! How did you even know how to make one of these?" "Cherry Berry taught me! The one from my world!" "Did she now? Well, did she teach you how to pilot these flying contraptions as well?" "No, that was from watching Megas XLR!!!" "I'm going to ignore the fact that you watch immature cartoons!" "Alright, now check me out do an aileron roll!" "Don't you mean a barrel roll?" "Oh-no, a barrel roll is when the aircraft flies in a helix path, as if wrapping around the outside of a barrel! The maneuver you keep on hearing about is an aileron roll!" "You really are Twilight's student!" "Student?" "Yes, I can see You and Twilight parallel her and Celestia, just as well as I can see you and Twilight Parallel her & Shining Armor!" "Whoa, that's awesome! Thanks honey!" "You're welcome! Now, do an aileron roll!" "Hold-on!" Then Human Spike did an aileron roll! "Woohoo, this is spectacular darling!" "Thank you Rar..." "Whoa Spike, what happened?" "Really? I was afraid that Garble would exist in this world, but why a dragon? *groan!* Oh well, at least I had something in mind just in case I have to deal with attackers!" Then Spike pushed a button, and the wings popped guns out! "Here's something else I built myself! Weapons!" Then he pushed the buttons on his steering wheel to fire bullets from the guns! Then Garble dodged! "Whoa! I don't know what that stupid thing is, but I'm going to tear it to shreds!" Then Garble blasted a fire ball. "Hold-on Rarity, time to take evasive actions!" Then Spike took a hard turn! "Eat it you flying Titanosuarus!" Then he opened fire! "Ha ha, whatever you're firing wont work on my armor like scales!" "Oh, I'll make you eat those words!" Then he pressed another button, firing a missile, then Spike did a Half Cuban 8 to avoid the explosion! *Boom!* Then the unconscious smoldering dork was knocked outta the sky and fell in the middle of the Everfree Forest! "You did it Spike, will he be okay?" "He's a dragon, I think he'll come back, but I'll be ready with much stronger bullets! Now my dear, I want to show you something jaw dropping!" Then, they flew over the clouds! Rarity couldn't process fast enough of what she was seeing! The view of well, the entire continent of Equestria was...it was not even explainable! "You like it?" "I love it...it looks just like the map except the without the letters, lines and such. The cartographer who made the map was so accurate!" "Alright, I'm gonna take her down at a certain spot!" "Certain spot?" Then they landed on a grassy mountain top where they spent the rest of the day watching the sunset! Human Spike leaning against Fluttershy with Rarity sitting on his lap. No, really, Fluttershy was there too, but disguised as a tree! Spike, let his hands run across Rarity's fur, and she felt tingles of pleasure with each stroke! Before we continue any further, warning, beastiality, I don't have any problem with it, in fact I look at more furry porn than human porn! Now back to the story... "So Human Spike, animals in your world, how do they express their affections?" "By licking our faces...why?" Then Rarity faced Spike and licked him on the cheek! "...oh, didn't know you wanted to be kinky!" "Hmph, I'll show you Kinky darling!" Then she licked his lips, Spike accepted and opened his mouth so her horse tongue could enter his mouth! "(Alright, this is proof that the bond between pet & master can go this far! Just imagine, if we can get this far, what about Rainbow Dash and Tank, if I could share this data, then maybe interspecies relationships can go even further than just intelligent sentient life forms! So many possibilities but for now...)" Human Spike & Pony Rarity soon broke from their kiss as the sun was finally down and moon took it's place. "Guess it's time to head-on back!" "I'll see you tomorrow Spike-wikey!" Then they flew back to Ponyville, where Rarity's joyous laughter took over the sounds of the night, it was even louder than the police sirens of cop cars chasing after your cousin! > Chapter V: The Dragonman! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flowers were in full bloom! The wind blew a gentle breeze to scatter the pollen of the fairy flowers, which is the type of flower the Pokemon Flabebe lives on. If you watch Pokemon the Series XY, then you'd know that pollen from Fairy flowers make aggressive feelings get replaced by relaxed feelings! We see Anthro Spike lying on a picnic blanket with Rarity, on a double date with Fluttershy & Iron Will. Fluttershy & Iron Will were chasing each other across the daffodils. Rarity used Spike's left arm like a pillow. "I'm having a delightful time!" "Me too Rarity, man, to think I'd actually get this far with you. Well, I was expecting it with the Rarity from my world, but you know, you're still my Rarity, no matter what form you take!" "Well said." "Do you think we can ever...