Super nova

by Frostbite4

First published

15 years has past since the coronation. Spike is now old enough and ready for the truth about his past and he must also be ready to do what must be done to protect the ones he cares about the most

what would happen if the answers to spikes past is in his grasp, but does he really want to know the dark truth of his origins

A start of a new day

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A lavender alicorn named Twilight called out to a 15 year old dragon that was about 4 feet tall, named Spike, who was as always sleeping in just like any topical teen would.

"Sppiiiiiiiikkkkkkkeeeeeeeee.................So you want to play it that way do ya, well two can play at that game." Twilight said with a devious grin across her face as she trotted to a small bucket that was sitting, empty beside a mop. Twilight levitated the bucket with her horn and moved it towards the kitchen sink.

5 minutes later

"This will teach him a lesson for sleeping in till twelve." Twilight snickered as she trotted towards the door where her assistant was sleeping with a bucket full of ice cold water levitating beside her.
Twilight then turned the knob with her magic and as soon it was fully open she was met with the barrel of a huge water gun aimed at her.

"Uh oh, hey Spike your already up... I-I was just about to see I-If you would like to go get some brunch." Twilight chuckled nervously, her face quickly losing color as she stared at the muzzle of the gun, which was dripping a few dangerous drops of rainbow colored water. She then looked at the dragon that was aiming at her, who's face was full of determination.
"Oh really, Twilight? Then why do you have a bucket full of water? Did you forget that I can hear you very easily?" the drake growled. "I thought I heard you say that you were going to teach me a lesson. Last time I checked, that wasn't on your 'To-do-list'". Spike said, cocking the water pistol at her

"Oh come on Spike! wouldn't shoot a defenceless filly, now would you.?" Twilight said as she started backing out the door, her horn glowing, ready to escape if things went south with diplomacy.
"No, I wouldn't shoot a little filly..." Spike said, lowering the water pistol. Twilight began to sigh and walk back into the room.

"...Unless her name was Twilight Sparkle..." Spike said as he shot a stream of rainbow water at Twilight who, in turn, teleported out of the library. The frantic unicorn then started to gallop away from the house not wanting to get soaked.
After what seemed like a few hours of galloping and hiding, she stopped to catch her breath, As soon as she did, though, she was met with a stream of rainbow water to the back of her head. Twilight just stood there and took the hit with dignity as ponies of different shapes and sizes watched as Spike flew down and and stopped firing to see his handy work.

"Class dismissed." Spike said as he walked over to Twilight, who was shivering. Feeling a little guilty, the drake took a towel from behind his back and helped to dry her off. Tired, the two walked back home, the sun setting over Equestria.

In the distance,a hooded figure sat hunched on the rooftops, with a blue visor over his eyes, unable to know where or whom he watched.It almost gave creatures the impression of looking at a mirror, as he watched the two walk home.

"The time is now, Sally, you know what to do." The hooded figure said as a dragoness, a head smaller then him flew off towards the house that Spike and Twilight were headed to. After a few minutes of waiting for the stealth of night to cover his trail, the figure took off towards Canterlot Castle.

-In Canterlot-

The figure dropped out of the air and landed kneeling down on one knee, looking down with his hood off.
He had dark blue scales with black ear fins and blue scales going down his head and back, body just as tall as one of the elite royal guards. After a few minutes, the drake got up and walked through the large doors, taking off his cloak, which revealed a satchel and a odd looking sword attached to his back by a leather strap. He then threw the cloak on a coat rack that a guard was moving. As he walked by a few guards and maids he saw the expressions on their faces which were filled with either shock or confusion. Looking straight at them, the mares fainted while the guards shook in their armor, at the sight of the blue visor the stranger wore.
After walking around the castle a bit, he finally found the great hall that the two princesses should be residing in. As he walked through, he found both princesses sitting in their chairs staring at him with faces of mixed emotions. Their eyes were bearing into the back of his skull, which made chills run through his spines.

As he walked towards them and stopped just in front of them and kneeled down on one knee as they kept staring at him.
"Princesses, I-" he managed to say, before both a blue and white blur tackled him him to the ground.

The overjoyed rulers were yelling "NOVA!" and giving him a iron crush death hug, when he looked up he saw that that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tackled him to the ground hugging him.

"Princesses, can you let...... go ........can't......breeeaaaaatttthheee!" Nova struggled to say, as his face starting taking a darker shade of blue, which got the princesses to quickly release the drake and calm themselves.

"Sir Nova! It has been far to long since thou has seen thee. What has thou done in the last few decades?" Luna said in her royal slang. Nova then looked at her, then at Celestia, and saying four simple words.

"What have YOU done?" Nova asked as he walked away, towards a certain stain glass window that joined the others that brightly glistened in the light of the Lunar Princess' handiwork.

Luna and Celestia looked at one another, then at the drake, who's eyes quickly narrowed on one certain spot of the glass.
Luna then walked over to the drake that was a bit shorter then her, draping her right wing over him and looking up at the glass remembering what time it had represented. She then looked back down at the her lost kin.

"Novey, take off those ridiculous sunglasses," the Princess of Night sayed softly. "I would appreciate it if we could look mine little brother in the eye, and see what is troubles him so." Luna said as she kept her gaze locked on the eyes on the other side of the visor.
"Oooohhhhhhh, no these..are...S-special to me, I-i can't part with them and..." Nova stamered, trying to explain to his sisters. "Why are you looking at me like that...Why does Celestia have a net..." He then saw to two sisters grin at each other before holding the net up at him.

"Well this will not end well." Nova sighed as he ran away from the two alicorns.

-2 hours later-

"You never learn that dragons have apposible thumbs, instead of hooves." Nova grinned as he tied a perfect bow on the net that Luna and celestia were now entangled in.

"Little brother you forget that we have magic," Celestia warned.
"And if I were you I would turn around," Luna said as her horn lit up. Nova gave the two a raised eyebrow, eventually turning around to see what she was talking about. Out of nowhere, he was met with a dragon getting flung at him..

"Wait, not a dragon, a dragoness," nova thought in his head for a few seconds before coming back to reality.
"Oh for peat sake!" That was the last thing he said as he was met with the back of a dragoness to the chest, knocking him out cold.
"Oh sister, haven't you learned that the Drake Summoning Spell works differently on a drake?" Celestia groaned. "It brings the opposite gender from that drake!" Celestia said as she face hoofed multiple times.

Only as strong as it's weakest link Edited

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"So Twilight have you learned something today?" Spike asked as he walked beside twilight with his water gun slung over his shoulder and heading towards their home after the events earlier in the day which led to twilight getting schooled by spike.

"Hey Spike when did you get a water gun and hide it, Without me finding it." Twilight asked as she stopped about 3 blocks away from their home and looked at the drake with a questioning look, which caused Spike to stop and turn around slowly with a embarrassed look on his face.

"Well you see Twi I ummm asked Flash Sentry if he had a water gun and funny thing is he had one and let me borrow it for a while." Spike answered as he backed up a bit and out of nowhere Pinkie pops and puts a helmet on spikes head before vanishing from behind Spike who was so confused that he could only say two words da buck.

After a while Spike came out of his trance and looked up at Twilight who looked like she was about to explode like a balloon of anger. Spike then stared backing up away from the mare then turned tail and ran for the hills or in this case the library.

After sprinting the few blocks to the house Spike abruptly stopped in his tracks when he saw a small figure laying on the ground in front of the libraries doors.

After a moment of shock Spike ran as fast as he could to the downed figure as he got closer he could see that the figure wasn't a pony but...... A dragoness, and a dragoness that looked almost the same age as him with white scales and light pinkie and purple scales going down her back and the same color ear fins, to Spike the dragoness looked a lot like Sweetie Belle but as a dragon version.
Spike looked down at the dragoness for a moment before bending down and gently picking her up off the ground and taking her inside the house and setting her down on a couch and putting a pillow under her head, when spike got a better look at the unconscious dragoness he could see that she was badly banged up as if she was in a war. Spike looked over her for a little longer to make sure she wasn't badly hurt before walking towards a cabinet in the kitchen and taking out a first aid kit, as he did that Twilight teleported behind him as he grabbed the kit.

"Spike why would you ask fla-" Twilight was caught off with a wing covering her mouth as Spike turned around retracting his wing and explaining to the mare about the dragoness which made Twilight turn around to see the dragoness laying on the couch who was now trying to get up, as soon as Twilight saw that she was the temporarily blinded by a purple and green blur fly by her towards the dragons. When Twilights vision cleared she saw Spike kneeling down by the couch with the dragoness talking to him. The only words Twilight caught was the name of the dragoness which was Sally before the dragoness fainted.

_Canterlot the next morning_

The thing about being unconscious is that it is very dark, really boring, and you don't dream so that left Nova one option which was to think of things to think about but the only conclusion his mind came to was that dragoness that knocked him out, as he tried remembering what happened before he blacked out.

As he thought he remembered seeing Luna's horn glow then the dragoness flying at him.
After what felt like decades of thinking nova started to feel his séances coming back to him and he felt like he had control of his body. As a test Nova tried opening his eyes which as expected opened and as his vision cleared he saw that he was in a small dark room that had a little bit of sunlight coming from a window on his left. He then sat up and looked around taking in his new surroundings before getting out of the bed. He somehow was put in right as he got out of the bed a thought came and hit him like an anvil to the head. Nova quickly placed his hand on his eyes to find his sunglasses missing, he then checked his sword (which he named it dawning blaze or blaze for short) was missing from his sheath that used to be on his back.

Nova quickly looked around the dark room not able to find his signature sunglasses he then walked over to the door, before he opened the door Nova saw a coat rack with different varieties of hats beside the door, after a moment of looking for the right hat to hide his eyes under( which was a plane black hat), he then walked out of the room.

After what seemed like forever, Nova finally found the dining hall, as soon as he tried to enter he was met with multiple lances, swords and horns aimed at him which made him step back for only a brief moment before he looked at the guards straight in the eye as the guards tried to look the drake straight in the but couldn't and started looking away and started to shake from the drakes soul burning Stare.

"Let me pass right now or else you'll see what a truly pissed off drake will look like." Nova got into the personal space of a guard that looked like the squad leader, " do I make myself clear." Nova said in a questionable voice while getting right into the squad leaders face, who looked like he was about to go into shock turned his fellow guards and ordered them to step aside letting the drake pass through the doors. As soon as he passed throughout the doors his nose was attacked by a tune of different mouth watering food, Nova looked around and found a fair sized fancy polished wood dining table filled with all kinds of different foods from waffles too omelets, to a bunch of different kinds of cooked gems.

As Nova looked he saw that there were three occupants at the table, two were obviously princess Luna and princess celestia, but the third occupant Nova didn't recognize but he could tell that it was the same dragoness that tackled him. After a awkward moment of standing in the door way nova finally snapped out of it and walked over to the table pulling the lip of the hat down hiding his eyes from the three females. Right as Nova came near the table he was met with Luna tackling him to the ground and hugging him.

