> One Urgent Blink of an Eye > by Pervertigo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Urgent Blink of an Eye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning light on the mare’s delicate face awakens her. She slowly sits up in her bed, her soft hooves lifting up from the covers to rub her eyes. Yawning, the pony stretches her arms and flexes the muscles around her shoulders. A set of wings extends from behind her back before contracting, her front legs following shortly after. The pegasus moves out of her bed, her body abandoning the warm comfort of her patterned blanket. She shuffles towards one of the windows in her room, giggling softly as she passes a tiny bed emitting quiet snores. Upon opening the windows, the pony’s eyes immediately close shut from the sudden increase in brightness, but open again after seconds of adjusting to a breathtaking view. The sun is barely above the horizon, yet it is enveloping an entire nearby town in light. For much of her life she has lived here, but the sight of Ponyville bathed in the dawn never fails to lift any expression on her face to a smile, including her current pained grimace. The mare remains standing at her bedroom window, as it takes a few moments for her to reach into her cloudy mind and remember something. Whatever this thing is causes her to smile even more. It has been quite a few days since one of her other friends had moved out, but the hole is about to be refilled. The departee has told an acquaintance about the pegasus before she left, persuading her to make a visit - perhaps a few days’ stay - on her behalf. One door is closed and another is opened. A pony is essentially replaced with another. However, this acquaintance is not a pony - let alone a zebra or even a griffon. Whatever species, it adds all the more to the mare’s sense of uniqueness in today’s forthcoming events. Thus, today is specifically reserved for the pegasus and her new friend only. For around the past week, she told everyone she knew not to disturb her, fully intending for her day to be special. Her energy restored and conquering fatigue, she goes through her house and closes any windows she has left open during the night. This endeavor takes her downstairs, and she finishes her task in her dining room. She fixes herself a small, simple breakfast, staring outside the window as she tries to eat. The mare alternates between taking short sips from her glass of water and looking for her visitor for several minutes. Deciding to pass time by getting dressed for the occasion, she returns to her bedroom and is soon adorned in a blouse and skirt. The color of her clothes fit well with her soft yellow coat, nearly having the same pink color as her hair except a touch lighter. A ring of a doorbell makes her ears perk up. She walks downstairs again, noting how early it is, this time heading towards the front entrance of her house. Upon seeing her friend standing outside through the front window, the only one she didn't close, another smile makes its way onto the mare’s face. She opens the door to greet her visitor. “Oh, there you are. You must be Blinky!” her voice is naturally soft. “I’m Fluttershy,” she introduces herself. Blinky just stands there, her face hidden by the hood of what seems to be a brown cloak. Without a thought, Fluttershy picks Blinky up and quickly carries her inside in the manner of one of her more enthusiastic friends, and slams the door behind her. Upon seeing her visitor’s glare beneath her hood, however, the pegasus lets out a squeak, realizing her error and dropping Blinky on the floor. “Oh… I’m sorry,” she murmurs, helping her friend up. Fluttershy backs away from Blinky and crosses her legs in some sort of embarrassed position, blushing a little. “I-I’m not usually this excited. I mean… it’s awfully nice to meet someone that one of my friends knows…” her voice trails off as she breaks eye contact, and the awkward silence that follows is enough for the mare’s eyes to well up. “It’s okay… having trouble connecting first is okay.” Fluttershy says to herself, gaining strength to speak again. “Let me take your cloak, Blinky… if that’s… well… you must really be burning up…” Taking Blinky’s silence as a yes, the pegasus hesitantly reaches forward and removes her friend’s excess clothing. Her front hooves full, she starts lightly flapping her wings, hovering away from Blinky as she takes in her appearance. “My… you look lovely…” Fluttershy whispers as her blush deepens. However, her compliment is only met with