(have kids)...be like this always?" "Of course, one of you is a pony after all, so it would be silly not to have a child if I were to marry you 5!" "No, I don't mean him, I'm meaning if it's possible to crossbreed with me and the other 3." "Hmm, well...Tirek was a centaur which is half human, half horse. So I could have a child with Human Spike. Kirins have been migrating to Equestria and Kirins are a cross between a Dragon and an equine, so I could have a child with you and my OG Dragon Spikey-Wikey. Then I have seen a few of our friends make lesbian spawn, so that should mean I can somehow have a child with Barb, I just need to figure out the secret!" "Yeaaaaah, the secret...(There is no such thing as lesbian spawn! If there is, then the future of men, is doomed!)" "It's a good thing the shop is closed for the week, otherwise I'd be in trouble with client!" "Speaking of clothes, could you make me & Human Spike some clothes?" "...That means I'd have to make your..." She was so red with embarrasment she didn't want to say that making Anthro & Human Spike clothes would mean that she'd also have to make their underwear! Oh-my, hahaha! "You'd have to make what?" "No matter! I'll happily make you & Human Spike clothes after my date with...him!" So the day went on, and Rarity was discussing things with Fluttershy that she didn't notice what Spike was doing. "Oh Rarity." "Yes darling?" "I made something for you!" "What is it?" "Close your eyes." "Okay." Then when she closed her eyes, Spike placed something on her head. "You can open them now." Then after she opened her eyes... " *Gasp*, it's a flower crown, you're so sweet Spikey-poo! (And at times a little cliche, just like Twilight that one time when we met Phoenix Wright, but still...) Thank you." Then she kissed him on the mouth. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw!" Squeed Fluttershy. "Hmph, you wont see Iron Will acting like that, I'm manly!" "In that case Mr.Manly, tonight you'll be sleeping alone." "What? N-no! Please baby, please!" "Well, looks like they're having quite the lovers' quarrel, do you think we'll ever be like that?" "Only when you get on my nerves, but you mostly wonderful things to me, so not likely!" Then they hugged. Soon, it was time go again, but Rarity was sill sleeping. So, Spike put her on his back and he walked her back to the boutique. "Psst, Rarity..." "I do..." "That's very sweet, but could yah wake-up please, I brought you home!" "Not now Pinkie Pie, I'm getting married, you can ask me the question after I tie the knot with all 5 Spike!" Anthro Spike then rolled his eyes and brought her to the castle so she could sleep in one of the guest rooms, then, he laid her down on a guest bed, tucked her in, then... "Goodnight my Sweetheart, have happy dreams." Then he kissed her on the cheek. Then after Anthro Spike closed the door...the other 4 looked at him with suspicious eyes. "Whoa, listen, what ever you think happened, didn't!" "Good, because if you broke the promise to lose all of our virginities in the orgy..." Dragon Spike threatened. "Bro, calm down! We didn't do anything, honest." "Okay, I believe you for now, but I'll be asking her 1st thing in the morning when she wakes-up!" Meanwhile in Rarity's mind... "Yay! I get to date my OG tomorrow!" "Let's celebrate with a party!" Suggested Dream Pinkie Pie. > Chapter Six: Au Naturale! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity awoke to breakfast in bed, after breakfast she headed out. She freshened up in her own bathroom since the castle had none of the things she usually has to be ready in the morning. So after Rarity went with the slow business day, she got herself ready for her date! "Oh Spike, my OG Spikey Dragony Wikey, I'll make sure this date ends with sex!" She said with a grin of naughtiness. "1st on my list, do not buy condoms, check!" Later...Rarity met with her Drake of drakes at the castle. "Hello milady!" "Hello spike, my love..." Then this played in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KISNrYsJsEY&list=PL2957EFFE385B585D&index=18 "Spike..." "Rarity..." "Spike..." "Rarity..." "Oh Spike..." "Oh Rarity..." Then the background music stopped with Twilight intervened. "Hey Rarity." said Twilight "Uh...Rarity? Spike? Hello?" They were way too lost in each other's eyes, that they didn't even notice Twilight shooting their butts with magical energy, so Twilight decided to pour water all over them. That's when Spike used an umbrella to protect Rarity's mane. "Nice try Twilight, but you're right, we'd better get going. Let's Go Rarity." "We'll see you later Twilight at the slumber party." Rarity said as they walked away. "Bye." Then just before Twilight went back into the Castle, she used her magic to create a shield that bounced the flower pot into air. "Ha, not today!" So now we Spike and Rarity having fun at the Bleach, I mean beach, sorry I was thinking of the anime while at the beach the other day. Rarity had a 2 piece swimsuit that Spike couldn't believe looked great on her. Then again come-on, it's Rarity am I right? "Is that a carrot dog or are you just happy to see me darling?" Then Spike looked down in panic. "Tee hee, don't worry Spike, you're little one's calm." "You troll!" "Now, would you like to apply sunblock to my back?" *Thud!