> Barb's Birthday Bang > by Art de Triomphe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Barb's Birthday Bang > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbara the dragonness was excited for her birthday. Who wouldn't be, it only happens once a year after all. And, like all of her other birthdays since she and Dusk Shine had moved to Ponyville, her six best friends would be there to celebrate with her. The party wasn't scheduled to start until later in the evening, after everypony else was done with work for the day. However, as was his wont, Bubble Berry had arrived early to set up. Not that set up took very long, mind, not with his party cannon in tow. One press of the big red button that sat on it, and every party decoration you could ever want would spring forth. Nopony ever figured out how Bubble was able to be so precise with his contraption, but nopony questioned it, either. All the staples of a birthday party was set up. The table for the presents, another table full of snacks and punch, which was spiked because everypony was an adult here, and a cake which Bubble had personally baked for the occasion. Now all that was left to do was wait for the other guests. Which didn't take long. Within seconds of Bubble officially declaring the party set-up complete, a knock came from the door. Answering it, Bubble found two ponies on the other side, the shy Butterscotch, and the sophisticated Elusive. By the time they had wished Barb happy birthday, a second knock came, which happened to signal the arrival of the egotistical Rainbow Blitz and the honest Applejack. Now that all the guests had arrived, the party could officially get underway. For a couple of hours, everything went swimmingly. Bubble had already eaten too much cake. Dusk was dancing in that horrifically adorable way that he does, and Applejack and Rainbow were trying to drink each other under the nearest table. Barb was having a good time, of course, she even got a birthday dance out of Elusive, but there was something in particular she wanted, and with everypony milling around and not doing anything important, she figured now would be as good a time as any. Barb ascended a couple of the stairs that led to the second floor, basically in an effort to get higher than everypony. Once there she put two claws in her mouth and let out a loud whistle, which caught everypony's attention. "Hey guys," she started, "I just wanted to thank you all for coming and throwing me a birthday party, you guys are the best. The six guys said in various ways that it was nothing, and it was their pleasure. "And I really like the presents you got me," she motioned to the table where the presents had been boxed up, but was now used to hold all the open presents, "but there is one more thing I want to make this night perfect." "What is that, darling," Elusive asked in his trademark style. "Well, I made a wish when I blew out the candles of my birthday cake. Now normally, Bubble would tell me not to tell you what the wish was or it won't come true." "That's right," Bubble concurred. "But I realized that if I want this particular wish, it's not going to happen on its own. And since it has to do with all of you, I think the best course of action would be to tell you and hope for the best." "Well," Rainbow said, slightly impatient and slightly inebriated, "what is it?" "OK...and I want you all to know that no matter what you all say, I understand. It's kind of a weird thing to ask..." "Just spit it out already." "I want you all to have sex with me." The room went dead silent. You could hear the food being digested in Bubble's stomach. The silence was only broken by a ruffling sound. Everypony turned to see Rainbow holding his signature lightning bolt t-shirt in his hand. "What," he asked the crowd, "You don't have to ask me twice." The room was silent again until Dusk Shine spoke up, "Are you sure that's what you want, Barb?" "I know it doesn't sound right," the dragonness defended, "but it's something I've wanted for awhile." "Element huddle," Bubble called. Swiftly the six guys formed a tight circle. They could be heard whispering, though nothing that Barb could make out. Every once in awhile, Bubble would poke his head up to make sure Barb wasn't within earshot. Eventually, the six broke their huddle and stood in a line. Elusive took a half-step forward. "If that is truly what you want," Elusive said, "then we would be happy to oblige you. But just one thing that Dusk brought up. Aren't you a virgin?" Barb's cheeks got very red at this question. She began mumbling, unable to form a complete sentence. "Barb," Dusk goaded, "aren't you?" "I've had sex with Rainbow," Barb blurted out. Ever head in the room turned to the still-shirtless Rainbow. "Rainbow Blitz," Dusk seethed, "if you hurt her, I am going to kill you." "No Dusk," Barb said, hopping back down the stairs and getting between Dusk and Rainbow, "he didn't hurt me. He was very careful. I was in estrus, and one thing led to another." "OK, Barb," Dusk sighed, calming down, "I believe you." "Good, because you killing Rainbow would have soured the mood. Now to get the mood back," Barb stepped back from Dusk and the others, reaching down for the bottom of her short dress and taking it off over her head, revealing what Elusive, being the fashion-conscious stallion that he is, already knew, that Barb was wearing panties, but no bra. The six all stood there in various states of arousal. Rainbow had seen her naked before, but any mare, pony, dragon, or whatever, naked turned him on. Bubble