Legend of Termina

by Bowserkilla

First published

A Legendary Hero faces his greatest challenge yet in a dying world.

A terrible curse has befallen the land of Termina. Link, the Legendary Hero of Time and the last hope of a dying land, has three days to save it before it is destroyed by the forces of a power unimaginable. But is three days truly enough?

Chapter 1

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The ancient woods connecting the lands of Termina and Hyrule were a dark and mysterious place. Evil beings were said to lurk behind every tree and in every shadow. Few ponies traveled through these woods, for misfortune plagued anypony that was brave or foolish enough to wander through the forest. A thick fog blanketed the forest at any given time, it's cold embrace expanding through the trees.

Link was one of the few ponies that could cross through the forest successfully. He, along with his dearest friend, Epona, walked through the forest, trying to reach the land of Termina. They had traveled together ever since they first met back in the lands of Hyrule.

The dense fog had made it hard for either of them to see. They could barely make out the nearly non-existent path that they were using as their guide. This path wasn't the quickest way through the woods, but it was the safest. Speed was of the essence, however. Dusk was slowly approaching them.

The only sound that broke the eerie silence of the forest were the soft thuds of Link's and Epona's hooves against the moss covered floor of the forest. Despite the evil legends that were told about this ill-fated forest, a tranquil calm seemed to have settled in. The sun cast long shadows through the forest as it sunk deeper into the horizon. A renewed vigor filled the two ponies' steps as they continued along the path. Dusk was slowly approaching, and neither one of them wanted to have to make camp in the forest. They knew that this was most likely going to be their only option as the sun continued it's slow decent.

The two ponies wordlessly continued, grateful that their journey through the malevolent forest was slowly coming to a close. Suddenly, a weird sensation permeated the air. Link felt a shiver run through the entire length of his body as he could feel the presence of some ominous entity creeping up on him. He shrugged it off, thinking that it was just his paranoia getting the best of him.

He swiveled his head to the side as he heard the sound of a twig breaking somewhere in the forest. He stared off into the woods, trying to look through the fog that had continued to irritate him. He turned forward just in time to stop himself from running right into Epona. She was sitting in the middle of the path, gazing off into the distance. Link knew that Epona's eye sight was much greater than his in this fog. She turned to look at him, her big amber eyes washing over Link. Her eyes betrayed her fear, and Link returned her gaze with a look of worry. He turned and pulled out his sword that rested in a sheath on his back. He held it in his mouth, peering off to where Epona had been staring off just moments ago. He contemplated strapping his shield on, but knew that it would just slow him down. Speed might be the only thing that could save them if something decided to attack. He signaled to Epona to continue moving. They weren't going to wait around for whatever creature resided amongst the fog and trees.

Link and Epona set off at a brisk pace, hurrying to get out of the forest. They felt as if some creature were watching them. A few minutes passed, and they felt the same calm feeling creep back into the forest. They slowed down to a walking pace. The sun was a tiny sliver resting on the horizon. They quickened their pace yet again to beat the darkness that was seeping into the forest.

Epona jumped as she heard a branch break in the distance along with the sounds of rustling leaves. Link felt the familiar sense of evil fill the air once more. Without hesitation, Link stopped and pulled his shield from his pack. He no longer cared about speed. Whatever creature was stalking them was obviously able to match their pace, so he was better off being protected if they had to fight. He watched as Epona pulled out a small dagger that she used for protection out of her pack, gripping it in her mouth. Link slowly slid his front right hoof through the straps on his shield. He pulled the straps, feeling them tighten around his leg. He readjusted his grip on his sword, and signaled to Epona to move forward. They cautiously made there way further through the forest, constantly looking around for any sign of danger hidden amongst the trees.

A rustling broke the silence. Link pricked up his ears, trying to identify the source of the disturbance. He gazed off into the woods, a flicker of motion catching his eye. Whatever it was, it was gone before Link could get a good look at it.

A high pitched whistling noise filled the air. Link flinched as he felt something whiz by his ear. The world seemed to slow as he watched the source of the whistling fly forward, heading straight for the back of Epona's head. He was powerless to save her. The projectile made contact with the back of Epona's head with a dull thud. She fell to the ground, knocked out without realizing what had hit her. Link rushed forward to check and see if she was okay, and heard the same whistling sound again. He dropped to the ground and watched as two more projectiles flew right above him. He spun around to look for who ever was shooting at them. His friend was injured, and he had to get her to safety. But there was nothing he could do while this creature continued to attack them from afar. He peered into the fog, which had let up slightly as the day slowly came to an end. Link saw the outline of a dark figure, resting upon the branch of a tree a few yards away from them. The creature that had been stalking them was sitting on the branch, two dull, yellow eyes permeating the fog. The creature jumped from the branch, snapping it in two. Link had never seen anything move with such speed. He could barely keep track of the creature as it bounded from branch to branch, snapping off most of them with the strength of it's jumping. Before long, Link had lost sight of the creature. Link heard a soft "twang", and heard the whistling once again. He spun around, putting his shield up to cover his face. He felt to thuds as the projectiles contacted with his shield mere seconds later.

He gazed down at the ground at what had been fired at him. Two small, round objects rested on the ground in front of him. The two projectiles were nothing more than Bullet Seeds, a common sight throughout the region. They were easy to find, very resilient, and very dangerous. Link looked up in time to watch the creature bolt from another branch, landing deeper in the forest. Link listened for the sound of the whistling, preparing himself for another bombardment of seeds. Silence settled back in as Link strained his ears. He sat there listening for another attack. A few minutes passed, and not a single thing was heard other than the light rustling of leaves as a slight breeze blew through the forest. Link looked around, trying to see if the creature was still watching him. He decided that it was safe now, and walked over to Epona to make sure she was okay. She was laying on the forest floor, still knocked out from the hit she took. She was still breathing, which was a good sign. Link reached down, attempting to pick her up. He didn't want to wait until she woke up while that creature still lurked amongst the depths of the forest.

