> Discord Tries to Prank Frostbite > by King Goody-Two Shoes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How Hard is it to Prank Just One Monkey? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another typical day at Canterlot. The sun is shining, flowers in bloom, and ponies doing their typical business. Meanwhile at the Canterlot castle one draconq, uh dracanq. Dah! What's it called again? Draconequus? Oh, okay thanks. Anyway, at the Canterlot castle one certain Draconequus was getting bored. Lazily sitting on a couch swinging his hoof around. (Discord was actually sitting there reading a newspaper drinking hot cocoa.) Ahem! I said getting bored, lazily sitting on a couch, swinging his hoof around! Discord turns his attention to the narrator and says, "Huh? Oh sorry!" He does what the narrator, but actually swings his hoof around 360 degrees. Um, I'll take it. Anyway, he was just wondering what to do without his newspaper and hot cocoa he threw away. "Oh, what to do, what to do?" He asked himself. "I'm absolutely bored. So bored making chaos wouldn't even satisfy me. Or even pranking Tia or Lulu could satisfy my needs of entertainment." To answer his needs, he heard a knock from the door from downstairs open and watched. He noticed Princess Celestia arriving there to open which revealed his most hated and competitive rival: Frostbite Ice-smash, ice powered monkey in his usual armor. Face-covering helmet, body, arm, leg, and foot armor which were shaped like shoes. The armor were shades of cyan (And so is his coat of fur). He dropped his jaw at frist sight and decided to listen to why he was there. He snapped his fingers and made himself invisible and stand by floating above the two. "Frostbite!" Princess Celestia exclaimed smiling, "I'm so glad you made it!" The monkey gave a smile back and replied, "Well, since Streak and the girls are out on their adventure, I decided to come by for a visit!" "Oh, you are such the monkey to have around." She then muttered to herself, "Unlike some draconequus who shall remain nameless." Discord smiled while Frostbite made a confused face and asked, "What was that last part?" "Oh, nothing. Anyway, you are welcome to any part of the castle." Frostbite smiled widely. "Any part?! Whoo hoo!" He ran to where ever he went while the Sun Princess chuckled to herself. Meanwhile, Discord was surprised and had an agaped mouth and teleported to where he was which was the throne room. "Huh, so this is what being on a throne feels like." He said aloud. "General Admission, alert Major Motion Picture of latest development." He said in a deep voice. The cyan monkey laughed. Discord got rid of his invisibility spell and teleported next to Frostbite. "Hello old friend." He said. Frostbite went from happy to angry after seeing his rival next to him. "Ugh, the last person I wanted to see." He muttered to us, the auidience. "Discord, what are you doing here? Next to me? I thought by now you would pranking Celestia of Luna like you do in those fanfics those authors write about." Discord thought about it, "Well, I should for my entertainment." He snapped his fingers and there was a scream outside the throne room. "DISCORD!" The draconequus smirked at what he did. "There much better." He got in front of the monkey and said, "I've been thinking for a while and thought 'Hey, Discord what if you spent time with someone you already know!' And then I was like, 'Discord, that's a great idea!'. And then I was like, 'Well, I am a genius.' 'I know, how do you come up with these things?' 'Well, didn't you hear me, I am a genius. Not mention your handsome.' 'Why, I wouldn't say handsome.' 'But you are! I mean, it's like you were born that way.' 'Oh, and so were you!' 'Well, I am the handsome type'. "As he was saying this, Frostbite looks to the audience in an unamused look. "So anyway, I thought I could spend time with my best friend in the world." "I thought your best friend in the world had to do with stupid things, like chaos and stinky pranks you do to Princess Celestia." He retorted. "Yeah, but I decided it was Frostbite Ice-smash, the greatest friend I ever had." The monkey cocked an eyebrow up and said,"Right. I'm just gonna go with Celestia to have some Coffee Cake and Lemon tea." He walked to the door and opened it revealing a teary and puppy eyed Discord on his knees. "Oh, please! Please spend time with me! I promise to be on