Diamond Shield's Life


First published

Diamond Shield is a Crystal Empire Guard who doesn't like her family and has trouble with her past.

With most of her family not trusting her and serious tragedy happening, Diamond Shield does not know what to do. And Pinkie does weird stuff. (SHE DOESN'T APPEAR IN ALL CHAPTERS)

Maybe I Should Not Do This

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It was a nice beautiful day in ponyville until Diamond Shield woke up. (A/N: Dun dun dun dun!) She saw her "Master" and she was getting tired of this, day by day. "My slave, are you tired of this?" He asked. "Yes..no...yes..no..Yes! It's just the same thing. Why do we keep doing THE SAME THING? Everyday?!" "I understand. Come on, let's do something else." He grabbed her hoof and pulled her out the door. "Today,you shall help me sell more slaves!" "Again?! Later!!" She stomped into her room with a slam followed by a lock.
"I got the mane six anyways," said the "master."

Diamond Shield kept thinking about what she would do. Would she stop what she's doing? Should she continue? Should she ask the main six? Should she report this crime to the Princesses? Should she ask her family? That's it! She'll tell her family. A knock was heard on the door. Diamond Shield opened the door. It was her "master"s brother. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Oh, i just wanted to know what you were doing." "I'm thinking about what should i do. Master is making me bored of what he's doing! I'm thinking about telling my family." she said, with her head looking down. "Good idea." "Please don't tell this to Master." "I wont." He smiled.

She packed her stuff as her family lived in Canterlot. "Master and your brother and your sister, i'm leaving for a while, i may be back, but it might take a while." she announced in the train station. "Okay, be back soon, slave~!" "I promise." "Be back." Her "Master"s sister said rolling her eyes. Diamond Shield took a glare as they both hated each other. The train was there. "Well, bye! See you soon!" She waved goodbye while in the seat. The three other ponies waved too.

As she got to Canterlot, she got to her home's address and her family was there. She atleast hugged her mother and not the rest, because the rest of her family was rude. "Where's dad?" she asked. "Playing poker, as always." said her mother while preparing breakfast. "I hate you!" said Cloudia. "I hate you too!" Said Bloomia. "I hate you more!" "More!" "More!" "More!" Her mother sighs. "They never stop fighting." While the argument of the two fillies is heard in the background.

After a while, their father slammed the door with lots of bits which caused a billion in his saddlebag. "I GOT RICHESSSSSSSS!" He said, and he noticed Diamond Shield. "Oh my missed daughter, what brings you here?" he said while putting his hoof on her shoulder. "Uhm, i have an announcement to do, that's why i'm here?" Diamond said, avoiding eye contact with her cruel father. "Well why didn't you say so?" said her mother, brightening up her mood and they all sat in the sofa. "More!" "More!" The two fillies are still fighting. "You can stop now.." said her mother, making the two fillies stop their argument, but still glaring at each other.

"So i'm a slave.." Said Diamond Shield. Her mother spited her tea, while her father was clapping in awe, while the two fillies are still fighting. "Daughter?! Y-you didn't tell me you were a s-slave!!!?!?!" Said her mother, while the broken tea cup was on the floor. "I am so proud of my daughter!" said her father, hugging her daughter hard. "But i am planning to stop this, cause it's getting kinda boring.." "You should!" said her mother. "You shouldn't!" said her father. "More!" "More!" The parents were fighting like the two fillies in the background.

Diamond Shield rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna go get some popcorn." The parents nor the fillies noticed her, and after a while Diamond Shield got back with 3D glasses eating her popcorn. "Nom nom." she said. After finishing her popcorn, she was happy of the movie. And she wanted to stop it. "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPP!" She screamed, loud as a lion's roar, high pitched like a bird's screech. "Alright alright we'll stop!" said both of the fillies and parents.

"So, about it, Should i stop?"