As he was about to place her on his back, he heard the whistling noise yet again. The weight of Epona slowed him. He attempted to place her back on the ground and raise his shield, but he was too slow. The seed connected with the side of his head, sending a screaming jolt of agonizing pain through his skull. Link gritted his teeth on the handle of the sword, biting down on it as he tried to ignore the pain. He teetered to the side, the pain making him dizzy. He watched through his blurred vision as the same creature who had been stalking him this whole time jumped down from a branch, landing on the ground with a dull thud. Link's vision slowly started to grow dark as he watched the creature slowly make it's way toward him. The creature walked on all fours. Two small balls of light bobbed next to him, one yellow, one purple. They bounced up and down like the werelights of a swamp, hypnotizing Link with their graceful movements. Link bumped into a tree in his dizzy stupor, leaning against it to support his weight. He unclenched his jaw and dropped his sword on the ground. His strength slowly started to ebb out of him with each throb of pain. As the creature loomed closer to Link, he could feel an intense evil emanating from it. Link slowly slunk to the ground, unable to hold himself up anymore. The creature continued to stalk towards him, it's yellow eyes piercing through him. A wicked giggle emanated from the creature. Link felt a shiver of fear run through him as the giggle echoed amongst the trees, the shrill laugh piercing his ears. His blood curdled as the laughter grew louder as the creature walked closer.

Another throb of pain shot through Link's head. The pain was growing more and more intense with each passing second. He gazed at the forest floor, trying to stay awake. The ground spun before him, making him nauseous. His stomach churned as the ground started spinning faster. The moss and grass flew in front of Link's eyes, making it look like nothing more than a green blur. He heaved, the nausea overwhelming him. He hadn't eaten much during the day, but whatever he had eaten was now resting in a heap on the forest floor. Link spat out a bit of bile, then looked up. The creature was right above him, staring down at him. He identified the creature that had been stalking him, a Zebra. Why a Zebra was so far from it's home in the woods of the Kokiri Forest back in Hyrule perplexed him. The Zebra loomed over him, staring down at him. Unlike the other members of its kind, this one adorned a very strange, ornate mask. Link couldn't make the details out, his vision was too faded. He could only make out the light pattern of stripes adorning the beast that stood before him.

A faint whisper sounded in Link's ear. It was unlike anything he had ever heard before. The whisper was soft and high pitched, like that of a child. But a demonic rumble seemed to back the child's voice as it spoke. Link's mane stood on end as the Zebra giggled again, then spoke, "Goodnight...". The Zebra then turned around, and jumped up on it's front legs. It kicked with all of it's might, hitting Link in the middle of his face. The last thing that Link heard was the faint giggling of the Zebra as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the darkness finally consuming him.


The Zebra looked down at the limp body in front of him. A wicked smile adorned his face, hidden beneath his mask. The two orbs of light slowly floated next to him, gazing down with him.

"Took you long enough!" the voice came from the white ball of light. The small fairy flew over to Link's body, observing it. "He nearly escaped!"

"Hey, leave the Skullcolt alone!" the purple light bobbed ferociously as he scolded the other fairy. "He was trying his best!"

"I have better aim than that!"

A low rumble filled the air as the Skullcolt growled at the two fairies. He slowly lifted his mask up, letting it rest on top of his head. Underneath of the mask was the innocent face of a young colt. His dull, green eyes were fixed on the two fairies floating in front of him. "Both of you, knock it off." His voice boomed around them, echoing until it finally trailed off a few seconds later. He walked, glancing down at Link once more, taking note of the hoof print that he had left on Link's face. He smiled at the imprint he had left, then quickly trotted over to Epona's body.

She was laying on her side, still knocked out from the hit she had taken to the back of her head. Her brown coat made her almost blend in with the ground, but her white mane stood out against the mossy floor of the forest. The Skullcolt undid her saddle bags, then carefully pulled the bags off of her. He dumped the contents of the bag on the ground, eying the pile. A slight frown splayed across his face as he saw that nothing of value was in the pile. A half eaten apple, a few scrolls, a pen, a small container of ink, and a vial of red liquid were the only things he had found. The vial of red liquid caught his eye. He plucked it from the pile, holding it in his hooves. He swirled it around, watching the liquid swish around within the vial. He removed the cork from the top with his teeth, letting the scent of the concoction waft up to him. A pleasant scent graced his nostrils. It smelled like a mix between crushed rose petals and raspberries. He brought the vial up to his mouth, taking a small sip out of it. The liquid stung his tongue, causing his eyes to water. He felt a burning sensation as the liquid trickled down his throat. Despite the bitter taste, he could feel a small burst of energy run through him. His fatigued limbs no longer ached after the long bit of running and he had to do to catch up to the two wanderers. He quickly finished off the vial, feeling power course through his limbs. He couldn't help but smile as the euphoric sensation washed over him. He eyed the vial, wishing he had more to drink, then tossed it to the side. The vial landed on a mossy patch.

The Skullcolt looked down at Epona again. He could have sworn he saw her before, but he couldn't quite place a hoof on where he had seen her before. He shrugged it off, and made his way over to Link. He noticed the green tunic and pointed green hat adorning the small pony. A jolt ran through him as he remembered where he had seen these two ponies before. He stood there, gazing at the small green pony. Minutes passed, and he continued to stare at the motionless body.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to search him for anything?" the white fairy asked. The Skullcolt remained in place, his eyes never wavering from Link's body. "Hello? Earth to Skullcolt? Are you even listening?" She flew in front of the Skullcolt's eyes, trying to get his attention. She watched as a glistening tear escaped his eye, tumbling down his face.

"I...I've seen these two before..." the Skullcolt's voice was very shaky. The demonic undertone that usually graced his voice was gone. Another tear rolled down his face, falling to the ground. He closed his eyes, letting the sadness overwhelm him. The purple fairy flew over to him, resting on the tip of his snout.

"What's wrong? I haven't seen you this sad since the day we first met," the Skullcolt just gazed at the fairy, tears continuously flowing down his cheeks.

