Cupcakes - Despair

by Pnakotic

First published

A grimdark story based off Cupcakes where Rainbow Dash survives via a bargain with Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash awakens strapped to a table and is threatened by an insane Pinkie Pie, Dash survives by making a bargain with Pinkie. As the story unfolds the full price of that bargain is revealed to be higher than Dash anticipated.

A spinoff of the original Cupcakes story.

My First Fanfiction, yes a strange place to start. Fans of grimdark or the Cupcakes subculture will probably enjoy it.

Feedback would be appreciated.


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Cupcakes - Despair

Rainbow Dash awoke in a haze to find herself strapped to a table. As consciousness slowly returned to her she began to take notice of her surroundings, they were horrifying. The walls were coated in a browning red fluid she could only assume was dried blood. Streamers which seemed to be made of organs were strung from the ceiling. Finally, the words “Life is a Party” were written on the wall in a mixture of bile and blood. The macabre display alone nearly caused Dash to vomit. Dash tried to recall how she got her, all she could remember was that Pinkie Pie had invited her over for something at Sugar Cube Corner. She remembered being asked to help Pinkie make cupcakes as well as being offered one, then…nothing.

“Oh goodie you’re awake!” A familiar cheerful voice said, breaking the silence. Out of the shadows emerged Pinkie wearing an ensemble which appeared to be made of pieces of pony flesh, specifically cutie marks, atop it were three pairs of pegasi wings each wing a different color. A collar of unicorn horns rattled as Pinkie moved towards Dash. “Surprise!” Pinkie cheered.

“Pinkie what’s going on here?” Dash cried in a horrified voice.

“Isn’t it obvious? A party!” Pinkie replied. Seeing the look of confusion on Dash’s face Pinkie continued, “You see, your number came up, which means I throw you a party and then I make you into cupcakes.”

“Cupcakes?” Dash whimpered, her look of confusion melting to one of sheer horror.

“And other baked goods, but everyone talks about the cupcakes.” Pinkie smiled.

“But…but…” Dash started, but her stammering stopped when Pinkie pulled the cover off a nearby table to reveal an expansive display of equipment, including knives, saws, hooks, and syringes filled with an unknown fluid. Wide-eyed Dash struggled futilely against the leather restraints which held her in place.

“Oh don’t worry Dashie; we’ll start off with something small.” Pinkie said calmly as she picked up a knife in her mouth which didn’t look small at all to Dash. Pinkie came at Dash with an expression that looked like a mix of happiness and apology. Pinkie proceeded to rub the knife against Dashes stomach, teasingly.

“Wait!” Dash screamed, causing Pinkie to look up at her with an expectant expression. “I’ll do anything, just please don’t do this.” Dash begged.

“Anything?” Pinkie asked, contemplating. Dash nodded her head vigorously. Pinkie replaced the knife on the table, “Well I suppose I could use an assistant.” She pondered out loud. Dashes mouth hung open in terror, could she really consider helping … with this? Dash considered her options: A. Die a slow painful death at the hands of Pinkie or B. Help Pinkie in bringing said death to other ponies, ones she might know and care for. Before Dash could decide Pinkie turned and exclaimed with a smile “You can be my bestest, most awesome assistant!”

With the only other option being death, Dashes self-preservation instinct shouted at her to take the offer. “Fine, I’ll do it.” Dash said, her head slumping in defeat. The look on Pinkies face was ecstatic as she trotted out of sight; Dash heard the sound of metal clanging as the pink pony searched for something. Pinkie returned with a strange metal ring in her mouth, without pause Pinkie snapped the collar around Dashes neck.

“Insurance.” Pinkie explained cheerfully. “If you betray me or try to kill me your head will come off.” Pinkie then proceeded to release the restraints holding Dash to the table. Dash considered tackling Pinkie in an attempt to end both of their lives, but alas she was a coward, she feared death. “Now then,” Pinkie continued, “we’ll have to draw another number, we have to get the supplies somehow.”