Meanwhile in Ponyville

"Okay Shine Cloud, i don't want this to happen, Black Cloud told me about all this." said Diamond Shield's master to his siblings. "I don't want anything to stop. So Shine Cloud, you need to spy on them. "No." said Shine Cloud. "I want to support her to stop." Black Cloud had an idea. He whispered it to the "Master". After the whispered finished, the Master flashed an instant smirk on his face. "Oh Shine Cloud, I'll stop my bad doings for a week if you spy them!" he said, putting his hoof on his own's siblings chin. "Alright alright, i'll do it." Shine Cloud has gone to Canterlot.


Shine Cloud is spying carefully, recording the audio to get all of the details of the conversation and recording to know who her family members are. After the talk, she quickly hid in the roof which was gray, camouflaging herself. "Goodbye, family!" She at least waved goodbye to her family while walking to the train station. Shine Cloud flied back to Ponyville before Diamond Shield did, giving the media to his older brother and he hid it.

"Hello, i'm back!" said Diamond Shield cheerfully. "Hello." said Shine Cloud. "So what was the result?" "Positive." She smiled.


The Plan And The Time It Succeeded

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12:00 am. Night. Nopony is awake. Not a single sound heard except the crickets. Storm Cloud lits the lamp. "Okay, the coast is clear, everypony." he whispered. Shine and Black Cloud yawned. "So why are we here again?" whispered Shine Cloud. "I have a plan. I just invited you Shine Cloud to make you feel tired. Go back to bed." whispered Storm Cloud with a smug on his face. "Ugh." she trotted away silently.

"So Black Cloud, this is the plan. We both fly to Canterlot, and you cut the roof silently. We put the roof on the floor and we go in. Then, we get a knife from the kitchen and we stab her mother as she is the only one who approves of stopping this. After that, we put the knife in Bloomia's hooves. We will add a little more blood on her hooves, so it will look like she did it. If this fails, we go to plan B where we disguise and not tell it to anyone. Plan C is where we get the hitponies and kill all the police." Said Storm Cloud, smiling.

"You are a great planner, my brother." said Black Cloud, giving a silent brohoof to his brother. "I know." he said with a smug smile on his face.


2:00am. Night. Police ponies are awake. Sounds of silent trotting and crickets are heard. "Okay, be quiet." They are both gray-colored, they are at least camouflaged unless a flashlight is flashed at them. The two brothers fly to Canterlot. "Go." Storm Cloud whispered. His brother nods, and carefully and silently cuts a medium sized circular hole in the roof, putting it down slowly.They both go in as quietly as they can, but stomps of hooves and soft breathing are heard. They get flash lights and open the Kitchen Door. Storm Cloud gets the knife. They creep in the bedroom door. Storm Cloud stabs her mother 5 times. He checks breathing and pulse. He stabs one more time and it succeeded. They killed her mother. They put the knife in Bloomia's hooves and add spilling blood on her hooves. They fly away as fast as they can.


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Morning has come. Rike has awoken. He drank coffee and went outside to play poker, not caring about his wife's lifeless body.
"Hey, Rike! Good to see you. Come in. We're betting 100 bits." said one of his poker mates. "I'm in!" he shouted.


"Hey Shine Cloud, wanna go to Canterlot? I feel like visiting my mother after all the support she gave me. She's the only nice on to me in the whole family." Diamond Shield said. "Sure, why not?" She replied.

Storm Cloud watched in the distance with Black Cloud. "They don't suspect a thing." said Storm Cloud, glaring at Black Cloud with an evil smirk. Black Cloud flattened his ears, sweating and trying not to make eye contact. "No..I don't wanna..umm.." He said, shivering..
Storm Cloud realized what he was talking about. He stopped glaring and stood tall. He laughed loudly like Mane-iac. "HA HA HA HA HA! No. Silly Black Cloud." Storm Cloud said, trotting away giggling.


