> The foreigner > by Alexander sire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia's sun shine brightly this day and like any other ponyville is always a smile of peace and for it's residents going upon their day as normal. Yet today it's going to have a new face as the stallion walking on the dirt road heading towards ponyville his brown hood that hides his face and his shoulders stopping at his mid stomach that seen use for a long time wearing a long darker brown long sleeve shirt, his blue jeans a bit buggy yet still well fitted, his combat boots that are black are shown to have been used in a rough life as he has his hands in his pockets while carrying something long, but not that large on his back that is wrap in a tan cloth very nicely. He stops at the sign that says 'Welcome To Ponyville' he grins under his hood and spoke. "A new town lets see what it has to offer" he said in a not that deep and slightly rough voice that has a foreign accent with that he continue his way towards to the happy town. Meanwhile... Pinkie pie was just finish a order that was place now is her daily 'say hello to everypony' as she was happily skipping while humming a tone as her eyes were closed she bump into somepony and fell hard yet her puffy tail give her all the softness to stop it.. "Oh sorry miss are you alright?" she heard a stallion said in accent she never heard before, but somehow it sounded familiar to her she looked up to see the hooded stallion she can barely see his light brown muzzle. He extends his hand to help her she took it noticing his wore out black fingerless gloves he helped her up straight then she realize he was a new pony. "*Gasp*Your new in town!?Hi my names pinkie pie all my friends call me that do you want to be my friend do ya do ya!"she said in speed that was unworldly the stallion chuckled a little enjoying the filly's silly nature. "Your one hyper filly and yes you seem very fun indeed" he said happily with that they heard another set two actually of ponies coming. "Pinkie pie!" a voice knew all to well turning she see's Twilight and Rainbow Dash smirking she waves to them. "Hey guys! theirs a new pony I like you to meet....oh I didn't ask your name..." but as she turn around he was gone at such speed and stealth that she was impress say the least they were in a open area she was even more impress. In the middle of town the traveler was walking calmly thinking to himself 'I don't want to be know too fast now I should at least get the run down of this place' he thought as he continued his way. when he was finish it was already around noon he's overlooking the small town in the distance on a tree branch of a orchard of apple trees he pull down his hood to show his coal colored hair that covers his eyes while he takes in a deep breath of the fresh air around him getting the feel for it. "I get use to this alright better back their at least" he reach in side the coat to pull out a flask that has a tree like design. " A toast to a new home....for now" and he open it then took a long waited drank. Around the same time... "I'm telling you girls theirs a new stallion in town and I bump into him, but when I turn around to say hi to Twilight and Rainbow Dash he was gone!" Pinkie Pie explained for the hundredth time to her closest of friends. "Were not saying anything, but we only saw you Pinkie" Twilight said to her friend that seem to deal for the imagery stallion. "Uuuuuggrrhhh come on he's real and I'll prove it I'll find him and show you then I'll throw a party for his welcome and 'I told you so' you'll see!!" and with that she ran out the door at her speed. Twilight looks to the rest. "Well?" she asked "Well she an't lying one bit Twi, but I don't know" AppleJack said removing her hat to scratch her head in confusion. Pinkie Pie has and always been a very strange mare yet this is a bit off even for her they all knew it, but they should also know that is Pinkie Pie so they must to at least give her a reason of the doubt. So for now they'll wait to see what comes up over all of this if it is really well they have to say sorry to Pinkie for now believing her if not well....who cares. After a long day they went to their own homes to sleep away the night, but Pinkie Pie was laying down on her bed to think to how to find that stallion and prove her friends she's not being Pinkie' I'll find him and prove that I'm not being me for once' she thought before falling asleep. Another good morning for Ponyville and very great sleep for the him he open his eyes to the sound of the morning birds he smiled at the peace as he never get enough of it anymore like he used to, but all the same okay. He hopped off with his stuff stretching when he landed feeling wonderful in his best for months after his stretch slowly