> Rainbows and Butterflies > by Alicorn308 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbows and Butterflies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash sat on Twilight's bed. Twilight stood at the vanity, brushing out her pink streaked mane. Her hooves stroking the violet mane in perfect rhythm. "I came here to ask you something," said Rainbow. "Yes?" I'm already here. No holding back. "I'm in love," Rainbow rushed out. Twilight spun around. "The great Rainbow Dash in love?" She asked skeptically. "Yeah I find it hard to believe myself. I mean, love is too sappy for my radicalness," Rainbow explains, "So because I'm so inexperienced, I wanted some advice from you, Twi." "Well, just be honest with him. If you want to have a relationship with this pony you should just talk to him. See how he feels. But I would recommend you be his friend first," Twilight lectured. "Actually..." Rainbow hesitated. Do I really want to come out like this? Will Twi hate me? Aw what the hay? "It's a mare." Rainbow sighed. Twilight sat down next to her. Rainbow twirled her hooves nervously. They sat there in silence for what seemed to Rainbow a long time. Finally, Twilight spoke. "Thanks. For opening up to me." "I..." Twilight interrupted Rainbow by hugging her friend tightly with her hooves and wings. She felt warm tears on her purple coat. "I've never seen this side of you Rainbow. So who is the lucky mare?" "Fl-flu-Fluttershy," she barely uttered. "Sorry? What was that?" "Fluttershy." Twilight was shocked, but didn't show it. They are such opposites. Opposites attract, I guess. "She's great," Twilight said, releasing the wet-eyed Rainbow Dash. Rainbow wiped her eyes with her hooves. Twilight asked, "Why are you crying?" "You are the first pony I told about my being..." The words caught in Rainbow's throat. "I just feel relieved and slightly embarrassed now that you saw me cry." Rainbow smiled a small smile. "I understand, Rainbow. I appreciate you coming to me." Twilight embraced her friend again. "Well Pinkie won't take this seriously. So who else? So can you help me?" Twilight chuckled. "Absolutely, let me get a quill and parchment. This way we can get this right and we can be organized. Let's come up with ways you can impress her." The alicorn grinned. ........................................................... The buttercream Pegasus paced around her cottage. To Angel, she spoke softly, "I don't know what to do, Angel bunny. Applejack wants me to run with her in the Running of the Leaves race tomorrow. Why me? Rainbow would be much better. She is so strong and brave and pretty and loves to do athletic things. I just can't." Angel tapped his foot in impatience. Futtershy continued, "But Rainbow is leaving tomorrow morning for Wonderbolts tryouts. Why did I say yes? Because I felt bad for her, since Big Mac is off to visit their parents and Apple Bloom is visiting Babs. She said nopony else said yes and wanted to have a friend by her side. Why me? I dislike everypony staring at me in competitions and just in general. It makes no sense. But I must. As Rarity would say." A knock on the door sent Fluttershy under her couch in a fetal position. Angel opened the door to a very solemn looking Twilight. "Fluttershy?" "Under here," she called from under the couch. "Well come out," the princess giggled. Fluttershy peered up at her guest from under the couch. "You...um...Twilight...I couldn't help noticing...um...you look sad. Are you okay?" Fluttershy said as she crawled out from underneath her couch with a little help from Angel. "Well, you see, Owlicious is sick. I'm really worried." "Oh dear. Let's go see the poor dear." The alicorn and pegasus walked out of the cottage toward the library. ........................................................... Inside the little library, Rainbow paced back and forth within Twilight's bedroom. Spike was asleep in his bed, unaware of Rainbow's loud hoofsteps. Rainbow heard the door of the library open and heard the sweet sound of her voice. Rainbow's heart began to flutter. "OH DEAR!!!" Fluttershy whisper-shouted as she spotted a very sick Owlicious on his perch. He coughed convincingly as Fluttershy rushed over. Rainbow heard her cue and flew down the stairs, despite her nervousness. "Owlicious, you alright? I heard you coughing from a mile away, so I stopped by Nurse Redheart's and charged into the upper library window." Rainbow gave the owl a candy that could pass as a pill, hoping to impress Fluttershy with the kindness. Owlicious took it and acted like he was cured and flew up to the loft. "Wow, Rainbow. That was so sweet," Fluttershy acknowledged. Rainbow smiled and lost herself in Fluttershy's teal, sparkling eyes. Her coat, those eyes, that warm, kind smile. Her pink mane covering her eye is just so adorable. WOW. I really got sappy there. But who cares? I'm in the presence of the most beautiful mare in the world. "Hello?" Twilight asked. Both pegasi were gone. Lost in each other. ........................................................... Fluttershy wanted to kiss Rainbow right then. But what if Rainbow didn't like her back? Rainbow likes stallions. That Soarin. Eew. Fluttershy was always into mares; always into Rainbow. Since that race in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy admired Rainbow's bravery, devotion, and loyalty to her and the others. And not to mention that beautiful rainbow mane and that awesome flank! Oh. I do hope Rainbow doesn't notice I'm staring at her. I know that sick owl thing was all fake. Did she do that to impress me? "Fluttershy?" Rainbow tried to get Fluttershy out of her trance. What was she staring at? "Oh, do please forgive me, Rainbow. I was lost in thought for a moment," Fluttershy said quickly. Twilight, who was observing the whole charade at a distance, facehoofed. They both like eachother! I can see Fluttershy likes Rainbow, too. I can just see it in her eyes. Should I say something? No! I don't want to ruin it. Perhaps it's already ruined. Oh. No. Not gonna do it. I'm gonna read a book. That should help me. She walked out of the room quickly. "Is she okay?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy. "Um...I...I...think so. Maybe she's going to wake Spike." Stupid. Just tell her!! No. I. Just. Can't. Come on Fluttershy! Rainbow sighed. I'm going to tell her. Now! No. Yes. No. Be brave, Dashie, you are the best flier, you are the best pony in Equestria! ........................................................... It all slipped out in a rush, "I can't take it anymore! Fluttershy, I'm in love with you! I have been for over a year. That sick owl thing was just to impress you. It was lame. I set that up. I love everything about you," Rainbow was tearing up now, "I can't live without you. I know you said you had a crush on Big Mac, and---" The cyan pegasus was cut off as a yellow hoof covered her muzzle and another wiped the tears. "I lied about liking him. I couldn't say 'nopony' because AJ was there and she'd pick up my lie. So I said her brother's name to get her be quiet so she'd stop pestering me. Then I flew away before she could respond," Fluttershy barely got out with her heart beating so fast. "The truth is, I've loved you since you stood up for me at Cloudsdale and created the Sonic Rainboom that gave us all our cutie marks. But what happened to Soarin?" "I never liked him that way. He's just on every one of my Wonderbolts posters. Is it true, that you liked me since we met?" "With Celestia as my witness." Fluttershy smiled and cowered a bit. From upstairs, came the voices of Spike and Twilight, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" The two mares blushed and leaned into each other. They kissed ever so lightly and both pegasi floated into the air. Rainbow stroked Fluttershy's mane and pulled her deeper into the kiss. They embraced and they both cried tears of happiness. Twilight and Spike were sobbing uncontrollably. > Rainbows and Butterflies Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How long are you gonna be gone?" Two pegasi lie on a red checkered blanket overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. The sky was plastered with different shades of purple, pink, and red. The only sound in the silence of dusk was that of an owl hooting in the distance. "I don't know. It depends on how many cuts I make. If I make it into the Wonderbolts I won't be here for awhile. I hate that idea, but it's my dream. Maybe you can come with me?" Fluttershy nestled her head underneath the rainbow pegasus's chin. She stroked the blue mare's hoof. Rainbow took Fluttershy under her wing. The budding couple stayed that way for a long while in silence before Fluttershy spoke. "Sweetie, you know I can't do that. Isn't that rushing things a bit? And what about my animals?" "I know," the rainbow pegasus sighed, "Wow, you look so beautiful tonight. Whoa. To much sappiness. I... Wow." Fluttershy giggled softly and looked up at Rainbows beautiful magenta eyes. She gave Rainbow a soft kiss on the cheek. Rainbow reacted by placing a hoof and a wing around the buttercream pegasus's neck and kissing her lips gently. She felt a warm tear from her companion's ocean teal eyes. "Don't cry, Fluttershy," Rainbow said as her own tears mixed with hers. Tears of sadness this time. Fluttershy stroked Rainbow's soft, messy mane, keeping them in a tight embrace. Their lips tasting salty tears. "Too late," Fluttershy squeaked as her marefriend broke the kiss. "Hey," Rainbow took Fluttershy's face in her hooves and cleared away the tears, but to no avail as they kept on flowing down her cheeks like a waterfall, "You know what? I won't go. I finally got you and I am not letting go." "Thats...um...sweet. But I cannot let you do that," Fluttershy swallowed the lump in her throat, "The Wonderbolts are your dream. I can't let you give that up." Fluttershy took Rainbow's hooves from her cheeks and squeezed them. "Okay. Now, you have a race tomorrow morning. Do you want to race me to that tree over there?" "Which one? We are in an apple orchard. They all look the same." Fluttershy giggled softly. "Er. That one. With the giant rock by it. One. Two. Three!" The pegasi ran off down the hill and through the orange and red trees. Laughter filled the solemn silence of the oncoming night. ............................ Twilight Sparkle sat on the floor of the library, her nose deep in a romance novel. Rarity sat beside her, reading the same novel. "I cannot believe this has happened!" Rarity exclaimed in frustration. "I know, Twinkle Coat left Blue Bells. She is going to be sitting in her room for months," Twilight reflected. "Not the book," Rarity said impatiently, "Rainbow and Fluttershy." "Oh, yeah. I'm so happy for them!" "And I cant believe tomorrow morning Rainbow has to leave for tryouts. Talk about timing..." Rarity stood up and walked to the front door. "Where are you going, darling?" Twilight mocked Rarity's accent. "Home. I need to find an outfit to wear for the race tomorrow. One that won't attract that icky dirt." With that she walked out of the library, carrying the book with the blue aura of her magic. "See ya later, Rarity!" Twilight climbed the stairs to her loft. Spike was already sound asleep in his bed. Twilight brushed her violet mane and climbed into bed. She shut her eyes as she was so rudely interrupted by a loud knock at the door. "What?!" Twilight exclaimed as she was expecting Rarity to return for something she perhaps forgot. But, instead it was the bouncing Pinkie Pie. "Hey, Twilight. It's time! It's time! Wake up! Wake up!" Twilight groaned, "Why?" "It's time for The Late Night Rainbow Dash Good Luck Send Off and Good Luck Applejack and Fluttershy in the Race Tomorrow Partay, duh!" "Oh. Okay. Why didn't you tell me about it? I would have made my schedule for tonight, which apparently no longer has 'sleep' on it..." Twilight said. "I did tell you, silly!" "When?" "Now! Hehe!" Pinkie grinned up at Twilight, who was standing on top of the stairs. Twilight facehoofed and sighed. Typical Pinkie. ............................ Sugarcube Corner raged with the majority of Ponyville's residents. Applejack stood near the refreshment table, sipping a mug of sweet apple cider. Rainbow Dash stood beside her, gulping her own mug of cider. "Ah can't believe how fast word travels 'round 'ere," Applejack said. "Yeah, this party's real awesome," Rainbow responded. "Well, 'bout this here party, too." Applejack gave Rainbow a knowing look. "What?" "Oh, nothin', sugarcube. Just, er, you and Fluttershy," Applejack said with a smile. "Oh, yeah..." Rainbow blushed. The word of them getting together went around Ponyville in ten seconds flat after it happened. Pinkie saw them through the window and word got around. Ponyville is real accepting of same gender couples since Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon announced their relationship. "Where is she anyways?" Rainbow asked Applejack. "I haven't seen her since sunset because she said she was going back to her cottage to get ready for the party. Not that she needed to. She looked beautiful already." Applejack chuckled at Rainbow's remark, for she had never heard Rainbow say anything 'sappy', as Rainbow would put it. Applejack answered Rainbow's question, "Ah ain't sure. She'll be comin', though, Ah'm sure." A purple alicorn approached them. "Hey, Rainbow. Hey, Applejack. Nice party, huh?" "Yeah," Rainbow said, worriedly. "You alright, RD?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, no I just hope Fluttershy is okay." ............................ Fluttershy paced around her living room. "Oh, Angel. I can't go to the party. I will only cry hysterically. I'll make a fool of myself. I finally get my Rainbow, and...oh, such bad timing." Angel pushed the bashful pegasus toward the door. "Okay. I'll go. For Rainbow, I will go!" Fluttershy trotted out of the door, confidently. She suddenly turned around to enter her cottage again, only to find that Angel has locked the door behind her. "Okay, I'm going." Fluttershy sang a lively tune to cheer her up again. The goodbye she had to say tomorrow was unbearable. Despite the tune, her heart sank. Soon, she found herself at the door of Sugarcube Corner. She knocked politely, but no answer. Maybe nopony's home. I'll come back tomorrow. Just as she was about to leave, the door swung open. She found herself nose to nose with Pinkie Pie. "Oh, goody, you made it! I made punch," she said as she bounced back into the building and disappeared in the crowd of dancing ponies. Fluttershy barely entered the Corner when her marefriend embraced her tightly. "I'm so glad you came." "Me, too." Fluttershy dug her nose in Rainbow's mane and inhaled the scent of clouds and rain. "Aww," said every voice in the room. The embracing mares separated and blushed. Fluttershy cowered under Rainbow's tail when she noticed everypony was staring at her. The onlookers turned back to their party as Twilight approached the two. "Hey, Fluttershy. You ready for Running of the Leaves tomorrow? "Um...no...not really..." "I'm sure you'll do great," Twilight attempted to boost Fluttershy's confidence. "Yeah, totally," Rainbow grinned at the still cowering mare. Fluttershy stood up and brushed alongside Rainbow. Rainbow had a hard time focusing as she felt the intimate gesture. "Good luck with the tryouts, Rainbow," Twilight hugged her friend and returned to the dance floor. A slow song began to play. "May I have this dance?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded. The pegasi positioned themselves and Rainbow took Fluttershy's wing in hers and nuzzled the yellow mare's cheek. Fluttershy returned the gesture and the pair burried their noses into each other's mane. Fluttershy whispered in Rainbow's ear, "I'm going to miss you so much." "No, none of that now," said Rainbow, "Let's just be here." Rainbow felt the threat of tears in her eyes. ............................ The party ended with tears in everypony's eyes. Rarity's mascara was running wildly and she was trying frantically to make it neat with a hankercheif she was holding with her blue magic aura, as more tears escaped her eyes. "Ah didn't see ya in there, Rarity," Applejack's voice said from behind her. "Oh, I couldn't face anypony. I was crying in the bathroom. I was too sad for Rainbow and Fluttershy. Oh, my mascara! DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Applejack chuckled as Rarity ran toward the boutique, leaving a trail of tears behind her. Applejack is not one to cry, but tonight was different. One of her best friends was leaving in the morning, for Celestia knows how long? She pulled her hat over her eyes and let a few tears fall into it. Pinkie was in the worst state. She was sobbing so hard that she had a hard time breathing between sobs and waving goodbye to her party guests. Twilight was last to leave the Corner. She was crying quietly. "Goodnight, Pinkie," she said as she walked out of the door. "Good night, Twilight," Pinkie barely got out between sobs. ............................ The two mares were still dancing inside, even though there was no music playing anymore. Pinkie walked solemnly into the mess left over from the party. She noticed her friends were still dancing in eachother's wings. She lowered the volume of her crying and tiptoed past them to go upstairs. When she thought they were out of earshot, she began sobbing loudly again. Rainbow and Fluttershy broke their dance and walked silently out into the streets of Ponyville. Luna's moon was shining in the shape of a thin smile. "The stars are lovely this evening," said Fluttershy. Her voice cracked a little. "Yeah," Rainbow said, "but they're nothing compared to you." Fluttershy grinned. The mares continued to walk late in the night and soon found themselves on the small bridge in front of Fluttershy's cottage. The couple leaned on the railing and overlooked the gardens. Rainbow took Fluttershy's hoof in hers and used the other hoof to stroke Fluttershy's long, pink mane. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. Fluttershy spoke before she could. "Rainbow," she sighed, "I've waited forever to get you, I will wait for you even longer, now that I know I have you." "Who knew I would ever feel like this in my life?" Rainbow said as Fluttershy's teal eyes trapped her in a universe where only the two of them existed. Rainbow kissed Fluttershy deeply and passionately. Fluttershy felt Rainbow's warm lips intertwining with hers. Rainbow moved her wings to Fluttershy's cutie mark. Fluttershy pulled the cyan pegasus even closer to her. Rainbow's lips wandered Fluttershy's face, as Fluttershy gasped nervously, but continued to let Rainbow kiss her neck. She returned the gesture and it was Rainbow's turn to gasp softly. Neither of them wanted to let go. It was inevitable as Fluttershy was the one to break the embrace. "Get in for me, Dashie. Be a Wonderbolt for me." "And you, you win that race. Aw, man! I'm crying aren't I?" Rainbow's tears began to stain her face. Fluttershy reached up with her hoof to whisk away Rainbow's tears. Tears flooded both of their faces as Fluttershy hugged her marefriend and smiled, "I'll be here when you come back." "I'll see you soon, Fluttershy." Rainbow kissed Fluttershy gently on the lips once more and soared into the sky toward her cloud home. She spelled 'Forever' in the sky and circled it with a rainbow. > Rainbows and Butterflies Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I really miss her, Angel," Fluttershy frowned, all out of tears. She has been crying for nearly a week. A knock at the front door made Fluttershy faint. Angel opened the door to the gray mail mare. The mare handed Angel a letter addressed to Fluttershy and flew away, only to crash to the nearest tree. Angel shook his head, as it was very common for Ditzy to crash into that tree. It had a dent in it that keeps getting deeper. When Fluttershy came to, Angel handed her the envelope. On the back of it read in somewhat sloppy hoof-writing: Fluttershy Ponyville, Equestria Fluttershy opened the letter eagerly and read: Dear Fluttershy, So I made the first cut! I hate to admit it, but I do have some competition. Lightning Dust is trying out. Of course you remember the brat that almost killed you and the other guys. During the first event, which was a race, I was going faster than anypony out there! Came in first! Lightning Dust did not like that. No she did not! Good. Teach her to mess with me, hmph! Spitfire is one tough cookie. She yelled at me a few times for not standing straight enough. I think she just hates the fact I stood up to her back when I was at the academy. Hehe. She deserved it. Let me tell you something: The food here stinks worse than those "baked bads" Applejack made that one applebucking season when she propelled me onto Twilight's balcony. They say it's good flying food. It seems to work a little because I haven't had to have any of my afternoon naps since I got here. Though, I think that is mainly due to the fact that I miss you. Sweet Celestia, I wish I was in Ponyville so I could tell you in person. It's hard being away from home. Away from you. I miss you so much, Fluttershy. Love, Rainbow Dash Fluttershy reread the letter again, running her hooves over those beautiful words, her words, written in that cute sloppy handwriting. Tears stung the yellow mare's teal eyes. She put the letter on the wall next to the portrait of her marefriend. "Angel, I'm going to Twilight's library to see if I can find a book on how to make cookies so I can send them to Rainbow." Fluttershy strolled out into the garden, which was mostly free of flowers, due to the oncoming winter season. As she approached the tree home, she saw Twilight hovering near the top of the tree. "Um, excuse me? Twilight?" "Oh, hey Fluttershy! How are you doing?" Twilight asked, even