> A New Moon Is Rising > by Jinxed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her eyes slowly opened. She coughed violently. Her breath came in choked gasps of shock as she tried almost immediately upon reflex to pull herself up into a sitting position, the ash coating her falling almost like grey sand. Then her scream was instant, the pain erupted so fast within her that her vision swam and closely threatened to make her faint. She kicked her legs out involuntarily as the agony played through her, panic blossomed in her mind and ran freely for several minutes, until eventually her logical side seized hold of her frantic thoughts, forcing her to calm down and make sense of the situation she was in. The seconds ticked by as she gently laid back, taking a few small reassuring breaths even if her chest suffered horribly from the action. Again, she struggled much in vain to right herself. With the pain from her torso overwhelming her, and her legs burning as if they were on fire, she stopped trying, waiting until all the hurt faded at least a little more. What in the name of Celestia had happened? Her side was hurting to the greatest extent, so she carefully looked to that part of herself first, unfortunately it was much too dark for her to see anything clearly, but her clothing felt almost damp around the area that hurt, so she knew she was injured, the question was just how bad was it. Her hands feebly examined the area through the pain of doing so to check for damage, and Twilight let loose a whimper as she realised something long was jutting from her left side, touching the offending object caused deep painful aches. It was warm and wet where it pierced her body, so she was certain the wound was still bleeding. Trying to contain her resolve as best could manage, she pulled her bloody fingers away, and she made to check her legs next, as one of them extensively burned with pain more than the other. She did succeed with a cry, to shift herself upwards despite the daunting injury, cursing the situation of lighting while waiting for the agony to calm again, she really needed to see how bad things were. Her eyes gradually adjusted to the gloomy scene however, and she indeed saw something else was sticking out from her left calf. Feeling around the limb, she found it was not just poking out, but quite alarmingly pierced right through the soft muscle of her leg, and it too was still bleeding. At least she knew that was the major cause for not being able to stand upright. Other than these two grievous wounds, she was littered with small cuts and scrapes along her lithe frame, she could feel the pulsing twinge that emanated from each little affliction. Her brain was going into overdrive with questions, telling her she needed to fix this before she lost too much blood. Her brain also told her she needed to find out what was going on and why she was now injured in such a manner, this was definitely from an explosion of some sort, and she couldn't remember how this had happened, she was just in her library one minute... and then nothing, she awoke like this. Twilight mentally told her brain to shut the fuck up, silencing all her worries so she could concentrate. I need to get up. The sooner she could get up and move, the sooner she could find out what was happening. It really didn't help that she couldn't see her surroundings, and she needed to. This was further enforced as her ears twitched atop her head upon hearing an object crash into the ground far behind her, yet she wasn't able to turn due to her injuries to see what it was. But at least she had her first task: Find a light source. Her horn gently pulsed, lighting up very meekly in the darkness. It wasn't good enough, she was too weak to fuel the spell anymore than this, and she needed to see beyond her own snout. She was still pretty disorientated from whatever had happened, but she was still sitting within her library, so there were a few light sources she knew she could search for. From what she could see, destroyed books were scattered everywhere, strewn about as if a storm had taken them after being forcibly ripped apart. Glasses, beakers, and other such equipment she kept around for her research were also smashed into pieces all around her. Many of the shards having managed to find their way into her feet and legs too, she could feel the discomfort as she moved. There was a constant flickering of light over the ground that was giving a poor amount of light, and she heard a gentle crackling, so she could assume something was aflame, but she didn't feel much heat, so it wasn't near enough to her to be dangerous. A brief glimpse at the ground compelled dread to rise in her breast; dark red covered the wooden floor where she lie. Just how long had she been unconscious and injured in such a state? Celestia’s Sun had been high in the sky when she was studying earlier. She leaned back again, uneasily bumping into something hard, flat, smooth, and cold. She briefly turned despite the pain, managing to look at it long enough to figure out just what it was. Strangely, it was her floor... not where it should be. To be precise; a large chunk of it that had been ripped from its foundation and impaled within the flooring proper, almost like a statue. That had likely happened during whatever had caused her injuries, so for what it was worth she counted herself lucky it wasn't impaling her. She closed her eyes, shakily sighing in dejection and swallowing the lump in her throat. The condition of her library was laughably trivial in comparison to the fact she was likely to bleed out shortly. But it didn't stop her from widening her eyes in shock as there was a flash of light in the sky from a distant blowout of some kind, which lit up the library for a few precious moments, revealing that the giant tree had no canopy to it anymore. It was as if somepony had taken a giant axe to her home and left it a jarred stump, the wood was horribly splintered where it had been separated, and was definitely what was puncturing her body. It was somewhat ironic; she'd thought this structure so protective, yet it was likely to be the thing to finish her. The wind picked up as she sat, howling through the open ruin, brushing light debris along before the illumination winked out and left her within the dark again, hiding the deeper destruction that had been created. While it a substantial loss, her grief was minimal; her beloved library could be rebuilt in time, sweat, and magic. If I even live that long... She wasn't one to simply quit, though. Never had been. Back to finding a light source. The low glow from her horn, in addition to the meagre light from whatever was burning behind her, was enough to spy a damaged lamp still gingerly hanging on the wall directly beyond her. She intently focused on it, magical energy enveloping the object. It took a slight spell to achieve ignition within it, sapping her already limited energy, but it burst into a modest flame that was brighter than if she'd lit it by normal means. Acceptable. At best she could view a good portion of her immediate area now, she was in the centre of her library, just about. The area to her left was where the front door should have been, there were only massive pieces of charred lumber now, so behind her near to the back of the room should be the entrance to the basement. From where she sat, the upper section and alcoves of the library were practically non-existent of course, so it would be a safe guess to consider everything once held above and within completely lost, not that she'd have been able to get up there in her condition. Her next task was to get back on her feet, which in her current state was going to prove rather difficult. To get moving, she vitally required sorting out her maimed leg. All the knowledge she knew on medical first aid rushed into her mind as she thought on how to go about this, but she saw only one option available to her. She would need to attempt carefully removing the chunk of wood skewered in her muscle, even though that would likely make it hemorrhage further. As well as that she had no clue as to what quantity of blood she'd lost already, but it wasn't feasible to leave it within her leg, there was no way she was going to be able to walk with it stuck in there, and she would also have to sit here until help arrived. Twilight had no estimate as to how long that might take, nor did she actually care to wait as she would most certainly bleed to death long before then. The first aid kits of the decimated library were nowhere in sight. Normally, Twilight would keep one near the door in case of emergencies, one upstairs near her room, and one down in the basement. Now she definitely considered this an emergency, but from what she could see there was no kit near the area of the door, only splintered and scorched remains. It was also an obvious certainty that the medical supplies she kept upstairs were completely destroyed. Glancing over the numerous spoiled books that covered the floor, she felt relieved to see what appeared to be a lime green container under a pile of debris. She eagerly floated it out, feeling visibly sullen when she saw it wasn't a medical kit; but a codex on biology. Perseverance would eventually lead her to find the cracked case under the once ornate knight statue that had previously stood in the middle of the library. She was brought down further as she discovered that the medical kit had been entirely busted open by the heavy wooden head. She still opened the box of course, hoping something inside had remained usable. Twilight breathed out thankfully upon her apparent luck, seeing there were still supplies within. There were two packs of dressing, one torn open but still viable, a few remaining safety pins that weren't damaged, and a pair of clamps, along with one bent pair of scissors, a few untouched sterile wipes, a needle that thankfully wasn't bent, along with some medical thread, the spool dented but the wire untarnished, and most importantly a single morphine syrette that wasn't fractured. She'd have liked more, but it was still something. She would need to be quick and careful with what came next. Bracing herself for the pain to come, she took out the syrette, yanking off the metal wire and jabbing the needle just above the damaged portion of her calf. The initial stab of pain from the needle piercing her flesh immediately left, the throbbing ache in her calf lessening a great deal due to the magically potent drug. Now she focused on the wooden shard, this certainly wasn't going to be enjoyable, but she needed to get herself moving and stop this bleeding. Twilight closed her eyes, taking a few breaths to steady herself, and sharply pulled on the invading object. She wasn't very proud to say her scream was that of a little filly's, but thanks to the fast-acting morphine, the suffering was much less fierce as she removed the chunk. The tears liberally streamed down her face, just as blood now flowed even freer from the gaping wound once more. Fast as she could, she ripped a sterile wipe free of its packet, cleaning over the afflicted area as well as possible, while her magic started to unfold some of the available dressing at the same time. She cried out again, albeit a tad quieter this time, as she used the clamps to pin the flesh together, and she gritted her teeth with each instance of the needle piercing her skin, as she swiftly stitched the open laceration shut. With her arms left shaking from the ordeal, she wrapped her leg around with the clean dressing as best she could manage, using the safety pins to keep the bandages in place. She wished she had the time to remove all the tiny splinters, glass shards, and Celestia knew what else, but it wasn't a luxury she could afford right now, she would have to bear with it in the meantime and hope the morphine lasted.  She allowed herself a great sigh of relief as she let the leftover equipment gracelessly drop to the floor, her horn ceasing its glow. All this magic fatigue left her considerably enervated for a few moments. The magically imbued morphine was helping her calm down a great deal, as was the adrenaline rushing through her system, also lessening the stress to a good degree too as she'd never ever dreamed of having to do such a thing in her life. Get up. Concurring with her thoughts, she let out a pained groan as she willfully forced herself onto her feet using the massive shaft of her floor as support, making sure to keep her weight on her better leg. Her side was screaming out at her with fiery hot pulses, the remaining length of timber still dug in there. Agonisingly she realised she couldn't remove the large chunk because she'd risk immediate bleedout. She used what was left of the dressing to awkwardly compress it around the wood, hoping it would be enough to staunch the flow. She tripped slightly upon taking a step forwards, but kept her balance. Warmth slowly began to spread down her leg after a few moments, unfortunately meaning the wound in her calf had reopened despite the stitches and clamps. If there was one single trait Twilight Sparkle prided herself on, it was determination. She'd succeeded in trudging to the destroyed exit before needing to take a breather. Her magic was just barely strong enough to float a fallen branch from the floor, serving as a makeshift crutch of sorts. She struggled and pushed against the fallen debris blocking her exit, nudging it all out of the way in due time. Twilight managed to get a few small steps from her destroyed home before halting and wishing she'd never left as she gazed out upon the landscape. Ponyville was in ashes. The night was woefully revealed to her as her eyes adjusted to the new light level from fires burning all around, the bodies of slain ponies lie randomly where they had fallen. Some had clearly died in agony, their faces a disturbing mask of their final moments, others had closed their eyes in a mockingly peaceful manner. Twilight stood there for what felt like an eternity simply staring at a small foal that had fallen just metres from where she was. The body was torn open, his innards splayed out in the mud, like the colt had been cleaved by a wild beast, his face also a ruin. Twilight stomach lurched at the view of his mutilated visage, doing all she could to stop herself from vomiting or beginning to hyperventilate at the sight of it. But she didn't halt the tears that cascaded down her cheeks. It was downright horrifying. She couldn't move, couldn't act. She was frozen. Not until she saw Spike, a fair distance away. The lithe dragon was slumped on his front, clearly wounded somehow, but in what manner she couldn't properly discern from here, but she could see his chest moving. She didn't think now, just simply rushed towards his prone form as fast as her feet would allow, willfully forcing herself past the anguish in her own body, she shouted his name, not getting any response, but she still kept on. Then she stopped abruptly as another shout from somepony else sounded in the air. She turned towards the direction of the noise, but what followed next was burst of light, and an explosion, accompanied by the single most excruciatingly distinguishable pain she'd ever experienced. It tore into her shoulder, driving itself through with such power that she was forced back, causing agony in a small blowout of gore that took her down into the dirt where she narrowly avoided landing on the lengthy shard and outright killing herself from the impalement. Twilight felt her lungs and throat burn, and for many seconds believed she wasn't breathing properly, until she realised she was actually screaming, but no matter how hard she cried out, it wasn’t stopping this torrent of hell she was experiencing. Her eyes darted about in abject horror, she had no clue what was happening around her, she was frantically gawking into the sky all of a sudden, breathing so fast and panicking so much that she thought she might have a heart attack. Her vision quickly swam while stars danced in her skull each time she closed her eyes, and she felt like she was going to fall up into the night. She couldn't see properly either, why couldn't she see? Everything was blurring, the tears were pouring down her muzzle. Her chest rose and fell so rapidly. The world was getting darker, the black was encroaching around her eyes, and she was becoming so cold suddenly. Luna's bright stars were above her, a small part of her registered their beauty, she wondered if she was swimming? Her breathing was becoming laboured and beginning to slow down, the world sounded muffled like she was submerged underwater, she must have been swimming, where was her mother? Twilight was becoming sleepy now, her head was getting heavier and there were more stars dancing in her eyes. Maybe she should sleep off the pain came a thought, her eyes beginning to close. Everything sharply came back into focus again for the moment when a clawed foot slammed onto her chest. The sudden impact wrenched her from the grisly confines she'd been sinking down into. She was still breathing heavily, her heart was pounding in her ears, and her brain rebooted again making her realise just how close she had actually come to passing into the void. She'd almost let it happen too, but she wouldn't, she had to fight to stay awake, she wouldn't join Ponyville... She looked up the form binding her in place, recoiling in fear at the scarily masked creature that was dangerously towering over her. She wasn't sure at first, but the creature looked vaguely Gryphon-like through her blurred perception. No, it was a Gryphon. "We got a survivor, barely. Unicorn. Orders, Ma'am?" Twilight couldn't speak, it burned too much, her throat was so dry. All that escaped her was a choked gasp for air, with that heavy foot weighing down on her like a basket of apples, all she could do was struggle to stay conscious, the dark still crept around the edges of her vision, but each twist she made brought fresh waves of pain that helped her to not succumb to the embrace of sleep. She knew if she fell asleep she wouldn't wake up again. "No, Ma'am. I neutralised her; hit her in the shoulder." He paused, examining her for a second, his voice sounded deep and gravelly. "She's already heavily wounded though, looks like shrapnel damage from the artillery, she's