more silence as Blinky merely stares without any expression. All of a sudden, the image of a different visitor from a few months ago appears in Fluttershy’s mind, and the pegasus’s face lights up with an idea. “So… I hear you’re really good friends with… erm…” she looks away as she speaks, “Rainbow Dash…” Within a few minutes, a smile just as bright as that of Fluttershy’s is plastered on Blinky’s face. Thus begins their day. Fluttershy, doing her best to be a good host, shows Blinky around her cottage, making sure to detail everything about each room. Along the way, she notices a small white rabbit hopping a few feet behind them, looking rather confused. Fluttershy halts her tour, turning towards her pet and lowering her head to his eye level. “Hello, Angel!” Immediately, the rabbit points at Blinky and bursts into a series of incomprehensible, high pitched yelling. “Oh, her? This is Blinky,” says Fluttershy, who is apparently able to interpret his squeaks, “she’s going to be staying here for a while.” Angel responds by making an exaggerated angry frown while pointing at his belly. “Aww… are you hungry, Angel? Oh, goodness,” Fluttershy’s eyes widen, “is it nearly lunchtime?” Angel nods furiously, causing her to gasp. “I’m so sorry! I’ll get you something as soon as I can, I promise! Wait outside with your other friends, okay?” Satisfied, Angel lifts up a paw and makes a thumbs-up gesture, before quickly turning and scrambling around the corner. Fluttershy knows the upcoming task at hand and takes a deep breath. “Are you hungry too, Blinky?” she asks, turning to her other friend. “No? Well… if it makes you feel any better, I’m not hungry either…” Fluttershy puts a hoof to her stomach, taking note of some pressure accumulating around her abdomen. The two friends make their way through the house and end up in the kitchen. There, the pegasus flies all over the room, opening every cabinet there is and collecting all sorts of meat, vegetables, and even bags and boxes that seem to contain pet food. “I have a lot of animals…” Fluttershy says sheepishly upon seeing the look on the visitor’s face, wincing a little before opening her nearby fridge to pull out some raw fish. She declines Blinky’s offer to help carry the food, insisting she has done this many times before. Fluttershy instead locates a basket in the corner in the room and places everything in it. Putting the handle in her mouth, the pegasus leads Blinky to her backyard where Angel, along with a few other rabbits, are waiting. Closing the door behind her, Fluttershy calls out a cheery “Lunchtime!” before reaching in the basket and tossing out several carrots, which the rabbits quickly pick up. “Oh, yes, I have rabbits,” She happily explains to Blinky, as the rabbits run off and more animals take their place, “look, and I have mice, and squirrels, all sorts-” She is interrupted by a painful stomach cramp, and her face scrunches in discomfort, her hoof slamming against her belly and pressing against it as hard as she can. The pegasus looks around to see Blinky and the other animals surrounding her with concerned expressions. “I’m fine…” Fluttershy gasps, still clutching her stomach. Feeling the ache slowly fade, she reaches into the basket again, this time taking out a box and emptying it on the ground. The mice, squirrels, and other small animals surround the growing pile of green pellets, and Fluttershy and Blinky start to walk around the backyard. Blinky watches as Fluttershy takes her basket to a small river underneath a bridge. The pony’s hind legs dance a little, lightly splashing the water as she takes the raw fish from the basket and feeds some ferrets that emerge from under the bridge. Suddenly, she winces again, the pain moving towards her bottom, while feeling some more pressure around her crotch. A tingling between her legs causes Fluttershy to yelp, and this pressure barely decreases by just a tiny bit from some liquid suddenly spurting out of her. Her face nearly completely red, she frantically turns around to check the river behind her. Thankfully, there isn’t a trace of yellow in the water. Fluttershy’s thoughts are dominated with the desperate need to go back inside and relieve herself, but she soon decides that her animals are more important. Crossing her legs, she gives one last fish to the ferrets, before carrying her basket into the sky. The birds are next, and the outside of Fluttershy’s cottage is home to several tiny houses and bowls mounted on tall wooden poles. As the pegasus empties