Super Dangan RonPonya: Set Sail for Despair Isles

by Serenade-Stereo

First published

Techno Blast and 15 others are forced to play a sadistic game that they've all heard of before from an incident a few years back. A game of life or death.

It had been five years since the incident at Hope's Peak Academy. It had to take some time but eventually the prestigious school was open again and with a new twist. Along with the 'Super High School Level' programme, every year it would switch places with a 'Super Middle School Level' programme.

Techno Blast is a young Pegasus that was asked to be part of the first ever 'Super Middle School Level' class at Hope's Peak Academy as a Super Middle School Level Inventor.

He is able to spend a little bit of time to introduce himself to the rest of the students in his class before he realizes all to soon what he had gotten himself into....

A direct sequel to 'Dangan RonPonya' and is suggested that you read that first before this unless you want to be spoiled on that story.

Warning! This story DOES have spoilers for the first and second Dangan Ronpa game, if you haven't played those yet, be wary when reading.

The Letter

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I remember when it came, it was just going onto mid-summer, the day before, I had just presented my class with a small invention I had made. It's a simulator that can create any type of field or image you want, all you have to do is type it in...but that doesn't matter. The day right after that, a letter came through my letterbox, apparently my class teacher, Miss Cheerilee had invited a talent scout from Hope's Peak Academy to see my presentation, saying that they would be very impressed. That letter...I still remember how it went.

To Mr Blast

Hope's Peak Academy would like to invite you to join our school as the 'Super Middle School Level Inventor'. Our talent scout was very impressed with what he saw yesterday and believed that you were the best of the best at what you do.

Now, you must be wondering what exactly would happen at Hope's Peak. Well, it is just like any normal school, except we have been known to create students that will be successful in life if they graduate the Hope's Peak programme.

Of course you may have known that it used to be the 'Super High School Level' programme but since the incident, we have decided to celebrate the rebirth of our glimmering hope with the added 'Super Middle School Level' programme which is basically the same thing aside from the fact that it will be middle schoolers instead.

If you are wondering about what other classmates you may be having here, some other titles within the programme are: 'Super Middle School Level DJ', 'Super Middle School Level Surfer', and there is our not yet decided 'Super Middle School Level Luckster'.

We will be awaiting your response with our breaths held in hope that you will join us for your chance of success in life. Thank you for your consideration Mr Blast and we hope we can make your hope shine bright!


Princess Luna & Princess Celestia.

Could you imagine that? Getting a real letter off of the princesses of Equestria? Well...two of them anyway. The point is though, I am actually qualified to go to a school that if now funded by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! Hope's Peak did have an incident before it reopened, it was this killing game created by this psycho girl. That was a whole five years ago though. Time really passed by from then.

People had speculated that she was still alive but, they had set up a live feed outside the school during the killing game so everyone there on the streets saw her die and saw the six survivors. They were dubbed the 'Beacons of Hope'. Hope...what exactly does that mean? It's just a word right? All it means is that you want something to happen - you hope something will happen, so...what exactly does being a 'Beacon of Hope' really do?

I tried asking my brother and he just gave me some weird answer that went along the lines of...'Hope is the most powerful thing in the world. Despair tries to concur it but Hope will always prevail over it. So don't you ever give into despair, not matter how bad things get for you'.

I never really understood what he meant by that, but he seemed passionate about his answer. Despair is something else that I never understood. Hope and Despair...I don't see why ponies have such a big fuss over it, especially in Ponyville, my hometown. The town actually recently split into two sides, those who feel hope and those that feel despair. My home is on hope's side, but like I said, hope or despair - it doesn't matter to me.

My title is a bit weird as well. 'Super Middle School Level Inventor'? Who thought that, that was a good idea, now, a DJ and a surfer sound like pretty cool titles, Luckster is a bit odd but if luck is your talent then praise Celestia cause that means you got into the best school in Equestria.

I'll admit, I admired Hope's Peak for many years, even after the killings that had occurred there, something about that place was always so appealing. Probably because of the success in life...or maybe something else? I couldn't think of what though...

But the most important thing about this is the letter, that letter is the most important thing in the world right now. It gives me a chance, a chance to actually do something useful in life, a chance that could chance my lonely world, a chance to make things right with myself. I don't really have a lot of friends so being put into this completely new environment with these highly talented ponies like me. As intimidating as it sounds, that's exactly what I would love to happen and that's what is happening!

One thing I hope doesn't happen is that they dislike me in any way, I'd hate for that to happen. I only have around four friends in my hometown, when they heard the news, they were sad about me leaving but they still supported me. That counts for something, right? They know that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for anyone, whilst middle school is a strange time to be thinking about these sort of thing, in my family, everyone is successful. My dad is top Weather Pony in the whole of Equestria, my two older brothers - one owns a popular club and the other is chief prosecutor of Coltanada, I never met my mom or sister so I don't know about them but I did hear that they're successful as well. I don't wanna be the only one in my family that becomes a failure!

Whilst that is a pessimistic way of looking at it, it's usually how I view things...but I just realized! I've rambling on and on about myself when you all don't know what actually happened at Hope's Peak! Well, I can say one thing...

I learned a lot about the reasons Hope and Despair are such big factors in life...


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I've heard ponies around me say that evil never sleeps. I don't really understand what that's supposed to mean, everyone has to stop at some point. Right? No matter what there's always that part in time that evil halts and the world is at peace...There was a lot more meaning to that phrase than I originally thought...

It must be what? Five years since Hope's Peak Academy, situated in Canterlot had its first incident. They thought about closing the school down but there were those that defended it, one of them even being Princess Luna! They said it was the beacon of hope in a dark world...more gibberish to me though. It took time but they won the battle. Hope's Peak was staying. I was always interested in the school ever since I first heard about it. My interests got even stronger when I heard about something incredible.

The Super Middle School Level programme. Before it was a Super High School Level but they decided that to celebrate its new rebirth as 'Glimmering Hope Academy', although, I like the original title much better, they would make a new condition, after each graduation, they'd swap between SHSLs to SMSL, and that meant one thing to me. A chance.

It really did become a reality when they sent me a letter saying they wished for me to attend as the Super Middle School Level Inventor. My dad wasn't too sure about it due to its past but I was more than happy to take the chance. My older brother was sceptical about the whole thing as well but they don't control my life! I'm making my own choices for once!

I think at this point it would be a good idea to introduce myself. My name is Techno. Techno Blast. Like I said before, I'm a Super Middle School Level Inventor, I was found by one of the talent scouts of Hope's Peak when I was presenting this new machine to my home town, Ponyville. The next day was when the letter came. He was extremely impressed by my handiwork due to me only being fourteen years old. A lot of people were surprised since I'm a Pegasus and they usually have weaker bones, a lot of the things I've created are pretty heavy, I should state that now.

Either way, standing outside of the school gates. It's really intimidating and combined with the fact that there are going to be fifteen other students, my age, all different, with these talents. I already have a freaking inferiority complex! Now this? I'm already regretting! You can do this Techno! You got this...oh who am I kidding?'s now or never I guess...just. One. Step...


W-what the...hell...? What's this feeling? I feel...dizzy...


Nrrrg....where am I...? A...a hallway? And a door...whatever, I need to get to class...huh? When did I decide...? When did I decide I needed to...? Oh never mind....


"Hm?" There was a voice inside the room, Techno's vision was blurred for a second. It came into focus for him to see a classroom with around fifteen other ponies around his age in the room alongside him.

Wait...fifteen? Could these guys be...the other Super Middle School Level students?

"And now there's sixteen, awesome!" One of the unicorns said.

"Well...I'm guessing you're a Super Middle School Level student as well?" Another asks him.

"Um...y-yeah..." Techno answered awkwardly.

"Well...I guess that would classify as everyone now. Only sixteen students are accepted at a time after all..."

"Duh! We already knew that!"

"Yo, so why we all being gathered in this joint?"

"I have a theory" One mare said, fixing her glasses, a book pressed tightly to her chest. "I believe it could be some sort of entrance exam"

"An extreme exam?"

"Entrance idiot..."

"Hey! I've got bad hearing!"

"Oh, honey, you really need to loosen up a little"

"Touch me again...and I'll rip your arms off..."

"But said something about an entrance exam?" Techno said, pushing away from the ongoing argument.

"Right. You see...we can't leave" Everyone looks at her. "The doors are locked so I believe that they expect us to find a way out"

"W-what do you mean we can't leave?!" One of the boys yell, running to the door and pulling on it to open. "What the hell is going on in here?!"

"Calm down, let's talk about this logically"



"Oh, right"

Is this actually happening? Or am I hallucinating?

"What do they expect us to do? I thought Hope's Peak don't do entrance exams?"

"Well...they never did before, but since then, they did add this programme so...maybe they added an exam as well?"

"That does sound reasonable..."

"Or maybe...they're just waiting for us?"

"Oh wow, you were today correct!" A high pitch voice sounded throughout the room, silencing everyone.

"What...what was that?"

"Over here!" The voice came from the front of the classroom. They all turned, waiting in suspense until. It appeared.

A pink rabbit like plush popped out from behind the stand in a hard-to-look-directly-at outfit and a Celestia-awful looking wand.

" that?"

"Hello!" It greeted "How are you all today? Are you all excited?!"

"Excited? For what?"

"For school to begin of course!"


"So much for an entrance exam..." Techno comments.

"Entrance exam? No, no, no! We'd never do that!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm your teacher. My name is Usami!"

"Usami...?" The girl with the glasses repeated. "And what purpose do you serve here?"

"Okay, so we're just gonna totally ignore the fact that there's a talking rabbit on the podium? Alright then"


"I'm not even correcting him this time" The girl folded her arms and shook her head.

"My purpose? I'm your teacher!" Everyone was quiet. "...what's wrong?"

"...teacher? You? You're just some stupid looking rabbit doll"

"T-that's really mean!" Usami cried out. "I should give you a detention!"

"She can't be serious, right?"

"A-anyway...I now need to tell you why you're here!" Usami raised her wand in the air. "For your field trip!"

"Field trip?"

"Wait, you actually heard something right for once?!"


"....never mind..."

"What do you mean by field trip, Ms Usami?"

"W-why are you calling her that? Doesn't this come off as suspicious?"

"Well, yes, but I was taught to always see the good in people so I must give Ms Usami the benefit of the doubt no matter what!"

"Aw, thank you! Gold star for you!"

"Alright, if you're done with your little tea'd better explain what the hell this field trip is"

"Oh, of course! How could I be so rude? Just let me show you!" Usami's wand began to shimmer and then, as if it never existed. The classroom everyone was in seemed to just vanish before their eyes. In its place was what they would expect the least.

A beach?

"W-w-w-w-w-WHAT?!" One of the students yelled.

"How the hell did you...?"

"Is something wrong?" Usami seemed confused. "Everyone loves the beach!"

"Yes, but you can't just suddenly make it appear, especially not from an enclosed space like a classroom!"

"Actually, the classroom was fake, we were already here!"

"But...when did we...?"

"Alrighty! It's time for us to begin your new life here!"

"" Techno repeated.

"Wight! The 'Field Trip of Hopeful Friendship!'"

"The what?"

"Hopeful Friendship" One of the students spat out. "What kind of joke is this?"

"It's no joke, promise! I'm just here as your supervising teacher for this school trip! And it starts here on these tropical southern islands!"

This...this is too much to the hell did we get here, why are we here? I can't wrap my head around this! I still feel really dizzy....I think I'm...gon...gonna....


"Hey..." There was a voice from somewhere. "Can you hear me...?" Techno slowly opened his eyes to see a boy crouched down beside him with a concerned look on his face. "Hey, are you alright?" He was blue unicorn, nicely dressed as well. White shirt, grey tie and...Blue jeans? That seemed a little out of place in his outfit "...You look exhausted...I am too, you know? We all are. I mean...with all the crazy stuff that's happened so far...hey, are you even listening?!" He scowled. Techno pushed him away and stood up. "You...are OK, right?"

Techno was silent for a few seconds. "...Just....just leave me alone..."

"I can't, you look far too ill to be left alone!" Techno stayed quiet at the colt's reaction. Why did he care?

Golden sea... Techno observed his surroundings. Strong, bright sunlight blazing down...and a gentle sea breeze caressing my skin...I have no idea what's going on. I should be at Hope's Peak Academy. So why...why am I here?

"That...thing said we're on a southern island, didn't it?" Techno asked him.

"...Yeah, it did" He seemed deep in thought.

What the hell happened here? I...have no idea...that's the one and only thing I know for sure... Techno looked over at one of the palm trees on the beach. It probably wouldn't have been weird to see if a monitor was attached to it. Why is this here...? There's nothing playing on it, so what's the point? Palm trees are pretty much a stable of southern islands. These ones are nice, I guess. But...they're just scenery. Not really important right now... Techno turned his attention to the ocean, alongside the tide was a camera on a tripod.

"Hm? This is a camera, isn't it? camera? Are they spying on us?!"

"I wouldn't call it 'spying'..." The unicorn folds his arms. "I think you could say that they're watching over us to keep us out of danger. But hey, you can't help but feel worried about things you have no control over, can you?"

What is with this guy? How is he so calm in a situation like this? Is he really that easy going? Techno shook his head and looked back at the ocean. A crystal clear blue sea...essential to any island paradise...not that I'm impressed or anything...I never wanted to visit a place like this before.

"Hey, you feeling any better? Um...I know you're all messed up right now because of what happened, but...we should really introduce ourselves, don't you think?"

"Yeah...I suppose we should"

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Memory Lapse. I'm from Trottingham...but I suppose that's kind of irrelevant..."

Memory Lapse. Super Middle School Level Therapist

"Oh, and since we're introducing ourselves...I guess I should explain the talent that got me into Hope's Peak Academy...though, in my case, it was pure luck..."

"Luck? Why's that?"

"I'm a therapist" He says bluntly.

"...I'm sorry, what?"

"I'm not joking, it's legit. They dubbed me the 'Super Middle School Level Therapist'."

"How could someone become a 'Super Middle School Level...Therapist'?"

"According to my invitation, the client I had just helped out was also a talent scout for Hope's Peak and they wanted to enrol me as the 'Super Middle School Level Therapist'. So what I'm saying is that I'm here just because I got the right client." He smiled.

Wow...well, I guess, at our age, being able to do something like that is pretty good...

"You look like you don't have any answer to what I have to say" Memory frowned.

"No...It’s not that at all, it's just..."

"Nah, it's fine, I'm not sure what to think about it either" He sighed. "I only did it because my dad couldn't get to work and I was the only one first I was scared to accept the invitation but they insisted that I take it. Apparently they've never had a 'Super High School Level Therapist' so a 'Super Middle School Level Therapist' was pretty extraordinary...Hope's Peak sure is amazing, I'm glad that I got the chance to attend, but...on the other hand, I feel out of place. Ah! Sorry, sometimes I just get really negative...bad habit of mine...but, that should do it for my introduction..."

Memory Lapse...he seems a bit wishy-washy, but, he doesn't seem like a bad person at least...

"Okay, your turn" Memory looks at Techno, awaiting his answer.

"Right, my name is Techno Blast, nice to meet you"

"...So, Techno? I have a tiny question: What's your 'Super Middle School Level' talent?"

"Oh, I'm the 'Super Middle School Level Inventor'."

"Inventor?" Memory's eyes widen.

"Right. It kind of just starts off with a little machine and then I try to make it do something different to anything else..." Memory was quiet for a little bit.

"But...don't they get heavy? You don't look that strong, no offence. But hey! Better than mine I suppose! So don't take that personally, okay?"

"I'll try not to..."

"Well, that looks like we're done with our introductions. Even if we don't know what's happening, I hope we can be friends!"


"W-what was that?!" Techno said suddenly. "Did that come from my...?" Techno thrust his hand into his pocket, thinking the mechanical sound came from inside. He pulled out a small gadget with a touch screen. "What is this thing? It looks like a smartphone...why is it in my pocket?"

"Usami just gave us them, don't you remember? Oh were passed out, so she must have just slipped it into your pocket"

"That...that's a little what is it?"

"It's your ElectroID!" Usami said, appearing from nowhere.

"Uwah!" Techno stumbled back. "H-hey, how...w-where did you come from?!"

"Aww, did I startle you? I'm so sorry...Tee-hee! I'm not ashamed of apologies! They're very important! By the way, isn't that thing so cool? Isn't it? It's a crucial part of this field trip. So please don't lose it!"

"This device is...important?" Techno examined it.

"My task for everyone is to use this ElectroID and gather 'Hope Shards'."

Hope Shards?

"Basically, when you deepen your bonds with another student here on the island, you acquire, 'Hope Shards'! The more time you bond with others, the more Hope Shards you collect! I want you to gather as many Hope Shards as you can and make your Hope flower bloom! That is the goal of this field trip! Love, love!" She disappeared.

"Hey! Wait!" Techno called out but was given silence. She's gone...That stuffed doll doesn't just walk and talk, it can teleport as well...I don't understand, who is operating that thing?!

"What are these...Hope Shards, she said? What are they for?" Techno turned to Memory. "Why does she want them so badly? It's like we're playing a game..."

"It would be a relief if it was just a game...if nothing else, it would mean we aren't in any real danger"


"More importantly...I think you should go and introduce yourself to the rest of the students here"

"I guess I should...but where did they all go?"

"They're exploring the island!"

"Seriously? They went exploring?"

"We've been told to live we may as well get a good feel for the place...what kind of island is this? Is there a way off? Do we have food and supplies? Anyway, why not look around yourself? Make your introductions as you go along. I've already spoken to everyone...but I'd like to tag along, if that's alright with you?"

Seems that I have a companion...I guess I should be thankful. Exploring alone doesn't sound that fun...

"Alright, Techno, let's go!"

I have to everyone here really okay with this? Can we just take this unusual situation so easily? Is this what fresh air and sunlight does to people? Or maybe...Usami did something to us...

"Something wrong? Let's move!"

"Sorry, let's go..." Whatever the couldn't hurt to explore this...nightmare...can this be considered a nightmare? I guess I'll need to find out by myself...

"Also, just in case you get lost. There's a map of the island on the ElectroIDs. It just makes exploring the island a little easier. Also...I looked up information on everyone before we came here so I can tell you some useful stuff about some of them...not all though"

"You actually found information about them on the internet?"

"Eh?" Memory seemed surprised. "You didn't know? When Hope's Peak recruits a new class, the message boards go insane"

"Wow...did they have anything about me?"

"Well...not that I saw, but, there was a lot of information so I could have missed it...anyway, let's begin our introductions journey!"

"Yeah...let's go" I guess I'll finally get to know what everyone is like...

The two left the beach to end up on a road that went straight down the island in both directions.

"Why don't we go this way first?" Memory points to the left. "Most of the buildings are that way"

"Alright then..." They start to walk up the road. It takes a few minutes but they arrive at the first building. An airport.

"There's got to be a few people inside here! It's a pretty out-of-place building after all!" They head inside the building.

This...this is a real airport, isn't it? And....and those are... Techno looked out of the giant glass window to see the airplanes on the runway.

"Does that mean we can fly off of this island?" Techno looked at Memory.

"Nope, sorry to tell you..." A purple earth pony garbed in a white lab coat, black turtleneck and grey jeans tells him from one the seats in the room. "Those things aren't going anywhere, they lack the proper parts to do so..."

"What 'parts'?" Techno asked, slightly let down by the fact that the engines were gone.

"The engines are gone. These jets? They're props..." The boy folded his arms.

"There are no engines?" Is this the work of whoever brought us to the island? It must be whoever is operating Usami...but who is it? Why did they bring us here? And...How? The more I think about, the dizzier I get...

"Sorry, didn't want to sound negative since we just met...speaking of which...My name is Toxic Danger, 'Super Middle School Level Chemist'"

Toxic Danger Super Middle School Level Chemist

"Just like his title says, Toxic is a wizard with chemicals. He can pretty much make anything you want with them." Memory explains.

"That's an exaggeration, obviously." Toxic said.

Well I don't expect you to make a car out of a few chemicals...actually, he probably could. Metal elements...well...actually, I suppose they aren't chemicals...

"Still, I can't believe the engines are gone..." Memory sighs

"Listen, bad stuff can happen to engines, yeah? Sometimes irreparable stuff, sad, but true. But this? No engines means someone is trying to make us stay on this island. Ah well, this is unnatural, but I guess it's nothing we can't handle, right?" Toxic smirked a little.

"...Huh?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, yeah, we might be stuck here, but at least we aren't being forced to do something stupid or dangerous...I did read the rules, right? Y'know, in the ElectroID thing that we got? They're under the guide section. Go ahead, take a look.”

Techno pulled out his ElectroID and did as instructed by Toxic.

Rule 1. Excess violence is forbidden on this island. Let's live peacefully and quietly together.

Rule 2. Let's gather Hope Shards by deepening our bonds with our friends.

Rule 3. Throwing garbage and damaging the environment is forbidden. Let's live in harmony with nature on this beautiful island.

Rule 4. The supervising teacher will not interfere directly with student activities unless rules are broken.

"See? They're all rules for keeping order. Like any other field trip, really"

"No violence, harmony with nature...Peaceful, quiet's just like Usami said. The rules in this ID look like they're simply there to protect the peace" Memory concluded.

"But, can we really trust Usami? She practically kidnapped us!" Techno argued.

"You're pretty pessimistic. I think you should try to look on the brighter side" Toxic frowned/

"Yeah, just take it easy and see how things play out, y'know? Until something happens, we should treat it like a vacation...although, that rabbit is just to pink for me to look at..." Memory sighed.

He's taking it so lightly...must be nice...I'm a little jealous...

*Ding*! Hope Shard acquired!

Techno turned to the pony that was staring out to the planes from the huge glass window. It was a cyan earth pony that wore the wetsuit and the blond hair.

Never was good with goes nothing... Techno walked up beside her, Memory following behind.

"Um...h-hi..." He said shyly. She didn't respond, she didn't look like she even noticed him. "U-um...e-excuse me...?" She still didn't face him. "H-hey!"

"I'm listening..." She said. "It's...these planes...they're the only way we could get off the island and they won't even work...ack!" She turned to face Techno. "Sorry! I shouldn't be the one that's bringing the mood down in this situation...hey...are you alright?"

S-she's....kind of cute....

Memory giggled. "Even with those lenses in your glasses, I can tell your pupils have dilated and well...your face speaks for itself..." He tapped the blue translucent lens.

Techno turned away. "S-sorry!"

"'s fine..." She said.

"Anyway, I'm taking Techno here around the island so he can introduce himself to everyone.” Memory turned back to the earth pony/

"Oh I see. My name's Rip Tide, it's very nice to meet you, Techno..."

Rip Tide Super Middle School Level Surfer.

"Rip here is the 'Super Middle School Level Surfer', she's known for some of her peak tricks.” Memory informed.

"P...peak tricks?" Techno reluctantly turns back, face still slightly red.

"I could show you some time if you want" Rip smiled. "I'm a great teacher!"

"Um...t-thanks..." Techno gave a weak smile.

"...hmm...I have to say though...'Techno' just sounds a little too boring to me. Do you mind if I gave you a nickname?" She asked brightly.

"N-not at all!" Techno nodded.

"Hmm...I think...I think I'll call you Techy!" She smiled, sweetly causing Techno's blush to brighten.

"So, Rip, what do you make of the situation we're in?" Memory asked her.

"What do I think of it? Well...there's a beach, so I'm not complaining. Usami said that there were gonna be some pretty sweet waves later so I'm grab a surfboard and go out there."

"Wait, you don't actually mind?" Techno said surprised.

"Not really, I mean. This is just a field trip so it'll be over at one point. They can't really keep us here forever."

"I...I guess you're right..." Techno frowned.

*Ding* Hope Shard Acquired!

"I gotta go now, I have something I wanna check out. Talk to you later, Techy! Maybe we could have a I wanna get to know you a little better. You seem interesting!" Rip gave a little wave as she ran off. Techno glanced at Memory who had a sly grin plastered to his face.

"S-shut up!" Techno pushed him.

"Hey! I didn't say anything wrong! You're the one that got flustered"

"Ugh, whatever, can we just go to next building?"

"Sure...I think that would be the market...let's go" Memory led the way to the next building over. It wasn't too long, not as long from the beach to the airport at least.


A supermarket...a pretty big one at that. It looks like what you'd expect to find on a resort island. I guess we are abroad.

"Looks like we don't need to worry about food and supplies. For now at least" Memory comments.

"What do you mean by 'for now at least'?" Techno asked him slightly worried.

"It's just a figure of speech!"

"Well, what is this stuff isn't edible? What if it's poisoned?!" Techno shook him a little which left Memory to pause for a moment.

"You're really suspicious of everything, aren't you, Techno?"

"Under the circumstances. You can't blame me...look around, this supermarket is huge but nobody is here expect us"

"Well, Usami mentioned it was uninhabited"

"That's not my point! I mean- agh!"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just..." Techno glanced at a pink male Pegasus wearing a white buttoned shirt and black tight pants in the corner of his eye. I can feel a piercing gaze directed at me...

"Well...hello..." He spoke in a sly tone.

"Hey there...this is Techno..." Memory seemed a little rushed with this introduction.

" you're called Techno? Very cute..." The Pegasus in front of the two grinned.


"Yeah...wanna know my name...?" He brushed his hair back with a small comb that was in his shirt pocket. "It's Clip Brunette...remember it because you'll be saying it a lot for sure in a few years..."

Clip Brunette Super Middle School Level Hairdresser.

"Anything you wanna know, honey?" He winked.

"H-honey?!" Techno stuttered.

"Clip here is the 'Super Middle School Level Hairdresser'!" Memory directed Techno's attention away from Clip.

"Okay, info?" He asked.

"Well he can make your hair look like anything out want, despite length. But don't anger him...those scissors might just...slip.” Memory laughed a little.

"Please don't say that with a smile on your face..." Techno frowned.

"Mhmhmhmh! I must ask though, who does your hair? It's absolutely gorgeous!" Clip almost launched forward to get a feel of Techno’s hair.

"Huh...?" Techno touched his light blue hair that was pushed over to one side. "It's nothing special. Just some gel..."

"You. Are. Joking." Clip seemed stunned. "You can do THAT with just some gel? You are amazing, what's your number?"

"Excuse me?"

"Clip is also gay..." Memory mentioned.

"And proud!"

"Clip, you're forgetting that we don't have our cell phones here, having Techno's number would do nothing"

"And I like girls.” Techno added

"That's what they all say at first..." Clip stuck his tongue out playfully.

Who is this guy?

"I think we should hit the nearest eject button to this conversation" Memory whispered to Techno.

"Right...uh...we've gotta go now..." Techno turned to get away.

"Don't be gone too long, honey!"

*Ding* Hope Shard acquired!

Well that was creepy....

"Peek-a-boo!" There was shiver running down Techno's spine. "I see you!" A female, auburn unicorn grabbed Techno's pants.

"ACK?!" He jumped back, crashing into the girl behind him. He quickly stood up and backed away from the girl in the black jacket, white shirt, which was clearly band merchandise since the name of the band was on it and grey jeans.

"Ehehehe!" The unicorn laughed. "Sorry about that." She gets up. "That's just my way of greeting people!"

"It's true..." Memory tells him. "That 'greeting' ends with your pants around your ankles."

"Who says hello by pantsing someone?"

"It gives different reactions and I do not just do that! Any little prank really!"


"Want a demonstration?"

"No!" She giggled at his apprehensiveness. " name is Techno Blast and I-"

"Whoa! What was that?! Where's the energy?! Are you still asleep?" She pointed at him. "That was not an introduction. This is an introduction! You ready?! Here we go!" She took a deep breath. "I'm LASEEEEEEEEEEEER LIIIIIIIIIIIGHTS!!!!"

Laser Lights Super Middle School Level Special Effects Artist

"Now you try!" She smiled at him.

W-where did that voice come from...?

"What's wrong? Do I need to motivate you?" Laser’s smile turned into a grin.

"Techno, just do it! I didn't and she almost wedgied the life out of me"

"Err...I'm...TECHNO! TECHNO BLAST!!" I hate this already

"Hmm...Kind of underwhelming, but it'll pass!" She smiled. "But how about this supermarket? It's something else, eh? They have hay fries and daisy sandwiches and other awesome foods! Food that could satisfy the Amareicans, Germanes, Prench and even Neighponese! Uwah! This is so exciting! Seeing so many awesome products is overwhelming! But being excited make me hungry! I don't get it, why do I always get hungry when I get excited? Kyahahaha! The unicorn body works in mysterious ways!"

"Anyway, this eccentric person here is the 'Super Middle School Level Special Effects Artist'. Her mother worked for this movie company but they were having trouble with the special effects so they went to take a break. When they came back, Laser here had taken over and completely aced it!" Memory seemed slightly in awe as he explained. He must be a fan.

I think I might've heard of that movie...somewhere...

"You were actually starting to make your own movie, right?" Memory asked the short unicorn.

"Own movie?" Techno repeated.

"Are you intrigued?" Laser asked Techno.

"Yeah....a little"

"Hooray! I will give some details if you want."

"I think I already replied as 'yes'."

"Details, details!" She giggled. "But, since I don't like spoilers, I probably shouldn't tell you about it..."

"Err...fair enough..." Techno rubbed the back of his head. She was strange, offering to give details and then not give details…

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

"Well, I guess that's everyone here...shall we?" Memory starts walking to the exit.

"Wait for me!" I don't want to be left alone with these two!


After their walk to the next destination. They turn up at a building with a huge pool and sixteen cabins in front of it. There was a sign on the main building that read 'Hotel Mirai'.

"Wow! This is a pretty fancy looking hotel" Techno commented.

"Hotel Mirai....they used a Neighponese word for their title of the hotel...When I heard we'd be living here, I was afraid we'd be camping outside, abandoning the comforts of modern life. But I guess we get to stay in the future after all! Heh...get it? Cause 'Mirai' means-"

"Why are you making puns at a time like this? We've been brought to an unknown place for unknown reason! How can you accept this?! You look like you're enjoying this!"

"Well, either way, it looks like the hotel will act as our base of you want to take a look around?" Memory started walking forward.

No, I will get my answer! Techno paused. Oh forget it...

"C'mon, there's most likely to be some students around!" They walked up to the pool, you could see how many students were there instantly. Three.

"Oh hey!" One of them walked up to Memory and Techno. "Memoire! This is the guy that passed out before, right?" It was an orange earth pony that wore the black and white track suit and was the one who had hearing problems.

"Hey, this is Techno...and it's Memory, not memoire..." Memory corrected.

"Well, nice to meet'cha Tencrow! Name's Quick Step!"

Quick Step Super Middle School Level Marathon Runner



"TECHNO!!" He yelled his correction.

"Alright, alright, no need to yell..." Quick frowned.

"Quick, is a 'Super Middle School Level Marathon Runner', pretty impressive, huh?" Memory informs him.

"Just a marathon runner? What's so great about that?" Techno scratched his head.

"Well, he's always been first in marathons that would usually take days for people our age. He does them in mere hours!" Memory smiles.

"Well...doesn't that just mean he's fast?"

"No, not exactly." Memory shook his head.

"But...don't you need speed to finish a marathon?"

"Whoa, Tencho!"

"Techno!" He corrected a third time, now getting irritated.

"Whatever, what I was gonna say was that speed isn't the only thing, muscle endurance and stamina are important as well. Most runners get tired about a quarter of the way in and that's when I pick up the pace and win the whole thing!"

"Wait, you WIN these?" Techno’s eyes widened.

"Second to none! That's the power of the 'Super Middle School Level Marathon Runner'!" Quick gave a thumbs up.

I guess even with something like that, as long as it's a 'Super Middle School Level' it's something to be proud of

"Quick might be a little boastful and hard of hearing, but he is a good guy" Memory tell Techno.

"I'll keep that in mind..." Techno nods as Quick starts to walk away from them.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

They walked up to a female, black earth pony in a pure blue dress who was lounging on one of the sunbeds, a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes up.

"...excuse me, but you're blocking the sun..." She says.

"Sorry, I'm just taking Techno here around the island so he can say hello to everyone, once that's out of the way, we'll be out of your hair. Promise!" The girl was quiet for a few seconds. She sits up with a sigh and takes her sunglasses of, revealing her blue eyes but at the same time, takes a summer hat and puts it on.

"My name is Aqua Black...happy?"

Aqua Black Super Middle School Level Fashion Designer

" were the girl that was always correcting that other guy, right?" Techno asked.

"Right, what about it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing I just...just trying to make small talk I guess..." He replied awkwardly. Aqua sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"I don't do much talking unless we're talking business..."

"Business?" Techno repeated/

"I'm a 'Super Middle School Level Fashion Designer', my designs are wanted by billions of fashion stores across the globe. In fact, you're wearing some of my 'Summer Colt' collection" She indicates Techno's hoodie and shoes. "I take it that you're a fan?"

"Actually...I don't buy my own clothes..."

"Y-you don't...?" Aqua seemed slightly taken off guard by that.

"No, my brother does"

"Well, tell him that he knows what fashion is in right now!" She pointed at Techno fiercely before laying back down on the sunbed.

"I will..." Not...

*Ding!* Hope Shard acquired!

Leaving her to relaxation time, Memory and Techno moved on to the final person that was outside. A yellow Pegasus that wore a white blouse and a light grey skirt that went three quarters of the way down her thighs. She seemed rather sad about something.

"Hey something wrong?" Memory asked her.

"Oh, Memory..." She looks up. Face brightening when she sees Techno. "You just brought the solution to my problem. My sincerest gratitude!"

"H-huh? Are you talking about-" She clasped her hands around Techno's.

"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Bud Daly, I was hoping to run into you as soon as possible!"

Bud Daly Super Middle School Level Social

"Oh, sorry, I should explain myself. You see, it's my goal to be friends with everyone I meet. It's what got me my title as a social" She curtsied.

"Just a socialiser?" Techno said, greatly underwhelmed.

"Not just any social. She has turned people’s lives around just by being friends with them...although, not much was said about you on the dashboard...I guess you were accepted a lot earlier than me..." Memory says.

"I suppose...but I was actually meeting with my uncle in prison over in Baltimare." She started.

Well this took a strange turn...

"And, one prisoner’s family had stepped out for a little bit. So I started talking to him and then two days later...he gets out early for good behaviour!" She clasped her hands behind her back and smiled sweetly.

"What were the charges?" Memory asked out of interest.

"...I think it was theft" Bud tapped her index finger on her cheek in thought.

"But the general part of it is that everyone like you?" Techno asked.

"Yes, I'm not sure what it is, everyone just likes me..." Bud shrugged.

Well...she's kinda cute...

"It was very nice to meet you Techno...I hope we can get to know each other a little more." She curtsied once again before walking off.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

"Why don't we head inside?" Memory suggests.

"Sure..." Memory and Techno headed inside the building. The room had a few couches in the corner with a TV. Some tables were set out on the other side of the room, they were basic drop games.

"Well, this is the lounge of the hotel, for all of your relaxing needs!" Memory threw his arms in the air for emphasis.

"I guessed that, Memory..."

"Sorry, I guess it's just a habit of mine to explain things as we go along..." He smiled sheepishly. "Still, this is as high quality on the inside as the outside"

"...if this was on normal circumstances, I'd probably have a big, stupid smile on my face like you, but, seriously. Where are the staff? Why is it just us?" Techno threw the questions at him rapidly.

"That can't be helped, Techno, this is an uninhabited island" Memory folded his arms.

An uninhabited island...that has flawlessly maintained facilities, power, and probably running water...

"Yo, yo! M-Dawg! Who's this?" A brown unicorn with a red hoodie, black headphones and white pants asked from the couches. A green Pegasus wearing a grey shirt with the top button undone and a blue denim shirt was sitting across from him with a sketch book in one hand a pencil in the other.

"Techno, the one that passed out.” Memory introduced.

"Aw right, that guy. Pretty funny stuff, I gotta tell ya!" The unicorn chuckled.

Well, don't like him already...

"I'm taking him to meet everyone so why don't you introduce yourself?"

"You got it man!" he clicked his fingers. "Name's Boom Box! Perhaps you've heard of me?"

Boom Box Super Middle School Level DJ

"Or should I go by my stage name? DJ BoomTables!" He grinned, expecting Techno to know him.

"’re THE DJ BoomTables?"

"So you've heard of me?"

"Nope." Techno shook his head.

"W-wha? Yo, T-Star, ain't nice to play others emotions like that. It's just cold!" Boom frowned.

T-Star? Seriously?

"My brother's a musician so he might have heard of you...what genre are you? Rap?" Techno asked.

"Dubstep.” Boom smiled hopefully.

", he won't"

"Aw..." Boom sighed.

"Ehehehe...I'm guessing that you already have an idea of Boom's title?" Memory asked.

"Is it a DJ?" Techno guessed with a ‘do you really need to ask?’ expression.

"Yo, yo, you got it! You got it! Nice work T-Star!" He started fidgeting with his headphones. "Still insulted by ya though..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Techno turned his attention to the Pegasus that was sketching on the paper in front of her. Everyone was silent, aside from Boom's humming.

" you want something?" She said finally.

"Sorry, I just thought that we should do an introduction as that okay?" She didn't look up from her drawing once.

"Introduce ourselves...? Fine then..." She said slowly.

"I'm Techno Blast..."

"I know, I heard you say it to Boom.” Her voice was rather monotonous.

Actually...that was Memory...

"My name is Paint Pallet..." She twirled her pencil.

Paint Pallet Super Middle School Level Artist

"As you can see, she has a way with that pencil of hers, so it's no shock that she's the 'Super Middle School Level Artist'. If you've ever heard someone talk about feeling emotions from looking at a painting...they were probably gazing upon one of Paint's work.” Memory spoke.

She still hasn't looked up from her drawing.

"You know, if that rabbit is telling the truth, then we'll be spending quite some time together on this island" She says.

"Yeah...looks that way..." Techno concurred.

"So, if we're gonna live in harmony like she wants us to then mutual understandings is of the utmost importance. We can't have ill feelings between each other...I don't want to hurt anyone..." She said ominously.

"U-um...hurt anyone...?"

"I can use this pencil in more ways than one, let's put it like like...more than two ways..." Techno was silent in response. Mostly out of fear for his health and wellbeing.

I need to tread lightly around her...

*Ding!* Hope Shard acquired!

Memory and Techno waved goodbye to the two before heading upstairs. As soon they reached the top, they looked around. It was a restaurant.

"So this hotel has a restaurant..." Techno looked around.

"It's large enough for a banquet. A sense of space you can only get in the southern parts of Equestria...or whatever part of the world we're in...Could be in the dragon’s lands, the griffon kingdom, the changeling kingdom..." Memory chuckled.

"Does that change anything? We're still trapped on this island..." Techno reminded him.

"I wonder if we're really 'trapped'." Memory muttered to himself.

"What else could it be" Techno asked, curious of what Memory might say. Memory was silent for a few seconds.

"Well then...better get on with the introductions...look, there are two people talking over there..." The two direct their attention over to the dark blue earth pony and red unicorn both in the suits, the male in a white and the girl in a black, that seemed to be having some sort of argument.

"Well, you're the one that keeps getting those that are guilty off the hook!" The red unicorn yelled.

"You send innocent people to jail!" The earth pony retorted.

"No, we use evidence to support our claims and of the arrest!"

"We do to...except, to refute the charges!"

"Hey guys!" Memory butted in. "What's wrong?"

"...we're just having a debate over what side of the court is more righteous..." The female unicorn replied.

"Oh hey, this is the guy that passed out, right?" The blue earth pony pointed at Techno.

Everyone feels the need to bring that up...

"I take it that you're introducing him to everyone...? Very well, my name is Pure Law.” The girl lowered her head in a bow.

Pure Law Super Middle School Level Prosecutor

"Hey! I was gonna introduce myself! Don't cut me off!" The blue earth pony growled at her.

"I didn't cut you off because you hadn't even started speaking..." Pure argued.

" name is Swift. Swift Justice..."

Swift Justice Super Middle School Level Attorney

"Pure is the 'Super Middle School Level Prosecutor' and Swift is the 'Super Middle School Level Attorney'." Memory explained, as if it hadn’t been obvious enough to Techno.

A prosecutor and an attorney...I guess that was why they were arguing...

"I must say...I was a little worried when you just collapsed earlier...are you feeling any better?" Pure asked

"Um...y-yeah, a lot better actually.” Techno nodded.

"So, Techno, answer me a small question...what side of the courtroom is more justified?" Swift asked him suddenly.

"More justified?"

"Attorneys defend those that are accused and prosecutors send the accused away...but what side would you say is more justified in its actions...?"

"Remember, attorneys can defend the guilty"

"And prosecutors can send innocent people away"

"So can attorneys, if they make the wrong accusation..."

"Well, prosecutors would let the guilty get away by sending the defendant to jail!"

These two are really going at each other....

"It would probably be best if we left them to their debate" Memory suggests.

".....actually...I think I have the answer"

"You do?" Pure turns away from Swift. "Let's hear it"

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

"Well...I think both sides are equally justified"

"Equally...?" Pure repeated it as if the word had never been spoken to her.

"Right. Prosecutors could send away the guilty...but there's also the chance of the wrong arrest. Attorneys might be defending the innocent, but on another case, they could be defending the guilty..."

"W-well...honestly, I never thought about that sense, anyway. Rather than one side being more justified than the other…because of the types of outcomes of the trial, they’re equally justified." Pure admitted.

“I guess that true, we both have an equal chance of being wrong or right so we’re kind of on the same level of justification...that does make sense, I guess. Kind of feel like an idiot for not seeing it from that angle earlier." Swift smiled.

Well....if it stopped their arguing...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired
*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

"If you're doing introductions, you should head to the central island once you're finished up on this one..." Swift suggests.

"Central Island?" Memory repeated.

"Yeah, there's a bridge near where we all started. It takes you to a different island, that girl with the glasses went there..." Pure recalled.

"Come to think of it...she hadn't introduced herself to anyone...there was no information on her on the dashboards for Hope's Peak..." Memory rubbed his chin in thought.

"So she's a real mystery girl..." Pure folds her arms.

"...hey, Techno? Why don't we head to the farm?" Memory suggested.

"There's a farm here?" Techno said in slight disbelief.

"Yep..." Memory didn't seemed to think it was out of place.

HOW?!! How are you so calm?!

"Well? Shall we go?"

"...I guess..." Techno sighed, following Memory out of the hotel area. "I still don't understand how you're okay with this..."

"Dunno, maybe because I have the strongest feeling that we'll be getting out of here in no time..." Memory shrugged.

"'re optimistic..."

"Yeah, you should try it for once!" Memory gives him a playful nudge.

"Sometimes you just have to be suspicious about things..." Techno admits. "I've always been like that I guess..."

"...why is that?"

"...I guess it's ever since the first incident..." Techno shrugged, not really sure.

"You call it the 'First Incident'? You make it should like there were others like it..." Memory put his hands in his pocket.

"I know but...people just speculate that there could be another..."

"If that's what you think, then why did you accept the invite?" Memory asked.

"B-because..." Techno blushed. "I...I was feeling a little lonely..."

"Lonely? Why's that?"

"I didn't have a lot of friends back home so...I saw this as a way to fix that...maybe...get someone more than a friend..." There was a small silence between the two. "Sorry...I shouldn't be telling you this..."

"Nah, its fine. I get it, it's a case of monophobia. The fear of being alone...wait, do you have a fear that being egotistical or something would drive them away?"


"Then it is monophobia...don't worry about it..." Memory put his hand on Techno's shoulder. "You can't possibly feel lonely here..."

"...I can see why you're the 'Super Middle School Level Therapist' now..."

" it really showing through?" Eventually the two reached the farm. There was a barn, and an entrance with the sign saying 'Usami Corral'.

"Here we are" Memory says. " doesn't look like there are many animals here..."

" got me!" Usami said, teleporting out of thin air once more.

"You again?! Where do you keep coming from?!"

"I am a very elusive bunny rabbit! I can appear anywhere and everywhere on this island! It's all thanks to my Magical Stick!"

Magical Stick? Is that the ridiculous toy she's holding?

"Oh, but this is indeed troubling...a farm without a cow is like a Neighpon representative who isn't Neighponese!"

"That's an...Odd comparison..." Memory comments.

"Okay! Stand back and leave it to my Magical Stick!" She walked up to one of the chickens that was roaming around the arm and raised her Magical Stick above her head. "Woo-ee-oo!" The chicken became trapped in a pink aura. "Chicken, now!! Become a cow!!" She tapped it with her Magical Stick and the chicken that was standing in that spot before had been replaced with a cow.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-WHAT?!!" Techno stuttered out.

"Great success!!" Usami giggled before teleporting away.

"W-what was...did you just...? Turn...a chicken...INTO A COW?!!!" Techno screamed in confusion.

"It's probably just smoke and mirrors, she must have had that prepared beforehand..." Memory says. "Probably her way of trying to cheer you up...looks like it had an opposite effect..."

Could something like that really just be smoke and mirrors? W...well, if I calm down and think about this rationally...there's no way a chicken would just turn into a cow! It's not possible!

"I think it would be best if you moo-ved along...don't think about it too much. It'll hurt your head..." A turquoise earth pony in a denim jacket, black shirt and black jeans with a small black box with a small microphone wired up to it was clipped onto the belt walked up to them.

...I want to punch him already...and what was with that high voice?

"Something the matter?" He asked.

"Techno, this is Smile you want to introduce yourself?"

"Yeah, name's Smile Gigs, if Memory... serves...that is how you pronounce it...hehe" He smiled to himself/

Smile Gigs Super Middle School Level Comedian

"Well...are you gonna introduce yourself or is that a"

"Well...take a gander at what Smile's talent is..." Memory seemed to try and smile, but it wasn’t working.

"Is it being unfunny?" Techno deadpanned.

"Opposite actually. He can be funny, it's just his puns."

"Yeah, habit of mine" Smile admits. "So, what's your title?"

"Super Middle School Level Inventor..." Techno informed Smile.

"Inventor? Interesting..."

"Not really..." Techno shook his head.

"Nah, it is impressive. How many people do you think could have an idea for a machine and then actually build it? I'm guessing you build them to?" Smile seemed rather intrigued by it.

"Yeah...and yeah, I suppose..."

"Sorry, Smile, he's a bit pessimistic.” Memory frowned at the Pegasus.

"It's fine...I'm sure it'll pass...imistic..."

"One more pun and I'll be forced to punch you.” Techno gritted his teeth.

"Alright, alright, sorry"

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

"Don't tell Smile I said this. But most of the laughs that are generated come from his looks not matching up with his high voice. Most girls would talk to him when they first see him...but when it's his turn to talk..." Memory stopped.

"Hey, there are still girls that stick around!" Smile yelled.

"Hey, I'm just quoting the dashboard..."

"Aw...that's kinda depressing...but, at least you didn't see what they wrote about you..." Smile folded his arms.

"Why?" Memory's eyes narrowed. "What did they say?"

"Oh...nothing for you to be concerned about..." The comedian walked away.

"...I want my answer"

Now you know how I feel...

"Looks like there's one more student here..." Memory indicates the female white unicorn in the white shirt and red skirt that was leaning against the barn.

"Um...excuse me...?" Techno attempted to gain her attention.

"Let's see....there are petunias, daises, roses, sunflower. Those are the ones I've seen so far..." She muttered, jotting something in a small notepad.

"Um..." Techno stood awkwardly in front of her/

"Then there are the palm trees that are scattered everywhere, so we do have excess stocks of medical fruits..." She continued, not paying attention.

"Um, hello?"

"Let me handle this..." Memory says. "Hey! Clover!"

"Oh? Sorry. Didn't notice you guys..." She gave a smile. "So, what can I do for ya?"

"Just an introduction" Memory replied.

"Introduction? Okay, simple enough. Nice to meet you. My name is Clover Penny..."

Clover Penny Super Middle School Level Gardener

"Sorry about that, I was just collecting data on the plantation that grows on this island.” She explained, showing them what was written on the notepad.

"Plantation?" Techno repeated.

"The flowers and trees and different shrubs..." Clover clarified.

"And you're able to tell what they are just at a glance right?" Memory asked.

"That's right!" She smiled proudly.

"I can see why you're the 'Super Middle School Level Gardener'."

"Aw, thanks, Memory! So, what's your name?"

"Techno Blast..." She tapped her cheek with the pencil when he introduced himself.

"Oh...I'll remember that. It has a nice ring to it...maybe a daffodil...or a buttercup..."

"What?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe...probably a bluebell…” She looked away for a moment.

"What are you talking about?" Techno frowned.

"If you were a flower...what would you be? That answer is a bluebell!" Clover concluded.

But...I'm a WHITE Pegasus...not blue...I wonder if she's met my brother...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

"Now, our last introduction will be at the central island, shall we?" Memory turned to Techno.

"Sure...let's go..."

The pair left the farm and headed in the usual direction. "This'll take us back to the beach, won't it...?"

"Yes, but don't worry...look!" Memory points at the huge bridge that stretches across the water from the island they were on. "Now...wouldn't you agree that this bridge looks like it will take us to a different island?"

" it safe to go over there?" Techno said warily.

"Isn't finding out stuff like that the whole reason we're exploring?"

"And if it isn't safe?" Memory was quiet.

"Well, that's it then!" He laughed.

How can he smile whilst saying that?!

Seeing no other option, the two ventured over the long bridge. It was at least a five minute walk but eventually they made it to the central island.

"Hmm...I think there's a park around here somewhere...." Memory tells him. "Let's continue on and see if we can find it, it's a small island so it shouldn't take too long!" They headed down the path. Walking on they noticed a few more bridges, only different part was that they had gates to block them off. "They probably take us to other islands...but why would they be blocked off?"

"I don't think I want to know..." Techno said nervously.

"Relax for once! Honestly, you're so tense...I know that Rip gives a wicked massage if that'll excite you..." Memory paused. "Well...I guess it'll 'excite' you, but, maybe in more ways than one!"

"S-shut up!" Techno shoved him, face flushed.

"Hahahaha! I'm just messing with you. This is what I mean, you're so uptight! I'm guessing it comes from like....your dad, brother?"

"Um...yeah, my dad, but, my brother just sits in his room all day with the occasional visit from one of his friends..."

"You actually have a brother?" Memory said, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, he's kind of dorky probably heard of him, he was-"

"Oh, hey! The park!" Memory cut him off. "Let's check it out!"

Okay...I'll just not answer your question...

Upon entering, you could see a small garden surrounding a statue with a few different types of animals that looked like they were in the middle of a battle royal.

"It's...a pretty small park..." Techno comments.

"A park that's surrounded by the ocean...not a bad place, is it?"

As cheery as ever...well, if the situation was different, I think could also enjoy lazing around in the sun in a place like this...if the situation was different

Over by the statue. The figure of the female grey Pegasus with the glasses in the black coat and skirt with the blue t-shirt that seemed oddly out of place on her outfit, and book was visible.

"Well, there's the last one...I'll need to make my introduction to her to..." The two walked up to her although, she didn't seem interested in talking. "Hey there!" There was no reaction. "Um...hello? Anyone...? We just wanted to say hi..."

"Well, you just did, now leave..." She told them. She was forceful in saying it but there was no emotion whatsoever.

"Err...w-well, yeah but. We wanted to make a proper that alright?" Techno almost pleaded.

"......ugh...fine, if you want my name so much. It's Bright Idea."

Bright Mind Super Middle School Level Theorist

"I'm the 'Super Middle School Level Theorist'. Now yours, don't waste my time.” She clicked her fingers.

"My name is Memory Lapse. I'm the 'Super Middle School Level Therapist'."

"I'm Techno Blast...'Super Middle School Level Inventor'."

"An inventor and a therapist...well I guess they needed something to fill in the spots. You'd expect something useful though..." She huffed.

"Excuse me?" Techno said, insulted.

"You think you could do something a little better. A therapist? Why would you want to get involved in someone else's problems and an inventor? You'll run out of ideas eventually.” The two were quickly angered by her insults.

"Oh, and a theorist is so much better?!" Techno growled.

"Yes, my theories have been right ninety-nine percent of the time. Earlier today was the first time I was wrong..." She admitted.

"I find that hard to believe..." Memory says, unconvinced of her powers.

"Really? Why don't I give you a little taster?" She smirks.

"On what...exactly?" Techno seemed slightly uneasy by her sudden change in demeanour.

"What will happen on this island...?" Techno and Memory went quiet as Bright closed her eyes. "Now...if my theory is correct..." She pushed up her glasses. "Then the evil will show itself here at this park...very soon"

"Evil? What are you talking about?" Memory asked.

"'ll see..." She laughed before walking away from the two.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

I don't think I should have gotten a Hope Shard for her...

*Ding dong, Bing bong!*

"Did you hear that...? It sounded like a school chime..." Techno looked at Memory.

"Techno. Look at that monitor..." He pointed to a monitor that was sat on a stand. It switched on to display Usami sitting in a red chair.

"Congratulations, everyone!" She cheered. "It looks like everyone managed to gather their very own Hope Shard! Oh this make me so very happy! And so, I have prepared special presents so you can be happy to! I'm sorry for the trouble, but please gather up back at the beach! Tee-hee! Let's make our hope's shine together!" The monitor turned off.

"She said we should go back to the beach." Memory said stating the obvious.

"Are you sure it's alright...? I have a bad feeling about this..." Techno said nervously.

"It doesn't make much sense to just stand here and worry. Let's just head to the beach and keep the worrying for later."

"S-shouldn't we take...more precautions...?" I don't like this...but I don't want to be the only one that didn't show up...

"Look, Techno. We'll be fine." Memory reassured him.

"..." Techno sighed. "There's no way to win this argument, so let's just go..."

"That's what I like to hear!" Memory smiled. Leading Techno back across the painfully long bridge, to the First Island, as the sign at the bridge from the central island had labelled it as. The two headed back to where they had started their search on the island to find that everyone had already gathered there. Aside from Usami.

"You two are last here. What took you so long?" Bright asked instantly.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting!" Memory apologised.

"Hmm..." Bright fixed her glasses. "More importantly, this gives us a chance to discuss the situation among ourselves before Usami shows up..."

"Yeah, yeah! I love to talk!" Laser said, receiving some strange glances.

"Let's share our first impressions of this island then..." Bright stands in front of them all, as if trying to lead them.

"There are several sealed off bridges on the Central Island" Paint says first, still not looking up from her sketch. "Why are sealed off? That worries me..."

"Oh! The gates are there to make sure that we don't get lost!" Laser speaks up. "I tried to find a way past 'em, then the bunny showed up and told me!"

"So we don't get lost?" Paint repeated. "I wonder how big this island is..."

Maybe if you raised your head for once...

"Dunno, but all in all, this island feels like a tourist resort" Toxic smirks. "Not that I've ever been to one though..."

"There was that huge farm." Clover smiles.

"Oh, and that supermarket. It was HUGE! So I'm sure there are enough food and supplies for us" Clip twirls his scissors.

"The hotel is beautiful, I don't think I'll mind if that's where we're staying" Aqua folds her arms.

"The restaurant has more than enough seats for everyone here. So sitting down for breakfast, lunch and dinner won't be an issue" Pure says.

"Hey, I have something important to say" Swift said, seriously. "You see, I found something very important on this island."

"You're talking about the girls, right SJ?" Boom smirked.

"Nwah...I feel weird around you, and I don't like feeling weird!" Laser yelled at him.

"That...wasn't what I was referring to..." Swift tells him. "I was talking about the kitchen. There are plenty of ingredients in there to make whatever we want"

"Are you serious? Not one of you mentioned a very important matter?" Bright said, annoyed at them.

"And that would be...?" Smile asked.

"Am I dealing with idiots or something? You're telling me that nobody noticed?" Bright snarled at them.

"What did you say, bitch?" Aqua said with a sneer. "I recommend you stop being so full of yourself before I slap you so hard, your books pages will fly off!"

"Stop howling, you ratchet skank.” The theorist shot.

What important matter? She has my attention... "So, what is this important matter?" Techno asked her, still a little afraid of what she told he and Memory on the Central Island. "Did you find information about the island?"

Bright stayed silent for a few seconds. "Did none of you cross the bridge and visit the park on the Central Island?"

"You mean the one with the statue of all the creepy animals?" Memory asked.

"Yes, when I saw it, I recalled something I heard of a while ago...among the islands of the Southern Equestrian Ocean, there is one known for its scenic beauty. It's not just a single island though. It a set of five islands around a central one. Those five islands are represented by five sacred animals."

"Eh...?" Techno tilted his head.

"The name of that island is...Jabberwock Island..." There were a few murmurs among the group.

"So, could this island we're standing on be Jabberwock Island? Is that what this island is called?" Memory asked.

"If that's the case...then there is something worrying. According to what I've heard, Jabberwock Island is...” She went quiet. "No...Never mind..."

"Whoa, you can't stop in the middle of that!" Quick said.

"I'm just surprised you heard all that..." Aqua giggled.

"Don't worry, after I finish off my investigation and confirm my thoughts, I'll tell everything you want to know..." Bright promises.

"Who cares what this place is called?" Smile asked. "I mean, it doesn't matter either way, does it? We'll be living here for a while no matter what we do..."

"Living on a tropical, southern island sounds like so much fun! I'm so ready for this!" Laser throws an enthusiastic punch in the air.

"Yeah, dudes, no school either!" Boom points out.

"H...hey, why is everyone...?" Techno started.

"Yeah! I love this island!" Clover giggles.

"Some people are a different matter...." Aqua adds.

"Sure...some of this is worrying, but we shouldn't despair yet. This place isn't that bad" Bud smiles. "There's no real danger here, and it seems we can do as we please! Why don't we try and make the best of it?!"

"W-what are you saying...? Try thinking rationally...!" Techno pleaded. "We were all supposed to enrol into Hope's Peak Academy! And now we're being told that we need to live on this island! This is strange no matter what angle you look at it from!"

"C'mon, Techy, you might not be thinking straight because of shock. Try to cool off a little" Rip suggests.


"Well it's not like we have anywhere to escape to even if we wanted to" Swift tells him.

"Yeah, there are no boats and there may as well be no planes either" Toxic supports Swift's statement.

"And since our cell phones are gone, we have no communication with the outside world" Paint tells him. "So you know...kinda difficult to tell anyone that we need help"

"Can't we just swim back?" Smile suggests.

"Um, honey, I don't think so. I'll get my clothes wet, plus I can't swim that far" Clip argues.

"Yeah I'm with the offensive stereotype" Aqua agrees.

"Aw, where's the spirit you guys!" Quick says.

"She’s right, it's impossible...we're too far from any other land mass" Bud says. "The Equestrian land is too far from here, the only reason I know that is because the closest island to Equestria is a good two hundred and thirty miles away"

"W-well...we could cut some trees and make a raft" Techno suggests.

"You can't do that! I'm very serious about that!" Usami scolded him, once again, appearing out of nowhere. "Remember our rules! They're in the guide to this field trip! 'Damaging the environment is forbidden. Let's live in harmony on this beautiful harmony'. See? All I wish is for you to live peacefully with your friends and nature on this beautiful tropical island!"

"W...why should we follow any of your rules?! We never agreed to any of that!" Techno said back.

"I suggest that you stop now." Bright intervenes. "That bunny seems extremely obsessive over her rules...there's a chance you will endanger the entire group by doing something reckless. Do you want to do that?"

"I...I never said anything about 'danger'! I would never do something like that!" Usami said, half panicking.

"Look, Techno. I know you must be feeling rather nervous, but, I think you should calm down..." Memory whispered into Techno ear.

"Either way, it doesn't look like there is any danger on this island unless we do something weird, honey" Clip says.

"As long as we get them Hope Shards, we'll be home in no time, yo!" Boom says

"Do you seriously believe that?" Techno questioned.

"We have no choice but least for now..." Bright tells him.

"Hey, Usami! Didn't you mention something about 'presents' in that TV show of yours?" Laser asked

"Oh, that's right! Not that I forgot or! Love! Here they are!" She pulled out some keychains of herself and handed one to each of the students. "Don't worry, there's enough for everyone! I even have extras in case you lose yours!" Everyone goes silent, all staring at the small figurine.

"What the...?" Memory starts.

"Heeheeheehee! They're my Usami Charms!" She giggled. Looking rather proud of herself. "They speak if you push their belly!"

Techno paused before pressing his. "My name is Usami! Magical Girl Miracle Usami! I'm a teeny sweet milky girl!!"

"Isn't it cute? Love! Love!"

"What a bunch of garbage" Bright scoffs.

"Aw...I was expecting something a little more worth coming here..." Laser sighed.

"I object to you thinking this was worth our time!" Swift said.

"Really? I think they're kind of cute" Rip smiles. "Especially how the ears look like rabbit ears"

"That's because I'm a wabbit! I thought I made that very clear!" Usami reminded them.

Didn't matter, most are already in the sand...the only ones that didn't throw them away were Rip and I.

"Hey! Dirtying nature with garbage is prohibited!" Usami scolded.

"Aha! So you admit that they're garbage!" Laser says triumphantly.

Even if she isn't telling us why we're here...I have to feel bad for Usami. I'd probably throw mine away as well but...something about them are just strangely attaching.

Usami picked up the keychains, crestfallen, and looked at them with a sad face."Uu....I even prepared another present...but you're all such horrible children so I don't want to give them to you anymore. Except for Rip and Techno!"

"So there's something else?" Paint asked.

"Well, compared to my Usami Charms, they aren't that much of a big deal, but...I prepared a 'motive' for all of you." Techno wobbled at the word ‘motive’.

"A...a motive?" Techno repeated trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

"That right! A motive for everyone to become friends! Seeing as we're by the sea, I thought we should do something for the occasion!"

"Really? What is it? A welcoming party?" Smile asked.

"Bingo!" Usami threw her arms in the air.

"Oh wow, what kind of party is this?" Pure asked enthusiastically.

"If we're having a party on the island there's gonna have to be an awesome meal, right, right?!" Laser asked.

"A campfire would be nice!" Bud recommended.

"We could prepare something nice from the wildlife!" Clover added

"Everyone, I realize that you all have your wishes, but since we're at the sea..." She produced sixteen bags. Eight red and eight blue. "See? This would be a great start!"

"...Swimming bags...?" Memory questioned.

"Bingo! Love, love!"

"So, that means...?" Toxic started.

"That's right! I prepared swimsuits for each of you! Well, they're school swimsuits, but please put up with them!" Usami gestured to them all.

"You want us to wear swimsuits...? Right now?" Techno asked.

"I'm not ordering you to do anything. It's just, I thought you all might want to go for a swim" Usami explained.

"W...who would ever swim in this place?!" Techno said. "Nobody would just jump in the ocean when we don't even know how we got here...!"

"WOOOOHOOOO!!!!" Laser's voice bellowed through the island as she ran off with one of the bags.

"Eh...?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"This is perfect, it's been hot all day!" Toxic said grabbing another.

"I concede." Swift smiles.

"It's been so long since I swam in the ocean!" Bud smiled.

"See ya later! I'm going to go get changed!" Quick announced.

I can't believe that they're all doing this...

"Hey Techno, what's wrong? You're like the only one that isn't going to get changed!" Memory asked him. Techno was quiet. "Look, I understand how you feel about this place, and I don't want to say anything out of place, but...I don't want you to feel left out, you should join us..." Saying nothing more, Memory headed off to the hotel.

There's nothing dangerous on this island...? Is that true...? And if it I the only one that got it wrong?

"There's still one bag weft" Usami tells him.

"Two, actually, Rip's already in the water. She wears a wetsuit so she doesn't need to get changed." Techno corrects.

"Well...there's only one boys bag left." She tapped the blue bag.


"Yes, the red ones are for the girls and the blue ones are for the boys!"

...surely nobody took the wrong one...

"I hate it when others are left out..." Usami and Techno stared at each other for a while.

".......ugh, fine..." Techno gave in and took the last blue bag and headed off to the hotel.


By the time Techno had made it halfway back to the beach, he could already the voices of everyone else. He walked on the sand in the black swimming shorts that he found in the bag along with snorkelling gear and a towel that he left back in his hut. Everyone else's swim suit was black but at the time still different for everyone. The only odd one out was Rip, in her dark blue and white wet suit.

"Oh, hey Techy" Rip greeted, wading out of the water. "...How come you still have your hoodie?"

"W-well...I just wasn't that sure if I was going to go into the water so I just brought it..." He replied timidly.

"Aw...well, if you want to join us, I could finally show you some surfing tricks" She gestures over to two surfboards resting against the palm trees. "This is nice though...look how much everyone else are enjoying this!"

"The water is a lot warmer than I thought" That was Pure.

"I love the salty taste of the sea!" Had to be from Laser.

"Hey! I brought some sunscreen from the supermarket if anyone needs it!" Quick told them.

"Pass it here, yo!" Boom said.

"Hey, Boom, do you mind putting some on my back?" Bud asked him.

"Wha-? H-hey I could-"

"Sure, whateves!"

"Be careful with where he's putting that on you, Bud..." Clover warns her.

This place...really is starting to feel like a resort...

"Of course...there are the other five that didn't join us...why don't you talk to them? I'll be in water!" Rip runs off back into the ocean.

"So..." He turns to those that hadn't ventured into the ocean. "Aqua? How come you aren't going to swim?"

"I only changed because I'd looks out of place and out of style if I didn't. I have no interest in the water whatsoever. I see you're still wearing my design though. You'd better not get it wet!"

"Uh...d-didn't plan on it!"

"Good to hear..." She went over and sat under one of the palm trees.

"What about you Bright?" Techno turned to the grey Pegasus.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment to go in..."


"My theory is that if I go in the water in exactly two minutes and thirty-four seconds from when I finish this sentence, I can achieve maximum enjoyment." She explained, adjusting her glasses as she spoke.

"Um...right...Clip?" He hoped for a slightly normal answer.

"Oh, I'm not getting my hair wet. But I'll do it if you jump in with me...and you let me put the sunscreen on your body..."

"No" Techno said forcefully before turning away from him.

"Nice vi-"

"Don't finish that sentence!" Techno walked up to Paint. "So how come you're over here?"

"I want to finish my sketch before anything else..." She explains.

"You've been working on that since we got here, what are you drawing?" He asked, when he tried to sneak a peek at her progress, she held it against her chest.

"Our class..." She slowly moved it away when Techno backed off.

"Why are you drawing that?"

"It's a group photo, Usami thinks it could bring us all closer together and if it helps us get off the island...then I want this to be the best drawing I ever drew!" She spoke with determination.

"And finally...Smile?" Techno looked at the last of the five that didn’t venture

"I want to work on a seaside comedy routine before I jump on in, distractions could cost me it, y'know?" He answered, writing down what was presumably his routine whilst fiddling with the black box sat at his side.

"A seaside comedy routine?"

"Yep. Might have a few aquatic jokes that I think you'll find re-eel-ly impressive!" he chuckled.

Wow everyone is in such high spirits...b-but I...

"I am so happy!" Usami exclaimed. "Everyone is getting along and having fun, and that makes me happy! I thought it would be difficult but it seems I underestimated the Super Middle School Level students! This is a great start to our Heart-Thumping Field Trip!" Techno looked around at everyone.

What is this...? This...indescribable I'm an outcast...could I have really been wrong all along?

"I get it..." Techno said aloud. "I should just go along with it, right? In that case...why don't I...? Alright, Rip! How about those surfboarding lessons?"

"Techno! I'm so very happy to see that you're relaxed now!" Usami told him

"Me too...hey, Aqua, hold onto my hoodie for me, kay?" He passed his hoodie over to her.

"Only because it's one of my designs." She tells him.

"Aw...I wanted Techno's hoodie..." Clip sighed.

"No way. I don't care how stereotypical you are, you are not touching my design!" Aqua yelled fiercely.

"Hey Techno!" Memory called him, he was standing with Rip. "C'mon over already!"

"Alright! Coming!" Techno ran into the water and waded over to them and just as he reached them. Huh...?

The beautiful blue sky quickly clouded over with disgusting looking black clouds. What's going on....?

"What's going on?!" He said it out loud this time. "Why is the sky going dark? This isn't natural!"

"Eh? W...what?" Even Usami seemed confused.

"Usami, what's happening?" Techno asked. "The weather was great until a second ago!"

"A...awa....awawawawawa....." She started yelling. "T-this can't be happening! Not again!"

"Huh?" Techno looked at the rabbit.

