The Princess of Desire

by kng_bowser

First published

Phathusa is a hard working artist, but things don't turn out like planned for her.

Phathusa Moonbrush is a pretty well known artist in her town. However, when she decides to move to the big leagues, things don't turn out as planned.

(This is a birthday gift to my favorite artist Phathusa Moonbrush. This is my version of how she became an Alicorn Princess, not hers. Special thanks to Warpchild and Ultima 0 for editing this.)

The Princess of Desire

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Phathusa Moonbrush loves to draw, she was very gifted at it and was even shown as her cutie mark: A crescent moon paint brush board with seven colors of paint and a paint brush overlapping it. It helped that she was a very skilled Unicorn because painting with hooves was so much harder. Drawing was her life, she even made a decent living out of it in her small home town of Hoofington. However things were boring there, if she wanted to spread her art then she would have to move to a big city. After saving enough Bits and saying her goodbyes, she made her way to Fillidelphia, however things wouldn’t turned as she planned there.

The first months were okay at best, Phathusa managed to get a few small time jobs but nothing permanent. However her extra funds were running low fast so she decided to make a drastic change, she would start drawing explicit art. Under the artist name MoonButt, a terrible nickname she had as a child, she began using her artist skills to draw art for ponies with a wilder taster of art and she loved it. Though this form of art helped gain some extra Bits, the competition was even stiffer in the world of clop art.

Not even half a year on FIllidelphia and Phathusa feared that she might have to move back home and that was the last thing she wanted. She loved drawing, she knew that she could make herself a big name with her clop art and she was going to spend every Bit she if she had to just to make it happen… she just needed to find out how to first.

She got a knock at the door really early one morning, she groaned and turned on her bed but the knocking wouldn’t stop. “Uhhh… alright, I’m up. Keep it down, will you.” Slowly but surely she dragged herself up to the door, she peered out the spy hole and saw a blue Pegasus with red hair wearing a blue kimono decorated in flowers. “Are you here to model for me Sureibu?” She said as she opened the door to let her friend in. Sureibu was a shy pony but was very selfless, she loves to help out others. If it hadn’t been for her and her Fiancé’s support of her art, she would of probably moved back home sooner.

Sureibu made her way inside, carrying mail letters under one of her wings. “Umm… no, not exactly. I’m here to help you clean your place, remember?” They both looked at the studio apartment, which was cluttered with papers, drawing mats, cups of paint and empty wine bottles. Phathusa let out a weak smile but Sureibu just sighed in response. “You really have to take care of yourself better Moon-chan.” She began making her way through the mess, placed the mail on the table and began preparing for the long work ahead.

Phathusa levitated the letters and began flipping through them, each one giving her a disappointed look. “Bill… bill… nothing but bills. Why do people want my money? Can’t they see I hardly have any at all!”

“Maybe you’d have some more Bits if you weren’t spending them in so much wine, Moon-chan.” Sureibu was already working on the mess, hoping to make a dent at the mounds of it.

“Hey, wine helps my art. It keeps me focused.” Phathusa finally got frustrated by the unwanted mail and threw it at the desk, making a loud smack. Sureibu jumped at the sound and qucily placed her hooves at her flank. She blushed at the gesture once she realized the source of the sound and continued to clean as though nothing had happened. Phathusa levitated the mail once more, an evil grin ran across her face. “Looks like somepony was rather naughty last night and had to be disciplined.” She began taking steps forward.

Sureibu continued cleaning, inching herself away from Phathusa. “No… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Come on, help me clean this up.” She had a worried look at what was to come.

“Yeah, sure. But first, how about a little fun?” She was just about to tap her friend lightly on the flank when a flyer got her attention. Drawing it closer she began to read it out loud. “Artist expo this weekend, booths still available. Only two hundred Bits. All art welcome… this is it! This is my chance to make it big!”

Sureibu poked her face behind her wings, as she was using them to shield herself from the strike. “That’s wonderful Moon-Chan… but do you even have that many Bits to spare?” Phathusa walked to the closet and began throwing stuff out into the floor. Sureibu sighed and just sat down, waiting for her friend to be finished before continuing her work.

“Aha!” Phathusa cried out in cheer as she pulled out a small piggy bank. “I’m sorry little guy, but you have served your purpose.” She whispered to it before breaking it open. Bits scattered around the floor, she used her magic to pile them up neatly in front of her and began counting. “Yes, just barely enough. This is it Sureibu, this is my last shot. It’s all or nothing baby!”