“Why do you need to put pony meat in the cupcakes anyway? Aren’t they good enough without it?” Dash questioned nauseated slightly.

“Well of course they’re ‘good enough’ but we have to have the best, and according to everypony the cupcakes have tasted much better since I started adding meat. Even you thought they were the best thing you ever ate.” Pinkie smiled darkly.

Dash vomited on the floor. “How…how long have you been doing this?” she asked in a haggard voice between gags.

“One year exactly, you were going to be my anniversary victim.” Pinkie cheered. “Oh and don’t worry about the vomit you’re not the first pony to puke on this floor.” Pinkie comforted Dash who sat looking distraught staring at a wall. “Now I’ll be right back, just sit right there.” Pinkie exited the room in her usual bouncy manner.

“How many of those treats did I eat?” Dash tried to recall. “Oh Celestia, what have I gotten myself into…”

Pinkie returned a few minutes later with a top hat filled to the brim with folded slips of paper. “Since it’s your first time I’ll let you pick the number.” Pinkie said acting as if this was a present. Dash gulped, whoever she picked out of that hat would die, Pinkie would not show “mercy” again. Pinkie placed the hat in front of Dash, giving her the power over life and death. Tears streamed from Dashes eyes as she reached a hoof into the hat and pulled out a slip.

Not bearing to look at what was written on the slip Dash hoofed it over to Pinkie who accepted it. Pinkie unfolded the slip and read it aloud, “Number 78: Lemon Hearts – Unicorn” Pinkie finished reading the slip and tacked it to a wall. “Ooh it’s your favorite flavor Dashie!” Pinkie cracked a wide smile, Dash gagged. “Ok so here’s the plan, bring her over here tomorrow Dashie. I’ll have everything setup.”

Night was setting in as Dash flew back towards her cloud home. Her mind was wracked with the horror of the past few hours, and of those on the horizon. What could she do? Run? Tell someone? No, her only way to get out of this would be to help Pinkie, for now. Perhaps when Pinkie trusted her enough she would remove this accursed collar, then Dash would be able to turn the tables and give Pinkie some much deserved justice, but by then would it be too late for herself? It was all a question of time, and Dash had little of it, tomorrow she would lure Lemon Hearts to her death, she would be an accomplice to murder. Perhaps, she thought she could help Lemon Hearts escape or at least lower her suffering. With this in mind Dash felt slightly comforted, even if she knew it was a blatant lie, she clung to this thought like a drowning pony to a life raft.

By the time Dash arrived back at her house she was a wreck, her mane was disheveled and she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Depressed Dash tried to sleep but every time she closed her eyes she saw images of herself and Pinkie tearing ponies apart. Feeling sick and restless Dash decided to pace the room in thought. Time passed slowly but eventually dawn marked the ending of night. Dash attempted to eat breakfast but the only results were her vomiting the food back up, Dash abandoned the attempts to eat not feeling very hungry anyway. Looking even worse than when she had arrived, Dash slunk out of her house and towards Ponyville.

Dash hovered through Ponyville looking like death incarnate, which wasn’t far off from how she felt. Her mane and coat were faded and dirty, dark bags hung under her eyes, a testament to her sleepless and stressful night. She was happy she didn’t see any of her friends, she didn’t want them to see her like this nor did she want to make an excuse for her appearance. As she approached Lemon’s house her only solace was that she didn’t know the poor pony very well, if it had been one of her friends she didn’t know what she might do. Dash walked up to the door and knocked.

After about a minute “Who is it?” a voice that sounded like it belonged to Lemon Hearts asked.

“It’s, uh, Rainbow Dash, I was wondering if you were, um, able to come with me to Sugar Cube Corner for a taste testing session with Pinkie.”

