> Can you avoid getting impregslaved? > by SkyDreamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How it begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Mahogany, a tomboyish 18-year-old Earth mare with a dark-red coat and short amber mane. Your frame is mostly average, leaning only slightly on the chubbier side to give your belly a little pudge to it, a worthy sacrifice to make for the sake of cake. Luckily, you tend to be pretty casual about your appearance, not having the same interest in make-up and large wardrobes as many of your female peers. Like, for example, your best friend, Pastel Periwinkle, a pale-blue pegasus with with a long, flowing, royal-blue mane. Tall and curvaceous, she adores pampering herself, and you don't think that, in all the years you've known her, you've ever seen her wear the same outfit twice. How you two became so close probably seems like a mystery from the outside, but there's really no big secret to it. You met in your first year of primary school, before you fell into your individual cliques, and have been inseparable since then. You even got your cutie marks at the same time, your talent for soccer showing up when you saved what would have been the defeating goal of the season for your secondary school team, and hers in choreography, leading the cheerleader squad for the game. The foundation of the friendship, however, was most definitely built on a love for one thing: adventure! Excitement, danger, exploration! Yes, despite her fancy exterior, deep down Pastel had the heart of an adventurer. In fact, she seemed less perturbed whenever she snagged her dress on a bush or tripped into some mud than even yourself. You reckon it's to do with her vast wardrobe, she seems to see all her outfits as disposable once they wear out their freshness. And it was this adventurous spirit you shared that inspired you to make the terrifying Everfree Forest your regular stomping grounds. Avoiding wild animals and traversing the thick undergrowth gave you both such an adrenaline rush, that even after vowing "never again" after being chased out by timberwolves or manticores, you'd still be back the very next month, intent on uncovering any new secrets the wood had to offer. And it was in this forest that your destinies would be forever altered. It would be about five years ago now, when you were both just entering your young teens. While on one of your regular excursions into the forest, you stumbled into a small copse filled with a ton of exotic plants, the likes of which you had never seen before. Shrubs with bizarre fruits, mushrooms in every hue, and the flowers... well, they were something to behold. Such a wide spectrum of shape and colour, neither of you had ever seen outside of a springtime flower shop. While Pastel seemed entranced by the flora, you however noticed one other important feature of the small enclosed area. Hidden amongst the tree trunks, buried under leaves and moss, was a large angular shape, from which a faint light emanated. Sneaking quietly over to it, you found a thin crack on one side, the edges of which were free of foliage, allowing you to see the pony-made nature of the wooden door frame. Peeking inside, you saw a strange, grey-striped stallion, dressed only in a loincloth, toiling away over a cauldron. Around the room, shelves were laden with all manner of equipment, vials of liquid, and most prominently, plants. It didn't take you too long to put two-and-two together; you must have been standing in this guy's garden. You turned to beckon Pastel to stay quiet, only to see her across the copse, admiring a large, pink flower, so bright in colour that it almost appeared to glow. She wasn't looking your way, so you started to sneak quickly over to her instead. "Wow..." she gasped, her voice hushed in awe. "This flower would look amazing with... any of my dresses!" Before you even had time to think about stopping her, she crouched down, and pinched off the bottom of the plant's stem, lifting it up from the ground. It glowed brighter for a second, but then with an almighty PAFF, the petals exploded into dust, shooting out a cloud of spores in every direction. You both started coughing violently, clapping your hands to your mouths as the particles flew down your airways, filling your lungs. Evidently hearing the disturbance, the grey-striped stallion burst out of his hut, glaring aggressively as he marched over to the two of you. "What have you done, you intruding teens?! Do you have any idea what this means?!" he barked at you, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. "Years of care, and it was almost done! And then you come in here for what, some fun?! Well, let me tell you, little miss, that you will most certainly regret this. The plant you broke, you have no clue, just what it is it's done to you." He ran his other hand over your chest, stopping when he reached your belly, and pressing on it hard. "Your womb, young one, is what has changed. You may find the effects to be most strange. A drop of sperm, and it is done, into your oven goes the bun. And with your child, a mighty magic, I hope you shall not find too tragic. For to the father, you must then serve, for all your life, it is what you deserve." Still holding you roughly, he shifts aside his loincloth, revealing his erect member. "Now, if I may show some insistence, it's time you became my new lab assistants!" You struggled against him, panicking as he went to lift up your skirt, but before any harm could be done, a blur flashed by you. Pastel had leapt into the air, and dive-bombed the stallion straight in the chest. With the wind knocked out of him, he dropped you, and you scrambled away, pushing through the brambles with Pastel keeping pace in the branches above. You didn't stop running until you had escaped the forest and were safely back into Ponyville. Only then stopping to catch your breath, you looked at each other, and your eyes grew wide. On one side of each of your necks, there was a matching symbol. A horseshoe, with four holes in it, from each trailed a squiggly, tadpole-like tail. Your eyes locked on each others, and you nodded, telling the other that yes, they had one too. Your mind rushed back to those words the stallion had said to you. Something about, having to serve whoever fathered your children for life, or something... "Pastel, this could be bad. We should tell someone about this..." "No!" Pastel cried out, then coughed, lowering her voice. "I mean, no. We can't let my parents find out that I went into the Everfree Forest. They don't mind me coming home a mess, but if they found out I put myself in danger... with you... they might never let me see you again!" You were shocked. You had known her posh family could be somewhat strict, but this was the first you had heard about maybe never seeing her