“Oh, wonderful. But... you only have four days to get all your materials ready. Do you think that’s enough time?” Sureibu sounded worried, Phathusa’s enthusiasm was beginning to fade. “I mean, you have to get some prints out to sell, take lots of food and drinks, a nice setup to draw in the crowd, I don’t think four days are enough for just one pony to prepare all of this.” Before Sureibu realized it, Phathusa was already giving her puppy dog eyes. She sighed once again and gave her friend a supporting smile. “Yes, of course I’ll help in any way I can.”

“Woo hoo!” Cheered Phathusa as she gave her friend a hug. “You are the best pony ever! Now get naked, I need some art to sell.” She was pushed back by Sureibu, the look on her face was all she needed for a response. “Fine… but at least bring me something yummy.”

The day of the art expo had finally arrived and, thanks to Sureibu’s help, Phathusa was ready to make her art known though all of Equestria. Though her booth was rather small compared to the rest, she didn’t allow that to bring her spirit down. She had brought different types of drawings to sell: beautiful landscapes, fan art of famous ponies from various sources, and, most importantly, explicit art. The last one would be tricky to sell, as it couldn’t be displayed to the public like the rest, but she had made alternative versions that were safe for work and would bring them up if a customer seemed interested in buying it.

As the day went by she wished she had brought some form of entertainment, sketching was fun but it just made the time drag on due to all the drawings she did prior to the event. Customers were few and far between, there were a lot of people in the event but most of them just browsed through her work and moved on. Just a little past noon her mood perked up a bit as she waved at Sureibu, whom was wearing a slightly worn, off-white uwagi and a navi blue hakama, the outfit appeared to have holes for her wings to go through for comfort.

Poor Sureibu kept getting stopped to get a picture taken, slowly but surely she finally made it to her friend’s booth. “Sorry to keep you waiting Moon-Chan, I didn’t think this would attract so much attention. Dominante-kun and I were very excited to see the artist of Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story so we decided to dress up like the two main characters but I didn’t think we’d be some of the few.”

“But isn’t that your normal attire?” Phathusa replied with a confused look in her face. “You always wear such fancy and exotic clothing, I’m surprised you can get around town, much less a whole convention floor.” However she stopped complaining to her friend as she noticed a few people crowding around the booth. Though they were asking to take a few pictures of Sureibu, she could use this opportunity to get some sales. “Hey, how about you sit back here with me? You must be tired from all the walking and stopping, take a load off and relax for a bit.”

“Oh, yes, that sounds lovely.” Sureibu flapped her wings and carried herself, as well as a package wrapped in cloth, over the booth and to the back of the table. She sat down and gently placed the package in front of Phathusa and began unwrapping it, the smell of food filled the air.

Phathusa gave a little squeal and hugged Sureibu, “thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this!” She instantly began digging into the meal, completely forgetting about the crowd which was now beginning to disperse as their subject was now occupied. “So where is Dominante?” She asked while carefully taking out the unwanted seaweed wrapping of a rice ball, “Surely your master wouldn’t be too far away. Ah, speak of the devil.”

A brown unicorn with glasses was making his way down the hall, he too was wearing attire to fit the mail character of the Samurai series: a worn, soft red kimono with a white umanori hakama, a zori and a white tabi. In addition to the clothing he had a cross scar on his left cheek and had a prop katana holstered in his side.

Though he too was being stopped for pictures, he wasn’t getting anywhere near enough attention as Sureibu did. “Hello Moonbutt, I hope things are going well.” He said as he reached her table. “If you aren’t too busy, I would like a commission from you.”

Phathusa looked up at him, “if it’s a commission of this cutie butt naked then I’m way ahead of you.” She continued to eat but her comment didn’t seem to faze him, though Sureibu’s face had turned red and was now using her wings to hide it.

“No, that is not what I am here for.” He leaned in closer to her and gestured for her to do the same. “Actually what I would like is for an idea we had in mind,” he whispered to her. “What I would like is for a drawing of Princess Luna, in heavy bondage.” He whispered to Phathusa whom was using her magic to write down the details. “It’s part of a future role-play idea we have in mind but I’d like to get some concept art for it first. Feel free to draw her in any position you wish, the more humiliating the better.” Sureibu’s face now fully hidden by her wings, as her face was beet red for she knew exactly what they were talking about and what role she would take in it.

Phathusa bore a grin in her face, nothing got her more excited than drawing ponies in bondage, let alone a pony princess in heavy bondage. “Oh wow, this is going to be fun. I haven’t drawn Princess Luna before so it’ll be an exciting experience. I’ll tell you what, since Sureibu here has done so much for me, I’ll cut you a deal on the price. It’s the least I can do.”