my best behavior!" He begged. Frostbited sighed, "I don't stand a chance don't I?" "Pretty Much." "Fine." "Yes!" "But..." Discord got his attention toward Frostbite. "You have to Pinkie Promise to be on your best behavior." Discord made motions and said, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Frostbite smiled back. "Good." He walked away to the gardens. Discord says to the audience, "But, he didn't say anything about pranks." He gave en evil chuckle while rubbing his lion paw and and claw together. Frostbite was in the castle library reading a book called World's Stupidest and Crazy Stunts to Try. His reading was cut short when Discord poofed by him. "What, pray tell are you doing old friend?" He asked. Frostbite returned an angry look to him and replied, "Nothing that you would care of." He started walking somewhere else but Discord stopped him. "I thought I could what a good friend would do and brought you some popcorn." He gave him a popcorn tub of popcorn. Frostbite smiled at this and said, "Ooh! Popcorn!" Discord mutters to the audience and says, "Each filled with ten million gallons of Sun Face Hot Sauce." He chuckled as Frostbite ate most of the popcorn. The draconequus waited for something to happen and the monkey smiling replied, "That was delicious!" Discord made a confused face asked, "It was?" "Yeah!" "So... you don't feel anything? No, tongue burning?" "Nope!" "No body temperature rise?" "Nope! If you need me, I'll just be running around Canterlot Castle for no reason." He did as he said leaving Discord confused at what had happened. He grabbed the tub of popcorn, took a piece, and ate it. His ears whistled and his body turned red. Then... BOOM! There was an explosion in that section of the castle. The smoke cleared up revealing a black Discord and he resolved to ash having his eyeballs being the only things that didn't get burned and narrowed them angrily. "I can't believe I just ate that popcorn piece. Nevertheless, I still have more pranks left." Frostbite was running through the castle, while Discord was standing by a telephone stand that had the telephone ringing. The ice elemental stopped by it staring at for a few seconds and questioned, "Are you going to answer that?" Discord made wide eyes and answered, "Oh my! Where are my manners? Of course I will, but I don't want to be a spoiler you should answer it." Frostbite smiled. "Okay!" He picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Anyone there?" Discord sneaked away from there where he the telephone device lined up with a dynamite trigger. After he could push it down Frostbite poked him by the the back and said, "It's for you." Discord grabbed it asked, "Hello?" He greeted by an explosion to the face. Frostbite replied, "Wow, whoever's on the end of tha line, they must be having a blast!" Discord then came up with a better and foolproof plan where he broke a part of the floor into a hole where below it were crocodiles and electric eels swimming since there was water down there with a rug to cover it. He snickered to himself and stopped where he saw Frostbite walking down the hall. The Chaos Spirit flew by him. "Buddy! There you are. I wanted to take a picture of you. I just need you to stand over that rug." Frostbite smiled and said, "Okay!" He walked to where the rug was and didn't fall much to Discord's annoyance. He growled to himself at his luck but formed a smile when he turned back toward him. "Actually, I need you to jump up and down a few times." Frostbite shrugged and did as Discord asked for. He still didn't fall as what the draconequus hoped for. Angered, he told the monkey to step aside so he could analyze something. As soon as he stepped foot onto the rug, Discord fell down into the water, being bitten by crocodiles and shocked by electric eels and let out screams of pain. Frostbite observed all this and says, "I better get Celestia to call to the Repair Ponies." Discord lets out another a scream of pain. "And Fluttershy once she comes back." Discord came up with another plan to get his rival: the classic old stand over the x, cut the rope, and get smashed by an anvil. He snickered and hid into the plants. Frostbite called, "Oh Discord! Where are you? Are you playing hide and seek? Because if you are that game was so last year!" He stopped and stood where the X marked spot was, and Discord cut the rope with scissors only for the rope not to come