again. "Look," Pastel continued. "Let's just forget about this whole thing. That weird guy was probably some crazy rambling hobo, nothing he said really meant anything." "But what about these marks?" you asked. "We'll just say they're friendship tattoos," she shrugged. "Since there's magic that can remove that kind of thing, my parents always said they'd be fine with me getting one so long as it had meaning. And what's more meaning than sharing with a friend?" And with that, you both shrugged, and went on home, laughing about the whole incident. You resolved never to ask anyone about the marks or the flower, and hiding the symbols at school gave Pastel a great opportunity to get through her scarf backlog. She even shared a bunch with you, despite you insisting you only really needed two, woolen for winter and an ascot for summer. So why now, you wonder, is that whole story coming back to you? As you stand in front of your mirror, tilting your head to get a better look at your neck, you find yourself considering a distinct possibility. What if the crazy guy was telling the truth? You sigh. This must be part of becoming an adult. With college having finished up a few days ago, you're about to take your biggest ever step into maturity. And with it, comes adult possibilities. Laughing off getting impregnated was easy when you were thirteen and innocent. Now that you're entering adulthood, serious relationships and sex are becoming a distinct possibility. You had had a couple of boyfriends throughout secondary and college, but you never went further than kissing with any of them. And Pastel, for all her flirtatiousness, has never slept with any of her boyfriends either. Being her best friend lets you be privy to this sort of information. But how long would that last? Should you really be going into your adulthood, being this uncertain of a possibly life-shattering curse? This needs further examination. Consult the town's resident specialist on all things supernatural, Twilight Sparkle. Talk to Pastel about it Eh, just forget about it, it's no big deal There's one sure-fire way to find out... Let's go have sex! Eh, it's probably no big deal. Just forget about it! (Guest chapter) > This needs further examination. Consult the town's resident specialist on all things supernatural, Twilight Sparkle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, you can't leave this unchecked any longer. There must be someone who could clue you in on what the heck this thing really is. Unfortunately, magical expertise in an Earth pony village isn't all that easy to come by. The only pony you can think of is that unicorn chick who came down from Canterlot about a year ago. Wasn't she meant to be some kind of big shot though? You're pretty sure you heard she was like a protégé to Celestia or something like that. Well, she's also the town librarian, so she should be willing enough to get off her high horse and give out advice, you hope. "I mean, what's the worst she can do to me? It's not like she's a princess herself or anything." You have made a critical error! When you knocked on the door to the library, you were feeling moderately confident. But mortal fear gripped around your heart, when you saw the figure who opened the door. Wings! Horn! Alicorn! And a crown to boot, so there was no mistaking her royalty! What is a princess doing here of all places? You guess you really should start paying more attention to politics. Having gravely underestimated her big-shotiness, you stand there, frozen, unable to think what to say. Would it be ruder to make your humble request anyway, or to make an excuse to leave, and waste a princess's time? "Uhh, can I help you?" You gulp. Yeah, definitely better to follow through at this point. "Um, yeah, hi, sorry to bother you, Princess..." Name. Name! "...Librarian. I uh, I had a question about this magic curse-like thing, and I was wondering if you, uh... you might have a book on it that I can borrow!" Much to your relief, she smiles, and beckons you inside. "Of course! I'm always happy to help others expand their knowledge. Come on in." You let out a deep breath you didn't know you'd been holding, and step past her, into the library proper. When inside, you happen to lay eyes on a familiar face... Pinkie Pie! Pastel Previous > Pinkie Pie! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ooh, hey Mahogany!" An excited voice calls out as you step through the doorway. Bounding quickly up to you comes a pony recognisable to pretty much the entire town, the party pony Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie!" You greet her back, surprised. "Are you just hanging out here? I mean, I know you're friends with pretty much everyone, but does that include the princess too?" She nods bouncily. "Of course! Twilight's one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world!" "Wait, really?" You're somewhat taken aback. "Crap, does that mean you're actually somepony really important too? Should I have been referring to you as, I dunno, Duchess Pinkie or something?" "Oooh, that sounds cool!" Pinkie exclaims excitedly. Just then, your conversation is interrupted by a chuckle from the princess. "Please, Mahogany was it? You don't need to worry about formalities. I may be a princess now, but I was a citizen of Ponyville first, and I don't want the townspeople to feel isolated from me just because of my new title." "Really?" You let out another sigh of relief. "Phew. Thanks Princess, uh, Twilight? That's actually a really big weight off my chest. I was worried I might get executed or something for bringing such a trivial matter before royalty." "Well, let me be the judge of this matter's triviality," she says with a smile. "Aww, are you guys gonna play Trivial Pursuit? Dang, now I wish I could stay," Pinkie pouts, her ears drooping. But, she wouldn't be Pinkie if she stayed upset for long, and unsurprisingly, she perks back up again a few seconds later. "Oh well! Maybe I'll just add it to the list of games for the party tonight! Which reminds me, don't forget about the party tonight, Mahogany!" You chuckle. "What are we celebrating this time, Pinkie? The twenty-ninth Saturday of the year?" "No silly, that's not 'til next week! Tonight's the college graduation party!" You slap your forehead. Of course, you completely forgot about that! Man, lucky Pinkie reminded you. Pastel would've killed you if you'd been a no-show. "Shouldn't you have left college like five years ago?" Twilight raises a suspicious eyebrow towards Pinkie. "Well sure, but everyone knows I'm the best party-planner in Ponyville! Speaking of which, I reeaaallly ought to hurry, if I'm gonna finish all the preparations in time. Bye!" And with that, she was off, bouncing out the door and away into the distance. Princess Twilight shrugs, giving you a 'well, that's just Pinkie