"If I didn't do this...then...this is impossible! This can't be!" She waved her stubby arms in the air.

W-what is she....?

"Upupupupupu...." The laugh sounded throughout the beach as the monitor turned onto a hazy figure, around the same size as Usami. "Aaaa--Aaaa---...! Mic check, mic check! Aaa--aaa--aaa--aaa--! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

That's an...Out of place, easy-going voice...very different to Usami's....this is more sinister... Techno started to shiver.

"Upupupu! Did you let one out? Did you let one out in surprise? You did! Didn't you? Well, then! I've kept you waiting far too long. Let's end this boring opening act...It's time to bring on the headliner! Please gather at Jabberwock Park, you guys!" It switched off.

"No! No! No! No! It's impossible!" Usami cried out. "I can't...I can't let him win again! I must do this!" Usami disappeared.

"Hey! Wait!" Techno called out, though it came out more as a strained cough.

"That felt...alarming..." Swift said.

"I think we should go to..." Clover suggests. "He said Jabberwock Park, right? Let's go..."

"H...hey! Wait up!" Aqua called out.

"But...what about us that have been swimming?" Toxic asked.

"We can't wait for you all to dry off. We need to go!" Bright commanded. Techno shakily grabbed his hoodie that Aqua left behind in her hast.

What the hell is going on...? What the hell is happening...? "W-w-w-we need to Jabberwock Park..." Techno said nervously.


Techno was last to show up at Jabberwock Park. He was barely able to move when he heard Usami's voice echoing around the island from the bridge.

"Where are you hiding?! Where are you?!" She yelled at nobody.

"Where's who hiding?" Techno asked.

"Upupupupu!!" The voice cackled again.

"W-what was...?” Swift started.

"Hey hey! Where are you?! Where?!" Usami yelled again.


"Guys...the statue!" Memory pointed. Everyone turned to see what he was talking about and at the exact moment a figure, the same rough size as Usami and the same shape as the hazy figure flew out from behind the statue. A bear plush, one half was white and the other was black with an evil grin and glowing red eye.

"Sorry to have kept you all waiting..." It spoke. "Long time no see! I am Monokuma! The school's headmaster!" He stood up. "And now that I've made my long overdue appearance, first I have to say...that was tepid! Lukewarm! Damp! Are you...damp too...?" His white side started to sweat.

"I knew it was you again!" Usami said. " are you here? Why are you here, Monokuma?!"

Mono....Kuma? Techno trembled at the name.

"Silence! I'm very angry! The tepid mood you guys are wallowing in is making me sick! You're seriously bringing your 'Heart-Thumping Filed Trip' into this world to?! It's boring! Despair-inducingly boring! Who could ever get excited over something like that?! Let's end this farce now! We have to respond to society's needs, y'know? Nobody wants to see a bunch of middle school students enjoying peaceful, quiet days in the sun! Nope. What everyone wants is...Suffering. Hardship. Misery. Despair."

"W-what the hell are you talking about?! Someone make this stuffed toy shut the hell up!" Aqua said, enraged.

"Speaking of which...who is this new stuffed toy?" Bright inquired.

"Stand back everyone!" Usami told them. "Let me handle this! He may have gotten me once before but this time-"

"HIYA!" Monokuma cried, crashing into Usami. There was a sudden wrestling match between to two. "Take that! And that!!" Monokuma yelled.

"S...stop this!" Usami yelled.

"Bang! Wham!!"

"Kyaaaaaa!!" The two rolled away from each other, Monokuma now with the Magical Stick, he threw it to the ground and broke it in two.

"Ta-da! Another flawless victory from Monokuma!"

"Nooo! Not again!"

"Now for the finishing touches!" He grabbed Usami. "You need to re-do your colour scheme again! Ahahaha!" They got into another fight. "If you resist, you'll just taste the sweetness of suffering longer!"

"Kyaaaa! Stop it!!"

"Hey! Keep still! I can't shove this wooden rod into you if keep moving!"

"No! I...I said don't do that!" The two separated. Usami was now more like Monokuma, one half was white and the other was pink with a glowing red eye but unlike Monokuma...she had a diaper on.

"Ta-daaaa! Perfecto!"

"Wha-?! Why again?! I want my old outfit back right now!"

"Oh, you're being a bad girl, Monomi, snapping back at your brother's sense of style like that!" Monokuma’s claws sharpened.

"No! I don't want to be Monomi, I don't want to be your little sister!" She whined.

"Well, Usami's character is to boring, you need to my little sister's a retcon you see..."

"Why do I need to be your little sister, again?!"

"Do you really think I'll let you be my bigger sister? The one I had no connection to at all for my entire life? No, we've went through this. You're my little sister. Therefore, you should never disobey your older brother again! I won't let you off with it next time!" Monokuma spat at Monomi.

"Whaaaa?! Even my name is being written as 'Monomi'?! I can't let you make all these changes!" Monokuma charged at Monomi and threw his fist at her, causing her to fly a couple of meters away. "Guwaaaaaaaa!!"

"Silly sister, did you honestly think that you could fight your older brother?" Monokuma scoffed.

"I don't want to be punched again! Being punched really hurts!"

"How about it? Prepared to give up yet?" Monokuma cackled.

W...what's going on...?

"Uuuu.....I want my Magical Stick back...."

"Upupupupu!! If you didn't leave that opening for the second time now...we wouldn't have gone through this..."

"Yo, what's with this puppet show, eh?" Boom asked.

"Don't ask me!" Clover said.

"This...doesn't seem good..." Paint says.

"How are you sketching at a time like this?!" Pure yelled at her.

"W...what the heck is going on...?" Swift asked.

"Uu...." Monomi wept.

"Her colouring is off now...totally weird." Aqua comments.

"Weird? But it's the same as mine...are you trying to hurt my feelings?" Monokuma looked down with a depressed sigh.

"They're multiplying!!" Laser screeched.

"Who's the black and white racoon anyway?" Smile asked.

"I'm not a racoon you overgrown mule! I'm a bear! And my name is Monokuma!"

"M-mule...?" Swift repeated, with a hurt expression.

"Someone please explain what's going on..." Toxic said.

"I'm Monokuma! Hope's Peak Academy headmaster!"

"Monokuma...?" Memory repeated.

"Did he say 'Headmaster'?" Quick asked.

"Yep..." Rip nodded.

"Enough rabbiting. It's time to bring our newest development to bear."

"M-my puns!" Smile said half-hearted.

"Your headmaster has an announcement for you! Our 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings' begins now!" Everyone froze.

Field Trip....of Mutual.....k-killings?

"Becoming friends is to boring of a goal to have! Where's the suspense? Where's the drama?! Nobody wants to play that kind of game! You guys agree, don't you? Therefore from this point on. This is now known as the 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings'! You guys being the participants of course!"

" killings...?" Swift repeated.

"No!" Monomi yelled. "I can't let this happen again!" Monokuma charged at her again, this time though, he sent an upward kick to her jaw. "Ugaaaaaaaa!"

"Sorry, Monomi is a very dim child...she just doesn't understand, no matter how many time I tell her...but of course, a little sister that's smarter than an older brother only exists in comics and such..."


"Anyway, I should get back to explaining the rules of our field trip!"

"Why are you talking about? 'Mutual Killings'?" Clip asked.

"It's...self-explanatory...y'know, you go around and kill each other. I thought that was clear enough..."

"Killing each other, eh?" Toxic said. "KILLING EACH OTHER?!!!"

"W...why are you saying that? Who would actually do something like that?" Swift asked.

"But...leaving the island because you made a few new friends is really boring, don't you think? That's why I'm changing the rules! If you want to leave the island, please kill one of your friends!" He cackled again. "Then you must overcome the 'School Trial'!"

"School...Trial?" Bud repeated.

"Right! That's the best part of this 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings'! In case murder occurs between you guys. The survivors must participate in a school trial, this is a face-off between those that are innocent and a culprit. During this, you will try to deduce who the culprit is amongst you and then vote on who you think the culprit is...if you can figure it out and guess correctly, the culprit will be 'punished' and the rest of you can go on your merry way on this field trip. But! If you guess the wrong culprit...then the culprit will be allowed to leave, and the rest of you shall be 'punished' in their place! Those are the rules of the School Trial! So basically, if you kill someone and hide your guilt, you get to leave the island. If not, you'll be punished...Upupupu! Those are very easy to understand, right?"

"W-when you say...'punished'..." Toxic treads carefully. “Do you mean…”

"Oh right, I should have made that a little clearer. You get executed!"

" execution?" Pure goes pale.

Monokuma's eye glowed. "The spectacular 'Punishment Time' following a school trial will be the high point of the field trip! Upupupu! I can't wait to see what punishments I'll get to use! We might have a humorous one as well, like skewering the culprit's head on a stick. I don't how you do it: Strangle, drowning, beating, burning, falling, slashing, poisoning, cooking, shooting, tickling, beheading, shredding, electrocution, cursing...use whatever way you want! This is an all-you-can-eat murder buffet with no time limit! A buffet of murders, an amusement park of killings...I should use those in the future...either way. That is how the 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings' works!"

Techno started to tremble. Before he knew it he had to seize his chest, there was a sharp pain pulsing through him with each heartbeat, like there were needles in his blood vessels.

"Don't....don't play around with us!" Smile yelled.

"Y-yeah! Nobody is gonna kill anyone!" Toxic said.

"It's not like I'm ordering you to kill anyone, it's just a suggestion...but remember...youth goes away in the blink of an eye! You'll regret waiting until you're in your forties before killing anyone!"

"Nope, I'm not gonna believe this, this is totally a dream. I must have just passed out from a race, right?" Quick kept talking, trying to convince himself.

"So, what if nobody kills? Does that mean that we never leave this island?" Memory asked.

"Who knows? Anyway, I hope we'll have a fair-and-square 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings' from now on!"

"W-wait!" Aqua yelled. "Why do we need to kill each other?!"

"Isn't it obvious? You guys have a reason to after all..."

"W-w-what...?" Techno barely got out.

"We've let you say all this crap without saying anything back ourselves...and now you're telling us there's a motive?!" Quick said.

"Why don't we just beat the shit out of this black and white furball?" Clover suggests.

"Yes, anyone who thinks about murder will be stopped by force." Paint twirls her pencil.

"Yeah! Even jockstrap over there won't accept this!" Laser said.

"What'd she say?" Quick asked.

"And we're back to square one..." Aqua sighed.

" that's how it is...I guess it was inevitable...if you use violence against me! I will reply with my own!" Monokuma let out a sigh.

"Violence? Ah! No! That can't be!" Monomi panicked.

"O scions of the void between light and shadow, hear me! Fulfil thy ancient contract! Monobeasts! I bid thee arise!" There was a loud rumbling as the plating on the park statue began to crumble away. As the pieces fell off, real life figures appeared from beneath the plating showing all the animals that were on the statue display to surround Monokuma like a barrier.

What...what the hell....?

"I.....Impossible..." Bud says.

"The statues...they're moving...?" Toxic takes a few steps back.

"Oh, they aren't statues, they're my Monobeasts!"

"M-M-MONSTERS!!!" Laser cries.

"Use your ears! They're Monobeasts!" Monokuma corrected a second time.

My brother always told me that shock had the ability to render you speechless...he wasn't can these monsters just appear?

"T-this is all wrong! I need a boy to hold me!" Clip yelled.

"This...this is a nightmare, right?" Pure said.

"Are you seriously trying to explain this as a dream or illusion?" Monokuma asked annoyed. "You all just reject whatever falls out of the tiny frame of common sense! Seriously, ponies from my world had more open minds than you! Separating into genres is just another modern disease!"

"Everyone, please! Stand back!" Monomi told them. "I...I will protect you! Even if I die, I will protect you all!"

"Upupu...huh? What is it? Oh! This is that feeling you get before you throw up! Nausea! Sorry, I get it when Monomi tries to have a sense of justice. Fine! Have it your way, Monomi! I'll make you an example for my Monobeasts!"

Monokuma jumped onto the eagle beast and made a gesture to Monomi. On response, the beast's wing altered into a machinegun, firing bullets at Monomi, puncturing holes throughout her entire figure. There was one though, one stray bullet flew over Monomi, scraping Techno's cheek. A tree fell with a crash and Monomi's ribbon floated down onto the ground.

"A...ah...” Swift made some noises.

"Why?! This is only the prologue and already, Monomi died!" Laser yelled.

"Boom! Boom! Monobeasts are incredible, don't you think? Yeah...this feels good...such a nice sense of despair...I guess that's what happens when you make someone an example! Ahahahahaha!" Whilst Monokuma continued his insane laugh, everyone else had become as frozen as ice. They just stood there, dumbfounded. Powerless, like ants in the middle of a flood. "Well, now that you all can't oppose me...anyway, since this new field trip has started, I updated your ElectroIDs! You can find the 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings' rules in there now! Don't break those rules...this is like a dictatorship, break my rules....I break you...Now, then! Please enjoy your stay on this deadly tropical island!" And just like that. He disappeared, along with the Monobeasts.

Everyone had gone pale, even Paint had dropped her sketch.

"W...what's going on...?" Memory broke the silence.

"Hey...I can handle having opponents in my races but...what are we supposed to do against those ridiculously huge monsters?!" Quick yelled out.

"Why is this happening to us...? I don't get it..." Toxic said.

"Hmph...." Bright simply said. "Monokuma and the Monobeasts must be some moving machines, that's all...meaning someone is controlling them..."

"So someone is behind this?" Paint asked her. "Someone is really pulling the strings in all of this?"

"Who would do such a thing to us?!" Bud said. "Who?!"

"We can't focus on that...we need to focus on something much bigger...defending ourselves. Not from the Monobeasts, nor Monokuma. I'm talking about a far greater force...each other. Those standing amongst us...we're a group of strangers that have been asked to murder each other in hope of getting off this island...those that are too weak to handle it...will be dead in no time..." They all looked around at each other. Their expressions gave it away, they all agreed with Bright. 'Only a student that gets away with murder can leave'. So if one of them wanted to leave...they'd need to sacrifice another.


This isn't...this isn't some regular This was much more, I learnt what the phrase 'Evil never rests' really meant and what the word 'despair' could mean...but that is only the beginning...the beginning of this 'Field Trip of Mutual Killings' on this island.[/I

Chapter 1: (Ab)Normal Days

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Chapter 1: A Murderous Memory

Techno sat at the pool, it was dark out even with the evil clouds the stuffed bear, Monokuma, had created. There were no clocks around either so there was no way to tell how late it was. Techno fiddled with his thumbs, thinking about what he and the others had been told earlier. The fact that they had to murder another to leave the island not to mention the school trial as well. execution for loser...

"DAMMIT!!!" Techno yelled, kicking the pool water, not that it was going to do anything special. It didn't matter how any of them looked at it, this bear seemed serious about them offing each other. it must just be a joke though, right? That was the most logical explanation for it.

"Techno?" The high pitched but still slightly masculine voice of Smile Gigs came from his side. "Are you alright?" Smile sat beside him. "I heard you yell, I thought something had happened..."

"Sorry to have disturbed you..." Techno said rather quietly.

"It's fine." Smile gives a wave as if to say 'just shrug it off'. "I mean, they can't be serious about this, right? I mean, killing each other? That's insane. Not to mention that there's no way the police aren't looking for us if we're stuck on this island."

"But that's just the thing...we're stuck here, with no communication...I want to go home, Smile, I want to see my dad and my brother again..."

" have a brother?" Smile asked.

" you have any siblings?"

"I have an older sister, she was a total nutcase but...I loved her..."

"...'was'?" Techno looked at him, noticing his mood seemed to have dropped at the mention of his sister.

"Yeah she's uh...dead now..." Techno's eyes widened, the fact that Smile could just openly say that was amazing to him. "What about your brother?"

"Well...he's a little dorky but...I do miss him, he was always getting himself into trouble." Techno gave a small laugh. "No matter where he went, he'd always get stuck in something. Baltimare, Manehatten, Canterlot, Appleoosa. The list goes on and on..."

"Well, his life doesn't seem boring at least. Got any other siblings?" Smile seemed almost to interested.

"Um...another older brother and a step-sister..."

"Step-sister? You have a second Mom or Dad?"

"Oh, no. She was adopted before I was born...never really a chance to meet my oldest brother or my step-sister until I was nine though..."

"How come?" Techno kept quiet for a few seconds. "What is it?"

"Sorry, Smile...I'd just rather not talk about it..."

"Oh...alright then, I won't try to press for the details, I guess." Smile said. He seemed like a good guy when he wasn't just looking for a chance to make his dumb puns.

*Ding dong, bing bong!* Techno and Smile looked around when they heard the jingle.

"Ahem! This is an announcement from the Glimmering Hope...wait, who the hell named it that? Let's try this again: Ahem! This is an announcement from the Hope's Peak Field Trip Supervisor. That means me,'s 10pm you bastards so the hotel is gonna be locked soon and entry is prohibited. Also, I suggest you go to bed around this time, won't want to look suspicious by creeping around at night, would ya?" The announcement ended.

"I guess that means we should head back to our cabins..." Smile states the obvious.

"I suppose..." Techno agrees. The two head back to the two rows of cabins. and head inside their respective cabin. Techno's cabin was rather plain, it had a well sized bed, a set of drawers that contained his other clothes and a mirror. Nothing was to interesting about it. Techno changed into a set of pyjamas that were in the top drawer and crawled into bed, sitting his blue tinted lens glasses on top of the drawers. "I just gotta have a little faith in the others..." He murmured to himself. "They kill one way..." As he kept repeating that thought in his mind, he slowly drifted off into his slumber.

*Ding dong, bing bong!* Techno shot up when he heard the loud jingle.

"Ahem! This is an announcement from the Hope's Peak Field Trip Supervisor. It's 7am you bastards! Wake up and enjoy the sun, sex and sand...actually forget that second one." The monitor turned off.

There is something wrong with that bear... Techno got out of bed, grabbing his glasses and got changed quickly. Everyone will probably be at the restaurant. That's most likely gonna act as our base...

"TECHNO!!!" A voice bellowed from behind him, half way through getting changed causing Techno to jump around, coming face-to-face with Laser Light. "Good to see you're up quickly!"

"ACK?! L-Laser?!" Techno's face flushed as he tried his best to cover himself up from the female unicorn.

"Ugh, you boys are so self-conscious on this stuff, seriously." The girl groaned.

"How and why are you here?!" Techno threw her the question.

"Okay, well first: You forgot to lock the door, not that it would matter since I can pick locks and second: I don't think you should be late for the meeting at the restaurant!"

"Couldn't you just slide a note under the door?!" Laser paused for a few seconds.

"Oh yeah...I guess I could have..." She smiled.

"GET OUT!!!" Techno shoved her out of the door.

"Fine, fine. But like I said, don't be late!" Laser called from the other side of the door along with the sound of her fading footsteps.

That was just creepy... Techno shook his head before finishing getting dressed and heading to the restaurant. From the lobby he could hear two voices arguing. I swear, if this is Pure and Swift again, I will throw myself off the building... He climbed the stairs into the room to see the other fifteen students sitting around various tables, like friendship groups in a high school and just like Techno had predicted, Pure and Swift were at it again but it wasn't arguing, they were laughing. What the hell?

"You're kidding, right? A toupee?" Pure asked him.

"Yep, the dude just threw onto the ground! It was hilarious!" Swift replied.

"What the heck did I miss?" Techno asked confused by their sudden friendliness towards each other.

"A lot of annoying laughter..." Aqua told him, she was sat a table with nobody else, she didn't seem like the one that would rather be on her own. "Serious, they've been at it since they got here..."

"Hey, Techno!" Memory called the Pegasus over, he was sat at a table with Clover, Rip and Smile. "C'mon, we saved you a seat." Techno gave a small smile and sat between Rip and Memory. "How are you feeling?"

"Um...better than I thought I would, thanks to Smile." Techno answered.

"Smile? What did he do?" Clover asked.

"He sat at the pool with me last night and helped me calm down a little."

"G-geez, you make it sound like we're dating or something, seriously" Smile had a small pink tint on his face.

"Aw, no need to be so modest, Smile, that was a great thing you did." Rip told the colt. There was a yell from the centre of the room.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" It was Bright's commanding voice. "My theory states that already one of you is thinking of murdering another, but don't bother. With my ability, there is no possible way you'll get away with it!"

"Uh huh!" Aqua says. "And what about you? If you murder someone here? Then what happens? We just believe you and we all die? Fuck that!"

"Hmph!" Bright fixed her glasses, eyes fixed on the designer. "And just what sort of basis do you have for you claim, split ends?"

"Split ends?!" Aqua stood up. "That's it!" Aqua almost hurled herself at Bright but was quickly stopped by the unicorns in the room.

"She's not worth it, dude!" Boom told her.

"Yeah, just ignore her!" Memory said. They all dropped Aqua who turned back and sat in her seat.

"So, basis for my claim? Well, to be honest, we all have a motive right? Freedom. We all want to get off this island and some will be more willing than others to play the game."

"Game?" Toxic repeated. "What do you mean by 'game'?"

"Obviously I'm talking about the not-so-mutual killings that Mono whatever has set up for us. Some of us are more willing to sacrifice the rest of us to escape than others."

"Oh! Please don't think like that, Aqua!" Bud said coming from the kitchen with a small plate of food. "We're all friends here, we can't think like that!"

"Oh shut up!" This surprised everyone. "This little nice girl act isn't fooling me!"

"N-nice girl act?!" Bud trembled slightly.

"Let's make one thing clear...I am not anybody's friend. Got it?"

"But, Bud is the 'Super Middle School Level Social' she's friends with everyone!" Quick said.

"So? There's always exceptions to rules. Trusting her so easily will come back to bite you in the ass!"

"Grass?" Quick tilted his head.

"Get a goddamn hearing aid!" Aqua yelled at him.

"Silence!" Bright yelled out, causing everyone to look at her. "Now. Like I said, none of you can deny the fact of a murder possibly occurring! Am I wrong?" Nobody responded. "Good, now, I am not going to repeat myself. One! Those who are weak, you may as well just drop dead now."

"Those who are weak?" Clip repeated. "Honey, I swear if you're talking about me..." His grip tightened around his scissors.

"Oh? Someone already with a murderous passion? That didn't take long" Bright smirked.

"Wha-?! I would never hurt paying customers!" Clip retorted.

"But...nobody here has any money...or want a haircut..." Rip pointed out.

"Maybe, Techno wants one? Free of charge?" Clip gave a sly smile.

"No." Techno told him forcefully. Clip scoffed.

"Honey, you do not just turn a free offer from the Super Middle Level Hairdresser, that is just wrong!"

"This is an irrelevant matter!" Bright intervened. "Those I am referring to are those that can't handle the pressure of this or are to trusting of others...if my prediction is're first. If the murders occur..." She pointed at Techno.

"M-me?!" Techno yelled, standing up. "You can't be serious!"

"Yeah!" Rip joined. "You can't just say that Techno's gonna die! That's just low!"

"And my prediction" Smile pretended to have glasses on and a book by his side. "Is that your prediction is total BS." There were a few snickers from Smile's imitation.

"Feh, this is what I mean." Bright shrugged. "The ones that rely on others, just like...Techno, was it? I guess I should learn your name before your demise..." Bright then fixed her glasses once more. "But, that isn't what we're here to talk about. We're here to talk about the situation."

"Right, Laser mentioned that to me when she broke the lock to my cabin..." Smile said. "...Speaking of which, where is Laser?"

"She's went on an errand for me. She'll be back soon though." Bright explained "Anyway, first I'd like to pose a question: Monokuma does want us all to kill each other and despite my previous words...I'd like to prevent that. If we want to all live through this, then what do you think is the most important thing right now?"

"How should we know?" Aqua scoffs. "Just get to the point."

"Answer my question then." Bright replies.

"The utmost importance?" Smile said. "This is probably just because of my rude awakening but I'd say food and sleep."

"How about a serious answer?" Bright said.

"Maybe you're referring to our relationships with one another?" Memory suggested.

"Oh, I like where this is going." Clip said.

"Let's face it..." Memory said, ignoring the pink Pegasus. "If we can't work together...we'll never get out of here...but with our relationships with each other being a certain level...we could easily make it through this! And that's what we need the most to escape the island."

"I can't believe you managed to do that with a straight face." Clover said. "I'd probably crack up halfway through..."

"What? Too much?" Memory asked.

"Doesn't matter, he does have a point..." Paint says, back to her sketch.

"Yo, B-Mind, why ain't the question: How is Paintsy still workin' on that drawin' of her's, eh?" Boom says.

"Anyway..." Paint gives an irritated grunt. "Monokuma designed the rules to turn us against each other so we wouldn't work together."

"That is the perfect answer..." Bright gave a small smile. "Since none of us can simply stand alone in this, we need to fight as a group. But even so, to strengthen the group, we mustn't just simply create a strong bond with each other."

"Huh?" Memory raised an eyebrow. "What is it then?"

"We need a leader!" Bright says.

"Whelp, every team needs a captain." Quick says.

"And I plan on taking this responsibility."

"What?" Techno says.

"And now that, that is covered, we can proceed to the main issue."

"Whoa! Hold on!" Toxic stopped her.

"What do you want, chemist?"

"What's wrong?! You can't just say you're our leader just like that! Why should it be you anyway?!"

"Is there another here that could be better for the job?" Bright asks. "As the Super Middle School Level Theorist, I can practically predict who will murder who and when. I can easily prevent the murders from happening."

"But even so, your attitude stinks!" Toxic argues.

"Hold on, Toxic." Memory says. "While it may be true that none of us really have gotten along with Bright since we got all. She is someone that has some good leadership qualities."

"But what about you? You're a therapist, you can help people with emotional problems they have or any conflicts with your abilities."

"N-not really...I'm really not that good of a therapist..." Memory admits sadly. "And besides, since Bright actually volunteered to lead, that has to count for something, right?"

"Ugh, fine...if everyone else is going along with it..." Toxic gives in.

"Good, we're all in agreement then." Bright smiles. "And do not fret, as long as I am in charge, there will be no murders among us. That is a promise from my Super Middle School title!"

"Yeah! You're so reassuring!"

"L-Laser?!" Techno said, stunned. "When did you get back?!"

"Just now. So Bright is our leader? Seems legit, I guess."

But she is right...having Bright as our leader does give me some peace of mind...

"Now, the main issue." Bright says sinisterly.

"Which would be...?" Techno asks rather nervously.

"Laser! Your report!" Bright commanded.

"Oh, right, right!" The unicorn jumped to the centre of the room. "I was asked to check the central island and you will not believe what I saw!"

"Cut to the chase, would ya?" Boom asks.

"Oh, right! Well, you know those gates that take us to the other four islands? They're totally blocked off by those Monobeasts!"

"They're blocked off?" Bud repeats. "Is there something on the other islands that Monokuma doesn't want us to find?"

"I'm not sure, there very well might be but we have no real way of telling." Laser says.

"Hmm...that is rather troubling..." Bright says. "Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing what is on the other side of those bridges..."

"A shame, a vewy big shame..." Monomi said.

"Yes, it is...wait..." Everyone paused for a while before turning to the pink rabbit standing by the kitchen door.

"Kyah?!" Rip yelped.

"Kyaaaaa!" Monomi yelped back.

"M...Monomi?!" Techno said.

" are you here?" Toxic asked.

"Well I was just in the kitchen with Bud and heard evewyone discussing something so I came out to hear what it was."

"Oh, yeah...Monomi is apparently alive." Bud smiles sheepishly.

"But...didn't Monokuma, like, kill you?" Laser asked.

"Oh that's why you're all surprised." She gave a giggle. "You should have wowwied about me! I can't die, you see!"

"'re invincible or something?" Boom folded his arms behind his head.

"Well, your a stuffed doll like Monokuma, right? I guess you can't exactly kill something that isn't living." Paint points out.

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Quick asked. "Is it that this Monomi must be a spare or something?" He guessed.

"A spare...? I don't like the sound of that word!" Monomi complained.

"Your timing is perfect though, there is a way for you to help us." Bright says. "Do you know of a way to take care of the Monobeasts?"

"Hoeh? The Monobeasts? Well, I do know a way to take care of them...I'll fight them for you!"

"You'll...fight them?" Smile repeated.

"Yes! Since I have so many other Monomi's, I can just battle the Monobeasts until I win!"

"Seriously? You want to fight those things?" Aqua asked.

"Yes! It's a challenge but I will do it for my students!" Monomi cheered.

"Monokuma could probably do it better, he's the older brother after all..." Toxic says.

"I am not Monokuma's wittle sister!"

Oh geez, now she's been set off...

"Anyway! You can weave it to me! Let's dwive Monokuma off of the island!"

"Well unless you're battle the beasts, you're useless so get to work." Bright commanded.

"Um...but, together we..."

"Go!" Bright yelled.

"Kya!" Monomi yelled. "I'm sowwy!" She disappeared from the room.

"I think that was a little harsh..." Swift says.

"Yeah, I agree with Swift. That was a tad mean..." Pure says.

"Don't sympathise the bunny, she's probably working with Monokuma..." Toxic warns them.

"Let's forget about the stupid dolls for two seconds, already?" Aqua says.

"Yeah. We need to figure out ways to get off the island...anyone actually have an idea?" Bud asked. Everyone was silent for a few seconds once again. "Oh dear..."

"Well to be fair, I did give you all an option!" Monokuma said, jumping out from behind one of the tables causing all the students to jump back. "You could just kill someone."

"We're looking for options to NOT kill anyone." Paint says.

" could grow old and live on this island for all eternity with no connection to your old friends or family. A shame but at least you'd be living..." Monokuma scratched the back of his head. "Well, a 'School Trip of No Mutual Killings' would be boring...soooooo...I've made some 'incentives' for you guys! Head on over to Jabberwock Park on Central Island!" He disappeared.

"Are you freakin' kidding me?!" Aqua yelled. "As if we're going there just so he can convince us to kill each other!"

"I don't we have a choice, AB." Boom said. "Them ElectroIDs say we can't go against Monokuma's orders, right?"

"He's right..." Clip says, checking the rules. "We can't defy what Monokuma says...a shame really, I like you all, don't want any of ya to get offed like that...especially not you Te-"

"So, anyway. Jabberwock, right? We should head over right away." Techno interrupts.

"'s always the hard to get that are more fun to tease..." Clip whispered to Paint who was sitting to his right and giggled slightly in response.

I swear, this guy is not gonna stop bothering me...


The sixteen students gathered at the statue in the park to find a rather large stage that was set up with bright flashy curtains that were coloured red with a gold background and a small microphone stand in the centre.

"What the...hell is going on?" Toxic said rather confused by the scene.

"Oh! Maybe it's like a talent show! I love talent shows!" Bud suggested.

"That's highly doubtful considering the situation..." Bright retorted.

"Well...I can always hope for the better options, right?"

"Yes, but it won't do you much good..."

"O-oh..." Bud looked at the ground.

"So what's this all about then?" Quick folded his arms, thinking to himself.

"Maybe Monokuma has something prepared for us?" Clover suggested.

M-Monokuma...has something prepared for us...? Techno trembled slightly.

"Aqua, what do you think?" Quick asked.

"Don't talk to me." She simply said.

"What's your problem?" Smile looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"You all still intend on pretending to be friends with each other? That's just freaking stupid. One of us will stab someone in the back...maybe even literally..." She smirked.

"Listen here." Bright glared at her. "I don't care what you think, I don't care what you do, just as long as you don't kill anyone or do anything to cause a death among us because if you do...well, I think you understand..."

"Are you fucking threatening me?!"

"G-guys, c'mon, calm down!" Memory tried but his plead fell on deaf ears.

"No I am not threatening you, so just need to calm down. Might I suggest seeing a therapist?" She gestures to Memory.

"Oh, that's it!" Aqua once again tried to go in for an attack but what help back by Quick and Pure.

"Don't do it, one of Monomi's rules is that violence is prohibited and with Monokuma in charge and that rule in place, we have no idea what could happen!" Pure tells the enraged fashion designer.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't really care what you all do to each other in all honesty!" Monokuma's voice came as he dropped in unannounced in a small blue tuxedo with a red tie. Techno stumbled back in surprise when he appeared. "Geez, kid, you seriously are scared that easily? God, the characters like you are always killed first or the main character."

"Um...what are you wearing...?" Bud asked.

"Uh, 'Scuse me?" Aqua asked. "I'll have you know that is one of my most famous designs you little bitch! Try to be friends with once you learn a thing or two about me!"

"Gah! I'm sorry, Ms Black!" Bud apologised.

"Sorry about the sudden intrusion but I needed to get this show on the road!" Monokuma explained.

"Is that what the outfit is for?" Paint asked.

"Yep! It's time for recreation time!"

"Y-yo! Do you mean-?"

"Indeed I do, the Mono-Double act! Perfect for tropical islands!" Monokuma cut Boom off.

"Wait, what does a double act have to do with a tropical island?" Clip asked suspiciously.

"Plus, I think you've only got half of a double act..." Pure pointed out.

"My partner is late..." Monokuma's claws sharpened as he said that. "And I don't like to be kept waiting!"

"Howawa..." Monomi whimpered, appearing in front of everyone in a frilly pink dress. "Why am I doing this?"

"I figured that this would be the case..." Toxic folded his arms.

"Enough stalling! It's time for the 'Monokuma Big Laugh Manzai Live Show'!"

"No! I'm gonna get hurt again aren't I?" Monomi asked as she was dragged onto the stage.

"Good day! I am Monokuma!"

" I'm Monomi..."

"And together, we're the Monokumas!" They said in unison.

"Well, let's get things moving! I will now exhibit my amazing mind reading abilities!"

"Really? You can wead minds?"

"You wanna know what Monomi's favourite food is...? Well then..."

"Here's a hint: I'm a wabbit!"


"W-what?! No, no! It's ca-"

"Alright, Monomi, let's hear your killer joke!"

"W-what? What does that mean? I'm not a killer!"

"Just say a freaking joke already!"

"No! I don't wanna say a joke!"

"Oh...see, guys? Monomi gets angry very easily and she becomes extremely savage when she does! Like tutorial bosses in video games!

"That not bad at all!"

"She's still a bad little rabbit...between you and me...Monomi stole all of your memories!"

"What the heck?!"

"None of you remember how you all got to this island, y'know? That's because Monomi stole your memories!"

"A-are we going through this again?!"

"And the memories she took...are the years you all spent at Hope's Peak Academy..."

"No, no, no!"

"Welp, it's always nice to learn the cold harsh truth, am I right, folks? You aren't actually middle school freshmen! Yet, of course you all thought you bad, so sad! And for some reason...I feel like this has happened before..."

"This has you big meanie! This has happened before!" Monomi was cut off but a sudden swift uppercut from Monokuma. "Gyaaaaaa! This isn't that type of punch-line!"

All the students stood in shock and confusion as the silence was broken only after around two minutes of it surrounding the area.

"...what...?" Techno simply said.

"What did that mean...?" Memory asked.

"Well, how was our comedy routine, eh? I thought it was hilarious!" Monokuma said, suddenly changing out of his tuxedo.

"You just gave comedy a bad name!" Smile said angrily.

"Well it's not like it was all just a joke...the memory part wasn't..."

Our memories...? Our school life memories...?

"Ha ha're actually kidding about that...right?" Laser asked.

"Oh, that's what Monomi wants you to think but in've spent a full year at Hope's Peak Academy already!"

"N-no way, man!" Boom said. "That ain't true! We'd never...naw way!"

"Try to think of a better argument before you open that stink bomb of a mouth next time." Aqua says to him.

"St-stink bomb...?"

"The point is..." Monokuma interrupted. "If any of you want your memories only need to do one simple thing..."

"And I'm guessing that you're referring to...?" Paint started cautiously.

" get your memories back, all you gotta do is kill one of your friends!" Monokuma's red eye glowed as he said that.

No... "...W-why...?" Techno half-whimpered.

"Hmm?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"Wh-why...are you making us do this to each other...? What did we ever do to you?!"

"You specifically didn't do anything...but I still have someway on having my coup de grace!"

"Coup de grace? What do you mean...?" Toxic asked.

"None of your business!" Monokuma yelled before disappearing to prevent any more questions being thrown at him.

They all went silent, Monomi had disappeared too, so there was no way to question her about the memories. Their faces all either had gone pale or had a blue tint to it, aside from Bright and Aqua.

"Everyone..." Bright said. "There is no reason for any of us to believe that what Monokuma is saying is the truth..."

"But...even so, we aren't completely sure, right?" Clover asked.

"Yeah, we don't really have a way of knowing if our memories have been stolen or not..." Rip agrees.

"Like I said...a murder is inevitable..." Aqua smirks.

"Why don't you just shut up! We don't need to hear what you think is going to happen!" Toxic yelled at her.

"Quiet." She looked at the chemist with a powerful demeanour. "It's like I said before in the restaurant, freedom is something worth fighting for...adding the memory thing to the pile...that will simply strengthen it."

"We can't doubt anyone though! We're a team, right?" Bud said.

"Look, honey. I know you wanna believe in everyone and all...but I do have to go with Aqua on this one...ain't no way that someone isn't dying soon..." Clip said. "But...please don't let it be-"

"Stop." Techno told him causing Clip to flash a mischievous smile his way.

"So, what exactly do we do now...?" Memory asked. "With this motive being established...are we all in danger...?"

"Most likely..." Smile says. "I hate to say it...but some people here might crack under pressure..."

"What?!" Quick glared at the comedian. "You don't trust the rest of us?!"

"I think his hearing is improving!" Bud smiled.

"Huh?" Quick looked at her.

"Yo' don't even bother with it, Bud-sy. This guy is a total lost cause..." Boom half-laughed. "But, dudes...would anyone her actually try ta' kill someone...? We're just middle school students, catch ma' drift? How could any of us...y'know...kill someone...?"

"Boom's right..." Paint says, still not looking up. "We have to have faith in one another if we ever want to escape this place...maybe the Hope Shards still mean something..."

"Like what?" Toxic asked. "Since Monomi lost control over what happens on this island, the Hope Shards probably mean jack-shit..."

"Let them do what they want." Bright told him. "If you guys wanna collect the Hope Shards, go nuts...but my theory says that since Monomi is no longer in charge, the Hope Shards will not be able to help us in any way..."

She's right...they're right...what hope do we really have? What if we never get off of this island? What if we're stuck her forever?!

"We should probably head back to the hotel for now...I think we just need some relaxation time..." Memory suggested.

"Agreed..." Clover says.

Techno laid on his side on top of his bed, his eyes closed thinking about the prior events.

Our memories were stolen...? That can't be true, can it? I don't wanna have to think like's not I have to believe it would explain the sudden dizziness I felt when I first entered the school. That could be the cut off point...ah...why am I thinking about this?! I think...I think I just need some air...

Techno sat up and left his cottage.

The beach was always nice... Techno left the hotel grounds, walking slowly by himself over to where everyone had begun this field trip.

Upon arrival, the only audible sound was the crashing of the waves in front of him. He walked along the beach, his hands in his pockets, humming a small tune.

This'll probably be a good place to go if I need to's quiet at least... Techno stopped and looked out over the ocean. I wish we could just swim back but...that's impossible...flying back would be bad as well since all the unicorns and earth ponies would be stranded we don't really know how far it is from the mainland...

There were some footsteps behind him as a voice called his name.

"Techno!" It was Memory, he ran to Techno's side. "Everybody's gathering at the restaurant, so I came to get you..." There was no response. "Is...something wrong...?" The unicorn gave a concerned look.

" you think we'll ever make it off this island?" Techno asked, turning to Memory for his opinion. Memory put a hand on his chin and thought for a few seconds.

"It's possible...but I don't know for sure..." He answered honestly. "We shouldn't focus on that right now though...right now...I think we should try to get used to this island, just in case of the bad possibility..."

"You're right, sorry for asking that out of the blue."

"It's fine. You're just scared right? After what Bright said this're scared that this motive will y'know..."

"Someone might kill me...?" Techno guessed. Memory nodded. "Thought so...Memory, I don't wanna die. I really don't wanna die..."

"Nobody does, Techno, you're not alone in thinking that...but promise me that you won't kill someone unless you find yourself in a situation that you'd have no choice but to do so..."

"I, everyone's at the restaurant?"

"Oh! Right! Bright called everyone over there. We should get there quickly before she blows a fuse..."

The two walked into the restaurant to be instantly confronted with Laser.

"Since you two were oh so late, I was instructed to punish you both by stealing all of the clothes from your cottages and giving them to Clip! Next time, try to show up as fast as you can!"

"My cabin smells like Techno!" Clip beamed.

"All three of you sit down." Bright commanded, then turned to Clip. "And you, shut up."

"Well! Somebody has the 'Super Middle School Level Bad Attitude'!" Clip remarked as a glare was shot his way. Memory, Laser and Techno sat at the tables with the small groups they had made. It seemed that Laser had managed to squeeze in with Toxic and Quick. Bright cleared her throat before speaking.

"Alright everyone!" She yelled. "I know what some of you are thinking with these memories, but without any given evidence, none of us have a reason to believe it."

"But at the same time. None of us have any reason to doubt it." Paint says with her monotone voice. "Honestly, it doesn't matter what you think, without any basis for either claim, we should all just believe what we want to believe."

"Okay, you are seriously depressing me." Swift told the Pegasus.

"Not my problem." She simply shrugged.

"Okay, nobody listen to that one." Bright continued. "Now, as I was saying, there is only one way to prevent a murder because despite what I say, I know there will be those that believe Monokuma's words. So, I have a plan...we will all have a small party of sorts, what is it they call it again? A sleep...over...?"

"Huh?" Clover raised an eyebrow at the notion. "Why a sleepover?"

"Because, it will strengthen us as a team, trying to kill someone closer to you would be harder, it's preventing a murder basically. All the boys will gather in one boys cabin and all the girls will gather in one girls cabin. Since this is my plan, naturally I have already decided who's cabins they will be...Rip, you will have the girls and Techno will have the boys." There was a silent cheer from Clip when she said that.

"But...the cabins are quite small, aren't they?" Bud asked her.

"To you they seem like that...but I asked Monomi if she could make them a little more spacious...she said she will be done by night-time."

"So wait, both Techno and Rip get bigger cottages...but the rest of us get fuck all?" Aqua gave an annoyed look.

"Monomi will space out the others in due time, so be patient." Bright smirked as she fixed her glasses. "It will a rather nice thing for her to do, giving us the extra living space."

"It'll be great!" Pure gleamed. "The cottages are way to small, I hate being in small places..."

"I wonder if Monomi can fix my lock though..." Smile frowned.

"Sorry Smile!" Laser said cheerily. "I couldn't pick your lock so I kind of just...broke it..."

"You could have knocked, y'know?" Toxic tells her.

"But where's the fun in that?" Laser looked at the chemist.

"So, wait..." Quick spoke up. "...What are we doing again...?" Some groaned in annoyance. "What...? Didn't I tell you that I have bad hearing?"

"We should get you a hearing aid..." Bud suggested. "I think there might be one down at the supermarket, I'll help you look for one if you want."

"Huh? Look for what?" Quick gave a confused look.]

"Just go with her..." Toxic shooed the two off. Quick and Bud stood up and headed off to the supermarket. There was a short silence after they left.

"So what exactly is supposed to happen at these?" Memory asked.

"Well, simply put, everyone will get to know each other...that's the whole point of this after all." Bright answered. "Like I said before, bonds are important when we're faced with these motives."

"B-but..." Boom started. "N-nobody is gonna really believe what Mono said, right?"

"We already went over this...we don't know..." Aqua sat straight up. "And this is a dumb idea, seriously, why would people want to participate in this?"

"We aren't forcing you to, Aqua, it's just something that would be for the greater good of the group." Rip told her.

"Whatever, you can all have your little sleepovers and pretend that you're all friends but in the end...somebody's dying in the next twenty-four hours...I place my life on it..." She smirked before standing up. "I'm going to my cottage, unless someone died, don't come to talk to me." She walked off.

"Bitch!" Toxic yelled.

"Toxic!" Pure scolded. "Lay off! That's just how she is, alright?!"

"Yeah, you don't know much about her...she might have a reason for acting like she does..." Swift agreed. "It's not like she's gonna be friends with anyone anytime soon so there isn't any point in petty name calling..."

Why did Pure get so angry all of a sudden? She must know that Aqua's a bitch too...or is it something about Toxic?

"Anyway...we should try to relax before tonight, oh and Rip, Techno? You can't go to your cottages until the renovations are finished." Bright informs them. "You're all dismissed."

The night came faster than expected, before anyone knew it all they heard was the bell sound and Monokuma's Night-Time Announcement.

Monomi should be done working on the renovations now... At that time, Techno had been laying by the beach to pass the time, it was relaxing to just hear the sounds of the ocean. He left the beach and headed over to his cottage, Monomi was stood in front of the door with a proud expression.

"Hewwo, Techno!" She greeted.

"Can I get in my cottage?" Techno ignored the greeting.

"Oh, yes! I finished the changes in the cabin! It's much more roomy now!"

"Thanks, I guess..."

"Wha-?! After all the work I did, all I get is 'Thanks, I guess...'?!"

"Er, sorry...?" Techno scratched the back of his head.

"I even got all of your clothes back from Clip...and kept your Usami Charm safe.."

"Okay, that I am really grateful for." Techno flashed a small smile. Monomi's mood suddenly brightened.

"Hehehehe...I will always help out my students in any way possible...that's in my ability of couwse...anyway I'll leave you and your friends to get along! Remember, Techno! Wuv, wuv!" She disappeared. Techno walked into his cottage, his cottage was at least twice as big, his bed and bathroom were bigger as well. He quickly got changed into his pyjamas, knowing that Clip would probably be first over.

He got changed and laid down on his bed. It was a few minutes before the knock at the door sounded. He opened the door to reveal Memory and Toxic.

"Hey there!" Memory smiled. "Sorry I was a little late, I was on central island."

"I was just slow." Toxic stated blandly. The two entered and it wasn't long until most of the others joined them, the only one that had yet to show up was the Super Middle School Level Comedian. Smile Gigs.

"I wonder where he is..." Swift says.

"Maybe he's he type of guy that likes to be late..." Clip suggested.

"Or he just doesn't have anything to change into...?" Toxic said.

"Yo', let's not focus on that, a'right? What we exactly supposed to be doin'?" Boom asked.

"I dunno...I guess we just hang out or something? Guys don't do this, right?" Toxic asked.

"Not really..." Techno said.

"Oh!" Clip jumped up. "Obviously, the only thing we can do Truth or Dare..." He smirked.

"That's a child's game..." Toxic grunted.

"Aw, why you gotta be like that?" Boom chuckled. "It might be fun." Toxic paused and sighed.


Well he changed his mind fast...

"Alright!" Boom folded his arms. "T-Star...?"

"Uh..." He picked cautiously, not knowing what the DJ was capable of doing. "D...dare...?"

" gotta take one other guy in this room...and see what the girls are up to..."

"W-what?!" Techno's face flushed. "I c-can't do that!"

"You picked dare, dude, gotta do it!"

"Those are the basic rules, honey..." Clip smiled.

"If you want, I'll go with this way, if you're caught, you can pin the blame on me..." Memory volunteers. Techno paused.

"You sure...?"

"Yeah, no big deal..." Memory stood up alongside Techno. "Let's just get it over with..." The two left the cottage and headed to Rip's. " the door slowly..."

"I know that already..." Techno crept over to the door, placing a hand on the handle. Just do it...just open the door... he took a deep breath and opened the door a crack, giving a small hole to peek through. The girls were all in a circle, aside from Aqua and Paint, they were all present.

"You really think of him like that?" Clover asked Rip. "I dunno...he seems a little shy, I don't like it when guys are shy..."

"I think it's kind of cute..." Rip blushed. "Just something about it...he just makes it work..."

"Well I think that's really nice of you..." Pure smiled. "I mean...I personally wouldn't go out with him but...I guess if that's what you're in to..."

"D-don't say it like that! You make it sound like it's weird!"

"It's not weird, just unexpected..." Bud says. Techno edged closer to get a better look.

"Hang on." Bright said, all the girls looked at her. There were footsteps coming closer to Techno as the others faced the door.

"Mission abort, mission abort!" Memory grabbed Techno's arm as Bright opened the door, glaring at the two. "Hey...Bright..." Memory gave a sheepish smile.

"Perverts!" Laser pointed at them. "Get them!"

"Go, go, go!" Memory sprinted off, Techno slightly behind him as Laser chased them the small distance, they two got inside Techno's cottage and locked the door.

"What....happened...?" Quick asked slightly surprised by the burst in.

"Bright saw us...Laser chased we are..." Memory explained briefly.

"I knew that would happen!" Boom laughed. "That's why I gotcha to do it!"

"That was kind of a douche move..." Toxic commented.

"But seriously...where is Smile?" Swift asked. "I think we should go and check on him." He stood up and headed for the door. "Techno, Memory come with me..."

"Why us?" Techno asked.

"Because, I'm not gonna get assaulted by Laser when it was you two that went to the cottage..." Memory and Techno exchanged nervous glances at that statement. Swift unlocked the door and headed to Smile's cottage. Memory walked forward and knocked on the door.

"Smile! You in there?" He called out but got no response.

"Maybe he's just sleeping..." Swift suggested.

"Let's check, just in case..." Memory placed his hand on the doorknob. He opened the door slowly. "Smile...?" Techno walked in and flipped on the light switch.

Why did he turn on the lights...?

In the corner of the room, a huge blood splatter had been made on the wall, the TV on the shelf had fallen down and underneath in, his body folded over...was the Super Middle School Level Comedian, blood coming from his head.

The three stumbled back, Techno now paled by the sight. "N-n-n-n-no...that's...that's not possible is it...? This just has to be some cruel joke he's playing..."

"S-Smile...?" Memory stuttered.

"What...the...hell...?" Swift's eyes widened.

"It's not real...he must be alive..." Techno attempted to reassure himself.

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

The monitors switched on, displaying a rather pleased Monokuma. "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time which you may spend however you wish, a class trial shall begin!"

"Class...trial...?" Swift repeated. "So Smile is really...?"

Smile is dead...this is Smile's corpse...w-why is he...? doesn't matter why, what matters is that he is dead...that means that sick trial is gonna start soon...

The killing game has begun...

Chapter 1: Abnormal Days

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Most of the other students flooded out of the cottages towards Swift, Techno and Memory, caught off guard by the sight of Smile's corpse.

" wasn't a hoax?" Bud stepped back, covering her mouth in shock. "S-Smile is really...dead...?"

"Dammit!" Bright clenched her fist. "I said that I didn't want any murders occurring! And now..." She murmured something at the end of her sentence, as if purposely making sure nobody else heard it.

"So does that mean...we have to investigate to find out how he died...?" Swift asked.

"And find out who killed him." Paint adds, not shaken by the sight and for once without her sketch. "If we don't...we all die aside from the killer..."

"But, this is wrong!" Bud yelled. "I don't want to doubt any of my friends! This is just too cruel!"

"Get a hold of your emotions." Paint looked at the weeping Pegasus. "We can't show weakness at a time like this, Smile was murdered and it's our job to avenge his death...if you don't help us, then we'll all die..."

"But...but...!" Bud tried to argue but couldn't find her words. "V-very well...but, could I just look over the crime scene...? In case the culprit tries to tamper with anything...? Ah! I hate saying that! I don't want to think that!"

"I'll watch over the crime scene alongside her." Toxic volunteers. "She might not notice everything that happens, two heads are better than one after all..."

"Alright, Bud and Toxic will watch over the crime scene and if any more murders occur, they will keep that responsibility..." Bright instructed. "Now...we should all look for evidence immediately."

"Whoa there, slow down, tiger!" Monokuma said, appearing from inside Smile's cottage. "You guys shouldn't start any investigation without this..." He passed out some tablets. "It's...the Monokuma File!" He said cheerily. "This'll just give you the basic information of any murder, so happy investigating!" With one last laugh he vanished.

I still can't believe all of this is happening...Smile died and someone here...someone here killed him...? Is that even possible...? I don't really have the evidence to say so just yet but...I can't deny that possibility! I need to find Smile's killer! No matter what the cost!

Investigation Start!

I guess I should start with the Monokuma File... Techno slid the screen up, displaying Smile with a line crossed through him and DEAD stamped across him, his basic information was on a small text box on the side but it wasn't exactly relevant. Techno slid up again, his picture now had red spots, showing where he had been attacked, his stomach and his head. On the text box in the corner, it gave the information of what had happened to him. Time of death was...9:45pm. He was stabbed with a sharp instrument and suffered a blow to the head by a flat object...wait...what about the cause of death...?

New Ammo: Monokuma File 1 was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Techno hesitantly walked inside the cottage, almost ready to throw-up from the sight of Smile's body. The smell of blood intoxicated the room, strong enough to make anyone light-headed. Get a hold of yourself, can do this... He shakily walked over and bent down by Smile's body. This TV had fallen right onto him, that's probably what cause the head why did he have a stab wound as well? I wonder if the killer attacked him and then the TV fell onto him...

New Ammo: Television was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hey, Techno..." Toxic tapped the Pegasus's shoulder. "Don't you think something's missing from Smile's body...?"

"Missing...?" Techno raised an eyebrow, examining closely he noticed that the black box with the microphone attached to it had vanished from Smile's side. "Huh...? Did the culprit take it with them...?"

"Question is: why?" Toxic wondered. "If I remember, Smile used that to hear what his jokes sounded like, he'd record his routine and play-back what he said...not sure if that's useful or not but it couldn't hurt knowing, right...?"

"I suppose not..." Techno shrugged.

New Ammo: Smile's Black Box was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hmm..." Bright tapped her chin with her book as she looked around the cottage. "Strange...the TV fell onto Smile...and there's a stab wound in his stomach according to the Monokuma File...if so...why are there no other signs of a struggle...?"

"Did you say something, Bright?" Techno asked the mare.

"This's far to tidy, don't you think so?" Techno looked around a little bit.

"I...I think I see what you mean..." The TV is what she means...I think...

New Ammo: Cottage Condition was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Techno, help me move the TV off of Smile's corpse..." Bright walked over, gripping one side of the TV.

"Huh? What for...?" Techno asked but didn't object as he grabbed the other side.

"There may be some other clues on Smile's person or on the actual TV..." She answers as the two move the TV back onto the shelf and sit Smile's corpse upright. he had a pained expression meaning that he unfortunately didn't die instantly, the wound in his stomach must have been where most of the blood had came from because his entire shirt had been stained by his blood.

"S-sweet Celestia..." Techno said shakily with a blue tint of uneasiness on his face. "I can't believe t-this really happened...."

"Unfortunately, even with my leadership...this was inevitable. Now all we can do if find his killer..." Bright folded her arms.

"Do you really think someone among us is a killer...?" Toxic asked, turning from where he was looking. "I mean...think about how old we all are, this was more likely to be Monokuma..."

"It's not that unlikely..." Bright contradicted. "There has always been stories of kids killing others...whether it was by accident or on purpose...that is the sad truth..."

The truth... Techno rubbed his arm as he turned to Smile's body. " looks like his stomach was where most of his blood loss came from..."

"Yes...which makes the cottage even more curious..." Bright said.

"Hmm?" Bud tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Well...if he lost so much blood...why is there none on the floor? And another thing, think of how the body was positioned and where the wounds did the blood splatter onto the wall, the stab wound didn't go right through after all..." Bright folded her arms and closed her eyes.

"That's...that's the head wound wasn't strong enough to cause a huge splatter unless it was forcefully thrown onto him...but the stab wound had to have happened first, right?" Toxic asked.

"The TV must have fallen after he died." Bud theorised.

"It couldn't have just fallen the way it did though..." Bright argued. "The shelf has a space closer to the back that has no dust unlike the rest of the shelf."

"Dust?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "But we've only been here two days..."

"I know...but dust can still build up quickly..."

New Ammo: Blood Splatter was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Dust was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
Updated Ammo: Cottage Condition was updated.

"Let's examine the body closer..." Bright kneeled down beside the turquoise earth pony's corpse. "'s as the Monokuma File states...time of death was absolutely less than two hours ago. Though I'm wondering why the cause of death wasn't stated...maybe because it was obviously the stab wound? I'm not too something I'm wondering...if it's just the basic information, why doesn't it mention this...?" She held up Smile's right wrist, bruises had been made all around it. "Maybe it's not connected to the case...?"

"Don't ask me. I don't have any idea on how to do a murder investigation." Techno frowned in confusion.

New Ammo: Smile's Bruises was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
Updated Ammo: Monokuma File 1 was updated.

"Hmm...I think that's all we could find inside the cottage...but I still am unsure about what caused the stomach wound...Techno, I want you help me uncover that..." Bright said.

"Huh? Me...?" Techno gave a surprised look. "B-but I'd be useless in something like this..."

"My theory says otherwise..." Bright fixed her glasses. "You actually were able to prove me wrong...that is enough for you to be seen as someone of worth..."

"Geez, so all we have to do is disprove a theory from you to be seen as someone 'worthwhile' to you?" Toxic folded his arms.

"Yes." Bright simply stated. "Now, make haste, we don't have all day..." Bright turned and left with a still slightly confused Techno behind her. They walked along the cottages before she stopped abruptly. "Hold on..." She turned to the small stream that was under the planks of wood that the cottages were built on top of. "It looks like something is down there..." She jumped down into the shallow water and picked up something, passing it to Techno.

"Huh...?" Techno examined it. It was a black shard that had a small picture near the tip but it looked incomplete, the rest of the shard had small lines over it. "What is it...?" He asked as Bright climbed back up.

"I'm not sure...but I think it might have something to do with the murder..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, there was only on of this and it's clearly from something that had to be broken..." She went silent for a few seconds. "Techno, do you remember what Laser had done to Smile's door?"

"Umm...she broke the lock, right...? What about it though...?"

"Nothing...just keep it in mind..." She said before continuing onwards.

New Ammo: Black Shard was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Smile's Cottage Lock was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

And this thing was in front of Toxic's cottage...I wonder... Techno gave the mailbox a look before quickly catching up with Bright. The two walked along to the hotel and up into the restaurant. " there something in here that's related to the case...?"

"There very well could be..." Bright fixed her glasses. As she said that, the kitchen door swung open, Boom and Paint coming from the room. "Why are you two here?" Bright asked them instantly.

"We came here to investigate, naturally..." Paint replied plainly.

"Yeah, Paints here thought that there might be some clues up here, I don't see what she was so obsessed with though..." Boom told her, arms folded behind his head.

"There was a reason to come suspicions were confirmed...." Paint smiled.

"Suspicions? Was there actually something here?" Boom gave a clueless look.

" see, earlier when you and I were cleaning the dishes...there were exactly twenty there are nineteen, meaning someone must have took it..."

"'d you notice somethin' so tiny...?"

"Anyone could have noticed...I just have a habit of registering every detail of the day into my head in case something changes..."

"But why does this mean that someone took it...?" Techno asked her.

"Because, simply put, we didn't find it anywhere in the restaurant and we even had Monomi complaining that she couldn't find it..."

"I see..." Bright tapped her foot. "That does make some amount of sense...and something like this is expected of our Super Middle School Level Artist..."

New Ammo: Paint's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Yo', by the way, anybody seen AB during the investigation...?" Boom asked.

"Was she not in her cottage...?" Bright raised an eyebrow.

"No...she wasn't, Rip, Memory and Clover went out to look for her but they haven't come back yet..." Paint informs them.

"It's kinda worrin', y'know? And also...aren't Paint and Aqua the only ones without alibs?"

"You mean...alibis?" Bright corrected. "For a second there I thought we were talking to Quick..."

"Whatevs...the point is that though, right?"

"Save your accusations for the trial...and try to come up with a solid theory..." Paint said before walking away, unfazed by the idea of her being the culprit.

"She's a rather composed character..." Bright comments. "I think an investigation of the kitchen is in order now..."

"Why do you think that?" Techno asked.

"With what Paint said, we should take a look at those plates for ourselves..."

"If you guys need me, I'll be here, I dropped somethin' earlier..." Boom told them.

"Alright then..." Techno nodded as he and Bright entered the kitchen. The place was what you'd expect of a kitchen. It had the plates stacked by the sink, the cutlery seemed to be put away and all the cups were away in the cupboards. "Do you really think that there would be evidence in here?" Techno asked Bright as she walked up to the cutlery drawer.

"Possibly..." She shrugged, opening the drawer. "Hmm...butter knifes...spoons...forks...wooden spoons...strange..." She stood upright. "Monokuma! Come forward!" As if on command, Monokuma sprouted from nowhere, sitting between Techno and Bright.

"You called?" Monokuma asked the grey Pegasus curiously.

D-did she tame Monokuma or something?!

"Monokuma...this cutlery drawer...does this have all of the cutlery on this island inside?" Bright asked.

"Yep, that's right! Every knife, spoon and fork are inside this drawer! Why do you ask?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"Just curious...that's all..."

New Ammo: Cutlery Drawer was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Also...just wondering...Paint had told us that one of the plates had gone you know anything about that?"

"I'm not obliged to answer that..." Monokuma rubbed the back of his head.

"You know..." Techno muttered walking up to the plates. "These are pretty thin..."

"Hmm?" Monokuma looked at him. "Oh, what do you know? They are, aren't they? Rather insignificant, wouldn't you say?"

Is he...trying to hint at something...?

New Ammo: Kitchen Plates was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Well, I have business to attend to so I'll leave you guys to the investigation!" Monokuma said before vanishing from sight again. The two stood in a small moment of silence before Bright headed for the door.

"We should finish our co-op investigation now...we can cover more ground separately..." She tells Techno without glancing at him once as she left.

She's right...I need to find Smile's killer! I should check up with Aqua, I need to hear her alibi...and I also need to talk to Boom as well, I want to know what it was he lost and I guess another trip to the crime scene wouldn't hurt...

Techno exited the kitchen and walked up to Boom quickly, he was bent down behind one of the tables. "Hey, Boom?" There was a thud from underneath the table and an 'ouch' as the unicorn got up.

"Dang, don't sneak up on me like that. Not cool..." Boom complained, rubbing his head.

"I was just wondering, what exactly was it that you were looking for?" Techno asked him, getting straight to the point.

"Huh...? Oh, right! Well, I'm...looking for something I left here...that's all..."

"Okay but what is it?"

"...something important to me...I'll say that much, kay?" Boom smiled before returning to his search.

That was oddly cryptic...

New Ammo: Boom's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"I'll see you later, I suppose..." Techno waved goodbye, heading to the main area of the hotel, looking around the pool area: Clip, Quick and Clover were visible.

"Oh, Techno!" Clover noticed the white Pegasus and rushed over. "I was wanting to tell you something."

"What is it?" Techno asked her without delay. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing bad. I was just thinking about know that Aqua was in her room the entire time...?"

"Um...yeah...? What about it?"

"I was thinking...what if she used that as a cover-up cause she's the killer?! The girls didn't hear anyone leave during our party, the only ones I can think of were...well..." She suddenly seemed slightly pissed off. "You and Memory..."

"Oh, uh...hehe..." Techno gave a sheepish smile.

"And, my cabin is just across from Rip's, and I was there since 9:30. Nobody had come along until after the night-time announcement, I can say that much..."

"Alright, thanks Clover..."

"No problem! Always glad to help out in our investigation!" She gave a proud smile.

New Ammo: Clover's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Also, if you're looking for Aqua, she's at the crime scene..."

"Thanks." Good, this way I can kill two birds with one stone. He hastily made his way over to Smile's cottage and just as Clover said, along with Bud and Toxic. Aqua was looking around the cottage for clues.

"Oh, hello, Techno..." Bud greeted cheerily. "How is your investigation...?"

"I'm not really sure how well it's going..."

"Oh...that's unfortunate..."

"Unless you're the killer, of course..." Aqua smirked, turning to the two.

"W-what?" Bud's pupils shrank. "I's never kill anyone!"

"Yeah right! I'll never believe pathetic excuses like that in this sort of situation!"

"Hey, Aqua?" Techno diverted the conversation.

"What is it, Tiny?" She looked at him.

T-tiny?! "W-well...I was just wondering where you were before the murder took place..."

"Where I was...?" Aqua repeated. "I was in my room the entire time...I left at 9:25 though to grab something to eat and got back around 9:35...there, happy?"

"Yeah, I think that's good."

New Ammo: Aqua's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Now if you'll all excuse me...I have business to attend to..." Aqua barged by Techno and walked off somewhere.

"Bitch..." Toxic mumbled. "So what do you think, Bud? About the TV, I mean..."

"Oh, is certainly curious..." Bud commented.

" I missing something?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"This TV...look at the screen..." Techno looked. Nothing seemed out of place about it, aside from the blood all over it. Its screen was in perfect condition.

"I don't get it..." Techno looked at the purple earth pony.

"Just...keep the screen in mind...that's all..."

Is there something off about the screen...?

Updated Ammo: Television was updated.

*Ding dong, Bing bong!*

"Alright you bastards, I'm getting tired of waiting. Let's get this show on the road already. You will all rendezvous at Monokuma Rock on Central Island for the Class Trial to begin!" The monitor shut off.


Techno walked along the path of Central Island, the only place he could think of to check were the rocky outcrops that were near the bridges going to Third Island and Second Island. As he approached, he noticed that the silhouette of the rocks had changed. Getting closer towards it, he noticed the rocks had been shaped into Monokuma's face. Everyone else stood before the rocks in shock.

"T-this wasn't here before...was it...?" Clover asked.

"Not a chance!" Quick said. "This was defiantly a normal rocky outcrop last time I checked!"

"Is this because Monokuma took over the island...?" Paint asked, emotionless. "Also, I've been wondering something...all of this time...where is Monomi...?"

"That's a good point..." Swift said. "She would be freaking out over where the hell is that weird rabbit...?"

"Oh, Monomi is already at the stage!" Monokuma informed them, appearing from nowhere once more.

"GAH!" Pure stumbled back.

"Stage...?" Bright asked the bear. "You a room the trial will be taking place in...?"

"Naturally..." Monokuma said. "I mean, what if it started to rain? You wouldn't want to get wet or anything, so...I created this!" He produced a small button and pressed it. A rumbling started before one of the Monokuma heads opened it's mouth and produced an escalator heading towards the mouth. "The trial room is inside there!"

"W-wait..." Boom paled. "You want us ta there...?"

"Yep! Don't you worry, it's all safe, just don't spit off of the side..." Monokuma chuckled ominously before disappearing. The fifteen students stood in silence.

"Well..." Paint muttered, putting her sketch under her arm. "Standing around will most likely make Monokuma angry...and we don't want that happening..."

"Yo....she's right...we should just this over with, y'all feel me?" Boom agreed.

"Then...I guess it's now or never." Memory folded his arms as they all stepped onto the escalator. It must have been the longest time they felt, riding on it. They all slowly moved up towards the Monokuma head in silence. They all stepped inside the Monokuma head and that caused the escalator to fold up and create the roof of the room. Metal gates slammed shut as the Monokuma head dove down towards the underground, making a huge rumbling noise pierce everyone's ears.

So this is really it...Smile Gigs...the Super Middle School Level Comedian. He was a genuinely nice person, he comforted me when I felt scared and vulnerable. He acted like a real friend to me and to everyone. He was like a mood lifter, the sun on a dark day...a true friend...but someone here...







Somebody among us did the unthinkable...







Somebody betrayed our trust and killed him in cold blood...





And so...the first ever Class Trial...the clash of those words...Hope and finally begins...

Chapter 1: Class Trial - Part 1

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Class Trial

All Rise!

They all took their places in a circle of stands that had been arranged for them by Monokuma. The trial room had been decorated with wallpaper that had smiles and happy faces all over it. He was trying to represent Smile but it hurt to look at them. The small pain in your chest that you would feel when you were reminded of something horrible or traumatising. That was the kind of pain that they felt. Techno looked around. He was closest to the elevator and clockwise from him, the order went: Clover, Clip, Paint, Memory, Rip, Swift, Pure, Smile's portrait, Bright, Boom, Aqua, Quick, Bud, Toxic and Laser.

"Alllrighty then! Let's begin with a brief explanation of the class trial!" Monokuma said. "First of all...your votes will determine the outcome of the trial. You will debate on various topics and vote for 'whodunit'! If you choose the correct culprit, then the killer gets punished along...but if you pick the wrong one...I'll punish everyone besides the culprit! Now...where to begin...?"