though she already knew the answer. She watched as Fluttershy's ears drooped a little. "Um, I'm fine. I think..." Fluttershy said softly, "If I...um...may ask, Twilight. What are you doing?" "Just trying to figure out this spell to build a balcony higher up on the library. I want to turn it into a reading area for anypony who just wants to read outside!" "Oh," Fluttershy said meekly. "So, Fluttershy, is there anything you need?" Twilight smiled awkwardly. She knew Fluttershy was too timid to ask her favors straight up. Twilight landed on the doormat in front of the library door and opened the door with the pink aura of her magic. The mares stepped inside. "I...um...just wanted to see if you maybe...if you're not too busy," Fluttershy said politely, "if you had any books on cookie recipes?" "Oh, yes. I have tons of those! What or who are you making cookies for?" Twilight raised a brow. "Rainbow Dash." "Oh, that's nice of you," Twilight said as she sifted through the spines in her cookbook section. Twilight pulled out a few books. "Muffins, no. Cake, no. Ah, ha. Cookies!" Twilight presented the book to Fluttershy. The pink-maned pegasus took the book in her hooves and flipped through the pages. She lie down on the mat in the center of the main part of the library. Twilight left her shy friend to return to her task outside. Fluttershy continued to search for the perfect recipe for her Rainbow. She settled upon a recipe for chocolate chip and oat cookies. She hadn't made those since she was a little pony. "Um, Twilight," Fluttershy whisper-shouted, "I think I found the recipe I needed." Twilight, who had gotten used to the quietness of her friend's voice, entered the library. "Oh, goodie," she said with a smile. "Before you go I was wondering if you would sing in the Fall Harvest Festival next week?" "What? Me? Sing in front of everypony in Ponyville? Oh, no. I don't think I could do that," the timid mare whimpered. "Oh, come on Fluttershy. Please? For dear old Twilight?" Twilight gave Fluttershy a puppy dog face. "I don't know..." Fluttershy looked at Twilight and her kindness got the best of her, "Okay. I'll try." "Yay," Twilight mimicked Fluttershy's cheer, "Just don't look at anypony in the crowd, but at focal points above their heads and pretend that you are just singing to your animals." "Okay," Fluttershy replied, "But what do I sing?" "I don't know. Make up a song. You are really good at that," Twilight said. With that, the pegasus left the library to return to the cottage. She had cookies to make! ............................... Rainbow Dash zipped through the hoops in the obstacle course in ten seconds flat. She landed on the clouds and waited for Soren to come and tell her her score. Lightning Dust landed beside her a few seconds later. "What? How'd you pass me?! One of these days, Dash, you'll get what's coming to you." "In your dreams!" Rainbow retaliated. Soarin approached the bickering pegasi. To Rainbow, he said, "That was awesome, Dash. Ten. Lighning Dust, eh. Eight." Lighning Dust scowled. She walked away in anger toward the mess hall. "Well, Dash. Spitfire told me that you have mail in her office," Soarin said, "Let me take you there. Well, because I...er have a key." "Sure, thanks," Rainbow beamed. When they got to the door of the office, Soarin stumbled as he tried to fit his key into the lock, but the door swung open and a gray lazy-eyed pegasus exited the building, only to trip helplessly in front of him. Rainbow helped her up and she flew awkwardly in the direction of Ponyville. They flew into the Wonderbolts' office. The secretary was typing rapidly on her typewriter. She peered over her spectacles at Rainbow and Soarim. Soarin and Rainbow entered Spitfire's secluded office. "Well here you are," Soarin said as he opened the door to Spitfire's personal office. "Thanks," Rainbow said as Soarin grinned awkwardly and shut the door behind him and left the main building. Spitfire stood up from behind her desk, "So Ditzy thought it was important that I personally give you your mail. I don't know why, though." She handed Rainbow a pink box with an envelope stuck to the top of it. She also gave her a purple envelope with Twilight's princess emblem on it: her cutie mark with wings. "Thanks, ma'am," Rainbow saluted Spitfire. She turned to leave, but Spitfire held out a hoof to stop her. "Well, aren't you going to open your mail?" Rainbow was taken aback, "Here?" "Yes. It might be important for me to know what it is for Ditzy Do to deliver it here." Rainbow opened the purple envelope first. Her jaw dropped open. Spitfire took the letter and read it for herself. "I think you should follow the princess's orders, Dash," Spitfire said. "What about tryouts?" "No worries, you can just pick up where you left off. We will do private evaluations for you until you catch up," Spitfire explained, "You should open the other letter at your quarters." Rainbow left office building and flew the one mile distance to the trainees' quarters. She plopped down on her bed and ripped open the envelope on the box. Dearest Rainbow, I miss you, too. I made some cookies for you. I hope you enjoy. Twilight has asked me to sing in the Fall Harvest Festival next week. I said yes. I really hope to overcome my stage fright. I need to improve my courage, like you inspire me to. That's the only development since you left. Life here in Ponyville feels so empty without you. Other than Pinkie, you bring adventure to all of our lives. You make me happy, Rainbow. I truly miss you with all my heart. Love, Fluttershy Rainbow ran her hooves over the sweet words, her words, written in that beautiful hoof-writing. She sniffed the paper. It smelled of her timid, kind Fluttershy. A smell that made her feel at home. Rainbow opened the pink box and withdrew a cookie. She nibbled a bite. I tasted so delectable. ............................ One week later... Fluttershy combed her silky mane as Rarity placed flowers in a bunch of places within it. "Oh, darling, you are going to look just smashing!" Rarity said as she delicately put more flowers in Fluttershy's mane. "Oh, Rarity," Fluttershy whimpered, "I'm so scared." "Oh, you'll be fine, darling," Rarity stepped back to admire her work, "Just pretend nopony is there and you are singing for your animals." "I'll try." Fluttershy jumped a little as the door of her cottage swung open. Pinkie Pie bounced in. "Hey, Fluttershy. Are you excited? I mean I'm excited. I don't think I've ever been this excited. Except for that time when I went-" Pinkie gasped, "But I mean, really." "Did you follow any of that?" Rarity asked Fluttershy. Fluttershy shook her head and shrugged. "Sooooo," Pinkie said, "Best of luck, Fluttershy! La La La La." With that she left. "Oh, Pinkie," Rarity giggled. She turned back to her masterpiece. Once Rarity was done pampering her friend, she positioned Fluttershy at the mirror. Fluttershy gasped. She was totally transformed. Her mane was pulled back and her gala dress had been shortened. It was a new side of herself. She looked more confident. "See?" Rarity said. "Just fabulous. Shall we go?" "No," Fluttershy cowered, "Yes. Maybe. I don't know!" "Come on," Rarity half dragged Fluttershy out the door. When they were out of the cottage, Fluttershy gathered herself and started walking beside her unicorn friend, slowly and cautiously. When they arrived in town, they saw Twilight preparing last minute decorations. The stage was just in front of town hall. On either side of the stage, Rumble and Thunderlane were positioning a banner with Fluttershy's cutie mark plastered across it. Applejack approached them, "Good luck, Fluttershy. Y'all will be fantastic!" "Um...thanks, Applejack." "Sure," Applejack said as Twilight approached the three of them. "Ready, Fluttershy? It starts in a few minutes. I can't wait to hear what you came up with for a song," the alicorn smiled. "Oh, my." Fluttershy started biting her hoof. She inhaled deeply. I can do this. It's a step. I need to do this for myself. Fluttershy walked behind the stage and sat down on a chair. The show was starting in a half hour and some of the Ponyville inhabitants were already seating themselves in front of the stage. A few minutes later, Twilight walked in. "Hey, Fluttershy. The mayor has asked me to introduce you on stage! What an honor!" Fluttershy gulped. She began to shake. Twilight noticed this and hugged her friend. "I Pinkie Promise you will be totally great," Twilight released Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled a little. "I can do this. I can do this. I can. I can. And I must!" She told herself. Before she knew it, it was time. Twilight was out on stage, as the lights shone on her purple coat. "Tonight, I would like to present, singing an original song, the sweet and kind Fluttershy!" The crowd roared. Fluttershy wouldn't go out. Rarity had to shove her out from behind the curtain. When the lights shone on her dress, it sparkled. Suddenly, Fluttershy wasn't scared. She began to sing in the most beautiful, soft voice: I find myself just standing Totally lost and scared Until that day you found me The laugher that we shared Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me Our hearts sing together In perfect harmonies Your eyes sparkle with mine Together we face the world Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me Outgoing, you are Adventurous, you are Loyal and beautiful You make me a better pony Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me You know me better than I do We make the perfect two Soaring in the sky Hearts sing in reply Rainbows and butterflies Rainbows and butterflies Forever... The crowd cheered and threw roses at Fluttershy. She curtsied and heard a familiar voice from the side of the stage. "That was amazing, Fluttershy. Your voice melts my heart. And I must say, you look absolutely beautiful tonight." Fluttershy spun around to see her Rainbow walking onto the stage. Fluttershy was too stunned to move or do anything. "Is it really you?" Fluttershy began to tear up. "In the flesh," Rainbow Dash said, holding out her forelegs to welcome Fluttershy in a hug. Fluttershy immediately embraced her marefriend. The crowd "D'aaawed". The mares paid no mind. Rainbow Dash stroked Fluttershy's soft mane and whispered, "I waited so long to feel you against me. Dear Celestia, I missed you so darn much." Fluttershy reluctantly let Rainbow go. She gazed in Rainbow's magenta, sparkling eyes. She took Rainbow's hooves in hers. "I..." Fluttershy was at loss for words. "Shh," Rainbow kissed Fluttershy. Long and deeply. She stroked behind Fluttershy's ear with her left hoof. Her lips kissed the corner of Fluttershy's mouth. With her wings she embraced the yellow pegasus tightly as Fluttershy returned the kiss and stroked the blue mare's rainbow mane. They nuzzled close to each other, just feeling the other's presence. The crowd looked on for a bit, keeping quiet so the