> Seventh Element > by Stormwhite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dark hooded man walked slowly as he approached his target destination. A thousand years it’s been since his pain and hatred formed. He has been plotting for a millennium how to get his revenge. On this day this beautiful summer’s day he shall commence his plan. Wrapped in a black cloak so that no one may know who he is only one person was allowed to see his face. That one person who caused him to turn into the crazy psychopath that he is today her name is Celestia. “Come on spike we promised we’d meet pinkie pie and the others for a picnic at the park.” Twilight called down to her number one assistant. “Relax I’m coming just finished packing the basket.” Spike answered back. “Well get the check list and make sure we have ever-” Before the girl could finish her sentence Spike came up with the checklist and a quill ready for the next orders. Twilight looked pleased with the boy then she rambled on a whole list of items. To witch spike checked off everyone. “Well I guess were ready come on Spike.” Twilight said in a joyful tone “Ok” the boy responded as he grabbed the basket and followed twilight out the door. Walking past the cake shop Twilight met up with pinkie pie. Who startled both of them by jumping out from behind and yelling “Hiya!” the three then proceeded to walk to the park where they met the rest of their friends. Apple Jack was setting up the blanket and Fluttershy helped. Over to the side Rarity could be seen sitting on her plush sofa which she brought from home using her magic. Rainbow dash floated over all their heads using her wings. She was also the first to spot Twilight, Spike and pinkie pie as such she was also the first to greet them. “Hey look who decided to show up took you guys long enough.” “Ah lighten up rainbow glad yawl could make it.” Said Apple jack. “Sorry were late, but I had to make sure we brought everything.” Said twilight apologetically “Well yes that’s fine and dandy, but did you bring any food because I’m simply famished.” Twilight smiled and obtained a purple glow she lifted the basket with her fingers and with her other hand she put the food on the blanket. “Bon appetite” Twilight said as the feast was on the blanket. “OH BOY!!!” pinkie exclaimed as she stuck her face in the mashed potatoes. “Oh pinkie will you please learn some manners” Rarity said with disgust. As the others were talking Fluttershy looked off into the distance and saw a man entering ponyville. I wonder who that could be the shy girl wondered. “U-u-um guys who is that?” “Who’s who?” Twilight asked her friend. Fluttershy then pointed at the mysterious hooded figure. Pinkie Pie took her head out of the potatoes and let out a huge gasp. “A new person in ponyville?!?!?! I have to go say hi!” The girl then ran over to the hooded man. “Should we go with her?” twilight asked “I reckon she’ll be fine”. “Hiya my names Pinkie Pie welcome to ponyville.” She greeted the man with that remark and a huge smile. “Where is twilight Sparkle?” The man inquired. “Twilight she’s over there” Pinkie pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. “Well now you are of no use to me any more fare well.” The man raised his hand and it began to glow with a Black aura. Then in an instant it came crashing down at Pinkie. Who was frozen like a dear in the head lights. *BOOM* the sound echoed, and the five ponies and spike at the picnic turned to see that only the man and a small crater remained. “What in tarnation!?” exclaimed Applejack. “Guys where did Pinkie Pie go!?” Fluttershy said with worry. The five scanned the area and she was nowhere to be found. “Twilight sparkle!” The man said with a thunderous voice. Twilight from across the park looked at the hooded figure feeling the thick tension. The man returned the look and after a minute or two said “Prepare to Die.” The man’s words were piercing Twilights skull like a drill. It echoed in her head, and for a moment the girl lost herself. “What’d you do to Pinkie pie?!” Apple jack screamed at the mysterious figure. “I killed her” The man said with smirk “wasn’t that obvious?” Twilight sank to her knees. He killed her? What? How is this possible? Rarity and Fluttershy just stood there not knowing what o do looking at this man in pure fear. Applejack looked in disbelief, and while all the others stood there shocked Rainbow dash had enough and charged at the enigma. Spike went over and shook Twilight trying to bring her back to her senses. “Come on Twi get yourself together.” The boy said in a futile attempt. “Stop!! I’m over here!” On queue Rainbow Dash flung her wings open and stopped dead. She looked over at an alleyway and Pinkie pie was waving at her. “You’re alright!” Rainbow said with excitement that her friend was unharmed. The other ponies Jumped for joy to see their friend in good condition. Twilight even came to her senses and got to her feet. “B-but how!” The hooded man said with Anger “I crushed you!” “Nope.” The hooded man then turned to see who said that, but was greeted with a fist to his face. This sent him flying back quite a few yards. “He saved me!” Pinkie Pie said with a giant grin and a giggle. “Big Macintosh!” exclaimed the young man’s little sister. He looked over to her and in his charismatic way said “Eyup.” He was the strongest person in all of Ponyville. “Aj I reckon you get out of here before things get to ugly.” The six girls and Spike stared at big Mac with disbelief. Was he really going to fight this man? While they ran away like cowards this couldn’t be could it? The hooded figure stood up and cracked his neck. “I see you have a death wish I’ll be more than happy to make that wish come true.” “Big Mac! You can’t fight this guy he’s too strong!” Said twilight. “Yeah don’t be hero.” Added Rainbow dash. “Guy’s let’s go.” Said Apple Jack who looked around to see shocked expressions on her friend’s faces. “Are you insane he’ll get Killed.” Yelled Rainbow dash. “My brother ain’t stupid He knows what he’s doing. If he didn’t step in twilight could have been toast by now believe me I don’t want to see him do this either, but what can we do to stop that guy!?”