> The Pony Scrolls > by dyingenglish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Midsummer Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter I Night had fallen over the land of Equestria. It was a mild summer evening and Princess Luna’s night sky was unblemished by any stray clouds letting the moon and stars shine brightly over the lands below. The patron princess of the night soared gracefully through the air, her mane and tail nearly invisible against the star speckled purple sky behind her. She hovered there in the sky and gazed over the lands she ruled; a nocturnal warden. Below rested the village of Ponyville and further North she could just make out Equestria’s capital city of Canterlot. She smiled to herself as her kingdom slept soundly under her cool blanket of serenity. The day was hectic with life’s schedules, duties, and obligations but the night, her night, was peaceful bliss. “Rest easy my subjects,” Luna said softly. “The night holds no resentment towards thee.” A dark cloud appeared below her. Princess Luna landed on it and folded her legs beneath her. She exhaled a contented sigh and shifted her gaze towards the city of Canterlot. Tonight was the night of the first Grand Galloping Gala since her return from exile and from the looks of things it was in full swing. Her sister had implored her to attend but Luna simply could not bring herself to face her royal subjects, not yet anyway. She had made amends with her older sibling but the shame she felt for having wronged the ponies that once looked to her for protection and guidance still weighed deeply in her heart. She had resumed her duties to safeguard the night but had made little to no contact with her subjects since she returned. Even though it had been a thousand years the wounds she had left were still fresh in pony’s minds. Her name had become naught more than a myth, and now that she had returned, all it meant for the ponies in Equestria was that the boogiemare was real and she now walked among them. “Just give everypony time to adjust.” Her sister had told her. “They’ll come around once they see that your intentions are noble and pure.” Luna had trouble believing that. She had spent some time delving into the dreams of those who lived in Canterlot. She had thought that a good way to express her sincerity was to come to those who had bad dreams and comfort them. Luna quickly discovered this to be a mistake. Whenever her royal subjects laid eyes on her they assumed their bad dream had gone from bad to worse. The most painful thing, however, was when she discovered that the ponies had taken to calling bad dreams nightmares in honor of Nightmare Moon. How could they ever come to love her, she the monster who hides under foal’s beds at night, waiting to gobble them up once the lights went out? Luna rolled onto her back and let the cloud drift aimlessly, looking up to the heavens for comfort. Her night sky was truly a work of art to behold, an infinite tapestry of stars and constellations that shine like diamonds. Each constellation told a story and Luna knew all of them by heart which wasn’t surprising considering that it was she who made them. A long time ago the stars were arranged haphazardly and just hung there in the sky. Until Luna was taught that the stars could be moved and she soon went to work collecting all of her favorite stories and immortalizing them in the heavens above. Then there was the glorious moon, the crowning jewel of the night. For a thousand years, that brilliant globe of silvery light was her prison, her physical body and her consciousness locked away inside. “Perhaps we were better off.” She thought sadly. Suddenly Luna felt an all too familiar emotion flood through her and cold despair was replaced by hot anger, not at the citizens of Equestria or her sister but herself. “No!” She said defiantly. “We shall not think that way! We are home now and we will win over the hearts of our subjects!” Lightning flashed around her as if the elements themselves felt her fury. Luna, fueled by determination, spread her wings and took to the skies flying towards Canterlot with the speed of a shooting star. She landed on the terrace that leads into her chambers and stepped inside. Once inside she closed the doors behind her and started across the room, Tartarus bent on showing all who was in attendance that their princess of the night would not be ashamed. She took two proud strides across the room but suddenly froze in her tracks as she reached her door. Her heart beat rapidly and her legs wobbled beneath her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she let out a moan of defeat as she threw herself onto her bed sobbing uncontrollably. “We can’t!” She cried. “We just can’t!” The doors to her chamber opened and a shadow fell over her. She looked up and saw her older sister Princess Celestia standing over her, her purple eyes full of concern. Luna felt even more ashamed at her sister seeing her in such a pitiful state and could not bear to look her in the eye. Celestia knelt down and embraced her sister affectionately. “It’s okay.” She said gently. “The day will come when you will be able to walk among them again with your head held high. I promise you.” “When sister?” Luna cried. “This feels so much worse than when we were imprisoned! It is unbearable! They hate us, we know it!” Celestia’s horn glowed with magic and a hoofkerchief appeared above the two sisters. Celestia gently began to wipe the tears from her sister’s eyes. “Soon.” She said. “I promise. If you were to walk down those steps right now and meet our guests I think that you would that they would greet you warmly. As a matter of fact, I have had several attendees tonight ask just where you had gotten off too.” “Really?” Luna asked looking up. “Yes really.” Celestia chuckled. “It’s not just a matter of them forgiving you Luna; you have to be able to forgive yourself. Just know that I am here now and I’ll always stand by your side. You are my sister Luna and I love you.” Celestia wiped the last of the tears from her sister’s eyes and the two sisters embraced again. “You should probably get back to the party.” Luna sniffed. “They will most likely be wondering where you have gotten off to now.” “Are you sure?” Celestia asked. Luna nodded. “Don’t worry about us.” She said. “We’re fine. Thank you, sister.” Celestia nodded and left her younger sister on her bed, hoping that in time Luna would be able to move on from the past and enjoy all the wonders that the present had to offer. South of Ponyville the Everfree Forest loomed menacingly. Its trees climbed high into the sky and blocked out the moonlight shrouding the forest floor in darkness. A thick blanket of mist crept along the ground making the ancient forest that much more gloomy and spooky. Deep in the Everfree Forest, a robed figure walked through the trees. The figure hummed in a ghostly way as it moved through the trees like a phantom. It knelt down to the ground and began pulling a root out of the dirt with its teeth. The root resisted a little but with a final tug the soil relinquished the root with a snap and the resulting whiplash caused the figure’s hood to fall backward. Zecora the zebra dropped the root into a satchel around her neck. “The final ingredient has been found it’s time I turn my gaze homeward bound.” She said to herself. She flipped her hood back over her head and made her way through the forest. Eventually, she reached her hut, which rested in a small clearing. It was made in an old hollow tree; its branches adorned with tribal decorations and fetishes from her homeland greeting any visitors she may have. She wasn't expecting anyone tonight and it had in fact been several days since she last spoke to anyone from Ponyville. She entered her hut and closed the door behind her. She lit a lamp and removed her cloak, placing it on a peg by the door. Her hut was cluttered with bottles, jars, bundles of dried grasses and herbs, beautiful gemstones, wood carvings and various books on all natural remedies for just about any ailment one could think of. In the center of her home was a large cauldron filled to the brim with a bubbling green liquid. Under the cauldron, the embers of a fire that had been burning for three days glowed brightly. Zecora was relieved that the fire had not gone out in her absence. If it had all of her endeavors would have been for nothing. Just to be safe she tossed a bundle of dry sticks onto the fire and let the flames rise a little higher. The overall temperature under the brew didn't matter just as long as the fire was lit by an act of nature; a bolt of lightning that had not been produced by a Pegasi. Zecora took the root out of her bag and tossed it into the mixture. The bubbling green liquid turned white and began to glow with a silver light. “Lunar root can be quite elusive. If the moon isn't right it is quite reclusive.” Zecora mused. And so Zecora began her chanting. Three days ago she had a foreboding, an ominous vision of a coming peril. The brew she was creating would allow her to glimpse at something that has not yet come. The zebra chanted in her native tongue and pranced around the cauldron causing the mixture to glow brighter. Zecora kept this routine going for several hours until finally, the brew was ready, the liquid replaced by silver vapors. The zebra shook her head free of sweat and approached her cauldron. “Magic brew reveal and tell. A darkness is coming I fear all is not well!” Zecora said. She gazed deeply into the cauldron. The vapors from the brew had dissipated and though it looked like her cauldron was empty, the zebra could not see the bottom; there was only an unnatural darkness that chilled her to her core. The heat had vanished and the zebra felt a bitter wind blowing from that darkness. She was beginning to think that maybe she had done something wrong and then she saw it. A great eye opened and revealed itself in her cauldron. Its iris was as red as the flames of Tartarus, its pupil a black slit like that of a serpent. The slit narrowed and Zecora felt the eye look into her very soul. She screamed as a voice spoke and shook her hut sending bottles and jars toppling off of their shelves. “ZU’U ALDUIN! ZOK SAHROT DO NAAN LO KO LEIN! ZU'U LOST DAAL! DAAR LEIN LOS DII!” The eye pulled away and Zecora saw what it belonged to; a great black dragon with jagged scales and sharp claws that glinted in the glow of the burning fires below it. She heard screams and saw a village engulfed in flames. Shadowy figures ran for their lives only to be immediately engulfed in flames as several dragons laid waste to the ground below. Zecora couldn't watch anymore. She stumbled away from her cauldron as red cracks appeared in its body. “No!” She screamed. The cauldron exploded and the zebra dropped to the ground covering her head with her hooves. Shards of red hot metal blew through her home and the front door was blown from its hinges. When she looked up she saw that her cauldron had been decimated and the flames beneath it extinguished, embers and ash floated in the air and landed on the bare earth floor of her home. She rose to her shaking hooves, stumbled out of the hut and out into the cool early morning air. The mist had vanished and the sun was beginning to rise. Now the forest didn't look very frightening at all. It actually looked peaceful. It was the natural untamed beauty that Zecora fell in love with and made her want to call this place her home. She trembled where she stood unable to really appreciate the dew-soaked grass and the cry of a distant bird. She looked up to the heavens and with a shaking voice said, “By the shaking of my hooves, something wicked this way looms!” > A day in the life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter II The next day the sun was high in the sky above Equestria. It was a clear, cloudless afternoon and the sweet scent of apples was carried on the wind away from Sweet Apple Acres and towards the village of Ponyville. The scent of the apples mingled with the other aromas of the town square; the flowery fragrance of Rose Luck’s flower cart, the smell of freshly baked bread from Pumpernickel’s bread stand and the sweet scent of baking treats from Sugar Cube Corner. Ponyville was a blissful town and a peaceful place where ponies of every creed came and lived together in harmony. All were glad to call it home and the streets were busy with the comings and goings of the pony folk. In the town square, a tiny figure made his way through the crowd navigating through the ponies as politely and as carefully as he could. “Pardon me, coming through!” Spike the baby dragon said as he brushed past a small group of ponies in front of a fruit stand. The small dragon’s chubby little arms were loaded with scrolls of parchment. They were stacked so high that they rose above his little purple head and covered his eyes. He moved his scaly head from side to side as he tried to maneuver his way through the crowded village streets. Though his vision was obscured it was little more than a slight inconvenience to him. To get where he was going all he had to do was follow his nose. The pony stepped off of the street and stood in front of Sugar Cube Corner, his mouth drooling slightly at the scent of baking treats. Spike thanked the departing pony that held the door open for him and the little dragon stepped into the shop. It was busier than normal that afternoon. It was especially warm outside and the proprietors of Sugar Cube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were having trouble keeping their homemade ice cream in stock. “Well hello there, Spike!” Mrs. Cake said smiling at the young dragon. “Can I get you a scoop?” Mr. Cake grabbed a cone and began to pile scoops of ice cream onto it. “We have banana berry blast, sweat cream surprise, chocolate thunderbolt, chocolate chip cookie dough chunk, fudge brownie batter blitz, cinnamon swirl supreme, raspberry sherbet, raspberry sorbet, birthday cake bash, cupcake supreme, strawberry fields, mint cookie breeze and vanilla!” Mr. Cake said. Spike’s eyes had a hungry gleam in them as he stared at the towering ice cream cone that Mr. Cake extended to a Pegasus pony. “We also have over a dozen different kinds of toppings.” Mrs. Cake said. “There’s-“ “Oh, uh- no thanks,” Spike said shaking himself out of his fancy. “I’m just here looking for Pinkie Pie. Applejack wanted me to get these scrolls to her.” “Oh yes, she was just telling me about the little bash.” Mrs. Cake said giving a pair of cones to a duo of eager ponies. “Well don’t let us keep you. Pinkie Pie is in the kitchen working on the cake.” Spike thanked the Cakes and maneuvered through the crowd of ponies to the doors that led into the kitchen. He pushed them open and was instantly greeted by the warm caress of the heat from the ovens and the homey scent of baking confectionaries. Pinkie Pie was humming tunelessly to herself as she bounced about the kitchen. “Hey, Pinkie,” Spike said walking over to a free table. “Hey Spike what’s up?” Pinkie said excitedly as she bounced over to him. “Are those the plans for the party?! I’m so so so excited! I've been working on the cake AJ requested all day and I’m just about finished with it!” One of the oven’s timers dinged and Pinkie Pie bounced over to it chattering away. “When I got the order ticket I was like “An oval shaped cake? What in Equestria would Applejack want an oval shaped cake for?” and then I thought she must want an EGG shaped cake! Then I wondered what she would want an egg shaped cake for? Is one of her hens having a birthday party? That would be so fun! I’ve never thrown a party for a chicken before! And then I read a bit further and realized she wanted green icing for the egg shaped cake and I thought “A rotten egg? Kind of in bad taste don’t you think?” Then I realized that she must want a green colored egg for a spring time Eggstravaganza Party! Then I realized it was June the twelfth! Spring has sprung and it’s the middle of summer!” “I think the cake is for Applejack’s cousin, Pinkie,” Spike said. “Oh! That makes tons more sense.” Pinkie said placing the cake on the decorating station. Spike sighed and spread the scrolls out over the table. “What are those? Party plans?” Pinkie asked. “Well, those are Twilight Sparkle’s notes on self-sustaining magical energy shields and those are Applejack’s party ideas,” Spike explained. “That’s it?” Pinkie Pie said looking at one of the scrolls that Spike had opened. “It just says cake!” “Well, the second one is a little longer,” Spike said unrolling the scroll. Pinkie looked at the second scroll and frowned. “Punch and streamers?” She read slowly. “That’s it? Well, what kind of party is that?” “Applejack said she wanted it to keep it simple. Twilight and I are going and then there’s Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity and you then the Apples of course and then Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell.” Spike explained. “Well, what kind of cake is it supposed to be anyway?” Pinkie asked looking at the cake. “I’m not sure,” Spike said thoughtfully. “Well, what’s Applejack’s cousin’s name?” Pinkie asked. -The Pony Scrolls- “His name’s Wally,” Applejack said. Across Ponyville, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were getting everything ready for the party. A long wooden picnic table had been placed outside of the barn and Twilight was using her magic to lay a table cloth over it. Rarity was guiding Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as they hovered in the air above the barn door, each of the Pegasi holding a separate end of a banner. “A little higher.” The pale unicorn said. “Higher. Lower. A smidgen higher… Perfect!” The banner was white and the material shined in the late morning sun, the word WELCOME was written across the shiny fabric in glittery golden letters. “I’ve never heard you mention him before,” Twilight said as Applejack set a tray of plates down on the picnic table. “Oh really?” Applejack said a little nervously. “Uh, that’s odd ‘cause I talk about ‘im all the time. Eeyup, Good ol’ Wally.” The earth pony grinned awkwardly and turned away from Twilight. She began placing a plate at each place at the table. “Mm-hm,” Twilight said suspiciously. “And how exactly is he related to you?” “He’s my Aunt Orange’s cousin’s sister’s son,” Applejack replied. “Not exactly the closest member on the Apple family tree but he and his family have fallen on some tough times so he’s moving out here to look for his own land.” “So he’s an apple farmer too?” Twilight asked. “Uh… well, not exactly.” Applejack said. “Wally and his kin are uh… not like other ponies.” “How do you mean?” Twilight asked. She looked at each of her friends as they gathered around her. The stared at her expectantly and the earth pony sighed. Avoiding eye contact with her friends the earth pony muttered something that sounded like "memonmarmers" under her breath. “What did you say?” Twilight asked. AJ mumbled again, slightly louder. Her friends exchanged glances and shrugged. “They’re melon farmers.” She said as her head fell in embarrassment. Her friends blinked and stared at each other in confusion. “What’s the big deal?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You don’t like melons or something?” “Naw, it ain’t that,” Applejack said. “Listen, the Melons are good enough ponies but they’re a bit… off.” “How do you mean?” Rarity asked. -The Pony Scrolls- “You shall never defeat me Knight Stallion for I, Doctor Ponyferious shall vanquish you once and for all!” “Not on my watch Ponyferious! Your plans for world domination shall never succeed for I have in my possession the Ray of Justice!” “NOOOOOO!” Wally trod down the path towards Ponyville. His coat was a dark green and his spiky mane was a violent shade of pink one could only describe as “loud”. He was wearing a ragged brown vest with various zippered and buttoned pockets under a saddle and a pair of rose colored sunglasses dangled from his neck on a piece of cord. His flank was adorned with a cutie mark resembling three black watermelon seeds. Attached to his saddle was a harness connected to a large wooden cart that was almost overflowing with watermelons. Hung from the sides of the cart was various farming supplies that were tied down with loose knots as if they had been added as an afterthought. Hanging in front of the pony’s face was a comic book that was dangling from a piece of string that was connected to a fishing pole that had been set up on the front of the cart. “This issue is so awesome!” The green pony gushed. “I thought the Ray of Justice was lost back in issue number 29 but if Knight Stallion has it then that must mean he managed to save Bit Buster from the chaos realm! I wonder if they’ll do an issue detailing their escape! That would be so cool!” Behind him, the watermelons in the cart began to rumble. A hoof shot out of a melon and a young filly burst to the surface gasping for air. She had a pale yellow coat with a light orange curly mane. Her eyes were a light green just like the pony that pulled the cart. Her flank, however, was bare save for a wet hunk of watermelon which she shook off of her leg with a scowl. “That’s the second time I’ve sunk beneath these dang melons!” She muttered angrily as she shoved a melon out of the way. She glanced up and gasped in panic as the green earth pony began to walk off of the path towards a stream. “Ha! Good one Knight Stallion!” The earth pony chuckled completely oblivious to the dangers ahead of him. The pale yellow filly grabbed the reigns in her mouth and pulled as hard as she could. The green earth pony turned back onto the path completely ignorant of the entire situation. “Watch the road, Wally!” The filly yelled angrily. “Yer gonna get us lost!” “Kay!” Wally said not looking up from his comic book. The filly sighed. “Are we there yet?” She asked impatiently. “My flank is falling asleep!” “Almost there baby sis,” Wally said. “Enjoy the scenery a little. You’ve never been this far out of our farm have you Candy?” Candy Melon sighed and leaned over the side of the cart. “Oh look.” She said dully. “Another field. That’s a new development.” She sighed again and fell backward into the watermelons. She immediately sat back up before she could sink again and turned to her brother. “Why did you bring all of these watermelons anyway?” She asked. “What do you mean?” Wally asked. “What do you mean what do I mean?” She asked. “Why. Did. You. Bring. So. Many. Water. Melons?” “You’re not making any sense Candy,” Wally said seriously. She sighed dramatically and fell backward again. “Are we there yet?!” She whined. Wally didn’t reply. He had gone back to reading his comic book. Candy had jumped at the opportunity to accompany her big brother to Ponyville for the summer, relishing the chance to see "the big city". It was only as they traveled through the farmland and forests of central Equestria that she realized her own naivete. “Something interesting had better happen soon.” She lamented as she gazed skyward. “I don’t care what it is.” She blinked at the clouds above and began trying to make out shapes in the puffs of white. “A bunny.” She thought. “A puppy. An owl.” Suddenly the sky above lit up. It was just for a second but her surroundings seemed to flash white before everything returned to normal. “Uh… Wally?” She asked. “Ha! Take that evil doer!” Wally said. “Wally?” The wind was beginning to pick up as if a storm was brewing. “I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming didja?” “WALLY!” There was an explosion from the nearby forest and a blinding flash of white light. The roar was deafening and Candy screamed as she felt the cart beneath her lift off of the ground. “WALLY!” She wailed as her body was thrown from the cart. “CANDY!” Wally yelled. The world spun around and around as Candy and Wally went flying through the air. Watermelons obscured their vision and Candy screamed for her brother. She felt him lock her in an embrace as the cart flew past them. “I GOTCHA SIS!” Wally yelled. They rolled through the air and Candy felt as if she was going to faint from terror. The ground was coming closer. She let out a final scream and darkness took her. > When all else fails consult your local wizard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter III The wind outside rattled against the windows of the Hall of Elements. Inside, Savos Aren, the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold stood alone gazing at an archway in the center of the room atop a wide stone dias. The glorious machine had been crafted from a brilliant gold colored metal and was covered in ancient sigils that had been painstakingly carved into its pillars. The top of the archway was formed from six interlocking plates, each with a glowing stone set into it. Off to the side of the archway and connected to it by a series of strange tubes made from a transparent crystalline material was a vacant pedestal. Carved into the floor around the archway was a six-pointed star with mystical fire hovering in the air above each point, each flame was a different color; red, blue, yellow, green, pink and purple. The Dunmer sat down at a desk and began to thumb through a small book. The doors to the hall opened and the sound of the storm filled the room as a robed Breton woman stepped inside. “Is that you Mirabelle?” Savos asked not looking up from the book. “Yes, Savos. It is I.” She replied closing the door behind her. “I had a feeling I’d find you in here.” “I had a feeling you’d come looking for me.” Savos chuckled. “Any word on our students?” “No,” Mirabelle said stepping into the warmth of the chamber. “Not yet.” There was a silence in the room. The only sound came from the storm outside and the flipping of pages as Arch-Mage Savos Aren read his book. “Bastian has some interesting theories regarding the interpretations of the Dwemer’s works.” He said. “He thinks that alternate realities and different dimensions are within the realm of possibility.” “Most would call him a madman,” Mirabelle said with a frown. “Yes well, most of the greatest Magi in history have been… eccentric.” “Eccentric isn’t the word,” Mirabelle said. “We are putting all of our faith into a device that is powered by myth! They have been gone for a month and we have had no word from them! The refugees are becoming restless. Food is low as well as medical supplies. They could be dead out there for all we know and-“ “I am aware of our dire straits Mirabelle but we have limited choices before us,” Savos said patiently. “Bastian is one of our most gifted students and we’ve come so far now. We can’t just give up.” Mirabelle sighed. “It’s just the waiting that’s the hardest part.” She said bitterly. “I know.” Savos sighed. “Gods I know but whatever will be will be. Worrying about it won’t accomplish anything but make you feel worse. Just be prepared and stay vigilant. Where is your niece?” “Lielle is at the top of the tower watching the road with that telescope of hers,” Mirabelle said. “She’ll catch her death up there,” Savos said smiling. “She’s more worried about them than I am. If something were to happen to either of those boys it would destroy her.” “Bastian and Bartleby are both perfectly capable of handling themselves. I’ve seen the latter of the two take on a dragon single-handedly with an arrow sticking out of his knee. And then, of course, Bastian has the Staff of Magnus.” Mirabelle chuckled at the casual tone the Arch-Mage used when referring to the staff that had once, according to legend, belonged to Magnus, the god of magic himself. “I am sure they are okay,” Savos said. “Why don’t we go down and see if there’s any of that Surilie Brothers left in the wine cellar? See if we can take that chill out of our bones.” Mirabelle sighed and nodded. Left with little else to do, getting drunk seemed like as good an idea as any. Savos closed the book and the two started to leave the Hall of Elements. They had almost reached the exit when the door that led to the top of the tower burst open and a snow covered figure stumbled into the room. Lielle was covered from head to toe in furs and a golden telescope of Dwemer design hung from her belt. “T-t-t-t-their coming up the path!” She stammered out. “I saw the signal light!” “Who is it?” Mirabelle asked. “B-blue s-so B-B-Bastian!” She stammered. The flesh of her face was red from the cold outside. She started to pull open the door that led to the courtyard of the college but Mirabelle stopped her. “Stay here and warm yourself, you silly girl!” She said. “You’re lucky you haven’t lost anything to the frost you spend so much time out there!” “B-but-“ “Enough!” Mirabelle snapped. “If you were any other student I could care less about what you do but you are my niece and I promised your mother, Arkay rest her soul, that I would watch over you. Now go to the Hall of Attainment, warm up, drink some broth and then I will send that stupid boy your way do you understand?” “B-b-b-b-“ Lielle interrupted herself by sneezing violently, the force nearly knocking her into the stone wall behind her. “Now!” Mirabelle said pointing towards the door. Defeated, the young apprentice nodded and left the Hall of Elements, sneezing several more times as the door closed behind her. Savos chuckled. “And to think I distinctly remember you saying you had neither the desire nor patience to rear children.” He said. “Oh be silent,” Mirabelle growled. They left the hall and walked out of the courtyard, passing by the great statue of Shalidor as they walked. They crossed the narrow stone bridge that connected the College of Winterhold to what was left of the city of Winterhold. “I notice that I am getting out more now that the dragons have returned,” Savos observed. “I am even on speaking terms with many of the villagers now. Nothing like the end of the world to bring a community together.” Even calling Winterhold a village would have been generous. It had once been a large city and one of the oldest in all of Skyrim after Windhelm. Until The Great Collapse caused much of the city to crumble into the sea, leaving little besides the College of Winterhold intact. All that remained of the city of Winterhold was a section of the great wall that protected the inhabitants from the monsters that made the region their home, a few dozen buildings that had been renovated to house the refugees and the Jarl's longhouse which was currently serving as the Blade's headquarters. The few Nords that survived and actually stayed blamed the wizards of the college for the disaster and gave them a wide berth which suited the Magi just fine in the end. Now, towards the end of the line, the Nords had established a refugee camp to keep the survivors of Nirn’s Armageddon safe from the dragon's wrath. The two Magi entered the village just in time to see a group of people dismount their steads, celestial beings from Aetherius in the shape of horses conjured and bound to the mortal realm by a wizard’s will. With a wave of their hands, the shimmering creatures vanished and faded from this world, returning from the immortal realm of magic from whence they came. A crowd had gathered around them and was clamoring to see what was held in a young man’s hands. All they knew was that whatever it was, it was their only hope of survival against Alduin and his army of dragons. “Let the boy breath!” Savos said as they neared the crowd. He and Mirabelle pushed their way to the front of the crowd and stopped in front of the young man. “Well?” Mirabelle asked. “Did you find it?” “Bastian?” Savos asked quietly. Bastian looked quite pale even for a Breton. His green eyes were tired from the journey and his robes were stained with dried mud from the road. He placed a hand on his knapsack and opened the flap. A warm light glowed from within his bag and the steady beating of a heart answered his teachers. “Oh, my….” Savos said. “You never cease to amaze me Bastian Bellrend.” Bastian closed the bag. “Where is my brother?” He asked. “Bartleby left about a week after you to see if he could convince any of the other holds to come to the camp,” Mirabelle said. “No word from him then?” Bastian sighed. “No.” He nodded and stepped past the two Magi. “I have work to do.” He said. -The Pony Scrolls- Inside the Hall of Elements Bastian stood looking up at the archway. Behind him, Arch-Mage Savos, Mirabelle, and the wizards that had accompanied Bastian on the quest had gathered to watch him work. The archway was a device he had spent nearly three years building. It was based on the designs of a mad Dwemer engineer, a combination of science and magic and a prelude to the construction of the great brass golem Numidium. It took nearly two years to translate and make sense of his notes and then another year to gather everything needed to build it, conducting dangerous raids on Dwemer ruins that cost many Blades and wizards their lives. And after all of that, the archway still demanded a powerful device to serve as its power source. “The heart of a god,” Bastian said opening his bag. He put on the Wraithguard, a magical gauntlet forged from Dwemer metal, reached inside his bag and withdrew just that; the heart of Lorkhan. Pulled from the chest of the god himself as punishment when he tricked the Aedra into creating the mortal plane of Mundus and giving up their divinity and thrown down to Nirn never to be seen again. Eventually, it was recovered and experimented on by the Dwemer and ultimately responsible for their disappearance thousands of years ago during the First Era. The heart beat in Bastian’s hand and glowed with a dim golden light. “So?” Savos asked behind him. “Now what?” Bastian approached the archway and stood in front of the pedestal. He held the heart close to the slot and the three ventricles moved as if seeking to connect to the device. He connected it and the heart began to glow brighter as if new life had been breathed into it. The heart’s beating increased and the stones in the archway began to glow brightly. The symbols carved into the metal of the pillar glowed and began to project magic runes above them. “By the eight!” Mirabelle gasped. “It- It’s working!” “Well, now what do we do?” A Dunmer named Haala asked. “It needs fuel and then it needs to calibrate,” Bastian explained. “I thought the heart was its fuel source,” Mirabelle said approaching the arch-way. “No. The heart is the engine but magicka is its oil.” Bastian explained. “These flames floating above the corners? They are not Dwemer sorcery, they are Ayleid. They are receiving points for magicka. You cast spells into them and then the energy is used to charge the archway. “What spells are needed?” Savos asked. “It does not matter," Bastian said. "Ice, fire, lightning, just as long as the spells themselves are powerful." “Will it drain the caster?” Mirabelle asked. “Most definitely,” Bastian said. “I would think that you would have to be a powerful magic user just to attempt to charge them.” “Well it’s a shame there seems to be a shortage of those as of late.” A sly voice said. The group turned and saw an Altmer standing in the doorway to the Hall of Elements. Like all Altmer the elf was taller than most races of men. He was wearing green robes spun from silk and trimmed in gold thread. His copper colored hair was brushed back in a tamed mane and he carried himself with an air of arrogance that seemed to be a trait inherent to his kind. “I can’t believe you did it, Bastian.” He said. “I was certain that when I saw you ride off into the sunset that it would be the last time I would ever lay eyes on you.” “Sorry to disappoint you Heciri,” Bastian said with a scowl. “Now, now that’s enough of that,” Savos said sternly. “Bastian you must be exhausted from your journey. Go and get some food in you. Later once we have everyone gathered we will see what we can do about this archway.” “Master Aren-“ “I’m not going to argue over this Bastian,” Aren said. “You are probably the only man on the planet who has any idea how to work this device. Go eat. Rest your bones. Speak to Esmeralda if you need healing. You are no good to us if you fall over dead understand?” “Yes, sir,” Bastian muttered. “And go assure my niece that you arrived in one piece,” Mirabelle said. “She’s been watching the road every day since you left waiting for you to return.” Bastian nodded and left the Hall of Elements scowling at Heciri’s smirk as he left. Once outside he sighed in the cold night air and rubbed his temples as he made his way to the Hall of Attainment. > Living expenses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IV Bastian entered the hall and was greeted by the smell of cooking food and the warmth of the magical fire glowing in a well in the center of the room. “Lielle?” He called. “Bas?” She appeared from around the corner. She had changed into her robes and her long dark red hair fell around her shoulders in cascading curls. She quickly threw her arms around Bastian and embraced him. “I was so worried! You said you were only going to be gone a couple of days! What happened? Did you find the heart?” “I’m fine Lielle and yes. I found it. It’s hooked up to the archway as we speak.” “So we can leave then?” She asked. “No. Net yet but it should be ready in a few days.” “That’s fantastic! I knew you could do it!” She smiled at him. “Come sit down I know you have to be hungry. You only had enough supplies for a few days between the lot of you and without Bartleby there to hunt-“ “I don’t need him to catch my food for me,” Bastian grumbled. “No of course not but living off of nuts and berries, or basically anything that can’t run away from you can’t make a very filling meal.” She said. Bastian sighed and leaned his staff against the wall before sitting down in a chair. There was a cooking pot sat up over a fire and the remains of a slaughtered chicken were sitting in a bag on the windowsill. “Chicken stew will do you some good,” Lielle said passing Bastian a bottle of mead. “Thank you,” Bastian said taking the bottle and pulling the cork out. “So why were you gone so long?” Lielle asked. “Where was the heart and if I’m counting right you’re down one staff.” Bastian’s eyes flickered over to the Wabbajack he had leaned against the wall beside his chair. When he left the college he had the Staff of Magnus as well as a certain Daedric artifact that he had acquired in his travels several years ago. “The heart was not on Nirn as I originally thought,” Bastian said. “I had to seek council with one of the Daedric Princes.” “You what?!” Lielle exclaimed dropping a bowl. “Bastian!" She hissed, her disapproving tone falling to a whisper. "You said that those days were behind you!” “I didn't have much choice Lielle.” Bastian shot back. “This is our only hope and I couldn't come back and face everyone empty handed, not after all we have lost!” “Face us or face Heciri?” Lielle asked angrily. “That slackwit has nothing to do with it!” Bastian snapped. “Of course not.” Lielle sighed. “You two have been at each other’s throat since you stepped in the doorway, always trying out do the other one. You don’t have to prove that you’re better than him Bas. I would think that the past three years would be proof enough of that.” Bastian muttered a curse under his breath and took a pull from his bottle of warmed mead. “So who was it?” Lielle asked. “Whose council did you seek?” “Hermaeus Mora,” Bastian muttered. “The Daedric Prince of knowledge?” Lielle asked appalled. “When you are looking for a lost artifact of immense magical power, who else would one turn to?” Bastian asked. “Gods.” Lielle whispered. “And he- it showed you how to find the heart?” “Yes. In fact, it was he who had the heart in his possession. He was willing to trade for the Staff of Magnus.” “And you agreed?” Lielle asked. “Like I said, there aren't a lot of options for us at this point,” Bastian said. Lielle quietly spooned some stew into a bowl and handed it to Bastian along with a hunk of dry bread. He muttered a word of thanks and began to eat. The “stew” contained the meat of a thin malnourished chicken that had died from cold the day before along with a few vegetables and berries Lielle had been growing in a small garden. It wasn't much but Bastian was grateful for it. “What would a Daedric Prince like Hermaeus Mora want with the staff anyway?” Lielle asked sitting across from him. “I think he wanted to study it,” Bastian said. “Try and understand the magic behind it.” “Why didn’t you offer him the Wabbajack?” Lielle asked. “I tried. He said that the toys of his deranged brother were of little interest in him.” Bastian said. “Well, personally I always preferred the Wabbajack." She said cracking a small smile. "Remember when we were attacked by bandits on the road to Whiterun and you used it to turn that archer into a hunk of cheese?” Lielle asked. “Yes, but it wasn’t on purpose.” Bastian chuckled. “Slipped it into Heciri’s bag when he wasn't looking and he ate it that night at camp. Said that the best cheese is supposed to smell like a bandit’s backside.” Lielle laughed. “Gods! I’m sure you made the mad god happy with that one.” “Couldn't have happened to a nicer knife ear,” Bastian muttered. “That sounds like your brother talking,” Lielle said darkly. “Besides we’re both Bretons. Well, you are more or less." She said looking at Bastian's arched eyebrow. Though the mage's father had been a pure blooded Nord, he strongly favored his mother's Breton heritage. "We're about half an elf ourselves and just as bad depending on who you’re talking to.” Bastian shrugged and scraped the last bit of stew from his bowl. “Thank you Lielle.” He said. “I’m going to speak with Esmeralda. We’ll probably need her later on to help with the archway. You as well.” “Okay. I’ll be here if you need me. I’m glad you’re home Bas.” She embraced him again and Bastian left the Hall of Attainment for Winterhold. What started out as a camp had become something of a shanty town and held hundreds of refugees from Holds all over Skyrim and other provinces of the empire, taking refuge in old buildings that had survived the Great Collapse, simple wooden huts that had been made from reclaimed wood and within the great stone wall that had originally protected Winterhold from the dangerous beasts that prowled Skyrim's wilds. Bastian approached the Inn and stepped inside. “Shut the door!” A voice bellowed as soon as Bastian got the door open. Bastian sighed and closed the door behind him which didn’t do much good to keep the cold out. The inn had been repurposed into a makeshift shrine to Kyne, the nordic goddess of the wilds, and healers were working around the clock to keep the sick and injured inside alive. The air reeked of gangrene and sick and Bastian wished he hadn’t eaten so much stew. A guard from Solitude moaned on the floor and clenched the stump that used to be his right arm. A farmer whimpered in agony as a healer changed the bandages on his face and Bastian saw the red scorched flesh underneath. Another healer did his best to make an old woman with severe rockjoint comfortable as she wasn’t much longer for this world. “Bastian!” Esmeralda said approaching him. She was a pretty Redguard woman with a round face and a shaved head. Her brown eyes were tired and her orange priest robes were stained with blood and filth. “I heard you were back.” She said. “I have some extra potions for you here, along with some more ingredients,” Bastian said handing her some bottles and pouches. “Oh thank Kynareth!” She cried taking them from him. “Bless you Bastian Bellrend! Is it true? Did you really find it?” “I think I’m going to start hanging a sign around my neck,” Bastian said. “Yes, I recovered it. We might actually get it working in a few more days.” “I can’t believe it,” Esmeralda said. “We’ll actually be leaving Nirn soon.” “That is the plan,” Bastian said. “Any word on Bartleby?” “Not yet. You might want to go and pay a visit to Shahk though. He’s growing impatient. Talking about taking some of the other Blades to go and find Bartleby. If they go with them we’ll be defenseless.” Bastian sighed in irritation. “I’ll have words with him.” He said. The priestess nodded and went back to tending the sick. Bastian left the Inn and made his way to the entrance to town. In lieu of a gate, several barriers had been made from sharpened sticks had been erected to serve as a line of defense against any would-be invaders but in reality, the barriers would do nothing against the true enemies of the free people. Behind the blockade stood a group of soldiers all wearing the traditional Akaviri style armor of the Blades, their shields made from dragon scales taken from slain Dovah and their swords of the sharpest steel. “We need to go find Bartleby!” An Orc said. “What if his group was attacked on the road? We would have no way of knowing!” “You might be right but what about the refugees?” A Knight Brother asked. “They can handle themselves.” The Orc said dismissively. “They’ve made it this long and there are still a few guards around here. They don’t really need us!” “Thinking of going somewhere Shahk?” Bastian asked approaching the group. The Orc turned around and frowned. He was huge even for an Orc and towered above Bastian by a good foot and half. His armor was dented and nicked from the numerous battles he had been in and his face had three long jagged scars running down the right side of his face. On his back was an Orcish Warhammer and hanging from his belt was a pair of axes. “Bas, surely you agree with me on this? It was foolish to break up the group. It’s been weeks and there is no sign of your brother! We need to find him!” “It was foolish to leave for Whiterun especially after the Jarl already said he wouldn’t leave his hold but not nearly as foolish as leaving this camp undefended. At this point, dragons are the least of our problems. Most of the refugees here are injured or sick. All it would take is one good bandit raid and we would be finished. Your place is here Dragon Scourge Shahk or would you dishonor my brother by ignoring a direct order from your commanding officer?” Shahk sighed. “No. I’d rather fall on my own sword than dishonor the Blades, after all, that they have done for me,” Shahk said. The soldiers behind him nodded in agreement. Most of the soldiers that stood here started out as nothing more than mere farmers and hunters until the dragons returned and took everything from them. With nothing left to their names, they joined in the fight against the dragons, putting down their hoes and pick axes in exchange for swords and longbows. “How goes it at the college?” One of them asked. “This experiment I heard of? What exactly are you trying to do?” “Is it a weapon?” Another asked. “Something to kill off all of the dragons?” “No. Not a weapon.” Bastian said. “There is nothing on this earth that can stop them now. The Dovahkiin was our only hope. After he fell the dragons won.” “Truly there is no hope then?” “No. Skyrim and all of Nirn will be destroyed,” Bastian said. “Then what are we doing here sitting around on our asses? If we're going to die I want to go down fighting!” One of the soldiers declared. “Don't be so quick to run to death,” Bastian said. “There's a glimmer of hope for us. Not for Nirn.” “Damn mages always speaking in riddles.” A warrior muttered. “We are constructing a gateway based off of Dwemer design.” “The Dwarves?” One of the soldiers asked. "What do they have to do with this?" "It's a gateway detailed in a book I discovered while exploring one of their ruins," Bastian explained. The Dwemer, or Deep Elves, also known as Dwarves by the races of men, was a race of elves that lived underground in large cities. They were masters of alchemy and sciences and during the First Era they vanished all at once around the globe. Bastian had spent a great a deal of his academic career researching them and their technology, trying to unlock secrets that had been lost to time. “The gateway is simply that; a gateway that allows those who pass through it to travel through space and time. The portals can send you anywhere.” “So where are you sending us?” Shahk asked. “I have no idea,” Bastian explained. “There's no way for me to tell. There was no real way for the Dwemer to know either. The whole idea was that they would walk through the portal and build another on the other side so that they could travel back and forth at will.” “What do you mean by anywhere?” Shahk asked. “Just that. Another planet, another reality, or even another dimension.” Bastian explained. “I don't understand." A Shield Brother said. "So are you saying that you're sending us to a place without dragons?" "That's the plan," Bastian said. "To go to a land where the forces of Alduin cannot find us." “And you're sure it will work?” Shahk asked. “No," Bastian said. "But we've come this far. We can't give up now." “So is that the plan then?" A warrior asked hotly. "Flee from the dragons to another world? Leave our homes? Our entire world behind?” “If you wish to stay behind and watch all that you love burn, I won't stop you,” Bastian replied coldly. “The war is over. We lost. All we can do now is escape with our lives and perhaps rebuild somewhere else.” The warrior remained silent. “Hail guardsmen!” A voice cried out. Coming up the road was a large group of men on horseback and dozens of people on foot or in horse drawn carriages. Leading the group was a man clad in a lighter version of Akaviri armor and a traveling cloak lined with bear fur. Bartleby, Bastian’s older brother waved to his comrades. He slowed his horse's stride to a trot as two guards moved the blockades out of the way. He rode his horse into camp with the other soldiers behind him along with several new additions. The four guardsmen counted the riders wearing the armor of the Blades as they rode by. Shahk sighed and looked over to Bartleby as he rounded back over to them. “Who did we lose?” Shahk asked. “Samsine.” Bartleby replied. “We were ambushed on the path to Cyrodiil.” “Bandits?” Shahk asked. “Aye.” Bartleby nodded. “Samsine fought well and brought down many before we could come to his aid.” Shahk sighed and nodded. “What of Jarl Balgruuf?” The Orc asked. “He stands by his decision. He said Whiterun was his city and he wasn't going to let the dragons take it so easily.” Bartleby said. “Who are all of these other people?” Bastian asked. “Neighbors from Riverwood and a few from Whiterun that decided to take their chances. We rode to all of the other holds as well and collected numbers from most. Made it into Cyrodiil and was pleased to see Bruma was still standing and its people were quick to accompany us.” “So that makes…” Bastian asked. “About two hundred new faces.” Bartleby said. Bastian scowled at his brother. “I’m glad to see you in one piece.” Bartleby said embracing Bastian. “Did you find the heart?” “Yes and I managed to do so without bringing scores of new people to the mountain. Esmeralda with be thrilled. ” Bastian said sarcastically. “Everything will be ready in a matter of days.” “Excellent.” Bartleby said ignoring his brother’s attitude. “If I ever see a dragon again it will be too soon. Now I don’t know about you gentlemen but I could do with a bracing drink!” There were words of agreement when suddenly a scream echoed through the air as a guard wearing chainmail armor came running up the path. He reached the blockade and fell to his knees in a pant as a powerful roar echoed through the night. “DRAGON!” > Desperate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter V The dragon flew above the mountain path of Winterhold and a jet of fire illuminated the cold night sky in a hellish red light. “Arms!” Bartleby cried over another deafening roar. “To arms! All Blades to battle stations! Bas! Get to the college and get the Arch-Mage out here now! Get that portal open it’s now or never!” Bastian was already gone, forcing his way through the crowd of people that blocked his way. He finally made it to the bridge and heard a terrifying roar beneath him. He cast a spell that caused a gust of wind to hurl him across the rest of the bridge just as a dragon flew up and crashed through the stone. Bastian cursed as the dragon turned to face him and let out a breath of hell that illuminated the night sky. “Fod zu’u krii hi Alduin fen du hin sil ko Sovengarde joor!” The dragon bellowed. “Evo dovah fein hi lost fael!” Bastian replied in defiance. The dragon chuckled and lowered itself closer to Bastian. “Ah!” The dragon said in the tongue of man. “You speak the tongue of the dovah! Amusing. But it seems to lack a certain… flare!” The dragon breathed another mouthful of flames and Bastian had to shield his eyes from their light. The flames subsided and the dragon chuckled darkly. “You speak like a child, clumsy and stupid!” The dragon said. “You know the words but not what it truly means to zaan!” “I do not need your power dragon. I have no use for it!” Bastian said. If there was one thing he learned from his time fighting the beasts, it was that they loved to talk and Bastian had used that time that the creature spent "monologuing" to gather his magicka. The wizard brandished his staff and spoke in the ancient elvish words of magick. "Fea en'hrive fain'lle aha!" The mage unleashed a mighty storm of frost and shards of ice as sharp as razors dug into the dragon's scales and tore his wings to ribbons. The dragon roared in anger as if fell from the sky and plummeted into the watery rocks below. Bastian didn’t take the time to relish his victory. He knew that soon the dragon would return and it would not be happy. He sprinted into the courtyard as the remaining mages exited the Hall of Elements. “It’s the dragons, they’ve found us!” Bastian said. “They destroyed the bridge.” “I suppose those masking spells wouldn’t last forever.” Savos said. “Bastian, you focus on getting that archway working. Mirabelle and I will guide the refugees to the college.” “Yes Arch-Mage,” Bastian replied. “Azura's light guide you all,” Savos said. He and Mirabelle ran to the bridge and Bastian led the other students to the Hall of Elements. -The Pony Scrolls- Back in Winterhold every man and woman that could hold a bow was focusing their efforts on a dragon that was breathing ice down upon the masses. “Archers! Bring that damned thing down!” A volley of arrows rained through the air and struck the dragon, most of them bounced harmlessly off of its scaled back but several managed to dig into its soft underbelly. A Bosmer took careful aim with his bow from his perch on the roof of the Inn. He saw the glint of his hawk’s beak in the moonlight as it flew underneath the dragon. The Bosmer let his arrow loose and the hawk flew out of the way just in time as the poisoned arrow pierced the dragon’s heart. The dragon roared in pain, flew over the Inn and fell down the side of the mountain. “I count two more heading this way.” The Bosmer yelled to Bartleby. “Good work Faendal. Everyone else, get to the college now!” Bartleby yelled. “Something is coming up the path!” A Blade Knight Brother yelled. “Gods, its Draugr! They brought Draugr!” “How many?” Shahk called. “I don't know? All of them!” Bartleby gazed down the mountain path and cursed. Marching towards Winterhold seemed to be every Draugr in Skyrim armed with cruel looking weapons and torches. Their guttural chants echoed up the mountain path and at the front of the horde were Dragon Priests. “That’s... That's a lot of Draugr,” Shahk said as Faendal and an Argonian came up behind them. “Take a team down there and stall their progress,” Bartleby said. “Faendal, Han-Za, take your archers and cover them.” The archers nodded and Shahk called for the blades to rally on him. “Half of you lot come with me. The others stay here and make sure that not a damn thing gets through our barricade understand?” The Blades drew their weapons and held them in the air. “For Skyrim! For Tamriel!” They shouted. “This ends tonight!” -The Pony Scrolls- Inside the Hall of Elements Bastian and the other mages were casting spells into the flames around the archway, using their magicka to fuel their only hope of escape. “Give it everything you’ve got!” Bastian said. “You said it needs time to calibrate! How long does it need?” Haala asked. “Too long,” Bastian muttered. Bastian felt his Magicka leave his body at an alarming rate. His vision blurred and his body began to weaken. He dropped to one knee but kept his hands raised. “Bastian!” Lielle cried. “Don’t move!” Bastian bellowed. “Keep focusing your Magicka!” Lielle grimaced but did as Bastian said. “How much magicka does this thing need?” Heciri snarled as sweat dripped down his brow. “More than we can give.” Bastian realized. “I have an idea.” He yelled. “Hold your positions until I return!” Bastian broke from the group, ignored their cries of protests and questions and bolted from the Hall of Elements. He ran to the trapdoor that led down to the midden and pulled it open. He jumped down into the darkness and landed in the icy cave beneath the school. Without wasting any time he ran through the old dungeon until he came to the room where the Augur of Dunlain lied in wait. Bastian expected the door to be sealed tight but was surprised to see it open for him. Bastian ran into the room and found the glowing ball of light waiting for him, hovering in the air above his well. “Augur, I need your assistance once again.” Bastian panted. I know why you have come to me Bellrend. The Augur said, his mystical voice invading Bastian’s mind. Another reason the young mage disliked dealing with the mystical object. Long ago, the Augur was a student at the school until his thirst for knowledge turned him into the being of immense magical power Bastian saw before him. No one liked talking about the Augur and Bastian had been told its story by Savos Aren himself, perhaps as a cautionary tale in light of Bastian’s own desire for knowledge and power. I told you that your efforts would be in vain, that your path would only lead you to disappointment. “We need your help,” Bastian said. “The archway is ready. All we need is more magicka to get it going.” And what would you have me do? Sacrifice myself so that maybe you and your friends may live? You cannot escape fate Bastian Bellrend. “It is not our fate to die!” Bastian yelled. “I won’t let it end like this!” It is not your choice to make. All things end in their own time. Empires fall. Kingdoms crumble. Worlds' burn. The world eater will fulfill his role as he has done and will continue to do. One man cannot hope to stop the nature of creation alone. “You sound like the greybeards.” Bastian spat. “If you really believe that everything is going to end anyway, that we’re all going to die then why don’t you help us?” The Augur was silent. “You were mortal once weren't you? A man.” Bastian said. “It was your pursuit of knowledge that led you here just like it was mine. I decide my fate, not prophecy or gods. I choose when things end and they will not end here for us!” A sound much like a chuckle invaded Bastian’s mind. If you insist, Bastian Bellrend. The Augur of Dunlain flared brighter than Bastian had ever seen it. Bastian screamed and covered his eyes as a power unlike any he had ever experienced filled him. He felt magicka, pure and raw coursing through his body, so much that it felt like it would burn him away into cinders. He saw what only an augur could see. What was, what is, what will be even what could have been. Bastian screamed as the power finally overcame him and his world went white. -The Pony Scrolls- Shahk bashed in a Draugr’s head with his Warhammer and roared in triumph. “Come on you stinking bags of mammoth shite!” He roared. The sounds of battle echoed up the mountain path as steel met steel in a bloody battle between Men, Mer