> A Dashing Legend > by dashybrony2012 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone thought that the ancient legend of Calypso was just that. A legend. Nothing more, nothing less. It would have even stayed that way, but as faith would have it….. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh come on Twilight! This is taking forever and I don’t care about those boring old legends or whatever!” “Rainbow Dash! They aren’t just ‘boring old legends’! These are an opportunity for a learning adventure! Ohhh think of all the new things you could lea-‘’Twilight Sparkle was rudely interrupted by an obnoxious snore coming from the cyan Pegasus mare that stood across the library from her. Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her athletic friend. Said Pegasus opened one eye and asked with mix of hopefulness and annoyance that Twilight could plainly see where centered on her. “Are you done yet?” “Fine, but don’t you come to me when you decide to stop being such a filly and would want to delve into some legends or whatever.” Dash raised an eyebrow knowing full well that her velvet unicorn friend would want exactly the opposite. Twilight disappeared into the library’s storage room. While Twilight rummaged for a certain book she talked to nopony in particular. “We had these books shipped all the way from Baltimare, they’re a bunch of really great books that have so much information about all kinds of different things!” Twilight paused as if to consider something. “Maybe even stuff I never heard about!” She let out a happy gasp. “Think of all the research! Ooh this will be so much fun!” Twilight clapped her hooves complete with an overjoyed squeal. The sound of someone clearing their throat unceremoniously rained on her parade. “Ok, ok I get it Rainbow! Ahh here we go!” Twilight pulled out the newest edition of the Daring Do series in her magical grip. She trotted back towards her impatient partner whose eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and smile stretched from ear to ear. “Finally! Thanks Twi! I can’t wait to find out which awesome adventure Daring is gonna go on next!” In a flash Rainbow dashed out the library’s closed door causing it to shatter on impact. When the dust had settled it was Twilights turn to have eyes the size of dinner plates. Her left eye twitched as she surveyed the damage. Twilight stood gaping another few seconds until she snapped back to reality. She decided not to strangle Dash…..yet. Twilight sighed and called out for her number one assistant. “SPIKE!” the purple and green baby dragon came rushing downstairs. “What’s wrong Twilight? I thought I heard a cra-‘’ Spike stopped mid-sentence and mid-step as well as his green eyes laid themselves on the library’s door, well what was left of it anyway. “Let me guess; Rainbow Dash?” he unfroze himself as he continued down the steps although no longer in a rush. Twilight confirmed his hypothesis with a nod. Spike gave a small smirk, he knew firsthand how the purple unicorn so much as littering her library, who knows what she’ll do now about a broken door. Oddly though the said pony was quite calm. Too calm. Spike shook his head worry seeping onto his young dragon face. This will not end well. Twilight knew that the only way to calm herself down was with a nice long book. She stormed up to her room and grabbed a random tome off the many shelves in the library. Twilight let out a long weary breath through her nose. She sat herself down and made herself comfortable and opened the book that she had blindly chose. As faith would have it, the book was about the ancient legends of Equestria, hence the title “Legends of Equestria’’. Through her internal rage Twilight let a small smile crack through as she opened the book to a random page. Her incredibly short crusade brought Twilight to a page that was telling the infamous tale of the legend of Calypso. Shockingly, she had read and heard very little on that particular legend and was more than happy to find out some sweet information to soothe her angered nerves. She gritted her teeth as she prepared to dive into the book all the while drilling a message into her head, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay just read this book and calm down read the book and calm down. Twilight’s violet eyes began devouring the page. Long ago, a group of Pegasi resided in what is now called Ponyville - Twilight’s eyes widened at this, why hadn’t she known any of this? A million questions raced through here mind activating the gears that began churning in her head. With a raised eyebrow and an enthusiastic soul she continued. These Pegasi were refugees from the ruler of the city of Cloudsdale. During that time Cloudsdale was ruled by a believed to be a Pegasus with an