. “I can use my magic to fight him.” Protested Twilight “Twi darling it’s you he’s after I think that’s what he wants’.” Responded Apple jack “Well I’m not leaving him!!”Roared Rainbow Dash as she charged at the Mysterious figure. “”Rainbow Dash No!” Called out Pinkie who by now rejoined the group. Big Mac saw what she was trying to do and yelled at her to quit, but it was too late. Rainbow dash was in full throttle ready for a head on collision as she neared she closed her eyes and waited for impact. However it never game after a good thirty seconds Rainbow opened her eyes to see she was floating in midair. “W-w-what?” The hooded figure had his hand raised with a black aura surrounding it. There was no aura around Dash, yet she was stopped, and worse couldn’t move. The other girls were in shock to say the least Pinkies jaw had hit the floor. Before anyone else could say or do anything Big Macs fist was near the hooded man’s face. The enigma just narrowly avoided the assault. “Oh You’re good too good in fact. Something just doesn’t seem to add up here.” “You want us to leave and contact Celestia?” Called Twilight as rainbow dash flew back to the rest of the group. “Eyup” Said Big Mac reassuringly. “Ok then, just promise us you will be alright!” Called out his Apple Jack “Eyup” He said again. “I swear that man needs to learn some new vocabulary.” Rarity said annoyed with his constant phrase. Be careful Big Mac Rainbow thought as she left with the others. Twilight had Spike take down a letter. Dear Princess Celestia We as well as the other citizens of ponyville are in grave danger. Please we need your help come as quickly as possible. There is a hooded man terrorizing the town. Big Mac is about to fight him, and we don’t want that. He stopped full speed Rainbow dash with just his weird Magic. Please Help. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle. > The showdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now that they’re gone why dont you tell me why you’re here and what your name is” Said Big Mac to the mysterious man. “My name? Why don’t you just call me Fusion” said the hooded man. “As for why I’m here it’s to kill Twilight I thought I made that painfully clear” Said Fusion with a very sarcastic tone. “I know that, but why do you want her dead” Responded Big Mac. “Does it matter? Big Mac” “Nope” The man said then cracked his knuckles. “Also I know who you are Big Mac, and what you do.” “Good then I don’t have to hold back.” Fusion smirked he didn’t mind one more corpse to send to Celestia. “Now then let’s get started” Said Big Mac who took a fighting stance. Meanwhile Twilight in the others had reached the library, and began to gather their thoughts on the matter. “I just don’t get why would he won’t to kill me? I have been Nice to everyone haven’t I?” Said Twilight in dismay “I reckon it’s more than that ah mean this guy tried to kill Pinkie Pie.” Added Apple Jack “He sure did that meany he tried to hit me with that glowing hand of his, and I couldn’t even move!” Replied Pinkie Pie. “He stopped me dead in my tracks.” “Yeah that was some skilled magic he displayed Rainbow. Maybe even to skilled” “What do you mean Twilight?” Asked the curious young spike” “What if he wasn’t just a wizard, but he was an Alicorn” “Impossible there is no way that ruffian could be so majestic. Besides we didn’t see any wings!” Rarity spoke in protest “True but it’s not like it’s that hard to hide them.” The room then looked over to Fluttershy who appeared wingless. Just then spike coughed up a letter from Princess Celestia. The boy then began to read it aloud to the girls. Dear Twilight Sparkle I’m deeply frightened by your letter for I fear I know this man. He goes by the name of Fusion and he is an Alicorn like me and my sister. Fusion is stronger than anyone can fight by themselves. He has more than magic he has the power to manipulate gravity. Me and my sister may be able to stop him, but I’m bringing the elements of harmony just in case. We will be there as soon as possible so hold on until then, and stick together. Love Princess Celestia. “Well now we have to go back we can’t leave Big Mac to fight him alone.” ”Ah reckon you’re right twilight, but we need a plan.” “Yeah so let’s start and we better make it quick.” Added Rainbow Dash. Just then an explosion shook the library. “Big Mac!” Apple Jack shouted, and rushed for the door. Only to be stopped by Rarity. “If you go you will only distract him. It would be horrible for everyone you do understand don’t you darling?” Apple Jack sighed in annoyance knowing her friend was right. “Now let’s get planning” Said Twilight. From his fighting stance Big Mac Lunged at Fusion who just barely avoided the attack. Big Mac furiously kept punching at his opponent inching closer every time. Fusion kept inching backwards until his back hit a tree. Then he teleported away as a result Big Mac hit the tree causing it to break in half. About fifteen feet behind Big Mac stood Fusion who was amazed. “So the rumors are true you are the strongest earthling in all of equestria!” “Eyup” Responded Big Mac. “Well no matter I’ll just crush you and be done with it!” Fusion held out his hand which had a Black aura around it. Big Mac found himself surrounded by the same black aura. Fusion closed his hand tightly, and the aura around Big Mac closed in fast crushing everything inside its dome shaped area. “There it’s done with” Fusion said happily “Nope.” Fusion heard Big Mac say as he was punched in the gut and then in the face. This launched him a good twenty feet. “H-how did you escape?” Asked Fusion furiously. “I am not just strong, but fast and smart as well. I was able to escape your field because the gravity wasn’t strong enough to stop me. “Simple as that” “The gravity in that field was ten times normal gravity!” Said Fusion has he got to his feet. “That would have been enough to stop a regular person, but not me.” Replied Big Mac with a smirk, and that was the last straw. Fusion roared and released his ebony black wings. He then started flying at an unusually high speed towards Big Mac. Fusion got to Big Mac in a mere second and took his face in the palm of his hand. Big Mac grunted as Fusion took him off his feet. Then Fusion took Big Mac and threw him using gravity to put more force behind his throw. “Now Die!” Fusion created a giant arm using magic it was outlined with his iconic black aura. He made a fist with it , and sent it crashing down on Big Mac. “Now it’s over” Said Fusion happily. His magic arm then disappeared as he turned away from Big Mac’s limp body. That’s when he realized he was very far from ponyville had