“Oh one moment.” Lemon Hearts unlocked the door and stepped outside, “Sure I’d love to go; I always liked the sweets from there.” Dash suppressed the urge to gag and led Lemon to the house of horrors more commonly known as Sugar Cube Corner.

Upon entering the bakery Dash and Lemon were greeted by an ecstatic Pinkie Pie. “Ooh you must be here for the taste testing!” Pinkie said excitedly. Dash nodded her head sorrowfully, while Lemon nodded hers much more rapidly. An all too familiar scene then played out, Pinkie offered Lemon a cupcake; it took all of Dashes willpower not to swat it out of her hooves. After the first bite Lemon swayed dizzily then collapsed on the floor. Pinkie walked to the door, locked it, and switched the sign from open to closed. Pinkie then proceeded to drag Lemon through a concealed hatch in the floor; Dash followed her head lowered in shame.

Upon entering the secret room Pinkie strapped the unconscious unicorn to the table. Then she grabbed a bone saw from the table and sawed off Lemon’s horn. Dash just stood there in horror as blood began to spurt from the circular hole left in Lemon’s head. Pinkie placed the horn on a tray on the table and walked over to a closet at the far end of the room. She returned in the macabre outfit she had worn the previous day, she also held in her hooves a brightly wrapped present. “I know this isn’t your party but I was up all last night and thought that my bestest assistant deserved a reward.” Pinkie dropped the package in front of Dash who opened it cautiously, within lay a similar outfit to Pinkies minus the wings and unicorn horn necklace. “I didn’t have any extra wings or horns but we can add those later.” Pinkie smiled expectantly, “Well try it on!”

Dash just sat on the floor in a mix of disgust and helplessness, one way or another she would have to wear this…thing. Slowly she lifted the abomination from the box and slid it on, the feel of the cold flesh against hers made her shiver. The outfit reeked of death and Dash found it hard to resist the urge to throw it into the nearby incinerator. She turned to Pinkie, “It’s…um…nice” she said in a wavering voice.

“Ooh I know!” Pinkie suddenly burst out in inspiration and rushed over to the table. Through a dexterous manipulation of the tools she made a hole through the recently cut horn, then she proceeded to thread a wire through the hole making a necklace. Pinkie returned to Dash and placed the necklace, still dripping blood, onto Dash. Dash shivered further upon feeling the fresh blood rub onto her coat. “Now you can start your own collection Dashie, isn’t it just amazing!” Before Dash could reply a groan sounded from the other side of the room. “Oh looks like our guest is finally awake, let’s go have some fun with her.” Pinkie trotted over to the table, Dash followed hesitantly.

Lemon was awake, she was hyperventilating and her eyes were darting around frantically. Upon seeing the pink pony and the pegasus she screamed, Dash felt every bit the monster she looked. Lemon’s screams died down after what seemed like an eternity to Dash, replaced by a slow sob, interrupted by pleads for help. “Pinkie this is monstrous, please we have to stop this!” Dash cried.

“You’re right,” Pinkie replied, Dash was confused, that was too easy. “that’s enough pre-gaming it’s time to start the party proper.” Dash would have face hoofed but was too nauseated. “Here I’ll let you make the first cut.” Pinkie calmly brought the increasingly distraught Dash over to the table where she selected the same knife she was going to use on Dash the previous day. “First thing we do is cut off her cutie marks.” Pinkie said as she gave the knife over to Dash. Upon hearing this Lemon resumed her screams; Dash began tearing up as she slowly crept towards Lemon. A defiant spark raced through Dash, she couldn’t save Lemon, but she could end her suffering. Dash brought the blade across Lemon’s throat making a deep cut; Lemon’s eyes were wide in terror.

Blood spurted from the wound as Lemon’s life force quickly waned, “Monster…” she gurgled as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Dash released the knife which fell to the ground with a clink. “What did you do that for!?” reprimanded Pinkie, “The party was just starting!”