"What in blazes is it with me and getting tackled by females like for peat sake personal space much." Nova said in his head as he pried Luna off of him, getting up and sitting down across from the dragoness who's scales were green with light green ear fins and orange scales going down her head and back. As he sat down he noticed that she kept her gaze fixed on her plate of gems as she kept shuffling inconvertibly and glancing up at him as he sat right across from her slowly and delicately eating some gems before scowling at Luna who was sitting beside him on his right while Celestia was sitting on his left at the head of the table.

"What," Luna complained insistently as if she didn't do anything wrong and giving him big puppy dog eyes and quivering lip that if he was someone else it would of melted his heart but not this drake, he knew way better then to fall for that trick again.

"Luna shades, sword, in hand now please," Nova deadpan as he looked her straight in the eye with narrowed and determined eyes that would scare even a Skeleton out of its bones.

After a few moments of the staring contest Celestia finally broke the silence. "Oh for the love of... Here just take them I give up, brother I have no clue why these sunglasses are so special to you but I don't even care anymore just take them," Celestia yelled as she gave up trying to fight her little brother and levitated the shades and sword to him which he yanked out of the magical grip a frantically put on the shades and chucked the hat out and open window, he then looked at the sword still in his hands.

"Good to have you back blaze" Nova said as he slung the sheathed sword behind his back.

"Who's blaze?" The dragoness finally spoke up

"My apologize, I don't think we were properly met, my name is Prince Nova Blaze of Everfree, what is your name, I'm sure you have one because a beautiful dragoness sulu as yourself should have one." Nova said as he heard the two princesses giggling like little school fillies, "why is it that I was the youngest in the family but still the most mature one" Nova complained in his head as he glared daggers at Luna then Celestia from under his visor, he then looked at the dragoness waiting for an answer and found that she was blushing intently.

" My n-name is Jewel" the dragoness said as she looked away and her face blushing even more.

"I-"Nova was cut off when a loud explosion was heard outside which got everyone's attention, "GUARDS what in Tartarus is going on out there." Celestia yelled and not a second later and a platoon of royal guards and a small squad of elites barged in and circled around the two princesses and dragoness.

"Elites, form up on me now" Nova ordered the soldiers but they did not listen instead they held their position.

"Oh for the love of- " Nova was cut off by Celestia. "Flash Sentry you and your elites are under the command of my brother, you will listen and take orders from him".

A moment of silence then Flash and the rest of the elites formed up in front of Nova in equal and even rows with Flash in the front of the squad. "Sir we are very sorry for not listening to your orders sir, we will follow you to the depths of Tartarus if we have to isn't that right." Flash said in a commanding tone and was met with ooh-ra and stomping of hooves.

"We are heading moving out right now to find out what's going on out there." Nova ordered and led his squad to the doors to the city. When they opened the doors they were met with war torn city with Changelings and shadow demons working together against the royal guards who's lines are being pushed back towards the castle and towards them.

"Ok soldiers let's help out the guards and-" Nova was cut off by a beam of green light hitting him in the side knocking him out and the last think he saw was changelings and shadows overrunning the castle before he blacked out.

There are no great men. Just great challenges which ordinary men, out of necessity, are forced by circumstances to meet.

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Nova woke up from unconsciousness in an empty room, feeling dazed.

"You're nothing but a piece of trash, dragon boy," said a mysterious shadow as it came seemingly out of nowhere and circled around Nova tauntingly, before disappearing quickly.


"What a pathetic waste of scales,"commented a second shadow, as it materialized from under the ground behind the drake's head, before going back down as he turned to the voice.


"And would any care about him?"a third shadow asked, just above his vision.

"Shut up, shut up shut up, get out of my head, you're not real!" Nova yelled out, as he went down on both knees, and began to clutch the sides of his head. Another cracking sound rang throughout his skull and a thick, chunky, blue substance started seeping out of his scales, which started turning from blue to black. His eyes started glowing red from under his visor, claws and teeth stretching out painfully, now two sizes larger and three times as sharp.

"You should've never been born," yet another voice said n his head, making the drake roar out in deranged fury, shaking the room.


As if a twig broke in nova's head, he let out a torrent of black fire into the room, incinerating everything in the room.
The drake that used to be known as Nova charged at an incinerating wall smashing clean through it and a platoon of changelings guarding the room.

Nova charged through the rest of the castle, filled with destroyed walls and clusters of changelings and those taunting shadows.
After bashing through another group of changelings he found himself in front of an old wooden door that had scratches and marks all over it.

Looking at it closely, something inside him made him walk to the door and open it. Once he did so, he was met with a partially lit room. The drake took a step in, suddenly feeling something crunch under his foot, when he looked down he found a small toy dragon, the old Nova.

Picking it up and studying the coloring of blue and green on the torn up toy, his eyes and scales turned back to normal.


"Hey, Novey, We have a present for you!"A younger version of Luna said as she and Celestia waited in the room that she and Nova shared.

Not long after, a small baby dragon waddled his way into the room with a pair of large sunglasses too big for his face atop his head,

"You called sis?" the small one waddled, making the lunar mare giggled

"Close your eyes" celestia called in a sing song voice from across the room.

"Umm I don't think so last time you told me to do that you handcuffed me to one of the guards that guard our room every night... What was his name again, stargust spooder" nova said as he looked at a wall for a moment trying to figure the name before shrugging and looked back at luna who's hoof was covering her mouth with a large smile on her face.

"What" nova asked a bit agitated, and just as he said that Luna clasped on the floor laughing her guts out for what felt like an eternity to nova was actually about a couple of minutes before she composed herself with a few chuckles.

Ok then now that, that awkward moment is over what was it that you called me here for again I sortof forgot?" nova asked as he glanced at celestia who quickly answered.

" we have a present for you" she replied before telling him to close his eyes again in which he reluctantly did.

After a few minutes he felt a soft object being placed in his claws, one he opened his eyes he saw a small blue and green dragon laying in his claws.

" Cely who is it, it almost looks like me but older?" Nova asked as he glanced from the toy to the white Mare who gave a questioning glance to the dark blue mare before walking out of the room in silence hanging her head low as she did so.

" Nova have you ever wondered why you were born a dragon when your sister and I were born ponies" luna asked while levitating the baby dragon and large old book to a small blue bed as she sat down with nova sitting beside her with the toy dragon slung over his shoulder as he looked at the dusty book quizzically before looking back up at luna.

" what is it "

" this is our family photo album " Luna said as she levitated the pages in the book to a certain page with an old black and white picture of two ponies, both alicorns but one oddly different then the other, to nova the one alicorn looked like a stallion with the mane spiked straight up and smiling with sharp pointy teeth, while the other alicorn which from what nova could tell was a mare who looked just like celestia but way older.

" nova do you know who those alicorns in the photograph are'' luna asked as she looked at the young drake who shook his head no as a reply still looking at the photo. '' these alicorns are your parents nova, wirlwind and jewel''.


'' my parents'' nova whispered to himself as he looked around for the old photo album finding it under luna's old pillow on her bed. after grabbing a few other items with the book and toy, nova made his way towards the door but as soon as nova stepped out of the room he was tackled to the ground in the darkened hallway pinned by a shadowed figure, as soon as nova saw the outline of the mystery figure that had pinned him down only three word left his mouth before he was nocked out... night guard speedster.

Authors note

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Ok so for the next chapter coming up will still manly involve nova but I'm thinking of having spikes part in chapter 5 and in the next chapter I'm thinking of either...

A- nova wakes up in a secret base under the old castle in the everfree forest

B- nova wakes up in a base in the dragon lands where ponies and dragons are training side by side to fight back against the two forces before the enemy can take over anything else

C-nova wakes up back in a cell under the castle

D- nova wakes up in a space station above equestria with all types of creatures training for years in a secret army waiting for the right moment to drop down in pods right on top of the enemy and take back their lands

E- nova wakes up finding himself across the planet and finding that his left arm is gone and in its place is a robotic arm

F- it was all a wicked nightmare

Please comment on what you think should happen and tell me what kind of weapons and high tech guns their could be in the story and please pm me if you have any oc's that I could use in the story

A soldiers destiny isn't made in stone (minor edit, picture added)

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]"Huh.... Where am I?" Nova asked aloud to himself as he found himself floating weightless and the area around him was completely blue as the sky.

"Nova my son look how much you have grown since the last time I saw you" a green blur commented as it appeared in front of nova who intern tried to back away but to his dismay he couldn't move.

"Son, why is this... thing calling me it's son, and how does it know my name. nova thought in his head as he kept an eye on the mist or what ever the thing was.

"W-who are you, where am I, and what do you want from me!?" Nova yelled at the thing that stopped a foot away from him.

"We are in your unconscious mind, and for the first and last question you will find out in do time but right now I must ask you this... Does hope exist?" The mist asked as it floated closer to the drake.

"What kind of a question is that of course it does, hope will always exist, you can break a soldiers spirit, lock them in the darkest dungeon but you can never break their will to keep fighting the good fight, when darkness consumes all HOPE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO IGNITE THE WILL TO FIGHT AGIAN!!!!!!" nova shouted the last words in an ear splintering roar as if wanting to make himself heard to the outside world.

"He is ready, sergeant wake him up" the mist said as it floated away disappearing from site and right as it disappeared nova could feel himself being pulled back into counsiuseness.

"Sir he's waking up to quickly, his heart rate and brain functions are rising to drastically, what do we do sir we can't drug him again or else we'll loss him for sure" a voice said with a hint of fear as nova started clenching his fists and mouth that were both bonded together by strong titanium alloy with his feet and tail strapped down by the alloy as well on the bed that nova was laying in.

"Arrrrrrrrr someone better tell me where the hell I am before that someone will have a very pissed off dragon on their case and I don't take kindly to being strapped down to a bed like some dog" nova said with rage in his eyes he looked around the room noticing three blurry figures in the room.

His eyes fixed themselves to the rooms lighting he noticed that he was in a hospital room with Blinking monitors and other equipment scattered around the room, his gaze then swung to where the three figures were he then saw that all three of them were ponies, one of them was wearing a white lab coat which nova guessed was the doctor, the second one looked like a soldier with very odd looking armour that was oddly enough the same colour as the drakes scales a real dark blue, it had lights glowing on different parts of the armour and the pony was wearing a helmet concealing his face and just as odd the visor of the helmet looked identical to the sunglasses that nova was wearing, the last one stood out the most and made nova calm down just like that because he looked very familiar, nova quickly racked his brain of all the ponies he met over his journey but nothing came up till he thought about the one friend he had for all those years the nova had stayed in the castle with his sisters and thats when it hit him like a brick and made nova mentally facepalm.