Big Mac done this on purpose. Damn it how could he be fooled so easily. Then Rainbow dash came soaring down at Fusion who like before stopped her dead in her tracks. However he was then smacked away from his position by a purple hand that held him against a rock wall. This was the same as his spell only this belonged to Twilight. “Quick get Big Mac, and Run!” Twilight called to her friends. Then Rarity and apple jack ran to get Big Mac. “I have had it!” Fusion got up shattering twilight’s spell and knocking her down. He roared as his hands dimmed with his black aura. He crushed both Rainbow dashes and Flutter shy’s wings who both proceeded to faint. He summoned two black arms that he used to grab and crush both Rarity and Applejack. He squeezed them until they passed out. Spike seeing Rarity’s limp body charged at Fusion, but was smited down to the ground and couldn’t move. Twilight looked around the field as she saw all her friends limp bodies. She froze not knowing what to do. “Now do you understand young Twilight? All your attempts at beating me are futile. So why don’t you just except your death like a good little girl.” Twilight stood up and looked at Fusion. “You’re wrong I will defeat you!” “Nonsense” Fusion lifted his hand to crush twilight, but was blown backwards by an unknown force. Twilight astonished looked behind her to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She ran back and hugged her teacher. “Now now Twilight we need to take care of business.” Twilight nodded her head, and turned to face the pile of ruble where fusion lay. Fusion began to laugh manically “well this just keeps getting better.” Fusion then stood up and revealed that half his outfit had been blown away. His jacket was completely gone and his right sleeve on his shirt was missing. His pants had been ripped in multiple places. Twilight looked at Fusion and examined him. He had spiky black hair and had tan skin. He was rather skinny and not very muscular. “Now let’s end this I’ll kill all three of you!” Fusion roared. “Wait why don’t you look at who I brought with me?” Said Celestia. Luna stepped forward and looked at Fusion. “First to die huh?”Said Fusion who went to clench his fist, but could not. He stood their trying to clench his fist and kill Luna, but he couldn’t what was stopping him? He looked over to the three women who appeared to be doing nothing to stop him. Luna was now trapped in a gravity dome separated from her sister and twilight, but was unafraid. “I know you’re in there! Please come back.” Luna said to fusion. This confused Twilight who was in where? Was someone in Fusion? Fusion dropped to his knees and gripped his head. “Why does it hurt! Why does it hurt so much!?” Fusion groaned in pain. “Come on you became this monster because of me. I went through the same thing, but I know you’re in there.” Said Princess Luna. Twilight looked from Luna to Fusion. So Fusion is like Nightmare moon that means he is a transformed person. Fusion began to yell loader as he was in tremendous pain. Fusion looked at twilight and he now had two different colored eyes on brown like before and one navy colored eye. Whoever this person was he was struggling to get free. It was working as Fusion was beginning to split into two people. Twilight was amazed a ghost like figure kept coming in and out of Fusion. As if someone is trying to escape a shell. Luna made one last comment “I know you’re in their G!” “Enough!”Screamed Fusion as he clenched his fist crushing the area within the dome. He looked up and his eyes were both brown again and the man trying to escape seemed to have vanished. Twilight looked distraught had Princess Luna been crushed before her very eyes? Twilight couldn’t see anything because there were huge amounts of dust and debris. Fusion stood up and pointed to Twilight “Your fate will be the same.” > G > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a most joyous day for young Luna as she had learned her abc’s. She must have sung it three dozen times to her sister. Celestia was walking her little sister home from school and listening to her talk about her day. Passing By them were two boys friends at the time. One was a little nerdy and chubby the other was a little timid and a tad bit optimistic. From across the street the timid boy saw young Luna. He was captivated by her she was really pretty he thought to himself. Even if it was only for an instant as she passed him by ten feet away. In another moment the children passed each other and the young boy’s thoughts shifted back to his friend. As years went by the boy out grew his timid young self and became rather outgoing. He grew to have charismatic air to him, and with this came a slight confidence boost. He had always observed that girl from across the block her name was Luna. Ever since that day the young man had been fixated on her. He wasn’t a stalker or anything just kept an eye on her. Though he thought she didn’t even know he existed and he was right. She was a Princess, and as such she was very busy and didn’t remember a whole lot of faces. However this didn’t stop him from trying to grab her attention. Whenever he went to their social parties he would display some interesting tricks. He tried to grasp Lunas attention to no avail. Luna always felt she lived in the shadow of her sister. Her older sister Celestia who received her cutie mark eons before her. People could not stop talking about it for the longest time. Luna wasn’t one to seek attention, but some of it would have been nice. Whenever someone came to the castle they were never there for Luna, either her parents or Celestia. Just once she wished someone would come looking for her. Luna barley had friends they were a bunch of backstabbers, but she hung out with them because it was better than no one. Some more time passed and Luna got her cutie mark. Luna was very excited knowing she would get to work alongside her sister. In honor of this event here family threw her a formal party as they did for Celestia. Though this was a special occasion form more reasons than one. On this day a comet flies past the world it only appears once every hundred years. So why not celebrate it?. Everybody from Hackinson was invited to their castle for celebration. Luna’s mysterious admirer saw this as a perfect opportunity to talk to her. So he went to the party and it was just as dull as always. Always so formal and classy