> Dashie: Twenty Percent Cooler > by Kieva Lynn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. Earth: Day One: Brian Dashell awoke early in the morning from a restless night of nightmares. He grumbled to himself as he rose to his feet and walked to the bathroom. After taking care of his morning needs, he went to the room that had been his daughter's. Only a nondescript office now stood there, no sign whatsoever of the many years Dashie had called it home. He sighed. As he awoke, Brian had hoped against all hope that it had all been a dream, that she was still with him. But the previous day's events had been all too real, and his daughter was back where she belonged. Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, Brian poured a bowl of cereal and sat, eating and looking through the photo album Celestia had been kind enough to leave intact. It was all he had of her now. All that was left of fifteen years of his life. “No.” Brian insisted to himself, forcing that notion out of his mind. “No, the album isn't all that's left. I've got the memories in my mind, the love in my heart. Nothing can take that away.” He chuckled to himself, as he had to admit that the temptation was indeed there to drown himself in his sorrows, and it would be hard to blame him for that. And indeed, he would need to call in sick to work, take a few days to pull himself together. “But I can do it. I can do it, and for her sake, I will do it. After all, it would be a slur on the memory of our time together if I didn't...” Earth: Day Thirty: Brian was doing better than he expected. He was getting out, spending time with people outside of work. He hadn't did anything of the sort for a long time, not just since Dashie had come into his life, but since before his parents had died. He was even thinking of trying to work up the courage to ask a particular co-worker out on a date. It wasn't that he was over things, not by a long shot. He still couldn't look at the photo album without crying, and still had nightmares of the day Celestia had showed up at his door. But dreams of the good days were beginning to outnumber the nightmares, and he could even watch his DVD's of the show without breaking down. It was nice to see her, even if through that medium... XXXXXXX Equestria: Day One: When the ponies arrived back in their own world, Rainbow was unconscious. Applejack was worried, but Twilight explained that the condition was a to be expected part of the memory-spell process. She would sleep for perhaps a full day before waking up with her old memories intact and the new memories of Earth repressed. “So she'll be the Dashie we know again?” Pinkie asked. “She should be.” Twilight answered. “We'll know for sure once she wakes up.” Before anything else could be said, there was a puff of green smoke, followed by the appearance of a magical scroll addressed to Celestia. The Princess read it aloud: “Celestia: Please return to Canterlot as soon as you can. The royal astronomers require your attention for a matter of some immediate import. - Luna” “Odd...” Celestia murmured. “Astronomy issues are usually my sister's province.” “Would you like for me to come along Princess?” Twilight asked. Celestia shook her head no. “Stay, my student. Keep watch over your friend.” With that the sun princess vanished as she teleported away. Five ponies gathered around the sleeping form of their friend. “So what'da we do?” Applejack asked. “Yes. The poor dear is going to wonder about the fifteen days of our time she's missing.” Rarity agreed. “We'll just have to tell her that there was an accident and she had a concussion that knocked her out for two weeks.” Twilight said. “What else can we do? At least it's half-true in the accident part...” Equestria: Day Eight: Rainbow's friends were worried. At first, it had seemed that the memory spell had worked perfectly. She had awoken early on the second day with no signs of anything amiss. She accepted the 'concussion' explanation and joined them for breakfast before rushing off to her weather-control job. She hadn't even flinched when Pinkie had unthinkingly called her “Dashie.” But as the days passed it was clear that the experience had not left Rainbow unscathed. She seemed tired, as if not sleeping well, and there was a subtle difference to her personality. It was Fluttershy who finally put her hoof on the difference. When they were gathered without Rainbow, discussing the issue, she whispered “The arrogance is gone. She's still Rainbow Dash in most ways. Still loves athletics, competition, bad practical jokes... Still loves to win, still has pride in how fast she is... But she's not stuck-up about it anymore.” “But how could that be?” Applejack asked. “How could her life on Earth have changed her when she doesn't remember it?” Twilight Sparkle shrugged helplessly. “I don't know... I just don't know...” XXXXXXX Earth: Day Forty-Five: Brian stepped into the diner, holding the door open for his date. Miri was such a beautiful woman, five foot ten with amber eyes and blonde hair, ten years his junior... He was shocked when she said yes to a date. One date had become five, and he was getting used to the idea of a steady girlfriend for the first time in his life. They sat at a table and ordered, exchanging small talk while waiting for their meals. “So,” Miri asked, “What made you move out here from the big city? Kind of the middle of nowhere for you isn't it?” “At first it felt that way, but that's what I wanted.” “Oh?” “Yeah. The city was dying. And dangerous.” He decided to take a small risk, just enough truth to explain himself without looking like a kook. “I wanted to get my daughter out of there.” “Daughter!?” Miri exclaimed. “I didn't know you had children.” “I don't anymore. She's... gone.” Realizing what that sounded like, he added “Not dead, you understand... She wasn't really my biological child. I was just caring for her when no one else could, until her real family was able to come back for her... It's a long story.” Miri said “I'd like to hear it sometime. But, not now, I can see the tears trying to start, as good a job as you're doing of holding them back.” “Thanks.” “Sure thing. And who knows, maybe you'll get to see her again someday.” “Not likely.” Brian thought, but he simply said “I hope so.” Earth: Day Sixty-Four: Brian led Miri through the front door into his home. It was her first time here, and she looked around with interest as he gave her the tour, one thing in particular really sticking out to her: “No pictures?” Brian chuckled. “I've got pictures everywhere.” He said, “Look, here's me with my parents when I was ten.” “You know what I mean. No pictures of the girl you took care of. You considered her your daughter, but you don't have any pictures up of her?” Brian sighed. The truth, of course, is that there had been tons of framed pictures of Dashie on the walls, until Celestia magically cleansed everything but the photo album. Luckily, he had a believable explanation: “Well... I still miss her so much... I couldn't bear to look at them.” Compassion came over Miri's face. “I see. Well, maybe someday you'll feel able to want them back up again.” “Someday.” Brian answered. “Anyway, we're here to watch a film. I'll make the popcorn, you look under the TV for something you wanna watch.” Miri nodded and began looking through the collection. She passed the feature films and found a number of television show collections. And in the midst of it... “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed. Brian stepped back into the room as she held up a box. “Friendship is Magic!? The girl's, or were you a closet brony?” “A little of both. What of it?” Miri grinned. “Cool.” XXXXXXX Equestria: Day Fifteen: Rainbow Dash tossed and turned in her sleep. A close look would reveal the tell-tale indicators of REM sleep, a sure sign that she was dreaming. For most of the dream, she had been still, even smiling. But now her face contorted with distress and fear, until finally she burst into wakefulness, a scream caught in her throat. She shook herself off and flew into her kitchen for a glass of water. “What's wrong with me?” She thought. Something was different, but she didn't know what it was. As much as she hated it, it was time to seek help. Fortunately, she knew just who she should go to. Twilight was woke by an insistent pounding on the Library door. Unable to wake up Spike, she went to answer herself, grumbling about it being two in the morning. Opening the door, she was greeted by a haggard Dashie who said “Twi, what's wrong with me?” Ten minutes later, pegasus and unicorn were seated across from each other in Twilight's kitchen, each with a cup of hot tea. “Tell me what's been happening?” Twilight asked. Rainbow sighed and began “Ever since I woke up from that concussion... Something's been off. I'm not the same mare I was before. I remember how my attitude used to be, but that's not me now. And, on the one hand I'm glad. I like who I am now better. But I also remember how I was, and I don't understand how I could have been that way in the first place, or why I'm different now.” “Dash...” Twilight started to say, but Rainbow continued... “And, I can't get rid of this strange feeling like there's something missing from my life. Some huge part of me just not there. And the dream... I never remember it, but somehow I know it's the exact same dream every night... It stars out good. Happy. Probably happier than I remember ever feeling, but it turns scary somehow at the end, and I wake up afraid...” “Dash, I'm so sorry...” “Just give it to me straight Twily... Did that accident mess something up in my head for good?” “I really doubt it.” Twilight answered. “But maybe you should go to the doctor tomorrow just in case.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “Good. So, you wanna stay here tonight? I've got the guest room...” “Yeah, thanks.” They finished their tea, and Twilight showed her friend to the guest bed and waited with her until she was asleep. She then crept back to her own room and forced her assistant awake. “Spike, “ she said, “Take a letter to Celestia...” > Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Two Earth: Day Seventy: Early on a Saturday morning, Brian awoke, stretched the creaks out of his joints, and showered. He smiled to himself as he thought about Miri. Of all the luck, to have found a girl that liked FIM, so many years after the show had ended. He imagined Dashie's voice: “Daddy, you hit the jackpot.” Brian was still chuckling to himself over that when the realization struck him that he had done so without becoming saddened by the thought of her. “Guess I really am getting better.” He thought as he dressed. “I'm gonna be okay Dashie... For the first time, I'm not just saying that. I really believe it... And I know you will be too.” Though he wasn't good with math, he tried to estimate. “One day equals one year... Two hours a month... It's been a little more than four hours in Equestria...” Shrugging, Brian finished dressing, ate breakfast, and drove into town to meet Miri. They had a full day planned, after all... XXXXXXX Equestria: Day Sixteen: The previous day, Rainbow had awoken from her night in Twilight's guest room feeling somewhat better, and left for her workday after assuring the unicorn that she would visit the doctor if she had any further problems. For her part, Twilight spent the rest of the day anxiously awaiting the arrival of Celestia's reply to her letter. She worked the Library 'til noon, had lunch with Rarity and Fluttershy, and spent the evening pacing. No letter arrived. When she was eating breakfast with Spike the next day, she expressed her concerns. “I can't believe the Princess didn't answer back! This is important Spike, it's not like her to let that kind of thing go.” “She is the Sun Princess.” The dragon answered, dusting his pancakes with ground rubies, “Maybe she's just been too busy.” “Maybe...” Twilight agreed, though she didn't sound convinced. Half an hour later, shortly after opening for business, Twilight looked up as the front door opened and a pair of Royal Guards entered in shining golden barding, the one to the right announcing “Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.” The Sun Alicorn stepped in and greeted her student. “Princess!” Twilight exclaimed, bowing. She gazed around nervously at the disorganized chamber, books strewn about in random piles. “I wasn't expecting you, or I would have...” “Calm yourself my student.” Celestia chuckled. She turned to the guards. “I'm safe enough here. Round up the other elements, except for Rainbow Dash. We have much to discuss.” The guards exchanged unhappy looks, not liking the idea of leaving their monarch unprotected, but did as commanded. “Princess?” Twilight asked. “Why...?” “Rainbow Dash will be informed soon enough. We have much to discuss first...” The alicorn seemed more troubled than her protege had ever seen as she continued “I'm quite old Twilight, as you know... I've ruled for centuries, and tried my best to learn wisdom and discernment. And I must say, at the risk of boasting, that I have mostly succeeded. I do not often make mistakes.” A single tear rolled down her face. “I have erred concerning your friend.” “But Princess...” “Patience. We will speak more fully when the others arrive.” It was only a short wait before the Royal Guards returned, one with Rarity and Pinkie, the other with Fluttershy and Applejack. Celestia ordered the guards to wait outside, then began. “I received your letter Twilight. Concerning Rainbow Dash.” “What's wrong with 'er Princess?” AJ asked. “Yes, she's just not quite herself since the... ...incident.” Rarity agreed. “You don't know the half of it.” Twilight said, and told them about Rainbow's late-night visit, and the things she had confessed. AJ shook her head. “But that don't make no sense! None of it does! You did the spell right didn't you? She don't remember...” Celestia intervened. “Twilight made no error with the spell.” She sighed. “I should have seen this coming, really...” “Seen what coming? What's happening to her?” Twilight asked. Pinkie said “Yeahwhat'shappening? Rainbow'sourfriendwe'reworriedabout her!” “There are two forces at work here.” The Princess began to explain. “First, the memory spell does NOT 'erase' any memories. It submerges them, to a point where the conscious mind does not have access, but they are still there... Rainbow Dash spent fifteen years on Earth. She was raised from foalhood by that man. Those experiences are now a part of her, a part of the matrix that makes her who she is, and nothing could ever change that. This is why her personality is slightly different.” “But, shouldn't it have stopped with that?” Twilight asked. “Shouldn't the memories stay buried? She's dreaming about them. She feels a 'hole' in her life. She used what I assume was an Earth expression, 'On the other HAND' instead of 'On the other HOOF.' She didn't catch it, but I did.” Nodding, Celestia said “Yes. I expected the memories to remain forever buried. That was the error I mentioned earlier... As powerful as magic and friendship are, there is in fact one force in life even more powerful. The second force at work in this: Love. We all saw how she felt when we told her she had to come with us. She loves her 'father.' Loves him with all her heart... I fear that nothing can prevent the memories from resurfacing fully, and soon.” There was a general gasp of shock around the room. It was Fluttershy who finally timidly asked “Then what are we supposed to do?” “What we did was wrong.” AJ said. “I see it now. We never shoulda taken those memories from her. I'm sorry Princess, ah don't mean ta' question ya, but...” “It's okay Applejack. I've come to the same conclusion. What concerns me is the possible impact on your friendship, given that Twilight was the one who actually cast the spell. The bonds of Harmony must not be damaged. That is why I will be here, while you call Rainbow Dash back and reveal the truth to her. I will make it clear to her that this is my fault, that you were only obeying a royal command you did not like and should not be blamed.” Celestia looked down at the floor. “When will we do it?” AJ asked. “The sooner the better, before the memories return on their own. I think we have a few days yet, but...” “Day after tomorrow!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Dashie's off work that day. She'll have time to think it through!” Everyone stared at Pinkie, shocked to hear such a sound idea from her. “Very well then.” Celestia nodded. “I will return in two days.” With that the Princess collected her guards and teleported back to Canterlot... Equestria: Day Eighteen: Dash looked about in surprise as she entered the library to find not only her five fellow elements but also both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna waiting for her. “W... What's goin' on?” She asked. “Sit, please.” Celestia said. Rainbow did so and the Princess said “There is something you need to be made aware of... We have not been entirely honest with you about what happened.” “The accident?” Rainbow asked. “I've felt like something wasn't right almost since I woke up but...” She looked at her friends. “Why would you lie to me?” “The deception was on my orders Rainbow Dash. At the time I thought it was for the best. I've come to see that I was wrong. I fully expect you to be angry with me, and I accept this, but I plead with you not to be angry with your friends. They did not like what I ordered, and did it only in obedience to me.” “Did what!?” Rainbow demanded. “What in the world is going on!?” Twilight spoke next. “The first part of what we told you was true. The accident itself really did happen. But, instead of knocking you out for two weeks...” She paused, trying to think of the best way to word the next part of it. “Somehow the mixing of the two types of magic opened a doorway, a portal, into another world. You fell in, and the door closed behind you. It took us fifteen days to figure out where you were and how to get to you, and when we finally did...” Twilight fell silent, unable to continue after seeing the look of shock and disbelief on Rainbow's face. Fluttershy whispered “When we got to the other world, we found out that time works different there. For every one day here, a whole year passes there.” “Wait hold on...” Rainbow interrupted. “Are you guys kidding me here? I don't feel fifteen years older than I was before, don't you think I'd notice something like that?” “Ah'm sure ya would sugercube, but...” “But what?” Composing herself, Twilight said “There was another side-effect to the magic. When you fell into the portal it somehow de-aged you. You came out the other side as a filly, no cutie mark, no memories, nothing. It seems that you were found by one of the locals, who took you in and, well, re-raised you. You were basically his adopted daughter for fifteen years, until we came and bought you back.” Rainbow Dash wanted to laugh. Wanted to laugh and tell her friends that they had carried this absurd joke far enough. But, though she still couldn't remember, something deep in her heart was shouting loudly at her that it was the truth. “If all this happened,” she finally asked, “Why don't I remember it?” “Your friends needed their friend back.” Celestia said. “And Equestria needed it's element-bearer, in case the power was required. I ordered Twilight to perform the memory-spell she used during the Discord incident to give you back the memories of your original life.” “Taking away my memories of my new life...” “Not entirely.” Twilight said. “Those memories are still there, just... buried. It was an unavoidable side-effect.” Celestia explained “We had thought that the memories would stay buried. We underestimated the strength of you bond with your adopted father.” “So... This is why I'm feeling and acting a little different now?” Rainbow shook her head. “And the dreams?” Luna nodded. “You are dreaming of your life on Earth. Most of the dream is happy, memories of your life. It ends in fear, well, most likely it ends with Tia and the others arriving to bring you home.” Rainbow Dash wasn't sure how she should feel or act. She still didn't remember, but her gut was telling her it was all true. So far as that part of it went, it was kind of a relief to know she wasn't going nuts, or brain damaged. Though, that her friends would hide such a thing from her... Sure, it was a royal order they had to obey, but still... “If... If you'll excuse me princesses... I need to think about this on my own for awhile.” “Of course.” Celestia nodded. Luna agreed, “You may go. But keep in mind that your memories are going to return, and soon. Be prepared.” The pegasus simply nodded to show that she had understood, then quickly spread her wings and flew away. “Princess...” Twilight began, crying. Celestia stepped closer, nuzzling her student and draping a wing over her back. “It will be alright Twilight. Rough for a time perhaps, but it will be alright...” For the first time in many decades, the princess was unsure of her own words. XXXXXXX Earth. Day Eighty-Four. Miri arrived at Brian's house to find a note with her name on it stuck to the door. “Miri,” it read, “Called into work extra for a couple of hours. Back door's open so make yourself at home, there's cake in the fridge.” She walked around to the back and entered the kitchen. The note said it had been written at eleven. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was now twelve-thirty, so Brian shouldn't be too much longer. Miri peered into the icebox and grinned when she saw the cake was double-fudge almond, her favorite. Brian certainly knew how to spoil a girl. It was shaping up to be a good day, but that ended when the knife she was using to cut a slice slipped . Holding her cut hand tightly, Miri washed the excess blood away then went looking for antiseptics and bandages. She found the former in the medicine cabinet, but nothing to bandage herself. Feeling bad about it even though she had permission to be in the house, she went looking elsewhere. Through drawers and cabinets Miri searched, finally finding what she was after in Brian's home office desk and finishing up her first-aid. Afterward, she took a closer look at the room than she had gotten before. The computer was ancient. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, as if it hadn't been used in years if not ever. No, wait, not everything. Situated on a shelf was a large thick photo album, without a speck of dust anywhere on it. Curious, Miri picked it up and started to page through the photographs. The first half of the album was perfectly normal: Photos of Brian and what she assumed was his parents, beginning with Brian as a newborn, all the way up until he was nearly an adult. Miri turned another page and found a yellowing newspaper clipping, a headline regarding a terrible automobile accident in the city of Port Timbrey. Brian's parents were listed in the article as victims. Miri turned another page, expecting the rest of the album to be photos of Brian alone, or perhaps his adopted daughter. Instead her eyes opened wider as she found picture after picture of Brian with Rainbow Dash photoshopped in. She had to admit that these were the best photoshops she had ever seen. But she grew apprehensive as she continued on, more and more photos, and finally a handwritten letter, purportedly from Dash to Brian. So focused had she become on the album that she was unaware of Brian's return home until he stepped into the room and saw her looking at the photos. “Um, Brian...” “I can explain that...” He answered, sitting down in the office chair. “Can you? “Well, I admit it's a long story...” “How long? Brian, you actually believe this, don't you? You actually believe that Rainbow Dash was your adopted daughter? That she lived here with you?” Miri was on the verge of tears. “My daughter is real.” “Oh, I believe that. I believe there really was a girl here you took care of... You couldn't handle losing her could you? So you made this nice little fantasy...” “It's not a fantasy damnit!” Brian shouted. He realized how loud he had been. “Sorry... I'm sorry... But that's it then, isn't it? This scares you. You think I'm crazy and you're afraid of me now.” He let his head rest on his knees, sobbing. “I'm not afraid...” Miri said. “And I don't think you're actually crazy, just... ...In need of help. But, I can't deal with this. I'm sorry Brian. I'm sorry....” She turned and ran down the stairs and out the front door, jumping into her car and driving away, fighting the tears that Brian was also struggling against... > Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. Chapter Three Equestria: Day Twenty: Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth from one end of the library to the other. There had been no sign of Rainbow Dash since their confession of the truth two days earlier. She hadn't come back to the library, nor been seen anywhere in Ponyville or the surrounding area. The Weather Patrol confirmed that Dash hadn't shown up for work. Applejack checked the whole of the farm without locating her in any trees, and Fluttershy had even flown up to Dash's home, but got no answer nor saw any sign of Dash through any of the windows. “Spike!” Twilight shouted, but then thought better. “No, never mind Spike... The Princess would just tell me to be patient right now.” “She'd be right Twi.” The dragon said. “I'm sure Rainbow just needs time. She'll come back when she's ready.” “But what if she's never ready!?” Twilight exclaimed. “I don't want to lose a friend over this!” “You won't!” Spike answered, exasperated. He knew this behavior all too well. Twilight was on the verge of going neurotic over the situation. “Look, have some faith. Rainbow Dash knows you were only following orders. She's your friend, and no matter how mad she might get that's not going to change...” “Maybe...” “For sure. Now relax, sit down, maybe read a good book.” “Right.” Twilight sighed. Meanwhile, Applejack and Fluttershy were standing on the edge of the Everfree Forest, debating whether to brave it's dangers. “Y'all don't really think she'd go in there alone?” Peering nervously from behind the hair that obscured her face, Fluttershy answered “Well... maybe... We know how she wasn't thinking straight when she left.” “Ah reckon you're right there. Somepony's gotta check it out anyway.” “Thanks for helping me out. Um, I don't suppose you'd like to go first...?” “Aw fer cryin' out... Alright, let's go.” Watching and listening from nearby, Rainbow couldn't believe they were actually going into the dangerous forest to search for her. Well, she couldn't have that. Flying out from concealment, she flew up and landed behind her friends. “Hang on, I'm right here. Don't go in there.” “Dash!” Applejack exclaimed. “Where ya been? We all been worried sick!” “Yeah yeah, it's no big deal. I've just been thinking is all.” “You're not still m...mad at us are you?” Fluttershy squeaked out. “I guess not.” Dash replied. “It's not like the Princess gave you any choice, right?” “No, she didn't. You know that none of us liked it at all right? Even before we knew you were going to remember?” When Rainbow said nothing more, Applejack asked “Speakin' o that... You remember yet?” Dash shook her head. “No. Except in dreams, but I forget those as soon as I wake up... Do you know what it's like for me now?” She asked, a hint of anger returning to her voice. “I can't wait to go to sleep, because I know I'll have the happy dreams. But at the same time I'm afraid to go to sleep because I know how scary it'll get right before I wake up.” Applejack and Fluttershy exchanged a shocked look. Rainbow Dash admitting to being afraid of something? “It'll get better.” Fluttershy whispered. “I hope so.” Dash answered. “Will ya go see Twi? She's almost wearing a hole in her floor from the pacin'” “I will... Not yet though... I can't yet, I mean, she... she's...” “She's the one who actually cast the spell.” “Yeah. Makes it harder to get over, y'know?” “Ah guess it would.” Applejack nodded in understanding. “But she's still your friend.” Deciding not to answer, Dash spread her wings to fly away. Before she could get anywhere, Fluttershy reached over and grabbed a hoof. “Don't stay away from us. We're here for you.” Dash nodded and flew off into the bright-blue sky. “Well,, c'mon.” Applejack said. “Let's go at least let Twilight know she's okay...” XXXXXXX Earth: Day Eighty-Six: Brian Dashel wandered aimlessly through his house. There were so many good memories here. But they were memories of a life that he no longer had. Dashie was gone, and he was dealing with that, but now he had a new wrinkle to deal with in Miri's discovery of the photo album. When she had left, his first fear was that he would soon be getting a visit from men with strait jackets and tranquilizers. But of course that was unlikely even if Miri did go telling people about the album: After all, it wasn't common practice to haul in anyone reported as insane, you had to be a proven danger for that to happen and Brian had worked in town long enough for people to know that wasn't him. He still felt that things couldn't continue as they had. No doubt Miri, in her conviction that he needed help, had spoken with someone. And in a small town talk spread fast. That would make going back into town, whether going to work or even just for shopping, awkward at best. He couldn't do it. With a weary sigh, Brian gathered his clothing, his laptop, and the photo album. Nothing else mattered. No, check that: Brian returned to the kitchen and penned a short letter in case Miri returned. Sticking it to the front of the fridge, he returned to the car and sat behind the wheel. The only remaining question was where he was going... XXXXXXX Equestria: Day Twenty-One: In the very early morning, just past midnight, Rainbow Dash tossed and turned atop her soft bed of clouds. Her sleep was turning fitful, and as she dreamed she began to talk in her sleep... She was falling, falling, a dark void with a bright light below. She felt her mind slipping away, but didn't know what was happening, or why. She awoke from a deep sleep, dizzy and confused. All around her were drab brown walls, until she looked up and saw a strange creature looming over her, framed against the bright blue sky beyond. “Heh heh... Hi there! What are you doing out here?” She's cold. It's freezing out, and the creature notices her discomfort. It reaches down into the box, trying to grab her, and she's filled with terror, her heart beating rapidly. She struggles, legs squirming, tiny wings flapping, but it's all to no end. “It's okay. I won't hurt you. Let's get you someplace warm...” She can't understand the words, but the tone of voice is kind, and she feels the warmth of it's body. She snuggles in closer. Other scenes flitter rapidly through her mind. Exploring a new home. Splashing about in a sink full of warm water as the creature tries to bathe her. Learning to say a few words, chief among them, 'Daddy.” Halloween, the creature, Daddy, leading her around the house with a plastic bag in her mouth, finding candy. “Twickertweat!” As she finds each piece and carefully puts it in the bag... Christmas. Funny tree in the living room, a bright blue ball inside a wrapped box, spending the rest of the day bouncing it around with her muzzle. Cartoons. Spongebob, and a Spongebob nightlight in her room. Learning to read and write, hooves no good for that but the pen in her mouth worked well enough. Trips to the abandoned park. Learning to fly. Oh, so many discouraging false starts. So many falls,, cuts, scrapes, bruises both physical and to her pride. But always Daddy there by her side, encouraging her to not give up. “You can do it Dashie. I know you can.” So she tries again and again, and cheers for joy when she makes it fifty feet across the parkland. A short hop, but a good start. She does it again and again, better each time. A thought occurs to her one day as she flies. “How fast can I go?” She decides to find out. Pouring on everything she has, she's shocked as a sudden BOOM echoes around her, accompanied by a burst of rainbow colored light. She returns to the ground, exhilarated, only for Daddy to grab her up and rush home. “Did I do something wrong?” She asks. “No Dashie, but it's a good idea not to do that. People will notice. But hey, look at this!” He points to her flank. Looking, she sees a mark on her hip, like a cloud with a rainbow colored bolt. “W... What is that?” She listens attentively as Daddy explains what a 'cutie mark' is. More brief images as further memories pass through her mind. “Good night Daddy... I love you.” “I love you too, Dashie.” Moving day. A new home, far out in the country. Plenty of room to fly. No one else around to see. “Hey Dad, maybe I should get a job.” The horrible realization of being different. Not that she hadn't known, of course, but to have it driven home... Daddy apologetic, odd jobs around the house. Spending money, even if she had to tell Dad what she wanted for him to get it for her. Daddy gone to work. Bored. Flipping channels. “My