Dash shot Pinkie a dark glare, amplified by the large amount of blood which had spurt onto her face. “You call THAT a party!? That was horrific, no worse I don’t even have words to describe that!” Strength left Dash, she collapsed on the floor and began sobbing, lying in the fetal position.

Pinkie walked over to Dash, “Oh Dashie, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you, you actually did better than I did my first time.” Pinkie gently stroked Dashes mane, “Don’t worry you’ll get used to it, why don’t you just head home and let good ole Pinkie Pie handle the rest of this.” Tossing off the horrid outfit she was wearing Dash bolted out the door and flew as fast as she could away from that horrible place.

When she arrived back at her cloud home Dash rushed inside and bolted the door. She stumbled into the bathroom and nearly fell backwards upon seeing her reflection in the mirror. Her light blue coat was coated with blood, her eyes were red from crying and lack of sleep and her mane looked like it hadn’t seen a brush in years. One thing she was certain of was that ‘monster’ was a pretty good description of her. Dash hopped in the shower hoping to at least find some comfort in the scalding hot water, she didn’t. After the shower she looked back at herself in the mirror, the blood was gone but she felt like it would never truly wash off, she had murdered a pony. In a daze she headed into her bedroom and collapsed on the bed both physically and emotionally exhausted, she quickly fell into a mercifully dreamless slumber.

The next morning Dash awoke, she hoped that everything that had happened in the past two days was simply a dream, but one look down revealed the collar to still be there. Dash wanted to crawl back into bed and cry herself back to sleep but she knew that crying would do nopony any good. Somberly Dash went about her job of moving clouds and arranging storms.

It was around two in the afternoon when Dashes train of thought was interrupted by a voice, “Hey Rainbow!” Dash looked down to see Twilight waving a hoof friendlily. Upon coming closer Twilight noticed Dash in more detail. “Wow Rainbow you sure let yourself go, you don’t look so good.”

“Heh, yeah I guess I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately, anyway what are you up to?” Dash said in an attempt to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Oh, I was headed over to Sugar Cube Corner; Pinkie mentioned she needed help baking.” Dash froze, was Pinkie going to kill Twilight? It didn’t make sense Pinkie couldn’t possibly need more “ingredients” so soon. Regardless Dash decided she had to protect Twilight somehow.

“Oh hey I’ll go with you; Pinkie might need more help or something.” Dash tried to put on a convincing smile.

“I don’t know, I never pictured you as much of a baker.” Twilight spent a moment in thought, “Well I guess no harm can come of it, let’s go.” The two headed towards the bakery.

Upon arriving at Sugar Cube Corner the Twilight and Dash were greeted by the ever-happy Pinkie. “Your right on time Twilight, I need tons of help baking today and everypony else was busy. I mean Fluttershy and Rarity have their jobs to do and well I don’t really trust Applejack after what happened last time.” Dash recalled the ‘Baked Bad’ situation that had occurred when Applejack had helped Pinkie bake; she thought that those horrid treats were preferable to what was being produced now. “Ooh and you brought Dashie, I was hoping she’d come along to help.” Pinkie smiled, which made Dash increasingly nervous.

“So anyway,” Twilight said, “I’ll head to the kitchen and get everything setup.” She exited the room leaving Dash alone with Pinkie.

Dash rushed over to Pinkie, “What are you doing? Why is Twilight here? Are you going to kill her?” The questions flowed out of Dash quiet enough that Twilight wouldn’t hear them in the other room.

“What? Of course not silly, there’s a huge bake sale tomorrow and I need her help preparing everything. I couldn’t imagine hurting her…” Dash sighed in relief but was confused at the same time.

“What do you mean, you can’t imagine hurting her? I saw you about to tear a pony apart yesterday.”

“That’s different, her number came up. Until that happens for anypony there’s no reason to kill them.” The logic behind Pinkie’s attitude confused Dash but she was relieved that Twilight wasn’t in any immediate danger.