The two gals trotted to their house. "You know, i don't really hate you that much anymore." said Shine Cloud. "Me too." said Diamond Shield, smiling while looking around Canterlot. "So you live in Canterlot? So is your family?" said Shine Cloud. "Yeah, it's kinda weird, but i'm getting used to it." she replied. They got to the house and opened the bedroom door because it was early in the morning. "Hi Mom, I'm hee-" She stopped. She saw the horrible thing that happened to her mother. All of it. "What's wrong?" said Shine Cloud, looking at Diamond Shield. Then she looked at the crime scene. "WHAT?!"


Operation Find

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"How could this happen?!" Diamond Shield said. She fainted. "Hold on, i'll call both 911 and the hospital!" Shine Cloud shouted.
"Hello? 911?!"
"What is your emergency?"
"There is an unconscious pony, a pony that isn't breathing in this address! Please come!"
"We're coming. We got the hospital too."

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"You know Black Cloud, i am not nervous at this at all. Not at all." said Storm Cloud with a smirk on his face. "B-but i am n-nervous.." Black Cloud said, shivering and sweating while sitting on a chair. "Pff. You didn't even do anything." said his proud brother, with not a single sweat.

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Operation Find
Location: Hospital
Time: 7:30am

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"I'm sorry, Diamond Shield But your mother is at a critical state. It will take several months or even a year to cure her, she has been stabbed multiple times." said the doctor. "Oh..okay...well...i'll go home now......i guess..." said Diamond Shield, with teary eyes. "Wait,no,stop!" Shine Cloud put a hoof on Diamond's shoulder. "We can be like soldiers or police ponies and find out who murdered your mother!" she said with a grin. Diamond Shield looked up. "Yeah. we can do this!"

* * * * *

Operation Find
Location: Diamond Shield's Family's house
Time: 8:00am

"Wow, we are real police now!" said Diamond Shield with a confident grin. "Yes, but i am more curious of who murdered your mother." said Shine Cloud, while looking at the crime scene floor, holding a flash light in her mouth. Diamond Shield smells the floor. "I am great at smelling. I got the great smelling sense from my little Cousin, Caramel!" said Diamond Shield while carefully smelling the floor. "Rewwy?" said Shine Cloud while unfolding the blanket. "Find something yet, Diamond?" she said. "Nope! But i found a knife they probably used to stab my momma with!" Diamond said.

Shine Cloud walked up to Diamond Shield and checked the knife. Then she checked the kitchen. "This knife is a kitchen's knife. The murderer used the knife in the kitchen to stab your mother." she said. "Wow, clever." Diamond said, then she smelled the knife. "You know, i don't hate you anymore. We're like friends already." she said. "I know. Look, the murderer even added blood to your little sister to make it look like her but it failed. Nice idea, but the way they put it failed." said Shine Cloud.

The two mares looked there and over there, crawling on the floor, up the ceiling, under the bed. "You know, it might be your master." said Shine Cloud. "Wait, why him?" said Diamond Shield. "Well, the night before this happened, i was invited into a plan quiet party and i saw a notebook full of small letters that only they understand. Also, i got to the bathroom and didn't see Black and Storm Cloud." said Shine. "Pff. I'll doubt it one day." Diamond replied.

"It could probably be also my Dad, when i took my morning exercise fly, i saw my dad playing poker not caring about mother dead." said Diamond Shield. "Maybe he didn't notice." said Shine Cloud while sitting with Diamond Shield on the side of the room. Diamond Shield's iris went small and glared at Shine. "Are YOU saying YOU'RE teaming up with MY careless DAD?!" she said loudly at Shine Cloud, leaning her down with her muzzle on her muzzle. "Uhm.. No.. I'm just saying most of us have half-closed eyes when we wake up, and he might have not noticed." Shine Cloud said, putting Diamond Shield away inches from her face.
Diamond Shield put her hoof on her chin thinking, and smiled. "You have a point."