and an army of the undead. While the Draugr had overwhelming numbers, the Blades had something to truly fight for. This was their last stand and there wasn’t a single living soul on that mountain that wasn’t ready to go down without a fight. Shahk pulled an axe from his belt and hurled it at another draugr. The axe blade buried into its skull and split its head in half with a crack. He kicked out another Draugr’s knee with a heavy foot and brought his hammer down on its head, nearly splitting the rotten body in half. He could feel the berserker spirit of the Orsimer pumping through his veins, setting his very soul ablaze in a righteous fury that the Nords could only hope to emulate, and gods willing it would see him through this day. He pulled his hammer free and spotted a Draugr Death Lord further down the path. The Death Lord stood taller than the rest of his undead kin and wore a horned helmet on his head. His eyes glowed with the cold chill of death and in his hand, he held a large wicked looking sword molded from ebony, a weapon presented to only those truly devoted to their dragon overlords. The Death Lord held a Knight Brother in the air by his throat and drove his sword into the struggling man’s chest, the cruel blade cutting through his armor like damp parchment before ripping the blade out of the man's chest. He cast the grizzly remains of the fallen warrior aside and made his way through the thick of combat, his eyes set on Shahk Gro-Dushnikh Yal. Shahk let out a battle cry that would make his forefathers proud. He charged at his enemy and swung his hammer in a wide arc with the intent to take the Death Lord’s head clear off of his shoulders. The Death Lord avoided the blow and slashed out with his own sword, their weapons met and sent sparks flying between them, their faces mere inches from each other. The Draugr took in a rattling breath through rotted teeth and began to speak in the guttural language of his dragon masters. "FUS RO DAH It shouted. Its voice became raw power and a typhoon was unleashed from the Death Lord’s mouth that sent Shahk flying backward. A pair of Blades were also caught in the thu’um’s wake and was thrown from the side of the mountain, their screams of terror fading as they disappeared into the swirling white below. The shock of the flight was enough to snap Shahk out of his berserk, causing him to see stars instead of red. “I hate it when they do that.” He muttered. The Death Lord raised his sword above his head with a roar of victory, ready to drive his weapon into Shahk’s heart. “As my Pa said.” Shahk thought. “Seek a good death.” The Death Lord raised his sword and started to bring it down when suddenly there was a spark and a clatter as an arrow struck the Death Lord’s weapon, knocking it from his grasp. The Death Lord looked up and two arrows pierced his eye sockets. It fell to its knees and landed on top of Shahk who cursed loudly as black blood oozed all over him. “You couldn’t have done that sooner Faendal?!” He sputtered. “I could but I know how you love near death experiences.” The Bosmer called from where ever it was he had set up shop. Shahk kicked the corpse off of him and grabbed his hammer. He rose to his feet and growled at the approaching Draugr. “Lousy!” He slammed his hammer into a Draugr and bashed it to pieces like a damp piece of rotted wood. “Stinking!” With a vertical chop, he slammed a Draugr to the ground. He stomped on the corpse's skull, crushing it to dust and blocked a blow from another Draugr with an armored forearm before he slammed his helmeted head into the Draugr’s face, nearly knocking the undead’s head off. “Draugr!” He flipped his hammer around and drove the spike of his weapon into a Draugr’s skull. He ripped his weapon free and kicked the body away. Even though he had carved a crimson path of destruction through the battlefield, there were still at least a hundred Draugr left on the path, and possibly thousands on their way. “COME ON!” Shahk bellowed. A dragon slammed on the ground in front of Shahk knocking several Draugr off of the path and causing the very ground to shake. The dragon opened its mouth and roared at Shahk who pounded his chest and roared back in defiance. “Orcs,” Faendal scoffed. He pulled a gold-colored arrow from his quiver. It was designed by Bastian and based on Dwemer technology. He let the arrow fly and it whistled as it soared through the air. It stuck into the dragon’s eye and smoke began to billow out of the arrow’s shaft. There was a boom as the arrow exploded and took out the dragon’s eye along with several scales on its head. The dragon roared and thrashed with rage, having no idea where such an attack had come from. Shahk swung his weapon and it collided with the dragon’s jaw, the powerful blow sundering the dragon’s head even further and knocking loose scales and teeth. In retaliation, the dragon breathed a cone of frost that caused all of Shahk’s exposed skin to go numb with cold. The orc grimaced and felt ice collect on his ink black beard. “WULD NAH KEST!”Bartleby yelled charging down the path. The Nord became a blur of movement as his shout hurled him down the mountain path, blasting through and scattering any Draugr that had been in his way. Using the momentum from his shout, Bartleby landed on the dragon's head, driving his sword deeper into its remaining eye until Bartleby could no longer see his own hand. The blinded dragon roared and threw his head back, trying to shake Bartleby off but the Nord held tight, like a tick on a dog. Needless to say, the dragon was royally pissed. Bartleby let go of his sword and left it in the dragon’s eye before jumping off of its back and rolling away. The dragon continued to thrash and roar in anger as it struggled to find its footing, raking its claws through the ice and snow that covered the mountain path. "Shut up and die," Shahk growled. The Orc raised his hammer and brought it down on the dragon’s neck with a bone shattering crunch. The dragon's body went limp and it slumped to the ground dead. “Death to you.” Shahk said. “And all dragon kind.” Bartleby said as the two clasped hands. “Come on! The last of the refugees are going to the college as we speak. It’s time to-“ “Don’t say retreat.” Shahk growled. “Tactical withdraw.” Bartleby said. Shahk grunted and spat on the dragon’s body as Bartleby ripped his sword out of its eye socket. The two readied their weapons and made their way back up the path towards Winterhold. -The Pony Scrolls- “We can’t keep this up for much longer!” Heciri shouted. The students magicka reserves were nearing their breaking point and keeping the spells going now was causing them physical harm. “What is the matter Heciri?” J’zargo asked with a groan of pain. “Perhaps you need a break? Would you like J’zargo to fetch you a chair, maybe a bottle of wine?” Heciri scoffed and held his ground. Lielle felt faint. Her vision was darkening. She wanted desperately to go find Bastian but if she moved now she knew that it would be all over. Suddenly, she felt a surge of magical energy sweep through her. She felt more powerful than she had ever felt before. She looked up and saw that the effect seemed to have taken hold of her fellow apprentices as well. It’s okay. She saw Bastian appear next to her. He seemed to be glowing, radiating magicka. He looked down at her with white eyes and in a voice that wasn’t his own said, “Finish it.” Empowered by Bastian’s aid, Lielle and the apprentices gave a final burst of magicka and all of the flames flared to life and turned pure white. There was a burst of light and Lielle felt the last trace of magical energy leave her body. She and her fellow apprentices fell to the ground, completely drained of their magical energy. She looked up and saw the space in the archway had turned white. Bastian looked down at her and the augur’s voice said: “The sun and the moon will fall beneath the golden king.” The Augur of Dunlain faded from its host and Bastian fell to the ground next to Lielle. > The last stand at the College of Winterhold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VI The refugee camp lied in ruins. Corpses littered the ground and the air reeked with the scent of burning flesh. The last handful of buildings that made up the town of Winterhold was in flames. “Gods I had hoped they wouldn’t find us here.” Shahk muttered surveying the wreckage. “You and me both.” Bartleby said. “It was only a matter of time. I’m surprised we held out this long. Come. I am eager to be done with this place.” “Are you truly that excited to be leaving your home?” Shahk asked. “Bastian is my home. Whatever is waiting for us on the other side of that archway of his we’ll make the best of it together.” Bartleby relied. “That was beautiful Bart.” Shahk said with a sniff. “Oh shut up.” Bartleby laughed. The mages of the college had created a bridge of ice connecting the college to the city and the refugees were filling in the corners of the courtyard rather quickly. A Knight Brother approached Bartleby and saluted him. “What’s going on sir? The refugees are on the verge of panicking. Heciri has managed to pacify them with a spell but it won’t last much longer.” “Everything is fine.” Bartleby said addressing everyone around him. “The enemy has been routed for now but it won’t be long before they launch their next strike. Everyone remain calm and we’ll get through this together. The end is in sight.” He left Shahk to watch over things outside and entered the Hall of Elements. Mirabelle and Savos were directing a pair of scamps that were carrying large chests into the chamber. One of the imp-like creatures leered at Bartleby and made a rude gesture at him. “Where is Bastian?” Bartleby asked as the two Daedra snickered. “He’s in the main chamber.” Mirabelle said. “I don’t know how but the apprentices managed to get the portal working on their own. That brother of yours is something else.” “Don’t I know it?” Bartleby said walking past the pair of mages and their snickering Daedra. In the main chamber Bastian was sitting on a wooden stool and Lielle was helping him drink from a potion bottle. His eyes were wide and he was shaking as if he had a bad case of the rattles. “Is everything okay in here? Shor’s blood Bastian what happened to you?” “We couldn’t get the archway going by ourselves so he… he let the Augur of Dunlain take hold of his body to power it.” Lielle said. “What does that mean?” Bartleby asked fiercely. “Bas? Can you hear me?” He asked. “He said something.” Lielle said. “The Augur before it left him. He said that the sun and the moon will fall beneath the golden king.” “What in oblivion does that mean?” Bartleby asked. “I don’t know.” Lielle said. “He fainted after that.” “I-I’m fine.” Bastian said. “We-we need to get moving. The Augur gave us the boost we need but I don’t know how long the portal will stay open.” “Okay.” Bartleby said. “Then let’s get going.” The mage’s began moving their supplies; crates and barrels and chests of everything they could possibly need in a new world. Where they were going they could not say. For all Bastian knew it could send them to another realm of Oblivion or even somewhere else entirely. The journal of the architect that designed the portal referenced its capacity of “traveling beyond the void itself”. Though no one knew for certain what waited for them beyond the archway, they hoped it was better than the world they had come to know in the past few years; a world of fire and dragons. Bartleby set down a large wooden chest and sighed. “I didn’t realize that we had so much.” He said looking at the growing stack of supplies. “I just hope that it’s enough.” Bastian said. “We have plenty. We have farming tools, medical supplies, seeds, and you said yourself that we have enough food to last everyone for about a month.” “I said that when I got back, assuming that you took hunting parties out to gather food while we were gone, that we would have just enough food to last everyone a month. Instead you bring home more mouths to feed and less food to feed them with.” “I don’t like your tone little brother.” Bartleby said. “What was I supposed to do just leave them to die?” “They had their chance to come when we originally invited them. We made plans for the people that came with us. Plans to feed them and keep them alive long enough for all of us to make our escape and survive where ever this takes us.” Bastian said pointing at the archway. “We can’t feed all of these people Bartleby!” “Are you guys seriously doing this now?” Lielle snapped stepping through the two brothers and setting a crate down on the growing stack. “Either help or get out of our way!” The brothers scowled at each other and went back to work. They had just gotten the last of the supplies into the Hall of Elements when the refugees outside screamed and the roar of a dragon filled the air. The door to the Hall opened and Shahk stood there with his weapon drawn. “Bartleby! The dragons are forming another assault and we have another wave of Draugr coming up the path!” “Okay that’s enough gear I think.” Bartleby said. “Bastian, Shahk and I will start funneling survivors inside the hall; you guys get them through the portal. Faendal! Take a group of Blades to the top of the tower with the Arch-Mage and get on those giant crossbow things of Bastian’s.” “They’re called ballistae.” Bastian said. “Whatever they are just shoot those overgrown lizards out of the sky. Do whatever you can to buy us more time.” “It would be my pleasure.” Faendal said. “Colette, Faralda? Would you two kindly assist the Blades in repelling the Draugr?” Savos asked. “Yes of course Arch-Mage.” The Breton mage said. “We appreciate the extra hands.” Bartleby said. Bartleby led the two wizards out of the Hall and into the courtyard as Faendal led the Blades up to the top of the tower. “All right everyone listen up.” Bartleby shouted. “I want everyone to break up into groups of five. Women and children will go first. I want every man that can swing a sword armed and protecting this school. Any remaining Knight Brothers will follow us into the city where we will hold the line. This day we shall make the dragons wish that they had stayed dead!” With that Bartleby and Shahk led the Blades into Winterhold and the first group of refugees entered the College. Two Nord women and their children looked up at the archway in silent awe. “Is... Is this it then?” One of the women asked. “If we walk through this then we’ll leave Skyrim? Leave Nirn? Are you sure it’s safe?” “Only one way to find out.” Bastian replied. “All of you hold hands and walk through it together. When you get to the other side just stay out until the rest of us get there.” Lielle said handing each woman a crate of supplies. “Talos guide you.” The women exchanged nervous glances. They took their children’s hand and stepped into the light of the archway, vanishing in a burst of light. “Next group!” The top of the tower was outfitted with four ballistae that the Blades had recovered from Dwemer ruins with Bastian’s aid. They had been repaired and armed with bolts the size of spears and were more than capable of bringing down a dragon with a few well-placed shots. It wasn’t Faendal’s favorite weapon, instead preferring the traditional bow of his people but he had to admit, with a weapon like this he could really reach out and touch someone. The Blades split into groups of two, one man to fire the ballista and one to reload. “A storm is coming in.” A Nord said. “Over the mountains. Look.” He pointed and Faendal could indeed see white snow clouds pouring over the mountains and moving towards Winterhold in an unnatural manner. “Those are not clouds.” Faendal said. “The dragons are upon us!” No sooner had Faendal finished speaking, a pair of dragons appeared from the clouds, their bronze scales glinting in the moonlight. They roared as they flapped their massive wings and sent a gust of wind that chilled the Blades atop of the College of Winterhold. Behind them flew a dozen more of their lesser kin, their eyes full of malice and hunger. “Gods!” A Knight Brother yelled. “I’ve never seen so many at once!” “To your stations!” Faendal yelled over the storm. “Aim for their chest and their wings! Knock them from the sky!” The Blades fired their ballistae and arrows met flame and frost over the Winterhold. The bolts buried into a few of the dragons chests and immediately sent them tumbling down the cliffs below. One of the bronze dragons flew through the volley, the arrows bouncing harmlessly off of its scales. A blast of flames to rival the fires of Oblivion burned the air above the Blade’s heads and the frigid night air of Winterhold turned became sweltering. Savos Aren and Mirabelle Ervine acted quickly and put up a shield of magical energy above their heads, blocking the bulk of the assault. “We will protect you from their flames!” Savos yelled. “Just keep firing and bring those monsters down!” “If you insist!” Faendal replied. Down in the city below, Bartleby and the rest of the Blades engaged the draugr with an overwhelming ferocity. Draugr after draugr fell beneath Shahk’s hammer and Bartleby was a whirlwind of steel as he lashed out with sword and axe. Colette, a master of the restoration school of magic set draugr alight with a flame so bright it rivaled the sun. Faralda, a master of destruction, created massive rolling balls of flame that crushed every draugr that were unfortunate enough to be caught in their path. The Blades had the advantage but the draugr’s numbers were great; it was as if every one of the walking corpses had risen to heed the call of their dragon masters. “There are too many of them!” A Knight Brother yelled. “We have to fall back!” “Hold your ground!” Bartleby shouted. “If they get past us it’s all over! Just give Bastian and the others more time!” A shadow passed over the Blades followed by a deafening roar. Bartleby’s face paled and he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Most would argue that all dragons sound the same but Bartleby new this roar. It haunted his dreams and kept him up at night. Faendal fired his ballista and sent an arrow into the open mouth of a dragon and down its throat. He laughed as the ballista automatically armed the second arrow and he took aim again. He saw a new figure appear in the night sky, his elf eyes giving him more details than his Nordic companions. He saw the black spines that lined a long body so black it was if it was sculpted from solid darkness. “Gods.” He whispered. Another group disappeared into the portal in flash of light. “How many are left?” Lielle asked. “That’s the last of the women and children sir.” A Knight Brother said. “Shall we begin moving the men?” “Yes, load them up with any supplies we have left and-“ The roar rattled the windows of the Hall of Elements and Bastian felt a wave of doom wash over him. “No!” He shouted. “No! Bartleby!” He extended a hand and his staff snapped into his grasp. “Bastian wait!” Lielle yelled. The mage ignored her and ran out into the courtyard. “Everyone get through the portal now!” Bastian yelled running through the courtyard. “Quickly! Quickly!” “What in oblivion is that?!” A Knight Brother cried as the shadow flew above them. “Alduin.” Bartleby gasped softly. Alduin, the bane of kings, the world eater landed in front of the Blades, his massive form nearly knocking them to their feet. The dragon leered down at the Blades and chuckled darkly. Drey hi lorot tol hi vust filok zey? Did you really think you could escape me? Ignorant fools. I AM AL-DU-IN! First born of Akatosh! Ruler and devourer of this world! This act of defiance will cost you your lives! “You’ll have to get through me first dragon!” Shahk yelled. Arrogant mortals! Vogahriin los vunek! Before you die your spirits will be broken, your pride humbled. Nii los hin kah tol los zok mul do pah zeymah! Another dragon, ancient and grey from the course of time landed behind the Blades. Alduin’s red eyes narrowed and he growled angrily. Paarthurnax! Hi fund yin grut zey zont ko laas tiid? Ahrk Zu’u dreh ful voth lot kah! Alduin roared and the two dragons took to the sky, engaging in a deadly verbal debate the likes of which only the dragons are capable of. Fire rained from the sky and the mountain itself shook from the force of the dragon’s feud. Bastian Bellrend looked up at the sky in awe as the dragons shouted, bit and clawed at each other. Paarthurnax may have been a great deal older than Alduin (technically speaking) but he had had thousands of years of mediation upon High Hrothgar and the way of the voice was proving to be Alduin’s equal. Down below, the draugr were preparing another assault. “We must take this chance!” Bartleby shouted. “Blades fall back to the College!” Bartleby heard no arguments from his men. As they crossed the bridge they met with Bastian. “Bartleby! What in Oblivion is going on?!” “It’s Paarthurnax! He’s bought us a little time. What about the others?” “The last of the survivors have gone through. Everyone who’s leaving has left.” “Then let’s get going!” They ran for the College but were stopped short. Arch-Mage Savos and Master Wizard Mirabelle Ervine stood in the courtyard engaged in battle with a dragon. The dragon breathed a blast of flames that the Arch-Mage blocked with a quick ward spell. Mirabelle sent a blast of frost from her hands and froze one of the dragon’s claws to the ground. Savos acted quickly. With a wave of his hand and a word of arcane power, the dragon’s claw exploded in an eruption of red slush and scales. The dragon roared in agony as the Arch-Mage prepared a final spell. A maelstrom of ice sharper than the finest steel tore the dragon apart, flaying scales and flesh from bone causing drops of frozen blood to rain down like rubies in the courtyard. The dragon let out a final roar and fell to the ground defeated. “Most excellent.” Savos said. “Now then ladies and gentlemen I must insist that you take this time to adjourn to the Hall of Elements.” “You don’t have to tell me twice.” A Knight Brother said. “Go on then.” Bartleby said. “We’re right behind you.” “Boys, I am afraid that Master Wizard Mirabelle and I will not be accompanying you on this journey.” “What?” Bartleby asked. “What are you talking about?” “Someone needs to be on the other side to make sure that the portal closes.” Bastian said. “Arch-Mage I’m willing to make that sacrifice.” “No you damn well aren’t!” Bartleby snapped. “That is unnecessary Mister Bellrend.” Savos said. “You and the other apprentices are fully capable of leading this group with your wisdom. Mirabelle and I no longer have anything left to teach. We are old. Our time is over. A new world is no place for relics like us.” “What about Lielle?” Bastian asked Mirabelle. “The silly girl put up a fight but I… “coerced” her through the portal.” Mirabelle said. “I promised her mother I would keep her safe I have done that. Besides. She has the two of you looking after her. She’ll be fine.” “Are you sure then?” Bartleby asked. A new battalion of draugr was coming up to the bridge, weapons drawn and at the ready. “Yes. We are.” Savos said. “Very well.” Bartleby said. “Bastian, come on. It’s time.” Bastian gave one last look at his teachers. “Thank you.” He said. The college shook violently. Below, a trio of dragons was shouting at the Sea of Ghosts and waves crashed against the pillar of rock that supported the school, threatening to knock it down. “You had better get going.” Savos said. The brothers turned and ran for the Hall of Elements. Wind had knocked the glass from the windows and the well of arcane light in the center was beginning to dim. Bastian grabbed his bag from the floor and stared at the portal. “This is it. This is really it.” He said looking into the light. “Aye. You had better get going.” Bartleby said drawing his sword. “What are you talking about?” Bastian asked. “The Arch-Mage and Master Wizard are powerful but I don’t think that they’ll be able to hold the line by themselves.” “I’m not leaving you!” Bastian said dropping his bag. Bartleby scoffed. “Well then it appears that I’ll have to take a page from Mirabelle’s book.” He laughed. Bartleby grabbed his brother by the front of his robes and dragged him to the portal. “Bartleby don’t!” Bastian yelled in protest. “Don’t you-“ Bartleby shoved his brother into the light and the mage vanished from Nirn forever. Bartleby picked up his brother’s bag and tossed it into the portal after him. “Don’t hate me.” He said. Behind him the entry way to the Hall of Elements exploded and two dragons roared at him from the wreckage. “Well then.” Bartleby said twirling his sword. “Who’s first?” > Strange strangers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VII Wally burst from the water beneath the stream with an unconscious Candy on his back. “H-hold on sis!” He gasped as he swam towards the bank. “I got ya! I got ya!” He collapsed on the muddy bank in a pant. He rolled Candy off of his back and pressed his ear to her chest. “She’s breathing!” He gasped in relief. “You’re breathing! Thank Celestia!” He looked around in desperation. He wasn’t sure where he was. The blast had thrown him into a forest and it looked like a bomb had gone off. Trees were uprooted and thrown about, broken branches stuck from the ground like jagged teeth and the water in the stream was brown from the upset earth. Wally grimaced and looked down at his back right leg. There was a nasty gash and blood was flowing freely. “Oh no!” He gasped. “Oh no!” He rose to his hooves and grimaced in pain. He lifted his leg to keep his weight off of the wound. “Somepony!” He called. “Anypony! Help!” Suddenly, across the stream, Wally spotted a shadowy figure clad in a brown cloak. “Hey!” He called. “We need help!” The figure turned its back and disappeared into the trees. “Hey! Wait!” Wally called. Wally looked down at his unconscious sister. He looked back at the place the figure had been and groaned. “Don’t go nowhere!” He yelled running to the stream. With a grunt of effort, he jumped onto a log and began to make his way across the stream. He made it to the other side and looked around for any sign of the mysterious figure. “Hey!” He yelled. “Are you there? Are you hurt?” He saw a shadow move through the trees. “Hey!” He called after them. He ran into the trees and followed the cloaked figure through the trees. Every time he felt like he was beginning to feel lost the figure would appear again but Wally never managed to get closer than a few yards. He went deeper and deeper into the forest until he began to hear voices. Wally broke into a gallop, running through the trees and ignoring the throbbing pain in his leg. He came to a clearing and gasped at what he saw. Dozens of figures that walked on two legs were walking around. There was a bang and the pony fell backward over a log. “Lielle!” A feminine voice cried. “Thank the nine! Are you injured?” “No. No, I’m fine Esmeralda.” Another feminine voice replied. “Where is your aunt? I thought she was right behind you?” “She was, she… she told me that she was staying and then shoved me into the portal herself.” “Gods...” “Is everyone alright?” Lielle asked. “Yes, we’re fine. Where’s-“ Another bang. Wally peered over the top of the log and saw a large green skinned figure with oil black hair and sharp tusks. He stumbled on the spot and two more armored figures helped him stay on his feet. “Shahk! Are you alright?” “Yeah.” He grunted. “Yeah, I’m fine! Get off of me.” He jerked his arms away from the armored figures and popped his neck. “Gods that was truly an awful feeling. Like I’d been submerged in liquid lightning.” There were more bangs and flashes of light as more and more of those figures began to appear. Many wore heavy suits of armor and all of them wore clothes. Soon there were so many that Wally stopped counting. The forest clearing was now full of two-legged creatures of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Most looked kind of like apes except with much less hair while others looked like bipedal cats and lizards. “Sweet sisters of the sun and moon,” Wally whispered to himself. “They’re ALIENS!” The figure that was identified as Lielle looked around in a panic. “Where are Bastian and Bartleby?” She asked. “I don’t know.” The green one said. “They were right behind me.” As if on cue there was another bang and another one of those things appeared in a burst of light. “DARE!” He yelled as he fell to the ground. A bag appeared out of thin air and landed on his head. Bastian growled in anger and rubbed his head as his eyes watered from pain. “Bastian!” Lielle gasped. “Are you okay?” “Damn you Bartleby!” Bastian roared. “Bastian! What happened?” Shahk asked. Bastian looked around them and took quick note of his surroundings, his eyes darting all around them before settling on his friends. “Bartleby, he... he stayed behind," Bastian said. "He threw me through the portal to stand guard along with Savos and Mirabelle.” The group was quiet. A shadow fell over the green one’s face and he sighed. “Damnit. God dammit! This... this is awful news." Shahk muttered in disbelief. "We need to do a head count. How many made it through the portal?” “I have all of the sick and injured from the Inn with me.” An orange-robed alien said. “How many Blades are here?” The green one said. “Sound off!” Figures dressed in suits of armor made of overlapping steel plates raised their shields and there were several cries of “Aye.” “All of the students made it through,” Lielle said. “Eight hundred and seventy-eight in total.” Bastian sighed looking at their numbers. “I scolded my brother for bringing more people to our camp and we arrived with less than we started out with.” “We’re lucky to have made it all.” An alien with grayish blue skin and pointy ears said. “It could have been a lot worse.” “That only leaves us one question,” Shahk said. “Where in oblivion are we?” They were silent for a moment. Bastian looked around and his eyes fell on the spot where Wally was hiding. Wally’s eyes widened and he ducked down. “I saw something!” Bastian said. “Crap crap crap!” Wally thought. There was the sound of scraping metal as everyone with a weapon drew it. Wally cursed again and clamped his hooves over his mouth. “What was it?!” “A monster?!” “A dragon?!” “No,” Bastian said. “It was not a dragon. It was something else. Something… new.” “I’ll have a look,” Shahk grunted as he hefted his hammer. Wally heard footsteps approaching him. He wanted to run but his leg had gone numb from pain and failed him. He cowered down and tried to make himself as flat as possible and covered his eyes with his hooves. A shadow fell over him and he slowly uncovered his eyes. Standing above him was the massive green creature with black eyes and wicked looking teeth. Every inch of him save for his face was covered in armor and he was holding a huge looking hammer made from a metal the same color as his skin. The creature’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. “Uh…” He looked back at his party. He looked down at Wally. “It… uh…” He turned around and walked back to his group, a dazed look on his face. “Shahk? What is it man, speak!” An armored clad alien said. “It uh… It’s… a green horse.” Shahk said slowly. “THEY KNOW OUR KIND!” Wally gasped in terror. “What?!” A voice chuckled. “Shahk, are you sure that you are not seeing things?” Lielle asked. “You must have hit your head at some point.” “I didn’t hit my head!” Shahk grumbled indignantly. “You have blood on your brow!” “It’s not my blood!” Bastian stepped through his friends and slowly approached the fallen tree. He looked down and Wally Melon and Bastian Bellrend laid eyes on each other for the first time. They stared at each other for a few minutes, both unable to speak either from shock or fear. “Huh.” The alien said looking down at Wally. “That’s… interesting.” He slowly walked back to his friends. “Bastian?” Lielle asked. “What is it?” “Go on then! Tell them! Green horse! Real as you like!” Shahk insisted. “Technically it’s a pony,” Bastian said quietly. “It’s too small to be a horse and too muscular and developed to be a colt.” “What?!” There were stampeding footsteps and soon Wally was surrounded by the aliens. “It really is green!” A figure said through its helmet. “How about that!” “And it’s hair! Look at its hair!” “Why is it wearing clothes?” “Is that a saddle? Maybe there’s a rider nearby?” “If there is he may not have survived. The surge of energy from the gateway devastated this place.” Bastian said looking around. “Oh, it’s hurt.” The orange-robed figure said. “Poor thing.” It knelt down next to him and Wally jerked away in fear, silently hoping that probing was just a rumor. The creature cooed gently to calm him and gently stroked his neck. “Esmeralda,” Lielle said cautiously. “It’s fine.” She said. “What harm could it do? Poor thing looks scared to death.” “It’s okay my little pony,” Esmeralda said. “Don’t be afraid.” Esmeralda’s hand glowed with a golden light. Her hand hovered over Wally’s wound and she said something in a language he couldn’t understand. He gasped and closed his eyes as the pain and fatigue left his body and was replaced by a soothing warmth. He looked down and saw the wound on his leg close and the blood vanished from his coat leaving only a small scar behind. “There you go.” She said. Wally shakily rose to his feet and flexed his leg. “Wow, thanks.” He said. Everyone gasped and horrified looks crossed over the alien’s faces. Esmeralda screamed and fell backward on her butt. Bastian’s brow raised in mild surprise. A heavily armored knight fainted, falling backward with a clatter. “It talks! It talked!” Several people screamed. “By the nine!” Shahk roared. “A talking green pony!” “It really talked Ma!” A little girl said excitedly. “Did you hear it?” Bastian took a cautious step forward and cleared his throat. “D-Did you say…” “Yeah, I said thanks, buddy,” Wally said. “You… you can talk?” Bastian asked. "You can speak?" “Yep. Leg feels good. I appreciate it.” “N-no problem.” Esmeralda said trembling. “Do you have a master?” Bastian asked. “Someone who can help us?” “No one tells me what to do but my momma,” Wally said. “Your-“ Bastian scoffed. “You’re wearing a saddle. Who rode you?” “Oh, this? This was just for my cart.” Wally said. “Don’t suppose I’ll need it now, though.” “Look,” Bastian said. “My name is Bastian Bellrend. We don’t wish to cause any harm. We just need help. We have sick and wounded here. Is there somewhere you can take us to find help?” “The name’s Wally Melon. There’s a town nearby but how do I know this isn’t some kind of alien trick?” Wally said suspiciously. “I assure you, we are not Daedra. This isn’t a trick.” Bastian said. “What-dra?” Wally asked. “D-Daedra?” Bastian said. “Immortal beings of Oblivion? They… torment mortals?” “Hm...” Wally said. He walked around Bastian and inspected him and his group. They didn’t look dangerous. Sure, they were armed to the teeth with weapons but they looked more scared and confused than anything. “Promise?” He asked. “I promise.” “Shake on it,” Wally said extending a hoof. Bastian clasped the hoof in his and shook it, surprised that had been so easy. “Great. Well if you’d like I can take you guys into town.” “We can’t move everyone at once. There are too many that are injured. The other healers and I can keep them stabilized until you can send help.” Esmeralda said. “I’ll come with you,” Lielle said. “That isn’t necessary,” Bastian said. “You stay here and make sure these people are taken care of. Shahk, as of now, you are acting Captain of the Blades. Maintain a perimeter around the party at all times until I return with help.” Bastian said. “You can count on us,” Shahk said. “But are you sure you want to go alone?” “These people need you more than I do. I can handle myself. Besides, I don’t think that… pony has ever seen anything like us before. There’s no telling what inhabitants dwell in this world and seeing a small army of alien creatures with weapons might send the wrong idea.” Bastian replied. “Look, I have a sister I need to check on," Wally said impatiently. "In hindsight leaving her alone on the bank of the river might not have been the best move. If you’re ready, we need to get moving.” “Yes, I’m ready," Bastian said picking up his bag. "Be careful." Lielle urged him. "I'll be fine," Bastian said adjusting his bags straps. "Just don't let your guard down just yet." Bastian turned to the pony and nodded. "Lead on." > Dirty Salsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VIII “Candy? Candy?” Wally said gently shaking his sister. She was still where he left her on the bank of the river, lying in the mud like a discarded doll. Her mane was a tangled mess of twigs and leaves and her coat was covered in mud. Bastian knelt down next to her and checked for a pulse. “Her pulse is a little weak.” He said. “She may have a concussion.” “Can you do that alien glowing hand thing?” Wally asked. “No. I’m not a healer. Not like Esmeralda.” Bastian said reaching into his knapsack. “But I have something that might do the trick.” He pulled a small glass bottle filled with a red mixture out of his bag and shook it up. He uncorked it, sniffed it contents and wrinkled his nose. “Should be fine.” He thought. “You’ll want to hold her nose.” “What is that? Some kind of secret alien remedy?” Wally asked as he plugged his sisters nostrils shut. “Sure.” Bastian said tipping the mixture of ground up dragonflies and bird’s eggs into Candy’s mouth. He held her muzzle shut so her unconscious body would swallow the foul smelling mixture and a few seconds later Candy’s eyes shot open and she gagged at the foul taste that pervaded her mouth. Wally burst into relieved laughter as Candy spluttered and looked up at him. “Wally? What’s goin’ on? Why does my mouth taste like a hen laid a rotten egg in it?” “Glad to see that old potion still had some life in it.” Bastian said. Candy turned around and gasped at the strange looking creature behind her. “W-wally? What’s going on?” “Candy, this is my new buddy. He’s an alien!” “W-what?” “He’s an alien and he needs our help to ensure the survival of his people!” Wally said dramatically. Candy turned back to Bastian stared at him incredulously. He could only sigh and shrug. “Really?” She asked. “I suppose I am, yes.” Bastian replied. “You’re brother has agreed to take me to the nearest town for help. Don’t be afraid. We have no desire to fight or make war. We come in peace.” “See?!” Wally said. “Total alien!” “Really?” She asked again, her tone of disbelief rising. “Uh-huh! Uh-huh!” Wally said with his eyes full of excitement. Candy looked to Bastian and back to her brother and then back to Bastian. “Uh… Nice to meet you?” She said uncertainly. Bastian held up an awkward hand in greeting. “Where did you come from?” Candy asked. “I don’t see a ship or anything.” “It’s kind of hard to explain.” Bastian said slipping the empty bottle back into his bag. “We have a lot of sick and injured with us. I’ll explain on the way but we really must get moving.” They climbed the slope that led back onto the main road. While a small section of the Everfree Forest had been destroyed by the portal, the rolling fields of the Equestrian heartlands had been spared any serious damage. Wally spotted his cart a few yards from the main road and trotted over to it to inspect the damage. Unfortunately, it didn’t survive its flight. The wagon’s wheels were sundered, a few planks were missing from its sides and the whole thing was covered in watermelon juice. “Dang. I guess we’re hoofing it.” Candy said. “Sorry about your cart Wally.” “Forget the cart!” Wally cried. “What about my melons?!” Candy nearly fell over in disbelief. “Is that what you’re worried about?!” She barked. “Our cart is trashed and everything of any real value has been destroyed and you’re worried about your melons?!” Wally fell to a sitting position and sobbed into his hooves. Bastian and Candy exchanged awkward glances. Bastian cleared his throat and stepped forward. “I-I’m sorry about your… melons.” Bastian said. “But we should really get moving.” “Kay.” Wally said tears and sobs ending abruptly. Wally hummed whimsically to himself as he and his sister walked down the dirt road with their strange new friend. The sun was high in the late afternoon sky and Bastian was beginning to sweat through his fur lined robes. Though the two ponies had been more or less friendly towards the young mage, he refused to let his guard down. Along with the Wabbajack on his back, he carried his magic staff clasped firmly in his dominate hand and his other hand hovered next to a small hand crossbow he kept on his belt. The past few years of his life had been filled with terror and if the two strange creatures in front of him suddenly turned into flesh eating Daedra he wasn’t going to go down without a fight. “So what kind of alien is a Bastian anyway?” Wally asked abruptly interrupting Bastian’s thoughts. The sudden address startled the mage and his hand twitched towards his crossbow. Bastian had been running through every single plane of Oblivion he had ever read about but was coming up with nothing. The only place he could think of that might have talking ponies was the Shivering Isles and he knew for a fact that it didn’t look like this. But what did that matter? Daedric Princes could manipulate their worlds however they like. One moment it could look like a bright beautiful countryside and the next the ground could be spraying blood while Scamps pranced about in frilly skirts, a sight not unseen by the mage in his travels. “I am not a Bastian, my name is Bastian.” He replied. “Ah! So what kind of alien are you then?” Wally asked. “Do you have cool super powers? Can you fly and leap tall buildings in a single bound?” “Can I what? N-no. I’m a human.” Bastian replied. “What about ice-breath? Heat vision? Super strength?” “No. Nothing like that. I’m a wizard. I study magic.” “Oh cool! Like a unicorn?” Wally asked. Bastian didn’t understand the question. He had read about unicorns before; that they were guardians of nature and powerful magical beings of good. He wasn’t sure in what way he resembled such a creature never mind the obvious. “Er, no.” He said. “Like a… like a wizard.” “Don’t pay Wally any mind.” Candy said. “He reads a lot of comic books.” “Do you like comic books?” Wally asked. “I just got the new issue of Knight Stallion and it is awesome!” “What books?” “Comic books! You know like Bat Mane, Wonder Mare, and Super Stallion?” Wally began tossing comic books to Bastian from his saddle bag. Bastian caught them and inspected the covers. He noted that while he and the ponies shared a common spoken tongue, this wasn’t the case with their written language and the symbols that made up the words in the largely illustrated book were completely different from any language he had seen on Nirn. The books contained pictures of costumed ponies posing heroically and fighting other costumed ponies, most of which looked completely deranged. “We… don’t have these where I am from.” Bastian said. “Aw that’s a bummer man. Guess you haven’t seen the new X-pony movie have you?” “No.” Bastian said handing the comics back and not bothering to ask what an X-Pony or a movie was. “So if you’re not from Equestria where are you and your people from?” Candy asked. “Skyrim. It’s, well, it was a province of Tamriel.” Bastian replied. “Never heard of it.” Candy said. “How’d ya’ll get here?” “As I said it’s a long story.” Bastian said. “Are we almost there?” “Yeah we should be coming up on Ponyville now.” Wally said. “Ponyville?” Bastian asked. “Yeah. It’s a small farmin’ village in the middle of Equestria. Our cousin Apple Jack lives there.” Candy explained. “Wally’s lookin’ to buy his own land and I’m visitin’ for the summer. Do you have any brothers or cousins?” The filly asked. “Not anymore.” Bastian muttered. “We’re here!” Wally said in a sing song voice. They were standing on top of a hill and the village of Ponyville lied below. Ponyville was large, as big as any of the cities of Skyrim though it lacked a wall. Thatch roofed houses lined the city streets, vaguely reminding Bastian of Whiterun. Beyond Ponyville Bastian could see rolling farmlands and a large apple orchard. “Wow!” Candy said. “It’s so pretty!” “Come on!” Wally said. “We need to find somepony to help you guys right?” “Yes of course.” Bastian nodded. “You lead I’ll follow.” Back in Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight and her friends were still reeling from the initial explosion. “What in Equestria was that?” Rainbow Dash asked lowering her hooves from her ears. “Pinkie Pie I told you to leave that party cannon a’ yours at home!” Applejack said rubbing the spots from her eyes. Hey don’t look at me!” Pinkie said defensively. “If I could make a bang that big I’d tell you about it! I’d be proud to make a bang that big!” “It sounded like it came from the Everfree Forest!” Twilight said. “Come on girls, we gotta check it out!” The five of them broke into a full gallop (or flight in Rainbow Dash’s case) towards Ponyville leaving Fluttershy trembling underneath the picnic table. Rainbow flew back and grabbed the yellow Pegasus in her hooves. “Come on.” She said impatiently. The village of Ponyville was in a state of pandemonium. Vending carts had been overturned in the confusion and fruits and vegetables littered the ground as ponies ran rampant in sheer terror. Mayor Mare stood in front of town hall desperately trying to restore order but her cries were in vain. “Everypony please!” She pleaded. “Try to remain calm!” “Mayor what in Equestria is going on?!” Twilight asked as she and her friends galloped up to the Mayor. “I wish I knew Ms. Sparkle! Everything was fine this morning until there was this mysterious flash of white light and an explosion! The ponies are panicking and I just can’t get them to calm down!” The Mayor explained. Behind Twilight, Pinkie Pie slid past on her stomach with her mouth open trying to catch any intact morsels. As she slid by the group Applejack stuck her hoof out and stopped her in her tracks. “Quit it.” She said sternly “I’ll take care of it mayor.” Twilight said. “-like yer covered in foal food.” “It’s just fruit salad!” The purple unicorn’s horn glowed with magical energy and a glowing bullhorn appeared in front of her mouth, willed into existence by her spell. She cleared her throat and spoke into it in a calm professional manner. “Citizens of Ponyville please remain calm! We’ll get to the bottom of this but I need everypony to behave in a mature manner until the issue is resolved!” Twilight’s speech had about as much effect as the mayor’s cries for order. The ponies continued carrying on as if the world was ending, paying the purple unicorn no mind at all. It was here that a panicking stallion backed into a cart and disengaged its brake sending the cart rolling down the street towards a small foal that was playing in the mush. “Oh no!” Applejack cried. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled. “On it!” The sky blue Pegasus pony became a blur of movement as she zigzagged through the crowd across the town square. She grabbed the foal in her hooves and pulled up into the sky just as the cart crashed into the building the foal had been in front of. Rainbow Dash landed with sighed of relief as the foal gurgled happily on her back clapping its hooves together. A mare ran up Rainbow Dash and grabbed the baby off of her back. “Oh thank you!” The mare cried. “Thank you!” “No problem!” Rainbow Dash said as she proudly puffed out her chest. The foal giggled and brushed a hoof against Rainbow’s face smudging her cheek in mushed food. “ENOUGH!” Twilight Sparkle bellowed through the bullhorn. Somewhere a needle scratched on a record and everypony in town square froze in place. “I know that you’re all scared but just look at yourselves!” Twilight said. “You’re freaking out because of some weird explosion but you’re the ones causing all of the damage! Everypony please remain calm and return to your homes. My friends and I will get to the bottom of this but we can’t if we’re worrying about everypony here tearing the town apart!” Fear gave way to shame and the citizen’s eyes fell to their hooves, unable to look Twilight and the mayor in the eye. Meekly, they muttered apologies under their breath and made their way back to their homes with their loved ones. Twilight sighed in frustration and rubbed her head with a hoof. Across the town square Applejack spotted a familiar face crossing the bridge into town. She held a hoof up to her brow and gasped. “Wally Melon is that you?” She called. Wally waved to his cousin and his party approached her. “Cousin Applejack!” He said as they embraced. “It’s been ages! It’s great to see you again!” “Yeah it sure is Wally.” Applejack said mentally thanking Celestia that he wasn’t wearing a super hero costume like the last time she saw him. And no, it wasn’t Nightmare Night. “Hey there.” Applejack said kneeling down to candy. “You must be Candy. We’ve never really met but I’m your cousin Applejack!” “Nice to meet you.” Candy said shyly. “What are you guys doing here?” AJ asked. “I wasn’t expecting ya’ll till much later on.” “I left a little earlier than I planned.” Wally said. “I just couldn’t wait to see you guys again. I hope that’s okay.” “Aw shucks Wally that’s fine.” AJ said. “I was just concerned is all. There was some kind of explosion outside of town and I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to ya’ll on yer way to town. Gals these are my cousins Candy and Wally Melon. These here are my friends Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike.” “And I’m Mayor Mare.” The mayor said. “Applejack told me that you were moving to Ponyville. It’s a pleasure to meet another member of the Apple Family. I’m sorry for the mess. Ponyville isn’t always in such a state.” “It’s okay Miss Mayor. I love salsa!” “What’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously flying above Bastian. “It looks like a monkey though I’ve never seen one like this before.” Twilight said stepping forward. “Is it some kind of pet of yours?” Bastian’s eyebrows furrowed. “Actually it’s not a monkey.” Fluttershy said before Bastian had the chance to speak. “It lacks a tail meaning it must be some kind of an ape.” “And what are those awful rags it’s wearing?” Rarity asked in horror. “Wally I know we have only just met but if you insist on dressing your pet you could at least pick some decent clothes!” “Uh… Hello.” Bastian said uncomfortably. The six ponies gasped and staggered back from him. The mayor’s eyes widened and fainted on the spot. “I-I-I-It talks! It talked!” Rainbow Dash stammered nearly falling to the ground. “Sweet Celestia! It’s a talkin’ gorilla!” Applejack cried. “AWESOME!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Oh my gosh this is so amazing! I’ve never met a talking gorilla before!” Fluttershy gushed. “He’s not a gorilla guys he’s a Bastian.” Wally said. “No dammit, I’m not-“ Fluttershy began zooming around Bastian examining him. “What kind of creature is a Bastian? Where are you from? Oh my goodness this is so amazing! A whole new species!” Squee! “I think there has been a mistake.” Bastian said. “I’m not a gorilla or a monkey or a Bastian. I’m a human and my name is Bastian Bellrend. I met your cousin Wally in the forest.” “The forest?” Twilight asked. “Do you mean Everfree Forest? Do you know anything about the explosion from earlier?” “Yes, I think that was us. I can’t explain right now but I promise I will answer all your questions. We have sick and injured and your cousin brought me here to find help.” “Oh there are more of you?” Fluttershy asked excitedly. “About eleven score.” Bastian nodded. “Is there some authority figure like a Jarl or a Duke I can speak with?” “I think you broke the Mayor buddy.” Wally said. “Sure is a lot of fainting happening today…” “Sick and injured back in the forest? Everfree Forest?” Twilight asked nervously. “I guess so?” “Everfree Forest is home to some of the most dangerous magical creatures in Equestria!” Twilight said. “Ohhhhhhhh…. Yeah didn’t think about that. Sorry buddy!” Wally grimaced. “We have to get your friends out of there!” Twilight said. “The monsters of Everfree are bad enough on a normal day but there’s no telling what they’ll do if their home has been disturbed!” As if on cue, a terrifying roar echoed from the forest. Bastian felt his blood turn to ice as the color drained from his face. He cursed and jumped onto Wally’s back. “Hey what gives?!” Wally yelled. “Shut up and run!” Bastian barked back at him. “Kay!” Wally broke into a gallop into Ponyville. “Other way!” Bastian roared. “Kay!” Wally speed past the mares on the bridge and ran down the path towards Everfree Forest, his hooves kicking up dust on the dirt road as he galloped. He gasped in pain as he felt Bastian’s boots dig into his sides. “Hey! Cut it- Ow! Why are you kicking me?!” Wally yelled. “To make you go faster!” “Why would you do that?! Just tell me to go faster!” Bastian growled in annoyance. He felt like a fool. He left his sick and injured companions alone in an alien world he knew nothing about. The Blades could handle themselves against the worst that Skyrim had to offer but they weren’t in Skyrim any more. There was no telling what dangers dwelled in this land. He didn’t know if the gods could hear him here. The past few years had put serious strain on what little faith he had but he prayed to whatever force was out there that his companions were safe and he hadn’t simply led them into a new nightmare. > Rotten luck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IX- Rotten Luck Have you ever had a bad day? I mean like, a REALLY bad day? As if the universe itself was conspiring against you? Sure you have. Everyone has a day like that every once in a while and if you haven’t had one recently, watch yourself because that just means you’re overdue for one and odds are the day will try to make up for lost time. That’s the kind of day Meadow Sweet was having. The day began just like any other. The Earth pony woke up like she did every morning, crawled out of her tent, and had a breakfast of porridge with milk and dried berries with her fellow Everfree Rangers. A Pegasus with a dark purple mane and sky blue coat named Whisper Wind, and a unicorn with a snow white coat and blonde mane named Summer Shudder, but the instant she left their campsite it all went downhill. Her run of bad luck started when she went to tend to a call of nature. She tripped over an exposed tree root and landed face first into a cluster of poison joke that she was sure wasn't there the day before. The foliage of Everfree had a habit of moving around, of growing, vanishing, and re-growing as if on a whim. It wasn't the first time the forest had played a practical joke on her and it wouldn't be the last. Mumbling angrily under her breath, she returned to camp covered from head to hoof in blue bumps the size of gum drops. Her companions shook with laughter as she retrieved the tube of salve they kept in their medical kit for just such emergencies. “Yeah yeah.” She said unscrewing the cap. “Laugh it up.” She turned the tube upside down and gave it a squeeze. Instead of giving her a generous hoof-ful of soothing salve, the tube sneezed a pitiful amount of air into her hoof. Her companions laughed even harder. “If you like I can try to freeze the bumps off?” Summer Shudder offered. “Fine.” Meadow sighed dropping the tube back into the first aid kit. “Just get it over with.” Summer Shudder’s horn began to glow an icy blue and a few of the bumps on Meadow’s cream colored coat froze over. “Did it work?” Meadow asked. The ice cracked and fell away revealing two larger bumps underneath. “Oh my!” Summer Shudder chuckled behind a hoof as Meadow moaned. “I guess now they’re cold sores.” “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Meadow growled. Whisper Wind flexed his wings and motioned his head towards the path that led to the main road and eventually Ponyville. Meadow Sweet sighed and shook her head. “No it’s okay.” She said. “It wasn’t that big of a patch. These will be gone by the end of the day… I hope…” Whisper Wind raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m sure.” Meadow Sweet said. “Thanks anyway Whisp. Let’s just get to work.” The mute Pegasus shrugged and the three split off to tend to their usual rounds in the forest. As rangers it was their duty to keep a watchful eye on Everfree Forest. While it was true that the ponies of Equestria couldn’t tame the wilds of Everfree that didn’t mean they couldn’t make sure the creatures that lived there behaved themselves and didn’t attack anypony that traveled the roads along the forest’s edge. It was a dangerous but rewarding job that kept Meadow in the forest eight months out of the year but she wouldn’t trade it for the world, even on days like this. Her run of bad luck didn’t end with the swan dive into the patch of poison joke. When she went to check on a pack of timber wolves that had recently claimed a vacant cave as their own, she stepped on an ink cap mushroom and got the bottom of her legs covered in black spores that while not deadly, wouldn’t come out without scalding hot water and a vigorous scrubbing. Grumbling and cursing to herself, Meadow made her way to another section of the forest, keeping a careful eye on the ground, watching out for anymore roots and ink caps. Unfortunately, this caused her to miss the hornet’s nest that was hanging from a low branch. Her ranger training had conditioned her to travel noiselessly through the forest but that went out the window as she galloped through the trees and the hornet’s stingers began to burrow into her body like red hot needles. She spotted a stream up ahead and with a grunt of effort jumped in without a second thought. The hornets hovered above the water for about a minute, waiting for her to resurface then flew away to rebuild their home. Meadow Sweet quickly resurfaced gasping for breath. She groaned and shook her gold colored mane which was now a soaked and tangled rat’s nest. According to the position of the sun it was midday and she and her rangers would be meeting back at camp for lunch. She swam out of the water and began the long walk back to camp, limping along the way. “Ow… Ow… Ow…” Summer Shudder and Whisper Wind’s eyes widened when they saw the blue bumped, ink splattered, sting riddled body of their friend stagger into camp. They sat there in open mouthed silence as their friend hobbled over to her stump and sat down in front of the fire without a word of explanation. Summer was the first to break the silence. “Celestia’s crown Meadow!” Summer said as she began using magic to pull stingers from her friend’s body. “What happened to you?” “I’m pretty sure this forest is trying to kill me.” Meadow said wincing as each inch long stinger was pulled from her body. Whisper grimaced at her and extended Meadow a cup of her favorite herbal tea. “Thanks.” She said taking a sip from her cup. “So how did your patrols go? Did anything unusual happen?” “I’ve been sensing a lot of magical disturbances.” Summer said. “Magical disturbances?” Meadow repeated. “Yes. At first I thought I was imagining it. They started out small but have grown exponentially all day, each one lasting no more than a second.” Summer said. “I’m not sure what could be causing them. I’m going to meet with a few other unicorns from the other groups and see if we can try to triangulate their source.” “Could it be dangerous? Do you need us to come?” Meadow asked. “Thanks but that won’t necessary.” Summer said shaking her head. “It could be nothing, just the natural magical energies of the forest fluctuating. If it is something dangerous then-“ Suddenly, Summer