> My Little Pony: The Elements of Heroes > by The13thDoctor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter I: In the beginning It was the day after the school year ended and I was pretty happy because it is already SUMMER, BABY! WHOOOOOOHOOOO! My name is Ryan Wilson, I am 18 years old and I live at California. I am a kind, friendly, loving and nice guy but I having like anger issues since I was 13. So people didn't want me or see that I am angry. *Beep!* *Beep!* My Alarm clock rang and I woke up… It was a beautiful sunny day and I went outside my balcony and smelled the fresh air. It relaxes me; I kinda miss my friends though because they make me feel alive. I was free, free from home works, free from studies and anything! I can finally do anything I want. "Hmmm… I need to wash my face though. Even though it's summer, I need to be clean and fresh!" I thought So, I washed myself and brushed my teeth then went downstairs to eat breakfast but I saw no one in the house only to find a note lying on the table. It said: "Dear Ryan, We are out for the week because our bosses called that they are having problems and they need us to fix it. We called Anna to babysit you and your baby brother. Don't do anything stupid while we are gone! Enjoy your breakfast, Ryan Love, Mom and Dad" I was left all alone in my house and I can feel the day is starting to get better. Anna is our usual babysitter for 3 years and she would let me do anything in the house. I heard and knock on the door and opened it to see Anna standing right there. I welcomed her in and went upstairs to her room and I followed her then entered my room, I fixed some of my things also my knife collection including my ballistic knife, butterfly knife and my exact (The REALLY REAL) copy of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter axe. They were all gifts from my father since he is a weapon collector and he has a license; I turned on my Xbox One and played Ryse: Son of Rome, It was pretty dope though. I continued on where I left of where Marius leads the Emperor to safety in a chamber. I played for a while and fought some barbarians. "TAKE THAT, YOU UGLY BARBARIANS! I WILL SAVE ROME!" Achievement Unlocked Comboing my way through Defeat 10 Enemies In A Row Without Sustaining Any Damage 25 Gamerscore "Booyah! Achivement unlocked for 25 GS!" "NO!" " .ENEMIES!" "Run, FOOLS!" I died several times and I gave up. I was tired and turned my Xbox off, it satisfied me though. I went outside to enjoy the fresh. As I was going outside, my dog Rex is barking… Barking at something, I went to him and said "What's wrong boy?" I looked to where he was looking and found I strange looking bracelet. It looks gothic like those emos in our school; I picked it up and looked at it more closely. It was made out of shoelaces like the "Rastaclat" brand and looked pretty cool, so I thought "Why not?" and then decided to try it on my wrist. I have to say that I'm having bad feelings about this bracelet but my thoughts were interrupted when Rex licked my face. I smiled and played fetch with him, you have to at least get some fresh air and play outside rather than lock yourself up in your room playing videogames and eating chips, Am I right? We played for a short while and I was tired, I stroked Rex's fur and said "Good job, boy. Maybe next time, we'll play again!" I went back in the house and watched some T.V; I turned channels and stopped at Adventure time. That show is pretty damn good, I love the show. I watched for a while then suddenly, my arm began to vibrate and to see the bracelet shaking. It is emitting black aura and it immediately sucked me in, all I see was darkness… I opened my eyes and I found myself freefalling from the sky. "AHHHHHHH SHHIIIIIIITTT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I didn't know what to do; my mind went blank as I am falling. As I was nearing the ground, I saw a lake below me, I was scared and I tried to do anything but when I did, my wrist shot out a string web, I was shocked at that. I waved my arms and shouted more and as I saw the lake, I was too late and crashed myself into the water. > So Far, So Good > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter II: So Far, So Good I woke alongside the lake with my things on my stomach, "Grrrrhhhh…. My arm, it hurts." I said as I saw my arm was stabbed by a wooden stick, I removed the stick and squealed painfully but after I did it, my wound healed fast; like Deadpool's healing factor but much better! I picked up my things and went north into the forest. Surely, there is a town nearby… I hope that they could help me. I have a bad feeling about this, like a sword stabbed in my gut. I walked north and then suddenly, a giant creature appeared in front of me but it did not see me. "Holy shit, Is that a fucking manticore?! What the fucking fuck is a manticore doing in this place?" I whispered in utter shock I sneaked right past the manticore with like a ninja. Wow, this place just keeps getting stranger and stranger. The world looks cartoonish, like I was in a cartoon show; the colors are bright too. After venturing north, I saw a person walking north too; I couldn't tell if it's a he or a she, "HEY! Over here! Help me!" I screamed; she didn't hear me, I ran faster but I saw that it was a ponies carrying some… frogs? The pony has a pink mane and yellow fur and has a butterfly tattoo on her flank while the other has red violet mane and has a rose on her flank. "Never mind, it's just a pony." I said to myself, "HEY! ANYBODY HERE?! HELP ME!" No response. So, I walked north a few steps when suddenly I heard a faint voice, "Hello?!" I called. "Umm… Do you need…help? A voice said behind me, I turned around and saw no one behind me; "Look, I need help. I'm lost so please show yourself!" I called again. The pony walked towards me and said "I said… Do you need… help?" My eyes widened to see that the pony was talking, I mean, A PONY TALKING TO ME?! Am I going insane or what? "Uhhh… Yes, I do need help. Where am I? What is this place?" I said "You're in Equestria, a world full of magic. This place is called the Everfree forest! What are you… supposed to be, mister?" The pony with the rose said "I am a human came from Earth, aaaaand I'm kinda lost here." They shivered in fear, "No! I'm not gonna hurt you." Then they calmed down a bit. "Thank goodness, I thought you're gonna kill us! Wait; are you a herbivore like us?" "I'm an omnivore. I eat vegetables and meat." They were shaking in fear again and the pony with a rose tattoo released her grip on the basket and it fell off; I tried to calm them down "I told you I am not going to hurt you. I am not that kind of guy." "Oh… Okay, let me introduce ourselves. My names Roseluck and this yellow mare is Fluttershy" "Nice to meet you." I picked up the basket and I could tell that her height is about 3 or 4 feet tall. So she is like above my stomach. But when I stood up and looked at them, Roseluck gave me a seductive look and made me really uncomfortable. "Roseluck? Why are you giving me that look?" I asked, she 'came back to our world' and said "Oh… It's because I haven't caught your name yet.." "My name is Ryan Wilson. Look, I'm kinda lost and I need help, is there a nearby town hear or something?" "Oh yes, to the north is Ponyville. It's where we live!" "Cool, cool…" We were walking for a while and stopped to send back those frogs to the swamp. I was getting kind of bored and pulled out my iPhone and my earbuds to listen to some music so I put my ear buds to my ear and listened to Boys Do Fall In Love by Robin Gibbs I was banging to my head to the beat when suddenly; Roseluck tapped my leg and looked at me confused. "What is that?" She asked pointing to my ears and to my hands. "Oh this? This is an iPhone, it is an advanced cellphone which you can play games, watch videos, go on the internet, listen to music and many more! This smartphone is created by us to make life easier and push through the future!" "What is the internet?" She asked, "Seriously? Do I have to teach you every- Never mind." "Ooohhh…. Your species are more advanced than us ponies. I could tell that she was amazed since she knew about advanced hi-tech all of a sudden. Well, I have to break the ice so we could get to know each other very well. "Fluttershy? You seem kind of quiet today. Do you have any friends in Ponyville?" "Oh, uhhh… Yes, I do have. Their names are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They are best friends anyone could ever have!" She shouted in joy but there is something that I notice about her, I know that she is shy and doesn't talk much but what I do notice about her is… Something, something special that anypony doesn't have, I immediately washed of that thought out of my mind. I asked Roseluck about more information of Equestria. "Hey Roseluck, does anypony have horns and wing or something like that?" "Hmmmm… Well, there are 3 types of ponies: Earth ponies, Unicorns and the Pegasus. Earth ponies, like me, are just any other normal ponies but we are good at growing stuff and physically stronger than of the two. Unicorns are ponies with horns and they can use magic but they are physically weaker. And then the Pegasus are ponies with wings, like Fluttershy, they can control the weather and walk on clouds since they are light weight ponies." "What the fuck… WHAT IS THIS?! SOME WONDERLAND BULLSHIT?! Ok, now Ryan… Calm down, do not let the ponies know that you have anger issues or else you might scare them. Breathe in, breathe out…" I thought. "Whoa, that's awesome!" I said "Hahaha! I know, it's a lot to take in since you're not from around here." "So ponies like you live in cottages?" "Well, yeah. So does the unicorns, while the pegasi lives on the clouds." She explained. "DUUUUUDEE! That is awesome! I wish I could walk in clouds…" but then something hit me, when I first met Roseluck, she was terrified of me since I'm not from around here. Then if all ponies of Ponyville see me, I'll cause a mass panic and destroy the town. "Hey, Roseluck. Are the ponies going to be scared of since I come from another world?" "Yes, but it's okay. Everypony will fear you and besides, they'll get over it and you have me to help you out!" She said in a reassuring tone. "Me too!" Fluttershy said. They trotted towards me and Roseluck nuzzled in my chest and I brushed Fluttershy's mane. But then after that I saw the two of them blushed deep red. "Uhhhh… Roseluck? What's with you? You gave me the look and now your blushing and sweating. Is it already mating season for you?" I asked "Oh yes, it is mating season and we ponies are in heat today." "Why are you looking at me? I'm not even a pony." "I never got to know any stallions and I'm surrounded with mares, but please do forgive me for my behavior today, Ponyville's population is mostly made up of mares and only a little amount of colts. And in a few days is Rutting day." "Rutting what?" "Rutting day, it is where stallions gather at the central square and mate with every other mare in town. But me, my two other friends and the Mane 6 did not yet participated in it. It can go on for two days." "So, you ponies gather at a public place and have a REALLY BIG ORGY?! JESUS H. CHRIST… Well, you gotta have to do to keep the race going huh?" "Well, yeah. Pretty much. Let's go to Ponyville so you can meet the others!" She said in joy, we walked continuously and I pondered. If I have to live here in a few months, weeks or so, I will never screw anypony that I meet. I will not commit bestiality no matter how horny I get… Fuckin' A… > Day One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter III: Day One Fluttershy went home as we went to Ponyville. Roseluck leaded me to the entrance in Ponyville, it was an amazing sight! The houses were colorful, some are made up of candies and sweets and it was a big town. There are many mares but little amounts of colts and stallions that were talking to each other. As we were walking around Ponyville, some of them stopped talking and looked at me, some were scared and terrified while some were confused. "Don't worry, Ryan. They won't run from you, they're completely fine. "Roseluck said to me. I became relaxed and went on with it until a small filly walked up to me, she had yellow fur and has brownish rusty colored eyes and has red mane with a large bow. "What are ya' supposed to be, mister?" she has a southern accent, like those cowboys I watched in some films. "Hello there! I'm Ryan Wilson and I come from another world, Earth! How about you?" "Mah name's Applebloom! Nice to meet a creature like you from another dimension!" "Likewise, Applebloom" I said in a gentle manner. "Hi there, Applebloom! How are you?" Roseluck trotted towards her "I'm doing great, Roseluck!" "Say, have you seen the Mane 6?" She asked "Oh, they're on Twilight's Tree house discussing about something." "Is that so? Well, see ya' later Applebloom!" "Bye!" "Great. There is redneck pony and what next? A PONY THAT EVEN A SLIGHTEST PINCH OF DIRT GROSSES HER OUT?!" "EEEEPPPP! GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY FROM MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!" I looked at where the scream was coming from to see a beautiful, pretty unicorn with a curled violet mane with a pinch of dirt on her hair and running to her house taking a bath. I had to ask…. "Well, what now?" I asked. "Let's go see Twilight! I'll bet she knows what to do." As we were walking, some ponies were looking at me while talking to each other…. Maybe it's because when I talked to Applebloom, they thought that I'm harmless. While the other mares where giving me seductive, lustful looks… It's starting to creep me the hell out. "OOFF!" I was knocked back with a grey blur. I stood up and saw a grey pegasus with yellow mane and she was… Cross-eyed? "Oh, I'm weally sowwe fwom what happened." "Uhhhh… Yeah, sure. No problem. You must have brain problems, I suppose?" I asked "No, I'm just like this!" "What's your name?" "My name's Derpy, mister! How abowt you?" "Uh-huh… Just like Herp-a-Derp. My name is Ryan." After that, She gave me a lustful look… Her eyes were half closed and she almost drooled with her tongue out. "Rutting day is coming soon… You look kinda yummy. Yummmm…" "Excuse me?" "I want you, pwetty boy. Would you like to—" "FUCK NO, Now please get the fuck away from me?" She didn't respond, she walked towards me, closer and closer. "Oh would you look at the time Derpy! Look, we have places to be and things to do so… BYE!" We walked on and Derpy flew off angry at Roseluck for interrupting. Good Lord, what the fuck is going on and please, make it stop! "Hey, Roseluck –" "Please, call me Rose" "Uhhh, Rose. What are those strange tattoo like marks on the flanks of everypony?" "They are called Cutie Marks, Cutie marks only appear when you find a special talent or something that defines you. Like me, I love roses and selling them, then my Cutie Mark is a rose!" "That's radical" I pulled out my butterfly knife in my pocket and practiced some tricks like the Zen Roll over, Behind the 8-ball and my favorite, the Hellish. Rose looked at me and asked "What kind of knife is that?" "This is a Balisong a.k.a the butterfly knife. It's a knife that has 2 handles and is extremely sharp, it also looks like a butterfly. The bite handle is the one that you should be careful since it is the side where the sharp side of the blade rests while the safe handle is the side where the dull side of the blade rests." "Could you show me some of your tricks?" She said "Sure." I showed her some of the advanced moves like the Hellish, Hell-bent, Reverse wheel, Blender, Helix and some Aerials. She was blown away because she didn't even see a single wound in my hand. "THAT WAS SO AMAZING! How did you learn such moves?" She shouted. "Practice. It took only a matter of time to perfect all the moves." "I'll bet the others will be amazed when they see this!" We continued walking to Twilight's tree house. I asked a few more questions to know this place more better. "So, Twilight's place is a tree?" "It's not only a tree, but a library for Ponyville too." "So she must be an egghead… " "What did you say?" "Nothing, nevermind." She gave me a tour around Ponyville, the Sugar Cube Corner, and The Carousel Boutique etc. It was very nice of her to do that. After the tour, then arrived at Twilight's treehouse. "We are here!" She said We opened the door only to see 6 mares and a small baby dragon looking at me confused. "Hi there Rose! Who's your… friend?" A purple mare with a dark violet mane with a streak of pink and she has a Cutie Mark of a star. "Hi everyone, My name is Ryan Wilson and I come from another world." "Interesting…" She trotted towards me and eyeing me closely like I was a specimen for an experiment. I glanced on the right and saw two blue eyes staring at me, she has pink fur, messy-like mane and tail and balloons as her Cutie Mark. "HAHAH! A newcomer! Welcome to Ponyville! Oh, I know! I will throw you a welcome party. EEEEE THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" "Pinkie, stop scaring our guest will you?" "Okie dokie lokie!" she then pranced towards them. "Jeez Louis! Is she on drugs or something? She must be tripping." "What's drugs?" Twilight asked "It's nothing. Hey, uhhh… Who are you ponies?" Twilight then stepped in front to introduce themselves. "Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Twilight Sparkle, the white beautiful mare is Rarity, the blue pony over there is Rainbow Dash, the orange cowmare over there is Applejack and this is Fluttershy." And then each of them greeted me. "Hello dear!" Rarity is the first. "'Sup?" So did Rainbow Dash "Howdy, partner!" And Applejack "Uhhh, Hi Ryan..." "Hi there Fluttershy, so they are your friends that you were talking about?" "Yes, they are." "Hmm… Nice to meet all of you lovely ponies. Oh hey, Applejack. Do you know Applebloom by any chance?" "Yes, she's mah cute little sister!" Rarity walked towards me and said: "Hello, dear. My name is Rarity, I work at the Carousel Boutique and make beautiful dresses for special occasions." "Nice to meet you Rarity!" Her accent was like of the fancy people you see. "Darling, I must say your buttoned shirt surely fits your style! But what's this? It is ripped and stained with blood!" I looked to my arm to see the spot where my arm was stabbed is ripped and stained with blood. "NOOOOO! This is one of my favorite polo shirts! WHY GOD WHY?!" I shouted. "Don't worry, I can fix it for you. I can repair and re-design dresses!" "Wow, thank you Rarity. Here." I removed my buttoned shirt and gave it to her leaving my muscular body exposed. Everypony was attracted to my body since I am working out. I looked at everyone to see their jaws hanging out and drool dripping out from their mouths. I grabbed my t-shirt on my bag and wore it. It has the words "Keep calm and defend the bombsite" and the Counter-Strike logo, which is my favorite game. "You are very welcome, Ryan." I felt a brush on my leg and found Pinkie staring at me with a huge smile. "HIIIIIIII! I'm Pinkie Pie!" "Yeahh… Uhhh, please move away from me." "Oh, okay! Sorry about that. Oh, I forgot! I have to help bake the cupcakes at Sugar Cube Corner! Well, gotta go everypony!" Then she dashed through the door. "Wow! A creature from another dimension. That is soooo awesome!" "Hmmm… You must be Rainbow Dash." I said. "Yes, yes I am. The most amazing flyer in the land of Equestria!" "Hahahhaha, wanna see more amazing? THIS." I pulled out my butterfly knife and showed some super advanced tricks and some of the combos. Everypony was blown away with my amazing skills. "Not amazing, it's RADICAL! Hi-five!" I then raised my hand and gave her hi-five. Everypony was so nice and I can feel their friendship bond, so strong that no pony can ever break that bond apart. It kinda reminds of how strong Naruto and Sasuke's bonds were… "And you are?" I said to the dragon. "My name is Spike and I am Twilights number one assistant!" He shouted in pride. Spike has green scales on his belly up to his cheeks and has crest on its head and back. "I have never seen a dragon before. But you are awesome!" "Aw shucks…" He took the compliment. "It is really nice to meet all of you but look It's already getting dark and I'm gonna need a place to sleep though. Does anypony here have one?" I asked "Well, I do—" "I have one!" Roseluck interrupted Twilight, she looked at her and she's angry at cutting her off. "Alright, Rose. Goodbye, everypony!" I then exited the tree house. "So, Rose. Where do you live?" *SQUEE!* I jumped, I looked behind me and Roseluck was the one making the noise and then squealed again. Like a squeaky toy from toy stores. "Are you trying to scare me?" I asked, she gave me a huge smile. "Here, take my arm." "Gosh… such a gentleman…" She took my arm and we trotted into the beautiful night. > Crash Course > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IV: Crash Course Rose and I walked into the night and it's getting dark real quick. All ponies, Earth, the pegasi and the unicorns went back into their house to get some shut-eye. The town quickly became empty and silent. "Wow, that was fast… and now it is pretty quiet and there is no sound to be heard." "Yeah, I know right?" "Hey, do you have any leaders or something? Like a president? "No, but we have the mayor of Ponyville and The most honored Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." "Hmm… A monarch, huh? That's pretty dope." We walked into the empty, quiet streets of Ponyville. I looked my watch only to find that the hands were spinning around uncontrollably, it's like a electro-magnetic pulse hit it or something like that. Well, there goes my 600$ Rolex Submariner my aunt and uncle gave me. After walking for like 10 minutes or so, we finally reached Rose's place; It's just a simple 2-story cottage with pink doors and windows with flowers growing beside it with a heart shape imprinted on the middle of the door. "We're here! Welcome to my house, it's not much but it's all I have to offer." Rose's living room is simple, green couch and a table, and walls were painted in white and wooden floors. It was actually very nice. She placed the basket on the table, something hit me. How was she able to speak so clearly with the basket on her mouth? "So, are you living alone in this house? Or do you have anyone sleeping here?" I asked "My friends: Lily and Daisy are sleeping upstairs. We have to not wake them up." She whispered Suddenly, I heard a loud knock on the door. Rose opened the door only to find Derpy behind it. "YOU?! What are you doing here?!" I whispered loudly. "I came hewe to say sowwe to you Wyan." "Oh, Ok come in Derpy" Roseluck said. She trotted towards me with her looking down and then stared at me with sad… Cross-eyed eyes. "I'm weally sowwe from what happened a while ago. I don't know what came over me, It's just…" She started crying, "Oh, come here Derpy. It's okay, It's not your fault. You're just in heat, that's all." She walked towards me and I gave her a big hug. "Hey, If it makes you feel better. Have this." I grabbed a rose from Rose's basket and gave it to her. She smiled and said, "Thank you, Wyan! I'll see you tomorrow!" She went out and flew into the night sky. "Wow, Ryan. I've never seen so much kindness before here in Ponyville." "What can I say? I'm the kind of guy that never hurts anyone and also comforts the hurt. So, where can I sleep?" "You can sleep with me, I would allow you to sleep on the couch but we don't have any more blankets left." She said hiding her blush. "Well, Okay. I can deal with that; Besides, your fur can keep me warm since I gave my cozy polo to Rarity." She blushed more. "Y-yeah… Let's go… To my room!" She stuttered. Well, what's the worst thing that can happen if I sleep next to a pony? That wouldn't be wrong, right? We went upstairs and entered her room, her bed has red blankets, white pillows and golden bars for the headboard and at the foot of her bed. "Wow, this is a nice room you got there. *yawn*" I said as I let out a yawn. "Thank you, Ryan. Let's get some sleep so we can restore our energy for tomorrow." "Right you are." I removed my shoes and left my clothes on. It's not that I don't trust Rose, but it's because all ponies are in heat today and Rose might be prone to the heat that is going on. I placed my bag beside the bed. I wasn't that really tired so I grabbed my phone and my Age of Ultron comic that I bought yesterday while I was still in Earth. I fixed myself then went to bed with Rose, the bed was really comfy. I turned on my phone's flashlight and read. "Ryan? What kind of book is that?" She asked. "It's a comic book; it's a book with pictures and some dialogues. In our world, most of the population prefers comics than books without pictures because they think it's 'boring'." "What is it about?" "It's about how a robot artificial intelligence took over the world and defeated every superhero." "Wow, can I read it with you?" She pleaded "Alright, if you want to." She read the first 3 issues of the comic and after that, she was fast asleep. I placed my book beside the table and turned off my phone. I fixed again myself in the bed and went to sleep, but as soon as I closed my eyes: *Loud horse whinny* She started her horse whinny. Great, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP?! I grabbed a pillow and covered Rose's face, it seemed to be blocking the noise. After that, I went asleep. *Alarm clock phone is ringing* "AHHH! WHAT THE HELL!" I jump scared out of my bed. I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm. I heard some voices downstairs; I looked at the bed and found out that Rose isn't on the bed anymore, so I stretched a little bit and went downstairs only to find Rose and two other ponies. "Hello, Ryan! Good Morning!" she greeted me. "Well, your horse whinny kept me through the night but, Good morning too!" she blushed deep red. "Oh, umm… Yeah, about that. I was tired yesterday. Anyway, meet my friends! Lily & Daisy, Ryan; Ryan, Lily & Daisy. We were just talking about what happened yesterday." "Hello Ryan! My name is Lily and this is Daisy!" Lily had a pink coat with a blonde mane and a lily at the side of her ear and she has a Cutie mark of 3 lily flowers. Daisy has a slightly light pink coat, green curled mane and she also has a cutie mark of 3 daisy flowers. "It is nice to meet you lovely ponies! Well you know, It's kinda funny since you ponies are named after flowers." I said with a smile, the ponies giggled and blushed. "Well, gals. I have to get going, I have some errands to run." I said as I walked out the house. "Goodbye Ryan!" They all said at the same time. Y'know, it's not so bad when you get to know these ponies. They're really kind and nice to me since I got here. But still, the stallions are giving me confused looks while the mares are giving me… Ughh… "THE LOOK" as what I want to call the seductive look in their eyes. "Fucking A, man… FUCKIN' A!" I screamed in my mind. As I was walking down the street, I saw a black hole in the sky and spat out a big ball of… something. It crashed near the Everfree forest, so I ran towards the crash site and the crater was really freaking big as hell. I investigated further but when the smoke cleared, I saw a teenage boy just as the same as me but he has black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin... He is I think 5"4, smaller than me. He was wearing a leather jacket, a long sleeve and a tie. I stood there, frozen in surprise and shock. I used all my effort to speak, "Are you… Human?!" > Submit or Perish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter V: Submit Or Perish "Are you… human?!" I asked I was shocked and happy at the same time seeing a fellow human at last! I helped him out the hole, then he cleaned himself. "Yes, yes I am… Whew! Glad to see a fellow human in here, I thought I was the only one!" "Me too! Hey, what's your name?" he asked "My name is Ryan Wilson. How about you?" "I can't really remember my name… All I remember was… a group of soldiers, lasers, and some test tubes…" he said "The Government? What did they do to you?" I asked "I don't know… they were talking about experimenting me on something. I think… I think my name is Ultron?" "Ultron? That is a cool name." He has the same name from my comic book…It must be a coincidence. "And the last thing I remember is that they sent me home because they didn't needed my anymore and I get to see my family again. We bonded together for a while and then… It was all pitch black." "Oh, man. So did the G-Men experimented on you?" "They did, but after that they didn't need me anymore." "I'm sorry for what the G-Men did to you, man. "Also I'm not human… They were turning me into a super weapon for mass destruction." "Why the hell do they want to do that?" "I don't know… but… Hey, you don't think I'm a freak. Do you?" "Dude, I've seen things that are beyond human fantasy. A manticore, talking ponies, and A MOTHERFUCKING BABY DRAGON. I'm not really surprised seeing a superhuman, I totally knew that the government is fucked up. Next thing you know it's a large robot taking over the damn world." We laughed, but there is something I noticed about his eyes, they were… Changing colors? "Hey, Ultron. What's with your eyes?" I asked. "Oh… They were showing how I feel right now. Red is angry, green is scared and confused, purple is when I'm sad, yellow is happy and pumped up, light blue is normal, dark pink is when I like someone as a friend of mine, and pink when I fall in love with someone." He explained "DUDE, THAT IS SO FREAKING DOPE!" I shouted "Have you got anymore abilities?" I asked "Not much really, I'm immune to all diseases, enhanced senses, martial arts, copy voices and able to read feelings through people's hearts….Also I can jump really high. Do you have any?" "From the last time I knew that something is wrong with me… I can heal fast, shoot webs out of my wrists, teleport aaaand that's about it." "Wow, you have awesome powers! "You too, man. I think the portal from Earth to here must've altered my genes and DNA." "Hmmm…. What is your weakness?" "Women, no internet connection and boredom." "Hahaha! Me too!" We laughed again. We talked and talked about ourselves while walking out the forest, he has an ex which they broke up a long long time ago. He loves eating vegetables and fruits and etc.. He's really not that bad if you get to know him. "Hey, man. I need to get something at a girl's place to get my clothes. Let's go." "Sure. Oh, hey, do you have super human speed? He asked "I don't know, but I think I have. Want to race? "Bring it!" He said, his eyes turned yellow and put on his shades. 3… 2… 1… GO! We raced to the Carousel Boutique with unbelievable speed. I never thought that I have this kind of ability but it sure is fun. I have dreamt of having super amazing powers and IT CAME TRUE! I was so happy to have one. We were nearing the boutique aaand we stopped, we were panting and tired from the race. We then entered the boutique. "Wow, dude. You were good" I said "So were you, man. *pant* *huff*" "Hey Ryan, a while ago while we were walking. Why are the ponies staring at me confusingly and seductively?" "You'll get used to that. First time I got here, I was like "WTF?!" upon seeing these colorful ponies. But they're not so bad when you get to know them. The mares and stallions are on their mating season already, so watch out for those because I almost got sexually harassed by one… It made me feel uncomfortable and creeped." I explained. "Well that explains a lot." We laughed. We knocked on the door and Rarity opened it. She was confused upon seeing Ultron." "Oh, hello there dear! Please come into my humble abode." She said in a ladiest manner like she was welcoming an important person. "Excuse me, Ryan but, Who is your fellow friend?" She asked. "Rarity, meet Ultron. He is a fellow human like me… well, half human I suppose. He is also I little different" "Nice to meet you, darling. And I must say, your eyes are very beautiful!" "Thank you. Ummm… Rarity, I suppose?" she nodded to Ultron. "His eyes are turning into what he is feeling right now, Yellow means that he is happy." "Wow, Ultron. That is quite amazing!" she praised. "Okay, then. Hey, Rarity, have you finished repairing my polo?" I asked "Yes I have, dear. And as you said, I redesigned it." She used her magic to levitate my polo shirt and gave it to me, It was colored red and now colored black and has black sapphire gems for buttons. "Rarity, have I ever told you how much I love you right now?" I said smiling, she blushed and said "Oh, my darling. Why thank you so much!" she thanked me. I removed my shirt leaving my necklace with Jesus in it and wore the polo. It was much more comfortable and suits me more than before. "Do you want me to put more gems?" she asked "No thanks, it is so fly right now!" I complimented my polo. Because of her kindness and her awesomeness, I walked towards her and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed even more, and said: "Oh! U-u-hhh…. *giggle*. What was that for?" she asked. "That was for your kindness you showed me!" "Thank you, Ryan…" she thanked me "You're welcome. Well, see you later Rarity!" "S-See you later, Ryan!" then we walked out of the boutique. While we were walking, Ultron gave me a confused look and his eyes turned green. He asked: "Why did you kiss Rarity?" "Oh, everytime a female shows her kindness to me; I kiss them on their cheek to express my gratitude to them. Girls at my school like me because of my kindness, friendliness, loveliness and not to mention most of them like my muscular body." "Pfffffttt, I don't believe you. Every female like me without those personalities!" "Well, I'm gonna guess someday, you'll turn into a chick-magnet when we get back to Earth." We laughed. I gave him a tour around Ponyville, but after a while… Pinkie showed up immediately in front of our eyes. Ultron jumpscared but I didn't since I got used to her surprise techniques. "Hellooo Ryan! Who's your friend? OH! I know, he's a human like you but not that human since he got experimented by the government and now is a superhuman biological super weapon built for mass destruction!" She gave us a huge smile, our jaw almost dropped to the floor. "How… the hell do you know that?" "A hunch." She said. "THERE CAN BE NO WAY THAT IS A HUNCH , NO FUCKIN' WAY!" I screamed internally. "I like you glowing eyes, mister…?" "Ultron. The name's Ultron." He said to her. "Ultron? Well, that's a weird name. OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?! I have to go bake some cupcakes. SMELL YA' LATER!" she immediately closed the door in a hurry. "What was that about?" he asked me. "Well, just a pony addicted to parties and stuff…" "More like she's addicted to drugs." We laughed louder. We were still walking down the street and saw a rainbow trail heading for us at an unbelievable speed. "WATCH OUT!" Rainbow Dashed warned us, I knew it was her and I dodged just in time to not hit her in the face. Rainbow Dash crashed into a nearby haystack; we ran to her and helped her up. She screamed in pain, I told her what is going on and she placed her hooves onto my hands only to find a needle on one part of her leg. (GEDDIT? Needle in haystack?) "AH! It hurts…" she screamed. "Don't worry Ma'am. I can help you." Ultron said. Ultron steadily removed the needle and after that, her leg was bleeding. I grabbed my bag and found a band-aid inside it. I gave it to Ultron and placed it on her wound. It was now okay. "Thank you, bro. What's your name?" "My name is Ultron, Ma'am. I'm half human from Earth just like Ryan. You are Rainbow Dash?" "How did you know?" She asked. "Ryan told me about you. You're the best flying Pegasus in Ponyville, I assume?" He said in a gentleman manner. "Ponyville? Huh. I think you mean in whole EQUESTRIA!" She said in pride… Like last time. "Wow… thank you for a while ago." They looked into each other's eyes. I decided to prank them, so I shouted "GRENADE!". Ultron was shocked, he ran into a distance and hid into a cover. I ROFLed really hard, but instead Ultron being mad. He laughed with me. "HAHAH! Good one, Ryan!" "You should've seen the look on your face, man! HAHAHAHA!" I laughed even harder. "Okay, let's get going. Nice meeting you, Rainbow Dash!" "You too, Ultron." We walked for a while. I continued talking to him. "Hey dude, instead of calling you Ultron. How about Jack? "Nahh. I don't like it." "Geoff?" "No." "Gavin?" "Nope" "Michael?" "Jesus, man. Those are the worst name you have ever got." "Okay… How about… Ray?" "Perfect!." "Cool, man. We laughed and continued to walk. It might be a start of a new adventure her in Equestria. Who knows what kind of dark, mysterious villain would come after us and fuck us like crazy? Well, I'm gonna be here for a long time to figure that out. > Can't Stop Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Can't Stop Now We're still walking through Ponyville and pretty much Ultron—err… Ray knows half of the places here. But then I realized that I have my phone and I could call my parents to see if they were okay. I quickly grabbed my phone to check but there is no signal to be found. I sighed… "What's wrong, man?" Ray asked "I thought I could call my parents to see if they were okay but, I realized that we are in another world and there's not a damn signal to be found. So much for that." We were getting kind of bored and I thought that we could listen to some music. I turned it to speakers so we could listen. "Hey, Ray. What kind of music do you like?" I asked. "Classical, Rock, Dubstep and some Mash-ups of popular songs." "Hmm, I like your taste in music. I, myself play the piano to soothe my soul accompanied by my beautiful angelic voice." "Alright, heh. No need to rub it to my face." "Sorry." We laughed. "Hey, Ray. How old are you, anyway?" "I am 18 years old." "Me too!" We laughed then again. "Let's listen to some music, shall we?" I played Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake ft. Jay-Z. I can tell that he's digging the music. After a while, we started dancing in public to the music. "Dude! I'm digging this music now! And as long as I got my suit and tie, I'll be leaving it on the floor tonight!" We started dancing synchronized and some ponies watched us. They were amazed by our smooth moves. After that, the song ended and we stopped dancing. The ponies stomped their hooves showing their amazement in our dance. "Thank you, everypony. No need to be excited!" "You dance amazing!" a pony shouted. After they departed, the Main 6 appeared. Twilight approached me and said: "Wow, I never thought you two would dance amazing like that!" she proclaimed to us. "Well, as a matter of fact, I took several dance classes while I was back on Earth." I said. "I could copy one's dance moves too." Ray laughed. "Interesting…Well, see you later!" then Twilight walked away. We walked for a while and after 15 minutes, we passed a building which seemed to be a school. "Oh, look. A school! Huh, I remember the days in our school. If we misbehave in class, the teacher makes us go in front and eat 5 ghost peppers!" Ray said. "Holy shit, man. For realsies?" "For realsies." "Wait, how come you remember your school?" I asked, confused. "Well… I don't know, it seems like my memories are coming back together." "Oh… Hey, let's check out the school!" "Sure, let's go!" then we ran towards the school. As we entered the school grounds, we saw fillies and foals playing around in the playground. But as soon we are nearing the door, we heard a laugh, more like a laugh of a bully. We went to the playground and saw Applebloom and 2 other ponies being bullied by two other ponies. I quickly went to them and said: "Hey! What's going on here?" I asked. "What's it to you?" the small pony asked. She has a light pink fur, violet and white mane and tail, a diamond tiara at her head and a tiara for a cutie mark. The other one has a gray fur, wearing glasses, silver colored mane and tail and a silver spoon for a cutie mark. "They're bullying us! Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara are calling us blank flanks because we don't have Cutie Marks!" Applebloom said. I stared at the two ponies and said "Why are you bullying them?" "What do you care?" Silver Spoon said. "I care, we care, all of us care. Don't you know that bullying is the reason that many ponies commit suicide? One of my classmates was bullied once, but when everyone knew about it… They came up for a group called 'Anti-bullying'. Like a million people joined and took the bully to custody. And when he was free, he will never bully anyone again. So stop now… or rot in jail like the bully." I explained, the 2 ponies looked down sad and apologized "I'm… so sorry, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle… We didn't know." Diamond Tiara said. "Aw, it's okay. As long as you don't do it again." Applebloom said. "Yeah, we forgive you." The trio forgave the two. "Well, we have to go. But if you do this again, I'll be back for you. Do you understand?" I said angrily, the two ponies shivered and nodded. I walked away and the trio followed us. "Wow, Ryan. I never thought that you could do that!" Applebloom smiled at me. "Well, you could've just run to anyone you could know and complain to them." "But we're…" "Too afraid? Applebloom, there's no reason to be afraid. You'll have to seek help or else you'll end up having your own grave at a cemetery." "Oh… Let me introduce you to my friends, This is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo; Ryan and Ray." They said hi to us "Thanks for helping us, Ryan!" Scootaloo thanked me. "You're welcome! I always help a friend in need!" "Hey, we gotta go, something's come up. Bye!" she trotted away and I waved to them goodbye. "Holy shit, dude. I never thought you are THAT brave to defend the bullied." Ray said in awe. "Well, y'know. I'm getting sick of all the bullies back in Earth. They think they can boss us around and try to be superior…Boy, they are wrong!" "I'm glad to see a role model in town, you're like the hero of Ponyville now, man!" "Oh look, we're here." I said as I knocked on the door of the school. It opened to reveal an Earth pony with dark shade of pink fur, pink mane with a light shade of pink streak and three flowers with smiling faces. "Why, hello there! Are you the two humans that I've been hearing so much from the fillies?" "Yes, yes we are Ms.?" Ray said in the most gentleman manner. "Cheerilee… My name is Ms. Cheerilee. I am a teacher here." She blushed and we could tell she's a little shy to us. "What do you teach here?" I asked "I teach little fillies and foals on how to get their Cutie Marks and about friendship and history of Ponyville!" She said in a happy manner. "That's it? No mathematics, science and English or something like that?" "What's English?" She asked. "DUDE, MY GOD. THEY DON'T KNOW ENGLISH." I turned to Ray, shocked. "I KNOW, RIGHT?" "Ahem, is there something wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, just… Well, it's nice to meet you Ms. Cheerilee." I said. She smiled then suddenly, her face was all blue (If you know what I mean.) "What's wrong, Ms. Cheerilee?" Ray asked. "Oh… It's about this Rutting day that's been happening… I could have mated with Big Mac but I only saw him as a friend during Hearts and Hooves Day. And now, no stallion wants to mate with me and I feel all alone. So, If I can't get a stallion… I'll mate with another species." And then suddenly, the sadness in her voice disappeared. "Can you two come in? I'm free and I'm not doing anything and the fillies and foals have no classes today." She gave us a lustful look. I laughed sarcastically and Ray followed. "Hahahhehe… Can you give us a minute?" I asked. We turned around and talked about her "DUDE, SHE WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH US." I whispered. "I KNOW! Dude… Evade, we need to evade. How do we do this?" He whispered loudly. I tried to think on how to evade this situation. Then suddenly, a bright idea hit me. "I got an idea…" I said. "Is there something wrong?" Cheerilee asked. "Oh… hehehe… Nothing. Hey! I got something that would help you." I then grabbed my phone and listened to Waste by Foster the People. "Oh my… This music! It's amazing…" She said with her eyes widening. "Told ya'" I said to Ray, "But I still want to mate." She said with "THE LOOK" on her face. "Damn it… Well, that didn't go according to plan…" I facepalmed. Then Cheerilee began walking towards us with her tongue out and drooling. "Dude… Plan B?" Ray asked. "Plan B…" I said smiling "Is that a filly trapped in a seesaw?" I shouted. Cheerillee looked behind and I grabbed Ray's wrist and teleported outside the school. "Nice teleporting skills, bro." Ray praised me. We went to a nearby window and peeked at Cheerilee, she was finding us but to no avail. "You can run but you can't hide! When Rutting Day comes… I will rutt all the males in Ponyville! MWAHAHAHA" She let out a maniacal laugh and returned to back to the school. I peeked back and saw that the coast is clear, we walked away. "Jesus… these mares are really into it! Not to mention, did you see how Cheerilee acted a while ago? She need to get laid… like right now before she goes rape every stallion and colt in Ponyville" Ray said to me like a 'What just happened' situation "Dude, they are so freaking cray-cray." "Tell me about it. Well, this can't be good. I know they are cool and all but me having sex with ponies? No fuckin' way!" We walked and saw that the sun is setting down over the horizon. "Is it that late already? Huh…. Well, I'll be heading over Rose's place to sleep… Hey, you can sleep on the couch if you want." I offered "Sounds okay!" He said. We walked to the path of Rose's house when I heard a voice. "Ryan!" She flew right at me and almost crashed into Ray but luckily, she stopped and didn't crash. "Oh, heya Derpy! What's up? You almost crashed into Ray." I said to her smiling. "Nothing, It's nothing. Oops! I gotta run, see ya'!" Then she dashed in the direction we were going. "Well, that was random…" Ray said, his eyes turning green. We finally arrived at Rose's place and as I opened the door. "SURPRISE SURPRISE!" I heard everyone shout at the same time. We stood there for a minute and Ray's eyes turned to yellow and looked at me smiling. "Hey, Ryan… Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said to me, I laughed. And said: "EVERYBODY PARTY ROCK!" I shouted. The music got loud and everybody danced. This is going to be a long night… We were amazed to see like thousands of ponies in Rose's house. It's like all of them are here, even Derpy and the Main six. Suddenly, Pinkie's eyes are right at my face. "JEEZ LOUIS! Pinkie, you need to stop scaring me like that." "Sorry! I'm just excited how awesome this welcome party I made for you two! It's like SOOO AWESOME!" She jumped in excitement. "You made this? Wow, How did you manage to invite all ponies in this small cottage?" "Easy! Everyone knows that I throw super, awesome parties! I'll just hand them an invitation then bam! They show up!" She bounced and bounced. "Ooooohhh! New human in town! I've heard about you from the mares!" She said looking at Ray. "You have?" He asked. "Yeah! They told me all about you, then all of the naughty and kinky things they want to do with you! Like you strapping them and rutting and –" "Okay! Alright… Hey, Ryan, Let's go party with them!" "Yeah, alright." We roamed around the house and saw ponies chatting and some looking at us with that seductive, lustful look on their eyes. Banners, streamers and confetti are hanging on the ceiling and balloons are all over the place. We saw the DJ table and went there to find a unicorn with white fur, blue mane and tail with a streak of light blue, a music note for a Cutie Mark and she was wearing purple shades. "Hey there, what's your name?" I asked "Oh, hey there! I'm Vinyl Scratch, nice to meet you Ryan and Ray!" "Thanks. Hey, since you're a DJ… I have a nice idea." I grabbed my phone and plugged in the jack. "Hey Ray… Why don't you sing first?" "Hell yeah!" He went to the stage and grabbed the microphone. "EY YO EVERYBODY! I'm gonna sing for all of you! HIT IT!" Vinyl then played Get Lucky by Daft Punk ft. Pharell Williams After the song ended, all ponies stomped in excitement and Rainbow Dash flew in approval. "Thank you! And now, It's Ryan's turn to sing!" Ray introduced me and I came up the stage. "Well, thank you. Alright, Hit it Vinyl!" I gave her the signal, she nodded and played Kiss from a Rose by Seal. After the song ended, everyone in the room were amazed and in awe and were struck away. AND WERE BLOWN AWAY! They stomped loudly as a praise for me and I saw Rainbow Dash going all crazy screaming and shouting. Even Fluttershy did too, go all nutballs on my voice. "DUUUUDE! YOU ARE AWESOME! HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT, MAN!" Ray praised me of my voice. "Wow, Ryan… You sing like an angel." Vinyl said to me blushing "Well… Thanks! I had a couple of voice lessons back on Earth." I said to them. Me and Ray decided to separate and mingle with other ponies. He was talking with Vinyl while I am talking to Twilight and Fluttershy. The party went on for like the whole night; we played a couple of games like Pin the tail on the pony, Derpy brought some delicious muffins and etc. Half of the mares want my autograph after I sang in stage and begged me to play Spin the Bottle and 7 minutes in heaven. Eventually, we refused because they were giving us 'THE LOOK' and we know it's their plan to fucking rape us sky high. It was dancing time and I went in the center of the dancefloor and showed them my moves, they were amazed on how smooth my moves are, from Tango to breakdancing. Well, the party ended and all ponies left except me, Ray, Daisy, Lily and Rose. I lied on the couch, exhausted. "That… was the best party I have ever been through of my life." I said panting "You said it, bro!" He said in excitement and his eyes are still glowing yellow. I bro-fisted him when suddenly, I heard Rose calling me. "Ryan? Are you coming upstairs?" She called me upstairs. "I'll be with you in a minute!" I replied. I looked at Ray and he's giving me a smirk "Oh my God, dude… You're sleeping with a pony? That is so wrong!" He chuckled. "Dude, please. You're getting the wrong idea. At least I have my earbuds so I can listen to music and NOT HEAR HER SNORE." I shouted so that Rose can hear me. Ray laughed "Well, Goodnight, dude!" I said to him "Goodnight, Ryan!" Then he laid down on the couch and fell asleep. I went upstairs and entered Rose's room and I heard her snore even louder. I removed my polo exposing my body because it's hot tonight. I listened to In the End by Linkin Park and I drifted to a nice sleep without Rose's snore keeping me awake at night. Jesus, what a day! > White Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: White Light "In fearful day, in raging night The brightest day rises from the skies For those who joined in evil's might Beware our power— WHITE LANTERN'S LIGHT!" A strange voice called out, I am in a room of some sort. It feels strange… It has no door and no furniture; it is also painted in black, but in front of me is a pony, I can't really see her face. But I feel really uncomfortable near her… She's walking towards me… closer and closer. She then opened her mouth and said… "I'm coming for you… MY LOVER!" I woke up in a jolt… I was bathing in cold sweat and breathing heavily. Trying to recall the dream, a pony mentioned something about me as a lover? I couldn't see her face and something about that pony just… makes me uncomfortable and at the same time powerful. I also couldn't figure out the meaning but the poem that I heard. It was really strange, like an unimaginable amount of energy surged through my body, building up and giving me strength… Strange but I have to seek help from someone. I put on my clothes, grabbed my balisong and went downstairs. Rose went out the kitchen and looked at me confused at why am I such in a hurry. "Ryan? Is everything okay? Why are you such in a hurry?" she asked. "Oh… Uhhhh… Am I?" I asked. "Ummm… Yes you are. Isn't that obvious?" "Uhhh... Ehehe… must've lost track of time!" "Is that so? Well, you have to eat breakfast before you go out. I made something special!" "Why, that's so nice of—you…" My voice trailed off as I saw sunflowers and orange juice on the table. "What the—Is that-? Never mind, I forgot that ponies are herbivores. Oh well, let's eat then!" "Okay!" She said to me, but something hit me. "Uhhh… Rose? Where's Ray?" Ray's POV 1:30 AM, Earlier I walked down the streets of Pony Ville as the wind breezed through my hair, it feels good. I didn't have any sleep since I am a superhuman and I can go like 5 days straight without sleep. I took a walk early in the morning just to explore more of Pony Ville, y'know… Get to know more of it while Ryan and Rose are sleeping at the cottage. As I was walking, I saw a large city-like castle. It's a large, white and shining one. "I wonder what that castle is…" I thought. I zoomed in my vision to take a closer look at the castle; there's a half-pegasus and half-unicorn standing on top of the castle tower, her fur is colored black, she has a mane of… stars and space? And she has a cutie mark of a moon. "Hmm… Odd." I thought to myself. I continued to walk around when suddenly, I was surrounded by black aura; it paralyzed me and my vision was fading. I saw a pony walk towards me and said: "You're mine now…" She said smiling. Then all I saw was blackness. I woke up tied to a table in a room full of magical stuffs and things. My eyes turned green as I saw a hooded figure walk towards me. She removed her hood and revealed herself to me. "Hello there… filthy peasant… I, the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE, has kidnapped you!" She shouted in pride. "Uh-huh… yeah, obviously. Hey, Where am I? Why did you kidnapped me?" I asked her. "I'm very sorry for knocking you out, Ray…" She said to me. "How the hell do you know my name?" "I heard a lot about you from the mares around Pony Ville. And now, you will rutt me because I am attracted to you!" "You can't do this!" I said "Oh help me I will. You see, since The Great and Powerful Trixie was humiliated by Twilight Sparkle when the Ursa Minor attacked Pony Ville. The Great and Powerful Trixie was left alone and no stallions want to mate her! So, I joined forces with Ms. Cheerilee so that we can rutt finally and quench our thirst for the milk that your foalmaker produces!" She explained in third-person, then I saw Cheerilee come out of the shadows with those lustful eyes staring at me. "Oh, Jesus… This cannot be good!" I shouted. Then, Trixie kissed me forcefully on the lips while fondling the snake in my trousers.