he hated it, but it was worth it to get to see Luna. Though he found it hard to find her witch as odd since it was her party. After some time looking he found her sitting at a table with her group of friends. Seeing this the young man chickened out not wanting to bother her on her special night. Finally the boy had enough and decided to go with the most direct approach possible. He went up to the castle doors and knocked. To his surprise Luna answered the door. He had never seen her so close up before she was rather breath taking. The boy was left speechless until Luna spoke up. She recognized him from around town as one of the cute boys. Her superficial friends had pointed him out once. They said he always kept to himself so he was very mysterious witch only added to his allure. With this thought process she figured he was there for Celestia. “I’ll go get my sister.” She said and began to walk away. “Wait” Said the boy Luna stopped and turned back to face him. She raised eyebrows if questioning his statement. “I didn’t come to see your sister I came to see you.” The boy said with a nervous voice that he mentally face palmed himself for. Luna paused for a moment and began to blush. “Me?” she asked again questioning his motives. “Yea I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime.” Luna brushed her hair behind her ear and got a good look at the boy. After a moment of awkward tension Luna nodded her head and said “sure” with a big smile on her face. This made the boy happy as well “So um when do you want to um hang out?” She asked before blinking several times. “Uh anytime is good for me” said the eager boy “How about now?” replied the equally eager Luna. “Sure” said the boy “Great let me just go get my jacket” Said Luna before she ran off to go get it. From the doorway he could hear a conversation “Bye mom I’m going out with a friend.” “Witch friend!?” replied the mother. Then Luna poked her head out of a large doorway and saw the boy quite a few feet away. “Hey Um what’s your name!?” She asked forgetting to get it before hand. “G” The by replied and then Luna repeated it to her mother before running off to join him at the door. The two then began to walk and for awhile they were silent. Not sure what to do or say until G spoke up. “So what’s it like being a princess?” To witch Luna rolled her eyes and sighed “It’s not as fun as you might think. It can get really boring especially those god awful parties.” “I know what you mean always so dull next year you should get balloons or a Giant cake.” Luna giggled a bit “Giant cake?” she asked curious as to how that would make the party better. “Yeah nothing says party like a giant cake.” G said with a charming smile. Luna looked off into the distance and saw the cloud going down. “Duty calls?” Luna nodded at G’s words. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Then she opened them and they glowed as did her hands. G looked from the setting sun over to the rising moon it was phenomenal. “You sure are powerful Luna I guess that’s just part of what makes you so special.” Luna Blushed again”S-Special? I’m not that special.” “Oh come on you just raised the moon! You can’t look at me and say that’s not special.” “Well what about you what’s your cutie mark and what can you do.” G lifted his shirt to reveal his cutie mark it was a black hole. After looking at it for a moment Luna spoke “I don’t understand” she said. A dark aura formed around G’s hand as he made a rock float and come over to him. “I control gravity” he said as he crushed the rock. “You may bring the moon up, but I keep you from floating to it.” Luna eyes grew wide as she started to float.”That’s amazing you have to do this constantly?” She asked astonished. “No ever hear of the four gems?” Luna nodded as she floated down to the ground. “Those gem’s are what keep’s our world together. The four stones have the power of the four forces of nature.” “Correct” said G.” I and three other people supply the stones power once every decade. After that we enter a sleep for a week and wake up feeling weak as a dog. After about a month or so we get back to normal though.” “Now that’s special” said Luna “No more special then you are. For the third time tonight Luna blushed. “Yeah, but my sister is so powerful and compared to her.” Luna grew quiet “You are every bit as strong as your sister.” G said in protest. Luna smiled she was glad she decided to come with G he was nice and more importantly he was genuine. “Well I have to go now, but maybe we can do this again sometime.” “I would like that” replied the young man. So the two young adults went home both very happy with the way the night turned out. In the years to come the two would become great friends. They shared many similar interests, and G had a way of making Luna well happy. That feeling was mutual whenever G was with Luna he instantly felt happy as well. Celestia was pleased that her little sister finally had a real friend. G was practically part of the family. Though he still feared their farther, but to be fair he was rather tall and had power over space. G always said one mishap and he would be sent straight to the moon. Things were going great and G gave Luna courage which she used gladly. With the guidance of G she was able to get rid of her false friends, and focus her time on other things. Everything was going great until one day Luna had to leave. “What do you mean you have to leave?” Exclaimed G. “I’m sorry, but my farther has sent me to investigate a region known as equestria.” Said Luna who was sad enough as it is and G being upset added insult to injury. “Well what time do you leave then?” “First thing in the mourning” G sighed. “I’m so, so sorry” said Luna in almost tears. “Don’t be I know you hate this now, but you will come around.” “Oh yeah, and why’s that!?” She snapped at him. He smiled and said “Because I’ll be coming with you.” Luna looked at her friend in utter shock. “No I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.” Luna said in somewhat of a protest. “Good because you’re not I want to go. I have nothing much here besides y mom, but even then we are not really close.” Luna jumped and hugged her friend. She was speechless “Thank you.” She whispered into his ear “Hey what are friends for?” G answered. It was a hard voyage, but eventually they made it to equestria. The citizens there long awaited their arrival. They quickly talked