> Dinner Crinkle > by scribe-feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Chapter Red Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner Crinkle By Scribe Feather Part One Shining Armor paced impatiently in his room. What was taking him so long? The unicorn would constantly look up at the wall clock, worried as each minute ticked away. If he had to wait any longer, he wouldn't have enough time to himself! Maybe he should do it after all...Maybe it's too risky! If he had to wait any longer, he'd be forced to abandon his plan and simply get ready for dinner. Twilight was coming over to catch up and Cadance thought the best way to do that was over a nice dinner. The finest meal the Crystal Empire had to offer and that meant Shining needed to dress up for it. But he had time...If he hurried, he would have time! Then there was a knock at the door and Shining was quick to answer it. "Sir," a guard saluted when he opened the door, "package for you." The disciplined, unicorn guard held a plain looking cardboard box in his hoof. "Excellent! Great work! Thank you!" Shining excitably pulled the package out of the guard's hooves, shutting the door behind him. The guard blinked a couple times, puzzled, but reluctantly bowed his head at the closed door and walked back to his post. A post far FAR away from Shining and Cadance's bedroom. Shining had counted on that. Shining trotted over to the nearby bed, dropping the package on top of it. He only had a small window of time to enjoy it before he needed to get ready. Windows were drawn, the bathroom checked for anypony hiding, and the main bedroom door was checked, double checked, and triple checked to make sure it was closed all the way. Shining Armor ripped open the box, releasing a wave of infantile scents and chills down the stallion's back. Inside the box was the one thing that would make all this worrying, planning, and paranoia worthwhile. Diapers. And not just any ol' diapers that you'd pick up for your granny. No, these were premium, adult foal diapers with childish prints covering it's blue, crinkling plastic. Each diaper looked fluffy and thick with a strong nursery scent laced in their cushion. Shining could feel himself getting excited just looking at them. A quick rip of the clear plastic wrapping and Shining pulled out a pair, eyeing it every detail to really take in the moment. He had been waiting MONTHS for this opportunity. Time alone with a pack of thick diapers that he had to fight tooth and nail to get into the castle as discreetly as possible. Most guards didn't ask questions, it was ill advised to go against the orders of the captain, no matter how strange it might seem. And to the inner circle guards who weren't afraid to question Shining Armor's nervous twitching and his edginess, they were quickly dismissed with only "It's clothes for Cadance," with a sneaky wiggle of Shining's eyebrows. That little lie seemed to get them off his back. For a few moments, the stallion stood staring at the pillow of a diaper. The little pictures of sunshines printed on it's front were said to turn into gray storm clouds when wet. One of the many reasons why Shining bought them! He took in the smell, pressing the diaper firmly against his face to feel the sensations. The scent rushed over his body like a tidal wave of pleasure. His knees felt weak and his breath shallow. Shining gave the main door another quick check before he dug out the other piece of the puzzle. Hidden deep inside the bottom most drawer in his nightstand on his side of the bed waited a stack of books. All of them were rather typical, a few dirty magazines that he kept hidden from Cadance and a book Twilight once recommended to him...That he never got around to reading. But underneath all that camouflage waited a small rubbery egg-like device with a box like remote control next to it. This egg-like device was one of Shining's most privately kept possessions, second only to the newly acquired diapers. One click of the remote control and the blue rubber egg would start to vibrate, providing bliss filled hours of constant pleasure. He bought it months ago on the grounds that he and Cadance might one day enjoy the little vibrating toy in one of their weekly nights of love and pleasure...But now he had diapers and he knew exactly what he was going to do with the egg now. First thing's first however, he still needed to put on the diaper. Wouldn't want to piddle all over mommy's clean bed, he teased himself. The diaper was opened up on the bed and adjusted. This wasn't the