On Your Wings

by isuckdotcom

First published

Oh, the glorious morning. Rising over the deathly, black, smoky horizon-Wait, WHAT?!

NOTE: This was written quite a while ago...if you don't like this one, be sure to read my newer fics.
Twilight has been keeping a secret for 10 years now. She can manage to hold it back. But that tattle-tale Celestia can't...
Six friends on a crusade! Sure, why not. Once in a while, there's a toxic explosion. No big deal.
Cover art by yours truly~

Stained Glass Window

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The sun was rising over the beautiful city of Canterlot. The golden palace shone over the small homes that made up the city, taking it's time to gleam over the crystallized castle inhabiting Ponyville. Shooting Star awoke to the glorious morning. A sapphire blue aura surrounded her horn as she got up. Walking over to her mirror, she levitated a hair brush, her saddlebag and some books, and a cup of coffee. As being the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, she was great at multitasking. "Good morning, Star." Her mom said, trotting into the room.
"Morning mom." Shooting Star replied, sipping her coffee.
"I have a meeting with Celestia today." Star walked off to a bookcase, searching it's contents.
"You remind me of myself when I was your age." Twilight smiled.
"What's this meeting about?" Her mom asked.
"Uh, I don't really know. She just told me to meet up with her at the castle." Star replied, picking up an old book and throwing it out. Twilight instantly recognized the book thrown on the floor. She levitated it with her magic.
"Shooting Star, you need to take this book. It's very important to me, and I think you'd enjoy it." Star examined the book with a sparkle in her eye.
"The spark?" Twilight muttered to herself.

"Celestia? You wanted to see me?" Star anxiously walked into the castle doors.
"Hello, my dear student." The princess answered. Shooting Star slowly walked by.
"What's going on? What happened?" Star asked.
"Dear Student, I'm afraid your mother has been keeping a secret from you. A big one." Celestia replied. She walked towards a stained glass window of the Mane Six freeing Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony. Celestia's face looked sad.
"When your mom was but a unicorn with next to no knowledge of friendship, she was just like you. Mature, smart, and not very humorous. But when she felt that spark, her cutie mark was fulfilled. She represented the big star in the center, and her friends were the five sparkles surrounding it. Her name was fulfilled, as well." Princess Celestia explained. Shooting Star carefully examined the window.
"What do you mean by that?" Star asked, bringing out her note paper and pencil.
"Well, 'Twilight' is the purple sky at sunset. Her name means 'The balance between night and day'. And once me and my sister were spread apart, she reunited us after 1000 years of sorrow. Therefore, fulfilling her name." Celestia smiled.
"Well, what's the secret?" Shooting Star tried to change the subject, nudging the princess. Celestia sighed.

"MOM?!" Shooting Star burst into the castle.
"Yes, dear?" Twilight asked, as she flipped through her books.
"How come you never told me I had a sister?" Twilight gasped and her horn deactivated it's magic, dropping all the books to the floor.
"She...told you?" Twilight picked up all the books and neatly put them away. She galloped to her daughter and hugged her tightly with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, dear. I should've told you sooner." Shooting Star was not moved one bit, being her stubborn self.
"Yeah, well, not gonna cut it." Star replied.
"W-what?" Twilight gasped, pulling away.
"You shouldn't have kept it from me in the first place." Shooting Star stated.
"Here, if she hangs out with you, will you forgive me?" Twilight offered. Shooting Star thought for a bit.
"I suppose." She finally answered. Twilight clapped her hooves together with excitement.
"Starburst! Come here!"

An orange pegasus trotted out of a small room. She had dark violet hair with pink and blue streaks, pulled up into a ponytail. "Hey, Shooting Star." She said. Star was so amazed. Finally, after years, she had a sister.
"I-I don't know what to say..." Shooting Star blushed.
"Well, as of seeing you for the first time, wanna take a ride?" Starburst asked, holding out her wing.