"These two ponies...I know them from back home..." The Skullcolt sat down. "Back when I was just a young Zebra, I used to live in the Lost Woods of the Kokiri Forest. I would frolic about without a care in the world... That is... until the other Zebras turned on me." The Skullcolt paused, letting a small sob escape him. "They all hated me. They called me a freak... an outcast. They wanted nothing more than to see me suffer. One day, when I was walking through the woods, they ambushed me. I was nearly killed on that day... after they had left me there to die, I slowly made my way to a secret meadow out in the forest. Few knew of it's location, so I figured it was a good place for me to go and pass on to the void. At least then, I would've been able to die in peace... as I neared the meadow, I could hear a soft tune being played. It was a very joyous tune. The notes seemed to have a magical property. The very forest seemed to dance along with the melody. As I neared the meadow, the music got louder and stronger. I emerged through the bushes surrounding the meadow. Three ponies were standing in the middle of it, playing the beautiful song that I was hearing. I tried getting closer to them without them seeing me, but they noticed me. Black and white doesn't really blend in too well with the lush green grass in that forest. They stopped their music, and just stared at me," the demonic edge was slowly creeping back into the Skullcolt's voice. "The brown pony ran up to me and gasped when she saw all of my wounds. Before I could protest, she was digging in her bags, looking for medicine. She patched me up, and gave me a strange blue liquid that would help with the healing process."

"So... you're saying that these two ponies that you nearly killed stopped you from dieing...?" The white fairy said. "What a way to repay them..."

"Tatl, shut up! Let the Skullcolt go on with his story!" The purple fairy hopped off of the Skullcolt's snout and floated over to the white fairy. The white fairy shied away and landed on a small yellow flower. "Okay, go on with your story," the purple fairy said as he landed on a flower next to Tatl.

"Well, after they healed me up, they continued playing their song. I sat on a small stump, watching them dance around the meadow as they played. I pulled out the flute that had been passed down through my family, and I started to play along with them. Before I knew it, I was dancing along with them, having a good time. When we all grew tired, they were actually nice enough to let me join in with them when they ate lunch. I had finally made some friends, and I was truly happy for the first time in my life. That is, until they came back." The Skullcolt's voice had regained the demonic tone that it once had before. His voice seemed to rumble as he continued to speak. "The other Zebra's returned, angered by the fact that I was still alive. They charged at me, attempting to finish off the job. Before they could make it, this pony," he signaled towards Link, "already had his sword pulled out, and he was slashing wildly at them. He slaughtered them without a care. The sacred meadow that was once my safe haven was being painted in the blood of my own kind."

"But what does it matter if they were your own kind? They were trying to kill you!" Tatl said, angered by the Skullcolt's words.

"The forest was our home. Our sanctuary. Strangers usually come in, and get lost, and we are kind enough to lead them out. We lived in that forest due to the fact that the ponies outside of the forest were afraid of us. The forest was our home, and they were killing us on our own ground. If we fight each other, then it's our personal issue. But if they come in there, and start slaughtering our kind..." the Skullcolt's voice trailed off as he looked back down at Link's body. He pulled the mask down over his face, letting his anger flow through him. "This one... he killed my brothers... my sisters... my own kind... I don't care if they wanted me dead... Outsiders aren't allowed into our forest just so they could murder us..."

The eyes on the Skullcolt's mask seemed to glow more intensely as his anger boiled up inside of him. He walked over to Link, letting his rage over take his body. He took a deep breath, then brought his front hoof back. He released all of his pent up rage into Link's body as his kick connected with Link's stomach. The force of the kick sent Link tumbling a few feet, and he came to rest against a tree. The Skullcolt walked over to Link yet again, and viciously began digging through his bags. He felt around, looking for a certain object. His hoof brushed against a smooth, wooden object. He pulled it out, and in his hands lay a small blue instrument. He eyed it carefully, turning it around in his hooves. He brought it up to his mouth, blowing into the mouthpiece. A short, high note rang out. He placed his hoof over one of the holes and played another note. This time, it was a low note that resonated through the trees. He continued playing the small instrument, giggling at the tune he was playing. He stood up on his hind legs and began to dance around as he played. His light melody seemed to bring a renewed life to the forest. The trees and plants seemed to dance with him as he played his tune in the darkness of the night.

Chapter 2

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A hard, wooden floor welcomed Link as he woke from his slumber. His mind was in a fog, making it difficult for him to recall where he was and what he was doing there. He extended his front and back legs, yawning as he stretched his tired limbs and gazing at his surroundings. The floor extended in all directions and curved up towards the end. Strange carvings adorned the wood. One carving appeared to be depicting the Sun, whilst the other was depicting the moon. Runic symbols were carved near the curved portion of the wood. Link remembered seeing these symbols before, emblazoned on many clocks that hung on the walls in Hyrule. Why they were etched into the floor was a mystery to him. He rose to his hooves and began to make his way towards the edge of platform he had just moments ago been sleeping on. A gasp escaped him as he neared the edge and saw what lay before him.

A small town rested before him. A brick wall stretched around the town, sheltering it from the dangers of the world. Smoke rose from chimneys, filling the air with the smell of burning pinewood. Lanterns and candles flickered in windowsills, casting long shadows into the streets of the town. The sun was barely poking it’s head over the horizon, bringing with it a new day. A smile stretched across Link’s face as he sat there, watching the sun shoo away the darkness and bring light to the land. He glanced down at the ground and noticed something strange. Many of the townsfolk stood in the streets, gawking up at the sky. It wasn’t unusual to see a few ponies up this early getting a head-start on their day, but it seemed as if the whole town occupied the streets at the base of the tower.

Warmth flooded Link’s face as he realized that the tower that he stood upon was in the center of the town, and the townsfolk were most likely gawking at the crazy pony standing on their centerpiece. He shied away from the edge, looking for a way down. A ladder poking out of a hole in the center of the tower caught his eye. He trotted to it, quickly making his way down through the hole. The ancient wood creaked as he made his decent, slowly resting his hooves on each step. Despite the ancient look of the wood, the smoothness of it along with the polish made it seem as if it were made just a few hours ago.

