> The Forgotten > by BigMacintosh1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Mirror's Harsh Memory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's cold.... Where am I? Who am I?" I said as I woke up inside of a cold dark barn. The floor was covered in hay but the holes in the walls didn't provide any barrier from the cold. I slowly get up and feel my way to a door looking down to notice I can't feel much because my hands aren't hands. The hands were hooves. "Huh.... I thought I had hands... What are hands anyway.... Ugh and what's with the sore jaw and headache..." I rub my head to find a bump as large as a golf ball. I shrug off the bump and open the door to find apple trees as far as the eye could see and the cool breeze whipping through them as I shiver from the winds passing. The sun is slowly rising over the horizon as I sit underneath an apple tree noticing buckets as I feel the suns warmth slowly wash over my body as I fall asleep again. *Thunk... Thunk.... THUNK* "OWWW!!!! HEY WATCH IT BUDDY I'M RESTING HERE!!!" I yell as I am barraged by tons of apples falling into buckets around me and on me. A startled red stallion quickly emerges from the other side of the tree to see me holding my head and cursing to myself. "Oh I'm so sorry sir ah didn't see ya there..." The red stallion said as he helped me onto all four hooves. "Yeah yeah its ok.... Just I don't know where I am or who I am and a headache forced me to sleep to get rid of it then the next thing I know I have apples falling on my head...." I say as I rub my head to find the bump gone as if nothing ever happened and my sore jaw perfectly in tact and fine. "Again I'm so sorry sir... Wait did my apples cause your memory loss?" The red stallion said as he examined one of the apples. I shake my head and giggle a bit. "Not unless this is the second time and you stashed me in that barn of yours... By the way how come there is a mirror in the loft.... For some reason I only remember the mirror...." The red pony froze and then nudged my flank with his muzzle causing me to jump an bit like an unspoken command as I start walking. "T'aint no ordinary mirror sir... That there mirror is a gate way to the human world... Problem is it just ended its gate cycle... I'm afraid you will be stuck here for two years.... If'n I'm correct with mah fancy mathematics...." The pony said as he nudged me closer to a quaint little two story farmhouse with the same color red as his coat. "Wait the mirror brought me here... But why is a powerful mirror like that in a barn?!!" I said as we got onto the porch of the farmhouse. "It's mah sisters turn to keep it...." Was all the red pony could say as he went into the house without me. Not two minutes later a made with a light pale orange coat with three apples on her flank walks out wide eyed as she looks at me. "Howdy.... Um tell me... Where did you come from?" She said as she squinted looking me dead in the eye. "I don't remember... All I remember is the mirror..." I said as her eyes opened wide causing me to be causious. "Y-y-yer not lyin'!!!" She said as she threw her hat on the ground shouting a command to another pony. "MAC GET YER BEEFY TAIL OUT HERE!!!" As if by magic he appeared out of nowhere accidentally ripping the screen door off the hinges. "I AIN'T BEEFY!!! I JUST HAVE A LITTLE MORE ROUNDNESS FROM WORKING SO HARD... Plus you try loosing weight just around the farm... Its not easy when you don't go running off with yer friends fighting evil..." The red pony said as he tried to fix the door. "Alright chuck roast then tell me why you didn't put those chains on the mirror like Luna said!!! She told us it would be wise to do that so if anything tries to come from the other side unwanted the chains could stop it from getting here." The orange made said as she stamped her hoof. The red stallion grunted and pouted. "Well we have no choice... We can't leave him out in this fall cold... Plus twilight needs to know about him so how about it sis... Get to know him and help him in the meantime since he is here?" The red pony said as he nudged his sister. "Fine Mac but I think we need to know his name first... Howdy I'm Applejack and this chuck roast is Big Mac. He's the strongest and most hard headed worker ah know with a bit of a lazy streak." Applejack laughed as Mac playfully punched his sister in the foreleg. "I'm not a chuck roast or lazy... Ah just know how to work slowly but surely." Mac said as he grinned causing me to grin as well feeling a little warmth in my cheeks. "I would tell you my name but...I don't have the foggiest idea..." I said as I rubbed my head feeling my soft mane. Mac just smiled and patted my shoulder as he ushered me into the house. "That's fine sugarcube, You will remember eventually... How 'bout we call you champ for now huh? Just till you remember who you are." I smile and blush a bit hoping he wouldn't notice as he showed me the rest of the family including Granny smith and Applebloom and finally showed me to my room. "Here is your room champ it's right next to mine so don't worry if you need anything, ok champ?" Mac said smiling. "Ok well thank you mac... Um I do remember something... I used to write in a journal... Do you think..." Before I could finish mac had disappeared and come back as quickly as possible with a journal. "Here you go it's a blank one of mine... I keep a journal to organize my thoughts I come up with in the orchard..." Mac said as he put the journal down on the guestroom desk. "Also the bathroom is on the other side of my room so if you need it in the middle of the night its right there..." He said again as he finally nodded a goodnight and walked out of the room. I looked in the journal and started writing everything I could think of but one thing plagued my mind. The red stallion who called me champ... That is until I finally could remember my name. The next morning I awoke to the pitch black of night as I heard a wind up alarm clock go off in the room next to mine. Mac's room. I quickly got up and rushed to the door peeking through the cracked door seeing the groggy stallion stretch outside his door yawning as his toned muscles rippled and relaxed from the stretching. I whispered to myself as I saw the stallion walk down the steps "Hmmm look at that stallion... Oh.... That's right I remember why I had a sore jaw in the first place... A guy I liked... He was homophobic..." I look down and stamped my hoof. "Damnit why can't I