Pie' look. "So then, you wanted to ask me about some curse-like magic?" "Oh, right! Well uh, actually it might be easier if I just show you," you tell her, then pull aside your collar and crane your neck to the side, showing her the horseshoe-shaped mark. "Hmmm..." She leans in to take a closer look, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "It could be an early case of the cutie pox. Have you felt any urges to try your hand at blacksmithing since it showed up?" You shake your head. "Not really. And I've had it for about five years, so I don't think it can really be considered an 'early case.'" She frowns, standing upright again. "Well, perhaps you could tell me how you got it?" "Sure," you nod, moving your head back before your neck starts to go stiff. "I was with- er, by myself in the Everfree Forest, and I picked this strange flower. When I did, it kinda exploded into pollen. Then this stripy grey guy burst out of his hut, and started ranting about how it would- er, curse me." You blush at the end, feeling awkward about telling the Princess exactly what he said, given its quite sexual nature. "A zebra," Twilight states, arms folded. "That's the type of pony you encountered. And given that, plus the fact that this is a plant-based problem, I think I might know somebody who'll know more about this than I do. If you'd like, we can go and ask her about all this together?" Agree to go visit the expert with Princess Twilight Volunteer to go by yourself Previous > Volunteer to go by yourself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, no, that's all right!" you tell her quickly. "You don't need to trouble yourself, I can go ask them myself." Despite her assurances, you still don't feel too confident about dragging a princess out on such a mediocre quest. "Oh, it's no trouble- actually, hold on for a second." A pocket calendar quickly flies across the room into her hand, and she flicks through its pages. "Come to think of it, I do have a rather packed schedule tomorrow, that I could do with some more time to prepare for. You're sure that you're okay going by yourself?" You nod. "Sure. If I can ask for help from a princess, I don't think I'm really gonna struggle talking to anyone else." She giggles. "Good point. Okay, here..." Grabbing a scrap of paper, Twilight quickly scribbles a few lines, and hands it to you. "Just follow this map, and you should be fine." For such a quick sketch, it's actually pretty detailed, showing a clear route through... the Everfree Forest. ...Is this really the home of a reputable expert? You have your doubts, as you stand before the large tree, windows and door frame roughly carved into the side of it. You suppose, functionally, it's no different to the library tree, but the twisting trunk certainly looks more foreboding. And if that's not enough, the place is littered with creepy masks and bottles of... stuff, hanging from the branches. Still, this is by far one of the least intimidating things you've ever seen in this forest, so you decide to press on. Rather than knocking immediately, you sneak your way over to the window, and peer inside. Your eyes widen, as you lay your eyes on a familiar scene. A room with shelves, laden with equipment, bottles, and plants. And in the centre, a grey-striped pony dressed in a brown, rough-cut loincloth & top combo, toiling over a cauldron. You double-check the map: you're definitely in the right place. Can this really be who Princess Twilight intended to send you to? Trust Twilight, and knock on the door This seems dangerous. Jump them first, ask questions later! Previous > There's one sure-fire way to find out... Let's go have sex! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know what? Screw worrying! You're an adult now, you can do whatever you like. Or whoever you like. If this is a thing that's gonna be looming over you forever anyway, you might as well get it out of the way now. And if it turns out not to be true, then you just saved yourself years of worry! A fire of passion is burning in your heart, and a hotter one is aflame in your loins. Yes, the time is right. The only question is, who should you pick to experiment with? Have a fling at the party tonight Hire a male prostitute Make hot incest-babies with your brother Rape a stallion Previous > Eh, it's probably no big deal. Just forget about it! (Guest chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You look into the mirror before you at the horseshoe shape on your neck one last time, before you shake away your fearful thoughts. Surely, such a powerful and tragic curse couldn't be obtained just by inhaling spores from a plant, right? Besides, it's been years since the event. You don't know much about magic, but it would make sense that it might weaken over time. Wasn't mind-altering magic forbidden in Equestria anyway? Shrugging your shoulders, you walk away from the mirror and cover the marking with one of your trusty scarves. It's not like you planned on taking a roll in the hay with some stallion anytime soon anyway. The matter can wait. You walk out and into the morning sun, ready for a long day ahead of you. It's not like something horrible is suddenly going to happen after five years of nothing, right? "Quick, Mahogany! I'm open!" comes your teammate's cry. Reacting with immediate trust, you kick the ball at your hooves towards her, and watch as she gives it a powerful hit from her right hoof... And just before the buzzer sounds, the ball soars into the goal, right past the goalie! The crowd cheers, and you find yourself crying out in joy, glad your team managed to make the winning goal. Running to form a huge group hug with your teammates, you all gather for a huge group hug. You all smile and laugh, proud of your accomplishment. All the ponies around you are familiar faces, and you feel giddy just looking at them. You see Pastel across from you, in her new set of 'fashionable sports gear,' giggling in a quite unladylike manner you've only seen from her a few times. By your sides, are your old soccer buddies from high school. You can make out Country Kicks, Goldie Marker, Evergreen, and... Your eyes fall on a strange stallion that was part of the group. You didn't recognize him, or remember ever playing soccer with him... You shrug it off though. The much more important fact was that you just won the game, and you close your eyes and holler for all the world to hear. Soon enough though, the moment has to end, and you all separate, trotting to the sidelines for celebratory energy drinks before showering. As you walk over, you feel somepony bump into you. You look to your side to see the stallion from before looking back. "Some game, huh babe?" He says with a grin. You smile back. "Yup. One of closest ones so far, but nobody's been able to match us yet!" His smile widens further. "Well, seeing