"Uuuuu..." Monomi whined, everyone now noticing she had been tied up and hanging above Monokuma. "Those are such cwuel rules!"

"I have a question before we start..." Everyone turned to face Memory. "Is the killer really among us...?"

"Ugh, every time..." Monokuma groaned. "Yes, the killer is most defiantly among you all, okay?"

"And what about that?" Bright points at the portrait of Smile with a bloody cross drawn over it. "What is its purpose?"

"Well, I didn't wanna leave him out just 'cause he's dead, y'know? So this is how I run things around here. Alright with you? Now that we've cleared that up...why don't you all start with...the murder weapon...?"

The murder what was used to kill Smile...hmm...if he were here right now, he'd probably try to lift everyone's sprits by cracking a joke like...hey guys! Yellow statements represent a weak point. Blue represents a spot you can strengthen and green are statements that can be used to blast yellow statements! Why...why did I think he'd say that...? That's not funny at all! I'm getting side tracked as well! Murder weapon...murder weapon...

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Paint's Account
-Cutlery Drawer

Quick- The murder weapon...what was it...?

Bright- This all depends on whether the head wound or the stab wound were the fatal blow...

Swift- My instincts as an attorney always say that the stab wound is more likely...

Pure- and that the head wound was post-mortem...

Clover- So does that mean that...the murder weapon was a knife...?

Boom- Yo' seems that way...

The murder weapon was a knife...? But doesn't that contradict something else...?

No, that's wrong!

They all looked at Techno, surprised by the outburst. "No, Clover...the murder weapon couldn't have been a knife..."

"It couldn't?" Clover asked in surprise. "Why not? It sounds right..."

"Whilst at first it may...but when you look through the cutlery drawer inside the kitchen, that theory goes out of the window. You see, Monokuma told Bright and I that all pieces of cutlery, every knife, fork and spoon were inside that drawer...but there were only butter knifes...I'd say a butter knife would be a rather inefficient weapon, wouldn't you?"

"Plus, the wound size doesn't match up with the butter knifes, so even if you sharpened one, it still couldn't have made that stab wound..." Bright added.

"Okay, so...what did the killer use to stab Smile then?" Clover asked.

"If it wasn't a knife..." Toxic started. "...Could they have used a makeshift weapon?"

"Makeshift?" Clip repeated. "What do you mean?"

"You know, use something else that wouldn't usually be a weapon, but could be turned into one."

"Before that." Bright chimed in. "I believe we should discuss the matter of that head wound...and what exactly caused it..."

"But just one look at the crime scene should tell you that." Rip pointed out.

"Even so..." Bright pushed up her glasses. "We can't be too cautious about this...we only have one chance after all..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Cottage Condition
-Aqua's Account
-Black Shard

Bud- The TV was what made the head wound, yes?

Laser- It must have fallen on his head after the murder! Squish!

Clip- N-no need to be so graphic about it!

Memory- I don't see what the problem is...

Bright- Look closer, the TV may not be the weapon...

Boom- Huh...? What is that supposed to mean, eh?

Bright- ...

Is the TV the weapon that created the head wound? One of those possibilities goes against something else though....

No, that's wrong!

"Hold on, Bud...the TV may not be the weapon that created the head wound after all."

"It's not...?" Bud tilted her head.

"Oh for crying out loud..." Toxic grumbled. "Do you even remember what we were talking about in the cottage? About what was off about the TV?"

", sorry..." She admitted with a sheepish smile.

What was off about the TV...? Could Toxic mean...?
I can prove it with this!

"Are you talking about the fact that the TV screen was in perfect condition?" Techno guessed.

"Yeah. If that TV had fallen onto Smile like that. The screen should not have been left undamaged." Toxic nods.

" we can easily say that the culprit must have placed the TV on top of Smile's corpse!"


Swift slammed his hands on the stand. "Not so fast! We can't just say that for certain just yet!"

"Huh? Why not?" Techno asked, slightly thrown off by Swift's outburst.

"Care to hear what the Super Middle School Level Attorney thinks?" He smirked.

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades

-Aqua's Account
-Boom's Account

Swift- The TV could have fallen by itself, don't you think? The culprit could have easily knocked it down when they were leaving the crime scene. There isn't exactly wrong with that.

Techno- But what bout the screen? It was in perfect condition!

Swift- Well, the TV could have just fallen in such a way that the screen didn't get damaged. Obviously...when the killer left....The TV fell and hit Smile!

He does have some good points...but there is one thing I wonder...

I'll have to cut through those words!

"No way. The TV couldn't have just fallen and hit Smile. There was a disturbance in the dust on the shelf the TV was sitting on but it was at the very back."

"The very back?" Swift repeated.

"Exactly, the TV didn't fall by itself, it didn't fall at all!"

"How can you say that, hun?" Clip asked. "Not doubting you or anything, just wondering."

"Well...there was something strange about the TV besides the screen...something the TV shouldn't have caused..."

"What do you mean?" Aqua asked. "You better not be bluffing about this or else this'll be a huge waste of time!"

"It isn't...the strange thing is..."
I can prove it with this!

"You see, the blood splatter on the wall is rather irregular for how the head wound is positioned..."

"You know what a normal head wound looks like?!" Rip asked, shocked.

"N-no! That's just what Bright told me!"

"It's true." Bright confirmed. "That is not a regular blood splatter, the TV should have blocked most of the blood that came from his head and there should have been a still visible splatter on the floor in front of the body. There is no way that the TV was used to create the head wound."

"Okay, now that that is cleared up...what now?" Quick asked. "I mean, sure we figure that out...but we still don't know what the murder weapon was..."

"Wow, I'm impressed you've been able to keep up with everything that's been said so far..." Aqua commented.

"Bud and I found a hearing aid down at the supermarket, thankfully." He smirked. "But back to the actual problem..."

"Quick is right..." Memory agreed. "We still haven't found a shred of evidence that could point us to the weapon..."

"Evidence...?" Bud repeated. "Oh! Um...I think I know something..."

"Really? Why didn't you bring it up earlier, eh?" Boom asked her.

"Sorry, I didn't think that it was relevant at the time. Anyway, I looked closely at the wounds on Smile's body...and I noticed that there were glass shards in this stomach...but not see-through glass, painted white glass..."

"Hmm...what ever that glass came from...that must be our murder weapon..." Toxic concluded. "Does anyone have any idea on what it could be...?"

White painted glass...? There was one thing that Bright and I saw that could be what we're looking for...wait...what was it again...? It'd on the tip of my tongue...

Hangman's Gambit


It's all coming together!

"What about the kitchen plates? Those might be the makeshift weapon we're looking for!"

"Kitchen plates...?" Pure seemed confused but intrigued by the proposition. "Go on..."

"Well...first of all...those plates are painted white...and they are made of glass...second, the plates actually have a rather special feature...they're very thin."

"Thin?" Toxic raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we all know what happens when you throw a plate at someone, right? It breaks. Combine that with the fact that the plates are thin, by using a shard of the plate, it would be like using a knife...the murder weapon we've been searching for the entire time...have been the kitchen plates!"

I'm already two miles ahead!

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! So just because the plates are thin, that means that they're the murder weapon? I don't think so!" Quick interjected.

"Wait, why not?!"

"Because, it's not a solid argument yet!"

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades

-Paint's Account
-Boom's Account
-Clover's Account
-Aqua's Account

Quick- Just because the plates are thin, that doesn't make them the murder weapon! I'm sure there's something else on this island that's painted white and is made of glass...why can't something like that exist?!

Techno- Because there's no evidence of anything else like that existing!

Quick- So? There's no supporting evidence besides that shard of glass! Are you gonna base your entire assumption on circumstantial evidence?!

I never expected Quick to be there was a hole in his argument just now...

I'll have to cut through those words!

"Hold on, Quick. There is a reason other than the glass shard that Bud had found. Paint told Bright and I that when she and Boom were cleaning the dishes, there were twenty plates...but now after the murder, there are only of the plates went missing. Where do you think it went?"

"It's true, right Boom?" Paint asked the brown unicorn.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah! I guess...I didn't really pay attention to the numbers, see? Unlike P-Pallet here...she's freakin' OP, I'm tellin' ya!"

"Don't refer to me as 'P-Pallet'."

"Whatevs!" Boom smiled.

"Alright, so now that we established the murder weapon. What's next on the list?" Memory asked.

"How about we talk about the crime scene a bit more?" Rip suggested.

"That's a good idea." Clover seconded. "We need to know how exactly the killer got in..."

"Hmm..." Clip twirled his scissors. "Not really sure the relevance...but alright..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Cottage Condition
-Smile's Wrist
-Black Shard
-Smile's Cottage Lock

Rip- How did the culprit get into the cottage...I think it's important that we know that.

Bud- Maybe...they forced their way inside?

Toxic- Could Smile have let them in?

Memory- Maybe the culprit didn't even need to do anything...the cottage was already accessible

Rip- I wonder...

Boom- Dude, we'll never figure that out!

How did the culprit get into cottage...? Well...there was something that shows it...

I'm in agreement with you!

"It's just as Memory says. The culprit already had access to the crime scene before the murder. Remember what Smile had mentioned a few times throughout the day? What Laser did?"

"What I did?" Laser looked at him. "Well...I pulled a few pranks on him but I don't see what you're referring to..."

"I'm talking about in the morning, you broke the lock to his door, didn't you?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah...I guess I did..."

"So the reason Smile because of the broken lock?" Quick asked.

"Wha-wha-what?!" Laser yelped. "I was the reason Smile died?!"

"No, you weren't, the killer had planned to break into Smile's cottage, they never knew about the broken lock." Techno interjected.

"Huh?" Pure folded her arms. "But, Smile had mentioned it several times, how did the culprit not know? Did they simply forget about it?"

"Most likely..." Bright nodded. "And evidence of them trying to break in...tell them, Techno."

Am I her servant or something...? But, either way...there was definite evidence of someone wanting to pick the lock...
I'll prove it with this!

"When Bright and I were investigating...we had found this black shard that was in the water under the duckboards that the cottages rested on. This was most likely intended to pick the lock on Smile's cottage. When they realised it was already unlocked though, they disposed of it quickly..."

"Y-yo, where'd you find that, eh?" Boom asked.

"It was...under Toxic's cottage..."

"Hmm?" Toxic's head whipped around, his gaze piercing through Techno. "My cottage? Are you trying to say I'm the culprit?" His gaze turned into a glare. "I can assure you that I am not the guilty one among us."

"Yo...TD, no offence, but it does kinda make some sense..." Boom says.

"Actually, it doesn't...." Toxic contradicted. "If I was the culprit, why would I put the shard under my cottage? If someone found it, I'd be incriminated right away. It's more likely someone else put it there to make me seem guilty."

"Uh..." Swift thought for a few seconds. "Yeah, that seems plausible..."

"Well...if we're talking about suspicious people..." Memory starts. "...we should probably discuss alibis..."

"Well I have a few things to say 'bout that!" Boom says.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Monokuma File 1
-Paint's Account
-Boom's Account
-Smile's Black Box
-Clover's Account

Boom- I've been thinking...since the murder took place durin' night-time...everyone that didn't turn up for the sleepovers becomes a suspect!

Pure- But the only ones that didn't turn up...were Aqua and Paint.

Aqua- D-don't start with me! I never killed him!

Paint- Ditto here...I never left my cottage...

Boom- Yeah right! You guys are the only ones that didn't turn up!

Boom does have a point...neither Aqua nor Paint were at the sleepover...but there is something strange...

No, that's wrong!

"Boom, aren't you forgetting about what it says in the Monokuma File? The murder took place at 9:50 pm...that's before night-time began...Paint and Aqua aren't the only ones without alibis!"

" serious...? a suspect...?" Boom paled.

"It does seem that way..." Bright pushed her glasses up.

"Then there's only one option left!" Pure's face brightens. "It's time for 'Operation: Destroy the Weakest Alibi'!"

"The what now?" Clover tilted her head.

"It's what some attorneys and prosecutors use to eliminate potential suspects. It's perfect for this!"

"I agree. Let's do this then!" Swift smirked. "Destroy the weakest alibi is a go!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Clover's Account
-Aqua's Account
-Paint's Account
-Smile's Wrist
-Cottage Conditions

Pure- Alright, let's hear everyone's alibi!

Techno- I don't really have a solid alibi...but I was just wandering around by myself...

Paint- I was in the kitchen with Boom from 9:55 to 10:10

Boom- I was already there though, I couldn't kill Smile and get to the kitchen before Paint-sy...that's impossible

Bud- I was with Quick, Toxic and Clip the entire day

Memory- Rip, Clover and I were with each other at around we couldn't kill Smile...

Aqua- Well, I was in my cabin the entire day...aside from when I left at 9:25 but I was back at around 9:35

Swift- And...Pure and I were with each other as well...

Toxic- So the only ones without real alibis...are Techno and Bright!

Bright- Feh...

Pure- Then Operation: Destroy the Weakest Alibi was a success!

Hold on a of those alibis doesn't match up with what she said...

No, that's wrong!

"Wait a second, Aqua! You weren't in your cabin after 9:35! Clover told me indirectly about that!"

"What the hell are you talking about you little white shit?!" Aqua glared at him.

"Clover went to her cabin at 9:30 and stayed there for a while, but she hear anyone come or go from the girls side of the cabin. So where were you after 9:30?"

"Urk....!" Aqua bit her lip.

"That fact that she lied is suspicious..." Swift commented. "Techno was honest about his why weren't you?"

"Nrr...." Aqua clenched her fist.

"Tell us, Aqua! Where were you?!" Pure pointed at the fashion designer.

"I said wait a GODDAMN minute!!!" She gave an outburst. "I'm not the fucking killer you half-wits!"

"Oh yes, all these insults are defiantly making us think the same." Bright remarked.

"You shut up too, four eyes!"

"Petty insults...if you aren't the culprit, then prove it..."

"Prove it...? Alright, I'll fuckin' prove remember the black shard you all found? What about what it was before it became that, you don't just find convenient black shards lying around, do you?"

"Well, you could always find something like that at the supermarket...right?" Swift looked at Bud and Quick.

"There were a few things that could become a makeshift lock-pick...not sure what exactly it was though..." Quick tells them.

"Just had to get a hearing aid, didn't you?" Aqua grunted.

"I have to say that I'm on Aqua's side..." Toxic folded his arms. "I don't think she's the killer..."

"Then what about her lack of an alibi?" Pure asked him.

"Maybe she was doing something private that she doesn't want others to know about..." He suggested.

"Hmph..." Aqua closed her eyes. "I was looking around central island...and I do in fact have an alibi...Monomi?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes! I saw Aqua at around 9:45 passing by one of the bridges on central island!" Monomi informed them.

"Why the hell didn't you say anything before?" Bright asked angrily.

"I'm sowwy, I forgot about's hard to remember some things when you're focusing on two things at once..."

"Two things at once?" Swift repeated.

"She must mean the renovations and whatever she was doing at Central Island, right?" Memory asked.

"Cowwect!" Monomi confirmed.

"Finally. When I was coming back from the restaurant which was actually around 9:40...I saw Smile pass by me...that's everything I know, use the information as you may..."

Updated Ammo: Aqua's Account was updated.

"But now that, that was cleared up. What do we talk about now?" Rip asked.

"Let's talk about what must have happened when the killer entered Smile's cottage..." Paint suggested. "There may be a clue waiting in there..."

A clue at what happened to Smile from discussing the events of what happened inside the cottage...I wonder...


Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Cottage Condition
-Smile's Wrist
-Missing Black Box

Paint- What happened inside the cottage...? We need to establish that...

Memory- Well, we know the killer didn't have to break in...the door was already unlocked

Rip- Smile must have already been in there...and came face-to-face with the culprit...

Clip- Yeah...then Smile must have been killed...without a fight...

Swift- Is that all there is to it...?

Pure- Aside from the television...I think we covered everything

The culprit went into Smile's cottage...and simply killed him...? Is it that easy...?

No, that's wrong!

"Clip, that isn't true, Smile must have fought with the killer. He had bruises on his wrist, suggesting that something had hit him or maybe the killer gripped his wrist tight enough to leave the mark."

"Oh wow, I can't believe I got to be the victim of Techno's logic..." Clip turned away.

"Ignoring him..." Toxic muttered. "What are you saying, Techno? The culprit had fought with the victim?"

"Well yes...but that would contradict with something else..." If the killer fought with Smile...something is defiantly out of place...
I can prove it with this!

"The cottage was far too...clean as wasn't disturbed in the slightest aside from the TV."

"Huh...? But...does that mean the killer fought with Smile...or didn't he...?"

"That's just the thing, Clover..." Memory bit his lip. "This entire thing about a could change a few things...if we pick the wrong one...we lose the killer...this is probably his trap..."

A trap...? Techno looked at everyone. A trap laid by one of us...? The true killer...who are they...? Who killed Smile...?

Trial Suspended!

Chapter 1: Class Trial - Part 2

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Trial Resume!

Monomi Theatre

"Hi, I'm Monomi, and my heart is throbbing like crazy right now! The joy-filled comedian of the group, Smile was killed, and one of the students killed him? No! I refuse to believe it! I have hope in my students that they will trust each other until the very end! Love, love!"

The trial room went quiet at Memory's words. A trap laid by the killer. A trap laid by one of them, but...

"That...can't be true, right?" Laser asked. "None of us would..."

"Don't be thinking like that." Aqua told her. "We wouldn't get anywhere if we didn't doubt each other..."

"B-but...what kind of trap would it even be...?" Laser asked.

"Yes...we should clear that up...first, let's go from the start." Memory says. "So, the culprit had attacked Smile, we know that they had to have made contact due to the bruises on Smile's wrist. A problem we face with that though is that the cottage is to clean, it's not been messed up in the slightest, aside from the TV that was purposely placed on top of Smile so we'd think that he had been crushed with it after his death."

"I understand all that...but what does the killer gain...?" Swift asked. "There would be no point unless the killer had gotten something out of making a trap, right?"

"Yes, what did the killer get out of it...? Anybody have any ideas...?" There was a small silence before Bud spoke up.

"What about an alibi...?" She suggested.

"An alibi?" Clip repeated. "How so...?"

"Well, what if the murder took place somewhere else and they moved the body to give them an alibi...?"

"The murder took place...somewhere else, eh...?" Boom rubbed his chin.

"Maybe it's time we re-used 'Operation: Destroy the Weakest Alibi'..." Memory suggested. "That could help us slightly..."

Re-using old tricks...but we're close...we're close to finding the killer's real identity!

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Boom's Account
-Paint's Account
-Clover's Account
-Aqua's Account

Pure- Okay, let's hear all the alibis once more!

Swift- Well, you and I were with each other the whole day...

Paint- I stated this before, but...Boom and I were in the kitchen from 9:55 to 10:10

Boom- I was there first as well...

Paint- Yes, you were...I also saw Laser by the poolside...

Laser- Hooray for alibi!

Aqua- I was on central island at the time...Monomi can attest to that

Memory- Rip, Clover and I were with each other at around the time of death...

Bright- Sadly, I lack an alibi...but Techno does as well...

Bud- I was with Quick, Clip and Toxic the whole day as well...

Quick- This would just be a lot easier if someone just saw Smile...but nobody did...

I've heard all of these before...but there was one thing that was added this time around...

No, that's wrong!

Techno slammed his palms on the stand. "Hold on, Quick. Didn't Aqua see Smile when she was leaving the hotel?"

"Oh yeah, I guess I did...and...that was around the time of the murder..." Aqua folded her arms.

"So, are you saying that wherever Smile was heading at that point, is where the real murder took place?!" Laser exclaimed.

"That must be the answer!" Techno smirked.

"But even so..." Clover started. "We still have no idea where he was going..."

"I have a small suspicion on where..." This is it, if I can figure this out...I can find the true culprit...not that I want to, has to be done!

Hangman's Gambit

Q. Where was Smile heading? Where is the real crime scene?

Available Letters- N H K I C T E

I've connected the dots!

"That's it! The crime scene must be the kitchen in the hotel!"

"Huh? The kitchen?" Toxic raised an eyebrow.

"Think about it, the plate that was used to kill him came from the kitchen and he was seen just before the murder heading to the hotel...there's no other way around it!"

"So, who's the killer...?" Rip asked.

The killer...looks like they're relying on me to point it call out the real they can face their crimes head-on...

You're the true culprit!

"Boom's you, isn't it...?" The DJ stood there in silence for a second before letting out a small chuckle.

"Yo, that's joke, T-Star..." He shrugged it off.

"It's not a's a serious accusation...Boom, are you the culprit...?" The DJ went quiet.

"Hey! Are you gonna answer or what?!" Swift yelled. "Murder is a serious accusation, try to at least come up with a rebuttal!"

"I'm thinkin'..." Boom replied. "Well, let me see...what about the black shard ya found under TD cottage, eh? I had to had access to somethin' like that, right?"

"What an irrelevant matter..." Bright muttered.

"It isn't irrelevant if I don't have access to it..." Boom smirked.

"Maybe that coloured area near the centre is the clue we need..." Bright suggested.

"The coloured area...?" Laser repeated

"There's a section of a picture on the black shard. That could provide as a clue..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Monokuma File 1

Bright- The picture on the shard...we haven't determined what it is yet...

Swift- Does it really matter...?

Toxic- If it could show us the true culprit...then I think it's worth figuring out

Boom- Nah...dude, you'll never be able to tell what the picture on the disk was...

Clover- But if that's true... how will we ever uncover the culprit?!

I don't have evidence that could prove what that art is...but did somebody say something suspicious...?

No, that's wrong!

"Wait, Boom, what did you just say? The picture on the 'disk'? Nobody said anything about it being a disk...I haven't even shown anybody the shard yet!"

"Urp!" Boom bit his lip. "I j-just assumed...that's all..."

"A disk, eh...?" Bright thought. "Hmm...what if it's a little more than a simple disk...? Something that could prove that Boom is the true culprit...?"

"Hehe..." Boom laughed nervously. "L-like somethin' like that exists..."

"Oh really...? As the 'Super Middle School Level DJ', I must say you did pick quite the appropriate lock-pick..." Bright smirked.

"Oh really...?" Boom's faced darkened. "Then enlighten us...please, why don't you tell us exactly what FUCKING means?!" Boom yelled, leaning over the stand and glaring at Bright. "Cause I'll tell you now, you have got nothing on me!"

"Really...? Techno, let me ask you something...for a 'Super Middle School Level DJ', what kind of lock-pick could a black shard be from...?"

Huh...? Why is she passing me the baton...? Oh well, I guess it's a simple question...
I understand now!

"Are you talking about something like...a broken vinyl record...?"

"V-vinyl...?" Swift raised an eyebrow.

"Are you saying Boom broke a vinyl record and used a shard as a lock-pick...?" Clover asked.

"It's something a DJ would usually have, right? It's not hard to believe he could do that..." Toxic agrees.

"Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu..." Boom stuttered along. "Buuuuuuut!!! Youz still gotta like prove dat the kitchen is da crime scene!" He yelled.

"W-whoa! His speech pattern totally changed!" Pure said, taken aback.

"Show me da proof! Where is da proof dat the kitchen is da murder scene, eh?! I can't see no proof!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Missing Black Box
-Cutlery Drawer
-Kitchen Plates
-Paint's Account
-Boom's Account

Boom- There ain't no proof of the de kitchen being de murder scene! You crazy if you think that imam let you get with dat!

Paint- He seems like he won't give in just yet...

Memory- Maybe if somebody actually found the weapon? Or maybe something else that could prove the kitchen is the murder scene?

Pure- But we have no idea if anything like that even exists!

Laser- It's hopeless, I guess!

Clip- Don't sound so cheery, hun!

Boom- You ain't got nothing on me!

Toxic- This is pitiful...

Boom's really stressed out about, does that mean that I made the right decision? Well, whatever...I guess people are right when they say that 'anger makes you stupid'....

I'm in agreement with you!

"Well, Boom...the problem is, you did make a fatal left something at the restaurant. Didn't you?"

"W-what ch'you talkin' 'bout? I didn't leave anythin' at the restaurant..."

"Oh really? I remember you telling me that you were going to stay at the restaurant whilst Bright and I investigated because you lost something...that item wouldn't happen to be...Smile's black box, would it?!"


"Smile's black box?" Clover tilted her head.

"Right, you see, during the investigation, it was pointed out that the black box with the microphone hooked up to it had disappeared from Smile's side...I wonder where it disappeared to...?" Techno smirked.

"Ah....ah...ah....AVRIL LAV-"

"We're not stealing that freak out!" Toxic shut him up.

"Might I say something quickly?"

"What is it, Paint?" Quick asked.

"I wonder...where did Boom hide the body...?"

"Huh? Where did he hide it...?" Pure tapped her chin. "That's a good question..."

"Plus, how did he transport the body without anyone seeing it? All they would have to do is look outside the window and his plan would be ruined..."

"Y-yeah, you got an explanation or somethin'?!" Boom smirked, getting his composure back.

D-dammit, Paint, why are you helping him?! Okay...focus, there was a rather large space for him to hide the body in the kitchen, right...?

"Those cupboards seem pretty large, right...? I'm pretty sure if he folded Smile's body over he could fit it inside..." Techno explained, slightly disturbed by the thought.

"As for the transportation...a simple invisibility spell could have been used..." Bright suggests.

"Hmm...that explains his behaviour then..." Paint says. "You see, when I arrived for cleaning duty at the kitchen...Boom said he'd take the left side of the kitchen, which is the side with all of the spacious cupboards..."

"Nrk..." Boom bit his lip. ", it ain't yet!"

"Just give up already, this is getting sad..." Toxic commented.

"You can shut da hell up! Why de hell would I wanna hide de black box?! Der would be no point, eh, eh, eh, got an explanation?!"

He's running out of stalling tactics...but it seems this might be his final attack, a pretty lousy one as well...I hate doing this to him but...I have to end this...I have to stop Boom's objections and shut him up completely!

Panic Attack Battle

Boom- You all got nothin' on me!
Boom- Nay, nay, nay, Deutschland!
Boom- I ain't some killer!
Boom- Where's yo' proof at?!
Boom- Yo', you serious?!
Boom- Totally wrong!
Boom- What is da point in it?!

This is it!

Boom- Why would I hide dat black box?!

Recording Feature!

"I know exactly why you hid the black box, because of the recording feature it had on it! Smile must have recorded you the moment that he died, you couldn't let anyone find it, so you had to hide it. Didn't you? That's the item you were looking for during the investigation!"

"Ho...ho...ho...HOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Boom stepped back.

" seems that this is the end..." Bright folded her arms.

"Wait." Rip interjected. "Would it be alright if we heard everything from start to finish...? I'm still slightly confused on the details..."

" may be a waste of time...but we should have everyone on the same page, I suppose...Techno, would you do the honors...?"

From start to this case turned out...I guess it's up to me...

Here's everything that happened in this case!

Act 1

This murder happened before the two sleepovers that were planned around 9:45pm, most were getting ready to head back to the hotel, a few though were already there. One of them being our victim, Smile. At around 9:45, he was heading to the hotel, which we had learned from Aqua, I suspect he had been called out by the killer for something, not knowing what he was going to walk into.

Act 2

He arrived at the kitchen, the culprit already waiting for him there. They must have talked a little bit before since the actual time of death was 9:50pm. At one point, the two broke out into a fight, which is how Smile got the bruises on his wrist. The culprit grabbed one of the kitchen plates and smashed it over Smile's head, that's what caused the head injury, but that didn't kill Smile, it most likely didn't even force him to lose consciousness. For that reason, the killer grabbed a shard of the smashed plate and stabbed Smile with it, this only worked because of how thin the plates were, causing us to think that it was a knife that make the fatal wound.

Act 3

Next, the killer knew that someone would be arriving soon so they had to act fast. They stuffed Smile's body inside one of the cupboards and then must have noticed the black box had been set to record so they turned it off and hid it somewhere else. Soon after the clean-up was done, the person that was supposed to turn up, Paint Pallet, entered the kitchen without any suspicions.

Act 4

After the killer finished cleaning the kitchen with Paint, they took Smile's body out of the cupboard and used an invisibility spell which is only possible for a unicorn, obviously. They carried Smile's body over to his cottage and took out a prepared makeshift lock-pick which was something only the killer would think of. A broken vinyl record. The killer then found out though that the lock had been broken prior to that, making their efforts in vain. The threw the lock-pick into the stream which ended up being under Toxic's cottage.

Act 5

Next, the killer sat Smile's body in the corner of the cottage and folded his body downwards, placing the TV on top of him to make it seem like the head injury had been made there and used Smile's own blood to create the splatter effect on the wall...all so they could have an alibi for the time of the murder.

I think that about covers it. Wouldn't you agree...Boom Box?!

"But...but...but I..." Boom tried to find his words but nothing was working. "I...I'm done...aren't I...?"

"Upupupupu!" Monokuma cackled. "Looks like we reached the end, time to cast your votes, in front of you all are sixteen buttons, select a culprit and press their button! Remember, it's a majority vote so who's going to be the culprit...? Will you make the right or the dreadfully wrong one? Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be~?"

"Uuuu..." Monomi whimpered. "This is horrible..."

All the students looked at each other, aside from Boom who kept his head down. They looked at the buttons in front of them and selected the killer. On response to the final one being pressed, a huge slot machine appeared with 'Voting Machine' in red on the top and a Monokuma on top in a hula outfit, coconut bra and all. It had all the students faces, all in colour, aside from Smile who was in black and white. The three dials began to spin quickly for another few seconds before all three stop on Boom's face causing a red 'GUILTY' sign to flash and two bouquets of flowers to pop out the sides.

Class Trial


Chapter 1: Ending

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The fifteen stood in silence as Monokuma stood up. "Welp, congrats guys! You all correctly identified Smile's killer as Boom Box!"

He says congrats...but this doesn't feel like a win...I think I would have preferred to be wrong...

"So, Boom really did kill, Smile...?" Rip asked, paled.

"Yo...It be the truth..." Boom admitted.

"Why...?" Clover simply asked. "Why did you do it, Boom...?"

"You're a dirty little bitch aren't you?!" Toxic spat. "Killing someone else for your own personal gain! You make me fucking sick!" Boom turned to him.

"I had to get out of here!" He yelled. "I had to...I had to know if my sister was okay!"

"Your...sister...?" Memory inquired.

" older sister, OG...she's awesome...real good to me and ev'ryone around her...polite, smart...but she's got one hell of a dangerous job that I ain't to talk about...she could be killed at any second y'see...I...I needed to know if she was still on dis plant, yo!"

"Grk!" Toxic's eyes widened. "D-dammit..."

"I needed to know...that if I get of this island...if she'll still be there for me...I just wanted my older sister!" Boom turned away, a few tears starting to leak out. Everyone stood in a silence again as Boom wept to himself.

He just did see his older sister...

"Well! That was a nice heart-warming whatever!" Monokuma killed the mood. "But you realise what time it is, right...? It's time for Boom Box's punishment!"

"P-punishment...?" Boom repeated, turning to Monokuma. "Y-you mean...execution...?"

"Now, I've prepared a very special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level DJ', Boom Box!"

"Please, stop this! Let me know if my sister is alright at least give me that!"

"Let's give it everything we got!"

"Stop it!!! OG!!!"

"Iiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"


A large red button had risen from the ground and a small wooden gavel had materialised into Monokuma's paw. He gave one last laugh before hitting the button.

Game Over!
Boom Box had been found guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Boom Box slowly backed up as a door beside Monokuma flew open and a chain had shot through, it passed all the other students and gripped onto Boom's neck, dragging him off to another room. The monitor in the trial room flashed on, revealing Boom, tied to a chair with the legs of said chair down in small gaps. The lights flashed on, revealing a huge turntable with two vinyl records sitting on top.

Boom Box's execution
Put your records on.

The was a mechanical sound as the turntable started to turn along with Boom. Slowly but surely, the speed of the turntable increased and eventually, Boom had closed his eyes from being unable to see past the wing that was blowing against him.

It was at that moment that several bars had appeared on the record, as Boom approached, the bars went back and snapped back at him, hitting him full force in his face, knocking him back but because of the chair, he stayed in place. When his face appeared again, he had blood coming from his mouth and nose and one of his eyes had been sealed shut. He approached the bar and the same thing happen only this time it was his chest that was struck with the force.

He threw-up blood as the final bar came closer though at the same time, the speed was deceased quickly. It got slower and slower to the point that when he was right in front of the bar, he had stopped completely. There was a pause before the bar reeled back and thrust forward with enormous force, snapping the ropes and throwing Boom onto the other vinyl.

The other students in the trial room had just witnessed that. They had watched Boom get battered about before being hit with a fatal blow. They were all left speechless, the tense atmosphere could have been cut by a knife. Monokuma broke the deadly silence with his cold cackle.

"HAHAHA! How exciting!"

"B-B-B-B-B-B-B..." Laser continued to repeat the same letter.

"How did you...create that...?" Toxic asked, stunned.

"Hmm? How?" Monokuma tilted his head. "That's a secret..."

"Why...?" Bud whimpered. "Why would you do such a thing?! Even for what he did, that is far to cruel!"

"I don't see how it's cruel. I mean, he took and life and was found guilty. He should have his life taken as punishment...that's how the death penalty works, right?"

"Yes, but it isn't supposed to be for entertainment!" Swift yelled. "And it's obvious you're treating it like that!"

"Well your ways are pretty boring. Injection, electric chair? Where's the excitement in that?"

"It's the ending of someone's life, how in any way can you justify what you're doing?" Pure glared.

"Because, this way I can get what I truly want from you all..." Monokuma's eyes sparked. "Despair..."

"That's your reason for making middle schoolers kill each other? Just so you can see them suffer?" Toxic gritted his teeth. "As if we'll give into your tricks."

"Upupupu...nice enthusiasm..." Monokuma chuckled. "But seriously, if I can't get teens to kill each other, you guys will hardly be a challenge. So you may as well enjoy life while it lasts..."

"Also." Toxic continued. "Why didn't you tell Boom about his sister? Even if he didn't get away with murder, he still had the right to know!"

"Yeah, you said you'd restore the memories of whoever made the first move and killed someone..." Memory recalled.

"Well, true...but I never said when I'd restore the memories, did I? I'll restore the memories when I feel like it...and maybe I'll restore some memories for you guys..."

"Honey, that won't fix what's been broken!" Clip yelled. "We already saw two people die! I...I can't handle things like this!"

"Then you'll die." Aqua told him coldly. "It's as simple as either become the hunter or the hunted...pick which you'd prefer..."

"See, this girl I like." Monokuma laughed.

"You're so bad! You can't keep doing this to them! You know the real reason you're doing all of this and so do I!" Monomi yelled.

"The real reason...?" Rip tilted her head.

"Nrk!" Monokuma's claws sharpened. "You should keep quiet and stay in the background!" He grabbed Monomi's ears and ran off somewhere.

"Waaaaaah! Don't do that! My ear are vewy delicate!" Monomi wailed as the two disappeared. The now fourteen students stood quietly again.

"What...does he expect us to do now...?" Clover asked.

"Go to sleep, most likely..." Bright folded her arms.

"He makes us kill each other...investigate the death of our friend, in our pyjamas, no less...and then basically execute them?!" Quick trembled. "This...this is just messed up...! I wanna go home...!"

"All of us do, Quick..." Bud said. "But...with Monokuma in the way...none of us know what to do..."

"Fight him!" He yelled without thinking. "I don't care if I might die! I wanna go home! I don't wanna do this!"

"Get a hold of yourself!" Aqua told him, walking over to him and backhanding him. "You aren't helping anyone, just giving them headaches! I don't frankly care what you do. Just don't get us involved with it..." Everyone went silent once more.

As cold as it was to say...she's right...complaining about this isn't helping anyone...but, what does she expect us to do...?

"Come on..." Bright broke the silence. "It would be best if we rested's been such a long day..." Nobody said anything but did as suggested and filed into the elevator.

Techno sat by the pool, staring at the water that was reflecting the moonlight. On the first day, Smile would have come out of his cottage and noticed him by now. Techno ran his foot around the water, creating a ripple effect.

Smile...and Boom... He fixed his glasses and sighed. We're all so young for this to be happening...and yet...we were forced to see dead bodies...someone being executed...this isn't right...but I can't complain...I just have to try and survive, I guess... He looked up into the starry sky. Or at least hope that someone appears and saves us...

Techno pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his head on top of his kneecaps. " me..." Little did he know the presence of another was just over by the cottages.

"We'll be out of here soon..." They muttered. "Don't you worry about it..." They walked off.

Chapter 1: A Murderous Memory


Chapter 1 Bonus: Alternate Execution.

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"Wow-wee! Looks like you guys were right! The one that brutally killed Boom Box was none other than Smile Gigs! Rejoice in your victory." Monokuma announced.

Smile's mouth was agape in shock as he struggled to speak. All that came out were a bunch of 'but's, 'I's and 'wha?'s.

" bastard!" Toxic spat. "Why...why the hell did you kill Boom?!"

"I..." Smile started to shake. "I had to go home..."

"You had to go home...?" Pure asked. "What does that mean...?"

"E-exactly what it family is really poor...we don't have much to live off of despite my popularity as a comedian...we're struggling with the rent in our house and keeping stock of essentials...if we lost our house whilst I wasn't around, I...I'd lose I needed to leave...I needed to get out of here and find out if everything is like it was before I left!"

"You did find out if your family were okay...?" Rip covered her mouth.

"We had lost my sister a few years ago...if something else happened...I...I couldn't..." He gripped the sides of his head as his legs buckled. "I couldn't handle it..."

"Smile..." Memory muttered. "This is...the worst..."

"Well~" Monokuma said cheerily. "I think that we leave that stuff behind and move onto the punishment!"

"P-p-punishment...?" Smile went pale. "W-wait a second! Please, if you're gonna do this, tell me what happened to my family!"

"I've prepared a very special punishment for Smile Gigs, the 'Super Middle School Level Comedian'!"

"H-hey, aren't you listening?! Is my family okay or not?!"

"Well, let's give it everything we got!"

"Please! Please, you have to let me know!"



A large red button had risen from the ground and a small wooden gavel had materialised into Monokuma's paw. He gave one last laugh before hitting the button.

Game Over!
Smile Gigs has been found guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Smile slowly backed up as a door beside Monokuma flew open and a chain had shot through, it passed all the other students and gripped onto Smile's neck, dragging him off to another room. The monitor in the trial room flashed on, revealing Smile, standing on a brightly lit stage with his legs restrained and a microphone in his hand. He was placed in front of a crowd of Monokuma's.

Smile Gigs' Execution
The Last Laugh

A meter labelled 'Laugh-O-Meter' hung above Smile the Monokuma crowd started to heckle Smile. That's when two speakers at either side of Smile appeared, amplifying the heckles in his ear. He attempted to block it out but it just got louder and louder.

It wasn't long before a small trail of blood began to leak out of Smile's ears. This got the crowd's attention as they began to laugh which slowly started filling up the Laugh-O-Meter. The more it filled up the louder the Monokuma laughter grew and the louder the speakers got and the more blood Smile lost.

Eventually after enduring the pain of feeling the red liquid drip down his face and his ringing ears. The Monokuma crowd had left, leaving the Laugh-O-Meter at full. There was an eerie silence before he speakers left out one more loud blast of noise, shaking the Laugh-O-Meter and causing it to fall onto Smile, crushing and killing him instantly.

Chapter 1 Bonus: Victim and Killer Free-Time Events

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Smile Gigs (1)

"So, Techno, let me ask you something that I've been wondering for a exactly do you become a 'SMSL Inventor'?" Smile asked.

"How?" Techno raised an eyebrow. "I kind of just came up with an idea for a machine and then I constructed it the way it was in my wasn't really anything special."

"Wow, impressive." Smile grinned.

"Not really, I don't find it anything to be so happy about. What about you though? How did you become a 'Super Middle School Level Comedian'?"

"Oh, well you family are actually pretty poor...we always have been. I started off with just trying to cheer them up with a few jokes here and there and eventually, my dad signed me up to perform in this small comedy club. I got paid a little bit which helped out the family and I did a lot of gigs there and my popularity grew. I eventually started to go on tour and that's when Hope's Peak saw me..." He smiled.

"'ve been through a lot worse to get to where you are now..."

"Meh, it wasn't so bad." Smile shrugged. "Sometimes you just got to appreciate the smaller things in life..."

To think that Smile is so cheery and upbeat but been through that...he really is someone to look up to...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Smile Gigs (2)

"Hey, Smile? Can I ask you something?"

"Huh?" He seemed surprised. "Sure...what is it?"

"Being a comedian, you'd have a lot fans but you'd probably have hecklers at your shows, right?"

"Yeah, it's a normal thing..."

"So, how do you deal with them...?"

"Oh. It's pretty simple. I can easily just use my comedic abilities against's great fun and really shows them up. Nobody ever gets away with heckling at one of my shows." He said that with a mischievous smile. "But of course, the most important thing for me to remember is that everyone will have those people that won't like them. You can't focus on them, focus on pleasing your fans. That's my true goal in my shows..."

"What about your family?"

"Oh, yeah, that too obviously. But, don't you think it comes under the same thing? I'm making life easier for my family...that's my favourite part of what I do..."

It's the same as before...he just wants to help his family get a better life...a better can he handle that...?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Smile Gigs (3)

"Hmm..." Smile grumbled. "What to do...what to do...?"

"Is something wrong...?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"Kind of...Techno. Very quick question but at the same very you think it would be easier to base a comedy routine around politics or news?"

"H-huh? What kind of a question is that?!"

"Just answer!"

He's being unusually forceful about this...what should I say...?

"News, eh...?" Smile folded his arms and closed his eyes in thought. "Maybe...there's more material to work with...but it can he hard if there isn't anything in particular...or if there isn't any of those idiots in the background that want to get on TV...everybody's seem them, what they do can vary...but...dammit! Damn it all! I've never had this much trouble before!"

"Just calm down!" Techno took a step back. "Why are you so stressed about this?"

"W-what if I'm losing my edge? What if my creativity levels are dropping?! I'll never be able to do another tour if we get off this island!"

"Seriously, Smile! You don't need to worry!"

"Why not?! You've probably never been in this sort of situation!"

"Not true...I've had a hard time thinking up new's a natural thing to happen for every inventor. Same for comedians, storywriters, artists..."

"Artist...?" Smile's eyes widened. "So what you're saying is...I should ask Paint for help?!"

"Wha-? That's not the point I was-"

"Thanks for the advice, Techno!" Without listening, Smile sped off.

...what just happened...?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Smile Gigs (4)

"Hey, Techno...? What'd your life like...? You know, the good life...?"

"The good life...?"

"Yeah, the one you live without worrying that you could thrown out of your home at any were if you got seriously injured you could still afford surgery or whatever...y'know...the dream life..."

"Smile..." Techno paused. " have it all wrong..."


"It's not what you're imagining it as...just because my family isn't considered 'poor' doesn't mean we're living in a huge house near a beach with others to do our work for us..."

"I...I know that...but, I just want to know what it would be like..."

"It's kind of like yours actually...'cause just like you, things like surgery, we wouldn't have that kind of money at that time..."

"I it's kind of like just having slightly better conditions...? My house has got a lot of cracks in the walls so it's really cold...but, we make it work even when there's only three of us now..."

"Three of you 'now'?"

", my mom and my dad...I used to have a older sister but she died a few years ago..."

"What happened...?" Techno pressed.

"...c-could...could we not talk about that...?" Smile's eyes saddened. "I just...have always had a hard time trying to deal with her death..."

"It's fine...but if you ever need to talk about it, you can come to me..."

"Thanks, Techno..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Smile Gigs (5)

A few minutes had passed. The two hadn't made eye contact, let alone conversation. What is going on...? Why is Smile so unusually quiet...? As if on command, Smile stood up.

" it alright if we go to my cottage...?" He asked awkwardly. "There's something that I want to talk to you about in private..."

" problem..." Techno stood up as Smile led the way to his cottage. It looked like never needed to unlock it, not like that would ever be an important detail. He closed the door behind and stood at the door in silence for a small amount of time. "So" Techno started. "What was it that you wanted to talk about...?"

"I...I think...I think I want to tell you more about what happened to my sister..."

"What?" Techno asked him surprised. "Y-you know you don't have to do that..."

"I know, but...I want to..." He looked up. "It was five years ago...she was a really upbeat and cheerful person...a little on the crazy side but all around really good to me...and she...she had been killed...the police could never find the remains of her body and the guilty person was already dead by the time they found, after that, I didn't really do much of anything...I only did anything when I saw how miserable my parents were about it...I may have took it the worse...but I wanted to be strong. I forced myself to be stronger than I really am for their sake...and that's when I started telling some jokes..." Techno stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"'ve been through a lot, haven't you...?"

"Yeah...but I don't really care...I feel like now that I'm here and got to meet you...and everyone else...I can finally just go back to being the real me...all because of you Techno..."

"Me? But I didn't do anything."

"You brought me out of my shell, my fake persona. You friend...and for that. I'll be forever grateful..." He gave a sincere smile.

Smile...there's so much for you to be sad about. You always try to be strong for proud because I promise you that we'll make it out of here matter what...

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Smile's Underwear:
Smile's favourite multi-coloured boxers. Apparently the colours remind him of his sister's bubbly attitude and eccentric personality.

Boom Box (1)

"Uuuuurrrrrrrgggggg!" Boom let out a long drawn-out groan. "Dude, you gotta realise that this situation is, like...totally whack, right?"

"Of course it is...we're being forced to kill each other. It's natural for anyone to think that this place is messed up."

"Plus the worst part...where's the music venue at?!"

"M-music venue? That's what you're so annoyed about...?"

"Yo, if I don't get to my main hub, Imma start to freak the hell out! Y'know what I mean?"

"Uh...." Techno scratched his head.

"C-C'mon, T-Star, don't fail me now! My main hub! You know what I mean, right?"

His main hub...? I he referring to a...

"You mean you wanna get back on the turntables?" Techno guessed.

"Yep, that's it! Man, I miss my turntables so much..."

"There might something close enough down at the supermarket...honestly, with most of the stuff it sells, I'd be surprised if it didn't have something close to a turntable."

"Yeah, you're right...thanks for the suggestion! Later, T-Star!" Boom waved as he ran off.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Boom Box (2)

"Nrrrr....." Boom let out another annoyed grumble. "I'm gonna go insane..."

"Couldn't find anything like a turntable...?" Techno guessed.

" totally suck, dude..." He sighed. "What am I gonna do...? I need my music..."

"Speaking of music...why dubstep?" Boom raised an eyebrow. "Out of all genres...why did you want to be a star in dubstep? I don't really think it's all that great..."

"'s true that you don't have to put much thought into dubstep as much as written typical pop songs or whatever...and it's not something I would listen to if I wanted to relax..."

"So why dubstep...?"

"I think it's because it's so upbeat and just all around perfect for parties..." He smiled. "I mean, you don't want a party to be borin'...dubstep always has a great beat to it so it can get everyone in room on their feet and dancin'! That's why I chose dubstep. I wanted to see people enjoyin' my music!"

"That's...actually pretty cool..."

"Did you expect anything less that the 'Super Middle School Level DJ'?"

"Well...I suppose not..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Boom Box (3)


"What is it this time...?" Boom didn't respond. "Boom...? Boom...BOOM!!!"

"Huh?" He snapped back. "Oh, sorry T-Star...I was just thinking..."

"Thinking about what?"

"Thinking 'bout the positive thing 'bout this island...the girls~" He grinned. "C'mon, admit it. You got a thing for one of them, dont'cha? I can wanna say who it is, or will I...?"

"Wha-?! How would you know that-"

"So you DO like someone!"

Dammit! He tricked me!

"C'mon who is it? Is it Bud? It would sense cause of her title."

"W-why do you care...?"

"Hmm? Is there a reason not to...?" He asked. "I mean, c'mon, you'd be crazy not to like any of them. They're so diverse that there's something for anyone. From crazy Laser to kind-hearted Bud...wait...don't try and tell me you're going for Cl-"

"Shut up..." Techno cut him off. "Not a chance."

"Alright, alright. I get it...say, do you think Rip is single...?" Techno's heart stopped for a second. "I like the athletic types and since she's a surfer chick, that just makes her awesome!"

"No." Techno said. "I think she mentioned something about having a boyfriend."

"Oh...must of missed that...I don't really pick up details but I doubt it'll ever effect anything I do..."

...that's a weird way to end a conversation...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Boom Box (4)

"Alright, picking up from last time!" Boom flashed a goofy grin. "C'mon, just tell me!"

"No!" Techno yelled, annoyed. "What about you?!"

"Me...?" Boom went quiet. "Um...aside from Rip who apparently has someone...I'm not really sure. I mean, Bud is nice and all but...I'm just not feeling it with her...?"

"Not feeling it...?"

"Come on, you must know what I mean, right...?"

Something he feels around Rip but not around Bud...?

"Do you mean butterflies...?" That's such a weird way to say it.

"Yeah that weird feeling that you get...the only one I've gotten it with has been Rip...and there was this other girl but I probably shouldn't talk about her..."

"Why's that? Did something happen...?"

"'s nothing....look, I made plans for later so I'm gonna head, talk to you later though!"

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Boom Box (5)


And we're back to the grumbling...

"Alright then!" Boom seemed suddenly serious.


"I'm gonna tell ya' 'bout the other girl I mentioned last time. But...we should go somewhere a little more private...let's head to my cottage..."

They always want to go to the cottage...

Boom grabbed Techno's wrist and for no reason whatsoever, hauled him over to his cottage.

"Geez, try not to bruise my wrist..." Techno complained.

"Meh, when will a bruised wrist ever need to be mentioned?" Boom shrugged. "Anyway, I guess this is the point I tell you about her..."

"I guess..." Techno waited as Boom took a deep breath.

"It was around April of last year...this girl in my class, Asteroid Comet, had been my friend for a while you see...I really liked her and I wanted to tell her. So that day, I went up to her at the end of the day and confessed...she, uh...turned me down...but the worst part was that instead of keepin' it between us...she thought she would just tell everyone in the class 'bout it...I was a laughing stalk of the class...I never talked to any of the girls in my class since then...but, she is the one that got me into music."

"How so?"

"Well, I listened to music to try and cheer me up, then I wanted to write my own songs. I had the music but I just couldn't get any lyrics, I took the easy way out and became the DJ you see before you..."

"Wow, who would have guessed."

"Sometimes one bad thing has gotta happen before a good thing can come your way...that's what I learned..."

Whilst Boom may not be the most interesting person I've ever met...the fact that he was able to tell me about that time shows how close we became over time...

"Thanks again, T-Star...or...would you rather have me call you Techno?"

"Either way, I don't really care...I've grown attached to that nickname." Techno smiled.

"Awesome! T-Star it is then!"

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Boom's Underwear:
Boom's favourite boxer-briefs. The luminous blue colour allegedly wasn't very appealing at first but he just found himself wearing them often than anything else that he owned.

Chapter 2: (Ab)Normal Days Part 1

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Chapter 2: Deception, Disguises and Discord.

Day 1

Everyone was sitting in the restaurant in their small groups they had made, Bud had moved over to join Memory, Clover, Techno and Rip. They all sat in silence, staring at the ground or at the chairs the now deceased Boom and Smile would sit in. Execution still fresh in their minds, they found it hard to speak at all, even Bright and Aqua couldn't start a conversation amongst the group.

I still can't believe that happened...Smile ended up dead...and then Boom got brutally executed for it...

"It's horrible..." Paint broke the silence, her monotone voice catching everyone by surprise. "Unfortunately...what's done is done...even if we don't want to accept that, we have to face reality...what we saw last night was a real dead body and a real execution..."

"How can you expect us to just accept it like that?" Toxic asked. "We're just middle school students...we shouldn't be in this situation..."

"B-being forced to watch Boom getting killed...I can hardly take this..." Rip said in a quivering voice.

"It's our fault, y'know..." Clover whimpered. "We...we sent Boom to his death...we killed him..."

"Oh, contraire..." Paint objected. "The person controlling Monokuma sent him to his death...we didn't do anything wrong..."

"She's right..." Memory agreed. "Boom didn't have to be executed...the punishment was of Monokuma's choice...but what pisses me off is that he made a show about it!" He gritted his teeth. "He treated Boom like some pawn and just...killed he didn't mean anything to anyone..."

"He only did it because he wanted to know if his sister was still okay...didn't he...?" Rip asked.

"That's what he said." Toxic tapped the table with his finger. "We don't know the truth though...he could have killed Smile for the hell of's not outside the realm of possibility..."

"Hey, why don't you just shut up!" Pure yelled at him. "Do you even realise how disrespectful that is to say?!"

"How in any way is it disrespectful...when I'm just theorizing...? All we have are his words...granted they may have been his last ones and he had no reason to lie but he have just wanted a reason for us to pity him..."

"As much as none of you would want to say it, he's right..." Aqua agreed. "Also, I've noticed something..." She sat up and looked at Pure. "What is with you getting angry at Toxic all the time...?"

"That's none of your business..." Toxic folded his arms and leaned back. "Honestly...sometimes it's better you don't know things..."

"Yeah..." Pure simply said. "It's better you guys don't know..."

"Anyway..." Clip diverted the conversation. "What are we supposed to do now...? Wait until Monokuma gives us another motive?"

"Well..." Bright fixed her glasses. "If my theory is correct...something will come up in three...two...on-"

"Hello!" Monomi sprung up from nowhere.

"Gah?!" Quick yelped.

"What the hell so you want?!" Aqua yelled.

"I've come with great new for everyone!" She shrugged off Aqua's attitude. "I beat one of the Monobeasts and now the gate to Second Island is opened up!"

"What? Are you serious?!" Memory's eyes widened. "You took down one of those Monobeasts?"

"Of course, if not. What kind of a teacher would I be?"

"This is great!" Laser sprung up. "Now we can look for a way off of here!" Monomi gave a worried look. "What? There's gotta be a way off the island somewhere, right, Bright?"

"Maybe..." The Pegasus fixed her glasses. "It's most likely one that's hidden though...whoever put us here wouldn't want us to leave so easily..."

"Monomi is the one that stole out memories, right?" Aqua stood up. "What the hell do you know about who put us here you fucking rabbit?!"

"I...I..." Monomi stalled. "Gotta go! Have fun!" She disappeared.

"Coward!" Quick yelled. "Sweet do we do now...?"

"Obviously, we gotta search the island!" Swift smirks. "Even is it'll be a challenge, a way out has gotta exist!"

"Well...we'll never know if we don't try, I suppose..." Clover shrugged. "But...I say we split up into groups and investigate..."

"Why's that...?" Clip asked.

"Y-you know...just in case..." Everyone looked at each other. The sense of distrust was still in the air.

" about this...?" Pure's horn glowed as fourteen sticks appeared. "Alright. There are seven colours, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange and brown. And if you didn't guess already - blue goes blue and so on..." Everyone took their stick and looked at the colour. Techno had gotten orange.

"Umm...who" He asked.

"Oh! Me!" Laser cheered.

Aw crap...

"Dammit!" Clip yelled. "Now I want orange! I got blue though..."

"Hey, I'll take offence to that!" Quick grumbled.

"Looks like Toxic and I got yellow..." Bud smiled as she stood next to the chemist.

"Rip and I got red..." Bright fixed her glasses.

"Swift and I have brown...." Pure smiled.

"Umm...Aqua and I have green..." Clover stood next to the earth pony.

"So that leaves Memory and I with purple..." Paint said, suddenly back to her sketch. "Well...let's head out in our pairs..."

Laser and Techno arrived at Central Island, Techno being slightly uncomfortable around the auburn unicorn. "C'mon, Techno! An adventure awaits us!" She had linked arms with him and been dragged him around like that since they had left the hotel.

"Can you at least let me go...?" Techno asked.

"I could..." Laser smiled. "But where's the fun in doing that? Therefore, we'll continue like this until we go back to the hotel!"

"I'd like to go back now..." Techno grumbled. Laser looked back at him with a small grin.

"You know...there's a reason that Hope's Peak were also thinking of calling me the 'Super Middle School Level Prankster' I would be careful with what you say..."

I-is she threatening me?! Techno stopped his complaining as he was dragged over to the bridge with the number 2 stamped on the arch. The Monobeast that had previously been there had disappeared.

"Wow!" Laser jumped up in excitement. "Could you have imagined the battle? The giant mechanical animal up against the pink rabbit that wishes to seek revenge! Monobeast Vs Monomi! Coming to a theatre near you soon!"

"...right..." There was no other way to really respond to something like that. "We should hurry up, everyone is already on the other island..."

"Well, duh!" She gave a mock smile. "I knew that, silly! Now! No delay, let's go!" Still with Techno in her grip, she charged off across the bridge.

"S-slow down!" Techno yelled.

"No way! I wanna see how fast we can get there!" She smirked as she started to speed up, almost tripping Techno. She sprinted across the bridge before eventually coming to a halt. "Look at that view!" She pointed. Techno re-adjusted his glasses before looking at what Laser seemed so excited about.

The view of the second island was something to behold. It seemed to have an ancient building in the distance, a huge white building, closer to them was a small diner and a tunnel that seemed to lead off to a secret area. There was also a rather large mansion like building further up the pathway.

This's atmosphere is a lot of different than the First Island... Techno and Laser stood in silence for a few seconds. "So, uh...where should we check first...?"

"Hmm..." Laser released Techno from her grasp and tapped her chin. "Let's...go to...the diner!" She pointed to the small building. "I'm pretty hungry, y'know?"

True...we didn't have breakfast before coming over here.... As if on command there was a low growl emanating from Laser.

"Hehe..." She blushed slightly. "See what I mean...? Now...come on! Let's go and get some grub already!" Once again, she linked her arm with Techno's and sped off to the diner, almost knocking Techno off his feet once again. They approached the small diner, it was just like any kind of roadside diner you could see whilst travelling, it didn't look that special at all.

"Do you think they'll have something to eat inside?" Techno asked as he was dragged into the diner.

"Probably!" Laser smiled. Upon entered, the two noticed the other pair that were witting at one of the booths, relaxing in the sunlight that was beaming through the glass. It was Rip and Bright.

"Oh, hi you two!" Rip greeted with a sweet smile.

"Hello..." Bright simply said, only giving the two an almost glance. "You two came here looking for food, I suppose?"

"Uh, did yo-"

"Super Middle School Level Theorist, Techno!" Laser reminded him. "And for that, every time you make a mistake or say something stupid, I get to give you a dead arm!"

"What?! No!" Techno yelled.

"There's no stopping me now!" Laser smiled.

"" Rip frowned. "I guess you'll just have to pick your words carefully..."

Oh why did I have to get orange...? Techno sighed.

"So, you guys find any grub in here? Since nobody had breakfast before we came here, it would be awesome to fill up!" Laser asked the two.

"Well...yeah, we found food..." Rip started. "'s all things that need to be microwaved and this diner doesn't have one..."

"Everything needs to be microwaved? For real?!" Laser gasped. "Aw...I wanted to eat though..." She gave a crestfallen look.

"Well, we can get food when we back..." Bright said. "You don't need to whine about it."

"B-but Bright! I need food in my stomach or I'll die!" Laser complained.

"You won't die..." Bright fixed her glasses. "Not in a few hours of not having food...unless you are incredibly weak..."

"Uuuu....I'm so hungry though..."

"The sooner you finish the investigation of the island. The sooner you can eat..." Laser's eyes lit up.

"Really?!" She jumped. "Alright then! Techno, to the other buildings!"

"Wait, why are you two here then?" Techno asked.

"Oh, Bright said she wanted to rest for a little bit." Rip informed them. "Apparently her theory is that if we wait here for another three minutes, we can stumble across more information...I'm in no position to go against what she says and we were put into pairs so I guess I'll be here for a little bit as well!"

"What...kind of logic is that anyway?" Techno looked at the grey Pegasus.

"Hmph..." Bright fixed her glasses. "Do you have any way to refute it...?" She smirked. "If not then it's pointless to question my theory..."

"But...if you looked now then wouldn't yo-"

"You think that if we go now we'd have more time to investigate, am I correct?" Bright guessed. Techno didn't get the chance to answer before she said. "I thought so..." She sighed before placing her book on the table. "Do you want to know what this book contains?" The other three exchanged glances before she started to explain. "It's where I keep all my methods of deductions. I use it when I theorise if I want to review something, the methods in this leads me to the conclusion that three minutes is all we need to wait to get the most information out of this island."

"See? This is why Bright is the Super Middle School Level Theorist!" Rip smiled. "Or...something like that..."

"My methods are only part of the reason..." Bright said cryptically. "But that is for another time..." She picked her book again and held it at her chest.

"Um...right..." Techno simply said, still curious about the story behind her talent. "Well...I guess we should go then, right, Laser?"

"Oh! Yeah!" The auburn unicorn cheered before dragging Techno out of the diner. "So where to next? Oh, let's go through that tunnel!" Laser pointed to the huge black tunnel that was near the diner. "Please, please, please?" She begged.

"Well...we need to investigate as much as we can so I guess we should have a look..." Laser beamed as the two ventured down through the tunnel to a small beach with a beach house by the tunnel.

"Oh, wow!" Laser whistled as the two walked around the beach house. "This is a really nice place, don't you think? It's got sunbeds, some surfboards, Pure and Swift duking it out, glorious sea-"

"What was that last one...?" Techno looked at her.

"I said, glorious sea-"

"No, before that." Techno muttered something under his breath at the old joke.

"Oh, that." Laser pointed to the two that were on the beach, clearly angered with one another. The prosecutor and attorney, both now stood at a standstill. Techno and Laser watched from a distance as Swift took a step forward.

"I still can't believe you would even consider telling them about that!" He yelled at Pure.

"Urgh! I'm just trying to help you! You are so ungrateful, I swear, sometimes I wonder why we ever even decided to let bygones by bygones and become 'friends'." She yelled back.

"Well it's not my fault that all prosecutors are halfwits!"

"Excuse me?" Pure took a step forward. "Prosecutors are halfwits? Do you really want to try insulting someone that could kick your ass in court and out of it any time any day?!"

"Is that a freaking challenge I hear because if so I am ready whenever you are!" The two charged at each other immediately, Pure throwing a punch and nailing Swift in the gut. He stammered back before Laser's horn started to glow, stopping the two from moving.

"W-what the hell...?" Pure glared at Techno and Laser.

"What the hell is going on here?" Techno asked, running over to the two. "Why are you guys fighting?"

"Well, Swift here was getting pissed off at me because I wanted to help him by letting everyone know that-"

"I said shut up!" Swift cut her off. "I don't want people knowing about that! I trusted you with that after all!"

"Ooooh..." Laser grinned. "What is it...? Is it something big? Like where Swift hides his porn?"

"Where did that come from?!" Swift yelled.

"I didn't hear no~"

"I didn't say a yes either! Either way...I can't talk about it to everyone yet..."

"So, what now?" Techno asked the two. "It's clear that you two aren't going to be getting along any time soon and with you guys acting like that, it could hinder your investigation..."

"Why don't we swap members? I'll take Techno, Swift gets Laser?" Pure suggested.

"Oh! I'm all of it!" Laser cheered.

"Hmm...and, Laser? If he slacks off at any point during your investigation, feel free to do as you please..." Pure smirked.

"W-wait, don't I get a say in this?!" Swift yelled.

"Yay! C'mon Swift, don't slack off now! We have a lot of investigating to do!" Laser grabbed Swift's arm and dragged him off into the distance. Techno turned to Pure who seemed to be focused on something else, most likely what she and Swift were arguing about.

"What...did Swift say to you anyway...?" Techno asked.

"I guess I shouldn't tell you...he was right. I should be able to be trusted with his secret but...I just help and he got mad..." Pure's ears drooped.

"Hey, you guys are still friends, I'm sure this'll all blow over's not like you actually told me, is it?"

"Well...yeah, that's true...but Swift has this habit of distancing himself from others if they insult him...or at least, that's what he told me..."

"Well. You shouldn't worry. Since I've already checked the diner I guess the next stop would be that huge white building."

"Oh, I think that it might be like a pharmacy or something." Pure guessed. "But, that's just my gut feeling..."

"Well, let's head over and find out." Techno smiled as the two walked back through the tunnel and to the white building. It has automatic double doors that revealed it's same white walls on the inside of the building. There were a few doors here and there but it was practically empty.

"This...doesn't look like a pharmacy..." Pure pointed out the obvious. "What is this place? It's creeping me out..."

"I'm not sure..." Techno frowned slightly, the place did give a rather eerie vibe. What is this place...? If not a pharmacy then...what...? It doesn't look like a hospital...

"Could it be...? I've only ever seen one once before but..." Pure muttered. "It...could be a mental institute..." She suggested, surprising Techno.

"M-mental institute...?" He repeated getting a sudden uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

" could also double as a police station, this island does need some kind of law enforcement, even if it once was a tourist spot...crime can take place anywhere as we've seen..." She explained.

"I guess you're right, but still...a mental institute...? Here of all places...? Next to a diner no less."

"This has me concerned though. What did this island have that required a place like this?" Pure bit the inside of her cheek as she thought about it. "Hmm...who know...?"

"I...I want to leave right now..." Techno said meekly.

"Don't blame you. These places are seriously messed up. I had to talk to a suspect that was being confined in one of these places through one of those sliders in the doors of a padded room. That guys was insane as hell..."

"C-can you not?" Techno pleaded.

"Oh, sorry. Got carried away..." She smiled sheepishly. "It's a habit, I'll start talking about some random case I've worked on before..."

"It's fine, just try to tone it down a little..."

"I'll try my best." Pure smiled. "Now, I guess that if we're done here. Next, let's head over to the next building. I feel like something is gonna jump out at us in some animatronic thingy..."

Where does an idea like that even come from...? The two quickly left the building, still slightly disturbed by the idea that Pure had come up with. The next building along was the huge mansion-like structure. The entrance to the building were two huge doors that were at least three times the size of both Pure and Techno. The two gave each other a glance before venturing inside. Their vision darkened from the lack of light inside for a few seconds. Pure used her horn to illuminate the area, revealing a huge book covered area.

"Well...this is rather unexpected..." Pure's eyes widened. "Who would have guessed that this place was a huge library?"

"I know, I was expecting it to look like a mansion on the inside as well." Techno murmured slightly unsatisfied. As the two walked along, they noticed a white glow coming from around one of the corners. Looking around, they found Aqua looking around the shelves with Clover using her horn to light up their area.

"Oh, hey guys. Looking for something...?" Pure asks, catching the two off guard slightly.

"Hey you two." Clover smiled. "Aqua said she wanted to search a little bit more and since we can't find a light switch, I've been using my magic to light up the place so she can look."

"It's good you're a unicorn, otherwise you would have been completely useless to me." Aqua remarked.

"I...I know..." Clover frowned. "I can be a real screw up at times..."

Well her mood suddenly got really sad... Techno looked at where Aqua was rummaging through on the shelves. "What are you looking for?"

"Records." She simply stated.

"Records?" Pure repeated. "Records of what?"

"None of your business." She replied in an annoyed tone. "Now...fuck off."

" need to be so rude..." Pure grumbles. "Well...alright, I guess we'll go search elsewhere..."

"Please do..."

"Um, Aqua...? Y'know, maybe they could help if you just-"

"Did anyone ask for your opinion, flower girl?!" Aqua snapped.

"O-oh...I guess not..." Clover rubbed her arm. "Sorry..." She muttered to Pure and Techno. "She's being more bitter than a horehound right now..." The two raised an eyebrow. "It's a herb..."

"Clover!" Aqua yelled. "I need you to move with me, so get your ass over here!"

"Sorry! Be right there, gotta go guys. Talk to you later." Clover smiled before running off to Aqua.

"So, do you want to have a look around...?" Pure asked. "This place might have some information on why we were put here..."

"Maybe..." Techno folded his arms. "But I don't think we'd find anything like that..."

"Why not?" Pure asked.

"Well. Whoever did this wouldn't want us to find out so easily. If this was like some government project that was happening with Hope's Peak Academy students, do you really think they'd leave the document of that just waiting to be found...?"

"But this place is huge! What are the chances of someone actually finding it?"

"A one in a million chances...but even with that number, they wouldn't take the chance..."

"I...suppose you could be right about that..." Pure conceded. At that moment the front doors to the library opened, revealing, in the light from outside. Paint and Memory stood looking inside.