iron hoof. The dictatorship took place even before the peaceful rule of Equestria. This pony’s name was fittingly Iron Wings. This pony was apparently a ruthless ruler who believed in slavery and was thought to be hostile and unwelcoming toward the other pony races, which was currently shrugged off by the rest of the Pegasi of Cloudsdale. Twilight’s curiosity and eagerness to learn more was growing by the second. Her property damage was instantly forgotten (which later would be much to Rainbow Dash’s relief) and was replaced by a giddiness that only books seemed to be able to bring to the young unicorn. She kept on sucking up the words in the tome like they were delicacies. During this age, a young Pegasus by the name of Calypso was rebelling the king and the way he had ruled. A lot of other Pegasi joined her and soon they created a group called Ravens. After many rallies and protests the king had ordered them to be captured and put to death without trial. Calypso had then led the Ravens on an escape from the city and ended up in what is now called Ponyville. After many hardships they finally managed to settle in a small area near the Everfree Forest and that’s when Calypso had cast a spell on the city of Cloudsdale using old Pegasus magic that only a few could master. No one knows for sure what the spell actually was but it is said to be a spell that will affect a Pegasus who chose to move to Ponyville willingly. Twilight stopped there and took a couple moments to process this, did Princess Celestia know any of this? Did she and Princess Luna take care of this Iron Wing with the Elements of Harmony, or was that not necessary since he was a Pegasus? An intriguing question wormed its way into Twilight’s mind, did Rainbow Dash know any of this? With that question floating around she got up and quickly grabbed her saddlebag with her purple magic and out it on. She stuffed the book hastily managing to not cause it any major or minor damage. Twilight trotted back down the stairs and landed on the library’s main floor. With a glance around Twilight spotted Spike sweeping and cleaning up the mess from earlier. She allowed a small warm smile at this grateful for her number one assistant and vowed to get him a treat later. “Spike! I’m heading out for a while I’ll be back soon!” Twilight notified the young purple dragon. “Alright Twi, but I’m gonna call somopony to getcha a new door, is that-“ “It’s fine Spike, go ahead.” “Ok, uh Twilight, where are ya headed anyway?” Spike had a hunch but still wanted a confirmation from Twilight. “Oh I’m just going to pay Rainbow Dash a little visit!” she replied with a sly smile. Spike raised an eyebrow at this and hoped Rainbow wasn’t at home. Twilight can be scary when she wants to be, and he knew that firsthand. “Ooookay, uh have fun then.” Twilight nodded at this and galloped out the door, well what was left of it anyway, Spike let out a sigh and grabbed his trusty broom that he had come to hold often courtesy of these little ‘mishaps’. He didn’t really mind being left behind on adventures most of the time, though he would have been lying if he said he didn’t feel…..left out from time to time. On the plus side though, he would be able to kick back and relax. Maybe even steal- er borrow some gems from Twilight’s stash ‘hidden’ behind a cupboard that read “Do Not Open!” in Twilight’s crispy hoofwriting. Spike smiled at this, this should be a fun day. Hopefully. > Chapter 2: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight trotted through Ponyville, a confident smirk playing on her lips and the book floating merely inches from her side. After a while of jogging through Ponyville Twilight decided she was close enough to teleport to Rainbow Dash’s house. She focused her magic and a flash of purple and a loud pop soon followed. In a matter of seconds Twilight found herself just under the majestic clump of clouds known as Rainbow’s home. It was actually quite a magnificent place. The miniature rainbow fountains contributed to the beauty of it. Sometimes it wasn’t hard to forget Rainbow had built this house since everything looked so expertly made by Pegasi architects, and Twilight knew that a job in architecture required a lot of study in math. Twilight knew all too well how much her cyan friend hated the subject and despite all the lectures from Twilight, she still did. Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she recalled Dash’s claims of math being, and she quotes: “Waaaaaaaay too boring for me”. Twilight let the matter slide and channeled her magic and applied the cloud walking spell to herself, briefly recalling the memory of doing the same spell to two of her best friends a while ago. She smirked and guided her eyes to the clouds above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dash was lounging on her cloud couch and relishing the calming moment and enjoying the feel of the white fluff pressed against her back. The newest Daring Do book was resting on her chest, her hooves propping it open and her eyes sweeping the crisp white pages. Rainbow smirked as she remembered Twilight’s love of everything being neat, and organized. Dash took a moment interrupting her reading and gazed around her cloud home, Wonderbolts posters and all sorts of merchandise from cups, to t-shirts where strewn around her living room. The posters and pictures were gracing the walls and clothes littered the floor. Empty cups and chip bags lay on her little end tables and flowed into the floor. While Twilight and Rarity would call this a heart attack, Dash settled for organized chaos and smirked at recalling her locker’s décor at Cloudsdale High. Rainbow almost laughed at what Twilight’s face might look like if she laid eyes on her living room and almost half wished that the velvet unicorn would in fact show up, it would have been the exact definition of hilarious. As luck, or fate whichever, would have it a loud pop sounded and a knock came from Dash’s door. Grumbling the Pegasus got up and marked her page before fluttering over to open the door. She expected Fluttershy or Derpy, heck she even expected the Wonderbolts. What she didn’t expect however, was one very angry purple unicorn who just happened to be Twilight Sparkle. Neither of them spoke for a few awkward moments before Twilight broke out into an unnerving grin. “Hi Rainbow!'’ her eye twitched briefly before becoming dilated. Rainbow stared at Twilight for another second briefly recalling the last time behaving like this. Not a good sign. Dash decided it would be best to play it cool which, fortunately for her was as easy as one, two, three. She pulled out her trusty pair of shades and snapped them on before attaining a nonchalant pose. “Sup?” “Oh nothing really, just trying to decide whether or not I need to strangle a certain somepony!” Rainbow managed to not gulp and loose her composure. The memories of when Twilight had freaked out and went what Pinkie would call “coco-loco” or whatever. The sickening feeling in her gut that told her that she was the pony Twilight was mad at. What for? Rainbow didn’t have the slightest idea. “Oh and, who might that be?” “I’ll give you a hint, her name starts with Rainbow Dash!’’ Rainbow gave her friend a deadpan gaze and cocked her head, pulling down her shades and peering over the top of them. “Uh, what are you talking about?” a genuine look of confusion crossed Rainbow’s face as her eyebrow rose. “Oh you know, beside the fact that you wrecked my library’s front door and almost caused some book spines to get scratched from the pieces of wood, everything’s fine!” Twilight’s mane started to look frazzled and just as Rainbow was about to open her mouth to retort with a sarcastic remark of her own, she decided against it. She had learned her lesson from last time. “Ok, Twi I need you to chillaaax for a bit and tell me what happened ‘kay?” Twilight looked surprised at Rainbow’s response. Dash resisted a smirk at the unicorn’s expression, now is not the time Dash, just play it cool. She led Twilight inside before asking how the hay she got up here in the first place, mentally facehoofing herself. “Oh…cloud walking spell!” “Oooof course. Ahem , so ah Twilight what’s got ya all worked up?” Rainbow inquired as they settled themselves in her living room with Twilight staring around, her eyes filled with terror of her surroundings. “Rainbow! What in Equestria did you do to your house?” Twilight blurted earning another deadpan glare. This is what I get for being nice,hey what the hay is she doing? Now was Rainbow's turn to look on in horror as Twilight began tidying things up. Rainbow had to put a stop to this before Twilight wrecked her house. Her friend was picking up and old textbook that was stuffed along with a few other things in an overflowing cabinet. Rainbow noticed a little to late,as Twilight had already opened up the textbook from Cloudsdale High. Dash watched amused as her fellow best friend's eyes grew wide and dilated as she read the page. Rainbow bit her lip, her mind coming up with all of the ways that Twilight would react to this. None of them very good to her health, and Rainbow didn't want to find out anyway. Too bad the odds weren't in her favor. > Chapter 3: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight gaped in disbelief and shock as she stared at the poor textbook levitated in her magic. Scribbles and notes decorated the page, and some were very….unintelligent. The pictures of the famous Pegasus ponies that lived in Cloudsdale during ancient time all donned long