a small bag of birdseed in the feeders one by one, she has increasing difficulty managing the growing pressure just underneath her tail. Trying to control the muscles in her bowels slowly takes priority over flight, and Fluttershy is forced to return to the ground after feeding only half of her birds. She squeezes her buttocks together as she feels something building up between them, ready to burst out of her, and Fluttershy realizes she absolutely needs to go, now. Besides, she can just feed the rest of the birds afterwards. “I-I’ll be right b-b-back…” she stutters, before dropping her basket and immediately taking off towards the cottage, the pressure increasing more and more as she gallops. Upon running through the front door, a sharp increase in pressure halts Fluttershy in her tracks. She crosses her legs again and quickly moves a hoof to her crotch, pressing tightly against her skirt and feeling wet fabric underneath. “Ah…” Fluttershy moans softly, her voice slightly straining as she feels her tail slowly lift up, raising her skirt and exposing a pair of striped green panties covering her round bottom. Additionally, her hoof pressing against her clothing reveals the outlines of it all - clenched vaginal lips touching a damp yellow stain on her underwear, and the rim of her puckering anus doing its best to contain what the mare feels is a small pocket of gas. Fluttershy whimpers, slowly lifting her hold on her muscles bit by bit, hoping to release her flatulence and nothing else as her legs begin to shake violently. Frrrrrttttt She closes her eyes in relaxation, enjoying the sensation of the area around her anus warming up as it lets out a long, airy hiss. Before she can resume walking, however, the feeling accompanies a bit of more urine coming out of her, and Fluttershy gasps as the tip of her hoof becomes even more wet, the spot on her panties expanding and darkening a little, forming a small stain on the front of her skirt. To make matters worse, the gas has made way for something solid beginning to slither through her rectum, inches away from her sphincter. Paralyzed by desperation, Fluttershy instinctively recrosses her legs, clenching her buttocks in an attempt to block her waste. The smell of her own fart enters her nostrils causing her to cough, and she fans the air by flapping her wings. She glances behind her, looking frantically for any witnesses. It takes her a few seconds to notice Blinky standing in the open doorway. In one sudden, panicked movement, Fluttershy turns her body around, moving her slightly stained bottom out of view. “I-I-I’m fine! R-really!” she half shouts, half grunts in embarrassment and pain as she flexes the muscles in her rectum, pulling in the mass. As she feels her tail slowly lowering and her skirt covering her panties once again, Fluttershy feels some comfort, noticing that the look on Blinky’s face isn’t of disgust - perhaps she’s acting like this situation never happened. “My… of course… My animals d-do need to be fed, yes…” Fluttershy gasps, running outside and nearly knocking over her friend. By the time she reaches the bird feeders, the pressure in her bowels and bladder is enough to make her feel a little regret at not rushing to her toilet and letting it all go earlier. Fluttershy, however, hears the impatient chirps of the remaining birds and walks over to where she left her basket, steeling herself - she has much work to do. With the strength returning to her wings, she feeds the rest of the birds as much as she can in an effort to keep them busy. The last thing she wants is something like what happened with Blinky to occur again. The next few minutes are filled with determination and agony. Fluttershy feels more of her waste move through her intestines, and she doubles her efforts in maintaining control. Her buttocks and legs are glued together, crossed like a metal fork with twisted prongs, forcing her to fly a few inches off the ground. Her desperation grows worse as the waste bunches up against what’s already in her rectum, and the combined mass pushes all so gradually towards her anus, but she continues to feed her animals. This endeavor takes Fluttershy to a fenced area in her backyard next to a rather large chicken coop, where she immediately empties an entire bag of chicken feed on the ground. “Here you g-go… ah!” she lets out a gasp upon feeling a sudden poke between her cheeks. Squeezing her legs even tighter with no time to lose, Fluttershy drops the bag without putting it back in her basket, and