> Siblings : A Tale of Adventure > by Emerald Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Chris pushed the snooze button and his alarm clock and looked at the time, it read 6:45 PM. he groaned as he pulled his blanket over his head and tried to get back to sleep, but was his older brother, Nick had walked in with there little sister, Jade, with a pot in one hand and a metal spoon in the other and he hit the inside of the pot and continued to do so in a circular motion while at they both yelled "CHRIS, IT'S TIME TO RISE AND SHINE!!!!!" causing him to groan and sit up in his bed. He started to get up and get ready for work, his shift started at 8:00 A.M. and he needed a shower. He got up and made way for his dresser, while his siblings left the room and headed down stairs. With cloths in hand he made way to the bathroom and proceeded to bath. When he had gotten out of the shower and had dried off, he check his phone for the time, it read 7:04 A.M. so he headed back to his room to get changed for his new job at a local restaurant called 'The Bobcat' he and his family had moved here a couple of weeks back, before school ended, his history teacher had bought only a few weeks before he had arrived, so when he said that he needed help there, he jump on the opening and was told he could start training while school was in session and could start working for real when school was out and he had been working there for the past few days, but it will in money that he would need for his junior year next year. He had walked down stairs around 7:15 and went to the kitchen for breakfast, which was scrambled eggs and bacon. He loved it when his brother cooked breakfast, it was always delicious and filled your belly. Once done he had joined his brother and sister on the couch, they were watching cartoons, like they did every Saturday morning. Nick pulled out his phone and muted the T.V. and dialed our parents and put it on speaker. It rang twice then they heard their mothers voice "Hello?" Jade spoke first "Hi Mommy!" "Hello Baby, how are you and your brothers doing at the house?" Nick answered next "Where doing fine Mom. How is your guys honeymoon going?" "It's going fine dear. How's the job hunt going Nick?" Nick scratched the back of his head and let out a chuckle "Well, it's going. Just not where I want it to go. Nowhere in this town has an opening, so I'll just stick with going to the army, like I planned." there mother paused for a minute and then spoke "I really don't want you to got there Nick, its so dangerous, you could get hurt." Nick was going to answer but didn't, so Chris decided to talk "Hey Mom, so the honeymoons going well is it? Just bring me back a poker chip when you all come back from Vegas, alright?" the mother let out a laugh and said "Don't worry, we got each of you something special for the little hobbies you have. I just glad that you and your brother haven't killed each other yet." they all got a laugh out of that. Jade then said "Don't worry Mommy, I have a close eye on them." Their mother giggled and said "Good thing someone in that house has a good head on there shoulders." there was a pause and then their mothers voice spoke again "Well, I better let you all go, you all must have a busy day ahead, I love you all." then the three sibling said in unison "We love you all to. Bye." and they hung up the phone and unmuted the T.V. and watched cartoons until it was 7:45. Nick drove Chris to work and decided to take Jade to the Boonville park in the next county. When Chris had shown up about 5 minutes early and found that the rest of the workers weren't there yet, but the boss was. when the boss let him in he had started his normal working list : 1. Clean windows 2. Clean gas pumps 3. Sweep parking lot, 4. Clean tables for lunch rush, 5. Help with cooking during lunch rush, 6. Take break, 7. Take out garbage, 8.Refill pop machine after lunch rush. Then his shift was over and the afternoon shift started. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris had just clocked out and was waiting for his brother to pick him up. Once Nick got there he saw that he had a pouty Jade in the truck. Chris just smiled and asked "Jade, would ice cream cheer you up?" she looked at him and then back to the floor and said "Maybe." Chris stood there and wait for what flavor "Vanilla, please." Chris saw her puppy dog eyes and felt his heart melt as he went to the take out window and ordered 1 small vanilla ice cream cone, a peanut butter milkshake for himself, and a superman ice cream for Nick, he looked like he needed it. Now with there snacks in hand they drove of down the road to there house, but unknown to them, a storm was starting to brew as they drove back to there home, it was on the other side of town. They wouldn't know about the storm till it hit them with such force that it nearly flipped the truck and caused them to swerve out of the road and into the nearby fields but they weren't going to see it out of this storm. When the cab of the truck was on the road, a big tanker truck smashed into the passenger side, rendering all three unconscious ~~~~~~ Unknown Time ~~~~~~~ Chris gasped for air as he jerked upward from the patch of grass he was laying on. He franticly looked around for his brother and sister, but they were nowhere to be found. Chris tried to get up but felt pain shoot up his leg, when he looked down he saw that his foot was twisted at a strange, unnatural angle, and that it hurts like a bitch. He tried to get up again, when he was he tried to walk. He only took a couple step until he fell hard against the grass. He sat up the best he could and stretched out his broken foot, he then grabbed it and started to twist in the opposite direction in was pointed in until he hear a loud SNAP and felt large amounts of pain. He waited for it to subside before he tried to walk on it. Once he started walking again he made his way to the tree line, where he saw foot prints the size of his sister's and his brother's, even though walking hurt like a bitch, he had to find them, so he walked forward unknowing of what lies ahead. He didn't see the thing just beyond the tree line, behind where he sat. Out of the tree line came a small pastel horse with yellow fur and a bright pink mane, she had been watching them, trying to see what they were, she had never seen a creature like them before and she just had no idea what to do, so she gathered up all he courage and after them, and deep into the Everfree Forest. As Fluttershy followed the bipedal creature, she looked at it like it was a wild, pony eating animal, it was constantly looking from left to right. She wanted to talk to it, but it was just to scary for her, so she keep her distance. Chris was in a crap ton of pain, his foot had swelled to the size of a grape fruit and was pulsing with pain, he needed to find Nick and Jade fast. His pace increased a little as he saw that the forest was coming to an end. He stood behind a tree and saw his brother and sister hiding behind a few bushes. He could tell that they didn't see him, he looked on the ground in hopes of finding something to throw at Nick. He finds a small rock by his feet, he picked it up and aimed for his brothers head. Nick felt something hit the back of his head hard, when he turned to see the attacker, he was thrilled to see his younger brother standing just in eye sight, then he caught sight of one of the creatures that they had was following him. He had done some hand signals that meant for him to turn, and when he did he saw a yellow, pony like creature, that gave a small 'Epp' when he saw it he slowly start to walk to it, but in ran past him in horror of the thought that she might get eaten. Nick and Jade had made their way back into the forest just after the creature had made its way past them and moved further down the road. Nick just looked at his brother with a confused face, only to receive a shrug as an answer. They started to make their way back into the forest, hopefully back to the place that they had woken up at.