"Hey, guys!" Memory waved. "It's good we found you two here, Paint thinks we made a big discovery over at those ruins, we're gathering everyone there so you better hurry up!"

"What's going on?" Aqua asked, appearing from the shadows with Clover.

"Just meet at the ruins..." Paint told her. "I'll explain everything there..."

"See you there!" Memory gave a final goodbye before heading off with Paint by his side. The four exchanged looks before heading off in a group to the ruins as instructed. The walk was a silent one, mostly because if anyone said anything, Aqua would most likely be able to find an insult to throw at them.

The ruins in the distance were very clear, a huge moss covered structure that towered above anything else they had seen on any of the islands. It gave off a mysterious feeling of disharmony and fear. The closer they got, the stronger the feelings.

Eventually they reached the front of the ruins where most students had already arrived at, the only ones not present were Laser, Swift, Memory and Paint.

"Ah! That's almost everyone now!" Bud smiles.

"Shut up." Aqua grumbles instantly. "You're to cheery..."

"Oh, sorry! I'll try to be less happy!"

"Ugh, then you'll just be a depressing little whore."

"W-what do you expect from me?!" Bud whined. A few of the others rolled their eyes at this, Bud was now acting desperately to become Aqua's friend. Unfortunately, it seemed to be having the exact opposite effect. It wasn't long after that Memory and his group turned up.

"Alright, now that everyone is here...what was it you wanted to talk to us all about...?" Bright asked immediately after their arrival. Paint gave a blank stare before saying.

" were talking to me..." Paint mumbles something. "What was it again...?"

D-did she seriously forget?!

"Oh...the building. Well. I want everyone to have a good look at the structure. Doesn't it's shape seem similar?" They all turned and gazed up at the moss covered building. "To just seems to much like Hope's Peak. Does anyone else agree...?"

"Now...that you mention it..." Clip starts. "I think I can kinda see it, hon..." Paint was silent.

"Oh...still talking to me...? You should really develop use people's names when speaking, or at least a nickname..."

"Ur..." Clip seemed slightly caught off guard by the statement. "Right..."

"Anyway." Paint continued. "I have to wonder why this is here, don't you all think so to? I mean, this is clearly strange to find..."

"Maybe Jabberwock Island was where Hope's Peak started...and it eventually moved into Canterlot but this building was never torn down...?" Pure suggests.

"Impossible." Bright fixed her glasses. "You see, the first problem with that is the entrance. Look at it." Everyone got closer to the building and saw an old-looking round door with a small keypad to the side of it and a huge Gatling Gun hanging above it. "This is clearly not any kind of school door."

"But look at these markings..." Clover walks up to it. "It looks like it's...Neighponese..."

"Oh, I can translate!" Rip smiled. "I learned a lot about the language during a surfing tournament so I think this'll be simple enough." Everyone moved out the way as Rip examined the markings on the stone wall. It took a minute or two before she stepped away, turning to everyone else. "It says 'Kibō' which translates to 'hope' in English." Everyone gave confused or intrigued looks at that information.

"Hope...?" Swift muttered. "Why would it say hope...?"

" could be evidence to say that it's Hope's Peak Academy..." Clover suggested.

"Possibly. But I think this may hold a deeper meaning than that..." Bright theorised. "But I am not quite sure what it would be yet..."

"Oh great, so we just wasted precious time for nothing?!" Aqua yelled. "Jeez, thanks for that!"

"...who, me...?" Paint asked.

"Put down the fucking portrait for once!"

"I have in the past." She recalled. "Investigation, class trials. Important times are when I'll stop focusing on this...but talking to you isn't important enough to me..." Everyone stood shocked by that statement. Aqua growled as she stepped closer to the artist.

"Say that again..." Paint paused.

"Talking to a self-centred, controlling, deceiving, heartless, heinous, two-face bitch is not worth my time to put my sketch down."

"Slayed!" Laser laughed.

Why was that so satisfying to hear...? Oh right, nobody like Aqua...

"Well." Bright tapped her chin with her book. "I suppose whilst we're here, we could talk about the results of our investigation...anybody want to volunteer to start...?"

"Well..." Clover said with a slightly timid tone. "There's a huge library that's got more books than you could imagine. It's got something for everyone."

"There were even some case files there when I checked it out." Toxic recalled. "It seems that the place has literally everything. There was even a list of cases revolving around a serial killer..."

"A serial killer...?" Pure inquired. "Which one...?"

"One that goes by the name of 'Black Viper'. Named that because each victim is found with puncture wounds that resemble snake bites...pretty nasty, eh?"

"Hmm..." Swift tapped his foot on the ground. "I don't think there would be a reason for those files to be here of all places."

"Something else." Aqua adds. "Despite having such obscure files, they don't seem to have our student records..."

"Well, those are school records." Clip points out. "Wouldn't it be a little bit weird for those kind of files to be on some random island?"

"This isn't exactly 'some random island' though." Toxic put his hands in his pockets. "I mean, after all we've seen we can't call it just another island, can we?"

"There's defiantly something fishy about this place. Problem is, we don't what it is..." Quick frowns. "Oh, also. It's a miracle I heard that. My hearing aid broke during the investigation..."

"What happened?" Clover asked slightly louder than needed.

"I think it might just be the battery or something. I'll need to check the market later...but at least I managed to pick up the things about the building looking like Hope's Peak and those files." He smiled proudly. "Pretty good for someone that's half-deaf, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah, quit boasting." Aqua told him.

"Roasting?" Quick raised an eyebrow. "It's not hot out here..."

"Boast. BOAST!" Aqua snapped.

"I don't boast..." Quick grumbled.

"Anyway. Maybe Monomi knows something about the building and the files." Rip suggests. "Though...due to her vagueness earlier. I doubt she could be much help..."

"I swear, that rabbit has got to have something to do with all this!" Aqua hissed.

"I have to agree." Clip said. "I mean, it's kinda obvious, right? She has to be the main cause of all this since she was the one that took us here."

"I may seem like that..." Bright began. "...but, Monokuma and Monomi's rivalry seem to overshadow any possibility of them working together. Does it not?"

"We should to talking about this island." Toxic changed the topic. "Did anyone investigate that white building?"

"Uh. Techno and I did." Pure said. "I'm not exactly sure what it should be but my initial impressions said that it was a mental institution."

"Mental institution?" Memory's eyes widened.

"Plain white walls are a common feature inside them. They stop those inside from feeling uncomfortable. We only checked the lobby area though but if there are padded rooms in there. Then it would have to be a mental institute, without a doubt."

"Ooo~" Laser smiled. "How creepy! I love it, now I'm hoping that some crazy people are still in there!"

"D-don't say things like that!" Clover whimpered. "I hate anything that's horror-related..."

"That explains why you couldn't be around the crime scene during the investigation." Toxic commented. "Makes me wonder hoe you intend to survive..." Clover's ears drooped at that.

"Survive...I'll probably be next to go..." She sulked.

"Aw." Bud frowned. "Don't say that. We can't just say we'll keep killing each other. We're-"

"Friends?" Aqua guessed mockingly. "Is that what you were going to say?"


"You think that friends are going to save you from death I can say you won't last very long." She growled.

"Geez. No victims from your attitude either." Toxic remarked.

"Oh shut up, you! What's a chemist gonna do?! Poison me?! Fuck off you piece of trash!"

"You use insults to make yourself feel better. Don't you?" Paint spoke up.

"...excuse me...?" Aqua raised an eyebrow.

"To make yourself feel like you have some worth in this world. You've been insulting others, pointing out flaws and distancing yourself so we won't see yours."

"That is so not true you bitch!"

"Both of you just stop it!" Techno snapped. "Can we just not fight for once? Most of us are still trying to work together to get out of here but you guys being at each others throats all the time is making that really difficult."

"I don't intend to get out of here. Linked arms with everyone, anyway." Aqua told him. "Why do we even try? There's not going to be a way off this island other than killing someone so you may as well just let things happen and kill or die when it's your turn." Everyone went silent at her words.

"So, let me get this straight." Toxic started, his teeth starting to grind. "You think that everyone is just gonna die and you're gonna live through this. You think it'll be that easy?!"

"Let her think what she wants to think!" Pure yelled. "Alright, what she thinks shouldn't matter to you and it's her own thoughts. You can't just say that's she's wrong for thinking like that!"

"But that covers everything aside from the diner and the beachside house. Nothing is noteworthy about either of them though." Swift said.

"Really? Nothing? That's rather weird when we compare it to everything else on this island." Clip says. "I wonder if they have like some kinda dark secret?"

"Or maybe they're just normal places? Why are you suspicious of everything?" Paint asked.

"I'm not. Just pointing out, that's all, hun."

"Again with the 'hun'..." Paint muttered so Clip wouldn't hear it. "But, other than that, it seems that this is all the island has to offer...does everyone else agree?" Some nodded in response. "Then...I guess that would have to end it for today, we'll disband for the day. Adios!" She waved before walking off.

Day 2

Techno was laid down on his bed. Not sure what to do for the day, nothing important had came up at the group's daily meeting and it's not like there was anything that he was particularly interested in looking into.

"...So what am I supposed to do...?" He sat up. "Hmm...some of the others went off to investigate some more...the only ones left here are Aqua, Bright, Toxic, Clip and Paint...I don't want to bother any of them...." Techno sighed. "Just like before...I'm alone again."

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

"Ahem! Can I have everyone's attention? I would like everyone to make their way to Jabberwock Park. I have a very special surprise for you all!" Monokuma's voice emanated throughout the room.

'Surprise' most likely meaning a motive... Techno stood and headed off to Jabberwock Park. Trying to prepare himself for another one of these incentives that Monokuma had planned for everyone. Before even leaving the hotel, someone had ended up barging into him from behind.

"T-Techno!" That was Clover's voice. It was easy to recognise. Techno stood up and turned to the white unicorn. "Sorry about that. I just didn't want to last to the island."

"It's probably better if you take your time, y'know? The longer we prevent murders, the better..." Clover nodded. "Hey, why don't we head over together...?"

"Wha-?" Clover's eyes widened. "Oh...s-sure..."

"Is something wrong?"

Clover shook her head. "No, it's just...nobody really asks to spend time with this means something..."

"Oh. Well, we should head over, right?" Clover smiled and nodded as the two continued to the central island. "By the way...weren't you investigating with Memory and Rip today?"

"I was going to...but I started to feel a little sick so I just stayed in my cottage...why didn't you go?"

"I didn't want to get in the way. I usually end up doing that whenever I'm around others..." He sighed. "At most times, when I try to be helpful I just screw things up..."

"I know how you feel..." Clover murmured. "I tend to mess things up as well. Being in the garden is the only place where I feel at home. It's a great time..."

"Why gardening?"

"Hmm?" Clover gave a confused expression.

"Why do you like gardening...?"

"'s hard to explain. If we had more time, I would probably tell you..." After that statement though. Neither of them said another word.

Clover and Techno turned up to Jabberwock Park last. All the other students waiting with an anxious expression or no expression at all.

"Well." Bright tapped her book. "It seems everyone is that means that Monokuma will make his appearance soon..."

"You know me so well!" Monokuma's voice echoed. Everyone turned their attention to the statue and a few seconds after the voice was heard, Monokuma sprang out from behind the statue. "Why hello everyone!" He greeted. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've decided to call you all here!"

"What'd he say?" Quick asked.

"Shut up." Aqua covered his mouth. "You obviously brought us here for a new motive. What else would it be?"

"Actually it isn't a motive! It's an incentive..."

"That's the same thing!" Aqua snapped.

"Anyway~" Monokuma ignored her. "Now. Surely you all saw the white building on Second Island, right? And I overheard you all wondering what exactly it was for. Then the idea of a mental institution came up...and guess what! Pure was absolutely correct!"

"That place is seriously a real mental institution?!" Swift yelled. "You gotta be kidding me!"

"Nope! That place is really a mental institute. Now, you may be wondering what was the point in telling you that...well, it's because of what kind of crazy people were left there. Any guesses...?" There was a silence. "I'll tell you then...Changelings..." That made everyone freeze.

"A C-Changeling mental institute...?" Clover shuddered at the thought.

"But what does this have to do with motive to murder?" Bright inquired.

"Because...among you fourteen...guess what...? There's a Changeling among all of you..."

Chapter 2: (Ab)Normal Days Part 2

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"A....A Changeling...?" Techno stood, mouth agape by the information. One of the thirteen around him was secretly a changeling. "That...that can't be true..."

"Oh really...? Well, here's the evidence." Monokuma produced a small folder. "The Changeling's student profile!" He threw it on the ground in front of everyone. Bright was the first to move.

"Let's see then..." She opened up the folder and checked the information. Her eyebrows furrowed as she scanned the paper. "Hmm...Enterna...the second name is scribbled out but it looks like it starts with an 'S'. She was the 'Super Middle School Level Luckster'. Her family had ran away from Cheerag and have been living in Canterlot ever says she has a rare changeling ability that lets her change to a form of even the opposite gender. That's something a normal changeling couldn't do. She also has this blue eye-patch."

"So wait...if that exists...where the hell are the rest of the student profiles...?" Clip asked.

"Upupupupu..." Monokuma chortled. "I have them in my possession because, naturally, the student that is disguised was an identity created by Hope's Peak Academy that the changeling has agreed to use. Talent is fake too. If you got your grubby hands on the profiles then it would be obvious who the Changeling is."

"Why would the Changeling need to hide who they were?" Swift asked.

"Well..." Clover spoke up. "It's still illegal for Changelings to live in some areas of Equestria. Canterlot is supposed to be making it legal soon though if I remember the news before we were trapped in here."

"So, I have a question." Toxic raised his hand slightly. "Why exactly is this a motive for murder?"

"Oh, because if any of you kill the changeling among you." Monokuma's eyes sparked red. "You can save someone from death if you win at the class trial..."

"So, wait. If someone got away with killing the Changeling, someone else gets to leave the island?" Quick's eyes widened.

"That's correct~!" Monokuma chimed. "So if there is anyone you think is worth saving and if you don't mind getting your hands dirty, find that changeling and let 'em have it!"

"So not only will you be planning on exposing someone's secret, you also want that same student to be killed? Do you know where the line should be drawn?!" Bright gritted her teeth.

"Pfft! Yeah right, I would do anything to see the despair in your eyes. In fact...I can already see it in the Changeling's's such a deep despair~" Everyone looked around to see if they could notice the 'despair' that Monokuma mentioned but everyone seemed the same. "It's not like you guys would be able to notice it...unless the despair really spiralled out of control...upupupupupupu!" And with one final laugh, the bear disappeared.

The class stood in deafening silence, nobody wanted to speak about what they had been told. Someone here was lying to the rest of them, even at that point they were lying about who they were.

"Has...anyone been wondering this...?" Clover broke the silence. "Why does Monokuma want us to target the Changeling specifically....?" Bright shook her head at the question.

"I don't think he wants us to target them per se...but he thinks it's a way for us to begin to doubt each other and he's right because." She fixed her glasses. "We are unable to judge someone without knowing who they really are. Their past, their family, their goals...their true identity...all we have is how they present themselves in front of us."

"Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors..." Memory sighed. "Unfortunately, I see your point. Even so, that won't stop us from working as a team to make sure we all survive. None of us want a repeat of last time..."

Yeah... Techno flinched at the memory. I don't want to see someone's life thrown away like it was nothing.

"What do you think they was thinking in their final moments...?" Clover asked weakly. "Smile and Boom...I wonder..."

"Smile must have been terrified and just wanted to fight for his life..." Clip stared at the ground. "And Boom...he must have been the same..."

"Or..." Toxic folded his arms. "Boom was seeking forgiveness in his final moments with Smile's spirit..."

"Forgiveness...?" Clover repeated.

"Must have felt a hell of a lot of remorse for his actions and wanted to have Smile's spirit forgive him for what he did. Not like it would have worked."

"Do you have to be a douche about everything?!" Pure snapped.

"If someone killed you, would you forgive them in the afterlife?" Toxic simply asked her.

"W...well..." Pure rubbed her forearm. "I...suppose not."

"You put killers away for a living and you actually had to think about that question. Ghosts don't forgive. Fact."

"How would you know, you some kind of spirit medium?" Quick chuckled.

"Of course not. I'm just saying that it seems logical that if someone took your life then you naturally would never forgive them for it, no matter the situation." Toxic explained.

"True." Memory bit the inside of his cheek. "Hey, Clover, why did you ask that anyway?"

"Huh?" Clover seemed caught off guard. "What do you mean?"

"Why did you ask what we thought Smile and Boom were thinking in their final moments?"

"Because...t-thinking about the scenes we've seen made me wonder...I...I think I just need to be alone for the day." Clover walked off shakily.

"Poor Clover." Rip said sympathetically. "She seems really distraught about what happened more than anyone else."

"It seems that way..." Bright commented. "Everyone...I think we should disband for the day. Some of you will most likely try to suppress any urges and I know there will be those that do have those feelings but do not submit yourself to Monokuma's incentive. Just because this file is here doesn't mean that this student is real."

"No" Techno cut her off. "That student does exist." Some of the students gave confused looks.

"What the heck do you mean?" Aqua asked slightly annoyed.

"Well, I remember in my letter of acceptance into Hope's Peak, it had listed some of the other students that would be attending and one of them was the 'not yet selected Super Middle School Level Luckster' and wasn't that Changeling student listed as the SMSL Luckster?"

"Hmm...I had no idea that she was mentioned in your letter. Interesting but even with that, we won't listen to it. We can't sacrifice others for our own personal gain."

"With a plus one." Paint reminds. "Just saying..."

"Paint, not helping." Quick grumbled. "But, from what I heard, we defiantly have no clues to who it is, right?"

"None that I can think of..." Swift frowned. "And they aren't gonna show themselves anytime soon because of that."

"Obviously, who would?" Laser pointed out. "But seriously, all this is seriously hurtin' my head. I'm gonna head back to the cottages..." She gave a small wave as she walked off, and after a small standstill of awkward silence, one-by-one, everyone did the same.

One of us is really that Enterna girl, it could be anyone as well is what is really troubling me. Why are they hiding their identity as well? Since they're on this island then they shouldn't have to hide who they are. What's her reasoning behind it? Enterna...who is she really...? Is she dangerous or is she a friend...?

Day 3

Everyone sat in the restaurant as usual, now in silence. It was like two days ago where nobody dared to talk. The tension was high between everyone and the distrust in the air was thicker than the oxygen. Everyone turned as a chair squeaked and Clover stood up.

"Oh, s-sorry that was a little loud, wasn't it?" She apologised.

"Where are you heading off to?" Clip asked curiously.

"I'm going to see if there's any gardening equipment at the store, it relaxes me..." She explained.

"Well, do you mind if I come with?" Quick asked. "I need to get a battery for my hearing aid."

"I'll help you with looking for one again." Bud volunteered. "I still remember where I found them so it'll be a lot easier."

"What?" Quick looked at the yellow Pegasus.

"Never mind, let's go." The trio left the restaurant. There was another squeak of a chair.

"I need to go as well. There's more on Second Island that I want to check out." Swift stood as well.

"Same here." Paint added. "Rip was curious about something as well, weren't you?"

"Oh, yeah but that was on Central Island so I'm gonna head over later." Paint and Swift shrugged before heading off.

Everyone is so busy and then there's me who just sits in their cottage and doesn't help anyone in any way at all. I'm useless...

"Hey, Techno." Memory nudged the colt, snapping back into reality. "You want come with me to check something out?" Techno paused before giving a small nod.

"Great, let's head over quickly." Memory stood, leading Techno off.

Where are we going...? Techno thought nervously.

Techno looked around, Memory had taken him over to the library on Second Island.

"So..." Techno started awkwardly. "Why did you call me over here...?"

"Well I know the thought of me killing you crossed your mind on the way over here..." Memory half-chuckled. "But I'll reassure now that, that isn't why I wanted you to come with me. I needed your help looking for some files."

"What kind of files...?" Techno looked around a random bookshelf.

"Files on that serial killer Toxic mentioned. Black Viper." Techno turned around in surprise. "Just kidding." The inventor rolled his eyes. "I'm actually wanting to study up on Changelings."

"Why? Because of the motive?" Techno guessed. The blue unicorn nodded.

"Yep, I feel like that the more we learn about Changelings, the easier it'll be to figure out who the Changeling student is. Oh!" Memory took a few books and files out of one of the shelves. "Alright, shall we have a small study session...?" He smiled, setting the books down on top of one of the tables. The two sat opposite each other and began to read through the files.

"Hmm..." Memory hummed. "Listen to this. 'The native land to Changelings is known as Cheerag. Cheerag is known for it's brutal laws and punishment for breaking them, most being death penalty and because of this. Changelings always attempt to immigrate to the other four regions of the world: Grasslands, Badlands, Gryphonia and Equestia. Unfortunately, due to Cheerag's reputation for declaring war upon the other regions, it is illegal for Changelings to live in most places outside of Cheerag."

"So do you think that Enterna and her family moved here because of how bad the lifestyle in Cheerag is?" Techno asked.

"Most likely, it's not uncommon and it's becoming even more likely ever since places like Baltimare, Amareica, Prance and Fillydelphia have now made it legal for Changelings to live there."

"Hmm..." Techno looked at his book. "Well, it looks like Changelings can change into ponies, zebras, gryphons and even diamond dogs but not dragons. Though there is a condition that allows Changelings to become dragons as well. Whilst they can change their appearance, they can't hide anything like cuts, bruises or scars on their body."

"Enterna's profile didn't mention anything about injuries though. Trying to figure out who she is with that information is most likely not possible."

"I guess not..." Techno grumbled.

"So have you been wondering why she had been concealing her identity from the very beginning as well? Since we've been on this island, I mean?"

"Yeah. It's weird, right?"

"She must have some reason, like a paranoia of sorts. Most likely cause by the Changeling attack on Canterlot a few years back. That worsened the Changeling reputation and just made it less likely for the laws for Changelings being able to in Equestria to be passed." Memory leaned forward. "Speaking of which, what's Ponyville's opinion on it?"

"Huh...? I'm not really that sure." Techno admitted. "I don't really keep up with those sort of things but ever since the first incident of Hope's Peak they've been thinking about letting Changelings live in Ponyville legally. There are probably some living there already though."

"Oh, for sure." Memory nodded. "Trottingham is the same..." The two were silent for a few seconds before Techno spotted something in the book.

"Look here. It says that unlike ponies, Changelings can't produce their own magic and have to harvest it through certain emotions such as love or embarrassment a pony would feel. Due to their unstable magical abilities, Changelings leave behind something called Mana Residue which is like blood but luminol won't make it appear, you need....'Manatite' which is similar to luminol but has a slightly different chemical formula."

"Interesting." Memory rubbed his chin. "We should keep that in mind and ask Toxic if he could make some for us. We could spray some on things that the unicorn students had picked up with their magic and see if we find Mana residue on it."

"You do realize that you're a unicorn, right...?" Techno smirked.

"Well I'm not Enterna..." Memory grinned slyly. "I'll gladly prove it." The two gave a small laugh as the doors to the library opened with Bud panting at the door.

"We...have...a situation..." She breathed. "The...mental institute, quickly!" She sprinted off. Memory and Techno exchanged a sceptical glance before rushing off after her. The two sprinted over to the mental institute and threw the doors open. Bud and Clover were stood in the lobby both white as Techno.

"What happened?!" Memory yelled. Clover pointed shakily over to the door with 'East Wing' above it.

"D-down there...f-first door on your left..." She stuttered out. Memory barged through the doors, Techno right behind and the two stopped in front of the door. They hesitated before giving each other a worried glance.

" couldn't have..." Techno looked to Memory for some reassurance but the unicorn just looked at the door and the two walked in.

Time then seemed to stop just like last time.

In the center of the white padded room, in a pool of his own blood. The Super Middle School Level Attorney, Swift Justice laid there, his chest seemed to have sank downwards and there seemed to be drag marks in the blood.

"S-Swift...?" Techno wobbled before collapsing to the ground, his fingers landing in the blood. "N-no...he couldn't be..." aren't can't be, we haven't-

*Ding dong, bing bong!* As if on command, the jingle played out.

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time for investigation, we will all hold a class trial so use the time wisely!" no no no! NO! Why the hell is Swift dead?! He may have pushed those away that had angered or offended him and he may have been slightly air-headed at times but he was honest and knew what was the best decision to make for everyone...why did someone kill him?!

Chapter 2: Abnormal Days

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It hadn't taken long for everyone to gather in the lobby, most had the sense of disbelief whilst others such as Pure and Clover were having trouble coping with the scene. Bright fist clenched as she stepped forward.

"People!" She yelled. "How could we have let this happen again?! Did someone seriously want to take someone else's life for their own personal gain?!"

"And a plus one." Paint added.

"Would you shut up about the plus one already?! That was an optional thing, remember?!"

"Just reminding everyone about a small rule that Monokuma had made..." She put her sketch down. "Because of a motive like this, this means that a few rules have had a few holes poked into them."

"What are you talking about?" Clip raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"'ll understand what I mean in time...but for now. Monokuma!" On command, the monochrome bear showed up out of thin air once more.

"My, my! You seem to be the only one that remembered it! Yep, since a corpse has been discovered, it means that my favourite piece of evidence returns. If you love autopsy reports and I think you do then it's time to show my second edition of...The Monokuma File! Treasure these like your own children." He handed out the tablets once more. "Alrighty then! I'll leave you all to it! Happy investigating!"

"Hmph!" Aqua grunted. "You can all have with this but I'm going back to my cottage until the class trial starts!"

"And why's that?" Toxic's brow furrowed at the designer's attitude. "You really aren't gonna help even after what you saw before?!" Aqua smirked.

"This case has nothing to do with me. If I don't have any connection to a case then I don't concern myself with it!" She waved as she walked out of the building. Toxic gritted his teeth.

"Bitch..." He muttered under his breath.

It's just like last time, everyone is thrown into disarray and nobody seems to be cooperating. I need to get this investigation started and I can't let any detail pass by!

Investigation Start!

Alright, let's see what the Monokuma File has to say about what happened to him... Techno opened up the file. Just like with Smile, Swift's full body portrait was displayed with a cross and DEAD! spelled over him. The basic information was at the side but like before it didn't seem important. Techno scrolled downwards and read what the actual information on his death was. There was another diagram of Swift's body and it had blood coloured sports over his chest and on his right wrist. Hmm...Time of Death was 1:20pm on the dot. So when Memory and I found him he had only been dead for around ten minutes. Also says that Swift has a broken wrist...does that mean he and the culprit had a fight?

New Ammo: Monokuma File 2 was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Alright, I need to get to the crime scene but maybe I should talk to Bud and Clover, they were already here when the body was first found. Techno walked up to the quaking unicorn and the worried Pegasus that were sat side-by-side. "Hey, Clover, Bud?" The two looked up at him.

"Y-y-yeah...?" Clover stuttered out.

"I was wondering why you two were here in the first place? This is a rather unsettling environment to be in after all."

"I came in here because Clover was yelling for help." Bud explained. "That was when I found Swift's body in that padded room and right after it, I heard that you and Memory had went to the library so I went there as quickly as possible."

"I c-came here because when I was investigating yesterday, the island, I mean. I had dropped a small charm bracelet that a friend gave to me. S-so I came here to look for it..."

"Alright, I just wanted to know, that's all." Techno nodded.

New Ammo: Bud's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Clover's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Techno, you should go and investigate, Clover's still shaken up about what she saw." Bud said with a concerned tone as she looked to the white unicorn.

"S-sorry...I'm being useless again..." Clover said sadly.

"It's fine, you should regain your composure and try your best to help out, don't strain yourself." Techno smiled. Clover gave a nod as Techno headed to the crime scene. Bright, Memory, Toxic and Rip had already made their way inside. Rip whimpered as he walked in.

"T-this is just horrible." The earth pony whined. "Why did Swift have to die? Why did Smile have to? Why did anyone have to die?!" She shook her head violently. "I just don't get it!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have asked to watch over the crime scene in Bud's place." Toxic grumbles under his breath. "Hey, Techno, you and Memory discovered the body together, yeah? Did you notice anything strange when you walked in?"

", is there something weird?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

" you didn't...Memory didn't either so I guess it's okay." Toxic shrugged.

"Wait, what am I missing here? Was there something that I should have seen?"

"'s not important..." Toxic put his hands in his pockets.

"Well, well..." Bright fixed her glasses. "Looks like a certain killer has been a little careless. Look at the drag marks in the blood..." Bright kneeled down. "I'm wondering if it was the body or something else entirely..."

"Something else...?" Memory questioned. "Can you think of anything?"

" could have been the weapon, for example...but I can't think of anything that could create this drag mark...and is so, where did the weapon disappear to? It's not in here so where did the culprit dispose of it?"

"They couldn't have just gotten rid of it though, could they?" Rip tapped her chin. "Isn't one of those Monomi's rules? We aren't allowed to litter. Since that's still in place and being enforced, the killer had to have put it somewhere that Monokuma or Monomi wouldn't consider it to be 'littering'."

"True. Just what kind of weapon was it...?" Memory closed his eyes in thought. "Oh!" He gave a triumphant smile. "There are suits of armour in the library, putting a weapon there wouldn't count as littering!"

"I'll make some luminol. Shouldn't be to hard." Toxic says smugly.

"Whilst you're at it. Could you make some Manatite? If this case is about Changelings then we should consider the possibility of the Changeling being the killer." Memory says.

"Impossible." Bright contradicts. "It was only if the culprit killed the Changeling that they would get the reward. There's no reason for the Changeling to kill."

"We should still make some, just in case..." Bright sighed at the therapist's persistence.

"I might take a little bit but I know that the store sells most of the things needed. I swear it carries anything; from food to...I think I saw a sledgehammer once..." Toxic chuckled slightly.

"A sledgehammer..." Bright said sceptically.

New Ammo: Drag marks in the blood was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Store inventory was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Toxic left the room leaving the remaining four to look over the crime scene. Bright fixed her glasses as she examined Swift's body closer. "Hmm...looks like his chest has deflated..." She comments.

"Deflated?" Rip repeated. "What does that mean?"

"Well you know your chest goes up and down when you breathe? Well it seems that his chest has lowered to an abnormal point...almost as if..." She poked his chest and her eyes widened. "His ribs are broken..."

"How can you tell?" Memory asked.

"I felt the broken bone...but what could have caused his rib to be smashed...?"

Updated Ammo: Monokuma File 2 was updated.

"Also, it seems there is some sort of powder on his shirt." Memory indicated the brown substance on his shirt. "Any idea what it is?"

"I'm not to sure...possibly something like dirt..." Bright shrugged. "It may be relevant but at the moment it doesn't look like it is."

New Ammo: Dirt was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"It doesn't actually look like there's a lot of evidence in here..." Bright frowned. "But until Toxic comes back, I'll stay here with Rip and guard the crime scene."

"Alright, Techno, let's go investigate elsewhere." Memory lead the Pegasus out of the room. "Also, do you need to remind you about what we learned about Changelings earlier? Do you need a refresher?"

"No, I think I'm good it was something like: They produce their own magic but Mana residue is left behind when using spells. Cheerag, their native region is a very bad place to live in so they try to immigrate to other areas of the world but because of that regions history it can become very hard for them to make a living because they have to disguise themselves all the time...oh! And they can change into ponies, zebras, griffons, diamond dogs and there's a condition that let's them turn into dragons but they can't hide anything like cuts, scars or bruises when they transform."

"Good. Keep in mind, I think it'll be useful in the class trial." Memory nodded.

New Ammo: Changeling Data was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Tell you what." Memory stopped. "You go and investigate the second floor of the building, I'll stay here and investigate the rest of this floor."

"Alright, sounds good." Techno nodded. The two said their goodbyes and split off, Techno headed up the stair, two at a time knowing that there was no time to waste. I wonder if there's actually any evidence on this floor...? Techno wondered as he continued along the hallway and only focusing on his surroundings as he tripped over what at first seemed like nothing. He ooked behind him and saw that a tile on the floor was elevated slightly. "The hell...?" Techno grumbled as he tried to lift it, barely managing to see what was underneath, it was the room that Swift was murdered inside. Techno held up the tile until he felt like his arms felt like they were about to fall off and released it with a thud.

"This tile goes down to the crime scene...? I wonder..." Techno pondered on what the tile was for.

New Ammo: Loose Tile was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Upon further investigation of the area around the loose tile, there was a small golden bead sitting next to the tile. The inventor picked it up curiously, examining it closely. On closer inspection of the bead there was a small trace of dirt on the bead that was barely visible.

Where did this come from...?

New Ammo: Golden Bead was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"I wonder why there would be evidence on the second floor in the first place..." Techno tapped his chin with his index finger. "I should save that thought for the trial...I should go find Memory and tell him what I found...also should go to see what Toxic has for me with those tests. Oh! And Memory mentioned those suits of armour in the library as well..."

Memory headed into the main area of the building, some students were still in the room. Clover and Bud were still sitting on the couch and Quick seemed to be doing nothing as well as Pure who was paler than anyone else.

"All these diverse reactions..." He muttered to himself. "What a disappointment...they're all so boring...nothing can be done about it though. The only one that's really interesting...that would Techno..." Memory smirked to himself. "Sometimes I wonder why he was chosen for the programme more than our actual's not like he has his c-hahahaha!" The four in the room looked at him as he started laughing. Memory put on a fake smile and a forced sheepish smile and blush. "Hehe...s-sorry, remembered something funny..."

"Inappropriate time, Memory..." Quick commented.

"D-don't hold it against me, Quick! I said I remembered something funny and I couldn't help myself but laugh!"

"Yeah well...just try to control yourself..." Quick grumbled.

"Shut up, ya bastard..." Memory muttered. "Also, by that reaction I'm guessing you got a hearing aid."

"Hmm? Well duh, couldn't go into a trial without one, don't want to be completely useless."

"When did you, Bud and Clover all split up?" Memory pressed curiously, the thought of one of the three being the culprit was exciting him.

"Well, Clover just got the gardening tools she was looking for, Bud helped her with that whilst I looked for another battery and then after Bud and I found one, we split up. I went back to the hotel and hung out with Toxic up until the Corpse Discovery Announcement was played."

"Oh." Memory sighed inwardly. "Alright then, just needed to see if any of you could be considered suspicious..."

New Ammo: Quick's Account was loaded into Memory's ElectroID

"Well, you guys do what you can to help towards finding the killer. I'll be doing the same, if Techno comes along let him know that I went to the library."

"Alright, will do." Quick nodded as Memory left the building.

"What a bunch of fucking idiots..." He chuckled as he walked along the path to the library, not aware of the individual in the bushes that was watching him curiously.

Memory kicked the doors to the library open and walked inside. "Sadly I'll actually have to help the little dweeb if I want to keep up the act..." He gritted his teeth. "Let's see...suits of armour..." He walked to the back of the main hall, inspecting the suits of armour individually. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed that the suits all had their weapons on them, completely untouched and no traces of blood was visible on them.

"The fuck...?" He took out one of the weapons, a samurai sword. "I thought for sure that one of these things would be the murder weapon..."

New Ammo: Suits of Armour were loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"This is all so confusing..." He grumbled as the doors to the library opened up. Techno walking over to the therapist.

"Oh good, you're here!" Techno sighed with relief. "Find anything useful...?" Memory told Techno the results of his brief investigation and transferred the two pieces of evidence over to Techno's ElectroID.

"Say, Techno. What do you make of this murder?" Memory asked. "Why do you think Swift was killed...?"

"Well the most obvious answer would be that someone thought or found out that he was the Changeling hidden among us all."

"Do you think there could have been any other motivations for this? Maybe just simply escaping was their goal and the motive Monokuma had provided had nothing to do with this."

"I'm not sure. For now, we should go and see what Toxic's luminol and Manatite tests." Memory nodded in agreement as the two left together. The figure that was previously spying on Memory, now hidden in the shadows as they left the building.

"Oh good, you're both here." Toxic greeted the two as they walked back into the crime scene. "I have those test results for you. What do you want first? Manatite or luminol?"

"Go for luminol and get the relevant one out of the way." Bright folded her arms.

"Right. Aside from the blood on the floor that is actually visible. There are a few handprints on the walls and even on the ceiling of all places. It leads me to think that there was a Pegasus in this room at some point but those are just my impressions."

New Ammo: Luminol Test Results were loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"And as for the Manatite?" Rip asked. "Were there really any traces of the Changeling being in here?"

"You won't believe it..." Toxic scratched the back of his head. "...but I actually got a reaction on my manatite test results. There was Mana residue on the floor next to Swift's body and once again on the ceiling... Makes you wonder what happened, eh?"

"Yeah. This is making less sense..." Rip sighed.

New Ammo: Manatite Test Results were loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"By the way, has anyone talked to Pure yet?" Toxic asked. When he got no response, his eyes narrowed. "Listen, this is just me but...I think Pure might have something to do with this...whether she's the killer or the accomplice..."

"You think the killer had an accomplice...?" Bright gave an intrigued smile. "Do explain..."

"It's more like a gut feeling but...something about this just makes me feel that way."

"I'll go talk to her." Techno says. "She might say something worth noting. Might slip up if she really is the killer."

"Good idea, we won't have much time left now so you'd better make it a brief conversation." Bright told him.

"Got it."

Techno walked over to the red unicorn that was still in paled shock and in the same seat that she was in the entire investigation. "Hey, Pure."

"H-hi..." She greeted back. "I can't believe this happened...why did it have to be Swift? Right after we fought as well...that'll be his last memory of us..."

"Don't think like that, you two were friends and Swift was a good guy, he can't hate you because of some silly fight." Techno attempted to comfort the prosecutor but his efforts were in vain.

"I never should have asked to tell everyone his secret..."

That's right. I forgot that they were fighting about something like that... "Pure...?"


"What was Swift's secret?" Pure went wide-eyed. "This might help us in the class trial, it's really important that you tell me."

"B-but..." Her gaze went to the white ground. "I don't know..."

"Please Pure. Don't you want to help us find Swift's killer?"

"W-well..." Pure sighed. "Alright...fine...the truth is that Swift isn't really an earth pony...he's a Pegasus..."


"It's true. You can check later if you want, he said that he was the only Pegasus in his family and he felt out of place so he always hid his wings from others...I don't know if that'll help but I do hope so..."

New Ammo: Pure's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Alright, thanks Pure."

"One more thing!" She stopped him. "Um...I was over at the library earlier and I noticed that a few books were missing..."

"So? Someone could have just taken them away to read."

"But it's the specific types on books that worry me...Changeling data books...this building's layout and the other building layouts, aside from the ruins. They just vanished!"

"Those are pretty specific..."

"And," She handed him a small file. "It's Enterna's student profile. Use it."

"Alright, thanks Pure." Techno smiled.

New Ammo: Missing Library Books were loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Enterna's Student Profile was loaded in Techno's ElectroID

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

"Alright you bastard! Investigation time is over, head over to Monokuma Rock and be ready for the class trial!" Just like before, a tense atmosphere emerged as the announcement played. It wasn't like a Corpse Discovery Announcement but it was close enough to it.

Do we really have to go through this again...? After what happened last time? Techno already knew that there was no other option but to take part in the trial. For his sake and for everyone else's...

Techno arrived at Monokuma Rock third, only behind Paint and Aqua. The two didn't even give him a glance as he arrived, both seemed more focused on the task ahead. One-by-one and in a matter of seconds, everyone else turned up and the remaining thirteen were stood in a clump waiting on Monokuma or Monomi to arrive.

"Alright then!" Monokuma cheered as he appeared from behind a nearby bush. "Is everyone excited for this? I know I sure am!"

"You're a monster!" Pure yelled.

"Hey! What's with the sudden hostility? Just because your boyfriend got killed you gotta blame me?"

"He wasn't my boyfriend! Shut up!"

"Can we just get this over with? I don't want it to run up to midnight, y'know?" Aqua asked.

"U-umm, Aqua...?"

"Did I give you permission to speak to me?!" She snapped at Bud.

"S-sorry...never mind..."

"That's what I thought."

"See? Why can't you all be more like her?" Monokuma gestured to Aqua. "Then again, it would be pretty boring if you all acted the same..." The bear shrugged. "Oh well, I guess we should get this trial started, right? Monomi, just like before, is already inside our stadium so I'll see you all in there!" As Monokuma disappeared, one of the rocky outcrops' mouth opened and a huge escalator stretched down to the group.

"Dammit...I hate this part..." Toxic grunted as he and Paint stepped onto the escalator.

"Let's get this with quickly, the sooner it's done the better..." Bright fixed her glasses and stepped on, other walking on after her. The only ones left were.

"Techno." Clip nudged the Pegasus. Techno groaned as he turned to Clip.

"What is it?"

"Look." He seemed to have a more focused demeanour this time. "I'm here to hit on you but...after the trial, there's something I got to tell you. It's about Memory..."

"Memory?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. There's something off about him...I'll give you more details about it later, but for now...let's find Swift's killer..." Techno paused before nodding as the two stepped onto the escalator and moved towards the Monokuma rock.

Standing in the elevator seemed the same, just less crowded. Nobody looked at each other, they were all focused on the upcoming trial that would cause one more or all but one's demise. The elevator shuddered as it started to move downwards into the underground.

Celestia dammit...we were all starting to trust each other and then it happened for a second time...Swift Justice. The Super Middle School Level Attorney, despite being a bit hot-headed at times, he was a great guy and was a genuine person...but I forgot that your traits don't matter in here...







The only thing that these guys care about is surviving...







Survival seems to always come at a price though...





And now...the curtains rise on the second class trial...the clash of those words. Hope and Despair...round two,

Chapter 2: Class Trial - Part 1

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Class Trial

All Rise!

The elevator grinded to a halt. The décor in the trial room had changed to a white room. Most likely to fit the area in which Swift had met his end in. The thirteen students took the same places they were in last time, now noticing the new additions to the collection of portraits. Swift had a regular cross that was drawn in blood but Boom's mark was a vinyl record drawn in blood. Monokuma laughed, leaping onto his small throne.

"Alright, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial! You're votes will determine the outcome of this, you will debate on a variety of topics regarding the murder and then try to identify 'whodunit'. If you can correctly guess the culprit then the culprit will be punished...but if you guess the wrong one. I'll punish everyone aside the culprit! Now...where to begin."

"Hang on." Paint stopped Monokuma. "Let me ask you something...since Swift clearly wasn't the Changeling...does that mean that the culprit leaves the island alone?"

"Well...I'll explain that part later but for now, why don't you guys try to figure out the murder weapon to start off with?" Monokuma suggested.

"The murder weapon..." Bright pondered on the topic. "I never figured out what it could have been during the investigation..."

"You couldn't figure it out?" Clip raised an eyebrow. "Honey, you gotta be kidding me."

"I hate to inform you of it...but I didn't. The murder weapon's identity is still a mystery..."

"Not for long!" Laser threw a punch in the air. "It can't be to hard to figure out! Let's find the murder weapon and find the killer!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Pure's Account
-Store Inventory
-Monokuma File 2
-Loose Tile
-Quick's Account

Laser- Even if it wasn't found at the crime scene...we can find the weapon by ourselves!

Quick- But there's a problem with that right away...we have no way of knowing what it was...

Clip- You must be joking, hun!

Toxic- Without any actual evidence of the weapon.

Bright- Yes, we have no way of finding the weapon...

Rip- So we'll going around in circles this whole trial?!

The weapon...even if we can't find it...there may be a way to figure out what it was...

No, that's wrong!

"Quick. Even if we don't know what it is...doesn't mean we can't figure it out! Look at the Monokuma File, see the big splotch on Swift's chest area? That's because he had a broken rip-cage which was presumably the cause of death. All we need to do is find something that could have broken his ribs."

"That limits it quite a bit...but we also need something that exists on this island that someone would have access too." Clover frowns. "It looks hopeless at this point. Doesn't it?"

"We can't give up so easily!" Rip argues. "There has to be something! C'mon!"

"Well...even if there was. The question is; would the culprit have access to it..." Paint reminds her.

"I know that! There are plenty of things that could be the murder weapon!" Rip cracked her knuckles. "You guys should try listening to my arguments for once!" She smirked.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Suits of Armour
-Monokuma File 2
-Quick's Account
-Store Inventory
-Luminol Test Results

Rip- Just because there are a few circumstances that need to be meet...doesn't mean that the weapon doesn't exist!

Clover- But we have no clues to help us find the weapon...

Laser- Let's just guess the weapon until we figure it out then!

Clip- Yeah, easy to guess it...but we don't have any idea what it could does look kinda hopeless, honey...

Laser- Well if it broke Swift's must be a heavy weapon!

Toxic- Or the culprit had a good swing...?

Rip- T-this was supposed to be about my arguments!

Whilst there wasn't any clues at the crime scene...there was something outside the crime scene...

No, That's Wrong!

"Clover. There may have not been anything that could have been used at the crime scene...but at the library? That would be a different story. Those suits of armour in the back of the hall all carry a variety of weapons, one of those could have been used to kill Swift!"

"Heh..." Memory scoffed. "I'm not so sure about that one, Techno." He gazed at the inventor with a strange smile on his face. "You see, all those weapons had been left untouched until I got there to examine them. The first one here to make contact with those was me."

"W-what...? You didn't tell me that part when we met up!"

"Must have...slipped my mind...sorry about that." Memory shrugged. Clip's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah...'slipped' your mind..." He repeated sceptically. "I say we look at the possibility of those suits of armour being involved a little more..."

You'll need counselling after this!

Memory chuckled. "What are you saying, Clip? I already explained that those suits of armour have nothing to do with this case and thinking about it since then, I think I can see a little clearer why."

"Memory...just what are you thinking...?" Techno asked.

"Huh? You want to know, Techno? There might be a hole in my argument so please do pay attention." Memory half-smiled.

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades

-Missing Library Books
-Clover's Account
-Suits of Armour
-Manatite Test Results

Memory- Like I said before, those suits of armour are not connected to this case in any way. Think about it, you and I were in the library since before the murder, the culprit would have had to come in to the library to retrieve the weapon but the only other one that came in was Bud...but she left before us...

Techno- But your entire theory just now is based on the assumption that the culprit had to take the weapon after we arrived at the library...what if they took it before?

Memory- Well, there's another problem. Everyone arrived at the institute around the same time and there were those investigating the ruins at the time so they would have seen the culprit leave the library and another thing. Clover and Bud were in the lobby the whole time so they would have had to sneak past them as well since the front entrance is the only way out so what's the point of carrying on this discussion? The suits are not involved

H-his arguments are so in depth...could he really have just thought up these on the spot...? E-even so. The larger the argument the bigger chance of finding a weak point.

I'll have to cut through those words!

"Not so fast, Memory. There is a chance that there's another exit from the building. Pure told me that some books had gone missing from the library, among those books...were books that contained diagrams of the island layout which included the interior of the buildings. This might be a huge guess and an even bigger gamble...but the culprit could have used some sort of hidden passage to travel to the library from the institute!"

"Wow! Would you look at the height of that logic jump!" Laser giggled.

"A hidden passage?" Toxic laughed. "Oh please, do go on with this delusion of yours because I can tell you now that no such passage could possibly exist. You must be making this up!"

"I said it was just a theory. Don't laugh!" Techno's ear drooped.

"Hmph. I was actually dancing around suggesting it as well." Bright chimed in ceasing the laughter of Toxic.

"'re joking...right...? You don't actually think he could be right about this, do you?" Toxic queried with confusion. "Come on, a convenient underground secret passage that connect the library and institute?!" Bright's eyes flashed as he said that.

"Hmm...It might be more probable than I first thought...but let's discuss it thoroughly so we can decide and figure it out."

"Screw that!" Toxic objected. "You're the one that thinks that there's a passage so why don't you focus on me for a second."

"Why should I waste my breath on just you...?"

Geez...these two are seriously going at it, I'll need to shut them up by proving one of them is right...but who could be right...?

Contradiction Conversation

Evidence Bullets

-Monokuma File 2

Bright- There is no reason to think that there isn't a hidden passage

Toxic- Aside from the fact that it sounds completely insane!

Bright- I hope you mess up this argument. Who know, you might just say something you didn't mean to...

Toxic- That is a load of bullshit and you know it!

Bright- Watch your profanity...

Toxic- Nah, screw you! There is no underground passage that connects the two buildings!

Bright- But you can't deny the possibility

These two are trying to decide between themselves if the passage exists...but Bright's argument...

I see who's right now!

"Bright was right, there is a hidden passageway!" Techno smirked. "Toxic basically just told us that!"

"What the hell are you talking about...?" Toxic folded his arms.

"Toxic, you just labelled a passage as an 'underground passage' even though we haven't found any signs of it! Care to explain yourself?!"

Toxic's eyes widened for a second but quickly filled with anger. "What the hell are you trying to say? Because I say one little word, it suddenly means that it exists?! Don't try to pass that off so easily!"

"Do you honestly believe"- Memory folded his arms -"That we'll let it slide like it was just a coincidence? It looks like you'll need to prove that it isn't just a little assumption of yours..."

"Now that I think about it..." Rip chimed in "Didn't Toxic mention something about there being something weird about the crime scene?" Toxic's eye twitched as Rip mentioned it. "Yeah...when Memory and Techno came into the room, Toxic, you asked if they noticed anything weird about the room when they discovered Swift's body..."

"Really now...?" Laser grinned. "Wanna talk about it, Toxic or should I force it out of him?"

"Wait a little bit and give him time to confess before you do anything to him, Laser" Quick chuckled. "For now...why don't you tell us how this passage doesn't exist, Toxic?"

Toxic growled as his name was said. "Fine...fine, I'll explain everything. Then you'll all see!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Store Inventory
-Loose Tile
-Quick's Account
-Pure's Account

Toxic- There's absolutely no evidence of this dumb passage existing. The only thing you have is a small assumption I made!

Clip- But we gotta feel more compelled to think that it exists, honey. Why would you be refuting the idea so much if it didn't?

Aqua- A small 'assumption'? It was way more than that. Clearly.

Bud- M-maybe...we should believe Toxic?

Aqua- Pfft! You would say that!

Bud- W-what is that supposed to mean?!

Clover- I don't understand why it had to be a passage...? Couldn't the culprit have just sneaked over to the library...?

Rip- There are to many possibilities! It's making my head hurt!

This entire incident could rest on the decision of the existence of this passage...I need to think of something and fast!

No, that's wrong!

"Toxic, you say there isn't any evidence of an underground passage existing but there is the dirt we found on Swift's shirt."

"The...dirt...?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "What has that got to do with anything?"

"It's an underground passage, meaning that it would have an soil terrain. If the soil stuck to the culprit's shoe...then that would explain the dirt on Swift's shirt!"

"Not a chance. The passage is plated all the way a-grk!" Toxic cut himself off. "Celestia dammit! Every freaking time!"

"So there is a passage!" Quick glared at Toxic. "Care to explain why you hid that from us?! Are you the culprit, Toxic?! Did you kill Swift?!"

"Of course not!" Toxic shot back. "Who the hell would I think was worth saving here?! None of you mean anything to me after all."

"H-how can you just say that?! We're supposed to be friends!" Bud yelled out. "F-for you to just say we don't mean anything to you...that's just cruel..."

" are you admitting that there's an underground passage?" Bright asked, ignoring Bud's whining.

"Yeah...yeah there is...the entrance is the in the crime scene...that's why I was wondering if Memory or Techno had noticed anything strange when they walked in...because I noticed that it has been moved ever so slightly."

"I see..." Bright fixed her glasses.

"So that's nice and all but there's one thing..." Aqua folded her arms. "Even with that information, we have no idea what the murder weapon is..."

"She's right. After all that time we still need to figure out what was used to kill Swift." Quick said with slight frustration.

"Well, the murder weapon came from the suits of armour in the library, right? That's what we decided on." Clover asked.

"No, we never actually agreed on that." Memory contradicted. "You see, there's a glaring contradiction in the theory that one of the weapons from the suits of armour was used to kill Swift..."

"What are you talking about?" Clip asked suspiciously.

"You see, there's a very big difference between what the suits have and what was used to kill him. Why don't we start with an easy question? What kind of weapon was used to kill Swift? Was it a poison? A blunt weapon? A sharp instrument? Techno, do you any ideas...?"

Techno went quiet for a few seconds. What...what's this feeling of anxiousness...? Why does there feel like there's a dark aura in the room...emanating from Memory?

"Techno...I asked a question..." Memory clicked his fingers a few times as he spoke to grab Techno's attention.

"O-oh, right." Techno focused. "The kind of weapon...? It had to be..."
This is my answer!

"Well...since Bright discovered that his rips had been broken...presumably it would have to be a blunt weapon. A thick and heavy one at that."

" this is where the problem originates from. You see, the only kind of weapons those suits of armours have are...are swords. Not a blunt weapon, not even heavy or thick." Memory explained.

"Why should we believe you?" Clip asked. "You could be the culprit after all!"

"I was in the library the whole time with Techno. You were in the restaurant when we left, remember?"

"And you didn't separate that entire time?" Clip pressed on.

" fact, that brings me onto another point. Techno, we didn't hear anyone come into the library whilst we were there did we?"

"Um...not that I remember, no..."

"Well then I guess that only means one thing. The underground passage has been deemed completely irrelevant." Memory smirks.

"What?" Laser gawked. "Who said you could make that decision?! We can't go through all those debates to just say it doesn't matter!"

"Toxic said that the entrance has been moved slightly, right? Obviously someone moved it." Quick pointed out.

"'s another theory: Swift turns up to the crime scene, the culprit is waiting there and tries to strike, Swift dodges and hit's the entrance to the passageway, altering it's position slightly."

"That...actually makes some amount of sense..." Aqua scowled.

"We can leave what happened in that room right now." Bright direct the attention over to her as she closes her book. "Right now, we still need to determine our murder weapon..."

"Right. Let's focus on that for now..." Rip nodded.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Changeling Data
-Manatite Test Results
-Luminol Test Results
-Store Inventory
-Quick's Account

Laser- Murder weapon...murder weapon...who has an idea?!

Bright- Well we need to think of blunt weapons...but that doesn't really narrow it down...

Clover- W-what if we figured what island it came from first...?

Paint- Island sources...good idea...

Laser- Ooo! So what island did it come from? The Second Island? Or could it have been Central Island? What if it was First Island!

Rip- Or...was there a hidden island?! Like there was a hidden passage!

Aqua- And I thought Bud came out with bad ideas

Bud- B-but I didn't say anything!

What island the weapon came from...? Good question. Thinking about everything, there's only one answer, right?

I'm in agreement with you!

"There's only one place that the murder had to have been the First Island!"

"The First Island?" Clover tilted her head. "Where would a weapon even come from on the First Island?"

"From the island's supermarket. Toxic had mentioned some things that were stocked up inside the store and one of those could be used for a weapon."

"Toxic..." Bright's eyes widened for a moment. "Didn't you mention that the supermarket sold sledgehammers...?"

"S-sledgehammers...?" Bud repeated.

"Yeah, it does, keeps them in the back room...wait, are you saying that one of those sledgehammers could have been used to kill Swift?!"

"It's one of the most likely possibilities, after all, what else could be used to kill Swift and at the same time break his rips?"

"But carrying a sledgehammer from First Island to Second Island would be rather dangerous. If anyone saw you doing that then you'd be considered suspicious immediately." Paint crossed her arms.

"Right..." Laser paused. "So does that mean the culprit left the restaurant by themselves this morning?" She tilted her head.


"Well, if the culprit didn't want to be seen with the sledgehammer then they would have to be alone and everyone was at the restaurant this morning. Leaving by themselves as soon as possible would be the best choice. They go to the supermarket, get the sledgehammer and get over to the Second Island as quickly as possible." Everyone stood in silence when Laser finished. "What? I can be helpful!"

"C-clearly..." Bright wobbled with her words.

"So who left the restaurant by themselves this morning?" Toxic asked.

"I...I don't think anyone people left and they all left in groups. Bud, Clover and Quick left together. Memory and Techno left together...and Swift and Pain left together..." Rip recalls. "Does that mean that nobody is a suspect?"

"I wouldn't say that..." Aqua shook her head. "After all, we still need full confirmation that the sledgehammer is the murder weapon."

"What do you mean? It's the only possible weapon, honey..." Clip frowns. "You shouldn't overcomplicate things like this..."

"Hey, this is a democracy! I have a right of speech! If I don't think the sledgehammer is the murder weapon then it's your duty to convince me otherwise!"

"Aqua, you're being disruptive to this trial!" Techno tells her.

"Shut up you! You were the one that implied it so why don't you start explaining?!"

Let me show the measurements of your theory!

Dammit, she never listens! The only real way we can get her to accept it is by shooting down whatever she says...

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades

-Clover's Account
-Drag Marks in the Blood
-Bud's Account
-Store Inventory
-Loose Tile

Aqua- You've still not show us the concrete evidence that a sledgehammer was used to kill Swift! Sure, the weapon had to be heavy and I'll concede it came from the store. Even so, it could have been anything! A safe, a metal bat, anything!

Techno- Yes those are options to consider. The problem with them though is that we don't know if any of those are available to obtain.

Aqua- Are you kidding me?! Just check the store! There must be something else there that could be used. Your whole theory has no evidence to strengthen it! Why don't you just let someone else shine?!

Aqua has a very offensive stance when she argues. Offensive stances are good for finding contradictions...

I'll have to cut through those words!

"No evidence to strengthen it? I wouldn't be too sure about that. See, there was drag mark in the pool of blood at the crime scene, now I've sledgehammers before and I know for a fact that the width of the drag marks is about the same width of a sledgehammer!"

"The...drag marks...?" Aqua raised an eyebrow.

"Actually, that brings me onto another topic." Bright interrupts. "It's about how the killer attacked Swift."

"What do you mean?" Quick asked. "They swung the sledgehammer and knocked him to the floor, what's so complicated about that?"

"That's just the problem though. You saw that Swift had vomited blood due to the blow to his chest but nobody was seen with blood on them the whole day...well, Swift was a exception, he had bloodstains on his shirt and now I have to ask what position was the killer in and what position was Swift in when the murder occurred?"

"What position...?" Pure leaned forward, speaking for the first time in the trial. "Why? Do you think it's important?"

"It could mean something entirely different if the positions are what I think they were..."

What is Bright talking about...? The position of Swift and the killer before the murder happened...? Well I think one of them is pretty obvious. That would be the killer's...the killer must have...

Of course!

"Naturally the killer must have been standing up when the murder occurred, it seems like that would be the only position they could get a good swing."

"Alright but what about Swift?" Clover looked at Techno with concern. "Was he in front of the killer?"

"Before that." Bright interrupted once more. "We need to know what position the killer's arms were in as well."

"The killer's...arms...?" Memory folded his arms.

"Oh! I get it" Rip's eyes widened. "You mean what way the sledgehammer was swung!"

"Correct, that part of this is vital as well, I believe. Techno, do you have any idea about this? What position were the killer's arms in?"

"Um..." This is such a weird question...but I should think about those drag marks. It indicates that the killer found it difficult to the only way the killer could have held it was...

Of course!

"Well, the drag marks indicate that the killer couldn't lift it very easily so the only way they could have done it...was by using magic! The killer didn't need their arms at all!"

"You mean the killer is a unicorn?!" Bud's eyes widened, the four remaining unicorn's giving worried expressions.

"Not necessarily..." Techno shook his head. "No, the killer could still be any one of us...because of one piece of evidence..."

I can prove it with this!

"Enterna's student profile. It's clear that Enterna is magic-using Changeling and Changelings can look like any of the four species of ponies. If Enterna is the killer...then this doesn't narrow down anything due to her condition that allows her to look like both genders..."

"So...after all that..." Quick's mouth was left agape. "We're back to square one?"

"Not so fast." Bright fixed her glasses. "We still need to determine Swift's position when he was murdered."

"Does it matter at this point...?" Quick bit his lip. "Doesn't change a thing even is we do figure it out..."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that..." Quick looked at Bright with his curiosity growing.

So this is the last part...what position was Swift in. Changelings can't change how their outfit would look so blood would have gotten on them if Swift was facing them...and magic needed to be used which means...the most likely position is...

Of course!

"Swift...Swift was laid down on the ground when he was hit..."

"Laid down?" Toxic repeated.

"He couldn't have been facing the culprit because blood would have gotten on their clothes, the culprit couldn't have been behind him because blood would have gotten on the wall and since there were stains on his face and shirt...when he vomited blood and got struck. He was on the ground! The blood flew out of his mouth and just hit right back."

"Urg..." Rip wobbled slightly. "I think I'll be sick so can we change the topic quickly."

"Right. Toxic had said that the secret passageway entrance was moved slightly. I think this could have happened if Swift and the culprit got into a fight which is how Swift fell to the ground."

"Then the culprit used the opportunity and killed him then and there." Memory nodded.

"Yeah, that's right." Techno affirmed.

"That's great and all...but what does that change...?" Quick reminded them of his previous statement. "We still don't know what happened."

" did they get into a fight?" Clip asked. "There must have been a cause, right? Another thing, how did the culprit get the sledgehammer from First Island to Second Island without being seen? They found it heavy right? Unicorn's can't carry something that distance with magic alone, it's to far...and a Pegasus couldn't carry it either plus an earth pony would be stuck on the ground the entire time..."

"So, there was nobody with that ability?" Rip frowned. "Then we really are back to square one."

"Nope." Techno shook his head. "There is one way."

"Oh really...?" Clip grinned slyly. "What'cha got up your sleeve, Techy~?"

"Please don't call me that...the point I'm trying to make is that without necessarily being a Changeling...there is one student that could get it all the way to First Island from Second Island without being caught..."

"What?!" Laser gasped. "If you're telling the truth then I'll return all of the items I took from your room yesterday!"

"Wait, what?"

"Nothing!" Laser grinned.

"A-anyway...there is one student here...and only one. The student that could transport it sledgehammer from First Island to Second Island is..."

You're the only one!

"The only our own victim. Swift Justice!"

"Wait..." Bud paused. "Swift...? Swift was the one that took the murder weapon to the institute?!"

"That's impossible, he's an earth pony! He would have been stuck on the ground the entire time!" Toxic argued.

"Are you sure about that? 'Cause I think it would be very easy for Swift to stay off the ground..."

I can prove it with this!

"Swift had a very big secret he was keeping from us all. The only one that knew this information was the one closest to him on the island, Pure!"

" think that because...?" Pure's eyes widened.

"Yes. The truth is, Swift isn't an earth pony. He's a Pegasus!"

"What?!" Toxic yelped. "You're lying about that!"

"Not a chance. It's not hard for a Pegasus to pretend that they're an earth pony, all they need are clothes without wing holes in them."

"So you're saying that Swift flew all the way to the Second Island with the sledgehammer in hand? If he was a Pegasus-"

"He wasn't just a Pegasus though." Techno cut Memory off. "He was pretending to be an earth pony, meaning he would want the figure of one."

"He had to be really strong..." Paint tapped her chin. "Meaning he would have the strength to carry the sledgehammer that distance."

"He must have worked out a lot to get...that...figure..." Clip smiled.

"The guy is dead, Clip. That's really creepy." Quick says.

"But wait." Rip frowns. "If Swift brought the murder weapon...? How did he die...?"

"He must have been disarmed by the real culprit when they both arrived. That would be my guess..." Bright bit the inside of her cheek. "Which would mean...this crime was a case of self-defence..."

W-what...? Swift was self-defence...?

Trial Suspended!

Chapter 2: Class Trial - Part 2

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Trial Resume!

Monomi Theatre

"Hi, I'm Monomi! And my heart is throbbing like crazy right now! Our do-gooder and justice loving attorney of the group, Swift was killed in a self-defence? What would that even mean?! I don't want to believe that any of my students would hurt another no matter what the reason! I'll keep believing with all my heart. Love, love!"

"By self-defence..." Pure had gone slightly pale. "Are you implying that Swift had the intention to kill someone? No! I refuse to believe that! It's impossible!"

"Oh it is rather possible." Bright contradicted. "Especially with this kind of motive presented to us..."

"You mean the Changeling among us? Along with the plus one off the island if the killer gets away with this?" Memory asked.

"You know. Self-defence isn't what would come to mind for me with a motive like that..." Toxic closed his eyes. "But we need to focus on this possibility first."

"It's ridiculous! I refuse to believe it!" Pure shook her head violently. "Swift wouldn't hurt anyone! He was a defence attorney, it's against everything he knows!"

"But remember where we are right now." Paint reminded Pure. "In a place like this, morals have no effect on an individual's decision."

"B-but..." Pure went silent before her eyebrow's furrowed, gritting her teeth to the point of where they may break into pieces. "Swift would never do that! Why would any of you think that he would even let the thought of hurting someone cross his mind?! What about the Changeling? The Changeling could have disguised itself as Swift and flew to Second Island with the sledgehammer! I want a real argument!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Pure's Account
-Clover's Account
-Bud's Account
-Store Inventory
-Changeling Data

Pure- Just because of his capabilities...that doesn't mean that Swift carried the sledgehammer!

Bud- And your rebuttal is that it could have been the Changeling?

Pure- Yes! The Changeling must have carried the sleadehammer!

Toxic- Do you have any actual evidence? Keep in mind that Changelings can only appear like their gender.

Memory- But because of the condition Enterna had. That means she could look like guys as well

Clover- But even so...d-do we have evidence to say whether it was Swift or Enterna that carried the sledgehammer?

Aqua- Guess we'll never know...

Swift, the victim. Or could it have been Enterna, the Changeling? One thing's for certain, there will be unhappy results either way...

No, that's wrong!

"There's no possible way that the Changeling could have carried the sledgehammer to the Second Island. Seriously, Pure, are you just pretending you don't know?"

"W-what are you talking about...?" Pure asked, playing dumb.

"You told me yourself that Swift being a Pegasus was a secret he only told you so unless you're the Changeling then there is no way that Changeling could have disguised themselves as Swift and flew to Second Island!"

"U-uuu..." Pure whined. "B-but Swift would never intend to hurt someone..."

"Unless there was someone here that he was willing to kill for." Quick put his hands in his pockets. "Probably would have been you, Pure."

"W-what...?" Her face was struck with horror. "You're trying to say that Swift would kill...for me...? No, that's not true! Why would he do that? We had a fight the day before and Swift doesn't let things go very easily...there's no reason for him to risk his life for me."

"Or was there?" Bright glared. "There was actually a possibility I wasn't that sure of presenting for everyone...but Pure's behaviour might just mean it has some merit to it."

"You have something?" Toxic asked. "Alright then, let's hear what you've came up with then."

"What if the Swift wasn't acting alone? In this kind of case, with this kind of motive...I believe that we should discuss the possibility of an accomplice." The room went silent at her words. The option of an accomplice hadn't even crossed their minds until now.

"It actually makes some sense..." Clip admitted with a mumbled frown. "Honestly, they could just save their accomplice if they won the trial...or pick someone else and leave them to die..."

"Anything could happen!" Laser smiled before switching to a serious gaze. "Let's be real for a moment though. Did Swift really have an accomplice in this?"

"Y-you're believing this far to easily!" Pure burst out. "There's no possible way that there was an accomplice! There's no evidence of there being one!"

"E-er..." Toxic bit his lip in thought. "Yeah...she's right."

"Da-da-da!" Laser giggled. "I guess that's why your the Super Middle School Level Prosecutor!"

Techno scanned the room, seeing the various expressions on everyone's faces. Gah! He yelled in his head. Now everybody'll be stuck in a huge confusion unless I can show evidence of an accomplice...but I need a theory to back it up. It's clear the evidence I have won't prove it on its own...alright, focus Techno. You've got this...

Conscious Connections

Q: What theory proves that Swift had an accomplice in the murder he planned and what evidence backs it up?

Evidence Bullets
-Loose Tile
-Drag Marks in the Blood
-Golden Bead
-Luminol Test Results

Techno- The accomplice was inside the room...?

Techno- The accomplice was in the secret passage?

Techno- The accomplice was outside the entrance to the room?

Techno- Maybe they didn't turn up?

Damn...what the hell am I supposed to think? There has to be an answer...something...

I've Figured out the Answer!

"I think I know how to prove that there was an accomplice!" Everyone was slightly surprised by Techno's outburst.

"You...figured it out?" Bud rubbed her wrist. "Is there really evidence of there being an accomplice...?"