first time he'd taped on a diaper, however these diapers were much much thicker than the incontinence pads he usually had to settle for. Simply laying on top of it reminded him how much better they were to the old ones he wore before. It was like laying on top of a cloud. He really wished he had some baby powder or wipes to complete the experience. He often fantasized about laying down on a changing table, having his legs raised up by a caretaker's hooves and than having wipes clean all around. He would pleasure himself many a night thinking about the feeling of a well powdered bottom and than having a thick diaper taped up around his waist and forced to use it. The stallion moaned at the thought. If only... With no powder or wipes, Shining reluctantly pulled the thick, plush diaper up between his legs. His legs shivered as the pillowy padding pushed them away from each other as he slowly taped the diaper tightly around his waist, relishing in the million sensations that rushed over his aroused body. He pulled himself up to a sitting position and looked at the new diaper. It looked even thicker than before now that it was finally taped on him. It crinkled loudly as he squeezed it between his legs multiple times. He started to rub the garment that happily crinkled under his touch. His rubbing stopped for a moment, his hoof resting on the center of the sunshine dotted diaper. "Uh oh...Gotta go potty." A few quiet moments passed before a loud hissing came from the stallion. His full bladder let loose completely into the thirsty diaper that quickly soaked all of it up without any risk of leaking. The old pairs he use to sneak in came no where CLOSE to the absorbency of these! The diaper soaked up the urine as it bulged and grew in thickness. The warmth spread under his hoof as the yellow spot grew from a silver dollar size to a larger blob shape that, quickly growing to encompassed the entire front of the fresh diaper. He moved his hoof away to watch the little suns turn into stormy rain clouds. If he had a caretaker, they'd be able to know he peed himself just by quickly glancing at his crotch. "M-mph!" The stallion let out a sigh of relief as his once aching bladder was able to finally relax, causing his eyes to instinctively roll to the back of his head in pleasure. He gave the squishy diaper a couple rubs to test it's new consistency. Instead of being a plush, pillow of a diaper, the warm, yellow diaper sagged with the weight of his 'accident', causing the padding to squish under his hoof. For a few moments, Shining gave the tenting bulge in his diaper a good rubbing, shivering with pleasure as his hoof pressed the squishy gels of the diaper into his stiffening stallion. His breath was loud and shallow as he rubbed furiously. "Mmm, Cadance...I'm a wet little colty..." With every ounce of self control, the stallion pulled his rubbing hoof away from the diaper, causing him to instinctively whimper from being denied a satisfying orgasm. He wasn't done with himself, not yet. He grabbed the egg toy and it's controller. Two clicks turned the vibrating egg onto medium strength as it started to shake rapidly in his hoof. With shaking hooves, Shining pulled open the front of his diaper's waist band, the scent of warm urine wafting to his nose. The vibrating egg was dropped into the padding, slipping down to nestle itself close to his balls. The feeling was instantaneous, Shining was at the vibrating egg's mercy. He laid on top of his bed and wiggled about at the sensation. His pee soaked diaper seemed to vibrate around his waist as he wiggled his legs like a toddler. "O-oh Cadance!" he moaned in pleasure as his eyes closed. His soggy diaper extruding outward in the front. His hoof rubbed circles into the squish material, stimulating his hard stallionhood. As his orgasm drew close, the stallion slid off the soft sheets of the bed and down onto the much firmer floor, wiggling in ecstasy as the urine soaked padding squished under his weight. The vibrating egg pressed close to his throbbing member, pushing him closer. And closer! Suddenly his door burst open and his smiling wife came trotting in. "Shiny, do you know where my brush is-..." Cadance stopped in her tracks as her mind tried to process what was going on. It was quite the sight to take in. Her husband, the same husband who gave her the time of her life last Saturday, was laying against the same bed they had their fun in with a soggy diaper taped around his waist. Her ears twitched at the quiet and ever so faint vibrations emitting from Shining's