mustaches of every color of the rainbow. All except for the Wonderbolts, which didn't surprise the young pony, in fact it only made her furious. How in Equestria can a pony just abuse important knowledge like this, and historical facts no less? Twilight rounded on her friend which had a bemused and anxious expression on her face, which only fueled Twilight’s anger. “Rainbow Dash! Please explain this…this horrendous……crime?” Twilight paused her shouting and put a hoof to her chin as if to ponder something. “I’m not sure if this would logically count as a crime…..hmm no a crime is bigger even if it would be a crime by my standards. Oh it could be harassment…..could you harass a book? I guess, but I’m not sure how that would come to be. Abuse maybe?” Twilight let out a puzzled sigh and then perked up again as a thought struck her “Maybe I should write to Celestia about this!’’ she clapped her hooves together in excitement while balancing on her hind legs, “Oh I’m sure she’d love to hear about this!” Rainbow could do nothing except facehoof. Oh dear Luna help me. She resisted the growing urge to groan at her unicorn friend. Why Twilight? Rainbow opened her mouth to tell her unicorn friend to get to the point, however Twilight beat her to it. "Anyways, Rainbow you still have a lot of explaining to do about this!" Twilight shoved the floating textbook in Dash's face. Rainbow in turn scrunched up her nose and swatted it away with her cyan hoof. "Twilight, I was bored! Did you really expect me to sit through an hour of boring history? I mean it would be totally fine if they just told us what happened briefly, but noooooo. They had to go through excruciating detail!" Rainbow sighed. "Anyways, I know you aren't here to lecture me about how history is "fun" and "educational" and all that jazz. So you can ahead and spill the beans now.Twilight said nothing for a few moments and just stared at her friend. Man, she was trying so hard to not strangle Rainbow and give a history lecture at her funeral. "Rainbow, do you remember what happened this morning?" she asked in a tone that a mother would use to goad their child into spilling the beans. This of course went by unnoticed by the impatient Pegasus. "Not really, you just gave me another awesome Daring Do book aaaand.......yeah I got nothing else." Rainbow replied nonchalantly while putting away her shades and settling back on the couch and picked up said book in hopes that Twilight would get the hint and leave. Unfortunately, Twilight wasn't done with her yet. "Rainbow! Do you mean to tell me that you don't remember that you damaged my library?" Rainbow perked up at this. "I did that?" "Yes!" Dash stared for a few seconds before her face lit up. "Oh my gosh! That is so awesome I-" Rainbow stopped as she got one look at her friend's face. "Oh, I mean, that is too bad hehe, yeah um ahem sorry." Twilight wasn't listening though, she was already having trouble containing her anger, not to mention dissapointment in her friend. She had put up with this so many times she thought as Twilight recalled all the memories involving broken windows and damaged property victim to her friend's crahes due to her so called 'stunts'. It hurt her so much to see her beautiful libray damaged, every time though she forgave the cerulean pegasus and every time she pretended that it didn't bother her. But it did, so much. It was her freaking home for Celestia's sake. She resisted the urge to snort. Not that Rainbow would care. Twilight swept Rainbow's with her eyes again. Not that Rainbow took care of her own home for that matter. And here she was cleaning up after the rainbow maned pony. Twilight was so absorbed in her thoughts that she completly forgot about the main reason she came here in the first place. In fact if Rainbow hadn't opened her mouth she would have never remembered. "Uh hey Twi, what's that book behind your back for?" Twilight glanced behind her. Oh, the book. Legend thing. Right. Twilight didn't want to deal with any of this right now, she was on the verge of being an emotional wreck and didn't want to break down in front of Dash. Her anger for the pegasus didn't go away though and Twilight shocked herself by not even trying to forgive her friend. Enough was enough. She would deal with all this later, maybe when she had cooled down and then she could have a nice long talk to sort things out with Rainbow. Thing is though, she had a nagging feeling tugging in the pit of her stomach. Was she afraid to talk to the brash pegasus? Twilight nearly burst out laughing at the obsurity of it. How could she be scared to discuss something as small- er big, very big- as this to one of her best friends? But Twilight did have a reason hidden deep in her mind. She always had felt a bit.......intimidated