to Princess Celestia and Luna about an evil being terrorizing equestria. His name was Discord it was then the sisters realized this was a test to see how strong they had become. It’s tradition in their family to be able to wield the elements of harmony. Every generation must go through some sort of test to call forth the elements. The elements are of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Once every eon the seventh element can be awakened. This element is a rare sight indeed, but once awakened is as strong as the first five elements put together. This element is awakened by the first five elements being combined into one. Witch no one has been able to do in the past five thousand years. Other then Luan’s parents that is. The sisters found the demon known as Discord and fought him valiantly. They were ultimately able to awaken the elements of harmony and turn him to stone. In this battle G fought as Luna’s right hand man making some great sacrifices. Including throwing himself in front of Luna to block an attack. With this G was able to summon the seventh element of harmony. It was a bracelet with the colors of red, pink, blue, green, and orange. Still not knowing how exactly he did it, and never quite figuring out how to use it. With Discord gone the citizens of equestria rejoiced, and hailed to their new leaders. However this is where things took a turn for the worst. The power was too much for a young Luna, and it started to go to her head. Years went by and Luna became even more power crazy. Around this time G had to head east back to Hackinson. It was time to renew the gravity of the world by feeding his bower to the black stone. So he left to fulfill his duties as one of the forceful four. Luna was alone after he left, and began to feel sad. She was older than before, but her emotions haven’t changed much. She noticed something though why did people come out during the day? Yet go inside and leave at night? Could it be they appreciated her sister more? Why else would they? Was this the reason she never had a friend before G? Luna got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she let her imagination get the best of her. She saw a world eternally lit by the moonlight. It was then she decided she would never let the moon come down again. Celestia confronted her sister about this witch only led to an argument. After that the two sisters engaged in a battle on of witch the world had never seen before. Celestia appeared to be winning since her magic has matured unlike Luna’s. News of this Conflict reached G on the other side of the world. Who although still weak from completing his job went to go aid Luna. When G arrived there Luna looked different morphed from her usual self into some kind of monster. No he wouldn’t lose her to hatred. G tried to call off the battle, but Luna would not have it she even accused G of being a traitor. “Luna stop this at once can’t you see the pain you’re causing?” “Enough if you are not with me you are against me.” Luna or rather Nightmare moons voice roared. “I never expected you to side with Celestia it just proves I can only trust myself.” Those words hurt G so much Luna how low have you fallen? Princess Celestia then began to use the elements of harmony. “Enough of this fighting sister! Using the element’s I now banish you!” with that a rainbow emerged from all the elements and hit Nightmare moon. “NO!” shouted G in a panic. Nightmare was being sent flying to the moon. In one last effort G tried to use his power of gravity to bringer her back. Even going as far as to multiply the gravity two hundred times. In this moment he achieved twice his all time high. Despite his great effort the element’s proved to be too powerful. Celestias usage of the elements to imprison her sister instead of helping her was viewed as an act of despise. This permanently severed her ability to use the elements. G was left sitting in a pile of ruble. “She’s gone” He found himself repeating this term growing louder as he continued. “SHES GONE!” his speech turned into full shouts and tears came streaming down his face. Celestia went over to try and explain, but he smacked her away. “I hate you! And I swear I will get my revenge on you! Just wait Celestia! ” As time went on G’s hatred grew eventfully transforming him into Fusion as Luna had became Nightmare moon. Years went by and Fusion tried to attack Celestia many times, but all ended in failure. Fusion eventually went into hiding, and as a result never knew Luna had come back. Actually Fusion had completely forgotten of Luna’s existence. However Word reached Fusions ears of a young pony named Twilight she was the student of Celestial. What a great way to seek revenge. Though his plan was not executed as smoothly because many things got in his way. Including the person he started fighting for. He endured much pain , but because of her , but was finally able to crush her or so he thought. Twilight looked horrified as she watched Luna get crushed before her eyes. “Your fate will be the same” Fusion said. “Princess Celestia he-” “Look closely Twilight” Celestia said cool as a cucumber. Twilight looked at the dust cloud closely. She began to make out a dark figure then she heard a swoosh sound as ebony black wings sprung open. There stood a man whom Twilight had never seen before. Black long hair to match his wings and he had a dark black cloak to match. He held Luna bridal style. “You alright?” He asked her “I’m fine.” Luna replied. “Big deal one more person to kill!” Fusion blurted out. “Princess Celestia who is that man?” “That is G, twilight” So he was G still who was he and how did he Know Luna? Questions for another time. G smirked and chuckled “You come near Luna, and I will end you!” Fusion laughed hysterically. “You stop me I’d like to see you try!” Fusion shouted at the now matured G. G set Luna down on her feet “Sorry, but the reunion will have to wait.” Luna nodded and walked over next to her sister. G walked over and stared at Fusion his alter ego. “Now then lets begin!” > The Backup Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G stared intensely at his alter ego. So this is what became of me the man thought to himself. G reached up across his chest to his left shoulder he pulled of his cloak to reveal an outfit underneath. G had on a black short sleeved jacket zipped up holes had been ripped in his jacket to let his wings