“Well I guess as long as I’m here I might as well help you two.” Dash wanted to make sure Pinkie wasn’t just lying to make Dash feel better.

“Oki doki loki!” Pinkie cheered as she bounced over into the kitchen.

Dash followed Pinkie into the kitchen, not quite as enthusiastically. Twilight had arranged a number of bowls, baking sheets, spatulas, and other such instruments to prepare for the baking. “Alright, so to start what flavor should we make the first batch of cupcakes?” Twilight said.

“Hmm, ooh I know let’s start with lemon.” Pinkie cheered, Dash had a slight feeling of nausea.

“Umm, ok…” Twilight continued oblivious to Dashes discomfort. Twilight used here telekinesis to float some lemons out of the nearby refrigerator. The process of making the cupcakes went smoothly; Dash began to wonder if Pinkie was kidding about making everypony an unwitting cannibal. “Ok, now all that’s left is to put them in the cupcake tray and bake them.” Twilight said reading from a cookbook.

“Wait wait wait!” Pinkie interrupted, “We still have to add the super-secret ingredient.” Pinkie pulled out a bowl filled with a red paste from the refrigerator. Dash had a fairly good idea of what it was.

“What is it? It’s not in the recipe…” Twilight said confused, poking the substance curiously.

“Well duh! It’s a secret; I can’t tell you what it is. But I can tell you it will make the cupcakes taste like… a thousand times better!”

“If you say so, you are the expert after all.” Twilight said taking a cup of the paste and adding it to the mix. Once it was thoroughly mixed together the batter was poured into a cupcake tray and placed into the oven. About a half hour later the buzzer on the oven went off signaling that the cupcakes were ready. Twilight carefully removed the tray from the oven and pulled each cupcake off carefully with her magic. Pinkie went to work applying a yellow frosting to each cupcake. “Wow Pinkie these look great, I can’t wait to have some!”

“Good idea Twilight, you can both have one as a reward for helping me today.” Pinkie hoofed a cupcake to Twilight and Dash before eating one herself. “Mmm, tastes great, try it.” Pinkie insisted.

Twilight took a bite of hers and agreed that the cupcake was indeed quite good. Both ponies turned to Dash expectantly, “Aren’t you going to try yours Rainbow?” Twilight asked. Dash broke into a sweat unsure of how to get out of this situation. Could she try to fake an appointment? No, if she’d had somewhere to go she would have left already. Could she just bolt out of the room? No, it would look too suspicious and Pinkie would definitely not be happy.

“I’m, uh, not hungry…” Dash said trying to put on a smile.

“Oh don’t be silly Dashie; you always eat the sweats I make.” Pinkie countered.

“Yeah Rainbow I’ve never seen you turn down a sweat before.” Twilight added.

Defeated Dash stuffed the cupcake into her mouth, chewed and swallowed. The sweat sour lemon flavor was completely lost on Dash who might as well have eaten a pile of ashes. Repressing a gag “It tastes great Pinkie, you’re sure to get lots of buyers.” once again adopting a false smile.

“Well thanks for letting me help Pinkie but I’ve got to go make sure Spike is taking care of the library.” Twilight exited the bakery leaving Dash alone with Pinkie again.

As soon as Twilight was out of earshot Dash snapped at Pinkie, “What the hay was that about Pinkie!? How could you make me eat that abomination!?” Dash snarled at Pinkie in a mix of anger and disgust. “In fact how can you do that to anypony!? It’s disgusting!”

Pinkie looked hurt, “You didn’t like them?” Pinkie seemed a bit deflated.


“Well I guess that’s ok.” Pinkie said, springing back up again, “You can’t please all of the ponies all of the time, and I’m sure everypony else will love these.” Dash facehoofed, “I’ll bet you’ll like the next batch much better.”

“Pinkie you’re missing the point!” Dash was exasperated, “You shouldn’t be feeding these to anypony, it’s unnatural not to mention gross.”

“Well to you maybe, but everypony else seems to like them.”

