Too Far Gone

by Anonymous AmeriBrit

First published

Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle attempts to bring an old friend's wits back about him.

Twilight Sparkle was crushed when her ancient friend, Discord, snapped. He returned to an old trick and attempted to turn ponies into the opposite of what they were. Twilight, distraught, though not weak, immediately set to work remedying his evils. She once again defeated him, but was left with the unfortunate ponies who had forgotten how to be themselves. Determined to set things straight, she tracked down all of the colour-drained ponies Discord had afflicted, coming finally to a friend whom she had known and travelled with what seemed like aeons ago. After tracking down the Doctor, Twilight now has to confront him and restore the lost personality.

So, So Sorry...

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Twilight flapped her wings, propelling herself through the emptiness of space and towards a distinctly familiar blue box. She had heard reports of him being "discorded", though prayed that they were false. Knowing that if he was now different he wouldn't let her in, she prepared a teleport spell, the Alicorn magic would be a significant boost towards the successfulness of the spell. She readied her mind, picturing mentally the interior of the travel capsule (though she struggled to remind herself that it may not look that way any more.)

With a look of intense strain, the Princess of Friendship's horn flared to life, a magical pop not going off through the infinity of space. With a second flash, she found herself inside the TARDIS, struggling to ignore the immense amount of effort it had taken her to appear in her. Twilight was struggling to stay on her hooves, wobbling, when he walked around the hexagonal centre counsel with it's ever-present glass column... thing. She craned her neck up from her exhausted, hunched over position, ignoring the screaming in her muscles as she fought to look him in the eye.

"Do-Doctor. I've come t- to help."

He rolled his eyes in irritation, clearly not pleased with her being there. He strolled up to her casually, looking down on her easily from his superior stance.

"No one here needs help. You are going to leave, now."

Twilight flinched at that. Then it was true. But she hadn't come all this way just to confirm her fears. No, she was going to do exactly what she came to do for her old friend. She was going to bring him back.

Straightening up from her exhausted posture, she looked at him more determinately now.

"No, Doctor. I'm not leaving. I'm going to save you, bring back the Doctor, not whoever... this is."

The greying pegasus sighed darkly, walking back to the centre of the immense room, bending down once he got there.

"Twilight, Twilight. Really, you're starting to piss me off. I told you to leave, and now I will give you one more chance. Leave the TARDIS and do not come back."

He continued rifling through something below the console, not bothering to look back at her. Twilight took a step forward, trying to reason with her time weary friend.

"Doctor, you~"

She was cut off by the need to duck, quickly, as the Doctor whipped around, sword brandished in barred teeth. He let loose an incredibly uncharacteristic snarl, staring at her with menacing eyes.

"I. Warned. You." He managed through the hilt in his mouth.

She just gaped at him as he took a step closer, sword glistening from the interior lights. Another step, and another. He was moving deliberately, trying to intimidate her, to extreme effect, she might add. When he seemed to be getting dangerously close, he suddenly stopped, sword falling from his mouth and he himself dropping to the floor, clutching his head in his hooves. Through "Ah"s and "Argh"s she could see an immense struggle. Finally, tears streaming from his eyes and flowing freely down his chestnut cheeks, he looked up at her, finally seeming to have reverted back to his normal self.

"I-I'm so s-sorry. P-please, r-run Twilight!"

Before she could respond, his head was down again then just as swiftly looking back up at her, this time the warm brown nowhere to be seen in his coat.

"I warned you, but you didn't listen! They never listen!"

Twilight was thrown back as she felt a powerful, angry hoof connecting with her lower jaw. She landed with a thud, squirming to see her attacker. Before she could move much however, he was on top of her, his lips pressed up against hers as he fought to wrestle his tongue into her mouth. Backing away slightly, but still remaining on top of her, he glared.

"Now, for once, you're going to see what happens when you ignore me every bloody time I speak!"