(LOL XD) I clenched my teeth so that her tongue doesn't enter my mouth. Meanwhile, Cheerilee is just standing there, looking at me like a sugar-addicted girl looking at a large lollipop. "DO NOT RESIST THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!" She said angrily. Cheerilee then used her mouth to open the zipper in my pants… I finally freed myself from the ropes and ran through the door. But, Trixie used her magic to levitate me and tied me back… THAT'S WHERE I GOT MAD I focused my energy and shouted "SHOCKWAVE!" Then suddenly, a shockwave was produced, knocking both Trixie and Cheerilee out. "RRRAAAHH!" I freed myself from the magic and ran through the door. I got out and used my superhuman speed to get back to the cottage. Then the two ponies woke up, angry at me for leaving. "You may have escaped, but when Rutting Day comes… WE WILL SUCK ALL OF YOU DRY! MWAHAHAHAHA!" She shouted. I heard her from a mile away with my enhanced sense of hearing. "Oh my God… That was fucking close. Holy fuck." I sighed. I sprinted like 100 miles per hour and I saw that the sun's coming up. I'm glad that I didn't give my virginity to a fucking pony. This world gets weirder and weirder every time. Ryan's POV Present time, at Rose's cottage. "Thanks for the food, Rose!" I said "You're welcome!" she replied I put on my shoes and as I was reaching for the doorknob, the door slammed into my face and I saw Ray panting. "OW! What the fuck, man?!" I shouted "Oops, sorry man." "What happened to you?" I asked "I almost got raped by… Cheerilee and that other unicorn pony." "Holy shit, dude! Really?" "Yeah, man. I just kissed one and it made me really uncomfortable." "Jesus Christ…" I facepalmed. "Well, it's okay now. I just saw a large city-like castle on the other side of that mountain. Let's check it out." Ray said to me, Rose heard our conversation and said: "Oh, you mean Canterlot? That's the place where fancy stallions and mares live. The castle is where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna live too." "Oh, uh. Rose, who is the pony that's been standing on the castle tower at night? She's like half-pegasus and half-unicorn." Ray asked "Oh, that's Princess Luna. She's the princess of the night and she raises the moon. She is also an alicorn." We looked at Rose confused. "An alicorn is all kinds of ponies combined. Earth, Pegasi and unicorn; If one pony turned to an alicorn, she is honored as a princess." Rose explained "Sounds epic, don't you think?" I said to Ray. "Yeah, we should totally go check this place out!" He said in excitement. "You should go ask Twilight, she'll guide you there." She said to us. I looked at Ray and smiled and he smiled back. "THE R&R CONNECTION ACTIVATE!" we both shouted as we put on our sunglasses. We then left her house and went to Twilight's tree house. We arrived at her place and knocked on her door. She opened it and gladly saw us by the moment we knocked "Oh, hello there Ryan and Ray! Please come in." She said gladly. "Hey Twilight. You seem happy to see us today." I said "Well, it's nothing. Just… -" She said blushing "Hey Twilight, can we go to Canterlot? Y'know, check the place out and meet the princesses?" I asked. Her smile widened. "With pleasure! But first, let's gather the Mane 6 so we can go together." She said walking out the door. "Hey, what about the lil' dragon dude. Spike was it?" Ray reminded Twilight, she stopped and turned around. "Oh yeah… Eheheh…. I forgot, sorry! SPIKE! Come on, we're going to Canterlot!" She called out. "Yeah, alright Twi. I'm coming!" Spike then came down the stairs. Spike noticed Ray and looked at each other. "Yo, wassup! I'm Ray." Ray introduced himself. "Oh, it's you… Twilight and Rarity talks about you like every second I go near them." He said with a little irritation in his voice "Psst! Ryan, what's the little dude's problem?" Ray asked me. "Jealous maybe?" I answered "Anyway, let's get going!" Twilight said as we walked out the door. We went to the houses of the Mane 6, gathering them for like 30 minutes. After that, we went to the Pony Ville Express. The train arrived and I have to say, it is colorful than what I have expected. "ALL ABOARD!" the conductor shouted "We can take this train to Canterlot. Let's hop in, guys!" Twilight said to us. We entered the train and took our seats on those odd-looking seats. I was sitting by the window watching the beautiful meadows as we pass by. Then suddenly, I saw Fluttershy trot towards me and sat close to me, she then gave a nervous smile. I smiled back. "Here, Fluttershy. Sit on my lap." I requested "Oh… U-Uhh… If that's okay w-with you." She stuttered. "Sure, go ahead. It's okay, why don't you enjoy the view with me?" I said. She blushed deep red, she climbed on my lap and sat there. I watched the view for a while and I noticed that she was looking at me the whole time. "Fluttershy? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked confused "It's b-because, that I never noticed how handsome you are." She said, blushing an impossible shade of red. "Oh, huh. No-one ever said that before. Thanks!" I thanked her. "Uhhh… Hey, Ryan?" "What is it?" "What type of girls… d-d-d-d-do you l-l-like?" She stuttered even more. Somehow that caused me to sweat and blush. "Ehehe… Well… Girls like you. Shy, timid and nice." I brushed her mane; she blushed even more than ever. "My mane was never brushed before, I like the feeling of it." "Uh-huh… Well… Mmmph!" I was suddenly kissed by Fluttershy, and somehow… It felt good, she smelled like flowers and made those cheap perfumes smell like garbage. We then broke apart and a string of saliva was still connected to our mouths. "OH! Umm…I'm so sorry for that." She said blushing more and more. "Oh… uhhh… It's okay, no harm done, right?" "I guess you're right." "Well… Wait… did I just—Mmmph!" She kissed me again and now unzipping me. I pushed her back, shocked. "Flutters! Enough, that's enough. Please…" I said to her. "Sorry! I'm sorry…It's just that the heat is getting to me lately." she apologized. I sighed, did I just kissed a pony and said that it felt good? Jesus CHRIST WHY AM I DOING THIS?! "No fair, Fluttershy! I want some too!" I heard Pinkie's voice and the next thing I know that Pinkie kissed me and now her tongue was inside my mouth. I pushed her back and said: "JESUS CHRIST, PINKIE?! CALM DOWN…. Oh my God, what is wrong with everyone?!" I said angrily. "Pinkie, I'm with Ryan. Can you please go to Ray? If that's okay with you." She said to Pinkie "Sorry, 'Shy! Ray's playing with Dashie and Rarity right now!" I looked at the other side and saw Rarity and Dash nuzzling both at Ray's arms. "Psst! Ray!" I called out to him. "Yes?" "Can we switch? Pinkie's a little bit crazy and I need some peace and quiet." "Sure, bro. It's too quiet here and I'm bored." So we switched places. Ray has Pinkie and Fluttershy while I have Rarity and Dash. But when they looked at me, their eyes and smile widened then suddenly, they hugged me. "Hi, Ryan!" they both said at the same time. "Oh! Uhhhh, hi!" "Where's Ray?" Rarity asked "Well, me and Ray switched places so I can have some peace and quiet." "Ryan, about the party last night. You sing so beautiful *sniff*" Dash praised me of my voice. "Indeed, deary. Your voice was like an angel from the skies." Rarity too. "Well, thanks! What can I say?" "Hey Ryan? Can you sing for us again?" she requested. "Sure." I grabbed my phone and put on my ear buds. I played and sang Candy Store by Faber Drive After the song ended, the two ponies slept in my lap. The ride was long and boring, I looked back to see Twilight and Applejack with that jealous look on their face. I winked and then suddenly, they blushed and looked in different directions, I laughed. Sometimes, I like to mess with people's head. I looked to the other side and saw Ray asleep, 'Shy and Pinkie were looking at me confused at what's on my ear. I removed them and explained what it is. "WOW! It's like a device for everything! Does it bake cupcakes like I do?" Pinkie said in awe "Uhh… ehehe.. No, it doesn't." I said, Pinkie made a cute pout. "That's amazing." Fluttershy said in awe but her voice was silent. Rarity and Dash was woke up, "*Yawn* How long was I asleep?" Dash asked "You slept for an hour." I said, looking at my phone's clock. "Wow, you are the most handsome human I have ever seen in my life…" Rarity said with her eyes half closed. I blushed… "Well… Thanks, you are beautiful too, Rarity" I said, she blushed. Then I was suddenly kissed by Rarity. I pushed her back then Rainbow kissed me too, I pushed her back too and Applejack trotted towards me and kissed me again! "Sto—Mmmph!" I pushed Applejack and Twilight began kissing me. "What the fu—mmph! ENOUGH!" I pushed everyone back. "JESUS CHRIST! WHAT'S WITH YOU PONIES KISSING ME?! OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL!" I said angrily. They only giggled, I followed. "The ponies must've liked you since you sang in stage last night." Ray laughed. "Shut up, man… now I'm traumatized." I said shaking, He laughed even more. "Hey, man. Switch?" He said "Switch!" I said and we switched. "Good to be back… Hey, you two. I'm going to take a nap." I said to Pinkie and 'Shy. Fluttershy nodded "Okey dokey lokey!" She said. I rested my head on the window and took a nap. A few minutes later, I woke up and saw that we are not in the grasslands and we are now in the mountains. I saw 'Shy sleeping on my left arm. I rested my head on the window when suddenly; I felt rustling on my pants and saw Pinkie opening my pants' zipper with her mouth. "AH! PINKIE, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!" I jumped, Pinkie giggled and said. "I can't help myself! You look so cute and handsome while sleeping and I want to drink your milk and eat you all up like a cupcake!" She said to me with a big grin on her face. "Well, stop. Just stop. It's not your fault anyway; it's just the heat that's been getting to you. And maybe someday, you'll fuck anything you see that has a fucking dick OR a vagina. Jesus H. Christ, why is this happening?" I said. I looked at Ray and saw them playing, Dash was being tickled by him and Rarity was giving him the jealous look. Spike, Twilight and Applejack are fast asleep on the back. I sighed and looked at the window to see the castle already there. "YAY! We're here finally!" Pinkie shouted in excitement and made the Mane 6 woke up. I walked to Ray and smiled. "Let's do this…" I said as I put on my sunglasses… again. "AW HELL YEAH BITCHES! LET'S GO!" We then gave each other brofists. We went out the train and somehow, my body became stronger. I ignored it and walked through the gate. As I walked, I seemed to step on something. I then saw a ring; it's silver and has a symbol in it… which is familiar. But then it hit me, as a comic book addict, I was able to figure what this is… It's the ring of a White Lantern! How did it end up here? I was frozen cold… This is like the opportunity of a lifetime! Ray stopped and looked at me with his green eyes. "Dude? Ryan? Are you coming?" He asked I snapped back; I nodded to Ray and looked at the ring one more time. Then I put it on, the ring shone its light and gave me power and yet wiser. My God… this adventure going to be more epic… I can assure that. > Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VIII: Canterlot The train halted from a stop. The Mane 6, me and Ray exited and took a walk. "Everyone, welcome to Canterlot!" Twilight said to us, it was amazing… the buildings, the ponies, everything! Every pony in here are wearing expensive clothes and everything seem so fancy. "Holy Jesus, this place is so fucking fancy." I said. As we walked in Canterlot, many ponies were looking at us, confused, shocked and disgusted. I heard footsteps behind us and as we turned around, I saw a 4 feet unicorn stallion. He has white fur, his mane is like slicked half, he's wearing a tuxedo, has a mustache, he also has a monocle and has 3 crowns for a cutie mark. "Good afternoon, good gentlecolts! My name is Mr. Fancy Pants Say, are you those human that I've been hearing so much?" He asked. "Why, yes. Yes, we are. We have come here to visit Canterlot to admire its beauty. My name is Ryan and this good man is Ray." I said in the most gentleman manner I have ever expressed. Then another unicorn trotted towards us, she has an almost-white pink fur and pink mane, and has 3 spades for a cutie mark. "Why hello there, Ms.- .?" I reached her hoof and kissed it. "My name is Fleur De Lis, Nice to meet you Ryan and Ray." She said, flattered "It is nice to meet you both!" we said at the same time. "You must come with us; the Wonderbolts are performing right now and are about to race!" Fancy Pants invited us. Rainbow heard what he said and flew near us. "OH MY GOSH… THE WONDERBOLTS ARE HERE?! EEEEEEEE I SO WANNA WATCH THEM!" Rainbow sounded like fan girl… because she is…. "Why of course, you can join us if you want." He said. Rainbow exploded and flew sky high. "Hey, Rarity. Can you go with me to my favorite donut shop?" Spike asked "Oh, I'm so sorry Spike. But I want to watch the Wonderbolts with Ryan and the others." Rarity said. Spike then gave me a killer stare, and it somehow made the atmosphere tense. "Hey, Spike. I'll join ya', besides, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." Ray said to him. "Me too!" Pinkie said "It's decided then; Pinkie, Ray and Spike will go to the donut shop while Ryan, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will join Fancy Pants watch the Wonderbolts. And I also have to talk to the princesses." Twilight said. "I have to get some supplies for mah brother in this city. Gotta dash!" Applejack said. We then departed. Ray's POV Walking with Pinkie and Spike, 1:30 PM "Hey Spike, what's with you being angry at Ryan?" I asked. He looked at me and said "It's because… I have a crush on Rarity and she likes her rather than me!" There was fury and sadness in his voice, and I understand him. "If he ever kisses Rarity again… I will kill him!" He said in anger and fury. "Look, my man. Ryan will never kiss Rarity, I can assure you that. He also don't want to mate with animals, that's against our law. Trust me, man." I also couldn't tell him that he already kissed Rarity on the train a while ago. "Hmph…" Spike pouted "Hey, you like Rarity right? But you're a dragon and she's a pony, what makes you like her that much?" "Because she's the most beautiful, prettiest, gorgeous pony I have ever seen in my entire life… and I would do anything to make her fall in love with me." She said in a romantic voice. "Ehehehe…. Right…" I said "Here we are!" Spike said pointing to the shop, we entered and it smelled good inside. We went to the counter and saw another stallion with brown messed mane and tail, light brown fur and a pink sprinkled donut for a cutie mark. "Hello there! My name is Joe and welcome to my donut shop!" He said. "Hey there, Joe! Give me the usual with extra sprinkles, please." Spike said sitting on a stool at the counter. "Coming right up, Spike!" he said and came back with a plate of donut with sprinkles and a hot chocolate. I sat right next to him and Joe looked at me surprised. "Oh, hey! It's the human every pony was talking about!" He said. I smiled. "Yeah, that's what everyone says. Can I have one of your best glazed donuts, please?" I requested. "You said it! Here, our best pink glazed sprinkled donut." He said. "Thanks! Also, an Iced coffee, please." "Comin' right up, sir!" He said then came back with the coffee. "Oooohhh! Pink donut! I knew you like licking my—"Pinkie said and I spat my coffee on Spike. "Oh shit, sorry Spike!" I apologized, taking a napkin and drying him. "It's okay." He said "Jesus Christ, Pinkie! What were you thinking about?!" I said angrily "Hihihihi! Sorry!" I facepalmed, I wonder how Ryan's doing with the others? Ryan's POV The Royal Stadium, 2:00 PM I sat between Fluttershy and Fancy Pants at the stadium watching the Wonderbolts getting ready for the big race. I looked around and saw countless ponies below us since we are in the highest section of the stadium. Rainbow flew up high like the usual fan girl she is. And still, all ponies looked at me confused. The Wonderbolts prepared themselves. "Mr. Wilson, what place do you come from?" Fancy Pants asked. "Well, my good sir. I come from Earth! It is the place where humans like me live." "Do you have any friends?" He asked "Of course I have! Why would I not?" "What about me, deary?" Rarity said to me with puppy eyes. "You too, Rarity. Why would I forget you even the others?" I said brushing her mane. The starter pistol was fired and the Wonderbolts flew as fast as they can. Rainbow was at the edge of her seat cheering the one called Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. And yet they were as fast as the fucking Flash! Jesus! After the race ended, everyone clapped and Rainbow Dash jumped in excitement like the fan girl she is because the first place was claimed by Spitfire. Fluttershy looked at me shyly. "'Shy? Is everything okay?" I said "Oh! Uhhh… Y-yes… Ryan? There's something I've always wanting to say to you." She said "Sure, tell me everything." I said. "Ever since I met you, you made me feel safe every time I go near you. And when you sang in stage, you looked at me and winked at me, that made my heart beat faster than ever. Whenever I talk to you, my mind goes blank and butterflies are in my stomach. *sigh* Ryan… I love you." She confessed and kissed me, somehow the kiss felt good that before… It made me heart beat fast too. We broke apart; I couldn't believe what I'm doing right now. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest and said: "It beats fast isn't it?" She said, it made me blush and sweat. I nodded to her and also said "'Shy, I… also love you. I knew that there is something special about you that I noticed when we first met." I smiled and we kissed again. "Ahem. Perhaps, you two need a room." Fancy Pants said. "Oh shit! Sorry, about that." We heard hoofsteps behind us and saw Twilight, she said: "The princesses would like to meet you, Ryan. I came here to get you." "Oh well, see you later, Mr. Fancy Pants and Fleur." I shook Fancy Pants' hoof and Fleur came over me and hugged me and then she placed a hoof on my private part and licked my neck. "AH! WHAT THE HELL!?" I shouted. "Oh my, I am terribly sorry, Ryan. Sometimes the mares around here are having a hard time to control their lust around males. I got harassed by one…" he said "I feel you, man. Anyway, I have to get going. Good bye!" I waved as we left. Ray's Point of View 3:00 PM, Canterlot Donut Shop "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IN THOSE DONUTS BUT IT SURE AS HELL IS GOOD!" I jumped around like freaking Spider-Man on LSD. "I KNOW RIGHT?!" Pinkie said to me. I flipped and jumped and flipped and jumped until I saw Ryan, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight enter the door. "Princess Celestia and Luna wants to meet both of you." She said. "OKAY! SEE YA LATER JOE!HEHEHHAHAHHIHIHIHHUEHUHEUHEUH!" I was still energetic from that donut we ate earlier. "What's with him?" Ryan asked Joe. "He ate too much glazed donuts." He replied. We left the shop and went to the castle. We entered the gates and I must say, the castle grounds is beautiful! We entered the castle being guarded by two still guards, she nodded at the two guards and they let us in. The insides were impressive; the tainted glass must've represent the history of Pony Ville. We walked for a while and we finally arrived at the throne room. "You ready for this, dude?" Ryan said to me. "Let's go for it." I said. We then walked in the throne, pushing two doors. We saw the two princesses sitting on their throne. "Welcome, humans." The big white alicorn said to me. "Here we go…" I said, embracing the unexpected… Ryan's POV The Castle Throne Room, 3:30 PM We approached the two princesses on the expensive-looking velvet carpet. I could tell that me and Ray were nervous about this, we stopped and bowed down. I mean, who wouldn't bow down to a royalty? "No need to bow down, Ryan." The white princess said, she has a rainbow-sparkling mane and tail, a gold crest on her chest and she is like a foot tall than me and she has a cutie mark of a sun on her flank. On her left was a shorter princess, she has a darker blue fur, blue sparkly mane and tail, a blue crest with a moon on her chest and a Crescent moon as a cutie mark. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Wilson and Ray." Princess Luna said. "Please, call me Ryan." I said "I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and I power the sun to bring sunshine and daylight. And this is my sister, Luna. She raises the moon to bring night to Equestria." Celestia introduced themselves. Luna trotted towards me and observed me like I was a foreign man on another planet. "Thou art strange. But nevertheless cute and handsome" she said to me in like Old English "Why, I thank thee for thy compliment, Princess." I said too in Old English. "Holy shit dude, you know Old English?" Ray whispered. "Knowledge." I said smiling. But then I remembered, maybe the princesses can help me and tell me why I got teleported. "Hey, Princess Celestia. Can I ask what caused me to teleport here to Equestria?" I asked "Hmmm… I guess, it is because of this." She pointed to my wristband. "Why? Why did it teleport me here?" "That, I do not know, my dear. But did Ray wear a wristband?" "No, all I know is the government said that… I'm just no-one and I do not have family and friends. I told them it was a lie and the next thing I know I'm falling from the skies." "Hmmm… This is an ancient artifact… It came from another world." She said. "The wristband also teleported you here, Ray. It saw your sorrow and deep depression and it decided to make you some company." "Also, how would you explain these strange superpowers I've been having lately? The healing factor, the teleportation, the super speed, the web?" I said. "It has come to my attention that the mysterious portal that sent you here must have altered you genes and DNA. Thus, granting you supernatural abilities." Celestia explained "Well, that explains pretty much everything." I shouted "This is freaking dope, dude! We have powers and stuff!" Ray praised me "The portal seemed to have granted you additional powers, like super strength." She said "Oh shit! Now, this is what I call Christmas!" Ray said "I know right?" I shouted. "If wear the wristband again, the two of you will be granted added abilities." She said to us. I wore the wristband again but this time it felt good, I was surrounded by black aura and the power surged through me. "AAARRRGGGHH!" I shouted. After that, I stood up and looked at my hands, they were producing black electricity. "This is so neat! I finally get to have powers! My life long dream achieved! "I said. "That's not the only power the wristband gave you." She said to us, I focused on the energy of the wristband and my arm suddenly turned to a big blade. "Alright! I'm starting to kinda like this wristband! Hey Ray, how-…. Ray? Where'd you go?" I said looking everywhere, I then saw a black hawk landing on my shoulder. "DUDE, I'M A BIRD… I'M A MOTHER FUCKING BIRD! I CAN SHAPESHIFT!" he said, "That's what I'm talking about!" I gave him a bro-fist. "Ray, you have another power to focus. You can generate a black flame, hotter than the core of the sun." Celestia said to Ray "This is sooooo fuckin' awesome." Ray said in awe. "Wow, Ryan. That's wonderful!" Fluttershy said in a quiet voice. "I'll admit, that was pretty awesome and cool." Rainbow Dash said "WOW! YOU'RE POWERS ARE SO PARTY-MATERIAL!" Pinkie said. Fluttershy trotted towards me and I turned back to normal, I kneeled down and hugged her. "You do know… that I still love you, Fluttershy. Right? Never forget that." I said "I won't, Ryan." She said to me "Group hug!" Rarity shouted and we all hugged together, me and Ray hugged them and they purred like cats. Ponies aren't supposed to purr, only cats. Jesus…. "How sweet to look all of you getting along. Luna, It's almost time." Celestia said to Luna, she nodded. "Princess Celestia, thank you for helping us." I reached for her hooves and kissed it. I looked up to see her giving me the awkward face "Oh… uhhh, it was nothing… Really… Y-you better go to your own rooms." She said. "Awkwaaard." Ray said to me. "Ok everybody, go to your own rooms. No sleeping with Ryan or Ray." Twilight said. "AWWWW Why?" Pinkie said. "Twilight, it's okay. As long as they have a good reason to go in my room." "YAY! I CAN DEFINITELY DRINK RYAN'S MILK FROM HIS-… " I cut Pinkie off "That's not a valid reason, Pinkie." I said, she made a cute pout. Celestia commanded the guards to escort us to our rooms. After escorting the Mane 6, I was the last. The guards took off without saying one word. I entered my room and what I saw was amazing. I had like a king sized bed, the room is white and when I checked the bathroom, the tub is fucking golden! Also, golden toilet! Holy SHIT! I removed my polo and shoes and wore my t-shirt and removed my bracelet and kept in inside my bag. I grabbed a book and my glasses so I can read. Somehow, I have the feeling of someone watching me… Ray's POV (a short one) His room, 6:00 PM I went out the balcony and stood there for a minute, the castle was amazing and beautiful at night. I looked to my left and saw Luna there. She saw me and I waved, she waved back. I was getting kind of bored and decided to take a tour of Canterlot, I morphed into a hawk and explored. The wind felt good on my wings…But I then remembered what the General said about me as a loner and no families… it had to be a lie, right? But then it hit me, I was created in a test tube… I was believed that I had families but no… I was wrong. I AM A LONER…the only friends I have is Ryan…My bro. I let out a single tear from my eyes… It has to be a lie… Back to Ryan's POV His room, 6:20 PM I was reading a book called World War Z, and I have to say this is a great book. And the movie they made was awesome too. I was half way through the book when suddenly, I heard a knock through the door. "Who is it?" I said. "It's me, Ryan… Fluttershy." I got out of bed and opened the door to see Fluttershy standing there, "Uhhh… Ryan? Can I sleep with you, tonight?" "Why?" I asked. "I'm having a lot of nightmares lately and I'm feeling lonely…" she said "Well, come in." I said. I went back in bed with 'Shy and continued my book. "Uhhhh… Ryan? Do you…l-l-love me?" she asked. "I told you before, I do love you." "What if someone wants you and kidnaps you? Then you rutt them?" "Well, if that is possible. I will tell you that my love for you is like the fire burning in my heart and it will never be extinguished. And If that happens, do not think that I did that on my own will, okay?" I said to her, holding her chin up to me. "Okay, Ryan… I trust you." She then kissed me… more passionate and it felt good on my lips… Warm… "Ryan… please… rutt me now." She pleaded. This time, my heart is beating… I am in love with her. She's on top of me; I massaged her thighs then rubbed her marehood. She moaned in my mouth, I removed my shirt and pants and continued kissing her. "I never thought how… ah! Soft your skin is, Ryan…" she said. She then used her hooves to remove my boxers to reveal my erected manhood. She then used her tongue to like my shaft. I have to say, she is like experienced or something. She was now deep-throating me, she didn't gag because ponies have large mouths. We switched to a 69 position, she was sucking my dick while I played and licked her marehood. "Ah! Ryan… more. Please, ah!" She pleaded more. I licked it more and more. Fluttershy stood up and positioned herself; she aimed her marehood to my beating dick. "Are you ready?" I said, holding both her flanks. "O-okay, but be gentle. It's my first time." She said to me. "It's my first time too." I lowered Fluttershy and my manhood entered her marehood… It was a strange feeling… more good than when I masturbated back on Earth. "Oh, Ryan. I love you so much!" She cried out to me. "I… love you too, 'Shy!" Then she moved up and down, then the movement became faster. "Ohhh! Ryan, faster! RUTT ME FASTER! HARDER! DEEPER!" she shouted. Holy shit, she demanded me. Guess, never judge a book by its cover right? We then changed to doggy style and rutted her faster than ever. "F-F-F-Fluttershy… I'm going to c-c-cum" I started. "DO IT! NOW, FILL ME WITH THE MILK OF YOUR FOALMAKER! NOOOW!" She shouted in a quiet voice. Jesus H. Christ, wow… Then there it was our climax. Fluttershy milked me dry of my hot seed. She collapsed in my chest with my dick still inside her. "Oh, Jesus… that was amazing, 'Shy…" I said panting… "You… are so amazing… Ryan… I love you." "I love you too." Then she slept. A few minutes had passed and she was fast asleep. I carried her to her room and kissed her on the forehead. I left and went back to my room. I then washed myself from the juices. After that, I put on my clothes back and wore the wristband, wondering what more powers that this bracelet will give me. But then, something strange is happening. The wristband began vibrating and surrounded by black aura, it levitated and slipped from my wrist. The next thing I knew was *BOOM!* The explosion knocked me back and crashed into the wall. "Ahh… What the hell?! Who are—Mmph!" I was cut off by a pony with black fur, white mane and with red streaks on it. She has silver eyes and one of them are being covered by the mane and she has a red star and a dot with spikes for a Cutie Mark. "Hello there… My LOVER." > The Blackest Night Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IX: Blackest Night Falls *BOOM!* The explosion knocked me back and crashed into the wall. "Ahh… What the hell?! Who are—Mmph!" I was cut off by a pony with black fur, white mane and with red streaks on it. She has silver eyes and one of them is being covered by the mane and she has a red star and a dot with spikes for a Cutie Mark. "Hello there… My LOVER." "Mmph! GET THE HELL OFF ME!" I shouted pushing her back, but it was no use. She was strong. "At last we met, lover. Kiss me…" She moved her head closer to mine. I teleported behind her and backed up. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked. She smiled at me and said: "You may not know my name until you love and bond with me." She trotted towards me slowly "Stay the hell away from me bitch!" I said. "Enough talk, human. Kiss me already." She used her magic to trap me. "Why?" I asked "You are my lover and my host. Now, you must bond with me and love me forever!" "Wait…What?!" "You wore the wristband back in your world therefore you became my host." "What could possibly drove you into this? What are your intentions?" "It is because I want to love a different creature rather than those weak stallions I find. Ever since I was a little filly, I discovered that we are not alone in the multiverse. I learned about different creatures and there is one that I found interest in… A human. So I devoted my life for a human and my companions tease me for that. I have traveled countless of years in the rift in search for this HUMAN and alas! I found you!" she explained "Wait, so you're a parasite? You're the benefited and I'm the harmed?" "You are right, my dear. Each time I feed on your energy, I become more powerful and my magic grows. And each time my magic grows, the more powerful you and Ray become." "Ohoho! Back off bitch! You are not eating my energy whatsoever." I said backing up into the bed. "I am not as evil as you think, Ryan. I need your energy so I can become more powerful so our bodies can become one!" "NO! STAY AWAY!" I shouted "You are mine… your blood, sweat and tears are all mine!" she shouted. "I WARNED YOU! BACK OFF, YOU HORNY BITCH!" I shouted "So be it then… If you can't love me… THEN I'LL TAKE YOU BY FORCE!" She shouted, echoing the room. She then used her magic to hold me tight. "THIS CANNOT BE GOOD!" I said. Ray's POV 6:30 PM, Back at his room. I came back a short while. I removed my clothes and went to the bathroom; I turned the shower on and took a bath… feel the water run down my body. I washed away the thought of being a loner and wondered about the fun new things about my new abilities I have right now. I look so powerful right now; I can take on anyone who hurts my friends! Still, I wonder if the Government are still looking for me. To hell with them! I'm an uberhuman and nothing can stop me! I finished taking a bath and grabbed the towel so I can dry myself. But when I stepped out of the showers, I felt butterflies in my stomach, a strange feeling that I must be doing something right now… "Must be nothing. Besides, I got a new day ahead of me!" I thought. I went back in bed and slept to prepare for tomorrow. The Mane Six, Narrator Canterlot Guest Room, 7:00 PM It was a good day for the Mane 6, Fluttershy was relieved when she confessed her love to Ryan and he loved her back. She wondered what would happen in the future… Let's cut the romantic thing with Ryan! ONWARDS WITH THE STORY! "Okay girls! Is everything ready for our pillow fight?" Twilight said to the 5. Every pony grabbed their pillows and said. "READY!" They shouted at the same time. 3… 2… 1… GO! And every pony started smacking and throwing pillows at each other, they were happy. It was countless of minutes of their fun with pillows; Applejack bucked a pillow at Rarity causing her to knock back and Dash smacked a pillow at Applejack and so on and so on… After 30 minutes, they laid down, exhausted. "Okay, gals. Girl talk! What should we talk about today?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh! OH! What about humans!" Pinkie said in excitement. "Okay, me first. I really like Ryan, y'know? With his muscular body, soft skin, handsome face and beautiful voice… *sigh*" Twilight said looking up as she sighed. Everyone followed sighing. "Yes… I agree, he has a voice of an angel, indeed!" Rarity said "Ray's an awesome guy too, y'know. He helps everyone in need!" Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy looked down, pondering on something. Twilight looked at her, raising an eyebrow, she asked her. "'Shy? What's wrong?" Fluttershy, surprised by her friend, told them "Girls, I have a confession to make." As she said this, everyone turned their attention to her. "I… confessed to Ryan that I loved him…" When she said this, everyone gasped. "WHAT?! REALLY?! What did he say?" Pinkie said in curiosity. "He said that… he also loves me. A while ago, we mated in his room." She said. "WHHAAAAAAT?!" Every one shouted, gasped. Shocked, Rarity said: "DID YOU REALLY?" Fluttershy nodded, Rarity fainted. "Well, congratulations, Fluttershy! You have finally found that special someone of yours." Twilight congratulated them. "NO FAIR! I WANT TO DO MY FIRST TIME WITH RYAN!" Pinkie shouted, making a cute pout. "I don't know about you guys, but I'll take both of them if ya ask me." Applejack said. After 8 minutes of girl talk, they decided to call it a day for all of them. They went to their rooms and said "Good night, ever pony!" Twilight said, they followed greeting everyone a good night. As the narrator, I can't believe that the author would do this kind of bestiality. "HEY! I'M THE CREATOR OF THE STORY AND YOU DO AS I SAY, SO DEAL WITH IT!" Fine… Ryan's POV His Room, 6:40 PM, Earlier "THIS CANNOT BE GOOD" I said. She used her magic to force me to make love with her; she took my shirt off and my pants. "SHIT! THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET OUT OF THIS! THERE MUST BE HOPE… HOPE" I thought. I looked at my ring and concentrated on it. "HOPE" I said. The ring turned blue and my eyes followed. Then I began reciting an oath "In fearful day, in raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in War of light, Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!" I shouted. I broke free of her magic; I then turned to a Blue Lantern. "What magic is this?!" She said, confused in my form. I charged towards her and I stopped; I felt weak, and my arms and legs are frozen. "ARGGHH! What did you do to me?!" I asked shouting at her. "When you wore me a while ago, I bonded to you like 20% of your body. So I was able to weaken you and turn you back to normal." She explained. So much for the ring, I reverted back to myself and she used again her magic to trap me, then she stopped, dispersing the aura that was around me. "Well, I can't force you to make love with me. That would make me less strong and I have to make you willing to do so." She used her magic to put my clothes back to me. "Jesus fucking Christ that was too close…" I looked to my ring and it went back to normal, but there's was something wrong, the spike things on the symbol of the ring were gone. All that's left was the upside-down triangle. I thought "What happened?" "But your body, soul are the last pieces for me to be bonded to you completely. But I can't force you, so you're free, Ryan." She said, with a seductive smile. "Thank God…" I sighed. "But come here, there's something I want to show you." She said to me. "Can I trust you? I hope this isn't one of your tricks." I said raising an eyebrow. She winked at me; I took that as a yes and went near her. She hugged me and a dark aura engulfed us, it was too dark for me to see and my head suddenly ached. The aura was gone and I can finally see again. "What the hell did you do to me?!" I said, "I casted a spell on you, so when I return back…. You will be at the grasp of lust and we can mate together." "So you basically casted a sex spell on me?! YOU BITCH! GOD DAMNIT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted angrily "When I come back, resistance is futile…" "BULL! BULLSHIT! I ALREADY—"And then something hit me… If I tell her that I love someone, she'll definitely kill me and Fluttershy since she is more powerful than me and Fluttershy… Hmmm, I have to keep the lying subtle on order to keep her from killing us… "Look, I don't want to have intercourse with you. It's illegal for us humans and if I do have sex with animals, I'll be locked up in jail for it…" I lied. NICE COVER UP! "Awww, too bad. As I said, when I return… You will be mine at last…" She said, licking her lips. It sent up a chill on my spine. "Oh, Good Lord." I sighed… "You also cannot throw or destroy the wristband away because I will always be inside of your body eating your spiritual energy. And if you start to feel any pain in your chest, that's me eating the energy. Don't worry, it won't hurt that much." She said to me. I gritted my teeth, but instead she giggled at me. The aura began gathering again, "Wait, before you go. Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Dark Fusion, dear." The aura covered up her body and she said one final thing. "Remember, I'll always be inside your head and body… so don't try anything stupid. My little human lover, hihihi!" She said while giggling, and then the black aura vanished. I looked around to see that she was finally gone. I saw just the wristband there on the floor on where she was standing. I grabbed the wristband and placed it on next to the night stand. I hopped on the bed and tried to think about everything. Suddenly, I felt pain in my chest. "Jesus Christ… Why does this keep happening to me? I think I have too much to ask for…" I thought. I closed my eyes when suddenly; I heard my ring beeping like crazy. I looked at my ring and touched it, but when I did, it flashed. And the next thing I knew was darkness… "Ryan, wake up." I heard a voice calling out to me. I opened my eyes to see that I'm in a white room and I'm sitting on a chair, frozen and I can't do anything. "I'm glad that you're awake, Ryan." The voice called out again. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked. Then a man came out of the light, he has a white Spider-Man mask, long, white extended leather coat that reaches down to the ankles, and a White Lantern symbol on his chest. "You may not know yet my identity. But I am here to help you, Ryan." "Wait, how do you know my name?" "The ring chose you as its wielder; it read your info about everything about you." "Why did you bring me here?" "As I mentioned, I am here to help you. Do you remember when you noticed that one of the symbols of the ring are gone? I'm here to explain it to you." "Okay, alright… go ahead." I said "During your adventures in Equestria, you must find 9 worthy opponents that matches or opposes the power of the Emotional Spectrum." "Wait, the Emotional Spectrum? You mean where all lanterns originate their color?" "You are correct. Red is Rage, Orange is Avarice, Yellow is Fear, Green is Will, Blue is Hope, Indigo is Compassion, Violet is Love, Black is Death and finally White is Life." "So I have to find 9 worthy opponents and defeat them using the powers of the Emotional Spectrum and each color must match or oppose them?" I asked, he nodded. "Wait, does Dark know this?" I asked. "No, I interrupted the connection between you and Dark Fusion. So you are safe." "Okay, then. So what happens next if I do defeat the 9?" "The 9th opponent shall be the strongest of them all. Once you recite the final oath, you will be granted unlimited supernatural powers, every power you could ever imagine shall be granted into you. Do you have what it takes?" He asked… I pondered on it for a bit, I looked down. "I… can't do it. It's too much responsibility for me. I'd rather put the offer down instead risking thousands of lives." "Think about it, Ryan. You are the one to save Equestria. The CHOSEN ONE. You have to do it." He pleaded. "Fine… I'll do it." I said "But how do I find them?" I asked. "Just go with the flow, you'll know when it's time." "Okay, fine…" "Then we have a deal then." He said, and then the white floor began to rupture and tremble. And then suddenly, I was drawn back into my room. Then a voice called out to me, "Someone interrupted us, my lover. What happened to you?" "It was nothing! Now, get back in my head and be quiet." "Hihihi, I love it when you get angry at me." She giggled. I fixed myself in bed and pulled the blanket over my, when suddenly… a scroll appeared. I took the scroll and read it. It was a bunch of oaths, but then it hit me. It was the oaths for the 9 opponents! I grabbed my bag and kept it for future purposes. "Good night, my sweet lover…" Dark giggled "You can't be serious..." I sighed. I then went to sleep The Next Morning I woke up, exhausted and tired from last night. Oh Jesus, help me. I must seek help. So I went out of bed and put my clothes on and went downstairs. I still cannot believe I gave my virginity to Fluttershy, there is no way I can tell my parents about this. Oh, how can they? They can believe that I'm crazy or something. I walked down the halls and found Fluttershy talking to Twilight. "'Shy! There you are, where are the others? I have to tell them something important." "They're at the dining room, I was about to get you but…" "Thanks, let's join them." I said, I went downstairs and went to the dining room to see everyone including the princesses and 4 of the 6 eating their food. "Good morning, Ryan. Please sit down." I took a sit and saw that my plate is filled with apples and tomatoes. "'Sup, brotha? How did you sleep?" he asked. I took a deep breath and said. "Not well. Look, everyone. I have something to say to all of you." Then everyone gave their attention to me and stopped eating. Then I told them everything about last night. The wrist band turning into a pony, the meeting I had with Dark, about the ring and the vision. "Holy shit dude! You got the White Lantern Ring? Dude, does that mean that you're immortal already?" Ray asked "Well, the healing factor already made me immortal that time." "I'm sorry dude; I recently had this strange feeling in my gut that something is wrong, and then when you said this, I knew it was connected to that. If I would've been there to help…" Ray said to me. "Well, you wouldn't stand a thing against her. She IS the wristband and she can weaken us like whenever she wants." I explained Celestia tried to think about what I said, "Ryan, the ring that you were talking about, let me take a look at it." She said, I tried removing the ring but it won't come off. "Oh no… The ring won't come off. It's stuck!" I said "Let me see." She said, I stood up and went to her and showed her my ring. "Hmmm… I have no knowledge of this ring but you can consult the library later on where it originate." "No need, Princess. As a comic book addict, I can figure out what this is." "Where did this "White Lantern Ring" originate?" Twilight asked "In some other world, I dunno, from the Life Entity. The ring channels the power of the white light, the combined power of the seven Light based corps. These Light based corps originate their power from the Emotional Spectrum, the 7 colors of the rainbow. Red is Rage, Orange is Avarice, Yellow is Fear, Green is Will, Blue is Hope, Indigo is Compassion and Violet is Love." "Dude, that is so freaking dope!" Ray praised me. "I have to inform you all of this because I think you all have the right to know." I said "Ryan, the pony that almost raped you, what was her name again?" Celestia asked "Dark Fusion." Celestia pondered on this, and then she finally said "I think we know who you're dealing with, Ryan." Celestia went to a book shelf in the dining room and levitated a book called Untold Legends of Equestria. She flipped a few pages and read. "Dark Fusion is one of the Nightmare unicorns." Celestia said while looking at me, we all looked confused on what is a Nightmare Unicorn. (I didn't want to explain this, but if I don't… I guess all of you will be confused in the later chapters) "Nightmare Unicorns are one of the different breeds of unicorns. Unlike the regular unicorns, this type of unicorns uses dark magic and it is quite deadly and unstable. If a nightmare unicorn cannot control the dark magic, it will consume them, turning them into a terrifying creature called SPRAWL. They are also parasites. All confuse them as demons but they are not doing this because they want to, it's because they HAVE to. They need spiritual energy to survive. If they enter a host, they will become one flesh, merging their body, mind and soul altogether. If they successfully bond with the host, the host will then turn into a REAPER. Then the Nightmare unicorn will be more powerful as ever. The book did not state its origin and is unclear if there are more Nightmare unicorns out there. After all, it's just a legend." Celestia then stopped reading the book and closed it. I pondered on this and said "How do we get rid of her?" I asked. "Well, we certainly can't use the Elements of Harmony since she is not evil and she is just doing this for her own survival." "Well, I'm screwed for good. AGH! My chest, dang it!" I said in pain, holding my chest "Aww, you poor, poor thing." Rarity said to me. "Well, I feel sorry for ya'. Ryan." Applejack trotted towards me and rested on my lap. "WHY THAT LITTLE—I'll never forgive that big, big meanie of a unicorn!" Pinkie said. "This… is very, very fascinating. I didn't know that there were a different breed of unicorns out there!" Twilight said in a scientific manner. I looked at Fluttershy and I told her to come here. She trotted towards me with a sad look on her face. "You'll have to understand that if I mate with her, I didn't do that on my own will. I will always love you Fluttershy…" I whispered. "Okay, Ryan. But please, be careful. She sounds dangerous." She said "If she was in here, I'LL KICK AND PUNCH HER SO BAD WITH MY BARE HOOVES!" Rainbow said with assurance. I smiled and said. "Thanks Rainbow Dash for looking after me. You look a little cute and more awesome with that personality of yours." I said to her, she blushed in like a deep red. "Uhhh… E-ehehe.. Y-yeah… Awesome…" She stuttered, giving me a romantic look. "But I have a feeling that… Ryan will be the only one to defeat her in means of that ring you have." Celestia said to me. "Well, we'll talk about that later. Right now, let's eat!" We then ate breakfast. The others are chatting and stuff while Me and Ray ate in silence. "Ahem… I need to go to the bathroom." I said. "It's the first door to the right when you walk out." Celestia pointed out the door. I thanked her and went to the bathroom. I entered it and whispered to the band. "So, Dark…Is everything that Celestia said was true?" I asked "Hmmm… Oh! Yes she's right." "Wait, are you sleeping?! You didn't hear what Celestia said about you Nightmare unicorns?" "I heard some of it. But I got bored and went to sleep." "Well, what about the ring?" "What ring?" "Never mind…" "You will turn into a reaper the moment we finally bond with each other" "You can't do this to me!" I whispered loudly. "I can and I will… And we will see about that…Hmmm…" She said with a seductive tone. "OH! WE WILL! WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT YOU HORNY MOTHERFUCKER!" I shouted angrily. "Oh my… You look handsome and cute when you are angry at me… Makes my marehood so… Uhmmph!" "Dark, you goddamn piece of shit. Stop fucking masturbating inside of me for the love of Jesus Christ Almighty!" "Who's Jesus Christ? Hihihi!" She giggled. "Nevermind that. And I apologize for my anger issues…" I said "It's okay." She said. She then cut off the conversation and the glow in the wristband was gone. I went out of the bathroom and went back to the dining room and then I saw everyone looking at me "Uhhh… Why is everyone looking at me?" I said "We heard you shouting in the bathroom a while ago. Is something wrong?" Twilight asked me. "It's…uhhhh… nothing.. I, uhhh, almost slipped." I said "Okay, finish your breakfast then." She said to me. I went to my sit and finally ate my breakfast. Well, with this strange things happening to me, I don't know HOW LONG I CAN LAST! I wish it's all over… > Love Hurts (Bonus Chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapter: Love Hurts (I'll include Ryan here, WITH FULL POWER!) *During the events of Fluttershy gets beebeeped "*Random beeping with moaning sounds* DISCORD FASTER!" Fluttershy demanded, then Discord moved his hips faster and faster "Oh dear Fluttershy, your marehood sure feels good!" Discord said with his tongue out "AHH!" Then Fluttershy reached her climax and went back to her colorful form. As she opened her eyes: Her jaw dropped, seeing Discord's long shaft inside her marehood. Shocked, she said "OH… MY…" "Fluttershy, I'm not done yet." Then again, he casted a spell on her which caused her to go back into her black and white form. Meanwhile… "Hey, Ray! Have you seen 'Shy?" I asked "Ryan, I thought she already told you that she took a walk outside?" He answered "Ohh…" I thanked Ray. I grabbed my ring and went outside to look for her. I went to the garden first, but she wasn't there. I went to the throne room and asked Celestia. "Princess, have you seen Fluttershy? I can't seem to find her." "Hm? Oh, last time I saw her, she walked in the castle hedge maze." "Really? Thanks, Princess!" I bowed and exited the throne room. And then a really bad feeling came into my gut… A REALLY BAD FEELING THAT SOMETHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I ignored the feeling and went outside to the castle hedge maze. As I walked, I saw Twilight with a bunch of fillies. I went to her and greeted her. "Good afternoon, Ryan! Have you seen Fluttershy? She's late and she has to take these little fillies for a tour of these statues. I've been here for like 20 minutes and she hasn't come yet." "That's why I've been trying to find her. The Princess said that she last saw Fluttershy walking inside the maze." "The maze?! Oh my, she could get lost there!" "Come on, let's go find her." "What about these fillies?" I pondered on the situation, then I got a bright idea. "RAY! COME DOWN HERE FOR A SEC!" I called out, and then I saw a black hawk flying out the open window and land on the ground. Then an aura covered the bird and vanished revealing Ray standing there. "Sup, bro? What's up?" He said. "I need you to babysit these fillies while we find Fluttershy inside the maze." "I don't know man, I'm not good at babysitting." "Just do it, I think Fluttershy may be in trouble right now. LET'S GO!" then me and Twilight ran inside the hedge maze. Meanwhile, inside the hedge maze "COME ON DISCORD! IS THAT WHAT YOUR LITTLE PENIS GOT?! HARDER! DEEPER! FASTEER!" She demanded even more. "OHH FLUTTERSHY! IT FEELS SO TIGHT!" Discord said in pleasure, he moved his hips even more and more faster. "YES IT IS! NOW COME ON!" Back to Ryan and Twilight We entered the maze, trying to find Fluttershy but to no avail. As we were trying to find her, I felt a strange feeling in my gut again, but this time… It hurts. "BLEAUUUGHH!" Then suddenly, I vomited blood everywhere… Twilight stopped and turned to look at me. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, she trotted towards me, patting in the back saying: "Ryan! Oh my Celestia… Are you okay?" "BLEAUUGGHH! *cough* I don't know…" I looked at my ring and it was glowing red… "Yes… I'm… HURGGGH! Alright… Let's continue." I said. I stood up and continued walking." "No! You have to rest, you might be sick!" She said "nO! I'm fInE! NoW lEt'S gO!" I said in a distorted voice, Twilight backed up… She gulped and nodded, and then we continued to walk. Meanwhile, at the statues outside the maze, Ray's POV "Hey! Don't touch that. NO! Stay here. Yo, I told you not to eat those!" I said having difficulty babysitting them. I tried to calm them down but to no avail. I stood up and saw Princess Celestia trotting towards me. "It seems you have trouble babysitting those fillies there, Ray." She said while giggling "Well, Ryan and Twilight went to look for Fluttershy and left me with them. And I don't know how to babysit and now look, it's like kids on chaos happening right here." I said rubbing my face. "*giggle* Well, let me help you. Ahem, fillies and foals, please gather around and be calm." She ordered when suddenly, everyone formed in an assembly and calmed down. My jaw almost dropped to the floor, I asked how did she do that and she said. "You need to be firm with your word or else everyone will not take you seriously." She explained "Oh… well… that's great, Princess! Thanks!" I said, she nodded and trotted away. I then faced the fillies and said. "Okay… WHO WANTS SOME CANDY?!" Ryan's POV, at the hedge maze I continued vomiting blood but somehow, I'm not losing any. As we walked the maze trying to find Fluttershy, my head began to ache. "ARRGGH! My head! IT HURTS!" I said while holding my head. "Oh no… Ryan, we need to go back now." Twilight said "NO! I'm fine… Let's continue…" I said. My body… it feels hot, as if like I'm being dipped in lava… And this feeling I have right now… It's so strong… So strong that my heart is pumping all my blood out my mouth, expelling it in a violent manner. I continued to walk and walk… Hallucinations begin to appear, unexplainable but scary… "Shhh… Ryan, do you hear that?" Twilight said to me, stopping as she is trying to listen the noise. "Sounds like moaning…" She said "FLUTTERSHY! I shouted, ramming into the bushes… And yet what I saw was… unimaginable… "Oh… Are you the human that recently appeared in Equestria? Why, hello! My name is Discord, what is yours?" a creatures with assorted body parts said to me. I saw…. Fluttershy… Discord… having… SEX? "No… nonononononononono…." Then a red aura engulfed me… I vomited a ridiculously amount of blood, "Ryan? Are you okay?" Twilight said to me, Fluttershy returned to her colorful state, seeing me and Discord fucking her shocked her. "Ryan… I'm so sorry… Discord hypnotized me and I don't know what happened next!" She explained. The ground began to tremble, "FlUtTeRsHy… I uNdErStAnD… aNd I fOrGiVe YoU… but please… step away and forgive me for what I am going tO doooo RAAAGGGHH!" I shouted in a distorted voice. Then I began reciting an oath "With blood and rage of crimson red, Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, We'll burn you all—that is your FATE!" Then the aura began transforming me into a Red Lantern… a DEADLY ONE My shoulder began growing spiky shoulder pads, then I began growing some horns on my head, teeth began growing and sharpening, nail sharpening, tongue elongating… and I became what they call… THE DEVIL…. "YOU DARE INTERFERE WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP?! I WILL KILL YOU!" I then charged towards him punching him as hard as I can, knocking back. "HAHAHAH! YOU ARE WEAK, DISCORD!" I teleported into a nearby pole. "You think you can defeat me? Ha! I am the God of Cha—" I launched myself at him, shouting while vomiting more blood, cutting him off and pinning him to the ground. "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted in distorted voice, punching him several times into the ground. "THIS ONE IS FOR BRINGING CHAOS INTO EQUESTRIA *BOOM!*" I punched him hard "THIS ONE IS FOR ALMOST DESTROYING EQUESTRIA! *BOOM!*" And again "THIS ONE IS FOR HYPNOTIZING FLUTTERSHY! *BOOM!*" and again, vomiting more blood. The fourth time was different. I flew up high in the sky and concentrated the light of rage in to my hands, and then powerful energy was stored in my hand. "AND FINALLY… THIS ONE'S FOR HAVING INTERCOURSE WITH HER AND MAKING ME ANGRY!" I dived as fast as I can, almost as the speed of light. And when I hit him… *BOOM!* An extremely large explosion almost obliterated the maze. Luckily, no one was harmed. I opened my eyes; my fist was still inside his face, killing him. I slowly removed my hand, covered in his blood and brains. I was exhausted, like almost all of my energy was consumed. I stood up, kneeled and passed out. "Shhh… He's waking up." A voice said I woke up, opening my eyes only to see the white ceiling of my room. I tried to move but I can't, I feel paralyzed. I then saw the Mane 6 and Ray standing beside me. "Ugghh… What happened?" I asked. Then suddenly, Fluttershy hugged me tightly which caused pain in the area where she hugged me. "Oww.. Fluttershy, you're hurting me." I said "Oh… sorry… Ryan…" She said looking down. "Dude, you cannot believe what happened to you!" Ray shouted. "Why? What happened?" Then, Ray explained to me everything. The expelling of my blood, the search for Fluttershy, their intercourse with Discord and my transformation into The Devil. "Holy shit… I did that? Wow…" I said to them. Fluttershy looked at me, crying and sobbing "Ryan… thanks for saving me… If it wasn't for you… I would've been pregnant by him…" She said. "Wait… did he-?" Then I was cut off by Celestia. "No, he didn't." She said. "Thank God… Wait, is Discord dead?" I asked. "Well, after you passed out, your ring began to shine white light and began healing Discord ,resurrecting him back to life." "Oh thank God… I thought that I was gonna stain my hands now." I sighed "Well, we all know the power that lies in that ring. It seemed to channel your emotions into the ring, transforming you into that… thing." Celestia said. "Well, thank God… Wait… why can't I move?" I asked "The ring used up all your energy and left you paralyzed for a while." "Ryan… I'm so sorry…" Fluttershy apologized. "'Shy, you did nothing wrong. Discord just hypnotized you into having intercourse with him, he just controlled you." "But how can you trust me again?" she said. "Fluttershy… Kiss me." I requested, she leaned in closer and kissed me. "No… not yet. I love you Fluttershy…" "I love you too, Fluttershy." She then hugged be softly. "*sniff* *sniff* You… are the most cutest couple I have ever seen…" Rarity said. I looked at Celestia and said "Hey, Princess… Can I talk to Discord?" I asked, she nodded. And then Discord came in the room. "I cannot believe how strong you are, human…" He said to me. "Call me Ryan, Discord. You're lucky that my ring gave you a second chance to live. You fucking prick." I said "And I forgive you." I forgave him. This sudden action caused everyone to gasp. "WHAT?! Why would you forgive him? HE ALMOST MADE FLUTTERSHY PREGNANT AND HE MATED WITH HER!" Rainbow Dash shouted in anger and Celestia stopped her. "Calm down, Rainbow Dash. There must be a reason why Ryan forgave Discord." She said to her. "I forgave you because after I passed out, I knew about your past as if I was there. You had a partner once, but she cheated on you. And now you felt lonely and the sadness that you felt took over you, turning you into a God of Chaos or something like that. I understand why you did this. It's because you didn't think twice about FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE'S MARE FRIEND! You never asked if she's in a relationship with another, and that's a dumb move. And also, you're partner's boyfriend? He never asked if she has a partner, HE MADE THE SAME MISTAKE YOU DID. And she never wanted to mate with him, HE JUST HYPNOTIZED HER, JUST LIKE YOU DID. A coincidence, eh? And I will give you a second chance for that. So, you're off the hook." I said, Discord let out a tear said, "Thank you… Ryan… I will never do the same mistake again." He vowed, I smiled at him and said. "Now go, before I rip you into shreds." I said angrily, Discord shivered, scared from what I said. "Nahh just kidding." I laughed, and then everyone followed. It was the next morning, I can finally move again, so I went out the balcony and saw a big crater. "That's where you killed Discord, man" Ray said, surprising me. "AH! Dude, stop scaring me like that!" I said. Ray laughed. "Dude, I cannot believe how powerful you are. You're just like BOOM! Red aura surrounded you and you became like the DEVIL!" He praised me. "And I still cannot believe that you forgave Discord." He said to me "Well, I can't hate him forever. I'm not that guy, I'm just teaching him a lesson he will never forget." "Well, okay. I understand. Hey, breakfast is ready, you wanna join?" He asked. "Later…" I said. "Okay, then." He then went back inside. Today was the craziest day of my life. I cannot believe how angry I am at Discord for mating with Fluttershy. And yet, a lesson must be learned today. A lesson still yet to be discovered but has to be learned. My name is Ryan Wilson… Signing out. > Close Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter X: Close Call After the breakfast we just had, Princess Celestia took us to a tour to the castle; It was a large place indeed. She also talked about the big events that happened in Equestria, like when Nightmare Moon returned, the spreading of chaos of Discord, The Grand Galloping Gala and etc. "Hey, Princess; that creature that I saw, lion body with wings and scorpion and stuff, is that what they call a manticore?" I asked "You are correct, how did you know?" she asked, "Well, back in our world: There were myths and stories about them." "Fascinating, what more myths and legends does your world know?" "Well, dragons. That's one thing, they don't exist in our world but people are doing movies about them like The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug." "Interesting…" Twilight said behind me. "*yawn* Well… I have to go take a nap now… I didn't get that much sleep from what happened last night. So, I'll see ya' guys later." I said saluting them as I walked away. "Goodbye Ryan!" The Mane 6 waved at me while Celestia nodded at me. I then entered the castle and went back to my room. I placed my bag and my wristband on the nightstand and removed my shoes. I looked at my ring, thinking about the 9 opponents that I'm gonna face in the future. I washed that thought away and opened my bag and grabbed my extra clothes that I packed since I forgot that we were going to the pr—OH SHIT! THE PROM! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TONIGHT! DAMMIT… Oh well, since I have never asked some one before for going to the prom, I'll just have to leave that. The clothes that I packed was my… Oh no… my tuxedo and my new Deadpool and Spider-Man costume that I want to wear for a convention center… Why do I even bother? So I grabbed my Tuxedo and tried it on, Why not? Right? I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror, and I must say: I look really good in a tux. After that, I looked at the mirror and saw Dark standing beside me. "Wow… You look really handsome in that clothes of yours, my lover… Hmmm" She said. "OH JESUS! WHAT THE HELL?!" I jumped, slipping and dipped my hand on the toilet. "OH COME ON! THAT WAS MY DAD'S TUXEDO!" I said in disappointment, Dark giggled and said. "Well… You do know that you will turn to a Reaper if I finally mate with you, and that's a good thing. You will still be your normal self but with dark energy running through your veins." "Oh shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear shit from you." I said to her angrily. I went outside the bathroom and took off my tux and tried the costumes on. First, Spider-Man: "Hm… Not too tight but not too wide… Perfect." I said as I looked at the mirror. I looked at the ceiling and wondered, "Can I climb walls since I can shoot webs out of my wrists?" So I jumped and clung to the ceiling, I was shocked and at the same time, happy. "ALRIGHT! I HAVE SPIDER POWERS AND I LOOK LIKE SPIDEY!" I shouted in my mind. "Ryan… I want to mate with you now…" She said giving me THE LOOK. "It'll have to wait, Dark." "If you don't want to… then—" "If you really want to mate with me then you'll have to wait!" I said persuasively. She sighed. I went out the bathroom, but then the thought of my family went to my mind… My mood suddenly changed, "My family… I wonder what will happen to them while I'm gone? I hope they're alright…" I thought… I went outside and thought that my Tuxedo was actually kind of comfy. So, I removed my costume, wore the tux and went to bed and took a nap. "Ryan…" a voice called out to me. I opened my eyes and saw that man again. "Oh… It's you… What do you want?" I asked "A while ago, you want to know what happened to your family, right?" he said, my eyes widened and I asked "Yes… YES! Are they alright?" "Yes, they are. For a while, I made a counter-part of you. A clone just to replace the real you so that your parents and your friends will never know that you got teleported here." "Thank you… Hey, I haven't caught your name yet. Who are you?" I asked. "You can call me… Max." Then the he began to vanish… I woke up with a voice calling me; I opened my eyes and saw Fluttershy beside me. "Ryan! Oh my… Are you okay? You haven't come out of your room for 5 hours!" She said to me with a worried look. "Oh… Fluttershy, I'm sorry. I must've slept for too long." I stood up and sat beside her. "Why are you in a tuxedo?" She asked. "Well, it's really comfy and I thought that I should sleep in it." I explained. "*giggle* You look really… good." She said, blushing. "Thanks." I smiled. She then leaned closer to me and kissed me. "Hey, Fluttershy…" "Yes?" "Would you mind dancing with me?" "Why?" "Today's supposed to be our prom night. But it looks like I can't be attending since I'm stuck here." "O-oh… Uhhh… S-Sure! But I don't k-know how." "Well, let's go outside the balcony. I'll teach you." We went to the balcony and faced each other. "Hang on." I said to her. Max said that the ring can do anything but for a limited time and gave me an ability that can cut Dark from bonding from me for a limited time. So, I concentrated on the light of my ring and it seemed to do the trick. And I concentrated again on my ring and turned Fluttershy to a human. "Whoa! I feel different now. AH!" She almost fell to the ground but I caught her. "Not used to this form, huh?" She nodded; I smiled and helped her up. "Okay now…" I grabbed her right hand and her left hand and placed them on my shoulders. I then placed my hands on her hips. "Then, go like this." Then we danced in a swaying motion. "There you go, you got it!" I said, praising her skills. "T-T-Thank you…" She said. I smiled to her. We then moved closer and closer to each other, until we kissed. I then began singing. After I stopped singing, she looked into my eyes and kissed me again. "I really… love you, Ryan…" "I love you too, Fluttershy" She then began to tear up, "'Shy? Why are you crying?" I asked, wiping her tear. "No… It's nothing… I'm just happy to finally find my true love." "Well, I'm happy too. It's my first time to say to someone else that I love them…" I said to her, she giggled… "You have beautiful eyes, Fluttershy…" "You too… Blue eyes… just like the ocean…" "Likewise…" She kissed me again, but with the tongue. She smelled good… "Ryan? Fluttershy? It's supper time and you two haven't come out for—Oh…" Ray walked in the scene and saw us kissing… We broke apart and faced away, blushing. "You should come downstairs, Supper's ready." He said to us. "Yeah… We're coming." I said to him. He nodded and went back inside. "Well… That was awkward." I said, looking at her. "Don't look at me! It's embarrassing!" She covered her face, I snickered. Then an aura began covering her, turning her back to a pony. "Heh… Come on, let's go eat." I said, offering a hand. But instead she grabbed my arm. "Okay…" She said, and then we went downstairs to the dining room. We entered the dining room and as I entered the room, the 5 ponies hugged me tight. "RYAN! I'M GLAD THAT NOTHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU! WHAT HAPPENED? WHY HAVEN'T YOU COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM A WHILE AGO AND… Why are you in a tuxedo?" Pinkie asked me "Well, I lost track of time and I don't have any more clean clothes to wear so… Yeah." I explained. "Well, we're glad that nothing bad happened to you." Rarity said to me, "Ray said that you turned Fluttershy into a human for a limited time. How did you do that?" Twilight asked me; I pointed to my ring and she know what that meant. "But how?" she asked again "Well, y'know… Magic!" I said, Twilight made a cute pout. I laughed. We then got to our seats and ate our supper. After we ate, I went back to my room and fixed my things, Ray called me and said "Going upstairs all of a sudden?" "Yeah… I need to go get fix my things." "Well, if you need me. I'll be out enjoying the night sky." I nodded and went back to my room but as I entered my room, I felt a strange feeling, like my body was hot… I had a hard on and I had an urge to have sex right now. "Oh no…" I turned around and saw Dark standing right there giving me THE LOOK. She launched herself and pinned me on the bed. "OH COME—" Before I can even say a thing, she kissed me forcefully. We broke apart with a string of saliva in our mouths. "Don't worry… It's gonna be alright. Tonight, your evening will nice." She said to me. I tried to escape but it was no use, RESISTANCE WAS FUTILE at the moment. Her kiss was worse than Fluttershy's. 'Shy's kiss was more passionate and good while hers was forceful and… I dunno… I don't know what I am doing anymore; I wasn't in control of my body anymore. We broke apart and she said. "Hmmm… I like your taste, Ryan… I want more!" She demanded, and so I did what she said. She was lying on the bed while kissing me and my hand slipped into her marehood, she moaned and shouted "AH! It feels better than…Uhm! Hooves!" Surprisingly, her marehood feels warmer than Fluttershy's but less tight. WAIT… WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS? DANG IT, BRAIN YOU HAVE FAILED ME! She then went down and licked my hard, long shaft. It felt good, she was skilled and like experienced. I felt something coming up and said: "Dark… I'm… almost…" I said, I placed my hands over her head, forcefully deepthroating me until I reached my limit. "AGH! DARK!" I shouted, she swallowed my whole semen and said. "Mmmm… Your foal maker's juice tastes so sweet and delicious! Uhmmph! Harder, Ryan!" She demanded so I fingered her harder and faster. "Ryan… It's… AGH!" Then there it was, her climax, her moan made the room tremble. I removed my finger and found out that my finger was covered in… BLACK LIQUID?! "HOLEE FUCK WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I shouted in shock, she giggled and said "That's my cum, silly…" she said to me… So, her cum was black instead of a clear liquid. WOOOOW, EVERYTHING'S WRONG HERE. "It's finally time, Ryan." She said to me while drooling, I knew what she meant… "NO WAIT! Isn't there any other way to do this? Can we talk about this?" I pleaded, begging her so I cannot turn to a Reaper. "I'm sorry but no… There is none." She giggled and aimed her marehood into my cock. Black juices from her vagina were dripping on my shaft. I closed my eyes, praying to God that he has to help me now… *FWASHHH* Before she could do that, a black flash appeared and blinded me. I rubbed my eyes to see another Unicorn mare with black fur, glowing left eye? Red mane with a black streak on it and a black star with a red dot on it. I looked at Dark, she was giving that pony an irritated look. "What are you doing here, sister?" She said to her, "Well, I'm just checking to see if you're fine." She said, my jaw dropped and I shouted "OH COME ON! A SISTER? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW!" "Hello! My name is Red Thunder, Dark's little sister!" "AH FUCKING SHIT! NOOOO!" I shouted dramatically. The two sisters giggled at me. "You look cute when you say that." Red said to me. I facepalmed, this can't be good… Dark finally freed my from the lust spell. I grabbed my former polo clothes and put them back on. "Go away, sister. I'm busy!" Dark said to her, irritated. "I'm sorry, Dark, but we need you back at Shadowbane Glades." "Why?" "We're preparing Hash Night. Father and Mother need us to help them. "They can help themselves, leave them." "No can do, Dark." "Fine, how long can I stay there?" "A couple of days." "WHAT?! A couple of days?! BUT I HAVE TO MATE WITH RYAN RIGHT NOW! I HAD HIM WHERE I WANT HIM, WHEN I WANT HIM!" She shouted in disagreement, with red aura developing her, which then hit me… Red is Rage… "Deal with him later, we have to go. Hmmm… He seems kind of cute and I understand why you chose him." "BACK OFF, SISTER! HE'S MINE!" She shouted. "AW WHAT? Why?" she said in disappointment, "Well, you can take his other human companion." She suggested. "YAY!" she said in excitement "WAIT, RAY?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!" the mares nodded sideways, "OH COME ON!" I shouted. "Consider yourself lucky, my lover. I'll be out in a couple of days… But you will still have my dark energy to help you." "OH THANK GOD!" I shouted in joy. I was exhausted from the foreplay that happened a while ago and lied in bed. "But when I return, we will suck both you and Ray dry of you milk…" She said to me giving me THE LOOK. "OH COOOOME OOOON! NOW ME AND RAY WILL… AGGHH! Just… leave now." I shouted, rubbing my face. The mares giggled, and then a black flash appeared again, I looked to see them but they were gone. I shouted in anger, thinking about Dark Fusion and Red Thunder caused me to facepalm so hard. I wonder what happened to Ray while me and Dark were making out. I hope he doesn't get into an accident, so I wore my shoes and went out my room to find Ray. Ray's POV The Canterlot Hospital, 8:45 PM I woke up, feeling pain in my chest. I was lying in a white bed in a hospital; I rubbed my head and tried to recall what happened a while ago. "Wow, it's beautiful tonight." I said as I looked down on the city. The wind was fair this night, but colder than before. I was flying through the sky when suddenly my stomach began to ache, and my hawk form began vanishing. "ARGGHH!" I shouted in pain and I saw myself falling through the skies and the next thing I knew was blackness. "Sir? Sir, are you alright? Sir?" I heard a voice calling out to me. "Sir?!" I snapped back and saw an Earth Pony beside me. She has fur as white is the clouds in heaven, light pink mane, light blue eyes, a nurse hat and a Red Cross for a Cutie Mark "Are you alright?" she said to me "Yeah, I'm fine. I just trying to recall something." I replied "Well, my name is Nurse Redheart. I was transferred here from Pony Ville because of an emergency involving rich ponies." "Hm… Okay, thanks for helping me, Nurse Redheart." I said to as I stood up "No, you have to rest." "I'm fine already. I'm a super human, so I am fine." I said to her. "I have heard about you from the mares, Ray." "Well, what did they tell you?" "Your kindness that you showed and your amazing dance moves. I cannot believe how quickly it spread throughout Pony Ville." "Huh… Well, what can I say? I'm amazing." I said, she smiled at me. "Here, as a token of gratitude…" I concentrated on my abilities and spawned a rose from my hand. "Oh my… Ray, that's kind of you…" She smiled, I leaned towards her and hugged her. This sudden action caused her in shock. She hugged me back. "Do you want to… eat with me? My shift is almost over and I'm hungry." "A date, huh? Sure thing, Nurse Redheart." We then broke apart, "No! No, it's not something like that. But have you recalled yet what happened to you?" "I don't know… Maybe… Oh no… It's from Ryan and Dark Fusion!" The answer hit me like a freight train. "Who's Dark Fusion?" she asked "She is a Nightmare Unicorn." I said to her, her eyes widened in shock and terror saying: "A NIGHTMARE— MMPH!" I covered her mouth, cutting her off "SHUSH! Don't tell anyone about this, alright?" She nodded, I then removed my hand. "But I thought they're a legend! They weren't supposed to be real!" She whispered. "I know… Now please keep it a secret. Now, let's eat?" She nodded. And then we went out the hospital to eat. Ryan's POV Canterlot Streets, 9:00 PM I took a walk out in the Canterlot streets trying to find my friends. I have to say that Canterlot is pretty much lively at night, considering ponies that are living here are busy about fancy stuffs. I kept walking until I saw Rarity with Fancy Pants talking to each other. I called out to them and asked her: "Hey, guys. Have you guys seen Ray and the others? I can't seem to find them at the Castle." Rarity nodded sideways, "No, dear, I haven't seen them. Wait, there they are now!" she said pointing out to them. I turned around and saw Ray and another pony walking together. I ran to them to get their attention, "Yo, Ray! Wassup?" I said "Not much, man. Hey, Ryan, meet Nurse Redheart. Nurse Redheart, Ryan Wilson." He introduced me to her. "Hi!" I said to her. "Oh yeah! I heard about you in Pony Ville! Your beautiful voice also spread around fast like lightning in Pony Ville!" "Why thank you!" I said, "Well, want to join us eat?" Ray said to me "Well, I have to find the others. So, I can't" "Well, that's a bummer, man. Oh well, see ya' later!" he then walked away and waved. I waved back and walked. When suddenly a black aura appeared in front of me only to see a scroll, I picked it up and read it. "Dear Human, It has come to my attention that Dark Fusion, my daughter, has found a host to bond with and she always talk about you even her little sister ever since she returned. It has occurred to me about how fascinating and interesting your species are. I would like to meet you and talk to you about her since she doesn't like any stallions but you. I implanted a spell on this scroll, as you read, you will be teleported to Nightbane Glades. Good Luck, Human… Sincerely, Dark Fusion's Father" "OH COME ON!" I shouted while suddenly, a black aura engulfed my body. I tried to focus on my ring but it won't work. Then a few seconds, all I saw was darkness… > Unforeseen Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XI: Unforeseen Consequences Ray's POV Canterlot Café, 9:30 PM Rather than a buffet, we decided to eat at a café because the buffet is too much expensive and really crowded. Me and Redheart sat on a table while waiting for the waiter. The café is not that crowded, it's actually kind of nicer and peaceful in here… With the music playing and the cold air outside the windows. I looked at Redheart and saw that she was blushing. "Redheart? What's with you?" I asked, "Oh… It's because that I've never eat with someone before. It feels like… we're on a date." She said to me while blushing more. "Well, don't be shy. After all, we're just eating together on a café." I said, patting her on the back. I looked up to see the waiter trotting towards us with the menus. I took the menus and gave one to Redheart and chose our food. "Good evening sir, what will you order?" The fancy stallion asked. I took an apple juice and a salad while Redheart took a hay shake and an apple pie. The waiter thanked us and said that we'll have to wait for our food and trotted away. "Oh! I forgot, I'm still wearing my mane net. Hehehe, I'll take it off." She said to me. She then took off her mane net and her mane swooshing at the wind and dropping at the back of her neck. If I saw that while drinking water, I could've spit water everywhere. "Whoa… You look kinda good!" I said to her, she blushed and giggled "Oh… Hihihihi… Thank you, Ray." I smiled. "What else you have heard of me, Redheart?" I asked "Well, lots of things! Like when you sang in stage and danced on the streets. We haven't seen such moves since Pinkie Pie's last biggest party!" She praised me. "Well, I can do anything, from changing voices to flying up high in the sky and stuff." "That's amazing. It quickly spread throughout Pony Ville. And that companion of yours? He's even more popular due to his amazing voice and talents." "Yeah, I know right? Everyone loves Ryan. And I'm not even jealous!" I said while lying back. "While everyone loves Ryan for his voice, everyone loves you for your kindness and your dance moves." "Yeah, looks like me and Ryan are gonna be like superstars when we return to Pony Ville." "Yeah you will!" We laughed together. Me and Redheart talked for a while, she talked like how many patients she treated, her stay in Canterlot, how she got her Cutie Mark and stuff. The waiter came back with our drinks and set it down on the table. I grabbed my apple juice and drank it; I have to say, it tasted better than those branded apple juices back at Earth. "… and then the Cutie Mark Crusader distributed those muffins to Pony Ville, and later that day, they were diagnosed with food poisoning!" "Holy Crap, really?!" "Yeah!" We laughed, I looked outside the window and wondered about if I want to go back to Earth or not… Well, Ryan has friends and families that he cares about while I was created in a damn test tube. The truth hurts y'know… My eyes turned purple on that thought. "Ray, what's wrong with your eyes?" Redheart asked me "Oh… When my eyes turn purple, it means that I'm depressed and sad. It's because that I found out that I have no families and I'm alone and I have no one… Well, Ryan is my bro, my friend." "Aww…" She trotted towards me and gave me a warm hug, my eyes turned to yellow. I hugged her back, somehow the hug felt good than… Well, I mean I've never hugged a human before since I was born in a fucking test tube. We broke apart when suddenly, she kissed me. *BOOM* We broke apart and saw fireworks outside, "Well, isn't that beautiful?" I said to her, I looked at her and saw that she was blushing deep red. "Did… we just…" I asked her. "Yeah… we did." She said to me. I blushed and sweat; I looked around, trying to escape this awkward situation and saw the waiter trotting towards us with our meal. "Oh look! Our food is here!" I said. She went back to her seat, still blushing and the waiter placed our food on the table. "Enjoy your meal, sir and madam." I nodded to the waiter and he trotted away. We ate our food silently, and then Redheart broke the silence "Would you like some of my pie?" She said to me, I smiled to her and said. "Sure, I'd like to. Thank you, Redheart." I took some of her pie and ate it. For the first time in my life, Redheart was the only pony that I can easily talk to, and somehow… I feel safe around her, I feel like peaceful and something like that… Some mares like me for mating purposes, and she haven't made a move on me yet. Which is a good thing since she's the first one that doesn't like me for my dick. The Mane 6 are really great friends and aren't really that bad but sometimes, they make a move on me. Fluttershy already got Ryan and mated with each other. Well… "Mmm… This pie is really good. *Nom nom nom*" she giggled, the salad that I ate a while ago was delicious, so is this pie. We finished our food and laid back for a while, watching the fireworks outside the window. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" She said to me. "Yes they are…" I looked to the right to see the waiter with the bill. Redheart read it and said. "20 bits? Hmmm… Okay." She took out coins from her bag, my eyes turned green and I asked "What are bits? Are those like your currency?" "Yes, they are." "Wow… Wait, are those coins pure gold?" She nodded to me. "Nice! A gold coin can cost a fortune in our world!" I said excitedly "How much?" she asked "One gold coin can cost like a thousand dollars." "Dollars? Is that your currency in your world?" "No, in where I live it is. In our world there are different currencies. Pesos, Yen, Euros and etc." "That's amazing, Ray. Come on, let's go." She said to me. We left the café and walked through the streets. "It seems like ponies are returning back to their homes." I said "Yeah, normally, ponies don't stay this late." "Well, what're we gonna do now?" I asked her "Well, I have to return to the hospital. My second shift just began." "Okay, I'll see later you later, Redheart." She trotted towards me and gave me a hug. We then walked away. When suddenly, I was knocked back by Rainbow Dash. "Ow… my nose…" I said, rubbing my nose. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Ray! I was gonna check you at the hospital. I heard that you crashed, are you alright?" She asked me, she helped me up and I said "Yeah, I'm alright Rainbow. Say, have you seen the Mane 6?" "Well, they're at the castle, waiting for you." "I was gonna return there. Hey, Rainbow… I've been meaning to ask you this…" "What is it?" She asked blushing. "LAST ONE TO THE CASTLE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" I shouted and ran to the castle with super speed. "OH NO YOU DON'T" Then Rainbow Dash followed me. We avoided different obstacles but the last one was hard. "RAINBOW! CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?!" I shouted back to her. In front of us was a bunch of trees and suddenly, time slowed down. I avoided the heavily dense trees with such skills. After I finally got out of the trees, I landed at the front of the castle door. Well, we ended up in a tie. "Wow… *pant* *pant* you were great out there, Rainbow *huff* Dash!" I said, exhausted from the race. "So were *pant* *pant* you…" She said to me. We walked in the castle and I wondered, I hope that Ryan will be alright, since I knew the he almost got raped by Dark again. Jesus, where is he now? Ryan's POV Unknown Location, Unknown Time I woke up to see the aura gone and to see that I'm in grassland. But something was not right… The grass and plants are dead, the sky was black and even the sun was black. It gave me a chill on my spine. I walked around the fields for a while, trying to go back to Canterlot but to no avail. When suddenly I heard a voice call out to me, like someone whispered to my ear. I turned around but to see no one there. Then again, I heard that voice again. "Human… Come to me." All of a sudden, I wasn't in control of my body anymore. Someone was controlling it, an aura engulfed my arms and legs. "OH COME ON! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS?!" I shouted, the voice doesn't seem to respond. My leg started to move on their own; I started to go with the flow and ignored my legs. I just watched everything, like those dead trees, horrifying creatures, rocks and stuff. The horrifying creature involves the birds; I mean, look at them! They look different, long beaks, sinister eyes and those scary wings, eyes glowing in different color. But they aren't doing anything, they are just chirping and doing normal bird stuff. But still, they look really fucking creepy. I'm like in a fucking parallel world, with evil shit and stuff. If Dark or her father did this for shits and giggles, I will be MAD. I mean, no shit, I can recite the oath of the Red Lanterns anytime! Wait, it doesn't work that way… Oh well! I walked for like a limited time and saw a town up ahead. When I got near, the cottages looked different than in Pony Ville. All of them are colored black, red or green… Which is really fucking creepy… they also have iron fences. And then after a while of walking and stuff, I was greeted by two unicorn colts guarding a large gate. They look like the soldiers at Canterlot but… Their eyes are glowing? "WHO ARE YOU, CREATURE?! What is your business here?! SPEAK NOW!" The one on the right shouted. "EY! I don't want to fight. I come in peace." I said, before the guards can even say anything, the voice spoke "Guards, let him in. Don't worry, I have him under control." "Understood, sir." The guards both said at the same time. They opened the gate and my legs are still pulling me and moving on their own. As I walked through the streets, I saw several weird ponies looking at me. Their fur, all dark… orange, red and several colors that to me is really strange and creepy. Like a town filled with creepiness… I kept walking until I heard a filly say to her mother "Mommy, what is that creature?" "Oh, I don't know deary. But, it he is strange and I would like to be its host." She said looking at me. "Alright… This place is getting creepier and creepier by the minute." I thought to myself. "What an ugly creature!" I heard a colt say about me. "Hey, shut the fuck up!" I shouted, he gave me a killer stare and gave him a cold and deadly stare, he backed up, scared. "I will kill you, creature!" He said to me "Ha! Bring it!" I said to him, I broke free of the spell that the voice gave me and I turned to a Red Lantern "BRING IT! RAHH!" I shouted, expelling blood and vomiting. The colt backed up, shivering. "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!" I reverted back. And then the spell then came back. "Wait… did I just became a Red Lantern without reciting the oath? Oh man, I'm so confused now" I thought to myself. I continued walking; the mares were giving me seductive look while the colts and stallions are giving me angry looks. I ignored them and continued walking. After 5 minutes of walking, I stopped and the aura vanished, I looked up to see that I was standing in front of a black cottage. "Oh Jesus… What now?" I asked myself, "Ahhh, Human… It is you at last, please come in." The voice called out to me, I placed my hand on the door and took a big gulp down my throat. I opened the door only to see a stallion sitting at a couch. He has dark green fur, brown glowing eyes, his mane was orange and he has a triangle with 3 dots for a cutie mark. He trotted towards me and observed me like a freaking specimen. "Hmmm… You are strange, human. Dark was right." "Yeah, I get that a lot. Say, are you the legendary Night Unicorns that I've heard about?" I asked "Yes, we are, human. We hide ourselves from the other regular ponies because of our unstable magic and our hunger for spiritual energy." "Yeah, uh-huh…" "So tell me about yourself, human." "My name is Ryan Wilson, I'm from Earth." I answered him. "Fascinating! I am Greenfall, but you can call me Green, Mr. Wilson." "Nice to meet you, Green. Where am I, anyway?" "You're in our town called the Night Forge. That place where you awoke? That place is called Nightbane Glades, it is located at the darkest corner of Equestria where nopony ever dared to discover, and we were just preparing for a celebration." "Is that so?" "Yes. And I'm just so happy that Dark is finally home, ever since she was just a little filly, she dreamt of meeting another creature that is not from Equestria. One time, she didn't tell us that she was leaving and just vanished, I never thought that I would ever see her again." He said to me. Suddenly, a thought hit me like a fucking missile. "WAIT, IS DARK HERE?!" I said "No, she's at Nightbane Glades, helping for the celebration." "WHAT?! OH COME ON! NOW SHE'S GONNA FUCK ME AGAIN LIKE CRAZY!" "Don't worry; I'll try to talk to her." "Whew… Thanks, Green. I don't even like her! And oh, between you and me… I have already someone I truly love; she's one of the pegasi. But please don't tell her, I'll fucking die if she knows this." "WHAT?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT KIND OF DANGER YOU PUT YOURSELF INTO?!" He whispered loudly. "SHUSH! Just don't tell anyone. Okay?!" I whispered to him. "Okay, I'll keep it. But I warned you, if she knows that you loved another pony rather than her…" He leaned in closer to my ear. "…PREPARE FOR UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES…" He whispered to my ear, that sentence burned into my head. He trotted away from me and said "Would you like some tea, Ryan?" "Yes… T-That would be nice." He went to the kitchen while I sat on the couch. What Green said to me haunted my mind, "… PREPARE FOR UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES…" "If it means everything… I WILL." I said to myself, I couldn't believe what just happened. So May God Help Me… Meanwhile, Somewhere Located at the Nightbane Glades "Sister, what a bad timing. I almost had him!" Dark said with annoyance. "Well, sister. We know that you really do love him, but this is more important than him! Now let's get back to work." Red said to her. Dark sighed, thinking about the kinky things she would do with Ryan. When suddenly, a dark aura began surrounding her, she closed her eyes and opened them again with glowing eyes. "Sister! I'm sensing something strange all of a sudden… Wait…" She said to Red, she grew a smirk on her face. "What is it, sister?" Red asked her, "I can sense Ryan's presence here. Father must've summoned him here! FINALLY No one can stop me now! Not even everyone I know! HAHAHAHA!" She shouted in extreme excitement. "Can I have him, sister?" "NO! HE'S ALL MINE!" "Aww…" "Yes… NOW I CAN MILK HIM DRY LIKE THE DESERT! I'M COMING FOR YOU, LOVER… JUST WAIT…" She said, with the look on her face. Back to Ryan, Dark Fusion's Cottage, Unknown Time "GAH!" I shouted, I looked at the place only to see that I am safe. Green trotted out of the kitchen and asked "Ryan? Is everything okay?" "Yeah… It's just that I heard that Dark is coming for me." "A vision?" "No… It's like a hunch or something." "Well, anyway, here's the tea." Green gave me a cup of tea, I took a sip and it was delicious. "Thanks for the tea, Green." I thanked him, "You are welcome, Ryan." We talked for a while, after that, I emptied the cup and stretched. "*yawn* Well, thanks for everything, Green. Look, I'm tired; I'll just take a nap." I said to him "Just take a nap on the couch, Ryan. I'll be outside and lock the doors so Dark and Red will not mate with you." He said to me, I nodded. He trotted outside and locked the door. I removed my shoes and laid on the couch. I closed my eyes and took a nice nap. Ray's POV Canterlot Castle Throne Room, 11:30 PM "Ryan is missing?" Princess Celestia asked. "Yes! We searched for him everywhere! From this castle to the streets of Canterlot!" Ray said in worry "Hmmm… We have to find him." Twilight said to me. "My guards will help on the search for Ryan. Don't worry, we'll find him eventually. "PRINCESS, PLEASE HELP US! I DON'T WANT RYAN TO BE GONE FOREVER!" Fluttershy shouted in a quiet voice, she sobbed on the floor. Rarity trotted towards her and patted her on the back. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. We'll find Ryan…" She said to her, she continued to sob What ever happened to Ryan, I'm sure that it's Dark's fault. If we know someone that could have kidnapped him, that would be her. Oh Dear God, please help Ryan… Back to Ryan "Ryan… Wake up." I opened my eyes to see Max again in front of me, "I forgot to mention that you can freely turn into any lantern you want without reciting the oaths." "But then I'll be granted unlimited power! Which is a little too early for that." "When you face the 9 opponents, the ring will start to form its symbol, granting you the power. But you can freely change into any lanterns without forming the symbol. Just channel your emotions into the ring and it will turn you to the lantern depending on what your emotions are." He explained to me "So I can freely change without the ring giving me the final power?" I asked, he nodded "The ring will form the symbol if you are facing the 9 opponents already. But the lanterns are weaker if you use them." "But why did you tell me this now? You could've just told me the last time we talked." I said to him "Uhhh… yeah… I forgot about that." He smiled to me. Then he began to vanish I woke up and stretched. I stood up and saw that nobody was still around. I wonder if Ray and the others are alright. I hope that they wouldn't worry that much about me. I was getting bored already so I decided to listen to some peaceful music. I grabbed my ear buds and listened to Love Story Meets Viva La Vida by Jon Schmidt It was kind of peaceful and soothing to the soul… It kinda reminds me of Fluttershy… Oh, how I miss her already. I cannot believe that I gave her my virginity… Oh man, may God forgive me for my sins… After the song ended, I looked around and saw a piano beside me. "Why not?" I said to myself. So I stood up and opened the cover of the piano. I then started to play the piece Siege of Madrigal by Martin O' Donnell from Halo. It's been a loooong time since I played my piano back at Earth. I loved this song, it reminds me of the heroic things that I've done… Well… not that much. *Knock* *Knock* I heard a knock through the door, "Who is it?" I called out. "YOUR LOVER" I heard Dark through the door. "OH COME ON!" Well… This can't be good really…. > Dark Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XII: Dark Blood "OH COME ON! CAN YOU AT LEAST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONE SINGLE MIN—I mean… Yes?" I said in a different tone of voice. "Now, dear… Open the door, I know you're there." She said through the door. I am almost going to panic and lose my shit; I looked everywhere for an evading plan. Aha! I devised a plan to escape her. I slowly reached for the doorknob and opened it fast and at the blink of an eye, I used my ring to become invisible. "Oh, RYAN! Come out, come out where ever you are!" She said while trotting like a slut. "Are you sure that he is here, sister? It looks like no one is home." Red said to Dark. "This is my time…" I thought to myself, I slowly walked out the door… Trying to be sneaky and to not screw Dark… "Ryan! Where are you?!" Dark shouted even more. She looked everywhere, the kitchen, the living room, upstairs, the bedroom and etc. I was nearing the door, OH SWEET FREEDOM! But suddenly, Dark used her magic on me, JUST AS I WAS TRYING TO RUN THE HELL OUT OF HERE! "AH! LET ME GO, DARK! HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!" I said, struggling by her magic wrapped around me. "Awww! Ryan, I really missed you! I can sense your energy and I can track you if you are near." She said holding me near to her and hugging me. "You've been gone for an hour and you missed me that much?" I said to her with annoyance. "I miss the times where you get upset and really mad at me." She said to me with a seductive look on her face. "IT'S BECAUSE YOU KEPT ASKING ME A THOUSAND OF TIMES TO MATE WITH YOU! MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, I DON'T WANT TO! NOW, LET ME GO!" I said with anger. It's funny, y'know? I sounded like Michael Jones from Achievement Hunter. "Hihihihi! Sister, he looks so CUTE when he gets angry!" Red said to her sister, I looked at her, giving her the cold and deadly stare and pointed at her. "AND YOU…" I said with anger still in my voice. She looked at me scared and shivering, "Well, I should really thank you for cutting me off with Dark. If it wasn't for you, I could've been turned into a Reaper. So, thank you so much for that!" I said to her in a normal tone, her fear was gone and she stepped forward. "Uhhh… You're welcome." She said to me with a nervous smile. Dark looked at her, jealous for giving her kindness rather than Dark. "Come on now, Ryan. Let's mate!" She said to me with her tongue outside and drooling. "My God… Your lust is more worse than 10 horny women! Holy JESUS!" I said to her, she giggled. She trotted towards me with THE LOOK on her face. "Oh…Ryan…" She rubbed her marehood while licking her lips and looking at me. She released me from her spell and cleaned myself. "Now, now Dark… I don't want to turn into a freaking Reaper. Besides, you'll find someone else right?" I said with a nervous tone in my voice, she smiled at me. "Oh, my dear Ryan. You'll enjoy being a reaper, really… And besides, I already chose you as my host and lover." She said to me with an evil giggle… I knew that I was already hopeless, I have to escape her. Sometimes, I ask myself how… But this time, I didn't. So, I ran upstairs at the speed of light. I ran into halls until I hid in a dark room. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself. I tried to find the light switch but I can't seem to find them. So, I used my ring as a light source in order to see what's inside the room. But when I did, I saw the room has gothic materials, walls were black, and her bed has black covers, dressers and stuff. The room is lacking windows and light; I saw candles on the either side of her bed, standing on the nightstands. I snapped my finger and surprisingly, it produced a flame. I lit up the two candles but it was still dark so I left my ring's light on. "Ohhh Ryan! I'm coming!" Dark said outside the door. "Shit!" I cursed. I looked around trying to find a perfect hiding spot, but I had no choice but to hide under the bed. Dark entered the room trying to look for me, "Ryan, show yourself! There's no point in hiding anymore!" She said, trying to catch my attention. Suddenly, angry thoughts came into my mind I DON'T WANT ANYMORE! I'M SICK OF DARK TRYING TO MATE WITH ME! I HATE HER! I… I'LL… "…KILL HER!" I shouted. Just as she looked under the bed, she didn't find me. But when she stood up, she saw me on top of her bed with red aura developing me. Due to the anger and rage, my heart was rendered useless and tried to expel my blood in a violent manner like vomiting. "dArK! i'M cOmInG fOr YoU!" I said to her in distorted voice. "It's that strange magic again…" She said to herself. I used my ring to hold her and launched towards her, strangling her while being held by the light of my ring. "HAHAHAHA! DIE!" I laughed like a maniac, she used her horn to push me back but it was no use. I vomited blood on her face, gaining the upper hand. I lifted my right arm and balling my fist, punching her hard on the face. "Ow! Wow, Ryan. That actually hurts. Hihihihi!" She giggled, she used her magic to levitate me and yet surprisingly, her magic was more powerful than my ring. "DARK! RELEASE ME AND FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME LIKE A—"Suddenly, all I saw was blackness. I woke up again in the same white room where Max usually talks to me, and then he walked in again. "Max! What is it now?" I asked him, he walked a few steps towards me and said: "Wow, Ryan. You overused the Red Lantern's power." He said to me, "Wait, how did I overuse it?" I asked him another question. He then used his abilities to show me what happened. "Your hatred towards Dark is more powerful than I thought it would be. And you still haven't unlocked the ring's full potential yet. Once a user overuses one of the power of the lanterns, his or her ring will run out of power and cannot be used for a limited time." He explained to me. "Ohhh… but I really hate Dark so much that I couldn't control it!" I said to Max. "Look, Ryan. You have to go with the flow, or else you'll give away everything and risk Fluttershy's life." As soon as I heard that, I gritted my teeth in anger. "Fine…" I said. Come to think of it, Dark isn't doing this because she wanted to; it's because she has to. And she isn't that bad when you get to know her. "Good. I'll just continue the time." He said to me "Wait, you stopped time?" I asked, my eyes widening. "Yes. After I resume time, revert back to normal and go with the flow, just as I said." "Okay." Then the room began vanishing. "—MAN!" I shouted, then after reverting back to my senses, I returned to normal. "My, my… Have you calmed down yet, my lover?" She asked me, still holding me using her magic. "Yeah… yeah, I'm fine…" I said to her, she looked at my ring and giving a suspicious look. "Ryan, that ring of yours is causing too much trouble for us. It's got to go; besides, you already have powers." She said to me, she used her magic to remove my ring but to no avail. "What? Your ring cannot be removed! It's stuck!" She said to me with shock in her voice. I smiled at her. "It's no use, Dark. It's already attached to me and it cannot be removed forever." I said, she licked her face with my blood on it, and then gave me a lustful look. "Hmmm… I like your taste, Ryan. It makes me feel hot." She said to me. Well, I gave up hope and tried to go with it. I leaned in closer and kissed her, and somehow… Her kiss was actually good than before. More passionate and good than when she kissed me back at Canterlot. "Looks like my lover is getting attached to me…" She said to her, licking her lips. "Well… I gave up hope already so… Let's do it." We stood up and Dark went to her bed. I removed my clothes leaving my boxers and went to bed with Dark, continuing to kiss her. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. What's wrong with stallions? Why don't you like to mate with them?" I asked her, she looked into my eyes as she explained. "I find stallions colts very, very boring and pathetic. I've always wanted my lover and host to be unique and special…" She said to me, "Well… that explains it. In our world, it is totally illegal to have sex with animals. We only do that to each other. That's the law and we should follow it." "Aww… Well it's too late for that now, Ryan." She said to me, leaning closer and closer. "Well, I guess it is…" I sighed; I leaned in closer and kissed her… The kiss felt better than before. "I feel… hot. It's like… I really want to mate with you now, Dark." I said to her, she smirked when suddenly; I came back to my senses. "OH NO… DID I JUST SAY THAT I REALLY WANT TO MATE WITH YOU, DARK?" I asked, shocked. She smirked again and nodded. "OH COME ON! YOU HAVE FAILED ME AGAIN, BRAIN!" I dramatically shouted, holding my head. Dark looked at me and giggled. "Well, come on now. Ryan, let's continue!" she said to me, I looked back and continued kissing her, but before that, I said "But we will only do foreplay. Any kind of penetration, I will not allow. Understood?" she nodded to me. And then we continued making out. She slid down the covers and slowly removed my boxers, revealing my shaft. She used her hooves to rub my dick and it felt uncomfortable for me. "Dark, stop using your hooves. It hurts and uncomfortable." I said to her, she smiled and giggled. Instead of using her hooves, she used her mouth. (Insert Dramatic Sound here) Her tongue was merely inches away from my dick until we saw Green bust through the door. "Get away from him, daughter!" He yelled at Dark, Dark looked at him. "No father! I'm not a little filly that you used to treat anymore! My magic is more stronger than you!" Dark said to her father. Green made a smirk and said "Don't underestimate me, daughter. A while ago, I learned something new." Green said to her. Then suddenly, a strange colored aura begins surrounding his horn and shot out a blast at Dark, unfortunately, she dodged it. I tried to do something just to escape this family fight. Just as Green was about to shoot at Dark again, I lounged myself towards my clothes and used my ring to quickly put them on. I then jumped back to the living room. I sat on the couch while hearing like chaos upstairs. I saw Red walk out the kitchen, she looked at me and said. "Ryan? What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to—"I cut her off, pointing upstairs, meaning that Green and Dark are having family problems. "Ohhh… Well, I have to go back to the kitchen." She said to me, I nodded to her and she trotted back to the kitchen. I wonder how Green is doing… Meanwhile… "Stop this now, daughter! It doesn't have to be this way!" Green said to her daughter. Dark shot an electric bolt to Green but he dodged it. "No! YOU STOP! If you're looking for a fight, then bring it!" She said to him. Several minutes later... "ENOUGH, DARK!" I heard Green say. I stood up and went upstairs to check on him. "Hey, guys. You fighting for 10 minutes now, come—WHOA!" I closed my eyes, and as I opened them… I saw that I was able to hold the blast that Dark was about to shoot at Green. "How are you… able to do that?" Dark asked me. "I… don't know…" I said. After a few seconds, the energy ball disappeared. I saw Green trapped Dark in a black, transparent shield. "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Dark shouted. Green then charged his horn and trotted towards Dark. "I'm sorry to do this, daughter. But I have to." He then placed his horn on Dark's head and a bright flash appeared. I rubbed my eyes to see Dark laying on the ground. "What did you do to her, Green?" I asked, she trotted towards her and carried her. "I casted a memory spell on her. She will not remember anything that had happened and who you are. But her personality will be that of when she was a filly." He explained to me. I sighed and rubbed my face. "Whew! Thanks, man. I owe you one." I said to him, "No need, Ryan." He said to me smiling. We looked at Dark to see that she was slowly waking up. She looked at us; she gave a happy face to Green while a confused look at me. She hugged Green saying "Father? What is that creature doing at our house?" She said, hugging Green. "I'll explain it later, daughter. Now go downstairs, your mother and sister are preparing for lunch." She said to Dark, she smiled and went downstairs. "Hey, Ryan. You should come eat with us. You should meet my wife and Dark's sister." He said to me, I smiled at him. "Sure, I already know Red Thunder. She has a craving for me too y'know." "Don't worry, if she ever makes a move on you. I'll do to her what I did with Dark." He said. "Thanks, man. I'll be with you in a minute." I said to him, he nodded and trotted outside the room. I quickly closed the door, and wondered about the condition of Ray and the others. So, I tried contacting them using my telepathy powers. Hey, if Max said that the ring can do anything, then I'll try to do it. I finally got in touch with Ray, "Ray! Ray, it's me." I said to him like I was inside his head. "Ryan? Ryan! Ryan, we've been looking everywhere for you! Where are you? What happened? Is everything alright?" "I'm fine, Ray. Calm down—" And then I was being cut off. "CALM DOWN?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IF FLUTTERSHY AND THE MANE 6 ARE LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU?! FLUTTERSHY IS PROBABLY CRYING RIGHT NOW ABOUT YOU!" He shouted angrily. "RAY! I said calm down. Just inform everyone that I'm fine. Dark's father brought me here at an unknown place and I am okay. I'll inform you if anything happened to me, okay?" I said to him. "Okay, just… be careful okay?" he said to me with worry. "I will, tell Fluttershy that I love her and I'll be out in a couple of days." "Okay, then. Goodbye." He said to me and I cut the connection. I opened the door and went downstairs to join Green to lunch. I entered the kitchen and am greeted by a Nightmare that is unfamiliar to me. She has black fur, gray mane, glowing right eye and a red octagon with 6 black dots for a Cutie Mark. "Oh, good afternoon. You must be the human that Red was talking about. Ryan, am I right?" she said to me, I went to my sit and said "Yes, ma'am; I am Ryan Wilson." I said to her. "My name is Black Star. But you can call me Black or Star, whichever you want." "It is nice to meet you, Black Star." I smiled to her, and then Red gave me my food… Which is a sandwich filled with maggots and dirt… "Uhhh…" I said looking at the food; this is bad since I have a very bad gag reflex. Well, not that bad. Green noticed that I'm not eating my food, "Ryan? Is there something wrong? You look kind of sick." He said to me. I looked at them and saw them eating the sandwich. "Excuse me… for a minute please… Where is the bathroom?" I asked, they pointed to where the bathroom is and excused myself. I kneeled on the toilet and vomited. "*hurl* What the fuck is wrong with them people…" I said to myself, and then I continued vomiting. I went out the bathroom for like 3 minutes and went back to sit on the couch. "Ryan? What happened to you?" Black Star asked me. My head ached and held it. "We humans do not eat that kind of food. We eat food like, pork, vegetables and fish. Edible food for us humans; Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick again." I went to the bathroom and puked again. I flushed the toilet and went outside. "Oh… Sorry, we didn't know. Looks like you're not eating then." Green said to me. "Oh no, no. Don't be; besides, I got food on my pocket." I said as I pulled out a chocolate bar and ate it. "Oh, okay." He said to me, I nodded and went to the living room. I leaned forward to peek at the family eating their disgusting maggot sandwich. Green and Black were eating silently, Dark noticed me and gave me a confused look, while Red gave me THE LOOK while licking her maggot sandwich like a motherfucking lollipop. I almost puked and stopped looking at them. Jesus, what kind of world am I in? I got bored and pulled out my phone to listen to some awesome music; I closed my eyes for a while. I played the song Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons. I opened my eyes when Green awoke me. I looked at them and saw that they were giving confused looks. I know what they were looking at, and so I explained what my phone is and stuff. The family looked at it in awe, "Now I know why Dark really loves you, you are more advanced in technology than us." Green said to me, I smiled at them. "Yeah, I get that a lot." I said to them. "Well, we have to leave. We're ready to go." Black said to me. I stood up and stretched my arms; we then left the cottage walked. As we walked, I felt something brushing against my leg. I looked down to see Red giving me a lustful look while smiling. "Well… Since Big Sister's memories are temporarily removed. Can I finally mate with you?" she asked me. I stopped walking for a split second and then continued walking. "No. Nope. Nahhh. Not. Nein." I said to her. She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, I facepalmed and said "Oh come on! I had already enough sex for today. Can you just leave me alone?" I said to her. She made a cute pout that made me chuckle. I stopped walking and kneeled down to her. "Look, I've been traumatized several times by Dark trying to have sex with me. And I'm just lucky that your father was there to help me. But you're a good friend, so if it makes you feel any better. Here…" I concentrated on the light of my ring and made a white rose. Red Thunder was happy and gladly took the rose. She hugged me and said "Thanks, Ryan!" She said to me, we broke apart and kissed her on the forehead. I saw that she is blushing deep red. I chuckled, and continued walking. We were talking for a while, like all of the events that happened here at Night Forge. "What world do you come from, Mr.?" Dark trotted near me and asked me. I said to her while brushing her mane. "I come from Earth." I said to her. "Wow, I've always wanted to meet another creature from another world." She said to me. I smiled at her. As we walked, I still saw many Night ponies staring at me; mares were giving me seductive looks while the colt and stallions were giving me hostile and angry looks which made the atmosphere very tense. I ignored them and brought out my ear buds and listened to some sweet music. I pulled out my sunglasses and played I Get Around by The Beach Boys, an old-school classic. I snapped my fingers to the beat of the music. We walked for a while and saw that we are no longer in Night Forge and we are Nightbane Glades. I turned off my phone and kept it inside my pocket. "Well, here we are. I'll go find the other Nightmares and colts. Honey, you'll stay here with them." Green said to his wife. She nodded and trotted away from us. I decided to chill back and relax on the dead grass while we wait for Green to come back. I saw Dark, next to me hiding behind her mane and being shy. I chuckled, and then I motioned here to come here; she trotted towards me but she tripped, knocking me back with her. I opened my eyes to see that she was on top of me, we blushed and stood up and fixed ourselves. "Ehehehe… Here, Dark, sit on my lap." I said to her, she then rested on my lap and brushed her mane. I looked at her and thought that she was actually kind of cute when her sexual lust is not overtaking her. I looked to my right and saw Red giving me a jealous look. "Tsssss… Come here, Red." I motioned her to come here, she trotted towards me and rested on my lap. "Hahaha, How sweet." Black Star said to me, I chuckled and said "Well… No mare can resist me… I think?" I said, Black giggled but it soon faded away. "But you better prepare…" She said, it sent a chill up down my spine when I heard that. I looked at her. "Prepare for w-what?" I asked, she trotted towards me and whispered in my ear. "PREPARE FOR UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES." It's that sentence again… haunting me like a record stuck on replay. My mind completely flew away and I froze for seconds… I then heard a voice calling out to me. "Ryan? RYAN!" Black Star shook me. I snapped back and looked everywhere. "Star? What happened?" I asked her, "I told you that you must prepare because Hash Night is a celebration where we all mate all night without stopping and such, and then suddenly, you didn't respond and I tried to get you back." She said to me, "Well, I'm fine now." I said to her, somehow those 4 words are scary and creeping me out and I do not want to hear that again. "Hash Night, huh? Isn't that like Rutting Day?" I said to Black "Yeah, for the regular ponies. Hash Night is about come in a couple of days but for Rutting day, it will come in a couple of weeks. So, we are early than them." She said to me, I chuckled to that statement. "Ooookay…. That is kind of weird and disgusting… Well…. It's not my problem, so who the hell cares?" I said. I looked up to the skies and wondered about the condition of Fluttershy and the others. Ray's POV; The Next Morning The Canterlot Guest Room, 9:00 AM "Ryan said to me that he is fine and will be out in a couple of days." I said to the Mane 6, Fluttershy was beside me, crying. "At l-least…*sniff* He is f-fine…" She said, I brushed her mane, telling her that all will be fine. "Where is he now?" Twilight said to me, "I don't know, he hasn't told me where he is. But he'll inform me if anything happened to him" I told them. And then suddenly, my head began to ache painfully. "AGH!" I grunted in pain, "Ray, it's me." Ryan called me, "Ryan! How are you?" I said to him with worry, "I'm fine, but I have something to tell you." I then listened to him. "Return to Pony Ville and wait for my return. I'll be waiting for you there." "What? Why?" I asked him "I had a gut feeling stronger than before that tells me when I get back in Equestria, I'll land in Pony Ville. So you have to meet me there and wait." "Okay, I'll meet you there." "Wait, I need to talk to Fluttershy." "How? You are only able to talk to my head." I said to him, confused. "Just touch her head and I'll be able to talk to her." He said to me, I looked at Fluttershy and touched her head. "Hey, there 'Shy…" "Ryan, you idiot! Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving! I was worried about you!" "Well, I'm sorry 'Shy. I was walking down the streets of Canterlot when Dark's father teleported me to this creepy place." "Ryan… you idiot…" "Don't worry, 'Shy. I'll be fine, honey." "Okay… I love you, Ryan. Be careful…" "I will… I love you too, 'Shy. I'll meet you back at Pony Ville" and then the connection was off. "What did Ryan say?" Rarity asked me, I looked down and said "We have to go back to Pony Ville. We'll wait for him there." I said to them, Applejack took a step forward. "Why?" she asked, "We have to, because Ryan said so." I said to them. "Come on, we'll take the train." Twilight said to me. We then fixed our things and went to the train station. We then went to the ticket booth and bought tickets, "ALL ABOARD!" The train conductor shouted, we then entered the train and sat on our seats. I looked outside to see us leaving Canterlot. I felt a brush on my left arm and saw Pinkie Pie with a sad face. "Is Ryan going to be okay?" She said to me, it's the first time that I saw Pinkie Pie sad like that. I hugged her and said, "Yeah, he's alright. Don't worry…" I said to her, and then suddenly she jumped and shouted in excitement. "YAY! WE'RE GOING TO SEE RYAN AGAIN! MORE PARTIES!" As I saw her jump in excitement, I chuckled. "You should dance and sing again! That way, the parties that I'll make will be more fun-tastic! Get it? FUN-TASTIC!" "Yeah, suppose I will." I continued to look at the window. The trip was really long and boring so I took a nap. "Good morning, Ultron. How are we today?" I opened my eyes to see that I was contained in some kind of test tube. I tried escaping but it was no use. I was paralyzed. "What do you want?" I said to him "We just want to run some more test." "NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" "No, you have to stay here Ultron. You cannot escape here." I saw as the head of the project told me. "You… I will never forgive you. If I get out of here, I'll—" "You'll what? There's nothing you can do!" "NO!" "You have no family, you have no friends. YOU ARE JUST NO-ONE!" he said to me, I gritted my teeth and shouted "I'll KILL YOU!" "Mr. Kleiner, please get him back to the test chambers." The head… Eli Vance, sent me back to the chambers, the last time I saw him… He smiled "NOOOO!" "NOOOOO!" I woke up in a jolt, bathing in cold sweat. I heard hoofsteps behind me and saw the Mane 6 trotting towards me. "Ray! Is everything alright?" Rarity asked me "Yeah… I'm fine… It's just a night mare I had." I said to them, Rainbow Dash sat next to me and said "Here, I'll stay with you." She said to me, I smiled to her and said "T-Thanks, Rainbow Dash." She blushed, and the Mane 6 went back to their seats. I laid back and sighed. I rubbed my face and tried to recall the dream. But no… It was too horrifying for me to recall it, so I looked outside and decided to not take a nap. I wondered about the condition of Ryan, I hope he is alright. May God Help Him. > Apprehension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XIII: Apprehension The trip took like an hour, faster than what I expected. Normally, the train would take 2 hours and a half to arrive in Pony Ville. Weird, but fine… The train then halted to a stop and we exited the train and parted ways. But Rarity noticed me and asked, "Darling? Aren't you coming with us?" I turned around and replied "No, I'm going to meet someone—err… somepony at the hospital. I'll see you guys later." I said to her and she nodded as the Mane 6 trotted away. I have no idea on where the hospital is located so I asked somepony about the directions. I walked around Pony Ville just to find the hospital but then suddenly, several fillies surrounded me, "Excuse me mister, but are you Mr. Ray?" they asked me, I smiled to them and nodded yes. Their smiles widened and took out some paper, "Can I have your autograph?" "Sure thing." I said to them as I gave them my autograph and one by one, they left with smiles on their faces. It feels really good to make people happy, it's the first time that this happened to me since that… experiment. But it doesn't matter anymore, I'm popular and that's fine but it doesn't mean that I have to brag about it every single minute. Everyone thanked me and left happily, and then I continued walking to the direction of the hospital. It took me 10 minutes to get there but I finally arrived at the hospital; as I walked in, so many patients were injured yet so few, then I heard whispers, "Is that the guy who amazingly danced in the street?" "Wow… he looks really handsome!" "I really want his autograph." Well… Ryan isn't the only one with amazing talents, I guess. I walked up the counter and asked the counter maid and asked, "Excuse me miss, but I'm looking for a pony named Nurse Redheart?" "Oh, yes. She is at the roof, sir. She just came back from Canterlot, you can take the stairs." I thanked her and went upstairs to meet her. I arrived at the roof and opened the door and saw her staring blankly at the blue sky… her blue ocean eyes and her pink hair gracefully swaying with the wind. She was so beautiful… I walked toward her and she turned around to look at me, she smiled joyfully and said "Ray! You're finally back! I am so glad to see you." She said to me as she hugged me tight, and I hugged her back. Yeah, it's great to be back… "Me too, Redheart…" I let her go, but I noticed something. Something was wrong with her, so I kneeled to her and placed my hand to her cheek, "Redheart, is there something wrong? If there is, tell me. I'm an open guy after all." I said assumingly. She looked at me and smiled, letting out a tear from her eyes. "Ray, I have something to tell you…" She said to me, I leaned closer to her, giving her the 'Sure, tell me' signal. And then she took a deep breath and began, "Ray… I love you…" Her words shocked me and pierced through my heart, I have never felt this feeling for a long time that I never thought I would. So before I can even say anything, she kissed me passionately on the lips… and it felt good. Better than Trixie's kiss from a while back. Trixie's kiss was forceful and uncomfortable while Redheart's kiss was so… passionate and loving. We broke apart; she looked at me with her beautiful oceanic eyes and spoke, "Ray… I understand that you're not a stallion but… I chose you as my special someone. I love you so much with all my heart, Ray…" No words came out of my mouth after her sentence… I was speechless. Redheart was the only mare that understands me and cares for me… Well, Ryan too was like my own brother because he treated me like the bestest friend all the time… The feeling grew stronger, more accurate and now it's so clear to me… I AM IN LOVE WITH HER; and then my eyes turned into the color pink and mean one single thing. My stomach began having butterflies, and then I looked at her, and began, "I… I love you too, Redheart." I finally said it… those three words that came from the heart. I never thought that this would happen… so I hugged her and she hugged me back, but when suddenly, I noticed something warm dripping on my pants. So I looked to see her marehood wet and dripping juices on my pants. "Oh! I am terribly sorry about that, it's just because of the heat…" She said to me looking away, blushing. I chuckled and spoke, "Redheart… Do you… want to mate with me?" I asked, my throat drying… And then she looked at me, smiling. "Do you want to?" "Whatever suits you…" I said to her, and then she smiled. I don't care what they say about having sex with ponies, but it's unbelievable to say that I really do want to 'do' it with her. But this is some other universe we're talking about. She then proceeded to kiss me, passionately. And then all of a sudden, we're tongue wrestling; her tongue was dancing along with my tongue with her arms wrapped around my neck. "Ray… I want to see it." She said to me as we separated. I looked at her and nodded, so I took off my leather jacket and the rest of my clothes on the floor, continuing to kiss Redheart. "Wait… What if someone catches us up here?" I asked "Don't worry, no one will." She said in an assuring tone, I smiled again. So I took off my boxers and I was now completely exposed. And then she laid on her back, signaling me to insert my shaft into her hot marehood. I kneeled to her, lining it to her wet pony pussy, "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yes, but be gentle. It's my first time, by the way." "You and me both, Redheart." I said to her, and then I inserted it slowly inside her marehood. It felt strange, considering it is my first time. It was warm and soft and tight, and it felt really good that it sent a shiver up my spine. "Uuumph! Ahh…" She moaned, "Redheart… Do you want me to…" "No… don't take it out… Please… proceed." She said to me. And so I did; I slowly moved back and forth, she moaned louder but quieter… "Ahhh…. Faster…" She requested, and then I moved even faster as I was kissing her and moaning in my mouth and my hand fondling her marehood, adding more pleasure into her. Our lips separated, and I spoke, "Redheart… I-I'm going to…" I stuttered, moving even faster than before, "Do IT!" She shouted…. Closer… It's coming closer… "HAAAHH!" I shouted. And there it was, our climax together… filling her marehood with my hot seed, and collapsing to the floor with her. "That… was amazing… Redheart…" I said, panting in exhaust and tired. "Yeah… I love you, Ray." She said to me facing me. I smiled and laid back as we watched the open, blue skies… Ryan's POV Nightbane Glades, Time is Unknown BORED! I'm so getting bored in Night Shine Blades whatever the fuck it is. Luckily, I made a Rubik's Cube out of the light in my ring and tried to solve it. "What is that?" Dark asked me, "It's called the Rubik's Cube. It's like a puzzle where you scramble this cube and try to get it back to its original place." I explained to her as I scrambled the cube and try to solve it. "Hmmm… Front inverted, down inverted, right down… Hmmm…" I said to myself while looking at the cube. And Dark was looking at me, amazed at my skills at solving at the cube. "There! It is finished!" I said to myself, Dark's and Red's eyes widened, amazed at my skills and intelligence upon solving the hardest puzzle in my world. I looked at them and gave them the cube. "Not only you're awesome, but also you're smart!" Black Star praised me. I chuckled, and laid back. Unfortunately, I'm still bored as hell. So I pulled out my phone and played some music. "While Green is busy, let's listen to some music shall we?" I said to them and they nodded in response so I played Safe and Sound by Capital Cities After the song ended, my boredom vanished. But I noticed something about Dark, is she crying? "Dark, are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked her, wiping her tears and began "It's what my Dad used to tell me… that we'll be always safe and sound. One time, Sprawls attacked Night Forge. I was a little filly once, and Dad protected me from the Sprawls and said that we're safe and sound and we don't have to worry anymore. He said that I should join him fight but I was weak and defenseless… So I told him that I can't…" She sobbed even more. Actually, I pity her. Seeing that emotion on her face made me feel sorry for her, so I hugged her and brushed her mane. "Don't worry Dark, you'll get stronger one day. I'll support you because; I know that you're more than you think you are. Even in a tidal wave of mysteries, you will still find your true potential." I said to her, she stopped crying and looked at me smiling and then she hugged me back. "Thank you, Ryan. That's so kind of you." She said to me as she nuzzled in my chest. She's not so bad after all; I would like to be her friend but not her sex buddy. I'm glad that she would be like this for an hour or longer, so I can rest from all of those 'Oh-Ryan-I-Want-To-Mate-With-You' scenarios. I looked at Red and she was giving me the jealous look then the puppy eyes. I chuckled at her and spoke, "Oh Jesus Christ… Come here, Red." I said to her as I hugged them both in my arms under the… What the hell is this, sun and moon combined? Oh Jesus H.! When suddenly, a bright green flash appeared right before our eyes and looked to see Green standing there with a scared look at his face. "Sprawls… they're coming this way!" he said panting. Recalling what Celestia said to me was Sprawls are Nightmares and Colts that didn't eat much spiritual energy. Suddenly, we heard screams and panic at a certain distance. "Good God…" I said to myself. "We need to fight back. Ryan, can you fight?" He asked me, I nodded in response. "Great, let's go!" We then ran towards the Sprawls and attacked them. I was the first to strike them; using light to make a large fist and punching them back hard and using my spider powers to fight them. Then using my adamantium claws to slice them to bits but they blocked me and held me tight to eat me but Green saved me and then we continued to fight them. Several minutes of fighting passed. Fighting them was no use, they just keep on coming. Me and Green were tired and exhausted, so we found a breathing room from the fighting. "Dammit… It's no use, how many are they? A thousand?" I asked, panting. "More than that." He said to me. GODDAMN IT! It really takes a lot to kill them, "If we don't stop them, we will all be doomed!" Green said in worry, but I have an idea. "Green, remove Dark's spell." I said to him. Shocked, he said in response, "But what about…" Before he can continue, I said to him, "It's the only way Green. She doesn't know that she's the most powerful Nightmare in here. So you have to remove it." I said to him persuasively. He had no choice so he removed the spell. He walked towards Dark and placed his horn to her head and a flash appeared. I rubbed my eyes and looked that she turned to the wristband again, so I walked and picked the wristband and wore it. I could already feel the energy surging through my body, making me even more powerful. "It's good to be back, my lover." Dark spoke in my head. "Ooookay then… We have company, Dark. Can you combine your energy with my ring?" I asked her. I heard her giggle and said, "With pleasure." "Good, let's kick some Sprawl ass!" I said to her and the other family members to fight with me. I concentrated on my ring when suddenly; black aura surrounded my ring joining the white light that my ring produced. Then my ring turned into the color that I never thought it would turn… BLACK which means Death! "Oh no… This is a really bad idea." "Don't worry, Ryan. It's okay." Dark said assumingly. Suddenly, the ring began to shake and my body began to decompose a bit as I vomited blood, not ordinary red blood but BLACK BLOOD. I began to mumble words like, "DEATH IS COMING… HE'S COMING…" "dArK… ssssstoo-ppp!" I said to her but she didn't respond. Suddenly, I lost control of myself and charged into the Sprawls. Killing them one by one, punching them hard until they die. Dark summoned a scythe using her magic and I grabbed it, slicing them and killing them. I tried regaining control but it was no use, the ring and Dark's magic were too powerful for me to handle. One of the Sprawls attacked behind me, trying to incapacitate me. Its claws slashed to my chest, so I kicked him back and grabbed my scythe to decapitate him. Then suddenly, I felt something, like my body weakening. I finally regained control of my body and calmed myself a bit while looking at my wound on my chest. And then something hit me, why am I not healing when I saw my shoulder healing when I first transported to Equestria?" "*gurgle* RAH! What is this, poison?!" I shouted angrily, "Sprawls have poison on their claws sometimes. Don't worry, my lover. I'll get that for you." She said to me as my wounds in my chest began to heal and the pain vanished. "Finally, I regained control." I said to myself as I charged towards some Sprawl, one grabbed me and threw me to a bunch of other Sprawls and they got me pinned down and several of them piled up on me. "ENOUGH!" Me and Dark shouted as a large shockwave was produced, knocking the Sprawls back like 10 miles away. Then the Black ring shone brightly with the wristband, and then suddenly the wristband slipped from my wrist and transformed into Dark. When the wristband was off, my body returned to normal and I watched Dark when suddenly, she recited the oath the was pretty familiar to me, "The Blackest Night falls from the skies, The darkness grows as all light dies, We crave your hearts and your demise, By my black hooves—the dead shall rise!" Oh no… Was she influenced by the ring? This can't be happening… "WITNESS THE POWER OF DARK FUSION!" She shouted. Suddenly, a bright light shined near her and I closed my eyes due to the brightness. "EVERYONE HIT THE DECK!" I shouted, then Green and the others placed a force field around them and I also made a force field using my ring and a whooshing sound was heard. The light was gone and it seems that it's clear. So I looked to see that the Sprawls turned into ashes and died. I looked back to see that Green and the others are fine and Dark was lying on the ground so I ran to her and tried to wake her up. "Dark, are you alright?" I said to her when suddenly a flash appeared and saw that Dark was gone and she teleported behind me, giving me a large hug. "Why yes, I am, my lover." She said to me, breathing out deep to my neck, feeling her hot breath. "Oooookay then… Get off me." I said to her as I stood up. "I missed you so much, my lover!" she said to me. Fear struck me, recalling the even that happened a while ago. How was she influenced by the ring? I have to ask Max later. "Yeah… I miss you too…" I said to her, "Awww… looks someone is getting attached to me!" she said teasing me, I looked at her and smiled. "Shut up, Dark." I said to her, chuckling. "Anyway… That was the best fight I had in years! I like completely used up all of my powers to defeat those Sprawls! That was Deadpoolicious!" I said shouting, but they were confused on the last word that I said. "Let's… go home." Green said smiling, and so we went home. We walked through the direction of Night Forge until we reached the gates, Dark was looking at me while I was holding her hoof and Nightmares and colts were looking at me funny while they looked at Dark happy. "Oh my gosh! It's Dark Fusion, the mare that saved us all!" a stallion announced, "Oh Jesus… Hey Green, lemme ask you a question. Why is Dark so powerful by the way?" I asked him. The way she recited that oath was still a mystery, but I have to ask Green all about her to get to know her better. "She traveled in to the rift for 200 years; the energy that is in her body became even more powerful. Ten times more powerful than anyone making her the most powerful Nightmare in the entire town." I would sure as hell spit water everywhere when I heard that, but instead my eyes widened in shock. "TWO HUNDRED YE—How old are you ponies?!" I asked in disbelief. Two hundred years, my ass. "I am 267 years old, my wife is 253 years old and Red here is 196 years old." Water, more water will be spat. This is so bull right there… "Bullshit, man. That's bullshit right there." I said in disbelief. "No, seriously." Green said, "Oh Jesus H…. This is one strange world…" I said to myself. We continued to talk and talk about when do we mature, how old do we die and stuff like that. Dark's family isn't that bad after all, her parents are really kind to me and they protect me from Dark's raging hormones. Eeeugh… Thinking about it creeps me the math out. "How about you, Dark? How old are you?" I asked her, "Hmmm… I'm 179 when I ran away into the rift… plus 200… I am 379 years old." "THREE HUNDRED—OH COME ON! That is so old!" I said in utter shock. All in honesty, I would have created an ocean right now. "Impossible! Nightmares and colts can't be still alive 300 and up!" Black Star said, "Well, she became powerful and all so it's obvious that she did something that caused her to age more than a regular Nightmare or colt." I said to them. "You are correct, my lover. By the way, you haven't told us how old you are." She said while raising an eyebrow. "I'm 18 years old, which means that I am a teenager now." "Interesting… I'd like to see how mature my lover will be later…" Dark said in a seductive tone while I rolled my eyes. The weird black sun that shined no light is finally setting. We have arrived minutes later at the cottage and everyone was exhausted and tired from the fight that we had a while ago, we like completely used up all our energy from fighting all those Sprawls coz' I could sleep for a millennium! "*yawn* I'm soooo tired from that fighting a while ago! I could sleep for a millennium!" I said to them, "You said it my lover…" "Oh Jesus…" "Well, Good night everypony!" Black Star spoke "Good night!" I followed and everyone else went to their room, but before that, Green gave me a warning, "Well, we did our best to hold her off Ryan. Watch out, Dark usually likes it rough so you better look out." "Thanks anyway, I appreciate your help and don't worry, I think I can manage everything." I said in an assuring tone, but for the love of God, I gave up! Green patted me in the back and walked away while Red tugged my polo, "All I can say is have fun with her!" Red spoke to me, smiling. I sighed, as a sign of hopelessness and despair, I laid on the couch and pulled out my phone. Nothing gets better than listening to music while sleeping at a comfy couch. So I played Unwell by Matchbox 20 Couple of hours later, I was fast asleep that time when I felt something tickling my testicles and wetness on my legs. So I opened my eyes and saw that I was naked and saw Dark fondling my balls in her room. "OH JESUS! GODDAMMIT DARK!" I cursed at her while covering my privates, which made her only giggle at my sudden reaction to her. "FOR THE LOVE OF—Alright, that's it. Is there any way that we can do so that I can't be a freaking Reaper?!" I tried to prolong the time, but on the looks of her face, I know that there's a way. "Actually, there is. You can let me have some of your blood so that when he have intercourse, you can't turn into one." "ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! GODDAMMIT DARK! This is sooo much crap!" I cursed, "I'm terribly sorry about that." She apologized, which made me want to have an orbital face-palm right now. "Alright, then let's go…" I said to her, but one thing kept circling in my head… "I'm sorry, Fluttershy… Always somewhere, I miss you everywhere I go. But don't worry, I'll be back to love you again…" Then I was fast asleep, It's that room again, the same room where Max meets and talks to me about everything. He then appears in front of me, "Ryan, YOU IDIOT! Why did you agree to combine Dark's power with your ring?! You now gave her some of your power and now she's stronger than before!" He shouted at me, "Oh come on! I didn't know and I thought it would be a good idea to do that!" "It's not! You're lucky that she almost got control of the ring and be like 10 times more powerful and I was there to drive her out the ring." "Ok, answer this. How was she influenced by the ring? And why did I become a zombie-like person yesterday?" "With her dark magic combined, it unlocked the deadliest of all lanterns which is the Black Lantern." "Well, that explains everything." "Don't ever do that again or else you'll end up giving her half of your abilities." "Alright then, I'm sorry." "Good, now get out of here." Then everything went black… (After countless of hours having sex since Dark kept giving Ryan energy to fill him up and kept inserting his stick in to her hole. Sorry about removing the lemons, it's just that I'm lazy.) I woke up feeling very, very tired. I tried to move my arms but they were too numb and I was paralyzed. Dark also woke up and made a seductive smile while looking at me, "Oh Jesus H.! That was crazy! I don't want to do that ever again, please, I freaking beg don't do that again. I'm so tired, I'm exhausted, my friends are probably worried sick about me AND MY DICK HURTS, WHAT THE HELL!" I cursed to her, begging that the mating would stop so that I could rest. "No, my lover… Round 10 is up!" she said while giving me THE LOOK "OH JESUS PLEASE HELP ME!" I begged but she didn't respond, my ring do me any good since that incident yesterday about the Sprawls which left the ring disabled for a limited time. "Please, don't do this. I'm a human with a fucking soul. I need to eat, play, sleep and do stuff so you can't do this to me forever." And yet again, she doesn't listen to me. "DANG IT DARK! WILL SOMEBODY, ANYPONY HELP ME!" I pleaded for help when Green, Black and Red busted right through the door. "Get away from him, daughter! That is enough!" He was firm with his word, but Dark showed resistance to them. When suddenly, a big bright flash shot Dark, turning her into a snail. "Dang, what took you guys so—I mean, thanks!" I said to them. "You are welcome, Ryan." Black said to me, "OK GREAT, NOW I REALLY NEED TO GET BACK TO PONY VILLE A.S.A.P!" I said to them, but there were silence in the room, "I know a spell, but I forgot it." Green said while scratching the back of his neck. Due to the trauma a while ago, I can't help but to facepalm so hard, "YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING SHITTING ME, MAN!" I panicked, "Don't worry, we'll just go to the Night Forge library and find that book which contains the spell." "We'll go on foot." Black Star suggested. Panic is slowly overtaking me and I need to go now before Dark transforms back, so I grabbed my clothes and wore them quick. "WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME! COME ON, LET'S JUMP!" I said as I grabbed the 3 ponies and jumped to the library. Meanwhile at the cottage, A dark aura surrounded the snail as it produced a white light, breaking Dark free of the transformation spell. Smiling evilly, she began, "Ryan will be mine… AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!" she shouted while laughing maniacally. Back to Ryan and the others, "Come on… Come on… Where is the damn book!" I said while hurriedly searching for the book. I can't stand Dark mating with me anymore, it's got to stop because she's crazy for sex and I don't want that. "OH RYYYAAAAAAN! WHERE AAARRRE YOOUUUU!?" a voice called out at the other side of the bookshelf. I was frozen cold for a second, it was Dark! "Shit, shit…shit, shit!" I cursed multiple times, I tried to go the other way but I met with her face to face. "THERE YOU ARE!" Dark shouted like a maniac. Despite the black magic helping me, I looked at my ring and it was up and running again. "GODDAMMIT DARK!" I cursed and slipped the ring to my finger and used the Blue spectrum to hold her off for a minute then jumped back to Green, "HURRY UP, DUDE. DARK'S HERE!" I said panicking. I've never panicked like this before, considering sex with a pony with dark powers multiple times is counted to my 'NOPE' list. "Here it is!" He flipped the pages and found the spell that he was looking for. Suddenly, a black energy just shot at me but luckily I dodged it. "DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted to her, she teleported in front of me and pinned me down on the floor. "I want you… Please, stay with me…" She said while leaning closer to face. I teleported behind her when Black and Red tried to stall her. "Green, maybe now's a good time to do the teleportation thingy!" I said to him while looking at the paged fast. "I FOUND IT! Hold still!" he instructed me and I followed. Green produced a green light around his horn and pointed it at me, surrounding me with green aura which made me float. "Thanksforeverythingguyspeace!" I said quickly as I vanished and finally leaving them, Black freed Dark from her grip and shouted, "I WILL COME FOR YOU MY LOVER! YOU WILL WAIT!" I was teleported back into Pony Ville but it left me on mid-air, so I fell and crashed into multiple stands. I opened my eyes to see Rose staring at my face with that "Ryan-Is-That-You?" face. "RYAN! OH I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE FOREVER! IT'S GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK!" she said to me while hugging me tight, I look into the blue skies to make sure that if I am back, so I hugged Rose back, and began "Yeah… *cough* *cough* It's good BE back, Rose…" I said to her as I smiled and relieved of every problem that I couldn't solve on my own. I feel relaxed and it's really good to be back. I stood up and cleaned myself and when I looked up, I saw Ray in front of me. "Bro… is that really you?!" > Questionable Ethics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XIV: Questionable Ethics "Bro, is that really you?" "Who else would it be, dude?" I said to him. His smile widened and immediately hugged me, "DUDE! YOU CANNOT BELIEVE HOW I AND THE MANE 6 MISS YOU SO FREAKING MUCH! Wait, you need to see them now!" He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the direction of Twilight's house. I must say, it's really good to be back where I belong, well not technically where I belong since I was born on Earth and not here. As I was walking, many ponies were shocked and happy to see me because I was finally back… And it is good. "Whoa dude, calm down. Okay, we'll see them." I said to him as he slowed down from the running. "Okay… Dude, where have you been?" he asked me, "I've been to Dark's place. Dark's father teleported me there so I could met their family." "Oh… Hey look, there's Twilight's house." He pointed at the big treehouse. We knocked on the door and Twilight opened it, seeing the Mane 6 inside re-organizing the library. Upon looking at me, they were very excited and their smiles widened then suddenly hugged me really tight. "RYAN!" They shouted. I missed them, their voices, faces and seeing them made me really happy… I let out a single tear drop from my eye… "Hahaha, seems that you missed me so much." "Yeah we did! It's been 3 days you've been missing!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed "Ryan…" a quiet voice called out from behind, I turned around looked to see Fluttershy with a bag of flowers… "Hey! 'Shy, how are you?" I said to her as she hugged me tightly, nuzzling on my chest while crying. "Ryan… I really, really missed you! I thought that I will never see you again!" "Don't cry, 'Shy. I'm here now, and there's nothing to worry about… And I miss you too. Glad to be finally be back guys!" I said to them while stretching my arms. "Dude, what happened to you anyway?" Ray asked me, "Oh nothing, just stuff about when Dark forced me into mating and then a father-to-daughter battle began and etc." "Wait… what was the first part about Dark forcing you into mating with her?" he asked. My blood suddenly ran cold. How could I let this thought slip out of my mind? Explaining this to everyone including Fluttershy would make every pony know that I'm some kind of womanizer, running around just mating and having sex with other ponies. So I didn't reply for a few seconds, that's when Ray snapped me into the real world. "Yo! Dude to Earth, do you hear me?" He called out to me while shaking me, "Uhhh… Yeah, what?" "Did you hear what I just said? What was the first part about Dark forcing you into mating?" He then made a suspicious look, "Okay… I'll explain it, I was hypnotized by Dark and she forced me into mating. That's all, I did not do it on my own free will." I lied on the first part. "DID YOU TURN INTO A REAPER?!" Ray shouted, "No! Dark said if I give her some of my blood, I won't turn into one. So I'm safe, from her… for now." "What do you mean for now, dear?" Rarity stepped in, "I know that she will come looking for me because of her powerful magic. She can find me by just a snap of a finger something like that. And I have to prepare for anything that might be related to Dark in anyway, even if it's a friend or not." "That's the Ryan I know!" "Ryan, you idiot…" I heard Fluttershy calling out to me, so I walked up to her and kneeled. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry that I've cheated on you. I'm sorry it won't—" I tried to apologize but she stopped me, putting a hoof to my mouth, so I looked down, prepared for anything that she will say and hoped that I'll be able to take it all. "It's okay, Ryan… You said that you acted not on your own free will. And you said that you'll still love me always, even though you behaved that you're not like yourself. I love you, Ryan…" She said to me… I was relieved; I thought that she was going to say something bad or something. Wait… who am I kidding? This is Fluttershy we're talking about, she's shy and timid and by the looks on her, she won't hurt anyone! "Thank you, 'Shy." I smiled and hugged her. I stood up then fixed myself. "What a freaking adventure you had there, bro." Ray spoke, "How about you bro, did you mate with a pony yet?" I asked him, this caused him to blush a little. "Yeaah… But this time, it's not for the pleasure, but for love! IT'S THE GREATEST FEELING I EVER HAD!" He shouted in joy and excitement. "What's her name?" "Hehehe, Seeecreeet!" he said mockingly. "Heh… Well, I already did my first time with Fluttershy and second to Dark *wink* *wink*" I whispered to Ray, and it made him chuckle. But I'm glad that Fluttershy was still able to forgive me after that. And I have to stop Dark from mating with me, or else I will have no choice but to use the full power of the ring to take her down. "AWW BISCUITS! I want to do my first time with Ryan! No fair that that big meanie forced Ryan, NO FAIR!" Pinkie said in disappointment, "Seriously, do you like me that much? Jesus Christ, Pinkie." I responded. "Well, I'm back and it's good to be back! Ray, what did you do while I was gone?" I asked him, "Well, not much. I met Nurse Redheart for the first time, talked and the next thing you know I'm in love with her. Because… she's the only one that understood me, helped and showed me acts of kindness which made me feel and understand finally, the TRUE MEANING OF LOVE." "Nurse Redheart, huh? Good for you dude. WHEW! I feel like I could drink 100 Red Bulls at once! Now where's that pink pony who throws super-duper-awesome parties *wink* *wink*?" I announced, hinting Pinkie Pie. "OH! OH! I know one pony that can do that!" she shouted excitedly, when suddenly, I glanced a small, odd looking unicorn filly behind Twilight Sparkle, hiding from me. She has black fur, violet mane, some eyeglasses, a headband and a purple vest. "Umm… Ahem, excuse me young filly, what is your name?" I asked her, but she didn't respond but instead hid from me. Twilight smiled, so she coaxed her, "Come on, now. Don't be shy!" Twilight pushed her near me, waiting for someone to speak. "My name is Ryan, what's yours? Don't worry, I won't hurt you" I asked her again. It seems that her nervousness vanished when I calmed her down. A moment of silence filled the entire room, and then the filly spoke, "My n-name is Nyx…" She said as her voice died down. "It's nice to meet you, Nyx!" I offered a hand and she shook it. What a weird name, at least there is at least one pony with a name that is not that common and is used back in my place. I walked up to Twilight and talked to her, "Haven't seen her in here, where did you find her? Is she new here in Pony Ville?" "Well, it's quite of a long story…" She replied, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STAAAAARTEED!" Pinkie shouted in enthusiasm and eagerness for the party to start as she bounced outside the treehouse on the way to Sugarcube Corner "Well, we could talk about it while we walk." I insisted on knowing the whole story. Sometimes, curiousness gets the best of me. Once I heard something questionable and interesting, I will do anything just to know about it. And that's how I am up until now. "Weeeeell… Okay then, I'll tell you the whole thing about it." She replied as we walked out the treehouse. Somewhere, in Outer-Equestria… Actually... It's in the Night Forge Castle. "Ryan Wilson… My lover has escaped my grasp for the final time, and now… he cannot escape me, for I am now even powerful than ever. FOR I AM—" A Nightcolt guard interrupted her thought, "Princess Dark? Are you okay?" "Huh? How dare you enter the premises without knocking?! OUT!" She shouted in anger, the guard was ashamed and went out to do his own business. She looked at the black sky. Growing a smirk, she whispered, "I'm coming for you, lover… You will wait…" Meanwhile at the Sugarcube Corner, "AWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! LET'S GO CRAZY!" Ray, high on cupcakes, gone coco nutballs and partied hard The party was a blast! It was awesome and the music is playing from my phone. Ray is high on cupcakes and the other members of the Mane 6 are dancing while me and Twilight are still talking about the Reincarnation of Nightmare Moon. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief, "Good God… Did that really happen?" I asked her, she nodded yes. "And now she's back to normal and she lives with me and Spike." She continued, "Oh my Jesus… That was the best story I had ever heard in my whole entire life! I just cannot believe that THAT happened, Holy Jesus…" Truly a sad story, but I really find it hard to believe that Nyx is the reincarnation of the most feared enemy, Nightmare Moon; despite the fact that I heard stories about her that she wanted to bring darkness all over Equestria for eternity but is unsuccessful when Twilight and the Mane 6 stopped her using the Elements of Harmony. But Nyx… She's something else. She was able to suppress the evil of Nightmare Moon and saved Equestria even though she IS Nightmare Moon. My train of thought was cut off when Ray, finally returned to normal, called my attention. "Yo, Ryan! Wanna sing again for the ponies?" he asked me. I broke into a smile, seeing the ponies around me with puppy dog eyes, begging me to sing. "Alright then, let's do it!" Ray's POV My God! That cupcake is fucking something else! Jesus, who would've thought that a cupcake this size and taste can make you so freaking high like a skyscraper? I was standing at the DJ stand, calling out to Ryan to sing a song with Vinyl when suddenly, a filly with black fur, blue and red mane, and a cutie mark of an 8th note. A hint just crossed my mind that he also loves music. "Come on, Vinyl! Let me take the wheel!" he pleaded, "Ok, ok; you can mix, is that cool with you Ray?" "Sure! What's your name, boy?" I asked him, "My name's Rain Chaser, dude!" "It's nice to meet you, Rain Chaser. So you like to mix, huh?" I asked him, "Sure I do! What do you think I do when I'm with Vinyl?" He replied, "Tell you what, we'll operate the music and Ryan will sing for us. Is that okay for you?" "Hell yeah! Let's do this!" He shook my head in approval when suddenly; I noticed holes in his hooves, which is weird because normal ponies don't have holes in their hooves. I washed that thought off of my mind and turned the music up. "You ready, Ryan?!" I shouted and gave me thumbs up. "Let's turn this shit up!" I started the mix and played, Back to Ryan's POV It's been awhile that I sang to a bunch of ponies in stage. Well, I have to since they begged to, "Hi, everyone! Is everybody ready?" I spoke into the mic. The audience stomped their hooves on the floor, "Alrighty then… Hit it Ray!" The song began playing Counting Stars by OneRepublic The song ended and the reaction is the same as before, Rainbow Dash is flying like crazy, Fluttershy going batcrap insane. Fan girl much? The party was like the same as before, the same large party Pinkie threw me when I first came into Pony Ville. It was so familiar and the same time fun. The party lasted for 3 hours; half of the ponies invited went home except for the Cutie Mark Crusaders who stayed in order to get a chance to know me but got tired. Everybody was asleep when I woke up to see that I was in the grasp of Fluttershy and Pinkie. I silently slipped off of them and went to the bathroom to take a break. After flushing the toilet and washing my hands in the sink, I suddenly felt a painful headache. "Agh… Must be the party, heh… Note to self: Next time, don't party too hard." I said to myself as I massaged my head. I turned the faucet on and washed my face, but when I looked up the mirror, I saw an alicorn standing behind me… glaring at me lustfully, that familiar face giving me the creeps. Suddenly, that familiar face hit me like a .50 caliber magnum, I backed up in fear. "N-No… Dark?" I muttered in fear, I quickly turned around to see that no one is there. When I looked at the mirror again, the alicorn's face was inches away from my face. I jumped in fear; I looked again and she was finally gone. I was filled with relief, "Thank God… I thought that she was gonna get me!" I whispered to myself. I went back to sleep on the floor with Pinkie and Fluttershy when I noticed Spike awake and writing on the table. I stood up and sat next to him, "Hey, Spike. What's that?" I asked him, yet he didn't respond but instead hid the letter from me. Curious, I coaxed him, "Come on, Spike. You can tell me everything. I'm a good guy, after all." No response. "If it's about Rarity, I can help you to be hers." I said to him. And then, he placed his quill down and spoke. "How are you able to do that? Everypony likes you and I'm not getting enough attention, so I'm left out." "Look, I've been there, Spike. I've felt what you feel right now and I want to help you… So you're not alone. "Really?" I nodded yes. He smiled, letting out a drop of tear and then finally hugging me. I hugged him back, Suddenly, I was greeted by a vision. A terrifying vision that I shouldn't have seen… A vision about Spike, lying in a pool of blood, holding a razor in his right hand and a wound on his left and a picture of Rarity on the ceiling and then suddenly, an apparition of Rarity gliding down and finally kissing him as he draws his last breath… I snapped back from my trance and withdrew from the hug. "AGH!" I shouted, the feeling of fear running through my veins… Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of. "Ryan? Ryan, are you okay?" Spike spoke, but I was speechless. No single word came out of my mouth, not even one sound came out. I was scared, frightened, about that vision. Will it happen though? Is it really going to happen? I couldn't figure it out… It felt real, like I was really there, standing and watching him die because of Rarity. I couldn't let that happen… "RYAN!" Spike shouted. Finally recovered from the horrifying vision, I calmed down. I looked at Spike, worry in his eyes, like an eye of a cute kitten… I began, "*pant* *pant* Oh my God… I am terribly sorry about that Spike…" "Dude, what happened to you? You were hugging me a while ago when suddenly you shook me and squeezed me tight! And then you were pushed back and then I saw you shaking in fear! What happened?" I couldn't tell him, I just can't… It was too painful for me to tell him about the vision, and yet I did tell him. I told him everything that happened in the vision. "And that's about it…" There was silence everywhere for a moment. Suddenly, Spike broke into a guffaw. "HAHAHAH! That's the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard! Me? Dying a painful death because I was heartbroken? Puhlease, that won't happen." He mocked, and I was getting annoyed now. "I wish that it wouldn't… Besides, we aren't sure that it WILL happen anyway." I washed myself with relief… "You see? We don't have proof that that vision will happen anyway. So, can you help me win Rarity?" "Heh… Sure." I said to him like nothing happened. I'm still not sure about that vision, though. Every time I think of it, it haunts me… Every single minute, it kills me inside; Wishing that it wouldn't happen. So I'm going to help Spike, AND I'M GOING TO NEED SOME HELP… > Some Kind of Joke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XV: Some Kind of Joke "Ok… So you like Rarity and Rarity likes Trenderhoof but Trenderhoof likes Applejack?" "Uh-huh…" "Jesus Christ… It's one of them complicated things about love again. But does Applejack likes Trenderhoof back?" "No." "Wow… This is more harder than I thought. Look, I'm not that much of a love doctor but let's continue this tomorrow, I'm exhausted as hell. Is that alright for you?" "Hmmm… Well okay, I suppose we can take a rest and continue this tomorrow." "That's the spirit! Go get some sleep now." Spike nodded as he went to sleep on the couch with Rarity, squeezing himself to her arms to keep him warm. I'm kinda worried about him, and about the vision that I had. Or was it? I wasn't sure about it, but it seemed so vivid, like I was really there watching him bleed to death. I tried to not think about it, it was creepy enough to scare the living daylights out of me though. Let alone the things that are going to happen in the future… I stretched my arms and went back to my position when I sleep. The floor is hard, but comfy though. I closed my eyes and I was fast asleep… Night Forge Library, After when Ryan disappeared and teleported back to Pony Ville, "GAH! Why must you ruin everything for me?! It was going so well and yet you interrupt me… " Dark shouted in anger and irritation. Green stepped forward and tried to reason with Dark, "Dark, you have to understand that you can't rut him forever! He has to be free once in a while and he has friends to see too!" Dark glared at his father with threatening eyes, "I don't care about his life! I want him to be mine forever! TO BE MY LOVER FOR ETERNITY!" Green stepped back in fear. She wasn't being reasonable. The feeling of ceasing her daughter's evil ways was strong; it has to stop, right here, right now. "But how?" He asked himself. It's impossible to fight her though, she was stronger than him. Will he tell her about Ryan's secret? No, it would be too risky and it would put Ryan in danger. "Dark, just calm down, we have to end this!" "NO! I WILL NOT STOP FINDING HIM! WHY MUST YOU STOP ME?!" Incomprehensible… "Because he already—" Green's sentence was cut when two Nightcolt guards interrupted their fight. Green sighed in relief, he almost said it, and he almost said the secret which is now safe for now… "Are you Dark Fusion?" One of the Nightcolts asked. Green had this uneasy feeling that something really bad is going to happen OR WORSE… "Yes, yes I am. What do you want from me?" She replied, "Given the authority, we chose you as The Princess of the Nightmare Unicorns. This crown is yours." He levitated the crown and placed it on her hoof. This sudden decision shocked all of the ponies in the library; Green, frozen in shock, tried to think about what Outer-Equestria will be with Dark as their princess. "I… am chosen as the Princess of the Nightmares and the colts?" "After former Princess Cold Dusk was transformed into a Sprawl and now wanders around Outer-Equestria to hunt for victims. Every year, we had a contest on which Nightmare is the strongest unicorn here in Outer-Equestria. The results, however, showed that there is no strong unicorn here except you, so we have come to give this crown to you." They explained, Dark tried to think about all of this for a minute. She grew an evil smirk, "I'll do it. I'll become your princess…" She let out an evil laugh after her sentence, and placed the crown on top of her head. Suddenly, a black aura began to engulf her, when suddenly, a white light surrounded her. The light was gone and as the ponies in the room looked at Dark, she has now grown wings and now became an alicorn. She is as tall and slender as Celestia, horn grew longer and her appearance changed etc. Green never saw this coming. His daughter has now become a princess of Outer-Equestria! He is proud but scared of her the same time. Green had this bad feeling, A REALLY BAD FEELING that something really bad is going to happen. And he didn't like it… Dark turned around to face her family, "Aren't you going to kneel to your highness?" He had not misheard, he felt defeated, so he doesn't have a choice. Every pony in the room kneeled to her. "Hihihihi… Now that I am a Princess, I can finally see my lover and rut for eternity! How wonderful!" She giggled. Green's heart skipped a beat; he should've seen this sooner. And now, Ryan is in great danger. If Dark knows that Ryan is in love with another pony, she'll go insanely mad! The situation was getting tense enough, so he tried to think of a plan to get Dark away from Ryan as soon as possible. "May we introduce ourselves Princess? My name is Wind Crush, and this is Thornfall. But you may call us Wind and Thorn." "Great! You two will be my body guards!" "Princess, a while ago, you mentioned a lover? Who is he?" "The strange creature that came into town, that's him. His name is Ryan Wilson." "That creature?! The one who—" "Enough chit-chat! Let's go outside now." She said in mixture of pride and excitement. Green sighed in relief, "Father, what will Dark do next?" Red asked him. The feeling of apprehension washed over Green… "I don't know, dear. Let's just hope that Dark doesn't get evil enough or corrupt with power… We have to go home now, it's getting late." He said to her daughter. Red nodded, and then they hurriedly went outside to get back home. Green hoped that Ryan will be fine, but a part of him tells him that he should help him right away. Somehow… Back at Sugar Cube Corner, 9:00 AM in the Morning… I woke up with another headache, but this time it's worse than last night. Damn these parties, it hurts my brain so bad that I can't even think straight! "Ughh… My head hurts so badly." I whispered to myself but as I opened my eyes, I saw Pinkie licking whip from my bare chest down to my stomach. Shocked, I pushed her away and stood up. "OH JESUS! What the hell Pinkie! What in the name of the Lord are you doing?!" I chided her. Last night, I saw an alicorn Dark Fusion in the bathroom and next thing in the morning a pink pony licking whip cream off my chest?! AW ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! "I'm eating breakfast, silly! What do you think I'm doing?" she replies, Lost in sense of hope, I claimed to her "Pinkie… Look, you like me that much, do you?" I asked her and she nodded yes. I face-palmed, "I'm sorry but I'm committed to Fluttershy. I'm bound by faithfulness and I can't make love with another pony unless we don't love each other anymore, that's the kind of man I am. I'm sorry, you understand right?" I said to her. She didn't respond, instead she kept staring at me. "Uhhhhh… Pinkie, are you alright?" I shook her but she didn't respond. Suddenly, she walked out of the door. "I'llgoaskherrightaway!" Her words were so fast I couldn't even understand her. Confused, I walked up to the couch where Twilight, Rarity and Spike are sleeping and sat down in between them. Using my telekinetic abilities, I caught my polo and wore it then grabbed a glass of water and drank it; thinking about the extraordinary things that happened last night, the creepy alicorn and the vision… Am I on meth? No, drugs don't exist in this world. My reflection was cut short when Twilight woke up, mane and tail messed up, and nonetheless she looked cute. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you sleep well?" I asked gently. She slowly opened her eyes and gave me an exhausted smile. I smiled at her back, "Ryan, *yawn* you're up early." Her voice was weak from the partying but it was clear. "Come on; let's go hang out with Fluttershy and the others." "Ok, let me just brush my mane for a second." She then jumped out of the couch and went to the bathroom. Looking at my right were Rarity and Spike cuddling. I mean COME ON! Wouldn't they make a great couple? The feelings of fear and happiness mixed in my belly, it was unnerving. Realizing that my wondering was getting ridiculous, I woke up Spike from his slumber. "Yo, Spike. Wake up dude, time to go." "Hey, man. Good morning. *yawn*." He greeted me as he stretched his limbs and yawned. "Wow… I'm getting hungry. I'm going to eat some delicious gems." "Gems?" "Yeah." "Strange, the dragons I knew only eat meat." "Well, I'm not one of them." "I suppose so. I never knew or even seen that a dragon would eat gems. Let alone those kinds. Like the ocean and its sea creatures, different yet similar to each other." "That's deep, man." "Nahhhh… Yeah, well… Yeah, sometimes I go into deep thinking and say non-sense deep things like that." "Weird…" "It can't be that weird." "Hmmm… Nope, totally weird." "Hey, I have something to tell you." "What?" "Last night, I saw an alicorn on the bathroom mirror." "Whaaat? No way, the only alicorns I know are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Twilight." "Yeah, I know. But this alicorn is strange; she looked at me like she was going to rape me!' "Wait… Are you sure that this alicorn isn't the pony that's been after you, Dark is it?" "Dark? Hell no, that would be impossible as shit!" "Ummm… Ryan, are you sure you're not hallucinating?" "I AM NOT! I was pretty sure that I saw an alicorn on the bathroom mirror." "Ooookay… I believe you." "You don't" "What do you mean I don't, of course I believe you!" "My ring can be a lie detector, y'know." "Oh…" Spike and I had a long conversation while waiting for Twilight to come out the bathroom. While talking, Ray walked in. "Yo! Wassup, brotha?!" Ray greeted me. I waved at him back, Curious, I asked him "Where have you been, dude?" "Oh, I just went for a quick jog with Dash outside." "Oh…" "Well, if you need anything, I'll be just in the kitchen eating with Dash. Gotta get some of those delicious cupcakes Pinkie baked. See ya' dude!" Ray walked to the kitchen with Dash staring at him dreamily, like a fan girl living the dream with her favorite celebrity. Kinda weird though… Twilight walked out of the bathroom looking quite fixed, "Let's go?" she asked. I nodded to her, when suddenly a black butterfly landed on my nose. "Oh hey look, a butterfly." I announced, "Wow, it looks beautiful!" Spike praised the butterfly, "Heh, it kinda likes me. You think that I should keep it?" "Yeah sure, why not?" Twilight said, "I'm going to call you… Storm!" "What a great name,Ryan!" "Thanks!" Suddenly, the butterfly flew around excitedly. Strange, I thought ponies only understand me… And the butterfly is weird, something about it is telling me that I should get rid of it. "Nahhhh…." I thought. "Hey Twilight, I gotta tell you something." I grabbed her attention. "Last night when I was in the bathroom, I saw an alicorn on the mirror looking at me seductively. She is like as tall and slender as Celestia." "Uhhh… Another alicorn?" She asked, I nodded yes back. And then she trotted towards me and placed a hoof on my head. "Ryan, are you feeling okay?" "I AM! MOTHER OF JESUS H. CHRIST! I saw an ALICORN ON THE GODDAMN BATHROOM MIRROR WHILE LOOKING AT ME LIKE SHE WANT TO FUCKING RAPE ME! OH JESUS CHRIST, YOU DONE IT THIS TIME!" "Why? What happened?" She asked. I was hyper-ventilating… "Anxiety… It's getting to me… Fuck… I need some fresh air… Gah!" I ran out the door as I tried to calm myself down. Heart beating fast, senses sharpening, hyper-ventilating… Shit, I never thought I would have an anxiety attack… God… SHIT! "Motherfucker… God… Damn it…" I was still calming myself down… "Okay, okay… I guess we can believe you. Calm down, Ryan." "Alright, do your books have information about that other alicorn?" I asked her, still recovering from the anxiety. "Not that I know of, but I'll try to look for it." She said to me. Finally calming down, I sat down on the couch. "Yeah, I don't believe him." He whispered to Spike, "Ryan has anger issues, Twilight. The least that you can do is to believe him." "I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU BOTH!" I shouted at them. "How…" "Dude, you're whispering too loud! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM, SOME KIND OF DUMBASS?! SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN!" Another anxiety attacked me as I scolded them. I grabbed a glass of water and drank it just to calm me down. "Look, when I see it, I believe it. You understand? So I saw a fucking alicorn on the bathroom mirror." "Okay! Okay…" Twilight spoke, "Please… Try to *pant* *pant* understand… I have anxiety… so please don't put too much pressure on me…" "Well, it's alright Ryan. I understand." She forgave me. Ray finished eating and walked in the living room. "Yo, is everything alright? Ryan, you okay dude? I heard you shout a while ago." Putting my arms on the back of my head, I relaxingly said, "I'm fine, man." "Oh fiddlesticks! I have to get going; I gotta dash, see ya'!" I grabbed my bag and waved at them as I ran out the door. I slowed down, walking through the streets of Pony Ville. Noticing how colorful the cottages and ponies are, how beautiful. In all of my life, I never thought that I would end up in another universe like this. I thought that this world was only fantasy, created by adults to entertain children but by the looks of it, not only children will be attracted to it but to teenagers and grown men. That is, of course, a guess. Maybe, in my world, there is a cartoon about all of this; about the adventures of the Mane 6… I laugh inside silently, wondering how I am going to leave and return. But I can't just leave Fluttershy! I can't just leave them… My friends… Choices like this are pretty difficult for a teen like me. Whether to leave my friends, who are like my family or leave my real family? Well, I'll leave that for now. I'll decide later… Suddenly, my deep-thinking was cut when I bumped into somepony. "Ugh… I am terribly sorry, ma'—" I opened to eyes only to see that Fluttershy was the one that I bumped into. "Fluttershy? I am really sorry for bumping into you. Here, let me help you up." "Oh no, it's really my fault for not looking where I'm going." "Nahhh, I was thinking deep and I got lost in my train of thought and I didn't see where I was going." "O-oh… Okay…" "Hey, 'Shy… Can I visit your place?" "S-sure! Why not!" Her voice was weak on the last part. I smiled and grabbed her hoof to help her up. "Oh… What a beautiful butterfly you have there, Ryan!" She praised. She must've noticed Storm on my shoulder, flapping its wings gently. But when Fluttershy touched it, it used its wings to slap her hoof away. "EY! Whoa, whoa, whoa… What the hell, Storm?! What did you do that for?" It didn't reply to me. "Tsk… Come on Fluttershy, let's go to your cottage." I said to her as we walked towards the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Storm was getting too suspicious for me and I don't know why. Is this one of Dark's tricks? No, that's impossible. Dark wouldn't arrive here, and how could she? I removed my ring… Its power is too strong for me to handle, so I kept it in my pocket and I will only use the ring for emergencies. Everything that happened to me so far was like some kind of joke… The vision, the alicorn, Storm acting suspicious and etc. It was like a prank pulled on me, which I didn't like. I hope everything goes back to the way it was… > That Old Familiar Feeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapter: That Old Familiar Feeling "What's the party for Pinkie?" I asked her. Pinkie, was happily and oddly excited about something while preparing decorations for a party yet she haven't yet told any of us what it is all about; we just saw her bouncing all around and buying party materials. Strange, but she's just being Pinkie Pie. "Uhhh, Pinkie, hello? Are you listening to me?" I called out to her the second time, "Hm? Oh! Ryan! The party's a secret! You'll just have to wait for it!" I grunted while she still bounced around everywhere and prepared the party. Heh, it had always been the same party every time she threw one, but a strong gut feeling was telling me that this party… will be the last party that I will ever be into. Now that's just ridiculous. I mean, Pinkie throws parties every time! How could it be the last one? Maybe living a normal and healthy life was something I had grown pretty used to… Pinkie was so happily excited for this party, and I know that this will be good since she looks even more happier than before, I guarantee it. Look at her, the pink earth pony was in an even better state than me. God only knows what went on to her a while ago, let alone inside her head. Luckily, thanks to my highly disciplined conscience, I got my own problems sort out and under control. Pinkie was finished decorating and went to the kitchen to get the cake. "Ryan! Can you help me get Twilight and Fluttershy later?" "Sure thing!" I replied. I went outside just to get some fresh air. Funny, that skyline reminded me of so much… Of Twilight and the Mane 6. Of my best friend, Ray. And my family… While people like me lived, I left so few… My train of thoughts was washed away when Pinkie tugged my polo shirt. "C'mon! Let's go!" I then followed her to the direction of Twilight's Treehouse a.k.a The Pony Ville Library. Twilight and Fluttershy was afraid of what their friends would tell them if they told them that the two were in love. "You freaks!" "Stay away from them, children!" "You disgust us!" They both laid low for a while, hiding inside Twilight's Treehouse, hiding from the consequences. But it is inevitable, they can't escape this now. A familiar voice called out to them, "Twi', 'Shy! Open up, it's me Ryan! There's a party outside, everypony is celebrating so… Come out!" "We know you're there, come on! IT'S PARTY TIME!" Pinkie followed, Pinkie established a party for the two lovers, who knows? Maybe everypony will accept them and everything will be alright. Twilight shot a "We'll-just-have-to-deal-with-it" look while Fluttershy nodded yes to her. "We should probably g-go… Pinkie throws really good p-parties all the time." She said to her lover nervously. They knew Pinkie was one of those super-duper party ponies since they met her, which made her one of the good guys. They don't have a choice, so they'll have to deal with it. Twilight opened the door and suddenly, Pinkie dragged them outside. "Let's go! We're going to miss it! Everypony is waiting!" They followed her, to the hall where the party was taking place. Life was good. The sun was shining on a sweet summer day. The smell of freshly mowed lawns. The sounds of children playing. Two mares in love with each other, an Equestrian dream come true. But dreams have a nasty habit of going bad when you're not looking. What surprised them is that it seemed that all of Pony Ville has joined the party! Even in Canterlot! But wait… A familiar alicorn sat in front of the stage. Pinkie dragged the two in front of the stage and grabbed a microphone. I was surprised to see that this party was all about them! I mean, who would've known that they are like the guest of honor of this party? So much for being subtle… I didn't like the way the show started, but they had given me the best seat in the house, front row center next to Celestia. Pinkie shouted in the microphone, "Hello everypony! Welcome to my super-duper awesome party of all time for my two bestest friends in the whole wooooorld!" The feedback caused everypony to close their ears because of the high pitched noise. "Oops! Sorry!" She giggled. "Please welcome… TWILIGHT AND FLUTTERSHY!" She moved aside from the mic, giving way for the two mares to speak. "Speech! Speech!" Pinkie shouted. A moment of silence was heard across the room. By the looks of them, I think that they weren't really that prepared, for a speech, that is. "Well…" She broke the silence. "Thank you everypony. I'm really happy that you are here to support our love for each other…" She was cut off, Wait… Did she say that she and 'Shy are in love with each other? WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT?! MOTHERFUCKER! ARE YOU SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW?! Right now, my head is going to explode… Holy Mother of Jesus Christ Almighty… Are you seriously kidding me? With all this shit I've been through, this is the one that I could not ruminate. She was cut off by a voice in the crowd, "You two are disgusting!" "You perverted freaks!" And another one called out, "Your love isn't real at all!" "You two should leave!" It was then that the crowd of ponies soon broke out into boos and hisses. Words filled with hate and loathing. It was horrible for them, especially for Fluttershy. Shouts of disgust shot them like bullets, fast into their heart followed by a storm of food thrown to them. I looked at Celestia, "Princess, we need to stop this." "Okay, you protect the two and I'll calm everypony." I nodded to her. I saw that the two lovers are dodging and wincing as best as they could while a storm of food came upon them. I didn't deserve to walk away; there are no happy endings… I grabbed a table with strength and shielded the two mares from the food that was being thrown into them, "Are you okay?" I asked. Fluttershy let out a cry of despair and nodded yes. "You have to leave now, take the back door; nopony will see you coming right out of there." They thanked me and went out. The truth was a burning green crack through my brain. Their actions was so clear and obvious, they were in love… Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of. The ponies soon calmed down after Celestia suppressed the riot. Soon, they all left the party and took care of their own business. It was calm, but what happened to Twilight and Fluttershy? Well, I don't know much about angels, but it is fear that gives men wings. As soon as the two mares got out of the party, the inevitable soon came. Hurtful words washed them through like a tsunami of swords and sharp weapons, stabbing them repeatedly until they can't take any more of it. They ran away, tears streaming down their cheeks as they went to the dangerous Everfree Forest. In there, they sought peace and quiet and it seemed to be the best place to hide for now. "Oh, Twilight! *sob* W-why would t-t-they do that t-t-to us?" Fluttershy whimpered and sobbed uncontrollably. Loving someone is a binary choice, either you love someone or not. "It was so awful of them!" Twilight wiped the dirt and the food that had hit them a while ago off her coat. They felt the rise of that old familiar feeling. They hated it… They welcomed it. The two lovers wept for minutes, hoping against hope that redemption would walk right in and sit next to them. But soon, their weeping stopped, their hearts filled with anger and rage. Sorrow has turned to a vile, worst form of anger and vengeance. "It's Pinkie's fault…" Fluttershy accused, "She was the first one to find out…" "She set us up! That mare set us up! Then I'll teach her a lesson that she'll never forget!" She stomped her hoof on the ground. It was the start of something bad, something more awful... I ran trying to find the location of Twilight and Fluttershy. There was a blind spot on my head, a bullet-shaped hole where the answers should be. Call it denial. I want to dig inside my skull and scrape out the pain. And I lied to myself that it was over; the two mares are still missing. It wasn't over. I heard something way far back that somepony is telling another pony to get out. It must be them. So I ran as fast as I can to find them. Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about it, even if it's all in your head. As what I have thought they're there, standing in the middle of an angry crowd, hissing and shouting words at the two lovers. This is love, when someone drags you from the wreckage when you have given in, ready to just lie there and die. This is love, when someone, no matter what the cost, shows you there is hope, a choice, that you can put down your gun. This is love. Love hurts. A red earth stallion spat on them, "Parading your filthy perversion in front of Equestria?" That, my friends, is a start of something bad. Fluttershy grabbed the red stallion by the neck, she was angry, vengeful at what the stallion said. She showed no signs of normal and she looked like she was about to kill the poor bastard. She then flew up high to the sky and then stopped; she eerily glared at the stallion. "Say that again… I dare you…" The stallion was afraid; fear was rusty needles poking at his brain. Cold and scaly, it slithered down his chest. "Agh! Let me go! Let me down you freak!" He whinnied in terror, a strong feeling of fear in his eyes. Fluttershy gave him a really calm smile, he tried to run from it, edit it out. And with a single word… "Okay…" She dropped him. Gotta think of something fast, I need something to save him with. Suddenly, I had a bright idea. Using my ring's light construct, I created a baseball glove and before he could even touch the ground, I caught him just in the nick of time. "Fluttershy! What in the name of Samson are you doing?!" I shouted at her. It was then that a high-pitched scream was heard at my right where Twilight was about to ram a green earth pony in the chest. There was one thing left to do, I was compelled to stop Twilight and Fluttershy from creating a massacre. "Twilight! God damn it!" I cursed. It was a losing game for everypony, but I didn't have the strength to play that game now. I saved the green earth pony in no time flat. There was no glory in this. I hadn't asked for this crap. Trouble had come to me in big, dark swarms. The good and the just, they were like gold dust in this place. I had no illusions. I was not one of them. I was no hero. Just me, and my fist and the crooks, my options had decreased to a singular course Fluttershy is filled with anger, she shouted at me "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GET IN OUR WAY, RYAN?!" "Stop doing this Fluttershy! What happened to the kindest pony in Pony Ville?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WIELDER OF THE ELEMENT OF KINDNESS?!" I had a bullet with Fluttershy and Twilight's name on it. I had ten thousand bullets with the mares' name on them. "Everypony RUN! Rarity and the others, lead the others away from here now before—Ugh!" Before I could say anything, Fluttershy already grabbed my high up in the air. What incredible strength she got, must've gotten from Twilight. Luckily, the citizens of Pony Ville evacuated the area before it even got worse. No such luck, No luck at all. What's even more worse is that they found Pinkie. They were after her all along, thinking that she set them up. "Pinkie Pie!" Twilight shouted, calling out to the poor mare hiding for cover. Why didn't she join the others? Pinkie Pie, that is. "H-hi Twilight! " She tried to be cool, calm. Twilight was burning to get her. If I was Pinkie, then the feeling would be mutual. She was trying to put out my flames with gasoline. "You… You did this to us… You humiliated us in front of everyone! YOU SET US UP!" Fluttershy followed. "Wha… What? Set you up?" Pinkie shook, "No no no no no! I didn't mean to humiliate you!" She was trying to buy sand for her hourglass, but they weren't selling any. "Shit!" I cursed. I didn't have any choice, I ran as fast as I can to Pinkie before Twilight will do anything brutal to her. Everything went slow motion; Twilight's magic was almost touching her... There was a bomb ticking in my head, no amount of painkillers could disable it. Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… "GRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!" Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer. When you're about to save someone, time slows down. Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars. Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second. I shielded the pink earth pony before she could get hit by the magic beam. Still, none of us was a saint. "GO PINKIE! GO!" I shouted at her. She kissed me on the cheek and ran to the direction where the other citizens went. My shield was getting weaker every second; I couldn't hold it anymore longer. My energy is depleting fast and I need to do something quick. This is what I see when I look back. These moments, blinding as snow, they kill you, change you; you die and live again, remade. "In fearful day, In dreadful night…" I keep telling myself that this was all a dream. "The light of life shall be our might…" But when you're waking up, the world is a blur. "For those who joined in Blackest Night…" What was clear in a dream suddenly makes no sense. No surreal rescues, no easy, magic way out. "Beware our power…" But you are awake. "WHITE LANTERN'S LIGHT!" I am the Light… I felt power and energy surging through my body, coursing through my veins. I feel good, powerful… More than myself. Fraternizing with the enemy. I had stepped over the edge. The cartoon moment when the gravity waits for the coyote to realize his mistake before the plunge. "Stop this now Twilight. You two are making a massacre!" "NO…This is good. The world will soon know what pain is." I am afraid, but I start again from the beginning. Trace my own steps to the scene of the crime… "I know it is hard for you, for the world to accept you, but give them time. Maybe soon they will realize that sexuality isn't important in friendship." It was clear that she wasn't listening. I had one card left to play, I was compelled to stop the two of them, One bullet at a time. It was that moment that I realized, that we were already in a death match between me and two colorful ponies. A rough start… I was dodging hooves and magic beams like heavy raindrops. Oh, how time goes by so fast. Death was just watching me, by-standing like an idiot who's watching two cats fight to the death only for getting what the other one has. Life knows two miseries: getting what you don't want and not getting what you want. They needed time to breathe, they wanted to find a breathing room to expel their exhaustion. It was the perfect time that I returned the favor. Hit after hit, I clenched my fist even more harder and punching them more powerful than ever. Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotions. It's a losing game. Without the balls to play it, you are already dead. I can't take it anymore, the urge of taking them down unconscious was strong. There are things in life you cannot choose: How you feel. "ENOUGH!" I shouted. Shockwave… They were weakened. To make sure they were down, pinned them down with my web, encasing them in a silk, strong and tensile string of web. And then, I punched them to sleep. "Like I said…*pant* *pant* You play, you pay, you bastards." I heard flapping of wings at a short distance. I looked up in the air and found the Princess hovering down and trotting towards me. "Are there any casualties, Ryan?" "Close, but none." "Good." "Hey, can I ask you a question?" "Yes?" "Where were you five minutes ago? Where have you been?" "I rounded up everyone of the citizens to a safe place. But when I came back here, I already saw you took care of them." "So, what are going to do with them?" "I have a memory erasing spell that can erase their memories and even their feeling so for each other." "Perfect, I'll call everypony in the square and will prepare them." "Yes. Thank you, Ryan." "You're welcome, highness…" I mocked. I might've laughed, If I remembered how. Soon enough, all of Pony Ville was called into the square. Crowds and crowds of ponies scattered around in the square, hard to get their attention. I shouted loud enough, getting the attention of all ponies present. I calmed myself down. And then spoke, "Good afternoon everypony. I'm terribly sorry about what happened a while ago. We apologize for that. Princess Celestia will give you something that'll help you." The 4 of the Mane 6 raised their eyebrows, "You might want to close your eyes." And with that, a flash of light 'flashed' through the eyes of those ponies. Forgetting all of those things that had happened today. What used to be yesterday was long gone from existence, never to be remembered. The past is like pieces of broken mirror. You try to pick them up, but you only end up hurting yourself. "We'll only keep this between ourselves. No matter what the cost, you will never ever mention what happened today to everyone. Understood?" I whispered to the Mane 6, they nodded. Thank God Our work was done here, the ponies didn't remember anything after that. We went next to Twilight and Fluttershy, then they forget everything else. Life continued on normally. And what happened today, never will be remembered in the future ever again. It was all over. I had solved the case. All of it. Who I am. Is it worth it? Saying that it never is would be a lie. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes, something good comes out of it. Something you know you wouldn't deserve in a million years. Something that gives you a reason to go on. This is love… Love hurts. > Pain And Suffering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVI: Pain and Suffering "W-well… Here we are! My home sweet home." She showed me the interior of the house as she spoke. It ain't that bad actually, the bad thing is there are animals in every corner of the house, covering every ground! It felt like I was live from the crime scene. "Uhhh… 'Shy? Why are there so many animals around here?" I asked her, "Oh, it's because I take care of animals. That's what my Cutie Mark is about; taking care of animals is my specialty!" "Huh… Nice." I worked my way to the couch since the house is full of animals, and sat right down. "Uhm… Excuse me, everyone. Please go outside for a minute, I have a guest." She pleaded with the animals. All of a sudden, the animals went outside in one single nanosecond. "Holy Mother of…" "I can also talk to animals and in some way, the animals understand me." She explained. She trotted to kitchen as I followed her. "Hey 'Shy. These Cutie Marks, how special are they to you?" "Oh, they are really really special. It shows what kind of special talent you have. Like for example, Rarity has three blue gems as her Cutie Mark, shows her passion for designing clothes. Pinkie has three balloons, it represents her love for laughter and happiness." "Well, if you put it that way, you kinda sound like Twilight for some reason." I joked, and she giggled back. Without a warning, I felt weak somehow; like an energy leech sucking all of my energy. I turned to look at Fluttershy, and then a vision appeared. A vision crept up on me; these visions were somehow felt real. Like I was teleported to another dimension and I can even sense everyone's presence, it was weird. My vision involved Fluttershy… Her lifeless corpse…lying on the floor, it was horrible! Eggs were hatching inside of her ruptured belly as appendages slips out of all of all the possible holes that it could enter. Seeing this horrible disturbing scene made me frozen solid in utter horror, it was so disturbing… "'S-S-Shy?" I stuttered as I walked near her lifeless corpse. Creatures crawling everywhere, their appearances match of those so-called Changelings. I kneeled down as tears fall down my eyes… I grit my teeth, anger rising. I decided to stay for a while, so I stood up, live from the crime scene, and studied my surroundings, inspecting everywhere for solid evidences of her death like I was playing it Bogart. And then I saw a little blue box lying on the ground, I picked it up and inspected it. Unexpectedly, I was brought to a flashback where Twilight gave that exact box to Fluttershy and then the following events were horrible and yet disgusting. Hearing hoofsteps outside, I phased through the door only to see a red stallion, whose Cutie Mark is a big green apple sliced in half. Could this be Big Macintosh, Applejack's brother? Seeing his nervousness on his face, another flashback appeared about Big Mac. He was said to be the father of Fluttershy's soon-to-be born baby. "Wait… What? Are you fucking shitting me right now?" I whispered. He was nervous because he thought 'Shy would be worried sick of him. I stayed a little while later to find out but when Big Mac opened the door, the small creatures attacked him viciously. Here I was, halfway down the world, looking at a red stallion being eaten by those changelings. It made me feel guilty… Yet I don't know why. I glanced out of the window as I stride towards it. Up on the hill, I noticed somepony standing, watching the house like a hawk. "…Twilight?" I went to her and looked at her. She was smiling, but it wasn't any other normal smile… It was SINISTER. Out of nowhere, I saw her eyes glowing green. It was suspicious enough to know that she isn't Twilight. Another one of those flashbacks appeared in my head; Routing her synapses, it was Queen Chrysalis all along! "NOOOOOO!" I snapped back into the real world. I opened my eyes to see that I am holding a knife, blood dripping on my mouth and Fluttershy trembling in fear. Realizing what is happening, I placed the knife down the counter and went to the sink, "PTUI! Ugh… what happened?" I asked her. "Y-Y-Y…. I… *faints*" "Uh-huh… " Fluttershy woke up after a few hours. I was sitting right beside of her bed, "Fluttershy, are you okay?" "Y-yeah… I'm fine now. What happened?" "You fainted." "How?" "I was… I dunno, having a vision, maybe. And then when I snapped back to the real world, you were shaking and scared, and then you fainted." "A vision?" "Maybe… Yet, I'm not so sure it was…" "Awwww… come here you poor human." I rested my head over 'Shy's lap. Still, I was alive if not exactly well. These visions I have been having, they're like a linear sequence of scares. It was so weird and so disturbing and yet I still can't explain where are these all coming from? I was in the middle of something,and the out of fucking nowhere these parade of hallucinations appear which involves pain and suffering. Christ, why is this happening? "Don't worry, I'll be here for you. If you need anything, come to me or the Mane 6 if necessary." "Heh, thanks 'Shy." She kissed me in the lips passionately, I chuckled and she giggled back. That was the first sign that I was a bit closer to heaven. "I love you, my little Wyan…" "I love you too, 'Shy. I like the way you call me that." "And I like the way you call me too." Her words were like a drug to my ears, I can't stop listening to what she says. "Do you need anything, 'Shy?" "No, I'm fine." "I love you, mare friend…" "I love you more, BOY friend…" We shared giggles and laughs, poked each other for fun and so many more that we had a bonding time together alone in the house. But something feels strange, like someone is watching me. An ANGEL OF DEATH… My thoughts were washed when 'Shy spoke, "What did you see in that vision of yours anyway?" She asked, "I don't want to talk about it." "Why not?" I didn't respond… I don't want to talk about even though it's my loved one or the dearest of all my friends. "Fluttershy, I love you. But I don't want talk about it since it involves you." "Well… okay, I can respect that." "Look, I'm sorry that I can't tell you about the vision. It's too gory and violent for you to handle." "Then why didn't you say so?" "Are you kidding with me?" "No, I am not to be kidding you." "Come here, you!" Loving someone is a binary choice, either you try to love that person, or leave them be. I have to find out what and where are those visions coming from. They are getting more worse and worse… I felt my ring in my pocket. Like it's trying to call me, and I ignored it. It wasn't important after all… Except if Dark will—Nahhh, that won't happen. I mean how could she? I left her and she would be probably be depressed by now. Good riddance, you fucking lunatic. Meanwhile… "Princess Dark, please calm down!" Wind tried to calm Dark down but it was impossible. She saw that Ryan had another love, and it was that cursed yellow pony Fluttershy. She felt betrayed, heart-broken, depressed; and now she is obliterating everything her room. She knew that there was something rotten in the air. And now she found what's rotten… "HOW DARE HER STEAL MY LOVER'S HEART?!" She shouted. Using her shape-shifting powers, she turned into a butterfly to watch over Ryan, but now she watched them bond together and it made her really jealous, envy has started to grow in her heart… along with vengeance. Never was it known to her that he was CHEATING her all along with that yellow mare! It was a cold day in hell for her. It was this exact time that she ascended into a demented state of mind. It was losing game, and there are no happy endings. But it isn't over, she could still win him. "How?" she thought, suddenly a bright idea came to her. She grew an evil smirk, "Wind… Thorn… Bring the 6 in, and prepare a party. There will be a surprise for my lover and his friends tonight…" "Prepare… for unforeseen consequences…" "Well, we better go Fluttershy. Let's go check the others." "Oh, Okay!" We prepared our things and left the house. Somehow, I lost Storm. I didn't see him inside the house a while ago. Neither when we were in 'Shy's room. "'Shy, have you seen Storm? I can't seem to find him anywhere." I asked her, "Hm? No, actually. I never saw him in my room a while ago." "Hm… He must've gone out in the wild. Good for him though, he could use a little fresh air." "Hey, Ryan…" "Yeah?" "Can you sing for me?" "Sure…" I thought of a song, so I sang Demons by Imagine Dragons "That is *sniff* an inspirational song." "I know…" "Did you know that it's Hearts and Hooves day?" "What?" "Hearts and Hooves Day, it's the day where you give something special to your special somepony." "Ohhhh… You mean Valentine's Day? That's what we call it in our world. Here, I'll give you this." I picked up a rose on the bushes while we were walking. "Happy Valentine's Day, 'Shy." "Happy Heart's and Hooves Day too, Ryan." We then kissed each other on the lips. Ray's POV "Hey, you were good at mixing last night!" Dash praised me of my skills. I was able to copy Vinyl's moves and analyze it, making me look amazing when mixing. "Well… Actually, I'm not good at mixing, I just copied Vinyl's moves." Shocked, Dash spoke "What?! You mean you aren't actually that good at mixing?" "Well… No. You see, I am a superhuman, unlike Ryan. Ryan, on the other hand, is just a normal human being but his DNA is altered when a portal mysteriously sucked him, eventually ending up in here." "Translate the scientific words to a poor confused Rainbow Dash." "It means he's normal at first, but he got powers when he got teleported here." "Ohhh…" Suddenly, a strange feeling hit me in the gut that something is terribly wrong… I couldn't place a finger on it. So I kinda ignored it. It wasn't necessary after all. Me and Rainbow Dash continued to walk around, talking about how stuff from my world works. Y'know, Rainbow Dash ain't so bad after all for a straight tomboy like her. I expected a more tougher attitude from her but the way she acts is so soft and girl-like. "Yeah, that's how a ballpen works." "Cool…" "Hey, I've gotta go find Ryan. See ya'!" I quickly left her and went to find Ryan's whereabouts. But what ticks me is the strange feeling about something becoming really bad… I have to go get Ryan and tell him about this. "'Shy, wanna hang out with the others?" "No thanks, I have to go get food for my pets." "Suit yourself. Bye!" I walked to a direction where I could find the others. When suddenly a pink blur came straight at my face, revealing Pinkie Pie bouncing around and being happy, "She said yes!" She yelled, "Wait… What?" "Fluttershy said that I could only do foreplay with you! Isn'tthisexitingwecouldhavesomuchfunwhatshouldwedofirst—" "PINKIE!" Suddenly she stopped, frozen cold. "Okay, we'll do it later." "YAAAYYY! FINALLYSOMEFUNWITHRYANTHISISSOEXCITING!" She continued to bounce away from me, her voice being distant and fading away from me. Actually, it's been a normal day for me. Nothing was happening that much but, I needed someone to help me get back to my home. And I know someone who can help me. Twilight Spa— *FLASH!