''Private stardust speedster'' nova said calmly '' speedy where have you been all these years'' nova said as he looked the soldier up and down taking in all the facial features of him remembering what he looked like since he shouldn't change because he was turned into a vamp pony for the lunar guard to guard nova when he was little 24,7. he to the drakes side as if protecting him from any danger, shortly after nova met up with speedster and kept the same fast pace as him and walked out of the hospital, as soon as nova walked out he was met with a large crowd of ponies, dragons, and griffins that were all trying to take a picture of him and talk to him but where held back be aa brocade of armoured soldiers that were also wearing the same armour and colour as the private that was still right by his side making sure no one got close to him, nova looked straight ahead seeing a weird craft in front of him that was painted black like his head scales and looked like it was floating mid air and had an opening on the side with two blue armoured guards guarding the object and as they saw the drake one of the guards wissled and all the soldiers keeping the crowed away from nova turned and made a protective circle around nova, and speedster.

''Hey whats with the crowed and all the soldiers wearing armour with my scale colour on them'' nova asked as he looked to speedster who was on his left and were the same height. speedster in return kept looking straight ahead with a large smile plastered on his face.

this really scared nova cause whenever speedster gave that signature smile something very bad was bound to happen to him.

after what seemed forever they finally made it past the pedestrians to the odd craft, once nova and speedster got on the craft the door shut which really scared nova as he looked frantically around seeing a few seats and windows on both sides and speedster sitting in one of the seats, speedster looked up seeing novas uncertainty and laughed like crazy.

'' hahahahahahahahahaha, holly crap you should see your face, nova this is a air craft, we are flying like 12k right now, come on sit down and enjoy the ride'' speedster said as he pointed with a hoof to the empty seat beside him.

nova sat down and looked out the window seeing everything from the air the whole area was one big city even bigger then centerlot, nova looked up not seeing the sky or sun but brown and lights lighting up the area.

''what is this place and where are we?''nova asked mesmerized by the seen before looking to speedster with wide eyes and mouth agape in which speedster chucked lightly.

''We are in an underground base to be more precise we are under the old castle of the sisters in the everfree forest, there is actually a camp above us in the castle guarding the entrances into here, since the attack on centerlot we have been evacuating all civilizations as quickly as we could to the secret bases that have been spread all across the planet, we actually just recently put a space station on the moon, the moon program was actually lunas idea and right now shes sending us tactical maps and commands from there for the war.'' speedster finished with a wide smile as he looked at nova who looked as if he had been hit with a jackhammer to the face.

''W-when did we become so advanced'' nova asked still shocked.

'' Since you were just a baby dragon'' speedster answered while giving nova a good punch to the shoulder.

''ETA 30 seconds to command bunker, sir clearance has been denied to the admiral, what are your orders sir?'' the pilots voice asked over a comm that was hooked onto sergeant speedsters armour.

''Land anyways nova is the top ranking and is our top priority to get him safely to his destinations, tell the boys to get ready for a fast drop and to protect the admiral at all costs, we're talking about the highest ranking personnel with level 5 clearance do you understand the risks, PILOT!!!!!''speedster literally yelled the last statement into the comms.

'' umm speedy what is level 5 clearance, and since when did i become an admiral?'' nova asked still shocked at speedsters outburst which you would never see happen unless it was a life or death scenario and or the importance of the mission or personnel.

''It means you are literally the law, you have access to everything from weapons, to vehicles, to profiles, artifacts, money, and the most classified documents ever made in equestrias history, lots of bad people and ponies would do anything for that kind of clearance thats why we need to get you to safety before some trigger happy tries to get a hold of you'' speedster said with the most stern look nova has ever seen coming from speedster made his stomach churn unwillingly since speedster is usually serious but not this serious, he's usually more lade back around close friends especially around nova but right now nova wouldn't even dare get in the way of speedster when he's in this defensive state of mind.

''Sir we're touching down in 3...2.........1 touch down, sir I'm being requested to leave the landing zone at once or else they'll... fire on us, sir our trooper carrier has just landed and the troopers are making a defensive perimeter around the shuttle, sir what do do we do?'' the pilot asked quickly as fear was taking hold of the pilot that was in the cabin in front of them.

''Open the blast doors we're marching right through those doors no matter what, we cannot stay here any longer nova, those bad people will try anything to get to you and i know that their already coming.'' speedster said as he trotted in front of nova with an odd object hooked to his shoulder, as nova got out of the shuttle he saw the troopers from before were here protecting him with all types of weapons out from swords to shoulder mounted weapons, as nova looked at the soldiers.... his soldiers he saw that their were more then just ponies, in the ranks were also other drakes way taller then him and even a few griffons, as nova looked he saw one dragon that looked very familiar but couldn't tell because the dragon was in full armour without a helmet instead the dragon was wearing a visor identical to his, nova stared for a moment before pushing the thoughts to the side and focused on the problem at hand or hoof, reaching behind him he grabbed the hilt of blaze and unsheathing it and holding it in both claws ready to fight.

After nova did that he saw that all eyes were on him so he thought quickly of some kind of rallying speech for his soldiers that were about to go into battle with their own allies, after a moments pause nova thought of what to say and found a crate laying on the landing pad and stood on it in front of the platoon and taking a deep breath.

''TODAY YOU ARE ALL HERE STANDING SIDE BY SIDE.... BROTHERS, SISTERS, PONIES,DRAGONS, GRIFFONS. ALL ALLIED TOGETHER STANDING SIDE BY SIDE AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS, YOU ALL HAVE PROVEN TO ME THAT YOU REALLY ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST FROM NOW ON THIS PLATOON WILL BE CALLED BLAZING INFERNO.''Nova said as he looked around at the troops of blazing inferno. After a minute the whole platoon went into a full chorus of yelling yeah and clapping loudly as nova raised his sword above his head as soon after the rest of the platoon did the same yelling even louder

After they settled down nova stepped down from the crate and let speedster take control of blazing inferno, before anything else could happen all the doors to command centre opened and wave after wave of droids poured out heading straight at them weapons raised and began firing at the platoon already taking 10 troopers out and making the rest run for cover and cover the admiral who took cover behind the shuttle with a few troopers, speedster and the mystery dragon that has been keeping an eye on nova.

After a while speedster came over to nova with a weird weapon with what looked like a trigger like a crossbow which nova had practice with in the past so he would know how to point and shoot.

"Here take this blaster, it shoots plasma out the end so all you have to do is point and shoot like a crossbow which I'm sure you have used before, also beware of the kick back the gun has so hold it firm or else it willfully back and nail you in the face not like it would make a difference your naturally that ugly!!!" Speedster yelled over the gun fire and laughing at his own antics before looking back at nova and yelling just kidding over the sound of the gun fire.

Nova then turned to the side of the ship and tried firing the blaster but in the attempt the rifle went flying over the edge of the pad and fall to the city bellow.

"Here let me show you how it's done" a feminine voice said as nova looked to see who it was seeing the mystery dragon motioning him over with dual pistols in her hands, nova quickly moved to her position which had the least amount of oncoming plasma fire.

Once he got to her, she handed him one of the small pistols and told him to hold the handle with both hands, since nova was left handed she has to show him the reverse way to hold it without it flying out of his hands, as soon after nova tried shooting and found it way easier to aim and shoot, nova then took out a dozen or so droids before they began to advance on the platoon, making the platoon to start falling apart with troopers being shot down left and right before not to long after all that was left where 5 troopers, nova, speedster, and the dragoness, and the droids made a circle around them raising their weapons ready to slaughter them like caged animals, but at that instant the whole platform became shadowed by a large figure flying down from the top of the command centre towards them at unimaginable speeds and at the last moment before it collided with the platform it opened its wings and light landed on the platform in front of the small group that was left of the platoon and the droids towering over them and a closer look nova could tell that it was a fully grown dragoon from the outline of scales on its head, in the light the dragon had blue scales and green head scales going down its back and the inner part of its wings were also green at full length the wings were at least two shuttles long, the dragon all together was at least a football fields long and nova could tell it was a male because it had braud shoulders and was literally ripped with muscles and those muscles probably had muscles themselves.

''STOP!!!. Hold your fire, the test is over... deactivate!!!." the dragons voice boomed throughout the platform and through the command centre shutting all the droids down and all the troopers that were shot got up and walked into the barracks that was right beside the command centre, the large dragon bending down toward nova had a large smile on his face, "My son you have completed your test of leadership, you showed us all that you are more then worthy enough to be a leader... you have courage beyond compare even in the midst of an overwhelming foe, you are able to rally your troops together and giving them the will to keep fighting... you have shown us that you are ready to lead us against the terrine of sombra and the changelings, son you have made me very proud, congratulations."

'who are you, why do you keep calling me your son, and were you the one that was talking to me when i was unconscious?" nova asked taking a step closer to the dragon.

"Nova eternal blaze, who do you think named you, I'm your father nova.... my name is Whirlwind nebula blaze, and yes i was... I was testing you to see if you were ready to take command of a special forces unit for a top priority mission that we've been preparing for since your sergeant left on a solo ops to recon the castle locate and bring you back safely." Ww. Said as he gestured to speedster who intern gave a slight nod as if he was ordered to do something and walked over to nova with a small grin on his face.

"Now this is the good part, it's time to pick your very own armour, weapons, and vehicle that's the best part since you can have any ride you want with your status as admiral and the highest level of access since well your father." Speedster said as he started pulling nova with a wing draped over is shoulder towards the armoury that was a huge 4 story building with weird floating cars that were parked in front of the building and once in a while one of the cars would take off with someone driving it.

Once inside nova was pulled into a room by a dragon technician that was wearing that same as the other species wearing a dark blue overcoat with pockets everywhere filled with gadgets and gizmos that nova had no idea what they were for.

The technician let go of nova once they were in a armour configuration room that looked like it was meant for dragons only since most of the armours had gloves attached with claws sticking out and pieces of armour that looked like they were meant for wings, the whole room was full of armour hanging on the walls, wires and cables littered the floors that attached to monitors for armour testing.

"Ok sir first can I ask for you to lay down on the bed over their so I can see in your mind at what you would want your suit to look like and to put in a wireless uplink into your brain so you can wirelessly command your helmets HUD with your brain, it's actually pretty simple all we do is drill an opening into the back of your skull an-" the technician got cut of by nova screeching WHAT before the technician injected nova with something that made him calm down and go into a deep sleep while the technician worked.

Right outside speedster was listening closely hearing the technician say a few things then went and started tell him about the enhancement and waited for novas reaction counting down from 3.

"3.......2.............and 1" speedster whispered listening intently.

"WHAT". Speedster heard Nova yell at the top of his lungs making the whole armoury go silent as they all heard their admiral yell like a school girl, and making the sergeant fall over on the floor bursting a gut laughing from hearing his best friends reaction mowing that he didn't know that it would be painless when they inject the medicine so it's quick and painless for the patient.