diaper. Shiny was greatly embarrassed and wanted to curl up into an invisible ball. He wanted to deny everything and try to come up with some flawed excuse to write all this stuff away...But it was hard to do that when his stallionhood still pushed against the pee soaked diaper with the vibrating egg pleasuring his lower shaft. "What are you doing?" Cadance first started off. Her mind was caught off guard. She was still processing everything that was happening. "I-I...I well see...See I was just-" Shining Armor's panicking mind darted around with his words, throwing fragments together in a desperate attempt to make rational excuse that would explain everything. His member still twitched as his body betrayed him and kept his erection hard and tenting the soggy diaper heavily. Cadance simply chuckled at the diapered pony's stuttering. "Oh don't worry Shiny, it's absolutely alright." The pink pony took a few steps closer to Shining, leaving the door wide open for anypony to look through. "I wouldn't dream of not letting you cum." She came in closer, close enough to hear the buzzing of the vibrating egg still massaging the embarrassed stallion's stiff member. "It's clear to me that you prefer diapers than my marehood." Shining whimpered pathetically, "th-that's not true!" The refusal sounded a lot more like a whiny cry. "Than what did my widdle Shiny plan on doing in his itty bitty diapees?" Cadance cooed at Shiny as the stallion squirmed in his diaper. "Other than pee in it, of course." "I...W-well I..." "Thought so. You should finish. I don't want you having an accident at the dinner table." And with that Cadance stood there and watched. If Shiny liked diapers this much, fine, but she would have to make sure to keep him under close supervision when he does. Shining whimpered, ears tucked back as he looked up at Cadance pleaful. She didn't REALLY expect him to...You know...In...This thing! He hesitated, staring at her wife, looking for some kind of break in her gaze. He didn't want to do it with her watching. His ears splayed on top his head when he realized there was no winning. He looked back down at his urine soaked diaper, the egg still vibrating loudly to his sensitive ears. He placed a hoof on top of the bulge and began rubbing again. Shining tried to finish as quickly as possible. He closed his eyes and tried to tune Cadance's gaze out as much as possible. However, every time his eyes flickered open, even for a split second, he'd see her with the same strong, expectant gaze watching over him. He panted as he began rubbing faster and faster. Nopony was there! He was alone! Just him and his...W-wet...Diaper! Shining exploded into his diaper as Cadance watched with a motherly yet condescending look.. Strings of cum shoot all over the his diaper as his hips bucked and his voice whimpered. His broad chest raised up and down as he tried to catch his breath. His stiff erection already started to soften inside the plastic shell of the diaper, covered in it's own sticky cream. The two waited in silence as Shiny caught his breath. His cheeks still flared at the thought that his wife just watched him masturbate into a piss filled diaper. "Now than," Cadance said, straightening up. "Your sister will be arriving within an hour. I hope you'll be ready by than." Shining blushed and mumbled some sort of agreement as he stood up from his spot on the floor. "Good!" Cadance trotted out of the room with a smile, but stopped at the doorway. "Oh and one more thing," she started, craning her neck to look at her diapered husband, "don't even think about changing out of that diaper. No foal of mine is going to be wasting diapers." Shining's mouth became slack and hung to the floor in shock. "Wh-wh-what? B-but I-" "Hurry up, fancy britches. Won't want to be late to dinner." > Two Chapter Blue Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner Crinkle By Scribe Feather Part Two Dinner time followed shortly after. Shining was still on edge, but he felt a little better knowing he picked dress clothes with pants. And if you looked at it just right...You would almost forget he was wearing a big, saggy, urine soaked diaper...Okay, quite honestly, it was pretty obvious. Without his overcoat, the diaper bulge was clear as day underneath the regal, dressy fabric. Even in a dark room, the vibrating egg that still hugged his member gave away his position. He was just thankful he managed to turn the egg to low before Cadance caught him...It was better than nothing and if he concentrated really really hard his body