had some medical attention already; looks self-administered, still got some shrapnel in her. ...Description? Of course, Ma'am." She weakly turned her head to face the lying drake and tried her damndest to move towards him, but she was forced back in place by the Gryphon's heavy talons, causing a fresh lance of pain through her chest again, the feeling jolted her from drowsiness a tad more at the very least. Spike still hadn't been moving properly, she prayed to Celestia he was going to be alright. The Gryphon leant down before her face, talking again, but it wasn't to her, someone else... Twilight then noticed the bulky radio on his uniform. Even in her somewhat delirious state she knew he'd been the attacker, if the strange instrument he held within his hands was anything to go by, she'd seen those evil things before in the newspapers, they were meant to be outlawed by the strict order of Princess Celestia for the sheer cruelty they inflicted. She shouted out again when he shifted his weight and sent more stabs running continuously her system in conjunction to the new wound that was bored through her shoulder, feeling both indignation and a flush of embarrassment as he forcibly ripped off her skirt and exposed her delicate lower body to his prying eyes, she whimpered in protest as he carelessly pushed her onto her good side to examine where her buttocks met her upper thigh. "-nd purple. Cutie mark is a... starburst; large star surrounded by smaller stars." She heard him finish his summary of her appearance, clicking his beak and letting her fall onto her back again, she feebly attempted to cover herself, feeling her underwear wasn't enough. He raised an eyebrow after a few seconds, looking around for something. "Yes, I see it, heavily damaged but it's definitely a giant tree. ...I'm not sure. Nnnno-Wait, yes, yes I do; the dragon isn't far from my position, I'll check his vitals shortly. No, of course not, understood, Ma'am." With that, the radio buzzed silent. The Gryphon's face was hidden behind the mask, but it definitely focused on her own now, he probably wasn't the friendly sort. "Looks like it's your lucky day, mare. Apparently you and the lizard are important..." He pulled a syringe out of a pack on his hip, roughly forcing it into her arm, before the world disappeared in an instant burst as that object he clutched, smashed into her face. > Foreshadowing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 hours earlier Today was really quite beautiful, mused the Element of Honesty as the Sun was almost swelteringly blazing in the sky. Princess Celestia had made another beautiful day it seemed, and Applejack wished to make the most of it before the scheduled clouds were due to come in from Cloudsdale. Dash had told her to prepare for a storm, which irked the farmhand as it was such a lovely day, but regardless of her wanting, the tempest over the horizon was clearly going to encroach over Ponyville within a few hours. "Least the crops'll get a nice waterin'." She noted under her breath, wiping away some beads of sweat running down her brow and placing her stetson back on her head, her ears poking out either side. She'd finish up here in the orchard and go inside for some lemonade. Rearing back her leg, she then slammed her boot into the middle of a tree trunk. Her innate magic surged, her muscled body the conduit, passing through her and causing every single apple to detach from their branches, down safely into several carefully placed baskets around the tree's base. A small smile presented itself as not one missed their intended location. She continued down this row of trees, repeating the action she did almost daily. Apples fell into baskets, as the sun reached its zenith. She'd been working as always, since early morning around seven, and she needed to eat soon to keep her energy up. The other crops were seen to already; the corn had been watered, the carrots that were ripe had been picked, and several other vegetables or fruit tended all within schedule before noon, then she could focus on cleaning up after and feeding the livestock, and pay Gertrude a visit at her cottage to collect the milk she gave as way of paying rent. Things were going well. But why was Spike running towards her from across the field? "Spike?" She asked, not particularly to him as he was still quite far away. The shapely dragon was sprinting with a great deal of haste, a thin sheen of sweat visibly staining the shirt he wore. His clawed feet that were free of footwear were kicking up a good deal of healthy soil too which really peeved her, her ears flicking in annoyance, he could have run along the path at least. When he came to a grinding halt before her, she stood for a moment with her hands on her hips while he regained his breath, panting heavily. "Take a second there, boy." His face was a mask of confusion, mostly. When he did straighten up, he was already letting words fall from his mouth before she could ask what the problem was. It took her hand over his mouth to stop the talking, until he actually stopped talking into it. When she released his jaw, he simply let out another breath, and then spoke. "You need to come quickly. Twilight disappeared in front of me. My fire won't send messages." He summarised rather well, Applejack got the gist of the issue, and it certainly explained why the slim dragon had run here. Without saying a word, she gestured for him to lead the way back to Twilight's library. Usually when Twilight suddenly vanished it was because she was teleporting somewhere to try something that was science-y or experimental. Spike was probably just overreacting, she mused as she followed his footsteps. "S'alright, Spike. Ah'm sure there aint no problem, just Twi doin' her thang." She told him, essentially speaking her mind, but Spike shook his head they went, at a rather fast pace too. He began to list reasons as to why this was different from what happened normally, such as there being a blastwave when she vanished, and scorch marks from the area she had been standing in. She patted him reassuringly as they jogged on, his long tail was really swishing around worryingly in contrast to her own that was just flowing in the breeze. "Whatever it is, everythin'll be fine." Not reassured in the slightest, he led on while murmuring to himself in a panic. She purposely steered him along the dirt path so he wouldn't cut across her nice fields again, even though he still tried to direct himself that way for the sake of speed. He got the idea and kept to the designated avenue after the last attempt earned him a swat from her. "Sorry, just really worried." She nodded her head in understanding and a smile. "Really? Ah couldn't tell." The sun in the sky had started to dip down towards the earth as they made their way to the centre of Ponyville, and Applejack noted that everypony she saw actually looked rather out-of-sorts and on edge. She wasn't too surprised with the news she'd been hearing about the meetings up in Canterlot, and the strange increase in Royal Guard presence during the afternoons, ponies must have been a little nervous. She hadn't really been keeping up with it all though, too much work to do on the farm, same as always. Big Mcintosh had mentioned something about today if she recalled right... She bumped into the back of Spike, who'd apparently stopped. Looking towards where Spikes eyes were staring, she gasped in shock. That was probably what Mcintosh had told her about. Near the centre of the food market between all the wooden stalls that vendors would usually sell their wares at, was a massive armoured behemoth of cast iron, steel, and timber that was the size of an adult dragon, being escorted by a dozen or so of the Royal Guard Elite, their darkened gold armour much less reflective than the standard fare she'd seen on Guards up at the castle. It was... several cannons in one? She'd read about these in history books detailing older wars, the giant multi-cannon being one of the greatest weapons of the last era before peace had been struck, a Crepitus Aedificatio if she recalled her Ancient Ponish correctly, in the modern language it roughly translated to Explosion Frame, and it wasn't wrong in having such a title, the thing was said to cause unprecedented destruction on an almost town-wide scale that would decimate entire battalions in the blink of an eye, but it was only ever produced in small numbers due to limited resources at the end of the war before peace was attained and had never actually been properly deployed. Until now. The newspapers had spoken about preparations and talk of war, but seeing this fear-inducing monster of a weapon brought it down quite clearly that such a looming threat wasn't as empty as she'd thought, she'd dismissed it as flashy headlines made to sell the papers better and increase sales of produce, which admittedly she'd written off as a small boon as crops were selling faster than usual and Sweet Apple Acres did have quite a backstock they hadn't been offloading. Pacing over to a stand selling newspapers she snatched one up and glared at the front of it, ignoring the pony working at the kiosk who was asking for the bit it cost. She read it as Spike peered over her shoulder at what she was doing. The Pony Gazette Equestria on the brink of war? ----------------------------------------------- Yesterday at the Royal Canterlot Foreign Affairs Summit was likely the worst committee meeting of foreign officials in recent Equestrian history, with several officials backing out of trade agreements and many heads of their respective kingdoms or tribes nullifying defensive pacts with each other or making new accords entirely, which has been unheard of since before the two-hundred eighteen year long Gryphon-Minotaur war over thousands of years ago, which devastated many regions of both race's countries as well as the surrounding people's lands. Many heated debates were had between both Princess Celestia and Lady Luna regarding trade lines between the Crystal Empire and the region claimed under the New Lunar Republic founded by Lady Luna herself over four years ago, previously coined the Undiscovered West. Princess Celestia and King Idris of the Gryphon Kingdoms denounced the idea that the New Lunar Republic should be allowed direct trade routes via train through the region under Princess Celestia's rule, and instead should forge new routes around the Frozen North, despite meets earlier in the year between Lady Luna and Princess Cadence where the two had come to a deal on establishing lines for supply. It was apparently with great despair, according to spokesponies present, that Lady Luna had asked Princess Celestia before the summit if she wished to see her and her people die, for with a heavy winter on its way, her current trading with the Minotaur and Yak Kingdoms wouldn't be sufficient enough to support their needs, and a convoy with the Crystal Empire would ensure their survival. It was after this that the meeting broke down into little more than passive-aggression and other such barbs traded between several rulers, sparking the dissolvement of previously confirmed pledges, to which Lady Luna stormed out in her anger.   The Pony Gazette could not reach her for comment. Applejack grimaced inwardly, looking to the left side of the paper where the text wrapped around the printed sepia image of the summit meeting, showing Luna mid-shout as she glared towards Celestia, the hurt evident on her face. Spike's scaled brows furrowed, his eyes on the picture. He glanced up to the farmhand. "It looks bad, but things'll be fine, right?" For her part, she really hoped so, putting the newspaper back down as the kiosk pony grumbled, placing a hand on Spike's shoulder and giving him a smile. "C'mon, let's go see if we can't find Twi." He seemed calmer now, she guessed likely due to having time to think, as Twilight was never really in trouble for long even when she was knee-deep in problems. Plus the mighty weapon in the town square was still taking up both of their attention as they walked past it at a brisk pace towards Twilight's library at the very centre of town. When they arrived, she rapped her knuckles three times on the door of the semi-public building, just in case. Spike jumped back slightly in surprise and let out a cry of joy as Twilight answered the door. "Oh, hey Applejack, what's uAAH-" The Unicorn couldn't finish her sentence as Spike leapt at her in a hug, laughing to his friends safety as she stumbled back in confusion with the drake latched onto her. "Spike, what's the matter?!" Applejack chuckled as the dragon explained about her teleportation spell being different and how he hadn't been able to send messages to Celestia, while she took a seat for the moment, watching him relax as Twilight picked up some books that had fallen from her bag when Spike had tackled her. "No, no, I just fueled the spell a bit much, The Princess needed me to help her with something and I had to get to Canterlot really fast, so... I teleported there." She stated matter-of-factly, as Spike looked on with astonishment. "I'm new to teleportation spells so I just overestimated how much power it would take was the only issue, and Princess Celestia blocked messages so we wouldn't be disturbed. But having done it I am really hungry though." "I'll fix you up a sandwich!" Spike beamed, immediately rushing off before she could even say thank you. "Heh, that drake. He always worries." Twilight turned to her friend, who had been observing. "Applejack. I'm actually glad you're here, I needed to speak with you after my meeting with the Princess." Twilight smiled at her, then suddenly dropping the expression as it took on a more somber gaze. "I uh, look, I wanted to tell you that... hoo boy, this isn't gonna be easy to say, you've been reading the newspapers, right?" The farmhand didn't like where this was going. "Yeeaah..." "Well... Princess Celestia isn't sure what the future holds, but she's fairly certain she knows what's coming." Twilight was wringing her hands and glancing to the floor every time she met Applejack's eyes. "War is very likely to break out between Lady Luna and Princess Celestia... within the year." To her credit, Applejack's visage didn't change immediately, Twilight noted. Her friend slowly nodded, resting her arms on her knees and swallowing with a deep sigh. "Yeah... yeah, ah figured as much when ah saw that horrendus contraption th' Guard were haulin' outside, an' the newspapers said as much too." She scowled, staring up at Twilight with a concerned face. "Damn it, this aint good, Twi... what can anypony do ‘bout this but sit on their thumbs an' hope fer th' best?" "I don't know..." For the moment, they waited in silence, sharing the same low feelings. Only the sound of Spike humming from within the library was heard as it carried through. Twilight walked over to her friend and gently wrapped her arms around the mare sitting down. "I'm sorry, Applejack." The orange mare scoffed, shaking her head. "Aint yer fault, Twi. Ah aint gonna shoot the messenger." "N-no... not that. Well, yes that, but also..." Twilight flustered, she got like this when she had to tell somepony something important, or something they weren't going to like. Usually both. "The Princess, she’s asked me to ask you on her behalf, that is, of course, she's hoping you'll agree..." Applejack held up a hand, stopping the librarian immediately. "Think about what yer gonna say before ya say it." Twilight nodded, breathing in, and out. "Princess Celestia wants to requisition the usage of your farmland and all its produce and production to assist in the coming war." Twilight informed the now alarmed mare. "And enlist you into the main army as a Quartermaster to help oversee the troop's production of crops vital to the war effort, and after the war, you'll be reimbursed for the trouble. I-it's... not like she's demanding though, most of the time the Crown can just-" "No. Not ever." Came the quick clipped response. "Wha-" "Ah won't give mah folks land over to nopony, Twi. Not even Celestia." Applejack stood up abruptly, her voice low. Twilight shifted with the tone. "Mah kin built Sweet Apple Acres from the ground up, as well as Ponyville itself way back when, it aint nopony's to take. Ah know if ah give it over, it'll be ruined beyond repair. Not only that-" Applejack was almost shouting now, the sound had caused Spike to see what the commotion was about. "-but all ponies ‘round here rely on the crops we put out, we're the only supplier to Ponyville within hundreds o' miles! And besides that, if Celestia wants the Apple family's land, she can damn well ask me an' Granny Smith herself!" She breathed out heavily, her fists clenched. "How dare she ask that o' us." She growled. "Ah want no fuckin' part in this war." "I really am sorry, Applejack." Moments of silent fuming later, she spoke again. "No... no. Ah am." Applejack replied apologetically, looking up at her clearly distraught friend, moving forwards and hugging her tightly. "Ah'm mighty sorry, Twi. Aint yer fault, not at all. Ya don't shoot th' messenger." After holding the embrace for a few relieving seconds, she broke apart and hurriedly left the library, intent on something only she knew, leaving Twilight alone as Spike carefully tiptoed in, sandwich on a plate. He made to offer the dish to the purple Unicorn, but she quickly turned around, tears in her eyes as she went upstairs to her room. With a sigh, Spike followed and was going to knock on the door until he heard her sobbing within. She was quite emotional lately so he'd left her to cry and comforted her later when she was ready to talk. He placed the food outside her door on an end-table, leaving to go finish up what he'd been doing before Twilight had teleported to Canterlot. It was going to be a long day. > Flash And Thunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her grip on the tough oak was more than strong enough to splinter the wood, shouting in frustration as the edge of the table split apart under her palms. With a grunt she threw it behind her, the piece breaking up when it collided with the wall in a shower of shards. Mcintosh was thankful he'd been a few seconds later as he came in the room, as he warily eyed the mess his sister was making in the barn, tutting at the numerous broken barrels