flies around the backyard in speeds that rivals that of her absent friend. It doesn’t take long for her to find the very last animal she has to feed - a bear. Fluttershy throws the basket in his direction, and it crashes a few feet from him as a few slabs of meat spill out of it. Confused, the bear looks down at his food before looking back at Fluttershy, who starts wiggling her rear from side to side. “Don’t worry about me… nnngh…” Fluttershy groans, wincing in pain from another poke at her anus, “just… just…” Unable to finish her sentence, the pegasus takes off, her hind legs still crossed as she makes a beeline for her cottage. Fluttershy notices that the front door is still open, and immediately untangles her legs to kick it closed. Big mistake. She squeaks loudly as she feels her bladder start to empty, the liquid escaping her mare lips and into her underwear. “No… n-n-not here, p-please…” Fluttershy whimpers, and she feels a warmth start to expand around her crotch, her own face heating up as well. “Nngh… ah…” She forces herself to move, cutting off her short-lived stream, and she locates the steps leading to the upper floor of the cottage. As Fluttershy gallops upstairs, the effort she puts into moving causes her tail to lift again, showing her butt crack from squeezing her cheeks together and the urine stain on her panties, which is larger than before. Fluttershy eventually arrives at the door to her bathroom, letting out a moan of desperation as she puts a hoof on the door handle and forcefully turns it… except it doesn’t turn. Instantly, she places her other hoof and presses down on the handle again to no avail. Fluttershy pales as she realizes the bathroom door is locked. Instinctively, she knocks on the door. “H-hello?” Fluttershy asks as calmly as she can. As her hind legs begin to dance, she waits a few seconds for a reply while she tries to think of whoever is currently occupying the bathroom, and blurts out the first name that comes to her mind. “Blinky? Is that you?” It only makes sense - Blinky must have been on her way to the bathroom when she ran into Fluttershy, which was why the mare had not seen her for the past few minutes. “A-are you done in there?” she continues to ask, “can you hurry up, I-I mean, if that’s alright wi- ngh!” she is interrupted by the pressure around her rear heightening painfully, and Fluttershy feels that the solid mass is just inches away from her sphincter. “Please, I really have to… ah… p-poop…” Frustrated and embarrassed, she starts banging on the door with one hoof, her buttocks still squeezed together. “Ah… Nn… Blinky, please, s-say something!” Fluttershy presses her ear against the door. There is absolutely no sound, and in that moment, the mare throws all thoughts of her possibly being rude out of window, now certain that no one is in the bathroom. She attacks the door handle, shaking it as hard as she can while pounding on the wooden surface. Her hind legs begin to hop in place faster and faster, causing her butt cheeks and tail to bounce in an effort to contain her load. “Come on… o-open… please… I can’t…” Fluttershy begs as if the door can even listen to her. The lack of occupants means Blinky is still outside, possibly somewhere around inside the house, and she, or any one of the animals, can see the pegasus in this state - her trembling, dirty panty-covered rear completely exposed with her legs alternating between dancing and crossing while her front hooves continue to bang on the door, failing to turn the handle. A sudden, agonizing cramp hits Fluttershy and she slams one hoof against her stomach and the other against her behind, feeling a large amount of gas seep through the waste in her rectum. She remains frozen in that position as she frantically pleads with her own body to not lose control. “No- no- ahh hahhh- AaaAAAAaaahhHHhhh-” Pfffrrrffffrrtttttffff A long, booming fart shoots out her anus, making Fluttershy let out a drawn out moan. The flatulence is like a crack in the dam, and Fluttershy feels the muscles controlling her bowels and bladder start to weaken. She cries out in vain, her voice increasing in pitch, and resumes her desperate movements as her hooves continue to pound furiously on the bathroom door. “No… it’s gonna come out…” Fluttershy pleads again, “don’t come out- don’t come- I can’t hold… nonono- no- no…!!” Fluttershy lets out a mournful whimper, banging on the door one last time just before her lower body relaxes, allowing her waste finally begin its exit. She feels her vaginal lips