"N-not a chance...there's no possible way that you can prove that!" Pure yelled.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that. You see, I investigated the second floor of the building and right above the crime scene there was a loose tile that when lifted, created another escape route from the room. Now, that on its own doesn't seem to be connected other than the fact that it was an alternate route...but what if that was how the culprit escaped the room?"

"Why would they do that?" Rip asked. "They had the secret passage and the actual room door."

"Well, they couldn't have used that secret passage because only Toxic knew it existed and they couldn't use the normal door...well they could have. Though I think that's where the accomplice was."

"Come again?" Aqua folded her arms. "You think the reason the culprit left the scene through the ceiling tile...was because the alleged accomplice was outside the room door?"

"Yeah. It makes sense, right?"

"Alright then...who was this 'accomplice' then?" Aqua smirked.

"Hmph. I thought you would have figured that out by now. The identity of the accomplice is-!"

"It's me..." A small voice interrupted.

Everyone feel silent as they turned to the one that had spoken up. Pure.

"It's me...I'm the accomplice...w-well, sort of..."

"W-what the hell?" Toxic grumbled. "Pure is the accomplice?"

"No!" She objected. "I wasn't in on the murder! The truth is...the truth is that I was first to discover the body!"

"You discovered the body?" Memory inquired with interest. "And how did that happen, exactly?"

"Well...earlier in the day after we had our breakfast meet-up, I got a note when I returned to my room. I have it here:" She pulled out the small piece of paper. "It was an invite from Swift, he wanted to meet with me at the institute at 1:20."

"The time of the murder?" Clip raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...b-but by the time I had arrived at the crime scene, Swift had already been killed! I had nothing to do with the murder or the crime that Swift had plotted!"

"Wait a second..." Memory's eyes widened. "There's...there's a glaring contradiction in what you're telling us."

"Contradiction? Where?" Pure gave of a worried vibe.

Contradiction in what Pure is telling us...? Does he mean...?
I see it now!

"You must be referring to how many people discovered the body before the announcement was made...because it was only made after you and I found Swift."

"At that point, according to everything we heard so far. Three people had already found the body before us. Monokuma! The Corpse Discovery any chance, was the culprit among those that found it?"

"Hmm?" Monokuma jolted up, taken off guard by the sudden question. "You want to know that of all things...? Ur...well, I can't just tell you that."

"That's a no." Bright grinned. "Your expression says it all."

"G-gah?! You can't do that! That's pretty much cheating the system!" Monokuma cried.

"It's not really..." Paint shrugs. "She's just using her talent, since when was that against the class trial rules?"

"W-well...I guess it's not, is it?" Monokuma look down with depression.

"Yeah!" Monomi cheered. "You showed him up!"

"Shut up, rabbit..." Aqua mumbled. "But what does that have to do with anything? Does it actually help us figure out the identity of the culprit of something?"

"I think...that was the deciding factor." Memory nodded. "Techno, there were three people that allegedly discovered the body before we of them is lying and that student is the culprit. So now that you know you know who the culprit is?"

"Yeah. It's pretty clear at this point...but..." Techno bit his lip. Why did it have to be her of all people...? The culprit...

You're the True Culprit!

"...Dammit...Clover, you're the real culprit, right? You're the one that killed Swift..." Techno turned to the white unicorn at his left. Clover stood with sudden petrification, her pupils shrank as a small bead of sweat ran down her face.

"M-m-me...?" She barely made out with a small squeak.

"It wouldn't make sense for Pure to be targeted by Swift and vice-versa, plus Bud discovered the body whilst you were with her...but you never went into the crime scene with her, did you?"

"No..." Bud confirmed. "She stayed in the hallway whilst I looked inside...she said she couldn't face his body again. I'm sorry Clover! I don't want to convict you!"

"B-but...I did see the body!" Clover cried out. "The discovery of a body doesn't count unless you actually step inside the room! I saw Swift through the window of the door!"

"If that's would explain why the Corpse Discovery Announcement played after Techno and I stumbled onto it..." Memory tapped his chin. "Even so, that doesn't mean you're completely off the hook, Clover."

"Why?! What did I do wrong?!"

"Killed Swift, apparently..." Aqua grinned darkly. "And if she is the killer then she has to be executed!"

"But Clover can be really timid and we know that she's never done anything to harm anyone. She avoids conflict...could she really have killed Swift?" Quick asked.

"E-exactly! I wouldn't have any reason to kill Swift!"

"Nobody had a reason to kill Swift." Bright fixed her glasses. "Remember, if Swift was attacking with the sledgehammer then that means that the culprit attacked in self-defence."

"U-uuu..." Clover whimpered. "E-even so...I'm not strong at all, I couldn't lift a heavy sledgehammer like that! H-how could I have killed Swift? Even if it was in self-defence!"

"She's right. She wouldn't have the strength to lift that sledgehammer's weight." Quick agreed.

"But didn't we agree that the culprit didn't touch the sledgehammer? That they used magic to lift it?" Rip asked.

"Problem. We never actually showed evidence that magic was used in that room." Memory frowned.

"Yeah. Even so, that evidence does exist." Toxic grinned. "I know it does."

Toxic knows it? Evidence that magic had been used in the crime scene...well there was that...
I'll prove it with this!

"Are you talking about the Manatite Test results?" Techno guessed.

"Yeah. There were plenty of traces of the Mana Magic being used within the crime scene. That implies that the culprit not only used magic...but is a Changeling."

"Wait. Are you saying Clover is the Changeling that's been hiding among us all?!" Laser's eyes widened. "Wow, if we're stacking on the accusations then I think that it was Clover that took Techno's stuff!"

"Seriously, how do you keep getting into my room?"

"Techno, can't you just focus on the murder case?! Somebody died!" Laser scolded.

"...Are you kidding me...?" Techno's brow furrowed.

"Can we please stay on topic without getting side-tracked every five minutes?!" Aqua snapped.

"She's right, for now we should figure out if Swift was correct when he picked his victim..." Bright adjusted her glasses.

"You mean if the culprit was really the Changeling? Well...the Manatite results showed us that Mana was used in the room...that should mean the sledgehammer was picked up with Mana, right?" Rip suggested.

"Well there were handprints that were made by Mana so the culprit could have grabbed the sledgehammer's handle after they killed Swift which does explain the drag marks in blood." Toxic nodded.

"Any comments, Clover?" Quick gritted his teeth.

"E-even with all that! You have no evidence that it was me!" She cried out.

"Hey, I have a question." Bud interrupted. "If the culprit grab the sledgehammer after the murder? If they were the changeling then they would have known that Mana would have been left behind on it, right?"

Why did the culprit grab the sledgehammer...well they may have had no choice...
I can prove it with this!

"There's a very reasonable explanation for why the culprit used their hands instead of using their magic when they picked up the sledgehammer the second time. When Memory and I were at the library, we were looking up information on Changelings and one of them was that they can't produce their own magic, they have to collect it from other beings."

"How does that work exactly?" Quick gave a sceptical glance at Techno.

"Well they have to harvest it from the strong emotions of those that are around them." Memory explains. "Problem is, they can only do that with certain emotions such as love and embarrassment."

"So if they ran out of magic during the murder...then they would have to drag the sledgehammer away from the crime scene!" Rip exclaimed as if she had made the ultimate case-breaking discovery.

"They couldn't have dragged it away though." Bud shook her head. "Remember? Pure was outside the door and the culprit didn't know about the secret passage, the only way out was the how did they get the sledgehammer out of the crime scene?"

"They probably didn't all of their Mana but knew that they were low...Enterna must have used the last of their magic to get out of the room along with the sledgehammer!" Memory pointed at Clover. "Well?! Tell us the truth Clover!"

"I k-keep telling you all...I'd n-never hurt Swift! Why...? Why do you keep blaming me?!" She whimpered. Techno gritted his teeth as he looked to the centre of the room.

Shit...why am I doing this to her? Clover isn't a bad person yet I know that she has to be the one that killed Swift, there's no other possible culprit!

"Dammit!" He slammed his fists on the stand, catching everyone off guard.

"T-Techno..." Clip murmured.

"'ve kept denying that you're the culprit and frankly, I want to believe you." He looked at Clover. "Though even when I hate to say it you haven't shown any evidence that proves that you aren't."

"T-T-Techno...alright then well...where did the dirt on Swift's shirt come from?!" She exclaimed.

"Wait." Toxic paused. "That's your defence? The dirt on Swift?"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Clover's Account
-Quick's Account
-Monokuma File 2
-Suits of Armour
-Missing Library Books

Paint- You really want to try using the dirt we found at the crime scene to your advantage?

Clover- We thought that it came from the secret passage...but Toxic told us differently!

Toxic- That may be true...yet how is this becoming an argument?

Clover- B-because...with no way to get dirt on me...then there's no way I killed Swift!

Quick- As ridiculous as it does sound kind of logical.

Rip- So were we wrong? Is Clover not the culprit?

Bright- It might still be to soon to decide that.

Clover- Why? Why don't you trust me?!

Aqua- ...

Clover is really grasping at straws right now. It's just so pitiful...but there may be something she said that's true...

I'm in agreement with you!

"'re telling the truth there. You couldn't have gotten dirt on you."

"Huh?" Clover's eyes widened. "You believe me?! You don't think I killed Swift?!"

"I didn't say that. What I'm that it wasn't dirt on Swift's shirt but something else that looked like dirt. Quick told Memory about the time you, Bud and himself went to the store on First Island, you and Bud were searching for gardening supplies because gardening calms you down."

"What does the gardening stuff have to do with anything?" Paint stopped Techno.

"Well...there is something that's used in gardening that could have been mistaken as dirt..."

Hangman's Gambit

Q. What gardening supply could have been mistaken for the dirt on Swift's shirt?

Available Letter- H L M C U

I've connected the dots!

"Bud! Quick! Did either of you see Clover with a bag of mulch when you were at the supermarket with her?" Techno shot the question quickly.

"Uh, I didn't see her until she was walking out the store and I only glanced for a second. Sorry." Quick frowned.

"A-actually...I got some bags of mulch for her...then she left because she already go the rest." Bud fidgeted with her thumbs as she spoke.

"So the 'dirt' on Swift was actually mulch from the store that Clover was going to use to garden but she was asked to go to the institute by she could become his victim." Memory grinned.

"B-but the tile! The escape hatch! You can't prove I was ever on the second floor!" Clover shook her head violently.

"Actually I can..." Techno contradicted. "Because you were careless and left behind a piece of evidence."
I can prove it with this!

"Clover, you told me that you lost your charm bracelet...a golden charm bracelet. I wonder...did the golden charms look like this?" Techno held the small gold flower he found on the second floor up.

"T-that..." Clover bit her lip.

"By that seems like we got it right..." Techno folded his arms.

"Shut up..." There was a murmur as everyone turned to Aqua, her fists clenched and her teeth gritted together. "Not a chance...Clover ain't the culprit..."

"Wait." Paint rested chin on her hand. "Why do you care all of a sudden? This entire trial you've been the one that has shown the least amount of interest in the results of it."

"Because, Clover...Clover's my friend." Everyone seemed genuinely surprised by that statement, even Paint broke her poker face for a split second. "I didn't want to say anything because I'd be forced into a friendship...and what if she died like she's about to if you vote for her?"

"Was this because you were investigating Second Island with her when it was made available to us...?" Memory guessed.

"Yeah. She didn't try and force herself to become friends with me, she wasn't annoying...well...not as annoying as the rest of you and she didn't even think of the fact that I was basically taking advantage of her abilities as a unicorn."

"A-Aqua..." Clover looked down to the floor.

"So that's I'm saying you're wrong! You're wrong! It's obvious because...because...y-you still have to prove she's the Changeling!"

"Huh?" Techno worried. "What are you talking about?!"

"Prove to us she's the Changeling and I'll shut up! Prove it to me!"

Aqua's the one that holding the trial back?! Urrr....I'll have to prove that once and for that Clover really is the culprit or else everyone else dies here!

Panic Attack Battle

Aqua- Clover isn't a killer!
Aqua- Where's the evidence?!
Aqua- You're tacky and I hate you!
Aqua- This is bullshit!
Aqua- Wrong...
Aqua- You're a fucking idiot!
Aqua- She isn't a Changeling!

This is it!

Aqua- You have no evidence that she's the Changeling!

Manatite Testing!

"You want a way to prove that Clover's the Changeling and in turn, the killer...all we need to do is use Toxic's Manatite Test. If she has traces of Mana on her at all then that means she's the changeling all along!"

"W-wha...?!" Aqua paled.

"Well then, Clover-"

"There's no need..." Clover cut Toxic off. "You don't need to do that...I'm the Changeling...I'm the one that killed Swift..."

"Clover?" Aqua's voice trailed off. "Then...what happened today? Tell us what happened!"

"T-Techno...could you do it instead?" She requested. "I think you know more than any of us..."

"Sure, no problem." Techno nodded. It's never finished...until everything is brought to light...

Here's Everything that Happened in this Case!

Act 1

This whole murder didn't actually start off with our culprit but with our victim instead. Swift Justice. After hearing the latest motive, Swift felt like he had already figured out who the Changeling was so he started to devise a plan for his murder. First of all, in the morning of the next day he took his leave with Paint to make it seem less likely to look like a killer when the body turned up. Most likely he sent a note to the culprit to meet him at the mental institute where he would be waiting.

Act 2

Next, Swift went to the supermarket to grab one of the sledgehammers that were kept in stock there and then used his little 'secret' to his advantage. The secret that Swift was really a Pegasus and not an earth pony, but to make others believe it he had to get an earth pony's build which is why he was able to fly all the way to Second Island with no problem. He then went to the mental institute to await on the arrival of the Changeling.

Act 3

At this point, the actual culprit comes into play. Upon arrival, Swift attacks the culprit presumably straight away and the two get into a scrap. Swift gets disarmed but the culprit when the culprit ends up breaking his wrist in the fight, causing Swift to fall on his back. The culprit isn't very physically strong so they used their magic to lift the sledgehammer and kill Swift with one blow to his ribcage, my guess is that a broken rip pierced one of his organs with caused him to vomit blood.

Act 4

As soon as the culprit realised what they had done, they had to act fast. They didn't have much time to think as they heard someone approaching, the other student that Swift had called. Pure Law. The culprit quickly used the last of their magic to get out of the room with the sledgehammer by using a loose tile in the ceiling. As they were leaving though, they were careless and left behind small pieces of evidence. One being the mulch that got on Swift's shirt and the other being a small golden flower-shaped charm that came off of her bracelet.

Act 5

There was only one way the culprit could think of to stop others from suspecting her. After hiding the sledgehammer, the culprit ran to the lobby and waited for someone to walk by after making sure that Pure had left the building. As soon as the culprit saw someone, they let out a big scream to alert them. They then pretended to discover the body as the one she caught the attention of, Bud, ran around the island to find someone so the Corpse Discovery Announcement would be played. Then the culprit just played innocent and hoped to not get caught out for who they really are.

And that's the truth of what transpired that day, isn't it...Clover Penny?! Or should I say Enterna?!

"Yes..." She nodded softly as she looked up, misty-eyed. "Y-you're right...everything you've said is right! The sledgehammer, the loose tile, you're right in every aspect!"

"Upupupupu!" Monokuma cackled. "Looks like we reached the end, time to cast your votes, in front of you all are sixteen buttons, select a culprit and press their button! Remember, it's a majority vote so who's going to be the culprit...? Will you make the right or the dreadfully wrong one? Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be~?"

"No..." Monomi whimpered. "Not again..."
Like last time, they all looked at the buttons in front of them and selected the killer. On response to the final one being pressed, a huge slot machine appeared with 'Voting Machine' in red on the top and a Monokuma on top in a hula outfit, coconut bra and all. It had all the students faces, all in colour, aside from the deceased. The three dials began to spin quickly for another few seconds before all three stop on Clover's face causing a red 'GUILTY' sign to flash and two bouquets of flowers to pop out the sides.

Class Trial!


Chapter 2: Ending

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The class stood silent as Monokuma let out a loud cackle. "Wowee! Twice it shall be! You've correctly identified the culprit again! The one that smashed Swift Justice's bones to bits was the one and only Clover Penny! Well...Enterna..."

"C-Clover..." Bud looked depressingly at her. "You didn' didn't have to kill him you know...?"

"I know that..." Clover sniffled. "It was in the moment, I had no control over what I was doing and before I realised it I had killed Swift." She shivered as she spoke. "I still remember seeing the blood spray out of him...t-that stench of it made me want to throw up and- and- and-" She began to hyperventilate.

"C-calm down!" Quick yelled. "We get it, you were acting in self-defence that isn't your fault, Clo!"

"Swift must hate me for what I did! I could have stopped myself, I didn't have to kill him! It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's al-!" There was *Whap!* sound as everyone was silenced by the artist that had just slapped Clover back into reality.

"...why in Equestria would Swift hate you for what you did?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I...I killed him, didn't I...?" Clover rubbed her cheek and drying her eyes. "There's no way in hell that he would forgive me for it..."

"I wouldn't think like that. What you did was purely out-of-control self-defence. Swift was an attorney, he must have had plenty of experience in that sort of field...actions that one wouldn't usually do. There is a lot of room for forgiveness..."

Clover went silent for a small period of time before giving a weak smile. "Even if I'm going to die...I want to know that you'd all forgive me for what I did..." The other twelve gave each other small looks to each other.

"I...I'd forgive you..." Bud nodded. "Even if you had hurt me...sometimes it's easier to let it go..."

"This is killing someone though." Memory pointed out. "This is a much bigger thing...but under the circumstances...I suppose anyone is up for being forgiven..."

"Thank you...that's all I need to hear." Clover nodded. "Though. If I am going to die then I should show you all what I really am..." She stepped back from everyone, closing her eyes as a brief flash of a green light engulfed her body, revealing who Clover really was.

"I think I need to re-introduce myself...while I have the chance. My name is Enterna, I'm the Super Middle School Level Luckster." She smiled. What stood before everyone was the same exact person in the profile, the long black hair and grey eyes. The dark blue eye-patch that covered her left eye.

"C-Clover..." Clip's eyes widened. "I can't believe that all were really a Changeling."

"What's with the eye-patch? Do you only have one eye like a pirate?!" Laser asked giddily. Enterna frowned as she fiddled with the strap of the patch.

"'s an injury that my elder brother caused, changed the colour of my eye to a red half and a green half. I hate it, I see things I shouldn't see because of it."

"Like what? What can you see?" Rip raised an eyebrow.

"I can see people's true natures by their background colours. Like an aura...I haven't looked at anyone like that though...I can if you want me to, this could be the last way I can help you all before I die."

"Enterna, even before death you want to help everyone..." Bright smirked. "Even if you were hiding behind Clover...we knew exactly who you were."

"Yeah..." Enterna reached for her eye-patch, sliding it off and letting it fall to the floor. She blinked a few times, revealing the swirling half-blue, half-green eye. "Most of you are very positively natured...urh!" She paled, stopping at Memory and Toxic. "Y-you two..."

"Enterna?" Quick's eyes widened. "What's wrong? What do you see?"

"Weeeeeeellllll!" Monokuma interrupted. "I think that's more than enough time to get to know her!"

"W-wait! You can't interrupt me now!" Enterna panicked.

"I've prepared a veeeeeery special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level Gardener', Clover Penny! In her place though...will be the 'Super Middle School Level Luckster', Enterna!"

"Okay, okay really quickly then! The ones with the fake personas are-"

"Let's get this underway!"

"It's Toxic and-"

"Iiiiiiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

A large red button had risen from the ground and a small wooden gavel had materialised into Monokuma's paw. He gave one last laugh before hitting the button.

Gamer Over!
Enterna/Clover Penny has been found guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Before Enterna could finish her sentence, the same chain that carried away Boom in the last trial, wrapped around Enterna's neck, dragging her away to the execution room. The monitor buzzed before displaying Enterna, stood in the middle of a huge garden surrounded by large plants and vegetation, propped up against a sharp pole.

Enterna/Clover Penny's Execution
Pulling the Weeds.

After a small pause, the plants around Enterna started to release pollen into the air that slowly fell down and covering her. As she started to breathe the pollen in, she started to go pale and her eyes went bloodshot. The more pollen that was released, the more her condition worsened.

When they stopped pollenating, some sprouts began to grow at a rapid rate, revealing to be large Venus Fly-Traps that snagged onto Enterna's arms and legs and lifting her into the air.

The plants started to put at her, fighting over who got her and before there was any real victory in the four-way game of tug-o-war, Enterna was released after felling her arms and legs break and fell onto the sharp pole that she had been leaning against she had been laid against before, impaling her.

Everybody's faces had turned grim. Clouded with despair, everyone was forced into a silence that none of the students would have been able to break if it wasn't for the fact that one figure there wasn't a student.

"Kyahahahahaha!" Monokuma cackled. "I think that one was better than boring ol' Boom Box's execution, what do you all think?"

"Shut up, you bastard..." Quick muttered darkly. "You killed Clo'...and you've killed Boom..."

"Well they knew the rules of the game, I explained it very clearly. It's their own fault for acting out and causing havoc!" Monokuma defended.

"Enterna's case was self-defence you little bitch!" Aqua snapped. "She should have gotten a chance if it was Swift trying to kill her first!"

"She still took a life, didn't she? Whether it was in self-defence or not, she's still a murderer." The bear rubbed the back of his head. "Just sayin' don't hate the player, hate the game."

"Did you just-?!"

"I have a question..." Pure murmured, cutting Laser off. "Did...did Swift really try to kill Clover, Enterna or whatever her name was?"

"Well yeah." Monokuma nodded. "But...I wonder who on earth he could have been doing all of this for...? He's dead though so I guess we'll never know!"

"It must have been for me." Pure nodded. "He had a reason for picking me to come along to the crime scene and it obviously wasn't to kill me..."

"Now what though?" Clip combed his hair back. "Are we just going to back like this didn't happen?"

"We did that once, we have no other option, do we? Any other choice would result in us being killed." Memory pointed out. Clip nodded with a glare focused on Memory.

"I guess...we should head back to the hotel then, right?" Rip asked.

"I suppose so." Bright wrote something in her book. "Let's head back, this has been rough for everyone." Quietly, everyone exited the trial room through the elevator and down Monokuma Rock.

Four of us are dead now. Why though? Why are we trapped here? What is the person doing this gaining from it? There are still so many things I don't get... Techno sighed inwardly.

Back at the hotel, like last time, Techno was sitting by the pool staring at the glistening waters. " that I think about it, we never learned her second name...what does it matter though?"

"Techno?" He heard a high pitched voice call his name. At first his mind thought that it could have been Smile though..."How come your sitting out here? It's freezing..." It was Rip, accompanied by Aqua.

"I could ask you two the same thing...I'm gonna come here after each trial." He faced the water again as Aqua sat by the poolside next to him.

"To what, mourn? Are you some sort of emo or something?" She smirked.

"You know you could try being a little sensitive..." Techno replied flatly.

"Just trying to lighten to mood and shit..." She leaned back.

"I'm not sure why you came out here though. I came here because swimming makes me calm and there's no rule against swimming during night-time." Rip smiled, stretching.

" want to go swimming? Right now?" Techno asked slightly surprised.

"Mmhm! It'll take my mind off things. Plus this thing will dries really quick so there's never a problem." Rip nodded before she jumped into the pool and started doing laps around the edge.

"Aqua..." Techno looked at the earth pony to his left. "What you said during the trial..."

"Because, Clover...Clover's my friend." Everyone seemed genuinely surprised by that statement, even Paint broke her poker face for a split second. "I didn't want to say anything because I'd be forced into a friendship...and what if she died like she's about to if you vote for her?"

"Was this because you were investigating Second Island with her when it was made available to us...?" Memory guessed.

"Yeah. She didn't try and force herself to become friends with me, she wasn't annoying...well...not as annoying as the rest of you and she didn't even think of the fact that I was basically taking advantage of her abilities as a unicorn."

"Was everything you said about Enterna true?"

"Yeah, I guess it was." Aqua looked up at the stars. "It's weird though, I usually distance myself from people because I see them as distractions from what I do...I felt like she was different though, like she would help me instead of hindering me. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, it's same thing I went through when I made my first friend. I had already started inventing by that point so I thought that if I hung out with him, I'd stop inventing...but he inspired me."

"Really? What was his name...?"

"Rumble. We went to school together when we were back in Equestria's mainland..."

"Is he what's motivating you to get off of here?" Aqua stared at Techno.

" friends and my family are what's keeping me going, what about you?"

"My older sister back on the farm is why I want to go home. She can get confused with things pretty easily and she asks way too many questions...but she could be worse, I guess."

"Y'know everyone in our group has an older sibling..." Rip informs them, swimming up beside the two. "What are the odds, right?"

"Yeah. I'm the youngest of four." Techno rubbed the back of his head.

"Middle of three, you're the middle of five, aren't you?" Aqua asked Rip who responded with a nod. The three stayed in a relaxed silence, looking up at the stars in the night sky. Techno looked at the two girls and said.

"We're getting out of here soon, I can feel it." Techno smiled contently. "I know we will...because there's no way that they'll be any more murders after everything we've been through..." Aqua and Rip nodded as they headed back to their cabins for the night.

Over in Jabberwock Park, the pink Pegasus stood staring at the statue in the middle of the square. He turned as he heard footsteps approaching.

"You wanted to see me here?" Memory raised an eyebrow. "It's really late, Clip. You should be getting some sleep, lack of rest can be bad for psychological health and-"

"Listen." Clip raised a hand to silence Memory's lecture. "I know who you really are...and I know that Enterna realised it too." Memory paused before letting out a small chuckle.

"What in Equestria are you talking about? Maybe you've been so deprived of sleep already that you've started to imagine things."

"I heard what you were saying during the investigation. Just who do you think you are? Acting as if everyone here are just your pawns!" Clip gritted his teeth.

"Feh..." Memory waved a hand to brush off the statement. "You sure do like to make stuff up, dont'cha?"

"I ain't crazy, honey! I know what I heard!"

"Whatever..." Memory grinned. "You can believe what you want but you have one problem to deal with...who exactly will believe you if you tell somebody? You were going to talk to Techno after the trail weren't you?"

"I was...but Techy seemed far too distraught to hear it. I know he'd just become unreasonable and get mad at me for even suggesting the idea...but in the morning, I'll expose you for who you really are. Do you understand?!"

"Haha..." Memory laughed faintly. "You are just hilarious, do you know that? Go ahead! Do it! I promise you that nobody will even bat an eye at the thought of me not being who I show myself to be." Memory turned to walk off.

"I'll expose you...I'll make sure to expose you..." Clip muttered.

Off in the bushes, a third student hid in the shadows, listening in on their conversation.

"Crap...has he started to remember already...? This is bad, this is not according to plan!" The figure grunted before running off into the night, leaving Clip alone in the park...

Chapter 2: Deception, Disguises and Discord.


Chapter 2 Bonus: Alternate Execution

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"Yiperdedee!" Monokuma cheered. "Would you look at that? You got it right again! The one that murdered the Changling in disguise, Clover- or rather. was none other than Swift Justice! The irony!"

"C-c-crap!" Swift stuttered out. "I thought...I thought everything would have gone perfectly!"

"S-Swift..." Pure whimpered, her bottom lip trembling. "Y-you said you wouldn't get caught if I helped..."

"Pure...dammit, I'm sorry."

"You're gonna be sorry after we execute you!" Quick yelled. "You killed Clo'! She...she was so innocent, she would have never have hurt any of us and look at what you've done to her!"

"She had so many broken bones...overkill would be an understatement..." Paint folded her arms. "What you did was unforgivable..."

"Who did you do this for anyway? Was it really for Pure, or were you just going to save yourself by using her as a little pawn in your game?" Toxic questioned.

"Of course I was going to save her! I had was the only way I could repay her after I was such an asshole to her during the Second Island investigation."

"Yeah, you did a good hiding those wings, I'll give you that." Memory commented at the now visible dark blue wings that Swift had revealed at the end of the trial.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. I had combined my skills as an attorney with Pure's skills as a prosecutor to ensure we'd win..."

"Too bad you left so many contradictions behind in your crime." Toxic put his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Cause're as good as dead..."

"Yep! That's right! Without delay, we'll get this started! It's time for the main event!" Monokuma announced.

"N-no! Wait!" Swift pleaded.

"I've prepared a very special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level Attorney', Swift Justice!"

"Someone help me please!"

"Let's get this underway! Iiiiiiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

A large red button had risen from the ground and a small wooden gavel had materialised into Monokuma's paw. He gave one last laugh before hitting the button.

Game Over!
Swift Justice has been found guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Swift stumbled backwards as the chain that had dragged Smile away at the last execution, wrapped around Swift's neck and dragged him away to the execution room. The monitor in the trial room switched on, displaying Swift stood at an identical stand like the ones in the trial room...that's when it hit everyone, Swift was in the middle of a courtroom...

Swift Justice's Execution
The Final Verdict.

The room lit up to reveal that to one side of Swift was a jury made up of Monokuma's talking amongst themselves and another Monokuma wearing a suit. Presumably the prosecutor. On the other side was an empty bench where the attorney should have been standing by and in front of Swift was a Monokuma judge, glaring down at him.

There was noise as the jurists passed down a sheet of paper to the prosecutor-Kuma, who took a second to read it before turning it to the judge-Kuma and Swift to reveal it saying 'Guilty!'

Swift gulped as the judge-Kuma raised his gavel, slamming it down which increased the size of the gavel. Slamming it more caused it grow larger, almost becoming the size of the courtroom before the judge-Kuma threw the gavel into the air, leaving it to fall and crush Swift.

Chapter 2 Bonus: Victim and Killer Free-Time Events

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Swift Justice (1)

"Drat...I think I fucked up..." Swift grunted.

"Why? What happened?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"It's about Bright. I may or may not have...found her book and forget to give it back to her..."

"And why is this a problem?"

"Because she came up to me earlier and asked if I knew where it was and I said that I didn't know because I forgot I had it and she said that if she found out who took her book she'd rip their...well...I think you understand where it's going." Swift cringed.

"Right...well why don't you go give it back to her? Just say you found it somewhere, no biggie."

"I guess...but I realise that things like this happen a lot. Me forgetting things, I mean."

"Examples being...?"

"Like this one thing in Elementary School, I was put into a group for a class project...actually I think it's what got me into law..."

A class project...? I wonder if they were studying...? "So your time in Elementary School...was spent looking at the courtrooms...?"

"We had to make up a mock-trial and my team was the defence. They chose me to be the attorney, naturally...anyway, so were sorting our case out and looking through the evidence, a photo of the defendant during the crime, the defendant's broach, the autopsy report."

W-what kind of school does a fake MURDER trial?!

"And then I...I lost all of the evidence by the time the trial came around..."

"How did you lose all of that evidence?"

"I was a real klutz back then, ya' see so I lost things pretty easily. Someone in my group found them just before the trial started though so it was all good!"

"So how did the trial turn out?"

"Um...why don't I save that for next time? It's kind of boring if I tell you everything at once, y'know?"

I don't get his logic but I guess I'll need to come back later if I want the rest of the story...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

Swift Justice (2)

"So, do want to tell me how it turned out in the end?" Techno initiated the conversation.

"Hmm? Oh, the mock trial, I forgot about that!" Swift smirked.

"So, how did it go?"

" all honesty, I lost the trial."

"Wait, really?!"

"Yeah. You can't just be amazing at something right off the bat, being good as an attorney doesn't come naturally, y'know! It takes time and you need to know enough about the court system."

"Well...I just assumed that because it was your talent and all..."

"Yeah well it took some time for my talent to kick in. One day I was just really good at law and I got my cutie mark right away!"

"Well I guess that practice really does make perfect, eh?"

"Of course it does! You can never be good at something if you don't practice!"

"So being an attorney must be a pretty big part of your life then?"

"Yeah...I guess so..."

"So was the trial the only reason you became an attorney?"

"Hmm?" His face hardened.

"Like, was their another factor in why you became an attorney or was it just the feeling of the trial?"

"The...the trial...that's all..." He glanced to the left.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Swift Justice (3)

"Techno...why do you think we're stuck here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I've been asking everyone to see what they think. Bright, Rip, Quick and Paint all think it was chance. Bud, Clover and Clip think that we were chosen due to our abilities. So what do you think? Chance or an actual motive?"

"Well..." I have been focused on other things so this is something I mostly ignored...I guess if I'm honest...

"I have no idea." Techno shrugged. "I don't think we can really say when we've got no evidence on either argument."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. You can't make an argument when there's no evidence to back up what you say. It just becomes baseless conjuncture."

"You'd know about that?"

"Well duh! Attorneys and prosecutors generally bluff more than once during a trial. The hard part is finding the evidence to back it up though so it can fall flat on its face."

"Isn't the law kind of flawed though?"

"Flawed? What do you mean by 'flawed'?"

"I'm just looking for your opinion on it. Do you think the law is perfect or do you think there are just parts of it that should really be revised?"

"T-the law...I'd never do anything to tarnish the law..."

"Huh...?" I wonder why Swift seems so upset all of a sudden...?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Swift Justice (4)

"Swift, can I ask you something? You have to answer it as well, don't run away from the question cause that'll just make me more curious!"

"Woah!" Swift grinned. "You seem uncharacteristically serious, what's up?"

"Last time we talked, you mentioned that you would never tarnish the law after I asked if you thought it was flawed." Swift's face stiffened. "So what is your real answer? Do you really think the law is perfect?"

"...nothing's perfect, Techno."

"So you think that there are flaws?"

"Of course there is. That's a problem, it can be bent in ways to favour one side...but I don't win my cases like that. If I'm not winning them with the evidence I have and all I'm doing is bending the rules in my favour then that's just as bad as cheating! Some people bash attorney's because we 'defend the guilty' but...that doesn't always happen. I have a knack for knowing if someone's guilty or innocent. If I'm defending them, then that pony is innocent."

"I didn't realise you were so passionate about all that."

"I am." Swift nodded. "We need the law but we don't need those who abuse it."

"So, saving the innocent, is that the other reason you got into law?"


"Aside from that mock trial you told me about before, what was the other reason you got into law?"

"...Techno...I might tell you in due time but not right now..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

Swift Justice (5)


Swift's been awfully quiet for a while...I wonder if something's bothering him?

"Techno. I think I'll tell you the other reason I got into law...but it's sort of a long story, are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Well, only if you're okay with telling me..."

"I am, so...I'll take that as a yes...?" Swift shrugged. " was after I had lost the mock trial, my parents found out about it about a week later. The reason I never told them though...was because my dad's the Attorney General of Las Pegasus. I knew if he found out, he would over react about being the standing attorney and all..."

"So did he?"

"Big time..." Swift sighed. "Right after he found out, he started teaching me all about the law. Linking evidence, cross examination, the whole bunch. It was really tiring and I didn't really have time to make friends outside school hours...I was alone. About a year later, my dad managed to get me a chance to take the bar exam and I passed...that's when I became an attorney."

"So you never wanted all this?"

"Not at the start but once I started clearing the innocence of ponies...I started to realise that there are going to be those out there that need me to help them and if I don't do that...then some other attorney with impure court tactics might take their case. I don't finish a case without finding the true culprit, I never let a trial finish without one...that's what an attorney should be, someone who helps the innocent clear their name."

"Wow, I never thought your reason went so in depth..." Techno smiled.

"Well...thanks..." Swift blushed out of embarrassment of the story. "Do me a favour though...don't tell anyone this story, I don't like talking about my past..."

"You have my word..."

"Thanks Techno. Remember this..." Swift's expression went serious. "No matter what...if you bend the rules in your favour, it's practically giving up half way through the fight..."

"Thanks Swift."

I really feel closer to Swift after all this time. This is defiantly a friendship between us that'll last when we leave this island.

"Thanks for being a friend Techno, let's do our best to survive. One-hundred and one percent!"

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Swift's Underwear:
Swift's favourite briefs, well...not really. His father controls every part of his life including his wardrobe so all of his underwear is the same.

Clover Penny (1)

"Hmm...buttercups..." Clover nodded with a smile plastered on her face.


"Buttercups. You know, the yellow flower? It came to mind when I looked at the sun. The ocean reminds me of bluebells and the sky...the sky remind me of daisies..."


"Because of the clouds. So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well...why don't you tell me more about yourself? Where do you live?"

"Currently it's Canterlot, I actually lived really close to the school which my parents and brother were happy about. Sending a middle schooler off to a school in such a widely populated city must have worried your family, right?"

"Well a little bit. They didn't expect me a want to leave as easily as I did. I'll admit I did feel a little guilty of that..."

"Why's that?" Clover raised an eyebrow.

"Cause I still left even though they weren't sure if it would a good idea and I just ignored them and went...look where that got me."

"Well, I think looking on the bright side is always important. For example, we got to meet so many amazing and diverse people on this island. I love meeting new people, it shows how incredible the world actually is, don't you agree?"

"I guess that might a little bit exaggerated but I do have to agree with you..."

"E-exaggerated...? I meant every word! I'd never say something without meaning it! Lying...lying such a mean thing to do!"

"But what if it was to spare somebody's feelings...?"

"W-well...I don't know. I've never encountered situations like that before...I always spent my time in my home or out in the garden. That might be why..."

That explains a few things... Techno smiled softly as Clover let out a small giggle.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Clover Penny (2)

"Ah..." Clover murmured contently. "It's so peaceful today, don't you think?"

"I guess it's a little quieter than usual but...I wouldn't say peaceful."

"Because of how tense everyone is?"

"Yeah. That'll be it..." Techno let out a heavy sigh. "Clover, what exactly is this all about cause it clearly isn't some sick joke."

"I know...but we'd never do something like that! Right, Techno?"

"Of course not. Not that I could if I wanted to anyway..."


"That came out wrong, didn't it? What I mean is...I feel strong enough to not give into temptation but even if I wasn' physical strength wouldn't allow me to do anything. I'm probably the weakest on the island."

"Well you could always set up a trap to kill someone, slingshot a knife or something..." Techno raised an eyebrow. "S-sorry, my brother is a strategy expert and I always hear his weird battle plans..."

"Battle plans...?"

"I find it weird to talk family are very closed minded, my older brother and myself excluded from that though...actually maybe it's just me..." She frowned. "They all find it hard to listen to others and aren't very open to another person's opinion unless it perfectly matches their own. It can be a real problem when I want to do something and they disagree with me..."

"I can imagine..."

"But...we support each other when it matters the most so its not so bad."

As long as your happy I suppose...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Clover Penny (3)

"Umm...Techno, can I ask you something really private...?"

"What?" Techno paused. "Sure, if you really want to..."

"G-good. I need to ask you something important...are you and Rip going out?"

"W-w-w-w-WHAT?!" Techno fumbled with his words.

"I heard a rumour from the rest of the girls that you were, I got curious about it. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable!"

"I-it's fine...Rip and I aren't going out, Clover. That's just something one of them made up..." But why though...?

"Oh, alright then. I was just wondering for Rip..."

"Wait...d-did, uh, did...Rip ask...?"

"Well no...but I thought it was best for her to know. I like everyone on the island and if there's something that would make them happy I would love to help make it happen! It's a great feeling when you help someone achieve something!"

"You know, you're probably the most optimistic one out everyone on the island!"

"Do you really think so...?" Clover blushed. "I don't know about that..."

"Well name one other person that would be willing to go around in their free time to help everyone be happy whilst being able to look on the bright side of things the entire time?"

"Well...Bud might."

"Bud is too busy trying to get Aqua to like her, remember?"

"Y-yeah. I guess that's true though I can't always look to the positive side of things. Nobody could do that."

"What do you mean?"

"N-nothing...forget I said anything..."

Well that was kind of weird...I wonder if something's bothering her?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

Clover Penny (4)

"Uuu..." Clover whimpered. "T-Techno...!"

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"It's about the garden I've been creating just outside the farm, I don't know why but the plantation there have all started to wilt and die! I don't know what I'm doing wrong!"

"Maybe you forgot something?"

"I never forget anything though! I'm supposed to be the best gardener in Equestria and I went and forgot something?!"

"Hey...speaking of which, why did you start gardening...?"

"Hmm? I never told you?" Clover paused. "'s because it's really relaxing."

"That's more like a reason you like it. Not why you started."

"O-oh...sorry...well, I suppose it's because of my grandmother. It's a really cliché sounding reason though..."

"Well. Why is that?"

"At first it was because of my previous ambition. I wanted to be a really amazing chef like my grandmother was. No matter what she made, it was always amazing...but, she passed away when I was seven..."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that..." Techno rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"I-it's fine. She had left me her recipes but the problem was that most ingredients couldn't be bought in Canterlot so I had to grow them myself. I was under a lot of stress at that time so gardening really calmed me down. The relaxation and the satisfaction of seeing the plants grow made me really happy. That's why I began gardening."

"So what happened to the recipes?"

"My mother uses what I grow to make the food. They may not be as good as grannie's but I still enjoy them...hey! When we get off this island, you should come around to my home. You should really try it sometime!"

"Maybe I will, thanks!" Techno smiled.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

Clover Penny (5)

"So, Techno...?" Clover fidgeted.

"Yeah?" Clover seems really on edge today...

"C-could I...could I tell you a small story?"

"Story? About what?"

"Well. Back when you said I was always looking on the bright side of things...there's actually a really long time when I just had the inability to see anything good in life."

"What do you mean...?"

"It..." Clover bit her lip. "It was a long, long time ago, before I lived in Canterlot. It was me, my parents and my brother. You remember when I was talking about my brother and his battle strategy stuff? Well, I went to visit him whilst he was looking into that and something really unfortunate happened...someone really close to him died. It was hard for him, I tried to comfort him but he would just get angry at me...we were really close so whenever he was happy, I was happy."

"So because your brother was so down...?"

"I was really sad as well. It wasn't just that either. During that time was when my granny died..."

So Clover got hit twice as hard then...

"When that happened, I felt like just curling up in a room and dying. It was the worst feeling I've ever had and I had never been able to see anything good in life. It wasn't a state of depression but it could have mistaken as that. My brother in hat time...he injured me. I hide it at all times because if I don't...then...s-sorry that part is just too personal."

"It's fine..." Techno spoke softly, seeing her tremble.

"It's not just that injury though! I hid my entire life! My entire personality and identity-!" She gasped, covering her mouth.

"Y-your...identity?" Clover paused before taking a deep sigh.

"I hide my identity because of past reasons that I don't want to ever have to bring up again...I'm really sorry, Techno. It's like all this time you've been getting to know a fake instead of who I really am!"

"Not true. It doesn't matter what you say here today, are, and always will be, the Clover I grew to know."

"T-Techno..." She sniffled, drying her eyes.

"There's only one you that I know...and I can tell she's as real as anything...don't go getting so down. Without you, there would be nobody to keep everyone happy."

"B..." Clover closed her eyes. "T-thank you Techno...for listening to everything. Not to mention putting up with my long stories."

"I just want you to know that I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to..."

"I'm grateful..."

Clover is so intricate, I don't fully understand her yet...but I feel like this might as close as I could get right now...she might open to me at some point but for now, I'm happy to be this close to her and be her friend that she can trust.

"Techno. You're such a nice person..." She muttered something under her breath after that. "Rip would be lucky to have you..."

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Clover's Underwear:
Clover's favourite black underwear. Part of the new 'Military World, women's line! Helping shape the female soldiers of the future!'

Chapter 3: (Ab)Normal Days Part 1

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Chapter 3: The Despair of Healing.

Day 1

Just like any other day after a motive or trial, the tense atmosphere was tearing away at some of the surviving students. Techno, looked around as he entered the restaurant. The blank expressions that were clearly filled with despair eating away at them from the inside until they were like empty shells.

Damn...everyone is really depressed now that gone. It can't be helped though, we had no other choice.

"Good, everybody's here." Bright stood up from her seat. "I think it's time we went over some things, we don't want to go through another emotional rollercoaster of an execution."

"And what exactly do you suggest we do about it, oh great-and-mighty leader of the group?" Aqua asked sarcastically. Bright brushed off the comment and adjusted her glasses, scanning the room.

"Do any of you stay up these past few nights and wonder why you weren't the one that died? Why you didn't end up in that position?" The question surprised the others, hearing it from seemingly the most unlikely person to even begin to think about the question, never mind thinking of asking it.

"W-well..." Quick rubbed the back of his head. "I had to admit that last night I questioned why it had to be Swift and Enterna that died...if anything, I'm the least useful on the island."

"Aw...Quick..." Bud's ears dropped.

"My hearing aid broke again as well..." He frowned.

"Oh for fuck sake..." Aqua grunted. "That is the most fragile thing in existence..."

"We should really ask Monokuma for an actual hearing aid that won't break so easily." Paint suggests. "Though we may get more cooperation with Monomi..." She tapped her chin with her pencil.

"Yeah, but Monomi isn't that helpful to us..." Clip bit the inside of his cheek. "I mean, yeah she got us Second Island but at a price of Swift and Clover..."

"That's not really Monomi's fault though..." Bud shook her head. "It was because of Monokuma. What happened to Swift and Clover was his fault, not Monomi's"

"Bud's right. Monomi isn't to blame...even at that though, we should still be wary around her...we don't know who's controlling her. Could be the same person that's controlling Monokuma." Toxic folded his arms.

" theory came to the conclusion that Monomi and Monokuma are being operated by different sources...the way they act towards should have made that obvious..." Bright explains.

"So there's a third party in all of this?" Rip shivered. "What do they want?"

"Well. I think those that are controlling Monomi are the ones that put us here and those that are controlling Monokuma have hijacked this trip to force us to kill each other."

"Then this trip was really harmless from the beginning?" Techno asked.

"Most likely, yes." Bright gave a confident nod. "I have a feeling that those that are controlling Monomi will be using her to see what's happing among us since it seems the cameras and monitors around the islands are being used by Monokuma."

"That seems likely...though the question is why we're in this situation..." Memory frowned.

"Why do you care...?" Clip sneered.

"Whoa...what's with the attitude?" Memory asked, playing dumb. "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or-" Memory stopped as he felt the glare coming from Clip intensify. "Whatever..."

Well that was weird...I wonder if something happened between them. Actually, now that I think about it

"Techno." Clip nudged the Pegasus. Techno groaned as he turned to Clip.

"What is it?"

"Look." He seemed to have a more focused demeanour this time. "I'm here to hit on you but...after the trial, there's something I got to tell you. It's about Memory..."

"Memory?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. There's something off about him...I'll give you more details about it later, but for now...let's find Swift's killer..." Techno paused before nodding as the two stepped onto the escalator and moved towards the Monokuma rock.

Clip said that he had something to talk to me about...something about Memory? Now I'm really curious...

"So, let's focus on today. What should we-"

"Good morning everyone!" Monomi greeted, warping into the room. Quick jumped out of his seat as she appeared beside him.

"Celestia dammit! Stop doing that!" He yelled at her. "What do you want anyway?"

"U-uuu...I just wanted to let you know that I had opened up the gate to the Third Island..." She whimpered.

"So you defeated another Monobeast...?" Bright asked slightly impressed.

"This is great!" Laser beamed. "There might be a way off on the next island!"

"Here's hoping..." Paint nodded. "We should do that straws thing again..." she suggested, looking over at Pure.

"Sure, no problem..." Pure nodded, conjuring the coloured tip sticks out of thin air. "Alright, everyone pick." The other eleven crowded around Pure, picking a random stick and examining what they got.

"Who has blue?" Techno asked.

"Oh! Me!" Bud raised her hand, walking to Techno's side. "Let's do our best to find a way off the island!"

"Yeah..." Techno smiled a her enthusiasm.

"I got red..." Memory twirls the stick.

"So it looks like we investigate together again..." Paint looks at the therapist. "This should be interesting..."

"I got white, like Techno..." Clip smirked.

"I got white as well..." Rip smiles half-heartedly. "why is he so obsessed with him...?"

"Quick and I got grey!" Laser wrapped her arms around the earth pony who gave a sigh in response. "C'mon, don't give me that attitude! It'll be fun, it won't boring like it was with Techno last time!"

Wow, thanks you freaking sociopath... Techno folded his arms.

"Bright and I are gonna be working together, eh?" Toxic smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets. "So I get to hear the long-winded theory of the day, do I? How enjoyable." He sarcastically spoke.

"Aqua and I..." Pure mumbled. Aqua raised an eyebrow as the prosecutor cast her eyes to the floor.

"Is there a problem?" The fashion designer asked her. "Is it because of Enterna and Swift? If it is then you should try to relax. What he did had nothing to do with don't bother blaming yourself for what happened to them 'cause if you do then it makes things awkward between us...I don't want that happening." The small monologue caused some surprised faces among the group.

" seem to different now..." Quick commented on her attitude. Aqua sighed in response.

"Enterna made me realise that there's no point in trying to distance myself from everyone. I'll try to be friends with everyone but you shouldn't piss me off..." There were a few giggles making Aqua blush. "W-what's so funny?"

"It'll be great to finally see the real you after all this time. That's all!" Bud smiled.

"What the fuck?! I've acted how I usually do this entire time you annoying fuck!" She snapped.

"W-w-what?! B-but-"

"Celestia dammit, you're so freaking dumb!"

So she still doesn't like least we still know something about her I guess even if it is something negative...

Monomi let out a small giggle. "It's always good to see that you all are finally going to be able to work together. Remember everyone, the most important thing in this is teamwork! Love, love!"

Techno walked along the pathway on Central Island, Bud walking by his side. It was much calmer and relaxing than when he had to go around with Laser for Second Island. As he continued along he heard a small cry and a thump, Bud had tripped herself up.

"Are you alright?" Techno helped her up quickly. "What the heck did you just trip over...?"

"My feet, I think..." She admitted shyly. "I can be clumsy sometimes...sorry about that if it made you worry...look! The bridge really has been opened up!" She pointed to the gate with the huge three stamped on the archway. "I can't believe Monomi is really able to defeat those Monobeasts...I wonder how she does it?"

"It makes you think, doesn't it? I suppose she's got some secret power we don't know about or something like that." Techno shrugged.

"Maybe she's like Monokuma and has a lot of copies?"

"Well I suppose she did reappear after she got annihilated by the Monobeasts on the first day here."

"T-that was really scary...I didn't get any sleep that night when we went to the hotel." Bud trembled at the memory of the guns firing right in front of her. "But then again I don't think anyone could have gotten to sleep that easily..."

"You're right. It sucks ass being stuck here...but, we can't complain, it gets us nowhere."

"Yeah...I hope Bright was right about that thing with who's controlling Monomi. I want to get off here soon because I know that if I stay any longer, I'll be next to go!"

"Hey!" Techno yelled unintentionally. "Don't think like that! You have to have faith in everyone else, we've seen these horrible things happen right in front of us and you think that won't make the others get put off from murdering each other?"

"It's not their faults though, is it? It's the motives that Monokuma keeps presenting us with..." Bud fidgeted. "Though...maybe we should head to Third Island...?"

"Yeah, let's hurry over..." They gave each other a nod before heading over the bridge. Man...I have this feeling of hope in my heart that we can get off this place. I need to eliminate any fear or nervousness I have right now...

As the Third Island came into view, Bud and Techno were struck with shock at the appearance of the area. Not far from the bridge, a place with two whirlpool-looking logos were hung and in bright shining letter 'Hooters Hurricane' was spelt out in the middle. Looking further up the island, green pillars of light were clearly visible as tumbleweeds rolled through the terrain in front of them.

"This is really Third Island?" Techno asked in shock.

"The ambiance is completely different to Second and First Island..." Bud added. "The place looks like it's been a ghost town for years...hardly feels like a resort now..."

"There's defiantly no sign of other ponies living here as well." Techno continued. "We should be careful...something's off about this place."

"What do you mean...?" Bud looked concerned.

"I'm not sure yet but something is wrong here, no doubt about it...but we can't not investigate so let's check out that building." Techno points to Hooters Hurricane.

"A-are you sure? It seems a little...vulgar." Bud frowned.

"Well, we have to look at it at some point, may as well be now since it's right there..." Bud gave in and followed Techno down to the building. The presence of the building was somewhat unsettling to be in. Cautiously, Techno opened the door leading Bud inside which flushed out their previous assumptions of the building. It looked more like a music venue than anything else, there was sound equipment at the side of a stage that stretched across most of the room. There was also a bar set up adjacent to it and a door leading to a storage room next to the bar.

"Oh, look who it is!" Quick's voice came from behind the bar. This meant that Laser was hidden somewhere. "Laser? Laser! Dammit...she must have hid herself somewhere..."

"Keep your back against the wall then so she can't sneak up on you..."

"Huh?" Quick raised an eyebrow. "What about a wall?"

"Never mind..." Techno waves his hand to dismiss what he said. Quick shrugged as he walked over to the two. "This place is a lot bigger than I thought it was..."

"Yeah, I know. Laser was really surprised by it, she started bouncing around the place screaming something about a band..."

"A music venue..." Bud sighed. "Boom would have loved his place, don't you think?" Quick and Techno were silent. "Sorry if I just brought the mood down..."

"Nah, you're right. Boom would have loved it, why do I always hear the depressing stuff...?" Quick grumbled. "Say, have you guys checked the building next to this one?"

"Not yet, why do you ask?" Techno craned forward in curiosity.

"Oh man wait until you see, that place is absolutely insane...seriously sinister, I'm telling you it now."

"S-s-sinister...?" Bud quivered.

"Yeah, like how-" Quick was cut off by a high pitched war cry as Laser leapt out of nowhere and between the three. "Gah!" Quick trip as he stumbled back in surprise.

" didn't have a big enough reaction! This is why we can't have nice things, jockstrap!" Was that supposed to be a new nickname that Laser had given him?

"Maybe you shouldn't be going around attempting to scare everyone in the first place?" Techno says flatly. "You seriously need to get a better hobby..."

"Where's the fun in that though?" Laser winked evilly. "It's fun to scare others after all!"

"What's so fun about that?" Bud asked her.

"Cause of the various reactions you can get..." Laser went on a tangent about why she was always pulling pranks on everyone around the island before Techno silenced her.

"Look..." he started. "It's been great here and we'll let you get back to your investigation but...Bud and I need to go so why don't you finish the rest of your explanation to Quick whilst we're gone?"

"Wait...are you guys going to the building next door?" Laser's eyes widened.

"Why do you ask?" Bud chewed her nail. "Is there something wrong about that building...?"

"Um. Yeah!" Laser stated it as if it was a question with an obvious answer. "That place is messed up!"

"What is it about that place? Why is it messed up? You guys keep saying that but you haven't given us a proper answer." Quick and Laser exchanged glances.

"I think you need to see it for yourself..." Quick looked away nervously. "Prepare yourself though..." Now it was Bud and Techno's turn to exchange glances. "'s hard to describe but if you want to see it. Go now..."

"Alright then...c'mon, Bud." Techno and Bud left with a looming feeling of danger from the conversation they just had with Quick and Laser. Despite it though, they seemed determined enough to face whatever was in the next building over...until they stood at the door. It was a old shack that looked run down and abandoned for sometime. The broken windows were opened and the door swung eerily in front of the two.

"A-are you sure that we should go in here...?" Bud's voice squeaked. "I'm starting to see why Laser and Quick were so shaken by this place..."

"We haven't even seen inside yet. We can't just pass this place off as irrelevant until we go inside..." Techno shoved his way inside. "Now let's see just what...the...fuck is this?"

Techno stopped dead from the sight of the inside of the run-down home. What seemed to be dried blood had stained the floor and walls, several weapons such as swords and maces hung along with a large Iron Maiden. The most disturbing part was the shelf with different organs displayed as if they were collected trophies.

"O-oh...oh my Celestia..." Bud quivered, colour draining from her face as her knees buckled underneath her. "W-w-what is this place...?"

"It seems to be a torture house..." The familiar sound of Bright's voice came from a staircase in the back of the room, ascending from a basement floor. "Downstairs is a full on set-up for a dungeon. Like in medieval times...and that's not the worst part. In a side room...they have-"

"They have the bodies of everyone that died..." Toxic's unnaturally shaky voice cut Bright off as he appeared behind her. "They've been suspended by chains from their's horrible..."

"It seems that, that room is going to be where Monokuma stores the bodies of those that die. He keeps them under cool conditions to stop them from's a rather confusing thing for Monokuma to do." Bright tapped her chin. "Why in Equestria would he care about what happens to the bodies? What does he gain from keeping them?"

"Who the fuck cares?! This is so fucked up! Why the hell does a place like this even exist?!"

"That's a good question actually. Thanks for that, Toxic..." Bright opened her book and began to scribble something down.

"What are you writing?" Bud asked curiously, still unable to stand from shock.

"I'm writing down all the mysteries we encounter on the island. I've been trying to figure things out over time but I've still come up empty handed on things like 'who put us here?' and 'why did we get sent here?'..." Bright bit her lip. "This isn't like me...I can usually figure things like this out with great ease..."

"Hey, Bright...quick question." Bright looked at Techno with undivided attention. "I remember back on the day we arrived at the island...when we all met up at the beach. You mentioned something about this island..."

Bright stayed silent for a few seconds. "Did none of you cross the bridge and visit the park on the Central Island?"

"You mean the one with the statue of all the creepy animals?" Memory asked.

"Yes, when I saw it, I recalled something I heard of a while ago...among the islands of the Southern Equestian Ocean, there is one known for its scenic beauty. It's not just a single island though. It a set of five islands around a central one. Those five islands are represented by five sacred animals."

"Eh...?" Techno tilted his head.

"The name of that island is...Jabberwock Island..."

"So...could this island we're standing on be Jabberwock Island? Is that what this island is called?" Memory asked.

"If that's the case...then there is something worrying. According to what I've heard, Jabberwock Island is.." She went quiet. "No...never mind..."

"Whoa, you can't stop in the middle of that!" Quick said.

"I'm just surprised you heard all that..." Aqua giggled.

"Don't worry, after I finish off my investigation and confirm my thoughts, I'll tell everything you want to know..." Bright promises.

"I'm surprised you remembered that..." Bright fixed her glasses. "You want to ask me about what I was going to say after that, didn't you?"

"Yeah, you kind of left everybody wondering what exactly it was about Jabberwock Island that concerned you..." Techno mimicked Bright's actions.

"I'm sorry but I can't give a report until all of the islands are opened up to investigation will be incomplete until that happens..."

"You seemed so sure about something going on here though! What is it about Jabberwock that got you so interested and confused?!" Techno began to demand which Bright didn't take kindly too.

"Listen, Techno...where do you think we are...? Are we on Jabberwock Island like we've come to think or are in a completely different location all together? I wonder about that question a lot..." Techno was thrown into a silence from the question. "No answer, eh...? Well I don't have one either...let me finish my investigation and I will tell you everything like I promised before..."

"But-" Techno get a chance to respond before Bright walked by him only stopping to tell him something without looking back.

"Techno, remember to always your back...he'll find a way to eliminate you if you don't."

"He?" Techno asked stiffly. Bright began to walk off as she let the wind carry her answer.

"...the Devil..." was what they heard. Toxic jumped us, realizing what had happened.

"Hey! Bright! Wait up!" He sped off after the theorist. There was a short silence before Bud began panicking, latching onto Techno by grabbing the collar of his hoodie.

"D-d-d-did you hear what she just said?!" She nearly screamed at his face. "Who's the Devil?! Are they gonna try and kill us?!" She began to shake Techno violently.

"B-Bud! Calm down!" Techno grabbed her wrists to stop her. "I don't know who Bright was talking about but from what she said, whoever it is...they're after me, not you."

"Uuu..." Bud's eyes watered. "T-Techno...what if you die...?"

"I'm not gonna die..." Do I even fully believe that statement? Techno returned his attention to the house. "What we should be focusing on is why exactly this house was built on this island..."

"Maybe an incident occurred and this is what's left of it...?" Bud suggested.

"Possibly, what's most interesting is that there's somewhere in this house that's useable for body storage. I wonder if there was some sort of serial killer that used to live on this island."

"A serial killer...I wonder. Do you remember what Toxic had mentioned about a serial killer before?"

"There were even some case files there when I checked it out." Toxic recalled. "It seems that the place has literally everything. There was even a list of cases revolving around a serial killer..."

"A serial killer...?" Pure inquired. "Which one...?"

"One that goes by the name of 'Black Viper'. Named that because each victim is found with puncture wounds that resemble snake bites...pretty nasty, eh?"

"Do you think that the serial killer that Toxic mentioned could have owned this house...?"

"I don't think so...from what Toxic said, all that guy did was put puncture wounds into the bodies of his victims. Nothing about organs or torture..."

"Case files could leave things out to protect really confidential information..." Bud pointed out.

"I guess that's true. So we'd never be able to know if this did or not..." Techno folded his arms. " want to head to the next building or investigate here a little more?"

"L-leave, obviously! Do you even need to ask that? This place is so creepy, I never want to come back here..." Techno nodded, the two exiting as the door swung shut behind them by itself.

"W-what the hell...?"

"Just...walk away slowly..." Bud backed up, pulling Techno along with her. "Now...where to next...?" Bud smiled weakly.

"I guess we just go to the next building..." Techno pointed to the cinema up ahead, given away by the billboards with what seemed like movies that were being shown. "This should be interesting, eh?"

Entering the building confirmed their suspicions, it was a movie theatre. There was a counter with two or three items on display, some movie posters were poorly hung on the wall. One was entitled 'Monomi in Monokuma-Land'. There was also a promo-poster in on a small stand in the corner of the room for what seemed to be a book.

It's an older Pegasus, pinning a Monokuma down with his foot in some unfamiliar place...he's a white Pegasus with glasses, like me! Techno thought for a second. I'm...defiantly gonna buy that book when it comes out...

"Techno? What are you looking at?" Bud snapped him back into reality as she looked around the theatre lobby. Bud stood by the counter, overlooking the items on display. "It's just a badge and a bag..."

"Badge...?" Techno walked over. A purple coloured badge with Monokuma's face was sitting on the counter with the words 'Sorry I was born stupid' printed on it. "...well that's a bit rude..." Techno folded his arms. "Who would even buy this junk?"

"I can't believe you bought that..." Aqua's voice grumbled as she and Pure emerged from a movie that had just finished, Pure holding a small Monokuma plushie.

"I have to admit, seeing Monokuma at this size is really freaking adorable. He said that on his bear's honor that this was totally legit as well...I doubt there'll be anything to worry about."

"You seriously believed that two-toned shit? Dammit! If it wasn't for it's power, we could be off this Celestia-forsaken island by now!"

"I don't think complaining is going to help us, Aqua..." Pure sighed. "If it did we really would be off the island by now." She held the plushie tightly.

"I know, I know...I just wish we could find a way off this island. I don't want anyone else dying..."

"W-wow, Aqua..." Bud's topaz eyes widened, her mouth agape. "You really have opened up to everyone, haven't you?"

"W-w-w-what the fuck?! How long have you two been standing there?!" Aqua pointed with an accusing finger. "I bet Bud wanted to spy on Pure and I. You're suspicious because of yesterday, aren't you?!"

"What?! No!" Bud paled in shock. "I would never!"

"I bet you've been stringing Techno along this whole time so you could stalk us!"

"Aqua, you're overreacting..." Techno attempted to calm her down. "She was always asking what I wanted to do...she couldn't have known that you were here."

"Urgh..." Aqua clicked her tongue and turned away. "That movie was garbage...can't believe we actually had to see it..."

"W-was it some new motive?" Bud panicked.

"No, there was nothing like that in it. It was just a really bad movie that Monokuma created." Pure explained. "Monomi in Monokuma-land is not a movie I'd recommend..."

"Well, well, well! I'll try not to take offence to that!" Monokuma yelled, appearing behind the counter. "I worked very hard on that movie so don't go saying it was horrible after everything I've done to create it! The writing, the animation, the producing, the editing..."

"A lot of people spend a lot of time on things...doesn't meant they're gonna be good..."

"Explains your fashion line..." Aqua's eye twitched as everyone took a step back.

"What the fuck...?" Her fists clenched. "What the fuck did you just say?!"

"A-Aqua, don't do anything rash! Remember, you can't be violent against Monokuma!" Bud reminded her. "If you do, he'll execute you!"

"Do you really want to end up like Enterna?!" Aqua stopped. She took a deep breath and turned back to Pure.

"We should leave...I don't think there's anything useful here." Pure gave a nod, quietly following Aqua out the theatre lobby.

"So what exactly were they talking about? Monomi in Monokuma-land?" Bud asked Monokuma. "Wasn't that the movie advertised on the billboard outside?"

"Yepperdee! 'Monomi in Monokuma-Land' is my favourite production since 'The Wizard of Monomi'!" Monokuma exclaimed gleefully.

"The Wizard of Monomi?" Techno raised an eyebrow. "What happened to that?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..." His claws sharpened briefly. "Anyway, you two interested in going in for it?"

"No way!" Techno shook his head. "There's probably something dodgy about that movie! Some sort of hidden message that translates to a motive!"

" I kind of wish I did do something like that, but no! This movie is completely clean! No motive for anyone in this!"

"C'mon, maybe Aqua and Pure just didn't like the theme of the movie?" Bud pleaded.

"You can go watch it if you want...I'll wait for you." Bud's eyes lit up.

"Really?! Monokuma, sign me up!"

"You got it, kid!" He produced a small ticket with the name of the movie written onto it. He stamped down the date onto the ticket and handed it off to Bud. "You'll need that to get in the movie, you only get to see it once, remember!"

"Alright, see you when the movie finishes, Techno!" Bud gave a small wave as she went to the movie.

"...alright, what is this really?" Techno leaned across the counter. "I know you wouldn't just make a movie for us to see out of the goodness of your heart. There is defiantly something on here..."

"I don't what you're talking about!" Monokuma objected defensively. "I made this because I was bored. Writing was always something I dreamed of pursuing...but I got into the whole 'despair scene' instead!"

"Then what is it with this island? Why does it feel so...wrong? Like something's always peering over our shoulders?"

"Upupupupupu...! Now ain't that something? I wonder if...nah! Too soon for that!"

"To soon? For what?" Techno's eyes narrowed.

"You don't have to concern yourself with it. It's got nothing to do with you...though I am gonna be busy the rest of the day so unfortunately for you, I will have to cut this meeting short..." Monokuma vanished. what do I do? I can't leave or Bud is gonna panic again and there's nothing noteworthy here. I still have my doubts about this movie and what is it about this island that's making me so uncomfortable? Monokuma's up to something, he wouldn't be acting the way he is right now if everything was normal. I wonder if it's because we're getting closer to getting off the island...? Or is it something else, something like what Bright was talking about...

"Listen, Techno...where do you think we are...? Are we on Jabberwock Island like we've come to think or are in a completely different location all together? I wonder about that question a lot..." Techno was thrown into a silence from the question. "No answer, eh...? Well I don't have one either...let me finish my investigation and I will tell you everything like I promised before..."

"But-" Techno get a chance to respond before Bright walked by him only stopping to tell him something without looking back.

"Techno, remember to always your back...he'll find a way to eliminate you if you don't."

"He?" Techno asked stiffly. Bright began to walk off as she let the wind carry her answer.

"...the Devil..." was what they heard.

Does Bright know something the rest of us don't? What is going on here?! Techno must have been lost in thought for a while because when he looked up, he saw Bud with a worried expression staring at him.

"Techno, are you feeling okay?" She asked. "You seem frustrated..."

"It's just about everything that's been going on today...especially with Bright..."

"Oh...well, that movie was horrible...I think you were right in skipping over it..." Bud twisted her hair. "Honestly, what was he thinking, creating something so bad?"

"Did you see anything that could be a hidden motive...?"

"Hm? No, not that I was basically Alic-"

"Don't do that..."

"Hm...?" Bud tilted her head. "Anyway, it was the story of that but it was Monomi going around being attacked by Monokuma's dressed up as the original characters."

"Sound kind of dumb..."

"It was. We shouldn't stay here long, I don't like it. Let's go to the last building...we'll probably be re-grouping soon." Techno nodded in agreement. "Great! Let's go!"

The sight of the interior of the building was rather underwhelming. It was like the institute on Second Island but it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years, there was dust and dirt everywhere and the lights were turned on but gave off barely any light. It seemed to a hospital which was given away by the green medical cross that hung above one of the doors.

"Hmm...even with the weird feeling surrounding this island, you have to admit. Hospitals are never gonna be bad for us while we're here..."