setting his equipment down next to a tree then touch the tree feeling the tough bark that is the tree 'The farmers know what their doing maybe I should test that hey a quick workout won't hurt' he thought as he gotten in a boxing stance. "I'm getting who ever did this!" Applejack yelled. "What's up with her?" Rainbow asked barely hearing her from a far cloud and went to find out what happen. "Bandits come last night a took some apples" Big Mac said been their when she found out. "Boy when I get my hands who ever did this are in some real pain" she hissed. "Don't worry about it sis" Big Mac said trying to calm her down. "Calm down! we been robbed and you want me to calm down!" it failed. He just blinked at her calmly way to understanding about her temper from all he's clearly the more reasonable slowly he sighed before talking. "How much did they took?" Rainbow Dash spoke beating him to it. "That's it they didn't" Big mac said they looked at him. "What?" they said in unison. "They didn't take no apples, sis if you 'looked' first they didn't take anything they did take one apple that he paid for the bits are right their next to the pale he did free labor" she and Rainbow walked to the pale of fresh picked apples and to see two gold bits. "oh..." Applejack said softly losing all of her rage she just had Big Mac walked away leaving her to do whatever as he starts on todays work. "Well I need to think them when I meet them..." embarrass now that she made a fool of herself in front of Rainbow Dash. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pinkie Pie been looking every were to the clock tower to the trees trying to find that strange stallion she met with no luck it was reaching to noon giving up for now she walked back to Sugar Cube Corner for a quick snack. On her way she met Rarity her way to get a nice treat herself for a relaxing day they talked what each others day activates Rarity just been lodging around as for Pinkie was well too known. "Pinkie I'm not saying your wrong, but a hooded stallion with a foreign accent carrying a long wrapped tool is just a bit silly even for you we don't get much foreigners you know" she said as they sat for a bit on a bench Pinkie groaned. "Rarity I'm not kidding is all true I just bumped into him and he was one strange fella he was just be hide me when in turned he just vanish it was like magic! oh he was a earth pony." she said in a speed they grew a custom to for knowing her a long time. "Alright dear lets continue this over our snacks" and with a nod from Pinkie they set off again when they entered they saw the rest of their friends talking in a table next to the window after a good snack Rainbow told the rest of them what happen to Applejack's disappointment a few giggles now that topic on they couldn't over look the news they got from Pinkie. "Now it was only timing Pinkie it could've happen any other day like today" Twilight said slightly believing it herself. "Yea Pinkies don't try to connect this to your mystery stallion" Rainbow Dash said taking a bite of her muffin. "No it adds up see he's real is all here you'll see!" before any of them could answer back they heard a bit of noise outside with Pinkie's help they open the widow seeing the three Pegasus stallions all well fit, big, and mean looking no one had dared to challenge them other then Applejack and Rainbow and a bit other stallions, but not many. They were yelling with somepony, but they couldn't see who their were ganging up who ever poor soul Applejack and Rainbow were about to butt in till the one being targeted move to the side enough to let them see who it was.....a hooded earth stallion carrying a wrapped tool of some kind on his back. "Please my friends I wasn't looking" plus a thick foreign accent they look to Pinkie and she had the most killer game face ever their going to apologize to her later. "No you better listen bud no one dares to start something with us got it" the middle one said "Oh I will remember that then sorry I'll just take my leave" he only turn before one of them grab him by the cloak collar pulling him to the brown flier. "No you need to be taught a lesson" he was about to punch him nor did Rainbow had time to stop him the hooded stranger got free grab his throat pushing forward with his leg be hide his causing him to fall before he hit the ground the foreigner kicks him sending him flying landing hard his two friends rush to check on him he was out cold they pick him up and left before yelling. "You'll pay for this!" then gone from sight any pony their had their mouths open surprised by the scene. He was about to walk away just then a unknown force pulled him in a building now being stare at by five mares and being hold by a pink mare smiling like mad. "I told you soooooooo!" Pinkie