“But… don’t you need the money to help you out?” Said Sureibu whom was still hiding behind her wings. “I mean, it’s very kind of you but…”

“Now, now,” Dominante said as he pushed down Sureibu’s wings down a bit to reveal her face, “if she wants to pay you back for all of your hard work, then I say we let her.” Sureibu simply nodded in reply. “It’s getting late, we have to get in line if you want to meet that manga artist. Nice seeing you Phath, we’ll come back and check up on you tomorrow, you can return the bento box later.”

“Yeah, that sounds great. I’ll get started on this right away as well, though don’t expect me to get much done if I get too many people order more stuff.” Her hopeful look was back again in her face, she gave both of them a wave good bye and began to draw the commission and hoped that it would draw in some new customers.

Princess Luna gave a frustrated groan as she walked around her luxurious hotel room in Fillidelphia. She has decided to take a short vacation away from the castle to get some privacy for she was having a difficult issue in her duties and didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Celestia. She was the watcher of the night and she also guided young fillies to have the most wonderful dreams but she just recently started going into much older Mares and Colts to help them out with something special, to give them some very special dreams that they will not soon forget.

However it seemed that she was completely out of touch with the common folk, she was unsure of how to give them these special dreams. After reading some books, and some failed attempts, she thought it would be best to research on the subject of having sex. Her room was littered with books on the subject and erotic magazines were in piles. She didn’t know the first thing about having a special pony and it was clearly showing. There was a knock on the door, Luna used her magic to open the door and answered. “Did you bring me the materials I asked for Altima?”

Altima was the second Lieutenant of the royal guards, she served under Princess Celestia but had just recently been appointed to Luna. The poor white mare unicorn was still getting used to her new night schedule but luckily this vacation meant that she could get some sleep in a regular fashion. She brought in a few black bags, concealing the questionable materials that were inside of it. “Yes princess, I have acquired your… references as requested.” She closed the door behind her and placed the bags in a table and sat down on the floor. “I do wish you wouldn’t send me to get these for you princess, it’s rather embarrassing buying this kind of stuff.” Though she was wearing civilian clothing, this didn’t mean that she still wanted to be seen in public buying erotic materials.

“Fear not Altima, this is the last material you shall be buying. It seems that I’ve hit a dead end on this, it looks like I’m not cut out to give the older citizens a pleasurable dream.” She began rummaging through the magazines that Altima had brought but stopped rather quickly, followed by yet another annoyed groan. “This displeases me, nothing is inspiring about this stuff, maybe I should just admit defeat on the matter and move on.”

Altima quickly rose to her feet, which caught Luna by surprise. “Nay princes, I will not allow such atrocity. Today shall not be the day you lose hope, not while I’m on duty.” She went over to the room for a minute and came out with some clothing and set them next to Luna. “Put these on Princess, I saw the perfect place to gather some fresh material on the way here.”

Altima had brought the Princess in disguise to the convention center, where the art show was currently going on. “Here, Princess, is where we shall make some research.” Said Altima as they got in line to get into the exhibition floor. “And best of all, you are hidden in plain sight. Many ponies dress up for these kind of events, even if you are spotted no one will know whom you really are.”

“Thou speak the truth,” Luna began looking at other ponies and stared at their marvelous costumes and dresses. “This is most wonderful, we can look at naughty stuff all day long.” She had a happy grin in her face, however Altima’s was blushing.

“Can we just, you know, not announce our plans for why we came here? It was bad enough that I had a bunch of perverts staring at me at the store earlier. I don’t even want to think of how many looks I’ll get here.” Both began making their way inside and were quickly overwhelmed by the crowd of people. They tried to stick together but while looking at a booth it seemed as though Luna decided to wander off and look at some stuff on her own.

Phathusa groaned as four o’ clock arrived, she only had two customers the whole day after her friends had visited. The art show was still going to be open for another three hours but she decided to pack her things up and close up the booth early. With her saddlebags packed she began making her way through the crowd while continuing to work on Dominante’s commission. “Maybe I’m not cut out to make it big,” she said to herself, “at least with the Bits from this commission I’ll have enough to get back home.” She continued to concentrate on her sketch work but suddenly bumped into someone, her work falling onto the ground.

“Ophh.. I beg your pardon miss, I was not paying enough attention” said the female that had bumped into Phathusa, “here, allow me to help pick up your valuables.” She used her magical horn and began gathering the papers and prints that had scattered.