Light soon began to fill the passage as Link continued downwards. He stepped off of the ladder on to the hard, stone floor. A small lantern lit the passage, giving an orange radiance to the surrounding area. He grasped the lantern in his teeth, slowly making his way forward through the dark hall. Shadows danced on the wall as the lantern bobbed along with Link’s movements. The only sound that filled the musty tunnel was the sound of Link’s hooves against the stone floor. After a few minutes of walking, he came upon a wall blocking his path. The wall was made out of what seemed like the same wood that the ladder was made out of. Again, despite it’s age, it looked as if it was made but moments ago. A crease ran down the middle of the wall. Link scanned over it, looking if there was some way to open it, but to no avail. Disheartened, he turned around to head back the way he came, but not without kicking the wall out of annoyance.

A dull echo rang through the chamber as Link’s hoof connected with the wall. He growled as his hoof went too far, throwing him off balance. He fell to the floor, angered at the situation he was in. The wall was unmovable, and the only thing that waited for him in the other direction was the ladder that led back up to the top of the tower. He sat there, eyes closed, pondering on what he could do. The only other way to leave the tower was if he plummeted off the top of it. The possibility of him surviving, however, was very slim. He scrapped the idea and continued raking his brain for another idea.

Link sat for a few minutes within the chamber with nothing but the lantern that he took off the hook to keep him company. As he continued thinking of ideas, he felt a slight breeze against the back of his neck. He jumped, startled that any type of breeze could permeate the walls that surrounded him. He opened his eyes and spun around to see the wall that had previously been blocking his path was now slightly open, allowing the dim morning light to flow in. Link pushed on the wall, watching as the ancient wood swung out, allowing more light to flood in. The door led to what appeared to be the town square. He hesitated, unsure whether he should go out in to the street, or if he should just wait until the crowd died down. He was about to try and wait it out, until he noticed that the ponies still seemed to be staring up at the sky.

Link walked out in to the square. Ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors occupied the streets, each one staring up in to the sky, mouths wide open. Link followed their gaze, wondering what they were looking at. His entire body went numb with fear as he looked in to the sky.

The moon was only a few hundred feet from the top of the tower that he was standing on but moments ago. His heart began to race as the moon seemed to get larger, slowly descending upon the town. He tore his eyes away from the menacing sight and watched as the townsfolk began to panic. Families held each other, tears running down their faces as they realized that these were their last moments together. The town guards sat at the gates, ignoring their duties, their hearts too full of fear to move. A few ponies attempted to run back to their homes and gather up their belongings so they could flee the town. The rest of the townsfolk just sat there, accepting their fate, knowing that no matter what they tried to do, there was no possible escape from the clutches of the moon.

Link looked around, trying to find an escape. He knew that nothing he could do could save the town. A gate with two guards stationed at either side caught his eye. He sprinted towards it, his heart pounding against his chest.

As he passed the guards, he could here one of them say, “Is this truly how our lives must end? Crushed, beneath the once beautiful orb that used to hang high amongst the stars? Fate, you are a cruel mistress.” Link noticed a single tear run down the guards cheek, glinting in the light as he sprinted through the gate.

Link was dumbfounded by the landscape that rested outside the town walls. From the top of the tower, the area outside looked lush and green, filled with life. But as he ran through the gates, he was greeted by only a desolate wasteland. The ground was scorched, not a single blade of grass growing from the charred dirt. The few trees that still stuck out of the ground were black as the night sky.

Link stood at the gate, his heart rapidly pounding against his chest. His legs shook with adrenaline as he stared into the wasteland, looking for something to run to. Suddenly, the ground began shaking with violent force. Link turned around and stared in horror at the moon, which was now only a few feet from the tower. Without a second thought, he turned back towards the wasteland and propelled himself forward. He didn’t care where he was going, as long as it was as far away from the town as possible.

He was nearly a quarter of a mile from the town when a deafening noise filled the air, making Link’s heart skip a beat. He turned around and saw the moon had finally made contact with the tower, crushing it with it’s intense weight. The heavy wooden supports within the tower cracked as if they were nothing but dried out twigs. Despite the sound of cracking wood and tumbling bricks, Link heart something that made his heart sink to the bottom of his chest. He heard the wails of the townsfolk, crying for their lives. Some screamed in agony, others cried out with sorrow, and some begged for mercy. Tears soon began flowing down his face as he continued his sprint, his hooves pounding against the packed dirt in the wasteland. Link turned forward just in time to see a fallen tree in his path. He attempted to hop over it, jumping off the ground and tucking his legs close to him. His front hooves clipped the top of the log, sending him sprawling across the ground. Pain shot through his front legs as he landed hard, scraping his legs and abdomen across the ground. He attempted to stand up, but fell once more as his legs failed to support his weight.

Fear shot through Link as he watched large chunks of brick and wood flying over him. He swiveled his head back towards the town and watched in horror as the moon started to collide with the ground. The tower was completely gone along with the wall surrounding the town. The screams of pain and sorrow had ceased, sending a chill through Link’s spine as he realised that he was probably the only pony that made it out of the town alive. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the moon colliding with the earth. Link felt a tremor run through his body as the moon connected with the earth, sending a shock wave and massive amounts of debris into the distance.

Link braced himself against the downed tree as more debris came flying towards him. A massive chunk of stone whizzed by him, landing only a few feet from where he hid. The impact jarred his teeth and left a crater where it hit. Wooden fragments came down near Link, embedding themselves into the dirt around him. Link attempted to stand once more, realizing that sitting there would mean almost certain death. The pain in his legs was nearly unbearable, but he prevailed. He charged forward, his legs throbbing with pain each time he took a step. He gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the pain as he continued away from the town and the raining debris.

Link turned his head back towards the town once more, looking at the devastation. The moon continued it’s journey, embedding itself into the ground. The remains of the town still rained from the sky. Link quickened his pace, trying to put as much ground between him and the hell that lay behind him. He jumped with fright each time something landed near him. An old wooden pillar nearly twice the length of him flew by him so close, he could see every detail and knot in the wood. The pillar landed only a few feet from him, embedding itself into the ground. Link stared at the pillar, adrenaline coursing through him as he realized how close he had been to death. The pain in his legs seemed to disappear as the adrenaline filled his entire body. He upped his pace from a slow jog to an all out sprint.