* * * * *
Operation Find
Time: 9:00am

Diamond Shield yawned. She looked around with half-closed eyes, not noticing any more details. "Shine Cloud...can..we..go...hoommeee...nooo....w.www....?" she said slowly. "Okay, we can do it tommorow!" said Shine Cloud, giving a pat on the back to Diamond Shield.


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"See,nopony suspects a thing, it's been an hour and you're still shaking like this? You've taken 25 changes of diapers, 100 towels to dry your head, and 30 changes of wide buckets below you." said Storm Cloud. "I've been recording this!!" said a high-pitched voice hanging on the roof. They both look up, with Black Cloud biting his own hooves while shivering and sweating. "Pinkie?! What are you doing here?!" said Storm Cloud in surprisement. "Oh, silly billy! I've been doing this all day on different houses! Now i have been busted, i will not do this again for 4 months! Goodbyeee!!!" said Pinkie, trotting away with a camera inside her saddlebag.

A Small Mistake and A Long Stay

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Shine Cloud, Black Cloud and Diamond Shield were eating cereal breakfast, and suddenly heard a sound like *DING DONG!* "I'll get it!" said Black. "Oh, it's the police. Come in, take a seat." he smiled. "So what brings you here, Mr. Police?" said Diamond. "We may have found a pony who may murdered your mother." the police replied. "Really?! Who is it?" said Diamond with a large,wide grin on her face. The police shows a picture.


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"Why would you think it's Bloomia? The MURDERER WOULD DO THAT SO HE OR SHE WON'T GET CAUGHT" shouted Diamond. "Calm down, calm down. The police will find the murderer in no time." said Shine Cloud, trying at least to calm down Diamond. "Alright,you stand a chance, Mr.Police. I won't beat you up yet." mumbled Diamond. "You know that you can get arrested for that, right?" said the police. "Wait..how did you hear that?" questioned Diamond, but the police had disappeared. The 3 ponies looked around, then saw the police's face on the window with a poker face, but bigger eyes. After he fully disappeared, Black whispered, "Wow. That guy is creepy." The two other mares nodded. "AND I'M STILL GOING TO ARREST BLOOMIA!" shouted the police from far away.

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Shine Cloud saw Diamond Shield sobbing. "Hey, whats wrong?" she said. "Come on, it's okay, we can find the murderer in no time! How about we go for ice cream. Black?" "Oh of course i would love to!" replied Black, with a twirl like a ballerina. Diamond giggled. "Alright, i'm coming." she said with a weak smile in her face.

The 3 ponies trotted up to the ice cream bar. "I didn't know there was an ice cream bar!" said Black Cloud. "Oh of course, because it's new!" exclaimed Diamond. "Wait, how do YOU know?" replied Black. "WELL DUHH! THERE'S A BANNER RIGHT THERE THAT SAYS GRAND OPENING!" shouted Diamond, pointing at the banner with her hoof. "You two, stop that. The ponies inside are going to find us weird." said Shine Cloud.

Shine Cloud opens the glass door, waits for the line and asks Diamond's and Black's flavor. "I want strawberry." said Black Cloud, drooling. "Vanilla, please." said Diamond. "And i'll take Chocolate." Shine Cloud finished up the request. They took their seats. "I never saw an ice cream bar, and an ice cream bar like this." said Black Cloud while waiting for the ice cream. "This is the best one. They put the ice cream in a cone cup that actually looks like a cup, they add syrup on top with the same flavor, and all ice creams have cherry on top." said Shine Cloud.

"Order up!" exclaimed the waiter, Multicream. "Hello, Multicream! Do we have our orders yet?" said Shine Cloud with a grin. "Yup!" Multicream spun the round tray, but not a single splat of the ice cream fell. She quickly put the ice creams on the table. There was a bell, and Multicream sped up to the bell place. "Me!"