“Thanks but I’m to blame as well, it’s been a very frustrating day and I too wasn’t paying too much attention.” She began putting her stuff back into her bags but noticed that the female was looking through her sketchbook. “Umm… can I have that back, please?”

“By my sister’s beard, did you draw this?” She turned the book towards Phathusa and showed her the line art of the Luna in bondage Commission.

“Uhh… yes, that’s something I’m working on for a friend. It’s not for sale, sorry.” *This girl must be a really big Luna fanatic,* she thought, *the detail to her costume is outstanding, though I’m questioning the choice of clothing.* She extended her hoof and waited the book returned but was left waiting some more. Annoyed by the incompetence of the female, she used her magic to take it back. “Sorry but I really need to get going now.”

“Wait, thou must come with me. Never in my days did I think that I could look so lewd and helpless. You must join me at my hotel room and show me more.” She grabbed Phathusa’s hoof and began dragging her along, she protested but it seemed as though her captor wasn’t hearing. A white unicorn joined them, she seemed frustrated yet relieved to have found the Luna cosplayer.

They reached the hotel, a grand luxurious sweet was where they had taken Phathusa. She was left speechless by both the beauty of the place, as the main room was just about as big as her studio apartment, and the mass amounts of erotic magazines and books. “Oookay,” she said as she was dragged inside by the strange girl, “just letting you know, I’m a good screamer. People will know that I’m here if you decide to do something weird. If you really want that Luna piece that badly then take it.” She placed her sketchbook on the table and turned around to leave but was stopped by the white unicorn.

“The Princess has wished to meet with you, this is an honor far too great to just walk out on. “ Altima had a serious look in her face, as though Phatusa’s actions were insulting.

“Yeah, some genuine princes you have here. I think I saw about twenty of her alone just on the way. Listen, I do enjoy a bit of role-play here and there but this is ridiculous. You expect me to…” her words trailed off as the lights began to flicker on and off, dark clouds were being formed outside and thunder could be heard. Phathusa turned around and saw Princess Luna, whom was no longer wearing her civilian clothing, her wings were stretched outward and her eyes were white.

“Thou dare not believe me? Does thou think that I, the princess of the night, am a fake?” Lighting struck just outside the window, which made it shake. “Young Moonbrush, I have brought thee here for thou have shown me something which I lack.”

Phathusa’s mouth hanged open in shock, the real moon princess was standing in front of her. She quickly bowed to show her respect and noticed her sketchbook on the floor. She then remembered the drawing of Luna she was working on and bowed even lower. “I’m sorry princess, I didn’t mean to draw you that way. It was my friend’s idea, I can show you where he lives if you spare me.”

Luna’s eyes went back to normal, the clouds began to disappear, she walked in front of Phathusa and picked up her sketchbook. “Nay, you shouldn’t be sorry, what you have is a gift. Your art made me tingle, which is something that hasn’t happened in many centuries.” She used her magical horn to conjure up a glass bottle, it looked rather plain and the liquid inside of it was white. “If you are okay with it, I would like to put you through a test.“

Phathusa looked up at the princess and gulped. “A test? I don’t know what you mean”

“You have shown potential for a task, I would like to test thee to see how well you do in it.” Luna lowered the mysterious bottle and placed it in front of her test subject. “It is a simple task, you will go into an older pony’s dream and make them happy. The happier they become, the better.”

She picked up the bottle, examined it and looked at Luna. “Now, when you say “make them happy” you’re talking about getting them aroused, correct?” The princess nodded in response, “and I can go into any pony’s dream?”

“All but my own,” replied Luna, “any pony whom slumbers is open to you. Just do make sure that they are of age, I would not like to have some… mishaps to a younger one.”

She uncorked the bottle and sniffed the contents, which she regretted immediately. “This isn’t cum, is it?” The princess shook her head, “hmm… any pony I want, eh?” She looked outside the window, the sun was just about to set. The idea struck her instantly, she downed the vial and almost immediately passed out. She felt as though her spirit left her body, she could see herself sleeping on the ground, Altima was beginning to make her body more comfortable. Not wanting to wait for further instructions, she used her astral form to fly towards Canterlot and find her target.

In mere minutes Phathusa began making her way around Canterlot, the capital city of all Equestria. She flew straight to the castle, going through walls like a ghost, to find her test subject. Princess Celestia was sleeping in a large bed, she was wearing a sleeping gown and a blindfold. “Hmm… now how do I enter?” Phathusa said to herself as she floated around the princess. She stuck her hand through the princess body and giggled, she then tried to do the same to her head but was sucked inside.