be normal why can't I like women!!" Tears fell from my eyes as they del to the floor feeling the memory of what happened flash through my mind at a blinding pace. A friend... A friend of mine I loved but was afraid to tell him. My secret out in front of the whole school at an assembly from a guy who was black mailing me because of a glory hole in the bathroom. It all came back. My friend who asked if it was true and if I was spending time with him cause I had a secret crush. Then I remember. The punch. The punches the pain the suffering. I was close to death... Not by an enemy but by a friend... someone I cared the most about in my life ripping my heart and sending me through a mirror face first. "Sugarcube are you alright?!" I heard Applejacks voice snap me out of my violent shakes and shivers and the puddle of tears on the floor as I looked at her. "C-c-c-can you keep a s-s-secret?" I said as I looked her in the eyes feeling her honesty shine the brightest as she nodded to me. "Ah will keep your secret if you want... But know ah will not hide it from my family..." She said frowning. "I'm... G-gay..."I said as I covered my head and flinched waiting for a punch that never came. "So am ah sugar cube but there is one pony that doesn't need to know any of this..." She said as she looked at the stairs. "Pa instilled into my brothers head that being queer is the ultimate taboo and that no coltcuddlers would ever live under this roof so if ah was you ah would keep it a secret champ." She said as she put her hat on. "Please don't call me that anymore... Call me Scott... That's my real name..." I said as I blushed. "Unless mac is around... Then call me champ... I like the name he gave me..." She only smiled as she patted my head "well come on 'champ'." She said as she nudged my shoulder. "Macs making his famous apple pancakes with Apple butter and maple syrup.!!" All I could do was smile as I got my clothes on and walked down the steps ready to face a new day. > The Name and the Cutie Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack and I made our way into the kitchen Noticing a buffet of pancakes out on the table. Mac was working on getting plates out noticing his nice plump yet toned flank causing me to blush furiously as I could see a glimpse of his sack from his still half morning wood. His cock was still in the sheath but his sack hadn't completely hid itself. I stayed quiet as until applejack nudged me and winked causing me to yelp alarming the unsuspecting stallion as he dropped a couple of plates causing them to break as he furiously stamped his hoof at me. "What was all that yelpin' for champ now look at this mess now I need to get a broom and dustpan... Breakfast is on the table... Go ahead and eat I need time to Think and get this mess cleaned up then you both need to get the mirror loaded up on the cart..." Mac grumbled as I kept my ears folded back as he walked out of the room. "You like him don't you...." Applejack whispered to me. "I do but like you said he's straight... Who would want a love sick pony/human who can't even show his feelings without getting beat up and thrown into a mirror or hated by someone who was a friend you loved but knewnthey would never love you back." I said as I just walked towards the door. "I'm not hungry... I'll be in the barn with the mirror." "Ok sugarcube... Just be careful ok.... That mirror holds the key to all the answers we need to look for." Applejack said as she started to eat her pancakes. I walked to the barn and looked in the mirror seeing a pony that to be honest looked as pathetic as I normally was. A brown stallion with hazel eyes anda pitchblack mane and a mirror cutie mark with a crack down the the mirror itself. "I look like I was thrown together and branded with the change of my life..." I said as I rubbed the cutie mark to see applejack come up behind me. "First time yer seein' yerself in the mirror?" Applejack said as she looked at me kindly. I nod and grab the mirror And pull it onto the cart. "Hey applejack.... If cutie marks symbolize a special talent... Then what does a broken mirror cutiemark mean?" I said as we finished putting the mirror in the cart. Suddenly out of nowhere a deep voice rings out into the barn. "It means had luck for seven years but in your case probably bad luck considering I broke dishes you fell through the mirror and you had apples fall on your head... Coincidence I think not..." Mac said as he approached the harness for the cart. "Well he has a point champ..." Aj said as she got onto the cart. "Ready for a ride to ponyville? I know twilight will want to see you and do some tests..." I mentally cursed myself as Mac pulled the cart. Thinking of what he said and how every bit of it seemed true. After a while of traveling we came to the library where apparently princess Twilight was waiting outside. the harmonized library in its splendid glory was a beacon of the thing my life will never have as I continued to think to myself. "Hey Applejack I thought it was Rarity's turn for the mirror?" Twilight said as she saw us unload the mirror. "I know it is but the problem is him... He came through the mirror..." Applejack said as she pointed to me. "What?!!! How is this possible I thought that Luna told you to put chains around it!!!" Twilight said as she examined me starting with my hooves and even a little venturous to the nether regions. "W-whoa!! Careful down there geez!!! Hey that's attached thank you!!! Ow!!! That's not any different than a stallions sheath!!!" I said as she pinched and sized the proportions. "Hmmmm just like a normal stallions.... So he did come through the mirror...." Twilight said as she looked back at the mirror. "Problem is there would have to be a disturbance of some sort to have the mirror activate out of the cycle..." I shiver and shake as she says the word disturbing. "Well Twilight do you think we could get him back?" Applejack said as she approached Twilight. "Maybe if we can find out how it happened in the first place we could possibly reverse the process I guess..." Twilight said as she looked around the mirror to find a pink pony jumping out from behind it. "Hiya Twilight!!!!" The pink pony said as she bounced her way past twilight towards me. "Oh and happy Birthday Scott!!!" She exclaimed and bounced past the mirror and off somewhere else. "SCOTT?!!!!" Twilight and Mac said as I blushed and hid behind Applejack as much as I could thinking this can't get any worse.