wouldn't have the chance to enjoy the vibrations. The chiefs and server ponies were merciful enough to not stare at Shining's diapers for too long. They noticed, there was no mistake of that, they just didn't stop to stare at the embarrassed unicorn for as long as Shining expected them to. Dinner was almost finished being set, quickly and efficiently. Fancy drink glasses and expensive plates were organized into three spots at the rather long dining table. It seemed rather strange to have three spots set up at a table that could easily seat fifty. In an effort to not draw more attention to himself, Shining was forced to take his seat at the dining table, his warm diaper squishing beneath him. In the privacy of his bedroom, he'd enjoy such a sensation. He could have most likely squished it a bit more and rubbed himself to another orgasm. But at the fancy dinner, he couldn't stand the humiliating sensation. The loud squishing made him cringe and blush, wondering if anypony could hear it. He avoided any unnecessary movements. When his sister Twilight arrived, Shining risked a lot by choosing not to get up from his seat to greet her. Instead, he forced a smile and encouraged Twilight to sit on the other side of the table from him to avoid any accidental embarrassment. Dinner was served shortly after. Course after course, the delectable dinner was served out to the ponies. Twilight and Cadance would busy themselves in conversation and laughing while Shining did his best to talk just enough to not seem out of place. He spent most of his time worrying about the soggy garment that stewed around his waist. Humiliation aside, the food was delicious. The finest meals crafted by the finest chiefs the Crystal Empire could offer. The really good stuff was always saved for occasions where they had guests. The Empire was always trying to give the best impression to their guests. "Uhm, where's your bathroom?" Twilight finally spoke up, her legs politely squeezing against each other to hold everything back. Cadance glanced over to Shining Armor for a brief moment, causing him to blush a little bit before answering Twilight. "Down that hall, third door on the left." Cadance motioned towards one of the many doorways that dotted the dining hall's walls. Twilight was quick to follow. Shining kept to himself, keeping his eyes locked on whatever plate of food was in front of him. He barely even noticed Twilight leave for the bathroom. He didn't dare look at at Cadance who was most likely eyeing him with a knowing gaze. The embarrassment of being diapered was lessened through this strategy. He could just finish his meal, wait for Twilight to leave and than change out of the urine soaked diaper. It was an easy plan. His current plate was cleaned off and a server swiftly removed it from his sight. A new platter quickly replaced it and in his narrowed gaze, the new dish caught him completely by surprise. On top of the elegant and fancy looking silver platter sat a baby bottle of milk. The infantile item had a blue tint to it, little, cute shapes covered it's clear plastic surface as milk sloshed inside. Shining gulped with wide eyes at the bottle before looking up at Cadance. The pink pony simply smirked with the same knowing gaze. She must have been joking...Right? "What's the matter, Shiny?" Cadance said with a smart smile, "have you forgotten how to feed yourself with one of those?" Shining's mouth hung open. "Wh-what-! Well I. I uhm." Cadance pushed away from the table and patted her lap. "Waddle on over here, I'll help you." "N-no way! Twilight'll be back any second!" Shining whined back. "Unless you want to stay in that diaper all night, I suggest you come over here now!" Cadance got firmer with the unicorn. And he knew very well she'd do it too! Grabbing the baby bottle in one hoof, Shining slowly made his way over to Cadance, who patiently waited for the stallion. His diaper squished loudly as he shifted from the sitting position to a walk. Suddenly Cadance's horn glowed and so did Shining's black dress pants. The pants were quickly pulled down to expose Shining's storm cloud clad butt to any server who happened to look his way. He gasped and tried desperately to pull the pants back up, only exposing his diapered rump even more. "Leave it, diaper butt," Cadance ordered before patting her lap a couple more times. Shining's stride became even stranger as he now had to cope with his pants around his ankles along with the thick, squishy diaper between his legs. Cadance floated the bottle of milk out of Shining's hoof