couple could just be with one another. They quickly dispersed to give the mares privacy. Rainbow reluctantly ended the kiss. She said, "So, I'm going to be here for a week." "Really?" Fluttershy's teal eyes widened. "Yep," said Rainbow, "They're going to give me private tryouts when I go back. Special orders from the princess. That princess to be exact." Rainbow pointed a hoof at Twilight, who was facing away from the mares, preoccupied with sweeping confetti. "Remind me to thank her," Fluttershy smiled at the blue pegasus. She nuzzled her gently. "Wanna go for a walk in the park?" "Sure," Fluttershy nodded. She took Rainbow's wing in hers. The mares strolled into the park on the outskirts of Ponyville. The park was illuminated with Luna's stars and full moon. An owl hooted softly in the distance. The hills overlooked Sweet Apple Acres and the horizon. "I cannot believe how beautiful your singing is," Rainbow told her marefriend. "I cannot believe I actually got up on stage," Fluttershy said. Rainbow chuckled, "Well, I am so glad you did. That song sure was something! It was amazing." "I...um...wrote that about us," Fluttershy blushed. "I figured, since you used 'rainbows and butterflies', which are our cutie marks," Rainbow said with a smile. "I...um...wrote that, thinking I wouldn't see you for a while, so that I could sing it to you when you got back. I was going to..." Fluttershy gulped and stood in front of Rainbow, "tell you that I love you." Rainbow's jaw dropped, "Really?" "Yeah," Fluttershy rubbed the back of her head nervously. She removed her hoof from her head to place it under Rainbow's chin. She pulled Rainbow's face to hers and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Their lips intertwined and they remained close as the stars twinkled and shined overhead. When they paused briefly to take a breath, Rainbow said, "I love you more." Their lips then continued to dance in sync with the stars. > Rainbows and Butterflies Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Yeah, I mean Lightning Dust was red in the face,” Rainbow cuddled closer to Fluttershy. They sat underneath the twinkling stars. “Mhm,” Fluttershy barely paid attention to what her marefriend was saying as she snuggled closer to her. She placed her head under the cyan pegasus’s chin. It fit so perfectly. It’s like they were made especially for each other. Rainbow stroked Fluttershy’s hoof, which rested on hers. “It’s…er…getting late, don’t you think?” The blue mare said reluctantly. Fluttershy didn’t respond, for she was asleep, resting lightly and peacefully against Rainbow. Rainbow grinned and kissed the top of Fluttershy’s head. She shifted a little and gently positioned Fluttershy so that she lie comfortably on the blanket and positioned herself to lie behind her. Rainbow placed a foreleg around the yellow mare’s waist and kissed the back of her neck gently. “Mhm,” Fluttershy sighed in her sleep. “I love you, Fluttershy. Sweet dreams,” Rainbow said softly. ​​​​​ ​……………… The mares found themselves in each other’s arms as Celestia began raising the sun. The sky was plastered with pastel purple, red, and orange. The birds chirped their morning songs to all of Equestria. Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy, who was just beginning to wake up. The yellow mare grinned as she saw her Rainbow. “Good morning, beautiful,” Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow. “Good morning,” Rainbow kissed Fluttershy’s muzzle and placed a wing on her companion’s hip. “That feels nice,” Fluttershy said softly. “Were we here all night?” “Yeah,” Rainbow chuckled, “You fell asleep, so I just placed you on the blanket and fell asleep next to you. Best sleep in years!” “Yes, it was.” “I hate to say it, but we should go get breakfast,” Rainbow sighed. “Okay.” The pegasi rose to their feet and rolled up the blanket. Fluttershy draped a wing over the cyan pony and the pair walked the short distance to Ponyville in silence. Whilst walking in the streets, the silence was disrupted as a gray pegasus crashed five feet in front of Rainbow and Fluttershy. “News from Cloudsdale!” she shouted as she got to her feet, so all of Ponyville could hear her. A crowd gathered around her. She cleared her throat and read from a scroll, “Spitfire has been severely injured last night as an Everfree storm raged through the Wonderbolts Academy. She tried to stop it, but it overpowered her. And I just don’t know what went wrong!” “Oh, my,” Fluttershy glanced at her marefriend. Rainbow just stood there, mouth agape. Ditzy continued, “So, Cloudsdale calls the Ponyville weather team to help tame the storm.” With that, the mail mare flew away. “Okay,” Rainbow said, “Weather team, let’s go.” “Wait, let me go, too,” Fluttershy said to Rainbow. “No, it’s too dangerous. I will see you later for that breakfast,” Rainbow kissed Fluttershy deeply before departing. She flew toward the sky and headed toward Cloudsdale. “Be careful, Rainbow. I love you,” Fluttershy said but Rainbow was too far to hear. On the ground, Twilight approached Fluttershy. “Oh, I hope they will be okay. Those Everfree storms are stubborn!” Twilight said to a solemn Fluttershy. “I hope so.” “They will be. Rainbow is the most brave and loyal pony I know,” Twilight placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I’m worried. I have this deep dark feeling inside of me about this,” Fluttershy sat down on the grass. Her pink mane covered her face. Twilight sat down next to her. Rarity slowly approached them. “What did I miss, darlings? I was too busy working on my new line, when I heard these Celestia awful gasps outside.” “Everfree storm. Spitfire hurt. Weather team has to go tame it. Rainbow went. I’m worried,” Fluttershy said between sobs. “Oh, dear,” Rarity went silent for a bit, then spoke again, “Twilight, don’t you know any spells that will help tame the storm? So nopony gets hurt?” “I’m sorry, no magic, not even alicorn magic, will work on the Everfree Forest. It has a mind of its own. You see, alicorn magic can only be used on the lands within Equestria and lands filled with love and light. The Everfree Forest is cursed land. When the sisters once dwelled in the forest at the old castle, the forest was light. But when Nightmare Moon tried to overtake Equestria, it turned dark. Celestia tried to bring love back, but the evil there is too powerful,” Twilight lectured. “Oh,” Rarity frowned. “Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered, “Do you want to come back to the library with me for tea?” “That would be nice.” “Rarity,” Twilight looked toward the unicorn. “Sure.” ……………… Rainbow lead her team toward the Academy. There, they were met with other weather teams from all over Equestria. The teams approached an out of control twister. It consisted of spikes as it twirled around the Academy. Right before the pegasi, the storm multiplied into larger storms, threatening to swallow the Academy whole. Fleetfoot was the first to speak, “All right, teams, let’s demolish these demons!” Rainbow turned to her team, “Okay, lets do cloud spins opposite of what this storm is doing,” she pointed to the storm that was approaching. The team positioned themselves so that they were higher than the approaching twister and started flying counter-clockwise at their top wing-speed. When the storm was directly beneath them, they flew down so the storm was in the center of their circle. Rainbow’s wings burned, but she flew on. The storm was dying down a bit as it began to shrink. Cloudchaser began to tumble out of the formation and the storm regrew what it lost. “Cloudchaser!” Rainbow shouted. “I’m okay! Just keep flying! The storm is dying down!” Cloudchaser shouted as she recovered. She took off her goggles and flew in place and looked on, shouting words of encouragement to every team. Ditzy soon fell out of the formation, but kept tumbling toward the Academy below. Cloudchaser went after her. The other teams were working on their twisters. The Wonderbolts worked on a storm all on their own. They were attacking the storm from above that allowed it to be cut into slices. Fleetfoot, then flew top speed into it and demolished it. Still working on their storm, Rainbow and the others continued to fly in their circle. Rainbow felt herself get real dizzy. After about fifteen minutes of flying counter-clockwise, the storm was finally demolished. The Ponyville weather team rejoiced. The other teams had gotten rid of their storms as well. They all drifted down to the ground below and congratulated each other. “Hey,” Thunderlane piped up, “Where’s Dash?” Everypony looked for the famous rainbow-maned pegasus. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” Ditzy pointed a hoof toward a mangled blue body, “But she’s right there. Is she dead?” She started to tear up. Soarin pushed his way through the crowd. He nuzzled the rainbow pegasus. “Please, please, please don’t be dead,” he sobbed. Nurse Redheart found her way to the cyan pegasus. The earth pony shouted, “Give me some space!” Some paramedic ponies carried a stretcher toward the body. Redheart placed Rainbow on her back and placed her ear near the cyan pegasus’s mouth to check her breathing. “She’s alive, but just,” Redheart shook her head. She motioned for the paramedics to gently place the broken pegasus on the stetcher. Soarin placed his hoof on Rainbow’s foreleg as the paramedics wheeled her toward an ambulance carriage. “Coltfriend of Rainbow?” Redheart asked the blue stallion. “Not yet, but I have a massive crush on her,” Soren explained. “Well, I don’t really allow this,” Redheart said, “but it seems she needs somepony to keep her company. Would you like to come to the hospital in Ponyville with her?” Soarin nodded solemnly. ​​ ……………… Fluttershy was pacing in her cottage when she heard a loud siren pass. Her heart sank. Her instinct told her to dash to the Ponyville hospital. She busted open her door, and flew down the streets of Ponyville. Twilight must of felt something, too. As well as Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, for all of them were running in the same direction. They all stopped in front of the hospital at the same time. At the emergency door, five nurses, Redheart included, began to work on the pony on the stretcher. A blue stallion pegasus followed the stretcher into the building. His eyes were puffy from crying. “The patient’s heart stopped!” Redheart shouted to Doctor Stable. Doctor Stable rushed to the patient’s chest and started chest compressions. Fluttershy immediately rushed toward the stretcher. She began to sob uncontrollably. The others followed suit. "Rainbow..." the yellow mare sobbed. She watched intently as Doctor Stable pressed down hard on Rainbow's chest. "She has broken wings and two broken legs. A brain scan shall tell us about any internal-" Redheart's analysis to her colleagues was cut short by a deep voice. "I got a heartbeat!" Doctor Stable shouted. He motioned the paramedic ponies to wheel her into the building. Fluttershy and Soarin rushed after her, but were stopped by Redheart. "This is far as you can go. We will take great care of her." "Is she going to live?" Soarin asked. Fluttershy yelped, for she just noticed the blue stallion standing beside her. "Yes. I think the chances of survival are high." A huge weight was lifted off of Fluttershy's shoulders, as well as Soarin's. The white mare left them to tend to Rainbow. When she was out of earshot, Fluttershy spoke to Soarin. "Um... 