* A blinding flash of light suddenly blinded me of my vision. But upon regaining my sights, I saw somepony that I never thought I could see. "Hello there, handsome…" The black alicorn spoke seductively. No such luck, no luck at all… "Y-You… You're the one from the mirror!" I stuttered in fear. "It's me, darling, Dark! Look how I became the princess of the Nightmares! Do I look sexier to you?" "D-Dark? NO! Impossible! I left you back at Night Forge! Why are you here! Why did you become an alicorn? What are going to—" She quickly closed my lips. A seductive smile, I received; but there was something wrong with her… Her eyes were pure evil, I could feel vengeance deep into her soul… Something was not right. "Come with me, my beloved… " "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I backed up. "RYAN!" And just in the nick of time, Ray appeared. He saw the alicorn and spoke, "You were the unicorn that Ryan was talking about? Dark Fusion?" "Yes I am, darling" "Get away from Ryan!" "Too late, dear…" I tried to reach for my ring. Without it, I'll be no match for Dark and the upcoming threats that I will cross but it was too late for me. Another one of those big blinding flash of magic blinded me. When I slowly opened my eyes, I was already teleported somewhere, which looks like a big castle, similar to Canterlot Castle but more different… The Black sun went down with practiced bravado. Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding. Unexpectedly, it was cold than before, colder than the devil's heart. "Ray? Ray! Where are you! Brrr… I'm freezing here…" I explored the castle a little bit. It was oh so familiar to Canterlot but in terms of color and design, it's different. Freezing to death here, I created a light construct to keep me warm but somehow, I can't. So many questions, yet unanswered. I needed answers now. "Ryan…" I heard a voice, a voice awfully too familiar… "Ryan…" There it is again, it was like a record stuck on replay inside my head. "Max? Max, is that you?!" I shouted. Trying to find him, I walked around everywhere. Suddenly, a bright figure walked towards me, its light, blinding as snow. I got a pretty good feeling who it is. "Max?" "Hello, Ryan." "Max! Man, am I glad to see you! I have so many questions to ask you!" A long pause was heard, it was silent… "You need to find the White Lantern Power battery." "The what? Why?" "The ring's energy is starting to deplete, and you are losing your powers. You need to find the battery before its energy will run out." "Does that explain the healing factor being gone?" "Yeah, about that, Healing Factor was pretty OP if you tell me. So, I removed it." "Heh, bad timing dude." "I know… Anyway, the power battery is found inside the castle, inside Dark Fusion's throne room. It's displayed beside her throne; but beware, the throne room is heavily guarded and you need stealth to get that battery." "Okay…" "Ryan! RYAN, are you there?!" Ray called out to me at the last second, and when I looked back, Max was gone. "Yo, dude! I was trying to find you, man! It's kinda freezing here… I think I would die of pneumonia because of the cold!" "Not now, Ray. Right now, I've got something to tell you…" "AH! Let us go!" "Now, why would I do that my dear Twilight Sparkle?" Somewhere… inside the castle, 6 familiar ponies are tied up in chains… Turns out, Dark also kidnapped them. "Convincing Ryan to love her instead of Fluttershy" feeling was strong, and now it was added to her bucket list of evil mumbo-jumbo things to do. "You will never get away with this…" She struggled, trying to break free of the chains but it was no use. "Oh, Twilight, struggle all you want but you can't try to help Ryan in that state of yours. Especially, I got something special for this yellow mare right here." Fluttershy was silent, not a word she uttered… She was still in her place. "Remember this, you little imbecile… Ryan is mine, not yours and you will never take him away from me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Her horn glowed, and a beam of magic came out of it and engulfed Fluttershy, slowly it covered her entire body. From hooves to head, changing what used to be the wielder of the Element of Kindness. After the magic was gone, Fluttershy's appearance changed… Her hair now black, her fur dark yellow, her cutie mark with a red six-sided star on the background and her eyes were colored blood red. This is the beginning of something evil… "Why is it cold here anyway?" Ray asked, rubbing his self to avoid him from the cold. "I don't know why…" "So, your ring needs to recharge by that battery that's in Dark's throne room?" "Yeah, I don't even know how the hell they'd get that but somehow they acquired it." "We need to get that battery." "Right, let's g—" While we were walking, we heard a cry out in the bushes. "Hello?! Is someone there?", Its voice was a deep yet not high male voice. Upon hearing that cry, we followed its source. Finally, we saw another human standing near the entrance of the castle. He was 7'9" of height, black hair, tanned, his left eye is colored grey and his right eye colored red, a scar running down to his right eye to his left jaw and… Black demonic wings? He was wearing a solid black knight's armor, a black t-shirt, black cargo pants and black combat boots. Aaaand his right arm and left leg are made of metal. "Holy shit, are you another human?" Ray asked in astonishment, "Yeah, name's Michael." "I'm Ryan, and this is Ray." "Nice to meet you two!" Ray, eyeing the human, talked to Michael. "Can I ask you one teeny weeny little question? Why do you have wings and you have different eye color?" "I'm a demon and celestial hybrid." "Jesus Christ! How?" "Government." "I feel you, man." "How did you get here?" "Maybe the same way you did." "Portal?" "Bingo." Impatiently trying to wait, I interrupted their conversation. "Uhhh, excuse me. We need to go." "Wait! I want to go with you." I looked at Ray, and pondered on this for a moment, "Ok, sure. We could use some extra help from you. Let's go." > Leadership and Excellence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVII: The First Element: Leadership and Excellence "Wait! We need to save my friend!" Michael exclaimed, "SHHH!" Earlier, we sneaked in the castle unnoticed thanks to Michael's stealth knowledge. Inside was… gothic, the insides are full of skulls and torches placed on the walls, blood red carpet and violet colored walls. It's like a room or a mansion of an emo kid. Gives me the chills though. "Okay! About your friend, where is he?" I asked, "He's being held in the castle dungeon. Problem is, it's heavily guarded. When I mean heavily, I mean like hundreds of stallions are guarding it." "Great, what now?" Ray face palmed in utter disappointment. But I can't say no, so… We agreed to help Michael find his friend. Surprisingly, Michael has a wide range of knowledge of the castle grounds, like he has a map inside his head. Which is pretty much handy for newly arrived tourists like us, he led us to where the dungeon is located and snuck past some guards that blocked our way by sticking to the shadows. "Christ, there are so many guards!" I thought inside my head. While stealthily going to the dungeon's entrance, we overheard a guard talking, "Hey, have you heard that Princess Dark called the Negative 6 in?" "No way! Did she?" "Yeah, dude! She said that she's going to use them for some special assignment, I don't know what it is." "Cool, bro…" That's new, The Negative 6? Could it be that they are like nightmare versions of the Mane 6? Heh, now's not the time to jump into conclusions, we had the time but instead we're killing it. Ignoring the guards, we continued to go for the dungeon. After minutes of stealth, we finally arrived at the front of the dungeon's door. Upon opening it, two guards blocked our way. Michael also has knowledge about stealth takedowns, pretty nifty for a guy like him. We took down the two guards silently and grabbed his keys. Ray whispered, "What does your friend looks like?" "Black hair, silver eyes, 6'4" of height, black vest, black combat boots and that's all." "Found him." Upon looking at the cell, there stands a human that looks exact like what Michael said. I unlocked the cell and unlocked his chains. He spoke; although his voice was weak I still could clearly hear him. "About… time you saved me from that bitch." "You alright, Razor?" Michael asked while helping his friend. "Yeah, I'm fine. Who's your friends?" "This is Ryan and Ray." "Thanks for saving me." "You're welcome." I replied. "By the way, I'm Razor Volt Fury. But you can call me Razor." "Nice to meet you." Ray replied. "Nice, now let's go before somepony sees us." We were about to walk out the dungeon when a faint voice was heard from afar. "Wait! Do you hear that?" Away from a distance, we heard faint voices coming from the other side of the wall. Curious, I eavesdropped. "Excellent, you are all here." A female voice spoke. It sounded too familiar, until I recognized the voice. It was Dark… "What is our assignment, your Highness?" Another female voice replied. "Your assignment is to kill a blonde human wearing black clothes. But you will only do that after the party. Dahilia, make it look more amazing." "With pleasure, boss!" "Also, kill the superhuman. After that, find their home world and inform me so I can conquer all of those weak and pesky humans. It seems that I can be more powerful when I host more than one human…" "But Princess, isn't that dangerous?" "No, my dear Penumbra Sparkle. Ever since Ryan betrayed my love for him, I realized that I can find more humans and eat their spiritual energy on his world. Making myself the most powerful pony in the Universe! MWAHAHAHAH!" That can't be good… Shit, she found out about me and Fluttershy AND NOW SHE'S GONE COCO NUTS ON CONQUERING EARTH AND KILLING ME! Fuck, I gotta stop her before she does that. "Bad news… Dark, the princess of the Night Forge… wants to conquer Earth." "WHAT?!" They all whispered loudly. "She knew that I have a strong love on another pony. And now she's gone crazy, she's going to conquer Earth and eat all of the spiritual energy there, making her invincible and more powerful." "Wait, Princess Dark has a crush on you?" Razor asked. "It's more than a crush. She sent me here with the use of this bracelet because she chose me as her host." "Oh no… This is really bad. We need stop her before she gets to Earth." "But how will she do that?" "…The Negative 6! She's going to use the Negative 6 to kill us and use us to find Earth. The Negative 6 is supposed to be the nightmare versions of the Mane 6." "Fuck… Now what?" Ray questioned. "We need to find the battery fast." We ran out the dungeon and went straight to the throne room. Fast but stealthily, we avoided the obstacles in our path. This is unbelievable, how did she know about us and 'Shy? …Storm! Storm is Dark! With the power of magic she has now, she would be able to tail me. That's why Storm is acting weird all around Fluttershy… SHE WAS JEALOUS! It was all clear, the answers are jigsaw pieces. Slowly moving back together and finally a part of the image was seen. I needed to do what is right… WE needed to do what is right. Sneaking past thousands of guards, we finally reached the throne room. Upon entering, I was almost shot by a poisonous arrow. "Shit, the place is booby-trapped. How are we going to cross to that battery mysteriously standing on that pillar?" Ray asked. "Easy." Michael responded and pointed, "We go the other way around. Normally, we'll just walk straight to reach the battery, but for security circumstances, we can just go around and stick to the wall." "Okay… Let's do what Michael says." I said. So we slowly tip-toed around the room to avoid the booby traps. "RYAN, 6 'O CLOCK!" Quickly, I dodged the arrow almost hitting me to the back. "Jesus… That was close…" We are almost to the battery when suddenly, a guard detected us. "STOP! What are you doing!" "Shit, we're spotted!" After that, swarms of guards quickly barged into the room and charged at us. "IN THE NAME OF PRINCESS DARK, STOP THOSE HUMANS! "My God… What now?!" Ray shouted. Thinking hardly, Michael thought of a brilliant strategy to take down the guards. "Ray, you handle the left side. Razor, go for the right. I'll go for the middle and Ryan, get the damn battery!" In a quick flash, the battle has begun. Teams of guards on the left charged Ray, but he was too strong and fast for them. Dodging spears fast, not even breaking a single sweat! Razor, using a combat knife, non-lethally knocked the other guards unconscious. But the way he moves is incredible! By the looks of him, he must be trained by a professional. Michael was indeed excellent. Wave by wave of enemies charging at him, they were no match for his strategic skills and moves. Fluid moves of combat were amazing! He can even close his eyes while doing that! "Razor! SWITCH!" In a quick motion, Razor and Michael switched places. Ray, on the other hand, is having a hard time. "Guys?! Need some help here!" "Coming!" Michael shouted. Defeating the left side, Michael helped Ray defeat the swarms of guards. Quickly reaching for the battery, I wore the ring and charged it by the battery when suddenly… "AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGHHH!" The power of ring made me feel more alive the before. Its energy flowing through my veins… filling me with unimaginable power… I am improved! "I AM THE LIGHT…" *BOOM!* A loud explosion obliterated every single enemy inside the room and left the rest of it clean. I opened my eyes to see that I have new clothes. White extended leather coat that reaches down to the ankles, white pants, white shoes and finally, white polo shirt with the White Lantern insignia on the my chest. And most of all, I look good in my outfit. "Holy Cow! That was amazing!" Ray praised. Razor stepped in and spoke, "I have to admit, that was pretty amazing. Despite that you have the White ring, means you are immortal?" "No, the ring can't do that until I unlock its full potential." "Pretty dope." "I know." "Let's g—" Razor was interrupted when Dark showed up. "My lover! There you are! Come on, let's go! We're late!" Without uttering a single word, Dark teleported US to the party area, not even paying attention what happened to the throne room. Before Dark could even teleport us, I grabbed the battery and I suddenly noticed I'm at another place. The place is a party area. So many ponies gathered to join and dance while Ray, Razor, Michael and I are just standing there, knowing what the hell just happened. Ray scratched his head, "Where the hell are we?" "Seems like a party. Dark invited us to a party… SHIT!" I shouted, the thought hit me like a nuclear bomb. Surprised, Razor questioned "What?" "After the party, THAT'S THE PART WHERE SHE KILLS US!" "Fuck! Now what?" "Guys, I got a plan." Michael responded, "We have to act normal. If we notice anything suspicious, that's the time that we should act. We have to stick together to do this." "Alright, let's party guys…" Acting cool was not my forte, but when it comes to life and death, I'll do it smoothly. The party wasn't any other normal party. Rock songs are heard booming on the loud speakers, ponies dancing hardcore. The thought of it makes me sick, considering the punch is fucking blood, I would rather shit myself to death rather than attend this nightmare. After a while, a pony approached Michael, "Why hello, handsome." "Uhhh… hi!" "Are you available tonight?" "I'm sorry but no." "That's too bad… Wish that I could rip those clothes off of you…" Her seductiveness is exposing. Michael, sweating and panting nervously, tried to think of a way out. "H-Hey look! Punch!" He quickly grabbed a glass of punch and drank it. Suddenly, he spat out the drink. "What the hell?! What are in these?" "Blood." The mare responded. Traumatized, all of us avoided all of the guests here. Minutes after playing it cool, Dark went to the stage and announced something with a cake covered with a large white sheet beside her. "In celebration of my coronation as the New Princess of the Nightmares, I present to you THIS CAKE!" When the cake was revealed, its looks more worse than 2 Girls and 1 Cup. It was horrifying and disgusting! "BLEAUGH! I think I'm going to be sick…" Ray vomited on the punch. "Oh my God… This is disgusting…" Michael spoke in utter disgust. "MY EYES! IT BURNS!" I followed. "I've seen worse…" Razor too. The cake was red, white and black. Frosting made out of blood, and OH MY GOD! Still beating organs inside it! The heart, the lungs etc.! Jesus Christ… I don't wanna see it anymore… "HURRMPH… Gah… I need to go to the balcony." I said holding my mouth from vomiting. "We'll… come with you…" Michael said and followed me. "Oh LOVER! Would you like some of this cake?" "ARE YOU NUTS?! FUCK NO!" I shouted then I went to the balcony. "Look at those humans. It seems that they don't like our food." Wind chuckled, staring at the humans at the balcony. "Indeed, considering that they are from another world." Thorn replied. These two stallions have some kind of grudge towards the three humans yet it is unknown why. "They're hogging all of the mares in Night Forge, and no more room for us stallions." "Indeed they are, Thorn." "We'll wait for the right time to strike. For now, let the Negative 6 do the job." Eerily staring at the humans, they trotted away towards the punch. "How are we going to do this?" Ray asked us, still sick from the image of that disgusting cake that was revealed a while ago. Thinking of it only makes him more sick. "Just act cool. We have to work together to fight Dark." Michael responded. I can't take it anymore! Letting out my frustrations, I shouted "But dude! These ponies are crazy! Look at the damn cake, is that enough evidence to prove it?" "Ryan, calm down. If we don't work together, we'll be dead in a second!" "*pant* Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that, it's my fault that I'm here. If I hadn't worn this bracelet and made love to another pony, we would still be back on Earth." I sighed in hopelessness. "Hey, man. Look, it's not your fault that we are all here. You were just caught in a cross-fire between love and lust. But it's not that of a big deal. If we work together and team up, we can go past through this." Ray said. Bringing back the hope in me, I vowed, "I guess your right… Besides, I took the responsibility of both human and ponykind. There's no turning back now. From now on, I'll put myself aside and place the innocent lives as my first priority." "That's the spirit, bro!" Razor continued, "Has anyone seen my kni—" but someone, err—SomePONY cut him off. "Good evening, you delicious beasts…" I turned to look around to see RED THUNDER trotting seductively and slowly towards… Ray? "Oh no… Damn it, it's Red!" I whispered. "Who is she?" Ray asked. "Dark's sister! She also wants to find a host like her sister! AND NOW SHE'S GOING AFTER YOU!" "Oh fuck! How do we escape?" He asked. A realization hit me like a .50 caliber bullet; this can be easy as a pie. "Red… NO." "Aw what?! Why?" She became like a 5-year old. Huh, I knew it. "I said no! If you want a host, go find another!" "Awwww… Stupid Ryan…" She then trotted away from us. So much for being subtle. "How did you do that?" Michael's eyes widened in shock. "Dark's maybe powerful, but her sister is weak when you're standing up, be strict and firm with her." "Nice, man." After minutes of recovery, we came back inside to see that the cake is gone and finished. Thank God for that. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling of apprehension in my gut. It's telling me that I have to get out of here and make a run for it. "Guys, we need to escape now while Dark and the others are busy." "Great idea, Ryan." Michael said. Stealthily, we snuck out the entrance of the ball room and quickly made a run for it towards the castle library to learn some spells to fight Dark and the Negative 6. What we didn't know is that Dark saw us escaping, "Wind! Thorn! Stop Ryan and his human friends and bring them back here!", and sent guards to come find us and bring us back to the ballroom. But it was too late, the two stallions named Wind and Thorn found us. "STOP! Surrender now and go back to the ballroom." Wind commanded. "Let's split up!" Michael ordered. Me and Ray went to the left while Razor and Michael went to the right. "Ray! Jump!" I shouted. Ray leaped and the guards attention was brought to him while I blasted some light energy at the guards. After minutes of fighting, we finally reached the library but saw that the other two wasn't still there. Guess we were the first ones, so we grabbed a spell book and started to learn. "Michael, catch!" Razor shouted. Seeing the flying guard hurling towards me, I caught the guard and threw it to a group of other guards. All of them were finally knocked out, but not one. Grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up, I tried interrogating "Where's the library?!" "Agh… Why… should I… tell you?" He tried his best to speak. "I'm going to make you talk. No matter how much pain you endure before that is in your hands." "Buck… you!" "I don't have time for this." "Ok, Okay! Just go right, down that path and you'll see the library! Now… AGH! Let me go!" "Alright. Now you get to take a nap." Finally knocking him out, we went straight to the library went suddenly, Dark teleported in front of us. Damn it… "Am I too late?" She said with an evil and sinister voice. It doesn't sound good. I gritted my teeth, preparing for the consequences. "I don't know how to fucking do all of the spells!" Ray shouted in frustration. Closing the book, I held my head, "Me too, man. This is so bullshit. Where are Michael and Razor anyway? It's been an hour already!" "I don't know… Maybe they're in trouble!" Realizing the problem, we ran through the door when suddenly, we saw Dark standing before us, with Ray and Michael knocked out by the hands of the guards. "Damn it…" "Tried to escape, eh?" "What's it to you?" "You dare talk to me like that?!" Unexpectedly, we were knocked out by Dark's magic. What is this? Why am I here? Is this a dream? My nightmares were never like this, straight lines were curvy and wavy, blood red surroundings and green snow falling from the black skies. It was disturbing enough for me to make myself wake up. "Where the hell am I?" Suddenly, I was greeted by Fluttershy. "'Shy? Is that you?. "No…" "What?" "Come back to me, Ryan." "What in the—" Suddenly, she hugged me… Tightly. "'Shy, what the…" When we separated, I saw that I stabbed her. Blood flowing out of her side, "No! NO!" "Why…" "'Shy, no! I didn't do it, I swear!" I was crying, thinking that I killed her… "Your turn…" she "What?" She seemingly grabbed a sword out of nowhere and— *SHLICK!* "GAH! NOOOOO!" Finally waking up from that horrid nightmare. I checked myself to see if I had wounds on my stomach, but actually none. "*pant* Thank God… *pant* How long do all of these hallucinations end?" I said to myself. "Enjoying your little dream there, lover? Or should I say traitor?!" Out of nowhere, a voice spoke inside my head. "Dark? You were the one giving me these disturbing delusions?" "After I found out about you and that yellow mare… I did." "God damn it, where am I?" I asked. "Back at Night Forge, my dear." "Why am I here?!" "You need to find my subjects and defeat them… before they kill you." Shit, she was talking about the Negative 6… "If you manage to defeat them, come to me. Here's a map to show their location." "Where are my friends?!" "Don't worry, they are safe. Just hanging around on my dungeon, being punished by the executioners." "I'll never do what you tell me! You're not the boss of me!" "If you don't do what I say, I'll kill your friends." My options decreased to a singular course. Of course, I did what she said. "Alright… I'll do it." "Great! See you later!" Then, she was gone. Great… Fight the Negative 6 and save everyone was my only objective now. Whoever they are, I need to fight them and save my friends before they'll die. So LET'S KICK SOME PONY ASS! > Courage and Determination > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XVIII: Courage and Determination Great… Here we are, trying to find these ponies that I'm going to pulverize into tiny little particles. And yet, I can't find them. Dang this map! I can't understand them. Let have a recap of what happened so far: I got teleported to Equestria because of Dark. I then knew I have superpowers, and that the source is my ring. So the portal didn't actually alter my DNA after all. So I went to seek help and found talking ponies; unbelievable, eh? But they're kind enough to help me and gave me a place to stay, this is the time we also met Ray. A superhuman used by the government for some dangerous biological weapon for mass destruction of… I dunno, planets? (Holy Fucking Shit, the G-Men are fucked up!). And then, we went to Canterlot with the Mane 6 to see the two legendary princesses, Celestia and Luna, which is also the place where I found the ring. During my stay there, I found out that Fluttershy has feelings for me. Of course, I accepted her as my "marefriend" and… Had sex with her (Nice going there, Ryan.). After that, Dark made her first appearance to me in my room at the Canterlot Castle. She said that she's horny and wants to have sex with me, to which, I refused. But unfortunately, she used force to get me to have sex with her but thanks to her sister, they went home. While that happened, seems that Ray, while I was getting almost raped by a Nightmare unicorn, found a love interest named Nurse Redheart. So I took a walk to find them when out of fucking nowhere, I got teleported to Dark's place, Night Forge, by her father, Greenfall. They were nice enough to stop Dark from having sex with me for ten more rounds. Thank God for that. Greenfall, Black Star and Red Thunder worked together to help me get back to Inner-Equestria and AWAY FROM DARK ONCE AND FOR ALL. Successfully fulfilling their objectives, I was finally sent back home. It made Ray and the others worry so much about me. So in order to celebrate my return, Pinkie threw a party and partied hard. The morning after that, I went to the bathroom and saw another alicorn, and somehow she looked awfully familiar. And then I started having weird visions of ponies and others dying. Like Spike committing suicide and Fluttershy being raped by a strange Changeling-like-creature and it's starting to bug me. So I went a walk, visited Fluttershy and trying to find the others when unexpectedly, that painfully familiar alicorn appeared before my eyes. Turns out she was Dark, she actually became Outer-Equestria's princess. Well, I didn't know how the hell did that happened but she teleported me AND RAY with her to her castle. While I was there, I found out that because of my excess use of the ring (Sort of.), its energy is getting weaker and weaker every minute. And so we met two different humans, Michael and Razor on the way to get the battery to recharge my ring. During that, I found out that Dark found out about me and 'Shy and now she wants me and the others killed by using the Negative 6 (The nightmare versions of the Mane 6) to do that. Our mission in getting the battery was a success when Dark teleported us into a party and as we tried to escape, she got us and then I get to defeat the Negative 6 to free my friends and defeat Dark once and for all. And now here I am. Actually, everything that had happened to me was pretty awesome though and I liked it, despite the part where Dark rapes me and stuff. And I guess there is a lesson to be learned around here… Continuing on my way to the first opponent, I ran into Green. "Green! Whew, thank God! Look, man. You gotta help me, Dark found out about everything and now—" "Waitwaitwaitwait… Dark found out about your secret?" "Yeah! And now she wants me to fight the Negative 6 and then fight her!" "Oh no… this is really bad." "Yeah, I know. That's why you have to help me!" "I'm afraid I cannot help you. Now that Dark is a princess, she is ten times more powerful than all of us. We can't defeat her." "Damn it! Okay, what about the Negative 6?" "What about them?" "I mean are they strong? Do they have any weaknesses?" "The Negative 6 are the heroines of Outer-Equestria. They are really tough and hard to fight though. You need special training, something like that." "I'm in so much trouble…" "But Ryan, don't give up now. You have to fight for your friends or else their dead!" "Oh, alright…" I waved at Green as I walked away. Thinking about the whole thing, I guess with great power comes great responsibility. I'll have to deal with it or I'll end up the failure. Looking up, seems that I have arrived at the house of my first opponent… Lustyshy… Ray's POV Unknown time, Unknown place "Damn it!" I cursed under my breath. I hate this, I really do. I don't want to be here! I mean, why do we get to be tied up in chains when Ryan gets to be free? Well, I shouldn't be complaining. We'll just have to depend on Ryan and pray so that he gets to win and free us. "What now?" Razor asked. There was no way out, this chains felt like unbreakable ice that is clinging to me for years. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't give up but I sure do know that we have to brace ourselves for the unexpected. "I don't know. We'll just have to hope Ryan will beat the living daylights out of the Negative 6." I replied. I looked at the door when I saw a guard enter the room, holding a hot branding iron, in the shape of X, in his mouth. I was filled with fear, terrifying thoughts ran through my mind as I looked at the guard. But there's got to be something that I can use to escape! The guard dropped the rod and began, "Hehehe… This is going to be so much fun." I'm not a fan of burns but this is going to leave a mark on my skin. Picking up the iron again, He went for me first. "Ah screw this, show me what you got…" I cursed. Aiming for my arm, he charged at me. I don't know what to do… up until now. Nearly hitting my arm, I moved it and he hit the chain; melting it and breaking me free of the chains. I grinned smugly, "Big mistake…" I quickly knocked him out and grabbed the still hot iron and melted the other chains. "Nice, dude! How did you do that?" Michael asked. "I had to build up courage so that I could think fast of a plan." I said to him as I freed them. Helping them up on their feet, I saw that a group of guards busted the door opened and saw us escaping. "Halt! Stop right there, humans!" He shouted. The iron in my hand, I threw it right at them but ended up dodging it. "TASTE THIS, ASSHOLES!" Running through the guards, I hauled ass to the where I guess the escape route is but instead… I ran into Dark… She looked at us with sinister eyes, and spoke "Leaving so soon?" She assembled her guards with her, thousands of them ready to pin us down like ants. "Thousands against three? Heh, let's even out the odds, shall we?" Michael went to his fighting stance to get ready. I tighten my grip… Let's kick some pony-butt! Well, this is the place. I arrived here at Lustyshy's cottage after countless of hours walking into these damn creepy streets. And Jesus… Look at that décor; it's creepier than a haunted house. There are dead flowers hanging on the front porch of the cottage and spiders crawling out of it. My God, does she really live here? I slowly walked into the front door with this creepy atmosphere, "What the fuck…" As I was reaching for the doorknob, it turned. I quickly hid behind the bushes and watched the door open to reveal my first opponent. She has the same style as Fluttershy but her colors are warped into a negative tone, and her Cutie Mark was a girl's underwear. Well, that makes sense. She looked at her surroundings and spoke in a similar tone of Fluttershy, "Hmmm… I swear I sensed a presence around here. A male scent but different from the other stallions…" "That's Lustyshy?" I whispered quietly in the bushes. "Hmmm… He must've ran away then." She then trotted inside. "What a fucking slut…" I said to myself. Seeing that the coast is clear. I went out the bushes and pondered for a bit about this. "Screw it." I cursed. I walked to the door when suddenly it opened. "AH! SWEET JESUS!" I shouted in utter shock. "Why, h-hello there, human. I've been expecting you." She said shyly. It felt like I am talking to FS. "Yeah… I'm sure you are. Hello, my name is Ryan." "Ryan… P-Please come in!" I entered the cottage and inside… was not anything you see every day. Everything looked gothic and emo, like an emo's house. I sat on the couch and sat comfortably on it. "Please, make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink?" She asked. "Yes, please. Coffee." As she was trotting into the kitchen, she shot me a seductive look and yet, SINISTER and full of evil. Something was not right about this. Suddenly, my ring beeped with violet light. Thinking it was not important, I ignored it. I stood up from the couch and explored the place for a bit. These ponies do not have great taste in decoration. Somehow, Lustyshy is a bit similar to FS considering that Negative 6 are opposite versions of the Mane 6. It feels like I'm trying to fight Fluttershy, which is hard for me though. LS came back with the coffee on a tray and placed it down on the coffee table. "Thanks." I said. "You're very welcome. So, you're going to fight me… R-Right?" she asked right away. I grabbed my coffee and took a sip. "Supposed to be, how did you know?" "Oh… I'm not supposed to tell you everything…" "Classified information, eh? Well, I can deal with that. *sip*" "I'll go easy on you…" Unexpectedly, things went blurry and wavy. "Wha—… What's h-happening?" Dizzy… I can't…. "What did you do… to me?" "Oh, nothing… I put a little something in your drink." Damn… I should've… I… I should have seen this sooner. Weak… "You…*THUD!*" Everything went black… Damn… Where am I? Is this one of Dark's tricks again? This nightmare was the same as before. Green snow and red blood background and other creepy themes but this time it was different… Before my very eyes is a scene of great sorrow… I saw myself lying in cold blood and a pony mourning beside me. It was hard to tell its face, but I could see tears dripping down on my body. "I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry…" it said with a feminine voice, and somehow I recognize the voice. "Fluttershy?" I thought… It couldn't possibly be, right? "It's too late, Fluttershy! He's dead! You can't bring him back anymore." Dark's voice boomed around the room. It is Fluttershy! "YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! You… made me kill Ryan…" No… this is a dream… I can't be dead! I CAN'T BE! "I'm so sorry…" It's not possible… I saw Dark's silhouette beside her… Mumbling words… "pRePaRe FFFFFOOrrr uNForESSSeeeen COONSeequences…" I slowly open my eyes, with a headache… "Agh…" …only to find myself tied in chains on the wrist and the feet. Shit, I should have seen this sooner… God damn it, how could I be so stupid! "Damn…" My vision is still blurry and wavy from the drugs, and every second, my head aches even more. "Good morning, my little sex slave…" I heard Lustyshy's voice. It echoed through my ears… "You… You drugged me…" "Oh, how smart of you to notice!" "You can't… do… this to me…" "Oh help me I will… You see, I am the Element of Lust. I have sex to whomever I want until they die." "No… Let me go!" "Do you have what it takes to defeat me from my lustful behavior?" Finally, I regained everything and now I'm in control of my mind. But somehow my body feels hot and I feel lust in my body. "What the fuck did you do to me?" "Every male who comes near me will feel great desires of lust in their minds, and there is no escape to this. Resistance is futile, my dear…" "God damn it! There's gotta be a way out of this!" "You'll be surprised if you see my marehood…" She turned around and lifted her tail to reveal her genital. In all of my life, this is the most disturbing and yet disgusting thing I have ever saw in my whole entire goddamn life… "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" There were little appendages inside, slithering out of her… thing. And then tiny teeth! "JESUS H. CHRIST! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! GET THE LIVING HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I panicked. "Love me…" She rubbed my crotch slowly. I used my ring to construct something but I can't! Somehow, these chains are preventing me to use my ring! "Fuck me…" She said it again. "Gotta get out of this…" Out of nowhere, my ring shone violet light. It covered my whole body, from head to toes. The sudden surge of power knocked back Lustyshy with great force. I began reciting the oath of the Violet Lanterns. For hearts long lost and full of fright, For those alone in blackest night, Accept our ring and join our fight, Love conquers all- with violet light! A loud blast broke me free of the chains. I have now unlocked the full power of the first lantern, The Violet Lanterns, LOVE… "What is this?!" Lustyshy shouted. I stood in front of her with violet aura surrounding me. I know this now… Lustyshy is one of the 9 opponents! Since her element is Lust, its opposite is Love! I spoke to her with great confidence, "Love is an emotion, Lustyshy. Sex is an act. Love is what we feel, not what we do. Love is the most important feeling of all. And so, I will give you two choices… Do want to love? Or live in lust forever…" I never thought I would do this, a speech that changes the enemy's ways into good. She IS one of the 9 opponents… She opened her mouth and said, "Love…" "Very well…" The aura surrounded her. Filling her with the emotion of love, her mind opening to the truth. "It is finished…" A loud shockwave knocked me back. I opened my eyes, not knowing what just happened "What happened?" I looked around to see that the room is a big mess. LS trotted towards me, "Oh no…" Suddenly, she hugged me. No signs of lust in her, what the hell happened? "Thank you, Ryan…" We broke apart and I asked what happened. And then she told me everything, about the ring and me being colored violet. Wait, isn't all Violet Lantern Corps women? After the end of the story, now I know that the Negative 6 are one of the 9 opponents, but who are the last three? I remembered Max's words "Just go with the flow, you'll know when it's time." And so I have to. "Well, that's awesome." I said. I looked at my ring to see that part of the ring is finished, one spiky triangle thingy appeared shining violet. I smiled. "Hey Ryan…" "Hm?" "You said that love is an emotion and sex is an act. Can you explain it to me why?" "Uhhhmmm… Okay. Love is a feeling; we feel love because we care about each other. We care for people even though we don't know them. For example, we show good deeds because we love them, as friends and family. Love for one another is another different story. You love someone because they care for you and YOU WANT TO BE WITH THEM FOREVER. Leading to marriage and stuff. Lust on the other hand, is the opposite of love. You don't love the one you are mating with, you only love the pleasure that you feel. Lust is love for pleasure, a strong desire that makes you want to really WANT the thing that you really want. You love sex but you don't really feel love." "Really?" "Yep. I'm not good at explaining things like this. But if I didn't take enough studies then maybe I wouldn't know any of this at all." "*giggle* You're kinda funny!" "You see? You're feeling love right now because you love me as a dear friend." "Really?" "Heck yeah!" "Wow, Ryan. Thanks for the advice!" "You're welcome! Hey, I gotta jet. I need to fight the other five ponies." "Wait! I'm coming with you!" "How? You might get hurt from the fights." "I can hide inside your head." "Well, that's fine." Lustyshy's eyes began to glow as she concentrates her dark magic out of her. A black mist started to engulf her then suddenly, she disappeared. "Hello!" I heard her voice in her head. Didn't know she could do that even though she's a Nightmare Pegasus. "Hi! Just a little side note. Don't do anything stupid inside or else I'll kick you out of there. Understand?" "Don't worry, I won't." "Good. What will you do there if you're bored?" "Well, I dunno." "Okay then, stay put if you will. We're going to an adventure." "Yay!" "Hey, why do you want to go with me anyway?" "Princess Dark has become a little… coco about you betraying her love. And now she intends to take over your world!" "Wait I thought all of you were bad guys?" "We did it because we don't have much choice. If we don't, she'll kill us all. And we're not that BAD, we're sometimes good." "Well, that makes sense. Let's GO!" We ran out of the cottage to go to our next destination to our next opponent, Dahilia… Eleanor Pie? Or just simply Dahilia Pie… > Integrity and Kindness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XIX: Integrity and Kindness We are lost again. Damn this map! Why do I get lost when I have a map in my hand? I don't understand this. So, I have in my company Lustyshy, whose mind is opened to the truth by the power of the Violet Spectrum that love is an emotion that we feel, and lust is love for pleasure, and they are different. Turns out, LS was one of the 9 opponents that Max was talking about. Since there is 7 colors of the rainbow plus two which are the neutral (White and Black) which makes them all 9, then it means that each opponent activates the power of one of the lanterns that matches or opposes to their element. Since Lustyshy's element is Lust, then its opposite is Love; activating the first lantern, Violet. Wow, there is so much going on right now. I talked to LS for a while; try to squeeze out some Negative 6 info out of her. "So, what are the elements of your friends?" I asked her. "Well, there is Penumbra Sparkle, her element is the element of fright by using illusions as her weapon." "Fear…" I whispered. "Helena, on the other hand, possesses the element of sanguine. She enjoys pain and blood like comedy and stuff." "Compassion…" I whispered again. "Dahilia Pie possesses the element of sorrow. She uses depression and sadness as her weapon." "Hope…" "Ripperjack's element is the element of Death. She has like a scythe on her tail to rip her enemies to shreds." "Death…" "And then finally, Razor Dash; she has the element of wrath. She is the most powerful of all since she uses violence as her weapon." "Rage…" So, Penumbra will be Yellow, Helena is Indigo, Dahilia is Blue, Ripperjack is Black and then Razor Dash will be Red! Now I know what to fight them with, Red (Rage), Yellow (Fear), Blue (Hope), Indigo (Compassion), and then Black (Death). The smart thing left to do is go with the flow and let the ring do its job. "How did you get your Cutie Mark anyway?" I asked her. (INCEST ALERT!) "Well, when I was a little filly, I used to sleep with my father when I'm scared. When I was sleeping with my father, I hid under the covers and went lower, only to see my father's foalmaker. So, I started to lick it to find out what it tastes like. After couple of minutes, his foal juice scattered in my face." "Wait… Jesus, what the fuck are you—… Let me get this straight, YOU SIMPLY GAVE YOUR FATHER A BLOWJOB?! OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SICK!" "W-What?!" She started to cry. "Wait, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I mean, that is so incest! Who the hell would give their father a blowjob?" "Well…" "Oh Christ Almighty, please help her… Okay, continue…" "After finding out the joys of lust. I started to mate with all of my classmates, and then my Cutie Mark appeared." "Holy fucking shit, LS. You are a whore. Seriously, I cannot believe you. You started to fuck all of your male classmates? Wow, you are just sick. There is nothing, AND I MEAN NOTHING holy about all of you." "What's wrong about it?" "Women who like sex are considered a whore. Which is really sick, considering what kind of disease you might get from mating your classmates, AIDS, HIV, SARS and whatever the fuck else." "Well, I used to be called Shadowshy but because I like sex, I changed it to Lustyshy." "Makes fucking sense, that is. I cannot just believe you." "*giggle* Well, that is my path and I can't go back." "Not after what my ring did to you." We talked for a while. While walking, but Jesus Christ… Her backstory was the worst story I have ever hear in my whole life. Eeeeuaghh…. Disgusting. I mean, what kind of daughter would give their father, A BLOWJOB?! My Lord, please help these ponies. "Alright, screw this map. You know your friend's houses, right? Can you please direct to me where in the wide world is… Bittersweet Corner?" "It's on the left of this road, go straight and you'll find it." "Thank Christ. Alrighty, let's go to Dahilia and fight her." Razor's POV The Castle Grounds Well, we got out of that one. Sheesh, that was a big fight in the dungeons a while ago. If it wasn't for a good friend who helped us escape the hundreds of guards that got in our way. "MICHAEL?! Any great ideas to escape!" I shouted. We're surrounded, Michael used to be the strategic guy to like defeat these guards and stuff. "No! I don't have one! Let's just do this on sheer combat to do this!" "I like that idea but I'm not a fan of it!" Ray shouted The guards circled us in every direction possible; they got us pinned down on the spot. "READY, GUYS?!" We tighten our grip, "GO!" Suddenly, in the midst of the guards, one pony knocked them all out with great power and speed. A pony with great strength, He has white fur, silver hair with blue streaks and some guard's uniform. In order to finish this quick, we joined the fight. Side by side, the guards went down quick enough to give us some breathing room. The room was silent after the fight, with the three of us still standing with the mysterious pony. "*pant* Thanks, we couldn't done it without you." I walked to him. "You're welcome. Name's Silver, by the way." We introduced ourselves to him, "Michael." "Ray." "Razor." "Nice to see other humans." He said while picking up his scythe. "Wait… You're human also?" "Was. Princess Luna gave me a pony form to disguise myself from ponies when I first got here in Equestria." "Nice, another human." Michael spoke. "Actually, I'm the first human is Equestria, and yet nopony saw my human form." "Awesome! I thought Ryan was the first one here." Ray offered him a brofist. To further escape the castle, I interrupted their conversation. "Ahem, we have to leave now before more guards show up. Come on!" And then that's it. Silver helped us escape from the Castle to a nearby town called Night Forge, maybe Ryan will be there. Silver actually has special abilities like electricity and stuff. He also wields a scythe called "Lightning's Edge". As for the first human to ever set foot in Equestria, he is actually kindof pretty strong. Ray broke the long silence, "Hey, Silver. Why are you here anyway?" "Celestia sent me to find you and your friend Ryan here in Outer-Equestria because of your mysterious long absence." "How did she know about Outer-Equestria?" Ray scratched his head. "She said that she felt an unknowingly powerful burst of energy out of the borders of Equestria. She and Twilight tried to find a book about outside Equestria and found out about Outer-Equestria. The energy felt somehow familiar to her, then finally recognizing the energy from his ring. Thus, sending me to come find you both." Michael squeezed in, "Dude, that ring of Ryan…" "I know… It holds great power. The battery a while ago must've sent the energy" I said Suddenly, I heard a scream from my 3 o' clock. I ran to that direction but Silver stopped me. "No, dude! These people are sex-hungry. You can't just go and save that mare! She'll rape you!" "Well, I can't just leave that poor mare alone! Even though these people are hungry for sex doesn't mean we just leave them alone and get in trouble! These ponies have a life, y'know?" Silver then let go of me and I went to the direction of the scream. I then saw that a mare is being raped by 3 stallions. "STOP RIGHT THERE! Let go of her!" It turned around and spoke like one of those modern gangsters, "What did you say, brah? You wanna fight me, brattah? Aw I'll give you a fight! Get'em boys!" The other two gangsters charged at me, I pulled out knife and knocked then non-lethally; just with some minor wounds and cuts. After that, I turned around to face the last one, "Do this again… and I'll break your neck." I said intimidatingly. Scared, he ran away from me. I have to say, I felt pretty good after that; considering that was the first time I ever saved a life. I walked to her and helped her up to her hooves, "T-thank you very much! Is there anything I could repay you?" "None, ma'am. Just helping a pony in need. Now, be safe ma'am, maybe those punks will be back." "Thank you, sir!" "No problem." She then trotted away from me. I looked behind to see Ray and the others catch up to me. "Dude! *pant* Don't take off without us, you'll get raped!" Michael chided me. "Nahh, it's okay guys. Turns out, a pony almost got raped by three pony punks. I saved her for now." "Nice, let's go find Ryan." Silver bided. Ryan, Bittersweet Corner "Well, we're here. Thank Christ, this map is fucking worthless!" I shouted. "Be careful. Dahilia uses sorrow and misery as her weapon, so whatever you do, don't feel sorry for her. Once you go near her, you'll get crushed and beaten to death!" "Thanks for the tip. Wish me luck, I'm going in." "Good Luck!" I went right in the entrance. What I'm seeing right now is a different view of Sugarcube corner… There are fucking ropes hanging on the ceiling, a coffin with metal spikes in it, some poison on some tables, and all the other things that is connected to suicide. WITH A SIGN THAT SAYS "Depressed customers, feel free to commit suicide whenever you want." "What the fuck is this place?" I cursed under my breath. I was speechless on what this place is; it's like a place of death! I walked to the counter and rang the bell to call the counter maid/ clerk. I heard a voice coming from the kitchen, "I'm coming! Be right there." Out the entrance of the kitchen, revealed the second opponent that I'm going to fight, "Dahilia Pie, great to see you." "Oh! Mr. Ryan! How are you? Take a seat please." I took a seat near the table, "You don't look too sorrowful, are you, Dahilia?" I asked her. "Oh no, I just show my sorrowfulness when needed." Dahilia was another negative version of Pinkie but in terms of hair and tail, they're different. Dahilia's mane and tail are straight but curled and her cutie mark is a sad, crying face. Weird… "So, you defeated Lustyshy?" Dahilia asked "Hi, Dahilia!" "Aw, Hi LS!" "Alrighty then, should we fight now?" I said to her while twiddling my thumbs. "Not yet, you have to make me feel sad first. Say some hurtful words for a minute." I stood up, "Alright, you asked for this. You're retarded, you're stupid, moron, idiot and stuff." "Not like that. Do it more angrier and it really comes from inside." 