Pie just yelled now laughing. "I'm sorry Pinkie we didn't believe you" Twilight said soon came the rest of them. "um....is their something you mares need?" now that he was here at least they can finally get know him Pinkie Pie was the most enteric about it. "I can throw you a party and your a meanie you left just I was to too!" she pouted making him chuckle. "Pinkie Pie maybe we should get his name first....if he doesn't mind that is" Flluttershy said as she hide be hide her pink mane. "She's right time see who the main talk about lately" Rarity said. "Ok ok, I will" as he removed his hood causing all of them to blush to see his face he was a brown stallion with a short yet well kept black mane and cooling tan eyes with a smile on his face that last as warming up in the winter. "My name is Makarov Sozdaniye is a pleasure to meet you" > The Russian part: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Makarov Soz~dan-iye? what kind of name is that-OW!" Rainbow said as she was hit over the back of head by Applejack. "Rainbow! that's not nice to say about a pony's name sure it's strange, but he isn't around here remember" Applejack scowled "Yea, were are you from by the way Makarov?" Twilight asked him nicely. "I'm from a large country my sweet mother Russia! Is very far from Equestria you see and not so many of us travel here for reasons that I'm not saying so you don't hear a lot about us" he replied calmly they already took a seat to listen about the new stallion. "What kind of country is it?" Rarity asked. "Well mostly is a winter heaven it snows a lot you have no idea, but their are places that don't and we have a ruler their is not as Equestria" he said a bit uncomfortably. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked wondering what kind of ruler his country stand by it can't be that bad. "Well if you miss he's JUST the most evil dictator of the entire world yea is not bad of a country give or take of the laws that go to everypony mostly to mares" he said shocking everypony well that sure not what they expected to hear that. "Wait what do you mean mostly to mares?" Rainbow Dash asked a bit focus on that bit only. "Well not like here that the raito is every one stallion to five mares at Russia is every one stallion to ten mares their's a fifth-teen percent male population here in Equestria at Russia is only five percent so every male leader try to keep us in power so keep the mares lower class so the mares have little rights, but some are very threating to get their as much rights as like Equestria so far is a loseing cause yet not forgotten is slowly making progress" at this point the girls are just horrified by this never had they ever heard of this before now their clad they live here so save from any horror if they were born at Russia. "Wait if the mares out number the stallions why haven't they over throw the evil ones?" Twilight wonder the mares out number the stallions greatly so why haven't they arrest the bad ones? "Because by all our mares at Russia their tough as diamonds and hot as lava they won't be beaten so easily, but most mares have familys so they don't fight others are too scared to face the stallions by nature and the ones that do have reasons to fight for their kin and loves also little of them have none thing to lose by them I met one of the leaders of the mares rebellion she has a good reason to stop them and I always will help her if she needs help and yes some stallions are helping the mares" Makarov finish. "What was her reason...if you don't mind me asking" Fluttershy aksed timidly with that Makarov looked sadden he looked away from them. "They took her son away from her.....she's will never be able to have a child again that's her reason" all the girls gasp mare that was never felt mother hood again her life, but that rises a question. "What happen to her son?" asked Rarity clearly near tears. "She been in the rebellion for a long time and they knew her too well I was lucky enough for her to tell me what happen to her she never really trusted stallions after to save a few in the rebellion that stayed with her she was about to give birth to her late husband child he died in the cause on one mission anyways they found were she was and they went their and......made sure he wasn't born and make her so she will never bare another child she was in tears when she told me this I did what I could do as a son and older brother I held her share a drink we were best friends after that oh excuse me for a moment" he pull out a silver flask with a tree in craving the girls were in a few tears even Pinkie once puffy mane popped flat straight they stared as he open the flask. *"Pokoysya s mirom schastlivo, zhit' svobodno v zapredel'noye" then he took a quick drink after that he closed the