* So, the day went on with Rarity and Spike tossing & catching a Frisbee, kicking everyone's flanks at Volley Ball, drinking mango smoothies, sharing a carrot dog with whipped cream behind some rocks...wait, why would they be eating in a secluded area? They don't need to be alone to eat, no one would care. *Extra walks in and whispers in my ear.* Huh? What's that? Oh, is that so? Okay, now get lost! To rephrase that...you know when I said sharing a carrot dog with whipped cream? I meant to say Rarity sucked on his scaley cock a doodle doo! I'm sorry for the bad joke. Also, the whipped cream, I'm sure you know by now what that is...I'm in trouble aren't I? Well, after that, as soon as they emerged from behind the rocks, no-one noticed the ___ all over Rarity's face because it was so white, that it blended in with her white fur. Dang, you never thought I'd go that far did you? Well, I did, fuck you man or woman! "I'm sorry." "It's okay Spikey-Wikey, just promise next time, your baby gravy goes into my vag." "Wait what?" "Ku, ku, ku!" Dammit Rarity, lower naughtiness would yah! Rarity and Spike then laid on the blanket. They bothnoticed all of the children and felt awkward from seeing so many. "Do you feel like having children one day Spikey-Wikey? It's physically possible for us, you & I, I'm not talking about the Stallion you." "YES!" Spike blurted out, making everyone think he's crazy. Then again... "Hey, it's Spike, savior of the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight Sparkle's Number One, Element of Generosity's boyfriend!" Then everyone clapped and cheered for no reason at all. "Oh, I'll assure you all, that he'll be my husband soon!" Then they began cheering got louder. "Now, would you please leave us be?" They all obliged and then went back to doing what they were doing. "Phew, thank goodness my titles kept me from making everyone think I'm crazy." Spike & Rarity had a wonderful time at the beach but then it was time to go, besides Dan ruined everything taking his revenge on the beach! So they went back to the castle for the Slumber party, unfortunately it was girls only so only Barb was allowed to join them, but after it ended Rarity led all 5 Spikes to bed, and then their night ended with hours of passion between Rarity, her 4 boyfriends, and one girlfriend...yep, plagiarism if I ever seen it!" > Chapter 7: Rescuing Rarity! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *POW!* Human Spike's fist went after punching a diamond dog in the face! The Diamond Dogs returned and with earplugs to kidnap Rarity who recently got married to & had kids with all 5 Spikes prior to this chapter. The Diamond Dogs intended to bring her back to the mines so she could be their slave and mine gems forever! What they didn't account for was the 10 heroes who would stop them, the other members of the mane 6, and the 5 Spikes! Stallion Spike used his magic to amplify Dragon Spike & Barb''s flames, burning 20 dogs to cinders! Human Spike used his technical genius to create electric fists that could dish out 300+ watts of pain! Anthro Spike over powered Spot & Fido! The Mane 6 then freed Rarity! Then it was just down to Rover. "Really? Why do me always lose?I Me thought we'd win this time with the earplugs!" "Well too bad, now it's time finish you guys off. Hey Dragon Spike, Me and human, have been working on a special something something for you all to use to end a foe's life!" Then Twilight pulled out a purple and green football! " *Gasp!* Yes!" They all knew what was going to happen! "Goranger Hurricane!" All 5 called out! 1st, Human Spike served it! "Barb, quick!" Then Barb kicked it around like a hacky sack, then launched it with the headbutt! "Stallion!" Then Stallion Spike bucked it! "Anthro!" Then Anthro caught it and planted it on the ground! "Now's your chance Dragon!" "Here I go, END BALL!!!" Then Dragon Spike punted the football at Rover! "Oh-no, what's gonna happen?" Rover was frozen with fear, then the football bounced off his chest. "Ha ha, loser..." Then the ball exploded, killing Rover! Rarity then ran to her heroes to give them all an individual kiss on the lips. "My heroes." The End.