open slightly and her release starts with her urine, flowing through her urethra into the growing yellow stain in her panties. Very quickly, the lower half of her underwear is completely wet, and Fluttershy gasps and shudders at the little streams of urine that begin to flow down her legs, clinging to her fur. “Ohhh… no…” she moans in embarrassment, unable to regain control of her bladder. Blushing at the wet and warm sensation around her crotch, Fluttershy sobs as she feels her sphincter stretch open by itself, and something thick begins to push out her anus. The mass is inhibited only by the fabric of her panties, which starts to form a bulge in response. It continues to squeeze out of her for several seconds, pushing and coiling against her underwear as it attempts to find room, one part of it making contact with her urine and another squishing against her rear. Soon Fluttershy’s anus closes, signaling the end of the first log, only to immediately open again to make way for the second, her mind and body having become separate. The feeling of her emptying bladder and her next piece of excrement moving quickly through her rectum causes Fluttershy’s pee-stained legs to tremble. Groaning in shame and relief, the mare uses what little control she has to lean her hooves and her upper body against the door in order to not fall over. Her second log pushes the first aside, causing it to press further against one of her cheeks. Fluttershy shudders again at the increasingly messy feeling on her backside, uttering a soft, tearful “ew” and recoiling in disgust. The second mass takes its time, thicker and longer than the first, making the pegasus moan as it gradually worms its way out and expands the slightly brown bulge in her panties, pushing and lifting the fabric off the dirtied area around her butt. In addition, Fluttershy’s urine continues spilling out of her, and small puddles begin to form on the floor around her hooves. Gasping, she lifts her legs and repositions them one by one away from the puddles, and this movement makes the tail of her log slide out her anus rather quickly, followed by a soft fffppsshhttt. Upon feeling her sphincter close again, Fluttershy weakly clenches her muscles in an effort to hold back her remaining waste, but to her embarrassment, she feels another log snake through her rectum and her anus opens once more. She lets out another moan and bites down on her lower lip as it pushes out faster and much more easily than her first two turds, squishing against her butt. By the time Fluttershy’s third log fully exits her anus, the laced edges of her panties has been lifted off her cheeks, showing some of her waste underneath. Even though she still feels full, the mare finds she is able to regain her hold over her anus, and the resulting pressure against her rear is still painful but a lot more manageable than before. The same cannot be said about her urine, however, as Fluttershy feels that there is only a tiny bit left in her bladder, and she allows it to flow out of her, making two more small puddles under her hind legs. Fluttershy breaths deeply and slowly, coughing at the horrid smell and taking in the utter humiliation of what just happened. A mushy brown bulge in her panties nearly half as big as one of her butt cheeks is hanging around her anus, discoloring the green stripes of her underwear. The underside of her panties is entirely soaked in urine, and there is a large yellow pool on the floor, formed by the small puddles around her legs. Fluttershy gradually turns her head around, hoping that no one was around to witness her shameful experience, and sees a video camera, standing on a tripod, its eye glowing red indicating that it has recorded the whole thing. However, Fluttershy does not pale in terror or blush in embarrassment. In fact, there are no streaks of tears running down her face. Slowly, her mouth curls up to a seductive smirk. “Oooh… oh my…” she coos, “I really, really, really needed to go… didn’t I, Blinky?” The visitor has no expression - she only stares. Fluttershy begins to move her butt from side to side, the poop-filled bulge jiggling. She bounces a few times on her hind legs, and the bulge follows suit, making her giggle. “Oh Celestia, I’ve made a huge mess…” Fluttershy gasps in mock embarrassment, still staring at the camera with half-lidded eyes, “I must have had to go bad…" With that, she takes one hoof and presses it against the bulge, moaning as she feels her poop squish against her rear. Some of it begins to