3… 2… 1… "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT PONY! YOU GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING TRASH! I CAN'T EVEN STAND NEAR YOU! DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING SEX TOY TO YOU? BITCH! I AM NOT! I HAD IT WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPID NEED FOR SEX! YOU GODDAMN FUCKING LUNATIC! YOU COCKSUCKING SHITHEADS!" Well, holy shit. That has been the angriest thing I have ever been since I was a kid. Truth to be told, all of that was actually directed to Dark, in all of the things she done to me. A moment of silence was heard in the room. "Uhhh… Did it work?" I asked. I looked at Dahilia to see that she was tearing up, her eyes watering, legs shaking. I think it did work. "Oh, wait no, I'm s—" Due to my stupid thinking, I got trapped in her embrace. It started suffocating me. "Why… Why did you say those hurtful words?! WHY?!" She started to cry. Goddamn it, why did I feel sorry for her? Lustyshy already gave me the warning yet why did I… Nevermind. "L-Let… go of me… *cough*" I pleaded but she is drowning in her tears of sorrow, and she can't hear me. I used my ring to set me free of her embrace. But she's so strong; my ring can't even do that! I started punching her sides and headbutting her. "WHY DID YOU HURT ME?! WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?!" She started to cry even more. I can't breathe anymore, my vision started to fade away. "H…H… HOPE." "In fearful day, In raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in sorrow and fright, Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!" The ring shone blue light. The light of hope strengthened me, I broke out of her dangerous embrace and the blue aura surrounded her. Just like what happened to Dahilia, I spoke to her with sense. "Do not fear, do not shed tears. Hope is the key to unlocking true happiness, and fight sorrow. Hope is a chance, a chance of redemption, a chance of joy, a chance to feel happiness. And so, I ask you… Do you wish to be in sorrow, live in misery until you die or enjoy the feel of happiness and joy." "Happiness…" "As you wish…" The blue aura engulfed her, filling her with hope and washing away the sorrow that is deep within her. It just happened like that of Dahilia, the same aura changed her ways to its respective element. Sorrow to Hope. The same shockwave also happened, knocking back me and Dahilia. This time, I maintained my consciousness. "Damn, this thing is awesome!" I yelled. I walked up to Dahilia and helped her up. "Hey Dahilia…" "Hm?" "Smile." I said. She smiled while looking at me. She's cute, I'll give her that. "Alright, 2 down and 4 to go!" "It feels… great being happy!" Dahilia shouted happily and excitedly. "Told you. In sorrow, you feel nothing but sadness and hurt. You feel it again and again until you want to die, but killing yourself isn't the answer of sorrow. If you try to look to the stars, and see that all of them shines so bright, and so is hope. Hope is the emotion we feel when we are down, if we feel hope; we also feel courage. We feel that there is still one more chance for us to feel joy once more in life. Never Give Up…" "Nice words! It gave a whole new meaning to hope!" Lustyshy spoke. "There are things in life that is more complex than this. When things don't go your way; Just remember, you're not the only one having problems." "Thanks Ryan. I'll do that next time." She said. "You coming? Since Lusty is in here, maybe you should join us?" "WOULD I EVER?! Weeee!" She used her magic to enter inside my head. I still don't know how this magic works because Dahilia is a Nightmare Earth pony. I mean, what is in them magic? "Alrighty then." I ran outside to the third opponent, Helena. "So, Dahilia… How did you get your Cutie Mark?" I asked. "Well, my father used to beat me up several times. My mother died of a heart attack. Several years later, my father followed my mother. That, I never had a family. Neither one of my relatives came to take care of me, so I lived in the streets alone; with no-one by my side. One day, I met this wonderful colt. He made me feel happy and stuff but one tragedy struck him, I went to his house and I saw himkilled himself because of depression. Hanged on the ceiling… I cried and cried on the floor until something snapped in my head. I actually enjoy sorrow, I loved seeing someone be sad in front of me. Suddenly, my Cutie Mark appeared. And the Element of Sorrow chose me." "You… are not having a good life right now. That is messed up, Dahilia. I mean, I never heard someone's life is like that!" "Well, that's what happened…" "But, you know what they say. Look to the stars, for hope burns bright, right? Life is cruel sometimes, it gives us things that we don't want. But with hope, nothing can go wrong." "Thanks Ryan… for giving me hope and courage." "That's what friend's do, right?" Suddenly, I heard another voice out of nowhere talked in my head. "My, my… Looks like 2 of my subjects failed. Pity…" "DARK! What are doing here?!" I yelled. "Oh, just checking on my traitor err… lover on how he's doing! Looks like you're doing good!" "Where are my friends?!" "Bad news, they escaped." "Thank God…" "Good news, they're not the only hostages I kidnapped. Lookie here, lover!" I then saw from Dark's point of view… THE MANE 6 TIED IN CHAINS INSIDE A DUNGEON?! "You sick pony! Let them go, they have nothing to do with this!" "Now, now, Ryan. Why would I do that? You have to defeat the Negative 6 first before then, I'll set them free." "Ryan! Help us!" Twilight shouted. I gritted my teeth in anger. "You truly are a monster…" I said. "Now be safe! If you lose, they'll die… Tata!" Then the voice was gone. Dark, you fucking monster, why are you doing this?! "Goddamn it!" I shouted. Thank God, Ray and the others escaped. But then, the Mane 6's lives are at stake! If I lose now, she'll kill Fluttershy with the others! Guess I have to win every fight. "What now?" Dahilia asked. "We'll just have to win every fight. You have to give me tips and tricks to win from the Negative 6. Or else, my friends and my beloved will die with me…" "Well, what are we waiting for?" Lustyshy said. "Let's do this!" 4 more to go. I can't lose any battle now, especially FS's life is on the line. If I get to Dark, I will kill her. Next stop, Shadow Boutique and Helena. > The Joys of Pain and Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XX: The Joys of Pain and Fear "Hey, tell me about Helena." I asked. "Well, she is hard to defeat. She enjoys pain and blood, they're like chocolate and sweets to her." Sanguine… I heard of that word before. It's someone who sees blood and pain as a humorous joke, like a sadist. I had a friend like that once, but he didn't last long. Those people makes me wonder, how many people out there actually love pain? I guess, about a hundred of them. People are weird these days, weird enough to make you confused. I don't understand them. "Well, this is going to be tough." I whispered. Helena likes pain, how am I going to beat her? Maybe the same way what my ring did to Dahilia and Lusty. No, maybe things would be different this time. The two were pretty easy to beat, because the ring did all the work for me, Opening their eyes to the real truth of LOVE and HOPE. I hope she's easy to defeat. "But her weakness is affection; you have to make her feel like you love her. That way, you can beat her easy peasy!" Dahilia spoke. "Thanks for the tip, Dahilia. I'll use that." Lusty gave me directions, "Right here, take a left and then right. Straight forward, and then you can see Shadow Boutique." "Nice, now let's go fight her." Two down, four to go. I ran the direction of Shadow Boutique and stopped and saw my friends. "Ray! My man, thank God you're okay!" I shouted. "Dude! Man, you have no idea what we have been through." Ray replied. Michael patted me in the back, "Nice to see you are fine, Ryan." "Likewise, man." Suddenly, a pony trotted towards me, "So, you're Ryan? Nice to meet you, I'm Silver by the way." "Ryan Wilson." "He's the first human who have ever stepped foot here in Equestria! He's also a super human like me!" Ray added. "Holy crap, that is awesome. I thought I was the first one." "Actually, I'm not super human. I'm actually a normal dude. All people have special abilities and they just have to discover them." "Deep… So deep…" I spoke. "So what were you doing Ryan?" Razor asked. "I'm trying to fight the Night 6 in order to save the Mane 6." "Wait, WHAT?!" They said altogether. "Dark found out that you escaped and got ahold of the Mane 6 as hostage. I have to save them before Dark kills them." "Dude, what should we do?" Michael said nervously, "You have to go someplace safe. This is my fight, I can't afford anyone to be hurt by Dark anymore. I know a place. Let's go…" We walked around Night Forge to go to our destination. A couple of minutes later, we arrived at Green's house. I knocked on the door and opened to see Black Star on the front of the door. "Ryan! Oh, it's great to see you again! How are you?" She hugged me with great joy. "I'm fine, Star. Look, these guys have to stay here. I need to fight the Night 6 and I can't afford to lose them. Can they stay?" "Sure, they can! Is Dark giving you a hard time?" "BIG TIME… She had my other friends and my marefriend as hostage, and I have to defeat the Night 6 to free them before Dark does something bad to them. I defeated the other two; Lustyshy and Dahilia Pie, right now they're in my head. Now, there are 4 ponies to go." "Looks like you're doing great, Ryan! But beware; as you progress, the enemies that you will fight will be more harder than the last…" "I'll do my best, ma'am. Guys, stay here. Black Star and Greenfall will take care of you while I'm gone. If something goes terribly wrong, I'll contact you through my ring." "Understood. Take care, dude!" Michael spoke. I walked away from the cottage and looked back to see them waving back at me. I waved back and continued on my way. "You have nice friends, Ryan." Dahilia spoke. "Yeah, I have. I make pretty good friends." "You must live a pretty good life." Lustyshy added. "Not really. Life sometimes has really sharp curves. If you go too fast, you can hurt yourself and problems will go your way." "Why do you always say these meaningful words anyway?" Lustyshy asked. "I experienced things. Things that I never thought would happen. When those things happened, I learn from it. Never do the same mistakes again and each mistake has an explanation, 'Why did it happen?', 'What was the reason that it happened?'. Once you find the answer, then the answer will define everything. You can use them in your future because it will help you become a better person. We learn from experiences. There, we can make conclusions that we haven't yet really took part of yet." "Wise words from the great Ryan. I'm starting to like you!" Lustyshy proclaimed. Yeah, I was that guy. Even though I learn slowly time to time, I can explain things even though I never did experience them. I learn from what I watch, read, listen, see or do. "Hey, we're here. Looks kind of… Nicer than the previous cottages." "Hey!" They spoke in annoyance. I snickered at them. "Learn to take a joke, guys. Okay, let's go in." I entered the boutique and what I have to say about the interiors are pretty nice. Nice-looking for a nightmare unicorn. Jesus… Suddenly, Helena showed up down from the stairs, "Oh, why hello Mr. Wilson! It's a pleasure to meet you." Then she shook my hand. "Likewise, Helena. Beautiful house you have here." "Why, thank you dear! I do fashion designs for people who like to be fabulous." "Well, that's one nice thing about you that I first ever heard of." "Would you like to see some of my designs?" She asked. "Sure thing! Why not?" "Follow me, deary!" She trotted away from me and stopped suddenly… She looked at me like she wanted to murder me, AND RAPE ME. It sent a chill up my spine, that's the most creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life, until now. "Aaalrighty then… This is not going to be good." I whispered quietly to myself. I followed her; she then stopped at a nearby closet and opened it with her magic. What I saw was the worst thing I have ever imagined after the fucking organ cake at Dark's party. Organs used as fucking decoration for several fabric designs. Not only organs but other body parts and even flesh! I looked away quickly, "Aw alright! I'd seen enough, please close the fucking closet for the love of God!" I shouted. "Why? Isn't it fabulous? It's so revolutionary and beautiful!" "Revolutionary, my butt! Man, this is just sick!" She closed the closet and didn't say anything for a long moment. The atmosphere was tense and heavy, I was beginning to sweat. Something's going to happen, and it's a BAD ONE. I can feel it… She began to laugh hysterically and creepily. I followed to not let things be awkward. "Do you want to play with me?" She asked like she was a 5 year old. My heart began to beat fast, I was bathing in my own sweat. I began to have goosebumps. I tried talking to Lusty and Dahilia, "Sorry, can't help you. You just have to figure this out. We can't interfere with your fights." And then there was nothing, but a tense atmosphere and a crazy mare out to get me. *KTAANG!* And in a quick flash, Helena grabbed a knife and almost sliced me in half. Luckily, I made a shield and blocked the incoming attack. "I WANT YOUR BLOOD, RYAN… GIVE IT TO ME!" She was starting her crazy talk, straight from a bad dream… MINE… "Get off me, you crazy mare!" I pushed her back but she continued to attack me. Swing by swing, I blocked her every move; but each move was more powerful and faster than the last. "Damn it! Take this!" Seeing the opportune moment, I quickly punched her on the face. She was knocked back by the force and laid down on the floor for a while. "Is it over?" I asked. But instead, she laughed. She laughed and laughed like a crazy maniac after me. "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT?!" She yelled at me. I charged at her and punched her harder, she began to spit blood. But it seemed to have no effect on her whatsoever. She stood up and taunted at me, "Come on… Hit me harder! You hit like a mare!" I did a beatdown on her, hit after hit after hit after hit. And she stood up like nothing happened. There were bruises and wounds on her, but still she stood strong. "Damn it, there's no point taking her down with force. She'll just keep taking all of my beatings until eventually, I'll kill her! Unless…" I did some critical thinking on this. Suddenly, I remembered Dahilia's tips from a while ago. Affection is her weakness and using that will grant me more advantages in defeating her. I charged at her, and grabbed her body and slamming her down to the floor. Gaining the upper hand, I massaged her body. I don't know how that's connected to Compassion, but it's all I got. "AGH! Let me go! I will kill you!" She yelled. She struggled at my grip, but I held her tightly so she doesn't get away. I continued to caress her body, cuddling her in the floor. It's those things that I came up that would come up effectively. "I can help you, Helena. You can live in a more happy life with no pain and suffering! You just have to… AGGGH!" Suddenly, my ring glowed violet light. The aura grew bigger and stronger, it engulfed both of us in it. We were lifted up in the air and I was turned into the Indigo Tribe Lantern. Then I began reciting their oath. "In hurtful day, in distressful night Compassion's light is our might, For those who linger in pain and fright, We give you now, COMPASSION'S MIGHT!" The aura grew stronger and Helena's eyes began to glow indigo. It seemed to be working… I then began speak the eye-opening speech, something like that. "Pain is just a mere weakness of everyone. It slows you, brainwashes you and does something to you in every single way, finally ending up to your death; either by your hands, or by the hands of others. Compassion is a strong desire, an emotion of deep concern for others or by you. We help others because they need us, they need our help for them to still live on. They are fellow friends, loved ones and etc. and they need us. We help a GREAT FRIEND IN NEED, either a stranger or someone you know. Do you wish to help your fellow companion, or watch them die a horrible death?" "*grunts* NO! I… DON'T WANT TO… AGH!" The aura was unbelievably more powerful. She finally spoke, "Compassion…" "As you wish… Helena, The Element of Sanguine… You now have the ability to feel great compassion." The aura flew through her. Filling her with the emotion of compassion; When it was finished, the light faded and we were lifted down. I blacked out for a minute due to the energy of the ring. I woke up by a voice calling out to me. "Ryan? Ryan, wake up." Helena shook me up. I opened my eyes to see Helena's worried face. The ring seemed to have changed her ways to a compassionate pony. "Whoa… That was rad…" I said while rubbing my head. I stood up, still dizzy from the ring's effort to exert energy. "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?" Helena asked. "I'm okay. I'm fine… Whew! Alright, 3 down, 3 to go." Something weird happened a while ago. The ring didn't even react early than it used to be, but then, I figured it out. In order to activate the lantern, you have to do something that is connected to that emotion (e.g. Compassion). The early two was just a free taste of easy. The last 6 would be different and more harder. "Can I come with you?" "Sure thing!" Her horn shined, and then she became smoke and disappeared. "Hi, Helena!" Dahilia greeted. "Hello, Dahilia. Hello, Lustyshy!" She greeted back. "Alright. Next is, uhhh… Penumbra Sparkle? The Night Forge Library… Okay, now where is that?" Helena pointed, "It's just right around the corner of here. If you see a really big tree, that's it." "Nice. Thanks. Now let's go fight the other three!" I walked out of the boutique and went for the Night Forge Library. "What are we doing here? We should be helping Ryan fight the Night 6!" Silver said impatiently. "At ease, Silver. Ryan told us that we have to stay here until he defeats all of them." Michael spoke. "He's right Silver, Ryan pleaded us to stay here. Dark assigned Ryan for a reason, and we DON'T wanna join in, maybe she'll find out where we are and capture us again." Razor followed. Silver sighed. They waited for Ryan to defeat all of the Night 6 so that they can join him and somehow fight Dark. It was a city of boredom, they don't know what to do in this condition. "What now?" Ray asked. "Now, we wait. We don't want to get the rest of the Mane 6 killed because of us." Silver replied. "Alright…" "This is it, right?" "Yup! This is the Night Forge Library." Dahilia replied. "Alright, let's go in." *Knock* *Knock* I knocked on the door. The knob turned and it revealed Penumbra Sparkle at the doorstep. "Welcome, Ryan! Come in, please!" She politely asked me to enter. I walked right in and saw that the library has like books of everything. A huge collection of knowledge. I was impressed by this. "What a large library…" "Thanks! I love reading books, that's why I am smart." "Very impressive, Ms. Sparkle." I said very politely. Penumbra Sparkle, the Element of Illusions or Fear. Alright… Guess, whatever scary things she might pop in my face, I better be prepared for it. "So, Penumbra, you run a local library?" "Yes, I do. This also serves as my home." "That makes sense." "So, are we ready to fight, Ryan?" "I need a little rest first, Penumbra. The previous 3 fights I've been into drained a big chunk of my fighting energy." "Alright, Ryan. Feel free to read some of my books." I went to some shelves and grabbed books of my liking. I sat to a nearby chair and read some of it. Normally, I hated books; but to spend my time, I had to read some of it for old time's sake. "You're into Science?" Penumbra asked. "Yeah. I loved Science, it's so interesting if you read all of how all things works or something like that." "That's what makes Science so fascinating." I read the book for 30 minutes. I closed it and placed it back in the shelf, "Hey, Penumbra. Let's—… What the hell?" I noticed that the library is moving, in a swaying motion. I was like on drugs or LSD. I tried to walk but my feet was asleep. "Damn it! What is this?" I cursed. Illusions! That's it! She's using illusions to scare her foe to death. That's why she was called The Element of Illusions! Oh, Ryaaaan…. A creepy voice called my name. I had a guess who that is. "Penumbra! Show yourself!" *giggle* You are weak, Ryan… You will never defeat me. I will bring out your worst fears and kill you with it… A red mist appeared before me. It blinded me of my vision and suffocated me. After the mist cleared, I opened my eyes to see I was back at Ponyville but the town was destroyed. All of it was burned to the ground and destroyed. "What the hell?" I thought. I explored around to see that all of the citizens gathered around on a familiar statue. I hid behind a bush and listened to one of them. "Because of you… You destroyed our home! Our families and friends! All because you wanted to be some kind of hero! You are a failure, RYAN WILSON!" I widened my eyes in shock; Me? Failed all of Equestria and Ponyville? Impossible! I stealthily walked closer to see who was talking. "Celestia? And the rest of the Mane 6?" I whispered. "I thought Ryan was a good person… But I guess we were wrong…" Rarity included. They walked away but Fluttershy remained. I walked towards her. Silently tip-toeing to her to avoid startling her. "Fluttershy?" I whispered. She turned around with her eyes filled with anger and disgust, staring at me. I was scared to even talk to her at this point. "You… What are you doing here?!" She angrily yelled. "What happened here?" "What happened? You're asking me what happened when you're the one who done this?!" "Fluttershy, calm—" "I DON'T WANT TO CALM DOWN! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND MY PETS! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT FAILED!" I took hold of her shoulders and tried to reason with her, "No! I didn't fail. I'm still alive, ain't I? I can fix this!" "How can you fix this if it already happened?!" I paused for a moment, "…I don't know…" "You don't know? Well, you better take a look around you. You did this to us." But then it hit me, the way Fluttershy talked to me was different the way I expected. It was more firm and persuasive. She should've ignored me and cried, screaming 'It's your entire fault' over and over again. "You're not Fluttershy…" "What do you mean?!" It's all an illusion. If there's one thing I know about myself, is that nothing can stand in my way. They'll see me on the top of the mountains victorious. I grabbed her neck and slammed her to the ground, revealing Penumbra Sparkle disguising as Fluttershy and breaking free of the hallucination. "How did you…" she spoke, "I wasn't scared of a little failure…" The ring shined yellow light, "You made me afraid… Now, I'm going to give you a taste of what it's like to be AFRAID…" The aura surrounded her and unlocked her greatest fear. Fear of being forgotten… "NO! No, please! Don't leave me! I'm your friend!" "We were never your friend, Penumbra. You're just an egghead trying to get attention from strangers. LOSER! HAHAHAHAAH!" "No! I am not a loser! I'm sorry, please come back!" "Penumbra…" I called. "Ryan? RYAN! PLEASE HELP ME!" "Listen to me, Penumbra. Fear is a weakness. A weakness that slows us down, eventually we fail. Why do we have fear? To overcome them and be stronger. To overcome fear, you stand strong in front of it and let fear be afraid of you. Let FEAR, fear you… " Penumbra stood up, facing her friends. "I am not an egghead. If it wasn't of our friendship, we wouldn't be alive right now. FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" "Congratulations, Penumbra Sparkle… You have overcome your greatest fear." The yellow aura exploded, returning us to the real world. I opened my eyes to see Penumbra Sparkle lying down on the floor. I stood up and went to her, waking her up. "*grunts* Ryan?" "Wakey wakey, Sleeping Beauty." I mocked. I helped her up on her feet. "Fear is a weakness, huh?" "Yes it is. If you try to think about it, it's only trying to slow us and try to scare us." "You're right… Thanks, Ryan!" "No problem!" I looked at my ring to see that Violet, Blue, Indigo and Yellow has been unlocked. What's left of the ring is Red, Green, Orange, Black and White. I'm almost there "So, alright. 4 down, 2 to go. Next is… Ripperjack. Holy shit, I could tell by the name, she could be really tough to beat." "She is. She's the Element of Death; she'll slice you with her scythe attached to her tail." Helena warned "Death… Wow, that's pretty creepy." "Tell me about it…" "Want to join the others, Penumbra?" "Would I?" Penumbra flashed her horn and disappeared. "Hello, everybody!" Penumbra greeted. "Hello, Penumbra! So, you're scared of us leaving you?" "Oh, shut up…" "Alright everybody! We're down to the final 2! Next destination: Rotten Apple Acres? Okay then…" "Ripperjack will be the second to the hardest. Better watch out for Razor Dash." Penumbra warned me. "Let's do this!" I ran out of the treehouse and ran to where Ripperjack's location is… "Princess, what do we do? This pesky human is tearing down on your subjects!" Wind asked. Dark did nothing but to stare outside of her window. Pondering about Ryan and how to kill him once and for all. "Princess?" Thorn spoke. Dark stared at them for a moment, it filled the two with chills up their spines. Dark's horn shined, and came out a magic beam unto the two body guards, filling them with unimaginable dark energy. Transforming them into super ponies, a much more powerful kind of ponies. "You will fight him after he defeats the final one of the Night 6. Stop him at all costs, understand?!" The two guards are now stronger than ever, "Yes, Princess Dark Fusion…" They flew out of the castle and went to fight Ryan. "… Soon, Ryan… Soon, you will fight me, but not now…" > An Offer I Can't Refuse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XXI: An Offer I Can't Refuse "So, that's why I needed to fight you guys. I can't go home until I get the Mane 6 safe." We're down to the final two, Ripperjack and Razor Dash. Penumbra said they were the most difficult enemies I have to face and somehow, she said that Razor Dash was holding a grudge against me. Lusty added that Razor Dash was a lesbian, and because I was here; they thought that I was grabbing all the mares (Now, why in the wide, wide world would I even do that?). So, she was bound to get me and she won't stop at nothing just to get my blood spilled on her hands. "Interesting, a ring that contains light energy inside? Fascinating, I must know more of it." Penumbra said in awe. Helena added, "So the ring did all the work for you?" "Not exactly, because I have to try to find a way to activate that specific emotion/lantern. Like for example, I caressed Helena because I felt sorry for her. And I conquered my fear of failure and Penumbra conquered hers." "OH NEAT! A ring that could do anything!" Dahlia spoke in excitement. "I wouldn't say that it would do anything. The ring has its limits. I once had a healing factor which made me pretty much immortal but when I wore the ring, it removed it for being far too over-powered." Penumbra asked, "What more abilities do you have, Ryan?" "Hmmm… Let me see here, the last time I used some of my powers was: Super Strength, Increased Agility, and Electricity and Fire coming out of my hands. The OTHER ones were too much for me so they were removed, like the adamantium claws, teleportation, healing factor and the super speed." "Interesting, how powerful do you think the ring has?" She asked more questions. "It's a lot more powerful than I expected, considering in our world; this ring was just a fantasy. But is considered "The Most Powerful Weapon in The Galaxy". But without the other Lanterns unlocked, I can't get to its max power yet." "What colors have you completed?" "Lustyshy: Violet which is Love, Dahlia: Blue which is Hope, Helena: Indigo which is Compassion, and You; Penumbra: Yellow, which is Fear. There are other colors I haven't yet unlocked and I have to defeat some enemies to activate it." "Which is who?" "Ripperjack: Black which is Death, Razor Dash: Red which is Rage. The other ones like Orange with Avarice, Green with Willpower and Finally, White which was the powerful of them all, LIFE." "How fascinating…" "Guys, we're here. I'll be facing Ripperjack now." "Best of luck, Ryan!" "Thanks, I'll need that." The farm was eerily too similar to Sweet Apple Acres, despite that it has grey apples and some rotten to go with. I remember a quote back in my world, "I can say without a doubt, that there are an infinite number of universes. Some are just like our own… but for one or two significant events, exactly the same." Yeah… that makes sense. Except I'm not in a parallel world, it is the same dimension but a some kind of parallel world in the far-end corner of Equestria. Weird… I continued to walk and knock on the house of Ripperjack. But first things first… "Twilight, we just can't lose hope here! We gotta escape this somehow!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The 6 ponies were still trapped in chains inside a dungeon by Dark during Ryan's brawl with the rest of the Night 6. Just like when they were imprisoned by Nightmare Rarity, an old familiar feeling washed over them… The feeling of losing hope. "I…I… I can't, I just can't. The chains are unbreakable and magic proof. We can't escape!" "Now, now darling; How could you say that? We have outrageously gone through various challenges in our journey as friends! Remember that time when we got trapped in a book and because of teamwork, we made our way through with our imagination?" Rarity spoke "Yeah…" "And don't forget about th' time we tried to fight Nightmare Rarity. You're the one that gave us hope, sugarcube! Ya' darn did it!" Applejack added "And OH! How about the time when Chrysalis came back and then you used your magic like 'PEW!' 'PEW!' and then there was a big explosion 'KABOOM!' and then you saved us from those icky green pods?! That was so amazing!" Pinkie shouted. Rarity added, "You see, Twilight. You're the heart and soul of the team, and without you, we wouldn't even know how valuable friendship is! Don't worry, we'll figure this out." "You really think so? "Darn tootin'!" "Yes we do, darling." "Heck yeah!" "YEAH!" "But how will we tell Ryan about… Fluttershy?" "I guess he has ta' know about her." Suddenly, an unknown voice called out to the six. "H—…*bzzzzzzzzt!* Hello… *bzzzzzzzzzt!*G-Guys..." "Huh? Who's that?" "Ooooooohh, a ghosty voice. HI GHOSTY VOICE!" "Twilight, it's me. Can you hear me?" "*gasp* Ryan! Ryan, is that really you?!" "Yeah, it's me. Listen, I'm down to the final two of the Night 6. You'll be home free after I defeat the last one, don't worry." "EEEEEEE! RYAN I MISS YOU SO MUCH! ARE YOU OKAY?" "Yeah, I'm fine Pinkie." "Ryan, I don't think you can trust Dark after from what you did to her." "And I don't think I really can. I was hoping that all of you would've escaped by now." "Don't worry, we got a plan." Twilight assured. "We do?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You do?" "We will eventually, just trust us." "Okay then, I trust you. Where's Fluttershy? I can't sense her presence." Then there was a moment of silence. "Twilight? What happened to her?", there was still silence. "Twilight?!" "Ryan… Dark… transformed her; she made her evil with dark energy inside her. Right now, Dark convinced her that you lied to her, betrayed her. Now she's dead-set on killing you!" "SHE WHAT?! How do you know all this?" "I overheard Dark talking to her bodyguards. She wants to use her in case you defeat the Night 6 to prevent you from ruining her plans." "God damn it, Dark… She has gone too far. Now it has to stop! Right now. If you guys escape somehow, we'll meet at the castle grounds." "Okay. Take care, Ryan." "Take care, inform me about Fluttershy if something bad happens to her. I'll be fighting now." And then the connection was cut. "Come on, girls. We need to—" "Oh lookie here! I found a key suspiciously lying here on the ground! EEEEEEEE!" "Well, that escalated quickly than I thought…" Rainbow Dash sighed. "Come on, Pinkie! Unlock the chains so that we can meet Ryan." "Okie dokie lokie!" "GOD DAMN IT!" I shouted in anger. Dark has gone too far in her actions. HOW COULD SHE TURN FLUTTERSHY INTO AN EVIL KILLING MACHINE! "This is crazy, I can't fight her. I… just can't fight Fluttershy." "Ryan, you have to. Sometime, you have to sacrifice one life to save thousands. Thousands of lives are more important than only one." Penumbra spoke. "No… *sniff* I just can't fight her. I love her too much to do that." I began to tear up. "There there, Ryan. You just have to believe that everything will be okay. But this is life, and this proves as your greatest challenge yet." "You're right… I have to do this, for her. And even though it hurts me more than it hurts her, I have to save my people." "That's the spirit, Ryan! Now, go in there and fight Ripperjack!" *Knock* *Knock* The door opened and I saw an unfamiliar face at the front door. "Hello, sir. I am here to see Ripperjack, is she here?" "Eeyup." He spoke. He must've had a limited vocabulary, which explains it. He invited me in the house and I took a sit on the couch. The house seemed nice enough to compare Dahlia's and Lusty's. Nevertheless, I feel comfy on this couch. While I was waiting for Ripperjack, I thought of a way to fight Fluttershy without hurting her. Wait a minute… Could it be that she is one of the 9 opponents? Max said to go with the flow and the next opponent after Razor Dash could be… FLUTTERSHY! Then the only smart thing to do is depend on what my ring would do to her. I saw Ripperjack with a tray of pie gripped by her mouth and trotted towards me. "So, you must be Ryan, eh? Ahm Ripperjack." "Nice to meet you, Ripperjack." "Care fer' some pie?" "Sure thing. But I guess, whatever its inside shouldn't kill me… Right?" She nodded, I grabbed a knife and sliced a piece of the pie. But before I could even eat the pie, there were MAGGOTS crawling inside of it. "Oh no…" I thought. I refrained from hurting Ripperjack's feelings, so I didn't have a choice but to eat it. No matter how fucking disgusting this is. "*nom nom* Mmmmm… Delicious!" I lied. I gagged a bit from the maggots in my mouth, thinking about it makes me wanna puke so hard. "Why thank you, rottencube! It's made with a special ingredient o' mine. And I see you met mah brother, Big Windows! You can call him Big Win if you want to." As she was turning around, I saw the opportunity and spit out the pie outside of the window. It horribly traumatized me. "I…*hurl* don't know what rottencube means. But you're very *gag* welcome!* "So, ya' ready to fight?" "Yeah… I think I'm ready." "Come with me, rottencube." She said as I stood up from my seat and followed her. We eventually ventured outside towards the barn. I have a feeling that she's similar to Applejack but with rotten apples as fruits. AND THE ELEMENT OF DEATH. "Alrighty then, let's do it while the night's still young." I whispered. We stopped at the doorstep of the barn when suddenly, the door opened to see a negative version of Applebloom. "Hiya mister! Mah name's Applewither." "Uhhh… Hi, Applewither? Nice… name. My name's Ryan." "Umm, Applewither… Can we go in?" Ripperjack asked. She nodded, we entered the barn and I saw a variety of weapons on the walls. Different types: Swords, knives, maces and the list goes on. "Choose your weapon. When you're finished, let's fight." She instructed. I looked at some of them, neither one of them suits my style. But only one caught my attention… "This one…" I said. "That? That's just an old felling axe, rottencube! You can't possibly use that in battle!" "I can… and I will." To show her what I meant, I spun the axe with my hands with incredible speed and agility. I kept spinning and spinning the axe to add more momentum to it. "You're just spinning the axe! Now, how would that—" *CRACK!* "*huff* *pant* *huff* Never… underestimate me" "Did you just…" "Yeah… I did… split this wood in half…" "IN ONE SINGLE STROKE?!" Penumbra shouted in utter awe. "Yeah…" "Ah have never seen such strength before in my life… How'd you do it?" "Hey, if you have something that caught your attention, you know that you'd do the same." "Okay then, rottencube. Let's go outside, keep the axe if you want." "Alright…" We went outside of the barn and got into fighting stance as soon we are ready. The wind breezed through my hair as I focused on Ripperjack, getting prepared for the upcoming attacks… Suddenly, she grew a scythe on her tail. "What in the…?" I said unbelievably. I saw that she grew impatient of the waiting and charged at me… I tightened my grip on the axe… *KTAANG!* She lunged at me with great speed but was never fast enough for me. I blocked her scythe before it could even slice me in half. "You sure do know how to use the axe, Ryan…" *KLANG!* "You trying to taunt me, Ripperjack?" *KTANG!* "No, but I do want to kill you Ryan!" I recoiled back when suddenly, Ripperjack summoned some kind of minions. Guess the axe could be useful after all. "I AIN'T STUPID, RYAN! I CAN SUMMON THOUSANDS OF THE UNDEAD AND KILL YOU WITH IT!" "I doubt that. Bring the pain!" I taunted. I stand against 50 of those undead ponies, but none of them would stop me from reaching Dark. "50 against one? Let's even out the odds, shall we?" Then the undead charged at me, a whole heap of them running towards me. Whatever shall I do? *SLASH!* *SLASH!* *KRRKKK!* *More sounds of heads and body slashes* Swinging… Endless swinging of a weapon, endless spilling of blood, endless killing… How does this have to go on? How long can I take this road… *SLASH* …this path of righteousness? *KRRRKKK* I wanted everything to end right now… Let's try DEATH… I then recited the oath of the Black Lanterns, "The Blackest Night falls from the skies, The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, By my black hand, the dead shall rise!" "GRAAAAHHH!" A black colored aura came out of the ring. It seems that the Black Lantern has been activated… This is gonna be one hell of a ride. "RIPPERJACK! YOU MUST DIE!" I shouted under the influence of the Black Lantern. Out of nowhere, I feel a sudden strong desire of killing Ripperjack. "What in the hay…" I charged at Ripperjack with powerful strength, knocking back most of my surroundings. I raise my axe high into the sky, and then I… *SLASH!* …beheaded her. I swung my axe at her cold, pale body several times; Brutally murdering her… The aura somehow made it into her consciousness. Maintaining her life signs and tapping into her memories. "Hello? Is somepony there?!" Ripperjack called out. "Greetings, Ripperjack…" "Ryan? Ryan, is that you?" "Tell me, Ripperjack… Why do you love death?" "Huh? Why do I love death? I searched for days, months, years, and decades trying to find the meaning in Death. Every time I kill someone, I look them in the eye. Like there was something leaving them… a hidden meaning inside, there is more than meets the eye." "You were simply wasting your own time finding nothing, Ripperjack. There is no meaning in death. Life has a lot of meanings. A whole lot of them as you live longer. And all those years of searching, it was all for nothing. Death ends Life, it means that you ended everything you ever did, see, hear, touch and etc.. You just kept searching and searching until you found something, but turns out to be nothing but empty. In life, you can feel joy, happiness, love and friendship. You will be happy in life, but in death… There is darkness everywhere. And there's nothing you can ever do about it, for the rest of your afterlife. So, I'll give you a choice… Death? Or Life…" "NO…*grunts* I'M STILL NOT DONE YET SEARCHING… IT CAN'T BE ALL FOR NOTHING!" "Death or Life? One choice to change everything… To live in life with friends and happiness or to search all for nothing…" "No… please…I can't—GAH!" "Only one choice is all I need…" She then calmed down and then I let her choose. "I choose… Life…" "You have made the right choice, Ripperjack. Congratulations, You now have the ability to embrace life. Welcome…" The Aura dispersed. I opened my eyes and somehow, the ring brought her back to life; healed her of every single major and minor lacerations and her head back in place. I walked towards her and helped her up. "*grunt* Agh… Mah head is poundin' like a beast!" She spoke while rubbing her head. "Hey, Ripperjack… Still want to kill me?" I asked, and she shook her head. I gave her a sweet smile while she blushed. "Here, let me help you up… There, feel better?" I asked. "Yeah… Thanks… I never thought it to be that way. Death having no meaning, I gave up everything just to find that meaning…" "You'll find more exciting things as long as you live. Trust me. So, okay… One last enemy to face, thank God we're going to be home… free. Wait, what in the wide, wide Equestria is that?" I pointed to where I saw something; a mare with unbelievable anger is trotting towards the barn. "Oh no… It's Razor Dash! And she's really really mad!" "You better be prepared for her, Ryan. She's the strongest of us all." "Well then…" I grew a smirk. "RYAN WILSON! COME OUT RIGHT NOW AND FACE ME YOU COWARD! I WILL NEVER LOSE TO A MARE HOGGER LIKE YOU!" I charged my ring with the battery. Somehow, I felt the rage in her heart. And it was enough to attract Red Lanterns and try to convince her to join them. Yet, I have never felt this much rage in my whole life… And this proves to be a something more harder than the rest. I walked out of the house to face Razor. And now I stand before her in front of Rotten Apple Acres. "You finally come to show, coward?" "I am no coward, Razor. You underestimate me like the others." "Let's see about that, shall we?" "LET'S DANCE!" We charged at each other with unimaginable strength. Somethings doesn't bode well... > The Final Countdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XXII: The Final Countdown "LET'S DANCE!" We charged at each other with our greatest strength. *KABOOM!* I was knocked back far into the barn, who knew that Razor Dash was this powerful? I stood up and cleaned myself. Only to see Razor Dash flying towards me and punched me hard in the face. Hit after hit, she beat me without even breaking a single sweat. "YOU TRY TO COME HERE AND STEAL ALL THE MARES?! YOU IDIOT!" *KA—* "Denied…" I grabbed her fist, "Listen to me, I don't want to steal those mares. I don't WANT THEM AND NEVER WILL!" I kicked her in the stomach, causing her to be knocked back. I grabbed my axe and tightened my grip on it. "You and your stupid hunger for lust! I can't stand to get near you! AND YOU EVEN TRY TO KILL ME FOR NO REASON! *WOOSH!*" "*CRACK!* WHOA! I came here also to beat the living daylight out of you! It's been a long time since I wanted to kill you!" "FAIR ENOUGH! *CRACK!*" "But I am not alone!" She pushed me back with her hind legs when I was trying to hit her with an axe. "AGHKKK! Damn it!" I ran towards her and tried hurting her with the axe, but she was faster now. She dodged every swing of the axe. She saw the opportunity to knock me, and she took it. I was dizzy, and now she pummeled me harder and harder, letting out all of her rage inside on me. I stood lying on the on the ground, weak to even move. "It's over, Ryan… I win and you lose. Say goodbye to your friends!" Then a sudden feeling engulfed me, an unfamiliar feeling… It felt somehow, right but somehow, wrong also. I wanted to kill her, I wanted to break her of her every single bones. All these desires were all pointed to her, and now… I wanted everything to end right here, RIGHT NOW! "Not yet…" A powerful red energy blast knocked Razor Dash like a mile away. It gave me time to recover from the beatings she gave me. Bruises, wounds… gone and healed. This emotion that I am feeling right now was… "RAGE… GRRRRRAAAAGGGHHHHHH!" I began to recite the Red Lantern's Oath, "With blood and rage of crimson red, Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, We'll burn you all— That is your FATE!" The ring's power was pure hatred, hatred that is kept inside me for a long time. It made me vomit blood, lots and lots of blood. "You have great rage in your heart." A voice called out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Another energy blast was produced. I stood strong, with this… new power I had triggered by my current emotion. "What the… hay?" Razor Dash spoke. Penumbra gasped, "*gasp* It's…" "The Red Lantern!" "Hah! That won't hurt me at— OOFFFF!" I hit her back like a freight train. "RaZoR dAsH! YoU mUsT dIe!" I said in a distorted voice. So, this is the real power of the Red Lanterns. I charged every energy I have on her; Hit by hit, jab by jab, energy blast by energy blasts. I was faster than her, faster than light. I gave her everything I had in me. All I had in my mind was… Fluttershy. I can't stop thinking about her, even when I fight. I want her to be safe. "Please…" she begged *WHACK!* "…stop…" *POW!* "No more…" *CRACK!* I held my fist up high, but hearing those words made me doubt myself… from what I did today. Am I some kind of monster? Is this what I have become? I froze for a second; Fluttershy would never want me to be like this… this… some kind of monster. I would never hurt people, I protect them. No matter what the cost, I would risk my life for them. I deteriorated to my normal form. I was extremely exhausted from the beat down. But when I looked at Razor Dash… guilt washed over me, I almost did kill her. (For Ripperjack, that was intentional.) "*huff* *pant* *huff*… I'm... I'm sorry…" "Please… no more… I beg of you…" "I… I am so sorry, Razor Dash…" A red aura came out of my ring and surrounded Razor Dash. It raised Razor Dash up and cured her of her injuries, making her well again. It lowered her finally, and the aura disseminated. But one thing that was missing was the "eye-opening speech." Maybe it wasn't required after all. "Uhhh… What happened? I think I hurt my head or something…" She assumed. I looked at my ring to see 5 colors are still there, but one was missing. But then, I remembered; Black isn't a color, it's a neutral. It doesn't count as a color but it did complete one part of the ring, the middle curved part. I guess there are 3 left to go… I walked over Razor Dash and talked to her, "Razor Dash, are you okay?" "Y-Yeah… I think so. My head is aching though." "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You don't feel anything strange at all?" "No, not really." "Good! Finally, I've defeated all of the Night 6." The other 4 ponies came out of my head and manifested in the material plain. "Congratulations, Ryan! You have defeated us all! It's time for you to face Dark. And we'll gladly help." "Wait what?" "We are actually against Dark. We don't have a choice because she'll kill us if we don't cooperate, so this is the opportunity to fight the evil princess once and for all." "Well, that's great! I could use some help from you guys." "But the question is, how will we use our special elements since you stripped us of it?" I pondered on this for a moment. Suddenly, the ring beeped in the 6 colors that I have achieved. Red, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Black. And then, I realized something. "Remember what my ring did to you? Instead of removing your old elements, it replaced it with new ones! Penumbra, since you conquered your fear; your element will be the Element of Willpower." "Helena, you felt great compassion when you saw that I was lying on the ground and helped me (But actually, I was fine). Yours will be the Element of Compassion." "Dahlia Pie, I made you feel what it's like to be living in great joy and happiness again and never giving up. Just look to the stars for hope burns bright! Thus, giving you the Element of Hope." "Ripperjack, you realized that in Death, there is no meaning behind it. Life is more valuable than Death and Life has meanings that you can use in the future. You have the Element of Life." "Lustyshy, you realized that love is a special feeling and sex is just an act. Love has its own perks but Lust will just give you tons of problems. You have the Element of Love." "And finally, Razor Dash; you realized that rage or wrath can't get you anywhere. The more rage is in your heart, the more evil you become. Vengeance was just something that makes you weak, and fulfilling it will do nothing. It won't give you peace, I should know. You now have the Element of Peace." "Sweet! I always wanted a new element!" Razor Dash exclaimed. "Yeah! You said it, girl!" Dahlia followed. "Hey, Ryan. When you said I have the Element of Life, does that mean I get ta' bring other to life?" "No. You can't just mess with life and death that easily. You have to help others that say life is worthless, somethin' like that." "AH LIKE IT!" The ring transformed them into new ponies, ponies whose purpose has changed with the aid of the ring. Now the only thing left to do was to head for Night Forge castle, and hope for the best… I called Ray and the others for them to hear the good news, "Ray? Ray, it's me. Good news, all of the Night 6 has been defeated. Meet me at the castle, ASAP." "Really? That's good to hear! Ok, we'll meet you there." And then they were gone. "Good, let's get to the castle and face Dark. Once… and for all…" "Everybody, let's move. We'll rendezvous with Ryan at the castle grounds." Ray announced. "That's good to hear, 'bout time we move out." Silver sighed. The rest of the men readied their selves to meet Ryan at the castle. But as soon as they were reaching for the door, a familiar pony blocked the door. "Where are you going, handsome?" Red Thunder asked. "Oh no… It's Dark's sister, Red Thunder!" Ray shouted. "Aww, you remember me! How sweet of you… NOW COME HERE!" "Move out of the way, Red. You don't want to get in our way." Silver demanded. But Red wouldn't listen, she gets what she wants. "Bring it! I WANT YOUR HUMAN STICK DEEP INSIDE MY PONY HOLE!" "{Damn, this pony has a serious heat going on. Should we knock her out?}" Silver asked. "{Go ahead. Knock the hell out of her}" Ray replied. Silver walked up to her and summoned Lightning's Edge. "YES! MAKE LOVE TO ME! FILL ME WITH— *SMACK!*" Red took a blow by Silver's Lightning Edge using the blunt side to prevent from injuring her. "Stay down." Silver demanded. "God damn these ponies and their hunger for lust. They just won't stop!" Razor bawled. "They'll stop if you just give them a good, swift knock to the dome." "That works too." "There's no time to waste! Let's go meet Ryan now. Let's move!" So far, so good. Things right now have been going good, the Mane 6 are okay (excluding FS), I won against the Night 6 and they will help me fight Dark; and Silver and the others are on their way to the castle. The next smart thing to do was to us to meet up at the castle and find a way to beat Dark. If only I could unlock the other three colors, I maybe—… *KRAKOOM!