> The Knight of The Vampire > by twisterwinds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Vampires Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Vampires Need The cold hard ground wasn't the most comfortable bed in the world, but it would have to do. After all, Diamond Sword was now in the Royal Guard, and he was trained for this. Diamond was an earth pony, white fur and a blue mane with matching tail. He stood around six feet tall, and was well built since he was in the Royal Guard. Diamond was born into nobility but wanted to earn his own place in society. He was always taught to treat a mare properly, and to respect his fellow stallion, and to stop something wrong when he saw it, and he did this one day when he saw a stallion beating a mare, his actions where noticed by the royal guard. So when after graduation from Canterlot High, when he enlisted in the Castle Guard in hopes of becoming a Royal Guard, and after graduating from basic in the top five of his class, the young guard had been assigned to the Crystal Kingdom as a Royal Guard. However, do to recent disappearances in a small town called Ponyville, he and a few others had been reassigned due to the fact Princess Twilight Sparkle lived in the town. Diamond and his best friend,Golden Bow, another earth pony who he had known since kindergarden, were both part of a six man squad of guards. He sighed as his friend was telling a story to the other guards. "And then, Diamond here, beat the tar out of his pompous ass, while protecting that mare from that thug. Princess Celestia herself wanted to give him a medal for heroism but he refused and said it was the right thing to do." Golden Bow boasted about his friend. "I just hate mare beaters, any stallion who dares strike a mare doesn't deserve to be called a"stallion", simple as that." Diamond said laying back against his sleeping bag he had rolled up as a pillow, opting to sleep in his armor. "Yeah, any how, when he graduated from basic, Princess Celestia made him a Royal Guard right there. Said she wanted more guards like him in her command." Diamond said. "Okay guys, that's enough, besides, it's late and we need to get sleep for the rest of our journey to Ponyville tomorrow." Diamond Sword finished. Closing his eyes the young guardsmen couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. -earlier that night- "Oh no, not again, tonight's another full moon and I... " Fluttershy said looking up at the moon. "I...am hungry..." The butter colored pegasi said as her fur dulled, her teeth grew and sharpened, and her eyes gained a crimson red hue. With a snarl the now vampiric Fluttershy flew out her window, and off into the dark of Everfree Forest. Her eyes scanning for her next meal. Her ears twitching at the slightest sounds, and her nose sniffing the air. She then picked up the scent of firewood, and heard laughter. In a small clearing in front of her was no more them six stallions, but her delicate nose turned up to all but one, only one she wanted for more then a meal, only one she wanted for animalistic need. "Okay guys, that's enough, besides, it's late and we need to get sleep for the rest of our journey to Ponyville tomorrow." The one who's scent was driving her mad. She licked her lips as the guards all laid down and slowly fell asleep. Moving from her hiding place she quickly bit into and drank the blood of four of the six stallions. Turning her attention to the last meal before she moved to her prize, she hastily walked towards her victim. Waking slightly, Golden Bow looked up to see the gleaming fangs and lips stained in blood of a vampire. Letting out only a yell as her fangs roughly, and painfully sank into his neck. The vampire only smiled as she drained the life out of her meal. Waking instantly to the yell of his friend, Diamond looked on in horror as his friend lie limp, and an unknown attacker drank from his neck. Looking around, the young guard saw the same fate befell the rest of his men. Drawing his sword he stood in a defensive position "surrender foal be..ast" he said, losing his voice as the creature stood and turned, showing her beauty and a wicked smile on her face. "Surrender or be destroyed!" He said but soon found his knees weak the longer he looked into her eyes. Watching the mare walk towards him, her hips swaying from side to side, blood ran from the corners of her lips, glimmering crimson stained fangs hung over her bottom lip, her eyes locked onto Diamonds. He could only raise his sword up once again just for her to push the blade to the side stand in front of him. Her bare form separated from his by his armor and clothing. Diamond froze in fear as she took the sword from his hand and threw it aside. The vampire smiled as she moved her mouth inches away from his neck. She held the back of his neck in one hand and his wrist in the other