Link was nearly a mile away from the point of impact. Sweat poured out of him as he ran. His tongue was hanging lazily out of his mouth as he panted, his lungs burning for more air. He contemplated stopping to rest, but knew that was a bad idea as debris still rained from the sky. As he ran, he saw the shadow of something flying towards him. He attempted to jump to the side to avoid whatever it was that was coming towards him, but it was too late. A sickening snap sent chills down Link’s entire body as he tumbled along the ground. He came to rest a few feet away, pain coursing through his leg. Every time he moved, a new wave of pain would shoot through his leg. He looked down in horror to see his leg bent in two different angles. A bloody piece of wood lay only a few inches from his shattered leg. It was the circlet of wood that was engraved with the picture of the moon moon at the top of the tower. The wood seemed to glow as it sat there, fresh blood dripping from it.

Link cocked his head up just in time to see a massive chunk of stone arcing towards him. He opened his mouth in a soundless scream then began scrambling trying to get away from the projectile. His broken leg screamed in protest as he tried standing up on it, causing him to stumble back on to the ground. He turned around, just in time to see the rock hurtling straight towards him, only a few feet away.


A jolt of energy ran through Link as his eyes flew open. He gazed off in to the forest as the pain in his body came rushing back in as he resumed consciousness. His head and chest throbbed with each breath he took. The dream that he had just experienced still haunted him as he struggled to get back on his hooves.

Link pushed up with all of his might, trying to stand. He cringed as his head and chest throbbed even harder as he struggled to get up. He leaned up against the tree he had passed out against, letting it support his weight. He began to cough violently, his chest screaming in protest each time he let one out. Minutes passed before he was able to stop. He spat a mixture of saliva and blood on the ground as he felt a sickening taste fill his mouth. After he spat, he noticed a thick red liquid permeating his green tunic. Fear gripped him as he undid his tunic, opening up the two sides to reveal his chest. He was shocked and relieved by what he saw. A large bruise stretched from his chest all the way down to the middle of his stomach, where the bruise was the darkest. Link sighed with relief as he realized that the red liquid on his tunic wasn’t coming from him. He then noticed that the inside pocket in his tunic was dripping. He reached in and pulled out a small flask that he kept for emergencies. The cork on top of it must have fallen off during the time he was passed out, allowing for the liquid to spill out. He was grateful that only half of the flask was empty, leaving enough for him to enjoy. He held the flask in his mouth then tilted his head back to allow the viscous liquid to drain out of the flask and down his throat. He emptied the flask, placed the cork back in the top, then slipped it back in to his pocket. The pain in his head slowly ebbed away as the potion took affect. He looked down and watched as the bruise on his underside slowly faded away, leaving nothing to remind him of his anguish. He breathed in deeply, glad that he could do so without feeling any pain. Link closed his tunic, retying the strings on it.

Link stared off into the forest, noticing Epona still lying on the ground from earlier, her white mane glistening in the moonlight. He trotted over to her, relieved that she was still breathing. Remorse filled Link as he realized that he had drank the last bit of potion without even thinking about saving some for Epona. He sat down next to her, waiting for her to regain consciousness. He knew that camping out in the middle of the forest was dangerous, especially considering the attack they had been through. Link laid down, shut his eyes, and was ready to sleep away this nightmarish evening. He was a few moments away from sleep when a strange tune pervaded his ears. The ghostly melody drifted through the forest, echoing amongst the trees. Link pricked up his ears, trying to find the source of the music. He stood and walked in the direction of the noise.

After a few minutes of walking, he came upon a meadow in the center of the forest. The moon illuminated the clearing, casting an eerie light down upon it. The music grew louder as Link made his way to the center of the meadow. A dark figure danced amongst the shadows, moving to the music as it played. Link watched as the creature jumped on to a rock, allowing the moon to shine down upon it. Anger filled Link as he saw the Zebra who had attacked him before, dancing on the rock to the tune he was playing. The mask he had been wearing rested on the brim of his straw hat, bobbing up and down along with him. The white and purple balls of light swayed along with him as he danced. The moonlight glinted off of the instrument in the Zebra’s hooves. Link’s eyes widened as he looked at the instrument. That was his ocarina! Angered, Link began to sneak towards the Zebra to try and steal it back.

Link crouched as low to the ground as he could. As quietly as he could, he made his way towards the rock that the Zebra stood on. He froze as an owl flew overhead, hooting in the night. He watched as the Zebra stopped playing, pulled down the mask to cover his face, then began scanning the forest for any possible intruders. The two orbs of light began to fly over the meadow, scanning the field for any signs of danger. Link held his breath as the Zebra looked towards him, the yellow eyes of its mask glowing in the night. Another owl took off from behind the Zebra, joining its friend as they flew off into the night. The Zebra quickly glanced towards the two creatures of the night, allowing Link to continue towards him.

Link reached for his sword as he slowly came upon the Zebra. Panic struck him as he noticed that his sword was no longer in its sheath. He paused, unsure of what to do. His weapon was misplaced, leaving him to either retreat to look for it and miss his chance to attack the Zebra, or fight the Zebra with nothing but his hooves and shield. The element of surprise was on his side, and if he could get one good hit in, he could grab his Ocarina and vacate the woods before the Zebra regained consciousness. He decided it was better to strike now while he was so close. He closed the gap between him and the Zebra, slinking through the grass as quietly as he could.

Only a few feet stood between him and the Zebra. Link took one last step, preparing to attack. He felt his hoof land on something, and before he could stop it, the twig that he had stepped on snapped. The Zebra spun around, glaring right into Link’s eyes. Link froze with fear, unable to hide from the yellow eyes that pierced through him. Staring into the yellow eyes of the mask made Link remember that this was the same Zebra who had ambushed them, robbed them, and left them in the woods for dead. Link tensed up, preparing to strike, every muscle in his body tense. He waited, staring deeply into the Masks’ eyes, preparing to strike when the moment was right.

I light breeze blew through the meadow, causing the grass and trees to dance in the moonlight. Neither Link nor the Zebra dared to move. Two lights flickered in the distance, flying towards the two as fast as they could. The two orbs of light that had accompanied the Zebra were dashing towards him, having finished up their scan of the meadow. The breeze threw the purple light off-balance, causing it to slam into the side of the Zebra’s head. The Zebra recoiled, growling at the purple orb. Link saw this as his opportunity to strike. He released his pent up energy, diving towards the Zebra. He put his shielded leg forward, allowing it to lead his attack. He aimed right for the Zebra’s head, hoping to knock him out and give him a chance to get his ocarina back.