by this pony. She knew it was such a silly thing to fret about but she couldn't help it. Rainbow was brash, bold, overconfident, perhaps a bit loud and had a very big ego. Quite oppisite of her in fact, she liked to be quiet, mind you not as quiet as Fluttershy but quiet nonetheless. And she did not have an oversized ego, that was certain. "Nothing Rainbow. I...I need to go." with that she ran out of the cloud mansion's door and teleported back to the library, leaving a very dumbstruck pegasus behind. With a pop she appeared in front of the library's ambushed door, staring at it sadly before running up to her room ignoring a hello from one baby dragon and flopped onto her bed and groaned. Déjà vu much? > Chapter 4: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow stared at the spot where her friend had just been, her mind having a bit of trouble comprehending what had just happened merely moments before. Mixed emotions battled across her face, confusion, guilt and nervousness. She'd never seen Twilight so upset before, well save for that one time she went crazy over a late letter or something like that. Surely though it couldn't have been Rainbow's fault for unsettling Twilight like that, right? And why did she feel guilty? And most important one of all, why was Twilight upset in the first place? Dash had crashed through the window a hundred times, and Twilight had never seemed to mind. Sure she got a few lectures, but those were all lost on deaf ears. Suddenely the realization hit her, literally, a book toppled off a nearby shelf and hit her on the side to add to the irony. Dash turned around and examined her living room. It wasn't that messy, really. Rainbow let out a frustrated sigh, should she go and talk to Twilight? Maybe buy her an apology gift? Dash didn't know what to do. This sort of thing wasn't one of her strong suits, it was what Fluttershy did, heck even Applejack. Maybe....she could say sorry? Without the pointless humor like she had said it with before. Rainbow started pacing the room, pushing stuff out of the way with her hoof. This was definitely not her thing at all. She had barely had to deal with these sort of situations. Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks as a thought occured to her. Was she scared of.....of apologizing. She laughed like a maniac at the stupidity and irony of it. Her scared? The Awesome Rainbow Dash scared of such a little thing? Her laughter ceased as she finally unfurled her wings and made up her mind she would go over to Twilight and make herself say sorry. She dashed out of her beautiful cloud home and headed in the direction of the hollow tree known as a library and her friend's home. As she got closer her anxiety began to kick in with some adrenalineto boot. What if Twilight didn't forgive her and decided that she didn't want to be friends with Rainbow? What if Twilight banned her from her house because she had broken so many windows? Come to think of it what had she damaged at the library? Well she would soon find out....not that she was afraid or anything of course. Rainbow continued to ponder all this as she came closer to her destination. In less than a couple minutes Rainbow had landed a few meters away from the library and decided that she would walk from there which was unusual for herbecause normally she would just fly in through an open window or something. She winced as she remembered the broken glass and the half-hearted apology she would always give. Dash stopped yet again in shock as she stared at the front of the library. The door looked like it had been blasted by Pinkie's party canon, twice. This could not be good she gulped as she stopped in front of the door, eh or what was left of it. She fluttered over the peices of wood that littered the enteryway. "Twilight! You in here?" no answer. Okay....okay no reason to worry just yet. "Spike!" again she was met with nothing. Her ear twitched as she caught the faint sound of....sniffling? Oh sweet Luna, now she can worry. Concern played across her features as she floated to the bottom of the stairs, where the sound of muted sobbing got somewhat louder. She glided up to the top in no time and approached a door at the end of the short hallway. She hesitated, wondering whether it would be a good idea to enter without permission when she heard voices on the other side which she could make out as Twilight and Spike. "I just can't believe her Spike!" "Sh, sh Twilight it's ok." "No it's not! She didn't even care that she wrecked my library, my home for Celestia's sake!" Spike stayed quiet at this not sure what to make of it. "And then- then she goes and says it's 'cool' or 'awesome' or whatever! How could she say that? I have forgiven her so many times in the past for breaking my