as he climbed into her lap. His diaper squished loudly as he tried his best to find the best position as quickly as possible. Maybe if he hurried, he'd be able to finish the baby bottle before Twilight got back...Unlikely, but he had to try. The moment the stallion situated himself in her lap, Cadance gently lowered the bottle of cool milk down to Shining's muzzle. He quickly latched onto the nipple and began suckling the milk as quickly as he could. Cadance didn't say anything during his feeding and instead would look down at his yellow diaper with a deliberate gaze and 'check' the diaper with a hoof to see if he was wet. The bottle was half gone by the time Shining closed his eyes. He focused all his power on sucking the milk out of the bottle as quickly as possible. Beads of milk occasionally dribbled out of the edge of his mouth, trickling down his chin and onto his belly. "Welcome back Twilight!" Cadance chirped in a cheerful tone. Shining almost chocked as his eyes shot open. Twilight was standing at the doorway, sharing the same expression as her surprised brother. She got a good view too and was at just the right angle to see the yellow diaper between Shining's diaper with his legs sprouted out. "U-uhm..." Twilight was hesitant and shocked. She didn't know what else to do. "Should I uhm...Should I give you two a moment?" Cadance chuckled, keeping the bottle lodged in Shining's mouth, preventing him from speaking. "No no, just giving the baby his bottle." She used a hoof to adjust the pee soaked diaper in the front causing the stallion to jump a bit and squirm. "Why don't you sit back down. Desserts almost up!" Twilight nodded slowly as she trotted back to her seat. Her eyes wouldn't stay away from Shining's thick diaper that he tried desperately to cover up with his hooves. Cadance would simply shoo them away, leaving his humiliating diaper exposed for anypony to see. Shining whimpered quietly behind the bottle as he desperately tried to finish it as soon as possible. Things were made worse with Twilight being in the same room as him. She was staring at his diaper, he just knew it! The bottle bobbed in his mouth as he continued suckling at the cold milk. Twilight awkwardly sat at her seat, trying to find every excuse to stare at something else other than her older brother being bottle fed. Servers were already entering in with plates of delicious looking cake and passing them out to the three spots at the table. They tried their best to ignore the absurd spectacle in front of them. After what seemed like countless hours of humiliation, Shining finally finished the bottle. To add onto the pile of humiliation, Cadance pulled the stallion over her shoulder and patted his back a couple times. Shining reluctantly let out a couple burps, just to end it quicker. "Good boy!" Cadance chuckled with a smile as she helped Shining up to his feet once again, "as a reward for finishing your bottle you can have dessert!" "Uhm Cadance," Shining quietly whispered so Twilight couldn't hear him, "Can I...Go change first?" Cadance blinked a couple times a simply smirked, "I'll change your diaper after dessert, sweetie." Cadance said rather loudly. Twilight likely heard every word. With ears splayed out and tail tucked close to his sagging rump, Shining reluctantly waddled back to his seat, leaving his dress pants behind for Cadance to fold up and place next to her. The pink pony moved back up to the table where her own piece of cake waited. She turned to Twilight who wasn't touching her dessert, strangely enough. "Twilight, is everything alright?" Twilight appeared to be taken off guard by Cadance's question as it broke whatever daze she slipped into. "Wha- Huh?" She looked at Cadance for a moment and than at Shining and than back at the tasty looking cake in front of her. "I-I'm fine...Just...Thinking..." The group ate in silence for the next couple minutes, either in politeness or in embarrassment. They ate the cake and couldn't help but, enjoy it. Shining in particular found it pretty hard to sit there humiliated with blush filled cheeks when eating the delicious, smooth textured cake. While he ate his meal, Shining noticed Cadance talking to a server in a whisper. His ears perked up and strained to try and hear what they were talking about. He wasn't very successful. The server pony nodded to the Princess, softly said "yes, your highness" and left the room, leaving Shining with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. The delicous dessert was interrupted by Twilight who suddenly spoke