> Free from the Chains that Bind > by Sillyponyme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was it, her life had turned around for the best and this is what she got for it. It wasn’t fair, she stopped the bullying, the teasing and being cruel. It never was the life that she wanted. Her life was supposed to be simple but she was promised friendship, something she had never had the chance to have. How could she have friends, she was phony, a fraud, her cutie mark was deceiving. Other ponies her age knew it and she was ignored but one pony promised her that no more would have to know. It was a thought and a once in a life time opportunity, she couldn’t turn that down. It had been what she thought was the best time of her life, the greatest moment for her and her family. Surely such a kind act to an entire family was a great thing until she realized that it was forced on her by blackmail. It was then that she realized that she was in trouble. Diamond Tiara was a master of blackmail and getting exactly what she wanted even if helping a pony meant hurting them as well. Diamond Tiara turned good ponies bad and ruined the lives of those that she was jealous of. She was hated, even by those she considered friends. Nopony in their right minds would want to be friends with her but Diamond didn’t give them options. It was always about her, it had been for years and not a single pony really knew about her actions. There was no way for them to, not with all forms of blackmail filling the air around those Diamond Tiara was close to like frozen butter. There was no escape for the ponies closest to Diamond Tiara. As long as her demands were met, those ponies were just fine physically, but mentally, the ponies were broken. Diamond had completely stripped most ponies close to her of their freedom, their dignity, and their hope except for one pony. That pony was determined to escape the wrath of the pink menace. She wanted her freedom, her sanity back, she wanted revenge. That pony had been near broken and Diamond Tiara saw that. For years, Diamond had her under her hoof. It was like serving the devil, having no freedom to choose and being brought down to his level or her level in this case. The pain, anxiety, worry, guilt and more ate the pony alive for years. She had teased and done terrible things to others. She wanted to get out but she couldn’t, she wanted to tell the truth but she couldn’t. Had Princess Twilight ever found out, the poor pony who told would have been dead in seconds. To run off and leave wasn’t an option; at least not at first, her parents would be ruined, and the small family would have died off. Thanks to her new friends, she learned a few things. Diamond Tiara didn’t care about anypony but herself and if hurting others meant that she got her way, she would do just that. Diamond hadn’t expected something, three something’s to be exact, the CMC. Things would have been much worse had they not have intercepted the troubled pony. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara had ways of getting what she wanted no matter how difficult it would be. Now the one that had been blackmailed for so long was finally at her ropes end. She was held against a tree, a knife held to her neck, blood dripped from the pony’s neck. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. After all this time and she had finally made real friends only to have her throat slit. Tears flowed from her eyes; they soaked the grey coat that adorned her body. Her face was black, blue, and bloody. Her lip was puffed out and her hind legs were broken. She could only hope and pray that her new friends would come to her aid and save her but knew that it was just a false hope. She was told that Scootaloo betrayed her but even so, she didn’t blame her. That did let her know that they wouldn’t be coming for her. “Please, Diamond Tiara, it doesn’t have to be this way.” The pony begged and pleaded with her fake friend. She knew that it would do no good to communicate with the witch but she had to try. She wasn’t ready to die; she could still remember her parents and what they would say. “Don’t you ever let anypony hurt you; you can always stand up and be strong sweetie.” Well, that’s what she did and now she would die for it. Never did she think that standing up for herself would get her killed but perhaps that wasn’t it. Perhaps there was more to it. It was what Diamond Tiara had said to her so long ago. “I can give you friendship sweetheart, we both need it, and to live without it would be worse then death.” That wasn’t what Diamond had meant though, she had meant something more. She had meant that she would rather lose a friend then have one no longer be her friend, fake or not. Unfortunately, it was a realization that came too late. Had this realization happened all those years ago, she wouldn’t be in this mess right now. She had gotten into her fair share of messes but this was one she wasn’t going to be getting out of anytime soon or at all for that matter. Diamond Tiara always won and today would be no different and even as mares, she had been weak and now she couldn’t save herself. “Oh, you will not betray me anymore, I’m sorry it had to be this way but you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut could you? You just had to leave me and get help and now you’ll pay for it SILVER SPOON!” Diamond yelled as she readied the knife to strike her old friend. > Rebellion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Week Earlier Silver Spoon was all grown up now and things in her life weren’t great. It had been a normal day for her and that was the problem, the normalcy of the day. She and Diamond Tiara had gone from bullies to brutes and from brutes to criminals. For years now, she had been helping Diamond get exactly what she wanted. Even now as fully grown ponies, Silver Spoon continued to follow Diamond Tiara. It didn’t make any sense to Silver Spoon, why did she follow her? It wasn’t like they were much of friends anymore, even as fillies they weren’t much of friends. There had always been something in Silver Spoons mind that wondered if she should continue with Diamond Tiara or not but she ignored it. “Why, why don’t I just leave?” Silver Spoon whispered as she looked at her so called friend bribing some mare for something. Who was she kidding; Diamond was bribing or more like blackmailing the captain of the wonderbolts who now happened to be Rainbow Dash. Spitfire gave Rainbow Dash her own recruits a couple years ago. RD was definitely qualified for the job but the fact was; she didn’t really earn the title of Captain. Diamond Tiara supposedly convinced Spitfire to give Rainbow Dash her own recruits. That had been the biggest lie in a five hundred mile long scroll of lies. Silver Spoon should know; she had helped Diamond do it. That wasn’t to say that she knew all the details but she knew enough. Rainbow Dash knew it as well but guess what, Diamond Tiara held the cards and RD was trapped. Silver Spoon wasn’t completely sure what all the cards were that Diamond held in her hooves and so helping the rainbow haired Pegasus was impossible. Rainbow Dash wasn’t the only one hurt by Diamond Tiara, all but the princesses and Diamond Tiara’s father were hurt by her and none of them knew about it. It wasn’t much of a surprise, they couldn’t know since those being blackmailed, stolen from, or whatever the affect was, were being forced to stay quiet. Silver Spoon was in this position as well but she couldn’t take it. She wanted out but she couldn’t be sure how. She had pondered it for years but she couldn’t get the courage. Every time she tried, Diamond Tiara always challenged her. Silver Spoon was weak and she knew it but then all the ponies in Ponyville and even those out of Ponyville were. Diamond Tiara gained a very secretive empire of criminals spread out through Equestria and beyond. The only reason they hadn’t been caught was because everything that happened was so subtle; whether it was causing the top racers to lose or getting designers from all over to hoof over money. If Diamond wanted it, she got it but what happened next was the last straw. Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara and Rainbow Dash were all in a dark ally and Silver Spoon was guarding the entrance rather nervously and hatefully. What Silver Spoon saw made her blood boil and gave her the courage to stand up but decided it was best to wait. Still, what Diamond Tiara said made it hard to not want to rip out her throat. “Here is the deal Rainbow Dash, you do as I say or I hurt your friends.” Diamond Tiara pulled out a knife, a signature threat weapon for her over the years, and twirled it around. “You do as I say or your friends will meet with an unfortunate accident and I think that Scootaloo will be the first to die. Now, what do you say?” Rainbow Dash stood tall but her stance quickly faltered and she agreed. Silver Spoon grimaced at the sight and at the thought of helping this happen. Rainbow had agreed to have her team pull off some petty theft job. “My help ends today, the guilt is too much to handle.” Rainbow Dash flew off and gave Silver Spoon a dirty look as she past by. She couldn’t blame the Pegasus in the least and truth be told, she was no better then Diamond Tiara. “Good job at keeping watch Silver Spoon, we’re rolling in bits.” Diamond Tiara had not only forced Rainbow Dash into stealing by threatening her friends but Diamond took money from the Pegasus as well. “I have one more job for us today, let’s move.” “No, I won’t help you anymore Diamond Tiara, I can’t help you. The guilt is eating away at me, I can’t take it anymore.” Silver Spoon stood up straight unmoving. Diamond Tiara glared at Silver Spoon for a second before chuckling. “That’s funny Silver Spoon, now let’s go.” She turned to leave but didn’t see Silver Spoons shadow. Diamond turned around and realized that Silver Spoon wasn’t going to move. “I can ruin your life forever Spoony, no one will like you once they find out that your cutie mark doesn’t mean anything.” Diamond expected a reaction but there wasn’t one. “I see; you’ve grown a backbone. No matter, I have plenty of goons willing to help me. I don’t need you anymore friend, so go on but if you tell a soul about anything, you will die before I go to jail like you have so many times before.” Diamond started to walk away. “Oh and you can forget about me helping your parents, you’re officially cut off.” Diamond walked off laughing. Silver Spoon had waited for Diamond Tiara to completely disappear from view before Silver Spoon broke down in tears. She was lost and hadn’t any idea what to do next. She couldn’t talk to anypony and she was sure that nopony liked her. How could she blame them, she had helped Diamond Tiara to do so many terrible things. To try and find a job would be the most difficult. Who would want somepony like her around? She had helped to threaten so many which really only left her with one option. “Princess Twilight, great. No doubt she will turn me away but I have to try, for my parents’ sake.” This would possibly be the most difficult thing that she would have to do, next to telling Diamond Tiara off possibly harder. Getting a job would be difficult but Princess Twilight was an understanding pony right? Who was Silver spoon kidding, the princess, Element of Magic and best friends with Rainbow Dash and the other elements, there was no way she would allow it. Still, Silver Spoon had to try and work for her. Silver Spoon inhaled and made her way toward the library. What would she possibly say, what could she say? “I have to try, I just have to.” She wiped some tears from her eyes and avoided many ponies along the way. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and it made her want to throw up. A few times she almost did and then she bumped into somepony. “Excuse me.” “Silver Spoon, why are you here? You going to help threaten somepony or were you promoted?” Standing there in front of Silver Spoon was Scootaloo, the only mare in town that knew everything about anything that she and Diamond Tiara did. It hadn’t mattered though; Scootaloo was being forced to keep quiet. “Give me one reason not to knock your lights out right now.” Silver Spoon couldn’t take it; she didn’t have a good reason not to get beaten up. All she could do was run off with tears running down her cheeks. Why did she have to run into that mare, of all the Cutie Mark Crusaders why her? So technically they had their cutie marks now but they still considered themselves the CMC in ways. They used to say that they graduated. Still, Scootaloo; the one pony in town that both her and Diamond were the hardest on was the pony that she had to run into. Silver Spoon regretted it all but there was no way the CMC graduates would believe her. Before Silver Spoon realized it, she hit something hard using her head. She fell onto her rump and rubbed her head. “Ow” She checked her hoof to see if she had lost any blood and to her relief, she hadn’t. Her relief was soon turned to fear when the door to the library opened. Right in front of Silver Spoon was the princess and she didn’t look happy but she didn’t sound angry, just a bit irate. “Silver Spoon, what do you want?” Silver Spoon felt her stomach tighten and she could have sworn that her heart stopped. With saddened eyes, she looked up into Princess Twilights. “Help me.” After a bit of thought, Silver Spoon was allowed in and the door shut behind them. A distance away, Scootaloo was watching the entire thing. “I really hate you Silver Spoon. If you do anything to Princess Twilight.” Scootaloo stopped there and just glared at the library. > New Job, Same Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Spoon looked around the library but didn't really pay attention to anything. She was far too depressed and scared over the thing with Diamond Tiara and asking the princess for a job which she had yet to do. It wasn't a secret that Silver Spoon was involved with bullying the CMC when they were fillies. Twilight knew it and so did the other Elements of Harmony. This was only a percent of why Silver Spoon couldn't look at Twilight. Another small reason was because Silver Spoon knew that the princess was giving her a hard stare if not a glare. “What do you need Silver Spoon?” Twilight didn't sound like she was in the mood to deal with anything or she really didn't like Silver Spoon. “Princess Twilight, please…I need a job.” Silver Spoon never made eye contact with Twilight too frightened of the look she would be given. She was positive that the princess would turn her away but the look she would receive wasn't something that she wanted to look at. “If you can’t even look at me Silver Spoon, how do you ever expect to get a job?” Twilight waited for a few moments for Silver Spoon to answer but she never did receive one, at least not one in words. Silver Spoon looked up at Twilight with frightened eyes and began to shake. “That is better I suppose but why are you so scared?” Twilight’s voice lowered and her tone was much softer. “I realize that because of your past with bullying you may be apprehensive about talking with me or coming to me at all. Still, if you’re going to get a job, you need to show no fear at all despite your past.” Twilight wrapped a hoof around the nervous mare and smiled. “You’re past doesn't define you Silver Spoon.” For the first time in a long time, Silver Spoon smiled. “Good now about the job thing, I can’t say that I can hire you for anything. What skills do you have anyway?” Silver Spoon could think of some but they would only get her arrested again. “I suppose if you don’t have any skills in anything, then I really can’t help you.” “No please, I will do chores around the house, help organize your books, anything just please.” Silver Spoon fell to her knees and begged. “Please, I’ll do anything.” “Why not go somewhere else, why come to me, was the library the last place to go?” Twilight asked and lifted up Silver Spoons head to look her in the eyes. The younger mare had most definitely been crying. Her cheeks had tear streaks all the way down her neck. “There was no other option for me.” Twilight did feel bad and Silver Spoon had been arrested falsely, according to her, many times in the past. Those instances couldn't have helped her situation any. After a bit of thought, Twilight did have one solution for the younger mare. “Ok Silver Spoon, I do have one thing that you can do for me.” Immediately Silver Spoon lit up excited to be given a chance. “Don’t get too excited yet, it isn't going to pay you well but I suppose it will give you some experience. If you want, you can help run errands for me around town. Four bits a day is all you will get because I really don’t need anypony for this job. Still if you are willing to settle for that.” “Yeah that will be just fine, thank you so much, when can I start?” Silver Spoon really wanted to start just to get her mind off of the previous events if not for any other reasons at the moment. “You can start” Twilight was cut off by a burp. “Hold that thought Silver Spoon.” Spike picked up the note and gave it to Twilight. She mumbled through the letter from Princess Celestia. “You can start right now by going to Canterlot and bailing Rainbow Dash out of jail. I know that I said you would only be going around town but I really don’t have time for this right now. I have a meeting in a few minutes and I can’t afford to miss it. I will even make it easy on you.” With a bit of concentration, Twilight was able to give Silver Spoon beautiful butterfly wings. “You should have no problem getting to Canterlot; just tell Princess Celestia that I sent you in my place. Oh and be careful, the wings are very delicate.” Twilight hoofed over the bail money that Silver Spoon would need to get Rainbow Dash out of jail. “Thank you Princess Twilight.” Silver Spoon was not at all ready to meet Rainbow Dash. It was partly her fault that Rainbow was in jail in the first place. If she hadn't helped Diamond Tiara, none of this would have happened, at least not to her. Silver Spoon stepped outside and flew off toward Canterlot. She knew already that Rainbow Dash wouldn't want to be freed by her but she wouldn't be given much of a choice if she didn't want to spill the beans. Rainbow Dash would just have to deal with it until nopony was around. Silver Spoon wasn't going to enjoy this and when she really thought about it, any errand that she would do, would be a nightmare. She was beginning to regret her decision. Silver Spoon reached Canterlot within minutes and received stares from everypony. It was hard to say if it was because of the wings or if it was because they knew her. It was uncomfortable having all the attention on her. As she walked toward the castle, she was greeted with whistles and hollers from many of the stallions. Her cheeks were red as tomatoes and burned like a hot pad. The attention wasn't completely unbearable considering the reason behind it. She was fully relaxed by the time that she reached the castle. Two guards blocked her path and wouldn't let her through both guards of which were in golden armor. The left guard had a black mane and white coat while the right guard had a yellow mane and a blue coat. “Who are you and what do you want?” The blue stallion asked. “I’m here in place of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Silver Spoon hoped that that answer would be good enough but to her dismay, it wasn't. “I will ask again, who are you?” “I-I…my name is” To Silver Spoons relief, Princess Celestia walked through the door and interrupted. “Princess Twilight sent me a letter informing me of her replacement.” The two guards nodded and stepped aside. “Come with me, I will take you to Rainbow Dash.” Once the two were out of earshot, Celestia began to ask questions. “Tell me Silver Spoon, how is my former student doing?” That was not the question Silver Spoon thought that the princess would ask. “She is great, I’m so glad that she allowed me to be her errand mare.” “Princess Twilight is a good mare with a good heart and I’m so proud of her. So how much is she paying you?” “Oh well, four bits a day but I’m ok with that. I think the only reason she gave me a job in the first place was so that I could get experience, not bits.” Silver Spoon looked to the ground sadly and hoped that four bits a day would help her family. If they didn't get the money they needed every month, they would lose their factory. Things were not going well for them and she couldn't even tell anypony. “That’s good to hear that she did that for you and if what you say is true about giving you experience, then you don’t need much. Now tell me, why are you so sad?” Celestia knew as well as Twilight that Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were bullies as kids. She was afraid that it may have a terrible effect on the young mare. “It’s nothing that I can talk about, look I’m fine.” Silver Spoon raised her head and put on a fake smile. Celestia knew it wasn't real but she also knew not to push. After a bit more talking, they arrived at the prison where Rainbow Dash was being held. “Thank you Princess.” Celestia nodded and walked away. Silver Spoon was let in immediately with no questions asked. The guards had all seen her come with Celestia and so there was no need for questioning. Silver Spoon quickly paid for Rainbows release and a guard led Silver Spoon to the prisoners’ chamber. Silver Spoon was terrified again but she sucked it up and walked straight up to the cell. “Hello Rainbow Dash.” “Finally, I…you, what are you doing here you little wretch?” Silver Spoon flinched and backed away. Rainbow was furious; she knew it was Silver Spoon setting her free before she even looked at Silver Spoon. Rainbow walked out of the cell after being released and came face to face with the gray mare. “Who do you think you are Silver Spoon?” The frightened mare jumped back in fear. “You and Diamond Tiara deserve to be here, not me.” Silver Spoon took off running as fast as she could. Silver Spoon flew as fast as possible as she tried her best to not to cry the whole way back to the library. Once she landed, Rainbow Dash flew past her and spun Silver Spoon around like a top. “Twilight, thanks for the assist though I had wished that you would have come instead of Silver over there.” “Well I’m sorry about that Rainbow but I had an important meeting, though short, and it was just the thing to start Silver Spoon off doing. I hired her to run errands for me, not that you are considered an errand. I simply mean that delivering the money was an errand.” Twilight had to clarify what she meant. She didn't want Rainbow Dash getting the idea that her friend only thought of her as an errand to be run. “Now tell me something Rainbow, why steal, I understood the Daring Doo book but money, I don’t understand.” Rainbow looked to the ground but turned her head to Silver Spoon and gave her a stare that would have made Fluttershy’s stare look lovey dovey. “I can’t say though I wish I could.” “Seriously Rainbow, what’s going on and what does Silver Spoon have to do with it? I saw that look you gave her. This isn't like you Rainbow.” Twilight put a hoof around her friend but it was pushed off. Without another word from Rainbow Dash, she flew off to avoid the question. “Ok fine, Silver Spoon, can you tell me?” “I’m sorry Princess, I’m too scared to right now.” Twilight stomped her hoof angrily and had Spike write a message to Celestia. Long letter short, it said that Twilight was going to send out guards to every inch to find the criminal responsible for whatever was going on. Rainbow Dash may have been the one stealing but there was no way that Rainbow would have willing done such a thing. “Do you need anything else Princess Twilight?” Twilight shook her head and told Silver Spoon she was free to leave but Twilight gave her four bits first. “Thank you Princess.” Silver Spoon left in a hurry, it was getting late after all. She had to be home soon. After avoiding ponies, Silver Spoon arrived home safe and sound and snuggled beneath the covers. Just as she was ready to fall asleep, a knocking came to her window. She sat up and saw Diamond Tiara. “You haven’t said anything, continue to keep your mouth shut or I’ll shut it for you.” The pink mare walked off laughing as Silver Spoon hid beneath her covers. > It's a Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Spoon hadn't slept well that night, images of Diamond Tiara kept popping up in her mind and her dreams that were more of nightmares. The worst part of the day so far was waking up and hearing the birds chirping and the sun shining lightly over Ponyville. There was a small breeze blowing the leaves of the trees. There wasn't a cloud in the sky from what she could tell. The days mocked her feelings of guilt. While the ponies around town were happy for the most part, she was gloomy, depressed and the knowledge of knowing that she would be running errands just made things worse. She knew that everpony but the princesses hated her and Diamond Tiara wouldn't let her forget it. Silver Spoon had to do something though, her parents needed the money. She sucked in a deep breath, put on a smile and got out of bed. “Come on Silver Spoon, today will better, it couldn't be worse right?” She tried to comfort herself and think positively but it wasn't helping. Silver Spoon walked up to her dresser and picked up her brush. Who was she kidding; she was terrified to go do more errands. Today wouldn't be any different then the day before. All she could do was look at herself in the mirror and wonder why she