and storage crates, she'd even twisted up the rake like it was made of paper. It'd been hours since she'd been at Twilight's, and it seemed she was still furious at the information she'd been given, he was never pleased when she got like this. "Breakin' Granny's table aint gonna help none." Applejack sighed heavily, her shoulders a coiled spring with how tense they were. She stood back from the damaged furniture and glanced back to her sibling. She knew she was overreacting, always did when it came to the subject of their home being threatened. When those snakes Flim & Flam had tried to con the Apple family out of their business of cider making and drive them out of Ponyville she'd been very close to simply beating the two to within an inch of their sorry hides, before Twilight had intervened and offered to help her produce the beverage in greater quantities, subsequently causing the two scammers to hightail it out of there when they failed in their plans. But this time, it wasn't a pair of two-bit crooks trying to take what was theirs, but the damned Princess herself. "Ah know that, Mac." She huffed at him, facing him properly as he leant against the doorway. "Just needed to vent is all, aint needin' Applebloom seein' me all kinds o' pissed off." He raised an eyebrow at the profanity. Not only did Applejack not tend to break things, but she didn't tend to swear either unless she was seriously ticked about something, he shook his head in a dismissive manner, beckoning her to follow him as he exited the room. When she got like this, only two things mulled the fiery temper the mare had that so very few ponies knew about. The first was cider of all things, he'd seen ponies get violent and angry from drinking too much of the stuff, but she always calmed down and relaxed. The second was work, having something to take her mind off her troubles kept the bad thoughts at bay, allowing her time to think it all through while not completely focusing on it. He looked over his shoulder at her, she was diligently following, likely knowing what he was up to. She nodded her understanding when they reached their destination outside the barn, standing beside a massive pile of logs next to a tree stump, a worn but heavy looking axe buried in its centre. Wordlessly, she trudged on over and clasped the handle, yanking the tool free of its confines as well as hefting a large piece from the stack. "Ah gotcha, Mac." She said, rolling her eyes in annoyance. But he saw a crack of a smile on her muzzle. Mcintosh left her to the task as the sun was setting on the horizon, walking away as he heard the clear whistling of the axe travelling through the air, and the sudden crack of wood being cleaved in two. Making his way into their home, he went upstairs and checked on their elder as she slept, the older woman snoring away peacefully. While he was at it, he poked his head through his little sister's door to check on her, but she too was sound asleep, unperturbed by Applejack's outbursts in the barn, which was actually rather audible within the homestead. Going to the kitchen then, he made a point of snagging an old bottle of their best spiced zap-apple cider from the storeroom, pleasantly chilled too. Normally they'd save these bottles that had been from the first brewed batch for special occasions, but he wanted his sister with a level head in the morning, and this stuff was potently numbing in just a glass or two. They needed to make a plan together for the approaching chaos that was going to reign down on everypony in the near future. Not only would ponies require more supplies to make a stockpile, but they'd start to panic further and likely buy what they wouldn't need as well, when such other items could help other ponies build their own emergency stashes. He'd have to make preparations for even distribution, and they'd both need to watch their crops too in the upcoming months as even though it was rare that somepony stole from them, it would probably occur more now as time went on. All this in mind, he carried a large mug of the special cider in hand for Applejack, but he gave pause for the moment, his ear flicking to a growing noise outside that didn't bode well at all. Quickly putting the mug down he rushed to the exit, pulling the door open, and heading immediately to his sister. As he'd guessed, she was already walking towards the source of the noise coming down the road. He placed a hand on her shoulder when he came up beside her, compelling her to stop for the moment, but the dark look on her face said it all. He was just glad she hadn't brought the axe along with her, and together they went to meet with what they knew was approaching. There was a detachment of the Royal Guard advancing on the farm. Mcintosh felt her shake under his palm already, he just hoped she wouldn't do anything rash that would get them arrested. He could see her knuckles went white with how much she was clenching her fists. She'd told him what she'd heard from Twilight, he knew this might be a possibility, and he understood the reason why it had to happen, he didn't like it anymore than Applejack, but he knew it was out of their control. "Unit halt!" The Captain shouted, the Unicorn stepping out in front of his soldiers when they instantly froze. He marched towards the farmhands in standard military fashion, his eyes forward and his strides powerful. His horn flared as he brought out a scroll from the saddlebags on his sides, unfolding it as he stopped a short distance before the two, he spoke in a high voice befitting of his station. "By Order of Her Grace, the Royal Majesty, Ruler of Canterlot, now Empress to the Solar Empire, Celestia Sol Invictus; this written declaration is officially addressed on record to Green Smith or her grandchildren, delivered by Captain Onyx Dusk of the twelve regiment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Royal Guard. It is hereby decreed that the property known as Sweet Apple Acres, its land in its entirety, all facilities within, all livestock, and all crops are now requisitioned by Her Grace, fully granted to Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Royal Guard in their duty to protect the magical land of Equestria against all of Her enemies, until such time that said threats have been vanquished, so shall Her will be done." He neatly finished the speech and rolled up the scroll with a curt nod to the duo, his features sullen. Mcintosh could see the regret and sympathy in the stallions eyes, no doubt he recognised Applejack as the Element of Honesty, an extraordinary mare that had done much for her country, and yet here he was having to give them this order, this ultimatum. "Ms. Jaqueline, I'm truly sor-" He began, having even removed his decorated helm, but he was cut short as Applejack's fist collided with a meaty smack into the stallions muzzle, having crossed their distance in a swift flurry of dirt. He stumbled back only for a moment, setting his weight on the back foot, practically unfazed if but for the clear mark on his left cheek by her heavy right-hook. Mcintosh had already restrained his sister even though she thrashed angrily, he himself sharply motioned his troops to cease their actions as they bristled from their commander being attacked so outright. "Stand down! It's alright. Just a punch." "Only mah daddy called me Jaqueline!" She growled, Mcintosh offered a sincere apology to the Captain as Applejack struggled with his arms as he managed to pin her own to her sides, it didn't take long before she started to relent however, only attempting half-heartedly to shrug him off, she was still fuming, her face red with anger as tears formed in her eyes. "Don't ya... don't ya dare say yer sorry! Y-y’aint... s-s.." The Captain remained silent with his head bowed solemnly as the mare before him continued to slow down in her brother's grip, sinking to the ground as her other emotions entirely overcame her and the tears rolled down her face in despair. The brother met his eyes with a consideration he'd not expected, a pained nod of his own given. He bore this woman no ill will, her reaction was more than understandable, if a bit overzealous. By Luna's moon, she was a damned hero, he should be honoured to have met her under better circumstances, and here he was under orders to strip her of everything she had? "I surely am, madam." He said in a hush. Speaking over her sobs, he spoke to the other farmhand, who was still keeping his gaze level with him with his arms clenched around his sibling. "Mr. Mcintosh, Her Grace has allowed you and yours twenty-four hours to collect your essential belongings and dearest possessions, at the end of this time period you all must have vacated the premises to make way for Her Majesty's Army so they may occupy and make use of this location, the Guard will be as unobtrusive to your belongings as possible." With one last sympathetic dip of his head, he smartly faced about, marching back towards his men. With a shout, they went back to moving the way they'd come from. Mcintosh watched them slowly disappear over the hill as he held a distraught Applejack, her crying the only thing he heard among the rustling of leaves in the wind. Celestia's sun was almost entirely sunken under the land when her despair started to subside, but he remained there holding her still. Turning his head back he cast his gaze over their farm. It was a beautiful land, it had a rich history spanning generations back before Granny Smith, her ancestors had helped establish the farm and Ponyville itself. But he supposed in the end it didn't matter. After all, it was Princess Celestia herself who'd granted them the land long ago. Ponies forgot the times when the Apple clan were wandering nomads, travelling all across Equestria to sell their food for any and all that wanted to share in their craft, and they had been looking to settle to plant the many different seeds they'd gathered on their journey. Being such a massive group they'd caught the attention of the Princess, who'd graciously allowed them the land next to the Everfree forest for it was known to have been unclaimed and wild, until the Apple clan had settled what they knew as Sweet Apple Acres, then moving on to found Ponyville itself in time. In the end, Princess Celestia still had the biggest right to the territory, and she could take it from them as she was want to do, even after all these many years. Regardless of if they'd written up a legitimate deed to the region, he'd no doubt have thought the Princess would still retain the ability to repossess the land whenever she saw fit. So really that was the end of the issue, they had no ground to stand on. He knelt there on the soil, gently smiling to himself at the futility of it all. The cold breeze rushed by them as a hush settled around them upon the coming nighttime. He looked to Applejack, the tears on her face having dried, but her eyes red from the ordeal. Her look was downcast as she quietly stroked her hand through the earth they grew up on. They dwelled in silence for a time. Until there was a whistle. It was high-pitched, long, drawn out, and it made their ears flick automatically atop their heads. Curiously, Mcintosh glanced around up into the dimming twilight, seeing something flash almost instantly and very clearly against the gloomy sky, at first he thought it a large firework, but at this time of year it seemed odd, it didn't seem like one and it was much too bright. He heard Applejack shift about as she too stared upward to the strange object. "Mac..." "Ah see it." He patted her shoulder reassuringly, helping her to her feet, both their boots squelching in the soft mud. He squinted to focus on whatever it was. "Aint rightly sure just what it is, but ah don't think it's gonna be good." That uneasy feeling only deepened when several more of the lights appeared, shooting high up from a fair distance beyond the skyline. Whatever the things were, the first one that Mcintosh had seen was now falling at quite an alarming speed, considering its slow ascension into the air. It was only a cause for alarm to them when the noise they made became an even louder shriek, and the object in question looked as if it was going to land right on top of them. Quite taken aback at the realisation, the two started to move towards their home, only to turn to a source of shouting behind them. It was the Captain and a few of his soldiers, running at them as fast as their feet would carry them. Unfortunately, all they heard from the man was half a warning of getting down before there was a horrendous deafening explosion as they were forcibly struck by a massive fiery blast that threw them both backwards into the dirt, Mctinosh shouted out in pain as fire burned over his entire half that wasn't covered in the muck he'd landed in, he'd lost his grip on his sister as they'd been pushed away, he hoped she was alright. It had ceased as quickly as it had come, but his ears were ringing to the point it sounded as if there was an alarm clock going off next to his head and he could barely see anything save for the stars in his vision whenever he blinked, he spat out a wad of mud as he didn't delay trying to get up again, only to stumble and fall back over as his head swam dangerously and the burning he felt made him falter. He was caught and helped to stay steady by Applejack, who'd somehow recovered faster, but looked so much worse for wear, he thought he had been closer to the blast then she had, but clearly it had landed nearer to her, angry burns covered her body much the same as him, but he could only grimace as he realised a large portion of her left arm looked as if an animal had savaged it, having been somewhat shredded in the explosion, the limb in question was limp at her side, and her eye was clenched shut as well, that side of her face partially scorched, the fur having turned black or been seared away entirely. He felt a twinge of pride from their Earth pony blood that his sister was so darn sturdy, but it wouldn't last long, this was likely adrenaline keeping her upright at the moment, and that suspicion was confirmed when he immediately grabbed for her as she almost collapsed not a few seconds later attempting to take a step towards the house. "A-apple Bloom..." She groaned, forcing herself upright through sheer willpower. Mac helped her, his arm around her waist with her good arm wrapped over his shoulders. Together they limped, trudging only a small distance closer before the next object impacted into the ground not far away. The resulting detonation thankfully wasn't near enough to harm the two this time, but the heat passed over them and still sent a shockwave that put them to their knees momentarily. Dirt flew overhead while the whine of the following battery rang to an uncomfortable degree. It was then that their little sister came out the house with Granny Smith in tow, looking fairly annoyed at the unwelcome noise rather than disturbed by its chaos, a scowl on her muzzle as she eyed the heavens. Apple Bloom rushed to her siblings seeing their state, gasping as she got close enough to see Applejack's arm. Finally, the Captain caught up with them as Granny hobbled over, before he shouted to his men to cover the small family. The few soldiers with him raised their shields and surrounded the group, Onyx Dusk leading them away as fast as possible without losing the integrity of their erected wall, but he also raised a magical barrier just in case. He'd been too far from the two farmhands when the first shell had hit and felt extreme guilt at their current condition, especially considering the news he had given the family, to which the older mare and the young filly still weren't informed about. He'd make damn well sure they would get the treatment needed to see them right, on his honour as a Royal Guard. He wished he could say their homestead would be fine too, and he'd hoped as much right before a cluster of the shells struck near the centre of buildings, the multiple collisions only amplifying the resulting explosion, ripping everything within its radius to shreds. Having no protection from such offensive capabilities, the place never stood a chance. Ignoring the outcries of the family, he forced them on as a great deal of the ensuing debris smacked into the protective bubble he was maintaining, the warmth of the destruction felt even from their current distance. This bombing had only just begun, he knew it in his heart, he could still hear blasts behind him. This family though injured were safe for now, but this was on the outskirts of Ponyville, he couldn't be sure for the rest of this small villages safety and the shelling would no doubt move further in. He'd left the rest of his men to evacuate the townspeople the second he'd seen the artillery in the air, and told them to establish a small outpost upon the precipice of the Everfree to the towns far west, just far enough that it might be excluded from being hit. He hoped it had been enough, he hoped it had been in time, there was already a projectile arcing downward to the north side of the settlement. He wondered for a moment if the bastards leading the attack were attempting to hit fleeing ponies that might try to make their way to Canterlot. Just who was leading it? It couldn't have been Her Grace's allies, she wanted this family's farmland as a forward base for the ground forces, he'd known she was moving troops and equipment through the town because it was so remote, they'd have been notified this area was under her control. It really left only Her Grace's sister, Lady Luna. There wasn't any question in his mind that the two sisters were now officially at war, they certainly didn't need the newspapers heralding it to make it so, but Lady Luna would not attack civilians, would she? He tried to come to a logical reason for this attack, and it must have been largely in part due to Her Grace's military activity in the town, but did that really mean the non-combatant casualties were written off as necessary? With a grim scowl but his resolve unsullied by these events and questions, the Captain marched on. The Apple family had suffered this day, but so many more were going to suffer worse fates. > Resurrection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When she awoke, her first instinct was to get away from the Gryphon. But