* In a distance, a large beam just appeared from inside the castle to the skies; forming one big portal into some kind of another dimension. I was frozen in horror, it's happening… What I feared is already happening this moment! Dark has just begun creating the portal to Earth! "Oh no, it's happening… We better get there fast right now! Dark's creating the portal and we need to stop her!" "Then what are we waiting for?" Razor Dash asked. We ran to the castle as fast as we can. We must stop Dark at all cost, before she kills us all… "Where's Ryan? It's been half an hour already. My feet are starting to ache because of all of these waiting!" Rarity complained. The 5 waited for Ryan to come but time has passed and he hasn't arrived yet to the castle grounds. "Will you stop complaining, Rarity? Why don't you just sit there?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Ugh! Sit here in this disgusting dead grass? Over my dead body!" "Girls! We'll just have to keep waiting until he comes. We don't want to get caught by Dark." Twilight requested. "She's right, everypony. We'll stay low until he comes." Applejack followed. "SHHH! Someone's coming! Everypony hide!" They hid inside a bush. Twilight peeked and saw two guards talking to each other. "Wait, I sense something…" "What is it?" "I sense a presence near us…" The guard snooped around the area for a minute. Twilight's heart began to beat faster. He trotted towards the bush, when suddenly, another guard interrupted: "TOXIN! SCORN! The princess wants to talk to you." Twilight felt relieved, the guards returned to the castle, ignoring the 5. They went out their hiding spot and continued to wait. Suddenly, Ryan called, "Twilight, it's me Ryan." "Ryan! Where are you? We've been waiting for an hour now!" "Sorry 'bout that. Are you seeing this right now?" "Yeah, you have to get here fast." "Don't worry, I'm right at the gates right now. I'll be seeing you." "Guys! Thank God, am I glad to see you!" I shouted. The look on the 5's face widened, they galloped towards me and hugged me tight. "Heh, you missed me that much?" "You have no idea, darling!" Rarity uttered. "So, these are the Night 6?" Twilight asked. I nodded, "They're just like you, but different in looks and elements." "That is so… fascinating!" she exclaimed. "You said it!" Penumbra followed. "Is it bad if I say this is really weird and disturbing?" Rainbow questioned. "You're not the only one." Razor Dash replied. *KRAKAKOOM!* The thunder became louder and louder. Something wicked this way comes, but the way I see it, this is something I should take responsibility for it if I did fail. Things have been going worse, and I couldn't say I'm sorry I missed the show. "Ryan, we need to go right now." Razor said. "Ok people and ponies, if we're going to go inside the castle, then we are going to need a carefully strategized plan. And I know just the guy who can do that." I pointed at Michael. If it's one man that knows how to break inside the castle, it's him. Michael is one of those people whose IQ is like over 200 or something like that, and those guys like him are fit for these situations. "Ok, then… Gather around and listen. This is going to be tricky as hell." "THEY FAILED! HOW COULD THEY FAIL? THEY ARE ONE WHO SAVED OUTER-EQUESTRIA FROM ALL DANGER! HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY FAIL ON A SIMPLE TASK?!" Dark shouted. "It seems that they were easily defeated by some kind of new magic, the one that that human wears on his 'fingers'." Toxin replied. "It's Ryan's ring! I should have known from the start! Curse that blasted human… You two, where are they now?" "They are… Huh?" "What is it, Scorn?" "I can't sense them anymore! What did Ryan do to the bracelet…" "YOU IDIOTS! SEARCH THEM BEFORE THEY GET HERE!" Princess Dark shouted. "Yes, princess." Toxin and Scorn exited the throne room. Out of nowhere, a mysterious pony approached the throne. "And as for you…" "Yes… Master." An unknown voice called. "If they fail…You know what to do." "Kill Ryan… because he lied… he betrayed me… THAT MONSTER WILL PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!" "Very good… FLUTTERSHY. Mwahahahahah!" "Understand?" We all nodded. "Alright then, let's go." We stealthily entered the castle unnoticed. Passing several groups of guards while we were sneaking was the smart thing to do. Break in, fight guards, free Fluttershy and fight Dark was my idea of a smart move, guess I wasn't that smart. "{Ok, guys… We're almost to Dark's throne room, we just need to—" Michael's sentence was interrupted when two ponies found us. "Stop right there, fools!" "We found them, isn't this nice Toxin?" "Indeed it is, Scorn…" Somehow, those two ponies seemed awfully familiar. And then, I recognized their faces. I noticed them from the party; they were looking at us at the balcony after that really disgusting reveal of that cake. When I glanced on the nearest window, they were looking at us like they wanted to murder us so bad. I saw them talking to each other while I were trying to break in the castle trying to save Razor. "What are we going to do with the other humans, Wind? That human chained in the dungeon?" "We're going to wait for the princess' instructions. We don't want to be excited, now would we, Thorn?" "Hmm… You're right." "Indeed, I am…" "Wind, Thorn? The Princess wants to see you." "Finally, let's go…" The other one, I scared him when I was under the influence of the Red Lantern while I was being controlled by Green. But looking at them right now tells me something really bad is going to happen. They were pumped up to go 20 rounds with a mutant monster. "Hold on… I recognize you two!" "Wait, you know them, Ryan?" Razor asked. "I do, Wind and Thorn! They're Dark's bodyguards!" "THERE IS NO WIND AND THORN ANYMORE! THERE IS ONLY TOXIN AND SCORN!" "Ryan, you and the others go. We'll handle this." Silver requested. "Are you sure you can do this?" "Can your ring turn me back into my human form?" I nodded, and then I pointed my ring to him and a white light shone upon him. It diminished him back to his human form. He was like about the same as my age but a little older than me. "Duuuuude… How old are you?" Ray asked. "I'm about 20 years old. Ray, Razor and Michael will stay with me. You and the ponies should go ahead and fight Dark." Suddenly, my ring beeped in orange light. "No, I… I mean, we have to fight them." "What? Why?" Silver asked. "They are one of the 9 opponents that I have to face in order to finish the parts of this ring. This ring is the reason why fighting the Night 6 was made easier for me, it even changed their elements! All I need to fight now is 3. Toxin and Scorn are one of them. And I need to fight them in order to finish this ring." "Ok, so… the ponies can help us if they want. Let's go!" The fight started fast. The two super ponies charged at us in high speed and then… I was dodging magic like raindrops. We were losing; Toxin and Scorn were stronger than I thought. They aren't even breaking a single sweat and they're still stand strong. They like copied our every move and used it against us. This is an unfair fight. "Agh! They're copying our every move! We can't defeat them in these conditions!" Michael shouted. "What should we do?" Ray asked. I looked at my ring, "I'm going to do something…" "What is it, Ryan?" Twilight asked. "If they can copy our moves, I'm going to do something that they CAN'T copy. Leave everything to me." I concentrated on my ring and tried to ignite the emotion of Greed… Avarice, as to call it formally. And then suddenly, I felt something. The emotion that Toxin and Scorn were feeling was the same, Greed! An orange light covered my whole body and turn me into the Orange Lantern. So far the Red Lantern was the worst that I have ever been into. I hope the others don't make me lose control. "Hehehe… Hehehahahah… HAHAHAHAHA! MINE! EVERYTHING IS MINE!" I laughed hysterically. I had an urge to get everything that I want… including their powers. "Toxin… What is this?" "It's that ring. It defeated the Night 6 with ease but I don't think it can defeat us too, Scorn." "Well, then let's rip his body to pieces!" I was still laughing hysterically, saying words like 'It's mine! Everything is mine!'. But as soon as Toxin and Scorn came near me, I took hold of them using the ring's light construct and absorbed their powers. And then I called Silver and the others to finish the job, "HIHIHIHAHAH—ACK! *pant* Silver, kick their butts! But don't kill them!" "With pleasure, Ryan." Silver tightened his grip on his scythe and hit them using the blunt edges of the scythe. "Michael?! A little help here?" Michael concentrated on his demonic powers. "GRRRAAHHH! Finally, I get to use this. Thank you, G-Men!" Michael fought them with all his best with the use of his demonic powers. He's about 10x powerful in his form, not only he's powerful but also smart! Punch after punch, the two ponies grew weaker and weaker and can't fight back anymore. After it's finished, Silver said his words to them, "Try to stop us again… And I'll break your neck…" I, still in my Orange Lantern form, walked towards them. The orange aura overwhelmed them. And then I got to speak to them. "I feel greed in your hearts… You desire the love of mares; do you, Wind and Thorn?" "And what's it to you? They wanted you so badly, there's no mares left for us to grab!" "Wind's right. You were hogging all the mares. So we gathered some of the colts and stallions who are against you to form an 'Anti-Human' Act to remove you from Outer-Equestria forever!" "Don't you see? Greed is just something that ruins you; it destroys you slowly until you get insane and mad. Too much is too bad. Once you go past the point of no return, you can't go back anymore. Unless you still have some consciousness left in you. If you're just looking for someone to love, why not choose one? That very special somepony that ignites that fire in your heart will do. You can't just try to run around and have sex all day. You should learn from Lustyshy over here." "Ummm… Ryan? Please call me, Lovelyshy." LS requested. "…Lovelyshy over here. Why don't you be generous for a change, you know that being generous can get you anywhere, you should learn that from Rarity over here too. Listen, what I see in you is full of opportunities. Full of things that you can do well with our help. Now I'm going to let you choose. Do you want to continue this senseless act of greed? Or be generous, give those who are in need instead of steal from them?" There was a long pause, I gave them time to think this through. Finally, they spoke. "I want to be generous…" "Me too…" "Excellent choice, Wind and Thorn. You are dismissed." The orange aura dispersed and disappeared. Everything went back to normal for the two ponies. "How many are there of this Anti-Human Act?" I asked them. "About a thousand." "Dismiss them. Don't want things to be worse that it is, now would we?" They shook their heads, "Be careful, there's still one enemy you have to fight before facing Dark. I heard that she has a pretty much a big advantage against you." Thorn warned. "I know who that is. And I'm willing to take the risks…" "Good luck, Ryan." The two ponies wished me luck and galloped outside the castle. "Come on, guys. Let's do this…" This was something I should have seen long before… That I was going to fight my loved one. Some say I should just give up everything and walk away. But billions of lives are at stake here, and it's my fault that this happened. So far, I've gone past the point of no return. I've already gone too far that I don't know what it looked like when I passed it. And it's my responsibility to end this nightmare once and for all. I have this power, and I have the responsibility… I reached for the door knob. Suddenly, all hell broke loose. *BOOM!* "AGGHHHH!" The door bursted and the force knocked us back far into the wall. I opened my eyes but my vision was too blurry, but the figure that I saw walked near me. Her fur was dark yellow; her mane was a darker shade of pink and black clothing… I had the scariest guess who that pony is… "*cough* Fluttershy?" > Power and Responsibility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XXIII: Power and Responsibility Fluttershy grabbed me by the neck with great strength and somehow, she's stronger than me! I can't even break free of her grip. I struggled even more but to no use, I look into her eyes and all I see was hatred… pure hatred. My God… What did she done to her? Dark used her magic to encase every one of my friends in a cage made of dark magic. I tried my effort to speak to her, "F…Flut… Fluttershy… Ack! Stop!" "You… YOU MONSTER!" She threw me into the throne room. I grunted, I looked up to see Dark… grinning smugly. And then I noticed something at the center of the throne room. A black orb that's been giving black aura into the sky up above. It's what's been supplying the portal with energy to keep it open! "*cough!* Agh…" I stood up but suddenly, I took a blow to the face. I tried to get my ring to work but somehow, it can't. She charged at me again, but I avoided it. "Fluttershy, I don't want to hurt you!" "YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE YOU DID!" Twilight's right, she did hypnotize her. But how can I undo that without hurting her. I tried to make a light construct but Dark saw this and disabled my ring. Well, that taught me a lesson never to use the same powers at the same time. "HAH! You think that your ring could save you from her? You imbecile fool! "Damn it! I know what Dark said about me but she's hypnotizing you!" "SHUT UP!" She shot me with an energy beam near me. I ran towards her dodging every blast and pinned her to the ground. "Listen to me! Remember the time when I said I'll still love you no matter what happens? Whatever Dark said, it's all lies! I would never leave you! I love you Fluttershy, I will always do!" I think my confession to her was working, she started to calm down. "Fluttershy, you have to fight it. Don't give in to the dark energy!" "NO!" I was knocked back into the wall. "Come on, ring… *cough* Do something!" *WHOOSH!* "Gah!" "ENOUGH!" She shouted. I felt her energy becoming more and more stronger. She lunged at me and then her punch hit me like a 6-ton truck. I tried to fight back but I can't. I defended myself from her, every hit and strike but she was stronger. If there's one pony out there that actually is there for me and gave a spark inside my heart, it's her. Life just keeps throwing these decisions, and then suddenly, comes a point where I suddenly give up everything. No more… Like all the bad things in my life, I can't get everything to be right and in order. I'm just an average teenager, who wishes to be a part of something extraordinarily bizarre. But who was I to talk, a teen just one step closer to being a hero, ultimately fails because he unsuccessfully can't fight his beloved one. This is what I see when I look back. These moments, blinding as snow, they kill you, change you. You die and live again, remade. "ACK!" I am weak… "OOF!" I failed everyone… "AGH!" But I still love her no matter what… I love you… "*SKLOORP!* AGHHCKKK…." I looked at her, anger still in her eyes… She was so beautiful… "RYAN! NOOOOO!" Twilight shouted. Crimson red blood dropping through my stomach, her fist went through my stomach… "Finally…" She whispered. "Ryan's… dead…" Ray uttered. Dark laughed, she finally got what she wanted. My DEATH. My blood on her floor… my corpse in front of her… All I had was my ring… "Now die in hell…" I used my best to speak, "Fluttershy… No matter what happens… I… still love you…" "Huh? Ryan?" *Thump!* My corpse lay down on the floor, cold and lifeless. Dark clapped slowly, "Hahahaha! Congratulations, my servant. You have done well!" Upon hearing those words that I said, she let out one tear… and then she tried to break free of the spell. "NO! Please! AH!" "You know that I still love you right?" "NO!" "I'll never leave you…" "I…" "Will you still love me in the morning?" "Ryan…I… love you too…" *FLASH!* My ring suddenly flashed in green light. The green light turned into an aura and engulfed Fluttershy, it covered her and suddenly; the green aura broke her free of the spell. Then the green aura went back into my ring, finally ending… She looked at her surroundings and then looked at me and gasped. "RYAN!" She galloped towards me and hugged my body tight. "Ryan, I heard your words… I heard you said that you will always love no matter what happens. I'm sorry… I am so sorry… I love you too… Please don't leave me!" She cried and sobbed. She looked at me and gave me one last a kiss… *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* The ring beeped. Unexpectedly, the green aura lifted me up into the air. It covered my entire body, completely healing my wounds and any major and minor wounds. And then I began reciting the oath of the Green Lanterns: "In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power,— Green Lantern's LIGHT!" In the end, it created a shock wave. The ring itself, resurrected me from my death… Almost unbelievable. It lifted me down back to the ground. "Whoa… That was awesome!" "Ryan!" Fluttershy shouted in a quiet voice and hugged me. "Ryan! Help us!" Rarity and the others shouted. I saw the others trapped in some kind of bubble cage. "GAH! You failed me once again! No matter… GUARDS! SEIZE THEM!" "Oh no you don't!" I used my ring to break the others free of the bubble, "Ryan, we'll take care of the guards. You go after Dark." I nodded. Suddenly, the ring vibrated uncontrollably. I looked at it to see the final part is finished, it started to vibrate even more. Then, the ring shined brightly in white; "This is it…" The light blinded everyone. The light covered my body again, this time…the ring started talking. The voice sounded familiar, until I recognized who it is. "Congratulations, you have completed the Ring of The White Lantern." "Max?" The ring started to change color, First is Red, "You have great rage in your heart." Orange, "You want it all…" Yellow, "You have the ability to instill great fear to others." Green, "You have the ability to overcome great fear." Blue, "You have the ability to instill great hope." Indigo, "You have the ability to feel great compassion." Violet, "You have great love in your heart." Black, "You have the ability to shower death upon others." "Yet there is one left. Go for it, Ryan." That was the time the final battle of all began; a war between the forces good and evil, the battle between us and Dark, light versus darkness. Is this what I'm here for? "YOU'LL NEVER WIN, RYAN! I WILL CONQUER EARTH!" "We'll see about that!" Was I sent here to protect everypony and everyone? Is this my destiny? It sounds crazy enough for some fellow human to believe. Believe it or not, this happened. It wasn't a dream or a hallucination, but fate. The orb is starting to open the portal to Earth, we were running out of time. The others were still busy fighting an army of guard ponies. I was still fighting Dark, she was stronger. I have to say, we were almost evenly matched. ALMOST… "DARK! Stop this! You're trying to make 7 billion human beings as slaves, they have a life to live and you can't just take it away from them!" "HA! What do I care about them and what do you care?! HAHAHAHA!" "I care because I am responsible for all of this! I started all of this and if I fail, I'll be blamed for everything! I remember a saying at my place, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' And I will stop you from enslaving us all!" Just when you thought you had reached the deepest depths of horror, it suddenly got worse. How to turn off that small voice inside your head that started to whisper that you should be glad … that now, if not before, your actions was justifiable on any conceivable moral scale. That small voice proved, beyond any doubt, that I was damned. But not yet… "YOU CAN'T WIN THIS ONE, RYAN!" "Maybe, but I can make damn sure none of you do either!" I wanted all of this to end, but it was only just the beginning. Since I have my friends, I'll be a man with nothing to lose. My eyes glowed in a white color, I shouted, "ENOUGH!" I created a shockwave powerful enough to knock Dark unconscious for a while. "Stay down." I turned around to see the others already done. The orb became more stronger and stronger and slowly opening the portal to Earth. I looked at Penumbra and shouted, "PENUMBRA! How do I stop this?!" She galloped towards me, "There was a legend that four chosen ones can only stop the orb with the use of their choice of weapons." "Who are the chosen ones?" "I don't know! That's all I know!" I quickly ruminated on this, and then suddenly I got an idea. "Ray, Michael, Razor! Get over here, quick!" "What is it?" Ray asked. "I need you to grab your chosen weapons and jam it into the orb." Michael concentrated on his demon powers and summoned a sword, "Nice, I got this. It was my only 'friend' when I tried to escape the government." Razor pulled out his combat knife, "This was given to me by… someone really close to me." "Ray? What about you?" I asked. Ray looked around the room and set his eyes on something, "This spear is wicked! I'll use this." And finally, I grabbed my axe, "OKAY! Everybody on three, jam your weapons into the orb." 1! 2! AND 3! *WHAKOOSH!* The orb sent us back flying into the wall, as soon as I hit the wall… I blacked out. I opened my eyes to see that I was at another place, some kind of white room with black dots in it. I walked around the room and saw Michael at a distance; I tried calling his attention and noticed me and ran towards me. "Dude! Where are we?" He asked. "I don't know. Let's find the others and—" I saw a figure walking towards us with Ray and Razor, I had a big feeling it was Max. "There is no need, Ryan. I have them here." He spoke. "Max! Thank God, can you explain why we're here?" I asked. "Congratulations Ryan, you did it. You saved the Earth and Equestria." "Huh? How?" "You destroyed the orb. And you stopped Dark, but there is something that you should know." We all asked what is it, Max explained, "While I was watching all of you, I saw something on all of you that struck me. In all of your adventures and doings, you ignited the long lost elements of Equestria. The Elements of Heroes. These Elements are created by Celestia and Luna, long before the Nightmare Moon incident, for those who showed true heroism; either the chosen ones are ponies or outsiders. But no-one has ever did showed true heroism, you 4 are the only ones the showed what heroism is all about." Max began to walk towards each one of us, "The four of you showed what it means to be a true hero. First, Michael, who showed great Leadership and Excellence. When you got your team to safety after grabbing Ryan's power battery and helped everyone to get in the castle to face Dark, you showed that a great leader has its own benefits and downfalls, but never let anything get the best of you. You are an intelligent man, Michael. Keep it that way. "Ray, who showed great Courage and Determination. When you were held prisoner, you never gave up and escaped the dungeon. You have the guts of steel whenever you get stuck between two big stones, and you showed that let not those two stones over-whelm you. Never give up, Ray. That is the important of all. Don't be afraid of fear; let fear be afraid of you." "Razor, who showed Integrity and Kindness. When you tried to save that nightmare pony, you didn't hesitate to either help her or not. You have a strong moral, which is to save everyone who is in need. You have a heart of gold, Razor. As long as there is evil, nothing will stop you from stopping evil." "And finally, Ryan who showed the most greatest of all, Power and Responsibility. You said to Dark earlier that you would take responsibility for everything, and no matter what happens, you still have a job to do. You showed that with the greatest power comes with the greatest responsibility of all, you are the one that ignited this element. These responsibilities may burden you, but remember this… You are doing this for all man and ponykind. Great power equals great responsibility." "You are the wielders of the Elements of Heroes." "Does that mean we get to go home?" Michael asked. "No. You still have a lot to learn and a world to save. As long as there is good, there is evil. Your journey doesn't end here." "What about my family? When can I see them again?" I asked. "All in good times, Ryan." "And what about the power of the White Lantern? Did I unlock all of them?" Max smiled and walked towards me, "Congratulations Ryan Wilson of Earth. You are now a White Lantern." Meanwhile… "Ryan! Razor! Michael! Ray! Wake up!" Twilight shouted. "What're we gon' do? They aren't wakin' up!" Applejack panicked. Suddenly, they noticed that my ring is beeping in white color and then it flashed. The sudden action shocked the Mane 6 and the Night 6 and backed away. The light covered me and the other humans and lifted us up in the air. The light changed our appearance, all of us in white clothing but for me in long extended leather jacket that reaches down to the ankles and is buttoned, white pants and a large White Lantern insignia on the chest, and then a mask with Spidey eyes. One thing I noticed is I'm covered in white light; even my skin is pure white. Suddenly, I saw Dark standing up, "UGH! YOU FOILED MY PLAN ONCE AGAIN! But it doesn't mean that I can't stop you again!" Dark shot me a powerful blast and left a big hole inside my stomach when suddenly, it healed. I think because of me unlocking all lanterns, it granted me a powerful form… The Light. I remembered Max's words before we left, "The Light cannot be defeated, it is a powerful form that I made specifically for events that renders you hopeless. It is immortal and powerful beyond the power of gods. But it has a small disadvantage; It lasts after the ring senses no more threat and you can't use it anymore unless you really need it. So, use it wisely." "W-What? This can't be possible!" Dark shot me another blast but this time I returned it to her. *BOOM!* "GAH! ENOUGH! I WILL BE NOT DEFEATED BY A PESKY HUMAN! Guards!" More guards appeared before us. I then raised my hand and then suddenly, they all fainted. The others were shocked at how powerful I was. Dark was the last one standing, she cowered in fear as I walked towards while she backed away, "Stop! I'm warning you! I AM PRINCESS DARK FUSION AND I WILL—" I quickly disabled her horn and she was rendered useless. "Don't even think about it. Face it Dark, I won and you lose. Surrender." "ME? SURRENDER? HA! NEVER! I WILL DESTROY EARTH AND EQUESTRIA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WILL! HAHAHA AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME! NOT EVEN YOU!" I placed my hand on Dark's head and closed my eyes, then began reciting the oath of the White Lanterns, "In peaceful day, in dreadful night, The light of Life shall be our might, When there is darkness, feel no fright, WE have the light of life DIVINE!" The light covered her and then suddenly the light retreated. Then, Dark was nowhere to be found. Fluttershy and the others walked towards me. Out of nowhere, I was reverted back to my normal form, finally resting The Light inside the ring. Rainbow Dash asked, "Where's Dark, Ryan? What did you do to her?" "I sent her to Tartarus. Imprison her there. That way she'll rot like the others. Come on, let's go home." "What about the throne? Who will take the title of new Princess?" Razor Dash asked. I looked at the Night 6, and pointed at Penumbra, "Her." "Me?" "Yeah, you. You can manage this kingdom, I know. And you even got your friends to help you." "Really? Wow, thanks! Thank you very much!" "Anytime. But how do we get home?" I asked. "Oh! I know a book with that spell. Come on, follow me." We followed Penumbra to the Night Forge Castle library and searched for the book. After a solid 30 minutes, we found it. Penumbra then casted the spell, "Hey, Night 6. Thanks for your help fighting Dark, I couldn't done it without you." "No, Ryan. Thank you for helping us live a better life. Thank you for teaching me to overcome my fears." Penumbra thanked. "And teaching me to feel sorry for my fellow ponies." Helena said next. Dahlia, "And teaching me to be happy than to be sad." Ripperjack, "And teaching me that life is better than in death." Razor Dash, "And showing me peace and calm is more better than anger and violence." And Lovelyshy, "And teaching me the love is more important than just plain sex." "Thank you very much, Ryan Wilson!" They spoke altogether. "You're welcome. Goodbye!" I waved. They waved back, seeing those smile on their face made me feel good. And I am surely going to go miss those guys. We were teleported back home finally. The Mane 6 said their goodbyes as they went back to their own business. Until Twilight ran back towards us, "Oh hey, I forgot; You should make a journal, write whatever you learned while you're here! Pretty sure, Princess Celestia would like that." "Sure thing! I'll get right on that." "Wait, here's an empty book to start with and a quill with ink to go with it." I took the book, "Leave the quill with ink. I have a ball pen." "Okay… Whatever that is, you can use it. Good bye!" Then Twilight trotted away. "Now that we're home. Now, where do I sleep?" Razor and Michael asked. "We'll deal with that later. For now, let's enjoy ourselves here. Is that okay for you guys?" "Hey! How about a visit at Sugarcube Corner! They make great pastries!" Ray suggested. We agreed and walked to Sugarcube Corner. In the end, everything turned back to normal. No more Dark and we get the rest of our days off. We arrived at Sugarcube Corner, and ordered food because we haven't eaten some food in ages. "Silver? Where are you going?" Ray asked. "I'm going back to Canterlot by tomorrow, inform Celestia about everything. You all coming?" "We'll be joining you. Also, Call the Mane 6 if they want to join." Silver nodded and went outside. "So, you're going to write something in your journal?" Razor asked. I nodded and opened the book and started writing, "Being a hero never was an easy job. You have to know what the risks are because being a hero isn't all about the action, fame and stuff. It's all about the responsibilities that you will carry in your journey as a hero. With great power comes great responsibility, right? Once you get in the hero business, you can never go back. You have the power, and you have the responsibility. Being a hero can be hard, but everyone can be a hero in their own ways. Help a poor old woman cross the street or help someone in need. You don't need to put on a costume and be someone that you are not. Be a hero in your simple way, that's all. But a true hero has to have six personalities: Courage and Determination, Leadership and Excellence, Integrity and Kindness and Power and Responsibility. Those are the components in being a true hero. But did I mention that I am one? Yeah, I am a hero. Saved Earth and Equestria from Dark Fusion, a Nightmare Unicorn. I've been in a lot of events lately, it was exhausting. Who said being a hero was so easy? I accepted myself as a hero. But I couldn't done it without my fellow supernatural human friends, they helped me in everything and without them, I wouldn't be even here writing this journal right now. Ray, Razor and Micheal. Ray, the guts of steel. Razor, the good guy. And Michael, the brain of the team. Me? I'm the heart and soul of the team. We are the wielders of The Elements of Heroes and whenever evil is there, we will stop it with all our might. The Ring and I, we made a deal… We heard a scream nearby, "AHHHH! HELP ME! HE STOLE MY COINS!" I looked at them, "You ready?" They nodded. We ran out of the restaurant and chased the robber. As long as I keep them safe…" The End. > Epilogue: The Brightest Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: The Brightest Day One day later, We arrived at the train station minutes later after some preparation. The Mane 6 and we were ready to go to Canterlot for a celebration of our victory as heroes. So, we got our train tickets, got aboard of the train and took our seats. So far, life was good. Nothing really bad is going on except for petty thieves and criminals, we stopped them for now. We talked for a while in the train about several things. Twilight about knowledgeable things, Rarity about our new white clothes and how it's so revolutionary and stuff, Pinkie Pie on planning the best party yet ever created by ponies with the help of his former enemy but now friend Cheese Sandwich, Applejack about farming and stuff, Rainbow Dash about the highlights of our battle with Dark; and Fluttershy… Well, Fluttershy's being Fluttershy. Quiet but sometimes gets into some of our talks. "I'm more of an inside person, an introvert. I like to play video games and stuff and sometimes, I go to the gym and work out so I can't be fat looking. And when I'm bored, I do stuff like spin the axe at our backyard and practice some knife tricks." "Well, you gotta go out and live the farm life! It's good for yer' health, y'know." "Yeah, yeah, alright." "Are you going to wear those clothes every time, dear? I mean, it's starting to smell bad." Rarity coaxed. I didn't notice that it was starting to smell bad, "Oh… Well, let me change that." My ring started to glow and my clothes with it. It then changed my appearance from the long jacket to a buttoned t-shirt, jeans and some shoes. "You look good in that outfit, Ryan." Fluttershy said in a quiet voice. "Thanks!" "WHOA! How did you do that?!" Rainbow Dash asked with awe. "This ring acts as my storage. It comes in handy sometimes. I looked at Spike and it seems that he was enjoying. "{Psst! Spike, come here.}" I tried to get his attention. He heard me and walked towards me, "What is it, Ryan?" "{How's you and Rarity?}" "Oh… I don't know. She seems more interested in you rather than me." "I know but don't let that get the best of you. Here's a tip, after we get off the train, invite Rarity to eat at a restaurant." "How will I do that?" "Just trust me, dude. Ask her, go for it! And oh, go to a restaurant that she really likes. That way, the bond between you and Rarity will soon strengthen and in time, it will develop." "You sure about that?" "Of course, I am! Even though I have no love life before I got Fluttershy, I got a lot of things stored for you in the future. Well, what are you waiting for? Go for it, dude!" Spike smiled and nodded, then approached Rarity. Silver noticed the talk Spike and I had, "Giving Spike some love tips, eh?" "Dude, you have no idea how long he's been waiting to tell Rarity his feelings. Age doesn't matter right?" "I know. Guess you were right about the age thing. Who knows, maybe Spike will get the girl?" Suddenly, we saw Spike running towards us with a huge smile on his face. "Guys! She said yes!" "Now that's what I'm talking about! Hi-fucking-five!" I whispered loudly. "Thanks, Ryan! I couldn't done without you!" "Anytime." We talked around a bit more. The ride lasted a couple of hours after that. The train stopped and we got out of the train. "…The Flim Flam brothers must be a pain in a— err… neck." "You have no idea, sugarcube." Suddenly, two ponies stood in front of us. One with a mustache, until I recognized them. "Are they the…" "Yep, The Flim Flam Brothers." I heard a lot about them from Applejack, they tried to put Sweet Apple Acres out of business and tricked Applejack into lying that their tonics work. What a bunch of losers. "Hello ponies and… Whatever you are! Care to take this cool-looking bag?" "We recently opened our new antique shop! We figured that you would be our first customers!" "Wait… That's my bag! What the hell are you doing with my bag?" I shouted. "What are talking about, boy? We found this just lying around in a trash can, we figured that we can sell this." "That is my freaking backpack. I got my name and my signature on it. See? 'Ryan W.' and a sign right there. I am Ryan Wilson. Give me that!" "No wait, dear customer! Maybe it means something else! It can be Ryan Waffle!" "Ryan Waffle? Are seriously fucking kidding me? I have my things in there! Look, there's a knife, my glasses and my books inside here. What else do you need as evidence that I AM THE OWNER of this bag?" "How can we tell that this knife and the other items in this bag is yours?" I grabbed the knife and showed my skills, spinning it non-stop. Blender, Helix etc. "There, is that enough? Now give my bag or else I'll break your neck." They were terrified, so they dropped my bag and ran away. They are indeed a pain in the fucking ass. How do they even try to run a business with that attitude anyway? I picked up my bag and removed its dust. "Who threw this away anyway? Do they have any idea about looking inside the bad and find whose is it?" "Ever heard of 'Not leaving your valuable items unattended?" Ray opposed. "I got teleported to Night Forge for Christ's sake! I… uhh… Good point." We continued to walk through Canterlot to reach the castle, until we ran into a familiar face. "Vinyl! What are you doing here?" Ray asked. "I was just going to pick up my friend here, Octavia." She replied. Ray introduced Vinyl to the two other humans, "Vinyl, this is my friends, Razor and Michael. And I'm pretty sure you already know Ryan here." "Ha! I don't forget a face like you who sang beautifully in stage when Pinky threw a welcome party. Hey, why don't you sing again later? I heard there will be a party on the Castle." "That would be awesome. Sure, we'll be there." Razor walked up to Vinyl, "Ummm… Hi, uhhh… I'm Razor." She shook his hand, "Vinyl Scratch." "I know that we just met, but can you and I maybe… go out sometime?" "Yeah, sure. I'd like that." "Tomorrow?" "Tomorrow, it is. Bye!" Vinyl and her friend trotted past us. I approached Razor and patted him in the back, "Duuuude… You got the moves of a fucking fly! You got the girl in just one direct hit! But why her?" "I last saw her when we were still here in Ponyville. Our eyes caught and then suddenly, she smiled at me. Well, it wouldn't be rude if I ask her to go out together sometime." "How the hell… Nevermind, it's the heat I suppose. Makes mares vulnerable to males." We called a cab on the way to shorten our trip to the castle. We arrived minutes later, entering the gates and smelling the beautifully fresh flowers on the castle gardens. Relaxing might be a good thing to do at this time of a nice day after that encounter with Dark. Christ, I never get that out of my mind. But it's over now, let the past be untouched and the future come, right? We entered the castle and was greeted by Celestia standing on the stairs, "Congratulations, Ryan, Ray, Razor and Michael. You have saved your Earth and our Equestria. Because if that orb did open a portal, it will send out an energy pulse and erase all good from Equestria." "No problem, Princess. We are always here to help." "EEEEEEEEEEEEE PARTY TIIIIIME!" Pinkie shouted in excitement. "Not yet, Pinkie. We'll party if we say so." She pouted and said 'Aw!'. "Huh… Never knew the orb could do that." Ray muttered to himself. Rarity asked me something, "Can I ask you a question, dear? Shouldn't you be going home now since you defeated Dark?" The others asked that question as well, I tried avoiding the question; but I don't want to lie. "Well, you see… Something tells me that I think it's not yet time to go home just yet." "You'll be staying here?" Fluttershy said with a smile. "Yes. I will be staying here." Pinkie jumped in big excitement and happiness. "YAY! UH HUH UH HUH! YAAAAAAY!" "I'm glad that you can stay here. We could use a hero like you," Celestia trotted down the stairs. "After all, if something really grave happens. We could always count on you." "Uhhh… Yeah, sure." "The Guards will be leading you to your rooms. Silver and I will be having a talk." We all were led to our rooms by the Royal Guards that the princess sent. I was the last to go but I was curious to hear what Celestia and Silver are talking about. As soon as the guard left, I sneaked out of the room and stealthily went to the throne room. I arrived at the throne room minutes later and took a peek inside. I saw Silver and Celestia talking about something. To further hear the conversation, I quietly tip-toed nearer to them until I actually hear what they are talking about. "Silver, can I ask you something?" "What is it, 'Tia?" "Can we go out later this afternoon? If that's… okay with you. I-I mean if you're okay with that." "Yeah, sure! It'll be fun. But is it okay for a princess and a servant dating and stuff?" "Yes, it is." "Well, okay then!" "G-Great! You're dismissed." Before Silver turns around and goes for the door, I quickly went back to the entrance of the door. Silver pushed the door opened and saw me leaning beside. "Woooow… The Princess? Really?" "YOU HEARD OUR CONVERSATION?!" Silver quietly shouted. "*chuckle* Yeah, I did. But holy shit, the Princess likes you." Silver blushed, "What? No! The Princess wouldn't like me. I mean, not in a million years." "Aaaand what if she does?" "Well…I uhhh… I just go with it." "Yeah, that's what I thought." We started walking down the halls "Unbelievable, The Princess fucking likes you. How?" "I already told you, she doesn't like me! Me and 'Tia have history together, it's a long story." "Lay it on me. I like to hear a good story." "So… As Silver explained his story altogether, I was quite fascinated at his story. But hell, the other parts were hard to believe at first and I can't tell if he's showing off or not. But you who the hell cares anyway? "Huh… That's pretty hard to believe. But I do believe you. And wow, you have been in a lot of events than I am." "Pretty much, but not as worse as you." "It's still unbelievable. The Princess? You? Get out of town." "You better believe it." The party has been set at the castle garden. As I looked down the window, I saw Pinkie starting up all the decorations and stuff with Cheese Sandwich. She noticed me looking and she waved as I waved back at her. Silver said that he's going to meet Celestia this afternoon and hurriedly ran towards the exit Things have just been easy for me after the fight with Dark, with no threats on the ponizens or whatever. I was able to rest my muscles and party because, why not? A man sometimes needs a day off from work, right? I arrived at the party with the others where Pinkie and Cheese are just finishing up the preparations. Spike, Rarity and Silver are missing but something tells me that they are on their dates. May their hearts be forever one, I guess. "Hello Pinks!" "HI RYAN! Isn't this party super awesome?!" "YEAH IT IS! Aahahah, now when will the party start?" I asked. "Oh, it will start later. We don't wanna spoil the surprise!" "Yeah, I'm sure you won't. Ah, this must be Cheese Sandwich! I'm Ryan, this is Ray and Michael and Razor." "Hiya! What do you think about the party decorations?" he asked. "Not bad. It's great! Hey wait… Where's Fluttershy?" "I never saw her walk with us. Maybe she's in her room." Twilight replied. "I guess, I should find her then." I walked away from them and entered the castle. As I was walking, I asked a few guards about the Mane 6's rooms particularly Fluttershy. So they led me to her room and continued to their business. *Knock* *Knock* I knocked the door and heard a faint voice from inside saying, "Come in!". I entered the room to see Fluttershy just sitting there, a sad emotion imprinted on her face. I approached her and sat next to her and wondered what's wrong. "What's wrong, 'Shy? Is everything alright?" She looked at me, "Y-Yeah… I'm o-okay. Really, I am!". "Come on, don't be like that. I know that something's wrong." Taking a few deep breaths and shaking the nervousness off her, she opened her mouth and tried to let it all out, "It's just that… I… I can't face you after all that happened with Dark. I… j-just can't forgive myself when I…" From that point, she started to cry. "…killed you! Wahhhh!" Then she sobbed uncontrollably. Feeling sad for her, I placed my arm on her hip and the other on her face. "Hey, hey now. Look, it's not your fault when you almost killed me. Dark hypnotized you, you weren't yourself that moment. It was Dark's fault, not yours. I know that you yourself won't do that to me, either way I forgive you and I love you." "It was so… dark and cold. All I had in my mind was to *sniff* kill you. I tried to control myself but I can't. But when I heard your voice, you gave me strength and I was able to break free of her. And I wanted to say thank you but when I saw your body, I'm not able to." "Well, here I am now. Alive and healthy." "But what if someone kills you again? I can't take that risk anymore!" She suddenly hugged me tight. Actually, I fear that that might happen. I also can't take the risk of myself be killed again, let alone Fluttershy. And I can't let anyone hurt her. "I won't die, Fluttershy. Don't think anything like that, okay? I will always and always will, be in your heart and no one in Equestria, Earth, Heaven and Hell can separate us both. Is that okay?" I wiped away her tear and nodded, "Great, look at me and smile. The party will be starting later at night." She smiled and looked at me in the eyes, she was so beautiful. I slowly leaned closer to her face, as we planted each other a kiss. Her soft lips on mine were amazing… It felt good. We then separated from each other. "Heh, you still got it. Come on." "Hey, Ryan?" "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "What is it?" "Can you turn back into a normal human? Just for us?" I paused for a moment, "You'll have to find out later." We walked outside and hurriedly ran through the castle gardens. As I opened the door, there are a lot of ponies in the gardens; dancing, singing and socially interacting with each other. Lights shooting out of the disco ball, food on the table, and Pinkie with her… "PARTY CANNON INCOMING! *BOOM!* THIS PARTY IS SOOOOOOO FUN! *gasp!* Ryan's here! Everybody party harder!" Pinkie the party girl and Cheese Sandwich the party guy "I'm much of an introvert, so parties have no effect on me; but, for the sake of "fun", I'll join in!" The party kicked it up a notch. Loud music, dancing ponies, and… Oh shit, is that Rain Chaser? My God, he's a DJ now! Good for him. I walked over to Rain Chaser and talked to him. "Yo! Ray told me about you. Nice skills, man!" "Oh… my God! Ryan Wilson! You're like my idol, dude!" "Well thanks. Hey, do me a favor and turn it down for a bit." Rain turned the volume to mute as I was about to make an announcement. "Uhhh… Hello, good evening, everypony." I spoke into the microphone. "Funny how everything for me turned into a complete hellhole in a week. One minute I'm home enjoying my Sunday milkshake and the suddenly I'm there fighting a pony after not only my love but also the spiritual energy of 7 billion human beings. Crazy, right? I'm just an average normal teenager, and then I'm here being honored as the hero of Equestria and Earth, not to mention the others; Ray, the guts of steel. Seriously, the guy has nothing to fear. Razor, the heart of gold. He doesn't want miss one single petty crime and goes for it whenever he wants to aaaaand probably some mares are eyeing him already. Just kidding though. Finally, Michael the freaking brain of the team, smart guy. Completely blew my mind, he knows everything." "Someone asked me that can we be just normal humans, without powers and abilities and stuff." Suddenly, Ray grabbed the microphone and spoke, "But we can't be normal just yet, because you see, I was turned to a super weapon by a government for experiments." Ray gave the mic to Michael, "Look at me, transformed into a demonic celestial hybrid by the government too." Then he passed it to Razor, "Turned into a killing machine by my own parents, trying to achieve 'the perfect son'. But, a man took me in and trained me to develop my abilities. Never got to know his name but he's already like my father." Razor then gave it back to me, "I can't back up on my responsibilities. This ring is practically, already a part of me. At the start, we all wanted to be normal. Just average humans, going to school and stuff. But I will never forget these words… With great power comes great responsibility." "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. And never giving up" Ray spoke. "Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity." Razor followed. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. And you need the guts AND THE BRAINS to do that." I then finished it off, "This is our path, our gift and curse. We always have a choice, and we can always choose to do what's right. I hope that answers your question." I looked at Fluttershy and smiled as I smiled back. The crowd stomped their hooves with approval of the speech me and my friends just spoke. Spike, who recently arrived of their date with Rarity, approached me, "Hey, dude. End it with a song!" I nodded, I looked at Rain, now with Vinyl by his side, "Hit it, Rain!" Then they played Happy by Pharell Williams. After the song ended, everyone clapped and cheered. Everyone loved my performance. I thanked everyone and left the stage. Hours later after the party ended, the trio approached me, "Nice speech we had there, Ryan." Michael praised "Yeah, I just wanted to let that all out." "We all wanted to. We did a good work out there." Ray added. Suddenly, some pony janitors came in and cleaned the castle gardens but before they do that, I stopped them, "Excuse me, we can clean all of these. Don't worry." "What a kind boy, go ahead." Razor approached me and asked, "Why did you insist on cleaning?" "I mean why not, right?" They eventually agreed to help clean the gardens. I saw Silver walking towards us, "Sil! How are you, man? How's the date?" I asked. He approached me with a blank face. He then leaned closer to my ear and whispered. Holy shit… "OHHHHHH! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! UNBELIEVABLE! GODDAMN THAT'S FREAKING 3 POINTER! HI-FIVE! OH MY GOD!" "What? What is it?" Ray asked. "You will not believe this, man…" "Lay it on us!" Razor persuaded. We huddled, "{Celestia is in love with Silver!}" "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH!" We all reacted like immature teenagers. "HOLY SHIT! MY GOD, THAT IS FUCKING CHUCK NORRIS CHICK MAGNET LEVEL RIGHT THERE!" Michael praised Silver. "Dude, congratulations! You got Celestia, the fucking legendary princess of the damn sun! Woooow, that is fucking unbelievable." "Thanks, man. It feels like a dream… or either a nightmare. I don't even know." "Hey, dude. Cheer up, you might be luckiest motherfucker in the whole world." "Yeah, I know. Hey, you cleaning?" "Yep, wanna join us?" "Sure!" This is going to be a really long night. A/N: Hope you like the story epilogue! Next is the sneak peek to My Little Pony: Destruction of Earth 4N7-HR0. Enjoy! "What are you doing?" I asked. Jackie walked towards me with a seductive look imprinted on her face. I backed up slowly but at the same time, she walked faster. "Don't you fret, sugarcube. It's just a favor for taking care for us for the past years." "That's some big hotdog you got there, Ryan…" Sparkie added "EEEE! It's so cute!" Pinkie followed as Flutters just stood there staring at my private part. "Back off every one! Please, this is not the right time and place to do this kind of stuff!" I coaxed. But their ears were covered; they won't listen to me in any way. Why did Dashie leave me here anyway?! After all that talk we had in the bathroom and she's just gonna leave me here with the whole gang to play me?! Unbelievable! This is not what I signed up for, Max! Goddamn it, where are you? Running out of choices, I saw my ring on the table and suddenly the ring zoomed into my ring finger. "ENOUGH! Back off right now or else!" I shouted as the ring filled me with its energy, changing my appearance into my original suit (The white clothes) "I wIll NoT tOleratE tHIs Kind Of Action in ThIs DORM!" I shouted as my voice turned into a deep and distorted kind. "W-What the hay?" Jackie spoke in utter fear. "What in the…" Sparkie followed. "Ooooooo, shiny lights!." Then Pinkie. "…M-Master?" As I saw their faces, I realized that I made a huge mistake. I slowly stored the energy in my ring and removed it. Damn it! Why did I do that? Stupid Ryan! "Uhhh… I can explain, everyone remain calm and we'll talk these through." The 4 stared at me as they were waiting for an answer when Sparkie spoke, "Who… are you?