Link was only a few inches from the Zebra’s face. He braced his arm, ready for the ensuing impact. Just as he was about to hit him, the Zebra brought up his leg and blocked Link’s attack. The force of Link’s leap caused them to tumble across the ground in a jumbled heap, thrashing about while trying to stand up. They stopped a few feet away from the rock that the Zebra was standing on. He glanced around, trying to find his adversary. He nearly screamed when he turned around and saw the piercing gaze of the mask mere inches from his face. Before Link could react, the Zebra pushed him away. Link rolled along the ground, finally coming to rest in the center of the meadow. He stared back at the Zebra, who then jumped up into the trees and bounded into the forest.

A frustrated sigh escaped Link as he watched the Zebra disappear amongst the trees. His attack failed, and he was unable to retrieve his ocarina. He stood, brushed himself off, then made his way back into the forest where Epona was still resting. He knew that trying to chase after the Zebra would end in catastrophe. The forest was too dark, allowing for too many secrets to be hidden behind any tree. He didn’t want to risk being ambushed again. His only concern now was to get himself and his friend out of the woods.

Epona was still resting in the same position when he returned. He walked over to her, gathering up her scattered possessions and packing them back in to her bags. The moon shined off of something hidden amongst the bushes, catching Link’s attention. He placed Epona’s bags next to her, then made his way over to the object shining in the light. His heart beat with joy as he realized it was his misplaced sword. It was resting next to the same tree he had passed out against. He cursed himself for not looking for it sooner. If he had had that on him just a few moments ago, he would have his ocarina back.

The sound of shuffling leaves caused Link to jump in fright, gripping his sword in his mouth as he spun around to face whatever decided to attack him this time. He gazed into the black woods, trying to find the source of the noise. To his surprise, he watched as Epona began to move around, lifting her head. Link smiled as he watched his friend awaken, finally glad that she had gotten up. He rushed over to her, aiding her as she attempted to sit up. She slumped against Link, allowing him to take the bulk of her weight. Epona slowly pulled away from Link, allowing herself to hold herself up by her own power. She motioned towards her bags. Without hesitating, Link quickly handed them to her. She immediately began digging through her bags, haphazardly searching through her supplies. A smile spread across her face as she pulled out a small canteen. She unscrewed the top off of the jug and began to quickly guzzle down the water contained inside. After a few seconds, she stopped, took a deep breath, then offered the canteen to Link. He slowly shook his head, still reveling in the fact that his friend was alive and well. She took one last draught before screwing the lid back on and placing the canteen back in her bag. She looked back at Link, then motioned off towards the trail. They continued on their trek, happy to be with one another once more.


“Why did you run away?!” The white fairy yelled. She hovered in front of the Skullcolt’s face, staring into his uncovered eyes. “You could have ended him right then and there! But instead, you ran away like a coward with your tail between your legs!”

“Tatl, that is enough!” The Tael flew over to the white one, anger filling his voice. “It’s not like you helped at all! You were the one who slammed into the Skullcolt’s head!

Tatl blushed from embarrassment. “It’s not my fault! The wind pushed me in to him!”

“Oh, sure, blame the wind for your weak flying skills!”

“I didn’t see you helping him at all! You cowered behind a bunch of flowers as soon as you saw that green pony jump! I at least remained by his side the whole time!”

A deep growl filled the air. The Skullcolt, angered by his fairies, pulled his mask down over his face and looked at both of them. “If you two want to continue fighting, then fine. I was obviously mistaken when I thought a brother and sister could actually get along. Now, if you will excuse me, the poison should be setting in any second now. I don’t want to miss my chance at this.”

“Poison...? What poison?” Tatl said, her voice cracking as she spoke. “What have you done, Skullcolt?”

“You shall see soon enough, Tatl. There was a reason why I ran off. I’m fully aware that I could have easily dispatched that little green nuisance, but I have something larger in store for him. The pain that he made me feel when he slaughtered my brethren...I want him to experience that same pain.” The Skullcolt began to chuckle, his childish laughter still bursting forth through his demonic tone. “Now, we must hurry. We don’t have much time before the poison takes effect.”

The Skullcolt jumped up and began bounding through the forest at a break-neck pace, his fairies barely able to keep up. His hoof-steps were barely a whisper against the soft forest ground.

Chapter 3

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Worry overwhelmed Link. He watched helplessly as Epona lay on the ground, convulsing wildly due to her pains. This was the fourth time they had to stop due to her illness, with each stop being harder for Link and Epona to endure. The sorrow in Link’s heart kept building up as he watched his friend thrashing about on the ground, the pain being almost unbearable for her. He feared that the pains would soon become too much, and Epona would simply pass away just to escape her torment.

A sigh of relief escaped Link’s mouth as he watched his friend attempt to sit up, the wave of pain finally subsiding for now. A few shallow breaths escaped Epona as she sat up on her hind legs, staring at the ground with a blank expression, a light foam resting on the corners of her mouth. The whites of her eyes were slowly turning red from the stress she had been experiencing. The entirety of her being shook as she shivered, sending droplets of sweat flying through the air that glistened in the dull light of the moon. A whimper escaped her as she steadied herself.

Link walked over to his friend, placing a hoof on her back for comfort. Epona looked up at her friend, smiling weakly. She shivered once more, shaking Link’s hoof off of her. Link stared at her, concern for her boiling up to the point where it was almost painful. He cringed as she started heaving, the sound echoing eerily amongst the trees of the forest. Epona heaved once more, vomiting up what little food remained in her stomach. She warily looked at the mess she had made, then averted her eyes as she shook once more. Link pulled the canteen out of Epona’s bag, doing the same routine that he had done since she had first gotten ill. He unscrewed the canteen, offering it to his sickly friend. She hesitantly accepted, taking a few shallow sips before handing it back to Link. Before putting the cap back on, Link took a drink to wet his dried out throat. He gagged as the water slid down his throat, leaving a nasty aftertaste and a pungent odor in the air. Concern filled him once more as he realized that the water may have gone stagnant and could be what was making Epona so sick. He quickly dumped the contents of the canteen out on to the forest floor. The water ran along the ground, filling every nook and cranny with its presence before seeping into the dirt. Link watched as the water disappeared.