Little Pony, My Little Pony...” What the...? That looks like me...” “How long have you known about this!? HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN!!?” Anger. Can't stay, go out the window. Three days of pain, sorrow, confusion. How could he have known and not told her? And how could this be? Was she really just a cartoon character? Was she not real, a figment of someone's imagination? But she felt real. High in a tree in the rain. What to do? Daddy's voice nearby. “I'm so sorry. I'm just so sorry Dashie.” Daddy under the tree. A crack as a stick snaps when she lands on it. “Daddy? Do you still love me?” “Of course I do. I'll always love you.” More memories, another rapid blur of passing time. Watching the Indy 500 from atop a cloud. A shoebox full of memories. Fifteen happy years with Daddy, now her twentieth birthday. Plans for an airshow together. The doorbell rings. It all crashes down. Celestia. Princess Celestia and the other ponies from the cartoon. After finding out about the show, she had watched a number of episodes and even looked it up online. A bit freaky for her, of course, but she was curious. And she had decided that it had to be coincidence. She couldn't be the arrogant mare on the show, no matter how much they looked alike. But now the others were here, to “take her home.” For the first time in years, Rainbow Dash was terrified. She didn't want to go. She WAS home already, home was here with Daddy. Even if these ponies were her friends, Daddy was her family, and she didn't remember them at all. But Celestia was adamant, and Daddy was putting on a brave face, trying to convince her that this was for the best. She knew exactly what he was doing. But there was no choice, was there? Begging with Celestia to let Daddy remember, to let him keep the photo album. To let her keep her shoebox of keepsakes. A long, tight, tearful hug goodbye. Everyone else in tears too, even the Princess' eyes welling with tears. Light flares around Twilight's horn. The fear builds. Dashie remembers how she felt so long ago when Daddy first reached into the box to pick her up. She had been scared then. She remembers, as a filly, waking up when Daddy thought she was asleep and walking in to find him watching 'Nightmare on Elm Street.' That that scared her half to death before he noticed her and turned it off. Nothing else compared to this fear though. As the glowing horn drew nearer, she wanted nothing more than to scream and run, flying away as fast as she could. The horn touched her forehead, the glow spread throughout her body, her home faded from view... Rainbow Dash bolted up out of her bed. “DADDY!” She screamed. She panted, trying to calm herself down. “Daddy...” She repeated more quietly. Daddy. She knew. She remembered. She was pissed. > Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Four Equestria: Day Twenty-One: In the middle of the night Twilight Sparkle was torn from her dreams by the sound of heavy beating on the library door. Grumbling to herself, she rose from bed and trotted down the stairs half asleep. All sleep evaporated from her mind in an instant when she opened the door to find Rainbow Dash, her face a heartbreaking mix of sadness and rage. “How could you!?” Dash bellowed when she saw her friend. “Dash, I...” Twilight began, “You... You remember everything,don't you?” “You're bucking right I remember!” Rainbow screamed. “How could you take me away like that? How could you take my memories? You're supposed to be my friend Twilight!” “I, I am your friend... I didn't wanna hurt you, but the Princess...” “Yeah! The Princess can't be wrong can she!?” Rainbow shouted. She fell to a sitting position, crying openly but still yelling in anger. “I had family Twilight! Family!” “You... You have your family here Rain...” “What family!? Don't you remember? I was raised in an orphanage here! Birth to adulthood, no one wanted to adopt the loud little tomcolt! No one here anyway. He did. He took me into his home and cared for me like I was really his daughter! I had a Father, I had someone who loved me and then you came and stole me away from him and didn't even let me remember it!” Rainbow's body shuddered as she was overcome with grief. Crying now as well, Twilight said “I couldn't disobey the Princess Rainbow. I just couldn't... And you are loved here, we're your friends and we all love you...” “Friends don't do what you did Twilight. Royal order or not. Friends are loyal. But then, I guess that's why I'm loyalty and not you.” Twilight stepped back, deeply hurt by her friend's words. Rainbow simply shook her head. “I... I can't handle this right now...” She spread her wings and flew away as fast as she could, ignoring Twilight's tormented calls for her to come back. Shuddering in grief and fear for her friend, Twilight walked to her desk and began composing a letter to Celestia, detailing what had just occurred. Dear Princess Celestia, I am writing to inform you that Rainbow Dash's memories have returned. She just left my home after yelling at me and saying some truly terrible things. I do not blame her for the things which she said; she is in pain, and not thinking clearly. I am in fact afraid for her, for I don't know what she might do in her current state of mind. If there is any way that you can help her, I plead with you to do so. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. After finishing the letter, Twilight woke Spike long enough to send it, then tried to go back to bed. She couldn't sleep at all... XXXXXXX Earth: Day Ninety: Miri sat in the diner she and Brian had frequented, in the booth they usually chose, staring into an untouched milkshake. She really wasn't sure what she should do. She hadn't told anyone about what she had found out about Brian. For one thing, it wouldn't do any good. No matter how disturbed he might be to be believing this 'pony-daughter' fantasy she didn't think he was dangerous. That just wasn't Brian. Which was good, except that it meant that she couldn't get anyone to make him get the help he needed. In fact, all speaking up, even to just one person, would do was to let everyone know. Small towns are like that after all. And she didn't want to make it worse by causing there to be idiots making fun of him. And for another thing, in spite of all this she still loved him. He was smart, considerate, caring, funny... Not bad looking either, she thought with a grin. A bit old for her, she knew her mother would say, but they were both adults and she had seen such relationships work before. “He's not insane, not crazy.” Miri thought to herself. “He's just, I dunno, mixed up. He must have really, really loved that adopted daughter of his.” She wondered to herself just what the girl's real family was like, that they wee so cruel to not let Brian have any contact with the girl at all. She grew angry at them for that, but then another thought crossed her mind; “Was I so different? What the hell kind of girlfriend am I anyway, that I walked out on him in his hour of need?” She let her head slump down onto the table. “What kind of heartless witch walks out on her boyfriend when he needs her? How could I do that!?” Miri sat that way for a long time, going over the same thoughts in her mind, trying to work out what she should do. Eventually, she sat back up and looked around the diner. The place was reasonably full, lots of customers and employees, and a thought came to her. “I sat there with my head on the table for at least twenty minutes. And not one person here even asked if I was okay. What's up with that? Are we really that cold? Well I won't be. I refuse to be. I'm gonna do something for Brian. I've just got to figure out what... XXXXXXX Equestria: Day Twenty-One: High above the surface of Equestria, Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud, watching the night sky. Thinking. She didn't know how to unravel her feelings. This was her world. She had grown up here. But she had also grown up on Earth. Twilight and the others were her family. But so was Daddy. Twilight was her friend. But Twilight had caused this whole mess. Finding no answers in the starry sky, Rainbow hung her head and closed her eyes. She didn't notice that she was no longer alone until a familiar voice said “Will you be troubled if I join you?” Rainbow looked up in surprise to find a sleepy-eyed Princess Celestia sitting next to her. The Princesss yawned. “Forgive me, I'm not usually awake this early.” “P...Princess!” Rainbow stammered, rushing to turn and bow. Celestia stopped her. “There is no need for that. I am not here as your Princess. I am here as your friend.” “With respect, I'm not sure right now if I really have any friends. I assume Twi wrote to you? I'm sorry for the things I said to her, but I just...” “Apology accepted, though not necessary given what you are going through.” “What... What am I supposed to do Princess? How am I supposed to deal with this?” Celestia extended a wing and draped it over Rainbow's back. “For what it's worth, I've realized I was wrong. There may be a way to set things right soon, though.” “How? A day here is a year there. Princess, he's in his sixties by now. Three weeks for me, twenty-one years for him! Another week or two here and he'll be...” Rainbow shuddered. “Easy child...” Celestia whispered. “Things may not be as you think, though I prefer to only explain them once, to all of the elements at once.” Rainbow stared up at Celestia with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Really? I might... I might be able to see him again?” Celestia nodded, but said “Let us focus for now on how you are feeling towards your friends... Tell me Rainbow Dash, what do you know of Equestria's ancient history? In particular, the age prior to the beginning of my rule?” “I didn't know there was such a time. I thought you and Princess Luna had always been around.” “Hardly. My sister and I are immortal, but not eternal.” “There's a difference?” “Indeed... The eternal has no end or beginning. The immortal also has no end but does have a beginning.” Confusion flooded Rainbow's face. She managed only a feeble “Huh?” Celestia chuckled. “How best to explain it? Ah! Suppose that there were two beings with you. A and B. A is eternal, and B is immortal. Now suppose you have a time machine...” Rainbow interrupted, “Time Machine? You mean like in 'Daring Do and the Marelocks?'” “Exactly. If you went forward in time, into the future, both A and B would always be there. You would never find a time when either of them no longer existed, no matter how far you went. But, if you went into the past... In that case, you would find the same with A. There would never be a time so long ago that the eternal wasn't there yet. But the immortal B, is a different story. At some point you would eventually find a time before B's existence.” “Princess,” Rainbow began carefully, “Are you sure this is something you should be telling me?” “Fear not. Though not common knowledge it is not a secret. Twilight herself suspects, but has not yet worked up the courage to ask me. In any case my point is, there was a time before Luna and I. A time when our mother, Queen Faust, ruled over Equestria. Oh, she was beautiful, and powerful. Stronger than Luna and I combined. But, like myself and my sister, she was immortal, not eternal, and there came a day when her maker declared that the time of her reign was at an end, and that she had to leave Equestria to us.” “I... I had no idea Princess... I'm sorry... I'm sure you must miss her.” “Indeed I do. Which is my point Rainbow Dash. I lost my mother and have not seen her for five thousand years. I lost my sister for another thousand. I make close friends like Twilight or yourself, only watch their mortality take them from me as I never age. Even dear Cadance is not immortal, though she will live far longer than normal. I know what the loss of family is. I know how you feel, and I am not coldly ignoring your feelings.” “I'm... I'm sorry I was so mad at you.” “As I've already said, it's forgiven.” Rainbow nodded, then a question occurred to her. “If you don't mind me asking... Is this why you've stayed 'Princess' Celestia and not 'Queen' Celestia? You're maybe hoping your mother will be allowed to return someday?” Celestia nodded again. “Yes. Of course, I don't really expect it anymore. I gave up any real hope of her return after the first millennium. But I've never been able to let go of that last thread...” Princess and Element of Harmony sat side by side in silence for several minutes, before Rainbow said “If you'll excuse me Princess, I... kind of think I need to go apologize to someone.” “Go.” Celestia smiled. “I'll see you and the other bearers again later today.” Dash flew away, leaving Celestia alone, but she was not alone for long. “How do you think I did?” “Quite well sister.” Luna said, nuzzling Celestia warmly. “Though, I am surprised that you didn't tell her.” “About what? My encounter with humans or mother's prophecy?” “Both.” “Ahh... Well, as for the former, I'll be telling her along with the others later today. No reason to tell the tale twice. And as for the prophecy, well, I'd like to keep that secret just a bit longer.” “I understand, though it concerns me.” “I as well. But we must be sure...” XXXXXXX Just before dawn, Twilight was still awake. Having given up getting back to sleep, she made tea and sat in the library, trying to distract herself from the things Rainbow had said but failing to do so. There came a soft knock at the door, and she rushed to answer, hoping it would be the Princess with good news. Instead she found herself being tackled by Rainbow Dash, who was crying again as she blurted out “Twilight I'm so sorry for the things I said I was just angry and upset and not thinking though I guess maybe I never think really but that's not the point the point is that I know you're still my friend and that nothing could ever really change that and I said thing I shouldn't have said and I hope you can forgive me 'cause see I talked to the Princess and she said that-” Rainbow finally stopped for a breath as Twilight interrupted her. “Rainbow! Calm down! You sound like Pinkie!” “Heh... Sorry.” “It's okay. I'm just glad you're feeling better.” Twilight hugged her friend. “What exactly did she say to you anyway?” Over tea and an early breakfast, Rainbow told Twilight everything she had been feeling, and all that Celestia had told her. “So, I guess we'll all be here sometime later today...” Rainbow finished. “Yeah. You should probably just crash in the guest room here until then. We both need more sleep.” Twilight said. “But first... Hang on, I've got something for you!” She trotted out of the room, leaving Rainbow confused. A couple of minutes later, Rainbow heard Twilight's hooves on the floor as she returned, saying “You had this with you when we came back. Celestia had to leave before I could ask her about it, so I stored it away in the basement.” Twilight came into view, levitating a familiar object... “My shoebox!” Dash exclaimed. “I've been so busy being mad I didn't even remember it!” Twilight sat the box down on the table between them. “What's in it anyway?” Rainbow looked at her friend in undisguised shock. “Wait a minute. Are you telling me that you, Twilight freakin' Sparkle, had a 'mystery box from another world' in your possession and you didn't open it!?” She broke into open laughter. “What is the world coming to?” “Ha. Ha.” Twilight deadpanned. “Very funny. I'm not gonna open a friend's stuff.” Rainbow stared at her. “Okay okay, I was tempted... Badly... But I didn't do it!” Rainbow laughed again. “Fair enough... Here, take a look...” She opened the box and started going through it's contents, explaining them to Twilight as she went... > Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dashie: Twenty Percent Cooler Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Five Equestria: Day Twenty-One: Just after lunchtime the Elements of Harmony were gathered together in Twilight's library home, awaiting the arrival of their princess. Rainbow Dash was perhaps the most excited, barely able to contain herself at the prospect of being able to return to Earth, even if she knew nothing about the details of how such a thing was to be accomplished. The remaining elements were less enthusiastic. While they were delighted to see their long-time friend so happy again, the explanation she had given them of what Celestia told her gave most of them pause. “But after everything we went through to recover you dear...” Rarity began, “To have you just go back there...” “I know Rares.” Rainbow answered. “But, do you really think the Princess would just let me go back to stay? I bet it's some kind of thing for going back and forth at will!” “Something like that.” Twilight said. Everypony turned to stare at her. “Wait a minute... What do you know!?” Pinky exclaimed. She pulled a lighted electric lamp from... somewhere... and held it over Twilight's head. “Talk! Talk or it's curtains for ya' Mugsie!” Applejack swatted the lamp away “Yeesh Pinky! Ah' think that's a' bit much!” “She's right though.” Twilight said, “But I'm not telling you anything until the Princess gets here.” “Aww...” Rainbow started to complain, but she was cut off by the arrival of Celestia and Luna. The Element-bearers bowed, but Celestia motioned for them to rise as she and her sister took seats among them. “Let us begin...” Celestia said. “I presume that Rainbow Dash has told the rest of you what I told her of last night...?” Twilight nodded. “Yes Princess.” “Good. Now then, the first thing I would like to explain to you all is why I was, initially, so adamantly against contact with humans... Long ago, in the days shortly after our mother Queen Faust abdicated her throne, I was feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of leadership...” “You!?” Twilight exclaimed, “But Princess you're a wonderful ruler!” “Now, perhaps, I do well.” Celestia chuckled. “But this was five thousand years ago my student. I was young, inexperienced, and on my own as Luna was still too young to take up her own half of the royal duties.” “Indeed.” Luna confirmed. “At that time mine own power was still no greater than that of an average unicorn. Tia was quite burdened.” Celestia continued “Yes... So I sought some way to have an opportunity to rest and relax between my obligations. I found a spell which would allow me to journey to and from a world where the flow of time was different from our own. I could take days, even weeks, to recover myself and return to find only minutes had passed here.” Rainbow gasped. “You'd been to Earth before!?” Nodding, Celestia explained “Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, by Earth time. I met primitive cave-dwelling humans. Indeed, I even made a few friends among the few that would trust me. But most would not trust me. They were violent, savage, dangerous. They killed each other and tried to kill me... In time, I grew more confident in my duties and stopped traveling to Earth regularly. However, I did continue to, well, look in on them once every thousand years of their time. And while they grew in knowledge and power, they remained violent and warlike.” Celestia looked straight at Rainbow Dash. “I feared for you, when I learned that was the world you were on. I fully expected to find you had been killed...” “So that's why you didn't want us to have contact with humans?” Rainbow asked, “But, you saw how much he loved me, how much he had done for me...” “Yes. As I said, I had a few friends among humans long ago. I know they are not all evil. But, in order to understand why I wanted no contact you must look at things from the tactical perspective.” “The what?” Luna took over here, “A day here. A year there. Humans often warlike and aggressive. What would happen if they learned to travel between worlds, and made war against Equestria? We would win at first, certainly. Magic alone would guarantee that. But each battle would weaken us a little, and even if they were weakened more they would have longer to recover. They could attack us each day, then return to Earth and recover for a year to attack again, the next day by our time, back to full strength while we were still weakened... In the end, they would wear us down.” The Element-bearers looked at each other uneasily. Even Dash was disturbed by the idea. Celestia said “Oh course, there is no guarantee that this would happen. Humans might be willing to make peaceful contact, especially now that they have grown more advanced. But it was a risk that we could not take.” Applejack asked “Princess, yer sayin' that in th' past-tense. What's changed?” “With the exception of Rainbow Dash who was still unconscious, you may all remember that when we returned to Equestria I was called away almost immediately?” “Yeah I remember!” Pinkie exclaimed, “You thought it was weird because the astronomers usually call Princess Luna instead of you!” Celestia smiled at Pinkie's exuberance. “Indeed. As it turns out they had called us both. Certain magical instruments had detected changes within the bleed.” “The what?” Rainbow asked. Twilight answered “In, erm, non-'egghead' terms the bleed is like the empty whitespace that lies in between alternate realities and keeps them separate from each other. It's called the bleed because, while empty in and of itself, waste energy often 'bleeds over' into it from the surrounding worlds. Our trips to and from Earth actually, speaking eleven-dimensionally, jumped 'over' the bleed rather than passing through it: It's not believed possible for living things to survive there.” “Correct.” Luna answered. “We monitor the bleed for changes, since they often portend dangerous events in the near future. So when the Royal Astronomers detected a sudden alteration in the chronal radiations passing through the bleed they were concerned. Fortunately, this time it turned out to have a non-threatening cause.” “And that was?” Fluttershy whispered out her question, “If you don't mind me asking...?” “As Luna said it was chronal radiation... Time energy. The speed-of-time variance between Equestria and Earth is fading. A day here is no longer a year there. Not even close, in point of fact, and it now appears that the two worlds will soon be in sync with each other temporally.” A wide smile spread across Rainbow Dash's face. “So, how long...?” “It has still been longer there than here, seeing as the change has occurred slowly rather than all at once. I cannot be certain of an exact number, but... Three months there, perhaps four. No more.” While Rainbow Dash was ecstatic, Twilight was worried. “Princess, did we cause this somehow? Should we be worried that it could have bad effects on Equstria?” The Princess answered “I doubt that we caused it. If that were the case, it would have happened long ago, considering how many times I've visited Earth myself. As for dangers, if something bad was going to happen as a direct result of these events it would have by now.” “Your student's question still has merit Tia.” Luna said. “Even if it is not our doing, the timing of this change cannot be coincidental. Though I admit I can see no clear causal connection.” Everyone was quiet at that thought for some time before Rainbow said “So, let me see if I have this right: Same speed of time in both worlds, no reason to fear humans taking advantage of the faster time speed to attack us, I can at least go back to visit. That about right?” “Twilight?” Celstia asked. “On the Princess' orders, I've been working with mages and scientists in Canterlot on a way to build a portal machine that uses the power of the spell we used to come find you to open a gate between worlds. It's not quite finished yet, but it will be soon.” “With the time difference removed, I am not averse to -very carefully- beginning to find lines of contact between our worlds. If it can be done peacefully it would be a great boon to both Earth and Equestria.” Celestia paused before adding “You already have a connection Rainbow Dash. Quite aside from your familial connection, it would be foolish to waste it.” “Yes!” Dash exclaimed, “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!” Chuckling, Celestia said “You are quite welcome my little pony.” “So when can I go?” Twilight answered “The gate itself is in Canterlot. It'll be about a week before it's up and running. I'm actually leaving tomorrow to oversee the final stage of construction.” “ A week? Can't we do this sooner? How about the regular spell?” Rainbow favored Twilight with sad eyes. “Well... If it's okay with the Princesses I guess. Not until tomorrow though, I've got something else to prepare for you first.” Before Dash could even ask, Celestia said “Well, if the Elements are needed I could always retrieve you at any time... Very well Rainbow Dash. I will agree to this. Twilight may cast the spell and return you to Earth for a time tomorrow...” XXXXXXX Equestria: Day Twenty-Two: Rainbow Dash arrived in Ponyville to find all of her friends waiting. “Are you sure you want to do this now?” Twilight asked, “Instead of waiting for the gate to be finished?” “Yeah, Ahm not to proud 'ta say this worries me a mite... You bein' all alone over there.” “Come on A.J.! I was there for fifteen years! This is gonna send me back to Dad's house right?” Twilight nodded. “Maybe not inside the house, but on the property for certain.” “See? I'll be fine!” Hopping around Pinkie added “And you heard the Princess! If we need her she can be bought right back!” Putting a forehoof on Applejack's shoulder, Dash said “It's only a week A.J. Then we'll be able to come and go as we please.” “Ah guess so.” Applejack managed a small smile. Twilight walked over to where Rainbow was standing, and levitated an odd necklace out of her saddlebags and around Rainbow's neck. “Don't lose this.” She said. Dash eyed the necklace, which was a mix of metal and crystal with a large red button on it. “What is it?” “An instant-recall.” Twilight answered. “Push and hold the button for three seconds and it will automatically bring itself, you, and anything and anyone directly touching you back to Equestria.” “Sweet! Like an emergency exit!” “Exactly. But listen carefully: It's attuned to the gate we're building, NOT the spell I'm about to use, so it won't work at all until the gate is online.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Got it.” “Good, so... If you're ready...” “Yeah. Let's do this.” Five ponies quickly piled in around Rainbow Dash, hugging her tightly until she could barely breathe before letting go and stepping back. Twilight focused her mind; This spell was effortless for an alicorn, for her it was exhausting. The reason for the gate machine, really. She focused, formed the spell matrix, and released it towards the waiting Rainbow Dash, who vanished in a swirl of magical energies... XXXXXXX The Bleed. A endless white emptiness of fifth-dimensional something that lies in the in-between. As Twilight Sparkle had explained to her friends, this was a place where, according to all Equestrian knowledge, nothing could live. In spite of that certainty, two very much alive entities watched the events on Equestria and Earth with great interest. “Ha!” One of them said to the other, “You owe me!” “What are you talking about?” “Our bet of course.” “Ahh my dear, surely even you can see the technicality.” “Oh, what? Because Brian Dashel isn't at his home anymore? You're actually going to argue that because Rainbow Dash hasn't actually contacted her adoptive father yet, that this invalidates our bet? That's pathetic even for you, she will find him, it's just a matter of time now.” “Oh, almost certainly.” The second entity agreed. “Honestly, if I did decide to argue that point I would be in the right for now, though I don't intend to. I actually agree with you that, now that she's back on Earth, it's only a matter of time.” “Then what...?” A sigh echoed through the void. “Look at the precise wording of our bet. I argued that, and I quote, 'Rainbow Dash will not be able to overcome Celestia's resistance to her reuniting with her father.' But the thing of it is, dear Celly surprised us both by not resisting it! That means that the conditions of the bet, and by extension the bet itself, are invalidated! I owe you nothing.” “You and your loopholes... Though I can't deny the validity of the logic. Very well.” The entities resumed their observations. After a time one asked “You are still worried, aren't you?” “You are not? You understand the stakes for both of these worlds.” “What concerns me is that it had to come to this at all. This connection should have been made long ages ago.” “Celestia's concerns were understandable, even if they led her to make a great error.” “I suppose so... Oh, look! Something funny's about to happen!” The entities focused their attention on the Dashel home... > Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Six Earth: Day One Hundred: Arriving at work early in the morning, Miri walked swiftly as she searched all through the busy store, hoping to catch sight of Brian. She knew he had taken time off after their confrontation and had decided it was best to wait until he returned before speaking with him. But today was the day he was supposed to be back, and she wanted to find him as soon as possible. She was still worried about his mental state, but she was also desperate to apologize to him for the way she had reacted upon finding the photo album, desperate to let him know that she still loved him and wanted to make things work out between them. But as she searched everywhere, all over the sales floor and the stockroom, it quickly became obvious that he was not there. She asked several friends among her fellow employees, but none of them knew anything. So she found herself knocking on the door of the manager's office. “Come in!” A voice called from within, and she opened the door and stepped through. Within was the current day supervisor, a balding, slightly heavyset man in an ill fitting suit and tie. “Miri! You're here early today... What can I do for you?” “Well, I'm looking for... ...Brian was supposed to be back today wasn't he?” The manager's face fell. “He didn't tell you?” “I've not seen or spoken with him since he took the leave... Told me what?” “Miri, Brian called last week... Said something had happened and he wasn't coming back.” “What!?” Miri exclaimed. “No no no this is all my fault...” “Now, don't be too hard on yourself. I may not know what exactly happened between you, but I can't imagine you of all people could have done anything bad enough to make Brian up and leave for good. It must have been something else dear.” “No, No it was me...” Miri looked her boss in the eyes. “I'm sorry, if this costs me my job then so be it, but I can't stay for work today, I've got to go, I've got to... I don't know, but I've got to do something.” The manager smiled. “Don't worry about your job, at least for today, you're one of the best workers I've got. Brian too. I'll put this down as a sick day. Good luck kiddo.” Miri smiled in surprise and gratitude. “Thanks. I'll come back with him.” “I hope you do.” XXXXXXX Falling... The sensation of falling in a void, falling forever with no place to land. Rainbow Dash felt her stomach churn with the sensation of freefall, a surprise for the great stunt flier who was accustomed to the sensation from a great many of her trick maneuvers and didn't usually get even the slightest bit queasy from them. Perhaps this was from how long the sensation was continuing. In any event, she made a note in her mind to discuss it with Twilight. No one would want to use this kind of travel regularly if nothing could be done about the nausea. Even as she was thinking these thoughts, Rainbow Dash felt a change ripple through the void, and the next moment a bright pinpoint of light flared into view far in the distance and surged towards her. She was enveloped in the light... ...And found herself in a forest, the bright-blue early morning sky shining down through the early-spring leaves overhead. Glancing around, the cyan pegasus realized that she knew this forest. It was on the outer edge of her father's property, perhaps a quarter of a mile north of their home. Rainbow laughed out loud. She did it! Well, Twilight did it, really, but screw technicalities, she was home! Home! She ran swiftly through the trees until she reached the edge of the back yard. Once there, she was surprised to see that little care had been taken. Of course, she had been gone over the late autumn and winter, so not much had happened, but the lawn clearly hadn't been tended to in some time, perhaps even since her departure. “Yeesh Pops, I know mowing the yard was my job, but you could've gotten someone else to do it.” Spreading her wings, Rainbow flew into a treetop, the better to get a look over the tall grass. The house looked unchanged. Not that it should have changed, in the short time she was gone, but to see it there still put a lump in her throat. “Home.” She thought again. Just as Dash was about to take wing and fly over the yard, though, her ears picked up the sound of a vehicle approaching. She watched as an unfamiliar car, cherry red with dark-tinted windows, pulled around to the back door. A human emerged, female Dash thought though she couldn't be certain at such a distance. The woman walked to the back door and knocked repeatedly. There was no answer. “Duh, of course not.” Rainbow thought, “It's morning, probably a weekday, Dad's at work right now.” But then, the pegasus was surprised to see the human open the door and let herself into the house. Dash's eyes narrowed. “Thief!” She thought. “Well, we'll just see about that...” XXXXXXX Port Timbrey. Brian Dashell drove through the streets of the city, amazed at just how much had changed in the years since he and Dash had moved away. He knew, of course, that a major manufacturing firm had built a new factory over the ruins of his old neighborhood. They were the ones who had purchased the land his parent's old home was built on. That house was gone, along with the street it had been on, the land covered by the huge factory that had revitalized the city's economy. Driving about the roads, as close as he could get to where his old neighborhood had been, Brian was surprised to discover that the old park, the one he had played in as a child, the one he had taken Dash to as a filly, was still there, nestled in between a pair of large industrial structures. In fact, it was clear it had been rebuilt and revitalized, presumably by the incoming company as a part of their promise to help out the city. Not that anyone would bother coming to a park in the midst of a heavy industrial zone, of course; No one was present. But he supposed the thought was nice. Brian parked and locked up his car, going for a stroll through the grounds, feeling the memories pressing in upon him. The happy childhood with his parents, the fun times with Dashie... He slumped down onto a park bench and sighed. Why had he come back here? What was left for him in the city? No home, no job, friends he hadn't contacted in years... Though, friends were a place to start he supposed. At the least he could reconnect. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number he barely remembered. “Hey man, I'm in town... Wanna get together?” XXXXXXX “Brian?” Miri called out as she stepped into the kitchen of his home. She flipped on the lights, only to see very quickly that he hadn't been here in some time. A thin layer of dust had settled over everything. She saw an envelope stuck to the refrigerator, and stepping closer saw that it had her name written on it in Brian's handwriting. Tearing it open, she opened the letter inside and began to read: “Miri: I'm so sorry for what has happened. I never meant to hurt you. In fact, I love you very much, and had hoped that you and I could build a life together. I keep thinking, If only you hadn't found the album, but that's not right of me. Relationships are built on truth, after all, and keeping it from you would have been a violation of that truth. Please understand that I do not, in any way, blame you for thinking that I am crazy. If our situations were reversed, it is the conclusion I would reach as well. I mean, really, a cartoon character come to life? How could anyone sane believe something like that? And yet, I have to be honest to you, and the honest truth is that it did happen. I found her more than fifteen years ago, as a filly too young to even talk yet. I took her in, raised her, loved her as my own daughter until last September when Celestia and her friends came to take her home. The story I told you about my daughter was technically true; I just left out the details. In any case, I know you cannot believe me, and I cannot blame you for that. So I'm saving us both the trouble of dealing with this. I'm leaving, and I do not intend to return. I don't know where I'm going, I'll figure something out. Goodbye Miri. I wish you the best in whatever you desire in life. Love, Brian. Eyes full of tears, Miri held onto the letter as she resisted the urge to break down into tears completely. It took several minutes, but she managed to contain it. Now filled with a sense of determination, Miri decided to search the house for whatever signs she could find of where Brian might have gone to. She had to find him. She had to help him... As Miri was beginning to explore the house, Rainbow Dash crept up to the back door. She stood to the side, trying to emulate the motions she had seen in countless police dramas. Holding close to the wall, Rainbow waited several moments, then jumped through the door to find the kitchen empty. She crept as silently as she could through the kitchen and into the dining room and then the living room. Everything looked as it should. “Strange... What kind of burglar breaks in and and doesn't take anything?” Following in Miri's path, Dash ascended the stairs silently and found the first bedroom door open, but the room itself was empty. She continued down the hall, past the vacant bathroom, to her own room. She peered in. All of her belongings were gone, as she expected from Celestia's spell. There was a bland home-office in it's place. And it wasn't vacant. The burglar was there, her back to the door, going through the contents of a desk drawer. “Gotcha!” Dash thought to herself. She grabbed the door and pulled it shut. Miri spun around in shock as the door slammed shut behind her. She jumped up and ran to it, trying to pull it open, but someone was holding it closed from the other side. Someone strong. “Hello? Who's there?” She shouted. From beyond the door a female voice answered “Who are you? What are you doing in my Dad's house?” “Your dad...?” Miri said, shocked, “Wait! Are, are you Brian Dashell's adopted daughter!?” “Yeah that's right! How do you know him!?” “Okay, please listen, my name is Miri. I worked at the store with your father. He told me about how he raised you, until your real family came back for you!” Dash was surprised. “He... Told you about me?” “Well, we were dating, getting pretty close really... Listen, I need to tell you something important, it's about why Brian isn't here. You remember he liked MLP right? Well, after you left, I guess he couldn't handle it... He convinced himself that his adopted daughter had been Rainbow Dash from the show... He even had an album full of photoshopped pictures of himself with her. I found it, we had a fight, and now he's gone and I need to find him because I love him anyway and just wanna help him!” Listening from her side of the door, Rainbow Dash was uncertain at first what to do. She was angry at this Miri for not believing her father, but then again she knew it only made sense. It actually sounded like this woman cared for him. A girlfriend, cute one too from what Dash had seen before she slammed the door. “Nice goin' pops.” she thought. But what to do now? Daddy was gone, and she had to find him. And it sounded like Miri wanted to find him as well. She reached a decision. Miri waited. There was silence from the other side of the door for some time. Finally the girl said “Look, with what you've told me, you and me need to talk face to face. So, let me ask you a question: If I let go of this door, can I trust you to not open it until I say okay? I need a minute to get back, turn on some lights.” “I promise.” Miri answered. “I'll wait for your okay.” “Alright, hang on I just need a couple minutes.” Miri waited, listening carefully. For some time she thought that the girl must still be hanging onto the door; She had heard no footsteps. But then there was brighter light under the door, which she knew had to be coming from the lamps in the loft room across the hall from the office. Another minute and the girl's voice said “Okay, I'm in the loft, come on in.” Miri opened the door cautiously and stepped out into the hall. She could see the loft, but no one was visible. Apparently the girl was seated in the lounge chair that was facing away, and she must be rather short since Miri couldn't see the top of her head. She boldly walked into the room and around the chair, saying “I hope we can work together to figure out where Brian has gone-” She stopped as the occupant of the chair came into sight. Rainbow Dash was seated in the chair, staring up at her. Her jaw dropped open, and she just stared in disbelief. Human and pony stared at each other for some time, and then Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and asked “So, are you still questioning my Father's mental state?” > Seven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Seven Earth: Miri Larson stood in the upstairs loft of Brian Dashell's home, staring at the pony seated in front of her. Cyan coat, rainbow mane, perhaps three and a half feet tall. Solid three-dimensional flesh and blood rather than a cartoon. But undeniably Rainbow Dash. Which meant, of course, that she had done even more wrong by Brian than she had realized. Not that she could really think about that right now, with a fictional character come to life in front of her, all she could do was stare, mouth agape. Finally Rainbow raised one eyebrow and asked “So, are you still questioning my father's mental state?” “...No... ...Though my own is currently up for debate...” Dash laughed. “Okay, yeah, I get it. This can't be easy for you, meeting someone who you thought was fictional. Though, if you think this is hard, sometime you should try finding out that you're supposed to be the fictional one. Heh, I didn't handle it so well...” She stopped as Miri started to reach out as if to touch her, then pulled her hand back. “Hey, go ahead.” “Oh, I don't know if I should...” “Nah, it's okay... I mean, it sounds like we both wanna find my dad and get him back here right? We should work together, and that's not gonna happen unless you know I'm really here. Go ahead.” Miri reached out, ran her fingers lightly over Rainbow's soft coat, then brushed against her feathery wings. It was the latter that finally drove the reality of the situation home to her. Maybe, maybe, a hallucination could be tactile as well as visual and audial. But for the feathers to have a distinct feel from the fur, that was going too far for such a thing. Which meant... “You're real.” Miri muttered, slumping to the ground on her rear. “I mean, you, you're really... real. You're real and you're sitting here right in front of me and you're real and Brian wasn't nuts and oh God what have I done!?” She buried her head between her knees. Rainbow stepped down out of the chair and approached Miri. “Hey, hey, it's okay... ...Wait, what exactly did you do anyway?” “I um, I found the photo album. The one with the pictures of you and Brian in it. I thought they were just like, photoshops or something. We had a big argument and I walked out. And now he's gone.” “Okay, gone where?” Shaking her head, Miri said “I don't know. He had taken leave from work, so I didn't know he had even left until he was supposed to come back today and didn't.” She realized she was still holding Brian's note and handed it over to Dash. “I found this when I came in the back door.” After taking the note and reading it, Dash said “Well... ...Horseapples. I guess we gotta go find him then.” “Yeah, but how? Find him where? I mean, it sounds like he didn't even know where he was going, he could be anywhere by now!” “He could, sure, but...” I glimmer of hope returned to Miri's eyes. “You've got an idea?” “Maybe. Y'know, other than here, Port Timbrey's the only place dad's ever lived. Born and raised there and all... Seems like a good enough place to start anyways.” “Yeah, I guess you're right, I mean we've got to start somewhere.” Miri smiled. “Oh, but we... you... How...?” “How will I get there?” Rainbow asked. “Unless I'm mistaken that car of yours has tinted windows. No one'll see me.” “So what you're saying is...” “...Roadtrip!” Rainbow finished Miri's question, pumping her front hooves in the air. Laughing, Miri said “Before you slammed the door shut on me, I was searching the office for anything that might be useful. Should we finish that up first?” “I dunno...” Dash said, “That office is actually a fake, see, that was my bedroom. The Princess destroyed all evidence that I had been here when she took me back, except for the photos.” “The Princess? Wait, Celestia? Wow, I... What exactly happened anyway?” “Now that's a long story... I'll tell you all about once we're on the road.” “Let's get going then.” Miri said, “It's a long trip to the city...” XXXXXXX Port Timbrey. Brian took a deep breath and stepped from the brightly sunlit day outside into the darkness of the old pub. This place had been a favored hang out of himself and his few friends in the days before Dashie had come into his life, and he was surprised to find out that it was still here, and that many of his old crowd still frequented it even after all these years. As he walked through the door a voice called out to him. Following it, he made his way to a table where the friends he had called earlier were all gathered. “Wow, you really are back.” Said Thomas, a tall caucasian man with a shock of bright red hair. Seated next to him was his off again on again girlfriend Sara, whose raven black hair cascaded down past her hips. Brian slid into the booth across from Thomas, which put him next to Solomon, a heavyset black man in jeans and a sweater. “Where the hell have you been man?” Solomon asked. “I ain't complainin' about you moving out of town, I woulda done the same back then if I could've. But not even a call or a text for all these years?” “Yeah, I'm sorry.” Brian answered. I've just been... busy.” “Well you're here now.” Thomas said, “And we're gonna have fun today right?” “As long as your idea of 'fun' isn't still getting plastered.” “Oh it's not.” Sara said. “Tommy's not done that since, well...” She held out her right hand, which bore a wedding ring.” “No kidding!? You two finally?” Brian laughed. “Shocked me too, after so long.” Sara said. “But it's been three years now.” “Well, it's late but congrats. Any kids yet?” “Thomas nearly choked. “K...kids!? No way, not yet not ever.” “Oh, you say that now but she'll change your mind.” Solomon laughed. “Jessie changed mine after all. I wouldn't let it go now for anything.” Recovering, Thomas stared at Brian and said “Well so long as we're embarrassing each other, Brian, you still watchin' that horse and pony show?” “What's wrong with it if he is?” Solomon challenged. “I've seen quite a few of those with my daughters, it's really not a bad show.” “No.” Brian answered. “I'm not watching it anymore.” “Awfully glum over a cartoon.” Sara said. “What's wrong?” Brian shook his head. “It's a long story I don't really want to talk about. Suffice to say that while Sol is right about not wanting to let family go, sometimes life doesn't leave you a choice.” “Okay...” Thomas mused, “Moving on to happier conversations, let's get started on our plans for the day okay? We're just burnin' daylight sitting around in here...” Together, the four friends rose and left the pub. None of them noticed that they, or one of them in particular, was being observed by a shadowy figure who watched them leave, then followed at a discreet distance. As he followed, this man pulled his cell phone and dialed, then waited for an answer. “Boss. Listen, I've got an opportunity for us. Yeah, remember what I told you about when I joined up? Yeah, well I've found him he's back in town. You want me to what? Okay yeah that's cool, but I can't do it on my own. Alright, track my gps, I'll follow them 'til the guys arrive... XXXXXXX Miri drove east along the open highway, towards Port Timbrey which was still some distance away. She had been driving for two hours now, being careful to keep to the speed limit. God forbid she get pulled over with Rainbow Dash in her passenger seat, she had already cringed twice at the sight of patrol cars. Happily, both had passed her by. As she drove, she listened to Dash's tale of how she had come to be on Earth, and her life with Brian. “...And that's when I met you.” The pegasus said, finishing up her story. “So it's not just you.” Miri said. “It's all real... Equestria, ponies and dragons, magic?” “Yeah.” “Wow. Well, what about the cartoon? Even accepting everything else, it's still kinda nuts that a cartoon could match up to the reality so well.” “I know. Heh, y'know, when I first found the show it freaked me out because I was afraid it meant I wasn't real. Now it freaks me out because I know it all is and how did they get such a near-perfect vision of it?” “Near perfect?” Miri asked, “They got something wrong?” “Kinda. We're flesh and blood rather than ink, obviously... Spike's a teenager rather than a baby, Oh, and we don't break into random musical numbers all the time. Other than that it's kinda spot-on.” “Hmmm...” Rainbow's stomach growled. “You getting hungry?” “Yeah, but I don't want to stop. I'd like to be in the city by nightfall.” Miri answered. She thought for a moment, then said “Check the glove box, I think there's a couple of protein bars.” Dash leaned forward in her seat and popped open the glove box. As soon as it was open, Pinkie Pie erupted out of the box and into the seat with Rainbow, loudly exclaiming “HI DASHIE!!!!!!!!!” “Holy Shi---!!!!” Miri screamed, nearly losing control of the car which swerved across multiple lanes of traffic, narrowly missing two other cars whose drivers also swerved about blowing their horns in anger. Oblivious to the carnage and horrible disaster her arrival had nearly caused, Pinkie just kept talking to the stunned Rainbow Dash, “So I got to thinking that maybe you might be lonely without any of your friends even with your dad here because you know you didn't miss us before but that's probably just 'cause you didn't remember us before but either way I figured I'd come and give you some company and it looks like it's a good thing I did 'cause I guess you've not found him yet and by the way who's your friend here-” “PINKIE!” Dash interrupted, “How did you get here!? Twilight said the gate wouldn't be ready for a week!” “Oh I didn't use the gate silly filly, I came on my own!” “On your... What!?” “Was really hard too, took a lot out of me but that's okay 'cause here I am now and oh I almost forgot I thought you might be hungry so I bought a tray of cupcakes with me -(Here Pinkie produced said tray from behind her back, gobbled one of the treats down, then continued talking)- and it's a good thing I did 'cause lemme just tell you those protein bars in the glove box were horrible they tasted like styrofoam wrapped in cardboard and not even the good cinnamon flavored cardboard either but the yucky plain corrugated stuff but now you're all set with good food and -YAWN- oh boy the trip really did tire me out I'm gonna take a nap now okay Dashie g'night.” Pinkie flopped over into the back seat, snoring instantly. Having regained control of the car, Miri simply stared at the road in front of her as she drove. Neither she nor Dash said anything for an extended time. Finally, perhaps twenty miles further down the road, Miri finally said “So... ...Pinkie Pie...” Dash chuckled. “Eeyup.” “Is it me, or is the whole 'came on her own' thing disturbing?” “Oh it's not just you.” Rainbow answered, “Though I hope you don't expect to ever get an answer.” “I suppose not.” Miri shook her head. “Hell with it, this doesn't really change anything, we've still gotta find Brian.” “Right. Though, it does change one thing...” Rainbow turned in her seat and pulled the tray of cupcakes to the front of the car. “I'm still hungry. No sense letting these go to waste...” > Eight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Eight Earth, Port Timbrey: Brian had enjoyed the day with his friends immensely. A chance to reconnect with those he had lost touch with and get him mind off of the losses of Miri and Rainbow. As the sun was setting, he found himself seated on a park bench in a local amusement park, people watching as thousands of guests wandered by in differing directions. Solomon approached and sat next to him. “I know what you're thinkin' man.” He said, “Who would've thought this city would turn around so completely?” Nodding, Brian agreed. “Yeah, back when I left there's no way a place like this could've stayed in business, let alone did this well.” “I'm curious man, would you have stayed if you'd known things were gonna get better?” “No, I couldn't have... There were other concerns I had to take care of.” “Well, we've missed you. I'm glad you're back.” “Thanks, though I'm not sure I'm really back. I think I'll probably go traveling some more soon, y'know, see the world. I've never done that before.” Solomon favored Brian with a skeptical look. “Yeah, 'cause that's not like you. What are you runnin' from?” Knowing that he couldn't successfully lie to his friend, Brian simply answered “Memories.” “Well I guess I can understand that some. Alright, I won't push, but if you ever wanna talk about it some more, well, let me know alright?” “I will.” “Alright man. Well, I better be getting' home, Wife and kids all worry when I'm out late.” Solomon rose and walked away towards the park entrance. Brian waited a few more minutes, then stood, stretched, and found the facilities. He didn't notice the pair of men shadowing him, nor that they took positions outside the lavatory doors and waited. After washing his hands, Brian noticed that this particular restroom had entry doors at both ends, an unusual design but one which made sense for the design of the park. Realizing that the far door was closer to the parking lot than the one he had used, he exited that way. Outside, the two men grew impatient with waiting and followed Brian's path into the facilities, where they found out they had made a mistake; their quarry was long gone. Cursing, one of them contacted his boss and reported what had happened. “Don't worry about it.” was the reply, “I've already got men on the back-up plan...” XXXXXXX As Miri drove through the streets of Port Timbrey, Rainbow stared out the tinted car windows in surprise. “Wow. This doesn't look anything like it used to.” She said. “Yeah, I guess the new businesses helped out the economy a lot. So, where was your old house?” “South side. No point in goin' that way though, the whole neighborhood was torn down after we left.” “Well, we'll go take a look in the morning anyway.” Miri said. “For now, I just want to find a nice motel for the night.” “Sounds good!” Pinkie said from the back seat. “I could use a good night's sleep.” “Pinks, you've been out for four hours.” Dash answered. “You only woke up like ten minutes ago!” “Well wall-hopping really takes it out of you.” “Wall... what?” “Never mind.” Pinkie stared out the windows along with Dash, and a sign caught her eyes. “Ooh!” She exclaimed, pointing to a twenty-story building with a sign that read 'Carlton Hotel,' “How about that place!?” Miri snorted. “No. Way. In. Hell. The Carlton? All the money I've ever made in my life might pay for one night. Besides, how would I get the two of you into the room unseen? No, what we need is a cheap cockroach-ridden hole where they'll give me a hidden back room or something.” Miri drove on, out of the downtown area, into the western suburbs, finally catching sight of a promising option. She parked in front of the motel office, switched off the engine, and said “Stay. Here. I'll be right back.” Pinkie said “Why would she tell you that? You know you can't be seen.” “I think she was talking to you Pinks.” Dash answered. “You're not exactly subtle.” “I know! Isn't it cool?” After several minutes Miri returned, restarted the car, and drove around the building. “We're in luck. I told the managers I needed a nice quiet room where I wouldn't be disturbed, so they put us all the way to the back.” Miri parked again, got out, unlocked the room. Then after looking around to make sure the coast was clear, she motioned for the ponies to join her. Inside, they found a typical motel room, two beds, two lamps, a television with the remote bolted to a nightstand. The colors clashed horrifically, bright orange walls, lime green carpets, bedspreads in purple and red. “Holy schmoly!” Pinkie exclaimed. “It looks like a rainbow got sick and puked all over everything!” “Yeah.” Dash agreed. She looked over at Miri, “Be glad Rarity's not here, she'd either go into seizures or run screaming out into the night.” Miri chuckled. “It's typical cheap-motel fare. It doesn't have to look good, you've just got to be able to sleep in it.” She excused herself to the bathroom. Rainbow trotted over to the nightstand. “They bolted down the remote?” She asked, shaking her head in disbelief. “Oh well, let's see if they've got cable I wanna check on the NASCAR circuit.” The moment Dash pushed the power button, Pinkie's head swiveled towards the television. “Ooh!” “Yeah, pretty cool huh?” Rainbow said. “It's like radio but with movies too.” She started flipping through the channels, quickly finding a sports station. Ten minutes later Miri came back into the main room, finding the ponies focused on the T.V. As she turned down the covers on her bed she said “Don't stay up too late, we've got an early start tomorrow.” “No big, I'm done once I find out who's won the races since I left.” “Alright... G'night...” Miri was sound asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. XXXXXXX Having lost track of Brian, the men pursuing him set their backup plan into motion. One group followed Solomon, and another went after Thomas and Sara. In each case, the quarry was struck over their heads from behind and dragged to a waiting van, then driven to an empty warehouse and tied up in chairs. It was several hours before they were all awake, confused, and scared. “What's going on?” Sara demanded. “Where are we?” “No idea love.” Thomas answered. “But we've got to find out...” He gathered his courage then shouted “Hello!? Anyone there?” The sound of approaching footfalls echoed through the empty building, and a single man came into sight. This was the same man who had followed Brian out of the pub earlier in the day, though none of them had seen him. “Well well, you're all awake. Good.” “What's this about?” “In point of fact it's about your friend.” “Brian? What about Brian?” The man sighed. “Well, I guess you do at least deserve the whole story... You remember several years ago, that weird sonic boom light show thing that happened? Well, it's like this...” The man then told them a story about how, after the event, the government and military had tried and failed to determine what it was that had happened. Part of the reason they had failed was because the event created static that destroyed images from cameras in the city. A couple of years later, he had joined the army on a scholarship program. He did well in electronics, and was eventually assigned to take another look at the fried camera hard drives to see if he could reconstruct their data. “Most of them were a total bust. But there was one, from near a little park on the south side of town, that I got an image. Your friend, running away just after the blast with somethin' tucked under his arm.” “Oh come on!” Thomas shouted. “There's no way Brian built some kind of bomb, that's not him!” Solomon added “And besides, why would the army grab us instead of just going after Brian? And why wait all this time?” With a predatory grin the man said “Never said I was still army. See, I was never the most dedicated soldier, all I wanted was the money and experience. When I found that image, I knew it was more lucrative to me to keep it to myself. So I made a copy of my own, then destroyed the original, told my superiors I didn't find anything. Waited 'til I was discharged, took the info straight to the boss of this town, Don Calamari.” “Great, we're in it with the mob now...” Thomas lamented. “It's not so bad. We'll let's ya live so long as you help us get this Brian and keep yer mouths shut. See, we couldn't find him. I guess he musta left town. Didn't know he was back 'til I saw him at the pub.” “And now you want us to betray our friend?” Sara scoffed. “You got it babe. No rush, think it over, talk it over, I'll be back in a few hours... With a guy named Needles in case you still say no. He's well named, Needles...” And with the threat still in the air, the mystery man walked away... XXXXXXX Miri woke early the next morning to the sound of music. “WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA!!!!” Boomed the television. Pinkie, seated on the other bed next to a sleeping Rainbow Dash, was riveted to the screen. “Ugh... Did you never sleep?” “Oh, sure for awhile!” The pink pony answered. “Then I woke up and figured this thing out and found the coolest thing ever!” She gleefully exclaimed. “Blurgh...” Rainbow grumbled. “It's too early Pinkie...” Her ears swiveled to face the television. “Oh wow you found Spongebob! I loved that show when I was a filly.” “Yes!” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping up and down, “Spongebob is awesome! I'd love to go there and throw an 'Under The Sea' theme party!” “Um, Pinkie, Spongebob isn't actually real-” Miri stopped, realizing who she was talking to. “Nevermind.” “Hard to be sure isn't it?” Dash asked. “Though, knowing Pinkie, I wouldn't put it past her to get there even if it is just a story.” Miri simply shook her head. “I'm gonna need counseling before this is all over, I just know it.” Pulling on her shoes, she said “Wait here, I saw a donut shop across the street, I'll go get us breakfast then we'll head to the park...” An hour later, everyone cleaned, fed, and caffeinated (well, no caffeine for Pinkie, that would be apocalyptic) they drove to the south side of the city, and found the old park. Miri and Rainbow got out, admonishing Pinkie to stay put until they returned. Unwilling to take any risk, Miri got a Pinkie promise out of her to that effect. “They repaired everything.” Dash said, looking around. “Oh, hey, look here!” She flew over to a large oak tree. “This is where I learned to fly!” “That's cool.” Miri looked around. “No Brian though... Dash, we've not thought this through... How will we find Brian even if he is in town? It's a big city, and it's not like we can send up a sign saying 'Hey Brian, here we are!'” A grin spread across Rainbow's face. “Maybe we can... Wait here, I'll be right back.” Before Miri could stop her, Rainbow spread er wings and rocketed into the skies over the city, flying in ever fast circles higher and higher. Then she dived, straight down, at incredible velocities until... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miri's jaw dropped open at the spectacle of rainbow rings spreading through the sky above her. Rainbow returned moments later and landed next to her. “Only other time I did one on earth was right here. If Dad's in town, he'll know. He'll come. All we do now is wait.” And wait they did, for nearly an hour, before a car familiar to both of them appeared around a bend and drove towards another parking lot on the far side of the small park. Miri running, Dash flying, they rushed across the park. Brian parked and got out of his car. He still wasn't sure what to expect. He knew what he had seen, what it had to mean. But how could she be back? Was he just imagining things now? Surely- A voice sounded behind him. “Dad!!!” He turned just in time to be bowled over by his daughter crashing into his chest and wrapping her forelegs around him. Crying now, Brian returned the hug. “Dashie! Dashie I'm so glad to see you but how...?” “It's a long story.” “I've missed you so much...” “I missed you too dad. And I'm not the only one, either.” Rainbow looked over her shoulder and Brian followed her gaze... ...to Miri. Getting back to his feet, releasing Rainbow who continued to hover close by his side, he approached her. He was still crying, and he could see that Miri was as well. “Brian...” She said, “Brian, I am so sorry-” Brian cut her off, grabbing her close and kissing her deeply. “Way to go Pops.” Rainbow chuckled. > Nine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Nine Port Timbrey. As Brian walked Miri back to her car, they talked about all that had happened over the last few months. Miri was still stumbling over herself with apologies, which Brian deflected with good grace. “For the last time Miri,” He said, “I meant what I wrote in the letter I left for you! Of course you didn't believe it was true, no one would have!” “Well, yeah, but...” “You were worried about me, that's all. And then I didn't handle things very well either, and you responded the way you should have, again, the way anyone would have, and things just piled on from there.” “I know you're right. But I still feel terrible.” Miri whispered. She glance to Dash flying overhead. “What about you? I know you've gotta still be a little mad at me.” “Nah, Dad's right. Who would have believed this? Heck, it's really no different than poor Lyra back home, telling ponies that humans exist. Lemme tell you, I found out after my memories came back that every one of my friends had apologized to her after we got back to Equestria.” A pained expression crossed her face. “Oh shoot. I never got around to it myself.” “Wait, that's true then!?” Miri exclaimed. “The whole 'Lyra and humans' thing?” “Oh yeah, and like I said nopony buys it. She's mocked by believers in Bighoof.” “Bighoof?” Brian asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, yeah... Kinda like bigfoot only with hooves. Saddlesquatch.” Brian and Miri both broke into open laughter. They were still laughing lightly as the rounded the corner of a shelter building and came into sight of Miri's car. As soon as they saw the car, a pink head popped out the passenger-side window and waved, ecstatically shouting “HI DASHIE'S DAD!!!!” “You brought Pinkie Pie?” Dash clapped her forehooves together. “'Brought' is a strong word...” “What?” “She jumped out of my freakin' glove box!” Miri shouted. Brian stared at Miri for several moments, then they both said, together, “Pinkie Pie.” The Pink pony came bounding over to where they stood. “Hi there I'm Pinkie Pie but you already knew that plus we have met before but just that once and it was a sad day and I'm really sorry for it all but everything's okay now so maybe we should all go back to your place and we could throw a 'Happy Reunion' party or a 'Welcome to Earth' party though I guess it would really be a 'Welcome Back to Earth' party since we've both been here before and-” Rainbow slammed a hoof down over Pinkie's mouth. “They get the idea Pinks. Besides, any parties should probably wait until Twilight gets the gate up and running.” “Wait, what gate?” Brian asked. “Long story short,” Rainbow explained, “The Princess has decided that maybe contact between worlds isn't such a bad idea after all. Twi's helping build this gate thing that'll let ponies and humans come and go.” “Wow... That's gonna change everything.” “Eventually. They plan to take it slow though.” “Probably for the best.” Brian started to say, but before he could speak his cell phone began to ring. “Hello?” “Brian Dashell.” An unfamiliar voice spoke. “Who is this?” “No one you know. But someone you're gonna know real well. That is, if you wants your friends 'ta live through the day.” “What? Who is this? What's this about!?” “Here.” The voice said, “I'll let them explain it to you.” There was a sound of movement on the other end of the line, and then a new voice came on, one Brian recognized. “Brian?” “Solomon? What's going on here?” “It's the mob Brian. They've got all three of us here tied up. They think that you have something to do with that big rainbow explosion years ago, think it was a bomb or somethin'. We tried telling them you'd never build a bomb, but, well after you come back to town yesterday and there's another one of those blasts today... Man, what's going on?” Brian didn't get a chance to answer before the original voice came back on. “Here's the deal: You work for us, your friends live. Come to the corner of Park and Valor in one hour. We'll be waiting.” The line went dead. “Brian...?” Miri asked. “Pops, what's wrong?” Dash echoed. Both could see the look of concern on his face. Brian explained the contents of the conversation to them. “I've got to go.” Brian said. He took off running back towards where he had parked. Miri, Dash, and Pinkie followed. “Hey, wait up!” “You can't do this alone!” “I have to do it alone! These are my friends so I can't ignore it, and I'm not putting you two in danger!” Reaching his car, Brian opened the driver's door to get in. Miri jumped onto the hood of Brian's car. “Oh no, I'm not letting you go alone!” “Miri please.” “No!” “Dashie, help me out here!” “Sorry Pops, I'm with her on this one.” Brian fixed them both with a withering stare. “This. Is. The. Mob.” He said. “We've all had it if we all go in.” “Yeah!” Pinkie said, popping up out from behind Brian, wearing a fedora and grey flannel suit she had procured from who-knows-where. “They'll be all like, “It's curtains for 'ya Mugsie!” and then they'll fill you full of lead and put you in cement shoes and bury you next to Johnny da Snitch!” Everyone stared at Pinkie. “'Johnny da Snitch?'” three voices asked at once. Pinkie frowned. “It sounded like a mob name.” Miri asked “Look, Brian, you've got an hour to be there. How long a drive is it from here?” “Ten minutes tops.” “Then we've got forty minutes to come up with a plan.” Dash said. “Heads together...” XXXXXXX Fifty minutes later, Brian drove along the streets towards the location he had been given. Miri rode beside him, to his discomfort. “It'll be okay Bri.” She said. “Just stick to the story. I'm you bomb making assistant, you need me to get the most out of the design.” “I still can't believe I'm driving you into this.” “Chill. Dash and Pinkie will do their parts and we'll all be out of this soon enough.” The plan was straightforward: Brian, with Miri posing as his assistant, would go to the Mob and pretend to agree to build the 'rainbow bombs' in exchange for insisting on seeing that his friends were safe with their own eyes. Once the hostages were freed, they would act like they were going to work, stalling for time. Meanwhile, Dash, following them from the air, would sneak into whatever building they were in through the roof. Pinkie, able to go between worlds on her own, would return to Equestria and let Twilight know that the gate needed to be turned on, like, right now. Dash would get to Brian and Miri, and activate the recall necklace Twilight had given her, whisking the three of them back to safety in Canterlot. From there, they would return to Earth and usher Brian's friends away to safety before they could be targeted in retribution. “I hope so.” Brian said. “There's so many ways this could go wrong. Not the least of them being it's reliance on Pinkie.” “Just keep praying and hoping.” Miri said. “It'll all work out.” “I hope so.” Brian repeated. “Because here we are.” He pulled into a parking space and switched off the engine. They both got out, and saw a group of men approaching. “Five minutes early.” The leader said. “I like punctuality. But who's the dame?” “My assistant.” “And I'm supposed t' believe that? She's too young to have been more than a kid when the first bomb went off years back.” “Which is why I need her.” Brian bluffed. “She knows a few details I don't. Details that can make the boom bigger. You want the bombs? Then you don't just want me, you want us both.” The enforcer seemed to think that over for a moment. “Alright, fair enough. C'mon you two, let's get moving.” Both Brian and Miri were grabbed by the mobsters and blindfolded, then led to a waiting van. They were shoved inside and driven away. High above, Rainbow Dash followed as the van drove in a series of complex loops through the city streets. “Throwing off tails?” She wondered, “Or just making it so that they won't know how far they were actually taken?” Her musings tended towards the latter when the van ended up stopping at a warehouse less than two blocks from where the trip started. As Rainbow watched, her father and Miri were ushered out of the van and into the warehouse. She flew down and peered in through a skylight. Inside, she could see three people, two men and a woman, already tied up in chairs with mob enforcers guarding them. There were two more chairs, and Brian and Miri were forced into them and also tied up. A new man, richly dressed and exuding an air of self-importance stepped into view. Clearly the boss of this little gang. “Mystery villain enter and sign-in please.” Dash thought to herself... Brian and Miri looked around as the blindfolds were removed. Seeing his friends, Brian immediately began asking if they were okay. “Other then the lumps on the back of our heads, we're doin' fine.” Solomon answered. “But I'd sure like to know what all this is about. How'd you get mixed up in all this Brian?” “Yeah! Tell them you don't even know what this 'bomb' business is about!” A sound of someone clearing his throat caught everyone's attention. Out of the shadows stepped a tall man in a thousand dollar suit. “You'd better hope he does know lady.” The man said. “You'll forgive me for not shaking hands, but, well, you are tied up... Don Calamari at your service.” “The boss of the whole city!?” “The same. And if you don't do what I want, well, it's cement shoes for all of you.” The Don pointed at a set of precast concrete blocks with shoes set in them. Miri stared at the blocks, then with a raised eyebrow asked, incredulously, “Your cement shoes are pre-made?” “Of course. It saves time. Though... I do admit it lacks the personal touch of years past.” “Wow...” “What!? Youse want I should be inefficient just because I'm evil?” The Don shook his head. “Back on topic.” He stared at Brian. “You gonna work for us or no?” Brian stared right back into the Don's eyes and, to the shock of his three friends, answered “Let my friends go and I'll give you all the bombs you want.” “Good. But, I want the first bomb before we release them. Gotta make sure you hold up your end.” Watching and listening from above, Rainbow tensed up. This was bad. The plan had been for Brian's friends to be released, so that only he and Miri who already knew about Equestria would be present for the rescue. Now, with three others present, things would get complicated. “Now what...?” She asked herself... > Ten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Ten The Bleed. In the space between worlds, a powerful entity observed events on Earth with growing concern. The fact that direct intervention would be necessary had long since been accepted as unavoidable, but this was sooner than hoped. Sooner, and under quite different circumstances. “Oh Celestia, why didn't you listen to the prophecy?” The being thought with a shake of the head. “Human and Pony should have been in contact long before now...” A sudden shout echoed through the emptiness. “I'm back!” “So I sensed.” The entity replied. “Don't you have somewhere else to be?” “Sure. But there's time. There's always time if you think there is.” “If you say so. And in the meantime the single point of contact between Earth and Equis is held by men with names like 'Needles' and 'Barry the Blade.'” “And 'Johnny da Snitch.'” “Yes... That as well.” the reply was droll. “Regardless of their names, these mobsters are a danger to our plan. And there is no longer time to spare. I'm going to have to intervene in person.” “Ahh, you already knew that. But not yet, I've got this one covered.” “Are you sure? Really sure?” “It's me! What'dya think?” “----” “Right. Don't answer that. Anyway, I'll be on my way. Lots to do.” Alone again, the entity returned her focus to a certain warehouse on Earth. She hoped trusting her friend wasn't a mistake... XXXXXXX Port Timbrey. Rainbow Dash continued to watch and listen from the roof of the warehouse. The mob Don had told her father that he would release Solomon, Thomas, and Sara only after Brian and Miri had proven their willingness to cooperate by producing a functioning bomb. Problematic since the rescue plan had hinged on getting Brian's friends set free before Dash came in to save him and Miri. “Can't you just let them free?” Brian asked. “I mean, it's not like you don't know where they live now...” “True, dat, and don't youse all forget it.” the Don answered. “But I still wants a test first... Tell you what, here's what we gonna do: The boys an' I are gonna go across the street 'ta Solly's Diner for lunch. Don't bother tryin' ta' escape, the only way in or outta this place is in full view o' the diner. You gots one hour to think things over. Make the right choice.” With that, the Don motioned for his men to follow him, and they all exited the room. Once they were alone, Thomas looked Brian in the eyes and said “Bri, I'm gonna be real calm and collected here... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?” “Yeah! Please tell me you're not really building bombs!” Sara added. “Of course not!” Brian answered. “Though... I do know what was really up with those blasts.” His friends all stared at him. “Well? What?” Sara demanded. Brian sat quietly. “Brian?” Miri whispered. “I think we're gonna have to tell them.” “Yeah... Yeah I guess so...” On the roof, Rainbow Dash nodded. The Princesses wouldn't be happy with so many humans knowing the truth, but there really was no choice in the matter. She glanced at the recall device she wore around her neck, and saw that the lights on it were still red rather than green. “C'mon Twi, don't let me down.” She thought, and then started looking for a way to get inside and down to Brian and the others. The skylight itself was a bust. There was no way to open it up, and breaking the glass would just leave sharp jagged shards falling directly on the hostages' heads. Searching, Dash quickly located an access hatch. It was rusted heavily, and she needed all the strength she had to make the wheel turn, but once it started moving things were easier. Carefully opening the hatch, cringing at the annoyingly loud sound it made, Dash crept inside and began searching her way through the dark, narrow hallways. As she went, she found no sign of any other humans. It seemed the Don really had taken all of his men with him to the diner. “All the better.” Dash thought, but knew that she still needed to be very careful. It wouldn't do, after all, to round a corner and be face to face with a very quiet guard. Slow and careful, then, was the order of the day, but she was still Rainbow Dash. Fast and caution-to-the-wind was more her style. Balancing the two was not an easy task... XXXXXXX Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle went over the latest reports on the construction of the gate for the fifth time today. She was pleased with how well the work was progressing. The actual physical structure of the gate was complete. She looked over the top of the reports that were held floating in her magic, to where a team of four unicorn scientist-mages were casting spells onto and into the structure. In human terms, the spells now being cast were the magical equivalent of an operating system for the gate; essentially, if the gate were a computer these spells were the programs that would make it able to do things. They were horrendously complex. Even Twilight's eyes had crossed after a few hours of studying up on spells that had lines like “Go submana blue fifteen; checksum submana red three,” or, “If ((Universe) (Cosmological Constant) = (Negative)) Then (Run Program (Emergency Shutdown)).” With a sigh, the unicorn sat the reports back on her desk and decided it was time to get a nice cup of tea. She turned, to find herself less than an inch from the face of Pinkie Pie. “Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight!!!!!!!!!” The pink pony shouted. Twilight yelped and fell over backwards. “Pinkie! What are you doing!?” “Oh it's bad Twilight we need your help 'cause we've got a problem and time is running out and-” Pinkie was silenced by a lavender hoof in her mouth. “Calm down Pinkie. Where have you been anyway? We've all been worried.” “Oh you didn't have to worry silly filly! I was on Earth with Dashie!” “You what!? But how... I mean... Even for YOU, How?” “Long story. What matters is, Dashie and her dad and a nice human girl named Miri are in trouble because when Dashie did a sonic rainboom years ago the mob thought it was a bomb and now they've captured him to build bombs for them and if he doesn't they'll whack him and all his friends and Dashie needs the recall-thingie working so that she can save them!” Twilight facehoofed. “The scary thing is, I actually followed that. But Pinkie, the gate's not ready yet! It won't be for days!” “You can't even just turn it on for a few seconds?” “No we... Wait... Maybe we can. It only needs to send out the recall beacon after all...” Twilight turned and ran to the unicorns magically programming the gate. Stopping them, she quickly spelled out the situation, then asked, “Can it be done?” “Yes, but we'll still need a few minutes to input the last bits of the beacon program. If we all work on it together we can have it ready in, say, twenty minutes.” “Do it.” Twilight ordered. As the unicorns set to work, she turned back to Pinkie... Who was gone. “Huh. Where'd she go?” XXXXXXX Port Timbrey. Brian Dashell sighed and looked his friends in the eyes. “What I'm about to tell you... You'll think I'm nuts. But, Miri can confirm it's true and you'll see for yourself in a few minutes if everything works out...” “Just get to the story man.” Thomas said. “Okay then, it's like this... Those blasts, they weren't bombs. They were Sonic Rainbooms.” “Sonic... Hold on, you mean like what the rainbow pony in that cartoon does?” Solomon asked. “That's cartoon physics Brian, it don't work in the real world.” “Turns out they do.” Brian said. “Fifteen years ago, I was walking home from work when I found a big cardboard box on the sidewalk. I was drawn to it for some reason. And inside, I found a small creature, alive.” “Creature?” “It was... It was Rainbow Dash. A living, breathing, not-a-cartoon flesh and blood Rainbow Dash, a filly instead of an adult, but undeniably her. I couldn't leave her out in the cold. I took her home, took her in, raised her for fifteen years until one day Celestia showed up to take her home.” “Aw Brian, you're cracked man, you've lost it!” “No he hasn't.” Miri said firmly. “I've seen this for myself.” “Okay so you're both nuts!” Thomas shouted, “Oh, this is just great! We're gonna be killed by the mafia because our old friend has lost his marbles and thinks an old cartoon show is real!” “Give me a chance, please.” Brian argued. “I told you you'd see in a few minutes. Dashie's back, she's here now. She should be coming in to set us free.” “Ooh, yeah, the hallucination will free us!” Thomas snarked. Sara glared at her husband. “Be serious here! Sarcasm isn't gonna accomplish anything! I think I can get a hand free eventually, maybe that'll do the trick.” “You're forgetting there's no other way out of here than past the mobster-filled diner.” Solomon said. “We've got a way out.” Miri said. Not finished snarking, Thomas asked, “Oh, let me guess! Rainbow Whatever will come and take us to magical-pony land!” “In point of fact...” “Dammit Brian! We need real answers not fantasies!” Before Thomas could continue, a voice spoke from beyond the closed door. “Pops, you in there?” “We're here Dashie!” “Have you told them, well, you know...?” “They don't believe me, but yeah I've told them.” “Good, I'm comin' in!” Half a moment later, with an enormous crash, the locked door flew inward, bucked clean off of it's hinges. A pegasus flew in through the now open doorway. Three pairs of eyes grew wide at the sight. “Son of a...” Solomon whispered. Thomas simply fainted, and Sara stared in shock. Rainbow landed in Brian's lap. “You're okay? They didn't hurt you?” “No, no they didn't.” “Alright, let me get you all untied.” Dash jumped down, trotted behind Brian's chair, and started working on the ropes binding him. As she worked she said “Listen, once you're all loose you need to stay close to me. When I say 'now,' reach over and touch me, back, sides, wings, it doesn't matter but touch me. You won't be pulled through the gate to safety unless you're in contact with me.” “Gate?” Sara asked. “To Equestria.” Dash answered. She finished with the ropes binding her father and set to work on Sara's while Brian worked to free Miri. “Is the gate open yet?” Brian asked. Dash glanced down at the recall pendant again. Red light. “No. Keep strong, it's Twilight. She won't let us down.” Solomon raised an eyebrow. “Twilight... ...Sparkle?” “You know the show.” Dash grinned. “Watch it with my daughters.” “I don't.” Sara said. “And I'm not sure I wanna go to some other world.” “It's horseshoes or cement shoes.” Brian said. “Take your pick.” “Well when you put it like that...” Sara pulled her arms free as the ropes fell away. “Thanks.” “No big.” Dash smiled. Meanwhile Brian was freeing Solomon and Miri Thomas, who was starting to come around. “Sara? Babe? I had the weirdest dream...” He mumbled, as he shook his head then opened his eyes to the sight of Rainbow hovering in front of him. “I had a weird dream too.” Dash said, “About these things called humans. Very strange.” Thomas shouted as he tried to jump back but was still tied to the chair. Dash laughed. “Oh that was awesome! You shoulda seen the look on your face!” From across the room came another voice. “Da horse-thing is right. The look on your face was wonderful... Just like the look on all of your faces now.” Don Calamari strode into the room. “We finished lunch early. Looks like it's a good thing we did, too...” > Eleven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Eleven Don Calamari and his men filed into the room, all of them staring directly at Rainbow Dash. “Well, well Mr. Dashell...” The Don said, “You are full of surprises... Animatronic or some really good genetic engineering?” “He thinks I'm some kind of robot.” Dash thought to herself. The Don continued, “Either way, I like it. A bit too colorful for my taste, of course, but still full of possible uses. Sadly, you've still gotta be punished for trying to escape.” “You want we should waste one 'o his friends?” “Hmm... Maybe. Or maybe youse should just blast away at the horse. He cans always build a new one...” The enforcer took aim at Dash, but before he could open fire there came an enormous booming sound from the front of the warehouse, followed by a single loudly shouted word: “POLICE!!!!” “Aw hell!” The Don cursed. He motioned to two of his men. “You two, stay here wit them! The rest of you come with me!” He pulled his gun and rushed out the door. Moments later more yelling could be heard, followed by gunfire. “Great. A police raid, now.” Brian grumbled. “You talk like that's a bad thing!” Thomas argued, “We're saved!” “Hey!” One of the Guards shouted, “None 'O you is goin' anywhere! Now shut up and get up against the wall!” Threatened by the guard's brandished weapons, the group backed up against the nearest wall and huddled down near the floor. The gunfire continued, occasionally interrupted by a louder sound, most likely flash-bang grenades. Dash glanced down at the recall necklace, with it's still red lights. “Hurry Twilight...” She thought, “Now would be good...” XXXXXXX Elsewhere Pinkie Pie, having returned to Earth after delivering the message to Twilight, was sneaking through the warehouse looking for Dash and the others. She wanted to help out more, but had gotten lost in the huge structure and now had no idea where she was in relation to the others. That wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the scary sounds of gunfire that now echoed through the building. Twice so far Pinkie had nearly ran straight into groups of humans, either mobsters or police. She wasn't sure if revealing herself to them would be as bad a thing as she suspected, but contrary to what most people or ponies would think she wasn't completely stupid; It was best to stay hidden in this case. Still, she had to find Dash and the others. Her element might be laughter rather than loyalty, but she still wasn't about to leave her friend here alone. What if Twilight needed longer than expected? What if something went wrong? What if... Well, just what if? Pinkie twitched, her senses telling her that something big was coming. She hurried faster through the maze of aisleways... XXXXXXX Canterlot. Twilight paced worriedly back and forth as the unicorn technicians finalized their work on the gate's recall beacon. As soon as it was finished, Rainbow Dash would be able to safely return from whatever danger she had gotten herself into. As she watched the work with concern, the lab's main doors opened and Princess Celestia strode in. “I received your letter my student.” She said. “What is wrong?” “I'm not sure exactly.” Twilight answered. “Just that Pinkie came to me saying that Rainbow Dash and some humans were in danger and that we needed to get the gate open for them. Of course, that's not possible yet in a full sense, but we're getting the beacon ready at least.” Celestia frowned. “Indeed. Pray tell, how did Pinkie Pie know of what is happening?” “She says she went to Earth 'On her own.'” Twilight shrugged. “Just Pinkie for you.” “Indeed.” The Princess repeated. Looked around. “I do not see her. Did she return?” “I assume so. She just vanished when my back was turned for a second.” Twilight frowned. “Princess? Are you rethinking this decision again, with something bad happening so soon?” “Not as such, no. Although... I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't momentarily cross my mind.” Princess and student looked towards the gate as a cheer went up from the unicorns standing around it. One of them, an aged stallion named Quantum Tunnel, trotted over, bowed to Celestia, and said “The beacon is active. Rainbow Dash's emergency recall should now be functional.” “Excellent.” Celestia nodded. “Now we need only wait. Clear the arrivals platform!” Several ponies rushed to be off of the platform where the returning Dash would materialize... XXXXXXX Earth. Rainbow Dash and five humans huddled together in a back corner of the warehouse, covered by a pair of Mafia enforcers with very large guns. “Aw man, there's no way we're getting' out of this alive!” Thomas whispered. “Will you relax?” Dash countered. “I told you, Twilight will come through for us!” “Yeah, and maybe-” Thomas started to argue back but was stopped by Brian. “Look! This is messing with your head, I get it! But it's all real man, and we're gonna be okay!” “Daddy's right. Just trust me.” “Well...” “I trust you Rainbow.” Miri said. Solomon nodded. “I think maybe I do too.” “HEY! We told youse ta shut up!” The guards shouted. “Sorry!” Sara answered. She then whispered, quietly as possible “But what about them? Even if your friend does something, we'd need to distract them!” Rainbow answered “The move from one world to another is, like, instant.” “Yeah, but are you willing to risk our lives on that 'instant' being faster than the high-velocity rounds guns like those shoot?” Thomas whispered back. “Well...” Rainbow stared at the guards. “...You're right, we need a distraction.” Just then, a distraction came: A voice familiar to Rainbow Dash. It echoed throughout the room, saying, “I am the Terror that bakes in the night. I am the Equine that trots through a hippophobe's nightmares! I... Am Mare-Do-Well!” Everyone looked up to see Pinkie dressed in the old Mare-Do-Well costume, standing atop a roof support staring down at the guards. “Mare-Do-Well? Really?” Rainbow groused. “Worse: How does Pinkie know about Darkwing Duck?” Brian asked. “That was his old taunt style.” “Better:” Solomon said, pointing at the recall necklace, “The lights just turned green.” Then all hell broke loose. The enforcers opened fire on Pinkie, who jumped off of the roof support shouting “Dashie go! I'll be fine!” The dark-clad mare stayed just ahead of the enforcers shots, and ran for the exit door, rounding the corner just before she would have been hit. “Dash, push the button!” Miri shouted. “But Pinkie!” “Can get back on her own, remember? Pinkie Pie fourth-wall breaking!” “But...!” The enforcers started to run out the door behind Pinkie. Before they could go, A team of police in SWAT uniforms rushed in, leveling their weapons at the mobsters. They hadn't noticed the hostages yet, but that wasn't going to keep. Pinkie's voice echoed down the hallways again, “Dashie, GO!” Dash swallowed back her doubts. “Everyone touch me.” She pressed the button and held. One second... Two... Three... XXXXXXX Canterlot. “Oh I hope we were in time!” Twilight fretted. “It's been ten minutes, if they were in danger they should've showed up right away!” “Patience Twilight.” Celestia counseled. “This delay could mean anything.” “I know but-” Twilight was cut off as all of the indicator lights on the gate suddenly turned green. “Incoming!” Announced Quantum Tunnel. “Quite a bit of mass too. Definitely more then just Rainbow Dash.” A pinpoint of light appeared over the gate's arrival platform, then exploded into a blinding surge of multicolored light. As the light faded and it was possible to see again, Twilight uncovered her eyes to find Rainbow Dash, her adopted father, and four other humans. “Urrgh... Everyone okay?” Brian asked. “Fine here Pops.” Dash replied. “Me too, I think.” Miri said. Solomon and Sara also affirmed that they were okay, though Thomas suggested he felt like throwing up. “Rainbow Dash! Are you okay!?” Twilight galloped over to her friend's side. “Yeah, we're all good Twi. Thanks.” Dash got to her feet and stood, shaking herself off. Then she noticed Celestia. “Oh, um, hi Princess...” She glanced back at the humans, then to her liege. “Um, I can explain...” Celestia chuckled. “It's alright Rainbow Dash. We know from Pinkie Pie that there were extenuating circumstances...” The Princess walked over to where the group of humans were getting to their feet. “Welcome to Equestria.” “I, um... Thank you Princess.” Brian answered. “We're terribly sorry about all of this...” “No matter. You can be returned home when the rest of the gate's functions are completed in a few days. For now, let me extend my hospitality to you all. For, so long as you are here, we have much to discuss...” “We do?” “Oh yes indeed. There are many mysteries to unravel. But not here or now, I want my sister, and the remaining element-bearers present as well... Speaking of which... Where is Pinkie Pie?” “She created a distraction for us ma'am.” Miri said. “We thought she'd come back on her own since she can apparently do that.” “I'm sure she'll be along then.” Celestia nodded. “Twilight, I must return to the day-court. Can you see to lodging for these people, and send letters to your other friends to join us here?” “Of course Princess.” “Very well then. I bid you all a good day.” Celestia turned and strode out of the room. “Okay, so... I guess introductions are in order...?” Twilight asked. Dash took the opportunity to introduce Miri and Brian's friends, yet all that both she, Twilight, and three of the humans were thinking was “Where the heck is Pinkie? I hope she's okay...” XXXXXXX Earth. Having discarded the Mare-Do-Well outfit, Pinkie Pie made her way through the warehouse. She was searching out a place to hide until such time as all the humans were gone. Don't a sk why she didn't simply go back to Equestria; Pinky logic was in full force. What matters is, that she rounded a particular corner to find herself facing the business end of a dozen cocked rifles. “Oopsie.” Pinkie whispered as her hair deflated... > Twelve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Twelve Equestria, Canterlot Castle. Brian Dashell awoke to the blinding morning sunlight streaming through the windows of his guest room and directly onto his face. With a grimace, he shielded his face and rose, turning his back to the window and trying to blink the spots out of his vision. When he was finally able to see, Brian looked around the room, marveling again that the single chamber was larger than his entire home in Port Timbrey had been. The next thing Brian noted was a small cloud hovering above the balcony, just outside the doors. A rainbow-colored tail hung down over the far edge, and he could just hear the sound of snoring coming from the top side of the cloud. Chuckling, Brian stood and walked over to the balcony doors, opening them and stepping outside next to the cloud. It was hovering just below his eye level, and his daughter was laying atop of it, sprawled on her back, mane tousled, mouth open, sleeping very soundly. Brian smiled at the sight; it was identical to how she had usually ended up sleeping in her bed on Earth. “Dashie... Dashie wake up.” Brian whispered, shaking her gently. “Who what!?” Dash shot up off of the cloud several feet. “Oh, g'morning Pop. It can't be time to get up yet can it?” She yawned deeply. “Afraid so. I know the Princess wanted to talk with all of us today. And I dunno about you, but I'm starving, I'd like to get breakfast first.” Dash dropped down and dispersed the cloud before landing on the balcony. “Yeah, makes sense.” “So where does one find breakfast in a royal castle?” “C'mon, lets get the others. I'll show you the way to the dining room.” Miri's room was across the hall from Brian's. Thomas and Sara were next to her, and Solomon across from them. Soon everyone was up and ready to go. Rainbow Dash led the way along the hall, down three floors, and along another hallway to the guest kitchen. They found Twilight Sparkle already there, busily reading a report while waiting for her meal. “Twi! Is Pinkie back yet?” Dash asked. Settting the papers down, Twilight gave her friend a worried look. “No. I'm starting to be concerned. I mean, I know that she can apparently go back and forth on her own, so it's not like it should be possible for her to get trapped there... But why isn't she here yet?” “It's Pinkie.” Rainbow said. “Who knows how her logic works?” “Logic?” Twilight snorted. “This is Pinkie Pie. Reason, logic, the very laws of physics flee from her presence in total abject terror.” She looked up at the humans. “Oh, where are my manners? Please, join me.” As everyone was taking seats a waiter appeared with