"Woo-hoo!" Shooting Star yelled with excitement.
"Having fun?" Starburst said.
"YES! This is the most fun I've ever had in my life!" Starburst flew down towards Canterlot castle.
"Thanks so much, Starburst." Shooting Star said as they landed. Starburst folded her massive wings to her sides.
"Let's go in." Starburst gestured to the front doors. They trotted inside. The sun was setting, and they could see Luna and Celestia doing their jobs on a balcony. Celestia finished and instantly noticed them. She smiled and teleported to them.
"Hello, student. And you are her sister, I presume?" The Princess asked.
"Yes indeed." Shooting Star answered. Shooting Star noticed something was off. After all, she had great attention to small detail. In the corner of her eye, she saw Luna was gone, and in her place, was a puff of black smoke.


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Sunset Shimmer stared at her reflection. She wanted so badly to return home. An image of her pony self stared back at her. She hugged the closed portal and cried. "I miss that world too." A voice said from behind her. She gasped and turned around.
"Flash? What are you doing here? How do you know about the other world?" Flash Sentry helped Sunset Shimmer to her feet.
"Twilight invited me over. There's an alternate version of me, and she's fallen in love with him." Flash laughed. Sunset gazed into his eyes. The starlit sky seemed to glow brighter.
"Flash, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have treated her that way. I know you like her. Stay with her. I don't care." Sunset felt another tear roll down her cheek. Flash grabbed her hands in his own.
"You don't have to be." He said, the moment before they kissed.

Day rose upon the night sky. Sunset was in her bed, wide awake, as she had been for hours. She was thinking about last night, with her and Flash. It all happened so fast, she couldn't wait to see him again. Sadly, it may be the last time she saw him. Today was the last day of High School, and they were moving on to college next fall. She doubted they would get into the same one. Sunset got up slowly. She got ready, and headed downstairs in silence. A note hung on the fridge. It read
"Sunset, I've left for work. See you after school. -Mom" Sunset sighed.

"And then what?" Toxemia asked her mom.
"Well, we got into the same college, and we soon got married and had you." Toxemia hugged her mom.
"But why am I named after poison?" She asked. Sunset laughed.
"Well, that's a long story. We'll have to wait until you're older." Sunset picked her daughter up with her magic and carried her off into her bedroom. The fireplace crackled and lit the room with a dim orange glow. Toxemia wrapped herself up in a blanket and started to sleep. Sunset Shimmer walked out and shut the door quietly. Under the blanket, Toxemia lifted up some of her long hair to reveal a tiny horn with a teal aura. Her own little secret.

Toxemia awoke, snoring. She lifted one eye. The rays of the sun shone through the window blinds. Toxemia looked outside to see Canterlot. Unicorn ponies trotted peacefully along the sidewalks as chariots strolled by. The young filly walked groggily into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Toxy." Her mom said as she walked in.
"Hey mom."Toxemia replied.
"Did you sleep okay?" Her mom asked her.
"Yeah." Toxemia hopped into a chair next to the counter.
"Here." Sunset Shimmer gave Toxemia a plate of pancakes. Her mom used her magic to levitate a bottle of syrup over the stack. She closed the lid, then put it back on the counter.
"Oh, how I wish I could use magic." Toxemia complained as she chewed her pancake.
"Well, you are more like your father than you are of me." Sunset replied, putting away dishes.
"Hey mom," Toxemia asked.
"Yes dear?" Her mom replied.
"I have something I should tell you."


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The slashing of a flowing stream could be heard nearby. The leaves in the trees were gently being blown by the wind. Shooting Star lay alone in the forest, with her books and quills. A cool summer breeze would occasionally come by and blow away some papers, and she would have to chase them.

She came across a book with a picture of a knight's armor on the cover. It was dusty, wrinkled, and covered in soft leather. The picture on the front was a golden plaque. She slowly opened it. "Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land." She read aloud to herself.

Shooting Star thought very carefully. Her mom had told her a story like this before. She read on.
" To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful."