flask and put it back in his cloak pocket he looked back at the girls to see confuse,sad, and wondering looks towards him he just chuckled at their faces. "What was that?" Applejack said curiously. "A custom from my country we drink to those who pass well let's stop all this sappy and gloom for today is getting late and wasn't their a party for me?" Makarov said grinning at that Pinkie's mane pop up back to her normal puffy style she smiled widely. "Oh your right! I still need to plan for your party also he's right let's stop all this sadness and go back being happy buddies I need to get ready send the invites and get you tighty up for the party you don't what to be a dusty bunny do you!" she well yelled in her speed that the girls know way too well also he was right up to her face at the end making him snicker a bit. "Your one happy bunny and your right I do need to get clean my *dorogoy" Makarov said sweetly while patting her head thank celestia for her pink fur hiding her blush....he still saw it. To the ring of this Rarity popped into her fashionista state to the slight mention of 'new look' she jumped causing Rainbow Dash to fall who was right next to her hitting the floor with a yelp. "She's right I for one will not make you look like some dusty statue! I will make you some new clothing" she chimed happily. "Well as much I'll like that could you just repair my cloths for now I'm more comfortable in these, but I will hold you on that offer not today if isn't too much maybe you'll have something later so you can work on more ideas" Makarov said politely. "Also who are you five I only been introduce to Pinkie Pie" he said in a more confusing manner to this they all facepalem they forgot to say their names. "Well I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Applejack,Fluttershy,Rarity, and Rainbow Dash" Twilight kindly told him pointing to every single one of them in that order. "Well is nice to meet you all now Rarity is it alright if I come early in the morning so you can repair my clothes?" Makarov said calmly. "Yes that'll be quite alright, but may I have a better look at them so I know what I'm dealing with that cloak covers mostly your upper body" she chipped in as she smiles Makarov kindly nods already have his tool sit down he stands up and takes off his cloak he knows that helped him far too many he can count to their right small view he is wearing a dark brown long sleeve shirt they go perfectly with the aged blue jeans he wore plus boots and cloves also as much they like to not stare they can barely see any muscle on him like the shirt was purposely a bit baggy. "Well I see some trouble, but none thing I can handle ok we have clothes settled were are you going to sleep for today anyway were did you sleep last night?" she made a point if he was here for a day were did he sleep not many ponies give their homes for a new stranger to sleep in with open arms. "In a tree after a while they get really comfortable" he stated making Rainbow grin knowing too well what he met that goes to the rest of her friends. With the sun already setting and a bit of discussing were he'll sleep almost a fuse to a bomb about to go off it was clear that he'll stay with Twilight Makarov who was sitting in the sidelines wearing his cloak checking his wrapped item straps with a small glace that Twilight was approaching him he stood up while putting it on his back. "Well Makarov you'll be staying with me for now is that ok?" Twilight said nicely. "That is fine I'm really clad this town have a very nice welcome to new travelers" Makarov said with a small grin. After their farewell's Twilight and Makarov walk towards her home. When they did made it a few questions about and the fact that is a tree after all that they enter the home for some rest then Spike who was cleaning the library all day got a questionable look when he saw Twilight walking in with a stallion with a quick explanation who he was Spike was energetic to see a foreigner for the first time with a few questions he asked him Makarov was kind enough to answer them to their surprise he used to had a dragoness babysit him when he was younger or more as a patrol officer he was thirteen that got in trouble little too much, but she was nice to him like another mother he told them with a prolong sleep near that went to bed for the coming party tomorrow Makarov who was in the guest room Twilight showed him was laying down with his boots off his stuff set near by him looking up towards the ceiling thinking how Ponyville is so much better then the last places he'd been with a good smile and a single thought 'I was right this place did had something in store for me then the lasts towns maybe I can actually have a brake' to that he closes his eyes to welcoming sleep once more.