-3 hours later-

"Hey buddy you awake yet..... Nothing hmm he should be up by now, probably sleeping" speedster said as he looked around before an evil idea came into his mind from thinking of the best prank of all time. Half an hour later speedster came back with a bucket that he placed on the sleeping drakes head, ice that he slid on the grey floor making it super slippery, and finally took out a taser with his left wing out of a pocket in his armour and putting the taser end by nova arm that was hanging limp off the bed in the armour room before pressing the trigger with his right hoof igniting the taser and jolting the drake awake with a start as the drake jumped out of the bed with the bucket still on his face and began sliding on the slippery floor and falling face first on the hard floor and laying there not saying a word, then speedster waltz over picking up a rentch from off the floor with his right wing and started banging the rentch against the bucket a few times before dropping the rentch and putting the taser away and watch the drake still laying on the floor.

"I hate you" nova said plainly still laying face first on the ground for a few minutes before getting up and taking the bucket off his head glaring at the sergeant who still had a grin on his face, " you do realize that I will get you back one of these days" nova said plainly as he gave speedster a small grin.

"Why did you wake me up anyways?" Nova asked while stretching his arms out.

"You have been out for about 3 hours, and your suit was made 2 hours ago so I decided to wake you up" speedster replied as he walked out of the room with nova in tow.

"So where is my suit then?" nova asked as he scratched the back of his heading feeling something odd like the back of his brain was buzzing and getting stronger every step he took in the same direction until nova had to ask what the buzzing feeling is.

"Nova that is your wireless connection module, it's trying to connect to your suits systems, it's getting stronger because your getting closer to the suit, once your in your suit the buzzing will stop and you can take your suit off freely." Speedster said as he picked up speed heading towards a door that had a weird box thing on the wall beside the door and a guard at the door as soon as he saw the admiral and sergeant he stepped forward from his post.

"Admiral if you'll please put your hand on the scanner so we can check your authorization codes please" the guard said pointing a hoof towards the box, as nova came up to the scanner he saw that the screen was black with an outline of a hand, so nova put his hand on the outline which was a perfect fit before hearing a beep and on the screen above the scanner showed a picture of novas face with the sunglasses on obviously and below it showed his rank and last name, Admiral Blaze, and below that had writing in bolded red, saying top priority level 5 clearance.

"Authorization code accepted" a female voice said coming out of no where, which made nova jump and grab hold of his sword ready to take it out if need be.

"Whoa settle down buddy it's just the automated voice speaking, it's not alive or able to hurt you" speedster said as he jumped in front of nova calming him down.

"Ok, sorry just a little jumpy since centerlot..." Nova trailed off as he thought back to what happened to him before his evil self took hold of his body.

"Later you have to tell me what happened in there, but right now it's time to put on your suit." Speedster said as he walked in leading nova into the secure room which was filled with robots and scientist with clipboards, as soon as they saw nova they all stopped what they were doing and saluted him, in which he nicely saluted back.

"Sir your suit is right this way, if you would please follow me" one of the droid helpers said as it took him to a small platform and told him to stand on it, once he stepped on it multiple robotic arms came part from the pad with pieces of armour and began encircling him rapidly and before he knew it his uniform was taken off by a few of the robotic arms and in its place was a close fitting black cloth that oddly enough to nova was comfortable as if it was a second skin, once that was on pieces of armour was slipped onto nova and in a matter of minutes his suit was on and a droid walked over with a helmet in its arms holding it out to nova who took it looking at the face plate for a moment turning the helmet around in his hands before putting it on his head, as speedster walked around nova looking over the armour before saying one simple word in amazement.


You were meant for greatness

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-ponyville days before the fall of equestria-

a couple of minute ago spike was taking care of the uncounciuse dragoness that was sleeping on their couch before he went over to his separate room since he got too old to be sleeping with his sister. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold.

-spikes mind-

"where am I?"spike thought as he floated in a black void making spike feel small.

"You are destined for greatness..." a voice said from within the void

"You will be the soldier we needed you to be......."

"In our darkest hour you will be the guiding light to show us the way...."

"Soon you must make a choice that will either be our victory or our down fall, soon my son the choice will be yours for you and you alone to make." The void finished in a flash of light and spike found himself floating above what used to look like ponyville but is now a wasteland filled with bodies.... Blood and gore everywhere and not a single trace of life, the skies darkened and blanketed by red and black smock.

After a while spike was pulled down towards ponyville to the front of the main hall where the most bodies were scattered everywhere, spike looked around shocked to silence at the horror that he was seeing and in an instant he heard yelling and screams coming towards him, as he looked around he saw an army of changelings and shadowy figures coming towards the hall from all directions and a bunch of them running out of the hall screaming and shooting weird weapons as they ran.

Spike then was pulled towards the hall more till he was right in front of the door as he got a better look he saw a lone drake clad in armour and weapons with blood dripping off of him as he walking towards the entrance of the hall where the forces were waiting to make their kill.

Three figures then stepped out of the crowed, two spike knew right away, and the third shocked him, spike was looking at sombra that came out first and walked to the side of the door, the second one that stepped out was the changeling queen that walked beside the king of shadows, and finally the last figure shocked him the most, the figure was wearing full body armour and weapons and with only the face exposed, as spike looked at the figure more and more he could tell that it was him but more evil.

As spike watch his evil self walk too the door , he saw the drake pull out some weird cylinder object and toss it through the doorway, a second later a explosion was heard and the lone drake that was inside was thrown out the door and was laying out in the open in front of the army, armour torn and ripped apart showing most of the drakes body that had large steady steams of blood flowing out of huge wounds as the drake layed on the ground bleeding to death.

Spike then looked up from the drake laying on the ground to see his evil self walk up to the drake grabbing him by the neck for all to see and yell something that shocked spike even more.

"Finally your time has come brother to die like the rest of those that fell before you, why don't you smile to the crowed..... Or is the great admiral too important for anyone to see him even his own flesh and blood" evil spike said as he dropped the drake and pulled out a pistol aiming it at the drakes head one handedley.

"Spike please let me explain, it was for your own safety, if someone found out about us being brothers, they would of used you a-" the drake was cut off as a bullet went through his head as he fell to the ground lifeless.

Spike then jumped up screaming when he woke up, after a minute twilight bashed through the door to his room her face full of worry as she ran over to spikes side as he sat up in his bed sweaty and eyes full of tears from the nightmare.

"Was it real or just dream, and if so who was the one that the evil me called brother?" Spike thought as he slowed his breathing before looking at twighlight.

"I'm okay twi, just a nightmare....." Spike looked out the window seeing it was morning, " I'm going out for a bit twilight, I'll be back later tonight" spike said as he got up walking by twilight and heading out of the library.

"O-okay spike be careful" twilight said allowed to herself as she watched him go before levitating a scroll and quill to her and writing a message before sending it with her magic.

After spike left the library he walked towards a hill that he used for stargazing to get away from civilization so he could think about the dream without being disturbed, on the way there he crept hearing the voice saying the same things as he did in the dream as if it was on a loop to taunt him.

"I'll be the soldier they'll need me to be?" Spike said allowed as he tried to make sense of the statement but as he thought more questions then answers were made.

Finally spike made it to the hill and layed down looking up at the clouds and blue sky taking in the suns raze trying to stop thinking for a moment and relax, but right before he got comfortable his enhanced dragon hearing heard some pony coming to his position and spike didn't really care he just got more comfortable and closed his eyes as whoever was approaching kept coming and before long he heard the pony lay down beside him and sigh.

"Howdy sugar cube, what're ya doin here by yerself" spike could tell that it was applejack by the accent and nickname.

Spike stayed quite for a moment before speaking, "just relaxing" he said plainly as he glanced at AJ before closing his eyes and folding his arms behind his head.

"O-okay sugar cube, if ya need anyone ta talk to I always be around" AJ said before getting up and walking away glancing back at the drake with a concerned face before trotting off towards the library.

A few minutes later spike could here wings flapping before he was tackled and pinned down by a blue Pegasus named rainbow dash.

"Hey what did you do to my spikiebro, he's never this bummed out and misses breakfast" rainbow said as she kept him pinned down beneath her and he could of sworn he heard flash sentry, Big Mac, and shinning armour yelling lucky bugger.

" nothing's wrong dash, now can you please get off of me" spike asked as he tried to break free from rainbows grasp.

"And why would I want to do that, I won't bite.... Maybe" rainbow said as she saw the face spike was giving her before struggling some more to brake free and get away. After a while rainbow finally let go and began flying away before turning around to the drake.

"Ok spike if you ever want to talk I'm always free... Really I am always free all I do is attack rogue clouds" rainbow said while laughing a bit and taking off leaving spike alone.

"You are destined for greatness...." Spikes mind once again drifted to the dream again as spike stood up and ran and kept on running till he wouldn't be able to run anymore.

Spike finally collapsed on the ground by a small lake from running and at the moment spike didn't care as he let a huge torrent of orange flame into the lake making steam go throughout the area.

"So the dream really did bothered you that much... Should of known he would do this sooner or later to get our attention." A feminine voice said from behind spike, as soon as he turned around he saw luna standing their with a saddened look on her face.

"P-princess L-Luna why are you here?" Spike said as he bowed to the princess of the night.

"Sir spike don't you dare bow to me again, your a prince for crying out loud, and I know what your thinking, why did I call you a prince well why don't you take a seat so I can tell you why as well what the dream meant." Luna said as she sat down in front of the drake.

After luna told him about their parents and about his brother nova she then moved on to the dream.

"So spike the dream as you called it wasn't a dream at all, it was from our father that gave you actually a glimpse into a version of our future, and your the only one that can change it"luna finished as she looked at the dragon who had a blank expression on his face.

"So let me get this straight, our father was half pony half dragon, I have a brother named nova, and I have to choose something that has to do with the future" spike said as he kept a blank stare.

"That is correct" luna answered before remembering something, "also spike you must evacuate ponyville to the old castle of the sisters, that invasion is coming so you must evacuate the residents to the castle, sister and I thought we would have more time but since you had the vision last night showed us how soon it will start, please spike what ever it takes get to the castle once you get there everything will become clearer to why to go there." Luna said before vanishing.

Spike then quickly jumped up and ran back to the library to tell twilight. As soon as spike got to the library he opened the door finding all the elements there conversing amongst each other until they noticed spike got back.

"Twilight we must evacuate the town now we're going to be invaded!!!" Spike yelled as he looked at the mane six that were staring at him oddly.

"Yeah we"re the ones invading young dragon, you certainly have grown since the invasion of centerlot" a voice said from behind spike, when he turned around he was face to face with himself who gave him a sly grin from the expression that the real spike was giving to the copy.

Spike then punched the copy in the chin making it go flying across the room and landing on top of a table making it collapse and before the other changelings could react spike was already ran up to his copy and vegan curb stomping the changelings face into the broken table splintering it from the impacts.