"I know I've heard this before! Something to do with the mane six..." She said. Another breeze flew by. Again, she read.
"She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon."

"The elements of harmony," Shooting Star felt her life flash before her eyes.
"And harmony has been maintained ever since. From then on, the eldest sister took on her role as the leader of their magical land. The End!" Twilight said. "That's enough stories for tonight, Starry. Time to go to bed."
"Aw! But can't I go flying with Starburst?" Her daughter pleaded.
"No, it's much too dangerous to be flying at your age." Twilght replied.
The filly trotted off to bed, being followed by the little orange pegasus. "Is it the last night?" Flash asked his wife.

"I'm afraid it is."

Dust trailed behind the light-blue unicorn as she ran. Beads of sweat slowly poured down her face. She teleported ahead as much as she could. She shouldn't have come so far from home.

Finally, as she reached the borders of the autumn forest, she could feel her breath leaving. She was covered in persipiration, tears, and mud. Finally, when she drew her last breath, she collapsed to the ground, her conciousness leaving her.

"I know CPR! I can do this!" Starburst said. She pushed onto her sister's chest. The nurses and people around her rushed to help. Finally, Shooting Star gasped in the air, coughing and panting. As soon as she was relaxed and sitting up, Starburst hugged her tight.
"Don't do that ever again. We need to know where you are. I want you to be safe." She wispered in Star's ear.
"I was just studying, and I had a vision. I need to speak to mom. Privately."

I Broke Up With Him

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The house was quiet. Noises of crickets could be heard outside. Starburst was all alone. She checked the time;10:00 PM. Sighing, she walked to her room silently.

She looked at the photos in the hallway. It was filled with images of Twilight's adventures as a unicorn, her coronation as a princess, and filly Shooting Star. She stared at the picture. They looked nothing alike. They were hardly even friends. How could they possibly be sisters? Starburst forgot the idea and went to bed.

Morning eventually came. Black smoke coiled in through the window. "AAH!" Starburst bounced out of her bed and ran out the door. Flapping her huge wings, she surged upward.She could see in seeping in through the entries. She immediately raced away to Canterlot, the wind blowing hard in her face.

She approached the city. The black smoke was covering the mountain above. Starburst raced even faster. Her head hit the border. "Crud. Forgot about the force field." She thought. She lowered herself down to the entry. The guards were no longer there. "That's odd...now I KNOW something bad is happening." She trotted in through the entry.

Everypony was running wild. Some randomly dissapeared in a puff of smoke. "Where's Princess Celestia?" Starburst asked somepony.
"She's in the castle, on the balcony of the tallest tower." They dissapeared. Starburst raced up to the tower, in wich was the Princess's bedroom.
"Starburst, I'm glad you came. Quickly, follow me." Starburst lowered down onto the balcony as Princess Celestia walked in through the room's door. Starburst shut the door behind her as she gazed at the intricate golden designs on the domed ceiling.

"Why exactly is this all happening?" Starburst immediatley asked.
"Luna and King Sombra have been married for quite a few yeras now, But Luna has found a new light, and realized he was the wrong pony." Celestia explained.
"I'm just going to guess he didn't handle the divorce too well."

Celestia nodded in reply. "He is trying to take over Equestria so that only he, Luna, and his daughter are left."
"THEY HAVE A DAUGHTER?!" Starburst exclaimed.
"Yes. Her name is Shadow Nocturne, and she can be quite vengeful if you mess with her. But Luna still loves her. She is royal blood, therfore she belongs here." Celestia said.

"Oookay..."Starburst stood in thought. A sudden reminder came to her. "Where's Shooting Star?" She asked in anticipation.

"She is safe at the hospital, she still needs to recover after her run." Starburst let out a sigh of relief. They looked at the window as the smoke curled down in large puffs; the sky beggining to glow a reddish tint.

