> The journey of Havoc: Champion of Equestria > by Protocorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Chosen Champion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one: Chosen Champion of Equestria A young man named Bellator Nadeem( نديم ) Havoc layed in bed, frustrated. He’d been on a raid recently and pulling the bullets out had hurt. He was seventeen years old, yet in his world you were a man once you turned fourteen. Surviving as long as he had was an accomplishment. He had fought in brutal street battles punching, stabbing, kicking, and tearing his way to victory. He had participated in terrifying open warfare, charging through artillery barrages, virtual walls of gunfire, and wave after wave of foot soldiers, he’d even killed a few tanks. He’d fought in open woodland and dense jungle, slashing through foliage, impaling enemies into trees, shooting men and women at point blank distance, even crushing them them against trees or rocks at times. He’d fought on a scorching desert, digging desperately through sand, charging blindly through sandstorms, and suffocating foes in the burning terrain. He’d fought in a lake, underwater combat was difficult and brutal, drowning was an easy way to die with a gaping hole in you, worse were the predators. He’d leapt from a plane without a parachute in a nearly suicidal assault on a fortress, landing on an enemy soldier and crushing him on impact, his armor deflected bullets as he charged wildly hacking and firing in a berserker frenzy, he and his psychotic comrades were deployed to soften up the foe for the land based assault, in addition to wreaking havoc and sowing terror amongst the unprepared foe. He’d come home and continued his education, earned in his blood, sweat, and tears of pain. Now after a year of school he was bored and agitated. Nobody would fight the towering berzerker, no-one was willing to challenge the war hero. School work was just not occupying enough, it was too easy. As he layed in the bed he had claimed in the home he had bought for his mother he reflected on his life. He decided that missed the fast paced violence. Then he went into his usual deep, dreamless slumber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a cool dark room sat three equines. The walls were smooth granite, the floor was covered with a soft maroon carpet, and cut gems of every color glittered from their places, embedded in the walls and ceiling. One equine was smaller than the others, with lavender fur, large eyes with purple irises, a short and blunt spiraled horn poked out of a purple mane with a streak of light purple and pink going down the center. Her name was Twilight Sparkle and she was obviously a unicorn, her cutie mark was a red six pointed star with six smaller stars surrounding it between the points. Another was larger than her, but with a slimmer profile, but still smaller than the the other. She possessed deep blue fur, a mane that was as dark as the night sky that moved despite the lack of wind, similarly large eyes with irises that were blue on their upper half to teal on the bottom half,  long and powerful wings positioned behind her shoulders, the feathers of her wings were colored like her fur, and a long sharp horn . She was an alicorn and her name was Luna, she was the younger sister of the third and co-princess. She wore diamond horseshoes that flared upwards at the front, a black torq that displayed a white crescent moon on its front on her chest, and a black tiara behind her horn with three flares on its front that stuck out of her mane, her cutie mark was a crescent moon surrounded by blackness and the blackness covered her haunches. The third was larger than the others and slim like Luna. Her fur was white like snow, her wings massive and proportionally large, her feathers were as white as her fur, her sharp horn was longer than than her sister’s by far, her thin irises were purple, and her long flowing mane was blue, green, pink, and purple that faded by its distance from her head. Her name was Celestia and she too was an alicorn. She wore a gold torc with a four sided purple gem embedded in the center, gold horseshoes that flared at their fronts, and a three pointed gold tiara that flared at its front, the side points were shorter than the central flare that had a purple gem embedded  near its base, her cutie mark was a golden sun with curved dark gold blades representing the its rays. Princess Celestia strained slightly, small beads of sweat dripped down her ivory coat,  the spell was taxing. Luna too strained, aiding her sister in the complex spell. Twilight sparkle most loyal protege of the magnificent princess Celestia sat by recording everything on a lengthy scroll, it had been decided that this feat of magic absolutely had to be recorded for future generations. The spell in question was simply known as the savior spell, it was designed to reach across time, space, even alternate dimensions in order to bring an individual that meets the caster(s)’s specific requirements. This was a spell created and cast in desperation, created to bring or even create a necessary entity. Equestria was at war, it seemed almost every nation had suddenly turned against it. Opposing cults , the gryphon nation of Boreas, the minotaurs of Taurus Minos, the war-like ponies of Scandineighvia, The Alliance of Dragon Coalitions (or A.D.C.), the diamond dogs of Earth Growl, even the wolves of Lupusland to name a few. Even with the aid of its numerous allies Equestria cannot fight so many, though few of their foes have allies. Indeed a number of Equestria’s enemies are in turn enemies to each other, for example: the wolves of Lupusland assault diamond dogs on sight regardless of affiliation, apparently there are some deep rifts between the two species based on genetics and religion. Desperation had driven them to utilize the savior spell because while it did bring what was requested, it was impossible to account for everything and despite the name what was called may well be a monster worse than all their enemies combined. In truth that was the most likely result seeing as the harsh environment that produced their champion would almost certainly turn it into a monster if it wasn’t born one. But as they say, desperate times call for measures and sometimes a monster is just what you need. With a whimper Celestia dropped as Luna let out a sigh of relief. “Celestia!” Twilight cried as she rushed over to her teacher, notes still gripped in her telekinesis.” Are you alright?” “Yes Twilight, I’ll be alright... I just need to rest.” She said exhaustedly from her place on the floor. “Was the spell a success?” Twilight ventured. “Indeed fair Twilight Sparkle, it was. I only hope we haven’t made the situation worse than it already is.” Luna replied, surprising Twilight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: Nine hours since Savior Spell Location: somewhere in the Everfree Forest … Havoc awoke with a groan and looked around, then closed his eyes again. After a moment’s passage they snapped open and he reared up, his heavy armor slowing him. He looked about, burnt pieces of his bed and blackened grass surrounding him. He was suddenly glad that he had chosen to sleep in his armor, surrounded by his equipment, rather than enjoy the comfort of his soft and massive bed. He stood and kicked his gear to the side with a shining sabaton(foot armor, in this case titanium boots), and looked about taking deep slow breaths. Suddenly he felt nauseous, he fell to his poleyns(knee plates) and gripped his  scale armored stomach. He snarled as he fought the compulsion, then took one final deep breath. His right gauntlet slammed into the ground, his head tilted to face it, he let out a roar that expelled all his breath. Then after that epic roar he ejected a stream of foul acidic bile, mixed with it were streaks of black, yellow, green, and red. In addition to the contents of his stomach, years of built up pollutants and mucus generated in his lungs were released. Both leukemia he had picked up after being trapped at sea without a boat for a week and a half, and his body’s defense mechanism to to combat the extensive pollution of the cities and insane tactics (such as charging down the fire wreathed, smoke belching doorway of a burning megatank to kill the survivors, in tattered Ustulo Lux standard gear) he employed were the cause of the inevitably fatal buildup of mucus in his lungs. Said tactics, and city living were also the cause of the pollutants trapped within him. He was purging because he was experiencing something he’d never had in his entire life, steady inhalation of clean air. Everywhere he’d been the air was either toxic or full of vapor, and his armor couldn’t filter out what was already in him. His blood was tainted with rust, poison, lead, and diseases gained in foreign lands, his stomach with the residue of things not fit for human consumption, and even his bones were tainted. Rust and lead had infiltrated those too in places where great strength or unfortunate accuracy had penetrated the flesh deeply. He was soon to be healthier than he had been in his entire life for even the womb was polluted, resulting in his gigantism and heightened aggression. After releasing all the toxins his body could release through his mouth he pushed off of the burnt soil, and spat copiously before falling backwards to catch his breath. He layed there for a short time before crawling over to his helmet. He grasped it by the jaw flaps and ran a finger up between the eyes until he hit a groove, he pressed into it. A faint glow emitted from the eye plates. He lifted it and placed it around his head, he lifted his thin gorget(neck plate) and clicked the connectors into the jaw plate. He then said,”Link armor.” He heard the quiet sound of machinery moving as the helmet connected to the rest of the armor. “Activate armor.” He then heard a low hum as the rest of the armor activated and lights on his cuirass (chest/breastplate) came to life. He made a low hiss as needles plunged into ports implanted into his flesh, his arms, spine, legs, chest, and back, designed to link his body to his armor for increased control and to connect his body to its power supply: his electricity generating body. In that he generated electricity he was not unique as many lifeforms generate electricity including man, he was unique because he had implants designed to take advantage of this and feed machinery with the right part to plug into him, making him a walking generator that comes with its own outlets. “Search channels for nearest Al’hira military, civilian, or other station.” He commanded. He heard static as it searched. “Error, no connection.” He eventually heard a mechanical voice reply. “Search for any active channel.” “Error no connection” He heard immediately. He thought for a moment, there were connections almost anywhere. He’d been assured by technicians, sorcerers, and alchemists alike that the magic of the ancients pervaded most of the world. If there was no connection then that meant there was no magic communication system and that was nearly impossible. “Turn off communicator” He commanded, annoyed by the static. Immediately it stopped. He gathered up his gear in silence. Grenades went into specially designed clips, as did his huge rifle, ammunition containers, pistol, shotgun, machine gun, sheathed knife, double headed axe, and the sheath for his machete. All of his equipment was giant sized, seeing as he was what was known as a “seven footer” by his people, this was actually necessary. He held his machete with the tip towards the ground as he stood still. “Activate scent sensors, halt filtration.” He said and once more he smelled the world. He smelled equine flesh and something sweet mixed with other confusing scents. He turned to where the smell was strongest and began walking, the lack of human scent did not surprise or worry him. Often the smell of humans was masked by the filth and dirt covering them, and even if there weren’t there was still food and possibly a means of regaining his connection to the web as his people called the magic that connected their communicators. They did not know why it worked, however they knew how to repair some of the land bound connectors. They’d no idea why much of their technology worked only how to make it work, apparently the magic of the ancients would take much time decipher. He wandered for roughly half an hour, he then heard something that terrified him. A massive growl, the bass of it making his flesh ripple in his armor. He turned to his left and saw something huge. An enormous leonine creature, its fur was dark gold, its mane black, its wings massive and red with blood flowing through them, its black chitinous tail was like a scorpions. He looked into its eyes and saw they had no irises, by the gods it reminded him of the one he’d seen in that show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(tm)! The difference being the coloration and size, this one made that one look like a kitten, clearly Fluttershy had not just been using baby-talk when she called it a baby. This thing looked like it could take down an average tank. Knowing that due to its size there was no way for him to outrun it, the trees, massive as they are, are too widely spaced to inhibit it motion sufficiently, and there was no way climbing would save him from something that could obviously fly, and there were no holes of proper size/conveniently placed bunkers in sight, fighting was his only chance. He charged at it and when he came within range, leaped at it with inhuman speed granted by magic/mechanical muscles in his armor. He was swiftly batted away with a paw bigger than he was. He went flying for some time hitting a tree and proving that the little guys rarely win by tearing through it and within seconds slamming into a much larger tree that stopped his impromptu midair directional change. He slid down with a groan and felt his cuirass, a wide but shallow dent decorated it, adding to the numerous scars it already bore. He stood and gripped the broken tree seconds before the manticore arrived to finish off its prey, it looked surprised to see him standing up but growled and pressed its attack. He rushed towards it pointing the jagged end of it at the manticore like a lance, it swiped at him but he leaped past it, surprising the manticore. It received another surprise in the form of a tree trunk getting lodged in its right eye. It roared and smashed the tree into two very uneven pieces. He fell as the tree he now called Lance was torn in two. He hopped back up and pointed Lance’s leafy end at the angry manticore, who tore off half of its branches. He pulled back and charged once more, the manticore tore out more of Lance’s branches and Havoc leaped off the paw to slam Lance's base into the log in the manticore’s eye driving it deeper and the manticore smashed through more of Lance, nearly hitting havoc. The manticore yowled and pawed around its eye and shook. Havoc understood the pain it was going through. He swiftly took advantage and roared beating on his cuirass. The manticore slowly backed away, however Havoc suddenly had a plan. He could use this thing dead or alive! “whiss, whiss, whiss, whiss, whiss, whiss...” He called making gestures with his hands, the manticore slowly came closer. He continued making the sound and gesture and it lowered its head, it did not trust him but was afraid, the little shiny creature had taken its eye without warning so it did not want to further anger it. Havoc gently stroked at its jaw, working its way up its face. It moaned as it felt his ministrations, soothing after the former brutality he had displayed. He made his towards the eye and it tensed until he gently massaged around the organ as big as his chest. He thought as he did so. If he saved its life he could have either a giant one eyed manticore ally or a giant one eyed manticore for an enemy. If he killed it he would have a meal and possibly a really awesome trophy, he might also utilize the scavengers who came to feed on the massive carcass. The choice was obvious. He plunged his arms into the eye around the log, planted his feet against the bottom jaw, and pulled. The manticore roared as the log came out in a spray of blood and humorous jelly. He tucked the log under one arm and said,” Helmet separate.” The helmet came loose and he pulled it off and licked the gore off of it, he was starving having not had breakfast. He looked up at the manticore and displayed the log, the look in its eye softened and it lowered its head as he gestured. Havoc licked the gore as it leaking from the ruined eye until he was full and the flow had slowed. He then climbed up using the long, thick, fur of the manticore with the log he named Bleed held in his left elbow, his helmet in his left hand, and Lance clenched between his teeth. Once he reached the back he stood and dropped Lance into the thick fur and put on his helmet. He ordered it to link to his armor after clicking it in place. He reached down and picked up Lance, he walked through the fur of the mane, which was actually longer than he was tall, until he sat just behind the ears where he sat down. He sniffed at the air until he located the scent and gestured with Lance. “Go!!” He yelled, the armor making him louder and giving his voice a mechanical growl. The manticore seemed confused. So he whipped it along the neck and repeated his prior action. It understood and started walking. “Faster!” He yelled and whipped it again and the manticore increased speed. He repeated this until it had reached a suitable speed and merely pointed Lance in the desired direction. He laughed, this was so much faster than even his highest running speed, and he was glad he’d allowed it life. They ran for thirty eight minutes and they came across a path, he pointed Lance along the the ill kept path and the manticore smashed through the growth effortlessly. In twelve minutes they saw a cottage from the confines of the forest and he slowed the manticore down. Yelling the word slower, and whipping backwards, and the manticore understood slowing and eventually stopping when he pointed Lance straight down. He leapt off the manticore, looked up at it and said,” Come!”, lashing towards the hut with Lance and he began walking towards it. The Manticore followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fluttershy shook under her table, all her animal friends were cowering in fear of whatever was outside. She could hear its footsteps as it approached. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Please go away, please go away, please go away...” She murmured constantly. Then she heard yelling. Something alien was yelling in the language she knew! “Wait here!” A voice sounding like metal said. Shortly after she heard smaller footsteps. Then she suddenly heard a whimper, it was more like a bellow but for the massive beast it was the equivalent of a whimper and Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She rushed out of cover and grabbed her medical equipment, rolls of bandages, medical tape were held in her forelegs while her heavy duty veterinarian case was held in her mouth as she flew to the door. She put down the tape for a moment and opened the door to be greeted by a giant metal monster standing before her, her scream was muffled by the case but she thought of the creature in pain and narrowed her eyes and grabbed the taped up in her right foreleg. “Eccsuse me peash mishter onshter ‘ut I ‘ave ‘oo ‘et ‘at!” She said hurriedly as he stepped aside. She felt its eyes on her as she flew over to the adult manticore. She laid down the case and gasped.”Please open your eye for me mister manticore.” He complied giving her a full unobstructed view of the maimed organ. “Huuuh! Oh my what happened to you mister manticore, it looks like something shoved a log in your eye!” She quickly opened the case and pulled out a large swab and a bottle of disinfectant.”Now mister manticore, I know this is going to hurt quite a bit but you have to be still and accept it otherwise your wound will be infected.” The manticore laid on his belly and placed his head on the floor, keeping his eye fully open. Havoc stared in awe, this was the Fluttershy he knew, this was one of the hidden skills she possessed. In his land it taught a basic lesson, never underestimate your adversaries as they may have abilities that simply aren’t being displayed. Also doctors are both important and useful, including veterinarians. She doused the eye in disinfectant and the manticore merely whimpered, she went in and extracted the splinters with a pair of mouth tweezers and it continued whimpering she went back into the huge case and pulled out a giant cushion like pad in her mouth before grabbing the cloth and tape with her hooves. She flew back pressed the pad in and said,” Hold this for a moment and raise your head.” The manticore did as told and she applied the bandage strip, wrapping it around the head covering the eye and  the manticore oddly enough anticipated her moves and moved its toes as necessary. She applied the tape once she was done wrapping his head. “Now mister manticore tell me, how did this happen?” She asked gently. The manticore made several growls and lion sounds and she gasped. “Really that little fellow?” She said pointing right at Havoc, who became slightly nervous. She was tiny by his worlds standards but he didn’t know how much damage she was capable of dishing out. She zoomed over to him and began to yell at him, him of all people! “Why would you do what you did?! I understand you want to live and being eaten by a manticore is a sure way to die but you could have just beaten him off with all your strength! You didn’t have to stab him in the eye with a tree trunk!” She said this while giving poor Havoc The Stare. It burned into him making him feel paranoid, sad, and fearful. What she didn’t know was that this was pretty much what home was like for him minus the anger and bloodlust so it really wasn’t that effective against him. He displayed this with his rebuttal. He grabbed her throat,“Cute, but the thing is... The Stare doesn’t work on creatures whose lives are misery.” He said. She stared harder and he brought her face right up to his to give her better access to his eyes. The manticore rose with a growl. Havoc kept looking into her eyes. “Helmet separate.” He said and pulled off his helm and the kept staring, his eyes baleful, hers rage filled. Moments later it broke off as she noticed the scars, the bullet burns and slash marks, and the shadows cast by his shallowly sunken eyes. She stared in horror as she saw a series of long claw gouges that gave him a disturbing closed mouth half-grin and cringed when she saw the results of his run-in with a dream cultist who had just taken three full syringes of combat stimulants, he had nearly lost an eye to the blurring speed of the dual wielding swordsman. He’d won that fight by picking him up by his torso and smashing him into the ceiling ‘till he stopped moving, then stomping on his twitching skull. “You... What would do this to you? No wonder you’re the way you are...” She said softly. He released her throat. “Would you happen to know where my manticore can get some food? I bested him in honest combat and let him live so according to my customs, he belongs to me. I think I’ll name him One-eye, it’s a tribute to a great warrior from ancient times.” Havoc said calmly. “I.. don’t know where he could get any food except for the Everfree Forest. I’ll ask him about the name.” She said in her gentle voice. She pitied him for the clearly vast pain he’d endured. She’d seen animals that were scarred like him and they were always wary, always on edge ready to fight. The only pony they’d trust after enduring what they had was her and possibly their owner. Fluttershy flew over to the watchful manticore and asked him about the name. He shrugged, it didn’t bother him at least. She flew back and reported the manticores answer. “Well he doesn’t seem to mind.” “One-Eye it is. Ya hear that One-Eye? Your names One-Eye now manticore! Go hunt One-Eye and come back once you’re done eating!” The manticore looked in confusion. “He says you can go hunting now mr. One-Eye he'd like you to come back once you’re fed.” The manticore smiled and padded off the ground trembling with every step. “Why does he understand you? We’re using the same words.” “It’s your inflection, your voice lacks something that ponies have. It might be compassion, or love, or it might even be how hollow your voice is. Either way, he hears the sound but has trouble understanding your words as language.” “Oh, then how come you understand me?” “Ponies don’t rely on what your voice lacks to understand speech, we simply have to hear the sound in the right sequences.” “I... Understand I think.” “Um... My names Flu-” “Don’t need it.” “What?” “Don’t tell me your name. I don’t need it. It’s a cultural thing.” “Oh, um well will you tell me yours?” “Sure, if you wanna know so badly you can call me Havoc. It’s what most call me.” “Ha-Havoc? That sounds scary...” “That’s partly the point miss. May I call you Shy?” “Certainly.” She said, smiling at how he had “unintentionally guessed” part of her name.”Would you like to have some tea mr. Havoc?” “No thank, you.” They waited in silence for a bit before Fluttershy broke the awkward pause. “Excuse me mr. Havoc but what are you, I’ve never heard of anything quite like you before.” “Ms. Shy my species calls itself human or humanity, sometimes man.” “How come no ponies ever heard of you before?” “I’m not from your world, possibly not even your dimension.” Fluttershy stiffened, she’d been warned by Twilight about this. Apparently some spell had been cast to bring something from another world here to Equestria. If something happened to wander out of the Everfree that was clearly not of this world she was to bring it to Twilight’s library as soon as possible. Failing that inform Twilight. If what he’d just said didn’t count as obvious confirmation of extraterrestrial origins what did? “Hey mr. Havoc hows about we go see my good friend Twi-” “Don’t tell me. I don’t need the name, just lead me to her.” “A-all r-r-right.” She was very surprised and scared. How did he know her friend was a female? They walked swiftly, Fluttershy soon flying to keep pace with his great, fast-paced, strides. They followed the road and came upon the town quickly and while the inhabitants were very startled they did not panic, if Fluttershy was leading it around then it couldn’t be that bad. The ponies stared at Havoc, they stared at Lance, they stared at his helmet, they even stared at Bleed though with disgust and fear. They parted as wheat before a thresher giving the scary stranger ample space. As such they made it to the library with speed such as Fluttershy had never accomplished previously. Fluttershy knocked on the door hoping Spike came soon. The young dragon opened the door. “Hi Fluttershy what’s goin’ oohhohohon!! Fluttershy what is that thing?!” “Um, well you know how Twilight asked me about that thing?” She answered nervously. “Uh what thing?” He replied confused and still scared. “You know the thing?” She strained. “Oh. Oooh that thing, well come right in. Twilight should be with you just as soon as I get her. He rushed off to fetch twilight as fluttershy walked in, Havoc got down on all fours in the quadrupedal form he’d taught his friends and fellow soldiers. The army was instituting it into the official training regime. He slid Bleed in first, followed by Lance, and finally his helmet which still had light coming from it. He then walked in canine style and looked around before moving his stuff over to a cushion and sitting upright in it. He smiled pony houses were tiny like their occupants. He’d seen that the average pony was   (3 1/2 feet.) he carefully memorized everything he saw with surprising ease maybe it was the clean, fresh air, perhaps it was the purge, maybe the magic of this world had repaired the extensive brain damage he’d suffered and was actually improving his mind! Whatever it was, if he ever went back home he intended to tell the bronies and pegasisters everything he experienced. He grinned maybe twilight could even teach him how his suits magic worked! His wait was short, Twilight came rushing down with a mounted Spike. She looked him over, staring and scribbling notes on a scroll Spike held. She seemed fascinated by his armor and her horn glowed as a similar purple glow came over it. “Miss Sparkle, what are you doing?” Havoc asked, attempting to sound genial. She halted and asked,” How do you know my name?!” “I know many things ms. Sparkle though I do not know everything try not to be too surprised when this sort of thing happens, but really what are you doing with that powerful magic you're famed for?” He replied somewhat smoothly. “I’m not letting this go. However I will save it for later. Since you’re curious I’m scanning that armor you’re wearing, it’s fascinating in its complexity. More so because it doesn’t incorporate magic of any kind! How was it made?” She said excitedly. However she had hit him with a curveball which showed in his response,” What do you mean no magic?” He thought for a moment. “Twilight Sparkle, you are not known for lying, pranking, or joking. Am I safe in the assumption that at this moment you speak only the truth?” He asked solemnly. “Yes, I’m being completely honest here.” She replied with a slight change in tone. “Then I cannot answer you, for my entire life I have been told things such as it work because of the magic of the Ancients. I am lost.” He said sadly before falling to his gauntlets in silence. “Um, I’m sorry?” She said confused.”Fluttershy help me out here, you know him better than I do and you’re better with these sorts of things!” She whispered through the side of her mouth. “I’ve known him for less than an hour, and his species doesn’t seem to work like anything on our world. And I’d rather not anger someone like him, you should know that he nearly killed an adult manticore by shoving a tree into its eye.” She whispered, which in truth wasn’t too much lower than her regular voice. Twilight gasped before cantering over to him and laying a hoof on his shoulder, Fluttershy did the same. “It’s okay, I’m sure it’s not so bad big guy.” Twilight said comfortingly. “No it’s not okay. My people have been working under the assumption that this technology was magical for generations. This would throw my society into anarchy.” He replied sadly. Fluttershy rubbed at his tense neck with both forehooves. “Oooh...” Twilight sounded.”Umm well you could stay here, if you really think it would be that bad. We could easily get you a place as a functional member of society in Equestria. Seeing that armor perhaps the Royal Guard? While the Equestrian National Guard could use someone like you, I doubt that it would carry the same prestige you’d gain in the Royal Guard.” Havoc blinked as years of paranoia drew him to a conclusion that would have been difficult to see otherwise. “You brought me here didn’t you? You and the Princesses! I’ll bet you sent a message to her already letting them know I’m here. Be honest or I promise I’ll eat you.” He hissed. “Why I didn’t bring you here at all, in fact we most certainly did not summon you across time and space to use for our own purposes! Though I did send them a letter it’s my duty to inform the princesses of new beings from other worlds!” She said hurriedly. “I never told you I was from a different world.” He hissed accusingly whilst staring at her menacingly. “Well the thing is, eh heh, nothing of your species exists on our world so that’s the only possible explanation for you. Eh heh heh heh...” Twilight said looking to Fluttershy for support. “You’re lucky I know that you’re smart enough to figure that out so quickly.” Just then a knock was heard on the door to Twilight’s home. She was greeted by none other than princess Celestia herself. Havoc’s sunken eyes stared into her eyes as a sadistic smile crept across his face, illuminating incisors sharpened into fangs. He had not eaten solid plant matter larger than two of his molars put together in years. His teeth had been ground into shape while he was still awake and hissing, without anesthetic and the pain was incredible. Havoc hadn’t even cried. “Hello princess, I’ve been expecting you. In fact you’re late.” He said. “I was unaware that we’d scheduled a meeting, and hello Twilight Sparkle! I trust you have this well in hoof?” Celestia spoke. “Princess!” Twilight cried before she ran to her and rubbed against her legs. Havoc laughed inside, in his world this was a promotion of loyalty to authority and potentially a view of the closeness of parent and child slash teacher and apprentice. "Thank goodness you’re here, I was beginning to fear that I couldn’t keep him here peacefully.” Peacefully? Havoc thought, if I weren’t such a nice brony you’d either be in the process of digestion or getting mounted on the floor right now. Then again if I was one of those bronies I might be too busy occupying Fluttershy at the moment. “You have done well Twilight, I believe I can take over from here.” Celestia said soothingly. She didn’t sound the same as she did in the show, while similar, her voice seemed to reverberate with power. It echoed without cause, and it sounded like what he imagined the angels mentioned in a few of the books of the ancients would. “Yes princess, I’ll stand by and take notes on this interaction.” Twilight replied enthusiastically. Celestia walked over to Havoc, eyeing him as she did. She appeared unfazed at his size or apparently advanced armor. He decided to mess with her in order to test her personality, after all the worst she would do is give Discord a cellmate of sorts. “Like what you see princess?” He asked, maintaining the psychotic grin and raising an eyebrow. “Mmm... perhaps. Though you are covered in metal so I can’t really judge your looks too well. So I’m going to have to asked you to undress, preferably while I watch, perhaps with some wine.” She replied with a smirk. Alright, Havoc thought. Playful joking check, next test. “I’ll have to pass, coming out of mein shell in such a strange place makes me a bit nervous. As you can imagine, me nervous is not a good thing. Your student there tells me that I might have a place in the Royal Guard, tell me what are their tanks like?” He asked while staring right into her eyes. “Well that information isn’t publicly known, we do like to surprise our enemies after all. I assume you know quite a bit about Equestria to be aware that we have war machines.” She said as she calmly returned the stare. Intelligence, check. I wonder if she passes the final test, if she reacts that way eventually I hope she’s at least gentle about it. I really don’t want to get that horn shove up my anus, he thought. “More or less than you think, depends on how much you believe I know.” “Well then, I do have a place in the Royal guard that was practically made for someone like you.” “What do you mean?” “Large, intimidating, a warrior without peer?” “How do you know that I am a warrior? I may well be a miner who wears this armor to protect himself from the elements.” “I strongly doubt that. After all scarring like that does not occur in times of peace, some of those are clearly the marks of weaponry. Weaponry implies battle has occurred with sufficient regularity to warrant its creation. Even if you are a miner you clearly have experience in combat, extensive experience judging from the damage evident to both you and your armor. Though of course the armor may have been stolen, inherited, or purchased in that state.” She surprised him with her logic. It was good. “Ah, you have me there, wunderbar! Now convince me ma chere! Why should I join your Guardian Royale, where I come from we need an incentive. Even if it would be the right thing to do, just that wouldn’t be good enough.” His language was a bit patch-work seeing as it’s based off of the records of the Ancients, he still had no idea why there were so many variants of my/mine but had just gone with it seeing as it was what he was provided. No mostly stayed the same however which was... unsettling in truth. “I see you are versed in multiple languages, what a pleasant surprise! Well then I’m going to stick with basic Equestrian for now. Onto the prospect of joining my Royal Guard, you would receive an impressive weekly salary, access to areas few outside of the Guard do, the opportunity to be around my sister and I frequently, and of course there is much honor to be had.” “Actually its just one language where I come from. Also that’s not enough. It just doesn’t appeal to one such as me, so while you’re here would you happen to have a spell to send me home? I may be able to provide you with an entire army of individuals who would gladly take my place, I however am too valuable back home to stay here. I am a war hero and was on leave at the time and I fear my Imperator needs his champion berzerker.” “I’m sorry but I don’t have a spell for that, you’re unfortunately trapped here. Unless you can figure a way off of this planet and back to your own in your life-span. I admit, I do strongly hope that you’ll at least become a citizen of Equestria where I can assure your safety.” “I don’t want to be a citizen of your pony nation. I have killing to do back home, killing that I sorely need to return to! The air here is so pure!” Havoc cried out, his mind hurt. Celestia, though caught off guard by that outburst made another attempt to recruit him,” Guards stand guard outside and keep the door closed, I don’t want anypony coming in or out without my permission. Fluttershy please go upstairs and wait until you’re called.” The guards did as ordered though they glared at Havoc momentarily, Fluttershy ceased her ministrations with a whimper and fled up the stairs to Twilights room, a startled and protesting Spike grasped in her hooves. “Now then, what is your name creature? I have yet to learn of your gender as well so it would be rather helpful if you told me.” “My name to you is Havoc and I am a male of my species.” She closed the blinds with a burst of pink magic. “Well Havoc here’s the truth, Equestria is at war. Assaulted from nearly all sides we are in a rather bad situation, we need a monster like you to fight our enemies you understand? I am quite willing to negotiate to gain you as my personal agent.” “I’ll need ample opportunities to kill, preferably a monthly stipend, in civilised areas where you have influence I’d prefer to have paid for lodging, I don’t want your ponies freaking out about my disturbing habits considering that I like to take trophies and eat meat, I can quit as long as I give you a year’s notice and possibly train my successor, and of course I want to hug you, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, also I get to punch the honorable prince Blueblood as hard as I can without my gauntlet on. Sound fair?” “Wait a moment you want to hug me?” Asked Twilight Sparkle, having stopped scribbling on that lengthy scroll Havoc hadn’t noticed her bring down. “Yes! The Bronydom and Pegasisterhood alike would praise me for this, they’d also want an accurate description of what it was like. You see those two groups are sects of one overgroup known as the Pony Fandom and all members of the Pony Fandom love you and your friends and the records they know you from. Some a little too much if you ask me. So I’d remiss if I didn’t hug you, in fact it would be heresy of the highest order!” She recoiled at this most noble proclamation. “That’s... Creepy.” She said as she moved nearer to the door, knowing that her princess could handle him with ease. “While I find it deplorable you will have many opportunities to kill, as for payment I believe three thousand bits a month is acceptable, try to keep your disturbing habits hidden and make sure that they’re harmless to my citizens, all hugs after the first will require consent, and you get a maximum of three punches to Blueblood unless you have an order to do so. Is this an acceptable compromise?” He thought for a full two minutes, as evidenced by his helmets chronograph, before answering. Darn only three punches, I’d best make them count. At least the killing is allowed and she didn’t say no to the housing arrangement. Hey I wonder if three thousand bits a month is a lot of money. Man I can’t wait to mercilessly hug them, my comrades at the homeworld are gonna be so jealous! Wait a moment she said legal I think, does that mean I’ll have to be a law abiding citizen or just to obey the local law? ”Do I gain citizenship in Equestria if I agree?” “No, but I’d like for you to do so.” “Then add that I can’t be ordered to do things that I don’t agree to and we have a deal.” “Fair enough. Now strip.” This ought to be entertaining she thought. His mind stopped for a moment,”Sure. Wait what did you just say?” Did she just tell me to strip? Please don’t go Molestia on me, he thought silently. “I said strip.” “Wwwwhhhyyy?” “So that we can consummate the agreement.” She lowered her eyelids a little. “Wh-wh-what do you mean consummate th-the agr-ee-ment?!” He rose to his full height in an attempt to both intimidate her and make it easier for him to fight or move as needed. “Well it’s how we seal such deals here in Equestria. Especially ones as important and serious as this.” Slinking closer with wings slightly flared and with a radiant grin on her face. “I had no idea you ponies were so dirty. I don’t think I want to be part of this anymore.” “Too bad, you have to accept the job before you can quit.” He was backed up against a wall at this point,” I-I-I-I... Okay just give me a moment and please don’t put any part of your 100 percent female form inside anywhere but my mouth.” He walked away from the wall and picked up and put on his helmet, he linked it to the suit. “Divert additional power to helmet.” He said and heard a whirr and the constant hum increased. He patiently waited as the helmets charge rapidly increased.”Return to standard power settings.” He said once the helmet’s charge was full. ”Deactivate armor.” He felt the needles leave the ports in his body and the hum quickly yet smoothly died.”Loosen armor.” He felt his armor release its grip on his body. ”Unlink armor.” He heard a whir as machinery retracted back into the helmet. He took a deep breath and said,“Helmet off.” It turned off and he quickly undid the clasps that linked his helmet to his gorget before lifting it off of his head. He proceeded to remove his suit of what he knew to be titanium, he didn’t know what titanium meant although he did know what titans were. He slid out of the gel like material underneath the flexible aluminum,rubber, and iron mixture material that was underneath and fused to the titanium plates. The armor slid off like a shed skin or exoskeleton/shell. The princess stared, as did Twilight Sparkle and ,secretly, Fluttershy. Unlike the average human, though they didn’t know, he lacked nipples. Many humans were born with this mutation due to pollutants in their mother’s bodies altering their development. He was  pale and heavily scarred, pink surrounded by brown starbursts showed healed bullet wounds, brown lines showed where he had been cut by blades or claws or shrapnel, there was a very long wound that ran from the left of his collarbone to the middle of his pelvis, one of his legs had a line spiraling around it with triangular marks coming down from it. Two toes to the far left of his left foot and the three toes in in middle of his right foot showed obvious reattachment in the shining rings embedded at their bases, he had metal throughout his body, even his neck had a scattering of jagged looking plates on its right side. His entire body save his phallus, most of his face, his palms and inner wrists, his outer fingers, feet (not counting the upper sides of his toes) , the undersides of his fingers, and his neck and back if you exclude the spinal column had a thin coat of hair. Thin enough to mostly see skin. He had endured horrible things in his life and now they could see it. “So are we going to do this now or do you need to get ready?” He asked somewhat irritably. “Just hold still and relax.” Celestia replied. She pointed her horn at him and it glowed white. Suddenly Havoc felt great pain and fell to his knees as he lost control over the suddenly slack muscles. He saw a glow going up them rapidly and looked at Celestia as he realised that it matched the glow of her horn. “Why!!!” He roared. Good gracious even the sex would have been better than this, at least it would hurt less and despite the minor dishonor it would feel good! “What did you think I meant my dear little Havoc?” She asked innocently and looking at him with eyes widened in an attempt to appear adorably confused. The cuteness was lost on him however, as was the irony. “Aagh!!” He cried as he fell on his face, his arms failing to support his body any further. “Don’t worry, when you wake up you’ll be all better. Just relax and let it happen.” Celestia said, suddenly he felt a plated hoof stroking him despite her being a fair distance from him last he saw her. And then he saw darkness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 9:35 P.M. 129 hours since Savior Spell Location: Canterlot castle, dragon class holding cell # 3 … Havoc awoke with a groan and saw white interrupted by a Twilight Sparkle in a lab coat. Wait a moment Twilight Sparkle wasn’t so clear last time I saw her. He now saw every strand of fur on her body and the light on her horn glimmered like diamonds. Suddenly his vision became less clear, still better than before but no longer was he nearly blinded by her horn and eyes. His body, especially his genitals, felt strange. He looked around and found that he now had a snout or muzzle. It was covered in short black fur, he flared his nostrils then shut them and finally opened them again. He opened his mouth and peeled back his lips. He saw long fangs similar to those of the dragons he’d seen in the show, he stuck out his tongue and it was a bloody orange. He stuck it out as far as it would go and it went right into Twilight Sparkle’s open mouth. “Gmmm!” She squeaked as she moved out of his surprising range. She didn’t taste bad he thought, in fact she tasted great! Her saliva like he’d imagined spring water would, and her flesh like some impossible or extinct fruit. “Eeeeww! Why’d you do that?!” She cried from the far end of the room, her supplies forgotten in front of him. Her ears were folded as she tried to spit out his taste. “Um, sorry. You’re pretty and you taste good. Does that make up for it?” He said honestly and was surprised at how it came out. His voice was messed up, the pitch going from higher than he’d previously been capable of to deeper as he’d spoken. He would have to adjust to the way his new form shaped the air in his mouth and throat. She blushed deeply,”What!?” He flicked his tongue out and flexed it about in response which made her cheeks turn a bit redder and her ears fold all the way down. “Er, I’m sorry did I offfendd you?” He asked, still getting used to his new mouth. ”I was just being honessstt wiitthh yyyyyyou.” “I... No-one’s ever said anything like that to me before you. Should I be offended?” She asked still at the far end of the room and having given up on getting his strange taste out of her mouth. “I wwwaasss beingggg honessssst but yes ththththat would be considerrred a complimentttt where I’m frrrrommmm.” He replied, he hoped instinct would help him with this, otherwise he might have trouble controlling the rest of his body. “In that case er, thank you? Also please give me warning before you do that next time.” she said, still blushing, as she came closer. So there will be a next time he thought. Suddenly he had an idea. He rose up on all four limbs and looked down, hooves he thought as he saw them. His leg fur was jet black like his muzzle fur and the line where fur ended and hoof began was indistinguishable to someone who wasn’t looking for it. He looked at his flanks and saw they two were black furred. He saw a mark on his haunches and was shocked, a sharp toothed human skull with four steel canines and a crack going down between the eye holes that had two smaller cracks running off its sides. The eyes had microfractures branching off of all sides and the jawbone had three fractures sprouting from the rearmost canine. It grinned menacingly as he wiggled his butt a little. He saw wings positioned behind his shoulders, massive white tipped affairs far larger proportionally than Celestia’s and shaped like an eagle’s, except for the white tips of the flight feathers they too were black. He looked up behind his eyes and saw a long, sharp, white horn, it was not spiraled like those of the ponies which surprised him. Havoc grinned and flexed his wings feeling an odd sensation at the wrist. He flexed the new muscles and a trio of clawed fingers stretched forwards. He was amazed, did Celestia have these and just not show them? He could see why they’d been invisible, the skin was as white  as bone though the claws were black. He heard a gasp and smiled remembering his plan. He looked at Twilight’s shocked face and charged while she was distracted. He collided with her and lifted her up in a big hug, way to use a free hug! “Hey! Let go of me!” She cried as she struggled futilely. Havoc rubbed his neck against her smooth fur and said,” Does this make up for the toonngue thing Twilight Sssssspaaaarrkkle?” He proceeded to get his wings into the hug, fully engulfing her and making a difficult escape impossible. “Mmmmff mmm! Yesh, now loosen your grip before you suffocate me!” He relaxed his forelegs and lowered his wings to her sides to reveal her blushing face as he pulled his long neck back. “Well? Aren’t you going to put me down now?” She asked hopefully. “Nope. Princess says I get one free hug and I’ll be darned if I don’t use this opportunity to the fullest. Besides do you know how nice this is? I haven’t been in a hug since I was a baby.” He answered, fully intending to hug her until he absolutely had to let go of her. She was so soft and her hair was so smooth! Now he understood that word he’d seen on that one log, plushy, this was the very definition of it. She pleaded with adorable puppy eyes but that just made him cradle her like a baby, he used his right wing as a pillow. Her face switched from pleading to not amused, but he just grinned. “Well if you insist.” She moaned. She pulled up the strange looking equipment she’d brought. “Yay, more hug for me!” Havoc cried into the air. “You really haven’t had a hug since you were a baby, have you?” She said quietly. “Nope, not since she had to carry me in her arms has even my mother hugged me. I cried for a while but I got over it, besides it made me tougher. Also I’m not ticklish. At all.” Twilight somehow managed to look sad while still maintaining her red cheeks. A thermometer rose up as did a quill and a scroll. “Open your mouth please.” She asked and Havoc complied immediately. “Raise your tongue.” She said and once again he did as she required. “Now lower your tongue and close your mouth.” She commanded and Havoc obeyed. She waited a moment as the mercury within moved.  She wrote down the temperature it ended on, 110 degrees fahrenheit. “Interesting..” She murmured. ”Okay open your mouth.” He did and she removed the thermometer then pulled out a band of metal with a ring of crystal in it center, he could see that the shining white metal was fused to the rough purplish crystal on its top and bottom but the metal did not obscure its inner and outer edges. “You can close your mouth now.” She said as she slid the ring on his horn. He closed his mouth a split second before the crystal began glowing intensely. Twilights horn too glowed but not nearly as brightly as the band around his horn. He squinted as he observed her jot down more notes he could not see. Twilight wrote 200,000 thaum generation per second, then removed the glowing band. It retained its glow as she wrapped it in a thin dark grey cloth. Extend your right hoof.” She said. He removed it from underneath his wing and used his wing’s muscle to compensate. She pulled out a tube and slid it over his foreleg just before the elbow. The tube was blue and had a white tube connected to a block of metal with a rubber plug in its side and a three colorful buttons. Twilight’s magic surrounded the machine and he felt the tube starting to constrict his foreleg, he felt minor panic but trusted Twilight despite have never seen something like this in his life-span. Twilight wrote his blood pressure down on the scroll, and turned down the pressure in the machine. The tube was slid off and she lifted a roll of measuring tape and said,” Stand up on all fou- er stand straight on three legs please.” He did so and she measured his height. The measurement system of Equestria is hooves, legs, and variants of those terms unless measuring horns where they may use rings. The standard Equestrian hoof is based off of princess Celestia’s hooves as is the Equestrian leg. Rings are consistent between ponies, with longer horns being more spiraled or having more “rings” than average ones and the opposite is true of shorter horns. He was three legs or fifteen hooves high at his head, which made him a giant. His horn was was a leg and four hooves or seventeen rings long, also gigantic though it matched his proportions. His length from chest to haunches was a leg and four hooves. “You can sit down now.” She said and he did.”Please extend your wings as far as you can without straining yourself.” He slid a hoof under her head and extended his wings. They unfolded and and spread wide and Twilight moved the tape across them and looked over his shoulder. It looked kind of like an adult carrying a child against itself that was facing over its shoulder and was adorable. This however was lost on them both as Havoc had never seen such a thing nor had he ever been carried in such a manner, and Twilight was busy. His wings measured an impressive impressive two and a half legs long individually, his overall wingspan was  five legs and three and a half hooves. This was the biggest wingspan measured on any equine in Equestrian history, only pegasus horses, gryphons, or the rare hippogryph could compete with that and they tended to be around Celestia’s size. “You should know that you just broke a record.” Twilight said to him. “Yay! What for?” “Biggest equine. That last was Andre the giant and he was three hooves shorter than you. Also your wings are bigger than Stormwing the pegasus who had a wingspan of twenty hooves. So congratulations, you’re the biggest alicorn ever.” Suddenly he remembered how he had gotten here and his smile became sinister. He would get his information now, whether she wanted to give it or not. “Hey Twilight Sparkle?” “Yes.” She asked guardedly noticing a change in tone. “You know how and why I’m here don’t you?” She debated in her mind before deciding on honesty. He was rather large and already had her in his grasp, he could crush the life out of her before she could teleport and his wing had suddenly moved rather close to her head. Despite those watching them through the one way mirrors that made up large portions of the room she did not want to test him knowing that she’d be dead by the time help arrived. “Yes Havoc, I do.” “Tell me or I’ll rip off your horn and eat your head .” He said as he grasped her horn firmly. This was uncomfortable because this was considered a rather private place to be touching. The horn had nerves and veins below the hard bone and enamel. This was like grabbing her crotch only she didn’t feel it as much and rather than damage to reproductive and waste management organs, if he attacked her horn she could potentially lose her magic and bleed to death slower but more painfully. “We needed help, we are at war with a vast number of foes. The princesses cast a spell to bring us a champion to aid us and it brought you.” “Why was I altered?” “Well we don’t want our champion running around eating animals and terrifying the citizenry so we prepared a spell to “ponify” you.” “So you changed me because you didn’t want me eating meat!?” He hissed. “Ye-yes! Also you should be able to digest pony food.” “I assume you have a test ready for me?” “Yes w-we do.” “If I can no longer eat meat the deal is off and I’m eating you all and destroying your country even if consuming you kills me.” He snarled Twilight whimpered as her horn glowed as she called for the test meals. Several stiff looking guards trudged in staring at him, they pulled small carts with various items on them. Havoc saw rocks, dirt, grass, hay, live rabbits, carrots, flowers, various gemstones, and apples. He stared at the apples in awe and saliva dripped down on Twilight from his open mouth. He had never seen apples anywhere outside of the show, and not for lack of effort. As an official member of the pony fandom he had participated in and helped fund three expeditions solely for the purpose of finding the fabled apples. Never once had they found them, not even seeds! Just ancient machinery and images dedicated to the harvest and depiction of apples, respectively. He had long wondered what they tasted like for factories, billboards, and families, and great fields and towering greenhouses to be dedicated to their harvest, growth,  and advertisement. Twilight nervously brought the cart bearing the extinct fruit within his reach as the guards left the room. He reached out with his free wing and grasped an apple, reverently, he placed it within his jaws and began manipulating it with his powerful tongue. He held it between his incisors and bit down, slicing it effortlessly. He pushed the delicious oozing sections between his sharp molars and crushed it with ease. It tasted better than he had ever imagined, sweet with sugar and crunchy yet moist. He savored the flavor of it, even the core and seeds were masticated and swallowed with relish. “That was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. You know... Apples are extinct where I come from. We in the pony fandom have launched expeditions to distant and deadly lands, yet always we failed to find the holy fruit. I now understand why there were vast factories, multistory greenhouses, and entire families dedicated to the fruit.” Twilight was shocked, but quickly pulled over the cart of carrots in replacement of the apple cart. Havoc tried one of these and tasted a faint sweetness that was absent in the vegetables produced in the polluted fields of his homeworld. Next was hay, it was different from what he had tried at home, vaguely sugary with a faint spicy and strong grass flavor, unlike the bitter plants of the homeworld. Following that was flowers which tasted like... Flowers, only healthier. Afterwords grass which merely tasted healthier once more, less polluted at least. Now she presented an emerald. He cautiously applied pressure with his fangs as he licked it. He had licked a few gems for no reason other than to see what they tasted like. This one was somehow better which surprised him, just as it surprised him when he found that the ruby he had licked so long ago actually tasted better than the standard issued rations he was supplied with. This time however he did not chip a tooth as he bit down on it, the emerald cracked and splintered yet his strong flesh was unpierced. He chewed thoughtfully before swallowing and saying,” That was good, way better than the ruby I tried to eat back home.” Twilight gaped at him,”You tried to eat a ruby?! What happened to stop you?” “I lost a chunk of tooth.” “Then why’d you try eating it in the first place?” “Well... I knew it wasn’t supposed to be edible but it tasted so much better than the “food” we’re supplied with that I figured that it was worth a shot.” This disturbed Twilight greatly, however rather than answer she moved the rock cart closer. He ate a rock though claimed it wasn’t as good as the gem. Next she supplied dirt which he said was also better than the military rations and the dirt of his home world, though it didn’t compare to the emerald. Finally she nervously brought the cart of rabbits which instinctively cowered at being near him. He snatched one up and gently rubbed it against his wing, this calmed it and he smiled. “Twilight please move the rabbit cart over to the others.” She did so with relief, he apparently felt no compulsion to consume it and the rabbits calmed down too. However once they were safely amongst the food he asked her to look at his face. “Twilight look up at me. You need to see this,” He said while holding the adorable white bunny rather close to his mouth. Twilight looked up. His mouth opened wide and saliva dripped down, splattering her horn, and he bisected the rabbits head between his sharp incisors. Twilight screamed as he sucked the twitching, blood-spraying corpse into his fanged maw. She kept screaming as he chewed savagely before spitting out the rabbits remains. A bloody pelt with the feet, paws, and split skull still attached was all that remained. He didn’t drop her, instead he licked her from her horn to her chest to get at the droplets of blood that landed on her. She closed her eyes, mouth, and folded her ears as soon as she saw his tongue descend towards her. “Please let go of me..” She begged quietly when he finished. “Why?” He asked. “I.. I need to report to the princesses.” She answered. “Fiiiine.” He sighed as he carefully released her. She ran out of the room with her notes, leaving her tools and the unfortunate rabbits behind. They did not last long. In fact he ate them before anything else. Through the walls the researchers, princesses, and Elements of Harmony watched in revulsion. Except for Fluttershy who was crying in a corner after seeing what happened to the first bunny. Twilight walked in crying and shivering and made a beeline for Celestia. She desperately hugged her and Celestia hugged her back. She had come very close to being eaten if the screaming rabbits were any indication and as such was in desperate need of comforting. "Is this to be our champion mine sister?” Luna asked quietly as she watched him gleefully chase the few survivors. ”This monstrous predator who takes glee in suffering and fear.” “Alas, I fear it’s the truth dearest sister, this is what the savior spell brought us so we must make due.” “He will likely turn on us given an opportunity.” “He was very honest when we made the pact. He would only turn on us if we made him feel betrayed, any less and his honor would suffer greatly. Besides he is somewhat obsessed with us, I learned this when I read his mind...” She began reading Twilights notes and said, “He wasn’t lying about there being others like him you know. I saw a vast legion devoted to our world. They were cultish in their devotion. In fact many among them would likely tear him apart for traumatising Twilight as he did.” “Then why do we not call on them instead? I’m sure we could trace his world of origin and pull them through.” “Unfortunately from what I’ve seen, and will soon share with you dearest Luna, many of his compatriots would do horrible things upon their arrival. Unspeakable things. He is ironically amongst the more morally upright of his associates, even if his kindness could use some work.” Celestia replied. She had indeed seen them through his memories and the horrors she had seen had caused her to empty her stomach into a toilet multiple times until there was nothing left to evict. Following that she had dry heaved and could not eat for hours. She would never see her little ponies the same way again for the remainder of her lengthy lifespan. “We should be watchful of him however, I know that eventually he will want to bring more of his perverse species into our world. If only for reliable allies. This must not happen. Only those that we approve will be brought here, I do not want the monsters I have seen. Perhaps we could bring more of these “humans” in from an alternate dimension. One that is less... corrupt than the one he hails from.” Celestia continued. They watched in silence as he consumed everything they had sent him, including the carts the food came on. Once he finished Celestia and Luna walked in to converse with him. Upon spotting them he stood up straight on all four hooves and greeted them. “Ave Luna Domina Nox! And ave Celestia Domina Day!” He cried with joy to their surprise. “Hello to you too... Havoc.” Luna replied. “Greetings Havoc I trust you enjoyed your meal?” Celestia followed. “Yes my mistresses, I most certainly did! Thanks for the rabbits by the way.” Havoc said as he beamed. Suddenly he grimaced and his eyes widened. His wings slammed into the floor in front of him and he looked around desperately. “What ails you sir Havoc?” Luna asked in concern. Even if she did not like him very much she did not want their ultimate weapon to be unwell. “I need to utilise a latrine milady.” He replied. “Huuuh... Just go on the floor, it will absorb your waste and sterilise itself.” She said in exasperation. “Oh, okay then.” He said with joy. He began urinating right there and the sisters heard it as it hit the floor. “Why do you cover thyself? Thou hast no need to hide thine sensitivities before us, we will be seeing it eventually.” This made a great deal of sense to him so he furled his wings and relaxed. This however may have been a mistake as it allowed the princesses an unobstructed view of his stallionhood, Luna more so due to her relatively short stature. “My ancestors what is that!!” She cried as she backpedalled furiously. Celestia lowered her head a little and many of the unseen ponies observing them from behind the wall tilted their heads to the side or gaped in awe. Most of the males looked at their own groins and immediately felt self-conscious. Some were too busy puking on the floor to feel emasculated. “Good gracious, it’s enormous!” Celestia exclaimed. She then self-consciously looked at her horn in comparison to the mighty reproductive organ. “That has got to be the biggest penis I have ever seen on a stallion.” “That thing is a penis!?” Luna cried from her position between Celestia rear legs, and she peeked out through her forelegs. “Would that even fit in a mare?!” “Well it might fit me though I doubt that will be happening.” Celestia replied. “I admit it would be a tight fit dear sister as it appears to be longer than your horn, and appropriately thick.” Havoc then looked between his legs. He stared for a moment before rearing his great head back up to its former height. “Wow... I had no idea that ponies even had those. Heh I guess all their reproductive organs are stored internally. All the same it’s definitely bigger than my last one.” He said. He soon notice a problem with his new reproductive organ however. It wouldn’t go back in. He sat on his haunches and poked it with a saliva coated hoof. “What art thou doing and why must thee do it before us!?” Cried Luna, still hiding betwixt her sister’s legs. “I’m trying to figure out why it won’t go back whence it came now that I’ve finished urinating  Princess Luna. Also you did say that I needn’t hide myself from you.” He answered with a frown and an eyelid twitch. “I feel.. funny. Like I’m warm but... also... something else.” What he didn’t know was that this was lust. He had never experienced it before due to the constant violence and self-imposed isolation in between. He knew what lust was, after all he was born of violent lust and lust was required for his society to function. In fact his mother had been a temporary soldier for a few months before his conception. He’d learned from her that she had been captured by a man named Nadeem 93, nobody knew what it meant only that it was taken from a record of the Ancients. Nadeem 93 had ripped through her transport with power claws and was seemingly unstoppable to her and her fellow soldiers despite being lightly armored. His armor had consisted of a steel cuirass and steel bracers over a sand colored cloak, underneath the robe his shins were armored with steel greaves with padding on their undersides and he wore no shoes. His cuirass bore the crest of the Desert dragons, a red eyed black dragon’s head wreathed in red flame.She’d been amongst the few survivors he and his rifle and sword armed comrades had taken from the destroyed transport. The transport itself was hauled off by earth drakes, massive lizard-like beasts who walked upright as mammals rather than sprawled as true reptiles, they were also endotherms. His father’s tribe and their lands were eventually conquered though he had survived. Eventually Havoc had met his his father while deployed there and the two became fast friends until after a week Havoc realised it was his father, and as such he killed him for his mother’s honor the following day. He hadn’t held it against his father for without his actions Havoc would not exist, he was just following protocol. Indeed as a side effect of his violent society, harsh life, and knowing of his own forced conception Havoc actually saw nothing wrong with rape. This was quite unfortunate as otherwise he might have a redeeming quality besides being smart and really good at killing. As is, he is a monstrous product of a hellish environment and should really have been left in that nightmare he calls home. This world would eventually learn this but by then it would be far too late. Havoc attempted to stare it down but, naturally, it won. He looked around the room frantically until his still recuperating brain’s neurons made the connection and he realised he needed to find some means of ejaculating. His head froze before slowly turning towards the two princesses that were responsible for his current form, and likely his new condition. As he stared at them they realised that the potentially literal gears in his head wouldn’t stall for much longer due to the look in his eyes and as such fled while they still could and locked the door behind them. The door had no handle as such, rather it had a complex series of locks and bars on the side out of the room. This not only gave prisoners the impression of inescapability seeing as you can’t get out of a room with no doors, windows, or vents and it made the room more secure by having the advanced locks far beyond the prisoners reach in addition to denying anyone inside of a a means to even open said door. Havoc saw no means of escape and as such sat down and stared at where he’d seen the wall open. The door blended seamlessly with the wall and was perfectly fitted so that not even air could get in or out. If one did not know where to look they would never know that there was any way in or out. Havoc waited patiently before closing his eyes and faking sleep. He was still hard and it pushed his body slightly off the sterilised floor. As he falsified sleep Havoc thought. The princesses knew he was faking however Celestia knew they were running out of time, he would soon figure out out to use his magic and it would be much easier to subdue him before he figured it out. So she teleported the gem and metal band from the room and then she, her sister, and Twilight all poured energy into it and simultaneously built a control spell. This band would have his energy and the energy of the spells casters in it, his body would recognize its own magic and accept it. The energy also helped fuel the spell they were casting which would grant them all limited command over him once they slip it around his horn. They would slide it all the way to the base of the magical organ and once there it would fuse with the enamel as tendrils of magically growing gemstone grew their way into his horns core and integrated with his nervous system and mimicked his brainwaves. He would not be able to remove the physically device without ripping out his horn and would be powerless to remove it from himself magically due to it being indistinguishable from his body to his magical senses. As he lay there he thought of a rather serious problem he now had: He was going feral. This was a rather common occurrence on his horrid homeworld, common enough that when they taught it in school most children already had experience with it. Humans go feral when either great stress or isolation is forced upon them. It starts with hearing what was best described as a far off scream that only those going feral can hear. Over time reality seems to fade away as the scream increases in volume. They start to suffer hallucinations,imagining enemies and twisted versions of those around them. Eventually they begin to feel base urges more strongly until they have no control over themselves. Eventually they become as beasts. For some unknown reason the process of evolution is considerably faster for ferals. Later generations gain a type of savage intelligence as evidenced by the Namallu fortress expedition. A small group had been left behind in the depths of the infested fortress as the original expedition fled under heavy pressure applied by unrelenting local guardians who regarded the semi-sunken fortress as a holy relic. Fifty years later a demigod lead a significantly larger force and took the relic by storm. When they began the process of re-exploring the lost fortress, rather than slightly insane human descendants forming a small colony they found a vast pack of subhuman savages. They looked uncannily like wolves, their heads and phalanges bore great resemblance to those of canines and their ears were flexible and pointed. Their nostrils were flat and semi sunken, their eyes too were sunken and dark shadows covered them. Their eyes were bloodshot and lacked irises and their pupils were huge enough to fill the space that would otherwise be taken up by their irises, their necks were elongated. While they stood up straight when bipedal they moved as great hounds when on all fours. While they possessed all the dentition of man it had a predatory twist, all their teeth being sharp and pointed. The worst part was that they were skilled in the art of war and the use of the ancient technology. Their aim was uncannily good and their strength incredible. It had taken a full year to take the fortress back and longer still to domesticate the inhabitants. Even to this day they were valuable members of the Empire of the Immortal Blazing Sun, being deployed wherever the conflict was deemed too hazardous for regular humans. Havoc had in fact served alongside them and found their company preferable to that of regular humans. Havoc was presently experiencing the first symptom of going feral and the screaming was steadily growing louder. Normally it took months to notice the increasing volume so he felt it logical to assume that his current state was rapidly increasing the effects. He knew that if he didn’t copulate soon he would go feral and with how rapidly he was going this form might make it irreversible, he needed to get at the females but the ungraspable door barred his passage. He suddenly remembered that he had magic and felt his ears flick upwards from their folded position on his skull. He stood tall and glared at the door and his brow and eyelids lowered menacingly. He wrapped his mind around the general vicinity of the door and pulled. The door bent inwards and flew over his head to smash into the wall behind him. He frowned at the beings in front of him and wordlessly charged... > Chapter 2 Redemption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: Rainbow Dash observed Havoc as he slept, how he could sleep with that thing holding him up was something she’d love to know. Or not remembering what had just happened to Twilight. As she looked through the wall at Twilight, the princesses, and a few guards as they approached the door she noticed movement. Her head flashed towards the thing named Havoc of all things, she saw his ears go erect. Did he somehow hear them? That was impossible, that room was soundproofed to the inside, hay it was hard to hear them out here despite enchantments to enhance sound traveling to the room outside! Then his head rose up and he got an angry look on his dark face. As he rose to his hooves she rushed towards the hall where they were located, she had to warn them, he knew they were coming. “Don’t go in th-” She was cut off as the door crumpled inwards. The same door that was designed to stop adolescent dragons from escaping. She and all the others stared in horror as he frowned at them and wordlessly charged. Reacting quickly she counter-charged and slammed into him in a split second. He went down hard and she heard the floor crack as they crushed into it. He headbutted her and his horn slammed into her, knocking her into the air. She dived down at him hooves first and was caught off guard as he grabbed her chest and slammed her into the floor beneath him. She got a rather close view of his most private part before a clawed wing descended towards her head and she barely got out of the way. He slid her into a wall with enough force to cause a loud thump as she slammed into it with a pained grunt. She felt his glare as he was suddenly in front of her. A mere second before he turned and knocked her up the wall with a swing of his tail. She hit the ceiling and fell back to the floor, the impact was painful. Her eyes opened in time to see his blurred form charge a pair of blue and white blurs. She moaned as she unsteadily stood, she had to protect them especially after what he had done to her. Twilight didn’t stand a chance against him. She waited for her vision to clear, no use rushing into a fight without being able to see, that was a good way to get severely injured or worse still hurt an ally. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia cursed internally as Havoc sped towards them, she should have gone in sooner. Suddenly a cyan blur slammed into him, knocking him back into the room. She gasped as she realised that it was Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty. They used the distraction to rush into the room, the guards rushing ahead of them to support Rainbow dash. She ran alongside her sister directly ahead of her student Twilight. She saw Havoc slam Rainbow Dash up the wall with a flick of his tail and he glared at them. She glared back and their eyes met. She saw not hatred, and not mere lust, but desperation and very real fear. There was something that scared him, something that terrified him enough to attempt to assault the very creatures he idolised. The idea of that scared her and she realised this wasn’t just selfish desire on his part. They simultaneously charged and he ploughed through the guards. Eventually they piled onto him enough to obscure his vision and the females jumped to the side to avoid the snarling mass. He slammed into a wall and began to buck and thrash to throw off the guards that still clung to him. She waited for all the guards to be dislodged, and they formed a semicircle around him trapping him against the wall. He roared and the air rippled with its power, the guards grunted and closed their eyes in pain. As he charged intending to plough through them again she grabbed him with her magic, she knew from Twilights notes that he was stronger than her but he was a novice unskilled in the use of magic and all he had was raw power on his side. He struggled and raged before grabbing her and slamming her into Luna. She saw Twilight blast him with a wave of pressure, he braced himself against it and his hooves made sparks as they dragged across the floor. He blasted her in turn and she was slammed into the wall. Celestia sent a line of flame and lightning as she sat up. Havoc screamed in pain and turned towards her with menace in his eyes. He grabbed her and crushed her in his grip, even as he crushed her he sent a wave of force into the guards surrounding him as they recovered. Luna tried being subtle, casting a sleep spell on him. He rejected it, adrenaline letting him shake it off. He pushed her down with his magic until she was splayed on the floor, she cried out as the pressure became painful. Celestia burned him with pure heat comparable to that of her precious sun, the heat was carefully contained so as not to hurt her ponies. He roared and increased the pressure. Celestia endured it. She saw a thick bolt of purple streak towards him, he took the hit and she heard Twilight cry out. In her peripheral vision she saw Twilight being slammed into the wall repeatedly, Havoc looked right into her eyes as he slammed Twilight into the wall. She saw a streak of blood as he dragged her up to and across the ceiling and held her just above the bubble of heat that burned him. She saw the intent in his eyes. She relented, dispelling the heat and he gently lowered Twilight onto his back. With surprising gentleness he positioned her head on his bone white mane and pulled air across her form, cooling her to ward off the heat of his still burning skin and fur. He reduced the pressure on Luna before leaping before her and slamming a hoof into the back of her head. She let out a final cry and fell unconscious. He stopped crushing her as he walked behind Celestia and stood over her, she could feel his heat and she almost felt bad for him. Despite his great pain he was silent. She felt the heat approach and claws pulled her hips up. She closed her eyes knowing what was coming. Then opened them as a rush of air brushed her face and and she felt the heat leave her. What she saw amazed her, Rainbow Dash the first one to rush in to defend them and the first to be beaten down, slamming into his head and grabbing Twilight. He fell on his side and struggled to rise, his wounds taking their toll. Now there was nothing to hold Celestia back.  She scorched him once more in her magic and he snarled in response, sending a blast of pure power towards her. Her eyes widened and suddenly the world blurred. Rainbow Dash once more. She saw Rainbow Dash preparing to charge and shared a look with her. Rainbow charged and Celestia released the heat just before she entered the radius. Celestia had the pleasure of seeing his eyes that were burnt closed open wide and spray blood as he heard Rainbow Dash’s  approach. Thump!! Havoc dropped and slammed his scorched jaw against the wall behind him. It slid slowly leaving first ash and charred flesh, then orange and red blood which pooled around him him once his head reached the floor. He twitched and his flesh cracked and bled with this small movement. Celestia staggered over to him as she pulled Twilight and Luna along. She saw that Twilight had a long shallow cut on her back. Celestia woke them both with a jolt of magic  and they woke up with screams. They saw Havoc’s scorched form and Rainbow Dash’s battered body and cringed, Luna began stumbling along under her own power. The guards had recovered and surrounded them. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight simultaneously gripped the band and slid it down to the base of his horn, it glowed blindingly for a moment. the glow lessened and and they saw the crystal grow and alter its shape, it became pyramidal and extended about half a ring past the adamantium rings surrounding it. They sighed in relief, the fight had been hard but they now had a controllable champion and they had eliminated a threat to Equestria and possibly the world. Celestia began healing them all, all except Havoc, he would be on his own for this. He growled in his sleep, the motion tearing his blackened lips and heavily scorched tongue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:45 A.M. 8 days and 10 hours since Savior Spell Location: Canterlot Castle Royal Guard indoor training field … Havoc awoke with a groan, his last memory being Rainbow Dash’s forehooves slamming into his burning skull. He looked at his surroundings and saw grass, healthy dark green grass surrounded him on all sides. He saw white columns and walls, he saw stained glass windows, he saw saw his blackened flesh falling off of his fresh pale grey skin. No wonder I looked bigger he thought. He began to stagger about in search of food before remembering that he could now digest grass. He lowered his head and chomped through the short grass, his teeth mangling it. He heard a shout and raised his head, bits of grass and plant blood as he knew it dripping from his mouth. “Stop that, you’re ruining my hard work!” A winged, pale furred mare with green hair yelled at him. He blinked at her, was she seriously yelling at him? She was less than a third of his size. He frowned at her and displayed his sharp teeth. She didn’t panic despite the chunk of blackened flesh that fell from his mouth, she simply moved back with a look of disgust. “Will you stop shedding on my field?!” She actually sounded angry. He looked at her before lowering his burnt head beside hers, his muzzle facing the ground. He looked into her eyes and began to speak, he was surprised by his voice. It sounded like he hadn’t spoken in days. “One: you have no power over me. Two: I can’t, the flesh falls off as it wills. Three: Learn to watch your tone around your betters mare.” “Hmmph.” She snorted before pointedly looking at a part of his horn. Havoc frowned and tried to look before realising his eyes couldn’t view that angle, he looked around for something shiny. “Look in here.” The mare said and she rolled her eyes before pulling a mirror out of a case that blended with her fur. He nodded in thanks before looking into the mirror. What he saw horrified him. Slabs of burnt meat clung to a dark grey hide. Predatory red eyes stared at him angrily, his vertical slit pupils shrinking as he watched. His horn however was the biggest shock. It was slightly yellowed and there was an odd ring at the base, shining white metal ringed a purplish pyramidal crystal on both sides. He realised it was the same band that Twilight had slipped on him last time, and like a fool he had blindly trusted her. The paranoia that had saved his life countless times had not been triggered by her innocent appearance but perhaps this wasn’t truly bad, after all he could easily remove it. He sat on his haunches and pulled at it with both hooves and it didn’t budge. Frustrated he pulled harder and felt pain, it was like trying to rip his own horn off! He grasped it with magic hoping that that would make a difference but couldn’t feel it, it was like it was a natural part of him. He grimaced as he realised what he had to do. As the gardener, as he assumed her to be, watched he gripped the ring firmly. He proceeded to pull as hard as he could at an angle, the mare realised what he was doing and felt amazement and horror in equal measure. He was going to rip off his horn to get the band off! “Halt!” She yelled. To his amazement he stopped. He tried again. “Halt!” Again he tried. “Halt damn you! Can you not get it through your thick skull that that’s bad? You could kill yourself or lose your magic forever!” She spoke in a panicked tone. “I don’t care.” “What!?!?” “I don’t care. I don’t know what this thing does but it’s coming off even if I must die.” “You’re insane!” “Not yet I’m not. If I was insane we wouldn’t be talking right now. Believe me when I say this, I have extensive experience with the insane and they are a lot worse than I am.” “Ugh, sit down and stop trying to kill yourself.” He did so and his eyes widened. Rape and murder flashed through his mind. “Now then, I’ve been put in charge of you so you will do as I say got it?” “I’m going to kill you so painfully that you will welcome death with open arms, probably legs too.” She stayed put and gave him the evil eye. And looked somewhere behind him. “Guards, administer twenty lashes for threatening his commanding officer.” “Yes ma’am.” They dutifully and simultaneously replied. Havoc looked behind him and saw a pair of dark grey unicorns in ornate gold armor. They bore heavy metal whips on special hooks designed into their heavily engraved barding. They pulled the whips off with their grey magic and began whipping his rear. He laughed at the pain, it wasn’t that bad for him. He had a thick if sensitive hide and he’d suffered far worse in his life. He hopped up to his hooves, leapt backwards, and kicked their skulls in. He proceeded to laugh at the expression of horror on his “commanding officer’s” face. He stalked towards her on bloodstained hooves, psychotic glee evident on his face. She started walking backwards. “Yo-you can’t do that! You’ve been laying there for days, I was told you would be weak! The princesses gave me temporary command over you, you have to do as I say!” “But I am weak. If I was strong there would be clean holes in their skulls. And I did do as you said, I sat down and stopped trying to kill myself. Now prepare yourself little mare, I promise this will hurt.” She continued backing away as he advanced. A light appeared in her eyes and she yelled at him. “Sit down until I give you a command!” His rear end hit the grass and he narrowed his eyes. He lashed out with his tongue,wrapping it around her throat. He pulled her close and smiled  an evil smile. He constricted her with his tongue. Until of course Luna showed up, fully armoured. Slamming into the earth before him she commanded,” Release her Havoc, and refrain from assaulting any of our ponies.” He dropped the mare and sneered at Luna. He got a thought in his head and looked upwards. They are princesses, there are more. There are princes, there must be a king or a queen or both. When I gain my freedom I will torture them and make them watch as I rape their daughters. I will rip that thing from my horn, I will have revenge. I miss my armor. “What dost thou want fair Luna?” He asked, his tone angry. “Thine obedience and support vile monster.” “Thank you Princess Luna, He was going to kill me!” The recovered mare said. “I know Green Wings, he tried to do the same and worse to others soon after we brought him here. He is not wholly at fault for his ways however, if you knew what he had been through, and the place he cometh from...” Luna shook her head, perfectly fitted plates shifting with the motion. “He is a monster because he comes from a world of monsters, even his birth was monstrous in nature. It is a wonder he even survived as long as he did, so do not hold it against him.” She continued and when she looked at him Havoc swore he saw pity, He did not approve, as such he grasped her in his recovering magic and pulled her towards him. She had said her ponies, she forgot to include herself, her sister too. She slammed into him but her armor held. Thinking quickly she calmly spoke a command. “We command thee to cease this assault and any others you have planned.” He did so and snorted. “Fine what are your orders fair princess?” “Obey this mare, she is to be your instructor for now.” “I’m hungry, very hungry, please release me from this spot so that I might eat those slain guards.” “You will eat what you are given monster.” “Then we’d best hurry to the feasting hall, whatever you’ve done won’t hold me for long.” This was true, he was twitching and moving slightly. “Follow us.” Luna said and walked off. Havoc and Green Wings followed, Green Wings keeping her distance from Havoc. Havoc staring intently at Luna’s armored rear. He was learning, he had never seen armor like this. It was identical in composition to her armor when she was Nightmare Moon however this covered far more. Highly polished plates shifted with every motion, their contours matching those of their wearer. The armor covered most of her body leaving narrow openings at her joints, the upper joints being covered by extensions from the plates. Strapped to the armor he saw mounts for guns, he saw no external means of firing the guns held in the mounts so he assumed they were designed exclusively for magic users. He’d heard references to war machines, tanks and the like, so he was not surprised. He drank in the view fully before paying attention to his surroundings. A magnificent corridor of marble no,  granite. They sure liked their granite. He saw framed paintings of various famous ponies, horses, what he assumed were alicorns, and even a few stranger creatures including an eight legged horse. He memorised the turns he took with ease that stunned him, the clean air must be good for his head. With his great strides forcing a swift pace they made it to the gold leafed dining room quickly. He saw a great feast had been laid out across the great table. He smiled as he approached stopping right behind Luna and looking over her head. Carrots, cakes, soup, apples, mushrooms, purple liquid in silver gilt goblets of glass, and other such herbivore food. It was laid out in elaborate ensembles that looked as delicious as they were beautiful. He looked to Luna pleadingly. She looked towards Green Wings. He turned his gaze upon her and looked at her similarly while licking his teeth. She gestured to a seat nearby and he pulled it out and sat with some difficulty, the creators of this chair did not anticipate their products use by a being of his size. She sat beside him nervously and Luna sat across from him, she swiftly removed her helm. They stared at each other. He looked on with a whirlwind of confusing emotions going through his tortured brain, she looked on with an interesting combination of sadness,hope, and measured coldness. “Ahem, let’s get eating already. This is a waste of time as is.” Green Wings said, breaking the staredown. “Sure.” Havoc said looking at her They dug in, Havoc taking massive bites first of the mushrooms. They looked at him with shock but he passed it off as them gawking at either his bite radius, or perhaps it was bad table manners here. He moved on to what appeared to be watermelon with apple, some green fruit, some yellow fruit, and a lemon scented juice coating. It was delicious and he ate it all, even the watermelon’s tough skin. He moved on to the flower fruit thing and grabbed a glass of something purple. He drank it in one gulp and it tasted... funny, grape-like but there was something else familiar. He had never tasted wine, nor had he ever heard of or seen it. He also didn’t know that the mushrooms he had eaten were the same species as the ones that deer eat in order to get high, seriously they actively look for that species in, I think, Iceland, Greenland, or Russia. By the end of the meal he’d eaten three pounds of mushrooms, and drunken gallons of wine, orange juice, and apple cider, not to mention all the other stuff he ate. He was a dangerous combination of drunk and high when they marched out to the now occupied training field, it was dangerous because where he comes from the people tend to get rather jovially violent when drunk. And when they get high, though usually from some drug that was a hybrid of hallucinogenic mushrooms, exhaust fumes, a toxin from a highly evolved vine, and some other strange plants that evolved in that post-apocalyptic nightmare, they became shockingly intelligent, insightful, and near immune to pain or exhaustion and they can survive wounds that should kill them. They often use the stuff as a combat stimulant. Combined, this was very bad indeed. In his hazy sight he could see what looked to be a fifty pony platoon of armored royal guards, all pegasi. He looked at them and they looked back. He did not know that they were in fact slightly panicked because they could smell the mushrooms and booze on him at fifty of his paces. They knew a bad situation when they saw it and warning bells had gone off in all their heads when they saw him. The unintentionally menacing way he looked at them didn’t help. “All right Havoc here are your opponents for now, you will fight them as a group. You are not allowed to use magic.” Green Wings said to the most dangerous thing in the castle. “Ma’am?” Asked a random royal guardstallion. “Yes guardstallion?” She replied. “I don’t think this is a good idea, could we do this some other time? When he’s sober and doesn’t reek of ‘shrooms?” “No soldier now is the best time, we need to see him at his worst and I believe this is pretty bad for him.” She answered. “Yes ma’am...” He said glumly, “We’re all gonna die aren’t we?” He quietly asked a nearby stallion. The stallion nodded his assent. The mares moved back some distance as he stopped three meters away from the platoon. “Begin!” Greenwings suddenly shouted and it was on. Havoc roared and charged into the center of their formation, many leaped or flew aside. Some were trampled under his great hooves. Some clung to him as he slammed into them, others tackled him in an effort to bring him down. He started leaping at them, knocking them down with strong swipes. He attempted flight, though his instinct was strong and well built it couldn’t give him everything he needed to maintain flight. As such for the most part he just made powerful gusts with his wings. This helped against unprepared guards who were swept aside or knocked from the sky by the erratic currents. They fought like wolves, distracting him and attacking from his blindsides. Every hit he landed against them was met by multiple hits from teams of the guardstallions. Soon he was attacking as they came at him launching vicious back kicks, bucking them into the air and knocking them away, lashing out with his forehooves, and throwing them with his wing-claws. They piled onto him en masse and but he still stood, though he was immobilised. He groaned as he strained against them, and with a great roar he threw them off. They watched him warily from the ground and the air, circling him on all sides. He picked a random direction and charged, leaping into the air and kicking and flailing his wings wildly.  They kicked and butted him in the air, avoiding his underside due to a logical fear of being crushed. The ones that remained groundside moved aside before he crashed into the dirt, and leapt at him within seconds.  It went on like this for awhile but inevitably Havoc was triumphant, and he took deep ragged breaths as he staggered away from the piled and scattered bodies of the unconscious guards. Luna, helm on, clapped her hooves together, a clanking noise resonating, and Green Wings joined her. “Well done champion! That was a truly impressive show. We were right to bring you here!” Luna cried. “The other commanders are gonna be so jealous when they hear what my subordinate did!” Green Wings cried. “Mmmmhhmm...” He mumbled through the copious amounts of blood leaking from his mouth. “Lets get you to the magic testing room.” Green Wings said with a grin. She trotted off and Havoc mindlessly followed, Luna hot on his tail after sending for medical aid. They made their way through a long hallway, this was decorated with statues, various weapons, and suits of armour. Some of the suits were ancient and primitive, others were similar in nature to Luna gear. The statues all looked militant in nature, depicted stern equines and armed warriors in aggressive, defensive, or inspirational stances. They emerged into a room similar in size to the previous one. The ground was coated in short, dark green grass. The walls had runes carved or embedded into them, equestrian from Havoc’s confused guess. Several unicorns were practicing on various objects scattered throughout the room and against each other. Strange statues, thin pillars, and other less identifiable objects lay about or stood upright though upright was a questionable term for some of the objects. “Eldritch! The new guys here so come teach him magic stuff!” Green Wings called out. A Black unicorn with white hair looked over irritably before widening his eyes in astonishment. He galloped over to them and eyed Havoc intensely from all angles. “He’s like a big, winged, and battered version of me!” Eldritch said once he completed his analysis. “Huh, I didn’t see the similarity before but now that his coat and mane have grown a little, yeah it’s uncanny.” Green Wings responded. Havoc was shocked that his hair had grown so quickly. Then the air before him became reflective. Rather than panic he looked himself over and noticed he did look rather like him now that a few centimeters of coat, mane, and tail were regrown. Even though they were splashed with blood and showed bruising underneath in many places. He looked at the unicorn and tilted his head to the side. “Leeets start with healing spells. I know you’ve got telekinesis mastered, I looked over the reports from your attempted prison break. Follow me.” Havoc followed him to a clear space in the field, several unicorns gathered to watch. “Alright now here’s how it works. Wrap your mind around the injury like you do with telekinesis. Then look at it through your mind’s grasp. It’s a little startling at first and it’s difficult to grasp or even understand what you’re seeing but that’s the best way to put it.” Havoc wrapped his entire body in his mind and tried what his instructor told him. It was a struggle to understand the magical signals in his mind, but once it gave him an epiphany of sorts he understood. Pressure indicated severity, glow indicated further depth, temperature indicated pain, a flowing feeling indicated blood flow, a light pulse indicated breathing, a tugging sensation told him of the various organs functioning. It all made so much sense. “I get it.” Havoc rasped. “Good, good, now then grasp until you have the entirety of the injury or rather injuries. once you have them all I want you to focus positive energy into them. If you direct negative energy you’ll make them worse and they’ll hurt more.” Havoc focused, he wanted to heal. He did not want further pain and he didn’t want to die. With that in mind he closed his eyes and sent a steady flow of energy into his wounds, he was astounded to find how much was already at work in them but he continued so that his effort would be noticeable. His bruises disappeared, the blood stopped flowing from his mouth, and his hair grew back. All of it. Once he was sound he stopped the flow and released his grip on his body.  He opened his eyes and smiled revealing razor sharp teeth. The recruits cheered, this was quite a feat for a beginner. “Well done, now lets move on to combat spells.” Eldritch said. He proceeded to make twenty clones of a metal statue that Havoc then realised was a practise dummy. “I want you to make a shield, the shape is up to you. As long as it stops my projectiles it’s fine. You have twenty seconds.” Havoc closed his eyes and shaped his mind into a great dome around himself and focused on strength, stopping power. He hardened it, moments later he vaguely felt impacts against his shield.  He also remembered that he liked breathing so he made it an inflexible mesh to allow airflow. He opened his eyes and looked at his handiwork or rather hoofwork, no it was hornwork. He saw a black aura that fluctuated white where it was impacted. He could barely see through the wall but he saw that the dummies were slamming into his wall and bouncing off. He focused his sight into the wall and almost dropped it as he adapted to the new vision. He sould see all around him and it was disorienting he saw that Eldritch was slamming the dummies against his barrier fruitlessly, yet he smiled.  Havoc decided to try a new trick, he vibrated the barrier and pushed air through it to mimic his voice. “YOU WILL HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT ELDRITCH.” Havoc once more nearly dropped his shield in surprise. His voice had been amplified and altered by the shield, it reverberated due to the sources of its sound. Fortunately he was not the only one surprised. Eldritch and all the other guards reared up and stepped back  and even the princess and his instructor hesitantly took a step back. A single step anyway. After a moment of gawking Eldritch fell to his hooves and grinned. “And I thought I would have to wait for you to fall unconscious to remind you about air. Well then, though I’d just recycle my air for further security you seem to have this well in hoof. I’ll teach you how to do that later, for now I want you to keep that shield up. Stallions! I want each of you to take a replicant. On my order bash it against Havoc’s shield.” Havoc pulled his vision from the shield and relaxed as he reacclimated to normal vision. That was confusing, he now knew how flies and assassin tongues felt. Assassin tongues are evolutionary descendants of horned chameleons, grown huge and deadly. Their three horns are sharp, their sense of smell keen, their scales hardened, their eyes the same only bigger unlike their scales, Assassin tongues average forty meters to the tip of the tail. They live in the mutated jungles of Havoc’s world and they feed on huge arthropods as well as various amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Including humans, thus the name assassin tongue. Havoc had slain one when it made the mistake of grabbing him instead of one of his fellow soldiers in the column during his days as a legionnaire participating in his first crusade. The bony head of the tongue made a great dent in his cuirass and the stickiness held him fast as it pulled him towards its waiting mouth thirty meters up and twenty to the side. When it tried to bite him Havoc stabbed it gums with his sword and grabbed its upper jaw with his free hand. Assassin tongue’s jaws are strong enough to crush the powerful armor of the huge arthropods so this was a struggle he was sure he would lose, yet it screamed and let up the pressure when he stabbed it. This saved his life as he held onto the sword for dear life as it thrashed its head about and nearly caused him to fall to his death, it tossed it head upwards and that was the last mistake it ever made. Havoc ripped his blade free, grabbed a great horn, and stabbed it to death through an open eye. He used its body to cushion his fall and got both greater respect from his fellows and a chunk of the kill at mealtime later on. The impacts strengthened as the Guards threw the dummies against his shield with their full strength. He knew which was being thrown by Eldritch because it caused the biggest flashes of white. This went on until he heard Eldritch yell for him to stop. “Well done soldier, well done. Now I’m going to teach you a basic combat spell: fire. I want you to focus your magic into a small point. I want you to imagine it getting hot, hot enough to burn. Then imagine the flame itself, you’ve seen fire before so it should be easy for you to picture it. You only need to hold the image for a second, after that the fire will sustain itself.” Havoc released his shield and focused his mind in a spot the size of one of his teeth. He imagined it getting hot, he had been burned many times so he knew the feeling well. He focused on an image of fire, he had seen much fire in his time. He had seen comrades burning alive, building and vehicles alight, he’d seen dragon fire. His flame burst into being and exploded a full meter past his boundaries before he got it under control. He stared at his flame, mesmerised by its motion. “Very good, now I want you to throw it at this dummy here.” Eldritch said, pointing at a likely replicated wooden pony. Havoc launched his fire at it at bullet speed. Not only did it burn, it was knocked down and away by the force of his throw. Burning wood chips were scattered around it. Havoc smiled once more and grabbed it, pulling it close. He held it and made another small fire, he dropped the dummy as he launched the fire at it at such speed that it was invisible. The dummy gained a deep crater as its chest exploded, Havoc stopped the shards with a swiftly cast shield. “That was new. You seem to be a natural at this Havoc, almost as good as Twilight Sparkle. You seem to be good with small fires and direct shooting but what about big fireballs or artillery?” Eldritch produced fifty wooden dummies and arranged them into formations and scattered them erratically, he moved several of the objects in the part of the field they were in. He moved ten of the metal replicants and interspersed them amongst the wooden dummies. Havoc faced them and created a large fireball, it was similar in size to himself. He launched it as bullet speed at a small group of dummies. It exploded in their midst and they became burning chunks. He looked at a formation of twenty and created an identical fireball and arced it at them at great speed. It crashed down upon them and most became chunks, others fell burning a few scorched survivors stood as did a half melted metal dummy. Havoc frowned and created five fireballs and arced them down around them and they too died. He proceeded to destroy the rest of the dummy with careful arcs or direct blasts, even the ones under cover stood no chance. He looked to Eldritch. “Good job. Now onto electricity or lightning. You’ve seen lightning right?” Havoc nodded, he’d also seen tesla weaponry and other electricity based assault tools. “Good. Have you ever been electrocuted or perhaps struck by lightning?” Havoc nodded twice. It had hurt immensely. “Alright then, I want you to imagine lightning as a small point like with the fire. Focus on the sparks, the crackling, the twitching, the essence of it and don’t forget the appearance.” Havoc focused remembering the arcs of electricity on equipment, the way it traveled across metal, the way it just appeared with little warning. A small point of glowing white appeared and he was happy, he held with his mind lightning one of the most powerful things on his planet. “Now then take down this dummy.” Eldritch spoke pointing an armored hoof towards a new wooden dummy. Havoc launched it at the dummy and the dummy’s front half exploded sending it on its rear. Havoc smiled. “Alright try to take out this formation now.” And Eldritch created a squad of ten wooden dummies and three metal ones. Havoc blasted a metal one with a larger bolt, as expected it took the hit with minimal fuss but the lightning traveled and destroyed multiple wooden dummies as it did. Havoc blasted them with massive bolts until the metal melted into sparkling, glowing heaps. He smiled as he pulled the metal to himself once he made shields around them. “Not bad. Onto power blasts you know those already don’t you?” Havoc nodded. “Good then you won’t have trouble blasting these dummies into nothing.” He pointed at yet more dummies standing amongst the burning remnants of the fire test. Some of the wooden ones caught fire. Havoc gathered his raw destructive power, he visualised it swirling and pulsing before him. He released it at the poor dummies. When the area became visible again even the dirt was missing, atomised by the blast. Eldritch whistled in awe. “Now that’s what I call power. No wonder they had so much trouble with you, you utterly destroyed that whole area! Hmm hey princess, permission to teach him the replication spell after I teach him what I was ordered to.” Princess Luna looked at the section of flooring that was once covered with the training field. That was five legs deep of soil and grass roots. She turned her armored head towards Eldritch. “We believe that he is ready to learn this spell, so yes you may.” She turned her head towards Havoc and Havoc saw a strange gleam in her uncovered eyes. Eldritch proceeded to teach him many skills including some more mundane. Water finding spells, temperature control, blocking light, concealing his nature, and more. Eventually they finished and moved on to replication. It was rather simple for him, envelop an object with your magic, learn its properties, and use some power to make another. However when they moved on to making something new it became more complex, you could use learned properties but you had to shape them differently. They stopped when Havoc managed to make somewhat rough armor for himself. He was now clad in shining gold plates and scales of armor that hung from him, the plates were held together with spikes of gold driven through them at points. They spikes had circles of gold surround them where they pierced the plates. Havocs head was covered save his eyes, nostrils, mane, ears, and mouth. He had tried to create a jaw plate but decided against something that gripped his lower mandible tightly. He strode over to Luna and Green Wings and asked, “So, how do I look?” “Formidable if a bit crude.” Said Luna. “Magnificent!” Said Green Wings. He flexed his bare wings and raised them to the air as he made mostly illusory lightning crackle across his armored form. On his spine were scales, heavier than the ones that formed an aventail attached to his helm. His chest had a singular massive plate, at the places where his legs emerged spikes connected more scales to it. Covering his back half were multiple relatively small plates of metal, connected to scales that mostly protected his belly. His mark and rear legs were bare as was his tail. For all intents and purposes his armor was a singular item. As Luna walked off Green Wings and Havoc followed. They went through more magnificent halls until they came to the throne room. Celestia jumped when she saw them, purposefully looking at Havoc. Havoc looked away from her eyes, focusing on her torc. After a few moments of this he looked into her eyes, ashamed of what he tried to do but ready to explain himself so she would understand and perhaps forgive him. They resumed their approach having been halted by Havoc’s sudden stop. “Sister is he truly ready to be here?” She asked tentatively. “I believe so sister, can you see it?” Luna said, answering a question with a question. “I see shame. I also see hatred, defiance, and... panic, perhaps desperation.” Havoc sucked in a deep breath of air and spoke. “I apologise, truly I do. But you have to understand that I was going feral and you have no idea what that’s like. To see it happen over and over and constantly hoping that it doesn’t happen to you. To learn about it in school and to see the end results of generations of ferals. I have been through many horrible things but of them all going feral is one of the things I fear most. So I acted in desperation to prevent it. Please... I... *sigh* I Bellator Nadeem Havoc beg your forgiveness oh mighty princess Celestia. In my lands giving the full name is a sign of one’s power over others, in doing so I have acknowledged you as a decider of my fate be it life or death.” He bowed his head low. “I am already a decider of your fate but the gesture is accepted nonetheless and I forgive you. I looked through your mind and saw the horrible things you’ve been through, so did Luna. I spared my dear little Twilight and instead gave her a somewhat edited written version so I now understand why you were so afraid. The description your teacher provided was terrifying.” She replied and Havoc lightly clenched his jaw. She should not have gone through his mind but he understood. She looked at him sadly before hesitantly speaking. “Havoc?” He raised his head to look at her. “Come here.” She said. He approached, stopping three hooves from her. She looked him over. “Remove your armor.” He reared up on his hind legs and slid the armor off with telekinesis. She grasped it with her own and he relinquished. She placed it beside her throne and held out her forehooves. Havoc looked at her in confusion. She locked eyes and nodded. He hesitantly approached and let his neck be enveloped in the hug. He closed his eyes and for the first time since he was a very small boy, cried tears of emotion. He struggled to contain his sobs, the tears hurt as they came out and he hugged her back. His forelegs practically covered her entire upper body. He didn’t say a word as he cried, the fear of going feral terrified him like few things could and he was traumatised by the near experience. He felt something metal touch him and opened an eye to see a bluish blur by his side. He opened a wing to hug Luna, not minding the lukewarm metal. He felt something softer and realised she was not wearing her helmet or neck armor. They simply sat there for awhile, his heavy breathing the only sound. When he released them he took a few steps back and sat down to rub his eyes with the front of a wrist. He felt warmth and his tears vanished. His eyes opened to see the sisters smiling at him. He felt good, better than he had when not killing than he had in years. He smiled a sad smile and was gladdened when they did not cringe. He took a final deep breath and slowly exhaled. He felt something feathered nudge his side and looked down to see Green Wings looking up at him expectantly. “Sorry for threatening you you a death so painful that you’d offer yourself to death.” He said before picking her up in a hug with his wings. “I forgive you big guy.” She said as she snuggled into his chest fur.  He wrapped his forelegs around her and closed his eyes to focus on the feeling. He did indeed like hugs. He opened his eyes to see the guards frowning at him. He shrugged at them with his wings “Now then, we are going to teach you how to fly. How does that sound Havoc?” Luna said. “That sounds wonderful princess.” He said warmly. Celestia rose from her throne and grasped Havoc’s armor in her telekinesis. Havoc moved a somewhat saddened Green Wings to the base of his neck, she perked up again. His mane was surprisingly soft, it was surprising because you don’t expect someone like him to have any soft qualities. He took his armor from Celestia and held it by his side, the spikes would impale anyone who touched the wrong parts of it. Luna put on her helm and they walked in a direction chosen by Celestia. They walked in a comfortable silence until they reached a ledge. Havoc walked up to railing and laid his armor down by it, he had no reason to fear it being swept away or damaged by the marble floor. He looked over and saw both the city of Canterlot and a great plain met by a forest, a huge river was going down through the city. “It’s beautiful...” He said his voice reflecting his awe. “I know right?” Green Wings said. “We are glad you like our fair city Havoc.” Luna said and it didn’t sound like a curse when she said his name. “Not just the city. The whole thing. Where I come from we don’t have beauty like this. The skies are filthy, black, red, and grey. The grass is sick or mutated, it sure isn’t green like yours. The water is just plain nasty. The trees.. the trees look evil. This place is paradise. No wonder the others so desperately want to come here. Perhaps they too could be changed.” He said his deep voice sounding remorseful this time. “I almost wish one of them had been here instead. I shouldn’t be the only one here in this wondrous cleansing place. They need it even more than I do. I think my mother’s dead.” “I’m sorry if that’s the case.” Celestia said. “Don’t be. Almost everyone I know is better off dead if they come from my world. It’s miserable there. You should be happy she’s dead, she doesn’t have to feel pain anymore now that she doesn’t exist.” “Your people cease to exist when they die?” Celestia asked curiously. “It’s what we believe. After all if there is a place where we go upon death it’s bound to be as bad as the place we’re born in. *snort* I heard some religious drake manure from someone I tortured to death. He actually believed that we were judged in this life and our actions determine our ‘final’ resting place. If that’s the case then we’re all going to that Hell he told me that I was heading to. Not you fine beings, the intelligent life-forms of my world. I know I would.” “Here when equines die if they are good then they go to the Elysian Fields a place of light and soothing darkness, lush grass and cool water. The skies go on forever.” Luna said and she tilted her head upwards. “If they are bad then they go to Pandemonium and suffer until they are ready to come back to Terra, cleansed of sin.” She continued as she turned her armored cranium to face him. “Then if I have a soul that is my destination. If I come back will you be waiting for me?” He asked. “I will.” Said Celestia “As will I.” Agreed Luna. “So will I! If I’m not dead that is.” Green Wings entered and stroked his mane. “Thank you. All of you.” A pegasus approached. He was white with gold hair, though it was only evident on his tail due to his royal guard armor. He calmly approached them and flared his wings. Havoc looked in confusion until he followed where the pegasus’ eyes were pointing. And saw Rainbow Dash charging him. His eyes widened and he readied his magic. She came within a meter of him before smoothly stopping. Not of her own volition. A blanket of black magic covered her though it was white where her wings strained. Constant. Blinding. White. “Leave the princesses alone you pervert!” She yelled. Havoc took on a hurt look and Luna acted quickly, “Calm down Rainbow Dash he has changed.” “It’s been less than a week since he tried that, how can he have changed?! Celestia back me up here! Surely you agree with me?!” She roared in response. “I believe he has changed. He came before me and repented, begging for forgiveness. He even gave me power over his life in his people’s way and in his culture that is very big.” “WHAT?! Are you serious?!” “He even cried when I hugged him and he has not cried for anything but physical pain since he was very young and he had a very good reason for what he did. He explained it to us in detail.” “What could justify rape?!” “Havoc would you care to explain?” Celestia asked with a glance. “Certainly my lady.” He responded. He took a deep breath and said, “Rainbow Dash you don’t know what it’s like to know that you’re going feral. Where I come from going feral is a disease of the mind. The first symptom is you hear a faint screaming, after a few months you become disoriented as the scream grows louder. Eventually you begin to hallucinate, those you see appearing as monsters or old foes. After that you become driven by instinct and you begin to lose self control. Finally you become fully feral as you lose your mind and ancient buried instinct completely takes over. Going feral is a condition caused by either extreme trauma or long term isolation. Now do you understand why I did what I did? My body was new to this and I had just lost my home and been knocked out and been imprisoned here so when it reacted that way and it was denied... I began going feral. At an advanced rate, as in I was experiencing symptoms that were supposed to be months away. It was a choice between something I see on a weekly basis and going insane. Which I saw on a monthly basis. To me the choice was obvious.” And he looked balefully into her eyes. Her jaw hung from his explanation. That sounded horrible, who would live in such a place. It was no wonder he had tried to do that. While she didn’t trust him she did understand, but she couldn’t forgive. Not that. “I get you but I still don’t forgive you. Remember, I’ve got my eye on you. Now lemme go!” “I thank you.” He said before releasing her. She zoomed over by them and shot a quick glare at Havoc who stood firm against it. “So princess,” She looked at the two of them, “-es, is he the one we’re teaching?” “Indeed Rainbow Dash.” “How’s that gonna work? My wings are way smaller than his, I mean look at them.” She said and she grabbed and stretched out one of his wings. The gold haired pegasus frowned and flexed his own wings, they were similar in wing to body ratio to Havoc’s own! “Oh, sorry ‘bout that Silent Gale.” Rainbow Dash said and he rolled his eyes. “Why do you not speak?” Havoc asked. “Uh cause he’s a mute, part of the reason he has ‘Silent’ in his name. Don’t be insensitive dude.” Havoc’s eyes widened slightly, “Um sorry I guess. Did I offend you?” Silent Gale shook his head. He made some gestures with his wings while looking at Celestia. She looked thoughtful. She smiled and made some gestures with her own wings. Havoc was lost. He didn’t know pony sign language, he only knew a little human sign language and that was what he had learned for soundless communication on the battlefield. “He says that while he thinks he would rather go mad, that in his madness he might do it anyway so he’d choose rape over madness.  At least he can repent since he’s sane. Also he’s ready to begin the lesson.” She said. Havoc nodded in response. The other ponies flew off the edge, Green Wings leaping right off his back. Havoc looked at Silent Gale, he flexed his wings in repeated motions. Havoc began mimicking him, lifting his wings up then forwards and down and bringing the tips close to the ground and pulling them backwards before lifting them up and forwards. He’d seen birds before and it was somewhat similar. At some point he saw Silent Gale raise his wings high and slam them down strongly, it sent him into the air without him jumping. The air pressure sent him into said air due to him being lighter than the surface below him. Silent Gale repeated this move a few times before hovering, Havoc watched him intently before looking at the others. Observing their motions as they swooped and sped along. He turned back to Silent gale and observed him nod before flying first forwards then backwards, going up and going down. He flapped more slowly than the ladies did, but that was because he didn’t need to keep up with their wing beats to match their speed. After a while of this he looked to Havoc and tilted his head up, a common gesture meaning challenge or come. Havoc readied his wings and flapped down, his wings unyielding. His body went up and he repeated this until he was several meters into the air. He grinned before Silent Gale swooped before him and brought his face uncomfortably close. He smiled revealing shining white teeth, and Havoc backswept. Silent Gale nodded in approval before gesturing with his head that Havoc should follow him. Havoc nodded in assent. They swooped and soared, they ascended and descended, they soon joined the females in the air. Silent Gale presented him like a proud parent, or a showpony? Havoc closed his eyes and smiled as he displayed his wings while maintaining flight. He heard clanking and knew the armored hooves of the princesses were being clapped. He made the air around them reflective and looked at the imagery. He saw himself, a massive stallion, thick black fur like a hairy raven, his feathers were tipped with a white that he only associated with bone, his long thick mane and tail were the same, his horn still looked slightly yellow. His irises were still blood red and the pupils were still slitted like a lizard’s. His muzzle was long yet it matched his cranium well and was squared off at the end, it made his smiles that much bigger. He had never seen his new form so he was fascinated by his appearance. “Wow... I never knew I looked so good. How come nopony told me I was this handsome?” Green Wings and Rainbow Dash laughed almost simultaneously. Silent Gale simply rolled his eyes. Luna just looked at him. Celestia on the other hoof raised an eyebrow and said, “I honestly find it difficult to focus on such a thing.” She blinked and giggled, “Oh that was a joke, I see you’re becoming a bit of a comedian.” Havoc blinked and said, “I wasn’t joking, seriously I am a really attractive stallion, why did nopony inform me of this? It would have been nice to know. And it would have taken but a moment.” “I figured it would be better for you to find out on your own Havoc.” Luna said to his surprise. “While you’re nice to look at you’re way too big for me.” Green Wings said conversationally as he reverted the air wall to its normal state “I understand that.” Havoc replied, suddenly he realised he couldn’t see Silent Gale. He looked down frantically. Suddenly there was a weight on his back and he lost altitude, he flapped more powerfully to compensate and returned to the females level. He felt something stroking his mane and slowly turned his head. He beheld a content Silent Gale sitting in fur that reached halfway up the sides of his legs, smiling as he gently petted his mount. His wings were making odd gestures. “He says that Rainbow Dash and Luna should join him. This is one of the most comfortable seats he’s ever had the pleasure of sitting on. Also it flies, and the view’s great.” Celestia informed them. Rainbow Dash swiftly alighted upon him, the small mare making far less of a drop than the massive armored stallion. Luna gently approached and he braced himself. To his surprise she slid out of her armor before sitting on him. She was closest to his tail so she grabbed it and pulled the tip to her. He strained to refrain from bucking them all. “This is quite soft, I could sleep in it.” She said and proceeded to wrap herself in tail, curl up, and fall asleep. Luckily her sister was carrying her armor. “Is this a test of some sort.” Havoc asked attempting to sound casual. “No she seems to be genuinely asleep.” Rainbow Dash said with a poke to Luna’s rump. “I mean is she sleeping on me as a test.” Havoc said. “No she would be sleeping with you as a test dear Havoc.” Princess Celestia said with a smirk. Havoc didn’t get it. “Oh well that makes sense, if you trust someone enough to just go to sleep alongside them then you really do feel safe with them.” Where he came from sleeping with people meant exactly that, you usually didn’t sleep right after sex. It wasn’t considered safe. Celestia gaped in surprise at his ignorance. Rainbow Dash was more vocal. “Do you seriously not know what that means?” “I thought it was what it sounded like.” She facehoofed, “Okay here in Equestria when somepony says they slept with another pony they usually mean that they had sex with them. Similarly when somepony says that they want to sleep with you that means they want to do the two pony bed bounce.” Havoc gaped and his cheeks turned red, his cheeks were long so this was a very interesting sight. He looked at her, adorable wrapped in his tail with her sparkly mane fluttering in the breeze. Surely she wouldn’t do that after all he was... Wait she was actually taller than the guard now that he thought about it. It would hurt more on her end but it might just work. “You... You’re kidding right? She’s a bit small don’t you think?” “Yes but she’s growing all the time, and she’s already of age. And most potential suitors in Equestria are put off by her history, besides they’re too small. As such that makes you the perfect stallion for her, you can’t possibly be intimidated by her past as Nightmare Moon, you’re actually bigger than her, and you are handsome as you pointed out. Not to mention your huge-” “I get it! Great stallion, perfect stallion maybe!  But since we’re on that subject what of you? You’re surely feeling that size problem even more than her. In fact when’s the last time you mated?” She looked thoughtful and her cheeks turned pink, “ Last month actually, there’s a reason I pick the Royal Guards as big as I do.” Havocs vision blanked momentarily and his left eye twitched, “That’s why the Royal Guards are so big!? So you can F*** them? You wanted me in that organisation too and I... I... Oh leak now I get it.” He hissed. He looked at her with newfound respect. “Yup, your rank is in fact Royal Guard: Chosen Champion. If I so desire I can call you to my room as long as you’re awake, I’d rather not do that with a stallion who was just awakened from his sleep. They aren’t as skilled as they would be, nor do they last as long.” She said with a pink cheeked smile. “Hey I’m quite a catch you know. Also as Chosen Champion you officially answer only to Luna and I, though you know Twilight can command you as well due to the ring on your horn. Even if king Rex himself calls you, you don’t have to answer the summons. You are bound to my sister and I alone, and now that you’ve changed you may find that a little literal from time to time.” Havoc blinked, this was a lot to take in. He looked to Rainbow Dash, she didn’t even look surprised. Just bored like she’d heard this before. “Did you know about the princess f****** her guards Rainbow Dash?” “Duh. Isn’t it obvious? That’s like half the glory and privileges. Even I, a straight mare, would love to get physical with princess Celestia.” “You’re rather open about this.” “Well she already knows that just about everypony wants her so its not like its big news for her, it would be shocking if somepony admitted that they found her unattractive somehow.” “Clever then, rather than just taking a single mate you take everypony you want as a potential mate. Fewer disappointments and you ensure that they remain useful. Though how do the females feel about this, from what I’ve seen they vastly outnumber the males and you’ve taken a rather large herd for yourself so I doubt they’re happy.” “They don’t mind, stallions can keep harems if they want and it’s not like the guards only have permission to copulate with me.Then there would be far fewer stallions for me. It usually keeps them close for when I feel like it. You know ‘ease of access’.” “Meh, it figures you would do that with multiple generations. As long as they’re not your foals it’s okay right?” “Right!” She answered, the whole conversation been spoken in a hushed tone so as to not awaken Luna. “Hey does Luna get to use the Royal Guard like that too?” “Yes but she uses her Lunar Legion, its less well known but it’s that way on purpose. They serve as both her elite guard and the Equestrian stealth force.” “Good to know.” “Well let’s head back in shall we? It’s been a long day and I’m ready to turn in for the night.” “What about Luna’s moon?” Havoc asked. “She’ll wake up when it’s time, we always do.” “K.” They flew back to the castle or rather, Havoc flew back to the castle. Celestia glided on the slipstream he generated while the others literally rode him. He came down smoothly and kept trotting but slowed down letting Celestia take the lead. Rainbow Dash, Green Wings, and Silent Gale hopped off at intervals with the former two informing him that this was their stop. The latter was as silent as a ghost and Havoc only knew he dismounted by the loss of weight. Havoc had left his armor on the ledge but was confident that nopony would touch it, it would not only be heavy but if they weren’t a unicorn it would probably hurt. Celestia guided him to Luna’s room, she quietly opened the door and helped him get her into bed. She nuzzled her sister who swiftly stopped groping the bed around her and latched onto her sister’s face. She then proceeded to pull her sister into a surprise kiss. Celestia managed to slip her way out without waking her, and scrubbed her tongue with her magic. She and Havoc soundlessly made their way out and closed the door. They then proceeded to Celestia’s room a short walk later. Havoc stood by the door in silence for a moment before letting out a low giggle. “You know how many bronies dream of a moment like that? Heh. Who do you think she thought she was kissing?” Havoc asked. Celestia spat and it evaporated midair, then she answered. “Probably you funny colt.” “Seriously?” “Who else even approaches my size in Equestria, not counting things we wouldn’t be attracted to?” “Well I don’t know, I really don’t know much about your homeland, much less your homeworld.” “Well there isn’t anypony in Equestria who is my size or larger, not even the male alicorns. I’m a giant as you can clearly see.” “Oh. Well can you tell me where my room is, I’m not tired yet but I’ll need to know for later.” “Oh you don’t have a room, not yet. Construction on a new tower has commenced though the going’s slow. They have to compensate for your size you see.” “Then where am I to sleep Princess?” Her eyelids lowered to half mast, “Well due to your status you’re free to use the rooms of Luna and I. In fact why don’t you join me right now?” Still getting used to the new phrase he was slow to catch on, “But I’m not sleepy.” “I know that’s why I’m inviting you.” Havoc tilted his head to the side quizzically. “It involves a bed but not much sleeping...” She hinted. Havoc looked up and thought. Then he got it. Sex, she wanted sex. He felt warmth, he felt something slide out of him. His posture stiffened immediately and his eyes widened. Celestia was concerned but his cheeks turned red. She looked between his legs and smiled. “Well it seems your friend there made the decision for you, please come inside.” She said with a wink. That one he understood, both invitation and possibly a request. For fun stuff. At least he’d heard it was fun, he’d never had time for it and his dedication to his duties was manic. He never broke the rules and he was impossible to distract from work.This made him a rarity, both a virgin at seventeen and a loyal, devoted, skilled, soldier who took pride in his work. He tentatively entered ahead of her, she locked the door after she entered. She cast a quick spell, a sound muffler he recognised from his training. He looked around and was impressed. Big bed, large fireplace, cushions, Twilight Sparkle, big closet- Wait a moment, Twilight Sparkle. His head whipped towards her and she raised her own upon noticing him. She hopped onto the carpet and her hair burst into flames, Havoc calmly raised his wings and smiled. Instinct made him crave a stimulant. Moments later he lowered his wings, sat down, and kept smiling. There was to be no fighting here. Twilight was confused, she had expected him to have broken his bond and charge her screaming his intent to rape. Defenselessly smiling was not expected. Her flames dissipated and she sat down herself, this left her unprepared for his glomp. She squirmed desperately until she heard Celestia say something that calmed her immensely. “Relax Twilight we haven’t given him permission to harm anypony. He’s with me, nothing to fear.” This calmed her unlike the next words to come from Celestia’s mouth. “Unless you’re uncomfortable with all the noise we’ll be making while having sex. If those noises scare you then you’d best run or you’ll be cowering in a corner for quite awhile. I expect to do quite a bit of screaming, though this is his first time he should be able to go for a long time, and I expect many arrivals on both ends.” That sent her kicking against his chest. He carefully placed her away from his length. Once she saw it so close she backed away until she felt safe, it was on eye level with her despite the fact that he was sitting. She kept backing up until she was on  a cushion, she then proceeded to make an adorable pillow fortress around herself. She peered out from a well placed gap in the fortress. “Why is there a Twilight Sparkle in your room? Aren’t Twilight Sparkles supposed to be sleeping in their own rooms right now or something?” “Hmmph. Well before you sidetracked me by breaking down like that I was planning on enjoying her company. It’s been far too long since we last had an encounter, and while I support her decision to stay with her friends I have needs too. However this can still work.” “How?” “Well dear Twilight I’d like you to study this act of copulation.” “What!” They said simultaneously. “It only makes sense, she doesn’t look very willing to join in and I hate to isolate my little Twipie.” “Twipie?” “She tastes great. You tasted her before, you know what I’m talking about.” “You have a point there.” “What was she like for you?” “Her saliva was like what I imagined pure, clean spring water to taste like. And her mouth was like some wonderful, impossible fruit.” “Not so impossible here, and her saliva actually tastes like naturally mineral enriched spring water.” “Nice.” “Will you please stop talking about me like I’m some meal to be enjoyed?!” Twilight interrupted. “But Twilight, in a way you are a meal to be enjoyed.” Havoc responded. “What?!” Twilight exclaimed “And all I got was a taste. Of course I’m going to savor it and discuss it with my friend here who has had much more than I, she knows your flavor best after all.” He continued. “And unless you join us that may be the last taste I get. So don’t begrudge me this small discussion.” “Oh, uh sorry?” She attempted. “So what’s your decision? Take notes and possibly record us get it on or join in.” Celestia smiled, “Take notes.” Twilight answered. “Oh well, lets get to it.” Celestia said cantering over to the bed. Havoc followed dutifully. Twilight grabbed several scrolls, a quill, and an inkwell. A few steps before he reached the bed he came to a halt midstep. Paranoia surged to the fore as he realized how ridiculous this was, today within moments of waking up he had kicked two of her guards to death. Why was this happening, why were they being so nice? And why was he just going with it? They had put some sort of control ring on him in his sleep. Control. He had killed two guards and Luna wasn’t even mad. Tolerance. He had tried to force himself on Celestia when he was previously awake and she just forgave him and was now inviting him into her bed? Forgiveness. Fluttershy had suggested that he didn’t have a soul. Kindness. Then thoughts ceased as something grabbed his erection and pulled him forwards. He returned his attention to the apparently impatient princess laying on the bed. He quickly crossed the threshold and began crawling on his knees. “So how do we go about this? I uh... Haven’t done this before. Ever.” Havoc said nervously. The grip on his penetrator faded. “How could you be a virgin?!” Twilight exclaimed, “Well besides the obvious, heh heh.” “I thought Celestia would have told you, she read my mind and got my entire history as I recall.” “I didn’t deem it necessary, there is much from your home that I intend to leave there.” Celestia answered. “As you wish domina.” “Now then, since your new lets start slow. Rub behind my ears and slowly work your way between my thighs.” Celestia said with glee. “Sure thing m’lady.” Havoc said and he knee crawled by her side and began to rub behind her ears with the sides of his wing fingers. “Mmm.” Celestia moaned and closed her eyes. He spread the fingers as he began to rub along the back of her head towards her neck. He made sure that the blunt sides of his claws faced her soft skin and hair. Her soft mane caressed his fingers as it flowed, it was soothingly warm. His eyes noticed an ethereal, glowing, purple orb hovering near his fingers. He recognized it as a viewing spell, Twilight really was dedicated to her job wasn’t she? He worked his way down her neck at times dipping into her mane, others he worked along the sides. It was kinda like the time he had worked with that Bengaloid, he reflected. Big, tough, tiger people, yet more results of the effects of feralness over multiple generations. He honestly preferred Celestia to the Bengaloid however, she was an attractive female with sexual intent unlike the Bengaloid who was rather stressed and needed a rubbing. He moved his wings to lift hers and rubbed the soft spot between wing and body. She gasped and he tentatively applied his hooves between her wings. He was hardly pressing at first but rapidly increased the pressure on her somewhat tense muscles and felt them soften under his hooves. He thought about how sensitive hooves were and wondered how they could be tough, flexible, and sensitive enough to give massages and then realised that there was something very similar between his legs only not as hard or flexible. He kept moving and reached her hips, he rubbed the marks with his wings and her moans grew louder. He kept his hooves moving lower while his wings circled her cutie marks, he slid them between her thighs. He felt vague moisture, there were two different kinds. One he felt everywhere, he assumed it was sweat. The other felt slightly... slimier? He eventually trailed it to a point that was somewhere below her tail and she immediately flipped it over his head. He saw what he was barely touching and slowly pulled his hooves away. Red magic appeared around them preventing their retreat, his eyes widened as he saw a red glow around Celestia’s horn. “Don’t stop now! I’m getting sooo wet from this. How can you have never done this before?!” Celestia said pleadingly. “Um, I’ll answer that later?” He said and returned to his gentle rubbing, this time applying his fingers to the outer edges and a hoof to the labia. “That’s nice.” Celestia said with a sigh. The purple orb was still dutifully observing his hoof and fingers. Havoc suspected that Twilight’s face was red. He angled his hoof and slightly penetrated the white lips and exposed pink lining almost immediately transitioning into red less than a centimeter in. He heard muffled moans. He pressed a little deeper. “Just a little harder!” Celestia cried and he did as requested. Liquid surged out and poured down his hoof. He almost pulled away in surprise, he didn’t know this would happen! He was curious he telekinetically lifted her tail from his head and raised his foreleg over his head. He angled his hoof to his open upturned mouth and the clear liquid dripped down to his extended tongue. It was delicious, a unique flavor he could barely describe as sweet yet something else. He lowered his hoof into his mouth and angled his head towards Celestia’s to see her mouth hanging open, her eyes open wide, her pupils dilated, and her cheeks red with blood. “That was hot, really really hot.” She said after a moment. “What was hot?” He asked. “That thing you just did, where you tasted my cum.” “Cum?” “It’s what comes out when you orgasm. It’s also another way to say orgasm.” “I thought mine was called sperm?” “It is but it’s also cum.” “Oh, okay.” “You got all that Twilight?” “Ye-yes princess...” She answered. “You still sure you don’t want in on this?” Celestia asked her. “Yes P- p- princess! I’m sure.” “Your loss, now Havoc I want you to roll onto your back.” He did so and felt minor relief, he was no longer pressing into her bed. He saw Celestia’ head appear between his legs and she eyed it for a moment. “Considering the size I can’t do what I would like to, but I can work with this.” She said and began flicking the tip with her tongue. He shuddered but made no sound. She got more aggressive and began to make longer licks. He sighed quietly. She began to suck on it and swirl her tongue around the opening and he felt one of his eyes close involuntarily while he tried to keep looking at her. She saw this and smiled before taking the tip fully into her mouth. He kept silent, he just wasn’t designed to make much in the way of noise for this, he didn’t react like she did. Her mouth barely fit him and she took it to her throat, she moaned and the vibration further stimulated him and he felt a leg twitch. She began humming as she orally pleasured him and he felt a pressure building behind his penis. “Celestia?” “Mff?” “I feel.. pressure.” “Mff gmm.” It grew as he watched her bob her head slightly, eyes closed and she resumed her humming. Her tongue began to lick at the opening and soon after he felt a tingle. “Celestia I think i’m going t-to cum-m-m.” She looked right into his eyes as she moved ‘till her lips were back around the head, she moaned and he felt something shoot out of it. She closed her eyes and he felt the sucking change. He heard her swallowing. He felt and saw her pink magic pushing on his phallus and for a moment he wondered why and then more came out. She pulled her head off and smiled, she pressed once more and he saw a white, clear, and grey liquid leak out. She levitated it near him. “See this? This is your cum. It doesn’t taste bad to me but it’s not for you, but you knew that already.” She said before levitating it onto her outstretched tongue and swallowing it. “Now let’s try what we call a 69 position. Just stay like that.” Celestia said. She stood up and walked over to his head before walking over him and getting on her knees to position her crotch over his head. He looked at her marehood and wondered what came next. “Now I’d like you start using that tongue of yours to do what your hoof was doing.” She said and began to lick at his still hard member. He reached up with his tongue and began stroking at the spread lips. Their slight clenching encouraged him to go deeper and he could feel her gratefulness. He pointed his tongue directly into her and began moving it up and down at that slanted angle. Her body clenched and he felt his own react to Celestia sudden sucking. He slid his tongue deeper feeling her out and enjoying the flavor, he liked meat and he liked whatever else she tasted of. She was a magical princess so he was sure she was clean. He thrust his tongue deeper still and she sucked harder, he came closer. He was glad for his long tongue seeing as he was a full meter taller than her, it allowed him to reach her without straining his neck, powerful as it is. He felt the pressure approach its conclusion and thrashed his tongue harder in an attempt to reach mutual arrival. He pressed his mouth to her entrance and rubbed against it as he felt himself arrive, seconds later her fluids rushed into his mouth and he prevented them from spilling. She pulled away, shuddering as his length exited her body. He felt himself retracting slightly but a light kiss had it hard again. Celestia moved off of him and kneeled facing away, he could see her entrance and the tiny twitching hole above it due to her raised tail. She looked back at him. “Please mount me.” She said. He got up and positioned himself behind her. He placed it against her stomach and pulled it up while maintaining contact with her skin. He felt her welcoming moisture and pushed his slightly drier member inside. It was very tight, if he hadn’t cum twice he might have risked doing so after he got the head in. He slowly pushed deeper into her pausing when he got halfway. He felt her clenching walls and closed his eyes before he resumed pushing with greater speed. He got most of himself inside before stopping against her toned buttocks. He felt his tip touching something smooth that seem to be parting slightly and had to assume it was her cervix, otherwise it was her uterus. “This... This is wonderful. I understand why the others did this so quickly now.” He said. “Glad to have such an impact, now keep going.” Celestia said with a moan. He pulled out leaving the head in before pushing back in, he built up a rhythm born of ancient instinct. His body knew what to do and he had the muscle to do it. He heard her volume increase and began to thrust harder feeling sweat leaking through his fur. He pulled her hips up and began pounding against her. She yelled in pleasure. He felt his body prepare to deliver its load of sperm. “I’m gonna cum Celestia.” He grunted. “Go ahead!” She answered and her horn glowed pink. He slammed harder until he came. He pressed as deeply into her as he could, instinct guiding him. When he felt it stop flowing he resumed his thrusting and soon felt her ejaculate as well. Her fluids felt nice. “Pull out and get on your back now Havoc.” She panted. He pulled out and flipped onto his back, making her cum had made him hard again. She moved over him to straddle his hips. She pushed down and it felt good to enter her again. Then he felt himself push deeper than before. Yes he had pushed into her cervix he was sure. She cried out and closed her eyes. She quickly began moving up and down, thrusting him into her. He was glad he’d followed his dick for once and it agreed. She moved differently, he felt her walls clenching frantically and pushed up in response. Her eyes opened and she smiled tiredly as she looked into his own. He too smiled as he began humping against her. Their efforts were rewarded by a nearly synchronous ejaculation, her before him this time. Her fluids helped push him along and his seed spilled into her willing body. She fell against him her head landing at the base of his neck. She moaned and rubbed against him. He wondered if he could go again and pushed up to test this. Miraculously he felt himself harden once more and grinned. Her legs gripped him and they began again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 3:00 P.M. 8 days 17 hours 15 minutes since savior spell Location: Celestia’s royal bedchambers … “That was wonderful, possibly the best I’ll ever have though I hope not. Hah.” Havoc said as he laid there. The sheets were stained with sweat and other fluids. He was laying on a rather big wet spot but didn’t care. “Thanks, it means a lot. Maybe Luna will like it just as much when you two finally hook up.” Celestia said. She too was exhausted, that was a marathon if there ever was one. Apparently years of violence incited exercise had given him incredible endurance. Life in a polluted environment such as his had taught his body to make use of everything it could get and in this world there was a lot to take. “You’re sure she doesn’t mind sharing with you? I’d ask you something similar but you’re the one suggesting that I mount her.” “She’ll be fine. She understands that there is a very limited supply of male alicorns. Before you came there were at most four and one of them’s our father. Neither of the others live in Equestria” “But didn’t you say there were male alicorns in Equestria? And why didn’t she take one of those ones living elsewhere?” “The other three are directly related to each other. One’s the father of the other two and he is considered an enemy. He was banished from the ancestral home of our kind and happened upon the remnants of the tribes that refused to leave their frozen homeland. He killed most of the windigoes and took over, rather I think they begged him to lead them after what he did. He was angry at father for banishing him and since we’re in his good graces decided to take out his frustration on the available target. Chances are he’s been killed by one of his own since we’ve been at peace until recently.” “That sucks.” “Not like I suck.” “No it does not.” “I... I need to go to sleep. Good... Good night princess.” Twilight said. She had recorded everything and was now quite red in the face as well as tired from taking all those notes. “Good night Twilight. I love you.” Havoc said. She looked to Celestia. “I love you too Twilight, rest up I have something planned for you later on. And Havoc? If you do extra well I may just give you a reward next time.” Celestia said and fell asleep on Havoc’s chest. He was still inside her at the time but was mostly soft and barely leaking ejaculate. Twilight wordlessly made a pillow fort and Havoc saw a purple glow as she curled up. Havoc fell asleep to the soft sound of Celestia’s breathing and the comforting feel of her body against his. He wondered what that reward could be if this wasn’t one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 4:30 A.M. 9 days 3 hours 45 minutes since savior spell Location: Celestia’s royal bedchambers … Celestia awoke and quickly cast a spell to clean the bed. All the stains disappeared but her fur was still stiff in places, she didn’t mind. She saw Havoc’s massive black form and smiled, she stood and felt a tingle as the last of him that had been sustained by their fusion retracted from her. She kept smiling as she looked at Twilight’s fort, what dreams the filly was having she would love to know. She got off the bed and looked at Havoc and got an idea. A hilarious idea. She quickly levitated him and quietly got him out the door. Her guards grinned as they saw her, they wouldn’t do this in public but here they had privacy. They recognised the signs of  Celestia’s special fun and high hoofed. They had just won a bet and were entitled to it, Celestia too had placed a small bet early on. They had placed their bets on something like this happening before the champion was summoned and were now reaping the benefits of their clever judgement. Celestia did indeed f*** the new champion on his first “official” day on the job. She flew through the halls ignoring them for the moment and went to the top of the castle. Once there she placed him upright against her banner and magicked up some replicated silk. She tied him to the top of the pole by the already waving banner and quietly left. She laughed once she reached the gateway she’d come from, and a few more guards grinned. Some frowned before grinning all the same. This was a bet she was aware of but not participating in. This time the bet was whether or not she’d prank him right after she had her fun. It would have been changed to after his first day if she hadn’t slept with him. Quiet laughter echoed through the castle as the guards eagerly awaited their turns patrolling the skies, none of them wanted to miss the 'princess of pranks' next joke. > Chapter 3 Bloodsport > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER THREE: Bloodsport Silent Gale was a special case. He didn’t have strict schedules like the other guards and wasn’t expected to give reports. This gave him a great deal of autonomy which made him unpredictable. This was the intent, if you never knew where he was then that meant he might be watching you at any moment. He was a built in wildcard and enemies had trouble with that. Thus nopony knew that he woke up extremely early and drank mist and ate from specially grown aphid infested bushes. Few would understand why. Similarly few would understand the shine he had taken to Havoc. He just felt safe around the stallion, almost like a father. And a son watches out for his father. As such, when he saw Havoc tied to the banner he took it upon himself to watch over him until he awoke. Hours passed and he remained vigilant, he was rarely bored and silence was never awkward for one who could make no sound. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:30 A.M. 9 days 6 hours 45 minutes since savior spell Location: Canterlot castle, Equestria National banner … Havoc’s eyes opened slowly. Sunshine, open skies, Canterlot city, Silent Gale. He was confused, he had gone to sleep in the wondrous embrace of a goddess, so why was he up here? He looked to Silent Gale for support, and wondered why he was here seemingly waiting for him. He had not gone through a hazing process in the army, not that they didn’t have one. Such a miserable group had to get their kicks after all. However he had reacted rather... badly when they tried that with him. They had crept into his quarters in the darkness. Berzerkers and giants alike were given their own room because they needed the space, you do not want to see what happens when they don’t get their space. His fellow soldiers had been halfway done painting his toenails red, and were about to dip his hand in a bucket full of water, when he had woken up. His overreaction had been talked about for weeks. He had literally ripped five men limb from limb, seeing them there in the darkness he had naturally assumed the worst. The only reason he hadn’t been punished was because they shouldn’t have been there at the time, as such they were written off as casualties of natural causes. Apparently being ripped apart by a pissed off and panicked berzerker was considered natural. Havoc presently looked about blankly, then Silent Gale gestured at his midsection and he looked down. Red silk bound him but he swiftly tore it off, gave himself a telekinetic push, and shortly after realised that his left wing was stuck outstretched to the banner. He fumed as he fell and the strain of holding over a full metric ton of super-horse was put on one wing. Within seconds his brain began to try to figure out how to free his wing without tearing the banner. Eventually he just burned off the feathers on the back half of his wing and began to fall. He gave himself another telekinetic push and gained enough distance from the flagpole to flap his wings. Silent Gale hovered nearby with seeming nonchalance, then again he couldn't speak and didn’t seem to show much in the way of body language. Which was ironic. Havoc flapped down feeling irritable and looked for his recently forged armour, Silent Gale keeping with him like a spectre. Havoc eventually spotted the glimmer of gold and descended upon it to find it was indeed his terrifying armour. He regenerated the feathers with some quick healing and snarled at the painful itching it caused. After looking his wing over, he pulled his armor on with a burst of telekinesis. Silent Gale sidled up by his left rear leg like a young foal and Havoc gave him a curious look. He simply widened his eyes a little and nudged him with his helm. Havoc wing shrugged and began walking, Silent Gale keeping pace with ease. He was wandered the hall ‘till he came to the throne room, then he got a message from his body he realised had been denied far too long. He rushed up to the nearest guard and said but one thing. “Where’s the bucking bathroom?! If I don’t get one soon we will all die a horrible stinky death!” The guard naturally raced off to the nearest bathroom and Havoc pursued doggedly, Silent Gale still stayed by his side. They made it to the colt’s room and the guard slammed the door open, Havoc leaped in and silent Gale followed. Silent Gale then proceeded to remove the other guard and close the door. Havoc saw a stall and rushed it, Silent Gale hurriedly turned on the air freshener before closing the stall. He proceeded to sit guard outside of it despite the bloodcurdling noises coming from inside it. Truly above and beyond the call of duty. Havoc wasn’t kidding, he ended up using four toilets to do his business simply because what he dropped was too large for a single toilet to handle. And these were toilets designed for Celestia’s giant guards. When he was finally finished Silent Gale was there waiting for him at the basin with a towel. He splashed his face in some cold water and gratefully accepted the towel. Then he jumped as he felt Silent Gale’s hooves on his rear, he looked in confusion before Silent Gale pantomimed butt pain and relief at the rubbing. He nodded but indicated that they should probably do that outside the Stallion’s room. They walked out into the throne room, Havoc laid on his belly, and Silent Gale got to work. He sighed in relief and almost fell asleep, it really worked. Not that he didn’t trust the mute. The other guards looked at him funny before shaking their heads and resuming the strenuous task of impersonating very good statues. When Silent Gale was done he climbed up and sat just above Havoc’s tail. Havoc was big enough to not mind. It was almost like looking at a lion with a cub riding it, only they were more deadly than most lions. Eventually Celestia stalked into the throne room and blinked when she saw them just sitting there. Havoc with his head on the floor, Silent Gale sitting vigilant on his rump. “Er, Havoc how nice to see you here!” She said nervously, she had expected him to still be up on the pole. “Where else would I be my lady?” Havoc asked calmly. “On top of the castle, inspiring the masses with your magnificent self?” “Meh, that got boring.” “I see, well since you’re here I have a task for you, your first.” “You or the job?” “Hah! In this case both, now listen closely. I want you to pull Ambassador Silver Tongue’s Chariot to Lemuria, kingdom of the primates.” “Why?” “They have recently declared themselves our enemies and we want to rectify this grievous error. That’s where you come in you see you aren’t just an escort. In the event that Silver Tongue fails or dies you are to take matters into your own hooves. While I prefer to avoid bloodshed... You know what to do. You are to give them these terms in the event that Silver Tongue fails to persuade them to see reason.” She said and magicked over a tightly wrapped scroll with her seal. “Yes my princess, though I must ask: Will I be given free reign if the terms fail?” “Indeed Havoc, if the terms fail free to ‘wreak havoc’ upon them.” “I am ready to move, is Silver Tongue?” “He’s already waiting at the chariot.” “Excellent. By the way, I know you tied me up.” “SO WHAT?!” “Heh see you Celestia, take care of yourself Silent Gale.” Silent Gale nodded and flew off. Havoc stood. “Where’s the chariot?” “The balcony you practised flying from.” “Thanks Celestia.” He said and nuzzled her shoulder. He swiftly walked off towards the balcony building up to a trot due to impatience. He made it into the glaring light and saw Luna. “Hi Luna!” Havoc yelled loudly, this startled a suave looking stallion, white of fur and silver of hair. “Hello Havoc.” Luna replied. She did not expect him to keep trotting right at her, her eyes widened as his forelegs spread open and his chest rose. She leaped out of the way and he laughed. “Come back Luna! I just wanna nuzzle you!” “Be careful not to impale us Havoc! We are capable of dying!” She said before landing close, wings spread warily. He rubbed the side of her neck with the tip of his snout and inhaled deeply as he did so. “You smell good.” “Thank you?” “Ahem. Is this to be my escort?” A smooth voice called out. “Indeed I am, Mr. Silver Tongue, I am Havoc a pleasure to meet you.” “Indeed. Shall we be on our way?” “Bye Luna.” Havoc said with a pat to the head. Luna was not amused, not at all. “Goodbye Havoc may your trip be long and pleasant.” She said after smacking away his hoof. Havoc looked over the chariot and was surprised. It was armoured on all side, even the wheels. The chariot had a gleaming steel roof and moderate sized windows. Its dimensions were approximately five meters from front to back, not counting the reigns. It was shaped like a quarter circle with the round side face forwards and up. Havoc lifted the metal poles to the sides and stepped in. “How to I get hitched to this thing?” He asked. “Simply pull on the straps and buckle up.” Silver Tongue said. Havoc unclipped the straps and fitted them around his massive frame. They were apparently built for him seeing as they fit perfectly once he buckled them together. Silver tongue hopped in through an open door on the right side of the armored chariot. Havoc was about to ask how he would know where to go but, before he opened his mouth knowledge rushed into his brain, suddenly he knew the way like the back of his hoof. He blinked and found saddle bags on his sides loaded with gems and hay. He decided not to question their sudden appearance. He also noticed a large jug of water between his wings. “Ready for takeoff! Beginning takeoff, all passengers are suggested to strap themselves in and get ready for a rough landing!” He said reciting what he had heard on his last flight on a plane. “What!?” He heard a muffled voice say. He ignored it and charged the rail, leaping two meters before impact and spreading his wings. He flapped powerfully and easily pulled the heavy cart along. His mental compass turned him East and his wings powered his way through the opposing wind. Working himself into a frenzy, he was soon frothing at the mouth as he slammed his wings through the air. His lungs worked like bellows and expanded and contracted in a rhythm to match his wings beats. “The Princess wasn’t kidding when she said she got me the best there is!” He heard a muffled voice yell. “DARN STRAIGHT!!” Havoc roared, his voice shredding the air before him. “Why at this rate we’ll be there in no time!” The voice yelled. “RAAAAGGHH!!” Havoc roared and increased his speed. He saw a mach cone build before him and kept pushing. He tilted his horn into the wind and it cut the air with greater ease than his face. Havoc hoped to make a sonic boom, not a sonic rainboom. There was no way he could even hope to do that without magic, he was no Rainbow Dash and he knew it. His horn helped him make the cut. It broke the resistance and sent him sliding into supersonic speed. A dull boom sounded behind him and he heard laughing coming from the chariot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 1:30 P.M. 9 days 12 hours 45 minutes since savior spell Location: 10 kilometers outside Lemuria’s capital city, Hominis … “We’re making great time, why you’ve turned a four day trip into six hours aaannd ten minutes!" The unicorn said jovially as he checked some sort of timepice, "Well done stud, well done!” Silver Tongue cried. Havoc had slowed his pace and was drinking from a convenient straw attached to the jug. He soon took several bites of hay and low grade gems of all types. He returned to his drinking before belching loudly. He increased his pace in anticipation until he saw an odd sight. Monkeys with canvas wings! They were headed right for him and he realised how small they were. They were small enough to make the average pony look like a horse. They were smaller than children to him and they flitted about with jaws agape until one larger monkey rode in on a massive plumed eagle. It was dark grey and brown with a great green crest of feathers sticking out from behind its head. The monkey riding it had shiny bronze armor, unlike the cloth and wooden slate armored monkeys that flitted about him. The eagle was bigger than his head. The rider hooted and screamed at the others and they calmed down forming up around Havoc. He noticed the eagle looking nervously at him and flashed it a fanged grin. It shied away from him despite its rider’s protests. “You! Horse thing! Who you with!” “I... haah... am the... haah.. Equestrian ambassadors... haah... escort!” “You lie! Equestria seven or eight day flight, who you really with!?” Silver Tongue stuck his head out and began yelling at the monkey. “How dare you insult my navigator! The princess promised me the best there was and she delivered! And it would be a four day flight for your information!” “You! How- No, never mind. Dirty pony magic! I know you, you fit the description for ambassador but you here early! I apologise for substandard accommodations on arrival!” The monkey yelled before grumbling to himself. Apparently he didn’t like ponies. They flew steadily but once the capital was in sight a few peeled off and went to various turrets Havoc could see visible at the walls. One went straight for the capital itself. He saw it communicating with what looked to be a chimpanzee. The chimp was skeptical until it pointed right at Havoc and the heavy chariot he pulled. The chimp ran off to do something and the spikes that stuck out of the roof where they were being lead retracted. They saw a few monkeys with glowing red lanterns run out and form a pair of lines. Havoc flew and came to a smooth stop as he had slowed down before closing to land. A very awake Silver tongue emerged from the cabin and walked right up to the panting Havoc. “Excellent work my good sir, I don’t believe anything will ever be adequate after that ride. I can’t fathom how you’ve never been discovered before.” He said and patted him on his low hung head. “Didn’t exist... ‘till recently.” He answered. “Well that explains it! Well tally ho my friend! Politics await.” “Sure... *wheeze* thing.” Havoc said and unhitched himself. He walked behind Silver Tongue and observed his surroundings. He was in turn gaped at by the locals. He saw chimps, monkeys, a few gorillas and even huge three meter giants. He was practically on eye level with them and they were evidently disturbed by this, grasping their massive swords tightly when he passed by. He grinned at their discomfort. “No I don’t believe I’ll be needing a stateroom my good primate. Not with my big friend there. Did you know he got me here today?” “That’s a fast horse you have there. I wonder if he’s as good at fighting as that armor suggests.” Said an unknown feminine voice. “The princess promised me the best so he must be! Besides look at that horn, look at those wings, look at those hooves! Even if he’s not skilled all he has to do is step on anyone who dares to threaten me.” Silver Tongue bragged. Havoc looked to whom he spoke to and was surprised to see a harpy. Not the hag variant but what appeared to be a young lady in her prime! His eyes widened and she looked at him with a mixture of fear and awe. “Are you a harpy miss?” Havoc asked as they walked. “That’s right, been working for the monkey god for nine years now! How long have you worked for Celestia?” She asked. “A few days, but I have years of experience in the most brutal wars you will never know.” “That sounds terrible.” “Eh it wasn’t so bad for me. Honestly the worst part was the food. It’s where I learned to eat rocks and gems.” “Was it really that bad?” “You have no idea.” “So what does a stallion like you do anyway? I mean I have never seen a stallion of such size, much less an alicorn. Surely a male would be well known.” “Ever been to the Underworld?” “No...” “Well that’s where they found me.” “They took you from the Underworld! But-” “I got out early on good behavior. I’m a changed stallion I assure you. In fact if you want I’ll let you sit on my head.” “REALLY!?” “Yes really, hop on.” The harpy eagerly flapped up and landed on Havoc’s head. She gripped his horn for stability. When she had flown up he had learned more of her. Her plumage was green tipped with red, she lacked forearms but had claws like his on her wings to make up for it. Her hair was black and she had a tanned complexion that made her blue eyes stand out more than they already did. She wore a pink shirt under a bronze breastplate that hugged her curves. If he wasn’t a stallion now he might have found her more attractive. Her sharp white teeth and elf like chin certainly made her more attractive. Her lack of an adam’s apple helped too. “Wow this is great!” She said joyfully as they made their way to the throne room. “As Celestia promised: He is the best!” They were then at gate to the throne room. He heard chains move and the giant guards moved their halberds out of his way. He stomped through ignoring the sidelong glances they gave him as he passed them. He saw the monkey god and was shocked, he was man sized! His armor was interesting. Steel breastplate inlaid with gold runes, gold bracers and greaves. His knuckles, the back of his palm, and his fingers were protected by elaborate gold gauntlets. He wore a short steel braided skirt and his had a gold crown with ruby, emerald, and sapphire spikes. His fur was gold and he had a long flexible tail, his skin was brownish bronze. He wielded a tall scepter crowned with a large, clear, well cut gem. his face was surprisingly similar to a man’s, no mustache, short beard, mostly hairless, though his teeth were rather long and sharp. He was only two meters tall, this made him about Celestia’s height when she was on all fours. Havoc looked down at him and as he stared up at Havoc his jaw dropped. Havoc grinned, he was really liking the perks of his increased size so he spread his massive wings and looked even bigger. “What a magnificent specimen!” The king cried. Havoc was surprised by his grasp of the language. “Ashoka! How good to see you. I see you’ve noticed my escort and navigator. Top quality as promised!” “Silver Tongue, it’s been too long! Who is this giant!” “Ah yes, this is Havoc Chosen Champion of Luna and Celestia both. I’m fairly sure you can see why they chose him eh?” “I see, I see.” He approached with a raised hand and asked, “May I?” “Sure.” Havoc answered and Ashoka reached under his helmet to stroke the fur. “It’s soft.” He said quietly. “Everyone else seems to think so. Especially the princesses, they can’t get enough of it. Did you know that I can fit Celestia, Luna and a royal guard on my back at the same time?” “No I did not but that’s good to know.” He pulled his hands back and Havoc moved behind Silver Tongue and curled up. The harpy petted him as the other two spoke politics. Havoc tuned it out, he was a killer not a negotiator. He was simply here in case things went wrong. He laid there half-asleep for a while, purring from time to time when the harpy whose name he did not know hit a sweet spot. “Havoc! Come on buck, talk some sense into the ape!” Silver Tongue yelled. “We are justified in this! Your princess committed war crimes against us and we refuse to work with tyrants!” Ashoka countered. Havoc rose up on his haunches and the harpy flew off, she had a good danger sense evidently. “Where I’m from I committed war crimes monthly, sometimes daily. We were also ruled by a tyrant far worse than Celestia, as in people were shot in the streets for speaking out against him bad. Now then what seems to be the problem? I’m not much of a politician so I tuned out when one of you guys said ‘treaty’.” They looked at him in horror. “There’s a reason they put this ring on my horn. It’s related to why I’m so big. So if you wanna call Celestia bad you’re barking up the wrong tree here.” “I-I-I... Elders what hell did you crawl out of!?” Ashoka cried. “You don’t wanna know. Seriously. The princesses took me out of that nightmare so my loyalty to them is unquestionable, it’s why I’m chosen champion. Also I pulled that heavy chariot here in how long?” “Six hours and ten minutes you poor, poor stallion.” Silver Tongue answered. “Right. Now Silver, would you say you’ve failed?” “Unfortunately yes, I can’t seem to get through to him.” “Please stand beneath me.” “Why would I do that?” “It’s my turn to negotiate.” “But you said you aren’t a negotiator.” “Exactly.” “OH. Oh no. Well you can’t say I didn’t try old friend you should have just gone with my very generous offer.” He said as he walked underneath Havoc and covered his head. Havoc pulled the scroll from its place beneath his armour and levitated it to Ashoka. “I don’t know what it says but it must be pretty bad for me to be carrying it. Probably says your nations gonna be blown up or something.” Ashoka read it carefully and frowned at what he saw. He returned the closed scroll and shook his head. “This will not do I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” When he heard this Havoc’s face lit up, his eyes literally glowed with his joy. It created a rather eerie effect, glowing red projecting down onto the Monkey God like an erupting volcano. “BIG MISTAKE MONKEY BOY!! Hahahahah! Now it’s my show! Heh, now then here’s what’s gonna happen: You will agree to become allies with Equestria and you will provide military aid against neighboring nations. You don’t have to be friends yet, just when we get close to your territory. If you do not  agree to this I will personally massacre slash enslave your people got it!?” He yelled. Ashoka made a signal to his gigantopithecus Elite that went unseen by Havoc. A warrior with a great sword rushed up beside him from behind and swung it into the base of his neck. It stopped halfway in due to Havoc’s dense bone and muscle. His head hung low and they thought he was done. Havoc growled and snapped his head back up, breaking the sword and leaving a shard in his spine. He grinned and swung a hoof into the Elite’s legs, they broke as his armored limb smashed into them. “Gonna have to do better than than that b**** boy!” Havoc yelled as he laughed, just before impaling the Elite’s skull with his bare hoof. Ashoka’s eyes widened. Havoc formed a shield beneath himself and charged, Ashoka leapt aside and lashed out with his scepter. Havoc grunted as muscle was crushed and the gem head dented his bone, he lashed out with his tail and glanced the king’s chest. The blow dented the gold and steel plate. Havoc quickly healed while his enemies gathered around him, he popped the shard out with a twist of his neck. He gathered his blood in his magic and grinned. he launched the blood in in spray directed towards the king and those nearby. Ashoka turned the droplets that came his way aside with his staff, unfortunately his guards weren’t as agile. The blood was projected at them at high speed, high enough to punch through their iron armor and several fell as the droplets punctured their lungs. Others winced as the blood punched holes in them, it burned once it stopped as Havoc’s blood cannibalised their own. Havoc went berzerk, kicking, biting, and slamming anything unfortunate enough to get in range. His teeth plunged into an armored muscle bound limb and he heard a scream as his teeth made a mockery of their armor. He threw the ape into its comrades and the chunk remained in his mouth, he swallowed the hairy meat. He impaled an armored chest with his tough horn, the ape grabbed at his leg in an effort to break it but Havoc simply ripped the limb off. He leapt up and smashed his hooves down into a pair of skulls, they were readily punctured. Swords, halberds, axes, and spears alike scraped off his thick armor, that first had been but a lucky strike. Havoc was loving this! He smashed three heads together with his wings and they caved to his immense strength. Havoc’s maw opened wide and engulfed an ape’s skull, he bisected it with the side of his jaw and swallowed the delicious brain. Soon only three guards and the king remained to fight him. The king leapt at Havoc, the gem head of his scepter aimed at his head like a spear. Havoc merely opened his jaws and bit the thing with his molars, shattering it. It was delicious. He ate the rest of the staff too. The king looked at his bare palms in amazement, then rage. Four long daggers were produced from his armor and he leapt at Havoc on one foot. Havoc roared as the king grimly clung to him, he was soon using  all four hands to stab into the gaps in Havoc’s damaged armor while his tail swung a smooth mace. Havoc lunged forwards and smashed the king into one of his guards, the guard fell as the king’s superior armor caved in his chest though the king grunted painfully at the impact. Havoc charged into the king’s stone throne and crushed him against it. The king slid off of him leaving three of his daggers behind. He brought his left hand to his chest and began to heal and Havoc waited, this was too fun to just end. Ashoka rose and wielded his mace and dagger in his upper hands, spinning them. Havoc roared and charged head first, the king leapt and Havoc impaled his left lung on his horn. He shook him to angle him on his horn to enable him to see. He looked at the surviving two guards, they grimly readied their great axe and spear. Havoc frowned and crushed their guts out with magic causing blood and organs to spray out. He calmly lifted the shield that protected Silver Tongue who took one look and puked. Havoc covered most of his senses and guided him out of the room. As they went down the halls hordes of monkeys, chimps, gorillas, and the occasional giant charged them. Havoc simply destroyed them with power blasts, not enough to atomize the walls but enough to vaporise the hordes of primates that rushed to their king’s defense. They made it to the now spiky landing pad to see the chariot out of sight, Havoc rolled his eyes and cast his senses out. He found it a couple hundred meters down, and pulled it up with ease. He quickly repaired the wrecked vehicle, temporarily fused it to the stone, and got Silver tongue inside. “Lock the door friend.” Havoc said to him. Silver Tongue just nodded sadly. Havoc flew out and got a good look at the city. “Ah I’m so going to enjoy this. I haven’t killed a city in a while now.”  “Please... hehh... Don’t... hehh... I... hehh... Sur... hehh... ender...” Ashoka pleaded. “Really now, but I wanted to kill your pretty city.” “Please...” “Fine, and hey since I’m in such a good mood after killing so many I won’t even make your people slaves to the empire of Equestria. You owe the princesses big time for ‘convincing’ to go easy on you.” Havoc said before turning back to the spiked landing pad. He was soon surrounded by angry primates. His horn glowed and Ashoka was launched into their midst, they grabbed him to stop his fall. They circled Havoc warily for his long and sharp horn still glowed. The glow appeared on their kings chest and he rapidly began to regenerate lost flesh and bone. “You can stay as a noble or whatever, I don’t know if the newly formed empire of Equestria can spare one at the moment. Call off your troops before I incinerate them.” Ashoka gestured with his gold clad right hand and they got away from Havoc. “Good. Now remember, Equestria has a very dangerous, barely controlled! Monster from another world in their service and he has a taste for blood. If you ever betray the princesses I will beg them to send me. You would not like to see what we do to traitors where I’m from. In fact you don’t even want to know. So stay loyal. Now I’m going to leave and report the good news, you stay on your best behavior now and remember:  Service ensures citizenship!” Havoc defused the chariot from the stone, hitched himself in, and took off leaving the bags of hay and gems behind. He wasn’t hungry anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time 8:26 P.M. 9 days 19 hours 41 minutes since savior spell Location: Ponyville airspace … Havoc had decided to fly over ponyville for some reason, perhaps he just felt like seeing one of the main settings for the show. While he was passing it he saw what looked like a gryphon and decided that this was worth checking out. “Silver I’m making another small detour! I see a gryphon in ponyville! Brace yourself!” Havoc yelled before slowing and making a small turn. as he descended the gryphon saw or possibly heard him and looked right at him. So he decided to keep it in place by yelling at it. “You there, gryphon! Stay still, I wish to speak with you!” The gryphon tensed but did not run, possibly recognizing him as an authority. Havoc came down before it, possibly her since it looked just like... “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be Gilda would you?” He said breathlessly. “Yeah what’s it to ya?” She replied with her slightly deep yet still feminine voice. “Awesome... heh... I’ve heard of you before... heh... Your Dash’s friend right?” “You know her well?” “You could say that, so what’re you doing here?” “Looking for her, can’t find her anywhere.” “That’s because she’s not in Ponyville.” “Well do you know where she went, I’ve been meaning to catch up with her. Last time went pretty badly and I’d rather not stay on that note.” “She’s currently in Canterlot, the royal palace if I’m right.” “Crap, how’m I gonna get in there!?” “Why don’t you come with me? I’ve got a lot of pull, besides I’m going there right now.” “Sure, why not.” “Alright just stay behind me. You’ll want to keep in the slipstream when I make a sonic boom.” “You can make a sonic boom? With that heavy s*** weighing you down?” “Already did it twice today, I figure a third can’t hurt.” “Hah! Okay, now I’ve got to see this.” She said and continued laughing as she got behind the heavy metal carriage that for some reason only had two wheels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 8:58 P.M. 9 days 20 hours 13 minutes since savior spell Location: Landing Balcony, Canterlot Castle … “Holy S***!!” Gilda yelled as she came down ahead of Havoc. “How’d you do that?! Magic?!” “Nope, pure alicorn muscle power. Got the job done when I beat up the monkey king and his guards earlier too.” Havoc answered triumphantly. “Will you two please stop yelling? I’ve had a rather traumatic experience today and I’d just like to make my report in peace.” Silver Tongue said as he exited the car. “Hey Silver Tongue you were there, did I or did I not beat up the monkey king and kill most of his guards?” Havoc asked cheerfully. “You left pieces of them all over the throne room. I puked in seconds when I saw what you’d done, remember?” He replied sadly. Gilda looked in awe at the tremendous stallion in the battered armor.  Where had he been when Boreas openly declared war on Equestria? Gilda thought of herself as a patriot, she loved the land of Equestria despite the occasional prejudice. She loved this beautiful place where she had been born, the only reason she didn’t sign up for the ENG (Equestrian National Guard) was because her parents had begged their daughter and only child not to risk her life in these dangerous times by doing such a thing. She cared for her few friends and would die to defend them. This had made Rainbow Dash’s betrayal hurt that much more for her. She had decided that in the name of the pony way, the Equestrian way, she would make one more attempt to patch things up with her beloved friend. Only when she had gone looking for her she hadn’t been where Gilda last saw her. She had searched everywhere, including the forest and was beginning to lose hope when this giant had showed up and practically carried her to Rainbow Dash’s alleged location. “Dude you are totally cool in my book.” She said after a moment. “Thanks! The name’s Havoc by the way.” “Nice name.” “Thanks again, my mother thought so too when she picked it.” “What family do you come from? I’d love to know the group that brought a hero like you into this world.” “I don’t have a family. My father’s dead and my mom probably is too. I don’t have any relatives that I know of either, you won’t find any records of them anywhere on the planet.” “Oh, well uh. Sorry for bringin’ it up then.” “Naw, it’s cool. I got over it a looong time ago, besides I’m too tough to let stuff like that bring me down.” “Right on buck! Glad to see our heroes are as awesome as I thought they’d be.” As they walked down the lit hallway Silent Gale stole up beside them and nudged Havoc’s thigh. “Silent Gale, good to see you too.” Havoc replied. He looked disapprovingly at the knives that still stuck out of Havoc’s hide and flew up to pull them out. Havoc hissed quietly as they came out and grasped them in his TK (telekinesis) as Silent Gale tossed them up. “Who’s he, your manager or something?” “Naw he’s just a good friend. He takes care of me for some reason. He even taught me how to fly!” “Cool. Wait a second, don’t alicorns learn that stuff early on? You’re huge, clearly full grown. You must be like three thousand years old or something. Couldn’t you learn how to fly in all that time?” “Well actually I-” Havoc started. “Greetings Havoc it’s nice to see you. And who’s this?” Luna greeted the quartet as they entered the throne room. “Hello Princess, we have arrived safe and mostly sound. Unfortunately I failed but Havoc here beat some sense into them.“ Silver Tongue said to Luna shortly after prostrating himself. “That is very unfortunate, Havoc you exercised restraint when you did this, did you not?” She asked turning her head to Havoc. “I did try. First I gave them the terms as ordered. I didn’t read them myself mind you. Then I threatened them which resulted in one of their giants chopping into my neck with a great sword. The rest is too gruesome to describe my domina. However I did win, I also ate that gem staff thing that the king tried to kill me with.” “Those were gigantopitheci.” “Beg your pardon?” “The giants, they were gigantopitheci. You say one attempted to remove your head with a great sword? How did you survive?” “Well a combo of tough muscle, tough bone, and good armor stopped the blade about halfway in. I then laughed and snapped my head back which broke the sword and left a shard in my spine. Don’t worry, I removed it soon after.” “That’s quite disturbing Havoc now who might this young gryphoness be?” With a gesture from Havoc she eagerly answered, “Hello your majesty I’m Gilda, one of Rainbow Dash’s old friends. She probably doesn’t talk about me much so you wouldn’t know me.” “I have heard of you, she says you used to be ‘really cool, radical, and awesome’ at the same time. The way she said it suggests that that is something difficult.” “It is, well not for me. It comes to me naturally.” “Interesting, so what brings you to Canterlot Gilda?” “I’m looking for Rainbow Dash, been meaning to patch things up. We did not leave on good terms.” “Is that all you’re here for?” Said a voice from behind the three since silver Tongue had departed. Gilda turned in record time, Havoc soon followed. Silent Gale calmly turned, he recognized that voice. What they beheld shocked all but one of them, the one was of course Silent Gale. Then again he was never surprised. Gilda bowed low as she had for Luna as behind them was none other than Celestia. “Celestia, how did you sneak up on us like that?” Havoc asked. “You’d be surprised at how quietly I can move when I want to.” She replied. “That must be how you stuck me to the flag like that.” Havoc said with a frown. “Oh come, that was hilarious. You should have seen the looks on the nobility’s faces when they saw the new addition. How’d you guess it was me?” “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that it would take a lot of pegasi to lift me. I doubt that they could do that without bumping me into things, I barely fit through your door by myself.” “Fair enough. Now Havoc, why don’t you go put your armor in the armory. Silent Gale knows the way.” “Yess my lady.” He replied as a thin stream of blood leaked from his mouth. Silent Gale flew off with Havoc in pursuit. Celestia turned to Gilda, “Gilda what are you doing with that boy?” “Nothing princess! Seriously I just came with him because he said Dash was here.” “Mmhm...” Celestia said and rubbed her chin. She loved messing with people! “Hey how old is he anyway? He said that Silent Gale stallion taught him how to fly and you just called him a boy.” “Mmm, Gilda first tell me... How old are you, I assure you it’s relevant to your own question.” “Uhh twenty-three.” “I see, well Havoc is only seventeen years old.” “Only seventeen?! What’s he been eating?” “Terrible things I assure you. He may not even be that old because he doesn’t know when he was born, he just counts how many years have gone by since he was told how long he’s been alive.” “Wow, that... What kind of place did he come from to not even know his birthday?” “A terrible place, it’s why he’s so big. It’s why he’s such a good fighter. It’s why he didn’t know how to fly. You see he recently rode out of the Everfree on a one eyed manticore, the manticore had one eye because he originally tried to kill it by shoving a tree into its eye. Needless to say that didn’t work.” “I... I don’t know how to respond to that.” “You don’t have to because he’ll be here in three... Two... One.” “I’m back! That was the strangest armory I’ve ever seen. So little variety just guns, blades, shoes, arrows, and armor.” “Havoc why don’t you follow Silent Gale to Rainbow Dash’s room she should be on her way right now. I have a meeting to attend to so see you later!” “Ookay, that was strange. Well we’d best be on our way.” Havoc said as she walked off. Silent Gale began walking in a different direction, down a hall with pictures of landscapes framed in gold. They followed him and as they did they heard an extra set of hoof steps. The clopping got closer and closer until it was right beside Havoc, there was a lot of Havoc to be near so the source was technically still at the back of the group. Havoc and Gilda turned their heads and saw Luna keeping pace with them. “Um, no offence but do you not have royal duties to attend to?” Havoc asked. “Tis a slow night, unless there is an emergency that needs my might it should be fine. Besides I rarely get petitioners, I don’t know why Celestia complains about hers. She has a board of advisors to help with all the decisions she needs to make.” “Well greater numbers are positive in most endeavors.” Havoc said quietly. “Doesn’t the phrase go ‘The more the merrier’?” Gilda asked. “I have never heard of this ‘phrase’ of which you speak. Nor have I ever heard ‘the more the merrier’. Also what does merry mean? Or is it just merrier?” Gilda’s right eye twitched, “How can you have never heard that!? Also phrase is basically the same thing as saying it’s just the correct way to say it. And I think merry means happy or something like that so merrier would be happier, I think.” She said and for a moment pondered the meaning of merry and what she had just said. “Where I’m from nobody says things like that. Also before recently I didn’t know anybody who even knew the word ‘phrase’. Either the schools are different here or you’re really smart Gilda!” Gilda knew she was of average intelligence. As such the fact that he had never heard the word phrase or the phrase ‘the more the merrier’ said some rather bad things about Havoc’s intelligence and origin in general. She wondered how he had gotten a job here if he didn’t even have a full grasp of basic equine. “Er, thanks big guy. Hey how’d you get your job anyway?” “I came out of the Everfree, talked to Fluttershy, she brought me to Twilight Sparkle, Twilight called the princess to her library tree thing, I negotiated a contract, and woke up in what I think was a maximum security prison where they briefly performed tests on me shortly after which I snapped and tried to do evil things. Then I woke up with burnt pieces falling off of me in a training field. Insert training record plus two dead guards and that’s how I go my job and figured out what it was!” “Okay, I don’t want to know where you’re from anymore. I just wanna know where it is so I can stay the buck away from wherever it is you’re from.” Gilda said with an almost indiscernible cringe. “Don’t worry you’d need some sort of teleporter to get there. You won’t find it on a map and there’s no chance of you just stumbling across it.” Havoc answered cheerfully. “Good to know.” Luna shook her head calmly. She had been to those guards funerals. In Equestria the dead are not buried. They are utterly destroyed with a burst of magic by a necro sentinel. This is part of the reason zombies are feared. It indicates that there was no opportunity for a necro sentinel to do their job and this only occurs in situations that prevent such a thing. These are typically rather bad things such as battlefields where the dead are too numerous to destroy in the Equestrian fashion. As you can imagine this is both a rare and terrible occurrence, similarly this may occur if Equestria loses a battle and this too terrifies the Equestrian people. Also Equestrians don’t like necromancers. “So what do you plan to do when you see Rainbow Dash?” Havoc asked her with a tilted head. “Talk, try to figure out why she chose those lame ponies over me.” Gilda answered. Not all ponies were lame, but few were cool in her mind. Dash still ranked among the cool ones. “You do realize they’re national heroes right?” “I know most of them weren’t. It was mostly Pinkie Pie that bugged me anyway, I bet she put Dash up to all those pranks! Honestly!” “Did she use a hoof buzzer on you?” Havoc navigated carefully. “Yeah, how’d you guess?” “I know that those hoof buzzers are designed for relatively hard pony hooves and not gryphon skin. That would hurt sooo much for anyone who didn’t have that tough layer of keratin so that must have been agony. I bet it burned you didn’t it?” “Yeah...” “I feel your pain. I’ve been electrocuted five times, twice by lightning. Believe me when I say nothing hurts like lightning, you think buzzer’s bad? Try getting struck by a bolt from a cloud that’s so big that it blocks out the sun for miles.” He said quietly, “I still have daymares about it.” “Daymares?” Luna asked. “I usually don’t dream in my sleep, so I have dreams when I’m awake and not focusing on anything. Or daydreams, a daymare it the awake equivalent of a nightmare. Similarly you have no control when you slip into them despite being awake.” “I didn’t know such a thing was possible.” “They’re pretty common where I’m from. There typically isn’t much to smile about or hope for to cause daydreams.” Silent Gale came to a stop and Havoc too stopped immediately. Experience on the battlefield says that when another suddenly stops there‘s a reason for it, usually dangerous in nature. Havoc looked around nervously before realising that they were still in the big, safe, hallway surrounded by granite walls. Silent Gale looked at him curiously and he figured that they must be in front of Rainbow Dash’s room to have stopped. “So what do we do now that we’ve gotten to Dash’s room.” Gilda asked, reminding him yet again that she was probably smarter than him. This would have made him feel bad if he didn’t know how smart predators really were, while cartoons and the like tend to depict predators as dumb brutes it’s actually the herbivores who would be the dumb ones if ever there was a battle of wits. A predator has to have the brainpower to get close enough to kill its prey. They also tend to go for the weak which indicates the intelligence necessary to realise that the old cow lingering by the edge is a better target than the robust young bull powering through at the front. Havoc partly knew how smart they were due to how many times they had attacked him and when they had attacked him. Typically when he was weak unless they were so bad that they just went for the biggest animal in sight. They waited for a moment before Gilda knocked on the door to her room, which Silent Gale had indicated with a foreleg.  Not getting a response they settled down to wait. With people who could speak around the silence got awkward. “So Gilda, you like rabbits?” Havoc asked. “Depends, what do you mean by like?” She replied. “Well personally I find them delicious. Last rabbits I had were raw and screaming.” He answered with a smile, this revealed his rows of very sharp teeth. “I like them roasted with a salad, maybe barbecued. Raw is not my style.” And Gilda smiled revealing her own set of teeth near the back of her sharp beak. “I prefer a nice tulip, lily, and rose hip salad with roasted cashews.” Luna said. ‘Hmmm.. That does sound good but I can’t digest a lot of pony food. Most vegetables, fruits, and grains sure. But the last time I tried flowers I had to go to the hospital to get my stomach pumped.” Gilda said and continued smiling. They shared a laugh, except for Silent Gale who merely smiled. “That’s pretty good but I can top it.” Havoc said eagerly. “Alright let’s hear it.” Gilda egged him on. “Alright so I’m out in the field and I’ve got my rations. It’s meal time so I’ve already eaten through half of my pack when some dirt gets launched into the grey sludge that apparently qualifies as food so I curse it and scoop some of it out but I don’t want to lose my food so there’s a little left. So I eat it along with the ration pack when I realise the part with dirt tastes better than the food alone! So I pick up some dirt and put it on my tongue and put the last of the food next to it and wouldn’t you know the dirt tastes better! So I start shoveling dirt into my mouth and it tastes great until a few minutes later where I’m puking and cursing whoever made those vile ration packs for making food that dirt becomes appetizing!” “Hahahahahaha! Oh my gods that sounds awful! Why would anyone make something like that!?” Gilda said as she keeled over “Hahahahaha! I’d rather not find out” Luna cried as she too burst into laughter. “Hahahah! Nobody really makes it! Giant machinery operated by people made it! Sad to say the machines were making the best with what they got, it was the quality of the ingredients that sucked. Heh.” “Hey what’s so funny?!” A slightly scratchy tomboyish voice called out from nearby. Havoc adjusted his bulk to allow all to view the source and they beheld Rainbow Dash resplendent in a small, short, silver dress. The design was likely Rarity’s if the intricate spirals that formed elaborate patterns with small gems were any indication, as were the deliberate ridges that helped shape the skirt. Havoc and Gilda blinked in shock, Luna raised an eyebrow, Silent Gale showed no reaction. “What? Rarity likes to represent in Canterlot. Is that you Gilda?” She asked earnestly. “That’s right Dash, we need to talk...” She said as she rose. Rainbow Dash nodded and zoomed over to her room. Shortly after she opened her room’s door and gestured for Gilda to enter. “Alright, bye. Meeting you all was chill, keep up the good work.” She said with a salute. She and Havoc bumped fist to hoof. “So Dash, you on good terms with the big one?” They heard as the door closed behind the pair. “Now what?” Havoc asked looking blankly at his now two companions. “I believe that we should attempt to ‘hit’ one of those nightclubs I hear so much about.” Luna responded. “I don’t know what that is but I’m willing.” They rose and Havoc got a thought in his head. “Hey let’s pass by the throne room on the way out.” “Why?” “I’m hoping the pinkus pieicus will randomly appear. She should know something about these ‘nightclubs’ and knowledge is power.” “Agreed.” In silence they walked to the throne room. As they neared the exit Pinkie Pie exploded from inside a suit of armor. “Did somepony say NIGHTCLUB!” She cried with glee. “My friend Luna suggested that we hit a nightclub.” Havoc said with a small smile, the clever demon horse thing was clever. “Yay!! I know some great places outside of Canterlot. Also, hi mister monster!” “Then let us depart, the fun awaits!” Luna said with a smile. She led the way to her chariot and looked at Havoc with expectation. He took a moment to figure it out but then immediately hitched himself to it. The others climbed into the large gothic chariot.  Havoc patiently awaited instruction when he felt a tug on the reigns. He rose his head in confusion and felt a loop of rope hit his neck and he remembered when the six and Spike went to the Grand Galloping Gala. He started running, another loop with a somewhat upward tug and he flew, he felt the reins pull to the side and followed them. In this manner they made it to a city known as Las Pegasus, Havoc did not know this. They pulled up in front of a large brightly lit building, its name proudly displayed in glowing neon. Its name was ‘Cider Manes’ and a tall bouncer of dark green fur and pale red hair wearing odd glowing shades stood by the door through which glowing blue mist was leaking. The bouncer’s eyebrow rose when Pinkie Pie hopped up in front him. “Pinks? What are you- Never mind I know better. So you bring any friends this time?” He inquired. “Yup, check ‘em out Steel!” She said and gestured towards the trio as they entered the dim light. His jaw hung low at the sight. A tall blue mare with a horn and wings, and a muscular pegasus stallion in what looked liked royal guard armor, that mare looked awfully similar to princess Luna and why was the darkness intruding on his light? His jaw gave up on supporting itself as he realised that what appeared to be the night shadow was in fact another pony with both horn and wings, and he was a giant of a stallion. So large that for the second time in his life since growing up he was looking up at somepony. "So this is princess Luna! The royal guard's Silent Gale, 'cause he's silent! And that's Havoc, he's a big scary monster that can bite through gems and metal!" “You- you’re c- clear to enter. Just let me c- call ahead.” Steel said as he pressed on a dark blue device. “Boss? Yeah it’s Steel. Believe me you’re gonna want to see this. Yes seriously I think this is one of those once in a lifetime things.” He put the circular device back in it’s pocket on the black vest he wore and said, “H- hey you mind waiting for a moment? And Havoc was it? Mind going back in the dark ‘till my boss gets down here? He has this coming.” Havoc stepped back into the dark. A few minutes later a red stallion with electric blue hair stepped out, a lit cigar in his mouth. He looked at Luna and the guard and almost lost his cigar. “Miss would you happen to be the Princess Luna?” “That is correct stallion.” “I must say thank you for this gorgeous night, the moon is beautiful. And so’s that big white thing in the sky.” He finished with a wink. “I thank you for the compliment sir, however I don’t think my guard here approves.” “Goldilocks here? Feh, what’s he gonna do?” “I was not referring to Silent Gale.” She said and Havoc loomed out of the darkness. The cigar fell the the pavement and he stepped back to the open door. Havoc got closer and smiled while lowering his head to eye level. “Heh heh, hey there big guy! I promise I wasn’t making a pass at your princess!  No touchy, got it! Please get out of my face!” Havoc stepped by the princess and rose to his full height. “I’ll let the crew know we’re catering to royalty tonight. N-nice to meet you princess, good to see you again Pinkie just give me more warning next time.” The boss said as he returned to his booming club. As the group entered they were given a wide berth, one look Havoc’s way sent them scurrying to the side. “Mares and studs, may I present to you on this fine night! The princess Luna bringer of night!!” A feminine voice called out from speakers set up in key points on the walls. A cheer went up from the ravers, many of them drunk on hard cider and high on mushrooms. “Also a crowd favorite, raise your voices for the premiere pink party pony herself.: PINKY PIE!!” A powerful roar sounded from the crowd. “And don’t be too shy around the big one, he just doesn’t like it when you try to put the moves on his princess! I better be on the tips of my hooves then cause I don’t know how I’m supposed to hold back when flanks like those pass by. Wish me luck ponies!” The voice finished and the crowd roared with laughter and cheers alike, whistles and catcalls abounded. The booming music resumed, this time a tribute to Luna. Luna smiled and waded into the crowd. Havoc was bewildered, the last time something like happened he ended up knee deep in the corpses of his comrades. Naturally he froze up and the crowd thinking he was do the royal guards statue impersonation, surged around him. Silent Gale looked up at him and Havoc felt his eyes boring into him. This broke him from his paralysis, Luna was easy to spot being taller than anyone else in the crowd nearby aside from a few gryphons. He watched her carefully before stomping around a little, he found the rhythm and worked with it. By the time he was going with the flow Silent Gale was already earning praise, his excellent hearing combined with a need to communicate using his body made him an excellent dancer. Havoc felt hooves on his back and turned his head to see Pinkie Pie stomping to the beat, he smiled and spread his wings to provide a larger platform for her skillful dance. She whooped and did a spin on one hoof. A few other ponies, a goat, a female gryphon, and what appeared to be a pair of deer joined her on the moving dance floor. A trio of colorful monkeys started dancing on his head. Havoc lost track of time as the beat ground on and the partiers on his wings, back, and head changed numerous times having fallen or jumped off. At some point he felt what he assumed was Pinky Pie turning his head and walked in the direction he was pointed, he came to a glowing red bar. The bar was being tended by a dark grey gryphon with a gold feathered head and thin bars of metal horizontally embedded in his cheeks and beak. Havoc assumed it was male due to his great stature and long beak. “So what’re you up for dark one?” He asked while looking up at Havoc with a bored expression. “He’ll have a rainbow dynamite! I’ll have a raspberry shockburst!” Pinkie Pie said while leaning over his head. A few patrons turned to them with shock evident on their faces. “Alright, a tough guy! I’ll be right with you Pinky.” The gryphon said with a massive grin. He turned to the nearby glasses before shaking his head and grabbing a keg. He tore off the top with his claws in a screech of metal. He poured a number of nearby glasses full with the contents. “Free drinks, looks like someone's finally gonna try the rainbow dynamite!!” He yelled and the partygoers resumed cheering and grabbed up the glasses. He proceeded to enter a door behind the counter and returned with a large jar of what appeared to be rainbow juice. He poured it into the keg until the quarter full container was half full. He grabbed a hose and sprayed a dark red bubbling liquid into the keg, he grabbed another and a blue liquid joined it. The keg was an eighth more full he released them and grabbed several bottles of clear liquid. He poured all five bottles in and the keg was three quarters full. He poured in another two bottles of amber liquid and proceeded to drop in several lemons which he sliced with his claws. He poured in differently shaped bottles of clear liquid and the keg was near full. “Bon appetit a giant sized rainbow dynamite!” He yelled before grabbing a hose from the container it retracted to and spraying dark red liquid into a tall glass. He then grabbed a different hose and sprayed purple liquid which did not bubble. He grabbed a nearby bottle and poured a quarter of its contents in and dropped four ice cubes in before swirling it with an umbrella and throwing it at Pinkie Pie, who caught it with her forehooves. Before payment could be mentioned he raised a claw. “No need to pay that’s on the house, partly courtesy to the princess and partly because I wanna see someone drink my masterpiece.” He said and looked intently at Havoc. “No problem Frosty!” Pinkie Pie said before taking a gulp of her drink. Havoc slowly raised the keg with TK feeling eyes on him. He tilted his head back and rose the torn edge to his lips. He tilted it and the mixture poured down his throat. It tasted good he noted. he drank a third of the contents of the keg before lowering it beside the bar. He waited. “Grrreeeeekk!!” He belched out and swiftly felt odd. His eyes burned pleasantly and he felt the cold spread through his body. He felt liquid bubbling and felt the pops in his mouth, he saw a glow from above and looked up. He saw his horn was scintillating with the colors of a rainbow. The gryphon stared rapturously as if waiting for something. Havoc saw multi-colored mist leaking from his nostrils and mouth, the flow increasing and slowing with every exhale and inhale respectively. “This feels awesome.” Havoc said calmly with a big grin. The gryphon leaped onto the bar and pulled Havoc’s head up as he stood on his hind legs and cried out, “Beings unanimous I present the Stallion that just drank a rainbow dynamite! See how he glows, see his perfectly healthy horn!” The crowd cheered wildly and Havoc saw a few beings speaking to others who seemed confused. Then their jaws dropped and they yelled and hollered along with the rest. Havoc smiled and took another drink from the now glowing contents of the keg and the crowd got wilder, leaping in a frenzy. A small dragon let out a torrent of flame, the dragon was slightly larger than the male gryphons. Havoc wondered why they seemed so excited by him drinking. Eventually he finished the drink and he felt energized enough for an all night session with Celestia! Eventually after an untold time dancing in a joyous haze in which he was certain he danced with a topless female minotaur and was mostly sure that he tongue kissed the dragon, the group departed. He now needed Pinkie Pie’s guidance to get to the chariot, he needed Luna’s help to hitch himself into the chariot, and Silent Gale to extract both him and Luna from the crowd’s loving embrace. Pinkie didn’t need help because she was riding Havoc and Silent Gale was too elite to get trapped in a crowd. Havoc flew back to the castle aglow which startled the guards considerably. He was unhitched and stomped carelessly beside Luna as she walked. He checked his chest and found things had been scrawled on it in neon red and laughed with his head tilted to the ceiling. He wondered why nobody ever drank the rainbow dynamite, it was fantastic! He was dimly aware of Silent Gale and Pinkie Pie’s departure as he walked the princess to her room. They encountered Celestia as she exited her own and Havoc smiled releasing multi-colored vapor from his mouth as well as his nostrils and she reared her head back. “Hi Celestia the sexy! I had a great night out with the others and Luna the sexy too!” Funny he thought, I somehow sound like ice or maybe just an ice cube. “Luna what is the meaning of this?” She asked, he thought it was rude to do that but didn’t mind. “He drank something called rainbow dynamite, it’s the reason he’s this way.” She answered with a pink cheeked smile, she was somewhat drunk herself. Yet still managed to think and speak coherently. “What’s ‘rainbow dynamite’?” Luna walked over to her, pulled her head down and whispered something into her ear. Something which caused Celestia’s expression to changed from confused and slightly panicked to awestruck. “So how does it feel Havoc?” She asked once Luna finished. “I feel awesome! Like I could f*** all night long! Possibly for maybe half of tomorrow too.” He responded happily. She looked at the writing on his chest and she raised an eyebrow. Rookie she thought, she could get twice this many in half the time he was out. She knew how long because Silent Gale had told her. What was written his chest was an amalgamation of graffiti and a few addresses complete with invitations to party and a very small amount giving invitations of the lewd sort. “Yaay!!” Cried a drunken Luna, “We should totally try that!” Celestia blinked. She thought to herself, “I should really get her drunk sometime, she’s clearly more fun this way. Maybe I could try the same with Twilight, get her to try some of that stuff she’s too nervous to do. Maybe even convince her to have that threesome I’ve been wanting...” “I don’t think that would be a good idea Luna, you’re not thinking clearly.” She said, whoever said double standards were a bad thing? She didn’t want to wake up to her sister screaming, in fear. Besides in their states they wouldn’t use protection and she’d have a pregnant little sister. Pregnant with the offspring of Havoc no less. She knew they wouldn’t use protection because the more lucid of the two, Havoc, was never taught the spell and Equestria didn’t have the sterilization fields of his homeworld. They could abort it but Luna had never had a foal and it would probably look really bad if anyone found out about it. In the name of Equestria she was going to cock-block them or get laid trying! While she didn’t mind sharing, doing that with her sister was a little much and she had no intention of doing those things she saw on illustrations from Havoc’s homeworld. Yet. After all with a lifespan like hers she was bound to get adventurous enough to try it. “What are you talkin’ abou’? I’m thinking as clerly as evah!” She replied. “You’ll probably regret it if you try to follow through with that decision Luna, think of your future here.” “Huuh! I get id! You’re jealous! Well don’t be jealous sis’, we can all screw! Together! At the same time!” She countered causing Celestia’s mind to blank. Did her little sister honestly feel that way about her? She knew that drunkenness made you stupid, which also made you rather honest. She needed stop this and soon. “Look over there!” She cried and pointed a hoof down the hall. The drunks looked and she immediately hit them with sleep spells. Havoc wobbled but did not fall, he looked down at Luna and poked her with a hoof. Celestia realised that the rainbow dynamite was stronger than she had thought. He fell to his belly and began nibbling on Luna’s neck, she giggled in her sleep. Celestia’s eye twitched. Havoc proceeded to pick her up in his mouth, holding her by her chest. “Ow ‘ut?” He asked. “Um, get her to bed?” She asked hesitantly. “‘Ay.” He responded and clopped over to the door, his steps causing tremors. He ineffectively pawed at the door and whimpered. Celestia opened it for him and he nodded to her before ducking and walking in. Celestia watched as he lifted her sheet with a hoof and climbed in. He released her soggy chest and pulled her back against his own in a hug. He released the sheet and it covered Luna up to her neck. He closed his eyes and seemed to instantly fall asleep. “Well that was a lucky break.” Celestia said and she closed the door and headed off to attend to some unfinished business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 5:37 A.M. 10 days 4 hours 39 minutes since savior spell Location: Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna’s royal bedchambers … Luna awoke with a delicate yawn, last night was a good one. She had been surprised to hear such a positive song inspired by her, much less one being used as the beat of a nightclub. She blushed as she remembered what she had said just before passing out in the hall. speaking of which she sure was warm. Not enough to be hot but a pleasant warmth, and her sheet was rather heavy on her chest. She tried to push it aside but it clung to her, odd. She twisted onto her back and her right cheek was against something very soft. She felt the roll of sheeting that covered her chest and it felt similar but there was a definite hardness underneath. She cautiously turned her head to look further up and saw Havoc’s lower jaw. Her cheeks turned red despite the fur covering them and she contemplated the events that may have conspired without her knowing. Perhaps she hadn’t fallen asleep in the hallway, but rather her memory simply ended at that point. She felt along his underside with her right rear hoof. Little moisture, no matting.This reassured her that nothing had happened and she exhaled in relief. Now to free herself from his grasp. She turned to face him and pushed all four legs against him in a first attempt. This predictably did not work against an entity outclassed her in both weight and strength. It merely launched her back into his fur with a squeak. “Eep!” This seemed to work as his head rose from the bed and peered down at her, menacing in the darkness. “Hi Luna, did you rest well?” He asked her. “Er, yes Havoc. You are very warm.” She said. She was about to ask him to release her when he lifted her over his stomach and set her down gently. He placed his hooves to his sides and lowered his head to the bed and she realised just how low she was when she saw his horn pointing off the the bed. She looked around for a moment and wondered what she was expected to do. “I enjoyed sleeping with you. It was pleasant, your body helped me relax considerably. We should do that again sometime, it was just as good as sleeping with Celestia only I didn’t wake up fused to a flag.” He said and this panicked her, she started checking her body and his for... Stains. “Don’t worry I didn’t get anything on you, I’m not a sleep salivator.” This could mean only one thing: When they had copulated last night he must have released inside her every time! She didn’t feel very full so clearly it had all been in her... She slowly locked eyes with him and said, “You are taking responsibility.” “Responsibility?” “It means to be held accountable and to take on the duty as you should. In this scenario you are taking responsibility for the foal.” “What foal?” “The one we made together last night.” “We didn’t make a foal last night.” “Then you were taught the pregnancy prevention spell at some point?” “No.” “Then we made a foal. Now I know it’s early but I think we should start thinking of names for it, preferably Equestrian ones.” Havoc thought for a moment, then he said, “We didn’t have sex Luna.” “We didn’t?” “No, Celestia hit us both with sleep spells. You fell asleep in the hall, I stayed awake and got us into your bed. Then I released you from my mouth, hugged you, and quickly fell asleep.” “OH thank goodness, I don’t think I’m ready to have a baby. Or babies as it might have been. Also, thank you for not raping me in my sleep. I know your people do that.” “Your welcome. Besides you’d probably be bleeding if we had mated.” She thought about those words for a moment and realised he was right, he was huge compared to her so it would have damaged her birth canal if he had achieved penetration... She hugged him with all four legs and he accepted it with a sigh. At that very moment Celestia had just gotten to the room to check on them after her morning duties and was in fact opening the door. She saw Luna’s legs wrapped around as much of him as they could manage and heard his sigh and automatically assumed the most likely case scenario for if that was herself in Luna’s position. “Get out of my sister!” She yelled as she leaped in and closed the door behind her, she was confident that she could win with words. Luna jumped air, “Ack! Sister this is not what it looks like!” She cried desperately. “Yes it is.” Havoc said to her consternation. “Now Havoc, I know I’ve been encouraging you to be a little more aggressive with my sister. But I didn’t mean for you to sleep with her!” Celestia chastised him. “What’s wrong with sleeping with her? I slept with you. I also slept with my comrades frequently.” He countered. “That’s different I- wait your comrades?” “Yes my comrades.” She facehoofed before speaking, “Haaa, you forgot what sleeping with somepony means here?” Secretly she was relieved, her sister remained undamaged and virginal. He needed to wait a few months before he could have her, then she’d be at full size and capable of handling it. Havoc frowned, “No, but you ponies are more perverted than I thought. So many ways to describe reproduction with you.” “And so many ways.” She said with a wink. This caused him to turn his head away as his face became almost invisibly pink, and the room became a few degrees warmer due to his increased body heat. “What is my next task liege?” He asked from his position. “Oh we don’t use that system anymore. Your next task is however, to give Blueblood support along the northeastern border.” “The system may be back in use since I conquered the primates.” “I see.” “Indeed, now why would Blueblood need my support and in what endeavor?” “The Nord Ponies are out in force recently and the garrison under Blueblood isn’t big enough or equipped enough to hold them back. Now Nord Ponies are less numerous but a lot bigger than the ponies of Equestria, the average male is a little bigger than one of my guards. This combined with their constant combat and war-like culture makes them very good fighters. They are rather fond of using beasts in battle, such as bears or wolves. They also have windigoes on their side since their original king integrated the survivors into his nation. In addition the Nord Ponies have a somewhat high population of horses and a breed rarely found elsewhere: the Sleipner. Sleipner are built like horses but they have eight legs and can fly despite a lack of wings and they can run on water. Dragons and Nord Ponies however do not get along well, this is in part because their king likes to hunt dragons and mount their heads on his wall. Nord Ponies also don’t typically get along well with gryphons because gryphons like to eat horses and ponies alike.” “Is there a reason to worry about windigoes or the sleipner?” “Well Sleipner are awfully fast and strong. As for windigoes, avoid their breath. Wounds affected by it don’t heal correctly and it feels like frostbite gnawing at you. You should also look out for Gullfaxi or Svaðilfari . Gullfaxi has a golden mane and is strong, fast, and intelligent. Though not a sleipner she can run on water and fly without wings, she can’t keep up with a Sleipner however. If possible she is to be captured, and I want her brought to me. We don’t know what she is. Similarly we know not what Svaðilfari, father of Sleipner, is but he is incredibly strong. He has served his king for a long time and if you see him then the situation is worse than I thought. He is a master of construction and siege warfare.” “How will I recognize him?” “He’ll be the biggest one out there, aside from you.” “Understood, also you may want to send a representative to Lemuria. I shall leave once I’ve eaten, and received directions.” Havoc said as he rolled off the bed to stand on his hooves. He quietly walked into the hall and headed to the dining room or feast hall as he knew it, expecting food to be waiting for him. He was joined halfway by his seemingly constant companion, Silent Gale, and they walked in comfortable silence. When they arrived Havoc marvelled at the intricate patterning featured throughout the room, then he looked at the barren table. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:37 A.M. 10 days 6 hours 39 minutes since savior spell Location: NorthEastern Equestrian borderlands, 200 kilometers from from Stalliongrad ... Havoc flew, Silent Gale riding his slipstream. He had waited exactly one hour and twenty minutes for his food to be prepared, he had eaten it all in five minutes, he had pulled on his armor and gotten into the sky five later. Normally it would be an at least six hour flight this far from the capital but his powerful wings got him there in around thirty minutes. He was glad for that because from what he saw things did not look good for the E.N.G. He saw a great horde of huge shaggy equines, they wore dark iron armor and spikes decorated their helms. He saw gigantic tanks and and somewhat crude guns amongst the ranks. The E.N.G. by contrast had white armor over a dark blue uniform. Their guns were black and their tanks came in the same colors as their uniform armor. Havoc looked for Blueblood’s distinctive crest and saw, to his surprise, that it was where a group of soldiers were cutting a swathe of death through the Nord ponies ranks. He took a deep breath and roared while he readied a power blast. Many of the combatants ceased fighting and looked to him. He fired the blast into a knot of windigoes and ‘pegacorns’ as they were called and the Equestrian forces cheered. He proceeded to launch several large fireballs at random into the enemy ranks and found the few shields raised were not enough to stop them. A vast flock of pegasi rose from the mass and charged him. He saw a few windigoes among them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blueblood was angry, he was also terrified but he didn’t show it. Fear did not look good so all he let his soldiers see was anger. This made him look rather scary, but scary was better than scared in his book. One of the ones he kept in his private drawer that is. Blueblood was scared and angry because from what he saw he had a very slim chance of surviving this latest incursion, and he most definitely wanted to live. While dying in a noble last stand agarde of barbarian invaders looked very good in the obituaries and on the remembrance stone, Blueblood would much rather live a rich coward. Unfortunately this enemy wasn’t the sort to just accept surrender and move on, he would most likely be taken prisoner, turned into slave, and sold to some dirty savage and made to clean the house or worse. That was not a fate for a noble, much less a Prince of such importance and lineage. He cursed quietly as he listened to the report from the front. “Lord the Nords have broken through the fifth companies line. We can’t hold out much longer as is and we’ve no ponies to spare. If they manage to get behind us we’re done for.” Blueblood rubbed the ornate gem encrusted golden crown he wore. It belonged to his father who’d worn it to battle and when he died Blueblood as the first of three sons had received it. Following tradition he wore this same crown to his battles as well and it had saved his life once when a chaos cultist nearly destroyed and much of his body with some foul spell. This was when he’d found out it was both resistant to hostile magic, such as mind worms, and rather sturdy, it stopped the freakish weapon the cultist tried on him next despite his unnatural twisting musculature. “Inform the soldiery that I shall be joining them in battle this day.” He soon said in answer to the unspoken question. “Understood lord. This should boost the morale.” The sergeant responded. Blueblood looked at his golden armor, he had refused to wear the colors of the common soldiers. He was a noble and would look the part by his beloved aunt’s name. He calmly cantered out to his platoon, they were hoof picked by himself and none other. As such they were an elite force composed solely of unicorns and pegacorns, no filthy earth ponies or rude pegasi to tarnish their name. They were referred to as the Golden Horn and each member had a keen grasp of magic and at least fifty kills to their name before joining Blueblood’s elite force. While they were generally educated and well mannered before joining they went through a strict training regime to bring them up to Blueblood’s rather high standards. They were already standing at attention before he exited the tent, he would have no slackers in his personal guard. “Golden Horn! We go to battle.” They nodded and formed up around him leaving a path at the front and back for him to see and if necessary, retreat with ease. They quickly moved at a gallop to the fifth  line and saw the barbarians attempting to get behind them and crush them from the inside and out. The Golden Horn fired their well maintained rifles into them, slaughtering the ones that had gotten through in seconds. They marched through the gap and began to kill the barbarians once more, Blueblood disdained guns considering them crude, he chose to destroy his foes with his formidable magic. At present he was pulling barbarians into his Golden Horns fire. “Onwards soldiers, in Celestia’s name push the scum back!” Blueblood cried in an attempt to rally the panicked Fifth Company. They neighed in approval and formed a path for the Golden Horn before counter attacking. The Golden Horn trotted to the front and began to carve a path of blood and broken bodies. Blueblood sent a scything wave of magic, cutting down the next rank. His soldiers began to utilize their own magic to kill as they faced the main horde, bullets were joined by fireballs and lightning. Force bolts tore through armor as bodies were telekinetically crushed. Burning light blinded them and made them easy targets. The Golden Horn began to make progress despite the heavy bullets and bloodlust of the foe. Blueblood stopped a line of bullets with a shield, that was another thing he didn’t like about guns. They were only useful against an opponent who didn’t have a means of stopping them. Fitting that such savages would use them. He launched the bullets back in a wave and smiled at the screams. He soon frowned as he pushed aside blood and corpses, just because he killed them doesn’t mean he should have to set hoof in the grotesque messes left by their deaths. He saw a massive armored bear charging him and raised an eyebrow before crushing its spine in an instant, its body kept coming and a burst of TK sent it tumbling well over his shoulder. A line of barbarians came at him bipedally with a mix of swords, maces, axes, and a singular gun gripped in their hooves. He gripped them and slid them aside, right into their startled allies who butchered them for their apparent betrayal. He frowned as he blocked a fireball from an enemy sorcerer, he traced its path to a glowing horn and blasted it off and was rewarded with a scream. This was getting more irritating by the second. He saw a group pegasi, pegacorns, and what appeared to be windigoes dive down towards him rather than join their brethren in the aerial combat and panicked. His Golden Horn was good but that was far too many elites to kill. Then he heard a  deep roar. He didn’t know whether or not to hope it was a dragon. He and the assaulting force looked towards the sound and saw something potentially worse: an unidentified Alicorn. His heart raced as he considered that it might be aligned with the Nords, but he fears were laid to rest when a blast of power utterly destroyed the force that was nearly upon him. He was further relieved that it hadn’t simply missed when it, possibly he, began launching a barrage of fireballs into the foe. “Ponies! Celestia sends her chosen to fight by our side this glorious day! Rejoice and redouble your efforts so that you might prove your worth in her champion's eyes!” Blueblood cried in a magically enhanced voice. His command was met by a great roar from his fellow Equestrians and they charged the more disorganised foe. Even the tanks charged crushing barbarians under their treads and blasting at a quickened pace into their tanks and infantry alike. Blueblood himself continued to kill at his own pace, let the commoners run about screaming and hollering. He would do no such peasant activity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc roared and charged into the thinned mass of flyers. He slammed hooves into their helmed skulls crushing the iron effortlessly. He heard crunching noises and suspected Silent Gale was preventing them from getting above him. This was confirmed when  he saw an unsteady flow of dead falling past him. Havoc bit and cut them at them with his wing claws. He couldn’t maintain flight but didn’t have to, he was killing at a fast enough pace to propel himself with the dead and dying. He heard the cry of a windigo and incinerated the soldiers around him in order to see the source. It was a large windigo, it flew to his height and wailed a challenge. The soldiers began to circle them in anticipation, Havoc narrowed his eyes and roared in response. They charged simultaneously. Havoc slammed into the smaller windigo with his chest and bit into its ghostly neck from above, it screamed and he felt cold. He threw it away from himself and launched himself at it. It met his open jaws with its hooves and his gums hurt where it connected, it strained to hold his jaws open and off of its chest. It took a deep breath and Havoc squeezed and impaled its neck with his wing claws. It made a strangled noise and his claws felt cold as its breath poured out of the holes in its neck, it began to fall and havoc threw it up and launched himself at it once more. His jaws closed around its chest with ease despite it feeble protests and he clamped down hard. Dark blue blood leaked out and he bit all the way through despite the burning cold, he swallowed the chunk of meat and bone as it fell to its death. The warriors around him charged and he sent a wave of crushing pressure from his horn to meet them, they made gurgles as their insides collapsed and were impaled by their broken bones. Havoc hissed as he dived lower despite the bullets flying past him, he was used to this sort of thing due to his career as a berzerker. He saw something strange charging at him and realised it was a sleipner by it quartets of hooves, it looked somewhat odd but he had seen far stranger things on his homeworld. He grinned savagely as endorphins caused his blood to race. The sleipner was fast as promised, fast enough to give him a challenge. Havoc gave an extra-strength downward flap sending a powerful gust pushing down on the foe, he noticed gold patterning on his armor. He closed his wings and entered a stoop.. The sleipner had no opportunity to dodge as Havoc bit down on him with enough force to buckle his armor. They fell quietly, Havoc making no move to exit the dive or finish off his suffocating opponent. They crashed into a group of Nords and the sleipner died on impact. Havoc finished his bite and began to kill them with his hooves. A horse took a swing at him with an axe but his tough hide stopped what little his armour failed to. Havoc swallowed his mouthful of armor and rib-cage before tearing off his head with a wing. Havoc shredded the metal of the dead around him and sent the improvised shrapnel in a cone through the enemy. He heard cries of pain as it cut into any unarmored part. Havoc roared once more before simply charging into them, any who were bipedal were knocked down, those on all fours were stomped to death as his tough hooves crushed bones and pulverised flesh. Occasionally he would lunge in with his jaws and lift and enemy into the air, shortly after they would fall again minus a chunk of themselves. Many cried out as the spikes of his armor cut into them as he charged through. He heard a neigh and the army parted before him. He heard words yelled in an alien tongue and the sounds of fighting ceased. All of it, including the Equestrian gunfire. He saw a lone soldier come before him and swiftly bow, he rose and spoke. “Monster, you fight well. Gullfaxi challenges you to a duel to decide this battle.” The soldier spoke with a thick accent. “Is this a duel to the death?” “Yah.” “I can’t accept that, however I do have a suggestion she may agree with.” “And what would thaght be monster?” “I have orders that prevent me from killing her. I propose that she can kill me but if I win not only does Equestria take the field but I keep her as a battle captive.” “I did not know Equestria did that, we will see if she agrees.” The soldier said and trotted towards the noponies land between the combatants Havoc followed, at his equivalent pace and the soldier was soon running to retake the lead.They ran on as Havoc increased the pace, he was impatient at the moment. They soon came to a space where Havoc saw Blueblood glaring at a tall mare with a golden mane. He assumed this horse to be Gullfaxi. Havoc saw a few huge stallions alongside her. Blueblood’s team had fewer horses but was entirely made up of unicorns and pegacorns, Havoc would have prefered to call them pegascorns because it sounded cooler. “Gullfaxi... haah..the monster... haah... has a different... haah... idea for the duel... haah.” The warhorse panted after having to keep up with Havoc’s massive bounds. The tall and undoubtedly beautiful mare sneered as she spoke, “I knew you gutless Equestrians wouldn’t accept a death-duel! Not even your greatest warriors have courage enough to risk it!” Havoc heard the same accent only far more feminine, he also noticed it reverberated similarly to Celestia’s. Only not as much, though her voice was beautiful. “Actually he says you can kill him, but he won’t kill you.” “What!!” Blueblood yelled. “What is the meaning of this Olaf?”Gullfaxi asked curiously. “He said that you were allowed to kill him but if he wins he won’t kill you. He wants to take you as his battle captive. Said his orders prevented him from killing you.” The warhorse replied. She frowned and a fearful look came onto her face, “I don’t like the sound of that but I’ll take it if I choose the terms.” “Agreed.” Havoc said. Blueblood looked on curiously. “No magic and if you lose and live I take you prisoner.” “Sounds fair.” “Have you a weapon of choice?” “My body is my only weapon as yet, it should serve me well enough here.” “Suit yourself.” Gullfaxi said before drawing an enormous, gold plated, greatsword of strange glittering metal. “What are you doing?” She asked as Havoc reared up and slid off his armor. “I’m trying to give you an advantage. I eat gems, metal, and meat alike with ease you should know. I promise not to eat your pretty sword and armor if you promise not to aim for my genitals or anus.” “Agreed.” She said with a small frown. Her soldiers backed off and formed a semicircle eight meters (or legs in Equestrian measurements) away. A few hollered for the Equestrian side to take their places and the regulars began to gather at a similar distance, the bolder ones moving right beside the Nord Ponies with no consequence besides a cheerful pat on the back. They were looking forward to this. Blueblood and his elite team moved their distance but did not cheer, opting to glare at the two instead. Havoc kicked his bloodstained armor towards the Nord Ponies who stopped it with their armored hooves and cheered louder. Gullfaxi moved three legs away and allowed him to do the same before asking him a final question, “What do you intend to do with me if you do win?” “Fly back to Canterlot with you on my back. Maybe when we get there we can some fun of a different sort! It's what you expect isn’t it? I saw the fear in your eyes, I promise to be gentle and not wreck you if we do.” She narrowed her eyes and they shared a moment of silence. Two opposites stared into each others eyes threateningly. On one side the relatively small yet strong and agile mare dressed in shining armor of gleaming mithral with gold patterns in it gleaming brightly in the dim  sunlight despite numerous bloodstains. Her greatsword gripped between her flexible mithral shod hooves and her golden hair flowing freely. On the other a sharp toothed giant stood naked, his fur matted with blood that had leaked into his damaged armor. The bone white hairs of his mane and tail waved to the side and his blood soaked wings were outstretched, threateningly displaying dripping claws. He smiled widely revealing teeth dripping red with thin lines of blue cutting through the blood. His dragon-like red eyes slightly glowed with his pleasure. Gullfaxi charged swinging her sword in a deadly uppercut. Havoc took a step back and slammed his left hoof onto the edge of the blade. The blade was pushed down and his right hoof descended towards her head and she leaped back. She charged again swinging her sword left and once more he pushed it down, this time with a hind hoof. She pulled back before he could trap her sword and leaped at him, making a shining arc overhead. Havoc allowed the blow to connect and the sword embedded itself into his shoulder as he stood on his hind legs. He grunted and smiled as her hind legs flailed before shoving her away from him, she landed on her back. He leaped at her intending to pin her down and prevent escape. She rolled but only got half away because his right wing slammed into the churned up dirt beside her. It dragged inward, tearing up the soil and pulling her towards his now sideways bulk. He grabbed her in a hug and rose to his hind legs with the aid of his wings. He crushed her against himself, hoping her armor would hold better than her body. She unleashed one scream before she ran out of air. He held her tight despite her vicious kicking. he smiled as she grew weaker, her kicks losing strength. Eventually she stopped and her eyes rolled back into her head, she twitched weakly. He crouched low and released her and she sucked in a deep breath with a gasp. He placed a hoof on her chest plate and applied light pressure. “Do you yield Gullfaxi?” Havoc asked softly with a toothy smile. She shook her head to say no and he pressed down hard, depriving her of air until she was nearly passed out before letting up on the pressure again. Once more she took in a great gasp of air but this time she coughed immediately after. “Do you yield Gullfaxi?” Again she shook her head and again he suffocated her. She coughed more violently. “Do you yield Gullfaxi?” Still calm and still smiling as he asked her, knowing her answer. Despite her pain she shook her head. Despite her pain Havoc suffocated her and his smile grew, he remembered when something similar had been done to him in his youth. Only he never got a chance to surrender, they were simply suffocating him for fun. He never forgot of their laughter as they tortured him, and from that day forward he’d had trouble breathing due  to the damage done to his ribs and sternum. Chances were that she would recover fully and be perfectly fine due to the fact that she was a magical talking horse. “Heh heh, go ahead fight. I can do this for a very long time, until I have to stop to eat. And I was just eating your soldiers. This is rather fun for me you see. This was done to me when I was only seven years old, only they weren’t trying to force me to surrender. They just hurt me for fun, I couldn’t magically heal like you can either.That damage was near permanent for me. Aaaaaaahhh, I still remember how every breath I took hurt for years after that event.” He said after giving her more air, “How about this: if you shake your head that means you still refuse yield, if you nod then you finally submit.” “Sounds good to me.” She wheezed before shaking her head. Havoc suffocated her again. It went on like this four more times before somepony stepped up. “Stop! Gullfaxi please surrender! This is evil what he’s doing to you! He’ll not stop ‘till you surrender or fall unconscious and we can’t stand to see you suffer like this!” A random Nord pony cried out. He was soon echoed by every equine in sight, except for her elite who looked on sadly. Blueblood and his team also neglected to call for her surrender, opting to watch in silence, Blueblood smiling cruelly at her pain. They called out like this through five more pushes until she finally nodded, breathless from successions of pushes. Havoc pulled her to her his wings and roared in victory. “Well done Gullfaxi! I didn’t think you’d last as long as you did, why I’d almost say you’re the real winner here! If we make babies I hope they’re at least as determined as you are.” He said, afterwards he maneuvered her onto his back using magic. Havoc’s back to him and he stopped it with a hoof. The enemy army began murmuring in confusion, they had rarely lost battles under Gullfaxi’s leadership but they had never lost Gullfaxi herself. They didn’t know if they should stay and follow Havoc or return to their homeland. Eventually a fifth remained, the others having turned tail and run back to Scandineighvia. They prostrated themselves before Havoc and awaited his orders. The fifth that remained was more than twice Blueblood’s original garrison.  “Well done whomever you are.” Blueblood congratulated him. “Thank you Blueblood. I am Havoc, chosen champion of the royal sisters. I saw you lead that charge. Good work I must say, especially for a mortal.” Havoc said while looking for Silent Gale. Silent Gale from above and nuzzled his leg to let him know he was beside him. Havoc stroked his head with a mostly dry hoof, he couldn’t feel much through the helmet but smiled all the same. “I expect we’ll be putting them all in jail for attacking Equestria?” Blueblood asked confidently. “Naw, I’ve always wanted my own army. They’ll do.” “What!? But you- The laws- There’s a system in place, rules to uphold!” “Do you really think your laws or rules apply to me?” Blueblood looked at him carefully. He was terrifying. “How do I know you’re really Chosen Champion? I received no message heralding your arrival.” “That’s because I’m faster than any messenger pony, thus I tend to arrive before anyone at my destination is aware of my coming. A messenger should be arriving in a few hours, it’s a long flight from Canterlot to here as you can guess.” “It appears I’ll have to take your word, I assume you’ll be here until then?” “I was ordered to support you in this battle and to capture Gullfaxi if she was encountered. So I am going to take my army and head back to Canterlot. You should know that this is partly for your protection.” “What do you mean?” “You remember how you treated Rarity that time at the Grand Galloping Gala? I do, I saw much of it.” “Yes, that dreadful Element of Generosity. What about the cake flinging wretch?” “You might say I’m rather fond of her... You might soon know that I can punch you in the face three times. I have permission to use my full strength when doing so.” “You jest!!” “You keep telling yourself that. I don’t want you lose sleep over it. Despite the fact that you remind me of a noble, who in my thirteenth year of life had me whipped nearly to death for getting hit by his transport.” Havoc said.He grasped his army in his TK. He flexed his wings and grabbed his armor in his TK. He leaped into the air and began flying back to Canterlot. He pulled everything in his TK with him, Silent Gale took up vigil on Gullfaxi. “‘He can’t be serious, my aunt would never allow such a thing!” “Sir if I may be frank”, one of his highly trained pegacorns began, “ I’m rather certain that if he did decide to do that only the princesses themselves could stop him. You saw what he did out there.” Blueblood frowned nervously. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 8:41 A.M. 10 days 7 hours 43 minutes since savior spell Location: Canterlot Castle, balcony/runway … Havoc was tired, he’d flown to the battle, won it, taken the princess’s desired captive, and flown back with a new army to his name. He was not in the mood to argue with a panicked guard. Despite having flown ahead of his army the guard was having trouble believing he just got himself an army of Nord ponies. “Sir I accomplished my task, it just happened to net me an army now move so I can put them down.” “But the Nord ponies have never done this before!” “Yes and I doubt that someone just beat one of their high commanders in single combat after killing a few hundred soldiers in their army, now move or I’ll drop that big one on you.” Havoc said while pointing at a tall horse. “Fine, but it’ll be on you if they get bored and wreck the place.” “I doubt they would do that. Now move.” The guard flew back into the castle and Havoc began setting his army on the balcony in small groups. They rushed in to make room for their comrades. It took a full eleven minutes to get his army into the castle in such a manner. Once they were all in they began stretching and yawning, they were tired from a day of fighting and the flight had made them drowsier. Havoc needed them awake however and they did as he wished. Havoc led his procession all the way to the throne room, currently both sisters were having an argument. This stopped when Havoc walked in with an army of sleepy Nord ponies. Havoc approached the twin thrones and bowed between them, this woke up Gullfaxi who had been having a rather pleasant dream about crushing skulls. She almost freaked when she saw the princess looking down at her, one with curiosity the other a creepy smile. She then gripped Havoc for protection from the white one, she almost jumped off when she remembered who she was holding but decided that the monster who liked crushing her chest was better than whatever his mistress had planned. “Gullfaxi! How nice to see you! I’ve been meaning to acquire you for some time now, you see we don’t know what you are or why you’ve been alive for so long. I see they did not exaggerate your beauty, perhaps I’ll do some personal testing before we start the official ones.” Celestia said, her eyes boring into Gullfaxi. “Please don’t let her take me!!” Gullfaxi cried and gripped Havoc more tightly. “Hmm, well I do have permission to not do things that I don’t want to. It was in the verbal agreement.” Havoc said, still bowed. “Rise Havoc.” Luna said. “Why don’t you just give her here, she’ll be in good hooves as you can see.” Celestia said while looking him right in the eyes. Gullfaxi did not relax her grip, “Listen, as my captor you are honor bound to protect me. You can trade me for something of equal value, you can make me perform demeaning tasks, you can even use me if you so desire but you have to protect me and you can’t just share me! It would break the code and you wouldn’t do that! you stripped off your armor in an attempt to make the fight fair, you didn’t fly though that wouldn’t have broken the rules, you didn’t use magic, you let me make three attempts before attacking yourself, on the third attempt you let me impale you, and you allowed me to yield on my terms! You tortured me to do it, but you let me make the decision! You adhere to the code, in fact you go beyond what the code demands! You still have my sword sticking out of you!” She was right, it was still stuck in his shoulder waiting to be pulled out. Havoc thought for a moment and realised she was right, he did adhere to a code of sorts. At least on this world. “She’s right Celestia. According to the code, I can’t give her to you. Also if you tried to take her I’d be forced to fight you. You would have to fight me one on one, in the event that I won and you had nothing of equal value I would be able to claim you as battle captive also.” “Hah! You tell her scary giant!” Gullfaxi cheered and pointed a hoof at Celestia. Who was rather annoyed at this sudden turn of events. “You’re going to cite the code of honor?” She said in a somewhat peeved voice. “Apparently so.” “You who broke nearly every code while on your homeworld are going to spout rules of honorable conduct to me?” “That was then, you know bad the situation on my world is. There is no code there, only pain. And excessive rape.” “Hmmm, well I can’t stop you since we made an agreement. But I can bribe you.” “With what?” She hopped off of her throne and trotted over Havoc. Gullfaxi moved as far from her as she could while maintaining her grip on Havoc. Celestia gestured with a hoof for Havoc to lower his head to whisper range. He did as requested and she grabbed his head and began whispering into his ear. His face went from curious to disgusted to red. “Really? That’s how that works?” “That right.” “Are you sure it would even fit? I mean look at me and look at you, there is an obvious size difference.” “So?” “And you want to include her?” “Yes!” “Just for this alone time with her?” “Correct!” “Remember, code of honor! Think with your dick later on, you have to protect me!” Gullfaxi said nervously. Havoc grimaced, “She’s right princess, while I’d love to... Really, really, really love too... Something about this Code of which she speaks is compelling. I must... Decline... Oh it hurts my brain just to think that!” He moaned. “I am very disappointed Havoc, none for you tonight.” Celestia said with a frown. “I knew that would happen before I even said what I did... “ Havoc said sadly. “Luna can I sleep with you tonight?” He asked pleadingly. “Or rather can we sleep with you tonight?” “I don’t usually sleep at night, you know this. But I guess you can use the chamber seeing as your room’s still under construction.” “Thanks.” Said Havoc. “Hooray!” cried Gullfaxi simultaneously. “Will you let go of me now?” Havoc asked her. “No.” Gullfaxi said resolutely. “Havoc, before you and ‘your’ battle captive continue this argument, would you mind pulling out that sword? It’s starting to disturb my finer sensibilities. And when thats done go take a bath. You reek of alcohol, whatever else was in that rainbow dynamite, sweat, blood, and though it’s faint the stench of sex lingers on you. Also you’re fur is matted with blood and I can still see the glow-markings on your chest despite the blood. You’re a walking health hazard. And Gullfaxi you’re touching him, that means you need to wash off too.” “But what about my Nord Pony army?” Havoc asked. “I’ll get them settled in, you go get cleaned up. Here.” She said, as she walked past him she gave him a scroll and a quill in an ink pot. “But I don’t know how to write, I barely know how to read.” “Just draw the neon symbols on the scroll. If you can’t, get a servant to do it or maybe your ‘battle captive’. From what I know she’s fairly well educated.” “You don’t know how to write?! You can barely read?!” Gullfaxi said in shock. “I never said I was Equestrian, I just work for three. Where I’m from you got basic instruction on what the letters of the alphabet looked like, they didn’t bother with teaching us to make them. Also I can draw pretty well.” “All you can do is read and draw?!” “Hey drawing is considered an important skill where I’m from!” “Oh I almost feel bad for you, in fact I do pity you! Didn’t your parents make sure you were educated?” “What parents? I’ve been taking care of myself since six. Mom wasn’t rich so neglect on her part, dad wasn’t around.” “That’s pretty sad.” “Well considering that, like most humans on my world, I was born of rape that’s to be expected. If you have power you only end up raped if things go really badly.” “...” “I got back at my dad though. For doing that to my mom and bringing me into my painful existence I killed him the day after I found out who he was. Before Equestria my life sucked. I was dying from disease, and leukemia. My blood was loaded with rust and pollution. My life revolved around killing via suicidal tactics, I should have died in over half of the countless fights I’ve been in yet due to my freakish resilience and berzerker nature I didn’t. So I owe my now long life to the princesses.” “That... Is the most depressing life story I have ever heard...” “I haven’t told you my life story. If you think that’s bad then I won’t risk describing it in greater detail. Now help me write this stuff, I don’t understand half of it. Like what’s this one?” He asked while pointing to the word ‘but’. “That’s but.” “Like the rear end?” “No like ‘but mom’ or ‘but don’t forget’.” “Oh.” Havoc pulled the sword out with a slight grunt and sent it to one of the nearby Nord ponies, who took it with his hooves reverently. He wandered into the garden with his captive and sat down next to a pond. They copied down the numerous messages written on his chest. Gullfaxi would have been less cooperative but he hadn’t even threatened to hurt her and he was all that stood between her and Celestia, so she cozied up rather quickly. Besides he adhered to the code with little effort and as such so must she. Battle captives, if treated well were to respond in kind. In about three minutes they finished copying the graffiti onto the scroll. They went back to the throne room and Havoc faced Celestia. “Celestia, while we’re not on good terms right now could you direct me to the washroom?” She looked thoughtfully, “I’ll just show you, I can take an unscheduled break once in awhile.” She rose from her throne and flapped down to Havoc’s level. She cantered in a direction Havoc had yet to go. The path seemed to indicate their destination because he saw images of waves and lakes, waterfalls and rivers. When they arrived Havoc saw a massive raised gate, the sharp points of the steel bars stuck down through the top of the doorway. He didn’t need to lower his head to get his horn through, so tall was the gateway. Havoc suspected it was designed to be pegasus friendly.They entered and the room was rather empty, sealed tiles interrupted by grates covered the floor, odd metal protrusions extended short distances from the ceiling and the walls, benches extended from various places along the walls as well. Some benches had washing supplies such as washcloths and bar soap, others were empty and looked padded. There was a door to another room where havoc saw towels, like the washroom it was lit by small wide domes of glass that had an internal white glow. Celestia’s horn glowed blue and Havoc saw an identical glow appear around several of the metal protrusions, handles he realised. They were well maintained so they made no noise when Celestia turned them. The only way they knew they had been activated was the altered position of the flat semicircle that extended from the sides of the smallish cylinders of metal and the  water that sprayed at them from above and to the side. Havoc froze up remembering the burns he had gotten from a trap built like this, the water was hot enough to burn and steam had come from the vents along the walls. He had almost screamed but knew that that would just let it into his mouth and the burns would extend to his insides as well. The pain of his armor searing into his flesh was something he had never forgotten the despite the full year that had passed. Now however he felt something poke his side and unfroze to look at Gullfaxi. She then pointed to an alarmed looking Celestia. “Silent Gale told me you froze up when you entered the club as well, are you always going to panic like that whenever something reminds you of home?” Celestia said with concern. “I didn’t panic when I saw Blueblood.” He replied. “What did he remind you of?” “A noble that had me whipped until I almost died because I couldn’t get out of his transports way fast enough, so I got dirt and blood smeared on it when it hit me.” “Oh... Right. That’s who he reminded you of.” “It wasn’t so bad in the end. When I went to sign up when I reached the legal age a soldier who had watched remembered me. I got through more quickly and when I asked why he said that the fact that I had survived that whole incident said I was going to be a credit to the army.” “Havoc? With all due respect you scare me.” Gullfaxi said. “Then why don’t you come here where it’s safe?” Celestia asked with a smirk. “I know better.” “I know that look, I’ve seen it too many times to not recognize the lust in your eyes. At least Havoc here”, she said with a pat to his back, “Didn’t look at me like that when he first saw me. He might have taunted me with it but I could tell it wasn’t an actual threat by his tone and the look in his eyes.” “Well aren’t you gonna come down from there?” “No.” “How’re you going to get clean?” “I’ve got room to stand.” “What about Havoc?” “I’ll get his back for him.” “That would be helpful. I’m getting a headache from you two and I don’t trust my magic right now.” Havoc interrupted the conversation. “This arguing gives you a headache?” Celestia asked. “Yes. In fact it reminds me of two girls I would run with in my adolescent days, always fighting over possessions.” “What kinds of ‘possessions’?”” Celestia asked teasingly. “Boys, guns, territory. I don’t get the purpose, they were sisters so they had to split everything doing it that way.” “Did they not fight over you?” “You know how that ended.” “I don’t.” Said Gullfaxi. “They were arguing over mating rights one day when they realised that they’d never covered who ‘got’ me. When they stopped hitting each other they rushed over to me and asked me to choose. I told them that we were all too young for this so neither of them.” “Wow, were they pretty?” “Yes, but you’d be surprised at how many people are pretty where I’m from. The attractiveness somewhat covers up the fact that they’re psychotic and violent.” “What effect did your words have?” “It somehow brought them together. From that day forth they didn’t argue so much and they often gave me strange looks simultaneously. “ “Anything else?” “Well they followed me into the army. In fact they seemed to spend much more time around me after that, always going with me when I was exploring, joining me at random on patrol, coming with me when I went to go release bodily waste. Always watching me. Somewhat creepy but I didn’t mind the extra security.” “I think I want to get to washing before this gets even weirder.” “Okay.” Havoc said and clopped over to a bench and laid on his belly. “Got a washcloth, bath brush, and a few bottles of shampoo.” Gullfaxi said after a moments passing. “K.” Havoc said before getting up and walking near the middle of the room. He felt something scrubbing along his spine. He released a small sigh as it worked up his neck and closed his eyes. “Can we get out of this water? It’s preventing me from working up a lather.” Gullfaxi said with some annoyance. Havoc walked until he no longer felt the water pouring down on him. He felt the scrubbing once more. It moved along his back, neck, and soon along his wings. Wait a moment wings? Havoc opened his eyes to see a princess, a pony, and a horse working on him. Silent Gale he got, always helping. Gullfaxi he got, helping if only to save her own... Parts. Celestia? “You get more ponies with sugar than stinging nettle.” She answered his questioning look. He tilted his head in acceptance, he understood despite not knowing what stinging nettle was. He now knew what the warbeasts felt like when they were being bathed. He didn’t understand why they would struggle as they did. It felt nice to get the blood out of his hair. He smiled when he couldn't keep his eyes open from all the foam. He felt something poking at his hind leg and followed the poking into a torrent. The water moving through his fur felt wonderful as did the continued scrubbing. He felt at ease and wondered if nobles did this for their children, he knew most parents didn’t once they hit five. “Would you lift your tail?” He heard Celestia say. “Why?” “So I can wash your butt.” “I’m not comfortable with that.” “Can you get it yourself?” He thought about it, “Probably not.” “Then get that tail up.” She said, and Havoc lifted it. He felt the cloth wiping it and quelled the natural panic. “When was the last time you cleaned this part? It smells like... brimstone and molten glass.” “Just before I was called to Equestria. It smells like that because of what I did in the bathroom a few days ago, why’s it called that anyway?” “Traditionally it would be equipped to handle all waste expulsion and body cleansing, specialization however allows it to cater to fewer needs on a larger scale. The name however stuck despite no actual bathing going on.” “What’s a bath?” “A large pool designed for washing yourself and others.” “You made it sound like an action.” “Oh that bath! Well it’s somewhat like the washes your people practiced only rather than taking water from a source and pouring it on you you’re mostly immersed in a pool of it.” Celestia said, Gullfaxi would have said something but she knew better than to waste time and risk more depressing stories about Havoc’s home. After a few more moments of washing Havoc heard an announcement, “All done!” He opened his eyes to look himself over. His coat shined in the water. He slanted himself so that Gullfaxi would slide off. She screamed she did and Havoc quickly turned and lifted her with his hooves. “Why?!” She screamed at him, he really was starting to wonder why she didn’t act more like slaves where he was from. More subdued, silent unless asked to speak. “I want to try washing the horsey.” He said in answer. “You what?” She said flatly. “I want to wash you or help wash you.” “You have experience in this?” “With creatures far more intimidating than you, now I’m going to set you down now. I’m also going to cover you with my soggy wings.” He set her down and put his slightly soggy wings over and around her. He knew that most women liked privacy when dressing or undressing where he was from and applied this knowledge here. He knew this from painful experience. He had walked in on some women while they were washing and attempted to join them and had been assaulted by them. His testicles had ached for days after. He always made sure women were mostly dressed when he saw them from that day forth, admittedly it had contributed to his previous virginity. A mortal fear of losing your reproductive organs and getting a vicious beating on top of that will do that to you. “I’m done.” He heard after what seemed like forever. While she had been removing her armor Celestia had already started bathing and Havoc had watched. Out of confusion, he figured she washed regularly and didn’t need this. He furled his wings and was somewhat surprised to see she was beige under her armor. He grabbed the armor with TK and moved it out of the water. He didn’t know about the shiny metal it was mostly made of but he knew that most metals got rusty when exposed to water. He’d seen the slaves working hard to oil and scrape off rust from ships and vehicles after rain and before going into moist environments. Havoc struggled to grasp the cloth with his hoof before deciding to apply both to wrap it around his right hoof. He then looked at a closed bottle of shampoo and frowned, how did earth ponies get clean? He grasped it with TK and slid the side of a tooth under the latch and gently pulled up. Havoc squeezed the midsection until pale blue goo came out. He observed the small amount before moving the tube over Gullfaxi, who was standing relaxed with her eyes closed. He squeezed a large serving onto her back and began rubbing it into her fur, his wings raised to block the water. He grabbed the brush after setting down what he assumed to be shampoo. He began to brush after rubbing with the cloth in order to get the shampoo into her fur. She sighed and began to lean into it when he applied the cloth then brush to her neck and continued doing so when he moved up to her head. He went towards her mouth and her lips closed tightly, allowing him to pass over them without incident. He continued down her body to her forelegs, then belly, then between her thighs. He expected flinching but she remained calm even as he lifted her tail to get her anus. After getting the shampoo into her tail he furled his wings and let the water hit her. He held the brush into the stream until the shampoo was gone. He began to brush her to help the water do its job and he heard a moan. It came from two sources. The first being Gullfaxi the second being Celestia who was watching Gullfaxi, Havoc suspected only one was sexual but he hadn’t heard many good moans in his life that were. Most good moans he heard when he massaged the war and draft beasts, the others applied to mutated descendants of ferals. All others before Equestria were the result of pain and drug abuse. When he told her he was finished she opened her eyes and smiled. “Just like my bathing mares.” She said with a distant look and Celestia’s mouth opened slightly. “You too?!” She blurted in shock. “Y- Wha!” Gullfaxi cried before leaping towards Havoc lap, where she sat for a moment before realising where she was and moving so she was no longer pressing against the slight opening where his phallus would emerge. It was tightly sealed and was concealed by fur, the shape was that of a straight line or a lowercase L . It was  aligned to have its ends facing the towards and away from the front and back of his body. Havoc had felt it when Celestia had washed between his legs. “Sorry...” Gullfaxi said somewhat awkwardly. Silent Gale had been watching her carefully due to her being so close to Havoc. Celestia started giggling when she saw where she had jumped. “Why?” He asked her, “Shouldn’t I want you to touch my crotch?” He was honestly confused about her apology. Celestia laughed harder, falling to the tiles and getting foam all over the tiling. Gullfaxi looked at him with a mouth slightly agape before speaking, “Never mind.” She shook her head afterwards. Havoc examined Silent Gale, he was magnificent even without his armor. A short, straight, golden mane sat in a mohawk of sorts that ran from his head to the base of his neck. Muscles rippled with every movement, and he saw the water ran from his feathers without pause. He noticed Havoc’s gaze and stretched them out before opening his mouth and pointing to his extended tongue. Havoc was confused until he started pointing from his wings to his tongue, Havoc understood the message: Lick your wings to get them like that. “Gonna help me too?” Celestia asked after regaining her breath. Havoc shrugged a wing before clopping over and applying the brush with his TK. He might have done more but Gullfaxi was beneath him. “Ahh, it feels so much better when somepony else does don’t you agree?” Celestia asked. Havoc nodded in agreement. When they all finished, except Silent Gale who just didn’t want to get his armor wet while he helped, they went into the other room. They grabbed towels and began drying off. Rather they grabbed towels and dried each other off. They all dried Havoc, Havoc dried Gullfaxi, Silent Gale and Havoc dried Celestia, and Havoc dried Silent Gale. Then Celestia and Silent Gale began to lick their wings, Havoc watched raptly for every swipe of the tongue. He noticed their saliva was rather shiny. They moved their tongues in a specific way, always o following and rarely adjusting their feathers directions. He soon began to do something similar and felt comfort as his body almost seemed to be on autopilot, instinct guiding his motions. When he finished he noticed Gullfaxi looking down with a redness to her cheeks. “Why do you blush?” He asked her. “Isn’t that something you do in private?” She asked while still looking down. He looked to Celestia and Silent Gale, Silent Gale nodded. “It depends on the company, if you’re among friends or fellow soldiers it should be fine. But among total strangers... Well, it’s also okay if you’re in a bath house or group shower.” She said. “So sort of? I think it generally depends on the setting right?” “Right. Though you don’t do it for others unless you’re relatives, relationship, or the one on the receiving end is unable to do it on their own.” Celestia confirmed. “See it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m okay with you watching.” “As am I.” Celestia said. Gullfaxi didn’t see Silent Gale’s nod because her head was down, but it was there. Havoc lifted her onto his back with TK. He looked out and noticed the sprinklers were off. He walked outside and the group headed towards the throne. “So now that that’s over we still have a lot of time, what next?” Havoc asked. “I will be heading back to work thank you.” Celestia said. “I’m with you.” Gullfaxi said and Silent Gale nodded in agreement. Gullfaxi was armored once more after drying it off. It gleamed even more after Havoc had given the exterior and joints a good licking. “What of the Elements?” Havoc asked. “I sent them home this morning.” “To Ponyville after I see to my troops and Luna!” Havoc said with a shake of his mane. “But before that how do you get your mane and tail like that Celestia?” “It’s an alicorn thing: simply focus a little energy into your mane and release your grasp. It will take care of itself after that.” Havoc followed her instructions. He soon felt a warmth and his mane and tail felt different. He looked and they looked almost ghostly, the mane rose like fire and mist as his tail flowed similarly without lifting as much. He shook his head and it moved from side to side with a faint moan. He repeated the action more strongly and it rose it in volume. He looked at his tail as he could see it better and saw darkness flickered in spots, traveling through it like sparks in smoke. “I wonder what would happen if I flew...” He said, mystified by his hair. They made their way to the throne room and Havoc saw a nord pony waiting by the first step to the throne. He bowed his head briefly before speaking, “Lady Luna has commanded me to bring you to her.” Havoc nodded, “Bye Celestia, and thanks for the tip.” She merely smiled in response. The three followed the horse through the halls to a different section of the castle. This one was a large open space with depictions of warriors of Equestrian history and before on great banners. The room was occupied by Nord ponies who all turned at Havoc’s entrance. He noticed that their eyes were on his mane and tail now, he realised the guide was doing the same before but his helmet had helped to mask it more. They made a path and at the end Havoc saw a marvelous sight. Luna was sitting on a pile of furs, surrounded by various treasures. Gold, gems, and various metal works formed a shrine, or horde around her. He walked towards her and he noticed a smile as a few mares kept trying to bedeck her in valuables. “Really I don’t need another necklace miss. Stop trying to put that saddle on me! No more cloaks or capes.” He heard as he came nearer. He saw the ones nearest to him bowed their heads as he passed. Luna noticed this despite a mare affix an odd antlered crown to her head and managed to turn to face him. The mares moved aside with deep curtsies. “Ahh Havoc! You didn’t tell me you brought their loot with them!” “They must have grabbed it while I was grabbing them.” "You didn't notice the excess weight?" “No. Besides these warriors are much larger than Equestrian ponies and surely you’ve seen their armor? It is not hard to see why the Equestrian National Guard had so much trouble with them.” Havoc replied and Nord ponies straighten up a little at the praise. “Yes, well soon after I brought them here and began to inform them of the rules and their living arrangements they brought all this treasure up here. Then they made this seat for me. Then they surrounded me with all this treasure, and very recently these mares have been trying to dress me. When I asked what they were doing they told me they were trying to enhance my already great beauty for their lord, care to explain?” “Would one of you tell her because I don’t know why.” Havoc said as he turned his head to face the crowd. A formidable looking pony stallion stepped forward at the urging of those around him. He looked nervous but straightened up as he prepared to speak. “We noticed this goddess before us and realised she must be yours Jarl. The unicorns felt your strength and informed the rest of us. We see how much mightier you are than these princesses and know that surely you shall be taking over soon. The other nations would crumble before you, even our beloved homeland of Scandineighvia. We hunger for the conquest as our home deserves a ruler as powerful as you! I was at the front when you bested Gullfaxi, I saw you take the blade into your own body to trap it when you could have stopped it with your teeth, your hooves, or simply moved aside. No, you didn’t move or block! You took the blade and you defeated her with it piercing your body. You humble us with your presence Jarl.” He said. His voice was surprisingly smooth and the accent was soft. “See Luna. They simply want to offer you to me because they admire me so. That’s a real compliment where I’m from to both you and I, it seems the same is true of them.” “Well tell them I'm not an offering!” Luna said having gained ruddy cheeks. “But your sister keeps trying to do the same thing basically. Only she does it differently, like she says we’re really compatible.” “Really? What did she say made us so compatible that you came to this conclusion?” “She said that if you were testing me you would be sleeping with me and that I was one of the few who was not put off by your past. She also said that though you’re too small now that you were growing all the time, hey what is your full size anyway?” “You remember Nightmare Moon?” “Yes.” “That size.” “Cool.” “Well would you mind staying nearby so that they cease trying to make an offering out of me? They seem to avoid getting too close to you.” “Sure, I was going to come check on them anyway. Your reflection looks nice on all this shiny treasure.” “Thank you.” She said. Havoc settled down next to her and looked over the army. His army the alpha male in him reminded him. He smiled at the thought, this was a very powerful army, with some Equestrian additions to their gear they would be almost unstoppable. “Hey Luna?” He asked. “Yes Havoc?” She asked patiently. “You think we could just add to their gear rather than trading it out?” “It’s your army, you make the decision.” “Cool.” “Now Nord warriors, as members of Equestria you will be subject to a different set of rules than in Scandineighvia. You may all understand the spoken language but the written one will appears in many places so it’s important that you learn it. For that tutors and linguists will be hired and I expect you to attend the classes. Havoc may be joining you but don’t expect it, he has an incredibly busy schedule. Once you have learned the language fully you will learn the laws, if you wish to learn the geography any guard will point you to the library. Unless Twilight Sparkle is here, in which case you won’t need to visit the library because the mare will gladly tell you all you want to know and more. You will be shown to your quarters in three minutes by castle staff, there are maps set up throughout the castle to let you know where you are. These will be more useful once you have a grasp of written Equestrian, once you know the locations of your rooms you will be shown to the kitchens and training fields. If anypony tries to command you or panics calmly inform them that you answer to the chosen champion, and those  above him. Those above him are my sister Celestia and I Luna. Also on occasion Twilight Sparkle. That is all.” “Was that the whole thing?” Havoc asked as attendants entered the room. “No you caught the end of it. I was just answering questions.” Luna answered and began taking off the jewelry.  “Why don’t you keep it on? We could play a quick prank on your sister. Though it won’t make up for it, I’ve been meaning to get back at her for when I first met her.” “I see... I’ll give a shot.” “Why would you waste ammunition like that and how would you shoot it?” “It means to make an attempt Havoc, it seem I keep forgetting you’re not from here and wouldn’t understand most idioms.” “What’s an idiom?” “Never mind that. Let’s get to Celestia.” “Can we not prank the scary alicorn?” Gullfaxi asked from Havoc’s back. “In the name of vengeance and hilarity we must, besides we can see my manticore soon enough. The later I see him the more appreciative he’ll be, I don’t think he likes me very much.” Havoc responded. They began walking Luna taking the lead, Havoc noticed the mares giving him odd smiles. They less than a minute at Havoc’s pace. Celestia’s eyes shot towards them as did the eyes of the gryphons sitting near the thrones on cushions of Equestrian make Havoc noticed armor somewhat similar to that of the Equestrian Royal Guard. He saw plumage decorated the helmets beside the mohawk, which was itself banded silver and red in color. He noticed pale robes with silver decoration on the edges was worn over their armor. Havoc saw a few had what looked like wreaths on their heads, the wreaths were a blue metal. “Ah yes, Havoc I was about to send for you. I want you to meet Damocles, champion and diplomat of Agesilaus the second.” “Hello legate, as the princess says I am known as Havoc.” He said as he began to walk up to the mildly nervous ambassador. “Greetings Havoc. Lovely miss, might you be princess Luna?” Damocles asked. “I am she. You must excuse my appearance, the Nords made a small mistake.” She answered. “Nords?” Damocles said in confusion. “Yes, there was an incursion recently and Havoc claimed a chunk of the army.” She said in reply. Damocles looked at Havoc, “What do you mean by that?” He said and looked at Gullfaxi. “You may have heard of me, I am jarl Gullfaxi. Rather former jarl since Havoc defeated me.” She said with a look from Havoc. “I have heard of you! The tales speak truthfully of your beauty, how did a warrior of such calibre lose to him?” Damocles asked and pointed at Havoc. “It was rather easy for him, I was in the midst of winning a battle against an Equestrian army when he flew in from above and began massacring my soldiers. He landed and began to trample them to death and I challenged him to prevent more deaths in my army.” Gullfaxi said as they came closer still. “I’ll bet he used powerful magic.” Damocles said with a smile as Havoc continued to come closer. “No, that would have broken the rules we agreed upon. He didn’t even wear his armor or fly when he fought me. He blocked me a few times before letting me cleave into him as deeply as I could, which wasn’t much admittedly. After that he just grabbed me and crushed me until I yielded.” Gullfaxi said moments before they stopped. “With a sword sticking out of him?” Damocles asked looking up at Havoc. “Yes with a sword sticking out of him. If you’d come earlier you’d have seen that he flew all the way back here and carried a chunk of my army with him with that sword sticking out of him. He only removed it when Luna asked him to.” Gullfaxi finished. “I... see.” “Now then I was just about to tell him about that manticore of yours, would you do the honor? Celestia asked. “Ah, yes the manticore. I was just walking through the Everfree, following the scent of ponies, apples, and such when I heard a growl. I had  rarely heard such sound so I was quite startled. I turn to my left and I see a massive golden furred manticore. I charge at it of course but it smacks me aside, right through a tree. So I got up and looked at the trunk, decided it would be good and charged again. And moved out of the way when it tried to claw me and shoved the tree trunk first into his eye!” Havoc said with a laugh. “Why did you not use magic or fly away?” Damocles asked. “That wouldn’t be as fun. So after I stab it he smashes my tree, who quickly I named Lance, in two. I drop to the ground and he looks rather angry. So I swing Lance’s leafy end at him for no reason and he tears poor Lance’s branches off. He tries to crush me but I run up his arm and smack the blunt end into his eye and drive the stump, who I named Bleed, in deeper. He tears another chunk out of Lance, he’s a tough tree so he’ll be fine, and starts whimpering and bawling. So I go ahead and beat on my chest”, Havoc gave his chest a thump, “and roar at him loudly. He starts to retreat but I call him back with a sound I learned as a child and he comes whimpering back. I start rubbing his jaw to calm him down and eventually work my way up to his eye. I rip Bleed out with my hooves and clean off the blood a it and ride him to the nearest town. a veterinarian took care of him and that’s that.” “Exactly how did you clean off this blood? I noticed you didn’t mention that. Also why were you in the forest to begin with?” Damocles asked with some hesitation. “I cleaned it off with my tongue,I was rather hungry since I hadn’t eaten since I woke up. And I don’t know why I was out there anymore than you do.” “So you ate the blood of the manticore, and why you were in the forest to begin with?” Damocles asked incredulously. “Just woke up in the forest surrounded by ash and burnt wood.” Havoc answered. “Thank you Havoc, and that is how he came into my service Damocles. Now are you certain certain Boreas and Equestria cannot come to a peaceful agreement?” Celestia asked. “I regret to say, yes. We will have no alliances with prey. We hunted the equines long ago and we shall do so again. It saddens me to be the bearer of bad news.” He said. “Just as it pains me to order Havoc to conquer you as he did the primates. Expect to see your country in ruin by the time you return.” Celestia said sadly. “What! You can’t just do that!” “It’s done, now leave before I let him at you. He looks rather hungry and he is a meat eater. And a gem eater.” She replied. The gryphon looked like he was about to leap at her with just his claws but didn’t. Rather he walked off with his guards in tow. Quickly. “Thank you my lady.” Havoc said with a smile. “Guard! Send word to my army! We move on Boreas!” He yelled grinning. “I will come with you for this.” Luna said as she ran off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Chapter 4 Ancestral Emnity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everybody! Implementing a warning system. If you see the following message, well it explains itself: Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. The sign that you have reached the safe zone is this: Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. That is all thank you. CHAPTER 4: For the love of her Ancestors A full ten minutes had passed since Havoc had ordered his army readied for the invasion of Boreas. They had not gone to waste, Havoc had managed to reforge his armor so that the parts where a pony would be mounted no longer had spikes sticking out. He had also affected repairs to it, the armor shined once the blood was cleaned off. Havoc grinned as his army gathered before him. A now dully shining legion of ponies of all variants, horses of all variants, sleipner, a gryphon, a few bears- wait a gryphon? Havoc turned his gaze back to the gryphon and recognized Gilda. He walked towards her, Gullfaxi mounted upon his cuirass. He came to a stop before her and she grinned up at him. “All right, so how’s this going down? What special role do you have for me?” She asked eagerly. “You want to be a part of this?” Havoc asked in confusion. “Duh! They attacked my country, as a gryphon myself I’m especially obligated to fight them!” She replied passionately. “I see... Do you have previous military experience?” “Nope.” “Combat training?” “I’m good at fighting and I can do a little hunting.” “Have you ever wielded a weapon or worn armor?” “No but I’m a quick learner.” Havoc looked thoughtful, “Alright then. Let’s get you some armor.” He said after a moment. “Alright big guy, where to?” “Just stand still and stretch your wings.” “Oookaaay...” She replied and complied with his command. Havoc enveloped her in his mind’s grip, this was much easier off of the distracting battlefield. He sank his mind into her slightly, feeling the muscle and getting her exact measurements. He wanted her armor to be perfect. He enveloped a nearby Nord’s armor and to his credit he did not flinch. When he finished learning of it he released the Nord and began to form armor around Gilda. He started with the soft underlayer, forming a thick weave from generated fur based on his own due to its apparent softness. He made it two pieces, one to cover her rear end to mid stomach and the other from her neck to where the other ended. He formed loops formed of unenergized mane through holes left in the cloth, he made a belt from them by forming a metal clip he had seen on his homeworld. He had seen it inside and out after detaching it from the belt and it was relatively simple. He made a similar pair of clips to attach the pants to the shirt. He moved on to the the protective armor. Havoc formed armor of dark iron for her, the chest plate was a single piece for strength. She had shoulder pauldrons with short but sharp spikes for ramming, she had smooth bracers that were two halves joined at the outerside that had metal clamps for the inner side. Her thighs and hind legs were protected by greaves and cuisses of similar design as the bracers. To protect her upper fore- no upper arm the cuirass had scale armor, rather than connections at the top and middle through spikes however only the ones connected to the underside of her pauldrons connected this way and connected to her bracers with simple clamps. The rest were joined by tiny studs extending from small metal rings looping through a generated sheathe of Havoc’s own hide. The pauldrons connected to the cuirass by singular clamps, these with swivels over the clamps designed into them for maximum mobility. The poleyns on her upper knees connected to the sides of her cuisses and upper greaves in a similar fashion. Going down her spine was a row of large overlapping scales with sharp blades extending from the rear tops to protect her vulnerable spine and hurt anything unfortunate enough to bump into her back. Now that her body was protected, onto extremities. He formed a flexible gauntlet for each taloned hand. The gauntlets had swinging joints where finger plates connected to each other and the finger plates flared in inverted arcs at the knuckle to allow her to walk or climb on all fours with ease. The spine scales went on to form an articulated shell around her tail which was tipped with a small nine spiked iron ball around her tail’s tip. Havoc began work on her helmet. He shaped the dark iron into an aquilan shape overlaid with gold in the shape of feathers. On the underside was more generated hide which went down her neck to form an aventail. The underside of the hide was fused to a layer of Havoc’s hair, the upper side was fused to the helmet where they touched. The upper side was also fused with tiny iron studs that attached to iron scales shaped like feathers, these too were overlaid with gold. The helmet covered her head while still letting her see through eye holes shaped specifically for her own, her beak was covered by an overhang shaped like a sharp eagle beak, a hide strap with another metal clip held it snugly against her head. “Okay, your armors done. Wish I had thought to do for the rest of the scales what I did for your neck scale. Oh well, when it’s busted up I will fix that.” Havoc said before forming a reflective surface before Gilda so that she might examine herself. “This is bucking awesome! They’re gonna s*** themselves when they see me out there!” “Notice how you hear me with ease, this is because I thinned it by your ear holes. No-one will notice it but you should avoid strikes there all the same.” “Good to know. Hey, this come in national colors? I don’t want to be mistaken for one of these barbarians.” “I don’t know how to alter colors permanently. I can constantly maintain an illusion, but that would take up sorely needed brainpower. As you know, I need all the brainpower I can get. Maybe you can ask Luna, she’ll be coming with us.” “Ya think she’d go for it?” “Yes. It would take a second or less and she’ll be happy to see such an enthusiastic patriot. Also she likes helping her subjects and you count as one.” “This. Is. So. Freaking. Cool. Words do not begin to describe this. I’m gonna go into battle against Boreas alongside an army of Nords, The Chosen Champion, and Princess Luna: Bringer of Night. Hey now that I think about it, why don’t I have a weapon?” “You didn’t ask. I assumed you specialized in hand to hand combat, do you have a weapon of choice then?” “I guess a sword? Maybe a spear, the only guns I know how to use are hunting shotguns and rifles.” “I can give you that sword and spear, want a shield or do you think you’re skilled enough to not need it?” “No shield. It will only slow me down and throw me off.” Havoc formed another belt from his hide, this one had straps and multiple clamps in addition to its locking clip. He focused to produce a spear as long as Gilda was if you counted the tail. Havoc followed this with a long steel sword, complete with gold outer layer, hide inner layer, sheath. He opened two of the clamps and fitted the arches on the side of the sheath into them before clamping them back down. He wondered why he hadn’t made her armor of the same steel as the sword, he resolved to deal with this later. He saw a great shining movement and turned his head to see Luna approach. “Greetings Havoc are your soldiers ready?” She asked, her voice slightly distorted by her helm. “I Believe so domina, also you should meet Gilda once again. She wishes to join in the fight against Boreas.” Havoc answered. “Once more it’s an honor to meet you your highness.” She said from the bottom of a deep bow. “Arise Gilda. It is good to see such a shining example of Equestrian nationalism as yourself.” Luna said. “Thank you princess, if I may make a request?” “Feel free to ask for anything within reason.” “I would ask that you alter the iron of my armor to match the national colors of Equestria.” “It is done.” Luna heartily complied and a second later Gilda was clad in white plates on blue scale. Her head and neck armor was left alone. While she didn’t see it, her shirt and pants too had been altered, she had also gained night blue sabatons. Unless the foe carried warhammers or axes they stood little chance against the fledgling warrior. They turned to the balcony nearby and walked towards it. The Nords took notice and eagerly followed in their lord’s hoofsteps. Havoc came near the balcony and flared his wings. His flight capable Nords took off, leaping and flying from the balcony. Havoc grabbed those who remained castle-side and swept his own wings downward to achieve lift-off. He powered his way towards Boreas and began grabbing the non-sleipner flyers. He flapped harder and harder to gain speed and pointed his horn ahead of him to break through the air resistance with greater ease. He flapped harder and the sleipner fell in behind him, eagerly awaiting his next move. He blasted through the sound barrier and dragged the sleipner with him. They moved at a vastly greater rate West, towards Boreas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 1:07 P.M. 10 days 12 hours 9 minutes Location: 3 kilometers from Sparta, Capital of Boreas … Havoc panted as he flew on, the city was in his sight. He fantasized about the bloodshed, there were records of a similar name on his world. They described a people however not just a city, though it was integral. The Spartans were great and brutal warriors, enslaving and conquering at any opportunity. They had an interesting caste system, the spartiates (or spartans) were on top of course. They were citizens of Sparta, they watched over the military matters and governing, they were the elite class and the only deserving of the title Spartan. The perioeci handled the economic needs, maintained their own administrative systems and provided Sparta with soldiers and tribute. The helots were slaves, they worked the fields and did other menial labor. With this system in place Sparta was able to become a dominant power in the Peloponnese and later the Aegean. It was said in the records that the Spartans were the greatest soldiers in Greece. This was due to intense training and grueling trials they endured from a young age , this was designed to turn them into skilled and fearless warriors. They were the lowest in numbers in their system but they were also the most powerful, they had to be in order to keep down the massive slave population. Havoc craved the coming battle. As he thought theses bloody thoughts he noticed a blur in his peripherals. Havoc had slowed down somewhat when they neared the city, no reason for his army to smash into it at supersonic speed. His soldiers wouldn’t survive that, especially seeing that this place was half cloud half mountain range. He remembered Rainbow Dash slamming into him and nearly breaking his head open as more blurs approached and before the thought was halfway done he had pointed his horn into something odd. He felt its weight as it died and instinctively flipped it over his shoulder. He saw another blur attempt to pull away and grabbed it in his fore hooves and put it in the path of the one behind it. Havoc heard a scream as it was clawed open by its ally and lunged up with his jaws as it bounced over him. His jaws closed on its chest and part of a wing and he carved into it with joy. A strangled scream and the unidentified creature was felled. He released its body over the side as he bit all the way through. One struck his head from behind and he roared before flexing his wings overhead and impaling it with his claws. It screeched in surprise and Havoc began to wish Gullfaxi had stayed on his back to help him. She had felt safer away from Celestia and had dismounted half an hour ago. They fell and Havoc crushed the last of the life out of the creature in his hooves. He identified it as a hippogryph and smiled at his accomplishment. They were said to fly at the speed of lightning and were far more intelligent than gryphons. Another struck him in the eyes as he dropped his dead shield and Havoc roared once more as he lost sight in his right eye. He lunged blindly with his jaws and secured a grip on what felt like a leg. He didn’t bite all the way through, rather he stopped once his teeth were deep enough to prevent escape. They fell and it continued to claw and kick at him with its remaining limbs. Havoc tilted his head down, partly to present less of a target and partly to put it between him and the ground. He ripped wildly with his wings and was rewarded as it stopped trying to tear through them. Havoc lost his other eye to a vicious hoof followed by a claw. For a moment he had peace as they realized what he was doing. Then a hoof to his upper jaw startled him into biting down and through the leg, he heard a vague hissing whimper. He swung with his wings and felt a tearing sensation in one of his sets of fingers and snarled as he reflexively unclenched. He continued to fall, alone. Havoc laughed at his fate. He was certain that he would survive this and get back up as strong as ever. After a few more moments he slammed into the hard stone or perhaps ice and bounced down an incline. He hissed as he focused on his army’s movement while he tried to impale the shifting surface with a claw. He scrabbled against it for some time until he finally caught and moaned in appreciation. His body jerked painfully and he hoped his wing didn’t tear. He felt a pressure in his mind and acquiesced the task of lifting his army to what he hoped was Luna. Havoc enveloped himself and focused positive energy into his wounds, whatever the hippogryphs were armed with was clearly both strong and sharp to just ignore his armor like that. He began to hear screams and roars and smiled despite the pain of his bleeding mouth, something sharp and cold had managed to impale the roof of his mouth despite its hardness. He focused until his flesh and bone were fully repaired before working on his eyes. He leapt into the air and flapped while he regained his vision, painfully. He snarled and flew straight up into the unblurring light. He felt a cloud part around him and he smiled once more as he maneuvered onto the surface and rested. He focused harder and his sight returned more swiftly. He grinned and followed the screams to find an odd sight, his soldiers that were earthbound stalked the clouds as easily as their opponents. He remembered the cloudwalking spell of Twilight and charged with a roar. He saw but one blur and kept going in the direction he had chosen. The blur slammed into him just avoiding the horn that had been swung at it. Havoc threw his head down and swung his forelegs up and pinned it between the two forces. He grasped it with magic and held it a safe distance away before carefully looking at it. Rather him. He saw the gleaming armor of vaguely yellowish crystalline material and rationalised that this was what allowed them to cut him, they had rushed him in a coordinated manner and almost seemed ready for his antics. This suggested warning and Havoc got the feeling that one of them had been silently watching the meeting. He frowned at the helpless hippogryph before slowly pulling its head towards his open jaws. It was about to be beheaded when he heard a strangled noise that sounded like pleading. He resolved to land before interrogating him. Havoc swept down through a cloud home and landed on a child, killing it against a rock. He heard and saw the hippogryph crying when he did that and savored his pain. Then Havoc released the hippogryphs semi-armored beak. “Please don’t eat me! Please! Break my skull, dash me against the rocks, just don’t eat me!” A deep voice made shrill by panic screamed. “And why not, you look tasty and I haven’t eaten in an hour.” Havoc replied as he began walking along the mostly deserted street. “I... I can give you information. I know stuff the gryphons don’t, please, I’m no friend to them. They had my mother raped to produce me for Ares’ sake! I do what I’m told because it’s all I’ve known my entire life, it’s all any of us have known in our lives. The ones you killed must feel liberated, th-thank you! But I want to live! Please spare me lord!” The dark brown hippogryph begged pitifully. Havoc heard yelling in a language he barely recognised. He had heard few of the words they used however and he turned his head frantically before pinpointing the source. He looked down to see two gryphon children, possibly hatchlings. And they were yelling at him. Angrily. “They’re telling you to put me down and take on someone else. They’re also insulting the both of us.” The hippogryph readily supplied without urging. Havoc smiled as he slowly strode over and their words died down. They looked like they were about to flee after realizing their mistake. “Tell them running won’t save them, that my long legs will have me on them the instant they try.” Havoc commanded. “The hippogryph did as commanded and the children readied to fight. One had a longer beak, he ;Havoc assumed; looked to be on the verge of tears. The one that appeared female was dry eyed but her resolve was fading with every step. They looked up at him with shrunken pupils as he towered directly over them, jaws open and saliva dripping down around them. H dropped the hippogryph and pinned the smaller predator with a hoof. It remained silent and his eyes were closed. Havoc lowered his jaws closer and felt an immense pain in his head comin from his horn. “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!” Havoc bellowed and his pupils shrunk. The children huddled down and hugged each other as they were certain death was about to come in the form of big pointy teeth. Or worse still digestive acid. They stopped huddling after a while when his saliva just kept on dripping. One chanced a look up and saw he wasn’t moving. He reached up to poke its jaw before going after the gums.He reared back with a snarl before pinning them with his head. As they struggled against his weight he made small pained noises. He was fighting the band. When Havoc attempted to make a meal out of the children a powerful light had burned in his mind and said no. He struggled against its influence. Slowly it began to make sense, why kill them when I can take them as battle captives? Maybe they’ll be useful to Equestria one day. The same for the hippogryph... Havoc gripped its head in his magic and he struggled. Havoc infiltrated his mind and he screamed. Havoc replicated the knowledge of gryphic into his own mind and left. The hippogryph cried as Havoc let up the pressure on the children allowing them breath. They gasped as he raised his head from them but lacked the strength to move. #“You all belong to me now.”