'scuse me? Who are you?" "Soarin of the Wonderbolts," Soarin shook Fluttershy's hoof, "I watched her fall and I was worried. Who are you?" "Fluttershy," she barely uttered. At that point, the others had joined Fluttershy. Applejack placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "And we're her friends," Twilight piped up, barely choking on her tears, "I'm-" She was interrupted by Soarin, "Princess Twilight," he bowed, "And the the spirits of harmony." "You don't need to bow down to us," Twilight blushed. "Oh, but I do, Highness. You saved Equestria so many times." Twilight blushed. "Rainbow is the Element of Loyalty," Soarin said, "She should also be the Element of Bravery." "Yeah," Twilight said, "Thanks for coming here. But you can go back to the Academy, now." "No, way, Highness," Soarin said, "I want to stay until she comes to." Fluttershy felt an odd nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. Can he be trusted? I don't really think so. Why does he want to stay? "Uh, y'all?" Applejack said, "Let's go to th' waitin' room." Everyone complied and walked to the urgent care waiting room. ……………… Rainbow opened her eyes slowly. She found herself in a strange room. Her vision was blurry and she was in a lot of pain. A blue stallion sat to her right. "Mhm..." She mumbled. "Rainbow?" The strange stallion touched the foreleg that wasn't broken. "Who are you? Who am I? What happened?" "Soarin. You're Rainbow Dash. You took a nasty spill," Soarin whispered. "Oh," Rainbow said. The nurse on duty walked into the room and nearly dropped her clipboard from her mouth. She motioned to Doctor Stable, who was sipping a cup of tea. He walked into the room to see Rainbow moving her head heavily. "She doesn't seem to remember anything that has happened, doc," Soarin said. "Well she has a concussion, so it isn't surprising. It's best you tell her friends that she is awake and they should come in one at at time. Tell them about her memory loss and that they should talk to her as if she doesn't have amnesia." The pegasus nodded and exited the room. He strolled down the long hallway to the waiting room. All of Rainbow's friends were asleep, except for Fluttershy. "She's awake." Fluttershy immediately stood up and poked Rarity awake, who was slouched in the chair next to her. "Huh," Rarity mumbled as she wiped the dried drool from her mouth. "She's awake!" Fluttershy said excitedly. Rarity immediately perked up and bucked Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight awake. She shook Spike, who came to the hospital not long after he heard the news, awake, as well. "Um, one at a time, you can visit her. She doesn't remember anything, though," Soarin explained. "Um... If you don't mind..." Fluttershy asked Soarin, "But why were you down there?" "Well, I suppose I can tell you. I have a crush on Rainbow." Fluttershy instinctively got into angry, jealous Fluttershy mode and said firmly, but politely, "Well, you can't have her. She's taken." "Oh," Soarin hoofed the ground, "By who?" "Me," Fluttershy strutted down the hall to her marefriend's room. I hope she remembers me. Fluttershy entered the room cautiously. She gasped as she saw Rainbow in all those bandages. The blue pegasus mare sat up in her bed. She drank water from a straw. When the injured mare saw Fluttershy enter the room, she looked generally confused. "Um, hi?" The yellow mare shyly said. "Hey," Rainbow said skeptically as she looked the pink-maned mare over, trying to figure out who she was, "I think you're Fluttershy. If I remember, correctly. Yes! She remembers me! "Yes," Fluttershy said. She approached her marefriend's bedside. "How are you feeling?" "Well, my body hurts," Rainbow said. "Oh, I'm sorry." "It's all good. Or it will be." Rainbow shifted a little. "I'm just happy you're alive!" Fluttershy cowered a little, still unsure if it was safe to touch her marefriend's foreleg, even if it wasn't the one that was broken. "Thanks for coming, Fluttershy," Rainbow said, "but I kinda want to see Soarin again." "Oh," Fluttershy's heart sank, "May I ask why?" "He is my coltfriend, isn't he?" Fluttershy was shocked. She doesn't remember. She tried to hold back tears, but failed. "Why are you crying?" Rainbow asked. She wiped Fluttershy's tears with her good foreleg. "Oh, no reason, just happy you're alive. I'll get Soarin." With that, Fluttershy hovered, low to the ground, out of the door. In the waiting room, Fluttershy was crying softly as she uttered to Soarin, "She's asking for you." Soarin smiled and walked down the hall. When he was gone, Fluttershy began to cry into Rarity's shoulder. "What's wrong, darling?" "She doesn't remember me as her marefriend, but simply as a friend. She. Thought. Soarin. Was. Her. Coltfriend," she explained through racking sobs. ……………… As night fell once more on the hospital, Fluttershy went to Rainbow's room as the blue mare was sleeping. "Oh, I wish you would just remember the connection between us. I would tell you, but I don't want to ruin our friendship in case you never remember. And now is just not the time," the yellow mare whispered. She sat on the chair near the bed and looked at the peaceful looking Rainbow. She's so beautiful when she's asleep. She softly sang to the sleeping Rainbow: I find myself just standing Totally lost and scared Until that day you found me The laugher that we shared Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me Our hearts sing together In perfect harmonies Your eyes sparkle with mine Together we face the world Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me Outgoing, you are Adventurous, you are Loyal and beautiful You make me a better pony Rainbows and butterflies Lost in your eyes There no place that I'd rather be Having you with me You know me better than I do We make the perfect two Soaring in the sky Hearts sing in reply Rainbows and butterflies Rainbows and butterflies Forever... A few tears found their way out of her eyes. The yellow pegasus whispered, "I love you." She kissed Rainbow's forehead, lightly. Redheart stuck her head in the door, "Visiting hours are over, Miss Fluttershy." "Yes, ma'am." Fluttershy reluctantly left the dark room. In the hallway, Soarin was sitting with his back against the wall. "I told her that I wasn't her coltfriend, but I wish I was," he said to Fluttershy without looking at her, "It doesn't feel right to take advantage of the situation. I can tell you love her even more than I ever could." "Thank you, Soarin, but I doubt she'll even remember me as a marefriend." "If, in her heart she loves you, she will remember. Just give it time. Or just ask the princess to perform a memory spell." "That's a nice thought, but I asked already. She said that ordinary memory is in the head, but memories of love are in the heart. Magic doesn't work on the heart." Her head drooped as she spoke. "Let me walk you out," Soarin offered. Fluttershy nodded politely and the pegasi walked out of the hospital and into Luna's night. ……………… Rainbow woke early the next morning. She groaned as she felt the pain of her wings and legs. I wish there was a bone mending spell for pegasi, but no, the bone mending spell doesn't work on frail bones. Magic is so complicated, yeesh. The nurse entered the room to give Rainbow more pain medication. "How are you doing, Ms. Dash?" "In pain, but otherwise, just peachy!" Rainbow said sarcastically. "I had the weirdest dream last night about Fluttershy. I dreamt that she was singing to me. She has the most serene voice." "Oh, well some memory is returning. She has one of the best voices in Ponyville. She was here last night as you were sleeping." "Really?" "Yeah. She really cares about you," the nurse checked over her clipboard. "Hey, your'e going home today! That's shocking, seeing as you injuries are quite serious." "Yay, no more hospital food crap! Wait, do I have to be in a wheelchair?" "Yes. You will need to stay with a friend or a family member because I know you live in a cloud home." "Ponyfeathers," Rainbow cursed, "I'll stay with Fluttershy. I hear she is good with caring for animals and ponies alike." "Okay." ……………… Fluttershy pushed Rainbow to her cottage. "I'm...um...flattered that you wanted me to take care of you." "Er...yeah. Because you care for animals and ponies. Plus, your'e a pegasus like me," Rainbow turned her head to look up at Fluttershy, "You okay?" "I'm okay," Fluttershy looked down at the injured mare. They arrived at the cottage and they were greeted by Angel. He opened the door wide for the wheelchair. Fluttershy pushed Rainbow into the cottage. "Nice, place, Fluttershy. I've never seen this place before." "Um...pardon me, but you have seen it before," Fluttershy said. "Oh." "Want some tea?" Fluttershy offered. The blue mare nodded. Fluttershy gently lifted Rainbow out of the wheelchair and onto the couch. Then, she headed toward the kitchen to make the tea. Rainbow sat and waited patiently. She glanced around the cottage. I'm starting to recognize this place. I've been here a lot. So have my other friends. Fluttershy soon returned with a tray in her mouth. She set it down and mixed the sugar in Rainbow's mug. Rainbow took the mug in her mouth and tilted her head back to sip it. "Mhm..." she sighed. Fluttershy took a seat next to Rainbow on the couch. She had to resist the urge to kiss her. She doesn't remember the connection. You can't kiss her, not until she remembers. She busied herself by adjusting the bandages on Rainbow's wing. The pegasus groaned in pain. "Sorry," Fluttershy whispered, "Just trying to fix it." "No, it's fine." Rainbow winced a little. She grinned at the yellow mare beside her. "Your mane is a mess, Rainbow, let me brush it for you," Fluttershy took a brush in her mouth. Rainbow nodded, "Okay, I guess." Fluttershy hummed the tune of the song she wrote for Rainbow as she brushed the rainbow mane. I wish I could kiss her neck, like I could before. "That tune," Rainbow perked up a little, "I recognize it. You sang it to me in a dream." "Really?" "Yeah. The dream starts as a nightmare. My accident. Then you fly in and tell me everything will be okay and calm me down. When I fall, you catch me and sing that tune," Rainbow said as Fluttershy combed a hoof through her mane, taking out a huge knot. Fluttershy felt her heart jump a bit. Maybe she does remember. Perhaps the dream was trying to become a memory. "I'm the Element of