Again he mashed his muzzle onto hers, struggling against her, though she ultimately quit the fight, letting him kiss her.

"Hmm," he contemplated, pulling away slightly, "you're weak right now, aren't you?"

Her eyes closed solemnly as she realized that he was, at the moment, stronger than she. She felt foalish under his gaze, realising easily the error of her plan. Her eyelids shot open when she felt something pushing against her crotch. He was... growing... and she couldn't help but blush and sputter as the suggestiveness of their position fell over her. Again he smiled at her with dark eyes, his wings slowly but steadily stretching outward with his bulge.

"Oh. What's that? Hmm, it would seem that I'm feeling... attracted... to you right now. What say we do something about that?"

Twilight squirmed slightly under him. Though she didn't want to admit it, she was starting to feel... heated... herself, despite the discomfort she felt at the moment. Flashing her a toothy smile, he raised his belly, setting his hardened member on her belly/crotch. His smile grew wider as he felt her nethers moisten, clearly becoming enamoured herself.

She was still blushing, but was no longer struggling. She could feel his large cock resting on her belly and, more noticeably (and lustfully) on her wet cunt. She panted lightly as she anticipated his penetration, but felt no such movement.

"Say you want it."

His words shocked her, seemingly threatening and flirting at the same time. She hesitated, not ready to admit to herself that she wanted his large shaft inside of her. Shrugging, the Doctor start to lift himself off of her.

"I want it!"

Twilight shocked herself, quickly covering her mouth with her hooves. Seeing the smirk grow on his face, but feeling no advancements, she uncovered her muzzle.

"I-I want it... please."

The Doctor's grin suddenly seemed more sincere as he lowered his body onto hers, smiling up at her as his throbbing tip twitched inches away from her moist "lips". In a low, seductive tone, he warned her.

"Get ready."

She began to nod but was immediately cut off by his thrusting the entire length of his cock inside her, making her gasp loudly. She fought to control her face, but found that the pleasure overrode her, contorting it into a pleasured face. He grinned darkly as he slowly pulled his member out, thrusting deeply once again just as the tip was nearing exit of her moist cunny. Again she gasped in pleasure, her lavender hooves wrapping around his waist as she pulled him closer. She wanted more.

The Doctor began to pick up speed, still moving slowly but at least moving. His deep-reaching shaft was causing her to pant a little more heavily now as she felt him gyrating his hips, increasing the pleasure she felt. She arched her head forward, barely containing her urge to start pushing her own hips up into his. When she did so, however, she felt his mouth close around her horn, swirling as he slowly pulled his mouth off of it, flicking the tips with his tongue causing her to gasp once again.

He started moving more quickly, thrusting in and out with each gyration. She could feel a tingling build-up in her cunt. She gasped as with another thrust, she came, her fluids spilling out around his cock, dampening the inside of her legs. Her back arched and her nethers began squirting, the pleasure beyond intense. When she at last settled back down, she felt him pull his still erect member out of her, setting it onto her barrel.

"Finish me."

Wordlessly, she complied. She began working her hoof around it, then quickly discovered that she needed two. Reaching up with both hooves, she began to stroke the stallions massive cock as she tried to coerce him into finishing. She knew by the look on his face that he was slightly upset that it was only a hoof-job, but she wasn't ready to take it inside her mouth. Not yet, any ways.

She began working the whole shaft, moving her hooves up and down quickly as the precum from his tip lubricated his cock. She began to slightly twist her hoof around, though not too much. She felt the member tighten as his face contorted, barring his teeth and only being able to keep one eye open. She quickly gasped in surprise as his spunk launched out of the member, landing on her nose. She quickly closed it again as another spurt sent more of the stuff in-between her eyes. His cock twitched again as another large burst sent a bunch of the pony spunk across most of the left side of her face. Again and again, more came until at last it seemed that he had no more of the stuff. She sighed as she let the slowly diminishing member fall back to her chest, trails of cum reaching down from her horn to her cheek, and more from her nose to his cock.

