> The power of love and friendship > by shadownamesto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1: The nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one: Strange awakening There was a fight in the prison, another brawl had appeared, and amazingly it was the same reason and inmates, The director sighs, pressing a button on his desk. "Karin, please send in the guards, and bring up prisoner #2935 please, I've had enough of his fights." A reply is soon heard over the crackle of blank monitors behind him, "Yes sir". The director sighs again, holding his head in his hands, "Why do you do this to me leth... just why do you always fight with that inmate?". The door opens to the office, and 2 armed guards throw an inmate inside, guns aiming at him. The inmate just gets up and spits at them, resulting in said guard hitting the inmates face with the butt of his gun. The inmate groans, then sighs, looking at the director. "Well hello there dear director, what pleasant suprise to see you again" the sarcasm was dripping from his voice as well as a hint of malice. The director gets off of his seat, walking to the window overseeing the entire complex, "You know why your hear don't you leth... at least tell me you remember it now". The inmate snarls, "As I saId, I can't remember anythIng about that bloody night, all I remember is the figure, then your ugly fucking face". "Hah, well my dear lethroldus, you are here because you are held accountable for 20 rapes, 50 murders and heaven knows how many assaults on poor civilians. Which reminds me, why did you have a fight with daren AGAIN" The director says angrily, looking into Lethroldus's eyes with unheld contempt. "Need I bloody tell you, he insulted me again, calling me crazy and a psycho, and the tripping me up was the last straw" Lethroldus replies with a grin, getting another kicking from the guards. The director glares daggers at the guard, who sighs, then returns to aiming his gun at Lethroldus, when a voice in Lethroldus's head decides to mess around. [Shut the fuck up linoth, I already got rold here a beating, he doesn't need a nerd like you kicking him around as well, its MY job, not yours] {both of you shut it, I've had enough of you already, also darkoth... I have a suprise for you} [dude, how many times do I have to say I dont want you getting gay on me, im straight for the women] *SLAP* *CRASH* *BANG* {what did he hit this time?} {he he... sorry dude} Whilst all this was happening inside his mind, the director was admiring the look of the complex when a massive explosion was seen in the cell block. Lethroldus snaps out of his mental state, "What the fuck was that?" "I don't know, but I think your fellow inmates have had enough of the prison" The Director walks back to his desk, pushing another button which makes an earsplitting noise emit from all over the complex. "We have an attempted break out in the prisoner cells, E block, I want all personel there." Lethroldus gets onto his feet, albeit with a bit of difficulty from having his hands bound, "Dude, I dont know whats going on, but how the hell could the inmates have something explosive over there, as much as I want to beat the shit out of some of them, im going to have to stand up for them on this one." The director sighs, looking at me before walking to the door, the guards having already run off somewhere. "I haven't a clue leth, but ill make you a deal, you help us getting them in, ill consider lowering your time by a few years" this makes Lethroldus frown. [As much as I want to beat the fuck out of him for stealing my spot, I have to agree, some bonus time off of our sentence should help slightly] {You guys are no help what so ever, but I love you for it} <[GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY]> "Ok then, ill help, but get me out of these fucking chains first, its annoying having these things on". The Director obliges, hitting yet another button on the desk, causing the chains to burst apart. [Can I get one of those desks, they can do everything I want] <{NO}> [You guys are dicks you know that] The director walks out of the door, leaving lethroldus alone in his office. <[{WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT}]> Lethroldus chuckles, walking over to the desk, but before he can push a button something dark splatters one of the camera's, causing him to look. {what} [fuck] <[{IS THAT FUCKING THING???