as she forced her prize onto the ground. Breathing in his scent, smelling his blood rushing though his body only made her need grow. ~this is the one I want~ she thought as her tongue ran over his neck. Diamond tried to shift only for the vampire to his and growl. She smiled as she removed his armor from his chest, laying back down in him, pressing her firm bosom into his well defined chest. Diamond shuddered as the warm, wet muscle tickled his most vital of body parts, his life flow of blood. His eyes locked onto the vampires one more time before an unseen force sent him into unconsciousness. -Ponyville hospital- Waking with a start, the guard found himself stripped of his armor, replaced with a hospital gown, his head throbbing, and his body aching. He heard the door open and saw a butter colored mare, and a shapely one at that, standing in the door way "oh thank goodness your okay! Doctor!" The mare called as a doctor walked into the room. "Ah so your awake, thought we lost you for a minute, in fact if it wasn't for Fluttershy here, you would be dead." The doctor started. "Unfortunately whatever attacked you killed your squad, I'm sorry." Diamond only cringed at the thought, his only memory was red, glowing eyes. "I'm glade your safe" Fluttershy added "when I found you this morning, I was so worried that you where dead." She said hiding behind her hair, but left out that she found him just outside of her home. She remembered everything she did to him. The spell she put him under. She smiled at the thought "I'm glad your safe." From that day on, the disappearances stopped in Ponyville, and on the nights of the full moon, Diamond would meet that red eyed mare again. After all, he was hers. > The Masters Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Masters Love Diamond Sword took in a deep breath. The cool moist air of sweet apple acres carried the unmistakable scent of apples upon it. Though Diamond, with helping Princess Twilight and her friends deal with a vampire fruit bats infestation, the second of that year, his thoughts where far from the orchard, well, not entirely. It had been about a month since his squad was killed, and since he meet Fluttershy. Diamond smiled thinking about her, how kind she has been to him, and his thoughts where filled with her. The way the evening sun shown on her beautiful pink mane, her smile and even her light green eyes. "So what do ya think Diamond? How am ah suppouse'ta get rid of these varmints this time?" Applejack asked, bringing the guard out of his thoughts. Diamond only responded with a blank expression. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Diamond asked as his cheeks turned crimson under his fur. "Bout these dang bats, what should do you reckon we do?" Applejack asked a little annoyed "we tried the sanctuary idea, but that didn't work. When Ah woke up this morning, mah orchard was like this." "I'm not sure. It's harvest season right? I guess just remove their food source and they should leave." Diamond said with his finger on his chin. "Where is this sanctuary?" Smiling "oh, I can show you!" Fluttershy said enthusiastically grabbing Diamonds hand and leading him off into the woods. "It's just this way." Diamond then started to walk with Fluttershy, deeper into the orchard, and further into the darkening rows of trees. "Does Fluttershy seem, excited to you?" Rainbow Dash asked looking at the others, to this, they only giggled. "Darling, it looks as if our Fluttershy had found herself a colt." Rarity said smiling "our little Fluttershy is growing up so fast." "Ooo! We need to throw her a new colt friend party!" Pinkie Pie said smiling " or a clopfic party..." The pink party pony trailed off. "A what?" Twilight asked then shook it off "anyway, we should all head home, and be back here tomorrow to help AJ harvest." Everypony walked their separate ways, but once Twilight was at the library, the sun had set and the moon had started to rise. "I hope Fluttershy will get home okay." -deep in sweet apple acres- "Fluttershy!" Diamond said looking around, he had been separated from the butter colored pegasus for at least two hours now, and the apple orchard was almost pitch black. Diamond shivered hearing a hissing sound, and leaves rustling sound. Taking a deep breath, Diamond grabbed onto his sword, his senses clearing as adrenaline filled his veins, but soon turned to ice as a sickly sweet singing filled the air, it sounded like Fluttershy, only, distorted. ~Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head~ Backing into a tree, Diamond looked up to see the silhouette of Fluttershy in the air, but her eyes where red "Fluttershy, thank goodness, how do we..." As he spoke, a cloud moved out from in front of the moon, illuminating Fluttershy, in her beautiful, naked glory. Her tits firm and a visible glistening leaking fluid