"Yeah, let's hope we don't come here for extremely serious reasons..." Bud sighed at the memory of the four that had died.

"Boom, Smile, Enterna and Swift...they were all so kind. Something like that happening to them's horrible. Nothing like that should have needed to happen!"

"Everyone thinks the same thing, we can't reiterate it enough." Techno tapped his chin. "Yet...don't be scared from me saying this but...I don't think we can prevent anyone else from dying..."

"W-what?" Bud paled. "T-Techno, if you think like that then-"

"I'll be facing the reality of this situation? Look, Bud, I'm probably gonna be next to go so if that is the case, do me one favour..."

"W-what is it...?"

"I want you to-"

"Techno! Bud!" Memory's voice came from behind them. "I see you guys decided to turn up!"

"Oh...hey, I see you two have already searched the place..." Techno folded his arms.

"Hmm...? Techno you seem suddenly very...what's the word...? Defeatist aura around you..." Paint observes, her monotone voice going right through the other three.

"What do you mean...?" Bud looked at Techno.

"He seems to be giving into this situation far to I wrong...?"

"Actually, he just-"

"Bud...can we talk about it later...?" Bud paused with a small sense of doubt inside her but agreed anyway. "Thanks..."

"By the way, Bright stopped by earlier...we're gonna discuss our findings when we have our daily meeting at the restaurant tomorrow...if you guys are tired, it's best if you turn in for the day..." Memory smiled.

"I think I might..." Techno sighed heavily.

"A-are you sure? It's really early still." Bud asked worryingly. Techno nodded and turned to the exit.

"It's probably for the best...I'll see you all tomorrow, I guess..."

Techno sat on his head, staring at the ceiling. I'm doomed...I'm gonna die, I already know it...I want everyone else to survive though, what exactly am I supposed to do?! Everyone's afraid as well...none of them should die from them killing each other...but solution is there...? Can I even do anything to help...?

There was a sudden dizzy feeling looming over Techno. Geez...I need some rest... He leaned back into his bed. I'm so...tired....

The room was dimly lit, the only noise was the sound of machine parts running. Techno seemed one or two years older whilst he worked on the machine in front of him, chaperoned by a dark figure that couldn't be made out, by the way the figure looked, it had to be a male with dark colour around twenty three to twenty six.

" you think you have all the needed parts yet?" He asked.

"I should." Techno replied with little enthusiasm. "I still don't understand why you want me to modify this *BZZZT!*" He never heard his name, there was static when it was said.

"We have our reasons,'s better if you don't know." He started to flip through some papers.

"'re probably planning to kill all of us...aren't you?" The page flicking stopped. "...hmph! Thought so..."

"We don't want to kill any of you. You know that isn't our intention at all...remember to put that part in as well, just in case anything goes off plan."

"...yeah...I got it."

"This is mostly my fault that you've been asked to do this, the Beacons of Hope need you for're the only one they can turn to. If all goes well, it'll be better for everyone else cause we can finally eliminate the root of the problem."

"It's not a problem, *BZZZT!*, it's like a contagion..." Techno bit the inside of his cheek.

"Well, we can cure the 'contagion' then..." The figure sighed. "I really wished I helped you when you were younger and just accepted into Hope's Peak..."

"Don't..." Techno spoke forcefully. "You know that this isn't your fault. This was bound to happen no matter what you did, don't go blaming yourself for unpreventable events..."

"Your friends would say differently..." Techno shifted slightly. "Sorry...I know you want to help them, you're a good kid, Tech..."

"I hate that nickname, like the one your friends gave you? Na-"

"Shut up..." He growled.

"I should be done soon...just one thing left, then you can boot up your execution machine..." The figure moved from his spot and sat next to Techno. He put his arm around his shoulder and pulled Techno in.

" know that no matter what happened to you, I'd never hurt're too important to me, Tech..." Techno paused, allowing himself to loosen up.

"'re a good..." Techno bit his lip as he said it. "You're a good brother..."

Day 2

Techno sat up with a yell, covered in cold sweat as the sunlight broke through his cabin window. He wiped his forehead and shoved his glasses on, tensing from the thought of what he just saw.

W-what the hell was all that...? Was that just a dream? A vision? A...a memory...? No, I seemed older...and who was that other guy? My brother? That's impossible though...

He didn't have much time to think before a knock came from his door. Walking unsteadily he managed to open to door to reveal a concerned Rip and Clip. "O-oh...hey...c'mon in..." He made way for the two as they filed inside. "Is something wrong...?"

"Well...Bud told us how you seemed to be acting weird during the investigation yesterday..." Rip spoke with concern in her voice. It seemed that Bud had told everyone. Also seemed that he only had two students looking out for him. "...not to mention that you haven't shown up to the restaurant..." She added.

"I...I guess I slept in..." Techno rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that..."

" feeling alright? Ever since the last class trial you've been a little...different..." Clip frowned. "We're all really worried, even Aqua and Toxic..."

"I'm fine, promise..." He smiled weakly. "Just feel a little off...sorry if I've worried everyone..."

"To be fair though, you were forced to point the accusation of murder to Clover...that would difficult for anyone..." Rip was about to hud Techno before she got a small whiff. "...have you been sweating?"

"U-uh..." Techno blushed. "S-sorry, it was really hot in here last night, guess I stink a little bit..."

"Then, guess Rip and I should leave you to get ready...come by the restaurant soon so we can talk about what we found on Third Island." Clip reminded him. "Also, we need to talk up with me a Jabberwock Park, Rip, you come too..."

"Oh, sure..." Rip nodded.

"Got it, I'll see you there..." Techno folded his arms as they left his cabin. "...haaaaaaahhh..." He sighed. "It's gonna be a loooong day..."

Chapter 3: (Ab)Normal Days - Part 2

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Everyone had their eyes on Techno. Bud really had said something about him yesterday after the investigation. Was he really acting up, he didn't notice himself change? What exactly was so off about him? Not to mention that right after he starts acting differently he has a weird dream in the might of him and someone that is allegedly his brother...where's the connection?

"Well then..." Quick frowned. "Shouldn't we talk about what we found out when we investigated Third Island yesterday?" Bright nodded and stood up.

"Yes, most certainly...who would like to explain their findings first...?" She scanned the room. "How about Paint and Memory...? You seemed to be everywhere at once during the investigation period."

"Yes, we got around..." Paint responded. "I took note of anything I deemed worthy..." Everyone paused, looking at her. "...oh, did you want to know what I noted?"

"Uuuurrr..." Aqua groaned. "Yes! For Celestia sake, how freaking dumb are you?!" Paint ignored the comment and started to recall the details of Third Island.

"What seemed least important, but noteworthy all the less...was that hospital..."

"Oh yeah! That place was, like, completely deserted!" Quick nodded.

"Indeed not only that though, there was a serious lack of medical equipment left in its storage. That's extremely worrying, isn't it? What if something happens? Somebody could get an infection and we could do nothing to stop it."

"Monokuma must have hidden it somewhere. That's the explanation that makes the most sense, right?" Rip asked. "I mean...if he wants us to die, taking away all medical equipment would be the best method to do so."

"Rip's probably right." Toxic affirmed. "We shouldn't put it past Monokuma to do something like that. If he's hidden somewhere on the island though, we might stumble on it at some point..."

"Possibly though, don't you think that's kinda unlikely, honey?" Clip asked.

"Monokuma would have taken precautions so we wouldn't find it...if he did take it away, that is..." Paint tapped her chin with her pencil. "There could have been nothing there to begin with. The whole feel of Third Island was off, was it not?"

"Y-yeah, seriously creepy..." Quick nodded.

"So, I suppose you have something to say about one of the other buildings?" Bright leered.

"Duh! The freaking organ-storage unit thing-y!"

"O-organ storage...?" Pure gasped. "A-Aqua and I never found anything like that in our investigation!"

"It must have been in that really creepy run-down house then. That was the only place Pure and I haven't seen yet..." Aqua explained. "So it's an organ storage unit?"

"Okay, can you mot be grossed out by saying that?" Toxic bit his lip. "And's not an organ storage unit or whatever the fuck you said it was. It's an old torture house that might be from medieval times..."

"Yes, it has quite the variety of eyeball scooper, rusty nails, an iron maiden that'd used on boys only..." Bright giggled ominously.

"What do you mean one for bo-..." Quick cringed as he realised what she meant. "O-oh..."

"Yes...rather unpleasant for you."

"Just gives them a reason not to double-cross the girls..." Aqua smirked.

"Though, that isn't the biggest part of the torture house. In the basement, there's a cryogenic freezer that has the bodies of the deceased stored inside of it..."

"T-the bodies...s-so...Swift's down there..." Pure mumbled.

"Discovering that Monokuma was storing the bodies had begged the question: what is he planning to do with them?" Bright eyes shifted into a state of discomfort. "There would be no reason for him to keep them around anymore so what's the use?"

"Maybe just so he can remind us of who we've essentially sacrificed since we came here..." Memory suggests. "I mean...isn't it weird that Monomi can only defeat Monobeasts just as we finish class trials. Either Monokuma is powering them down on purpose so we can basically get a 'reward' as such for passing the class trial."

"Or...?" Clip pressed.

"Monomi and Monokuma really are in cahoots...and Monomi 'defeats' them only when Monokuma tells her too...for the same reason..."

"Both are plausible suggestions, Memory...but I believe Monomi just has bad timing with this. Even if she can seemingly regenerate, there must be a limit to it at some point..."

"..." Memory sighed. "That's just like you, always have to be right..."

"It is in my name..." Bright's glasses flashed as she gave a cocky smirk. "But what do you expect from me? I don't expect you to think I'd sit by and not give my opinion on something that's basically in my lane."

"In your lane?" Rip raised an eyebrow.

"Theories, naturally..." Bright shrugged. "So when I started trying to solve someone's emotional or mental issues, you can step in and give me your opinion Mr Lapse...stay in your lane for our sakes..."

"...heh..." Memory smiled. "By the way...could I bring something up? Slightly off topic from the island?"

"What is it? Is it really important or just one of these mindless rambles?" Aqua asked.

"Oh, it's about what Enterna was saying right before she was know, when she took her eyepatch off and scanned everyone in the room?"

"Yeah..." Enterna reached for her eye-patch, sliding it off and letting it fall to the floor. She blinked a few times, revealing the swirling half-blue, half-green eye. "Most of you are very positively natured...urh!" She paled, stopping at Memory and Toxic. "Y-you two..."

"Enterna?" Quick's eyes widened. "What's wrong? What do you see?"

"Weeeeeeellllll!" Monokuma interrupted. "I think that's more than enough time to get to know her!"

"W-wait! You can't interrupt me now!" Enterna panicked.

"I've prepared a veeeeeery special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level Gardener', Clover Penny! In her place though...will be the 'Super Middle School Level Luckster', Enterna!"

"Okay, okay really quickly then! The ones with the fake personas are-"

"Let's get this underway!"

"It's Toxic and-"

"Iiiiiiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

"We all heard Enterna, right? She clearly said that Toxic was hiding his true personality from the rest of I don't why the rest you haven't brought this up yet. It does seem very important since he's still alive and all..."

"Grk! Y-you....bastard..." Toxic gritted his teeth. "We can't believe what that girl said! She could have hated me and wanted to get back at me!"

"Why would Enterna hate you, Toxic? Had you done something to her in the past? Do you two have some sort of connection?" Paint raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"W-wait! Enterna said 'you two', so who the fuck was the other person she was talking about?!"

"Maybe we'll never know..." Memory shrugged. "But with a reaction like's almost as if you admitted it just now..."

"Hey...what the hell is all this? I've got nothing to hide and even if I did...why the hell would be my fucking personality?! Who would feel the need to hide something like that?! Last I checked...nobody in this society gives a crap about personality. Everything is based on looks."

"That's not gonna be you defence for this, is it?" Pure asked.

"Actually. Didn't you say that you and Toxic had met each other once before?" Bud recalled.

"Y-you remembered that?! Whatever! It doesn't concern any of you right now so...y'know, leave it at that..."

"Pure, you can't just keep that to yourself..."

"M-maybe it's for the better." Techno interjected. "She must have a good reason for keeping it to herself..." Paint paused before letting out a small scoff.

"'re far too nice..." Paint stood for a moment. "Let's talk about something for a moment...and I expect everyone to answer honestly...have any of you asked Monokuma about the organisation that took us here?"

"Huh...?" Quick seemed caught off guard. "Why are you asking?"

"Just need to know...because I have and he seemed unusually cooperative with the information on them..."

"What do you mean...? Who is it?" Bright fixed her glasses.

"They call themselves 'Hope Restoration Inc.' they help the new generation of kids understand the differences between hope and despair and try to put them on the right pathway into the future. They conducted a variety of harmless tests and experiments to give them hope and not despair and it seems we just got unlucky. This one seemed to be hijacked by Monokuma and whoever he's working for."

"So it's like...Monokuma's like an enemy of Hope Restoration Inc.?" Rip clarified. "Then us being forced into this was completely by chance...?" Paint paused.

"Oh...did I say it was by chance...? I didn't mean to..." She apologised.

S-she's back to this weird act again?! Techno gave a disgruntled expression.

"I don't really think it was by chance...I mean...there must have been thousands, maybe millions of other experiments that Hope Restoration were conducting. So why did Monokuma choose us...? What was the real purpose?"

"Maybe it's because we were asked to join Hope's Peak Academy?" Laser suggested. "If they're teaching about Hope and Despair for the new generation then the Super Middle School Levels would probably be their top priority!"

"Maybe they were also the ones that put forward the idea for the Super Middle School Level programme..." Techno added. "Like they had some ulterior motive for it..."

"We're dwelling a bit too much on that right now though, aren't we?" Memory shoved the topic aside. "For now...let's just disband for the day, what do you guys think?"

"You seem rather rushed to end this. Any particular reason?" Clip folded his arms.

"Not really. I really just want to have a more thorough investigation of that torture house on Third's defiantly worth a second round of investigation. Techno, do you want to-"

"Techno has plans, sorry to burst your bubble..." Clip interrupted.

"Hmm...oh well...anyone? Laser?"

"Oh! Alright! I can tell you all about the time I broke my wrist!" Memory's eyebrow twitched.


Techno walked slowly through the bushes of the Jabberwock Park. It was good he wasn't technically damaging the environment...unless he had stepped on a flower then Monomi would have had a fit. He emerged out to find Clip sitting by the statue with Rip sat adjacent to him.

"Alright then. Let's hear it, Clip...what is so important that you needed to tell us?" Techno asked as the two stood up.

"Look, before I say guys promise to at least give me a little credit cause I will have my reasons for what I think..." Clip looked more concerned than anyone had been since they arrived.

"Well of course! We're your friends, Clip! We'll listen to whatever you have to say." Rip nodded. "So what's bothering you...?"

"You must have noticed how hostile I've been towards Memory lately, right?"

"I was wondering about that for a while now..." Techno put his hand in his pockets.

"Well, during the investigation for Swift's murder, I heard him talking as he was walking to the library calling us 'fucking idiots' and before he kicked the door in, he called Techno a 'dweeb'...kinda childish...though earlier yesterday, Paint told me during their investigation that Memory really took his time at the torture house...along with Enterna saying there were two people hiding who they really are on the inside...I think Memory's been lying to us."

"You think...Memory's been faking his kindness?" Rip quaked at the idea. "Why would he do that? There's nothing to gain from doing that!"

"I know it sounds insane but you guys need to believe me on this. Memory is dangerous and if we get too close he'll just stab us in the back. Literally."

"My, my...what a spacious imagination you've got, Clip Brunette..." Memory's voice sounded as he appeared at the entrance of the park. "I mean I guess you like to gossip but this is just cruel, don't you think?"

"Shut up and drop the act!" Clip yelled "I already know that you're acting up! You met here with me after the class trial!"

"Did I?" Memory faked a confused frown. "I don't remember doing anything after the class trial. Well, apart from going to my cabin to reflect on what is still sad what happened to Swift and Enterna, don't you think?"

"I said shut up!"

"I really pity you, Clip...I mean. This is obviously just an attempt to get Techno away from me so you can get closer to me."

"How dare you! Yes, I like Techno, but that isn't what this is about! The issue is you!"

"You probably brought Rip along since it would disguise the idea of this meeting being all about that. Am I wrong? I mean...this does seem like it now, doesn't it. Techno?" Memory smiled at the inventor who had been staring at the ground upon his arrival.

"...Rip...?" He looked up.

"Y-yeah...?" Rip stuttered.

"Who do you believe? Because, frankly, I don't know who's telling the truth. Both would have reasons for making their stories up..."

"You honestly think I would make all this up just because I like you...?" Clip gasped with offence.

"Well what do you expect?!" Techno snapped. "Since I came here, all you ever did was hit on me and let's face it. It's all been in vain because you clearly don't get it, Clip. I'm. Not. GAY! Why can't you force that into your thick skull?!"

"...Then go to Memory..." Clip folded his arms. "You clearly seem to trust him but when he's no longer around to support'll crumble without someone to help you. Don't bother crying to anyone about wither cause it'll be all your fault..."

"T-Techy..." Rip murmured. "I have to stand by Clip...I don't think he's I really apologise to you and to Memory just in case Clip made a mistake."

"Alright then." Memory nodded. "Don't fret,'s not your fault that he's manipulating you."

"Hypocrite..." Clip spat. "You'll be exposed soon enough, I guarantee it..."

"You should just stop..." Memory frowned. "You're just putting a lot of stress on me, Techno, Rip and yourself. Try relaxing, the day's almost over. In fact..."

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

"Ahem! This is an announcement from Hope's Peak Academy's vacation's ten at night you bastards! Time to get some rest for the day cause I want you all to report to Jabberwock Park first thing in the morning!"

Techno sat on his bed, distraught about the events at Jabberwock Park with the three. I thought all three were my friends...and now one of them is lying. Well, Rip is she? Who the hell do I believe now? This is impossible to figure out. Ugh...I just wish I knew who was true to everyone...

He shook his head as he changed into his pyjamas and slipping into bed. I wonder if I'll have one of those weird dreams again...maybe but it doesn't mean anything, does it...?

Day 3

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

"Alright you bastards, it's seven in the morning! It's time you got up! Remember, Jabberwock Park today, head over right away for your new incentive!"

"Shit..." Techno groaned rolling out of his bed. "Does he need to give us another motive so soon...? What's the point in trying to kill each other...? The point. The point. There is no point, is there...?"

Techno walked out the cabin only seeing grey skies as if he was dreaming. "What's...what's going on...?" He felt a sudden push, falling forward.

"Whoa! Try to watch yourself man!" That was Quick's voice. "You seemed really out of it for a second there. Something up?"

"Uh...n-no, I'm fine. Did you get a new hearing aid yet?" Quick said a nod. "Good. Try not to break this one so easily again..."

"I will, have a little faith in me dude! I'm trying my best to be helpful to everyone but I can't do much when I keep breaking my hearing aids..."

"Well that isn't your fault, is it?"

"Nah, I suppose not...hey! I'll meet you there alright? Sooner we get this over with the better..." Quick gave a small salute before jogging off.

"...he's a nice guy..." Techno smiled.

"Alrighty! Now that everyone's here, let's get on with the show!" Monokuma yelled out as the last person, Paint, arrived. "So I guess you already know that this your next motive so at least that's already covered. Now we get to talk about exactly what it is!"

"Good. Let's get this over with quickly because I don't want my time wasted with something like this." Aqua hurried Monokuma.

"Yeah, yeah toots! I got it! So, I know you all had a rather special discussion of the torture house on Third Island yesterday, did you not?"

"So the torture house is connected to this motive you've got for us then?" Bright seemed interested all of a sudden.

"You betcha! You see...the motive is something you actually have to find yourself. The secret of the torture house is your motive this time...I wonder, who will dare to brave the torture house and grab the secrets within?"

"Wait...that's it? That's all we get?" Pure raised an eyebrow. "Usually you're so much more in depth than that..."

"Oh yeah...well I guess I could give you a hint for it: 'Some secrets are found out only after death but some secrets are never found out until long after your time'...there! That should do!"

"Wait, what?!" Clip seemed annoyed. "What the hell does that even mean?!"

"Have fun! Happy hunting!" Monokuma vanished with the vague explanation left with the group.

"Hmm..." Bright hummed. "Seems as if Monokuma wants us to work out what exactly it is that's so worth killing over..."

"Not that anyone would want to go in there. That place is seriously creepy..." Laser commented.

"I'll go..." Clip spoke up. "I'll go in there..."

"W-w-what?!" Laser spluttered.

"I'm gonna go in there and find out the secret. Not because I want to kill someone, but because it might be able to expose the Devil among us..."

"So you know about that as well then?" Bright asked.

" know about Memory as well?" Clip combed his head back rather impressed. "I thought I was the only one."

"What are you talking about? Memory is the Devil among us?" Bright folded her arms. "Are you sure...?"

"Honestly Clip." Memory sighed. "Bringing up your childish feud with me in front of the entire group is just dumb..."

"I said stop with the nice guy act! I know you're faking it! If this new motive has anything connected to who you really are then I'll never rest until I've found out what it is!"

Why the hell is he so assured on this? Is he really telling the truth or is he just that desperate? Techno turned to walk off. Though it wasn't like he was able to get far before he started to feel a sudden dizziness overcome him. He started to fumbled, going forward before his legs gave out completely. Everything went black.

Techno eyes flew open to the sight of an unfamiliar room. Pitch black and a prison cell. Was this another dream...?

"Hey, kid." A voice came from his right. A shadowy figure was sitting on the bed in the room, the only detail was his trench coat that was shredded at the bottom. "Why did you decide to stay overnight...?"

"Cause this is where I belong..." Techno seemed to reply without thought. As if he wasn't in control of his speech. "After everything myself and my classmates have done...this is truly where I belong."

"No it ain't." He growled. "Psychopaths and murders are supposed to put in here..."

"Then I'll fit in just perfectly, won't I? The only reason I'm getting out is because they want to use my inventor abilities for their own personal gain."

"Even if that was true, they're the ones that paid for you to continue your education for the year you were stuck in have to at least repay them for once...start with one small thing and build on it. That's how I got out of jail...thanks to the Beacons of Hope."

"Ha!" Techno laughed. "Funny..."

"I'm serious, kid...if you don't get your act together soon then there's no chance of recovery for you."

"...feh...maybe you're right. Though I doubt you'll be right about this in the long run...thanks anyway though."

"No should feel lucky you weren't exterminated along with everyone else. Lucky your entire class wasn't..."

Day ???

"!" A voice echoed. "C'!"

"...shake him!"

"That might make...worsen!"

"Urrr..." Techno sat up groggily, he was surrounded by Rip, Bud, Toxic and Bright. "W...what day is it...?"

"You were unconscious for two days." Bud explained. "You feel to the ground in the park...Clip and Quick then carried you to the hospital...and then Monokuma told us you were waking up."

"T-two...days...?" Techno paused before sitting up in a panic. "What's happened since then?! Nobody died, right?!" The four exchanged glances. "N-no way...who was it?!"

"We don't know yet." Bright fixed her glasses. "We were the hospital team that stayed to treat you in your condition...we just heard the Corpse Discovery Announcement a few seconds ago so we'll need to hurry over..."

"Hurry over where...?"

"To the torture house..." Toxic replied. "That's where Monokuma told us to head to..."

"The torture house." Techno seemed ready to break down. Things had already been bad but if someone had been found in there of all places...what was waiting for them upon arrival.

"We need to hurry. As we speak, Monokuma will be counting down to the class trial..." Bright informed them. "We need to move..."

The five ran out of the hospital, sprinting to the torture house, Paint was in view, investigating the exterior. "Ah..." She looked at them with her emotionless face and her monotone voice still hard to listen to. "So Techno has woken up...well then, go ahead and see for yourself. Maybe you'll be a little bit shocked of the results..."

"S-shocked...?" Techno gulped walking up to the door, staring at the doorknob. Bright, Toxic, Paint, Bud and Rip are all who's dead...?

And with one breath, the truth had been shown to him all too fast.

Strapped into a newly placed chair inside the room over by the shelf of organs. Was the Super Middle School Level Fashion Designer, Aqua Black, she had her head hung low and she had visible bruises and stab wounds on her...though she wasn't the only body.
Hung on the wall by chains was another new body. The body of the Super Middle School Level Hairdresser, Clip Brunette. The bones of his arms were protruding from his elbows very slightly and blood was dripping down his legs which were missing half of his leather pants along with his socks and shoes.

"T-t-two...?" Techno stumbled. "Someone killed two...?"

Chapter 3: Abnormal Days

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The five stood in shocked silence. Of course they had been expecting bodies but they weren't expecting there to be two of them! Someone really took their time to kill both Clip and Aqua? In such a manner as well? Someone was defiantly off about this...

"Ahhhhh!" Monokuma laughed, appearing by the doorway behind them. "Looks like you all showed up! Everyone's started their investigations already, you should all be doing the same!"

"You can't expect us to just jump right into it like these two are just random strangers!" Toxic yelled.

"True...but you still have your lives on the line. Plus I thought you all would have been used to seeing this by now."

"Nobody would ever get used to seeing this. Besides, we weren't expecting two bodies!" Bud choked on her words. "C-Clip and Aqua died this time..."

"It explains why you played the Corpse Discovery Announcement twice whilst Techno was still unconscious...come to think of it. That means Techno has no idea about what's been going on for the last few days." Bright frowned. "Maybe you won't be the shining star of the class trial this time around..."

"He'll have to rely on testimony a lot more this time around. Not that it'll matter, I think it's pretty obvious who the culprit is this time...though, save accusations for the class trial." Toxic shrugged, walking off.

"Well! I'm gonna hand these out again!" Monokuma started passing out the tablets with the newest Monokuma File on. "So I guess I'll see you all at the class trial soon! See ya later!" He bowed before waddling off with the rest of the Monokuma Files placed under his arm.

"Alright then. Bud, Rip, Techno..." Bright nodded to all three. "Let's find our killer. Bud and Rip will watch over the crime scene this time. Techno, try to catch up on what you've missed, alright?"

"Got it..." Techno mumbled. Just perfect...not only do I need to find a killer...I have two different bodies to investigate. Clip...the last thing I said to him was so negative, I never believed what he said...and Aqua...why did someone kill her? She was a bit mean but she was starting to open up to us...

Investigation Start!

Monokuma File...let's see... Techno opened up the file and scrolled downward to find Aqua's full body portrait displayed first with a cross and DEAD! stamped across her. Her basic info was at the side as per usual with the Files. The blood-coloured splotches were on the right side of her neck, up and down her legs and arms, on her forehead and finally in the middle of her stomach. S-she really took a beating before she died...what about Clip then? He hesitantly moved down to Clip's portrait which had the same cross and word on it. The blood had covered mostly his chest area, a small spot on his throat, his wrists and on his head. Techno scrolled once again to find the information on the bodies. Time of death was ten minutes apart and both victims have wounds and bruises covering their entire body...that doesn't really help much though.

New Ammo: Monokuma File 3 was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Finding out what happened these past few days should be near-top priority but I need to check out these bodies first... Techno walked over to Aqua's body, her dress was tore and there was still small amounts of blood coming from her arm wounds. So that would suggest that the wounds on her arms are the did she die from blood loss? Why did the killer take it this far though?

New Ammo: Aqua's Wounds were loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Techno lifted her head slightly. She had been battered as well, she has a black eye and bruises across her face...why did someone do this to her? Huh...are those rope burns on her neck? Was she being strangled as well? There's nothing here that could be used for that though...

New Ammo: Aqua's Neck Markings was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

As Techno peered around the chair she was sitting in, he noticed tiny fragments of glass sitting behind her on the floor. What the hell...? What is this? It's so tiny. Did something break on the shelf...? Techno looked at the organ display and took one of the jars containing a heart of before Bud cried out.

"A-Ah! T-Techno, why are you holding that...? That's so creepy! I hate brains!" Bud shuddered.

Brains...? This is a heart though... Techno raised an eyebrow

New Ammo: Organ Display was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Tiny Glass Fragments was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hey, do any of you know where this chair might have come from?" Techno asked.

"I think it was in basement when we came here on the first day Third Island was opened up to us." Bright answered. "Though it's a rather heavy chair, the culprit must have had a great deal of physical strength to get it up here."

"So our killer had a bunch of strength then? I suppose they did hang Clip from chains on the wall...but even so." Rip folded her arms unsure. "Or they might be a unicorn. There are still Pure, Laser and Memory."

"You think one of them is the culprit?" Bud asked.

"It's possible...let's bring it up later though..." Bright put her book on the floor. "We have to give this place a thorough search before anything else..."

"Right..." Techno glanced at the chair once again.

New Ammo: Chair was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Techno moved across the room to Clip's body which was still hung up by the chains. "...hey, Rip? Can you help me get Clip's body down?"

"Oh, sure..." Rip smiled helping Techno undo the shackles and releasing Clip's body. Releasing him revealed a small crest that had been scratched into the wall behind him. "What is that...? Some sort of star?"

"Hm?" Bright fixed her glasses taking a close examination of the symbol. "Ah!" She jumped back. "It's a satanic symbol! Why on earth is in here...? Did the Devil in the group make his move?" She began to mumble.

What...? A satanic symbol...? What exactly happened?

New Ammo: Satanic Star Symbol was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

Hmm... Techno crouched down, propping Clip's body upright against the wall. Aside from the wounds and bruises the Monokuma File mentions, Clip doesn't seem to have any other external injuries. It's as if the killer focused more on Aqua than him, but why? His cause of death had to have been from blood loss, there's nothing else here. Not to mention that half of Clip's pants have been ripped off along with his socks and boots...

New Ammo: Clip's Wounds were loaded into Techno's ElectroID
New Ammo: Clip's Outfit was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Clip's body doesn't have many things notable about it unlike Aqua's body." Techno commented aloud.

"Yes that's true, though isn't Clip missing his scissors?" Bright pointed to his shirt pocket. "He has his comb and his thinning scissors...but not his actual scissors..."

"Oh yeah, you're right. I wonder if he dropped them or something? He was looking around to find the secret of the torture house after all..."

"Which reminds me, Techno. Once you're done on this floor, we're going to figure out the secrets on this place..." Bright commanded. "I will not take 'no' for an answer. Do I make myself clear?"

"Understood..." Techno nodded.

New Ammo: Clip's Scissors were loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hmm...this still makes no sense...though I need to find out what's been happening the past few days. Rip? Is there anything you think was important that I missed whilst I was unconscious?"

"Uh..." Rip blew out her cheeks in thought. "Well...I guess the only thing I can think of is that Toxic, Bright, Bud and I were instructed by Monokuma to look after you whilst you were unconscious. We all had different jobs. Bright was to report your medical status to the rest of the group, Toxic was in charge of creating the medicine that may have been needed, Bud had to gather supplies every so often so we wouldn't starve or dehydrate while we were there and I was to monitor you in case something went wrong." She giggled. "You were so cute when you slept..."

"W-well...t-thanks for the information anyway!" Techno nodded.

"Oh! Also, because of out jobs. The only ones that left the hospital were Bud and Bright." She quickly added.

New Ammo: Rip's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Alright. Bright, I think I have all the evidence I'm gonna get from here..." Techno called her over.

"Excellent." Bright pushed her glasses up. "Now. I believe our first destination in the house is obvious. Monokuma has told us where it is after all..."

"He did...? Do you mean that hint he gave us?"

"Yes. He was talking about discovering secrets after someone has already passed away, therefore, the first place we should check is the cryogenic freezer with the bodies inside. The secrets being revealed after death refers to Swift, naturally."

"That makes sense. So shall we begin our investigation?" Techno gestured to the stairs.

"But of course..." Bright grinned as she began to descend into the basement. The basement was just as dank as the top of the building though the large difference was the steel door leading to the body storage unit. "Now a problem with this is...we're both Pegasi, we can't stay in cryogenic conditions as long as unicorns and earth ponies can."

"Then why pick me to help you out?"

"Because, not only are you the most competent of everyone, aside from myself. You are also the only one with a definite alibi due to the state you were in at the time of the murder."

"Oh...that makes more sense." Techno said flatly. "Anyway, let's just see what's in store for us here!" He turned his back to Bright, now faced with the door. He grabbed the doorknob and thrust forward into the freezer. The bodies were hung on the walls in the same manor that Clip had been.

"Now...we should give each of the bodies an thorough examination. The next clue must be somewhere..."

"Next clue? You mean there are steps in this?" Techno asked seemingly bewildered by the thought.

"Monokuma would never give us something so straightforward, you should know that by now. If you don't want to touch the bodies, that's fine. Just try to find out if there's something suspicious inside the room."

"What like a secret passage or something? Or another door?"

"Either will do..." Bright nodded as she started to examine Smile's body. "Hmm..." She began muttering to herself as Techno walked around the edge of the freezer.

No way, there's no chance there's something here. Bright probably just wants me out of the way...let's see...nope. Nothing...I knew it, there's nothing weird about this place.

"Ah, found it!" Bright exclaimed as she unfolded a note, walking away from Boom's body. "Let's see...'The place you think of the most is the place you will find the answers to your conditions'. What?"

" medical conditions? So the hospital would be the answer. The question is, what does the hospital have to do with all of this?" Techno folded his arms.

"I'm not sure...Techno, you continue the investigation and I'll head to the hospital. I'll tell you my findings later...good luck, Techno..." Bright took her leave.

I guess now I should go around to find out what's been going on a little bit more... Techno headed back up to the crime scene to find that Paint and Quick had turned up.

"Ah! Techno!" Quick smiled. "So you're finally awake! That's good...everyone was really worried about you when you passed out..."

"And you missed two glorious days of Quick with a functioning hearing aid." Paint added. "It truly is more tolerable when you have it working."

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up about that, will ya?" Quick grumbled.

"Hey, Quick. Can I ask you what exactly I've missed for the past few days?"

"Sure...hmm. Well the most important thing was probably the day after you passed out and Clip returned from the torture house...everyone started acting really weird."

"What do you mean by 'weird'?"

"Well some started acting paranoid. Aqua and Pure both shut themselves in their rooms, Paint and Memory seemed to be hallucinating and kept talking about seeing the 'ghosts of everyone that died'. It's like everyone had been infected so we split up further into groups of those that were acting up and those that were unaffected. Aqua, Pure, Paint and Memory were in team one and Laser, Clip and I were team two...I think that's it though."

Wow, I really did miss a lot.

New Ammo: Quick's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Hmm..." Paint hummed. "Techno, I've found something..."

"What is it?" Techno walked over to her.

"A book...but it won't open but it has nothing keeping it closed..." Paint held up the red book with the black dragon head crest on the cover. "It seems to be some sort of book on mythology..."

"Maybe it came from the library on Second Island? The inventory is rather wide-spread, don't you think?" Paint nodded. "It probably came from there. What does it say on the back?"

"There is nothing on the back...the back is blank as if it's some sort of file..." Paint examined the side of the book. "I have no idea what this is but I think it may be important."

"Alright, thanks Paint."

New Ammo: Sealed Book was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Alright...Bud, did you fin anything else out?" Techno turned to the Pegasus.

"Well...not much evidence but I noticed something about the bodies...I was friends with this nurse so I know a few things about autopsy reports. I figured out that both Aqua and Clip died from the stab wounds and they were made with the same weapon..."

"Wow, you were able to figure that out?"

"Yep! I'm really sure that it's right as well!" Bud beamed.

New Ammo: Bud's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID
Updated: Monokuma File 3 was updated

"Hmm...hey do you guys know where everyone else went?" Techno asked.

"I think most went to the music venue..." Paint answered. "Apparently Laser wanted to talk to Memory there and Rip had tagged along. As for Pure, I have no idea of where she is...Toxic as well."

"Those two are probably off bickering somewhere..." Quick frowned. "They're always at each others throats and it's became unbearable..."

"Why do you think they're like that? They've made it clear they know each other from something in the past..." Bud pondered. "I wish they would just tell us..."

"Well we can't expect that to happen any time soon, Bud." Paint sighed deeply. "Maybe it's best left alone..."

"I'm gonna head off now though to talk to Laser and Memory." Memory mostly...he's got some things to answer to He glanced at Clip's body.

The noise that was coming from the inside of the venue seemed to be so loud that Techno could hear it from a few feet away from the door. The voice sounded like Laser with Rip squeaking something out. He hesitantly opened the door and ventured inside to find Laser being held back by Rip with a confused Memory standing a few feet in front of them.

"Um...what's going on here?" Techno sweat-dropped as the attention shifted to him.

"Oh, Laser was just accusing me for the murder of Clip and Aqua..." Memory shrugged. "I'm guessing it's because of Clip's speeches of me being evil."

"It's so suspicious!" Laser yelled furiously. "Right after Clip starts accusing Memory of being a traitor he dies! That has to be seen as noteworthy!"

"Well, I suppose you aren't wrong. I am suspicious, aren't I? Though the problem is I had an alibi for the time of the murder..." Memory smiled. "I was with the group of infected. The others will vouch for me, none of us y'know. I have to disappoint you."

"Grr..." Laser growled, forcing Rip to release her. "I'll find Clip and Aqua's killer! I have to..."

"Have to?" Rip worried. "Why do you have to?"

"Because I was pretty close to both of them...I won't let their killer get away from me!" Laser's fists clenched as she sprinted off leaving the three in the confusion of her attitude.

"I...I've never seen Laser so riled up like that. Have any of you?" Rip looked at the boys who replied with small shakes of their heads. "Oh, Laser...she's right though. The choice of victim was horrifying to say the least. Nobody was expecting them to die..."

"Must mean someone found out the secret to the torture house then..." Memory folded his arms. "That's the only explanation. Despite Clip's efforts to solve the puzzles of the house he died in vain..."

"M-Memory...?" Techno stuttered. He's never said something like that was so...morbid of him.

"Hey, Memory...if Clip really did make those things up about you really think it was because he wanted to take Techno away from the rest of the group?" Rip rubbed her forearm. "Is that something he'd do?"

"He made his feelings clear on day one." Memory stated firmly. "There's no doubt he would do something like this if he thought I was a threat..."

A threat...I still wonder who was telling the truth but... images of the scene flashed. Does it really matter now...?

"Hey, Memory. Can I ask you about the group of people that had become infected whilst I was unconscious?" Techno walked to the unicorn.

"Oh. Sure, no problem...well, let's see. I'm guessing by now you already know that Aqua was among our group?" Techno nodded. "Alright. When she first disappeared, we had no idea because she had locked herself in her room. When Clip went missing, from what I heard...they didn't think anything had happened because he was always up at the break of dawn to investigate the torture house. So in short...we had no idea when someone went missing."

"Alright, thanks anyway..."

New Ammo: Memory's Account was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

"Ah! Techno!" Bright burst through the doors, panting and disoriented. "I've been wondering where you went!"

"Bright...did you...?"

"Yes, come with me." She extended her arm, the fire in her eyes showed she had indeed discovered the secret of the torture house.

"A-alright..." Techno shakily nodded, following Bright to behind the music venue. Clearly this was something she didn't want the other students to see. "So what did you find...?"

"Under the floorboards in the torture house...there was a safe. All the pieces of paper that had the clues written on it, also had a number written in blood. I was able to uncover them when Toxic accidentally got luminol on them. When I input the code...I found this." She gave Techno a folder. A thin one at that.

"What is this...?" Bright didn't respond but instead gestured to the folder. Techno opened it up and slid the document inside out, dropping the folder cover instantly. It was a profile...a student profile...for Techno. "W-why was this...?" He scanned, his eye being drawn to oddly familiar dragon head crest on it.

"I don't know...but my theory is that the torture house's secret was that the place Monokuma had hidden the student profiles was under the house. The killer must have found them and didn't grab this last one. It has all the data on it, your birthday, age, blood type, height, weight, everything."

"W-why would Monokuma allow us the chance to find these?" Techno examined it closely.

"My guess is that there was something on these profiles that was worth killing over..." Bright regained her breath standing upright. "Monokuma will make the announcement for the class trial any second so I hope this evidence will prove to be useful.

New Ammo: Student Profile was loaded into Techno's ElectroID

*Ding dong, bing bong!* It was just as Bright had predicted.

"Alright you bastards! I think you've all had enough time to investigate, meet up at Monokuma Rock for your third class trial! Wow...are we already at the third one? You guys work fast!"

"Ugh..." Bright massaged her temples. "Techno...we need to find this killer as fast as possible. For Aqua and Clip's sake...agreed?"

"Of course!" Techno nodded with determination. "I haven't let anyone get away it yet and I'm not gonna start now!"

"That's good to hear...let's get to Monokuma Rock quickly then..."

Techno looked around as the students waited for Monokuma's arrival. Ten. Ten of them were alive now...and not long after this point either one of them will be standing or nine will survive. This one island had cut down so many lives...but what was it all for? Why was this important to Monokuma? Despair was what he said was his goal but that had been achieved a long time ago so why continue...?

"Alright kiddies!" Monokuma yelled. "I bet you've all been anxious about this one, haven't you? Third time is the charm so maybe this'll be the one where the killer comes out on top!"

"Shut up you piece of trash!" Bud yelled shakily, clearly showing she wasn't good at insults. "W-we'll never lose to someone like you! We're united as a team!"

"Your 'team' had already lost a lot of could still be a basketball team though, I guess..." Monokuma shrugged. "Anyway...I know you all don't like to wait so let's get this over with fast! Monokuma escalator activate!" He threw his arms in the air as the Monokuma Rock's mouth opened up, letting the escalator fall in front of the class. "See you all in there!" He waved goodbye.

"Great..." Quick pulled at his hair. "Just great! What the hell do we do now?! He's right...we've lost so many and..."

"Don't focus on that..." Bright stopped him. "Focus on the trial in front of us right now...we can talk about those lost later. Alright?" Quick's gaze fell empty as he nodded slowly. " let's go..." Bright stepped on first, followed by Memory, Rip, Quick, Bud and Toxic.

"I'll find Clip and Aqua's killer...I promise you that..." Laser's fist clenched as she stepped on after Pure, leaving Paint and Techno at the bottom.

"Well...ladies first I guess...?" Techno gestured sheepishly.

"Techno." Paint's face seemed to show one emotion for once. Seriousness...not the fake poker-face kind of seriousness. Real seriousness. "I want you to remember you were acting before you passed out..."

"Huh...?" Techno tilted his head. there was no response as Paint stepped onto the escalator. What...what was that all about...? Techno paused before stepping onto the escalator, keeping his record of being the last to enter the elevator in the mouth of the rocky outcrop. There was a shudder as the lift moved underground. Techno looked at the remaining students once again.

How can they do it...? How can they stand among us when they killed two students? Clip Brunette...the Super Middle School Level Hairdresser. He was a major flirt at times and could get annoying...but I know he didn't mean to bring on harm to anyone...and Aqua Black, the Super Middle School Level Fashion Designer...she was mean and rude at times but when she finally starts to open up to the rest of us...this happens to her? Is this supposed to be some sort of punishment for her? No...that shouldn't matter what she did in the past!







What really mattered was what she was doing now!







And they killed two people! What the fuck were they hoping to achieve?!





I'm happy that the curtain's rising for the third class trial! Let the killer burn for all I care! So let's see it again...the clash of those two words; Hope and Despair...let the third round begin!

Chapter 3: Class Trial - Part 1

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Class Trial

All Rise!

The familiar and unmissed screeching noise of the elevator sounded as the doors opened slowly to reveal the newest décor for the trial room. The place had been changed into the appearance of the torture house. Knives and other various weapons hung from the blood-stained walls. The remaining ten students took their usual places at the stands and awaited the inevitable explanation to be given from Monokuma.

"Alright, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial! You're votes will determine the outcome of this, you will debate on a variety of topics regarding the murder and then try to identify 'whodunit'. If you can correctly guess the culprit then the culprit will be punished...but if you guess the wrong one. I'll punish everyone aside the culprit! Now...where to begin? How about we talk about the murder weapon?!"

" this the point when I fade into the background...?" Monomi whined.

"So we're just gonna through the same song and dance then?" Toxic grumbled. "I think we need to start somewhere else..."

"Why do you say that?" Bright inquired with interest. "We always start with the murder weapon. We need to have some clarity shown onto the situation straight away."

"Well there is defiantly something that's more important to figure out first. Namely, what group was the killer apart of?" This caught the attention of the whole room. "Was this killer part of the group that had been infected? Was the killer part of the unaffected? Or were they part of the hospital group? If we can figure that out first and foremost then that really puts us in a good place for the rest of the trial."

"Whilst you have a point...why don't we come to that later?" Paint suggested. "It is important to find out what group the killer belonged to. Though our top priority is always going to be the murder weapon. It limits the possible killers since it had to be something that particular person could get access to. Then we examine the groups individually...that makes it much simpler."

"N-nrg..." Toxic bit his lip. "F-fine...whatever..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Monokuma File 3
-Sealed Book
-Aqua's Neck
-Clip's Wounds
-Clip's Scissors
-Aqua's Wounds

Pure- The murder weapon...there were plenty of weapons that it could be...

Laser- The knives...the axes...what is it gonna be?! Maybe even poison?!

Quick- I doubt Aqua and Clip were poisoned...the killer wouldn't have went through all the effort they did!

Bud- But the killer must have used something fromt he torture house...right?

Paint- Did they...? I wonder about that...

Memory- If you know something please, do tell...

Paint- ...who knows...?

The murder isn't abundantly clear what it could be...though there is one possibility that's been looming in the back of my mind...

No, that's wrong!

"Hold on Bud!" Techno exclaimed. "The killer didn't necessarily need something from the torture house! There was a sharp weapon that disappeared from the crime scene after all!"

"I believe you're referring to Clip's missing pair of scissors...?" Bright guessed. "Yes. As I recall, he had them last I saw him when he was heading to the torture house that morning to continue his investigation and then by the time the body was found, his scissors had vanished."

"Plus those scissors do seem to match up with the wounds left on both bodies pretty well, wouldn't you agree...?" Toxic rested his elbow on the stand in front of him. "It's pretty easy to believe that the scissors were used to stab Aqua and Clip."

"There was also the thing about Clip's pants..." Pure recalled the conditions of the body. "They had been torn from the kneecaps you think those scissors could have been used to cut them off...?"

"What would the killer gain from doing something like that though?" Rip asked. "It's not like that was going to affect Clip when he was strung up there..."

"Maybe Clip's restraint was unplanned...?" Quick suggested. "I mean. Maybe they underestimated Clip's strength and they had to use those shackles to keep him in place...though I suppose that doesn't answer why they tore his clothes..."

"Also...what happened to his clothes after they were ripped off...?" Laser added. "The killer couldn't just dispose of them because of the littering rule..."

"There are no camera's in the torture house though so Monomi and Monokuma probably didn't know if they had just hid them there..." Bright explained.

"Wait. If there are no cameras, then how does Monokuma know who the culprit is this time around?!" Quick pointed at the bear.

"Well, I'm so glad you asked!" Monokuma cheered. "You see, despite there being no cameras inside the torture house, I have set one up outside in the bushes of the house! That's how I know who killed the two!"

"I see. I hidden camera in the bushes...that may be why the culprit chose that location to do their killing. Since nobody knew there were cameras there...the culprit could have thought that not even Monokuma could identify them." Bright theorised. "Of course they were wrong..."

"Okay so that's care of the location...but what about the scissors that were presumably used to kill Clip and Aqua? They just seemed to vanish afterwards." Memory put the question forward. "I suppose an obvious answer would be that they were left in the house...the problem is, we didn't find them during the investigation."

"So there's no answer to that question then? That's pretty bogus..." Quick complained. "How are we supposed to find the culprit when we can't even find the murder weapon...?"

"Quick! You can't just lose faith at this point in the trial, we've barely begun!" Rip scolded. "C'mon, there has to be some sort of evidence towards the culprit...oh! I know! How about who the initial target was?"

"What do you mean by 'initial target'? You mean to say that either Clip or Aqua wasn't planned to be murdered?" Toxic raised an eyebrow with interest.

"Well, makes sense, you wouldn't want to kill two students here. It would leave more evidence behind. That must mean that one of those two wasn't supposed to die!" Rip impressively concluded.

"Nice logic, Rip..." Bright smiled with pride as if she was the one that taught her to come up with something like that. "She's right. There must have been an initial can't be too careful here after all. The more evidence against you, the worst your case let's just see where their mistakes lead us..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Sealed Book
-Satanic Symbol
-Aqua's Wounds
-Clip's Wounds
-Clip's Outfit

Laser- If there was one planned murder today...then who wasn't supposed to die?!

Quick- It would make more sense for the target to be Aqua...she had been to everyone since we arrived here.

Bud- But what about Clip? They took the time to hang him in shackles...

Laser- Though they strapped Aqua into that chair as well...

Toxic- But where's the clue...? Was it on the floor getting dirty? Maybe it was on the bodies?

Rip- wasn't even in the torture house!

Pure- That's a strange way to go about it though...

Rip- Urrrh...don't derail my arguments so easily...

Hmm...I wonder. The initial target was more likely to be...

I'm in agreement with you!

"It's just as Toxic had said. The evidence for who the initial target was, was on the bodies. Specifically, Aqua's body. She had wound covering her entire body, not just normal wounds though...fresh wounds. As if they had been recently made. With that in mind, Clip's wounds had already stopped bleeding apart from one or two, most of Aqua's had been just's more likely that the intended victim was Clip."

"But why did they choose Clip? He was looking for the secret to the torture the culprit couldn't have found unless he did. Also, that doesn't explain why Aqua turned up dead!" Pure objected.

"Well...most likely Aqua just happened to go to the torture house at the wrong time...the murder was taking place and she was killed so she would stay silent."


"Wait just a second!" Pure slammed down on the stand in front of her. "If Aqua was killed to stay quiet, the killer wouldn't have bothered with take so much time to kill her! If you just wanted to keep someone quiet here. The killer would just need to give one fatal stab and that would be that! The condition of Aqua's body doesn't match up!"

"But, Pure-"

"No! Talk to me the way you should be talking in a trial; with the evidence!" Pure cut him off.

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades
-Rip's Account
-Bud's Autopsy Report
-Memory's Account
-Quick's Account
-Aqua's Wounds
-Aqua's Neck

Pure- Aqua couldn't have the victim of chance, that doesn't add up at all! She had stab wounds covering her entire body after all! What kind of killer would take their time with someone they just wanted to silence? Wouldn't it more sense if Aqua was the intended victim?!

Techno- But Clip was at the torture house already! Why on earth would the killer choose the torture house as a location to kill Aqua?!

Pure- Maybe...the killer didn't know he was there already! All they had to do...was lure Aqua to the torture house! It would make it easy to kill her! See? Aqua was the intended victim!

Whilst she's made a good point...Pure still hasn't looked into this enough...otherwise she would have known...

I'll have to cut through those words!

"Pure...clearly nobody had explained what happened to you during the last few days...otherwise you would have known why Aqua wouldn't have been lured to the torture house so easily!"

"What are you talking about? How would you know anything about what happened the past few days? You were unconscious the entire time!" Pure pointed her finger accusingly.

"I was asking around and it turns out that the group had been split into three groups. In fact, Toxic referred to it at the start of the trial. There was the hospital team that was watching over me which consisted of Rip, Toxic, Bud and Bright. There was the unaffected team which was only consisting of Laser, Quick and Clip...and last was the infected team which consisted of yourself, Memory, Paint and Aqua."

"Yeah..." Laser nodded. "Pure and Aqua were suffering from paranoid for some weird reason...they locked themselves in their cabins and refused to leave when anyone tried to talk to them..."

"Wait." Pure's eyes widened. "We locked ourselves in our cabins...? I get why it's a problem. Aqua wouldn't have left the cabin if she had been called to the torture house..."

"Exactly. Aqua couldn't have been the intended victim for this. It makes zero sense!"

"Well I wouldn't say it makes zero sense..." Paint disagreed. "I mean there are a few factors in this murder that wouldn't make sense if Aqua wasn't the intended victim..."

Huh...? Techno looked at Paint with his mouth hanging slightly. What is she talking about...? Something that doesn't make sense if Aqua wasn't the intended victim...?

I can prove it with this!

"Paint...are you talking about the chair that Aqua had been strapped to when we discovered the body?" Techno rubbed his chin in thought.

"Yes...that's it." Paint responded emotionlessly. "The chair was all the way down in the basement of the house. Plus it is extremely heavy, if Aqua wasn't the target in this then why did the killer bring the chair up?"

"Maybe...the killer was originally gonna strap Clip into the chair and brought it up for that reason...?" Quick suggested. "So when Aqua arrived, their plans changed and Clip got hung on the wall..."

"No, I don't think it's anything like that. I believe Clip was to go onto the wall from the beginning...symbolism is the key in his murder..." Paint stated ominously.

"S-symbolism...?" Rip repeated.

"Yes. The way Clip's body was you remember how his arms looked...?" There was moment of silence as they awaited Paint's answer. " you want me to tell you...?" there were a few groans from the room. "Well...the bones of his arms were sticking out of his elbows, right? With that, his arms couldn't go back so his arms were in a perfect straight you see what I'm saying?"

"H-his pose..." Bud had went pale. "A-are you saying...?"

"Yes. With the way Clip's body hung...he looks like he had been crucified. So, let me just state my idea now. What if Clip wasn't killed due to the motive but because of a religious reason...?"

"Wait a second! Are you saying that this was some sort of creepy hate crime?!" Toxic yelled at her.

"Are you saying that it's outside the realm of possibility...? Because along with the position of the body, there was also something else that goes along with religion that connects to Clip's death." Paint glanced at Techno.

What is she talking about? Where is all this coming from?! Does Paint already know what happened to Aqua and Clip? Techno took a breath. A religious reason...I wonder if she's referring to that...?

I'll prove it with this!

"Paint. Could you be talking about the crest we found behind Clip's body? The one that was painted onto the wall?" Techno leaned forward.

"Yes, that's it. I did my research and it turns out it's a crest from those that have 'fallen from heaven' or in other words...Lucifer's crest. The fallen angel..." Everyone was dumbstruck. Someone actually taking their time for something like this just seemed insane even if they were in the middle of a life-or-death match. "So, from the culprit's view...Clip was a fallen angel..."

"Okay, fine." Rip nodded. "But that still doesn't help us figure out who killed Aqua and Clip! Or with why the killer went through so much trouble with the chair if they weren't planning on killing Aqua!"

"I think I've said enough for now though...if I continued, you all wouldn't find the truth by yourself." Paint picked up her sketch. "Talk to me if you really are desperate for help..."

"Well, we don't need her to figure this out!" Quick said determined. "Alright, let's see...if Clip was the intended victim then Aqua had to walk in on the murder...but the problem with that is that Aqua was being paranoid at the time so she'd need a really good reason to leave her cabin and go to the torture house..."

"And if Aqua was the intended victim then it doesn't explain why Clip's murder had so much detail put into it..." Bright tapped her chin. "It seems we're between a rock and a hard place then..."

"It may seem like that..." Memory shook his head. "But maybe we just aren't looking at the right things. Let's try thinking about alibis for now. That seems like the easiest place to continue from."

Non-Stop Debat

Evidence Bullets
-Tiny Glass Fragments
-Organ Display
-Rip's Account
-Memory's Account
-Satanic Star Symbol
-Student Profile

Rip- Well as far as alibis go...Techno is the only one with a definite alibi...

Bud- I was part of the hospital team...but I only ever left to go to the supermarket

Quick- Laser and I were separated from the infected team by I guess at the time of the murder...I was in my cabin.

Memory- Those that were infected are unable to fully remember what happened the past few days. But I don't think I left First Island at any point.

Laser- Pure has an alibi...cause she was locked in her room...

Bud- So, that means...we haven't narrowed it down by much, have we?

I don't much about alibis this time around...but according to what I heard...

No, that's wrong!

"Wait, Rip. Don't you remember what you told me about the hospital team? You told me that you had to watch over my condition the whole time and Toxic was busy making medicine in case things went south. Neither of you left the hospital according to your account of the events!"

"O-oh yeah! I forgot about that..."

"How do you forget about something like that...?" Toxic questioned. "Either way. That give Rip and I an alibi, right? Not like I was a suspect anyway..."

"You're suspicious enough as it is..." Laser commented. "I mean, what was Enterna talking about right before Monokuma was gonna execute her, huh?!"

"Grk...can we not talk about that in the middle of the trial? We still some pressing matters to look at...such as what group the culprit was a part of. That'll really narrow it down..."

"Are you still going on about that...?" Bud asked. "I think we need to figure one thing out first. What happened to the murder weapon if it wasn't at the crime scene..."

"Bud's right." Rip agreed. "Clip's scissors kind of just disappeared afterwards, didn't they? Without a murder weapon, we can't really go on..."

"Well, if you say so then I guess we have to..." Toxic sighed. "This won't change anything's just wasting time..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Rip's Account
-Organ Display
-Small Glass Fragments
-Monokuma File 3
-Sealed Book
-Clip's Scissors

Memory- The murder weapon disappeared from the crime scene...but where did it go?

Quick- Do you think the culprit took it with them?

Bright- Perhaps it's still at the crime's just been hidden...

Laser- Could the culprit have lost it?

Quick- Maybe...the culprit still has it!

Toxic- We would have found it by now, genius...

Quick- You don't know that for sure!

The scissors...they were used to kill Aqua and Clip so what happened to them afterwards? There's one possibility...

I'm in agreement with you!

"Yeah, Bright might be right. There was that huge shelf that displayed a bunch of organs at the crime scene, right? What if the scissors were hidden either under or behind it?" Techno closed his eyes for a second as he spoke.

"It would be a good hiding place, wouldn't it..." Toxic said doubtfully. "But. That thing was dripping in blood and those floorboards aren't exactly right next to each other. Blood would drip through the crack in the boards and into the basement, right?"

" would...unless you covered it in something..." Something went off in Techno's mind when Rip said that.

"Wait a second!" Techno unintentionally yelled. "What if it was covered in something...? Then the scissors would have been perfectly hidden!" Techno closed his eyes again. I think I'm getting the picture...if they used something at the crime scene...then they would have perfectly hid the scissors!

Hangman's Gambit

Q. What did the killer use to prevent blood from dripping off the scissors?

Available Letters- G L T I C O H N

I've connected the dots!

"They must have used clothing to prevent the blood from dripping off!" Techno exclaimed. "That would also explain why Clip's outfit had been ripped! It must have used to hide the murder weapon!"

"That's what happened to Clip's clothing?!" Quick paused. "Then again I guess that would make sense...the killer couldn't use any of their own clothing because they'd be caught out right by using Clip's scissors to cut off some fabric, they were able to hide the murder weapon..."

"It is a rather well thought out plan..." Bright admitted. "It also supports the theory of Clip being the intended victim so why don't we move onto something we have yet to really delve into...motive."

"What do you mean?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "I though Paint had already said that this was a religious symbolism kill...?"

"That was the technique and if it were true, why wasn't anything done with Aqua's body? The killer took so much time with Clip's body and they overkilled both of why not do something with Aqua?"

"Er...Bright has a point, doesn't she?" Laser sighed. "So now we need to figure out the secret of the torture house, right? That was the motive Monokuma gave to us this time after all..."

"We didn't figure out what the motive was though...I wonder if Clip did in the end..." Bud looked down sadly.

"If he did then the culprit must have learned about it as well..." Rip folded her arms. "It only makes sense, right? Once they found out what the motive was, they killed Clip..."

Hmm...I wonder if it was really that simple...

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Monokuma File 3
-Sealed Book
-Satanic Star Symbol
-Aqua's Neck Bruises
-Clip's Outfit
-Student Profile

Toxic- The whole problem with the that nobody found out what it was in the end...

Laser- The secret of the torture house...all we got was the lousy clue from Monokuma

Rip- Though the killer must have found out about it...

Bud- Maybe Clip showed them?

Rip- Then that would mean Clip discovered the secret of the torture house after all!

Toxic- And that the culprit killed him because of it...

The motive...of course, I already know what it is...

No, that's wrong!

"Not so fast, Toxic! Somebody here did find out the secrets of the torture house. After all...Bright had been working on it for almost the entire investigation..."

"Yes. That's correct, I did find a part of the motive...since it seems that the rest of it had disappeared..." Bright fixed her glasses as she glanced away.

"What do you mean 'the rest of it'?" Memory latched onto the vague area of her statement. "You mean there was more to what you had found...?"

"Presumably. Techno, please reveal what exactly Clip was searching for this whole time..." Bright gestured to Techno.

"Yeah..." Techno nodded, taking out his profile. "It was this; our student profiles were the motive this time around...when Bright found the hiding space, my profile was the only one left. I think the culprit took the rest of them..."

"You mean the student profiles are our motive?!" Rip gasped. "What's so bad about those?" She paused. "...did someone have a bad hair day that they really didn't want anyone to see...?"

"Don't be stupid..." Toxic growled. "Obviously someone has something on their profile that they don't want getting out! Clip must have found the student profiles and then confronted the killer about it. When he did...he was killed..."

" our culprit is someone with a secret they don't want to get out that's located on their profile...but what exactly is on them?" Memory looked to Techno.

"Well, it has the same basic information as the Monokuma Files. Name, age, height, weight...but it also has why they were chosen to be part of the Super Middle School Level programme and some trivia that they learned about that student." Techno described the layout of the profile.

"Maybe there was something in the trivia section that was to risky to leave to fall into anyone's hands..." Bright guessed. "Something from their past presumably..."

"Alright. Well that's all fine and dandy..." Toxic put his hands in his pockets. "But we still have no evidence towards the freaking culprit! Or am I the only one that's realised that?!"

"H-he's right...even with the motive now clear. That won't tell us who killed Clip and Aqua..." Bud sighed. "What are we gonna do if we can't figure it out?" Techno's eyes suddenly felt to the still sketching Paint who had been silent for a while now.

"...hey, Paint?" Techno drew her attention away.

"Hmm?" She looked up with small interest. "Is there something you need...?"

"We might need your help at this you know what we've been talking about...?" Paint gave a nod. " you have anything that could help?"

"There is one thing, though I think you should really revise everything you know." She placed her sketch next to her, leaning it against the stand. "Because you've messed up a very big detail...our intended victim..."

"W-wait, what the hell are you talking about? What about the intended victim?" Pure asked worried. "It was Clip, right? That's why his body was used for symbolism..."

"Well, that's true...but was Clip our only intended victim...?" Everyone stared at Paint with mixed reactions. "What if...this double-murder was planned to be a double-murder from the beginning...?"

...Techno's mind blanked for a small second. she saying...? Aqua and Clip...were both planned to be killed...?

Trial Suspended!

Chapter 3: Class Trial - Part 2

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Trial Resume!

Monomi Theatre

"Hi, I'm Monomi and you know what time it is! Two victim this time around...and both were planned?! The thought of my students truly thinking of killing not one but two of their classmates is unbelievable! I don't want to believe it at all, this is all Monokuma's doing. I'll continue to support my students as they cooperate with each other and defeat Monokuma! I hope you help as well, remember; Love, love!"

Everyone had been silent for a while now that Paint had revealed her theory of the events at the torture house today. Clip and Aqua were both targeted by one of them...but the real question was why did they want both dead? It would leave a lot more evidence behind when both were killed.

"So why did they take the risk...?" Pure spoke up. "What would have been their reason for killing both of them...intentionally I might add."

"Well we don't even know if Paint is right. Don't go saying that the killer was going after Aqua as well..." Quick ran a hand through his hair. "We don't have much to go on though...other than Paint's words..."

"Hmm...?" Paint held a finger to her lips and tapped them. "Did I explain my theory yet? I forget..."

"She didn't." Toxic answered. "And if she can't explain it then it makes that theory complete and utter conjuncture!"

"Can we really trust you after not only one, but two instances where you've been hiding things from have always ended up as the most suspicious in these investigations...I think it would benefit everyone if you just shut up and learned to listen than sabotage our discussion..." Toxic seemed stunned by her response. He looked away, clearly distraught by her words.

"M-moving on..." Bud broke the tension the two had created. "Maybe you really should explain this a little better since we don't really understand where you're getting your theory from..."

"Well...I suppose I can do that for you. Once explained, it becomes very clear..."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Rip's Account
-Student Profile
-Sealed Book
-Monokuma File 3
-Clip's Scissors

Paint- It's rather obvious when you really think about it...the way the crime scene was set out was clear indication that the killer put a lot of work into this...

Laser- Yeah, but we already knew that!

Paint- Then let me the process of applying layers of logic onto that. We can gather that the killer targeted both Aqua and Clip.

Techno- I'm guessing you're talking about the overkill factor in all off this?

Paint- Exactly. Unless you were targeting both Aqua and Clip...the killer wouldn't have taken so much time in doing the deed...I mean, they even used different weapons to kill them...

Pure- Well...I see your point...

Paint- I thought you would.

What Paint says does make sense...but wasn't there something weird?

No, that's wrong!

"Hang on a second...the killer didn't use different weapons on Aqua and Clip. Remember, they used Clip's scissors to stab them multiple times...I thought we had settled this a long time ago. I thought we settled this during the investigation!"

"Did we...?" Paint tilted her head. "I don't think we ever did talk about the cause of death...or the actual wounds on the bodies in great detail..." Techno went quiet.

We...we did...didn't we? I'm sure we did! Why would Paint think differently though...? Paint Pallet. I have my eye on you for now...

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Aqua's Wounds
-Clip's Wounds
-Sealed Book
-Aqua's Neck Markings
-Tiny Glass Fragments

Paint- We never figured out the cause of death for both Clip and Aqua.

Toxic- Even if it wasn't mentioned in the Monokuma's still pretty clear what killed them.

Bud- It was blood loss from all of those wounds...

Paint- I see. So that is what you all have come to believe. Well then, I have to pity you for making such a grave error...but I'm sure it'll be corrected soon enough.

Bright- My my, someone loves to talk big when she has no evidence in her possession...

Until now, everyone aside from Paint believed that the stab wounds were the cause of death. What if...that presumption was wrong all along though...?

No, that's wrong!

"Bud...I think Paint's the only one with the real answer here. Remember Aqua's body condition. Her neck had bruises on it, as if something was holding onto it really tightly."

"You think the killer strangled Aqua to death? Then what about the stab wounds?! What was the point in it?!" Toxic yelled out.

"I'm guessing they wanted to confuse us. As soon as we're wrong on one thing, it can take us on an entirely different path...say, Monokuma?" Memory turned to the bear. "Did you leave the cause of death out of the Monokuma File just to help the killer?"

"Hmm?" Monokuma tilted his head. "Actually...since there are no cameras inside the house, I had to get info from the killer themselves. They didn't give me the cause of death, really, you should be blaming them for it."

"That explains why you took so long with the Monokuma Files this time around..." Laser commented.

"But if he relied on the killer's do we know it's true?" Rip asked.

"Oh, they did die within ten minutes between them." Paint answers. "My sister knows a few things about how to tell the time of death of bodies but I could only figure out the distance of time between them..."

"I see...but still. We don't what was used to strangle Aqua. There was nothing at the crime scene that could have killed her via strangulation. Techno's already implied that a tool was used instead of their own hands..." Toxic folded his arms.

Something that would be used to strangle Aqua...well it had to be at the crime scene like the scissors, right? So if that's the case, then the weapon had to be...

I can prove it with this!

"I think it might have been the pieces of Clip's pants that were cut off. If you tied the two pieces together, I'd say you could strangle someone with it pretty easily."

"Okay, I can get behind that." Quick nodded. "So maybe we should move on...what about the killer's identity?"

"The wounds." Paint simply responded.

"Huh...? Are you still going on about those wounds? What's so wrong with those wounds?" Laser grumbled.

"Because we still have to figure out...what made the wounds on Aqua's body...they differ from the wounds on Clip's body and therefore must have been made with a different weapon. Maybe if you looked at the crime scene for longer than five seconds you would have noticed."

"No need to be snarky about it...what about the wounds is different?" Toxic asked.

"Well, Clip's body had simple stabs, probably with the scissors like we predicted. Though Aqua's were in the shape of a cone...the further into the wound, the small it got. I'm really surprised you didn't notice this."

"But wait..." Laser mumbled. "If that's true, what was used to inflict those wounds on Aqua...? There wasn't anything that could have been used to make wounds that shape. Unless we missed seeing something like a pike at the crime scene..." When Laser said 'pike', something clicked in Techno's head.