apart. He struggled to cut the rope but to no avail. He snapped his fingers and a saw appeared. Discord could not get the rope to come apart. Meanwhile, his rival walked away not even noticing the X marked spot. Discord flew to where he stood. The rope then came apart and the anvil dropped to where he was standing. He sidestepped and said to us, the audience, "You didn't think I would fall for that old trick did you?" Discord was then smashed by a piano which made bad piano note sounds. Up above, there was pegasi flying above the castle. The boss returned an angry look to the other two pegasi who nervously grinned. Back on the ground Discord got from the piano and exclaimed, "That's it! No more Mr. Nice Draconequus!" Discord flew in front of Frostbite and exclaimed, "Boo!" The cyan creature stood there as if nothing had happened and asked, "What are you doing?" The Chaos Spirit answers, "Just checking to see if you're ready to face a stare contest between a harmless creature." The monkey stood there blinking at him. "He could look scary, but he won't eat you." Discord snaps his fingers which makes a portal appear. "Go, and you'll get an unexpected reward." "Okay!" Frostbite walked through the portal. Which left Discord to rub his lion paw and eagle claw saying, "He'll get an expected reward alright. He'll get bears traps and third degree burns since he's at a Bear Trap Factory!" He laughed evilly until Frostbite walked back from the the portal smiling with all the fruit he had which was in a wagon. "Wow! That dragon was nice to give me his fruit he had after I had beaten him a staring contest!" He passed Discord leaving him confused and angry all at once. He went through the portal and was greeted by many bear traps and flames which burned him. The burned Draconequus crawled back into the portal and says to the audience, "How does he do that?" This next prank was short and foolproof. Frostbite was laying on the couch taking a nap while you know who was sneaking up on him. He then wrapped him up in a package and put him a suitcase and other larger suitcases. Discord called Derpy Hooves and said, "To Germaneigh and quick! It's for a friend." Derpy Hooves then flew off the the country and Discord gave a laugh at his sucess. Though, Discord could have just drawn on his face. "What? That's boring." Discord said to the narrator. Whatever. Anyway, Frostbite poked behind him, he turned to see the monkey in once peice. This left the draconequus to drop his jaw to the floor, literally. He stammered at how his rival could have escaped from the package and suitcases he trapped him in. Frostbite simply answered, "I'm totally random like that. It's fun!" Having enough, Discord exploded and admitted, "That's it! I admit it! I was trying to get rid of you this whole time and pranking you!" Instead of a surprised monkey, Frostbite said, "I knew that." Discord had a surprised face and replied, "W...what?" "I knew you were trying to prank me this whole time Discord. I'm stupid, but I'm smart at the same time." Discord growled and yelled, "I'm gonna get you!" Frostbite ran while smiling while the Chaos Spirit was chasing him throughout the castle. He chased him through the kitchen where Discord got deep fried and yelled in surprise. The monkey ran through the bear traps where the draconequus also got hurt. He also threw a anvil at him which made him furious. Eventually he got cornered where Discord was smiling defiantly. "Now, I got you right where I want you!" Frostbite had a face of fear, but it immediately disappeared. He smiled leaving Discord confused. "What are you smiling at?" He pointed behind and as soon as Discord turned he got burned by a giant beam of magic by Princess Celestia. She replied, "Perhaps that'll teach you for dropping chickens on my head." The princess left the two and flew to her throne. Discord then crawled to Frostbite and said weakly, "I... you...she... I... you should have pranked on." Frostbite still smiling said, "Oh, Discord I was pranked." He crouched to where Discord was and said, "I was pranked by Princess Celestia and realized she was the one to hurt you." Discord made widened eyes. "But don't worry! You'll have plenty of time with me and my wackiness! Which is actually 13 more hours! So are you free then?" Discord then ran away from him screaming. Frostbite then said to us, the audience while shrugging, "I take that as a maybe."