Shudder’s ice blue eyes widened and the hairs on the back of her neck seemed to visibly rise. Meadow started to ask her what was wrong but stopped when she heard a faint rattling sound. She looked down at her cup of tea she had set down on the ground and saw that the amber liquid inside was shaking. “What’s-“ There was a flash of brilliant white light, a deafening explosion and Meadow’s world went black. -The Pony Scrolls- Meadow wasn’t sure how long she had been out. The first thing she noticed when she awoke was that she was surrounded by a thick dome of ice. The second thing was that Summer Shudder was lying unconscious a few feet away. The mare dropped next to her friend and shook her. “Oh no, Summer! Summer, wake up!” Meadow pleaded. Suddenly a knocking sound came from the other side of the ice. Meadow gently set Summer down and approached the side of the dome that the knocking came from. “Whisper!” She called. “Is that you?” There was a single knock. “Summer is unconscious!” Meadow cried. “Can you get us out of here?” There was a pause followed by another single knock. “Hurry!” Outside, Whisper Wind turned around and began to buck the ice with his hooves. He slammed over and over again, cracking the ice a little more with each strike. Finally the ice gave way and formed a small hole just big enough for Meadow to wiggle out of. “Help me get Summer out of there!” Meadow said. Whisper nodded and the two made the hole bigger. Once it was big enough Meadow dropped down and pulled Summer out. Summer groaned and opened her eyes. She gasped at the sight of their devastated campsite and sat up. “Oh, what happened?” She asked. “That’s what I’d like to know.” Meadow said Whisper hovered in front of them and began rapidly moving his hooves around. “Whoa, slow down!” Meadow said. Whisper Wind gave a muted sigh and began again, this time at a slower pace, telling her of the flash of light and a massive explosion and that he had just regained consciousness himself. “It must have been the magical fluctuations.” Summer said standing up and surveying the damage. “Could they have really done something like this?” Meadow asked. “I suppose it’s possible.” Summer said uncertainly. “But honestly I can’t be sure. But what do we do now?” “We… We have to regroup.” Meadow said. “Make contact with the other rangers and make sure they’re okay. The closest group would be Silver Stride’s to the north. Let’s get-“ The earth pony paused. Her friends were no longer looking at her. Their eyes were wide in fright and they were staring at something behind her. “Wh-What?” She asked nervously. Whisper slowly raised a hoof and pointed behind her. Hesitantly, Meadow turned around and gasped at what she saw. There was some kind of… creature moving through the trees. It was transparent and wispy, like some kind of ghost and even though it was as long and as tall as a train car, the creature moved without making a sound. It had a segmented tail that curved above its torso and two massive, three pointed pincers at the front of its body. Despite rumors and legends, the rangers new for a fact that while Everfree forest was home to some truly bizarre creatures, it wasn’t haunted, yet as they watched this apparition pass by them without so much as a glance they could not put a name to it. “W-what the hay is that thing?” Meadow wondered aloud. The creature glanced at their direction and the ponies’ heart’s leapt into their throats. The creature clicked a pincer but paid them no mind. Rather, it seemed to look through them as if they weren’t there. It moved past the remnants of the ranger’s campsite as if with a purpose but what exactly they couldn’t say. “What’s it doing?” Summer asked nervously. Whisper shook his head. Suddenly the creature began jerking around wildly, lashing out with its pincers and tail as if fighting some invisible enemy. After a moment of this the creature went limp, fell to the ground and vanished. Meadow exchanged nervous glances with her fellow Rangers. “Seriously, what the buck is going on here?” Meadow said. The ground began to shake underneath them. Meadow and Summer hopped onto a fallen log and Whisper took the air. “What’s happening?!” Meadow shouted. An ancient and dented pincer burst from the soil, showering the area around it with dirt and rocks. There was a metallic groaning sound unlike any the ponies had ever heard as the creature began to pull itself from the ground like a monster from a late night horror movie. It looked like the creature they had just seen but it was… older? Could that be the word used to describe such a sight? Its dull, dented body was covered in dirt and pieces of it were actually missing. Its tail ripped itself free from the ground and the thing seemed to change; the dents didn’t pop out, rather it just seemed to suddenly not be dented any more. The dullness was suddenly replaced by a glossy shine and the sun glinted off of the creature’s oil black body. In the blink of an eye, the three Everfree Rangers found themselves staring at a creature that had not been seen in Equestria in millennia, though they had no way of knowing what the beast before them was, let alone what it was capable of. At a glance the creature looked a lot like a scorpion but to Meadow the beast resembled a scorpion in the same manner a puppy resembles a rabid werewolf. The creature made a strange clicking sound, turned, and looked at the ponies. As Meadow stared into the single red glowing orb in the center of what she assumed was its face, she had no doubt in her mind that this time, the creature took notice of the three Everfree Rangers. “Oh pony feathers…” It clicked its pincers rapidly and charged the ponies with surprising speed. Meadow and Summer jumped from their perch just as the monster’s gigantic stinger rammed into the tree trunk and split it in half like a maul through firewood with a loud crack. Meadow kicked out with her hind legs and hit the creature in its side as hard as she could while Summer sent a blast of cold energy from her horn. The creature didn’t even seem to notice the assault. It pulled its stinger free from the ground and shook away dirt and bits of wood. Let’s see… Meadow thought dodging a sweeping blow from the monster’s pincers. Fall into a patch of poison oak? Check. Step on an ink cap? Check. Wear a hornet’s nest as a hat? Check. Nearly drown? Check. Get eaten by a giant scorpion monster? Check. As I said today just wasn’t Meadow Sweet’s day, and just when she thought that it couldn’t possibly get any worse, a two legged monster with dark green skin and tusks jutting from its mouth burst from the trees on the western side of the clearing with a terrifying roar, clad in heavy armor and brandishing a massive war hammer. This is the worst birthday ever. Meadow thought. > Monsters vs Aliens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter X- Monsters vs Aliens Bastian felt like a fool. It was not because of the fact that he, a full grown man in his twenties was riding a tiny green pony with his knees nearly touching his chin. No, that realization would come later. He felt like a fool because he left the people he had been spending the past several years of his life trying to protect alone in an unknown alien world. If something happened to them their blood would be on his hands. Surely whatever he dragged them into couldn’t be worse than an immortal, soul eating dragon right? Right? Bastian couldn’t say. It had been a very odd day, which brings us back to the little green pony that was carrying the mage on his back. “There! Turn there!” Bastian said pointing with his staff. “Kay!” Wally nodded and veered off to the left. He jumped down the slope and slid in the mud on the bank of the little river with Twilight and the others right behind them. “Where are your friends?” Twilight panted as Bastian dismounted Wally. “There, just across the river.” Bastian said. Another roar pierced the forest and the ponies gasped. “W-what was that?” Fluttershy whimpered. “I’ve never heard anything like it!” “I have.” Bastian said. “What is it? Is it something dangerous?” Twilight asked nervously. “Oh yes.” Bastian said. “Very.” Across the river came the sound of splintering wood. Two trees fell away and a massive, scorpion-like creature slid down the incline with Shahk the Orc clinging onto its back, roaring in rage. Clenched in the monster’s left claw, a Knight Brother struggled to escape. The creature shook its body trying to cast off its green assailant but to no avail. Behind them came the rest of the Blades, Meadow Sweet, Whisper Wind, Summer Shudder and what seemed to be a dozen new Everfree Rangers. The Blades had their weapons drawn and ready, hesitantly circling around the creature trying to find a spot to strike that wasn’t completely covered in armor. “W-what the hay is THAT thing?!” Rainbow Dash stammered. Twilight’s eyes widened and she balked at the sight of the monster. She felt her blood run cold. “I-It’s a Serket! It’s a Serket!” Twilight exclaimed. “I’ve read about them in the Canterlot archives. They’re a race of creatures that lived in Equestria thousands of years ago. But they’re supposed to be extinct!” “Not ta undermine yer studies Twi, but that don’t seem to be the case here.” Applejack said as the creature snapped its free pincer at a Khajiit warrior. “Whatever happens, we CAN’T let that thing out of the forest.” Twilight said. “Ponyville, maybe all of Equestria would be in danger! We have to stop it!” “I’ve written fanfics like this…” Wally whispered excitedly. “Then let’s go!” Bastian said. With a wave of his hand, a section of the river froze over, forming a makeshift bridge. “You said you didn’t have super powers!” Wally exclaimed. “Wally, let it go.” Applejack said as they ran across the bridge. “Kay!” “Woo-hoo!” Pinkie cheered as she slid across the ice. Across the river, the Serket rose as high as it could on its legs and shook itself violently, finally casting Shahk off of its back and sending the Orc rolling along the ground. “Release me you devil!” The Knight Brother shouted slamming his mace along the creature’s claw. The Serket held him in front of its face, almost as if it was studying the new life form quizzically. The Nord spat in the Serket’s face and the creature’s eye narrowed. It then began to squeeze the Nord in retaliation, its pincers sharper than any razor. The Nord screamed in pain as the claws cut through his armor and into his flesh. Just as he thought he heard Sovngarde beckon him, there was a blur of pink and a loud clang as something landed on the Serket’s head. “Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie!” The pink pony said kneeling down to the captive Nord. “This is so neat! I’ve never seen so many aliens in one place before, well except for at my family’s rock farm at night when everypony else is asleep.” She began to bounce up and down on the Serket’s head and the Nord stared in bewilderment. “They used to come by every other week or so and just hover there in the air above the northern field. They didn’t do anything; they just sort of hung out. Ha ha! Get it? Hung out? Anyway, one night I go out there and I’m like, “Listen buddy, if you guys are going to just fly there and gawk at our rocks, I’m going to have to start charging you!” Never saw them again after that. Say, you guys haven’t been out by the Pie Farm have you?” The Serket aimed his free claw over its head and fired three green tentacle-like appendages out of his claw. They wrapped themselves around Pinkie Pie and lifted her into the air. “No Serket-Dono! Yamate!” Pinkie cried. “This IS my fanfic!” Wally exclaimed. A Dunmer clad in leather armor darted forward and leapt into the air. There was a flash of steel as his sword cut into the binds that held Pinkie Pie. He grabbed her in midair and the two landed in the mud behind the Serket. However, the Dunmer seemed to forget just how heavy ponies are and when they landed, was immediately crushed under a mass of pink. “Arigato!” Pinkie said hopping off of the Dunmer. The Serket howled in pain, a horrible noise that sounded like a metallic screech. It released his grasp on the Nord who fell to the ground and quickly scrambled away. His brothers were quick to launch a counter attack. They charged forward and lashed out with their weapons, wildly striking it over and over again. Rainbow Dash teamed up with a pair of Pegasus ponies that included Whisper Wind and began an aerial assault. They flew high into the air and came straight down on the Serket’s back, gaining blinding speed and letting out a fierce battle cry that even the Nords would later admit was pretty impressive. Applejack, Wally and Meadow Sweet charged and bucked the creature with their hooves as hard as they could nearly knocking the creature over as Twilight sent a volley of magical energy bolts over their heads and Summer Shudder sent a continuous blast of cold energy from her horn. Bastian complemented their assault by doing what he did best; using his environment to his advantage. Tree limbs and large rocks littered the ground and using telekinesis he lifted them into the air and sent them flying at the Serket, each strike dazing it and allowing the warriors to continue their attack. Though they gave it their best effort, the combined assault seemed to do little more than anger the Serket. The Serket’s pincers clasped and it swung its tail in a wide arc, knocking several Blades down and sending a glob of green goo flying through the air. It met with a large rock that Bastian had thrown and melted it almost instantly. “Oh how marvelous!” Heciri said as another projectile of acid sailed over his head. “It spits acid now! Would anyone care to aggravate it further and see what else it can do?” “I have something that can aggravate it.” Faendal said from his perch in a tree. The Bosmer was hanging upside down from a tree limb, arrow nocked and ready to fire. Though the Serket’s movements were jerky and erratic, the Bosmer’s golden brown eyes followed them effortlessly. He let out a slow breath to steady his aim and fired his arrow. The Dwemer arrow whistled through the air like a bottle rocket, leaving a smoke trail behind it. Faendal’s eyes widened as the arrow that had been specially designed to puncture dragon scales bounced off of the Serket’s body and flew into a tree before bursting into flames. The Serket took notice of the attack, grabbed a large stone in one of its pincers, and hurled the rock at Faendal with the force of a cannon ball. The Bosmer dropped from his perch with a cry and rolled along the ground as the rock shattered against the tree and sent the limb tumbling to the ground with a thunderous crack. “Well…” The Bosmer said. “That’s not good.” The Serket then turned its attention to Bastian. Bastian brought up a shield of magical energy just as one of the Serket’s claws jabbed out at him. The force of the attack knocked Bastian off balance broke his concentration. The Serket seized the chance to lash out with its other claw, intending to gore the young Breton on its pincers. “I got ya buddy!” Wally cried out. The earth pony pulled a watermelon out of a pouch on his vest. Just how the melon could fit, no one could say. He threw it into the air, jumped after it, bit through it and landed in front of Bastian. Wally inhaled a lungful of air and began spitting seeds with the force of a machine gun. The seeds hit the creature’s eye and caused it to roar in anger and pain. It covered its face with one of its pincers and swung the other one in front of it trying to strike the pony down. “Better move!” Wally said. “That thing looks really mad now!” He grabbed the back of Bastian’s robes in his mouth and jumped away as the Serket’s stinger drove into the earth. “Wally!” Applejack cried. “How in Equestria did you do that?!” “Easy AJ!” Wally said letting Bastian unceremoniously plop into the mud. “For the past few years I have been studying under Grand Master Shen (gong), leader of Grand Master Shen’s dojo of the martial arts and dry cleaning back home! Under his tutelage I can concentrate all of my ki, or life energy if you will, into a single point, such as one of my hooves, or in this case, my mouth. Using this technique I fired a barrage of seeds from my melon and struck the monster right in his gross squishy eye, allowing me to jump in and save the day!” “Y-you did what now?” Applejack asked. “I spit seeds at ‘im!” Wally declared. “But you hurt it.” Bastian said standing up. “Your attack got through!” “Uh, duh? Armored bosses weakness is like, almost always the eye.” Wally said. “So you knew this and didn’t say anything?” Bastian asked angrily. “Didn’t realize you needed me to tell you how to fight monsters, buddy.” Wally said. Heciri snorted. “Thanks.” Bastian said growled. “Don’t mention it buddy!” “J’Dado!” Shahk yelled. The Serket’s tail struck a Pegasus that flew a little too low and sent it spiraling to the ground. “Get your fuzzy ass down here and help us kill this damned thing!” A Khajiit wearing a suit of leather armor with dozens of pouches on the vest and a thick fur collar sat in a tree high above the fighting. “This one is fine up here muthsera!” J’Dado called from the relative safety of his tree. “Do not worry about J’Dado! This one has total faith in you!” “If you don’t get down here right now I’ll skin you alive and use your tail as a belt!” Shahk roared. “Now that it just unnecessary!” “It seems the moons blessed me with the courage as well as the looks brother!” J’Zargo said sending a blast of flames at the Serket from his palms. “Just focus on keeping Ubaarji safe huh?” The fur collar on J’Dado’s vest moved at the mention of its name. It was a small tabby cat with yellow eyes and a small scar on its left ear. It yawned, stretched and looked up at her brother quizzically. “It’s fine little sister, go back to sleep.” He said stroking her head. The cat looked down at the fight below, yawned again and curled back up against her brother’s neck. “We can’t keep fighting it like this!” Bastian said. “We’re just going to tire ourselves out!” “None of our attacks are even hurting it!” Lielle said. “What are we supposed to do?” “It’s not invulnerable.” Bastian said. “Wally injured it by attacking the eye and when Resven cut those tentacles with his sword it cried out in pain. I think its body is just armor. There’s something inside of that creature. Something we can destroy. We just have to find a way to penetrate its defenses.” “Easier said than done.” Haala said. “Nothing has worked. Fire, frost, lightning! Even acid!” “My illusions haven’t affected it either.” Heciri said. “I can’t charm it, calm it or even send it into a frenzy to make mistakes. I’ve been able to make it strike phantom targets but that’s all.” “If we don’t bring this varmint down, our friends in Ponyville won’t stand a chance.” Applejack said stomping a hoof to the ground. “What-ville?” Lielle asked. “Now wait just a minute!” Fluttershy exclaimed in horror. “Are you talking about- about killing it?!” The pony whispered the “k-word” as if it was the ultimate taboo. “Fluttershy, this isn’t an animal having a temper tantrum.” Twilight explained. “The Serket were, well, are a race of creatures that went to war with the Alicorns a long time ago. The archives didn’t say much because even the Alicorns didn’t know much about them. They just sort of appeared. They’re evil and given the chance this thing would destroy everything in its path.” “Five of my men have already fallen to the beast.” Shahk said. “I’ll be damned to Oblivion before I lose another.” “My baby sister is in Ponyville Ms. Fluttershy.” Wally said seriously. “I’m not letting that monster anywhere near her. If we have to destroy that thing to keep her and everypony else safe then that’s what we’ll have to do.” “And Sweetie Belle!” Rarity said. “All of our friends and family are in danger if we can’t stop this thing.” Twilight said. “But- but-“ “Haala, before I left Winterhold to get the heart did you say you were working on the ray of disintegration spell?” Bastian asked. “Ray of disintegration?” Twilight asked. “It’s exactly what it sounds like.” Haala said. “Sounds awesome!” Wally said. “It’s an extremely powerful and complicated spell.” Haala said. “Yes I was studying it, but I’m not sure if I can pull that off Bas. There’s something… wrong here. I feel more drained than I should, like my magicka isn’t returning to me, at least not as fast as it should.” “I know.” Bastian said. “I feel it too. But we have to bring this thing down. We did not come all this way just to be destroyed by another monster in another world. Lielle, give whatever magicka potions you have left to Haala. We’ll draw its attention while you gather your energy. Heciri, can I count on you to give us support?” “I’ve been carrying all of you for the past several years. Why stop now?” He asked. “If you’re sure Bastian.” Haala said. “We may only get one shot at this.” “Then don’t miss.” Bastian said. “When you’re ready, I might know a spell that can hold it in place giving you chance to a chance to-“ Twilight took a glance at a distraught Fluttershy. “-to do what you need to do.” “Let’s not waste any more time then.” Bastian said. Golden flames appeared in Heciri’s hands. “Well?” He asked. “What are we waiting for?” They ran to meet their opponent for the second time. Rarity and Pinkie Pie served as distractions, jumping around and dodging the Serket’s attacks while the warriors flanked and the mages bombarded the Serket with spells. “Yoo-hoo!” Rarity called out waving her tail. “Over he-ere!” The Serket swung and she ducked down. “Oh! Watch the mane!” She snapped. “I realize we are fighting but that’s no excuse for rudeness!” A lightning bolt struck the beasts side and Shahk slammed his hammer into it. Pinkie Pie giggled as she jumped around making faces at the creature which only served to increase the Serket’s frustration. A fire ball struck the top of its tail and exploded on impact, staggering the creature and allowing a Nord to actually drive his sword into a crease in its armored hide. The Serket hissed and scuttled backwards away from the warriors, showing fear for the first time since the battle began. “Faendal! Multiply!” Lielle said. The Bosmer nodded and fired a single arrow straight up into the air. Lielle cast a spell and the sky darkened as one arrow became twenty. They all rained down on the Serket, each one exploding on impact with its body. “Almost ready!” Haala said. The Dunmer was surrounded by several glowing red arcane symbols, bathing her in a harsh red light. Her eyes glowed and sweat dripped down her brow as she pushed her body further than she ever had before. She was past the point of no return now. The spell would destroy something. Whether she was about to destroy the monster or herself, she did not know. Twilight’s horn glowed as she began to cast her containment spell. She had never used it on such a large creature before and she wasn’t sure if it would work. A field of magical energy appeared around the Serket’s legs, holding it in place. The Unicorn’s horn sparked in resistance and she gritted her teeth against the strain as the Serket fought back. The immobilized Serket flung its tail and sent a blob of acid towards the Unicorn. “Twilight!” Rainbow yelled. “I can hold it!” Twilight said not realizing what her friend meant. Rainbow Dash kicked off from the ground and flew towards her friend and scooped her into the air, the ground exploding in a pool of acid a second later. Twilight’s spell broke and the Serket took its chance. It charged forward and barreled past the warriors, heading straight for the wizards, straight for the first target it could see. “Lielle!” Bastian yelled running to her. “No!” Heciri cried. Lielle screamed. There was a sound of ripping cloth and tearing flesh. Lielle fell backwards and looked up as the Serket’s tail pierced Bastian’s chest. Blood pooled the ground. “Gods no!” Lielle cried tears streaming down her face. The Serket lifted its tail into the air and flung Bastian to the ground with a slam. There was a burst of light and all that remained was a pile of glowing dust and Bastian’s cloak. “A- A mirage?” Lielle gasped. Bastian appeared behind the creature. Using the last bit of magicka he had left in him, he sent a continuous blast of lightning from his hands, shocking the creature into submission. Lielle, thinking quickly, conjured thick sticky spider webs at the creatures feet while Twilight quickly resumed her containment field and Faendal begin firing arrow after arrow at the Serket, each one sending magical ropes snaking along its body and tying it down. “Haala!” Bastian yelled. “Do it now!” Haala pointed a single finger at the Serket and fired her spell. Her robes billowed behind her as a ray of blood red energy sprang forth from her fingertip, flew past the mages and hit the Serket in the center of its exposed eye. The Serket let out a final ear splitting shriek that overpowered the hollow explosion that came from within its shell as its body disintegrated. The creature crumbled to ash. It was over. > The Story So Far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XI- The Story So Far The remains of the Serket beast smoldered on the ground as the people of Tamriel and the ponies of Equus cautiously gathered around it. Though the innards of the creature had been reduced to a fine black ash, the exoskeleton was remarkably intact, appearing as if it might spring back to life at any moment. “Is it- is it dead then?” Meadow Sweet asked nervously. Shahk kicked a pincer with his foot and a stream of ash spilled out from the hole where the creature’s eye used to be. “Yeah I’d say so.” The Orc said. He snorted and spat on the creature’s remains in disdain. Lielle, satisfied that it was safe, turned and looked to Bastian. The Breton’s flesh was paler than usual and beads of sweat ran down his brow. “Are you okay?” She asked. “Yeah.” He panted. “No. Damn it, I burned up more magicka than I planned. How’s Haala?” Lielle’s head jerked to where their friend had been standing. The Dunmer had collapsed on the ground several yards away. Lielle gasped and ran over to her, nearly slipping in the mud with Bastian right behind her. “Haala!” Lielle cried turning the Dunmer over. “Haala answer me! Wake up!” The Dunmer’s red eyes opened slowly. “Am- Am I dead?” She asked. “Am I dead?” Lielle scoffed and smiled. “No. You did it! You blasted that thing straight back to Oblivion.” Lielle said. “Huh.” Haala said closing her eyes. “I was hoping to use that spell on a dragon. This works too I suppose.” “Is she okay?” Twilight asked as she and her friends approached them. “She’s exhausted but she will recover. Thank you for the assistance.” Bastian replied. “Shoot, we should be thankin’ ya’ll.” Applejack said. “Why, without yer help, there ain’t no tellin’ what that thing woulda done to our town.” “That stuff you guys did was pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash admitted folding her hooves across her chest. “I mean, I softened it up for ya, but you guys held your own.” The Serkets tail fell backwards with a clang and the Pegasus pony jumped back with a yelp of surprise. “Pretty cool?!” Wally exclaimed as Rainbow’s friends chuckled. “When a snack machine gives you an extra pack of fruit snacks, THAT’S pretty cool! They were amazing! The monster was like “ROAR! ACID TAIL!” and they were all like “LIGHTNING HANDS!” “Sorry to cut the celebrating short but we still have a lot of sick and wounded, along with whoever was injured in the fight.” Bastian said. “You’re right.” Twilight said. “Where are they?” The ponies were led a little deeper into the forest where a detachment of Blades stood guard over the sick and the wounded. The Blades quickly readied their weapons at the sound of crunching twigs but sighed in relief at the sight of Shahk and the others. Esmeralda ran up to them looking worried. “Bastian!” She exclaimed. “What happened? There was some kind of monster and-“ “I know.” He said cutting her off gently. “It’s been dealt with. How is everyone?” “Not good.” The Redguard replied. “Ulvar’s fever has returned and Baird’s stitches have reopened.” “Wow.” Twilight said observing the hundreds of frightened aliens. “You weren’t kidding.” “I’ll say!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “This IS serious! I didn’t bring nearly enough lollipops!” “A lot of them can’t walk.” Esmeralda said, her brown eyes moving over the new ponies that accompanied Bastian. “I- I don’t know how we can move them all.” “I think I can help you there.” Twilight said. The Unicorn’s horn glowed and vines and pieces of bark rose into the air. In a few short moments, a stack of make shift stretchers appeared on the ground near Esmeralda. “You’ll have to teach me that one.” Esmeralda said smiling. “I’d be happy to but I’m not sure how it would work without a horn.” “All right everyone.” Shahk said grabbing two stretchers in each hand. “Let’s get moving.” The Blades quickly went to work and soon Twilight was leading the several hundred refugees of Tamriel out of Everfree forest and towards Ponyville. “Uh, you guys are sure you aren’t invaders right?” She asked Bastian mostly joking. “After that bout with that monster I don’t think we have much fight left in us. Except perhaps Shahk.” Bastian replied. “Don’t worry little one.” Shahk said with a wink. “I like ponies.” “Not for dinner right?” Twilight chuckled nervously examining the massive creature’s green skin and sharp tusks. Okay, time to stop talking now. She thought. “So who exactly are you guys?” Rainbow asked Meadow Sweet. “We’re Everfree Rangers.” The mare replied. “We keep an eye on the forest and make sure the creatures that make it their home behave themselves.” “You mean ya’ll can tame those varmints?” Applejack asked. “I don’t think that “tame” is the right word.” Summer said. “We just make sure that the creatures more or less behave themselves and stay out the civilized parts of Equestria.” “So where the hay were you guys when we were going after the elements of harmony and trying to stop Nightmare Moon last year?” Rainbow asked. Silver Stride, a tall Unicorn with a gold mane and silver coat scoffed quietly. “Well with a rampaging spirit tearing through the forest and spreading its evil influence everywhere, we had our own problems.” He said. Rainbow Dash scowled at him. “Fair enough ah guess.” Applejack said. “I must say, those cloaks you wear are rather dashing.” Rarity said. “It’s the latest design from Canterlot.” Silver said flexing his shoulders and letting the cloak flow freely. “They are made from a special light weight, fast drying, temperature controlled fabric. It can also become a makeshift shelter with some rope.” “How interesting!” Rarity said batting her eyelashes. Rainbow Dash and Whisper Wind rolled their eyes in unison. Considering the size of their group, they made excellent time to Ponyville, most of the Nords were capable of keeping up with the ponies trot at a light jog even in their heavy armor and carrying their injured comrades. Haala, who was still weak from her spell, was riding on Wally’s back. “I appreciate it.” She said. “No problem buddy!” Wally said cheerfully. Straggling behind Twilight and her group, Fluttershy walked alone, head low to the ground. She couldn’t get the image of the Serket out of her mind. The red light, the sound it made when they killed it, it was too much. Twilight looked behind her and noticed the yellow Pegasus falling behind. Twilight fell back and approached her. “Fluttershy?” She asked softly. “Are you okay?” “No.” She mumbled quietly. “No, Twilight I’m not okay. What happened back there… it was awful.” “I know Fluttershy and I’m sorry it had to be that way.” Twilight said placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “But that creature couldn’t be reasoned with. It would have hurt us and everyone else.” “I know that, really I do.” Fluttershy said. “It’s just…” The Pegasus looked up at her friend, her soft sad face framed by a pink mane, her cyan eyes wet with tears. “I’m so good with the critters in Ponyville I should have been able to help that Serket. I didn’t want anypony to get hurt, but I didn’t want it to- to-“ She choked back a sob as tears welled up in her eyes. She ran ahead of Twilight towards Ponyville, leaving the others behind without another word. “Fluttershy! Hey!” Rainbow Dash said rising into the air. “Where are you going?” “Let her go Rainbow.” Twilight said. “She needs to be alone right now. There’s nothing we can do for her.” Rainbow Dash scowled at Twilight and looked like she was about to take off after her friend but paused. She grimaced and lowered back to the ground with a defeated sigh. “She’ll be okay.” Twilight told her friend confidently. Rainbow nodded solemnly. Further down the caravan, Pinkie Pie glanced over her shoulder and spotted a little Nord girl of maybe six or seven, walking behind her mother and clutching onto her mother’s dress as the woman carried a baby in her arms and large bag on her back. The little girl stared at the pink mare with wide blue eyes filled with timid curiosity. Pinkie Pie turned away and then looked back, eyes crossed and tongue hanging out. “Bleh!” The little girl smiled and clung tightly to her mother’s clothes. “There it is.” Twilight said as they reached the top of a hill. “Ponyville!” “Ponyville?” Shahk asked Bastian in a whisper. “Is that really what it’s called? She’s not making that up?” “Yes.” Bastian said. “And I believe it was said that the country is Equestria.” “You’re pulling my leg.” Shahk snorted. “Behave yourself Shahk.” Lielle said. “And they might just let us stay.” “Do you think they have any food?” A Nord asked. “Would they serve it on a plate or will we have to strap feed bags to our mouths?” Heciri asked dryly. “Shut it!” Lielle hissed at the Altmer. As they got closer, Bastian thought it would be best if the others stayed behind once again, letting only himself, Lielle, Shahk, the wounded and those necessary to carry them into town for aid. Twilight quickly agreed. After the way the ponies freaked out earlier, who knows what they would do if a small army of aliens marched into town wielding lightning bolts and swords. They crossed the bridge and found the mayor pacing back and forth nervously in the spot they had left her in. Standing next to her and looking thoroughly annoyed by the pacing, jabbering mare was Spike. “Mayor? We’re back.” Twilight said. The mare gasped at the new creatures accompanying Twilight and nearly looked like she was ready to faint again. “Twilight!” Spike cried in relief as he ran up to her. “T-Twilight!” The mayor gasped. “Thank goodness you all are alright! What happened?!” “Everything’s fine mayor.” Twilight said rubbing a hoof on Spike’s scaly head as he embraced her. “Crisis averted!” The mayor sighed in relief. “That’s fantastic news! But, um, just what, er who exactly are these… things?” “These are, uh, well…” Twilight wasn’t sure exactly how to describe the circumstances that brought the Nirnic people to Equestria, or even what exactly those circumstances were. “These are guests. They helped us in Everfree.” She said finally. “A lot of them are injured and are in need of medical assistance.” “Oh! Oh of course!” The Mayor said. “I’ll alert the emergency services at once.” Suddenly, the sound of trumpets filled the air. Twilight and the Mayor gasped in unison. “What? What is it?” Rarity asked. “Oh no!” Twilight cried. “Not now! It’s the princesses!” She looked up to the sky and then back down to the state of disarray that Ponyville was in. The streets and many of the buildings of Ponyville were still covered in smashed fruits and vegetables, the remains of several merchant stalls and a single goat eating from an over turned apple cart. “Quick! Everypony! Grab a broom! Pinkie! Eat the salsa!” “Yay!” “You! Blue wizard guy!” “My name is Bastian…” “Whatever! You gotta help us clean this mess up!” Twilight exclaimed. “Uh, there is still the matter of our injured companions to- “They can help too!” Baaaaa! “GET OUT OF HERE!” Twilight bellowed at the goat. The goat ignored the Unicorn and took another bite from an apple. The trumpets grew louder and a pair of carriages appeared from the clouds. One was gold and white, pulled by a tandem of armored white Pegasus ponies. The other carriage was black and purple and pulled by creatures similar to the Pegasi pulling the white carriage save for their gray coats and fleshy featherless wings. Twilight watched in horror as the carriages landed in town square. The fanfare ceased. The Princesses had arrived. The goat swallowed. -The Pony Scrolls- Princess Celestia and Princess Luna surveyed the town of Ponyville in silence. Celestia had a subtle look of bewilderment on her face as the goat wandered past her and began to munch on a mostly intact head of lettuce. Princess Luna’s eyes narrowed almost suspiciously at the group of ponies before her, who seemed to have become immobilized. Twilight quickly dropped down onto her front legs and bowed before the two royal Alicorns, her friends quickly following suit. “Hello Twilight.” Princess Celestia said pleasantly. “I… hope this isn’t a bad time.” “Oh! Not at all your majesty!” Twilight said nervously. She walked around and stood in front of the goat smiling awkwardly, as if trying to hide its presence from the Alicorns. “What, uh, what bring you to Ponyville?” She asked. “We sensed a magical disturbance coming from Everfree Forest.” Luna said coldly. “Whatever it was must have been powerful indeed for its echoes to reach out to us in Canterlot. We are here to investigate. Who is this with you? We do not recognize them.” “This? Uh, this is Wally! He’s Applejack’s cousin!” “Not the stallion.” Luna said eyeing the Unicorn with a chilling gaze. “The creatures behind you that stand on two legs and do not bow in the presence of royalty. Twilight turned and looked at Bastian in a panic, realizing just how little she actually knew about them. Sure, she knew that she’d have to bring them before the Princesses eventually but not that bloody afternoon. She made a choking noise in her throat that Bastian was familiar with. It was the sound of someone drowning on dry land and he quickly came to her aid. “Your highness,” He said with a proper bow. “My name is Bastian Bellrend of Skyrim. Forgive our rudeness. The events that have transpired in the past few hours have left us a bit flustered. My people come to you humbly asking for aid in our most dire hour.” “Skyrim? We are not familiar with this land.” Luna said. “Sister?” Celestia approached the wizard. “Rise Mister Bellrend.” She said. “I have not heard of your home and I would ask just what exactly happened here this afternoon.” “And I will gladly answer your highness, as well within my ability to do so. However, those you see standing behind me are injured, defending your lands from an enemy that sought destruction.” “Oh really?” Celestia asked. “And what enemy was that?” “Princess Celestia, there was a Serket in Everfree Forest.” Twilight said. The Princesses eyes grew wide. “We will discuss this matter in private. Mr. Melon? I would also like to hear your side of things. Mayor Mare? Meadow Sweet?” Celestia asked. “Yes your majesty!” Meadow said, surprised to hear the Princess address her by name. “Arrange for those that are injured to receive medical attention immediately. Twilight, I would appreciate it if you and your friends would join my sister and I for afternoon tea. We came over in such a rush we did not get the chance to enjoy lunch.” Celestia said. “Y-yes your majesty!” Twilight said with another little bow. “And Mister Bellrend, I know you must be concerned for your friends but if I give you my word that they will be taken care of, would you please join us as well? We would very much like to know the roll you and you’re people have played in this.” Celestia asked. “It would be an honor your majesty.” The mage replied with a bow. “If you would allow me a moment to confer with my companions I would be happy to join you.” Celestia nodded and Bastian approached the Nords. “I’m… taking afternoon tea with a winged Unicorn princess.” He said. “That’s nice.” Shahk said gruffly. “What about my men?” “They are going to see to everyone’s injuries.” Bastian replied. “Bastian, is this a good idea?” Lielle asked. “We don’t have many options at this point Lielle.” Bastian said wearily. “The rulers of this land have requested an audience and I think it’s within our best interests to oblige them. They have given me their word that our wounded will be taken care of.” “And you’ll just take them at their word?” Shahk asked. “Of course not.” Bastian replied. “But so far no one we have met has shown us any ill intent. I can only hope their rulers are as hospitable.” He bid them farewell and walked back to the Princesses and Twilight’s band of mares. “What do you think?” Lielle asked Shahk as Bastian and the ponies walked away. The Orc grunted. “You Bretons basically invented politics right? Should be fine.” “Bas is half Nord Shahk.” “…” “Should be fine.” He grunted again. “Assuming of course that these ponies don’t have a taste for the flesh of Men and Mer.” Lielle groaned internally. Princess Celestia led the band of ponies and he lone human down the street. “I wonder sister, if Sugar Cube Corner would be willing to cater us on such short notice.” Celestia mused. Luna said nothing as they approached the bakery. Bastian was eerily reminded of a story he had heard as a child about a pair of orphans that were lured into a Hag Raven’s home that was made from sweets and devoured by the witch inside but he kept silent on the matter. Celestia’s horn glowed brightly as opened the door and held it open for her party, the bell jingling merrily over their heads. The ponies thanked her profusely as they stepped inside and were greeted by the sweet scent of baked goods. “Just a moment!” Mrs. Cake called from the back room. She and her husband appeared a moment later. “Sorry.” She said. “We’re still trying to get everything settled after that scene in town earlier- OH MY!” She cried at the sight of not one, but two royal princesses in her store. The two ponies quickly bowed at the Princesses hooves. “Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Celestia said smiling kindly at them. “I’m terribly sorry to just barge in unannounced but I was wondering if we could borrow your parlor for a late lunch.” “Oh of course! It would be our honor your majesty!” Mr. Cake said. “Let us just grab a few extra chairs! Can we get you anything in particular?” “Tea would be lovely.” Celestia said. “And if you have any of that cake that was served at the Grand Galloping Gala, I would forever be in your debt.” “Yes of course!” Mr. Cake said nodding so hard the Princess was afraid his head might fall off. “Please follow me!” Mrs. Cake said. She held the door open for them, smiling at each of them as they entered the parlor, her jaw dropping slightly at the sight of Bastian as he passed her. The parlor of Sugar Cube Corner was small and homey with just enough room to sit them all comfortably at a round table. In just a few minutes, plates containing small crumpets, a whole cake and a tea set had been placed on the table in front of them along with plates and utensils. “How do you take your tea dear?” Mrs. Cake asked Bastian as she poured his tea. “Oh, er, white. Thank you.” He said. She smiled oddly at him, probably trying to put a name to whatever species he was as she poured milk into his tea cup. "Pardon me but aren't you and Mr. Cake expecting a child?" Celestia asked as Mrs. Cake poured her tea. "Oh! Uh, yes!" The mare stammered. "Yes we are!" "You both must be very excited." Celestia said. "Yes! Very nervous, er I mean, excited!" Mr. Cake said. "Congratulations." Luna said sipping from her tea cup. "Thank you you're majesty!" “If you wouldn’t mind Mr. and Mrs. Cake, we had some things we would wish to discuss in private.” Celestia said. “Of course your majesty.” Mr. Cake said. “If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask!” “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Celestia smiled. The Cakes bowed again and left the parlor. There was an uncomfortable silence in the moments that followed, Wally being the only one oblivious to it. He sat there eyeing his crumpet in the same way that Luna was eyeing Bastian across the table; with mild curiosity and obvious suspicion. The green stallion shrugged, took a large SLUUUUURP of tea and began to chow down on the little tea cakes. Applejack nudged him in the ribs, causing him to choke. She shot him a dirty look and he got the message, swallowing nervously. “Now, now that we have refreshments, we would very much like to know what happened here this afternoon.” Celestia said. “From the beginning please. Twilight?” And so, Twilight told the Princesses her side of the story, with Wally filling in the blanks were he could, about the explosion, the arrival of the “aliens” and the appearance of the Serket. “I don’t understand, I thought that Serkets were extinct?” Twilight asked. “They are.” Celestia said. “At least to the extent of our knowledge.” “They were driven away in the only war our race had ever seen.” Luna said. “But this was long before we were ever born.” “Goodness!” Rarity said in shock. “If that is the case, how could one have survived?” “It’s entirely possible that our arrival might have had something to do with it.” Bastian said. “The technology we used is almost completely alien to us and its side effects unpredictable. I am sorry for any trouble we may have caused.” “You used technology that you did not fully understand?” Luna asked. “We were out of options.” Bastian replied. “There is no need for apologies Mister Bellrend.” Celestia said. “You and your people helped us in our time of need. If that Serket had managed to escape, you really have no idea the damage it could have done. For this we thank you. However, there is still the question of how exactly you got here and what it is you are seeking.” “Well, your majesties, it is a very, very long story and even though I have lived it, I still don’t really know where it begins.” “Take your time.” Celestia said patiently taking another bite of cake. “Tell us what you can.” Bastian wasn’t sure what was happening to him as he stared at the royal sisters. As he gazed at them he felt something he had not felt in he didn’t know how long. Peace. A calming serenity spread through his body like a hearth fire after a long night in the snow. He didn’t know where it was coming from. Maybe the Princesses were using some subtle sorcery against him to pacify him. Regardless, whatever it was Bastian was thankful for it. It gave him enough resolve to begin his story. “We come from another world. A place called Nirn.” Bastian began. “A few years ago an ancient prophecy came to pass that spelled the destruction of our world. The return of the dragons.” Neither Princess said a word. Bastian took it as a sign to continue. “When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world, when the Brass Tower walks and time is reshaped, when the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles, when the Dragonborn ruler loses his throne and the White Tower falls, when the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless and bleeding, the World-Eater wakes, and the wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn. This was the prophecy foretold thousands of years ago detailing the return of Alduin the World-Eater, first born of Akatosh, the dragon god of time. It was Alduin’s role in creation to destroy our world to make way for the new one.” “So you came here to escape the destruction?” Celestia asked. “Yes but not intentionally.” Bastian said. “We combined ancient technology and magic to create a gateway to another world but had no way to control where exactly it would send us.” “To reach out blindly for safety you must have been desperate indeed.” Luna commented. “As I said, we were out of options at that point.” Bastian replied. “Was there no hope at all?” Celestia asked. “Nothing you could do?” Bastian said nothing. He stared into the steaming liquid in his tea cup. The steam turned to smoke before his eyes and for just a second he was back in Skyrim, watching his world collapse in a burning hellscape before his eyes. He blinked the vision of destruction away and looked back to the Princesses. “There was hope for us in the beginning.” He finally said. “The final part of the prophecy, the wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn. The Dragonborn, much like the dragons themselves, was thought to be nothing more than a myth. The Dragonborn was a mortal born with the blood and soul of a dragon and the only mortal that the dragons feared, the only one capable of defeating Alduin. After the dragons attacked, the Last Dragonborn was revealed to be among us. He drew his sword, united to long disbanded dragon hunters known as the Blades and took the fight to Alduin himself. We fought so hard for so long, slaying the dragons where we could find them but ultimately his efforts were in vain. On the peak of High Hrothgar, the throat of the world, the Dragonborn met his end at the claws of Alduin himself.” “From that day forward we were at the mercy of the dragons. They do not know death as mortals do, the very notion of death being literally incomprehensible to them. The Dragonborn was the only one capable of destroying them for good. With his death our last hope for survival died with him. The second dragon war raged. Countless villages burned, thousands were enslaved and even more died each one feeding Alduin’s ravenous hunger in Sovngarde, the world of the dead. Some became so desperate that they turned to us, the mages at the College of Winterhold for help. Using the assets at our disposal we were eventually able to construct a gateway from our world to yours. It was a one way trip and we were not sure what waited for us on the other side but whatever it was, it had to be better than the alternative. That is what brings us before you today. With nowhere else to turn we humbly place ourselves at your mercy seeking asylum in this foreign land. We have lost… everything. Our homes. Our land. Our families. They took everything from us. I have lost entire graveyards of friends and companions, both of my brothers, my school and my masters. Nothing remains but ashes.” The Ponies stared at Bastian forlornly. Rarity’s eyes welled with tears and Pinkie’s lip trembled. The ponies weren’t quite expecting things to get so… real. Princess Luna’s aloof expression had softened slightly and Celestia’s head tilted forward sadly. “I am truly sorry that the experiences that brought you before us today have been so terrible.” Celestia said lifting her head and looking to Bastian. “Your plight has moved me Bastian Bellrend and if it is safety you and your people seek within our borders, we welcome you with open arms. Bastian Bellrend of Skyrim, we welcome you to Equestria.” > Welcome to the Herd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XII- Welcome to the Herd Lielle? “Huh- wha?” A mental “ping” roused the young girl from her slumber. She sat up on the bench she was lying on and rubbed the sleep from her burning eyes. Though there were no torches to speak off, the lights in the ceiling were absurdly bright and Lielle had to blink the spots away before she could properly see her surroundings. The hallways of Ponyville General Hospital were as busy as they had been when she arrived, with mares and stallions running around, all wearing white coats and hats as they did their best to tend to the sick and wounded races of Nirn. She had been helping them, along with Esmerelda and her fellow healers. Lielle had just sat down for a few minutes and must have fallen asleep. She spotted Shahk leaning against the wall by the bench. His forehead was bandaged and his arms were folded over his hammer and across his chest. “Hey there.” He grunted. “Don’t know how you fell asleep with all this racket.” “How long was I out?” Lielle asked blearily as she ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t know.” The Orc shrugged his massive shoulders. “About fifteen minutes?” She grimaced and clenched her head as another “ping” echoed through her subconscious. Lielle? “You all right?” Shahk asked. “Yeah.” She muttered rubbing her temples. “Bastian is trying to reach out to me. Be quiet for a second.” She closed her eyes and focused just as Bastian had taught her. She thought of only him, not just of his face but his essence. How the room felt when he was in it. The hospital suddenly became silent as all other noise ceased. Bastian? Is that you? “Who else could it be?” He replied. He heard her scoff in his head. He stood in the doorway of Sugar Cube Corner, watching Twilight and her friends speak with the Princesses on the street ahead of him. Ponies were beginning to tentatively peer out from their homes and shops, curious to see what was going on. “I’ve spoken with the princesses. They are allowing us to stay.” He said. “That’s great!” Lielle exclaimed. “How is everyone?” “We’re all fine here. They call this place Ponyville General Hospital. It’ a place of healing similar to a temple but it doesn’t seem to be a religious institution. There are physicians here doing what they can for us but considering that they’ve never even SEEN creatures like us before-” “I understand. How is it looking?” Bastian asked. “Several are gangrenous and will require amputations.” Lielle replied. “They have whole teams of surgeons working on them now. Esmeralda and the other healers are helping their doctors treat the diseased. They’ve managed to take the edge off of those suffering from rockjoint but they aren’t using magic of any kind that I can see or even potions.” “Interesting.” The mage said thoughtfully. “But I just wanted to check in. I’m going to see what we can do about the others. I’ll come for you all when I know what we are supposed to do from here.” “Okay. But Bastian?” “What is it?” “Things are going to be better now, right?” She asked cautiously. “I mean, we made it. Everything’s going to be okay?” Bastian stared at Twilight and her friends as they talked with the Princesses by the fountain in the middle of town square. “… Yeah. Yeah I think so.” He replied. The mage broke the mental link he shared with Lielle. There were hoof falls behind him. He turned his head and saw the Cakes looking at him in curiously. “Good day.” Bastian said bowing his head. “And thank you for the tea.” “Uh don’t mention it?” Mr. Cake said grinning awkwardly. "Any time." Mrs. Cake said kindly. Bastian smiled politely, stepped out onto the street and approached the ponies. “Your majesties.” He said addressing the Princesses. “There is still the matter of the rest of my people to discuss.” “Yes, we were just speaking about that.” Celestia said with a smile. “And I think that Miss Pinkie Pie has come up with an excellent idea.” “Right!” The Pinkie pony said with a bounce. “Since all of you are new here and you’ve all been through so-so much, I was thinking what better way to welcome you all to Equestria than a super huge welcome-to-Equestria-congratulations-for-surviving-the-apocalypse-party!” “A- a party?” Bastian repeated. “Well I- I guess we could do that if you really wanted to but honestly it isn’t necessary to go to so much trouble.” “No trouble at all!” Pinkie declared. “Parties are my business and I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, will make it my solemn vow that the party that will be held on this day, will the biggest, bestest, most amazing party that any Bastian man, woman, or child has ever seen!” “We’re not- We’re not all called- “You go and get your people Bastian Prime!” Pinkie said taking the mage’s hand in her hooves. “And I promise, neigh, I PINKIE promise that this day will bring smiles to all of the heartbroken Bastians of your homeland! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” With that, the pink pony galloped into Sugar Cube Corner, determined to make good on her promise. Bastian was dumbfounded. He blinked and turned to the other ponies, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Just to- Just to clarify once more.” He said. “We are not all called Bastian.” “I’m sure that it is a name unique to you.” Celestia smiled. “In the meantime Miss Pie will need time to prepare. Twilight will tell the mayor to address the town while you go and collect your people. My sister and I will take our leave now Twilight. I would appreciate it if you would bring Bastian to Canterlot tomorrow to discuss the matter of his people's citizenship in more detail.” “Of course.” Twilight said with a bow. "You can count on me Princess!" “Thank you your highness.” Bastian said. “Until tomorrow Mister Bellrend.” Celestia said nodding her head. Bastian bowed again and the princesses boarded their chariots. The Pegasus ponies took to the skies and flew away, vanishing into the clouds in a matter of seconds. “So uh, why do they have those chariots?” Wally asked Twilight. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “The princesses? Why do they have those chariots? They have wings. Why do they have chariots pulled by Pegasus ponies if they have their own wings?” “Wally they are the royal sisters! They’re princesses!” Rarity said. “You don’t expect them to fly themselves everywhere do you?” “I would!” Wally cried. “If I had wings my hooves would never touch the ground again!” “I like the way you think.” Rainbow said nudging him in the side. Twilight shook her head and turned to Bastian. “You go and gather your friends.” She said. “Spike, Mayor Mare must still be up at the hospital. Send her a message telling her to meet us in the town hall.” “On it!” The baby dragon said. He withdrew a roll of parchment and a quill from behind his back and began to scribble away. “Bastian it might be a good idea to hang back a bit before you bring everyone into town. Wait just outside the bridge and we’ll come for you once the Mayor has had the chance to inform the other ponies.” Twilight said. “That might be best yes.” Bastian nodded. Spike finished writing his message. He rolled the scroll up and breathed a thin jet of green flames from his mouth. The scroll glowed as it was enveloped in the magical fire and then it vanished in a puff of smoke. Bastian’s hand went to his crossbow but he didn’t draw it right away. “You… You breathe fire?” Bastian asked cautiously. “Uh, yeah?” Spike said. “I am a dragon after all. That’s kind of our thing but you should know all about that huh?” The baby dragon said this jokingly, not meaning any offense towards the wizard but if he had spent even just a few more seconds thinking about it, he may have realized that this might not be the best thing to say to someone who literally just had their entire planet destroyed by scaled horrors. Panic and/or horror spread across the ponies faces as Bastian’s cold eyes narrowed at Spike. “Oh you’re a dragon?!” Wally gasped. “That’s so cool! I’ve never met a real dra- ooooh.” “Well yeah!” Spike said. “What did you think I was?” “I assumed you to belong to a beast race similar to an Argonian.” Bastian said. “You don’t much look like the dragons that I “know all about" as you so put it." “Come on! I’m as fierce as they come!” Spike said. “I got claws, spines, scales and I can even do the tongue thing!” His tongue rattled out of his mouth with a hiss, the dragon completely oblivious to death standing less than five feet away from him. Twilight however sense the tension and quickly stepped in. “What Spike means is that he isn’t like the dragons you described from your home world.” Twilight said grinning nervously, jamming a hoof into Spike’s mouth and shoving him behind her. “Nope! No soul devouring here!” “Eyup!” Applejack said a little too loudly. “Why, little Spike here is one uh the gentlest critters I ever met!” “Oh but of course!” Rarity said rubbing Spike’s head with an affectionate hoof. “Our little Spikey-Wikey wouldn’t hurt a fly!” “Except for the time that he actually ate a fly.” Rainbow remarked. Rarity exclaimed in disgust and removed her hoof from Spike’s head as the dragon flushed a deep red. Twilight chuckled nervously at Bastian. The mage’s eyes glowed faintly as he looked into Twilight’s eyes. The change was so subtle that the pony didn’t even realize that he had cast a spell, that he was probing the deep recesses of her mind. Bastian saw an adorable little filly hatch an adorable little dragon from an adorable little purple egg. He saw her take him home and raise him as a member of the family like a baby brother. He saw them laughing and growing up together. He detected fear as she thought of the idea of harm coming to him. He saw that she was telling the truth. Bastian blinked and the glow vanished. “All right calm down Miss. Sparkle.” He said gently. “I meant no hostilities. I am a rational creature and you do not have to convince me that Spike is an innocent. Our war was with our dragons from our world and I wish no ill will towards your friend.” Twilight sighed in relief. While Spike was fire proof and his scales were as hard as steel, she wasn’t sure how the baby dragon would fare if Bastian began hurling lightning bolts at him. “Good to know.” Twilight sighed. “But uh- what about the rest of your group?” Bastian stared at them for a moment, his face devoid of any emotion as he pondered the new and troubling thought. “It… shouldn’t be.” He said putting emphasis on the word “shouldn’t. “If we came through the portal with the original Blades that fought alongside the Dragonborn then this would be a cause for concern. To them slaying dragons was their sacred duty and they didn’t tend to see things in shades of gray. However after the Dragonborn died the Blades more of less disbanded, hanging up their swords for good or wandering Skyrim alone fighting dragons until they drew their final breath. It was my older brother Bartleby that brought the current Order of the Blades together to protect people from the dragons rather than actively hunt them. Besides, we came here so that we wouldn’t have to fight dragons anymore. We’ve all seen enough blood shed to last the next several lifetimes.” “I promise you won’t have to worry about dragons attacking any of you here.” Twilight said. “You guys are perfectly safe.” Spike stepped out from behind Twilight and approached the Breton. He extended a clawed hand towards him. “We good?” He asked. Bastian took the clawed hand and shook it once. “We’re fine.” He said. > What comes before part B? Part-AY! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XIII- Par-TAY!!! Bastian stared blankly at the growing flames before him. They flicked across him like scarlet tongues, singeing his clothes and scorching his flesh. The ground quaked beneath his feet as great flaming meteors fell from the sky and slammed into the earth with shattering force. Helgen was in flames. The roof of the Inn caved in on itself with a splintering crack and thatched roofed homes went up like kindling. He saw men and women and children flee for their lives as flaming death rained down on their heads. A great shadow passed over Bastian’s head and an ear splitting roar echoed through the cold morning air. I am your death “BASTIAN!” Someone called his name, their voice nearly drowned out over the roar above. Bastian’s head slowly turned towards the source of the noise as if he was in a trance. Bartleby Bellrend stood in the doorway of the guard tower nearby. His hands were bound and his eyes were wide in fright. “Bastian! We have to go NOW!” He screamed. The ground began to split apart but Bastian stayed rooted to the spot. Large chunks of earth began to fall away revealing a starless void of darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. My hunger will never be sated. Piece by piece large chunks of earth fell away as Helgen plummeted into the abyss. Soon the only ground that remained was the bit that Bastian stood on and the tower. Bartleby stood in the doorway with his hand extended to his younger brother. His face was desperate as he called out to him again but his words were muted. Fear prickled on the back of Bastian’s neck as he suddenly became aware of something behind him. Suddenly, he felt a cold hand clasp down on his shoulder. Bastian slowly turned and saw a tall Nord looking down at him. The Nord’s eyes were hollow and emanated a ghostly blue light. The flesh of his face was gray and cracked in places revealing the skull underneath. His light brown hair was a tangled mess and hunks of it were missing from his scalp. His steel armor was sundered and covered in dried blood and gore. Clenched tightly in his skeletal hand was a sword that glowed blue in the darkness. “B-Braum?” Bastian gasped. You will die like all of the others. You and every other mortal is nothing more than fuel to feed my fire. “We must go little brother.” Braum said. His voice was faint, as though it was carried on the wind from a great distance. And even in death you will find no peace. No haven exists that can protect you from my wrath. “Bastian?” The ground suddenly fell away beneath him and Bastian plummeted into the void as the last light of the world above went out forever. A shadow moved in the darkness below and a massive mouth bearing fangs the size of spears rose to greet the mage. “Bastian!” Alduin roared and flames hotter than the fires of the Deadlands spewed forth from his mouth. The jaws snapped shut with a crunch and Bastian was pulled back into the waking world like a fish being jerked from water. The screams of terror and the roars of dragons were replaced by the sounds of merry laughter and music. What had once been flames were now streamers that fluttered gently in the cool evening breeze and the meteors had turned back into paper lanterns and balloons that came in every color of the rainbow. Helgen was gone. Bastian was back in Ponyville, or as it was known as at the moment, party central. Tables of all kinds had been brought out of businesses and homes so that Man, Mer and Pony alike could sit and enjoy the festivities. Sugar Cube Corner and the Ponyville Café had been hired to cater the event after Princess Celestia had told them to send the bill to Canterlot and the Cakes were doing their best to bring trays of tea and sweets to whoever could get their attention over all of the commotion as waiters from the café delivered food as fast as the chefs inside could cook it. Bastian was sitting at the head of a very long wooden table surrounded by friends old and new. Above him hung a banner that read “Welcome!” in glittery gold letters but the mage could not read it. Lielle was sitting to his left and looking at him in concern. “Bas?” She asked. “Are you all right?” The mage’s eyes settled on a stallion and a Nord sitting at the next table over. The Stallion was nodding at whatever the Nord was saying as he puffed on a long wooden pipe. The ember flared and clouds of gray smoke leaked from the stallion’s mouth. “I’m sorry Lielle.” Bastian said reaching for his own pipe in his robes. “I was miles away. What were you saying?” “Twilight.” Lielle said. “She asked you a question?” Bastian looked at the purple unicorn that was looking at him nervously. Twilight couldn’t quite place it but there was something familiar in the mage’s distant eyes just then. Bastian raised an eyebrow at her questioningly as he loaded his pipe. “Bas is that Master Aren’s pipe?” Lielle asked. “He loaned it to me before I left to look for the heart. Didn’t get a chance to return it.” Bastian muttered. “Is there any of the flin left?” “Yeah I think I brought a bottle or two from our stock.” Shahk said. “Though I think J’Dado cut it with some of that rotgut of his.” “To make it last longer!” The Khajiit said defensively. “That pathetic case of twelve bottles would never have gone around!” “There were eighteen bottles in that case.” Shahk growled. “And a bandit damn near took my head off over it.” “Mm, no. No, I’m sure there was an even dozen.” J’Dado said. “I counted them myself.” “Yeah, that’s kinda my point.” Shahk grumbled as he rummaged around a nearby wooden crate. He pulled out a tall glass bottle of amber liquid and passed it down the table. Though the party had not been going on for very long the Orc was already rosy in the face from drink as was the raspberry colored pony sitting next to him. She hicced and laughed heartily as he topped off her wooden tankard with mead. “I like it!” She hicced. “Ish really good!” “Did you have a question Miss Sparkle?” Bastian asked again as he filled his own cup. “Uh-“ Twilight stammered. “Yes, sorry. You were saying earlier that you’re a wizard? A-uh, a mage?” “Yes.” He said lighting his pipe with the tip of his finger. His eyes lingered on the flame for a moment before he looked back up at Twilight. “Is that so unusual? You were using magic yourself earlier were you not?” “Yes I was.” She nodded. “But that’s because I’m a unicorn. I’ve never met somep- er, something before that could use magic that wasn’t.” “So what you’re saying is that, at least in your experience, is that it is only unicorns can use magic?” Bastian asked. “Well, yes.” Twilight said. “Unicorns and Alicorns like the Princesses. And you don't need horns to use it? That's so weird!” “Magicka is an energy that all the races of Nirn feel and experience in some way. It bleeds down from the stars and sun and gives a mage their power. A mage can learn to harness and control this power and use it to alter reality to a lesser or greater degree. Some races are more inclined towards magic than others particularly the Elvish races such as the Altmer or the Dunmer. Other races like the Nords and Redguards shun magic and disregard it entirely.” Bastian explained. “Shun it?” Twilight asked. “But why?” “They are both a warrior culture.” Bastian said. “The Redguards don’t trust magic, thinking that the power corrupts and messes with people’s minds. The Nords think magic is a coward’s weapon. There isn’t a lot of love for elves and magic users in general in their societies.” “Magic ain’t a substitute fer good ol’ fashioned hard work an’elbow grease.” Applejack said. “We Earth Ponies have always gotten on just fine without it.” The mare took a long drink from her wooden tankard and caught Twilight’s frown. “But uh- Not to say that magic’s a bad thang through and through!” Applejack said sheepishly. “Why Twilight’s probably the smartest pony I ever met!” “Everyone has their own path.” Lielle said. “Some people just have a harder time accepting the paths that others walk.” “Right?” Wally asked. “Like, it doesn’t matter if you like reading comics or studying magic or whatever. Nopony should have a problem with somepony else’s activities or interests just as long as they aren’t hurting anypony. It’s not like it affects them personally or anything!” A Pegasus pony flew over their table but went unnoticed. She flew to a nearby table and hovered in the air as she reached into her mail bag and fished out an envelope. “Message!” She said hoofing the letter over to a mare. She then flew away, getting her mail bag caught on a Nord’s horned helmet. The bag split open and letters rained down on their heads. “Whoops!” Back at their table, J’Zargo chuckled as he refilled his goblet with milk. He over turned a sugar bowl and dumped it contents into the milk before stirring it with a clawed finger. “It is ironic that though the Nords shun the clever craft they flocked to us in droves once they heard that the wizards of Winterhold were working on a solution.” He purred. “Winterhold?” Twilight asked. “That was your school right?” “Yes.” Bastian nodded. “The College of Winterhold. It’s ironic still that though the Nords despise magic that the College was arguably the best institution for studying it left in Tamriel.” “How so?” “Well, the Mage’s Guild dissolved towards the end of the third era.” Bastian said. “From it came two splinter factions that called themselves The Synod and College of Whispers. Both were recognized institutions by the Empire but all they cared about was gaining political power. The Synod hoarded magical artifacts and studied them while the College of Whispers consorted with Daedra and practiced Necromancy to divine secrets.” “Cool!” Wally gushed. “N-Necromancy!” Twilight gasped. “But- but that’s dark magic! It’s evil!” Bastian smirked humorlessly at the young mare. “Twilight, am I correct in assuming that since you are a unicorn, you yourself study magic?” “Well, yes.” Twilight said, not sure where the mage was going with this. “But that’s only because my special talent IS magic. Every unicorn gets a little magic that has something to do with their special talent.” “Their… talent?” Bastian repeated. “She means a pony’s cutie mark!” A small voice said. A little yellow head popped up from between Bastian and Lielle. Applebloom looked at them both and frowned. “Why do ya’ll wear so many dang clothes?” She asked. “I cain’t tell if ya’ll got yer cutie marks er not!” Lielle’s pale cheeks flushed scarlet as she suddenly became uncomfortably aware of the ponies nudity. “Their- their what marks?” Bastian asked. “Cutie marks!” Another voice cried. Scootaloo popped up between Heciri and Haala while Sweetie Belle appeared between J’Zargo and J’Dado and Candy appeared next to her brother. “You know?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s that special mark that a pony gets when they discover their own unique talent?” “Right here?” Applebloom asked waving her right hind leg. “It’s what makes a pony special!” Sweetie Belle said. Bastian noticed that while Applebloom’s flank was bare of any such mark that the older ponies did have marks like the ones that she was describing. He assumed them to be tattoos or brands, maybe identifying their family or clan. “Really, girls.” Rarity scolded them with a frown. “Don’t be rude to our guests! They’ve had a very long day and I’m sure that they do not want to spend their evening of celebration talking about a pony’s flank!” “No, it’s okay.” Bastian said. “The quicker we learn about each other the better I think and no, we don’t have those. What exactly are they? Does everyone get them?” “Not everyone no, just the three different races of ponies.” Twilight said. “The Earth ponies like Applejack, Unicorns like me and Pegasus ponies like Rainbow Dash. Ponies aren’t born with them however. They only appear when a pony discovers their unique talent, the thing that makes them special and separates them from everypony else. All cutie marks are unique to the pony in question so no two are ever exactly alike.” Shahk belched loudly and Berry Punch giggled into her cup. “I knew a girl in Riften that had a cutie mark on her hip.” Shahk said. “That wasn’t a cutie mark.” Lielle said disapprovingly. “What was her special talent?” Applebloom asked. Shahk chuckled lecherously, caught Lielle’s look of doom and murmured something into his tankard. “So cutie marks.” Bastian said clearing his throat. “Are they magical?” “Yes.” Twilight said. “A cutie mark defines the pony as much as the pony defines the cutie mark and Unicorns can actively tap into that magic to an extent depending on what their special talent is.” “And your special talent is magic.” Bastian said. “Right!” Twilight smiled. “But a pony’s talent can be anything from farming to dress making and no matter what a pony’s talent or cutie mark is it’s always something special.” She said smiling at her friends. “I see.” Bastian said thoughtfully. “Interesting... What force is there in this world I wonder that grants these cutie marks?” “That’s what we’d like to know.” Scootaloo sighed. “It sure would save us a lot of trouble.” “How’d you get your cutie mark Wally?” Applebloom asked. “Don’t get him started!” Candy moaned. “Glad you asked baby cuz!” Wally said loudly. “It’s a harrowing story full of struggle, fighting and- what’s that other thing that’s not very important- PLOT! You see, it all started many moons ago! I wasn’t very much older than you three fillies when my momma and poppa went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Little Candy was asleep in her crib (I broke her bed practicing my karate) so it was up to me to bring in the harvest from the melon patch all by myself before sundown! I had almost completed the day’s work when… when they came…” “When who came?” Applebloom asked. “The cabbage weasels.” Wally said darkly. The table was silent as they all stared at Wally questioningly. “I uh- I’ve never heard of a… a c-cabbage weasel?” Twilight said. “Wally’s just spinnin’ one’a his tall tales.” Applejack said rolling her eyes. “First of all, you’re welcome.” Wally said seriously. “Second of all, no I’m not! Cabbage Weasels are the most feared creatures in all of Equestria! They come to ponies farms late at night and eat up everything in sight and can grow as big as a house!” “You’re making things up again Wally!” Candy said. “That didn’t happen! You made it all up so that Pop wouldn’t paddle you tearing up the farm!” “Nuh uh! It did happen! I was out there working in the field all by myself when suddenly the very ground beneath my hooves began to shake. Suddenly they burst forth from the ground and I was surrounded! There must have been a dozen of them in total! Big ol’ leafy monsters with red glowing eyes, tentacles and fangs as sharp as pitch forks!” “But you said that they eat fruits and vegetables.” Bastian said. “Yeah? So?” Wally asked. “If they eat fruits and vegetables then they would be herbivorous.” Bastian said. “They wouldn’t have fangs if that were the case.” “Huh. That’s a good point.” Twilight said. Wally scoffed and shrugged his shoulders at the wizard. “Bastian, j-just… okay?” “What happened next?” Applebloom asked in awe. She and her friends were sitting in front of him, completely captivated by his story. Candy could feel a migraine coming on. It was odd but most, if not all of the females on her side of the family seemed to suffer from horrible headaches. Wally continued his tale. “There I was, surrounded on all sides! The Cabbage weasels had been planning a raid on our farm for weeks and with my parents gone it was the perfect time for them to strike! They circled me slowly, hissing and gibbering to each other as they thought of what to do to me, like a cat plays with its food!” “I thought you said they only eat plant matter.” Bastian said. “Well apparently, Bastian, if they have sharp teeth they’re coniferous, Bastian!” “I think you mean carnivorous.” Twilight said. “I’ve heard it both ways! Anyway! They figured that they had me right where they wanted me so I did the only thing I could to catch them off guard; I attacked them first! I grabbed a nearby watermelon and smashed it over one of their heads, knocking him out cold! Splat! Then the true battle began. They lunged at me but I dodged their attacks, waiting for them to tire themselves out before I could launch my counter strike! Using the nearby watermelons as ammo I spat seeds like there was no tomorrow! I must have eaten a hundred melons that day and spat thousands of seeds but I knew that I couldn’t fail, for my family's lively hood was at stake! We’d never make it through the winter if the Cabbage Weasels ate up all our crops! My life flashed before my eyes. Would I ever get to grow up and have a farm of my own? Would I ever get my hooves on a special edition issue of Knight Stallion number 4? Would I ever get to see my sweet baby sister grow into a strong independent mare that don’t need no stallion?" “All these questions and more went through my head as I fought and I stand by the thought that this is what made me victorious! I focused not on the fight but what I was fighting for and trusted my natural instincts to keep me safe. Before I knew it the last of the cabbage weasels had fled back into the forest and I was alone stood victorious in our war torn field. Not only had I saved the farm but I had also found my true calling! To safeguard not just my family but all of Equestria from the blood rage of the Cabbage Weasels!” “Wow!” The CMC exclaimed, their eyes shining in wonder. “You didn’t get your cutie mark fighting Cabbage Weasels!” Candy shouted. “Pop came home, found the entire western melon patch destroyed, you were grounded for a month, and then you got your cutie mark a week later!” “Okay so maybe my cutie mark didn’t appear, like, right then and there! Maybe it came when Pop and I harvested the northern patch in record time but I still know my destiny is to be the hero that Equestria needs!” Wally argued. The siblings glared at each other as Wally sipped juice from a very long and intricate green silly straw. “It would seem that the meanings of a cutie mark are er- open to interpretation?” Lielle said attempting to break the tension. “It would appear so.” Bastian said. “Anyway, what were we talking about before?” “Magic.” Twilight said turning back to the mage as Candy and Wally made faces at each other. “Uh, N-necromancy?” “What is that anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Necromancy is magic that deals with controlling and manipulating the dead.” Twilight said. “It’s dark magic and has been outlawed in Equestria even before the Princesses rose to power.” “Undead?” Spike shuddered. “Like- like zombies?” “Yes.” Twilight said. “Five hundred years ago there was a whole coven of Necromancers that were trying to gain immortality and build an army to take over all of Equestria but Princess Celestia managed to stop them. There haven’t been any recorded Necromancers since.” “And no doubt that those Necromancers were what you would consider “evil”.” Bastian said. “All I am saying is that things aren’t always as simple as good and evil. Life is too complicated to be simplified in terms of black and white. Even the dragons of our homeland weren’t inherently evil.” “From what ya told us about’em they sounded pretty darn rotten.” Applejack said. “They killed thousands. Enslaved us and burned our homes to the ground. Yes they did these things but they only were following the will of the dominant dragon at the time. Alduin. To the dragons being right and being strong is the same thing. Alduin was the dominant dragon at the time, the alpha of the pack, and the others had to bend to his will.” “Yeah. Just sucks that his will was to destroy all creation.” Shahk said. “But we gave’em hell huh?!” He raised his tankard and all nearby Blades cheered, some more enthusiastic than others. “What I am saying is that an “evil” wizard could use what you would consider “good” magic to heal himself in battle just like a “good” wizard could use a spell to end another’s life. Necromancy is just another tool for a wizard to use for better or ill.” “I… guess I see what you mean.” Twilight said though she didn’t sound completely convinced. “As one student to another I respect your opinion Bastian but I just don’t see how anything good could ever come from something so awful.” “What if I told you that through necromancy mages have been able to learn more about how our bodies function, curing diseases and treating ailments? Necromancy isn’t just about death but life as well. The line between what we call necromancy and restoration magic can become blurred at times and as I said, trying to categorize something as powerful and mysterious as magic can be helpful in understanding it but it can also limit your perceptions on what it truly is.” “Well I agree with Twilight.” Applejack said lightly pounding a hoof on the table for emphasis. “Ain’t no good can come from playin’ with dead thangs. Now can we change the subject please? All this talkin uh black magic’s gunna give the fillies nightmares.” “No it won’t!” Applebloom protested. “Y-yeah we aren’t scared!” Scootaloo said. “Mm-mm-hmm!” Sweetie Belle nodded. All three fillies were visibly shaking at the thought of zombified ponies tearing themselves out of the moist earth and creeping into their homes at night when everypony else was asleep, of their doors slowly creaking open in the darkness of their bedrooms and a rotting, shadowy figure standing in the doorway looking at them with hollow, hungry eyes. “Dinner time!” The three crusaders screamed and leapt in the air. Standing behind them was Pinkie Pie who watched their ascent. Balanced on her head was a large jug of cider and on her back was a huge platter piled high with cupcakes. “Oh! Are we having a screaming in terror and jumping contest! I love those! My turn!” Pinkie let out a blood curdling shriek and leapt high into the air, returning to the ground perhaps a full minute later. The empty jug landed on her head, followed by the cider itself. The platter landed on her back and every single cupcake landed exactly where it had been before her flight. “I win!” She cheered. “Sorry if I scared ya.” “W-w-w-we w-w-weren’t s-scared!” They chattered. “Uh huh.” Applejack said frowning at them, the veteran big sister/guardian clearly not buying it. “Sit down an eat yer supper.” “Same for you Sweetie Belle.” Rarity demanded. “Come, come.” “Come on kid, you can sit next to me.” Rainbow said scooting over and patting the seat next to her where Scootaloo appeared half a second later grinning from ear to ear. The waiters had finally made it over to them and soon their table was overloaded with food, with Pinkie’s tray of cupcakes serving as a center piece. Bowls of fresh fruit containing apples as big as a Nord’s fist sat around loaves of freshly baked bread and jars of jam. Wheels of cheese and trays of raw vegetables sat among jugs of juice and bottles of fruit wines for drink. It was an amazing spread and more than the people of Nirn could have ever hoped for. “Finally!” Shahk said as a waiter sat a covered dish down in front of him. “I’m so hungry I could eat a ho-“ CLANG! Bastian’s leg lashed out from underneath the table and struck the Orc’s armored shin. Though the blow did nothing to harm the Orc, Bastian was sure he felt his big toe go. He hid a grimace of pain behind his hand and gave Shahk a look of hate that caused the Orc to pause and look at him questioningly. “A hor- a hor-“ He caught Lielle staring at him with wide panicked eyes. She slowly shook her head and it finally sank in on the Orc. “A ho- a whole bunch of… f-food.” Shahk finished lamely. “Excellent recovery.” Heciri said sarcastically raising his glass to Shahk’s quick wit. “Huh. That’s kind of an odd way to put it.” Pinkie said. “But I TOTALLY get it. I mean, I work in a bakery, surrounded by delicious treats so I’m snacking like, all day long but nothing beats a delicious home cooked meal every once in a awhile you know?” The Orc nodded nervously and mouthed the word ‘sorry’ to Bastian. If the daggers that the mage was staring at him were real, Shahk would have been nailed to the tree behind him. Shahk rubbed his hands together and grinned widely as the waiter gave him a curt nod and removed the cover from the dish with a flourish. Steam billowed out from underneath and Shahk licked his green lips in anticipation. However when the steam cleared and he saw what the dish contained, the Orc’s heart fell into his chest. “V-vegetables?” Shahk stammered in disbelief. “Vegetables?!” It was true. Before the Orc sat a plate of steamed vegetables lightly drizzled in a butter sauce along with a fluffy dinner roll. “What the hell is this?!” Shahk barked at the waiter. “The-the-the entrée?” The waiter stammered suddenly fearing for his life. “A v-vegetable platter?” “Do I look like… the kind of guy… who eats a vegetable platter?” Shahk growled softly, his tusks glinting in the harsh red light of a paper lantern overhead. “N-no?” “Thank you sir that will be all.” Bastian said politely. “I think the next table over asked for more water.” The stallion nodded and quickly trod off leaving Shahk to sigh in defeat. He stared down at his food as if he knew for a fact it were poisoned. “Figures.” He said softly as he shook his head. “I survive bandits, monsters, and dragons only to starve to death in a land of plenty.” “You will not starve to death you big oaf!” Heciri said in disgust. “You have literally eaten five of those cakes the pink pony brought with her since she sat them down. I think you’ll do just fine!” “They are clearly a vegetarian race Shahk and they are really going out of their way to make us feel welcome.” Lielle whispered to him. Shahk sighed bitterly and grabbed another cupcake from the platter in front of him. “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked chewing a bit of oat biscuit in her mouth. “You don’t like dandelions?” Shahk looked like Twilight had just slapped him in the face. He smiled politely at her before turning to Bastian. “Dandelions!” He whispered to Bastian. “Did you hear that?! They are literally serving us weeds!” “They’re bitters.” Bastian said picking up his fork. “My mother used to send me out to collect them for dinner in the summer. She’d cook them in oil and garlic.” “Mine did as well.” Lielle said smiling softly at the memory. “But they were much more common in High Rock. You could get them by the bundle in the market along with all of the other produce.” Shahk scoffed. “This. Isn’t. Food!” He whispered. “This is what food eats!” “We should have plenty of dried skeever tail left in the stores.” Bastian said tearing up pieces of bread and dropping them into his soup. Shahk growled and grabbed another cupcake from the platter. “Hey everyone.” A soft voice said. Fluttershy approached their table smiling gently. “Fluttershy! Hey!” Rainbow Dash cried zooming next to her. “Are you- uh, feeling better?” “Yes I’m fine now.” She nodded. “I had a long talk with angel bunny and I feel much, much better.” “That’s good.” Twilight said smiling fondly at her soft hearted friend. “You’re just in time for supper.” “Oh good!” She said. “I’m famished and this all looks delicious.” She joined her friends at the table and their group was now complete. It was this night in Ponyville that ponies and the races of Nirn broke bread together for the first time. Eventually, with some insistence from Fluttershy, Shahk buckled and ate his vegetables which he said were “okay” but he did go back for seconds. And thirds. After the plates were cleared away Bastian thought that it was soon going to be time for them to set up their camp but Pinkie Pie would have none of it. “Over?!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “I pinkie promised you that this would be the best party ever and one does not simply break a pinkie promise! We still have dancing! And games! And-“ Bastian groaned internally as the pony rambled on and on. He smiled, thanked her politely and retreated to find a table off to the side and away from the actual party. He passed by a Nord he recognized as having come from the Bard’s College before Solitude closed its gates to the outside world. He was sitting at a table with two mares, one a unicorn and the other earth. “The hell is a bass?” The Bard asked. “The hell is a lute?” The blue maned Unicorn asked. The gray earth pony sighed, face hoofed and called for more cider. Bastian sat down at an empty table and massaged his right knee which was starting to itch violently in the dry summer air. He pulled a leather notebook from his robes along with a quill and began to write. If Bastian were to have a special talent, though I couldn’t tell you what the cutie mark for it would be, it was that he could block out all distractions while he worked. Storms, chatter, music, even hunger. All of it went silent as soon as the mage put up his wall to the outside world. He didn’t know how long he had been at it but sometime later Lielle found her way over to him. She slid into a chair next to him and called his name over an explosion of confetti and streamers nearby. “Bas? Bastian?” She sighed and dipped her fingers into a cup of water before flicking them at him. The mage blinked and looked up at her. “What?” He asked. “What is it?” Lielle sighed and frowned at him. Though she had removed her fur lined cloak and robes long ago, her face was flushed and sweaty from dancing. “Nothing.” She sighed. “Just seeing what you were doing. Which is sitting here. Alone. Doing your book thing.” “Lielle-“ “Do you hear that?” She asked. “Uh- He heard the sound of rhythmic thumping and bumping that seemed to be coming from a pair of massive metal boxes situated on either side of a metal table. Behind the table, Vinyl Scratch was working her magic bucking tunes and thumping bass, bobbing her head to the beat. “Is- I think that’s… music?” “Music? So then that-“ Lielle pointed Twilight’s flailing body. “That must be dancing.” “I- I would think so.” “Good.” Lielle nodded. “I thought she was having some kind of fit.” She smiled and Bastian chuckled. “This club can’t even handle me right now!” Wally yelled from the crowd of ponies. “Uh huh! You know it!” Pinkie cheered. “Bas, what are you doing over here?” Lielle asked. “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a pretty amazing party going on. The great Bastian Bellrend can switch off for one night I think.” “I don’t have time to switch off Lielle. There’s far too much to be done.” “Like what?” She asked. “We’re safe now! We couldn’t have asked to come to a better place! No more dragons, no more fighting, no more death! I would think the only one that has a problem with that is Shahk but even he seems to be enjoying himself.” “We need land.” Bastian explained patiently. “I imagine that the Princesses are going to talk to me about it when we meet tomorrow. We need shelter. We have tents and things set back that we can use until we build new homes but to do that we need raw materials. Stone and wood and clay. We have no idea where to get those here from either the land or suppliers. We don’t have any money to buy them. We don’t have jobs, we can’t even read the language, but to be fair not much has changed there. The Nords can work but we’ll have to find employment for them. And what about the people that are receiving medical care? The temple healers back home charged out the nose for their services. We can’t pay their physicians right now. What happens when they find out? This changes everything for us. We made plans for rebuilding our society but we didn’t take into consideration that there would already be a society waiting for us. We have to be able to adapt if we’re going to survive.” “I- I hadn’t thought about it. The Princess gave her word that they will be taken care of.” Lielle said. “Bastian would you please just give it a rest for right now? Please? There’s nothing any of us can do about it.” “Hey ya’ll.” Applejack said as she and her friends approached their table. “Shoot, ya’ll missed one heckuva game of horseshoes! I got three ringers in a row!” “Yeah, I’ll go and mark the calendar.” Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes. “Why aren’t you guys enjoying the party?” Twilight asked. “I’m just trying to be proactive given our current situation.” Bastian said. “Whadda ya mean?” Applejack asked. “We have a lot of work that we're going to have to do and not a lot of time to do it. If I were to take a guess that it’s what, midsummer here? Given the temperature and foliage growth?” “What’s your point?” Rainbow Dash asked. “My point is that we have over two hundred mouths to feed and little food to feed them with. We’ll have to start planting our crop immediately if we’re going to harvest before winter. I appreciate the hospitality but I don’t want tonight’s festivities to set a standard for them. We need raw materials to build homes and to get those we need money.” Bastian said. Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin and nodded thoughtfully. Her horn glowed and a parchment and quill levitated in front of her. Spike groaned internally and began to sneak back into the party. “I see what you mean.” Twilight said. “Spike, take notes!” The dragon sighed in defeat as the quill and parchment were shoved into his claws. “Now, in order to establish a colony the Princesses are going to want an accurate census.” Twilight said. “I figured as much.” Bastian nodded. “I kept a list of everyone who came to our camp, updating it as they left or died. However I was gone for weeks before we came here so I’m not sure just how accurate it is now.” “We can take care of it tomorrow after we see the Princesses in Canterlot.” Twilight said. “Before you can begin to build homes you’ll need to know how many families there are which the census will take care of and then we’ll need to determine how much space each family will need and how much material you’ll need to build their homes. Now in terms of wood, there’s a lumber yard north of Las Pegasus that harvests timber from Whitetail Wood. Once we know how much you need we can place an order on credit and establish a payment plan. They don’t often do this but I’m sure that Celestia would be happy to put in a good word for you.” “Why bother with all of that?” Rainbow Dash asked frowning. “You guys got plenty of wood.” “We don’t have any raw materials.” Bastian said. “Not enough to build a town with. No wood, nor clay or stone.” “No I mean you guys blew up like half of the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow Dash said. “Can’t you just use that wood?” A silence fell over the group. Twilight’s mouth hung open in shock. Spike sighed and crossed out the word “wood” he had just written on the scroll. “Can we really do that?” Lielle asked. “Nobody owns Everfree Forest or the lumber rights.” Twilight said thoughtfully. “Most ponies stay away from it which is why there aren’t any roads that lead through it, just around it. That’s a great idea Rainbow Dash.” “Well don’t sound so surprised!” The Pegasus frowned folding her hooves across her chest. “Mark the calendar.” Applejack smirked. Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry at her. “Well, we will also need clay.” Bastian said. “Well shoot we got huge deposits uh red clay out’n the northern fields.” Applejack said. “We cain’t grow out there so the land just goes to waste. Grab a shovel and help yerselves.” Spike growled and crossed out clay. “Oh oh me next me next!” Pinkie said bouncing in the air and raising a hoof. “If you guys need rocks I got the hook up!” Spike blinked once and tore the parchment in half. Lielle smiled at Bastian. More of a smirk really but a nice one. “You don’t have an excuse now Bellrend.” She said shutting his book with a snap. “Nothing can be done about this at least until tomorrow.” Bastian sighed. He wasn’t going to win at this. “Now I know better than to ask you to dance.” Lielle said grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. “But I know that Shahk tapped another keg earlier. If we’re lucky there might be some left.” > Fashion! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XIV- Fashion! The next morning Bastian awoke to a splitting headache, an unforgivably bright sun and the unusual sensation of something scrapping lightly against the back of his gloved hand. He opened a single bleary eye and saw a butter knife applying a ridiculous amount of butter to the back of his hand. He groaned and sat up, jerking his hand away in annoyance. The knife lazily floated away and began to butter an overturned tea cup. Bastian glanced down at the table and saw the remnants of a spent soul gem lying nearby. “Not again.” The mage muttered pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes. He rose shakily from the chair he had fallen asleep (passed out) in, pushed his hair back out of his face and surveyed the scene before him. Though nothing had been irreparably damaged last night, Ponyville’s town square looked like a party bomb had gone off, which given Pinkie Pie’s penchant for going all out, was a very real possibility. The mage shook the butter off of his hand and made his way through the sea of sleeping Nords and Ponies, vaguely aware of where his friends had succumbed to either sleep or alcohol the night before. He didn’t see Lielle anywhere but he did see the Khajiit brothers J’Dado and J’Zargo sleeping in front of a bush with a pink card board box in between the two of them, their sister Ubaarji curled up inside of it, their mouths covered in what Bastian hoped was just the “regular” sugar the ponies seemed to like so much. Heciri had fallen asleep in a more dignified position underneath a nearby oak tree while Shahk and Berry Punch had passed out with their backs against an empty keg. Between snores Bastian could hear the Orc mumbling in his sleep. “-raise our f-flagon… to ‘nother… ‘nother dead dragon… mmm-mead.” Bastian scoffed under his breath and grabbed a tankard from the top of the barrel, pouring its contents into the grass as he made his way over to Ponyville’s fountain. He pushed an unconscious Nord out of the way with his foot and dipped the tankard into the fountain’s sparkling clear waters, his eyes wincing from the glare the sun cast on it. He drank some of the water down to level it out and pulled a drawstring pouch from within his robe. He opened the pouch and carefully sniffed its contents. Nope. Sleeping powder. The young man stumbled forward, nearly tripping over his own feet and braced himself against the side of the fountain. He vigorously shook his head to remain awake and groaned in frustration as his headache painfully reminded him of its existence. He placed the pouch back into his robes and two bags of alchemical creations later found the one containing the fine white powder he was looking for. He added two generous pinches of the stuff to the tankard and quickly drank it down. In just a few seconds his hangover vanished and Bastian sighed in sweet relief. Bastian’s mother had introduced him to alchemy at an early age and one of the first things she had taught him to make was a simple cure for hangovers. Since his mother grew most of her reagents in her garden it cost almost nothing to make and it always sold out to the merchants who traveled through Falkreath Hold on the trade routes to the larger cities. He and his mother would spend their evenings by the fire carefully cutting and folding parchment into small envelopes which would then be filled with the powder and sold for just two septims a piece. Bartleby had always told her she should charge more and expand her business but she always refused. The extra fifty septims a week was enough for the simple woman. As Bastian blinked the last of his hangover away, a nearby pile of empty cups and tankards began to rumble. Cups and bottles clattered down the side of the small mountain as a green hoof shot into the air. The pile of refuse was displaced even further as Wally Melon pulled himself out from underneath it, moaning and groaning like some kind of wretched flower. “N-no more!” Wally moaned. “No more!” The pony fell forward and slid down the pile of garbage, coming to a full stop at Bastian’s feet. Wally’s eyes were bloodshot and his face was an unnatural shade of green. “Wally?” Bastian rasped. “What happened to you?” “I don- I don’t know!” Wally sobbed. -What had happened was…- Shahk drained his tankard and slammed it on the table with a mighty belch. “Oh oh! I got another one, I got another one!” Pinkie said bouncing in her seat excitedly. “Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don’t work!” Shahk pounded a fist on the table in laughter. “That’s very good! I like it!” He chuckled. “I got one for ya, why do Bretons have so many civil wars? So they can win one every once in a while!” Pinkie snorted and fell out of her chair in laughter but as Shahk refilled his tankard she popped her head back up with a confused look on her face. “Wait, I don’t get it.” “Historical context Shahk.” Faendal said feeding his bird a grape. “You guys should try the fizzy cola stuff with the flin. Ish not bad.” Shahk hicced. “Shahk? Cutting his drink with something?” J’Dado snickered. “Now I have seen everything!” “Oh I’ll drink your fuzzy ass under the table any day of the week cat!” Shahk yelled. “I’ll take that bet!” Applejack said slamming her own mug onto the table with a wild look in her eye. “Yer on!” “Eeyup!” Big Mac said his own tankard clenched in his mouth. “BRING IIIIIIIIT!” Wally yelled slamming two mugs onto the table with a crash. -Now…- “I-I think I’m… I think I’m gonna be sick.” Wally groaned. “What’s wrong Wally?” Pinkie asked bouncing by. “You said you could hang!” The pink party now pick up pony was accompanied by Fluttershy. Both mares had a burlap sack hanging off of their side and were picking up trash and recyclables as Pinkie Pie hummed tunelessly to herself. Naturally, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. Either Pinkie Pie had very few drinks the night before or she was immune to the effects of alcohol. It was anybody’s guess really. She bounced away cheerfully, almost obnoxiously so, her movements making Wally feel even sicker. He made an unpleasant gurgling noise and threw himself over the side of the fountain. “No!” Bastian yelled grabbing the back of Wally’s vest. “No no no!” “No I think- I think I’m good!” Wally stammered. “I think I’m beating it back with sheer force of willpo- Bastian’s eyes widened in horror as Wally emptied the contents of his stomach onto the bottom of Bastian’s robes with a sickening splatter. Wally fell to the ground and began to shudder and sob pathetically. Fluttershy shook her head at him and frowned. “Well, I hope you learned a lesson Mr. Melon.” She said. “A pony your age should know better. If you are going to drink adult beverages then you should at least exercise more self-control.” “N-not the momma.” Wally muttered. Bastian was quickly learning that cold puke was much, much worse than hot puke. He jammed his tankard back into the fountain, added more of his hangover cure and extended it down to Wally. “Drink this.” He said shortly. “N-NO!” Wally cried. “No more! Miss Fluttershy help m- With a scowl Bastian grabbed the pony’s mouth and held it open. Fluttershy flinched away as Wally screamed, gurgled and thrashed as Bastian poured the drink down his throat with a mad look in his eye. A few seconds later Wally gasped in shock as his hangover vanished. “T-the rage monkeys are gone! I can drink heavily without fear of and negative consequences for my actions!” “You’re welcome.” Bastian said blankly feeling the urge to immolate the pony recede ever so slightly. “Just keep it to yourself. I only have about half a pouch of this stuff left.” Wally nodded and touched a hoof to his nose. Fluttershy shook her head with a sigh and followed Pinkie to collect more trash. “Hey, have you seen my sister anywhere?” Wally asked. “No, I haven’t.” Bastian sighed. “I’ve only just woken up myself.” “Kay.” Wally nodded. “CAAAAANDY!” Wally yelled at the top of his lungs. “OH BABY SIS-TER~!” The Nords and Ponies around him clenched their ears and writhed in pain as Wally’s voice boomed out throughout the town square. Several Nords rose shakily to their feet with their hands on their weapons, ready to silence the pony forever. Bastian held up a hand and shook his head. “We’re right here Wally!” Candy called from behind them. “No need to shout!” Candy approached them accompanied by her cousins and Lielle. The filly’s mane had been washed and brushed to a shine and a shiny new yellow ribbon had been woven into her mane. Lielle also looked like she had recently bathed and her old college robes had been replaced with a new long sleeved green dress and a dark brown bodice. Her red hair was pulled behind her head and woven into an elaborate knotted pattern that was very popular among the women in High Rock. “Do you like it?” Lielle smiled at Bastian. “Rarity made it for me last night but she doesn’t seem very fond of it now. I think it’s grand! She said she’s going to make new clothes for all of us and that she wants to see you before you leave with Twilight for Canterlot.” “Canter- oh. Right.” Bastian said almost forgetting what was supposed to happen that day. “Have any of you seen Miss Sparkle?” “I reckon she went home last night.” Applejack said. The mare was clearly hungover from the night before but she seemed to be taking it in stride. Her green eyes had dark marks underneath them from lack of sleep and her color was a bit off. “Ya’ll kin- (yawn) Ya’ll kin probably find ‘er at the Golden Oaks Library. Built inside of a tree, cain’t miss it. We’re gonna head on home now. Ya’ll lemme know how things go with the Princesses. Come on Wally, we kin put you ‘n Candy up till ya’ll get yer affairs in order.” “Are you sure?” Candy asked. “We don’t want to be any trouble.” “Nonsense.” AJ said giving her cousin a sleepy smile as she ruffled her mane. “Ya’ll ‘er family and we got plenty a’ room at Sweet Apple Acres. Ain’t that right Big Mac?” “Eeyup.” Her brother swayed a little on the spot before righting himself up and nodding furiously. “You kin stay in my room!” Applebloom said grabbing her cousin excitedly. “I cain’t wait to show you our clubhouse! This is gonna be the best summer ever!” “Yeah!” Wally cheered but stopped abrubtly. “But uh, actually AJ, I’ll catch you guys later. I wanna see Bastian and Lielle off to Canterlot.” “You don’t have to do that!” Bastian said quickly. “Er, really it’s fine.” “No, no!” Wally said jamming a hoof into Bastian’s mouth. The mage struggled furiously to remember whether or not that that was the hoof the pony had used to hold in his puke a few moments ago. “I insist. I was the one who found you guys so I feel responsible for you! I’ll just see that you make it into Canterlot okay and then I’ll meet up with AJ and my sister later.” “Wow, that’s really responsible of you Wally.” Candy said, proud that her big brother was finally starting to act his age. “Yeah, and then there’s this HUGE comic shop in Canterlot that I’ve always wanted to go to! They’re supposed to have every comic ever printed and only those who are deemed worthy may enter!” Candy’s head fell down and she groaned in frustration. “Well, uh we’ll see ya later uh guess.” AJ said. “You remember how ta git ta the farm right?” “I’ll manage.” Wally said. “See ya later! They left and Bastian turned to Lielle. “Let’s just find Twilight.” He said. “We don’t have time for any more distractions.” “Um, Bas? You realize that you’re covered in sick right?” Lielle asked. Bastian glanced down at his robes. “Oh yeah, uh, sorry about that buddy.” Wally said sheepishly. Bastian sighed. “Where’s Rarity?” -The Pony Scrolls- Bastian shifted uncomfortably on the modeling platform of The Carousel Boutique, the top of his head lightly brushing against the light fixture above. Apparently the Boutique was a shop owned by Rarity who was a “fashionista” by trade, which was apparently Equestrian for a seamstress. The alabaster pony was wearing her red designing glasses and examining several different bolts of silken cloth, each a different shade of blue. Lielle was sitting on a chaise longue while Sweetie Belle and Wally used a pair of scissors to but lengths of ribbon to “help”. “Really Lielle dear, you have to let me make you another dress.” Rarity said holding up a bolt of cloth next to Bastian. “I mean chartreuse? What on earth was I thinking? The things I make while tipsy! That is the last time I sew while under the influence let me tell you.” “Chartreuse?” Wally scoffed. “Rarity you were DRUNK!” Rarity scowled at him and he grinned nervously. She smacked his flank with a ruler and sent him scuttling off and “whooping”. “Ladies do not get “drunk” Wallace.” Rarity said sternly. “At the most we get tipsy. And you are hardly in any position to be giving critiques on fashion in that vest of yours.” “But this was my pee-paws!” Wally exclaimed. “It saw him through… the war.” “I think that it’s beautiful Rarity.” Lielle said smoothing out her dress. “Honestly, you don’t give yourself enough credit.” “Well that’s very kind of you to say dear and I am glad you like it but I have a reputation to uphold! Emerald would look so much better. You should consider yourself lucky darling. Red hair can be a blessing or a curse.” Rarity ran a hoof along a bolt of dark blue silk cloth and levitated it up to Bastian. “It really is a shame about your cloak.” She hummed thoughtfully. “Blue is definitely your color, unlike that er, interesting shade of brown you have on now.” Bastian frowned and looked down at his robes while Lielle snorted behind her hand. He had received his robes years ago when he first began his apprenticeship at the College and Lielle had done her best to keep them going over the years but at this point the mud stains, dried dragon’s blood, pony vomit and magic that was woven into the fabric was the only thing keeping them together. “They were- they were blue when I got them.” Bastian muttered. Rarity’s face twisted in disgust and horror as though Bastian had told her that they were spun from filth instead of cloth. “Yuck!” Sweetie said making a similar face. “This will not stand!” Rarity said firmly stamping a hoof to the ground. “Bastian Bellrend you are going to be representing the whole of your people! In Canterlot! In the Princesses own castle! You are not going to be leaving here looking anything short of fabulous, I forbid it! Now strip down!” “I uh- I don’t- “Uh, Rarity? Nudity is something of a taboo for us.” Lielle said with light blush. “Ah.” Rarity said. “I see. Well then, that explains why everyone in your party is dressed in, uh “clothes”, I suppose if I didn’t have a coat I’d be embarrassed to walk around myself. Clothes are a bit more of a luxury to us ponies but not something that any self-respecting pony would do without. At any rate Mister Bellrend I can’t take your measurements is you are fully clothed. Come, come! It’s not as though you have anything I haven’t seen before.” Bastian raised an eyebrow at her and Rarity’s cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. “Uh- w-what I mean to say is that, er, it’s not as though I LOOK at- uh- Her stammering trailed off and Sweetie Belle frowned at her sister. Wally defensively covered his groin with his tail. “But Rarity, Bastian is something you’ve never seen before.” Sweetie said. “I know what you meant.” Bastian sighed peeling off his gloves. “Let’s get it over with.” He cast a frown at Lielle, who blushed again, cleared her throat and stood up. “I’ll uh, just find Twilight and let her know where we are shall I?” “Sweetie Belle, why don’t you go and play with your little friends?” Rarity asked motioning with her hoof. “You too Wally, run along!” “Aw but I wanted to help make the dress!” Sweetie whined as Rarity pushed her out of the door with her magic. “Me too!” Wally whined in a similar tone. “We are not making a dress Sweetie Belle.” Rarity sighed patiently. “Males do not wear dresses.” “That things a guy?!” Sweetie exclaimed. Bastian threw his gloves down with a scowl while Lielle howled with laughter. The door closed on them with a slam and Rarity turned back to Bastian. “Er, you- you ARE a male right?” She asked uncertainly. “Yes!” “Sorry, sorry! Can’t quite tell you all apart just yet!” Rarity said. “Would you like a cup of tea or anything?” “No thanks.” He said shortly. “Just get on with it.” Sheepishly, he let his robes fall away and he was left standing there in nothing but his woolen braies. His robes glowed with a pale light and Rarity scooped them up in her magic and dropped them into a garbage bag. “I’ll just get these washed and get them back to you later.” She said turning back to Bastian. “Now then, I was thinking- Oh!” The Unicorn gasped at the sight of Bastian’s exposed body. While the mage stood several inches shorter than any of his pure blooded Nordic kinsmen and a full head shorter than Shahk, he wasn’t considered small by pony standards. Standing nearly twice the height of a stallion with only a hint of lean muscles, his pale skin was covered in several scars from the years of fighting and hardship in Skyrim but the worst by far was his back which was reflected in the mirror behind him. The burns started at his neck, ran down his arm and the entire length of his back, down his pants and continued to just below the back of his knee. The flesh was in various shades of red, some areas darker than others depending on how badly the area had been burned. Then there was his right foot. The front half of it was missing and in its place was a prosthetic made out of a gold colored metal, held in place by a leather strap wrapped around his ankle. Rarity looked at him nervously and Bastian looked down at her indifferently. “Well?” He said blankly. “I-I’m sorry!” She stammered. “I didn’t mean to- “It’s fine. Just take your measurements.” Rarity nodded and quickly went to work. Her measuring tape levitated around Bastian’s body and she did her best not to stare at his wounds, silently mourning what might have otherwise been an immaculate complexion. She paused as she noticed what seemed to be a tattoo on his right hand in between his thumb and index finger. It was a strange symbol she had never seen before. It reminded her of an O but the bottom of it was missing and it was flat on the top and had a dot in the center. She started to ask him about it but decided against it, not wanting to offend the mage any more than she felt she had. She wrapped the tape around his waist and thought she saw him shift uncomfortably. “Does it… does it hurt?” She asked removing the tape. “We can stop if you’d like?” “It’s fine.” She nodded and continued. “At first I was thinking Bleu de Prance but now that I get a good look at your… at your skin in the light I’m thinking something darker to compliment your fair tone, perhaps something like a midnight? I have plenty of Saddle Arabian silk left over from a previous order that would look stunning with silver accents. I can give it a higher collar if you like to er, cover the marks and I could sew you a new pair of gloves as well.” “You don’t need to go to so much trouble.” Bastian said. “Besides, I don’t have any money to- “Nonsense.” Rarity scolded him as if he had insulted her. “You can forget all about that. Just consider them a welcoming gift from me if you must. Besides, I’d be lying if I said my generosity was completely selfless. I’ve never had the opportunity to design any clothes for bipeds before. We don’t have very many of them in Equestria you see. Well, there are the Minotaurs I suppose but most of them would just as soon strut around shirtless flexing those big muscles of theirs. I mean really, who are they trying to impress?” “Minotaurs?” “Yes.” Rarity nodded. “They are creatures with bodies similar enough to yours but with bovine features, horns and hooves you know? You hear stories about them all the time, forming bandit gangs in the mountains and plains, robbing travelers. You do see them in some of the more populated areas every once in a while but even then they are little more than brutes for hire.” “We had them in Tamriel but I never saw them myself. They were just monsters as far as I can tell.” Bastian said. “The way that some behave. It’s repulsive is what it is.” Rarity sighed. “But as I was saying, Fluttershy and I were talking about clothes for bipedal creatures just the other day and poof! You all appear and we’re up to our manes in them! That’s not to say we haven’t enjoyed your company so far of course!” “You should speak to Taarie and Endarie.” Bastian said. “They’re both tailors themselves. They had a shop in the city of Solitude before they were kicked out.” “Kicked out? Whatever for?” “They’re Altmer. High Elves. A popular rumor going around at the time was that it was the Elves that were responsible for the dragon’s return.” He scoffed. “They were lucky. There were others who got it a lot