# Havoc said in fluent if heavily accented Gryphic. The children looked up fearfully while the hippogryph moaned. #“How do you speak our language?!”# One questioned. #“Simple. I took it from that hippogryphs mind.”# Havoc answered. #“What do you mean by ‘you all belong to me now’”# #“You are mine. I have bested you and granted you life. Therefore your lives belong to me now.”# #“What will you do with us?”# The female asked. #“Eventually I will use you to breed hippogryphs, they are rather useful you see. But now I will raise you like the parents I never had might have. You will be strong, you will be tenacious, you will survive and breed.”# Havoc hissed at them. They lowered their heads in response, this had apparently saddened them. Havoc moved the children to the back of his damaged cuirass. Next was the pained hippogryph, he was positioned behind them. Havoc hummed a tune as he walked towards the sound of battle. He laughed as a gryphon took an unintended flight right by him and the children whimpered. Havoc saw a nord pony yell and smash into its larger gryphon enemy, who flung it away with little effort. The nord pony slammed into a wall and fell to the floor. He began to rise as the gryphon leaped, spear first. The armored gryphon was not fast enough to get away from Havoc's lunging jaws despite the screaming children. The nord pony rose with a laugh and kneeled before Havoc before running off to kill more gryphons. Havoc flew high and roared to let all others know of his whereabouts, He flew deeper into the city and to his surprise, found it looked worse than the fringes. He saw green smoke rose from the clouds and black smoke from the homes bored into the mountains. He hissed as he saw something dark brown coming his way. It was a sleipner only he had lost much of his armor, the rents suggested gryphon claws. He cried out in that language Havoc didn’t know but he vaguely got the gist of it. Havoc healed the sleipner’s wounds and followed him to the fighting. The sleipner had an odd grace as he pranced about on all eight hooves, pulling himself through the air. Havoc saw glinting metal as the gryphons and bloodthirsty Nords fought. He leaped down amongst them and roared a challenge. The gryphons backed up They would not win this fight they knew. #“Follow me gryphons. You are soon to be members of the Empire of Equestria.”# They silently lined up behind the giant alicorn and the Nords alternately cheered and grumbled. They didn’t know if they should be happy for their lord’s victory or saddened by the loss of good opponents. They surrounded the captured gryphons, snickering at them. Havoc continued on his way, guided by the sleipner. He led him to various conflicts and Havoc resolved them all. Simply by showing up with a train of gryphons, a pair of children, a growing horde, and a felled hippogryph he broke their spirits. Soon the soldiers were singing a tune as they marched, apparently it was funny because they sporadically paused to laugh. Havoc swiftly formed a banner, he made a long iron pole and fused a side of canvas that was actually replicated hide. He laughed with his soldiers at that, a piece of skin as a banner. He swiftly made more and sent out his army in teams. Each had a single flag, his group had ten, and each flag was carried by a single soldier. The soldiers stood near to the prisoners, forming a line of sorts beside the column. The flags were tall enough to be seen over some of the buildings, Havoc noticed they were much closer to the mountains. He marched to the sound of fighting and saw quite a sight: Luna and Gullfaxi fighting side by side against what looked to be well over a hundred gryphon warriors. He saw a few gryphons reluctantly flying into a large passage into the mountain. Havoc roared, gaining the warriors attention. They saw the horde around him, they saw the column of defeated gryphons, they saw the downed hippogryph, they saw the banner of hide. They looked at Havoc warily before Luna yelled for them to lower their weapons. They dropped them and they somehow stayed on the clouds. Havoc and the others saw his banners starting to return, more slowly as if weighed down. “Master shall I lead the warriors to capture their remaining civilians?” Gullfaxi asked eagerly. Havoc nodded and turned to Luna, “Luna do you know anything of raising children?” He asked the princess in blood splattered armor. “While I have never had a foal of my own I did learn from books and nannies. Are you planning to take care of those fledglings?” She asked in her slightly distorted voice. “In a sense. I wish to produce more hippogryphs, seeing as a team almost slew me I would like to produce a small army of the winged wonders.” Luna’s head tilted to the side, “Are you perhaps feeling odd Havoc? I would not expect such a thing from you.” “I do feel strange now that I think about it. Kinda like... Like... Like...” He trailed off as he stared blankly. “You feel what Havoc?” His head snapped towards her and he grinned, “I feel like rutting! That’s the weird feeling I got! I need to rutt! Hahahahahahhahaha! Oh what a conundrum, I just sent off one of the few females who could fit me!” He cackled. “You what!!” “Come now Luna, I’m not counting you. For one you are covered in armor, two you are Celestia’s little sister and she’d throw a hissy fit, three you’d bleed more than her at your current size.” “That was not what I meant. The control spell makes you want to rutt? What caused it to trigger?” “I tried to eat these here fledglings.” Havoc said before dumping them before him onto the soft cloud. They gripped each other as the blood stained princess stared them down before pulling them behind her. “You really do need to rutt now don’t you? You’ve been denied food, you’ve been very close to being killed, and your emotion and intentions have to be redirected somewhere... Why did it have to be there?” She murmured the last one, saddened by the situation. The spell in his horn band worked by converting the negative energy that spurred an unwanted action into another emotion, one that didn’t go directly against the six elements of harmony. Emotion was very difficult to simply destroy by virtue of being intangible. As such the best way to get rid of one emotion, by magical means, was to convert it into another emotion. They had hoped for kindness, happiness, determination, or loyalty. These were still possible but unlikely due to his primary emotional dumping ground being his underused lust. When forced to convert emotion the body will typically turn to the least used portion of the brain as a means of venting, this is due to it having seen greater usage elsewhere and utilizing unused pathways in order to avoid risk to a more essential emotional state. At times converted emotional energy may be sent into a complimentary emotion but this is unlikely once the body has a designated dump emotion. Luna had been of mind that it would be love seeing as they’d seen no indication that he even had that emotion back on his homeworld. Seeing this it was getting into her mind that he might literally be incapable of love, normally virgins fell in love at least temporarily with their first. She hadn’t heard him spouting about Celestia so that was out of the equation, he hadn’t mentioned anybody else either. Just that he felt the urge strongly. She knew the band would prevent him from assaulting anyone so she and the others were mostly safe, she was worried that it would build up and shatter the hard-won control they had. This would be bad seeing as it would burn away all the change they’d done to his mind thus far, he would be right back to psychotic killer rather than enthusiastic and somewhat sadistic soldier. Only he would be extra mad from the vast amount of repression his natural psyche had undergone. “Havoc, what do you plan to do to resolve this issue?” Luna asked carefully. “I don’t know, normally I’d just kill until the funny feelings went away but I can’t seem to bring myself to do that. Maybe I’ll try humping those clouds, it seems to work for some of the creatures back home.” He said before galloping off into the cloud structures. Luna was surprised that we would think to do that, it was rather quick thinking for him. She turned to face the fledglings. #“Are you alright children?”# She asked, glad that the language had not changed in over a thousand years despite the altered geography and biology. In the old days gryphons were bigger and tougher, their minds were sharper though they weren’t academics, and they were definitely meaner. Mean enough to drive away dragons in sufficient numbers, the memories of which being a likely cause for the dragons apparent lack of invasion on Boreal territory. #“We’re scared pony princess. We don’t want to end up like Bios and Dinami!”# #“I’ll try to prevent that from happening, though I don’t know who you’re talking about.”# #“Dinami was a gryphon warrior and Bios was one of Boreas’ pegasi. They were both taken prisoner because they lacked the status to say no. They were said to have been brought to the breeding eyrie and haven’t been seen since.”# #“Do you know where this breeding eyrie is?”# #“No, even if we did we’d never tell,”# They simultaneously pointed at the hippogryph who had fallen from Havoc’s back when he ran off, #“That traitor over there knows.”# They didn’t want to betray Boreas but better give the pony princess a lead before she calls the big one back. He had looked like he was going to eat them after all. Luna looked over at the hippogryph who was wobbling on his feet. He was a little smaller than the average male gryphon and his eyes were a pale shade of yellow as opposed to the hard gold of the average gryphon. He looked scared, glancing in all directions. #“What is your name hippogryph?”# She asked him in a gentle voice. “I was known as nine.” He said before bowing as deeply as he could before her, his beak was buried in the cloud floor. “You speak Equestrian?” She asked in surprise. “I learned it from the instructor. I was told we may need it in the event that we needed to spy upon you or anything else that involves the Equestrian language.” He said, his words carrying further than intended through the cloud he was speaking through. “I believe you know the location of this breeding eyrie the children told me of.” “Yes, oh mighty moon princess. I can lead you there myself if that is your desire, oh powerful one.” “Stand, you need not continue bowing before me.” “As you command princess Lunar.” She frowned before saying, “Come with me. And bring the children, the Nords brought many predators with them.” A gryphon exploded through a cloud structure nearby followed by two more through the same hole. Another pair crashed through another section of wall, one wreathed in metal the other armored as a gryphon hoplite. A gryphon hypaspist leaped at them through the first hole as they fought. The one covered in metal ran its opponent through with its spear before pulling out its sword and lunging at the hypaspist. The hypaspist blocked with his shield and swung at the metal covered one and his sword bounced off the armor. He whipped his sword back and aimed for the eyes and the one covered in mostly Equestrian colors swung her own sword into it, deflecting it though her own was knocked to the side. They circled warily before Gilda leaped at him sword first, he lashed out with his own and was surprised when Gilda grabbed it with her free hand. She pulled it aside and her sword impaled him through a gap in his cuirass. She flung him aside before leaping to her spear as the others charged and pounced on him, impaling him through an eye with her spear. The hoplites charged and she was knocked away by their weight. Luna turned to them and adjusted her guns before firing. The heavy steel bullets punched through their armor with ease and they fell. Gilda made the unique roar of the gryphon, a combination of lion roar and eagle screech. She flew to the princess after sheathing her blade and picking up the unconscious hoplite who had been thrown the the cloud wall. She dropped him with a sigh of relief, he was larger and heavier than her and though gryphons were strong males did typically considerably outsize and outweigh females. “What... hah... should... hah... we... hah... do wi... heh... with him? Hah...” She asked, the fighting was exhausting. All the flying and jumping and hitting was rather tiring, especially in this heavy armor. “Nord! Put him with the others!” She yelled to a nearby horse. He slung his axe over his shoulder and ran to the downed gryphon. He put his axe in its holster on his belt and put his shield on his back before dragging off the hoplite who still gripped his spear and shield. “They may be barbarians who refuse the Equestrian way but they know what they’re good at.” Gilda said with a laugh. She heard the horse laugh as well, not so much at the odd hybrid of complement and insult. Rather he laughed at the idea of a carnivorous omnivore like a gryphon calling his people savages. He’d lost a brother to a hungry gryphon but didn’t hold it against them, his brother had boasted for over a week prior that he could best a gryphon and had intentionally wandered a distance from the group in a place where at least one gryphon was known to lair. He had put up a good fight but had ultimately had his throat ripped out by the cursing gryphons beak, the gryphon had flown off with his brother before they could recover from laughing when his death twitches had sent a hoof right up the gryphons penis slit. “So what’s our next objective princess?” Gilda asked seriously. “I wish for you to guard the prisoners. Stay on watch for Havoc once he deals with his... urge. And watch for Gullfaxi, she should return with a very large group of prisoners from her assault on the inner mountain fort.” Luna commanded. “Yes ma'am!” Gilda responded with a swift salute. She marched off towards the prisoners who looked to her with a mix of fear, confusion, hate, and disgust. “Nine, you are to lead me to this eyrie. It is too dangerous for any others and I would rather we not disturb Havoc right now.” “As you command mighty moon mistress.” Nine said before flying up. #“Children you are to go with that armored gryphon, her name is Gilda. Stay close to her and do as she says, but don’t hesitate to ask for something you need. You should ask a unicorn to translate for you.”# She told the fledglings and they raced off towards to Gilda, glad to be away from the creepy princess and creepier hybrid. Luna leaped into the air and Nine lead them higher. He flew until he was near the tops of the mountain range and began flying east. Luna began surrounding the region with her magic and extended her senses. Nine weaved around the mountain tops occasionally changing direction. They came above a bank of clouds and he stopped, Luna felt and saw gryphons, a variety of ponies, and hippogryphs. She felt horror as she sensed unicorns down there, mostly mares. Nine pointed into the bank of clouds, below which was a well hidden plateau. “There it is, oh wondrous princess of night. There is the hippogryph prison eyrie. We are kept in cages within the plateau as are our parents. You’ll find a few hippogryphs are guards. The commander’s room is located just below the surface, you should blow through the anti magic defense system with ease.” “Let us descend, you are to pretend that you captured me to more easily get us inside. Once inside we will lock any ways outside and kill and capture any staff. I assume the commander has some sort of master key or perhaps a set of keys?” “He has a magic key that opens any lock of appropriate size. Now follow beside me, it’s more believable that way.” She did so and he grabbed her armored horn. They began to descend at a regular speed. The cloud covering the plateau made the entrance all but invisible to pony eyes, for the hippogryph it was just blurred, for Luna it was rather obvious despite an attempt to cover it up with a stone door. Nine slid his claws into a groove and began tapping against the underside with his claws. He clicked in a complex code and a moment later the door was lifted open by a glowing pair of mechanical struts. Nine lead them in, still grasping her horn and they fell into a large room. Surrounding them were ten heavily armored gryphons, their eyes widened when they saw the armored alicorn. Pegacorns didn’t typically reach the size that alicorns did and horse pegacorns didn’t have manes like Luna did. “I have captured Luna, see how she does not struggle against my grip on her horn.” Nine said loudly but tonelessly. “What of the big one? Does Havoc live?” Asked an eleventh gryphon. He too wore armor but it was more ornate than that of the spartiates around them and he had a gold gilt, silver edged, red cape. He had a silver garland on his helm. His eyes were cold. “Yes my lord. He tricked me into charging him, he attempted to gore me with his horn. I went under to get at his throat but he crushed me between his jaw and forelegs, after which he blasted me with magic and tried to rip out a chunk of my mind. I slammed into the cloud cover and bounced into Luna. I took her force by surprise and she sacrificed herself to save the remnants.” Nine answered in his toneless voice, Luna didn’t know why they were speaking Equestrian. “Very good Nine, we can use her as a hostage. Escort her to the General’s quarters, stay with her to prevent any escape attempts.” “Yes lord.” Nine said and the spartiates returned to their posts by the walls. The officer wandered off and Nine and Luna began to march to the General’s quarters. Luna suspected this was due to the anti-magic Nine had mentioned. In two minutes time they came to a hall lined with spartiates. At the end were a pair of cold eyed unicorn hippogryphs. “On command of commander Pyr I bring prisoner Luna. Alicorn was captured shortly after failing previous objective.” Nine said. “Proceed.” One of them spoke, his voice reverberating and sounding like metal. The doors opened with a glow from their horns, which stuck out through their helmets. They stepped into the large room and saw a giant of a gryphon. At two and a half Equestrian legs in height he dwarfed both visitors. He glared at them and Luna could see the intelligence in his eyes, this was clearly a throwback. “You have captured princess Luna of Equestria. I am aware that you failed to kill Havoc but this makes up for it. Bring her closer.” He said in his deep voice before stepping out from behind his tall desk. He wore the ornate armor of a high ranking Spartiate and a gold garland decorated his armored brow. They complied and the door shut behind them as they walked closer. Luna could feel the fear radiating off of Nine but was preoccupied by the confusing pattern she felt from the general. A strange combination of rage, lust, pleasure, and anticipation. She became very scared of the calm smile she saw on his mouth, the jagged extensions from his beak didn’t help. They came to a halt within talon range of him. “You are the first Alicorn we have ever captured. We have numerous ponies but you know that don’t you? Your magic told you that they are here just as they tell you what I have in mind for you. Since you already know I may as well say it aloud so I can claim the hippogryph as a witness.” Said the giant red feathered, black furred griffon. “You see none of the prisoners are of sufficient caliber to impregnate you. We would want only the best offspring coming from you and since the king is busy his friend and former erastē will step in to fulfil this important duty. That would be the famed naval commander and head of the hybrid project Lysander. As you can see I am the head of this project, do you know what that means princess?” Lysander asked. She was silent. Nine had stiffened completely. “Answer me princess. What. Am. I. Saying.” He continued. “You are Lysander and you intend to mate me?” She asked hesitantly from inside her armor. “Precisely. Now Nine, remove your hand from her horn guard.” Nine removed it in an instant. Then his expression changed. From fear he went straight to rage and leaped at Lysander. Who swatted him aside with ease, he didn’t even turn to face him. He was in a staredown with Luna, a staredown he knew he would win due to his powerful gryphon eyes. Her horn glowed as his armored claw shot forth and his claw was stopped. He had anticipated this and had simultaneously lashed out with his tail which knocked Luna against the door. He let out a low challenge roar and felt Nine charge him from behind. He stopped Nine with an armored foot and smashed his head into the floor, his armor barely kept his skull from getting crushed. Lysander leaped at Luna and she smashed him aside with a wave of magic. Nine rose miraculously, apparently rage was giving him the endurance to keep going despite blows which would otherwise render him unconscious and Lysander smiled. This was very fun for him, he had always liked playing with his food and doing the same with a mate was just as good. Better even since she put up a better fight than any bear or wolf he had consumed. Better even than the earth drake. Lysander padded towards them on armored talons, the thick soft carpeting dampening his footfalls as he intended. He could be vain but he was no opulent fool. Silently he charged them and Nine launched himself at lightning speed as Luna sent a blast of energy at him. Lysander grabbed Nine and threw him against a bare wall as he avoided the blast. It was immediately followed by lightning and Lysander hissed as it burned him. He charged through the pain of the conductive crystal armor and reached her. He swung a talon at her and she couldn’t fully get out of the way, deep furrows were carved into her meteoric armor. All the same it caused his claws to glance off and not rip off her armor as he had expected. She launched a wave of cold at him and he roared, despite the roar he was glad that he had so much padding for his vulnerable parts. His penis slit would have surely suffered had he not planned for such an attack. He slammed his claws into Luna and the armor stopped him once more, infuriating him. Luna  leaped at him and he grabbed her horn, he felt a massive jolt and his whole arm went numb. He felt pain spreading from it and threw her from him stiffly, the arm wasn’t responding quickly or properly. His roar sounded once more. “I haven’t lived three hundred years just to be bested by a single alicorn and a miserable hippogryph!” He roared at them as he leaped at her. She moved to the side but his reach ensured he caught her all the same. He swung her into the bleeding Nine who had charged yet again. He didn’t expect Nine to roll with the hit and rake his gauntlet along his throat, he felt the claws slicing his armored neck. Nine landed on his back and started tearing at him. Lysander bucked and rolled to get him off but while he may have paused in his slashing he didn’t let go. Lysander started slamming him with Luna like she was a flail and that broke his grip, probably his arms too. Lysander sighed with relief and he felt his blood flowing from him. He held Luna before him and reached for her with his slightly blunted claws. She blasted him in the face with a cone of pure energy and he died painlessly. His body stood still, the death so sudden it didn’t have time to realize it was dead despite the bleeding furrow where his head used to be. Luna kicked her way free and moved aside in case his body decided to fall. It did not, his clenched talons barely even moved. Luna moved by the twitching Nine and quickly repaired his broken arms. He rose again and charged the standing body of Lysander, this toppled it. He went for the head and saw it was no longer there. He leapt from the body and grinned madly. “You did it lady! You killed him, the tyrant is fallen! Praise the princess of night!!” He cried jovially. “Indeed, now where is that key you mentioned?” She asked tiredly. “Here!” He said as he moved with lightning speed behind the desk. He ripped out the cabinet despite the strong locks and grabbed the key. He was then by Luna’s side with such speed that she didn’t see him move. “Mistress we will need to kill all those soldiers you saw, even the hippogryphs stationed there are fiercely loyal to Lysander.” He said before the same hippogryphs burst into the room with roars. Luna killed them with massive bolts of lightning to the head. They rushed out and began to kill the spartiates that were charging the door. Their shields were of little use against Luna’s lightning or Nine’s speed. Within minutes reinforcements had arrived and the fight continued, Luna reached into the room and threw Lysander’s corpse at them. It crashed through them like a battering ram and several cries were heard from the panicked gryphons. Luna filled the hall with fire and they turned from roars of rage to screams of pain. They flew over the scorched dead and Luna grabbed Lysander as they did. She went to the gateway and locked the door after freezing the spartiates that still stood guard. “The slaves are kept below mistress!” Nine said as they flew. He led them down and they met more soldiers, that died frozen. Luna began to call for rebellion as they went deeper. “Abandon this evil, The princess of night comes for you! Gryphons, ponies, and hippogryphs alike! Rise up against the oppression! Dracogryphs! You too have the power to rebel! Join us and free yourselves and your fellow slaves! All shall be freed if you aid us!” She cried in the royal canterlot voice. She was answered by a great roar of approval. Hippogryphs turned on their gryphon masters, killing with lightning speed. She saw a dracogryph engulf a squadron of gryphons in flame, the towering warrior giving her a wing salute as she passed. She kept up her cries for freedom and it spread like wildfire. She could hear prisoners pounding on their cells and cursing the gryphons or simply yelling wordlessly. She even heard what sounded like dragons. They came to a room lined with cages inhabited by hippogryphs and she hurriedly froze the guards, she liked freezing things. It made them sparkly and it didn’t stink as badly while they were frozen. She gave the key to Nine and he unlocked the cages at a rate that would have made her head spin. The hippogryphs were instantly behind her in the time it took for her to blink. “LEAD US PRINCESS OF NIGHT!” They said simultaneously. “Mistress there are four other hatches that lead out from the plateau.” Nine said to her. She focused on the key and successfully replicated it four times. She gave out the copies to different hippogryphs and made four teams of three. That left her eight of the twenty that had been locked up in here, plus Nine himself. That made nine and she laughed internally. “I want you twelve to lock the doors to prevent any gryphons from escaping. You should free any other prisoners you encounter.” She said to them. “Yes supreme leader!” The unarmed and unarmored hippogryphs said simultaneously before flying off to do her bidding. “Lead me to the prisoners below us Nine.” “As you command!” He responded and began to fly. Luna followed and the hippogryphs took up defensive positions around her. They killed a few guards and saw a few dead hippogryphs amongst the carpet of dead as they went below. Luna had left Nine in charge of the key and with it he swiftly unlocked all the prisoners cells, gryphon, pony, hippogryph, and a few stranger creatures. Luna soon had an army of deer, ponies, hippogryphs, gryphons, horses, lions, and sentient eagles. There were many other species but they all had been enslaved by the gryphons. As they went deeper the prisoners became more exotic. Greater harpies, ligers, small earth drakes, even creatures like sleipner were found. All the hybrids that were born of interbreeding them with gryphons were found as well. Boreas had clearly been at this for a long time as some of them had been here for well over forty years. They reached the bottom and what Luna found shocked her to the core. Lesser dragons and wyverns were trapped down here. The lesser dragons were still bigger than Lysander. They roared and wept with joy when they were freed and some had been kept in place with chains. There were no other prisoners left to free so Luna gave a speech. “FORMER PRISONERS I GRANT YOU FREEDOM FREE OF CHARGE!” She yelled and the prisoners roared with approval yet didn’t run off. “YOU ARE HOWEVER FREE TO STAY AND BECOME CITIZENS OF THE NEWLY FORMED EMPIRE OF EQUESTRIA!” She continued and another roar of approval followed. “I WILL BE LEAVING THIS ACCURSED PLACE SOON! I HOPE TO NEVER SEE IT IN USE EVER AGAIN, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN ME AND FIGHT THE REMNANTS OF BOREAS!?” She asked the crowd and they roared again. “THEN FOLLOW ME! IF ANY SOLDIERS REMAIN TO FIGHT US THEY SHALL FALL BEFORE OUR MIGHT!” She said before flying over them, Nine quickly went ahead of her. The crowd surged after them, whipped into a frenzy by her words of inspiration. As they made their way to the top the dragons found they were lacking in space, this was fixed by destroying ceilings and tearing through walls with claws and fangs harder than diamond. The hippogryphs she’d sent to lock the gates joined the horde and were soon hollering and roaring right along with them. Luna came to the gate and Nine unlocked it, then Luna whipped it open and flew out followed by the crowd. Non flyers and flyers alike came out, either on their own or aided by their fellows. Luna began to grab them as they emerged, their weight as nothing compared to the titanic moon. Some experienced flight for the second or third times in their lives, Luna made sure to grab only those who couldn’t fly. The cloud might have bothered them but the flyers drove it off. When the freedom fighters were all securely in the air they flew to the city and Luna cast cloudwalking spells on them. Dragons cannot normally walk on clouds after all. The army of Havoc cheered as they saw Luna return with yet more warriors. The horde surged through the empty streets grabbing up weapons, shields, and armor left by the dead. They assembled before the entrance to the citadel. They were eager to attack with claw, blade, and fang aching for gryphon blood. Luna saw that the prisoner count had increased despite the additional flags being either out of sight or elsewhere in the massive city. Luna lead the charge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gullfaxi was angry. She was a servant subject to Havoc’s whims, she had a giant princess wanting to molest her, and now she and her soldiers were being pushed back by the army of gryphons that had not left the fortress. She cut a gryphon in half with her greatsword and grunted as she blocked another. She reflected on her decisions in life that had lead up to her miserable state and began to wish she didn’t abide by the code of honor. Then she could have run off and left this s*** to somebody else and wouldn’t be fighting an army of f****** gryphons. They just kept coming! A spray of blood on her armor told her that the horse by her side had died. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to yell. She swung her sword left and it knocked aside the sword of the gryphon before her as well as cleaving into the back of the gryphon that had moved beside her. She heard it roar before a single hoof axe chopped into its throat and killed it. A warrior with a pair of hoof axes leapt over her and slashed into the gryphon before her. The blades strapped to the front and back of his forehooves made deep cuts in the gryphon before he was flung away by the larger creature. She took the opportunity and beheaded it and removed a large section of arm at the same time. It was knocked aside by a gryphon that came up behind it, said gryphon bowled her over and attempted to stab her with his spear. It was stopped by her mithral armor but its strength knocked the wind out of her, that and it hit her stomach. She kicked the spear away and butted him in his own stomach as she rose. He fell back, merely winded because of the chainmail protecting his stomach. She swung her sword and it cleaved into his shield and sliced halfway through his chest. She placed a rear hoof against him and pulled her sword free. He dropped and she had a second before a wall of gryphons charged her. Her eyes widened and she swung her sword wildly, knocking the shields from three gryphons. They kept coming and she swung her sword to block their spear thrusts. She was grabbed and held in the air and she squirmed desperately to free herself. She felt the hands holding her release their grasps and she fell on top of a charging bear. The bear roared as it tore into them with armored paws. She rolled off and grabbed her sword and swung it into a nearby gryphon before jumping back on the bears back. She wrapped her hind legs around its thick neck gently and began to slash her blade into nearby gryphons from her position. She chopped up and blocked any gryphons that tried to attack from above. She was drenched in blood. She kept slicing as the bear began moving back. It had come specifically to save her and she was grateful. She patted it with a tired hoof and it rumbled appreciatively. She soon returned to slashing gryphons as they resumed their charge. The gryphons were good and they had superior numbers. She then heard a noise that messed with her perception of reality momentarily. Dragons. F****** dragons from behind. She turned her head fearfully and saw Luna riding a wave of hippogryphs, traitor she thought for what she believed was the last time. “REMEMBER THE NORDS ARE OUR ALLIES! THEY COME WITH US TO LIBERATE YOU AND CONQUER BOREAS!” She yelled and the roars returned. She hadn’t known Luna had hippogryphs. Or dragons. Or an army of things she couldn’t even name for that matter. The hippogryphs reached first and dived into the gryphons, slashing and tearing with claws and various weapons. Some died and were as missiles to the gryphon army, slamming and bouncing to terrible effect. Next were the rather small dragons, burning and tearing into the mass. Wyverns followed, blasting toxins into the terrified gryphons and lashing out with terrible effect with their tails and claws. Finally earth drakes led a screaming horde into the gryphons midst, they smashed and bit while the smaller creatures did whatever they did. She was too fixated on the dragons fighting on her side to really pay attention to them. Not even the flying hippocampi really caught her attention like the dragons did. The bear she was mounted on charged and pulled her from her stupor. She grimly gripped her blade when the bear had to stop because of the creatures before it. She looked at a dragon that had taken an interest in them and felt like peeing herself. Then another roared and it lunged away to her relief. Which went right back to its safe place when a dark green dragon flapped its way over and picked them up in its claws. She began to hyperventilate. After a few moments of the world being a blur she felt a metal hoof touch her face and calmed down. She saw it was Luna and she was smiling beneath her armor. “Isn’t it wonderful Gullfaxi? The slaves are free and they’re on our side now!” She said. “The gryphons had dragons?” Gullfaxi asked. “Yes, they kept them in a plateau. They were being forced to make gryphon hybrids.” “That what those things were?” “Which ones?” “The ones that looked like they were half gryphon half dragon, like something out of my nightmares.” “Yes Gullfaxi, they are.” “How in Hel’s name did they get dragons? No, how by my dead father’s tail did they force them to breed?” “I don’t know, maybe later you can ask them.” She said before nuzzling Gullfaxi. It relaxed her despite the fact that it was basically metal rubbing against her neck. The bear growled softly and she looked up at the chest of the dragon. Dragons of this size were nothing to Luna so she wasn’t worried. The dragon set them down gently before returning to the fight with a roar. Gullfaxi was dead tired she’d been running and fighting gryphons of all things for over half an hour. She wondered where Havoc was to be missing all this, he’d have had this done by now. She didn’t know anyone she thought could actually beat him, not personally anyways. She believed Discord could and of course certain elder dragons, maybe an Ursa Major. Those were all unfeasibly tough however, and they could all survive in that place far overhead. Not the sky, whatever was beyond. Heck some said Discord and the Ursa Majors came from there, a few said that dragons came from there too. The true dragons, the ones that eat rocks and gems and make something called mince meat out of armies. She was quite willing to let Luna carry her from the battlefield, out into the city and beside Gilda. Gilda looked annoyed for some reason, maybe the fledglings by her had something to do with that. She noticed they got quiet when she was brought near. Gilda sighed and began to rub her lower jaw. She liked that, then the children leaped on her and began trying the same and the happy feeling went away. She was glad for her armor despite the scraping noise she heard, they would have gutted her if not for it. Then the children hid behind Gilda and Gilda looked in direction they had run from. She herself turned her head that way and saw Havoc. She kind of liked him and knew her tired state was affecting her mind. He looked... Angry. Like he’d just been cock-blocked in fact. Then she saw him hanging out and suspected that that was exactly the case. “Hi Havoc. Why so long?” Gullfaxi asked. “Hi Gullfaxi. I am so long because I’m... In the mood as you say and I don’t know why. I don’t think I should be pulling the army on this trip or else they might turn into vaginas.” He replied. That was disturbing. The mental image horrified her and made her slightly sick. “That or mares, the ones who aren’t already mares at least.” He continued. That made her laugh, an army of viking mares? Wasn’t that a theme in one of the Funfilly magazines she’d read? She began to think about the sexy mares she’d seen, their armor unrealistic and accenting. The way they smiled at the camera, the way they touched themselves for those same cameras. The curves of their bodies and the sexy poses, sometimes mock fighting. Then she saw Celestia and was surprised at how unbothered she was. Celestia was rather attractive as a sexy viking warrioress she thought. After a short period of time she realized that it was Celestia she was thinking about and automatically tensed up. Then the thoughts of pretty mares died as she saw Havoc’s draconic eyes staring down at her. She saw the drool dripping down by her head and couldn’t figure which imagined fate was worse: Him rutting her unrestrained or him eating her alive. She decided that the rutting was worse since his head was so near her own that surely he would start there. With teeth like his he’d kill her in one bite while the size of him back there scared her. Very much. “Hey Gullfaxi?” He asked. “Yes Havoc?” “It’s later.” Her eyes teared up as he stared down at her. She glanced at his sexual organ and saw shreds of cloud attached to it. He had clearly tried to take care of it and failed. That explained the look of anger she’d seen. It also explained Gilda trying to move away without leaving her side. She sighed and began to rise. She would have asked Luna for help but she’d returned to the battlefield. When she got on all four she looked up at Havoc. “What does that mean?” Gilda asked carefully. “It’s a personal code gryphon. Won’t tell.” Gullfaxi said before standing by Havoc’s side. “Right. Doesn’t sound very good, you look scared and he looks... I don’t even know.” “No time.” Havoc said before walking off. “See you later gryphon, if I’m still alive.” Gullfaxi said to Gilda. “Names Gilda.” Gilda replied. “Nice name Gilda.” Gullfaxi said before following Havoc.  Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. He was wandering somewhat erratically. He kept impaling the floor with his hooves and he would just smash through clouds when they got in his way at times. He was leaving a trail of destruction that would take hours to repair. She only hoped she would be capable of being repaired when he was done. They came to a stop at seeming random, he simply froze. Then he pulled a few clouds near to form walls around them, he seemed to be struggling with something. Not the clouds, they moved like a hurricane was pulling them. They looked pretty solid now that they had formed an ominous dome around them. Havoc pulled a chunk of cloud closer and bit into it, he swallowed without chewing. She saw red starting to tint the walls. She suspected the blood was an after mating snack seeing how he reacted to the plain cloud he’d bitten. She knew it was blood because he didn’t know how to do permanent color changes and temporary ones would take away brainpower he likely didn’t have at this point. She began to remove her armor, stopping at the soft underlayer of cotton. She looked around nervously as she removed it and saw solid red walls. She began to wonder if he was using pure blood at this point. It wouldn’t surprise her. “I think that cloud I violated looked strange when I was done.” He said for no apparent reason. “Er, that’s nice.” Gullfaxi replied, sweating again. “Not really, you should drink some cloud.” He said and pulled a chunk of clean white cloud through the dome. He condensed it into liquid and she drank heartily. She was sucking the water into her mouth and gulping noisily, she was thirsty after all that fighting. When she stopped drinking it the remnants spilled onto her and ran down her. It was nice and cool and she enjoyed it, it didn’t look any different on her sweat and blood soaked coat. She looked at Havoc and mentally prepared herself. “Come on you’re a big mare, not as big as him but you are an adult horse. Sure you’re a good deal smaller than him but you probably won’t die. Come on you’re a demigod! You’ll regenerate and be just fine. Except for the mental scars. He’s a better killer and he’s pretty much all scar mentally. This will not kill you, you’re tougher than this you’ve fought worse. You’ve had four foals! They weren’t that big... No way around it, just relax so it hurts less.” She thought to herself. She turned around and stood straight. She felt his warmth and became fearful of burning. He looked down at her thoughtfully. Havoc laid on his belly and lowered his head to look for the spot below her tail, he saw that he could not see it and frowned. He opened his mouth and extended his tongue. It touched her and she jumped, she cautiously looked back as his tongue moved up and down and saw that he was licking at her. She realised he didn’t know where it was and she was slightly relieved. Wings descended upon her head and began rubbing behind her ears. It felt strange but nice, she was surprised at the gentleness. His sharp claws didn’t scratch her once. They kept going as she felt hooves against her neck. They were rubbing with the edges and despite their great size it was nice, She hadn’t imagined that something with a diameter like a dinner plate could do what they did. He worked his way down her flanks and she felt better still. He moved them to her cutie marks and she finally shuddered with pleasure. She felt herself open and his tongue invaded the slit. She moaned as the long slick organ slid through her. He was almost careful in his ministrations. He moved deeper with every thrust of the tongue. He reached her cervix and teased his way in. He barely penetrated the womb and pulled back. He was soon flicking the tip of his tongue the the entrance to her womb, she had never been this penetrated in her life. Her eyes were wide and her pupils small yet a string of saliva hung from her mouth, she didn’t know how to react. She felt her haunches twitching, make tiny pushes and pulls. She felt her forelegs give and her jaw hit the cloud floor. She felt warmth inside her as he continued and began making small cries. As she finally came her tail flew up and arched over her back and her hips pushed towards him. She felt his lips against her and moaned at the soft warmth of the dark skin and fur. He pulled his tongue free and she felt like she was about to fall unconscious. Havoc’s reproductive member ended any illusion of rest when it pressed against her stomach. She hadn’t noticed his shadow over her, she did feel his wings move from behind her ears to her cutie marks. She had thought it was a continuation of the massage at the time. She felt it drag up to her vagina and whimpered as she closed her eyes. It pushed into her slowly, very slowly, because there was a lot to go in. The tip barely entered her and she felt pain from her body stretching to accommodate him. He frowned and his horn glowed. She felt the pain lessen, still there just not as bad. He forced more into her and it quickly hit the cervix, he pushed deeper. Eventually he entered her uterus but that wasn’t enough. He pushed until he hit her deepest wall and was almost satisfied. This was made possible by the rather different reproductive organs of most mammals of Terra. On Havoc’s world there were eggs or ovum inside the womb or uterus and when these were pierced by a sperm or spermatozoa. The eggs were sent into the uterus by ovaries via the fallopian tubes. On this world the ovaries and fallopian tubes served a different purpose. The ovaries help keep the uterus fertile and healthy all the time. The fallopian tubes are not only pathways but heat and energy regulators, this rather positive trait also reduces the chance for male development due to an improper environment. The uterus did not hold eggs, it served as one well developed egg instead. This removed the need to produce egg and as such equestrian mammals typically don’t have periods nor do they absorb the material due to the fact that it is constantly maintained and does not cost additional resources to do so. This was something Havoc did not know but enjoyed all the same. If not for that trait his body would have stopped him before it reached this point. He didn’t even know how he knew the spell to alter his size down there, rather back there. The very same spell that allowed him to enjoy the fine mare below him. She felt havoc pull back and come close to exiting before pushing back in, all the way back in. She moaned as the pleasure/pain hit her. He slowly increased speed and as they went on like this she came four more times. She wondered how he kept going before concluding that the psycho probably just had trouble ejaculating. The depressing life she’d heard of probably caused that. He was thrusting quickly now and she felt a change in his claws grip, his forehooves gripped her shoulders and her eyes snapped open. She felt him push deeply and pause, thick liquid shot into her. He began making rapid but very small pushes against her, keeping himself deep and pressed fully into and against her. She felt her hind legs twitch as he kept releasing and his pushes set her off a sixth time and they stopped moving. He held himself inside her until he finished and then a short while after that. finally he pulled his semi limp member from her sore hole and liquid spilled out. Liquid slightly different from the clouds they sat on. Havoc felt right, that was the only word for it. He pulled the blood from the dome into his maw and enjoyed his drink. He looked to his spilled load and Gullfaxi’s drooling mouth. He opened her mouth and sent his sperm down her throat, waste not want not was a saying of his world and to just leave that there would be a waste in his mind. Gullfaxi finally fell asleep after that. What neither knew was that an invisible eye had been watching since Havoc had violated a cloud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Oh my.” Celestia whispered. That had been great for her too,she had loved watching the expressions on Gullfaxi’s face and had at times imagined herself giving her those faces. She was not surprised that Havoc had performed the shrinking spell on his member, Alicorns knew magic more instinctively than many creatures and breeding was essential to the survival of the species. Even if he didn’t consciously know it, his body knew it and had acted on need. She had smiled when he started the massage, experience with warbeasts and mutants indeed. She had gotten off twice watching that and felt Gullfaxi’s wondrous six times. For a moment she wondered if Gullfaxi minded being pregnant before realizing she didn’t care. Gullfaxi deserved it if she didn’t and deserved it if she did. She wondered what would grow from this and felt a slight tingle as she fantasized about their potential adult offspring. It would have been creepy to a pony but she was a near immortal Goddess so it was normal for her. After all she had bred certain lines specifically for their parents attractiveness, she had obviously thought about what the children would look like and liked what she imagined. She bred certain lines for other things too. Strength, resilience, speed, magic. Oh how well magic had turned out. This got her thinking about her most loyal student. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight sparkle moaned as she finished. She couldn’t help thinking about it after Celestia got her to take notes. Do it for science her mind had whispered and ured by such a noble request she had tuned in when she felt his lust through the link. She of course had her paper and quill and she’d made sure Spike was out of the house. She was starting to get strange thoughts about her near son. Dirty thoughts, ever since he’d grown past her size she’d felt urges towards him that no parent should. She was thinking of having the poor boy transferred before she did something that mentally scarred him. She was pretty sure he’d do it if she asked him to rut her and she couldn’t damage their relationship like that. Whatever, back to science. She looked at the mess she’d made and was glad for the living floor. She sent the fluid into the wood and it groaned happily. She looked at her notes and smiled, she would keep them unless her teacher asked about the subject. Then she could whip out the meticulous notes and claim she had done it for science and princess. Then she would get hugs and nuzzles. Possibly followed by the other thing. The thing that had scared her since her teen years when it started. She hadn’t wanted to do it when Celestia asked for it with her bedroom eyes, but it was the same princess that raised the sun. If the sun princess makes a request you do it, afterall you don’t want to make her mad right? So Twilight had done it even though she cried when she knew Celestia was asleep. She had lied to her teacher and said they were tears of joy the morning after. She still didn’t really like it but you don’t say no to Celestia. She was stressed enough without rejection. She needed it more when she was stressed which was part of the reason Twilight tried so very hard to please her in everything she did. It wasn’t that she was crazy or had ocd, she just didn’t like being violated by the gigantic sun princess. The thought made her feel sore despite being healed every encounter where she was penetrated, phantom pain. She always felt dirty after they had sex, like a whore. Her fear had kept her isolated, she didn’t want to be discovered to have been sleeping with the princess despite it being a wet dream for everypony else. She felt tears leaking from her eyes and focused on the memory of what Havoc just did to that mare and touched herself to distract her mind from the emotional pain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. Havoc felt at peace. Pretty mare loaded with his potential? Check. Nice after sex drink? Check. Said mare passed out on the clouds afterwards? Achievement gained, sexual stallion. He had covered her in a blanket formed of his fur covered hide, he did the same for her gear. He didn’t know why others wore such flimsy material anymore. He calmly stepped back to his armies encampment before the entry to the large mountain hole. On arrival he was greeted by Gilda flying up to him and hugging him. He didn’t know what he did to deserve the hug but accepted, enjoyed, and returned the hug all the same. His open eyes saw the fledglings that would help him produce super soldiers hiding behind a unicorn. Apparently they still didn’t like him, he didn’t mind. Plenty hated him back on the homeworld. Gilda released the hug but stayed near him, she sniffed at Gullfaxi and pulled back quickly. She looked between the relaxed Havoc and the sleeping Gullfaxi and cringed. She gave Gullfaxi a look that indicated her new found respect, how she had survived Gilda might never know. Havoc noticed numerous scratches on her armor, some far too small to have been made by adult gryphons. He grinned. Havoc enveloped Gullfaxi’s weird shining armor with his mind and began absorbing the knowledge of its composition. It was incredibly strong yet light, stronger than titanium even and lighter than aluminum. His eyes opened wide at this incredible material. “Wonderbar...” He whispered. He thought of Luna’s armor and that downed hippogryph’s armor and grinned. He would learn of these too. If it ignores gold armor over a decimeter thick then it must be good. He could only wonder what these strange metals were. He immediately began upgrading Gilda’s armor. He thinned it and put in an underlayer of the metal that formed Gullfaxi’s armor for her chest plate. He did the same for the rest of her armor, he made the unknown metal as thick as what he replaced and that made her armor stronger than ever before. He didn’t forget to make the improvement he had thought up earlier. Havoc looked at her free wings and a clever thought formed. He made thin strips of the metal and fused them to a pair of long strips of hide.He then wrapped this device around the front edges of Gilda’s wings. She flexed her wings curiously and it didn’t inhibit her. Havoc grinned and added horizontal triangular blades to the thin strips of metal. Now Gilda had wing armor and an additional weapon. “Thanks big guy.” She said, “I think. What are these anyway?” “That is a combination of wing armor and wing blades. Do those exist here?” “Yes.” “Aaaw, I thought I was being original...” “Well I haven’t seen any quite like this.” “That’s good.” “They’re usually better looking. Beautifully curved blades, flaring on the wing guards, and you didn’t account for the excess weight or covered plumage.” “So it sucks?” “Pretty much. But it’s still a first try, I have seen better first tries though.” “Hm, Guess I need to work on it. In the meantime when you next fly tell me how they handle. Also only a strong magic user can remove then since I forgot to make a means of self removal for those without magic.” She facepalmed before grudgingly walking back to the fledglings before Havoc had an opportunity to think up or test anything else. Havoc thought, where were the others? He looked to the hole and suspected that there was a heck of a fight he was missing and his eyes widened in fury. “Gilda! Guard Gullfaxi for me! There’s a fight I’m missing!” Havoc yelled before flying into the darkness. As he flew he frowned as he saw the bodies, sometimes in piles. Then he saw stranger things, things he didn’t expect to be here. Small ponies, big harpies, a single relatively small dragon. He flew harder and saw torches lit the darkness, eventually he came to a camp of Nords, dragons, and more. He flew over the group which watched him warily until a Nord  called out. “Praise to Havoc, our lord joins us!” The others started cheering and he began to descend. He was greeted with many nods. He looked for Luna, he saw her surrounded by the new soldiers. He smiled and made his way to her, he was slowed by his soldiers injuries. He took the time to heal them, regenerate lost blood and reattach flesh and the like. When he finally made it to her he was surprised to see the hippogryph who had taken him down. He was certain this was the one from the way it looked at him and the fact that it was still missing its leg. It shrank down as he glared at it. “Leave him alone Havoc.” He heard Luna say. “He nearly killed me.” Havoc replied as he looked in her direction. “He was following orders.” “I know. I won’t forget that though.” Havoc walked over to her and the others parted slowly, grudgingly even. He saw a dragon staring at him. He smiled at it. “Luna where did you find these things?” “In a prison where they were being forcibly hybridized with gryphons.” Havoc thought for a moment before answering, “Figures. Gryphons are lion eagle combos so why not other things? I know hippogryphs are gryphon horse combos where I’m from and this is pretty rare because gryphons like to eat horses. Totally worth the effort because hippogryphs are smarter and faster than gryphons.” “So thought the gryphons.” “Heh, so who are we fighting? Sparta still?” “Yes, they have fortified themselves deeper into this fortress. We have been fighting for a long time. You smell like sex, Gullfaxi?” “Yes my princess. Think I’m gonna be a father from that. So back to fighting, think I should go ahead of our forces and break through their defenses?” “Go ahead.” "Yaaay!!!" Havoc yelled before flying deeper into the cavern. He saw that the torches were petering out but wasn’t bothered, his night vision enabled him to see as clearly as in the full light of day. There weren’t any colors however, meh chances are it’s all reddish anyway. Soon his pace brought him to a vast gate. He grinned at the holes in it, it reminded him of the fortresses he had besieged. Which was stupid because a fortress is a fortress. He heard things bouncing off his armor and looked down to see arrows flying at him. Some hit his face. Then he felt bullets smacking against him. He focused despite one impaling his right eye and ripped the gate out. He bent it in the middle to allow it to fit in his section of cavern yet it gouged the walls all the same. He placed it as flat on the floor behind him as he could get it. The archers had disappeared from sight and were replaced by charging meleers. Havoc ripped the arrow from his eye, grew a plate of gold to cover it, and charged. He slammed into them with brutal force. His armor gouged at them, the spikes on his scale armor serving their dual purpose. He bit and kicked like a savage. He grabbed one between his forehooves and slammed him into the stone when he charged him from the air. He gored one sword gryphon with his horn and flung him into another. He accepted the jabs at his unprotected hindquarters and snapped the spears with heavy tail swings. The gryphon weaponry was having trouble penetrating his tough hide. He stomped down on a dazed gryphon’s head, driving it to the floor before crushing it despite his helmet. He noted he still couldn’t see in color, but he could see which surely meant there was light somewhere. The gryphons were smart, when they noticed they weren’t making headway against his unarmored rear they went for his sole exposed eye. He snarled as a spear scraped by it and bit the offending weapon in two. He lunged at the gryphon with his hooves and crushed him to death in less than a second. He lashed out with his back hooves and felt armor part, he pulled them back under and impaled the gryphons fully before kicking the corpses off. He bit something that came at his eye and it was stopped, he threw his head left and the metal sheared. He swallowed the chunk he had taken. He noticed something then, the gryphons no longer had a reddish tint, they were all sorts of weird colors. Red, yellow, white, even blue. He ignored the change as a multicolored warrior leaped at him with a dull red sword grasped in his gleaming yellow claw. He slapped the sword aside. The warrior slammed into him and havoc impaled his skull with a wing claw before throwing him aside. He was no longer surrounded. They were swiftly forming a wall around him. He grinned recognizing the tactic, it worked on the scarabisc too. You form your shield wall but you bend it into a circle around your target. When they were fully surrounded then, despite their lethality, you had them trapped with your greater weight. The scarabisc were large heavily armored warriors, they were a little over three meters tall on average and they utilized melee weaponry rather than projectiles. In order to kill them you had to prevent them from running off or simply charging through your soldiers like grass. Thus the shield cage tactic was invented. Once surrounded they could be stabbed or shot to death, eventually. After all they were heavily armored. It didn’t work on magic users however. Havoc crushed them under a wall of magic. He laughed and removed the plate of gold over his ruined eye. He smiled at the itching pain as it healed. Pain was good, pain meant it was working and he was still alive. He was suddenly aware of a wind coming his way and raised his wings over his head defensively. A storm of arrows and bullets bounced off his feathers. He tilted his head downwards and furled his wings as he pushed through the volley. It was followed by yet another within seconds. Havoc smiled at the futility of the shots, there really was little more exhilarating than being shot at to no effect. He made it past where the gate he had ripped out was originally placed and the barrage stopped. He heard another gate drop and looked up. This one was even better than the first, it was air tight. Havoc grinned as he imagined the looks on their glowing faces and ripped this gate out quickly. He was not disappointed. They looked like they were about to cry when they saw his grinning face. He leaped amongst them and went berzerk. When he finished not a whole corpse remained, limbs and chunks were scattered everywhere and the very stone had massive gouges. He noticed that there was more light now, yet the gryphons still looked funny. Almost like he was looking at them through his armors lenses when it was set to infrared in order to see the enemies heat signatures in cold or very dark environments. He looked towards the well lit pathway and saw a group of shaking gryphons armed and armored for combat.  They weren’t as big or well equipped as the previous gryphons however. Compared to them these live ones were wusses. He walked towards them, his hooves clacking against the stone floor. They pulled back as he entered the light and he smelled urine and acidic feces. He saw one like the now dead ones he’d just fought step forward. He approached and continued to enjoy the feel of blood as it dripped down his skin through his shredded armor, the gryphon were good with their axes. He looked down as he stopped a mere meter from the powerful gryphon. “Hold monster, King Agesilaus will see you.” He said in a rough voice. “Good.” Havoc said and he was quite happy as he sat down. He waited for some time. He heard hoof steps in the distance by the time the king arrived. He saw that the king was heavily wounded, limping as he walked using a spear to support him. The king was very well armored, his armor onate yet fully functional. He had a long silver and red cape that trailed behind him. His helm was heavily damaged with gouges and dents ruining the decoration. He had clearly been fighting, and fighting hard to be this banged up. He wasn’t just gryphon big, he was near Havoc’s height, another two decimeters and he’d be there. “Havoc of Equestria I presume?” He said and Havoc heard that odd reverberation in his deep voice that he’d heard in the princesses in Gullfaxi’s. “I am he. I am also the conquerer of Lemuria.” Havoc answered, wondering why his voice didn’t do that. “I am Agesilaus the second, King of Boreas and before that Sparta. I wish to sue for peace.” “Why? There are other cities in Boreas, when their soldiers arrive they will probably beat my forces. Not me of course, I’m pretty much immortal.” “As am I. I know that you will survive and without the princesses to hold your leash you will ravage my lands. I would not see my nation die. I am willing to negotiate with you.” “I’m not a negotiator, I am a killer. A very good one. If you wish to negotiate you should talk to Luna, she’s here you know.” “I had heard of an alicorn but I assumed it was just you. I will wait for her to arrive in that case.” Agesilaus II said as he sat. “HEY LUNA! THE KING WANTS TO NEGOTIATE PEACE WITH YOU!!” Havoc yelled down the way he had come, the way strewn with corpses and pieces of corpses. His voice echoed down the walls. The sound of hooves and other things got louder, the footfalls and wing beats faster. He saw Luna at the front of the wave, staying high above the corpses only for blood to drip down on her from the ceiling. She shrieked and rushed by Havoc’s side hippogryphs keeping pace with her with ease. She looked back and saw corpses starting to fall, stirred by the movement of the surface they were stuck to. “WHY...” She asked in horror. “I went berzerk.“ Havoc answered and looked down at her. She looked up into his glowing red eyes and backed away, closer to the gryphon king. “Luna why do you and everybody else look funny?” “What do you mean ‘funny’?” She replied. “You’re all rather colorful. White, red, blue, yellow, and black for your armor.” “You are seeing body heat Havoc.” She said in answer. “Oh. I thought that was what was happening, I’ve used infrared sight with my armor and it looked alot like this. Never saw black before.” “My armor masks heat, it simply doesn’t register in heat vision.” “Cool.” “Ahem.” Interrupted Agesilaus II. “Yes back to this peace treaty.” Luna said hurriedly. A dragon growled in the background, it was frustrated because it felt the need to spill gryphon blood. It was still mellowed by what it had seen on it way here, never in its life had it seen corpses stuck in ceilings. Walls and floors but never ceilings and it was humbled by the sight of it, the feel of blood steadily dripping down on it helped. “I’m gonna go tune out behind Luna.” Havoc said. “Do you not want to learn of our political system Havoc?” Luna asked sounding irritated. “No I do not.” “Listen carefully so that you will not need to rely on others for this.” “Fine.” He said and slumped to his belly by her side. “King Agesilaus the second, I am very glad to hear you are ready to discuss peace. We only wish you didn’t have to have your capital conquered to see it.” She said to the gryphon king. “So do I Princess of night.” He said grimly. Even to Havoc his voice had that epic quality that you hear in a hero’s voice. You know, the boss tone? “We propose that you agree to become a vassal nation. You will not begin to pay tribute until you have recovered from this catastrophe and shall receive aid from Equestria major. You will eventually be expected to provide soldiers, bits, and resources to Equestria as tribute. As a member of the Imperium Equestria you will have the benefits of not being attacked by Equestrian soldiers, trade at a lower taxation rate, the opportunity to emigrate to Equestria major, and of course access to high quality Equestrian goods. As you have led your territory well until recently it would not be unreasonable to allow you to continue ruling it in our name. We expect to receive reports on all hostile nations and your recovery efforts within a month. You are to release all prisoners in the hybrid program to myself, failure to comply will result in Havoc being unleashed upon the remnants of Sparta. He has been holding back due to our orders to show restraint, if he was not under such a geas then there would be no city to speak of. Just a pile of rocks and metal stained with the blood of every gryphon in Sparta. We do not want this so you had best agree to the terms thus far. We will be sending some ponies to help out with the more complicated legal work.” “That doesn’t sound so bad. Agreed, just get that thing out of here. Would you happen to know of Lysander’s whereabouts? I haven’t seen him in days.” “Lysander is dead, a scorched carcass in the plateau where your sinister program was carried out.” “... He was a good friend.” Agesilaus II said sadly. “Are you too done with your melodramatic ‘peace talk’.” Havoc asked. “This is a very depressing day for us all Havoc.” Luna chastised him. “Do you have no empathy?” Agesilaus II asked. “Where I come from this sort of thing happens all the time. Seriously, I got my legs broken by a madman with a big metal stick who went on to rape everyone in the town killing all the children when he was done with them and I didn’t react this much. And I had to watch him kill the remnants of my comrades, rape everyone, and kill all the children. He almost got me, luckily he didn’t know I was still alive. When it was all over I shat myself and was done.” Havoc said quietly. “I know Havoc, I saw your memories. You should try to learn to show proper remorse all the same.” Luna said in an exasperated voice. Agesilaus II was shocked. “Doubtful mine domina, doubtful.” “I believe this meeting is ended. Now get out of my country.” Agesilaus II told them. Havoc jumped up, biology was making a demand. He stomped into the darkness and ripped out a chunk of stone and tore it into gravel which he placed by the hole. He proceeded to squat over said hole and release the stuff of nightmares into it. The smell of molten metal, digested flesh, and melted hair filled the tunnel air and drove everyone outside. Those with particularly weak constitutions died from the unholy stench. The dragons on the other hand were merely inconvenienced, they dropped stuff like that all the time. One commented on how rude this action was after he’d covered the foul stuff up with gravel and exited the tunnel of death. He also gave him tips. “Did you eat your meat without skinning it?” The tall black scaled and blue spined dragon asked. “Yeah, why?” Havoc said, answering question with question. “You should never eat hair. It stinks coming out. It’s important to at least eat around parts with hair if you don’t want to leave such bad smells everywhere.” “I typically don’t have time for that. Most of my meat I get from biting into my opponents while they still live.” “Then burn it and then eat, you should probably eat more emerald to deal with that stink of yours.” “What stink?” “You reek of ozone, it comes from your pores and the back of your throat.” “So that’s what that smell was.” “Indeed. Also if possible you should never forget to have a good supply of sapphire little one, it will help keep your coat healthy and give it that healthy sheen.” “Er, thanks. Who are you anyway?” “I am Gloom of Red Fang Mountain, or just Gloom to you unfortunate youth. You clearly lacked parents to teach you proper draconic hygiene, yet are too savage to have been raised by an equine. I will take you under my wing until a suitable Elder takes notice.” “What does that mean?” “We will be visiting my territory when this debacle is ended, I will send a message to the Elders regarding you and after a time you will be brought to them for instruction. It shouldn’t take long, a week at most. Feral hatchlings are given priority.” “I’m an alicorn, not a dragon.” “Do you not eat gems?” “I do.” “Have you not seen your eyes? Your wings?” “I have seen them.” “Perhaps you haven’t eaten rocks, dirt, or metal recently. Perhaps you were told you were an alicorn. I’m certain that if you took a dip in lava you would feel warmth without burning, unlike those alicorns. I assure you little one, dragons come in many forms and yours is as unique as the rest. You are a dragon, you may be an alicorn dragon but a dragon nonetheless.” “Cool. You remind me of a few dragons back home, not the feral ones though. The ones that have rather successful nations beneath them.” “Your feral sounds different from my feral.” “Well feral dragons back home are giant predators with a mean streak a mile long. They’re rather fond of killing cities and slaughtering armies. They’re good at it too, their natural skill and near indestructible form makes them immune to almost all conventional weaponry. They breath fire and shred tanks but they usually can’t eat things as tough as diamonds, which is good because the few that do are even worse. Difference between them and intellectuals as we call them is the intelligence, if a feral attacks a city it will kill everything and burn the city to slag. An intellectual will kill enough to scare the survivors into submission and take over.” “Interesting, are they different species?” “It is assumed but it’s not like they look any different, they just act differently.” “Mmmm...” Gloom rumbled, his curiosity peaked. “Why help me dragon?” “Hatchlings need tending.” “Not an attempt at political intrigue?” “I’m just trying to help you, wherever did you get such a thought?” “I’d heard of political intrigue in a record I read, there isn’t any of that stuff where I’m from though. No sir, just straight and dirty killing for us.” “Fascinating.” “Havoc did you do that on purpose?!” They heard Luna yell in anguish. “No. I had to relieve myself of waste matter and I did, spectacularly.” Havoc answered with a toothy smile. “You could have given us a warning!” She countered angrily. “I didn’t have time.” He countered in turn. “Uuurgh! Whatever, while cleansing myself of that stench I couldn’t help but overhear you mention Elders. Wouldst thou happen to be an Alliance dragon?” “Indeed I am, he is an asset to you I judge?” Gloom guessed. “He is our Chosen Champion in fact. As he belongs to us we would like to use this opportunity to ease relations. However we would like to know how a dragon of the A.D.C. came to such dire straits. Surely your soldiers came to your aid.” “What’s the A.D.C. ?” Havoc asked. “The Alliance of Dragon Coalitions little one. The greatest nation of dragonkind to grace all of Terra.” Gloom answered majestically. “Dragons have a nation? How have they not won? I don’t just mean whatever war they’re in now, I mean everything. If dragons formed their own nation back home, everything would be a part of that nation.” “There are many things to consider little one. Terra is a rather large world and has many inhabitants. The A.D.C. tried world conquest before but all the other groups banded together and fought us to a stalemate. We have yet to recover from that failed attempt and are in no rush to do so again.” “You could join the Imperium Equestria.” Havoc suggested. “And I am already considering little one. Do you know what your princess did for us?” Gloom teased. “What did she do?” Havoc asked in wonder. “She freed a number of A.D.C. members and their offspring. Such a thing will not go unnoticed or unrewarded by the Alliance. We will push for a nonaggression pact in gratitude to the sisters, may their beauty be eternal.” Gloom answered with a sharp fanged, yet gentle smile. “Thank you noble, this gesture will not be forgotten.” Luna said. “Gryphons and eagles, incoming.” Havoc said calmly. “What?” Gloom asked in confusion. Havoc pointed towards a flight that was just coming over the mountain, then another that was approaching from the valley side. “Clearly we’ve been here a long time. EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND ME!” Havoc roared, “Luna, can you bring me the corpses and loot with your magic?” “Will do Havoc.” She said and her mouth closed tightly and formed a small frown. The others swarmed around Havoc, they did not however press against him. They knew better. Except the dragons, they just considered it to be a breach in customs. Havoc’s horn glowed black, soon a transparent dome grew to surround them. It grew larger to accommodate the mountain of corpses that drew near. “What is going on Gryphon king!?” Havoc yelled in an enraged voice. “Reinforcements fool!” Agesilaus II yelled back. “If they attack I shall consume their flesh and leave droppings all over your city!” Havoc threatened. “I’ll hold them off! Just control your monster Luna!” Agesilaus you roared in panic, such a fate would be bewailed for all time should it come to pass. Agesilaus flew high and the gryphons and eagles recognized him with a cheer. Meanwhile, Havoc compared a pony gun to a gryphon gun. The differences were vast. A gryphon gun was similar to a human one. The trigger was in the same place on the dark grey metal machine. The stock was made of some shiny white material, the bullets were lead but they were large. They looked heavy enough to punch through armor. A pony gun was a strange looking thing. There was an extension like a cylindrical hole with a grey vertical rim halfway to the muzzle on the underside of the barrel.There was a forestock that reached the same distance as this device, the gripping device went through and below the forestock. There were two slides with semicircles on the forward side on the sides of the gun, these were nearer to the butt of the gun. There was a brace at the back of the rear stock, Havoc noticed that the stock itself was removable. This Nord pony gun fired iron bullets shaped to pierce flesh and armor alike, the bullets were noticeably smaller than the gryphon gun’s ammunition. The pony gun was fired by pulling back on one of the slides, the safety was a red switch along the top right side of the gun. There were two settings written beside a black switch opposite to the safety, Havoc did not know what they said but assumed they were semi automatic fire and full auto. The gryphon gun had a blue safety on the bottom right side behind the trigger, the settings were on the same side by a red switch above the safety. “Go, go, go!!!” A nearby gryphon yelled, disrupting Havoc’s study. Reacting on instinct Havoc strengthened the shield, grabbed his soldiers and the freed prisoners, grabbed the carcasses and equipment, and flew towards Canterlot. He powered towards the grand castle as adrenaline pumped endorphins through his veins. He didn’t even stop to question the order, he just went. Al’ hira soldiers needed to be fearless and unquestioning when given orders, they were at times ordered into suicide charges intended to distract a foe from a more crucial force. Havoc had ironically survived over twenty of these suicide charges, half of them he knew were suicide charges but did it anyway. “For the Emperor!!!” Havoc roared mindlessly. A number of heads turned, aquiline and otherwise. They stared in shock and awe as he smashed through three mountains on his way. For the Emperor indeed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:18 P.M. 10 days 18 hours 18 minutes since savior spell Location: Canterlot balcony … Havoc landed with a thud. Many of his soldiers were asleep, in fact less than a tenth of his armies remnants were still awake. He’d lost, he guessed, around fifty percent of his original numbers. This was crippling for him, not so for his home nation. They could hardly care less, just recruit some underaged soldiers and take from the outer wastes and they’re back to full strength. He was hoping to recruit the freed breeding slaves. “Havoc?” Luna asked. “Yes princess, heeeh...” Havoc responded breathlessly. “You should learn to control your reactions better. You smashed through twelve mountain tops before we got here. I’m just glad we didn’t need to go around Mount Olympus to get to Sparta or you would have destroyed Canterlot and the ancestral home of the alicorns in on go.” “Alicorns... heeh... live here?” “Up on the top of the mountain and also inside it.” “I... heh... am guessing that the way inside is also at the top of the mountain...” “Correct.” “You built your city rather... heh... close to... hah... home don’t you think?” “It was a good idea. The ponies had come and were still in turmoil and where better to put the city than directly under the watchful eyes of our father and his herd?” “Your father was the only male before he had a son wasn’t he?” “Indeed Havoc. He was the only male for a very long time. It hurt him deeply to cast out his only son. He was hoping we’d give him purebreed grandchildren.” “With your brother huh... hah... well that makes sense. Not like your father would touch you right?” “Right.” “Does he know about me?” “Of course, he gave us warning when you arrived on our world. Surely he watches you with great expectation. I began to suspect his involvement when you told me Celestia was urging for us to procreate.” “She a daddies girl then?” “Big time,” Luna said with a smile, “She was the one to push for peace with our wayward brother. She fought a dragon just to make father happy. She and our little brother were always going at it before he displeased our father so. She was always trying for offspring to make father proud of her. When brother left, bloodied and torn she tried her best to comfort father. She went too far in her efforts and they had a falling out, to this day she has been seeking comfort in our subjects.” “Wow...” “You remind her of him.” “Really?” “Yes. Though you are a good deal larger than father your coat is the same color. You are quick to smile as he was and have a penchant for violence even greater than his. His mane and tail were larger but flowed similarly to yours. His eyes glowed like yours when he was happy though they glowed white.” “What else can you tell me about him?” “Well he was smaller than us, small as a royal guard in fact. His mane was golden like sister’s sun and his teeth were a blinding white. He lacked pupils and iris alike, he never needed them. His eyes see all they face without needing to focus and not even magic can hide you from his impossibly white orbs. Your wings have one more finger each than his did. Father’s hooves are sharp and have three prongs extending from them like claws. Father’s horn was appropriately spiraled and strangely white, we believe that it may lack pigmentation as yours does which is rather unlike our little ponies. But I think the main thing is the magical power you hold. It is almost as mighty as father’s own. He would be proud of us for finding you.” “High expectations.” “The highest.” Armored guards and ponies in doctors gear stepped out to drag the damaged army into the castle. Luna turned towards the former slaves and addressed them. “Now then, free beings! I am gladdened by your devotion. However I cannot put most of you in my Lunar Legion, there are ancient laws in place that I must abide by.” The beings looked sad when they heard this but tried to put on a brave face. “However there is another way.” The crowd brightened at this. “Our Chosen Champion Havoc has his own army. He is unbiased  and you have proven your mettle in my eyes. Therefore each of you has a place in the newly formed Night  Blades Regiment of Havoc’s unnamed army!!” The crowd began to murmur excitedly. “As members of the Chosen Champion’s army you answer to him and his very few superiors. As Night Blades you answer to him but primarily to me, a unique honor.” The crowd answered this with their own form of applause. Stomping, clapping, and oddly enough rattling resounded across the balcony across Canterlot. “Ave Deus Nox. Ave Nox.” Havoc said in a calm but loud voice. “Ave Nox! Ave Nox, Ave Nox, Ave Nox...” The crowd echoed. There were a few dragons among them so this was quite impressive, for whatever reason a few had elected to stay. Gloom’s motivation was obvious as he intended to bring Havoc with him when he departed. Havoc set the unconscious Gullfaxi on his back and the awake pair led the Night Blades into the castle, still chanting their new phrase. They were led to a quartermaster who began the important process of assigning rooms to the army that was now even bigger than before. Fortunately the many dead Nords and Canterlot’s size made this a great deal easier. “Thank you for all your help Luna.” Havoc said tiredly. “It was no problem Havoc, as you saw I benefited.” She replied. “I’ll lead you to your room friend.” Celestia said out of nowhere. “Okay.” Agreed Havoc his tired mind simply giving up on logic. He did notice a strange smell. “Let me take your prize for you.” Luna said with a sigh, while normal ponies couldn’t even smell what she and Havoc did she knew the smell well. Celestia was in heat for some reason and better Havoc than her. Alicorn heat was not necessarily seasonal, it required a specific trigger. A potent combination of violence, temperature, emotion, magic, and light were necessary for them to go into heat. There were multiple combinations however a near surefire way was father’s magical blessing, the spell had that name because of the many positive effects it had besides putting alicorn mares into heat. When in heat their bodies are even more receptive to fertilization than usual, even normal ponies can easily impregnate them in such a state. The estrus also causes the development of the embryo to speed up dramatically. “Okay, see you later Lulu!” Celestia said cheerfully. Luna grumbled under her breath as she walked away, glad for the layer of metal surrounding her. Back in the old days Celestia had gone after her from time to time while she was in estrus, every time had ended in a harrowing escape. She was also glad that it muffled her words so she could curse a little more loudly than usual. The little things count more when you add them up.  Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. “So how was your day?” Celestia asked Havoc brightly. “It was okay. Painful, but okay.” He responded. “That’s nice! I noticed you nailed Gullfaxi, think she’s pregnant? Wonderful job by the way, excellent form for such a desperate state.” “Thanks. And yeah, pretty sure I’m gonna be a father after that.” “Well that’s good to hear! My big strong stallion is making me so proud!” “I guess so...” “Also I’m sorry for earlier...” She said and she sounded genuinely saddened by her previous actions. “What for?” “I tried to take away Gullfaxi for my own selfish amusement, I shouldn’t have tried to make use of your harem like that. Will you ever forgive me for that lapse in judgement my special friend?” “Sure I forgive you.” “Yaaay!” She cried gleefully and gave Havoc a hug, she swished her tail in his face. This sent more pheromones into his nostrils to send a message to his brain: FILL MY BABY MAKING HOLE WITH YOUR SEX STICK. “I take back what I said earlier.” She said warmly, after going from hug to wing hold in order to continue leading the alicorn berzerker. “What?” “Earlier I said, ‘none for you tonight.’ Well I take it back. And just to make it up to you I’ll do that special thing I mentioned and more.” She said enthusiastically. “Great.” Havoc answered somewhat weakly, this sudden turnabout was freaking him out. “However...” She said nervously, biting her lip as she paused. “Yyyeeees...” Havoc said curiously. “I... Have a request... A. Favor if you will, to ask for.” “What would that be?” “Will you...”, She ran her tail under his nose, “Add me to your harem?”She asked hesitantly. “What?” “Please! I’ll be the perfect mate! I’ll cook, I’ll shelter you, I’ll take you around the world whenever you like, and I’ll bear you many healthy children!” She pleaded. “Why do you want me alone suddenly when you literally have an army of mates in your own harem?” “I don’t know.” “Works for me.” “Yes!” She cried and hugged him yet again, “Lets start on those babies right now.” She said as she passed her mane over his mouth and nostrils. As she pulled him along Havoc noticed an absence of guards and the hallway was somehow too quiet. The lights also seemed stronger, and they were neon white. Havoc saw a winged and horned shadow flicker where it had no right to be. They came to a stop just outside her door. She had removed her tail from his nose and was simply keeping it high to reveal to Havoc her open genitalia. She turned to him and grasped him with her forelegs and looked at him seriously. “I want your babies. Mount me ‘till you can’t move, then I’ll flip you on your back and takeover.” She kissed him deeply and he tasted both her unique saliva and... her... cum. He saw her tail twitching. She released him and teleported them inside with a blue flash of her horn. She leaped onto the bed and spread her legs while facing away. Havoc carefully walked onto the bed and crawled up behind her, he lowered his muzzle and inhaled the scent of her marehood. She shoved it against his nose, surprising him. He heard her gasp and pulled the end of his face out. “Please alpha! I need you inside me bad!” She begged. Havoc was getting creeped out, Celestia had always been strong and commanding. Now she begged? Whatever he would do as requested. Besides he liked being called alpha. He stood behind her and  pressed his penis against her stomach causing her to moan in relief. He repeated his first method of penetrating her and was soon deep inside her. Actually he felt... Deeper somehow. Almost like he wasn’t fully out last time. The grip was actually just a little tighter than the first time, and Celestia was much bigger than Gullfaxi so the spell from before hadn’t come back to affect him after it wore off when he finished with her. It was almost like he hadn’t been fully out the first time he was with Celestia. Once more whatever, better penetration. He pulled out most of his length before quickly sliding all way back in. Celestia sure was reactive, she let out a low cry when he did that. She felt hotter than last time too, much hotter. Like burning hot, if he wasn’t whatever he was he was sure he’d be in pain. He continued at his slowly increasing pace. It wasn’t enough. “Harder alpha, harder!” Celestia cried. Havoc began slamming himself against her and she returned to her cries of ecstasy. He felt her slick warmth gripping him and... pushing him? He’d figure it out later, this felt awesome. He was pounding his crotch against hers when he felt her liquid spraying against him. She screamed when she came and caught Havoc off guard. She turned her face to him and her cheeks were red and her eyes were dilated with lust. She brought her head towards his and opened her mouth. Havoc didn’t pause as he met her and her tongue was quite skilled as it massaged his. He was surprised at how good he was, wrapping her tongue and flexing against the inside of her mouth as he continued slamming his crotch against hers. He closed his eyes and focused his body. Havoc kept going and soon felt another orgasm on her end. She screamed into his mouth and Havoc found he liked the taste of her breath and the feel of her scream as it vibrated down his throat. He felt even more liquid spill against him and she began bucking her hips against him. Havoc kept going though he was a little more careful, he didn’t want to slide out. He kept up his pace and felt the familiar sensation of being close to arrival. So did Celestia as she increased her tongues strength and her hips bucking against him. Havoc shot his thick liquid warmth into her and she shuddered in reaction, followed by releasing her own. Havoc pressed himself against her, trying to force himself as deeply in as possible. Celestia in turn pressed her hips against him. “Want to change to another position love?” She gasped after disengaging from his mouth. “Sure.” He said after taking a breath. Celestia disengaged and flipped onto her back, she raised her hips into the air and spread her legs and wings for balance. Havoc stood over her and entered her never loosening hole eagerly. He grasped her hips with his wings and pulled them against him. He began thrusting with his hips and moving her with his wings. And she was grateful. “Yes alpha, yes! Fill my tiny slit with your mighty cock!” Havoc had no idea why she’d ask for a chicken but decided it was just crazy talk from an overly horny mare. He continued the odd sex, sliding into her time and time again. He looked down at her and saw her mouth was open, her tongue hanging out a little, her hair plastered to her where it wasn’t splayed on the bed, her body was sweating profusely but it was turning to sweat within seconds of emerging. He felt more aroused looking at her and increased the speed and strength with which he pulled her against him. She moaned loudly and her head fell back as her legs twitched and her eyes rolled back. She sprayed liquid against and around him and it dripped down, steaming away against her and soaking the bed. Suddenly she clamped her thighs around him when he was deeply in.lt her wall carressing him. It was like countless fingers, no tentacles moving against his penis. He began to shudder with this new sensation. Soon he shot his load into her and she reacted with another orgasm of her own. “Please... let go of me.” She said while looking at him with pleading eyes. He hesitated as he released her and she looked like she was going to cry. He set her legs gently against the bed. She sprang up and rubbed along his legs. She came out from under him and presented her open vagina. He moved to press his member into her. “No! Not that, your tongue. Press your mouth against it.” She said, Havoc hesitated. She looked at him in confusion before getting an idea. “Oh I see what you mean!” She said and rushed back under him. He felt something grip his penis and it was pointed at a different angle than it usually went. He soon felt Celestia’s mouth sucking his tip. Her tongue stroked it inside her mouth. He looked down and was almost disturbed. He’d seen babies nursing at their giant parents and from his angle it looked like a foal was going at him. Almost being the operative word as he swung his head back up and smiled. He felt heat as she quickly worked at him, licking, sucking, and biting gently. He shot his seed into her open mouth and she swallowed it all. He smiled harder. “Umm, please return the favor...” She asked and he looked at her underneath him, she looked back with seemingly innocent eyes that just begged him to do her bidding. He wing shrugged and pressed him mouth against her crotch and began to tongue her insides. To his delight she resumed her suckling at his penis. He wasn’t licking at her insides long before a stream of fluid was released into his mouth, it tasted different from usual. There was more of that nameless flavor, and something new. It tasted like metal, he also tasted of that strangely good flavor gems had. After he shot another load into her mouth he asked celestia a question. “Why does your cum taste different.” “My cum tastes different when I’m in heat. It generally tastes different for all this difference is greater than and distinct from regular mares.” She answered helpfully. She resumed sucking without asking him to do the same he raised his head and enjoyed it. When he came it felt different, like she wasn’t sucking him. Rather she was just licking the slit at the very tip. She moved from under him and her face and neck were splattered with semen this for some reason aroused him. She smiled at him and he felt more aroused when he saw the slight amount of cum on her teeth. She rubbed her body against his left foreleg. He felt almost painfully erect. “Havoc?” She asked. “Celestia?” “Want to go in through the window rather than the main gate?” “What does that mean?” “Do you want to fuck me in my butt?” “Umm... Is that a good thing?” “Yes Havoc, yes it is. Many boyfriends try for a very long time for their girlfriends to let them go there. It’s a prize because of how hard it is to get it and how much tighter it is than the place that’s designed to be penetrated.” “I guess that’s okay.” “Mmm, you won’t regret this my prince.” She said before turning away and maneuvering her way underneath him. Then she rushed out and stepped onto the carpeting. She tested it with her hooves while Havoc watched. “Come off their Havoc mate. Lets do it here, where there’s more support.” Havoc silently moved off the bed and got behind her. “Place your forelegs on my shoulders to position yourself.” Celestia said. Havoc did so despite the slight grimace she made when he place his weight on her. He pushed his penis against her tail and enjoyed the odd movement for a moment before moving out and down to her rear. He stopped against the tiny hole and wondered if he would even fit. Celestia pushed him by pressing backwards, he didn’t penetrate mostly. Just past the hole at his tip in fact, but it did encourage him. He pushed slowly against her, forcing his way into her body. “Nng!” Celestia grunted painfully as he got more of himself in her. Havoc looked at her in concern but she urged him on with a pained smile. He continued forcing himself in until roughly a tenth was inside. “Don’t stop.” Celestia said through gritted teeth. Havoc kept pushing in response. He made it halfway and she finally screamed in pain. Havoc almost pulled out but she looked at him with her pain filled eyes and in addition to pain they were filled with desperation. He kept pushing, she hadn’t lied. From the beginning it had felt wonderful, he wasn’t sure if he’d make it fully in before ejaculating. He felt liquid on it as he pushed, he hoped he hadn’t penetrated her intestines. He looked at his penis and saw blood running down it, he felt no pain so it was surely hers. He looked at her in confusion and the same desperation greeted him. He managed to push fully in before quivering and shooting cum into her. He remembered training, this was an enema of sperm for her. “Oooooowww...” She moaned when he stopped cumming. “Should I pull out?” “No, ow... just fuck me in the barnhouse window already.” “As you wish.” Havoc said and began pulling out before pushing back in, it looked excruciating for her despite the lubrication of blood and cum. He began to hump with more force despite himself. She screamed as he built up speed, this hurt her but for some reason he didn’t care. He pushed fully inside suddenly and shot his potential into her. He resumed his thrusting until he reached his usual speed. She was crying, he could hear it, feel it, and see it. He shot another load into her. Her forelegs fell from under her and he removed his hooves from her shoulders and grabbed her with his wings to steady her. He kept pushing into the incredible tightness and soon released into her again, this time he pulled almost out before shooting in. He saw her eyes widen at this new sensation, he had missed it when he first came in that hole. He pulled her up by her shoulders and held her up beneath him. She looked into his eyes with her own wide ones. He responded by shoving into to her and her pupils shrank as she screamed again. After a short while he felt his fluids leaking from the overstuffed hole. Her cries of pain and sobs turned to moans and screams of pleasure. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” She cried out. Obviously there was something different about alicorns for her  to not be getting any looser despite him literally tearing her apart inside. He soon felt her very frequent ejaculations soaking the floor as he continued to make use of this new found hole. At some point they fell and he was just ramming her from behind in an odd squatting position. He paused after yet another arrival and she squirmed beneath him. He screwed her one more time before releasing her and spraying her butt with his seed. He smiled as he looked at her. Her rear end was covered in semen and sperm leaked from her butthole. He didn’t know why this made him happy only that he felt strange, almost like he’d been drugged. He was surprised when he was launched onto the bed on his back. He was still hard. “She jumped on him and her open vagina landed right over his penis, his full length penetrated her.It felt like he was on the verge of penetrating her uterus. And she rode him hard regardless. When they ejaculated  they did so simultaneously, like they’d been aligned together. She lifted off and switched holes and he penetrated just as deeply. She rode him, fluid leaking from her to mess up the bed and Havoc’s body alike. Another ejaculation. She switched back to her vagina and they fucked for a long time without another switch. Eventually she rolled off on her side and lay there in exhaustion. Havoc put a hind leg over her and pushed himself in. He penetrated her vagina and listened to her gasps as he mated with her from the side. He eventually released into her and just held himself inside. He felt her inside massage his phallus until he ejaculated and he paused before pulling out. She made a strangled cry of dismay as he did. He put in the other way and she moaned in delight He tightened his legs grasp and resumed his sideways humping. When he ejaculated he gripped her tightly against him and it went deep inside her. He simply held her as she clenched until he came again and they fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 5:32 A.M. 11 days 5 hours 32 minutes since savior spell Location: Canterlot castle, Celestia bedchambers … Celestia opened her eyes. She saw the horrible mess and was glad for magic yet again. A spell took care of the mess around and mostly on her. She felt Havoc’s leg on her and smiled warmly at the memory, she had given him  had not given up in a long time. She now remembered why she had liked it so much the first time. She removed his leg with her magic and pulled off and was surprised at his hardness. She smiled and flipped him  to enjoy a little wake up sex. His body reacted to her presence on him by pushing up against as he attempted to reproduce in his sleep. She enjoyed the clumsy actions and returned with her own skilled ones and soon came to a climax, they were still aligned so he came with her. She still felt the feverish heat of estrus and removed herself from atop him. She lay on his right leg and soon his left leg gripped her. He pushed blindly and while achieving penetration, missed her sex. Smiled and pressed against him, accepting the meat rod into her most private orifice. He gently moved inside her, though it hurt just as much as the first time she could handle the pain. The pleasure was worth it. Besides it enhanced the pleasure with the additional stimulus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc woke up, his eyes opened and he saw Celestia smiling and heard her soft moans. He was in her still. His legs gripped her, both rather than the one he’d fallen asleep using.  He rubbed his lower jaw against her horn and she gasped as the barely feeling organ was touched. He began thrusting against her to her delight. He lazily thrusted until they came. He looked at her and she rubbed her head against the base of his neck. He felt a feeling in his horn. It hurt, it felt like pressure was building. He gritted his teeth and nearly cut himself as the painful pressure built. He soon felt pain in his genitals, his internal ones as well as his penis and he pulled out. He let out a pained groan as he felt himself splitting. His eyes closed to focus on the darkness in his head. He didn’t know what he felt. Eventually the pain faded and he felt something on his penis. Celestia’s mouth engulfed as much as it could. Then he felt her hooves on his penis as well. But it felt... Different somehow. He opened his eyes to see her licking the his phallus, her hooves stroked at... another one? She cleaned both thoroughly. Then she kissed a tip and it shot sperm on her, she lightly suced the other and it shot a stream into her mouth. Weird. She rolled onto her side and looked at him expectantly. He tentatively turned to face her. He pushed his lower region against her and both missed, he tested for muscles for him guide them and they moved. He pressed against her and carefully pointed them towards Celestia’s openings. When they were both in he sighed as the new sensations warmed him. If this was a male alicorn/ alicorn dragon thing he wondered why there weren’t more. He gripped her with his knees as he pushed in and sprayed her insides, he was not alone in ejaculation as Celestia released also. His body had been adjusted to match her needs apparently, possibly her pace as well. For a while it was uncontrolled release as he tested himself on her willing body. After a time he learned control. This odd biological feature allowed him to focus his release through either phallus. The sensation sent signals to both so even if one wasn’t penetrating he could use it for release. He theorized that if he wanted he could cum until his body ran out of ingredients to make his sperm. When they were done he ed by her releasing into her vagina from pleasure in both organs. After a little of this she pulled off and he released his grip. She rubbed one with her hooves and sucked the other and a telekinetic signal told him she wanted it in her mouth, so he released into her mouth and she drank it. “Well I’m full, so let’s get you something to eat hmm?” She asked with a grin. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. Havoc nodded in agreement and waited to retract before rolling off the bed which was cleaned in an instant with a spell. So was Celestia. He found himself clean as a rush of warm magic coated him. He waited for Celestia to open the door, there were magical locks and traps built into it that he sensed and knew better than to mess with. He ducked his head as he exited, lest his horn scrape the top of the doorway. Once he was fully in the hall Celestia exited and sidled up to him. Rubbing her flank along his legs and rubbing her on the side of his chest. The hall was still oddly empty. They made their way to the kitchen after greeting a lightly armored Luna. She had an odd gas mask on her head. It had a singular clear visor that provided vision as far as her eyes allowed. The mask was made of the same metal as her armor and it covered her head. There were three filters on it, one in front of her mouth and one to either side.The mask connected to a green suit that covered most of her. Her wings stuck out and were covered by a grey plastic like material as were her tail and mane. Her hooves were covered by black boots, how they worked shaped as they were was beyond Havoc. Plates of the same metal as her armor covered strategic positions over the suit. “Hello Havoc, hello sister. You are fertilized I trust.” “Yes sister! Father will be so proud! Maybe he’ll tell me he loves me again.” She said as she nuzzled her sister’s armored head. Havoc thought it was odd that she cared for her father’s love to such an extent but then again he hated his father just for his part in bringing him into the world. He understood that he had no applicable comparison. As such left it alone. He did have a nagging question in mind. “Hey Celestia, what caused the falling out between you and your father?” Havoc asked. “I tried to do something for him that you are too large for.” She said as she resumed rubbing the side of her head against his chest. “Which would be?” Havoc didn’t know what it was. “I tried to suck his dick my dear.” “You... With your father... That... That explains it. That kinda thing happens all the time on my world but here... That blindsided me.” “My father, being the wonderful stallion he is, wouldn’t let me and became enraged that I had tried. I just wanted to make him feel good and it worked for little brother when I did it. I also knew it worked when father’s mates did it, I’d seen them do it. I didn’t see the problem at the time. After all it’s not like I was trying to mate with him, yet he chastised me and banished me from home. He threatened to disown me if I ever came back, and he would see me if I tried.” “I think I understand.” “Indeed, it took me much longer. I became very depressed for a long time, however eventually I understood. I think I would react similarly if one of my children tried to do the same, trying to comfort me or not.” “And to think I thought you destroyed a civilization or something.” “He would have chastised me but the punishment would not be so severe. He has outlasted many mortal civilizations and shall continue to do so.” “Let us not tarry, Havoc you are surely hungry.” Luna said breaking the reminiscing. Havoc stomach agreed. When they arrived at the kitchen Havoc sat down and looked at the wonders around him. Things he had never even imagined surrounded him, then again if it wasn’t related to killing he probably would not imagine it. He didn’t recognize over a third of what he saw. “And now to make good on my promise!” Celestia said happily. She started grabbing ingredients from around the room. Eggs, green leaves, an odd yellow circle with veins of blue running through it, something red with green leaves, a bottle of yellow stuff, and several cans and bottles with labels he could not read and more. He saw her walk up to a metal object that resembled a stove and she pulled several pots and pans closer, she also grabbed a few skillets, spoons, and knives. Havoc watched as she worked. Specks fell from the bottles and this confused him, why shake oddly colorful specks onto food? Liquid and plant matter fell from the open cans and this he understood, cans are used for storage. She at times flipped the ingredients in the pans and stirred the stuff in the pots. She was busily chopping carrots, green leafy stalks, red things with green leaves, and such with the knives. When all was done several minutes later she placed the cooked meals on numerous white dinner plates. She placed a few forks and knives on some of the plates and led Havoc out. Luna had since started making her own food. They arrived in the dining room and sat down at the main table. Celestia watched eagerly as Havoc took a bite of an omelet. He savored it, slicing the egg with his tongue after dropping it into his mouth with the fork. “Well...” She asked,  eager for his opinion. “This is delicious. This is better than anything I’ve eaten from my homeworld. Thank you Celestia.” “All for you my precious.” She said and her eyelids lowered. “You gonna eat?” Havoc asked. “No I’m quite full. I’ll just watch you eat instead.” “Alright, but I still think you’re missing out.” “You taste better than anything else cooked or not. In fact after you’re done I think I’ll have a snack, something to keep me until next time.” “Thank you Celestia! I was afraid you’d be scared by me saying it but you taste wonderful as well.” “Mmm...” She responded. Havoc ate the rest of the meal in silence, there was nothing that needed saying. When he was done Celestia went under the table and had her snack. After that they went into the throne room which was occupied by guards in armor similar to Luna’s. Their metal plating however was not meteor metal. It was gold for the royal guards and fire blackened steel for the E.N.G. soldiers. The armor also had three dark box like projections sticking out of the sides and back of the chest plate, these connected to the mask through four transparent grey tubes. The middle box had two while the side boxes had one, the suits were slightly bulkier as well, like they had excess air in them A few alicorns stood in a circle in the middle of the room. “Why are most of those equines wearing biohazard armor?” Havoc asked Celestia. “Because current conditions in this region of the castle are unsurvivable to non alicorns.” “What do you mean?” “Well there’s a lot of solar radiation, the area is incredibly hot by equine standards, there air is low in oxygen and loaded with things that are toxic to equines, and if some of the magic in the air gets into their suits they will die painfully.” “Why is this place suddenly so deadly?” “Specific combinations of environmental factors are required for alicorn mares to go into heat, this is one of them.” “How did this happen?” “This is father’s handiwork. I view this as a sign of his favor.” She finished as they went itno the middle of the alicorn circle. “Then they are alicorns.” “Indeed we are.” Said a dark green female with pale yellow hair. Her mane flowed but was not ethereal like Luna’s or Celestia’s “Then how are you not in heat?” Havoc asked. “We are protected from the magical aspect. Without it there is no estrus. The different factors must all be present lest they are rendered null.” A silver mare with red hair answered. “Good to know.” “You should know that you are also being affected, though to a lessened degree.” Informed a lava red female with dark grey hair. “Also good to know. That partly explains the internal warmth I’m feeling. It also explains my urge to pounce on you all.” The eighteen females simultaneously frowned. “Do not insult us male, you are surrounded by eighteen of the most beautiful mares in existence. We are all members of The Original Forty, come to judge you by Rex’s will.” They said simultaneously. “Original forty?” Havoc said in a confused voice. “The original forty alicorn females. We were found by Rex in an age long past. While the pegacorns died of old age we survived until only forty remained. Thus the order of The Original Forty.” “What do you do?” “We are Rex’s mates, his personal herd and the mothers of his children. We are also his agents in the world at large, enforcers of his will who are feared by all.” “Cool.” “We are here to test your worthiness of Rex’s daughters.” “I think I’ve made a pretty good impression on Celestia and Luna already. I’ve slain armies and bested legends.” “Conquering the  Hominis kingdom, repelling an army of Nords, and conquering Boreas with Luna and an army are not enough. And we are not referring to the highborn of his children. We are referring to the other unmated.” “The unmated?” Havoc asked he noticed Celestia had been quiet the whole time and was looking around fondly. “We speak of the three hundred and fifty eight unspoken for daughters of Rex and The Forty.” “Three hundred and fifty eight...” Havoc murmured feeling faint. “Yes three hundred and fifty eight. There are more but they are all mated to mortals.” “I can’t satisfy so many, the emperor of my homeland only had twenty three and that was past what most men could handle! And they were mostly trained soldiers!” “Regardless you shall have four hundred and like it.” “How... What do you mean by that?” “If you do not accept them all then you will be chained and forced to serve as the king’s royal stud. As such you will lose all your rights as a sapient and will service his daughters as he, they, and us of The Forty decree.” “Why would you do that?” “As a male alicorn of unrelated blood you are too valuable to let go to waste.” “Are the others attractive at least? Celestia and Luna obviously are.” “Three hundred and fifty eight are considered to be of equal beauty to the highborn. The other forty are as yet unborn.” Havoc looked at them in confusion before realising what that meant. “Why are you all pregnant?” “Rex has been watching you with interest slayer. Ever since you flew from Canterlot pulling the armored chariot Rex has been silently observing you. He is pleased with what he has seen. Excellent combat skill, adequate libido, clear ability to follow orders, subpar social skills but clear willingness and capability to improve, capability to consume things which should kill you, latent cannibalistic urges towards lesser equines are acceptable as you express them only in the heat of battle, vast power production and storage capability, and the control ring on your horn makes you an easily controlled tool should he need something of you. He intends to remove the mind altering attribute from it. When he confirmed that you would be worthy he summoned the forty and put us all in heat.” Havoc’s jaw hung loose and he took the time to close it before asking, “When did that last part happen? I’ve only been active for a few days so how did he load forty mares guns in such a small window of time? ” “We assume your idiom refers to our fertilization. It was easy, he started yesterday at midday and finished this morning.” Havoc was awed, that was over ten hours straight if heard correctly. “And what of the highborn mothers?” Celestia asked. “You are in His favor once more. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are completely free however. You shall be under surveillance until He is fully certain you are to be trusted without question. There are few things he asks of you Highborn, do not fail him again. He cannot take more anguish in his delicate state, he has not fully recovered from your previous breach.” The eighteen mares answered simultaneously. Celestia bowed low before saying, “Thank you mothers, and thank you father. I shall not betray your trust again, I have learned my lesson.” “We hope you prove this to be true Celestia, first of the highborn.” “What do you mean highborn?” “When the ponies ceased their maintenance of the cycle and He was beset by Discord  most of His children were caught up in the great war between the two powers. Celestia and Luna were the strongest aside from Rex himself, in addition they helped to create the elements of harmony. They were the two who successfully used the elements and after defeating the ultimate draconequus they seized control of the cycle. For their achievements they were granted the title of highborn and given status on par with the forty.” “Well what exactly is my test?” “You are to pass five trials to prove your worth to Rex. The first is the single hoofed conquest of eight nations. You have already conquered one so it is now seven. The second is to bring Rex seven golden fruit of the Tree of Ages. The third is the taming of an Ancient Leviathan. The fourth is to slay an Elder Dragon. The fifth and final task is to kill three Ursa Majors, bring them to Rex at the top of Mount Olympus, and weave their fur into tributes to him and the highborn. They had best be good tributes.” “Haaah... And it was such a good morning too...” Said Havoc as he began to walk out of the circle of alicorns. Who moved to block his path. “Should you accept you should know that we are to tempt, block, and torment you whenever possible. We are allowed to use any means available. If you accomplish trials set  before you you will soon be sent forth to retrieve other champions from your former species among others. Do you accept?” “Yes, was there ever really any question possible regarding my choice?” “We are aware that some males would gladly become a sex slave for the king’s daughters. You should be aware that when numerous alicorn females are in heat they can easily overpower and trap males who have no means of blocking their scent or reproductive organs. We are going to stop shielding ourselves in eight seconds.” Havoc’s eyes widened and he lunged over and out of the circle, flapping his wings as strongly as he could to get out of range. He knocked guards aside with the wind from his flight as the females chased him through the castle that was currently set up to provide perfect conditions for alicorns to enter estrus. He flew out of the balcony to find the same conditions over the city and surrounding the mountain as he flew in panic. Authors notes: I have no idea why I come up with this evil... The only reason I write it is because if I don't it starts to take up space needed for other more vital stuff. Thank you for checking the author's notes. I ask your forgiveness. > Chapter 5 Spike's Path to Knighthood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER FIVE: Rise of Spike Havoc flew through the Everfree near recklessly. He stayed hidden in the mist that gathered below the ominous canopy. It masked the steam that billowed off of his hot skin and his ghostly mane and tail. In the mist he was just another shadow. He leaped into a river and swam, he inhaled the water without thinking and was lucky to be capable of taking oxygen from it through his lungs as a fish did with gills. He passed a massive purple serpent that possessed a magnificent moustache. The river serpent looked from him to the gleaming figures that hunted Havoc and nodded in understanding. The serpent took it upon himself to aid the dark fellow with the handsome mane and tail. He stirred up the upper layer of the river water to distort the other’s figure, then he rose his lengthy upper body from the water to engage the figures above in highly distracting conversation. He figured they were females so he pitched his voice to sound weak and effeminate. For some reason females often enjoyed spending time around effeminate men. “Well hello ladies! May I say you are looking fabulous on this fine morning.” His voice barely qualified as unmanly. He struggled to keep his deep watery true voice from coming out. He almost sounded like he was crying to his own ears. This was what he was going for. “Greetings river lord, have you seen a male alicorn recently?” A yellow female with white hair and dark blue tipped feathers asked. The serpent thought her voice was beautiful. It would be better if she sang though, perhaps he could convince her to. “I might have. Can you describe this fellow?” The serpent asked in false joviality. “He is black of fur and white of hair. His flight feathers are white at the tips and his wings have three fingers. His eyes are red like blood and the pupils are dragonesque. He has sharp teeth.” “I believe he passed by recently, maybe ten minutes ago. He stopped and took a drink from my territory before crossing it deeper into the forest.” “Thank you river lord.” “If you want to thank me sing. A voice as gorgeous as yours is wasted on small talk.” “I will pay you later, our task is too important to waste time singing.” “Well in that case, tata ladies. See you later.” He said before diving back into his territories depths. He watched the gleaming figures as they followed his false directions, he would never be found out due to the difficulty involved in tracking a magical flying being through the Everfree. The serpent turned in the direction the dark fellow had headed and effortlessly caught up. Those massive wings may be good flippers but no beast of land or sky could keep pace with a river serpent in its natural habitat. He examined the fellow, big for an equine but tiny for a dragon. He was actually larger than the serpents head to his joyous surprise. “Hello traveler, the females have been mislead you can pause your flight and recuperate in my presence.” The serpent known as Xià said and his great voice traveled through the water in a melodious current to the ears of Havoc. Havoc stopped like he’d been hit by an assault train before drifting with the current, bubbles rising from his boiling hot skin. Assault trains are trains converted for off-rail driving. They are designed with altered wheels and controls in the locomotive. The wheels retain their armored design and the locomotive has a massive dozer blade on its front to power through debris, small hills, and walls. Assault trains are among the most deadly weapons of Havoc’s homeworld being capable of transporting hundreds or thousands of soldiers and vehicles to a battle as well as being able to render most land-based defenses null through sheer power in addition to serving as mobile bases. “Why do you help me river serpent?” Havoc asked the great purple being with a section of mustache that was extra curled and purple. “I was given aid in my time of need long ago by a mare by the name of Rarity. Send her my regards if you ever see her. Besides dragons must stick together when threatened by the lesser breeds.” “Funny, a dragon named Gloom told me I was a dragon as well. Yet those females and king Rex seem to think otherwise.” “You are more of an inbetween than anything else young one.” “Are we submerged?” “Yes.” “How am I breathing or speaking?” “Dragon bloodline youth, we are amazing creatures as you can see.” “My lungs also function as gills?” “Basically yes.” “Thanks for the help, know the way to Ponyville?” “Follow the current until you see a fallen bridge, you should find a path leading to ponyville from the right.” “Thank you comrade, what is your name?” “I am Xiā.” “Nice to meet you Xiā, I am Havoc.” “Fair travels little brother.” “Er, may your river flow strongly?” Xiā swam upriver leaving Havoc confused as he drifted with the current. What he did not know was that Xiā felt mildly insulted and was attempting to laugh it off. ‘May your river flow strongly’ was a compliment to females but when applied to males it was an insult to their potency and at times a suggestion of taboo sexual deviancy. Xiā had never been insulted in such a manner and decided it was the ignorance of youth that caused him to make such a blunder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:35 A.M. 11 days 7 hours 35 minutes since savior spell Location: Ponyville outskirts … Havoc crept through the fading mist, he’d followed Xiā’s directions well. He saw the edges of Ponyville were almost in range. He had to be swift lest he be spotted. He charged in silence and got behind a building. He lowered himself once more and began creeping from alley to alley. He realised that his run was indeed silent and checked his tattered armor, it lacked the spikes he had designed in it. Some were obviously ripped out or lost with a chunk of armor in combat, the few that remained were not as they should be. They were near flat studs that served a similar purpose as the spikes, only without the deadliness. Havoc did not remember doing that. He crept closer to his target: Twilight Sparkle’s tree library. With her information he would have an edge that he hoped didn’t count as help direct enough to disqualify him. Havoc flowed from space to space, he saw a scared child looking at him and narrowed the eye facing it as he moved on like a giant wolf. He rushed the tree library and knocked on the door carefully. He took an inspiring pose as he heard footsteps approaching from inside. Spike opened the door and gaped up at him in his battletorn armor in awe as the weak wind blew his hair to the side and Havoc looked down upon him sternly. “Comrade Spike I am requisitioning the aid of you and comrade Sparkle for an important endeavor. May I come inside?” Havoc asked with his voice pitched to sound noble and strong. “Give me a moment...” Spike said as he walked back into the library and closed the door. Havoc maintained his pose. He faintly heard arguing from inside the structure. Soon the door opened and Twilight Sparkle saw the same thing Spike did. She rubbed her eyes and shook her hair fully out of the way as her mouth opened wide and the corners turned down. “Do the princesses know you’re here!?” She yelled. “Nopony knows I’m here. And quiet down Twilight I cannot be seen and if you get me caught you are no longer my comrade.” He hissed. “What are you doing here?!” She whispered. “I am on an urgent mission granted to me by the father of Celestia. It is very secret which is why I must not be found.” “You don’t have to answer to him, don’t you remember!?” “If I don’t I’ll end up in chains.” “Well what’s with the secrecy?” “If I’m found I’ll be buried under a few hundred pounds of alicorn.” “The princesses would do that?!” “I’m talking about their mothers! Now may I please come in before they find me!?” “Fine! Argh!” She whispered angrily before opening the door fully and moving aside. Havoc got on his knees and crawled with his head ducked in order to get in. When he got in he slammed the door closed with his tail and stood tall once more. “Thank you comrades Sparkle and Spike. I need your indirect aid for the trials I have been appointed to prove my worthiness to Rex.” “Didn’t the princesses already make you their Chosen Champion? That’s a lot of faith in my mind.” “If I don’t I’ll be chained and my rights will be taken.” “Why would that be done?!” Twilight yelled as she closed the blinds. Spike returned from locking the balcony and pulling the drapes closed. “I am the sole unrelated male alicorn on the planet, this apparently makes me too valuable to let go to waste.” “That sounds terrible.” She said, her voice tinged with regret. “Well my reward is his four hundred undecided daughters as my herd. The difference between that and the prison is I can choose when I mate and I retain my rights as a sapient. Whatever that means... I know not if I can even choose when I mate in truth.” “Wow...” Spike said, a thin line of drool leaking from his mouth. “Well I have come to request your presence on my first task, I am to conquer seven nations by my own hoof. I am bringing you for your knowledge, I do not believe that would be direct enough to count against me. Spike is to guard you and possibly aid me in fighting not related to the conquest, before you get worried, he is a dragon. I know he can handle himself if he doesn’t even feel it when Rarity uses him as a living pincushion.” “I... Don’t know what to say...” Twilight stuttered. “I choose you and none else for this first task, do you accept comrades Sparkle and Spike? Mares, knowledge, adventure, and blood await us. Possibly stallions for you Sparkle, if that’s your speed.” “I... Don’t like to talk about that sort of thing. What do you think Spike, I think this would be a good learning opportunity.” Twilight answered while looking at Spike. “Hmmm, well I know we won’t find anybody as beautiful as Rarity but it would be nice to get some practice in. I’m with ya Twi’!” He responded after rubbing his scaly chin in thought. “Well done comrades, show me your supplies before you pack them.” They took twenty minutes to get their supplies ready. Havoc carefully scanned all the items they elected to bring, especially Spike’s gems. Twilight was very organized, this Havoc knew. What he didn’t know was that she was also a master of packing. Havoc prepared by making a riding saddle based on the gear of the royal guards and one of Twilight’s dresses. He formed a large cloak for himself, it covered much of his body while letting his wings out through holes in the hide he formed it of. The saddle was haired hide fused to metal underneath to give it shape. He designed it to hold six ponies sitting semi-erect in rows of two. Projecting from the four blunt corners were metal rods, they stuck upright. attached to them was a canvas of bare hide. This was to protect his riders from strong wind and harsh light. He felt something scraping him in his mane and pulled it, rather them, out. He saw shards of metal, odd shards. He scanned a dark blue one and found it to be dense, heavier than the pale shiny one but stronger too. He noticed some were not metal, a grey one flexed with ease. Twilight saw them and quickly put them under a microscope. “Celestia! This one’s mithral! and that ones meteor metal! Where did you get these, these are highly refined and meteor metal is illegal for regular ponies. It’s also incredibly rare because the only way to get it is to wait for a meteor to fall out of the sky and hope it contains the rare metal.” “I think somepony slipped them into my mane. I know I’m going to make some upgrades to my gear.” Havoc said and did just that. He dissolved the gold armor he wore and started fresh on the hide level. He formed a cuirass of the meteor metal for his chest, underneath it was fused to a layer of hide extended from the original layer of hide used for his scale. He gave the chest plate a thin layer diamond to protect it better, overlaying the diamond was what Twilight called flexsteel, it was strong and mostly rubber for flexibility. It also didn’t rust and was dark grey so it didn’t stand out. He formed his scale armor of meteor etal because he wasn’t concerned with weight, he made the scales for his spine extra large and coated them with diamond. He did not want to be disabled. The scales were connected to the layer of hide below through tiny mithral studs, the mithral was light and strong. The scales all had sharp edges so that if someone attacked from behind they would get sliced up. He formed two meteor metal cuisses for his hind legs, they attached to a pair of plates of meteor metal that were attached to his rear spine plating. The tassets were somewhat rigid due to not actually needing to move much while the cuisses attached to them were attached by swivel bolts to allow them to swing with every step while staying attached to the tasset plates. A pair of hide strips with scales attached hung down to cover much of his hind legs. His upper forelegs were covered by rerebraces, his lower by bracers of course. Between them was scale armor to protect joints. His hooves remained exposed as before. His head was armored similarly to the way it was before. A single metal plate with holes for eyes, ears, and nostrils protected his upper head. This time there were two separate holes for his nostrils and it projected a little below his lips, it also had a slit for his mane. A jaw plate that was formed of two plates held together by a clamp, a layer of soft fur was fused to the inner side of the meteor metal. The jaw guard was attached to his helm by a pair of clamps. The hide on his neck too had sharp scales. He put a hooded cloak of flexsteel over his armor, leaving a patch for his cuirass. His cutie mark covered up and most of him was invisible under a layer of flexsteel he put on the saddle by its clips underneath his stomach and was good to go. “I am ready comrades. Let me quickly form some armor for you two, it will be light.” Havoc offered. “Alright.” Twilight accepted, staring in fascination at his armor. Havoc enveloped her with his magic and sank it into her muscle layer to learn her strength and perfect the armor for her contours. He formed a cuirass of two plates that had a clamp on either side to protect her chest. He put a layer of soft woven hair underneath.The cloth covered most of her body leaving holes for her legs, neck, and tail. It covered her rear but there was a singular large hole for her hind legs, it slitted up to her tail and allowed her to slide into the cloth with ease. He attached scale like spine plates to the cuirass’s top plate by the first spine plate. Her hind legs were guarded by two piece cuisses that connected with clamps and similar greaves. Her hips were protected by tasset plates that were connected with tiny metal studs, the tops attached to the spine plates with three clamps on both sides. He protected her lower forelegs with bracers of similar design to her greaves and cuisses. Thin chains wrapped around her stomach, they were attached to the spine plates to keep them in place. The thin chains were held tight against her body by hooks that were attached to levers to manipulate the hooks to open and close, the hooks went through the end rings on the chains opposite the that lacked the hooks. Havoc had intentionally left her crotch unblocked so that she could go to the bathroom with customary ease. Havoc formed a helm that had holes for her eyes, individual nostrils, ears, and horn. It covered just below her upper lip at her mouth and curved down further back to protect her lower jaw. It was held to her held with a pair of straps formed of Havoc’s bone white hair that attached to each other with a clip on the right one. Her metal was all mithral with a thin overlayer of platinum in case mithral corroded easily, though he doubted it did. Spike stood tall and awaited his armor as Twilight examined herself in a mirror. Havoc enveloped him too. After examining him he decided to go with titanium overlayed with mithral and over that platinum, Spike was incredibly strong. It must have been all the heavy labor combined with dragon genetics. Havoc formed a suit of hide first, it covered his arms and chest as well as his stomach. He also formed pants of hide for him, leaving a hole for his tail. For both he left a slit in the back for his spines, they had thin strips going around them. The hide was to keep his scales and armor from wearing away at each other. He formed the cuirass similarly to Twilight’s however his had straps on the chest plate that went around his arms, he did not have magic and he stood bipedally. Havoc put the clamps on the shoulders of the cuirass. Under the cuirass was a separate short sleeved shirt of hide, it trailed down to his knees and the sleeves reached his elbows. It was covered in scales that were attached using Havoc’s new favored method, it did not have scales where his cuirass went nor did it have them on his shoulders and outer forearms. To protect these areas Havoc placed pauldrons that attached to the cuirass with singular swivel clamps. The swivel clamps were in front of the cuirasses linking clamps. Havoc gave Spike bracers that attached on the front of the arm. Havoc placed on Spike’s shins greaves that were held in place by clamps on the inner side. The greaves had pointed projections that went past his knees, he could use these to lethally knee his opponents. His upper legs were protected by cuisses that were held together the same way as his geaves. The plates that protected limbs were connected to their opposing parts by lines of articulations opposite the clamps. Havoc finished spikes armor with his helmet. It was like the rest of his armor except it had a gold lines patterning over the platinum. It protected his elongated upper jaw while leaving holes for his eyes, individual nostrils, ear fins, and a slit for his spines. It had an aventail that hung down his neck leaving the underside of his throat exposed, it draped over his pauldrons. This aventail was a combination of chain and scale. Hundreds of tiny rings wrapped around each other, some had scales extending from them and the scales covered the chainmail fully. “Hm, I looked good before but now? This is just awesome. You’re pretty cool Havoc.” Spike said after examining himself in the mirror Twilight had abandoned. “Thank you comrade. Now Twilight, would you like a raincoat of that ‘flexsteel’ you called it to cover your armor?” “Yes thank you. I find this feeling strange. I walk around naked all the time, yet that opening you left that reveals my inner thighs and up to my tail feels revealing.” Havoc formed the coat, it had sleeves down to her wrists on her forelegs but was a singular piece for her rear end. Its hood was designed with a hole for her horn. The coat hung halfway down her shins and was open on the underside, it covered her tail and made her feel less revealed. “Much better.” She said. “Alright, climb aboard.” Havoc said and lowered a wing as a sort of bridge. He had put a layer of flexsteel over the hide canopy. The two climbed on and put their supplies in a trunk built into the back end. They got into their seats and tried to get comfortable. “Its soft but it needs more padding.” Twilight informed Havoc. He grabbed a bean bag nearby and scanned it. He began to form the soft cotton filled device on top of the seats. “That’s enough.” Twilight said at some point. “You should know that those seats can now fold out into beds.” He had designed levers that when pulled back would slide out another section of seating, followed by the section they sat against going horizontal. Thus three piece beds. Havoc had even formed sheets of his hair and blankets of his furred hide in compartments beside the seats. He recently formed pillows within them them as well, on the outside his soft hair and on the inside a mix of hair and cotton. He wondered if he had some sort of fixation with himself to be using his own body for ingredients so often. “How are we gonna get out?” Spike asked rationally. “Twilight will teleport us out.” “But all this stuff might get burned!” She protested as she fondly hugged a pillow. “I’ll shield us.” Havoc said as he smiled back at them. “Alright, but if the stuff gets ruined you better make more.” “Of course.” Havoc said as he wreathed them in darkness. Twilight’s horn glowed brightly and they appeared outside the library with a soft pop and a flash of light. Most of the locals were still asleep, it hadn’t taken Havoc long to create all the things he had. He leapt into the air and flew through sky, keeping low lest he alert his pursuers. “Where to Twilight?” He hissed loudly, “Where is the nearest nation?” “If you go East we should be headed to Caltimare, it’s inhabited by ponies and zebra that are ruled by an old dragon. I read that alicorns serve as his nobility, run businesses and mostly do other economy related things. A few serve in his military and form the high ranking command structure.” She suggested. “What’s Caltimare like?” “Mostly desert, there’s a big river running through it and a number of oaseses dot the sands however. The city of Sandislan is built along the river, it barely covers a tenth of it despite the cities size. Sandislan is also the only city, there are small villages and nomadic tribes throughout however. I believe there are also a few earth drakes.” “Thank you,” Havoc said as he turned East based on the sun, “Spike I have a message for Rarity comrade, will you write it and send it for me?” “Sure.” He said quickly and whipped out a quill and a standard sized scroll. He started with ‘Dear lady Rarity’, “Ready!” “Dear lady Rarity, I Havoc send you this letter on behalf of a being who helped me in my time of need. Remember that river serpent from the Nightmare Moon quest? Well that’s who it was, he wished for me to send you his regards if I ever came into contact with you. I will not be in Equestria for a long time so I thought it prudent to do so early on. Sincerely Havoc. P.S. The reason I won’t be in Equestria is that I’m being hunted down by eighteen alicorns with intent to rape.” He dictated. Spike broke into laughter at the last part. He soon stopped laughing and held the note high before burning it with his magic fire as Havoc flew higher. “You know that that last part will panic her and she’ll gossip about it after she calls the princess right? I’ll be sending her one informing her that I was suddenly called away for an epic quest and I didn’t have time to say goodbye in person.” Spike said and he smiled, Havoc of course could not see or feel the smile. Havoc flew onwards and Eastwards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 8:48 A.M. 11 days 8 hours 48 minutes since savior spell Location: somewhere in the great Calimare desert … “Need a refill for your water bottles comrades?” Havoc yelled over the loud wind. “Yes!” Yelled Twilight. She passed it into Havoc’s vision and he filled it with cold water with a light glow of his horn. She brought it back and took a sip before returning to her lecture. “And as such that is why unicorn horns are so springy. Ready to hear about pegasi or earth ponies?!” “I’ll need a moment to fully absorb all that!” Havoc replied For the past twenty minutes she had been explaining to him why unicorn horns worked the way they did. Havoc had learned to his surprise that unicorn horns didn’t actually have any bone in them. They had a core of veins, nerves, and two kinds of magical organ. One was called the the magica amplio cogoclaro, it was what caused the horn’s glow when magic was used. This singular organ was surrounding the others but was perforated with veins. It served to focus the unicorns magic. The other was the magica ingenero. It literally created magic using energy generated by consumption of food, they were scattered throughout a unicorns chest and stomach as well as within the horn. Around the magica amplio cogoclaro was a layer of cartilage which was the foundation the keratin outer layer was anchored to. These made a unicorn capable of generating and manipulating magic and it explained the odd properties of unicorn horns. Horns typically matched a unicorns fur color due to the fur color in unicorns being influenced by the magic produced by the magica ingenero as well as genetic pigmentation. “Hey, how near do you think we are to Sandislan?” Spike asked, he was bored. After all, he’d heard this all before. “Can’t say, maybe we should ask those zebra over there!” Twilight yelled and pointed to a group of zebra in white cloaks. With them were a few camels wearing turbans. “Are camels sapient?” Havoc asked. “Actually no! It’s kind of strange honestly, they look like they should be! They are clever for lesser animals however!” Twilight supplied. Havoc angled himself towards them and they pointed and yelled in a language he did not recognize. Twilight did however, when they came close enough to hear each other she started yelling at them in their own language. They began going back and forth in such a manner until Havoc landed among them, he flared his wings to the sides for a moment before furling them. The sun’s light glared off of his flexsteel cloak and he squinted against the close glare of the sand. The zebras surrounded him, poking at his legs and chattering excitedly. Twilight and a zebra kept speaking, no longer yelling. The zebra’s voice sounded harsh to Havoc’s ears, harsh for this place at least. “If we go that way we should hit the river, follow its current and we’ll reach the city.” Twilight eventually said. A foal was attempting to climb Havoc’s left rear leg. Havoc raised it to provide a better surface, he was leaving soon anyway. The adults laughed at this. The foal climbed his leg and got into the howdah on his back, it saw Spike. The young zebra pulled his hood down and stared, at least Havoc thought it was a he. Spike said something to him in his own language and Havoc began to wonder if everyone but himself knew the language. More likely he picked it up from Twilight however. They conversed for a bit as Havoc lowered his leg. Others patted him but did not attempt to boldly climb him as the colt had. Havoc extended his wings and flapped gently, both to cool off and to get ready for flight. The zebras gathered in the passage of the gusts he created. Havoc closed his eyes and relaxed as he flapped lazily. After a short time he felt a hoof tapping his armored thigh and raised his leg to allow the foal to climb down. After the foal was safely on the ground Havoc opened his eyes and leapt straight up before flapping his wings and propelling himself in the direction Twilight indicated. He was soon cooling down as he flew, the air resistance pushing wind against him which took away his built up heat. He was silent, to him it was relaxing and not at all awkward. He vaguely heard Twilight speaking with Spike. He looked for any sign of water, knowing this world it would be blue. His homeworld didn’t have blue water, not that he’d seen. The oceans were brown, red, green and in places slick and rainbow hued or black. He’d learned long ago that rainbows were always bad on his homeworld. Part of the reason he was starting to dislike Rainbow Dash was due to his previously logical and justified phobia of rainbows. It had saved his life numerous times after all. As he crossed the sand he noticed a bit of blue was moving closer. He hoped it was water. His hope was misplaced. A mostly blue thing was flying right at him. It had deep blue fur yet its wings had red, orange, and yellow feathers. They went in order of darkest to lightest outwards, he saw a few dark blue feathers scattered on its wings. It seemed to have scales on and beside its spine, the scales were also on its shoulders and beside its mane ending in a head crest of green and red feathers alongside the dark purple mane. Its wings appeared to trail fire behind them and its eyes were solid yellow aside from the predatory silt pupils. The creatures eyes were surrounded by light purple. Havoc saw it had taloned hands rather than forehooves and they bent like those of a wolf or simian, or potentially more accurately a bird. The hands were the same blue as the main body and the claws were currently hidden in fur. It had rear legs of different form, they ended in larger scaled feet. The feet had strong looking toes that ended in black claws. The thing pulled up shortly before impacting Havoc and swooped back down by his side. It was clearly smaller and had a sleek shape, Havoc judged it to be a little less than half his size overall. It almost certainly weighed less than him. In fact it looked downright feminine. Its equine head was level with Havoc’s when it spoke. “Well hello stranger! Haven’t seen your kinds males before! Not bad if you don’t mind me saying so.” A melodious female voice practically sang out. “A second phase phoenician!” Twilight said in wonder. “Well someponies well learned!” The female sounding creature said with a laugh. “What’s a second phase phoenician? What’s a first phase phoenician, or phoenician in general for that matter?” Havoc asked, he felt strange. Warm, and the phoenician smelled wonderful. He could probably get its head with one lunge of his jaws at this range. “Phoenicians resulted from the magical hybridization of phoenix and pony long ago in the region of Phoenicia though some prefer Canine. The phoenicians were there before the Caninites however. The phoenicians that resulted from the magical fusion of pony and phoenix were only the first phase, for a long time they were simply phoenicians as there was no second phase for nearly two and a half thousand years. Most of them were pegasus hybrids though there were a few earth ponies among them. They formed a very successful thalassocracy within the first hundred years and there were no land living beings that could compare for a very long time. They created the now defunct but historically important bireme!  