Darkness consumes

by ponyfollower14557

First published

Luna finds herself stuck when discovering the darkness that has come back into her heart. Nightmare moon.

After one night luna can tell her sister and the people have changed or maybe it's just her, but now everthings going to be ok. But then luna soon realizes she herself, can not forgive what she did.

never been better

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I blink and I find my self staring at the moon. I'm sitting on a cloud in the dark sky, shining under the moons light. It wasn't always like this it use to be much worse. I shoved the memorys, of then, out of my mind. I pick up my wings and soar to the stars and start to align the big dipper. I am the moon princess, Luna, after all! After about an hour of working on the stars I make my way down to me and my sisters new castle. I say new because the old one I destroyed. Guards are waiting for me as I land and open the doors for me. As usual I make my way straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab the piece of cake waiting for me there. I finish and head upstairs to my room. I stand in front of the large doors with crecent moons on them and push them open. I go straight to my dresser and take off my crown and shoes (or whatever you want to call them). I go and lie down but can't fall asleep. Soon an hour or two has passed and my eyelids feel so heavy.

"Luna?" I open my eyes to find my sister at the door. Her hair is in a pony tail, she also has bags under her eyes, I can tell she's exausted. "Yes Tia?" I say in a groggy voice. "Do you mind if I sleep with you?" I giggle at the question and nod yes. She jumps right into my bed with me giggling. I soon wake up in the middle of my night and make my way to the bedroom balcony. I stop and glance back to my bed. I see Tia snuggled up in my bed. I see her calm and asleep face. Right at that moment I have a flashback of my childhood.

"Tia! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" screams a little blue mare to her sister from across the garden. The white mare she's screaming to her raises her head and gives her a big goofy grin. The blue filly makes it to her sister. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Oh! well, Luna I'm looking at the morning sky!" the white mare replies. "Why would you do that it's not like it's ever going to be gone!? It comes right back after nighttime!" Luna retorts. "Luna of course the morning sky will be there after night but wouldn't you want to take the moment to cherish it for being there otherwise no one would see it glow!" Celestia asks her sister. "Of course I want to see it glow! but you're always staring at it!" Luna says. "Well I stare at it's sky because it is so calm and peaceful and full of happiness." Celestia says looking up. Luna sits by her sister and leans onto her. Luna watches her sister, Celestia, closes her eyes and looks so calm. "I bet the sky loves to be noticed and admired." the white mare says "and I bet the night sky does too!" she opens her eyes and grins down on Lunas face.

I return to my senses and find I am still staring at my sisters so calm face. I start to cry but stop myself after one tear has left my eyes. I turn back towards the balcony and make my way to the edge of it. I look up towards the moon that seems to be directly above me but is far off in the distance. The stars burn so brightly the moon is in awe at there glow. I smile at the moon grateful that it's there.

All of a sudden my head feels it's about to burst open. I bite my lip to keep from screaming and waking Celestia. "Pain.....Guilt.......Sorrow.......is what you feel isn't it?........ Oh wait but there's more ........ Responsible....Oh well that's interesting!" I hear that voice but don't know where it's coming from. It sounds so familiar?! My head still feels the same and i can't take it anymore a yelp escapes my lips. As quick as the pain came it left. I let go of my head and stared down at my hooves. I'm sweating all over. "Luna?" I look up to find my sister at the entrance of the balcony. " Go back to bed you don't have to raise the sun until a couple of hours." I say to her. "Are you sure? Are you ok?" she asks me worriedly. "I've never been better!" I lied to her face.

The voice

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It's the next day and I'm lying in bed. I look over next to me and see that my sister already left for her duties. My mind flows back to yesterday and I remember my headache. I still can't place whose voice it was. I throw off my covers frustrated that i can't remember. I head out of my room to the hallway and head towards the bathroom. I turn on the water to make a bath and put it to the hottest temperature. Soon it's full and I jump in, it slightly burns my skin but I put all of my body in anyways. I have all of my body in except my head and my hair. I hold my breath and dunk my head in. Closing my eyes I return to a childhood moment of mine.

The sound of laughter fills my ears. "Hahhahaha! SIS! stop it!" the blue filly screams as her sister is splashing her. In the bathtub are two small mares taking a bath. "No way Luna! You made me and you fall into the mud today!" she laughs as she continues splashing her. Eventually the blue mare is soaked and Celestia stops splashing her. "There that will do!" Celestia laughs. Right after, she dunks her head in the water and pops back up. "Ahhhh the bath waters so nice" she says. "Yup" I say to her in a deep voice. Celestia giggles and hugs me. "Oh Luna your so silly!" she exclaims. Celestia lets go of her sister, gets a circle of shampoo and starts to wash her sisters hair. After, she starts to rinse Lunas hair. "Tia you've already washed it all out! Your going to wash all the blue out of my hair!" Luna yelps. Celestia then has a straight face and is no longer smiling. "If only we could wash all the worries away." Celestia says in a sad tone.

I open my eyes and raise my head up and out of the water. I start to breath strong breaths from being under water for so long. I shampoo and conditioner my hair and wash by body. I get out of the bath and see two towels and my crown and shoes. I wrap myself in a towel and I wrap my hair. I finish blow drying my mane and put on my stuff. I head down the hall and stop when I see the two doors to the library open. I go over to them and look in, the room is completely empty. I stare in curiously but know ones there. "It must be some ones magic." I say to myself. Then I have yet another flashback.

I'm walking down the hall, I'm no longer a filly but a little older. I see my cutie mark and remember that I had earned it about a month earlier than this. I remember that I was exhausted from placing all the stars. Celestia got her cutie mark a few weeks before I got mine. I'm still walking and stop in front of the library doors. I push them open and see my sister Celestia who is now a teenager. Celestias at a desk with a lamp over her head reading. "Hey! what are you doing?" I ask her. "Luna I'm busy please go away I'm trying to study." she says annoyed. "That's it!!!!!" I scream. I remember being tired and sad at this time. Celestia had been studying ever since she got her cutie mark. She had been studying the past month about the sun and ruling the kingdom. I was angry with her for ignoring me for so long but also sad I was so lonely. "I'm so sick of being of being ignored! All you ever do is study, study, STUDY!!!!! Ever since you got that stupid mark on you, you leave me alone! I've been so lonely!" I'm screaming and sobbing each of these words. All of a sudden, Celestia gets up and starts to walk toward me. I pick up my two front hoofs and slam them to the ground. "I'M ALL ALONE!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Celestias now in front of me, she points to the entrance of the library. "Luna get out I'm busy." she says to me. I look up but my visions blurry with tears I turn and I run to the entrance.

I blink and find myself sitting in the entrance of the library. I walk in and suddenly the doors behind me slam. I jump at the sound and then everything starts to swirl to black. Eventually I'm surrounded by darkness. " Memorys haunt us don't they........" I look around but this voice has no host. I close my eyes and focus my mind into thinking of the light. When I open my eyes my horn is glowing with light but there's still darkness all around. "Them seem to make it there mission to hurt us......" the voice says. Then it hits me I finally know whose voice it is.

It's my own.