was trying to suppress a giggle, not a giggle of contempt, but an involuntary reflex that occurred as the blood traveled southward. Elusive subtly licked his lips, much more concerned with what lied on the other side of those purple lace panties than anything else. Applejack removed his hat and tried his best not to stare, hard as it, and he, was. Butterscotch blushed completely, for reasons that he would prefer to keep secret. And Dusk Shine, who had hatched Barb all those years ago, just looked on in disbelief at his assistant presenting herself as a sexual being, a being of desire. "Now," Barb said, her voice dropping a little to be more sultry, "who's first?" Rainbow couldn't get the rest of his clothes off fast enough, soon presenting himself in all his glory to Barb. She made her way over and slid down to her knees, getting in perfect position. Once there, she did the natural thing and began to suck on Rainbow's dick, being careful not to scratch him with her teeth and using her long tongue to her advantage. As Barb blew Rainbow, Dusk grabbed Butterscotch and pulled him upstairs. The two of them proceeded to grab every pillow and blanket Dusk owned, including the mattress off of the spare bed and haul them downstairs. By the time that chore was done, Applejack, Berry, and Elusive had joined in the blowbang. Unfortunately, Barb only had one mouth and two hands, so one stallion was always left hanging, but none of them complained as she went around to all of them. Dusk, remembering something, used his magic to pull his couch all the way from his study to the living room. He wasn't sure if it was completely necessary, but he figured every possible sitting place should be accounted for. After a few more minutes of this, Barb gave her mouth a rest and noticed that there were still two ponies left out. She immediately turned to face where Dusk Shine was standing. "Hey, Dusk," she cooed, "come join in." "I'm not sure, Barb," the unicorn responded. "Oh, don't be such a filly," Rainbow jeered, causing Barb to punch him in the thigh. "Be nice, Rainbow. Barb stood up and left the four stallions she had been servicing, making her way over to Dusk. She didn't stop until she was right up against him, her scaled breasts pushing on his chest. "Something the matter, Dusk?" "No," the unicorn lied, "just waiting my turn." "Well," Barb said, " I believe your turn starts now." She pushed her self up on her toes and gave Dusk a deep kiss. Dusk was so surprised he offered no resistance when Barb's forked tongue invaded his mouth. All the while, Barb was groping his crotch, feeling Dusk's ever-hardening organ. Bringing her other hand down, she fiddled with his pants for awhile. With one swift motion, she dropped down again, pulling Dusk's pants and underwear clean to his ankles. She wasted little time, grabbing Dusk's cock and putting it in her mouth. Now that she was focused on only orally pleasing one stallion, she decided to pull something out she had been practicing. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she pushed her mouth even further down Dusk's cock until her lips were wrapped around the base. Once there, she began to gently hum, increasing the pleasure exponentially. Dusk began to moan himself. Hearing this, and worried that he was going to cum, Barb pulled here mouth off and looked up at him. "You OK," she asked with a smile. "Yeah,"Dusk panted, "I'm good." "Damn, Barb," Rainbow shouted from the other side of the room, "why didn't you do that to any of us?" "Well I figured I'd give my first deepthroat to the stallion I've been with the longest. Don't worry, play your cards right and you'll all get one. Now, Dusk, do you want to fuck me first?" Dusk's brain switched off. He just stared blankly ahead, not saying anything. "Ah think he needs a moment to recover," Applejack drawled, moving to sit on one end of the couch, "Perhaps I could go first." Barb got back up and made her way over to AJ, slipping off her lace panties as she went, revealing her already pretty wet lower lips. Getting on her knees again, she slowly, gently, sucked his cock some more. AJ was by far the biggest of the six, Barb wasn't even sure if she could go all the way down on him. But that didn't matter, she was going to put him all the way up somewhere else. She climbed onto AJ's chest, proceeding to nuzzle her face into his neck. Reaching behind her, she grabbed his cock and prodded it against her entrance. Very slowly, she took the apple farmer's girth into her pussy. Inch by inch it went until she was almost balls deep. Sitting up and putting her hands on his chest, she rose off of him until only his head remained inside, and then slowly dropped back down again. It was excruciatingly pleasant for both of them, feeling every centimeter of each other's pleasure centers. After a minute of this, Barb began to pick up a rhythm. She was finally loose enough to slide AJ's cock in and out of her easily and without any undue pain. As she bounced up and down, AJ's hands on her hips guiding her, she let out moans and groans with each downstroke. The big cock felt perfect inside her, like it was meant to be there, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold off for very long. "Oh Celestia," she panted, trying to quicken the fucking but finding it difficult, "I'm...I"m....AAAHHHH!" Barb's vaginal walls clenched down hard on AJ. He felt like his cock was inside an active volcano. It was pleasurable and painful at the same time. That being said, he didn't release. AJ had been around the barn before, and he had