A black residue remained on the ground where the water had been. It sat along the forest floor, nearly blending in with the shadows that were being cast by the moon’s light. Worry filled Link once more as he stared at the substance. A sickening stench wafted up from the black powder, stinging Link’s nose and causing his eyes to water. He was transfixed by the substance, trying to identify what it was and how it got into their water.

A blood-curdling scream resounded through the air, causing him to jump in fright and drop his canteen. Link looked at Epona who was curled up next to a tree in the fetal position. She screamed once more, rolling around on the ground as she did. Link rushed over to her, panicked adrenaline filling his limbs. All he could do was sit and watch as his friend’s tortured cries filled the night air, ringing through the forest.


The Skullcolt sat on a thick branch, perched on it like an over-sized bird. His head was cocked awkwardly to the side, so much so that his hat and Mask threatened to fall off. Tatl flew in front of him, catching his attention.

“Why did you stop? I thought you said that we had to hurry?” Tatl said, bobbing in front of the Skullcolt to garner his full attention.

The Skullcolt shushed her, still tilting his head to the side. Moments later, a ghostly moan echoed amongst the shadows. The wail was like music to his ears. A smile spread across the Skullcolt’s face as he listened.

“What in the name of the Goddesses was that?” Tael said in between gasps, trying to catch his breath and speak at the same time, having finally caught up to his companions.

“That, my fine fairy friend, is the sound of success!” The Skullcolt’s smile continued getting larger until it seemed as if his face would tear from the sheer joy. He couldn’t help but start giggling. At first, it sounded like a young pony’s laughter, then quickly grew deeper as a demonic edge slipped in.

“Success? What do you mean? What have you done this time, Skullcolt?” Tatl said, a motherly tone seeping in to her voice.

“You shall see soon enough, Tatl. Everything will be explained in due time.” The Skullcolt pulled down his Mask, straightening his hat as he did so. “Now, let us hurry. We have but a few minutes to spare!” As the Skullcolt finished his sentence, another wail broke the silence of the forest. He struggled to suppress a giggle, then jumped from the branch he sat on to the forest below. Tatl and Tael flew to catch up to him as he sprinted off towards the shouts at full gallop, weaving between the trees.


Weariness covered Link like a thick blanket. His head and limbs felt as if they were made of lead, and his tongue felt as if it were covered in wool. Time seemed to have slowed down, causing Link’s vision to blur as he moved. To Link, minutes felt like hours, but he didn’t seem to mind. His only thoughts were of Epona.

He gazed over at his friend who was calmly sleeping on the ground. Her body was still glistening with sweat and her breathing was shaky, but she was still alive. Link sighed with relief, but soon began to worry once more for her well-being. Their potion supply had run out, he was unsure how much further it was until they were out of the forest, and the darkness of night still pervaded the forest.

Link began thinking of solutions to their predicament. Epona was in no condition to travel the remaining distance. He thought he could risk carrying her, but in his groggy state, he would barely make it a hundred feet before he was too tired to continue. He then thought about running ahead without Epona so that he could find a doctor or an apothecary. The thought of leaving Epona alone in the woods made him cringe. Even under better circumstances, he wouldn’t think of leaving her behind in such a defenseless state. More ideas flowed into his mind, each one crazier than the last.

After spending what seemed like hours in his foggy state trying to come up with a solution, Link began to notice the toll that the black powder had taken on him, mainly his dehydration. His mouth was incredibly dry and only getting worse by the minute. He thought back to the canteen, remembering that he had to dump the water out because it was contaminated. His throat burned, but he could only imagine how bad Epona must have been feeling. She drank nearly three times as much as Link. How she was able to do so without noticing the horrific taste, Link was unsure. He remained where he was for several more minutes. He ignored his ever present dehydration, trying to work out a way that both he and Epona could get out of the forest safely and quickly.

A faint noise in the distance filled Link’s ears. The noise was fuzzy and Link could barely hear it in his ever-deteriorating state, but the sound was still unmistakable. It was the same noise that Link heard most of his life, the same one that often soothed him to sleep at night when he was back home, before setting off to be an adventurer. The sound of running water trickling over rocks reminded Link even more of his dehydration. The back of his throat seemed to burn with increasing intensity as he listened until he couldn’t stand the torment any longer.

Link broke out into a run, stumbling over every root or bumping into every tree that stood in his path. At one point, he even fell head over hooves after being tripped up by a patch of ivy sprawling along the ground. Another time, he was tripped up by the canteen that was slung around his chest, the strap somehow becoming entangled with his front legs.

The sound of rushing water grew louder and louder. A bush rested in Link’s path, attempting to impede his progress. Rather than stopping and going around, he attempted to dive over it. His hooves left the ground as he jumped, attempting to clear the shrub in a single bound.

Pain darted through his body as he dove straight through the bush, getting ensnared by the branches inside. The small thorns hidden within the bush clawed at Link, leaving tiny marks where their attack succeeded. Link struggled to break through, causing more wounds. After a few minutes of struggling, he stopped, realising that his struggle was pointless. He took in a deep breath then calmly began trying to work his way through the bush. A few thorns still sliced at him, one even latching on to his cap and pulling it off of his head. Another thorn attempted to steal away his canteen, nearly choking him with the strap still wrapped around him. After a few minutes of crawling through the bush, Link finally burst forth triumphantly, nearly falling muzzle first into the stream that ran before him.

Link’s eyes lit up as he stared down at the stream, a perfect reflection of himself staring back. The moon glistened against the stream, seemingly magnified by the clear water. Without a second thought, Link plunged his head into the water, delightfully gulping up as much water as he could. The cool liquid felt good against his face, helping to clear his mind and clear away the effects of the tainted water from before. After a few seconds, he pulled his head from the water, gasping deeply. Relief gripped him, forcing him to relax his limbs and mind.