up from her seat. "Could..." Twilight started but her words became lost and quiet for a moment before she gathered the courage to ask again. "Could -I- wear a diaper?" "Wh-what?!" Shining choked on his food, quickly covering his mouth with a napkin as he tried to control the choking cough. "Oh Twily, I admire your curiosity," Cadance started calmly at first. It was best to play it cool and cautious with the pony. Sometimes ponies would THINK they were into diapers, but then it would turn out to be just shock. "but this is just a game between me and Shiny. A bit of an extreme game with bottle feedings and diapers and being treated like a foal-" "I want all that! I want to wear d-diapers! A-and...Be treated like a foal!" Twilight barked this all out rather quickly, opening her eyes to see the two other ponies frozen in shock. "...Please?" Both Shining and Cadance looked at each other in disbelief before Cadance cleared her throat and started again, "well, I suppose I can find something that could fit you. But only if you're sure about this." Twilight nodded firmly, "I'm sure." Cadance paused and looked at Shining who was greatly against the idea, shaking his head and mouthing the word 'no'. "Well alright, Twily. I'll get Shining's diaper changed and we'll get you set up, okay?" Shining choked again, "What?!" Cadance didn't answer as her horn started to glow. Shining felt a pale blue aura pulling him up by the waist. With dessert finished the dishes were cleaned off and Shining was lifted up onto the table, legs splayed out and diaper emitting a stale urine smell. She was going to change him here?! "Wh-wait! Wait! I don't want to be changed here! Th-this isn't-" "It's as as good a place as any, Shiny. Now quit squirming, we need to get you into a fresh diaper." Cadance took position between the stallion's legs which dangled off the edge of the table. She was in the optimal position for a diaper change. If he tried, Shining Armor quickly reasoned, Cadance could easily pull him back if he tried to escape. "A fresh one?! B-but they're all in our bed-" Shining was cut off by a server who appeared beside Cadance. It was the same gray unicorn pony that Cadance was seen talking to earlier! The clean cut unicorn cleared his throat to grab the attention of Cadance. "Your highness," he started with chin held in a regal manner. "Your erm...Supplies." Next to him floated a large silver platter with a matching cloche covering whatever sat on top. "Excellent!" Cadance chirped, "just place them on the table. That'll be all." The unicorn server bowed his head in acknowledgement and gently placed the silver platter on the table next to Shining's diapered waist. He raised an eyebrow at the offending garment, but quickly recomposed himself and left with another bow. He left the room without saying another word. "I bet you're wondering what I was brought, aren't you?" Cadance smirked towards Shining. Shining Armor could assume what it might be...It seemed only fitting for Cadance to take a showy, exaggerated take on the request. With a glow of her horn, Cadance pulled off the fancy cloche to reveal one of Shining's diapers in the center of the platter, surrounded (rather extravagantly) with baby powder, wipes, diaper rash creme, and, surprisingly enough, the remote that controlled Shining's vibrating egg. Shining would only whimper. Looks like he was getting the full treatment. Cadance began the diaper change by loudly untaping Shining's diaper tapes one by one, letting the soggy front of the diaper slide open and lay flat on the table. The vibrating egg that had been faintly teasing Shining's currently soft stallionhood was still going strong at it's lowest setting. Somehow it appeared even more embarrassing to have the thing in plain sight, happily vibrating about on the soggy padding. Curse those long lasting batteries! "Looks like Shiny LIKES peeing in his diapers," Cadance said passively as she floated up the egg, turned it off with the remote and wiped it clean. A rush of cold air brush Shining's crotch as Cadance wiped him clean. All those years of foal sitting seemed to have had lasting effects on the princess as she expertly used each foal scented wipe to their full potential, making a small pile on the exposed half of Shining's diaper. Twilight dared not look up at all during the diaper change. Not because she was embarrassed to see it, but because she was shy she might like it as well. Her ears perked up as the diaper was opened and twitched at every little 'oh' and 'mph' that slipped past the embarrassed