A Blaze of Ambition

by shadow50000

First published

Silver Blaze wants adventure, and Luna can help him find it. How? Read on, and find out! :)

Silver Blaze, a unicorn pony, dreams of a greater purpose, of going on adventures, and exploring the world. Luna gives him the opportunity he needs. What transpires? Read on, and find out! :)


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Silver Blaze stared out the window, looking upwards at the grand spires of Canterlot Castle. He sighed wistfully, internally wondering how he could reach them.
He was a Unicorn Pony, with a pure white coat, and a black mane and tail with red streaks.
Blaze started when his mother's voice brought him out of his stupor. "Come downstairs Silver, I've got breakfast ready!"
"OK Mom, I'll be down in a bit!" Silver shouted back. He gazed out his window once more, before closing the blinds. He took a look around his small, but comfortable room.
There was a simple bed in the corner, a dresser in the other, a small sofa against the wall, a door that led downstairs to the living room, and a few posters of famous sorcerers hanging on the walls.
He shook his head free of the daydreams, and pulled open the door to the stairs.
Walking down the stairs, he noticed a strong smell of pancakes and eggs coming from the kitchen. This intensified his hunger, and he raced downstairs.
Reaching the kitchen, he scrambled up to the table, where a hot plate awaited him. He eagerly devoured all that was in front of him, and sat back with a contented sigh.
"So Mom, what's our plan for today?" he cheerfully asked.
"I wasn't aware we needed one son. I just thought we might go down-town, and see if there was anything of interest to see or do."
"Well," Silver rebutted "maybe we should let Dad decide."
"Let me decide what, Silver?" his father interjected, as he strode into the kitchen bearing a smile.
Silver stared at his Dad, a tall muscular Earth Pony with a grey coat and dark grey mane.
"I think you should pick what we do for our family outing today Dad. Seems only fair, as you almost never get to choose where we go on Saturdays."
His father smiled wide, and tussled the colt's mane affectionately. "I think I already know where we should go." he said with cheer.
- - -
An hour later, after they had all eaten their fill, and had made a picnic basket for lunch, they set off toward the park.
Silver left his parents sitting on a bench, and met up with his friend Midnight Flame.
"Hey Midnight, how's it goin'?"
"Can't complain, but I'm a bit bored, what with Summer dragging on forever and all."
"Ugh, I know the feeling man. Nothing to do, bored as can be, hotter than Tartarus itself. It almost makes me want to go back to school!"
"Yeahhhh, I'm not that desperate for something to do bro."
Silver chuckled at his friend's lack of enthusiasm. Midnight had always been a lazy pony, but he was a friend Silver could count on.
"So Midnight, what's your plan today?" Silver asked.
"I didn't have that much of a plan, just decided to chill at the park. Beats sitting at home, listening to my kid sister whine."
"Well, I have a hoofball, wanna play catch?"
"You know I'm not exactly the athletic type Silver. But what the hay, nothin' else to do."
- - -
After about an hour of hoofball, they both became quite tired, and laid on the grass.
"Hey Midnight?"
"Yeah bro?"
"Do you ever think about leaving Canterlot? Maybe exploring the world, meeting new ponies, doing exciting things?"
Midnight gave his friend a quizzical look. "Um.. Yeah bro all the time; doesn't everyone? But I mean, it's kind of a lofty dream to have. Adventurer isn't really a high paying job ya know?"
"I guess so..." Silver sighed and stared once more at those impossibly high towers of gold and ivory. He slowly relaxed amidst the grass, and gently fell asleep.
- - -
It was quite a lovely field. Silver doubted he had ever seen anything like it. He walked around, surrounded by green grass as far as the eye could see.
This grass was different, it was somehow greener than the grass back at the park, almost as if it were glowing.
His gaze was averted however, when he noticed the rather imposing dark blue alicorn standing by an oak tree.
She was beautiful, with a mane that seemed to be made out of the stars themselves, ever flowing in the wind. Her cutie mark was a lovely silver crescent moon surrounded by blackness.
However, it was her eyes that really had him transfixed. They seemed to shine with knowledge, to brim with everlasting hope and courage.