he was nowhere to be seen as she sharply bolted upright off of what she’d been laying on, her feet making contact with the hard floor of the room she was in. Trying not to panic as she ripped out a needle in her arm, two things were at the forefront of her mind right now as her eyes darted around. Where was she? And why wasn’t she in any pain? Twilight breathed in, not inhaling smoke or ash from her destroyed library, but untainted air that was tinged with a gentle soothing magic. It was quickly calming her nerves, and she knew of only two places where such an aura tended to be cast; the Royal Palace’s throne room, or drastically expensive hospitals. Given the lack of any golden splendor on the walls and instead an abundance of sterile white tiles everywhere, she’d concluded it was indeed the latter. She felt silly as she took in her surroundings, noting the clean floor tiles and the hospital bed she’d jumped away from, and the IV drip that’d been administering fluids. As for the pain... not even an ache or burning sensation along her side where only minutes ago there’d been a massive shard of timber, nor the greatly excruciating drilling into her shoulder from the weapon the Gryphon had. She curiously lifted the hospital gown with a small blush at her nudity underneath it, eliciting an equally awed and distraught gasp. Where the large laceration in her left side had been, there was now a thick pale scar just to the front left and below her ribs roughly twenty centimetres in length. The fibrous connective tissue was easily a centimetre or three wide, and quite rough under her fingers as she traced it from start to end, curving down slightly towards her middle. Checking her leg and shoulder revealed the same much to her dismay, a small knot of scar tissue on both sides of her calf where the chunk of wood had pierced all the way through, and above her sizable left breast below the collarbone where she’d been struck, although that mark had scarred much less on the front, she could feel and just manage to see a larger surface area of raised pale skin on the other side. Other than these new markings, she oddly seemed no worse for wear than before all this had happened. For the moment she sat back down. Another question came to mind: How long had she been here? It felt like she’d just been in Ponyville’s burning remains, and while there weren’t any pangs of discomfort from her healed injuries, it still felt like she had something forcing itself around inside her as if she was still impaled, almost like a phantom pain. Despite that, she was well rested and actually rather full of energy. To test her condition -at least magically- she wrapped her aura around the IV bag, closing her eyes and concentrating. A quick analysis showed it wasn’t anything untoward, but simply a mixture of water, nutrients, and morphine, which might actually explain her lack of any hurting. At the very least, given she could use her magic and move without any pain, she considered herself very fortunate, unlike her friends and local residents of the town she’d come to call home. This brought a final question to mind. What exactly had happened? The obvious answer was war of course, but who had orchestrated the attack on Ponyville and the why of it were more pressing issues. This war was the result of two powerful leaders coming to blows while enlisting outside their nations. Twilight would never want to believe that Lady Luna would do such a thing having strove for peace after her succession from the throne, and to even have the thought it could possibly be the Princess was simply unthinkable to her; She would never attack Her own subjects for any reason. No, this had to be the work of another nation or one either sisters allies working to shoehorn their way into the war without getting fully involved, otherwise it’d have been all over the papers. Twilight blinked, finally noticing a doctor patiently standing in the corner of her vision who seemed quite content to let her stay lost in her thoughts. How long had he been there? “Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle.” The Unicorn smiled with warmth, smartly placing his hands behind his back. “Very glad to see you up and about at last, I trust you’re feeling better?” “Yes…” She nodded, getting up again to face him directly. “Doctor…?” “Stalwart Lance, Miss.” “Doctor Lance.” She gave a small nod to confirm. “I’d like to ask where I am.” “Ah yes, certainly.” Lance moved over to her, briefly stepping past and picking up the IV needle again. “You’re in Canterlot Royal Infirmary, Miss. Your arm, please? This is keeping you from feeling a great deal of pain, you still haven’t fully recovered.” Oh, wow. R.C.I. was the Princess’s most prestigious hospital within Canterlot, and Equestria. Nobles and rich ponies would pay top bit to get privately treated here by its best medical staff even though it would care for all if need be. Even so, she found herself hesitating and she wasn’t sure as to why. Maybe it was the invisible price-tag that was now hovering above her head each second she stood on the hospital grounds... Hesitantly, she held out her arm for him, sucking in a breath as he carefully placed the needle back where it had previously been embedded. “There we are. If you’ll please lie down, I shall write a letter to the Princess informing her that you’re awake.” With a small chuckle he clapped his hands. “I hear dragonfire is the fastest way to send a message, maybe I can politely ask your friend.” That widened her eyes. “Spike!” She cried out, instantly alert for answers. “Is he alright?! He was injured badly and I couldn’t get to-” “Please, Miss Sparkle!” Doctor Lance lifted his hands placatingly, gently placing one on her good shoulder and motioning for her to sit. “Your friend is fine but you are not, you’re still quite fragile at this stage. Please lie down and rest, I must insist. He recovered well and is waiting in the hospital visitors accommodation. I’ve already told him he could see you once you were awake.” She nodded, suddenly feeling immensely guilty that her first thought upon waking up hadn’t been her assistant. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she rested her hands in her lap, much too attentive to want to rest properly. “I’ll be right back. Please stay here.” He asked her. Once she nodded, he quietly left. Pushing past her guilt, she was overwhelmed with relief at Spike’s safety, feeling tears well up, and a lump begin to form in her throat. With a shaky laugh she dabbed at her eyes and swallowed, shifting back into the bed covers and wrapping up warm. She threw them off and jumped forward much to Doctor Lance’s annoyance as he came back in with Spike several minutes later, sighing as he stepped aside to let the two crash into a loving hug. Despite his patients ill-advised actions, he couldn’t help but smile. “Twilight…” Spike mumbled into her breast as he hugged around her middle. “I was so worried about you. I was in town when everything happened, it all went by so fast.” She happily squeezed her arms around the slightly smaller drake, softly shushing him and just telling him she was alright, simply concerned solely for his well-being. Pressing her lips to his forehead in a quick kiss when he looked up at her, she knelt down and used her thumb to wipe his tears away. “I’m O.K now, Spike.” She smiled at him. “They healed me really well here.” “Yeah…” The dragon sniffed, pressing his hand to a small scar on his chest, currently hidden under his shirt. “Same here, but I was so afraid when I woke up. They told me you were in critical condition, a-and that… I might have to face the possibility you might not live.” Twilight looked up at Doctor Lance with a hint of anger in her eyes, but it fizzled out when logic came to bear. He might have still been young, but he was a young adult, he probably felt much better having been told the truth than some sort of explanation given to a child. “Indeed, Miss Sparkle.” Lance nodded in confirmation of Spike’s statement. “Your condition when you were brought in was… dire, to say the least. We weren’t sure if you would survive theatre given the extent of your wounds, but we operated at the Princess’s request.” “As I said, the nature of your injuries was so severe that we weren’t certain we could safely administer a sufficient amount of morphine without causing your heart to stop pumping blood properly and sending you into cardiac arrest, and administering too little might have meant operating would send your system into fatal shock from the pain. I’m sorry to inform you that your heart did stop for roughly nine seconds, thus we performed a defibrillation spell to revive you while repairing any damage.” He paused, clearing his throat. “My apologies, Miss Sparkle.” He said cordially. “The Princess informed me you’d likely wish to know the intricacies of the operation, but I should have asked your friend to leave, I don’t think he’d want to hear this next part.” Spike simply nestled further into Twilights chest. “I’m not going anywhere right now.” Spike said, quite adamant. “Very well.” Lance gave a nod after Twilight asked him to continue. “We needed to perform the spell after the removal of the large piece of timber that was impaling your chest. Where it had pierced, four of your ribs had been broken, and several large shards of both wood and bone had moved in and around the tissues of your vital organs. To be quite frank it is a miracle all of your walking around before being brought here hadn’t resulted in your death.” “It was removing the wood that regrettably caused a shard of bone to puncture the wall of the right ventricle of your heart, which stopped your heart beating properly. The bleeding from that coupled with ventricular fibrillation is what caused your arrest, which again, I’m truly sorry we only caught it once the piece was clear and we could see things properly.” “I’m alive, Doctor.” Twilight gave him an honest smile. “Am I right in saying you were present for the surgery? Because if so I’d say you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” With a small chuckle he glanced down to his shoes for the moment before meeting her eyes again. “Be that as it may, I always regret any surgery that isn’t perfect.” “Ah, yes, so after the removal of all wood and bone fragments, we began to repair damaged tissue and reconstruct your ribs. That thankfully passed without issue, as did the removal of the remaining shards from whatever pierced both sections of the gastrocnemius in your leg, the calf muscles as they are, and their repair went smoothly as well.” “The shoulder was tricky, but again we managed. That one was a firearm injury and those are never pretty affairs. I’ve only ever treated two such wounds and both times I’ve had to remove the limbs in question from the sheer destruction of what the projectile barrels through. We removed the fragments of the ball and then began the reconstruction of your scapula, clavicle, and the first few ribs where the ball had penetrated, as well as the tissues surrounding it.” “After that we focused on the smaller injuries. Small shards of wood or burns or such, which were easily treated within minutes. And as such, you were sent to postoperative observation for your recovery. Now, here we are.” All that said and done, he cleared his throat and placed his hands behind his back again, just as there was a small knock upon the door. With a polite nod to Twilight he turned and opened it a tad to see who it was, before immediately pushing the door open and bowing as the Princess herself gracefully trotted in. Twilight felt herself gaze at the mighty ruler. Princess Celestia, her mentor and sovereign, was clad entirely head to hoof in ornate battle armour. Golden and radiant like the dawn itself, it shone brilliantly whenever it so much as caught the light. Every piece of armour was a work of art, inlaid with patterns made of ruby filigree that twinkled fiercely. The breastplate that surrounded her chest was emblazoned with her cutie mark at its apex below the neck, with intricate patterns that looked like the soft vines that crept down the walls of the palace gardens. The rest of her plate armour was no less impressive, from the helm, pauldrons, bracers, and greaves, even the smaller pieces such as the couters or poleyns were striking, and all were gorgeously engraved and inscribed with stunning amounts of detail. All this, and the entire set looked no heavier than if the Princess were wearing pillows. “My dearest student, if you’re not careful, a bird will make its nest in your mouth.” Twilight hadn’t realised she’d been gawking. Quickly taking hold of her senses she came before the Princess and bowed for a few moments, then rising and giving her a loving smile, she was glad the Princess was keeping her usual demeanour. “I must apologise for my current dress: In wartime I must always don my armour no matter the situation, that I am not within my inner sanctum.” She spoke softly to all present, turning her head to the Doctor. “May I have a few moments with my student?” “Of course, your Grace.” Lance nodded, bowing again and going to leave. “If you have need of me, I’ll just be in the next room over.” When the door clicked shut, the Princess removed her helm, setting it on an end table and allowing her flowing mane free of its confines. Twilight made a note to ask how she kept it all in there, before walking over towards her. By now the Princess knew her well enough, and carefully wrapped her arms around her student with the most motherly smile. She somberly hummed as Twilight began to weep against her armour. Spike came over and held onto the Unicorn as well, comforting her. “Princess…” She sobbed. “My friends, the library… Ponyville. It’s all gone.” “I know, Twilight, I know.” She hushed, gently running a mailed hand across the smaller pony’s head. “It is a great tragedy I wish I could have prevented.” “Do you know who was responsible for the attack?” Twilight asked, looking up into the Princess’s eyes. “I remember a Gryphon.” “Yes… the Gryphons.” The great Alicorn whispered, her voice morose. When her eyes met Twilight’s, she felt the Unicorn shrink ever so slightly under her grasp at the intensity of her stare, her voice taking on a severely cold edge alongside her usual motherly tone. “King Idris betrayed me, and for that he will pay dearly.” “G-good.” Twilight replied. “After what he’s done, he needs to answer for his crimes.” “But, Twilight, let us move from such matters if for the moment.” Celestia said, glancing down at her student in her hospital gown. “Are you well? I made sure they would spare no expense on your recovery.” Blushing at the scrutiny of her mentors eyes, she gently laughed. “Yes, Princess, I’m feeling much better than yesterday evening, that’s for certain.” A small hum came from her teacher, she looked up again to see her face. While she smiled, it looked pained, the expression spoke of many years experience of this moment and others like it that had come to pass. She felt Spike’s hands squeeze her tighter. “Twilight, your injuries were extremely daunting.” She spoke lightly. “You were brought here in a powerful stasis spell that barely managed to save your life, you were already so far gone.” That didn’t sound good. “Of course I oversaw your operations, I wouldn’t allow my best doctors to fail you, nor would I allow myself to let you die.” She whispered. “But that meant utmost vigilance at every second of your surgeries. Each time a problem was encountered, I had them put you in stasis so we could find the best solution. Each time they repaired the damage to your skeleton or your body I tried to make sure nothing could go wrong. And yes, you did die for a few brief moments. I must tell you I don’t think I’ve ever been so shocked or distraught. I fear as if it might have been the most intense seven weeks of my entire life.” …Oh. Twilight didn’t speak for the time being, she just held onto the Princess all the more, taking that information and letting it sink in properly. She’d been indisposed for seven weeks during her operations? How long had she been recovering from after all the surgery, surely it couldn’t have been much longer? “Almost three months… That’s...” Twilight uttered into the metal of Celestia’s armour. “How long was I healing after all the procedures?” “I was able to speed that up.” The Princess smiled. “Thankfully you’ve only been in this ward for a week or so.” “So pretty much three months.” She confirmed with a sigh. “All that time, just gone in what feels like less than a day.” “I do sincerely apologise, Twilight.” She smiled sadly to the Unicorn. “Stasis spells were a must to keep you alive, but they impact the perception of time, and you spent none of it awake. If I hadn’t helped the process along, or aided in reconstruction of your bones, and just allowed the doctors to let things heal at their own pace, you would have been here for far longer on the mend, and no matter that they’re the best doctors around, they’d still have wanted to amputate your arm because of the damage to your shoulder.” Twilight nodded her understanding. “It’s alright, Princess.” She spoke up at her teacher. “I’m alive. You and the doctors saved me and Spike. We can live on and bring King Idris and all those responsible for this to justice, or at least we can prepare for it until after the war.” “Not sure how useful I’ll be on that front.” Spike couldn’t help but joke, poking Twilight on her good side. “But I’ll happily take down notes.” She smiled, but the talk of war, it begged another question now. “Princess, do you know what happened to the girls?” Twilight asked, hoping things would be better than she expected. “I spoke to Applejack the day before the attack, but that was it.” The Alicorn sighed, looking away for a moment. Twilight felt dread build in her chest to the action. If one of her friends was as badly injured as she was, or no longer with them, she wasn’t sure she’d have the willpower to even stand at that moment. “I’m afraid that two of your friends have joined my sister.” Celestia whispered, looking quite regretful about it. “Applejack was upset about my wish to use Sweet Apple Acres, and dear Fluttershy simply took her animal friends beyond the borders of my Empire into enemy territory, as Luna promised there was safe passage and