"Wow, this really looks like a cup!" exclaimed Black Cloud. "Wow, i love this bar!" said Diamond Shield. "It's actually the only one i saw here." suggested Shine Cloud. Diamond Shield saw Black Cloud licking his ice cream seductively, then she looks at her hooves and slaps Black Cloud while her wings are straight. "Hey! What was that for?!" shouted Black Cloud. "N-nothing..." mumbled Diamond Shield. Shine Cloud observed, and she noticed why. She giggled. "I get it, Diamond." "Wh-what?!" said Diamond Shield hiding her straight wings, blushing. Shine Cloud winked at Black Cloud, and got what it means. Black Cloud gets his face near to Diamond Shield, but she could not do it. She punched Black Cloud. "S-stay away fr-from me!" she screamed.

The ponies in the bar noticed, and laughed at Black Cloud's black eye. "HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA!" Storm Cloud walked in, and he noticed too. "BLACK-INCEPTION! BLACK CLOUD WITH A BLACK EYE!" "HA HA HA HA!" Black Cloud was sweating, wanting to pee himself because of all the laughter. Storm Cloud walked up to Black Cloud, and held him by his neck. He noticed his strawberry ice cream. "She's mine." whispered Storm to Black.

Storm Cloud punched Black. One of his tooth fell out. Then he threw him to a simple Ice Cream maker. Then he slapped him several times and kicked him. He took pictures with Black. Then, he made Black Cloud to a ball. "Volleyball any pony?" smirked Storm Cloud. Diamond Shield was sweating, hiding under the table. Shine Cloud joined her, talking girl stuff with her. "Wh-why is h-he do-doing th-this?" sobbed Diamond Shield. "Shhh, shh shh.." hushed Shine Cloud. "It will be over."

Another strong pony joined Storm Cloud play volleyball. Then Black Cloud un-balled himself, then Storm Cloud stomped on him. "Give me the way." said the strong pony. The strong pony did the same thing like Storm Cloud did to Black Cloud. He beat him up. The mare ponies in the bar were terrified, but the stallions were shouting with joy.

Black Cloud at least mumbled.. "S-stop...this...h..he...help...mee........" Storm Cloud continued with his strong pony buddy beating him up. After 15 more minutes. they took one last stomp and walked away. Storm Cloud looked back, took a glare at Black Cloud, and stick his tongue out.

"S-see, i told you it would be over." whispered Shine Cloud. Diamond Shield then opened her eyes, and ran to Black Cloud. "B-Black Cloud! A-are you okay?!" said Diamond Shield. "I-i...don't...kn-know..." mumbled Black Cloud. "Bring him to the hospital! shouted Shine Cloud. Some mares helped, and weak stallions did. Some ponies saw and helped . Black Cloud closed his eyes.

He woke up at the hospital. "Is he awake?" whispered Diamond Shield. "Yes." said Nurse Redheart. "Is he going to be alright?" whispered Shine Cloud. "Yes, but it will take about 5 or 6 weeks for him to recover. He was beat up very hard. Infact, he got beat up for 45 minutes." said Nurse Redheart, while reading the list. "..Hu..Huh?" mumbled Black Cloud.. "Hi, Black Cloud! Uhm..We're here!" said Diamond Shield, not knowing what to say.

After an hour, they decided to leave. They put food and get well soon cards.

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My Doom

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Shine Cloud and Diamond Shield went home. Shine Cloud yawned. "Well, i'm sleepy. I'm going to take a nap. Communicate with these phones in case something bad happens." she lends it with her hoof. "Would you even hear it?" questioned Diamond Shield. "Headphones." the sleepy pony smiled, then an instant snore when she just lied down.

"Wow, it's not like something bad would haaapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn!!!" She screamed when she fell under a door trap. When she was still dizzy, a mysterious stallion figure locked her front and back hooves and her neck. When she got her brain back, she looked around the dark place with lots of cages and some pony figures. "H-huh?" "Welcome to your new home." walked up Storm Cloud away from the shadow. Diamond Shield trembled.