"What do we do now?" Starburst asked.
"Perhaps I am reminded of six peices of friendship, The Elements of Harmony. I know you weild them. Find the others who do as well." Starburst listened to her orders and bounded out the balcony into the sky.


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"Alright, girls." Creamy Cone announced to her friends, Toxemia and Cammilla Coco. "What's our plan for today?" Creamy Cone unfolded a map of equestria. Several places had little x's over them, meaning "failure". Cammilla thought.

"Well, sometimes a pony's name relates somehow to their talent. The other girls stared at the unicorn filly.
"Did you just break the fourth wall?!" Toxemia exclaimed.
"Eh, it happens a lot." Creamy Cone stated. Her mom was Pinkie Pie, after all.

"Well, anyway, in my theory, we should test it out. Take...Luna, for example. Her name is 'Moon' in Spanish, and her talent is raising the moon to begin the night. Creamy Cone is good at solving mysteries. She's like Sherclop Pones of the 21st century! Maybe that's your talent."

Creamy Cone had a sudden realization. She had solved many mysteries in her life without failure. A mark appeared on her flank. It was a popsicle in the shape of a popsicle. "OH MY CELESTIA! YOU GOT YOUR CUTIE MARK!" Cammilla exclaimed.

"This is awesome! I-I don't know what to say...Don't be jealous, guys, it-" Creamy Cone was interrupted. "Nah, it's fine. We just need to realize our talents." Toxemia said. "But...I don't have one."

"Still feeling a little self-concious about your horn?" Cammilla asked.
"Yeah. I told my mom, but...I haven't really told anyone else. I refuse to show it in public." Toxemia replied.

"Hey, Tox, it's alright. Aren't you good with magic?" Creamy said with anticipation.
Toxemia thought. She pulled her hair away from her face. "Here goes."

Pieces of wood lay spread everywhere. Papers were burning up in the flames of the explosion. "Girls! Wait! I can't run this-pant-far!" Echo yelled. Api and Pixel were far ahead of their friend, rushing toward the source of the explosion.

"Well, when we want to investigate something, there's no stopping us!" Api called back.
They finally reached the source. A treehouse. "Guess I got carried away there, girls." A pegasus filly said.
"How are you-cough-not suffering form-cough-smoke?" A purple filly asked.

"Who are you guys?" Echo asked.
"I'm Creamy Cone, daughter of Pinkie Pie."
"I'm Toxemia, daughter of Sunset Shimmer."
"And I'm Cammilla Coco, daughter of Cheerilee."

"Well, nice to meet you all. What was with that big explosion?" Api asked.
The three other fillies stared at each other and began to whisper. Toxemia let out a big sigh.

"I blew up our treehouse with my magic." She said.
"But you don't even have a horn!" Echo exclaimed.
"Think again." Toxemia lifted her long bangs up to reveal her orange horn.

"HOW?!" Pixel said in shock.
"I'm an alicorn. My dad's a pegasus, my mom's a unicorn. I guess magic explosions are my special talent." Toxemia checked her flank. A teal shaded mushroom cloud appeared with a toxic mark over it.

"Now all that's left is Cammilla. What do you think your talent is?" Creamy Cone asked her friend.
"Let me think...OH! I KNOW! Were going to need some spy supplies..."

Cold Night

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"Sleeping under the stars on a winter's night. *sigh* Just like when I was a little filly." Shooting Star said as she looked up at the night sky. She put out her tent. Inside, there was an air matress with blankets, a little backpack, and a lantern hanging from a cord on the ceiling.

"What are you doing out here?" a pony said behind her. Star turned around.
"Oh. Prism. It's you." She said sarcastically, returning to work. Prism put his wing over her.

"Go away. I'm trying to read." She mumbled angrily. Star yawned.

"Fine. Goodnight, Starry." Prism said. He kissed her on the cheek and flew away.

"Whoa." She thought. She blushed, looking back at his sillouette in the cold night. "Thank you, Prism." she whispered to herself.

