The flesh of a primal predator

by trickypentagram

First published

I turned into a monster of disturbing properties and now the inhabitants of this strange land want me dead.

I used to be a human and I stress the word USE.f

Long story short I am now a creature with abilities that could take an entire platoon of marines from my original planet.
Nowadays I'm in a strange planet with sapient gryphons, minotaurs, dragons and ponies running amok.

This is unexpected

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I looked at the my computer. It was not much but it was nothing but helpful in the last few months, it was better then a notebook but much more complicated.
I got up from my chair and looked at my surroundings, everything was in its place, but nothing was enough to snap me out of my boredom as I couldn't sleep.
I did a little session of daydreaming, it helped stave away the boredom but it was ironic that since I had a good imagination, I could not draw if my life depended on it.
I imagined a creature that was the pinnacle of evolution, it had a ravenous appetite as it devoured flesh and used the biomass to grow and evolve. The inspiration for this creature was from the game prototype and I suddenly developed a need for sleep. I laid in bed and easily fell prey to sleep and it happened too quickly to be normal.

I felt my eyes open as i saw what would be called a chimera, the sight alone would cause a man to run away, but i had the feeling it had no thoughts of devouring me, instead it looked at me with an interested expression and scratched its beard as it thought of something. it suddenly smiled, and i realised that a smiling chimera might not be the safest thing and so i slowly backed away in hopes that i might have an extra second.

"Why are you backing off in a time like this?" the thing said with a slightly mocking tone.

I stared at him with my mouth agape, I probably did the best fish impression.

"You do have an active imagination, I wonder how you would react if I sent you to a certain place as a certain creature" he said with a smile.

It took me less then five seconds to realise he meant the creature I thought of, but i didn't get what he meant when he mentioned a certain place.

"What is this land you speak of" I said while hoping for a straight answer.

"You'll see soon enough" he said while he clicked his paw three times and sent me flying into nowhere.


"ugh my head, it hurts like shit" I groaned out while put my hand to my head, only to realise my head felt slightly slimy and hard.
To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I checked my entire body to realise that I was the same creature of my imagination.
I checked my surroundings and saw that I was surrounded by a forest. I would be scared if I was human, but then I realised I had a body that could be hit by a train at full speed and not get hurt. I felt a strong smell to my left and I turned around to see a platoon of gryphons, I approached them and then they freaked out.
The gryphon with the longest sword had the leader role and he ordered his soldiers to fire at me. The arrows barely did anything to me, they mostly bounced off but two managed to get through my tough hide, I felt them but they gave no pain. I decided that they needed to be dispatched, so I charged at the leader with full force knocking him at a nearby tree. a snap was heard as his spine was damaged beyond repair, the other gryphons charged at me with full force. I felt my primal rage overtake me and all I saw was red.

The nearest gryphon charged at me but I grabbed his talon and slammed him over a rock which effectively shattered his ribcage. I felt a swing of a sword on my back and I turned around to face the gryphon, he sheathed his sword and pulled a crossbow out. I grabbed a rock and hurled it at the gryphon, the rock dazed him long enough for me to grab his head and rip it clean off of his body with the spin still attached to the head, I felt a strong surge of power as tendrils sprouted from my body and they ripped through my foes as if they butter.

I saw the last gryphon looking at me in terror as he pulled his knife out.

"Take this you fucker" he shouted as he charged at me with his knife pulled out, i grabbed his forearm and twisted it until it snapped and then I sliced him open with my nine inch claws, I left him for dead.

I looked at the bodies wondering what to do with them until my hunger surfaced.

"Maybe I can cook them for eating" I said to myself.

The bodies had a fragrant aroma to them, They smelt delicious and I wondered if I should cook them.

"That would get the taste out of the meat and proteins" I voiced my opinion to no one on my methods.

I decided to rip a leg off of one of the gryphons and took a bite out of it, I couldn't be bothered cooking them if they taste this good already. I went feral as i ripped hunks of meat out while swallowing them down, it was a bloody feast and when I was done, everything went wrong, guts were everywhere and the broken bones of gryphons were scattered across the area.

I looked at my bloodstained arms and realised that I just devoured sentient creatures.