worse.” Rarity removed her glasses and frowned sadly as Bastian as she snipped a final thread. Hearing everything that his people had been through made her heart ache and it certainly made her grateful for what she had. She didn’t even want to think about where she would be if she was in their horseshoes. It was easy to take what you had for granted but meeting someone who has nothing made a mare grateful for everything. “There we are.” Rarity said taking a step back and admiring her work. “All finished. What do you think?” Bastian looked down at himself, unaware that the Unicorn had been working the entire time they had been talking. He turned around to see his reflection in the mirror and was immediately uncomfortable. He was wearing something akin to a fine black doublet made of quilted cloth and lined with silver threads over a dark blue silk shirt and black trousers. In addition to his new suit of clothes Rarity had also apparently cleaned him with magic. His hair was no longer greasy and his nails actually shined in a way he was not used to. “Typically I prefer to sew my garments by hoof, to add a personal touch you know, but magic is much, much faster. It’s a bit of a rush job I know but it should get you through your first trip to Canterlot.” Rarity said as Bastian stared at his new clothes. “Now, the stitching should hold, just do be careful not to get caught on anything. Saddle Arabian silk is divine but sharp objects and corners are its worst enemy. I imagine that you’ll be in and out of Canterlot a lot in the near future so I’d like to tailor you a few suits to have on hoof- er, hand. I do quite enjoy the renaissance look you lot have going for you but I was thinking something a bit more modern. A tailcoat perhaps? Oh, a nice waist jacket would look very strapping I think!” “Rarity this is too much.” Bastian said. It was true; the most expensive thing that the mage owned clothing wise was a thick wool coat he had purchased from a pawn shop in the Grey Quarter in Windhelm. Clothes such as these would be something only the absurdly rich would wear and the mage felt more awkward in them than when he was naked a few moments ago. “Up up up!” Rarity said holding up a hoof. “I don’t want to hear it. As I said they are a gift and if you protest anymore I shall be insulted.” Bastian smiled uncomfortably. This didn’t seem like a battle he’d be able to win. He could only thank Rarity as he stepped down from the platform to put on his boots which she had apparently cleaned with magic while she worked. “Don’t mention it darling.” Rarity said waving a hoof. “Generosity is my middle name, or my element at the very least. You mind your manners in Canterlot and do be sure to send Twilight my regards.” “I will. And thanks again.” She waved to him as he left and closed the door behind him. She turned back to her studio and gazed over her supplies and tools. Her glasses slowly lowered onto her face and her eyes narrowed in determination. There were two hundred aliens outside dressed in clothes she didn’t deem fit for a pig and she was determined to do her part. “Let’s do this…” > Headlines and Headway > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XV- Headlines and Headway CLOSE ENCOUNTERS IN PONYVILLE! By Ace Redletter (Photography by Flash Feature) Yesterday, as Celestia’s sun was high in the sky above our land, a young stallion was traveling along the western road outside of the ancient and mysterious Everfree Forest towards Ponyville. Hoping for a fresh start in the quiet farming community, he carried nothing with him but the bare essentials to start a new life in a new town, an exciting time in any pony’s life but this pony, Wallace “Wally” Melon (pictured left), had no idea just how exciting things were going to be. Wally was about to make first contact with visitors from another world. Without any word of warning, a sudden flash of mysterious white light appeared from within the Forest, carrying with it a surge of strange power that was felt for miles around. Wally and his younger sister Candy Melon, who was traveling with him, were caught right in the middle of the unexpected explosion and lifted into the air, along with their cart and hurled Celestia knows how far from where they were, landing somewhere in Everfree Forest itself. What happened next was nothing short of extraordinary. Wally and Candy made what very well might the biggest discovery of this or any generation. Everfree Forest was filled with alien creatures never before seen on Equus. However these creatures did not come to invade or conquer like characters out of a late night science-fiction special. They came seeking aid. Their home world destroyed, the various races that come from the world formally known as Nern, came to Equestria seeking safety from their planet’s destruction. Seeing the peril that the creatures were in Wally guided their leader, one Bastian Bellrend (Below), to Ponyville seeking aid and eventually all of the aliens were safely shown to town where they received medical care from Ponyville General Hospital, along with a certain overzealous photographer that did not exercise caution when using flash photography on some of the new creatures. We cannot comment on Flash Feature’s recovery at this time but the “Orc” known as Shahk offers his sincerest apologies. “They really are quite extraordinary creatures.” Says Doctor Horse M.D. “I’ve never seen anything like them.” The arrivals of these creatures generated so much excitement that the Princesses themselves, Celestia AND Luna, arrived in Ponyville that afternoon and were met with the startling sight of alien creatures among their loyal subjects. It is said that as the visitors were treated for their wounds, Celestia and Luna held an audience with the alien’s leader Bellrend in Sugar Cube Corner, accompanied by the six mares that stopped Nightmare Moon last summer during the Summer Sun Celebration. They were in the bakery for some time and what they discussed can only be speculated but one thing is for certain. When they emerged, the princesses made the royal decree that the races of the planet Nern were now citizens of Equestria! Welcome to the herd guys! (Pictured below, a Nord woman is greeted by Princess Celestia herself! Lucky!) Though we know little about them, these visitors, or I suppose I should say neighbors, are here to stay. Unfortunately, while we were not able to get an official quote from Mister Bellrend, we did manage to speak with Wally Melon himself who had this to say. “Sorry to break it you guys at the Canterlot Daily Press, but the Cloverfield Chatterbox has been covering alien sightings for years. You guys are a little late to the party.” Fair enough Mister Melon, but here at the Canterlot Daily Press we deal in facts, and I think we can all say that the fact of the matter is, Equus will never be the same! The newspaper folded itself in half and Twilight passed it to Lielle who stared at her picture in silent awe. “This- this is incredible!” She stammered. “And everyone can read this?” “Well, everypony that has a subscription to the Canterlot Daily Press, yes.” Twilight said taking a sip from her glass of lemonade. “Did you not have newspapers where you’re from?” “Um…” It took a moment for Lielle to respond. She was still marveling at her picture in the paper, a moment perfectly frozen in time without the use of magic. “In a sense we did. Well, that is to say Cyrodiil did. It was before my time but they had the Black Horse Courier that printed newsletters which were distributed throughout the province up until the Great War. I think their offices were destroyed when the Aldmeri Dominion sacked the Imperial City for spreading Anti-Dominion Propaganda.” The girls were sitting in Sugar Cube Corner along with Spike and Wally. Nearby, a pair of stallions struggled under the weight of a large wooden table they had on their backs as they slowly walked up the steps of the bakery. “A little to your left.” Mr. Cake said from the doorway. “Careful not to hit the frame. It’ll take all day to bake another one!” The sweating ponies nodded and carefully made their way up the steps of the bakery. Suddenly, the weight of the heavy table vanished as it was lifted from their backs by Shahk and a trio of Nords. “Oh! Uh, thanks!” One of the stallions said. “No problem.” Shahk grunted. “Where do ya want it?” “Just over here.” Mrs. Cake said motioning with a hoof. “By the front window there.” They carried the table inside and sat it down on the floor. One of the Nords removed his horned helmet and a cascade of honey colored locks fell past his shoulders, slowly sweeping from side to side. Mrs. Cake gave him a glass of water which he drank down gratefully. Droplets of water leaked out of the corners of his mouth and trickled down his bearded chin as Spike and Wally watched in silent awe. “Their beards…” Spike whispered with a covetous gleam in his eyes. “I know.” Wally squeed. “They’re GLORIOUS!” Lielle giggled and Twilight rolled her eyes. While the four of them sat in Sugar Cube Corner waiting for Rarity to release Bastian, the Nords and Ponies were hard at work cleaning up the mess from the night before. Of course the girls offered to use magic to help speed the process along but the Nords insisted on doing it themselves. Outside, Twilight saw a pair of Nords pick up a barrel each and carry them off on their shoulders like a sack of apples. “They really don’t like magic do they?” Twilight asked. “It’s foolish I know.” Lielle said. “They’d rather take all afternoon doing something that a handful of mages can get done in just a few minutes.” “Reminds me of the Earth Ponies.” Twilight said remembering her first winter wrap up in Ponyville just a few months ago, which was awkward to say the least. “I don’t see the point.” Spike said munching on a cookie. “I mean, it just feels like a waste of time.” “Just because they have a different way of doing things doesn’t make it pointless Spike.” Twilight said giving the baby dragon a frown. “I think it hurts the Nords ego more than anything.” Lielle said thoughtfully. “Bas once said that if the Nords could wield a weapon forged by their own pride, the dragons wouldn’t have stood a chance. Although, he’s guilty of it too…” At that moment, Bastian stepped into Sugar Cube Corner. Lielle waved him over and he approached their table. “I can see Rarity got ahold of you.” Twilight said with a small laugh. “You look great!” “Nice duds!” Wally agreed. “Thank you.” He replied, resigning to simply accept the compliments. “I am ready to leave whenever you are.” “Excellent!” Twilight said. “Now, I’ve taken the liberty to make you a list of how to behave while in the Princesses court.” Her horn glowed and a scroll of parchment levitated out of her saddlebag on the table and unraveled itself. It rolled across the table between their drinks, down to the floor and continued until it came to a stop just a few inches away from a Nord’s boot outside. “Traditionally, an emissary brings a token of good will such as a small gift from their homeland.” Twilight said. “This is presented to the Princesses before the meeting begins and is often examined to ensure that no foul play is intended. “A gift?” Bastian repeated. One thing immediately came to mind. It was perfect. In fact as far as he was concerned, it couldn’t be anything else. “Oh dear.” Lielle said nervously. “We don’t really have anything to give. Oh, I suppose I could find something in our stores to part with? Surely we have a piece of jewelry or something like that.” “I have something I can give them.” Bastian said. “I can grab it from my chest before we leave. Is there anything else we should know?” “Well,” Twilight began. “Next, the emissary bows, presents the gift and says “I come to thee seeking friendship and present you with this gift in all good faith.” After that, court will begin and then end at the Princesses discretion.” “It sounds simple enough.” Lielle said. “Oh, that’s just the beginning!” Twilight replied. “There are dozens of rules that you have to follow so you don’t offend or upset the Princesses. For instance, you must never ever, ever touch your left nostril with your right hoof!” “I’ll do my best.” Bastian, his sarcasm missed by the purple Unicorn. “Are there really that many rules?” Wally asked reading the paper. “The Princesses seemed really cool when we met them yesterday. I mean, Luna was kind of cold but I guess that being trapped in the moon for a thousand years will do that to you.” “Trapped in the- what?” Bastian asked. “Uh, it’s kind of a long story.” Twilight said embarrassedly. “A thousand years ago, Princess Luna tried to… she…. well… she turned into Nightmare Moon and tried to cover Equestria in eternal darkness and Celestia had to banish her to the moon…” Bastian and Lielle stared at the Unicorn. He supposed that was on way to solve a problem. The last time a villain tried to cover Tamriel in eternal darkness he and his brothers had simply killed him. “Look, it was a long time ago and she’s fine now.” Twilight said quickly rolling the scroll. “My friends and I used the Elements of Harmony to sort of, I don’t know, purge the evil from her? I guess…?” “The Elements of what?” Bastian asked. “Basically, they’re powerful artifacts that embody the aspects of harmony that make up our society.” Twilight explained. “There’s laughter, kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty and magic. My friends and I discovered them in the remains of the Princesses old castle within the Everfree Forest and used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and in turn rescue Princess Luna from herself.” “So… so when Rarity said to me earlier that her element is generosity she was speaking of the Elements of Harmony?” Bastian asked. “Right.” Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy is kindness, Rainbow Dash is loyalty, Pinkie Pie is laughter, I’m magic and Applejack is honesty.” Wally spewed his drink all over the table. “She- She’s what?!” He spluttered. “She never told me about any of that in her letters! You’re telling me that my cousin, Little Appie Jackie, wields one of the most powerful artifacts in Equestria?!” “Well, no, not exactly.” Twilight replied. “After we defeated Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia took the Elements for safekeeping in the Canterlot Vaults.” “My cousin is a super hero!” Wally gushed. “All she ever talks about is working on that farm, bucking apple trees and baking pies but she’s really a super hero! That’s so awesome!” “She isn’t a super hero Wally.” Twilight said with a frown. “She’s just a part of something bigger. The elements only work when all six of them, when all six of us are together.” “You girls are like the Justice Guild of Equestria!” Wally cried. “Or the Power Ponies!” “I know right?” Spike asked. “And they act like it isn’t a big deal!” “It isn’t a big deal Spike!” Twilight said. “We just did what any other pony would have done in our situation.” “Twilight, not just any pony would have gone into Everfree Forest and face off against Nightmare Moon.” Spike argued. “I would!” Wally exclaimed. Twilight sighed. “If we’re all done here, I still have to retrieve the token from my chest.” Bastian said. “Yes!” Twilight said jumping from her chair. “The sooner we get to Canterlot the better!” They left Sugar Cube Corner and crossed the bridge outside of Ponyville. A short walk down the road and they made it to the Nord’s encampment just outside of the Everfree Forest where tents were being erected and campfires were being built. Bastian’s gear stood alone from everyone else’s, the Nords afraid of disturbing any of the mage’s possessions and setting of any magical traps or enchantments. Their fears weren’t misplaced of course and Twilight watched Bastian curiously as the mage removed his wards and magical triggers. Finally he opened the largest of the three chests and began to rummage around inside. The mare’s eyes widened as Bastian reached deep into the chest, much deeper than he should have been able to considering its size. “Magic!” Wally squealed silently. “It’s bigger on the inside!” “Much bigger.” Bastian called over his shoulder, his voice echoing in the chest. “It contains a pocket dimension to Oblivion. I’m not sure just how big it actually is but we have a few more just like it that contains other necessities like food and medicine and tools, all of them linked together.” He stood back up with a sigh and pushed a hand through his hair. “Might have a dragon skull as well…” He muttered under his breath. He cursed and bent back down, now tossing things over his shoulder with reckless abandon as he muttered to himself, going over a mental checklist almost as big as Twilight’s library. A few books, a golden staff with the likeness of a dragon carved onto its head, more books, a few Dwemer gadgets, even more books, an iron cage containing a skull with runes carved onto it, still more books, until finally he found what he was looking for; a long object wrapped in an oil cloth. He unfolded the oil cloth and stared at the object for a few seconds before he exhaled pensively through his nose. He rewrapped it, stood up and with a wave of his hand the items he had tossed out of the chest flew back into it and the lid slammed shut with a snap. The chest glowed for a second as the magical traps rearmed themselves and Bastian turned back to his party. “All right.” He said. “Let’s go.” “What is it?” Lielle asked curiously. “Just something I don’t need anymore.” Bastian replied. “Twilight, lead the way.” “Excellent!” Twilight said crossing “get token of friendship” off of her to do list. “Now, I doubt that all of us would be able to fit in the hot air balloon so we’re going to be taking the train.” “Train?” Lielle asked. -The Pony Scrolls- A great jet of steam bellowed out of the release valve of the train as All Aboard led Twilight and her friends down the boarding platform of Ponyville Station. “Watch yerselves!” The old stallion called over his shoulder. “That steam’ll singe the hair right of yer heads! Anyway, what was I saying?” “You- you were telling us how this thing works?” Bastian said staring at the train in the same way Lielle had stared at her picture. “Oh yes! Well, we shovel coal into the big furnace over there, the flames of which convert the water in that boiler into steam. The steam then moves those pistons up and down which move the wheels and make the train move.” “That’s amazing!” Bastian said, the corners of his mouth twitching into a genuine smile. A whistle shrieked and Lielle laughed as she covered her ears. “It’s so loud!” She cried. “I thought you guys would like this!” Twilight laughed. “The United Equestrian Railroad has tracks all over Equestria. You can be anywhere in just a few hours.” “How fast does it go?” Bastian asked. “Well, depends on how hot we can get the furnace.” All Aboard said wiping his brow with a hoofkerchief. “On average I’d say about sixty miles an hour.” “Gods!” Lielle gasped. “Why would anyone want to go so fast?” “It just takes passengers then?” Bastian asked. “Oh this one does but we have other trains that move freight as well.” All Aboard said checking his pocket watch. “Is- Is it absolutely necessary for some of the… cars?” All Aboard nodded. “To be shaped like cakes?” Bastian asked. “Uh, well no.” All Aboard said sheepishly. “Some of the railroads biggest supporters are bakers and uh- Oh! It’s about that time! You all have tickets I presume?” “Yes we do!” Twilight said. Five tickets levitated out of her saddlebag and hovered in front of All Aboard’s face. The Earth Pony adjusted his glasses and examined them carefully. Satisfied, he nodded his head and motioned for Twilight and her friends to board the train. “Next stop Canterlot!” Other passengers made their way into the train and with another loud shriek from the whistle on the conductor’s car they were off. The train moved slowly at first, chugging along and building speed until the Equestrian countryside was a green blur outside of their cabin’s window. Wally giggled excitedly and stood with his face pressed against the window as he and Lielle watched the scenery whiz by. Bastian sat next to Twilight and listened as she went over the various rules for behaving in the Princesses court, many of which were redundant in his case considering he was physically incapable of performing any of them even on accident, lacking hooves or a tail or a snout or wings. In just a few short hours they arrived in Equestria’s capital city of Canterlot and the two humans couldn’t help but stare in awe at the ancient and majestic city. It was built into the side of a tall purple mountain in the very heart of Equestria, starting at the summit and then curving up along the mountains face. Tall glittering towers of ivory bearing banners of the royal sisters rose proudly into the bright cloudless sky, topped in golden spires that shined like stars in the sun. Rivers and waterfalls ran through the city’s cobblestone streets and down the side of the mountain where it formed into the Sweetwater River, a body of water that ran close to Ponyville, through a small section of the Everfree Forest, continuing on past Los Pegasus until it emptied out into the Western Sea. While Ponyville was similar enough to the rustic appeal of a Nordic village, there was nothing in Skyrim that could match the fantastic beauty of Canterlot. Maybe the Imperial City and its palace with its White Gold Tower before it was sacked in the Great War but while Tamriel’s beauty had been declining in the past few hundred years, slowly rotting away and waiting for Alduin to return and feast on it like a vulture gorging itself on carrion, Equestria seemed to be a paradise untouched by the harshness of war and the monsters the likes of which inhabited the Nord’s homeland but even with all of its splendor and glory, it still wasn’t home. “In all my days I’ve never seen anything so… amazing.” Lielle breathed softly. “It’s absolutely breathtaking.” “It’s beautiful.” Bastian agreed. “Comic books here I come!” Wally cheered. “I’ll meet up with you guys later, if you need me I’m going to Promised Land!” “Are you sure you’ll be all right on your own Wally?” Twilight asked cautiously. “It can be easy to get lost here.” “I’ll be fine!” Wally called already galloping away. “Catch ya later!” “…He’s gonna get lost.” Spike deadpanned. “No, he’ll be fine.” Twilight said uncertainly. “Right?” “He’s a grown man- well, stallion.” Bastian said. “I’m sure he can take care of himself. In the meantime we have more pressing matters to attend to.” “You’re right.” Twilight nodded. “Let’s go.” As the purple Unicorn led them higher into the city Bastian noticed the Unicorns who lived there were giving them queer looks ranging from mild interest as they sipped their tea in the numerous cafes to actual alarm as they passed by them in the street. Bastian found himself reminded strongly of some of the Elves he had met in his travels, who made no effort to hide their nose wrinkling disgust at his presence, as if he and his kinsmen where little more than animals rolling in the mud. He quickly glimpsed into their thoughts and most of them were thinking more or less the same thing. What on earth are those… things? Some kind of deformed Minotaur? They’re kind of… attractive in a weird sort of way… Nopony must ever know my shame… Who does Twilight think she is? Just because she’s the Princess’s prized pupil does not give her the right to parade a pair of monkeys through our town! I don’t know what they get up to in Ponyville but this isn’t a circus you know! Lielle seemed oblivious to the stares, too caught up in taking in the sights. Twilight however seemed to notice the looks and quickened her pace to a light trot, moving just fast enough for Bastian and Lielle to keep up. They reached to highest part of the Canterlot where the city ended and the castle grounds began. They ventured across the castle’s outer courtyard and crossed a long ivory bridge that stretched across a deep chasm in the mountain before arriving at the castle gates where they were stopped by a pair or royal EUP guards. Both were tall and muscular stallions, one a Unicorn with a stark white coat and dark blue mane and the other a Pegasus with a brown coat and light blue mane. They were both wearing golden armor and helmets that reminded Bastian of the Imperial legionnaires back home. “Halt!” The Pegasus pony said. “None may enter the castle unless on royal business!” “State your intent citizen!” The Unicorn said. “But speak carefully for you are addressing a member of the- T-Twily?” Twilight gasped and then squealed in delight. “Shining Armor!” She exclaimed. “I was hoping I’d get the chance to see you while I was here!” “Hey there little sis!” The Unicorn said nuzzling his sister in a pony hug. “Oh wow it’s been awhile! How have things been in Ponyville?” “That’s actually why we’re here.” Twilight said. “Shining this is Bastian Bellrend and Lielle Ervine. They’re friends of mine. Guys, this is my older brother Shining Armor!” “It’s nice to meet you. Any friend of little Twilight’s is a friend of mine.” He said extending a hoof. “Hey, wait a minute. I recognize you! You were in the paper!” The Pegasus said as Bastian shook Shining’s hoof. “You two are some of those aliens right?” “Yes we are.” Bastian nodded. “Twilight is taking us to the castle to speak with the Princesses.” “Well don’t let us keep you.” Shining said. “Twily, once my shift is over we should catch up!” “Absolutely!” Twilight smiled. “Donut Joe’s?” “You know it!” He said as they hoof bumped. His horn glowed light blue and the gates began to creak open. “Hold it!” Twilight said. The gates glowed purple and slammed shut. “What’s wrong?” Shining asked. “What’s wrong?” Twilight repeated with a frown. “You were about to let an unknown visitor into the castle and you didn’t even check the package he was carrying! It could have been something dangerous! You’re never going to make captain if you don’t follow standard procedure!” “But I know you!” Shining said. “You vouch for them right?” “Of course I do but for all you know they could be assassins controlling my mind with magic or something! Uh, no offense guys.” “None taken?” “She’s got a point dude.” The Pegasus said with a shrug. “I mean, you never know.” “Yeah I guess.” The Unicorn sighed. “So what is it anyway?” “A gift for the Princesses.” Bastian replied. “A token of friendship in all good faith, right?” “Right!” Twilight nodded. Bastian un-wrapped the package and revealed a long sword forged from the hardest steel. Its blade was about three feet long and covered in traditional Nordic runes and patterns and its short anthropomorphic handle was wrapped in fine leather. The blade seemed to glow blue in the sunlight and wisps of fog lazily rose from it as if the blade was forged from ice rather than steel. Lielle gasped and balked at the sight of it. “Bastian no! You can’t really- “Wow!” Shining said. “Hey 8-bit, this thing looks like it came right out of one of Gaffer’s Oubliettes and Ogres games!” “No kidding!” The Pegasus said. “Look at that glow! I’ll bet that it’s magic huh? What are we talking? +3? +4?” “It is enchanted yes.” Bastian said covering the blade back up. “Now if everything is in order we really must be continuing on.” “Oh yeah yeah.” Shining said. “Go on ahead.” The gates opened up and Twilight sighed. She loved her big brother more than anything but the young stallion just didn’t take his work seriously. When the day came that he said he wanted to join the guard she thought that maybe this would be a turning point for him but instead he spends his time with his buddies playing games and goofing off. He and Wally would get along like two apples in a barrel. The inner courtyard was full of ponies that lived in the castle, mostly students from Celestia’s school that were studying for their summer programs, a few guards and some of the Princess’s personal hoof-maidens. A few familiar faces waved to Twilight and she waved in return as she led Bastian and Lielle into the castle proper. Spike reached over the top of Twilight’s head, grabbed the door knocker in his scaled claw and knocked three times. The door was answered by a very old Unicorn Stallion in a tailcoat. His mane was the color of cotton, his coat was a very light pastel blue and his cutie mark was that of a silver platter. “It’s good to see you again Miss Sparkle.” He said regarding them with a cool, neutral expression. He didn’t smile at them but his tone wasn’t unfriendly either. “It’s nice to see you too Woodstable.” Twilight smiled. “We have an appointment with the Princesses?” “Ah yes.” He nodded. “Her majesty Princess Celestia is waiting for you in the eastern drawing room. Please follow me.” -The Pony Scrolls- Wally hummed to himself as he trotted down the streets of Canterlot. “I’m gonna get some comic books, some comic books, some comic books! I’m gonna get some comic books! Some comic books? Some comic books! Comic books for meeeeeeee!” He halted in front of the comic book store with a screech and “EEEEEEEEEE”d excitedly. The store was positioned in a prime location to peddle its wares, right on the corner by a school cart stop and a convenience store. The building stood two stories tall and was made of bricks painted white and topped with a green roof. There was a single green wooden door flanked by two large windows showing off the merchandise inside. Wally pressed his face against the glass and shuddered in excitement, practically drooling on himself as he gazed into the shop. A group of four ponies were sitting at a wooden table playing a tabletop game while a few others were playing some kind of card game a few tables over. A chubby earth pony in a jersey with a pale white coat, a black mane and goatee stood behind the counter talking with a customer. “Okay!” Wally said peeling his face from the window with a pop. “I gotta make sure my mind and body are ready to handle this! This isn’t some general store comic rack! This is the big time! This store has an issue of every comic book EVER printed!” The pony took in a deep breath to center himself and ran into the store screaming. The bell rang overhead and all the ponies inside jumped in fright as the green pony tore into the store like a raiding Goblin-Pony. “Dude, what’s your damage!” A pony cried. “I am Wally Melon!” Wally declared loudly. “I am a level 14 Knight of the Golden Sun! I have adventured through the Caves of those who are Long Forgotten! Vanquished the Iron Giant of the Lost Dwarrow-Kin! Defeated the Lich Lord in single combat! United the Sundered Kingdom! I left my money at home so I’m just here to browse!” “That-that’s cool dude just chill out. You’re making me nervous.” The store owner said. “I’m First Printing, the owner of the Everink Comic Shop. Uh, is there anything in particular I can help you find? We’re having a blowout sale so everything is half off.” “Aw man!” Wally whined. “I’ll have to come back later! If I find anything good can you hold it for me?” “Yeah sure.” First Printing said. “No problem.” “Yay!” Wally began to glide through the rows of comic books like a phantom, his eyes hungrily searching the library of illustrated story telling for anything of interest. Each comic was sealed inside of a plastic sleeve to protect it from dust and placed standing up on the shelf to display its cover. Shelves lined the walls of the store displaying all sorts of games and books. Hanging from racks were packages of dice and cards and other collectibles that Wally would never have been able to find in his hometown. Wally was home. “Okay!” Wally said placing a stack of comics down on the counter. “This is all I could find but go ahead and ring them up. Like I said, I’ll be back later to get them.” First Printing picked up the comic on top of the stack and smiled. “You got some good tastes bud. Knight Stallion is one of my favorites!” “Mine too! He’s so cool! Did you hear that they’re doing a cross over with Bat-Mane! I can’t wait! Oh could I pre-order it here?” The stallion smiled sadly at the eager youngling. “Sorry bro. We’ll be out of business before its release.” “WHAT?!” Wall exclaimed. “Y-y-y-you’re going out of business?!” “Yeah sucks I know but it can’t be helped. The colts and fillies just don’t seem to be into this scene like when my old stallion ran the place.” “But this place is one of the oldest comic stores in all of Equestria! It’s been here forever! Long have I heard the tales of the Everink comic store! Long have I desired to travel and seek out its contents! I’m finally big enough to come here by myself whenever I want! You can’t just close!” “Hey don’t get all bent out of shape alright?” First Printing cried. “How do you think I feel? How all of us feel?” Wally looked around at all the sad ponies as they shifted in their seats. “This store has been a safe haven for those who get picked on at school.” First Printing said. “A place of laughter and cheer! Where even the outcasts of society can rise to any challenge and become heroes! A place for ponies to painstakingly plan an O&O campaign only to have it fall apart after like, two or three sessions! A place for those who would rather go to a renaissance fair than go to a polo game to support those ponies that bully them on a daily basis and are looked down upon for doing so! The ponies who memorized the entire Star Pony saga and can recite it by heart!” “I- I’m sorry.” Wally said, his ears flattening. “I wasn’t thinking. Of course you wouldn’t want to close down! This place is your home! And we have to save it!” “How are we supposed to do that?” One of the colts asked. Wally rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well, my uncle always told me that this place was packed after school and on weekends. What changed?” Wally asked. “Well, when they say that we have at least a single issue of every comic ever printed that’s only half true. We have a great selection up here in the shop but the really good stuff is down below in the vault.” First Printing said. “The vault?” Wally asked. “Yeah, my dad kept all of the first editions and rare printings in a secret vault underneath the store.” “A secret stash!” Wally gasped. “Yeah, all ponies were welcome to come and look at my dad’s private collection but after he passed on, well, none of us have been able to go down there.” “Why?” Wally asked. “Is it haunted by his vengeful spirit or something?” “No nothing like that dude.” First Printing scoffed. “It’s just there are, like, a hundred crazy booby traps between here and there. Pitfalls, poison darts, those swinging blade things, snake launchers… yeah my pops was super protective of his collection. Anyway, if somepony could just navigate through all of that and make into the main chamber and recover the crown jewel of the collection then that might just bring some of our customers back. Or I could just sell it and use that money to keep the shop open… Hay, I could probably just retire and work on my screen play…” “I VOLUNTEER!” Wally declared. “What?” “I will go into the vaults and recover the comic and save this shop!” The ponies stared at him before they all broke into laughter. “Ah new blood, you’re a silly character, anypony ever tell you that?” A pony said. “I’m serious!” Wally exclaimed. “I’ll go alone if I have to but I swear on Celestia’s crown I’ll recover the comic!” “Many have tried, all have failed.” First Printing warned. “I can’t stop you from taking on this task, any and all that love comics would do the same in your horseshoes but I warn you, the road ahead is a dangerous one.” “I will succeed!” Wally said. “Failure is not an option!” “Very well.” First Printing said solemnly. “Come with me.” He led Wally to the back of the store and to an old trap door in the floor with all of the store’s patrons following closely behind. First Printing pulled the trapdoor up and revealed a staircase that descended into complete and utter darkness. Wally froze and gulped nervously. “What’s wrong?” A colt giggled. “Scared of the dark?” “H-Hey!” Wally said defensively. “This isn’t just regular old darkness okay? This is like, advanced darkness!” First Printing flipped a light switch and the stair case lit up. “Oh.” Wally said. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” First Printing asked. “We wouldn’t think any less of you if you backed down.” “I would.” A filly said taking a puff from her inhaler. “No, actually I feel a lot better now. It’s a lot less scary with the lights on.” Wally said. Wally took in a deep breath and charged into the basement with a battle cry that would make his Nordic neighbors proud and the door slammed shut behind him. “You told him about the Sphinx and the Iron Horseshoes right?” A colt asked First Printing. “I’m pretty sure I did.” He said rubbing his chin. “Didn’t I? No I did… didn’t I?” The children exchanged dubious glances. “Wanna go play a foal’s card game?” “Sure.” -The Pony Scrolls- As a human that came from a world in which ponies and horses were simple domesticated beasts of burden, Bastian had no idea what to expect in terms of royal equestrian interior design, which to be fair, was never something he considered until now. It was definitely regal, there was no question about that but it was unlike anything he had seen in Skyrim save for maybe the Blue Palace in Solitude or Dragon’s Reach which were proper castles unlike the long houses that the Jarls in the other holds lived in. A long red carpet traveled along the length of the entrance hall’s floor and up a marble stair case that branched off to two separate hallways on the left and right with another set of hallways on the ground floor. Sunlight bled through a pair of stained glass windows on the landing depicting the two royal sisters. The floor of the castle was made from white and light purple marble that had been polished to a bright reflective shine and the lavender walls were trimmed in gold and adorned with banners and tapestries baring the royal crest. The air itself was sweet here, smelling of vanilla and lavender. “This way please.” Woodstable said. He led them down a hallway on the right side of the ground floor of the entrance hall. The windows of the grand hallway were open and a gentle breeze was blowing through the purple silk curtains. “This castle is beautiful!” Lielle said. “Are you a servant?” “I am the Princesses personal butler, yes.” Woodstable said. “I oversee things here in the royal palace, managing servants and orders, and making sure that everything runs smoothly as did my father and his father before him.” “It sounds like a big job.” Lielle said. “Oh yes it is indeed.” Woodstable said. “But it is not without its merits. I take great pride in my job miss as should all, whether it is buttling to royalty or cleaning the streets of our beautiful cities. Everypony has their place in society. It is a shame that there are so many unsung heroes in this land that go unappreciated.” “I hadn’t thought about it like that.” Lielle said thoughtfully. “I’ll have to be more mindful I suppose.” “Do what you feel you must.” Woodstable said. They reached the end of the hall and came to a beautiful wooden door tall enough for even the humans, and especially a princess, to pass through. “A moment if you please.” Woodstable said. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. He returned a minute later and said “Princess Celestia shall see you now.” He opened the door for them and they stepped into the drawing room. The walls of the drawing room were covered in felt wallpaper the same color as the other walls of the castle and the marble floor was covered in beautifully woven rug depicting the royal symbol of the princesses. A brilliant crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling and an unlit fireplace rested on the north wall, its body carved from polished marble and its legs sculpted into the likeness of two Alicorns. Princess Celestia was sitting on a large purple cushion in the middle of the room behind a long wooden table. She smiled at them warmly as Woodstable announced them. “Miss Twilight Sparkle and her companions to see you your majesty.” “Thank you Woodstable.” Celestia said. “Can I get you anything ma’am?” “I think we’ll be fine for now.” Celestia said. “That will be all.” “Thank you ma’am.” Woodstable took his leave and Celestia rose from her seat as they approached. “Good morning Twilight.” She said affectionately taking the Unicorn into a wing hug. “And good morning to you Mister Bellrend, Miss Ervine. I trust you all enjoyed yourselves last night?” “Almost as much as the ponies.” Bastian said. “Your highness, Miss Sparkle informed me of the local custom of presenting gifts as a token of good will.” The Princess blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Well, yes. It’s an old tradition and not one that we hold ponies to anymore but it’s always nice to receive presents if that is your wish.” She smiled. “It is.” Bastian said. Spike frowned at Twilight as she blushed nervously. Sure, the book she read was on ancient royal customs but you can’t fault a mare for being thorough can you? Bastian unfolded the oil cloth and revealed the sword to the princess. “This blade is called Wrath of the North.” Bastian said. “It was forged by the late Eorlund Gray-Mane, the greatest blacksmith in all of Skyrim, and enchanted by myself for the Last Dragonborn to carry into battle against Alduin with the hopes and prayers of all of Skyrim that he may slay him. It was the blade he held when he met his end on the Throat of the World. I give it to you as a token of friendship in all good faith.” Celestia actually seemed speechless by the gift. Usually it’s something that does have some cultural meaning, like something that the delegate’s homeland is known for, like an exotic fish or a bag of turnips but never something like this. “That’s extremely generous of you Mister Bellrend but are you sure that you would be willing to part with such a thing? Something like this would be better suited to stay with your people.” “You and your ponies have shown more kindness to us than we ever hoped to find in a new world.” Bastian said. “You have welcomed us with open arms, gave us food and shelter, clothing and medical treatment. Because of you we can rebuild and begin our lives anew. For the first time in years we have a future. Equestria is that future and years from now I hope the day will come when our heritage, our history will be considered Equestria’s as well. Under the circumstances I can think of no better gift to give you.” The princess smiled at the mage and levitated the sword from its resting place. “I hope so too.” She said. “It’s a beautiful blade Bastian Bellrend and I am honored to accept it.” A silver bell on the table magically rose in the air and Celestia rang it. The note had not even left her guest’s ears when Woodstable appeared in the doorway. “You rang ma’am?” “Woodstable, I would like you to take this sword and find a place for it in the vaults, a place of honor if you please.” “It will be done ma’am.” He said taking the sword from her with his own magic. He left the room and Celestia took her original seat at the table. “Please have a seat and we can begin.” They took seats around the table and Bastian saw that a topographically accurate map of Equestria had been laid out that took up almost the entire length of the grand table. Bastian could see miniature towns, rivers, mountains and forests sprawling over the land and realized just how big the Princesses domain was. “Where is Princess Luna your majesty?” Lielle asked. “She won’t be joining us just yet I’m afraid.” Celestia said. “She maintains irregular hours due to her royal duties and she is resting but you may see her later. Now let’s get started. We have much to do. You might already have an idea of what we are going to discuss?” “I was hoping we could discuss where we could build our homes.” Bastian said. “Of course.” Celestia nodded. “Ensuring that your people have shelter will be our top priority. I believe the best place for you to build will be here.” Her horn glowed and a long white quill levitated out of a crystal ink well. She circled a large area of the map in ink. “It will put you a little close to Everfree Forest, closer than most ponies would like but it will give you access to fresh water and the train tracks so you could build your own train station.” “That’s very generous of you your majesty.” Bastian said. “It’s a large sum of land.” “Enough for you to build homes and farms and for you to expand in the days to come.” She agreed. “Do you find this agreeable?” “Yes your majesty.” “Excellent.” She said. “You may take this map with you when you leave. This was the easy part I’m afraid, now things will get to be a bit more complicated.” The map rolled itself up and she levitated it over to lean against the wall by the door. Her horn glowed again and in a flash the table in front of them was stacked high with scrolls and books. “What- what is all this?” Lielle asked. Celestia smiled at them but sighed internally. “Paper work.” Bastian said blankly. “A necessary evil in any society I’m afraid.” Celestia said. “You’ve only just arrived here and none of you are officially registered so you have no legal standing as citizens. I can “decree” that you are now citizens of Equestria all I like but in order for it to be official it has to be in writing. Any and all treaties that Equestria has formed with other nations and kingdoms, any declarations of peace or trade agreements must be updated to include your people. Bastian, since you don’t know the language and obviously I’m not going to make you sign something you can’t read, Twilight and I would be happy to translate these documents for you to ensure you understand them. You can sign them in your own signature and it will still be considered legally binding. If you would like, Lielle can also sign for you in my presence with your permission.” “It would help moves things along certainly.” Bastian agreed. “Do you find this agreeable?” Celestia asked Lielle. “Sure.” She nodded. “Anything I can do to help.” “Excellent.” Celestia said. “Now then.” A pair of quills levitated in front of the two humans. They took them and Celestia opened the first scroll and levitated a small pair of glasses onto her face. “Let us begin.” > Wally Melon: Dungeon Crawler! -or- All up in Jarl's business! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVI- Wally Melon, dungeon crawler! -Or- All up in Jarl’s business! Deep underneath the unsuspecting streets of Canterlot Wally made his way through the winding halls and corridors of the Everink Vault. The walls were carved from rough gray stone and lined with torches that bathed Wally’s path in flickering orange light. The halls were narrow with just barely enough room for two ponies to walk abreast adding an uncomfortable feeling of claustrophobia to the already eerie surroundings and even in light of this Wally hummed adventuring music to himself as he trotted along the path. “So far so good,” He said to himself with a small grin as he unknowingly walked past a pony skull set in the wall. “Maybe it isn’t as bad as all that! I’ll get that comic back for sure!” He came to a wide dome shaped chamber and paused. Floating in the air halfway between the floor and the ceiling was a magical ball of light, suspended in midair like a miniature sun. In the bright light Wally could see that the walls were lined in hundreds of holes and the floor was made of stone tiles, each depicting different creatures from the lowly mouse to the mighty lion. Across the room Wally spotted a door that would be the exit. “Poison darts.” Wally muttered remembering the quest giver’s warning. “Hm,… this seems familiar… Wait, I know this one! It’s from Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue! All of these animals are predators except for the mousy!” Wally jumped onto a tile with a mouse on it. The tile sank into the floor with a loud click and the chamber began to rumble as unseen gears began to turn behind the walls. “W-WHAT?! No! But how?!” He looked down at the tiles again and spotted one with a wedge of cheese carved into it. Somewhere in the eternally shifting planes of Oblivion, a madman laughed on his throne of chaos. “Dagnabbit!” The stallion broke into a full gallop and made a run for it as hundreds of darts began to fire from the walls and ceiling. He dove to the ground and slid along the floor as he felt a sharp pain in his rump. He let out a wail of dread as the door slammed shut behind him. “I’m dead!” He sniffled. “I’mdeadI’mdeadI’mdeadI’m-“ A piece of paper fluttered to the ground in front of his face. “W-what?” He picked the paper up in his hooves and read. Dear Inker, So apparently it’s like, super illegal to buy poison darts. It’s considered treason or something so I wasn’t able to get my hooves on any which is just as well because really dude, I know you value your collection and all, but poison darts seem to be kind of heavy hooved in terms of protection don’t you think? Anyway, instead of poison darts I got you porcupine quills. Hope that works for you. Talk to you soon. –Tripwire Wally looked back at his flank and saw three large spines stick out from his flesh. He sniffled and pulled them out with his teeth, fighting back tears with each tug. “That hurt!” Wally moaned. “What kind of sadistic meanie would do that?” He shook the pain from his rump and popped his neck as he jumped to his hooves. “I gotta keep moving!” He said. “I can’t give up now just because of a few ouchies on my side plot! Bastian wouldn’t give up and neither will I! I will find the sacred comic of awesome and save the shop from foreclosure! I got this!” With as fierce a whiny as he could muster, Wally reared back on his hind legs and broke into a full gallop. “I GOT THIIIIIS!” He screamed furiously as he ran down the hallway. He dodged swinging blades of death, zigzagged through gouts of roaring flames, and ducked beneath hissing snakes that were being launched like bolos from crossbow turrets. Time seemed to slow down for the young stallion as he leapt over a deep pit filled with water and cheered in triumph as hungry sharks leapt up from the water and snapped at his hooves. His victory was short lived however. His cries of victory quickly turned into screams of panic as a trap door opened in the floor and he dove straight into darkness. He landed on a slide carved from crystal and spun around and around on the slide’s slippery surface as he descended further into darkness of the vault. “BAD DAY BAD DAY BAD DAY!” He screamed. Suddenly the slide vanished from underneath him and his ride came to an abrupt stop. He fell for perhaps five feet before he landed in a shallow pool of ice cold water with a loud splash. Trembling and miserable, Wally staggered out of the pool blowing a thin stream of water from his lips. “I’m good!” He called out to the shadows. “Didn’t hurt!” He shook his body furiously to dry himself and looked around the dark chamber. The floor was made of hard packed earth and the walls were of jagged crystals that glowed dimly in the inky darkness of the cave. “Willikers…” He whispered. “I must be somewhere waaaaay under Canterlot… Oh Celestia, how am I supposed to get out of here?” And then something happened that Wally truly was not expecting. A voice in the darkness spoke, making him nearly jump out of his skin. “Oh my dear sweet Willy Gourd…. You’re not!” The feminine voice chuckled from the darkness. A pair of narrow golden eyes appeared from the darkness and stared at the pony hungrily. Wally gasped in fright and backed away as a large creature with the head of a mare, the body of a lioness and a pair of great feathered wings stepped out from the shadows, grinning at the pony like he was a tasty treat. She stood taller than a pony, almost as high as a Nord and twice as wide. Her coat was the color of desert sand, her mane as dark as midnight and though she had the head of a beautiful young mare, her fangs definitely indicated that she was indeed “coniferous”, much to Wally’s woe. “H-how did you almost know my name?!” Wally gasped. “I have approximate knowledge of many things…” She purred proudly as she circled around him. “For instance, I know that your friend Sebastian Gongbang is currently speaking with the Queen in her castle of Canterbury right above our heads.” “Yeah, more or less.” Wally agreed. “But what are you doing down here?” “Did First Edition not tell you about me?” She asked as if offended. “I don’t think so…” Wally said rubbing his chin. “Did he?” “I am the guardian!” She said proudly drawing herself up to her full height. “I am she who watches the gates of the vault and judges those who would seek the treasures sealed inside. I am THE SPHINX!” She rose onto her hind legs and let out a mighty roar that echoed throughout the cave as her great wings unfurled behind her. “The what?” Wally asked. Her wings drooped as if deflated. She glared at the pony and tried to determine whether or not he was pulling her leg. “The Sphinx.” She repeated. He shrugged. “You have never heard of a sphinx before?” She asked. “The noblest of all creatures born of the sky whose wit and intellect know no bounds?” “Gee uh, that’s cool and all but um, I’m kind of in a hurry so can I pass?” Wally asked checking his watch. “That remains to be seen.” The Sphinx sniffed haughtily. “In order to be deemed worthy you must pass a test administered by me. If you succeed then the way will be made known to you.” “What kind of test?” Wally asked. The Sphinx raised an eyebrow. “Are- are you serious?” She asked. “I’m a Sphinx!” “So?” “So?” She repeated. “We Sphinxes invented the game of riddles!” “You did? Cool!” She snarled and wrinkled her nose in disgust. “What do they teach you ponies in school nowadays?” She asked hotly. “This is basic stuff!” “I got sick a lot.” Wally replied. “Okay, so then you’re gonna ask me questions?” “Riddles!” She hissed. “A trial of three riddles!” “What’s the difference?” “A riddle is a clever question with an abstract answer!” She snapped. “A straight question is something stupid like “what have I got in my pocket” or “what is your favorite color?” “An improbable number of watermelons and green.” Wally replied. “Yes! Two down!” “The game hasn’t started yet!” “Oh, my bad.” Wally nodded. “So how does this work? Do I get multiple choices, or life lines?” “NO!” The Sphinx roared. “Okay okay, be cool!” Wally said quickly. ”No need to get all bitey and mauly! So what happens if I get the questions wrong? Do I get a lesser prize or a ribbon of participation or something like that because I already got a bunch of those?” The Sphinx grinned wickedly and took a few steps towards the pony so that she was only a few inches away from his face. He trembled as he felt her hot breath on his face and he got as close a look at her sharp white fangs as he would like. “Bad ending.” She purred staring into his eyes. The Sphinx vanished in a blur of movement and reappeared on a crystalline ledge above Wally’s head. Her tail lazily swished back and forth as she grinned down at him. “The decision is yours to make Willy.” Wally gulped and steeled his nerves. “Fine!” He said defiantly. “I’ll take your dumb test! I’m not scared! And my name’s not Willy! Wrong vowel you big, dumb… cat!” Her eyes twinkled and she let out a throaty chuckle. “Very well…” With a fierce roar she leapt from her perch and landed in front of Wally, the ground trembling beneath her weight. She remained crouched down so that she was eye level with the pony as she backed him into a wall. “Once upon a time, there was a little green house. Inside of that little green house was a white house. Inside that white house was a red house and inside the red house were lots of tasty little babies.” Wally gasped. “Oh that’s easy! A watermelon!” He pulled a melon out of his vest and took a huge bite, splattering the Sphinx with bits of pulp and juice. “That is… correct.” She growled wiping her face. “But the first one is always easy! There are still two riddles left!” “Kay!” She scoffed and cleared her throat. “The more there is, the less you see. Squint all you want when surrounded by me.” Wally fell backwards on his rump and tapped his head with a hoof. “Ow. Think, think, think. Think, think, think…” A malicious grin slowly began to spread across the Sphinx’s face as Wally began to pace and mutter to himself. “More there is… less you see…” Then it hit him. Quite literally. Wally bumped his head on a section of low hanging crystal and cried out in pain. “S-stupid darkness! Wait! It’s the dark!” He exclaimed. The Sphinx winced and growled in anger. I was all just dumb luck! There was no way he’d be able to answer the third riddle! They never made it that far! These riddles were super hard! “Alive as you but I draw no breath!” She roared. “As cold in life, as in my death! I never thirst but always drink, I am wrapped in mail but never do I clink!” “Hm…” Wally said. “That’s a toughie alright…” The Sphinx grinned and licked her lips in anticipation. Saliva ran down her maw like a river of hunger. Suddenly something splashed out of the water behind them. Wally turned and saw a little fish leap into the air before dropping back into the small pond with a splash. “Aw look at the fishy!” The Sphinx cursed violently and vanished in a puff of smoke as a section of the crystal wall opened up and revealed a path that led further into the vault. “Did you see him?!” Wally asked turning around. “He was so- where’d you go?” Wally stood alone in the chamber. “Well that’s just flipping rude.” He muttered walking through the door with a frown. -The Pony Scrolls- Meanwhile, back in the castle, Bastian and the others were hard at work going through all the scrolls and documents. It was midday and though they had made great progress there was still a small mountain of scrolls sitting in the middle of the table. They had divided into two teams; Celestia would read a document aloud for Bastian and Twilight would read one aloud for Lielle, they would sign here and initial there and then hand them off to Spike to double check them and keep them organized. Bastian stretched and flexed his cramping hand with a frown as Twilight rubbed her head with a hoof. “We can take a break if you’d like?” Celestia asked lowering her glasses from her muzzle. “If you are hungry I can have Woodstable bring us some sandwiches and tea.” “I could go for a snack!” Spike said flashing a toothy grin. “Do you have any gems?” “I’m sure we could find something for you to enjoy Spike.” Celestia laughed. She gave the bell a ring and Woodstable appeared just as he had before. “Yes ma’am?” “Woodstable, could you please have Cookie Cutter prepare some of those cucumber sandwiches for us? And a pot of your tea would be wonderful. Oh, and a bowl of sapphires for Spike.” “Yes ma’am.” He said with a bow. “It will be done.” “Sapphires?” Lielle mouthed to Bastian. The mage glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and gave a small shrug as Woodstable left the room. At the moment Bastian was more interested in studying the strange glyphs that served as the Equestrian alphabet that made up the newly drafted town charter, its name still blank. While he compared it to the Tamriellic version on the table Lielle cleared her throat uncomfortably before turning to the Princess. “Uh, your majesty? Is there somewhere I can er, tend to a call from nature?” She asked. “Of course.” Celestia nodded. “Twilight, would you care to show Lielle to the facilities?” “Sure.” She said standing up. “I kinda gotta go myself. Bastian?” “Hm? No, no. I’m fine.” He muttered. “We’ll be right back.” Twilight said. “Hold on! I gotta use the little dragon’s room too!” Spike said waddling after them. Twilight smiled at Spike and opened the door