Sweat poured down Starburst's face. She was working out to the extreme. Using her massive wings, she pushed herself up, and pulled back down. Not even her hindlegs were touching the ground. "A few more pushes and you'll-" Starburst fell to the ground, asleep. "Ugh. Tried to tell her." Golden Delicious hauled her up on his sturdy back and walked back to her mom's palace.

"Wha? Where am I? Oh. Hi Del." Starburst said. She was in her mom's castle, up in the library area.

"You need to quit working yourself out like that! You gotta take a break every now and then, otherwise I'll be doing this for the rest of my life! Understand?" Starburst nodded in reply. "Good." Del clarifyed.

"Starburst? I have to talk to you." Shooting Star cried through the crystal hallway.

"Coming." Starburst literally burst through the doorway.

"Is it bad that I think I like Prism....?"

Starburst had to keep her eyes from swelling with tears. She kept a straight face. "No. Does he like you back?"

"I think so..."

Starburst sighed. "Well, have fun on your relationship." Starburst sadly walked away to her room. When she arrived, she plopped herself on her bed and groaned. "I hate being a teenager." She mumbled, the pillow blocking the sound. A pony walked through the door. Starburst tilted her head up and saw it was her mom. "Leave me be."

"I couldn't and I won't, Starburst." Her mom replied.

"What do you wanna know?"

"What's keeping you down?" Her mom kneeled next to her daughter's bed.

"Well, I-I liked Prism and I didn't really know I did, and then I found out he likes Shooting Star and vise-versa."

"Oh, it's okay. Starburst, this is just destiny. It determines what will happen to your life for the better or for the worse. I'm sure it will be fine. After all, everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Twilight smiled at her daughter. Starburst wiped her tears and got up.

"I guess I haven't been myself lately. I wonder why." Starburst questioned herself. She trotted out the door, spreading her large orange wings across the hallway and gliding her way down the stairs. She raced outside, continuing to glide softly. She flapped her wings slowly and rose up. She stared at Canterlot's mountain. It was dark, covered with black smoke.

"We really need to do something about this." She thought. Starburst flew away from the palace, her dark mane blowing away from her face in the wind. She headed towards Canterlot. Being as strong as she is, it was easy to fly faster than a train across the plains of Ponyville. She was going fast enough to break the sound barrier, but somehow she willed herself not to.

She reached the mountain in no time at all. It smelled like thick rain, and it looked nearly darker than night itself. She noticed all the ponies were hiding in their homes for the shadows to go away. But one emerged from the smoke before her. She was tall, colored dark blue with a red tinted horn atop her head. She had a flowing dark purple mane, curly and mezmerizing. Her eyes were the part that set her apart from other ponies. One was glowing green, with a red pupil and purple smoke emitting from them. Her other eye was a bat eye, colored a nice teal color with long, thick eyelashes and gray eyeshadow.

"What might you be doing here, Starburst Sentry?" The mare said in her deep tone of voice.

"How do you know my name...?" Starburst asked.

"Hmm. I suppose you don't recall me. I am Shadow Nocturne, the daughter of your faithful princess Luna and the all-mighty Sombra."

"Did you cause this?" Starburst asked angrily.

"I would never cause such a horrific thing. This is but my father's doing, for he and my mother have...divorced."

"That's so sad! But why?"

"I'm not sure exactly, but mother told me it was of his doings. He was becoming more evil with the power he had gained from her. It was for the better." Shadow answered.

"Why are you just lurking here?" Starburst asked.

"I'm allergic to sunlight. This place is perfect for me." She answered.

"That's sad."

"Indeed it is. Luckily I have strong, thick helmets and gear in emergencies. I always keep it in my, shall you say, telekinetic storage."

The puffs of smoke began to circle them. "How horrid of this monstrocity to trap us!" Shadow yelled. It span faster. The ponies tried everything they could to make it go away, but nothing worked. The ponies screamed as they were caught in a tornado. They could see nothing but blackness.