squeeze out from underneath her panties like wet clay. “Mmmm…” she whispers, shuddering, “what a load…” She slowly shakes her butt again, and this time the bulge doesn’t move due to its change in form. Throughout this display, Blinky remains motionless without a horrified grimace on her face. Any other mares will surely describe this sight as completely disgusting, but Fluttershy isn’t one of them. “But that’s not everything… I haven’t finished pooping yet…” Fluttershy says, acknowledging the waste remaining in her intestines and rectum that is slowly worming towards her anus. A few minutes and the mare will surely lose control again, but she is strangely calm. Fluttershy extends a wing and folds it towards her face just under her mouth. She yanks one of her feathers out with her teeth, wincing slightly, and pushes the feather’s tip into the lock in the door handle. After a few twists, Fluttershy drops the feather and opens the bathroom door, revealing a simple, porcelain toilet and a bathtub with a shower head. She walks over to Blinky and picks her up, slowly bringing her inside. Gently setting the camera down, Fluttershy adjusts the view so Blinky is staring at one side of the toilet. The mare closes and locks the door, then walks to the opposite side of the bowl and bends over backwards, hovering her butt over the water so Blinky is directly facing the bulge in her panties. Fluttershy bunches up her skirt and moves it out in front of her so her butt is more exposed than ever, now showing a set of three butterflies on the side of her rear. She slowly begins to remove her panties, and her round cheeks and private bits are revealed in full, the area around the center stained brown from her waste. She lowers her panties down her thighs, just enough so the camera can get a good look at the excrement Fluttershy let out so far. It seems like one thick pile of poop, but Blinky can tell that it consists of a few logs, each one around several inches and one particular piece being over a foot. After several seconds, the mare pushes the bulge inwards so the load drops into the toilet with a splash, getting some drops of water on her butt, and she giggles again. “I still have some more in me,” Fluttershy says, relaxing a little, “here it comes…” The mare feels her anus open up again, revealing the head of another log. As it crawls its way forward, Blinky notices something other than urine dripping from Fluttershy’s vaginal lips. “Ohh… I feel so hot…” Fluttershy gasps before putting a hoof to her lips, slowly moving the tip along the edges. Short, sharp breaths burst from her mouth as her turd continues to slide through her rectum, now just a few inches over a foot. Her hoof moves through her vaginal lips and begins to rub against the walls of her insides, becoming wet from her juices. The constant jolts of pleasure make Fluttershy’s wings extend, with her legs starting to tremble again, which causes her log to fall out of her anus and into the water below. She feels one final piece in her rectum, which seems bigger and harder than all her previous logs. “Nnn… Oh… my…” Fluttershy moans, blushing as she tries to squeeze the log out. Her hoof pulls out of her vagina, locating a small, but swollen nub underneath her lips and beginning to make tiny circles around it. She cries out in pleasure as she rubs her clitoris, flexing her anal muscles every few seconds. Her anus protrudes and contracts a little with each push, the head of the turd extending bit by bit. Very slowly it inches its way out, and Blinky can see that Fluttershy’s log is noticeably darker and incredibly compact, yet it refuses to break apart. However, the turd slows to a stop with half of it still in Fluttershy’s rectum. The sensation is somewhat painful for the mare, and yet… Fluttershy suddenly comes up with an idea, and she takes her hoof away from her crotch and places it on the head of the log. Taking a deep breath, she slowly pushes it back inside her, feeling it slide backwards in her rectum, and is rewarded with a huge surge in ecstasy. “Ahh- ahhhhh- oh, yes…” With the log needing to be squeezed out again, Fluttershy feels the pressure in her anus increase, but returns to stimulating her vagina. While the mare slowly pushes her turd out once more, she alternates the movements of her hoof between rubbing her clitoris and thrusting into her lips, occasionally pushing her thick piece of excrement back in before it can fall out, before restarting the cycle. As a new pressure begins building up within the