you kick that ball around's gotten me real excited for what's next..." You raise an eyebrow at his response. "Huh?" He only looks back with the same, hungry-looking grin. "You know what I mean. It's time for a little 'celebration'. Now bend over..." Your mind instantly panics. Here, in the middle of a stadium? He wants to... do that? You ready yourself to protest, and maybe smack him across the face for even suggesting such. ...But strangely, you find yourself unable to. Your mind reels, and you feel your legs moving of their own accord. You find yourself turning around, bending forward, dropping your shorts and raising your tail... Almost instantly, you feel his hands on your back, his powerful body over yours, and you feel a strange heat rising from your loins. The heat only intensifies as you feel a hot, throbbing length slide against your nethers, and the stallion above you lets out a moan of pleasure. You feel his teeth lovingly bite into your amber mane, pulling your head back as he grinds his hips against you. You try to move your legs, to get out of this. This isn't what you want! You barely know this stallion, and he's treating you like a slave! And worst of all, you can't make a move to stop him. You shake your head back and forth in inner turmoil. As you feel the head of his phallus line up, ready to penetrate you, the last thing you see is the horrifying sight of the mark on your neck. Right in the middle of the horseshoe, matching perfectly to his now-exposed flank, is the cutie mark of the stallion above you. Gasping, you wake up. Goodness, what a horrible dream! You lie in bed for a few moments, just glad that the terror was gone. None of it was real. You aren't the slave of some stallion you don't know. You aren't getting raped. Rolling over in bed, you take a quick look at your neck in the mirror across from you, but the horseshoe marking is as plain as ever. You check over your body, just to be sure, but you don't feel any stranger than you usually do. However, when you search between you legs, you can feel moisture coming from your folds. As strange and terrible the dream was, it still turned you on in a very slight manner. As relieved as you are that everything was just a dream, you still find yourself stricken. Is this what was destined to happen to you, if you ever got taken advantage of by a stallion? Why would you have such an awkward dream tonight, of all nights? You shake your head. No. The curse isn't real. Magic shmagic. Nopony will ever make you into a bumbling, whorish slave! At least, you hope not... Like it or not, the dream makes you consider the curse a little more seriously now. Perhaps you really should get help now. You ponder your options. Reconsider asking Princess Twilight for help Ignore it. It's just a dream Strange... I don't think all this liquid from my crotch is mine... Previous > Trust Twilight, and knock on the door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You shrug off your concerns. Sure, this looks just like the home of the guy who tried to rape you when you were thirteen, but if you're looking for an expert on that kind of guy, then how else did you expect them to live? You walk back around to the front of the house, and knock tentatively on the door. A few seconds later, it swings open, and a tall zebra mare stands in the doorway, giving you an inquisitive smile. Besides the scraps of material she wears for her clothes, her outfit also consists of a lot of rather large jewelry. Two enormous gold hoops in her ears, with matching bands around her left arm and neck. Add this to the mohican atop her head, and she ends up looking like some kind of punk-rocker. "There is no need to just stand and stare," the zebra says, her voice rather sing-songy and cheerful. "If you'd like, then come in, and have a chair." Well, she seems friendly enough. You offer a quick "thanks," and step inside the small hut. She gestures to a stool in the corner, and you take a seat. "You come seeking an herb, or remedy?" she asks. "There are sparse other reasons one would come visit me." Tell her about your curse Wait, that actually sounds rather sad. Doesn't she have any friends? Previous > Have a fling at the party tonight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You click your fingers, having had the perfect idea. The graduation party tonight! All of the hot college boys'll be there, and you're all about to move out across the country for universities and the like. It's the perfect chance for a random hookup! Right. In that case, it's time to betray all of your natural instincts, and do the one thing you never thought you'd do: doll yourself up. You don't have any make-up to hand, so you'll have to make do. After trimming down your coat hair on your arms, legs and pubic area, you shower, and style the back of your mane into one big, albeit short, plait, before reaching into your wardrobe, and picking out your singular 'sexy' dress. You put it on, and look at yourself in the mirror. Despite your lack of a passion for fashion, you have to admit that Pastel made a good choice when she picked this dress out for you. A dark, gothic-lolita dress with mahogany trim, it compliments your coat well. The skirt is just short of knee-length, so it manages to be modest whilst also alluring. The neck is low-cut, revealing an ample amount of cleavage, and the corset, despite your refusal to fasten it to the rib-cracking tightness intended, does do a good job of flattening your belly while enhancing your boobs. There's also a matching lace choker to cover up your neck, and you complete the outfit with a pair of black thigh-high socks and platform shoes. It's lucky you had this idea, or you may never have even worn any of these. All things said, you reckon you'll knock the guys dead. Except, you realise, you've still got your rather plain underwear on. Would that matter? You don't actually own any sexier underwear, so what else are you meant to do? Keep your regular underwear on Go commando Previous > Wait, that actually sounds rather sad. Doesn't she have any friends? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're about to tell her about your curse, but you have to pause when she tells you that. "Wait, so you don't have any friends to come see you or anything?" The zebra giggles into her hand. "Oh, I have many friends, all of whom I hold dear. And yet in many ponies, I still inspire fear." She turns to give you a knowing smile. "And yet, it seems, you are not afraid, child. You seem rather at home in the wild. You, and your friend, with the royal-blue mane, I have seen you visit here time and again." "Whoa, really?" Now this is a surprise! "We were always so alert for creatures, I'm amazed we didn't spot you." She giggles again. "Eyes and ears may get you so much, but to know the forest, you must be more in touch." To demonstrate, she closes her eyes, and begins tapping her hoof against the floor, sniffing the air every once in a while as well. "Cockatrice, half a mile to the east. If close enough to see, then quite a dangerous beast." "Wow!" That's pretty much all you can say. You're speechless. You're certainly glad you didn't write her off as just another crazy hobo. Princess Twilight clearly knew what she was doing, sending you to her. She opens her eyes once more. "So child, I thank you, for your prior concern. But now tell me, what did you come to learn?" "Oh, right!" After that display, you'd almost forgotten the reason you came here in the first place. "Princess Twilight sent me, she said you'd be able to help me with a curse I have, uh..." You quickly glance back at the note Twilight gave you. "Zecora?" "Zecora is indeed my name, and I can soothe many a curse, hex or pain. For a friend of Twilight's, my best I shall do, so please tell me what is ailing you." You pull your collar away again, and stretch your neck towards her. "Well, it's this-" "Kuabudu jua kubwa!" Zecora cuts you off, staggering a few steps away from you, her eyes wide with... fear? "To think I would witness such a curse... your luck must be the very worst!" Well, that's rather disconcerting. "So, the curse is real then? 'Cos so far, all it's done is to give me this tattoo." Zecora takes a deep breath, composing herself. "You are fortunate then, to have avoided its spell. For once you fall to it, you're on a trip straight to hell." She paces across the room, lifting a book from her shelf and quickly flicking through it. You see the title is written in some unintelligible script, but underneath it is a translation, which reads 'Forbidden fruits: Plants and potions outlawed within the Zebra lands' Finally stopping on a certain page, her eyes scan back and forth rapidly. "Mancipium fertilis is the plant from which this curse has grown, although it's nickname, womb-binder, is how it's much better known. A dangerous flower, outlawed in my land, and its effects form good reason for why it is banned." She turns the book towards you. You can't read the writing, but the diagram definitely matches the flower you saw back then, so you nod. "Of its effects which are known," she continues, "here listed are four. Since testing was banned, though, there could maybe be more. Firstly, your womb is now hungry for seed, it will reject all birth control in its effort to breed. Second, your neck acts as branding when taken, one look and your ownership cannot be mistaken. Thirdly, when screws enter your mark's holes to fill, you'll slowly find yourself losing your will. And lastly, beware, if you take a female mate. You may well subject them to a similar fate." You nod along with each point, kinda getting the gist of each one. When she's done, you ask the question that's burning most on your mind. "So, is there a cure?" Her expression becomes more concerned as she flips the page and reads further. "Both a yes and a no, seems the answer at hand. The ingredients are known, but finding them is a quest rather grand." You gulp. "How grand are we talking?" "Well firstly," she sighs, "we need a womb-binder of our own. Unfortunately, in an area, only one can be grown. Once it has died, it takes very much time, to rise up once more into its prime." "Oh," you perk up. "Like, would five years be enough? I can probably remember where it was, maybe it's grown back by now?" Her eyebrows raise in surprise. "You lived all this time as that curse's host? Well, in that case, perhaps not all hope is lost..." She marches over to a hook, where a brown cloak is hanging, and drapes it around her shoulders, before walking back and extending her hand to you. You take it, standing up. "Show me this place, and if you are right, then we shall yet be able to put up a fight!" she assures you, her confident smile having returned. Lead her back to the hidden copse Forget your way and get you both lost Previous > Make hot incest-babies with your brother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, the best option, just in case the curse is real, is to do it with somepony you can trust. And of all the stallions you've ever met, you doubt there's any you would trust more than your older brother, Red Lightning. Even though he's two years your senior, he decided to stay in Ponyville after finishing college, joining the weather team. A pegasus like your mother, his job keeps him nicely in shape, despite his free time being spent largely on video games. You'd always found him pretty attractive, but were afraid to jump the taboo line and make a move. But dammit, if you're gonna throw caution to the wind anyway, then you might as well go the whole hog! Now, the only question remaining in your mind, is how best to approach him... Tell him about your curse, and see where things go from there Just walk in and tell him it's sexy times! He's a guy, he'll be on board Try to subtly seduce him Previous > Just walk in and tell him it's sexy times! He's a guy, he'll be on board > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmm... you're definitely over-thinking this. If pop-culture has taught you anything, it's that stallions are, at all times, totally down to bone. You just need to walk in there, and things'll be getting frisky in no time! After doing a thorough scan of the house to confirm that, as you thought, both of your parents are currently out, you head back to your room, and strip down to your underwear. Walking down the hall, you find yourself stood outside your brother's bedroom door. Taking a deep breath, you knock. "Come in!" your brother calls from inside. You turn the handle, and push open the door. Red is about where you expected him to be, sat at his arcade cabinet, engrossed in a game. "What's up?" he asks, not turning to look at you. You gulp. You're starting to feel unsure about this, but it's too late to back out now. "Hey bro, wanna have sex?" "Sure," he responds nonchalantly, "who doesn't?" Well, that fell flat. Better try again. "No, I mean, with m-me?" You curse yourself for stuttering, as you try to stop your legs from shaking. "Haha, no," he shoots you down, still without turning around, "don't worry sis, I'm not some weirdo." He's seriously not getting it. You can either take this opportunity to abort the mission, or keep going until he gets it. "Ehehe, yeah, me neither... kay bye!" "I don't think it's weird" Previous > "I don't think it's weird" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think it's weird..." you tell him, grabbing a stool and seating yourself next to him. "I mean, we've known each other for pretty much our whole lives. We're closer than any couple who've only known each other for like a few months before they start doing it." Finally, he pauses his game, and turns to look at you. "Are