“That’s because they don’t know what’s in them!” Dash was fed up with futilely arguing with Pinkie not to mention still nauseous from the tainted cupcake. She didn’t wait for Pinkie to respond and flew out of the bakery.

Arriving back at her cloud house in a rage Dash slammed the door shut behind her. “How can they all be so stupid!?” she raged, “So naïve!?” Ponies had been going missing for months now and nopony questioned it, everypony just assumed they had left town or something. Sure there were rumors concerning the missing ponies but nobody believed them. “Do we really live in such a sheltered society that we can’t even conceive of murder?” Dash sorted through the events of the past day. “And why the hay didn’t Twilight question that ‘secret ingredient,’ that pony questions everything!” Dash sighed. It wasn’t Twilight’s fault it was hers. “I should have told Twilight, warned her about what she was eating.” It was too late now, Twilight would hate her for what she’d done, heck she might even kill her. The rest of her friends would reject her too, she was a murderer after all, no she decided she was worse than that, she was a monster.

Dash didn’t hear from Pinkie or the rest of her friends for the rest of the week of which she was glad, she didn’t think she could handle being with any of them right now. Friday rolled around and Dash received a letter whose return address read Sugar Cube Corner. Dreading its contents Dash slowly opened the letter and read it.

Dear My Bestest Assistant Rainbow Dash,
Meet me at Sugar Cube Corner on Saturday, I need some help baking.

-Pinkie Pie

Dash dropped the letter; she couldn’t possibly go back there, to that room where ponies were made into piles of meat to be baked into sweets. Dash sighed, “I guess I have no choice.” If she didn’t go Pinkie would most likely assume she had attempted to run, which wouldn’t end well. Dash continued about her activities for the rest of the day in a deep depression.

Saturday rolled around and Dash headed over to Sugar Cube Corner to find Pinkie already there waiting for her. “Hey Dashie, you’re right on time I’ve got our guest all ready and waiting downstairs.” Pinkie saw the depressed look on Dashes face and added, “Don’t worry, I’ll handle all the cutting you just hand me each tool as I ask for them. Pinkie bounced down through the hatch which led into the basement, Dash followed.

Pinkie and Dash dawned their macabre outfits again and strode towards a very distraught looking pegasus, whom upon seeing the pair began screaming much as Lemon had the previous week. Instead of collapsing into tears again Dash hardened herself knowing Pinkie wouldn’t allow a second act of mercy like the one she had pulled the previous week. Instead Dash just sat by the table and witnessed the horror unfold before her.

Pinkie was efficient, first taking a knife and carving off the captive pegasus’s cutie marks which she deposited in a bucket Dash provided. Next she took a cleaver to her captive’s wings, the pegasi passed out from the pain and blood loss. Dash breathed a sigh of relief; at least he would be unconscious for the remainder of the process. Her relief was short lived however as Pinkie asked for one of the syringes on the table. Pinkie then jabbed the large needle into her victim’s chest who immediately regained consciousness from the adrenaline shot. The now wingless pegasus resumed screaming until his throat went dry. Pinkie next asked for a hammer and nails, which Dash gave over, Pinkie hammered the nails into the joint where the stallion’s hooves met his legs. Dash cringed at each stroke of the hammer almost feeling the strikes herself. Next Pinkie attached a magical battery to each of the nails, causing the current to run rampant through the wingless pegasus. The stallion’s screams echoed through dashes ears, clawing at her sanity. Pinkie then jabbed the stallion’s spine with a syringe with a different fluid in it, she then explained how he wouldn’t feel any more pain. She then proceeded to a Y cut on the stallion’s torso, as she did so some of the muscle came loose and fell off which Pinkie scooped up and proceeded to eat. “Mmm not bad, here try some Dashie!”

“What!?” Was all Dash managed before Pinkie jammed a piece of the flesh down her throat. Dash tried to vomited but found herself unable to gag the flesh back up. The worst part about it was that some part of her didn’t object so much to the taste.