Twilight's breakfast. He served her, then took orders from everyone else. Once he had gone, Thomas eyed Twilight's plate. Hash browns with chopped daisy petals, green and red peppers with hay, and... “Eggs!?” Thomas exclaimed. “Yeah, so?” “So... That's kinda close to meat... Aren't horses and ponies, like, herbivores?” “Not quite.” Rainbow explained to him, “We don't eat nearly as much meat as the average human, but we're not totally vegetarian. Heck, even normal dumb horses on Earth will eat meat if you offer it to them.” “But...” Solomon laughed. “Actually, this is one thing that doesn't surprise me. These are intelligent, sapient beings. There's a lot of theorizing that anything that reaches human-level intelligence is going to have to be at least omnivorous if not carnivorous.” Twilight nodded. “Simply put, to grow a large brain you need stimulation to the brain; a reason to justify it getting bigger, since big brains are hideously energy-intensive. And pure herbivores don't get that. They eat food that just sits there, doesn't run, doesn't hide, doesn't fight back...” “My brain hurts.” Thomas muttered. Sara patted him on the back consolingly. “At least tell me you don't get meat from things that are sentient.” Twilight looked horrified. “Of course not!” She exclaimed. “Most of our animal protein doesn't involve hurting anything: it's eggs and dairy products. The meat we do eat is primarily fish, occasionally a little poultry...” “So what did the Princess want to discuss with us?” Brian asked. Twilight frowned. “I'm not entirely sure. She said something about mysteries that need answers though...” “She's right. I don't know what question she has in mind herself of course, but I've got a few of my own.” Well, let's hope we can work together to work out some answers...” XXXXXXX Shortly after breakfast, Twilight and Dash led their guests to the main gates of the castle where they met up with Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike, who had all just arrived in the city via railway. Brian and Solomon, familiar with the show but not the recipients of Dash's revelation of Spike's age to Miri, were shocked to see him as a five foot-tall teenager. Dash chuckled at this, and promised to explain later. The group was then led by guards to the throne room, where they found Celestia and Luna waiting. “Greetings, once again.” The sun princess said, “And allow me to introduce my sister Luna as well.” Luna nodded in greeting, then Celestia continued “Let us begin, for we have much to discuss.” “If I may ask Princess, what exactly is it that concerns you?” Twilight asked. Celestia said “There are too many things about recent events that simply don't add up. To begin: We assumed that the portal Rainbow Dash fell into was a result of the mixing of Pegasus and Unicorn magics, correct?” The element-bearers nodded. “Well, I've spent a great deal of time researching the nature of magical interactions and I can say with certainty that there is no possible way for those two types of magics to interact in that way.” “But that don't make no sense.” Applejack objected. “We all saw it happen.” “I know. Nevertheless something else must have interfered in what was occurring.” Luna said, “And there is more. Regardless of what caused the portal to open, de-aging should not have been a result of passing through it. Rainbow Dash should have arrived on Earth as an adult. And then, of course, there is the issue of the extreme unlikelihood of which world the portal took Rainbow to.” “Exactly.” Celestia agreed. “There is more to reality than just Earth and Equis. Millions, billions, possibly infinite realities. And yet, we are supposed to believe that a random portal just so happens, by pure coincidence, to take Rainbow Dash to the one precise world I have prior experience with?” Twilight's eyes went wide with understanding, and she quickly worked through the numbers in her head. “Princess, I don't think there's enough chance in existence to account for numbers like that.” “Indeed.” Solomon raised a hand and asked “Are you sure that chance applies to this last question? You just said that you have been to Earth before... Couldn't the portal that Rainbow Dash fell through have been drawn to Earth since you had made portals to Earth on your own before?” Smiling, Celestia answered “An excellent question. While I am not prepared to categorically deny the possibility, it is extraordinarily unlikely.” Brian asked “May I say something?” The Princesses nodded. “Of course. Have you ideas that would answer these mysteries?” “No... No, what I have is even more mysteries. See, when I found Dashie she wasn't just out in the open. She was asleep inside a big cardboard box. And I don't think that she fell in, or was dropped out of the portal directly into it. I think someone purposefully put her there, because when I first walked up to the box, I saw where someone had written the words 'Give to good home' on the side.” “Somepony... Sorry, some one, abandoned a poor helpless filly?” Rarity exclaimed. “How horrid!” “Sounds like it's lucky for Dash that you came along.” Applejack added. “Lucky, or maybe not. See, that's another thing... When I found Dash, I wasn't living where I live now. I was in a city called Port Timbrey. Now, back then the city was in terrible shape. Trash and junk everywhere... When I walked to or from work, I probably passed a hundred empty cardboard boxes a day. Never paid them any mind. But when I saw that box... Even before I knew who was in it, even before I was close enough to read the writing on the side... I felt drawn to it. I just had to see what was in that box. It was unlike any feeling I'd ever had before or ever felt since.” “That sounds like the effects of a 'Look at me!' spell.” Twilight mused. “Yes, it does.” Celestia agreed. “But if so then it was not a human that put Rainbow in the box, for humans do not have magic.” Four ponies and a dragon gasped. “No magic? At all?” Rarity asked. “Well, I guess the underlying power must exist on Earth or unicorn's magic wouldn't work when you go there.” Miri said. “But no, we don't have any of our own, and it's considered a myth.” Sara said “Speaking of that, there are no unicorns or pegasi on Earth, yet we have myths about both species.” “As well as myths about dragons, manticores, minotaurs, sea-serpents...” Solomon said, “But none of the actual beings, and no indications that they ever existed.” “And there are old myths of humans here.” Fluttershy whispered. Celestia said “The first and last of those could be my doing. Earth tales of unicorns and pegasi could have come from distorted memories of me. And, I mentioned humans a few times here. But the others... I can't seem to recall ever telling humans about the other creatures of our world.” “Another mystery then.” Luna said. “Are there any others?” “Well... There is one other thing...” Brian cautiously began, “But I'm not sure how to broach the subject...” “It's okay Pops. They need to know, I'll tell them.” Rainbow said. She looked at her leaders and friends and said “On Earth, there's an invention called television. It's like radio, except that it also transmits moving images like you would see in a theater. People can watch films at home...” “Oh wow! I've got to see one!” Twilight enthused. “Yeah, you'd like it. They don't just show movies from theaters. There are also shorter films made just for television, including series that have a new episode every week. Most are live action, but there are also cartoons...” Dash paused to see if everypony was still following her explanation. When she saw that they were, she continued. “One of the cartoon series, from a few years ago Earth-time, was called 'Friendship is Magic.' It's um, well... It's about us. The six element bearers. It starts with Twilight being sent to Ponyville and continues from there. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis... It covered them all and a lot more, not perfectly, but pretty bucking close.” Two princesses, three element-bearers, and a dragon stared at Rainbow Dash in shock. “You can't be serious.” Spike said. “Oh she is.” Applejack said. “Honesty element always sees the lies. She's tellin' the truth.” “So... humans all over the Earth might be watching us right now!?” Eep!!!!!” Fluttershy dived under Twilight's belly to hide. “Don't worry little one.” Solomon whispered. “The show's been over for years now. And in any event it was a cartoon, not actual video footage of you.” “Oh... Well, that's good then...” Fluttershy said, slowly coming out of hiding. “But how is this possible?” Celestia asked. “I'm sorry Princess.” Brian said. “I don't know. The only thing I can tell you is that everyone who watched the show just thought it was fiction... And, I should admit for the sake of honesty... I was one of those watchers, I liked the show, I... I knew who Dashie was the moment I laid eyes on her.” “Could that be another mystery?” Miri asked. “That the human who was drawn to find Dash was a human who knew and liked the show?” “The adult fan base, though large, is a small enough percentage of the total population to make it unlikely one of us would have been the one by pure chance.” Brian agreed. “Riddles inside mysteries inside enigmas.” Solomon muttered. Twilight smiled. “I like that.” Her smile turned to a frown. “Too bad we can't see this program. There might be clues in it.” Miri gasped. “Hey, I can help with that, I've got a couple episodes on my phone!” “Phone?” “Telephone. An Earth communications device.” Celestia explained. “Though I fail to see how one can have a film on it, or what good it would do us here.” “How long has it been since you went to Earth Princess?” “Not including retrieving Rainbow Dash? Sixty years Earth time.” “Well, prepare to be amazed with how much this technology has advanced.” Miri grinned and pulled out her smart phone. “Wireless, works anywhere, at least on Earth. And it's not just a phone, it's a camera, a camcorder, a computer, a television...” “Yeah, these things are awesome.” Dash agreed. Dragon and ponies leaned in close, marveling at the tiny device. “Impressive.” Luna whispered. “But we would have to be uncomfortably close to observe. Everypony step back.” They did, and the night princess cast a spell that created a large hovering image of the phone's screen in the air above them. “There. Now we may watch in comfort.” “Cool...” Miri whispered. She shook her head. “Anyway, this episode is called 'Boast Busters.' It's about Trixie's first stop in Ponyville.” She started the phone's playback... > Thirteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Thirteen Earth. Fort Wyvern military base. Special agent Charlie Helms swiped his security badge at the fifth door in less than ten minutes and continued on his way into the depths of the base. He was annoyed. As usual, he had been called in on short notice. That part didn't bother him. Nor was he bothered by not knowing precisely what was wanted of him. That, too, was normal; the details were always withheld until he was actually on-site. But this time, they hadn't even given him the slightest indicator of what was up. That was unheard of. Finally arriving at his destination, Agent Helms opened one last door and stepped into the briefing room. He found, not the large crowd of suits as expected, but a single man, who he recognized as General David Carver. “General.” “Agent. Welcome, have a seat.” Helms sat, asking “So where's the fire?” “Right here.” “I'm sorry sir, what?” “Right here. The entity was bought here after it was secured.” “Entity? General, what exactly is going on here?” Helms asked, growing confused. General Carver gave a confused look of his own. “You weren't briefed? I was told you would be filled-in while you were in route.” “No General, no one has told me a thing.” “Damn... Alright, here's the situation. Yesterday at thirteen hundred hours F.B.I. And City Police forces in Port Timbrey raided a known mafia warehouse, expecting to find large caches of illegal weapons and drugs. They succeeded on that account, as well as capturing Don Calamari himself. But there were a pair of strange complications.” “I'm assuming dealing with the complications is where I come in.” “Exactly. The first one involved the discovery of a small group of hostages being held by the Don's enforcers. The police who found them said that they simply 'vanished' from sight, along with a strange looking creature similar to a small horse. The second complication is another of these horse creatures captured alive in the warehouse a short time later. It speaks perfect English.” “Wait, speaks? These things are intelligent? Well, what are they, where are they from?” “Good questions. Your job is to assist me with the initial interrogation.” “I understand... When do we begin?” Carver stood. “Right now. Come with me Agent.” The General walked out the door and Helms followed close behind. They went down a long, slowly curving hallway, passing a handful of armed guards and a number of scientists in lab coats. “General, you guys haven't started any experimenting yet have you?” “What kind of movie script fools do you take us for? We're not going to unduly risk upsetting whatever leadership these things have. We've taken a small blood sample and a clipping of hair. That's all.” They stopped in front of an elevator. General Carver swiped an I.D. Badge, offered his handprint, retina scan, and voice-print, then typed in a twelve-digit passcode before the door finally opened. “Impressive security.” Helms commented as he stepped in. “That's nothing. Two of the digits in the code I entered, I won't tell you which two, told the system how many passengers to expect. If that number had been wrong, for example if I had told it that I was boarding alone and is sensed the two of us, we'd be dead now.” Helms swallowed hard and gazed around at the elevator walls. Fortunately, the trip down was brief. They emerged on a lower level and Carver led the way down another, totally deserted hallway. Finally, they came to the holding room. Looking through a porthole, Helms saw a small pink creature, seated in a chair and strapped into place. General Carver opened the security doors and they stepped in. “Hey! Don't I get a phone call?” Pinkie asked. Helms whispered “Is it actually asking for civil rights?” “I assume so.” Carver leaned over and stared Pinkie in the eyes. “Now then, I have questions, and you are going to answer them. Understand?” “Oh sure, I know how this sort of thing works.” Pinkie answered. Carver nodded. “Good. So, first question-” He was interrupted as Pinkie, proving that she did indeed know how a captured soldier was supposed to respond to interrogation, said “Name: Pie, Pinkie. Rank: Element of Laughter. Serial Number: Three point one four one five nine two six five three five...” “What's it doing?” “...eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six...” “Name rank and serial number General.” “...two six four three three eight three two seven nine...” “No, that I get. I mean the numbers, why is it still going?” “...five zero two eight eight four one nine seven one...” “It's giving it's serial number as the precise value of pi. Which never ends, so this could take awhile.” Agent Helms couldn't help but chuckle. “...Six nine three nine nine three seven five one zero five eight two zero nine seven four nine four four five nine two three zero seven eight one six four zero six two eight six two zero eight nine nine eight six two eight zero three four eight two five-” “Enough!!!” Carver shouted. “STOP!” “Okey-dokie Lokie!” Fuming, Carver needed a moment to gain control of himself. He finally said “Look. No more games. I don't want us to be enemies, but you have answers I need so I have to get these answers out of you. You are going to answer my questions.” In a flat monotone, a perfect imitation of HAL 9000, Pinkie said “I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that.” General Carver, as noted above, General David Carver, stepped back in shock. “How did it know my name!?” He demanded. “How did you know my name!?” Returning to her normal voice, Pinkie answered “Sorry Davie, I'd have to break the wall to answer that question.” “Wall? What wall?” “Fourth.” “What?” “And I'm only allowed to do that when the narrative requires it. Or, when the results would be really, really funny...” “Look... Can we maybe just start over from the very beginning?” Agent Helms asked. “Are you sure that's what you want?” “Absolutely.” Pinkie shrugged. “Well, alright then...” She then started over from the beginning. “Name: Pie, Pinkie. Rank: Element of Laughter. Serial Number: Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six-” She was muffled by Carver putting a hand over her mouth. “Stop!” He shouted again. As the General pulled his hand away, Pinkie concluded “...And the final digit of Pi is carl!” “But Pi never ends!” “I'm pretty sure it does.” Pinkie argued. “It goes Three, nine, nine, eleventy-one, seven, tau, minus two, carl.” “Carl isn't a number!” Helms exclaimed. Pinkie begged to differ. “Sure it is!” “What!?” “Carl is the number between four and five that those Meanie Mc.Meanpants Foundation people keep hidden from everyone else because it's okay to talk about it but if you write it down it breaks the universe!” Helms looked at Pinkie in stupified disbelief, then said to Carver “General, can I speak with you alone for a moment?” Carver nodded and the two men left the room, resealing the massive vault door behind them. Once they were in the hallway, Helms glanced through the window at Pinkie again, then leaned in close to the General and said “Sir, I'm not sure there's anything for me to do here.” “What do you mean?” “Well General, my job involves protecting the country, and at times the world, by dealing with threats to the national interest. I don't think there's any threat here General.” “You don't...” Carver couldn't believe what he was hearing. “It's an alien!!!” “Well of course it's an alien General, but it's a retard or something...” Up until this point, Helms and Carver had been leaning in very close to each other as they talked. But now Pinkie, having freed herself, stuck her head in between theirs and said “Could you two stop calling me 'it?' It's very rude.” General and Secret agent both jumped backwards cursing, leaving Pinkie to fall to the floor. “How did you get free!?” Carver demanded. “The usual way.” The General looked over at Helms and shouted “Get it!” Both men jumped forward in an attempt to tackle the pony. They ended up flat on the floor, with Pinkie bouncing away down the hall singing to herself. Getting back on their feet, the two men gave chase, Carver saying to Helms “No threat here, huh?” The Agent had no reply... > Fourteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Fourteen Miri shut down the video player on her phone and looked over to where her audience sat with a wide variety of expressions on their faces. They had just finished watching three episodes of the show. "So, um, what did you think?" She asked. "Ah think ah'm gonna need some time ta' process this." Applejack answered. "I as well." Rarity agreed. Twilight was slightly more positive. "Well okay, it's a little creepy. But there must be an answer right? We just need to figure it out is all." "You're all overlooking the most important thing!" An exasperated Spike exclaimed. "Oh? And what is that?" "Why the buck are they showing me as a baby!?" "That's your idea of the most important thing?" Rainbow asked. "Well it's embarrassing." Brian said "Spike might have a point in a way... You were looking for clues right? Isn't a big error like that sort of a clue?" Nodding, Celestia agreed. "It could well be. Did the creators make a mistake regarding Spike's age, or did they know better and alter it on purpose?" "But if they knew better or not, how did they know at all?" Applejack asked. Luna yawned. " I wonder... There is a theory that certain individuals with latent psychic powers might be able to perceive events in other worlds..." "Not to argue your majesty, but humans don't really have magic." Sara said. "No, but the power itself must exist on earth." Twilight argued. Otherwise, Rainbow Dash couldn't have flown fast enough to perform a rainboom, and the Princess couldn't have cast the return spell to bring us back home." "So it could be a hidden thing." Brian mused, "Something they did without even knowing they were doing it." "Entirely possible." Celestia confirmed. Barely heard, a quiet voice asked "Excuse me, but I have a question. Um, if that's okay." "Of course Fluttershy. What is it?" "Oh, well... It's just... If our whole world is just a story where they're from then how do we know if we're even real at all?" "Cripes Shy, that's a scary thought." Applejack said. "And one I doubt we have to worry about." Celestia said. " After all, I have been visiting earth for a very, very long time. Since long before this cartoon was made. So consider, how could I have gone to earth before the show's creation if we were simply a product of it?" "That makes sense." "I guess the question then, is what will we do next?" Solomon asked. Celestia replied, "I would like to wait until the gate is ready in four days time before sending you home, rather than simply casting the spell. You are welcome to remain here in the interim if you wish. But, as most of the Bearers will need to return home to Ponyville until we are ready, you may accompany them if you prefer." "There is no stinkin' way I'm coming here and not seeing Ponyville." Miri said, grinning widely. "But wait..." Sara asked, "Won't the ponies in town freak out when they see us?" "Naw. We get lots of travelers passing through from other races." Applejack said. "They'll just think y'all are some kind of hornless minotaurs." Thomas sighed. "Great. Just what I always wanted. To be mistaken for a cow." Rainbow Dash laughed. "Your friend here's kinda whiney Pops." She said. With a grimace Sara said "Give him a chance. He'll get better once he adjusts." "I hope so." "In any case," Celestia interrupted, "I will send word ahead, arranging rooms for you all at the Ponyville inn." Luna said "Hopefully Pinkie Pie will be back on her own soon. Either way, though, Tia and I along with the Bearers will accompany you to earth to begin the search for answers to our questions." "But... What about the sun and moon?" "We've been teaching Cadance." Celestia answered. "She should be able to handle it for a short while... And of course with the gate we can return in an instant if needed." XXXXXXX The Bleed. Observing events closely, the entity now knew precisely when and where she could expect Celestia to arrive on earth. And Luna as well. This was almost too good to be true. "Finally, finally I'll be able to speak with them!" She enthused. "See? I told you it would all work out!" Another voice spoke. She shook her head. "We are still far from it all working out." The entity said. And then a thought occurred to her. "Wait. How are you here? You are still stuck there as well. Surely even you cannot be in two places at once." "Actually you can. It's a quantum thing." "For subatomic particles yes. You are much larger than that." "Am I? I mean everyplace in the universe is the same place if you do the math. One little particle sized place. So really, nothing is bigger than a particle." The entity face hoofed. "I was an Oyarsa. I was there at the founding of creation, watched the nucleation from outside, cheered as the first stars ignited... And your logic makes my head spin..." "Yeah. I tend to have that effect." "No doubt. But for now, shouldn't you be focusing on your predicament?" "Right. See you soon!" The second being faded away, leaving the entity alone once more. "Whatever will I do with her?" She wondered, and chuckled to herself... XXXXXXX Back in Equestria, five humans four ponies and a dragon were riding the rails on their way to Ponyville. It was, for the most part, a quiet trip. Well, except for Thomas' freak out when he first caught sight of Cloudsdale. As they rode along, Rainbow and Rarity filled in the humans who were not familiar with the show on what to expect. "Ponyville, population fifteen thousand." Rarity said. "Mostly earth ponies, though the number of unicorns and pegasi is nothing to sneeze at." "There are a few thestrals too." Dash added. "Thestrals?" "Batponies." Brian said. "Fifteen thousand... Bigger than it looked in the show." Rainbow was nodding. "Yeah, I think maybe the show took the easy way and made it seem like a small town so they'd be able to draw it quicker. All the other towns and cities are bigger too." "So much for all the fanfics that showed ponies shocked at earth's population since there were only a few thousand of you then." Miri said. Rainbow answered "Yeah. And you can also forget pony harems and uncontrolled heat seasons." "What in tarnation are you two talking about?" Applejack demanded. "Trust me, you really don't want to know... Hey wait a minute!" Miri looked at Rainbow. "I get the show but how do you know about fanfics?" Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck and explained, "After I found out about the show, I got curious. Started watching some episodes, and well, I looked it up online too." "Please tell me you didn't stumble across..." "Cupcakes? Yes." Rainbow blanched. "Let us never speak of it again." "Good call." XXXXXXX Earth. Pinkie Pie bounced her way down the dreary hallways of the underground base. She knew that she was going to be recaptured eventually. The script for chapter fifteen said so. Still, she had time, and something important to do first. "But that can wait. Somepony has got to do something about the terrible decorating in this place." From down the curving hall, Pinkie heard the shouts of her pursuers. She nodded to herself. There was just enough time. She spun into a flurry of work, doing in mere seconds what should have taken hours or days. Finished, she examined the results and nodded in approval. Then, hearing the sound of soldiers drawing near, she bounced away down the hall. As she went, her thoughts turned to one of the cartoons she had seen in the motel room, and she sang: "I'm Pinkie and my brain, Yes Pinkie and my brain; My schemes are ingenious, But they call me insane; Don't make me say this twice, A party would be nice; I'm Pinkie, I'm Pinkie and my Brain brain brain brain Brain brain brain brain Brain!!!” "Before each day is done, My plan will be unfurled; By the setting of the sun, I'll save another world;" "I'm Pinkie and my brain, Yes Pinkie and my brain; My daily campaign, No human can explain; To prove my equine worth, I'll jump from earth to earth; I'm Pinkie, I'm Pinkie and my Brain brain brain brain Brain brain brain brain Brain brain brain brain-" All through the base, personnel jumped as the word "NARF!" Echoed loudly through the halls... XXXXXXX "What the hell was that!?" General Carver demanded. He was leading Agent Helms and a squad of soldiers on a hunt for the escapee when the shouted “NARF!” echoed past them. "I don't know General," Helms answered, "But it came from just ahead." "Then let's move!" Secret agent and soldiers rushed forward, down the wide hallway. But when they rounded a bend, all of them came to a sudden stop, staring in surprise at the scene before them. Pinkie had managed to redecorate a hundred foot stretch of hall. The walls were painted bright pink, with butter yellow and sky blue highlights. Thousands of balloons clustered along the ceiling, and everything was covered in confetti and party streamers." "What the..." "Why...?" "How...?" Carver sighed. This thing was really getting on his last nerve. "All right men, forward." "Begging your pardon General sir, but is that safe? The alien could've put anything in those balloons." "Never mind him sir." Another soldier said. "He's just been afraid of balloons since he watched 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space.'" The first soldier was about to cuss his teammate when Pinkie appeared in the midst of the group and said "Killer clowns!? Ooh, what is with you humans? Clowns are funny not scary!" Let it be noted that the troops reacted admirably, instantly moving to try to recapture their quarry. The fact that they failed should in no way be counted against them, considering the nature of what they were up against. Pinkie squeezed between the first two, still pondering scary clowns. "Then again, there was that Gacy guy..." She leapt over another's head. "...and the Joker..." Dodged a soldier with a net. "... Pennywise, Emmitt Kelly, Kefka Pallazo, Cirque du Soley..." A frown crossed Pinkie's face and she jumped up, getting right in General Carver's face and said "Wow. You guys are right. Clowns are scary." She jumped down and bounced away down the hall, soldiers in hot pursuit... XXXXXXX Back in Equestria, the train was just pulling into the Ponyville station. Brian gaped out the window, amazed to actually be here. "Wow..." He whispered. Miri grinned. " I know right?" "Well don't just sit there gawkin'." Applejack said. "Let's get y'all to the inn." "Yeah, then we can give you the full tour!" Rainbow said. Rarity shook her head. "It's a bit late for that dear. The sun will be down within the hour. Better to wait for tomorrow." "Well..." "No, she's right Dashie. We should save any sightseeing for when it's light out." Brian said. "All right, I guess so." After leaving the train station, Rainbow led the way through town towards the inn. Given the size of Ponyville, it was a twenty minute walk. Near the end of the trip, they passed the town library, inside a tree just as in the cartoon, though a much larger tree, bigger than a giant sequoia in girth and nearly the height of a redwood. "This is my stop." Spike said as he opened the front door. "I'll see you all tomorrow morning... In fact, why don't we meet up here?" "Sounds like a plan." Rainbow agreed. The inn was two blocks further along the same street. As they stepped into the lobby, they were greeted by a large pegasus stallion with a blue coat and purple mane. "Welcome! You must be the guests the crown is paying for." "That's us." "Good, good. Well, I must say I get minotaurs two or three times a month, but you all are the first hornless ones I've ever seen." Applejack chuckled at the fact that her guess on what townsponies would make of humans was right. "They ain't minotaurs Ramada, they're what'cha call humans." "Like what miss Heartstrings is always going on about? Well I'll be... Always thought the poor dear was cracked in the head." Ramada stretched out his wings, then tucking them back away he said "Anyway, I expect you'd like to see your rooms. This way please..." > Carlteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Carlteen XXXXXXX Early in the morning Brian woke and looked around his small room.  