you trying to hint at something here- CELESTIA'S BALLS, where are your clothes?!" He flails backwards, falling off his seat and landing on his back on the floor. You see an opportunity to assert yourself, and you take it, pouncing forwards and landing on your hands and knees above him. Leaning forwards, you bring your face up close to his, and look him directly in his terrified eyes. "I think I'm past hinting at this point, brother. You know what I want. What I need! So, are you down?" He's down to clown He'd rather be dead in the ground Previous > Eh, just forget about it, it's no big deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You shake your head a few times, trying to clear your mind. You're worrying over nothing! "Even if what that guy said was true, he clearly didn't count on these babies," you think aloud, picking up your box of birth-control pills and popping one into your mouth. And besides, it's not like sex is just lurking around every corner, now is it? So then, how should you spend the rest of your worry-free day? Take a nap Play kickabout with your friends Previous > Take a nap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You spread wide your curtains, throw open your window, and look at the beautiful, sunny day that awaits you. You are going to sleep the fuck out of this! Head to the lake and work on your tan Stay curled up in bed Previous > Go commando > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You wouldn't want to get so far with somepony, just to put them off at the last moment with your bland underwear. So you reach under your skirt, and slip off your plain black panties, throwing them back into your wardrobe. Your bra then quickly follows suit. You bounce experimentally a couple of times, feeling your boobs jiggle around. Your nipples rub against the soft fabric, making you giggle. This is gonna be fun! You glance out of the window, and see the sun starting to dip below the horizon. All that hair trimming and braiding clearly took its time, you have no clue how some girls do that kinda thing every day. After checking yourself out one last time in the mirror, you head outside, shivering as you feel a breeze rush between your legs. You quickly grab at your skirt, to stop it from blowing up and exposing you to the neighbourhood. You might be frisky right now, but not that frisky! Keeping a careful hand hovering by your hips in case of any more sudden gusts of wind, you start walking in the direction of the party. Rather than walking, wobbling would probably be a more accurate description. Even though your platform shoes don't have that much of a raised heel sole, they're still taller than you're used to, and you find yourself stumbling every now and again. Luckily, with it being the evening, there isn't really anyone around to see you, save for the occasional drunk staggering past. A pothole in the pavement proves to be your downfall, quite literally, as your hoof sinks into it, and gets stuck. Your body, however, is reluctant to give up the momentum it has gained, and carries on regardless, straight into the ground. "Owiiiiee..." you groan, your face and chest having just smacked into the hard stone floor. You're seeing stars, and you have to just lie there for a few seconds, collecting yourself, before you can move again. While you're laying there dazed, you don't notice the approaching figure, until you feel something rough brush between your legs, making you flinch. "Well hey there, girly..." a gravelly voice slurs from behind you. You glance back, and see the drunk you passed a few seconds ago admiring your bare booty, with his hand moving slowly up your thigh. Your skirt is flipped up over your back, and you realise that must've happened when you tripped! "Going out dressed like this," he leers at you, "you must be lookin' to get in trouble..." Resist his advances Go along willingly Previous > Go along willingly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this was easier than you were expecting. You didn't even have to do any flirting, which is good, because that was starting to look like a rather daunting prospect. "Ooooh, I sure am mister," you purr, in the sultriest voice you can muster. "The more trouble, the better..." "Is that so..." he raises an eyebrow, evidently surprised by my reaction. "Well, I think I know someplace a girl like you could get all the trouble she needs..." He grabs your arm and pulls you upright, then starts tugging you away before you can even properly turn around, pulling you out of your lodged shoe before you can free it. He clearly intends on leading you somewhere, but should you still follow him? Don't need to go anywhere He leads you back to his house Previous > Don't need to go anywhere > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Casual sex is fine, but if you start letting strangers take you places, you could end up in a much worse danger! You tug your arm free of his grip, and he gives you an angry look. "Oh, so you're just a little tease, are you?" he growls. "Uh, no no!" You frantically wave your hands defensively. "I just though we could, um, do it... right here?" His glare quickly turns into a smirk. "Well well, you're quite the naughty girl, aren't you?" He glances around quickly, and his eyes lock onto the nearby park, quiet at this time and surrounded by large, concealing bushes. Without another word, he grabs your arm again, and pulls you over that way, throwing you roughly down onto the grass. Before you can even sit up and get your bearings, you hear the sound of a zipper, and a moment later the fwump of his trousers hitting the ground. You look up at him, and gulp. He's standing over you, with his flaccid cock exposed, and a lecherous grin on his face. "Get me hard, bitch." Ahh, of course, you'd heard alcohol could be an erection-dampener. Well, this wasn't in your plans, so what now? Suck him to hardness Give him a striptease Previous > Give him a striptease > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, what gets guys more excited than chicks without clothes on? Still, you should give him a bit of a show, just to make sure. You lift you leg high up in the air, giving him another view up your skirt, but you hide your crotch with your tail, teasing him. Slowly, you slide off your thigh-high sock, gradually revealing the short fuzz of dark red fur on your leg. Once your sock is completely off, you drop it by your side, then switch which leg you have raised. After taking off your other shoe, you give him a similar treatment with your second sock. After all this, his dick seems to have gained a couple of inches, but doesn't really show any signs of hardening. "C'mon bitch, make with the real goods already," he sneers, tapping his hoof impatiently. Frowning, you untie the cords of your corset, then wonder exactly how you're meant to