Suddenly, she spoke. "Why dost thou stare at us so? Art thou afraid?"
Silver blinked with hesitation, wondering how on Equus he was going to come up with a response to such a magnificent being.
"I suppose it can be a bit jarring, the first trip into the Ether. We would not have expected it to incapacitate thou in such a manner."
"I-I can speak, Ma'am. I'm just confused. Where exactly am I? And who are you?"
"We are known as the Princess of the Night, the Gatekeeper to the Stars, Dark to Celestia's Light, Princess Luna."
"That's quite a long name, would it be alright if I just called you Princess Luna?"
"Oh, but of course! Those are just Royal Titles, nothing you should bother yourself with young Silver."
"H-How do you know my name Princess?" Silver practically shouted at her.
"We know many things about Our country young colt, one of them being the names of all Our subjects."
"A-alright. But what is this place? And why am I here?" Silver questioned the alicorn.
"This place is what one might call a dreamscape. However, 'tis no simple dream thou inhabit. Neigh, thou art inside the Ether. This is where We bring dreams to all of Our subjects."
"Wow... You create dreams for everypony in Equestria?"
Luna gave a hearty chuckle "Neigh, We simply enhance what already lies within the minds of Our subjects, and the dream takes it's place among their subconscious."
"Oh, I think I get it. So, if you didn't enhance what was already there, would everypony still dream?"
"Yes, but the dreams would be obscure, vague, and almost impossible to remember the next morning. We enhance what is there so that Our Little Ponies might learn from their dreams."
Silver looked at the glowing alicorn with growing understanding. "So, you kind of teach ponies lessons like Princess Celestia does, only in a more subliminal way?"
Luna grinned widely, and clapped her hooves together. "Yes young Silver, thou understandeth perfectly!"
Silver smiled up at Luna, and laid down next to the large oak.

"Now Silver, as for why thou art here, We have sensed a great longing within you. You desire to leave this place, travel, and seek adventure, correct?"
Silver looked at Luna, his eyes full of hope and excitement. "Yeah. more than anything! I know that I'm destined for something greater than just a simple villager."
"Well, We have brought you here to give you a proposition. We are leaving to Griffonia later this week, and We were wondering if thou wouldst join us.
It will be a long journey, but thou whilst learn much along the way, about griffins, dreams, and yourself.
However, there is a catch. When you leave with us, thou whilst be bound to us, as a confidant, an ally of sorts.
You will not see your family often, and will live under the Night Guards' custody at the palace.
If you can truly say that you can put your old life behind, and join me for a greater purpose, then step forward young colt, and claim your glory."

Silver stared at Luna with huge eyes. He looked numb on the outside, but internally his mind was a whirlwind of thought.
"This is it! My chance to finally go somewhere, become somepony meaningful! I have to do this!"
His rational side interjected however. "No, you can't just abandon your family. At least not without a proper goodbye."
Silver thought of his family; his mother full of love and grace, his father dedicated to his household. He thought that surely they would be happy for him.
"Maybe they'll even be proud of me. Maybe I'll finally impress them." Silver looked at Luna, and stood up, trotting toward her with resolve.
"Luna, I would love to accept your proposal. However, I must ask a favour before we leave."
"Of course Silver, what is it thou require?"
"I-I wanna stay with my parents, just for a little while longer. So that I can explain this whole thing to them, and properly say goodbye."
Luna looked at Silver with merriment in her eyes. "Of course my dear Silver. I'm so happy thou hast decided to join us. thou shalt not regret this."
Luna gave Silver a quick hug, and her horn began to glow a deep blue.
Silver felt himself begin to fall, and looked down to notice that the ground was no longer there. In fact, the entire dreamscape was gone, replaced by an empty void.
Silver didn't panic, he just let his eyes close and eventually, he felt a soft set of sheets below him. He very quickly succumbed to sleep.
- - -
Silver awoke slowly, eyes squinting at the bright sunlight streaming through a window.
Looking around, he saw that he was back in his bedroom. It was morning now, and he felt fully rested.
He got out of bed, and walked to his sofa, where he sat down.
He noticed a sealed white letter on the cushion beside him, bearing a seal that had a crescent moon upon it.
Excited at finding actual proof that his trip to the Ether was real, he quickly ripped open the seal, and read the letter.
- - -
Dearest Silver,

We art grateful that thou hast accepted Our offer. We leave for Griffonia on Friday of this week.
We will give you till Friday to procure supplies, and to say goodbye to your family.
When thou art fully prepared, take the enclosed paperwork to the entrance to Canterlot Castle, and give it to the guards.
They will guide you to Our chambers, where We shall tell you of Our plans in Griffonia, and detail the trip to you.
I know that thou have the courage to see this through young Silver. May Moon and Stars keep you.

P.S. - Please come at night, as I as I will become grumpy if awakened during the light of day.

Silver set the letter on his dresser, realizing that he had to tell his parents of this.
Steeling himself, he opened his door, and stepped lightly down the staircase.

End Prologue.