Then a few mated with young and lesser dragons and second phase phoenicians were born. They didn’t look as equine as the first phase and they were stronger, faster, and larger than them as well. They also developed a taste for meat. The difference between second and third phase phoenicians lies in the diet and, to a lesser degree, appearance. Third phase can eat gems and metal, they are also scalier and typically a little bigger than the second phase.” Twilight explained excitedly. She sure knew a lot about stuff. “You forgot to mention all phoenicians can breathe fire as well as being immune to it. Well you didn’t mention other things too, but I don’t mind cutie! Where did you learn all that stuff? Surely you were doing it late at night when suitors weren’t hounding you. By the way, my name’s Pyropsyche.” The phoenician said with a wink towards her. “I learned about it in the royal library. And I wasn’t hounded by suitors... I was kind of a loner back then. What makes you think that I was hounded by suitors?” Twilight asked. She had removed her raincoat mere minutes into the trip. “Purple is very attractive to Phoenicians. If you were born in Phoenicia your parents would have to lock you away in a magical tower to keep all your admirers away.” Pyropsyche replied. “Eh, hehehe...” Twilight said as she rubbed the back of her head. “Even just my hair has me getting compliments left and right. Why do you think I’m wearing purple eyeshadow? You are all purple... You look nice aside from the purple but it really adds on to your good looks.” She had been getting steadily closer and was in fact half in the howdah. Spike looked at her carefully. “I see your dragon friend is purple also. Not like you, but still! You two would fetch great prices if I could bring myself to capture you like that. Also it would help if I was willing to share you little mare...” She was close enough to grab Twilight. “I’m sorry but I’m spoken for!” Twilight blurted out. “By who?” Pyropsyche asked calmly. “Celestia! Princess Celestia of Equestria!” Twilight said, she wasn’t supposed to just let people know! “Well she’s miles and miles away. No harm in a little fun is there? Besides I know what she does with those guards of hers.” Pyropsyche said as she got even closer to Twilight. “Uh, uh, also him!” She said pointing at the most formidable being in the area. Which was Havoc. “Well that’s a surprise. Still I don’t think he’d mind.” She said as she began running her fingers through Twilight’s mane. “Yes he would. He would get really really angry at you if you tried that. He conquers nations by himself, you really don’t want to see him mad.” She said nervously. The female continued to stroke her mane. “Mmm, oh well. I guess the big bad stallion doesn’t like sharing. I’ll make due, where ya headed?” “We’re going to Sandislan, urgent business. What are you doing out here phoenician? I hear your kind tends to stick to coastal areas.” “That’s a matter of preference and business and there’s a huge river coming up. I think you’ll agree it counts when we see it in two... one.” They all looked ahead when she did that. The river was indeed huge as promised. They saw a small fleet downstream, the current was quite noticeable along the nearby edge of the massive body of water. Trees and odd, twisted, bushes grew along its banks. They saw green plants in the beautiful clear water near the banks, it was deep enough that the inner side was deep blue and impenetrable to normal eyes from above the surface. Havoc angled towards the fleet ahead, small birds temporarily flocked to him in curiosity. Then larger birds such as pale storks and golden cranes. A few took perch on the howdah he bore on his back. He saw odd beings as well as a few more phase two phoenicians . They were  colorful but not as much as the ponies of Equestria. They were tall and winged. Their wingspans were far greater than those of normal ponies, comparable to those of regular birds. More likely phoenixes, Havoc saw one shoot fire out of his nostrils. Havoc noticed they tended towards extremes, bright and dark. Black, blue, white, red, yellow, orange, and occasionally bronze or light to dark grey. Havoc only saw one with green fur and another with a dark green mane. A few armored individuals flew up to meet him, they did not look very concerned however. It was in flight that they were most obviously not ponies, their slowly flapping wings were aflame. One male nudged one of the three females in the platoon that had flown up to greet Havoc. They surrounded him and ceased their lazy flaps and began to glide leaving trails of flame in their wake. One flew into the howdah Havoc carried, he was a good deal smaller than Pyropsyche. In fact he was only a little over a decimeter taller than the average stallion and was far leaner, yet he was still clearly male. “Hey there Pyro! Who’s this lovely lady?” He said in a smooth masculine voice, it too possessed an odd melodic quality. “Don’t even try it Heart, she’s taken.” Pyropsyche said quickly. “Well aren’t you lucky.” “Actually he’s lucky.” She replied pointing down to Havoc. “Huh...”, He looked flabbergasted and Pyropsyche grinned, “How does that even work?” “Magic! There’s a spell involved.” Twilight answered before they could figure it out on their own. “That figures. The alicorns get all the best stuff anyways, so why not mates too...” He said looking at Twilight longingly. “Hey aren’t you offended Pyro? He just said she was better than you.” Spike jabbed. “Not at all. I myself went after her and phoenicians aren’t really given to jealousy. Not usually. Besides, it’s not like something like that offends us. We know good stuff when we see it and your friend here is very high quality. I bet under that armor you’re not so bad yourself.” “I like to think so.” Spike said just before Havoc landed on the ships visible deck with a loud thump. Havoc looked around carefully. They didn’t look very threatening to him with their solid yellow eyes. Havoc noticed a particularly large phoenician approaching him. This ones had black slit pupils surrounded by red which faded through orange to yellow. Its head was fully scaled, its ears even had scales, except where it was feathered. The only part Havoc saw that wasn’t scaly or feathered was its underside. It’s feathers were a dark purple and its scales were red, its fur was yellow. Its mane was a dark shade of purple that matched that of its wings and was oddly shiny, like it had been treated with oil. “Who are you?” He asked and Havoc saw sharp incisors and canines. “I am...Bellator, the greatest warrior you will ever know.” “Really? Then why have I not heard of you then? Surely I would have heard of, or at least read about your exploits somewhere in my travels.” He said and narrowed his eyes. “I don’t make my work a public affair, nor do I leave witnesses to tell anyone about me.” Havoc replied coldly and narrowed his eyes in turn. “Then why should I trust you assasin?” He said and brought his head closer as the corners of his mouth turned down. “What gender are you anyways? I can’t tell just by looking at you.” Havoc said while angling his head further down and keeping his eyes pointed at him. He had been both insulting him and seriously asking him. Havoc had been mistaken before. “I am Causkardia, veteran Syntagmatarchis of Tyre! I am the stallion assigned to protect this trade fleet and you’d best show me respect!” He said glaring up at Havoc. “Careful with that one Caus, the purple mare says he conquered nations by himself.” Pyropsyche interrupted before they bumped heads. “How have I not heard of him then?!” Causkardia yelled angrily. “‘Cause I worked too fast for word to spread or records to show! Tell him dragon!” Havoc yelled angrily. “How’m I supposed to do that?!” Spike yelled in annoyance. “Send the princess a letter or something, I’ll make more scrolls!” Havoc answered loudly. “Aaagh! Fine.” Spike said and whipped out a scroll. He quickly wrote “Dear princess Celestia, This is Spike asking you to send confirmation that your buddy Havoc conquered two nations. He’s in an argument with a phoenician syntagmatarchis  and they might start fighting if I don’t get them something that says he did or didn’t do as Twilight said. With thanks, Spike. P.S. If you mention me in your return letter please refer to me as Inferno. And Havoc as Bellator. P.P.S. I don’t know Twilight’s code name.” and burned it with green flame. “What princess do you work for huh, or is that a lie?” The third phase phoenician angrily asked. “Lets wait and find out!” Havoc yelled and his eyes began to glow. What he didn’t know was that his eyes glowed when he was feeling emotion strongly. He also didn’t know Celestia was taking a soak at the time and the scroll got waterlogged despite landing on a bath mare. After a few tense minutes Spike belched up a message. He read it and his face got a little pink. Of course nobody saw it under his helmet. “Uhh, yeah Celestia says he did what he said.” He said quickly. “Let me see that, I know the royal seal and if you don’t show me Bellator here’s a liar!” Causkardia demanded. “You don’t wanna read this dude.” Spike disputed. “Whatever it is I’m sure is fine! Besides I’m a grown stallion, I can handle a little profanity!”  Causkardia disagreed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you...” Spike warned as he threw it to Causkardia, who caught it in a foreclaw. He examined the seal carefully before nodding and reading the message. He blinked repeatedly after reading it before rubbing his eyes with a hand and rereading it multiple times. He carefully rolled it up and handed it to a nearby phoenician,  Havoc noted mentally that this first phase had hands unlike the other first phase he’d seen. He wondered if it had anything to do with his heritage. “You sir have my apology. Also my envy. I was unaware of your relationship with the high princess of Equestria.” “Co-high princess.” “What?” “She and her sister are back together.” “I... Did not know that she had returned. Why does the sun still rise?” “Because she’s Luna again, the Elements of Harmony purified her or something. Hey what happened with that anyway?” Havoc said somewhat smugly. “The Elements of Harmony banished Nightmare Moon from her body and weakened it considerably. It also made her body younger.” Twilight answered. “Cool, so Nightmare Moon was like... Mind Fungus?” Havoc asked. “What’s mind fungus?” She returned curiously. “Mind Fungus is a microorganism that gets in through your blood. Generally from wet places heavy in other species of fungi, it feeds on them or something. Anyways, when it eventually reaches your brain it starts to feed on the cells while mimicking their makeup. The only thing you feel is a searing headache so many victims never get the chance to turn themselves in. The final stage results in a short term coma, maybe five to six days. Eventually the victim wakes up fully under control of the fungus, it has fully replaced the brain by then. With a few extra’s such as larger size and greater resilience. It develops breeding vents and starts to release spores which travel into the stomach and get out through the feces and through that spreads to other life forms far from the wet environment the original victim caught it from.” “Why does such a thing exist?! How do you get rid of it?! And why would they turn themselves in.” Causkardia asked in revulsion. “We don’t know why it exists. And they turn themselves in because the only way to get rid of it is to kill the host and crack open their head, followed by a full immolation. You really only have to immolate them, but it’s a kindness to kill them first and cracking open the head makes it easier for the fire to reach it.” “Is there no alternative?” Twilight asked, her voice sounded weak. Almost like she was ttrying not to puke. “Well you might be able to remove it along with a chunk of brain. And if you have the cash and resources, even grow the lost stuff back. But then again most can’t afford that and nobody with the money has ever caught Brain Fungus unwillingly.” “People contract it willingly?! By Celestia why!?” She asked in a freaked out voice. “Like I said, your brain gets bigger. Bigger means smarter, and you’re still you. It emulates the brain it consumes so in a way it becomes what it eats, the main downside is for the government really. When it spreads they form a sort of hive mind and keep trying to further spread the fungus and overthrow the government... Honestly the rich who get it just have to burn their feces or drop it in acid and they’re allowed to live. I met someone who had willingly contracted Brain Fungus, not a bad fellow. He was a Primus Pilus, and a good one.” “Primus Pilus? That sounds Lupine.” Causkardia commented. “Lupine?” Havoc responded. “Er, Lupusland is a far off country, it declared war on Equestria months ago. It’s a nation of sapient wolves, they have a quarrel with earth hounds for religious reasons. Their language has many parallels to yours and Equestria’s.” Twilight answered matter-of-factly. “Hey what is your name anyway? You sound like a scholar.” Causkardia inquired. “I’m... Midnight Star. I am in fact a scholar and own my own library. I graduated with top honors from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and have anytime access to the Royal Library.” “Why is a scholar all the way out here? And why do you travel with the second colonel of the Royal Guard?” He followed. “Er, important business. He’s got something to do in Sandislan.” She said and looked down sadly. “Why so sad little mare? Your pretty face should not be so downcast.” Causkardia said in an effort to cheer her up. “She’s taken Caus! Hey Heart. I want you to spread the word that the big one, his name’s Bellator, already claimed Midnight Star here. That should stop them from blatantly hitting on her. Oh yeah! Tell them that he really doesn’t like it when people go after his...?” “Girlfriend. We aren’t very serious but he’s very protective, and a little possessive. Part of the reason I was chosen to accompany him.” “Right... Well you heard the mare.” “Got it, my name’s Heartstealer by the way. Look me up if things ever go sour between you two. I’ll be stationed with this trade fleet unless things go badly with Sandislan.” He said with a wink and hopped off. His purple armor gleamed in the light. Havoc examined the soldiers as they landed around him, mostly ignoring the few who patrolled the deck in a bored fashion. Their armor resembled that of the standard royal guard pegasus altered to fit their proportions, however it was purple and it was designed to let their hair stick through a slot in the helmet. In addition the symbol over the front of the breastplate was a dual barbed green arrowhead surrounded by a red vertically tall rectangle. They also wore scale armor, it appeared to be steel and was undyed. The scales made him think of fish. The scale covered much of what the plate did not, down to the lower knee in fact. This made them flexible but still well protected. Havoc also noticed that this group mostly had hands as opposed to forehooves, looking across the deck he saw that nearly every phoenician he saw had hands. So why did a few have hooves? “Why do some of you have hooves while most have hands?” He asked a nearby soldier mare. “Oh well that’s because of earth pony blood. See earth ponies have always been good with crops while pegasi are good with clouds and unicorns can do magic. Pegasus ponies are also typically bigger, stronger, and naturally better fighters than earth ponies. This is why so many are soldiers while a lot of earth ponies are farmers, it’s what they’re good at genetically. A side effect of the magical combination of earth ponies and phoenixes was that unlike the pegasi they retained their hooves. This made them less suited for combat but had little effect on their prowess as farmers, we don’t know why they still have hooves but they do.” She answered with a big white toothed smile. Unlike the phase twos and threes they had admittedly sharper looking pony teeth. They ended in points but somehow didn’t look like predator teeth. “Hey can I count on you and Pyropsyche to watch Midnight for me? Keep her safe will you, the dragon can protect himself and should stick to her anyway.” He implored. “Sure thing mister alicorn, it will be my pleasure!” She responded enthusiastically. “No worries second colonel, this is the safest ship in the fleet. Where are you going anyway?” Causkardia asked. “Smart pony, I’m heading to Sandislan now. It’s rather important that I get there as soon as possible, I’m taking off this transportation unit by the way.” Havoc said with a large sharp toothed grin. “Need any help with that?” He asked politely. “No, once those two get out this will be a slice of liver.” “Ah! A fellow carnivore.” Twilight, Spike, and finally Pyropsyche exited the howdah on Havoc’s wing. Once they were all off he took the clips in his magic and opened them before lifting the object from his back and placing it on the deck. He stretched a bit before raising his wings and pulling off the flexsteel cloak and placing it in the trunk of the howdah. This got him a number of looks from the phoenicians, who gawked at his shining armor. He kept grinning as he leapt up and flew following the current. As he flew he saw that the metal hulled phoenician ships possessed sails but moved far faster than the wind would push them, despite their impressive size. He looked into the water and saw what appeared to be opposing currents, he took a quick dive and saw empty tubes attached  underneath and to the sides of the ships, these must be pushing them. He’d seen similar means of propulsion on airships before so was not surprised, these were magical horse things that spoke. He leapt from the water and resumed his flight. He flew for a time in silence interrupted by the occasional manly giggle brought on by the joy of flight under his own power. The wind caressing his wings, the light bouncing off the river, the smell of water, all these things sent signals to his brain that said happy. He saw the city all too soon in his flight induced joy haze. It wrapped around both sides of the river and Havoc saw ships moving up, down, and across its visible length. Few of them were as advanced as the phoenician ships, he saw trails of steam left in their wake as they powered across the river. They had complicated looking mechanisms visible on their decks, large things. They had glass tubes and domes, metal rods, and metallic wires running between or around them visible on their tops while colorful buttons and flashing bulbs were evident on one of their sides. Havoc saw that most of them wore goggles similar to the goggles of the Wonderbolts. Actually it was much closer to the engineers or aviators goggles from home. While the lense was a shiny blue as opposed to black, they had thicker rims than those of the wonderbolts and the band that held them was brown and spread to surround the lenses and covered down to the snout and midway down the cheeks and halfway up the side and fore of the head. Havoc saw zebras and unicorns alike at work on them, occasionally he’d see earth ponies. He also saw pegasi working above and high up the sides. While the number of zebra and unicorns working on the generators, or perhaps they prefered engines, was close it was still in the zebras favor numerically. In fact he saw most of the crews were zebra, he decided that this was probably due to zebras being here first and thus having greater numbers. He also suspected that zebras were adapted to the heat. Looking closely at one carrying a large wrench on his shoulder Havoc noted the way his limbs bent. Equines did not bend like that where he was from. He did not know that here, equine wrists were not the only flexing part of the arm. What appeared to bend like regular equine lower forelegs was actually a highly evolved series of cartilage supported internally by struts of bone. Like bird bones only they were not hollow. This adaptation allowed them to bend their forelegs almost like an octopus bends its tentacles while still allowing them to stiffen and run with well known equine speed. The dense muscles supported this while not causing them to sink unduly due to the low weight of the “bones”. While examining them Havoc felt compelled to look at his own forelegs. Since he was often saved by compulsion he raised them and pointed his head down. He suddenly realized something rather hilariously. Egads! It appears that my forelegs bend like those of a man! This is literally what he thought. Upon realizing this he began laughing furiously while glancing frequently at the source of his amusement, this resulted in ever louder laughter which in turn disturbed the crewbeings below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In his language his name was spear. The zebra did not mind his name, he liked it in fact. He didn’t like the way foreign ponies looked at him when he answered in the event that they asked what it meant however. He suspected their history had something to do with it, he’d heard from a few travellers who’d been to Equestria that they were rather peaceful, despite their casual brutality. By this they meant Equestrians throw you or harshly shove you aside when they can, he had literally be punched off the boat he worked on when a stallion overreacted in defense of his mate after being informed of his name’s meaning.  How such an apparently peaceful group can go about throwing, punching, slamming, and trampling others is a mystery to him. He wondered how they were still alive if, according to what the travellers said, throughout their history really bad things happened when they stopped being nice. When he lay alone in his bunk he pondered that, beings from savage countries you expected it from. Nords you expected it from, dogs you expected it from, dragons in general you expect it from, Coldrassians you expect it from. The land of colorful ponies who nearly went extinct when their arguing and dislike towards each other drew the dreaded windigoes? Not so much. He heard something as he walked along the captain's cabin, a faint laughing. He looked around and saw nobody laughing. The tired unicorn he passed didn’t even react. Spear rubbed his goggles with a handkerchief and kept walking. He made it to the deck and began examining the polished grey floor for dents before moving on to the opening near the front of the ship where crew quarters could be accessed. He heard the laughter again, louder. He waited for it to subside, it didn’t. He looked around but nobody was currently laughing. He then caught it in an ear and carefully turned his head to the source. He noticed the others following his gaze. What he saw made him wonder if he had accidentally eaten the very expensive frostbred mushrooms he had bought from a vendor in the previous city the ship had visited. He sure hoped not, he was saving those for a very special mare. A gift to show how much he liked her, hopefully she would be overjoyed and accept his advances... The thing in question was an armored alicorn looking at his hooves and laughing like a mad thing. He took out his handkerchief and thoroughly wiped his lenses and tapped at the metal studs securing the strong lenses to the synthetic leather band that wrapped around his head and somehow didn’t interrupt his mane. He still saw it. Possibly him, possibly a very large him. He didn’t even know male alicorns existed! He quickly looked around to see if he had gone crazy. Nope, he just saw most of the others staring at it with hidden eyes while a few frantically looked about as he was. He rushed to the captain’s cabin, he sure as overbucked hay didn’t know what else to do in this situation. He pulled the door open and stepped inside before whirling around and closing the door and spinning to face the captain. Who was currently face down on his desk quietly snoozing. No time for that. He galloped over and shook him vigorously before holding his head up to reveal panicked, and slightly bloodshot, eyes wide open. “Sir! An armored male alicorn is laughing insanely while flying high above the ship and looking at his hooves sir! What do we do?!” Spear said in his heavy accent. “What?” The tired zebra in the blue and gold striped captain coat asked. His short black beard was slightly moist. “I said an armored male alicorn is laughing insanely while flying high above the ship and looking at his hooves sir! Also he is very big and his armor is very shiny,what do we do sir?!” The panicking crew zebra yelled at the captain whose right eye began to twitch. “Are you high or am I having a nightmare?” The tired zebra asked. “Argh, follow me sir...” Spear says before grabbing a leg and slowly pulling him. The captain relents and allows himself to be pulled. They walk out and the alicorn is still laughing. A terrifying howl by now and everybody is just staring like idiots. Even the military ships on patrol are just watching. The captain punches himself in the face with his free right foreleg. He looks up and the laughter continues. He looks up and becomes intensly focused before getting a calm resigned look. “Sailor?” “Sir?” “I have no f****** clue what by Celestia’s sweet sweet p**** we are supposed to do. However I recommend we get the f*** out of here before some s*** goes down. Alert the m************ crew below of my orders. Hey you lazy b****, sons of wenches drunk on beer and c*******! Get us the f****** pandemonium spawn out of the s********!!” The captain roared. The dazed crew ran around in a panic momentarily before the order registered. “D********...” The captain muttered as he returned to his comforting cabin to get drunk. Drunk on a mix of hard earth hound beer, ursan vodka, elk grog, and dragon beer. He rarely drank dragon beer because a bottle of that stuff will kill you. Just one bottle. He decided he would risk half a bottle as he heard electricity from high above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While it was funny he decided that it was time to start playing. Havoc started with a little lightning, lines and arcs appearing from his horn as it began crackling on his highly conductive armor. He was surprised at how conductive flexsteel was. Havoc grinned as he built up a charge, the electricity didn’t even burn. Probably some freaky dracocorn trait, yeah that sounded good. Dracocorn, just sounded right in his mind. He had been smelling it since he started but now the scent almost overwhelmed him as he prepared his explosion. Three. Two. One. Zzzzaaaappppp!!!! Electricity exploded in a thick ring around him, screams as airborne being fell twitching and burning into the river below or streets to the side. He flew to his left and started zapping at random, mostly hitting sand and stone. He resumed his laughing, his bolts hurt quite a bit evidently. A stream of bullets went just by him and he turned to see a large draconian creature, armored in bronze and armed with a large rapid firing gun. He avoided the bullets by launching himself forward at random until he got close enough to attack in his preferred method. He lunged forwards and slammed his hooves into the drake, to his surprise his hooves penetrated with little difficulty. The earth drake was very big however, taller than him at the shoulder. He could take a lot of damage and so dropped the gun and raked him with his claws, which scraped harmlessly against his armor. The flexsteel was rent but the material beneath was fine, apparently earth drake claws can’t pierce diamond. The drakes eyes widened as he began to cough from blood leaking into his lungs, Havoc kicked off and wrenched his hooves from the drakes body. He readied his mind and fried the unfortunate creature with lightning. Next on the menu of death was a team of zebra armed with rifles, assault rifles from the size of the clips hanging from them. Indeed they were he found out as they began shooting at him. The seven of them soon found that their guns didn’t work on opponents with meteor metal armor. Havoc killed them, despite the iron under the robes signifying their employment in law enforcement, with a wave of fire. They screamed and rolled before Havoc crushed them with a wall of pressure. Now they were flattened, gooey corpses on fire. Havoc licked at one appreciatively, not bad seared and squashed with a hint of sand. He smiled and continued on his way, he launched himself high and looked around, no dragon yet. Maybe he had to do more damage? He decided to first make himself more obvious with a massive cone of fire blasted into the sky. Maybe he’d be taken for a dragon and get some- “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!” That sounded big, really really big. Havoc smiled as he saw a grey shape approaching through a storm cloud. It ripped through effortlessly and began trailing vapor awesomely. It pumped massive wings as it flew to him, they looked... Proportionate. In fact all the dragons had wings like that he realised. Spike had small ones but he was still growing. Ah Spike, he had grown from the weak if tough scaled wimp he’d first seen in episode one. He had grown indeed, he was bigger overall than Twilight. Not quite the size of an adult stallion but very close. He was more streamlined and looked more vicious overall, almost enough to qualify as lethal. Almost, he wasn’t big enough. Nor were his spines sharp enough or his proportions just right, but he was close. He was a lean, mean, fighting machine all the same which was why Havoc decided he should come along. Havoc theorised that dragons and ponies grew at roughly the same rate. Not to say that in seven or so years a dragon would be a near invulnerable firebreather who could swallow a bear with ease. Rather that given a dragon who hatched at the same time a pony was born that if you compared them in four to five years they would be roughly the same size as long as they were both average specimens. He did not know that ponies reached full size around their twentieth year reaching sexual maturity three years prior, nor did he know the legal age of consent in Equestria was nineteen years of age. Ponies here age slowly, a careful pony might live two to three hundred years. But that was the max, and dragons just kept getting bigger. If it was the right variety a dragon would never actually stop growing as it aged, those types were also pretty much immortal since they never got sick or suffered from the debilitations of old age. The massive grey roared as he saw his challenger, Havoc hoped this counted as an Elder. Chances were it didn’t. Havoc inhaled deeply and roared in turn. The dragon was on him in seconds, Havoc charged at it, intending to shatter its scales with his hooves. His hooves cracked the tough scales and he was launched backwards with bone-jarring force. He span uncontrollably and struggled to keep his bile down, he flapped his wings violently in an effort to regain control. The dragon hissed at him from above as it dove at him, its mouth open wide-ide-ide! Havoc managed to launch himself up as the jaws closed and he fit rather snugly. he gored the tongue with his horn and kicked harshly at the roof of its mouth. It roared and he kicked a tooth out as he was launched free. Havoc said to himself f*** it and grabbed himself in his TK in a desperate bid for control. He stopped immediately and his stomach thanked him. He soon threw himself up as the dragon lunged at him once more, this time it turned its head and released red fire at him. It hurt, it hurt a lot. Not as much as if he didn’t wear meteor metal however, the stuff is nearly immune to heat. It has to be to survive the trip down through Equestria’s dense atmosphere from space. All the same, Havoc raged in his pain. He had learned from a very young age that rage was the appropriate reaction to pain. He had seen those that cowered beaten to death by opportunistic or sadistic opponents and he did not want to die. Well actually, at the time he did not want to die, he was only five at the time. As he grew older he became more hateful and began to stop caring. He just didn’t care if he lived or died anymore, kept alive by what was left of his instinctive drive to survive and the ministrations of the Al’ hira surgeons. Now rage fueled an attack on a massive dragon, probably average for its species. Incredible force laced with lightning was projected at the dragon as it charged him. “RRRRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!” It roared in pain as its chest scales shattered and it was electrocuted through the cracks in its armor. “RRooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!” Havoc roared as he launched himself in a murderous rage at his multiton aggressor. His horn impaled its face just below it left eye and Havoc strained as he tore it downwards then upwards to free it. It tore free in a spray of blood, he had clearly penetrated to its tough hide and beyond. He kicked off and more scales cracked from the force. The dragon smiled menacingly as they circled each other. Havoc charged first and was batted aside with its massive tail, it knocked the breath from him. Havoc sucked it up and flew back to circling his foe. They growled at each other, beginning to get closer simultaneously. Havoc went first, swooping overhead before stooping towards the foe. The dragon loosed a tongue of flame at him and he dodged to the side, right into the dragon’s swinging claws. He was almost grabbed but kicked out before the crushing grip closed. Afterwards he scrambled across the arm with his powerful wing claws until he got midway up the upper arm. Once there he dug his claws in and started slamming his hooves down and the scales cracked quickly, he jumped off before the other’s second set of claws slammed down on the spot. The dragon roared in pain at the unintended self injury, Havoc had actually intended to keep slamming his hooves down and pierce the flesh. The dragon snarled as he blasted the startled Havoc with fire, Havoc was only grazed because of a swift back sweep. He hissed at the little that made its way to him, no wonder baby Spike had been so scared. Havoc charged but kept his wings readied for maneuvering, it slowed him down but it was worth it. The dragon shot a wing out and he kept going by bouncing along it, he impaled the shoulder scales and began climbing towards the head. He noted the dragon had yellow spines as he moved alongside them. He climbed quickly as he would soon be found, and all the bombing and tanking and hammering in this world would be needed to save him then. The dragon started thrashing to dislodge him, this was good. Despite it knowing he was latched on it wouldn’t thrash if it knew where he was latched on. He kept crawling and remained silent despite the battering he received. He reached just behind the head and bit down on an ear fin to swing himself with brutal force. His hind hooves slammed into the side of the dragon’s head and he heard a crunch. The dragon fell, his eyes closed tightly. Havoc relentlessly held on even as the dragon thrashed in agony. He began to pull up while still gripping the dragon, with his teeth. He made a muffled roar and grasped the giant in his magic. The tail ripped a building in half as it swept down and back up. Havoc released his jaws grip and focused his magic on the dragon’s pain wracked form, he struggled against Havoc’s mental grasp. Havoc started with the crack he’d made in the dragon’s skull. It sealed and the blood stopped spilling internally. Havoc then moved onto its scorched chest and the crushed muscles of its left forearm. Finally he focused on the damaged eyelid and and cheek bone. They left great fearsome scars but he figured dragons liked that, he certainly liked the scars he had acquired. Like the one from Gullfaxi’s greatsword when it pierced his shoulder. Mostly invisible, but still. “You have won little drake. Heh heh heh. You have great things ahead of you, so what do you want nestclast?” The mighty dragon rumbled. He looked angry but his voice sounded... Happy, like he’d found something of interest. “I claim your territory in the name of Equestria...” Havoc got out before puking into the street. “Why do you serve the alicorns little one? Join the A.D.C, at least that would gain you something. Though I am independent of them I would rather see my own in command.” The mighty predator hinted. After wiping some corroded liquid metal from his lips Havoc answered, “I owe the high princesses old one. They took me from a very bad place which I could not escape on my own. I have six more territories to claim so can we speed this up?” After that he coughed violently, riding and fighting an angry dragon is not a good idea. “Hmmm... Take my eldest daughter. We do not have much regarding inheritance besides killing or beating it from an adversary but that should ‘speed this up’ as you put it.” “What do you mean ‘take your eldest daughter’?” “She is to be your mate if you wish to make haste, in the event that I die normally the eldest son would claim the sands. However seeing that you have bested me and wish to give this land to your princesses and their king you must take my daughter. She can be rebellious but your actions may have won her over.” “Kaah! Sure... Where is she and is there some sort of ceremony?” He said after spitting out blood. He had no idea why he didn’t just swallow it, the same was true of what he was soon to encounter. Funny fact. Most dragons can’t get fat after a certain point, all the minerals they eat are digested and absorbed into their bodies. This is part of what makes dragon scales so tough. “That was incredible!” A feminine voice called from a shape emerging from the dissipating storm cloud. A bronze scaled, black spined, yellow eyed, clearly female dragon came into focus swiftly. She was clearly female because of the shape of her body, scales, spines, and eyes. The curves were smooth and the spines were thinner and longer than those of a male. Her sockets appeared to be shaped differently, they were closer to those of a zebra than the males. Her tail ended in a blade with two horizontal back curving spines at the base. The wings were narrower but also longer, the skin flaps were not as great as those of a male while the wing bones reached further. She also had two wing thumbs rather than one. When she came close Havoc noticed that she was a little bigger than him. She grasped him and pulled him against her chest while maintaining flight. “The ceremony has but two parts. The first is a great roar to confirm dominance, you should do in it the middle of the city and over the river  to ensure all hear it. The second is...” The dragon looked hesitant, “The second part is to perform the act involved in reproduction.”  That sounded like a refined version of the standard procedure involved in claiming territory from Havoc’s world. It wasn’t as brutal or bloody as marking your territory with your bodily waste and the pieces of the losers carcass, that’s for sure. “I’m... having... some... difficulty... breathing...” Havoc strained out. He didn’t want to struggle and possibly injure her. “Oh I’m so sorry!” She said as she relaxed her grip. Her scales didn’t feel rough against him. “No issue. I’m tough as you saw.” Havoc said in an effort to calm her. “I know. That was incredible the way you bested him even though he was at least fifteen times your size, I mean you just cracked his head with a single kick!! It...” She faltered as her father growled deeply. He did not want or need to see his daughter fawning over somebody. He wished even less to see the full ceremony of the proclaiming of dominance. He was planning on leaving well before that. The reality was not what he desired however. “Hey are you planning to leave elder?” Havoc asked quickly. “That is custom, yes.” He answered. “Well you shouldn’t.” “And why not?” “Your daughter will need an advisor. You may have heard that I need to conquer six more cities. Well I’m on a tight schedule seeing as I’m being hunted down by alicorns.” “Why do they hunt you little one?” The dragon was genuinely curious. Why hunt their own agent? “Well it's incentive. The eighteen assigned to me are to try to stop me using any means they deem fit. This pressures me to keep going until all my tasks are complete. And I have to do them alone so I can’t bring your daughter with me.” “Well Soundburst? What do you think?” “Haaah, so exciting. Not only do you fight like no other, but you’re on a death quest too! Of course I’ll need you here father! I want the place standing in case my little blood warrior survives. I’ll be waiting at the palace.” She said and gave his horn a lick before flying off. He twitched and struggled to regain control, he had felt things scrape against his bones before and it was agonizing. That was the opposite. “Ummm... to the center then?” Havoc asked nervously, not that he was afraid of the angry dragon. Rather he was afraid he would lose control of his body and fall twitching to the road, no, rooftops below. “Heeeeggghhh, follow me.” The dragon said and flew further following the current. Havoc dutifully followed and they arrived swiftly. “Here is the spot. Before you roar, remember it must come from your core. Do not force your throat, just let it come from within. My name is Soulscorch by the way.” “Thank you Soulscorch. My name is Bellator, well really it’s Havoc but I can’t let the alicorns catch me so I use a false name now.” Havoc replied gratefully, the dragon snorted mightily in response. Then he moved away. Havoc inhaled deeply and tried to let it flow as instructed. The city was beautiful, beautiful oddly topped buildings. Like ice cream from the cone, at least from what he saw on the show. Havoc had never seen real ice cream and cake, perfectly good ancient cake from a vacuum lock, had made him puke long after his stomach was empty. He couldn’t handle the sugar. As he relied upon instinct he felt magic building up inside of him. His release was almost catastrophic. “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggg!!!!!!!” Exploded from his open jaws, the bass of it caused his entire body to vibrate. His body had tingled in response to the big dragon’s voice forcing unnatural motion but this was extreme. Clouds fell apart from it. “Well done, now follow me if you can still see after that.” The elder dragon said and flew off. Havoc shakily followed, he was having trouble controlling his twitching muscles. They passed over a vast and beautiful city where unicorn, earth pony, zebra, pegasi, antelope, lion, earth drake, and even the odd deer or gryphon walked in equality. Havoc saw alicorns gaping at him from a very large structure up ahead. It looked big enough to fit four dragons of Soulscorch’s size through its main gate. He tried to stabilize himself as he followed Soulscorch, his wake was doing most of the work involved in Havoc’s current flight. The dragon wheeled up and sent Havoc flying towards a window with a parting phrase. “This is the new king of Sandislan, until it becomes an official part of Equestria. He calls himself Bellator, take care of him.” Then he flew high, oh so high, and was lost in the clouds. That just so happened to be conveniently placed above him in a vast blanket. Havoc would have crashed into the stone through the empty port but was caught by three separate alicorns who were located very nearby. The females eyes looked on the verge of bugging out. A fourth was by them, she seemed calm however. In fact she looked contemplative. Havoc could see a sort of rippling about her. It was similar to something he couldn’t quite place. Suddenly he was on his hooves and glaring down at her, his breathing was heavy but his limbs were steady. “Er, hehe... Do I know you handsome sir?” She said nervously after a moment without reaction. Not even a moment really, hardly a split second. However Havoc saw it. It wasn’t the lack of reaction brought on by overt suddenness, rather the lack of reaction from something that didn’t actually care. That was something Havoc knew better than likely any being on this planet. He had been like that once, probably still was. It hadn’t been long. He would warn Soundburst of this one. “No. You just remind me of somepony I knew long ago. She was... A good friend and kindred spirit, in a sense. I doubt she remembers my existence, after all it has been awhile. And its not like I ever made her dinner or shared a meal with her.” Havoc said and narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt something was off with this one. “Ahem.” Havoc heard as a claw tapped his shoulder. Ah think of the shedragon. Havoc smiled at her, he had information that was likely crucial. “Soundburst, good to see you!” He said and hugged her, he liked the warmth and the smoothness of the scales. She felt even warmer than before and her muscles underneath the scales kept twitching. “Come with me champion.” She said warmly and Havoc let go of her, he fell into step a respectful and cautious distance from her at first. He still felt the moisture. However he sidled up beside her and whispered his findings to her, she was a head taller than him so this was new for him. “Soundburst, I don’t trust the pink one with the red hair. There’s just something off about her.” “Hmmm,” She looked like she was thinking hard, but a look right at him changed her tune. “Because I really like you I’ll tell you why. Only if you agree to keep it secret, also you’ll owe me two services and I intend to collect one very soon.” “Deal.” Havoc said without pause. “Mmm, she’s a changeling.” Havoc’s legs were on autopilot, which was why he didn’t trip when he heard that. Changelings? Here? Where was Chrysalis, why were they harboring changelings? “Why?” “Well they do feed on love. There is abundant love here, not as much as they’d like but still. They can spread to other areas using the river anyways and while they prefer to stay with their queen they do as they must. They maintain long distance relationships with the queen using the postal service. Maybe I’ll bring you to meet her later, I think you’d like her.” Soundburst said followed by a wing stroke along his back. “Where is she anyway?” He asked, he’d actually thought the changelings were pretty lethal aside from their method of feeding. Lethal was somewhat like cool, radical, awesome, epic, etc. for his culture. The spikes, the color, the hive style... All flackin’ lethal. Flack is another  interesting term in his culture, they like it when it’s used in their favor but hate it when it’s turned against them. It was like the word f*** for them only it’s not considered a bad thing to say. So someone might be flacked, or you might hear ‘flack you’, or perhaps ‘flacking awesome man’ or ‘eat flack’. Sometimes that last one has ‘and die’ added to its end. “In her underground hive fortress, its got a series of tunnels leading in and out of it. It was dug by earth hounds and drakes after the queen came here begging for aid after her people were thrown out of Equestria. In addition the changelings did their part to dig it up and strengthen it overall until the hive was acceptable by the queens standards. That green slime they can spit up is really something.” “They must really owe your family now.” “Yes they certainly do, I never got your name bloody one. Is it because you were never given one to disassociate yourself from everyone else? Or maybe you were orphaned and never taken in and you’re constantly moving from battle to ever more glorious battle so you never had time to name yourself? Or is it something even more incredible?” She asked eagerly, wow was this a long walk. “Er don’t tell anyone but my name’s Havoc. I’m going by Bellator to mask my identity.” He whispered conspiratorially. “Then why tell me?” She whispered back. “I don’t lie to beings I have sex with.” “Good policy.” She whispered back, she looked around. “Let’s fly.” She said and they flew. Her room, as Havoc assumed, was marked with a series of claw marks which Havoc assumed were some form of draconic. That or the claw markings were unique enough to differentiate between them. The door had purple, green, yellow, and blue gems that formed an intricate pattern that filled it. In fact it looked like the door was mostly gem, he could see through it partly. She opened the door with an odd slot. she inserted her hand, horizontally flat, and turned it right. He heard a click and she returned her hand to horizontally flat. She pulled it open wide enough to enter and gave him time to slip in before entering herself. The slot was present on the other side as well. She locked it by turning her hand left and Havoc assumed individual systems were at work. She gestured wordlessly to a depression surrounded by gems and artifacts and Havoc slowly walked over, his brain sending conflicting signals. Lust, hunger, a need for dominance all vied for his attention. She arrived by his side and he smelled her pheromones, lust won the battle. He assumed she released them from either pores under her scales or, more likely, her anus or vagina. Either way she was emitting strongly and he staggered when their full weight hit him. Then he was erect again, he was also extended from his internal sheath. She slunk down by his side as the smell of him down there reached her nostrils, after inhaling deeply she rushed over to the pit. Her tail tip twitched, the main length lashing from side to side in anticipation. She got in a semi crouched position by a pile of sapphires and looked at him invitingly. He quickened his pace and placed his forelegs upon her back when he arrived. He looked into her eyes before focusing on the task at hoof. He could see her opening, the scales around it further parted to reveal smooth sand colored skin surrounding a slightly open red cave. He aimed his member and was relieved to find he didn’t look small compared to it, the remembered the second one. “Umm, problem.” “What?!” She asked in frustration. “I have two penises.” “Oh...” She had not expected that. This was just one more thing to add to his epicness. He was so male that he had two penises instead of one. “Hmmm, alright I’ll just put the top one in and let the other slide along the scales between your legs.” She considered their options, that was an okay start but there was something she was willing try... That was as far as she got before he entered her and the new sensation stole her mind away. Her insides were tight. Very tight, it squeezed at him mercilessly and he felt close just from that. He made it all the way in, as allowed by this angle, and paused to calm down. It didn’t work and he just got to the edge. “Flack you’re tight! W-where do you want i-it. F*** your squeezing is driving me over the edge!” “Anywhere! I’m not even squeezing!” She moaned, this was painful yet pleasurable at the same time. Dragons were built smaller and thinner because evolution required it in order to support their powerful builds. Havoc just released between her thighs and up on her belly. He pulled mostly out and thrust back in three times before he needed to release again. “Are we supposed to be making hatchl-lings?” “Ye-e-es!!” She said shakily. Havoc shot inside of her. His potential flowed into her and it didn’t have far to go. Havoc’s larger relative size meant he was near the cervix. The eggs were being generated by her cycle. She had entered her reproductive cycle when Havoc’s victory roar reached her, it sent a primal signal to her body that informed her that it was time to make babies. He pulled back and resumed his actions, they releases hardly slowed their pace, two meant more stimulation. “Hold on a sec-... second.” She said as she pulled free and got on her back, the motion and her own releases had weakened her legs. She spread her legs wide, resting them to the sides, and made an offer. “Wanna try something with those two?” “What do y-you have in mind?” “Well I was hoping to taste you... And seeing the pair gave me an idea regarding my own two.” “What do you mean?” “My well... holes... back there...” “I think I get it.” Havoc moved over her until his members were over her neck, near the head. She snaked her neck up and took one in her mouth, the other bumped against the underside of her lower jaw. She felt his shudders as she licked at him, she was new to this. Havoc’s right wing reached down to grasp the back of her head. “Is it called sucking here?” He asked. “Mmmhhmm.” She said. “Mm, well there’s a reason.” She did as suggested and he sighed in satisfaction. “Now that you’ve got that down, you should try humming.” She hummed lowly and he hummed in pleasure. “Now try moving deeper, take more of the shaft with your up and d-down motions.” She did as ordered, enjoying being subject to his will. She went at this for a short while. “Now when I ejaculate, swallow it.” He commanded and soon released into her mouth. She hungrily swallowed it. It tasted funny to her. Gems, metal, and a little salt were in the flavor. She liked it. She licked it thoroughly to ensure she got it all. When she stopped he pushed her head back down. He moved backwards and got onto his rear knees. His wings grabbed her hips and pulled them up as he blindly pushed down, entry. She grabbed him with her not so tired legs to help him stay in, it hurt more than she had imagined and she squeezed mercilessly. This caused him to shoot loads into her as he had entered fully and his full length was being crushed at. She screamed a draconic scream as the burning warmth went up her... Wow. She felt herself releasing her bowels and urine sprayed against him. She was glad she hadn’t eaten recently. She felt ashamed of herself and tears welled up in her eyes. He pulled mostly out then slammed back in and the tears came with another scream. His eyes were closed she saw as he worked at her. She gripped at him with her arms and he held them both up as he continued despite her cries and the pee on his crotch. She soon ejaculated as she accepted what was happening, her neck coiled around his and her tongue infiltrated his mouth. It hurt so good. More shot into her and she clenched even tighter as she released in reaction. Now it seemed he had a constant flow going into her. They went for a short but endless while and he lay down and she gripped him. He stayed inside despite the wonderful torture. Until her legs released him and her tail slapped at him. He moved off and out. She rolled onto her belly and got her legs to hold her up while still resting, she lifted her tail and moved it to the side. Despite himself he jumped on her and landed inside. He resumed feeling the wonderful, painful joy of her overly tight holes. Her saliva flowed freely from her mouth, pooling on the stone it laid upon. Her eyes were glazed and she stared at nothing. Havoc nipped at her throat, just behind her head, and she yelped. He didn’t know why he did that, he just did. It did cause her to press her crotch against his nicely. Her tail wrapped around his waist as well. He grabbed her head in his jaws and held it close, he heard her saliva as it dripped down to her body. Then something different happened. Her tail gripped him strongly and when he released it her head pressed against the bottom of his lower jaw. Their crotches pressed against each other and his phalluses became locked into her orifices. It felt like they were constricting his reproductive members. Their eyes widened and their tongues lolled out, further out in her case. They couldn’t move, he felt like he was being drained of reproductive fluid. As he poured copiously into her, she followed instinct and bit into his throat from the underside. His hooves gripped her thighs and pulled her against him while his wings gripped the front of her chest. When he finally stopped releasing they collapsed to the stone as one, her jaws weakly held their grip on his throat. His wings still held her by the chest and he didn’t know if he could pull free. They laid there for an age it seemed. In fact they fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 12:03 A.M. 11 days 12 hours 3 minutes since savior spell Location: Soulburn palace, Sandislan city … Havoc awoke to warmth. His eyes opened and he saw a beautiful dragoness laying beneath him. The eye facing him opened fully and she smiled, he smiled back. He didn’t fully understand but it had felt great. Now he was incredibly hungry however. Seemingly knowing this she slid her rear nearer to a pile, he helped push them their. He gorged on the gems until he was full. Then laid against her for a while. She tried to get free and he stood on his hind legs. She pulled free and lay on her side with an arm up. He placed his back against her underside and laid a wing across her stomach as she laid her arm on his chest and her right wing across his body. They simply relaxed in that position. Havoc had not been held since he was a baby. “I...” She started but gave up on it. “Wanna go see Chrysalis?” “Sure.” He agreed calmly. They rose and shakily started walking. “Ooww!!” She cried out. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Ummm, my... holes are sore. So are my legs.” “Oh, Well let my magic support you. Nobody will notice if I do it right.” He said and focused his magic into a platform beneath her stomach and between her legs. He didn’t know why he didn’t just repar her, something told him not to mess with her insides though. “Thanks.” She did not question him. They made their way into the halls and flew down a hidden passage, it went very deep. They eventually reached a point where green coated the walls. They went deeper and the tunnel widened and branched. A changeling was sitting guard on an outcrop of green. It hissed at them and they heard a low buzz. Soon a changeling emerged from a tunnel above and to the right and it hovered before them. It gestured with a forelimb for them to follow. They followed it despite its great speed and it lead them on a confusing journey, they passed numerous strange sights. A cavern full of great green pods, that were in turn filled with what appeared to be eggs. An expanse where changelings appeared to be fighting one another, they even saw changelings practising their shapeshifting. After a while they slowed, the changeling seemed to be grinning. They passed by a group of extra large changelings, these sported thick natural armor and extra spikes. The spikes on their body sprouted from the larger plates along the spine and flanks. Their wings were huge and slightly tattered. They had a pair of horns that came from the sides of their head in addition to the unicorn-like horn, these were longer and a few had clearly seen use. This was evident by the damage they retained, some were chipped and some were gouged, some were broken off partially or fully. All looked experienced, the spikes coming from their chitinous plates and the numerous scars supported this. They glared past the trio. The chamber they entered fairly pulsed with life. Regular changelings and soldiers alike crawled about, tending to the walls and odd organic structures or simply milling aimlessly around the queen. She looked at them expectantly. Havoc grinned at how cool this was. Ah cool. A strictly pony thing where he was from. He’d heard frosty, cold, chill, and even ice but cool belonged to the fandom alone. It was almost a means of identification, so unused it was. Whatever Chrysalis was in sight! She was even more lethal in person. The sleek carapace/hide, the arthropod wings, the twisted horn, the fangs, and they eyes What eyes they were! “Hello Chrysalis! It’s been too long since I last saw you queen!” Havoc called out eagerly. “How do you know me?” She asked with eyes narrowed. Her voice had a guttural undertone that blended well with the reverberation and her own voice, at least in Havoc’s mind. “Can’t say, though I say you could have done better with the Canterlot invasion. Should have learned more about Cadence, mimicked her. And couldn’t you have just had your troops stealth in? They are changelings, they mimic others. Just have them mimic somepony, foalnap them, and replace them. Easy infiltration. Of course I saw your failure and the success and failure of many others so I have no idea what I’m spewing right now.” She blinked. She had figured most of it out before, she still wanted Equestria’s vast love reserves after all. However he had seen her fall? He had made plans for her future invasion? Who was this male? He was an alicorn and that made him rare enough. Too valuable for her to steal away, she could see the control ring on his horn. It kept him out of her reach, then again the dragon did too. She owed that clan, she owed them greatly. Perhaps she could negotiate use of him, he seemed pretty cold. “You saw that?” She asked and her wings buzzed. “Some of it. What do you call your subjects anyway? And were those your eggs we passed?! If so who’s the lucky male, eh?” He asked with a predatory grin. His teeth were awfully sharp. She didn’t like the things he might do with them. Her horn glowed, almost unnoticeable in its function due to the frequency with which it glowed and the hive around them. He felt strange to her mind, she coiled around it and felt it out. It was cold. Very cold, yet somewhere beneath it burned with volcanic heat and she almost scorched her mind on it. Hatred was most of what he felt, cold and calculated yet burning and furious. She checked every crack in the ice ball that was the surface of his mind. At times she found pain, buried in the glacier or covered with a layer of burning fury. He had been hurt so many times... The pain he had endured had made his mind into what it was, a frozen shell broken by burning wrath. Somewhere there was something that resembled love, it was a tiny portion of his mind however. Drowned out by anger, pain, fear, and indoctrination it simply didn’t affect him in any way. He was mad, terribly mad. And just looking at his mind hurt her, she strained to free herself as the pain grew stronger. His mind latched onto hers in an attempt to fill in the missing pieces of itself, attempting to freeze her to him in its misery and desperation. She strained harder, never had she encountered something this monstrous. Its endless hunger sickened her and its strength filled her with fear, it was incredibly strong to have kept him going throughout whatever caused such terrible wounding. Finally she broke free with a groan. “Are you okay Chrysalis?” Havoc asked when she fell. He nudged her with his nose and she twitched away violently before she curled into a fetal position. She held herself there, rocking back and forth while crying silently. Havoc could barely hear her sobs. He didn’t touch her, that seemed to make it worse. He just watched, as he did he felt hunger rise. Instinct urged him to take advantage of her weakness. It urged him to eat, kill, or rape her where she lay. He simply sat and drooled, watching her and getting the emotional equivalent of a rise out of it. He was conditioned to be like that. It was mesmerising to him, back and forth she rocked in place. So weak, so vulnerable, so... Tempting. Mere minutes before instinct took over she got up and scooted away from him. She knew what he was thinking, vaguely. He had a predatory mind so she must have looked very inviting just now. She didn’t take her eyes off him while he was in her presence. She had felt his strength, mental, magical and otherwise. She saw the damage and didn’t trust the bond to hold him. This one had his uses but she had to be delicate in the utmost. Stroke his ego, soothe his pain, ease his fears, tend his wounds. Keep him happy so he didn’t turn on her and eat her alive. She knew he had done it in the past. His mind spoke to her. It had whispered in its cold, dead, hollow voice. It was like wind forced through the mouth of a frozen corpse. It told her of deeds done and battles lost. Fights that had cost him chunks of his body and very being. It whispered in its evil voice its plans to dominate the world and seek war eternal. War was its element, war was where it belonged, if the wars against Equestria kept ending at the pace they were he would soon run out of targets. When he did he would turn on his masters to sate his hunger. The voice had no name and this terrified her. Yes the flesh was named Havoc Nadeem Bellator but the mind and soul? The mind had no name, it just was. And the soul... The soul was not there, it simply didn’t exist. There wasn’t even a void to fill he was just built without one. When he died that was it, rather that was how it should be. But granted his new power he was immortal in a totally new way. “Don’t touch me... Just... Don’t touch me. I... Don’t feel well. Drones. Attend me.” She whimpered and a few of the big ones came to her aid. They supported her with their shoulders as the normal changelings started puking or spitting green stuff on her. Her shakes slowly stopped and her tears ceased their flow. She calmed down, she was still wary of the monster however. “... You have my support in all you do.” Chrysalis said in a measured tone. “Just like that?!” Soundburst said in shock. “He is... Unique.” Chrysalis proclaimed. No love to feed on but plenty of hate to use. The drones were born of love, anger, courage, and protectiveness. Love being the main food source for them. She had no idea what she could make from an endless fount like Havoc. Fear, anger, hate, fury, pain, and other fell emotions existed in him in unprecedented levels. Especially for a singular entity. “Good, I may need your kind if I am to evade imprisonment. I trust you’ll be following me?” “Changelings shall stalk you as we do prey. Those eggs weren’t mine you should know. My last mate died long before the failed Invasion.” “Who’s then?” Havoc inquired excitedly. “The workers.” “Fascinating.” “You are rich in emotions rarely found, may I drain you of some of them?” “You can try.” Havoc said and grinned as he lowered his head and closed his eyes. Chrysalis’ horn glowed with a sickly nuclear green light. It enveloped his head and horn fully. Havoc felt some of his endless anger he had leaving him, he had numerous forms but all were anger. Havoc did not know the power of love but he knew that hate or anger could keep a man going long after he should have dropped dead. Once he was trapped in a vault, he had languished for weeks in that empty place. The only thing that kept him from giving in to starvation or ending his own life was his hatred for the one who left him there. Eventually someone had come to check out the vault and he had fed upon them with gusto. Then he had hunted down his cousin and tortured him to death, eating someone alive counts as torture. Havoc felt the anger, fear, and pain stop leaving him and opened his eyes. He saw a worker changeling looking up at him. He looked up to Chrysalis and she seemed stronger than before, her eyes glowed with power. At least he assumed it was power. She smiled at him and her teeth shined in the light. “I shall see you later Havoc, good luck in your quest.” She said. She had learned of many traumatic events in his life. Apparently the quest counted. She did agree, to an extent. That would be a great source of emotion for her to feed upon if it were her in his place. Which would be good for the swarm, and she always tried to do what was best for the swarm. Havoc and Soundburst left, guided by the changeling that had been looking up at Havoc. Havoc was contemplative. He had wondered if love was really all they fed upon. He prided himself on how calm he remained, he had always liked Chrysalis. He didn’t know why, her style opposed his in nearly every way. Aaah, so that’s why! Her infiltration skills complement his own more direct skills. The assassin and the warrior in essence, a very tough team to beat. And of course she wouldn’t eat into his food stores, they occupied different niches in the worlds, and that was quite attractive in a partner. The changeling turned into a winged zebra just before exiting the tunnel. Weird. They followed it as it led them to the courtyard, passing numerous statues and paintings if you'd call them that. The paintings in question were made of gems and rimmed with metal, how such things were made was something Havoc would give another's life to know. The courtyard was a vast expanse of sand, stone, and metal. And Havoc saw his companions sitting near the middle of it on a large mat covered by cloth streched between four poles. A primitive tent. He did not know why Pyropsyche was with them. So was that other mare he'd- Right, that was why. The trio approached and the changeling in the form of a... Zebragus? That was what Havoc decided to go with. The changeling stiffened, it was barely visible but Havoc's predatory senses caught it. “You were not lying when you called yourself a conqueror of nations!” The phase one called out. “Why would I lie about that?” “I wasn’t saying you were lying. Just making a comment on it is all.” She returned. “Yes, well I’ve got to go now. Busy schedule after all, dragon! Did you send a message to the princesses?” “Will do...” Spike looked spooked. Like Havoc scared him more than before or something. Havoc saw the howdah under the tent and quickly pulled it to his side. “See you later Soundburst.” Havoc said and brought his head low before rising it high once more. Then he grabbed his flexsteel cloak and slipped it on. “Bye Bellator.” She said and flew back to the castle. “Who was that?” Twilight asked. “That was Soundburst, eldest daughter of Soulburn the former king. She is to rule in my stead with her father as an advisor.” “That sounds acceptable. Now who’s your little friend there?” “I am known as Scorch in your tongue, I believe you would find my language impossible to pronounce purple one.” He said in a thick African accent, Havoc could not place it seeing as he’d never heard a voice like that outside of the show. Havoc couldn’t place most accents really. All the cultures in the show are long dead in his world, the inflections of the voice associated with them were long gone. Havoc strapped the howdah to his back and said, “You don’t have to guard them anymore. You can return to your compatriots.” “Okay!” The phase one said. She followed Twilight and Spike up the wing he lowered and took a seat. Pyropsyche folded two of the chairs behind them into their bed forms and got comfortable as the changeling got into a seat beside the phase one. They all looked at him expectantly. Havoc shrugged and leapt into the air and flew over the walls towards the river. “Where’s your ship!” He called to them. “Why are we going there?” The phase one yelled in return. “I thought you wanted a lift back to it!” “No! I got permission to come with you guys! Pyro isn’t actually bound to the ship!” “What?!” “I was just there to see the sights! What better way to vacation than with you?!” Pyropsyche yelled. “Well where to Star?!” Havoc asked. “Next is Jungu’ This. Its to the Northeast or left of the rivers current.” She yelled. Havoc grumbled silently. Suddenly this seemed like a much longer trip. > Chapter 6: Expansion of the Crusade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 6:  Expand and Diversify ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 1:27 P.M. 11 days 13 hours 27 minutes since savior spell Location: Somewhere past the Jungu’ This border mountains … Havoc was annoyed. They had been blabbering on about something or the other almost since he had left sight of the river. They were all such pests to him, he was used to marching with the only sounds being those of the environment and the sounds of an army on the move. His people's armies did not chatter as they moved, such was the height of hubris. They were silent until they were upon the foe. The sounds of tanks, gyrocopters, boats, hovercraft, planes, cars, walkers, and least of all assault trains could not be muted and as such were grimly accepted as the price of power. The silence was useful as it let them hear louder enemies nearby and Havoc did not know how many times it had saved him. And these beings just kept prattling on and on and on... “Hey Star!” Havoc called. “What?” She called back. “Where are we?” He yelled. “We passed the border range three minutes ago! If you keep going we should see the primary city soon. Be watchful, there are a lot of very dangerous things out here! This is like the Everfree on steroids!” She answered. “What are steroids?” He asked. “Supplements designed to make you stronger!” “Like long term combat stimulants?” “No! They don’t do all that!” She yelled. “Oh!” Havoc watched the dense jungle below. Ponies thought the Everfree was pretty bad, so what made them consider this place to be so much worse? He vaguely heard Twilight giving them information about the Jungu’ This region. He would have listened in but his ears were focused down, he didn’t want to risk damage to his charges. Especially Sparkle, who knew what fate his genitals would suffer should she come to harm? Surely not mutilation, but there were other equally terrible things to be done. Some of which involved needles, so many painful needles. He shook his head to clear the awful memory. He didn’t know how many times he had been tortured but he did know it was a lot. He liked Chrysalis, he really did. Dark and sharp and sleek like a shadow. Her fangs were so shiny and pointed, fangs... He shook his head again, this form was messing with his brain. He liked that one before but it was strictly nonsexual in nature. Now he was fantasizing about her extra length dentition, directly behind which was her pretty little mouth... Shake again. Something roared below, a deep bellow. It sounded somewhat like an engine failing to start. Havoc was curious but stayed on his path. It was best not to investigate with passengers he knew from experience. He saw a giant of a tree rear out of the prevalent mist and moved aside, it would have taken far longer to go over it. The thing must be at least a hundred of his people’s stories tall. Its bark was a deep shade of brown and its leaves were like emeralds. He saw a similar, but much smaller, tree nearby. He saw an eye open and look at him as he passed. He would make sure to stay the nuke away from that thing if he ever passed by this area again. The changeling shrank away from it, the others looked at what he hid from and shuddered. That thing was huge, and if the big tree was like that then it might be very bad indeed. There was a lot of old life in Jungu’ This. It was estimated that over half of the lifeforms in Jungu’ This were extinct outside of the great wet valley. Not extinct from overcompetition but from the other lands not being sufficient to sustain such beasts. Sometimes they were extinct elsewhere because the mighty Jungu’ This mountain range shielded them from whatever catastrophe had wiped them out beyond the mighty walls. Whatever the reason, life lasted in Jungu’ This long after it should be gone. Havoc smelled something strange. It got his blood racing with the violence he felt the urge to commit. His ears turned to a faint rustling from the dark green canopy below. He had not a clue as to why he focused on that particular spot despite hearing the same sound from all around below. His eyes focused, moving in a pattern as his ears followed the sound. It appeared to be following them. He flew harder. The whistling of wind turned into a scream as he pumped his wings faster. “What’s going on?!!” Spike yelled. Havoc was silent. The thing continued to follow them, it was lagging though. It could not move at the same speed as Havoc restricted as it was by the trees. Havoc flew faster still and the scream became a howl. He heard the rustle turn into a crash. Then he heard a second pair of wings beating. He flew harder, it was catching up. A spear flew up and grazed his helm, this disoriented him and sent him into a spin as he lost his bearings. He was moving very fast, he saw a wall as he crashed into the tree tops. The passengers screamed, his wings rose to the sides of the howdah to protect them. Havoc heard a roar from above as the thing was thwarted. He heard shouting from below the branches and closed his eyes to protect them. His head was pressed against the canopy of the howdah as further protection from stray branches. He heard the yelling from below turn to screaming as he crashed through. He heard and felt something break beneath him. He slid until he hit a tree and flipped violently. He was dazed by the impacts. Havoc laid on his side as he waited for lucidity return. His companions groaned as they dragged themselves onto his side. The voices caught up to them and Havoc saw some freaky zebra things. Spikes of bone erupted from their shoulders, haunches, and spines. Running down beside the manes, they looked defensive in nature as opposed to decorative. Their irises were bright red. They looked bigger than normal zebra as well. Most wore armor of wood fused to bone, one near the middle had stone rather than bone fused to the slats. They were yelling angrily and were armed with spears and bows of bone. The spears had wickedly barbed stone heads and the haft was pale bone, the stone was melded seamlessly to the bone shaft. When Havoc rose unsteadily, dropping his comrades in the process, they backed up. They looked from him to Spike who had also just gotten to his feet and started to retreat, the stone armored one pushed through them to confront the travelers by himself. “Neth visht kalti alt slethszen!” He yelled in what Havoc assumed was a broken voice. “Wah?” He asked blearily in confusion. “Kin el golt neth! Kolthos nas arstrick ree neth clatbult, kolthos clor vestu threen!” The big zebra like creature yelled before running off with the rest of the group. “What was he all about?” Havoc asked Twilight. “I don’t recognize the language but it seems similar to that of the Blood Stripes.” She answered hesitantly. “Who?” He asked, still in a daze from the numerous impacts to his head and horn. “The oldest surviving tribe of zebra. They are thousands of years old, they predate the princesses by a good four thousand years. That sounded similar. I think those were dire zebra.” “Don’t know what those are. I hear something big, or angry.” Havoc said as he tried to shake off the pain, how Twilight was fine was- wait she has magic. He then lamented not using his own to at least shield his head. Then something big and angry crashed through the lower branches and roared before it slammed into the ground. It cleared the little dust with a flap of its wings. It was as tall as Havoc if not more so. It looked like an alicorn combined with a dragon or a dinosaur. It had white plates of bone and scales covering its hide. The plates covered the thighs, shoulders, and individual ribs. Tough looking, heavy, dark green scales covered the areas around them as well as the rest of its body. In place of hooves it had three toed feet, possibly hands. They ended in sharp black claws. Its spiraled horn was off white and was scarred with use. Its eyes were solid black. It had a somewhat lengthy tail that lashed about angrily, it was not hair like an equines. It was a powerful muscled limb that had five sets of four spikes that went down a third of its length on its end. It looked furious, flaring its leathery wings menacingly and tearing up the turf with its claws. They had nine fingers in all each, six for flying and three for grasping. “What is that?” Havoc asked darkly as he stared into its eyes. It glared back hatefully. “It can’t be...” She breathed. “What can’t be?” Havoc asked through gritted and bared teeth. “That looks like a protocorn. But they went extinct LONG ago!” She cried with shock and it struggled to direct its attention to both of them. “What in the name of madness is a protocorn?” Havoc asked before he finally projectile vomited, the vomit landed before the protocorn’s feet and it snarled. “They are the progenitors of all ponykind! They were the species that became horses and ponies of every species! They even predate alicorns, in fact they became alicorns! But they went extinct long ago, the alicorns were formed over a million years after the last died. Protocorns were outcompeted by their weaker descendants, the weaker beings bred faster, grew faster, and were more capable of working together than the protocorns. While protocorns fought to the death for mates and territory their descendants worked together to make the most of their resources. Eventually they just faded away, the most recent remains are one million, eight hundred ninety two thousand, six hundred and seventy three years old. And that was found in a glacier on a far side of the planet! Besides, while they were bigger than ponies they were still smaller than horses so no way is that one.” It bared its teeth revealing sharp incisors and long fangs. It scraped it massive wings’ claws through the turf and charged Havoc. Havoc counter-charged and they impacted with brutal force. They circled and charged again, this time Havoc grabbed him and swung him aside with his forehooves. Only to be grabbed and pulled along by its wings. They tumbled across the turf until they impacted a nearby tree, they bounced in opposite directions and leaped at each other. Havocs superior weight sent him on top but the thing smashed him across the jaw with a heavy foreclaw and Havoc’s head snapped back. It pushed itself on top and Havoc kicked it in the relatively soft guts with his hind legs. It went into the air before diving down on him and making deep dents in his cuirass. Havoc and it gouged at each other with their horns and they impacted at times. Havoc bit down on it once went it almost got his eyes and it roared as it removed its legs from him and swung Havoc up. By its now punctured horn. Havoc released halfway through the arc and with a flap slammed into it from above. It held steady and made a series of dents in the meteor metal armor with its tail, what was this thing made of to do that? Havoc gamely held on and started to bite at its scaly throat, his teeth sawed against them. He was making headway but it got fed up and smacked him off with a powerful wing. He rolled and got to his hooves and charged, rearing up at the last moment to present the hooves he had used for impaling so many times before. The scales cracked but nothing more, it bit him and its teeth scraped off leaving furrows. Havoc tried again with its chest and the plates barely showed the fractures. He and the protocorn circled each other warily. Both was aware of the deadliness of the foe. Havoc was getting excited again, it was emitting a scent that drove him to violence. After a few more moments he charged, foaming at the mouth with bloodlust. The protocorn smashed him down with a wing before leaping on and biting at the back of its throat, just behind his head. Its teeth struggled against the tough armor. Havoc grabbed it with his magic and slammed it into a tree. It roared in surprise. It snarled and leaped at Havoc, who caught it in midair. It struggled vainly. “You can’t use magic can you?” Havoc said with a grin. It responded by force shoving him through a giant common to the forest. Havoc snarled as he realised his hubris. Of course the thing knew magic. Havoc leaped from the devastated and fallen trunk to land on his hooves. He check his wings and they were damaged moderately.  He threw fireballs at it and it looked scared as it avoided them. It looked confused by the fire. It whinnied monstrously and started to shy away. Havoc drained the space around the fire of oxygen and it died. The protocorn looked afraid. “The fire scares you?!” Havoc yelled, “Well try this!” He said before striking him thrice with lightning. It fell with a scream and rolled in agony. Havoc lashed it with a whip of power followed by a few force slams. It screamed as he battered it. Havoc felt blood dripping from himself and sent the thing through a tree. He heard rustling somewhere but ignored it and followed the thrown protocorn. He saw it had also gone through a column supporting a section of ceiling of an odd stone temple. Havoc charged it as it shakily rose and it pointed its horn to him. Havoc moved aside and it impaled itself in his armor, its gouged his flank and he roared into the protocorns ear. It ducked away with a squeak, rather it tried to. Havoc bit it around the throat and applied pressure, there was no escape and it was in no position to bite back. Havoc was lifted as it rose and began to claw at his chest. He bit harder and the scales compressed and began to splinter. It started slashing with its wings and Havoc reacted in kind. He too started to flail his forelimbs wildly, at times they hit the protocorns body. Other times they impacted the claws, and sometimes they hit air. Havoc felt the scales splinter and they cracked apart and he felt his teeth puncture tough hide. “Stop!!” The voice of Twilight called out. They paused, breathing heavily. Havoc’s teeth had drawn blood and his chest was bleeding heavily, his wings and forelegs were torn up as well. The protocorn was suffering internal bleeding and its wings too were sliced. In places Havoc’s hooves had cracked the rib plating and drawn blood. They were still twitching with bloodrage. “Do you realize what you’re doing?! Not only are you killing a member of a critically endangered species, but look what you did to this lost temple! This place has markings like nothing I’ve ever read about! You should be ashamed of yourself! Inferno, pry them apart!” Spike ran up to them and pulled the protocorn’’s horn from under Havoc’s armor with a single powerful pull. Havoc looked at it menacingly and it lowered its head in fear, it shakily stepped back before collapsing. Havoc stomped over and kicked it hard with a foreleg, flipping it through the air. It stayed down and started crying. Havoc stepped closer and broke a wing under a powerful hoof and it screamed, but it stayed down. Havoc gave it a kick in the head and bit a chunk from one of its ears in a final act of spite before backing off. It shook where it laid, shivering, bleeding, whimpering, and crying. But it did not get up. “Why did you do that! He’s already down!” She complained. “We believe in kicking people when their down where I’m from. Then we stab them to death, unless we don’t have a stabbing weapon. Basically we abuse and then kill.” Havoc bellowed resolutely causing her to move away from him. “You stopped me from murdering the weakling, why?!” He asked furiously. “He might be the last of his kind! You can’t go around wiping out species because you got into a fight with them!”” She argued. “He tried to kill me!” “He was defending his territory!” “He doesn’t even know how to do anything beside telekinesis, he freaked out when I threw a few fireballs his way! Why does he deserve life?!” “... That proves it.” She said in a quiet tone. “Proves what?!” “He must be the last to not know any spells. Protocorns were feared for their immensely powerful spellcraft and while vicious they didn’t abandon their foals. To be scared of a fireball he must have been orphaned for some reason. You can’t kill him Bellator. He’s the last of his kind.” “How is he of use to me?!” Twilight cantered over to him and he tried to crawl away. Havoc glared at her, eyes glowing with rage. She placed a hoof on his shoulder and he cringed, expecting a blow. Instead she stroked his neck gently. After a while of this he stopped flinching with every touch and just laid in place, chest heaving. He looked at Havoc with fear. Havoc was getting angrier every second and his eyes glowed like an active volcano. Twilight’s horn glowed and the protocorn’s wing began to mend. He cried out as the pain hit him, she applied a numbing spell. He pulled his injured head against her and whinnied gratefully. It sounded dreadful, like a T-rex trying to mimic a horse. She gently rubbed his head with the hoof that had been stroking his neck. “You poor, poor stallion. You’ve been alone out here a long time haven’t you? You don’t even understand what I’m saying but I’m going to keep talking anyway. I know my voice soothes you big fellow. You poor orphan. I bet you have been hoping a female would  pass by weren’t you? Well chances are one never will, I know from very good research that it takes hundreds of years for you to mature. You poor creature.” She said in an even tone. Havoc’s eyes were like a nuclear detonation, a meltdown in a power plant that scorched the world. It lit up the darkness of the temple in full. The others had finally caught up, slowed by the howdah they barely dragged behind them. They saw the scene and stayed away from Havoc, looking at the lit temple and gasping in surprise. “You touch him and I’ll tell the alicorns where we are right now.” Twilight proclaimed as she noticed Havoc inching closer. “You wouldn’t dare.” He growled. “Yes I would, you know I would.” Havoc’s mind was alight with torture. First he would break her horn. Second he would break her legs, smashing every inch if he had to. Then he would rip off her cutie marks. Then when she thought it couldn’t get any worse he would impregnate her while holding her by her skinless thighs. He would torture her every day until his offspring was spawned. Then he would deny her it, or them. He would feed them on her blood and tears. They would grow up hating her and then finally after years of pain he would feed her to it/them, alive. He would make a nice banner with her marks and wear her hide like a neck wrap. Maybe he’d use her horn and teeth in a shiny necklace. This was deep psycho, Havoc was used to this sort of thinking. He had lived that way for years. “You will regret this Midnight, you and your future offspring.” He promised darkly. Twilight seemed unphased. The protocorn nuzzled her tearfully. “Inferno call send a letter to the princess. Tell her we found a protocorn, and tell her to hurry before Havoc tries to eat it or something.” Twilight ordered while protectively holding the protocorns head. Its wings were still healing. Havoc glared at the dragon as he nervously wrote the letter. He suspected that Havoc would break every bone he could find if he got the chance. He blasted it with green flame while Havoc stared at him unblinkingly. A full two minutes later Celestia teleported in. She saw how the room was lit by Havoc’s fury, saw her dragon toy being glared at, saw the heavily wounded protocorn being calmed by Twilight, and saw the odd retinue they’d gathered. She blinked a few times. Then she hit Havoc with a neutralizing spell, a very strong one. It took five minutes straight of this but eventually he wobbled, then fell. The hateful glow disappeared and was replaced by Celestia’s gentle one. She approached the shaking protocorn and rubbed beside his horn. “SSShhhh, I won’t hurt you.” It was eased by her beautiful voice and its shakes stopped. “You did well Twilight. How did you convince him not to kill this fine specimen?” She asked as she ran her eyes down its battered form. Her horn glowed yellow and its body began healing. “I threatened to reveal his location to the eighteen who pursued him.” “Crude but effective.” “Where will you take him?” “I’m leaving him with you.” “WHAT?!” Everyone conscious yelled. “Who better to observe the equus primigenius? Besides he needs to learn to deal with his anger problems.” “But-but-but..” “Ah ah ah. No buts on this one. Besides I think he needs a male friend besides Silent Gale, sure he can’t talk and will probably be submissive for the rest of his life due to the mental scars Bellator gave him. But he will count, just as soon as you teach him basic equine. You know what? I’ll teach him right now.” She said and gripped his head in a blue aura. She lowered her eyelids and gently guided knowledge into his brain, it entered like a cool stream. The protocorn’s brain was soothed by this. She took the advantage to learn a bit about him- make that it. She did not know that they worked that way. Oh well, she would get use of him eventually. “Midnight Star?” “Yes princess?” Twilight answered warily. “He is going to be rather hormonal for a while.” “How long?” “About a month give or take a day.” “Any explanation?” “You’ll see.” “I don’t like the sound of that.” “I don’t like it at all, not yet anyway. But it will interest you. I promise you will not be bored of him in the least.” “What’s with the emphasis on his gender?” “You’ll see. By the way, coincidentally Havoc will be out for two months from the strength of the tranquilizer I administered.” “What!” “Well it had to be that strong. Do you know how angry he was? It felt like trying to put out a furnace with a squirt gun. Well the city is that way, ta~ta.” She said and teleported away. A glowing line was eagerly pointing out of the temple. The group sighed at their misfortune. Then a team of glowing horses formed beside the howdah and Twilight smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time:  9:45 P.M. 74 days 21 hours 45 minutes since savior spell Location: Nox Amare, Jungu’ This … Liber Havoc was tense. She was terrified of the being that had brought her low and was glad for the additional days he was unconscious. Two months and three days was apparently more accurate. They knew because he was stirring, moving more frequently. She sat and bit her lip anxiously as she cursed her biology. Protocorns only stay male so long as they remain the dominant protocorn, which helped explain all the fighting they did. No protocorn wanted to be a female. Female meant you were weak, females had to accept instead of give, females had to give birth. That took a long time for them and of course it left them vulnerable. As the last he was the most dangerous equine in Jungu’ This which automatically made him the alpha male. hen he’d felt Havoc’s presence he had reacted on ancient instinct and attacked. Attacking might have gained him a mate if it had been one of his own species, but no. It was that thing known as Havoc, she was just glad those alicorns had declared it unfair to attack Havoc in his sleep. She was always afraid of him, she still had to hold Twilight in order to fall asleep. She cowered futilely behind Twilight as he groggily rose to all fours. He looked around before shaking his head to clear it. He was now visibly larger than her and she cursed her body for not serving her better in the battle. His eyes focused on her and she closed her eyes and gripped Twilight close to her chest in anticipation of another vicious beating. It never came. She heard *clonk*s as he moved past on his great hooves, the stone below trembling with every step. She heard a liquid growl and feared being bitten. “I... Huuuuh... Need... Huuuuh... Ffffoooodddd...” He said, his deep voice rasping. “Huuuuh... Also... Huuuuh... Water... Huuuuh... “I know you’re scared but Liber?” Twilight said, her voice like music to Liber’s ears. “Yes mommy?” She said automatically. “Haah... You need to put me down before he freaks out.” Liber set her down after rubbing her head against her one final time. Liber had come to see Twilight as a mother figure in the two months and three days since Havoc had been knocked out. She had been asked not to call her such but still slipped up from time to time. Thinking about what was eventually coming almost made her grab Twilight up again, but she managed to make due with Spike. She liked Spike, he smelled like Twilight. Sort of. He lightly struggled before relenting and letting the armor skinned female hug him until she felt safe again. She released him with a polite apology and thank you. He rubbed near his crotch in response, apparently every time she did that he got a funny feeling down there. It was part of why he asked her not to make a habit of it. She didn’t know what made him allergic but felt bad all the same. Pyro felt funny when she hugged her too. Everypony but Havoc was smaller than her so it made things a little awkward but they made it work. The villagers were happy to have the source of fire, the powerful magic, and the dragon and protocorn scents apparently scared off most of the local predators. They had been maintained rather well as a result. She followed Twilight with her head submissively low so as to not appear threatening in the least. She still felt phantoms pains from the last beating. She heard magic at work but kept her head low. She stopped right by Twilight as she annoyedly reminded her of her valuable time. Liber agreed, Twilight’s time was the most valuable thing in the world to her. She heard a sound like glass being eaten and almost risked looking up but kept succeeded in keeping her head low. “And you haven’t even done more than glance at Liber Havoc! She’s your responsibility too you know!” Twilight said in anger. No Twilight, don’t remind him! “Who?” He asked tiredly. Hooray for sleepiness! Now if only she could move from that spot. “Remember the protocorn you beat?” “Aah yes, a hard fight that was. He was a worthy challenger.” He said and his voice was more alert. Oh no. “Well protocorns turn female when they lose the position of dominant equine. So she is right next to me.” She heard him shift. She felt his evil gaze upon her and entered a semi bow as a plea for leniency. She felt the breeze as he snorted. A great black hoof went under her chin and raised her head to face his. Her eyes closed fearfully and she frowned.  His breath reeked of decay, blood and metal. He emitted heat like a furnace wherever he was uncovered, she had walked around him in his sleep and the gouges and built in gaps were as vents to a volcano. His hoof felt hot against her jaw. She almost ran away. “This is what became of him?” He said and his foul breath washed over her, it burned the insides of her nostrils. It made her eyes water. “Well there was a reason the protocorns were so violent. Apparently no protocorn enjoyed being a female in a relationship.” “Makes sense, females have to give birth and that’s painful.” His muzzle drew nearer and she could feel the heat from it, it came close to her right eye and she felt teeth harder than diamonds brush her scales. She barely breathed as the teeth brushed along the side of her face. Through the pressure on her skin she felt his tongue dragging across her and shuddered. This apparently brought him great amusement and he laughed as he moved away. She hoped mommy didn’t let him hurt her again. “I see she doesn’t like me at all. Heh, I’d not do this but I’ve seen stranger back home. Like a dragon who started life as a man.” And his rank breath once again blasted over her face, her nostrils were closed tightly. “Clean your mouth Bellator, your breath reeks!” Twilight complained. “Flak! How long have I been asleep?!” He yelled as he realised how bad his breath stank. “Over two months!” “Thrice boiled blood!” That sounded like some sort of curse to her ears. On his world it was, thrice boiled blood tasted terrible. It also lacked most of the nutrients blood carried. “Aaah, much better.” He said and his breath no longer reeked of blood, decay, and metal. His hoof left her jaw and she heard an odd noise. The closest comparison was a bell ringing, at least to her ears. Then she heard a sliding sound. Following this was the stench of a body that had been unwashed for months. “Oh I reek like the long dead!” Havoc complained loudly, “My muscles! They are sore! This must be fixed at once.” She heard the sound of muscles in motion, popping, ripping sound that made her shudder. The stench started to fade replaced by the smell of lightning, heat, and pheromones. She inhaled and exhaled deeply to rid herself of the former stench. “Much better, protocorn thing. Open your eyes girl.” “Her name is Liber Havoc.” “Her name is Liber?” “No, it’s Liber Havoc. Liber Havoc is her name. Liber means child, her full name means child of Havoc.” “Oh.” She steeled herself and opened her eyes. Havoc was naked, fully naked. She averted her eyes before realizing how silly that was and hesitantly focused them on him once more. “Two months huh? Two whole months... Am I really awake?” He asked. “Yes, the alicorns apparently judged that due to Celestia putting you in a coma it was technically an uncontrollable circumstance. The king decided that you were to be unbothered until you awoke and were given a three day period to recuperate.” Twilight answered. “Awfully nice of him.” Havoc commented. “So tell me something. What does little Liber here count as and why is she with us?” He asked. “She was left with us for me to observe and study her. You are so lucky you missed her changing. Also she is a citizen of the Imperium Equestria and you are one of her legal guardians. Luna and I are the others.” Twilight said in answer and Liber blushed beneath her scales. None could see it beneath the heavy dark green plates of course. She remembered how she had rubbed her crotch on walls and corners of the palace that had been built for them in an effort to rid itself of the itching. She had also dry humped alot of statues and from time to time Spike or Pyropsyche. Spike had complained  loudly and shoved it off. Pyro had just laughed and taken it. Weird phoenician. Spike had accepted her apologies for violating his arm as she had. Pyro waved her off the first time she tried to apologise, apparently she took it as a compliment. “Why am I one? I nearly killed her the first time I met it.” “You need to learn responsibility and anger management. I don’t know why she didn’t just sign you up for classes.” “Well I’m gonna magic up some food now. He said and moved closer to the edge of the terrace. He looked across the grey pyramid mansion and his horn glowed. She had no idea how black can count as a glow. Gems appeared above his open mouth and she cringed as he ate them, while her teeth could penetrate most gems and metal she couldn’t digest the things. He washed the gem meal down with a drink of water. He released steam from his throat afterwards. “That hit the spot. Come here Liber.” “Careful.” Twilight whispered. She nodded. She padded over until she was by his right side, then his wing grabbed her and held her close. She knew resistance was futile. “I like you little one. I know you are likely older than me by far. You understand your place by my side yes? I am the alpha, you are subordinate to me. You are to obey me to the best of your ability. I’m fairly certain I’ll feel inclined to copulate with you eventually. You are a pretty little thing.” He said in a low voice, it was pitched low enough to shake her muscles beneath her scales. She feared the last part the most. She did not want to lay eggs, much less his. Her scales raised defensively. This was a mechanism to both make her look larger and to potentially wound foes that bumped into her from the wrong angle. “I’ll try to be nice. I don’t have much experience with ‘nice’ however.” He began rubbing his head against hers. “So don’t take it personally if I offend you, it may be an accident.” “Let go of me please.” She whispered. She saw the gleam of his teeth from the top of her right eye. “Not gonna work on me. Actually it... Arouses me. Probably because I was raised to take advantage of weakness. You’re not doing yourself any favors being submissive and fearful like this. I can taste your fear and it’s delicious. I can feel my body heat rising.” She felt greater fear. He inhaled deeply. His tongue draped from his jaw, resting on teeth that cut diamonds. “Your fear scent, it pleases me.” He hissed. She saw his head was angled towards the moon. “What’s going on over there?” Twilight called. “Just trying to bond. We were encouraged to perform minor group bonding in the Al’ Hira army.” “What does that mean?” Twilight asked. “We don’t know. We just use it because the name was found somewhere. I believe on the communication network my country uses. My disappearance probably resulted in an invasion on the Călin.” She did not know he had disappeared from somewhere. Who would be able to remove him against his will? “Mooseberry?” Twilight said in confusion. “I don’t know what a mooseberry is, I don’t even know what a moose is. We know the Călin as a very dangerous enemy who specialise in assassination, sabotage, and stealth attacks in general. They would be among the few who might be able to blow me up out of nowhere like that.” “Huh. Well come on, we have places to be.” “Like where? I know I need to conquer the city, or do I?” “The city is not yet yours.” “Then I must take it! How many other places in Jungu’ This do I need to take before it’s conquered?” “Well we spoke with the dire zebra and they forgave you for killing the great warrior’s son. They also thank you for ridding them of Liber.” “Why?” “He had been terrorising the area for a long time, they were considering moving to another part of the jungle just to get away from him.” “That bad huh?” “Well a few of them offered to marry you for that great feat. I informed them that you had four hundred mates already and they understood. However there is the matter of you apologising to the father. He’s been with us for thirteen days now, waiting for you to wake up.” “How am I to apologise when I don’t speak whatever language that was?” “I’ll translate.” “As you command Star.” “And there are two minor cities in Jungu’ This, the one we’re in is the major one.” He removed his wing and walked into the doorway following mommy. She just sat there for a few minutes. He had just promised to make eggs with her. He had not said that but her first experience had scarred her mind into a permanent state of fear of him. He apparently liked fear, way too much. She turned and walked in through the doorway following mommy and Havoc, resigned to her fate. She hoped the alicorns kept him busy, she knew they took over two years to foal. She took thirteen months to lay her eggs, followed by four years of incubation at one degree of one hundred degrees fahrenheit or 37.7777778 degrees celsius. That was miserably time consuming, then again they have incubators to maintain temperature nowadays, just a charge of magic every once in a while and you’re good to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc was somewhat incensed. The pheromones coming from her made him want to mate, as did the fear he sensed. He was denied this however by priorities, priorities that a couple of months spent asleep were not helping. He felt almost itchy back there with need. A half month was no problem, a full month was fine, but past a month and a half was pushing it. Now that he’d had it, and his body was built to release more frequently, he needed it. He felt angry as a result. He almost kicked into the walls in his agitated state. Havoc followed Twilight and couldn’t help watching her hips sway as they walked. It was slight, just enough to qualify her walk as feminine. He began to imagine stepping over her and lifting her tail, maybe just pushing it aside. She wasn’t wearing anything so it would be easy. He closed his eyes and idly chewed his tongue. It hurt but the pain was good, he’d learned long ago that it made your saliva taste good and it helped distract him from Twilight. He started to look at the stone walls and smiled, this was good work. Especially for work done with blocks bigger than him. He began swishing his tail from side to side. He did it to help distract him from watching Twilight’s motions. He moved his eyes separately, now he knew how Celestia functioned using only one eye all the time. He aimed one at Twilight while the other, his left, cast about the hall. He smiled as he heard a source of his agitation clicking along. Her claws made a clicking sound every time she took a step on the cold stone. He liked the coldness of it, it drew away some of his body heat. He could hear her getting closer, his right eye saw Twilight’s ears twitch backwards. Ah the benefits of ear muscles. When she was beside Twilight they increased the pace. Havoc’s left eye focused on her and found her motion pleasing. Her scales shimmered in the torchlight and the deflection of the light shifted with her scales. He also liked the smell that trailed from her rear, one of the openings was trailing a wondrous scent. He kept his head high and smiled slightly in the light haze the scent brought on. Havoc liked the scaly female. Her slim frame helped put emphasis on her massive wings. They must be that big to provide additional power. Just another adaptation lost to beings like ponies. He noted that she now sported a short crest that ran the length of her body. From just behind her horn to the tip of her tail the spiny thing ran. It was composed of white spines, stretched between which was a red sail of skin. It drew his eye and Havoc assumed that was its evolutionary intent. He liked it. Overall she did look more feminine. Her muzzle was thinner, her claws were daintier, and she also had patterns around and on her plates. Smoothly spiked blue starbursts decorated her thighs and shoulders. They formed rings, one inside of each. They were hypnotic to look at. She was not as large or muscled as when she’d been a male, her stomach was smaller as well. It was similar to the princesses. He oddly enough thought of Cadence after a moment, she was with Shining Armor right? How many daughters did the king actually have? And what were their names? And who did Cadence come from to be called a unicorn? Or maybe he’d misheard pegunicorn, nope he’d heard right. Which made it all the weirder... What was Cadence really? Overpowered winged unicorn? Lost alicorn offspring? Why was she foalsitting Twilight? How old was Twilight then? Maybe she was the princesses protege by then. That would make sense. But if she wasn’t then what sort of family did Twilight come from, they had to be important to live in Canterlot obviously. But their firstborn was captain of the royal guard and their daughter was the chosen of the princess who controlled the sun, and at the time was the highest authority of all Equestria. Hmmm, maybe they were related to Starswirl the bearded. No, they would have mentioned that by season seven. He remembered when they showed that painting of commander Hurricane, he looked nothing like Rainbow Dash. His mane was black and his coat was blue like blood lacking oxygen. His eyes were a menacing red and he was heavily scarred from battle. Apparently the arena was pretty hardcore, also he fought things like manticores by himself. The battle against the Diomedi definitely contributed to his scars. Havoc somewhat liked the Diomedi. The big, white, red eyed, sharp toothed horses reminded him of himself. He wondered if any still wandered the world, possibly hidden on some far off snow covered land. Suddenly the group stopped in the middle of his bloody fantasies of Diomedi tribe violence. He looked around and he saw they were in a wide open space. He saw a large metal table in the room, chairs of wood were surrounding it. Why metal? He saw a number of beings seated at the table. He saw the other four he’d arrived with, Pyropsyche was in a specially large chair and Spike was playing around with light. Wait a moment that was his fire breath. How was he manipulating it in his hands like that? He saw zebras, ponies, deer, antelope, a few lions, monkeys, baboons, a few ahuizotl, some okapis, a harpy, a few wolves, lizards, bird like beings, odd long eared doglike creatures, and what appeared to be some sort of dragon. He did not know the dog like creatures were Anubites, he did not know bird headed man hybrids were Paradi, he did not know the lizards were Cold Bloods, he did not know the dragon was a Quetzalcoatl, he did not see the Saurians further back. He also did not know what okapi, deer, or lions were. The quetzalcoatl was the first to see him, his great height giving an excellent view. It was due to his lengthy neck, body, and tail that he had such an elevated viewpoint. It was also the reason he didn’t get a chair. “Grreetingss fellowss!” He said in a deep rippling voice. The quetzalcoatl’s feathers were a riot of forest green, red, blue, purple, and yellow. His feathered wings had a trio of claws at the wrist. His belly was blue scaled, blue like the sky. He was a well developed predator. “Aahh, it appearrss that our host joinss uss!” He announced when he recognized the description he’d been given. All heads turned to face Havoc, Twilight, and Liber. Havoc registered this as similar to a feast hall. In this situation he is a famed warrior and has received status appropriate to his impressive skills. His remembered protocol indicates that he should greet the attendees with a powerful roar followed by a welcoming greeting. “RRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!” He got the roar down, next up was the greeting. The crowd was still reeling from the roar when he said, “Greetings comrades! Good to see you still live, I need meat shields for the fights ahead!” This was an old joke and was usually followed by an earnest laugh. He and all his buddies always thought it was funny. The crowd didn’t. They just stared at him, like they were afraid. The quetzalcoatl’s jaw hung low and his wings drooped. None of them had expected that, the quetzalcoatl was actually dumbstruck for the first time in a long time. “That was... An interesting choice for a speech.” An anubite said in a low voice. His thin black fur shined dully. He wore a gold torc that showed his god Anubis glaring ahead with turquoise eyes. His muzzle was long and as were his ears and skinny tail, though he was thin he was all muscle. His forearms were protected by bracers and his middle legs were protected by greaves. His lower legs were wrapped in pale cloth, around that was a pair of gold chains. He wore rings on his fingers that followed the trend regarding metal on his person. His ears were pierced with multiple gold rings and disks. He was a very important person. “RRrraaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!” The Saurians roared in counter-greetings, it sounded like a hybrid of motorcycle, lion, and elephant. They proceeded to thump on the table in support of one who followed their customs. Havoc smiled toothlessly at his limited success. The rest of the table nervously followed the Saurians lead, if only out of fear. The Saurians were well known and feared in this part of the world and it would not do to offend them. They rarely visited, preferring to launch predatory raids against tribes and cities and ambushes on those who wandered too far. “We like this one!” A deep resonating voice called, it was almost like an instrument. Hardly what you expected from a tribe of vicious blood drinking predators. The Saurians had small pentagonal stegosaur like plates going down their necks and ending in the smalls of their backs. On their nose was a horn similar to that of ceratosaur, a mid length spike like a steak knife of bone. The scales were like triangles with the sides rounded off, they were patterned like a tiger’s fur. Dark green with black stripes, except on the belly which was brown like the local trees. Most trees in Jungu’ This have trunks that are a darker shade shade of brown than the typical tree. Saurians have long semi curved claws on their three fingered hands. Four fingers if you count the opposing thumb, the feet interestingly have three running toes and a dewclaw for tripping prey. It works by slicing tendons in the preys wrists which paralyzes the feet of the prey. Havoc walked along the side of the packed table, led by Twilight Sparkle. He observed the numerous representatives. Each group was different, even those that were of species that were seated elsewhere as well. Tribal marking was in paint, tattoo, clothing, piercings, even scars. Some had blades strapped to forelimbs and feathered headdresses. Others had ritualistic scars on chests and shoulders while bones pierced their ears or nostrils. All looked varying degrees of nervous as he passed by. Except of course the enthusiastic Saurians, they raised their jaws high in greeting. He raised his slightly in return. Hisses and growls sounded as they conversed amongst themselves eagerly. He was guided to a large and empty cushion which laid on the floor. It was at what he assumed was the head of the table. He saw a lone spiky zebra waiting nearby, his bloodshot eyes were dull and menacing. He was seated beside the head of the long table and his food was untouched. He practically oozed violence and Havoc couldn’t help but react in kind with a dark grin. They were silent for a moment. Havoc felt the Liber settle down beside him and turned an eye to see her head laid on the table. “Kalti slethzen kell visht.” He said “He said his son is dead.” Liber said quietly. Her voice was somewhat harsh, it was better suited to violent noises like roars or angry yelling. “You know what he’s saying?” Havoc asked in interest. “M- Twi- Midnight and I learned the language together. She said I should learn to speak to the equines who I terrorised so I could understand them and properly atone.” She answered. “Nice. I assume you’ll translate for me.” “Yes sir...” “Tell him I was not aware that I killed his son. And ask who threw the spear that startled me off course.” “Kaltiform namel ka nex Slethkract visht kolthos slethszen. Slethkrackt venst nex form nike namel kren slethform vult.” “Alt nike namkren slethform vult?” The dire zebra asked. “Was it just one spear?” Liber asked Havoc. “Yes, it grazed my helmed head, it almost hit my eye.” “Res alt nike namkren vult el kes slethform wah. Nike kes star slethform roct.” “KA! Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka! Kalti slethszen kell visht slethform nike!” “He says his son is dead by his own spear...” “That’s hilarious.” Havoc said without smiling or laughing. He’d long ago learned how to keep his emotions from showing. However his eyes didn’t glow back then, they emitted a faint light now. He likely would never find out about this new feature. “A little, it’s mostly sad.” “How is that in any way sad?” “You wouldn’t understand.” “Okay.” Havoc agreed. Liber turned her head to the dire zebra and said, “Kin kor neth el nuus, seed kolthos strik alt kell noctnull.” He nodded repeatedly and said “Res.” Then he walked off leaving his food untouched “Well he was sad, heh.” Havoc said quietly as he began to lose the aggressive stance. “He went off to grieve his lost child. He might kill himself.” “Well that’s downright hilarious.” “What’s funny about that?” “The idea of being so sad from your child dying that you kill yourself. Who cares unless he was really important?” “You are a cold hearted monster.” “And emotions don’t come from the heart, they come from the brain. I bet next you’ll be saying that the heart is in the left half of the ribcage.” “I know it’s in the middle. Why would I think it’s in the left side?” “Some retards among the ancients thought it was and your apparent ignorance reminded me of them.” “I’m not ignorant.” She said, she believed he did not intend to offend. She did remember the mention he’d made of not being good with nice not long ago. “So what’s being served this meal?” “For you? Gemstones, bananas, salad, grapefruit, berries, fish, bird meat, and roast dik-dik.” “I don’t know what a third of those things are but they sound appetizing. What are you eating?” “Roast dik-dik with salad, drizzled with blue and ruby berry juices.” “Interesting. When will it be ready?” “They should be here in a few minutes, they were already preparing food for this feast.” “Why is there a feast anyway?” “Because of the prosperity brought by us to the community.” “Prosperity?” “Apparently the wildlife doesn’t like the smell of me or mr. Inferno. As a result wherever they take our dung or urine they avoid. Twilight has been meeting with various tribes and negotiating peace as well as improving this cities technology. And Pyropsyche and Joystain are both great for keeping predators at bay, getting rid of annoying pests or invasive plants, and their beauty makes them excellent models. Mr. Scorch is good with morale, somehow he manages to keep everybody happy and focused while they work no matter how scary or boring it might be. We’re getting a lot done out here and the people appreciate it. So with our help they built this palace for us and now they’re holding negotiations or meetings in it. These are representatives from various groups throughout Jungu’ This.” “Interesting. Hey Twilight!” Havoc called, she wasn’t sitting very far away. “Yes?” She said after taking a sip from a crystal cup. “Would this count as unaided? I was asleep after all.” “Well... Actually yes. You had nothing to do with this as you were asleep for all of it so it would count as unaided. Despite the fact that we are your traveling companions.” “Great!” “Hey Liber?” “Yes?” “Is the phase one phoenician really named lovestain?” “Yes. Is there something strange about that?” “Well I don’t really get it. Why name a child a stain of love? How would love even stain something for that matter?” “I don’t know, maybe there was so much love it became physical and managed permeate something and remain visible against its surface thus becoming a lovestain?” “Makes sense.” Somewhere far away Celestia facehoofed at the ignorant use of the word lovestain, as well as Liber’s unintentionally correct answer. Much nearer Spike facepalmed while Twilight and Pyro facehooved. They were not alone in the meeting of foot and face. Around the table those listening in pressed hoof, wing, or claw against forehead in recognition and exasperation. Eventually those few who did not hear it were informed of the exchange by the others and reacted appropriately. Soon all had performed the meeting of face and foot/hand/wing and Upon noticing this Havoc and Liber felt self conscious and face hoofed and clawed, respectively. They did this just in time for everyone else to stop and see them look around before doing it themselves. When they saw them do it they once more face hoofed/winged/palmed and started laughing. Evermore this would be a ritual in the Regia Magica of Nox Amare. The city name was given by an alicorn who dwelt here for some time until she left for some reason. Twilight named the palace Regia Magica as a tribute of sorts, both to the founder of the city and alicorns in general. Havoc felt a chill. It was a good chill. It carried with it an impression of amusement and came from the ring on his horn. He did not know that he was feeling Luna’s amusement through his link. He also didn’t know that she was getting hormonal from all the growing she’d done during his slumber and that was why he was feeling her amusement. A few days and she’d be of adequate size for copulation. She would not, however, pursue relations until she stopped growing. Then she would be on him like a cat on catnip. That or her sister on him. Well she was temporarily. Because she thought it would regain her father’s love. Still counts. Soon the food was served and there was much devouring. Along with the drinking of water and juice. Following this was rejoicing. Havoc did not talk much but the Saurians liked him. A tribe of Wolves did too. So did one of the Ahuizotl, the Anubites of the jungle, the lion tribe, one of the Paradi tribes, two tribes of Cold Bloods, four of the antelope tribes, two of the zebra tribes, one tribe of deer, two of the five baboon tribes, and three various pony towns. The quetzalcoatl thought he was amusing. The okapi tribe just didn’t like him. The majority was in fact neutral or uncomfortable regarding him. “Ahem, people of Jungu’ This!” He said loudly. They quieted. “I have an announcement to make.” They leaned in curiously. “I am conquering Jungu’ This, do not worry you will own your land still. You will however own it under me. Why? Because I can destroy this entire nation by myself. I can do it, really. Want me to demonstrate?” A unanimous gasp was followed by a shaking of heads. Except for one bold Saurian. “Show us how you would kill us! Test me!” He said in his flowing voice. He got out of his seat and stepped away from the table. Havoc grinned as he grabbed him with TK. Then he incinerated him instantly, only ash remained. It hadn’t even cost much effort. The table was silent in horror. Havoc brought the ashes close and placed them on the table in front of him, his plates were gone by then. Removed by waiters earlier. Havoc dipped the edge of a hoof in it, brought it to his lips, and licked it off with nimble flexings of his tongue. He smiled at the remaining guests. “Can we hurry this up? I need to hit two more cities before sunrise. I’m on a rather tight schedule as my trials cannot be put on hold.” “Trrialss?” The quetzalcoatl asked. “I have 5 more nations to conquer when I’ve finished with this one, followed by bringing the alicorn king seven golden fruit from the tree of ages, then taming an Ancient Leviathan, after that slaying an Elder Dragon, and finally killing and skinning three full grown Ursa Majors. And then I have to weave their fur into something pretty. So do not piss me off by making me wait.” Within moments the table came to an agreement. “Alrrright, you have uss under yourr command. What arre we to do?” “Just keep doing what you do. Enjoy yourselves, I need to remind this city who’s boss.” “Ass you command sirr, I am known ass Lightning in yourr tongue and I forr one ssupport our new hybrrid Overrlorrd. He brringss peacce to uss all and letss uss maintain ourr powerr.” A round of thumps went around the table. Havoc left the table with Liber by his side. Twilight and Spike soon followed, the phoenicians would join them eventually but they were too caught up with the celebration. Twilight led the way out of the magnificent stone structure, it was the tallest building in the area reaching past most of the gigantic trees in height. It was well built too. It was tough to invade and tougher to destroy. The magnificent pyramidal shape forced land bound invaders to go up many stairs and ariel attackers had to avoid dashing themselves against the tough stone. A great moat filled with water surrounded it and the only way across was over a retractable bridge, Havoc was amazed to see that a natural river had shaped to form a powerful and long lasting moat.. Surrounding the moat were high walls of stone with trees rapidly grown to serve as natural support struts. Havoc noted that there was a separate river going around the walls as well, once he got past the impressive gates. While water going enemies might have a way in they would have to pass under a multi ton wall of stone to get there. And it didn’t arch over where the water entered either, in fact it dipped down a full meter into the current. Better hold your breath if you try it and can’t breath like a fish. Havoc noted that the gate itself was partly metal but mostly stone. He and the three walked along a path paved in close fitted stone toward the city proper. It was a ways off but Havoc suspected it would expand to reach his palace soon. Probably too soon. Then again it wasn’t his alone, it was also in essence belonging to six others. Where was that changeling anyways? He hadn’t seen him, at least Havoc assumed it was a him, at the feast. Probably feeding from the shadows. Then he heard wings flapping and turned his head to see the flying zebra form the changeling had taken approaching from above. The darkness hid him well. The city was dimly lit, the stars were quite visible above. Wherever trees didn’t block the sky. This city was an interesting site. Nature was utilized in the design, homes were attached to trees to make the most use of limited space. Level after level was inhabited by various beings, from monkeys to zebra to pegasi. The ground level structures were durable things, built primarily of stone and held together with hide and iron. Or something like iron. Torches provided illumination in ordered frequency. The city was fully lit, no place was hidden in shadow, and Havoc wondered why they felt the need for such illumination. Havoc saw a long trail led from the city to the rivers that formed the palace moat. He noticed that nothing even approached its scale in the city limits. The path to the river too was well lit. The various homes and places of business were connected by living bridges formed of vines and specially tended branches, from level to level and tree to tree. Chunks of stone intermingled with the branches and vines to form a more stable surface. Havoc could not help but marvel at its ingenuity. They finally came under the tree cover of the city proper and Havoc flinched for no reason at the sudden stares directed his way. Everything in sight was staring at them, him in particular. “He woke up!” Twilight yelled and they cheered. Soon however they returned to their business. The atmosphere was somewhat tense, however it did not feel like a sudden tenseness. Rather it felt like this was the norm, far removed from that of a pony city or at least an Equestrian one. Twilight led the way to a tall stone structure. It was thirty meters tall and fifty wide, armed guards patrolled its terraces  The guards visible were a mix of zebra, pegasi, lizard men, and rhinoceros like creatures with the occasional unicorn wearing a plumed helm thrown in Havoc knew what rhinos were because the value of ivory had lowered considerably on his world. Not much use when you’re starving or melting to death. The rhinos were bipedal and wore heavy metal armor, they had four fingers in all. Two opposed the others. They had sharpened horn that jutted through specially designed holes in their helms. Their eyes, ears, and nostrils were visible on most of them through holes built into the iron plate that protected their heads. A few had no holes for the eyes, thus hiding two of their few weak points. They had great barrel chests and powerful legs and arms, long enough to comfortably run on all fours even. Their short tail swung idly behind them and they walked in a semi stooped posture, their feet when visible revealed standard rhino toes. They gripped long spears and axes in their hands and wore greaves, cuirasses, and bracers in addition to their helmets. One big one with two horns had long sharp teeth like a predator. He glared at them with his dark eyes and his pale wax toned skin shined wetly in the light. “WHO GOES THERE?!” The predator toothed rhino called as they came close. “Midnight Star!” Twilight called. “COME CLOSER FOR IDENTIFICATION!” He said gruffly They dutifully approached and he jumped down from the balcony that jutted from the terrace. Twenty meters up. He landed with a dull thud and the ground shook. He revealed a visible crater in the turf as he stomped forwards. If he had to guess Havoc would say he weighed roughly three and a half metric tons or nearly four short tons. He did not know why there was a long ton and a short ton but there was a difference. He astounded Havoc with his height of approximately five meters. He sniffed at them heavily. He bared his teeth at Havoc who grinned menacingly as his blood began to pump with greater speed in anticipation. “You pass, but watch the big one.” He said in his deep voice. It was like listening to an elephant speak. “Thank you Mordis.” “Thank you lady Midnight, all are indebted to you and your entourage.” Mordis said and dropped to one knee, his long spiked axe embedded in the ground with its head up. “Just doing my duty Mordis.” “You honor us with your presence!” He boomed and the group moved along as he rose to his feet. He stomped alongside them until they were within the confines of the fortress, then he turned to return to his duties. He was seemingly eternally grim with his constant frown. That might have just been an effect of the heavy leathery skin that armored his flesh however. The group moved along and Havoc noticed that all bowed to them. They had really made an impact on these beings. They passed statuary, very few paintings, and a number of woven tapestries. Monkeys and lightly armored baboons thronged in the halls. Havoc noticed they were going down. The fortress here was clearly built deep into the soil. They came to a room which metal patterning on its wooden door. Why not use stone like at the palace? That was much stronger than wood. The door was opened by a pair of armored Ahuizotl, who used their tail hands to slide it up into the ceiling. They held it there without showing strain. The group, now seven strong, entered the room beyond. Havoc had no idea as to when the colorful phoenicians had joined them but did not complain. Inside was a tall dark blue thing. It had a yellow tall crest that rose, short, from the tip of its nose and ran down the length of its body. Its eyes were reptilian in appearance, with dark green irises. Its skin was covered in fur except on its underside and inner surfaces. There it was grey and covered in tiny scales. Its fur was spotted with white and it had extensions coming from varying positions on its back that mimicked tall grass. It had four arms that terminated in long fingered hands, the fingers in turn ended in pairs of wickedly hooked claws. Its many teeth were long and thin, they looked perfect for impaling fish and it possessed five rows of them on each mandible. Its arms had grey fins on them that extended for a few decimeters before ending in razor sharp edges. Its head was shaped vaguely like a stallion’s and its tail was long, ending in a vertical pair of tail fins like a fish. The thing was big, very big. But still smaller than Havoc, who towered over the ahuizotl guards. It rose and maintained its disturbing smile as it did. “Twilight Sparkle! Just the mare I wished to see at this hour. I see you brought friends! How was your rest big guy?” His voice sounded like metal scraping against itself. “Dark and dreamless.” “Too bad!” “Not for me. Every dream is a nightmare.” “Well aren’t you delightfully traumatised!” “I think so. Isn’t traumatisation bad?” “Not in your case it’s not! So what have you come here for?” “Compatriots? Back up.” Havoc said and they moved to the sides of the now closed door. “MMMMmmmmhhh?” The thing hissed. “I have come to inform you that I am uniting Jungu’ This under myself. You should submit, it would make this all so much faster.” “And why should I do that? What’s in it for me big boy?” It asked and flexed its claws. “Well I won’t annihilate you and this entire fortress if you do. Also I’ll leave you in power since I don’t have much experience as a leader and you won’t ever be attacked by any of the groups feasting at the palace where I slumbered.” “Really?! You convinced the Saurians to not attack us all?” “They are a part of the new and Unified nation of Jungu’ This so yes. All shall work together and bring the groups of the Jungu’ This region under my banner. Also as a result of this cooperation trade should be increased and in the event you come under attack the others will help. I need to hit two more cities before daybreak so let's hurry this up.” “Feh, why not. Why are you in such a hurry?” “Epic quest. Need to take five more nations after this and that’s just the beginning.” “Well hurry along then, go ahead Twilight just leave me some notes on horticulture if you will.” She magicked up some scrolls and a couple of books and they dropped onto the desk he got back behind. He sighed as he began studying. The group left as the door rose. They returned to the palace without incident and said their short goodbyes. Havoc’s howdah was left on a gold plated stone platform next to the top room of the pyramid, This was just below the massive solid gold pyramid that topped the pyramid. The room was huge and everything was sized for Havoc, this was his room evidently. He actually missed the room he never used before they had even got into the sky, he didn’t even have to duck to enter or leave the chamber.He picked up his tattered armor, which was helpfully placed by the balcony exit, and placed it in his howdahs trunk. He was guided in the night by a light generated by Twilight. He flew from city to city and none were as well designed as the one he had been asleep in. The rulers of the cities all required small demonstrations of his power, to prove that he would annihilate them utterly. They all submitted. “All done.” Havoc said as he lifted into the night. “Not quite.” Twilight corrected. “Who’s left?” “A city beneath the waves. Hippocampi mostly dwell there, with the occasional tame kelpie. A few things only known to inhabit this region are also found down there, like members of High Chief Slickfang’s species.” “I don’t know what a kelpie is. Who’s ‘High Chief Slickfang’?” “THat was the creature you spoke to in the City Hall.” “I didn’t know what a city hall was before now. So City Hall is a type of fortress then?” “Normally they aren’t fortresses, they’re just big buildings where officials meet to write up laws or discuss funding and the like.” “I... See.” He looked to Liber who flew alongside him tirelessly. She was silent under his scrutiny. The group flew towards a massive lake that was fed by a waterfall, the lake in turn fed a river which flowed into the darkness of the forest. Below the trees was nearly pitch black but the lake was luminous with moon and starlight. Havoc hovered above the surface and looked down curiously. “I’ll cast a spell to let all of us breath under water.” “I don’t need it, I can already breath under water.” “You can? Well that’s odd. Even protocorns can’t do that.” Her horn glowed with a second aura that spread to the others. Soon she nodded okay and Havoc dived. He closed his eyes instinctively before he did. Once fully immersed he opened them again and exhaled fully he saw the others were doing the same. Then he inhaled and the cold water was refreshing, he swam after the magic light as it led them to an odd sight. Stone structures and what appeared to be coral joined together. Havoc was greeted by hippocampi armored in stone and coral. The coral was dark red and stood out against the grey stone it surrounded. The hippocampi wielded spears and tridents in their hooves and their helmets possessed a sharp looking fin in place of plumage or horsehair. They did not look happy. “You speak whatever language this is?” Havoc asked. “You don’t know you’re speaking basic equine?” One retorted as, possibly, he drew closer. He circled them carefully. “I’ve never seen your species before, hippocampi yes?” “Correct, in case you can’t tell I am a male. We are known as stallions, females are mares. Just like the surface dwellers.” The soldier said as he did began to poke at Havoc with a hoof. Havoc did not like it. He proceeded to poke Liber as well until satisfied. He did another circle of Havoc and on his way back slapped his cutie mark with his tail. This made Havoc’s eyes glow with rage. “Come on Court! Don’t piss off the giant alicorn with your ‘standard’ male greeting! He’ll rip us apart!” One of the hippocampi nervously yelled. “He will not! Besides I think he’s cute.” Court responded. “I am not cute!” Havoc yelled in fury, “And I don’t mate amongst my own gender either!” Back home that was strictly discouraged. They needed all the babies they could make. A  homosexual won’t make babies, as such they were killed in imaginative ways and strung up for all to see. Also he was honestly creeped out by the concept. He almost puked just thinking about it, in fact he did. Burning hot liquid gem as well as mostly digested meat poured into the water. “Eeeeew.” Every hippocampus said as they moved away from the new ingredient to the lake water. “That was nasty, really nasty.” Court said with a sneer. “Bleck, good. Stay away from my anus.” Havoc said with a frown. “Oh please honey, I never try that on the first date.” He replied with a sickening grin. It actually looked normal but to Havoc it was made disgusting by the being who wore it . “Can we enter the city without further trouble?” Havoc asked. Hippocampi were horse sized and shaped but still colorful like ponies. “Sure but we’re sending some guards to watch you.” One said. “Good. More witnesses.” Havoc said with a sneer. They swam in and the wings of the larger beings were excellent flippers. Havoc saw all sorts of confusing architecture, statues that were nothing but giant holes for one. Why put a giant ring in the water and call it art? They passed by numerous odd things. Frogs of prodigious size cavorted with things that looked like dragonfly nymphs evolved to grow huge and sapient. They lacked the artificial shell of the beings they resembled but had large finned tails in compensation. They chittered and gestured with their forelegs when speaking amongst themselves. A few salamanders, as they were known, drifted calmly with fish grasped in their lengthy clawed fingers. Havoc saw a pair kelpies swimming towards him, one mare one stallion, alongside a few armed and armored hippocampi. The pair waved at him in friendliness. They had large and powerful fins in place of back hooves and their tails, while covered in lengthy hair, were long and ended in horizontally fluked tails. The male was white while the female was grey and speckled gold. Havoc did not know that kelpies were fond of drowning ponies and eating their flesh. Thus he did not know why every companion but Spike and Liber cringed upon seeing them. He also didn’t know that the glowing green eyes of a kelpie can see magic unaided. “Kelpies...” Twilight murmured. “Oooh what are you?!” One asked excitedly as he circled him quickly. “Alicorn, dracocorn, something like that...” Havoc said as he eyed the two warily. The way they looked at him unsettled him. It reminded him of the scientists that wanted to experiment on him back home. They did too, when he was dragged from the battle field riddled with bullets and shrapnel they tested their inventions on him. He had suffered for their failures and benefited from their success numerous times. "Oh my! I believe we may be in the presence of royalty brother!" The female said with a sly grin. “I believe so.” The male said excitedly. “Take me to your leader.” Havoc said flatly. They looked at him incredulously. Then they laughed raucously, flailing at the water in their mirth. “Funny stallion, that was great! And you almost had us going too, with your serious face.” “Seriously, I don’t know the term for the leader of the city and I need to meet the entity. It’s a matter of freedom here.” “Oh, well that’s boring but sure.” The male said and started swimming. The female stayed by side and peered at Liber. The hippocampi formed up behind them. The female eventually decided to swim over under Havoc to get a better look at Liber. Liber shied closer to Havoc upon noticing her staring. The female grinned and pulled back further, she checked Havoc’s rear in motion and apparently liked what she saw. She swam back under him and pulled up to his chest and bumped her head against him. He looked down and saw her smiling at him. Her teeth looked like they were built to kill, the front one were long and pointed incisors designed to strip flesh from bone. Beside them were canines designed to puncture and rip, at the back he saw sharp molars for crushing bone. He saw them because he was still staring at her teeth and wondering when she had gotten down there when she started talking. “Hey, I like your croup and stifles.” She said in a low voice. Havoc flicked his eyes back to her brother’s neck, which was held high and proud. “I don’t know what those are.” She frowned and said, “That would be your rear end. I thought you knew anatomy? Your teeth suggest you do, all predators study prey.” “I didn’t really have time to study equine biology. I was too busy learning other stuff and staying alive and sane.” “How is staying sane difficult?” “Where I’m from? Very difficult, most beings here wouldn’t last a week. If the dangerous predators, plants, or people didn’t get you the toxic atmosphere would. It would burn out your lungs and fill your blood with poison judging from the rich Terran air. The same goes for the water, only you might get mutated by it in some parts. Also I once saw a male’s skin fall off after three seconds in some rainbow colored water, followed by his outer layers of flesh and finally his organs shriveled up and died. He didn’t die until the very end, that was when he didn’t have any blood or air or nutrients going to his brain.” “That’s disgusting but I like it!” She said with a grin. Note to self Havoc thought, Kelpies are sadistic and probably psychotic. Better try to make allies of them. “Well thank you for the compliment.” He said. “There are other ways to say thank you.” “Like what?” He asked. Saying it was the only way he knew how. “You’re really lacking exposure aren’t you?” She asked with a grin. “Depends on what you’re referring to.” He answered and returned his gaze to her brother’s head for a moment. “Heh, I’ll skip that and just tell you what I meant by ‘thank you’. See, I mean fun stuff that gets you warm and involves at least one male and female.” She said and her grin turned naughty. Not that Havoc knew what that looked like. “Wha- Oh. Hmmm...” He thought carefully. “Are there STDs here?” He asked. “What’s an STD?” “Sexually transmittable disease.” “Ew, no! Why would there be?” “I don’t know. They had them where I’m from. Part of the reason I never mated with anyone back there. I didn’t want my penis to fall off after all.” “Where do you come from?” “We don’t have a name for it. Not as a whole. We just called it world or planet. But I think Nightmare would be a good name, that what life was like.” “Hm, Planet Nightmare or Nightmare Planet?” “Either one works.” “Sounds cool when you name it like that.” “Yes it does.” “So about that special fun?” “Sure, later. I have a surprise for this city they’ll not soon forget.” Havoc wondered why none of his companions had said anything. They were riding him and sound traveled further underwater. He looked over and saw Liber was pointedly looking away, she was also pressed against his side. Her scales felt cool against him, they were abrasive but he didn’t mind. He turned his head sideways to look at the group that rode him. Twilight was looking bored with her head resting on the forward railing, Spike was taking notes furiously, Scorch was sitting still with his eyes closed, Lovestain was looking at Spike hungrily, Pyropsyche was looking ahead with her eyes half closed and a grin adorning her face. Havoc wondered what Spike was taking notes on. “You six are just going to let me do this? What about the princesses Twilight?” “What no false name?” She asked. “No need. The alicorns already know I was here.” “Sound enough. The princesses don’t care. Celestia least of all. You’re just a very fun toy to her and she doesn’t mind sharing.” “Spike?” “Your name’s not Inferno!?” Lovestain gasped. “Nope. It’s Spike and I like it. And I’m taking notes on your technique. You just met her and she hit on you.” Spike answered. “Fair enough. Scorch what of you?” “I am in commune with a Higher power than myself. She is interested in this exchange. It has been awhile for her. She would like to know if you mind us sitting in on this.” The changling answered calmly. “Is nopony surprised or at all curious as to what he just said?” “Zebra do this kind of thing all the time, more often than the other species. It’s their own form of magic and we don’t fault them for it.” Twilight answered. “You don’t even want to know who this higher power is?” “Typically it’s an ancestor or some ancient spirit of Elysium.” Pyropsyche supplied. “Well then I guess I’d have to ask the female below me about that.” “I’m cool with it.” She said quietly. “Okay... What about you Lovestain?” “It doesn’t concern me.” She answered. “That... Is logical. Pyropsyche?” “Can I watch? I’ve never seen underwater sex.” She implored. “Once again, I’m cool with it. My name’s Blood Spray by the way, my brother up ahead is Blood Leak.” “Nice.” Havoc commented. “Well what of you Liber?” Havoc asked. “I see no issue. You didn’t promise anybody you wouldn’t.” She replied. “Mhm.” “Hey since they’re watching mind if I observe? I want to learn how to please a mare and you seem like you’re pretty skilled.” “I kind of get turned on from the idea of a little audience.” Blood Spray quickly replied. “Well then why don’t you watch as well Liber? You have my name so why not learn from your namesake?” He knew she wouldn’t say no. It was why he asked in the first place. “...” “I’ll take silence as yes.” “...” “Yes it is then.” “We’re almost there!” Blood Leak called from up ahead. “Good to know!” Havoc called back. This was an interesting experience so far. They passed by several stands where odd newt like beings were slowly inhaling a thick liquid. They looked very happy while doing it, a few hippocampi were partaking of it. As they cleared the stands they saw what looked like a pit fight going on. Two separate pit fights. One where two hippocampi savaged each other with hoof, tooth, and tail. The other was composed of two big fish biting at each other and whipping the water up around each other in a frenzy of bloodlust.  