Even with everything that had happened in his life over the last fifteen years it was still hard to believe that he was actually in Ponyville. Stretching out the kinks in his limbs and back, he stepped out onto the room's balcony. Surprisingly, Dashie was already there. She was seated on the railing, clutching a large foam coffee cup in her forehooves. "You're up awfully early for you." Brain said. "Yeah well we've got a big day right?" Brian looked askance at his daughter. "I had to drag you awake the day we went to the Indy five hundred yet you're up for this? What gives?" "Nothing!" Rainbow insisted. "Can't a mare get up early for once?" "A mare, yes. The specific mare that is you, no. Dashie, have you been out here all night?" "Of course not. You know I went home to check on Tank last night." "And how long did that take?" "Oh, about... Ten minutes." "Rainbow..." "And i went and got the coffee too! That took awhile. So no, I've not been here 'all' night. Just most of it." "But why...?" "This isn't the world you know. I was worried about you." Rainbow whispered. "You were okay on earth for fifteen years and you're afraid of one night for me here?" "Well... " Rainbow sighed. "For one thing, do you think for a second that i would have been okay if you hadn't found me when you did? A little filly all alone on earth? I wouldn't have survived the night." "I'm an adult..." "Yeah but... Okay look, the whole mob thing scared me okay? I mean, I get taken away from you, then get back, then that happens?" Brian looked over at Rainbow in surprise. "You admitting fear? Wow." "Yeah yeah, don't get used to it." "I won't tell a soul." "Good. Now let's get the others up and head over to the library." XXXXXXX Half an hour later five humans and a pegasus stood knocking on the library door. Given the time of day, they had encountered far more ponies than the previous night. Yet there had been no incidents, aside from a handful of bewildered stares. As Brian knocked a voice from inside shouted "We're not open yet!" "Oh wake up and get out here Spike!" Rainbow yelled. "It's us!" There was a sound of claws on wooden flooring, then the clacking of locks . The door opened to reveal a sleepy-eyed dragon. "C'mon in." "Sorry to wake you..." Thomas started to say, but Rainbow stopped him. "Don't apologize. He's worse than me. If we hadn't showed up he would've slept 'til sometime in the next decade." "Ha ha."Spike deadpanned. "Well it's true. Now help me fix breakfast before the girls get here..." XXXXXXX As it turned out there was plenty of time for cooking. The other three Bearers didn't show for another hour. Once everyone was present, though, they all sat down to eat and discuss the day's schedule. "Before anything else," Applejack said, " Anyone seen Pinkie?" The unanimous answer was no. "Could she have come back in Canterlot?" Fluttershy asked. "That might make sense." Rarity mused. "After all it is where she last departed from." Spike pulled out a quill and paper. " I'll write Twi and ask." "Good. Now, on to our itenerary. I thought we'd start with the town hall, then the airship and balloon docks. After that, we could get lunch at Sugarcube Corner and plan out the afternoon." "Sounds like a plan." Brian agreed. Miri said " I wanna see Sweet Apple Acres on the afternoon plan though." "Already accounted for darling." Rarity said, "And my boutique as well." The first part of the plan went well. The town hall visit included meeting the mayor, and the airship docks fascinated all of the humans with the surprisingly advanced technology they represented. But as the group was making their way to the bakery, there came a sudden loud, high-pitched sound. "Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!" "What the hell is that!?" Thomas asked. They all looked around. It was Sara who saw first and pointed. "Incoming!" She exclaimed. The group looked where she was pointing. A light green unicorn was barreling straight towards them at full speed, "Squee"-ing as she came. "Lyra." Half the group sighed together. Half a moment more and she was among them, bouncing like Pinkie in circles around them, "Humans! Humans humans humans humans humans humans!!!!!" "Lyra! Calm down!" Miri shouted, then put her hands over her mouth as she realized her mistake of calling the pony by name. Lyra's eyes opened even wider than they already were. She stared at Miri. "Oh. My. Gosh! Are humans psychic!? Is that how you know my name!?" "Um, not exactly..." "But... Then... How...?" "That's a long story Lyr." Rainbow said. "At this point y'all might as well come with us. We'll explain everything." Lyra smiled widely. "Thanks A.J. You can't imagine how much this means to me." "Oh, ah got an idea. This has been a big thing for you for years." Another pony rushed up, breathing heavily. "Lyra! What do you think you're doing? Just running off like that?" "Sorry Bonnie. But, look!" Bon-bon stared up at the humans. "So? Leave these poor minotaurs alone, we've got things to do today!" "Not anymore we don't." Lyra argued, "Because these folks here? Not minotaurs. Humans!" "W...what!?" Bon-bon sputtered. "That's right!" Lyra jumped up on top of Brian's head. "Hey!!" "Hey Ponyville!" Lyra shouted from her new perch. "Four things:" "I" "Told" "You" "So." Lyra jumped to the ground and began bouncing up and down again. Bon-bon eyed the humans warily for another moment, then galloped off screaming about legends come to horrible life. "So... How about we get moving before she comes back with an angry mob?" Thomas asked. Lyra laughed. "Bonnie? Nah, she'll end up at home hiding under her bed." "Still, just in case..." XXXXXXX Earth. Deep in the bowels of Fort Wyvern Pinkie Pie bounced to a stop. Her amblings had led her straight to a dead end. "Stupid military architects." She thought, "The layout of this place makes no sense at all. Clearly the designers didn't take into account the needs of extradimensional ponies on the run from hyper paranoid secret agent men! I should really file a complaint." Hearing the sound of stomping boots, Pinkie turned just in time to see the soldiers come around the far corner of the hall. "We've got it now!" General Carver gloated. "Give up peacefully!" "Not until I get my phone call!" Pinkie insisted. "What is this about a phone call? Why do you want one?" Agent Helms asked. Pinkie stepped forward. She crossed her eyes, reared up on her haunches, stretched her neck as far as she could, and held out a forehoof. (with a small led held inside to make it glow). In a thin scratchy voice she said "Phone... Home... Pin-Kie phone home!" The disturbance this act caused among the soldiers gave Pinkie the opening she needed. She jumped forward, hopping from head to head over the top of the men, then trotted away down the hall once she was past them. "Get back here!!" Carver shouted. "Not 'til I get my phone call screw!" Pinkie yelled back as she bounded out of sight. "Well General, now what?" Agent Helms asked. Carver scowled. "Now we give it what it wants..." XXXXXXX An hour later Pinkie was hopping down yet another hallway when she noticed a sign sticking out from the wall. It was clearly a telephone emblem, though how Pinkie recognized this is a mystery best left alone by those who value their sanity. "Finally!" She exclaimed and trotted up to the device. "Now let's see... This shouldn't be too hard to use..." As Pinkie reached up to pull the receiver off of it's hook, a man cleared his throat behind her. "You'll have to wait your turn sir." She said. The throat clearing sound repeated. Pinkie turned to find herself surrounded by the General and his men. "Wow, you don't give up easy do you? Well that's okay. You can recapture me just as soon as I finish this call!" Carver shook his head. "You don't get it do you? This was a trap. That phone isn't even hooked up." "Then why do I have dial-tone?" Pinkie asked. "You don't. There can't possibly be..." Carver fell silent as Pinkie held up the receiver and he clearly heard dial-tone. " What the hell?" Pinkie shrugged. "Don't ask me, I don't get all this fancy human technology... But since you're gonna be mean, I'm gonna make my call from somewhere else!" Before anybody could react, she tossed the phone onto her back and, evading the soldiers yet again, bounced away down the hall, the phone somehow staying perfectly balanced, trailing disconnected wires behind... XXXXXXX For the most part, the remainder of the grand tour of Ponyville went according to plan, save for the continued presence of, and endless stream of questions from, Lyra. The group eventually returned to the library. "So, what did you think of the town?" Fluttershy asked. "Aside from being way bigger, it's almost exactly what I would have expected." Brian answered. "Agreed mostly." Solomon said, "Though... I dunno, in some ways your technology is more advanced than i would have thought. I mean, no offense, but the show made this world seem almost medieval." "It might look that way at first." Rainbow Dash said, "But we're really not all that far behind Earth in most ways." "And I suspect that most of the ways that you are, it's because you've got magical alternatives that mean you don't really need the technology." Brian said. "I bet Twi would still go nuts for the internet though." Dash said, laughing. There was a loud belch from the kitchen, and Spike came running with a scroll. "Twilight finally answered!" He said. "Let's see..." He unfurled the scroll and read: "Dear Spike, sorry I took all day to reply. It's been really hectic here. I'm sorry to say that there has still been no sign of Pinkie Pie here in Canterlot either. I am getting very worried now, as i assume all of you are too. The good news is that the gate will definitely be completed on schedule. I have arranged for your return tickets the day after tomorrow on the two p.m. train. See you soon, Twilight." "Pinkie where the buck are you?" Applejack wondered aloud. And then Brian's cellphone rang. Everyone stared as he pulled the device free of it's holder. "That's impossible." Sara whispered. "Is it?" Solomon asked. "Can we be sure radio waves can't travel between worlds?" The phone rang again as Miri said "Even if they can, there's no towers here..." "That's right!" Dashie agreed. "So how...?" Another ring, and another. Then Fluttershy asked "Um, shouldn't you answer it?" "Right." Brian agreed, though uncertainly. He pushed the speaker button. "Hello?" "Hi Dashie's Dad!" "PINKIE!!!" Everypony and three humans shouted at once. "Pinkie where are you!?" Rainbow Dash demanded. "Yes dear, we've been worried sick." Rarity agreed. "Oh I'm okay!" Pinkie replied, "Though I have to say these human army guys have no sense of humor at all! Real sticks in the mud..." "Army guys!? Pinkie what is going on there?" "Well, I'm in this underground base thingy, see, and they want to ask me all sorts of questions so I'm on the lam until we get to the next chapter!" "Chapter... Nevermind. Look, why don't you just get out of there and pop back here?" Rainbow asked. "Sorry Dashie, it doesn't work that way." Pinkie answered. "Even the things I can do have limits and rules." "Could've fooled me on that one." Applejack said. Miri leaned in close and asked "Pinkie, they haven't hurt you have they?" "No... Well, the needle for the blood sample was an ouchie, but that's all." No one said anything else for several seconds, until Pinkie said "Well I'd better go... I've got to get the 'Congratulations on Recapturing Me' party ready for the General." "Hey wait!" Brian exclaimed. "How did you do this? Calling me in another world, I mean." "Well duh. It's a phone. I just dialed 'Dashie's Dad.'" "Of course you did." "Okay, gotta go! See you in the last chapter!" Brian closed up his phone, looked over to Rainbow. "Are you sure she's actually a pony, and not, like, an Old One or something?" "Good question..." > Fifteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Fifteen XXXXXXX It all started so innocently. Scootaloo had discovered that while she could not truly fly, her wings did give her enough lift for some impressive leaps. All she had to do was flap hard on the upswing to gain air, then slower on the downswing to slow her descent. Thus far, the filly's personal bests were twenty two hooves straight up, and thirty horizontally. This discovery led, probably inevitably considering that this is Scootaloo we're talking about, to the idea of getting a cutie mark in rooftop parkour. And so this is where we find her; racing across town by roof, leaping and flapping from building to building. At first Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had been following Scoot's progress from the ground, but they quickly fell behind. Scootaloo herself wasn't particularly concerned. They would surely catch up when she stopped to rest and check her flank. Headlong the pegasus rushed, barely making an exceptionally long jump over a wide main street and up a floor as well. Landing on the taller building, she caught sight of her goal: the town library. It was just another block away now. Determined to finish the course in spite of how tired her legs and wings were getting, she pushed herself forward, reaching the giant tree in another two minutes. Once there, she stopped, breathing hard, and jumped down to the ground. "I wonder if Miss Twilight can spare a glass of water." She wondered, and headed around the tree trunk towards the front door. As she was passing a window, Scootaloo heard voices from inside. Some of them she didn't recognize, so she stood on her hind legs and peered in. Rainbow Dash was there, along with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike. And, three beings unlike any the orange filly had ever seen. They were talking, mostly about things Scoots didn't understand. Then, the door opened and two more of the beings came in. These were laughing about something. "Dad? What's so funny?" Rainbow asked. "'Dad?'" Scootaloo thought to herself. "I know for a fact that Rainbow Dash is an orphan like me... And even if she weren't, her father would have to be a pony..." The filly gasped. "These things are brainwashing the adults! Probably part of an alien invasion plan!" She considered running to find her friends, but decided instead to listen in a bit longer. Intelligence is important in a war after all. And so Scootaloo tuned back in and listened as the two new arrivals explained what they were laughing about. And when she heard, she forgot all about her fears of aliens, focusing instead on what she had just found out. Motion in her peripheral vision caught Scootaloo's attention. She looked to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom arriving. Running to them, Scootaloo said "You won't believe what I just heard..." XXXXXXX It all started so innocently. Wanting some time to themselves, Brian and Miri had gotten directions to Whitetail Woods and gone for a long, quiet walk. "If you wanna be alone," Spike had said, "Whitetail is the place to go. No ponies there this time of day, even though it's Saturday." And so off they had went, for a romantic stroll in the woods. It was quickly apparent the Spike had been right. Few ponies spent their days in the woods, and so the couple were undisturbed as they walked hand in hand, talking of this and that. But after a time, they had heard a pair of voices. Curious, they followed the sounds to their source... Everyone in the library was taken by surprise when the door opened to admit Brian and Miri, both laughing their butts off. "Dad? What's so funny?" Rainbow asked. Brian started to answer, but ended up just laughing again. Miri stared, eyes wide, and could only say "Oh. My. God!" Before bursting into laughter again as well. "What could possibly be that funny?" Thomas demanded. It took several more minutes before the two could calm down enough to explain. "We need to tell them Bri." Miri said once she was able to speak clearly. Brian nodded. "Yeah... Okay... Rarity, you know the two bullies that are always picking on your sister and her friends?" "The uncouth Blueblood larvae? What of them?" "We ran across them out in the woods," Brian began, "and, well... How can I put this...? What is it that they make fun of the girls for?" "Anything and everything." Rarity answered, "Though I assume you are going for the fact that they don't yet have their cutie marks." "Guess who doesn't really have theirs yet either..." Miri said in a sing-song voice. "WHAT!?" Rainbow and Spike exclaimed. "Hold, for a moment. That makes no sense." Rarity argued. Fluttershy agreed. "Yeah, we've all seen the marks on them. "Fakes." Brian said. "That's what we saw them doing out in the woods... They were standing side by side, facing opposite directions, applying some kind of decals to each other." Rarity was angry now. "Of all the... And after all the torment they've put the girls through..." As she spoke, no one noticed an orange and purple shadow move away from one of the windows. "So do we tell the girls or not?" Spike asked. Fluttershy said "After everything those two have put them through, they deserve to know. But..." From outside, came the sound of two familiar voices loudly exclaiming "THEIR WHAT'S ARE WHAT!?!?" "Oh dear. I think we've been overheard." Solomon said. From outside, three voices: "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Fakey Mark Vengeance Squad! Yeaaa!" "This is gonna end badly..." Brian murmured. "Yeah, c'mon everypony, we've got to stop them before this gets too far out of hoof!" Rainbow said, and raced out the door. Everyone, pony and human alike, followed, though Thomas and Sara came last. "Hey wait! What's the big rush?" Thomas asked. "I mean they're just kids, how bad can it be?" Rarity stopped long enough to look back to him and say "Thomas dear, I don't know if it's actually possible for mere mortals to bring on the apocalypse. But if it is, then rest assured that those three fillies will be the ones who do it." She turned and ran to catch up with the others... XXXXXXX It all started so innocently. General Carver hadn't been lying when he told Pinkie that while he needed answers he didn't want to be her enemy. Quite to the opposite, if peaceful contact was possible, he wanted it. He'd end up a famous man after all. But he still had to be certain that she wasn't a threat. Protecting the nation was his job after all. And so he had tried to do his job fairly. And ended up with a bizarre, reality breaking, base-carl counting entity running free in his facility. Even worse, the being had run off with a broken, disconnected, useless telephone. And somehow managed to make a call with it anyway. Carver looked over the report in his hands again. The base switchboard had logged a call, unmistakably I.D.ed as coming from the specific phone used in the intended trap. No log of a location, of course. The call had somehow been placed without even plugging the damned thing in, though that did raise the question of how and why the call had been routed through the base systems. The General had almost laughed when he read the fifth line. The entity had dialed a number in the non-existent five five five exchange. Then he scowled again on reading line six. The call had been answered. By who or what they didn't know. There had been no record of the audio. So it was that Carver was musing over these facts when a young guard walked up and saluted. "General Carver sir? You're needed at the containment chamber." "What's going on private?" "It involves the horse thing... Er, the entity I mean." Carver allowed himself a small smile. "You've captured it?" "Not exactly General. It seems to have surrendered itself, but... Well sir, you need to see this for yourself." Carver rubbed his forehead. What headaches were coming now? Oh well. He motioned for Helms. "Let's see what it's up to this time Agent." Five minutes later, Carver and Helms peered through the observation window, into the containment chamber. The entity was indeed there. Along with balloons, cakes, a full bowl of punch, and a large banner that read 'Congratulations Davie!!!!!' The two men looked in, at each other, back in, back at each other again. "What the hell's it doing this time?" Helms whispered. "Let's find out." Carver answered. As they entered the room, Pinkie blew a party favor, then spit it out. "Hi Davie! I was afraid you were gonna be late for your own party!" "What is all this!?" Carver demanded. "Well duh. It's your 'Congratulations on Recapturing Me' party!" "But we didn't... I mean, you've turned yourself in." Helms said. Pinkie waved this off. "Potato-potahto." "Why are you doing this?" Carver asked. "I mean, I'm not really convinced that you are giving yourself up. But if you are, why now? Why give up on escaping now?" Pinkie looked confused for a moment, then smiled and said "Oh, I was never actually trying to escape Silly Willy!" "What!?" "I told you... I just wanted my one phone call. And anyway, the script clearly says I don't get out of here until after... Oh, that's a spoiler. Can't say it. But my point is, you were gonna get me, so I thought, 'why not make it easy on all of us?' So here I am! Let's party!" Carver and Helms looked at each other warily, then back to Pinkie. "You are so strange." The agent said. Pinkie smiled widely and said "I prefer 'random.' But strange works too." Neither man knew what to say to that... XXXXXXX It all started so innocently. The combination of a filly's quest for her cutie mark and a human couple's desire for a quiet, romantic walk in the woods had led to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' discovery of the hidden truth that their bullies were also blank flanks. And they were out for revenge. Three ponies, five humans, and a dragon burst out of the library, intent on stopping the fillies before they could wreak havoc. But the little ones were much quicker than anyone had given them credit for being; there was no sign of them. "Now what do we do!?" Spike asked. "They could be anywhere!" Fluttershy whispered "I don't think so. They're after the two bullies, they'd go where they can find them." "Makes sense. So where are we going?" Brian asked. Rarity answered "The Rich mansion, obviously... And the Spoon's home..." "Maybe the school playground too." Spike said. They broke up into three groups. Rainbow, along with Brian and Miri headed for the Rich estate.  "How bad is this likely to get with Diamond's father?" Brian asked. Rainbow Dash answered "Hard to say. Filthy Rich is usually a pretty decent guy, for somepony so wealthy. On the other hoof, he does get that 'bear and it's cubs' vibe when it comes to his daughter." "Great..." "I can't believe no one saw this sooner." Rainbow Dash said, "I mean think about it... What are our cutie marks for? What do they stand for?" "Your special talents." "Right." "Right, so...?" Brian still wasn't following where his daughter was going with this discussion. Rainbow explained "So, since when is 'being born into money' a 'talent?'" "Wow... That's a good point." Miri said. "Yeah. I feel like a dope for not seeing it sooner. Though, nopony else did either..." Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara was holding a pool party for herself, Silver Spoon, and three of their wealthy friends from Canterlot; One Percent, Capital Gains, and Pyramid Scheme. They were interrupted by a shout and the sight of three grappling hooks (don't ask where the girls got them, you don't want to know), being thrown over the brick privacy wall. "What the buck are you blank flank trash doing here!?" Tiara demanded as the Crusaders climbed into view atop the fence and jumped to the ground. "Friends of yours Diamond dear?" Capital Gains asked. "Hardly. Just some blank trash." Scootaloo smirked. "Y'know D.T., it's funny you mention the blank flank thing. 'Cause it's kinda why we're here. " "What are you babbling about?" "Just this. Girls, now." Acting in concert, each of the Crusaders produced a bucket. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom threw the contents of their buckets on Diamond Tiara, one on each side, while Sweetie Belle dumped hers on Silver Spoon's back, letting it pour down both sides. "Euch!!! What was that stuff!?" Tiara whined. The Crusaders smiled sweetly and said, together, "Decal solvent." "W... What!? But why..." Tiara's eyes went wide with understanding."NO!!! Nonononoo..." The fake marks began to melt away. The Crusaders stood by, smirking as Tiara's rich Canterlot friends began to laugh. But as the Canterlot ponies left, mocking Tiara and Silver Spoon, as Tiara lay on the ground, crying, the smirks faded. Then turned to frowns. “Maybe we should've thought this through better...” Apple Bloom whispered. And so we end this chapter of our story, with two fillies crying, and three feeling guilty. It all started so innocently... > Sixteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Sixteen XXXXXXX A door slammed open and a voice boomed out: "What's going on out here!?" The Crusaders looked towards the mansion, over the top of the crying Diamond Tiara's head, to see Filthy Rich, along with Rainbow Dash and two creatures they didn't recognize. Rich trotted to his daughter's side and tried to comfort her, to no avail. After several moments he looked at the girls and, in a surprisingly calm voice asked "Why did you do this?" "Look... We're sorry that it's upset her this much. We thought she'd be screaming angry, not crying." Sweetie Belle said, "but..." "But they both had it coming!" Scootaloo shouted. "They've bullied us for almost two years! All because we don't have our Cutie Marks yet. And now we find out that they don't really have theirs yet either!?" Filthy Rich nodded slowly, a sad expression on his face. "I see... Yes, I think I understand now... Diamond, is this true?" "Y... Yes daddy." The filly admitted. "I thought I had taught you better than this child." "You did daddy, but I just..." Rich ran a forehoof over Tiara's back, calming her. "You don't have to explain. I'm disappointed, but I understand." He looked to the girls, and Rainbow and the humans who had joined them. "This is more my fault than the girls. You see, there's something I need to show you..." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's eyes went wide as they realized what Rich was about to do. "Daddy don't!!" Tiara exclaimed. "No child, I should have did this a long time ago..." Rich said, and then with one smooth motion he turned his head, gripped his left flank in his teeth, and pulled... Revealing that his own Cutie Mark was also a fake. Four ponies and two humans stared in shock until Scootaloo finally said "He's... But... Okay what the buck is going on here anyway!?" Filthy Rich sighed and began to explain. "Our family, and that means all of us, the Richs and the Spoons are cousins just two generations removed, have a condition. None of us can ever get our Cutie Marks. We use the fakes to fit in." "I've never heard of a condition like that." Rainbow said. "Yes, it's very rare. In fact I think only our family carries it." Apple Bloom said "That's horrible... I can't imagine... But wait! If they don't have Cutie Marks, then why make fun of us for not having them?" "That is the reason." Filthy Rich replied. "Pain... Anger... A need to strike out." "Oh I get it!" Miri said. "They wear the fakes, they fit in with the ponies that have their marks. But when they see a pony who doesn't have one, it reminds them of their own situation..." "...And the blank pony becomes a target for all of the pent-up anger." Rainbow finished. "That still don't make it right!" Apple Bloom insisted. "Ah mean ah'm sorry we actually made them cry, 'specially knowin' this now, but..." "That's right!" Sweetie Belle agreed. "Right Scootaloo?" Everyone looked at the orange filly, who was uncharacteristically quiet. "Scoots?" Rainbow asked after a moment. Scootaloo looked over at her friends. "Excuse us, we need to talk alone." She said to the adults and pulled the other two Crusaders along with her. They huddled together for several minutes, then returned to where the others were waiting. Apple Bloom said "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon... How y'all treated us was wrong. But if we'd known the truth, we wouldn't have did what we did, least ways not in front of anypony else... But now, well, we're willing t' make a deal: So long as we never hear either of you mocking another pony for not having their Cutie Mark, we promise, we'll Pinkie Promise even, to not tell a soul." "Nopony? Ever?" Silver Spoon asked. She surprised everyone by jumping forward and hugging Apple Bloom tightly. "Thank-you." She whispered. Embarrassed, Apple Bloom said "That's okay, but... Scootaloo is the one you should thank. She talked Sweetie an me into it." Not wanting to risk things going south now that they were working out, Rainbow said "Great! So, we'll all just be going now..." But as they started to walk towards the door, Diamond Tiara suddenly ran in front of the Crusaders and asked "Why?" "'Why' to what part of it?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Why agree to keep this a secret? I mean, it can't just be so we would stop picking on you... If that was all you wanted, all you had to do was tell. Then everypony would know and nopony would listen to us anymore. So... Why?" Scootaloo didn't answer right away. She was silent for a time, then she extended and fluttered her too-small wings. "You see these?" She asked in reference to the wings. "Yes...?" Tiara answered, confused. Scootaloo said "A couple months ago, Miss Tender Care from the orphanage took me to Canterlot. To some big important doctors. They spent all day doing tests... And..." The filly took a deep breath before finishing, "I have brittle-wing disease. I'll probably never fly.” Everyone was shocked by this revelation. “Oh Squirt...” Rainbow muttered. Scootaloo continued “So, to answer why, it's because as much as I'm still angry over how you treated us... I know what it's like. What it's like to know that something everypony else gets isn't happening for you. And that's why." Fighting back tears, the pegasus turned and ran. Rainbow Dash followed, shouting for her to stop. Brian looked down at the remaining Crusaders. "You didn't know?" "She never said a word." Sweetie Belle answered. "Well, let's get out of Mister Rich's hair. Come on girls, we'll take you home." "Oh all right... Say, what are y'all anyway? Some kinda minotaurs?" XXXXXXX Rainbow Dash flew low to the ground, following Scootaloo. The filly might not be able to fly, but by the Maker she was fast. "Hey Squirt! Wait up!" Rainbow shouted. The filly just kept running. "Scoots! Scootaloo! Hey, stop already!!" Seeing that her quarry wasn't going to listen, Rainbow poured on even more speed, gradually catching up and landing just in front of Scootaloo, who finally stopped. "What do you want!?" Scootaloo asked angrily. "I wanna know why you didn't tell me." Rainbow answered. "What's it matter? You've got better things to do than hang around a flightless failure." Rainbow Dash stared. "That's what you're worried about!? Come on Squirt, you can't possibly think that I of all ponies would do that to you. It'd be horribly uncool and non-awesome." "But... But I can't... And you..." "First off, we're not giving up on getting you off the ground yet. Brittle Wing means you probably won't fly, not you definitely won't. And even if you don't, you're still my biggest fan and my honorary little sister. And I will never just abandon you kiddo. You got that?" Scootaloo jumped forward and hugged Rainbow tightly. "I wish we were really sisters." She said. Wrapping a wing around the filly, Rainbow said "Me too Squirt, me too." They sat in silence for several minutes. Eventually Scootaloo remembered something. "Rainbow Dash!" She gasped, "What are those alien things I saw in the library!?" "Settle in kid, I've got a long story to tell you..." XXXXXXX After reuniting with the other groups that had been searching for the Crusaders and filling them in on what had happened, Brian and Miri returned to the Ponyville Inn. They ended up sitting together on the balcony of Brian's room, discussing the day's events. "Can you believe this?" Brian pondered. Miri shook her head. "You know, it's funny. You watch the cartoon, and you come away with the impression that this is some perfect world. And don't get me wrong, I still think it's probably a much better place than Earth, but..." "But it has it's share of pain too." Brian said. "Yeah." "I'm sorry you got mixed up in all of this." "Don't be." Miri said with a smile. "I wouldn't trade this for the world." "I don't think I would either... Man though, I just keep thinking about poor Scootaloo." "Yeah. Being like Dash and flying means so much to her... The poor thing must have been devastated. I wish I could do something for her." Miri leaned over, resting against Brian's shoulder, and they sat that way until she sat up and asked "Do you hear that?" Brian listened closely. He recognized the sound as the beating of pegasus wings moments before Rainbow rose into view off the side of the balcony. "Hey you two." "Hiya sweetie. Is Scootaloo okay?" "Yeah, I just dropped her off at the orphanage. You mind if I join you?" Brian and Miri both waved Rainbow over, and she landed next to them. "You look thoughtful." Brian said. Rainbow laughed. "Yeah. Rare for me, huh?" "Totally." Brian deadpanned. "But what's it about?" "Just thinking... You've been a really good father, you know that? Makes me wonder what it'd be like to be a big sister..." "Whoa! Getting ahead of ourselves aren't we!?" Brian exclaimed. "Miri and I haven't really been going out that long..." Rainbow blushed. "Not what I meant Pops!" "Well, but... What did you mean?" "Well duh. I'm saying you've raised one Pegasus orphan right. Why not another?" Rainbow's suggestion got two wildly different reactions. Miri smiled bigger than she had in her life. Brian was more ambivalent. "Dashie, I don't know..." "What!?" Rainbow and Miri said together. "Hey now, I didn't say no... It's just, it's a different situation. I mean think about it: First, Scootaloo isn't a two year old who doesn't remember anything. She's got a life and friends here and she knows it. You didn't mind living with a human, but it was all you knew. Second, I'm sure she'd much rather be adopted by a pony. And third, what are the odds the Princesses would allow it?" "All good points." Miri admitted, sounding dejected. Rainbow kept pushing. "Okay, you're right. But isn't it worth finding out the answers?" "Totally!" Miri agreed. Brian chuckled. "All right you two, we'll look into it." "Thanks Pops!" Rainbow said, smiling. > Seventeen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Seventeen XXXXXXX At one-thirty p.m. on the fourth day of their stay in Equestria, the group of five humans were gathered on the platform of Ponyville station, waiting for their train ride back to Canterlot. With them were four of the Bearers, Spike, and of course Lyra Heartstrings who at this point would probably need to be driven away from the humans with a stick when the time came to go their separate ways. "So, what did you think of Equestria?" Lyra asked. "I've liked it." Brian said, "Though it'll be nice to go home." Solomon agreed. "I've got a wife and kids to get back to... Still not sure how I'm gonna explain where I've been." "Oh that's easy! Just let me come along and you'll have proof!" Lyra suggested. "Now Lyra we've already discussed this." Applejack said. "There's serious business to take care of... The Princesses decide who gets to go." "At least I talked you into letting me come along to ask." "Only 'cause you was more annoying than I've ever even seen Pinkie." "It worked. I have no shame." Lyra grinned. "Heads up, here comes the train." Thomas said. They group waited patiently as the passenger train slowed to a stop and a rush of disembarking passengers exited and flowed into town. "Looks like we're clear." Rainbow said, "Let's go." Distracted as they were by the process of boarding and locating their seats, no one in the group noticed as an orange and purple filly zipped out of a hiding spot and onto the baggage car. And neither the pegasus nor the group took notice of two more illicit riders who jumped aboard several seconds later when the baggage handling ponies' backs were turned again... XXXXXXX Scootaloo examined the interior of the baggage car carefully. She hoped that she wasn't going to get herself trapped in here, though the lack of access from the passenger cars was probably a good thing; once they were underway there was no risk of being caught. Getting stuck though, that would be, as Sweetie's sister would say, the 'worst thing ever.' "I really should have worked out the second half of this plan in advance." The filly thought to herself. “If I'm gonna be like Rainbow Dash and go to another world, I'll need to follow her to wherever this gate thing is." Hearing voices just outside the car, Scootaloo ducked back behind a large crate. She needn't have bothered though, it was just a porter who slammed the doors shut without looking inside. "Next stop Canterlot!" Scootaloo cheered, "I did it!" "Did what?" A voice asked. Scootaloo shrieked in shock, but moments later a flashlight clicked on, revealing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "What the hay are you two doing here!?" Scootaloo demanded. "Following you." Sweetie Belle answered honestly. "You haven't talked to us since the other day." Apple Bloom said. " We were worried about you." "Yeah! We wanted to talk to you about what you said, y'know, about your wings... And then we saw you hop the train and thought maybe you were trying for a hobo Cutie Mark so of course we had to join you!" Sweetie Belle said. "Hobo Cutie Mark?" Scootaloo asked. "What would that even look like?" "Probably a bag full of belongings on the end of a stick." "Will you two focus?" Apple Bloom interrupted. "Scootaloo, what are you doing here anyway?" "Rainbow Dash and the others are going back to the human's world. And I'm sneaking along somehow. Then I'll be an inter... Interduh... Int..." Scootaloo gave up on getting out the word 'interdimensional.' "I'll be like Dash and go to another world!" "Not alone you won't." Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle agreed. "Our sisters are going to this place! What if they need help?" "Thanks guys." Scootaloo smiled. Apple Bloom nodded, then got a serious expression on her face. "Now for you. Why didn't y'all tell us about your wings!?" "I would have some day... It's just, well, it's embarrassing." "How?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah, I guess it would be hard for a non-pegasus to get it... But, Sweetie Belle, how would you feel if your horn was never going to work? Or you Apple Bloom, how would you feel if you found out you'd never be strong enough to buck a tree? That's what it' s like." "Wow." "Yeah." "I'll be okay though. It's like Rainbow Dash told me, there's still some chance. And if not, well... I'll figure something out." "Who knows?" Sweetie Belle said, "Maybe something on this other world will help you." Scootaloo smiled. "Hey yeah, I hadn't thought about that..." Together, three fillies shouted "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Brittle Wing Cure Finders! Yeaaa!!" XXXXXXX As the group disembarked in Canterlot, they found Twilight waiting for them. "Welcome back!" She said, "How was Ponyville?" "Eventful." Solomon answered, and everyone laughed. "We'll fill you in on the way Twi." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight nodded. "Okay then. Let's go, the gate's ready and the Princesses will be joining us within the hour." With Twilight leading the way, they walked off. Deep in discussion, no one took notice of the commotion that arose when the baggage car doors were opened... Celestia and Luna were already waiting when they arrived at the gate facility. Cadance was present as well, and the elder alicorns were giving her some final tips. "Just remember, you're not so much moving the sun as rotating the planet." Celestia said. "Indeed, 'tis much easier when seen in that light." "I understand. And I thank you for trusting me with this responsibility." "We know you'll do well Cadance." Celestia said with a warm smile. Just then the doors opened and Twilight trotted in at the head of the group. "Cadance!" "Twily!" The mares ran to each other and did the sunshine dance. "Are you two ever going to get tired of that?" Spike asked with a roll of his eyes. "No." Both said together. "Ahem..." Luna cleared her throat to get attention. "Shall we begin?" "Oh, of course." Twilight indicated the gate. "We've aimed the gate to deliver us just outside of Mister Dashell's home. It's in an isolated area, so there should we no danger of anyone seeing us. Once we arrive, we can begin our investigation." "What about us?" Sara asked. Celestia replied "If you are able to return to your normal lives, I will trust you to do so." "Thank you princess. You can trust us, and even if you couldn't, well, who would believe us?" "True enough." Solomon said. "Though I have a different problem. I've got a wife who is not going to let things go without an answer." "We will take the risk of extending trust to her as well, if necessary. Are there any further questions before we go?" Celestia asked. A thin whining sound drew Applejack's attention to Lyra. "Oh fer cryin' out loud..." The farmer said. "Princess, Lyra here'd like to come with us." "Oh? And why is that Miss Heartstrings?" "Because I've always believed in humans when everypony else made fun of me and now I've met some and there's a whole world full of them and it's like a dream come true!!" Celestia smiled, ever so slightly. She was inclined to say no, but the puppy dog eyed look Lyra was giving her was one even she couldn't refuse. "Very well. But stay with the rest of us." "Thank-you!" Lyra squeeed. "Quite. Now, everypony, and everyone, on the platform. Quantum Tunnel, begin the sequence." "Right away Princess." The scientist answered. Everyone gathered together on the gate's sending platform, which was just large enough to hold them all. The gate ran through it's power-up routine, then activated, the humans and ponies vanishing in a swirl of bright white light. Quantum Tunnel looked up from his control board to Cadance. He was about to report that the transit was a success, when with a loud clattering three small fillies leapt out of hiding, shouted "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Enter-Duh-Mention-All Explorers! Yeaaa!!!!" And vanished into the still active gate. Princess and scientist looked at each other, the gate, and back to each other. "Oh dear..." Cadance whispered... XXXXXXX Earth. It was late in the afternoon at Brian Dashell's home, a light breeze and the sound of birdsong the only disturbances on a quiet day. Then there was a sudden burst of prismatic light and the sounds of shouting as a large group of humans and ponies appeared out of nowhere. The shouting was caused by their appearance a few feet above ground, and the subsequent fall. “Ugh... Everyone okay?” Brian asked as he got to his feet. There were scattered 'okays' as the rest of the group untangled themselves and got to their feet. Well, most of the group. Rainbow Dash and the princesses were hovering in place where they had first appeared. “Why would we not be okay?” Rainbow joked, “Just flap your wings and you don't fall.” “Very funny.” Twilight grumbled. Then she saw that Fluttershy had fallen too. “Um, Flutters, why...?” “I forgot.” “It seems no one is harmed.” Celestia said, “So we should get our bearings. Are we in the right place?” Brian answered “Yes. That's my house on the hill over there.” “Excellent. Twilight, are the recall pendants functional?” Twilight lifted the pendants out of her saddlebags and checked them over. “They're all working.” She answered. “Good, we should begin then.” Luna said. “Our first order of business-” She was interrupted by a new flash of light and screaming as a trio of fillies appeared and crashed to the ground. “What the hell!?” Thomas exclaimed. Applejack, Rarity, and Dash rushed to where the Crusaders had landed. “What the hay are you three doing here!?” Applejack demanded. Rarity added “For that matter, how... Oh never mind, are you girls okay?” “We could've thought this through better...” Apple Bloom admitted. “Bucking right you could've!” Applejack said. She turned to the rest of the adults. “Twi! We need one of those recall-thingies.” Luna shook her head. “Not so. We have only so many, and should retain them all in case of dire need. I fear the fillies are stuck here for now.” As the girls cheered, the adults groaned. “As my sister started to say, let us begin our work.” Celestia said. “We have much to do, and many questions to answer regarding Rainbow Dash's initial arrival here, the existence of a cartoon about our lives, and the change in the speed of time between worlds...” And then everyone heard a voice. “I can answer all of those questions for you. I did it.” With a blinding flash, there appeared a new creature; an alicorn, but one larger and more regal than either of the sisters, with a prismatic crystaline mane and tail and a pure white coat that seemed to glow from within. Everyone, human and pony alike, was struck silent by this vision, until Luna finally managed to speak a single word: “...Mother...?” > Eighteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Eighteen XXXXXXX It was, of course, Twilight who first put together the two and two of their visitors appearance and Luna's single word question. Her eyes opened wide as she exclaimed "Queen Faust!" The unicorn dropped into a bow that was copied by all of the other non-royal ponies as they realized what she had said. Faust chuckled, a tinkling musical laugh as she said "Rise children. In spite of my eldest daughter's stubborn refusal to take the title of Queen upon herself, I have not been your regent for long ages now." As the ponies rose, Celestia asked "Mother, why are you here? Why now, after so very long?" "I am sorry Tia." Faust said, "But when I was called away from Harmony for a higher purpose, I was forbidden to return. Therefore, I could not come to you there. I always hoped to see you on one of your visits to Earth, but they were always unplanned, and so brief that by the time I learned of them it was too late." "Until this time." Celestia said, "This time the trip was planned in advance." Luna said "But does this mean... You have been watching us?" "Not all of the time. My responsibilities prevented that. But as much as I could, yes. I had to leave. That doesn't mean I don't still love you both." Working up his courage, Brian spoke up. " Excuse me, not to interrupt this reunion, but..." "You have a question son of Adam?" Faust grinned in an expression that made it clear she knew exactly what Brian intended to say. Brian asked anyway. "You said this was all your doing?" "I did indeed. It was I who inspired the creation of 'Friendship is Magic.' I who created the portal Rainbow Dash fell into, I who reverted her to a foal and insured that you, yes you specifically Brian Dashell, would find her. It was I who synchronized the speed of time between realities... Yes, all has been my doing." "But... Why?" "Yeah." Rainbow said, "I'm not complaining, I'm happy with how it's ended up, but why do it in the first place?" Instead of answering directly, Faust fixed a parental gaze on Celestia and said "Tia... You still haven't told them about the prophecy I left have you?" Luna leaned in close to her sister and whispered "I told you that would come back to haunt us..." With a sigh the Sun Princess admitted "Yes sister, you did. And Mother, no, I have not told them. In my defense, I did intend to..." "When? When destruction was breathing down the necks of both worlds?" "Whoa whoa!"Solomon interrupted, "What's this all about?" "I think we need some answers here." Brian agreed. "Princess...?" Twilight asked. "Tia, Lulu, if you don't tell them I will." Faust said. "No Mother, you are right..." Celestia looked around at the assembled humans and ponies and said "Shall we go inside? This will be easier in comfort." "Of course." Brian said, "Come on..." XXXXXXX Brian led the group into the large living room of his home. There was just enough space to accommodate everyone, though it was cramped. Scootaloo made her way close to her hero. "This is where you grew up?" She asked. "Sort of. I was past your age when we moved here." "Well it's really cool... So much space!" "Yeah, humans usually build big. Probably 'cause they're taller." "Huh. Whatever the reason, it'd be cool to live in a place like this." Rainbow looked pointedly at her father after Scootaloo said this, but he tried to wave it off. Changing the subject, he asked "You said that you sent Dashie here on purpose. But why? And why on purpose to me? I'm nothing special." Faust shook her head. "You are indeed something special Brian Dashell, you who found an infant pegasus and guarded her life rather than exploiting her for fame and fortune. And that is why you. But as for why at all, that leads in to the prophecy. I had expected human and pony to be allies long before now. So when it didn't happen, when my dear daughter failed to act as I intended, I had to force the issue." "And what exactly is this prophecy?" Thomas asked. "Yeah, it sounds like it must be really bad, you said destruction." Lyra agreed. Faust looked at Celestia who nodded and began "It was Mother's last words before she vanished:" "Wheels within wheels, Worlds without end; Of the distant future Do my words portend; Darkness spreads, All light to end, Emptiness, entropy, Inherit the wind; Come my daughter, You I send; Beyond the veil, To worlds forfend: Pony and human, Must together contend, And then the paths Of fate may bend..." Rainbow Dash raised one eyebrow. "That's it?" "Dashie!" Brian exclaimed. "Well it's cool and all but I was expecting more." "Then I shall give you more, but only a little." Faust said. "Already I push the limits of what I am allowed to do. Still... There is an enemy coming, from across the Bleed. It is too powerful for Earth or Equestria to combat alone, for neither magic nor technology is equal to the task. But together, you have a chance." For several minutes, everyone was quiet, digesting this information. Finally Thomas said "Well at least we've got time. I mean, distant future right?" Luna said "Mother spoke this prophecy five thousand years ago. By it's standards, now is the distant future." Thomas swore, loudly. "So how long do we have?" Twilight asked. "Just long enough." Faust answered, "If you ally and prepare over the next few years." It was Spike who spoke next. "What about Equestria's other peoples? Dragons and Minotaurs and Griffins? Where do we fit in?" "For simplicity, the words included all of Equestria with ponies. After all, you are in the same boat, so to speak; lots of magic, minimal weapons technology." "But Queen... I mean, Miss Faust, can't you stop this?" Sweetie Belle asked. Applejack agreed. "The filly's got a point. As powerful as you must be..." Faust shook her head no. "Are you asking for a Deus Ex Machina? That would require the Maker, who I am not. No, as i said before, I have pushed the limits of my authority to even warn you. You must do the rest yourselves. But now I fear I have spent as much time as my duties will allow. I must go." "Mother..." Celestia whispered. Faust gave a wan smile. "Celestia, Luna, I love you both, and am most proud of you." The ancient alicorn began to fade away, but a sudden shout momentarily bought her back. "Wait! What about Pinkie!?" Rainbow asked. "Proceed in making official contact and she will be released." Faust said, and then she was gone... XXXXXXX General Carver sat at his desk, worrying through a stack of paperwork nearly six inches thick. He truly hated this part of the job, but there was no way around it; he needed specialists to help try and figure out why the entity behaved as it did, and there was no other way to get them. At least the first round of them should be arriving soon. As he signed yet another request in triplicate, a knock sounded at his door. "Speak of the devil." Carver thought, "Must be the first of them now." At least he hoped so. If the entity was up to something again, he'd be pulling his hair out. "Come in!" The Door opened and a serious looking woman, perhaps thirty years of age, stepped in."General Carver? I'm Doctor Marissa Hansen, I understand you've been expecting me?" Rising to shake hands, Carver said "Welcome doctor, I hope you're as good as I've been told." "I can assure you I am, at least so long as what you need me for involves aberrant psychology." "Aberrant may or may not be accurate, but if not its still closer than any other term... You have been informed that this project is top level security, correct?" "Yes, and I've signed all the usual paperwork." "All right then..." Carver said, and he began to fill the doctor in on what they were dealing with. He told her about how the entity had been found, how it behaved, the bizarre attitude and impossible things it did. As he finished his tale, Hansen began laughing. "What's so funny?" The General demanded. "Do you think this is a joke?" "Apologies, General, no... It's just... Between the behavior you describe and what you say the alien looks like, well, it sounds identical to a character on a cartoon I watched as a child." She pulled out her smart phone, typed in some words, pulling up an image, and holding it up for the General to see. General Carver stared at the image on the phone. "Son of a bitch." "General?" "Come with me doctor." Carver said, and rushed out the door not waiting... XXXXXXX Agent Helms was standing outside the containment chamber when Carver and the doctor arrived. "Has it done anything else?" The General asked. "Nothing threatening." "Good." Carver motioned towards the viewing window. "Take a look doctor." Hansen did so, then looked back at Carver. "Is this some kind of joke?" "No joke. At least not from us. Doc, tell the agent here what you told me, about this cartoon character..." XXXXXXX Back at the Dashell home, Faust's departure had been followed by extensive discussion on how to proceed. It was clear that Faust expected Celestia to make official contact with Earth and it's governments. The question was how best to go about this. The princess herself considered simply walking up to the U.N. building, but this was shot down quickly. "No offense Princess, but that's no good." Rainbow had said. "But why not?" Twilight asked. "If our goal is to open political relations..." "Human governments are paranoid." Solomon said bluntly. Miri agreed, "Yeah, and the guards who protect them can get trigger happy. Especially in unusual situations." Brian added "Not to mention, they've already locked up Pinkie and kept her hidden from the world. They'd almost certainly try to do the same with the rest of you." "Well, then... What should we do?" Fluttershy asked timidly. "We take away the option of pretending nothing is happening." Brian said. "You're thinking... National T.V. news?" Sara asked. "Exactly." Rainbow said "Hold on though... They could dismiss that as special effects." "Not if you went to one of the live on the air from outside in front of a crowd broadcasts." Miri suggested. Brian and Rainbow both smiled. "Oh that's good." The pegasus said. A glimmer of bemusement in her eyes, Celestia said "Well good. Now that you've planned out what I should do, would you mind explaining it to me?" "Princess I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" The princesses both laughed. "I jest. You know this world better than we. Now what's this plan?" Brian and Dashie sat next to each other and began to explain what they had in mind... XXXXXXX It took over an hour to iron out the details of their plan. The following morning Brian and Thomas would rent the largest R.V. they could find. This would be used to transport the princesses and element bearers to New York, where Celestia would crash a national newscast, then contact the world's governments. This plan was seen as preferable to flying or teleporting, since the former would show up on radar and the latter was dangerous over such distances. Brian, Thomas, and Sara would accompany them (and drive), while Solomon and Miri stayed behind with Lyra, Spike, and the Crusaders. Miri was initially upset about having to stay behind; as it turned out new information would change that part of the plan. Later that same evening, Brian was working in the kitchen with Miri, Thomas, and Fluttershy, preparing dinner. He glanced out the windows to see Solomon talking on his cell to his wife. "How do you suppose that conversation's going?" Miri leaned in and asked. "Not well, from his body language." Fluttershy whispered. "Wait... You can read human body language?" Brian asked. "Oh sure. My animal communications talent isn't just animals, it's any non-pony." Fluttershy glanced outside. "The poor man is getting chewed out horribly." Moments later, Solomon hung up and started around towards the front of the house. "I'd better get the word." Brian said. "Be right back." He stepped into bedlam in the living room. Twilight had discovered educational television. Scootaloo had discovered Super Mario Bros. Rainbow wanted race results and Rarity was demanding the fashion channel. (How did she even know about it?) Of course, there was only the one T.V. Everypony was clamoring for Brian the moment they saw him, hoping he would take their side. "Okay hush!" He shouted. "Twilight, let me talk to Solomon when he gets in, then I'll show you the internet. Dashie, go get Scootaloo my old gameboy. Rarity, the fashion channel does exist but I don't get it." "So who gets the T.V.?" Rainbow asked. "I do. We've been gone for four days, I want to check the news." "Awwww..." The door clacked as Solomon came in. "Well?" Brian asked. "Well... Get ready for more company. Jessie wouldn't take no for an answer. She's already on the interstate, coming this way..." > Nineteen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Nineteen XXXXXXX "Your wife is coming here?" Celestia asked. "Yeaaa! Another human!" Lyra cheered. "Yes." Solomon answered, "And Lyra, it may be humans, plural. Pam didn't say anything about dropping the girls off with anyone so they're probably with her." "Yeaaa! Little humans! Squeeeee!!!!" Applejack rolled her eyes. "Lyra, Sugarcube... Seriously, get some help." "Focus." Brian said. "What do we do?" "I think that depends." Twilight said. She turned to Solomon and asked "Did you tell her?" "Not as such. I just said that an old friend had a situation I got caught up in." Luna asked "Is there truly cause for concern? They will simply be discovering what everyone on Earth will know in two day's time anyway." "True..." Rainbow said "If the little girls are with her, we'll have one small problem though... See, little human girls usually have a big thing about horses and ponies. And an even bigger thing about unicorns. Anypony with a horn is gonna have their hooves full." "Great..." Twilight muttered. Seeing that Lyra was still bouncing for joy, though, Applejack suggested " Nah. Just point them and Lyr at each other and they'll all be happy." The comment gave a needed laugh to the whole room. Twilight asked "So how long before they arrive?" "About three hours. Like I said, Jessie's already on the interstate, and she's got a lead foot." Twilight's eyes opened wide. "An artificial foot? But why would they make it out of lead?" Rainbow laughed. "Twi, let's talk figures of speech..." XXXXXXX General Carver, followed closely by Doctor Hansen, stormed through the underground warrens of Fort Wyvern. They were on their way to the containment chamber, but not for anything Pinkie herself had done. Quite to the opposite, it was other human beings Carver was angry with this time. The General threw open the last door, loudly demanding "What in the hell do you think you're doing? Already in the room with Pinkie were two smarmy looking men in expensive black suits. "Ah, General Carver. I'm Agent Smith and this is Agent Smith. We've been following your reports regarding the entity. We're here to assist in the investigation." "By what!?" Hansen demanded. "You had better not be planning invasive procedures!" "I have to agree." Carver said. "I don't want others of this thing's kind upset with us." "Never fear." The first Smith said, "We don't want that either. But you must understand how seriously your information has some people worried. This being can apparently violate the laws of physics at will, escape custody on a whim, and now your newest info reveals that it is hiding it's true form by masquerading as a cartoon character." The second Agent Smith added "Which is why, though we do not intend to harm the entity, we are willing to take acceptable risks..." He then produced a syringe and quickly jabbed it into Pinkie's foreleg. "What is that?" Carver shouted. "Just a bit of sodium amitol." "Truth serum!?" Hansen exclaimed. She was livid with anger. "You fools, there's no telling what the might do in her system!" "We kept the dosage small."  Agent Smith (both if them) leaned in over Pinkie. "Now for some answers." The first said. "Exactly." The second agreed. He looked Pinkie in the eyes. "What is your name?" "Pinkie Pie." "I mean your real name." "Pinkie Pie." "Your! Real! Name!" Smith shouted angrily, emphasizing each word. "Pin! Kie! Pie!" The pony replied. "Okay fine, we'll come back to that one. Let's try this: What do do want?" At this point, Pinkie's eyelids were drooping closed, as if the serum's effect on her was getting stronger. "Want?" She mumbled. "Yes! What do you want!?" "I... Wanna..." "Tell us!" "I... Wanna..." Suddenly the slur vanished from Pinkie's voice as she jumped up, free of her restraints, and concluded "...PARTY LIKE IT'S NINETEEN NINETY NINE!!!!" The two agents stumbled back, gaping in shock at the room which was instantly covered in new party decorations. Meanwhile, Pinkie began to dance and sing. "Is there any way to make this stop!?" One of the Smiths shouted. "Let me try something." Hansen answered. "Hey Pinkie!" Pinkie appeared by her side. "What's up doc?" She asked and munched on a carrot. "Nineteen ninety nine was several years ago. It's too late to party like that." The decorations vanished and Pinkie's mane and tail deflated. "Nuts." XXXXXXX Jessica Jennings turned off the winding country road onto a narrow gravel driveway. As she did so, she wondered again just what her husband was caught up in. She didn't suspect infidelity; Solomon was not that kind of man. And yet, here she was, hundreds of miles from home, because a friend of his had an unspecified 'situation.' Solomon hadn't even been willing to tell her where he was. She had been forced to activate the GPS in his phone to locate him. She wondered if telling him what she had done was the best choice. No matter, she and the girls were here now... And there was Solomon, sitting on the front steps of a house, just visible in the pre-sunset light. Solomon rose from his seat as the familiar car drove up the way. "Time to face the music." He said. From inside, a voice asked "You sure this is how you wanna do it?" "Yes. She's parking now, get ready." Solomon began slowly walking towards the car as the doors opened. Jessie was out first, followed by their daughters. He would have swore he heard a "Squeeeee!" from inside when the girls came into sight. "Hello sweetie." Solomon said. "Don't you hello sweetie me! I want to know what's going on here!" "Well, that's a long story... You remember Brian Dashell right?" Jessie grimaced. "That's the friend? The guy that cut everyone off then moved clear out of town?" Solomon nodded. "That's the one. Though, I've found out in the last few days that he had a very good reason for what he did. Which, by the by, is what all this is about too." "And what might that be?" "It's better if I just show you." Solomon turned, opened the front door, and stepped to the side as Dashie joined him. "Wow daddy! She looks just like Rainbow Dash!" Tammy exclaimed. "That's 'cause I am me kid."Rainbow laughed. Three things happened simultaneously: Tammy shouted "She talks!" Becca squealed and ran forward to hug the pegasus, who took it with good grace. And Jessie screamed and ran to hide behind the car, yelling for the girls to join her. Laughing, Solomon tried to reassure his wife that there was no danger. "C'Mon Jess, I've been around them for four days now. Rainbow here lived with Brian for fifteen years!" "I still don't like my girls around an unknown animal! Especially an adult!" "Person, not animal." Rainbow said. "But if you want kids for them to hang out with..." She looked towards the house. "Hey Scoots! Get out here! Bring your friends too!" Tammy and Becca squealed with glee when the Crusaders came trotting out the door. Girls and fillies ran to each other to make introductions. "Mama can we play together?" Becca shouted. Jessie stared at the fillies. They seemed harmless enough, but she was still leery. "Well... Okay, but stay in my sight!" As the children began an impromptu game of tag, she glanced at her husband. "Answers. Now." Solomon chuckled as he said "Right. Let's go inside... Hey girls? Back inside, I'll get Brian to let you use the Wii." As they followed the kids inside, Jessie asked "There, um, aren't any more of them are there?" "Wait 'til you see..." XXXXXXX Agent Smith (Even I'm not sure which one at this point) leaned in close to Pinkie. "Let's try this again. Why are you here? What do you want?" Pinkie contemplated the question. "What do I want...? Hmmm... You mean, like, out of life?" "Well no, but if you'll answer that seriously I'll consider it a good place to start from." "I think I'd like to have my own television show!" "Your... What!?" "Yeah! It would-be called 'Pinkie and her Brain' see, and it would be all about me and my disembodied brain-” Smith interrupted. “Disembodied brain?” “Sure! 'Cause without the brain character we couldn't call the show 'Pinkie and her Brain' could we? It'd just be called 'Pinkie.' And that would suck. Anyway, the brain and I would travel around to the worlds from bad fanfics and fix what was wrong with them!" She shook her head sadly. "It'll never happen though." "Okay I'll bite. Why not?" "Executive meddling." "I'm sorry what?" "See, it's like this... I would want the very first episode to be about me saving Dashie from the evil me in Cupcakes. But the network executives would force us to save that story for the season finale cliffhanger. And then I'd never find out how good real me beats evil fake me! And do you know why!? Because they'd refuse to renew us for season two so the second half of the episode would never get made!" Pinkie frowned. "I hate when they do that." "Excuse us for a moment." One of the Smiths said. Both exited the room to where Carver, Helms, and Hansen were waiting. "How do you handle this thing!?" He blurted out. General Carver broke into open laughter. XXXXXXX Earth. Somewhere else. Atop a hill, in the dead of night, the winds stirred. The darkness grew deeper, fuller. The stars overhead sparkled, flashed brighter, their light however being lost in the miasma of coal-black clouds that rolled across the surface of the ground. There was nothing more... ...and then there was. A new arrival now stood atop the hill. “Now, if I were a former host, where would I be...?” whispered the Nightmare... > Twenty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Twenty XXXXXXX Rainbow Dash was awakened at seven-thirty in the morning by a deep rumbling sound that grew louder and louder until she could no longer ignore it. "What the hay?" She grumbled to herself as she sat up. Half a second later she was knocked back down as Scootaloo galloped into the room and tackled her. "Rainbow Dash you've gotta see this!" The filly exclaimed, "It's awesome!" And with that she turned and galloped back out, not waiting for her hero. "This had better be good." Dashie thought as she got up and followed. It was. Outside, she found the source of both Scoot's excitement and the rumble that had woke her up: the biggest R.V. she had ever seen. "You like?" Brian asked as he climbed down from inside. "It's sweet. But how did you guys afford this?" "We didn't. Sara's brother works for a leasing and rental place, he cut us a deal." "I assume from your speech that such conveances are expensive?" Dashie turned to find the princesses had joined them, followed by everypony else. "Expensive is an understatement." Brian answered. "I paid less for this house and all the ground than this thing would cost." "Indeed? Let us examine the inside then..." Before anyone could move, there came the sound of many guns being cocked. Everyone looked around in shock to find themselves surrounded, but not by military or government agents. The attackers were dressed in a wide variety of civilian clothing. "You dare to assault us!?" Celestia shouted, and began to charge up power in her horn, but Rainbow motioned for her to stop. "Those are really powerful guns princess." She said. "It's too risky." From behind the circle of men, a voice said "Dat's real smart little horse." "Who are you!? What's this about?" Solomon demanded. "Ain't it obvious?" The voice asked. A man stepped into view, a man Dashie and most of the humans present recognized all to well... "Don Calamari!?" They all exclaimed. Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Wait a minute... Shouldn't you be in jail?" The Don laughed. "Da criminal justice system is a wonderful ting. A little cash in Da right places and out I spring. An den, I justs has Da boys watch youse all family's 'til Da dame here (he pointed at Jessie) bugs out real fast-like. We follows and here we are." "And what is it that you want?" Luna asked. "Well duh. Youse horses has gots ta be worth quite a lotta dough..." "Ponies, not horses. And so, what, you plan to sell us as slaves?" Twilight said. "Slaves, pets, lab animals... Whatever pays da best." The mobsters all laughed at their boss's joke. "You're sick!" Miri shouted, "These are people!" "I'd be more worried about myself, if i was you. Plenty of ways to get money from a looker like youse too..." "Truly thou art evil, human." Luna hissed. "An proud of it!" The Don laughed. "Now, let's all line up and March single file ta Da vans we gots waiting." "Risky with their weapons or not, I've got to do something." Celestia thought. But before she could take action, things got worse. With a tremendous crash of thunder a bolt of darkness arced down from the sky. Everyone ducked back, and when they looked again there stood the shadowy figure of an alicorn. "Nightmare!" Luna exclaimed. "Nightmare!?" Miri looked back and forth between Luna and the new arrival. "But... I thought she was... And Luna was..." "Not so." Celestia answered. "The Nightmare is but a demon parasite which took control of my sister." Luna nodded. "Indeed. Stand firm and fear not. The Nightmare has no power without a host." "Do you think so Lulu?" Nightmare taunted. She spread her ethereal wings wide, and a glow of magic power crackled around her. "How...?" "A thousand years in your form was more than enough time to store back some of your strength." Until this point, the Don and his men had held back. But when he saw that this new pony had such dangerous power, he shouted "Dat's it boys! Take dat ting out!" As ponies and humans ran for cover, the mobsters opened fire on the Nightmare. If the spectral being had been inside a living host, it might have worked. As it was, the bullets passed harmlessly through Nightmare's incorporial form. She smiled as the hail of bullets stopped. "Nice try human. Very nice... My compliments. But as you can see, all for nought. And now it is my turn..." Before anyone could react, the Nightmare surged towards Don Calamari, who screamed as the creature flowed into his body, taking control. In the aftermath there stood the Don's body, glowing with power, eyes shining red. "B...boss? Don Calamari?" One of the enforcers asked. "No. You may call me Don Nightmare." That was enough for the rest of the mobsters. They threw down their weapons and ran screaming. "Now then... I count five element bearers, but not the sixth..." "Quit talking and let's rumble!" Dash shouted. "What? Here you mean?" Don Nightmare laughed, and, deflecting a blast from Luna, said "Tempting, but no. For one thing, I've got another world I want to punish first. And besides, that way, if you actually do manage to defeat me again, there goes your little alliance with Earth... Will any pony trust humans after a nightmare human attacks them?" And with a flash of magic, Don Nightmare disappeared into Equestria... XXXXXXX Twenty minutes later, and the scene outside the Dashell home was still a madhouse. While Celestia herself stood, silent, eyes closed, thinking, everyone else human and pony alike were loudly arguing over how to best proceed. And now the Princess of the Sun was getting a headache... "SILENCE!!!" Celestia boomed in the Royal Voice. "Now that I have your attention, here is how we should proceed: Lulu, take the Bearers we have back to Canterlot and retrieve the Elements. I do not know if you will be able to use Laughter or not, but you must try. If it works, all is well. If not, well, five Elements should suffice to slow the Nightmare down until Pinkie Pie is freed." Luna nodded. "I understand sister. It is a good plan." Twilight asked "But what if he... Er, she..." The mare paused, unsure of whether to call a female demon in a male body 'he' or 'she.' "It?" Brian suggested. "Yeah that works. What if it manages to mess up contact between our worlds?" "One problem at a time my student." Celestia answered. "Do as you can. Meanwhile, I will speak on the human newscast as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow morning, and with luck Pinkie will be freed soon after." Rainbow Dash said "I know we gotta hurry, but one more question... What about Squirt and her friends?" "They will be safer on Earth with the Nightmare free. Though, perhaps they should travel with us rather than staying here." "Let's do this then." Solomon said. Delayed only by Brian's insistence on one minute with his daughter, the group heading back to Equestria gathered around Princess Luna, who spread her wings to give them all an easier way to be in contact with her. "Dashie, be careful!" Brian shouted. "You too Pops. Hey Squirt, keep an eye on him for me alright?" Scootaloo saluted. "Count on it!" Luna activated the recall. Three seconds later they were gone. "Well," Thomas said, "If we're really gonna try to reach New York City by morning tomorrow, we'd better get moving..." XXXXXXX Luna and the Element Bearers arrived back in Canterlot to find pandemonium. The north quarter of the city was ablaze, civilian ponies running out, guard and rescue ponies in. "Luna!" Cadance galloped up as soon as she saw them. "What's going on?" "It is the Nightmare. It retains some of my power and has possessed a human." "Then what must we do?" "Have the guard keep it busy. We will gather the Elements." Luna paused, deep in thought. "On second thought, minor change to my sister's plan... Cadance, you are more likely to get results from the Element of Laughter than I. Go with the Bearers. I will keep 'Don Nightmare' occupied." The Princess then flew off into the damaged portion of the city. "You heard her ladies." Cadance said. "Let's go." Sparing a moment for one last glance in the direction her aunt had flown, she raced towards the castle along with the others... Luna, meanwhile, was aghast at the scene of devastation she was flying over. How could anyone, even the Nightmare, do so much damage so quickly? Looking ahead, she caught sight of it, funneling it's stolen power into twin vorticies of flame from each of the human's hands, burning everything in sight. She landed behind the monster, charged up a spell in her horn, and blasted away. Don Nightmare was thrown to the ground, but not hurt. Luna quickly threw up a shield as it tried to counter with a spell of it's own. "Just as I want you to..." Luna thought. Her plan was straightforward. Except for the ability to possess a living host, the Nightmare had no real powers of it's own. And since humans lacked magic, it couldn't be drawing anything from the Don. Therefore, she had only to wait it out until it exhausted the power stolen from her. Simple, and easy, save for provoking it's attention onto herself in order to spare others and speed up the process. Or so she thought... "I know what you're thinking princess." Don Nightmare said. "But it's not that easy! Magic or no, this human is pure evil... And evil is also a power source for me!" Luna swore under her breath. She should have seen that. Then she smiled. If the Don himself really was pure evil, with no redeeming qualities at all, (And he would have to be, for his evil to be used like that), then there was no innocent victim inside to be preserved. Thus, there was no need to hold back. Two seconds after Luna realized this, Don Nightmare found itself blasted hundreds of feet backwards, through half-ruined buildings, clear of the city center. Extending a pair or spectral wings from the back, it tried to slow and gain control of it's trajectory, but was unable to do so before slamming into the ground hard. Scrambling to it's feet, knowing that Luna could be counted on to press the attack, the Nightmare looked around for something to use to it's advantage but came up empty. And now here came Luna. "Huzzah! A mighty blow!" The Princess bragged. "Yield. Yield, and relinquish the human's form." "Or what? We both know you won't allow me to live." "Tis true." Luna admitted. "Yet there is much to commend a fast and painless death over a slow and torturous one." "There is much more to commend living!" The Nightmare shouted as it jumped to the attack, using magic to form a scimitar which it swung in a low arc. Luna dodged the first swing, the second, jumping back to gain space, using the precious moment of time gained to magic up a mythril coating for her horn which would give it the strength to dual with Nightmare's blade. "Engarde, foul beast!" Luna said, "Let us settle this in duel!" "Yes, let's..." Alicorn and shadowy horror collided in fierce battle... XXXXXXX Four hours on the road. Brian knew that he needed to be well rested; he would be driving the next shift in place of Thomas who was up front right now. But he couldn't turn his mind off. Looking around the cabin, he could see Lyra staring out a window, Scootaloo playing with the old gameboy, the other two crusaders and Solomon's girls watching a cartoon, and Solomon trying to teach Celestia the Earth version of chess. "Princess, do you mind if I ask a question?" Brian asked. "I believe you just did. But feel free to ask another." "I'm just wondering... Isn't it strange that Nightmare chose to control a human? I mean, we've got no magic..." "Ah... Well, basically, it had no other options. Only the unrepentantly evil can be possessed against their will. If you have even the littlest good within you, you must invite it in... Which is why it usually goes after those in the grips of emotional distress, as Luna was so long ago." "Wait you lost me, what does that have to do with it?" "Inviting it in simply means answering it's request by saying 'yes.' It counts even if you do not understand what you are saying yes to." Brian nodded, getting it now. "And someone in distress is less likely to think the question through." "You have it." Solomon looked back, saw that the children had all left to the rear cabin, whispered anyway, "In that case, what about Scootaloo? She's in distress, knowing her wings might never work..." Brian gasped. "She's not vulnerable is she?" "No. Children do not have the legal authority to make binding decisions. Therefore, the Nightmare, which does have rules it cannot break, cannot exploit the young in that way." "Thank God..." "You seem strongly concerned for the filly. Is it because of her connection to Rainbow Dash?" "It's because she is, as you say, a child. Though... Princess, Dashie wants me to adopt her." "Oh? And what say you to this?" "I honestly don't know. Besides, isn't what you say to it what matters?" "True. But between the importance of establishing ties between our worlds, and the fact that you have proven yourself a reliable and trustworthy father, well, I would have no objection if you and the filly both agreed." "Her side of it is the problem, I'm assuming?" Solomon asked. Brian answered "Yeah, it's like I said to Dashie... Scoots is older than she was, and has a choice in the matter, and isn't going to want to leave her friends. And I'd hate the thought of taking her from what she knows." "Separating may not be an issue. If i understand the gate design properly, it would also be possible to create a permanent link, for example a doorway that would be Earth on one side and Equestria on the other. Say, for example, Ponyville and your property..." Brian smiled bigger than he had in years. "In that case, maybe I need to have a talk with somepony..." > Twenty One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Twenty-One XXXXXXX Equestria. The sparks flew as Princess Luna and Don Nightmare clashed in an epic duel. The Don was fighting with the use of a magically created scimitar, while the Princess had coated her own horn in a layer of Mythril. It was a strangely balanced conflict; Luna held more magic, and was skilled in using her horn as a weapon, while the Nightmare controlling the Don's body was not accustomed to human physiology. On the other hand, Luna could actually be hurt by the Don's blade, while only the Elements of Harmony could truly hurt her opponent. And so the conflict was a battle of attrition. Luna was fighting to keep the Don occupied. The Don didn't simply run since that would just give Luna an opening to stab it in the back, slowing it down even further. "I know what you're doing Luna! Buying time for Something! "That is my problem to worry about." "And yet you are clearly not worried." Don Nightmare mused, "so what are you up to, I wonder?" "You shall learn soon enough!" Luna dodged another swing of the Nightmare's scimitar, the countered with a stabbing motion that ran the man's body clear through. Nightmare responded by pushing away, landing several feet from the princess, it's magic already healing the wound. "That really hurt. You just took this fight to another level..." "Come then." "Gladly!" The Nightmare lunged ahead, striking with a hurricane of blows that took Luna off balance and drove her backwards. "Cadance, girls, hurry up..." The princess thought, "I won't be able to hold this line for long..." XXXXXXX Elsewhere in Equestria, Cadance and the element bearers had reached the vault where the Elements of Harmony were stored. Each quickly retrieved the appropriate one, but Cadance stood in front of Laughter, uncertainty on her face. " What's wrong?" Twilight asked. "What if I can't use it? It is sort of bound to Pinkie Pie after all..." Softly, Fluttershy said "Then it doesn't work. But what if it does? You can't let fear of a possible bad thing stop you, especially when there's a definite bad thing to stop. I know I'm the last one to be saying this, as weak and scared as I always am..." A determined look came over her face, "But just because I don't have what it takes doesn't mean it's not true! So you are going to take that necklace and use it!!!!" The normal shy expression returned to her face as she shrunk back. "If that's okay with you, I mean..." Cadance smiled, as she used her magic to levitate the necklace over her head. "Thank you Fluttershy, I needed that. Now let's go put an end to this Nightmare..." XXXXXXX Earth. It was now two hours into Brian's turn at the wheel, and he was still thinking about what Celestia had said, as well as discussing it with Miri who was riding shotgun next to him. "So what have you decided then?" She finally asked. "If Scootaloo likes the idea too, I guess I should go ahead with it. I just wish I had a way to know, assuming she agrees, that she's doing so because she actually wants to, and not just because it would 'be like Dash.'" "Or because it would make her Rainbow's sister officially?" "Yeah, that too." Brian frowned. "Okay, I see your concerns. But really, she's still just a little girl, Er, filly. Is any choice she makes going to be completely well thought out?" "That's true... Remind me sometime to tell you about the day when Dashie tried to fix her own lunch. She was maybe five years old, couldn't fly yet..." Miri laughed. "Sounds like a disaster in the making." "You have no idea." Still chuckling, Miri stood, leaned over to kiss Brian on the cheek, and said "I'm sleepy, gonna go lay down for a bit." "Alright. Do me a favor, send Lyra up here." Alone now, Brian focused on the road ahead. They were making excellent progress, and were on track to reach New York City in plenty of time. Then he heard a familiar voice, "You wanted to see me?" "Yeah." Brian patted the passenger chair. "Have a seat." Lyra eyed the windows uncertainly. "Are you sure that's safe?" "Oh sure, the windows are tinted from the outside, no one will be able to look in and see you." “Alright." Taking Brian at his word, Lyra climbed up into the seat and stared out the huge front windshield. "Wow, nice view... So, what did you need?" Brian sighed. "I know you may not know much about this, being a unicorn instead of a pegasus, but what can you tell me about Brittle Wing Disease?" "More than you might expect... It affects something like one pegasus in five thousand so most ponies know the basics." "More common than I thought then." "Yeah, between that and how important flying is to pegasi, they've dumped enormous amounts of bits into finding a cure, but you know, still nothing." "Sounds like the kind of problems lots of medical research here runs into as well..." Brian mused. "It's hereditary?" "Right. From what I understand, in order to fly a pegasus needs two things: power and endurance. Brittle Wing leaves the power intact, but basically eradicates the endurance. A healthy pegasus can maintain full wingpower for hours on end. Those with the disease can only manage a couple of seconds at a time." Brian thought about this, realizing that it fit Scootaloo's condition perfectly. She could, after all, use her wings to boost her jumps considerably. He said "So basically, they can get into the air just fine... They just can't keep themselves there." "Exactly. " "Treatments?" "Not sure. Special diet and exercises I think." Lyra glanced over to the human. "You really wanna help the kid out don't you?" "Yeah, I... Wait, how did you...?" "It's been pretty obvious to me what her problem is for a while now... You know, she's already in better shape than most, just by having Rainbow Dash to help her." Brian smiled. "I know...” XXXXXXX Equestria. Armed for battle, the Element Bearers galloped or flew as fast as they could towards where Luna and the Nightmare were fighting. Of course, the location of the battle had changed, but Finding it was still no problem; the resounding crashes of sound and massive light displays from magical exchanges were visible for miles in all directions. "Faster!" Twilight urged between breaths as she ran, "We've got to help the princess!" Expressions of determination came over the ponies' faces as they redoubled their efforts, ignoring the strain in their muscles. A few minutes more and they climbed over the crest of a hill. In the valley below were the combatants. Luna was holding her own, but looked weary. The Nightmare was pressing her back with blow after blow. "Nightmare!" Twilight shouted, hoping to distract the demon from Luna. Don Nightmare didn't even risk a glance back, but instead leaped over Luna, half-spinning to land facing both Princess and Bearers at the same time. "Honestly Lulu, this is your big plan? I'm disappointed. You know that won't work without all six elements." "We may not have Pinkie Pie right now," Rainbow shouted, but we do have Cadance. Y'know... An Alicorn..." Don Nightmare uttered a singularly vile curse word when Cadance stepped into sight, wearing the Element of Laughter. It tried to dodge the Bearer's attack, but only partially succeeded; it's right arm and hand were hit by the rainbow beam. Cursing, the Nightmare stumbled away from the place where it was hit, the affected limb smoking. And then a funny thing happened. The right hand balked itself into a fist, and began pummling the Don's head and torso until the left hand fought back. Observing this spectacle, Applejack asked "Um, Twi... What's happening?" "If I had to guess," Twilight replied, "I think that the arm we hit with the Elements is now back under Don Calamari's control. And since he, evil or not, doesn't like being possessed any more than anyone else would..." "He's fighting' back now that he can." Applejack finished. Rainbow Dash began laughing. "Aw man! We've gotta position ourselves right to get just the other arm next! It'll be hilarious to see the Nightmare getting beat up with no way to defend itself!" Twilight, Cadance, and Luna exchanged looks, silently debating this idea. "Nahhh..." They said together. Luna said "It is a tempting suggestion Rainbow Dash. But better to simply end this." "I suppose." Lining up in formation, the ponies fired off another burst of power from the Elements. Don Nightmare, too distracted to avoid it, was hit squarely, letting out an unearthly scream as the Nightmare was forced out of it's stolen body. Don Calamari fell to the ground unconscious, and the black swirling miasma of the Nightmare hovered overhead. "Um, shouldn't the Elements have blown the Nightmare herself apart?" Fluttershy asked, staring up at the blackness. "I mean, it didn't stick around like this when we drove it out of Princess Luna..." "You little foals don't even know how your own power works do you?" Nightmare said, rage in it's voice. "You used a substitute for one of the chosen. It still worked, but weaker..." The beast focused her attention on Luna "I'm not done with you yet..." And having spoken those words, she made her escape, vanishing into thin air. "What the... Where did it go!?" Rainbow exclaimed. Luna said "To another world most likely. Though doubtfully Earth with Tia there." "We're really going to have to keep our eyes open from now on aren't we?" Cadance asked. "That thing could turn up anywhere, anytime, with any kind of powerful host." "Indeed." "Well that brings my party down." Rainbow said, "Not that Pinkie's here to throw it anyway..." "Right. Speaking of Pinkie, let's give some help with the damage, then get back to Earth." Twilight said. everypony agreed, and they rushed back to Canterlot, the unconscious body of the Don in tow... XXXXXXX The Bleed. Nightmare appeared in her Alicorn form, cursing Luna and the bearers, and promising swift torturous death to them all. A voice spoke: "You will do no such thing." "Who's there!?" Faust appeared directly in front of the Nightmare, radiant in her full glory. Nightmare sneered. "Well well... Queen Faust. This is where you've been hiding?" "Not hiding. Working. Not that the likes of you would comprehend that." "Oh no, I've been working too... Let me explain something to you: I've been working on the fall of your beloved Equestria. And when I succeed, oh what I'll do to poor little Lulu... I planned to kill her with the others, but I think I'll make her plead for me to take her again, just so the pain will stop. And then-" Nightmare was suddenly cut off by the glare from Faust. The former Queen was glowing blindingly bright with power, all of it focused on the Nightmare. And then, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, the demon screamed in pain as her wings were removed. Not torn or cut off, nothing so crude. Through Faust's power, through her sheer force of will, the Nightmare's wings simply ceased to exist, and the demon herself was bound, unable to move an inch. Faust slowly strolled up to the Nightmare, looking her in the eyes, and began to speak in a firm yet calm and quiet, matter of fact voice: "Now let me explain something to you... There exist, in the deepest, darkest, most hidden corners of reality, beings so evil that they make you look like a paragon of righteousness. Beings... So powerful that comparing you to them is like comparing a firecracker to the Big Bang. Beings... So soul-rendingly terrifying that compared to them, you, Nightmare, are not even scary enough for the supporting role in a toddler's bedtime story. Indeed, in the deepest, darkest, most hidden corners of reality, there exist beings that are all three of those things simultaneously... Those beings scream in terror, soil themselves, and run like frightened rabbits... At the merest... Mention... Of... My... Name." Faust leaned in even closer, nearly touching the Nightmare. As she did so, her horn stopped glowing and the demon found she was able to move again, though she did not do so, for for the first time in her existence she was herself terrified, frozen in fear. Faust whispered "Run you fool. Run while I'm giving you the chance, and never show your face in this part of the multiverse again, because by the Maker, if you EVER harm either of my daughters again, I will kill you many, many times and feed whatever is left over when I'm done to the Gluemaker!" Faust stepped back. The Nightmare still didn't move. Faust reared up, and in a booming voice that would make even the Royal Canterlot Voice sound like a whisper, shouted "GO!!!!!!!!" The Nightmare did, in more ways than one... XXXXXXX Earth. New York City. Seven-thirty three A.M. The hosts of the CBS morning news joked back and forth with each other between stories, when suddenly a bright light erupted at the center of their studio. The hosts ducked back, covering their eyes, as did the people watching the show from the street. When the light faded, they looked again to see an incredible sight: Celestia, standing in the middle of the room. “Greetings.” She began, facing the cameras. “My name is Celestia, Princess of Equestria. I come on behalf of my people, seeking your friendship...” > Twenty Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer: I do not own MLP, nor am I in any way affiliated with the author of the story this fic is based upon. XXXXXXX Chapter Twenty-Two XXXXXXX General Carver was in his office, finishing up his paperwork, when the door flew open. Agent Helms and Doctor Hensen rushed in, along with some of the General's aides. "Apologies for the breach of protocol, General," Helms said, "But you need to see this right away." Helms switched on the office television, and Carver jumped to his feet when he saw what was on the screen: "Greetings, people of Earth. I am Celestia, Princess of Equestria, and I come on behalf of my world, seeking your friendship." "This happened ten minutes ago General." An aide said, "We're running a delayed feed so you can watch it all." Carver nodded and returned his attention to the video. "It is my understanding that many people on Earth have some awareness of my world's existence, by way of a television program. This program was the doing of my mother, the former Queen Faust, who hoped for this day and inspired the cartoon to prepare humanity for it." Celestia explained. One of the newspeople found the courage to ask "And what is it that you want from us?" "In general, only friendship, though the ideas of trade, commerce, and political alliance are also desirable... That said, there is one specific request I must make. One of our citizens, Pinkie Pie by name, is being held by your military. We must, of course, insist upon her release." "Now do you believe me Davie?" Pinkie asked, popping up behind the General, who at this point was finished with being surprised by her impossible actions. "Not entirely." Carver answered. "But it doesn't matter... The President will almost certainly order your release at this point." "Well good. You've been a good host Davie, but this place is boring." The General simply shook his head.. "Anyway," Pinkie continued, "Now that your President guy is gonna say to let me go, I'll just show myself out." "You mean you could have just left at any time!?" Helms demanded. "Of course not Silly Willy! It's like I told you before, I can break the wall when the narrative requires it, or when the results of doing so will be really funny. And doing it NOW when I didn't THEN is funny!" And with that Pinkie waved goodbye and dived into the General's wastepaper basket. Which was empty when Carver, Helms, and Hensen leaned over to look in. "Oh yeah, that's really Pinkie Pie alright..." Hensen said... XXXXXXX While Celestia was appearing on the morning news, which was quickly being rebroadcast all across the planet, Brian decided to take the opportunity to have a chat with Scootaloo. "So... What do you think of Earth?" He asked. "It's really cool!" The filly answered, "But then, it would have to be, since Rainbow Dash grew up here! Actually, I guess that means you've gotta be kinda cool too, since you raised her to be so awesome." "I can't think of any way to take that except as a compliment." Brian thought to himself. He asked "I'm curious... Have you EVER really thought about what it would be like to be adopted?" "Oh sure, a few times. But i dunno... It'd be awesome to have a family and all, but then what if they took me to someplace like Trottingham? I'd lose all my friends!  I might not even ever see Rainbow Dash again if they took me far enough!" A funny expression crossed her face. "Wow! What if it was humans that adopted me? I'd be on a whole different world! I'd never see anypony I know ever again!" Brian reached over and patted Scootaloo on the back. "Don't worry. As close as you and your friends are, I can't imagine anything could keep you apart for long." Scootaloo smiled warmly. "Thanks." "Anytime. You know, even if you did end up on Earth, I bet you'd still be able to see all your friends. The Princess tells me they'll be able to make permanent gates soon. You just walk through a door and you're on another world." "Really? Wow." "Yep.  I know I'm getting one so Dashie and I can see each other...  I guess they'll be able to connect it directly to Ponyville... And, you know, there's that upstairs loft I could convert into another bedroom, just about the perfect size for a filly..." As Brian was talking, Scootaloo finally tumbled to what he was suggesting. She stared at him, eyes wide. "You mean...?" "It's as much your choice as mine. But Dashie's already told me she'd like an official little sister, and-" Brian was cut off as Scootaloo tackled him. "This is awesome! It's like everything I ever wanted, a home, Rainbow Dash as a sister, not having to leave Ponyville, well, technically but... If this is really allowed, I totally wanna give it a shot!" Then, out of nowhere, a pink head popped out beside them. "Aw, that's sweet!" Pinkie said. Brian and Scootaloo jumped back as if shot, looked at each other, then together exclaimed "Pinkie Pie!?" "That's my name, don't wear it out!" "When... How...?" "Oh that nice Mister President man said I could go when the Princess asked, so here I am!" Brian shook his head. He was so very glad it had been Dashie who came into his life; trying to raise Pinkie would have driven him to drink... XXXXXXX Epilogue With no way to hide it, Earth's governments opened diplomatic contact with Equestria within the week. A few nations held back, insisting that the alien ponies were evil, though most were at least open-minded. Princess Celestia found herself stuck in New York City for two full days, granting news interviews and official meetings with national leaders and ambassadors. Her U.N. speech was broadcast live to over two hundred countries. When the group returned to Brian's home, they found Luna and the Bearers waiting. Their reunion with Pinkie was joyous, and needless to say the mare threw a combination "Welcome Back Me/Congratulations Scootaloo" party that evening. Don Calamari had been dropped anonymously at a hospital, and was not being taken seriously by the staff when he claimed to have been possessed by a demon horse. “First-Contact Induced Psychosis” they called it. Rainbow Dash surprised everyone by declaring her intentions to move back into her old room for the time being. "Cloud house'll still be there when I'm ready for it Pops." She had said. "So picture this, bed here in the middle, Wonderbolts poster on that wall, Dale Erhart poster across from it..." The permanent gates Celestia had proposed were built soon after. Nearly all were in New York, but a single small example was installed elsewhere, connecting a rural farmhouse with a new door hidden behind a bookcase in the Ponyville library. Scootaloo's adoption was delayed a month by complaining from elements within the nobility who thought a pony orphan should go to a pony couple. Luna rather dramatically ended the stalemate by offering immediate custody to whichever of them would take Scoots personally. The nobles turned and left in silence, save for Blueblood who practically galloped out the door, screaming. In any case, it bought time for her new room to be finished. Thomas and Sara returned to Port Timbrey, having little desire for continued contact with the unusual, but Solomon and Jessie elected to move close to Brian. Miri stayed close, and everyone knew it wouldn't be too long before Brian proposed. Life went on, on both worlds, the good with the bad, much as always for most people. And somewhere else, far away across the Bleed, an ancient evil stirred in it's slumber, soon to awaken...