He carefully unscrewed the canteen once more and plunged it into the water. A few seconds later, he pulled the container out, dumping out the contents within to wash away any residue remaining in it. He repeated the process, making sure that the canteen was free of contamination. After filling it one last time and screwing the cap back on, he gazed into the water.

Ripples danced along the surface, distorting the images it normally reflected. Once the water settled, Link noticed two glowing orbs that were not there before. He glanced up, looking for the source of the two orbs.

The same zebra that he had fought earlier was resting upon a branch, staring down upon Link. He instinctively reach for his sword, preparing to fight. Before his weapon was halfway out of its sheath, the zebra dove from his branch on to the forest floor below, all the while keeping eye contact with Link. Two orbs of light soon joined him once again, bobbing next to him.

“So, I see the poison is wearing off...I should have known that you weren’t idiotic enough to guzzle as much of it as your unfortunate friend.” The Zebra’s voice chilled Link’s bones. “Too bad for her...I can’t imagine the agony she’s feeling right now. I wonder how she feels that her friend left her alone and defenseless in the middle of the woods just so he may satisfy his ravenous thirst.”

Anger boiled up inside of Link as the zebra’s words left his mouth. Link pulled his sword completely from its sheath, preparing once again to charge the zebra. Before he could, the zebra spoke once more.

“You must not remember me, Link,” he flinched at the mention of his name. The zebra slowly lifted his mask, his green eyes staring into Link’s blue ones. “Do you not recognize your old friend from the Lost Woods? The same zebra that you used to frolic and play with before murdering his friends and family?” The last few words struck Link like a hammer, jolting his memory. His jaw dropped as he realized who the zebra that stood before him was. The familiar green eyes, the white skull pattern that his stripes formed on his face, and the childish voice that sometimes escaped before returning to the usual demonic visage.

“I see you still remember your old friend, the Skullcolt. How could you not? You saved me from death, then turned around and decimated everyone that I cared about!” Any evidence of the Skullcolt’s childish voice was gone, his demonic edge creeping in and taking over his voice. “How could you do this to me!? You betrayed and abandoned me, just like my friends before!”

Link remained where he was, his anger reaching dangerous levels. The Skullcolt made a sudden movement causing him to flinch and put his leg in front of his face, despite the fact that his shield was resting on his back. The Skullcolt pulled out a small blue object that reflected off of the moonlight. Link’s heart skipped as he saw his Ocarina in the Skullcolt’s grasp once again.

“The hunger in your eyes betrays you, Link. This little trinket must mean more to you than I previously thought, but it’s still not enough to make you feel the same torment that I felt all those months ago...” The Skullcolt tossed the instrument up and down in his hooves, thinking as he did so. The Skullcolt’s two fairies landed on the tips of his ears and whispered something inaudible to Link. A sickening smile spread across the Skullcolt’s face as the two fairies jumped off of his ears, taking flight once more.

The Skullcolt quickly pocketed the Ocarina and pulled his mask down to cover his face. Without warning, he jumped back into the trees, bounding as quickly as he could from branch to branch. Link stared at the Skullcolt, watching as he retreated. Confusion soon over took his anger. The thought that he was watching Link the whole time sent tremors through his entire being. He brushed the thought away, returning his sword back to his sheath. He didn’t have time to wonder about what just happened, especially considering his friend’s condition was worsening every moment. He quickly grabbed his hat from it’s imprisonment in the bush, secured the canteen around his chest, and made his way back to Epona.

The path back was much easier for Link to navigate this time, mainly due to the fact that he was in a clearer state of mind and the remnants of his reckless sprint helped lead him back. Before long, he came back into the clearing where Epona was resting. Fear shot through Link’s heart when he looked over to his friend.

The Skullcolt stood beside her body, staring at Link and smiling the same wicked smile from before. His two fairies rested on Epona’s heaving sides, slowly bobbing up and down along with her breathing. A demonic laugh escaped his maw as he saw Link.

“Your friend doesn’t look too well, does she?” The Skullcolt patted the side of Epona’s
head. She barely noticed, still deep within her slumber. “And you left her here to die, all on her own. Her one friend, abandoning her in her time of need. What kind of friend are you?”

Guilt ate away at Link. The Skullcolt’s words tormented him to no end. He had left her there alone, not knowing what may happen to her.

A groan startled the group as Epona began to stir. The two fairies took flight, nearly being knocked away by her hoof as she scratched her side.

“It seems like the poison is wearing off. What a shame...I thought I would have more time to do this,” The Skullcolt said to himself. Before Link could react, the Skullcolt scooped Epona up in his hooves, throwing her on to his back. She landed on him with a soft thump, her mane glistening in the moonlight. His wicked smile returned once more, evidence of it showing beneath his mask. Without another word, the Skullcolt bolted, running through the trees at a reckless pace, Epona’s head violently bouncing up and down with each step.

Tears began to well up in Link’s eyes as he watched his friend get whisked away by the Skullcolt. He sprinted after them with all of his might, turning his anguish into energy, propelling himself forward.

He ran into the darkness for what seemed like an eternity, chasing after his friend. He had lost sight of them but was unable to cope with the fact that his friend had been ponynapped. With his eyes filled with tears, and his limbs burning, Link finally came to rest next to a massive tree that seemed to tower over the rest. He leaned up against the behemoth, tears and sweat streaming down his face. Every fiber of his being seemed to weep for his friend. His limbs soon failed him, being exhausted by his run.

Link rested against the tree, hopelessness flooding his heart. He lamented into the
evening, finally succumbing to a fitful sleep. The moon poked through the trees, watching over Link as he slept.


The Skullcolt stopped in a small clearing in the forest, his breathing hard and unsteady. He looked back, half expecting a green blur to come bolting towards him for revenge. Tatl and Tael caught up to him, their breathing equally as labored.

“I think we lost him,” Tael said in between breaths. He landed on a small flower, resting his tired wings along with his sister. “What do you plan on doing with her?” he said, motioning towards Epona.

“Do not worry about her, young Tael. She is the least of this land’s worries right now,” he said, gazing up at the moon. A sickening laugh echoed between the trees as he glared at the glowing orb in the sky.