loose. He had fingerless leather gloves and baggy pants held up by a studded belt. His hair ranged fell down to his back. This guy is the epitome of emo punk Twilight thought to herself. Without a moments notice G charged at fusion using one hand to grab his face and throw him into a mountain not too far off. Twilight was astonished this guy maybe faster than rainbow dash. G was in fact faster, but he also made his body lighter so he could fly faster. So it wasn’t a fair comparison. Fusion flew out from the indent in the mountain he made, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Looking around for G he started to panic. “Looking for someone?” G asked as he spun himself and landed his heal on Fusions skull. G kicked downwards sending Fusion flying towards the ground. With a loud crashing sound Fusion hit the floor. He then stumbled to his feet this was ridiculous. How could G be so strong? Fusion flew up fast and interlocked fingers with Fusion. “I’ll crush you!” he shouted “Just try it!” G said in response. They then both intensified the gravity around them to around fifty times the normal amount. Both their gravity forces collided and caused an explosion. This sent both men flying towards the ground at a rapid rate. With a loud thud G hit the floor he had hurt himself, but Fusion had been hurt just as well. “G!” Luna called out to him to which he simply lifted his thumb to show he was alright. “This guy is tougher then I thought.” G said out of breath “We will have to use the elements to beat him.” “Well then you want to talk to twilight here about that.” Celestia pointed to her faithful student who just nodded nervously. G gave Celestia a confused look, and then she explained her connection from the elements had been severed. “So Twilight and her friends are the new bearer of the elements of harmony.” G looked from Celestia to Twilight “Well then Twilight will you help me?” “Um well you see I would love to, but Fusion kind of incapacitated my friends.” G looked around and saw the seven people who lay unconscious. “Don’t worry about it I’ll just use my element with yours and we will beat him.” G replied to Twilight smiling. “Yeah I guess that could work… wait what element?” Twilight said rather confused. “You don’t mean you have finally learned to use it? Do you?” Luna said as her usual inquiring self. “One thousand years is a long time to think and in that time I found the answers I was looking for.” G raised his right hand it had a gold bracelet with five colors on it. “Those Colors they are the same as the other five elements.” Twilight said rather curiously. “Indeed, and by combining the elements of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty you get the Seventh element.” G responded to the curious young girl. “Are you four done talking I thought we had a fight going on here?” Fusion hissed at the remaining targets. G looked over at Fusion, and was quite shocked by what he saw. Fusion had a Black mist coming off of him. From his hands, feet, chest, shoulders and knees. “Does that mean he is getting weaker?” Twilight asked her voice filled with hope. “No on the contrary he has become more powerful. Picture us as yin yang before I changed he was the black dot in the middle of the yin. When I changed I became the white dot in the middle of the yang. Now we are separated and he is all yang as I am all yin. He is born of hatred and anger, and the more he feels the emotions the stronger he will become.” G knew his predicament all too well. “But wouldn’t that mean the same for you? The more Kindness and Love you feel will the more powerful you will become...” Twilight said with High hopes. “Correct, however we are locked in battle, his anger is growing by the second because he can’t kill us. It would be hard to generate kindness or love in a fight, but don’t worry Twilight. He may be stronger then I am, but I’m not fighting with my strength so don’t worry.” “Not fighting with his strength what on earth does that mean?” Twilight asked G with a wondering air. Fusion then charged at G leaving a trail of black mist behind him. Making his fist dense he struck G in the stomach G then proceeded to cough up a little blood. Reacting quickly G made his fist dense and hit Fusion’s Jaw lifting him off his feet and sending him flying backwards. “Twilight I will need some time to activate my element. Prepare yours and wait for my signal ok? ” Twilight nodded and was then handed her Tiara thingy by princess Celestia. G then got a running start before flying off at Fusion. Who was still releasing a black mist. G looked for Fusion, but to no avail “looking for someone?” G’s eyes grew wide. He stopped dead in his tracks and did a one eighty roundhouse kick in mid air. Only to have it blocked by Fusion’s arm. Fusion then used his other free arm to punch G in the face sending him flying downwards and crashing in the field. Luna then clasped her hands over her mouth in panic. “Don’t worry sister, its G he won’t go down that easily.” How right Celestia was G was not going to go down like that. G sprang upwards flying fast and then grasping Fusion. From far away it looked like G was Hugging the evil creature. “What the hell are you doing?” Fusion asked rather angrily. “Taking you down!” G screamed as he then stared to fly downwards he meant that phrase very literally. As he was hurtling downwards G created a gravity beam ranging from the floor to the heavens. In this beam which was ten feet in diameter the gravity was intensified a hundred fold. G and Fusion started to drop fast. “You crazy son of a bitch you’ll kill us both!” Fusion yelled at G “Good then you’ll be gone for good and the others can live in peace.” They feel so fast that before they hit the ground they cracked the sound barrier. Then when they hit the ground they caused a massive crater. One hundred feet in diameter it almost reached Twilight, and the others. Twilight and the two princesses watched in awe as G slammed Fusion into the ground. The creator started out small, but then expanded at a rapid rate. It was truly astonishing Twilight’s ears were ringing from the loud cracking sound she had hear, but she eventually came to. “G!”Luna cried out “what!?”G called back. Much to the surprise of Luna, twilight and Celestia, G walked with a limp, his body was bruised all over, and his jacket was completely ripped off revealing his abdomen and chest. He his pants had