mare, Blinky watches Fluttershy allow her log to extend longer and longer, shoving it back in with increasing force, and the resulting sensual feeling never fails to get a pleasured squeak out of the mare. “S… s-so good…” Fluttershy cries out in utter pleasure. Sensing an incoming orgasm, she begins to pleasure herself faster and harder, her hoof grinding on her clitoris so fiercely that for a split second she thinks it will burst. Moaning loudly, the mare grabs her turd with her other hoof and begins thrusting it in and pulling it out of her anus over and over again, pleasure and relief, harder and harder and harder- “Ahhh- yes- ohh- nngh- aaaAAAHHHHH!” Fluttershy’s voice rises to a scream, and she explodes, feeling the muscles of her anus squeezing the turd out so quickly it splashes into the toilet getting water on Blinky’s face, and there’s a few quick squirts of liquid shooting from her vagina, its walls contracting and tightening repeatedly. Her mind becomes blank, overcome with pleasure and relief, a constant sound flowing out of her open mouth like a river, not even knowing what that sound is, unaware that her entire body is shaking violently, undergoing multiple spasms and somehow not falling over. Seconds, minutes, hours, perhaps days, she doesn’t know how long this sensation lasts, but eventually finds herself breathing heavily, still leaning backwards over the toilet. The tingling in her bowels and private bits, along with the cool drops of sweat rolling down her face and butt, makes the mare quiver, and moments pass before Fluttershy can bring herself to move a muscle, let alone speak. “That was… incredible…” she whispers, turning towards the camera with a blush still lingering on her face. She slowly reaches for the roll of toilet paper hanging on the wall in front of her. Ripping off a large amount, she brings her paper-covered hoof to her anus and begins wiping. “Mmmmm…” Fluttershy purrs, the bunched up bathroom tissue poking in her anus and twisting slowly. Feeling that she is far from clean, she drops the dirty toilet paper into the water and reaches for more. It takes several pieces for her anus to become its natural pink color again. The mare considers cleaning the rest of her backside, but instead walks around the toilet and puts her hooves around Blinky’s head. Fluttershy lifts the camera up and turns it towards the toilet bowl. “Oops… I almost forgot to show you my finished product…” A large squished mass lies nearly at the bottom of the toilet, acting like a platform for the pieces of smudged toilet paper and two massive logs, one being incredibly long and the other being incredibly thick. A few traces of vaginal fluid are floating in the water, some of them draped over the excrement. Smiling, Fluttershy pushes down the flush lever, and her load breaks apart as it begins to swirl down the hole at the bottom of the toilet. Blinky stares at the couple of brown streaks on the side of the bowl, while Fluttershy becomes silent, perhaps in thought. “Well, I was going to stop here, but I just realized that today’s… well…” Fluttershy pauses, blushing a bit more, “um… here’s a little bonus…” she says, before positioning the camera so it faces the shower. The mare walks in front of the bathtub, and there, she lowers her dirty panties to the ground, stepping out of them as she wiggles her butt while staring mischievously at the camera, before taking off her dress. Without closing the bathroom curtain, Fluttershy hops into the tub and turns on the shower, and sighs as she becomes soaked in warm water. As the remaining excrement and urine slowly washes away from her rear, Fluttershy feels completely relaxed, and soon finds herself singing a rather upbeat song. Despite that she will later have to clean up the mess in front of the bathroom door and do a whole bunch of other chores, Fluttershy relishes in the fact that her day with Blinky has gone perfectly, and turns her thoughts to a particularly flat rectangular object she knows is stashed somewhere in her closet… Fluttershy slowly presses several buttons one by one on her laptop, making sure she hits the right ones. She smiles as a new window appears on the screen, which seems to be some sort of instant messaging app. Her smile widens even more upon seeing a green dot next to a username consisting of a few silly words. Clicking on the text, Fluttershy takes a moment to think about what she will type. She looks out her bedroom window and sees nearly complete darkness. The pegasus has allowed her animals