striptease out of a dress. In the end, you settle for turning your back to him, and slowly lifting it up over your head, revealing your cute butt to him, but merely the promise of more beyond that. You drop your dress to the floor, but before you can turn back around, you're slammed into from behind, pushing you onto your hands and knees. You feel his hands reach around you and aggressively grab your breasts, almost mauling them. At the same time, you flinch again, as another hard object makes its way between your legs. Although this time, that ain't his finger! You gulp. Is this it? Are you about to lose your virginity to a stranger, in the park, on your hands and knees? Fucked like a dog He gets it in the wrong hole! Previous > Fucked like a dog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your body tenses up, as you feel the tip of his dick lining up with your entrance. You have to admit, you're not as excited about this as you thought you'd be. More... scared, really. Still, he evidently pays your concern no heed, as without any foreplay whatsoever, he roughly thrusts himself inside you, tearing his way through your, at best, slightly damp pussy. You try to scream out in pain, but his hand quickly clamps over your mouth, muffling you. "Quiet, bitch, you want people to hear? It'll start feeling good soon, don't you worry." You give him a shaky nod, and he lets go of your mouth, bringing his hand back to fondling your breasts. He does start easing up on them, and his touches start to feel like something approximating to a caress. He breathes hotly into your ear, as he slowly pulls his hips backwards, before thrusting into you once more! As he starts picking up his tempo, you can feel your internal walls start to moisten further, easing the friction burn for both of you. The pain that came from his rough taking of your virginity, while still there, starts to ebb, as you feel yourself beginning to get into this. You try to rock your hips back at him in time with his thrusts, but his rhythm is almost non-existent, leaving you with no real pattern to get into. So you concede to just kneel there, taking it. All too soon, you feel his dick start to twitch inside of you, and he grunts out, "Oh fuck, gonna cum! Gonna breed you like a bitch in heat!" Let him breed you like a bitch You've changed your mind! Beg him to pull out! Previous > Let him breed you like a bitch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your heart races, as thoughts flicker through your mind. What's about to happen could well change your life forever, and yet, you find yourself unable to say or do anything to stop it. You just grip the grass tighter, spread your knees wider, and whine, as you brace yourself for his seed. "Hnnngg!" he grunts, as he gives one final, powerful thrust inside you, sheathing himself all the way to his balls, and knocking you forward onto your face, with your ass raised. A moment later, you feel his dick spasm, and start spitting his cum out inside of you. It's not quite the powerful jets of seed you imagined, but nonetheless, the thought that a stallion's sperm is now inside of your defenseless pussy makes you shiver. Or maybe that's just the wind? After a short while, you feel his orgasm taper off to a dribble, yet he seems reluctant to pull himself out. You turn your head to look at him, and see him smirking drunkenly down at you. "This is how dogs do it, you know? They leave the dick inside for a while, to make sure that the bitch gets knocked up good." You shiver again, when you hear him say those words. Knocked up. Is that really what you just let happen? You're starting to wonder if this was such a good idea... You need to check your neck. See if the curse has done anything. But first... Push him off of you Let him stay inside Previous > Stay curled up in bed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mid-afternoon nap is just what this kinda day is begging for, you decide. After slipping out of your casual doss-around-the-house clothes, you unfasten and remove your bra, leaving you dressed only in your panties. You flump down onto your bed, stretching out and making yourself comfortable atop the duvet, as you bask in the bright sunshine steaming through your window. A gentle breeze makes the curtains flap every so often, and keeps you from baking in the sun's rays. All in all, it's a pretty damn comfy experience, and you quickly drift off into a contented nap. A rude awakening There's a present left for you when you wake up Previous > There's a present left for you when you wake up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You wake suddenly with a shudder, as a cold wind rushes over your skin. Blearily opening your eyes, you find yourself laying in darkness, the pale moonlight just barely lighting up your room. Wait, moonlight? Wow, you slept for way longer than you had meant to! Your body feels stiff as you sit yourself up, and you flex your fingers a few times to try and shake off the pins-and-needles sensation in your arm. Shivering again, you get up, and walk over to the window, pulling it shut and fastening the latch. You then draw closed the curtains, before flicking on your light switch, and flopping down into your desk chair. "Bah, now what?" you wonder. Having slept for at least half the day, you're no doubt gonna be stuck staying up all night at this point. You sigh. Guess you better find something to entertain yourself. It's at this point that you finally notice the box sitting atop your desk. You're pretty sure it wasn't there when you went to sleep. Did someone leave it here for you? The box is made of plain brown cardboard, and the only noteworthy feature is a note attached to the side, which reads "For your enjoyment." Curious, you pick the box up, and open the flaps. Inside, you find... A dildo A VHS tape Previous > A dildo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the box is... a dildo! "What the fuck?!" you yell, flinching away, before creasing up into a fit of laughter. "Hahahaha, oh wow! It's been a while since someone's pranked me like this. I wonder who sent it?" You pick the dildo out of the box, and give it a look over. At the very least, it's still in its original packaging, so you don't have to worry about somepony sending you a used one. In fact, this might not actually be such a bad gag gift... you could see yourself possibly using this, maybe. There's nothing particularly extravagant about the toy. It's the regular stallion shape, with the flared tip and everything, and came in a rather expressive shade of bright purple. The box lists its size as 'large', but given the marketing the porn industry has, this could well be the smallest size available for all you know. Well regardless, it looks big enough for you anyway. You pry open the packaging, and hold the shaft directly in your