also been ripped, but that was less notable then a completely missing Jacket. Luna ran over and slapped G across the face. Twilight’s Jaw nearly hit the floor and Celestia giggled. “Don’t you ever scare me Like that again!” Luna scolded her old friend. G couldn’t help but laugh “Sorry, I promise I will try not to scare you in the future.” Luna then hugged her friend. “No! I won’t let it end like this!” Fusion roared. He stood up and wondered over near the heartwarming scene. “Did you really think I didn’t have a backup plan?” Fusion yelled at his four enemies. G then turned From Luna to Fusion “It’s over, you lost just accept defeat.” G yelled at the man. “No! Now it’s time for the grand finale!” The black mist was still emitting off of Fusion. “This mist isn’t my overwhelming power! It is my gravity force. I’m using my entire body to bring in Hays comet!” This shocked the four heroes had he really been able to pull in a comet? Was he truly this powerful? The area then became tinted red “Shit” slipped Gs tongue. As he and his friend looked up they saw the comment which was now a meteor. “It’s you who lost! I will destroy all of equestria, and build a new kingdom from its ashes!” At this point Fusion had officially gone off the deep end. “No we have come so far to lose now.” Twilight sad somberly “Even if I and Luna combined out powers it’s still coming at us with a velocity we cannot stop.” G Looked up at the meteor for a solid minute before turning to Twilight. “Hey kid you wanted to know what I meant when I said I’m not fighting with my strength?” Twilight turned to him and answered “Yea that didn’t make much sense to me how are you not fighting with your strength when it’s you who’s fighting?” “Well Twilight, when you fight for someone other than yourself you fight as one combining your strengths with that whom you’re fighting for.” Twilight understood when she uses the elements of harmony she combines the strengths of her, and her friends. Her friends give her strength to fight with. So that means someone was giving G strength to fight with metaphorically of course. The meteor began to close in fast. “Now what shall you do! Your hopes and dreams will soon be crushed by my meteor!” Fusion continued to rant. The four remaining heroes looked up at the sky, and realized this maybe the end Fusion may have won. G looked down and closed his eyes they say your life flashes before your eyes, but this was not entirely true for G. The first thing he saw was Luna answering her door. Then just a mesh of memories came, like when Luna raised the moon, or when G told her about his cutie mark. When he had dinner at the castle one night, and when he left to join her on her voyage to Equestria. Now it’s all coming to an end… “No” G said as he opened his eyes. “I won’t let it end like this.” His three companions looked at him with odd faces. “Sorry G, but there isn’t much we can do” Luna said and Celestia nodded in agreement. “No much we can do, but there’s something I can do.” “I-I don’t understand what are you planning?” Luna said with worry in her voice. “Luna forgive me.” Was all G said before he ran up and kissed her. Taking Luna by surprise she hadn’t the slightest clue of how to react so she just melted in his arms and kissed him back. For the umpteenth time Twilight’s jaw dropped I guess that’s how she knew G the young girl thought. Celestia put her hand over her mouth, and smiled it was so cute. Fusion made a gagging noise as he was disgusted. After about a minute G pulled away and looked at Luna intensely “Sorry” was the last thing he said before he turned and jumped into the air. Flying at mach speed towards the meteor Luna gasped as she knew what he was about to do. Twilight and Celestia had a look of shock as he flew towards the meteor. Fusions eyes nearly pooped out of his head as he saw G fly. Right now, right here, this is where it ends. Were G’s final thoughts before making himself as dense as possible, and collided with the meteor. > Selflessness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The now red lit equestria was stuck with fear. The people of ponyville and canterlot were in a state of anarchy. People were running around and panicking it was mass hysteria. Most of the people of ponyville were in the emergency shelter. Not too many people knew about it since it never had to be used before. Pinkie Pie was there watching over the children as instructed by Twilight sparkle. Though worried she kept up her usual happy persona. “Pinkie pie? Will everyone be ok?” The young pipsqueak asked worried about everyone not in the shelter. “Don’t be silly of course they’ll be alright.” Pinkie said with the utmost confidence. Meanwhile the victims of Fusions wrath had started to become conscious. Fluttershy and Rainbow dash were first. Their bodies ached from their wing being broken that’s probably the worst pain they can feel. Spike stood up brushed himself off, and ran over to Rarity and tried to wake her up. He succeeded, and was overjoyed she was alright. Apple jack was last to come around, but first to notice the giant meteor. “What in the great name of Celestia is that!?”She said with a mix of panic and fear in her voice. “It looks like a meteor” added Rainbow dash. “Eeyup and that guy is our one and only hope at stopping it” Said Big Mac. Fusion was laughing hysterically “Fool! You’re all fools if you think he can stop it!” Celestia looked at Fusion out of anger “Will you stop talking? G is smart enough to know what he can and can’t do. I know for a fact he wouldn’t do this if he didn’t think he could.” Fusion fell silent being told off by a person he hated infuriated him to know end. Luna was worried about her friend he had just returned, and in another instant he could be gone this time forever. Then the final moments of anticipation came about. Pinkie hugged the children around her, Twilights friends all looked up in unison as well as the people of Ponyville and canterlot. G looked straight into the massive object as he crashed into it. G hit it and broke the outer shell relatively easily. This impact caused the Meteor to slow down tremendously. It also made a giant dust cloud appear from where he had hit the meteor. G kept punching his way through until he was near the core f the giant rock. G was aching all over his hand’s were bloody from hitting through the hard rock, his legs were wobbling, and he was sweating from