As soon as spike began curb stomping the other changelings lunged at him and pinning him to the ground, " aww that really hurt young dragon, you made a grave mistake for attacking the changeling queen" the copy said before it erupted in green flame and revealing the chyrisilis.

"Oh go buck yourself, you sick bucker." Spike spat in the chyrisilis's face to emphasize his point. As soon as he did that the chyrisilis charged her horn and the next thing he saw was a flash of green light before he could only see darkness.

-hours later-

When spike woke up he found that he was laying on the floor of the library before he had a scorching headache rip throughout the insides of his skull making him yell in agony.

After a while the headache finally died down, and he then noticed that there were bodies everywhere, he looked outside seeing buildings with huge holes blown through them and some buildings we're renew gone and what was left were large poles of rubble mixed with bodies and unattached limbs.

Spike ran out of the library and sprinted away from the town towards the everfree forest, where luna told him to go.

After a long while of running spike finally reached the castle of the sisters, as alike walked through the castle he started noticing figures following him from a distance so spike stopped and waited to see what they would do but to his shock they did nothing just stayed in the shadows and watched.

"Hello, you do relies I can see you right" spike yelled at the hidden figures but they still didn't do anything until a figure about as tall as spike came out of the shadows right in front of him, in the open spike saw that he was wearing the exact armour as the drake from the dream and which gave him one thought.

"E-excuse me a-are you my brother" spike stuttered, as he took a step back when the drake stepped closer.

"and if i was your brother, what would you think?" the drake asked walking closer to spike till he was a foot away from him.

by instinct spike took a few steps back looking down and twiddling his thumbs, "I-i don't know" spike said looking back up to the drake but as soon as he looked up he was pulled into a bone crushing hug by the drake and the hug began to hurt from the armour.

"gah....cant....breathe..."spike said while gasping for air."oh sorry, got a little carried away, its just so nice to finally meet" the drake looked behind the drake at one ofg the figures that was in the shape of the pony and nodding to it, " ok spike we will meet again later today but right now i have a boring meeting with the other admirals that i must attend, im really sorry... sergeant stardust speedster will give you an orientation of the city"the drake looked at spike for the moment and remembering that he still had his helmet on so he instinctively took it off and putting it under his arm."i almost forgot, my name is admiral nova eternal blaze, now i really must be going or else ill be late, stay with the sergeant at all cost, he'll protect you at all cost and tell nobody about us being brothers cause their are some people that would go to any lengths to take you captive, i just really don't want you put in danger from my problems."nova said as he began walking away nodding to what spike would guess was the sergeant.

"Hello sir I'll be your escort for the day, let's head to the elevator and I'll expo an how everything works as well what your true title is and where the mane six are since they asked all of us to keep an eye till you showed up." Speedster said leading spike to an elevator and as they went down speedster explained everything about the underground city, then moved on to spikes title " ok sir since your part of the royal bloodline your supposed to be a high ranking officer like your brother nova and sister luna...... But since you have little to no experience in fighting or leading the council of the head admirals which nova and luna are the head of chose that you'll be a squad leader so you have a fare rank of an officer and that you will learn how to give orders from fellow squad leaders and those leaders will be given orders to their commanders" speedster finished as he looked at spikes face that had the far away look, and in which made the sergeant laugh.

"You sure are novas brother"

Spike then shook his head and looked at speedster questionably,"Why did you just say luna was my sister, isn't celestia and luna sister, which means I'm celestias brother..... Speedster where's celestia and luna?" Spike asked with a hint of worry.

"Spike Luna's up on a space station above the planet, and celestia is...." Speedster glanced at the drake before looking a straight ahead,".....she's MIA, we've been sending out recon squads to find her but had no luck finding her, it's as if she just vanished off the face of the planet, but we do know she's still alive because the sun is still rising in the morning." Speedster answered while walking out of the elevator and walked over to a green car that was parked in front of the elevator with two dragon guards in full armour waiting in it for them ready to take off.

As soon as spike got into the back seat the car flew into the air making spikes head get pushed into the seats head rest, "what is this thing" spike exclaimed through clenched teeth.

"You have a lot of catching up to do" speedster said shacking his head. Just at that moment speedster radio turned on its own accord and novas voice came through it.

"Sergeant you have three vessels approaching your position each on an intercept course for your vehicle, we're sending you reinforcements but they will rendezvous with you ETA 20 minutes" nova said as the radio transmission cut out.

"We won't last that long out in the open like this," speedster said allowed to himself, "pilot take us to the closest safe house as fast as you can, at least we won't be shot down" speedster said quickly before pulling out some kind of wrist brace with a hoof and placing it on spikes right hand and turning it on showing a female AI on the screen.

"Hello sergeant stardust speedster and sergeant spike blaze how may I be of assistance" the AI said through the speakers of the brace and making spike flinch from the unpredicted voice, "what is it" spike asked tapping the screen of the brace.

"This is a multi purpose wrist brace, it is also connected to a multi user AI called eve, the brace will fire lethal, shock, stinger, and incinerator rounds, eve give spike a quick demo on how to use it in combat were short on time" speedster said quickly while looking out the windows.

" sergeant were landing in 30 seconds" the pilot said as his fingers danced across the control panel landing the car and opening the doors in front of an old house.

As soon as spike and speedster got out, the car exploded in a furry of orange flame killing the two guards that were still inside.

"Spike get inside now, I'll deal with these jokers, whatever happens don't come out... No matter what." Speedster said making sure spike got in side before turning to the vessels that landed in front of speedster and a group of 20 mercenary griffons and dragons jumped out of the vessels weapons aimed at the sergeant ready to take him out at the ready and one dragon impiticularly stood out amongst the rest.

"So this is how the great sergeant speedster falls, so where is he" the red dragon said while two griffons held the sergeant down.

"Garble don't do this, don't get him involved you already have me, what else do you want!!!" speedster yelled at garble while trying to break free.

"Revenge" garble plainly said as he broke the door to the safe house down, walking into the building finding spike in front of him with his right arm out and began firing at the red dragon which each shot was deflected off his scales like nothing and walked up to spike ripping the brace off his arm and picking spike up by the back of the neck and walking out of the house.

As soon as garble walked out of the house a blue blur streaked through the sky heading right for the safe house at unimaginable speeds, when garble saw this his eyes went as huge as saucers as he dropped spike be began sprinting away from the blue blur that shot by spike and speedster like a bullet right for garble and in a matter of minutes the blue blur tackled garble to the ground making a swirl of dust and dirt into the air.

Once the dust settled showed nova punching garble to a pulp, once nova thought garble had enough he got up forcefully picking garble up by the shoulder and pulling him till garble was face to face with an enraged nova.

"Don't you dare put a single claw on my brother again or ill skin you alive and make you eat it, do you understand me now garble"nova said venomously ripping his sunglasses off so he was staring garble eye to eye showing that he was not messing around and shocking everyone into silence since nobody has ever seen novas eyes and lives to tell the tale and even the ones that have and lived will never say what they look like.

Nova glared at garble a few seconds longer before throwing garble in front of the mercenaries proving his point further and in return all the mercenaries dropped any weapons they had and putting their hands over their heads surrendering to nova.

Speedster was still shocked at what would happen if he got on novas bad side only Meer hours ago as he kept an eye on the prisoners as they were taken into custody for the death of two guards and assaulting an officer, speedster then looked over seeing nova walking over to his hover bike that was set off to the side by an officer.

Speedster quickly trotted over to nova before he took off, "hey buddy are you okay, you haven't said a single word to anyone, and where did spike go I haven't Sean him in a while? Speedster asked as he kept calm staring at novas sunglasses hoping that they were staring eye to eye.

"I had an officer take him to a safe house that the mane six are being protected, I wiped the place off the grid.... No one will find him this time." Nova said as he ignited the engine of his bike making hover off the ground a few feet, nova turned his head back to the sergeant and giving him a small grin, "I'll be in my quarters, got a lot a paperwork to sign for your promotion to captain and my personal right hand man, I'll meet you at old jollies for a drink in an hour drinks will be on me..... This time" nova said with a sly grin before blasting off at top speeds sending dust and dirt into the air in front of speedster who was standing as still as a statue from the knowledge of the promotion.

"Damn drake sure knows when to pick his moments, hey soldier can yeah give me a ride back to the barracks" speedster said as he galloped off to a transport that was about to take off.


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Speedsters armour and weapons

Spikes armour and weapons

Novas armour

Jewels armour and weapon

Something's are worth fighting for

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Nova was in his private quarters reading documents and approval forms on a data pad, some of the documents were for a multiple of different reasons ranging from recon movements to small disputes around the underground city. After a few minutes nova set down the data pad on a nearby desk and stretching before looking back at the desk where the the family photo album was laying open on the page of his parents, he kept looking at the page for a moment thinking about his father which was a dragon pony half bread before his train of thought was interrupted by a knocking on his door.

"Doors open"nova said as he stood straighter straightening his uniform from wrinkles as the door automatically slid open on their own revealing the dragoness in the same armour that showed him how to shoot a pistol during the battle on the platform.

"Hello sir i just came by to check and make sure that you are alright after those mercenaries attacked your brother" she said while holding a solute that nova returned.

"I'm fine no need to worry....but theres something im curious about" nova said as he began pacing back and forth keeping an eye on her.

"What would that be sir"


"Sir is there something wrong?"

"You look like someone i met before..... can you take your helmet off please" nova asked as he stopped pacing and stepped closer.

"Umm I-If you wish sir" nova could tell the she was stuttering and stalled for a moment before taking the helmet off revealing jewel from that collided with him at the castle.

"I knew that you looked familiar, wait a second how is it that you were at the castle before the attack and now your here as a soldier" nova asked folding his arms together raising an eyebrow at jewel.


"you really want to know... i was actually ordered by the princesses to keep an eye on you during your travels but not to be seen or heard so you wouldn't get suspicious.... im very sorry sir for not telling you" jewel said as her head dropped down keeping her gazing at the ground.

Nova then walked over to her placing a claw under her chin rasing her head so they looking eye to eye... or eye to sunglasses.

"It's not your fault, you were just following orders....hey would you like to go to a party with me it's for speedsters promotion?" Nova asked

"Umm I really shouldn't.... Someone might think we're d-dating" jewel said stepping back a bit keeping her had down and rubbing her right arm as a blush formed on her face.

"Is there a problem with that?" Nova asked politely.

"Well no but wouldn't it effect your reputation being admiral and all"

"What no way, your really beautiful... The only thing that would effect my reputation is that some of the guys would be jealous seeing me with a hot dragoness such as yourself with me" nova said while smiling slightly to her as she looked up a little seizing her whole face blushing madly.

"W-well if you insist.... I guess it's a d-date"

"So it seams.... How about I pick you up at around seven?" Nova asked walking up to her once again.