stallion's lips. Shining's legs were effortlessly lifted up into the air as the pee soaked diaper and wipes were pulled out from under him. It took every bit of mental discipline for Shining's mind to NOT go into a fantasy about this. For years he had always dreamed about having a caretaker lifting up his legs and changing his diapers, but not like this. He didn't want his wife doing it! He didn't want his sister ten feet away during the whole thing! This was too private and Cadance treated it as 'just one of those things'. After a good deal of wiping, Shining's legs were lowered onto a fresh, pillowy diaper. Embarrassment aside, he missed that soft feeling. Being trapped in a pee soaked diaper made him humble for the sensation. Cadance wrapped up the big diaper and whatever wipes she used on him into a big yellow ball with her magic. She kept the diaper floating in the air, most likely to taunt the big strong Captain of the Guard. Next came the diaper rash cream which Shining didn't think he needed. Cadance didn't think so either, but it was all for the experience. As if being changing on the table in the middle of a dining hall wasn't embarrassing enough! Cadance was rather generous with the cream, being sure to get every nook and cranny covered in the goopy mess. Shining wouldn't have to worry about getting a rash any time soon...Or smelling like a grown stallion for that matter. Then Shining's crotch and rump were given a lavish amount of foal powder that stunk of the typical nursery scents. Not something you'd expect to smell on a big tough stallion like Shining Armor. Cadance didn't seem to consider that and proceeded as usual. The diaper was pulled up professionally between Shining's legs and taped up securely. It seemed to fit better than when he tried to diaper himself. He was just thankful Cadance didn't reinsert the vibrating egg. With the diaper change concluded, Cadance floated the well used diaper down to the center of the platter, replaced the powder, container of wipes, and cream and closed the cloche. "Best keep this handy," Cadance said with a wink as she floated the vibrating egg and remote close to her. Shining was pulled up back to his feet as Cadance looked over the new diaper for imperfections. He noticed immediately the difference between a dry and wet diaper and he was thankful he didn't have to walk around in his own urine anymore. "I think it's time for the little one's nap." Cadance said, but mostly to herself and to Twilight, barely paying any mind to the diapered stallion. "It'll give us girls time to catch up without being interrupted." "N-nap?!" The unicorn whined with a loud crinkle from his diaper. "B-but I'm not even tired!" "You heard me, no butts, diaper colt." Cadance patted Shining's diapered rump and floated the platter with his diaper changing supplies next to his face. "It's straight to bed with you, and take your didee with you. It stinks." Shining reluctantly took hold of the floating platter with his own magic. At least the yellow diaper and changing supplies were all covered by the cloche...The same couldn't be said about his fresh diaper that bulged out his legs and made him waddle. The walk back to his bedroom was a humiliating and completely exposed one. With no pants cover up the diaper, anypony passing could see it's crinkling texture hugging the grown stallion's butt rather firmly. He wished he could just shrink to an ant's size and avoid all these onlookers. In the last half of his journey, where he made sure Cadance wasn't watching him anymore, the stallion waddled as quickly as he could to his bedroom. The door was quickly opened and shut. The unicorn leaned on the wooden door, catching his breath. Safety. He was finally safe!...For now... Shining sighed as he placed the silver platter on the bed and replayed all the events of that evening. Now that he was in the privacy of his room he had time to allow his mind spin little fantasies about what just happened. It was what he always dreamed of! Countless hours were spent day dreaming about what EXACTLY happened!...Save for the whole sister watching bit. Before he let his mind trail off completely, the stallion pressed his ear against the door. It didn't sound like anypony was coming. With that, Shining waddled over to the bed, where his box of diapers waited. The cloche was opened up to reveal the soggy diaper that stunk of stale urine and the diaper changing supplies...HIS diaper changing supplies, the stallion teased himself. Well...He had this time alone...Might as well enjoy it!