flowed from her slit. Her fur and hair where dull, her wings were misshapen. Her, fangs gleamed in the moon light. Her eyes narrowed onto him. "Fluttershy?" A hiss emanated from the vampires as she shot down at the guard, who took to running into the orchard. Neglecting to watch his path Diamond tripped and fell face first into dirt, then felt a fast moving mass lunge into him from behind. Silky soft hands caressed his neck as Fluttershy only hissed and growled. Smiling as she licked his neck, the vampires ripped his weapons from him and slid one hand into his pants, her slim, soft but firm fingers wrapping around his shaft. "Fl..utter..shy..." Diamond struggled to let out between ragged moans. His breathing only quickened as the pegasus behind him started to stroke his stallion hood. "Mmhm, oh god Fluttershy" diamond moaned feeling her pace quicken and suddenly stop. Turning his face to protest, he was stopped by his back hitting the ground and as fluttershys lips press roughly to his. Smiling Fluttershy positioned herself to accept him into her. Holding him down with ease, Fluttershy started to push her stallion into her. -ugn! He is big- she thought. Smiling down at him, after he was just in, she slammed down onto him, hilting the guard inside of her. Diamond moaned and was silenced as a pair of lips met his, then a painful sensation on his lips made him realize she bit him. A growl from her was all it took for him to not dare move, but a stirring at the base of his shaft told him all he needed to know, he was close. Fluttershy smiled smelling this and stared at him, a voice filling Diamonds head commanded him to release and fill her, without question, he did. Hissing out in pleasure, Fluttershy kissed him again, and gave him the stare, making him forget that night entirely. -the next moaning- "Oh my, Diamond, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as her friends fallowed her to the stallion that lay face first on the ground. "Yeah, what happened." Diamond asked holding his forehead. "You must have tripped, and gotten knocked out." Fluttershy said helping Diamond sat up -and with any hope, you knocked me up my love- kissing him gently in front of everypony, Fluttershy smiled "I'm glade your okay" Diamond blushed, something about that kiss, felt familiar, and very, very good. > Finale: Hungry for love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finale Hungry for love Waking from his sleep, his body swore, his back stiff, and his wings throbbed, with a yawn, and sitting down with his knees to his chest, Diamond looked out side and saw the sun had finally set, and with a relaxed sigh, the stallion stretched his arms behind his back before sitting on the side of the bed, his red eyes still adjusting to what light was entering them. "damn these morning wings" he said before a slight giggle caught his attention. "Don't you mean, evening wings? My love?" asked a soft voice before two soft, light butter colored hands slipped around his chest. The mare that sat behind him "I know a way i can help, if you want." Asked Flutterbat, as she ran a long tongue up Diamond's neck, sending a raw shiver up the colts spine. Without warning, Diamond found himself in the air, then pinned to the bed on his back, where he could now see his beloved in one of her night shirts that made her, her pink hair running down to her beautiful, perky bust that was nearly popping out, and going down past her waist, where her tail started its journey that ended in wrapping around Diamonds waist. A wicked smile kissed the sexy mare's lips before a pair of fangs entered his neck. A voice in his head just giggled -Master is hungry, and master always gets, what master wants, doesn't she?- Asked Flutterbat through her telekinesis power. -And dont worry about Night Breeze, she is at her Aunty Twili' for the night- Flutterbat though as she broke away before licking blood from her crimson stained lips. "Which means momma wants some love'n" A goofy grin grew across Diamonds face as he went to lean up to kiss his beloved mare, his blood having already been replaced by his vampire powers that he gained shortly after that night in the Apple's orchard, but a single, slender finger pushed him back down. Looking up, Diamond recognized the hungry look in her eyes, and a familiar, hot, damp feeling started to cover his crotch. A musky scent filled his nose, making his breathing harder, as desire welled up in the stallion that, he knew this feeling well, it was heat season. As his member started to stiffen, his masters eyes narrowed as a wicked grin grew upon her lips, her tongue licked them, to get a rise out of her pet. "Well my love, you ready?" Flutterbat asked, but before he could answer, her lips graced his with a deep, loving kiss, fallowed by a night of sweaty, passionate rutting, and a new bun in the oven. The End