ever became friends with Diamond in the first place. “Stupid Diamond Tiara, why did you have to come into my life?” Silver Spoon shakily brushed her mane while trying not to cry. She could change; she could break herself free from Diamonds evil grip on her and become a good pony. It would take some work but she could do it right? She could do it with the protection of Princess Twilight sure or any of the Princesses for that matter but for that to happen, she would have to tell somepony. She set her brush down and noticed that she had been crying, much harder then she had originally thought or noticed in the mirror. “I’m doomed.” Silver Spoon walked out of her room and grabbed her saddle bag. This wasn't going to be a good day and she knew it. With her luck, she would end up delivering something for one of the elements of harmony. All she could do now was let out a sigh and head to the library. As usual, ponies she passed gave her hated stares. She knew the rumors that spread around when the princesses weren't in earshot. Ponies in Ponyville wished Silver Spoon dead, in prison, or even beaten to a pulp. She couldn't blame them though; she felt that she deserved any of those things for what she helped to happen to them. Silver Spoon just couldn't bring herself to look at anypony unless it was necessary. “Come on Silver Spoon; just get to the library with a smile.” She tried to put on a smile but it was very difficult. Silver Spoon walked up to the library just as it opened up to reveal Princess Twilight herself. “Good Silver Spoon, you’re here. I need you to go to Carousel Boutique and get these bits to Rarity. There is no time to explain.” Twilight hoofed over the bits, thanked Silver Spoon and shut the door. “Great, just as I thought, another Element of Harmony to yell at me.” Silver Spoon put the bits in her bag and ran to the Boutique as fast as she could. The sooner she got there the better. She was almost there when she felt a sharp pain in her side. She hit the ground and slid a few feet before she came to a stop next to another pony. The bits in her bag flew out and scattered along the ground. Silver Spoon tried to get up but was kicked down by another. “Hey fellas, it looks like she stole from another pony. Gather the bits and lets go.” The stallion speaking kicked Silver Spoon a few times before he ran off laughing with the others. She tried to stand up but she couldn't find the strength. All she could do was listen to what the Stallion said. “Let her best friend beat her for her failure, serves her right for torturing ponies.” The voices faded after that. After a moment, Silver Spoon stood weakly; her back and a leg ached from being kicked. She had to at least tell Rarity that she had been mugged by a few stallions. Thanks to the kicks she had received, she walked with a limp. The kicks hurt but what the stallion said hurt more. Not too far away she could hear Rarity in a panic and two tax collectors were at her door. Silver Spoon was almost at the Boutique when Rarity walked past Silver Spoon with a glare in her eyes directed at the grey mare. The angry fashionista bumped into Silver Spoon and knocked her over as she walked by. Silver Spoon couldn't blame the mare and she knew that Twilight would be furious with her when she found out. “There goes my only chance; still I should at least tell Sweetie Belle if she is there.” She wasn't sure why she thought talking with Sweetie Belle would do any good but she found herself wishing to do just that anyway. Silver Spoon had to tell Sweetie Belle and then apologize, that was why she had to. Silver Spoon made it to the front door and knocked and it caused a pain to shoot through her leg and into her back. Sweetie Belle answered alright and she wasn't happy. “You, this is all your fault. Now my sister is going to lose the boutique, why don’t you just get out of here!” Silver Spoon flinched and turned her head away. “Please Sweetie Belle, I tried to deliver the bits for Princess Twilight but I got jumped. The Stallions that attacked me thought I had taken money from another pony but it was your sisters. I thought that you should know and I’m sorry for everything.” Silver Spoon turned to walk away but a hoof grabbed her shoulder. Her eyes widened by the touch, it wasn’t painful like she would have expected but kind and gentle. She turned around to face Sweetie Belle. “You’re not angry with me?” “Look, I don’t like you but I noticed you limp as you turned. Why don’t you come in, sit down and explain everything to me.” Sweetie helped Silver Spoon over to the couch and sat down. “What’s the deal, why would you try and help my sister after everything you’ve done?” Sweetie questioned as she brought a cup up to her mouth. She had been drinking some tea before the collectors got there and she wanted to drink what was left before it got cold. “So, what’s the deal?” Silver Spoon couldn't say everything but she had to say something. What could she possibly say though, there was no doubt Diamond Tiara was watching her. “I shouldn't talk to you.” Sweetie rolled her eyes and stood up off the couch. “I will say something though. Guilt.” That was all she could say and even that one word was hard to say. Suppose that gave away to much, Diamond Tiara would definitely kill her for it. “That wasn't of much help but whatever. Clearly there is something wrong with you, so I’ll keep an eye on you.” Sweetie sat back down and received a panicked reaction. “No, no, no, no, you can’t, she’ll kill me!” Silver Spoon blurted out and then covered her mouth with her hoof. Sweetie smiled as she took a sip of her tea. “You must be thrilled to know that huh? Knowing that I’ll probably die because of what I just said.” “Wrong Silver Spoon, that doesn't make me happy in the least because now I see it clearly, she has something on you now as well or at least more on you now.” Sweetie set her cup down and turned to Silver Spoon and held out her hoof. “What do you say, friends?” Silver Spoon swat Sweetie’s hoof away and frowned. “Why would I be, why would you be with me? I've never been anything but mean to you and everypony else. I don’t deserve friends.” “Wrong Silver Spoon, you do deserve friends.” Sweetie looked to the door as the bell above rang. Rarity walked in and shut the door behind her. She put a hoof to her chest relieved. “Hey sis, Twilight give you the bits you needed?” Sweetie didn't need to ask, it was obvious from her sisters sigh of relief. “Yes, no thanks to Silver Spoon. I can’t for the life of me figure out why Twilight would help her out.” Rarity stayed at the door and had yet to notice the grey mare beside Sweetie Belle. “Of course I can’t blame Twilight; she doesn't know how awful the mare is.” Rarity was shocked when she heard another voice start to scream. “I get it ok; I’m a terrible pony who doesn't deserve to even be alive. You don’t need to tell me what I already know.” Silver Spoon stood up and limped out of the building as fast as possible. Rarity stepped aside to let her through. “What the hay Rarity, she already feels bad enough as it is, you don’t need to make it worse for her. In fact, she is afraid that Diamond Tiara is going to kill her now and why, because she said something to me. I’m going to go catch up to her and take her to the clubhouse.” Sweetie stood up and pushed past her sister who was still in shock at both seeing Silver Spoon there and hearing what her little sister had just said to her. She also felt a bit guilty for what she said without really thinking. Sweetie Belle went after Silver Spoon hoping to talk to her some more. She almost felt bad for the mare but it was hard. Silver Spoon wasn't nice but she was trying to be, at least she said she was. Sweetie felt she had to do something and she would, even if she was wrong. “Silver Spoon, wait!” Silver Spoon turned around surprised to see Sweetie Belle behind her. “Where are you going?” “I was going back to Princess Twilight to accept my punishment.” Sweetie didn't say anything; she just followed behind and helped out when it was needed. Once they reached the library, Sweetie opened the door for Silver Spoon. Of course, Twilight was there waiting and she wasn't happy. “Silver Spoon, what happened? All you had to do was deliver the bits but Rarity never received them. I had to pay for her and why, because you didn't show up. You care to explain?” Twilight tapped her hoof but didn't receive an answer. “Silver Spoon, you have to tell me what is going on with you? First Rainbow Dash and now Rarity and for some reason they will not tell me why they hate you so much. I need you to tell me something Silver Spoon because with the way things are going, I can’t keep you. I don’t want to let you go because you are clearly desperate for work and for some reason; you can’t get work anywhere else. You have to talk to me Silver Spoon, so?” Twilight waited a little to give Silver Spoon the chance to speak up but she didn't. “Fine, I have no other choice then.” “Wait Twilight, please.” Sweetie burst out. “Let’s talk in private.” Twilight accepted and led Sweetie into the other room. “Please Twilight, you can’t fire her.” “I have to do something Sweetie Belle; she has to talk to me. If she can’t do that, I will have to let her go.” Twilight rubbed her head as she could feel a headache coming on. “I get it but please, you have to trust me that she just can’t. Not yet at least, just give me some time to talk to her please.” Sweetie begged and fought for Silver Spoon. She couldn't be sure why but she knew that Silver Spoon was trying to change. Twilight looked back at the other room and sighed. “Fine, you have the rest of this week to get her to come clean but if you can’t, she is gone. You won’t get an extended amount of time to help no matter how close you are. I may not even be able to afford this week.” After a little thought, she changed her mind. “Change of plans, you have up until the end of the week. If I have to let her go, she will go before the end of this week, deal?” Sweetie nodded and ran out of the room to talk to Silver Spoon. “What is going on with you Silver Spoon and what is going on with everypony?” > Not a Pleasant Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle walked up to Silver Spoon with a smile on her face. Silver Spoon could only guess that she had been fired thinking that Sweetie would be happy to see that and the Princess had no good reason to keep her around anyway. What good was she if she couldn’t talk about her problem that was clearly affecting her job; that was already pathetic enough as it was? All this for only a few bits, nopony in their right minds would work for this kind of money with the problems that she had. She turned her head away from Sweetie who seemed overly happy. It was clear to Silver Spoon that the mare in front of her was just trying to rub salt into her wounds. She couldn’t blame her, she had done some terrible things but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t go dignified. Silver Spoon stood up straight and lifted her head high ready to accept the news. “So there is good news and some bad. You only have this week to come clean, bad news; you may not have the whole week.” Silver Spoon wasn’t sure if she should hit herself in the face or hit Sweetie but still, the mare in front of her was trying to help. Silver Spoon couldn’t possibly understand why but she was. “Come on, I’m taking you to the club house.” Without a chance to speak, Silver Spoon was dragged off toward the clubhouse. Once Silver Spoon arrived, she had to admit that she was happy about it. The whole way to the old clubhouse was full of angry and happy stares. She understood why others would give her angry looks and she could only guess why some were smiling. Those that smiled had to be thinking that she was going to get beat up or something bad would happen to her. Silver was happy to be secluded, away from the public. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to stay that way for long. Sweetie had left shortly before Silver Spoon arrived leaving her to walk in by herself. That clubhouse was cute and it definitely could use some fixing. There were pictures of the main six all over the room. Most of the pictures were of Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. There was no surprise there; they were the older sisters except for Rainbow Dash. She was more of a role model as far as Silver Spoon knew. Some of the pictures hung loosely on the walls determined to fall off. There was some tape keeping up some and nails keeping up others. It was hardly fashionable but it was a little like her. The little clubhouse looked bad but was special. The only difference that Silver Spoon could see was that she wasn’t special. How could she be, her life was a lie, her cutie mark was a lie. “What the hay is she doin here?” Silver Spoon knew that voice and she wasn’t going to be happy in the next few moments. “Be nice Apple Bloom, she is terrified right now.” Sweetie defended Silver Spoon and it was a shock to them all. “Why should we, you know she can’t be trusted.” Scootaloo was clearly unhappy and she didn’t want to listen. Sweetie couldn’t blame her after all that has happened. Scootaloo looked directly at Silver Spoon. “Why don’t you just leave everypony alone, you’re not wanted here?” Silver Spoon knew she wasn’t wanted but she wasn’t going to let the orange pony tell her the obvious. “I get it ok; I’m not wanted by anyone. I had to convince Princess Twilight to give me a job which by the way is nothing short of pony feathers in weight. I get paid so little that a rat wouldn’t be able to feed itself. I…I…never mind, I’ll just do something.” Silver Spoon started to walk out but Sweetie blocked her path. “Oh no, I didn’t convince Twilight to give me time to give you time just for you to walk out on this opportunity. I admit that I’m not sure if you can be trusted but I can’t expect you to trust me if I don’t trust you first. I believe that if Fluttershy could reform Discord by being his friend than I can sure as hay be a friend to you and get the same results.” Sweetie Belle stuck her hoof out to shake but Silver Spoon pushed her hoof away. “Who do you think I am, some; I better go.” Silver Spoon pushed Sweetie Belle away and ran past her. She ran and ran ignoring the many glares and unhappy faces. It wasn’t fair, why did she have to be picked out by Diamond Tiara? Silver Spoon let tears fall down her cheeks. She arrived at the library and barged in with tear stained cheeks. “Why did it have to be me?” “Why did what have to be you?” Twilight asked as she came from out of the kitchen. She had just finished eating lunch and was ready for Silver Spoon to do some more work. She was going to send Spike out to get her employee but Silver Spoon saved her some time. Twilight couldn’t deny that she was hesitant but she had made an agreement with Sweetie Belle to keep Silver Spoon for as long as possible. “Are you ready to talk?” “I want to but I can’t ok, why do you care anyway? Just give me the next errand from Tartarus.” Silver Spoon kept her head turned away from Twilight so her tears wouldn’t be seen. “Fine but remember that you are on thin ice right now. I don’t want to see you there and you don’t have to be if you will just talk to me.” Twilight waited for an answer but didn’t get one. “I have the next job for you, one that you should enjoy well enough. Filthy Rich was supposed to receive an order he made a few weeks ago but instead of going straight to him, it came here instead thanks to Derpy.” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle as she thought of the mail mare. She quickly stopped and continued to speak with Silver Spoon. “Go deliver it to him and then go ahead and head home. The box is ready to be delivered; you just need to take it.” Silver Spoon nodded and turned to leave. “Remember Silver Spoon, if you don’t talk to me, you will be let go.” Those were the last words Silver Spoon heard before the door shut behind her. In front of her was the ‘to be delivered item’ all ready to be delivered. She couldn’t do much about what was next. She would be talking to the next worst pony to the elements of harmony. Filthy Rich was the father of Diamond Tiara and a stallion that was oblivious to everything going on around him. That would have been helpful had it not been for what Diamond had told Silver Spoon that night that she had left. ‘My father will hear about this, mark my words.’ That was it and it terrified Silver Spoon. What would Diamond Tiara tell her father? Silver Spoon had so many thoughts running through her head that she had arrived at the designated house before she knew it. With a deep breath, Silver Spoon knocked on the door and waited. The pony that answered wasn’t the pony she was expecting to see. “What are you doing here you traitor, come back to grovel?” Diamond Tiara was very smug about it and it dug at Silver Spoon like a knife. She hated her smug attitude and everything else about her. Silver Spoon wanted nothing more then to slap the smug look off Diamond Tiara’s face but she forced restraint. Silver spoon couldn’t let anything happen that would get her in deeper manure than she was already in. “Your father ordered a package that ended up at Princess Twilights.” Silver Spoon moved out of the way to reveal the package. It was as big as Big Macintosh; luckily it didn’t weigh as much as the stallion. Diamond Tiara glanced at the box and nodded. “So be it but don’t forget Silver Spoon, I have complete control and if you say a thing to anypony, you will deal with me personally.” Diamond Tiara turned and walked away and called for her father. “It’s about time, that crazy mail mare just can’t seem to get anything right.” Filthy Rich chuckled whole heartedly until he saw the pony at the door. How dare Silver Spoon show her face here after what she did to his little girl. “Who do you think you are? I can’t believe you would have the indecency to show yourself here at my home after what you did. How dare you try and force my daughter into a relationship with a stallion.” Filthy Rich didn’t need to say anymore, he assumed that Silver Spoon knew the rest. Why shouldn’t she, Diamond Tiara told him everything. Without a word, he pushed past Silver Spoon and retrieved his item and disappeared inside. “Yeah, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but it still wasn’t pleasant.” Silver Spoon turned to walk away when the door opened back up. She didn’t need to turn around to know who opened the door. “What do you want Diamond Tiara?” “I think you would like to know what it is you did to me.” Silver ignored what Diamond Tiara had said and started to walk off but stopped without knowing why. “You just couldn’t help yourself, you wanted me to be like you so badly. I mean who could blame you Silver Spoon. You got pregnant and then aborted the baby and wanted me to experience the same feeling of intimacy.” Diamond Tiara slammed her head into the wall. “Daddy, it’s Silver Spoon!” Blood dripped from the cut on her head. “She hurt me!” Silver Spoons eyes widened and then she took off. Silver Spoon could hear Filthy Rich threatening her as she ran but she didn’t care. She couldn’t stay there and now what would happen to her. Once word got to Twilight that she slammed Diamond Tiara’s head into a wall, Silver Spoon would most definitely lose her job. She did the only thing that she could think of and ran home crying the whole way. Her life, her parents’ life was over and it was all because of Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon wanted so much to do something but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t. Diamond Tiara would have her head if she said anything. Once Silver Spoon arrived home, she got under her covers and cried herself to sleep hoping that it was all a dream but that thought in itself was a dream. Silver Spoon knew that and yet she still wished that it was a dream. > The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At around midnight, Silver Spoon was woken up by the sound of knocking on her window. She ignored the tapping until she heard the voice connected to the pony that was knocking. Silver shot up in bed and stared out the window at Princess Twilight. If the princess was here, she knew she was in trouble. Twilight wanted her to go outside to talk. Silver Spoon knew it had to be about what happened with Diamond Tiara. She got out of bed and headed outside. She didn’t want to be here now, she was going to prison for sure and she wouldn’t be able to say otherwise. Twilight watched as Silver Spoon nervously walked over to her. She had to admit that she felt bad for the mare but what she is going through didn’t excuse what she did. That was her first thought and then confusion took hold. Why would Silver Spoon do something like that to her best friend? It didn’t make any sense unless they weren’t friends anymore. Twilight had been up all night with this thought in mind; she had to figure it out. It had been a constant back and forth in her mind. “Silver Spoon, why would you slam Diamond Tiara’s head into the wall?” She waited for Silver Spoon to answer but she didn’t. “Are you two friends, did she do something to you?” Silver spoon fidgeted and still didn’t answer; she had clearly begun to sweat. “Silver Spoon, did you or did you not hurt Diamond Tiara?” Twilight raised her voice. Silver Spoon shook her head and her eyes widened to the size of bowling balls. Silver Spoon ran off past Twilight and toward the clubhouse and hoped that Twilight wouldn’t follow. Silver Spoon ran inside the clubhouse out of breath. “I’m so dead I know it. Silver Spoon you are so stupid.” She lied down on the floor and fell asleep crying. When morning came, she woke up to find Sweetie Belle and Twilight standing in front of her. She backed up into the wall tired and frightened. “Go ahead and arrest me, it’s not like I don’t know about prison.” “I’m not here to have you arrested Silver Spoon. I just came to tell you that I can’t keep you around anymore. After what happened yesterday, there just seems to be trouble wherever you go and I don’t know why.” Twilight turned to walk away but Sweetie Belle stopped her. “Twilight, why don’t you send her somewhere where she isn’t met by ponies that know her as well?” Sweetie knew that ponies wouldn’t like Silver Spoon regardless but there would be less trouble if Silver Spoon met ponies that didn’t know her so well. She also needed more time to get through to the stubborn mare. Silver Spoon needed to talk with somepony and if she wouldn’t talk to Twilight then Silver Spoon would have to talk with her. Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure how but she would get Silver Spoon to open up one way or another. “Sweetie, I love that you want to help her so much but I can’t just pick and choose who she goes to see or what errands I need to run. In most cases sure but this is not one of those. I’m sorry but I have to let her go.” Twilight turned away not willing to look at Sweetie’s sad face. “That’s not fair though, don’t you find it at all odd that nopony will talk to you about anything? Don’t you think that it’s odd that the only happy ponies around are the princesses and never mind.” Sweetie shut her mouth and turned away. It wasn’t fair, she knew how Silver Spoon felt and Twilight didn’t. It wasn’t Twilight’s fault but it also felt like it was. Twilight turned back to face Sweetie having just realized how off things were with Equestria. She pulled Sweetie outside so that they could speak in private. “You’re right Sweetie Belle, something isn’t right. Even you tend to be quiet around me. I get it Sweetie Belle, you need to go and get Silver Spoon to open up. I will go have a talk with the other Princesses while you work things out with Silver Spoon. Should she open up to you at all, keep the info to yourself until I say otherwise but I still can’t keep her though.” Sweetie was disappointed that Silver Spoon was being let go but she was happy that Twilight believed her. The hardest part would be getting Silver Spoon to open up to her. They never were friends but that wouldn’t stop her. She just hoped that Scootaloo and Apple Bloom wouldn’t mess this up. “Thank you Twilight, I appreciate the chance.” As soon as Twilight left, Sweetie Belle turned to Silver Spoon. “I’ll be right back Silver Spoon, make yourself comfortable.” Sweetie smiled and ran off. Silver Spoon turned her head and sighed. For whatever the reason, Sweetie Belle truly wanted to help her but what could Sweetie Belle do other then get her and her friends killed. Diamond Tiara was sure to come after them or send somepony after them if they so much as peeped. The last thing Silver Spoon wanted was to be considered a murder or at the very least the murderers accomplice. She also knew that even if Twilight believed her about Silver Spoon, nopony else would and it was easy enough to know where that would head. Silver Spoon had to make a decision on what she would do and from the looks of things, she only had one solution. She would keep quiet and in two days time, she would meet with Diamond Tiara. She knew where Diamond Tiara would be in two days at noon, Silver Spoon had made an appointment with her not so good friend. Diamond hadn’t realized it but it happened. Diamond Tiara had no idea that the two would be meeting. She only knew that there would be an appointment and Silver Spoon was going to keep that appointment. Silver Spoon walked over to the nearest window and looked out wondering just how things would go down. She had no other choice, she would kill herself for the sake of Sweetie Belle and everypony else. She wouldn’t be their burdens anymore and she was prepared to die to make sure of that. Silver Spoon walked away from the window after seeing the CMC walking up. She wanted to run but what would the point be. She would look guilty if she tried to run and things would only get worse from there. What else could she do now but wait for the creaking sound of the door to open. She didn’t have to wait long but the door didn’t creak, it was thrown open. “Why should we help her Sweetie Belle, she can’t be trusted.” At hearing Scootaloo, Silver Spoon ran over to the window, hopped out of it, and ran off away from the tree house. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t anymore, she just didn’t have the tears to shed anymore. She looked back only once to see Sweetie staring sadly at her, Scootaloo glared, and Apple Bloom turned her head away. > Ready to Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie tried to run after Silver Spoon but Scootaloo and Apple Bloom held her back. The last thing Sweetie wanted to do was get into a fight with her friends but she couldn’t turn her back on Silver Spoon. She pushed past her friends and stopped just outside the door and looked at Silver Spoon as she ran. Once Silver Spoon was out of sight, Sweetie turned to her friends and glared at them. “What the hay you two, I’m trying to help her and you two won’t let me.” “Oh please Sweetie Belle, she doesn’t care about being a good pony, she is in cahoots with Diamond Tiara and she always will be.” Scootaloo walked back inside the clubhouse and leaned up against the left wall. Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom followed their friend in but Sweetie refused to stand next to either of them. “Don’t worry about her, she is just as bad as her friend, you can’t feel sorry for her Sweetie Belle.” “Ah agree with Scootaloo, she can’t be trusted.” Apple Bloom said what she wanted to say and then left. “I’m just gonna go do some work on the farm.” The two friends said their goodbyes and then turned back to each other. “I get it Scootaloo, you don’t trust her. I get it, really I do but both you and I also know how it feels to be blackmailed. I’ve seen her everyday for a few days now and she is terrified. It’s as plain as day and I can’t just sit back and do nothing.” “Oh yeah Sweetie, that’s a great idea. Let’s help out our enemy and then we can all have a big party and Pinkie can throw it.” Scootaloo was very sarcastic. “Wake up Sweetie Belle, she is using you, don’t be stupid.” Scootaloo got off the wall and glared at her friend in the eyes and Sweetie looked back with a glare of her own. “Apple Bloom and I are trying to find out a way to take down Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara but it hasn’t been easy and you surely haven’t helped the past few days. Wake up and choose a side Sweetie Belle, it’s us or her and I know you wouldn’t choose Silver Spoon over us.” “I’m not choosing sides Scootaloo, I’m trying to help out a scared mare and I would expect my friends to help me.” “Help Silver Spoon, you’re crazy, she doesn’t deserve a thing from us other than a swift beating or so.” Scootaloo pushed past Sweetie and took one step out the door. “Get your head out of the clouds and wake up; she doesn’t care about anypony but Diamond Tiara.” Scootaloo took off running and didn’t stop. In the back of her mind, she wanted Sweetie Belle to be right about Silver Spoon. There were many things that worried Scootaloo and their old rival was one of those things. Still, she really hoped that Sweetie was right. Sweetie knew that Scootaloo was wrong; she knew that Silver Spoon wanted to change. She wasn’t sure how she knew that Silver Spoon wasn’t just fooling her but Sweetie knew that she wasn’t and Sweetie was determined to help her. If she didn’t try and help, who would? Silver Spoon lost her job no thanks to Diamond Tiara. True it wasn’t her fault directly but it was most certainly indirectly. Sweetie Belle had to find Silver Spoon and talk to her and then maybe with some luck she could convince her friends to help. She ran out the door and ran in the direction Silver Spoon went. Hopefully she could find Silver Spoon before she got into too much trouble. In the Everfree Forest, Silver Spoon had just arrived at Zecora’s tired and covered in rotten fruit. She couldn’t be sure how the zebra would react to her but she had to talk with somepony. Silver Spoon knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Zecora answered and her look was unexpected. It was as if the zebra expected her here. “I knew you would be here and look at that hair, why don’t you come in and share?” Silver Spoon couldn’t stand the zebra because of all the rhyming. Still, Zecora was the only one that she could go to now. “Thank you Zecora, I’m not really welcome anywhere and I don’t blame any of them. I’m a terrible pony and they all know it except for Sweetie Belle. Hehe, what a loser.” Silver Spoon chuckled sadly and didn’t mean what she said. Sweetie Belle was the only one to really give her a shot other then Princess Twilight. If anyone was the loser, it was Silver Spoon and she knew it all to well. “Come now, don’t you fret, there are true friends for you out there I bet.” Zecora had started to heat up water for tea. “I can see that you aren’t free, you are trying to be a good pony.” “Don’t try to spare my feelings Zecora, I don’t deserve it and you know, for such a smart Zebra, you are pretty dumb for thinking I’m anything other then bad.” Silver Spoon turned away and sighed. What else could she do, she was sure that she would be dead in a few days anyway. She wanted to change but what was the point, she would always be looked at in a terrible way. She was a crook and schemer, a liar and thief. Even if she didn’t do any of those things herself, she was still guilty by association. Zecora ignored Silver Spoons comment on her being dumb and spoke kindly anyway. “I have seen that pony’s don’t treat you well except for Twilight and Sweetie Belle. Perhaps you should try something new and prove to others the things that you can really do. The things you did you should regret but you can fix it with just one word, secret.” With that said the teapot whistled. “How Zecora, how can I do anything in secret when the only place that Diamond Tiara wouldn’t go is, ooooooh. Thank you Zecora.” Silver Spoon jumped at the sound of somepony knocking at the door. On the other side, Zecora and Silver Spoon heard a voice and knew it was Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, come on in, we have a lot to talk about. > Confession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie ran in when she heard what Silver Spoon had said. Silver Spoon would finally let her in and talk; she was having a hard time holding in her excitement. Sweetie was shaking as she tried her best to not jump around like Pinkie Pie. “So sit down and let’s talk Silver Spoon.” Her voice squeaked from excitement. Silver Spoon was just about to speak but the feeling of being watched shut her up. She couldn’t just tell Sweetie Belle everything even if she knew already why and Silver Spoon was sure that Sweetie knew. Other than the Princesses, everypony knew that somepony was being blackmailed except for Silver Spoon of course. She was Diamond Tiara’s pet according to most everypony. She couldn’t say anything, she just couldn’t. “I’m sorry, I can’t say anything.” Sweetie Belles heart dropped and so did her jaw. One second Silver Spoon was ready to spill the beans and the next she wouldn’t say anything. If only somepony would say something first to her then maybe Silver Spoon would open up just a bit. That was it, she had to speak first. “Ok Silver Spoon, let’s make a deal.” Silver Spoon cocked her head. “I will tell you what I’m being blackmailed for and then you tell me what is going on with you, deal?” Silver Spoon didn’t want to say anything but Sweetie Belle was willing to and so why shouldn’t she? ‘That’s right, I’ll die and whoever I tell will die if I do.’ Silver Spoon thought knowing what would happen but then again she would probably die soon anyway. Diamond Tiara was bound to kill her if she asked but then again, maybe she wouldn’t. Diamond Tiara would probably just let Silver Spoon live in misery. She didn’t want to put anyone in danger either. Her best option was to keep quiet, she couldn’t speak. “I’m sorry but no.” Sweetie then told her that she was going to tell her anyway. “Wait what, you can’t, she’ll kill you if you do.” “Why should I care anymore, nopony talks anymore and I feel like talking, so I’m going to.” Sweetie smiled as she said this. “I care about you and so does Twilight, we want to help and if I have to risk my life then fine.” “Ok, ok, I’ll talk but please don’t say anything. There is a chance that she won’t go after you if you don’t say anything.” Silver Spoon inhaled deeply and stayed quiet for only a moment. Even now it was hard to say anything but she had to. “The first thing I should tell you, is what my Cutie Mark is for, it’s what she blackmailed with. I know that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my Cutie Mark but I am. Diamond Tiara always let me be with her to make me look rich; on top of that my name with my Cutie Mark made me look rich as well. Truth is; it just means that I am good at making silverware and the decorations on them.” Silver Spoon turned her head away but kept talking. “It doesn’t sound like you are ashamed of your cutie mark but ashamed that you lied to everypony about it. I know what that’s like remember?” Sweetie Belle smiled and received a small chuckle from Silver Spoon. “You laughed; I never thought I would be happy to hear a laugh coming from you. It was always just a way to tease my friends and me.” “I know and I’m so sorry, so so sorry.” Silver Spoon felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked at the owner. “I guess I should tell you everything else now.” Sweetie Belle stepped back and let Silver Spoon talk. “Diamond Tiara also threatened to kill me if I told anypony. Of course you know that if those being blackmailed ever tell anypony, both ponies or more will die. I never wanted any of this but I didn’t have any friends and when Diamond Tiara came to me with friendship, I guess I just accepted it desperate for a friend. Now look where I am because of my stupid decision. Diamond Tiara also set up this big operation; she has spies everywhere to make sure that nopony tells anypony. They will always know if anypony does talk.” Sweetie was about to say something when the door flew open. “If you would have just said something to begin with, we would have had your back.” Scootaloo walked in with pride. “Wait a minute, you hated me, how does this change anything?” Silver Spoon asked even if a better question would have been how long she had been out there for. “I’m not supposed to tell you, but I got to be honest with you now. I hated you yes but only because I knew that you would screw everything up. I at least thought you would but now, I have never been so happy.” Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle just looked confused while Zecora could only smile. “Silver Spoon, do you know why Zecora said that this place was safe?” Silver Spoon shrugged. “It’s safe because it’s away from Ponyville and the only place in Equestria to have only one spy located.” The two mares were still confused. “I suppose I can tell you the truth now, I was blackmailed to and forced into something that wasn’t something I liked. I am one of Diamond Tiara’s spies and the Everfree Forest is my section. It was true that Diamond didn’t want me here at first but nopony else had the guts to patrol here. Basically, she doesn’t trust me but she also needed somepony here and I was the only one left. Now here is the deal Silver Spoon, I have a special place for you in the Everfree forest and I need you to stay there. It’s scary but safe. You won’t be found by anypony but myself and everpony in this room. You’re going to the Royal Sisters Castle.” Silver Spoon gulped and wasn’t so sure if she could trust Scootaloo. “Zecora will bring you a meal everyday.” “Why can’t I just stay here with Zecora?” Silver Spoon really didn’t want to go to that old spooky castle. “Sorry but if there were a search party, this would be the furthest that anypony would dare go so the further in the forest the better.” Silver Spoon nodded and followed with Scootaloo into the forest. > Great Idea, Let's Save Silver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Where am I?” Something went wrong, very very wrong. Silver Spoon was with Scootaloo at the ruins of the Royal Sisters Castle. Why was it so bright and why wasn’t she in the old ruins. “Oh great.” The room she was in was in deed a room she recognized. Plans were set up all over the place to ensure that they wouldn’t make mistakes. She and Diamond Tiara pinned up their plans or Diamonds plans rather. Silver Spoon tried to move but she found herself tied up with rope. How did Diamond Tiara find out, surely Scootaloo hadn’t said anything right? Silver Spoon couldn’t be sure but she knew that she had to leave before Diamond Tiara returned. She struggled with the ropes but no matter what she did, she couldn’t get free and the sound of hoof-steps could be heard coming down the hall. Her heart raced as the steps got closer and the shadow of the pony could be seen beneath the door. Silver Spoon changed her mind, she didn’t want to die. The door opened ever so slow and as expected, she was there with an evil smirk on her face. “What do you want Diamond Tiara and how did you find out where I would be?” Silver Spoon knew exactly what Diamond Tiara wanted and it frightened her. Silver Spoons voice shook as she spoke. “Oh Silver Spoon, did you really think that Scootaloo would betray me after what I have on her? Learn to just deal with this life Silver Spoon, things will be much easier for you and everypony else.” Diamond Tiara walked over to Silver Spoon and brought her face within inches of her. “I will give you one last chance to right this wrong and come back to me because lets face it, you’re not as easy to replace as I originally thought. Come back and I will forgive you for leaving or I will kill you and then everypony that you have spoken with about your little predicament. I’ll give you a moment.” Diamond Tiara turned and left the room. Silver Spoon was in a situation all right and there was no getting out of this. What was she supposed to do? What could she do other than go back and help out Diamond Tiara in those nasty plots of hers. That way at least, nopony would die. She would have to give in and go, there was no choice, no other way. “She wins, just like always. Sweetie Belle will never speak to me again but it doesn’t matter so long as they are safe. Sweetie has had my back since” A little light bulb lit inside her mind as she realized something. Sweetie Belle has had her back and she wasn’t about to give up on Silver Spoon anytime soon. Sweetie was willing to risk telling her everything just so that she would open up and talk to her. Sweetie wanted to help and Silver Spoon wasn’t about to let all the kindness she had shown go to waste. Now all she could do is wait for her capture to return but this time Silver Spoon was determined. “Diamond Tiara, you won’t mess with anypony anymore.” Diamond Tiara walked in with a smile on her face and saw the determined look on Silver Spoons face. “I see you’ve chosen which side your on.” Diamond walked over to Silver Spoon and whispered in her ear. “So you good to go partner?” Silver Spoon smiled. “You bet.” She then spit on Diamond Tiara. “Go screw yourself.” Silver Spoon received a hard slap to the face and was then forcibly picked up and dragged out. In the distance, Scootaloo watched as Diamond Tiara dragged Silver Spoon out of the building. “Silver Spoon, don’t worry, help is on the way.” Scootaloo ran until she reached Golden Oaks Library. She knocked on the door and waited anxiously. Her and her friends had been searching for Silver Spoon for a full day now and she began to fear the worst until now. Now she felt a bit of hope. She knew the moment that she woke up alone in the ruins that Diamond Tiara had found out. She couldn’t figure it out until she saw a dark figure running back and away from the forest. She felt so stupid for thinking that Diamond Tiara actually trusted her enough to watch the forest alone. How she was able to find anypony willing to scout out the forest was beyond her but Diamond Tiara found somepony and she couldn’t stop it. The door opened to the library to reveal Twilight. “Princess Twilight, it’s Silver Spoon, she is in trouble.” “What kind of trouble exactly?” Twilight wasn’t sure if she should be worried or angry. “I know I’m going to die for this but here it goes. Diamond Tiara hates Silver Spoon now more than before and I’m positive that Silver Spoon will be dead very soon. I was lucky enough to see Diamond Tiara drag her away as I walked by. You need to hurry, please.” Scootaloo hadn’t noticed Spike run off to do something. “So it’s Diamond Tiara’s fault that all this is happening and why nopony will talk.” Twilight was already putting the pieces together now that she had only realized two days ago that something was wrong. “Which way did they go?” Scootaloo pointed in the direction that she saw Diamond Tiara go. “Thank you Scootaloo, you’ve been a big help but before I leave.” Twilight lit her horn and cast a spell on the orange mare in front of her. “I have put a shield around you, it will keep you safe from any physical or magical attack.” Twilight ran off in a hurry and then took to the air leaving Scootaloo behind her. Twilight knew that she had to hurry and get to Silver Spoon before anything bad happened to her. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be able to do much more then possibly stall until her guards arrived. She hadn’t realized it but Flash was right there behind her. Twilight could see in the distance two mares, one up against a tree and the other twirling a knife in her hoof. “That must be them.” Twilight landed behind a tree. Diamond Tiara yelled out Silver Spoons name. The mare was ticked and ready to kill. Twilight couldn’t let that happen but what she saw next was a sight to see. Silver Spoon head butt Diamond Tiara in the face and knocked her back. Her neck had a small cut on it and her back legs were broken from the looks of it. Silver Spoon was all black, blue and bloody. Still, it didn’t keep Silver Spoon from assaulting her captor. Diamond Tiara was soon very bloody and now had the knife that she used held to her neck. Silver Spoon really fought for her life and others as Twilight could hear what she was saying. “You won’t hurt anypony else, I will make sure that you don’t you little witch.” Twilight was both frightened and proud of the mare until an arrow pierced the grey mares side. “Noooooo!” Twilight screamed and ran out from behind the tree with four guards behind her. A volley of arrows flew from the trees that were no more than a half a mile away. Twilight raised a shield and blocked the volley from touching her, her guards, and Silver Spoon. “Diamond Tiara, you are under arrest-” “Oh please princess” Diamond Tiara spit out some blood, her lip and mouth bloody on top of that she must have had at least a small concussion. Diamond was having a hard time standing on her own. “I’m so much more than you could imagine. You can’t arrest me PRINCESS, I have friends in high places, places that will only get you killed.” Diamond turned her head around. “Kill every one of them, the princess included!” Diamond yelled as she was teleported out of the area. Twilight raised a stronger longer lasting shield to cover her and the others before taking a few moments to teleport them all to the hospital. > The Other Side > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara had been taken home to gather herself. She had to lay low for a bit, no doubt that once the word of princess Twilights death got out, everypony around the world would know who did it. Maybe she could find a way around that, if she could, no that wouldn’t, would it? Yes, if she had the time. Before Diamond Tiara could finish her thoughts, a knock came to the door. “Who is it?” Diamond asked sweetly. “We have some unfortunate news for you Diamond Tiara.” It had been one of her followers that had followed the order to kill Twilight and the others. “I really don’t care to know about anything at the moment, I’m busy.” Diamond continued her thoughts until she heard what her follower had said. She couldn’t blame two of them for coming to tell her the bad news but surely she had heard wrong. Diamond rubbed her ear in thinking that she must have misheard. “Tell me that you didn’t just say that you failed to kill the royal pain. Please tell me that I heard you wrong.” After hearing nothing but silence, she asked again. “Fleetfoot, tell me you didn’t say what I thought you just said.” Fleetfoot apologized and then took off in a hurry. Diamond Tiara was about to explode when she realized how much trouble she was in. “Is Fleetfoot still out there?” “No, she left.” “Good, I don’t want her to know that I sent a former royal guard after her.” Diamond opened the door to the home and focused on the former guard. “I don’t think I understand.” The pony once wore golden armor, now he wore black to cover his entire body. “What I said was go kill her before I decide to get rid of you as well for failing me.” The pony saluted and gave chase to Fleetfoot. Diamond shut the door and began pacing back and forth. What could she do now, she couldn’t stay in Equestria but where else could she go? Diamond paced nervously trying to find an easy solution to her problem. She couldn’t stay and there was no where in this world that she wouldn’t be captured and sent to Celestia. What could she do, she couldn’t stay and she couldn’t go or could she? “Yes, that is the solution, how could I forget?” Diamond Tiara knew what she had to do and where she had to go. She grabbed a few things for her trip and headed for the train station surrounded by loyal ponies. As luck would have it, Twilight gave chase to Diamond Tiara. “Diamond Tiara, stop this now and-” Twilight was cut off by the pony she was talking to. “Or what Princess, in case you haven’t noticed, I have more allies than you can handle.” From behind homes and trees came arrows in Twilights direction. Diamond Tiara reached the train station, climbed on and just in time too, the train was just bout to leave. Twilight was getting closer to her by the second and the only reason the princess hadn’t caught Diamond Tiara earlier was because Twilight had to focus on keeping a shield around herself. “So long Princess, you won’t be seeing me for a while.” Diamond Tiara ran up to the Engineer. “Start the train now or so help me.” The train started and threw Diamond Tiara onto the ground. This would have ticked her off but she was in a hurry. “Does this train go to the Crystal empire?” “I will make it our first stop just don’t hurt me.” The Stallion coward before the mare before him. “You are pathetic; good and hurry up.” Diamond Tiara walked away and took a seat in the next train car. She smiled and looked out the window. She was very pleased with herself and nothing would ruin that except Twilight of course but she wasn’t anywhere close to her. The train moved along at high speeds, everything that went by the train was a blur. “Once on the other side, I’ll have time to recover from my injuries.” She looked at her reflection in the window. She was a mess and it was all because of that traitor Silver Spoon. “If she ruins this for me, she will pay.” Hours went by and the train finally arrived in the Crystal Empire. Guards could be seen everywhere but she knew the guards well enough. She calmly walked by each guard giving them all knowing looks. The guards were scared of her and it pleased her but with this many guards around, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor must know that she would be coming here. It didn’t matter though, Diamond Tiara was going to walk right past them and they wouldn’t even know it. One guard that blocked the entrance to the castle smiled nervously. “Hello, I assume you’re here for the mirror?” Diamond Tiara groaned impatiently at the guard. “Of course I am you idiot, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” The guard saluted the mare and took her into the castle, past doorways, and avoided any run ins that could have been a problem, which were few, until they reached the room. The two walked in and Diamond Tiara dismissed the guard. The guard ran off in a hurry. “This is it, I’ll hide out for a while and then return.” With that said, she hopped through the mirror just as Cadance and some guards came running in. When Diamond Tiara appeared on the other side, a group of people were there waiting for her. Five of them were clearly the elements and two of them were herself and Silver Spoon but the last one with red and yellow hair was unfamiliar to her. “I see I have a welcoming committee.” Diamond Tiara smiled as she tried to stand. It was a bit awkward but she managed it. She was here once before to study the humans and acquire more servants. “You must be the trouble maker that Princess Twilight warned us about, grab her girls.” Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash tried to grab Diamond Tiara but a bullet flew past them. The group turned and raised their hands. “Smart girls, now stay here while I take care of business.” Diamond was helped up by someone dressed in black. Once they were gone, the group lowered their hands. “So that was the other me right?” The human Diamond Tiara asked and all but Silver Spoon nodded. > Healing Wounds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as word got out that Silver Spoon had been put in the hospital, ponies from all over secretly cheered afraid that Diamond Tiara would hear them and hurt them if they were loud about it. Of course they didn’t realize Silver Spoon was there because of Diamond Tiara. The only ones truly worried for her were her parents, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, Twilight and Spike. That wasn’t to say that Apple Bloom was happy about it but her and her family weren’t thrilled to have Silver Spoon around. For the apples it was a bit of a lose-lose situation. They may not have liked Silver Spoon much but they didn’t want her to be sent to the hospital. Nurse Redheart, the one taking care of Silver Spoon wasn’t thrilled about having to take care of her; after all, Silver Spoon had blackmailed her personally. There had been certain photos Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got a hold of. The photos could have caused a lot more damage to her reputation as a nurse then even she cared to think about. Redheart refused to speak of them, even to herself. Twilight had been pacing back and forth in Silver Spoons room only taking slight moments to stop and look at the injured pony. Twilight was worried for the mare and after what just happened, she would be happy to take Silver Spoon in as an employee again and after seeing the reasons for the problems, she would gladly pay Silver Spoon more. Twilight walked up beside the bed that Silver Spoon was sleeping in, sat down on a chair, and grabbed onto Silver Spoons hoof. “Just like a mother.” Twilight jumped and turned to the zebra speaking. It wasn’t like Zecora’s voice was common. “Oh Zecora, you’re here, did you bring it?” Zecora pulled out the medicine and hoofed it over to Twilight. She explained what to do with it and then walked away. It wasn’t out of spite for not sticking around but she had things to take care of. “Thanks Zecora.” Twilight rubbed the medicine on Silver Spoons cuts and bruises. It was a slimy greenish brown substance and it acted like a coat on the injuries. It smelled as bad as it looked but its effect took hold quickly enough. Silver Spoon jolted up after the medicine had been on for a few moments. “Silver Spoon, relax.” Twilight gently helped the her lie back down. “What is that smell?” Silver Spoon tried not breathe it in but it was futile, she would have to stop breathing before she didn’t smell whatever it was. She then noticed her face was cold. “Why is my face cold?” She looked to Twilight for an answer. “Silver Spoon, that smell your smelling would be the medicine from Zecora. I know it really stinks but it is helping.” Twilight sat back to get away from the smell that was Silver Spoons medicine. “Sorry Silver Spoon but the medicine really stinks.” Twilight gave Silver Spoon a smile and the squee to go with it as the door flew open to reveal Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. As soon as the door opened, the two mares stumbled back from the scent that invaded their noses. “Please tell me that the smell in my nose is Zecora’s medicine and not something else.” Scootaloo voice was nasally from plugging her nose with her hoof and received a nod from Twilight. “Hey Twilight, I would have thought that Silver Spoons parents would have been here.” “They were here earlier but they had to get back to work. They are struggling enough as it is already. They couldn’t afford to stay no matter how much the wished to.” Silver Spoon looked up, saw Scootaloo and cringed. She looked away and let a tear slide down her cheek. The thought of being around Scootaloo after what happened hurt but she couldn’t be too mad after all she did. Still, she trusted Scoots and was betrayed. Silver Spoon ignored her and spoke to Sweetie. “Hey Sweetie Belle.” “Hey, what about me and what’s wrong?” Scootaloo asked a bit hurt about being ignored. It wasn’t her fault Silver Spoon was in the hospital but of course, she hadn’t realized that Diamond Tiara had told Silver Spoon otherwise. Silver Spoon looked up at Scootaloo and into her eyes. “You did it.” Everypony in the room cocked their heads. “You told Diamond Tiara where I was. You said that you were forced to work with her and you would do anything to get rid of me.” Silver Spoon pointed her hoof at Scootaloo and glared. Scootaloo took a step back in shock and anger at the accusation but after a bit of thought, she knew Silver Spoon had no reason not to think so. She did openly admit that she hated Silver Spoon a few times. If Scoots were to set up a trap for the her, the forest would have been a perfect place to do it but it just wasn’t true. “I swear to you Silver Spoon, I didn’t tell that witch a thing.” It was now Silver Spoons turn too looked shocked. That couldn’t be true, Scootaloo had to of told Diamond Tiara. There wasn’t anypony else that knew that disliked her like Scootaloo disliked her. Still, it was very possible that Diamond Tiara lied about it. “If you didn’t tell then who?” “I did, I told Diamond Tiara about Silver Spoons whereabouts.” Everypony looked at Apple Bloom as she spoke. They all had the same question to ask, “Why?” “I had to, she was goin’ to tear our friendship apart, I could see it comin’ a mile away.” Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “Y’all were fightin’ because of Silver Spoon, I didn’t want it to escalate and so I told. I knew that Sweetie would go and hide Silver Spoon in the forest, it was the only logical place to hide her.” Scootaloo was upset but now wasn’t the time. “We will talk about this later AB. Right now we need to go find Diamond Tiara.” The only question Scoots had now was why Diamond would tell Silver Spoon that she told. It didn’t matter though, there were things to do. Silver Spoon got off the bed and stumbled a bit before regaining her balance. “I know where she went and so does Princess Twilight. I will go and bring Diamond Tiara back and Princess Twilight will be waiting.” Silver Spoon had recovered at a ridiculous rate; even she couldn’t help but be surprised at the result. “Silver Spoon, I can’t let” Twilight began but Silver Spoon shook her head and interrupted. “I’m going and you can’t stop me. Diamond Tiara will not get away with this and who better to take her down then the pony that knows her best?” Twilight was hesitant but agreed. “Let’s go get us a fugitive.” Silver Spoon walked out of the room standing tall unsure where the boost of confidence came from. Diamond Tiara ruined her life and now Silver Spoon would ruin hers. Sweetie Belle and the others just watched with wide eyes as she walked away. Silver Spoon was determined to make sure that Diamond Tiara was put behind bars. “Come on Scootaloo, we need to have a little talk with Apple Bloom.” “Girls I am awfully sorry, I was just worried that our friendship might be, well ruined because of her. If I’d realized that you two were gettin’ along so well, I wouldn’t have said nothin.” Apple Bloom looked at the ground and kicked at it. She felt horrible about the whole mess up. She didn’t mean to hurt anypony but they couldn’t blame her for being worried right? Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other, smiled and then looked at Apple Bloom. How could they not forgive their long time friend? She was only trying to protect them after all. They couldn’t ask for a better friend. “It’s ok AB you were just trying to protect us.” Scootaloo put a hoof around her country friend. Sweetie Belle followed tout suite with a big smile on her face. “Yeah, we get it but next time why don’t you just say something to us first and besides, you know very well that nothing is going to break us up.” “Yeah Apple Bloom, just say something next time but don’t apologize to us. It’s Silver Spoon you hurt the most.” Scootaloo grabbed her two friends in a big group hug. “Thanks girls, y’all are the best friends a pony could ask for.” The there nuzzled each other and hugged each other tight as if they would never let go. > My Captain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight wasn’t going to be able to stop Silver Spoon even if she wanted to. Luckily Zecora’s little cure did its job most of the way. It was good enough that Silver Spoon could fight again if she had to. Twilight and Silver Spoon got on the next train to the Crystal Empire. The entire trip there had been awkward and uncomfortable. For Twilight, it was because of being around Silver Spoon and actually having time to think while she was awake. What was she supposed to have said? She fired Silver Spoon for causing trouble even though she wasn’t trying to. Now here she was helping the gray mare go catch Diamond Tiara. The trip was awkward for Silver Spoon just because she was around Twilight after everything that happened during the week. What could she have said? She could always make small talk or apologize but that may have just made things even more awkward. Once they reached the empire, Twilight was met with smiles and waves while Silver Spoon was met with mixed reactions. It was sad that it was these reactions that allowed Twilight to feel comfortable actually talking to Silver Spoon. “Ignore them Silver, they don’t have any idea who you really are.” Twilight put her hoof around Silver Spoon and smiled. “Come on, we have a fugitive to catch.” Silver smiled and ran off with Twilight right behind her. Once they reached the castle, Cadance and Shining expected only to meet up with Twilight. To see Silver Spoon there with her was a shock only for the reason that anypony other than Twilight and possibly her friends weren’t expected. “Twilight, Diamond Tiara went through the mirror.” “That’s why we’re here, right Silver Spoon?” Silver nodded. “Let’s get going.” Twilight and Silver Spoon ran to the room with the mirror and ran into the mirror without hesitation. On the other side was Sunset waiting for them. “Hello Sunset, do you have Diamond Tiara?” “Sorry Twilight, we couldn’t do anything with her goons around but we do know where she’s at.” Sunset looked over and down to Silver Spoon who was on the ground and smiled and waved. She looked back up at Twilight. “Twilight, she is in the basement of the high school.” “The school has a basement?” “Yep, it’s used for storage and so it’s a little crowded down there but it’s a good place for someone to hang low for a while. I should know; that’s where I slept for all my years of high school.” Sunset chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of her head. “Wait, you slept in the basement? You don’t still live there do you?” Twilight asked when she felt a tug on her skirt. Twilight looked down and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Silver Spoon, I’ll help you up.” Twilight reached out and grabbed onto Silver Spoons hand and pulled her up. Sunset grabbed onto Silver Spoons other hand and helped out. “No, I’m married now actually. I learned the magic of friendship, so on and so on and all that jazz. Flash never met the you in this world and got back with me now that I wasn’t treating everyone terrible. Long story short, we fell in love and married. I am Sunset Sentry now by the way. When a woman marries a man in this world; the lady’s last name changes to that of her husbands. Anyway, we can catch up more later; you know, maybe. Right now lets go get Diamond Tiara.” Twilight and Sunset worked together quickly to teach Silver Spoon how to walk before they went after Diamond. Sunset however didn’t help so that Silver Spoon could come with. “So Sunset, what’s the plan?” Twilight still didn’t know a whole lot about this world and Sunset lived here most her life. Who better to ask than her former rival? “First off, Silver Spoon stays here. Without the knowledge on how the human anatomy works, she won’t be of much use. Kind of how you were when you first got here.” Twilight gave Sunset a “you had to bring that up?” stare. “Oh don’t be so sensitive Twilight, I didn’t have a handle on it either when I first arrived all those years ago, it’s just fact.” Sunset turned to face the school with a disgruntled expression. Truth was, she had missed her month date and she couldn’t be sure if what she was doing was ok or not. She couldn’t put too much thought into it before Twilight snapped her from her thoughts. “Right, this way Twilight.” Twilight followed Sunset into the school with only one thought in mind. “Sunset seems upset about something or at the very least distracted. Maybe I should talk to her.” The school was completely empty which would have been freaky had it been dark. She remembered her first time here at night. Had Spike not been there, she would have been freaked