"Umm sounds good to me... Thank you" she said looking up at nova before Turing around and walking out of the room leaving nova by himself once again.

"We'll better find something nice to wear for my date tonight" just as nova said the last words he froze in his place remembering he's never been on a date before, "eve get speedster on the line pronto, it's alpha priority!!!" Nova yelled as he ran over to a wall mounted terminal screen as it connected to speedsters terminal, after a minute the screen showed speedster in a regular lunar platoon uniform.

"Hey buddy what's up?" Speedster asked.

"We have a mega problem here worse then anything we have dealt with ever before"nova said making speedster stiffen a little.

"What happened"

Nova then explained to speedster of what happened.

"So your saying you have never dated before....well first you'll have to......"

20 minutes later

"Okay this is really odd wearing a tuxedo like really I've never had to wear one before" nova said while pulling on the collar.

"Okay just remember to stay calm and be yourself...... Aaaaannnnnddddddddd don't you dare driver her to the bar on your bike like really just take your precious car that you baby so much that you polish it like there's no tomorrow" speedster complained shaking his head a little with a small smile on his face.

"Will do, later......end connection" nova said as the terminal turned off, "now it's time to pick up my date" nova said to himself grabbing the keys to his car off of a nearby stand by the door befor walking out and heading to his car out in his private garage where all is weapons, armour, vehicles, and other gadgets.

Nova got into his car opening the garage door and taking off towards the female barracks where he saw jewel standing there in a red dress making his mouth hang agape as he set the car down in front off her letting her get into the passenger seat of the two seater shiny silver sleek car.

Once jewel sat down she looked at nova giggling abut by his expression on his face before placing a claw under his chin and slowly closing his mouth snapping out of his state and began driving the car to the bar taking the long route.

"Nice car, could tell that you take good care of it" jewel commented as she looked out the window.

"Yeah..... I really like your dress, you look really beautiful in it" nova commented back as he glanced at her before fixing his gaze back on the traffic.

"Yeah I could tell by the expression on your face, I even had to close your mouth for you" she said while giggling lightly into her hand, "you look very handsome wearing a tuxedo" she said while straightening the collar of the shirt making nova blush lightly.

"T-thanks"nova said as he set the car down parking it in the small parking lot in front of the medium sized two floor bar, as soon as the couple walked in they were greeted by the manager of the bar which was named Drago and nova was good friends with and seating them at a table nova booked ahead of time, the manager gave them menu's before bidding them fair well giving nova a pat on the back and saying good job to nova before walking off.

"So umm what would you like to drink?" Nova asked looking over his menu at jewel who was looking through the menu.

"Well how about red whine, if that's okay with you"

"Of course, anything for you malady" nova replied with confidence and smiled at her when she looked back at him and smiled in return.

"So what would the young couple be having tonight?" Drago asked as he held a notepad in his claws smiling at the two.

"I would like a Caesar salad please" jewel replied handing the menu to Drago.

"I'll have the same thing too... Also can we get a bottle of red whine and two glasses please"

"Of course sir and great choice might I add" Drago said picking up the menus before walking off towards the kitchen handing the note pad off and helping other customers.

A little while later their food and whine came and they began to eat and have small talk every so often and after they finished eating the lights dimmed and turned different calm colours and slow music turned on as soon as it did various couples around the room walked onto the dance floor and began slow dancing with their date.

Nova turns his head slightly seeing Drago standing in a corner smiling slightly giving nova a thumbs up in which nova nodded in return before turning his attention back to his date who was watching the lights and couples dancing around the room.

"Hey would you like to dance malady" nova asked bowing slightly and holding his hand out to her waiting for her to accept.

"I would love to"jewel said as she took novas hand and they walked over to the dance floor turning towards each other, nova putting his hands on her waist and jewel putting her hands around nova neck as they began to sway side to side with the music, like the other couples.

After a while jewel looked up at nova with a happy smile and hugged nova by the neck eliciting a small blush on novas face as he hugged her in return."Thank you for the date and choosing me over the party with speedster" jewel said nuzzling into the side of novas neck and as they continued dancing not even noticing that the lights were shining on them and the other couples stopped dancing and watched in awe at the scene.

"He really is your son... you know that right" Drago said to whirl wind who had shrunk down to normal size to watch his son dance with his date and a small smile grew on his face knowing that his eldest son was growing up as a real gentle-drake.

"Yes he certainly is, i just wish his mother and sisters could see him now" whirl wind replied before leaving the bar and took off back to the command centre.

jewel nuzzled into novas neck more resting her head on his shoulder as they were sitting at a table together with speedster and octavia since after the dance they found each other and began sharing drinks that nova said he would take care of.

"You know you two look real adorable together you know that right"speedster said leaning over the table towards nova and making him and jewel blush a bit and jewel to lean against nova who instinctively put his arm around her letting her rest her head against him, as speedster and octavia saw this they both smiled and laughed a bit.

"Seems like you two are getting together real well hey nova, and can i get any of you love birds anything to drink its on the house" Drago said with a large smile on his face as he glanced at jewel who seamed happy and comfortable leaning against nova.

"Umm me and speedster would like two large beers with a bit of the hardest cider you have, and the lovely ladies would like the light cider" nova asked smiling at Drago who nodded and walked off towards the bar and began making the drinks.

"So nova you look handsome tonight" octavia said as she looked at novas tux and smiling before glaring at speedster "why cant you dress like that more often" she said elbowing him slightly.

"because my love i only wear a suit on special occasions and tonight will be the most special" speedster said as he turned to his date and pulled out a small box.

"Wha.... speed-" she was cut off by speedster putting a wing over her mouth before opening the box, "octavia will you marry me" both nova and jewel were shocked and were waiting for Octavia's answer.

"Yes of course i will" octavia said and hugged him.

"Good job buddy, so who will be your best man and be hosting the bachelor party?' nova asked while shuffling in his seat getting more comfortable and making jewel glare and whine at him before shuffle into novas side more getting comfortable as well.

"Well nova now that you mention it, i was thinking maybe you could be my best man and host the bachelor party"

"Ill take you up on your offer as long as i can wear my sunglasses during the wedding, you know the sun bugs my eyes" nova replied leaned back letting a waitress set the drinks on the small table.

"Deal"speedster said picking up is glass as nova did the same and the two tapped the glasses together and drank a fair amount in one gulp making their dates giggle at their antics.

A while later the four went different ways and nova dropped jewel off at her barracks."Thanks for the date nova" jewel said before kissing him on the cheek and getting out of the car leaving nova dumb struck at what just happened. A couple of minutes went by before nova shook his head with a smile and flew off to his garage parking it and heading back to his private quarters.

"Hey novey how was the date" luna asked from the wall terminal as nova walked into the room seeing his father talking to two different terminals in novas room, one had spike on the other line and the other having luna.

"That a boy son your first date went without any problems and it seems your captain has gotten engaged as well" whirl wind said lightly hitting novas shoulder.

"Yeah seems like news travels fast nowadays" nova replied before glancing at the terminal spike was on, " hey spike how's it going, are you okay with the safe house we put you in?" Nova asked as he saw a dragoness that looked familiar laying on a bed before his eyes widened as his voice rang throughout his head saying what he said the night he found spike,"Sally you know what to do", after the words replayed a few times in his head he shook his head before smiling at spike.

"Umm things are good big bro, I'm just finished getting settled in.....I still can't believe I have a brother and a father" as spike said this he began to cry slightly before leaving and in his place the element of magic came up to the terminal and looked right at nova with narrowed eyes.

"Hello princess sparkle my name is prince/admiral nova eternal blaze, my sisters luna and celestia have sent me multiple letters talking about you saving equestria during my travels, if you want I would like to meet you spike and the rest of the elements tomorrow would that be okay with you?" Nova asked as he looked at whirl wind as he quietly waved good bye and leaving before turning his attention back to twilight who's mouth hung open and eyes wide staring at him shocked before the element of loyalty took twilight and sat her down and the element of generosity stood in front of the terminal.

"Hello mister blaze it's very kind of you for giving us such a fantastic safe haven such as this, tomorrow would be perfect too see you....." Rarity looked around the room for a moment before looking back at nova and giving him a nod.

"Good, how's she doing?" Nova asked looking at the dragoness laying on the bed.

"She'll be fine darling just a small concussion.... She banged her head pretty hard but she should be up any day now.... But darling I don't know how much longer i can keep the secret from everypony"

"Don't worry rarity that's one of the reasons why I'm coming there tomorrow, but rarity she has to wake up soon..... I trained her the best I could so she could teach and protect spike if I'm not around, keep me updated" nova said before cutting the connection.

-The next day-

"Did you two really have to come with me?" Nova asked over the comms in his speeder helmet as he drove through the air dodging and passing other vehicles while keeping a dangerously fast speed, speedster and jewel both kept on right behind him on their own speeders.

Once they reached the safe house which was a big two story house with eight different rooms and below the house was a tunnel that led to other safe houses around the city in case the house was attacked like the one garble attacked but that house didn't have its own tunnel system yet, but this one did.

The end is the new beginning

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-The next day-

"Did you two really have to come with me?" Nova asked over the comms in his speeder helmet as he drove through the air dodging and passing other vehicles while keeping a dangerously fast speed, speedster and jewel both kept on right behind him on their own speeders.

Once they reached the safe house which was a big two story house with eight different rooms and below the house was a tunnel that led to other safe houses around the city in case the house was attacked like the one garble attacked but that house didn't have its own tunnel system yet, but this one did.

Nova settled his speeder beside the house hiding it taking off his helmet and putting on his armors helmet getting off of his speeder and put on a cloak throwing the hood over the helmet hiding his armor before walking to the houses door as jewel walked beside him wearing full armor as well and a black cloak over top of it like novas. Nova slung his left arm over jewels shoulder letting her walk beside nova putting her arm around novas waist and let her head against novas chest making it look like they were just another ordinary couple which they actually were a couple now.

When the two reached the door their comlinks in their helmets buzzed to life until speedster voice spoke through it to them making them stand by the door for a moment."Okay love birds I've found a good vantage point the roof of a building a few blocks from your current position, i have set up a sniping position with a clear sight of the house, ill keep you updated if anything happens out here... good luck sir and be careful" speedster said before ending the transmission.

"You know nova, your really are stubborn we could have had shadow teams walking around the area and sniper squads set up, this is very risky coming here without backup" jewel said looking at nova worried.

"Jewel i didn't want backup is because i want this meeting off the record its for spikes and everyone else's well being if worst comes to worst and we loss the battles to come" nova said squeezing her shoulder a bit trying to comfort her, before typing in a code to get in and the door slid open revealing a large room with two couches on the far sides of the walls and a bunch of chairs set around the room facing each other and in the middle of the room was a coffee table and on the far corner of the room was a tv hung on the wall.