to come back in the house that afternoon, and went out to buy more food for them. By the time she returned and fed them dinner, the sun had already set. The only source of light in her house now is a lamp sitting next to Fluttershy's bed, illuminating the otherwise dark room. Fluttershy sits on her bed in thought, before finally typing out her message. "Hi Dashie! How’s Wonderbolt Academy?" A few seconds pass before Rainbow Dash - or rather, “daringdash69” - replies. "hey flutters, doin great, you?" "Well," Fluttershy answers, "I made a video today :)" She turns and looks at Blinky, whose eye is not red anymore and is apparently asleep. The camera has a cord sticking out of it that is connected to the laptop. "woah already? thats awesome. is it 4 me?" "Yes!" Fluttershy happily replies, "Thank you so much for blinky, by the way. Couldn’t have done it without her. How’d you get her in the color blue?" "cuz im awesome," Dash responds smugly, to which Fluttershy laughs. "didnt think shed come so early btw." Fluttershy types, "Sending it to you now. I’m bad at videos." She holds her breath as she drags a video icon on her screen and drops it on the window. "Remember, this is just between us as it always has been." she types as Dash accepts the file, causing a small loading bar to pop up. "My, I can’t believe it’s already been a month." "a month since what?" "I mean," Fluttershy explains, "at that party I had that accident and that could have been the worst day of my life. But you came and turned it around. I can’t express how much that meant to me :)))" Fluttershy closes her eyes, enjoying the warm, fuzzy feeling of that particular memory. "fluttershydontgetallsappyrightnowidontwantotherponiesreadingthis." Dash’s sudden reply is quick and without the use of a space bar. It takes several seconds for Fluttershy to decipher the block of text, before she asks, "Is anyone around you right now?" "well actually no. roommate went out with some idiot. who knows how long theyre gonna take. if anything probably all night lmao." "Then you’re in for something great ;)" Fluttershy types, a comically ominous look on her face. On cue, her file finishes sending. Fluttershy knows Rainbow Dash will be watching her video for the next several minutes, so she asks one last question. "You’re coming back, right?" "course im coming back. im rainbow dash element of loyalty remember?" her friend replies casually. "peets sake thats a giant file. watching now." As time passes, Rainbow Dash makes various comments on the video, typing things like compliments on Fluttershy’s dress, and bored remarks towards the animals being fed. Fluttershy assures her friend that her video is not entirely that, and soon enough, after a few minutes… "omg fluttershy panties!" Fluttershy’s heart skips a beat. The two have done much together, usually involving one going to the bathroom in front of the other, but they have never reenacted the catalyst of their relationship before. Dash’s replies suddenly become slower and shorter, as she reacts to the more sensual parts of Fluttershy’s video. "fluttersh is that?" Rainbow Dash types, beginning to misspell her words, "omgomgomgomfg!!" Another minute passes by, and Fluttershy hops on her bed, squealing in excitement. "She loves it," the pegasus whispers to herself happily, "she loves it!" "this isso sex hot hlly crap we gota do this nxt time," Dash says, the sexual appeal of what she sees taking a toll on her typing ability. Seconds later, she types, "gona cum," which makes Fluttershy smile uncontrollably. Any moment now… "sfdgsd" Rainbow Dash’s orgasm is present in the jumbled letters, possibly coinciding with that of Fluttershy’s in the video, and Fluttershy jumps as high as she can, almost hitting the ceiling and knocking over the lamp. Falling back on the bed, Fluttershy pulls herself up and sees another message on her laptop. "<3<3<#" Fluttershy blushes in response, finding Rainbow Dash’s words - or lack thereof - to be adorable. "I love you too, Dashie. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight." Fluttershy types, waiting for another response for a minute before closing the laptop and carrying it back to her closet. The mare slides under the sheets of her bed, turning off the lamp as she does so. Fluttershy lies under the covers, slowly falling asleep to the thought that Rainbow Dash, her friend, her lover, will definitely be up for all night. Or will probably be fast asleep as well, which is what usually happens to her after a typical intimate session.