Phathusa found herself in a classroom, Princess Celestia was teaching Twilight Sparkle some magical components. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to come in.” She said but it seemed as though the two didn’t notice her at all. She began walking around the duo, not paying much attention to what they were saying as it sounded boring, and wondered how to begin.

“Gah, this is no use! I should have asked Luna what to do.” She sighed at her frustrations and looked around the room once more, “uhh… I need a drink.” Out of thin air a wine bottle appeared and crashed to the floor, both Celestia and Twilight jumped at the sound and walked over to the bottle.

“Whha… what happened?” Asked Twilight as she began studying the scene. “Did you summon this?” She looked at her mentor with a confused face but she shook her head in reply.

“I know not where this came from, perhaps another student is playing a prank on us.” Celestia used her magic to clean up the mess and moved back to the desk. “Come now, we must continue our research.”

“Did… did I create that?” Phathusa said to herself as she looked at the trash bin containing the remains of the bottle. “Of course! This is a dream, therefore I can make things the way I want them to.” She got a devilish grin and looked at Celestia, biting her lower lip in the process. “Well, if that’s the case, let’s have some fun.”

The entire room went dark, nothing could be seen except Celestia whom was confused as to what just happened. “Twilight?” She called out into the darkness, “Twilight?! What is going on?” She used her magic to light up the room but it had no effect. She walked around the room, her hooves echoing though the emptiness, and saw a light up ahead. Running towards it, she called out to her student once more, but soon stopped in her tracks at the sight before her.

A heart shaped bed decorated with white rose pedals and candles had replaced her peaceful classroom. Twilight Sparkle, or at least an older version of her, lay upon the bed wearing a sexy corset and a strap-on. “Hello, my dear student,” the older Twilight called out, “it is time I taught you a very valuable lesson.” Using her magic, she pulled Celestia closer to her.

“Twilight, what is the meaning about this?” Cried out Celestia, whom was unable to do anything but get dragged closer to her. “I am not your student, you shouldn’t be teaching this!”

“Oh? Am I to be taught by someone younger than me? Looks like somepony doesn’t know their place yet.” Twilight levitated a school outfit and began putting it on Celestia, whom struggled at it. “Come now, a proper student must be properly attired.” After placing the final piece of clothing on her, she lifted a mirror to face Celestia and giggled. “There we go, that is so much better.”

Celesita’s mouth hanged open in shock, her physical body looked as though she was in her twenties once more. “What kind of magic is this?” But no reply came, instead she was pulled into the bed and laid next to Twilight. “What are you planning? What exactly are you going to teach me?”

Twilight bit her lower lip and moved in closer, kissing her precious student’s mouth. They shared the kiss for about a minute or two, Celestia resisted for a bit but began to enjoy it shortly after. “I’m going to teach you something special, my student. Today, we embark on the greatest lesson of friendship.” She continued her kiss once more, Celestia did not resist this time.

Twilight moved Celestia to a more comfortable position, lifted up her skirt and removed her panties. She covered herself up but Twilight gently moved her hooves. “It’s okay, I promise to be gentle.” Celestia nodded in reply and closed her eyes, preparing for what was to come.

Twilight’s body began to change to that of Phathusa, whom then began to stroke at Celestia’s nipples. She moaned in reply and looked at Phathusa, “Oh Twilight…. You have no idea how I’ve longed for this.” She spread her legs wider, exposing her vagina some more. “Please, please fuck me.”

Phathusa began rubbing her strap-on on Celestia’s vagina, collecting her juices for lubrication and to tease her some more. “Here is your first lesson, I’ll make sure it’s one you won’t forget.” She began thrusting Celestia, slowly at first but began picking up some speed as they both got more comfortable. The room began to get blurry but it seemed as though both didn’t notice, they both continued to moan for one another.

“Wake up, wake up Phathusa.” Said Altima as she shook the purple unicorn, “you must awaken.”

She rubbed her eyes and looked around, the sun was shining brightly through the window. “Wah... how long was I out? It only felt like an hour at most.”

“It has been only three hours since you took the potion, it’s just barely past eleven pm.” She pointed her hoof at the clock to show her the time. “Something has gone terribly wrong, I fear that your “actions” with Princess Celestia might have been a bit too much for her to handle. Princess Luna has left to handle the matter and should return shortly.”