As soon as they walked in and glanced at the rooms set up they were tackled to the ground together by a pink blur after their eyes focused they saw the element of laughter laying on top of them with a big smile on her face.

"Helloidontthinki'vemetyoutwobeforebutspikehastoldmeabouthisbrothernamednova*gasp* are you spikes brother" pinkie exclaimed coming face to face with nova who's mouth was agape trying to take in what just happened before pinkie was levitated off of them by twilight.

"Im so very sorry pinkie can get very exited when she sees new faces.... that is if we could see your faces" twilight said while watching nova helping jewel up and try to see their faces that were hidden inside the hood and helmet, as soon as nova saw this he nudged jewel and pulled off the cloaks hood and taking off the cloak revealing their full armor and weapons that were magnetically locked to their backs or the side of their legs, right when twilight saw their weapons and armor she backed up a bit in shock and started shaking, jewel noticed this and shook her head before unlocking her helmet with a hiss that nova heard and did the same and in one swift motion they both took off their helmets and set them on a table that was nearby.

"We apologize if we scared you but it was mandatory to wear full body armor, is it okay if we sat down and talked with you and the rest of the elements and spike?" nova asked quickly putting his sunglasses on as he motioned towards the living room.

"Oh of course your majesty as you wish" twilight said bowing before galloping off to each room getting everyone else as nova sat on a couch with jewel leaning into his right side smiling at him.

"You know i could really get used to sitting like this your really comfy, is that okay with you your majesty" jewel said sarcastically before giggling at her own antics and the blush forming on his face.

"I really hate being called that.... it just sounds........odd" nova said pouting and crossing his arms across his chest looking away from jewel.

"Hey nova you should see this dark blue drake in a house hes sitting on a couch with a dragoness and looks like he's pouting.... he looks so ridiculous....... oh wait thats you... i so gotta take a picture of this" speedster said through a commlink in novas ear making nova stop his own antics and look out a window behind him at the building speedster was on and glared daggers at him before putting a finger to the comlink pressing a button allowing him to talk through it, "speed you suck" nova said shaking his fist at speedster just as the elements walked in seeing nova doing so.

"Um nova are you okay?" Twilight asked making nova snap around seeing everyone staring at him curiously.

"Umm yes I'm fine" nova said while jewel giggled at his embarrassment.

"Hey bro what's up and... What's with the dragoness with you like that" spike asked as he walked up and sat on a chair across from nova while the elements took other chairs around the room and turning them so they all were all In a circle and facing each other.

"Well you see spike I-" nova got cut off by a beeping sound coming from one of his pockets he pulled out a holo phone seeing who was calling him and as soon as he saw it say it was luna and below it saying it was urgent nova jumped up off the couch scaring everyone in the room, "umm i really need to take this, its really important ill be back in a bit.... jewel why don't you get to know the elements abit while im gone" nova said quickly as the phone began beeping again, before jewel could answer he had already went into another room closing the door setting the phone down on a table and pushed a button as soon as he did a hologram of luna materialized above the phone.

"Nova we've got a problem, one of my teams here on the station have been tracking the enemy and they seems that they are building some kind of moveable castle where the ruins of centerlot are, it also seems that their foorces have gotten larger and stronger, their air power doesnt seem very strong at the moment but that may change soon, also 24 hours ago we lost one of our bases in the far north near the crystal empire... now the base is one giant crater, the worst part is we know who the enemies leaders are, like the vision spike had it is chrysilis and sombra, we found out when discord went on recon detail, he was ambushed and killed by a weapon of this scale has unimaginable power, brother you must rally the other resistance groups and bases and attack them before they can finish that castle, please nova you have too if they finish that castle no one will be safe from what is to be our extermination from this planet" luna said before the hologram of luna began buzzing a bit, then lunas voice started cutting in and out before the connection was lost.

Nova quickly called the HQ to see whats going on with the comm network, "This is admiral blaze, what in all things right in this world is going on, i just lost connection with luna, can one of you tell me what happened"

"Sir all communications have been disabled.....we're working on a way to get the long range comms up and running again.......but for right now the best we can do is the short range "

"jamming device, who would put a jammer in here unless... oh this isn't good" nova said out loud before putting on his helmet and changing his comm to all channel wide broadcast to the rest of the soldiers, "this is level five quarantine this is not a drill i repeat this is not a drill we have changelings in the base, remember the protocol" nova ordered before walking out pulling the rifle that was magnetized to his back and setting the butt of the rifle to his shoulder, before walking into the room finding jewell having her helmet on and dual pistols out ready for anything and everyone else in the room were scared at seeing the weapons and the faceless helmets.

"Speedster we're quarantining the area for changeling spy's, we need to get these guys out of here and back to the HQ for safety, so get down here" nova ordered before turning to the group, "okay for your own safety we are going to be splitting you up into three groups, the first group is the elements of magic, loyalty, and laughter, you three will go with speedster and take one of the transports behind the house, the other three elements will go with jewel and take the other transport, spike and I will take my speeder and take the long route back so we don't draw any suspicion" nova ordered before walking out of the house rifle raised scanning the area and walked towards his speeder with spike in tow.

Nova then jumped on the speeder pointing behind him for spike to sit to which he quickly did and nova turned the speeder that began floating in the air making spike gasp just as nova shot up in the air and blasted off away from the house.

"This is admiral nova requesting an escort to the HQ pronto" nova ordered as he put his speeder on overdrive making the speeder rocket even faster then any usual speeder should and making spike wrap his arms around novas waist in a bone crushing grasp.

"Nova whats going on and why are we going so fast?" spike yelled through his helmets speaker.

"I'll tell you later, right now the only safe and secure place is at the command centre" nova said as he looked around for his escort.

"Sir we are coming up on your six sir, don't worry we've got your back from now on"

five speeders came up behind nova which were all driven by drakes in blood red armor, they made a diamond formation around nova and spike, one speeder on his right, one on his left, one behind, one in front, and one up ahead to scout ahead and clear a path for the formation.

"Thanks I appreciate the assistance since we have changelings on the loose" nova said as he glanced at the speeder pilot on his left who was oddly glancing at nova and swerving his speeder a bit.

"That's odd it's like they don't even know how tools a speeder like they were a-..." Nova shot his head in realization, glanced at the other pilots casually noting that the two beside him and the one behind him started speeding up.

Nova had to think quickly before he got boxed in, he couldn't go down without risking spike flying off, couldn't go up the spies would be expecting that and take out his hovering module located under his speeder keeping him afloat. Nova had only one option remaining and it was a reckless one, if he was lucky he would be able to get spike away from him and to the HQ, if not the spies would know what he was planning and kill spike and capture nova, taking him as a prisoner of war and a trophy to their leader.

"Here goes nothing" nova said under his breath as he connected to the scout up ahead of them, "Hey how did the lightning dragons die out I'm sorta stuck in a situation at the moment and need help to figure it out?" Nova asked cautiously so if the one he was talking to wouldn't figure out the hidden message.

"Sir I've never really thought or noticed that before but I'll help the lightning dragons died from the dragon god zoran the planet eater" the pilot replied and before nova knew it the pilot dive bombed and shot back up facing the pilot on nova's left unholstering a pistol and shot a bolt clean through the spies head killing him and turning the corpse back onto its true form of a changeling and without a driver the speeder flew mindlessly colliding with a house and exploding, throwing debris and shrapnel around the area.

As soon as nova saw his chance he tilted the speeder to the side and flying out of the area and flew beside the pilot that saved, " hey thanks for the save..." nova said glancing over art the drake pilot waiting for a name.

"Burning Torch sir, it is an honour serving you sir but how did you know that they were changelings?" torch asked glancing back at nova.

"I'll explain later but right now in need you to take spike to the shuttle hanger and wait for a captain named speedster and another named jewel their with the elements of harmony, one their all together take them to my shuttle named sovereign and get out of hear, take them to the lunar station.... thats the only safe place to be" nova said while moving closer to torches speeder getting spike to jump to the other speeder before decelerating and saying one last thing while spinning the speeder around and syncing a private comm to spike, speedster, jewel, and whirl wind , "Stay strong spike.... be brave jewel....stand tall speedster....And dad never loose hope, what ever happens today never look back any of you...... if i die today dont let me die in vain don't....... keep fighting the good fight for me and all those that have lost their lives fighting for the freedom we rightfully deserve, i wish you all the best of luck...... Nova blaze out" nova turned off his comm unit in his helmet knowing that they would all try to reason with him. The simple fact was that someone had to lead the forces that would be staying and he was the only one that could do that even though he knew that this would most likely be his last battle.

Nova saw largest puffs of smoking coming from the elevator that led to the surface, he quickly speed towards it knowing that the main force was concentrating on the elevator. Nova flew over one last house seeing a large barricades near the elevator and hundreds of ponies and dragons taking cover behind them and returning fire at the changelings that kept pouring out of the elevator endlessly.

Nova landed his speeder behind the largest barricade and ran into a nearby store where a temporary command centre was located, when nova entered the store a soldier saw him and yelled attention which was answered by everyone stopping what they were doing standing at attention and saluting at nova until he returned the solute and saying at ease letting everyone go back to their business, nova looked around at the room which was full of weapons and ammo, the store was also a medical centre most of the store was full of wounded soldiers and doctors treating them, in the middle of the store was a circular table with a holo projector sitting on top of it projecting the whole city and five commanders were standing around the table arguing at each other.

Nova quickly jogged over to the table taking off his helmet and putting his sunglasses back on then setting the helmet on the table gaining the attention at the only commander that was being quiet and walked over to nova extending his hand out to shake which nova excepted and shook it he was a black dragon with neon green spikes going down his back and neon green ear fins he was wearing lunar commander armor like the new one speedster has bit in dragon form and a large laser cannon attached to his shoulder, "Hello sir my names commander shadow, it is a great honour to meet you sir..... Just wish it was under circumstances such as this" shadow said tilting his head slightly in the direction of the other commanders that were still arguing like politicians, shadow then continued " but it's a good time you came sir these jokers are arguing about retreating and leaving the civilians to try and escape on their own, I was thinking that we should hold them off as long as possible to give the civilian transports the time they need to escape and after their all out we blow up the key structural point of the city so it collapses in on itself".

"Hmm that could work, get platoons together send a squad to each location and set up a synced bomb at each, then get your troops out of here" nova ordered watching shadow salute and sprint out of the room then looking back at the commanders who were all shocked and staring at nova, "Commanders we will hold this position for as long as we can till the platoons get the bombs set and then we're get our troops out of here...... I'll stay behind to detonate the charges, just make sure you protect the civilian transports".

Nova walked out of the store with a assault rifle in his hands as he walked towards the frontline with the other troops finding multiple pot and dragon corpses scattered around and nova wasn't surprised not seeing any griffons anywhere since they all flew off abandoning everyone like cowards as the final battle begun.