“I know, tasty isn’t it?” Pinkie continued her work oblivious to Dashes massive discomfort. Pinkie proceeded to disembowel the still conscious stallion whose screams had long since died down to whimpers. Finally the stallion died from the massive amount of damage done to his body. “Well that party was a blast, don’t you think so Dashie?” Dash didn’t respond she felt as if a part of her had died a part she’d never be able to reclaim. Pinkie and Dash undid the restraints on the stallions limp body, which slid to the floor. All the useful parts being harvested the pair hefted the body into a hatch marked incinerator.

After the body parts were ground up and stored away for later use Dash removed her outfit and headed home. The worst part she realized was that she didn’t feel anything after witnessing the horror show. She hadn’t even known the stallion’s name (fortunately in hindsight) but she didn’t know if that would have made a difference. Dash worried that she was getting used to this, “At least I still recognize that what I’m doing is wrong.” Dash voiced out loud, that was perhaps the only thing which made her different from Pinkie now.

Month’s passed, every weekend Dash would stop by Sugar Cube Corner and help Pinkie dismember another pony. Eventually she became so jaded to the screams, blood and suffering of others that Pinkie let her use the knives again, which Dash did so without mercy. She knew that she was the monster she had seen in the mirror so long ago, that her hooves could never be cleaned of all the blood they had shed. Dash struggled against the growing sense of despair over what she had done; she didn’t dare look into a mirror now for fear of what she might see. Then one day a letter came, earlier than usual, it simply read to come to Sugar Cube Corner immediately. Dash was curious, Pinkie rarely sent letters anymore it was just assumed that they would meet for their weekly activity.

Dash arrived at Sugar Cube Corner to find Pinkie nowhere in sight, confused she headed down into the secret basement to find Pinkie standing there, a neutral look on her face. Dash asked what was happening, Pinkie didn’t reply but simple gave her what Dash recognized as one of the slips from Pinkie’s drawing hat. She read it aloud, “Number 42: Pinkamena Diane Pie – Earth Pony” Dashes grip loosened and the slip fell from her hooves; “You put yourself in the drawing!?”

Pinkie nodded unusually solemn, “I told you silly, everypony is in the drawing, I couldn’t make an exception for myself.” Pinkie strode to the other end of the room and retrieved a small strange looking metal pole; she held it up to Dashes collar. The pole arced with magic and the collar snapped open and fell to the floor. “You remained loyal to me to the end, even with all that I put you through.” Pinkie slid the very knife she had threatened Dash with so long ago across the floor.

“I hate you, for what you have done.” Dash said staring down at the knife, “But I hate myself for allowing it and for helping you.”

“I know.” Pinkie sighed, “I shouldn’t have forced you into this it’s all my fault.”

“No, it’s not I should have stopped you.”

Dash picked up the knife and charged at Pinkie, her corruptor, and her best friend. The knife caught Pinkie in the chest, sliding in below her rib cage, piercing her heart. Pinkie fell forward onto Dash who held her in an embrace, “If only this could have been like before, where we could just hug and make up.” Dash sobbed sorrowfully, a single tear fell from her eye. She withdrew the knife and stabbed Pinkie again and again until she fell to the ground in a lifeless heap, blood streaming from the multiple puncture wounds. Dash knew that Pinkie probably deserved a more painful death than that but then again so did she, there were two monsters of Sugar Cube Corner. Dash knew there was no redemption for her; there was too much blood on her hooves. Dash drew herself up off of the ground where Pinkie’s lifeless form lay and walked over to a nearby shelf. There remained one thing left to do.

Three days later the local authorities found a light blue pegasus with a multicolored mane hanging limp from a noose on the outskirts of Ponyville. Beneath her was found a saddle bag containing a journal of all the killings that occurred at Sugar Cube Corner and the names of the two responsible.