the unbearable heat. Now that he was in the core, and made some room around him to sit. He sat and began to generate all his power into his core. Well it’s all or nothing now. Were Gs final thoughts before he amplified the gravity two hundred times and expanded his core. The core grew into a bubble looking sphere and continued to expand rapidly. It ate through the rock like it was butter. After a few moments the meteor exploded into thousands of fragments. All that could be seen were tiny rocks burning up in the atmosphere, Dust, and the Gravity bubble that caused it. G felt light headed as it all happened so fast. He began to lose consciousness and freefall downwards and an increasingly fast rate. Though He looked like another Rock from the meteor from the people standing on the ground. G fell into the forest and crashed down hard, not that anybody saw. Everybody cheered as their threat was now destroyed, and they could live in peace now. Though Fusion still remained only few people knew he was here. “It-it’s not possible! How could he do that! My back up plan destroyed?” Fusion fell to his knees. “It’s possible” Twilight said confidently. “G used the strength of everyone in ponyville mine, Princess Lunas, Princess Celestias and countless others. Everyone who believed he could do it gave him strength and enough to destroy that meteor.” “Shut up!” Fusion said as he lunged at Twilight only to be punched by Big Mac. “I’ll stall for time” was all he said before running and striking another blow onto Fusion. Fusion threw a punch witch connected to Big Macs stomach. Big Mac endured the blow and then delivered a round house kick which landed at Fusions jaw nearly snapping it off. Apple jack saw her big brother fight and was amazed. When exactly did he learn to fight like this? The girl thought. Twilights friends returned to her and gave a great big group hug. “You guys alright?” Twilight asked “yeah were fine just a little ruffed up is all.” Applejack said taking her attention away from her brother. “Hey guys!” Pinkie Pie said as she closed in on her friends. “My pinkie sense was telling me you needed my help!” As always her Pinkie sense was spot on. Meanwhile Big Mac elbowed Fusion in the stomach, then pooped his fist up to hit his face, then reached across and punched him with his other hand. A three hit combo which made Fusion really angry. So much so that he just blasted Big Mac away as to not have to fight him anymore. This was too much Both Luna and Celestia were here plus the elements of harmony. He couldn’t win, and he knew it. He had to leave he needed to retreat. Fusion was about to run when he was told to stop by Twilight. Her and her friends were in their Iconic position for using the elements. Big Mac was behind them kneeling and holding his side. Celestia and Luna both waited for the girls to use the elements and end this. “It can’t end like this!” Fusion shouted at the old Twilight Sparkle. Twilight didn’t say a word, but rather began to use the elements. Apple jack, Rarity, Flutter shy, Rainbow dash and Pinkie Pie began to float behind Twilight. Twilights eyes illuminated, and then a rainbow formed, and attacked Fusion. However the man was able to stop it. Well not really stop it, but more hold it back. Gasps of disbelief escaped from the heroes as Fusion held back the power of the elements with his own personified hatred. Celestia was most shocked as she had never seen or heard of anything like this. Were the elements weakened or was he truly that powerful. Fusion had a red force field around him generated from his own hatred and insanity. Twilight’s confidence began to waver, and the rainbow beam was pushed further back. That’s when G’s voice echoed in her head. “Twilight remember who you’re fighting for.” In that Moment Twilight thought of everyone. Twilight thought of her friends Princess Celestia and Luna, the CMC, the citizens of ponyville, and canterlot. Then her confidence returned, and pushed back Fusions Barrier. Though it wasn’t enough they needed more power just a bit more. That’s when it appeared from the wood’s a star like object came shooting at Fusion. It broke his force field on Impact, and then the rainbow beam got there as well. Just like that it was over. Fusion was completely obliterated in the combined explosions powers of the rainbow beam and the shooting star. However the question remained where it came from. It just kind of came from nowhere. Celestia took everyone back to Ponyville to get their injuries healed. It had been a very rough day and an even rougher battle. Celestia went around ponyville making sure people were all right before heading over to canterlot. Twilight went to sleep to rest her body, and mind after the stressful day. Apple jack went home, and fixed up big Mac who took a bulk of the beating. Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash became hospital buddies as their wings needed to heal, and Rarity took care of spike for the rest of the day. Luna however wondered off into the forest. She knew what she was looking for, and knew it was in the woods. After about two hours of searching she came across him. G was lying down in a pile of ruble beaten, broken, and scared. She walked over to him knelled down, and put his head in her lap. Luna looked down at him he seemed so peaceful. Poor guy had been through a thousand years of torture, at least she was trapped in the moon in a hibernation state. She closed her eyes to fight back the tears, and then she felt a tap on her forehead. She quickly opened her eyes, and saw G staring back at her. “You didn’t really think that killed me did ya?” G said with a raspy voice. Luna couldn’t help, but smile, and for the first time in a long time she was truly happy. Luna looked down and smiled; G looked up, and smiled. Luna leaned over and G lifted his head their lips met. They kissed and realized that they had a long road ahead of them, and they were ready for the journey. ----------- Authors Notes Well this is the "Final" chapter. I say that becuase I may or may not write an alternate ending to it. Still on the fence if I receive enough input that I should I probably will. Also this is probably the last time I will write a story with them as humans. I just thought it was easier for some of the fighting part's , but it could of easily been done with them as ponies. Any constructive criticism would be nice Please ,and thank you.