-5 hours and half a city captured by the changeling hoard later-

"....... I repeat the charges are set.......everyone get to your evac shuttles immediately....this is not a drill I say again this is not a got ten minutes before the bombs go off" Nova ordered as the shuttles began taking off.

Nova looks down at his hand where the detonator lay dormant with a red flashing light "So this is how it ends......go figure....." chuckles lightly while hiding in an old house"......just get a girl friend and this is how it ends.........but al least I'm the only one going down this day". Gets up and walks out where the changelings were waiting as a memory of the vision comes to mind" huh thought this was going to happen in ponyville......guess not" Holds hands up in the air showing the detonator " Okay I have one did you find us " watches as a changeling steps forward " we havessssss alwaysss known about thissssss placessss " Nova stares at the changeling as multiple thoughts go through his head not noticing a changeling coming up behind him and tackling him to the ground.

"Oh't" * presses the detonator button and gets flung away from the blast and seeing only darkness.

The last Draconian

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Spike watched from within a shuttle with the elements of harmony, captain stardust speedster, jewel, and commander shadow as they all watched as a countdown started and multiple shuttles and other vehicles began coming out of ramps and tunnels.

After a few minutes as the countdown went down to single decimals it was as if time slowed and everyone looked on in anticipation to what was to come in the next few seconds. Spike stared at where the base would be and counted down in his head.

".....5......4........3........2......1" spike thought as a bright flash erupted from out of the ground and dirt, soil, metal, and other debris blasted from out of the ground creating a large mushroom cloud and a crater, at that moment spike could almost feel an empty in himself as he looked at what used to be the base of the everfree rebellion

"D-did everyone make it out safely" shadow asked into a comm, then waited for a reply, and waited..., and waited some more till finally a reply came through making shadow slam his fist into a panel and curse multiple times before putting on a wide band comm to all shuttles, vehicles and other transports within range. "To all that are hearing this means that most of us have made it out alive.........but that also means that some of us didn't make it out as well.....". Shadow goes silent for a moment before continuing, " today we lost many brave, friends, brothers and sisters......but we mustn't loss hope, if we do then the enemy has already won and all the lives lost to give us a chance will all be for nothing.....* shadow looks down and sighing, " this is commander shadow signing off" he cuts the connection and walks towards spike.

Spike looks up at shadow as his eyes began to tear up, " S-sir w-where's nova a-and whirlwind". Everyone looks at each other before speedster walks over, " I'm sorry......Whirlwind was captured during the evacuation by the changelings, and Nova.....", Everyone looks down in silence as spike looked out the window at the crater and sighs knowing the answer.

- 62 hours after the fall of the everfree base -

Chyrisilis walked around smiling as her neo-changelings were feeding off of the left over sorrow and seeing the great whirlwind in chains and caged up like a dog, " aww it's been to long whirly it seems that time has been good to you" she stated in a mocking tone eliciting a snarl in response.

"Oh don't be like that, it's not like your eldest son is dead.....oh wait he is.....and know there's nothing left in our way to greatness" chyrisilis said as she charged up her horn and blasting whirlwind in the chest before walking off with the changelings, leaving whirlwind chained up and left to die.

-Hours later-

A figure walked over to a portion of a broken and collapsed wall, the figures horn glows and the wall begins rising, revealing broken and crumpled nova barely alive.

" It seems like your luck is still holding out.....little brother" and with that the figure and Nova vanished in a bright flash of light.

-Fort drakonia-

The figure reappears with nova fighting to stay alive, multiple pony doctors run over and take nova into the emergency room and began fixing his wounds, the figure walked off to wait till the operation to check on him.

-5 days after the fall of the everfree base-

Nova woke up gasping and clutching his left shoulder as pain shot through his shoulder, he looked at his left hand finding a brace keeping the arm down.

" Aww thank the stars your alright little brother I thought you were never going to wake up", a familiar voice said from a chair beside his bed, he turned his head seeing a war torn princess celestia in burnt and scratched armor.

"What happened to the base.....did the evac shuttles make it to safety......" Nova asked as another jolt of pain ripped through his shoulder making celestia levitate a plastic cup to his mouth, " drink it, it's medicine to help with the time the pain will go away" she looks at the brace covering his arm in sorrow, " the base was destroyed, and most of the shuttles escaped in time thanks to you.....".

"Is everything alright"

"I-it's dad.....h-he didn't make's all my fault, I-I should of come sooner, I could of saved him....." She begins crying as Nova stared at the wall across from his bed in shock.

"I-it's alright....he wouldn't want you to think of the past......we have to end this war once and for all......for him and everyone that have fought and died fighting this pointless war" Nova stated, awkwardly sitting up in the bed and looking at all the bandages, braces, and casts around his body before looking back at the brace around his arm, uses his other arm and begins undoing the brace.

Celestia watches nervously waiting for his reaction as the final strap on the brace came off revealing something that nearly caused Nova to yell, instead of his arm there was a shinny silver robotic arm attached all the way to his shoulder and over it a bit. "C-celestia.....what happened t-to my arm" Nova asked still looking at the robot arm.

"Well you see..... when I found you, you were pinned beneath a broken wall and your arm was......cut off when the wall came down during the explosion......I'm sorry, the doctors tried everything but they couldn't get your arm to function.....the only option they had was to give you a robotic arm" Celestia said looking down at the floor as Nova began flexing the robotic arm.

"It's alright, it's not your fault.....and like I always say, what doesn't kill you.....makes you stronger.....right".

"Right" Celestia stood up on all fours and walked out leaving Nova alone in the medical room staring out of the room through a window near the bed, seeing a black wall full of fallen soldiers, refugees, and loved ones that didn't survive the invasion almost a year ago. Nova looked around finding a piece of paper and a pen and began writing a note.

After a few minutes Nova got out of the bed, taking off the wires attached to his arms and walking out of the room picking up a cloak that was laying on a nearby chair and pulling the hood over his head hiding his face, and to everyone, Admiral Nova blaze was truly killed in the blast, never to be seen again until the time was right.

-One week later in the crystal caves under the ruins of the ancient draconian empire-

Nova sat down on a rock, pulling out an old book from his bag he found in the wreckage of a town days ago, Nova looked at the front of it reading the name of it, " " legend of the ancient titans and protectors of equestria....." Nova flipped through the book for a few minutes before getting up and continuing on deeper into the caves unknown of what challenges lay ahead.

-At a temporary base of operations-

Spike stood in a ring in front of speedster, fists raised and ready to begin training, wanting to be like what his brother once was....a hero. "Are you ready trainee, because there won't be any turning back"? Speedster asked in a commanding tone.

"I'm ready when you are....sir"

Rarity watched from a distance, near a tent before walking into the tent where two beds were, rarity walked over to one of the beds where a white dragoness with light pink and purple scales going down her back and on her head slept.

Rarity stared for a moment before waking up the dragoness, "Hey sweetie....time to wake up, spike is about to begin his training, you still have to keep Novas promise and help train spiky....." Rarity trotted out of the room as the dragoness got up and walked out finding everyone in camp surrounding the fighting ring, she walked over seeing speedster charging at spike who tried rolling out of the way but get slammed in the chest by speedsters wing and winding the young drake.

"Remember ready for anything, and anticipate what you opponent might do....." Speedster looked up seeing rarity and the white dragoness, nodding at them before walking out of the ring leaving spike laying there breathing heavily.

Rarity looked at the dragoness and smiled at her, "Okay sw-....I mean Sally.....take it easy on spiky please", Sally smiled and nodded as she walked over to the rings entrance and stepped in seeing spikes back to her and stretching.

"Hey you ready for round two" Sally said in a mocking tone making spike spin around and look around nervously. " I really shouldn't be fighting a dragoness...." Spike said feeling multiple eyes glaring daggers at him and hearing speedster and a few other stallions and drakes laughing.

"What does that chicken to fight a dragoness" Sally asked, giggling as spikes face turned red in embarrassment.

"N-no i-I just don't want to hurt you"

Sally smiled and walked over to him and extending her hand out to him for a handshake, "I'm pretty sure you won't" Spike shakes her hand then feels her hand squeeze his and spin around him, flinging Spike over her shoulder and onto the ground.

Jewel walks over to speedster as they watch spike get up and stare at Sally in shock and confusion, they both laugh lightly before going silent. Speedster then takes a deep breath and speaks with sadness in his voice, "I can't believe their gone......the last draconians are actually gone.....".

"Their not all gone....." Jewel motions to spike as Sally teaches him, " He is the last of the draconian race......I just hope that we all don't become extinct from this war"

Speedster looks at jewel and shakes his head, " We are not going to go extinct....I'll promise you that.....Nova once told me this and that one day I would understand what it meant......he said that When you feel like quitting......think about why you started.......we mustn't stop now.....we have to finish what he started" Speedster looked at Spike once more and smiling before leaving Jewel and everyone within ear shot stood there stunned at what he said.

-Centerlot castle-

"Sombra is it ready yet" a dark figure sitting in celestias throne asked in a bored tone as Sombra appeared in front of the dark figure.

"No my lord it is not complete yet but it the prototype worked, it destroyed discord the god of chaos"

"Good, and have you found the bodies of Nova blaze and Whirlwind blaze"

"Chrysilis has killed the weak Whirlwind.....and we gap have not found the body of Nova, my lord he probably was vaporized in the explosion an-"

"YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL HES DRACONIAN, OF COURSE THEIR BODY WOULDNT BE VAPORIZED SO EASILY, Sombra you have failed me once again.....that is why I'm freeing Tyrek from will be under his command from now on" the dark figure announced.

" lord" Sombra replied with a hint of hatred in his voices as he teleported away.

-The ruins of the draconian empire-

Nova sat down at his temporary campsite looking at a page in his book and holding a relic in his hand while reading the book.

"The four relics of unity........the four relics were once used as a primary defence against all evil, the relics were built before the time of the tree of harmony, they were made in the time before time, made by unknown and mysterious forces that to this day we don't understand".

"The first of the relics is the relic of strength and endurance....the legendary wielders of this relic were the strongest and they never surrendered and never lost hope.....a born surviver". Nova looked at the relic he had and smiled, "So this is the relic of strength....I wonder who the next wielder will be....".

"The second relic is the relic of emotion......the wielders of this relic were able to see things that others couldn't from different view points as well as change the mood of other in extraordinary ways".

"The third relic is the relic of nature......the wielders of this relic were able to control all the elements of, air, fire, and water".

"The final relic.....the last relic is a has never been seen, never wielded by anyone, and has been forgotten centuries not try looking for this myth, it leads to nothing but insanity". Nova re-read it and shook his head, " this is impossible.....there is supposed to be four relics....I guess the fourth is just a myth..... But I must find the other two relics.....before it's too late". Nova closed the book and put it away not noticing the pages began glowing gold.