Around both was a crowd of hippocampi and other beings that cheered them on and shook sacks that rattled in encouragement. The guards didn’t seem to care. Finally their destination was in sight. A large building that was clearly still alive. The coral that composed it was vibrantly colored and shiny pebbles gleamed in the light of the stars and moon. “We have arrived! Welcome to the palace of the moon and Sea!’ Blood Leak proclaimed boldly. “But the sea’s nowhere near here.” Havoc pointed out. “It’s a traditional thing, from when this area was still accessible by the ocean.” “Interesting.” ‘ “Well, I’ll show you to the War Master and the Lady of Love now. The War Master commands the army and attends to all things military related, including defense, while the Lady of Love guides the city in peaceful endeavors like agriculture and the negotiation of alliances, trade, and peace treaties. Yet another ancient hippocampus tradition.” He said before Havoc could ask. He followed the kelpie through the raised gate. They passed though mostly clear Halls. Trophies laid pedestals of likely dead coral. A few hippocampi swam through the spacious halls. They glanced curiously at the odd group. Havoc saw that they all had eyes that glowed white and wore coral cuirasses over fish scaled robes. They also had a pair of fangs jutting from each jaw. Seeing them Havoc learned that most hippocampi have manes like ponies, these however had a low fin that stretched from brow the center of their shoulders. It was solid and straight. Perhaps that was just a male trait. Most of the hippocampi he saw outside did appear to be female after all. They swam to a door that was made of gold. This was likely a practicality like much of what the group had seen. Gold doesn’t corrode underwater. The door was opened by a pair of what appeared to be horses with glowing red eyes and all four legs in addition to the powerful hippocampus tail. One opened the door with his left hoof, he was to the left of the door from this side. The other watched them with his weapon gripped tightly, it appeared to be a combination of trident and halberd with one head on each end. Currently the trident head was angled towards Havoc. Havoc had to lower himself, press his legs to himself, and close his wings tightly in order to get through the door. He also had to lower his head until it was pointing straight ahead. He looked like an oddly shaped missile or shark. The room was more comfortable when he got inside, the kelpies followed him. He sat down on his haunches on the coral floor while the leaders were brought here. Apparently they had only recently been informed of his arrival and had been busy with other things. Havoc was certain annihilation was a good enough reason to abandon your work. He looked around the room as he waited, glass surrounded all the paintings that were displayed as it did what looked like body parts. He did not wait long. “What is it?” A tall and deadly looking stallion asked. He had only one foreleg, the other was not there as evidenced by the design of his armor. His left foreleg had probably been ripped off in some ancient fight. He was scarred on his scaly face and his left eye had been replaced with a magical orb or lense. A trio of deep scars ran down the lost eye. He wore heavy gold armor that had blades sticking out of it and it was superbly designed. The cuirass covered his chest perfectly and seemed to flex with every breath, his pauldrons overlapped his rerebrace without being raised. This was probably due to being thinned where it overlapped it. His was also covered at the joint by a couter which had a sharp extension for elbowing, the couter also overlapped the bracer. The bracer did not overlap the gauntlet, rather it was covered where it connected to it by said gauntlet. The gauntlets was supremely flexible as evidenced by his ability to grip his trident. The trident was mostly gold but the prongs and down to about two decimeters below them it was formed of clear and glittering crystal. Covering down to half a meter below his cuirass was gold scale armor that looked like it was designed to mimic the teeth of a shark’s skin on a larger scale. The place of his lost forelimb was covered by gold and it looked like no alteration had been done to the cuirass to accommodate a change to it, then again the workmanship was such that one would likely not notice it. His neck was protected by an aventail in the same style as his hauberk. Plating on the back of the neck reached up to and connected to a two piece golden helmet. The top piece had holes for his ears, nostrils, and glaring eyes. The lower piece covered his cheeks and lower jaw and was shaped like the frontal blade of a train, it even had thin slits at the mouth. It looked to be held in place by a stud placed by the the middle of each cheek. He may have had a fin of his own under the sharp edged blade that topped his head, this was made more likely by the presence of a similar extension running down his neck plating and to between his shoulders on his cuirass. Havoc only saw the three scars that passed over his left eye and that it was different from his right. It glowed purple while his right glowed red, this was the magic sight. The red allowed him to see in the infrared spectrum while the purple allowed him to see magic. Surprisingly enough magic requires special eyes to see, the reason you saw it in the show was so that you would know what was going on. The aura and indeed anything that isn’t moving something one would normally be able to see is in fact unseen, you would never know a unicorn was holding a shield up in front of you unless you bumped into it or the unicorn illuminated it. Without showing us the aura in the show you would just assume that stuff floated around on its own. Alicorns, kelpies, protocorns, and whatever Havoc is are among the few things that can see magic unaided. Oh and so can draconequus. “Now now Leonidas, don’t be mean.There is obviously a good reason to interrupt us at this hour. Besides the dear looks like he could rip through your armor with his bare hooves. Now tell us what’s the matter.” The female said. She had a luminous pink mane and sea green scales running down and beside her spine. Lower than that she was covered in pale blue fur to the tail where the scales resumed. She was sleekly built and her eyes glowed nonthreatening pink.  She wore nothing aside from the two pairs of golden earrings, one that was hoop shaped and looped down below her ears and one behind them that had clear gems on the visible side. She smiled gently which revealed two pairs of fangs alongside the incisors. Her dainty hooves pressed on the table as she leaned forward in a manner that was somehow provocative despite her not having breasts or a shirt to look down. Her muzzle was long yet still feminine. Havoc smelled something in the water, something he liked. He couldn’t name the smell, but he was sure it was pheromones she emitted. Unless sea equines somehow had perfume where he saw the land ones didn’t. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caution! I am tired as f*** when I right past here. See, I even wrote “right” in place of type. I may write stuff I really shouldn’t, so please appreciate all the effort I put in for you wonderful terrible people. I say wonderful terrible because I saw your dark side. Then I compared it to my dark side. See? Rambling here. I’m gonna stop wasting your time and possibly losing your attention now. Oh, my dark side says “Piss poor odds for me breaking out this year. F*** YOU OVERMIND, S*** EATING COCK BLOCKING SON OF A BITCH!!” I don’t censor bitch because it means female dog. That’s french for ya! And ass means donkey! Think that’s english though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He wondered how he knew what perfume was. He’d only seen the containers after all. Never once had he smelled it himself. Whatever. Female good. “I have come to announce that your waters now belong to me.” He said calmly. “And what makes you think our waters are yours now?” She asked gently. He felt warmer internally. He also felt himself leaning closer, like his body was being called to her. “I have already taken the other cities and numerous tribes. Including the infamous Saurians.” “Really now? When did this happen handsome?” Her hoof reached up to touch the tip of his chin. “It happened earlier tonight. I work fassst. The tribes were first, they were meeting at the palace constructed for my friends and I with their aid. I didn’t help because I was asleep for over two months after being hit with a very powerful tranquilizer spell by Celestia. Easiest was the first city, the high chieftain was in his office and my friend Twilight was very highly regarded, I got in with ease and very quickly informed Slickfang of the situation. He bowed to my very easily fulfilled demands and I was on to the next city. They required a demonstration of annihilation. I took thirty youths and twelve warriors and incinerated them instantly when the leader expressed doubt. I killed forty adults in the same way at the third city. I was going to leave but then I found out about your city. I have united most of Jungu’ This, you must join us.” “Hm, that sounds good but why are you doing this?” Her hoof went up to the bottom of his lips, just barely touching the bottom one. “I have a very tight schedule, I need to take five more nations when I’ve finished with Jungu’ This. I intend to be gone before daybreak.” Havoc answered, he felt compelled to just be honest with her. Her words always made so much sense. “Mmhm, and why’s that?” She asked and began to gently rub his chin while she rested her head on her other hoof. “Epic quest to maintain my freedom. If I accomplish a series of grueling trials not only do I keep my freedom, I get king Rex’s unwed daughters as my mates. It’s three hundred and sixty right now. Well in a way three hundred and fifty five since Celestia’s in my harem already, the other forty are unborn. I don’t want to be a sex slave.” He got out dully, his eyelids were lowered with relaxation. He trusted this female. “Well, well, well. Aren’t you going to be a busy little stud. Leo let’s consider the dears request. It sounds like it has merit.” “What’s in it for us alicorn freak?! I don’t know much about alicorns but last I checked they breathed air just like the other surface dwellers.” “Whatever do you mean Leonidas my little poison pepper?” “He’s not using magic to breathe down here. He wasn’t cast upon by another either. I see a very complex control spell but nothing more. He’s being indirectly controlled, the puppeteers are very powerful. And the purple one’s one of them. I don’t know how they got him, he’s generating two hundred thousand thaums per second. I know Celestia’s powerful but she’s not that powerful, and neither is the blue magic, or the purple one. She’s at roughly fifty thousand thaums per second, very high but not half as strong as the big one. The freaky multi colored one I assume is Celestia, She’s at one hundred thaums per second. The dark blue one is unknown, she’s going at about eighty five thousand thaums per second and rising.” “Mmm, that is very attractive wouldn’t you say? Such power! So what’s your name purple mare?” “I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She answered somewhat dully. Her cheeks were tinged pink. Havoc saw with his right eye which followed the female in front of him’s left eye which moved towards Twilight Sparkle. “THE Twilight Sparkle, vanquisher of Nightmare Moon?” She asked in a silky voice. Havoc received a message from his reproductive parts. It said: Jump her mercilessly! Finally pass that physical portion of the exam that you failed in rape class. Havoc had attended the rape lessons in order to pass sexual education. He had done great on the oral portion of the exam you had to take in order to pass, as in talking, however he had utterly failed the physical portion. It wasn’t that couldn’t subdue his target, he did that with ease, or that he couldn’t catch her, he had followed her scent and listened for her near inaudible footsteps in the maze they were placed in in order to find her, and it wasn’t that she was unattractive, like most beings on his world this mostly unmutated female was quite attractive with her skin that was only flawed by scars from fighting and slim build overall. It was the actual stripping and penetrating part he couldn’t do. This was because of a traumatic experience when he was younger. He had walked in on a group of naked women while they were washing and ignorantly tried to join them. He had been brutalised by them as a result, subconsciously he had developed a phobia regarding nudity among females and honestly didn’t want to risk losing his genitals. As such he failed rape class, which was mandatory. He was passed forwards because of his other scores and status. He stared at her smooth fur and mane. Leonidas watched them carefully, he sensed Havoc’s bad vibes rather acutely. “Yes, though my friends helped.” “Of course but not only were you the leader, but you instigated the quest did you not?” Her right eyelid was less than half raised. Havoc’s left stared into her right eye. Blood surged through devastated streets in a great tide in his mind. It formed a great lake in which she frolicked. This was arousing in Havoc’s disturbed mind. He often fantasized about killing thousands or even millions at a time, a beautiful female swimming in blood was a naturally attractive sight for him as it combined two things that he liked very much. “Well that is true... But...” “So humble, it’s adorable.” She said. “What is your name?” Havoc asked in wonder. “Aphrodite, its an inherited name however. I lost my original name when I became the Lady of Love. So did little Leonidas there. So what happens if we submit mmm?” “I leave you in power, you don’t get attacked by the other members of the united nation of Jungu’ This, you receive increased trade with the surface dwellers, you agree to aid them as they will aid you, and eventually you become a recognized part of the Imperium Equestria.” “Equestria’s an empire now?” “Ever since I joined the royal guard it is. I’ve been conquering since before I received the quest. The nations of Hominis and Boreas have already been brought to heel. Oh, and I recently acquired Sandislan.” “Good enough for me. Leonidas?” “It is... Acceptable. Now if there’s nothing more I have work to do.” He said and swam out of the room hurriedly. Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. “Great, now how shall we consecrate this agreement? The gods like to receive gifts, especially when they are requested to bless something.” “I don’t know but now that he’s gone I’m going to let it out. I want to mount you. Very, very, much. I would cause you trouble swimming after we were done so hard and long would it go on.” “Oh how cute! You’ve been thinking I don’t already know that. I could see the intent in your eyes you know, and I am aware that I tend to have that effect am Aphrodite! Lady of Love here! You’re supposed to want to take me. But for your honesty, perhaps a kiss?” Everyone watched with rapturous attention as she leaned up to meet lips. Spike was still taking notes and the changeling was still communing with his eyes closed so he didn’t count. The pairs t and it felt very nice. All of them felt it somehow so they were surprised when Havoc’s questing tongue met her own curious organ as it passed his lips. This light touch sent his penis sliding free of his body’s confines. He felt it hit the floor and it hurt a little. He stood fully to prevent this contact from continuing. He tasted the inside of her mouth and found that meat taste as well as a fishy flavor, alongside it was a taste like... like... Like the sea and whipped cream. He liked it, he did not know what whipped cream tasted like as he had never found or tasted any in his life. His tongue wrapped and intertwined with hers in a delightful dance and both phalluses hardened fully. His hips subconsciously began to move back and forth. She pushed his head far back and up with her own. Her eyes were closed as she turned her head sideways and pushed her further against his. He felt her fangs scrape his tongue with delicious pain. Her hooves into his mane and they barely heard the door behind him as it closed. She pulled her mouth free of his with a slight sucking sound. There was a visible trail of saliva connecting their mouths through the water. “Remove the transport.” She said in an arousingly breathless voice. The clips came free in seconds. The howdah was moved in front of the door. The group spread out from there. Spike moved somewhat close to a position that provided a great view of the female and continued to idly take his notes. Twilight stayed in the howdah and began touching herself out of sight. Lovestain moved next to Spike and put her hoof in position for clopping. The changeling began to idly drift about the rooms eyes open wide to allow Chrysalis to get a good view. Chrysalis was also touching herself in her lair, even though she had a swarm of subjects around her she wasn’t both their presence. She found it comforting actually, which in turn made it easier for her to clop in peace. Pyro moved to a spot that afforded her an even view of the pair. She was joined by Blood Spray they looked at each other and nodded simultaneously before positioning hooves in front of each others vagina slits. Blood Leak moved to a position that offered minor solitude and a good view of Aphrodite. Liber just sat by her ‘mommy’ and blushed as she tried to not look, and failed. She saw the others looking, including mommy, and gave in as she brought her hoof her to her slit. The others were in position when Aphrodite pushed Havoc onto his back and looked down at his equipment. Her eyes widened as she saw them. She wondered how this would work. She began to move down, she kissed him as she went down. When to his members she had already thought up a plan. She grasped the lower one with her dainty and naked hooves and lightly pecked the tip of the upper one. His hips pushed up in response. She smiled and gave the lower one a longer and deeper kiss. He released water from his lungs. Then she placed her lips around head of the upper one and licked it slowly. She began to move her hooves up and down on the lower one. Soon she began to suck at the upper one and her swirling tongue increased its speed, as did her hooves which also began to go higher and lower. She had closed her eyes when she wrapped her lips around the upper phallus, now she opened them and looked up at him with her pink glowing orbs. He pushed up into her throat as a response of sorts. She didn’t even gag. She accepted the little more like a champ and stroked deeper with her hooves. Then Havoc shot his sperm out forcefully through the water to impact her chest. She swallowed what shot into her throat. Then she pulled her mouth off and looked at her smeared chest. She wiped it off with a hoof and to her surprise and mirth it started swimming, separating as individuals spread out to increase their chances. Twilight quickly cast a shield spell on the members of the group as well as the Kelpies. Nobody wanted those things swimming up to them, just as the females didn’t want to risk impregnation by stray semen. Aphrodite giggled when she saw this. When she finished she saw Havoc’s members pointed at her and flipped onto her back. Her slit was open and she didn’t mind the pressure that would be against her stomach, she didn’t even mind the idea of the spray directed to her or the knowledge that he might not have activated a prevention spell. She honestly welcomed the addition to the gene pool, the kelpies had been inbreeding for a long time and she was worried about some of the mutations she had seen. She would welcome as much as she could, similarly to a species of marsupial that is extinct on Havoc’s world she could contain her fertilised eggs in stasis until she decided she felt like laying them. This adaptation allowed them to tightly control their population as well as revitalize it quickly in case of disaster. With this adaptation and his genes she would serve her people well. Havoc flipped up and pulled her against him. He looked down before impaling her with  phallus. They slid together as he pushed himself all the way in. Her slit was at the meeting between fur and scales.  His legs grasped her sides and he entered her fully. She gritted her teeth as her cervix was penetrated and he pushed against the back of it. She actually felt it being shaped around the intrusion and closed her eyes tightly and grasped his stomach with her forelegs. She whimpered when it finally stopped and thanked her biology for its design, otherwise she might not live through this. Unlike surface dwellers and seaponies, hippocampi lay eggs. They have five sets of ovaries, each with its own tube leading to the womb. The eggs are produced and stored inside the chambers until necessary release. Sperm would travel through the fallopian tubes until it reached the eggs stored inside the ovary chambers. Eventually eggs would be moved to the womb for nurturing, if the mother decided to take them out of stasis, where they would grow for a little over three days ( or eighty hours) before being released. Hippocampi can contain hundreds of eggs in each of the egg chambers, they start out as such tiny and cannibalistic hatchlings or fry. They do not produce eggs unless they are in heat which is dictated by the Lady of Love. She had put herself into estrus as soon as she saw him, she saw opportunity. The opportunity to help her people, and who wouldn’t take that? She felt the release of sperm against her insides and outsides and shuddered, which increased the flow as Havoc was further stimulated. Then began the thrusting. He pulled out slowly, she felt her insides repositioning as he did so. It was an odd feeling. She suspected it felt like this when Leonidas had been shredded by that Mylodon a number of years ago. It had bumped into him while he was crossing the forest and reacted rather violently to his yelling. That was how he had lost his eye, something much meaner than any mylodon had taken his arm. When he was almost out he pushed back in quickly and she yelped. Once more the shifting feeling. It felt kind of nice the second time around. He slowly pulled himself out and she felt his legs shaking. He waited a moment before pushing back in and restraining from the release his body wanted. It was difficult. He pulled most of himself free from her tight grip quickly and paused before pushing back in. It was no easier than the first time but he didn’t mind, he could feel the difference between her moisture and the water with the first push. She felt slimier inside than the water did. He momentarily pondered what she might have been doing to already be like that, he wondered how long she had been ready before they began. Soon he decided it didn’t matter and returned to what he was doing. The wet sucking sound they made as he pulled out traveled to his companions. It was heard again as he pushed back in and he felt himself drawing too close. “Are you okay with me doing it inside again?” He asked. “I... nng... Invite you to do so.” She answered as she felt him pulling out once more. She felt close as well. She really was glad for this find. She had been considering kidnapping a few males and possibly females from the surface dwelling population of equines. That might have resulted in war, and they wouldn’t be as powerful as the hybrids resulting from this mating. He pushed in once more and released his life essence into her. He focused it through the one inside her. She came as she felt the greater heat flooding her. It caused her to clamp down on him with her canal. When he finished releasing he pulled out fully and flipped her over. He positioned his lower body beneath hers and pulled her along until he felt the depression that indicated her reproductive entrance. Havoc was fairly certain this was the natural way for them as he pushed in. They went at it like this until they climaxed once more. He lifted her up and turned her to face him, then started dragging his members along her underside. He kept them aligned with her reproductive organ. She laughed beautifully as she suspected what he was attempting. “Oh you’ll never find i- Eeeeeeeehh!” She cried as he found ‘it’. He discovered it was surprisingly close to her vagina, he actually hadn’t thought he could get both holes at the same time. He positioned the upper one in the depression leading to her vagina and the lower into the almost invisible anal slit. After Celestia and that dragon female were okay with it he figured she would be too. As he pushed in he heard this however. “Take it out, take it out, take it out!” She cried. little did he know that the waste hole of hippocampi and seaponies was even less prepared than that of the surface dwelling breeds. They utilised a single hole for the release of all waste, their feces was so soft that it crumbled at the slightest touch. The garbage door had no experience with this. Havoc was startled by this and rushed his previously slow and cautious motion. Her eyes widened as did his when he pushed in. He faced resistance but his uncontrolled strength pushed him through with ease. He had buried himself fully inside felt it. He felt it twitch and released ejaculate at the sensation of her tight orifice. Her eyes stayed wide and her mouth gaped as the warm ejaculate forcefully sprayed into her. Havoc’s eyes closed tightly in reaction to the numerous sensations he felt. When he stopped releasing and was able to focus on something he swiftly pulled out and fixed her bleeding orifice with healing magic. “I am so sorry! It was an accident!” He apologised. “THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT?!” She cried as she grasped at her sore area. “You startled me and I’m really quite strong!” “Argh! Just... Just go. The agreement is complete.” “Bye Aphrodite.” Havoc said as he pulled the howdah on. He was still erect but decided to let it die down later. “Wait!” Blood Spray yelled. Havoc stopped before he got the straps on. He believed water proofed. Otherwise Twilight would have said something before they entered the lake. The female kelpie swam in front of him and blocked his path with her body and outstretched forelimbs. “I didn’t get my turn yet! And you said you would!” She proclaimed. “Why not go elsewhere?” “This is place as any and the ambience is great! Please stay here!” She pleaded. She knew the panicked look on his face. He had been about to run and not stop until her was very far away, she had seen it on prey before. “Okay, Aphrodite?” “Just make it quick!” She said in annoyance before sliding into the howdah after he replaced it in front of the door. Twilight had been shaken up by that and was surprised when the Lady of Love swam in behind her and wrapped a forelimb around her chest. “Okay quick! Got it!” Blood Spray said and got in the middle of the room and spread her legs and lifted her tail. “Sister?!” Her brother exclaimed in surprise. “Busy yourself with the blue one brother.” She said tersely as Havoc got behind her. Her brother hurriedly swam up to Pyro and stuck a hoof in her slot. She responded in kind by grabbing his erection with her own hoof with a smile. “Alright now, she didn’t like it ‘cause hippocampi poop like fishes. Kelpies eat bones and stuff so put it in me and don’t worry about me reacting like that.” Blood Spray commanded. Havoc entered without hesitation. He didn’t even aim really, kelpies were similar in design to regular ponies in terms of reproductive organ placement. Her anus was under the tail directly while the vagina was a little below. He got a scream as he entered and kept pushing. She was a little smaller than aphrodite so he had to push harder to get as much in. Her head whipped back and bit into his right forelimb which was grasping her right flank. Her teeth failed to puncture his tough hide, sharp as they were. He ignored her bite and began jackhammering his pelvis back and forth inside her orifices. She bit harder on his unmoving forelimb. He also felt her flippered hind legs kicking against him. She soon orgasmed and her kicks became erratic. He kept going and she came again, her kicking became weak. He forced another orgasm on her part and it was just her right flipper slapping against him in a weak, twitching, manner He was able to do this because of his recent draining. He forced another and her jaws released and her kicks stopped altogether. Her head drifted forwards and began bobbing up and down with the motion, her eyes vacant and her jaw slack. Her tongue was extended lazily and her legs were hanging forwards in the water, kept there by the frantic motions of Havoc. She released again and her left leg twitched weakly. Havoc’s eyes were closed as he felt himself drawing closer once more. He pounded against her brutally until he shot a thick stream of ejaculate into her. Then he just pressed into her until he stopped flowing, she came again mid stream. He leaned his head down to her mouth and slid his tongue down her throat before pulling his members free and leaving a trail of white in the water. “That was both good and swift.” He said. “Hey, are you alright? You look kind of blank right now.” “Dude... I think you put her in a daze. Nice going.” Spike said in awe. He was amazed by this incredible display. Yes well if you’re doone! Whoa! As... As I was saying, if you’re done talking about how you... F***. If you’re done talking about how you banged my sister, we need to get going.” Blood Leak said. He was a bit preoccupied with Pyro however, which explained his interrupted speech. She had recently brought him to orgasm using her talent at oral sex. “Good idea.” Havoc agreed and grabbed her in TK. He pulled the howdah on once the Lady of Love exited it and she waved goodbye as he swam off with the group quickly climbing in. Except for Blood Leak and Liber Havoc. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hah! Just noticed that I didn’t use this is the previous chapter. My bad. Now back to the story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the group swam, Blood Spray regained consciousness. She swam beside Havoc with a very pleased smile. Her brother shot her a dirty look which she blissfully ignored. “We have got to do that again sometime.” She said with a sigh. “You should know that I’ll require a warm up mare or two.” Havoc informed. “That can be arranged.” “You sound quite sure of yourself.” “I am. Have you seen the mare - stallion ratio here? They outnumber males four to one and a few of those rare males are swimming in the wrong current. Besides, you aren’t too big for them. Now seaponies, they you are too big for. And they have a higher female to male count than the surface ponies or hippocampi. Heh, I hear their armies are mostly composed of females.” “What do seaponies look like anyway?” “Well they’re pony sized and mostly shaped. From the chest to the head anyway. After that it’s like a hybrid of seal or whale. You’ll know when you see one, so I hear.” “Weird but also cool.” “Mhmm. Well bye mate, see you next time right?” “Definitely.” As Havoc ascended with Liber by his side the group heard the pair arguing, “Sister! Why did you not tell me you intended to rut him! You should have given me a warning of some sort!” Blood Leak wailed angrily in anguish. “Hey I really needed that! I haven’t been rammed in ages since these hippocampi are such wimps!” Blood Spray riposted furiously. “Think they’ll work this out?” Lovestain asked. “They’ll be fine. Just a siblings quarrel.” Spike answered. “Where next Twilight?” Havoc asked. “Go North. From the lake the nearest region is Stormica, home of the thunder lizards. Also home of the thunderbirds and lightning lizards.” “Thunderbirds? They anything like my home’s thunderbirds? And thunder and lightning lizards?” “Like your home’s thunderbirds these thunderbirds tend to drag storms along, they can actually make them at will. They don’t cause acid rain or carry hordes of deadly parasites and you won’t find any cyborg thunderbirds either. Also they’re sapient. The thunder lizards are very big dinosaurs in reality, the name ‘thunder lizard’ is a misnomer. They don’t have augmentation that lets them blast incredibly powerful sound waves but they are big like them. They are, however, immune to lightning and other effects of a storm and highly resistant to direct magic. They have to be at their size. The lightning lizards spit lightning and are moderately resistant to its effects, they are sapients. They are also bipedal and they somewhat resemble the Saurians, they are actually smaller than ponies however. Small enough to ride us in fact. So they’re hardly like the huge predators of your world. They are however carnivorous, and they tend towards navy, grey, yellow, and white in terms of coloration. You are likely to encounter thunderbird alphas, which are known as chromatics because of their colorful plumage.” “Alright then. Liber get behind me, you’ll want to be in place to ride the slipstream.” Havoc said as he blasted through the surface. He angled himself north and began to pump his wings faster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 12:43 A.M. 74 days 23 hours 58 minutes since savior spell Location: Stormica, 95 kilometers from Thunderhead Eyrie … “I love the feeling of wind rushing through my mane!” Pyropsyche said. Her head was outside of the confines of the howdah and her eyes were closed against the pressure of the wind. She opened her eyes and saw something odd. It looked like a fast moving storm cloud, not unusual in itself. What was strange was the speed at which it was moving. Pegasi typically couldn’t move clouds that fast and it would take a lot of them to move one of that size, which would slow them down further due to the issue of organizing them into an effective formation. “What is that?!” She yelled. “That’s a thunderbird!” Twilight yelled in answer. She was not squinting due to the aviators goggles she wore. She had ordered them while Havoc slumbered. She had actually requested them from Celestia, she had requested them because she’d had trouble with all the wind in her eyes from the first flight with Havoc. These were different from those the Wonderbolts wore. They had purple tinted lenses which had access to a multitude of spectrums, each was activated by unicorn magic. They had thicker gold rims and the strap was wider and built stronger for protection and stability in close combat, the strap was still white but it was decorated with gold filigree. Celestia liked her student very much. “That thing’s huge!” Havoc yelled. He saw it was wreathed in the storm cloud. It was massive overall and built like an eagle. It had to be at least fifty meters from wingtip to wingtip. Its feathers were dark grey underneath the clouds yet its beak and feet were black. Havoc saw the ends of its flight feathers were an electric blue as were what he could see of its extended talons. Its eyes seemed inverted in design, the pupils were yellow while the iris was black. The thunderbird was headed right for them. Havoc slowed down to let it approach safely. It screech was like an obscene hybrid of the peal of thunder and the cry of an eagle. “SSSSCCCCCCCRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!” It roared. The power of it shook Havoc’s muscles and made his hide ripple. “Is it angry or something?!” Havoc asked. “I don’t know!” Twilight called back. Then the previously slow moving storm clouds shattered as more thunderbirds burst from them. Even a chromatic was spotted and it was well named. It was all the colors of the rainbow except on its beak, feet, eyes, and the tips of its flight feathers. They were just like those of the first thunderbird except it had electric white/blue pupils. Havoc’s eyes widened in fear at this colorful monstrosity. Unfortunately he still had a pathological fear of rainbows. “KILL THE INVADER!!” The chromatic roared. Maybe it wasn’t so illogical after all. Seeing as he’d nearly had his head taken off by Rainbow Dash and now this chromatic was ordering his death perhaps rainbows really were bad for him? “Take the transport unit!” He yelled at Liber as he undid the clips. She grabbed it as it slid off his back and began to descend while staying on the flight path. Havoc dodged up as one opened its great beak to hurl lightning at him. He saw sharp growths on the edges of the beak that looked like teeth. The hairs on his body stood on end as the massive bolt passed under him. He flew faster and tried to think up a plan while dodging the lightning blasts of the others. The chromatic opened its great beak and from it a spectrum of bolts ushered forth. Havoc brought up a shield quickly as the multicolored lightning was released. He washed over his shield and his pupils shrunk. This was almost as bad as the orbital prism cannon. He remembered that awful day all too well, he and his comrades were marching towards the enemies walls unhindered. Tanks and other vehicles raced ahead of them in straight courses, fearless because of the already crushed resistance. They should have known it was too light a force to be the main defence of a city that size and with a population so high. All the colors of the rainbow had rained down upon them and reduced many of his comrades to ash and molten metal, the Al’ Hira had never seen a weapon such as the orbital prism cannon and as such much of the the legion he was a part of at the time had been destroyed. The vehicles were little but slag and the stench was appalling. He had survived by charging onwards and cowering under the questionable safety of a fallen enemy tower. So many burning and dying with little warning, so many colors surrounding him... Havoc screamed in primal fury as rage took over. He blasted a charge of energy at the chromatic and it was knocked back with a screech that shook the air. He turned his wrath upon the others. Fireballs lashed out at them from the exterior of the shield, turning the sky orange and yellow as they streaked through the air. The thunderbirds raged as the fireballs splashed against them and set their plumage alight in places. One charged at him, their great size was deceptive in regard to their true speed. It was upon him in barely three seconds, from its position approximately three hundred meters away. Its massive claws scraped harmlessly off Havoc’s shield, leaving trails of lightning in their passage. It slammed down with its right talon and it bounced back up. Havoc dropped his shield when it followed up with a kick with the same foot and latched on to the black leg with his fangs. His teeth pierced its flesh with ease. It screamed in pain as glowing dark red blood laced with electricity and black sprayed from the wound. Havoc held tight as it pulled its leg up in an attempt to throw him off. When the leg hit the body he released his grip and gouged at it with his sharp horn. He swung it side to side and up and down, tearing a hole in its belly. It screamed once more. He launched himself into the wound and tore his way through its body like a mutant bird-fly maggot. He he kicked with his hooves, he bid with his teeth, he ripped with his wing claws, and he slashed with his horn. Its final scream was cut off as Havoc tore through its enormous lungs. It fell forty three meters before Havoc erupted from its back in a spray of gore. He flapped towards the next, which dodged to the side to avoid the vicious warrior. He altered direction and increased speed as he went after the next nearest thunderbird in sight. This one was unfortunately not fast enough to avoid his magically enhanced speed. He slammed into it like a bullet and ripped through a lung as he smashed its ribs. It began to fall as it couldn’t breathe, Havoc ripped his way through its body and once more emerged from its back in a spray of blood and veins. He was crackling with electricity. Havoc loosed a feral roar that cause the air to ripple with its power before leaping from his falling perch and repeating the process of charge and impale with yet another thunderbird. He leaped out without hesitation and charged another thunderbird. This one tried to bite him, unfortunately he took the opportunity to force his way into its mouth and destroy its brain. He smashed his way through the back of its head with powerful strikes from his forehooves. He emerged coated in brain matter and crackling still. He was slightly scorched and smoke was rising from his fur but he maintained the psychotically bloodthirsty grin. He was in another world right now, a dark place where the light is filtered through and impeded by polluted skies and rainbows are something to avoid and fear. His home was just as deadly day or night so he was quite used to fighting in total darkness, he prefered night to day really. Made it harder for enemies to see you so you could focus more attention on muffling sound or smell. He laughed in his mad joy and charged a fifth thunderbird. There were thirty here, soon there would be far fewer. The fifth clever bird raked him just before he impacted and drew blood. Burning hot blood sprayed the thunderbird as its flesh boiled painfully on contact. Havoc’s path altered, he impaled its chest with his wings and kicked it with his hooves. He felt the flesh softening with every hit. It was too focused on the burning sensation on its feet to realise its doom. Havoc slashed in with his horn and lunged inside. He ignored the agony of his torn flank and ripped his way through yet another thunderbird. He laughed the whole time even as he was immersed in its blood. He flapped through the skies on bloody wings as he sought out his sixth target. He caught it by surprise by arcing over it and landing on its vulnerable spine, he crushed through the tough bone and sinew with his momentum. He didn’t take the time to finish it before jumping from it and charging a seventh. Havoc gulped air as he broadsided its tough skull, his rear hooves impaled it through its great eye and it was soon dead. He pulled himself free and twisted in the air to charge an eighth with suicidal abandon. It blasted him with lightning from its great maw as he approached, the lightning burned but he powered through the might column of electric wrath. He exploded through the back of its throat and turned to crush its skull with TK. He had forgotten to use it in his mindless state. Havoc grabbed five of them and smashed them together with a mental flex. They were turned into one by his psychotic strength and fell as a pile of organs, feathers, and bone. Havoc roared as one opportunistically grabbed him with its talons. It punctured his ribcage and he felt blood enter his lungs alongside the claws. He gritted his teeth and sent a column of flame into the thunderbirds chest. It crumpled and its claws clenched harder, Havoc used TK to pry its grip from him and keep the blood from pouring out of him or entering his lungs. His eyes glowed like miniature suns at this point. He focused his mind on two that intended to catch him on both sides, he imploded their skulls. Next he focused on the ones that were still spitting lightning at him. He twisted their lightning into a tight ball next to himself and absorbed its power into his body, he felt his wound close as his energy spiked and his pulse raced. He exploded towards them and managed to kill eleven in one go as the vast energy gain enabled him to perform a sonic rainboom. He felt like his eyes were going to retract into his brain. He roared as the eleventh impact staggered him in midair. Blood was staining the skies, drifting oddly enough and conducting the static charge of the dead and dying. Now only three thunderbirds survived. They looked panicked. They couldn’t decide if trying to fly back to warn their brethren would be a better form of suicide than fighting the surprisingly deadly, and almost assuredly mad, foe. He laughed as he recovered from his tumble. He looked at them hungrily when he finally stopped. Eying them equally but eventually focusing on the source of his resurgence: The chromatic. His eyes narrowed and he lunged at it in a blur of motion. He first slammed into its face, knocking it head over heels. Then on the rebound he  beneath it and slammed it up into the air. He impacted its chest and it felt its sternum crack slightly. He pushed off and swept back over it to grasp its face. “Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! BAD BIRDY! HAHAHAHAHA! THE LITTLE RAINBOW BIRD THINKS HE CAN KILL US AGAIN DOES HE?!?! WELL FLACK YOU!” Havoc said as he glared into one of its eyes. “NEVER HAVE I SLAIN YOUR KIND DEMON. IT WAS THEM WHO WARNED US OF YOUR COMING. FINISH ME MAD CONQUERER. WE ARE DOOMED ANYWAY.” The chromatic said calmly. Have complied by destroying its brain with a ball of power. Then he liquified the corpse in his frenzy, tearing the thing apart until it was colorful goo. The other two had taken the chance the chromatic had afforded them. While Havoc angrily tore into its carcass they flew back to Thunderhead, the news they bore was grim and weighed heavily on their souls. However they knew he went to The Happy Hunting Ground where he would hunt to his dual hearts’ contentment and meet with his long dead ancestors. Five minutes after landing and stomping angrily around the dead and the few dying Havoc calmed down. It was not because his rage was sated. He calmed down through sheer force of will, his endless rage urged him to assail the carcasses. He did not heed its command. He sat down atop a mostly intact corpse's chest and closed his eyes and tried to get relaxed to heal. He heard a scrabbling noise and ignored it at first. Then he heard angry whispers and became interested. He focused on healing as he tried to understand the hissing and snarling. When he was whole once more he opened his eyes and followed the sounds with his ears. He stomped along and his hooves made loud clacks against the stone, he knew this would lull them into a false sense of confidence because they would not know he could hear them under the sound of his own feet. They got a little louder as he suspected and his head twisted to face the direction the light scrabbling made. He leaped into the air and swiftly flew towards the sound, he overtook the fleeing lizards and crashed to the rough stone before them. They numbered in the hundreds he saw, but they were spread out to minimize the chance of a foe catching them all. He had landed in the middle of their formation and looked about carefully, they dared not move. They were armored in slats of volcanic stone and some wielded blades of obsidian. Others had spears with obsidian heads or wielded odd clubs that had obsidian edges. A few had metal weaponry or various tools. They looked nervous. They really were similar to the Saurians despite their small size. They had pale bellies and lacked the row of plates but had the same nose spike, in place of the stegosaurus plates were smooth plates of armor that resembled those of an armadillo lizard. The plates ran down below the armor and Havoc assumed they ran the length of the Lightning Lizards bodies, he saw they ran down the backs of their tails as well. The lizards had a knee design similar to hominids but they tended to walk on the balls of their feet, he saw a few were winged and they had the leg structure of typical theropod dinosaurs. The heads of all the Lightning Lizards resembled that of a coelophysis, not that Havoc knew what that looked like. The feet too were shaped like theirs despite the differing leg structure and the tails were long and clearly flexible. “Do you speak Equine Basic?” Havoc asked loudly. “This one does!” One said as he rushed before Havoc and knelt at his forehooves. His voice was harsh and like a very large rat’s. His spear was dropped and he bore no shield. He was a light scout and as such did not bear a shield, while shields were very useful he had to slip into places where one would slow him down or completely prevent him from entering. His upper scales were grey like the rock below them. In truth all the Lightning Lizards of his tribe understood and were capable of speaking Equine Basic, it was considered the most commonly spoken language on the planet and it was a very big world. “What are your kind doing here?” Havoc asked. “We followed the Thunderbirds lord! We had hoped to feast on whatever was left of the things they came to kill. But now we wish to feast on them! Please allow us this boon mighty alicorn!” He explained and pleaded. “Why do you wish to feed on them?” “We are hungry and the goats are hidden and the sheep have moved away. The thunder lizards are too powerful for a tribe such as ours to prey upon. We need this or we will not last.” The lightning lizard kept his head pointed at the ground. “Your brethren may feed with my blessing, take what you wish of the remains of the corpses.” Havoc proclaimed. The lizards cheer consisted of a high pitched roar and a rapid paced stomping of their feet. Then they rushed off the the carcasses. Havoc watched them, he noted that they understood what he had said. He also noted that they lowered their frontal bodies and stiffened their tails behind them as they ran. He slowly followed them and pondered the location of his comrades. As he reached the edge of the carcass field he laid down on his belly and kept his neck high. He kept watch and glanced at the lizards as they carved into the dead. They eagerly climbed into the holes he made and sliced off chunks with knives they all carried. From time to time they would fight over a choice piece of meat and occasionally it would get deadly, Havoc watched with one eye as a pair fought. They did not use their weapons, choosing to strip off their armor and fight tooth and claw. One attained victory by tearing out the other’s throat with his teeth, despite this he gained a number of wounds. He received a short roar in acknowledgement of his victory and grabbed up the chunk of thunderbird meat. He placed it on his armor and took up his knife to cut a chunk free of the fallen Lightning lizard and brought it with him to his armor pile before the carcass was swarmed by hungry lightning lizards. When a particularly tall one who wore armor painted with odd patterns and was tattooed with similar symbols finished he stalked over to Havoc. He was winged and held a spear in one hand while his shield was strapped to his back. He had an obsidian edged club tied in a loop on the left side of his sinew belt and a metal sword on the right. The sword was sheathed in leather. On the left side as well was a long obsidian knife and a waterskin with a tube for drinking. He wore what appeared to be a wolf’s skull with the horns of a ram attached as head armor, there was a pelt underneath and a number of feathers pierced it, it covered his head and upper jaw and left his eyes visible.. He knelt before Havoc and placed his spear by his side before drawing his metal sword and placed it horizontally across his knee. His upper scales were lightning white, as opposed to his off white belly scales. “You have saved my people and I am in your debt.” He said and his voice was deeper and more gravelly than that of the first Lightning Lizard Havoc had spoken to. Havoc patted him on the head gently with a hoof. “Will your tribe support me as well? I will require little of them.” “Of course my lord.” “Good to know. Are you the chieftain or high alpha of the tribe?” “Yes lord.” Havoc placed his horn across each shoulder before saying, “Rise chieftain, Tell me your name.” “I am Great Skies lord.” “I am Havoc Great Skies, I hereby knight you. I think that’s how it goes. Whatever, you and your tribe are now a part of...” Havoc tapped his chin thoughtfully. What would he call his army? Well the army of havoc had a ring to it, perhaps it would be the Havoc Corps (pronounced core)? That actually sounded pretty good, and while he doubted he had the required ten thousand that formed one of his people’s legions he was certain that number would grow. “Alright, you are now a member of the Havoc Corps. You will retain command your tribe as you know them best. How numerous are your tribespeople?” “They are roughly five hundred strong lord.” “Rise colonel, take your best five leaders and bring them to me.” “Yes lord.” Colonel Great Skies said and he rushed off to obey. Havoc waited patiently as he gathered them. Col Great Skies returned with three fliers and two non-flyers. “This one,” he said while pointing to a non-flyer that had scales as pale as bone and menacing red eyes, “is Silent Claw. He is one of our best scouts.” Silent Claw nodded. He wore mostly soft leather armor with slats protecting and overlaying his chest and shoulders. He did not carry many trophies and his leather armor was undecorated. There were rings of metal visible on his cuirass, it reached his a quarter of the way down his thighs. Similarly there were rings on the outer side of his bracers, underneath and reaching further than the slats were leather rerebraces. His legs were protected by leather greaves and cuisses. His cuirass had a hood of soft leather as well and he wore that in place of a helmet. His spear was coated with leather and its tip was wide but sharp for stabbing and slashing alike. He also had a well crafted obsidian blade dagger and a short bow. The short bow was made of a dark wood and appeared was already strung, at three feet it was as tall as he was. It rested in a combined quiver and bow case. The arrows were fletched with dark feathers and had a mix of metal, stone, obsidian, and wood tips which were color coded by the flights. The bowstring was formed of twisted sinew. He was well suited to stealth. “This is Bone Stealer.” Col Great Skies said while pointing to a grey scaled flyer. “He specializes in rapid airborne attacks and likes to rip people’s bones out in combat.” Bone Stealer was well armored in the stone slats and it protected his chest, thighs, and upper arms. He wore a helmet of stone that covered the top half of his head  leaving holes for his blue eyes while it cut off before reaching his nostrils. He had a number of bones tied to his armor with sinew, they were engraved with what might have been names. His forearms were protected by bracers of leather with stone on the outer side as his legs were with the stone protecting the front. He was armed with a metal headed great axe and a short fully stone spear. He was clearly a vicious warrior. “This is Skywatcher.” The Col said while pointing to a brilliant yellow winged warrior who was indeed a female though Havoc wasn’t sure if she was just thin for their kind. “She is good with defensive fighting. She leads the female warriors.” Skywatcher wore a mix of slat and hide armor. Her chest, shoulders, and thighs were protected by slat armor which lay over white furred hide armor. The hide also protected her lower arms and head to her neck. She wore a helmet that appeared to be the skull of a larger member of her species, she was smaller than the males so it was likely a regular sized male’s. Her eyes were dark yellow. She was armed with a long metal headed spear and a a metal headed hatchet. Her shield was currently worn on her back and was metal overlaid with hide goat hide. She also had a short three foot tall bow in a combined quiver and bow case, it was taller than she was, and her arrows were all stone headed. The hatchet was in a loop in her sinew belt opposite her waterskin and dagger. She was impressive. “This is Ravager.” Col Great Skies said and pointed to the dark grey scaled flyer. “He is a skilled crafter and is good with supportive fighting.” Ravager was taller than Great Skies, taller than the average pony at fully four feet. He wore tough looking metal armor that was covered with hide. It protected his chest, arms, head and thighs. The helmet had two holes for his eyes and two for his nostrils, his eyes were electric blue. His helmet had upturned horns attached to the sides and he may have used them for impaling. He was armed with a longsword and meticulously cared for crossbow. It was oiled and strung and protected in a case of leather. The bolts were tipped with iron and fletched with eagle feathers. He thumped his chest in acknowledgement, he was well equipped. “And this is Doom Soul.” He said pointing to the navy blue non-flyer. “He specialises in siege warfare. He is also good with ground combat overall.” Doom Soul was well armored. He wore overlapping metal scale armor on his chest, it was attached to soft leather through metal rings. You wouldn’t see it however due to the hide he wore over it. His forearms were protected splinted metal bracers over which strips of hide were tied. His upper arms were protected by metal slat armor which was covered by the same hide that protected his chest. His thighs were protected by more metal slat which was in turn covered by the hide that protected his chest. His shins were protected by metal splint with strips of hide tied around them. Doom Soul nodded, his eyes were dark grey and unblinking. His head was protected by a wolf skull that was underlaid with hide that had numerous rings of varied composition piercing it. He was armed with a metal tipped short spear spear, an iron sword, a metal combat dagger, a metal headed hatchet, a quiver full of javelins, and an obsidian axe. Why an axe would be completely made from obsidian was anybodies guess, it was likely passed down to him from his ancestors. He looked dangerous. “Good. You five are now centurions. Take command of a hundred warriors that match your talents after Col Great Skies takes his warriors of choice.” He did not elaborate on their ranks. Most centurions were simply centurion in his culture. All together this tribe did not add up to even a single cohort. The average century is one hundred warriors and the centurion, one in five is an alpha. The average cohort was made up of ten centuries which made a thousand soldiers plus the command structure and the slaves and supply carriers. Above the average centurions is the primus pilus, he is leader of the cohort. Typically centurions are drawn from the nobility and various chieftains in the Empire’s territory. Col Great Skies went off to gather his elite team while the centurions waited with Havoc, they glanced up at their still slightly smoking and fully blood soaked benefactor. Skywatcher took the initiative and sat on a foreleg. She was capable of sitting quite comfortably on the enormous limb. Silent Claw stood and looked at the tribe coldly.  Ravager leaned against Havoc’s great chest as did Bone stealer and Doom Soul. The average Lightning Lizard male was three feet in height, the flyers were a bit taller at three feet three inches and the average female was four inches shorter for each gender. This made Ravager a giant among his kind. When Col Great Skies had gathered his elite team of twelve the others went forth to take their hundred. Havoc thought up his plan while they divided the tribe into five. He decided that he could definitely use these people. And they could use and upgrade to their equipment. “Col let me upgrade your equipment. Strip naked and lay down your weapons.” Havoc ordered. Great Skies did as told and stood. Havoc enveloped him with his magic and began to craft their equipment, he formed the good Col armor of mithral with a coat of platinum. He made a soft hide shirt and pair of pants for the chieftain, complete with loops for the belt. He also made loops for the various equipment he’d seen. Next he made a solid cuirass with straps of leather in the front plate to hold it on him until his closed the clamps on the shoulder that connected it to the back plate. Then he made two piece bracers to protect his forearms, they closed with clamps on the front of his forearm and were linked where they protected the back. Next he focused on his upper arm. Havoc formed rerebraces linked to pauldrons that were attached to the cuirass by swivel clamps. Havoc protected the thighs with similarly two piece cuisses they were linked on the part that protected the inner thigh and were clamped on the outer side. His hands were protected by customized gauntlets, he simply slid his hands in and clamped the back of the cuff closed and they fit him perfectly, of course they had a soft underlayer of hide to protect him from  anything that got through the thin joints. He made greaves and armor for the middle leg that was similar to the cuisses. To protect joints he relied upon the hide pants at the start. Havoc went on to create sabatons, they were formed of numerous overlapping plates and were attached by swivel clamps on the outer sides of the legs. Havoc protected his Col’s head and neck with a helmet that was fitted to  fitted to go under the bone helm the he had worn before Havoc levitated the helm onto the basic plate with holes for the eyes and nostrils and thinning at the ear holes. He attached them with spikes quickly grown through the bone that were sealed with flat discs grown at the tips. The helmet was now much more effective. Havoc had formed two projections that went below the jaw, this had two strips of hide that were held tight by a platinum clip. The chieftain flexed in his armor. “All finished Col.” Havoc said calmly. He saw his companions approaching in the mist and smiled. “It seems my comrades have come back for me.” Havoc said with a smile. “I feel somewhat exposed in this armor. It protects me well but I’m so easily seen.” Col Great Skies complained. “You won’t be fighting thunderbirds so you should be fine.” Havoc eased. “As you say lord. What are your comrades like?” “Varied my little friend, varied.”   The armored former chieftain was grim. AUTHOR’S NOTES Thank you all for your patience, you’re wonderful you know that? In fact, knowing that I have the ability and opportunity to make you all smile when you check fimfiction to see the latest update makes it all worth it. Yes even Pinkie Pie Extradimensional Author Enforcer Extraordinaire cannot dampen my joy. Tried to make up for the lateness by lengthening the chapter. And Such. Reality is kicking my butt like it’s getting paid. Probably gonna be forced to update in four to five day increments, sorry everybody. Aaargh, so tired... Need Sleep... Badly. Gonna... Gonna rest while the pinkster is gone. She hates it when I call her that you know. I’m probably gonna regret that, meh. I’m probably bad enough to just survive whatever she throws at me... Nergh, may your enemies meet swift and painful deaths by your hands my friends. For as the text says ‘With victories over others, we conquer. But with victories over ourselves, we are exalted. There must always be contests, and you must always win. ~ Kor Phaeron - Master of the Faith. And we like to conquer don’t we? (Really hope that doesn’t count as plagiarism.) > Corroded Morality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER SEVEN: CORRODED MORALITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I go onto the main read, please give a round of applause to supbrony101 and corosive dash. supbrony you keep me on the balls of my feet with your wonderful questions and encouraging comments, corosive dash here has given me my first non-selfmade OC! WOOT! In honor of this OC I have named the chapter appropriately. EDIT Thank you supbrony101! Second OC! It makes my ego swell up with power to know people think my story is worthy of their truly epic characters. In Celebration of this wondrous occurrence I have super sized this chapter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 2:03 A.M. 75 days 2 hours 3 minutes since savior spell Location: Coltislan, Dead Spears tribe territory … A stallion sat astride a burning earth hound tank, looking towards the hills where the victory gaining explosion had come from. He stared towards it with his glowing yellow eyes and pondered the meaning. Surely it was an omen, and the possibility of his sister being near sent his heart racing in his chest. The smoke drifted calmly around him. He was named Corrosive Dash, elder brother of Rainbow Dash, and he was twenty three years old. He idly scraped at a long and razor sharp canine with a hoof capable of penetrating steel. He looked towards the fleeing earth hound forces as they were chased by the armed zebra tribestallions and E.N.G. forces alongside them. He had been integral but really the sonic rainboom made the difference, it had startled all but no ally of the dogs could do such a thing. As such they were demoralized and caught off guard when the ponies broke from their stupor and attacked with renewed force. The starlight gleamed off his blood stained red scales and reflected in his neon eyes as he thought back to the events leading to this point in time, this opportunity to reunite with his beloved... Twelve years ago... “You stay here and don’t come after me you freak!” That was his mother, Sunny Skies. “But- but mom! I don’t wanna stay here! I won’t last a day on my own! Please don’t leave me here!” He cried. Why was she being so mean? Why did she look so angry? What had he done wrong? “You know why I’m leaving you here?” She hissed venomously. “Please! Tell me what I did wrong mommy! I’ll make it up to you I swear! I’ll do the dishes, I’ll take out the garbage, I’ll clean my room, I’ll even stop beating on Soarin when he comes over even though he’s a pervert!” He pleaded while falling to his belly and grabbing her knee. He began to cry pitifully. He hoped she would relent and let him come home with her. She shook him off callously before snarling, “You f****** corrupted your little sister is what! How could you Corrosive? She. Is. Your. Sister! You are to protect your sister, you are to look after your sister, and yes you are to love your sister! But you! You are sick! I saw what you two were doing! Brother and sister should never mesh tongues you sicko!” She sneered at him, “I’m leaving you here to protect our only good child from your foul influence. I won’t have her brought down by the likes of you. You are never to return home and will never see her again.” She proclaimed and leapt into the sky. “Nooo!” Corrosive cried as flew after her desperately. He couldn’t stay out here, he couldn’t never see his sister again, he loved her more than life itself! She was losing him, she was bigger and more experienced and therefore faster. However he was smaller and thus more agile, he could also go where she couldn’t. She went around a great web of thorny vines, to abandon the path she had used was potentially death in the Everfree, especially this deep in where the trees turned day into night. Corrosive went through the airborne hedge and though he was cut and scraped he burst through the end before his mother and grabbed onto her neck. “Get off you cretinous scum!” She yelled before slamming him into a branch overhead. He fell, breathless, to the earth. He gasped for air and watched his mother’s form vanish through the trees. He passed out from pain and exhaustion moments later. Two years ago... Corrosive looked at the ill dragon and felt pity. It looked sick, like it was dying even. The sight of the magnificent red being brought low stirred old sadness in his own heart. He had survived despite his claim all those years ago, thrived even. He was lean but he was pure muscle and could lift twice his weight with ease. He was tall, as tall as the average Royal Guard though he didn’t know. He had not seen a mirror or compared himself in a long time. His fur was red like blood and his hair was hues of black and yellow, cut short and messy with improvised knives. The local predators left him alone now, hanging their brethren’s skulls from the branches of his home tree might have had something to do with that. The ones that might have preyed on him gave his turf a wide berth, the ones too small to be a threat were ignored, and the ones too huge for him to stand a chance against ignored him as it wouldn’t be worth the effort invested to catch the speedy stallion. When he lay in the boughs of his claimed home he thought of his precious sister and almost wept. He’d hardly a clue what she looked like, he only hoped she still had her beautiful rainbow mane. He imagined her beautiful cyan fur and her amazing pink eyes. He still loved her. In fact his love for her had only grown with his miserable isolation. He’d tried to find a way out from time to time but always returned to the place he knew lest he become lost and encounter something he couldn’t escape from or fight off. Looking at the dragon he felt pity. He had seen other dragons but never one like this. He had seen this one before too. Always alone, even as he lay dying. It reminded him of himself. Corrosive made the decision and approached his fellow outcast. He approached the beast with its greying scales and heaving chest. He came around its side to within sight of its pained eyes but unfortunately in range of its limp tail. “I mean you no harm friend! I only wish to hel-” He said in his rough voice, unused in who knew how long, before he was impaled in the flank by its formerly limp tail. It impacted just behind his left wing and he fell without a sound, he never even got to scream. He twitched in place, his eyes open wide and his mouth frozen shut. The soulsplitter dragon gazed balefully into his eyes as it grinned painfully. Then the flood of memories hit and its eyes widened. Such pain, such love, so alone... He decided that his last actions in life would not be to selfishly extend his own life by perhaps a year. Instead he would give this lonely stallion a gift, he certainly deserved it for all his pain. As the remnant of the dragon’s soul surged into him the dragon looked into Corrosive’s eyes and spoke, “This is my gift to you Corrosive.” Then he ripped his stinger free and turned into ash. Corrosive stared for a moment before making a final twitch and falling unconscious. One year ago... Corrosive slammed a hoof into a rocky cliffside. His hooves were tougher than steel but he scarcely noticed. He was covered in tough red scales in place of fur but he didn’t really care. His wings were twice the length of his body but it barely registered. His teeth were tougher and sharp like a dragons but it didn’t matter. He was tall enough to look a pegacorn on eye level without taking flight but he didn’t even know that. He dreamed of his sister every night now. Sometimes he woke up drenched in sweat and screaming her name. He knew he had an obsession but it was all he had, so he didn’t try to curb it. He went further in his attempts to find a way out of this accursed forest but failed all the same. He hated like few others. Two months ago... He did not struggle as the alicorn held him against the tree. He had learned in his life when to back down. Life in the Everfree was tough, tougher still for a mere pony. Almost certain death for a yearling. You had to be both smart and strong to survive and Corrosive Dash was both of these things. The three alicorns had flown into his territory and, upon spotting him, slammed him into a tree with their magic and vigorously scanned him. When they were done they released him and he slid down the tree. He rose to his hooves and glared warily. He might have attacked despite knowing it was suicide but they had not truly harmed him and he refused to succumb to the lure of the wild. He refused to let the Everfree turn him into a violent murder machine, refused to become a monster. “We apologise sir. We are hunting a monster that recently escaped captivity. It has the ability to mask its true appearance so we must examine all things we find suspect. We would advise you to evacuate as it has already ravaged two cities and has a taste for pony flesh.” A mare with teal fur and a mane like liquid emeralds advised as she spread her wings. “Wait! I’m kind of lost, could you maybe point me in the right direction?” He asked while nervously smiling. He did not remember his razor sharp teeth and as such his attempt at friendliness looked terrifying. The alicorn was not impressed, she had seen worse. “Follow this light.” She ordered and conjured up a purple light which hovered in place momentarily before flying off. “Thanks!” Corrosive yelled as he took off after the light. One month ago... Corrosive was furious. He had come a long way. He had followed the light to the edge of the Everfree to a town called ponyville. He was gawked at but ignored the populaces stares. He looked for Cloudsdale, he suspected his sister was long gone and he had no reason to see his mother. However he knew the way from Cloudsdale to Canterlot as did every pegasus youth. He had flown all the way to Canterlot and begged the secretary mare for an audience with the one being he believed could help him. The imagery of her and five other mares in expensive stained glass assured him of this. The secretary mare at the front desk had taken pity on him and let the disheveled dragon pony through quickly. Then Corrosive had bowed as low as he could and plead his case to Celestia. He had told her of how he’d been abandoned, how he struggled constantly for survival, and finally how he had missed his beloved sister so. And when he looked up she had the gall to look bored and tell him she didn’t know. Like Pandemonium she didn’t! The MULTIPLE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS said other-f******-wise! Just one cost more money than he’d ever seen in one place, and such high quality work! He had almost broken down and leaped at them when he saw them. He looked around for a moment and tried to control his breathing, calm himself. Buck it. He leapt at a nearby pegasus guard and smashed him in the side of the head with hooves that shattered stone effortlessly. The pegasus’ gold armor couldn’t do much against that and he was knocked flying, lucky for him it had hit him at an angle and he only lost his helm. The room had flooded with soldiers, angry ones. They had come at him like wolves but he had fought much bigger, and meaner, wolves than them. Timber wolves don’t believe in retreat or mercy, nor are they fond of playing. He went through the pegasi like a hot knife through butter. The unicorns were more of a challenge, their magic let them engage him at a distance. They did not have much effect on an enraged dracopony however. He eventually broke free of the grasp of the five and was in their midst in a single flap of his great wings. They were very useful. “Stop!” Bellowed Celestia as she grasped him in her magic once he dropped the five. She brought him close and he strained to break free, to maim the liar. She looked into his rage filled eyes and apparently saw something she liked. “I have a deal for you draconequus, or should I say dracopony seeing as draconequus is sort of a bad name right now. Since you seem pretty good at fighting I’ll help with your sister problem. IF, and only if, you agree to help my Chosen champion. You see my dear Havoc is on a near impossible quest. He was given it to gain my father’s approval, however he may well die or fail and end up at daddies mercy. I can’t risk that. As such I want you to help make his quest a little more possible. If you accept this job I’ll send you off in two days, with supplies, to where I believe he’ll be soon after you arrive. I’ll find your sister, send her home, and personally escort you there. How does that sound mmm?” He thought for a moment. She might be lying to him but it was better than anything he could think of at the time. He doubted asking the law enforcers would end well looking like he did. “Yes, I’ll do as you wish Sun Princess! Thank you so much!” He said. He began to cry tears of joy, they burned as they dripped free from long unused tear ducts. Twenty eight days ago... He looked at the dossier he’d been given carefully. The light of the sun glared down on the main balcony of Canterlot Castle and illuminated the scroll he read. He frowned at what he saw. Why would somepony like this even need help? He was three freaking legs tall! Nopony was that big! and apparently he was some sort of alicorn, dragon, thing! He looked at the multiple pictures that came with the file and felt nauseous, one of the pictures showed him eating what looked like nord ponies in the middle of a fight, another showed him right after a shower, yet another showed him fused to a flag, and for some reason he was in bed with the princess in one. They sure looked... Moist. He checked his pack, double checked the map and the location circled with the magic marking pen. He looked at the light armor, designed to conceal him magically if he turned a dial on the side of the helmet. He checked the tracking device he’d been given. Apparently he was so dangerous they’d put a collar on his horn, both to mark him as territory and to make sure the dual princesses knew where he was at all times. The second one still freaked him out, she looked suspiciously like Nightmare Moon. He hoofed the file to the unicorn guard who stood menacingly to his left. The guard had upgraded their gear since his rampage. Apparently they were tired of giants kicking the s*** out of them. He suspected this ‘Havoc’ was the other giant mentioned. He stepped closer to the edge and looked to the horizon. Then he spread his great wings, leapt into the air, and flew onwards. Apparently he was going to be supporting the E.N.G. in some hole called Coltistan where the local zebra tribes were getting crushed by the local earth hounds. They were helping the zebra because the zebra were neutral to Equesria whereas the dogs were openly hostile, apparently the King of the most powerful earth hound nation was urging the others to join his crusade and it was rather hard to say no. He was to help until Havoc arrived and kicked s*** out of the dogs and zebra alike and claimed it in the name of Equestria, the zebra would be being digested by the time Havoc got there otherwise. And Celestia did not approve of potential allies being digested by earth hounds. Present morning... He shook himself free of his reverie and turned his head back to the faded rainboom. He had a job to do after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spike marched at the head of the army. Three hundred warriors followed the leaders as they marched onto Thunderhead. Apparently every tribe of Lightning Lizards knew the location of the thunderbird city equivalent. They were certain to encounter other tribes on the way they had been informed and for some reason Havoc had placed Spike along with the shrimpy lizards. When Spike had questioned him he said it made Spike look cooler. Spike figured that he could stand to look cooler and as such wholeheartedly agreed, he was starting to have doubts. He was bored and the lizards gawking at him didn’t help. He didn’t like the way they sized him up, like they were planning an ambush or something. Spike heard scratching noises up ahead and tensed his muscles in preparation for a fight, only to see the three approaching lizards holding their hands up in a way that apparently meant peace. The Lightning Lizards had a moderately sophisticated form of sign language, it mostly indicated enemies and numbers and the like. The scouts approached and knelt before him for some reason before moving on to two commanders nearby. Havoc had really turned these guys around. From a pack of savages literally armed with clubs and spears they had become an army of savages armed with better spears, swords, and maces as well as much better, if revealing, armor. They apparently didn’t like the way the shine gave away their locations, Havoc had adjusted for the scouts. The scouts wore hide armor but since it was Havoc’s hide it was basically flexible titanium. Seriously, he had scratched at Havoc’s hide and his claw barely penetrated the skin. Not much could stop dragons, Havoc could. He had seen it. He wondered if he would ever be big enough to hurt Havoc, he hoped not. If he got that big he’d have no chance with Rarity. He idly magicked up a flame in his left hand and began to toss it up and catch it, then he noticed a scout looking at him expectantly. “Er, what?” Spike asked as he dropped the fire to the stone. It continued to burn, dragon fire was hard to put out. Conjured dragon fire took more still. “I asked what you thought of the report great one.” He said and tried to smile. The smile was creepy with his jagged teeth, Spike wondered when he’d last brushed. The narrowness of his face didn’t help, nor did his staring eyes. They looked manic. “Uh, could you repeat it? I kinda phased out before you began.” Spike said sheepishly. The lizard beamed, “Yes sir! We spotted the Great Scales tribe up ahead, about nine kilolegs fore and two to our armies right. Their numbers seem to match the last count, over four thousand though the dead thunder lizard has surely swelled their numbers. They seem relaxed and we may be able to catch them off guard. We may not need to if lord Havoc initiates combat however. Once he engages them we can just march in in a pincer formation with the scouts watching the flanks and they’ll have no chance. What think you great one?” He said enthusiastically. The lightning lizards, at least of the Blood Swords tribe, held some sort of reverence for dragons. “Er, why are we killing them again?” “It’s what we do high one. If we wipe them out we won’t have to compete with them.” “Why not subjugate them? It works for ponies.” It was true. He eventually learned from Celestia that he had been stolen in retaliation of an Elder dragon and its subjects barring passage to a potentially vital tradeway. After the eggs had been stolen alongside half the hatchlings, and E.N.G. commandos had poisoned the water, the dragons relented. Less than half of the eggs were returned and over a third of the hatchlings had been skinned. The draconic nation in that great pass never bothered Equestrian caravans again and the ponies had gained a big trade partner. They still maintained positive relations with that seaside nation. “Subjugate?” “To force them to serve you? Maybe make them members of the tribe, or rather army now. It would be kind of like a draft or conscription.” Havoc was looking at him in interest after Spike had said that. It was like he didn’t expect it coming from him. Meh, he still technically wasn’t free. He belonged to Twilight Sparkle and they both knew it, it wasn’t so bad really. It could have been worse after all. He could have been skinned, or ended up under somepony much worse. He hoped to earn his freedom by joining the armed forces and this counted he supposed. “We... Hadn’t thought of that. We could use their population...” The scout looked contemplative. Havoc increased his pace in eagerness. “I’ll go ahead and get on the other side. I want two solid lines on the the near right and near left of the main body. Dark Soul, I want your forces on the left. Ravager, I want your troops on the right. Bone Stealer, I want your flyers to be ready in between the other two lines so that you can strike them from surprise or take on any airborne warriors. Scouts are to stretch around them to capture stragglers, stay in teams. Spike? Stay with Twilight while this goes down, I want you to see how an army goes to battle.” Twilight and the others were hovering in the howdah. Twilight had taken the time to fit it with magic induced levitation generators, basically she’d attached little bars to the sides that turned a howdah into a hover-cart. It incorporated a complex spell and the materials were hard to acquire, and few were powerful enough to use replication magic. The fact that Havoc had used it to quickly outfit his army of over five hundred was a testament to his might, he didn’t even looked like he’d put any effort into it. For most of the few unicorns who could do it it was exhausting. “As you command!” The scout said before rushing off with his team mates, rather squad mates, to tell the others. The centurions started bellowing to their subordinates. Havoc had organised them similarly to the armies of his origin nation and it was admittedly effective. The centurions commanded one hundred each. Out of those one hundred, twenty were squad leaders or sergeants. Each sergeant commanded a squad of five, if you counted the sergeant. The lizards didn’t need a complex command structure seeing as they weren’t idiots and had been fighting for most of their lives. They worked well together, very well, and were easily capable of deciding and implementing effective tactics. The chieftains elite twelve were referred to as prætorian and they held greater status and were authorised to command the sergeants and their legionnaires. The naming of the soldiers was disturbingly similar to that used by Lupusland. The Imperium of Lupus was feared for its skill in warfare and its treatment of conquered lands. Havoc took off as Spike walked over to the howdah, Liber Havoc stood alongside the colonel. The colonel looked nervous. He kept glancing at Liber like he thought she was going to eat him. Spike forced himself not to pervert that. Ever since she’d become a female he had been feeling the full effects of her femininity. The fact that she’d been a male for much of her multiple millennia life thus far didn’t bother him. He was a dragon, when he was younger he’d turned into a rampaging monster because of greed. Going from male to female because of dominance wasn’t that strange or off putting for him. He cursed as he remembered the first time she’d hugged him out of the blue. He barely managed to hide his reaction. Dragons are strange creatures, especially the ones that can potentially live forever. A few learned dragon magic, it relied on the fire dragons produced as well as their own mutable nature. With dragon magic one could go from bigger than a mountain to smaller than these puny lizards if they so wished. Most dragons are incapable of it however. Spike was apparently special for being able to use magic to conjure up his fire like he had been doing. Normally fire has to come from the mouth, more specifically the magicka ignis. It was responsible for the dragons production of flame and was positioned below and behind the lungs, the stomach could aid in the production with its generation of methane and other flammable gasses. This was why that fat teenager Spike remembered had won the fire belching contest so long ago, his stomach generated vast fumes to fuel his fiery belches. Spike gripped the rope ladder firmly and hissed to himself in rage. He had not forgotten his shame that day and intended to get revenge. Then as he was thinking these bloody thoughts that focused the repressed anguish and rage of slavery a hoof descended on his face gently. “Hi.” Spike blinked, what the hay? That sounded like Pinkie Pie. The hoof was pink like hers too, she removed it and her blue eyes stared down at him. Pinkie was twenty four now, he still remembered when she was just seventeen and they’d first met. She was even freakier once you got to know her. And now she liked to play rather naughty pranks. “Pinkie?” “Yup! Why is our little Spikey Wikey feeling down?” “Er, repressed anguish and possibly anger issues brought on by knowing that if she wants Twilight can have me skinned and sliced and sold for a remarkably high profit?” “Nope!” “Then what Pinkie?” Spike asked bemused. “This!” Pinkie said and put her rump over his head. He stared for a moment in confusion before she sat on him and he lost his grip in surprise. He hit the stone with a light thud that went unnoticed. His nose was full of the scent of Pinkie’s rear. Sugar, fur, and what he was certain was vagina was all he could smell. He heard a laugh and blinked as she got off, when his eyes opened she was gone. And suddenly he noticed something else pink and possibly associated with breeding. “What’s taking you Spi-” Twilight looked over and yelled. She cut herself off as she saw it. Freaky dragon magic or possibly mutation caused him to be very good with magic, especially reactive magic. His magic in this situation had scanned Pinkie Pie’s body and altered his phallus size to be appropriate. It was somewhat surprising to see just how big she apparently liked it. It would have touched his chest was it to be pressed back against him. As it was the nearby lizards were interested to see the source of the commotion and stared at his nudity. He regretted not wearing his armor right now. Twilight was staring at it and seemed shocked, then Lovestain joined her. Heh heh, lovestain. He saw no means of hiding it and no way to climb into the howdah, he honestly wondered if he should be walking with that thing in front of him. He might knock somebody out with it by accident, or worse still poke them. “Uhm... Help?” He cursed Pinkie’s rock farmer ancestors for producing the monstrosity known as Pinkie Pie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc flew high to avoid being seen. He hoped the lizards couldn’t sense his electricity. He’d learned from a record that sharks could sense electricity using special sensory organs. If lightning lizards could emit electricity from their mouths, would it be a blind shot to assume that they could sense it?  Blind shot was the equivalent of long shot for Havoc’s people. For them a long shot suggests safety and planning, as is typically required of a long distance shot. He randomly thought of the odd flavor of guinea pig. He had had one before, it was apparently a reward for a job well done while in the army. It was... Meh. Better than human anyway. Havoc dipped his head below the layer of mist to observe them better. He could see them fine but felt like exposing his head for some reason. He saw they were clustered around the carcass of a truly gigantic creature, they had actually set up tents on its carcass. The thing looked like it was too big for something the size of an Ursa Major to eat, it would certainly be a challenge to kill. Now that he had finally seen it he realized why it was called a thunder lizard, while it was indeed covered in scales it looked more like a drake or perhaps a hybrid of crocodilian and elephant. That would be the lizard part, the thunder part was evidenced by its sheer size. Something like that must sound like thunder every time it takes a step, it must be like being in a constant earthquake around the live ones. A gigantic and long grey body supported by legs like pillars was attached at one end to a long tapering neck and an even longer tapering tail at the other. Running down the back of its length was a row of spines, they grew bigger near the center, that reminded him of organic spears or thin stalagmites. Its head was relatively small but still larger than his entire body, much bigger. He’d no idea how the lizards had killed such a titan. It could kill him by accident and not even notice. Havoc frowned upon seeing something like that dead. He could see the pencil like teeth from his altitude, they were sharp at the tips like spikes. Its eyes were carved out and blood was dried along the side of its head, it had also poured from its mouth and its tongue was nowhere to be seen. He pulled his head back into the mist and kept flying. He intended to add this group to his forces within the hour. He looked to his forces that were spreading out or approaching and settled himself in the sky to wait for them. He pulled some of the mist from above to make a cloud to rest upon so his flapping didn’t disturb the lethargic group below. He looked around and noticed a darker patch of cloud approaching. No, that was a shadow. He grinned as he awaited whatever it was. He saw it didn’t look vaguely equine. It was big and had great bat like wings and what appeared to be tentacles. It pulled up and looked like it was getting ready to descend upon him. He kept watching it. It got high before slowly swooping down before him. It was a greyish greenish color and was covered in tiny scales. It had eight tentacles where arms might be as well as much smaller ones around its mouth. It had a long neck that ended in a spade shaped head. Its eyes were dull yellow and it had goat-like pupils. Its wing bones were flexible, more like tentacles than bones Havoc saw. In fact its wings were tentacles with a membrane stretched between them. It tentatively reached out with a powerful looking foot. It had ten toes that were tipped with claws, behind which were suction cups like an octopus. Havoc pulled down more mist with his magic to expand his cushion. It settled down on the cloud and looked at him in shock. Havoc noticed its neck and underside lacked the scales and were smooth, slick, skin. It opened its mouth and Havoc saw the multitude of tentacles were on both the edge of the lower jaw and above the lips of the upper. “Hello.” It said in a gurgling voice. Havoc heard bubbles popping and water sloshing when it spoke. “Hello.” “You aren’t scared or disgusted?” It asked. “Nope. Where I’m from you aren’t very scary. Nor are you ugly, strange but not ugly. Tentacles and slimy skin don’t make you ugly where I’m from.” “Wow... That sounds amazing.” “Not really, the reason you wouldn’t be considered ugly or scary is because there’s plenty out there that’s much worse than whatever you are.” “Oh. Well still. That sounds incredible all the same. Hey... Who are you.” “I don’t know really. I figure I’m a result of my environment but you’d be jumped right about now if I were.” “Why?” It asked mystified. “Because where I’m from you look delicious.” “Oh...” It said and looked sad. “Where I’m from we also look at each other as food. It’s a harsh world so we do what we have to, you shouldn’t feel intimidated.” Havoc wondered why he was being so nice to this tasty looking morsel. “Huh. Now I feel bad for you.” It said in its gurgling voice. “Meh, I adapted. No need to feel sorry for me.” Havoc pitied himself enough for the both of them. “You’re so strong.” It said and gave him a tentacled hug. It rubbed its slimy skin against his thick and blood soaked fur. It didn’t seem to mind being smeared in the stuff. “Warm...” It gurgled. Havoc wondered what could produce this tentacled thing. He felt one of his wings rise to cover the tentacle thing in a hug. A hug was a hug after all. He so rarely got to enjoy them. “You’re not so bad whatever you are. Why would anybody dislike you?” “Ponies just don’t seem to like the way I look. Nothing does. I came down from the mountain lair to get out and enjoy the world but it’s just not working. I wish I looked better, so the ponies and dragons and other things would be okay with me.” Havoc saw thick triangular teeth formed four rows within its mouth. This was a very strange creature. “Well what’s your name potential ally?” Havoc knew no other word for something you were considering befriending. “I would be Stone Grave in this language.” “Well Stone Grave, I’ll put in the good word for you at Canterlot. What are you by the way?” “There’s no name for my species in this language.” “Oh well, I’ll just say a tentacley winged thing that's shaped kinda like a dragon might be stopping by. It’s a friend of mine. What gender are you?” “I would be considered an it. I reproduce by budding. Do you know what that means?” “Little yous form and then separate from your body after they have developed enough?” “Well yes, basically. Wow! Pretty and smart.” “I am a stallion.” “I know, we call ponies pretty regardless of gender. We don’t quite get it. Why have multiple words to describe the same thing? Makes no difference to us.” “Makes sense when you put it that way.” Havoc still didn’t understand why this conversation was happening. Like someone had decided to screw around with him at random. He could not imagine this in his wildest nightmares. Then again it wouldn’t be so friendly in his nightmares, not as he knew the meaning of friendly anyway. Whatever, it killed time. Then he remembered an old lullaby  his mother sang to him when he was young. He felt compelled to share it. “Hey, wanna hear a lullaby my mother sang to me when I was very young?” “I’d love to!” “Okay!” “Ahem! I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese, I like cheese,  IIIII Llliiiiiike Chheeese!” He sang with a big grin. The tentacle beast was far from amused, “Are you really telling me she sang that to put you to sleep? Possibly better question: Did I just hear you sing that?” “Hmmm,” Havoc rubbed his chin, “Well normally she’d beat me over the head with something right after that last part. I’m honestly starting to think the song was intended to stun me in preparation for the knockout blow.” “Ummm, you know what? I have to go now. I’ll see you later friend.” It said and took off with a flex of its tentacle wings. “That was getting too weird...” Havoc heard it mumble. Havoc looked down, it was at least five minutes before his troops were in place, he sighed and settled down to watch them. He had nothing better to do at this point. Thirty two minutes later... Finally! Why did that take so long?! Aye, aye, aye, time to begin the assimilation. Havoc swooped down from his position to land atop the carcass. He calmly walked over and smacked a tent clear off the carcass as the lizards started to scramble into action. Soon spears and arrows hurtled through the air to fruitlessly impact against his naked hide. He chuckled as he saw the rage turn to panic in their eyes. He flew to the side opposite the ones his soldiers used and bellowed for attention. “Listen up lizards!” They heard. Hesitantly they halted their flight. “Now that I have your attention, get over here before I decide to have a snack. And I’m not interested in trying thunder lizard.” They crawled over each other in their haste to not be eaten, a few tried running off in the commotion. They would soon be caught by mace wielding scouts who would very much like to bash their brains out. “As you can see, I am your better. I wiped out a flock of thunderbirds by myself. I’m certain you saw the storm to the south.” Heads nodded and they realised that the thing they were planning to check out may have been a very bloody and one sided battle. “Well that was me. I intend to take control of not only your tribe but all of Stormica.” Hissing laughter resounded from the crowd at this proclamation. As if this thing could conquer Stormica! “Yes, well while you may think it’s funny you don’t know who I am. I am a destroyer of armies and a conqueror of nations. I beat a dragon in a one on one fight.” The laughter continued. Havoc smiled. “Come forward chieftain, perhaps you can tell my why you all think I’m joking.” The laughter got louder but none stepped forward. Clever lizards. Havoc began to pace back and forth. He was just stalling. He wanted to see his troops in action. He had standardized their equipment. A plate cuirass of steel, steel plate gauntlets, steel plate greaves, steel plate helmets, and many of them were equipped with solid steel shields.Underneath the steel they wore black pony hide, unicorn to be specific. Most had spears, many had swords, some had various types of axes, many had steel bladed daggers, all had a small steel mace that was intended to be used to knock others of their kind unconscious. This was a truly telling test if he ever saw one. Four hundred, really three hundred since the scouts were expected to catch any that fled as opposed to entering direct combat, against over four thousand. This would be an epic battle. He could just see his soldiers appearing beyond the outskirts of the massive camp. Havoc looked back to the laughing horde and grinned. He started laughing himself. His bellowing laughs drowned out both the sound of his approaching soldiers and the laughter of the lightning lizards alike. At some point he realized he was the only one still laughing. He also noticed his troops were almost in charging range, they looked eager. Hungry even. He could see the hatred and bloodlust in their reptilian eyes. He saw the way they repeatedly opened and closed their jaws. “Now that we’ve all had a good laugh there is something that needs to be said...” They leaned forwards as one to hear the funny horses words. “You’re all flacked.” They didn’t get it. “Charge.” He said calmly. The soldiers that had been getting ready charged silently. They wanted to get the absolute most out of this. Only when they were about to strike with their maces did they unleash their roars. The maces were very short staffs that had a head two centimeters wider than body. They were as long as a lightning lizard’s arm outstretched, including the head. The Great Scales lightning lizards on the edge of the horde didn’t stand a chance against the howling soldiers. They clubbed into the crowd with brutal force, lucky for them the maces had padding in the form of hide that covered the head. Lizards dropped by the hundred in the first few seconds. Then the Great Scales retaliated. Swinging swords and axes, jabbing with spears, and attempting to shoot with bows or toss javelins. Some took to the sky only to be set upon by Bone Stealers airborne raiding force, they swung identical maces with similar results. Soon however lightning began to scatter through the air as the angry lizards fought. Havoc noticed the ground lizards were doing the same. They opened their mouths and a torrent of electricity blasted out. The metal didn’t help there, luckily the hide helped them shrug off the shock. The Great Scales were fighting hard. Fighting with claw, sword, spear, and axe they began to push his soldiers back. The ground forces of the Havoc corps had raised their shields together to form a formidable wall, the ones at the back were swarming around the sides to take on flankers or get into the melee. Some practically went berzerk out there, swinging with wild abandon and smashing their foes aside with shields. Regardless his troops were being pushed back. Even though their own were dropping into their midst from above like missiles they kept leaping into the sky and putting pressure on his troops. Havoc watched intently. Eventually the line broke and Great Scales and Blood Swords intermingled in a raging melee. The armor was invaluable in this sort of fight. Havoc spotted the scouts approaching. He saw Silent Claw sprinting towards them, bow drawn. Havoc wondered what he was doing. The only thing he had done for him was give him a solid mithril spear that was sheathed in hide, give him the standard mace, and replace the armor he wore with his own hide as well as putting rings of mithril in it. That wasn’t much to Havoc but he had declined anything more. He watched as Silent Claw came to a halt and drew an arrow. He aimed carefully but quickly and released the arrow, it soared straight and slammed into a Great Scale’s head. It knocked him out and drew blood. The arrow went on to bounce off and knock out two more before it stopped. Havoc grinned. The battle was fierce. Warriors leaped about slashing and bashing as others spat lightning. A legionnaire smashed his mace across the face of a warrior and was immediately tackled to the ground. The warrior who had jumped him was knocked out as he pulled his spear back to gore the legionnaire. The legionnaire pushed the warrior off and rose in time to brace his shield against another charging warrior. The warrior knocked himself out against the steel. The legionnaire kept his shield braced as another slammed into him and pushed him back, he pulled his shield aside and hit this one over the head and he hissed and gripped his skull. The warrior was knocked down and out as another legionnaire shield smashed him. Another warrior was more successful. He leaped onto a battered legionnaire and knocked him down before leaping to the next from behind, this one too fell and was almost killed as the warrior slashed at his neck with his dagger. The dagger never connected as he was smashed off the warrior by a shield and was soon ganged up on and savagely beaten with the maces. A warrior dodged a mace swing and lunged at the legionnaire sword first. The legionnaire leapt forwards in an arc and swung his mace into the back of the warrior’s head as he passed. The legionnaire landed on a warrior who was knocked breathless by the impact. He rose from atop the warrior’s body in a kneeling position and swung his mace against the side of his head. The warrior fell asleep. The legionnaire braced his shield against a warrior swinging an axe, his shield was knocked up and almost off as was his arm. The axe lizard slashed down and the legionnaire felt pain as the axe cut into his face, he dropped to his back and tried to crawl away. The axe lizard stepped on his chest and was about to cleave his head off in a sideways swing when a wooden arrow slammed into the side of his head. He was dazed and the legionnaire took the opportunity to slam his mace into one of the warrior’s legs. He fell with a roar, then a legionnaire smashed him in the face with a mace as he fell. Col Great Skies and his praetorians calmly walked up to the raging battle. As an opportunistic Great Scale warrior lunged blindly at them the nearest praetorian calmly smashed his skull in with his armored fist. They had gauntlets that had a triangular blade over each knuckle so that they could stab with every punch they delivered. On the back of the palm, behind the fingers, were round, sharp tipped, spikes designed to allow them to impale foes with a back handed strike. On the finger bones nearest to the main hand was a three sided spike that was placed just beyond the edge of the knuckle blades, these allowed for further impalement with every punch or backhand. The praetorians did not like to play around, get too close and you risk death. A number of Great Scales discovered this the hard way as a group that managed to push through the line more or less uninjured rushed them. The Col and his elite force were outnumbered at least three to one. Bad odds for the Great Scales. They were taken out by armored fist and padded mace. Skulls were smashed and legs were broken as rib cages were shattered. The ones hit with maces were the lucky ones, the others died. The chieftain calmly pulled his sword free from a corpse's chest before wiping it clean on the fallen warriors shirt and sheathing it. He pulled out his mace and readied his shield. The new Col and his praetorian guard charged into the melee in a blur of brutal force. The Great Scales were taken by surprise as the elite troops slammed through them. The battle raged on. The praetorians and the Col raged among the Great Scales, carving a swathe of dead and unconscious warriors with their maces and shields. Dying by a shield is a bad way to go. Even if the shield had an edge like a razor, designed to slice up anyone unfortunate enough to bump into it. The Great Scales elite eventually encountered them and the fight was vicious, speed versus strength, armor versus agility, desperation versus bloodlust. Havoc eventually got bored as the vast numbers of the Great Scales wore down his troops, despite some of the lightly armored scouts rushing in to help, and just dropped a relatively light wall of force on them all. He picked through the trapped lizards and pulled his soldiers free. Luckily he’d suffered no casualties, though some were knocked out by the wall, and as such didn’t need to replace the lost soldiers. When they were all gathered and relaxed against the giant carcass he grasped the Great Scales and held them close, awake or not. He smiled at them. “You belong to me now.” He said and squeezed them until they stopped fighting. They looked at him fearfully, well over two thousand were still awake and alive. He dropped them in various places and they hobbled off to recover. Havoc went over to attend his soldiers. First he repaired their scratched and somewhat dented armor. He left tiny grooves to remember the battle, then he repaired their cut and bruised bodies. They had scales but the scales were small and relatively weak for maximum flexibility. Then he went on to improve the armor of the soldiers that were not scouts with steel scales that attached to the hide armor through tiny rings, which were not visible due to the scales overlapping each other. Now he had another distinguisher besides the armor. Soon the basic armor would not be enough as he began a mass healing spell on the fallen Great Scales tribe. He was annoyed to find some of the Great Scales dead, distinct punctures and crushed flesh and bones suggested the praetorians were at fault. He shook his head and piled up the dead. When he finished his healing of the Great Scales he stripped them naked and formed armor identical to that formerly worn by the army that they had almost bested. Now they looked at each other and themselves in awe. “Form lines!” Havoc yelled and they began a disorganized rush to obey. They ended up forming three hundred straight but uneven lines. He ordered them to say the name of their weapon of choice and used a spell to hold the knowledge until he had given them enhanced versions of their own. Shields joined the varied weapons, spear lizards found swords in sheaths on their newly formed belts opposite the maces. Now this was an army. He found the chieftain and made him a Lieutenant Colonel. Havoc formed a total of four and roughly a half cohorts out of them. Not a full legion but a good start. He now had over six thousand warriors to his name, in this region alone. He would leave a cohort behind to guard the precious meat after his soldiers grabbed some rations before resuming the march with four full cohorts. He waited as they carved into the carcass. They were all wide awake now. They formed up into more ordered lines at the orders of the new centurions, who were in turn under the command of the first centurions and the praetorians. The Col went about giving orders to the newly promoted primus pilus. Eventually they were ordered into three great columns and they resumed their march on Thunderhead with newly gained scouts swarming ahead of them. They began a low chant as they marched, some ancient tribal song that apparently both tribes knew well. Havoc walked ahead of them and was soon joined by his compatriots. “Well Spike? What did you learn?” “Lightning lizards are psychopaths on the battlefield?” He answered readily. Havoc had no response. He was too busy trying to figure out if he was being sarcastic or not. It made his brain hurt. “Was that sarcasm?” “The answer should be obvious.” “Well it’s not, and just trying to figure it out gave me a headache.” “Hahahahahaha! Wow you’re dumb!” Spike laughed. “That’s mean of you Spike! You shouldn’t insult the giant predator that can eat diamond.” “You wouldn’t dare.” Spike said in a casual manner. “You’ll see Spike. Just for that there will be a day of reckoning. It may take a thousand years but I’ll get you for that.” Havoc meant it too. “Heh, you’ll need it dumb dumb.” He said with a grin. Havoc frowned slightly. He considered biting off the whelps head but something stopped him, probably the glowing ring on his horn. He suddenly thought of the horn rings worn by Shining Armor and Cadence. He wondered if this was anything like that. He felt cold amusement at this thought from somewhere and idly rubbed at his horn to ward off the cold. Then the flesh around the horn began to burn and itch. He sat on his haunches and applied a hoof to the area, vigorously rubbing in a circle around his irritated horn. Then his teeth felt funny and he felt the need to chew on something so he rolled onto his back and brought his tail to his mouth as he curled up upwards. He bit down and began to nom on his tail. He hissed as he felt a need to scratch along his barrel near his crotch and applied a wing. His free wing was fruitlessly beating air and he soon applied it to his freezing horn near the tip. He went on like this as the others stared. Soon he felt a warmth spread through him and he finally relaxed. “Aaaaahhh.” Havoc sighed. “Okay, I will never hurt your feelings again. Please promise not to do that ever again. I almost got sick watching, yet I couldn’t look away. It was just like when I watched the buffalo charge at Appleoosa, I wanted to look away but I just couldn’t. Why Havoc, why? You went too far I say.” Spike said in a monotone voice. That was pretty much like being forced to watch a stallion masturbate. Many of the things he’d done were in fact, borderline clopping. The horn was sensitive enough, it was at times used for clopping. Rubbing directly around the horn was considered teasing and it was a little more sensitive than many other areas of the body. Pulling the tail with one’s teeth was also considered sexual to borderline sexual, chewing made it sexual if it already wasn’t. The area he had scratched at with his wing was rather close to his phallus. What the others had just born witness to was the most unintentional near clop scene in... Who knew, maybe it was the most unintentional near clop/porn of all time. The lizards weren’t actually affected as they didn’t know about equine reproduction or self pleasuring. They just thought it was weird. “What’d I do?” He asked from the ground. “You don’t know?” Twilight asked with a blush. “No, seriously. What did I do that made Spike so sick?” Havoc asked. “Maybe when you’re older.” The changeling in the form of a zebra answered. Havoc did not like that. He wanted to know and he was an adult in his homeland! Wait a moment. What made one an adult here? More directly, what made one an adult in Equestria? “Hey Twilight?” “Yes Havoc?” “Am I an adult.” “Yes you are Havoc, you said so yourself.” “I know that. But if I was an Equestrian citizen would I be an adult legally?” “Honestly no. The legal age for consent in Equestria is nineteen and you’re... Well you know. For an alicorn the age is even later, fifty seven if I recall right.” “Fifty seven!” “Yes, fifty seven.” “But-but-but! I didn’t even have contact with anybody back home who was fifty. Why so late?” “That’s when alicorns are developed enough for sexual relations. It’s just the way they age.” “What about the pegacorns?” “They develop at the same rate as ponies. Or horses, depends on the species of equine really. Horses take longer to develop because they’re so big.” “Kay.” Havoc said before rolling to his hooves and walking on slightly wobbly legs. He didn’t know why he had done what he did or why he had wobbly legs. He felt like he’d just run a death race and won. Exhausted but satisfied, but he wasn’t tired and his legs didn’t feel dead. He staggered quickly and managed to stay ahead of his forces. He felt the need to stay out of easy vision for some reason. He did receive reports that much faster so it wasn’t a total negative. He craved meat. He wasn’t very hungry before but now he craved protein. Odd. Then a banana became visible in his mind. He had only ever seen one banana in his life and this was not that one, it was much healthier than the sickly green tinged thing of his memory. He laughed mentally at the random thought. Then a pink hoof wrapped around it and he stopped laughing. Pinkie materialized grinning. Then she peeled the banana with her teeth. When this was done she stuck a hoof into the white nothingness she had made and pulled out a surprised looking Luna. A Luna he did not recognize, she looked older. Perhaps more mature? She was certainly larger, now she made Pinkie look puny, she was also darker. She was rather close to black as a matter of fact. Havoc felt one of his eyes twitching, he couldn’t tell which. He also realized he couldn’t see where he was going. He was effectively blind. He could still hear at least, and he could certainly feel and smell. He waited for the army to catch up to him and called out for help. Before they caught up to him he saw Pinkie pin down Luna who looked panicked at this point. How she pinned an opponent at least four times her size baffled him. “Help! I’m blind!” He yelled. He heard confused chattering and waited for the beings to identify themselves. “Are you sure you don’t just have your eyes closed?” Twilight asked. “Do they look closed?!” He asked and turned his head towards her voice. Pinkie was licking the illusory Luna’s chest. She didn’t look particularly pleased about it either. He knew he wasn’t imagining it as he had tried to shake himself free before. Daymares prevent you from even trying to dispel them so this wasn’t one of those either. This could mean only one thing: Invasion. Oh dear, he just realised his unintended innuendo. And Pinkie was certainly utilising it. Why Pinkie?! “Wow your pupils shrank! I can hardly see them! What did you do?” She asked excitedly. “I didn’t do anything! I was just hobbling along when a banana appeared in my mind. I thought it was funny at first so I laughed! Then Pinkie’s hoof wrapped around it and the rest of her followed! Leave the princess alone Pinkie! She doesn’t like that! Aaaaaaaggghhh! It burns! If only there was some sort of dissolving solution I could apply to my brain to cleanse it of this travesty!” “Oooh... That’s not good. Hey...” Twilight asked “What?!” “Which princess is it?” “Believe me it matters.” “Luna then!” “Huh, well that might explain it.” “Explain what?” Havoc said in a strained voice. He was being forced to watch something that some fantasized about, he did not. He rather disapproved of that sort of thing in truth. “Well it’s easier for her to pull Luna in because she’s a bringer of dreams by tradition. She also affects the tides and sometimes ponies, among other beings, mental states!” “You’re saying Pinkie is sodomizing the Night princess with a banana because its easier for her to enter my mind?!” “Woah! Did not know that! Too much information there! Just bear with it until it’s over, and don’t tell me about it!” She said with a shudder. Why Pinkie would do that was beyond her, also how she would do that was beyond her imagining. The night princess was incredibly powerful. Havoc began quietly cursing as a chain was wrapped around his throat to serve as a lead. Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. Pinkie had whipped out another banana and shoved it into Luna’s reproductive entry. She was using the first banana like a double ended dildo. She soon whipped out a third and shoved it into the princesses mouth after pulling her head to her, it served to silence her screaming and yelling. He trustingly followed the lead as he was forced to endure the mental agony. At some point an odd slime like being had slithered along and the blank white had turned into a well lit cave. Tunnels led off to unknown areas and luminous lichen grew en masse. He shuddered as the banana from the mouth was removed and an extension from the slime, perhaps a pseudopod, went in as a replacement. He looked apologetically at Luna and he sensed she did not blame him. Pinkie gripped the banana in the reproductive port and Luna tried to shake her head.  The pseudopod forced her to nod as it took a break from... Whatever that was. Pinkie pulled it out and swallowed it whole as another pseudopod entered Luna. Pinkie was sadistically kissing Luna’s neck while holding the rather long banana with a hoof. Luna looked somewhat tired, dazed even, as Pinkie returned to harshly thrusting into Luna from behind and Luna’s eyes teared up. Suddenly she started thrusting harder, then she just held her crotch tightly against Luna’s tight rear. Luna eyes widened. This sort of thing was done a few times until a thick yellow fluid dripped from Luna’s hole to the floor. Havoc felt an unwanted erection despite himself. Pinkie winked at him as she shot another load inside. Then she let a pseudopod inside herself and moaned. She pulled her banana out of Luna and a pseudopod quickly entered the dripping orifice. Pinkie pulled the princess’ head up and the pseudopod came out. She coughed up blue liquid until Pinkie shoved the banana down her throat. Luna was made to pleasure her orally until she came not once but twice, the first was shot straight down Luna’s throat and second into her mouth and she had to open her mouth and show it being swallowed. Then Pinkie made her suck it again before pulling out and shooting it into her mouth and on her face. He saw the hoof reaching out to his enraptured mind. He was still vaguely feeling the real world but he was mostly inside this odd mindscape. “Hiya! Did you like the show? Of course you did!” Pinkie said happily, her hoof was wrapped around his fore member. He was surprised when he’d vaguely felt it. That was how she pulled him in. She smiled at him. He looked out of his body through a window. There wasn’t much to see, just grey. Havoc frowned despite being a figment of his own imagination, the fact that he not only knew this but accepted it so readily disturbed him. He was literally inside his own head... “So, you ready to get going?!” Pinkie asked excitedly. “Um, you kind of grabbed me while I was doing something vital. I don’t actually think I have time to do this.” “Nonsense! You’re in your own imagination! Your body is still going but your consciousness is temporarily trapped within itself, thoughts within thoughts. Isn’t that right Luna?” She said after releasing a load of yellowish banana goop into her mouth. She pulled the phallic fruit out of the pretty pony princess. “Havoc! Don’t blame yourself it’s all our mothers’s f-” She was soon gagged with the banana. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. “Now now little Luna, you can’t go blabbing on the bosses when they threw us such a nice party! In fact...” She then proceeded to turn the glowing cavern into a giant room. Part decoration were everywhere, from punch to cake. Havoc felt sick just looking at all the sweets. Then he wondered if pony cake was like his worlds cake. “Well now that I think about it, hehe! They wouldn’t really give a shake now would they? You already know they’re trying to mess you up! Hahah snark heh pphhsshhh heheh!” apparently this was funny to her. “No offense Pinkie but... Well I have questions.” “No problem! Let doctor Pinkie help you out!” She said and was immediately out of Luna and in a psychiatrists suit and had a clipboard and a pair of neon blue shades over her eyes. Ironically the shades were not as bright or distracting as the aforementioned eyes. She whipped out a red couch sized for Havoc and Luna both and slammed them on it back first. Luna grabbed Havoc’s side for safety. He was a bit distracted by her greater height and slightly darker coat color. She was near Celestia’s size now, perhaps five centimeters or so shorter. She was built slim but he could almost see her muscles flex beneath her coat when she moved. She was pure lean muscle without an ounce of fat to spare for her frame. “So vhat seems to be ze problem eh?” Pinkie spoke with a deeper voice that had an odd accent Havoc did not recognize. “Well... I don’t understand how I can be a living, thinking, creature within my own mind. It just doesn’t make sense.” Ahh, zat is a common one friend. Vell zhe sing is, your mind is capable ohv generating entire vorlds if you let it. It haz ze capacity and it haz ze brainpower require zo it creates. Anysing else?” “Well I’ve been rather depressed for most of my life, I think the only times I was truly happy were when I was killing.” “Zhat is disturbing but not uncommon. Numerous creatures of vonderful Terra are like zat.” “Well look at this.” Havoc said as he pointed a hoof at Pinkie Pie. The world around them transformed into a massive battlefield. It was Havoc’s first time battling colossi and it was brutal, luckily he’d gotten his second promotion by then which earned him his demigod class powered armor. The demigod class suit was inferior to the powered armor he had most recently worn, as in the suit he was wearing when he arrived in Equestria. The most recent armor he had worn was deus class, Olympian variant. Demigod class power armor could not match deus class armor of any variant. While lighter, it did not provide the increased strength or speed. Nor did it provide the same degree of protection against physical, chemical, or viral assault. It was cheaper and the lower potential to do damage made it an excellent choice for centurions and as well as other as yet undetermined soldiers. It reduced the possibility of a soldier turning against the empire with a valuable and deadly piece of equipment. Havoc remembered what he had learned. He had been brought to one of the colossal factories where powered armor, among other war machines, was produced. First he’d been taken to the augmentation station where he was cut open and implanted with the machinery to link him to the armor. Fortunately it was designed to work with almost all forms of Al’ hira powered armor, the infamous Tartarus class being a natural exception. He had spent over a week in recovery before training began. The training in question taught him to utilise machinery he was plugged into, specifically power armor. Later on they taught him to control numerous other forms of machinery, from tanks to helicopters. That took around two and a half months. Then he was put into the production chamber where he was fitted for and equipped with his first set of powered armor. The complex machinery surrounding him had actually built the suit around him. It was like a mechanized version of the armor of a hoplite. It had greaves, gauntlets, bracers, a cuirass that protected the ribcage, seven tasset plates that just reached the knees, and a helmet. The primary covering was the same nameless dark grey material comprised of aluminum, rubber, and iron. The primary constituent being rubber. The armor did not require a generator as it was powered by his electricity, he did have to send a signal to the machinery over his buttcrack and penis to open if he wanted to release waste material. It was not designed to function indefinitely under hostile conditions like the the deus class armor variants. The eye lenses could not show electrostatic signatures, though it did have infrared, and the sensors didn’t pick up nearly as much either. It did, at least, show what the filters picked up, as well as objectives, a targeting reticle for guns that could link to it, altitude, direction, and it could identify friend from foe as long as they carried the proper identification on their person. He could also control the volume his armor projected through his speakers, it allowed him raise it to pain inducing levels even. And he could choose what music he played through his left earphone. That was a big bonus. All Al’ Hira helmets had one earphone on the left to project music or perhaps to hear the battle radio, the right was attuned to the commanders frequency. The right could also serve to allow them to hear the various reports. For low levels the commander/s had total control over what was relayed to the soldiers, despite these features they could typically hear things around them through their helmets (though sounds were muffled by the primarily metal object that encased their craniums). In the memory they saw the landscape going by from Havoc’s viewpoint, until magic manipulated the memory to mimic and alter as necessary to match a view in the third person. Havoc towered over most of his fellow soldiers, scattered throughout the screaming ranks were other giants who neared seven feet or went past it. Havoc himself was seven feet and nine inches tall. He roared with the others as they charged into the torrent of bullets streaming from the guns of the lycan model colossi. The lycan model was relatively small, at least for an assault class colossus. They stood a mere hundred and ten meters tall at the cockpit, which was shaped like a snarling wolf head. The lycan was lean and agile with long three jointed legs and four powerful stabilizing toes per foot. The lycan could move at up to one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour on those powerful legs. The lycan had a cannon in the center of each gun hand. Surrounding it was gun barrels in rows of three, between each row was a rocket launcher. That comprised the first ring around the cannon, the second ring was rows of gun barrels in fours with a missile launcher between each row. The third and final ring was comprised purely of gun barrels. A Lycan had a total of one hundred and twelve guns, sixteen rocket launchers, and two cannons, this adds up to one hundred and thirty weapons. A Lycan has a crew of four, two crew who also serve as defenders to the pilot and an engineer who ensures the machine is in top condition. The pilot is normally linked to the Lycan by his or her implants which gives them total control, if not linked then the two crewmen must aid the pilot as gunners. The gun arms of a Lycan colossus reached fifty meters, the legs could stretch up straight at the cost of mobility and stability to increase its height by forty meters. Each leg was total of ninety meters but you probably wouldn’t see them stretched to this length. A Lycan vents the waste material of its consumed fuel through six short smokestacks, two on each shoulder, and four going down its upper back in rows of two. The ten lycans at the front of the mechanised brigade released deadly salvos into the charging legionnaires, the legionnaires were in turn backed by Wolf model scout colossi and Sword model assault colossi as well as numerous tanks. The Wolf, as a scout, was smaller still at a mere fifty meters. But it was fast and even more agile. It couldn’t reach the Lycan’s impressive one hundred and twenty kilometers, it only reached ninety kilometers per hour due to its small size. It could dance circles around the much bigger Lycans, if the Lycan didn’t simply step on it. The Wolf was armed with a railgun that fired three meter long steel bullets sheathed in plasma, each round weighs in at roughly two and a half metric tons, as the central gun. Surrounding this central gun are eight chainguns, each firing meter long bullets. Wolves have wolf shaped heads as well, similarly they can part below the cockpit to open great metal jaws. With these jaws they can bite, they bite very hard due to mechanical muscles built into the jaws and powerful yet flexible neck.They too have three jointed legs but have five toes, two on the back three on the front, as opposed to four. A wolf has two smokestacks to vent its deadly waste on its back behind the shoulders.  A Wolf has a crew of one, the pilot is also typically linked but unlike the Lycan it can be crewed by one unlinked man. The Wolf has a relatively larger chest than the Lycan and its posture is stooped, the Wolf scout colossus of the Al’ Hira comes in three variants as well. The more common archer is just the Wolf model outfitted with the weaponry mentioned above and is considered an artillery warmachine, the swordwolf was a close combat version. The swordwolf replaced the guns mounted on the arm with massive blades shaped like oversized machetes. They wielded them to devastating effect, a swordwolf could cut halfway into the deep chest of another of its kind with a swing. The third variant is known as the Savage but it’s not featured in this battle and will not be further described. Typically archers and swordwolves work in teams of five, two swordwolves and three archers. These teams are referred to as fists. Each variant also has a command subvariant, they are identifiable by their colors and increased deadliness. The archer command subvariant had blades on the barrels of its gun and the head has the sun insignia of the Al’ Hira on its forehead, its chest also has dark red or black stripes lying horizontal and going down it. The swordwolf command subvariant has a pair of additional blades beside the primary ones that hook forwards to do more damage, it too has the sun insignia as well as the black or dark red stripes. The typical wolf is grey with white shoulder pauldrons that bear the ten bladed golden sun insignia of the Al’ Hira in the middle. Sword assault class colossi are typical sized assault colossi standing at two hundred and fifty meters. They had a great red cyclopean eye flanked by eight smaller blue ones on each side at the front of the cockpit, they had other sensors dispersed across the huge machine. The chest was not as comparatively deep as the that of the Wolf but it was more so than the Lycan. They had huge cannons for their central guns and numerous smaller cannons, missile launchers, and rail rifles surrounding them. They also had a battery of artillery guns on their shoulders that fired one hundred centimeter shells (the calibre of a shell is its diameter, the calibre of a bullet is its length) over long distances. The Sword was terrifying in its effectiveness, and the fortresses and war machines of the ancients testified to its necessity. Swords have a crew of fifteen; one linked pilot, four engineers, and ten crewmen. The Sword vents its waste through seven smokestacks, six going down its back in two vertical rows of three and one tall and wider one that reaches above its head from between its shoulders like a polluting banner. The Sword works best when linked, otherwise the most of the crew (including two of the engineers) is required to control the machine. All the same, assault class colossi are not the largest. The largest are the void colossi who are capable of entering and maneuvering in space on their own, they have never been used by the Al’ Hira in this capacity and they don’t actually know that. Smaller than the void class are the titans, then the quake, then the siege, and then you reach the assault class. Specialist class colossi range from siege to infantry class in size. Infantry are the smallest of the colossi, at three meters in height they barely qualify. The Swords of the Al’ Hira were usually mottled brown and red with the shoulder plates being white with the insignia of the Al’ Hira empire. The command variant has vertical black stripes on its arms and chest as well as the insignia of the Al’ Hira emblazoned on the top of its head and the center of its chest. The Lycans spent little time softening up the Al’ Hira infantry before turning their mighty guns towards the intimidating Swords and Wolves. They dodged furiously before charging in a flanking maneuver. They carefully avoided stepping on their smaller allies. The lesser ground forces of this enemy was comprised primarily of Hound enforcer class Colossi, standing at five and a half meters tall, and some infantry armed with large plasma rifles. The infantry were lightly armored and relied upon the more numerous Hounds for protection. This powerful enemy had made extensive use of factories it had claimed. The factories were the reason the Al’ Hira were invading them. The imperator had hinted that he was interested in them and his birthday was coming up, the people love the imperator so he gets what he wants. Some noble or demigod had decided to invade them and present the factories as a surprise gift, they had only five months to complete the conquest and they had to be secretive to ensure that word didn’t reach the mighty imperator’s ears. The empire often called itself the Sol Imperium, hence the image of the sun. Havoc saw a Lycan running his way and commanded his armor to play I’m With Stupid by Static-X before he began to shoot at it with his machine gun. He also had a longsword and a pistol. It, of course, ignored the shots made by him and his comrades and kept running despite them aiming for the joints of its mighty legs. Havoc saw that his plan wasn’t working as his comrades far ahead were being stepped on as it kept running. Crushed body parts and blood sprayed into the air with every step. Havoc noticed it was going to be placing its foot right next to where he would soon be and slung his gun over his back by its strap. He kept running and got his arms ready, his smarter allies began to move away from its path but many were not fast enough. A massive right foot stomped down next to him, flinging up dirt and killing fifteen men, and he leapt at it and latched on to its ankle, he was sprayed in gore and caked in dirt mid-leap. Havco held on desperately to the ankle by battle damage in the form of dents and holes. He had seen what looked like a giant bite mark earlier which was the primary reason he had seen fit to try, he knew he couldn’t get his arms around such a large object and if it was smooth it would have been impossible to hold on. He was carried away from the flying bullets of the frontline as the Lycan he grasped engaged a fist of Wolves. The swordwolves rushed up to slash at it and it agilely stepped around them and continued to fire on their compatriots. The archers noticed Havoc holding on and were careful to aim above the ankle when shooting that leg. Havoc felt like he was going to be torn asunder by the motion of the Lycan. When it paused to bait a swordwolf he desperately began to scramble up using the dents in the tough, thick, metal as handholds. He had made it three meters up when a swordwolf appeared near to him and he braced himself for death. To his surprise the sword wolf went out of its way to avoid him drawing back the strike it was about to launch. When the Lycan rose it foot to step on it the swordwolf deftly impaled the sole of its foot and turned it aside, it smashed stably into the earth. Havoc knew the pilot knew because he should have broken the ankle by slamming it into the ground at a bad angle. The swordwolf stabbed the foot into the earth with a blade and whipped its other into calf section of the leg. The Lycan readied its right arm to annihilate the Wolf. The Wolf opened its massive jaws and twisted its head to bite into the back of the thigh. Havoc clambered up the Lycan’s leg with as much speed as he was able, relying on his limbs’ impressive reach to get from dent to dent, gouge to gouge. The Lycan opened fire on the Wolf’s chest with the full might of its right arm and it was sheared messily from the neck and the pieces that impaled its leg. The jaws of the wolf, as well as both blades remained firmly embedded in the machine. Havoc knew the pilot was surely in agony as he could only have done something like that while linked. Sensors designed to dully simulate feel covered the great machines, it was a measure to help pilots avoid and gauge damage to the huge vehicles. Such damage must be agonizing and he wondered why the pilot had sacrificed his precious vehicle as he climbed. Then Havoc noticed that the Lycan was struggling to get its foot unstuck, he also noticed the the wolf had provided him with excellent grips. The other Wolves of the fist avoided shooting at that leg as they took advantage of the temporarily immobilised Lycan. It returned fire angrily and loosed a deep roar to express its displeasure. Another swordwolf leaped at its chest and it batted it away with an arm. It turned its gun on it for a moment before returning to firing at the archers. The swordwolf got back up and ran off to gain speed and come at it from the same direction it previously had. This time it landed against the Lycan and knocked it back, it leaned ‘till it was nearly horizontal. Havoc sped up his climb as this was in his favor. The Wolf slashed into the Lycan’s chest with bloodlust and tried to bite its throat out. The Lycan grasped it between its gun emplacements and lifted it high, it righted itself before bringing the desperately chopping Wolf to its own much bigger jaws and biting off its upper torso. Havoc hissed as he felt the heat of burning metal pass by his back. The Lycan threw the remnants away and crushed the portion that was grasped in its closed jaws with a machine press like a great metal tongue. It spat out the crushed piece of carcass at the other Wolves and loosed a victory howl that shook Havoc’s bones and made his eardrums vibrate painfully despite his armors sound mufflers activating at the onset of the of the machines terrible roar. He had gotten past where the first swordwolf’s jaws impaled the Lycan by this point, aided by both the Wolves’ valiant sacrifices. He climbed with speed born of bloodlust and desperation, he was getting a major adrenaline rush from this. He had almost reached the place where leg connected with torso. The Lycan finally noticed the Wolves directing their fire from its trapped right leg and checked for the reason they didn’t attempt to cripple him. Its right eye lense saw him and Havoc could feel the pilot’s wrath. The rage gave the Lycan’s pilot the strength to pull the machine’s foot free in a blast of sparks and additional smoke. He proceeded to stomp vigorously, causing a small earthquake that shook the nearby Wolves and toppled the screaming infantry. Havoc screamed in pain as he felt his arms dislocate painfully. He cried in his armor and continued his very audible screaming. He did not, however, let go. Such would be suicide and his body refused to let it end that way no matter how merciful it would be. The Lycan stopped with a frustrated snarl as it was forced to return to shooting at the Wolves. It was limping due to the swords and jaws embedded into its leg. Havoc tried to figure out how to make his arms work again, eventually he settled on squeezing and pulling in until they popped back into their sockets. It worked, oh so very painfully did it work. Havoc forced himself to continue climbing despite his agony and cried as he went. He had reached just below the joint and wondered how to get higher without losing his life in the process. He heard a hiss and saw the cockpit of the Wolf open. The lightly armored pilot tossed a primed grenade at him and he barely caught it. He heard the near silent beep and quickly tossed it into the joint. Less than a second later he felt, saw, and heard the explosion. It ripped out a chunk of the Lycan’s inner leg machinery and it screamed as it lost use of the limb. It struggled to support itself on one leg, eventually it fell to its belly in a scream of tortured metal. It crushed a pair of nearby tanks when it landed. The Lycan was far from harmless however, it propped itself up one leg in a sitting position and resumed firing. Havoc climbed with little interruption. He saw nothing but a bloodstain of the Wolf pilot that had made this possible. He was almost crushed by a swinging arm as it redirected its guns as it killed. Only one Wolf was left by this time. Havoc reached between its shoulders and was grateful for his limited filtration as he saw the smoke. He reached out and grabbed some protruding machinery from the nest of metal and tough yet flexible black material when he reached the throat. He climbed painfully, cursing with every movement. The Lycan tried to shake him off but it was fruitless at this point, he had too much that provided an easy grip. He made it to just behind its head and held on grimly. He heard laughter and brought up his pistol and began shooting into the relatively vulnerable neck. He made sure to shoot into the evident machinery. He emptied the clip and holstered it before bringing up his machine gun. He fired a full chain of lead rounds into its neck joints and put it back. The laughter was quieter now. Havoc started carving into its neck with his sword, stabbing and slashing with wild abandon until he heard the whir of machinery and the cockpits door between the ears on the back of the head opened. Havoc did not know that this was where the door was but considered himself lucky. He climbed one-handed into the cockpit and immediately slashed the soldier that came at him, rifle drawn. His tough sword impaled the the arm through a gap in the armor and went on to slice deeply into the cuirass. The soldier screamed as it reached a lung. Havoc braced a foot on his chest and shoved the soldier off his sword before crushing his throat with the edge of his steel plated boot. He limped further and put his blade through the visor of the frantic engineer with a pained cry. The engineer fell from the powerful blow. Havoc kicked a soldier in the chest as bullets bounced off his armor. He leaned against a chair to recuperate. Then he lunged at the soldier who’d gotten up and switched to steel rounds, Havoc did not know this. The steel bullets punched through his armor or bounced off leaving dents and Havoc made a pained cry as he was punctured. His sword slid off the soldier’s armor but knocked him down again and Havoc quickly stabbed him through the soft spot between his chestplate and the brigandine that protected his stomach. Havoc limped over to the pilot’s seat and the pilot rose. Havoc saw that the connecting wires had all retracted into the chair, the chair was a device that was shaped like a half oval and surrounded the pilot’s sides and back as well as the top of his head. He could pull down a visor that let him see through the machine’s primary cameras or he could look at what the machine saw on a great screen before him. He looked at Havoc hatefully, Havoc had to assume it was hate because his helmet was on. “You f****** freak! You wrecked up my glorious Lycan ya big lagger!” He yelled. “Well you’re dead sodder!” Havoc retorted before whipping his sword up and lunging. The pilot jumped aside and kicked out at his legs. Havoc twisted and the sword scraped off the pilot’s chest. They rose and the pilot punched Havoc in the upper arm with his gauntleted fist as Havoc slashed down at him. Havoc grunted and the sword scraped off again. Havoc lashed out with a swinging foot and he went flying into a nearby wall. The pilot grunted and got to his feet as Havoc ran at him, sword held high. He punched out and his clenched fist impacted the sword and his arm was knocked back, the sword was considerably slowed however. Havoc had anticipated such a maneuver and punched his stomach with his free hand. The pilot was knocked against the wall breathless. Havoc rose the sword and dumbly slashed at the man’s chest, his sword slid off the tough metal leaving naught but a scratch. Havoc grabbed the man and slammed him into a nearby machine. He went on to ram his blade down the man’s ribs through the gap between helmet and cuirass. This fight was won but the battle was far from over as an impact shook the Lycan. Havoc walked to the door and saw a Wolf waiting for him below, its cockpit open and its gun arms grasping the sides of Lycan’s chest. The memory ended as Havoc jumped down to the waiting pilot, a female by the design of the armor. “Vell zat vas disturbing. Still, if zat is ze type of life you live zhen you must adapt ja?” Pinkie commented. “Byebye Pinkie. Your mistake was to underestimate my dedication to an assignment, especially one that guarantees my freedom.” Havoc said as he shifted into his scarred human form. He made sure to wear all his armor when he did so. Pinkie looked confused as she flung off the suit. “What do you mean?” She asked in her regular voice. Havoc smiled invisibly and formed a great swirling darkness behind her. “You can’t do this! I haven’t received the nookie I was promised!” She wailed as she held onto the edges of the hole with her outstretched hooves. “I don’t know what nookie is but why don’t you discuss getting it from an alternate source with your bosses?” Havoc said calmly in his metal voice, how good it felt to be back in the comfort of his armor. “FFFFFiiiiiinnnnneeee!!” She cried as she was sucked into the darkness and disappeared. Havoc was glad for both the lesson she had given him, the time he had gained by stalling her with that old memory, and his vast power. Luna hugged his scarred armor.  She shook as she desperately hugged him and tears leaked from her eyes. “Why Pinkie, why?” Havoc said quietly, his voice sounded like it did when he was human. “Our mothers can be cruel beings if they try. We don’t know what they promised her but we believe that she would have done it anyways. Just for the opportunity to invade the minds of us. Verily we believe she was not aware of her cruelty, how could one who spoke and acted as she did possibly be aware of thine own evil?” She said. Havoc was confused by the sudden switch. She didn’t speak like that very often since he’d seen her that first time in Luna Eclipsed. “Are you okay?” He asked. He’d never seen a reaction like this. On his world people were used to rape and reacted accordingly, it just wasn’t a big deal for the people he knew. At least when he was running with that gang that is, he now knew nobles and they typically didn’t suffer that sort of thing. And no noble had ever been assaulted on his watch. “I am simply reacting to the assault of the pink one, noble Havoc. I will get better soon enough. Just don’t fail the mission our father has entrusted thee. Shouldst thou fail thou shalt suffer almost as we have and that would not be something to have over our conscience.” Havoc simply laid on that couch while memories of pain flashed by on the numerous screens surrounding them. He didn’t know how to comfort beings aside from simply doing his job. He knew sapients, or sentients as his people said, enjoyed watching others suffer so he showed numerous memories of pain. Both his own and that of others he displayed and she gripped him tightly and shut her eyes. Havoc stopped and tried to mimic a meadow. It came out messy and splotched with blood boars. Blood boars are large carnivorous pigs known and feared for both their excellent sense of smell and their violent temperament. They were known for biting and goring at the slightest provocation. Havoc tried a nice nighttime beach and it was streaked with pollutants. Next he attempted a healthy forest and it came out splotchy and the colors ran. He snarled in frustration and he heard Luna laugh. So ponies liked emotional suffering as opposed to physical, good to know. So he showed the memory of his first serious depression and hoped for the best. She frowned upon seeing him with the dull expression and sad eyes. “Stop it.” She commanded. Havoc obeyed. “We are appreciative of your efforts to cheer us up but we do not need to see your pain. Just love us.” “I don’t know what that means.” In this situation, hold us until we are ready to go.” She said and Havoc did as suggested, pulling her against him and turning slightly on his side. He hugged her with his metal encased arms until she pushed against him with a hoof. “Why do you maintain this form?” She asked. “I know it best, the armor comforts me like nothing else. It keeps me safe and isolated from the painful outside world and the gel feels good.” “Return to stallion form. For us.” She asked and Havoc grudgingly returned to the form of the big, naked, soft fur covered stallion. Luna felt herself sink into his fur and sighed as her tension released. She rubbed against him and stroked at the ethereal mane as it flowed over her. She inhaled deeply of his signature scent and felt completely at ease. She lay against him, gripped gently by massive furry forelimbs and vastly bigger wings. She curled up against him and turned her back to him in her security, she held a forelimb with two of her own. After a while of this she smelled something new, a scent she had been generating recently and her eyes widened as she felt her openness. The warmth was incredible as she inhaled deeply a final time. “Thank you Havoc, you have eased my mind and calmed my body. We will remember this. Now please release us.” She said with a somewhat hurried fashion. “As you command.” Havoc said as he released his grip. She rolled out and he saw her cheeks were tinged light blue, he wondered why. Not just why she was blushing, also why they were a light shade of blue. Wasn’t blood red? Maybe hers glowed or something like that. If it was blue then it might explain any blue blood related jokes or curses here. He laughed as he thought of that. Heh heh, blue blood. “I have got to remember to punch him out when I get back, just because.” He thought. He would love to see if Blueblood lived up to his name. Then blue blood would be splattered on the walls, if any were near enough, on the floor and and on his hoof. Possibly more of him if he hit hard enough. Heh. What if... “Goodbye Havoc.” Luna said with a wave. “How do I get out of here?” Havoc asked nervously. “I am maintaining this place, when I am gone you will revert to your natural state.” She said and disappeared like Havoc had blinked. He looked at his extended reproductive members just before entering reality. He saw the mist and the army surrounding him. Four cohorts in all formed this force, over four thousand lives under his control. Havoc smiled as he realized he must be free. He then realized he was still out and this place was both cold and wet. He smiled all the same. “I’m back.” Havoc said calmly. “Good to hear!” Twilight answered and the chain released his throat swiftly. Her glow surrounded the chain as it returned to its resting place. Havoc began to crave blood. Zebra, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, alicorn, pegacorn, dragon, hippocorn, gryphon, hippogryph, leviathan, he felt rage spreading slowly. He then focused on the conundrum of Luna’s cheeks. Why blue? They were pink before so why blue now? Was Celestia’s blood blue but he never noticed it? Maybe she was just really good at hiding it. Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Maybe Luna’s cheeks were light blue because she has clear or white glowing blood. While he was distracted he pushed the rage deep down inside himself. “Hah! Take that me!” He thought victoriously. He rushed to the head of the formation, which wasn’t very far away, and began to swiftly outpace his smaller subjugates. “Remember”, he thought, “Four cohorts with you. You’ll kick the snot out of anybody and they can help. This land is mine for the taking.” A scout team ran up to him. “Sir we see the Rock Drinkers up ahead! They are twenty thousand strong at least! They must have come to slaughter the Great Scales and steal their kill! We require your aid lord.” He finished with a kneel. “Hmmm, outnumbered five to one with my armor and weaponry? You should best them with ease. Even though it will mainly be the three thousand legionnaires I am confident in your skill. Tell the commanders I want three separate lines one hundred wide and five deep, the Col remembers the formation I used earlier. Have the legionnaires use it. As for the other one thousand five hundred I want them moving around the left side to catch them from behind. Remember that I want prisoners and lots of them.” Havoc said whilst thinking of the one known as Harpica and Candy A**. They were his people’s equivalent of Lyra and Bonbon. He pondered their closeness and the odd way Harpica sat. He felt inclined to ask about that after he scored a hug, ponies are soft or perhaps plushy. He liked that word, plushy. “As you command lord.” The head scout said before running off to do his bidding. Soon the chanting of the legion was interrupted by yelled commands. The legion began to reform to perform his maneuver, the flyers taking to the skies and the ground forces forming their lines to smash the foe. The lines were spread but would rush together to bottleneck the foe. Twenty minutes later the two sides were in sight of each other. The legionnaires menaced the Rock Drinkers by beating the metal shafts of their batons against the inner side of the rims of their readied shields and stomping their feet against the ground. They were vocally silent as opposed to the Rock Drinkers screaming and roaring while beating their own weapons on the presented side of their shields. Some spread their arms wide and took up a wide stance before letting out fluctuating roar. “Raaaaghaghaghaghagh!” They roared and adrenaline rushed through their veins causing them to breathe heavily and twitch their weapons frequently. The Rock Drinkers charged wildly, weapons held high or readied for impalement. The legionnaires loped towards the foe in silence, staying close and holding their oval shields together. The forces crashed with tremendous noise as spear, sword, axe, club, and occasional maces slammed against the solid steel shields of the legionnaires. The legionnaires held at first, the more spread out Rock Drinkers lacked the combined weight of the close formed legion. Then as the Rock Drinkers massed up against the shields of the legion they began to get pushed back, this was happening despite the legionnaires knocking them out as they got in range. The legion roared as they were pushed and their feet scraped against the rock they stood upon. They began to smack with greater fervor, some very nearly killed those they hit. The scouts began to loose arrows at them from the side and the air force slammed into the Rock Drinkers flyers as they rose from the ground. Havoc flew overhead silently. When he got over the center of the Rock Drinkers he grasped himself in his TK and began to beat his wings heavily. Somewhere below a Rock Drinker felt the wind blowing down on him. This was not unusual when thunderbirds flew but he had seen only the group that near the border recently so this should not be happening. He looked up as he was waiting for his turn at the front and saw something terrifying. He gaped at the giant black horse that was hovering above them. A few others noticed him staring and joined him, they began to notice the building air pressure. Then the flyers started to get pushed down, they struggled against the pressure from above. Then they finally gave up and smashed into their own below. Havoc kept flapping powerfully. The ones on the ground felt themselves getting pushed, they struggled to stay upright. Soon they started to get launched, Havoc had created a very effective no fly zone. Some were scraped painfully against the rocks as they were smashed aside by the pressure from above. The legionnaires from behind started to knock them out as they struggled to hold against the air. The legionnaires themselves had angled their shields to deflect the air over them in an overhead shield wall. They had an easy time knocking the Rock Drinkers out as they walked over them. Havoc soon stopped when he saw his legionnaires closing around them in a three sided wall. He laughed as they started to enter the fight in earnest. They began to surround the Rock Drinkers. The Rock Drinkers fought against the walls of legionnaires with vigor. They smashed against them with everything they had. A warrior leaped over the wall to land on a group of raised shields he wobbled but stayed up. He ran across trying to find a gap to shove his spear into and fell off when one altered his shields angle underneath him. He was then beaten mercilessly with a baton. Once he was unconscious the grinning legionnaire stepped on his chest, simply because he felt like it. Elsewhere the line had been broken and the legionnaires fought in a melee with the warriors. The legionnaires fought viciously, delivering brutal blows to heads and chests and limbs. They too were fought savagely. The warriors aimed for gaps in the armor, the Blood Swords had an advantage in this regard as they had scale armor over the places unprotected by plate. The Rock Drinkers fought with desperation, slicing and smashing with strength and speed that was hard to match. A legionnaire smashed a warrior over the head with his baton, knocking him out despite his bone helmet. The bone helmet was shattered by the force of his blow. The legionnaire’s pupils were shrunken as he smashed his baton/mace into the neck of a charging hatchet wielder, the hatchet wielder fell dead. The legionnaire was in an area where his brethren were thinly spread and they were under constant assault. He saw one of his brethren lose a leg to an axe and quickly get swarmed by spear wielders, he rushed over and smashed into them with mace and shield. The group turned on him once he had downed three, they had not had time to react. The four remainders surrounded him and the axe lizard took a swing at his hide armored stomach, he put his shield in the way and it stopped the obsidian blade and chipped it horribly. He swung his mace into a spear that was thrust at him and broke the shaft. He was stabbed in the back and smashed his baton into the axe lizard’s arm. He then smashed the edge of his shield into the sharp object impaling him and it too broke, leaving the head of the spear embedded in him. He swung again into the axe lizard and impacted his head and he fell. Then the legionnaire turned and leaped shield first at the retreating spear lizard. He knocked him down and kicked him until he stopped flailing and quickly turned to see the axe lizard rushing him with his cracked axe. He smashed him in the face with his shield and blood sprayed from his mouth. A spear impaled the side of his neck and was quickly pulled out, the legionnaire murdered the offender with his mace. He staggered to see a final spear lizard’s spear coming at his eye. A legionnaire had put his baton away in favor of his hatchet, he’d knocked around fifteen unconscious so he figured he could afford to kill. He smashed a spear away and chopped into his opponent’s chest. The stone armor stopped his blade but he ripped it out and swung again, this time he impaled his opponent deeply. He kicked him off and took a swing at another warrior’s throat, he sliced a thin line as he pulled away. The legionnaire pursued and smashed his weapon with a swing of his hatchet. He smashed the side of his shield into his opponent’s chest  and he was felled. He stepped on his chest and chopped into his stone armored cranium. He killed him with the singular blow and ripped it out. Another leaped at him and he raised his shield to catch him. The foe bounced off and he kicked him until he stopped trying to get up. A sword lizard ran by him and he sliced into the warrior’s back. He let him take his axe as he fell and stepped on his back before pulling his hatchet out. He then decapitated him with a swing. He legionnaire saw yet more rushing and couldn’t stop a bloodthirsty grin from growing on his face. With considerably reduced air support the ground soldiers of the Rock Drinkers were soundly beaten by the superior equipment of the legionnaires. They were well aware of this. Havoc woke up the knocked out warriors and quickly had them strip naked before turning them into legionnaires. There were well over twenty five thousand despite numerous deaths. Havoc had them start carving up the dead before going back and tearing a sizable chunk from the dead thunder lizard. The new legionnaires had a meal before joining the rest on the march, they took various trophies from the dead but left most of the combat gear behind. The legion now had over thirty one thousand soldiers. Fully thirty cohorts traveled with him, three whole legions and then some. The soldiers returned to their chanting and it carried far. The Blood Swords were with him in their distinct armor, he had further upgraded it by adding gauntlets and sabatons that protected the upper sides of their feet and toes. The gauntlets had blades over the knuckles that extended to just past the nearest finger joint. The helmets now had a row of eight spikes going down the middle which could be used for impaling and were very intimidating, they could also be used for slashing as the spikes possessed four sharp edges. Havoc knew his legion was practically chewing its way to Thunderhead. As they got closer he saw a herd of thunder lizards alongside very small figures that seemed to be guiding them. They were moving away he noted, they looked to be adjusting their formation. It was like they knew he was coming and were taking measures to avoid him. He would bet credits that they numbered in the millions with a herd that size. He later saw another herd of thunder lizards being goaded away by a flock of thunderbirds. He grinned hungrily. They came to the base of a mighty mountain that was wreathed in storm clouds Havoc was trying to figure out whether he should risk carrying his army or let them try to climb when he heard a giant eagle cry. A storm cloud descended from the mass towards him and he awaited its arrival hungrily, his butt was raised high and his wings were spread wide in anticipation like some sort of oversized cat. A great rainbow colored mass emerged from the cloud and he immediately froze up. He felt his eyes twitching as the rainbow got closer. Then he lost control of his bowels and ran about like an idiot. “The rainbow is approaching, the rainbow is approaching!!” He yelled in panic whilst peeing and flapping his wings uselessly. His soldiers picked up on his faint and very subtly displayed fear and began screaming and roaring in reaction. They started to knock each other unconscious in an attempt to maintain moral. It didn’t really work. “Game over man, game over! The end had come! Every lizard for himself!” A legionnaire cried as he ran. He was soon beaten over the head and took a nice deep nap. His tranquilizer took one look at Havoc before doing the same. A praetorian looked at his lord and took a hard look at his baton, he raised it beside his head and made sure it was lined up by gently tapping it against the side of his head. After the fourth tap he pulled it back and knocked himself the f*** out. A mad laughing was soon heard as a legionnaire went insane from a combination of lol overdose and mass panic. He went about smacking his fellows silly with baton and tail. “WHAT THE F***?!?!” Spike yelled as he watched this happening. The seemingly indestructible stallion was panicking because he saw a rainbow? He had never heard of such a silly fear. Seeing his reaction he decided it would be best not to use this against him lest he end up underneath a pile of waste material. The things Havoc ate made him shudder with fear as he unwisely thought of what would result from such a diet, he had never seen him eat but was told he ate vast quantities of meat as well as various metals with the occasional gem. “WHAT’S GOING ON?!” The thunderbird cried, “I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M LOOKING AT!! IS THIS NORMAL?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT TO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!” He asked while looking at the only nearby beings who displayed any sanity. This was composed of a lavender unicorn with a starburst on her butt, a purple dragon with green spines, a big dark blue second phase phoenician with a purple mane who was laughing at the chaos below, a smaller yellow female who had red feather tips and white hair, and a winged zebra who looked bored for some reason. Twilight’s horn glowed and Havoc’s head was surrounded in a similar glow. The only beings there who could see this glow were Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Havoc, and interestingly Scorch. Changelings are among the creatures that can see magic unaided. They have rather unique eyes. Havoc felt pressure on his skull and hissed. Then he felt his mind being invaded and fought it rather than run around screaming. The legionnaires soon stopped their panicking upon seeing him stopped and glaring into the distance. He actually came very close to winning this fight, his mad strength nearly shattered the spell and Twilight’s mind. She would have a massive headache when this was done. She won by converting the panic directly into courage, she remembered where the emotion was dumped automatically and would rather not have that happen in her presence. Havoc’s pupils dilated slowly and he turned his glare upon the thunderbird chromatic. “WHAT DO YOU WANT PISS BREATH?!” He yelled angrily. The chromatic reared back at this sudden change. “I HAVE BEEN SENT TO WELCOME YOU IN THE HOPE THAT YOU WILL SPARE OUR CIVILIZATION.” He said in his powerful voice. “Alright. Twi’!” Havoc yelled. “What?!” She yelled back, her headache hurt quite a bit. “I want you to cast that cloudwalking spell of yours on my top lizards. I’ll provide power while you provide focus.” “Fine!” She yelled and her horn glowed with eldritch power, Havoc’s own did so as well and his black glow enfolded her own purple glow. They formed a purple so dark it was nearly black. Her darker spell washed over several lizards, all the Blood Swords and the higher tribal commanders in fact. Havoc had earlier decided that the Blood Swords would be his praetorian force once he conquered sufficient numbers of lizards for his nation. Havoc grasped the lizards in his magic and together with the flying howdah and the chromatic they ascended to Thunderhead. Havoc alighted on a cloud outside of a massive building, he then placed his soldiers on the cloud floor and they felt out the soft clouds with glee. Some of them started rolling around on the cloudfloor and laughing like yearlings. Or children from Havoc’s world as they tortured things to death. Children are naturally cruel, they are crueler still when they have little else to look forward to. They got back to their feet with a stern look from Havoc. Havoc followed the great thunderbird as it walked into the structure. A group of chromatics stood on roosts set into the walls of the cloud structure. They surrounded the group who walked to the center of the room. They did not have to move due to the positioning of their roosts, standing guard near the base of the walls were chromatics wearing armor of titanium. Havoc was awed by this, he wondered how giant birds could do that when he remembered that magic can be used as an explanation for almost anything. At least that’s what he assumed. “YOU HAVE SLAUGHTERED A BATTLE FLOCK. THE SURVIVORS INFORMED US THAT YOU HAD LITTLE TROUBLE DOING SO. THEY ALSO SAID THAT YOU MADE USE OF POWERFUL MAGIC TO DO SO, WE KNOW THAT YOU CAN LIKELY WIPE US OUT.” A particularly big chromatic admitted. “WE WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS OUR SURRENDER AND ASK THAT YOU NOT ANNIHILATE US.” He continued. “Good.” Havoc said with a grin. He was trying to fight off his panic at the sight of all these rainbows. “I will not be staying as I have too much to do. I want a fortress for my favored tribe of lightning lizards and I want it to be big. I also want it built into this mountain your city surrounds. You will treat them well, eventually Equestria will be sending a team to take care of the details involved in the assimilation of your nation. Don’t worry, Equestria takes good care of its people. Now then, before all in this room I have some rules for the lizards.” The lizards perked up. “This tribe of yours Great Skies, what’s it named?” “We are the Blood Swords lord.” He answered from his kneel by Havoc’s side. “Ahh, good name. The Blood Swords shall be my praetorian force. They shall be the first inhabitants of the now named Bloodstorm fortress city. The tribes that were more successful shall bring them tributes of food and eggs or children to be molded into warriors. They will also be expected to answer the Blood Swords if they call for soldiers. The less successful tribes shall be made servants to the Blood Swords. They will also be the workforce, I’m sure you’ll figure out what that means. Understand that the Blood Swords are to be the manifestation of my will in Stormica and among all lightning lizards.” With that statement he had in essence made the Blood Swords tribe the masters of the Stormican lightning lizards and possibly all of Stormica. The Blood Swords were so surprised they just stood stiffly. They were to be the living manifestation of His will? The Blood Swords, and the two tribes they had conquered, had already elevated Havoc to the status of a god in their minds. Soon they would literally make a religion from this, eventually it would be considered blasphemy for any but a Blood Sword to say his name aloud. The Blood Swords would become a tribe of warrior priests and would not take more armor until they acquired unicorns to make it, and then they would fight for the right to wear the armor made by Havoc. Such things would eventually become holy relics to be cherished. Havoc then asked a favor of Twilight. “Hey Twilight, could you put my cutie mark on their armor? I’m going to ask you to do so once I’ve turned the Blood Swords tribe’s armor into pure titanium.” He had learned the transmutation spell from Eldritch when he was training in the use of magic. With a swift glow the armor of the Blood Swords was converted into something both lighter and stronger than steel. He scanned Twilight as she put his mark on their shields and the chest plates of their cuirasses. The infantry had cuirasses of a new design, new to Havoc. He permanently linked them at the bottom inner edge and had them clamped on at the shoulders. From Twilight he learned how to cast the spell to put his mark on the armor. He then turned his gaze to the Col kneeling by his side. “Col, I am going to give you my knowledge of tactics as well as my tactical creativity. This will hurt like nothing you have ever felt. I expect you to still be alive when I eventually come back. Do not fail me Great Skies, now brace yourself.” Havoc said. Great Skies tensed. Havoc gripped his mind and began to pour knowledge inside, Great Skies cried and whimpered but did not scream. Havoc didn’t just give him his tactical knowledge, he also gave him his knowledge of fighting in general as a supplement to his own skills. Havoc had a nearly random but flowing fighting style. He did not have a named approach to combat he simply made it up as he went along. This served him well in many a fight. He also gave him his knowledge of construction, the legions were expected to build at times. From fortifications to housing, they were taught much as a result. The Col shook as he gained the knowledge of Havoc’s truest talent: warfare. The Colonel continued to shake long after Havoc had stopped the flow. The things he now knew made him a paragon of a commander. He would never lose a battle after this. “Th-th-thank-k y-y-you l-lord-d-d-d-d-d-.” He said as he continued to feel the cold pain of Havoc’s knowledge. “You have earned it Great Skies.” Havoc said warmly as he patted him on the head. “Now let us descend, there is much to do as you know.” Havoc said, he went on to imbue the chieftain with a sample of the vast energy he generated. As they descended Great Skies was fueled with his lord’s magic, his lord transformed it into pure life energy. It would enhance his lifespan considerably. He would remain lord of the Lightning lizards for a very, very, very, very long time. Many millennia would have to pass before he could die. Havoc had secured a very loyal, very useful, lasting ally in doing this. They made their arrangements and left for Coltistan to the North. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:07 A.M. 75 days 7 hours 4 minutes since savior spell Location: Coltistan, Dead Spears land … Havoc scanned the area carefully for any sign of life. He had barely seen anything since arriving in this cursed desert. Everything that lived here was, unfortunately, smart enough to make itself scarce by the time his gaze turned to them. He had only noticed a tribe of goats because he smelled them, they reeked of fear. Everything reeked of fear, except where there was no life. However he saw and smelled death. Dead tanks that clearly ran on solid or liquid fuel burned low across a field strewn with dead dogs, the stench of smoke hung in the air alongside the scent of blood and stink of decay. He spotted a small fox rip a chunk from inside of a dog before running off. Everything knew to avoid the bloody giant with the transport mounted. He saw a flicker below him and turned his head to it immediately. He could smell fear, but he couldn’t see the source. Then something immediately became visible. It was covered in places in flexsteel grey, others white, and others still midnight blue. It waved at him with a metal covered hoof and he descended to it. “That looks like an E.N.G. commando! And a big one at that!” Twilight exclaimed. Havoc did not know that Equestria had commandos. “Commando huh?” He wondered aloud. When he came close to the ground he flared his wings one final time before furling them and slamming into the ground and throwing up sand and possibly dust with the combination of his impact and the wind he had generated with that final flap. The commando looked up at him for a few moments before hesitantly removing his helmet with a twist of a knob on the left side of his helmet. He revealed a head that was blood red with a mane that was patterned yellow and black. It was familiar for some reason, not the colors. The pattern, he felt he’d seen it somewhere but couldn’t place it. The stallion’s eyes were neon yellow and seemed to glow. “You are Havoc yes?” He asked in a deep voice, his opened mouth revealed teeth shaped like those of a dragon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corrosive Dash looked up at Havoc and felt his mouth dry slightly. They were not exaggerating his size. He suspected Havoc literally weighed over a ton. Havoc’s hooves were the size of dinner plates and had edges that looked to be as sharp as daggers. His eyes were slitted like a dragons and they were dark red too. His mane looked like some sort of evil mist and he subconsciously moved away to avoid it. When Havoc smiled he saw massive teeth like blades, more accurately like dragon teeth. Havoc’s thick fur was currently matted with freaky slightly glowing blood and he had numerous scars that were barely visible through it. He stank of burned meat, burned hair, blood, sweat, and lust. He immediately disliked the E.N.G. commander for pulling his forces out. “We suspect that we know who made that sonic rainboom, and we doubt it’s Rainbow Dash. We only know of three creatures with the potential to do that and two of them are nearly impossible from that direction. We’re pulling out.” The captain had said as his forces mounted their steam billowing tanks and air transports. The infantry were travelling by zeppelins that had recently arrived. The tanks would be stored in the holds of the larger ones soon. The tanks were massive machines that were fueled primarily by unicorn magic, three unicorns per tank were a very mobile power source. They kept their gears internal, the only external parts were the steam stacks sticking out of the rear and some of the treads moving mechanisms. “What could be so bad that you’d pull your entire brigade out?” Corrosive Dash had asked. “Havoc. He’s supposed to be some sort of war god, and borderline mad. He eats ponies. Or so Blueblood’s reports say. We don’t want to risk being in the same country as him let alone share a battlefield. I think Blueblood got lucky, and ponies say he was changed from his experience with Havoc. Always watching his back, he seemed on edge. He was apparently extremely paranoid at the meeting. ‘Course I wasn’t present, all the same.” “Crap.” Corrosive Dash had said as the brigadier mounted his tank and rode off. Oh how he hated that brigadier now. Havoc was staring down at him and he felt itchy beneath his scales and mane. Corrosive Dash was by no means a coward, however living in the deep Everfree taught you when to recognize danger and he was getting all kinds of red flags from Havoc. Besides, his pony side instinctively feared this blood drenched monster. “Thats right little colt. Now who are you to be asking this?” Havoc’s voice was deep. Very deep, made him feel small just hearing it. “Names Corrosive Dash, brother of Rainbow Dash. I’ve been sent to help you out with your impossible quest.” He said somewhat nervously. Havoc’s jaw hung. “Since when did that rainbow maned, skull busting, b**** have a brother?” Corrosive didn’t like the way he talked about his sister. “Hey you take that back!” He yelled. “OR what? You gonna bite me little pony? If that’s the way you wanna go about this, I can bite too. Or I could just kick you back to Equestria, can’t guarantee you’ll survive though.” Havoc said with a violent grin. Corrosive narrowed his eyes a this but wisely held his tongue. He did not doubt that this stallion who scared off a full E.N.G. brigade could do exactly that. The the ring on his horn startled him, the psycho was married?! Wait, there’s something off about it. It, somehow looked wrong. Like it was, angry or something. Hm, must be the collar they mentioned. He pulled away, he would have his revenge later. Right now he needed to focus on working together with this monster so he could have his sister again. “Thought so.” Havoc said smugly, Corrosive noted his eyes seemed to glow. They hadn’t glowed before. “You’re looking for zebra and dogs right?” Corrosive said with a snort. “Zebra and dogs?” “Earth hounds, whatever. You’re trying to find them so you can conquer them, correct?” “Well if they live here, yeah.” “I can show you to the local tribe lands, as well as the dog claimed territory.” “Let’s do this ally.” Havoc said with a grin. Corrosive developed a small smile on his face. He was finally making headway. He pulled on his helmet and sealed the gears with a twist of a knob and activated the air conditioner, cool air blasted him. Comforting in this desert heat. He wondered how Havoc handled with his distinct coloration. “This way.” Corrosive said, his voice slightly altered by the speakers and filtration system. He started to walk off and noticed Havoc staring at him with something like envy. Why would he envy him? Likely the armor, he probably knew it had air conditioning and wished he was in a nice cool suit instead of burning up in the hot sun. Corrosive took flight and Havoc followed effortlessly. Havoc’s wings were massive. Draconic in proportion too. They made good time as they traveled to the Blood Spears camp. Zebra’s hefted guns similar to AK 47s, here they were a creation of Ursan’s Soviet Union. The same one which inspired Joseph Stallion when he created Stalliongrad and the ponies Soviet Union in emulation of its values. Of course the pony Soviet Union was wiped out long ago by Equestrian forces. Still, communists lingered and waited in Stalliongrad. Biding their time to avenge their ancestors and overthrow the capitalist monarchy for liberating and equalizing communism, that was the way they thought. “Here friends!! Here!!” Yelled a zebra wearing a turban and red robes. He gestured at them with an Equestrian flag. He smiled as they alighted by his side. “So they have sent another supersoldier our way, eh? He must be good for that army to just leave like that.” He said optimistically. The howdah detached and floated away and Corrosive took a few steps back. He could see the grin on Havoc’s face when he leaned down and whispered something into the chieftain’s left ear. Whatever he said must have been bad because his face fell immediately. He looked up at Havoc sadly, Havoc raised a hoof and brought it down on a nearby boulder that had been dragged into place as cover. The boulder shattered beneath the blow and the zebras gaped at him. The zebra stallion looked like he was on the verge of standing up for himself when one of his wives with her two sons came trotting up to him. He looked from them to Havoc, and saw the hunger in the big stallion’s eyes. “Alright. We surrender, just keep your promise.” The stallion said finally. “Alright! Lets get a move on. Who’s next.” It was that fast? Whatever, they went on to repeat this process of proposal and intimidation. From time to time Havoc would kill some zebra and when they came upon the goats Corrosive had a front row view of his flesh eating habits. He shuddered upon seeing this and almost puked at the stench of burning flesh and hair. That was probably why Havoc had reeked of it when he first met him. Eventually they came to the outskirts of earth hound territory. Corrosive gestured at the walls. The dogs had retreated to their major city after the catastrophic battle. They refused to leave and Corrosive suspected they were digging deep in an attempt to get out while they could. Havoc flew over the walls and Corrosive followed after shedding his valuable armor and politely giving it to the purple mare, the dragon didn’t seem to like him for some reason. He heard a sound as the dragon and the purple unicorn hopped out. He looked at them with a raised eye ridge and the purple mare gestured to the dragon. He shrugged as he followed Havoc, he already heard gunfire as heavy diamond dog guns were unloaded at Havoc. He landed on the wall and turned to a dog, dogs were big and always seemed to freak out when somepony was near their size or worse still bigger. The dog ignored him as it stood fully erect on its powerful hind legs. Ponies liked to describe dogs as having weak legs and huge arms and hands. While they did have big hands they also had powerful legs, they couldn’t stand if they didn’t. While they did like to walk in a way that put most of the weight on their big front paws they still needed their back legs for digging and standing bipedally. As a wailing alarm sounded Corrosive lunged at the distracted dog in a blur of motion and bit through his ironclad head with a single bite. The dog stopped shooting, it wasn’t like his bullets did anything anyway. They bounced off Havoc’s hide without any visible effect. Corrosive spat out the chunks of skull and brain before leaping at another dog, hooves first. He smashed the dumb brutes skull. He went on the kick another in the ribs which shattered them before the dogs noticed him. They turned their guns on him in hope of greater success than they’d had with Havoc. Unfortunately Corrosive Dash had scales like a dragon and it would take a long time for them to punch through it with guns like those. He leaped into the sky and flew high before swooping down in an arc of death. His hooves ploughed through multiple skulls and chests as he swooped along the top of the wall. Blood sprayed to little effect over his blood red scales. He landed with a crunch on a dog and it struggled feebly against him. He rose a hoof and smashed it down upon his enemies head. He might have felt bad for doing what he did if he didn’t know the earth hounds were fond of eating flesh and making slaves of ponies. He looked to the holes in the earth where they made their homes and dived in one, blindly. He found a dog was rushing up to the fight and smashed him aside with a hoof. The dog died without reaching the surface. He heard the gunfire above and kept going. He followed the trail of dogs rushing to the surface and found the leader cast. Odd hybrids of what appeared to be dragon and dog they glared at him with their vertical pupils. The king or noble, whatever dogs called them approached him with a sword held in his grey paw. His eyes were solid green around his largish pupils, unlike the yellow that surrounded the much smaller pupils of his subordinates, or the white that surround the round black pupils of the average dog. His spiked, club like, tail lashed angrily behind him as he approached. “YOU, bad pony! You kill my soldiers and you bring that monster to our land! I will kill you myself for this!” He said before lunging at him with his great curved scimitar. Corrosive dodged and kicked the dog in the chest, which was protected by a cuirass of steel. The dog grunted with the impact but miraculously survived. Apparently the dragon blood made them tough. The dog flattened out the jagged armor with his free paw and took another swing at him. Corrosive dodged into another dog, who roughly shoved him back towards the boss. He noticed a ring of the grinning yellow eyed alphas surrounded them, with the occasional green eye mixed in. Most of the yellow eyes were huge and grey, bigger than the regular dogs even. They actually made the regular dogs look small and weak. A few were smaller and light brown, they were puny even to ponies. He didn’t know what they did but they were clearly important. The boss dog was dark grey, not the brownish grey of the average hound. While he was smaller than the regular dogs he was still bigger than the average stallion. Corrosive Dash punched out at his shoulder and the dog accepted the hit and swung his scimitar at him. The sword was embedded in the tough scales and Corrosive kicked the dog away. He looked at the blade angrily before leaping at the dog. The dog caught him with one hand and quickly pulled his sword free despite being kicked by his larger opponent. The dog kicked him off and attempted to skewer him. The sword’s tip scraped off, leaving a deep gouge along his shoulder. The dog smacked him aside and took an overhead swing. Corrosive grinned and puffed out his chest and the sword stopped. The dog whipped it up and out, pulling Corrosive up in the process. Corrosive smiled at the angry dog. The dog took a swing and it was temporarily embedded in Corrosive’s shoulder, Corrosive ignored it and bucked him in the chest with his front hooves. The dog was slammed into his boys and was helped up. The dog leaped at him and grabbed his sword. He then kicked free of Corrosive and Corrosive got a kick in. The dog ripped off his shredded cuirass and held his sword before him. His eyes narrowed and he came at Corrosive with a left swing of his sword. The sword finally broke against him and Corrosive lunged at him with lightning reflexes, the dog slapped himself away. He looked at his broken sword and tossed it aside. He flicked a clawed finger at him and Corrosive leaped at him hooves first.  The dog caught him and swung him up, Corrosive countered by thrusting his rear hooves down at his head. The dog dropped for a moment and Corrosive waited for him to get up. He looked at Corrosive and glared. He looked to the entry tunnel with interest before glancing back to Corrosive with a grin. He grabbed up his broken scimitar and tossed it from paw to paw. “You are out of luck pony. Something worse than half breeds like us comes.” He smiled as he said this. Then he threw his scimitar at Corrosive who smashed it underhoof. The dog leaped at him and Corrosive caught the dog this time, the rest of the dogs were scattering for some reason. Then he saw the wave of green fire coming down the tunnel and gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly as it washed over him. The lucky boss dog was shielded by his scales. Corrosive hissed as it ended and he heard a sliding noise from the tunnel. He turned to see a very angry looking purple dragon with an unconscious unicorn slung over his right shoulder. The dragon’s eyes glowed solid green with rage and he punched a hole in a nearby metal table. “RRRRRRrrrrrraaaaaaaaaghhhhhh!” Spike roared. He held up a hand and incinerated a lagging alpha dog with his magic fire. Corrosive didn’t know dragons could do that. He also didn’t know why a dragon would feel the need to wear armor. He stomped towards them leaving burning craters shaped like his feet with every step. Corrosive threw the dog at him and he simply grabbed it with his free hand and slammed it into the floor before throwing it up the tunnel he came from. He went on to grab Corrosive with TK and sling the purple mare across his back. “Get her back to Havoc safely.” He snarled before continuing his hunt. Corrosive pondered the importance of the mare before shrugging and going after the alpha. He found him hopping and trying to find a way out of the scorched tunnel, he grabbed Corrosive with a whimper and Corrosive looked at him incredulously. “Like I said, is worse than half breeds like us pony.” Corrosive shrugged and flew from the tunnel. He heard the dog sigh as he got out of the oppressive heat of the tunnels. He shook the dog off and suddenly realised it was rather dark up here. He slowly looked up and saw Havoc staring down at them, wings flared wide. The dog looked up at Havoc with a whimper, he understood why. Havoc had a fresh coat of blood and was emitting smoke from where bullets had burned his fur. He watched as a scrap of  metal fell from his salivating jaws before looking around to see the fortifications above the city in ruin. Everything was destroyed to some extent, holes punched through bunkers, melted tanks, crushed and torn bodies were scattered haphazardly, the walls were jagged. He saw a pup with a broken neck, that was all that was left of it below its head. Corrosive looked at Havoc’s great smile and saw a tiny tail hanging from between his teeth. Even the dogs he had seen living out in the Everfree weren’t this bad, sure they made slaves of ponies when they could, sure they’d gone after him, sure they ate the ponies who could no longer work, but they didn’t do anything like this. Havoc licked it off and spoke. “I presume you are the leader of the dogs?” He asked and Corrosive felt his hair stand on end. It was just as bad as when hungry dragons moved through, or like when the Ursa Major lumbered through his patch of the woods. “Yes...” The dog said in his fear daze “You surrender yes?” Havoc asked and leaned his head close to the dogs, directing his basilisk like stare directly into the dog’s eyes. He smelled the stench of feces and urine strengthen and knew the alpha diamond dog had simultaneously crapped and pissed himself. “Ye-yes...” He said dully. “Good. Why are you carrying one of my favorite ponies over your shoulder Corrosive?” “The dragon dumped her on me like this, just before going after more dogs. She a friend of yours?” Corrosive Dash calmly answered. “You could say that.” Havoc said as he leaned over and grasped her with his mouth. He must be being incredibly gentle to not hurt her with teeth like that, Corrosive thought. He watched as Havoc placed her between his shoulders like a child before licking the sweat off and soot off her. Corrosive felt his face moving as he took on a disgusted look upon seeing this, he thought only dragons had tongues like that. He certainly didn’t. Havoc nuzzled her side before turning to look at Corrosive Dash. “Good work Corrosive, now we just have to wait for Spike to return. Four hours later, Spike emerged from the tunnel covered in ash that was stained with blood. He had clearly been very busy. What made him snap we may never know. We did learn that Spike could have a bit of a temper when aggravated. All he said was that he was reminded of something in the past, something he really didn’t like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 2:30 P.M. 75 days 14 hours 30 minutes since savior spell Location: Steel Forest, Iconoclast territory … Havoc swooped down below the tree line, he smashed through branches and leaves on his way down. He landed with a thump on a path he had seen before he came upon the forest. The trees had grey bark and the leaves were pale green. They didn’t match the Everfree trees for size but they were big all the same. He could feel the forest dwellers watching him, Twilight had woken up an hour ago and hugged Spike on sight. He didn’t know what happened but it must have been bad. She didn’t even seem a little disturbed when he turned an eye on her. She just hugged his head and cried some more. It was freaky. Corrosive was just behind him, breaking through the treetops as he came down. He had ridden Havoc’s slipstream and seemed impressed by it. Most were. Now he followed from the air as Havoc walked down the path. He barely fit the road. He smelled something strong as he went along, something he didn’t recognize. He wasn’t worried in the slightest. Not until the ponies started to get wary. Something about the smell was making them nervous and they were constantly watching all sides. Whatever it was scared them. And it scared them badly. Liber was pressed against his side for safety, he was enjoying this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He observed the motley group from the shadows, making sure to avoid the gazes of the horned ones. He knew they saw the glow as well as he. He found his eyes wandering to the rear ends of the smaller females. Oh what he would like to do to them. He noticed they were heading straight for the local Ursa Major's lair. Bad idea, very very bad indeed. He had to stop them. Perhaps that explained the anxiety they displayed. He crept forwards through the darkness, leaping from tree to tree with agility born of over five decades spent in the wild. As he reached a tree that practically overhung the path they tread he released the sheath of personal shadow he had made when he got in range. The big one smelled him he sensed. He saw how his nostrils kept flaring as he inhaled. He had to act soon before he reacted badly to the scent of unwashed wolf. He prepared his powerful legs to brace him for the impact with the ground from his lofty position just below the canopy. Leaping ahead of the group he said in a loud whisper, “Stop! Its not safe this way!” The unicorn mare immediately grasped him in her magic while the big one she rode grinned. He had never seen teeth like that on an equine in his life. Well there was that one Diomedan but that one was a murderer and he had a hungry look to him, so he had avoided that deathtrap. This one's teeth were much bigger than that ones, in fact he was the biggest horse type being he had ever seen. He got a closer view when the mare brought him close for inspection and he didn't like the closeness of those massive blades. The mare's wonderful scent, of course, made it worth it. “Who are you? You're an albino, and you have horns! Albino's haven't been seen in generations! They only came from what has become Iconoclast territory and they hate magic.” The mare said with what sounded like strained awe. “Just an outcast.” He said in a dreamy voice. He was enjoying this somewhat. Sure there was a killing machine right next to him but he was certain that one had little to do with the mare before him. Certainly he could woo her with his rugged handsomeness, mares liked scars right? “Well why are you warning us?” She asked curiously. “Your heading for an Ursa Major's den.” She froze up while the big one grinned harder. “An Ursa Major?” “Yeah, I hang out here a lot so I learned all about it. It doesn't scare me though. I'm too tough.” He said with a sharp toothed grin. “It lives here and you still come here?!” She sounded horrified. Not what he was going for at all. “Major huh? I like the sound of that. Twilight, release the strange horned wolf. I think he'll be useful.” The big one said. Thrash grinned just before a bolt flew past him to bounce off the big one's neck. What the heck? He turned his head as he dropped and saw metal and what looked like sleek coated wolves. Big ones. He snarled, baring his teeth. F****** bounty hunters! He'd been on the run since his family was wiped out as a result of Iconoclast magic phobia. A memory of armored soldiers and blood dripping from his body flashed through his mind. He felt his hackles rise and the innumerable scars that patterned his body stood out against his raised fur. The three slash marks going down the left side of his snout, it ran down mostly vertically and decorated both jaws, burned with phantom pain. He howled and charged in a zig zagging manner. He was angry but not stupid. One rose from his four legged bound mid-leap and pulled a long sword from its sheath on his hip. He bore a savage grin as he swung it down at him, Thrash leaped aside and roared. With the roar he unleashed a wave of cold that burned the Iconoclast in his metal armor through his thin fur. "Reeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggh!" The bigger wolf screamed as he leaped forwards and began tearing at his armor. His companions didn't waste time looking at him. One leaped off him as he writhed, spear readied. The wolf never had a chance. Thrash grabbed him with TK and slammed into onto the spear of a more cautious comrade who had jabbed at him from a distance. A bark was heard and five bolts flew at Thrash, who slipped under them and leaped into cover behind a tree. He cloaked himself in darkness and crept from his position before a wolf came around sword first. He embedded his blade near where he had been lying mere moments ago. Thrash waited for the others to come charging around to find him. As he saw a caped wolf come around with the crossbow wolves he focused his mind. He felt the cold deep in his chest, he felt it in his brain, his horns even felt frigid. He released the cloak and stood bipedally, glaring at the alpha who grinned menacingly. The crossbow wolves raised their loaded weapons as three other wolves, one armed with a spear and two with swords, approached from behind. Some of the crossbow wolves sneered hatefully under their helms while others bore bloodthirsty grins. The alpha wolf raised a rifle at him, it had a bayonet slung underneath. "I will make so much money for this." He said through his grin. Thrash sneered and froze the world. The wolves didn't even get to blink. They still glared at him from their positions. He walked up to the alpha and smashed his head off with a leaping swing, normal wolves towered over him. Iconoclast wolves were bigger still. He stalked out of the circle of death to see the big one grinning at him. "I think we have a new team-mate." Havoc said and his eyes glowed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Impressive, thought Corrosive Dash as he watched the wolf at work. Those wolves were over three times his size. When he heard Havoc announce the new addition he was rather disturbed. How could Havoc just add creatures to the team like that? The wolf turned its head to look at him and he would almost say it knew he was there. “Is that one with you?” He asked while pointing right at Corrosive Dash. “How can you see me?!” Corrosive Dash said as he turned off the stealth field to conserve power. “I don’t. I can smell the magic, see a faint trace of it in the air, and hear your wing beats. You aren’t as quiet as you think. Not quiet enough to hide from me anyway.” “Nice, I only knew where he was the first time because I could smell and taste his fear. And yeah, he’s with us.” Havoc commented. “Hey! You’d be scared too if a giant wolf with glowing red eyes that had a very bad reputation was hovering over you! I don’t even know half of what he does but nearly everything is bad, really bad.” “What he done that’s so bad?” The albino asked with a sharp toothed grin. “I... Well first off I recently ate a puppy while it was still alive, before that I turned a thunderbird into paste, before that I incinerated some kind of dinosaur person, before that I stepped on a gryphon chick on purpose, before that I bit pieces off of ponies during battle, and there’s more that I could tell you without even getting to my place of origin. Now there’s where I was really hardcore, then again just about everyone back home is really hardcore. It’s like... like deep psycho there, and true evil man. I have seen some things.” Havoc promptly answered. This was... Just wow. He really hoped there was some kind of indestructible wall built around Havoc’s home. Preferably covered with an equally tough roof. “Well... That was unexpected, you now scare me big stallion.” The wolf that just took out a team of Iconoclast bounty hunters commented. “I would be disturbed and offended if you weren’t, if not openly then on some mental level I don’t really pay attention too. What’s that part of the mind that tells you when you did something bad called?” “Your conscience?” The wolf guessed. “Is that what that is? So that’s what Luna was going on about after that situation with the pink one... Well, I’ve never actually felt bad about anything I’ve ever done. Except when it hurt me or cost me success.” Havoc said with a grimace. Corrosive did not want to know what made him grimace. He thought of the three pony towns they had passed over before they came upon this forest. Twilight had told them the towns were carefully place between the borders of Coltistan and Magicka Odium, home of the Iconoclast. Apparently the Equestrians didn’t actually know what the wolves called it because they had a thing against magic, as such they named it as they saw fit. “So about that bear?” Havoc continued. “What about the giant?” The wolf asked. “Where is it? I want to mark it for the future, I have something in mind for that bear.” Havoc answered with a sharp toothed smile. “Ahh yes, that would be.” He pointed off the path and to their right. He began to silently walk off in that direction, taking to all fours. How he walked across the leaf litter without making a sound was something Corrosive would love to know. Havoc followed the wolf from the air, the quarters were tight however so he had to lunge from space to space with his wings closed. The trees became less dense as they followed the little wolf covered in scars. He moved like a shadow across the forest floor, always quiet, always slung low. They eventually came to a great chasm in the earth. This was a rough edged hole in the forest where trees refused to grow. The size of it made it hard to believe that it was dug out, yet the gouges on the sides suggested just that. Truly this was a giant of a beast and the group wondered what it fed on in this forest. Such a big animal surely ate a lot of food. Twilight, however, knew that Ursa Majors fed on megafauna, magic, foliage, and minerals found in dirt. They required such a diet to fuel their huge frames. Ursa Minors could not feed on magic directly, nor could they get nutrition they vitally needed by eating dirt. They got it from their mother’s milk. Unlike the others, aside from Twilight, Thrash knew what the Ursa Major ate. He also knew its habits overall, he had even seen an Ursa Minor once. From this he knew that it fed only on mothers milk along with meat from her kills. Corrosive noted Twilight was taking notes and pulled out his own map from its place in the trunk of the vehicle. He held it before her and she nodded before marking their position on the map. The group left in silence, not willing to awaken the beast from its slumber. Havoc took up his position on the path and Thrash moved behind them like a shadow. Corrosive noted that the wolf whose name he did not know did not make much noise at all, he certainly wasn’t talking. He did grin when he noted the one he had learned was named Liber rubbing against Havoc. He wondered where the female had been found, possibly the same place where they’d dug up Havoc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liber cringed subconsciously and moved up against Havoc as close as she could. She didn’t like the smell of the Ursa Major, she feared it on a primal level, it scared her like Havoc. She felt eyes on her and cursed her ancestors for dying out like they had. Now she had to be here with this psycho who had a taste for fear. The same psycho that had beaten her nearly to death by chance. If she’d known combat magic it would have been an even fight, instead she’d nearly died by his hooves. She looked back to the wolf, she’d moved to help him but Havoc’s leg had blocked her and she’d obeyed. She would never lose the instinctive fear she felt for him. She hated the way she was warmed internally just by being near him. The wolf met her eyes and maintained his smile. She looked over his scarred form and wondered what had happened to him. Suddenly she realized they didn’t even know his name. She stopped and Havoc reacted, halting simultaneously and looking around frantically. She spun to face the wolf who calmly stood his ground. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall learning your name mister wolf.” She said with a nervous smile, she was still uncomfortable with the stink of Ursa. “Oh, well I was named Thrash.” He said simply. “Thrash? That’s an interesting name.” “You’d never guess how I got it.” Thrash said. They resumed their journey, Havoc set the pace so they moved quickly. The wolf never lagged behind, he was pretty quick for such a little fellow. “Wolf, you seem to know this area well. Would you happen to know of the Iconoclast towns, cities, citadels, and perhaps the center of government? Equestrians only know of the border.” Havoc asked while slowing down. She smelled the scent of wolf growing stronger as did he. “If we follow this road we should come upon Rockwell. There a reason we’re heading this way?” Thrash responded. “I am on a crusade of sorts. You see... I have to accomplish a number of tasks or I will be enslaved. One of these tasks is to conquer eight nations. I believe I am down to... Three now. Shoot that’s fast! I wasn’t even aware of that until just now! Hah, take that Rex ya bastard!” “Why do you have to do that now?” The wolf asked cautiously. “Well, if I accomplish this task along with the others I will get quite the reward. Heh heh, I expect your aid in the final test as well. I’ll tell you when it comes up don’t worry. So the point is, I have to accomplish this crusade as well as the other tasks or I’ll lose my freedom and all my rights. So now I’m going for this place. What’s it named again?” “Ponies call it Magicka Odium, would you like to tell us its true name Thrash?” Twilight entered. “It won’t matter soon enough, these f****** are going down.” He said darkly and his smile became menacing. He seemed to hold a grudge against his people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Tartarus yes!” Thrash thought. “They are so f***** now. They’ll regret making me an enemy. I will avenge you mom, dad, siblings. Even you little sister, though you are the one who ratted me out to them. I will bring the full force of that monster down on them. See how they like running and hiding all the time. They won’t last a month out here.” “Let me be the first to thank you...?” “I am Havoc, chosen champion of the dual high princesses of Equestria. This purple mare is Twilight Sparkle, protege of Celestia. The dragon is Spike, Twilight here hatched him with her magic when she was just a filly. The blue mare is Pyropsyche, she’s a second phase phoenician. This yellow mare is Lovestain, she’s a first phase phoenician. The zebragus here is Scorch in his language. The protocorn is Liber Havoc, she’s named because I bested her and made her tameable. The dragon pony over there is Corrosive Dash, he’s the brother of Rainbow Dash apparently. Hey are you the older sibling or the younger one?” Havoc introduced. “I’m two years older than her.” Corrosive Dash answered. “Ahh, so how old are you anyway?” Havoc asked. “I’m... I don’t remember. I’ve been out in the Everfree so long I lost count of how many years went by. I remember. I remember I was eleven when I was abandoned.” Well that was interesting, he was abandoned in some place known as Everfree? Why did Liber, Havoc, and Spike was it, seem to be surprised at this. “THE Everfree forest?” Havoc asked in awe. So Everfree was a forest. “Yes the very one.” “Who would do that? The Everfree is like the Necro City of ponies.” Havoc exclaimed. What was Necro City? Twilight shuddered at the mention of it. Wherever Necro City was must be scary. “In a sense... But the Everfree is nothing compared to that nightmare.” Twilight said and shuddered again, Thrash loved seeing her shake like that. It gave her mane a certain messiness that he found very provocative. “Yes, now I don’t like to talk about it. So can we get back to whatever you were talking about before. Time is wasting.” Corrosive said tersely. “Fine. So as I was saying... Right! I’m intend to take this land and bring it under the mighty hoof of Equestria! I’m certain there’s something of value here, and it will belong to Equestria soon. I will need your guidance however, Thrash. I like that name.” Havoc ended with a toothy grin. Why so much grinning? “What is this reward you’ll be receiving? It must be good to risk yourself like this.” Thrash inquired. “Meh, I’d probably do this stuff eventually. Now however, I’m sort of timed. The reward is... The reward is... Come close wolf, I wish to whisper it directly into your ear.” Havoc said and looked around in a paranoid fashion. Thrash approached and got beside his left shoulder, his right side was mostly occupied by Liber. Havoc lowered his head and placed his muzzle right next to Thrash’s ear and whispered, “My reward is to get all four hundred of Rex’s beautiful daughters as my mates. The punishment is actually quite similar, if I fail I’ll be chained and become Rex’s royal stud. Apparently this means I’d have to service his daughters at his, theirs, and the Forties decree.” Thrash stopped moving at this and his ears pointed straight up. “And they’re all alicorns and since they’re not claimed I assume they haven’t felt a stallion’s touch in a while. I don’t know if I’ll ever leave the bed, that is, if I even make it to a bed before they jump me.” Thrash felt warm, very warm. He fell on his side twitching as the thought of that hit him full on. Havoc looked alarmed at this. Thrash now understood what would make him take on a quest that threatened to take away his freedom. Even if he fails he wins. So many mares... Thrash jumped up. Four hundred. Four hundred mares, all ready to go. Four hundred. If Havoc got four hundred for going on this quest he was certain he must have some sort of seriously good mojo going, super mojo. Perhaps some of that would rub off on him. Maybe Havoc had negotiated that or something. Whatever it was he was going to stay ‘till he picked up on that. Four hundred. Four hundred went beyond his wildest fantasies, with four hundred he wouldn’t have time to pleasure himself. Four hundred. “So if you follow this road we’ll be in Rockwell in about five minutes at your previous pace. Follow me and I can lead you straight to the capital, I know a shortcut that’ll cut the roadtrip by thirty miles at least. It’ll go even faster if you put those big wings of yours to work. I’ll lead on!” Thrash began to lope ahead, Havoc grinned and matched his pace with ease. Havoc’s great legs gave him a greater stride than any stallion alive. “Hey Havoc! You mind teaching me how to do that?” Thrash asked eagerly. “Do what?” He replied. “You don’t strike me as the type but you are obviously good at scoring mares.” “Well I did get with a number of females before I took a two month long nap.” Havoc mused. “Why’d you take a two month nap?” Thrash asked, his mind brimming with curiosity. “Well I was about to kill the only known protocorn in existence so Celestia hit me with a sleep spell. It was a rather powerful one.” He answered. Well that was surprising but he probably had a good reason. “I see, so seriously now. How do you do it?” “I don’t know. Stuff just happens that way for me. Been that way since... Well, since I entered the princesses’ employ. Early at night after I’d finished my training and we’d put her little sister to bed she practically dragged me into her bedroom and... Well you probably know how that sort of thing goes. That was my first day in her service I think. After that... Well like I said, stuff just happens.” “Now who’s this Celestia you speak of? I’ve heard of her but don’t really know of her.” Thrash asked. “Hey Twilight?” “Yes Havoc?” She responded. “Can you get this thing off my back? I want to show our packmate something.” “Sure.” She agreed and magicked off the straps that held the howdah to him and levitated beside them. “Alright, now don’t react badly to this. I’m working off my training here. Twilight, I want you to judge accuracy.” Havoc said and focused his magic. Thrash watched in interest as his horn glowed black. Then Havoc took on the appearance of a very attractive and tall mare possessed of both wings and a horn. She was white and had a multicolored flowing mane and tail. She wore a gold torc with a purple gem embedded in the center of the chest. She also wore golden horseshoes and a three pronged tiara that also had a purple gem in the middle of the front. Her cutie mark was a yellow sun with curved blades of light coming from it.  Her wings flexed, unfurling and furling, going high and low. Thrash almost jumped as conflicting emotions surged to the fore. On one paw this was a very attractive mare, on the other it was in truth Havoc shape shifted into her form. “So what do you think? Accurate enough Twilight?” Her voice... “Wow! You did it perfectly! You even got her voice down!” Twilight exclaimed. “That’s the princess...” Thrash was amazed and despite himself, salivated. “Yeah, and apparently her three hundred and ninety eight sisters that I haven’t seen are just as attractive. Wanna see Luna? I know two hers, the first was when she was a few months younger, the second is a very recent mental image I received.” “Why not both?” Thrash said curiously. “Okay!” Havoc said before taking on the appearance of yet another beautiful mare. This one was tall as well, but not as tall as Celestia. She was dark blue and wore a black torc with a white moon on the front of the chest, she also had glittering shoes of what appeared to be diamond and a black tiara. Her cutie mark was a crescent moon surrounded by inky blackness. Her mane and tail were light blue speckled with white, they resembled stars, this was surrounded by transparent blue. It didn’t look very much like hair in truth. Her wings flexed as they walked, as they had when Havoc took Celestia’s shape.. “This is when she was younger by two months.” Havoc said in her voice. Thrash was amazed by this power. “Perfect again!” Twilight exclaimed. “Now onto the recent memory, Spike. Can you get a recent picture of her sent to me?” Havoc went on. “I’ll try.” Spike answered and pulled out a scroll and began to write on it. Havoc took on the appearance of a much taller mare that was such a dark blue she was almost black. Her mane and tail were the same only bigger. She looked more mature. And she was naked. Havoc repeated the show with the wings. “Hm, well it has been a few months since I saw her. Hey Spike, how’s that response coming alo- Woah!” She was startled by the sudden jet of green fire from Spike’s mouth. The response was rather swift. She looked over the images emblazoned on the scroll and blushed. “Yeah, th-that’s accurate alright.” She said after thoroughly examining them. “Wow she’s growing quickly, she was so much smaller before!” “Can I see?” Havoc asked after shifting into his natural form. Thrash was curious as well. “Sure, they’re for you anyway. She left a little note for you on the bottom right hoof side.” Twilight said and relinquished her hold on them as her magic was enveloped in Havoc’s own. Havoc looked and his mouth went slightly agape. Now Thrash was really curious. “You have got to see these wolf...” He said in a quiet voice. He then held the scroll before Thrash. Thrash, at first, didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. The pictures at the top, they were in two down columns, were just the same mare wearing accessories similar to what she had worn when she was smaller. Then he looked down and started to get it. She started to take on provocative poses and was stripping in some. It finished with her laying on her side with her legs spread and pointed towards the viewer, she was looking out and had a little smirk. She was also winking with her right eye. Below this was a message and to the left of the message was a kiss in pale blue lipstick, or so it appeared. The “lipstick” smelled wonderful, like flowers, cool water, chilly air, and something he couldn’t name but liked all the same. “What’s the message say?” Havoc asked. Thrash was surprised that he didn’t know but humored him. “It says: Awaiting your return eagerly. Make sure you come back alive, miss you a lot. Love princess Luna of Equestria. P.S. I’ll be ready for you. You know what that means.” Thrash sure did. “That’s nice of her.” Havoc said with a small smile. That lucky stallion. He’d slept with at least one of the beautifu- “Braaap!” Spike went. Another scroll appeared before him. “Why do they still come from my mouth?” He groaned. Twilight grasped the scroll and quickly looked through it. Then Spike burped again, another letter was formed. This one too Twilight looked over, and for the second time she blushed. “The first is for Havoc and his companions, the second one was sent specially to him.” “What do they say Twilight?” Havoc implored. “Well the second doesn’t have many words, the first says: Thanks for the territory. We’ll be an even greater superpower in no time. Keep up the good work. Interesting choices by the way.” “And what’s on the second?” Havoc asked. “Look for yourself.” She had and sent it at Havoc. Who went on to look at this one similarly to the way he had looked at the one which still tantalized him. Havoc rolled it up and placed it in the hovercraft next to Twilight before passing the second one to Thrash. This... This was excellent. Like the first it started out innocently enough, but then it became... Wonderful. Apparently they were both fond of the one known as Havoc. He envied the stallion, he decided that it was surely mojo that netted him the mares. “Done?” Havoc asked. “I’ve looked at it five times over.” Thrash responded. Havoc proceeded to place the very interesting letter next to where he’d placed the other. One of the others was curious but was not going to risk reaching her hoof out in range of the dragon. Thrash resumed the former pace and they were upon the town swiftly. He stopped when he saw the twenty foot tall walls around it. The Iconoclast were xenophobic bigots but they were smart about it, and they had taken measures to protect themselves against both outsiders and the inhabitants of the Steel Forest alike. Big animals lived out there and the wolves knew it. Thrash gestured for quiet and interestingly the big one seemed to understand. Thrash cloaked himself in with a shield that bent light around him and glided across the bare field that had been cleared around the town walls a month before their construction. He stole up to the year old wall and pressed his shoulder to it, followed by his right ear, and listened. He heard increased movement from the top through the stone, they had either stepped up the patrols recently or they were under threat. He glanced at the big alicorn thing that reeked of blood and frowned. As predators wolves have a number of excellent senses, smell being the most powerful. They had smelled him a mile off and responded accordingly. Thrash looked at the stone blocks that made up the wall and grinned, he dug his claws into the thin spaces between them and climbed. He ascended like a living shadow soundlessly. He was glad for the awnings, he switched the light bending field into a light shadow. He retracted his toe claws and padded up behind an ironclad guard. He laughed mentally as he thought of how useful this adaptation was, normally when a wolf walked on stone you hear a clicking noise as his claws tapped the surface he walked on. He shadowed the guard until he reached the gatehouse. The walls were twenty feet tall and seven wide. He entered the gatehouse which was lightly occupied. Five other armored wolves sat at a table playing cards, they were rather focused if the pile of silver and copper coins sitting on the table was any indication. They were wearing standard Iconoclast guard armor. A shining iron helmet covered the upper jaw nicely and provided rectangular slits for the eyes. The chest was protected by an iron cuirass with the white eye on top of a capital T that was the symbol of the Iconoclast on its front. The forearms were protected by simple bracers, the paws had gauntlets that both protected the wolf’s hands and gave him a much more painful punch. The gauntlets, of course, let the ends of the fingers protrude. The claws were weapons too. The lower leg was protected by greaves and the knees were protected by scalloped poleyns which were attached to iron cuisses. They wielded solid iron spears and wore no shields on their arms. They were all distracted or bored and this made them easy prey. The dangers of the Steel Forest had made them complacent and they probably just assumed that another big predator was moving nearby. Most lesser animals avoided the walled town. The town indeed had five walls, they built a new one before they expanded into an area. Very clever planning. But not enough. When they turned a corner Thrash waltzed ahead of the guard reached up and stabbed the him down the front of his cuirass. He made sure to hit a major artery and the guard fell into his waiting arms in less than a second, he didn’t even get to scream. Thrash sat him down against the wall and while the light noise might attract others he knew the ones playing wouldn’t bother to investigate. Who could attack them so suddenly from the inside after all? Thrash went to the other side of the gatehouse and saw no other guards inside, nor were any about to enter. This gave him time. He wiped the blood from his claws on the guards fur underneath the front of the cuirass, so none would notice it. He walked up behind the five playing and peeked at their hands, the one at the back had a full house. Too bad for him. “The one near the wall has a full house, you should fold.” He whispered like a ghost into one’s ear. The wolf frowned and did just that. “Argh! I fold, I’m going back down to town to get a drink.” He grumbled, thinking that it was his intuition. Thrash followed him as he went for the staircase and when he was sufficiently low reached down and killed him just like the other guard. He sat him down with his head higher up the stairs than his feet so as to give the illusion of sleep. He wiped his claws off again. He walked back up while listening to the chuckling of the other wolves. Four survived, he would soon reduce that to none. “Heh, Fang always was a quitter.” One commented. “Oh you’re just jealous. We all know you wanted that bitch he’s dating.” Another said. “You shut up about that! If I’d been a minute faster I’d have had her! But no! Fang has to swoop ahead and give her a f****** pony while I’d gone to the trouble of slaying a deer! I almost went to an outsider jail for that, not to mention the deer are so much tougher than the ponies! The buck nearly gored me to death and he slashed me up all the same!” The first snapped. “Hahaha!” the third laughed. “You should go after her. Fang is already looking at another and he’s probably getting drunk off his bastard stifles right now.” Thrash whispered into the angry wolf’s ear. He just managed to avoid its twitch, which might have revealed him. The wolf thought it over. “You know you don’t really have a chance at winning with a hand like that anyway.” Thrash insinuated. The wolf apparently agreed. “Screw it! I lose anyway! You can keep the money, may you choke on it.” The angry wolf barked before rising from his seat and stomping down the stairway. The others cackled at their perceived good fortune. The wolf stepped over his comrade with a snort of laughter. He did not question the lack of breaths until a singular sharp claw slashed his jugular vein. Thrash caught the heavy wolf and set him down just below the other. He padded up the stairway to find the other two were already arguing, he’d heard them and was already getting ready to take advantage of the heightened aggression. His claws were standing ready to impale whoever won the fight he’d start. “Cheater!” One yelled. Thrash didn’t know if he’d played fairly or not. “I did not d*******!” The wolf with the full house argued. Stupid paranoid wolves. “You know he’s lying, there’s no way he’d have won without cheating this time.” Thrash whispered in the accusers ear. The wolf leaped at the winner and they clanged loudly. Thrash reached down and impaled them both silently. They stopped quickly. He wiped the blood on their chests and walked to the lever that controlled the gate. He pulled it back and the gate rose into the gatehouse, thank the gods for Iconoclast ingenuity and incessant paranoia. It drove them to design a very efficient gate that a single wolf could open with ease. This would make sure that as long as one child lived he could open or close the gate to permit the passage of allies or block the passage of land bound foes. He heard yelling and gathered the frost in his horns. He felt the cold rushing through his veins as the air became misty. He watched as it rapidly spread through the gatehouse from his position. He smiled as the wolf guards ran in to see nothing but rapidly spreading mist and a pair of intertwined corpses. And then the gatehouse was covered in a layer of ice, as were all inhabitants save one. He idly gouged at a wolf’s chest as he walked by. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc saw the gatehouse turn to ice as he ran under it with his head ducked low. He grinned as the wolves screamed. Perhaps he would kill them all. They sure were fun! They’d actually leaped from the wall that was over six meters tall to face him. Havoc was rather tall, yet they still came at him with spear, sword, and axe. Those that continued to fight from the walls fired semi automatic rifles at him. The bullets bounced off his flesh without doing any damage. He turned an eye to Liber, who ran by his side. Her scales shifted beautifully as she ran. Havoc slammed into a building and its wall broke before him. He turned to face the howling wolves and launched a kick with one foreleg. The first wolf broke. Havoc smiled as they surrounded him. They attacked simultaneously and he laughed at their efforts. Havoc grabbed one that had grabbed onto his fur with a wing and threw him high into the air and didn’t look to see where he landed. He was pretty sure that one was dead no matter where he fell. Havoc grabbed one that had latched onto his neck with a hoof and swung him into the ground with bone shattering force. He decided to stop thinking of these as legs and consider them arms. They were certainly as functional. He continued to pick them off one at a time, they had naturally gone after the larger and less armored looking monster first. He laughed as he caught Liber pulling one free with her teeth, the wolf screamed as she punctured his armored flesh with her teeth. She swung the wolf into the ground and he stopped his squirming. Havoc watched as the populace panicked. Some ran for weaponry dropped by dead soldiers, others ran for home, others still ran behind another wall that he just now noticed. He waited as the wolves got ready for another go at him. When they surrounded him he leaped up and smashed his wings against the air, this knocked them down as the rush of air hit them. He proceeded to quickly skewer them while they were still down. This was greatly aided by Liber, who was getting just as bloody as he was. He turned to the next wall and saw it had a coat of frost in one spot. Thrash certainly was a quick one. Havoc charged at a gate as it opened, he could probably smash through the walls just as easily but he didn’t feel like it. Not yet anyway. He ducked and sheared off the spikes at the bottom of the rising gate as he went under it. He laughed as he trampled a line of soldiers that had dug in with their pikes. They alternately screamed and howled as he grabbed them with TK and smashed them into various residences and shops. He kept running as he saw a column of soldiers heading his way. He ploughed through them like a farmer with a grudge. He left a trail of death as he unleashed fire upon the the wolves he had just run by. He looked up as he heard yelling and Spike smashed through a stone roof as he fell from the sky. He was wondering when he’d come down, he’d tossed him into the air just before he entered the town proper. Now Spike, living wrecking ball, rose from the wreckage like a Tellurian shocktrooper of old. He staggered towards Havoc who grasped him with magic and placed him upon his back. He now had his own Spike saddle accessory and was enjoying it immensely. “Why would you do that?” He moaned. “For the hilarity. Where I’m from that’s considered a very funny joke or prank, usually those who it happens to as a prank don’t survive however.” “Oohhhh.... What’s the difference?” “Well... When it’s a joke the person gets a warning and thus a chance to save themselves. When it’s a prank they don’t have any time to react. Which results in a higher mortality rate.” “Your people have a very dark sense of humor.” “Yes we do. Now get ready to duck, that gate looks sharp.” Havoc said before plunging under the third gate, he neglected to duck and his face and horn scraped a deep furrow through the bottom of the wall they passed under. The sound of metal tearing suggested he’d damaged the gate itself. Havoc cackled as he heard Spike curse Havoc’s ancestors, he couldn’t fault him. Especially when he’d done the same on numerous occasions. Like when he lost his first three toes, or when he’d been stabbed in the left side of his rib cage several times and the knife blade had scraped the bone, or when he’d gotten sick and lost thirty pounds/over thirteen and a half kilograms in two weeks, or every single time he woke up on his birth world. Okay so Havoc cursed his ancestors a lot, they were responsible for his much loathed existence after all. Havoc saw the town was panicking. They had every right to do just that, a monster of prodigious size had just broken through their well designed defenses with little effort. Havoc knew panic like they couldn’t dream, he’d lived it time after time. Blood hunger, he felt it urging him towards the big hybrid structure that was visible behind the wall. He felt his breathing hasten as his eye locked into the structures general area with a distant look. He saw the ground racing beneath him and he heard yelling somewhere, he barely felt it as multiple buildings broke against his chest. He didn’t know why he went off the main road but he did. The stone wall loomed before him and he smashed through with seemingly no effort, the shards sprayed like so many droplets of water. He heard screaming and felt the spray of blood as he ran something over and gouged something above him with his horn. Didn’t matter because another wall was in the way. He ran on and heard heavy steps and the sound of claws clicking on stone pavement behind him. He heard the rock starting to crack with the impact of his hooves. The town was just another sea to swim and he powered through the masonry waves easily. More fresh blood stained his form as he charged with intense focus. Soon he was through another then he was upon the structure. It had vast metal girders and stone blocks alike. Bars to protect windows and buttresses and firing ports. He lunged through the locked gate and the sound of metal and stone being torn and cracked filled the air. He walked through and examined the interior through the red haze. He vaguely felt impacts and heard muffled bangs as he stalked forwards but they soon died down. He approached a singular shivering wolf and felt something soft brush against his right arm, he turned an eye to it and saw Thrash. Thrash looked hungry but he would wait his turn. Havoc stomped forward and picked up the armored wolf in his jaws. He went on to savage him, shaking him wildly and loving the taste of blood and metal as well as the screams of the tortured. Then he randomly dropped him before Thrash, still very much alive. Thrash looked up for approval and he tilted his jaw upwards in silent approval. Thrash went to work eagerly. He tore at him with his claws and teeth, he brutalized him with fist and foot, he froze parts of him and slowly drew out the pain with nearly delicate rakes of his claws. When the big wolf was finally dead he looked thankful for it. Havoc looked around and the wolves nearby bowed low before the alpha. He bit through a soldier’s throat and threw him aside. He spotted Liber looking on from behind a support pillar and stalked up to her. She retreated with speed and he pursued. He felt something familiar. He pursued her through the wreckage and finally caught her after they’d gotten somewhere deep in the forest, she sure could run. He pounced on her as she crossed behind a waterfall and his hooves gripped her wings and shoulders tightly. He felt the urge burning at him and he felt moisture in a very special area. He looked towards himself to see they were both out, and they’d been soaked by the waterfall. He didn’t really feel himself right now. He saw teeth as he looked down at her and the expression on her face was priceless. Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. He gazed down into her eyes for some reason as he adjusted himself. He moved to stand with his chest directly over her and waited for her to rise. She did shakily and watched him warily. She was covered in shades of red like everything else. She pushed him up slightly as her back pressed against him and he adjusted to stand on his feet and spread his wings for balance. He gripped her hips instinctively and she closed her eyes tightly in anticipation of what she knew was coming. He pushed forwards and felt her tail move aside, he then felt her entrances. They were clenched tightly against intrusion, he felt this with his reproductive members. He did not like being blocked. He moved back and licked at them ’till they stopped barring his passage, he entered each thoroughly with his tongue. It twisted fitfully through her and he felt her clenching and moistening with his ministrations, she squeaked and shuddered frequently. When he was certain she was in no state to keep him out he reared up and gripped her again. He swiftly pushed forwards only to meet resistance. He pushed through in his impatience and she cried out. He pushed as deeply as he could and it felt like her insides were trying to crush him. He enjoyed this however. Liquid warmth surrounded his still painfully throbbing members and he basked in it momentarily before he moved on, guided by base need. His stomach was pressed against her back and he could feel her shivers and winces. She kept flinching and pawing at the ground, making moves to pull away. As he slid close to freedom her eyes opened wide with what looked like painful relief. She tried to pull free but would receive no succor from this. He saw her head twitch to face him and her sharp teeth were gritted. She looked into his eyes and seemingly understood. She made an attempt to stand firm. He pushed in and she made to bolt but was stopped by both herself and his strong grip on her thigh plates. She screamed all the same but that didn’t bother the great predator. His vision narrowed for some reason as he built up an instinctive rhythm. She screamed less each time, soon it was just frequent moans. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her neck was extended fully forward, with her head angled slightly downwards and her eyes vacant or possibly glassy, her jaw hung slightly agape. He was focused on his actions. He pumped ever faster and she made little shrieks interspersed with the moans. She was very slick inside and it dripped out in a thin stream. He soon felt himself coming close to arrival and his eyes closed momentarily. He opened them to look upon the female as he released. The thick fluid shot into her depths and she let out a particularly long and high pitched moan. He was still hard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perspective: Liber She ran through the forest as Havoc pursued her. She was terrified by the cruelty he had displayed and to see him looking at her the same way had sent her running scared. She heard Spike yelling for him to stop and did not rest. She leaped a log, Havoc smashed through it. She dodged through trees and Havoc smashed through the smaller ones, the ones that did not block his vision. She leaped a river, wings flapping strongly, and Havoc jumped and swam with his wings. She was weaving through the trees when Spike yelled one last time, she couldn’t hear him anymore but she still heard the sound of the forest being smashed through. Either he’d been knocked off or something much worse had happened, either way she couldn’t risk turning to help her friend. She saw a waterfall and glanced back to see Havoc out of sight. She could see a cave behind the fall and leaped through it, the darkness somehow got darker and brighter at the same time just before something big grabbed her. She kicked out instinctively and fell, he still gripped her wings however. She looked up to see his glowing red eyes. That would explain the reddish tint the surprisingly large cave had taken. He released his grip and stood with his chest above her back. Since he hadn’t torn into her she judged it was safe to rise and did so, she started to feel a little embarassed about running like that. She felt him lift due to her strength as she stood up, then his weight was no longer on her. She saw his wings extended into her vision before his hooves gripped her thigh plates. She closed her eyes tightly as she prepared for... Whatever he was going to do. She sensed him moving forwards and instinct sent her tail out of the way. She felt something- make that somethings, pushing against... Both her rear holes? She had automatically tensed as she felt the faintest touch and it felt awkward with them pushing, admittedly gently, against her. Back there. She hadn’t known he had two. She felt his grip shift and then something knew brushed against her lower private place. She squeaked in surprise, then squeaked again in surprise at the fact that she could make a sound that high pitched. The... Thing was moving rather nicely against her... what was it... labia! Her nerves sent signals that relaxed the clenched entry and she felt the tip of his tongue slip inside. She groaned at the moist organs intrusion. It felt nice to have her inner lips rubbed at. Then they too parted welcomingly and he was in. She almost pulled away at the alien feeling. But relaxed and it was soon very good, it slithered a little deeper with every stroke and her walls were twitching with the stimulation. She gasped and felt saliva dripping down her soft, scaleless, lips and felt. Her tunnel needed this and she made a small cry as the organ removed itself, she already missed its smooth touch. It went for her... Other hole. She knew this one was not for breeding and felt minor shame as it relaxed itself to allow his wonderful tongue entry. She was glad she always cleaned it out with her magic, she didn’t like the thought of her first getting grossed out by the taste of solid waste. She felt surprise at this, this stallion terrified her. She didn’t want him before, she didn’t think him ugly but the fear he inspired normally overruled and thoughts of mating. She supposed this was her body doing its job. Twilight had been studying her chemical releases, among other things physical regarding her apparently extinct species, and she found the releases of chemicals that were associated with lust were heightened in the presence of the male. She’d taken awhile to figure everything out, her species was so alien despite being the forerunners of all equines. She actually had minerals in her blood that no equine had ever been found to contain. Her very makeup was different. “Aaaaaaahhhh!” She let out as it slithered deeply into her behind. She felt it writhing inside her and felt moisture drip from her reproductive entry. She felt her hips bucking backwards against her will, trying to force him deeper. She felt the wonderful warm pressure building inside her, it was a sort of nervous tension that was deliciously painful. She felt hot and sweat began to build underneath her scales, she felt soaked. Then the scales shifted upwards to vent heat and release fluid and the sweat poured down her sides in a wave. She panted as he switched back to the reproductive path. His tongue rippled upwards against her and she felt the tension grow. “Nnnnnnggg...” Was all she got out as she finally came. It actually squirted from her and she felt it. She felt embarrassed by this. She hoped he didn’t mind. Then his weight on her increased and she felt his grip shift. She felt them approaching and automatically tensed up. Then they were forced inside. “AAaaaaaauuuugghhh!!” She cried out as they entered. She felt him continue to push inside and her walls gripped at the invader while her internal muscles sent her flesh pushing against him in an attempt to force him out. The thick organs kept going. She groaned and felt a tearing sensation in her upper hole. They pulsed and twitched within her and she felt every decihoof ( leg is equal to meter, hoof is a fifth of a leg or two decimeters, a decihoof is a tenth of that or 2 centimeters. Which is, in fact, less than an inch. An inch is 2.5 centimeters.) of his length that was inside of her. They were very hot and surprisingly hard. Yet they were slick with his ltural sheath lubricant and the water from the fall they’d passed under, as well as her own cum and his saliva that he’d left behind. She felt oddly full and they pressed on her insides, she felt her body attempting to accommodate his bulk within her. She felt them deep within her, she was afraid for her intestines and uterus in fact. She could feel his underbelly pressed against her spine plates and the base of her tail. She instinctively tried to get away from the source of pain. She made little paws as she feebly tried to escape, her fear keeping her from running full out. She kept flinching as she looked on or tried to pull away. Her jaws clenched tightly to distract her from the pain and her eyes kept blinking closed erratically. She felt him pulling out and her eyes widened with the sudden emptiness inside. She looked back at him gratefully, he was releasing her from this torture. He was almost out and she tried to step away, he wouldn’t let go. She pulled harder, pushing forwards with all four feet but this did nothing but drag them both deeper into the cave. She looked into his lust filled, glowing, red eyes and realised she would not be leaving until they were done. She looked forwards and braced herself. “AAAAAaaaaaaakkkkkkkk!!!” She screamed as he pushed back in and she automatically tried to run as the pain temporarily overwhelmed fear. She didn’t move very far however. He slid back and pushed back in again and again she screamed in pain. He kept going and it felt better as she adapted to the pain. Soon it felt so very very good. The pain mixed with the pleasure so well and she soon felt herself release, she gripped him extra tightly as she did and his tube felt very good inside her. The blood stopped flowing from her waste hole and the wound began to heal. She kept getting quieter with her screams until it descended into moans. She felt her neck losing altitude and her jaw began to hang. Her tongue dropped out as her head angled more towards the cave floor. She didn’t even care about the slight pain of her tongue moving against her sharp teeth. She focused on the pounding inside her. It intensified and she made low shrieks of pleasure. She was constantly dripping. She felt like a very warm river was pouring out of her. Her body was in a state of readiness like she’d never felt. “Ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn , ahn, ahn, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” She let out as his release stimulated yet another release. The long, powerful, and oh so warm jets felt so strangely good. It felt right, natural, like this was her purpose in life. She felt his shots painting her internal walls. She felt the pressure most directly on her cervix. She knew he was pressed against it and most of his shot managed to make its way inside, she could feel the microorganisms squirming within her. She actually liked it somehow. He should have gone soft. He was still hard. He pulled back and began slamming her again, his phalluses pressuring her insides mercilessly. She moaned again as he kept up the intense pounding. “NNNnnnnnn....” She let out as another stream of warmth shot into her. She felt her jaw twitching like she was shivering. He just kept going.  Eight times he released. He was only able to do this because of his species and fitness she knew, he made much more of this environment than she was able. He finally slid out and his eyes were their normal menacing red. She looked at him then to the acidic sweat that had melted and warped the stone below them. He turned her around to face him and she looked in confusion, then he rose back up on his hind legs and pushed her head down towards his members. She opened her mouth and her teeth scraped over the tips as she let herself be guided. Her lips wrapped around the member as it slid to her throat. She gagged slightly as it pressed against the back of her throat. Then she began to lick at the bottom with her tongue as he slid her head back. She sucked at the odd flavored meat as he moved her head up and down. It tasted like minerals, meat, metal, and oddly enough that condensed milk Twilight had shipped in for her. She kind of liked it really, she was soon moving her head to the rhythm he’d set. She went and went until his special milk shot into her mouth. She proceeded to drink the odd fluid. It was sweet, bitter, and something she couldn’t name. She lapped up the remnants as he slid her head off. When he was back on all fours she licked his length clean on her fluids and t the tip once more. She wanted to extract more of that funny tasting stuff to try to fiure out the taste. His cum surged into her mouth and she drank it down slowly, she didn’t forget to clean up when she finished. When he was retracted he turned to face the falling water. She dutifully followed him on wobbly legs as he slowly walked out through the waterfall. She knew she’d be sore later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. Thrash was impressed. It was borderline rape but he was still impressed. That was something worthy of song in his mind. And her legs were shaky as she followed him out. He wondered what his guru in lust was up to now. He followed the big beast in silence. He’d seen Spike back to town with some impatience, he’d wanted to see how the chase went and had arrived just as Havoc caught her. He himself was hard but scales weren’t his thing. They came to the border of the town and the blue mare pounced from above. She seemed angry. “You cheater! How could you do that to Twilight?!” She yelled from her position on his back, she hadn’t knocked Havoc down. He’d barely even shaken with the impact. He turned his head to face her and spoke. “Where is Twilight?” He asked. “I’m right here.” The purple mare said as she floated down from above. Thrash felt rage as he was denied. He had seriously doubted that relationship being a possibility. “And I’m sorry for lying to you Pyro. We aren’t exactly that close.” She continued. Thrash felt elated at this news. “Wha?” Pyro seemed surprised. So did Liber. “But mommy, aren’t you supposed to be in that sort of relationship with somepony you share guardianship with?” Liber inquired. Wait. Mommy? How did that happen? And why would that... Nevermind. “Well... Um... Okay, this is sort of an exception. We are not there yet you see? So it’s not cheating Pyro. You don’t have to jump him like this.” She was obviously worried for her friend’s safety. “Yes it does! I have been missing out all this time because of that! And look what he did to her! Sure she’s a virgin but still!” She proceeded to get out of sight in the forest, dragging Havoc with visible strain. Havoc looked surprised at this turn of events, he wasn’t joking about this stuff just happening. Thrash was practically praying for that mojo to rub off on him, not that he wasn’t good looking enough. Oh no, he was a paragon of rugged handsomeness. He just needed to meet the females and the mojo to give him the right circumstances. He silently and invisibly followed the pair. Havoc had started to walk under his own power. When they had reached a stream Havoc had run over in his pursuit of Liber the female jumped him. Warning! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you hdanger zone. He could tell from how friendly she was that the female didn’t mind the taste of protocorn booty, pussy, or mare cum. Havoc’s somewhat disturbing double lengths shot out during this makeout session. The much smaller female eventually pulled her mouth free of his and looked down to his crotch. She’d been standing on her hind legs to kiss him. She looked surprised at the sight of him. That passed as she sat on her haunches and smiled at them. Her head twisted to the side as she looked at them curiously. She tentatively reached out and stroked the side of the higher one. She seemed satisfied as she went on to use her other hand. Havoc’s eyes had closed, Thrash had only noticed this because they’d started fricking glowing again. Wow that glow was annoying. The female went on to lick at the tip and Thrash watched her in action eagerly. He began to silently touch himself. He was certain he wouldn’t be doing this much longer if he learned from Havoc. How he could get mares while covered in blood, dust, and burn marks he hoped to learn. He was still dripping in fact! The female looked to the river. She held onto his member as she began to walk towards it on her scaled feet, Havoc dragged himself along. He did not like the thought of what claws like that could do to a penis and his hardness died slightly. She waded out into the stream and the clear water hid nothing, it did wash away the blood and assorted dirt that adorned Havoc’s frame. She turned Havoc on his back and stood on his belly before shaking off some of the water that soaked her. The liquid flowed off her feathers, it seemed like they were waterproofed. Her fur was still wet, she took another dip and jumped back on his mostly dry barrel before smoothing her fur out with a few flaps of her wings. It was almost like watching a bird bathing itself, only this was a rather attractive bird. She returned to his penises. She grasped the top one with her hands and back to jack up and down while licking at the lower one around the tip. She eventually moved on to gentle sucking at it and she kept going until he shot fluids onto her chest. She was surprised but kept going. She sucked deeper on the tip and very soon the sucking changed from a constant pulling to a form more suited to drinking.  She seemed to like the taste. Then she moved her head away with a loving kiss to the top one and turned her back to it. Her back end more accurately. “Now I don’t know what you did, but I want to feel just as good as she looked like she had. Got it?” She asked, it sounded like she was singing. What a voice! Havoc nodded and lifted her before shaking to get all the filth out. Then he positioned her over his open jaws and shot his tongue into her reproductive slit. “Aaaahhh!” She released and it sounded wonderful. Her legs stretched out and her toes curled as Havoc utilized his very skilled tongue. Her hips began to move as he moved his tongue further. He flexed the organ to massage her insides fitfully. His breath blasted her wet fur and he could see how it stimulated her soaked tail and rear end. Thrash observed as her breathing became heavy and her eyes closed. Her tongue went up to touch the right side of her upper gums through her slightly open jaw. Her tail pony tail went high and she moaned, liquid ran down the blood colored tongue. Havoc seemed to like what he tasted. He lifted her towards his erections. “Hold on a second!” She interrupted. Havoc stopped. “No window entry! I may be into trying new stuff but I will not go there.” She proclaimed despite being in the grasp of something twice her size. Havoc wing shrugged and kept moving her. He transferred her to his wings and the fingers held her with ease. He positioned her so that the lower one was lined up with her reproductive hole. “You know an anti-pregnancy spell right?” She inquired. “No, neither trainer nor princess taught it to me. I’ll just shoot it out the one outside of you.” Havoc answered. “You sure you have control? I don’t want to have freaky hybrid babies yet.” “I have total control, I practised with Celestia herself.” “Alright, but if you lose control you’d better warn me.” “Sure.” Havoc lowered her slowly onto the lower set one. She grinned with her eyes closed and her head tilted up as it slowly pushed in. It entered with some difficulty, then Havoc’s horn glowed and his member that was entering her freaking shrank. Not by much but enough to properly enter her. She let out a pained nng as she slid down to the base. Her jaw hung much lower now and her tongue hung as far out as it could. She was slid up then down again, he built up speed and kept it consistent. She didn’t mind the one pressing on her stomach at all. She actually took advantage of it after her next arrival which was heralded by a beautiful, “Hhhaaaaaahhhhh!” She leaned down and licked at it as it came closest to her face, it was possibly the length of a grown stallion so it wasn’t that far off. She kept licking at it and was soon linked to it by a string of saliva. He slid her down and began to grind her against him and she licked at the tip constantly. Soon it was throbbing and she could tell he was close. She took it and stroked it with her hands, she pressed the sticky organ against her chest while doing this. This soon pushed him past the precipice and he spurted thick fluids from his external member. It was odd. Grey, white, and transparent. Disturbing really. She seemed to like it though, of course he expected that. She licked at the stuff as it shot against her and past her. She licked all the cum from the larger member before Havoc got back to work. Havoc resumed lifting her and sliding her back down on himself. The wolf watched as she resumed her moaning, then he did it faster and it became somethings else. “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!” Was the noise she made as her eyes got glassy. Havoc was surprisingly quiet through all this. Thrash was glad he had cleaned his hands and not run with them recently. He watched eagerly as Havoc moved her up and down, her wet mane swinging with every thrust. He pushed up with his hips as he brought her down and she screamed into orgasm. “AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!” Thrash was rather glad they had gone this far out, he was also glad a bloody battle had just gone down. Somebody might have thought a murder was underway otherwise, now even if they did it was unlikely they would come to check on yet another corpse. Havoc kept his eyes closed and lowered his head into the water, his nose was a little above the surface when he stopped. Thrash was curious as to what he was doing now, not curious enough to take his eyes off the mare however. She finally stopped her writhing and just relaxed as Havoc finished. She placed her mouth on it and drank it as it emerged, she had quite the appetite. Thrash was near enough to the stream and it was getting dark, he released his own fluid downstream of their position and neither seemed to notice it. He waited as Havoc rose from the water with a great splash and removed the mare from her seating. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. As the giant crawled through the clear water on his knees Thrash entered the water himself, he stayed clear of the dirty trail Havoc left. He allowed the blood to be washed from himself fully along with the remnants of his latest action. He soon left the liquid and dried off on the land. He chilled the air around him and scraped off the ice that formed, he was practically immune to the cold now. Besides, in addition to a spell to protect his externals from frostbite or freezing he had long ago made a near permanent antifreeze spell for his blood. He did not want to die from overexposure to his own spells after all. That would suck, and not in a good way. Thrash stalked after the now clean pair as they made their way back to relative civilization. He appeared next to the group like a ghost. Havoc’s horn glowed and everybody was clean. Well if he’d known that was coming he might have skipped the frost dry. “Now Thrash comrade, would you tell me what you know of your people’s ways? If I take the capital will that be enough?” Havoc asked without turning his head. “No, their hatred runs deep. They are also very organised and if you take down the top caste the lower ones will work it out on their own.” Thrash answered. “Then would it be sufficient to find and kill or capture all the wolves and force them to serve?” “Well yes but how would you go about that? There are tens of thousands of my people. And they are not concentrated enough for that, certainly not for nine.” “But we will not be nine.” “What are you suggesting?” “If I can copy a gryphon’s language into my mind I am certain I can seize control of a town of wolves’ minds. They will be our own loyal army!” Havoc crowed. “Not a bad idea.” Thrash admitted. He watched as Havoc focused his magic into a tracking spell, his horn was sheathed in a fluctuating cone of black. Then the blackness spread over the town, the townsfolk couldn’t see magic. Thrash heard screaming, it was brief. Too brief. He heard the sound of bodies moving with his keen senses. He heard scraping, like metal was being dragged. After a few minutes most of the townspeople were assembled before them, they were all armed but not all armored. Thrash noted a distinct lack of children and women, they were scarce in this crowd. He did spot numerous elderly however. Havoc expanded his tracking spell and Thrash could only guess at the distance it covered. He was certain it covered the Steel Forest, the Iron Canyons, the Bone caverns, Green Quarry, Redfang Lake, Steelblood River, and all the towns and cities in between. He saw a dark look come over Havoc’s face and his horn glowed again, Thrash soon heard howling in the distance. He also heard roars and bellows. He shuddered as he remembered the fights he’d had with some of the things he heard. Havoc set off with his zombies in tow. Thrash looked at them somewhat nervously, they showed no emotion other than rage. They all looked angry, very angry. The horde put no effort into maintaining silence, they didn’t need to either. Thrash soon heard distant gunshots. They kept growing more frequent as they traveled. Havoc’s horn was constantly glowing and Thrash noticed a faint glow around the heads of the wolves he’d mind-jacked. He began to get slightly worried. “Thrash, I want you to move ahead of the pack and take out leaders and various defenses. Corrosive you know what to do.” Thrash increased his pace, ahead should be Steelclaw ridge. He ran with such speed he nearly flew, his claws were all extended to give him the maximum available grip. He ran kilometers in minutes, he came upon the town which was surrounded by screaming predators. He saw timber wolves, bears, saber toothed cougars, a few manticores, and even the elusive dire bear. Dire bears average three stories tall when they stand on their hind legs. Thrash ran by like a whisper and was scaling the wall with his sharp claws. He quickly reached the top and slashed the throat of a nearby guard who was resolutely firing into the mass of predators. Thrash saw some weren’t fighting the beasts outside the gates, they were fighting the enemy within. Havoc’s mind controlled soldiers were howling horribly as they attacked, with fang and claw or blade or gun. The psychotic beasts charged almost mindlessly, but a mindless monster would not think to use their own as a distraction for a flanking force. The monsters were dying by the claws and blades of the trained soldiers but they took their toll. Soldiers roared and screamed as they ripped into the fearless mass, bullets flew and blades flashed. Thrash leaped for the throat of a soldier in officer’s colors and he spilled the bigger wolf’s blood. He then crept to the gatehouse in the panic and found it well guarded. As on the walls, citizen and soldier alike stood guard fearfully. He’d seen a number of soldiers in the blood hungry mass and he understood the fear. He focused the ice high above them, on the ceiling in fact. Not enough moisture for proper ice but he could still drop a blanket of cold on them. Which he did. They froze in place, dead. Thrash opened the gate and let the monsters outside join the ones inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corrosive Dash darted forwards like a bullet. He speed through the trees, guided by the maddening sight of Havoc. He saw horrible things it seemed. He was looking at the world through a red tint, he felt angry, he felt depressed, he felt like he had nothing to lose, like violence was all he had. Corrosive felt sick, he needed this guidance, however,as he didn’t know the area. He went fast enough to generate a whirlwind in his wake. The never ending hunger was annoying too. It seemed Havoc was never satisfied with the blood he shed, and he was literally hungry as well. Havoc had assured him this was the norm for him. He had never been full before he met Celestia and wasn’t sure how to cope with the odd feeling, he was used to never having enough to eat and was actually comfortable that way. Havoc was just plain depressing on the inside. Corrosive smiled as the foe came into view. Havoc couldn’t read, at least nothing written in the local languages. Havoc couldn’t focus on taking knowledge and maintaining control either. So he settled for simple but accurate direct guidance. Finally the haze lifted and Corrosive stopped feeling sick. Corrosive built speed before he smashed hooves first into the wall. He heard howling as he broke through. He saw an organized pack fighting against another, one had ritualistic scarring. Well it would be scarring when it healed anyway. When asked how many he would be fighting, Havoc had told him to look for the ones without the triple claw scar going from the forehead down to the nose. Corrosive dived into the melee with confidence. He kicked a wolf in the back of the head and its skull imploded. He launched a vicious headbutt to one’s chest and his rib cage caved in. He pounced on a wolf who was just bigger than him and its claws scraped futilely across his scales, Corrosive stepped into his throat and chest. He shook off the blood as he rose from the kill. He noted the wolves were mostly grey, some brown, some black, and rarely green. He smashed a wolf’s face in with a backhoofed strike as it came at him. Corrosive bit another’s throat and tossed it through the air to land amongst its treacherous brethren. He watched for a moment as they piled on him, make that her. Corrosive returned to the battle and resumed his bloody tactics. He smashed skulls, broke bones, and crushed flesh. The mob was soon entirely made up of Havoc’s troops as the survivors broke and lost their minds to Havoc’s constant pressure. The mob marched back through the walls to more battle. The gate was being held open but Corrosive didn’t trust it. He flew up to see a fight on the walls. It was madness as a corpse flew right by him, launched by a healthy soldier. Corrosive charged him and broke his spine, the soldier flew into the claws of a rampant pack below. Corrosive killed towards the structure over the gate, he didn’t know what it was but was certain it held control of the gate it sat upon. He smashed through the wolves that got in his way heedlessly. The ones under Havoc’s control would have moved aside anyway. He looked at the furious battle going on in the control room, wolves smashed each other into walls and tables alike. Armored fist met plate armor as claw met fur covered flesh. Fangs broke against plate as armor was cracked open on stone. Wolves were savage fighters. Corrosive systematically killed the ones who did not display the mark. When the last free wolf’s throat was crushed in his iron grip the rest of the pack ran off to continue fighting. Corrosive walked down the stairs chanting his personal mantra to try and calm down. “For Rainbow Dash, for Rainbow Dash, for Rainbow Dash, For rainbow Dash, For Rainbow Dash...” The fifth repetition calmed the burning hot, rage red, bloodlust he was feeling. He let out a long slow breath and walked in peace to the sound of bloodcurdling howls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc reached the capital and grinned. It was still in minor chaos despite the superior grade of soldiers and equipment. The wolves here wore full plate with chain supplements. He saw a machine gunner firing down into the city with his roaring weapon. The city was surrounded by a field of dead beasts and wolves alike, he saw a great feathered wing hanging over the wall from the inside. He calmly gauged the distance and decided it was sufficient. He charged. The innocent gate didn’t stand a chance. He smashed through the thick metal with ease and broke across a faltering riot. He stomped in an armored wolf’s head and a nearby soldier heard the noise of tearing metal. The wolf turned and looked up at Havoc, unfortunately Havoc’s constant mental pressure reduced his reaction time considerably. Havoc bit his face off. “RRoooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh!!” Havoc roared, which gained the confused attention of the wolves that were currently fighting. Havoc started to flail about with his great hooves and a number of fully armored wolves started to die. Even their tails had spiked plates Havoc thought with a laugh. The battle turned against the armored wolves, some fell to Havoc’s constant pressure as the panic overwhelmed their discipline. They carved furrows into their helms and joined the fight on Havoc’s side. This caused a chain reaction which resulted in many more joining Havoc’s force. Blood flew high as the machine gun washed over the traitor horde, Havoc threw a nearby armored wolf at him and the machine was torn from its mooring. His mob rushed up to the door that lead up to the gatehouse but moved aside for Havoc. They bowed their heads reverently as he rose his right front hoof. They stayed bowed as it smashed through the door, he shoved more of his arm in, angled it, and ripped it out. The horde rushed in and screaming was heard. Havoc majestically flew up to the top of the wall and grinned at the futility of the soldiers guns. He quickly swept a wing across and smashed the wolves in their shells. He moved to the next section where the wolves were starting to abandon their posts. No point fighting something that just won’t bleed no matter where you hit it. Havoc increased speed and snapped one up on the fly. He soared higher and consumed the wolf, he didn’t take the time to cook the screaming thing either. He turned to the next wall to see them already falling to his bloodlust. The sight of what he did was weakening their resolve and drawing them into the abyss of madness he constantly balanced upon the edge of. He laughed as numerous predators succumbed to his lure and turned upon their unmarked comrades. He walked up to the embattled wall and proceeded to jump over it with a single hop. Powerful muscles indeed. He landed on the other side and kept up his calm walk as bullets sprayed at him but he ignored the annoyances. He focused on the fighting pack that came into view, he charged and started to kill on a whim. More for his mad pack. He kept this up and soon had  nearly the entire city under his control. The vast hordes stood in and around the central ring. There were well over fifty walls between the outside and this ring. The wolves on the central ring’s walls had stood nervously staring at the horde as it surrounded them silently. Then Havoc had jumped onto the walls with a great roar and the slaughter had begun. The floor was coated in corpses and gun emplacements stood or laid silent. The walls of the castle were crewed by armored wolves. They seemed to know what was coming. They held their weapons ready and made not a single sound as they awaited death. Then the gate that lead to the castle opened and the drawbridge that spanned the pit lowered. A single wolf bearing a grey flag stepped out, he was in full plate too. He crossed nervously to the end of the bridge where Havoc alighted just behind him. He turned to face Havoc and said, “The Lord Director in his wisdom  has seen fit to see you now. Sir.” His voice was muffled and distorted by the helm that covered his head. Havoc looked over the bloody faced horde that surrounded the castle like a living sea and nodded. He followed the wolf through the gate and ducked to enter. He kept his head ducked to avoid scraping the ceiling with his long horn. He heard his hooves clopping loudly on the marble floor and saw still guards armed with halberd and gun alike. An open door that was smaller still forced Havoc to crawl in order to enter. He looked down upon the wolf that sat behind a steel desk. The wolf had his eyes closed and his paws steepled before him, his muzzle faced them. Behind him was a picture of a great green eyed black furred wolf who was kneeling on one knee. His right paw impaled an armored unicorn through its back and he could see the big wolf’s claws poking through the chest on the other side. His left impaled an albino with long spiral patterned horns and similarly it impaled him through the back of his ribcage and came out the front of his chest. “The painting you see is an image of The One.” The pale grey wolf in the silver breastplate and black suit said suddenly. The wolf wore no helmet but his cuirass displayed numerous medals. He donned a pair of black, with oval shaped lenses and silver rims, goggles before looking upon Havoc. “The One?” “The wolf who defeated Malus in the final battle. He lead the oppressed against wicked Malus and his allies on mount Thorncrown. It was a terrible battle and thousands died in the ascent, thousands more died when the battle began in earnest. Dragon fire burns through almost anything. Malus was a very bad wolf, when he ascended to the throne he passed many laws that oppressed the people. He manipulated the chiefs with his mind controlling magic and formed a secret police that was constantly vigilant for any signs of dissent. Those found guilty were punished harshly. For thousands of years this went on, three thousand seven hundred and fifty four to be exact. That was when the rebellion finally rose up and slew the monster in his hold while he was in the middle of a meeting. His allies were numerous and he treated them lavishly, so they stayed loyal to him until the very end. They kept him in power for a very long time, we could not fight back at first so we tried to wait him out. His foul magic kept him alive and healthy however. He was very powerful. We sacrificed so much that we could not do it again, to this day we have not recovered from his reign. We took measures to prevent something like him from happening again, drastic ones. I even slew my first litter when it turned out albino, I did it with my own claws. My mate abandoned me after trying to kill me and I would not bring any more offspring into the world, I couldn’t stand to kill more of my own. I swore to celibacy that day. You are almost as bad as Malus was.” “Well that’s interesting. I just want to conquer your country so I don’t end up in sexual slavery.” “Who sent you? The Lupus Empire?” The wolf said with a frown. “Rex, king of Equestria. Hard to believe such a nice group would have such a savage for a leader. Guess I’ll be calling him Emperor soon, this will be nation six when I’m done here.” From this the wolf garnered that he had been doing this for some time and was clearly experienced. He wondered how such a warrior had been produced and procured by Equestrians. While most were ignorant as to their nature the Iconoclast themselves had an elaborate network of spies and were well aware of Equestrian policies as a result. “Can we not discuss some sort of arrangement that does not result in my people’s subjugation? We are both powerful males, I am certain that together we can come up with a plan of action that is mutually beneficial. You don’t become a sex slave and I don’t end up with a nation of mad things.” “I can’t do that mr. wolf. See this ring on my horn? If I ever try to betray my commanders they’ll know. And they’ll mess with my brain and cause me great pain. You have no idea how much it hurts when they commandeer my mind. You will surrender, I’ll give you a choice between a swift death or servitude to the alicorn royalty. I think they’d be the only ones to outrank you. Pretty good posting if I say so myself. Of course, I want to kill you.” “Hmmm.” The wolf pondered this conundrum. He did not like the thought of some upstart wrecking the place so the choice was clear. “Alright. Standard procedure then?” The wolf asked with a paw extended. “Your choice?” Havoc asked. “I want to live, my people need me still.” “Fine. I was hoping to kill you and eat your flesh.” Havoc said as he extended his hoof. He knew what to do from seeing the ponies shake hooves on the show. His people did not do handshakes, too likely to die that way. Hand and hoof were shaken and Havoc crawled out of the room. He stalked down the hall and his horns glow began to fade as he walked, he began to visibly relax. The madlings were permanently altered, they had a splinter of his sick mind implanted within their own. They would not betray him he knew, just as they would be mostly the way they were before he had infected them. What would be altered only he would know. He grinned as he thought of the potential. Havoc exited the castle to see his madlings walking back to where they were before. They would soon resume their altered lives. He leaped into the air and flexed his wings. He flapped them and angled himself to the logical meeting place. The crossroads were a natural place to regroup after a glorious success like this. Twenty eight minutes later... The group met up. The zebra had gone to the north, Twilight and Spike had stayed put with the phoenicians, Liber had gone in a similar direction as the changeling, Thrash had gone northeast, Corrosive had gone west. Havoc knew he could handle the numerous machine gun emplacements and the few cannons. Thrash was slick with blood and looking both exhilarated and bored. Somehow. Havoc focused his mind and utilized the cleaning spell again. “Thanks.” He heard from Thrash’s direction, Corrosive was silent. He looked a little tired. Or maybe he had a headache? “Where next, oh purple one?” Havoc asked Twilight. “Well we could head to the Slitherers Warrens for a change of pace. Or we could go for the Fang Plains. Or even the Static Sea.” “Static Sea?” Havoc was very curious about that one. “It’s named for the shockwings that inhabit it.” “Shockwings?” Pyro didn’t seem to like the sound of that. “They’re not very big but they don’t need to be. They can generate a light charge of electricity and on their own they aren’t much more than annoying. But they travel in huge swarms, and they can fly. They’re a very interesting species of fish.” “What lives there?” “Well there are the seaponies. There are also Kells, Kells are a species of sapient bird. Of course the slitherers warrens have the Basili. With the power of flight and your speed we might even make it to the Void Peak mountains with time to spare.” “What are Basili and what of the Void Peak mountains?” “The basili are a species of amphibian. They have many tentacles, four limbs, one tail, three heads, and nine eyes. They are somewhat like big, unusual, salamanders. The Void Peak mountains are inhabited by the mysterious psions. The psions are tall and kind of pony shaped. Not much is known about them other than that they have mind powers and can survive the cold void of space. It’s why they’re so mysterious. I read that certain theorists and philosophers believe they actually came from the void, which would make them extra terrestrials! It is known that they have structures that reach outside of the atmosphere which gives some credence to this theory but then again they may well have just evolved that way from living up in the Void Peaks where very little in the way of atmosphere is available.” “Well how would we survive? One of us would have to maintain a bubble of air and... Right. Well I’ve got nothing.” “Well we could always go elsewhere, those are just the nearest locations. We could go to just about any place on the planet really. Maybe we could go to Scandineighvia, home of the Nords.” She suggested randomly, not knowing his history with its inhabitants. “That one! Yes... That is a good one. Then! We will take the Lupus Empire! And then we will take another one I haven’t picked yet to get bonus points if I get those. Indeed, bonus points would be very nice!” Havoc proclaimed. Twilight donned her poker face. “You want to go to Scandineighvia?” Havoc nodded eagerly. “And then you want to take the Lupus Empire?” Again with the eager nodding. “The nords have at least one alicorn god king. The Lupus Empire has had the same leader since they began. You still want to take them?” Havoc nodded vigorously. “Thataway.” Twilight said tiredly and pointed a hoof eastwards. “I’m gonna take a nap, it’s dark and we’re in for a long flight. We have to pass over Equestria by the way. Would you mind stopping by Ponyville on the way?” Havoc frowned but nodded all the same. The howdah floated over to him and strapped itself to his back. He lowered his right wing and Twilight walked up the ramp, she had long gotten used to it. Spike followed, as did the smaller phoenician, and the zebra. Havoc gestured for Thrash to get on. He rose into the sky followed by the stronger flyers and took off for Equestria. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 7:35 P.M. 75 days 19 hours 35 minutes since savior spell Location: Ponyville, Equestria … Havoc flew over the mostly dark streets with little noise. He’d glided in after he reached proper speed. He looked around for the tree library. He spotted it and angled towards it, the others rode his pull with ease. He flapped as he came down. This place was held good memories for him. Even the incredibly painful transformation that he still intended to gain vengeance for. He landed with a low thump. Twilight yawned as she awoke. She started down the wing but before she got very far, however, she turned to face him. She looked like she was still partly asleep. She looked towards his head which moved closer to hers to examine her in curiosity. She hugged his face. “Missed you handsome...” She mumbled. Havoc did not know what to make of that. “Don’t be so shy Sol.” She continued. Havoc froze up as he felt lips on his, this felt weird to be honest. “Love you too...” She mumbled after releasing his face. He tapped his lips with the front of a hoof, that was very strange. Who was this Sol of which she spoke? His face twitched as he grew annoyed. He contained his frustrated roar as she whipped out her house keys and opened her door. She walked in half asleep. Havoc stuck his head in after her to ask who Sol was and the lights came on. A big group of ponies was waiting inside, including the high princesses. They were wearing party hats and there was punch, salt, cake, pie, cookies, muffins, brownies, and confetti shot out. Havoc’s pupils shrunk and he ran off screaming something in what was known as old Alicorn in Equestria. “Anthropophagy scaelum raptio cultus!” He cried in horror as he fled. Celestia was giggling, she knew he would not take this well. When Pinkie informed her that she sensed Twilight had planned a return she had been waiting for that silly pony to pop up and tell her when. On Havoc’s world there weren’t such things as party hats. And the only beings known to wear cone shaped hats, and pop up out of nowhere, were a cult of cannibalistic rapists that rode about in vast flying machines. This would be what he naturally assumed when he saw the ponies in funny hats waiting for them. She heard distant cursing in five different languages and laughed at the result she had gained. She rolled on her back as she laughed and Luna soon joined her. She was in on the prank naturally, this was partly a bonding exercise after all. The companions rushing in she didn’t expect but laughed at their responses as well. They had expected some horror of horrors but instead found a party ready to go. What they didn’t notice was that the pattern of hats formed a rainbow, which was also carefully orchestrated. Celestia crept up to Twilight, she still heard cursing in the distance. “When did you two get so close?” She whispered. She really was curious. Twilight blinked and licked her lips. She tasted blood and a few other flavors associated with Havoc. She ran upstairs to puke into her personal toilet. Celestia was confused. She had cast a spell to show what Twilight was doing as soon as she ran off and didn’t understand why she was puking.he saw Twilight wash her mouth out and brush her tongue and teeth furiously. She then took a shower, followed by another mouth cleaning. Only then did she slowly come down the stairs. She looked like she was about to cry, she actually passed by Celestia with but a look and Celestia could smell the berry flavored toothpaste she used from her full height. Twilight grabbed a cup of cold, ice chilled, punch and chugged it. Then she got a refill with the ladle and slowly downed the beverage. She got one more refill and trotted to Celestia. She was interrupted by her hyperactive pink friend who hugged her with force. “Hiya Twilight! No worries, I cleared things up with the princess! I only have three thousand hours of community service to work off!” She said with a grin. She was rather cheerful for somepony who was under surveillance by the Royal Inquisition. She rubbed her cheek against Twilight’s.Then she spotted the teenaged fillies Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo and rushed off to speak with them. Then they vaguely heard something Celestia suspected was cursing, she was versed in over fifty languages and couldn’t guess at this one. Her eyebrow rose and her jaw hung open as she tried to figure it out. Havoc smashed through the side of the tree and the party goers screamed as they were riddled with splinters. This was not something she had planned. A shield was raised and he crashed into it. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a sadistic grin as he began smashing at the shield. “HALT!” She yelled, she infused the yell with magic to send a message to the primal part of his brain. Which happened to be the most active. He froze for a moment, his hoof had just broken the shield. His eyes shot to her and she realized the mistake she’d made. Her eyes widened and she lept out the hole he’d just made. She ran hard and fast, she wanted good momentum before she took off. She looked to her barrel, then to the monster that had entered pursuit. He was gaining, his vastly longer strides made him much faster than her. She leapt to the skies, knowing he had an even greater advantage there. She was aiming to be noticed. Her horn glowed brightly, it was also giving off a specific pattern of magic. She felt the energy condense before her and kept flying, she disappeared from the predator’s sight and he roared in frustration. He had lost sight, smell, and feel of her. Then he heard a muffled thump from above and something fell on his head. It wasn’t as big as him but it came down fast and he was dragged down. He closed his eyes before he slammed headfirst into the bridge below. They entered the river and he turned on his would-be assailant. He thrashed and managed to slam a hoof against the side of his opponents head. His opponent was knocked to the side by the force of the blow but held on. He saw a gold glow swirling around and bit near the source, his jaws closed on the gold and he savagely pulled his head back.  His opponent slammed into him and began to kick at him with great force that belied his relatively small frame. Havoc and his opponent reared from the water with a roar. Havoc found he could not see through his left eye, his opponents jaws enclosed it. He slammed the side of his head against the grassy ground next to the river. This did nothing but temporarily embed his foe in the dirt, he was out when Havoc lifted his head. Havoc flung his head, he ran blindly as he did. He swung the foe against his shoulder and heard a crack, his foe growled in pain. Havoc took to the air as he felt magic gathering around him he launched a riposte in the form of a power blast straight from his horn. His opponent released him to escape the destructive energy, and Havoc turned his bloodstained eye to him. A small alicorn flew before him, naked. He had a great golden mane and his fur was obsidian black, his eyes were solid white. Havoc saw what looked like a trio of thick blades extending from where his hooves should be, that was how he’d held on like he had. Blood surged through Havoc’s body and urged him to charge, he flew at him with more force than a freight train on the move. Havoc was stopped by the diminutive horse’s TK. “You live only because you are needed.” The little horse said. Havoc’s jaws opened wide and the little horse was surprised by a jet of white hot fire blasting from his mouth. He weathered the dragonfire with a quick spell. He was highly resistant to heat but that was not only extreme, it was dragonfire. Dragon fire is somewhat magical, it cannot be dispelled but it has a rather notorious tendency to ignore resistances. Dragons are powerful creatures indeed. The ancient unleashed a torrent of atom splitting rays. They would certainly wound the dragocorn, if they had connected. Havoc had thrown up a solid shield, and strength such as his renders an attack such as that moot. It was powerful but not enough. The pureblood turned to a different tactic. He reached directly into Havoc’s damaged mind and shut it down. Havoc dropped like a bag of rocks. The elder pulled his daughter through another hole in reality, a temporary wormhole really, and she hugged him strongly. She inhaled his scent in an effort to savor it and bring back the positive memories associated with it. He stiffened at her touch as he remembered the last physical interaction he’d had with her. She released her grip, which would have killed a normal pony, and took a few respectful steps back. She bowed low before the king. He nodded his approval. “So what now my king?” Celestia asked, she was careful not to call him dad. Luna flapped down beside them and glared at their father, who merely sneered in response. “What do you think, little girl? We drop him off near the place this manure started, put some walls around him, and when he wakes up we set him back on track. How many has he conquered by the way?” He asked tersely, his voice was like a small earthquake. The very air rippled no matter how low his volume was. He brought a glow that was not so much seen as felt wherever he went. “He’s at number six now, and we can just set him down by his companions. They seemed trustworthy, they haven’t betrayed him yet.” Celestia answered quickly. “He already has a retinue? It’s been mere days since he started, not counting his forced hibernation of course.” “I wouldn’t call them a retinue, they’re more of a group of individuals who happen to have aligned goals. They won’t last the end of the quest, even if they still live. Twilight will go home with Spike, the phoenicians will go their separate ways, Corrosive will go after his sister, and the wolf... Well he might stay for the mares, but that’s about it.” Luna corrected. “Hm.” “I don’t like the look of that zebra...” Celestia murmured. Said zebra was looking right at them, his eyes glowed yellow in the dim light. “I don’t trust him either, he just appeared from an area where our sight is blocked. He’s creepy and so’s the entity he seems so fond of communing with.” Luna agreed. “It matters little. If they will take care of him and set him on his way, then I say leave them to it.” Rex said, he lowered his muzzle next to Havoc’s left ear and whispered, “I know your kind. You hear me, you are not fully asleep and I know it. You probably haven’t had true sleep since your time as a yearling. You had best treat my other daughters well, they have never even seen a male in person and I will not have you damage them. I have kept them protected on Olympus, very well protected. I will stop at little to continue doing so.  Remember that.” He raised his head. “Goodbye daughters.” He said calmly. “Bye bye daddy!” Celestia said and hugged him again. “Goodbye father.” Luna said, somewhat coldly. Their father nodded and teleported away. The changeling flew over and poked Havoc in the ribs. “Well he’s not dead.” Scorch said evenly Author’s notes: Sorry about the delay. Stuff just kept coming up. Well I’m out Hope you liked it more than I did. And yes I stuck in the 41K  zone on purpose, I love Warhammer! > First Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmares: They really suck. Thrash laughed at what he saw. He couldn’t help it, it was simply too funny. The sight mentioned was none less than Luna, Celestia, and Scorch carrying an unconscious Havoc back to the devastated scene of the party. Luckily Twilight had managed to remove the splinters from the guests, repair the damaged furniture, get the wood out of the food and drinks, and repair her wall. Otherwise he might have been too busy helping the ponies with repair efforts to laugh, he was enjoying the attention he had gained just by being there all the same. The thing that made the sight funny was the way they went about it. Rather than carry him with magic they had opted to use physical strength. Celestia and Luna each had a wing across their backs, gripped tightly near the base with one of their own hooves. The zebra was holding up his head to take off some of the strain for the princesses. The effort they used was still quite evident, they were starting to sweat and their lips were closed tightly. They were not smiling. “Why didn’t you use magic?” Thrash asked with a sharp toothed grin. He didn’t mind their odd decision as the way the sweat streaked down their frames added to their beauty. They were downright sexy once they dropped Havoc behind them. The way they shook their heads like it would affect their hair pleased Thrash. “We don’t want to run the risk of waking him up. He may yet wake up in the same rampant rage he was in as when he was forcibly put to sleep.” Celestia replied. She was slightly larger than her sister and hadn’t used as much of her strength. It was still matching the force Luna had applied but it wasn’t as much as she was able. She finally cracked a smile as she looked to her panting sister. Thrash didn’t know why they were wearing their seemingly ceremonial armor. He did notice a glow of magic about them so he was certain they had some sort of abilities not meant to be obvious. It was very faint, so faint that no unicorn would see it. It was only because he was a very observant predator that he saw it. Luna sat down by the dragocorn and he noticed her horn glowing almost invisibly. Clearly effort was being put into keeping it hidden, the same faint glow was evident around the big male’s head. Thrash noted a faint green glow emitting from the zebragus’s eyes. Very strange. Thrash looked towards the other members of the group and noted that the one... What was he named again? Oh right! Corrosive Dash. Corrosive was having an animated conversation with Twilight Sparkle. He looked rather excited for some reason. “Well normally she’d be attending this sort of thing, Pinkie Pie does throw the best parties after all. Maybe she’s working with the Wonderbolts or the E.N.G. It would have to be important to miss this sort of thing, especially if she knew Havoc was coming.” Thrash heard as he listened in. “Why’s that?” Corrosive asked with slightly narrowed eyes. The scaly stallion did not look pleased. “Well she would feel obligated to protect the ponies here. You know...” She looked side to side and lowered her voice to a whisper, “If it wasn’t for her we’d be in a bad situation right now.” “What do you mean?’ He asked, lowering his voice in turn. “Well, from what she and Celestia told me... He was about to invade her body with a certain part of his own. Celestia’s, not Rainbow Dash. He knocked her up the wall and into the ceiling before the rest of us arrived. She’s the reason he didn’t kill off the guards and do that as soon he ripped the door out.” “How?” He seemed enraptured by this mention of his sister. Thrash was rather curious as well, Havoc was going to kill the guards and rape the princess? Well... He did get a sort of rapey vibe from the oversized fellow. But then why would the princesses of the nation of sissy ponies be with him? Wouldn’t he be in jail, for life? “Well at the start, before I was knocked unconscious, she tried to warn us. I heard her yelling at us mere seconds before he ripped the door from its place, that door was meant to stop equivalent sized dragons you should know. Then while we were just gaping at him as he charged up the corridor with murder in his eyes, she counter charged and knocked him flat on his back. Then he knocked her off with a swing of his horn but she took the altitude gain in stride and dove down at him. Unfortunately he grabbed her chest and slammed her into the floor as he stood over her, then he tried to impale her with one of his claws but missed and it got stuck in the floor for a few seconds. We were all running to help her by the time he slid her into a wall with a shove of his hoof. Then he moved really fast to where she was and turned before he slammed her up the wall and into the ceiling with a swing of the tail. That isn’t the end of her contribution however. Would you like to hear the full story.?” She whispered. “I would love too.” He whispered back, unaware that they had gained a small audience by this point. A few ponies had just barely heard them and listened in, it was not a bad story. Not for one focused on a single conflict at least. “Well in that case... Next the princesses and I followed the Royal Guard into battle, I was directly behind and between Celestia and Luna. We had to jump aside when Havoc trampled the Guards ahead of us, it was kinda scary to see those big stallions knocked aside like that, but some of them managed to grab onto him in passing and he bumped into a wall. Well, actually it was more of a crash, he made a really big dent when he impacted. As he threw off the guards that managed to hold on the other formed up around him and kept him against that wall. We got behind them in preparation and he roared so loudly that the very air was visibly rippling. That put my head between my hooves but I was still conscious, I know Celestia grabbed him because when I opened my eyes her horn’s glow matched the one around him. He then retaliated by grabbing her and slamming her into her sister from the side, and I bought them some time by hitting him with a very heavy wave of pressure. He just got pushed back with a bunch of sparks as his hooves gouged the floor. He blasted me with a much lighter wave and I was sent against the far wall. I saw some sort of multicolored light behind my closed eyes and then I heard an inequine scream. I didn’t sound like a sound any horse should make, it was like a dragon, a horse, and something I can’t name all at once. I heard three, no, four! Four separate voices in that scream. It was a horrible sound. I opened my eyes to see a terrible darkness crushing the princess, the guards were scattered around the room but all were far from Havoc. Luna’s horn glow and I don’t know what she tried but he just twitched one of his eyes to look at her. Then he shoved her down so hard she cried out in pain, I think he was trying to shove her into the floor for some reason. Celestia did some thing, something that caused the air around him to ripple like a heat wave. Only this was way more ripply, it must have been... I don’t even know how hot that must have been for the air to look like a whirlpool. Havoc roared but I couldn’t tell if it was pain or anger, probably both. I readied my magic and loosed a bolt of condensed power at him, it hit him right in his chest. That was a mistake it seemed as he grabbed me and slammed me into the wall behind me over and over and over again. Then he dragged me up the wall and my damaged skin was torn so I left a trail of blood, then I was dragged across the ceiling until I was right over him. Then he lowered me to just above the bubble of heat and-” “Woah, how did you stay awake through all that pain?” A nearby pink mare with a blonde mane whispered. Twilight sighed as she realised they’d been listening to them. “Well I was about to get to that.” She answered. “Oh, sorry. Please go on.” The mare whispered back. The party was rather quiet seeing as everypony was trying to hear the story. “As I was saying,” Twilight began, “He was threatening to drop me into the bubble which would surely result in my demise. I only know about anything past the first three impacts because the princesses told me. I would have burned away in my sleep had not Celestia noticed the intent in his eyes when they met hers. She released the bubble and he dropped me onto his back.” “Wouldn’t that burn?” Asked a pegasus stallion with a spiked up, dark blue mane. “Yes but he started dragging cool air across me to protect me from the heat, I think his mane might be more resistant to heating as well.” Twilight responded. “Cool.” A purplish blue pegasus mare with a spiky blue and white mane commented. “Sort of, back to the story. Ahem, while I was still unconscious he jumped over to Luna and knocked her out with a single blow. She was okay though, and he stopped trying to fuse her with the floor after that. Then he walked behind Celestia and stopped crushing her, I really don’t think he would have killed her though, and got in position over her.” “What for?” Asked a pale green unicorn mare with a light blue and white mane. “He was going to mount her, in a sexual way.” Twilight supplied. “Huuh!” The crowd around them whisper gasped. “Don’t worry, it ends well.” Twilight reassured them. “Whew.” They sighed in relief. “He was close, so close she could feel the burning heat of his smoldering body. Then again you could feel that from a leg away, still. Yet one of the scariest parts was the silence, even though he was surely in agonizing pain he was totally silent. Celestia actually felt kinda bad for him, he was so injured. And he didn’t even want to do the thing he was about to.” Several heads tilted in confusion. “What we didn’t know at the time was that he was a virgin, and where he came from they start even earlier than we do.” “How soon?” Asked a stallion who could not be seen. “Legally fourteen, usually eight.” “Ewww...” The crowd whispered. “Yes, savages. Now then, another thing was that where he come from there are two kinds of madness. The just plain crazy, like running around trying to cut off your own hooves, and then there’s the feral. It’s a disease or genetic defect that they’re all born with, if they lose their minds to great emotion or they are isolated for too long they start to change. It doesn’t just alter their minds and mannerisms, it mutates their genes. While the first might just be a wild thing, further down the line you’ll see greater physical mutation until you wouldn’t even know them to be related to the original species. And this was quite stressful for Havoc. He’d been dragged out of his homeworld, tortured by a botched examination spell, locked up in a prison designed to hold adolescent dragons, and he had no means of getting back to his Pandemonium of a planet. He was badly stressed already. But when he saw the princesses and they saw his... reproductive member, his newfound lust pushed him over the edge.” “Why were they looking back there?” A nearby light blue unicorn mare with a blue and purple mane inquired. “He had to go and his cell didn’t have a bathroom. They told him the floor would absorb it, when he tried to hide his stallionhood from them they told him to knock it off as they’d be seeing it eventually.” A round of “oh”s followed. The same mare remained curious. “Well?” “Well what?” Twilight asked. “What was it like?” “What was what like?” “His, repo- reproc- his watchamacallit.” “Why do you want to know?” She rubbed the back of her head with a hoof as she answered, “Well... I was sorta wondering what the princess was about to be invaded by. I mean look at him! He’s huge! And I bet he’s pretty big back there too.” “Well it was smooth, dark red, and the biggest one on record.” Jaws dropped. “What? His phallus is proportional to his overall size, seeing as he’s the biggest equine in history he is therefore in possession of the biggest male reproductive member.” Twilight continued. “How big would you say Twilight?” The same mare asked. “I’d say about... a leg and a half of a hoof long?” The mare fainted at this. Luckily the ponies were so packed around them that she never hit the floor “Yeesh. Who could he possibly... Oh. Right.” A nearby stallion came to a halt as he realized the stallion’s target in the story. “Yes well that’s a rough estimate, he never seems to keep it out long enough for me to measure it. Well, at least it doesn’t stay outside of a body long enough for that. Back to the story. Now then, it was a close cut thing. Not just for her, also for him. The feral starts with a faint screaming and it gets louder over numerous months, for him it was growing louder with far greater speed than it should. She could feel the heat of his burnt claws as they reached down to grasp her. He pulled her hips up and mere seconds before he entered her, Rainbow Dash to the rescue. She slammed her forehooves into into his forehead and just beside his left eye, and grabbed me as she went by. She safely deposited me beside Luna as he fell on his right side. While he struggled to his hooves Celestia turned on the heat and he growled in outrage. With the growl he sent his first blast of pure, unrestrained, unshaped, power. Right at Celestia. She would have been a goner if not for Rainbow Dash swooping in and pulling her out of the way. As rainbow Dash got ready to charge, her eyes and Celestia’s met. They were in sync as she charged, just before she would have been scorched Celestia dispelled the heat. Havoc must have heard her or something because he opened his eyes, which were fused shut, just before she impacted his face. Apparently they sprayed blood as the skin, which was burnt together, tore as his eyes opened wide. Then there was a big thump as she rammed him in the side of the jaw and his temple. His head smacked into the wall as his body dropped, he left a nasty looking streak as it dragged down the wall to join his body on the floor.” “Woooaaah.” Went the crowd,” Then what?” They asked. Their herd mentality had temporarily synchronized their minds. “Then Celestia woke up Luna and I and we slid that ring down his horn. It was custom made for him so there wasn’t any trouble.” Twilight finished. “Does that mean all three of you are married to him? Would being married really change him that much?” The group whisper spoke. “No. It’s like a dog collar. It claims him as Equestria’s and let’s us know where he is. That’s all it does. We had to train and condition him for a while before he got to where he is.” She said before they asked if it did anything else. Twilight was, of course, lying through her teeth. She knew full well what it did. Thrash didn’t. “Interesting.” He murmured. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While this was going on Havoc was experiencing a most interesting slumber. It started out with the usual comforting darkness but soon turned into a series of dreams. He’d always had a rather troubled mind and his dreams tended to reflect that. As such, every dream he’d ever had was a nightmare. The two mighty entities messing with his head found this out the hard way. Chrysalis and Luna both tried to bend his mind in ways mutually favorable. Havoc felt his eyes open, his dreams were always very vivid ,and looked around to see that he was in a deep trench. He knew it was deep because the top was past his head and his allies had to stand up to shoot. He heard gunfire and looked at his body to examine himself. He was in the old Ustulo Lux armor. That meant he was probably facing the Ligers. The Ligers were a nation who’d somehow pissed of the Al’ Hira, who were sometimes known as the Empire of the Blazing Sun, it was entirely likely that they’d insulted their sole emperor or said something bad about the sun they semi-worshipped. The Al’ Hira have had the same Emperor since their humble beginnings, and it has lasted well past a thousand years.  They sometimes called the sun Sol and sometimes called the moon Selene, they had a near religion whose pantheon consisted of the sun, the moon, and the emperor. As such an insult to any of these bodies is reason enough to go to war for the bloodthirsty Al’ Hira. The Ustulo Lux armor was heat treated, blood quenched, steel and forged in molds for maximum strength. A two piece cuirass laid over lorica segmentata, the lorica segmentata was strips of steel held together with attachments of bronze or copper. It provided reasonable protection for the torso and shoulders and acceptable flexibility. Beneath the lorica segmentata, a shirt made from the skin or fur of some unknown animal, sometime human, protected the legionnaires body from the tough metal shell. This shirt was black, to symbolize burning, and long sleeved to reach the wrists. Also worn was a soft pair of black pants that reached the ankles, underneath was grey underwear for the groin. The upper arms were protected by rerebraces that were clicked closed around the arm along the front, the forearms were protected by bracers of similar design. The hands were protected by gloves of the same hybrid material that lay underneath powered armor, gauntlets with spikes along the back of the the knuckles and the middle of the phalanx bones nearest to the palm. The thighs were protected by joint fused cuisses that clicked closed in the back, the lower legs(shins) were protected by greaves of similar design. The boots were also of the nameless material that lay beneath power armor and had plates of metal running along the top of the foot and a long band wrapped around the sole. The helmet protected the head fully and thinned around the ears to enable the soldier wearing to hear his commander with ease, it had a singular wide visor that was red from the outside to let the soldier see, it had small holes designed into the front to allow the soldier to breath mostly unhindered, and a pair of clamps to hold the jaw plate in place. Officers had a blood red leather skirt that reached the knees, their helms were also adorned with forward facing a blade crest.. The lorica segmentata was painted black, the other plates were painted white, in addition a red sun was painted on the forehead of the helmet. A soldier was rather distinct in the Ustulo Lux but that was partly the point. It was scary, easily noticed, and sent a very bad message to the enemy. Havoc sat dazed as he saw his fellow crusaders standing and firing at intervals, then he heard a sound like the roar of a train going through a tunnel combined with that of a lion that rippled like the bleat of a goat. His fellow crusaders roared and began to charge up a dirt and corpse ramp next to him. A centurion saw him simply sitting there and addressed this immediately. “Get up you big lug!” The smaller man bellowed as he gave him a swift kick to the chest and took a few steps back. It didn’t hurt but the ringing broke him from his stupor and he rose to his feet. “That’s it ya monster! Now follow me, I’ll need your machine gun. Make sure you have iron rounds in.” The centurion said with glee. His chest plate was decorated with various medals that pierced a small strip of white cloth that hung around the upper portion of his chest. Havoc rose and checked the ammo belt that fed into his chaingun, he was indeed loading iron rounds. He nodded to his commander who waved him along as he ran up the ramp. Havoc just jumped over the ridge of the trench and kept pace. He breathed heavily as he followed the man across the battlefield. His commander made a gesture with his left hand and Havoc thumped ahead of him and started shooting. His bullets punched through the white, black striped, armor of the Ligers ahead of him. It made a slight whir that mixed with a sound like a throat being cleared rapidly as it released hard iron from its muzzle. The Ligers roared in pain as they were gunned down. Havoc kept up the storm until they stopped twitching and screaming, then the centurion stepped forwards and placed a bullet between the eyes of anyone that he deemed “not dead enough”. This was a legitimate concern for them as necro striders could be a serious problem for anyone. Necro striders are the result of a bacterium that lurks in various places, when the bacterium gets in it adapts to the host and starts to eat off hostile organisms that enter or already inhabit the body. When they reach the brain they have usually become so adapted to their environment that they cannot survive outside of their environment, this is an evolutionary adaptation. When they have fully infested the body they started to develop pods that contain a basic form of the bacterium. These pods are released by injury and waste. When the body ceases to truly live the bacterium will sacrifice countless members to “restart” the life processes of their precious host. They typically have minds that are more predatory and less intelligent due to damaged or corroded brain cells. They are also notoriously hard to kill. Only by sufficiently damaging the brain, which is the body’s control center, will you keep the things down. There is a reason certain areas within their territory are not inhabited by the Al’ hira, these areas are typically patrolled by Al’ hira soldiers in biohazard armor and powered armor from demigod and up. The centurion marched ahead and Havoc followed close at his heels. He followed his commander to an advancing enemy tank, a tank that soon burst into flame with a mortar shot. They took cover in front of the dead tank and waited for survivors to come down the frontal assault ramp of the big vehicle. It swung down and a few screaming soldiers poured out. Havoc stepped before them and opened fire with his chaingun. Some were burning as he gunned them down mercilessly. He was joined by his smaller commander who opened fire with his autogun. Autogun was their word for the rifles that fired rapidly without the wielder having to press the trigger for every shot or having to reload with every bullet fired, basically they renaimed submachine guns in their ignorance. The pistol was mostly for executions or work that required more accuracy than bullets, the centurion’s pistol also fired rounds coated in liquid fire which made it perfect for killing necro striders. Havoc and the unknown centurion finished off the last twitching survivors when they entered the big vehicle and did a quick search. They soon abandoned the tank as they heard the roar of an approaching Sword Colossus. Havoc followed his superior as they marched to another fight. This time it was mostly infantry and Havoc grinned under his helmet, he licked at his teeth and found them to be sharpened as they should be. He may not remember the battle but the pain of having his teeth ground into shape soon after his inception into the army never left his memory. He kept up the march and went on to kill at least three scores more of Ligers. He laughed despite knowing how they were slaughtering his brethren. He had arrived in time to watch a group of them butcher four squads of legionnaires, then he gunned down the Liger soldiers alongside three surviving squads. In the chaos of battle you never know if you’ll live. Havoc had long been an adrenaline junkie and had a taste for battle that was matched only by his more zealous, or crazy, brethren. He had gladly killed his own that dared to turn, he had in fact killed many of his oldest and closest friends. Havoc knew they likely would have done the same. If he was ordered to do something he typically did it, and sometimes the crime needed no order to guarantee the unfortunate's execution. Havoc thrilled in glory of battle, and he enjoyed this one as much as he enjoyed any other. He reveled in the blood as it sprayed from holes punched in bodies, felt great joy as he carved great rifts in flesh with his sword, and laughed madly as he stood atop piles of dead to keep killing. As an airplane fell towards him he fired his last bullets at it until he hit something vital. It exploded and the nose split open well before it was upon him. He smiled as the pure happiness he felt when killing washed over him as he saw the shredded occupants of said plane falling from the rent he had made. He did not move from his position on a pile of dead, both Al’ hira and Liger, which in turn covered a destroyed tank as the plane fell towards him. He did not particularly care if it killed him. His commander, however, shivered in fear while pressed closely against him in the hope that the psychopath’s bulk would shield him from the descending vessel. It’s great shearing sides were well clear of them though the back of the cockpit stopped mere feet from Havoc’s head. He sighed happily before reaching up and ripping out the door. He lifted his commander to the hole before jumping up to follow, he struggled through the door as it was not built to accommodate beings of his size. When he finally pulled his legs through, tearing the door wider just to get his shoulders through, he dragged himself from the doorway and sat to catch his breath. He found himself to be on the verge of hyperventilation and worked to slow his rapid breaths. The world grew dimmer as his pupils shrank and adrenaline stopped flooding his veins. “Come on, something doesn’t feel right.” He heard the centurion call from somewhere above. He nodded and followed the the light tapping of his commander’s metal protected fingers as they tapped against a wall. He slung his spent gun across his back before beginning his climb. When he met up with the man he drew his sword, he could climb well enough with one hand. He followed through the corridors and eventually smelled something, it reminded him of brimstone mixed with methane. He snorted and he heard something snort back. His eyes widened as his head turned to find a pair of slavering jaws just beginning to come through a doorway that lacked a door. He felt his pupil’s expand as bloodlust and fear mixed, one telling him to run and the other telling him to leap at it with a roar. His commander noted the halted motion and turned to face the thing. It had a long snout that ended in a shape reminiscent of a predatory saurian. There was a crest of bone that ran its length until it reached a little past the things eyes. They were blue and had great circular pupils, Havoc hated that color. Blue eyes had always freaked him out, at least on humans, and for some reason they carried the same qualities as those of man. Its teeth were like great daggers that jutted from its jaw and its skin was mottled red. It licked its teeth as it looked upon Havoc and he got an odd feeling from that act. Somehow it was more unsettling than the usual hunger looks he got from predators, bigger or more vicious humans included. It made a noise like metal beings punctured as it moved and Havoc noted that its claws did indeed penetrate the metal. Which explained how it was coming at them upside down. He waved his sword menacingly at it but what lips it had merely pulled back in what Havoc could swear was a smile. Havoc’s people do not bare their teeth when the smile, such is a threat. Havoc carefully took a widespread stance as it began to circle them from above. Its apparent intellect halted the centurion as he trained his autogun on the things very visible eyes. It dropped down behind them with a thump and Havoc twisted to face it, he swung his sword in a horizontally angled arc as its jaw came at his face. The things claws slammed the blade aside and the great slavering maw gripped his cranium. Not a bad way to die really, then he saw its bruised purple tongue licking around his head. It struck him as interesting, it was possibly looking for the latches that held his helm to his head. He coughed as its foul breath entered his helmet alongside saliva, it smelled of rotting meat. He vaguely heard an agonized roar and the thing chuckled. He heard it grunt in pain at something as he was swung about and finally the sound of the autogun died. He supposed his centurion was dead now and awaited his fate. He couldn’t fight the thing, it was far stronger than him. He couldn’t get at its eyes, they were well out of its reach. He couldn’t bite it from inside his helmet and he giggled at the thought of the painful modification to help him fight being rendered useless by something meant to protect him. He felt himself being carried away to some other part of the plane and wondered how it carried him. It was rather thin despite its five and a half meter length, and two of those meters were tail. At some point they came to a stop and he heard what sounded like a sigh of relief from the thing. It may well be descended of ferals. Then he vaguely felt its claws scraping across his armor and realised that was very bad, very, very, very bad indeed. He struggled against its claws as they ran across him and it laughed around his head. He was slammed into a corner of some sort and his limbs held down as what he believed to be fore claws raked at his armor with greater effect. He began to whimper as he felt his armor disintegrating beneath its ministrations. He felt his chest grow cooler and shuddered in fear. Ferals weren’t just abominations, nor were they mere beasts. They were smart enough to know their origins in many cases. And that was often very bad for those they took prisoner. Sometimes they kept them as food, uncaring of the latent cannibalism. Some took pleasure in torturing their captives, either for the sheer fun of it or to avenge some believed ancestor who was supposedly left out as they viewed  all reasonably regular humans to be equally responsible for their present circumstance. At times they took normals as slaves, or worse still for the purpose of reproduction. The horrors they were capable of were at times so terrible as to be thought unspeakable. This was what scared Havoc so that he began to call out to any being that would listen, he knew nothing would hear him through the salivating cave so he called out with his min. The jaws released their gentle grip on his head and the claws began to pry at his armor. He struggled, thrashing his head as they took hold. He even tried to impale himself on their sharp tips in his desperation to escape. Death was better than what awaited him. It finally tore his helmet into pieces and got them far from his reach, then it looked into his eyes from behind its meter long jaws. Long but thin, yet strong enough to crush metal. He whimpered as it turned its gaze lower. He tried to kick anything he could, but failed as its long legs kept it well beyond Havoc’s reach. It turned its body to reach at his lower parts Havoc screamed in the hope of hurting it ears. It did not react. It quickly tore his leg armor apart and tossed aside the shredded remnants of his cuirass. He shivered in fear. A lone claw descended towards his crotch and he awaited painful maiming. It tore carefully and he felt himself exit the confines of his underwear, he kept his eyes closed as the thing hissed with unidentifiable emotion. He felt tears leaking from his yes and shook his head painfully hard to clear them. He opened them to find the things muzzle just before his face, its head tilting to the side in what may have been curiosity. Malevolence was clear in its eyes as it bared what teeth weren’t visible in a great smile. Havoc snarled and bared his own in challenge. It slammed a fore claw beside his head and he furrowed his brow defiantly. Its feet left his arms and were immediately replaced by its mighty talons, Havoc was confused at this point. Didn’t it plan to maim and torture him with his fore claws? Perhaps it was going to mercifully gut him with its rear claws. One poised to tear him and he kept up the defiant look, he was hoping it would end like this. He was all too wrong. Something grey sprayed from between its legs onto him, then its leg securely pinned down one of his own. Then its hand took the place of its other foot and it too descended to pin his thrashing limb. The liquid burned him, it burned horribly. The thing looked smug at the pain he endured. The liquid ran down his stomach and between, as well as along, his legs. He roared in agony and the thing merely spilled more of its awful breath onto his face, now it was joined by saliva. He soon shut his mouth for fear of the stuff getting inside of him. He simply breathed rapid, shallow, breaths as it lowered its face just before his. It savored his pain as the fluid burned him. It extended its bruised purple tongue to lick his skin and washed over his tightly shut eyes with vigor. Then he felt the burning pain change. He felt a less familiar but more recent pain and his eyes shot open. He saw its skin shifting as its hips lowered towards his, saw a thin hole exposed and raged against his mind. He suspected his recent activities had influenced his sick mind to produce this nightmare. He shook his head and burning tears leaked out. He begged the gods for aid, he begged the goddesses, he begged the emperor. He didn’t want- this? Suddenly he was marching at the head of an army. He was now in the standard armor of the empire. The metal was all fire blackened steel. A grey long sleeve and equally grey pants covered his skin, he never did find out where the hide and cloth for the stuff came from. His chest was protected by a two piece cuirass that clicked shut along the bottom. His shoulders by arrowhead like pauldrons that were attached to the cuirass by swivel clamps. His forearms were covered by bracers that had slight extension across the elbow for jabbing, they shut along the forward edge of his arms. His lower legs were protected by greaves that had slight extensions over the knees for kneeing opponents, they closed along the back of his calves. His feet were covered by strong rubber and leather boots with metal edging along the soles and spikes running down the soles themselves. They had leather laces that he’d carefully tied, he knew too many who had died because their shoelaces were untied or not tied well enough. His helmet had two lenses for the eyes and of course the same separate headphones on the sides that all Al’ hira armor shared. In front of his mouth was a microphone and it connected to a speaker that allowed him to communicate with those without the helmets. His commanders could hear every word he said through that microphone, as could nearby allies. He looked about the rank he was a part of and noticed they were all larger than average. He marched alongside a female he recognized as Lithe. Females were easily identified due to the way Al’ hira armor was designed, it was designed to match the figure of the wearer and as such females breasts were often rather noticeable.He didn’t know what her name meant but he did know that she was armed with a small autocannon. Though why the smaller female specialised in the use of such a large weapon baffled him. He remembered her well, they had often slept together. Not in the Equestrian way, they literally slept together. She knew he wouldn’t try anything with her and as such felt safe with the male who was over half a foot taller than the seven foot female. She often cuddled up against him, he didn’t mind the presence of the attractive female. She was built lean and muscular, had golden eyes, straight white hair that reached past her shoulder blades, shiny white teeth, yellowish skin (which was common), an average proportioned and elvishly pointy nose (though in his world elves were thought of as far scarier than our equivalent, pretty or nice to look at, certainly easy on the eyes, but scary all the same), large breasts, and she had his peoples naturally unblemished skin. Havoc was in some ways blessed to be such a bastion of celibacy back then. He remembered this battle well, he was often paired with Lithe in part because of similar size but mostly because his chaingun went well with her autocannon, and was horrified by what was to come. He saw a slight lump in the dirt ahead and shot at it until it exploded. “Mines!” He roared. His comrades began to scan with eyes and sensors for the devices. Soon explosions were frequent as they shot the devastating devices. The line of giants never slowed and their great strides brought them ever closer to the Pureblood fortress the assailed. The giants lead a wave of infantry because missiles and mortars were shot out of the sky while tanks and powered armor just stopped once they went past a certain point. They didn’t know why but had already prepared a solution. He saw the turrets turning towards them and began to shoot at the tough bubbles with guns sticking out of them. His iron rounds bounced off of the tough transparent fortress. The main reason Purebloods were both rare and very hard to kill was due to spending much of their lives in these super fortresses. Havoc turned his gun to other parts in the hope of damaging something. The line marched inexorably onwards, most of the mines were dead but the few unnoticed were devastating and blew great holes in the ranks. Havoc finally drew the attention of the Purebloods when he shot at a specific panel. He knew he had their attention because a three limbed robot emerged from a hidden port above it and charged him. He turned his chaingun on the robot and roared in bloodlust and fury as it kept coming. A quartet of gun arms emerged from its chest and started shooting at him, submachine guns poured bullets into his chestplate. He staggered but the impacts had yet to penetrate, so he kept shooting. Soon he hissed as metal bullets began to make deep dents in his armor. Eventually he hit something vital and the robot began to limp at him while billowing smoke from its chest, the smoke curled around it body and left a thin trail. Within seconds of this wounding it was upon him. He broke the line and ran at it as it closed, still firing. It grabbed his arm with one arm and his gun with the other, it proceeded to rip his gun from his grip and slam him headfirst into the ground. Seconds later it reeled back from an autocannon shot and Havoc rose with a moan of pain to grab it by its leg and swing it into the ground. He pulled out his sword and stabbed it up through it visible mechanical guts into its head. It scraped furrows into his armor with its death throes. Havoc nodded to Lithe before retrieving his gun and getting back in line. He whimpered in pain caused by the damage to his neck and lithe looked over to him. “You need a medic?” She asked. While her voice was deeper than that of the typical female it was still quite feminine. “I don’t, ow, know. My neck really hurts.” He replied. “Fix it, I’ll cover for you.” “You, nng, sure?” “I can keep up the damage you were doing with ease, pretty easy to top nothing.” She said with a chuckle. Havoc released air as he slung his gun over his shoulder and reached up to grasp his neck. He felt at it and with a quick diagnosis snapped it into place. He hissed with pain. Then he reached back and grabbed his chaingun and resumed firing. He hit the weak point again and yet more robots rushed him, three this time. Lithe started shooting at them, turning from the turret she had just destroyed to aid her comrade. One dropped dead from her careful shots, another limped. The third didn’t seem too bothered by it missing chunk of chest and Havoc had to pull his sword on it. He executed the other with his chaingun, after kicking it onto its back, with a sustained burst from his gun. He noted similar war machines running at various soldiers across the line. He saw a mortar shot coming and instinctively ran ahead, he just made it into the survival zone as it hit. “Aaaaaarrrghh!!” He roared as he was knocked down by the massive impact. He rose shortly with a pained wince and charged at the position. His armor was burning his skin through the clothing, numerous shards of shrapnel and damaged armor penetrated his back, and he could smell his flesh burning. He roared incomprehensible gibberish as he increased speed in his run. He had learned the best place to shoot so when a lone machine charged him he simply rammed his gun into its chest and kept shooting as he arced it overhead, he hardly slowed as he did this. He stopped shooting and whipped out his sword with his left hand. He jammed the blade into a gap and pried the panel free. He fired the last of his chain into the mechanisms beneath and turned as he saw the turret turn to face him. He roared as he charged it, sword held ahead of him, only to be gunned down by the massive barrel that pointed to him. He awoke from the darkness to feel miserable, his chest was punctured and his sword was in chunk around him. A shard attached to the hilt was impaling his chest and he felt it slicing at his insides as he rose. He roared foolishly as he charged once more, the pilot inside failed to recognize his threat as he or she was preoccupied with the waves of infantry charging from afar. Havoc pounded on the bubble madly until he realised he was getting nowhere. He looked to the shard in his chest and ripped it out quickly, he jammed it into a joint and pushed it in. He pulled out and made a little room, he slid it higher and repeated this process. He stopped when the blade broke off. Then he turned the the long gap he had made and slid his fingers in. He pulled as hard as he could and felt the metal slowly giving. The pilot desperately tried to turn but the shard in its mechanisms halted it. “Raaaaaaaahhhh!” Havoc cried as he pulled it open. The pilot disconnected from the numerous wires that connected him to his machine and turned a pistol to Havoc’s damaged helm. Havoc grabbed the man’s hand and pulled him out, ignoring the bullets that impacted his gauntlet. He slammed the man into the ground and placed a foot upon his chest and let his weight compress the highly advanced chestplate his foe wore. He reached down with his free hand and pulled at the man’s head. His pure and healthy enemy began to scream as Havoc tore at him. Havoc laughed with madness and childish joy as he slowly beheaded the man. His foes head ripped free in a spray of gore and Havoc held the bleeding trophy high, the blood dripped down on his helm from above. Then something smashed into the back of his head and the world was gone. Havoc groaned as he awakened, still in his dream, at an unknown time. He looked about and saw machinery and a few men and women who kept grinning as they looked down on him. “How do you feel?” Asked a dark skinned man, his skin was some shade of brown and his eyes were yellow. “Braagh!” Havoc went as he puked off the side of his bed. A nearby man eagerly took notes of this. “Interesting... Get up soldier.” The man commanded, he almost immediately donned goggles with dark blue lenses and rims and straps embedded with machinery. Havoc swung his naked feet of the side and looked at his chest. He groaned as he saw the metal in his chest. It was visible over four of his right ribs, the middle ones, and he saw it scattered around that section. He touched it and and winced slightly as he got used to the odd feeling. He could feel his bones beneath. He knew the scientists were taking notes though he heard them not, they were scribbling on data slates with electropens. He rose to his feet, the doctor/surgeon/scientist outranked him. He looked over at the man in his red armor and white man skirt. On his chest plate and the sides of his man skirt, the symbol of the Al’ hira was emblazoned. A machine handed him a large chunk of metal and he held it with ease, he was surprised at how light it felt. “Well done sir! Your machine works perfectly!” A nearby female said as he rest of the room stomped their right feet in approval. “Since you’re fit to fight you’ll be in the last wave. You’re fortunate to have had an ally such as yours. She told me she dragged your heavy form all the way here, seconds before she dropped dead from bloodloss.” Havoc was saddened by the doctors words. “Now give the metal back.” The scientist ordered. Havoc did so. “And here’s your identifier.” The dark man said as he handed him a silver card inscribed in white and blue. He dutifully took the card and exited the large tent as a new patient was carried in on a stretcher. He limped until he fully regained feeling in his legs and feet, then he jogged to the armorer. The armorer sat in front of a large vehicle, which held the army’s armor and weaponry. Havoc held his card out to the man. “Ahh yes, that one. Had to get you a new suit since that one’s too mangled to be used again so quickly.” The armorer said after scanning his card with his mechanical left eye. He reached back and waved his machinery enhanced hand across a screen and the machine opened up. Out came a series of machine limbs that held a new suit of armor, as well as clothing, for Havoc. He placed his card on the armorer’s desk and pulled on the boxer briefs first, then the pants, followed by the shirt. Next he put on the armor. He raised the chest piece over his head and placed it on his frame. Then he clicked it closed at the bottom. He grabbed his boots and put his bare feet inside of each before tying the laces. Next he grabbed his greaves and clicked them on too. He grabbed the grey gloves and pulled them onto his hands and felt them out. When he was satisfied he took hold of the bracers and carefully put them on. Now he took each pauldron and clamped them to the cuirass. finally he grasped his helmet and almost reverently slid it onto his cranium. His pulled the straps at the bottom along bottom, near the jaws, together and they combined with a click. With his armor on the machine limbs retracted and out came his weaponry. He was surprised to see a chainsword. He quickly grasped the blade and pressed on the activation rune. It roared to life and he grinned under his helm. Chainswords were notorious for making a mockery of light armor and being a serious threat to heavy armor. He pressed the activation rune again and it stopped it spinning. He grabbed the sheath by the belt it was currently attached too and carefully placed the chainsword on the armorers desk. He clasped the belt and picked up the chainsword, he slid it into its sheath and felt joy at the killing he could accomplish with this thing. He grabbed his new chaingun and looked over it quickly, everything seemed to be in order so he reached out and grabbed a belt of steel rounds. He opened the breech and placed the first bullet inside, the gun gripped the bullet and he closed the breech. The breech panel separated to allow the belt to further supply ammo. He took hold of the box the belt fed into and strapped it to his back. The ammo box was thin but long and moderately wide. The straps were designed to go around a warrior’s back. He hefted his gun in one hand and reached for his dagger. He grabbed the strap and lay the gun along the floor on two support struts. He tied the sheathed weapon around his thigh by its strap before reaching up to take his pistol. He grabbed the straps and clasped it onto his belt. He picked up his chaingun and rose to his full height before reaching over to grab his identifier, he slid it into its place on his belt. “Hurry over to the staging area, the final wave launches soon.” The armorer suggested and Havoc nodded his assent before running off to do his part. He soon arrived behind the soldiers who spared him but a glance before returning their eyes to the demigod armored centurion. He stood ahead of them for a moment before raising his right arm. The soldiers readied themselves for the desperate sprint. The arm dropped and the soldiers dashed forwards, fronts held low to minimize wind resistance. They were silent as they charged, most knew from years in the slums and wilds that to reveal yourself with noise was to die. The slums and wilds comprised much of the empire and were the main source of soldiers. Mortars and heavy bullets blasted into the mass but the fallen were ignored unless they were a direct hindrance, then they were vaulted over or shoved aside. They each attempted to avoid the bullets and shells that flew at them in their hunger for blood. They were soon upon the walls and Havoc noted that the horde had made a gap for him. He increased speed and sprinted ahead to slam into a gap, shoulder first. It tore open and he stumbled inside, soon he was being swept forwards by the mass of his fellow warriors He rushed ahead shooting anything that didn’t have his people’s distinct armor, many pureblood guardians rushed out to defend their own. Many died. Soldiers crashed into them with howls, screams, roars, and silence alike. Havoc ripped through numerous guardians with his gun as the horde around him began to spread out throughout the fortress. Soon he was with but three of his fellows. They rushed down a corridor to find eight guardians, the guardians were armored in blue and they were fully covered. Dark grey clothing was evident around and beneath the solid blue, the helmets made no noise despite fully enclosing the head without any obvious air holes or filtration. They shot at Havoc and his compatriots with long submachine guns that spat red bullets. The bullets burned as they penetrated his armor and Havoc hissed in pain as he fired back. His steel penetrated their armor where it was not so heavy and he wondered what it was composed of. As he swept his gun across the group his allies shot and died as they were shot in turn and the hall was riddled with ricochet scars. Now but a single man limped alongside Havoc and he slowed his pace He reached down to support the man with his left hand and his comrade gratefully accepted. They walked together watching for enemies, they came upon a pile of Al’ hira bodies and continued. They soon found the creator of the pile as they came to a sparking doorway, in between the doors was a dea Al’ hira soldier. Havoc walked up to the doors and after leaning his comrade against a wall he grabbed one and slammed it back into the wall. He walked back to his comrade and held him again. Havoc went ahead, leaning to pass, and gently pulled his comrade through. They turned a corner and his comrade died by a bullet between the eyes. Havoc looked at their enemy and found him to be but a boy with a pistol. He stood before a group of women and younger children and shivered in his ill-fitting armor as he tried to shoot his now empty gun. Havoc calmly stalked forwards and slung his gun over his shoulders. He drew his sword with his right hand and activated it, the boy began to shiver as he heard the roar. “Heheheheheheheh...” Havoc chuckled darkly as the boy threw the gun aside in favor of a large glowing knife. Havoc’s head tilted to the side in interest. When he came in range he lazily swung his sword and to his amazement the teeth scraped across the knife, the blow drove the boy to his knees all the same. He stepped on the boy’s chest and the boy fell to his back. The young man stabbed him in the side of his leg and Havoc laughed at the pain of the hot blade penetrating his tough armor and muscle. Havoc raised his sword high to disembowel the boy and a woman ran at him screaming. Instead of attacking she just grabbed his chest and cried. “Please! I-I know you!” She cried. Havoc was confused but the boy reacted by halting his repeated stabbing. “You killed my husband! I saw you! You ripped his emplacement open and pulled him out, you ripped his head off! Please, you’ve already taken my husband don’t take my son as well!” She pleaded. The boy began to whimper. Havoc kept his sword ready. He was here to kill, not negotiate. “Take me instead! I shall take the blade for my son’s life!” She begged. Havoc turned his eyes upon her. She wasn’t bad looking. But he accepted the deal as she stated it. He grabbed her around the throat and held her high with one hand. She struggled for air. “Momma, no!!!” The boy screamed and resumed his stabbing with new vigor. Havoc drove the blade into her stomach then up her chest before throwing her aside and taking his foot from the boy’s chest. The women and children were screaming in fear. He grabbed the boy and slammed him into a nearby wall to stop his stabbing. The blow jolted the boy and he missed. “Your life is mine now boy! Don’t make your mother’s sacrifice in vain!” He roared into the young man’s face. He tried to stab but Havoc slapped it away with his roaring sword. He let the boy slide down to the floor, then he watched as he scrambled over to his rapidly dying mother. He could hear him sobbing as a few of Havoc’s allies came in, drawn by the screaming. Havoc barred their passage with the length of his blade, he knew they were intending to rape and steal. But these were Havoc’s slaves now, and he didn’t approve of others making use of his property without his permission. The scene violently transitioned into something new. He recognized the halls of the palace and for some reason everything looked... bigger. Sort of like when he’d temporarily shape shifted. He didn’t know why he was running but he was. He felt less bulky though, like he was missing a lot of muscle. His legs were certainly thinner and his muzzle was a little shorter and thinner He looked at his sides and his were looked more graceful. His side also somehow seemed wrong, they were feminine. Sort of, it was hard to judge another species at times. He saw guards closing in and this sent terror into him for reasons he could not explain. He poured on additional speed and they began to fall behind. Then a pair slammed into him from ahead, he almost laughed at the feeble effort but then he was knocked onto his back. He kicked them off and a net landed on him from above. He struggled against it pointlessly. He was soon tangled up and screamed in outrage, or possibly fear. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhh!!!” He was surprised by how female he sounded, his voice was definitely higher pitched. He snorted and it came out more like a soft breath, he snorted harder and he heard a squeak. A freaking squeak! The royal guards chuckled at that, they were definitely bigger than he remembered. That or he was smaller. “Think we should take advantage of this situation Golden Gleam?” Asked a unicorn standing nearby. “Nah, though it has been so long since I’ve had alicorn I’m tempted. Ever since she lost her power to the sisters they’ve been rather negligent. Heck, ever since this former stallion completed the trials Celestia’s been neglecting us. Really, I’m kinda pissed now that I think about it. And when they turned on her and took what made her powerful... They’ve been so busy with her that they practically ignore their loyal soldiers. But we mustn’t mess up. Celestia likes her clean of stallion stains. Heh, your f*****.you know that? And to think you used to mop the floor with us.” The pegasus grinned as he said that last part, “Drag her to her chambers. Maybe we’ll get a reward. My head really f****** hurts since they altered us so I want to hurry this up as much as possible. Maybe take some aspirin.” They complied and Havoc wondered what all that meant. What did he mean by “altered”, what did he mean when he said the princesses stole his strength, what did he mean when he called Havoc a female?! They soon arrived at the princesses chambers and Havoc saw Celestia was much bigger than he remembered, in part because of his new perspective and in part because she was literally larger. That’s when Havoc noticed that they were all larger, The Royal Guards and the princess both. Not by much but enough to notice. Havoc whimpered without meaning to and the slightly more muscular Celestia grinned, this act revealing draconic teeth and Havoc’s eyes widened. He- rather she struggled to gain freedom as Celestia’s hooves descended to pin her down. “Brought her fast, hard, and sweaty mistress. Just the way you like her.” One of the soldiers said with a salute. “Excellent work soldier. You and your unit stay right out there ‘K?” Celestia replied and her voice felt like it was crawling into Havoc’s ears. It felt like rain beating in her skull and it was most unpleasant. The guards nodded and they returned to their unit. Celestia dragged her in and closed the door. She pulled off the net and Havoc hid behind the bed. Caution! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not read until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. “Aww, Havoc baby! You wound me. Don’t try to get away, you know there’s no escape. And there’s no point in hiding either, especially not in here. Besides I can see you.” Havoc grudgingly stood out in the open after that. For some reason she couldn’t look Celestia in her eyes, in fact she felt fear but her shame was vastly greater. She couldn’t explain it. “Now give us a kiss dear.” Celestia ordered. Her pupils became slitted as she said this, Havoc noticed as she raised her head and slowly walked closer. Celestia didn’t feel like waiting however and rushed up and pulled her into the tongue kiss. Celestia’s tongue stroked and writhed around Havoc’s own. Havoc felt tears escaping their ducts and wondered why. It was just a kiss, he had done far worse with Celestia in the past. Then her hooves reached around to grope Havoc’s rear end. Celestia soon released the kiss with a sigh of pleasure. “Aaaah, that was nice. Now onto business, turn around.” Celestia ordered with a sharp toothed smile. “What?” Havoc asked in confusion. “I said turn around. Come on, you know the drill by now.” “Why would I turn around?” “Haah...” Celestia sighed in annoyance as she turned Havoc around so fast her head spun. Then Celestia’s hooves were in front of Havoc’s hips and She seemed to get a little heavier as she gripped Havoc. “Don’t you remember? We took all that made you powerful. Apparently your stallionhood made you strong, and by that I mean everything that made you a stallion. Everything. We used it to enhance ourselves and our high ranked soldiers. Even the elements were made into god’s by a little of your essence. And now I’m going to service you like you did me when you were male. I promise it will only hurt a lot.” Celestia answered before shoving herself in. Havoc screamed in pain as the organ penetrated her vagina, Celestia had very good aim seeing as Havoc wasn’t open at the time. Celestia forced herself all the way in and moaned in pleasure. Then she slid mostly out and shoved herself in again, Havoc screamed in pain again. This was not something she knew how to deal with. Even if she still had her resistance to pain or her ability to fight through it she wouldn’t have been able to contain the scream of pain. Celestia began to rut her in earnest and she screamed in agony with thrust. It went on for an indeterminate time and Havoc felt yet more tears going down her face. She had no idea that this was what it felt like on the receiving end. How could they enjoy this? Maybe they were just used to it. Celestia didn’t stop until she/it came. Havoc felt the hot liquid shooting against her womb and shuddered with a mix of disgust and unwanted pleasure. Celestia was rather large it seemed, every time she pushed all the way in Havoc felt full in a way she had never imagined. Then she pulled out and reared up on her hind legs. “Come on turn around, before I decide to go for sloppy seconds.” Havoc turned around and stared at the large pale pink organ. It slowly shrank. “Now that’s it’s small enough, it’s time for some oral. By that I mean for you to suck it, lick, it etc. You know what I’m saying?” Havoc hesitantly brought her head closer, she lacked the willpower to disobey. Which was in part due to the ring which burned against her horn. She was glad she was already crying as she saw her blunt teeth. The thing tasted foul. Like minerals, gems, meat, and the awful flavor of semen. Havoc did as ordered and licked the organ clean as she took its length into her mouth. She began to bob her head as she’d seen Celestia sort of do and it sent more of the organ into her mouth. She felt sick as she did this. She kept going and applied suction, Celestia made a little cry as Havoc worked. After the third time taking its full length into her throat Celestia came again and Havoc tried to pull free, but Celestia’s strong hooves held her head down on it and she was forced to swallow it lest she drown in the foul stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have never been on the receiving end of this s*** and don’t want to be. I do not know what that crap tastes like and never intend to try, nor have I gone to the trouble of asking girls about that. I’m working off second or third hand descriptions from books that I didn’t know had the content for the female perspectives so if I get it wrong feel free to correct me. That is all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Celestia had spent all of its reproductive fluid she released Havoc who coughed and gagged. She strained to catch her breath and Celestia spoke as she began to even her breaths. “Good job my pretty! Indeed, you did so well that I’m gonna go again!” Havoc gasped at this. Celestia turned her around with her wing claws and was soon inside her again. She cried out in pain once more. Celestia just held her here for a moment. Letting her feel the throbbing, twitching, organ inside her as it enlarged and soon she could feel it pressing against her uterus, once again she felt that peculiar fullness that was in no way associated with food. Then Celestia began to thrust again and Havoc’s screams became far quieter. It hurt but it was starting to become somewhat- “Urk!” Havoc went as she felt a release. It was warm and the liquid was soothing as it spilled out. It further lubricated the slimy shaft that penetrated her and she felt her body reacting. Yet more shame was felt with this. Havoc did not know if this was what the Hell that odd little man spoke of was like but if it was then it was a terrible place indeed. Celestia groaned in pleasure and increased its pace. “Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahahh!” Havoc went as Celestia pounded her harder. Celestia just kept going! Eventually it came and Havoc felt the pulsating organ twitching as Celestia ground its hips against her and released its sperm in jets that sprayed inside and against her uterus. She shook for a moment as this set her off again. “There’s the Havoc I know! Now what’s my girl gonna do next?” Celestia asked with its head right next to Havoc’s. “The... The other one?” She tentatively answered. “And what is the other one called?” Celestia asked with a triumphant grin. “The palace window?” Havoc guessed as horror dawned on her. “Good girl! Now brace yourself, it feels better for me when you clench up like you always do.” Celestia said as it pulled out and entered through the hole that was not designed to be entered. It hurt. It hurt even more than Havoc thought anything could hurt. She felt her insides tearing, blood ran down Celestia’s length as it slowly forced its way inside. Celestia gasped with pleasure at this feeling. Celestia forced itself all the way in and gripped Havoc tightly as it came. Havoc felt awful yet warm as the stuff shot into her. She almost puked in fact. “Aaaahh, that’s the stuff.” Celestia moaned and began her thrusting at a slower pace. Havoc screamed in pain throughout it, she didn’t stop screaming until Celestia pulled out after releasing another shot. Celestia pulled a big cigar over and lit it with a glance. It started to smoke the cigar and smiled around it as it looked upon Havoc’s shivering form. “Luna will be here for her turn in five, four, three, two, one...” Luna appeared in a flash of blue. She was larger and had a pair of long canines in addition to her regular dragon teeth. She sauntered over to Havoc and grinned. “Dearest sister, she appears to be ready.” She said. Apparently Celestia was still a girl. “Indeed, now go ahead and have your turn sister.” Luna happily obliged and pulled Havoc over to the bed. “Up, up, up little one. I don’t feel like waiting for you to pull yourself together this time around.” Havoc crawled onto the bed and Luna positioned her with her legs splayed and her rear high. Luna thought for a moment and turned her around, she kept her in that position however. Luna grabbed her head with a hoof and pulled it to her recently formed stallionhood, Havoc’s tortured mind came to the conclusion that it must be a spell at work for her to still be a female. Havoc’s open mouth was pressed around the long object. “You know what to do slave.” Luna said with a smile. Havoc did what she did for Celestia and Luna too came. Luna however made sure to shoot it into her mouth where Havoc would have to taste it as well as put more effort into saving her life. When she was satisfied with Havoc’s grimace after pulling out she turned Havoc back around and promptly entered her marehood. “NNng.” Was all the noise Havoc made at first. Luna paused for a moment when she had fully entered, to savor the feeling of her muscle at it twitched inside. Then she energetically screwed Havoc. She pounded and pounded and pounded, she also made sure to rub at her cutie marks with her wings. This increased the internal heat Havoc felt and she came swiftly. She now seemed to have a rather low threshold for pleasure. The organ slammed her insides, Havoc was very tight. Likely a trait of the species. She came again as she felt Luna chewing at her throat with her sharp teeth, it hurt but it somehow felt good. Havoc’s nightmares were always very vivid and Havoc felt everything that happened in them. Soon Luna shot her biological matter into Havoc and this set Havoc off yet again and she cried out as her head reared back automatically. “A’ a gir’” Luna said through the piece of neck in her mouth. And then she switched holes. Havoc had healed and tightened right back up so it hurt just as much as the first time. She made feminine grunts with every slam, she felt herself orgasm again and felt even more shame. Soon the tightness overwhelmed Luna and despite her efforts she released. The thick fluid spilled down Havoc’s inner thighs as it leaked out. Luna let her head drop to the bed and stumbled off to talk to her sister for a bit. Out of nowhere Fluttershy appeared. Havoc looked at her hopefully but she just glared back sternly. Then Havoc saw the grey thing hanging between her legs and pleaded for her not to do what she thought she was going to do. Fluttershy grinned evilly as she nodded and pulled Havoc’s head up. She was smaller than the princesses by far but also moved much faster than they did. She still made it part way down Havoc’s throat and released the fluid into Havoc’s mouth. She didn’t even bother to drink the nasty stuff, she just let it drip onto the bed. She hoped it stained the bed permanently. Fluttershy pulled Havoc’s hips around and mounted quickly. She made use of the vagina first. Thrusting quickly, but not fast enough to seem rushed, until she pushed as deep as she could and shot fluid into Havoc’s depths. Then she switched holes and it was almost pleasant, it certainly didn’t hurt. Fluttershy’s rapid motions soon brought her, and Havoc as well, to an ejaculation. Fluttershy slipped out and sat further back on the bed, panting from her exertions. Luna and Celestia smiled down on her then. One pair of wing claws grabbed her and pulled her off the bed. She was held up before Celestia while Luna got behind her. “And now the grand finale, we do so love bonding like this.” Celestia said as she and Luna pushed in simultaneously. This felt strange. She could... Feel the pressure from both on her insides. They did not hesitate to keep going. Then when she was about to make a rather loud and high pitched scream, Fluttershy flew up and gagged her. With her false phallus of course. And then it was a blur of sex and shame until she was laying on the ground quivering, and stained with their male reproductive fluid. She heard the door open and saw the light. Then something intangible dragged her across the room and tossed her out. “Do whatever you want to her, it’s your reward for a job well done.” Celestia called out. Havoc had just made an attempt to stand when they swarmed her. Then yet another blur of pain and lust went by until she was lying in a puddle of blood, male fluid, and female fluid. She was actually managing to cry after all that. Everything hurt, everything. They were in a circle around her back to back. She managed to get to her feet and, with a pained yelp, hop over them. She carefully walked off, wincing with every step. Then Chrysalis appeared before her. “Not you too.” She whimpered. Chrysalis looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, really. All the same I’m really saving you a lot of time and pain. If I didn’t appear now you’d have to go through quite a bit more, not to mention you’d have to fly or walk all the way to my new hive.” Then she pounced, flipping Havoc onto her back. “So consider this a favor, and remember that I tried to help you.” “Hmm, now where to start. First let’s fix you up.” She said before her horn glowed green and Havoc’s wounds temporarily sealed. Then she looked down to the raw red marehood and smiled as an idea struck. “Now let’s start with a little licking.” She lowered her head and licked around Havoc’s aching orifice. Havoc groaned as her overstimulated entry received some more, then Chrysalis stroked the along the inner rims. She felt her legs weakly trying to shift, perhaps to grasp her assailant. She had no left energy to fight however and her muscles were all sore anyway. She felt herself release once more when Chrysalis went a little in with her wonderful tongue. “There we go. Now let’s see, front or back?” She asked. “What do you mean?” Havoc asked in turn. “Facing each other or traditional pony style?” Havoc thought for a moment, “Traditional.” “Suit yourself.” Chrysalis said as she flipped Havoc over and lifted her hips. She manifested a phallus and slid it into her prey’s marehood. It slid in and Havoc didn’t even whimper at the pain of the large organ rubbing her raw walls. Chrysalis frowned. She made it big enough to reach the uterus. Still nothing. She narrowed her eyes and Havoc heard it growing, it was an odd sound. Like rubber being stretched combined with the sound of a very large and clear bell being rung. It hurt a lot now, she didn’t know how she was containing it. She looked back at Chrysalis as she slid most of the thing out. She shook her head and Chrysalis smirked as she thrust. “AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhh!” Havoc screamed, now Chrysalis was receiving full satisfaction. She slammed the massive thing in without relent. The screams that kept growing fainter were like music to her ears. Soon Havoc was reduced to feminine grunts. When Chrysalis came it was like a flood and there was so much it sprayed out of Havoc’s overused hole. “Mmmm, that was nice. Next.” Chrysalis said before promptly moving on to the next part. Something she’d been rather curious about but never had a chance to try. Luckily Havoc’s overly active mind would let her feel everything. She was glad for that silly pony princess and her big sister, the little sister provided the knowledge through her big sister. The link in that horn ring provided all she needed. She locked lips with her not-quite-willing victim as she pushed into the hole above. She enjoyed the way her scream vibrated down her throat. She was starting to understand why Havoc loved killing and inflicting pain like he did. It brought her release that much faster. Then she just lay inside and made out for a while. She licked up the tears as they spilled and smiled at her victim who made an effort to do the same. The blunt teeth gave her an idea, so she shrank her artificial member and pulled it out. She moved it to her prey’s mouth and she sighed before doing as Chrysalis wanted. Chrysalis tasted funny to Havoc. Kind of like bug guts and mint. The release tasted kind of like tree sap or honey, it made her sick. She spat some of it out and Chrysalis laughed before looking at her false seed. It was a pale greenish blue. Interesting. “Well, hurry along now. The last is next.” Chrysalis suggested as she helped Havoc to her feet. “Th-th-thanks Chrysalis.” Havoc mumbled as she rose and hobbled off on wobbly legs. Her stride grew stronger with every step. “You’re welcome.” Chrysalis said before dissipating in a burst of black mist. Havoc was quietly moving along now. She didn’t know how long she wandered until she was interrupted by a purple alicorn. She resembled Twilight rather strongly. “Twilight?” Havoc asked as she was stopped. “Yes, you know what. Never mind that, what happened to you?” She asked as she looked Havoc over. Havoc shut her mouth instantly. Then Twilight did the unexpected, she used violence. She grabbed Havoc horn with one hoof and gave it a sharp rap with another. Twilight towered over her like Havoc had Celestia at this point so it wasn’t very difficult. “Owww.” Havoc moaned dully. “Don’t you disobey me slut! Do I need to teach you who’s in charge again?” She asked as she slammed Havoc against a wall. “N-no.” Havoc answered fearfully. She hated her weakness. “Then what happened?” So Havoc recounted most of the events, leaving out Chrysalis. Twilight could tell she was holding back to launched a hoof right next to the horn, Havoc flinched but the blow never came. Twilight looked at her expectantly so she told her everything. “Chrysalis huh?” Oooooh that does not look good...” She said as she looked Havoc over. Havoc was unaware that she’d been leaving a rather wide and consistent trail of blood as she walked. She didn’t know why she felt a little light headed either. “You shouldn’t be walking in your condition, let me take care of that.” She repaired Havoc’s damaged body and cleaned her up with a glow of her horn. “Are you alright my pretties?” Twilight cooed. “NO I-” “Shut up slut! I wasn’t talking to you!” Twilight roared angrily before returning to whispering reassuring words to Havoc’s rear end. Havoc was disturbed by this. “Why were you running anyway?” Twilight went on to ask. “I don’t know.” “Don’t lie to me slave!” “I don’t know!” Twilight rapped her horn twice in rapid succession. “You were trying to escape weren’t you?!” “Yes!” Havoc lied in desperation. “You know I told you not to do that. Hmm, you owe me for saving your life just now. Turn around so that your rear end faces me.” Havoc did as she was told. She felt Twilight’s tongue. “The princesses may just work for their own pleasure but I take pride in my work.” Twilight said before diving in. Havoc came very soon from her gentle working. “Mmm. Now do me.” Twilight ordered as she turned around Havoc place her head underneath Twilight’s raised tail and worked her tongue and lips on the exposed marehood. She kissed it as she stroked between the lips of the labia with her tongue. She slid the moist organ inside and Twilight shuddered. She felt every twitch and shiver through this until Twilight pressed against her and sprayed reproductive fluid on her face. “Now the horn.” Twilight ordered. Havoc moved back before ramming her horn inside. Twilight pressed back. It felt strange, like she was using a bone in place of a penis. She went and went and Twilight came, she kept going as a sort of pressure had built up in her horn. She only stopped when she felt magic discharge into Twilight, it burned as it came out but Twilight only moaned. “Now work my horn.” Twilight said as she slid off and turned to shove the point of her horn in Havoc’s face. It was still springy but not as springy as when she was but a unicorn. It was difficult to figure out and was uncomfortable in her throat. But Twilight seemed to like it. Soon Twilight was shoving her horn down. Then she abruptly pulled out. “N-n-n-not yet. T-t-turn around.” Havoc did as ordered and soon felt Twilights tongue on her window hole. She came almost immediately. Then Twilight reared up and grew a phallus, which she went on to shove into Havoc’s undersized marehood. It hurt. It was bigger than Celestia’s, yet it wasn’t all bad. She had been so abused recently that it didn’t particularly bother her. She braced herself against the wall with her front hooves and her chest and the side of her head, along with her neck, were pressed against it as well. As Twilight’s rather large member was pounded into her she felt a growing warmth, her body was getting used to the constant abuse and was adapting its sensitivity in order to cope and hopefully keep Havoc’s sanity. Havoc began to whine and moan with pleasure and Twilight smirked from above. Twilight’s muzzle lowered to Havoc’s right ear and she gently nibbled at the organ. Havoc decided that he would never look at ponies the same way ever again. Havoc felt the rush of emotion and fluid that signified an arrival on her end and clenched Twilight tightly. This sent Twilight hammering against her until, moments later, Twilight shot her load in Havoc. “Ffffff- Can’t say it...” Twilight moaned. She slid free from the moist and welcoming vagina and shoved her member into the entry above. “Nnng.” Was all Havoc released. She wondered when her nightmare would end. Why did she have to suffer this? Why could she never have good dreams? Twilight rammed her male member into Havoc’s adapted body. She endured and unhappily enjoyed this rutting until Twilight released again, she was starting to get a feeling that males had some sort of advantage in this. Didn’t quite know what that was however. Twilight slid out and off, much to Havoc’s relief. She collapsed to her knees as soon as she didn’t have to support Twilight’s weight anymore, why did she rest her weight on her? Havoc knew she had the strength necessary to support her in that position. There was even a wall to hold up her weight. “No rest for you slut, get up. Now.” Havoc struggled to her exhausted legs. Then her mouth was opened and Twilight shoved her horn down her throat. She was used in this manner until Twilight discharged, Havoc let out a garbled scream when she did. It felt like she was being burned inside! She pulled free and cradled her burning mouth, she could smell the cooked flesh inside her throat. She could do nothing but sit there and cry, any sound she made hurt like never before. She writhed in place as wave after wave of stinging, burning, pain rolled over her. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. “Quit being such a freaking baby.” Twilight sneered before repairing Havoc. Havoc waited for the dream to end, but instead they blurred into Twilight’s laboratory in the castle. Twilight looked intently into a large, vertically long, glass tube. Inside of which was an immature dragon with numerous robotic augmentations, one of his eyes was obviously mechanical and the other had more subtle circuitry inside of the humorous orb. Sections of his chest, like his left upper pectoral, his spine, his arms, his legs. Something had severely injured a dragon who Havoc soon recognized as Spike, only older. He wasn’t much bigger than when Havoc last saw him, bigger than the average stallion but not as big as he should be. “Remember him? Remember what you did to him? Despite your best efforts, he survived. I saved him with adaptations of your world’s technology. Yet... Yet. Yet what took mere moments to cause in a burst of anger took months to repair. I honestly doubted his survival from the start but he lives all the same. And its time he got a little payback.” Twilight said solemnly. Havoc was confused. The liquid surged up and out of the tank, which was easy thanks to magic, and into the ceiling  the tube started to lower into the floor. Spike stayed floating in place until a purple glow surrounded him and woke him up. “Hrrng?” He asked groggily. “Spike, I have a task for you.” Twilight began “Sure thing Twi’” Spike agreed tiredly. Twilight smiled before continuing, “You see Havoc there?” Spike snapped fully awake then and trained fearful eyes on the quivering mare with the skull cutie mark. “Is that... Is that him? What happened to you Havoc” He asked in amazement and horror. “The princesses took what made him powerful and apparently stallionhood made him strong. Which leads to your task: Enlarge and rut her until I’m satisfied.” Spike looked nervous and uncomfortable but soon the green glow coming from his eyes turned red and he focused on Havoc once more. His lips peeled back as he grew, the machinery grew with him. “It took so long. But with adaptations to technology modified for ponies by you, Rex, and the high princesses I was able to make it so that his implants would be able to do everything he could and more.” Twilight bragged as Spike grew to such size that Havoc was sure she would die if he entered her. His length was massive. Havoc broke in a random direction, hoping to find an exit. Spike roared in frustration, he smashed aside a machine that Havoc had dived behind within seconds. Havoc kept running, jumping, flying, and crawling. This place was virtually a maze of machinery and potions! She breathed raggedly as she fled, Spike was hot on her heels. She could feel his breath as she jumped over a surgical table with an earth hound laid out and partly dissected. The earth hound screamed as Spike carelessly stepped on him, the earth hound finally died after who knows how long being practically tortured in the name of science. “Heh, heh, heh, hah!” Havoc panted as she vaulted over a grey tubular machine and under an arch riddled with gears and pumps. Spike swatted the arch aside as he grasped at where Havoc had been less than a second ago. She saw a door, it was high above most of the machines but she believed she would make it. She leapt into the air and flapped hard, she was halfway there when she felt a claw wrap around her torso. She felt her eyes tear up as she fell back to the labyrinth of machines. They landed with a crunch and a great thump as one of Spike’s feet crushed some unknown technology. He held her at waist level and carefully lined her up before his oversized organ. She squirmed and struggled to no avail. “You’re gonna pay for wrecking my lab bitch. Maybe I’ll have you breed some offspring for Spike here?” Twilight said as she emerged off to the side with a flash of purple. Havoc was brought closer to the thing and she cried out in rage, fear, and anguish just as it was about to enter her. Then the world shifted into the tree library and he saw a pair of smiling princesses looking down on him. He screamed as he rose and gazed about the room in fear and horror. “RRrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhh!!” He roared and he heard the masculine bass in it. He felt his vocal cords rippling and felt the power in his limbs. He felt his eyes burning red as he jumped to his hooves. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at each princess. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at Twilight. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at Spike, who shrugged in response. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at every male in the room. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at the mares. “Aaaahh!” He went as he pointed at the young phoenix. “AAAaaaaaaahhhh!” He cried as he ran straight through a wall in his near mindless terror. The party goers looked on in confusion. Big Macintosh happened to be there at the time and he spoke the words on everyponies mind, “Okay.” He said as he shifted the straw to another side of his mouth before pulling it out with a mighty white hoof, “What the buck just happened and why?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two hours later... Havoc came to a stop in the deep Everfree. He panted lightly and carefully laid down on his belly and rested his neck in the dirt. He felt safe here, far from his instigators. He simply relaxed until he heard a low hiss. It was so pathetic that he didn’t even bother to raise his head. He opened his eyes to see a changeling some distance off. It looked thin and malnourished, mildly confused, more holey, and its eyes lacked the faint glow he’d always seen. He remembered Chrysalis and her attempt at help and decided that he should help his ally by feeding her stranded subject. He rose to his full height and the starved changeling shrank down as it saw his full body. It prepared to run as he bunched up his legs to jump. It ran to the side just as Havoc leaped but it was not fast enough to escape his impressive reach. Before he spoke to it he thought for a moment about the horrors he had endured in his dream. The larger guards and princesses, giant alicorn Twilight, rapist Fluttershy, how they had gotten bigger and stronger by taking his strength, how his gender made him strong, how weak he was as a drained female, how everypony she met forced themselves on her, how Twilight had saved Spike by making him a cyborg dragon, how Twilight had ordered him to rape her,  and how Chrysalis had earnestly tried to help him. He hugged the weakened changeling gently. It squirmed feebly against him. “Relax little one, I am a friend of sorts to your queen. Her name is Chrysalis yes?” The changeling stopped fighting and looked up at him with dull eyes. “Feed little one, feed and grow strong. I don’t think I have any love but feel free to feed on my various forms of anger.” Havoc said with a smile. The changeling eagerly indulged. Its horn glowed faint green as it sucked the raw hatred and blind rage from Havoc’s mind. Its body quickly metabolised the strong emotion and though it burned it nourished the changeling greatly. It squirmed with greater force when it was full and Havoc dropped the little creature to the forest floor. It looked up at him and saluted him smartly. “Sir.” It said in a weak and raspy voice, “I have more brethren to feed. Will you please accompany me to the hive?”  It asked. “Certainly, isn’t the hive far away though?” “Not this one, we were too far from the queen and too weakened from hunger to stay connected. So we began to gather to strengthen our signal, but it failed and we’ve been out here ever since. We have a new queen now, Evos. She rules all the Everfree outcasts and is currently starving at the center of the hive.” The changeling said as he weakly took off. Havoc followed effortlessly and was soon annoyed by the lack of speed. He put his snout under the changeling and held his little ally high on it. “You point and I go.” Havoc suggested. The changeling nodded and pointed his right hoof ahead. It was very slowly becoming more whole, his body had been cannibalizing his limbs for nutrients and material. They made it to the Everfree hive in minutes. Havoc looked at the swarm of changelings flying, but mostly shambling on the ground, guard. They stared at Havoc with undisguised fear and hunger. Havoc slowed his flight and they surrounded him distantly. He smiled at them, being careful not to bare his teeth. His eyes glow had lessened considerably since his run so he was not as menacing as he otherwise would be. He flew down to the ground and held his head high. “Come little ones, I know you’re hungry.” He said and finally revealed his teeth the changelings swarmed him, some attempting to sink their fangs in him for some reason. He snorted and split his skin in places below his wings with a quick spell. The biting ones and the particularly weak ones rapidly placed their mouths against the little wounds and drank thirstily of the precious liquid leaking from them. He increased the flow and they gorged. He smiled gently as he watched them. He vaguely heard noise from above but kept watching them feed. Eventually the glows from their horns dissipated and they fell from their position along his flanks. He looked up to see a very weak and thin female smiling as she descended upon him. The changeling he had carried hurriedly vacated his face. She was notably bigger than the others but not as large as Chrysalis, plus she was incredibly thin, and she rested her front upon his snout and sighed. “Thank you.” She whispered weakly. The female’s hair was pale blue and highlighted with pink. Her eyes were the same light blue as the regular changelings but slitted like those of Chrysalis, an interesting combination. “Feed little female, feed and live.” Havoc dragged her across his body, careful to not bump her against his horn, and placed her mouth against a freely bleeding wound. She weakly drank the nutritive fluid and slowly her gulps and licks grew stronger. She fed more fervently and was soon sucking upon the wound with force. Her horn glowed and she began to draw on the intense hatred that inhabited Havoc’s brain. She moved her mouth from wound to wound to get more blood, she was getting stronger still. Eventually the hungry queen stopped and just rested on his mane, more changelings emerged from the hive and fed upon him as well. “I love you.” She said suddenly. This disturbed Havoc greatly. “Why?” He asked in confusion. “I know no better to way to show my appreciation. You have saved us all, I can feel the queen’s presence now. She reaches out to us, and you have gone so far as to sacrifice your own blood to our hunger.” She answered in her stronger, but still weak, voice. “How does a queen... Occur anyway?” “We needed one, normally they are born but by feeding me with what they had we just managed to produce enough of the sacred nectar to make me. But I was too weak to call out to the true queen. We dare not stray from the new hive. It took a long time to make and when we stray we are often preyed upon. There were many more before, now we are barely past a couple hundred strong. Another reason we are so thankful.” Havoc tilted his head up to gaze at the canopy high overhead. He felt cold on his neck. He could feel the lesser queen rubbing against his neck for warmth. He did not know that changelings didn’t feel emotion like most beings, they had to utilize effort and energy in order to feel emotions of their own. The lesser queen had in essence promised to use herself to generate food and energy on the closest level changelings are capable of. Then again, as far as he was concerned, love was some funny chemical in your head that made you act strangely. Blood flowed in his mind as he let the rage express itself for a moment. He was quite aware of his madness and most from his world who knew him were just as knowledgeable. Most sapients are mad where he comes from. An ancient philosopher had left a theory of his in the logs, one that Havoc wholeheartedly believed in. It went, “All sapient beings are inherently insane. All intelligent life has some form of mental ailment, either they are born with it or it is developed over time, often shortly after birth. Therefore there is no such thing as sanity as there is no applicable comparison to judge what is sane or truly define sanity.” Havoc lived by this belief and utilized it to exploit and demoralize his foes. Plus it helped him feel better about himself for some reason. For changelings love is not something one feels. Nor is it something you eat, drinking is the closest comparison available and even then it’s not quite right. Love is something one consumes. Like a rich, creamy, cup of hot chocolate with the consistency of a slush beverage or a thick milkshake. Her words were not so much a romantic declaration of love but rather like the gift of a home cooked meal. To changelings the love of their own species tastes best, and well crafted love from a king or queen is like ambrosia of the gods. It was also a sign of trust, loyalty, and admiration as changelings typically don’t produce love. He felt pressure on his brain and eased whatever it was in. He disappeared into his mindscape. His body was still in reality but he looked around in interest in his imagination. He was atop a great mountain, a mighty castle sat upon its peak. It was honey combed and covered in striations of what looked like bone. It felt organic in nature. He felt a presence and looked up and ahead. There sat Chrysalis, reclined upon a bowl of bone that topped a tapering spire. Soon he heard a rippling sound like water splashing against itself.  He looked to his right and there appeared Evos. She looked... Different. Her hide was shiny and her sides were patterned with brown and green discoloration shaped like leaves. Her fangs were a little longer and her hair seemed shinier and had a few more pink highlights. The highlights seemed to glow. Her legs had fewer holes, as did her wings, and she wore a dark green plate across her back. Her horn was longer and no longer looked like the typical changeling horn, now it was closer in shape to that of a saber going up smoothly but making a big curve forwards and smoothly curving back up. She looked right at Chrysalis and sat up straight. Her chest was puffed out slightly and her eyes had a red tint around the edges. “Havoc, what have you done?” Chrysalis asked from her pulpit. “I found a group of lost changelings and nourished them with my emotions and blood?” Havoc answered somewhat uncertainly. “I see.” She looked pensive, “Who are you little one?” “I am Evos, former alpha series changeling. I became sigma by demi hive decision, we believed a sigma’s greater power would be capable of reaching your majesty.” Evos answered swiftly. “Interesting. You failed I see, why?” Was what Chrysalis asked next. “I was too weak your highness, we were getting hungrier every day and I had not enough to reach you. I have been unable to leave the nest for well over a month due to starvation.” “Well then. Good work Havoc. I assure you that you will receive a proper reward for your service.” She touched an oddly whole hoof to her chin. Chrysalis grinned. This would work into her plans quite well. “I see you remembered my part in that little nightmare.” “Of course, I never forget those who aid me. They are so few.” Havoc answered with a low nod. He tasted blood, and he savored it. He closed his eyes on the fantasy world around him. He heard fluttering but stayed relaxed. He heard them speaking and turned an ear to focus on the conversation. “Are you certain my queen? He has much hatred.” That was Evos. “Of course my little general. He will provide excellent material for the brood.” “As you say queen. It is your decision, I advise caution naturally.” “I have learned from my mistakes Evos.” “I know my queen. That is what worries me in truth. Something as hateful as him can only be considered a demon and they tend to complicate even the best of plans. I will not disrupt your operation however.” “Then we shall bring this meeting to an end.” Evos flew back to Havoc’s side and looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked back at her. “Havoc.” Chrysalis called. “Yes Chrysalis?” “Where are you going?” “Er, I’ll be heading to someplace known as Scandineighvia.” He did not ask why she wanted to know. “Interesting...” “Well goodbye friend, I will see you later.” She continued, Havoc had no idea how soon she meant by that. “Goodbye queen.” Havoc lowered his head respectfully. Then the mindscape faded back into reality. He looked at the swarm of changelings that stared at him from their places, be they seated on the ground or hovering in the air. The flyers were hovering rather weakly on account of their reduced wing surface. The sigma series changeling on his neck and back rose from her perch with regret, she liked the hot surface against her underside. She saw his wounds seal up before her eyes with a light glow from Havoc’s horn. She hopped off to land on the bare dirt. She looked back up at him, right in his eyes. “You should return to your comrades.” Evos suggested. Havoc cast his gaze across the swarm. “I trust you’ve found some means of survival then?” Havoc inquired, he noticed the eyes of the changelings looked different, darker. Also they were not quite light blue, or was it teal? Whatever it was was quite interesting. “The queen provides.” Evos replied vaguely, Havoc didn’t know what that meant but assumed they had been given a way out or something like that. He nodded and turned his gaze to the sky. He leapt up, his wounds gave him no trouble as he had repaired them fully. The scars resembled thin horizontal lines, like someone had made shallow cuts in a perfect line along his sides. He broke through the canopy within seconds and looked back to where he had come from. He flew back with a muffled boom, he had cast a spell to block most of the sound out just before he broke the sound barrier. He closed his eyes against the air resistance and smiled into the wind. He did not deviate from his path. He knew he would be back soon seeing as he’d chosen to run out here rather than fly, he felt he had the advantage on all of his potential pursuers in a land bound race. The forest would both limit their mobility in the air and prevent them from entering via very rational fear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The E.N.G. ranger looked up from the forest floor as he heard a low roar from somewhere far off. He watched the gaps in the canopy carefully, he knew dragons inhabited the Everfree and they could be unpredictable. His carnotaurus snorted in discontent beneath him and he patted his neck reassuringly. The earth pony looked over to one of his distant teammates, she was mounted on a ceratosaurus. They communicated with a series of hoof and ear gestures, silence was key. The rangers were clad in greened steel treated to be strong and corrosion resistant, artificial leather, and strong cotton. The artificial leather took the form of bracers, rerebraces, pauldrons, greaves, cuisses, a crinet for the neck, and a scale crupper for the rear torso. The false leather was brown and green in a camouflage pattern to hide their bright coloration in the dark forest. The steel took the form of a cuirass around the chest and a chaffron for the head (a chaffron is basically a helmet for horses/equines in general.). The steel was a mix of green, dark green, and light green to aid in stealth. The cotton was a long sleeved shirt and a pair of pants with numerous pockets, these were camouflaged in a mix of green and brown. The ranger was starting to get nervous and his mount sensed that. “Easy Cull, just a bit spooked is all.” The ranger said in a low voice while patting his mount once more. Cull rumbled his affirmative and resumed his silent stalking. The rangers were watching for insurgents crazy enough, or tough enough, to use the Everfree as a means of invasion. Most wouldn’t dare travel such a distance through the forest but high command certainly knew a few. Thus the rangers mounted on big predatory dinosaurs. The ranger resumed his watch of the canopy when he saw a dark blur moving at high speed. “UFO!” He said loudly without truly yelling. He grabbed his radio and hoped the relays weren’t damaged or inhibited again. The radio signals had trouble penetrating the forest on their own. “This is dark knight five, I repeat dark knight five, reporting a potential invader. It’s dark, possibly black, in coloration and was flying well over the tree line and appeared to be fa-” He was interrupted by a boom from above. It drowned him out and panicked his mount. “Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggg!!” Cull trumpeted. Cull increased his speed to a full out run. The ranger pulled on his mounts reigns, he was seated just behind the beast’s neck and its was glad for the well designed saddle he was provided. “Stop Cull! You need to calm down before we run into something worse than us!” He yelled at the scared predator. Cull began to slow down, rapid paced and heavy footsteps indicated some of his companions were not so successful. Cull looked about wildly. “What was that Dark Knight?” A voice said from his radio. “I am of the belief that the bogey was flying at supersonic speed, and it must have been big. It would explain the boom that followed its passing.” “Understood Dark Knight, Luna’s favor be with you.” “Roger that Redwood.” The ranger replied. “Redwood to dark knight five requesting confirmation of your sighting. We have just received information that may be relevant. Please relate to us what you saw, and use more detail.” That was unusual. “I saw a bogey that appeared to be black flying well over the tree line. It was moving at what I believe to be supersonic speed and the sighting was followed by a boom. It startled the dinosaurs and all the nearby wildlife is in an uproar.” “Did the bogey have a white trail?” The ranger thought hard, well it sort of looked like there was some white. Then again it was hard to tell against the cloud it had passed. No, now that he thought about it a little more it was definitely trailing white. “Affirmative Redwood.” He spoke into the radio. “Dark Knight, be on high alert. That was Mars.” “Mars?” “Callsign for the chosen champion. You heard the rumors.” Darn straight he had. “Understood Redwood. Will inform the rest of the Dark Knight squadron.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Havoc flew steady, he was actually quite calm despite his heavy breathing. His maintenance of his great speed accounted for that naturally. He liked this aspect of such exertion, it let your mind wander freely if you let it. He was relaxed as he saw the town of ponyville, he almost smiled at the sight. He still wasn’t going to land or get near to the ground. But it was nice to look at all the same. He slowed down by doing a number of wide loops and turns over the town. He was wondering why Rainbow Dash hadn’t tried to race him by now. It seemed like her kind of thing. Maybe she wasn’t here. Which was strange seeing how much she liked Ponyville. Maybe she had a job besides serving as the premier weather pony of Ponyville? That actually made sense, especially seeing how numerous weather ponies were and accounting for her incredible talents. He looked down from his altitude and positioned himself in a glide around the library. The princesses flew from somewhere under the boughs of the tree and rose to meet him. They were cautious in their approach. They were wary and with good reason, he had already displayed instability once this day and it was entirely likely he would do so again. “Havoc, are you stable?!” Luna called out from below. She and her sister were approaching his level but were keeping their distance. “I’m fine! I calmed down out in the forest, I’m sure you know which one I mean!” He called back once they had reached his altitude. They approached from both sides in a sweeping pincer. He brought himself to a hover with a few reverse flaps. The princesses came at him like a pair of guided missiles, closing in on him with inevitable speed and accuracy. Mere seconds before impact the missiles spread their arms in a massive combined hug. He felt his chest compressed by the force of the momentum enhanced impact and their crushing hugs. He held up all the same, he was much bigger and stronger than them after all. “We were so worried that you’d regressed or gone feral!” One yelled into his fur, it was probably Celestia seeing as he felt it on his right side. “I’m sorry I couldn’t fix your dream, your nightmare was fueled by your psychotic mind and every time I tried to help it backfired!” Luna yelled into the left side of his chest. They each brushed against his new scars. They automatically felt out the healed injuries. “What happened to you?!” Luna angrily asked as she raised her head from his fur. He was confused by the sudden switch. “I... Hmmm... I split my hide open with magic.” He answered. “You’ve been bleeding yourself?!” Celestia exclaimed. “Why?” Luna asked with narrowed eyelids. “I felt like it.” Havoc answered honestly. He had felt like it, it was his choice seeing as they didn’t ask him and weren’t capable of forcing him to. He just left out why he’d wanted to. “Hmmm.” Luna was suspicious of this, first his mind shielded itself when he woke up. Now he randomly decided to make himself bleed? She was especially nervous seeing how the control ring was having trouble maintaining its spell. It was also having trouble rooting into his brain, it was struggling to push through his skull. Luckily he didn’t know about it or he might rip it off, thankfully the numbing spell was working just fine. Unfortunately he was crazy enough to do that sort of thing of his own volition. She pondered getting the truth through interrogation, perhaps later when she was full size. She didn’t have much left anyways, perhaps less than a month’s growth remained. Never mind, she’d be too busy for that. Celestia might need her support, father and mothers were still rather distant and she’d only had a few foals over the course of her multi millennia life and none of them to alicorns. And Havoc, as some sort of dragocorn thing, was even more of a change. One of the positive traits of dragons was that they were very fecund or fertile. Dragons could successfully produce offspring with anything that had the right parts. But such hybridization was rare and the ponies had no information as to what they should expect, which meant this was potentially dangerous. Luna was somewhat peeved at the fact that she was expected to do as her sister had. “Let him be Luny. Probably telling the truth anyway. So are you heading back out now?” Celestia interrupted. “Yes, just as soon as I get my companions up here. Also, you know where Rainbow Dash is? I figured she’d have challenged me by now.” “Secret mission. You should know she’s been helping Scootaloo become a ninja.” She answered. Havoc was stumped. Scootaloo a ninja? Scootaninja? Ninjaloo? He struggled to grasp this concept. “Scootaloo is gonna be a ninja? Scootaloo?” He felt his left eyelid twitching. “Yup! Ninja Scootaloo! She’s very agile and her cutie mark reflects that. So she decided to be a ninja as a sort of complement to her idol. Stealth and speed work well in tandem.” Celestia was dead serious when she said all that. So scootaloo was a ninja. Or at least she was going to be. Where did ninjas come from anyway? How would Equestria of all places get them? That was something he’d leave to someone else to figure out. “Hey, why are we still hugging? Not that I mind.” Havoc interjected. “Because you have a grip like a bear on steroids.” Luna answered. There it was again, that unknown substance: steroids. With that he released them and the pair flew back from him. They came to a stop a short distance away. “So, are you still heading for Scandineighvia?” Luna asked quickly. “As soon as I pull those sarnitore up.” Only Havoc knew what that seventh word meant. It was a word from his world with a meaning similar to that of a combination of the words pawn, ally, prey, and walking meat. Havoc was not very nice by nature, he did not look at these beings as friends in the sense that Equestrians did. He saw them as temporary allies that he would inevitably kill or utilize as collateral. He was not truly evil, he just did things as he knew. And killing and backstabbing were facts of life for his people. “What does ‘sarnitore’ mean?” Asked a curious Luna. “You don’t want to know.” Havoc answered. He was pleasantly surprised to learn they hadn’t seen everything from his mind. Or maybe they just hadn’t figured it out. Either one was good in his opinion. Havoc decided to test something. He reached down with his mind and focused a ball of magic before Twilight. She looked at it with a raised eyebrow. He looked around through his ball of magic and noticed that the wolf was having a bit of success with that pegasus, what was her name, ah right! Cloudchaser, that was her name. It seemed the mare was fascinated by his muscles and numerous scars. Not in a bad way either, she went so far as to trace them with a hoof. A few other mares were looking on in awe as well. All the same, numerous ponies, mostly earth ponies with some unicorns mixed in, were shying away from the wolf. He didn’t seem to mind though. Too bad Havoc was going to take him away from what may have been a sure thing. He flared more power into the orb of magic, causing it to swell up to a size that was impossible to miss. Thrash’s eyes widened and he looked at it in surprise, the mares looked to what he was looking at but most saw nothing. The more powerful or sensitive unicorns were all staring at the same spot as well. They moved away from the orb, Havoc decided to speak now. “Comrades,” He started, forming the words by manipulating the air in specific ways, “I believe it is time to get back on the journey. Remember, my life is on the line here and, as such, so is the fate of Equestria.” He finished. He was proud of how well he’d mimicked his voice, it sounded more like he was breathing it but he expected that. Havoc cackled internally as Thrash glared angrily at the orb, furious at being cock-blocked. Not that either of them was aware of the term or act of cock-blocking. Thrash said his goodbyes, along with promises of a return, and headed towards the door. Twilight was given a powerful hug by Pinkie Pie and numerous nuzzles by the Apple family members attending the party as well as the CMC. They of course wanted to come along. Corrosive hurriedly shook a few hooves before rushing for the door. Liber waved goodbye to the smaller ponies before lowering her head so that she could exit. The phoenicians left with a bit more flair, blowing kisses and high hoofing as well as giving friendly punches and tail slaps. Scorch left with very quick goodbyes, the ponies were now used to zebras so they kept crowding around him and feeling up his wings which annoyed him greatly. Havoc decided to watch Scootaloo for a bit. He brought the orb closer and focused his mind. “Alright girls, we all know somethin’s up. We all saw Twilight kiss that big feller out there but she denied being his girlfriend and said it was an accident. I don’t know about you but I ain’t never heard of a pony Fealting it up with somepony else while sleepwalking. It just don’t click for me. So Scootaloo, I think you should follow ‘em. And keep an eye on the big’un, I really don’t like the thought of that madpony bein’ so close to Twi’.” Applebloom whispered to her fellow crusaders, they all had their marks now but they kept the group name all the same. Applebloom's was a sledgehammer crossed over a pickaxe with a big needle going down over the point where the two met. Scootaloo saluted her before slipping into the crowd. Havoc had seen her mark before she moved out of sight, it was a blue leg in pushing forwards with the hoof far back from the thigh. A white wing held vertically topped the thigh and what may have been wind was expressed in lines flowing behind them. Sweetie Belle was interesting as well, her mark was not a musical note. It had black lines like sheet music but a jagged red line went up and down it in place of proper notes. Havoc remembered when she got it, oh was that an episode to reminisce about. No time for reminiscing. He shrank the orb and kept it directly above Scootaloo’s purple haired head. She weaved through the crowd with unparalleled skill, at least Havoc had never seen anyone move through a crowd like she could. She ducked swinging limbs and weaved around stumbling or dancing ponies. She had an adorably grim expression as she did this. Just watching her made Havoc want to hug something. Havoc returned to his physical self as soon as she hopped into the trunk of the howdah. He felt minor panic before remembering she was an original member of the CMC and, as such, was practically unkillable. He only hoped she didn’t mess up his quest. He smiled as the howdah ascended to him, surely she couldn’t do any harm. Especially not to something as mighty as him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's notes: Fresh new chapter here, still hot from the forge. As you read this I will have already begun work on the next. The work never ends for me as the wicked get no rest. Thank you for your patronage, I look forward to providing you all with your fix of violence in the excess. Was hoping to get some suggestion regarding the bonus conquest, seriously not sure which to go with. I figure I could make each of them equally interesting locations. > Interlude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE MAN IN BLACK In the twentieth year of his reign as the king of England, king Henry the forty third, caught word of a strange man stalking the land. According to the report this odd man was roughly four cubits in height but only three hands in width. Tall yet thin and dressed entirely in black. Except for a grey bandanna or a piece of metal shaped like one that was over his mouth. The man wore a long coat and black boots with iron buckles and a wide brimmed hat that hid his face, though some claimed a faint white glow came from where his eyes should be. His hands were covered with black gloves and not hair or hide of him could be seen. His pants had an odd gleaming quality to them, that too was consistent. The hat was like that worn by Inquisitors or those on the American frontier, or so he’d heard. The reports consistently noted a crow perched on his left shoulder and a great golden eagle on his right. The man didn’t seem to do anything but his appearance caused quite a stir as the locals quickly grew fearful of the stranger in their midst. He would stay, perhaps a week, doing who knows what then he’d just leave only to appear elsewhere. And disappearances followed in his wake, no more than the usual in most cases but the man was inevitably blamed. A month passed when a priest came to him and claimed the man would spell his doom, so said the Pope. So the king agreed to send his knights after the man and they would work with the Vatican Inquisition until the man was stopped. Many men went out in search of the man but none found him, and some of the hunters never came back. So the king hired mercenaries to hunt this man and put out a bounty for his capture or killing. He was never brought in. A year passed and the king was terrified but questioning his faith in the Vatican’s prophecy. Then a messenger told him the man was in the capital and presumed to be headed his way. The king rallied his knights and called on the local priests and Inquisitors and as many guards and soldiers as he could spare. They all waited in and around the palace, vigilant for this terrible and feared invader. The king and his soldiers soon heard the calling of birds, it was an ominous sound in all accounts. Ravens, crows, vultures, eagles, gulls, and all manner of verminous and predatory avian was heard in a great cacophony the likes of which did not exist in nature. Then the king began to hear screaming. Screaming that was eerily like that of men. The screaming was followed by gunshots and cannon as the men fought back against this faceless terror. After a time the sound of metal on metal faded, as did the gunshots, and even the mighty cannon fell silent. A sole shot from what was probably a pistol barked out and there was no more. The birds had reduced their cries to a very low chatter. The survivors in the castle shook in their boots but stood firm, they were many and whatever it was would have to face them in this most fortified and treasured place now. A low knocking sounded against the gate, even the king could hear it from his throne deep within, and the riflemen nearest formed up behind it. They were in rows with the first on their bellies the second on one knee, the third the same, and the fourth and fifth stood and they stood eighteen men abreast. They were certain no being that walked the Earth could survive this. A single volley was fired by all at once, then the men all screamed as something killed them. The other warriors ran to fight, despite the futility, and the calling of the birds grew in number and volume. Only one shaking man returned. This lone man was streaked in blood and wild eyed as he ran back to the throne room crying and bleeding himself. He professed to an absolute lack of hope as this fiend was unstoppable, nothing seemed to bring him pain and nothing could stop him or his evil flock. The first group of men had been felled after that failed first volley, despite most of the shots hitting the man, when the vicious beasts swarmed them from above. They had stood no chance against such a foe. Most of the knights had died by either eagle’s talons or the tall man’s pistols, their armor was of little use against whatever composed the dark man’s bullets. The Inquisitors and priests had no effect on them either. Many birds died but the man was untouched, so said the survivor. Then he shot himself with a pistol taken from a dead officer. The king was silent as he listened to the sound of the man’s heavy boots stepping upon the castle floor, “Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, crunch!” and then the thunking resumed uninhibited. The men in the throne room locked and barred the double doors closed and barricaded it with what lengths of lumber they could find. The thunking stopped just outside of the barred doors to the throne room and not a man dared to move, they hardly even breathed so great was their fear. The door blew down and a cloud of ash blew into the room. A tall, solitary, figure stood in the portal. He was silent and calm to the eye and his own two gleamed white in the darkness of the cloud despite the lanterns’ yellow glow. All but one man stood aside and let the monster pass and birds hopped in after him, refusing to fly. The lone man was the king’s most loyal knight and he had served him since his childhood, well before the king was who he was. The knight was slightly shorter than the man and was plated in armor. He drew his sword and held his broad shield before him and glared at the threat to his king. The knight charged and the figure stepped on him, pressing down and back on his shield, and the knight was smashed onto his back. The dark man pointed a long barreled pistol at his head and fired a bullet from the weapon with the silvery gleam. Most bullets were made from lead nowadays, so it should have bounced off. It punched a hole in his head and the knight stopped struggling. The man walked right up to the throne as his pets began to pick at the fallen knight’s armored carcass. The dark man had not said a single word since his arrival but then he spoke. “My master has a message for you.” His voice was cold and deep. “What does your master wish me to know?” The king asked calmly, he knew his end was at hand as the man raised both the iron black pistol and the otherwise identical silver one. The guns were pointed right at Henry’s head before he spoke again, and he said this. “The king is dead, slain by hunter’s hand. All hail the new king, true lord of all the land.” Then he shot the king dead and kicked his corpse aside. He sat in the throne for but a moment and closed his eyes, savoring the feel. He swiftly rose again and took a rod from a pocket that could not have contained it. With this rod his drew a symbol on the floor, poking it deeply down the king’s neck to get his blood. He placed upon the center of the symbol, a pentagon within a circle with lines leading from each corner to the other’s centered with a human skull laden with many cracks that was almost hidden amongst the lines, the hand of an unborn child ripped from its mother’s womb and waited quietly. A minute passed and the symbol in blood glowed, those in the room tried to flee but the birds gazed upon them with hunger and they reluctantly stayed. The tall man took a knee and bowed his head before the blood as an image rose from the circle to fill its bounds. The head of a monstrous unicorn gazed down on the man with a smile. Its horn long, sharp, smooth, and yellowed. Its teeth like daggers and spotted with blood. Its fur as black as sin. But its eyes were the worst, like those of a serpent and red like dark blood. “I have done as you ordered, lord and father. I thank you for your blessings that I might be the instrument of your will.” The dark man said to this monstrous figure. “You have performed well my son, but your reward requires one last act in my name.” The great equine replied in a voice that shook the assembled men’s bones. “Whatever you desire is my command.” The man said without rising. “To earn my love, my child, you must end the lives of these sniveling cowards who stood aside and let their master fall. When you have finished, put the guns to your temples and fire while standing at the heart of my symbol. Then shall I send forth a host of angels to cleanse this world and bring it to heel.” “Yes father.” The man said, and with his death did a realm of man fall under the fists and steel shod hooves of the demon’s legions. Angels and beasts like a sick combination of man and horse descended in gleaming ships, drawn by the signal of their maker, and no quarter was given and no sacred thing bereft of touch. The man in the black cloak with the symbol of a pentagon within a circle with a metal fanged skull at its heart pressed the holographic button that deactivated the holo-book and waited for the inevitable questions that followed. At least one of his students always had a few, and who was he to deny them this small admission? At least the truth was something they could be given freely. A young man raised a hand, machinery was visible against the pale flesh and the man felt a hollow pain in his chest at the sight of this formerly maimed limb. He pointed a finger at the young man and smiled at him as the boy’s eyes lit up. They met with the elder males behind the teacher’s glowing teal visor, across which red words in a fell language appeared syllable by syllable. “Yes Michael?” “Instructor Andrew? What happened to the man in black?” Michael asked. “Whatever do you mean child?” “Well, you said he shot himself for his father’s love and that brought the angels and the Loshed-andros. What happened after that? Did he come back to life, was he brought to the Lord’s side, did he go to one of the heavens, or did he go unrewarded?” “Hahahah, ah you have ever been the curious one. An astute question my boy, but I don’t know. That is a mystery yet unsolved, they didn’t bother recording anything on him after that since they couldn’t waste time trying to find one odd man when the world was being invaded. Besides, I’m just an instructor so they probably wouldn’t tell me anyway. Since the record from the beginning of enlightenment on Earth five dash seven three has been observed, history class is dismissed until tomorrow. You will all be tested on it when you return. Now run along, its time for you all to go to recess. The Valkyries won’t be happy if they miss out on playtime because you all were late.” He suppressed a sigh of dismay when all but Michael ran off laughing and screaming, the boy was hungry for knowledge and always kept him late after school hours were officially over and his wife was beginning to question his faithfulness. "Yes Michael?" Andrew asked. Michael gave him an odd look and rested his head on his wholly organic hand, his smile was most unsettling. > Chapter 9: You May Have Seen It Coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY IT’S NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO UNDERESTIMATE SCOOTALOO First off, I’d like to thank you all for your patience. Seriously. I have been going through a lot and have generally been too busy with school and family matters to do much besides stew. Then when the difficulties ended I got one of my fingers, the one on my right hand to the right of the middle finger, sliced on a chunk of metal from inside of the bag of garbage I was taking out and after I treated it I overdosed on coca cola while listening to, first, Debauchery’s Blood God Rising and, second, Hatebreed’s Defeatist and on top of that I read through, probably, a third of the ask Molestia tumblr, backwards, and found inspiration. Being on break helped. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Time: 5:35 P.M. 76 days 17 hours 35 minutes since savior spell Location: Doom Labyrinth, Surehoof Mountains … “AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Havoc screamed as he ran. “Gargnaflarghnackfltip’oth!” Roared the monstrosity pursuing him. Rather them. Then again it was only Scootaloo. She held onto his mane desperately and kept begging for forgiveness. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” She cried. Havoc paid little mind to this. He had finally found something he didn’t know how to fight. The freakish former pony following them was apparently some sort of Chaos cultist, one who’d given himself entirely to Discord’s cause. Havoc was still enraged at the fact that the cults had dared to put aside their violent rivalry and banded together to destroy the threat to their ways of life and very existence. And it wasn’t him for once. How Scootaloo had managed to destroy three temples, collapse four dwelling caverns, and blow up nine sacred artifacts and a pair of mountains was something he hoped to find out. ... The group had seen the settlements when they approached a mountain range. Havoc had slowed down to get a better look and had decided to glide down. This accomplished a gaining of knowledge for him and an opportunity for Scootaloo to get some fresh air. He was sure she was running out by then and considered this to be luck. He had landed and had the group dismounted and set the howdah atop a narrow plateau for safe keeping, he’d made sure to leave the trunk’s opening ajar. Then he’d descended with the rest of the group to explore. They had come upon a fortified village inhabited by an ancient cult dedicated to Luna. The cult had moved out here sometime after Nightmare Moon had taken over, they had congregated in secret places at night ever since Luna and her sister had come to rule them. The cult had taken great pains to avoid being seen and this was why their goddess had not known of their devotion. However they had to go to such lengths to conceal themselves due to their Celestia worshipping brethren, to be found to worship the mistress of darkness would have ended badly for them. The princesses had impressive reaches and they were ever vigilant, but they didn’t see everything. Likely they would have been crucified and burned by the time the princesses arrived. They had fled to this isolated place when their sun loving brethren had discovered their original meeting place in the time of Nightmare Moon, in their despair they came to the conclusion that the cult was in some way responsible for or at least worshipping the Nightmare. So the Celestial cult had called upon the surviving Solar Paladins and together, with an army of warponies who had been drawn from the young and more violent cultists, they had ambushed the Lunar cult in the midst of a gathering. The fighting had been bloody and had cost the Lunar cult many lives as the warriors among them fought a losing battle against the vastly more numerous Celestial force. Hundreds had died in that lost chamber beneath the earth, the very chamber that had been carved out over generations to serve its purpose. They had made a great pilgrimage to this distant land and nurtured their hatred ever since. The cultists had seen Havoc, they had seen the skull on his rump, they had seen the starburst on Twilight’s rear end, they had seen the dragon and the albino wolf. Naturally they assumed that they must have a connection to their goddess of choice. Even the fiery phoenicians fit in, they were seen to be symbolic of torches to light the way in the deep darkness. Liber was a bit of an unknown but she looked tough and Celestia was not known for her love of things with scales. There was a reason Celestia was sometimes referred to as Dragon’s Bane, and the Solar Paladins reflected that. The group was welcomed with open arms, literally. They had been hugged by the entirety of the village that was available and those on guard duty had indicated that they too would be distributing hugs. Dragon eyed, bat winged, fanged pegasi were in abundance. Their wings appeared to be over twice the size of their normal brethren’s, who were scattered throughout the settlement. There were a few fanged, dragon eyed, sharp hooved, pale maned earth ponies as well. The most numerous were the fanged, dragon eyed, sharp horned unicorns. Their horns had striations of bone running their lengths. Havoc noticed they were all thin by pony standards, not the thin of starvation either. The sort of thin that is a result of breeding and exercise, they were sleek of build and fur. Havoc didn’t understand the abundance of unicorns until they explained their history. The group had been shown around the town, it was interesting how they lived. The dialect they spoke had remained virtually unchanged since they had dwelled in the promised land, that was another way they described Equestria, and for Twilight this was thrilling. This was like an archeologists wet dream apparently. Temples thousands of years old remained in use here and Twilight made accurate sketches of everything she could. Ancient script, both in Old Equine and Lunar code, was present in scrolls that predated the Royal Guard and iconography that was older than the Mare in the Moon Legend. Havoc and most of the group couldn’t read a word of it, but Twilight was fluent in Old Equine and Lunar code was based on that, Depictions of Celestia and her servants in a wicked light hurt her deeply but she was dedicated to her apparent duty as a scholar. Images depicting the slaughter of their ancestors by an army lead by the venerable Solar Paladins, an order that lived on to this day, shocked and horrified her. Similarly she was disgusted by carvings of the fate of those found by the zealous Celestial Cult, this caused her to take frequent breaks in order to keep from spilling her breakfast. Hatred ran deep here and Twilight knew to keep her place by the princesses side secret. Some of the methods of farming they employed were wonders all on their own. They grew numerous crops, not the least of which being the ones that didn’t require sunlight. They grew apples, potatoes, and wheat up here but they also grew moonberries, night flowers, lichen, various mushrooms, beans, and cream gourds. They also bred various small birds and rodents for additional nutrients they couldn’t get otherwise, lizards were considered a delicacy. They employed a system of pipes and aqueducts to supply the beans, lichens, mushrooms, moon berries, and cream gourds with water. They grew the beans, some potatoes, cream gourds, and moon berries on special racks that were suspended directly over aqueducts that were built specifically for the task. They were placed on thin strips of cloth that dipped into the flow from below until they had developed to the point that they would no longer fall through the bars of the racks. The strips of cloth were removed and the plants then fed directly from the artificial river, moon berries were supplied with the moonlight they needed by enchanted mirrors and bulbs of glass that formed a system that only activated when the moon was in the night sky. Cream gourds required no light, indeed it harmed them. They were fed on a steady diet of magic which made them grow healthy and strong. The aqueducts were fed by springs and underground rivers. The lichen was grown on stone and watered by runoff from aqueducts feeds, rivers, and wastewater. Those fed by wastewater were used exclusively for the purpose of oxygen production in the cave system. At some point it was decided that the visitors should see the elders. So they decided to take them to a sacred place. They had been brought deep into the mountain to one of the oldest ponies they had. Apparently he had been alive when the cult had been driven from Equestria. They passed Nox Lictors, as they were known, who guarded the inner halls. Far removed from the ponies they had seen in the town proper, these beings looked arcane in nature. Though they had flesh and fur their bodies were decorated with glowing blue striations that resembled words. Indeed Twilight was reading them and writing down what she observed. The eyes of those who possessed them were glowing turquoise and lacked iris and pupil alike. The unicorns had even carved runes into horns whose exteriors were fully calcified. It was probably very painful. The earth ponies lacked eyes all together, they had solid bone covered in flesh and skin and fur. Most of the earth ponies wore helmets that only let out their ears and nostrils, they apparently needed no eyes to navigate the darkness. These earth ponies were notably larger than all the other ponies down here, they were at least half as large again as the unicorn and pegasus guards. The pegasi had wings at least twice the span of their brethren’s. The odd ponies seemed to stare at them with their inscrutable gazes, the earth ponies followed their minutest movements with their oddly bat-like ears. As they walked they were silently joined by these Lictors, two of each breed formed up in a narrow hexagon around them. Havoc remained silent as he felt a slight tremor through his hooves. Surely that couldn’t be Scootaloo. The guards didn’t react so it was probably normal. They eventually came to a bubble in the earth where the walls were heavily veined with precious metals. There were shrines to the moon goddess in abundance here, numerous carved statues of varying size and quality and various carvings and scripts were everywhere. A small stream fed into the bubble and Havoc saw small moons were carved all around it. Lichen grew and what may have been moss hung in carefully arranged patterns that formed abstract images. Paintings and carvings in walls all shared the same themes, Luna, Nightmare Moon, the moon itself, and the night sky. A regular sized pony sat on a platform that was positioned two meters above the floor atop a small pillar of stone. A much larger being sat amongst a group of odd plants that resembled coral. The larger being was approximately three times the size of the stallion on platform and appeared to be an idealized unicorn mage, if one had dedicated himself to magic in body and soul. He appeared to be some sort well sculpted metal held together by white lines of magic. The lines spiralled and swirled across his form in a complex pattern that drew the eye. His eyes appeared to be of the same substance and they and the lines emitted it like vapor and it trailed when he moved. He was muscled and his horn was sharp. He looked calm yet... aware, like he was in a state of eternal readiness. This was truly an impressive being. “Well met slayer.” He called in a deep voice that left twisting lines in the air that swiftly faded away. “The same goes for you elemental, magic has always been a favorite of mine.” “What... are you?” Havoc asked with wide eyes. “I am. No less and no more. I am of a breed older than ponykind. We walked the planet in the age of the protocorn and we shall live on when ponies are but a legend. You may know us as the arcanadi. Or you may not, we rarely reveal ourselves.” He answered. This made Havoc very angry. “Why?” Asked Twilight, before he could say anything. “We are ancient but we are so few. We learned that bad things tend to happen to those of us who make themselves too well known. I have not been alive since the birth of Celestia’s great great grandparents for nothing.” “What sorts of bad things.” Havoc inquired with narrowed eyes. “Crimes against nature, magic, and life itself.” The arcanidine answered. Havoc was becoming annoyed, the wonder at this being did not have a lasting impact on him. “I don’t think he likes your answer old one.” The pony on the platform interjected. He shed a cloak as black as night and revealed a powerful build. His wings were large and feathered and his fur was pale red. His feathers gleamed green in the dim light of glowing crystals that were naturally present in the walls. This pony was surprisingly similar to the arcanadine in appearance. Glowing turquoise lines formed writhing patterns across his body and wisps of the stuff gently floated from numerous points. Each feather was crisscrossed in the lines and when he turned around it seemed even his eyes were affected. The lines crossed his eyes like fractures and they even looked jagged. He lacked the sharp teeth and dragon eyes, he lacked the leathery wings of the main breed of pegasi present, and he lacked the sleek build of the others. His eyes were sunken and green in color where they were not crossed over by the turquoise lines that pierced his form. He had numerous scars all over his body and was missing chunks of his hooves, his left rear leg was riddled with deep grooves and was definitely the cause of his slight limp. He had a tired, haunted, look about him that was mostly in his eyes. He had been meditating; reliving the battle that had lead to roughly a third of the scars on his chest, neck, and face. The same one that had lead to the dreadful march through the darkness to this distant land. He nodded respectfully to the albino, his sleek fur did not cover the scars very well. He looked at Havoc as he jumped down from his perch and clopped over. He walked a path he had maintained between his artwork specifically for this purpose. He extended a hoof to the giant, who awkwardly extended his own. The old stallion noted just how much bigger it was than his own, he felt like a foal as he shook Havoc’s hoof with both of his own. He extended the very same right hoof to the purple unicorn mare and regained some of his stallionhood when he felt her slightly smaller one in his wrist. He went through this practice with all the other newcomers. “I am Spot Star, elder and former militia pony. What can this old stallion do for you?” The ancient pony kindly inquired. “We would like to learn a little more about your people’s history good sir.” Twilight requested diplomatically. “Ask away.” Spot Star returned. “Well, about that battle... What happened back then?” “Ahhh, that is a painful memory. But I understand your curiosity, it is not every night you have access to a living relic of that time. You may want to get comfortable, this will be a long story.” He said before turning and walking down another path to a spot where cushions coated the floor. He took a seat on the far side and waited for them to take their places. Havoc simply stood where he was, he was too big to walk the path comfortably and he probably would have torn up the cushions with his sharp edged hooves anyways. The others strolled down and formed a rough semicircle facing the elder. The lictors formed up at the entrance to the room. “It was a dark night, the same as it had been for the past five years. We had lost nine children to Nightmare Moon’s hunger, all because two villages couldn’t find enough candy to satisfy her. I was but a militia pony who had arranged to come to the meeting two weeks past, I had paid off a friend to take my place on guard duty for a few rotations. I was armed with but a pair of curved daggers that I was given upon my inception into the cult. Oh colt did I love those things, I always kept them clean and polished. I also sharpened them after every, infrequent, use so they were as good as the night they were made. Then again it had been the same night for years on end so that wasn’t really saying much. I was on the edge of the ceremony, some wizard of a pony had apparently found a way to purify Nightmare Moon. At least she thought she had found a way. Apparently she had found Nightmare Moon to be a result of possession, and not by the demons of pandemonium. As it happens they weren’t fond of taking over mortals, they weren’t keen on old Moony either. So the wizard figured we could gather all the unicorns we had, use her as a focus, and rip the malevolent spirit from her body. A great plan in theory, so great that we even had children volunteering as bait. We weren’t happy about it but the nightmare was rather fond of children, and if they were sprinkled in candy she’d be drawn like a moth to a flame. So we waited, she knew we knew that there was no way we could harm something that powerful, especially not with the range of weaponry and unicorns available to us, so she wouldn’t feel threatened by our presence until it was too late. Of course, the plan didn’t work. The plan took time, we had to make sure everypony was well rested for maximum strength and naturally everypony wanted to be there for the rescue of our favorite princess. If we pulled this off then not only would we gain the appreciation of the princesses, which was enough on its own, but then the Celestials would have to respect us. Unfortunately some member of the Celestial Cult caught word of all of us gathering in one place, and it was true as members of the cult from all around Equestria would be in attendance. To think of how proud I was to be there, I was so happy to finally cast off the shackles of oppression and finally show my true nature, I didn’t have to hide it anymore. Then I heard the yelling, in the tunnels twas like a hundred dragons roaring all at once. I, along with everypony else, turned to face the sound and saw a sight that to this day gives me nightmares. Thousands of warriors from the Celestial Cult charging us, millions maybe. There were too many to count, like an endless flood from the tunnels that lead to the nearest town they came, and worse still were the ones at the front. Solar Paladins, the most zealous of the cult and utterly dedicated to the sun princess, were at the front. The gleam from their golden arms and armor terrified me like never before.” He took a longer pause than previously, his eyes closed in concentration, before continuing. “I was positioned somewhere behind the outer four ranks of warriors, I was lucky in that. The paladins smashed into us like a titan’s hoof, eyes glowing golden as the magic of Celestia fed upon their fury. At least that’s what they always claimed it was, and we had no means of disproving them. They slaughtered the outer warriors they contacted within seconds, hundreds dead within mere moments. Then the killing began in earnest. We fought back of course, and most of us died. I bore witness to killing as I had never imagined, great hammers smashing through multiple skulls with a single swing, ponies torn to ribbons by swarms of blades, swords cleaving flesh nonstop, ponies having their heads stomped in by gold shod hooves  We didn’t have a hope at winning. But we kept fighting. The Celestials had numbers and fury yes, but we had desperation and a fighting style unique to us. We would dodge and leap, always staying in motion, and we would slash and stab and snap joints and bones as we did so. I remember so well...” “Old friend, perhaps I could show them?” The arcanidine offered. The old pony nodded his assent. The arcanadine glowed brighter and from his horn an image spread. They watched in rapt attention. It showed a first person perspective from what was explained to be Spot Star’s eyes  A line of gold armored equines ran with incredible speed towards the congregation around him. The gold armored ponies smashed deep into the tight but disorganised formation. Blood sprayed as bones were snapped and forced out of skin and armor smashed into new and unusual shapes. Swords and spears tore through hide and flesh like a butcher’s cleaver through meat. Armored hooves crushed and caved in skulls just as readily as they broke legs, ribs, and skin. The sound was otherworldly, like the entire world was screaming for their deaths. Pegasi leapt into the air and crumpled like paper as they were impacted by raging warriors. Spot Star blinked for a moment and blood sprayed his face and got in his eyes. He wiped it off with a wrist and stared at it in horror. He tore his eyes from his bloodied wrist as he heard a very nearby scream, a paladin had just killed a stallion just in front of him. He leapt overhead in a spinning arc as the paladin thrust his sword where he had been mere moments ago. He landed on a paladin and stabbed him in the side of the neck with a curved dagger, and was thrown aside with a buck. He rolled aside as an armored hoof stepped towards his head, the stone developed microfractures spreading from where the gold armored hoof contacted it. He slashed out at a gap in the plates with the tip of his dagger and it scraped off, just as he thought. He kicked his rear hooves into the gut of a less armored cultist and he was sent into the air. Spot leapt after him and grabbed him around the neck with his left front leg, and gutted him with his right. He kicked off the dying soldier and lunged at another from above, but was blindsided by a Celestial cultist pegasus. He wheezed with the impact and almost fell into the melee below, his opponent held on and tried to kick him to death. He bit his opponent’s mouth and held on with his teeth as the pegasus tried to scream. At some point he began to get faint seeing how his nostrils were covered and he couldn’t breath so he released his grip on Spot, who stabbed him through the left eye. Spot let gravity remove the corpse from his blade and swooped over the horde below. He saw an earth pony paladin armed with a hammer smash the head of one of his brethren with an overhead swing. The paladin closed his eyes as his weapon impacted the foe and sent blood and shards at his armored face. When the four Lunar cultists behind him tried to group up on him he opened his glowing gold eyes and swung his hammer in a sideways arc which caved in their ribcages. The hammer’s head was a little bigger than the paladin’s chest. Spot slashed a few throats as he spun and whirled with every hit, keeping him from the clutches of unicorns and quick hoofed earth ponies or pegasi. He saw a unicorn paladin in an open portion of the field, only three dismembered corpses littered the bare earth. He was approached by an airborne pegasus who tried to rush him, but stopped when a multitude of shining blades came forth from the unicorns armor. Within seconds the blades swept around to surround him on all sides before slashing him cruelly. The pegasus was being impaled and sliced so rapidly he looked to be disintegrating before Spot’s very eyes, it was horrific. A pair of Lunar unicorns and an earth pony rushed to his aid only to suffer his fate. Soon all that was left of what was once four ponies was a pile of finely sliced meat and bones surrounded by blood. The Solar unicorn began to march forwards, blades whirling terribly. Spot screamed as a long blade pierced his shoulder through his left pauldron and turned to face his assailant. His brother glared at him hatefully, his only brother. Only Star Spot was aware of this and the visitors were too intent on the memory to see the pained grimace on his face as he saw this. Little sister would never forgive him for what he was about to, he doubted she knew he was still alive. He also doubted that she was still alive. In the memory he made an equine roar of rage before kicking his elder brother in the chest, he had aimed for the throat. His brother went soaring but regained control mid-flight and shot back at him sword readied over head. Spot twisted his blades so that they curved outwards before he caught the sword with his twin daggers and flipped it aside before taking a swing at his brother with one of the wicked weapons. He brother blocked with his vambrace and launched a kick with one of his own hind feet. This proved to be a mistake as Spot simply flipped his body over it while accomplishing a tight spin and getting behind his brother in the process. He twisted his right blade so the curve was inwards again and slid it into his brother throat, he made sure to aim directly for the kill spot in the center and into the ribcage to ensure a swift death. He held his brother gently as he died. “Shhh, it’s alright brother. I don’t blame you.” The memory of the younger Spot Star whispered, he sounded so much younger and energetic back then. Havoc was not particularly affected though some of the others certainly were. The memory showed Spot Star releasing his brother to fall into the melee below, likely to be crushed until he was unrecognizable. He resumed his tactic of whirling stabs and twisting slashes. He danced as much as he fought and in the end he survived because he accidentally danced himself into a tunnel as some of the last civilian cultists were evacuating. He looked back to the battle and saw his remaining brethren fighting valiantly, he knew he would make little difference by rejoining the fight and simply hung his head low as he tiredly trotted with the refugees. He fell behind but kept in sight of the group from the back. They navigated the maze with ease born of practice. They had been coming here for generations and the cultists were taught to know this sacred place like the fronts of their hooves. He heard a low scuffling noise and tensed himself to fight, only to see a panicked earth pony cultist running past him. His eyes were wide and bloodshot and he was frothing at the mouth. Spot shook his head as he continued his run. At some point they had regained silence, the sounds of battle were long gone and a few more soldiers had joined Spot. They ran together behind and alongside the civilians until they came to a subterranean river, the group stopped with great panting as they slowly clopped over to take a much needed drink. Spot waited his turn before sticking his muzzle in and sucking the wonderfully cold water into his mouth. He didn’t particularly care that he was downstream of the wide eyed pony who had been foaming at the mouth previously. They finished simultaneously and cantered to the edge of the group, then they heard the faint laughing and the metallic click-clank of horseshoes on stone. The group was standing in dirt except at the river’s edge. He looked at the pony to his left and nodded. “Come on Foamy, we should go check that out.” Spot suggested breathlessly, he took a nice deep gulp of air. The air this deep was not as abundant in oxygen. Foamy nodded agreement and as the pair walked off a third stallion joined them. This one a pegasus like Spot. This stallion wielded a slightly curved sword that was currently sheathed along his side and had a red mane and pink fur. Hard to believe it was a stallion really. The three followed the sound and their expressions remained grim. They soon came upon a trio of Celestial cultists who yelled as they charged eagerly. They were taken care of in short order by the skilled Lunar cultists. Spot spun around using the force of his foe’s sword swing to send him behind the Celestial. He turned the dagger points outwards and slashed off his foe’s wings. He screamed and fell writhing to the tunnel floor. Spot turned his left blade inwards again and stuck it into his foes neck. Foamy had already broken his foes neck with his iron shod hooves and the pink one had decapitated and otherwise dismembered his own foe. Then they heard a mighty neigh and a faint glow appeared around the bend. They readied their weapons and were quite ready to die at this point. Yet it was not a paladin but a regular earth pony cultist who was only armed with metal shoes who charged ‘round the the tunnels corner with eyes glowing golden. Spot was so stunned that he had not time to react as the cultist reared up, without breaking stride, and slammed the pink one into the wall with a sickening crunch. The Celestial kept coming and Spot slashed out at him with an out-curved dagger. The Celestial slapped it aside and punched him down. Hard. He was sent skidding on his cuirass and sparks flew from the friction. The Celestial was over him in seconds, he reared up to stomp his face flat but just before his hooves came down he was interrupted by Foamy. Foamy slammed into his chest and the two went sent skidding in a furious brawl. Punches flew between one another rapidly as did kicks and even bites. Foamy hopped back and the Celestial jumped to his feet before lunging at him. Foamy swung him overhead and into the floor and the Celestial wheezed with the impact. Then he jumped back up and grabbed Foamy as he ran at him on his rear hooves, he proceeded to smash Foamy against the wall behind him but Foamy took him with him. They slid to the floor gasping for breath but the Celestial rose first. He turned as he felt Spot behind him, Spot drove the dagger into the pony’s brain through his jaw. They Celestial feebly grasped his wrist and dropped dead. Panting could be heard from the memory as Spot pulled his blade from the pony’s jaw. He looked over to Foamy, blood leaked from his mouth and he kept wincing and grimacing in pain. Spot trotted over to him and sheathed his blades before sitting down by his friend’s side. He lifted his head onto his left foreleg and stroked his dying friend’s mane with his right. “Many thanks Foams. You saved mine life back there, but why didst thou sacrifice thyself for my sake? Thou could have finished him off from behind whilst he was busy caving mine skull in.” “Made... Made a promise. Spot?” Foamy said in his ragged voice. “Yes friend?” “I... I am scared. I do not desire this journey into the, heeeckh, afterlife. I fear the coming darkness. Ha ha ha ha, comedic isn’t it?” “Indeed Foamy, indeed.” Spot said sadly. “Will you be my brother in death? I have never had the fortune of one as my parents were not blessed with fertility. It would mean a lot to me.” “Of course my friend.” “Brother, why do ponies have to kill each other?” “Because they hate what they cannot understand.” “Why do so few love, kaaah, Luna? When I saw our mistress’s glorious moon as a foal I always felt safe knowing she was watching over me. Who could hate that?” “Foolish ponies who fear the dark and all it holds.” “I love you brother...” “I love you too Foamy.” “I... I m-m-miss my m-moth-ther-r-r-r...” Foamy trailed off as his eyes became vacant and lifeless. They stared dully ahead and the memory Spot closed his eyes with a free hoof. Then he drew his blade and carved Luna’s cutie mark into the soldiers right cheek. He blew on each closed eyelid and tapped the ears with his blade before stabbing up into his brain through his jaw and abandoning the corpse to perform the same ritual on the other Lunar cultist. When he was finished he rejoined the group of evacuees and when the rest of the militant cultists who still lived returned they headed off on their migration which would eventually lead to their current holdings. The memory ended as they exited the tunnels and joined up with the main mass of refugees, which was a few thousand ponies strong, and were walking towards some distinguished looking unicorn mare. “Well that was different.” Havoc commented. Almost on cue, a unicorn lictor smoothly trotted into the room. “Elder, are you done with them?” He asked. “You have need of them?” Spot Star inquired. “Yes sir.” “Then they need not remain in my presence.” “Come with me travelers.” The lictor ordered before turning back the way he came and trotting out. Havoc rose on his hind legs and turned to the exit, he was out of the room well before the others. This was partly to allow them easier passage as he was certain he would block them off otherwise. The party regrouped and followed the lictor’s pace. The lictor led them from the amazing tunnels into the light of day, where they bore witness to a sight that made their blood run cold. At least those who had some reason to be affected. A temple was naught but rubble, shattered statues and carvings were scattered around it. That temple was sturdy work, there was no reason for it to just fall apart like it appeared to have done. “As you can see somepony has committed a blasphemy against our precious goddess. We suspect The Children of Discord to be at fault but we wish to gather more evidence of this before launching a costly attack against those psychopaths. You will be our outside investigators. The cultists left no marks here save for a set of small, erratic, hoofprints. We suspect they exited the scene of the crime long ago. Before you ask, the children of Discord are the local chaos cult grown huge and terrible with isolation from Equestrian vigilance. They are the second group out here, the third and final is the Nightmare Pack. Freaks. The Nightmare Pack are the mutant results of ponies altered in ancient experiments by Nightmare Moon, she created wolf ponies, vamponies, and shadow fangs, not to mention the moon stalkers. All in an effort to create ever more horrific soldiers to use against the people. Wolf ponies are sick hybrids of wolf and pony, naturally, and they combine the worst of both personality wise. They come in three variants, the earth variant is pretty basic. Easy enough to kill, though they are stronger and faster than the average pony with a taste for the flesh of equines, they also tend to be a lot dumber than the other two. Like all wolf ponies the basic wolf pony has a set of four toed paws in place of their forehooves and their frontal leg structure is akin to that of the wolf half, the basic wolf pony also has a mouth full of teeth designed to tear flesh and crush bone. They have heads like some fusion of pony and wolf, yellow eyes and seemingly no whites, the tails are lengthy and lupine in structure, coats are also shaggy. The wolf pegasus are savage and huge, they also have the ability to sense magic and specialize in killing unicorns. They are also much stealthier than the lesser pony-wolf hybrid despite their greater size and ferocity. And, of course, the wolf pegasus can fly with its massive owl-like wings. Totally silent. The unicorn wolves are the worst, easily the biggest and they have magic specialized in killing. Ware their magic, it can render them invisible in the blink of an eye. Vamponies are weird but not too bad, they can be identified by the long fangs and their purely predatory teeth. Their saliva has something in it that prevents clotting so once you’re bitten you don’t stop bleeding. Freak speed and strength, they have solid red eyes and a sadistic streak. They taunt prey, running them to the ground or into painful traps, and when they get their hooves on you they have a nasty habit of torturing prey both physically and mentally. They can’t stand the day because the light hurts their sensitive eyes, their ears are more bat-like in structure as well so listen for little clicks in the solid dark. Shadow fangs are basically shadow given form and life. They are masters of stealth in the darkness and the only way to hurt them is direct magical assault. They don’t play much but they tend to leave big bloody streaks all over the vicinity of the place they feed in. Messy eaters. Moon stalkers only come out on full moons but they’re the worst. They don’t necessarily kill you, when they’re done you’ll be lucky if you die. Bigger than bears and ten times as mean, they have a vaguely equine form, multiple eyes and too many nostrils, tentacles lines their back and flanks. They have a rather disturbing mating process which can involve stallions and mares alike, I’ll spare you the details but needless to say the best way to sum it up is this: massive tentacle rape. Be careful out there, chaos likes the heat of the day, it invigorates them for some sick reason.” The lictor explained in an oddly calm voice. Why he spoke like modern ponies too was a mystery that might just go unsolved. Many frowns were had that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Several hours later... Scootaloo was light on her hooves as she crept along the mountain side. At this particular point a single misstep would send her plummeting to her demise, if not for her wings. All the same the ninja in training was cautious, the things below didn’t look very nice. Numerous deformities such as superfluous legs and excess hooves were common. Others were more extreme, she saw a being that had the head of a pony and a body like an overlong camels and seven legs, four on the right side. They jabbered on in their chaotic voices, drooling with flecks of saliva spraying from their mouths with every syllable. Scootaloo almost shuddered when she saw the twelve winged monster amongst them. It seemed all his limbs had been replaced with wings with extras added on haphazardly. He cackled at nothing as he hovered with lazy flaps. She saw a near perfect pegacorn among them, his otherwise handsome visage marred only by his overlong muzzle and the swirling stripes in place of any recognizable ocular structure. He seemed to be perpetually smiling, that was probably because he lacked any sort of lips and his mouth extended to behind his eyes. A fight broke out at random between a pony shuffling along on what appeared to be flippers, who had but one eye, and another tall, due to his long and thin legs, and skinny pony. The one on flippers bit at a leg but the thin one kicked viciously in response. The fight was ended in moments as a much bigger pony came along and grasped them each in one of his mouths. He had three eyes, two mouths and all the parts they came with, and one head. He squeezed them in between his teeth and they squealed in pain, or possibly something else. Scootaloo hurried along before the freaks looked up and saw her. She snuck by them without a hitch, until she heard flapping noises. She peeked back and down and saw something flying up here! She crept along with slightly greater speed. She barely got out of immediate sight when the flaps were at her elevation. They remained there despite her frantic hope. In fact, they sounded like they were coming closer! She got back to her rapid creeping and looked for a cave or a big gash in the mountain side that she could hide in. She squeezed into such a gap moments before the thing flew around the side. The pony was terrible to look upon with twisted flesh and random spikes of bone jutting from its skin. It’s wings made a buzzing noise as it flew, as it passed by her she saw that it had six functional wings and three pitiful vestigial ones. Saliva fell from its mouth in a foul waterfall flecked with red and yellow, and its eyes were bloodshot and glowed with feral energy. As its head turned past her she saw that it had two eyes on the right side of its head. This thing was a perversion of Pegasus if she ever saw one and she felt horror and rage in equal amounts. Pegasus, the original, would weep at the sight of this monster. This... This thing was an insult to her very being and to Pegasus himself, she was certain that the revered warrior would slay the freak on sight. But, she had to hold back from leaping upon him in a flurry of hardened hooves. He buzzed along with a few rapid coughs, phlegm shot from his mouth. Instinctive rage overwhelmed the fear and the horror only fueled it, she now had to make an effort not to jump at the twisted beast that seemed to be looking for her. Its left eye was glowing red as opposed to the green ones on the right side. It gave up with a guttural growl, it sounded disgusting. She waited a few minutes for it to be completely out of sight before leaving her hiding place. She hissed angrily as she crept along, she planned on taking it out on the next freak she came across. So long as it was alone anyway. A montage ensued when she pulled a small device from a pocket on a strap she was wearing, the device was a moderately complex music player. She used the power of montaging to quickly reaching the lair of some strange wolfy things. Once inside she proceeded to gently poke at a loose gem on a big crystalline structure. The gem went inside and the structure changed dramatically, within seconds the thing had exploded in a spray of shards and whole gems alike. She was lucky to have miraculously avoided all that shrapnel, the wolfy things got really angry though. They chased her because she was the only thing in that cavern that was not one of them. She heard horrific baying at her heels as she fled into some thick woods through a tunnel she had yet to test. She heard a rumbling as she ran out. They kept pace with her. Though the smaller, and unwinged or unhorned, ones were having trouble, and occasionally one would just drop out of the chase, she wasn’t losing them anytime soon. Naturally, she turned to her combat skills as a means of salvation. She became a whirl of motion, kicking and spinning and leaping all about. A jaw crunched with a well placed hoof, followed by the sickly crunching sound as her left hind hoof met the base of its skull. She snapped a fragile elbow, which would have been impossible on a pony, and whipped the attached wolf thing into its comrades using her strength and its momentum.  