Loyalty and you are Kindness, right?" Rainbow recollected. "No wonder you wanted to take care of me." Fluttershy nodded. It's not the only reason. "Perhaps you should take a nap," Fluttershy helped Rainbow into the wheelchair and pulled her upstairs on the makeshift ramp she made. She helped the cyan pegasus into her bed and tucked her under the covers. "Thanks, Fluttershy, for doing this for me," Rainbow yawned and shut her eyes. "Anything for you." ……………… Fluttershy was tending to her animals in the garden as she heard this piercing scream from inside the cottage. She dropped her bucket of animal food and cowered behind Angel. The white bunny nuzzled the scared mare. Fluttershy quickly recovered. "Rainbow!" She rushed inside her home and flew up the stairs to her bedroom. She found Rainbow sitting upright in the bed. "You okay, Rainbow?" "No, bad dream." She began to cry. "Hold me, Fluttershy." The buttercream mare walked around her bed and sat next to the terrified pegasus. "Come here," the yellow pegasus motioned for Rainbow to hug her. Rainbow moved slowly into Fluttershy's forelegs and rested her head on the mare's chest. "It was so awful. Worst than last time. This time you didn't catch me. Nopony did." "It's all over now. It's okay. Shh." Fluttershy stroked Rainbow's mane in comfort and rocked the cyan mare gently. Rainbow soon fell back to sleep. There was a knock on the front door and Fluttershy carefully placed the sleeping pegasus on her pillow and walked down the ramp to open the door. She found that her friends already welcomed themselves in. "Hey, Fluttershy, Ah'm sorry for bargin' in like this, but I brought some supper for you and Rainbow. Thought y'all would need it," Applejack said. "Ooh, and I brought cake!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Shh, Rainbow is probably asleep," Twilight scolded the pink mare. Pinkie fell silent. "I made Rainbow this blanket, in case the poor dear got cold," Rarity said as she pulled a glittery blanket from her saddlebags. "Oh, you girls are so kind," Fluttershy hugged each of them. "Any luck with her memories of the two of you?" Twilight asked as her wings twitched, as they always do when she is curious. "No, but she remembers the Elements of Harmony and our friendship. She knows how magical it is." "Well, it's progress," Twilight replied. "We best be going, darling," Rarity said, "The sun is beginning to set and that's when Sweetie Belle gets a little wild." "Same 'bout Apple Bloom," said Applejack. "I got baby Cakes to play with!" Pinkie bounce out of the door. Only the purple alicorn remained. "I better return to the library. Celestia wants me to read some books. I just came to check in with you guys," Twilight turned to exit, Fluttershy stopped her by touching the purple mare's shoulder with her wing. "What do you know about dreams being memories?" "Well I know that in times of stress and uncertainty, a pony can dream about the past and the future without really understanding or being able to interpret it as such," the alicorn explained. "Oh," Fluttershy tried to process what Twilight had said. "Why do you ask?" "Well, um, you see, Rainbow had a couple of nightmares about her accident. And I'm in one of them. She mentioned that I sang the song I wrote her in the dream. She doesn't seem to realize that it really happened. I'm scared to tell her for I may drive her away." "I see. Just give her a little time for her to put the pieces together." Twilight hugged her friend. The door gently closed behind Twilight. Fluttershy turned from the door and looked up the ramp toward her room. She sighed deeply and returned to her Rainbow. The blue mare was sound asleep, right where she was left. In spite of herself, Fluttershy climbed onto the bed and lie down next to the curled up mare. Rainbow shifted involuntarily into Fluttershy's forelegs. Fluttershy sang the song, which she just decided she'd call Rainbow's Lullaby, softly to the sleeping mare. ……………… The weeks dragged on as Rainbow regained more memory of who she was. She fell into a steady routine within Fluttershy's home. Every time the mare fell asleep, she would have a nightmare. Not necessarily the same one, but a nightmare all the same. And every time she woke, Fluttershy hummed softly to Rainbow as she rocked her and stroked her comfortingly. Now, the sun was up and the sky was calling Rainbow home. "You gotta let me outside!" Rainbow shouted, "I need to fly!" "Oh, Rainbow, you have only a week left until you get your bandages off and a week of therapy after that," Fluttershy attempted to tug Rainbow's tail as she scratched at the door. "I can't wait, Fluttershy!" "You can. I haven't flown in a while either, taking care of you. I know how you feel. I wanted to fly with you that first time. Wait with me won't you?" That seemed to calm Rainbow down a little. The mare stopped struggling and stood to face Fluttershy. It had been a few days since the doctor deemed her legs healed. Rainbow still stumbled a little, but Fluttershy was always there to catch her. This was one of those times as Rainbow found herself in Fluttershy's forelegs. Rainbow smiled awkwardly, "Thanks, for catching me." "Always." "Er...I'm starved. Do you want me to make some lunch?" Rainbow asked. "Um...not to be rude, but...Rainbow Dash, cook?" Fluttershy giggled. "Alright, you have a point. I do burn most things most of the time," Rainbow crossed her forelegs. "I'll make you some carrot soup," Fluttershy went to the kitchen. Rainbow sat down on the couch and picked up a Daring Do book. She found her bookmark and began reading, only to get distracted by a voice from within the kitchen. Is Fluttershy singing? I rarely hear her sing in the house. She usually sings in the garden. She has such a peaceful voice. Fluttershy sang snippets of Rainbow's Lullaby as she cut up a few carrots. On the couch in the front room, Rainbow sat with her mouth agape. That song. I know I heard it before my injury. It's been eating at me for weeks. Suddenly memories overwhelmed her. Rainbow stood up quickly and walked slowly in the kitchen. She watched in quiet as she noticed how Fluttershy's wings twitched in tune of the song. Her movements were so graceful and her mane bounced ever so slightly with each movement of her hooves cutting carrots. Rainbow stepped closer to the shy pegasus and placed a hoof on the back of her neck and rubbed it gently. The yellow mare startled a little but made no move to push the hoof away. The mare kept singing quietly. "Don't stop," Rainbow whispered in Fluttershy's ear. Rainbow leaned in and kissed Fluttershy's neck and kissed her jaw. She spun the yellow mare around so that she could see her eyes. The teal sea that she always got lost in. "Welcome back, Rainbow," Flutttershy smiled as Rainbow placed a hoof on Fluttershy's neck and pulled her into a long, deep kiss. Fluttershy placed her wings around the blue pegasus and pulled her closer. She felt the tears of Rainbow mixing with hers. When Rainbow pulled away briefly, she said, "Thank you for singing that song to me. It helped me remember how much I love you." "Shh, just kiss me, and don't let go," Fluttershy sobbed a little, but nevertheless leaned Rainbow against the wall and ran her hooves down Rainbow's back. The blue mare winced a little because of her wings, but she ignored the pain and returned the gesture. In a brief space for breath, Rainbow whispered, "Never." "Hold me, Rainbow," Fluttershy whispered in Rainbow's ear and playfully nibbled it. She met Rainbow's magenta eyes and embraced the cyan pegasus tightly. Rainbow led Fluttershy to the bedroom and lie down on the bed as Fluttershy snuggled close to her. She placed her head under Rainbow's chin. It fit perfectly. It really was as if they were made just for each other. "I love you, Fluttershy. I wish I never forgot that. I'm sorry," Rainbow sobbed. "No need for apologies. It's not your fault. I'm glad you remember everything now," Fluttershy stroked the cyan mare's hoof, "I love you." And so they slept next to each other, muzzle to muzzle as the night blanketed Equestria. > Rainbows and Butterflies Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Stable carefully removed bandages from Rainbow Dash's wings. "Now, you are going to have damaged feathers," he told Rainbow, who was lying on her stomach on a hospital bed. "Oh dear," a yellow pegasus gasped. "Not to worry, miss. She is going to be fine. She is just going to need a lot of therapy sessions and surgery to remove some of her feathers. Either surgery or preening. Though I recommend the first one. It's less painful." Rainbow groaned as the doctor pulled on the bandages. In response, her marefriend squeezed the cyan pegasus's hoof. "Just don't think about it, Rainbow. Just look at me. Everything will be fine," Fluttershy reassured her. Rainbow instantly felt at ease with her Fluttershy there, but it still hurt as the doctor pulled the bandages off. Some of her feathers were coming off with the bandages. "Ow," Rainbow winced, "You know, despite appearances, I have a very low tolerance to pain?" "I know, sweetie," Fluttershy stroked Rainbow's sweaty brow. "This bandage was a tough cookie," Doctor Stable said, "But, all done." Rainbow sighed in relief. "But, you are not done, yet. We need you to stretch your wings out in a bit," the doctor said as he exited the room. "Oh," Rainbow groaned, "Lie with me, Fluttershy." The yellow mare complied and lie down on the bed. Rainbow shifted on top of her and rested her head on Fluttershy's chest and draped a foreleg over the yellow mare's waist. The doctor returned a few minutes later with Nurse Redheart. The couple on the bed started a little. Fluttershy moved to get up, but the doctor motioned for her to stay. The white mare said, "Well, Miss Dash, I hear you are on the mend. We need to shift your wings a little. Miss Fluttershy, you might want to stay there, she will need your support. This process is quite painful sometimes." "WHAT?!" Rainbow shouted. "Hey," Fluttershy placed a hoof under Rainbow's chin and brought her face close to hers, "I will be here the whole time. Don't be scared." Rainbow opened here mouth to speak, but Fluttershy stopped her and said, "And don't say you aren't scared because I know you." She nuzzled Rainbow's nose gently. "Okay," the doctor said uncomfortably, for he hated to interrupt such sweet moments between patients and their loved ones, "Miss Fluttershy, will you please hold Rainbow's hooves as I straighten her wings?" Fluttershy nodded and wrapped her hooves around Rainbow's. The blue mare looked at the mare underneath her and prepared herself for the worst pain imaginable. She felt the doctor's gentle hooves touch the end of her right wing. He began to pull it ever so slowly. Rainbow winced as a shot of pain powered itself through the tip of her wing and surge all over the nerves in her body. "AH!" Fluttershy tried to comfort her with Rainbow's Lullaby, though