windows, I let her off the hook one too many times!! I try to be a good friend and then what does she do? Laughs and brushes it off like it's no big deal! I have nothing to say to her anymore!" Rainbow stiffened at this the only thought running in her head was what have I done? Dash bit her lip and listened once more, adding to her giult and feeling of dread taking over her stomach. This time a new voice spoke up. "Twilight sugar, ah know it ain't easy, shoot ah've had my barn get wrecked too at mah family reuinion 'member hun?" More sniffling. Applejack? "Yeah." "Oh oh oh remember when there was a buncha me's and then they were bouncing all ove the place! And then I was all mopey and stuff because my friends didn't know which was the real me and-" "Pinkie Pie!" a bunch of ponies seemed to shout. woah, woah, woah what? The rest of the girls are here? What? How in Luna's name did they get here so fast? This is bad, very, very, bad. Rainbow didn't want to hear any more and made to leave when Applejack spoke up again this time though it seemed to be directed at Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie? Wha's the matter with ya girl?" "Oh I don't know! But it sure is a doozy! Somepony is feeling bad and they're here!" Rainbow's breath caught in her throat. How did Pinkie- oh right, Pinkie Sense. Thankfully she was saved by a certain generous fashionista. "Pinkie darling! We already know the poor dear's upset! There, there Twilight sweetie." Rainbow released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. That was close, way too close if you asked her. Pinkie spoke up next. "Oh yeah...I guess, but -but my Pinkie Sense is telling me it's somepony else! I know it is!" Rainbow could almost imagine everyone turning to look at Fluttershy. A shy voice speaking up confirmed that. "Oh dear..." The rest went back to comforting Twilight, their coos and assuring words not lost on the rainbow Pegasus. Without uttering a word nor any sound Rainbow turned tail and rocketed home. And for the first time in a long time she felt tears threaten to steal her eyes. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "D-d-did you g-girls hear that?" Flutttershy squeaked from beside the distraught purple unicorn. "Whatever do you mean darling? I certainly didn't hear anything." white unicorn exclaimed fluffing her royal purple curls. A pink pony exclaimed with her usual bubbly voice. "I didn't hear anything either! What if it's- oh my gosh! What's if it's a big zombie pony?! Ooooh maybe I can make best friends with them! I wonder what kind of cake zombies like? Do you think they'll like my razzleberry cake?!" Pinkie squealed , her sky blue eyes opening wide as she let out an exaggerated gasp at the prospect of earning a new buddy. Twilight rolled her eyes and let out the tiniest small at Applejack who slapped an orange hoof to her equally orange face. Her friends always knew that she could count on her friends to be there for her. Well almost all of her friends she thought as the meek smile that had been put on her face vanished within a second. She looked around once again her face one of gratitude for the ponies that were in the room with her. "Pinkie Pie, there ain't no such thang as uh zombie pony. But ah think ah heard somethin' Fluttershy sugar." Applejack frowned at this. "Though it's kinda hard ta tell with all our yappin'. Could've been a squirrel or somethin'." Fluttershy looked at her hooves. A look of slight shame painted across her light yellow face. "Oh um, never mind then, s-sorry." The pink maned Pegasus whispered shyly. Twilight sighed. "It's alright Fluttershy, it happens." Twilight assured her friend which apparently worked as the said pony's face broke out into a slow smile, but genuine nonetheless. Twilight closed her eyes and recounted the days events. Bad idea. Her anger only got fed and in turn grew at Rainbow. Forget the stupid Calypso legend, forget being so lenient with that Pegasus. From now on it's no more Ms. Nice Guy. Twilight was going to go to Rainbow and sit her blue flank down, and explain everything and demand one in return. As Twilight opened her eyes again, she was surprised that she felt somewhat better. Well no use in prolonging her self pity. She got off her bed feeling much clearer in the head than she was that morning. Twilight stretched out her hooves hearing the satisfying pop of her joints. The other three ponies noticed this change in their violet friend, and the room seemed much brighter at the moment. "Thanks girls.'' her friends beamed back smiles that lifted her mood even more. And at that moment, Twilight knew everything would turn out alright, like it always did. *~*~*~*~*~*~* Rainbow flew away from the Ponyville and into a vast field next to the quiet little town