Hold on. Maybe there was something that was along the lines of a pike. Maybe the reason we didn't think about because nobody actually saw it!

Hangman's Gambit

Q. What was used to inflict the wounds onto Aqua's body?

Available letters- M A R E O I N N D I

Words count. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I've connected the dots!

"Wait. About the iron maiden that was in the torture house?" Techno suggested.

"You mean the big chamber like thing that they used to torture convicts in medieval times?" Rip paused. "Oh! I get it, the inside has a bunch of pikes that would make the wounds the same shape as the wounds on Aqua's body!"

" I guess that must mean that the killer used the iron maiden to inflict the wounds onto her body!"

Try see through this illusion!

Laser laughed loudly. "Don't be silly! That could never have happened! It's still pretty obvious that the scissors were used to kill Aqua!"

"S-seriously?" Techno raised an eyebrow. "You actually think that the scissors are the murder weapon even after everything that's been said so far?"

"Yep! It's pretty simple when I explain it to you!"

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades
-Monokuma File 3
-Sealed Book
-Satanic Star Symbol
-Clip's Scissors
-Memory's Account
-Aqua's Wounds

Laser- See, the thing is, I'm pretty sure that the scissors are still what killed Aqua. To create the wounds on Aqua's body, all they would have to do is move the scissors around do give it the cone shape. See? There's a really reasonable explanation for it all!

Techno- Why would they go through all that effort though? There were so many wounds of Aqua's body. The killer had no reason to go through all the effort of shaping the wounds.

Laser- They also didn't need to get the chair or restrain Clip. Did they have to use the iron maiden? The answer is no! Therefore, we have no reason to say that the iron maiden is involved!

Techno- You may be right about the chair and Clip's restraint...but the iron maiden must have been involved!

Laser- nah! The biggest contradiction in this is...the Monokuma File states that the wounds were inflicted with similar weapons. Therefore...the iron maidenisn't involved!

Geez, how did she think of these arguments so quickly? She must be really prepared...though not prepared enough!

I'll have to cut through those words!

"Laser. I'll admit, you put up good fights but they aren't enough. The thing is, the Monokuma File doesn't mention anything about the murder weapon. All it says is that they died within ten minutes of each other."

"But...if that's true. When did we all agree that the same weapon was used to kill Aqua and Clip...?" Laser's question made Techno silent. Of course, there was always one person in this trial that had something to say.

"We didn't." Paint twirled her pencil. "The reason we all think that they were killed with the same weapon was because someone here has tricked everyone into thinking that...and that person is our killer..." Techno paused before his eyes widened.

"" You have got to be kidding me... "Y-you mean that...she's the killer?!"

"Ah, you figured it out then?" Paint smirked. "Well then. Let's hear your accusation, Techno. Who killed Aqua and Clip...?"

Techno looked around the room at the nine pairs of eyes that were focused on him. Damn...who would have guessed she would kill someone in the end...?

You're the true culprit!

"I have to admit, you did have us all going along with your little trap for a long time. Bud." Techno glared at the yellow Pegasus who didn't give a response with the accusation thrown at her.

"Wait, really?" Bud raised an eyebrow. "You really think I would kill Aqua and Clip? Why in Equestria would you even assume that?"

" were the one that told me that Aqua and Clip were killed with the same weapon." This forced Bud into an eerie silence. Rip hesitated before she spoke slowly.

"Bud. You didn't kill them, right...? That goes against everything your talent stands for after all..." Bud giggled.

"Of course not. I'd never harm anyone on this island!" She smiled at Rip. "I'm your friend, right?" She then turned to Techno. "As for what I said, I've got no experience in autopsy reports, I just tried to figure it out using the techniques I learned from a nurse I know. It's easy to make a mistake."

"Yeah. That might be true and all...but I'd still like you to give me a proper rebuttal. 'Messing up' the autopsy is just to convenient for my liking."

"Well, alright then...hmm, let's see." She was silent for a few seconds. "The student profiles. I don't have them."

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Toxic folded his arms. "All you'd have to do is hide them."

"But I couldn't have the time for that." Bud explained. "I was part of the hospital team and all I was to do was get supplies from the store. If I was gone longer than needed then I'd become suspicious right away."

"Alright...but you could just leave it at the crime scene though." Memory pointed out.

"Not really, haven't you noticed that the evidence presented at the trial always disappears afterwards? Leaving it at the crime scene would be a huge risk after all the effort to get it in the first place."

"She's right." Quick agreed. "There's no way that Bud would leave the student profiles there after the murder took place. That's way to risky for her."

"So she hid it." Bright closed her book over. "I thought that a conclusion like that would be child's play. I bet you planned on heading back to crime scene and grabbing the student profiles, weren't you?" Bud laughed at Bright's question.

"Don't be absurd!" She waved her hand to dismiss the theory. "I mean, yes you've gave a plausible reason for why I would want the student profiles but I don't really have anything to hide from you all. I'm an open book!"

"Age." Bright shot.



"About 5'2"."


"I think I'm 94lbs." She tapped her chin. "I don't remember the last time I checked my weight actually..."

"She's really 5'2"? How short am I then...?" Toxic grumbled to himself. "The point is that you could have still hidden those student profiles somewhere!"

"But...why wouldn't I take Techno's?" Bud asked with a smile. "I mean, if I was after them, I'd take them all..." may seem calm under pressure...but let's see how long you can last.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Student Profile
-Satanic Star Symbol
-Sealed Book
-Bud's Account
-Tiny Glass Fragments

Bud- I'm not the killer. You can tell because I didn't take the profiles. Why wouldn't I commit to the motive?

Toxic- You'd easily get caught out if you took you hid them at the crime scene

Bud- There's nothing to suggest I did that. Unless you know where the profiles are?

Toxic- W-well...

Bright- We may not know...but we can theorise

Paint- You most likely made it blend in with it's surroundings.

Quick- Or it's under the organ display!

Laser- Maybe...She hid it in the hospital!

Paint- No, it's defiantly in the torture house...

Bud really does know what to say in these situations...taking down a girl like her is gonna be tougher than Boom and Clover...

I'm in agreement with you!

" knew from the start didn't you? You knew that Bud was the culprit. You also knew that she made the student profiles blend in with the surroundings...with that sealed book we found."

"Sealed book? You mean that one with the dragon crest on it?" Rip asked. "Paint showed it to me. Seemed like some sort of mythology book."

"It wasn't though, it's clear that the book has the other student profiles inside it...because when we look at my student profile," Techno showed them it once again. "It shows the exact same dragon crest in the corner!"

"Ah! I get it!" Quick cracked his knuckles. "So what you're saying is...she sealed the book and made it look like it was part of the torture house when it was actually what contained the other student profiles!"

"Exactly. Bud must have thought that by making it camouflage into its surroundings, we'd leave it be. It had the opposite effect though...which isn't what you wanted, is it?"

"I could have done that...but now that you presented the book, it'll disappear after the trial..." Bud replied, smile still plastered on her face.

"Actually!" Monokuma spoke up. "If one of you is actually in possession of the item at the end of the trial, you get to keep it! So the chair, scissors and such will have to go after's gonna be a pain."

"So since Techno is in possession of both the book and the student profile, he'll get to keep them afterwards..." Memory mumbled. "Well I guess we hear Bud's next statement. After all, we just put down one of your rebuttals..."

" you think I killed Clip and Aqua as well, Memory?" Bud asked.

"Not just me. Look around..." He gestured to the rest of the room, everyone was avoiding looking at Bud directly. "Everyone has their doubts about you now. It seems that Techno, Paint, Bright and I are the only ones willing to speak about it though." Bud just stared into the space in front of her.

"So what I'm hearing is that after everything I've done to you all..." Bud started, her voice shaking. "After all the countless times I've been nice to all of you..." Her eyes filled with fury. "You ungrateful bastards are just gonna accuse me of murder?!" She yanked at her hair.

"And there it is," Paint sighed. "Our classic murderer mental breakdown point. Shall we get this over with quick or do you want to keep this going?"

"I'm not the killer! I wouldn't a fly you idiot!" She yelled back. "It's obvious because...because...b-because you can't place me at the crime scene at all! There's no evidence to suggest I ever went there!"

"Is that all...?" Bright asked. "As I see it, your behaviour at the crime scene will say differently...after all, you freaked out about something but got what it was wrong."

"What are you talking about...?" Bud asked.

Something she freaked out about but got wrong...? Is Bright talking about...?
I can prove it with this!

"Bright, you must be talking about when I was examining the shelves of the organ display case."

Techno looked at the organ display and took one of the jars containing a heart of before Bud cried out.

"A-Ah! T-Techno, why are you holding that...? That's so creepy! I hate brains!" Bud shuddered.

Brains...? This is a heart though... Techno raised an eyebrow.

"Bud thought I was holding a jar containing a was heart though. It's pretty hard to mistake the two. Though I don't see where this is going..."

"Well then, let's talk about why Bud mistook the heart for a brain then." Memory suggested.

"Geez this trial gets more gruesome by the second..." Quick commented uncomfortably. "Though I guess if it's the only way forward."

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Sealed Book
-Organ Display Case
-Student Profile
-Small Glass Fragments
-Rip's Account

Pure- Why did Bud mistake the heart for a brain...? Is there a real reason that would place her at the crime scene?

Bud- Of course not! Something like that is insane!

Laser- I wonder...did she just not get a good look at what Techno was holding?

Toxic- Maybe she's an idiot and genuinely didn't know the difference?

Pure- Is it possible that she couldn't see it clearly?

Quick- Maybe Techno's lying about the heart! He might be pinning this on Bud!

Paint- He was unconscious at the time of the murder, genius.

I wonder...why did Bud mistake the container? There must be a plausible reason...

I'm in agreement with you!

"Pure's right. I don't Bud could see the container properly...not because anything was obstructing her view but probably she just literally couldn't see."

"W-what are you implying...?" Bud stammered.

"There were tiny glass fragments behind the chair that was in the corner of the room. At the time I thought that one of the containers on the organ display broke and the culprit cleaned most of it up...but what if it wasn't that? I'm starting to think that it might have been a broken contact lens."

"Contact lens?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to say that Bud has poor eyesight?"

"Seriously?!" Bud yelled out angrily. "All because I got the student heart mixed up with a brain?!" She paused before smiling sheepishly. "Actually, yes. I do need contacts..." She admitted.

"Y-you mean you're confessing...?" Pure asked.

"I didn't say that, Pure. I need contacts...and that's why I mixed up the container. It's also why...I got the wounds wrong!" She exclaimed. "If I couldn't see the wounds then it would be obvious that I couldn't make a proper autopsy report, right?"

She...she's using this to her advantage?! Techno bit his lip. She's a real crafty one...

"But not crafty enough..." Paint spoke as if reading Techno's thoughts. "Bud, let me ask you something. How did you know who the victims were when you arrived at the crime scene?"

"Excuse me...? Obviously somebody said their names when I got there..."

"Not from what I remember. I take notice of every miniscule detail like every artist should...and I remember what the hospital team said on discovery of the body,"

"Ahhhhh!" Monokuma laughed, appearing by the doorway behind them. "Looks like you all showed up! Everyone's started their investigations already, you should all be doing the same!"

"You can't expect us to just jump right into it like these two are just random strangers!" Toxic yelled.

"True...but you still have your lives on the line. Plus I thought you all would have been used to seeing this by now."

"Nobody would ever get used to seeing this. Besides, we weren't expecting two bodies!" Bud choked on her words. "C-Clip and Aqua died this time..."

"Bud, if you had lost your contact did you know who the victims were before anyone said their names? Also, when exactly did you lose your contact lens?"

"U-ur...I lost it during the investigation, obviously!" She glanced away.

" would have asked the others to help you look for it. You didn't lose it during the investigation. I suspect that you lost it when you were killing off Clip and Aqua." Bud didn't respond. "Well seems I've just got to hear your confession now. Bud Daly!" Bud stayed quiet for a minute or two before her lips twisted into a horrifying grin, she began to laugh loudly with everyone watching in either confusion, fear or content that they were nearing the end.

"Fine!" She yelled out. "I killed Clip!" Bud admitted it on the spot though..."See the problem is though, I didn't kill Aqua..."

"Wait, what?!" Toxic slammed his fist on the stand. "Don't fuck with us now! You must of killed Aqua!"

"But how could I have ever done that...?" She tilted her body to the side and stared at Toxic ominously. "She was suffering from paranoid, right? If I was targeting her, I'd need to find a way to lure her out of her cottage and over to Third Island! Since I was part of the hospital team, I couldn't stay out for too long as well so it couldn't be some in depth way of convincing her!"

...This...this must be it now, this has to be Bud's final line of defence. She's already admitted to killing Clip, all that's left is admitting she killed Aqua!

Panic Attack Battle

Bud- You're all so rude to me!
Bud- I'm your friend!
Bud- Why? WHY?!
Bud- I've been so kind to you?!
Bud- You guys are just like Aqua!
Bud- I didn't kill Aqua!
Bud- Clip's dead...oh well...
Bud- I killed Clip!

This is it!

Bud- How sad that you can't prove I could lure Aqua...

Enterna's Student Profile!

"It's like you said, Aqua was suffering from paranoia...she wouldn't have left her cabin without the most important of reasons."

"Ha!" Bud smirked triumphantly. "So you admit that I'm not the culprit! About time!"

"So that's why you used Enterna's student profile to get Aqua to leave her cabin, didn't you, Bud?!" Bud chocked on her words suddenly. "You must have used that, saying that you either wanted to talk about her or that you were her!"

"H-how could I get Enterna's profile? Not only should it be in the sealed book, it was presented in the last trial!"

"Right. But it was in my possession by the end of it. That means I took it back to my cabin after the trial had ended and left it there. All you had to do was get the key to my cabin and steal since I was unconscious for the past few days...isn't that right, Bud?!"

"U-uu..." Bud squeaked. "Y-you're wrong..."

"So this is it, eh? What a rather unexpected conclusion, if I do say so myself..." Bright fixed her glasses. "Though I suppose there's only one thing left for you to do, Techno. Let's go over this case and put it to rest..."

"You read my mind, Bright..."

Here's Everything That Happened in This Case!

Act 1

This murder started during night-time, most likely. The killer, who was part of the hospital team, stole the key to my cabin whilst I was resting and broke into my cabin. They looked around and then came across what they needed for their murder. Enterna's student profile. The reason they needed it was because of the paranoia that Aqua had mysteriously been suffering from that day, the culprit slid the profile under the door and told Aqua to meet them at Third Island's torture house.

Act 2

Next, at the torture house, they needed to prepare for the arrival of their victims. The culprit moved the chair from the basement and up into the top floor. Later, when their other victim arrived, Clip Brunette, they must have awaited for him to find the student profiles as they sat and bided their time. When it was found and Clip showed the book to them his fate had been decided then and there. The killer must have knocked Clip out first or else they couldn't have restrained him. They put a symbol on the wall behind Clip and strung him up with the chains. Then they took Clip's scissors from him and cut off a piece of his clothing which they would use for later and then proceeded to stab Clip with his own scissors, they even took the time to make his bones stick out from his arms. Of course, it was only the beginning for them.

Act 3

Before Aqua showed up, the killer quickly hid the scissors knowing that they were no more use to her. When Aqua turned up she must have freaked out upon seeing the body. The killer must have come up with a story and had Aqua sit down in the chair which is exactly was the killer wanted her to do. The killer took the clothing they had cut off of Clip's pants and tied them together before wrapping them around Aqua's neck to strangle her. Aqua must have fought back and that's how the killer's contact lens ended up falling onto the floor, broken.

Act 4

After Aqua had died, the killer wanted to mislead the rest of us and make us believe that blood loss was how Aqua died. They did this by dragging Aqua's body to the iron maiden and carefully using the spikes inside to make the stab wounds on her body. Next she dragged Aqua's body back onto the chair and restrained her arms and legs. Being extra careful to not get blood on their clothing. Then they used the clothing and wrapped the scissors up in them to prevent the blood falling between the floorboards. Finally, they fled the crime scene and headed back to the hospital. They still had one contact lens so it couldn't have been too hard...

It must sting when something like poor eyesight is your downfall...Bud Daly!!

"Have I covered everything...?" Techno asked. Bud looked to the ceiling of the trial room and sighed.

"All I wanted...was to help my fallen angels..." She mumbled quietly to herself as Monokuma sprang up.

"Well then! It seems like this trial is over and done with! Now all you have to do is select your killer by pressing one of the sixteen buttons in front of you! Who will you pick? Will it be the right answer or the oh, so wrong one?! What's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be?!"

Third time they had to do this. Even now they couldn't look at each other as they cast their votes to activate the Monokuma Slot-Machine. The three dials spun around before all landing on Bud's face as the 'GUILTY' sign flashed red and the bouquets of flowers popped out from the side of the machine.

Class Trial!

Chapter 3: Ending

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Monokuma cackled as everyone focused their attention onto him for the obvious results of the trial. "Three for three, it was Bud Daly! Yep, you were right once again! The one that stabbed Clip to death and the one that strangled Aqua so viciously was none other than the Super Middle School Level Social, Bud Daly!"

"Hmm..." Bud hummed softly. "I never thought that there was a chance I'd get caught. Not after all the planning I had put into this murder..."

"B-Bud...why did you it? Did you really need to kill Clip and Aqua just for the student profiles?" Rip's lower lip trembled. "Was it really worth it in the end?!"

"Urgh. Would you shut up already? You're such an emotionalist. Quit being such a wimp." Bud spat back much to everyone's surprise. "Seriously, you all piss me off so much..."

"Oh great. A fake bitch." Toxic grumbled. "So what you're saying is that you never liked any of us from the start, right?"

"Of course not! Though it isn't just you all...I just hate ponies in general. I hate my talent!! I never asked to be good a socialising! What a waste of a life as well! Then again...there was one person here that I could generally tolerate. Aqua."

"If Aqua was the only one you could tolerate, why did you kill her?!" Pure snapped.

"Because she was guaranteed to see through my persona when she found Clip dead. I couldn't take that chance so I had her killed as well...I was contemplating between her and,, Techno." She grinned evilly. "Though I kind of thought that since you were unconscious the entire time, it wouldn't matter."

"And what did you hope to gain from this...? Student profiles? What kind of reward is that for the sacrifices of everyone's lives?!" Laser seemed to leap at her.

"Well...I already learned what I wanted to learn from the profiles, you see. I discovered our true natures...what we really are..." she closed her eyes. "And what I magnificent thing we are as well! I hope you'll all find out as well!" She began to cackle.

"But was it worth killing Clip over?" Techno asked, silencing her laughter. "All you wanted to do was get the profiles..."

"Whoa! That is not all I did...I helped Clip as well." She giggled. "I helped him. Clip fallen angel..." She began caressing her arms. "I wanted to restore him to his former glory like he was before we came here! So I performed one of the rituals that I recalled from my past life...he may have died from it but he's been restored for his next life! I'll be joining him soon!"

"You seriously went psycho on us...what about all the time we spent on the island with you? Does that suddenly mean nothing to you?!" Quick yelled.

"Pretty much, yeah..." She nodded nonchalantly. "But even if I hate all of you, in this remaining group I can safely say that there is one that genuinely relate to." She walked around the trial room, stopping in front of the theorist herself, Bright.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Techno grumbled.

"Bright I can tell by your expression and all around personality that you are just as done with everyone's shit as much as I am." She took Bright's hands in her own. "So when you die and come down to hell. Come find me, I'll show you a good time." Bud gave a wink before Bright removed herself from Bud's grasp.

"Yes as tempting as the offer is..." Bright fixed her glasses whilst speaking in a sarcastic tone. "I'm afraid that I have no intention of going there when I die."

"That's a shame since you really won't have a say in the matter..."

"Wait, what are you-"

"But anyway, I guess I've done all the talking necessary. Monokuma? If you would do the honours?" Bud gestured to the bear.

"Oh yay!" He jumped up gleefully. "About time! Get ready for our main event! I've prepared a very special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level Social', Bud Daly! Okay guys, let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!!"

"Later losers!" Bud stuck her tongue out.

A large red button had risen from the ground and a small wooden gavel had materialised into Monokuma's paw. He gave one last laugh before hitting the button.

Game Over!
Bud Daly has been found Guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Bud continued to laugh as the chain linked with her neck and dragged her off to the execution room. The monitor zapped on quickly displaying the image of Bud sat on a bench with her arms tied behind her back, still smirking away as if she didn't care that she was about to die for Monokuma's entertainment.

Bud Daly's Execution
Public Ridicule

Bud sat idly as a large group of cloaked ponies, griffons and other species surrounded her in a large circle. Before she was able to react, two large figures restrained her by holding her in the air by her arms and let her dangle there before two other cloaked figures walked up to her. One was holding a knife and the other had no weapon.

The one with no weapon stood in front of Bud and raised their fists before letting out a long series of jabs to her entire body. The figure's fists were moving so fast they were almost a blur to the naked eye. When the figure walked backwards, it revealed the bruised and bloodied body of Bud but she was still breathing.

The figure with the knife took their turn and stood forward. They twirled the knife and gently ran in down Bud's cheek before leaving it at her neck. Then with one flick of their wrist, blood sprayed everywhere. The figures that restrained Bud dropped her and walked away as the two that had killed her dropped their hoods...

To reveal the figures of Clip and Aqua...

Then there were nine. Nine. Why did it feel so empty to hear that? No to mention the execution, why were Clip and Aqua in it? They must have just been robots created by Monokuma or something. was surprisingly tame compared to the last execution with Enterna.

"Woot! Woot! Woot!" Monokuma repeated like a broken record. Clearly happy with his job. "Wasn't that just exhilarating?! Don't executions just get you pumped for more murder which then leads to more execution?!"

"H-h-hold the fuck up!" Toxic stuttered out. "What the hell was with that execution?!" Monokuma tilted his head in confusion. "You know what I'm taking about! Why the hell were Clip and Aqua there?!"

"Oooooh!" Monokuma nodded. "I see, I see. Well, I have animatronics of all of you just in case I want to use your island relationships in some way for the execution. That's all."

"So those were just...animatronics..." Toxic breathed out heavily.

"I still can't believe that Bud would really kill someone though..." Pure whimpered. "I mean, she actually hated us all in the end, didn't she?"

"That's something I've been curious about actually." Bright spoke doubtfully. "I wonder...why did she act? I'm not denying she hated us but what I wonder is why she stepped out of line and killed Clip and Aqua. Even if she had the desire to kill someone, she defiantly wouldn't have taken that chance. She's sneaky like that..."

"I can explain that!" Monokuma popped up. "You see, the reason for that is because Bud went to watch the movie I had directed in the theatre on Third Island."

"What exactly do you mean by that? Was there something in the movie that would have forced Bud's hand?" Paint asked.

"Well, whenever someone watched the movie, I would spray them with an odourless and colourless gas that would make them act abnormally. I call 'Despair-Oxide'. That's actually the reason some of you had experienced the weird episodes like Aqua's paranoia!"

"So those that watched the movies were the ones that acted weirdly!" Quick clenched his fists. "That explains why Laser and I weren't affected!"

"Yeah...that explains a lot actually..." Techno nodded. "I didn't see the movie but Bud did. Since I didn't start acting weirdly, I guess that means Monokuma's telling the truth..."

"Your attitude didn't change..." Paint repeated. "...hmph..." She picked up her sketch.

"I still get it though...we've been here for like nearly two weeks and Monokuma has yet to mention what exactly his true intentions are with keeping us here to murder each other." Toxic said hushed. "What are you really planning?"

"Planning? Nothing, of course! I just really needed to see some despair. Your whole world is full of hope and that in itself is just sickening. You even have a group called 'Beacons of Hope'. That is just truly despair-inducing for me..."

"Yeah right!" Monomi interrupted before the tension could rise any further. "Like anyone here is gonna buy that, Monokuma!" Monokuma's red eye sparked and his claws sharpened.

"What have I told you about speaking out of line?!" He sent a swift kick to Monomi's stomach sending her flying across the trial room.

"Owowowowow!" Monomi cradled herself in the corner.

"There's no use in trying to get him to tell us is there...?" Pure whispered to the rest of the group. "We'll never get anywhere with this guy so maybe we should get the night over with..."

"Agreed..." Paint nodded. "This is always hard on us...but we just have to press forward I suppose..." The remaining nine students entered the elevator whilst Monokuma was still bashing up Monomi at the other end of the trial room.

At Jabberwock Park, the familiar chemist had sat down in front of the statue, staring up at the stars in a trance state. Toxic couldn't get to sleep that night, there was no real explanation for it he had no problem being able to drift off after the last two trials so why...why was this one so different?

Was it because...?

"Toxic?" The voice of Pure came from the park entrance. It was strange, his attitude started to change towards her as well, he didn't feel the need to fight with her every time he saw her. "Why are you here at this time...?"

"I could ask you the same thing..." He simply responded turning his attention to the sky once again. "Why are you here...?"

"I dropped something when we left Monokuma Rock so I came back here to get it..." Hesitantly, Pure walked over to Toxic and sat beside him. "Couldn't sleep...?"

"Nope...which is weird. I try not to get attached to the others on the island and yet now that those three are gone...something just feel different inside of me..." Pure let out a faked gasp.

"Oh tin stallion, you do have a heart!" Toxic's brow furrowed. "Oh come on, I'm joking!" She nudged him. "I mean, I get what you're talking about. When Swift died I really felt like it would have been better if I had died with him. Wouldn't accomplish anything though...maybe that was Aqua's mistake though..."

"Aqua? What are you talking about?"

"The fact that she distanced herself intentionally left her vulnerable to situations she'd be forced to be with someone. That's why she was so distraught when Enterna was executed..." The two were silent for a while. "'s weird we met after all these time in circumstances like this, isn't it?"

"It's just a coincidence though, right? That trial a year ago has to relation to what's happening now." Pure frowned, unsure. "C'mon then, Ms Prosecutor. Show me evidence of a link between this and that case..."

"Well...I guess you have a point there..." Pure rubbed her shoulder. "I just we knew why we were here because it clearly isn't a coincidence..." Toxic glanced at her for a moment before looking at the sky once more.

" it isn't..." He mumbled.

Paint stood in the middle of the torture house, all evidence of the murders had been cleaned by Monokuma already. He really did act fast, though that wasn't hard to believe by this point in the killings.

"So tell me." She spoke rather loudly not turning to face the figure standing behind her. "How long have you had them...? How long have you had your memories...?"

"Hm." The therapist rubbed his chin. "I'm not sure what you're referring to..."

"Enterna mentioned Toxic had a dark aura around him...I intend to question him on that a later point but when Clip ends up dead right after he starts accusing you of being deceptive...well then I'll start getting suspicious."

"But you have no reason to suspect me, right...?"

"I'm not an guess is that you're the one that pushed Bud into killing Aqua and Clip. Am I right? Her motive had nothing to do with the student profiles...that was your motive in all of this since you knew that Techno would easily figure out she killed them."

"What an active imagination!" He smiled. "Then again you kind of need that when you're an I suppose you're starting to...get the picture?"

"Stop trying to be Smile...I know what you really are now, Memory and I'm not as bold as Clip. I won't be carelessly ranting about it to the point start doubting you so don't worry about that. What you should worry about though is what Rip is going to be thinking."


"After all...I sent her a little present..." Paint smirked as he brushed past Memory. "See how credible you are after tomorrow."

"Hmhmhm..." Memory chuckled. "Alright then, Ms on..."

Rip paced around her room, staring at the profile of Memory that had been slid under her door not fifteen minutes ago. After reading it, what was she to think, Clip had been right all along! Memory couldn't be if she knew this, what about her wellbeing? Was she going to be safe...would she be...NO! She wouldn't think about it.

There was only one person on the island she could turn to now. Though it had to wait until morning...she knew it was the only way. "Techno..." Rip whispered his name holding her clasped hands closely to her chest as if praying. "Please...please believe me..."

Chapter 3: The Despair of Healing


Chapter 3 Bonus: Alternate Executions

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Execution #1

"Ahahahahaha!" Monokuma cackled. "Three for three it is! The one that killed Aqua and Bud was none other than Clip Brunette!"

"U-urrrr..." Clip whimpered.

"Clip, say it isn't true!" Rip yelled out. "Please tell me that you didn't really kill Aqua and Bud like that!"

"I...I can't I did kill them. But you have to believe me when I say that Bud tried to kill me first! When I arrived a little late to the torture house, I found Bud waiting for me with a knife in her hand. She tried to stab me so I retaliated and attacked with my scissors...then Aqua came in. I didn't know she was gonna come! I panicked and...I stabbed her as well..."

"I don't believe this..." Techno mumbled. "I can't believe this really happened to you..."

"T-Techno..." Clip closed his eyes. "Do me a favour...never trust him!" Clip pointed at Memory. "He's evil! I'm telling you all to watch out!"

"Seriously?!" Techno snapped. "Even now you're gonna try and drag down Memory?! There's no stopping you, is there?! Y'know what, I don't even want to hear about this anymore!"

"W-wait, what are y-"

"No! I'm done! Monokuma, we're finished with him!" Everyone simultaneously gasped when he said that.

"Well, well! Never thought you'd be the one saying that...but no complaints from me! It's time for the main event to begin!"

"I don't understand..." Clip mumbled.

"I've prepared a very special punishment for the Super Middle School Level Hairdresser, Clip Brunette!"

"How are you still being played by his mind games,"

"Let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

"YOU IDIOT!!!" Clip yelled as the podium with the execution button rose from the ground. Monokuma pulled out his gavel out and slammed it down onto the big red button.

Game Over!
Clip Brunette had been found Guilty!
Commencing Execution!

Clip felt the grip of the chain as he was yanked out the trial room forcefully by his neck. The monitor flashed on to display Clip sat in an empty room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary...yet...

Clip Brunette's Exeuction
The Ultimate Style

There was a small quake as a huge clump that seemed to be a wig fell on top of Clip before two thuds echoed. Two giant pairs of scissors had entered the room. The pair to Clip's right suddenly seemed to have a mind of its own as it sprung into action. It started to snip a random parts of the huge wig as if trying to find Clip.

Not five seconds later, the pair to Clip's left joined in and started to cut the wig in various areas from the other side. Clip sat cowering with the knowledge of the pairs eventually finding him knowing that he would be powerless to stop it. The sounds of snipping at the hair got closer and closer to him.

Suddenly, there was a beam of light from both sides of the wig big enough to see the scissors preparing for their final attack, they thrust their way into the wig and positioned themselves near Clip's neck and waist and with one final set of snipping...blood hit the monitor.

Execution #2

"Hehehe! Who would have seen this turnout, eh? The one that slaughtered Bud and Clip was none other than Aqua Black!" Monokuma chortle echoed through the trial room.

"C-c-c-crap!" Aqua stuttered out.

"To be honest, it was kind of inevitable that you'd kill someone...though I never thought you'd kill Clip though." Toxic commented.

"I told you already! It wasn't my idea in the first place! Bud tried to kill me so I had to strike back, then Clip came up from downstairs and saw what I had done. In this place you can't leave witnesses so I had to kill him as well! Not only that, I was suffering from the paranoia at the time as well so I wasn't in control of what I was doing!"

"Aqua's right..." Rip sighed. "None of this was her fault, was it?"

"Dammit. It really is bad that you had to get caught up in Bud's ultimate plot..." Bright grunted. "Who would have guessed how demonic the girl actually was...?"

"I had tried to warn you all prior to all this! Why do think I kept my distance from her in particular?"

"So you knew she was faking her attitude towards everyone from the start?" Pure asked.

"Of course. In the fashion business you need to know if someone is a fake bitch or not so I obviously knew...but that doesn't matter anymore, does it, Monokuma?"

"Hmm? You want to get this over with?"

"May as well..."

"Alright then, you're the boss!" Monokuma leapt up. "It's time for the main event! I've prepared a very special punishment for the 'Super Middle School Level Fashion Designer', Aqua Black!"

"Alright then, peace out, everyone!" Aqua smirked.

"Let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiit's PUNISHMENT TIME!!!"

Game Over!
Aqua Black Has been found Guilty!
Commencing Execution!

The chain shot out from behind Monokuma, clutching onto Aqua and dragging her off into the execution room. The students watched as the monitor switched onto to display Aqua standing on the end of what appeared to be a runway for fashion shows with a crowd of Monokumas as the audience.

Aqua Black's Execution
A Loose Thread

Monokuma appeared at the far end of the runway. He raised his arm, and an automated bow fired a sewing needle like an arrow, with a long thread attached to it. The students watched in horror as the needle plunged into Aqua's back allowing her blood to spray onto the floor. It had received a few cheers from the crowd.

Then the needle curved upwards and shot through the top half of Aqua's stomach before curving up once again and repeating the process. Eventually the needle had risen to Aqua's throat, one more stab through had been the finishing blow as Aqua feel to the ground. The crowd of Monokuma's cheered as Aqua's corpse laid on the runway with one hand hanging over the edge. It had been done.

The fashion designer was dead...

Chapter 3 Bonus: Killer and Victim Free-Time Events

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Clip Brunette (1)

"Hmhmhm..." Clip smirked. "I knew eventually you'd come to spend time with me, y'know? We were meant to-"

"There was nobody else to talk to and I needed to pass the time..." Techno interrupted Clip's fantasy.

"Hmph. Bit rude, y'know. You should only be coming to me if you actually want to talk about something with me, otherwise it's just being mean!"

He's acting like a five-year old... Techno sighed. Well I suppose I should ask him something... Techno thought for a second before asking. "Why a hairdresser?"

"Hmm? Oh, you mean like, why did I start?" Clip raised an eyebrow with interest in the question.

"I guess?" Techno shrugged. It was the first question that came into his head.

"Well...I suppose if you must know. My older brother had a small, er...incident one day at school, wasn't that bad just a science experiment gone wrong which, uh, burned his was a complete mess."

A science experiment? I'd rather hear about that...

"Then when he was asleep I was feeling sorry for him, so I grabbed a hair of styling scissors from my mom's room and I managed to recreate a shorter version of the style he had last time. It was in the morning that I realised I got my cutie mark as a result of it..."

"Wow, really...?" Techno responded with minimal effort or interest.

"Hey!" Clip snapped. "If you're actually gonna come talk to me again, at least listen properly!"

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Clip Brunette (2)

"So?" Clip started slightly irritated. "Are you actually going to listen to me this time?"

"Yeah, there was something I wanted to ask you."

"Oh?" Clip's eyebrow arched. "Alright then, let's hear it..."

"It's just you actually have any friends on this island?" Clip raised an eyebrow. "I mean, you always seem to be by yourself whenever I see you."

"Oh...well, first of all, I know that Laser and Aqua seem quite fond of me but I will say that the closest people I have to friends on this island are Rip and Quick..."

"Really? But Rip's always doing something with Memory or helping someone out, and when she isn't, she's over at the beach with her surfboard."

"Wow, you really know a lot about Rip's schedule, don't you~?" Clip grinned. Techno blew his cheeks out and looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Clip giggled at his response.

"Sure you don't." He winked. "Don't worry about it, the fact that you practically stalk her won't turn her away...probably.."

"Hey! I am not stalking her! I just...know a few things about her...she's a person of routine from what she's told me, alright?! Nothing more!"

"What ever you say, Techy. So, I guess back to your question...those two would defiantly be the closest to friends that I have...most of the others I don't get much of a chance to talk to."

"I get what you mean by that anyway..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Clip Brunette (3)

Geez...I came over here to make a conversation with Clip but...I don't really know what to talk to him about. There's not much to him, is there...?

"Say, Techno." Clip looked at him, dead in the eyes. "What...what do you think of me?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean...if someone asked you to use a few words to describe me...what would you use?"

"Well...I guess I'd say that you're a real kind of guy."

"R-real...?" Clip's eyes widened. "Could you explain what you mean?"

"Well you aren't afraid to act how you want even if people might find your attitude or personality annoying. There's no strings attached to you, you're just you." Clip's mouth hung for a moment of stunned silence.

"Y-you..." He rubbed his forearm and looked away. "You're the first person to not mention my sexuality when I ask that question..."

"Well there is that but it doesn't really matter much does it?"

"T-Techno...thank you." He smiled. "I really needed that."

"Clip? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really."

He says that...but, he acts like something is bothering him...maybe there is more to Clip than I first thought.

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Clip Brunette (4)

"So what was that all about?" Techno started. "Last time we hung out?"

"I don't get what you mean, honey."

"I mean the fact that you were so uncharacteristically distraught. It's not like you, something bothering you? Did somebody else say something?"

"Oh, uh...n-no. Nobody said anything, it's just..."

"Just what?" Techno asked with an anxious feeling.

"'s just what you'd it expect it to be. There are people out there who...y-y'know. Find me uncomfortable to be around. Linking me with stereotypes and stuff like that."

"That's kinda dumb. Why should they care about how you live your life?"

"I know that, that's why...why I act the way I do..."

"The way you act?" Clip nodded. "I don't understand."

"It's nothing to major, don't think to much about it. Just know that I always have a way of getting back at homophobic assholes..."

"Well that's good. Better than living your life in the shadows."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired

Clip Brunette (5)

"I'm guessing you want to know how I do it?"

"How you do what?"

"Remember what I said last time? About getting back at homophobic assholes? I always have a way."

"Actually now that you mention it, I was curious when you mentioned that last what is it that you do?"

"I do what they expect me to."


"Don't you get it? The only way I could have gotten back at them is living to their expectations. It makes them hate me more...and that's what I want. If they say they hate me because I 'act gay' then it draws them out in society, doesn't it? The world has changed over the years, hating someone over sexuality is just wrong. People would never have minded them saying that cause they didn't realise that it didn't matter who someone loves. Now anyone that's like that becomes a social outcast...and rightfully so! They deserve everything they get!" Clip's lower lip began to tremble. "I...I do end having problems with myself though..."

"What? What problems?"

"I've forgotten how I really act...I've acted differently for so long, I'm scared to be myself in front of everyone in case I get judged in a completely different way than I'm used to..." Techno was silent for a second.

"That's stupid." Clip looked up. "You can act like yourself whenever you want. Nobody would think differently of you...I won't judge you no matter what."


"Tell you what! How about you and I go to the beach tomorrow, just us?"

"Wait, are you serious?!" Clip flushed. "B-but, you always say you're-"

"It can be a fake date." Techno put his hands in his pockets. "Everyone deserves to be comfortable with who they are and that includes you, so for tomorrow only, I'll go on a 'date' with you."

"I, uh...I don't know what to really say to that...t-thank you is the least I can say to express how that makes me feel."

Even if I didn't really get along with Clip at the start, I can see that he really is a normal guy. I hope the time we spent here on the island will let us be friends for a long time...

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Clip's underwear:
Clip's favourite boxer-briefs, they're white and light blue stripes, apparently the colour scheme reminds Clip of someone close to him.

Aqua Black (1)

"So, let me ask you something right from the get-go." Aqua started with a grin. "How come you wear those glasses with tinted lenses?" Techno raised and eyebrow and adjusted said glasses. "I mean, I'm guessing you aren't blind or anything and it isn't some sort of statement since I can't for the life of me picture you making a fashion what is it?"

"I...I guess I just like these. They remind me of the ones my favourite music artist wears." Techno smiled.

"So you listen to DJ-Pon3? I thought you didn't like dubstep?"

"Er...I may or may not have just said that to spare Boom's feelings..." Aqua laughed slightly at that.

"Wow, never would have taken you for a deceptive one. I like that." She folded her arms.

"Now, let me ask you something."


"How come you only seem rude around everyone but me?" Aqua paused before bursting into a fit of laughter. "What?!"

"Ahahahaha! Oh Celestia, that was great!" She took a breath. "The only reason I'm being nice to you is because you just seem to be the least irritating out of everyone."


"I mean, have you met our group? Toxic and Bright get up everyone's noses, Pure is so freakin' whiney, Laser's a psycho, Memory and Rip are practically air-heads and don't even get me started on fucking Quick and Paint. Oh! Or that bitch, Bud!" Aqua took out a nail file. "Let me give you a piece of advice: Never be to trusting of those around you. You'll always get hurt in the end..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Aqua Black (2)

"Hey, Aqua. Let me ask you something this time?" Aqua folded her arms, awaiting the question. "Well you just don't seem all to trusting of anyone, why is that?"

"Hmph. It's just how I learned to live in the fashion industry." She began to file her nails. "It's tough, like the music industry, the fashion industry is all about originality and being able to make an impression on your target audience. If you mess that up, you're out."

"But that doesn't really explain why you aren't trusting of anyone here."

"In the environment I worked in, it was everyone for themselves, people were jealous of my capabilities as a designer so they always tried to steal my ideas or try to get me fired from the place I was hired at, so I had to make sure I let nobody close enough to do such things. Understand?"

"I suppose so, but you shouldn't worry about me!" Techno smiled. "No matter what, I'll be your most trustworthy friend, alright?"

"Tch!" Aqua's tongue clicked. "Then you can start as an assistant for me. Go fetch me a coffee, then we can continue talking, got it?"

Even if she is kind of demanding, there is something oddly intriguing about her...I want to know more...

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Aqua Black (3)

"Well, how about instead of talking about your personality and attitude this time...what was life like for you before you came here?"

"My life?" Aqua pressed one of index fingers on her lips in thought. "Well, I'd have to say that it was a rather tacky life to be see, I lived on a farm that my family ran. It was mostly my older sister though...the biggest problem was that I was no good a manual labour despite my physical strength being higher because I'm an earth pony."

"So you turned to fashion designing?"

"Not right away...I did want to do something creative but I'm not very good a things like cooking or music. I suck at understanding things like math and science, I was alright at writing but I could never do something productive with it...and then one day I just sat down and sketched out a design for a dress. That was when I got my cutie mark."

"Oh, I see, seeing as how you present yourself now I don't suppose you enjoyed living on that farm."

"No, the farm was alright, I lived with a caring family...but..." Aqua bit her lip. This was the first time Techno had seem her hesitate on something. "But, you know that nothing is ever perfect, right?"

"What do you mean? You seem kind of saddened all of a sudden..."

"It's nothing, I'm fine...but I think I should get going. I have somewhere I need to be..."

"Oh, um...alright then. I guess I'll see you later then." Techno watched as Aqua turned and walked away. What was that? For the first time since I came to this something really eating away at Aqua?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Aqua Black (4)

"Techno...sorry about last time. I was just busy with something so I had to leave early...but today I'm completely fine so you ask me anything..."

"Well then. Why wasn't it perfect?"


"Last time you said that nothing is perfect. I don't disagree but I want to know why you said that about the farm you lived on."

"Oh, that. Well if you must know, when I was born, I had a very rare heart condition that could only be cured by transplant. Unfortunately, my blood type is extremely rare as well from within the area I lived. So for the transplant to work, the only person I could get the transplant from older brother."

"And since you're standing here now..."

"Yeah. He went through with it, there wasn't a lot of time, the condition would only allow me to live around a week after birth and the operation wasn't cheap either...but it was what he wanted."

"...what was his name?"

"Polar Rink. From the pictures I saw, he had amazing platinum blond hair and he was always happy no matter what happened. He was a generous guy as well, he sacrificed his life to save mine...h-he...he was only ten when it happened..." Aqua seemed to be holding back tears by this point. "After the operation, my family were left in poverty because of how much it cost. I'm sure...I'm sure they blame me for that."

"Aqua..." Techno spoke softly.

"If I was never born then...m-my brother would still be alive..." Techno was taken aback by what came next. Her tears. Aqua had actually begun to cry...

"Aqua..." Techno walked forward an put her head to his shoulder. "You shouldn't blame yourself for something that was out of your control. Your brother must have seen what a great person you would become in please, don't cry."

"I, I'm not crying you I-idiot!" Her whimpering voice said otherwise though.

"It's fine...I won't tell anyone. And let's make sure nobody sees you like this either, but cry all you want, I'll wait for you..." Techno closed his eyes. She acts so tough...yet, she's just as delicate as she looks. This must be her insecure side showing...I...I want to protect her, I'll protect Aqua if it's the last thing I do!

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Aqua Black (5)

She...she must still be embarrassed about last time. Her face is slightly red and she hasn't looked at me much let alone speak.

"S-sorry..." Aqua spoke softly. "About last time, I shouldn't have stressed out like that..." Techno shook his head in response.

"No, don't blame yourself for it. You can't control your emotions, Aqua. But why have you been holding them back? Why do you feel the need to be like that?"

"B-because I was always taught by my father, 'If you can't control your feelings then you can't control your life'."

"That's so stupid!" Techno stood up from the sunbed they had been sitting on. "Why the hell would anyone teach their kid that?!"

"Say what you want but my dad does know a few things...he was the top athlete and the top scientist when he was only nineteen. He would have defiantly been a Super High School Level if it was a thing then."

" shouldn't have to live by his rules, you should be living by your rules."

"Easy for you to say!" Aqua snapped with a snarl. "You haven't had parents like that when you were growing up!"

" are right about that." Techno paused. "What do you want right now?"


"I want to help you live life your way, I'll do anything to help you."

"T-Techno, what the hell are you saying?! Did you hit your head when you woke up this morning?!" Techno laughed slightly at her comment.

"Nope. I just want to help you be happy." Aqua blushed in response. "I'll do whatever you need me to do to make that happen. So, Aqua, what'll it be?"

"Um...well, I, uh..." Aqua seemed to fumble with her words. "You the model for my clothes line...?"

"Eh?" Techno tilted his head.

"I could be the model-"

"Aqua. Seriously?"

"B-be the model for my next clothes line!" She face had gone completely red. Techno looked down at her for a while before letting a small smile form.

"Sure, if that's what you really want me to do." Aqua looked up, wide-eyed with shock. "I'll become your own personal model."

"T-Techno...thank you..." Aqua then gave the most sincere smile she had given in a long time. It was as if, Techno had revived her soul. "I'll make sure to work hard...So let me get closer to you..."

"I will too then." Techno smiled back as the two shook hands. All this time, we've all misunderstood Aqua's behaviour. Now I see just how wrong we were...Aqua is truly a good person on the inside. I hope that once we get off the island, we can build on what we've laid the foundation for. A perfect friendship...

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Aqua's Underwear:
A simple pair of black underwear. Aqua doesn't mind throwing these away since she can always just make new ones. Maybe it's just luck she gave away her favourite pair.

Bud Daly (1)

"This was so nice of you, Techno. I've been so focused on trying to get Aqua to like me that I haven't had much relaxation time."

"Heh, I could see that just from how much you were trying." Techno smiled.

"So, Techno, I never actually got to ask you about what you thought about our situation here." Bud clasped her hands in front of her. "I want to hear everyone's opinion on it."

"Well, obviously I think we're in the worst situation possible, with Monokuma trying to get everyone to kill each other, how long will it be until this turns into a full on battle royal with one person left standing?"

" you see like that, do you?" Bud sighed and turned away.

"Why? How do you see all of this?"

"I see more as a way we can all grow closer. If none of us ever kill each other then we can just live peacefully on this island."

"You would really prefer to live here forever?!"

"It's better than turning on everyone and murdering each other, isn't it? Or are you okay with everybody else dying?"

"Of course not! I just want to get off the island, everybody does!" Bud sighed once again.

"Techno...I'm a realist. I have to look at what's most likely to happen in this island and unless we can all prevent the murders. We all die here. The other option of course is to just live in harmony with each other. No killing means no despair, right?" can you even think like that?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Bud Daly (2)

"Hahhhhh...." Bud breathed happily. "The fresh island air is so nice."

"I don't really get the difference. Air is air."

" don't get out much, do you, Techno?"

"W-what makes you say that?" Techno frowned, knowing that she was right.

"Well anyone who spent a lot f time outside would be able to tell the difference in the air. Such as this place, the salt water can affect the air to give a lighter feel when you inhale rather than when you breath in a big city like, say, Baltimare."

"Er...well, I suppose you're the type of person to be going out with friends on a daily basis."

" would think so, wouldn't you?" Bud sighed. "Unfortunately, I'm always busy so I make the most of my time that get since I don't actually get much time to spend with my friends."

"What kind of things keep you busy?"

"Mostly normal things. Schoolwork, afterschool clubs, stuff like that."

"And the rest?"

"Um..." Bud hummed for a bit. "Just some stuff, yeah?"

What was that just now? Is Bud hiding something?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Bud Daly (3)

"Uuuuu...Techno, can I ask you something?"

"Bud? What's wrong? Did something happen to you?"

"D-do you like me?"

"What? Why are you asking that of all things?"

"B-because, Aqua yelled at me today and said 'everyone's just pretending to like you!' B-but that can't be true, right?!"

"Bud, she was probably just angry or something. Aqua's always in a bad mood."

"Why doesn't she like me though? All I've tried to do since we got here is to be nice to her...I fell so..." Her eyes flared up for a moment. "UNDERAPPRECIATED!!"


"A-ah! S-sorry about that. It was just a little frustration."

That was just a little bit of frustration? Techno folded his arms. "Maybe you've just been trying to hard in getting her to like you."

"D-do you think that's it?"

"It's most likely. I mean, you're the Super Middle School Level Social. Your talent is based around making friends."

"That doesn't mean everyone will like me, Techno..." Bud glanced away.

"Just give it time, Bud. There isn't anybody that could have the ability to dislike you..."

"T-thanks. Techno..."

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Bud Daly (4)

"Geez, this freakin' sucks!" Bud yelled out.

"What's up? You're in an unusually bad mood."

"I was at the supermarket earlier looking for this really amazing album that my dad always used to play when I was a kid. I forget the band name though..."

"Oh, I see. Wait...I think that's the first time you've ever mentioned your parents."

"I guess it is. Never really had a reason to talk about them."

"What were they like? Were they good parents?"

"Well, I never knew my mom. Y' mom died when she was giving birth to it's always just been me, my dad and my two sisters. I never really got along with my sisters so all I had was my dad."

"But it's kind of normal to not get along with your siblings, isn't it? I mean, I hardly ever get along with my brother."

"Well it wasn't like that. My whole sibling relationships are based on being the best at everything. I wasn't going to lose to them any time soon and unlike them I could make friend upon friend. They didn't have that kind of talent."

"At least you're all able to have a sisterhood like that. Most can't even have a rivalry."

"I...I guess that may be true. Doesn't matter though...I'll never be able to see my family again."

"Sure you will! I promise you, Bud, we're defiantly gonna leave-"

"Techno!" Bud surprisingly snapped. "How many times do I have to say it?! No matter what we attempt to do, we will never be able to leave this island!"

B-Bud...why...why are you thinking like this? What is going on inside of your head?

*Ding!* Hope Shard Acquired!

Bud Daly (5)

"Hey, Bud. I never really got to ask last time but, what was it about your dad that made him so important?"

"Ah...well, probably because...he's been the only person I've been able to rely on my whole life."

"The only one?"

" see, since I was always busy with things like schoolwork and such, the only one I saw on a regular basis was my father. He was always looking out for me and I think that...he might have been the only one I could have counted on. No matter what happened, my dad would always be there looking out for me."

"I get it now. Though, if he was the only one you could rely on why did you make so many friends?"

"W-well, I couldn't really help it. My talent is an always-occurring thing so I just make friends unintentionally. In all honesty, I wish it wasn't my talent..."

"Why would you say something like that?! Your talent is amazing!"

"Is it though? I don't even know how many people like me for me instead of my talent! That's frustrating, Techno! Who can I call my real friends? Can you even answer that?!"

"Yeah, I can."


"I'm your friend, Bud. Your real friend. I can tell because...I feel it in my heart that after all this time, it would be impossible for us not to real friends." Bud seemed silenced by Techno's words. "So, Bud. Allow me to ask you: Do you want to be my friend?"

"I...o-of course you idiot!" Bud smiled wildly. "D-do you realize how many people have said something like that to me? Zero! You're the first person to ever say that...thank you, Techno..."

That's what I was looking for all this time. Bud's smile. Her real smile...there was always something off about her and I now know what it is. She was saddened by her talent...Bud, let me become your true friend.

"Techno...thank you...I think...I think you might be the reason that I'm finally ready to try and leave. Let's get off this island with everyone else!"

*Ding!* Flower of Hope, Complete!

Item Got!

Bud's Underwear: Bud's favourite white lace-panties. Her first token of friendship to her first friend. You should feel honoured!

Chapter 4: (Ab)Normal Days Part 1

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Chapter 4: Can a SMSL Surfer find a SMSL Traitor?

Toxic sighed as he sat down at one of the tables in the restaurant. "Yep. Same shit as always." He spoke loudly as he began to eat. "It's better breaking the silence right off the bat, isn't it?"

"God, could you be any more obnoxious?" Pure scolded. "Hello, we just had three die yesterday and you're just sitting here eating like it didn't concern you."

"Guys, I am really begging you. For once, can you two just not bicker in the morning?" Techno asked with annoyance. "Besides, we're the only ones here. Where the heck is everyone? Especially Bright, I'd expect her to be here straight away."

"She must be sick." Toxic slouched in his seat. "There's no other reason that Bright would ever be late for our daily meetings."

"That doesn't explain the others though. Do you think they might be holding some secret meeting without us? I mean, Memory and Rip are also here pretty early. I can believe that Quick and Laser wouldn't be here on time since they like to sleep late." Pure paced around the room. "Maybe I should go looking for them..."

"Yeah, you do that." Toxic said, giving little care about what Pure actually did. Pure scowled at Toxic before leaving with a bitter expression on her face. Now all that was left was Toxic and Techno. After the few torturous seconds of silence that the two had created, Toxic looked over at Techno. "Say, Techno?"

"Hm?" Techno looked at the chemist. It wasn't like he had ever had a proper conversation with him before. "What's wrong?"

"I was wondering something and I think you're the only person I can ask about it...y'know with Bud's execution last night? Well, for the first time, I think I actually felt distraught about it and I don't know why..."

"Well, Bud was kind of hiding the fact that she hated everyone, that should have stung you a little..." Toxic shook his head in response to that. "Then what is it?"

"I was kind of like a sad, pitiful feeling I had for her...but I didn't even have that feeling when Enterna was executed, nor Boom. Do you think that's strange?"

"Not, let me put it this way- since we've been with Bud longer than Boom or Enterna, we felt closer to her than them so when she was killed, and after confessing something like that. I guess it just made us feel worse?"

"..." Toxic glanced away for a moment. "'re to nice, you know that?"

"What do you-" Before Techno could finish speaking, Toxic had already stood up to leave. "Toxic, wait. There's something I need to ask you as well."

"What?" Toxic asked without looking at Techno.

"Before Enterna was executed...what did she mean by you lying to us?" Toxic clicked his tongue to respond. Without giving any sort of answer, Toxic turned and left swiftly with his head down and hands in his lab coat.

Toxic...what is it you want to hide from us? Is it really that bad...? Techno let out a heavy sigh, thinking he was alone. Thinking.

"Bwah!" Laser yelled out, appearing from underneath the adjacent table to Techno.

"Sweet Luna!" Techno gasped. "What the hell?! Were you there the entire time?!"

"Of course I was." Laser stuck her tongue out and smirked. "I was listening in on all the juicy gossip that was being said! Who would have guessed Toxic was hiding a dark secret? Well...I guess everyone after chapter two's ending."

"What do you mean chapter two-, oh, never mind. Do you who where everyone's disappeared to?"

"Oh! Yeah! I knew there was a reason I came here!" Laser giggled. "I'm supposed to tell you that the gate to Fourth Island was opened up by Monomi. Though...right now she's kind of out of commission since we found out by Monokuma asking us if we knew what happened to his Monobeasts..."

"Well why didn't Pure, Toxic and I know?"

"Cause Monokuma was going around each cabin to ask and when he got to me I told him that Monomi probably had something to with it!"

"Y-you ratted Monomi out?!" Techno yelled at her. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I dunno, I do what I feel like..." Laser shrugged. "Anyway, come on! I think you'll enjoy the new island, everyone will...but...I suppose I'd better catch up to Pure and Toxic to let them know, so you should probably go on ahead..." Laser patted Techno on the head twice before running off to find the two.

I swear, there is something wrong with that girl... Techno sighed.

After he had finished up at the restaurant, Techno had walked to the gate to Fourth Island by himself, looking to the left of him, the fifth Monobeast could be vaguely seen. That meant only two more islands were left for him to investigate, Fourth and - presumably - Fifth Island.

Techno shoved the thoughts of the final island aside and ventured down the bridge. First Island seemed to be the main tourist-y place, Second Island seems more historic with it's ruins and library, Third was for some party night...I guess...but, what makes Fourth Island different, I wonder?

As the silhouette of the island began to take shape, Techno was rather shocked by what he was greeted with, stepping onto the island's land. It wasn't anything like the other islands, rollercoasters were seen spread across the island, food stalls and what seemed to be a haunted house attraction stood tall, it was bright and colourful and unlike the other islands it made Techno seem almost at ease. There's...a theme park here?

"Ah, Techno!" He heard the familiar voice of Quick to his left. "I was wondering where you were! I guess Laser finally caught up to, Toxic and Pure?"

"Uh, yeah, you could say that, I guess." Techno scratched the back of his head. "More like she just waited in the restaurant until I was alone, listening to my conversations."

"Yeah she does have a tendency of doing that, doesn't she?"

"Wait, you mean to say she does that on a regular basis." Quick nodded in response. "...actually that's not so surprising. So, have you had a chance to look around the island yet?"

"Oh, yeah. It's pretty interesting to say the least, it's defiantly not like other theme parks though...I guess it's to be expected since Monokuma's now running this island..."

"True...I suppose I should take a quick look around then." Techno turned to walk down the path. "I'll see you later, alright?"

"Sure, man! Oh! And if you see Bright, make sure you tell her that I need to talk to her about something!" Quick yelled to him as Techno continued down the street.

This island's atmosphere is pretty nostalgic. Can't remember the last time I actually went to a theme park...must have been at least five years since I last went to one... Techno smiled to himself, replaying the memories in his mind. I hope I can go back to those peaceful times when we get off this island...

The place that appeared first on the path was the haunted house...though, it seemed the sign had said something different before. However, someone had crossed whatever it was and wrote 'haunted house' on the sign. The house itself didn't seem to be all to scary though, it seemed like a cottage in the woods that you would hear about in any fairy-tales. There seemed to be some rubble and a stand where a statue would be displayed in the garden beside the house and shifting through it all was Paint.

"Oh, um...Paint? What are you doing?" Techno walked into the garden, confused with what exactly Paint was trying to do. "Did you drop something in the rubble?"

"No...I'm just hoping there might be some clues in here." She replied without looking up.

"Clues? Here of all places? Aren't you kind of putting to much faith in some pile of stones?" Techno folded his arms.

"I expect the worst and hope for the best. Every. Day. Of. My. Life." She emphasised each word causing Techno to give her a strange stare. "You're more than welcome to help me, but I prefer to work alone."

"I've noticed." Techno mumbled. "So, what's the deal with this house, who does it belong to?"

"I think it belong to Monomi...just a guess though..."

"Why do you say that?" Techno looked over at the house, confused at how Paint had arrived at her conclusion.

"Monomi's name when she first arrived here was 'Usami' - until Monokuma remodelled her -, then when I looked at the front of the house, the sign on it said 'Usami's House; Please do not disturb!'." Paint paused, throwing one of the pieces of rock to the side. "Like I said, just a guess."

Why are there so many weird people on this island...? Techno sighed. "Isn't Monomi broken or something...?"

"Yes indeed!" Monokuma yelled, jumping from behind the stand where the broken statue once stood. "Poor little Monomi is a pretty bad machine. She's been the one destroying all my Monobeasts, so, for the next few days, I've decided to cut her power source!"

"Power source? You mean Monomi isn't remotely controlled?" Paint asked, suddenly interested.

"Oh, she's controlled via radio waves. So, I had to put some waves of my own to interfere with them! I guess I'll probably let her switch back on after the next class trial."

"You're already planning for that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Techno snapped. "Do you honestly think that after this much time and all the things we've went through, someone will still commit murder?!"

"Geez, you talk to much, y'know that? You're just like that guy...what was his name...Haj- something...? Oh, who cares?! The point is, you've said that previous times before and you've been through three class trials since ya' got here. May as well accept that you can't do anything. It's kind of sad when you think about it..." Monokuma giggled.

"No, what's sad is that someone is so low that they would force middle school students to kill each other. For no reason, I might add!" Techno argument forced Monokuma to go silent.

"He's right, you know? If you gave us a valid reason for why you've put us all up to this...then maybe we could finally say this is anyone's game. The real battle of hope and despair would begin."

"Well..." Monokuma looked down to the ground. "It's not like me making each other kill you was anything you had to do with. If you want to blame anybody...blame the Beacons of Hope..."

"E-excuse me?" Paint turned, actually having a reaction in her tone of voice. "What to the Beacons of Hope have to do with all of this?!"

"The Beacons of Hope refer to the survivors of Hope's Peak Academy's first mutual killings. They're also the cause of you guys being sent to this island!"

"That can't be true!" Techno exclaimed. "There's no way that the Beacons of Hope would-"

"Well...I guess you guys can believe what you want...but if you really want to find out the truth, I guess you'll just have to wait..." Monokuma's red eye flashed before he vanished into thin air once more. Paint and Techno exchanged looks. Techno was caught off guard when he saw that Paint seemed distraught...or with the fact that she was actually displaying emotion in the first place.

"There's...there's no way, right? That was probably just Monokuma lying to us..." Techno asked worryingly. "Cause...the Beacons of Hope..."

"Of course not..." Paint spoke, trying to regain her usual composure. "Though...look on the bright side, it would mean that Monokuma gave us some valuable information after all this time." The artist paused. "Maybe it would be best if we kept this between us...I don't want the others to freak out."

"Yeah, you're right. There's no telling how the others might react to hearing that." Techno folded his arms. "A-anyway...I still need to check out the rest of the island, so I'll see you later."

"Likewise..." Paint nodded.

Techno couldn't stop thinking about what had occurred at the haunted house as he arrived at his next destination, the ghost train. The decorations for the place was certainly fitting, there were torches with blue flames burning bright and there were pieces of wood that were hanging from the structure...surely that was intentional?

"Techno!" Bright's voice pierced the silent atmosphere. "It's good to see that you're here. Looks like Laser had completed her assigned duty."

"Were you the one that told her to come and inform Toxic, Pure and I?" Techno guessed. Bright nodded and smirked. "She does seem to have taken a liking to you."

"Laser's like a little lost puppy, I won't lie. She'll do what I want if she thinks that it'll help her in the end." Bright opened her book. "I'm guessing that you were about to ask about the ghost train, weren't you?"

"Uh, did...oh, right. Super Middle School Level Theorist..." Techno scratched the back of his head. "Well? Is there anything worth mentioning about it?"

"Well there is the fact that it is completely out of commission. Not to mention that there doesn't to be any control panel to operate it anyway..." She fixed her glasses. "Unless there's a way to operate it elsewhere...? But I can't see that as being the answer...then again, with Monokuma, anything is possible so I probably shouldn't throw away that possibility just yet."

"So, why are you here? I thought that by now you would have investigated the entire island?"

"Actually, I have. Needless to say, it seems this island has nothing useful to offer in terms of us getting out of here. It seems that the chances of us escaping is becoming slimmer and slimmer..."

"Bright...what are the chances of us leaving this island, from your perspective...?" Bright looked at Techno briefly before letting a heavy sigh out.

"If you want my honest theory. I believe that our chances of leaving this island now, is around eleven percent..."

"E-eleven?!" Techno panicked. "You mean we've barely got any chance of getting out of here?!"

"Calm down,'s more probable that it's greater than that. I've been wrong before...I mean, you're still alive even after what I said on the day Smile was killed..."

"Those I am referring to are those that can't handle the pressure of this or are to trusting of others...if my prediction is're first. If the murders occur..." She pointed at Techno.

"M-me?!" Techno yelled, standing up. "You can't be serious!"

"Yeah!" Rip joined. "You can't just say that Techno's gonna die! That's just low!"

"And my prediction" Smile pretended to have glasses on and a book by his side. "Is that your prediction is total BS." There were a few snickers from Smile's imitation.

"Feh, this is what I mean." Bright shrugged. "The ones that rely on others, just like...Techno, was it? I guess I should learn your name before your demise..." Bright then fixed her glasses once more.

That's right. Bright had originally thought that I was gonna be killed first...yet I'm standing here after three class trials...why is that? Shouldn't I be the easiest target for everyone...?

"I don't know what it is about you Techno...there's something about you that I feel rather intrigued about." Bright rubbed her chin. "Hmph...well, it may just be nothing..."

"Well, I should probably check out what's next on the island...oh! And before I forget! Quick was looking for you, it seemed kind of important."

"Alright. I'll go and look for him...don't stray to far, by the way. Monokuma told us to meet up here once we've checked out the island. Rip was also looking for you by the way. She said she had been meaning to talk to you about something extremely important."

"R-Rip does, eh...?" Techno blushed a little, not knowing what it could have been that Rip had thought was extremely important. "Do you know where she went off to?"

"I think she's over at the rollercoaster." Bright said unsure. "She may have wandered from there though."

"Thanks for the info, Bright. I'll see you later when we all meet up!" Techno waved goodbye as he ran off. The rollercoaster was the largest attraction by a long-shot. It stretched across the entire island so there was nowhere it wasn't visible. Techno climbed through the railings that would have been used to form the line to the rollercoaster and stepped up to where the ride started.

Techno looked over at where the control panel was to find Toxic and Rip talking with each other. Looks like Toxic had finally made it here. "Oh, Techno! You're here!" Rip smiled, jumping over the gap where the ride's carriage was. "That's good...I needed to talk to you about something...actually, Toxic, could you listen in as well? I need someone else to hear this."

"Huh?" Toxic raised an eyebrow. "Sure, whatever..." He shrugged, following Rip's movements and stood with the two. "What's going on?"

"Here's the thing...I was in my cabin last night when something came through my door. I don't know who gave it to me, but...I have my suspicions...a-anyway. It was one of the student profiles..."

"Student profiles?" Toxic stopped her. "I thought Techno had those?"

"Well, apparently not all of them..."

"No, I counted them all." Techno argued. "There were sixteen, I made sure of it..."

"How many pages?" Toxic asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How many pages did each student have in their profile?"

"Well...I differed from person to person, if I remember right. Like you had two pages but Laser had three. Everyone had multiple pages...expect Memory and myself though..."

"M-Memory..." Rip bit her lip. "He's...the reason I asked you to meet me here. I think there might finally be some evidence to prove what Clip was saying before..."

Clip...why is she bringing him up at this time?

"You think...Memory's been faking his kindness?" Rip quaked at the idea. "Why would he do that? There's nothing to gain from doing that!"

"I know it sounds insane but you guys need to believe me on this. Memory is dangerous and if we get too close he'll just stab us in the back. Literally."

"My, my...what a spacious imagination you've got, Clip Brunette..." Memory's voice sounded as he appeared at the entrance of the park. "I mean I guess you like to gossip but this is just cruel, don't you think?"

"Shut up and drop the act!" Clip yelled "I already know that you're acting up! You met here with me after the class trial!"

"Did I?" Memory faked a confused frown. "I don't remember doing anything after the class trial. Well, apart from going to my cabin to reflect on what is still sad what happened to Swift and Enterna, don't you think?"

"I said shut up!"

"I really pity you, Clip...I mean. This is obviously just an attempt to get Techno away from me so you can get closer to me."

"Do we have to talk about Clip...?" Techno mumbled. Rip rubbed her upper-arm and sighed.

"Sorry...I just...I just think that you need to see it to believe me. Once we've finished our investigation, come by to my cabin, alright?"

"Sure. No problem." Techno nodded.

Meanwhile back at the haunted house, Paint was still looking around making sure everything was searched. She must have been there since the island had been opened up.

"Heya, Paint..." The voice of Memory came from behind her. Paint stood up and turned to him. "What'cha looking for?"

"I'm looking for clues, naturally. You don't seem to be doing anything productive however..." Memory chuckled at her observation.

"Just came by to see how you were...are you gonna keep pretending like last night didn't happen though? It must be tough...having to be so low-key about all this..."

"Not really. Like I told you, Rip already knows what you are now..."

"What we all are, technically..." Memory grins. "But I probably shouldn't spoil that just yet..." Paint raised an eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Tell me, Paint..." Memory ignored her question. "Why, out of everyone on the island, did you decide to send evidence to Rip. I mean, she isn't exactly the most persuasive of people...if you wanted everyone on your side, surely you'd pick someone that had a little more influence in the group such as Techno or Bright."