With a grunt, he stood up and observed her. With a satisfied smile, he observed his mess, proud of the splattering on her face.

"Now. You may leave."

He turned and began to leave her there, covered in his semen. She didn't leave however, only laying there, panting in the afterglow. She wasn't ready to leave yet, not certain that she was done here. She was her own pony now, wasn't she? She didn't need to check in with Celestia. In fact, she should actually stay, the more she thought about it. After all, he still needed her.

Twilight Sparkle did not get up. She also didn't notice as a slow wave of grey began to take the place of her lovely violet coat.

Still Here?

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The Doctor sighed as the purple Alicorn Princess approached him through the familiar yet ever-confusing halls. He threw a careless gaze over his shoulder to confirm what he already knew. His head drooped forward as he spat back to her.

"I would've thought you had learned your lesson. Honestly, why is everyone but me so FUCKING STUPID?!"

Twilight was taken slightly aback at the uncharacteristically random burst of rage until she quickly realized that uncharacteristic was characteristic, now. She feebly trotted up closer to him, head ducked down in fear.

"I..." she momentarily panicked, She hadn't thought this all the way through. She hadn't thought this all the way through! "I, I, I'm too weak?" It was phrased like a statement but spoken like a question. At first, it was just a little lie, but as she thought on it, she realised that she likely was too weak to fly or... well do anything, really. She was exhausted, plain and simple.

The Doctor huffed, not believing her but reluctantly glad she had stayed. He was beginning to feel his own exhaustion (though likely on a much higher level) and was himself ready to retire for the next century or so. He scolded himself inwardly. That joke was not even remotely funny, not worth telling and, therefore, not worth thinking.

"Fine," the grey pegasus spoke with a groan, "you can stay for a little while, but in three days I'm kicking your ass off wherever we are. I don't care where, honest. You will be hurled into the damned cold reaches of space, do you understand?"

He still spoke back to her, but was at least looking at her now. She nodded quietly as she continued to follow him through his travel capsules' winding corridors.

Suddenly, a loud, whiny noise erupted from somewhere within the TARDIS. Twilight recognized the sound as the alarm that alerted the Doctor when ponies were in trouble. She watched him expectantly as he just rolled his eyes, shook his head, and let out a deep sigh, all at the same time.

"Are-are you going to help them?"

The stallion suddenly turned on her with a powerful glare, anger already the once again dominating emotion.

"NO! No, I am not! And why the hell should I?! No. If the universe isn't going to even try to keep itself saved, then why should I do it for... it..."

His charisma melted away as he shook his head and huffed, trotting further down the corridors with a meek ex-companion following behind him. He did not even look back as he turned into the bedroom. She followed him still. He flopped, tired, onto the bed, small, spaced out tears discreetly making their way down his cheeks. He rolled over and stared at Twilight when she did not follow his example. She looked at him hesitantly from the side of the bed (She decided also, for the benefit of her health, to not mention the crying,)

"Well," he rested his head on a hoof impatiently, "get your ass on the bed. The ride ain't free and for right now me spooning you is the fee."

She looked over herself in trepidation. "But-but, I'm... dirty."

The pegasus sighed yet again in agitation. He began pulling her, less forcefully than previously, onto the bed, despite minor struggling on her part.

"Look," he said finally, "I am absolutely not okay and could not care less about you sullying the sheets." He paused momentarily. "Upon further reflection, I also have no idea why I was so forthcoming with my emotional state. Just... don't argue."

She briefly mulled it over before nodding in consent, crawling under the covers with the broken soul. She smiled lightly to herself as she felt his hooves wrap around her and pull her form closer into his. The Doctor himself smiled into her mane, making sure that any evidence of said facial expression was non-existent, though he knew he did.


A dark force in the timelord struggled slightly as memories of who was fought with who is to be. Externally, the stallion nuzzled deeper into the mane of his sleeping bedmate, both asleep.