hand. It's pretty rigid, to simulate a real dick during sex, but soft and flexible enough to prevent any potential discomfort. There's a couple of buttons on the base, too... is this actually a vibrator? Along with the plastic penis, there's also a piece of paper stuffed inside the packaging. A cursory glance informs you that it's an instruction manual of some kind. Read the instructions Take the toy for a test ride Previous > Strange... I don't think all this liquid from my crotch is mine... (Guest chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drowsily, your mind ponders the dream, almost unable to stop fixating on the stallion who had taken you, made you into his own mare slave, and abused his power... Trying to shake the thoughts away, you get up from your bed, your body aching beneath your sleeping clothes. Your mind works slowly, but you feel perfectly fine this morning, and pass everything you feel off as your own paranoia playing with your emotions. As you stand, your back aches, feeling almost as if it had been abused. But nothing was wrong with that. You must have just slept in an awkward position, shifting in your sleep. Your throat is dry, a strange taste on your tongue that you just can't place. Nothing to worry about, though. You just haven't had your morning coffee. Droplets make their way down the inside of your thighs, falling from your marehood as you make your way to the door. Okay, that one is pretty shady. You don't remember a time where you've been so wet, or let out so much moisture just from an arousing dream... But still, nothing to worry about. It's nothing a cold shower won't fix. Calmly, stretching your sore muscles all the while, you make your way out of the bedroom, heading for the bathroom across the hall, so you can get yourself ready for another normal, average day. On the other side of your bedroom door, you find a strange, unfamiliar sight. In the middle of the hallway, relaxing in a small chair and reading one of your sports magazines, is a stallion. Specifically, the very stallion who had just entered your dreams, pushed you over, and taken you for his own... His dark blue fur, and even darker mane are immediately recognized, filling in some missing memories from the dream. His strong, forceful arms that you had felt on your sides fall naturally under a worn, grey shirt, adorned in the center with an image of a golden crown set with sapphires... Where have you seen that crown before? You feel as if it might have something to do with your dream, but know nothing except that it's mere image makes you scared, some subconscious part of your brain realizing what you just don't remember. As you freeze in the hallway, watching at this stallion, he suddenly looks up, his face looking over your own features. "What... Who are...?" You ask, unable to grasp just what has happened here. "Ah! You're awake!" He says, his face brightening into an excited grin upon seeing you emerge from the bedroom. "I knew that when I slipped that into your drink last night, you'd be out like a light, but not for this long!" What?! Did he just admit to drugging you? Why? If really did drug you, letting you know what happened was just asking for trouble... It doesn't look like he stole anything, hurt you, or did anything to the house... But then, you realize what this might mean. Immediately, your hand clasps back against your neck, covering the unnatural horseshoe there in an attempt to hide. You feel more droplets of liquid glide slowly against your inner legs, and your mind races in terror. Did he... rape you while you were out? Did he cum inside? The stallion only grins back. "Well then, now that I've claimed you, and you shall soon be mine forever, I suppose I can dispose of any secrecy. Yes, I know of your curse." As the words leave his mouth, you almost can't believe them. Just yesterday, you were an ordinary mare, completely innocent. Had this stallion really ended that life in just a single night, and so easily? You can't believe it. Equestria is a peaceful land of happy ponies, and no stallion could be so selfish, so evil... "No matter what you do now, you cannot escape me. The curse should already prevent you from being able to hurt me physically, and even if you charge me with rape, you'll be too far gone by the time I am sent to court, that you'll give up the pursuit when I tell you. If you tell anypony in town, they won't believe you..." "You are now mine, and there is nothing you can do about it." No... this can't be! You didn't do anything to deserve this! You may have trespassed into a secret garden in the Everfree, but there was no crime that could warrant such a punishment as this! There had to be something you could do... something that would stop this hellish process from happening! "There are legends in the zebra lands..." The stallion continues, as he stands from the chair, and approaches you as you watch him, still frozen in shock. "A stallion once claimed a mare with this curse, and by ordering that mare to spread her curse, he was able to control an entire tribe of zebra, one by one taking the mares for his slaves until no other stallion could stand against his army..." "So long have I wanted to rule this kingdom, to control ponies far and wide... With you under my control, I have the tool I need to make any mare I wish into a slave who would die before letting me come to harm..." "With you, I shall take over all over Equestria, one mare at a time!" No.. This can't be happening! You rush past the laughing stallion, fling on some decent clothes, and get ready to run out your front door. You have to do something now, before your mind is lost to this insane brute forever! You have to find Pastel! She's the only pony who'll believe you about the curse! Run far, far away, so you'll never see this stallion again! Seek help from Princess Twilight! She might know something, and you need help quickly! Previous > Read the instructions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better safe than sorry, you suppose. You pick the booklet out from the box, and flick it open. Thank you for purchasing our Super Dildo Deluxe: Model X™ Health & Safety: Ensure toy is cleaned thoroughly before and after every use. For vaginal use only. Instructions for use: Insert toy tip-first, and thrust back and forth at your own desired pace. Manual controls: Button 1: Turn on/turn off vibrate function. Button 2: Release Super Dildo Deluxe: Ejaculatory Fluid™ Automatic controls: Switch 1: Toggle automatic mode on/off. Super Dildo Deluxe & SDD are registered trademarks of the Super Sextoy corporation. The Super Sextoy corporation is not responsible for any side effects caused by our patented Ejaculatory Fluid. Side effects may include weight gain, nausea, tiredness, unusual cravings, and/or childbirth. Use the toy Don't use the toy Previous