"No, Techno or Bright would never have made good choices for this. It had to be Rip..."

"Because she sided with Clip?" Memory guessed. "Yeah, because of Clip, I've been getting some dirty looks off of Bright and Quick...seems just about everyone is against me...oh woe is me..."

"Such a pity parade..." Paint replied sarcastically. "It won't be long though...I wouldn't be surprised if you were killed next."

"Tch!" Memory clicked his tongue. "As if...y'know, I've been thinking the whole time since last night...since you read the profile, you must know, right? You know about the secret about this island, and the secret about everyone on this island...?"

"Don't know what you're referring to..." Paint denied. "As far as I'm concerned...this island is about as real as you and me..." Paint did not get a response other than a small smile from Memory.

"Whatever you say, Ms Pallet..."

The remaining nine students eventually finished their investigations and had gathered at the Ghost train as Monokuma had instructed them to. Rip had asked Techno to keep some distance between them and Memory but unfortunately couldn't stop him from coming up to talk to Techno.

"So, Techno. How did your investigation go? Find out anything useful?" There was a split second were the thought of Techno telling him about what he and Paint had heard from Monokuma, however, if Rip was being truthful in what she had said earlier...he had better keep his distance as best as possible.

"Nothing really...this island seems to be like any old theme park." Techno shrugged. "Guess there isn't much to explore..."

"On the contrary..." Laser objected. "The food stand in here are awesome! Way better than anything I've ate over at First Island's restaurant, this stuff is the best! We should eat here everyday!"

"T-that would not be ideal!" Pure frowned. "You realise how bad that would be for your health, right?"

"The walk from First Island to here would serve as exercise at the very least." Laser folded her arms. "You tryin' to tell me the food isn't absolutely delicious?!"

"Laser, exactly how much did you eat from those food stands?" Quick asked worriedly.

" one meal from each I saw...?"

"T-there are like eight food stands on the island! Where do you keep all of that food?!" Rip yelled. Laser dug into her jacket pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate.

"Obviously I didn't eat it all of it at once...just most of it." Laser paused. "What? Did any of you want a piece?"


"Quick, no." Bright clicked her fingers.

"There was even a kitchen near one of the stands! There were so many cool tools I've never seen before! I may have took some stuff to try out later."

"I never noticed a kitchen..." Rip thought for a moment, trying to recall what she had saw.

"Really...? Was I the only that found it? Heh! Then I guess I hit the jackpot, eh?!" Laser grinned.

"Focus, will you?" Everyone looked at Bright. "I don't think I need to mention how suspicious all of this is, do I? It isn't common for Monokuma to just tell us to meet up anywhere other than Jabberwock Park. Yes, this is most defiantly suspicious..."

"Maybe you should just chill out, Brighty..." Laser giggled. "I'm sure everything's fine! He's probably just gonna give us another stupid motive! Don't think he realises that none of us would really turn on each other at this point."

"Can't believe I'm saying this but I gotta agree with Laser." Toxic smirked. "Not a chance. Not after all that...I think we finally got rid of any potential traitors."

"I wouldn't place my bets on a statement like that..." Paint mumbled quietly.

"But, where's Monokuma? He wants us to all meet up here and he himself hasn't shown himself? That's just plain rude..." Rip folded her arms.

"Ah, yes...the bear that forces us to kill each other. How on earth could he not have common manners...?" Toxic rolled his eyes. "Seriously, do you use that head of yours?"

"I, I..." Rip stuttered. "Hmm...well it does seem like we might still have some potential traitors. Maybe we should be ready for the next class trial..." Everyone looked at Rip with shock, bar Bright and Paint who seemed more intrigued. "A-ah! S-sorry...I sounded weird again, didn't I? Uuu..."

Rip...what was that just now? Techno frowned.

"Toxic, shouldn't you be, oh, I don't know, apologising?! To Rip, I mean." Pure scolded him. "That was really rude of you just now!"

"G-geez, what are you, my mother?" Toxic groaned. "Whatever, I'm sorry." He folded his arms and looked away. "You've probably got at least a few brain cells in do know Neighponese, after all..." Everyone looked at Toxic, slightly confused.

"Did you just listen to what Pure said?" Laser tilted her head. "That's so weird, like, for real! I thought you two hated each other!"

"We do!" Toxic retorted quickly. "It's just...I dunno...something in the back on my mind's been bothering me, I suppose. Guess it's making me a it soft or whatever."

"Probably for the better." Quick grinned. "It'll be better for all of us if we all just got along."

"No shit, genius." Toxic murmured, to which Pure elbowed him in the chest. "Ow!"

"We should start talking about the stuff on the island though. Even if there wasn't much, there might be something only one of us noticed." Memory folded his arms, glancing at Paint who did the same. "How about that Haunted House? Did anyone find something out about that?"

"There's nothing too interesting about that place." Paint responded quickly. "I even search through that entire pile of rubble and I didn't even find anything useful or suspicious. Though, I do know now that, that 'haunted house' is just Monomi's house that Monokuma redecorated."

"That bear has way much to free-time on his hands if he's just been going around, redoing the decor of the islands." Pure frowned and sighed. "Then again, it's better than him thinking up ways to turn us against each other."

"True enough. The rollercoaster that's near here doesn't really have anything to it either. It's just as it looks, a normal rollercoaster." Rip added. "Plus it's super fun! Toxic operated the machine so i could get a turn on it!"

"Maybe we should all go on it later!" Laser suggested. "It'll be totally fun if it lives up to Rip's words!"

"P-Pass..." Quick chuckled nervously. "I'm not so good with rollercoasters...especially ones with loops..."

"Dude, you're going green just talking about it." Toxic pointed out, slightly worried. "Anyway...where's Monokuma? Even if he is an annoying little shit, he still called us over here and it's not like him to be late."

"Yeah...where is he...?" Memory looked around. His eyes finally rested on the cart for the ghost train. "Maybe we're supposed to take the ghost train to meet him?"

"Possibly. Monokuma probably would do something like that, just to confuse us." Bright adjusted the position of her glasses. "Well, there are nine carts, everyone, hop in!"

One-by-one, the nine students climbed into the carts, bar Bright who was by the control panel. "Alright, secure yourselves in everyone. We don't know if this thing is gonna be bumpy or theory says it will be though, so keep safe!" She flipped one of the switches and hit a green button.

The carts suddered suddenly and then moved slowly into the tunnel. Bright jumped intot he back cart and pulled the safety rail down just before they were all enveloped in the darkness. "G-geez, I hate the dark..." Quick complained, somewhere from the middle.

"Do you like anything...?" Toxic said mockingly. "Seriously, quit being such a baby."

"Oh, shut up, Toxic!" Pure yelled from the front. "You'll probably get scared on this as well."

"As if, I don't get scared so easily-" The carts came to an abrupt halt. "Huh...? What happened?"

"Ah!" Rip yelped. "My cart's turning!"

"Rip? What are you talking about?" Techno asked, looking aimlessly through the darkness. "Where are you?" There was the sound of a cart starting to move again, followed by a scream that eventually faded off. "Rip? Rip!" Techno kept yelling, though he got not response.

"Shit! The bars aren't moving!" Toxic yelled angrily. "This is a trap!" There was another few screams, one male and another was female.

"That was Memory and Laser!" Bright pushed harder against the bar but to no avail. "Urgh! Dammit!" She gave up as her cart moved away from the rest of the group. "Be careful everyone!"

"Shit!" Toxic's voice faded off, followed by a scream from Quick and Pure.

"Paint! Paint?! Are you still here?!" Techno asked. There was no response. Gah! Did she seriously go without alerting anyone?! Techno yelped when his cart jolted forward at a quicker speed than he was expecting. He felt himself hang over the edge of a drop for a moment before plummeting into the eternal darkness.

Techno groaned, he sat up and rubbed his eyes behind his glasses. He fell unconcious after the ride. Wherever he managed to enter from seemed to have dissapeared. He was in what looked to be an office room one would go to if they had to see a psychiatrist or therapist. The walls were lined with dozens of books and there was a brown leather couch sitting in the middle of the room with a wooden chair next to it. He was the only one in the room, which begged the question: what happened to the rest of the group?

*Ding dong, bing bong!* The familiar jingle sounded and a monitor that was placed above a steel door to Techno's right lit up. "Upupupu! Looks like everyone's awake now! That's good, that's spectacular!" Techno groaned inwardly. He really hated this guy's voice. "Anyway, I suppose you're all wondering why you've been brought here. Well, this is your new motive! The Fourth Island Maze!"

Maze...? Is that what this place is? Techno looked around a little more, there was another monitor next to the steel door, only it was smaller and had fifteen buttons on it. Each with a student's face on it.

"I guess some of you noticed that little monitor with all the buttons. That'll let you call any other room in the maze. It's really useful so you can all stay in touch whilst you're stuck in here. Which reminds me! You're probably wondering how this is a motive, am I right or am I right? Well. You see, the fun part about this maze is, it only has enough oxygen to supply all of you for five days! That's right! You guys have to escape this maze within five days! Whoever is left, will die! No trial, no nothing. Just dead."

And now, here comes the catch...

"And..." Monokuma continued, as Techno predicted. "If you haven't guessed already. The easiest way out of the maze is to open all of the doors! How, you may ask? Obviously, you kill one of the other students! That's right! Not even twenty four hours and you already have a new motive! Of course, there is another way of escaping. Each of you nine will have one key on your person. They unlock the doors to one of the rooms in the maze. The other seven keys are hidden in specific rooms. You can work together to get out, or you can try and escape by yourself and sacrifice everyone else. If you're the only one who can escape, that does mean you get to leave as you're the last one standing. I suppose though...that's everything. Have fun guys! Try not to run of air too quickly now!"

The monitor switched off. Techno was expecting to feel some form of anger to come forth from him, but nothing happened. There was no anger or hatred that came out of him. No cursing Monokuma's name or wishing he wasn't here. It was almost like...he was use to all this. He was use to getting these motives, used to everything...he was used to the despair.

*Ring! Ring!* Techno jumped, the light of one of the buttons flashed next to the small monitor. Hastily, Techno made his way over and pressed the button that had Paint's face printed on it. The small monitor flashed on, displaying Bright who seemed to be in a room filled with sculptors and painting supplies.

"Ah, Techno. It's as I suspected." She nodded. "It seems that everyone's starting in a room that corresponds with another living student. You're in Memory's whilst I'm in Paint's."

"Correspond...? What do you mean?" Techno asked.

"It seems that the rooms all correspond with the student's talent. As I'm in Paint's, I'm in a room filled with art-related items. You seem to be in some sort of office, like a room someone would see their therapist in." She explained. "I'm going to try and find everyone else, in the meantime, what key do you have?"

Monokuma did mention something about Techno having a key on him. Techno searched his pockets thoroughly and found a small black key with a picture of Enterna on it. "Looks like I have access to the room based on Enterna...but i don't know where that is."

"It's adjacent to my room. This door the monitor is next to has picture of Enterna above it. Though, I'm not sure how far away we are from each other..."

"My next to..." Techno looked at the three doors in the room. "Rip...Swift...and Toxic." Techno looked back at her. Bright jotted down some notes.

"My room is next to Enterna, Laser, Boom and Toxic. So we have one room between us." Bright mumbled. "Very well. If I come across the key to Toxic and Memory's room, I shall come find you. Until then, try not to get worked up, alright?"

"Got it. I'll see you later, I suppose..." The two nodded to each other and the communications ended. Techno straightened up and turned back to the room. Now what am I supposed to do...? He asked himself.

Chapter 4: (Ab)Normal Days Part 2

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It was presumably midnight in a crowded city. Atop one of the buildings that overlooked the city was where Techno was sitting, a figure that seemed to be an earth pony standing behind him. The face, as usual, couldn't be made out but the voice was clearly female.

"Techno...what's wrong? I heard yelling from downstairs. Did you have an argument with the Beacons of Hope?" She asked worried.

"Tch...Why do you care?" He said venomously. "You're just like the rest of them, aren't you? God, I feel sorry for your sister for having to put up with you."

"You don't mean that, do you? You're just angry-"

"Why shouldn't I be angry?!" Techno snapped. "Everything you guys have told me has been a lie from the beginning! You said that we would all be safe! That we could reverse everything!"

"We can, it's just-"

"I should have known to never let myself believe in hope. Now all I feel is a deeper despair..."

"You have no reason to feel despair, Techno! You know why we're doing what we're doing! You know everything is for the greater good as well! So, please don't blame the others or this. Blame those that put you in this position."

"You mean the Super High School Level Despair? Nothing could ever make me hate her...she was the only one that took care of me. At least I can be myself around her...until the Beacons of Hope stepped in. Now I can't be myself. I'm back to being the ordinary pony everyone's learned to hate."

"Techno, you are far from ordinary. You're more special than anyone I've ever met, and I work with the Beacons of Hope!"

"That's just your personal opinion. That doesn't-"

"So what if it's just my personal opinion?!" She snapped. "What's wrong with it being in my eyes? Even if only one person thinks your special, that should be enough to make you realise that you are special!"

"Geez..." Techno rubbed his forehead. "You really are the 'sweetheart' of them aren't you?"

Day 2

"Techno!" Pure yelled, snapping out of the light slumber. The door with Swift's face above it was opened up...Techno rubbed his temples, he was still in the 'maze' Monokuma had set up. "A-are you okay? I came in here and you looked like you were having a nightmare or something!"

"'s good to see someone else..." Techno let out a sigh of relief. Another one of those dreams...what was that?

"I...managed to find the key to this room during my here I am." Pure pulled out the two keys she had in her possession. One with Memory's face and the other with Swift's. "I suppose I was lucky I found Memory's key in that room otherwise I would have been trapped."

"So you were in that room? How long did it take you to find that key?" Techno pointed out the dark circles that had formed by the prosecutor's eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I haven't really slept for a few hours...I was just too worried about everyone else to rest, hoping somebody would find me. So, when I realised I had the key to a door just next to me, I had to get in there. I had to find a way out!"

"So what rooms are through that way?" Techno pointed to open door. "Other than the obvious."

"There's mine. That's where I had started off. Though there are two doors I can't get through. Aqua and Quick are through there. I couldn't find any other keys in those two rooms though."

"I couldn't find keys in here either. All I have is Enterna's key and that room is connected to Paint's room which is on the other side of Toxic's, I just realised how confusing this all is." Techno frowned.

"Tell me about it...I've trying to find a map of this place but it doesn't seem like one exists."

"Obviously, the maze would way too easy if we had a map. Though I think we can assume that the rooms are arranged in a four-by-four grid. Just from the amount of doors in each room." Techno guessed.

"Yeah, I guessed that was the case. Maybe we should try to talk to the others? I mean, maybe they're close by?" Pure walked over to the monitor. "Where should I call?"

Well, if we all started in the rooms of a student still living...I guess those rooms would be a good place to start as any. "Let's call...Bright's room." Techno walked over and pressed the button. The screen was displaying an hourglass that was spinning around with 'CALLING' in blue text below it.

Eventually the monitor displayed the room, and in it stood, Rip. Techno gave a small sigh of relief, Rip and Pure doing the same. "It's so good to finally hear from someone!" Rip smiled. "Where are you two?"

"We're in Memory's room!" Techno informed her. "Couldn't you tell by the flashing button?"

"Oh...yeah, I guess I could have. Must have pressed it without looking." Rip giggled. "How are you two? Do you have a lot of keys?"

"I wouldn't say a lot...we have three altogether. Memory's, Swift's and Enterna's." Pure held up her two keys. Rip frowned in response and looked around her room.

"I only have the key to Quick's room. Do you know how far away that is?" Rip leaned a little closer to the monitor.

"Quick's room next to mine." Pure told her. "Though I think you're a bit far away..."

"She probably is. You must be at least two rooms away." Techno folded his arms. "If you aren't next to the three rooms we have access to..."

Rip sighed. "I suppose I'll just have to wait, won't I?" She paused for a little while before opening her eyes again. "By the way, do you know if anybody's came across a plain key? One with no picture on it?"

"No, why do you ask?" Techno tilted his head.

"Because there's a room next to mine with no picture above it. I have Clip, Boom, and Enterna next to me and a door with nothing above it. It's a little...ominous..." She shuddered.

"Can you show us?" Pure asked, to which Rip shook her head in response.

"Sorry, but, these monitors can't be moved and there aren't any mirrors in here. I can't just angle it perfectly so you can see it...though, if someone comes across it, you should let them know about the room."

"Will do." Techno nodded. "Take care, Rip. We'll try to regroup quickly, alright?"

Rip smiled softly. "Thank you, Techno...see you soon." She switched the monitor off and screen went black. Techno looked at his reflection in the black screen, he seemed to have a content smile.

"I'm happy...she's okay..." Pure looked at the inventor with an intrigued look. "We need to get out of here, Pure. There must be a key hidden here somewhere!"

"Even if it takes us all night, we have no time to waste! We only have four days until out oxygen supply runs out...after that..."

We'll all die if we can't escape this maze...I don't want that...I don't think anyone wants that. I have to find those keys! I have to find them quickly!

Quick groaned, throwing away another piece of scrap metal. "Still no damn key! Why did I have to get stuck with Clip's?! Who knows how far away that damn door is?!" He had been shuffling through the piles of junk in this room that was presumably Techno's, considering the vast amount of tools and machinery. Though his search for a key was turning out to be fruitless.

"I really need, like, a key detector...that's probably something Techno could build right?" Quick scratched his head and ran his fingers through his black spikey hair, adjusting his white visor he turned to the rest of the room. Mostly taken up by a giant table to work on. If only Quick knew how to use tools.

"I wonder how far away the others are though...? Maybe I should try to call someone on the monitor...? Nah...I'll probably just get in their way. I just need to do my job and get out of this maze!" The earth pony kicked away some more scrap, noticing something fly with the shrapnel. He grabbed it off the floor, examining it thoroughly.

"A...a key! Yes! Finally!" He soon realised that it didn't look like the other key he had in his possession. This one had no picture on it. "What the...? Why wouldn't this...oh Celestia...did I just find the key for the exit?!"

Quick froze, he heard footsteps behind him and the sound of metal scraping against the floor. Whoever it was had just picked something up. "Who's the-GAH!" He felt something hit against him. Hard. Quick fell into the pile of scrap, the last thing he heard was a chuckle being drowned out by the jingle for the night-time announcement...

*Ding dong, bing bong!* Pure and Techno looked over at the monitor. "Ahem! This is a school announcement! It is now 10pm and as of such, Night-time has now begun! You will not be permitted to move about during the night, so don't bother trying the doors!"

"Urgh...Techno, I'm sorry. I really want to stay up and help you, but, I'm just too tired." Pure sat on the couch.

"Okay, you go to sleep, I'm gonna keep searching for a little longer, alright?"

"Thanks, Techno...wake me up if you find something."

"I'll make sure to." Techno nodded. Pure smiled once more before lying back onto the couch and drifting off. Techno paused for a moment. I wonder if anybody else has had those weird dreams, or if it's just me... He sighed and turned back to the large bookshelf that went along the whole back wall.

The two had been tearing through all the books, flipping through to see if the key was hidden inside one, throwing them into several piles in the room to clearly examine the shelves themselves. They had managed to clear half of the shelves so far, though it looked like there wasn't going to be anything useful to find.

I don't think there are any more keys to be found in our available rooms...dammit, I wish I could just find a way to get us all out of this mess... Techno yawned and rubbed his eyes. Am I really that tired? Geez...I want to keep searching, and yet... he let out a small sigh. Guess I'll need to sleep on the floor now that Pure is occupying the couch...

Day 3

"Techno!" Pure exclaimed. They had been up for a little bit now. Monokuma had been kind enough to bring them some breakfast so they wouldn't starve. It was defiantly...questionable, though, in this situation, they couldn't go hungry. It didn't seem like there were any immediate side-effects at the very least. "I found a key! I found a key!"

"You did?!" Techno ran to her side. The key was silver with a picture of Rip on it. In response, their gazes were drawn to the door. Rip walked over to the door and fitted the key into the keyhole. The door shuddered before opening slowly for them. The room was revealed to be a large pool with some benches aligned on the opposite side of the room. There was one other room connected to it, it was the door with Smile's face above it.

" two." The monotonous tone of Paint's voice caught the two off guard. "Hi...good to finally see someone. Nobody even called the room since we got here..."

"Paint. It's good to see you're okay." Techno smiled a little.

"Yeah, same to you." It seemed kind of hollow when she said it, though it was just how Paint was. "I thought I was gonna die of starvation until Monokuma showed up this morning."

"Paint, is your hair wet?" Pure asked, noticing Paint's matted hair.

"Uh...yeah. I found a key at the bottom of the pool, so I dived into the water and grabbed it. Now I have two keys." She held up the keys for Bud's room and her own room. "Are either of these connected to the rooms you guys have access to?"

"Sorry, Paint, neither of those are keys we need." Pure said with a defeatist tone. "Now we've hit a dead end again...what are we gonna do?"

"Actually, Pure? Could you give Techno and me some privacy? I need to talk to him about some private stuff. If that's alright, of course." Paint stared stoically at them.

"S...sure, no problem...though, if i go, then won't you two be stuck in here?" Pure pointed out.

"Just toss the key to Memory's room back in here..."

"Um...o-okay..." She nodded, scurrying off. The door shuddered open once again and Pure threw the key to Techno before exiting the room. Techno caught it and place it in his hoodie's pocket.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" Techno asked. Paint seemed awfully concerned about something, the only reason Techno could tell was because whenever the artist did show emotion, it was very blatant how she was feeling.

"I...I have to confess something I've been keeping in for a little bit now..." She glanced away for a moment before taking a breath. "I've been having some...odd dreams, as of late."

W-what? Techno couldn't hide his shock. Paint as well...?

"It started just the night before Clip and Aqua died...or rather, the last night I have memories of. It was strange, I'm not usually able to remember dreams so well. I was in a dark room, like a cell, somebody was talking, but I couldn't make out who it was. I think it might have been a girl was weird, I was having a conversation with her but I wasn't picking my responses, like they had already been chosen for me."

"Let me guess, you were older in that dream as well?"

"...yes. How did you know?"

"I've been having the same kind of dreams though mine have been more frequent. I got the first one...i think it was the day after Enterna was executed or the day after. I had the same kind of dream...a dark place and I was talking to someone as if I had already had that conversation. I...I don't know why I've been getting them though." Techno lightly pinched his bottom lip with his thumb and index finger. "What do you think they mean?"

"I have no idea..." Paint shrugged. "But now...there's something I've realised that I couldn't say around's about the maze. It's not actually a maze...maze's should have exits after all."

"Huh...?" Techno's voice croaked a little, now nervous.

"This maze is actually a prison, Techno. I've gathered from what everyone said that this is actually just some form of jail for us to stay in. That's the true motive to this 'maze'. Cabin Fever."

"What's 'Cabin Fever'?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"It's when someone slowly loses their sanity because they start to believe that they'll never escape an enclosed area. Some are affected by it more than others. Monokuma most likely added the five day time limit to speed up the pace." Paint folded her arms and leaned against the door. "He's crafty, I'll give him that."

"So, the either someone's killed...or we all die." Techno shook a little. "D-dammit...why did this have to happen?"

"We can't even reunite with anyone else now." Paint gritted her teeth.

"What makes you say that?"

"What rooms did Pure come through to get to you?"

"Um...she started off in her own room and came through Swift's room to get to Memory's which is where I was stuck in...Oh, shit." Techno realised eventually.

"Exactly, we only have the keys to these rooms, which means that nobody else can get into the rooms. Only one key exists for each room, it seems." Paint sighed. "This truly is...Monokuma's most cunning trap."

"Yes, I'd agree." The familiarly sly voice came from the door to Smile's room. The two swung around to find Memory standing with what could be called a smirk formed on his lips. "This maze truly is...the worst, isn't it, Paint?"

"M-Memory?!" Techno stepped back in surprise. W-what's he doing here? I have the key to this room!

"How did you get here?" Paint growled. "Techno should have the only key to this place."

"Isn't it obvious, I just teleported through the walls?" He phrased it like a question as if he didn't quite understand how he managed to get there either.

"Illogical." Paint shook her head. "I spoke with Laser on the first day we got stuck here, she said the walls were magic-proof. Monokuma would never make it so easy to get through the 'maze' after all."

"Hmm...Then I wonder how I managed to get here then?" Memory shrugged and sauntered over to the two. "Maybe my memory should be called into question. Maybe the amnesia's kicking in again." Memory stood over Techno. Has...he always been this tall...? Techno felt the unicorn's gaze go straight through him. "Hehe..." Memory chuckled. "What's wrong...Techy?"

Techno's eyes widened. The only one that calls me that is... an image flashed in his mind. "W-what...did you do...?"

"Hmm? I haven't done anything...c'mon, you honestly think I'd hurt someone in the group? Maybe Clip really did change your opinion of me." Memory paused before his eyes widened. "Huh?" *Clonk!* Memory fell forward onto the ground in front of Techno and Paint.

"H-hey!" Techno yelled at them. "What did you do that for?!"

Bright sighed, she had searched high and low for more keys yet her search had turned out to be worthless. Sitting in the corner of the room, she gazed at the artwork that had been displayed. A few paintings, some clay models and one marble sculptor took up the rather large room. Yet, they couldn't fit one key? Lazy...

"Now what am I to do...?" She asked herself. "I can't find any keys and I have no idea if anyone will come to this room...we only have three days left...and this day is almost up. In fact, three, two, one!" She pointed to the monitor as the jingle played.

"Ahem! Attention students! It is now 10pm, and as of such, night-time had officially begun. Make sure you get a good night's sleep, tomorrow will be another hard working day!" The monitor shut off.

Bright let out another sigh and laid down on a pile of sheets she had made a pillow out of. I'm a failure of a leader to this group. there's nine of us left from the sixteen that came times students have times my promise to everyone has been broken. I don't even know why I choose to show my face to them at this point. It would be easier for everyone if I just died next...

Bright turned to lay on her side, her glasses sitting on the ground next to her. If I died...everything would be easier...

Techno was sat by a lake now. It shimmered brightly in the moonlight, like light hitting glitter at just the right angle. It was the only place that was peaceful enough to be, out of the way of everyone, away from all the bad stuff. A place where you could just clear your mind from anything bad going on in your life...complete bliss.

"It's nice, don't you think?" Techno asked the figure spying on him from a nearby tree. "Not even the Super High School Level Assassin can hide their presence from me, sorry to tell you that."

"I figured as much..." The figure, presumably female sighed. "I suppose I should ask why you decided to come all the way here...?"

"Just too...think about stuff..." Techno responded.

"Are you still unsure about turning it on?" She asked. Techno nodded slowly. "It is up to you, Techno. It would be beneficial for everyone if you did it."

"I know it would but I'm know what the consequences will be if it fails..." Techno pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I just...want to get better..."

"You will. Step by step, though. We can help you get through it, Techno. Only if you let us..." She crossed her legs, awaiting Techno's response.

"I...I know I have to do it, need to give me time to prepare for everything, okay?"

"Then I suppose I shall see you back at HQ. Goodbye, Techno." The figure disappeared.

"Bye then..." Techno sighed.

Techno awoke within the dark room, had the power gone out...? No...He was in a different room completely. The smell of chlorine that was present in the pool's room was gone now. The smell was...indescribable, as if something had just been burned, but there was no light from a fire.

M-my head...I can't be...losing consciousness...

*Ding dong, bing bong* Bright awoke groggily, she was not a morning pony.

"Well, good morning everyone! It's now 7am and as of such, night-time is officially over! And today, I'm letting everyone have free reign of where they go! All doors have been unlocked! Happy searching!" Bright put her glasses back on and formed a questioning expression. Free reign...? Something about that is ominous, especially coming from Monokuma...

Bright stood up, all the doors were now open. Picking up her book and pencil she began to travel through the rooms to see if she could find anyone. She went downwards into Boom's room, it was just a large stage with a mixing board on display. Next to it, on her left was her own room.

Now curious, she headed into the room expecting to find someone, only to find that it was empty...though...there was a door facing her with no face above it, that was pitch black and that was wide open. Not put off by the creepiness, she ventured forward to the door.

She stepped into the room and instantly gagged, was something...burning? There was no light...she felt along the walls, feeling something at her feet as she found the light switch. The stench was extreme now, she flipped the switch and for a moment, everything went white.

By her feet, covered in black burn marks across her skin and clothing, was the Super Middle School Level Surfer, Rip Tide, a pained expression on her face. Though...what really knocked Bright away was the rest of the room. Along the floor were the bodies of Techno, Paint, Laser and Quick.

Then, Bright did something...something so unexpected that she even surprised herself by doing it.

Bright screamed.

Chapter 4: Abnormal Days

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Pure, Toxic and Bright were the only ones that were there. Everyone else...was there on the ground.

"N-no way...what the fuck is this?" Toxic clenched is fists. "What the fuck happened to them?"

"They...they can't all be dead right?" Pure asked. "That would go against Monokuma's rules...only two can be killed per student..."

"So either one of them killed someone...or not all of them are dead..." Bright concluded, now having regained her composure, somewhat. "Monokuma! Where are you?!" On command, the bear appeared before the trio.

"Wow, looks like we're down to the final three already, huh?!" Monokuma cackled a little. "Just kidding of course, I only played the Corpse Discovery Announcement once, after all."

"T-then what about the others? What's going to happen to them?" Pure asked worriedly.

"Monokuma! Help them right away! You have to!" Bright pointed fiercely at the bear. Monokuma paused before looking down at the ground with slight annoyance.

"'re really demanding, aren't you? Oh well, I don't want others dying after I already made the Monokuma File so those with the more severe injuries, I'll take care of."

"How do you plan on doing that exactly?" Toxic asked. Slowly but surely, a noise was coming closer to them, the sound of..."Sirens...?" Toxic questioned before an ambulance burst through the wall of the room they were in, luckily not damaging anyone or anything, it was just a plain wall.

"Just leave the rest to me- Dr Killgood!" Monokuma said, now wearing a stethoscope. "We have to get these patients to the Monokuma Hospital ER and get them under 24 hour observation, stat! Sooo~ I'll see you later!" Before the three knew what was happening, Monokuma whisked Techno, Quick and Laser off into the ambulance, leaving Paint on the ground.

The three were left slightly shell-shocked by what had just occurred, when they looked outside, they saw that the room was at least two stories up. "H-how did an ambulance get all the way up here?!" Pure yelled.

"It might be better not to question it, that's what I've come to learn from being on this fucked up island..." Toxic rubbed the back of his head. "Looks like he left the Monokuma File for us though..." Toxic pointed to the tablets sitting on a table in the room. "I suppose we have no choice but to hope that whoever's still alive will wake up soon and help with this. For now, we gotta figure out what the fuck happened."

Toxic's right... Bright thought to herself. But without Techno here, this will be much harder to solve...then I'll have to take up the responsibility to find the killer in the group. But the only two suspects I have here... Bright looked at Pure and Toxic as they searched the room. Could either of them truly be a killer...?

Investigation Start!

I suppose the most appropriate thing to do is to establish which of the two in front of me is the victim... Bright opened up the Monokuma File to find Rip's portrait displayed, splotches on her portrait seemed to line up with the burn marks on her skin and her wetsuit. I figured this was the case...Techno will be heartbroken to hear this. It seems time of death was 9:45pm, meaning she died before the night-time announcement last night?

New Ammo: Monokuma File 4 was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

I suppose that I should try to figure out what the cause of death was... Bright knelt down to Rip's body, carefully looking over it, making sure not to miss any detail. Burn marks...but there's multiple ones rather than one large fatal burn, meaning that she couldn't have burned alive otherwise her entire body would be burned. What cause her death then?

New Ammo: Condition of Rip's Body was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Geez, this really is a mess, isn't it?" Toxic muttered to himself before turning to the other two. "We're down three because of injuries, Paint's unconscious and we have no idea what's happened to Memory! Seriously, I bet he's the one that killed Rip!"

"Whilst it is kind of suspicious that he isn't here, we shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily, Toxic." Bright pushed her glasses. "Paint wasn't taken away in the ambulance. That means she could just be faking her injuries."

"Guys! Can we not do this now?!" Pure cried out. "I just want to find out what happened, okay? Please, for now...focus on what's important!"

"Yes, I suppose you're...hmm?" Bright noticed something sticking out of Rip's wetsuit's sleeve. She carefully pulled it out in case it was something fragile. It turned out to be a blank key, it seemed to line up with the largest burn mark on her body. "Is this...the key for this room?"

New Ammo: Chamber Key was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

Getting a better look of the room, Bright noticed how...empty it was. There were a few cables in the corner but other than that it was rather barren...what was supposed to be in here? "Hey, Bright...? Can I tell you something?" Toxic asked, now suddenly next to Bright.

"Sure, what's wrong?" She turned to him.

"Well, you know how everyone started off with a key to a room? I started off with the key for Aqua's room, which was right next to Quick's room, which is where I started. Problem is, before I really got a chance to investigate that room, my key went missing. I looked everywhere for it, but it's like it vanished into thin air. Got any ideas what happened?"

He wants to hear a theory...? Bright pursed her lips for a moment. "I'm not sure where your key went...when did it go missing?"

"I suppose it must have been yesterday...? I had on the first day but when I woke up on day two, it was gone." Toxic shoved his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Because of that, I wasn't able to go anywhere..."

"You...lost your key in the middle of the night then? That shouldn't be possible. We couldn't move about at night." Bright thumbed over the pages in her book.

"Wait, you think somebody stole it from me?" Toxic raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if you has simply dropped it somewhere then you should have found it by now, don't you think? The only explanation for it is that somebody must have took it whilst you were sleeping. You didn't sleep past the morning announcement, did you?"

"No, have you heard how loud those are?" He scratched behind his ear and frowned. "I woke up in the middle of the announcement and when I checked my pocket, the key was gone."

"I'm sorry then...I'm not sure how or why, but somebody defiantly took your key. The question is what was their method of moving around the maze if they could get through the maze in the middle of night...? There are no vents either so they couldn't crawl through something like that..." She mumbled the last sentence though Toxic still managed to hear what she had said.

"Maybe they're a unicorn? They could teleport through the walls, couldn't they?"

"No, they couldn't." Pure interjected. "The walls of the maze are magic-proof. I've already tried teleporting but I get as far as the walls before I kind of just...face planted into it."

"You know the teleportation spell?" Toxic looked at her.

"Of course I do, idiot!" She grumbled. "It's one of the three basic spells unicorns are taught in school! Alongside Levitation and Disappearance! Are you trying to imply something?"

"No, geez. Stop getting so offended over such stupid stuff..."

"Maybe I don't like it when my intellect is being questioned." Pure growled back at him.

Well that's some useful information, I suppose...thank you for that, Pure. For once your petty bickering with Toxic seems to have given off something useful...

New Ammo: Toxic's Account was loaded into Bright's ElectroID
New Ammo: Maze Walls was loaded into Bright's ElectroID
New Ammo: Basic Spells was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Hey, Bright?" Toxic's face had a hardened expression. "Don't'cha think we should send someone out to find what the fuck happened to Memory? It's pretty suspicious that he's not around, wouldn't you say so?"

"Toxic..." Bright started softly. "You don't really think that Memory is capable of this, I mean, I know everyone is suspicious of him, but-"

"No. Bright. You don't get it. You never saw the student profiles. Rip did though, and now she's dead. I find that a little too coincidental, don't you?"

Student profiles...? "What are you talking about, Toxic? Techno was in possession of all the student profiles, remember?"

"Wrong." Toxic shook his head. “The night the class trial finished, Rip was in her cabin. Next thing she knew, somebody had slipped a page from Memory's student profile under her door. No idea who did it though...and I didn't get the chance to see what the page said, but I intent to find out after we get the killer! Rip was...terrified, beyond belief, I'd never seen fear like that before hidden so well in those eyes. Whatever's written on that's huge..."

Could information like that really exist? I know Memory is hiding something from everyone, but why would it be on one of the student profile pages? Of all places...then again...they were worth killing over for Bud, why wouldn't there be something that would push Memory to kill Rip?

"I'll...go look for Memory..." Bright placed her book under her arm and walked off. Pure frowned, looking at Toxic.

"Do you really think Memory killed Rip?" Pure asked.

"I do. It makes sense, doesn't it? Only person with a motive to kill Rip is Memory, so...y'know, if anybody is gonna kill her, it'll be him." Toxic turned away. "Rip..." He muttered. "F...fuck..." He started to walk off. "I'm gonna head to my room, there should be some equipment there that I can use to test the body. Be back later..."

Bright walked through the room, ending up in Techno's room eventually. It was a bleak place, covered completely in metal with tools and scrap lying everywhere. Somebody started in this room...I may as well try to figure out who. It wasn't myself, Techno or Toxic, I know that much... She started walking around the room, examining the scrap pile carefully.

As she moved the pieces around, she found a small splatter of blood on a part of the pile that had been carefully covered up. Blood...? Was somebody attacked here...? It can't be Rip, she showed no signs of blood loss...

New Ammo: Blood on the Scrap Pile was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

I should try to figure out everyone's starting points in the maze. Right now, I have to find's far too suspicious that he's practically disappeared. Bright shook her head and continued walking through the rooms, now ending up in Rip's room.

A giant pool...hmm...this would be an ideal for the killer to dispose of evidence. As if anybody could find something in such a large pool... Bright began to investigate the perimeter of the pool, looking for anything that would stick out. Walking by one of the benches, she noticed a metal bucket and a brush. I wonder... She checked the inside of the bucket to find that there were some droplets of water at the bottom. This has been used recently...interesting...

New Ammo: Pool Bucket and Brush was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Grk!" There was a sudden grunt followed by a thud from the adjacent room. Bright, in a mix of confusion and curiosity made her way over to Smile's room to find Memory being pushed onto the floor with Toxic pinning his arm against his back. A small gold ring was on Memory's horn.

"What's going on here?" Bright asked calmly. "Where did you come from?" She looked at Memory.

"Found the jackass trying to sneak past me a few rooms down. Chased him down and tackled the guy." Toxic pushed Memory's face into the floor, harder. "He's got a hell of a lot of explaining to do. Where the fuck have you been?!"

"Hey, hold the hell up and let me go, will you?" Memory complained. "I can't feel my arm."

"Oh, can't feel it? Let me help with that!" Toxic twisted his arm further, earning a satisfying yelp from the unicorn. "Now start talking, asshole." Toxic growled.

"F-fine then! I was knocked out on the pool floor up until just a few minutes ago, that make you happy? Monokuma just told me about Rip's death." Memory explained. "I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but I'm not involved in this!"

Toxic stared at the unicorn before glancing up to Bright. "What do you think? Is he telling the truth or not...?" He asked. Bright bit her nail in thought. What is this's almost as if...he's telling the truth, whilst at the same time, lying about everything. I...I don't know what to say. For now...maybe I should believe him? The evidence will do the talking once we get to the trial, so I shouldn't worry about it right now.

"We should let him go. He's most likely telling us the truth..." Bright finally answered. "Though, I hope you'll try to be as helpful as you can during the investigation, seeing as we're short on numbers right now."

"Yeah, I heard. It was Laser, Quick and Techno that got hauled away, right?" Memory asked, once Toxic released him. "Sucks. Techno's usually the one to find all the answers. This case is gonna be a tough one without him." He folded his arms. Bright adjusted her glasses, a hidden glare behind her gaze.

"I think you'll find that we won't have to rely on Techno all the time. He just gets the most done during investigations. The rest of us are just as capable of solving this murder mystery." Bright argued. "Unless you plan to interfere with it somehow..."

"Of course not. Wouldn't dream about it." Memory chuckled. "..Say...if we're all here, and Paint's unconscious...who's guarding the crime scene?" Bright's mind clicked, now realising the only person that was still conscious was...

"Toxic! We left Pure alone to guard the crime scene?!" Bright exclaimed. "Dammit! What if she's the killer?! She could be sabotaging the crime scene!"

The three burst through the door to the crime scene, Pure was standing in the center of the room, now being taken aback by the sudden entrance. "Pure!" Bright yelled. "We're sorry we left you by yourself that was irresponsible of me!" Pure paused before raising an eyebrow at the Pegasus.

" you mean?" Pure took a minute to figure out what Bright was trying to say before letting out a simple. " think because I could be killer..."

"Yeah that's basically it." Toxic confirmed bluntly. "To be honest everybody's a suspect right now..." Toxic began looking around the room again before his eyes led him to the floor. "Uh...where's Paint...?"

"O-oh, right! She woke up a minute ago!" Pure explained. "She looked around and instantly began looking at Rip's body, she didn't even wait to hear my explanation of what happened before she set off! It was...a little rude to be honest. I have no idea where she went...she didn't really say anything other than 'I'll see you later'."

"Geez, we have no control over anybody in this damn case, do we? It's only five of us, shouldn't we be keeping tabs on each other so that nobody is doing anything suspicious?" Toxic growled. "Dammit...whatever, I'm gonna stay here, I've made the luminol so I'll let you take care of the testing." Toxic turned to Bright and handed her the spray bottle. "There's a lot in there but don't go nuts, alright?"

"Got it. I'll make sure to use it properly." Bright nodded. I suppose my next goal would be talking to Paint and looking for somewhere to use this...and I have a good idea of where to use it.

New Ammo: Memory's Account was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Oh! Bright! I almost forgot! I was investigating around the room a little more and I found something weird..." Pure went behind one of the tables in the room and pulled out two cables. "These...they were in a coiled mess back here. I didn't want to touch them until you got here, just in case I erased any traces of anything..."

Bright stepped towards Pure and examined the cables closely before closing her eyes. "It looks like you found a pair of jumper cables..." What would something like this be doing in a place like this? They have to be connected to the case somehow...

New Ammo: Jumper Cables were loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Thank you, Pure. I think will help in figuring out what exactly happened. I'm sorry that I doubted you..." Bright apologised with a bow.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's natural for you to be suspicious with only five of us here." Pure shrugged it off.

"Too true." Memory chipped in, walking up to the girls. "I mean, we can rule out the three that got hauled away...which leave us three, Toxic and Paint as potential killers. I wonder why those three were attacked's strange after all, they were all in different areas of the maze, after all."

"He's is strange the killer would attack them you think they needed them for their plan to kill Rip. Though...if that were the case...why drag all their unconscious bodies to this room? There's so many inconsistencies in this..." Pure bit her nail. "Ah...if only Techno hadn't been assaulted along with Laser and Quick. Maybe we'd have an easier time figuring this out..."

New Ammo: Assaults were loaded into Bright's ElectroID

It's a question that needs to be left alone for now, otherwise we'll just stress about it for too long... Bright tapped on her book lightly. Jumper cables...I suppose I should take another look at Techno's room...

Upon walking into Techno's room in the maze, starting to now seem like a theme, Bright was once again taken aback when she found Paint looking around the room. " convenient of you to be here..." Bright gave a small smile. "I see you've finally awoke."

"Yeah." Paint nodded, standing up to face Bright. "I heard you've been getting a lot of investigating done. That's good, we need someone to be leading us right now. Did you know that there's blood on this pile of scrap?"

"Yes. I found it when I came here earlier." Bright confirmed.

"Then why did you come back? Did you remember something that piqued your interest or something?" Paint tilted her head.

"Something like that. Pure found a pair of jumper cables in the chamber, so I came to see if there could be anything that would link up with those...have you seen anything that could be used with jumper cables?"

Paint tapped her pencil on her lips in thought before pointing to the corner of the room. "I think there was a generator or something like that back there...there's also stuff like rubber gloves in here. If you're looking for a cause for the burns, then maybe electricity caused it."

"Yeah...that's what I was thinking as well." Bright closed her eyes in thought. "It feels reassuring that you came to the same conclusion...though it's not complete yet...something still feels off about everything."

New Ammo: Generator was loaded into Bright's ElectroID
New Ammo: Rubber Gloves were loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"So, let me ask you this, Paint. Where exactly where you before you turned up in the chamber...?" Bright adjusted her glasses.

"Oh." Paint twirled her pencil. "You want to know what I remember.'s not much...I just remember Memory getting attacked in the Rip's room, then I was attacked and fell unconscious. I presume the same thing then happened to Techno..."

"Do you remember who attacked you?" Bright asked.

"I...don't, sorry. It might come back to me...but it's still just a blur to me. Though the bit that's been bothering me is something completely different...I don't know how Memory got into Rip's room."

"He didn't have the key?" Bright raised an eyebrow.

"No…Techno did, and he came in with Pure, and only Pure. Then Memory turned up by the door to Smile's room. There...wasn't even the sound of the door opening, he just appeared..."

That's similar to what happened with Toxic, isn't it...? Just what is going on in this place...?

"Oh, and...Before I forget..." Paint dug into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. "Here. I made a map of the rooms in the maze, I thought it could prove to be useful. I think it would be better off with you though..." Bright took the paper from Paint and began examining the layout she had drawn up.

Floor Plans:

Rip Smile Laser Techno

Memory Toxic Paint Enterna

Swift Aqua Boom Bright Chamber

Pure Quick Bud Clip

"When...did you get the time to do this...? You didn't wake up that long ago..." Bright folded the paper and tucked it away in her breast pocket.

"I ran." Paint simply responded. "I wrote and ran."

Paint sure are...something...

New Ammo: Paint's Account was loaded into Bright's ElectroID
New Ammo: Floor Plans was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

" I guess it's finally time for those luminol tests..." Paint pointed to the spray bottle Bright was holding.

"Ah, yes. You're right...alright, I guess we should start with the scrap pile..." Bright knelt down beside the scraps and began to spray around the metal, traces reacted on the metal she had found earlier along with the metal around it reacting very slight. Though around the top of the pile was a small skewer with blood traces on the tip. Bright grabbed the skewer to have a closer look. "Strange...whose room would relate to skewers...?"

"Not sure...but I think it's a cake tester. You'd stick it in a cake and if it came out clean, the cake would be ready...I wonder why this ended up here." Paint folded her arms. "Or why is had blood on it...maybe it's connected to the case..."

"Yeah, maybe..."

New Ammo: Cake Tester was loaded into Bright's ElectroID

"Alright, well, that seems to be it for the scrap pile, let's focus on the floor now..." Bright stood up and began spraying the ground around them. The blood began to direct them through several of the room, first leading into Laser, cutting off for a moment before later finding more traces of blood inside Toxic's and Aqua's rooms. The blood, at that point had cut off again. As hard as they tried to find more traces of the blood trail, there was no more to be found.

"Well...that...was kind of underwhelming, wasn't it?" Paint folded her arms. "But, I suppose a clue is a clue...right?" To which Bright nodded.

"I just wish we could have gotten a better result from that." Bright complained a little.

New Ammo: Luminol Test Results were loaded into Bright's ElectroID

*Ding dong, bing bong!* Bright and Paint turned to the monitor as the jingle sounded. "Alright, bastards, I think I've given you all more than enough time to find the evidence you'll need. Gather up in the crime scene, I have a special way to get you all to the trial room~"

The five students stood in a clump in the middle of the room. Nobody said anything, nobody moved. It was tense with Rip's body lying by the wall next to them.

"Alright, guy, how we feeling?!" Monokuma jumped out from behind one of the tables, causing Pure to yelp from surprise. "Geez, you're still getting scared by that? Grow a pair, kid...anyway, I suppose I'll have to get you to the trial room somehow, and since we're too far away from Monokuma Rock...I went with the next best thing!"

Next best... Before Bright could finish her thought, the ground began to tremble, and outside from the hole that the ambulance had created, the Monokuma they were used to seeing appeared, stopping at its gaping mouth open for them to walk into.

"Haha! I'll see you all at the trial! Don't keep little ol' me waiting now, alright?" Monokuma cackled before disappearing once again. The five looked at each other. There was nothing for them to really say, what could they say as they boarded themselves into the stone Monokuma's mouth. When they had all reached the elevator, the mouth closed and the elevator slowly went down.

Bright pushed the hair out of her eyes and let out a silent sigh. Is this how I'm supposed to feel before the trial...this anxiousness...? Rip Tide, the Super Middle School Level Surfer. Whilst she may not have been the brightest of us, she was as helpful as she could have been. She was the one that truly cared in the truest sense of the world. She would never say a bad word about anyone, and she hated the conflict. Whenever somebody died, it always hit her it bad for me to feel happy that she won't have to feel that emotional distraught any longer...? What am I saying...?







Rip didn't deserve any of what happened to her, she was such a good person!







This...this is something I'll never forgive! Not with her, of all people!





This is the fourth class trial. I won't let us all die here! Not when we all came so far! My hope will have to clash with the despair that threatens us all! Let this begin!

Chapter 4: Class Trial - Part 1

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Class Trial
All Rise!

As the elevator grinded to a halt, the five student; Memory, Toxic, Pure, Paint, and Bright all strode off into the trial room. The decor this time had been changed to sixteen different colours of stripes as wallpaper, clearly being used to symbolise the sixteen rooms used to represent the students in the maze. The five took their places at the circle of podiums, looking at the two new additions to the portraits of the dead students. Rip had the normal cross like victim's always had, whilst Bud' portrait had a smiling face over her, though since the blood was running it made it look like it was crying.

" come Monomi isn't here?" Paint observed, pointing to the area next to Monokuma's throne where Monomi would usually be hanging. "Is she still out of order?"

"Yeah, I still haven't quite forgiven her for bashing up my Monobeasts so she won't be attending this trial. Must suck not being in this entire chapter at all, eh? Then again, so have a lot of your friends..." Monokuma mumbled the last sentence. "Anyway! Let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial! You're votes will determine the outcome of this, you will debate on a variety of topics regarding the murder and then try to identify 'whodunit'. If you can correctly guess the culprit then the culprit will be punished...but if you guess the wrong one. I'll punish everyone besides the culprit!"

"We already know who the culprit is!" Toxic yelled out suddenly. "The Memory Lapse!" He pointed at the therapist angrily. "He's defiantly the one that killed Rip!"

"Toxic..." Paint started slowly. "Don't you think you're putting your emotions before actual logic? What evidence do you have to say that implicates Memory?"

"Evidence...? I...I don't have evidence. But Rip did! She had a motive for him in her possession!" Toxic argued. "It's because of that...because of that, Rip's dead...and that bastard is the one responsible for it!"

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets:
-Paint's Account
-Memory's Account
-Rubber Gloves
-Monokuma File 4

Toxic- The one that killed Rip...It was Memory!

Pure- It's the start of the trial, Toxic! Should you really be throwing around accusations so quickly?

Toxic- Geez, don't you get it? He's the only one with a motive!

Memory- Ah yes, the motive. You seem to be lacking in actual evidence of its existing which is a tad convenient.

Paint- Unfortunately, for Toxic's case. Memory can't be the killer!

Toxic- Are you fucking kidding me right now?! When did you all shift to Memory's side?!

Memory- Actually, this is just you acting hastily...

I guess I should try Techno's approach to this and only object to, there was something that was rather interesting just said, wasn't there?


"Yes...Paint is very much correct in saying that Memory can't be the killer." Bright folded her arms, her book tucked under her right arm. "You see, when Paint was talking to me about her encounter with whoever had assaulted everyone, she had mentioned that Memory was attacked first out of her, Techno and Memory. It's unlikely that Memory would have been attacked if he was the killer. The obvious explanation is that the person responsible for the attacks is also the one who killed Rip, ergo, not Memory!"

"A-ah..." Toxic rubbed the back of his head. "But, Bright! You know he has motive to do this!"

"Yes, I do...but only according to your words. That's not enough in this trial, by now you should have learned that." Bright argued. "For now, we should save our accusations until we actually have had time to figure a few things out within the case."

"Now, let's get back to the actual case, yes?" Memory changed the subject. "Let's see...well, according to the Monokuma File, Rip died at 9:45pm. So, she died before the night-time announcement. First of all, let's discuss the cause of death."

Finally getting back to basics...the cause of death, easy.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets
-Rubber Gloves
-Jumper Cables
-Paint's Account
-Monokuma File 4

Memory- Rip's body...was covered in a series of burns...there's a finite amount of causes for that.

Pure- Well, the most simple explanation is that she was burned!

Toxic- Maybe...but then again, there were no signs of a fire taking place.

Pure- Then...maybe they were burns from chemicals!

Paint- Those were all the way in Toxic's room though.

Pure- Well maybe if you guys would decide to help me!

I know that Rip didn't earn those burns in the conventional to prove that though...


"Sorry, Pure. I think you'll find that Rip didn't earn those burns from actually being burned alive. You see, in the Monokuma File, the diagram of Rip's body shows splotches all over her body, which match up with the burn marks on her body. If she really was burned alive, then her entire body would have been burned up, rather than just random sections of it." Bright looked over at the prosecutor. "Does that answer satisfy you?"


"No way! If she didn't get burned alive then how did she die?! C'mon, isn't it obvious? Rip's burns were from a fire!" Pure insisted, much to Bright's annoyance.

" want to continue down this road, then I'll just have to keep refuting your arguments until you accept this!" Bright pushed her glasses up.

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades
-Rubber Gloves
-Paint's Account
-Pool Bucket and Brush
-Cake Tester

Pure- The killer had to burn Rip alive! The reason she didn't have burn marks all over her body is because her wetsuit would have blocked most of the flames! Besides, there isn't any other way to cause those burns! You're just gonna prolong the trial and force us to go around in circles at this rate!

Bright- Parts of the wetsuit would have burned up as well if Rip was truly set on fire. You should know how that works, Pure!

Pure- Then...what about chemical burns? The killer could have went to Toxic's room...grabbed some of the chemicals laying around...and leave Rip with the burns that way! There wasn't any other method of burning her in the maze! Why don't you give up?!

She's rather heated when she argues...fits her well, I suppose...though, I find it strange she'd ever have contradictions in her arguments

I overthrow your claim!

"Apologies, Pure. I shouldn't be harsh about this since you were watching over the crime scene for the whole investigation. However, when I was looking in Techno's room, Paint pointed out a generator in the back corner..."

"Generator...?" Pure frowned as realisation filled her expression. "Y-you're not gonna say that Rip was electrocuted, are you...?"

"I am. The burned areas are too precise for it to have been a fire, and chemical burns would have left some kind of sign of being used. Electrocution is the only option left." Bright explained.

"Do you actually have evidence to back that up...?" Toxic asked, doubtfully. "I know what generator you mean and that model will electrocute anyone that touches it carelessly. The killer must have took precautions, not that that's the only issue."

"Of course the killer took precautions. We found those during the investigation." Yes...this was simple enough to figure out...
Here's the evidence!

"There were a pair of rubber gloves found when searching the maze. I presume that these were used when handling the generator. That way, they could electrocute Rip without endangering themselves. I also presume that they used the jumper cables that Pure found in the chamber to circulate the move the electricity into her body."

"That's not enough!" Toxic objected. "Like I said, there are a few issues with that claim. The generator can only put a fatal output of electricity if a good conductor is used. Jumper cables aren't gonna cut it, no matter how many times you blast it into her."

"You seem to know a lot about this generator, if I may say." Memory observed. "Any particular reason as to why that is?"

"I...had the same model back in my old lab. It was a piece of junk that one was in a much better condition though. Even at that, the voltage isn't high enough to kill a person without a conductor." Toxic reverted back to his point. "There's no way that the generator could have been used to kill Rip."

"Um..." Pure thought for a moment. "Actually...there may have been something useable at the crime seems unlikely to me."

Hmm...Something unlikely to be used to conduct the electricity...I suppose there was only one thing at the crime scene that fits that description...

"I believe Pure is referring to the chamber key that was found in the wetsuit sleeve. It was matched up perfectly with the harshest burn to her body. If the killer connected the jumper cables to the key, it would have sent enough volts into Rip's body to kill her." Bright folded her arms.

"But why zap her so many times? You saw the Monokuma File. She had burns everywhere." Memory asked.

"Probably just overkill." Paint guessed. "When they realised that the generator wasn't working by itself, they probably tried to increase the voltage with a conductor. That's where the key came in."

"So, why did we find the key in Rip's wetsuit later on? The killer would have needed it to get back into the chamber with Rip's body." Pure asked. "Somebody needs to stand in the doorway to make sure it doesn't close again."

"Rip's body was pretty deep in the chamber, wasn't it? did the killer get it back into her wet suit?" Toxic pondered. "Well...they could have stood at the door with Rip's body and slid the body into the chamber from the door. That way the key would be inside the room whilst they were able to escape."

"Then we're at an agreement, right?" Bright asked. "Well then, that's good. Then that's how Rip got electrocuted and ended up in the chamber. Simple."

It's still not enough!

"I'm not finished, Bright. There are still reasons to doubt the electrocution method. Namely, the route the killer had to take to actually get to and from the chamber." Toxic objected once again.

"So, you really wish to push this as far as you can...?" Bright asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Toxic placed his hands in his lab coat pockets. "I'm simply pointing out the issues in your argument. Maybe if it was Techno, we would have found the killer already." To that, Bright had nothing to say.

"I may not be Techno...but know this. I am just as capable of solving this case!"

"Heh..." Toxic grinned. "That fire I saw in you when you declared yourself as leader...let me see it again."

Rebuttal Showdown

Evidence Blades
-Rubber Gloves
-Cake Tester
-Luminol Test Results
-Monokuma File 4
-Chamber Key

Toxic- Unfortunately for your theory. You still lack all of the points needed to make it complete. How on earth would the killer have made it from the chamber to Techno's room and back to chamber again? We have no legitimate evidence to show how the killer got from A to B.

Bright- How can you say we have no evidence? We'd need to take the time to fully analyse the evidence before coming to such a conclusion!

Toxic- I was pretty thorough in my search for evidence. Not only is there no evidence for the route, we also don't know if they had enough keys! And if that's an issue...then we can say that Electrocution isn't the method of killing!

I won't allow him to tear this down when it's already went this far...think, Bright...isn't there anything to provide the route the killer took...?

I overthrow your claim!

"You say there's no evidence to show the route the killer took...but you yourself provided the evidence to show us the route!" Bright pointed at the chemist.

"What?!" Toxic yelled back angrily. "What the hell" His eyes slowly widened with realisation. "The luminol tests...! Goddammit, I totally forgot about that!"

"Right. Paint and I started from Techno's room, where we found traces of blood on pieces of metal, we then followed it around to where it ended."

"Yes, it seemed to go around Enterna and my room." Paint recalled. "A rather long route, don't you think...?"

"That's such a long route to take though. Why didn't they just go through Enterna's room?" Memory asked.

"Obviously, they didn't have the key." Pure folded her arms. "I'm pretty sure Techno was the one with Enterna's room key."

"But where did the blood come from...? And how did they clean it up?" Toxic asked. "Unless you wanna tell me that there was a massive blood trail that we missed?"

"Obviously, it had to be cleaned up..." Bright rolled her eyes. "Did you actually investigate at all?" If he did then he would know that that is the easiest questions to answer. Ever.
Here's the evidence!

"There was a bucket and brush in Rip's room. The bucket had shown signs of recently containing water. The most likely explanation is that the killer used the bucket and brush to clean away the blood and dumped the water somewhere else. They couldn't really do that in the pool, the blood would show up in the water." Bright adjusted her glasses. "Satisfactory?"

"Not quite." Paint shook her head. "I think it's time we discussed one of the most suspicious parts of this case, and probably the most complicated."

The most complicated part of the case...

"Ah..." Bright closed her eyes, holding her chin between her index finger and thumb. "You mean the numerous amount of assaults that took place...yes, I also wonder how they're connected to all this."

"Well...we should discuss those that were attacked, shouldn't we...?" Paint proposed.

Non-Stop Debate

Evidence Bullets

-Paint's Account
-Memory's Account
-Cake Tester
-Chamber Key
-Toxic's Account
-Maze Walls

Paint- Those that were assaulted were myself, Memory, Techno

Pure- Also Laser and Quick...right?

Toxic- Right. Now...what's the connection between all of them...? What led to them having to be assaulted?

Memory- Maybe it had to something to do with their keys? Or perhaps their locations?

Pure- Even at that, majority were moved to the chamber after being knocked out. But why?

Toxic- Maybe they were in the killer's way...or the killer needed them in the chamber...?

Pure- Urgh! There's too much to this rate...we won't figure anything out!

Paint- Bit of an overreaction...

There's a lot to consider when it comes to the assaults...I should clear my mind and just listen out for any possible contradictions, or points to go on...


"I think Memory's right in saying that their location in the maze had something to do with the assaults. Think about it, when we take a look at the map Paint drew up. We find that there were three survivor rooms, excluding the one that Rip was in. Not to mention that the killer had to go to Rip's room to get the pool bucket and brush. We already know that Paint and Techno were in there. That means that four rooms were used and five people were assaulted."

"But...then where did the killer come from...? Everybody in those rooms got assaulted, that eliminates them, right?" Pure frowned. "So that would just, you and Toxic..."

"Tch!" Toxic clicked his tongue with a disgusted look on his face. "I can't believe you're actually putting me on the chopping block again."

"Well, you have been the most suspicious the whole trip..." Memory shrugged. "It's to be expected."

"No...Toxic couldn't be the killer. Something was preventing him from leaving his room after all..."
Here's the evidence!

"Toxic told me something very interesting...about the events that took place last night..."

"Well, you know how everyone started off with a key to a room? I started off with the key for Aqua's room, which was right next to Quick's room, which is where I started. Problem is, before I really got a chance to investigate that room, my key went missing. I looked everywhere for it, but it's like it vanished into thin air. Got any ideas what happened?"

He wants to hear a theory...? Bright pursed her lips for a moment. "I'm not sure where your key went...when did it go missing?"

"I suppose it must have been yesterday...? I had on the first day but when I woke up on day two, it was gone." Toxic shoved his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Because of that, I wasn't able to go anywhere..."

"You...lost your key in the middle of the night then? That shouldn't be possible. We couldn't move about at night." Bright thumbed over the pages in her book.

"Wait, you think somebody stole it from me?" Toxic raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if you has simply dropped it somewhere then you should have found it by now, don't you think? The only explanation for it is that somebody must have took it whilst you were sleeping. You didn't sleep past the morning announcement, did you?"

"No, have you heard how loud those are?" He scratched behind his ear and frowned. "I woke up in the middle of the announcement and when I checked my pocket, the key was gone."

"This means that Toxic couldn't move about at all, let alone getting to Rip and killing her. Only to then go and assault everyone he sees. It's not possible."

"Yeah...I suppose it would have been impossible for an earth pony to get around the maze..." Memory mumbled. Paint raised an eyebrow, throwing a side-glace at him. "'re saying that the killer is Pure?"

"W-what?! Me?!" Pure cried. "It wasn't me, I swear! Remember, I was with Paint and Techno! Then I left to do more investigating of the rooms! I couldn't get back into Rip's room, I didn't have the key!"

"Oh..." Memory smirked. "Well...that just leaves one suspect, doesn't it...Bright Mind?!" He pointed at the theorist.

"Give me a break." Bright huffed. "I'm not the killer."

"Sorry, a little impossible, isn't it? You just said so yourself. Toxic isn't the killer, and it was impossible for Pure to be the killer. Everybody else was assaulted...expect you. A coincidence? No way. You are the killer!"

"No she's not." Paint negated.

"Hmph...Do you like getting in the way? Or do you do it by accident?" Memory growled. "The only one that could have killed Rip was Bright!"

"Actually...there is one other suspect amongst the group that could have killed Rip and assaulted everyone..." Paint smirked.

Another suspect...? I suppose that's true...there is somebody...
Obviously it's you!

"Ah mean Memory...obviously, you're suspicious!" Bright glared at the therapist.

"Hah...trying to shift the blame onto someone else?!" Memory grinned. "Nice try!"

" are suspicious. For several reasons." Paint contradicted. "You see, I've been wondering this for a while and you still haven't answered me: how did you get into Rip's room? Techno had the key after all."

"Hm?" Memory raised an eyebrow. "Honestly, I don't recall. After all, everything that occurred in the room is now just a blur after I was knocked out. Remember that? How could I be the killer when I was the one knocked out? In fact...why haven't you said anything? You saw the face of the killer since you were still conscious when I was attacked."

" memory is blurry...I can remember the outline of the assailant but that's about it..." Paint tapped her pencil on the stand in front of her. "But...Memory has to be the killer. He's the most suspicious out of all of us."

"Then explain the assault." Memory challenged.

"Well...somebody else could have saw you kill Rip and decide to pay you back for it. So they attacked you in the pool. The only reason Techno and I were attacked is because we were there at the scene."

"What about Quick and Laser then?"

"You must have knocked those two out yourself." Paint folded her arms.

"Then who knocked me out? Toxic couldn't leave his room, Pure was away investigating and Celestia knows what Bright was doing at the time!" Memory began yelling.

"U-ur..." Paint actually gritted her teeth in frustration. so unlike these two...Memory...he's started yelling and accusing people left and right when's supposed to be on the neutral field all the time. Meanwhile, Paint hasn't been thinking straight at all, she's been grasping at straws for a way to accuse Memory...but why...? What happened between these two...?

"You are the killer!" Paint yelled.

"You have no evidence! Quit trying to throw this onto me!" Memory retorted.

The only way I can solve by disproving one of their arguments!

Contradiction Conversation

Evidence Bullets

-Paint's Account
-Monokuma File 4
-Basic Spells
-Cake Tester
-Memory's Account

Memory- I am not the many times do I have to tell you that?!

Paint- You can say it all you want but it isn't true. You killed Rip!

Memory- So you say...yet you've not provided a single shred of evidence. Evidence that probably doesn't exist!

Paint- There is evidence! I...just don't know where it fits in...

Memory- Tch! You're the most suspicious out of us two anyway...after all, I know you were knocked out last and yet you conveniently can't remember the face of our killer?! Who's to say you aren't working with an accomplice?!

Paint- Accomplices have nothing to gain from this! I couldn't have done anything like that!

These two...I swear...there's only one way to break through their arguments...and that's to have hard hitting evidence.

Everything is clear!

"'ve been lying to us, haven't you...?" Bright asked with a hollow tone. "You said that you were the first to be attacked so you fell unconscious right away...but just now you stated that Paint was the last to be attacked."

"Uh..." A bead of cold sweat rolled down his head.

"If you truly were knocked out when you said you do you know the events that took place afterwards?!" Bright pointed decisively at him. "You still have a lot of explaining to do!"

Memory put his hands in his pockets and stayed silent for a while as he looked at the four in the room. Eventually, he let out a sigh and massaged his forehead with one of his hands. "I...really was hoping it wouldn't have come to this...I really wanted to see if you could figure it out yourselves...but you leave me no choice..." His hand drew across his eyelids and returned to his side, his gaze how seemed much more...threatening. His eyes seemed empty and his expression was stern. "I'll tell you what you want to know...but are you sure you're ready to listen?"

"Just tell us already, you crazy bastard!" Toxic growled.

"Fine. You asked for it...Monokuma, can you put a projection of the crime scene up?" Memory looked at the bear.

"Sure can, bub!" Monokuma hit a button on the arm of his chair, causing a hologram of the crime scene on appear in the middle of the podiums.

"Let's see..." Memory leaned forward. "Right...there..." He pointed to one of the corners by the entrance to the chamber. "There's a hook on the wall just's small so it's hard to make out. It's where I got...this." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a silver key. " the Master Key to the maze. It'll unlock any door that I want it to. That's how I got into Rip's room and met up with Paint and Techno."

"So...if you had the Master Key...that means you had the ability to go and kill Rip!" Pure gasped. "So does that mean-?"

"Of course it does!" Toxic cut her off. "He would have to go through Bright's room, where Rip was to get to the Chamber! He must be the killer!"

"You'd think that..." Memory grinned. "But...that's where the beauty of this starts...the beauty...of my perfect crime!"


"Naturally...I mean how I bended the rules to kill Rip and escape possible execution!"

"What?!" Pure covered her mouth.

"You killed Rip! I knew it!" Toxic gritted his teeth. "You BASTARD!!!"

"Hehe...yeah, I suppose..." Memory shrugged. "Problem doesn't count as my counts as somebody else's crime...since I was just the accomplice in all of this...I'm the killer's ultimate trap!" He began to laugh.

...what...did he say...? Bright's shock almost made her miss what he had said. Memory...was the accomplice...but if that's true...who killed Rip...?

Trial Suspended!