sanctuary beyond the Smokey Mountains.” “I don’t blame them or hold it against them.” She assured Twilight. “Thankfully your friends Rainbow Dash and Rarity are at the castle. As for Pinkie Pie, I don’t know where she’s gone, although I suspect she’s returned to her family’s farm near Ghastly Gorge.” “I see.” Twilight nodded, something else coming to mind. “And… what do you plan to do with Lady Luna after the war is done?” “I don’t know, Twilight.” The Princess shook her head. “I don’t think banishment is the solution, she isn’t possessed like before. Either way, if I am victorious she will be given a fair trial, of that you can be assured.” Nodding, Twilight went back over and sat down on the bed. Spike sat beside her, his lithe form wrapping around her for comfort. Celestia smiled at them, poking her head out the door and calling back Doctor Lance, who came almost immediately. “Your Grace?” He smiled. “I believe I am done here for now. Please continue your work, doctor. Once my student has fully recovered, you may send her to me.” Celestia told him kindly, before looking back at Twilight. “There’s a long road ahead of us, Twilight. We won’t want to tread it, but we’ll need to in order to survive, and to do so efficiently I’d like you by my side.” Twilight nodded eagerly. The sooner this was all over the better. > Calm Before The Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the smallest amount of uncertainty, Twilight along with Spike entered the royal grounds of Princess Celestia’s castle, moving past the guards who admitted them with curt nods and grim looks on their snouts. They’d seen them before and would probably be friendlier but they were definitely more focused on looking for danger right now, Twilight certainly didn’t mind that. She took note too that their armour was different in this time of war, heavier and more protective in several areas as well as having additional red trim for distinguishment, and she noticed it was the same of nearly every guard within the palace grounds, with each small unit having two or three of its ponies lightly armoured to support them. She really admired her Princess’s tactical prowess. Passing through an archway and down a long corridor dotted with pretty stained-glass windows, they walked through the serene castle’s main gardens that had their own small ecosystems of wildlife. There might be war happening at this very second, but you’d never know it if you were alone in this place. Sighing at the thought, she and Spike came to a set of double doors beyond the gardens manned by entirely different looking guards than they were used to. They wore form fitting armour made of overlapping plates, with angular helmets that entirely encased their heads, and while they were gold and red like other royal guards, the helmets had a single large ruby encrusted within the centre of the forehead. “Halt, citizens.” The gruff male on the left commanded. “Who are you and what is your business with the Princess?” She didn’t recognise the voices, so it’s likely they hadn’t seen her or Spike around, and being entirely fair she had been out of the picture for the last few months. “Hello, sirs. I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s student, and this is Spike, my personal assistant.” She smiled gently toward them. “She requested I come here after my recovery at Royal Canterlot Infirmary.” “That seem right to you, Hal?” The left one asked his fellow on the right. “I believe I remember the Princess having a student, yes.” He nodded. “But I’m not sure if her name was Twilight Sparkle. Ma’am, please hold still.” The guard on the right was a Unicorn, and having said that to her he moved forwards and flashed his horn briefly. Twilight felt a wave of vertigo alongside a cold flush before it disappeared altogether, before repeating the process on Spike. After he was done, his horn winked out. He stood for a few moments regarding them with a look, before nodding to himself and stepping back in place. “No lying on her part, and they’re not changelings.” He said to the other guard. “They’re good to go.” “Really amping up security.” Twilight dryly commented, her ears flicking in annoyance. With a low snort, they opened the doorway and let her inside. With a small roll of the eyes herself once she passed them, she walked quickly down the short hall with Spike in tow before coming to the stairs she knew led up and around to a side entrance of the great hall Princess Celestia took assembly in for her day court. She wasn’t sure if the Princess would still be taking people in the hall at this time, it was almost noon so she might be breaking for her lunch, and she didn’t want to be running around only to find she’d wasted precious time. As luck would have it when she came upon the massive chamber, the Princess was just finishing up her court for the time being and wishing the pony before her a good day.  Once the stallion had departed Princess Celestia carefully stood up, still as armoured as she had been back at the hospital. With an endless amount of grace she gently stepped down from her throne, her advisors rushing off to do what errands were assigned to them or siding on up to her to ask her a slew of questions or pepper her with suggestions about the court that had taken place. Twilight didn’t envy her that task. She waited, as she knew the Princess had seen them, and watched as she placated each of the members of her service. When they were done hounding her for what they needed, she strode over to where they were both standing. “My dearest student, little Spike, I’m pleased you found me. Thank you for waiting so patiently.” She beamed her motherly smile, standing tall. “My advisors can be quite tiresome, especially my treasurer Gilded Ruby. He is quite stressed as of late.” “Because of the war.” Twilight nodded. That was understandable. “Indeed.” Princess Celestia confirmed, letting Twilight embrace her. “These are harsh times, and the treasury is being depleted rapidly. Even with the workers I have mining for metals and gems it is hard to keep it level, and gold is becoming rarer within this region.” “Would silver and bronze not suffice?” Twilight wondered, stepping back. It wasn’t a main currency like golden bits were, but they had their place in trade. “They have their uses, but they aren’t as common or as wanted as gold.” The Princess sighed, her armour shifting as they walked together. “It’s the reason Idris turned on me, but that is not information I wish to speak to you of here. Let us retire to my inner sanctum, I wish to rest, remove this armour, and talk with you, Twilight.” With an agreeable hum, Twilight followed her mentor. *                   *                   * She was very relaxed now, sitting here on a massive sofa with a hot cup of tea and wonderfully made sandwiches from the Royal Kitchen, Spike was eating a small pile of gems kindly allowed to him, it wasn’t a usual amount he’d eat and they were much smaller, but that was to be expected if nearly all gems were needed for the war effort. “Thank you, Princess, for the gems.” Spike nodded, munching on an odd looking topaz that wasn’t very large. They weren’t the mainly sought after types, no rubies, sapphires, or diamonds, but Spike didn’t seem to mind. “That’s quite alright.” The Princess returned, her face still that caring expression it always tended to be, yet there was something behind it. She shifted slightly to make herself more comfortable before taking a sip of her tea and turning to Twilight. “Now, let us speak.” “Please. You mentioned King Idris.” Twilight spoke sitting upright and alert, tucking her tail neatly. “Yes. He was the one who launched an assault on Ponyville, and my Royal Scouts informed me with new information regarding that.” Princess Celestia stiffened in place ever-so-slightly, meeting Twilight's eyes. “...Luna was behind it in conjunction with Idris.” Twilight stopped herself from gasping, but the news still felt like a punch. “But why, Princess?” She asked, placing down her empty cup. “I know she’s at war with you, but it just… it doesn’t seem right. She’s not possessed and yet hurts innocents?” “I know how it sounds, my dearest student.” Celestia sighed, putting a hand to her head. “I didn’t want to believe it either. In the few skirmishes I’ve had with her soldiers along the territories that have been established, I’ve avoided letting my army near civilian settlements unless they’re occupied by Luna’s guard, or they’re purposely there to solely make the residents evacuate so my soldiers can make use of the town.” “But Idris turned on me because the region she’s claimed in the Undiscovered West, has a wealth of previously unknown gold deposits which she’s clearly been mining out.” She said, taking in a breath. “If I’d sent my scouts on a diplomatic mission when she’d first settled her… Republic, I’d have known about those deposits.” “That’s not your fault, Princess.” Twilight sadly smiled, moving over and placing a hand on her mentors own. “I believe you about it, it’s just a hard pill to swallow... Lady Luna turned the Gryphons against you by bringing them over to her and she has control over them, but it’s not the end of it. You’re the strongest pony I know, you can end this war before anymore bloodshed can occur on such horrific scales again.” “Oh, Twilight, you silly pony.” Princess Celestia smiled, blinking away tears. “I truly adore your optimism, it always makes me pleased to see it, but this won’t end with a song and dance about friendship. Not this time.” “The reason I share this information with you is because I want to be able to count on you as someone that won’t betray my trust, like Idris… or my sister.” She continued, keeping eye contact with Twilight. “Twilight, I need you to stand with me, and I fear without your help I might lose this war. Everyday more ponies flock to Luna’s cause and it worries me.” Twilight leant forwards, holding Princes Celestia tightly. “You can always count on me, Princess.” Twilight smiled. “I feel I know where this is going.” “...Your intuition is worthy of merit.” The Princess whispered gently into Twilight’s raised ear, letting the hug continue until Twilight pulled back. “I know you’ve only just left the hospital but it’s my hope you’ll assist me in the war effort, along with your friends that haven’t defected or run from the situation.” “Are they here?” Twilight perked up immediately. “Of course, Twilight. They’ve been wanting to see you but I didn’t think it safe for them to go around freely.” Princess Celestia smiled, she turned her head and spoke again, slightly louder than before. “You two may enter now.” Twilight shifted around from her seat on the couch as a side entrance to the sanctum opened and in walked Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Before the Princess could blink both Twilight and Spike were going across the room and hugging their friends. “Oh, Twilight, Spike, it’s lovely to see you. I heard about the attack, I was in Manehatten that day, I’m so happy to see you’re alright.” Rarity laughed, leaning down and gently kissing Spike on his forehead, causing him to blush. “Dash was hysterical as well, don’t worry.” “I wasn’t that worried.” Dash smiled with false bravado, squeezing Twilight with the smile masking her fear, her agitated tail betraying her feelings. “I knew you’d be alright, you’re a tough mare.” Distracting from that, Dash knelt down and gave Spike a quick hug. “Good that you’re kicking too. Bet you've got some cool scars.” Spike self-consciously moved his hand up over his shirt that hid the mark on his chest, to the left of his heart. “Y-yeah.” “Oh Spike, that shirt is half-ragged, please let me fix it or make you a new one.” Rarity frowned at the damaged apparel he wore. She could easily guess it was the one he’d been wearing on the night of the assault. “You must not have many clothes now. I’d be happy to make you more.” “I guess. I kinda wanted to keep it as a memento.” He said, looking down and grasping the cloth while focusing on the holes in it from the shrapnel and gunfire he’d sustained. Not one for a great deal of subtlety and taking it as a ‘yes’, Rarity gently tugged the shirt off of Spikes body over his head, leaving him standing almost-naked in his tight underwear. He stood for a moment before he noticed the girls eyes on him and used his tail to help cover himself up, the appendage wrapping nicely around his ample hips and groin. “Don’t you worry, I’ll have this as good as new in no time, and something else for the colder days. It’s almost winter and I don’t want you freezing.” Rarity cooed, facing about and rushing off to work. Princess Celestia remained silent, simply watching the antics, it was heartwarming to see war hadn’t changed their moods in certain matters, but she very much wanting to get back to talking. Conjuring up something she had spare, she floated an incredibly baggy black hoodie over Spike’s head, who grabbed the offered piece of clothing and quickly threw it on. “Thank you.” He blushed. “Rarity is in good spirits, but we should let her be.” The Princess spoke sagely. “You three come over here though, please. Rainbow Dash knows some of my plan, but I need to fill the both of you in, it’s quite important.” Going over with Spike and Dash, Twilight took a seat next to Princess Celestia again. “Now. You have little training in fighting, so that’s not what I want for you, and I doubt you’d want that either.” She said, watching as they both shook their heads. “But, you can help with assisting operations, teaching magic, and production of arms.” “I’d hoped Applejack would be our Quartermaster, but that’s now Rainbow Dash’s duty among other things. I have my nephew Blueblood assisting my Captain with training our newer recruits as he is rather proficient with a sword. I was hoping you could help teach the few squads of Unicorns I have on basics of healing magic and teleportation as quite a number of units are without a dedicated medic. I had a Captain that was trained in such matters, but she was recently killed in a battle outside of Vanhoover while leading troops.” “That’s awful.” Twilight whispered. “It was, yes. Vanhoover and the Galloping Gorge are both a main area of contestment among my forces and Luna’s own, as their trade lines lead into the Frozen North, cutting off those lines would cripple their ability to function, that was my original goal in order to end this before it truly began.” The Princess’s tone took on a heavier edge as she continued. “But I’m now beset from two sides with the Gryphons having declared for Luna. Even with troops and supplies coming in from all the territories I command, it seems Luna has even more support now and they’re all converging around that area little by little, no surprise that is. Beyond her Republic there are scores of towns all united under one main city called Haven. The areas of which aren’t marked on our maps, as back then when we both ruled we thought it best to respect their wishes and leave the Undiscovered West alone, as they were essentially an independent territory that didn’t want our rule.” “And they’ve pledged themselves to Luna’s cause.” Twilight nodded. “Indeed. Whatever their issues it seems they were only against me and not her. That or they saw her Republic as a way to fight against Equestria. I honestly don’t know at this stage, I hope my scouts report back with new information on the matter.” Twilight gave her arm a light squeeze to show her compassion, with Spike having moved to her other side, listening intently. She continued after taking a few sips from a freshly made cup of tea. “The Yaks mostly fight for her, with only a few of their tribes fighting for me that are in the far East of their mountain ranges above the Crystal Mountains, but they vastly appear to be joining their brethren. The King of the Yaks, currently King Abbatucci, believes Luna’s succession from Equestria was part of an ancient prophecy of his people and follows her because of it. Through talks or conquest, he’s slowly taking over the tribes that fight for me as well. “Then there’s the changelings… To my knowledge, they're mostly remaining neutral, they simply want this war to end as quickly as possible as it severely impacts upon their growth and their sustaintence of love. My lead scout has met with a few hives that might join our cause if we can provide them with love. For that matter I know we have some stored for major diplomatic events, but think I must consult with Cadence for a better supply. Of course, she doesn’t want any part of this so I highly doubt she would give me any reserves they have stored away.” “Well isn’t she declared for Luna as well?” Twilight wondered, Spike nodding. “In a manner of speaking, I suppose. But Princess Cadence’s allegiance is meant to be to the throne as they are Equestria’s vassal state, which is why they’re considered part of Equestria.” She explained to her student. “When Idris was my ally he too vetoed the idea along with me to restrict the trade lines Luna wanted to establish with the Crystal Empire, because while there were good intentions behind it, my worry was that something like this might occur, and there would come at a time Luna had built up a reserve of strength from it in order to do something bold. It wasn’t an easy decision to make and I did consider allowing it, but perhaps such a move to stop it backfired. I feel disallowing it may have sparked the outbreak of this war.” “I’d read that in the papers, that she’d been meeting with Luna to establish trade.” Spike spoke, wringing his hands through the comfortable hoodie. “Although, that would mean going around the Smokey Mountains or Galloping Gorge… right?” “That’s correct, you know your geography.” The Princess nodded. “I was in town with Applejack, the Royal Guard were moving massive cannons through the area.” Spike continued, a worried expression appearing. “Was that why Ponyville got hit?” “I don’t believe my troop deployment was the reason, no. I’d ordered that artillery to between the train lines south of the Smokey Mountains as that area is being strongly held by my forces and it can be easily resupplied and protected.” She responded to the question. “And it was roughly after that point during the day when Idris had met with me regarding his allegiance.” “At first it had started as a meeting to discuss troop deployment on his side, which he then segued into how I was going to truly pay for his assistance. I’m thankful I didn’t reveal my own deployment lines to him, but in hindsight I was foolish to deal with him at all, I knew his support would come with a catch long before I made him an ally.” Her hand went to her temple. “I never said I wouldn’t support him, but I did inform him that gold reserves were starting to run low and it may have to wait until the war was properly settled before he got true monetary compensation beyond gems or silver. Clearly it wasn’t good enough.” “So… the Yaks are fighting alongside Luna, the Gryphons, and the Pony populace of the West too, and the changelings are neutral but possibly open.” Twilight summarised, then became alert. “What about the Minotaurs?” “They’re also neutral. They’re quite content to live under the mountains and keep to themselves.” The Princess explained. “I’ve also sent my scouts to them, they refused to even meet with me after the Foreign Affairs Summit. While they don’t particularly want to fight on either side, they were still somewhat angered by my veto of Luna’s proposed trade lines, as it would have benefited them in their trade with the Crystal Empire for the goods received from the West.” “So it might be a safe bet to assume they would possibly fight alongside Luna in the future if she starts to gain the upper hand.” Twilight commented on the matter. “So far you’re just surrounded, but you’re holding Lady Luna’s forces back, no?” “I am, for now.” She confirmed. “We’re fortunate my army has experience and better equipment. Luna wasn’t able to take much with her when she abdicated besides a small share of the treasury allotted to her by right, which entirely went into building her Republic.” “To me, it seems the best course of action would be trying to meet again with some of the Changeling tribes that are willing to fight.” Twilight pondered. “If meeting with Cadence doesn’t yield anything then perhaps they’ll fight for you with the promise of love reserves instead, after giving them what you have stored as a gesture of goodwill?” “That was my plan, I’m glad you came to that conclusion.” Princess Celestia nodded with a proud smile. “And I was rather hoping you would lead this diplomatic mission after your triumph over Chrysalis.” “I would also be on good terms with other Changeling tribes for stopping a rogue tribe from putting them all in danger.