out. Schools were seriously scary at night. “So Sunset, how long have you and Flash been married for. Congratulations by the way.” “Long enough, five years.” Had Twilight known what Sunset had been hinting at, she would have sent her home right then and there. Sunset walked up to the basement door and stopped. “Here we are, be quiet.” Twilight nodded and followed close behind but wasn’t going to allow her friend to come with. “Ok Twilight, here’s my, Twilight?” Sunset asked feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to come you know, I’ll take it from here. She is my problem after all and thanks Sunset.” Sunset looked away sadly and Twilight could see that she had hurt her friends’ feelings. “Why don’t you stay here and keep watch, make sure that no one comes in.” Sunset handed Twilight a walkie talkie. “What’s this?” Sunset shook her head and showed Twilight how to use the foreign object. “Got it.” Twilight turned and shut the door behind her leaving Sunset to keep watch. Twilight made her way down the stairs and found boxes upon boxes all stacked up on top of each other at the bottom of the stairs. Twilight could hear voices but they were inaudible. The further she went into the basement the clearer the voices became. She raised her walkie talkie and spoke into it. “Sunset, are you there?” She heard Sunset say something but it was quickly cut off by static. Twilight was about to return when Sunset called in saying that she was fine. She let out a relieved sigh and continued down the steps forgetting why she had called in the first place. Finally she was within sight of Diamond Tiara and a whole group of people. “This staircase is really long; I guess that’s a good thing.” Twilight thought as she peaked between two towers of boxes and down at Diamond Tiara. “Ok people, Twilight will be here any minute now with friends most likely.” Diamond Tiara smiled and raised her head to look at the wall of boxes that blocked the staircase as if she knew that Twilight was there and she did. Twilight wasn’t exactly good at being sneaky. “I want you to shoot them all.” She stood up off the chair she had been sitting on and continued to stare. “Come on Twilight, I know you’re here.” Diamond pointed up at the staircase exactly where Twilight was at. Two people went up the stairs. “Come on down.” Twilight could be heard struggling against the two people who had grabbed her and tied her up. One of which was this worlds Shining Armor. Twilight was brought down the stairs to face Diamond. “Well done, I can’t believe you actually tied up your own sister.” Shining turned away sadly as he had helped to drag Twilight into the room. He wasn’t proud of himself but what could he do? “Did you really think that you could come in here and take me down?” Diamond Tiara asked. “I can try right, if I die, I die trying to stop you.” Twilight smiled as she stared into the eyes of the biggest criminal in Equestria if not both worlds. “You are a fool.” Diamond whistled and a gun was brought over to her. She looked at it for a bit before she aimed it at Twilights head. “Any last words Princess?” “She may not but I do!” Coming from the stairs was the voice of Sunset. She revealed herself while holding onto a hostage. “Let her go or I shoot who ever this is beneath the mask.” Diamond looked at Sunset and shrugged.“Oh Sunset, you are a true fool. Go ahead and shoot, I will still have my victory.” She looked back at where Twilight was supposed to be but found her missing. She looked up and growled. Shining Armor and the other person who was still hiding beneath a mask were standing in front of Twilight who was now free. “Fine, first you two will die and then Twilight will die. On second thought, you won’t Shining, I’m going to make sure that you watch as your other world sister dies slowly and painfully.” Diamond Tiara raised her gun when the sounds of police sirens could be heard. The gun was kicked from Diamond Tiara’s hand. Diamond pushed past the group of people before her and tried to make a run for it but Twilight pulled her to the ground by her legs. “You’re coming back to our world to live your life in high security prison.” Diamond Tiara pushed Twilight off but it was too late, cops had run down the stairs and handcuffed Diamond Tiara before handing the keys to Twilight. Luckily Diamond didn’t have near as much power here as she did in Equestria. “Thank you, I’ll take care of her from here.” Twilight and Shining Armor walked Diamond up the stairs and past Sunset who had retreated after seeing that Twilight had been freed. Her attempt had failed but she wasn’t about to just leave. In a final escape attempt, Diamond stuck her foot out as they walked past Sunset and tripped her. Sunset hit the stairs and slid a little face first. Diamonds attempt to get Twilight and Shining to let go of her failed. She had truly thought that the two or at least Twilight would have let go but no. Diamond grumbled at her failed attempt. Twilight and Shining made their way to the portal and were just about to throw Diamond through after releasing her from the cuffs but this worlds Diamond Tiara stopped them. She stepped up to her equestrian self and punched her hard. “That’s for making me look bad.” Diamond backed away and watched as her pony self was thrown through the portal followed by Silver Spoon who walked through. Twilight turned to Sunset who had followed and smiled. Her smile only lasted but a second as she noticed Sunset had been hurt. “Are you alright?” Sunset had been holding onto her stomach the entire way back to the portal and she wasn’t looking too good. “I uh, I don’t think so Twilight. When you got here, I was pretty sure that I was pregnant but uh.” Sunset let out a sad sigh. “I’m afraid that the fall I took may have caused a problem.” Twilight was shocked and angry, how could Sunset not tell her? This wasn’t the time to be angry though, Sunset was hurting, she didn’t need a lecture right now and frankly she didn’t have the time. “I’m so sorry Sunset, and I would be angry with you right now for putting yourself at risk but it’s really not the time. I have a criminal to take care of back home so all I can say is good luck and goodbye.” Twilight gave her friend a hug and turned to walk through the portal but had one last thing that needed to be said. “I’m going to return sometime and I will expect to see some kids running around.” Twilight winked and then hoped through leaving Sunset chuckling. The only thing that bugged her was that she didn’t see her friends anywhere or maybe, nah. She would probably never know. On the other side, both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were in cuffs with guards and the other princesses around. “I’m glad that you could return safely Twilight, I will now have them sent to the highest security prison in Equestria.” Celestia’s guards grabbed onto both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon but Twilight stopped them. “Take Diamond Tiara, leave Silver Spoon.” The guards nodded and dragged Diamond away. Silver Spoon shrunk down beneath Twilight. “Don’t be frightened by me Silver Spoon.” Twilight smiled and turned to Celestia. “Tell me something Celestia, I need guards and a captain do I not?” “Yes, Twilight I will get the best that I can afford to give you. You must understand that I can’t give you my best guards but second best are not to be mocked.” Celestia smiled and gave Twilight a hug. “Of course not and I will accept your guards but I have a Captain in mind.” Twilight returned the hug but broke it rather quickly. “Oh, who is it Twilight?” Celestia couldn’t say that she was surprised by this, Twilight was always on the ball. Twilight turned to Silver Spoon and had her released from her bonds and then turned to Celestia. “I want Silver Spoon as my captain.” Everypony in the room gasped in shock including Silver Spoon but for Celestia, the shock didn’t stick for as long as some of the others who still had jaws hanging. She couldn’t say that she was happy about that. “Twilight, I can understand giving her a shorter sentence in prison or even having her do community service without jail time but this is an insult Twilight. After all she has done and without having any experience, you want to not only place her above my guards in rank but make her their captain? Regardless of what she has done as of recently, she did help Diamond Tiara and is therefore a criminal. I will not allow such an insult to come upon my guards.” “That would be fair normally but may I remind you Celestia that not only were some of your guards serving Diamond Tiara regardless the reason, they were also cowards to avoid telling you of what was going on. I get it, they didn’t want to risk their families but that didn’t stop a certain mare I know.” Twilight raised her voice but it was still calm. “Silver Spoon had more guts then your so called best guards. Silver Spoon not only found the courage to step away from Diamond Tiara but she also fought her to the point of being hospitalized even if it was a short period of time incapacitated. That is much more than I can say for your best guards who coward at Diamonds hoof and do I even need to repeat the fact that they served her? Do I need to also point out that Silver Spoon had much more reason not to tell anypony because she was friends with Diamond Tiara. Oh and I can’t forget that Silver Spoon had the courage to do this knowing that her parents would lose money and possibly end up losing their jobs because Diamond Tiara was giving bits to them. Those bits of which her family is no longer receiving. I don’t know about you Celestia but experienced or not, she deserves far more then any of your guards. Whether you agree with me or not, she will be my Captain and if I have to, I will find some other way to find guards for myself. Have I made my point Celestia?” Celestia was stunned to say the least, Twilight had never spoken to her like that before. It killed her too, to know that Twilight was correct. “It appears that perhaps I haven’t looked into Silver Spoons history enough.” Celestia feeling a bit guilty now turned to Silver Spoon and apologized. “I am sorry about my earlier comments Silver Spoon, I suppose that I have misjudged you.” She turned back to Twilight and smiled. “I will still give you my second best guards Twilight but remember this, there will be ponies that won’t like this decision. Even I can’t say that I like it regardless of apology.” “I realize that but they will have to deal with it as will you.” “Hold on a minute, do I even have a choice in this!?” Silver Spoon shouted. Everypony turned and looked at her. “I don’t know what I want right now. I appreciate the offer but this is a lot to take in. May I think about it?” Twilight nodded and waited patiently. “Ok so the pros are what? I get money to help my parents, I get to stand by Princess Twilight and protect her and my new friends. Um, nopony would have the guts to hurt me? That works right? The cons, there will be those that still don’t like me. Uh, is that really it for a cons list?”After a few minutes of going through the pros and cons to this decision, Silver Spoon found more pros than cons by a rather large margin. When she focused back on everypony, they were all staring at her and waiting. “After careful consideration, I would be honored to be your Captian Princess Twilight.” “Then lets go home and tell our friends the good news.” Once Twilight told her friends, they were confused and a bit angry but after some explanation, they agreed but Rainbow Dash promised to keep an eye on Silver Spoon. Once Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo heard the news, they were ecstatic and as for Silver spoon’s parents, they couldn’t have been happier. As ponies found out, some were angry, some were suspicious, and some could only say “meh” to the news. Still, the reactions all went over Silver Spoons head knowing that she had friends by her side that would never hurt her. In fact, she wanted to write a little in the journal that the bearers of the elements of harmony decided to keep. Dear Journal, I have learned that friends can come from the most surprising places even when you don’t think you deserve friends. If you let them in, they will truly stand by you and do all they can to help even if it means risking their lives to do so. Once you realize that you have a friend like this, you should never be afraid especially since your friend has friends and no matter what happens, a friend will always be there to help. Thanks to Sweetie Belle, I gained a whole group of true friends and I know that I never have to be afraid again. With that done, she closed the book and ran off to be with Sweetie and friends, after all, she needed the chance to be with the first true friends that she ever had and they were glad to have her.