}]> Standing infront of the camera was this black smoke, but as he watched it moulded itself into a human, a specific inmate to be exact. <[{DAREN YOU COCKSUCKER}]> [dude... I dont care what the fuck it is, it looks like Daren, im gonna beat the fuck out of it no matter what] {for once I have to agree with darkoth, I really wanna kick his fucking ass} Lethroldus grins madly, then dash's for the door, just before the screen blacks out for a milisecond, revealing a secret far worse than any before. Lethroldus bursts out of some double doors to find himself inside the cell block, to his suprise he found bodies all over the place, yet not a single drop of blood was to be found on any of the walls... or the corpses for that matter, they all looked like they'd been drained of everything liquid. [DAMN IT, some sonofabitch got here before we could fuck shit up... that sucks man] {guys shut up, someone's coming} Lethroldus darts behind a column as soon as the director appears with 2 dozen guards armed to the teeth, yet he pales at the sight of both guards and inmates strewn about the place. Some black smoke begins to pour out of the bodies, forming into a churning mass in the middle of the carnage. The guards all stare at this black writhing mass, not even bothering to aim at it. A voice flows out of the mass, sounding just like Dilan as well. "Well, about time you got here dear director, I hear you've had a good life, along with all the prisoners and guards here as well." The director doesn't appear to be afraid, as he responds with his consistantly bored look, "Yes, we all have had a good time Nightmare, but I must ask why you are here, and why you have decided to slaughter all the guards as well as the inmates?" [Nightmare? who... or what da fuq is that?] {I havent a clue, but... whatever it is its reminding me of that night} Lethroldus steps out from the pillar, facing the black smoke with rage in his eyes, "So it was you, your the reason why im here.", the smoke forms into Dilan again, looking at Lethroldus with a crazed look, then looks back at the guards, raising a hand and they all just float up into the air. <[{WAIT WHAT}]> The director looks annoyed at this, "Cant you just put them down, you know how much money these guys cost nowadays... more than you used to have" [I got one thing to say to that, beat the living shit outta him] {mind telling me the fuck you two are talking about... and what I should do?} <[later]> Whilst Lethroldus was arguing within his mind, Dilan looked back at the director, closing his hand into a fist and then the guards just explode, yet oddly enough there was no blood. [ok, using simple science, I have created a slideshow showing how the body has blood] Darkoth then procedes to hold up a mini sign saying: Human + Crushing = shit tons of blood everywhere. Dilan turns to Lethroldus, dropping the corpses on the floor, when a bright flash of light blinds him, causing him to turn away. [MY EYES, MY BEAUTIFUL PORN SEARCHING EYES] {er... I didnt hear that did I...} [nope, you heard nothing] The light clears and a pony is standing there, looking at Dilan with what looks like a sword in his mouth. [911 we have a case of dementia, we definitely need a fucking hammer now...maybe some badass music to boot] [madness? THIS IS... I dont know where this is... fuck it, THIS IS LETHROLDUS'S MIND] something shatter inside Lethroldus's mind, causing him to wince slightly. {OW, that hurt} The pony then procedes to gallop towards Dilan, who promptly slices his hand through the air, causing a wave of darkness to come forth. The pony jumps over the wave, and Lethroldus goes wide eyed, then turns around and runs away, screaming like a 7 year old school girl. [RUN BITCH RUN, RUN LIKE YOU STOLE SOMETHING!!!] Lethroldus bursts through some double doors into a courtyard, when everything just blacks out. <[{AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!}]> [wait was that a fucking pony back there?] SHOUT OUTS BECAUSE IM A BAWS ZachtheBrony because he helped me with proofreading and other stuff. er... you guys for being awesome. A certain somepony for allowing me to use his OC. hint hint, he's crazy and is a traveler :D ....darkoth for being completely idiotic and epic??? idk anymore, c ya all next chapter :D > chapter 2: the filly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: where the hell am I? a/n I forgot to mention, Darkoth speaks with [these] and Lightus speaks with As Lethroldus regained his senses, he began to hear other voices around him, which annoyingly was his consciences squabbling again. [SHUT UP LIGHTUS, I ALREADY TOLD YOU I LIKE THE BLUE CHAIR] Eventually as he listens to this he slowly opens his eyes, revealing to him that he is in some kind of forest, and that the voices were coming from somewhere to his right. Lethroldus shakes his head, giving an annoyed sigh and gets up off of the forest floor. {ok you guys, shut up with the chairs in there, any idea where we are?