“ Twilight added, her eyes closed in a thoughtful nod. “Alright, Princess. I’ll do it, and I’ll do my best.” “That’s wonderful news, Twilight.” Princess Celestia smiled, resting a hand on her students shoulder in thanks. “You have my sincere gratitude.” > The Storm Comes In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was apprehensive, but was more than confident in Princess Celestia and her soldiers abilities. Twilight trudged along the pebble-filled pathway along to the west wing of the castle where the barracks was located in the garrison. She was to receive some light armour and a basic weapon there from the Captain of the guard. She’d protested the need for a weapon at first, only relenting when Celestia insisted upon it, as while her guard would be more than capable of defending her there was always the possibility something bad could happen that they couldn’t predict and she might be alone to defend herself without her magic. Twilight had never fought beyond basic fencing lessons with a mock rapier, and the basics of swordplay she learned for historical understanding, not that she felt it could truly translate to real world ability. Magic from books into action was one thing as spells were her talent, but physical prowess was something else entirely. That thought aside, she came to a stop before the heavy double doors of the barrack and knocked twice, her tail swishing with slight agitation. Barely a second had passed before the door swung inward and she was greeted by an imposing burly stallion likely thrice her size. The huge pony was geared in the same armour she’d seen on the inner palace guards; form fitting armour that was heavy and segmented, with overlapping plates and a helm that encased the head. The difference between this stallion and the inner guards though, was the helm was a different shape with a diamond in the centre instead of a ruby. “Miss Sparkle!” His voice boomed from inside the armour, waving her in. “Welcome tae ma garrison, very kind o’ ye tae come so quick. I’m Captain Crichton, if ye come on inside we’ll getcha kitted up an’ ready tae go.” She nodded, time was of the essence. Once she stepped foot into the accommodations she shrunk back slightly as a few armoured soldiers rushed past despite the heavy armour they wore. The Captain paid it no mind and led onward, going past the main sleeping area and the mess hall, straight to the armoury itself. “In here, lassie, nice an’ quick now.” He ordered in a polite tone. “We’ve got tae be oot’a here within tha hour, best be on tha road a’fore tha storm hits, otherwise isnae gonna make leaving any easier.” “There’s a storm coming? It wasn’t projected in any weather reports I heard.” Twilight questioned, stepping to the side as he came in after her and headed to the armour racks. She eyed the stands, all lined neatly where they were; many were already empty, each one higher in complexity to one side, becoming lighter armoured and more basic on the other. It was the same for weapons as well. “Aye, lass. I spoke wi’ tha Princess an’ recommended et tae cover our tracks, isnae noon yet an’ thas’ usually when we have ourselves a general perimeter check.” He explained, taking a moment to look at her size, then looked back to the racks. He unobtrusively placed his gauntleted hands on her sides, nodded, and went over to the far left of them, picking out a decent looking set of light scale armour; simple, but incredibly functional. “We’re bein’ spied at from afar by enemy forces, Miss Sparkle. If we gaun tae make a diplomatic mission, best not telegraph our true intentions. We gaun oot inna standard formation fer a check, an’ break off upon reachin’ tha east side o’tha castle where thar’s a route intae tha mountainside, tha storm should strike as we reach tha edge o’tha forest below tha Unicorn Range mountains.” “Far be it for me to question, but wouldn’t the storm be beneficial to cover us before we leave the mountain itself?” Twilight wondered, blushing slightly as he gathered a gambeson and a chainmail hauberk. “And… do you have a changing area?” “Ais easier fer ye tae put et on here, an’ I doubt ye know how tae properly don tha armour, but dinnae fear; ye winnae need tae change yer clothing. As et es, ais a light layer that goes well wi’ tha gambeson an’ tha padded leggings, et’ll be good fer tha weather.” He smiled, handing them to her. “As fer tha storm, nae at all. Tha treeline goes almost uptae tha mountainside an’ we already have a small guard stationed around tha mountain base, we winnae attract any undue attention.” She nodded through his thick accent. The next few minutes were interesting, as she put on the gambeson along with the leggings, then the hauberk over the gambeson that went down to her waist and continued down her legs on either side to the thigh, which was then tightened with a belt. She already felt slightly overdressed. Next came her scale armour. It was apparently lighter and more functional than the plate armour the main guards wore, it would allow her to move quicker than being in plate as she didn’t have the necessary training. The Captain carefully attached the separate pieces of scale armour to the hauberk with the links welded to the hauberk itself, making the two pieces effectively a single one. Her chest, back, shoulders, arms, waist, and upper legs were eventually all covered in the protective scales. The final touches were the padded gloves and boots. They were both made of high quality leather, having chainmail woven into them in the appropriate places, with scales protecting the backs of the gloves and the fronts of the boots. “Ye look ready tae go. Almost.” He nodded, grabbing a standard helm of the guard. “Yer’s es a known face, I’d wager. Best tae hide et.” Handing it to her, she took and examined the item. The helm was as she’d expected, effectively covering the sides of the head, protecting parts of the face with the side flanges raised up and the middle of the helm protecting the centre of the head and nose, the upper sections slightly open for ears to poke through with a slight flare to cover them. The interesting addition was the faceplate that interlocked with the helm and could be removed, and the aventail of chainmail that was riveted around the inside of it against a heavy leather strip, that would protect her neck. She put it on, feeling slightly out of sorts by the limits of her vision through the eye slots. This was going to take some getting used to, as was the entire weight of this armour. There was still the sword that she was meant to carry as well, to which it was handed to her by the Captain as she took in a breath and tried to adjust. Blinking, she gingerly wrapped her fingers around the scabbard like it was a delicate piece of a tea-set, taking the belt of it and putting it around herself while minding the sword's new weight. It was a strange thing, to have a weapon on her hip. It was extra mass on top of the armour, but it was apart in a way. It made her feel stronger, which was weird because the sword was only a standard issue shortsword, a gladius. By itself it couldn’t protect her as it wasn’t anything specially enchanted such as to put out a shield upon contact. She had to wield it efficiently for it to be of any true use. “Alright, now yer ready. Ma lot have tha provisions an’ yer supplies an’ all, so we’d best head on now.” The Captain said, striding past her and grabbing the door. “Jus’ remember tae keep en tha centre o’ all’o us while we travel.” Twilight nodded, following after him. The armour shifted about as she walked but not as much as she’d expected, and it wasn’t as bad a weight as she’d thought it might be either. It was still going to tire her out eventually as she’d never been incredibly athletic, but for now it would be fine, and there would be plenty of chances to rest later. Passing back through the garrison Twilight suddenly came to a stop behind the Captain as he halted, realising his soldiers were standing to attention just before the exit. She carefully stepped around the large stallion until she was standing next to him, wondering what to do next. “Alright, troop.” He nodded to the lot of them informally. “As ye all know, we've been tasked by Princess Celestia tae escort her protégé Twilight here onna diplomatic mission.” He gently slapped his hand onto Twilight’s shoulder which made her jump slightly. “Her life es top priority an’ we winnae fail tae get her where she needs tae be. I know I’ve given ye lot a basic gist, but fer clarity’s sake I’ll let her speak. Go on, lass.” Twilight nodded, stepping forwards. “H-hello everypony.” Twilight greeted the soldiers lined up before her, taking a breath and trying not to be so intimidated by their undivided attention. “I’ve been tasked by the Princess to lead an official diplomatic mission into the Changeling lands so we might count them among our future allies.” As she continued, she found her voice easier. “Now, there hasn’t been a lot of interaction with Changeling hives beyond the first days of contact between the great tribes, they’re still a very secluded and non-interactive people despite the allowance they make for travellers, but I’m hopeful even if there’s a lack of trust, that due to the political climate and the… well, the looming threat of starvation due to the war for them, that they’ll join with us to form a mutually beneficial relationship between our peoples, and it’s my job to make sure that happens.” “To that end, we have a very precious supply of magical love safely secured for this journey, if my message from the Princess was sent ahead then that should hopefully be ready to go along with us.” Twilight stated, looking back at the Captain. “Aye, ‘tis.” “Alright then.” Twilight nodded with a small smile, gesturing outward to the soldiers. “Um, well our destination is roughly beyond Galloping Gorge into the territory of the Crystal Empire, where Princess Celestia’s scouts met with the Changelings initially. A message has been sent, so Princess Cadance will be sending a scout of her own to inform the Changelings we’re coming. We’ll signal when we arrive, but to optimally achieve and reach our goal within a reasonable timescale, Princess Celestia and I plotted the safest and fastest route we could think of.”  “We’ll cross a majority of the Unicorn Range following the mountain spire that leads to Smokey Mountain, but before we reach any conflict zones around that area we’ll divert North around the spire and across the masses of farmland under Princess Celestia’s control, passing a checkpoint along the train lines. That will lead us into the forests East of Galloping Gorge, which should be very safe as we’ll have escorts from Cloudsdale helping at that point. From there and the edge of that forest, it’s not a long trek until we move into the Frozen North, the Changelings should know to meet us by the time we get there.”  With that, she quickly bowed her head and stepped back beside Captain Crichton. “I’ll stay with everypony and keep my head down.” “Alrighty then.” He nodded, she could feel his smile inside the helm. Twilight was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but shook a little when he suddenly slammed his armoured boot into the ground and shouted. “TROOP, WE ARE MOVIN’ OOT!” As the Captain had said, the storm hit fast and hard by the time they had already emerged from the mountain's face and headed into the dense thicket of trees. Twilight kept level as best she could with the soldiers rough pace, but it wasn’t easy with the sheer weight of the armour she wore. It was slightly embarrassing when the Captain ordered a slower march just so they wouldn’t require stopping anytime soon. “Dinnae fret aboot it.” He told her, heavily slapping a hand on her back and knocking a little wind from her. “Ye nae a soldier, we cannae go tha usual manner.” “I really don’t mean to slow all of you down.” Twilight apologised, recatching her breath. “Aye well, we’re nae leavin’ ye behind.” The large stallion intoned. They continued their newer pace for roughly nine more hours with only two small breaks between, which felt like barely enough time to even breathe, and almost traversed the entirety of the massive woods Twilight noted when they finally came to a stop, Celestia’s Sun had dipped earlier in the day, but she could see the massive peaks of the mountains towering above them from where she was. While that was excellent, she was sucking in huge lungfuls of air and panting like a dog, gulping down water to cool off as if she were an overheating steam-train; the rest of the soldiers simply took small swigs of their waterskins and laughed among one another. “This is crazy... how you do this.” Twilight commented to no one in particular, falling gracelessly to her knees. “But I can’t say... we’re not making good time.” For a while she rested back, then letting her legs move forward and shifting them around into a crossed position so as to sit more comfortably. Other guards were removing their helms and she wondered if she would be able to do the same, it was awfully warm underneath the protective headgear. When she attempted to, gently placing her hands on either side of the metal, another hand hit down on the top of the helm. “Don’t wanna do that, kid.” Twilight looked up in curiosity and slight annoyance at her assailant, ears flicking involuntarily as the action had made her head hurt from the spot the helm had slapped down upon. She met eyes with a cocky looking mare who appeared as if she belonged in a prison rather than the Royal Guard, but maybe she was being a bit judgemental. The mare with a smirk was silvery-white, with a short cropped black mane that didn’t extend past her fluffy ears, and somewhat almond-shaped amber eyes that spoke of a troublesome nature. Going by her looks Twilight placed her as from somewhere around the far-east of Equus, beyond Equestrian borders. “You’re not meant to be taking that off in the open, no matter how sweaty you are.” Frowning, Twilight spoke up. “Then where can I take it off?” “Set up a tent and get inside, then you can.” She said with a smile. “I can help if you like.” It wasn’t that Twilight was trying to be rude, but she didn’t exactly trust this mare. Having said that she was Royal Guard so she must have been on the level, at least to a degree in order to be on this assignment. “Alright.” Twilight slowly nodded. “That would be nice.” With another flashy smile the mare quickly helped Twilight to her feet, giving her a rough slap on the back and an ‘atta girl’ in addition. Ignoring the blatant lack of respect towards personal space, she trudged on over to where the supply cart was and carefully retrieved her own pack that was quite frankly oversized with gear she didn’t feel she needed, but the Captain had assured her each tool and item had its specific use and when the time came, they’d be invaluable. Detaching the tent and the poles that were rolled up with it, she grabbed them in her magical aura and wrapped the lines of cable around the package to neatly have everything in order, before she widened her eyes in shock when the mare shouted out and smacked her roughly on the horn with a growl. Sharply crying out with her hands immediately flying to the offended area, she doubled over and held onto her horn until her vision stopped swimming and the jarring sensation and stabs of pins and needles stopped. “What in the name of Celestia was that for?!” Twilight snapped at her after rising up to her full height again, which even then she was a few inches shorter than the mare. “Are you usually in the habit of attacking ponies for no reason?!” “No. Idiot. You’re not supposed to be using magic as it announces our position to the damn enemy and will bring down a fuckton of hurt on us.” She replied back with a glare, crouching down to pick up the bundle as it had fallen to the ground when Twilight’s magic had sparked out and released it. “Did