Storm Cloud added another collar on Diamond Shield and pulled her on the hallway. "As you can see, i have been doing this for several years." he said. "W-what?" she mumbled. "DON'T YOU TREAT ME LIKE I'M A NORMAL STALLION! I AM YOUR MASTER AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE THAT! Now, i shall take care of something." he said as he walked away.

Diamond Shield looked at the side of her cage. She saw a different pony. "W-who are you?" Diamond Said. The pony stick her head out. "Oh, hi Diamond Shield!" The pony smiled. "Pinkie?! What are you doing here?!" she said in such suprisement. "Oh! The weird pony said that i could get limited candy in my cage if i stay in here!" said Pinkie. "Uhm..i would like to see.." suggested Diamond. "Oooh! Okay!" Pinkie cut the cage side that meets them together with her teeth and ate it. "Mmm...Yum!"

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*Meanwhile with Cloudia and Bloomia*

"Haha, look at you,in jail, for killing the one you love. Poor Bloomia." teased Cloudia. "I did not kill her! I was asleep!" shouted Bloomia. "Why am i even with you, dork?" said Cloudia and left. "Hey daaaddy! Watcha'doin?"


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Twilight Sparkle smiled as she arranged her books, and it looked organized. Spike was dusting a few things on the balcony while Owlowiscious was organizing the scrolls to a nice pyramid shape. Until a knock was heard, Spike dropped the duster and sped up the door. He opened and and a pink pegasus pony appeared. "You must be..Princess Twilight Sparkle?" asked the pink pony. "Yes, yes i am.." answered the princess. "Can we talk?" Diamond Shield said, as she removed her hood. "Uhm, yes." said Twilight, finally smiling and all her worries were gone.

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"So about this case, i have a mother who got killed." said Diamond. "The murderer added blood on my little sister, and thought it was her. But it wasn't her. She loved mother so much, i know she wouldn't do that. I wish you could tell the police ponies to re-investigate? I know it isn't her.."

"I understand." said the purple alicorn. "So, do you have any other suspects?"
"In fact, i do. It's him." Diamond Shield shows a picture of Storm Cloud. "I see. It can be him. He has done serious crimes before...."

"Wait, what?" Diamond Shield gasped. "Yes. Before you knew him, he was stealing gold, bits, and he has atleast done 5 murder crimes, and this is the 6th time. He also sent a whole school to the hospital because of the poison he put in his snacks. Atleast the fillies survived." said Twilight Sparkle, while reading an old newspaper.

"Is there anything you, we, i can do?" asked Diamond Shield.
"Yes, there is. I can tell the police ponies to re-investigate. Have you investigated before?" asked the purple alicorn. "Yes. And i have smelled his scent. I'm a great smeller. It is clearly him." said the pink pegasus.

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After lots of sobbing and comforting, there was another knock at the door. Spike again sped up to the door and opened it. The rest of the mane six was there. Diamond Shield was suprised on how Pinkie got out. "Pinkie? How did you get out?!" she gasped. "Wait, you trapped her?" suggested the cyan pegasus, Rainbow Dash. "No. This guy--" Diamond Shield shows the picture. "--trapped me, made me a slave and put us in a dark underground place with Pinkie Pie."

"Ah'm honest 'round here, but that pony's gonna get a'buck on his face." said Applejack.
"Just like you did, silly!" said the hyper pink pony, while bouncing around the library. "You had a break and you would never come back?" asked Diamond Shield. "Exactly!" Pinkie Pie grinned.

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The 7 mares with their pets were having a picnic not far away from Fluttershy's house. Butterflies were flying, bees were pollinating, dogs were barking, cats were meowing, birds were tweeting, and grasshoppers were hopping.
"And he was like-- nOOOooOooOooOooOO! And i was like YeEeEeEeEeEEeEEEeEEEeeeSs! And i slapped him in the face, with a chair, that has super glue, underground." said Rarity, very proud on how her friends were suprised on "what she really did."