} [AHEM, YOU RAN LIKE A BITCH NOT ME] {SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU} Lethroldus sighs again, shaking his head. "You both give me headaches like I dont know what" <[THEN GET RID OF US, OH WAIT YOU CANT SO STOP WHINING]> {ENOUGH} Another voice speaks up, clearly shaking from fear... and something else. "Hello? is anypony out there?" [did she just say anypony?] {uhuh} [good so i'm not losing my mind then] Lethroldus walks towards the sound of the voice, confused. As he steps into a clearing, he see's a very small looking pony with orange fur and a pinkish mane, looking at him with eyes full of terror, however it couldnt run as its wing was stuck under the tree as well as part of her forehoof... wait WING? [IT HAS A FUCKING WING? WHERE THE HELL DID WE LAND???] Lethroldus slowly walks towards the pony, just as it shivers from fear, tears in its eyes. {i'm sure I should be going mental here, just because there's this pony looking thing with wings, and yet i'm not, any idea why?} "Dont worry there little... thing, I won't hurt you" The orange pony responds, much to his suprise and shock, "Y-y-you p-promise y-you wont e-e-eat me?". Lethroldus just stares at the pony, his face going through the same routine of shock, awe and pure terror all at once. [IT JUST FUCKING TALKED, HOW THE HELL DID IT JUST TALK???] "Er, ok sure... I promise I won't eat you, now if I help you get out from under that, mind telling me where I am and... er... who you are?" The pony nods, and I walk over to the fallen tree, cracking my knuckles and neck. "Right, time to be badass and do something I don't think I can do" Lethroldus then hooks his fingers under the tree, and with an almighty groan is able to lift it enough for the pony to get its wing out from under the tree, he drops it with an 'oof' and falls onto his backside, utterly out of breath. The pony runs over to him, jumping onto his chest and licking his face and saying thank you again and again causing him to fall onto his back whilst chuckling. "So... er talking pony, who and what are you... other than a pony since I already got that?" [SO DAMN CUTE... HNNNNNNNGGGGGGG] Darkoth falls over, clutching his chest whilst Lightus just stands there laughing at him. "Well mister... uhm..." "Just call me Lethroldus, since it is my name" "Ok Lethroldus, well my name is Scootaloo, and i'm a filly, and you are in Equestria" She exclaims, then suddenly snuggles up into your chest, smiling warmly, "Thank you again for saving me Lethroldus". Lethroldus is stunned, but shakes his head and wraps his arms around her, stroking her mane lightly, "Your welcome Scootaloo, how could I not save anyone in trouble, especially when that someone is still pretty young". He smiles, then gets onto his feet, still holding her. "So, which way to the nearest town then, since I havent a damn clue where we gotta go, and I take it your parents are in town as well right?" Scootaloo tears up slightly, "I-I dont have any parents, i'm an orphan". Lethroldus just stands there, shocked. "Then who the hell do you live with?". "Nopony, my last guardian threw me out a few hours ago, I was so sad I ran in here, and then the tree fell on me". Lethroldus closes his eyes, holding Scootaloo closer. [WHO THE FUCK DID THAT, LET ME AT THEM, ILL TEAR THEM LIMB FROM FUCKING LIMB] {i'm agreeing with Lightus on this one, even though I wanna beat the fuck out of her last guardian} "Well my dear Scootaloo, ill bring you back to town... and if you'd like I'll look after you until your old enough to be alone, hows that?" Lethroldus smiles, stroking her mane again. "You'd do that for me?" Scootaloo says, obviously both excited and amazed that somepony is willing to look after her. Lethroldus beams at her. "of course, how could I not, now if you dont mind lets get away from this scene before I get all teary and lets get to town, directions?" Scootaloo points in a direction and Lethroldus begins walking, all the while stroking her mane and holding her to his chest. They arrive on the outskirts of the forest, and Lethroldus sighs with relief, putting down Scootaloo and stretching, "Well that was a nice walk, now... have anywhere to stay for now?" Scootaloo shakes her head. "Well, lets get to town, at least then i can find somewhere for you to stay" Lethroldus smiles warmly. The pair continue towards town when suddenly a yell from somewhere causes Lethroldus to stop, "LET GO OF SCOOTALOO YOU MONSTER!" it yells, right before Lethroldus gets bowled over by a cyan and rainbow coloured blur. [Oh yeah lightus... back there with the HNNNGGG attack... it never happened got it?] CLIFFHANGER MWA HA HA HA HA, your gonna have to wait til next chapter ]:)