you not listen to the Captain telling us that?” Slightly taken aback with both slight shock and embarrassment, Twilight laughed nervously at the reason and felt her tail swishing in betrayal of her feelings. “Oh, n-no. ...I was reading.” She became intensely aware not seconds later that the Guard were on alert, crouched down, and scanning the treeline around them and beyond. All because she’d been a moron. “We’re all clear.” The Captain announced, glancing over in Twilight’s direction. “Jus’ an accident es all.” Warily, the Guard returned to what they were doing with a few giving annoyed or bemused stares in Twilight’s direction which only caused her to want to fold in on herself even more, but she managed to keep it together while the silvery mare with her walked on with the tent underarm. “Keep pulling that shit and you’ll earn a rep.” She laughed, apparently back to being carefree and mischievous. “Over here looks like a decent enough spot.” “You’re not going to ditch me?” Twilight asked, still eyeing the others around her. “No. You’re who we’ve gotta protect.” She smiled. “You’re a naive idiot, but the Princess tells us to jump…” Nodding, Twilight helped the mare unfold and set up the tent as quickly as possible, the Sun had finally reached the horizon by the time everypony had made their own tents up and prepared to rest for the evening. They’d discussed the possibility of moving through the night but it was a high risk that Princess Celestia hadn’t been willing for them to undertake unless absolutely necessary, and there was much too large a berth between the Unicorn Range and the Galloping Gorge woods to safely cross without being spotted in some manner by Luna’s Night Guard, who were very efficient at seeing in the dark. Another good reason why lights weren’t allowed. Within the thick tents every guard was using however, it was safe enough to use a horn as a small light source, Twilight’s own glowing softly in the gloom and illuminating her features. “So kid…” The mare poked her from where she was sitting and leaning back against her rolled up sleeping bag. “What are your plans for the future?” The question caught Twilight off guard to the point she stumbled, dropping the quill she’d been using to write with. Her helm now also removed in the secure confines of her newly erected tent, Twilights mane flowed free around her face and framed her curious look, which seemed to highly amuse the eastern mare. She picked the quill back up and placed it beside the letter she’d been writing, both of the items placed atop a packable desk table Twilight had brought with her. “I don’t know.” Twilight replied, the sincerity evident. “I’m going to keep learning though.” “No idea for work?” She continued. “Surely you being under the Princess’s wing means you’re meant for something high up, right?” “I’m not so sure about that.” Twilight shrugged, regarding the mare a little more. “I know a lot, and I’m always trying to learn more, always trying to understand. I think she appreciates that, but nothing in my future is certain.” “You don’t think she wants you to rule with her?” Twilight couldn’t help but scoff at the mare's words. “I’m not ruling material.” Twilight grinned, shaking her head. “That would be too much responsibility as well, I just want to…” “Yeah?” “...I want to rebuild the library in Ponyville. Go back to being a librarian.” The mare blinked. “That’s it?” She wondered incredulously. “That’s kinda boring. I always wanted to catch bad guys as a kid, yannow? Grew up wanting to be a Sheriff, and then I joined the Guard, and it was like surpassing that dream.” “Well, I’m still pretty young, I’ve got time to follow dreams.” Twilight smiled. “After this war is over, I’d like to reunite with my friends again like we used to, it doesn’t feel like so long ago that we were having picnics.” “Man, you really are just a kid.” The eastern mare sighed. “What’s your name, by the way?” Twilight asked, leaning back. “I’ve been a little too occupied to ask and you never said.” “Trip.” The mare flashed a smile. “It’s what everyone calls me.” “Alright, Trip.” Twilight nodded, shifting around and holding out her hand. “Nice to meet you, I hope we can get along as friends, I’m Twilight.” A little amused, Trip quickly grabbed the offered hand and shook with little restraint. “You’re a weird kid, I already know your name.” “You don’t use it, though.” Twilight frowned. “Nope, your face is too funny when I don’t.” Trip continued smiling. As the evening approached nighttime, Trip insisted Twilight bed down and sleep so she rested up plenty, as they’d be getting up early to make up for lost time. Twilight had started to protest but the Captain had poked his head into the tent and given them the order for lights out, settling that argument before it had begun. The sounds of the woods around them were calming, Twilight thought as she rested her head against the small pillow she’d been issued. It wasn’t as soft as her one back in the library had been, or the hospital's own, but it was better than nothing. She couldn’t hear Trip making a sound and shuffled around to face her, feeling slightly weirded out to see her sleeping straight on her back as if she were standing to attention. Her generous chest rose and fell rhythmically so she was definitely breathing, and she was fast asleep. Weird. It took quite a time before she managed to sleep, but she always re-awoke every now and then. It was this entire situation, of being elsewhere in the world, of not being in her home, being on a mission in wartime, not being with her friends, alone with complete strangers that were supposed to die for her. It was overwhelming, she felt tears at the edges of her vision. Before any could threaten to spill however, a hand rested on her shoulder. She gasped, turning to look up at Trip who was holding a finger to her own lips in a shushing gesture, Twilight hadn’t even heard her get up and come over. Quietly as she could, she sat up as Trip retrieved her equipment and carefully unsheathed her shortsword, taking and handing Twilight’s helm to her. Putting it on without hesitation, Twilight watched as Trip snuck over the tent entrance and signalled for her to stay put, before carefully slipping out into the darkness. The minutes that passed felt like hours as a massive sense of trepidation and fear overcame Twilight, her heart pounding in her ears as she strained to hear anything out of the ordinary. She thought she heard the noise of metal meeting metal, her ears flicked to the left along with her eyes when another sound came, possibly one of distress? That was when she heard Trip’s voice quite clearly. “ENEMY ATTACK INCOMING!” She roared into the night, it was entirely without fear, unlike Twilight who was hidden away inside the tent. “EVERYPONY ROUSE YOURSELVES!” A few seconds later Trip rushed inside the tent and glared to where Twilight was crouched down, Twilight stared back, seeing the broken-off shaft of an arrow poking from her upper leg, and was going to comment before Trip spoke first, pointing at the sword by her desk. “Grab that. Now.” She ordered. “Killed a scout, they’ll be on us soon.” The dread in Twilight’s breast only increased tenfold. > Eyes In The Trees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh sweet Celestia, this was my fault!” Twilight uttered, feeling her chest tighten. “Shut up, kid.” Trip ordered, strapping a brace of slim daggers over a thigh and grabbing her helm, placing it on her head and then picking up her shield. “No way of knowing that, even if it was there’s no changing it now. We can’t stay here, they might try to burn us out and then we’re well and truly fucked.” “We have to go out where there’s fighting?” Twilight wondered incredulously, looking at Trip as if she was mad. “I can’t fight!” “Not expecting you to. Just stay low, and stay in front of me.” Trip told her, slapping her face to get her attention. “You hear me? This little errand isn’t failing, get your ass out there.” Twilight was apprehensive, but a rough pull and shove from the eastern mare and she was at the tent flap with her, she felt as frozen as she had back in the ruins of Ponyville, dreading what she’d see when they left the tents confines. Fighting had already broken out as she could hear screams and shouts, the heavy ring of swords clashing, and no doubt the soldiers tasked to protect her were dying. Trip carefully peeked out, quickly taking Twilight’s arm and pushing her in front. “Go now!” She barked. Her mind was blank for a few seconds as she obeyed the order, stumbling out and almost blindly sprinting into the night before Trip roughly seized her by the arm again and directed her forward. Almost immediately an arrow embedded itself in the earth next to them causing Twilight to cry out in shock, but she kept on at Trip’s forceful control. It was thankfully in the front of her mind that she shouldn’t use magic because she very nearly did on instinct to create a barrier, she didn’t want to give herself away as no doubt the enemy soldiers knew to be looking for signs of her magic. The Princess had spoken with her during their discussion of this mission, about the very real possibility of being captured, and that Lady Luna would most likely want to take her as a hostage to ensure her victory against her sister. Given the lengths she’d already gone to Twilight believed it was very much something she would not be beyond at this point. If she was captured as a prisoner of war she wasn’t certain what sort of treatment she would be subjected to, or whether it would be fair. Given the situation though, this wasn’t the time to be thinking about it. Right now her main concern was survival, as anything could happen in a skirmish like this and anypony could kill her, intentionally or otherwise. Given the light conditions with only a few torches having been struck into the ground for visibility, she could just about see she was being directed over to Captain Crichton holding position atop higher ground, who held a massive greatbow in his sturdy hands and was using it expertly well against the enemy. “DRIVE ‘EM BACK, LADS!” He bellowed out, nocking another arrow that would have looked comically large in Twilights hands. “GIVE NONE TAE REST!” Drawing it back with impressive strength, Twilight felt herself involuntarily duck down as he loosed the missile in her general direction at the attackers behind her, hearing a shout of pain as the sizable arrow hit its mark. There was a break in progress as Trip’s guidance faltered, Twilight stumbled as something then heavily slammed into her and knocked her into the dirt, she fell onto her side feeling her head impact against the ground. It was the adrenaline in her system that helped her through the pain and right her as she scrambled to back away. Twilight saw Trip now engaged in melee with the stallion that had thrown her down; one of Lady Luna’s own Night-Guards, with Trip barely managing to parry a powerful upswing and attempting to swipe back in response. The stallion’s sword had the better reach and he easily battered down her attacks any time she struck out, Twilight tried desperately to do anything but she couldn’t bring herself to move, petrified by fear in the madness surrounding her. Trip’s assailant deftly broke past her shield and laid open a gash in her arm, followed by another across her upper thigh, making to finish her off with a long heavy sweep across the chest but her shield just came up and blocked the powerful attempt. She was lurched back, but recovered enough to definitely pitch her boot forwards and succeed in kicking out at the soldiers leg, causing him to falter for just a fraction of a second. It was sufficient for her to bring her own sword up quick enough that his momentary lapse allowed her past his weapon to plunge her blade through his light armour and into his guts. Twilight felt her stomach lurch. Wrenching her sword free and letting the dying Bat-pony fall where he stood, she gathered herself and resolutely stepped over him to where Twilight was, firmly pulling her to her feet and again driving her towards the Captain. “Go!” Trip growled out, warily looking back over her shoulder. As if unbound from a spell, Twilight could walk again at the insistence of the Guardsmare, it didn’t take a minute before they were finally treading to where Captain Crichton and a number of his troops were tactically standing their ground with bows, the higher land giving them a clear advantage in firing over their own while stopping the enemy from coming in. Two of the Section moved up and covered them as they came into the area, another approaching Trip and seeing to the deep cuts in her arm and leg. “Miss Sparkle, I’m gaun tae need ye tae draw yer weapon.” Captain Crichton told Twilight, nocking, drawing, and firing another arrow. “More o’ th’ enemy are closin’ en now, et’s gonnae come down tae close quarters soon.” Twilight glanced to the shortsword on her hip with fear, then back to him. “Dinnae fret, lass.” He assured her, looking between her and the outlying woods around them as more of his troops moved in to form a wall of sorts. “We’ll keep ye safe.” It was almost instant, the Guard at the front were set upon by enemy soldiers while quite a few arrows rained in from the darkness of the trees, the arrows hit nothing but raised shields or earth and a volley was returned in kind, one of the Captain’s hefty arrows accompanying the counter. The Captain slammed the end of the hefty bow into the soft land as more attackers started coming in, reaching around and taking hold of the two-handed bastard sword on his back, sparking several of the soldiers around him to follow suit. “Archers, be ready encase they get too close, but keep us covered till then!” He shouted out from his helm, then pointing at Trip and two other guards. “Trip, Xiphos, Rivet! Keep the lass safe!” His vision passed over the frontline who were managing quite well to hold their own against their opponents, but despite their valiant efforts a number of Lady Luna’s personal Night-Guard were starting to break through their defences and pave the way for the invading infantry. “Third Section hold this ground an’ be ready tae engage! First an’ Second wi’ me! They’re breakin’ past th’ line an’ we winnae let ‘em get nae further!” He pointed the tip of the huge sword in their direction and readied it. “HAVE AT ‘EM LADS, SEND THA BASTARDS TAE TARTARUS!” He grandly bellowed, readying the weapon. “FOR PRINCESS AN’ COUNTRY!”  With all the might of an enraged Ursa Major and a warcry to match, the Captain led an incredibly impressive charge with his troops behind him, the Night-Guard and soldiers that had broken through likewise charged to meet them, a few still caught in one-to-one trades with a couple of the Guard who were becoming overwhelmed. Both sides clashed together in a brutal metallic crunch as swords met and death was immediately given, the Captain’s own sword being among the first to cleave an attacker from shoulder to waist from the ferocious strength behind the swing, leading into a powerful strike that pierced the next enemy’s chestplate and went right through the other side. Twilight fidgeted and felt sick but she couldn’t bring herself to look away, these Guards of the Princess were fighting for her mission, this initial battle would be the deciding factor in if the mission even continued, and it was likely her own fault that it had occured in the first place because she was stupid enough to use magic because she’d been too busy to even pay attention to-  “Kid!” Trip shouted, pulling Twilight from her distracted thoughts. Twilight was once again saved by Trip’s ability, the eastern mare having grabbed a shield and thrown herself in front of Twilight, stopping an arrow from hitting her. “Pay attention!” She snarled at her, snapping the missle off at its tip. “Take this shield, we can’t do this if you’re dead!” “I’m sorry…” Twilight whispered, her emotions getting the better of her as she began to cry around clumsily taking the offered protection. “I-I didn’t mean for this to…” “Shut up!” Trip growled again, giving her a shove and turning about towards the ongoing melee further in front. “We don’t know that, so quit being a crying pissbaby, stay alert, and keep down.” Twilight tried her best to stifle her tears and focus, she knew they needed to succeed here and Trip was right in saying that this mission would only be won if she was the one to speak with the Changelings; nopony else had achieved what she and her friends had with defeating Queen Chrysalis and her horde, they wouldn’t have opened dialogue otherwise; they only trusted Twilight. “Hey, don’t mind Trip.” The tall stallion she believed to be Xiphos whispered next to her, gently nudging her in a sympathetic manner. Unlike Trip’s open-face helm, his was similar to hers and covered his face with an additional lower-plate, but she could see kind green eyes in there and a messy orange mane that creeped out from under the sides, his coat looked to be peachy sort of colour in the glow of the torches around them. “She gets cranky when she can’t be in the thick of it.” “I can hear you, dumbass.” Trip muttered, not taking her eyes off the conflict.  