where she spotted a few stray clouds that the weather team must've missed- or something, it didn't matter to the blue Pegasus. Dash floated over to the nearest one and threw herself on it, groaning to herself and going over what happened earlier. What had happened earlier? How had things escalated so quickly? Too quickly in fact. Now Rainbow was always for making things happen quicker. But this...this happened way too fast. Rainbow huffed in her frustration and buried her head in the cool white cloud. Now she was sure that Twilight wouldn't want to be her friend again, not after what Rainbow had done. How could she have been so foolish? Of course Twilight would be upset, but had Rainbow cared? Nope. Had she stopped and thought that maybe her actions were harming her friendship with Twilight? No again. A question wormed its way to her head, was she even worthy of Twilight's friendship at all? For this Rainbow didn't really have an answer, but she was leaning towards no. Rainbow slapped herself in an attemp to knock some sense into herself. WAs she really worrying about something as silly as this? It was just a little fight, friends fight all the time right? So...this couldn't be any different. A loud boom interrupted her thoughts and moping. Rainbow's head snapped up and her eyes scanned the clear sky. Well save for those big ugly storm clouds coming in from the Everfree Forest, and the sky darkeneing. Wait- storm clouds from the Everfree? Dark sky? This was definitely going to cause Ponyville some serious damage if something wasn't done soon. She galnced back at the advancing clouds and could see thorns somehow growing out of them, how that happened Rainbow didn't care the Everfree was strange beyond reason. The clouds themselves looked menacingly black and they were plump promising a harsh storm. The wind started blowing harder as if wanting to join the raid that was soon to fall on the quiant little town. Rainbow's ear twitched yet again, this time to the sound of the emergency bell that was sounding from the twon square. Rainbow scrunched up her nose and narrowed her eyes. Her problems could wait, they could be delt with later. But for now, she wasn't going to leave Ponyville hanging. *~*~*~*~*~*~* Rainbow beat her powerful cyan wings that sliced through the air easily despite the increasingly foul winds. She reached the town square in no time and landed on her hooves gently as she leaned in to hear what the mayor had been saying. "Where's the head of the weather team?" Mayor Mare shouted to the crowd as the wind picked up again and the smell of heavy rain came along with it. Dash quickly made her way to the front and approached the anxious mare. "Present ma'am." Rainbow nodded her head in respect to the mayor. Mayor Mare bowed her head quickly in recognition still wearing a nervous look and all but wringing her hooves. "Rainbow Dash what is the status of this storm?" "Well, I know it's coming from the Everfree, and it looks like there's gonna be a lot of rain, possibly a flood could happen and we could get some serious damage from it." Rainbow finished grimly, the situation getting more serious and frightening by the minute. Sure she'sd delt with strong storms before but this was on a whole other level. She didn't have time to worry, now was the time for action. She rose above the crowd and used her drill seargent voice that she had used when she was training the Pegasi for the tornado that would lift the water up to Cloudsdale. A look of pure seriousness and determination on her face. "Alright listen up! I want all of you to go home and secure yourselves, make sure everything gets brought inside and shut all your doors and windows! Bar tenders and ponies who own stores, make sure to secure those too if that's possible! We don't have much time before the storm is directly over us! Weather ponies follow me, we're gonna give this thing a piece of our minds! Everypony go, go , go!" Dash finished her instructions and after the crowd broke apart, she turned to her team who had assembled near her in five lines. Rainbow smirked knowing that they were for sure going to bust that storm apart in no time, well at least she hoped. Nonetheless she kept her cool and turned her focus onto the many Peagsi standing at attention. She landed once more and started pacing in front of them, looking at all of them deep in the eyes. "Alright team! This isn't gonna be easy so I want you all to pay extremely close attention to what I'm saying so we don't make a wrong move. Ponyville is depending on us. Got it?" "Yes ma'am!'' her team shouted back to her as a white bulky pegasus shouted 'Yeah!' with such gusto she had to suppress a small laugh. She loved her team and she was completely confident that that they would do an awesome job.