with her magic, almost bumping into Princess Luna in the process. “Oh! Princess Luna!” Twilight cried. “Our apologies.” Luna said with a slight bow of her head. “We did not mean to startle thee.” “Uh, not at all.” Twilight said. “We were just stepping out to use the bathroom.” “Of course.” Luna said. “Do not let us keep thee.” Luna stepped out of the way and let Twilight and the others pass. She entered the drawing room and closed the door behind her before trotting over to the table where her sister and Bastian sat. It took perhaps three full seconds for Bastian’s tired brain to remember that Princess Luna was, well, a princess and he stood up and gave her a bow which she returned ever so slightly before taking a seat next to her sister. “Good morrow sister.” Luna said. “And to you Mister Bellrend.” “Good morrow your majesty.” Bastian replied. “It would appear that you all have been hard at work.” Luna said studying the documents on the table. “Thou should have awoken us sister. We would have given thee aid.” “I figured you could use the sleep.” Celestia said with a smile. “Besides, you have never been overly fond of this aspect of royalty before.” “It is a Princess’s duty to assist her royal subjects, both old and new.” Luna replied simply as she poured herself a cup of tea. “I should have an accurate census for the two of you within the next few days.” Bastian said. “I was thinking we’d divide the labor amongst our people, some would work while others gave their information and then they would switch out.” “A census is not much concern to us.” Luna said dropping a sugar cube into her tea cup. “Verily, we have both agreed that for the time being, shelter and food is of more import.” “They’ve already made plans for resources such as lumber.” Celestia said. “Harvesting timber from the Everfree Forest seems to be the most convenient solution, which I already told them that we have no problems with.” “We agree.” Luna said with a nod. “Although the forest can prove treacherous to the inexperienced adventurer, we feel that your people have already proven themselves capable after your encounter with the Serket beast. However, what is it that you plan on doing about your source of food?” The Princesses had their suspicions regarding a certain problem that his people would face in this strange new land and they were curious as to how the young man would address the issue. The mage stared at the royal ponies from across the table for a moment, his expression neutral as he considered how to bring the issue to light. “We have some preserved food in reserve that will last us until we can plant our own crops.” Bastian replied. “However your majesties, there is a matter I wanted to speak to you about while we have a moment to ourselves. Well, a few matters actually.” “Oh? What’s that?” Celestia asked feigning ignorance as she poured herself a fresh cup of tea. “Well,” The mage began carefully. “After seeing the aliments that the ponies provided for us last night, for which we are all very grateful, I assume that the two of you and the rest of your race are vegetarian? Well… our people simply aren’t.” Straight to the point then? Luna thought. Thank the stars. “Luna and I had suspected as much.” Celestia said with a small smile. “We did not want to make assumptions but some of those accompanying you have rather large tusks while others seem to be a form of bipedal cats and lizards.” “The Khajiits and Argonians, yes.” Bastian nodded. “While not strictly carnivorous, both races do tend to lean more towards devouring meat. I was hesitant to bring this up at all after everything you both have done for us, for I did not wish to offend.” “Not at all.” Celestia said. “I think I can speak for both of us when I say that it is a refreshing change of pace to have someone speak their mind in our presence.” “It’s a simple fact of nature Mister Bellrend that some animals take sustenance by devouring the flesh of lesser creatures.” Luna said. “While we personally have no qualms with it, it is a bit of a… taboo in our society.” “We ponies of Equestria have always lived in relative peace with other creatures.” Celestia said. “We nurture them and protect them. No, you will not find any butcher shops in Equestria.” “Actually sister, that is not completely true.” Luna said. Celestia raised an eyebrow at her sister. “Oh?” “There is an eatery here in Canterlot, run by Gryphon kin provide services to carnivores.” Luna said absently as she levitated a scroll to her face. A moment of silence followed. Luna lowered the scroll and noticed her sister’s curious expression. “They have good spaghetti.” Luna explained before returning to the document. “I see,” Celestia said with an internal snicker. Perhaps it was exhaustion but the thought of her little sister eating a plate of spaghetti was simply hilarious to her. Maybe she needed a nap. “That may be something to look into. At any rate Mister Bellrend, a supplier of fresh meat will be something of an oddity in our land. There are many creatures here that are as intelligent as you or I, but there are others that our society refers to as… “feral” for lack of a better word, that is to say creatures that lack any form of sentience. As long as the creature in question cannot verbally protest you eating it, feel free to hunt what is needed but please, show the proper respect.” Bastian imagined a cowering deer, tied and gagged as Shahk ran a knife along a sharpening stone with an evil glint in his eye. The mage blinked the macabre day dream away and nodded. “Fair enough.” He nodded. “Thou spoke of other matters that required attention.” Luna said. “What are they?” “Well, previously when I spoke of not having any degree of wealth it appears that I… misspoke.” Bastian said. “Apparently, while I brushed off the need for gold and focused my attention on gathering resources with more practical applications my brother Bartleby had the foresight to request that a few of our own actually horde gold and other valuables to serve as our currency wherever the portal took us.” -A few hours earlier…- Bastian stepped out of the Carousel Boutique to find J’Dado and a Breton merchant named Belethor waiting for him outside. J’Dado sniffed mournfully and Belethor sighed. “Come on.” The Breton sighed. “Get it out.” Bastian watched with a bewildered expression as J’Dado pulled a chain around his neck from underneath his tunic. With a trembling hand he removed a key from it and gave it to Belethor, his hand fighting him every step of the way. The Breton took out a similar key from his pocket, inserted both of them into a treasure chest at their feet and opened it. The gold inside of the chest cast a shining glow on Bastian’s face. The mage raised an eyebrow as J’Dado sobbed into Belethor’s shoulder. “J-just- Just take it!” The Khajiit howled. “Take it and go!” -Now…- Bastian placed a pair of gold septims on the table before the Princesses. “If our “treasurers” are correct, we have somewhere around seventy six thousand septims, the currency of our land, in addition to three hundred pounds of gold ingots and a wide assortment of precious gems and raw ore.” Celestia picked up the gold coins with her magic and examined them. They were easily twice the size of a modern bit but a bit cruder in their mint. The obverse bore the profile of Tiber Septim, and the reverse depicted a dragon. Engraved on the front of the coin around Tiber Septim’s head were the words “The Empire is law. The law is sacred.” and the back read “Praise be Akatosh and all the Divines.” “That’s quite serendipitous for you Bastian.” Celestia chuckled as Luna examined the coins. “With this amount of wealth at your disposal your settlement will be well underway.” Bastian gave her a forced smile and tried desperately not to think of what valuable supplies were left behind in the effort to carry that much gold through the portal. Oh well. Perhaps gold will be of more use in the long run now anyway. “I just don’t know what to do with it.” Bastian admitted. “I’ve never seen that much gold before in my life.” “Take it to the Canterlot bank.” Luna suggested. “They have some of the finest security in the land. The wealth of your people would be safe there.” “I could not tell you the exchange rate for bits to “septims” but I’m sure that the bank will be happy to take the gold off of your hands regardless.” Celestia laughed. “What else is on your mind?” “That is a bit more… difficult.” Bastian said. “There are those among us that have… special needs that need seeing to if they are expected to survive.” “Other than eating meat?” Celestia asked. “Yes.” Bastian said. “Specifically, I am speaking of the Argonians.” “Those would be… the lizard-like creatures?” Celestia asked. “Yes your majesty.” Bastian nodded. “They’re physiology is quite different from a man or a mer. Their whole race is dependent upon a special kind of tree known as The Hist. After an Argonian hatches they drink sap from the Hist trees throughout their infancy until they reach adulthood.” “And we assume that these trees died with your home world?” Luna asked. “With the numerous measures thou hath taken to bring thy people here, surely thou had the foresight to bring a sapling or seeds?” “Yes and no.” Bastian replied awkwardly, trying to consider his words carefully. “The Argonians brought a… “spore” with them to plant in a new world. My brother and I promised them that as long as they aided us they could do just that, however, I am not in any real position to make good on that promise considering the circumstances.” “I have no problems with that.” Celestia said. “Luna?” “Of course not.” Luna said. “Unless there’s something else?” Her eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion and she studied the mage’s expression carefully. “There is your majesty,” Bastian admitted. “But I do not feel comfortable talking about it since I myself know very little about the subject. Even back when the Empire was at its full power the Argonians have always been isolationists. We know very little about them as a people and even less is understood. Even during the last dragon war they kept to the relative safety of their homeland Argonia while the rest of Tamriel burned. It was them who sought us out in the end on their own accord. They came to us in Winterhold led by a Shadowscale called Gah-Juhl. Gah-Juhl said that when they left their homeland for Skyrim, their numbers were several hundred. They were those chosen to start a new life in a new world. By the time they reached us however, only about thirty remained. They aided us greatly in the end and out of respect I have left them largely to their own affairs, calling on them only when we needed them.” “How did they know to seek you out in Skyrim?” Celestia asked. “This is where it gets… complicated.” Bastian replied. “The… The Hist told them.” The Princesses exchanged the subtlest of glances and kept a strong poker face, or as a citizen of Tamriel might call it, a Khajiit Grin. “The Hist?” Celestia asked. “Yes your majesty.” “The trees?” Luna asked. “That’s right.” “How… How do you mean told them?” Celestia asked patiently. “The Argonians believe that The Hist trees are fully sentient beings, capable of communicating with them through visions when they drink their sap.” Bastian replied. “They revere them with the same respect that humans and elves revere their gods, saying that The Hist were the original inhabitants of our world, long before the races of Men and Mer came to be. They believe that the Hist give them their souls and that when they die, their souls return to The Hist to be reincarnated into a new Argonian. I am a born skeptic your majesties and if there is any truth in this I cannot say. I also feel that I should tell you that The Hist themselves supposedly worship Sithis, which again is a subject I cannot fully explain but after everything you have done for us, I feel obligated to inform exactly what you may or may not be dealing with. What exactly Sithis is, is largely a matter up for debate. Personally I think that Sithis is just an outdated superstition, our ancestor’s personification of the void which exists between Mundus, our plane of existence, and the realms of Oblivion. The Hist and the Argonians by extension however believe Sithis to be an actual entity, a god of death and suffering. A being that lives in the void or perhaps is the void itself, I cannot be sure, that wishes to… “murder the world.” Celestia and Luna’s faces paled and their eyes widened as they each felt a chill. Though they both thought the same thing it was Celestia who spoke. “Superstition or not, why would any decent creature worship such a thing?” She asked in silent horror. “According to the old stories it was Sithis, whose chaotic nature lead to the creation of… well everything. From him came the Aedra, our ancestors the gods and from them came creation. Without Sithis nothing would exist, so following that logic they believe Sithis to be the only god worthy of worship and reverence. Though Sithis was shunned in most civilized lands there were cults that worshipped him. Most notably among these cults was the Dark Brotherhood, a league of assassins that according to legend, murdered in his name, sending the souls of their victims back to void. Back to Sithis.” “We… we do not understand.” Luna said. “If it was indeed Sithis who, even on accident, created thy world why would he wish to destroy what he made?” Bastian could only offer a light shrug. “As I said Sithis is often associated with suffering. You may see me as cynical but what is life if not a conduit for suffering?” Bastian asked. “At any rate, when I say that Gah-Juhl is a Shadowscale this means that he was hatched under the astrological sign of the Shadow, taken from his family, given to the Dark Brotherhood and trained in the art of assassination to serve their kingdom, which until I met him, thought was just an old legend. In the entire time that I’ve known him Gah-Juhl has always referred to himself as “the” Shadowscale, never “a” Shadowscale. I think… I think that something terrible happened in Black Marsh. The Hists are supposedly capable of manipulating an Argonian’s physiology and Gah-Juhl is unlike any Argonian I have ever seen. He is bigger, faster, and stronger than any of our warriors although when he and his people came to us he said that he was their guardian, charged with making sure that his people survive in a new world and that his days of wanton slaughter were over. Now, after telling you all of that, I would be remiss if I did not tell you the positives of their race. Most of the Argonians that I have met in my travels are just people trying to live their lives and many want the same things as everyone else. They are a reserved group and generally suspicious of strangers, which comes from a lifetime of slavery and discrimination by the other races but in spite of that the Argonians will fight to the death to defend the few they have come to call friend. I am not exaggerating in the least when I say that if it had not been for them and their aid we would not be here before you now.” “That is… somewhat comforting Mister Bellrend.” Celestia said her voice heavy with caution. “But I must admit my sister and I feel... apprehensive about this.” “As would I your majesties had I heard what just came out of my mouth.” Bastian agreed. True, the subject of murder lizards and death trees (however awesome that might be) didn’t instill a great deal of confidence; however the Princess did appreciate his honesty. “But please bear in mind that I know very little about them and everything I have told you is a very simplified version of the history of a culture that possibly predates everyone else’s.” “I think it would be best if we spoke to this… “guardian” ourselves.” Celestia said. “From there we can decide their fate. Although it should go without saying that “wanton slaughter” will not be tolerated in our borders.” “Absolutely.” Bastian nodded. “I assume that the laws of your land are the same as any civilized society. Do not steal, kill, maim, etc.” “A wise assumption.” Luna deadpanned. There was a brief silence and the three chuckled. Suddenly the door burst open and Lielle stumbled into the parlor followed by Twilight, Spike, and a rather disgruntled looking Woodstable. “Bastian!” Lielle exclaimed, her blue eyes shining with excitement. “Bastian they- they have these- these porcelain bowls set in the floor with water that you go in and there- there’s this bit of cord that you pull and-“ Twilight sighed and clapped a hoof to her face in embarrassment as the princesses shared a chuckle at the girl’s excitement. Celestia recalled her own sister fleeing from the bathroom her first night back yelling something about sorcery. Woodstable placed a plate of sandwiches and bowl of large sapphires down on the table while giving the girl a disapproving look. “Will there be anything else ma’am?” He asked. “Princess Luna, may I get you anything from the kitchens?” “No thank you Woodstable. These will be fine.” Luna said. “Thank you Woodstable.” Celestia nodded. He bowed and took his leave. “She played with the toilets for like fifteen minutes.” Spike laughed. “You’d think she had never seen a bathroom before.” He picked up a gem from the bowl and took a bite out of it like a pony would an apple. As Bastian watched the dragon’s teeth grind the precious stone into rubble, he decided that was the most gluttonous display of decadence he had ever seen. He also discovered that he did not like cucumber sandwiches. “I- uh…” Lielle paused as Spike popped the rest of the sapphire into his mouth and chewed greedily before he began to really dig in; chewing the gems with a noise that reminded Lielle of crumbling rocks. “I- I haven’t seen a privy like that before. We had self-cleaning chamber pots back at the college but we never had running water. No need for it really, we could just conjure fresh water whenever we needed it. The Imperials had the aqueducts in Cyrodiil that transported water all over the province but I’ve never seen anything like this.” “I guess it’s something that we ponies take for granted.” Twilight said thoughtfully. “I couldn’t imagine not having something like running water. At any rate we’ll definitely have to get you guys flush toilets!” “That would be amazing!” Lielle exclaimed. “Using the latrine back on the farm in the middle of the night was always something of a gamble.” Bastian said. “There was no guarantee that you’d make it back to bed with the threat of wolves and frostbite spiders lurking in the dark.” “Frostbite Spiders?” Twilight asked. “What are those?” Lielle shuddered. “I always hated those things.” She said. “They were native to Skyrim and they could grow to enormous sizes.” “Uh…” Spike paused with a sapphire halfway to his mouth. “Just how enormous is enormous?” “The hatchlings were perhaps a bit taller than you.” Bastian replied. “A brood mother could probably fit comfortably in this chamber. They typically made their homes in caves and ruins but would often leave them to hunt during the night.” Spike’s pupils dilated as he imagined a massive spider reach over his shoulder, pick up a tea cup in its long hairy arm and sip it daintily. It then snatched Twilight up in its dripping mandibles and scuttled up the ceiling. Spike let out a yelp and jumped a little in his seat, knocking over his now empty bowl with a clatter. Why didn’t Bastian simply tell them they came from the deepest pits of his nightmares? “So uh- these scrolls!” He said a little loudly as he rose to his squat little legs. “We uh, we got the important ones out of the way right? Think maybe we should call it for today?” “I don’t want to take up to much of your time.” Bastian said to Celestia. “If it’s agreeable with you, I can take these with me and have them returned to you within a few days.” “Yes, that will be fine.” Celestia said yearning for her bed. “That is if Twilight has no objections in assisting you with them of course.” “Not at all!” Twilight said, always eager to help with paper work. “I’d be happy to help. That works out great actually, Shining Armor is probably off duty by now. It gives us time to catch up.” “Excellent.” Celestia smiled proudly at her pupil. Celestia rang the bell again and Woodstable appeared in the doorway. “Yes ma’am?” “Woodstable, would you please take these documents and see to it that they find their way into the appropriate hooves?” Celestia asked. “Of course ma’am.” He said. He picked them up in his silver magical aura and departed from the drawing room. “Sister, did you speak with Bastian Bellrend about the issue we discussed last night?” Luna asked. “Not yet.” Celestia replied. “I was waiting for you to be here for that.” “What is it you require your majesties?” Bastian asked. “Bastian, my sister and I discussed the matter at length last night and after spending time with you today, we have decided that we would like it to be you to take on the responsibility of overseeing the development of your people here in an official capacity.” Celestia said. “We would like to place you in charge of your people.” “You mean like being the Jarl?” Lielle gasped excitedly. “I think mayor might be more accurate in terms of power.” Twilight said. “But this is great news! Congratulations!” “Since I am busy with the day to day affairs holding day court here at the castle, Luna has offered to oversee your progress.” Celestia said. “You would report directly to her regarding your progress and any concerns that you and your people may have.” “I- We have?” Luna said quickly looking at her sister. “He will?” “While she does hold her own court during the late hours of the evening, not many ponies can make it I am afraid so her schedule is open. It’s very generous of her wouldn’t you say?” Celestia said with a smile. Bastian kept his expression neutral. “I am… honored your majesty but I am afraid I must decline.” He said. Twilight’s mouth dropped in horror. She half expected her new friend to be jettisoned to the moon on the spot for his insubordination. One does not simply say “no” to the Princesses! Twilight nervously looked up at the ceiling above Bastian’s head and calculated how fast he would have to be moving to break through it. “What?” Lielle gasped. “But Bas why- “I have no desire to lead or rule in any official capacity.” Bastian said to the Princess across from him, ignoring a confused Lielle and a near panicking Twilight. “I am here only as a temporary liaison between my people and you. There are many others among us that would be more suited to lead and I would be more than happy to recommend them to you.” “We are confused.” Luna said coldly eyeing the brave ant across from her. Given that it was she who had suggested that they honor him with the duty of leading his people in the first place, his declination of the offer had touched a bit of a nerve. “Was it not you who came to us begging for protection on behalf of your people with tales of dragons and end times? Was it not you who led them to this land in the first place?” “I never acted alone.” Bastian replied coolly. “It was my brother Bartleby who oversaw the day to day affairs of our camp. He was the one they turned to for guidance. I am merely a scholar, the one who did the research.” “Bastian, we both know that that isn’t true.” Lielle argued. “Bartleby came to you for advice all the time. For Mara’s sake, you were practically making all of the big decisions yourself by the end anyway. What difference would it make if you lead our people now?” “Lielle, it was easier to put my words in Bartleby’s mouth because he was a Nord of good standing. A fierce warrior, powerful and brave, he was everything they respect. The Nords turned to the College of Winterhold out of desperation and if not for him they may not have come at all. But now that that time has passed, I don’t think me leading them is a decision that will sit well with them. The Nords never trusted us like they did my brother or his blades and the stigma that comes with being a wizard is one I assume that will survive along with our people.” Luna’s cold expression softened a bit. She could understand that. Hell, she was living it. Being met with nothing but fear and suspicion from those you are sworn to protect when you only want to help them. At least with her she had truly done something to earn the fear that was in the pony’s eyes when they would dare gaze upon her but for Bastian it seemed as simple as a matter of being who he was, not his actions. “I am honored and humbled that you think so highly of me after we have only just met your majesties but believe me, this is best for everyone.” Bastian said. “It appears that your mind is made up.” Celestia said. The warm tone in her voice was gone but she didn’t sound angry. Disappointed perhaps, like a parent that had expected more from her child. “I don’t suppose there is anything we could say to make you change your mind?” “There isn’t your majesty.” Bastian said evenly. “You are under no obligation to fulfill our request of course.” Celestia said. Twilight let out a cautious sigh of relief, having come to the conclusion that unless Celestia used magic to phase his body through to ceiling, or simply teleport him thought it, Bastian would most likely have turned into a splotch of red paste on the marble. “We both agreed that we would like to see you in charge because frankly, we know nothing about your people. The only two of your party we have directly spoken to are in this room and you have been nothing but forthcoming with us. You are honest, even if that honesty would work against you. This is a trait the two of us value greatly. To put it simply Mr. Bellrend, we trust you.” Celestia sipped from her tea cup. The fact that it was actually empty went unnoticed. “But I suppose it was not meant to be. You have been through a great deal and it would be unfair of us to ask you to shoulder more responsibility especially when you do not want it. You have fought long and hard, and have sacrificed much to get here. You have faced your trials in Tartarus Bastian and now it only makes sense that you desire a peaceful life.” “I… appreciate your understanding your-“ “And it would be unfair to ask you to live up to your brother’s legacy.” Celestia continued. A bite of sandwich. Another sip of tea. Bastian’s eyes narrowed slightly. She booped the brother button. “After all, from how you describe it, having you in charge simply would not be practical. No, thinking on it now I’m tempted to agree with you. It would be the easiest choice considering the circumstances. Better to have someone else in a position of power and making the decisions, someone that your people are comfortable with. Personally, I’d hate to see all my hard work go to waste, standing idly by while someone else, someone less experienced made all the difficult decisions, and something possibly going wrong. Then, it would be as if all your hard work and sacrifices would have been for nothing!” Luna kept her expression neutral, fighting the urge to smirk while Bastian resisted the urge to frown. Instead he gave the Princess a tight smile as she nonchalantly sipped her tea. “Princess Celestia,” Bastian began. “Yes?” She asked giving him an innocent blink. A few minutes later he, Twilight, Spike and Lielle departed from the parlor, their arms heavy with scrolls, among them the one that named Bastian Bellrend, for ceremony’s sake if nothing else, Jarl of their settlement and the land it sat on. “She played you~!” Lielle whispered to him in a sing song voice. “I know!” Bastian hissed vehemently. With a small giggle, Celestia closed the door behind them and turned to face her sister. “That was quite clever.” Luna said. “He was very adamant about refusing our proposal but you managed to manipulate him in the end.” “I never manipulate our subjects Luna.” Celestia said taking a seat on her favorite cushion with a weary sigh. “I merely give them a nudge in the right direction. Besides it was your idea to put him charge anyway. I was ready to send a temporary dignitary to oversee the development, or perhaps simply merge the two counties together. Though I doubt Mayor Mare would appreciate me doubling her district and her work load.” The Princess chuckled and refilled her teacup. “This is fair.” Luna said with a slight frown. “However, we do not recall volunteering ourselves to directly aid in their construction.” “No you didn’t.” Celestia agreed dropping an extra sugar cube into her tea. “This would be one of your famous nudges we presume?” Luna asked. “Correct.” Celestia sipped her tea and let out a contented sigh. If she could only learn the name of that glorious pony who invented vanilla honeysuckle tea, she would award them the highest honor a Princess could bestow upon a pony. Luna gave her sister a tight frown and remained rigid in her seat as her sister finished her tea. “Luna,” Celestia said gently. “I know that things have been difficult for you since your return. You’ve had a hard time adjusting to this modern world.” Luna gave a heavy sigh and bowed her head. Celestia placed a gentle hoof on her sister’s shoulder and gave her a warm smile that comforted the Night Mare in a manner that only a close loved one could. “I think this would be good for you sister.” Celestia said. “You’ve had some trouble connecting with your royal subjects and it is not at all for lack of trying. You should consider this a chance for a fresh start Luna. These people, these Nords do not know you, or your long forgiven transgressions. It’s a chance to really start over until you are confident enough to address the rest of your subjects. They need you Luna. I know you can do it.” “You are right.” Luna said with a nod. She sniffed and looked up at her sister. “Of course you are right. If you think we can do it sister then… then we will. We just wish you would give us a full moment’s notice before you volunteer us for such a task.” Celestia laughed and the two embraced. When they broke apart Celestia yawned widely and Luna laughed. “Go to bed sister.” Luna chuckled. “You are exhausted. It is already affecting your decision making.” “Ha ha.” Celestia said. Her horn began to glow with a magical light the same color as the afternoon sun. “If you insist. Just do me a favor and wake me for dinner if I am not up by then.” Celestia said. “Of course. Sleep well.” Celestia yawned again and vanished in a flash of light, leaving Luna alone. Luna took a steadying breath and walked out of the parlor. > Alone in the Dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVII- Family The iron door burst open with a bang against the stone wall as Wally jumped through it, just narrowly avoiding the roaring blast of fire that erupted from behind him. He quickly slammed the door shut and leaned against it as he panted to catch his breath. The trip into the vault had definitely not been kind to the stallion and the deeper he went, the worse it got. After passing the riddles three he had literally stumbled into a room seemingly made of flames that attacked him with such ferocity it was as if they were alive, actively seeking him out to destroy him. He had only managed to escape by the skin of his teeth, ducking into a great black iron door that he wasn’t sure had been there before, but in the chaos of the room of infinite inferno it was hard to tell either way. Wally had no time to think, only react. He didn’t want to be burnt to a crisp so going through the mysterious door seemed to be his only option. He sighed in relief and slumped down to a seated position. The poor stallion’s green fur was stained in soot and his rockin’ pink mane was a singed, smoldering mess. “Who… makes a room… out of FIRE?!” He exclaimed. “How do you even MAKE a room out of fire?! All this trouble for a comic book? …Naw, I totally get it.” He shakily rose to all fours and took in a deep lungful of air that wasn’t superheated to Tartarus temperatures. Though relieved to no longer be in what one would consider immediate danger, the cool air didn’t do much to calm his nerves. The room he had just escaped was almost unbearably bright, as if he was trapped inside the sun itself. Wherever it was he found himself now however was quite the opposite. He felt his usual optimism and can-do attitude flickering slightly like a single candle in infinite darkness as he gazed around his surroundings as best he could in the nonexistent light. Wally was now standing in a pitch black… Room? There was no way to be sure. To say that it was dark would be a massive understatement. Down here, wherever down here was, it was as if the concept of light simply did not exist. Darker even than the staircase he took to enter the vault at the beginning of his journey. He briefly considered opening the door to the flaming room of fire for light but thought better of it when he heard another explosion from behind the door. “Don’t got a flashlight or anything like that.” He muttered to himself. “Wow, I did NOT pack well for this dungeon. Or at all really… I didn’t even bring any money to the comic shop. Aw pony feathers, I really stepped in it this time.”        He shook his head violently and made a weird warbling sound.        “NO!” He yelled, his echo bouncing off of the walls of the presumably large chamber in which he found himself. “No way I’m giving up now! I got this! I promised I’d reclaim the lost treasure of nerdiness! I found a whole bunch a’ aliens and fought a giant scorpion thingy! How many ponies can say they’ve done stuff like that?! Two or three? Maybe? Four tops? Come on Wally! Maximum effort! Let’s go!”        He took a shaky breath to steady himself and placed one cautious hoof in front of the other. Then another. And another. Ten timid steps later there was a sudden flash of light that caused Wally to let out a yelp of surprise that echoed throughout the cavern. Ahead of him was a floating ball of fire about the size of baseball that illuminated the area around him in a bright ghostly blue light. Before him was a very long, very narrow stone bridge that definitely wasn’t of natural formation that stretched who knows how far ahead. The light from the magical flame only provided him with enough light to see a few yards ahead of him. Beneath the bridge was nothing more than a dark abyss that made Wally nervous just looking at it. It was safe to assume that if he fell it would be the end of him and nopony would ever hear his screams as he plummeted into the darkness below. With a nervous gulp Wally took a cautious step forward and onto the bridge. As he did so the light behind him began to slowly fade.        “Crap!” he gasped.        Wally Melon was afraid of a lot of things, namely the dark among them. It was one thing to be safe at home in familiar surroundings. That never bothered him. Unless of course he managed to get his hooves on a copy of Horrifying Tales of the Macabre. Those nightmare fuel filled comics were more than enough to have him jumping all night at every little noise his family’s house made but even then Wally could still find comfort in the knowledge he was safe in his own bed in his own room. Usually. But this cavern was not a familiar place and there was nothing about it that felt right. The darkness was… thicker here, if that made sense. It felt as if it was more than just a dark cave. It was as if this cave was the place that the dark went when you turned on a light or lit a candle. That this was where the shadows of the world went when Celestia rose the sun every morning, waiting for Luna to usher in another night before fleeing the cave and taking to the skies like a swarm of angry bats. It’s said the oldest and strongest emotion of pony-kind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. If Wally had been one for profound thought he may have come to the conclusion that it wasn’t the dark itself that frightened him, rather it was what could be lurking within it. For all Wally knew the pit below could actually be the mouth of an ancient horrific being that had never felt the warm caress of Celestia’s sun on its face, nor the cool embrace of Luna’s moon, instead only knowing a ravenous hunger that the little pony’s flesh wouldn’t even make a dent in; a cave that exists solely to devour any unfortunate victim that happened to wander into it. Wally was many things but a deep thinker simply was not among them. He chose to rely more on his natural instincts. In times of duress he always counted on the wise words of Grand Master Shen.        “If pain of the flesh is weakness leaving the body, then conquering your fears is weakness leaving the spirit.”        It had been years since his lessons under the wizened old master had ended but to this very day Wally lived his life under his master’s teachings and code, to never stop trying to better himself and to overcome any challenge that presented itself to him. Wally forced himself to put one hoof in front of the other and continued to march on into the darkness. Just as the light behind him extinguished for good, another light flared up next to him causing him to stumble in surprise. There was a metallic shriek as a series of long sharp black spikes the size of spears shot out from the path before him. Wally balked at the spikes in horror as they stood there for a few seconds before retracting back into the ground. “Holy crap.” He whispered nervously. “Gotta time this just right or else…” He gulped nervously and jumped back as the spears once again shot out of the ground. He waited for them to retract again before he quickly galloped across the bridge. Another set of spikes abruptly shot out of the ground ahead of him and he nearly tripped over his hooves trying to stop himself from falling onto them. A bead of sweat ran down his brow and dropped onto one of the rusty spikes that sat mere inches from his face. The spikes slowly slid back into the ground, almost as if in disappointment and Wally let out a weak choking sound that might have been a relieved sigh. Again he waited for the spikes to complete another cycle before he quickly ran across. He looked down waiting to see a spot of ground free from holes but saw none. He picked up the pace knowing that at any second the spikes would shoot out from the ground and impale him. In the dimming light he saw a clear patch of ground just ahead of him. He threw himself forward and slid along the bridge as spikes erupted from the ground like the claws of a great beast. He quickly scrambled to his hooves and turned around just in time to see the spikes vanish into the ground. “Gonna- Gonna take more than that to stop me…” He chuckled nervously. He started to turn when he felt a sudden flare of pain in his legs and his chest. He looked down and saw that the underside of his barrel and legs had been badly scraped from sliding along the rough ground and now that his adrenaline was slowly beginning to fade, the pain was all too noticeable. Before the stallion could so much as curse, the light blinked out and left him in darkness. He stood there nervously for several long seconds, unsure what to do before another light came on. Starting to get the hang of things, he ignored his injuries and kept moving, a bit faster this time but making sure to watch the ground for any more traps. Just as before, the light faded, at a noticeably faster pace this time, and eventually left him alone in the dark. A few cautious steps later another light flared to life but this time Wally saw that ahead of him the bridge’s course altered a bit. In about thirty feet the path veered abruptly to the left.        “No problem, I got this.” He thought nervously. A gust of wind blew as if to respond to his self-encouragement. It was not strong enough to knock him down or off of the bridge but it did make him uneasy and cause him to slow his pace. Wally’s legs shook in fear as the beast below stirred, reminding him of its existence. He made it to the point where the path turned and the light faded. In the light of a new flame, he saw that the path before him contained very tall stairs that would prove awkward to climb and the light provided this time was fading faster than ever. Wally galloped to the steps and hurriedly began his ascent. The stone stairs were smooth and slick and maneuvering up them was slow and awkward. One… two… three…four…five… The light winked out. Six…Seven…Eight…Nine…Ten… No way the stairs were that tall. He could have sworn he could see the top before the light went out so why was he still climbing? All Wally could hear was his own labored breathing and the pounding of his own heart. He finally reached the top of the staircase and sighed in relief when another light came to life and illuminated his path. Before him he saw a series of heavy metal guillotine-like blades suspended about ten feet in the air. They dropped suddenly with a loud clang that echoed throughout the cavern and caused the stone path to tremble under his hooves before slowly rising back into the air.        The light began to fade.        It was much too dark for Wally to see if the blades were in fact floating or merely suspended by cleverly hidden chains. He didn’t care. He couldn’t take the time to contemplate much more than sharp chopping things that would cleave him in half with little effort if he didn’t move fast enough and he was quickly running out of light. As soon as the first blade had rose enough for him to dive through he hurled himself forward and passed underneath it and the second one just as they dropped back down with a loud clang that echoed painfully in his ears and caused the ground to tremble from the impact. His wounds had now gone from scratches to actual cuts but he ignored the pain in his legs and chest and the growing knot of anxiety in his stomach. He scrambled to his hooves and rolled underneath the next blade. This was insane. The booby traps were one thing, he could even get the Sphinx to a certain degree but who in the whole wide world would build this? Who would possibly in their right mind construct such an elaborate defense for the sake of a comic book? This didn’t make any sense, no sir, none at all. Wally shouldn’t be here. He should never have left his friends. He should never have left Ponyville, for Celestia’s sake he never should have left the farm. What was he even doing here? He wasn’t a hero! He wasn’t an adventurer! He was a country bumpkin of a stallion that had gotten in WAY over his head. He was going to die down here and it was all over a stupid comic book that some dead stallion was WAY too proud of. If Wally had been able to focus on the thought long enough he may have been able to reach the conclusion that he had stumbled into something else entirely. That perhaps maybe running to the mysterious black door in the chamber of fire might not have been the best choice to make on his part and he had happened upon something far more malevolent than any nerd’s insane security measures but the pony had only a single thought running through his head at that time. Survive. The light winked out. Wally took a leap of faith and dived forward. He felt his body hit the hard ground, knocking the wind from his lungs. He heard the blade cut through the air above him. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the end, knowing that once it went black, he’d never come back. The echo of the impact rang throughout the cavern, lasting for several seconds before fading away and leaving Wally alone in the dark and silence. With shaking hooves Wally rose to his feet but it took every ounce of remaining strength to do so. There was a heavy weight growing in him that seemed to start in his heart and spread throughout his entire body. He gritted his teeth and took a staggering step forward. Another light came on, this one a little dimmer than the others. Wally took another step, and another and another. The bridge seemed to twist into impossible loops. Wally looked up and saw the hungry mouth of the beast below looking down on him. He thought he was hallucinating. His first instinct was to run but something stopped him. Something told him that if he did he would fall. Fall up into the waiting mouth of the beast that was counting on him to fail, waiting patiently, ever so patiently for his heart to falter. He could feel a sinister presence down here, as if something was watching him, something ancient. He kept his steady pace until the bridge leveled out again into a more natural angle. No more light. He kept going. He had to. He closed his eyes and began to go over the last issue of Knight Stallion he had read, anything to distract him from the steadily growing sense of doom that surrounded him, like he was a small insignificant critter and a large predator was slowly moving in for the kill. He recalled the panel that showed Knight Stallion fighting his foe, his golden full plate armor shining bright like a star, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. “You’ll never escape!” Knight Stallion declared valiantly. How proud and noble that mysterious hero looked. Knight Stallion was famous for never being unmasked. Other heroes had personal lives and secret identities but not Knight Stallion. He was always a hero. The stallion (or mare if some theorists are to be believed) was a champion of truth and a paragon of all that is good. He was Wally’s personal hero and stood for everything that Wally wanted to emulate. The image did bring him some comfort in the cold dark of the underground but then something happened that Wally hadn’t imagined. The mental image he held in his mind’s eye shifted. Knight Stallion turned his head and faced him. “You’ll never escape Wally.” He could see the words so perfectly in his head, the black ink in the white speech bubble clearly forming the words. The ink on the page of the mental image began to run. The full plate helm that obstructed the knight’s face since his first publication melted away, revealing a rotting, grinning skull underneath with two bloodshot eyes that stared into his own. The ink ran freely from the pages like dripping blood until the comic was completely blank. New pictures began to form, as if being crudely sketched by an invisible artist. He saw a little green colt standing all alone in a field watching a bunch of other ponies play. The little colt wanted to join them so badly it made his heart ache with longing. In the next panel the colt’s head turned back towards a modest farm house. Head hung low in disappointment he began to trudge back home. He came to the porch and saw a little filly looking up at him. She gave him a big smile, a smile so bright and pure in its innocence it rivaled the sun and the colt simply could not help but return it. Wally saw light. His eyes fluttered open and he saw a ball of fire glowing a few yards away. The other lights had all been blue and ghostly but this one was pink and warm. Wally looked down and saw that he had almost stepped off the bridge, his right hoof still hovering in the air over empty space. He staggered back and veered off to the right towards the source of light. It was brighter than the past few lights had been but it was dimming quickly. He focused on his sister. He loved her and he would never ever let her live a life wondering what happened to her big brother. Though not exactly in the traditional sense of the word with a suit of fancy armor or a gleaming sword, Wally Melon was a hero, he could see it now. Even though he got on Candy’s nerves constantly his baby sister still looked up to him. Why else would she leave her few friends and family behind and come with him to Ponyville? Mom and Pop didn’t exactly twist her arm to go but she jumped at the chance without a second thought. A dark voice spoke quietly in his head. It wasn’t one of the many characters he’d made up and occasionally speak with out of boredom. This voice was unlike anything Wally’s admittedly overactive imagination could come up with. It was terrible and flat, lacking any semblance of equinity or emotion at all. It hissed quietly in his ear like a serpent and Wally finally realized that he was not alone in the darkness after all. He cowered, like a small child cornered by an abusive parent, ready to receive whatever cruel punishment awaited him. “The farm was boring. She just needed an excuse to leave if only for the summer. The fact she was leaving with you was incidental.” Wally gritted his teeth. Candy. He thought. Focus on Candy. You pulled her body from the water. You’d never let anything bad ever happen to her, ever! “She’d have been better off. If left in your hooves she’ll be dead in a week.” Wally was giving her ponyback rides through the fields, reading stories to her, even having little tea parties with her and her stuffed animals. He let out a tearful chortle of amusement as he remembered the fancy top hat she insisted he wore. “You were just a toy to her, something to entertain her and occupy her time. A distraction from her pointless life on the farm. Now you are nothing but a burden. She is your keeper.” He remembered the day when his love for his baby sister, his first friend, transcended the years he spent being a socially awkward pile of green weirdness and he stood up for her in the schoolyard when a group of her classmates made fun of her just because she hadn’t gotten her cutie mark yet. He would always be there to protect her from threats both big and small. Doctor Ponifarious may occasionally get the best of Knight Stallion but there wasn’t a force in the entire universe that would keep Wally from protecting his baby sister. The light burned bright above him. It banished the cruel chill of the cave and filled Wally with a comforting warmth. As he gazed up at the glowing ball of pink fire above he smiled. He felt safe in its light. He didn’t know how he knew, but he could tell that everything was going to be alright. It flashed brilliantly before unleashing a powerful pulsing ring of energy that illuminated the entire cavern. The cave trembled as an unearthly sound like the roar of a giant beast called out in anger and defeat. Wally could see the darkness around him slinking away, retracting back into the wretched abyss from where it came, black and viscous like the remains of the primordial ooze, as if after all that was good had been poured into life; Kindness, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, and the magical spark that bound them all together, this wretched darkness was made of whatever was left and had taken to the dark corners of the earth unable to face or even comprehend the light of love. And Wally had defeated it. Wally stood alone on the stone bridge. There were no loops or curves or turns or blades or steps or spikes. There was simply a bridge leading across a chasm from one end to the other. The heavy feeling in his chest was gone but the pony was left physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. Wally looked up at the ball of pink fire and smiled wearily at it. He took a teetering step forward and made his way across the bridge having passed a test he had not even known he was taking. > Charles Xhayvier reads pony's minds and nopony gives him crap for it. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVIII- Charles X-hay-vier reads ponies minds and no one gives him crap for it. In the inner courtyard of the castle of the two sisters, Bastian and Lielle sat on a stone bench underneath the shade of a tall white magnolia tree where Twilight and Spike had left them while they went to go find Shining Armor. Their presence was largely ignored by the surrounding Unicorns, many of which were students at Celestia’s school. A few had given them polite smiles and brief words of greeting before promptly turning their sleep deprived eyes back to their books and scrolls were they would undoubtedly end up reading the same word twice twice. Apparently, even the sudden appearance of inter-dimensional ape creatures was not enough to distract the students from cramming for their finals. As Lielle’s eyes wandered over the students hard at work, a small smile spread over her lips as she was reminded of the students at the College of Winterhold where nothing short of a dragon attack would distract them from their work. Her gaze settled on Bastian, who had taken out his own journal and from the looks of it, was already trying to teach himself the Equestrian alphabet. If it were not for the very obvious fact that he was not a Unicorn one would have mistaken for another academic hard at work. “A bit keen aren’t you?” Lielle asked as she reclined back a bit to read over his shoulder. “You know I have always had a fondness for languages.” He replied absently. “It’s so strange.” Lielle said, turning her gaze back to a group of unicorns as they talked amongst themselves. “I mean, it just seems a bit too convenient, doesn’t it? What are the odds that modern Cyrodiilic and Equestrian is the same language anyway?” “Well, considering that the many Mundus Theory proposed by the Dwemer metaphysicist Aknnalk Durogog states that there are an infinite number of alternate planes of Mundus existing parallel to each other in the same space and time, the odds of a world inhabited by magical talking ponies that speak the same language as us is one hundred percent.” Bastian said. “So…” Lielle sighed and massaged her head in frustration. “So are we in another dimension outside of the known Aurbis? Or something?” It was Bastian’s turn to sigh and rub his sleep deprived eyes. “Lielle, you are asking a lot of difficult questions that I do not know the answers to.” He yawned. “If I had had more time I would have been able to modify the archway and retrofit it with a way of setting specific parameters so we could actually have a say in where the portal would send us. However, that may well have taken a lifetime to accomplish. All I know is we walked into a magical portal I barely got working by jury rigging Dwemer science with Ayleid magic and now we have found ourselves in a world full of talking ponies. That is literally the extent of my knowledge on the matter.” “Our lives are weird.” Lielle said softly as she contemplated the series of events and decisions that led up to this conversation. “Very.” Bastian agreed. “The simple truth is we don’t know. The most likely answer is that we are in an alternate plane of Mundus as opposed to another plane of Oblivion that we had simply never made contact with before. A reality where the mortal plane wasn’t created by the Aedra and instead of the world being populated by Men and Mer, the world is populated by sentient Equine like creatures. However, since this is all more or less conjecture and we’ll probably never know for certain where we are in the grand scheme of things, debating it is ultimately pointless. Right now, we need to focus on rebuilding.” “Fair enough, I suppose. So what about the Equestrian’s written language then?” Lielle asked, changing the subject to something a bit more simple. “Does it seem like something we can learn easily enough?” “These letters are unlike anything I have ever seen, but their language seems to follow similar rules to our own regarding construction and composition.” Bastian replied, taking note that he would be much, much more comfortable referring to the inhabitants of this world as Equestrians as opposed to Ponies. “It should not be that hard to learn. Actually, I could probably argue that many of the languages of Tamriel might be more complicated.” “As difficult as Dwemeris?” Lielle joked with a light laugh. Bastian gave a wry scoff of amusement. “I would not say that it is that hard.” He said. “Most of the modern languages of men have a distinct connection to one form or another of Elvish, which in and of itself is an offshoot of Ancient Aldmeris, which is itself an offshoot of Ehlnofex. Most scholars agree that the Dwemer most likely made their own language from scratch so that their enemies would not be able to read captured documents and schematics and learn their secrets.” “Just seems unnecessary.” Lielle said. “I mean, why not just invent a code or a special shorthand as opposed to creating a whole new language?” “Where is the fun in that?” Bastian asked returning to his notes. “Besides, it is not much more complicated than the dozen or so variations of creole that make up the Bretic dialects.” “Fair enough.” Lielle conceded. “I’m ashamed to admit it, but my Bretic’s a little rusty.” While she had spent the last few years exploring all of Skyrim and much of Tamriel with her companions, she had not seen her homeland since she was a little girl and even now in the beautiful land of Equestria her heart still ached for the rolling green hills and rocky crags of High Rock, of the smell of the sea air and gazing up at a blue sky that seemed to stretch on forever. Okay, maybe not the blue sky. Wistful nostalgia aside let's just be realistic here. High Rock was renowned for many things throughout the empire, but bright sunny skies simply were not among them. Sure, it was home to the Adamantine Tower, which was possibly the oldest structure in all of Tamriel and the Temples of Julianos produced some of the mightiest battlemages and sorcerers the empire had ever seen. High Rock was also home to shrewd merchants, a complex political system that made little, if any, sense to an outsider and a history of conflict as bloody as any other of Tamriel’s provinces but the summer season lasted perhaps four or five days, the rest of the year the sky was obscured by dreary overcast. But it had been home and for a moment Lielle dared to let her mind drift back to High Rock, to recall the too few accounts of cheer in a life that was otherwise overwhelmed by misfortune and strife, to recall the face of a mother, a father, and siblings that the unforgiving land of Skyrim had stolen from her. So lost was she in thought that she didn’t notice Bastian when he tried to get her attention. “W-what?” She asked, looking at him. “What’d you say?” “I asked how you have been feeling since this morning.” “Oh. Er, well a bit… overwhelmed to be honest. Now that… now that it’s all had time to sink in you know? Also in a bit of a state of shock as well I think. It all feels like a dream. Like none of this is real. I keep expecting to wake up back in the college or something I guess. I don’t… I don’t know what I expected when I walked through the portal, but talking ponies and giant scorpions were the furthest thing from my mind. It all seems impossible and even though I don’t feel as if I am in any real danger I cannot help but feel afraid. Bas I know that you’re hesitant to take on this responsibility, but you’re the most clever one among us, even Master Aren thought so. If there’s anyone who can make sure we survive and flourish here it's you.” “I appreciate the vote of confidence Lielle but I was referring to your connection to magicka since the battle yesterday.” Bastian said. “Oh.” Lielle said, her voice lilting slightly. “Right. Of course. Actually, now that you mention it, I feel fine. Well, I don’t know about fine. Being here in this… plane or whatever you want to call it. It’s… just different. I don’t know how to describe it. But I feel better I guess. Uh, well a bit hung over, but fine. What do you think caused that?” “Drinking heavily the night before.” Bastian replied. “I meant our stunted magicka clever man.” Lielle said, giving him a playful shove. As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt her heart drop into her stomach in panic at referring to Bastian by the petname his brothers had given him. She immediately changed the subject. “So, do- do you think it could have been the portal itself?” “I do not know. Maybe.” Bastian said quietly. He suddenly felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach, but he ignored it. She didn’t bring it up and neither did he. “We poured so much of our magicka into it, it is possible that the portal drained us more than we thought and temporarily stunted our body’s ability to draw magical energies from our environment. It could be a side effect of stepping through the portal itself or even because we are on a new planet with different stars and a new sun. Honestly, I don’t know. I will admit to you Lielle, a part of me was so sure that the portal wouldn’t work I had never even entertained the possible side effects of using it.” “Really?” Lielle asked. “Either that or dragons would kill us before we got it working. Or bandits. Or Draugr. Or we’d starve to death. Or disease would spread. Or the frost would get us. Or the gods would banish us in a manner similar to the Dwemer.” “All right, I get it.” Lielle said with a nervous laugh. “We’re just lucky to be here, huh?” “Very.” “But the fact that we can still use magic at all when we are not on Nirn, and the energies of Aetherius are not flowing down to us, the- the implications are huge!” Lielle said. “Does this mean we don’t actually draw magical energies to us from Aetherius at all, or that their sun and stars are also portals to Aetherius? Bastian, this completely changes how we view magic!” “We shouldn’t jump to any conclusions just yet.” Bastian said. “We know almost nothing about this world and how things work here. Everything is new and to be fair, we knew very little about how magic worked back on our own plane. It was largely a matter of debate between wizards and scholars. All we know now is the how. We know how to use magic, however, why we can use it seems is a mystery that continues to elude us.” He held up a gloved hand and blue sparks of electricity began to arc between his fingers, then red flames and finally frost as if he was clenching a small blizzard between his fingers. He clenched a fist and ended the spell. With a wave of his hand, one of the scrolls glowed, slowly levitated into the air and then folded itself into a paper bird before flying around above their heads, tweeting excitedly. Following Bastian’s lead Lielle conjured a sharp dagger made of ice and twirled it around her fingers. As she twirled it, it transformed into a rose made of crystal clear ice and then into a proper one, as if she had just plucked it from a bush. “Seems to be working fine now.” Lielle said, laying the rose on the bench between them. “You know,” she said. “Most would look at the story of the Dwemer as a cautionary tale about not messing with the natural order of things. Flying too close to the sun and all that.” “That’s stupid.” Bastian said. “I’m not saying we should make a habit of messing around with the heart of a “god” or anything like that-“ “You do remember how we got here right?” Lielle asked with a light laugh. “What I’m saying is,” Bastian continued with an agitated sigh. “That there is a vast difference between trying to tap into the power of an artifact you don’t fully understand and learning how to harness steam power. Imagine how our world could have been had we simply devoted more time and energy to science instead of waging holy wars on each other. If we could reverse engineer even a fraction of the technology the Dwemer left behind… maybe things could have been different. For everyone.” “We got here in the end.” Lielle said gently. “That’s what’s important.” “It’s not enough.” Bastian said. “We barely have enough numbers to maintain a population. Elves reproduce at a fraction of the rate of humans. Their blood is probably going to die out within the next few centuries. We have a no idea how this environment will affect the Khajiit. Remember the accounts during the void nights? And there is no guarantee that the Princesses will allow the Argonians to plant a new Hist Tree.” “There’s nothing we can do about that Bas. Whatever happens, happens.” Lielle said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not your responsibility to plan for every little-” “Yes, it is Lielle.” Bastian snapped. “If I’m going to be playing Jarl, or whatever the fuck it is the princesses expect me to do, it is exactly my responsibility to plan for everything. I have well over three hundred lives that, like it or not, are going to be depending on me. If anything goes wrong, it is entirely my fault! And don’t give me that whatever happens, happens shit. It’s just some horker shit excuse people say when they’ve decided to give up and leave things in the hands of fate.” Lielle was thrown off by his sudden outburst but her shock quickly gave way to anger. “Bastian, if you really think you’re going to be doing this on your own after all that we’ve been through together, then I don’t care if you made a portal to a universe with talking sweet rolls. You are a bloody idiot.” Lielle snapped back. She pushed herself off of the bench and walked a few steps away, arms crossed and fuming, refusing to even look at Bastian. He exhaled through his nose and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger. “We have always had your back Bastian.” She said quietly. “All of us, and we’ll have it now. Nobody asked you to carry the weight of Nirn on your shoulders so stop acting like it. We made it through because we all came together.” She turned to face him, her expression a scowl. “While the rest of the world was going to shit, we stood together. Kept each other safe. Just like we are going to do now. You aren’t going to be doing this alone, so stop being such an ass!” He just stared at her. She scowled and looked away. “I’m sorry Lielle.” He said quietly. “I don’t know what I was thinking.” “What, that we’d all just walk away, dump this on your lap and go on with our lives?” She asked. Maybe. The cynical voice muttered in his head. “I don’t know.” He muttered with an exhausted shrug. She scoffed. “You’re an idiot.” She sighed. She walked back over to the bench and dropped down next to him. “Ow.” She said blankly as her butt hit the hard stone. They sat in an uncomfortable silence for several minutes. Bastian pretended to read, too timid to risk saying anything else he would regret and invoke the red head's wrath even further. After a few uncomfortable minutes of this silence, which may as well have been an eternity, Lielle finally spoke. “Why’d you give her the sword?” "What- what do you mean?" Bastian asked. “We must have a hundred magical artifacts tucked away in storage.” Lielle said. “Of all the things you could have given the Princess, why’d you give her his sword?” “I already said why.” Bastian said. “But…” Lielle sighed and fell silent. “I just figured you might have wanted to keep that.” “And do what with it?” Bastian asked. “Wear it on my belt as a sign of office? Hang it on my wall like a trophy so I have to look at it and think about it every single day? You told me I needed to let go of what happened, to move on. This is me letting go. This is me moving on. I don’t want to carry it anymore Lielle. It isn’t some kind of sacred artifact to be revered and immortalized in song to me. It’s just a thing with a lot of bad memories and regrets tied to it.” “So what?” She asked. “That’s how you let go and move on with your life? Don’t think about it?” “Yep.” He said apathetically. Lielle stared at him for a moment, shook her head to herself and looked away, unsure if she could bring herself to argue the point any further. Every person had their own way of dealing with grief and she couldn’t decide if her’s was any better or worse than his. Life in Skyrim could be brutal and short. It was considered by many to be a land of proving, a place where heroes were forged in the land's rough terrain. She remembered the pale look of horror on her mother's face when her father proclaimed that they were moving from High Rock to Skyrim. It was this land that had forged Bastian into the man that was sitting next to her now. She could vaguely recall a time when Bastian wasn’t this cold and aloof. That seemed like a lifetime ago now. She didn’t want to argue about this anymore. She went back to people pony watching. She watched a Unicorn scrunch up her face in concentration. A folding fan suddenly poofed into existence, shimmering with a magical light. She watched in amusement as the pony waved the fan and caused one of her friends scrolls to roll up and roll away. The two mares chuckled. “I’m curious as to exactly how a Unicorn’s magic works.” Lielle said turning her gaze to a small group of mares chatting at another bench a few yards away. She narrowed her eyes in concentration and began to see the magical glow that radiated off all living creatures. “Twilight is definitely stronger than her peers. Most of the guards I’ve seen around here as well now that I think about it.” “She’s definitely a cut above the rest.” Bastian agreed. “Which I imagine is why the Princesses have taken a special interest in her. Did you try to glimpse their aura?” “I didn’t have to.” Lielle said with an awkward laugh. “Just being in the same room with them was enough to sense their power. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It was like… standing in a broom cupboard with a thunderstorm. Why, did you?” “Yes, I did.” Bastian said vaguely. “Well? What was it like?” Lielle asked curiously. “A bit like staring into the sun.” He replied. “I was seeing spots for the first hour or so of paperwork and my headache came back.” Lielle laughed as she recalled how odd Bastian had been acting earlier that morning now that she knew the reason behind it. “I noticed you were blinking quite a lot.” She said. “I didn’t even bother trying to view Princess Luna’s aura when she arrived.” Bastian said. “Even if she’s only half as powerful as her sister, I doubt my eyes could have handled it.” “You may have been stricken blind.” Lielle snorted. “Very possibly.” Bastian agreed. “The last time I encountered something that powerful it was flying and shouting fire at me. At any rate, I feel comfortable saying that we can indeed trust them. They genuinely want to help us.” “Bastian Bellrend, whatever gave you that impression?” Lielle asked abashed. “Why, between the extravagant feast they threw for us, the medical attention provided by their healers, the free clothes fit for nothing less than a noble and the gift of a substantial piece of land, you just know they are planning something dastardly.” “Sarcasm is unbecoming of you.” Bastian said. “I learned it from watching you.” Lielle replied simply. “Fair but after spending the past several hours peering into everyone’s mind whenever they happened to wander by I’ve come to the conclusion that they are not planning anything sinister.” Lielle’s cheeks flushed pink again, but not from embarrassment this time. The small girl seemed to swell in annoyance at her friend’s blasé attitude when referring to barging into someone’s mind like a drunken Nord kicking in the door to a tavern. “Bastian!” she hissed. “You said that you wouldn’t do that anymore! We talked about- “You talked.” Bastian corrected in an apathetic tone. “I’m not about to simply take perfect strangers at their word, regardless of how kind they may seem to appear. If anything, their hospitality made me more suspicious.” “You’re paranoid.” Lielle scoffed. “These ponies have been nothing short of welcoming to us and here you are, almost literally looking a gift horse in the mouth.” “I am cautious.” Bastian countered. “There is a difference. Only a fool trusts a stranger without verifying their good intentions. Besides, I just agreed that they can be trusted didn’t I? And it’s not like I can even dive that deep, even if I wanted to. I’m just getting a feel for their emotions and surface thoughts. Most of the ponies from Ponyville are perfectly friendly and understandably a little flustered by our arrival. The Unicorns down below in Canterlot however, simply tolerate us because we were traveling with Twilight to see the Princesses.” “You didn’t try to read their minds did you?” Lielle asked horrified. “Do you think me a fool Lielle?” Bastian frowned. “I am not about to go poking around the mind of a being that is the closest thing to an actual goddess that I have ever encountered. I merely read Twilight’s mind long enough to verify that the documents we were signing did, in fact, say what they claimed.” “Bastian, it’s a huge invasion of privacy.” Lielle said. “And it’s dangerous on both sides, why else would it have been outlawed?” “Because the empire was extremely paranoid about spies being able to see directly into a high ranking official’s mind.” Bastian said. “Or do you really think it was outlawed because the empire gave a skeever’s ass about an individual’s privacy?” “Regardless of why it was outlawed, what if you got caught?" "The only way they could know I was a telepath was if you or I told them." Bastian said dismissively. "H-have you ever read my mind?" She asked nervously. "No." "Are you being honest?" "Probably." "Bastian!" Bastian sighed, closed his notebook, using his thumb to mark his place, and raised his hand as if to swear an oath. "Lielle Marabeth Evalyne Ervine, never have I ever read your mind without your knowledge." Bastian said. "Besides, it's not like you're very hard to figure out." She grabbed the rose she had placed on the bench, turned it back into ice and threw it at him, causing it to shatter against the side of his head. "Ow!" "After everything that the Equestrian’s have done for us, I doubt that they would appreciate having their minds read and if the Nords find out you are a telepath they may very well try to lynch you or burn you at the stake or something.” She said as Bastian ran a hand through his hair to get the ice shards out. "That power more than others is considered evil witchcraft." Laughter rang out throughout the courtyard. The two looked over to see Twilight and her brother Shining Armor trotting towards them, chatting and laughing away. “So was basic math before they settled in Tamriel. What's your point?” Bastian said rising to meet them. Lielle sighed in agitation and grabbed the pile of scrolls that had been sitting next to her and briskly walked to meet her equine friends. “Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting.” Twilight said. “It is no problem.” Bastian said. “Hello again, Shining Armor.” “Hey there.” He said with a grin. “How’d your meeting with the Princesses go?” “Very well, thank you.” Bastian replied. “We have our land and we plan on starting construction as soon as possible.” “Hey that’s great! You guys are gonna love it here in Equestria. Twilight told me a bit about what you guys went through and I just wanted to let you guys know that if there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to ask.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” Bastian replied. “In the meantime, why don’t we all grab some lunch?” Shining Armor asked. “My treat.” “It had better be.” Twilight laughed. “You still owe me from last time.” “I left my money back in the barracks!” Shining said defensively. Twilight’s laughter rang out over the courtyard, amplified by the fact that everyone else there had suddenly fallen completely silent. A second ago it was alive with the sounds of ponies chatting, the hum of magic and the skirting of quills, the bubbling water from the fountain in its center and the faint sound of harp music but now it was as silent as a tomb. Behind Twilight and Shining, Bastian could see Princess Luna staring at them from the doorway to the castle’s interior. Everypony else had nervously fallen silent and a brave few were quickly gathering their things to leave. With a look of determination, Princess Luna trotted across the courtyard, her eyes staring directly into Bastian’s in an attempt to ignore the crowd around her. As she passed the ponies they quickly bowed before her, a few nearly cracking their heads on the stone ground before scampering away from Luna as if she was a royal plague victim. She reached their group and nodded her head in greeting. “Good day to thee again Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said. “Ah! P-Princess Luna!” Shining said with a quick bow. “Rise Guardstallion.” Luna said. “Mister Bellrend, we are pleased to find that thou are all still here. Since we are going to be co-operating with each other, we thought that it would be prudent to discuss things in more detail while we have time together. We imagine thou will be quite busy in the days to come.” “It is as you like your majesty.” Bastian said. “However, you need not devote all of your free time to us.” “As our sister hath already observed, we have a great deal of free time at our disposal. More than we care to admit.” Luna said with only the faintest hint of remorse in her otherwise regal voice. “If thy party wouldn’t mind our company we are at thy disposal, at least until this eve, when we must attend to our royal duties and take our leave of thee.” Shining stammered a bit and raised his eyebrows at his sister. Was he seriously about to have lunch with a Princess? Well, okay, technically he had done that before. Lots of times. Just the other day actually, but dining with one of the royal sisters was a totally different story. When he looked over at her and saw Princess Luna awaiting his response he quickly obliged. “Absolutely!” He cried. “I mean, uh, sure we’d be happy to have you! Your majesty!” “Excellent.” Luna said, trotting ahead of them without a second glance. “Come. We can take this moment to visit the Gryphons we spoke of earlier and see if any arrangements can be made for thy people’s… particular diet.” “Particular diet? What does she mean?” Twilight asked. “Uh…” Lielle said giving Bastian a nervous glance. “We eat meat, Miss Sparkle.” Bastian said with the raw blunt force of an Orc swinging a hammer. Even Bastian’s patience for tact had its limits and at the moment he was much more focused on sinking his teeth into meat that hadn’t come from a large rat-like creature or even more questionable sources. Besides, as long as the Princesses didn’t care, he didn’t hold much value for the concerns of their subjects. He began to close the distance between Luna and himself, leaving a thunderstruck Twilight and Shining Armor behind. Lielle gave them a half shrug and followed Bastian. “Carnivores. Okay. That’s…cool…They- they aren’t going to eat us, are they?” Shining laughed nervously. “Uh… N-no. No of course not! Don’t be silly!” Twilight said. The two exchanged nervous glances and cautiously trotted after their companions. > Let's do lunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s do lunch Nico’s Famiglia Café was a bit of a landmark in and of itself. That is to say that if a passerby on the street ever bothered to make a conscious note of the building, it could serve as a landmark. For example, if they wanted to tell a traveler how to get to Madame Mimolette’s Fondues and Don’ts, they could say that it is two doors down from the place that looks like the walls bleed at midnight. It was true that while the vast majority of the shops and restaurants in Canterlot were well kept and attractive to look at, Nico’s café was considerably more run down. The paint was cracked and peeling, the door was old and scuffed, and the metal tables and chairs outside were rusty and looked like they would stain one's clothes or fur if they sat on them. The street in question the shop resided on was home to about a dozen much nicer cafes and one might think that it was actually just an abandoned storefront if not for the simple sign in the window that read “open”. At any rate, it certainly didn’t look like the kind of place a Princess would be caught eating in. Twilight and Shining looked up at the building and exchanged nervous glances. They had never eaten Gryphon cuisine before but they were both well aware that their neighbors in the Gryphon Empire were voracious meat eaters, raising lesser creatures to be slaughtered and cooked over a fire (or if the stories that Shining had heard were true, simply eaten raw) which was what made the sign that read “Authentic Gryphonian Cuisine” all the more unsettling. Twilight had read books about Gryphon cooking before, which to a pony was something akin to reading a serial killer’s dream journal, but she was a bit more optimistic than her brother. She knew that the Gryphons were not STRICTLY carnivorous and many dishes that ponies enjoyed on a daily basis were inspired by them so she was almost positive the menu would have something she and her brother could eat. After all, opening a restaurant that served only carnivores in a city inhabited mostly by vegetarians would be a rather silly thing to do right? And it’s not like Princess Luna herself actually ate meat right? Right? Shining Armor cleared his throat and stepped forward to hold the door for Princess Luna, who gave him a nod of thanks as she trotted inside, followed by Bastian and Lielle, and finally his sister and Spike, who gave a resigned sigh, having made peace with the fact that it was extremely unlikely that this run down joint had any gems for him to eat. It’s hard out here for a dragon. The door closed behind them and the party entered the waiting area, a small lobby that had a bench pressed against each wall for customers to sit and wait for service. The benches were vacant save for a small stack of “Grand Opening!” flyers that had accumulated a thin layer of dust. Next to the host’s podium was a chalkboard that had the day’s special scrawled across it in pink letters. To their immediate right outside of the waiting area was a long bar made of polished dark wood. The walls of the dining room were lined with tasteful wallpaper that reminded one of the seaside and the ceiling was adorned with attractive yet obviously cheap chandeliers that provided light without the use of a flame which again blew Lielle’s mind. The black and white tile floors were very clean and the heavy wooden tables were polished to a shine. Though the exterior of the shop was lacking in luster, it was obvious that the owners of this establishment made a great deal of effort to make the interior presentable. Somewhere in the restaurant, a record was playing cheerful Gryphonian string music and the party only had to wait a few seconds before a door in the back opened and a chubby, mustached Gryphon wearing a white collar, a vest, and a tie stepped out and greeted them eagerly. “Ah!” He exclaimed, throwing his claws into the air. “Sua Maesta! How wonderful to see you again! And you brought guests! Welcome, welcome, welcome!” Luna presented one of her hooves and allowed the Gryphon to kiss it. “Greetings Nico.” She said. “Yes, we are to be dining with company today if thou can seat us.” Nico laughed heartily and motioned for them to enter the dining area. “Ah ha! As always Principessa, we have plenty of room, plenty of- Ah!” He paused when he saw Bastian and Lielle. His smile faltered only briefly, replaced by a look of curiosity, but his charming grin returned quickly and he extended a claw to Bastian and Lielle, which they shook. “These are our guests. Much like you, they are new to this land.” Luna explained. “Ha! Is that so? La mia Famiglia!” Nico joked extending his arms wide in welcome. “Always happy to serve. Norma! Xilda! Come, come, we have guests!” The door that presumably led to the kitchen opened up and a pair of female Gryphons walked around the counter and into the dining area, walking on all fours with the gait of a predator. One appeared to be about Nico’s age. She was wearing a very old white apron and a warm smile that matched her husband’s. The other was younger and didn’t greet them as warmly as Nico had. Her face looked as if it was set in a permanent scowl that seemed exclusive to teenagers. Her teal eyes narrowed at them as if they had already done something to offend her. “Greetings Norma, young Xilda,” Luna said. She introduced each of them in turn and in an instant Bastian and Lielle felt Norma grab each of their cheeks in her claws and give them an affectionate pinch. The two humans remained as rigid as possible, very aware of the Gryphon’s razor sharp claws that would peel the flesh from their faces like a grape if they moved too much. “Ah!” She exclaimed in delight pinching Bastian’s cheek. “Faccia di bebe! Oh, and so skinny!” Lielle’s gut clenched uncomfortably as she felt the Gryphon press her talons against her stomach. Norma turned her gaze to Twilight and Shining and examined each of them closely. “No, no this will not do!” Norma said giving Luna a frown as if it was her fault her companions were malnourished. “Please, come inside, come inside!” “They’re going to fatten us up!” Shining whispered to Twilight through a nervous smile. “They’re just being friendly!” Twilight whispered back. “On my signal, we’ll break for the door. If they catch us, I’ll hold them off.” Shining whispered. “Shut up.” Twilight hissed. “Tell mom and dad that I love them!” “Shut up!” “Xilda, mio caro, help your uncle push a couple of these tables together,” Nico said. “Norma, Tesoro, get our guests' something to drink, eh?” Xilda rolled her eyes, shot them a scowl that would make a flower wilt, and followed her uncle into the dining room while Norma walked behind the bar and picked up a glass bottle filled with a clear liquid from a shelf along with a tray of small glasses. “It is a’ so good to see you again your majesty,” Norma said pouring them all drinks. Her Equestrian was a fair bit better than her husband’s, but her accent lingered. “Tell me, when are you going to bring your sister in for a visit? We would love to have her company.” “Princess Celestia has been quite busy as of late, we are sorry to say,” Luna said. “And that does not look like it will be changing anytime soon. However, we vow to bring her as soon as she is able.” And that was the honest truth. If absolutely nothing else, Luna wanted to see the look on her big sister’s face when confronted by the pair of Gryphons whose native tongue did not include the sentence “No really, I am full.” “We look forward to it,” Norma replied. “When we opened our ristorante we never imagined we would ever provide service to royalty.” “We find the surroundings and company charming,” Luna said. “And the food is marvelous.” A blush appeared on Norma’s feathered cheeks and she laughed heartily. “Princess, you make my husband so proud!” Norma said as she placed the drinks in front of them. “Um, what is it?” Twilight asked as she examined her drink cautiously. “Aperitif my dear. It is customary to enjoy a small drink before a meal, to help with the digestion.” Norma explained. “This drink is from our homeland and quite popular.” Twilight knew what an aperitif was. Rather she was referring to what exactly the contents of the glass were. Spike grinned and reached forward with his claw, but Twilight smacked his scaly hand away with her magic, giving him a disapproving frown. “To your health, wealth, and happiness,” Norma said raising her glass. They drank it down and as soon as the anise-flavored alcohol hit their throats, Lielle, Twilight and even Shining burst into a coughing fit. Norma let out a sigh of approval and licked her beak as Bastian tilted his head thoughtfully and ran his tongue across his upper lip. “Gods!” Lielle gagged. “That’s a light drink?” “It can be a bit strong.” Norma chuckled sheepishly. “I suppose it is a bit of a, how do you say? An acquired taste.” “It’s still smoother than the Khajiit brother’s rotgut,” Bastian said, placing his empty glass back on the counter. “Signore e signori,” Nico called from the main dining room. “Your table is a’ ready, please walk this way.” The group entered the main dining room and saw that in the short time it had taken to “enjoy” their drink that two of the longer tables had been pressed together into one and a pristine white tablecloth had been draped over it. Simple ceramic plates and polished cutlery had been laid out along with glasses for drinking and a bouquet of fresh flowers served as the table’s centerpiece. “Thank you, Nico,” Luna said as the Gryphon pulled out the chair at the head of the table for her. “I know it’s a long shot here, but you guys wouldn’t happen to have a couple of rubies or emeralds lying around would you?” Spike asked sitting in a chair between Twilight and Shining. “Afraid not, little one!” Nico laughed, patting the baby dragon’s head. “But do not worry, nobody ever leaves here hungry. It’s our motto!” He pointed to an engraved plaque on the wall above the bar that read “NOBODY leaves hungry!” There was something inherently ominous about how the word NOBODY was in all capital letters. “Well, I guess I’ll just have the spaghetti then,” Spike said, resting his chin in his claw and pushing the menu away without even bothering to look through it. “Ah ha ha! Not so fast little one. First, we bring you some food, then we take your order.” “What?” Lielle asked softly. A few minutes later Nico and his family returned bringing a large bowl of antipasto, a whole loaf of fresh garlic bread dripping in butter, and a soup filled tureen that could double as a bird bath in a pinch. Twilight and her brother’s apprehension about dining here vanished as they looked down at the food the Gryphons had brought them and the mouthwatering aroma wafted past their noses. The antipasto had obviously been tailored to suit the needs of a vegetarian, containing mushrooms, artichoke hearts, roasted peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, several kinds of cheese and many other things well suited for a pony’s diet all mixed and chilled in a delicious smelling marinade. The soup was still steaming and didn’t look like it contained anything that had once had parents or an adorable fluffy body. “Food before food,” Lielle said with glistening eyes. “I had forgotten…” “Xil dear, get our guests a bottle of wine please,” Nico said. “A nice white to go with the soup I think.” “Freeloaders,” Xil muttered as she walked back to the kitchen. “There- there uh- isn’t any meat in any of this is there?” Twilight asked cautiously, actually toying with the idea of at least trying some even if it did. “Oh signora, no of course not,” Nico said. “I mean, sure, our menu does contain dishes more suited for those who do, but we wouldn’t open a ristorante in Canterlot that served exclusively to carnivores. How would we make ends meet?” “We barely make ends meet now,” Xil said, returning with the cheapest bottle of vino she could find. “And if you keep offering claw outs to anypony that wanders in off the street we won’t be able to keep the lights on.” “Bah, Xilda these ponies and uh- other are our neighbors now,” Nico said waving a dismissive claw. “It is our duty to make them as comfortable as possible.” “Yeah, whatever,” Xil said, pulling the cork out of the wine bottle with her beak. “I’m sure we’ll manage to get by on the kindness of strangers. “Madame” Silk-Stocking has been nothing but patient with us so far.” She walked around the table and aggressively offered it to an increasingly uncomfortable Twilight and Shining. “Oh, uh, none for me, but, um, thank you,” Twilight said nervously. “Just water.” Shining nodded with a tight smile. “It’s a bit early for me, thanks,” Lielle said quickly. Xil jerked the bottle towards Bastian and gave him a threatening look as if daring him to accept. “You may leave the bottle,” Bastian said politely tapping a finger on the table. With an aggressive growl that would have made a filly burst into tears, Xil slammed the bottle to the table and stormed off, her feathers sticking up in annoyance. “Uh, please a’, excuse my niece. The move, it has a’ been difficult for her.” Nico said quickly. “It’s no problem,” Bastian said, pouring wine into Luna’s glass before topping off his own. “Please, enjoy,” Nico said. “And if a’ you need anything else, please do not hesitate to ask.” There was a flushing sound from the back followed by a wet gurgling and a barrage of Gryphonian curse words that would make even the saltiest sailor blush. “Uh, maybe- maybe a bit hesitation,” Nico said nervously. “Uncle Nico!” Xil yelled. “The toilets backed up! Again!” “A moment nipote!” Nico called. “Mario! You are needed, Fratello! Venire, venire!” A door marked maintenance that was next to the office opened up and a portly gryphon wearing blue overalls, a red hat, and an even larger mustache than his brother stepped out holding a tool box in his right claw and a depressed haggard look in his copper colored eyes. “In a’ the old country, I was a doctor…” He muttered as he walked into the restroom. “Now, I will a’ take a’ my leave of you,” Nico said with a nervous laugh. “Please, enjoy.” He walked into the kitchen as Bastian was already topping off his wine glass again. The food was delicious and by the time the first course was finished Twilight was already stuffed, but despite her protests, the Gryphons would hear none of it. She settled on a small salad while Shining Armor, who took their hospitality as a challenge, ordered the pumpkin ravioli and asked for more garlic bread. Luna and Spike both got the spaghetti while Bastian ordered a steak and another bottle of wine and Lielle settled on a chicken dish with pasta. Nico and Norma were a friendly and endearing pair, funny and good company for conversation while Xil prepared their food in the back. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you decide to move to Canterlot?” Twilight asked as Nico refilled her water. “Manehatten is much more diverse and would probably have been better suited for a business such as yours.” “Si, Manehatten was the original plan, but after doing some research, we decided against it,” Nico said. “Gryphon run businesses are fairly common there and we weren’t sure if we could handle the competition of such distinguished establishments. The Gryphon presence here in Canterlot, however, was much, much lower so we figured we could carve a niche for us here.” “However, it has not been without its troubles.” Norma sighed. “The ponies here, they simply do not come to visit us. They would rather dine at their fancy cafes and trendy speakeasies. Bah! A bunch of peacocks.” “Now, now Norma,” Nico said disapprovingly. “We have had our fair share of customers and a member of the royal family is one of our regulars. We are doing just fine, I think.” “The snot nosed brats come here because it’s “ironic,” Xilda said, wheeling out a cart of food. “They’re laughing at us.” “I get the impression that the Unicorns here are not terribly fond of outlanders,” Bastian said as Norma placed his plate in front of him. Lielle gave him a disapproving frown, but this quickly vanished at the sight of her own food. “You are right, you are right,” Norma said waving a claw with a sigh. “We figured at first that everyone, whether they are a pony or a Gryphon or what have you, regards strangers with some suspicion. This is true, we are all guilty of it! We thought that they would eventually come around, but most that stopped by only take a quick look around before leaving without so much as a hello. Our establishment is modest, yes, but we are here to cook. If you want atmosphere you can go to one of those fancy “bistros” that serve spazzatura kept under a heating lamp all day. And the servings! You think their guests are mice!” “I heard that!” Shining said levitating his fork in the air. “I’ll give you guy’s credit, you know how to measure a portion!” Twilight scoffed and rolled her eyes as her brother dug into his food. She levitated her own bite of salad into her own mouth and took a bite. The mare’s pupils expanded and she gasped. “O…M...G! This is delicious!” Bastian blinked in confusion and looked to Luna for an explanation regarding the odd expression that was “omg” but the princess merely shrugged and twirled her fork around her pasta. “This is wonderful!” Twilight said, examining the menu. “A salad this fresh would easily cost three times as much at any other place here in Canterlot.” “I am glad you like it, dear,” Norma said. “We tend our own garden in the back, so everything we use is fresh.” “You guys are obviously talented and very passionate about what you do,” Shining said. “I gotta ask, why did you guys decide to move here anyway?” Nico and Norma exchanged uncomfortable glances. “Well, uh,.” Nico said awkwardly clearing his throat. “As you may or may not a’ know, the Gryphon Empire has certainly seen better days. With the empire divided into three kingdoms, resources are growing scarcer every single day.” “Judging by your accent I’d say that you were from the southern kingdom, right?” Twilight asked. “Ah, si si!” Nico laughed. “That is correct. Norma and I were both born in the southern islands of the Empire and we had every intention of settling down and starting our own family there, but after taking in our niece Xilda in as our own, we decided that a fresh start would be good for us all.” “If things are so bad, why haven’t the Gryphons asked the Princesses for help?” Lielle asked. “I uh, don’t mean to speak on your behalf your majesty, but you and your sister have done so much for us in the short time that we have been here. I’m sure you could help their people as well.” “It has been attempted many times,” Luna said. “But relationships between Equestria and the Gryphon Empire have always been... frustrating.” “How do you mean?” Bastian asked. “We Gryphons can be a stubborn lot,” Nico said with an awkward chuckle. “In addition to this, Gryphons can be… shall we say, covetous by nature? Many times, the Empire has attempted to take land and resources from Equestria by force, but have been repelled every single time. After these unfortunate skirmishes, Principessa Celestia has always been the first to forgive and extend an olive branch of peace and union but more often than not, the Emperor that is occupying the throne at the time turns her away.” “Yeah, whenever a new Emperor takes over the throne, attacking Equestria and getting a visit from the Princess is pretty much considered a rite of passage for new rulers nowadays.” Shining Armor explained. “When I first joined the royal guard, me and about a dozen others had accompanied Celestia to the Northern Kingdom to speak with their Emperor and offer them help but as usual he turned the Princess down.” “Yes.” Nico nodded glumly. “Emperor Grigori of the mountain kingdom, who sits on the sky throne. I believe his heart to be in the right place, but as I said we Gryphons can be a stubborn lot. The Southern Islands have always loved Equestria and we have wanted to join under their banner for years, but establishing the Kingdom of Gryphonstone was as close as any of us have ever gotten.” “So Gryphons do have a presence in this land?” Bastian asked. “That is correct,” Luna said. “They have a small kingdom to the east across the Celestial Sea. They govern themselves, although their land is still considered a part of Equestria. Many moons ago when our land was young, the royal sisters encountered a band of Gryphons that had migrated from further East, across the mountains. We managed to arrange peace with them without resorting to violence and ever since then they have had their own kingdom.” “I don’t get it,” Spike said, wiping his mouth with the back of a claw. “If you guys in the Gryphon Empire love Equestria so much, why don’t all of you just move here if you don’t like the way your emperor is running things?” “Because it isn’t home,” Lielle said softly. “No matter how much better things might be somewhere else, it still wasn’t the place where you were born. It wasn’t the place you were raised and where you grew up. The place you loved. You don’t want to go somewhere new. You want the land you love to get better. Not continue to fall apart and force you into exile.” Nico nodded stiffly and offered them a forced smile. “Y-yes,” Nico said. “Quite right, signorina. Uh, excuse us please, we have to tend to something in the back. Please, enjoy the rest of your meal.” He and Norma returned to the kitchen and Luna turned to face Lielle and Bastian. “We understand that this whole affair must be difficult for you all. We will do our best to ensure that your people prosper within our borders, you have our word. The heartache of losing your home may never truly fade, but we hope that with time it will lessen and future generations of your people will come to love our land as much as we do.” “I am sure they will your majesty. Please, don’t let my words trouble you. Uh, what- what did you have in mind to discuss?” Lielle asked changing the subject. “Of course,” Luna said. “We thought it might help thy people along if we had laborers come to thy newly acquired land and lend aid in the construction of homes. It would undoubtedly hurry the process along and offer thy people the opportunity to gain access to the more modern amenities our land has to offer.” “Like the whoosh bowls?” Lielle asked. “Flush toilets.” Twilight corrected. “And something to consider is that a lot of the things you’ve seen in Ponyville and Canterlot are powered by electricity or magic, or some combination of the two. The land you will be building on is pretty much wilderness. If you wanted to give your people access to power you’d have to work something out with the Equestrian Utilities Department in Ponyville but that’s going to take time and money.” “We can do without all that for now,” Bastian said dismissively. “We didn’t have any of those things in Skyrim, putting them off for a while won’t make much difference. We don’t even know how much money we’ll have at our disposal.” “You promised me we could have whoosh bowls,” Lielle said. “I am sure I said no such thing,” Bastian said. “And I appreciate the offer of aid your majesty, but I think it would be better for our people to begin the initial construction themselves and gradually introduce them to new things as time progresses. Our people have had everything they have ever known taken from them and now they find themselves far from home in a new world that, and I say this with respect, your majesty, is bizarre and alien to them. The Nords have always been a conservative people, stubbornly set in their customs and traditions. The events of the past few years have forced them to make decisions that conflict with their beliefs. They need to feel in control of their destiny again and I think that the best way for us to do that is to let them set the foundation themselves.” “That’s quite insightful of thee Mister Bellrend,” Luna said. “If thou think that this is what thy people require then we will support your decision, however, let it never be forgotten that help will always be given to those who ask for it.” “With all due respect, your majesty there is a higher chance of the world-eater himself burning Canterlot to the ground than that of a Nord asking for help,” Bastian said. “As intrigued as Lielle and I may be about these wonders of magic and science we have seen in our short time here, Nords are much more minimalistic in their lifestyle. If it cannot be made from steel or wood with their own two hands, they seldom find a use for it.” “Minimalists be damned,” Lielle said. “I want a whoosh bowl!” “Lielle,” Twilight sighed. “For the third time, they’re called- She caught Lielle’s grin and the two girls chuckled. “At any rate,” Bastian continued. “Anything that can be used to directly improve the health and quality of life of our people, of course, I would like to implement them, but progress has never been fleet of foot in any society in Tamriel and that goes double for the Nords. We will give them time to build and establish themselves, get the lay of the land and then once their lives have returned to some degree of normalcy we will start introducing them to new aspects of life here in Equestria.” “We believe that your plan is sound,” Luna said. Her horn glowed and her wine glass rose into the air. “We would propose a toast to you Bastian Bellrend, the reluctant Jarl of- Hm. We apologize, but we do not recall the name you have selected for your village.” “We have not really come up with one yet, but thank you, your majesty. I will try to live up to you and your sister’s expectations.” Bastian said with only the faintest passive aggressive tone in his voice. “As long as you keep the interests of your people in your heart, I am sure you will perform adequately.” Luna retorted coolly. “Let’s eat shall we?” Lielle said quickly. “Y-yeah!” Twilight said a little loudly. “This food is so good! I-it’d be a shame if your, uh meat got cold!” “I uh, actually finished mine while you guys were talking,” Shining said. From out of nowhere, Nico placed another plate of ravioli in front of the Unicorn. “Oh!” Shining exclaimed happily. “Can I look at a dessert menu?” Two menus were quickly shoved in his face. > Dungeons and Dragon(s) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dungeons and Dragon(s) Wally hummed his adventuring song to himself as he trotted down the hallway with a new found spring in his step. He had more or less recovered from his experience in the darkness before and he was finally back in the groove so to speak. His adventuring spirit had returned and lit a fire under his flank and he was more determined than ever to finish his quest and save the comic shop from foreclosure. He stepped around a pressure plate and over a trip wire, smiling to himself as he avoided setting off what was more than likely an insanely complicated and elaborate trap meant to deter any and all who dared seek out the nerdy treasure that waited deeper within. Wally reached the end of the hallway and came to a large iron door that he examined thoughtfully. This door was different than any of the others he had come across so far and he briefly pondered why that could possibly be. The main vault? He thought. He frowned thoughtfully as he checked the door for any signs of trip wires or anything like that. No, it didn’t seem likely. He had come a long way sure, but after all the crazy stuff he’d gone through just to get this far, it felt… anticlimactic to have nothing but a simple iron door be all that stands between him and Limited Edition’s most prized possessions. He considered all the games that he had ever played, all the fantasy novels he had ever read and realized that a big iron door only meant one thing. Mini-Boss. Wally felt butterflies in his stomach. Whatever lay behind this door was going to be a challenge and he couldn’t wait to see what it was. He took a moment to check his inventory before continuing forward. Watermelons x99 “Alright.” He nodded. “I’m good.” He gripped the door’s ring handle in his mouth and pulled. The door slowly swung open and Wally jumped inside, totally ready for a no holds barred session of gratuitous violence only to find an empty chamber. Well, not "empty" empty. There just wasn’t an obvious boss or anything like that. The room was wide and illuminated by flickering torches set in iron sconces fixed to six stone pillars that supported the ceiling. At the other end of the chamber was the door that led further into the dungeon. Standing between two pillars in the middle of the room were two suits of heavy plate armor facing each other and standing at attention. One had its hooves wrapped around a huge war hammer; the other was wielding a battle ax that would have been more at home in the hands of a Nord. Wally looked at them anxiously, too nervous to move. He’d played Oubliettes and Ogres before. He knew what suits of innocuous looking armor standing in a hallway meant. Before he could contemplate his next course of action, the door slammed shut behind him and heavy bars dropped down from the frame, locking Wally inside. What happened next was all too cliché and predictable, but frightening nonetheless. The suits of armor slowly turned their heads towards Wally, two dots of red light that served as eyes glowing from behind their visors. “Aw pony feathers,” Wally muttered. The Iron Horseshoes stepped off of their display stands and readied their weapons as they slowly started clanking towards him, their heavy hoof steps echoing in the chamber. “Stay calm,” Wally whispered to himself. “Stay calm! Stay-” With a groaning creak, the first Iron Horseshoe dashed forward, moving much faster than Wally anticipated, and brought its hammer down with terrifying force. Wally let out a panicked squeal and rolled out of the way, the hammer missing him by mere inches and shattering the spot on the stone floor that Wally had been standing in with a loud metallic CLANG! Wally scrambled to his hooves and backed away, trying to come up with a plan. He ducked and dodged a sweeping arc from the second horseshoe’s ax and the second round of their battle began. Wally stood rooted to the spot and waited for an opening. The Horseshoe nearest to him brought his ax down just as Wally had hoped he would and Wally dodged by hopping back with a nervous yelp. He only looked at the ax and contemplated how he’d have been split in half like a piece of lumber for a second before he launched his counter attack. He took a galloping start and jumped into the air, planting his back hooves into the Iron Horseshoe’s face in what was effectively the pony equivalent of a drop kick, or rather a drop buck as the case may be. His impact sent the enemy’s helmet flying through the air where it clattered against a pillar before falling to the floor and vanishing in a puff of magical sparkling smoke. The rest of its body however wrenched its ax from the floor and advanced towards Wally, seemingly unaffected by its lack of a head. “All right,” Wally nodded, rising to his hooves and backing away. “Looks like I’ll just have to take you guys apart piece by piece, huh?” The second attack came when the other Iron Horseshoe brought his own hammer down on Wally, who had only a split second to roll out of the way to avoid his head being the melon in a stand-up comedy show. Wally rushed forward and slammed into the Horseshoe, knocking one of his forelegs off in the process. The leg vanished just like its brother’s head had and Wally laughed to himself. “Okay, this isn’t so hard!” He said. The three-legged Iron Horseshoe wielding the hammer slowly rose to its hind legs and let out a dark echoing whinny. Wally watched in silent awe and horror as the horseshoe began to spin like a top with its hammer outstretched. “Aw, geez!” Wally cried. He dropped down and rolled away as the Horseshoe made contact with a pillar and reduced it to a pile of rubble. Wally coughed as dust filled his lungs and debris stung his eyes. He blindly rolled away from the monsters as fast as he could and felt his body make contact with a wall. He quickly stood up and blinked the debris from his eyes and looked up just in time to see the headless horseshoe bring his ax down on him. “Suika No Jutsu!” Wally yelled. There was a puff of smoke followed by a wet splattering sound as the Horseshoe buried his ax in the spot Wally had been. The smoke cleared and the Horseshoe looked down to see a watermelon, split evenly in half right down the middle. “You thought you could kill me by chopping off my head…” A voice said from the shadows above. The Iron Horseshoe looked up just in time to see a flash of green rapidly descend from the shadows above before being hit in the… face? Neck hole? Before being struck by a watermelon. “Butcha got Watermel-owned instead!” Wally yelled as the melon exploded into juicy pink and green chunks. The other Iron Horseshoe could only stand and watch in bewilderment as Wally pulled another watermelon from his vest of holding (restricted to melons and melon accessories, for balance purposes, you know) and he grinned at the Horseshoe as he bounced the melon on his hoof. “Come on,” Wally said. “Make my neigh!” Unable to appreciate such witty and glorious wordplay, the Iron Horseshoe became enraged and charged forward, brandishing its hammer with reckless abandon. Wally focused his chi directly into his watermelon and hurled it with the force of a cannonball; striking the Horseshoe in the face and taking its head clean off. Wally ran forward and jumped into the air, coming down on the Horseshoe with a mighty kick and taking off the creature’s other foreleg in the process. Something that Wally strongly believed in and something that his master had often discouraged was when faced with a stronger opponent, Wally often resorted to just whaling on them and hoping he could wear them down with sheer tenacity and brute force. One day this might get him into trouble, but right now it seemed to be playing in his favor. Wally heard a creaking from behind him and jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a blow from the other Horseshoe’s ax. Instead, its weapon struck his brother, shattering what was left of its body and utterly destroying it in the process. Wally somersaulted and drew another melon from his vest as he landed on his hooves just as the last piece of the fallen horseshoe’s body vanished. “Guess I should have warned you, dudes. Fighting me? The first three rows is a splash zone!” He cocked his hoof back and hurled the melon with all his might, sending the Horseshoe flying back and into a pillar which crumbled from the impact and buried the magical construct in a pile of rubble. A piece of armor rolled over to Wally and bumped into his hoof before poofing out of existence. “Booyakasha!” Wally said as the door out of the chamber slid open. He exited through the door, now more confident than ever. He had to be nearing the end now. After the obstacle course of doom, the Sphinx, the scary cave of horribleness and the iron horseshoes, he honestly couldn’t think of anything else the cave could possibly throw at him. As the door closed behind him, Wally noted that instead of stepping into another hallway like before, he seemed to be inside of some kind of antechamber. It was shorter and brightly lit and the walls were adorned with posters advertising various games, films and radio dramas, many of which Wally was very familiar with. There was a poster advertising the hit radio drama “The Shadow Stallion” which Wally had grown up listening to with his dad back on the farm, a weekly serial that featured a character that most agreed would later inspire comic heroes like Bat-Mane and Silver Fox. Wally smiled to himself as he read the tag line written in red font across the top of the poster in big stylized letters, positioned just above the stallion cloaked in a jet black cape, his features obscured by a wide-brimmed hat. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of ponies? The Shadow Stallion knows!” There were dozens of posters like this and Wally couldn’t help but smile as the nostalgia warmed his heart and reminded him of the youth he had spent idolizing these heroes and desiring nothing more than to be just like them. Then, something else caught his eye. It was a photo set in a silver frame bearing the image of a small colt that could only have been First Edition. He was absolutely beaming, grinning from ear to ear as he proudly held a small golden trophy in his hooves and sat next to a stallion that Wally assumed to be his father. Written across the bottom of the photo in gold ink were the words “Friday night sorcery champ!” On this part of the wall, there were many photos similar to this, all of which had First Edition somewhere in them. There he was dressed as a mighty warrior wielding a cardboard ax, ready to fight monsters and keep his family safe from Nightmare Moon on Nightmare Night. Framed next to it was a crudely drawn comic illustrated on a single sheet of parchment telling the story of a talking sock trying to find its brother. A photo of an older First Edition with a grotty beard that he was probably too proud of holding a high school diploma in his hoof. For every poster that adorned the other walls, there were two photos, two memories on this one and Wally felt his gaze wander over to the door at the other end of the room. This was it. He had finally reached the end of his journey. Wally trotted over to the door and gripped the door ring in his mouth. After a brief pause, he pulled the door open and stepped inside. The room was unlike any he had set hoof in so far. Massive simply doesn’t begin to describe it. It was as if Wally was a tiny mouse that had stepped out of its hole and into the living room of a full-sized giant. The entire chamber was lit by massive glowing stones that shined like stars with a light that just had to be magical. The floor was made of smooth and polished stone and the walls were lined with pockets that had been carved directly into the cave’s wall to serve as shelves. And the loot. Sweet, glorious sun butt THE LOOT! The shelves were filled with every kind of toy, comic, and collectible that Wally had ever heard of or could possibly imagine. The pony’s breathing turned heavy as his head whipped around trying to take it all in for all the good it did him. Even if the universe dictated that at this very moment in time Wally would spontaneously mutate and grow a thousand more eyes, he’d still never be able to take it all in. This was truly the mother load. If the store above was geek heaven, then this is where you went after you died in geek heaven, assuming you hadn’t been a total dick in life of course. Wally staggered deeper into the chamber, still trying in vain to take it all in. He saw the original reels of a science fiction show he loved, reels that weren’t supposed to even exist anymore. He saw perfect replicas of costumes on ponyquins that looked like they had been taken directly from the lairs and hideouts of the superheroes and villains that wore them. A giant katana wielding pony-bot locked in battle with a giant lizard. A huge dragon sleeping on a massive bed. All five hundred and sixty issues of the hit graphic novel Super Ninja Fighter Z. Wait, wut? Life is a funny thing. Up until this point, Wally had lived a largely uneventful life in his hometown of Pepoberry. He’d worked the land with his pop ever since he was old enough to walk, he played in the fields around the farmhouse, went swimming in the creek on those hot muggy days, became a master of eastern martial arts under the tutelage of a retired old monk, and defended his hometown from invading cabbage weasels. You know. Normal stuff that Colts do. Before the day he arrived in Ponyville, he never really thought his life would get much more exciting than that, and you know what? He was totally cool with that. Friends, family, good food and his toys were really all he needed out of life. As his master had said, “Adventure? Excitement? A follower of the white lotus craves not these things.” And so Wally had openly accepted his role in life as a simple farmer tending to his crops, fully willing to vicariously live out his dreams of adventure and excitement through games and such, yet in spite of this, in the span of twenty-four hours, he had crossed several things off of his bucket list. He had made contact with alien life forms, fought a giant scorpion monster thingy, and had tea with both of the princesses of Equestria. He had even met a dragon! An honest to goodness fire breathing dragon! Sure, it was only like, a foot tall and being raised by mares, but still, it was a bucking dragon for Celestia’s sake! And here he was at the grand finale of his journey in the dungeon of awesome (another item on his bucket list marked off) and he was face to face another dragon! A really, really big dragon… Like, WAAAAAAY bigger than Spike. In all fairness, Wally should have expected this. I’m sure you did. It was a massive creature, easily forty feet long from snout to tail and from what Wally could see on the ground below its scales were a light blue color and its sharp pointy spines were a deep purple. The bed the dragon occupied was probably the finest trampoline in all the land and seemed to be covered in yellow power pony bed sheets that matched its pajamas. The dragon was snoring loudly, causing the cave to tremble with every exhale. It was also snuggling a fuzzy teddy bear the size of an actual bear. Despite his detailed knowledge of all things geeky, Wally’s knowledge of dragons was pretty limited. He knew they were big. He knew they were scary. He knew they breathed fire in a cone shaped attack and tended to do damage in numbers of players rather than hit points and (apparently) ate the souls of dead Nords. It was also fairly common knowledge that dragons loved to hoard treasure so it stood to reason that the item he sought would have to be somewhere nearby. Too afraid to even breath for fear of disturbing the dragon, Wally scanned the immediate area and felt doubt begin to creep into his mind once again. If that dragon woke up it was over. There was no way in Tartarus he’d be able to match it in combat and he suddenly realized that he had absolutely no idea what it was he was looking for. Sure, he was currently surrounded by priceless collectibles but he had no idea which of these items was the unique treasure he was looking for. Then he saw it. There, above the dragon’s bed, attached to the stone headboard was a large dome-shaped glass display case. That just had to be it. Wally sighed internally. Of bucking course it would be right above the face of a snoring pony eating dragon. Wally tried to remain optimistic and keep on the sunny side. It could always be worse, right? Though he couldn’t think of how it could be worse, he was sure that it could be. Like, the room could be on fire or something. Or the dragon could wake up. That would totes suck right? The alarm clock on the dragon’s bedside table began to ring loudly with a sound that felt like it would rupture Wally’s ear drums. Wally covered his ears, let out a muted gasp of panic and dove into a box of old movie props and costumes. “Time to get up…” A soft sleepy voice muttered. The Great Wyrm rose to a seated position in his bed and stretched his massive scaled arms over its head. The dragon cleared its throat and long curls of scarlet flames danced from its mouth as it rose out of its bed and took massive strides across the room, the floor shaking like an earthquake with every step it took. Wally peaked out of the box and watched as the dragon walked over to a giant water basin, his back to our stalwart hero. Wally watched in silent awe as the dragon began to splash cold water on its face and Wally could not help but notice that the dragon seemed to suffer from an unfortunate birth defect. There seemed to be a large, boulder shaped hump on its left shoulder with its own scales and a crown of spikes growing out of it. As the dragon cleaned its sword like fangs it muttered to itself in a half awake tone. “Did you take the wheelie bin out last night? Of course, I did. You were there, weren’t you? Gonna have to bring it back inside. Yeah, yeah.” Wally quietly stepped out of the box and looked up at the glass display case at the top of the bed. He may not get another chance to have the dragon distracted. It was now or never. But how in Tartarus could he climb up there? The bed was the size of a small mountain with nothing for him to hold onto or jump up to. He glanced back down at the movie props and smiled. Wally quickly and quietly rummaged around the contents of the box and smiled to himself as he pulled out a rubber Bat-Man cowl and cape. It took just a few seconds for the pony to don the costume of one of his favorite heroes along with a fully stocked utility belt. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” Wally thought with a cocky grin as he removed the grappling gun from the belt. He aimed at the bed and fired. The grappling hook popped out, flew about a foot through the air and fell to the ground with a clatter. “Huh…” Wally whispered to himself. “I don’t know why I thought that this was a real grappling gun…” “Wha’ wazzat?” a sleepy voice muttered. Wally froze in place, hoping that if the dragon saw him, it would assume he was just a statue or something. Ten agonizing seconds passed before… “Guess it was nothing.” The dragon resumed its morning routine and Wally let out a silent sigh of relief. He picked up the grappling hook and examined it. It looked just like it did in the comics. The hook was made out of a strong but lightweight metal that had been shaped to resemble four bat wings and the cable was strong and stretchy. Even though it was technically accurate, however, it was still just a simple prop and didn’t function as a proper grappling gun. What a gyp! But then again, Wally didn’t really need it to did he? He fumbled with the device for a bit before removing the rope from the spool inside. Now, with what was basically just a grappling hook, Wally crept over to the bed and, casting a glance over at the dragon by the sink, Wally began to spin the hook around over his head. He let it fly and it caught in the sheet on the mattress above him. He gave it a few test tugs and happy that it would hold his weight, he began to quickly and quietly climb up the rope. It literally took every ounce of self-control not to hum the Bat-Mane theme as he climbed. When he reached the top he looked back at the dragon and nodded, thankful that apparently, dragons were super into dental hygiene. He awkwardly made his way over to the stone headboard and readied himself for the next part of his plan. He reached into the utility belt and pulled out several small suction cups which he quickly attached to his hooves. He pressed one of his forelegs to the headboard and felt the suction cup stick to the wall. He placed his other foreleg, then his back left hoof, then his right and Wally was stoked to see that it freaking worked! Chuckling to himself, he began to walk up the wall at slow pace thinking worst case scenario he falls and lands on the dragon’s bed. Pop pop pop pop. The suction cups were noisy but thankfully the dragons didn’t seem to hear them. Pop pop pop pop. He heard a gurgling noise and the dragon spoke in a quiet voice. Pop pop pop pop. “Oh, did I tell you mum wrote?” It said. “Said the cabbages were coming in splendidly this year.” Pop pop pop pop. There was a spitting noise followed by a grumble. “You don’ have ta tell me that mum wrote.” A second voice said. This one was gruffer and more aggressive. “I know eferythin’ you know, don’ I?” Pop pop pop- Confused, Wally risked a look over his shoulder and felt his stomach drop at the horrible sight of the dragon’s face, well, faces, reflected in the giant mirror that hung above the basin. The dragon was not a humpback. And technically speaking it had not been talking to himself. The dragon had two heads! Two, fire breathing, pony eating heads! The head on the right was tall and thin and the head on the left that Wally had mistaken for a growth was squat with beady little eyes and Wally stood frozen in silent horror as the creature continued on with its morning routine. The left head was gargling sand and the right head was brushing his teeth with a toothbrush that had extra firm steel bristles, humming row row row your boat as he brushed. Suddenly, the dragon’s eyes in the mirror fell on Wally and the pony nearly wet his tights. “Hey, Reggie!” the left head said through a mouthful of foam. “Look! You left a toy out!” “What?” The dragon turned around and Wally rolled Bluff, staying as still as a statue, hoping he could play this out. “I didn’ leave that out!” Reggie grumbled. “It must ‘ave been you Drogo.” “No, no,” Drogo said, giggling a little. “You know I prefer the Screech Owl to Bat-Mane, that’s your toy, you have to pick it up!” Wally mouth an incredulous “WHAT?!” behind his mask, unable to even comprehend how anyone with any measure of common sense could prefer the Screech Owl, whose only super power of note what that he could scream really really loud (not sonic blasts, just literal screaming), to the Caped Crusader. Suddenly Wally was plucked from the headboard with a pop and placed on a shelf above the bed. “There,” Reggie grunted. “Are ya ‘appy now?” “Thank you,” Drogo said with a nod. “Now was that so hard?” “Right then. Time for a bit of breakfast I think,” Reggie said. “I think we should still ‘ave some Nico’s in the fridge.” The dragon lumbered away and Wally let out a deep breath. He looked down over the edge of the shelf and shuddered at the height. He had no rope, no parachute, so his only hope was to jump down, aim for the pillow and hope that it would break his fall. Wally took several steps back to get a running jump and let out a shaky breath. He wasn’t very big on heights and free jumping onto a giant bed was way out of his comfort zone. He looked up at the dragon currently rifling through a giant fridge the size of an apartment building, took in a deep breath and started to gallop towards the edge, only to slide to a halt and back away cursing under his breath. “Come on legs…” He muttered. “We can do this! It isn’t that insanely high!” His legs trembled in response. “Alright, fair enough.” He muttered to himself. “But this is the only way down! If we don’t get out of here, the dragon is bound to realize we aren’t an action figure eventually and they’ll gobble us up!” His legs trembled again. “I know right? They’d probably baste us with dragon sauce and fry us up like pancakes!” His legs stopped shaking and tilted quizzically. “I don’t know if dragon sauce is a real thing, okay?” Wally sighed. “Yes, it does sound delicious, but I wouldn’t want to be covered in it and eaten! Now, stop giving me lip and jump okay? We’ll do it together on the count of three alright? One… Two… Thr-" Wally jumped and couldn’t even bring himself to scream, less out of fear of being heard by the dragon and more out of shock that he actually did it. He hit the pillow with a loud fwoomf (well, loud to him. The dragon(s) didn’t hear anything.) He laid there in the soft, comfy-ness of the circus tent sized pillow for several minutes, slowly moving his limbs and muscles to make sure that nothing had been broken in the fall. Relieved to see that he was still in one piece, Wally pulled himself out of the pillow crater and took several awkward steps across the pillows soft spongy surface. He looked up at the headboard and sighed in frustration. “I don’t know what secrets you hold.” He thought, “But you. Are. MINE!” Pop pop pop pop. Behind him, the dragon’s were busy with breakfast. Reggie was rooting around the fridge while Drogo was using his long arm to fill a swimming pool sized kettle with water from a waterfall. “Hey, Drogo?” Reggie asked. “Are we outta dragon sauce again?” “Yes, I believe so,” Drogo said gravely. “We’ll have to ask mum to send some with her next package.” “Right, right.” Reggie agreed. Wally looked down at his legs and nodded thoughtfully before he continued to climb. Pop pop pop pop. “When did we order this Drogo?” Reggie asked, holding up a pizza box the size of a small parking lot, the large lunch special from Nico’s. Not a dragon-sized large, just the basic large. “Wednesday right?” “Mm,” Drogo said negatively as he sipped from a giant tea cup the size of a water tower tank. “No, it was Tuesday remember? They had the lunch special.” “Ah, right,” Reggie said. “Prob'ly turned by now then. Ah, well.” He said sliding it back into the fridge. “I’ll just have a bowl a’ cereal then I think.” “You can count me in,” Drogo said. “I am famished!” He grabbed a giant steel box of Gems and Bits from the top of the fridge while his brother grabbed two giant bowls and a jug of rocks the size of a grain silo from a shelf. Drogo breathed fire on the jug and the rocks inside melted to magma as Reggie began to pour their cereal into their bowls, watching the cascading waterfall of gems and various kinds of rocks fall into the bowl like a rock slide with a hungry glint in his eyes. Wally had just reached the top of the headboard when the two sat down at their giant breakfast table. Reggie immediately went to town on his cereal while Drogo began to do the crossword on the back of the cereal box. “Right…” He muttered to himself. “Hey, Reg? What’s a seven letter word for friend? “Hm…” Reggie grunted as he chewed his food thoughtfully. “Comrade.” He said with a nod before taking another bite. “Ah yes, of course. Silly of me.” Drogo said as he scratched it into the back of the box with a giant claw. Wally snuck across the top of the headboard on the tips of his hooves, the now familiar feeling of fear and excitement bubbling in his stomach harder than ever before. “Right, so then, one down,” Drogo said behind the world’s largest pair of horn-rimmed glasses. “Seven letters, a freshwater fish that begins with a C.” “Crappie.” The dragon replied. Drogo wrinkled his scaly nose at his brother and gave him a disapproving frown. “Watch your mouth.” He said. “It’s not a swear!” Reggie grumbled. “Yeah, right,” Drogo said, rolling his eyes. “Like the time you told me those birds at the pier when we were on holiday last year. What did you say they were called? Shags?" “That’s what they’re called!” Reggie said crossly. “Look it up!” “Whatever. Just wait till I tell mum that you’ve- Oh… It fits.” “Told you!” “Fine, fine.” Wally made it to the top of the headboard and quietly crept over to the dragon-sized display case. It was large, only slightly smaller than his bedroom back home on the family farm and made of large panes of glass that one might find on a skyscraper in Manehatten. Inside he could see that it was empty save for a small table with a soft burgundy velvet cloth draped across it, the unmistakable square outline of a display case underneath it. Wally rested his head against the cool glass and chuckled to himself. He tried the door that led inside and chuffed in annoyance to discover it was locked. Of. Bucking. Course. “You didn’t think it would be THAT easy did you?” A voice in his head scoffed. “I try to be hopeful,” Wally muttered. He stole a cautious glance over at the Dragons. Even though they were facing their bed at the seat at the table, they were far too absorbed in their meal and the crossword puzzle to pay him any mind at all. He nervously chewed his lip and considered his options, uncomfortably aware of the scaled guardian's distant chatter. He could always just break the glass but that would almost certainly alert the dragon(s) to his position, and he wasn’t very confident he could outrun them and their double breath attack. He peered over the edge of the headboard and down at the bedside table. No sign of a key down there anywhere. He cursed under his breath. That was the full extent he was willing to go to to find the key. An actual search could take days in this massive cavern. Desperate, he began to fish around in his newly acquired utility belt for anything of use. Bat-Mane was famous for always packing a gadget for almost any scenario, the ultimate boy scout, always prepared. But unfortunately, this was not the real utility belt worn by the caped crusader. An amazingly accurate recreation for sure, but ultimately just a prop. He found foam bataraangs, fake smoke pellets, a rebreather that was just a single piece of rubber that you couldn’t even actually breath through, a fake skeleton key made of hollow plastic, but nothing of real use. Annoyed and frustrated, Wally bonked his head on the glass and felt the whole thing sway slightly. He looked down and noticed that the glass case had no floor and was not secured to the stone headboard. He grinned to himself and went to work. As quietly as he could, Wally began to push the glass case towards the edge of the headboard, making sure to only push while the dragons talked or chewed their food. It took several nervous minutes but finally, there was a gap just large enough for Wally to slip in after hanging off the edge of the headboard and shimmying under the case. He pulled himself and mentally patted himself on the back for his ingenious plan. Excitement flooded through his body and his heart beat wildly in his chest. He felt like an adventurer in league with Daring Do, having stared danger in the eye and giving it a cheeky smirk of defiance. He nodded to himself in approval and glanced over at the breakfast table, intending to stick his tongue out at the dragons but froze when the shorter head, Reggie’s gaze met his own. “Riiiiiight.” Drogo drawled sucking a claw thoughtfully. “What’s a five-letter word for a burglar?” Reggie’s mouth tripped over itself and a sharp inhale of air sucked a mix of lava and half chewed shale rocks down his throat, an experience only marginally more awful than inhaling pixie stick dust. Reggie spluttered and coughed, trying desperately to find his voice. “T-THIEF!” Reggie finally bellowed. “No, that would be six letters,” Drogo said clicking his tongue thoughtfully. “No you twat!” Reggie yelled pointing a stubby finger at Wally. “THIEF!" “Ohhh,” Drogo said. “See I thought that you meant-“ Wally grabbed the treasure in his hooves, velvet cloth and all, and broke into a short gallop. He jumped down the gap between the display case and the headboard and fell the thirty or so feet down onto the bed. On his way down the heard the dragons exclaim and shout, heard what he figured was the great stone breakfast table being flipped over and then a loud FWOOMPH as he landed on top of the pillow. Wally spent several terrifying seconds trying to untangle himself from the pillow sheet, afraid that by the time he broke out of the comfy sea of downy goodness he’d come face to face (to face) with an angry fire breathing dragon. Finally, Wally broke the surface and gasped for air. He wasted no time rolling down the giant pillow and down onto the bed. He made for the edge of the bed when suddenly, the display case above tipped over and fell down onto the bed, the weight of it causing Wally to bounce high, high into the air. The poor pony screamed, thinking his story would end with him being a red splat on the dragons immaculate stone floor when suddenly, the air caught his cape and the pony FLEW (glided) just like Bat-Mane in the comics. “YEAH!!!” Wally cheered as he flew (glided) through the air. “WOO-HOO!” But he was meeting the ground fast and Wally had absolutely no gliding experience, except for the time he jumped off the roof of the farmhouse and broke his leg. He tumbled along the stone floor and slid headfirst into a cardboard display of the Giggler, Bat-Mane’s most diabolical foe. Wally let out a squeal as he slid closer and closer to the psychotic grinning face of the clown-like villain he had feared almost all his life. Wally’s cries of fear were quickly silenced as the poor pony slammed face first into the stone pillar behind the cutout. WHAM! “Oooooowwwwww…” Wally moaned. The pony shakily rose to his hooves knowing that that little stunt probably just cost him his life. The dragon would be on him any second now, he just knew it. He ignored the trickle of blood running down his snout and turned to face his demise with quiet dignity. “Puh-puh-puhlease don’t e-e-eat me-he-he-he-he!” Wally sobbed throwing himself at the mercy of the guardians of the cave. Quiet dignity. Wally continued to make gross sobbing sounds, expecting to be crushed under the giant dragon’s foot or roasted alive by a fireball but it never happened. He sniffed and looked up to see that the dragons had not even set foot from out of the little (relatively speaking) kitchen area. Instead, they were cowering behind the overturned table and clinging to each other, visibly shaking in fear. “P-please mate!” Reggie said nervously. “Take whatever you want and go, just- just don’t hurt us!” “Yes!” Drogo agreed with a frightened sniffle. “Please don’t hurt us!” “Hurt you?" Wally balked. "How could I possibly hurt you?! You guys are like, a bazillion hooves tall! I'm just an adorable little pony!" Wally forced air out of his busted nose and spent flecks of scarlet blood spattering along the marble floor. "Oh, Reg! Reggie! He's going to ruin our floor!" Drogo wailed covering his eyes with a scaly claw. "Please!" Reggie pleaded. "We don' want any trouble!" "We have a mother!" Drogo cried. "She isn't well! If something happened to us, she'd be all alone!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Wally said raising a hoof. "I don't want to hurt anypony!" "Y-you- You don't?" The dragons asked in unison, although they still seemed extremely apprehensive. "No! No, nothing like that." Wally said earnestly. "Honest! I just came down here to help the comic shop owner." "Limited Print?" Reggie asked with a hopeful gasp. "Did he send you down here?" "Uh, no," Wally said. "His son I guess? First Edition. I think Mr. Limited Print passed away." "What?!" Drogo exclaimed clutching his chest. "A-Are you quite sure?! Oh, Reggie!" The brothers held each other and began to snivel and cry in a manner that would make even the most emotional person uncomfortable. Wally grimaced and rubbed the back of his head. "Aw, pony feathers..." He muttered. "Look uh, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you guys cry. I guess you guys were friends or something?" "Friends!" Reggie exclaimed. "Friends!? Limited Print was the finest lad I ever had the honor of knowin'" "He was the only pony apart from Princess Celestia herself that ever showed us an ounce of kindness!" Drogo moaned. Wally gasped. "You guys know the Princess?" He asked. Drogo nodded as accepted massive tissue from his brother's hand. "We were driven out of our home by the other dragons," Reggie explained as Drogo wiped his eyes. "They thought we were *sniff* freaks!" "They called us mean names like 'four-eyed freak' and, 'two-headed freak', and 'purple spiky freak with two heads!" Drogo sniffed. Wally stared at the two headed purple spiked dragon with an arched eyebrow. "Just because they weren't clever doesn't mean they weren't hurtful," Drogo said. "Fair enough," Wally said with a shrug. "We wandered for years looking for a place to call our own. Then we found Equestria, a land famous for its friendship and harmony. We thought we could make a home here. But the ponies didn't laugh at us. Instead, they screamed and ran away at the very sight of us. We just wanted some friends..." Drogo said sadly. "But then, the Princess came to us and offered us this cave to live in and a job patrolling the tunnels underneath Canterlot." "You guys are guards?" Wally asked. "But you totally freaked out when you saw me." “Well, usually intruders don’t tend to hang about once they see a dragon, ya know?” Reggie said. “Nothing’s that stupid, mind you. Er, no offense.” "None taken." Wally shrugged. "But how do you guys know the comic shop owners?" "Oh, we met Limited Print years ago," Reggie said. "Found 'im when he was exploring the mountain with his Colt Scout troop. He got separated ya see. Poor lil' tyke, all lost and alone. We helped him find the way back but he kept coming back to visit us." "He showed us comics and games and all sorts of things and we had been the best of friends ever since. Then, years later when he opened his shop we let him use our home to keep the most valuable pieces of his collection safe. Oh! Reg, we should have known that something was wrong, it’s been ages since he's been to see us last!" "Just figured he was busy..." Reggie nodded grimly. He pulled out another tissue and blew his nose which resulted in a sound like an apocalyptic trumpet being blown to herald the end of days. Wally sighed and hung his head in shame. He had done what practically everypony else had done when they met this poor dragon(s). He took one look at them and assumed that they were pony eating brutes but now he could see they were just a couple of lonely dorky guys who had just found out they lost their only friend. "Listen, fellas," Wally said looking up at them. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you guys sad." "It's not your fault mate," Reggie said trying to wear a reassuring smile. "Ya' counldn' 'ave known. But why did First Edition send ya' down 'ere at all then eh?" Wally told them his story and the dragon brothers listened in stunned silence. "Close down?!" Reggie exclaimed. "The Everink shop can’ jus’ close down! It’s an institution! Been around for ages! Limited’s great-great-great-“ “Ancestor,” Drogo quickly interrupted. “Started it as a quill and ink shop over two hundred years ago. Then, once Limited took over the family business he started selling comics and games and a wider variety of art supplies. Oh please Bat-Mane, you have to let us help you! You can’t let our friend's dream die!” “My name’s- uh- Yeah, that’s right. I’m the Bat-Mane!” Wally said pumping out his chest. “And I’ll do everything I can. I just need to get to the surface!” “Here!” Reggie said excitedly. “Over here!” The dragon quickly jogged across the room and Wally hurried after them, careful not to trip as the floor shook under their weight. The dragon led him to a huge façade mocked up to look like the exterior of a castle that was used in an episode of Maracles: The Legendary Journeys. “There is a secret passageway that leads right up to the entry chamber below the Everink Shop,” Drogo explained. “Limited used it all the time.” “Just stick to the path and you should be safe.” Reggie nodded. “Should?” Wally asked. “Well, we don’t really know what’s in there,” Reggie said. “And it hasn’t been used in so long.” “Right.” Wally nodded up at them. “Well, it can’t be any worse than any of the other crazy stuff I’ve been through to get this far.” Wally took a step towards the castle then paused. “Uh, I guess you’ll be wanting this back huh?” He asked removing his cowl. “No, no,” Drogo said. “Keep it. The world needs a Bat-Mane.” “Besides, looks good on you.” Reggie nodded. Wally frowned and looked down at the mask. “I don’t really feel like a hero.” He sighed. “I just broke into your house, scared you guys half to death and told you that your friend died.” “Hey, you were just trying to help out the shop right?” Reggie asked. “You braved all of Limited’s traps and puzzles to get here. That makes you brave in my book.” Drogo nodded. “Just promise us that First Edition will keep his father’s legacy alive for the generations of ponies to come. Everyone needs a safe place to be themselves and that’s what the store was to a lot of ponies growing up. It’s what Limited would have wanted.” The dragon said. Wally nodded. “I promise.” He said, extending a hoof. Reggie and Drogo extended their claws down to him, gently touched the tips of their index claws to his hoof and shook. Wally turned to leave but paused before turning to face the dragons again. They looked pretty sad, resigned to living a lonely life down here in the dark, no longer receiving surprise visits from the only friend they had ever known, surrounded by his favorite things that once brought them so much joy but now would only serve as a grim reminder of what they had lost. “Hey, you know, assuming that First Edition keeps the shop going, I’ll be making regular trips to Canterlot to stock up on supplies. If you guys wanted, I could come and visit?” Wally asked. “Really?” Drogo gasped in delight. “Oh, that would be wonderful! We’d love to have you around for tea! Wouldn’t we Reg?” “Yeah!” Reggie nodded in surprise. “Whenever you’re in the neighborhood, our cave’s always open.” “Cool, I just got the O&O Guardians of the North expansion and haven’t had a chance to play it yet!” Wally said. “You guys like O&O right?” “Uh, is the Green Mare of the wilds benevolent and helpful to friends of the forest?” Drogo asked, putting a green forest cap on his head. “Ha!” Wally laughed. “Yeah, I guess she is... unless you’re a lumberjack!” The three shared a good-natured chuckle at the friendly yet mischievous nature of the magical mare of the wilds. Bucking nerds. “Thanks for everything you two,” Wally said. “I’ll be sure to give First Edition your regards. Now then…” He lowered his mask over his face and looked up at the dragons. He gave them his best bat nod and reared back on his hind legs, letting out a fierce whiny that might have been heroic and imposing had his voice not cracked. He ran towards the castle facade and crossed the drawbridge, smiling to himself as he galloped into the darkness of the passageway. Wally had made two new friends. -THE PONY SCROLLS- > Apple and Oranges > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, back in the Ivory Gardens District of Canterlot, Bastian had just forked the last chunk of steak from his plate and into his mouth. He was unable to recall the last time he had enjoyed such a tender and delicious cut of meat and he chewed slowly, savoring its flavor and texture. It tasted a lot like beef but carried with it a faint wild gamey flavor as well, but it was pleasant and the mage had enjoyed every bite he took. It is said that sometimes the simplest things in life are the greatest, and a T-bone steak cooked rare paired with an Equestrian zinfandel were indeed simple things, but to Bastian it was arguably even more enjoyable than the feast that had been thrown for him and his companions the night before, if not quite as grand in scale. For one, the meal included fresh meat. Secondly, there wasn’t a pink pony trying to blindfold him, arm him with a club, and make him assault a papier-mache construct shaped in the likeness of a giant cupcake. Bastian’s only possible complaint, if he had one at all, was that he wished he had a bigger glass. The glass wine tumblers they had been provided with were attractive enough to look at but were simply much too small to slake a Nord’s thirst, let alone Bastian’s, but the mage simply couldn’t bring himself to voice his one and only concern through bites of food. Norma the Gryphon watched him eagerly from the side, awaiting his verdict on the meal. Bastian had been so in the zone he had barely acknowledged her as he ate but after he swallowed the final piece of meat and realized he was now out of food, he nodded at her. “You know what Norma,” The mage said behind his napkin. “You were right, I think I will have that second steak, thank you.” The Gryphoness laughed and clapped her claws together. “I told you, darling, I told you! A growing boy needs protein in his diet!” She gave his cheek an affectionate pinch which he endured with a tight polite smile before she returned to the kitchen, singing a song from the old country under her breath as she went. It had been just over two hours since Princess Luna brought them to the modest trottoria and from the time they were seated by Nico, it had been a nonstop onslaught of delicious food and top-notch service to rival that of any one of Canterlot’s finest eating establishments. Nico and Norma were a friendly and endearing pair, and in addition to the food that their guests had ordered, they had also brought the party several samples of new recipes they were working on in an attempt to bring in new clientele. Bastian and Lielle, who had spent the past several years living as lean as paupers, strictly rationing out what little food they could find in the frigid north of Winterhold, offered no resistance apart from the “Oh no we couldn’t possibly” that the social contract demanded. In addition to her alfredo pasta, her share of the garlic bread and antipasto, two cups of delicious soup and a generous salad, Lielle had also devoured a generous serving of tiramisu and something called Zuppa Cavallo (a southern Gryphonian interpretation on a Canterlotian classic) for dessert and was now very close to entering a food coma along with Shining Armor who had discovered that challenging the hospitality of two Gryphons from the Southern Isles was a very silly thing to do. “How?” Lielle groaned as she watched Bastian use a piece of bread to wipe up the red juice that lingered on his plate. “How do you have room for anything else? That steak was fit for a lord’s banquet.” The ponies, save for Luna, grimaced a little as Bastian popped the “bloody” hunk of bread into his mouth. “You had two pieces of cake.” The mage said defensively. “There’s always room for dessert Bas, everyone knows that.” The ponies nodded. Bastian drained his glass. “I’m just trying to enjoy the flavor of an actual meal before it’s back to hardtack and tiukhkan rations.” He said. “What’s T-Tiu- Teek- uh-” Spike asked trying to form the alien word in his mouth. “Tee-Uhk-Can.” Bastian enunciated as he refilled his glass. “It’s Bosmer foodstuff made out of dried meat and animal fat that have been shaped into balls or cut into bricks. We make it out of whatever’s on hand. Bears, elk, sabercat, ho-” He bit his tongue and quickly drank his wine down in a manner that Rarity would find uncultured while Lielle shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tried to look innocent. Bastian cleared his throat and avoided Twilight’s puzzled expression. “Whatever we can hunt. We also add wild nuts and berries but it does little to improve the flavor.” “I’ve tried making it into stews with onions and potatoes and things but…” Lielle shook her head and grimaced. “How resourceful.” Princess Luna said suspiciously. Lielle nervously drank from her glass of water and avoided Princess Luna’s gaze. As a young girl she grew up around horses on her grandfather’s farm in High Rock and she disliked the idea of having to eat horses as much as any pony in Equestria would, even if they were prepared with peppers and onions, but desperate times call for desperate measures and Lielle was ready to take that dark secret to her grave. She cleared her throat and changed the subject. “Bastian what- what kind of meat was that anyway?” She asked. “It tasted like beef but I don’t really care just so long as there’s more of it.” He replied. Twilight levitated the menu into the air and turned it back to the “carnivore” section. “According to the menu, their meat is imported from Gryphonstone where they raise livestock consisting of animals the original settlers brought with them from beyond the mountains. The bistecca fiorentina is made from the meat of uh... murus which are distant, nonsapient cousins of Equestrian cows.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Spike said throwing his little claws up. “You mean to tell me that they just raise animals to be killed?! And eaten?!” “Well, um, yes,” Twilight said with an air of discomfort. “But Spike, they aren’t like the cows that live in Equestria. They can’t talk or reason and they aren’t magical so… so that makes it…” The mare couldn’t bring herself to say the word “okay”. Being an animal was one thing; a lion couldn’t help that it had to eat other animals to survive, but the thought that someone could consciously and willingly kill and eat other creatures was more than a little unsettling, even if their biology demanded it. Twilight didn’t like the thought of any living creature being hurt, much less cooked and devoured and the colors of her magical, technicolored talking pony world were starting to run gray, much to the young mare’s discomfort. “They’re like the critters that Fluttershy takes care of.” She finally said. “Hey, Mr. Cluckers is pretty smart!” Spike said in defense of his critter bros. “He can play tic tac toe and he beats me like, all the time!” Twilight sighed and massaged her hoof against her head. She had been planning on spending the summer teaching Spike long division, not debating the ethics of carnivorism with the baby dragon. “It- It just isn’t the same Spike.” She said. “Fluttershy can bond with animals on a level that the rest of us just can’t, not even the earth ponies. She taught Mr… Cluckers how to play tic tac toe just like she taught Mordecai and Rigby how to clean up litter. For carnivores and omnivores, it can't be helped.” Bastian cleared his throat as he put his wine glass down. “Miss Sparkle is right, young Spike. It’s naught but the circle of life.” Bastian said. “The races of men and mer alike subsist on the flesh of… “lesser creatures”. We die and our bodies are returned to the earth to sprout new life for those creatures to live on and so on and so forth… Though I suppose that this isn’t technically true… I mean, it’s not like we are letting animals wander into our graveyards to eat the grass growing around tombstones… actually, now that I think about it, it’s a stupid way to express it…” “Well, we weren’t exactly sitting at the top of the food chain ourselves,” Lielle said helpfully. “Never mind the fact that a dragon could swallow a man whole, but wild boars could gore a man on their tusks and a nest of mudcrabs can strip a man’s body in a matter of hours.” “Yes, but they’re just ill-tempered. They weren’t apex predators. They don’t actively hunt people to eat them.” Bastian countered. “Frostbite spiders, sabercats, vargr,” Lielle said counting them off on her fingers. “Trolls, migrating cliff racers, chauruses...” Bastian added. “Yes, as a general rule, if something tries to eat me I reserve the right to try and eat them back.” “Fair… fair enough I guess?” Twilight said with an awkward smile. “So something tries to take a bite out of you, you just try to take a bigger bite out of it?” Shining asked. “Basically,” Bastian replied. “With a few exceptions,” Lielle added hastily, ready to choose to starve to death over eating giant insects. “Cool.” The stallion smiled. “I can dig it.” “The aurochs, or as they are colloquially known as today, “murus” are but one example of the so-called “feral” creatures we spoke of earlier, and among those that thou hath our blessings to hunt for sustenance,” Princess Luna said. “Although it should be noted that while murus are not native to our shores, Everfree Forest is home to a wide variety of creatures that should be suitable for thy purposes, yet we still urge caution. Thou are already well aware that the forest can be treacherous to those unfamiliar with it. If thou find it agreeable, we shall send word to our sister’s rangers after we have finished dining to ask for their aid in familiarizing thy hunters with the lay of the land.” “Whatever you think is best your majesty,” Bastian replied. “As always, we appreciate any and all help that Canterlot has to offer.” “Thy appreciation is unnecessary," The Princess said dismissively. "As a Princess, it is our sworn duty to ensure the safety of our subjects. Thy praise and adoration be incidental. And if Miss Sparkle finds it agreeable we would also ask that she be of assistance to thy people should the need arise. So long as it does not interfere with her studies, of course.” “Absolutely!” Twilight nodded. “I would be happy to help! Now that you’re the uh, “Jarl” I imagine that you’re going to need all the help you can get! There’s city planning, zoning, infrastructure, learning our culture and our ways of life and we still have to find time to teach you how to read!” She clapped her hooves together and giggled excitedly as Shining Armor rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a slight smile. His sister was a major dork, no two ways around that, but so was he in his own right and that was fine. He worried about her for a long time when she was a filly. Young Twily wasn’t exactly what one would call a “social creature”. Even an O&O playing nerd like him had his close circle of friends that he studied with and hung out with on the weekends during his days at Canterlot Academy, some of them he’s even still in contact with, but Twilight never seemed to make those connections, even if they were the transient relationships of a school filly. For a long time, it appeared that all she would ever be interested in was books. As Twilight and Bastian discussed what their first move should be, Shining’s mind wandered back to his little sister’s... fifth birthday? Fifth or sixth, he couldn't quite remember exactly which, but like most of Twily's birthdays, it was just a small family gathering of himself, Twilight, their mother and father, and both sets of grandparents. They cooked her favorite dinner (grilled mac and cheese sandwiches with carrot sticks), sang happy birthday, and ate plenty of cake and ice cream before little Twily opened her presents. After their little party had ended their parents and grandparents were cleaning up in the kitchen and having coffee while little Twily retreated to her “hidey hole” as their father called it; her little tent made out of blankets and pillows in the living room where she could often be found reading. Tonight she had her new books arranged in a neat stack with her little smartypants doll sitting on top. Shining was listening to an episode of the Shadow Stallion on the radio when the Shadow Stallion got into a big fight with his on again off again marefriend and femme fatale Lady Nightshade. She left the Shadow Stallion alone in an alleyway and the word alone repeated in the hero’s head. Alone… alone… alone… Twily looked up and noticed her big brother looking in on her from just outside her Fortress of Comfortude. Alone. “Hey!” She said beaming at him. “Thanks again for Iron Brand’s new book!” “No problem.” He said smiling in return. “Anything for my favorite sister.” “I’m your only sister.” She snorted. “Right, right.” He nodded as he sat down next to her. “So, how is it?” “It’s really great!” Twily said sitting up. “But... I don’t think I agree with everything she says…” “Oh? Like what?” “Well,” Little Twily began. “She believes in Objectivism, which means that what you see is what you get. There’s no point in trying to search for larger meaning in life through things like faith and the supernatural, which I can understand you know? Science and magic have rules that must be observed for them to function. But she also thinks that the Princess should keep her nose out of things like trade, to let the consumers speak for themselves. It’s called lazy fair cap-ita-lism, which is kind of weird since I think a lazy fair would be boring, don’t you?” Shining Armor hid a snort behind his hoof, disguising it as a cough. “Y-Yeah!” He agreed with a nod. “Who wants to see a bunch of sleeping lions and giraffes and clowns and stuff?” “Right?” Twily nodded. “I figure that Iron Brand doesn’t know much about fairs. I don’t know if Princess Celestia does but she’s the smartest, most magical mare in Equestria, so if she made a fair, I bet that it would be better than Iron Brand’s lazy fair. I hear at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns they get to have book fairs!” “They still do book fairs at your school don’t they?” “Yeah, but those are just foal’s books and stuff like that,” Twily said dismissively. “Like, okay we get it, the dish ran away with a spoon. I want to know what forced them to leave their home!” Little Twily asking the real questions. And her six-year-old reasoning was rock solid. You wouldn’t be able to get your hooves on a collection of philosophical essays written by Iron Brand in Mrs. Blotter’s magic kindergarten class and that’s a fact. She went back to her book, using her magic to have her Smarty Pants doll take notes which she would later draft into her own five-page essay that she would mail to Iron Brand in response to her book. Shining watched her for a few minutes as she read and took her notes and then asked her a question that caught her off guard. “Twily?” “Yep?” “Are you lonely?” The tiny filly looked up at her brother with wide purple eyes, a confused expression on her tiny face. “What?” She asked. “Are you lonely? You know do you ever feel, like, you know… alone?” His soft and concerned expression gave the filly pause. Lonely? Could a filly her age wrap her head around such a concept? Unlike a pony that became blind later in life due to an unfortunate accident or a medical condition of some kind, a pony that was born blind had no concept of vision or sight, nothing to remember or compare it to. It was just the way things were. Twilight had never really made any friends nor did she have a desire to. At home, she had her mom, her dad, and Shiny, her big brother best friend forever. Her grandparents visited her all the time and they usually brought her gifts in the form of books and the occasional toy (which were almost always forgotten in the closet of her bedroom), along with the newspaper from the train they took to visit her and that was enough for the young filly. She found her schoolmates immature and annoying, her teacher patronizing and boring. She didn’t need them in her life any more than they already were. Twily looked up at her big brother and shook her head. “No.” She replied. He gave her a long hard look and then nodded. “Okay.” He said simply. He leaned forward into her fortress of comfort and nuzzled her affectionately before he started to return to the living room. For a reason she couldn’t quite grasp yet, Twily was filled with a sudden surge of love for her brother and she lunged forward and jumped onto his back. “Pony back ride!” She cheered. Shining laughed and trotted around the room, bouncing her lightly on his back, Twily laughing and clapping her hooves together in foal-like glee as their parents and grandparents watched from the kitchen, their hearts swelling with pride. That felt like a lifetime ago. Before Twilight became the Princess’s most prized pupil. Before Shining met the mare that would become the love of his life and before Twilight was sent to Ponyville and made friends. She was happier now than Shining had ever seen her and for a bookworm that once had the entirety of the Canterlot Archives at her disposal, that was saying quite a lot. And Shining decided that even if things had gone differently, if Twilight was still the same old Twilight, that mare that always had her face buried in a book, Shining reasoned that that would be okay too, just as long as she was truly happy. She had changed so much Shining briefly considered the possibility of becoming an uncle in the future. He imagined giving a little colt or filly a pony back ride through the Canterlot Botanical Gardens while Twilight, her special somepony, and Cadence watched with amused expressions from a picnic blanket. Cadence… And that was the first time in their relationship that Shining saw their future together. I mean of course actually took the time to picture it in his mind’s eye. He had never really considered an alternative, his heart never wavering from the mare he loved for a second, and he didn’t think that she did either. He had known all along since the first time that they met that the two of them were destined to be together but this was the first time he had ever actually stopped to visualize it. It gave him a warm feeling that started in his heart, spread throughout his body, and brought a somewhat dopey smile to his face. He could see it as clear as a sunrise on a summer morning and the more he thought about it the clearer the picture became. They’d be married in the spring. That was Cadence’s favorite time of the year. They’d travel for their honeymoon, go to all of the places they talked about but were too busy to actually visit. She always said how much she wanted to visit Prance, a desire that still made him snort in amusement. He thought back to one of his favorite memories he had with her. Not the day they met, they day they began dating, or even their first kiss. The day he was remembering in question, the two of them were sitting in the shade of a great oak tree in the Canterlot Botanical Gardens in relative silence, doing nothing in particular apart from enjoying each others company. Cadence was laying in the soft green grass, her legs folded under her as she read from a book of poetry by Briller Harpe while Shining enjoyed the warmth of her body next to him. “You’ve been to Prance!” He laughed as she sighed dreamily at the passage she just read. “Just last week!” “For work, Shiny!” She said in an annoyed, almost whining voice he found endearing, which was appropriate considering she only called him “Shiny” when she was trying to be endearing. The adoptive niece of Princess Celestia, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (or just Princess Cadence, please) was the most beautiful mare that Shining Armor had ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. Though she now bore the horn of an Alicorn, she had started life as a Pegasus pony, orphaned as an infant and raised by a pair of earth ponies named Goldenrod and Star Anise until Princess Celestia discovered her and her talent for spreading love wherever she went. The Princess of the Sun had seen something in her, exactly what it was even Cadence could not say, but Celestia adopted her all the same and moved her to Canterlot (with her guardian's permission of course) and gave her an education becoming of a royal princess. Save for the horn, Cadence still looked quite like a Pegasus; her svelte frame built for flying through the infinite sky but she stood a little taller than was average for Peagasi and even most ponies. Her fur was light pink in hue and was as soft as silk to the touch. Her tri-colored mane cascaded down her elegant neck in long curling locks and looked as if it had been woven from strands of gold, sprigs of lavender and rose petals, its coloration reminding Shining of some kind of exotic ice cream. Her wings were nothing short of regal and felt to the touch as if they had been loaned to her from angels, giving her their own plumes of downy feathers so that she might grace the skies and they made any Pegasus mare that gazed upon them green with envy. Her amethyst eyes shined bright whenever Shining walked into a room and her smile alone was enough to rejuvenate him even after a long shift on the watch. And she was all his, just as much as he was hers. “I want to visit as a guest, not a Princess.” She said wrapping a wing around him in an embrace. “You’ll always be my princess.” He scoffed kissing her head just below her horn. Yes, it was about thirty-seven kinds of cheesy, but luckily for Shining Armor, Cadence was a hopeless romantic and bucking LOVED that kind of cheese. She giggled and blushed like a school filly as their lips met and then they snuggled beneath the tree that had once been their favorite spot for after-school study sessions. And nothing else. Nearby, in total bold faced defiance of the curse that the Elements of Harmony placed upon him, the statue of Discord visibly rolled its eyes with a stony crack, his entombed spirit gagging at the sappy display he was being forced to bear awful witness to. He made a solemn vow that as soon as he was free he’d turn the pair of them into a couple of turtledoves, shove them into a cramped cage and suspend them over a vat of hungry feral cats. But the agonized retching and promises of vengeance fell on deaf ears as Shining and Cadence resumed with their romance of nuzzles and kisses. He and Cadence would see the world together, of that Shining was certain. And they’d have two foals, a filly, and a colt. Yes, that sounded just fine. He pictured them nuzzled on a couch together. They had cocoa with marshmallows and their foals were in front of the fireplace, their daughter with a book that Aunt Twily gave her and their son playing with the same wooden soldiers that Shining played with when he was a colt. Cadence rested her head on his shoulder and hummed in content as he kissed the top of her head. “Shining?” “Huh?” He blinked the daydream away and shook the goofy grin off of his face. His sister and their dining companions were staring at him. “UH! Wh-what?” Shining stammered. “I said don’t you think that would be a good idea?” Twilight said. “Oh, uh, yeah. Totally!” He nodded enthusiastically, completely oblivious to whatever he had agreed to. All he knew was that his sister was smart, much more so than him, and whatever she said, it was probably a good idea. Shining’s throat was incredibly dry and his face felt hot despite his placement underneath a fan in the restaurant. He took a quick sip of water, cleared his throat and then asked, “So, uh, Twilight, how’s- uh, how are your studies going anyway?” Twilight’s cheeks pinkened and her ears folded down in embarrassment as Spike chuckled silently next to her. “Not very good.” The pony admitted. “I started studying transmogrification magic and didn’t have much trouble turning a piece of hay into a needle but now I’m trying to turn an orange into an apple and haven’t had much luck with it.” She levitated an orange from the fruit bowl in the center of the table and clenched her eyes shut in concentration. Her horn flashed with a twinkling magical light and the orange flashed with it. The orange had disappeared and in its place was a shiny red apple. She split it in half with her magic and revealed a juicy orange interior. “See?” She sighed passing it over to him. “At least this time I got the skin right. Last time I tried it it just looked like an orange that was pressed into the approximate shape of an apple.” “Hey, don’t get yourself down," Shining said placing a hoof on her shoulder. “You'll get it eventually. You can't expect to master everything right away.” “I know, I know. Maybe I’ll take a break and come back to it.” Twilight sighed. “The great thing about being in Ponyville is that now I just study on my own time, whatever I want, whenever I want. As long as I keep Princess Celestia updated in my letters she doesn’t mind my independent study.” “May I?” Bastian asked extending a gloved hand towards the fruit bowl. “Oh, sure!” Twilight said, eager to see alien magic in action. Bastian lazily twirled his hand and another orange from the fruit bowl shot up into the air. There was no magical glow or flash of light. It simply hung there as if gripped by an invisible hand. Bastian channeled his magicka and his eyes flashed green as he cast a spell. His lips parted and he spoke not in a mortal’s voice, but the voice of a Magi, a voice that could alter reality and defy nature. “Ele ve’ amin ele, orvaho.” There was no flash of light. No explosion of glitter or theatrics. If the effect could be observed by a mortal, Twilight missed it. The orange was simply gone and floating in its place was a shiny green apple. It dropped from its spot under the light fixture and into Bastian’s hand. “Whoa,” Shining said as Bastian extended the apple to Twilight for inspection. “I don’t like the red ones,” Bastian said as she levitated the apple out of his hand. “That’s…. Wow!” She gasped. Spike reached up and plucked the apple out of the air as Bastian took a drink of wine. Spike examined the apple thoughtfully. “Well, sure, it looks like an apple, but can it pass the most important test of all?” He asked, ready to defend his mom/sister’s honor. “And what might that be?” Bastian asked in vague amusement. “The taste test!” “Oh no…” Lielle said softly. “Shh…” Bastian hushed as he eyed the tiny dragon, his green eyes flickering with mischief. Spike opened his mouth wide, exposing his tiny teeth and took a large bite of the apple in his paw, spattering his cheeks with bits of white flesh and juice. “Mm…” He chewed thoughtfully. “Mmhm. Not bad. Still getting an orangey aftertaste but it’s definitely more appley than orangey.” “You did it,” Twilight said in awe staring at the bite mark on the apple. “You actually transformed it into a completely different fruit! That’s amazing!" Bastian swallowed another mouthful of wine and began to pour himself a new glass. “Did I?” He asked. He glanced over to Spike and both the baby dragon and Twilight followed his gaze. The apple Spike had been holding in his claw was gone and in its place was an orange with a large bite mark in it. Suddenly, Spike’s taste buds were assaulted by the overwhelming flavor of citrus and the wee dragon erupted into a coughing fit, spitting a wad of chewed up orange onto the plate in front of him. “Too- too much orange!” He gasped reaching for his water. He drank it down as Bastian snorted into his glass and Lielle rolled her eyes. She had hoped that Princess Luna wouldn’t be offended that the Jarl of Whateverville had just trolled a baby dragon into regurgitating half of a chewed orange. That didn’t seem to be the case as she gave the Princess an anxious glance out of the corner of her eye. As usual, the Princess of the Night’s expression was difficult to read. The Princess reminded Lielle of Bastian in that regard. Completely neutral with eyes that weren’t exactly warm and friendly, what the kids might call “resting bitch face”. If Lielle had dared to give Luna a proper look, and not just a nervous sideways glance, she might have seen the corners of the Princess’s mouth tugging into the ghost of a smile that she was hiding quite well behind a sip of wine, as well as her eyebrows raised in mild surprise that the wizard’s illusion had even fooled her. Why hadn't I thought of that? The Princess thought to herself. Twilight’s eyes bugged a bit and then she snorted and giggled as Spike spat a few more times and he began picking pieces of orange rind out of his teeth with a claw. “Okay, fine, you got me!” She laughed. (“No, he got me!!!” Spike exclaimed.) “That’s a pretty neat trick Mr. Bellrend but it doesn’t count. After all, you didn’t actually turn it into an apple.” “Didn’t I?” The mage asked. He reclined back in his seat a bit, hands crossed over his lap. Frustrated with having to pour a new wine glass for every mouthful he drank, and suddenly remembering that he’s a goddamn wizard, the mage had simply cast a spell on the bottle and it now hovered near him, topping him off when he needed a refill. “Well no,” Twilight said as the bottle bobbed in the air next to him. “Sure, it looked like an apple. Spike even took a bite out of it but it wasn’t really an apple. You just made it look like one.” “And taste like one.” Bastian nodded. “You witnessed it yourself. Up until the illusion ended, young master Spike looked like he was ready to take another bite. He saw an apple. Felt an apple. Tasted an apple. Spike experienced an apple. So I ask you Miss Sparkle, what’s the difference?” “The whole point was to actually turn the orange into an apple, not just fool someone into thinking they ate an apple!” “Semantics.” The mage said with a lazy shrug as he held his glass off out to the side to be refilled. Princess Luna found the flustered expression on Twilight’s face paired with the impassive, almost bored apathy of Bastian’s, incredibly amusing and she suppressed a snort by taking another sip from her wine glass. Bastian’s bewitched wine bottle floated over to her and offered itself to her. “Okay then, fine!” Twilight said. She levitated the last orange in the bowl towards him. “So, can you do it for real or not?” She asked with a daring smirk. “Because if all you have are tricks at your disposal I’m going to be very disappointed.” “That’s unfortunate." Bastian said. "It wasn’t my intention to disappoint you. Or impress you for that matter.” He extended his free hand outwards and Twilight let the orange drop into his hand. “It would be easier if I had my staff or wand to better focus my magicka. It’s easier to convince you that I turned an orange into an apple than trying to convince the universe that the orange was an apple the whole time wearing a clever disguise.” “So, in lieu of a horn, you must have to use a wand or a staff as a focus?” Twilight asked. “Not necessarily,” Bastian replied slowly spinning the orange around in his hand, taking the time to get a good feel for it. “A wand makes for good practice, for focusing smaller amounts of magicka but more than you could naturally and much safer, and a channeling staff can focus even more but the ultimate desire is for the individual to become so powerful they do not require either.” “Do you think that you can teach me?” Twilight asked eagerly. “I’d love for the chance to learn magic from another world!” “Perhaps.” He replied. “I don’t want to make you any promises. And I have much more pressing matters on my mind right now.” “Like what?” Twilight asked. Ding ding. A bell tinkled from the kitchen. “My food is done.” The mage said tossing Twilight an apple.