She grinned as a flying wolf thing met her back-hooves with its face with her midair applebuck. She thanked Applebloom and Applejack both as she came down, the brutal move had caved in the thing’s face. She leaped into the middle of a nearby clearing and grinned at her more wary assailants. Many of her of her erstwhile pursuers bore injuries or moved with limps, several had wounds that were anatomically impossible for a pony to sustain, once more proving the superiority of ponykind. She smiled at a huge horned wolf thing as it slowly stepped towards her, the thing was bigger than Big Macintosh. Comparing the two she realised that he would have come up to the thing’s shoulder if they were placed next to each other. She suppressed the surge of heat she felt whenever she thought about the big stallion, it was just as bad as the one she felt when she thought about Applebloom or even Spike. It flexed its four legs before lowering its body and performing a slow circuit around her. The other wolf things had formed a loose circle around the clearing. It growled at her coherently and occasionally barked or roared for punctuation. This seemed to be some sort of ritual, precombat rites were common in Equestria. But for a ninja? She launched herself hooves first at the joints of the things forelegs in the middle of one of its series of barks. The cartilage tore and the bone at the ends cracked as her hooves impacted the weak points. The thing screamed as it fell. “Hhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnngggggghhhhhh!!!” It roared, the agony it must be in was incredible. A quick flap of her wings to get her to the ground and a kick to that same dirt to get her in the air again and she was spinning over the giant’s head. She directed the energy of her spin and her momentum into the base of the big one’s head, she heard a sharp crack-crunch and his screaming stopped. As she looked around the clearing from her perch she saw that all the wolf things were gaping at her, eyes wide with shock. She wondered if she had broken some sort of taboo. Being what she was, she had little concern. She specialised in quick physical takedowns, as opposed to poisons in civilian settings or long distance sniping. She flexed her wings before leaping into the air and waiting, they started backing up and looking at something above her. She rolled aside in time to avoid the razor sharp claws of a wolf pegasus as it swept down beside her. Another almost caught her but she launched off of its long arm. As she swooped to dodge the second’s attacks she saw a third coming directly down on her and curled her body into a ball to protect herself. She bounced off its open maw and uncurled when she felt the teeth leave her spine, and kicked a hoof into the jaws of another. She had little time to identify them from each other so she began to wonder if they were just going to keep coming until she was too exhausted to fight. The angry barks and howling were almost drowning out a high pitched whimpering. She kept moving and moving and was at this point just trying to find a way to out of the maze of fur and fangs when a ragged howl was heard. The wolf things scattered and clung to the tops of the trees, looking at where she had killed the big, horned, wolf thing. She looked down as she caught her breath. A winged wolf thing was crouching some distance from the corpse, which was slowly rising and whimpering and growling as it did. Scootaloo knew there was no way it could have survived that finishing blow. It groaned as it shook its head but it grinned as it heard a popping noise. It repeated its flexing and the other wolf things retreated until they were barely in sight, and that was mostly because there were so many of them. The wolf thing had kept its eyes closed throughout that entire process, now it opened them and they were solid black with shadow stuff leaking out of them. And those terrible orbs were directed right at her. She kept her distance warily, there was something direly wrong for that one winged wolf thing to be the only one anywhere near it. The black eyed wolf unicorn paid no attention to the pegasus wolf, staring straight at Scootaloo and sitting on its haunches patiently. Looking into the soulless pits of its eyes she decided to get away from this thing before something bad happened to her. She went straight up to prevent it from following her, but just as she broke the tree line she felt a pressure on her rear hooves. She flapped as hard as she could but didn’t shift even an inch higher, she looked down and to her horror there was a solid blackness around them. Then she was pulled down so fast she barely managed to register it. Black tendrils slid towards her and she tried to get away, but the darkness around her hooved prevented anything but weak stalling. She looked for the source and saw they spread from the horned wolf thing’s shadow, the stuff around her hooves was dripping down from its horn to join the shadow beneath it. It was grinned down on her and a little shadow stuff was leaking from between its pale yellow teeth in strings. She shuddered as the disturbingly cold tendrils wrapped around her wings before pinning them to her body. Then blackness around her hooves back into the things shadow. She jumped to her hooves and tried to free her wings, prying hooves and biting teeth failed just as simply flapping them off or flexing her wings back and forth did. She groaned as the thing stood and made a single strong bark in challenge. She had a feeling that despite her great speed and agility, there was no way she could overcome that thing’s magic and sheer reach with legs that long. She tensed up as she turned to face the monster, it licked its fangs in response. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fifteen minutes later... Her rear end was sore after that fight. Especially that spot that was almost between her legs, that stung with every step she took. She truly regretted using that move, especially since she’d thought it up mid-fight. Sure it had won the fight, but at what cost? She reached into her pack and pulled out a case of salve. Grasping the lid with her teeth, she twisted it open with her left hoof. She was ever grateful for her species’ highly effective bone structure. She dipped the end of a hoof in and scraped a little out, afterwards she lightly placed the lid on the container and put it down. She flipped onto her back and arched her rear towards her face. She grimaced at the reddish tint it had taken on and had to remind herself that she’d done what she had to in order to survive. She gently applied the pinkish salve to her rump and... special place with an orange hoof. It was times like this where she was glad she lacked the harder, and heavier, more solidly keratin plated bone hooves of the males. They would have made this much more uncomfortable. When she was done she rolled onto her belly so see a terrifying sight. The stag stared down at her. He was nearly twice her height and that was without taking his great antlers into the equation. They gave him an additional two and perhaps a third of a hoof on her. He had eyes that were black, but not like the eyes of the possessed wolf thing. They were reflective. “Pony...” He droned as he took a step closer, his hooves scarcely disturbing the soil. They were sharp and he had two per foot, this was normal for deer. “Er, hello sir! I uh, I didn’t know I was on your land! I was being chased by some wolf things and I happened to lose my way, I’ll be off as soon as possible. I apologise for the intrusion mister!” She replied as politely as she could. Deer were not fond of ponies. They regarded ponies as thieves and homewreckers in most places and invaders or inferiors in others. This was often not too far off the mark as ponies tended to mess with their lives, intentionally or otherwise. They had actually pushed most of the native deer out when they came to Equestria and, in the area known as Scandinavia today, they had abused and oppressed the native deer from the start. Ponies were not native to that region, the various deer species had been receptive to the newcomers at first and when push came to shove the ponies beat them with greater numbers and arms. So when this stag here found her on his way to wherever, he was probably not too happy to see her. “Hmmph” He snorted, then made a throat rattle, “Bad little pony, eh? This is sacred place. You not welcome here, but maybe I can make exception.” She then noticed he was speaking Equestrian rather badly and his Norse accent was thick to boot. She licked her teeth behind her lips as an idea came to her. She had thoroughly scanned him from the start and noticed his apparel was not consistent with that of a farmer or even a lumberjack. He wore a long cotton shirt under a puma, or mountain lion or even cougar if you prefer, hide jacket. He had a large axe slung across his back and a mid-length sword sheathed along his right flank, numerous sheathed daggers decorated his left, and the head of the big cat was nestled between his antlers. The jaw went around his own and attached to the upper portion of skull by cords of sinew through the skin, the jaw was missing the skin and flesh underneath. He also had some tattoos and scars, both ritual and otherwise. An odd combination of bladed half-circles, serpent patterns, and the occasional symbol in a language she didn’t speak composed the tattoos and scars. He was an impressive specimen by her reckoning. He fairly rippled with muscle across his frame and he looked quite healthy with a shiny grey and white coat and surprisingly white teeth. “Er, you wouldn’t happen to be a warrior would you? All those muscles, those big weapons, and that lion skin just screams of your skill.” She said with quick flutter of her short eyelashes. She knew that warriors, especially Norse, were rather fond of boasting and loved having their egos stroked almost as much as they liked having a rather pride central organ stroked. He halted and posed a little, he tossed his head to show off his antlers and the cat skin. She knew her plan had worked then. Now she just had to take advantage of this distraction. “Why yes, little mare is smart I see!” He began with a big smile, “I am not just warrior, I am so great that I come here to hunt the mighty monsters of these land! Is proving ground see?” He continued with a gesture to a symbol on one of saddlebags he wore. The same symbol was present on his backpack as well, it was the stylised face of a long fanged wolfpony. As she looked at it she further examined him and saw that she had misjudged him. He was both depraved and a pervert. His penis was semi erect and it hung from between his legs like a short black staff. She shied away from him upon seeing it. This meant he was either sick in the head or had been deprived of does for a long time, she randomly remembered she was supposed to refer to male reindeer as bulls for some reason. She also understood what he meant when he considered making an exception as she had first thought he meant to kill her and take sections of her corpse as a trophy, use her as bait, or take her as a slave. That last one was still possible. “Well that’s pretty cool but if you don’t mind I really need to going.” She hurriedly said, deer were dangerous enough unarmed, she’d rather not end up like the ponies in the training films who’d thought they could take armed deer alone. Poor foals were ripped apart. “Why so soon?” He asked and took a couple of steps forward. “Well, thing is my dad’s kinda waiting for me.” She replied nervously. “Really? Well why can you not take a little longer to get to him, and if no then how about I meet him?” He replied and moved his other two legs forward. “Er, he’s timing me and he’d rip this place apart if I’m even a minute late. I can put you in contact with him if you’d like.” She offered while reaching into her small pack. “Hah hah hah, sure. I will talk to daddy, explain to him why little girl is late. Is part of code to aid friends after all.” He agreed with a big grin. “Give me a moment, I have to go through mom first.” She said while she pulled out a small communicator. It had three quarters of a charge due to frequent calls to her friends, she was issued this unit by her superiors in the academy but it was fine to use it for civilian purposes. It allowed communication with other units through a magical transmission to a specific magic frequency that every unit emits. Each frequency is slightly different and is also coded, this ensures that no mix ups occur. By the same virtue one could also send messages directly to beings that emitted magic, and just as the units emitted magic on slightly different frequencies so did living things like unicorns only the differences tended to be more distinct. She had long ago scanned all the unicorns she considered friends with the unit in the event that she needed help, Twilight had a very distinct and strong signature because she was very powerful but even if she didn’t come she could probably count on the hyper violent psychopath to come running to the opportunity to kill something. She also knew Twilight was trained in the decoding of said transmissions. After she pressed on a series of differently colored buttons, this was a feature designed partly to confound those species who lacked color vision like the earth dogs, she held the communicator to her left ear and waited. She knew that, possibly very far away, the signals slamming into Twilight’s horn and she was likely very annoyed and probably feeling some pain even as she realized what the unexpected ‘attack’ was and beginning to decode it. “Hello?” Scootaloo heard from her unit’s receiver. “Ah yes, hello mom! How are you?” She replied “Scootaloo?! Is that really you?!” “Now isn’t the time mom, I’m sure dad knows. Can I please talk to him, I’m pretty sure mister tall dark and scary sort of needs to know how his precious little girl is doing. Especially since there’s a a reindeer here who I think he’d love to talk to.” Scootaloo threw emphasis on numerous words to help Twilight understand her needs and situation. “Oh, right. Well give me a moment.” Twilight caught on quickly of course and the bright unicorn soon set the comm spell to the equivalent of speaker. “What do you mean speak into your horn?” A very deep voice said in confusion from the other side. This startled the deer but he kept his composure. “Hi daddy!” Scootaloo interjected before he could mess them up. “This sounds like Scootaloo. And I am talking to somepony through the horn of a unicorn.” “That’s because it is, and you wouldn’t have to talk through mom’s horn if you’d remembered to bring your hoofphone. I swear you forget it every time we go out! So, uh, dad. Would you mind talking to this fellow here for me. I think the here deer can explain why I’ll be late for the meetup.” She quickly passed the phone to the reindeer who clearly had little experience with such devices. “Deer? Deer!? I haven’t seen a deer since... Hey, who are you so near my Scootaloo anyway?” Havoc asked as he decided to play along to see where this went. He decided to attempt to use the nobles of his world as a reference for a father figure, typically it was the nobility that took the best care of their offspring and they were very protective of their female children. “Er, I am Dreyra-Kyndill and I-” He sounded very brave for someone talking to a voice that literally sounds bigger than him. “I don’t know what that means but I’m tracing this signal right now. Don’t mo-” He was cut off when he got teleported by a seemingly random burst of magic from Twilight’s active horn. “-ve until... I...” He looked around in confusion before speaking again, “Mongrel b*********! How the flack did I get here?! By the holy duck, I swear this place is actively screwing with me!” He was very annoyed. The bull stared up at him with a combination of horror and awe. Scootaloo took the opportunity to get behind him and readied herself for the overhead lunge that would get his powerful neck between her hooves. “You! Oh lost Odin preserve me for the beast has come and found me consorting with its offspring!” He wailed as he reached back and drew his axe. He was on his rear hooves before she had a chance to take him down, she was being careful to stay out of sight now. Deer were more dangerous than ponies by far. In fact, they were one of the favored foes of gryphons and had even stopped Lysander’s seemingly unstoppable naval juggernaut on three separate occasions. This breed was well known for its prowess both on land and at sea and they typically travelled in great herds numbering in the hundreds or thousands. The fact that this one was alone hinted at either some unknown but truly terrible crime he’d committed to be abandoned or, more likely, that he was dangerous enough to be allowed to strike out on his own. Lysander almost never lost a battle and this was even more rare when he was at sea, it was like the seaborne armada was his element. It was rumored he had been conceived on a ship and later hatched on that very same one during battle in the midst of the most powerful oceanic tempest in four hundred years, just as it was said he came out fully feathered and joined the fight to terrifying effect. He was supposedly the only survivor, according to legend he’d pointed the ship towards Spartan shores where the sailors who investigated the boat found but a single hatchling amongst the piles of gryphon bones. There is a reason people bring up the navy history every time he’s mentioned. “For mine forfedre!” He bellowed before the two males simultaneously charged each other. It was like they were both responding to some unknown signal it was so perfectly timed. Scootaloo cursed under her breath as they collided with a very audible crunching thunk, the deer let out a loud groan as the pain of the impact reached his brain. The axe scraped off without leaving even a scratch on Havoc’s dragon-like hide.  The deer launched a kick that would have easily caved in and impaled a pony’s skull while Havoc rose on his own rear hooves in preparation for a finishing move. Hard and fast, that’s how Havoc liked to fight and that was how he usually won. The deer knew his end was at hoof, those great jagged edged hooves would make short work of him. He raised his axe high with both forelegs and let out a keening call, a noise distinctive to deer, moments before Havoc crushed his entire body beneath his hooves. Havoc went on to smash and tear at the corpse until he was satisfied with the shard, hair, and hide riddled goo that remained. Then he turned his bloody eyes upon Scootaloo and licked his blade-like teeth. “Eh heh heh heh heh. Hey there big guy! Thanks for the help just now, would have been a real hassle to “take care” of him on my own.” She said with a nervous smile. “Was that you who took out that temple? You know, the one with the bat ponies and the freaky unicorns and earth ponies? The skinny freaks if you don’t know what I mean.” He replied. What few understand is that Havoc was, in essence, nearly a textbook definition of demon. He was born into a hell of sorts, he grew up cold and savage, he took immense pleasure in the pain and downfall of others, he had a taste for death and even his own pain was enjoyed to an extent, and now he had power enough to kill the stars if he so desired, but only if he could learn how. He also had all the time he could possibly need to learn to use his might. But he had weaknesses like every other living thing. One of his was that he required a constant stream of stimulation. This was partly because he was not used to being alone with his thoughts, last time that had happened he was trapped in a vault and that scarred him mentally. The things he imagined while starving to death were terrifying in the extreme, the torture inflicted on his elder cousin was not even comparable to a tenth of the horror he had conjured up within his mind. Evil lurked within his heart and it was nurtured with psychotic impulses and hateful grudges that would last until one of the parties involved was dead. Right now Havoc was very bored, he had been doing detective work for hours on end and that did not suit him at all, he hadn’t killed or gotten into a fight with anything for multiple hours prior to his arrival at this location. Right now he needed to do one of two things: Either he would kill the little female and take his time doing it, just to work off some of that pent up anger that he’d built up due to boredom, or he would screw her unconscious. Havoc was not very complicated. He killed, he ate, he drank, he got high, he got drunk, he copulated, he followed orders, and he slept if the occasion called for it. Sleeping would not be an occasional thing if he actually required it. If he so desired, he could go for the remainder of his life without sleep so long as he kept himself fueled with food and drink or magic. He only slept as frequently as he did due to not knowing about this, a normal endothermic being would not have lasted two months in slumber without making preparations for hibernation prior. He shook it off like rainwater. He was no longer even vaguely normal, the closest comparison for what he was was currently encased in stone and being held in a secret chamber in Olympus. Right now he was leaning more to killing, he was not quite recovered from the most recent nightmare. This scenario would have been very bad for her health if not for what happened within the following three seconds. “Well it wasn’t on purpose! How could I have known that that portrait had been positioned right on a fault line that ran the breadth of the building and-” She was interrupted by her danger senses telling her to get out of dodge. She leapt into the air and rapidly climbed while Havoc filled his mouth with dirt. She had narrowly avoided losing her frontal torso to teeth harder than diamonds, but that was not what set her off. What set her off was the sound of the hundreds of ponies running in her direction. While it took a few terrifying minutes of narrowly avoiding being bisected by an annoyed and sense hungry predator, they did eventually arrive. And they were diverse. Mutant chaos worshipper stood side by side to long and sharp of tooth vampire bioweapon. Snarling wolf beast stood next to enraged Luna cultist and the weirdest part was they were all focused on one being. The very being who was struggling to avoid suffering a fate that only a voraphiliac would envy. But naturally the sight of a veritable army showing up from all sides took his attention off the pretty little pony he was trying to consume whole. He stared across the woodland at the formerly warring factions surrounding him. “What are you doing?! Finish her already!” Yelled the old pony covered in runes of glowing energy. Scootaloo didn’t recognise him. “What are y-” Havoc began. He was cut off, again, by teleporting Twilight Sparkle, this time with semi-complete adventuring party companion set. She and the others landed somewhere below Havoc, whose horn ring had been glowing angry purple for the past two minutes. “Finally! What took you so long?!” Scootaninja, because that somehow sounds right, asked in exasperated relief. “Don’t you talk to me in that tone young lady! You have no idea what happened just now!” Twilight retorted while trying to towel off Thrash, who was shaking wide eyed and coated in something slick and shiny. “Is it wrong to feel that that was somehow awesome?” He murmured. “F*** chaos cultists! F*** them up the rear view window with a full grown tree.” Corrosive vehemently declared as he tried to scrub the slime off his  cutie mark. “WILL YOU STOP CUTTING ME OFF FOR SELENE’S SAKE?!!” Havoc yelled at the sky. The gathering grew quiet at his hateful words. Only two were willing to openly question the angry stallion up close, not just because of fear either. Some were simply of the opinion that it was best not to question those yelling to nonexistent beings in the sky. One of these brave beings leaped up and landed on and behind the larger animal’s neck. The other flew before him, but still where he wasn’t looking and readied hooves harder than titanium. The eyes of these two beings met and they nodded simultaneously. The wolf on Havoc’s neck pushed his head down with magically enhanced strength, the half pony below smacked him across the cheeks with both forehooves. This broke Havoc’s angry glaring quite effectively. Now he focused startled eyes on a scaly red pony-like being before him, and an albino wolf-like being above him. “What is wrong with you? There’s no-one there, you’re just yelling at the dark.” The wolf tiredly intoned, he sounded both bored and tired despite the energy he was expending maintaining a grip on Havoc’s fur. “Did I just get smacked?” Havoc didn’t even sound angry. He didn’t even sound annoyed. He just sounded surprised. This act had caught him so perfectly off guard that his brain didn’t even have time to act on this affront to put him in a state of rage which would surely put the devastation wrought by nuclear warheads to shame, he was actually put into mild shock by this simple action. Over the course of his entire life, nobody had ever slapped him out of nowhere like that. This left him without a built in response to this sort of thing. “I see it, but I don’t believe it...” Twilight breathed in awe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thirty minutes later... “Then we all agree on who punishes who?” Spot asked the three other figures sitting around the crystal table. “We get the arch sinner, the demon, and the mage.” The giant mutant with five horns and three heads spat with relish. He was the master of the Discord worshippers, for what little that was worth in a society dedicated to the ideals of freedom, chaos, and madness of a sort. “We get the dragon things.” The somewhat tall vampire and massive wolf unicorn said in tandem. They lead the Nightmare Pack, the vampire was female while the wolf unicorn was male which was supposed to be symbolic of something. “And we take the phoenix hybrids, the zebra thing, and the wolf.” Spot Star finished with a frown. The other elders sat in the darkness behind him, watched at all times by the ever faithful lictors. “Let the peace and pain-” The vampire began. “- begin its reign.” The wolf unicorn continued. “In the light of Discord’s hated bane we frolick.” The most monstrous of the group stated. “And in darkness of night and the shadows of day we trust.” Spot finished. It was the newly made chant of the union. The three parties went off to various hidden places to deliver “justice” unto their chosen victims. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Ten minutes later... Thrash slammed another monster into a nearby wall and leaped agilely to the left. He’d had managed to avoid the razor sharp talons of some unnamed breed of cave dweller.Where such degenerates came from was no mystery, the Lunars had been rather open about these lost cousins of theirs. But the fact that they would use their own for arena stock was horrific, then again they had been away from the guiding light of Equestria for a long time. He landed on his feet and blindly punched out before him. Whatever he hit screamed as something internal broke. He lashed out with a set of razor sharp claws on his right foot and ripped it open, it fell wheezing. His eyes were closed as he crushed its chest. He heard tapping in the darkness as some other monster ran at him with as much silence as it could manage. Thrash opened his eyes and beheld a long legged, spike hoofed monster. It screamed as it realized he knew it was coming, this one had huge glowing eyes that didn’t look very comfortable to blink. Long legs tipped with sharp spikes that pierced the rock propelled it at him like a bolt. He raised a hand and altered gravity's pull, it slammed into the ceiling above and splattered. He heard an inequine roar and ran, not in fear but in preparation. He drew near to a curve in the tunnel and slammed a palm against it, he utilized magic to hold him to it and spun his body so that he was upside down. He waited with his legs hanging towards the ceiling several Celestia standard legs(the pony equivalent of a meter) above. A bigger freak came charging down the tunnel screaming wildly, its eyes were covered in skin and clearly vestigial. It tilted a fang filled mouth towards him and he impaled it through its fading eyes and threw it up. He followed the move with a grasping foot and swung it down and broke its neck against the solid stone floor. It twitched even as he released his grip on te wall and walked over its dying form. He heard clicking underneath the sounds of what was probably cheering and cursing from above and sighed. Onto the next he supposed. --- “Raaagh!!” Corrosive bellowed as he smashed a twisted, scaled, thing which was best left unnamed. He might have used his fangs to cut through the tough natural armor but when he saw foul green stuff pouring out of some of their wounds he decided that he would leave that nastiness to someone else. A tentacle wrapped around his wings and pulled him back as a limb studded with small bone blades ran across his armored throat. He snorted and smashed a hoof where the thing’s face should have been. He hit air. Getting angry, he flipped his wings forwards and the mutant beast before him. He saw that its face was where its rear end should be and spat a hateful curse that he remembered from his mother, just to mix it up he combined it with one of the rude things he overheard Soarin say when referring to his sister. The thing died when he smashed his front hooves in the center of its back, he had to hit something vital there. He ripped the stinking tentacles from his back and threw them at the pulsating wall, then a shadow burst from who knows where and the scene changed dramatically, no longer was this the inside of some disgusting chaos beast. He roared and charged forwards as a massive metal thing on two legs ran at him with a large sword in its hands. The metal thing swung the sword at him and he bit the blade, which shattered between his teeth. The thing kicked out at his chest and knocked him back. Then it roared with a voice that too sounded metallic before whipping out a gun that looked to be the length of Corrosive’s body. “Heh heh, I love my job!” It cackled in a voice that was unfamiliar. Yet it was almost like Havoc’s, or maybe a grown dragon? Naw, not quite deep enough. “Shut up and die damn you!” Corrosive retorted before he lunged at the shiny biped with the menacing glass-like eyes. --- “Back! Get away from me you little freaks!” Twilight screamed. She blasted away a pony that looked more like a thick length of intestine as it approached her. Acidic blood spewed from it as it she rent it with magic. She was backed against a wall in a canyon that seemed to be swarming with the little monsters. “I told you to stay away from me! YOU! ARE! NOT! GOING! TO! EAT! ME!!!” She screamed as she began to let loose, firing thaumic energy like an overpowered machine gun at the beasts that were actually crawling over each other to reach her. “I’m going to rape you!” She heard from above and she looked up to identify her next target. It was a stallion, organic skin flaps stretched between his legs, he glided down at her with an overlong blue tongue trailing behind him. “No you won’t!” She blasted him right in the crotch and he fell from the air, writhing. “I’m as mad as a minotaur with a brand up his rear and I’m not going to take it anymore! Nobody is gonna victimize Twilight Magic Sparkle ever again!” Magic was her real middle name. Something grabbed her from behind, somehow. She screamed and kicked out as what looked like a chunk of the dirt and stone wall tried to pull her in. It groaned as her magically strengthened hooves smashed its front off, if that was its front. Chaos cultists this far gone tended to have questionable anatomies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five more minutes later, e.g. present... “Darn you Scootaloo! I tried everything! Kicking, biting, clawing, butting, power blasts, fire, acid, electricity, blood, weapons formed of every metal I know how to replicate, I even tried licking it! Nothing freaking works! Blast my life!” Havoc roared in panic. He had previously found nothing he couldn’t hurt when he came to this dimension, now it was getting to be more like home. This thing was known to the Discordists as a godslayer and it was created to overthrow Celestia. Fortunately it had somehow gotten stuck in the cave system before it was fully developed though over time its very presence had warped the place into the disturbing labyrinth it was today. Havoc leaped over an average sized horny toad which exploded into purple cotton candy, that ate away at the rippling red floor on contact. He snarled as what appeared to be a wall of paper formed before him and swerved to avoid it. The godslayer slammed into it and bounced off before resuming its chase. The thing was indescribable. Seriously, by the time you figured out what you were looking at it was already changing into something else. The only consistent thing about it was that it was big and angry. A ribbed tentacle studded with pickles lashed out and Havoc ducked his head to keep his horn out of the thing’s grasp. He saw a giant vagina and jumped into it, it was moist yet dry inside. He dragged himself halfway through with his claws before switching to his hooves when the rules of physics shifted so that a relatively smooth surface had a better grip on the even smoother squishy wall of this nasty, unnatural, orifice. When he got through he immediately jumped straight up as instinct told him what he needed to do. He somehow moved forwards at great speed and went on to land on and run vertically down a web made of bubblegum and... semen. He stepped across solid vapor and it sucked the foul stuff off his hooves and replaced it with brown gelatin. “How are you doing this?!” Scootaloo asked in amazement. “What do you mean? The ponies got along just fine when Discord got out that first time. Besides, where I come form this is like...  an average Thor’s day.” He replied tiredly. That vagina thing had tried to eat his liver when he blinked and he’d had to hold his breath to keep the bile down. “That was different, they were corrupted already so they were adapted to it. And don’t you mean Thursday?” “No I mean Thor’s day, don’t know where you ponies got Thursday from but everywhere I go they call it Thor’s day. Except Oakland, that place is mostly inhabited by men with slugs for arms and penises for heads. They can’t pronounce Thor’s day because of the shapes of their mouths. Then again, they can’t really speak anyway so they don’t count.” Scootaloo was quiet after that. She was too busy trying to forget what she’d just heard to comment. The godslayer kept pace with ease by flying through a cloud of flies who noisily complained in New York accents about jerks pushing through with no regard for hard working people and slowing down traffic. A bald headed fat man with an orange mustache wearing a red, black, and white suit appeared by Havoc’s side riding a great white turtle. “Pingas, pingas, pingas, pingas, pingas, ping-” He yelled before something pink and hairy stuffed itself inside his throat and burned away his insides. “Fwash schoof schaaack!” He cried as he began to transform into blubber. Mucus yellow blubber coated with white pebbles. Nothing made sense here. Havoc flipped onto his head and slid across the floor with half of his horn buried, it was currently faster than running for no reason whatsoever. “Hley Slootallo?” He asked her. “Wlat? Alnd whly ils thlere aln ell iln elvery wlord Il slay?” “Dlon’t blother tlrying tlo fligure ilt oult, jlust glo wlith ilt. Slo hlow ark youk enjoyking thisp thrip liltlle vlone?” “Bwhat? bware vyou... vright, vyou van vstop vretending vo ve vmy vad vow. Vo vneed vo vlay valong vnymore.” “Shokay. Shtill.” “THIS SHUCKS!” She screamed in annoyed rage. Havoc returned to right side up but wasn’t moving much, he just had the edges of his claws against the floor while they somehow moved forwards like this. Then he came to a sudden stop and he frowned at the open space before him. “What, why’d you stop?” “We can’t go forwards anymore. If I try I might turn into fish.” “Er, okay. So what do we do?” “We stay here and die. It was nice to meet you, wish I’d had a few more years spo I could cvould mlount eeyou.” She almost puked when she heard him say that. Sex was the last thing on her mind at the moment. The mutating beast was coming closer rapidly, they turned to look upon their doom before they could see no more. Or perhaps they would see everything for all eternity, not like they ever found out. A being of smooth, gleaming, metal appeared before them in a muted flash. It was bipedal and looked to be a featureless, but for its height, human type statue. It had not a single fault or sharp edge to its build, it was like a perfectly formed chunk of metal. It was some shade of grey that was like silver or perhaps white. Then it moved. Its head tilted to its left as it looked upon the godslayer before it shook it in what may have been disappointment. Not a single joint revealed an opening of any sort, while it had joints the metal simply shifted and flowed with the man thing’s movements. It ran at the monster, the metal man was perhaps eight feet tall, the monster was possibly five times that and considerably wider and longer. The godslayer looked like it was going to crush it underneath its bulk when the thing leaped at it and punched out with its right fist. When it contacted the monster the godslayer’s body glowed white in a wide area around the point of impact and it screamed horribly from over a thousand mouths in uncounted voices. Then it fell backwards and atomized within moments. The metal man bellowed with deep metalized laughter before turning to face the dumbstruck pair. Havoc’s jaw had literally hit the floor from his heads considerable elevation due to the twisted laws of physics in this place. The man calmly strode toward them and they then saw clear crystal eyes, they were shaped like large pointed ovals. The metal where the mouth should be resembled a grinning mouth full of large fangs and a red glow emitted along the lines of the teeth as it resumed laughing. “What? Never seen a godslayer die before? This is the second time I’ve seen it happen in this world alone. Hahahahahahaha!” A familiar metallic voice called out as it came closer. “Who are you?” Havoc asked, his jaw was still on the floor but this place disrespected the crap out of physics and relativity. The metal man extended a hand and Havoc’s jaw reset itself with a painful click. He rubbed it as the metal man spoke again, “Why, I’m you! Only older, much older. So old that it would hurt your brain as your puny mind tried to figure it out. Hahahahahaha, I know you’re wondering what that means. Well, you know the Emperor right?” Havoc nodded. His mind was too confused to panic. “He is like a very young child to me. Your seventeen years? Bah, it doesn’t even register. You are like an unformed fetus to me child, and shut up Scootaloo. I know what you’re thinking and it’s false.” The metal around his head melted onto his shoulders as he came within a meter of the pair. Short cut, solid black, hair adorned his head. It was all exactly half a centimeter long. His right eye was like the current Havoc’s while his left had the original nearly black brown or grey iris of his former eyes as well as the round pupil. He possessed a new set of scars but they were still impressive, including three long gouges. One was barely a centimeter below the edge of his mouth, they were present to the back of his jaw and ran down his neck from there to beyond what they could see. His teeth were odd too, his upper row was the a clean version of the carved fangs he’d had when he was pure human while the lower row was the natural predatory variant Havoc currently possessed. “I see. Hey, where’s the, uh. You know.” Havoc replied. “Gone. It was removed thousands of years ago, a reward of sorts for a job done exceedingly well.” “Really now?” Havoc raised and eyebrow. “Heh, don’t fret my friend. They’re still alive alright, I won’t let them die. And for names, you will be Havoc. I will go by our old title, remember the one? I worked so very hard to earn it back on our birthworld.” Havoc grinned, he did indeed remember. “So Destroyer, any reason you came back other than saving my shrapnel riddled hide?” “Yes, I come bearing gifts. First off, Discord is a pussy. Seriously, while he isn’t bad as an enemy he is a lot more sentimental than he looks. Don’t trust that white furred slut. Don’t trust the black furred whore either, you’ll know who I mean soon enough. The one with the carapace is a traitor, but you would have guessed that soon anyway. Erm, watch out for those elementals too. The dragoness stayed loyal. What else. Ah, yes. You know Lysander? He is one evil son of a she-devil, so you can rely on that dead bastard. You have grown since becoming a you-know-what so you should really check yourself in a mirror or something sometime. Blood blood blood, that’s the code. Er, never trust the Imperium of man or the Chaos gods. Don’t touch that little punk, slut, Slaanesh even once before you kill it. While your understanding of gender is somewhat open, even I haven’t figured out what that thing that calls itself Slaanesh is, you’d even be better off going after one of those weird bird dinosaur thing he keeps in his pastures because they would have some sort of identifiable gender and that’s just nasty. Twilight has been sexually molested since she turned fifteen, seriously, it was what she got on her birthday instead of a party and it has continued until she was legal but that’s just because it isn’t molestation as much since she’s able to give consent. You will know what to do with that when the time comes. Rainbow Dash is disturbing, Fluttershy too, Pinkie Pie will ruin your first try and you have to ruin her celebration party in return, Rarity is a lesbian, Applejack... As for Applejack, ‘nough said. She’s Applejack, trust your suspicions on that one. F*** Nightmare Moon, hard. Exterminate the muslims before they give rise to the hebrews followed by the christians, that will really mess up your Romans. Never turn your back on Rex, he’d shove a knife in your spine if you do. Memorize dimensional coordinates, you will thank you when you realize the importance. Erm, be nice to Molestia number seven but be wary of that horn. Be the alpha stallion with the others. Fire mane is good. Learn pressure control and make sure to learn it well enough to maintain it subconsciously, otherwise you’ll be forced to stay in this armor in many dimensions. Spike is an assassin. Remember to keep Hitler supplied with his fix, it’s what keeps that poor racist s******** going. If he drops too early he won’t be in the proper position for exploitation. Though you will be tempted to torture that poor fool endlessly you shouldn’t, be harsh and mess with him from time to time but don’t abuse him too much or he won’t be useful anymore. Don’t let Sweetie Bell corner you, Applebloom is an addict, and shame on Scootaloo for what she’s going to do. You don’t want to know why ponies really call Big M. big, though he’s isn’t homosexual. Granny Smith tastes great in Earth weed. The Apples are too numerous for you to hunt them all down so don’t even try. Zecora is great at crafting drugs and chemicals, and don’t just call it brewing or making. She much prefers the term ‘crafting’, and remember she is a master alchemist. Watch that pixie pony carefully, just trust me on this one. Trixie is a rapist. Godzilla must fall to your pimp slap, so keep your pimp hoof slash hand strong. Enslave the thylacine. Don’t forget that the core of a planet has to be more dense than the rest. Most planets aren’t as big as the two you’re used to and pretty much all of the dimensions you enter, besides this one and the home one, are considerably less dense unless they are some sort of mirror dimension and even then there’s a high chance of a lower density and gravity. Seriously, compared to the rest these dimensions are like the diamonds to dust. Just walking will crack solid rock kilometers thick so you need to master that pressure control if you want to survive with an intact planet. Most humans aren’t even a tenth as bad as your homies so they will be really easy to break. And the anti-you’s weak point is his sissy heart. Oh, and don’t apply all this too soon or even this time period. Some of it comes in millennia later. Now for the psychical stuff.” He smiled as objects seemed to materialize in the palm of his metal sheathed hand. “Gotta love dimensional pockets, that’s how Spike and Twilight did it by the way. I am not talking about sex either. That reminds me, your approach to genders is actually a lot more open than that of the weakling humans so use that as a threat if anything.” He finished. The first thing he gave to Havoc was a few large gryphon bones sitting in a pile of shards. Not that Havoc knew they came from a gryphon. “The surviving bones of Lysander, I’ll give you some necromantic spells so you can use them.” The Destroyer whispered into Havoc’s mind. He followed this with, in essence, mental schematics for calling Lysander’s bitter spirit from Pandemonium as well as a few methods of bringing that gryphon back to life. They would work for other lifeforms too but they were given for a particular wicked entity. The bone floated in front of his face after it left the Destroyer’s hand Next was a blood red gem. “This is built from the condensed blood of the population of an entire planet’s sapient population that was sacrificed to me. Not some primitive world either, over thirty billion lives were sacrificed to produce this one crystal. A very special device was used to get the blood to me across the multiverse and because the sacrifices were all spilled directly into the altar the life energy was preserved. I call it a bloodstone and I have many more, but this is your first so cherish it and learn its many uses.” This thing radiated energy. Havoc decided not to tell anypony where this thing came from, or what it was made from. No need to scare them, yet. the gem and the bones slowly circled each other. Then Havoc was given a necklace with a blue rhombus at its front, it was hung with the teeth of some predator on short strings. “This is Goldilocks. But this is just a small part of her, the rest will come when called. She’s not very smart but she is very useful. She... Well technically she isn’t an intelligent life-form, even if she looks like one. She can’t talk, she barely understands what we say, and she can get territorial at times. But the animal is ‘loving’ and loyal, and if you need something to plow she’s attractive and always willing. You’ll figure out what that means later. By the time you do you’ll have reached the age where you don’t really have much left of your old morales that would have stopped you, not like those silly things invented by the mortals to justify their actions will even apply to you by then. Besides, to you all mortals will be animals on the same level as Goldy by then.” That... That sounded weird, Havoc made a mental note to figure out what he meant by plow. The necklace joined the bloodstone bones. Fourth was a strip of hide with words in Havoc’s language printed in what looked like blood. It was not English, it was a language hundreds of years younger than English. “This is your divine I.D. It lets other gods know to stay the fudge off or suffer the consequences. I don’t know when the first got it but I was given mine just as you are now. From what I hear it can take millions of years to earn one of these. It also signifies your membership in some obscure divine coalition. Not too many rules, basically don’t mess with your fellow members’ territory. Though they tend to be more discreet with us, normally they very openly call on the other members to exact punishment upon individuals or groups who infringe on territory. With us, they call us to the side and very nicely ask us to stop. Apparently we are one of the scariest members in the Coalition, not the most respected mind you, but feared enough that they don’t mess with us. Sometimes the only one called on to accomplish some Coalition task is me. Might have something to do with this right here. I’m assuming that a much older version of us is some sort of enforcer or something. By the way, I may call on you for help in the future and if you need help... You will know how to call other you’s across time and space when you need to just as you’ll know when and how to make a copy to pass on to the next you, just keep that I.D. on you. If you somehow lose it I doubt you’ll get another one, I certainly won’t give you one.” The I.D. joined the other three. Fifth was a white chunk of stone in the shape of a crescent moon. “This is your first memory bank. I have some essential information stored in there for you, you won’t need it after a while but it will be a big help for now. And if you shove it up one of those wretched, well they aren’t wretched but I’m using that as an insult, mares’ slits it will shut them up for a while. Probably because it vibrates on contact with living things.” The moon shaped storage unit joined the other four. Last was a sharp piece of solidified darkness. “This... Hahahahahaaa! This is possibly the second most valuable gift you are intended to receive. This, in a way, is your essence. Don’t touch it, it will cut you and it will hurt more than any other wound you’ve ever felt. Ever notice that pissed off part of your mind? You probably know the part. Always hinting at what you should be doing to these little meat bags and urging you to blow s*** up just because? This will help you keep that from taking the rest of you hostage” The shard calmly floated to the center of the formation. “One question.” Havoc tried. “How will you carry this stuff. Temporary dimensional pocket sonny, just until you learn to make one of your own. When you’ve got it just right this stuff will be transferred. And no, you don’t need to know how that works right now and yes, I am a jerk. I am also a monster and many other terrible things. You should know.” The Destroyer said through the seamless fangs at the front of his helmet. “Okay, that all?” “Course not, you want to know how its gonna go. Well I’ll tell you. See thing is, things are going to get very bad. Very bad for you anyway. Seriously, you have no idea how bad. To put it in perspective I’ll use an analogy. You think things are going well, your huntings gone off with minimal difficulties and you have enough for everyone. Then you fall into a very deep pit trap that you had no way of seeing, on your way down you keep slamming into the sheer rock walls and you end up with a lot of broken bones and snapped joints and you get scraped until you have more of what’s supposed to stay inside visible from the outside. Then you land on a bunch of spikes and some of them are not angled straight up so hurt even more as your momentum slams you almost to the base of the spikes. Then when you’ve hit the bottom and you think you can just die the rape maggots and bone worms crawl out of holes in the walls, floor, and even some of the spikes. Your agony lasts so long that you begin to wonder when you weren’t down here in this misery. Life will suck for you for so long. But you hang in there, you don’t have a choice. Your body refuses to die and you don’t know how else you can surrender. But this experience makes you mightier than before. The invertebrates emerge from you, bloated on your meat, and die. Your body is loaded with poison that prevents the maggots from growing up and slowly kills the little monsters. While it hurt more than you could imagine they had a positive effect too.They ate away at all your softer organs and let only the hardest and most unpalatable parts behind, therefore you weigh less so you now have the strength to drag yourself off those spikes. You have lost all your fat and what muscle remains is iron hard.uns through your veins is cold but will not freeze because of the antifreeze that is now soaked into you. You can withstand pain like never before, nothing compares to what you’ve just been through anyway. So you look to the almost smooth walls and you begin to pull yourself up. The final digits of your fingers are worn down to the bone but this gives you purchase where you had none and lets you bore into the hard packed dirt and soft rock. Though you are cut many times you don’t see liquid blood, you see a reddish paste which you realize is what your blood has become and you eat it. Your muscles are further strengthened by the climb and your coordination and accuracy increases as well. When you finally get out of that accursed pit you are stronger than ever. Your muscles hard enough to stop a keen steel sword and your fingers end in razor sharp claws of bone. You are more difficult to injure because of how little there is to harm and what does hit you is easily ignored. Your blood is no longer a liquid, your time without fluids has turned your blood into a thick paste which will not leave your body so easily. You have no mercy in your mind so there is nothing to hinder you anymore, so you have become a stellar predator. You know you will not die no matter what they do to you, you should have died long ago in that pit but you didn’t, so you will never stay down. Do you understand child? That is an old lie but it gets the point across.” Havoc was silent. He now knew that he was due for suffering as never before. At least he would be better for it. The objects revolving before him disappeared into invisibility and Havoc trusted that they’d come when he needed them. Havoc turned to leave and began walking in some random direction. “Wait! I almost forgot!” Havoc heard so he turned an ear to listen more intently and stopped his movement. He felt several tiny things impact him and heard Scootaloo complain about them. “Lets see how those react to chaotic energy, the reason you’ve been feeling sick is because the hibernation mutated you and the princesses to grow longer and crud, and watch out for that whale!” Havoc snorted at this and resumed his forward march, which sent him speeding through what appeared to be a live whale. It screamed as Havoc blasted through it face first, Havoc cursed despite the cheese flavored blubber that flooded his mouth. The Destroyer just laughed at his younger self, this was really good entertainment. Havoc went on to trip and stumble his way through the unending madness of the labyrinth until he finally got out when he fell up through the floor in a twist of physics that would make Einstein puke. To reach the surprisingly nearby surface he had to wade through a swarm of penises crawling about on six insectile legs, the little misinterpretations were ankle deep for him. He shuddered with horrified relief as he, at long last, dragged his form out of darkness of the hole only to enter a new and admittedly less terrible nightmare. This place was crazy too but not like the excessive in-your-face-and-everywhere-else aggressive craziness of the labyrinth. This was just a freaky canyon full of screaming mutants. Havoc just had to kick, punch, blast, and bite his way through the hordes until he found the source of the purple bolts of energy he saw flashing through the sky. He was not surprised to find the most powerful unicorn in the universe to be at the heart of it. What surprised him was the tentacled beast she was wrestling. The horde around them cheered and howled as hoof pushed and pulled against tentacle and teeth clenched tightly to prevent intrusion. Bolts fired off erratically from a horn that was hot enough to cause the air to ripple around it. “Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!” She screamed as the thing slid her cross the floor before lunging at her again. She twisted and slammed her rear hooves into it and it groaned and made an oddly porcine sound before pulling back to make another move. Havoc was uninhibited as he trotted forward, the horde making way for what they likely assumed was one of their own. He procured a third row seat and waited for the crowd to thin a bit, the combatants had little regard for the audience. He examined the monster with a critical eye. It was tall and strongly built, resembled him really. But it had a longer neck and in place of legs it had a twelve set of muscled tentacles, eight of which had suckers on their undersides. It lacked the long horn and lacked the wings but it had the same red eyes, white mane and tail, and slickly smooth solid black skin. It also had the sharp teeth. Havoc licked his own as he looked at it fighting the little mare. A tentacle whipped out to wrap around a rear leg and pull her up only for a bolt to hit him in the chest and cause him to lose his grip. Twilight tried to blast him as he recovered but he flexed around it and responded with a slap across the face when it got closer. They kept their distance for a moment before rushing each other to collide and tangle again. Twilight strained her muscles as she kicked and blasted it from above as it reared up and tried to restrain her and pry her limbs apart. It was beautiful. Twilight cursed in some likely dead language before taking a moment to focus, she reduced struggling physically and put more into thought. This did not look very smart at first because her weak motions failed to stop the monster’s efforts and her limbs were splayed out to the sides. She looked defiant, glaring at her foe despite the circumstances. The freaks’ howling grew louder for a few seconds before it returned to its former, still uncomfortably high, volume. “Hahah! Got you witch!” The beast gloated. Twilight did not dignify that with an answer. The beast snorted and utilized the four tentacles at the rear half of his body to hold himself barrel vertical. All four of his smooth tentacles were busy keeping her limbs spread. “You’re a pretty little pony you know that? Wonder how much your little cunt has been used, good thing I’m gonna use every hole on your body.” He said and licked his teeth. Twilight focused magic into her horn, he apparently had no means of blocking it. But maybe he didn’t have to. A slit on his crotch made itself visible as it expanded, revealing red internal walls, before a five blood red tentacles emerged from it. Twilight gulped as she saw them coming at her. “What are you doing! Help her already!” Scootaloo whispered. “I want to see where this goes, I am curious as just how far this kakashka will reach before she destroys him. Just relax before they notice you.” He replied. “Rrrggh.” She growled. Warining! Clop inbound. If you do not like clop or want to preserve the shreds of your precious precious innocence do not until you see the message informing you that you have exited the danger zone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following was somewhat inspired, subconciously, by some MLP porn, hentai or whatever you wanna call it, featuring Twilight as the victim that the same friend I had to watch over, which slowed my updates previously, showed me one evening, had to put more stuff between commas for no reason, while we were hanging out at his place. We got fed up playing Borderlands, f*** the Crimson Lance and all their excessive awesomeness, and were considering either hitting a shooting range or laser tag when he walked over to his laptop and said to me, “Hey bro, you have got to see these pictures I found”. I was wary at first and asked if it was porn, he replied yes, and I asked if it was some sick s***, he said naw and that I should just see for myself if I really wanted to judge it, and so curiosity overcame caution. Ironically that same pal of mine can claim to not be a brony. Likes the show and the youtube poops but doesn’t read anything even vaguely related to MLP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tentacles took no haste in their actions, smoothly travelling up until they were each pointed at a selected target. The top one was right in front of her mouth, another for each of her orifices, then one for her tail, the last was almost pressed against her belly. She almost stared the one in front of her mouth down before it shook it off and dived forwards. What she didn’t notice, that let the thing in, was the tentacle with suckers right behind her head. It grabbed her lower jaw and her upper jaw and pried them far enough apart to let the reproductive tentacle in. The thick organ slid in and filled her mouth, to her surprise. She couldn’t bite it because the tentacle with suckers had secured a better grip and it would probably really hurt to pry it off now. She was too busy to bite anyway. It pumped forwards and slid down her throat, causing her to gag, before sliding mostly out. It did so again and began to build up a rhythm, forcing her to take her breaths when it slid out resulting in a gasping noise everytime it pulled back. Then the one at her vagina pushed in in an almost gentle motion that caused her to moan loudly, whether it was at a feeling of violation or pleasure was impossible to know. Her legs twitched as it slid partway into her. The big monster sighed in relief. It began to gently move back and forth inside her, pushing a little deeper with each thrust and inciting a small ‘nn!’. It was patient, surprisingly patient. Havoc was certain he would have started going much harder by now but it stayed gentle. When the one in her vagina ceased going any deeper the one at her backdoor, or window or whatever, made its entry. It slid it with a slight noise that, while barely hearable over the mass, sounded wet. It didn’t go the way of the second, it just made one long and oh so slow push to reach her depths. Her back arched forwards as it reacted to this and her eyes rolled back. She was drooling so much that it was dripping down and off the phallus in her mouth. The fourth began to rub against her soft belly, smearing the lavender fur with slime. The fifth was not forgotten either, it just had a very unusual target. It snaked around her horn and partly encircled it,  it stroked up and down the horn with its length, and placed the tip against the end of her horn. The third kept going until it hit the entry to her intestines before it reeled back to build up a rhythmic thrusting. Twilight was either in hell or in heaven, Pandemonium or Elysium in her religion. Havoc almost considered fapping before he remembered how much that would probably hurt with hooves like his. He felt a Scootaloo pressed harder against his back, he almost wondered why. The tentacled pony-thing, really more of a horse-thing, had his head tilted so that his nose pointed straight up. Havoc could not identify any expression due to the angling and Twilight’s eyes were not focused enough at the time. If they could they might have seen the way its teeth glowed blue with its pleasure as it smiled. Its eyes didn’t glow any more strongly than their basic bioluminescence displayed. They were so close, so very close. It was shortly after this the sound of rushing liquid was heard and a glow, made pink, travelled up the mating tentacles towards Twilight. His tongue lolled out and bled as it was cut by his razor sharp teeth, yet he didn’t seem to mind. At least he died happy. Twilight may not have seen what was going on below her but she knew something unpleasant was coming, and her spell was ready. She was not strong in body but in mind? That was a whole other ballgame, one she ruled with a strong and unrelenting hoof. She’d focused as much mental power as she could spare, which was a lot, and brought into being a spell that would annihilate her foe. She released the spell at her foe a moment after she ejaculated, and she squirted mare cum in a flood around the tentacle penis. Poor guy wasn’t even done when he was just gone. Welcome to the safe zone! You may have successfully saved what little remains of your innocence, if you did not heed the warning and don’t like clop or were trying to save the shreds of your innocence then oh well. A flash of light across the front of his body and all that was left was the chunks of his penetrating tentacles and a puff of steam. Twilight fell to the ground before the shocked crowd and spat out the one in her mouth before taking several deep breaths to steady herself. She coughed a few times as she rose. “Who’s next?!” She yelled hoarsely and shook the remaining tentacles off and out of her. Havoc rose, but before he could walk towards her, he projectile vomited. It landed on the few before him and the dusty floor in equal amounts and they screamed and ran about like chickens with their heads cut off. He hacked and spat a few times before walking resuming his locomotion, he avoided stepping where his vomit landed because it was dissolving holes into the ground. Scootaloo sensed danger and hopped off the side and stuck near a pony that looked to be half jellyfish. “No...” Twilight sighed as she looked up at him. “Why is it that you taunt me so? Why use Havoc’s visage, sure he’s one of the scariest things I know of but come on! You are chaos! Get original already.” Then Her horn flashed and a white light shot towards Havoc and his head and neck disappeared. His body stood still. “Twilight.” Scootaloo started. “Mm? Scootaloo?” Twilight asked incredulously. “Er, you should know that that was the real Havoc you just killed.” “What. Wait, you aren’t joking with me are you? Because that would be a very bad subject to  joke about, if he dies then we’ll have to find someone else and go through the process of breaking them in and it will probably take too long.” “Twilight, I’m serious. That was him and you just blew his head off.” “Oh. Well then... Now what?” Twilight was fairly certain he was dead because even alicorns died when you destroyed their heads. Separate it from the body, or even destroy the rest, and they would just get angry. This was known because enemies have tried beheading them before only to find that it just doesn’t work. They just reattach themselves, or grow a new body. So long as the brain was intact they would have enough processing power and magic to get right back up. Even if you stab it or chop the brain into pieces it wouldn’t be enough to kill them, it would just slow them down. But burn it, dissolve it, disintegrate it, or otherwise completely destroy it and they stayed down for good. It was the only known way to kill them if they didn’t want to die, not for lack of trying either. But Havoc wasn’t dead, not yet anyway. He was just... not functional. The thing was, Havoc wasn’t something one could just kill. He had flesh and bone and fur, yes, but you couldn’t fully destroy him. It was linked to his lack of a soul. One of the integral parts to any organism here was the soul, you just couldn’t go without one. The soul gave them a sort of immortality, unless it was destroyed then they were still “alive” in a sense. But Havoc was born without one and the transformation didn’t give him one. What it gave him was boundless magic and greater physical durability than he could have hoped for prior. But it was a soulless magic, as magic and the soul were linked. The soul was yet another focus and generator of magic. It was what gave pegasi the ability to fly and walk on clouds. Havoc had a vague approximation of a soul only because of his immense magic and it was a faint thing, transparent and empty like thin mist. But by virtue of not existing it gave him a strength unique on this world, you can’t destroy what doesn’t exist. But when you put enough power into a void it tended to fill up. So in place of his soul he had a gathering of energy, this had had developed a primitive mind and given itself the purpose of putting him back together when he was destroyed and maintaining his mind at such a critical time. In effect, it allowed him to come back to life so long as he willed it but it would take time to figure out how to fit all the pieces together. A problem of his was the ring, it kept him under control before it was destroyed but it also kept his violent urges at a moderate level. Another factor was how it held his other side down. When they had slid that device down his horn they had created new minds. The first was the primary one, the one which made most of the decisions and controlled the body most of the time.  The second was an amalgamation of the fragments provided by the three mares who could control his every action if they so desired, it was unique in that it had its own soul which was formed at the same time it was. The third was sort of an undead in that it had long ago withered away and died but was brought back into being when the ring connected with him, it was a more innocent variant of him from when he couldn’t understand what he was seeing. But his original mind was still there, it was just held down by the ring and the subconscious pressure of the primary mind. His original was second in the psychic hierarchy within Havoc, it was what took over when he went berserk or became very scared, it was what urged him to eat the children and commit rape and murder. Third was the female mind provided by the trio, it had the advantage of experience and a soul over the childlike mind, the tiny soul clung to Havoc like a barnacle on a whale and was unaffected by things that happened to his physical form. Now that the primary mind was no longer commanding the body that original monstrous mind attempted to seize control. While it and the Primary struggled for dominance the third calmly stepped over the mewling child and took over the process of healing even as the Child snuggled up to it for security. The body would now be that of the Hybrid, at least until Primary and Demon finished their fight. She utilized the ambient magic Havoc generated to observe her surroundings and was disgusted by what she saw. She extended a wing to the two normal looking mares while the neck slowly grew back and they stare in wonder and horror. She gestured with a jagged edged hoof for them to climb aboard and the two looked at each other for a moment before shrugging and walking up the wing to sit on the back. It paused as the mutants swarmed around it. Then it had an idea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time: 8:08 P.M. 76 days 20 hours 8 minutes since savior spell Location: Eastern edge of Scandineighvia … “I still don’t believe what happened back there.” Thrash said to the small pegasus. “I know right? Who would have guessed that the chaos would have been so responsive to his actions? Who would have known he had such a gentle side to him either? Seriously, from what I heard he’s so bad that he likes the sound of people in pain.” She replied. “He does. He enjoys it very much as a matter of fact. But maybe we’ve just never given him cause to be otherwise. Though it was weird how he knew what to do to get them all on his side, even the vamponies liked him. Could it be that his brain was what made him so mean?” “I... Maybe. I figured he was like Discord and it was just a part of him. What’s a wolf doing here anyway?” “Before that, what’s your name again? I don’t recall it.” “Scootaloo, my name is Scootaloo.” “What kind of name is that?” “Sounds Feltic to me.” Pyropsyche suggested. “Feltic?” Thrash asked. “You know, from Felt? City of love Felt? So beautiful they named that soft stuff after it Felt?” She replied “Never heard of it.” “Then you must have been pretty isolated.” And with that she laid her head down and went to sleep. The back of the howdah was a little crowded with the new addition, most of the group was tired and the smaller members were all sleeping or resting in the transport. Which in turn sat on Havoc’s back. Or at least on the body that housed his mind. The body was still under the Hybrid’s control because the Child was too weak and the other two were busy fighting, they were too evenly matched it seemed. She resolved to make some changes when the head finished growing back. As for regrowth, she had the skull mostly formed and skin covered it where it needed to. She even had the eyelids even though the eyes would take a little longer. While the horn was half grown she was focusing on it the most, because it would really help, and it was regrowing very quickly, and every centimeter it gained in length was a little more power for her to use. The final part would be the brain but it wouldn’t be too hard with the horn finished. She would be very glad to use the body’s eyes when they were formed, she was getting bored of looking through magic alone. Ten minutes later they landed and his brain fully formed thirty seconds later. She viewed the world through both magic and her eyes and was disappointed with her body. First and foremost it was male, this ran counter to her nature because Havoc had nothing to do with her other than providing a host body. Second, it was so bulky. She was formed of the minds of beautiful mares, two of which were the amongst the most beautiful in many countries, and would much prefer a slenderer and more elegant form. Third was the state of his hooves, Havoc never took the time to get a hooficure so she would have to use magic to change that. The voice was terrible too, all deep and masculine. “Get off.” She ordered the beings on her back. She mentally shuddered at the sound of his voice, it was both positive shudders and disgust shudders. “Alright, now before anypony says anything I need to make something clear to you all: I am not Havoc. I am in that beasts body but I am not him. And a new, if temporary, owner means some modifications need to be made. Excuse me.” Was half of the speech she gave, she would resume when she’d fitted this body to her mind. The group was confused, they stayed confused as she altered the bodies features to suit her tastes. While she would have left it entirely, it did need someone to control it and... She got got an idea. With a gentle probing the Child released its hold on her, with a softly spoken request it took hold while she split free from her living prison. Finally! Freedom was like the greatest drink she would ever taste, and she would enjoy it to the fullest like the Rainbow Dynamite. Oh colt that was good, it was so strong it even reached her after a few minutes. She emerged from Havoc like a cell from its parent. Only this was a nearly entirely different organism. She would have to give herself a name, Hybrid sounded good but perhaps she could do better. Sparkle? No, too obvious. Shine- no  that would send the wrong message. Moony? That was just awful. Stella? That was actually pretty good. Stella Havoc Hybrid. Or Hybrid Havoc Stella, she had learned the custom of inserting the father’s first name as the middle name from the bits of Havoc’s mind she received on occasion. It was also a common custom for ponies, and the alicorns especially, even in Equestria because it was often the case that a child would have more than one mother. Unless the child took the birthmother’s name as the middle name. In the Case of Stella, she had three sort-of-mothers so it would be rather unfair to choose amongst them. She went with Stella as the first name. She used decided to keep Havoc’s height so long as it suited her, she had millennia of experience with shapeshifting inherited from her mothers, but would use the princesses’ original forms for a reference for her shape, except in horn length because that was really quite cumbersome in her opinion. Skin stretched as she pulled out from the body’s left side and her new body bulged from the larger build of the male. Nobody said a word even as her sleek form fell free from her ‘parent’, her right flank was bereft of fur. She rose from the snow, the Scandineighvians love snow, and stood on shaky legs. She took a few wobbling test steps and fell, she gave herself a moment to recover and the fur grew out. Then she rose again and stepped towards the group, her stride grew stronger with every successful landing of a hoof. She towered over them and smiled, sharp but flat teeth were displayed. The other body slowly approached, it shrank to the point where it could easily stand between her legs without ducking to keep its horn from touching her belly. The child liked being close to her and it liked being held by a larger figure. It was likely that, in a few hours, it would swell to an even larger size than before to give itself a greater feeling of security and confidence. “Blegh, I need to get the taste of all that meat and metal out of my mouth. So, who's up for drinks? ~I’m buying!~” She asked in a voice that was higher in pitch than one would expect of such a tall creature. It was smooth and singing sounded natural in it. The others took on varied expressions of confusion or horror. The left side of Thrash’s mouth pulled to the side and the corners of his lips sank, Corrosive frowned and developed an eye twitch, Twilight was asleep, Scootaloo tried rubbing her eyes to figure out if she was seeing clearly, and Liber smashed her horn into the ground repeatedly in an attempt to make it more sensible. Scorch just watched through a single half open eye, his queen was drinking juice when she saw this and spat it out in a stream that soaked her attendants in grape and orange mix. This was either very good or very bad. Either way Stella intended to get laid before the big guys wised up. Author’s Notes: Thank you everyone. Next chapter will have much more violence, still getting back in the groove and most of what I thought up comes in later for some reason. And I have to thank Corosive Dash for another great character debuting in the next chapter, yay for feeling okay with using the word debut for my work. Gonna be doing some work on a sort of prequel for this new guy that will help take away any Gary Stuness from my guys. Trying to show that Havoc isn’t the most powerful being here, there are plenty more, he just hasn’t met most of them. And I don’t like Hitler, like if I met him I would beat him until he was paralyzed with multiple compound fractures. Fun fact, compound fracture doesn’t mean multiple cracks in the bone, it actually means the bone has shattered. The more you know right? Once again, you’re all great. Really, even the people who press the dislike button yet refuse to tell me what they didn’t like. Seriously, I’m trying very hard at getting better. Just look at the new sentence structure for pity’s sake, no more huge chunks like icebergs in the ocean because I figured out that I need to cut up those overly long paragraphs into smaller chunks, so my readers can better... I got nothing, sure there’s a good reason for it though. EDIT: Hey, real quick now, who, I mean whomever happens to read this, thinks that if there is a place where bad people go when they die, such as some form of Hell, that I'll end up there? Just wondering. > Relevant interlude 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another mighty Warlord The following is relevant to the next chapter, it provides the backstory for a highly unusual foe. The reason I point out that it is a foe now is because just about every force they encounter tries to kill them or vice versa, thus it is quite obvious. By coincidence, it is also an exercise on violence. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to inform me as to whether or not I’ve got it back after all this time. Note: This is clearly an antagonist. This is also sort of a filler until I'm done with that prequel and the chapter because, stupidly, I challenged myself to do both at once. Thank you for your patience. ` = a line of ` means we’re about to go first person, generally for a more direct look at an event. Somewhere far away, in a dimension which was composed of one slowly expanding solar system and three infinite planes, a boy was born on the sole inhabited planet in the solar system. This place had slightly greater overall density than our own universe. He was born unmarked by divine touch and was brought up unbaptised and otherwise ignored by the divine. The gods of this odd dimension were known as God and Satan. The former was the elder and had created this place to rule over or mess around with as a means of occupying time. The latter was a rebellious angel who aspired to greater things than kowtowing to an often capricious deity, so he stole power and became a god himself. The two have warred ever since, and thus was God’s intent for this place fulfilled. The young man grew bitter and angry, and his lust for power was insatiable. He saw the state of his fellow man, he saw the fate they were destined to from an outsider’s critical eye and was displeased. So at the age of thirteen he took a pitchfork, his robe, his sandals, his hat, his sickle, and set out to make something of himself. He cut throats, skewered men and women alike, and stole what he could. Though many hunted for the slayer of their friends and loved ones he was never found and often the devil was blamed for his misdeeds. After a time his banditry gained him the attention of more than angry peasants when he made a daring raid on the armory of a city, in the midst of the robbery while the homes and businesses of citizens were burning all around some angry men and even women joined him, so began his band of raiders. Before they left that doomed place they hit the prisons and dungeons and loosed those they held. Many were heathens who refused the word of God and so endangered the rest simply by existing. The heathens and criminals were glad to join this young man, now fifteen, and take some loot before fleeing. The Devil was watching from his fiery castle and was pleased by this youths antics. He saw a potent soldier for his infernal armies, a commander forged in blood. He had been watching the youth for some time and knew that he was merciless and held little pity in his heart. Indeed, the very first thing he’d done before setting out was committing the murder of his own parents. So Satan sent a lesser demon out to collect the young potential. But when the demon came to him with offers of power and pleasure everlasting the man laughed and had its right hand chopped off and put in a sack to carry back. As he put it, “This is a message to your master, tell him I’m coming for him.” Satan was quite displeased by this, if not for his understanding the messenger would have been slain. All the same, Satan began to plan this young man’s demise. If he would not submit in life then surely his deeds would send him to hell in death, where he might be broken in with time. Satan tested him constantly, he tempted his soldiers with riches. Most of the soldiers were too loyal to break away, and those that left knew nothing of their former leader that would aid the dark one. He warned the man’s prey of his coming. The man either went after someone else or made it so his ambush was unavoidable. He poisoned the food and water wherever he went, but the man and his soldiers only ate specially prepared food and only drank purified water or water mixed the beer or wine. Satan was furious. So one day, as he came into a succubus’ mouth, he dreamt up a most cunning plan. He sent out his agents to gather the man’s foes, who now numbered in the thousands and that’s without counting personal armies, and appeared before them as a handsome young gent. He told them of his woe, how this evil young man had besotted his daughters and stolen his herds, and he told them of how he had searched for months to find him, this wicked youth. As the crowd became filled with righteous outrage he told them, his voice travelling across the mass as but a whisper, the young man’s location. The young man could hear them coming from many miles away, and they shook the earth with their footsteps. The young man was oft said to be bold but he too could be cunning. He and his soldiers, men most of them, dug pits and laid traps in front of a grand cave whose depths were a thing of legends. When they’d done all they could, and the enemy was far nearer than the horizon, they ran deep into that cave and waited for the annihilators. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Rook’al crouched in the dark. His armor was all steady and his spear was clean. Iron chainmail protected most of his body, from his neck to his shins, like a long sleeved shirt and pants. Plates of steel covered his shoulders, thighs, upper arms, and his chest. He wore a helmet that left his face open but protected the rest of his head. He had a mask of chain over his mouth to protect it. Sandals with iron studs on the bottoms adorned his feet. He looked to his three companions who waited behind him, they were similarly armored men. The screaming was getting louder, that meant they were pushing through. The traps had surely taken their toll but what numbers he saw on the horizon told him it didn’t make much of a difference. He began to whisper a war chant learned from his deceased grandfather, dead when the Christians came through with their Christ and their steel. Those behind him took it up and they sang together. The other teams were out there, somewhere in the cave. They were going to ambush them, just like they usually did, but this time it there were many more trained and properly equipped soldiers. They all waited for an interminable time until the sound of boots and sandals and even bare feet on the cold stone floor was so close that the enemy was surely there. Then they crept along in the dark, they dared not light torches to alert the foe of their positions, and listened and watched the foe passing. Like blind things they stumbled and tripped in the dark, some were maimed from the cruel implements put out by the master and some were merely scraped by the rough journey into this dark place. They bumped into each other, and tried to stop and let their eyes adjust, but the human tide prevented them from getting this chance. They couldn’t stop because they had to move or they would be pushed forwards and possibly fall and be trampled. So they had no hope of seeing the menacing figures in the darkness. Rook’al almost chuckled at what he saw and learned. This plan was almost too perfect to bear. The boss sure was smart. He could barely stand the wait but until the sharp triple clack sounded he didn’t move. When it did he was silent, they were ordered to silence to minimize casualties, and thrust his spear into a man’s neck. This was first blood in his mind. The man fell without a sound and was stomped by those behind him and they cursed his clumsiness. Rook’al was somewhat annoyed by the fact that his murder went unnoticed but he did not complain, instead he stabbed another man in the throat and smiled as he fell. He stabbed and stabbed, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, and again until someone almost bumped into him to get around the pile of semi crushed bodies. He felt rage, he knew his companions were doing the same further along the line and was almost amazed at the stupidity these people were displaying. Apparently his master really was the smartest man alive. After a little longer of silent murder in the dark he had to stop, someone had finally noticed the holes in the necks as he stepped on a corpse and screamed murder. They were aware that a dangerous bandit and his army were in here so they naturally stabbed outside of their little column and began to scatter into the darkness thinking that their numbers would ensure that they found the murderers in the dark. They were right but not in the way they thought, because the murderers were already beside them. Rook’al stabbed a man through his throat as he turned to face him before moving on to the next. The next was more of a challenge, swinging a sword wildly and not holding still long enough for a clean kill. So Rook’al stabbed him in his armpit and he screamed. Rook’al laughed before finishing him off through the neck hole in his armor. Rook’al liked to think his own name when he thought, it felt right and it helped him to remember it. It also made him feel like he was a hero in one of the old tales. Rook’al slammed his spear across a man’s legs and chuckled as he fell, Rook’al stepped aside as another blindly ran at him and slipped in the big pool of blood. How they hadn’t noticed this was a mystery to him. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....” He breathed and then the enemy began to panic. They swung everywhere they went, Rook’al saw opportunity. He stabbed and made little cuts from random angles to give the impression that they were surrounded. They began to scream more loudly and slice or stab at everything around them. Now this was getting really fun, he didn’t even have to kill them himself anymore since they were cutting each other to ribbons out of fear! Rook’al kept cutting them like this until his arms were tired, so he wandered off to grab a drink. He felt that he’d earned it. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Satan was infuriated by his failure. He gave up on subtlety and sent an army to kill the annoying little man. The annoying little man was over sixteen years old when he found himself pitted against Gorgoroth the black, a mighty dragon who’d terrorised the earth in his dread master’s name since ages untold, and the army he was given to extinguish this human. The young man was amazed by the massive beast, it was at least three miles long and spat fiery death. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Mordecai, lord of the Blood Reavers as he called the infamous raider army, was pumped. A demon roared, fire spewing from its eyes and mouth, and I chopped its face in half with my sword. I stabbed the same demon up through its belly a moment later as it fell screaming. Members of my elite force, the Red Hand, hollered and laughed right alongside me. They were true to their gangland ways despite their great experience. All around me, monsters raged and fought. But they could not stop us, we were like a living battering ram. I whipped up my spear as I spotted a horned demon mounted atop some monstrous thing. I rapidly gauged the distance, determined it to be in range, and hurled it at the freak with the sharp looking black trident. He didn’t change his expression when my spear punctured his oversized eyes and entered his brain, then again it didn’t look like he had enough to skin to change it anyway. He did yell. “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh!!!” I covered my ears with my empty hand and my arm to blot out the painful noise. “Filthy wretch can’t handle his pain can he?” Asked a nearby Claw, my term for the members of the Red Hand, with a grin on the half of his face that remained. The other half was mostly bare skull, his cheek was covered with gold we’d bolted on. We’d actually found it like that, there were even special grooves that looked made for the nails, which we’d found with it too. “Ergh, quite true Fellis.” I replied through gritted teeth, he laughed. I think that gold we bolted to his face is messing with his head. I heard a roar from above, so deep and loud that I felt my bones vibrating and my teeth wouldn’t stop shaking up and down. I looked up and saw something so big that I was amazed that I hadn’t seen it before. It swooped down and opened its mouth the engulf a group of my soldiers in fire. I frowned. “Fulgur.” “Yeah boss?” The man wore a blue cloak and wielded an axe in one hand and a shield in the other, he had a spear too. His head, outer arms, lower legs, and chest were sheathed in steel. He looked more like a myth than reality demanded. “We need to take out that dragon.” “How we gonna do that?” “Simple, I get high and grab it. That’s all you need to know. But where to?” “There, boss.” He pointed to a tower like structure, I knew it couldn’t be a tower because it was moving. “What is that?” “I don’t know, but it is tall.” “Good enough.” So I started towards this strange, moving, tower. I swiftly caught up to the nearby Red Hand and resumed the killing. I stabbed a demon though its dark eyes as it leaned down to bite me, gore sprayed from around my sword. I whipped the tip across its chest and grimly smiled as the skin split and blood and grey stuff spilled out. It reared its head back and wailed as I dragged an edge of my sword down its chest, more blood and grey matter leaked out. Claws joined me in killing it, axes chopped into its ribs and legs while spears stabbed into its flesh. It fell shortly and me and three others carved into it further, to make sure it stayed down. We moved on when it stopped twitching. As I moved past its head I dropped my sword, tip first, into its other eye to reach into its brain. It didn’t even moan. I swept my sword forwards to slice the arm from a demon as it was busy dueling with a Claw, it roared and turned to me which only presented its bony face for me to slice at. It would have used its other hand to rend me but the Claw it had turned away from stabbed it within the bounds of its collar and it fell with a moan. I kicked it in the teeth. Next foe was a big lizardy thing, it was disturbingly arousing. Don’t quite know what had me thinking that, it lacked breasts after all. It was lean and... had other qualities though. At least it stood upright on two legs and wasn’t drooling everywhere. I knocked it over the head with the side of the butt of my sword, because the bottom was sharp and it had two sharp edges, and it turned to me. I have no idea what went through my mind when I kissed it on the mouth, it reared back and spat repeatedly to get my taste out. Then I chopped what I am sure was a her’s head off. A pity really. I wonder if she’s still alive. Funny was the best way to describe the hideous thing I now faced, it was like a fool had mated with a fly and decided to teach the offspring his family trade. It was colorful and had frills everywhere. Yet my sword did not cut through the frills, so I stabbed it in one of the thin slits present along its neck-type area. That had it, it screamed and squirmed and blood gushed from it and slicked my armor. Foul black stuff it was, unlike the red or green or blue or... Demons have too much variety I now realize. My legs fell from beneath me and I stabbed up as something leaped on me. It screamed like a rat, weakling. I kicked it away and wiped the blood on my skirt, it didn’t help much seeing how much blood was already on it. Just great, now my clothes are getting ruined. How am I going to get this filth out of my once clean cotton? Something grey lunged at me and I automatically slashed it across what opened into a very long, fanged, mouth. “Grraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!” “Shut your hole demon!” I yelled as I stabbed into the roof of its mouth, I wonder if my sword is getting dull from all this use. It swung its head side to side as I dug past the glinting teeth that covered seemingly every surface of its inner mouth. It tried to bite me but my Claws started blocking it with the tips of their spears. A regular rushed past me, on boots that looked like they had soles of steel, into its throat with a double edged axe held high. A few moments later it gurgled and stopped trying to bite, the regular ran out screaming something about babies. Ignoring this oddity I moved to where I’d seen that commander fall, the spear still stuck out of his huge black eye. I smiled and pulled it out and placed it in its holster on my back, I saw the demon’s trident. A beautiful thing, truly. Solid black, three prongs, the left and right sides of the prongs were sharply edged for slashing as was a third of the length from the tines. This would be useful. I sheathed the sword and held the trident in both hands, now to test it out on something angry. The chance to do so rushed at me in a blur of claws and possibly teeth. I thrust the trident forwards and impaled the weirdo. It screamed for a moment before the trident pierced too deeply into what I must assume were lungs, then it was limp. I angled the trident down and it slid off the smooth metal. This was good. I resumed my killing with a swing into a big demon’s chest. Spiked tentacles lashed out and grasped my arms, this annoyed me so I kicked it in the ribs while using the trident to hold me in place. It roared and tried to pierce my armor, it was slowly succeeding. I snarled and pushed harder against it, but it was much stronger than I. Thankfully I was not alone, the nearby Claws stabbed into it and in pain it released me. I slid my trident out and lanced it through the fiends upper jaw and yanked it backwards, and thus down. The big fellow fell and we fell upon him like we had so many others, he was a mass of sliced and pockmarked flesh when we were done with him. We ran off of the carcass and made to resume killing, invigorated by the fresh violence. Some men may not like it but we love the slaughter, it practically runs in our blood. I impaled a shrimp of a demon and it fell, it travelled with a swarm of like beasts and we fought them as fishermen might. They were ended in short order and we continued towards the tower, I spun the trident so the sharp sides were vertical and stabbed a sword wielding demon in the chest through its chestplate and ripped the trident down. It fell, it internal organs falling out, and I stepped over it as some of my compatriots took a moment to stab it while it was down. I carved through a demons skull in one blow and my confidence soared, this must be some odd property of demonic weapons. Perhaps they fight each other so much that they enchant their weapons to do more damage to their compatriots? If so, then what would they do to an angel? I’d seen the horrific results they wreaked upon those men they hit, flesh burned and blood boiled and sprayed out, so what would they do their most hated foe? I sliced a demon in half through its waist and impaled it through its skull as it fell. I felt incredible, bloodlust surging through my veins as I killed with speed. This feeling is intoxicating. I stab some angry feathered thing that seemed to lack a head through its upper portion and it fell to its double knees, I pull my trident out and sweep it across that same spot and it pitched backwards. I kicked a demon as it flew at me and heard a crunch, it was... satisfying. I impaled it for good measure. Another rushes me, I thrust the tines through its skull and eyes burst. Beautiful. I slice another demon warrior’s throat and it grasps at it with a free hand, I slice the hand off and watch as it falls. I slam the side of the trident into it as it falls. I use its chest to boost my jump, a much taller beast is behind it and its back is turned to me. It’s busy chewing on one of my soldiers, its task will be its downfall. My trident pierces its spine and I rip it across the bones that should stop me, it makes a squeal like a drowning pig but I do not relent. It blood sprays across my face and soaks the cloth over my mouth. I am almost inclined to taste of it. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The warrior and his retinue slayed many a demon to reach the tower and such made them legends. But the greatest of all was the lord. He scaled the tower and the great beast it sat upon and he threw the device he found there from its height and left the horde below in chaos, then he challenged Gorgoroth himself. Gorgoroth thought to smash down the upstart, it would both accomplish his task and help him regain status for this challenge issued. Mordecai stood alone, his forces were busy fighting the screaming mass below. The air reeked of bile, demon ichor, blood, carrion, and smoke. It was hot despite the height as he stood against the current, staring grimly into the darkness. It was night and he’d been fighting for three hours with few stops. He might have been glad for the coming battle but a dragon was no laughing matter. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` I grip my trident tightly, I must not lose hold of it. I hear a roar, he comes. I can see him now, blotting out the stars and plowing through the smog. I have mere seconds before he is on me, something that big can move vast distances very quickly. I am tense, tense to keep my muscles ready for what may be the greatest fight of my life. He swoops down, his jaws gaping wide enough to swallow me whole, and I roll to the side. My armor protects me from whatever this hard surface below me is. His claw sweeps by and tears much of the tower apart. I am barely able to stand on what remains. I wait for my opportunity, there! I leap and grab a spine projecting from near the base of his tail. Now it’s my time. I pull myself along and get my right leg into a position to hold it. I pull out my spear and place the trident in its clasp, I grip the spear in my teeth. The trident would have hurt my teeth or been too difficult to grasp. I lunge from one bony projection to the next, he does not make it easy for me. He swoops and spins with no apparent purpose other than feeling the joy of flight, his colossal wings create waves of pressure with every beat. It is almost torment. As I lunge to the next spike I am almost certain he is aware of my presence. His orange eyes surely spotted me when he glanced back a moment ago. I have no choice but to continue. Luckily I am an agile man. I leap to the next and soar past it as he bobs down, I wait and remain calm. No point panicking when I can’t do anything about it, besides, this could be good. It is good as I manage to catch a spike much further ahead than I could have reached in the same time, I hang from it and dangle over the side of this huge beast. I can feel him tilting this way, he is trying to make me fall off. I throw myself further with my slightly rested muscles and grasp another spine, I hold on tightly as he makes a complete spin, my legs flail wildly below me. As I am temporarily righted I throw myself left and forwards to make sure I stay righted and begin to jump across his massive scaled body to maintain my upright stance. His spinning comes to a stop and I fall and grasp the nearest spike, which is slightly behind me, to keep the wind from pulling me off. It runs over him with such speed that a hurricane might envy it. I struggle to push forwards. He begins to fall and I leap from my spot to move further forwards. As he rises from his killing below I grasp another spike, now I am roughly three quarters of the way up his body. I remain silent, the wind is too strong to laugh, and must squint my eyes to see. He must know I live because he begins to thrash. I am certain he did not expect me to take advantage of this by leaping with little abandon to move further long, if he had stayed his course I might have become exhausted and been sucked free to die far below. But with him twisting and thrashing about he interrupts the air flow and allows me the opportunity to jump to a better spot at the cost of bruises from his hard scales despite my armor. He learns this, as as soon as I am halfway up his neck due to a bold leap in the dark he resumes his forwards flight. I am forced to pull myself against the wind using his smaller and more closely spaced spines now. From time to time he makes little shakes which play havoc on my grip and slam me against the behemoth’s immense body. I groan in pain as I feel my legs being rubbed raw. I pull myself along all the same but then I notice that is is getting harder to climb. I look up and see that we are going up, he is gaining altitude rapidly by flying straight up. How such a beast can do so is a wonder. I hold my breath and grip him tightly. It is cold up here, so very cold. How can he stand it? It must be his scales, he doesn’t seem bothered in the least. The air is growing thinner, I can see something past it. Its... dark. Blackness infinite, spotted with stars. The world looks so bright down there. My skin hurts, it hurts so much, like something pulling on me from the inside and trying to make me explode. It passes as we dip back to the earth. My bones feel stiff as do my skin and my muscles, my ears are bleeding and it burns my skin. The air is so warm down here, like a blanket. It is brighter, that is obvious as the light gleaming off his scales is rough on my eyes. I force myself forwards, towards his head and hear tiny tearing noises and feel sharp pinches. I grunt and keep going. The popping in my ears is incredibly painful. But I force myself forwards until I am right behind his head. He is unaware of me, my weight is as nothing to him. I pull myself along and brush past his ears, he knows of me now, he roars but I am unable to hear it clearly. My ears are in too much pain already. He shakes his head vigorously and I clamp on. He gives up and lets me get closer. Then he tries to throw me up. I take this as the opportunity I need. I spit the spear up and grab it in my right hand. I brace my feet above his eye and his pupil widens as he realises his doom, my spear thrusts down into his eye and almost certainly pierces his brain. To make sure I draw my trident as he tilts down and am glad I braced myself as the air pressure pushes me towards his skull as he falls. He is screaming so loudly, I drive my trident as deeply into his great eye and allow the pressure to push me in. His bulk shields me in the impact, that or the vast amount of dragon I swallowed. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` So did Mordecai slay Gorgoroth the black. The meat made him stronger indeed, as he emerged from his bloody skull in perfect health. He dragged the carcass to his men and shared it with the survivors. How he did this is unknown, something that big simply can’t be moved by men. Mayhap he used some freakish power to drag it, all his men saw was his muscles at work. They drank of the blood and ate of the flesh and became strong indeed. They went on to pick over the battlefield and take what they desired of the dead, Mordecai himself kept that demon’s trident. He also took some pets from the few that still lived. Including an odd lizardy thing that shouldn’t have survived without her head. The devil was stunned, he was certain that Gorgoroth alone would have been sufficient to end him. After that he left the warrior alone to think on his next move. He did not want to risk a failure against this mortal again. The mortal’s deed was not unnoticed by the rest of the word for God itself was pleased by the spectacle he provided. It was one of the most entertaining things it had seen in years and all of humanity was rewarded for it. Good harvests, life giving rain, mild weather, calm seas, all lasted for a time. God decided to send an angel to congratulate this young man who was surely on his side. The man had attracted a great many heathens and heretics to his banner and forged a kingdom in its own right. They created a sea of tents and more sturdy homes that stretched across a great plain, herds vast enough to feed this semi mobile city grazed across the land and vast flocks of birds soared through the sky and at times blotted out the sun. It was good. The lone angel descended to from high and approached the lord, he dwelt in the skull of Gorgoroth as a tribute to the beast. As the lone angel made her way she became unsettled. She began to notice signs of heresy amongst the populace of this place. She was but eight meters from his home when she saw such a blatant display of the worship of false gods that she had to act. She engulfed the painted men and women, who were in the midst of an orgy, and burned them with holy flame. The screaming called Mordecai forth from his home and he became enraged at the sight. Five years had passed since Gorgoroth’s death and he had reached the age of twenty one. He amongst the hundreds of his original warriors was most affected by the old drake’s blood. His eyes had gained an orange glow, just like Gorgoroth’s, and his muscles were like iron. So had the whites of his eyes turned orange too even though his brown irises merely grew darker. His teeth could penetrate steel and his dark gold skin was like the finest of armor. What made him more intimidating was that he wore armor formed of the dragon’s hide over which were his smallest scales. He took up his old spear and hurled it at her as her head turned to him and it speared deeply into her unarmored chest. She had come down in ceremonial robes, not soldier’s armor. As she fell he drew a heavy one edged axe and rushed at her, she tried to stop him but he cleaved into her midsection and cut her off. He ended her with his trident and the unholy weapon burned her. Thus began his war with heaven. God was annoyed by this. It was like a formerly friendly insect had bitten him on the finger when he tried to pet it. He decided to give the insect a few more chances for it surely knew not of its error. Mordecai took his people to a place he had learned of long ago, a place he had sought to claim for his own since he’d caught sight of it. So began the great migration, while most went with their lord some were left behind to guide travellers to the new location and to provide them with provisions before they resumed their journey. God sent his agents to convince him to repent, but either they were turned away at the gates or they were refuted vehemently. God had an agent sent down to seduce him into the light but the agent failed and was axed to leave in piece. The final attempt God made was to send a pair of women down who would slowly show him of the benefits of worshipping the one referred to as the lord of lords. They tried for two years. Mordecai had them in the palm of his hand at age twenty-five. They and the lizardy thing became good friends fairly quickly. God became angry but not quite angry enough to really bring down the forces of the natural world to smite him. He was too entertaining to just kill off, God hadn’t had such a good laugh in an age. So he decided to mess with him by alternately helping his people things like rain and good weather then hurting them with things such as gales and floods. It wasn’t so bad, everyone involved laughed it off and so they apparently didn’t take it badly. After that joke got old God demanded that Mordecai take his army and march out into the plains, part of which they’d abandoned, and fight his own army like men. Mordecai finished whatever he was doing and got his boys ready. They got hyped up and marched out onto the plains with bloody murder in mind. The foe was the Archangel Damian and the angelic host he had lead for a long time. His mission: to tear Mordecai asunder and so end his heresy. Following which they would purify the dark city he’d built in his image. The two forces stopped two hundred paces apart and glared at each other. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Python was alone though he was backed by thousands. He stood with his sword on his right hip, his spear and shield in hand, and all his armor on firmly. His helmet protected all but his eyes and separate plates were chained over his ears to enable him to better hear his foes. His forearms and upper arms were plated in steel as were his lower legs and thighs. Sabatons protected his feet, gauntlets protected his hands, a cuirass protected his chest. He was not a light soldier, he was at the front for a reason. His faintly glowing yellow eyes glared at the foolish angels who’d dared to challenge his master. He was one of the elite dragon hybrids known collectively as the Red Hand, individually they were Claws. I surged forwards almost as soon as I heard the horns of war, the sound was a deep and terrifying sound. I knew that the others by my side were doing the same, just as the winged terrors before me did. Some took wing while others stayed on the ground, my targets were primarily those that strode the earth but the flying cowards would bleed too. I felt the blood rushing through my veins, the delicious mix of anger and joy that came with every battle. It was a thrill like no other, better than sex even. Some thought me queer for it but many of them would die this day. The wind is at my back, pushing me onwards with greater speed. I suspect my lord has a hand in this. The first are roaring and it sounds like an uncounted number of harps and flutes playing in perfect concert. I love that hideous sound. We are close now, barely ten paces apart. They keep up their pathetic attempt at a roar even as we close. A sword cuts perhaps three inches into my shield as I heft it to block an overhead swing. I pull my shield to the side and spear the angel in his heart, going over his gorget to reach past his collarbone to the beating organ below. His screaming rises in volume and pitch and disrupts the formerly beautiful choir, the same is happening all across the line. I’m pushing him down, the little screamer wouldn’t fall on his own, when I see a spear tip with a white glow coming at me. I snort and swing my angular shield across to knock it aside. I step on the dying angel and rip my spear from him before I bash the little cretin before me with my shield. I step heavily on the angels face and my sabatons crack his skull but it holds my weight, I am off balance by this strange circumstance. I am almost killed when the angel before me leaps on my shield and almost knocks me down. Luckily the dragon’s blood made me strong, so I throw him to the ground and impale his face. Once more I am struck by the durability of these things. His skull is resisting my steel headed spear, I shove harder and finally pierce is brain. He too screams for I-don’t-know-how-long, until I hear a crunching noise behind me. I almost turn to thank whomever silenced the monster but I am forced to direct my attention to the singing above. An angel above swings a double edged axe at me, I step aside in time and try to stab him with my spear. He smacks it aside with his axe and slams me down with his wings. I roll aside and thrust up with my spear again, he grabs it and flings it to the side. I grin manically though he cannot see it. I reach to my side and draw the sword of a demon I slew and brandish it at him. He frowns deeply and raises his axe high. He swings it down and I move to the side and stab him through his breastplate in the time it may have taken a man to blink. The dragon was very helpful after all. He tur grasps the sword, though it burns his hand on contact, and holds it steady even as his wings falter. His other hand raises the axe again and I blink in surprise, why are these angels so tough? I pull desperately but the sword won’t budge, he must have a grip like an elephant to hold it like he does. I give up and release my grasp before he can finish his fatal swing. I rush back in and punch him until he stops moving, I have to brace my feet against his chest and pull very hard to get my sword out of him. How he was so strong is a wonder to me. No more holding back. I rush forwards and slice off a head, moving like thought I lop off an arm. I slice an angel’s head in twain and kick him so hard he is sent backwards to knock his companions back. I charge and am upon them like a wolf among rabbits. I stab them all through the brain  before pausing and slicing their heads off and kicking them away. I leap and stab a flyer through a wing and pull him down to bash his skull in with the butt of my sword. I am in my element, I am actually on the verge of sexual arousal. I feel good, I feel strong, I feel like lightning given form. I blur forwards to cut an angel into three uneven pieces before stabbing his brain and moving on to another. I get behind him and cut off his wings before slicing his head in half vertically, the blood doesn’t have time to reach my armor before I move to my next kill. The angels did not expect this, their screaming becomes more fearful. The fear invigorates my muscles and urges me on to this next one. This one is pretty, not like the males. This was because she was a woman. She reached out at my neck with what looked like an arrow with no flights. Why use such a small weapon, I put my shield in the way and it went right through. Oh. I jumped over her as she tried to fly over me and sliced her head open. I kicked off her and stabbed into another, higher, flyer and impaled this man in the chest. His head turned towards me and he tried to shove me off, I punched his head ‘till it cracked and he began to fall. I jumped to the next angel and saw some of my brethren doing the same. This one I stabbed in the heart before jumping to the next. This was one of the gifts we took from the dragon, by eating his flesh and drinking his blood we were made better. I slaughtered the next with a swipe across the chest and followed it with an downturned blade through the top of his head. I backflip off and smash down on another, who I triple kick in the head before his mushy brains spill across my sabaton and I jump to another. This one I catch backwards and my sword enters his spine and ribcage, I laughed briefly before headbutting him in the back of the head and ripping off a wing. I had no reason for the brutality I displayed, and will keep doing, besides a sort of cruel pleasure gained in the destruction of bodies. I leap to another and he is either smarter or faster than the others, maybe he just got lucky. He swings his arm out and knocks me down before I can grab him, surprise is a big factor. I fall to the battlefield but I refuse to die like that, when you reach my level of greatness you can pretty much choose how you go. So I direct my fall so that I will land on an angel in the midst of the lesser soldiers. My feet down on his or her shoulders moments after their spear impaled a man through his breastplate and pierces his heart. I smash down on the angel and slash down through the screaming mouth as the lessers take a step back in surprise. I merely nod to them before running off to rejoin the fight, there is no time to be lollygagging. The battle had grown more intense, winds rip men from the earth and the ground shakes and spikes at will.It was a briht and clear morning minutes before but storms crackling with lightning are creeping across the sky to blot out this glorious day. I heard the screaming rise in pitch and leapt over my compatriots to return to the angel-slaying that was so fun. Instead I came in time to witness a truly titanic battle. My lord, he was fighting. Alone against what looked to be an enemy commander, if the six wings were anything to judge by. I staggered closer as wind whipped by and almost pulled me from the ground despite the weight of my armor. As I watched my lord swung the jagged remains of a sword at the angel, who smashed the blade into even smaller pieces with his own sword. I kept moving closer, my lord launched himself into the sky yet again. I now understood the purpose of the wind, it helped to lift him into the air. My lord swung his favorite axe at the angel from above his right shoulder. The angel slapped it aside and the axe was blackened where he hit it. My lord was grabbed but kicked free. I was determined to aid my lord, but angels were in the way. They made runs against him, breaking off when they were cut down. So I decided to use them. I lept at the nearest and was tossed about by the wind. It threw me like a toy and I wondered at the strength of these beings to stay airborne in such weather. I don’t know when I impacted the angel, only that I almost puked when I did. The angel tried to turn his sword on me but I threw my shield out and grabbed his wrist. We struggled but I proved to be stronger, I used him like a kite. He struggled but we had similar aims really, I wanted to get closer and so did he. We tumbled through the air as we wrestled for control. This was getting ridiculous, the angel was starting to win because he was clearly adapted to this sort of thing. Which made me question if he’d ever been ridden before. The angels paid no mind to their colleague lest it was to get out of the way of the struggle, so intent they seemed to be on my lord. Then I got an idea, the first angel didn’t seem to like my sword very much. Perhaps I could distract them by showing it here too. So I held my sword high and made sure the angels got an eyeful of it. It made them very angry. Soon they were sweeping at me and slicing my flesh and armor, I swung my blade at them too but never thought to turn it upon my mount. I didn’t want to lose my grip on this sure surface. So soon the other angels began to die even as I grew weaker, an angel slammed into me and almost knocked me off. Luckily I had gouged a deep hole in his thigh as he did. Another slammed an armored fist into my helm and dented the metal almost into my jaw. The next one didn’t get away so easily. She got the sword in her eye and it ripped through the top of her skull as her momentum pushed her along. These white winged furies had no idea what it was like to fight one such as I. I was shoved again and stabbed him deeply into the shoulder and was almost ripped off by the tug. I think my angel is dying. I glanced down and saw his face was pale blue, my grip on his neck did not relax. I scored a good hit on the next angel that rammed me from the front in a bold charge. He took me with him though, I kicked his freed comrade in the back of the head as I came free. I admit that I am a monster but I am very good at being one. This was made more apparent to the angelic menace when I stuck my sword through the shoulder of an angel in passing and used the force of the flat pushing through the bone to whip myself back in the air. The angels resumed their attacks on me and I endured the razor wind with a smile on my face and a sword in hand. I was smiling because I heard a powerful being screaming, one that was most definitely not my lord. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Mordecai won the battle and claim Damian’s sword for his own. Now God was angry. It sent earthquakes rippling across the earth where his soldiers walked but something stopped them. God traced the source to find who dared defy its will and found, to hits silent horror, that it was Mordecai. Mordecai had grown even stronger when he fed on Damian’s body, thus adding the might of an archangel to that taken from Gorgoroth. Now Mordecai worked on his secured territory to better fortify it. He took metal and stone and lumber and giant bones and built walls and a great fortress. He knew what was coming. He didn’t just use mortal material however, a nasty surprise soon learned by his enemies. Satan called to God and asked for a truce, he wanted to call a ceasefire and make a pact to unify them until this upstart mortal was put in his place. God agreed readily. Together, they made what is possibly the largest army this world has ever seen. The population was greater than many nations of men, and it was not entirely made up of the denizens of the divine plains. Mortals of both sides flocked to this army and though they competed bitterly, they had the same goal in mind. The earth shook miles away from them when they marched, they had to be careful and space themselves out so that the men and earthbound demons could walk. Siege engines of ambitious size and warbeasts unknown were present in this army, and because it was being funded by divinity it never wanted for supplies so logistics were unlimited and therefore no issue. Mordecai knew of them because they were causing an earthquake on their way there, but he was in no way worried. His fortress city was untroubled despite, or perhaps because of, its positioning. He’d built it atop a plateau that was ten miles across and circular in shape. It was eight thousand feet tall and the only way up was a winding slop that was only wide enough for ten horses abreast. This limited the number of soldiers the foe could send via land. The plateau itself was a terrible thing. It was ancient, and with good reason. It was formed of earth, the ruins of civilizations past, and the bones of the ancient dead; men and monster alike. The fact that it was mostly made up of the second and third was a testament to its age, the length of the war being fought prior, and to the sturdiness of the material of its make. This would be the longest ongoing siege in history. the defenders were well armed and well supplied by mines deep within their plateau and the attackers had numbers enough and the determination to wait it out. For twenty-five years the city was besieged. Attempts were made to storm it from the front but they could not break the gates, attempts were made to storm it from above but they were repulsed by arrow and cannon, attempts were made to storm the walls from immense siege towers but these too were repulsed by cannon and valiant defender alike. At one point they tried undermining the whole thing only to find they couldn’t knock it over. While most who reached the walls died, not all died on them. Others were taken and their souls were ripped free and made into unbreakable chains, twenty in total protected the roots of the plateau and these were lashed to a very large demon they’d captured in the field. The demon was made to strain against its bindings for all eternity or until something killed it, this kept the plateau stable and made the air smell like lavender and fresh cut roses for whatever reason. So many assaults were repelled, and Mordecai gained yet another demon’s weapon at some point. The mace of Malefic was a terrible thing, the spiky thing made a mockery of armor and killed demons and angels as readily as mortals. It was easily his greatest weapon, with it nothing could stand against him. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Carver licked his fangs as he watched yet another giant tower approach. He’d been born during this siege and as far as he was concerned, it was just the way things were. His entire  world was the distance he could see from the plateau and as far as he knew the world had always been this one fortress under siege by an infinite enemy. They had always fought off the enemy with cannon and bow, ballistae and catapult, catapulta and cheiroballistae, fire and steel and ever would the enemy return for more. He was certain he would die when something inevitably killed him and his children would eventually take their place on these walls and die and so would the cycle continue until the end of time. He had heard tales from the old of a time siege was but a distant dream their master prepared from but these were just that, tales told by old folks who were likely going senile. The Claws certainly never spoke of this so called “before time” and they never lied. So he was here, it  would keep the enemy away from the people and he cared for the people. Why they attacked, he did not know or care. It was just the way things were. I readied my sword as the machine approached the wall, its ramp lowering on chains. I could feel the wall’s anger, it was a living thing really. I knew it hungered for blood and it hated the foe who dared to shoot it with their cannon balls and stones. I rubbed the bottoms of my feet along some of the tiny holes in its surface and felt its reassurance at my touch, the holes were for blood to drain into and feed the massive thing. My armor was odd, at least when compared to what the city guard and the enemy wore. Pauldrons on my shoulders that linked into the cuirass, similarly I was armored along my upper and forearms and my hands were protected by thick gauntlets. I breathed through a grill along the front of my helm that passed over my mouth and saw through what may have been glass, the glass did a good job of keeping stuff out of my eyes. Projections from the sides and back of the base of the helmet extended a little over my shoulders and back to provide further protection. My legs are not as armored as my torso with greaves for my legs and sabatons that protected my upper feet and were strapped by a few strips of leather along the bottom. A heavy, angled, skirt of metal covered my legs halfway down my greaves. It was all clearly designed to protect my upper body while leaving my lower body free to maneuver. I feel like a light tortoise in this stuff. I held my spear ready in one hand and my sword in the other, some men readied their rifles on stilts behind us. I could hear the things sliding into the divots on the floor, I laughed and soon the others were laughing too. Most of us were born in the so called “Siege Era” and most of us knew that the crap the elders spewed was exactly that. The boss was older than most of us but never talked about that crazy stuff so he was cool. He raised his arm and we all held our spears in the ready position. These are solid steel, soul touched, weapons that have tips coated in weird powder stuff taken from the mines that causing the enemy to ignite wherever we stab them. Seriously, blood doesn’t put this stuff out. It is awe inspiring. The ramp lowered and a storm of bolts flew out only to bounce off our angled front armor, it’s said to be kind of like the prows of those ships you see in old paintings but I’d say it’s more of a wedge. Its really useful for plowing through enemies too. The greaves and cuirass have the same wedge front while the helm has a similar but more aquiline shape.The enemy fired another volley of bolts and we weathered these with equal aplomb, they just bounced off anyway. We could wait half day if we have to, it’s part of our training even. I decided to idly chatted about the price of fish with my nearby buddy. “‘ey Reek, you notice how the price of a pound of cave mackerel went up a whole shard the other day?” I like the way these helmets distort our voices, makes us sounds more awesome. “Oh yeah, tha’ sucked. Sucked like that angel I bought last week! Hahah, but not in a good way. She’s really quite good at that, mmm, to think she was supposedly a virgin.” He replied. “Hah! Virgin where?” “Everywhere, ’til I bought her ‘course.” “Hahah! I hear that man. You know that red Succubus with the green feathers, those heart-stopping hips, and breasts to kill for?” “Mmm, I know the one.” “Been saving up for her, got a shield collar and everything.” “Everything, really?” “Yep, even got a replicant crystal so that she can safely feed on my soul.” “Damn, you really like her don’tcha?” “Hells yeah man. Why the heck else would I be growing out my soul so she can eat it?” “Ha, if I believed in it I’d say you were in love.” “Mmmyeah, may as well be man. Hey, when do you think they’ll let up?” “I dunno, guess when we stop talking.” “Hah! True, true. So how’s the family?” “Same ol’ same ol’. My cousin got into a management position down in the tunnels.” “Really?” “Yeah, apparently he’s celebrating with his cave buddies.” “Huh, what's that pay?” “Well, I don’t know. Not for sure. But I hear he makes thirty whole cubes per hour.” “Shit! You serious?!” “Like I said, I’m not sure. I’m going off rumors, some whispered by family. But I don’t know why else he would spend twenty freakin cubes on that party of his.” “Holy Mordecai’s feces! Damn, now I’m wishing I’d gone into that.” “Bah, you know this is where you belong. Besides, not only is it more fun up here but if you were down there you woul’nt’a met me now would’ja?” “That’s damn right!” Moments later the enemy rushed forth from within the tower, I had what felt like a shit eating grin on my face when I saw them. Now this is more like it, freakin armored demons! As one, we stepped forwards and loosened our formation. This allowed the gunners behind us to loose their missiles without harming us. The demons grunted as bleeding holes were punched into their armor. We simultaneously tightened formation before marching forwards again. I waited for a good opportunity before using my first thrust, I wasn’t going to waste the burny stuff on a wounded foe. I blocked a demon’s sword with my own and slash his throat open. Another demon’s trident scrapes along my armor and I look at him. He gulped as I saw that he looked untouched by the bullets, probably because my spear lunged at him almost of its own accord. But it halted, reared back, and lunged up as an angel tried to attack me from above. The angel screamed as it burned, the glow was blue from inside but white when it came out. The demon was not lucky because my sword impaled him between his eyes a moment later. I twisted it and he fell. The angel bounced off my angled armor and fell to the floor. I was certain that a light soldier was checking it now. I tilt my sword so that the demon slides off the blade and smile at him, then I focus on the next figure. A strong looking demon, rippling muscles and glowing red eyes. “You there, ugly!” I yelled at him. He looked at me like he was having trouble believing me, at least I think that was the expression. Kind of hard to tell with such a strange face. “Come on big boy, fight me!” I laughed. He shrugged and launched himself at me, his axe bounced off my angled chestplate. I stabbed him in the chest and he roared and kicked at me. His foot bounced off with a thunk, didn’t even dent me. Now that he had to stay close, I carved into him with my sword. He screamed and slammed me harder. “Nice try but you aren’t having any success. How about you kneel down and save yourself.” He gripped the spear’s metal shaft at my words. “It’s not bad, really. If you submit on your own we’ll take real good care of ya. We’ll patch you up and get you on the market and a strong fellow such as yourself should sell fairly quickly.” I attempted to persuade him. He began to pull away. “If I force you by, say, knocking you out you’ll find something much worse waiting for you.” He didn’t listen. Too bad, I swung my sword’s flat into the side of his head three times in rapid succession and he groaned. I did it again, harder, and he fell and gripped his head. I pulled my spear from him and called for a scavenger team. They swarmed over him less than a minute later and sedated him even as they dragged him off. This was so funny, they always try this. They always fail, maybe I’ll find a sexy one this time around. Mhm, that would be lucky for me. I know I’d get a nice big bonus for that. Something metallic rushed me from the tower and I grinned and braced myself. It slammed against my chest and almost fell, Its arms slammed on my sides and it actually began to push me down. Tough bugger huh? I slammed the shaft of my spear into it but it ignored me, I saw another knock one of my allies down and frowned. I swung my sword and that worried it, it jumped back with a burning hole in its side. It made weird clicking noises as it rushed me again, I made and overhead slash and it wisely jumped back. I ran at it and slammed my weight into it, it fell after a moment and I swung myself back upright. Then I planted a foot on its side and slowly dragged my spear down its midsection. It flailed its limbs while I peeled it open, I saw brown and was confused. I pulled my spear down a little harder and realised it was some sort of mechanised suit, cool. It split the thing open, from top to bottom, and saw a figure wearing goggles that were hooked up to the machine. The figure had its limbs strapped in too. It probably couldn’t get out on its own. I made little incision along the places where it was bound, the burn marks would identify them, and the figure screamed. It sounded feminine. When I cut its hands free it pulled off the head piece and I got a look at its face. It looked female too. I struggled to free itself, it was obviously scared of me. As soon as it was able it reached for a dagger and tried to stab me, I knocked the feeble weapon aside with the tip of my spear and swung it  back up to cut its heavy chest armor vertically. Definitely a woman. “Carver here! I need a scavenger team! One female and one large machine!” I yell, a few moments later a team rushes up and pulls her out despite her protests. I hear a cannon boom and see something big topple out there. The gunmen fire into the air as the angels swoop down, though the bowmen are already firing, and many fall. Life is good, tomorrow I can buy that Succubus and I’ll have extra cash for whatever. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Noting how terribly they were faring the gods made the decision to call out a secret weapon. God called on this one who was beyond his power hesitantly, for he was not known for his kind nature. Payment would be required at some point and it did not want to risk too much. This feared being was younger, yes, but also much meaner. He was roughly six meters tall and completely covered in smooth, shiny, whitish/silverish metal except for his eyes which had lenses of clear, reflective, crystal. Great wings spread from behind his shoulders and his feet bore singular hooves the size of dinner plates. A long and deadly sharp horn sprouted from his head, behind his eye lenses. His metal fingers were razor sharp at the end, just push on them a little and you would be cut. The gods came together and discussed the issue, he decided what he wanted and also reserved the right to the souls of those who died by his efforts and so he went oto accomplish his task. He was not alone either. Angels two and a quarter meter tall travelled with him. They were armored in fully enclosed helms with long visors for them to see; and their chests, upper arms, forearms, lower legs, feet, and crotches were similarly armored. As they came into this new environment a spell acclimated them to the local pressure and prevented their bodies, which were used to much heavier gravity and far greater density, from rapidly expanding and vaporising. They came armed with smaller guns that barked or coughed or roared when fired, some spat bullets while other spat flame. So tough were they that their bare skin was enough armor against the firearms of this world, they only had to keep their helmets on to ensure that they had enough air to breath. They descended on the plateau where their prey nested, already gathered up for the slaughter. For once the besieging forces were quiet as they watched in awe as these figures came upon the foe they had worked so hard to beat with so little success. As cannon and gun shots blasted out they expected some of the figures to fall. None did though some were clearly hit, and soon screams of fear were heard from the beings on the plateau, the first they’d heard in years. The besieging army considered joining in, but decided that they’d rather not get caught in the crossfire and slowly dispersed. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The angel was happy, then again he was always happy. It was how he and his kind were built. This was not a local angel of course, this was one brought by the Destroyer. He was tall, his wings were huge, his armor practically indestructible, and highly motivated. His weapon was a shotgun with settings for long range, close range, semi automatic, and full automatic. The weapon wasn’t designed to run out of ammunition either, and the shells would dissipate a few hours after they were fired. I stood quietly with my brethren. My head was empty of thought, why think without purpose? I feel and see magic coursing over me, the pressure is shifting as is what I perceive. “Hah!” I gasp, now I am in the air. I spread my wings and flap them with instinctive power, I see the creator. I do not so much think this as simply see the Destroyer and automatically move into formation with my brothers around him. I am happy, this is partly because I am certain that we get to kill after being in the vault for so long and partly because I do not know how to be happy. Once some-being had managed to capture me and was trying to extract information from me via torture. I laughed, and smiled, and even thanked him while he was doing horrible things to me and screaming at me to tell him secrets that I knew not. I readied my shotgun, I simply deactivated the safety with my mind. The helmet links us to our weapon, mine has a nice big bayonet under the barrel that allows me to cut people who get too close. The only external control on this gun is the trigger ,and that’s something called an aesthetic. I see the objective, it is marked on the screen on my visor and also provides firing solutions and targets. It does other stuff too, like providing me with the perpetually recycled air I breath. I swooped down towards the infrastructure, I did not look but I knew some of my brothers were doing the same. We do not think at times, and when we do it is very fast. My black feathered wings pump harder and shove me through the air faster as a cannon ball flys at me, I have no intention of dodging it. I smash through the soft projectile headfirst, I doesn’t even slow me down. I keep formation with my brothers. We are all the same being, just with separate bodies. I see men in armor that has obviously been designed for this environment running about and aiming spears and other weapons at us. I know the second flight will take them. All will die, so the orders on my visor say. I point my gun at a man behind the wall in smooth metal armor, it is like a shell. I fire in tandem with my brothers and seconds later a big hole is punched in his chest and he falls backwards. I am happy to see him die. I keep flying towards the city as bullets spew from primitive guns at us, those that hit bounce off my armor and even skin with barely a sting. They are not prepared for us, how could they prepare for us? I point my gun at another figure, this one is nearly naked. He tries to run but I shoot him in the center of his chest and he falls with a big bloody hole where his heart was. I point my gun at my next target, the rate of fire is increasing, and I shoot her in the chest as well. I feel the soft yet satisfying kick of my gun against my chest. It kicks because I do not will it not to do so. Soon I swing my gun at another man and shoot him, then another. Both fall with bloody holes through their bodies, bullets burying themselves into the floor after passing through their bodies. Now we are becoming less united with our shots, soon the tempo will increase to the point where simultaneous firing will not be feasible. This pleases me. I shoot a woman, a man, a man, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a man, a woman, a woman, the list goes on. Bullets and arrows bounce off of me, they cannot harm me. The weapons they use are too light, too slow, and lack the density required to injure me. Death is my purpose in life, I am very good at this. I never grow angry, nor do I feel bloodlust, simply joy. I land to better find my prey, they have begun hiding in bunkers and homes. I kick a nearby door down and enter, a shovel bounces off my head. I turn to the male with the speed of sound and slice him down the middle with my bayonet. He falls in two pieces as I turn to his nearby family and slaves. I shoot them all. Blood sprays around the room and on me, I ignore it and search the rest of the house. There are eight rooms, three are occupied. Gunshots ensure that when I leave, nothing living remains in that domicile. I move on to the next house to the right as I exit and kick down this door too. A bullet pings off my chest plate and I shoot the shooter through his own chest. No heart means no survival. I turn my bayonet on the other males and females as they rush me. The blade cuts their flesh and bone effortlessly as I swing it. I could have shot them but didn’t, I do not know why. My sensors indicate more prey is to be found in this living space. This one has eight rooms just like the last, only one is inhabited. A pink skinned being identified as a Succubus on my readout is sitting on a bed while cradling a human baby. She looks at me and I identify fear in her pale yellow eyes. I raise my gun, she drops the baby on the bed, I blast a hole in her chest. “Please, spare... The... Baby...” She begs as she dies. I walk up to the infant and it cries out. I point my gun at it as it looks at me in wonder, I destroy it with a single shot. The bed gains a second hole and another bloody stain. I exit the building calmly. I move on to the next to the right, there are possibly thousands of homes above and below the surface in this city. We will kill all we find in every one. We do not feel pity, we do not feel fear, we do not feel sadness, we do not feel anger, only joy. We do not give mercy, we do not give solace, we do not give anything but what are ordered to, and that is usually death. We always obey. It is our lot in life. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The Destroyer and his army killed everything in that city. Even the mighty wall was slain. The chains, unbreakable to the natives, were shattered and the foundations of the mountain replaced. They came from a much tougher place, trying to breath the air there would be like filling your lungs with rocks. But, when he had Mordecai on his back and on the ground the Destroyer didn’t kill him. Instead he tilted his head to the side and seemed confused. The confusion soon left and, with a chuckle, he decided a potentially worse fate for him. He sent him to the dimension that made him what he was, not the place of his first birth but that of his second. He ripped the slaves and soldiers and citizens from hell and limbo and sent them along too. He even gave them some beasts, buildings, their weapons, their armor, and their tools to start off. Of course he acclimatized their relatively soft bodies to that heavy place on arrival. Then the Destroyer left to go do other things, like eating that cake he’d been meaning to for around twelve years now. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Mordecai emerged from what looked like certain death into a frozen waste. He felt like he was being crushed, then something tingly coated him and he felt better. He stood and glared at his surroundings, and moved aside as a building appeared above him and almost crushed him upon landing. He felt for his weapons and saw they were in their custom made sheaths. I staggered out through the cold and the snow and ignored the cries of my citizens and their property. They were appearing rapidly and falling into this snow coated land harmlessly, unless something heavy fell on them. I had seen something strange. I stared at it for a moment and brushed my eyes, it was still there. I beheld a ghostly horse in the distance, it looked like it was looking back at me. It was in the sky, why it was in the sky I do not know. I looked over to my right and saw heavy pines, laden with dark green leaves and needles. Among them was a big hairy elephant and something else by its side, never in my days had I imagined their like. What is this place? I coughed, blood. It had been so long since I bled. I reached down to my belt and pulled out an ordinary steel knife, I dragged it across my palm and blood leaked from the wound. It hurt too. I covered it with my other palm and struggled to heal it, it sealed up with agonizing slowness. I heard inhuman screams in the distance, paired with equally inhuman roars. My knees are suddenly too weak to support me, I fall and stop my chest from hitting this freakishly cold place with my other. I stop nary two inches from the snow, so deep is it that my hand sunk right in. I force myself upright and glare at the sky, much of it is blotted out with heavy grey clouds. I sheathed my knife before I lose it and pull out my trident and sword. I feel anger, I was so strong before. But now I can barely heal a little cut, that monstrous thing is at fault. I raise my trusty weapons to the air and scream long and hard, there will be a day of reckoning for that metallic beast. I swear it upon my immortal soul. > Last Post > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry everyone. I was getting back on track and really working on this. But... Something came up. I can no longer come to this site, this may be the last time you hear from me. Consider the story on a very long hiatus if you wish. I apologise to those who I will be letting down. corosive cash, supbrony101, you two are some of my oldest supporters and have even contributed to this fic. I am sorry to let you down. MyLittleBurger, though you didn't leave a comment your like was enough. I am sorry I let you down. broniousmaximus, I have failed you as a writer. I am sorry I let you down. plp885, I am sorry I got your hopes up only to end this. I am sorry I let you down. Stormy Sunrise, I have made a promise that I have just been rendered unable to complete. I am sorry I let you down. To everyone unmentioned by name, my hands and fingers do not want to respond to my commands and you are numerous. I must thank you all, every like and view inspired me to keep writing. Thank you. I am so sorry I let you down. To those who disliked, well I guess you finally got what you wanted didn't you? Well at least some people will be happy. I am so very sorry, I have provided a service that seems to have been appreciated but am no longer able to do so. I am sorry that I cannot finish this. No longer will I log in, no longer will I read fics, no longer will I write, goodbye my friends. You warmed my heart while it lasted. By the time you read this I will be gone and unable to respond to any comments.