it did little to ease her discomfort. Rainbow released Fluttershy's grip on her hooves and grasped at the sheets. "Sorry, Miss Dash," Nurse Redheart managed to get out in the cacophony of screams, "We didn't think it'd be this painful, or we would have given you some medication. Too late now. Sorry." Fluttershy began fight back tears. She couldn't bear seeing Rainbow in this much pain. It was as if she was in pain, herself. Fluttershy tried to distract her damsel in distress by gently placing a hoof behind the blue mare's ear and stroking it gently. Rainbow calmed a little as she sank into Fluttershy's embrace. The doctor finished the right wing and said, "Okay, it's half over. Can you give it a flap for me?" Rainbow lifted her wing slowly. She winced a little but it wasn't as painful as when the doctor had stretched it. She flapped it once. Then again. "How does it feel?" "It hurts a little," Rainbow told Doctor Stable. "Okay, now the other one." Rainbow groaned. Not again. Please. Not today. I showed enough weakness. ...................... Twilight was aligning books in her library when she heard a knock on her door. From where she stood, she opened the door with the pink aura of her magic. Rarity entered and scanned the library for her alicorn friend. She spotted the purple mare hovering near the ceiling. "Darling, guess what?" Rarity smiled. "What?" "Rainbow is getting her bandages off, today. Pinkie is planning a party and Applejack is baking some pies for it!" Rarity sat down on the rug in the center of the library. "Ooh, I've been craving some of Applejack's pies!" The alicorn floated down to sit next to the white unicorn. "Me, too. Totally not relevant to what we are talking about, but, I came to see if you wanted to help me with a dress I'm making for Cadence. She's having a birthday next week and, of course, Pinkie has a party planned. I kinda need a mare with wings and since you are an alicorn now..." Rarity trailed off. "I'd be happy to, but later," Twilight beamed, "Do you want to go and see how Rainbow is doing?" The white mare nodded. The mares walked side by side through town toward the hospital. Along the way, Applejack was pushing a cart of apples and didn't seem to know where she was going. She smashed into Rarity and Twilight. The three of them fell on top of each other. Applejack chuckled and rose to her hooves. She said, "Ah'm sorry, y'all. Ah need ta watch where Ah'm pushin' this cart. Y'all headin' to the hospital to see RD?" "Yep," Twilight nodded, "You see her yet?" "Yeah, she's a bit loopy though. They had ta put her to sleep because it was more painful for 'er than they anticipated. Fluttershy never left 'er side. Such a sugarcube, that girl." "Oh, my." Rarity gasped. "Well we should get going. See ya, Applejack," Twilight waved a hoof as the orange mare walked away toward the town square to sell her apples. Twilight ruffled her wings to get the dirt off of them. Rarity was frantically trying to fix her mane. She pulled a mirror from out of nowhere with her magic. "Oh, good, my mascara is still perfect!" Twilight giggled as the two began walking to the hospital once more. The mares walked in silence and soon reached their destination. The hospital towered above all of the other buildings in Ponyville. The alicorn walked in the huge mahogany doors first and the unicorn followed. They followed the long hallway of signs leading to the pegasus wing of the hospital. They met a white earth pony nurse in the hallway. "Um, pardon, Nurse," Rarity spoke, "We are here to visit Rainbow Dash." The nurse pointed a hoof toward a blue door to the right. "Thanks," Twilight nodded her head in thanks. Upon reaching the room, Twilight knocked on the door. "Come in," a sweet voice said from within. Twilight and Rarity opened the door and peeked in to see Fluttershy lying next to a sleeping cyan pegasus. "How is the poor dear?" Rarity asked softly. "She's tired. She went through a world of pain today. She's going to need surgery, girls." Fluttershy looked down sadly. "Oh, dear," Rarity frowned. Twilight was speechless. Fluttershy turned to return to her marefriend's side. Twilight approached her slowly and placed a comforting hoof on the yellow mare's shoulder. Twilight left her hoof there and spoke softly, "I can find a spell if you want. I'm sure one exists. It's rare, but I have found pegasus spells before." "I couldn't ask you to do that. She just needs feather removal, nothing major." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I don't want to risk her being in any more pain. No offense, Twi, you are great with magic, but I know how hard new spells can be, especially medical spells, even for an experienced alicorn," Fluttershy said, hiding behind her mane. Twilight nodded in acknowledgment. And walked with Rarity out of the room. ...................... When her friends left, Fluttershy lie next to Rainbow and cried silently into the pillows. She felt a comforting hoof around her waist. "Why are you crying?" A reassuring voice whispered in her ear. Fluttershy felt a soft nuzzle on her neck, then a gentle kiss. Fluttershy turned herself over so she could see her beautiful marefriend's face. Rainbow wiped the yellow mare's tears away. "I love you," Fluttershy whispered softly. Rainbow answered her with a long, deep kiss. "I love you more," Rainbow said as she withdrew. Suddenly the doctor entered the room. "Sorry, I knocked, but nopony answered," he said calming down slightly as he saw that his patient was very alive and well, "And sorry for interrupting." The embracing mares quickly separated and blushed with embarrassment. Doctor Stable said, "Well, we are discharging Rainbow so that she can heal a little more until her surgery, which is scheduled for next week." He walked toward the bed and examined Rainbow's wings one last time, "Hmm, it's best if she doesn't flap them for the next two days, but make sure she stretches them out every now and then," he said to Fluttershy. The yellow mare just nodded and helped Rainbow out of bed. She walked the cyan mare out of the door. "Surgery, huh?" Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, that or preening," Fluttershy winced. "Hmm, I'm tired," Rainbow said, as she yawned. She was still groggy from the sedation. The mares walked in silence toward the cottage. ................. Upon reaching the cottage the pegasi were met by Pinkie Pie, who was grinning widely and bouncing up and down in excitement. "Uh, hey Pinks," Rainbow smiled awkwardly. "You guys are so cute! I could just pinch those cheeks and squeeze you to death!" Pinkie did just that as Rainbow yelped in pain. "Oh, sorry Dashie, I forgot," Pinkie bounced inside the cottage. The two mares entered cautiously as a burst of voices yelled, "Surprise!" Fluttershy cowered behind Rainbow's tail and whimpered. Rainbow froze. Suddenly, she couldn't focus on anything, but on how close Fluttershy was to her. Her heart beat quickly. "Rainbow? Yoohoo!" Pinkie waved a hoof in the petrified mare's face. Rainbow shook her head to wake herself from her hypnotized state. Fluttershy was still cowering under her tail. "Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got you," Pinkie said as she helped Fluttershy to her hooves. "I'm a year older than you," Fluttershy glared at the pink mare as the latter hopped back into the party. Ponies from all over Ponyville squeezed into Fluttershy's small cottage. From where she stood, Rainbow could see that they flowed out into the gardens. Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight were outside, talking to one another. Pinkie was dancing wildly in the middle of the living room along with a few other rambunctious ponies. Rainbow and Fluttershy joined the three mares in the gardens. "Oh, my stars, darling, your poor feathers!" Rarity gasped quietly in horror. "Ah hope ya doin' alright, sugarcube," Applejack said as she hugged Rainbow gently and then released her, afraid to hurt the pegasus. "I'm fine," Rainbow assured them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie popped up in the center of their lopsided circle with a tray of cookies strapped to her head. A piece of her hair took a cookie off the tray and offered it to Twilight. "Thanks, Pinkie," Twilight took the cookie with her pink aura. Pinkie repeated the gesture as the rest of her friends took a cookie. They munched in silence. "Ooh! This is my jam!" Pinkie broke the silence, startling everypony in the garden. She hopped giddily into the cottage. Angel approached Fluttershy and nestled himself against her forelegs. Fluttershy nuzzled him, then returned her attention to her friends. "He is so adorable," Twilight mused at the white fluff ball at Fluttershy's hooves. ................. The party ended with quite a mess to clean up. Fluttershy and Rainbow were picking up garbage. Fluttershy hummed Rainbow's Lullaby softly, as she dusted the mantle with her teeth. Rainbow listened intently as she nudged the trash into one big pile. Fluttershy spit out her duster and peered at the gorgeous mare working behind her. "We don't have to clean this now. We can to to sleep now if you want," the yellow mare said. She flew down to the floor and walked silently to Rainbow, who didn't look up from her task. She seemed upset about something. "Rainbow, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just thinking." "About what?" "Well, to be honest, I'm a little scared of surgery and of trying to fly again." "Oh, well you are the best flier in Equestria. I'm sure you will find strength," Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow's cheek. Rainbow shut her eyes as she nuzzled back. "Let's go to bed," Fluttershy said softly. Rainbow nodded as they walked up the stairs, which no longer consisted of a ramp. The mares approached the bed and together, pulled back the covers and slipped underneath them. They rested their heads on the pillows and faced each other. They shut their eyes for a bit and lie in the darkness in silence. "Kiss me," Rainbow whispered. Fluttershy brought her hoof to Rainbow's cheek and stroked it gently. She pulled Rainbow's face to hers and their lips intertwined and danced in synchronization to each other. Rainbow placed her hoof under the covers to place it on Fluttershy's hip and pulled her closer. In a space for breath, Rainbow said, "Why don't we try preening?" "Now?" "Why not?" Rainbow kissed Fluttershy's neck and jaw and worked her way back to her marefriend's sweet lips. "I don't know, it's a pretty big step and you didn't know who I was a week ago," Fluttershy said as she pulled away from Rainbow to look at her magenta eyes. "I'm starting to remember everything, honest. I remember when I first saw you. You were being teased by these bullies and--" Rainbow was interrupted with a kiss. Fluttershy withdrew and said, "If you're ready. You do know what happens sometimes when two ponies preen each other?" "Do you want to go that far?" Rainbow asked as she kissed Fluttershy's muzzle. "I'm not ready to go that far." "Okay, me neither," Rainbow sat up and adjusted herself so that she was laying on her stomach. She stretched her wings, whimpering a bit. Fluttershy breathed deeply and draped her delicate body on top of Rainbow's back and wrapped her left wing around Rainbow's. She shifted Rainbow's mane, so that her neck was visible. She kissed it gently. Rainbow groaned softly as she felt Fluttershy nip at her ear and then at her wing. She felt a tremendous pang of pain as Fluttershy pulled at a feather, but she did not scream. Rainbow sighed as Fluttershy kissed various parts of her wing. She turned her head to see what Fluttershy was doing. She reached to kiss the yellow mare's hooves, which were stroking the fur near her shoulders. Fluttershy pulled on a damaged feather and it came out with little resistance. "Got it," Fluttershy whispered as she spit it out onto the floor. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Rainbow nuzzled the yellow mare's hoof and looked into her deep teal eyes. "No, it felt amazing." Rainbow sighed and rested her head on the bed. Fluttershy resumed kissing her marefriend's wings again. She nuzzled them as she pulled a damaged feather out. She stroked the area the feather used to be as she tried to make Rainbow's wings neat. Fluttershy continued to preen her marefriend until all the damaged feathers were gone. When she felt confident that the cyan pegasus was completely free of damaged feathers, she positioned herself so that she was perfectly nestled against the blue mare. Rainbow felt tears stinging her eyes as Fluttershy nuzzled at her muzzle. "Why are you crying?" Fluttershy asked as she felt her own tears threaten to fall. "I just feel so lucky to have you. I don't know what I did to deserve you," Rainbow draped a wing over Fluttershy. Rainbow kissed Fluttershy's brow. Then Fluttershy wedged her head under Rainbow's chin, pressing into her chest. Rainbow felt her coat get damp from Fluttershy's tears, but said nothing as she stroked the yellow pegasus's mane. They soon fell asleep as Luna's night pressed on. They never once broke their embrace. > Rainbows and Butterflies Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daylight broke as the sun crept over the hills. A blue pegasus was shaking with fear as her marefriend tried to calm her down with a quiet song. A white mare stood next to Doctor Stable as he checked his clipboard. Breaking the silence, the doctor spoke, “Rainbow Dash, it’s astonishing how well that marefriend of yours can preen.” The blue mare blushed and the doctor resumed, “Well let’s fly then.” “Miss Fluttershy, would you please stand here?” The nurse motioned the yellow mare to stand on a patch of clouds low to the ground. “Okay, I thought Rainbow was the one flying today. Since her accident, I haven’t flown at all. I’m scared, border lining terrified.” Fluttershy hid underneath her hooves and tried to hide in the short grass. She began to shake violently. “Fluttershy, I’m scared, too, to be honest. What if my wings fail to keep me off the ground? You have nothing to worry about. Your wings are perfectly fine,” Rainbow said as she knelt to the ground to face her cowering marefriend. “Besides I want to do this with you. I believe in you.” Rainbow nuzzled the timid mare gently and lent a hoof to help her up. Fluttershy inhaled deeply and said, “Okay, together then?” “Absolutely.” Rainbow took Fluttershy’s hoof in hers as Doctor Stable scratched violently on his clipboard. The nurse spoke up, “So if you fillies would just stand right here on this patch of clouds and flap your wings softly. Just a warm up.” The two pegasi complied and separated so that they had room for their wings. Fluttershy glanced over at Rainbow. She was smiling ear-to-ear. Fluttershy did the same as she saw how Rainbow was trying to put her at ease. In synch, they began to flap, folding their wings up and down as the nurse instructed, “Lift off gently, the clouds underneath you will move as you do in case you fall but it will only do so once. Princess Twilight said she couldn’t find a spell that would keep the clouds moving that way. Sorry.” The mares lifted off the ground and the cloud followed. Rainbow grunted with effort. “You okay?” Fluttershy asked, glancing over to her marefriend. “Yeah, it still hurts a little, but I can do it,” Rainbow beamed, to reassure her marefriend. They soared high into the clouds with the wind brushing into their faces. “Hey! We’re doing it! Haha! Whoo hoo!” Rainbow shouted into the air. Fluttershy smiled as her marefriend did a confident loop-de-loop around a fat cloud. Fluttershy flew gently, as Rainbow got used to her wings. The time faded away as they found themselves back on the ground as Celestia lowered the sun. ………………… The horizon was struck with stripes of gold as the sun sank to make room for Luna’s moon. The clouds, which had been gathered by the weather team, cast shadows over the hills. The pegasi walked slowly from the doctor’s office. Rainbow Dash hung her head as she walked. Her marefriend just looked straight ahead. Neither of them wanted to speak to the other. Their hoofsteps were the only sound that rang through the falling night. After an eternity of silence, Fluttershy spoke softly, “I am so proud of you, Rainbow. You can fly again! Aren’t you happy about that?” “Yeah, it’s just… I…” Rainbow’s voice broke as a tear flowed down her cheek. “What?” Fluttershy draped a wing over the upset pegasus. Rainbow took a deep breath and said with a sigh, “I really love you, Fluttershy. I just wish I could stay with you forever. I don’t want to go home, but I know I have to.” “What makes you think that? You don’t have to leave. I don’t want you to,” Fluttershy began to cry. Rainbow stopped, and faced Fluttershy. The buttercream mare’s eyes avoided Rainbow’s. The cyan mare placed her soft hoof under Fluttershy’s chin and forced her to look at her. Tears flowed freely from both mares’ eyes. “I just miss my own bed and Tank. I haven’t seen him for a while since my accident. I know Twilight is taking care of him, but I still miss him.” “He can come live with us in my cottage, Rainbow,” Fluttershy’s tears began to stain her coat. “I love you to pieces, Shy. I really truly do.” Rainbow brought Fluttershy’s lips to hers, kissing her gently and passionately. After the kiss ended, Fluttershy felt a “but” in there. “But?” She asked. “I think it’s best for us if we live separately for awhile, since I’m healed. I loved being in your care, and I thank you.” “But why? Why do you feel this way?” Fluttershy began to sob. “I don’t know, I just do. I’ve lived alone for a long time. I like the solitude. I can maybe stay over now and then. I know how much you love the meadows and the ground. My place is in the sky. That’s why I have my cloud home. Since I can fly again, I can stay in the serenity of the sky. Maybe in the future we can live together permanently. You understand, don’t you?” “Yeah, you make a pretty good point,” Fluttershy said gloomily. “Thanks, Shy,” Rainbow said, “I love you.” The mares walked in silence the rest of the way to Fluttershy’s cottage. Once inside the abode, Rainbow fluttered up to the bedroom that she shared with Fluttershy for the past month. She began to gather her few things into her saddlebags. Rainbow thought to herself: I am grateful that Cloudchaser got some of my things for me. The blue pegasus felt the soft breathing of Fluttershy on her back. She looked over her shoulder, to see Fluttershy’s sad teal eyes. “Aww don’t look like that, sugarcube,” Rainbow imitated Applejack’s accent. Fluttershy smiled. “You don’t have to go tonight, do you?” the buttercream mare whispered. Rainbow nuzzled her marefriend and then nodded her head. “Do you want to stay with me tonight? In the sky? On a cloud?” Rainbow asked. “My animals need me here. Maybe one day I can have the girls look after them later this week,” Fluttershy glanced down at her hooves. Rainbow threw the saddlebags onto her back and stretched out her wings. She turned to walk down the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder and whispered, “I love you with all my heart, Fluttershy. Don’t take this the wrong way. I just think it is best.” Rainbow walked toward the wooden door. “I know you are doing this because you love me, Rainbow, I just wish you wouldn’t,” Fluttershy said as she flew down beside the cyan pegasus. The cyan mare turned to see the tear-stained face of her marefriend. She kissed the shy pegasus long and hard. Fluttershy returned the kiss harder. Her hooves went through the rainbow mane and down the neck of Rainbow. Reluctantly, Rainbow broke the kiss and left the cottage. She disappeared into the night sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy hummed softly as she chopped some carrots for Angel. Behind her she heard the door slam. The familiar voice of her wife chimed through the house. "I'm home, everypony!" she said. Fluttershy felt a brush of wind as Rainbow aproached her from behind. "Sorry I'm late, Shy. The weather team and I had to plan for next week and we got into an argument." "Oh no," Fluttershy said, never looking up from her cooking, "That's awful. I hope no one is hurt." "Nah," Rainbow shook her head, "It'll all blow over tomorrow. What's for dinner? And where's Thundershy and Lightning Dash?" "Hayburgers and hayfries. Your favorite. Oh, the kids are at Twilight's," Fluttershy explained, "She is teaching the Cutie Mark Crusaders, well, Crusaded, how to babysit and the kids are her test subjects." "Ooh that's a challenge for the young mares. I can barely contain our foals myself," Rainbow chuckled and planted a kiss on Fluttershy's cheek. ................ The pegasi, after a long year of living apart, but together, have finally decided to live together with a compromise. That compromise is that they get a home that is both in the sky and on the ground. A portion of the house rested upon the ground while another part floated into the sky. Up there was the bedroom that the married couple shared. Coming upon their third year of marriage, Twilight offered to use her alicorn magic to give them two foals, which Fluttershy carried. A filly, Thundershy, and a colt, Lightning Dash, both of which are pegasi. Thundershy was a shy filly, taking after Fluttershy. She had a rainbow mane in the style of her mother's and a pink coat. Lightning Dash was an outspoken young colt, taking after Rainbow Dash. He had a spiky, red mane, with an orange streak. It stood up on all ends. His coat was as white as snow. .................... "Mom, Momma! We're home!" the chime of the young voices drifted into the house. "In here, sweethearts," Fluttershy answered from the kitchen. The family sat down at the dinner table as the last of Celestia’s sun kissed the hills. “Best family ever,” Lightning Dash declared. The mares nuzzled noses as the children smiled in delight.