that natural Apple Family stamina on his side. Once the orgasm was over, Barb did not get off of him. Instead, she began riding again, though this time it was more in a grinding fashion. After a short time, a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head and she turned to look at Rainbow, who was looking a little pissed that AJ had brought the dragonness to orgasm so easily. "Oh, Rainbow Blitz," Barb cooed, reaching behind her and spreading her ass cheeks as far as she could, giving the whole room a good view of AJ's cock sliding in and out of her pussy, "I think there's another hole that needs to be filled." Now it was Rainbow's brain that nearly pressed the eject button. He just stood there gawking, trying to process what Barb was asking of him. His cock twitched as if to say, "Get the fuck over there, you idiot!" Allowing his lower head to do the thinking, Rainbow made a beeline for the couch. Standing behind Barb, who had laid down on AJ's chest to give Rainbow a better angle, he saw her little asshole puckering, asking for it. Gripping his own member, he prodded the smaller, tighter, hole. "You sure, Barb," Rainbow asked. "Yes, I'm sure, just be careful." Nodding, Rainbow pushed his dick into the dragonness' asshole. Once the first inch or so got through, Barb stopped moving entirely, so as not to accidentally impale herself. Rainbow grunted as he moved slowly, inch by inch, pushing further into Barb's tight ass. When he was halfway in, he decided to pull almost all the way out, before pushing back in again, a little faster this time, and getting further inside. Barb started to grind again, the feeling of two cocks filling her up almost bringing her to the brink of another orgasm immediately. It helped that she had two stallions grunting with each movement of her hips. Elusive, who had been standing on the sidelines and carefully folding eveypony's clothes while all of this was going on, decided to make a move. He stepped over to the side of the couch, next to the armrest, presenting his cock. Barb, understanding what he wanted, quickly took the end in her mouth and started sucking, pausing every now and then to do a quick bob or to let her tongue run wild over the designer's dick. Now Barb was as full as she possibly could be, with a cock in each of her three holes. After a minute or two like this, Berry came up and tapped Elusive on the shoulder. The unicorn spotted his friend and they switched places, with Berry now in Barb's mouth. Elusive was going to watch more, but then noticed something. Dusk was still a little broken, watching the very dragonness he had hatched and raised get double-penetrated, but Butterscotch was sitting in a chair in the far corner of the living room, his head slightly bowed, his mane running over his eyes. Elusive, being the friend he is, quickly went over to check on him. "Everything alright, Scotch," he asked, which caused the pegasus to look up. "No, Elusive, not really," came the answer before Scotch bowed his head again. Elusive sat down on a pillow, facing Scotch, "What's the matter, Scotch? You can tell me. Are you uncomfortable?" "Well...a part of me wants to fly out the door as fast as possible, but something is keeping me here. And I know what it is." "Are you going to tell me?" "I...," Scotch mumbled. "You what?" "I don't...," the pegasus mumbled again. "I can't here you, Scotch, speak up, please." "I don't want to be a virgin anymore!" Once again, the entire room went dead silent. Even AJ, Barb, Rainbow, and Berry stopped their sexing and looked over to their timid friend. Barb pushed Rainbow back, causing him to pull out, and got up off of AJ. She made her way across the room to where Elusive and Scotch were sitting. "You don't want to be a virgin anymore," Barb asked sympathetically, "well, I'm right here if you want me." "No, no," Scotch face went neutral, "you're having a good time, you're enjoying yourself. I don't want to ruin your wish." Barb grabbed the chair and turned it so that Scotch was forced to face her. "You can't ruin it," she said, "My wish was for you all to fuck me, and that includes you. Believe me, you won't be bad." "If you say so," Scotch said, then a smile crossed his muzzle. Getting up with a sudden burst of energy, he grabbed Barb around the waist, and, with a single flap of his wings, landed them both of them on the mattress. Scotch recovered first and quickly removed his shirt while Barb fiddled with his belt, which was easier once Scotch stood. Barb didn't take a second to gaze before beginning to slurp on Scotch. Like before, her tongue did more of the work. She didn't want to get him aroused too quickly. Scotch's breathing became labored, and he hunched over slightly. Barb took this as a sign to let go, allowing the cold air to assist Scotch in staving off his release. "I'm not going to last very long, I told you," Scotch panted. "Then come down here and finish," Barb said, laying back on the mattress and spreading her legs. Her labia were absolutely sopping at this point. "Are you sure?" "Not in estrus. Can't get pregnant. Yes I'm sure." Scotch immediately dropped down and got on top of Barb. After a little adjusting, he slipped his cock into her pussy. Not wasting anytime, he just started doing what was natural, thrusting with lustful abandon as the dragonness beneath him moaned and whimpered. "I can't hold on much longer," Scotch panted, not letting up on his thrusting. "Then let it go," Barb whispered just loud enough so that Scotch could hear her. "Oh...OK...OK...UGHHHH!" Scotch's cock twitched