"Sorry, Rares. But that ain't real. How can 'ya know that 'ya slapped him'undahground?" asked the orange farm pony.
"The area was like that. I'm not lying! The only lie i said was the super glue part." said Rarity, with an aggressive tone in her voice. "Haha! You totally fell for that. The area was a big billboard on the floor! Rari is lyin! Rari is lyin!" teased Pinkie Pie, while bouncing around Rarity. "Alright, i get it. So Diamond Shield, where do your parents live?" asked the fabulous marshmallow unicorn.

"Canterlot." answered the pink pegasus pony, while munching on her sandwich. "Canterlot?!" said the other 6 mares.Rarity spit out her tea, Applejack dropped her apple pie slice, Fluttershy hid her face, Rainbow Dash flew away in suprisement, Twilight dropped her tea cup, Pinkie Pie spilled the frosting of her cupcake. "What? Does it sound royally or something?" said Diamond Shield in curiosity while still munching on her sandwich. "What royal pony are you related to?" said Twilight in awe, hugging her tight.

"Well, my mother is related to Prince Blueblood, and Cloudia, my other little sister is related to Shining Armor.. If Guards have anything to do with it, i am a Crystal Empire Guard, but my schedule isn't tight." said Diamond Shield, still munching on her sandwich.

"What?! Does that mean I am related to you?!" gasped Twilight and hugged her even tighter. "Okay, yes." said Diamond Shield,

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"Why isn't she coming BACK?!" said Storm Cloud, slamming his hoof onto his desk, spilling some of his coffee, but not hurting him. He is a strong stallion.

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"Zzzz.." snored Shine Cloud.


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"So, i am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and i hereby identify to re-investigate the murder scene of Crystal Gemstone." said the purple alicorn inside the police station. "Ya heard the princess! Go! Go! Go! Go!" shouted the commander, while 10 police ponies run out of the police station and to Canterlot.

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"Yes. this is a fur and mane color. And this is the same color as his." said the higher rank of the police pony. "It can be him. Or IT IS him." he said as he studied the fur and mane strands. "DNA Time!" The police ponies put the strands in a small plastic and speed up to the DNA Center whatever-jiggly stuff. The scientist checks, and it is the same DNA as Storm Cloud. The ponies gasp in the result. "It is Storm Cloud! He has done serious crimes before! We must jail him in case he does more in the future!" said the higher rank of the police pony. "Go! Go! Go!" he shouted.

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*Meanwhile in Shine Cloud's dream."

"Oh..Shine Cloud..I will visit you...in real...life..." said the nyan cat pony.
"Nyan Cat! Will you give me stars and rainbows and cookies and nutellas and oreos and stars and rainbows and cookies!?"
"Yes! Now let us ride to space and to galaxy for rainbows!"
"Hooray!" Shine Cloud rode on his biscuit-like-whatever-jiggly-stuff.
"To Narnia!"
"WeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeeeeeeee!" The sound faded in the distance.

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*Meanwhile in Pinkie's room.*

Radio: ..wide as a mile! And yes be happy as can be!! Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile!! Come on and smile, smile!
That is by Pinkie Pie, Mane 6 and Ponyville ponies! Now, next song: Cupcakes!

All you have to do is add a cup of flower
Add it to the mix!
Now take something a little sweet, not sour
A bit of salt, just a pinch!

Baking these treats is such a cinch
Add a teaspoon of vanilla.
Add a little more and you count to four
And you never get yo fillaaaa!!!

Cupcakes, so sweet and tasty!
Cupcakes, don't be so hasty!
Cupcakes,cupcakes, cupcakes
CUPCAKESSS!! Thank you aga--

Pinkie turns off the radio and makes cupcakes.

"Made by Pinkie #394."

*Dun dun dun dun*