That one memory will haunt me for my unnatural life but then i realised i can't just stay there and think about what i done because there could be more griffons and if they saw me covered in blood then they will mark me as a beast to be slain.

I begun sprinting away from the site at inhumane speeds, I didn't know what to do so I decided to stay quite until I figure out what to do, I looked around and saw a cave.
Nothing inhabited the cave so I walked in and decided to rest, everything went black as I fell to forced sleep again.

The meme of survival

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I woke up from my dreamless slumber and looked around me, I had a flashback of me slaughtering the griffons and so I pondered on how necessary was the killing and defiling of their corpses.

The deed is done and I can't go back to right the wrongs but I just have to face the consequences of my choice, I'm not scared of pain as I am physically incapable of feeling it. I felt the ground rumble as i looked up to see a very pissed off dragon, I got up and readied my claws as the dragon begun to charge.
I ducked under his legs while he missed me, I ran up to him and sliced his legs open, this enraged him and caused him stomp me but his foot got impaled on my sharp claws, I spread the wound on his foot to cause more pain and let it bleed more freely, the Dragon roared in pain as it tried to keep the wound pressured while that distraction gave me time to run up to it and climb its body using my claws as ice picks or in this case, flesh picks.
I grabbed the beasts arm and begun to hack away at it to expose the flesh and bones, I then extended my middle claw blade and sliced the arm cleanly off, Blood squirted out like the backyard hose as the dragon roared in agony while trying to stay conscious from the shock, I then jumped from the stump of the remaining arm and tore a vertical line down the dragons abdomen deep enough to show the guts slowly sliding out, I dashed at the dragons leg and grabbed it and squeezed it to the point it got crushed so fast that it looked a tomato just got shot by a sniper.
I then decided to finish the job, I jumped on to the wall in the cave and jumped over to the dragon that was in shock, I then ran up to his head and then the killing blow was preformed, I stabbed a claw under his eye and ripped his eye out, I then crawled into the eye hole and lobotomised his brain.
I jumped out of his head landed on the ground covered in blood and grey matter, I begun wondering about how I got cruelty to kill the dragon that brutally, and then I made a horrifying conclusion, I have become my own monster in body and mind.
I then decided to consume the dragon considering he probably isn't sentient.
I shoved a bit of brain matter in my freakish mouth and then everything went white.

POV of dragon

I looked at my old nest as I left, I had to find another nest as the old one was dominated by a stronger drake, one of these days i will get my vengeance for that bastard stealing my home and my pride but vengeance must wait or i will be dead before I even see him beg for mercy, I found a cave in the everfree forest, it was a good place to live in the everfree forest until further notice, the ponies were too scared to enter the forest and that made an ideal home as a dragon would be bad news for any other predator in the forest.
I decided to feed on some animals before heading into the cave.

Looking at my claws horrified, I drew in shallow breaths as I realised I just killed a drake that couldn't even get revenge, I decided that one day I will kill the dragon that kicked the unfortunate one out of his home.
I walked out of the cave and took a walk down the forest and saw a little cottage, I immediately walked away considering that going inside the place is downright stupid.

"Hello?" a feminine voice was heard from outside the cottage.

I immediately turned around to see a little pony look at me with wide eyes, she looked like she was about to run off in terror while screaming like most kids would, but she didn't, she stood there and looked at me while never taking her eyes off.

Probably knows that it isn't a smart idea to run away from a creature much faster than you.

"Hello there, I'm not going to hurt you" I decided to respond back as it was rude to ignore.

She just stood there in shock as she wondered how a freakish beast like me just talked, that and I have an extremely well hidden mouth that I don't need to use to talk with.

"w-what are you" she definitely was a lot more smarter than I give her credit for.

This was a good question as I don't know what to call myself or my species anymore, I decided to try pick a name that suited my personality and species, however my brain experienced a total blank and so I stood there like a complete idiot.

"I don't know my name" was all I could say.

She looked at curiously and asked one question that held a sad answer.

"Didn't your mom name you" was her only question.

"My species doesn't require to be birthed" what I said practically meant I had no mother which was half true now.

She gave me a look of empathy and decided to have a chat with me, I asked her why she was talking to a beast like me but she said her mother is completely against racism and so is she.

