> Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery in Equestria > by Probably Minion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time we saw Austin Powers was when he came close but short of finally defeating his enemy, Dr. Evil. Rumor has it that Dr. Evil has unfroze and ended up in a universe populated by colorful ponies with different abilities. Once realizing he may be in trouble, Dr. Evil had an encounter with Discord, the master of chaos. After a brief conversation, Dr. Evil and Discord decided to team up to build a doomsday device so they can steal the magic possessed by Equestria's four main leaders: Princess Celestia: princess of the sun, Princess Luna: princess of the moon, Princess Cadance: the ruler of the Crystal Empire, and Princess Twilight Sparkle: the princess of friendship. Where's Austin Powers when you need him and will anypony by willing in assisting him in defeating Dr. Evil and saving Equestria once again?!?!?! > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you may know, the life of British spy Austin Powers is anything but ordinary. Ever since Dr. Evil froze himself for the fourth time, his life was slow and he had some time to enjoy life. One day, he received a video message from Basil informing him about Dr. Evil's new plot and where he was located. "What is Equestria?!?!?!?!" asked Austin with a confused look on his face. "I don't know much about this place myself but from what people are telling me it is a very important place. It is said that Equestria is the only reason that even some people get along." said Basil. "What do you suppose Dr. Evil is doing in Equestria?" asked Austin. "From what I heard, Dr. Evil has teamed up with this dragon-like creature called Discord and they are currently negotiating the possibility of building a doomsday device to steal all of the magic from Equestria's rulers to take over Equestria. I figured you would be the perfect person, of course if you're up for the task, to team with a few of the citizens of Equestria to once defeat Dr. Evil and his new ally." said Basil. "So how am I gonna get to Equestria?" asked Austin as he was getting his things together. "It's simple. You're going to enter Equestria through a portal located in the nightclub where Dr. Evil froze himself the first time and you'll meet the ponies who're gonna help you defeat Dr. Evil and Discord. I heard one of the ponies was a sexy white unicorn who I think is your type of girl if you know what I mean?!?!?!" said Basil with a grin his face. "I'm on it! I'll let you know how this mission goes once I return from this mysterious 'Equestria' land." said Austin. "Best of luck and see you soon." said Basil and he hung up. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in Equestria, Dr. Evil and his new ally, Discord were talking about the doomsday device they were building to steal the magic from Equestria's rulers. "Discord, I know you may not be the brightest creature I've ever met but I'm glad I found someone similar to me who knows a thing about this place. Otherwise I wouldn't have a clue about what to do here." said Dr. Evil with that fake evil look on his face. "I'm more than glad to assist someone who wants to defeat Princess Celestia. Before I met you, I didn't know anyone who was evil like me." said Discord. "So about that doomsday device, it's gonna include a magnetic mechanism that will shoot a laser beam and pick up any powerful magic that Equestria may possess and once it picks it up, half the power will get to me and half the power will go to you." said Dr. Evil. "Sounds fantastic! And once we have the power, there will be nothing that will stop us, not even your enemy, Austin Powers. I bet he doesn't even know you ended up in Equestria!" said Discord. "Uh please, I'm pretty sure he thinks I froze myself permanently. We'll pull this off with ease!" said Dr. Evil. Little do they know, is that Austin Powers has just entered Equestria and is seeking the ponies who will assist him in defeating this "dynamic duo". > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Austin entered this mysterious land, he made his way to the home of the two of the ponies who were going to assist him in defeating Dr. Evil. Once he arrived, he realized it was floating on clouds and didn't know how to get up there but then saw stairs and was eventually got up near the house. Austin knocked on the door. He was greeted by a young orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail. "Hello there, what's your name?" asked Austin. "My name is Scootaloo. I'm assuming you're the one who's gonna help me and my big sister defeat Dr. Evil and Discord. I'll go get my sister but come in." said the orange pegasus. Not long after, Scootaloo came downstairs with a bigger blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail. "My name is Rainbow Dash. I understand you know a lot about the creature who Discord teamed up with to steal the princess' magic." said the blue pegasus. "Why yes. Dr. Evil is my nemesis." said Austin. "We''ll talk more about this later. But first, Scoots and I wanna take you to Ponyville and see if any of our other friends want to help us defeat Dr. Evil." said Rainbow Dash. "Sounds good to me." said Austin. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As many people know back in season 3, the mane 6 (in particular Fluttershy) somehow made Discord stop his evil and chaotic ways and convinced him that friendship is indeed magic. But after hearing what Discord was up to, Fluttershy was in a state of shock and disbelief. "How could he do this?!?!?! He told he me would be friendly forever!" cried Fluttershy. "I know Fluttershy. Scoots and I were pretty shocked when we heard about this too." said Rainbow Dash. She then turned to Austin. "So tell us about this Dr. Evil guy." said Rainbow Dash. "Back in 1997 after being frozen for 30 years, Dr. Evil and his crew of assassins attempted to send a drill into the mantle of the earth but luckily, my assistant and I were able to stop him dead in his tracks and he froze himself again. I think that's how ended up here in Equestria." said Austin. "So basically what you're saying is this guy is legit?!?!" asked Scootaloo. "Yep pretty much. I need you three and anypony else who's willing to help me defeat Dr. Evil and Discord and keep them from stealing the princesses' magic and save Equestria." said Austin. "Well.... we have these things called the Elements of Harmony that me, Fluttershy, and four other ponies used to turn Discord into stone about two years ago. Maybe if we can convince the other four to help us defeat Discord and Dr. Evil, we can do the same exact thing to Discord and possibly even Dr. Evil." said Rainbow Dash. "Hello anypony home?" said a voice who seemed to have just entered Fluttershy's cottage. The voice was coming from a white unicorn who had a purple mane and tail. "Who's that sexy... I mean glamorous pony over there?" asked Austin. "Oh, that's Rarity. She owns a fashion shop and Ponyville and is very generous." said Fluttershy. "Who in the name of Celestia is that?!?!?!" asked Rarity. "Rarity, this is Austin Powers. He seems to know a lot about the creature who's helping Discord try to steal the magic from the princesses." said Rainbow Dash. "I know this may be a bad time to ask you baby but, wanna hang later?!?!?!" asked Austin. "Uh sure......" said Rarity with a confused look on her face. "Anyway, I'll go tell Pinkie and Applejack about this situation and see if they're willing to help us defeat these two monsters. I'm pretty sure Twilight already knows about this since she's one of the targets but I'll go tell her anyway in case she doesn't know. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow." said Fluttershy. "Sounds like a plan. We're gonna kick some butt tomorrow!" said Scootaloo with a smile on her face. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia is best known for her tendency to take immediate action when a threat to her or any of the other princesses comes up. This obviously was no exception. "I must talk to Dr. Evil and Discord at once!" demanded Princess Celestia. Her royal guards brought in a medium- sized TV screen on which Dr. Evil was planning to have a face-to-face video chat with the princess. "Hello there Princess Celestia and any other royal subjects of Equestria. My name is Dr. Evil and evil is what I do!" chuckled Dr. Evil with that fake evil look on his face. "What are you doing in Equestria?" asked Princess Celestia. "It's really simple. My new partner Discord and I are building a doomsday device with a laser that will have the power to suck up any powerful magic in Equestria and once we have the magic, there's nothing that can stop us! That only way you can stop is if you pay us...... 1 million dollars!" said Dr. Evil with that fake evil look on his face. Princess Celestia and the other guards in the room started cracking up after hearing that the ransom was a price they could easily pay. In the background, Discord gestured that Dr. Evil said the wrong price. "Oh yeah sorry. I meant to say the only way you can stop is if you pay us...... 900 trillion dollars!" said Dr. Evil with that fake evil look on his face. Princess Celestia was all of a sudden in a state of shock. "I am going to send the six ponies who represent the Elements of Harmony after you to ensure you don't any harm to anypony or any other creature in Equestria and you will regret even trying to steal the magic from me, my sister, Princess Cadance, or Princess Twilight Sparkle! You hear me, you will be shocked and hopefully you will learn that nothing is more powerful than the magic of friendship!" said Princess Celestia. "Good luck Princess Celestia, I hope that the ponies that are supposed to be my friends have the courage to turn me into stone for the second time!" said Discord and they hung up. Princess Celestia then wrote a letter to Twilight that said: My dearest Twilight, as you may know Discord has teamed up with an evil mastermind by the name of Dr. Evil who are planning to attempt to steal the magic from me, you, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. I need you and your friends to retrieve the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony and then locate these two and turn Discord into stone just as you did in the season 2 premiere! Good luck and be careful. Yours truly, Princess Celestia. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, the Mane 6, Scootaloo, and Austin met up at Twilight's castle to go over their plan of attack for defeating Dr. Evil and Discord. "We've got ourselves a big threat knowing that this time, Discord has teamed up with another evil creature by the name of Dr. Evil to try to steal the magic from Equestria's rulers. I think we can defeat these two if we stick together, worry only about our assignments, and not many mistakes." said Twilight. "Dr. Evil, ha! What a silly name!" said Pinkie with a smile on her face. "Pinkie, this isn't the time to joke around. This is serious business!" said Twilight. "Oh sorry." said Pinkie. "Anyway before we start looking for these two, we have to go retrieve the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony so we can turn Discord into stone. And as for Dr. Evil, we'll let Austin tell us how to defeat him, right?" said Twilight. "Absolutely baby!