violently as he released his seed deep into Barb. This was the first time the dragonness had had a stallion finish inside her, and she liked it. As soon as his orgasm ceased, Scotch collapsed on top of Barb. "Thank you Scotch,' Barb kissed his forehead and rolled, leaving the gasping mess of pegasus on his back as she got up. She didn't make it very far though. "Holy smokes," Berry exclaimed, grabbing Barb from behind and spinning her around to face him, "I can't take this anymore. If I don't cum soon, I'm going to explode!" "Then explode in me," Barb flirted. Berry grinned wide and spun her again, putting her on all fours. Berry wasted little time penetrating the pussy that he had yet to feel, thrusting deep and hard into Barb, who found it impossible to stay upright and deciding to lay her head down, her ass still up in the air. Berry took this as an invitation and grabbed her tail, using it as leverage for his continued pounding. After a minute or two, he was on the brink. "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...Cannon!" He exclaimed as his cock erupted into Barb. Once finished, he pulled out of Barb and proceeded to drop backwards onto the mattress. Barb was about to get up, perhaps to return to AJ, but she was cut off by Elusive. "Berry has the right idea," he said, "I can't be left out anymore, either." In a flash of blue magic, he had laid Barb down on her side on the floor, her head propped up by a pillow. He was behind her in the spooning position. He quickly grabbed her right leg and lifted it, giving him the perfect angle for which to push in his cock. He started slow, but soon found his own rhythm and began thrusting as fast as he could manage. He snaked his free hand around to grope her breasts, which elicited a pleasant coo from Barb. This went on for a time, before another flare of magic came from Elusive. Now Barb found herself back on all fours and with Elusive's cock right at level with her snout. She frowned slightly at this turn of events. "You don't want to come inside me," Barb asked with a tinge of hurt. "Oh, I'm going to come inside you, darling, inside your mouth." Barb didn't know why, but she kind of liked Elusive ordering her. She greedily went to town on his cock, running her tongue over every inch of it. As she was doing this, she suddenly felt two hands on her ass. She was going to ask, but Elusive answered the question for her. "Dusk," he said as if it was nothing, "how pleasant of you to join us." Dusk quickly lined himself up and thrusted inside. Barb let out a pleasant moan followed by a gentle coo as Dusk immediately went balls deep. "Don't ask me why," Dusk said, "I just really need this." "No one's stopping you," Elusive quipped before returning his attention to the blowjob. The two stallions spit-roast Barb like this for some time. All three of them were moaning to various degrees. Eventually, Elusive's vocal signals were starting to become higher-pitched, a sign, Barb was sure, of him reaching climax. She immediately went into action, taking his whole cock into her mouth, deep throating him again and again. "Oh my stars," Elusive breathed, "Barb, that is wonderful, wonder...UGH!" Elusive's semen shot out, hitting Barb in the back of the throat. She quickly began gulping repeatedly, dead set on not letting any of his cum escape. "Barb!" It was Dusk Shine, who called out as he unloaded. Barb was on Cloud Nine, having two stallions releasing inside her at the same time. Before long, both Elusive and Dusk were empty, and they had joined Scotch and Berry in their relaxed states. This left just two, AJ and Rainbow, who were patiently sitting on the couch, having watched this entire spectacle. Barb got up and licked her teeth with her tongue, "Saving the best for last." She quickly hopped back on AJ and began riding him as fast as she could. Rainbow let this go on for a minute before taking up his earlier position, easily slipping his cock back into Barb's ass. As much as Barb enjoyed being fucked like this, she also really wanted them to cum. So she decided to make them compete. "C'mon boys," she cooed, "which one of you can fill me up first?" If there's one way to get Rainbow or Applejack to do anything, it is to make it a contest, particularly when it's against each other. They both picked up their pace, Rainbow slamming his cock balls deep with every thrust, and AJ popping his hips to match Barb's riding. Before she knew it, Barb was closer to her climax than either one of them. "Oh yes, oh fill me, oh yes, you boys are gonna make me cum. Oh yes, yes, yes, oh, FUCK!" Barb roared, tilting her head to the sky. Her loins clamped down on the two cocks inside her, squeezing them for all they were worth, milking them for the sweet nectar that the contained. It was too much for any stallion to bear. "AAHH!" "UGH!" AJ and Rainbow popped at the same time, double stuffing Barb with cum. They were throbbing so hard that Barb almost had an orgasm on top of her orgasm. Eventually, Rainbow finished and slid out, leaving a trail of white spunk dripping out of the dragonness' ass. He proceeded to collapse onto the other side of the couch, spent. AJ couldn't exactly pull out from his position, leaving him at the mercy of Barb's pussy, which had not yet finished constricting him. Barb laid her head down on AJ's chest, being soothed by the gentle up-and-down rhythm. The whole room was quiet, save for the breathing of six stallions and a dragonness. "Thank you, guys," Barb said, though she wasn't sure if they could hear her, "Best. Birthday, Ever."