After a while I decided to leave but she tried to protest, I told her that her mother might be very tolerant of other races but she probably won't accept me as I practically am a death machine.

I looked at my claws as I walked away from the cottage, a certain loneliness filled me as I walked in to the untamed forest that she calls everfree forest, I sat down at a lake and looked at my reflection, all I saw was a face that matched my fantasy beast, it had a dull yellow glow to it and looked very rough but actually felt quite smooth.

I sat down there for hours wanting to go to my life but all I could remember is that song and how made me feel even more lonely, I decided to get over myself and go to sleep even though I don't require it, it helped time passed anyway and that I felt that familiar darkness over come me as I drifted to a new place.

Hunters hunted

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I woke up from my forced sleep and looked around me, I see trees and animals scuttling around me as I walked through the still dark grounds of the forest. I hear a crack behind me as I looked behind me, I see five twisted looking humanoid creatures, my instincts told me to rip them apart but I ignored them for the time being, I walked over to them and looked at the creatures.

I decided to watch them and not fight because I already killed enough sapient creatures to become a serial killer, they eventually walked away and didn't care about fighting me, they figured I wasn't worth the casualties.

"BY THE SUN!" was a voice from behind me.

I immediately looked behind me and saw the pony looking at me with terror in his eyes as I looked at with a puzzled look.

Jesus christ what are they doing in a goddamn forest full of fucking predators, was my only thought as he ran away, I wasn't going to let him go until I get answers to where I am and learn about the land.
Without any words said, I start sprinting to where he was and normally ponies would be a lot more faster then humans but this one was nothing to my speed, soon I caught up with him and grabbed him by the torso.

"No no no no no no no no!" the stallion was overreacting so much he might have a heart attack.

"Hey, no need to freak out" I tried to counsel him until realising that I grabbed him by the fucking torso forcefully.

"W-what?" he squinted at me trying to sense of the situation.

"Look, I would be scared if I was in the same situation as you but please keep calm" was my poor attempt to keep the stallion from pissing himself.

"Y-you're choking me" the stallion rasped out.

I let go of the stallion and took a look around the forest, it is still very dark even though it is daytime, I hoped to get some info on the world and get some dirt on what the hell is going on.

"Ok just please answer these questions.

"Why are you here?" I asked, the answer wouldn't benefit me but general curiosity took over.

"I was getting herbs for my daughter, she's sick from the plague" the stallion whimpered out.

The plague? is he talking about my disease? Remembering how the mass is a viral species and how they reproduce by infecting more organic life forms with their virus, I was in shock for a moment.

"Is your daughter randomly bleeding or having massive tumours in her abdomen?" I asked while panicking.

"What do you mean about that? Of course she isn't suffering from those symptoms" he looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Okay scratch whatever I just asked but tell me what herbs you need for your daughter, I think we can help each other out" I bargained.

"Normally I wouldn't accept help from demons but I have no other choice" he sighed in defeat.

"Okay the herbs have a bright yellow on them and the stem is red, the herb has a faint rosemary smell, be careful with the bugs on it, they suck your blood. He nervously said,

Okay as if that was helpful, Everything around here was bright with colours and vibrant with plantation, the only thing I was worried about was the fact that the bugs sucked blood, there is no way they can't get infected from that most contact with the disease.

Ten minute's later

I was still looking for the herbs, I scoured every single metre of land and still didn't see any type of herb, but then a rosemary smell drifted across my nose holes as I look for the trace of the faint smell, I walked over to the where the smell was and saw a small hut, curious I went inside to hopefully make a bargain with the owner for the herb.


This took me off guard and an old looking stallion walked over to me, he had a beard and was a freaking unicorn.

"Oh it's you, strange little thing aren't you" the aged stallion inspected me without panic.

"Who are you?" was my only question.

"I am star swirl the bearded, or used to be, now I am star swirl the hermit" the unicorn said in a regret filled tone.

"What happened to you to shun yourself from others?" I was curious to hear his story.

"I don't want to talk about it" he sadly said.

"I won't touch that subject anymore" I said empathetically.

"But do you happen to have an herb on you that helps against the plague" I asked him very politely, hoping not to sound uncaring.