After about fifteen minutes, the sun went down the horizon for the second time today. Princess Luna flew through the window, her face had an exhausted look to it. “There, it is done. I know not how my sister managed to handle both the sun and moon on her own during my banishment, it is most certain a difficult task.” She laid on the bed to rest, Altima handed her a drink. “I have informed the media to not cause such a ruckus over the matter, that this was just a simple misjudgment on our part.” She began taking a sip of her drink and allowed herself a sigh of relief.

Phathusa got on her knees at the foot of the bed, “I am sorry Princess, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I should have waited for you to guide me but I got too greedy, I wanted to show you what I was capable off.” Tears began dripping down her eyes, Princess Luna leaned close to her and wiped them off with her own hoof.

“There is nothing to be sorry for,” she replied with a caring smile, “you did what I had told you and passed. Though I wish I had mentioned to not disturb my sister, the fact that you were able to force her to raise the sun out of sheer joy is a remarkable feat.” She nodded to Altima, whom then went into the other room for a few seconds and came back with a suitcase. “You have proven yourself that you can do something that I cannot, and for that I would like to make you, and those that you aid, happier.” Phathusa couldn’t believe herself, this had to be a dream. Phathusa slapped herself gently to reassure herself that this was really happening and nodded in reply. “If that is the case, then we shall begin with the coronation.”

“What, you mean here?” Phathusa asked with a very confused look in her face. “Shouldn’t we be doing this at a nicer place?”

Luna used her magic to open the briefcase and pulled out three very revealing sleeping gowns and began putting them on the trio. “While my methods of welcoming a new Princess to the kingdom might not be as flashy as my sisters, I assure you that this will be a night that you will not forget.” From the suitcase also came out some bondage gear, she placed them in front of her and smiled. “Now, how about we make that drawing of yours a reality?”

Phathusa was awestruck for a moment, this was the best night ever. She bit her lower lip as she picked up the gag and moved closer to Luna. *There is no way Dominante is going to believe this story,* she thought *perhaps I’ll make sure to replay it for him one night as thanks.*

Before Phathusa could begin though, Luna held up her hand to stop her. Her horn began to glow, shortly so did her clitoris. A penis began to erect from the area, Luna giggled at the confused and shocked face of her guest. “There are some spells that even my sister does not know about, this will allow my magic to flow into you and complete the coronation. “ She looked at Altima, whom was just standing by the door. Her hands were placed by her vagina which was eager for some attention. “You have my permission to join us Altima, but know that this” she pointed at the newly formed penis, “this is only for her alone. Is that understood?” Altima quickly nodded in reply and grabbed a few toys out of the bag.

The restrains they had provided were designed to have different positions for the wearer, Phathusa decided to start with having Luna tied up like a dog. Her four hooves were bent as far as they could and bound to themselves, a nice penis gag filled her mouth and an inflatable butt plug invaded her anus. Phathusa wore a double ended dildo, as she wanted to pleasure both herself and the princess, while Altima began using Luna’s face to pleasure herself. They would continue switching positions through the night, trying out the princess different holes and pleasuring themselves.

After about an hour of fun, Phathusa finally worked up the courage to ride Luna’s artificial penis. Though she had used toys on herself, this was the first time she’d try something close to the real thing. She placed her vagina at the tip started off slowly, the penis was thicker than anything she had tried, but slowly picked up speed and rhythm. Altima came from behind Phathusa and inserted the double dildo into her anus, which caught her by surprise. Altima helped her pick up speed and all three moaned in pleasure. Luna was the loudest, she had reached her limit and released her load inside Phathusa.

She felt large amounts of magic fill her entire body, her eyes turned as dark as the night sky. A pair of wings began to sprout on her back, growing larger than the average Pegasus. Her curved horn, mane and tail grew a little longer and her purple skin began getting light purple spots in certain areas. Altima did not stop her thrusting on Phathusa’s anus, even Luna was using her magic to motion the newly formed princess up and down on them.

Her eyes turned to normal and then she fell onto Luna’s chest, her breathing was heavy with exhaustion. Altima pulled herself out of the double dildo and removed the gag from Luna, whom was also having heavy breathing. “I now crown you, princess of Desires. For that is what your task will be, you will bring the deepest desires of Mares and Colts everywhere come true. You will aid them in their time of need with your erotic arts, filling them with joy.” She looked at the clock, it was already past four PM. “Now, how about you continue to fill my desires, Princes? Though the night is almost over, I know that my sister won’t be raising the sun at its usual time today.” A smile on her face, followed by a deep kiss, was all the response she needed to continue their enjoyment.