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "Twilight, can I come with you to get the Elements of Harmony?" asked Scootaloo. "Actually Scoots, I need you to go with Austin to start looking for Dr. Evil and Discord. I wrote a letter to Daring Do asking if she can help so you might see her on your way." said Twilight. "Alright, we know what we're doing! Let's do this!" yelled Applejack and they were off to save Equestria. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon after the others went to retrieve the Elements of Harmony in the Evertree Forest, Austin and Scootaloo started their search for the place where Dr. Evil and Discord were hiding. "Do you think they're hiding near Ponyville?" asked Scootaloo with a nervous look on her face. "I don't know but usually Dr. Evil makes it pretty obvious where he is hiding most of the time." said Austin. Not long after, they came upon a cave with a sign near the entrance that said "Dr. Evil and Discord's secret layer. Stay out." "See I told you finding them would be easy baby!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "Yeah I know right! Tell me about it!" said Scootaloo with an awkward look on her face. "Let's starting look through this cave to find out where the laser they're firing is." said Austin and they entered the cave unsure about what kinds of dangerous things that Dr. Evil and Discord put in to keep intruders from entering. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After walking through the cave for any signs of Dr. Evil or Discord, Austin and Scootaloo were starting to think that this was a trick but all of a sudden, the floor opened up from underneath them and they ended up just outside the room where the laser was located. Once they entered the room, Dr. Evil and Discord were putting the finishes on the laser. "Oh, Mr. Powers! Unusual to see you in this neck of the woods!" chuckled Dr. Evil. "Here we go again Dr. Evil. You're mine now!" said Austin. "Oh please! Your assistant this time around is a pegasus who can't even fly! You're shorthanded!" said Dr. Evil. "Oh, I'm anything but shorthanded Dr. Evil!" said Austin. "Oh, you're looking for someone Mr. Powers?!?!" asked Dr. Evil who then revealed that the Mane 6 was trapped inside a cage with the Elements of Harmony on their necks. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Discord, get Princess Celestia on the other end on the video chat line!" said Dr. Evil. "With pleasure!" said Discord and he called Princess Celestia and she answered immediately. "What do you want this time Dr. Evil?" asked Princess Celestia with an angry look on her face. "Princess Celestia I have called you to inform you that the six ponies that you sent to stop me and Discord fell into my trap and are currently being held against their will!" said Dr. Evil. "The six ponies have the Elements of Harmony that are protecting them from any harm and there is nothing you can do the defeat them." said Princess Celestia. "Oh..... so that's what they're wearing around their necks. I thought it was just a new fashion trend!" chuckled Dr. Evil. "Twilight, if you hear me I want you to power up the Elements of Harmony as soon as possible to save Equestria." said Princess Celestia. "Goodbye Princess Celestia. I hope you enjoy not having any power once Discord and I fire this laser within the next few minutes!" laughed Dr. Evil and he hung up. Right after he hung up, he saw that Austin and Scootaloo somehow figured out how to open the cage that the Mane 6 were being held in and they were ready to power up and defeat this "dynamic duo". > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Game over Dr. Evil!" said Rainbow Dash. "Oh please, the game is anything but over! I haven't gotten to the final level yet!" chuckled Dr. Evil. "I'm assuming the final level is when you fire the laser." said Pinkie Pie. "What?!?! How did you know?" asked Dr. Evil with a grin on his face. "Just a hunch." said Pinkie Pie. "Oh what am I doing wasting my time talking you? Let's get this show on the road shall we?!?!?!" said Dr. Evil. "Alright girls let's finish them off!" said Twilight and the Mane 6 started powering up the Elements of Harmony to turn Discord back into stone. "Don't just stand there! Fire the laser quickly!" yelled Dr. Evil and Discord quickly fired the laser right at Twilight almost instantly taking all her magic. Right after that happened, the Mane 6 and Austin just stood in absolute shock. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What are you gonna do Mr. Powers since Twilight no longer has any of her magic?!?!" chuckled Dr. Evil. "Austin, take my Element of Harmony and see if you it works for you" said Twilight who seemed disoriented. "Ok...." said Austin as he put on the crown. Immediately, the power of the crown helped the other Elements of Harmony regain their power and the Mane 6 got into the victory formation and aimed directly at Discord who then turned into stone. "Wow! Who would have thought that Twilight's element worked on someone from another universe!" said Rainbow Dash. "Oh shoot! I guess I'll be making my comedic exit in which I hit the self-destruct button and go biogenically freeze myself!" said Dr. Evil. "Not if we can help it Dr. Evil!" said Austin. "So long! I'm getting out of here!" said Dr. Evil who then hit the self-destruct button and ran out of the cave where froze himself and shot back into space. "Twilight are you ok?!?!" asked Fluttershy with a nervous look on her face. "I should be ok. I think I just need my crown in order to regain my magic. Austin give my back my crown." said Twilight as she was slowly getting up. As soon as she put on her crown, she immediately regained her magic. "C'mon. Let's go report to Princess Celestia that we defeated these two monsters and saved Equestria." said Applejack. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortly after defeating Dr. Evil and Discord and saving Equestria from certain chaos, the Mane 6, Austin, and Scootaloo headed to Canterlot to inform Princess Celestia that there was no longer a threat. "I am very proud of all of you. You once again showed that you are determined and brave and proved that nothing is more powerful than the magic of friendship." said Princess Celestia. "Well obviously, we couldn't have done it without the help of our new friend from another universe Austin Powers." said Twilight. "No need to thank me baby! You're the one who has the magic in me!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "Austin, since you have saved Equestria from chaos, I will grant you one wish. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you!" said Princess Celestia. "Well..... I was wondering if there's another girl out there who looks like Rarity. She's my type of girl if you know what I mean!" said Austin. "Oh oh oh! I know exactly what to do! Rarity and Austin come with me!" said Pinkie Pie. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie knew the only way that Austin could get his wish was if Rarity went through the mirror pool and cloned herself so there could be two Rarity's and the other one would turn into a human once Austin returned to his universe. "Ok Rarity, all you have to do is go through the pool and say the words and whoolah, there will be two of you and the other will go back with Austin to his universe!" said Pinkie Pie with a smile on her face. "Ok..... here goes nothing." said Rarity and she went through the pool and not long after, there were two Rarity's! "Hello baby, you be coming home with me!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "Oh fabulous darling! Let's go!" said the cloned Rarity. "Ok looks like our work here is done. Safe travels back to your universe!" said Pinkie Pie and Rarity and they walked in separate directions. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few months after returning from Equestria, Austin and his Rarity who just recently got married were enjoying life in their new home in Miami Beach. "I knew we were meant to be together ever since we met baby!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "I don't I would've wanted to be in a relationship with another man. You're the man of my dreams!" said Rarity with a smile on her face. Not long after she said that, Austin got a video message from Basil. "Hello Austin. First of all congrats on you and Rarity getting married. I told you your dream girl was in Equestria." said Basil. "Thank you Basil. What are you calling about?" asked Austin. "I really hate to burst you bubble but I heard rumors that Dr. Evil has ended up in what apparently is the other end of a portal in Equestria in which the citizens of this universe are exactly like the citizens in Equestria except they're human. Apparently he along with a girl by the name of Sunset Shimmer are currently plotting to build a doomsday device to try to take over Canterlot High which is the local high school. I will let you know once I know for sure but stay alert in case I need you to stop Dr. Evil." said Basil. "Thank you Basil. Just don't make too soon because Rarity and I haven't real settled in yet. We need a little time before going back into action!" said Austin with a grin on his face. "Thank you Austin and enjoy you Rarity's lay off period." said Basil and he hung up. TO BE CONTINUED............. > "The Wiggles in Equestria" Sneak Peek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "C'mon guys! Let's celebrate us coming out of retirement with a ride in the Big Red Car!" said Greg as he and the other three got in the car. "It feels like we haven't ridden in the Big Red Car in ages. Coming out of retirement was the best idea ever!" said Murray. "It feels awesome having you guys back in the band. I absolutely hated your replacements and I never had as much fun performing with them as I did with you. How are you doing Jeff?" said Anthony. Jeff somehow fell fast asleep right after he got in the car. "WAKE UP JEFF!" yelled the other three and Jeff woke up instantly. "Sorry I fell asleep. It's good to be back and to have things back to normal. Let's go!" said Jeff. They pulled out of the driveway and starting singing the Big Red Car Song but after driving about 5 miles down the road, Greg accidentally hit a bump and the car swerved to the side of the road and went through a black hole. Eventually they landed in the middle of a field near a small village. There was a sign close by that said "Welcome to Ponyville, home of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship." "I guess we ain't in Australia anymore." said Anthony.