"Yes I do have a herb but could you do something for me?" he asked desperately.

"Anything" I said, even though this would be more frustrating a job to do then the herb.

"Could you take this egg?" he asked with a bit of hope in his tone.

"O-okay" was my only answer.

"Good and remember to keep it safe, I had it ever since I passed the academy of magic" he was on the verge of tears as he gave me his precious treasure.

"I am too old to take care of this egg anymore so I have to give it to you, you have youth in you so please do something for an old stallion" He gave his last signal to me right as he collapsed to the floor.

I checked his body and found out that he died from some sort of disease, it was probably the plague, in shock I couldn't do much but mourn him and move on, I took the herb and walked out the hut with my precious cargo.

Request for rest...Denied

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In the massive forests of the everfree, a giant twelve foot tall creature known as omega waded through the dark, damp and otherwise dark soul-ish environment, the creature would look after every five steps but nothing was seen.

Of all the places I ended up in, I had to come here via unknown means by some evil being and I had to arrive in the form of a giant creature that can kill some goddamn gryphons like nothing and dragons like they were a quick time event boss. I prefer the digital world because at least there I know what the hell is happening, if only digimon was real. Omega mentally complained to himself as he continued to walk

That train of thought was one of the many things that flew through Omega's mind as he sniffed the air for the sixteenth time which only got nothing. His boredom was reaching its peak when he couldn't smell flesh, it also peeved him that he couldn't run unless the egg were to be destroyed.
Suddenly one of the colossal trees exploded in a spectacular mess of fire as it then fell to the ground with orange chaotic flames flying up into the sky. Omega decided that it wasn't the smartest idea to fight whatever caused that mini forest fire so he decided to run, but he couldn't run with the egg in his grip and he can't fight the creature because of the egg and his weakness to fire, yes his weakness like all body horror creatures. Has a weakness to fire.

There is no way in hell I can beat that thing with how vulnerable my flesh is, I would need some ossified material covering my exposed skin as armour if I don't want to be burnt like a crisp Omega rationalised as he dodged a colossal tree.

Five minutes in and the metaphorical face of the arsonist was seen. A huge feral skeletal dragon arose from the burning char and fires and let out a roar despite not having vocal cords or a throat. It's body was engulfed in a burning red aura that made it seem even more intimidating as it seems to be the thing that is animating the dragons body.

He then decided to run anyway as the egg he carried was a dragons egg and he only just realised that a dragons egg was super durable because everything involving a dragon has to be strong.

The biological creature ran with his metaphorical tail between his legs as the skeletal dragon gave pursuit, this was something he was good at doing as he had experience running away from bullies in his previous life where he was weak and pathetic in comparison to the new and improved body that he now owns.

I need to stop thinking like a deranged psycho Omega thought to himself after vaulting over a fallen tree because his own fourth wall train of thought started to disturb him.

The two abominations of nature made a chaotic trail through the everfree as their paths were marked by burning trees that would never regrow because of the dragons cursed fire.

He knew that the more he ran, the more the dragon would run so he had to come up with a plan to shake the bastard off. Sadly his only option was a cliff that lead into a giant lake that neither of the two would want to swim it. The dragon probably couldn't swim in the lake because of it's immense weight and Omega hated swimming.

In the split second before the option could be wasted. The one with his flesh intact dug his claws straight into the ground and did a 180 and ran through the dragons boney legs and leaped off of the cliff but the dragon still gave pursuit as he clumsily fell off of the cliff and attempted to flap its wings but they were bone and the dragon fell into the lake before Omega would.

Taking this one time chance. He did a cannonball pose as he then hit the water and because of his immense weight, he hit the dragons skull and shattered it into almost a million different pieces as he smashed through a good portion of the lakebed as well.

The dragons body immediately thrashed about in agony as its headless body twitched rapidly as the creature then finally stopped moving and fell to the ocean in a dozen different pieces as Omega then pulled himself out of the water and cleaned himself off and checked his egg and sighed in relief when it was still intact.

Omega then saw a bright light through an opening in the trees and shrubbery that revealed an exit from this accursed forest. Omega grinned which revealed his shark-like jaw and exited the Everfree forest through said opening.