The battle that raged on seemed to be going well, what was only minutes for them waiting here likely felt like hours for those below, but it appeared that it wouldn’t last a great deal longer at this rate as Lady Luna’s forces were clearly limited in their numbers and were getting the short end of the stick, mercilessly being pushed back while the Guard were still going strong with having the extra units here to reinforce the fight. While it was a concern to Twilight that Lady Luna had ordered patrols this far into Princess Celestia’s territory, and it was quite worrying that scouting parties had managed to evade her forces, it was also rather a good sign that when met in combat they were woefully outmatched. “At least this’ll be over soon.” Xiphos kept on, scanning the fight. “The couple of Night-Guard that were leading the main force have fallen, Captain's already gotten to the last one.” Fighting was a generous word for it, Twilight would have said. The Bat-pony was more stopping himself from dying than doing any attacking, Captain Crichton was hammering blows left and right against an admirable defence that was beginning to falter under the continuous onslaught, until at last his footing gave way and his sword came up at an odd angle in an attempt to parry as he stumbled, allowing the Captain to swipe his bastard sword against the blade and dash it from his grasp. Twilight winced, knowing what came next. Except the Night-Guard had fallen to his knees and raised his hands in surrender, and the Captain hadn’t delivered a death blow, instead vehemently glaring daggers at the Bat-pony and backing off, then blocking another attacker who eventually came to the aid of his fellow and stepped in, giving the Night-Guard ample time to scamper back into his ranks. “Why didn’t he kill that stallion?” Twilight wondered, watching the Captain easily resume fighting to behead the soldier that had challenged him. “Didn’t he order no quarter given?” “Captain’s own fucking stupid notion of honour.” Trip grumbled. “He won’t kill an unarmed enemy.” Xiphos explained to Twilight. “Well it’s good to be honourable.” Twilight smiled, seeing the Night-Guard disappear among the many heads of their side. “I think if somepony surrenders in war then they shouldn’t be killed, they should get a fair trial.” “That guy’ll die soon enough.” Trip commented, then stopping her survey of the battle as her ears suddenly perked up atop her head, and she quickly looked to the north. “Hey wait, you guys hear that?” At first, Twilight didn’t hear anything but the ongoing fight, but then it slowly came like a low rumble through the forest off to their right, something she couldn’t put her finger on just what it was. Trip and the other two stallions very quickly realised and set about giving orders that really struck fear into her gut. “ENEMY FLANKING FROM THE NORTH!” The third stallion, Rivet, blared to the Section's left, clearly taking command of them while the Captain was otherwise occupied. “PREPARE TO ENGAGE, GIVE NO QUARTER.” “Come on, kid! Get behind me!” Trip urged to Twilight, placing herself between her and the direction of the dense thicket of trees, while Xiphos stood between her and the initial bloodshed the Captain was still fighting in. “Keep that shield up and be aware of your surroundings, this is do or die!” Twilight really wished she wasn’t so black and white about it. The seconds dragged on as all she could see filling her eyes and drowning her ears was chaos and conflict, her breathing came unsteadily in her uneasiness and her heart rate picked up, beating as if it were trying to leap out of her chest. She heard the first strike of the enemy assault before she saw it, as a soldier or two audibly caught an arrow in the front before everypony raised their shields even higher in defence; she wisely mimicked the action as not a second later a bolt slammed into her just-raised safeguard. The impact of it took her by surprise and she briefly stumbled, thankfully she was caught by Xiphos beside her. He gave her a nod and turned his attention back to the frontline. “Nice catch, break it off and keep it held where you had it, more shots will be coming in.” He said, raising his own shield ever so slightly. “They’ll hit us with another volley or two to try and soften us up, then charge in full on.” “You know what they’re going to do?” Twilight wondered, now not daring to peek around her only defence as more arrows rained in from above. “Luna’s soldiers will still massively follow the same doctrine and tactics that Celestia has had taught and drilled into her own.” He nodded, barely shifting when two arrows successively hit his shield. After a third smacked home, he waited for the rain of projectiles to end before snapping them at the tips. “I read about that, snapping off arrows in wounds instead of pulling them out to make sure injuries don’t haemorrhage.” Twilight commented, watching as he did so. “But why do it for the shields? Surely the arrows would provide additional defence against other arrows? Slow their velocity and lessen their impact?” “Sure, that might work.” He laughed, keeping a close eye out for another volley. “In the end it works better to not have additional weight on the shield. You ever tried lifting a shield full of arrows? It screws with your balance, takes a little longer to lift it if you leave them all intact, the extra second or two might cost you your life.” He made sure she was watching when he got to the third arrow and attempted to quickly wrench it out the shield, not managing to do so from the angle he was at and then snapping it off instead. “That’s the other reason: They’re a bitch to get out the shield mid-combat.” He explained, keeping his guard up as another salvo began. Twilight stood better against the tirade this time, expecting it to be stronger. She was right to prepare her footing and brace, as the quantity of arrows firing down had increased for this wave. Her heartbeat quickened as her shield grew heavier and she could feel her arms tiring as the seconds ticked by. Xiphos was quite right, the arrows were causing her defence to falter to sheer weight, all those small shafts of wood and metal tallied up considerably. “Easy, girl.” He assured her, stepping closer and using his free hand to help support her shield-arm. “Soon as this volley ends I’m certain they’ll charge in. Be ready.” That didn’t reassure her at all. There was one last punch into her shield, and then everypony around her was cheering in defiance of the enemy. These soldiers had just been submitted to a hail of death and now they were simply taunting their foe. “That all you fucks got?!” Trip shouted at the top of her lungs, even though it was lost in the noise of jeering. “Wasps have more of a sting than that!” She’d never understand soldiers. She’d also have no time to ponder on it, despite that her arm hurt and ached terribly all the ponies surrounding her were preparing their defences and readying their swords. She’d have to do the same. While in her own shield she saw about twelve shafts, she was shocked to see Trip’s shield had borne the brunt of what had come their way, numbering roughly double what Twilight had blocked. Trip deftly unsheathed her sword and slashed through all of the arrows embedded in the metal, there not being enough time to pull them out. Twilight held her own out seeing Trip intended to do the same for her. The release of weight when the sword disconnected the numerous shafts was greatly noticeable even with the arrowheads still dug in, she sighed in relief at how much easier the protection was to lift now. “Thank-.” Twilight began. “Not yet.” She interrupted. “INCOMING!” Shouted the third stallion up front. “MAKE READY!” Ranks were reformed, there was a shift from the amusement merely a second ago back into hardened fighters. Trip and Xiphos positioned themselves in front of her, their swords already in hand and shields ready on their other arms. Twilight’s shield arm still felt leaden even though she wasn’t bogged down with arrows, it was sore and bruised from the impacts, but regardless she had to hoist it up as best she could. “Ready your sword.” Xiphos said back over his shoulder, looking forward again at the front of the line. “We’ll keep you safe, but having that in hand may mean you save yourself.” She swallowed, nodding. She still hadn’t drawn it yet, even though the Captain had ordered her to. Her fingers felt shaky around the hilt, the leather wrapped around it did nothing to encourage her clammy grip as she slowly pulled the weapon free. She looked at the clean polished edge of it, seeing a blur of herself and the forest reflected in the light of the torches surrounding them. She nearly dropped the sword when the crunch began, making her jump as the frontline was laid into by Lady Luna’s flanking force. Her worry heightened, the pit of fear in her stomach resurged and she felt like she was going to vomit. Was this always going to happen? She’d never felt this way when facing down Discord or Chrysalis, she’d always felt confident, emboldened. Maybe it was because she’d had her friends beside her, and… no one had ever died. Her hold on the sword wasn’t perfect, during the time they’d spent travelling to make camp and before they’d settled the camp she’d gone through several motions with the Captain and Trip separately to get a feel for it. Trip’s style was a lot looser than the Captain’s had been, his was more uniform and precise in how he trained despite his demeanour in battle, while Trip’s had been greatly more fluid and dexterous in its movements in and out of combat, neither of which she could replicate or at least attempt very well. If she lived through this she’d practice more, maybe Xiphos could assist her too. There was a small commotion as the noise increased from the fighting, Twilight couldn’t see too well but she could make out brief parts of the ponies skirmishing, to her eye their wall was holding against the enemy. She gasped then, suddenly blinded by a huge flash caused her to lose her vision. She groaned as it stung and her eyes watered, all she saw as she blinked was pure white, and her mind went into full panic as there were screams. She felt a hand on her shoulder, her sword hand twitched animalistically in response but she had enough self-control to know it must have been her allies. . “Bastards used a flashspike!” Trip shouted in her ear over the din. “Can’t see too well, looked away when I saw it coming, most of the Section didn’t!” Twilight wanted to weep, and in fact was due to the mass-spell, she could feel the tears falling down her face, but it was spurred on by the sounds of dying ponies who were helpless to fight. She wished she could see them, see what she had caused. “Trip!?” Xiphos's voice came, he sounded unsure of himself. “I can’t see anything, Trip, are they coming?” “Not on us yet, Xiphos!” She growled, keeping Twilight steady. “It’ll wear off soon, I’m already seeing better! It was a powerful move, fuckers have cut through the line!” Such a small thing, so quickly done and already their advantage was undermined. But Trip was right, she could make out the eastern-mare’s form as colour returned to the world and the night came back into view from the pure white now slowly bleeding away from the edges of her vision. Xiphos stumbled to Trip, she could make out his shape. They both faced about with their swords ready, as best they could be for the time being. The brief halt in the Section's defence had been enough for Lady Luna’s forces to turn a well-organised block into a semi-free battleground. Twilight gasped when her sight was almost fully intact again, as the enemy were stepping over what seemed like dozens of their own. The first sword raised and clanged out, followed by countless more. The fight had begun in earnest and blood flowed from wounds, and all Twilight could do was wait. What could she do here? She wanted to use magic, she could feel the need to do something, anything to ensure no more lives were lost, not even on Lady Luna's side if she could help it. But she couldn't. If she was captured, things would become far worse for Princess Celestia, and she'd already done enough to make things bad, she needed to get through this and speak with the Changelings, so no magic. She could see the fight drawing nearer, the Section was slowly being whittled down and pushed back, the wounded being dragged behind their comrades who took their place to rage against the enemy as best they could. Princess Celestia's forces were well-trained, the surprise magical attack had only made them falter, and despite the losses they were now pushing back into a frenzy of clashing steel. Twilight saw another brief flash in the corner of her vision, and turned away from the source fearing another mass-spell, as Trip crashed into her and pulled her to the ground. Next to where she lied, a dagger was embedded into the churned-up mud. Just as quick, the soldiers around her cried out as more daggers precisely struck from above into exposed joints between their armour. "Let's fucking go!" Trip roared as three cloaked Night-Guard dropped down, two of them brandishing shortshords, the other holding a double-bladed staff. They wasted no time in setting upon the few soldiers near them, their high-ranking status among Lady Luna's forces evidently clear as they cut down several ponies before Trip and Xiphos met them head on. Twilight stepped back, bumping into a friendly soldier she realised was Rivet, he pushed her behind his large frame as the staff wielding Night-Guard struck out at her, the tip of his bladed weapon hit nothing as Trip sharply swung her sword in his wake and forced him to retreat mid-strike. The soldier in front of her growled and advanced on the attacker, who spun his double-bladed staff and made use of the momentum in a heavy strike, the attempt again being spurned as Rivet's sword fiercely met it, the clash ringing out. Xiphos and Trip were working in tandem to fend off the two Night-Guard savagely trying to break their self-imposed wall, every blow was stopped or parried with little chance to counter back against before another came in against their shields, until there was a shift in the footing of the staff-wielder as he dashed forwards and spun upward in an arc, catching Rivet across the unarmoured part of his thigh. The hit was enough to leave him exposed as he staggered and before she could think, Twilight blindly threw herself forward, clumsily throwing up her sword towards the staff's blade that raced back down towards Rivet's chest. The flat of her blade shrieked as the sharp edge scraped and glanced off of it, deflecting and catching the back of her hand that was tensely gripping the hilt. She shouted out in pain as it cut deep, the Night-Guard seeing a fast opportunity and spinning the staff to grip the middle and thrust it directly towards her throat. Her eyes went wide as the blade sunk into flesh. "Rivet!" Trip shouted, snarling with anger and charging at the Night-Guard who pulled his weapon free of the stallion as he fell, quickly blocking her enraged attack. Trip fumed as she abandoned her shield, unleashing a torrent of swipes and swings to drive him on the back foot before Xiphos yanked her away, tripping up as he pulled her safe from the other two's reach. She growled and protested like a wild animal as she scrambled to strike at them as hard as she could, challenging them directly. "I'll fucking gut you cowards like fish, fucking fight me you pansies!" Rivet had fallen into Twilight's arms from the precise hit, she'd almost collapsed under his muscular build and just barely fell to a knee without dropping him. She saw the blow had punctured Rivet in the shoulder, rendering his arm limp, but he was still conscious and already trying to get to his feet, adrenaline keeping him awake and fighting. The three Night-Guard concentrated their efforts as the battle wore on around them and was drawing in more of their own soldiers around the flanked Section. Of the two swordsmen, the left struck out against Xiphos as he secured his defence to put him off balance, as the right sought to end him with a decisive rake across the throat. It was hopeful at best, the very tip of his sword scratching across his helmet's face-plate as he jerked backwards, immediately dropping his shield and countering with a full upper thrust at the Night-Guard's open flank as his sword arm went wide. With Trip being driven into a frenzied rage and hammering blows against the other two his sword found its destination, piercing into his target's armpit as he drove it up into the Bat-pony. He had just enough time to wrench the blade free and let his enemy fall before another of Lady Luna's soldiers joined the fight, he growled and set upon them too. Rivet was just barely fighting with his one good arm, his wounds noticeably slowing him down as he did his best to protect Twilight. He leapt back from a soldiers strike and swept his sword across their chest, putting them down for the effort and scarcely deflecting another hit from the staff-wielder that had freed himself of Trip's attention. For the barest of moments they stood and panted as their eyes locked, regarding one another. The enemy assailant gave the briefest nod of respect before lashing out, Rivet again only just defending himself. "You fight for a false ruler!" The staff-wielder shouted over the din of the battle, continuously dealing hits and whittling Rivet's resistance down further. "Let me ease you into the Lady's Night!" Trip had managed to regain some self-control and backed off just enough to pluck a dagger from the brace on her thigh, aiming it at the staff-wielder. It didn't connect as she sent it his way, but the distraction of a blade glancing off his armour jarred him, she took another in hand and chucked it as he pivoted to parry Rivet's quick uptake. The metal found purchase in his side, causing him to crumple so that Rivet could deliver a finishing blow, cleanly pushing his blade between the Night-Guard's ribs. The last Night-Guard fighting Xiphos knew his fellows were down, making to strike at the weak link. He parried a thrust from Xiphos and in a last ditch effort, roared as he hurled himself past a swipe from Trip that slashed across his stomach to assault Twilight. Twilight screamed out as his blade sailed down at her chest, her mind went blank as terror bloomed in her heart and she saw her own death, but somehow the Bat-pony's blade went slack as he collapsed atop her. With his weight being far greater than Rivet's she was buried under him and cried out in fear at the situation, trembling as his blood spilled over her hands and she fumbled to release the hilt of her sword, realising what she'd done. A tense moment passed as Trip knelt down and roughly shoved his corpse off of her, grinning at the blade through his middle and quickly grabbed one of Twilight's bloody hands. Seeing that she was too stunned to move, Trip instead grabbed her under the arms and hoisted her up as her legs shook, backing off slightly while still supporting her as the mare emptied the contents of her stomach through her faceplate onto the floor. "Easy does it, kid. Good kill, keep it together." Trip said, glancing around at the battlefield for any enemy soldiers coming in towards them, seeing the Captain's Section had finished their skirmish and regrouped on them, leaving the flanking force scattered now. The First and Second Sections were regrouping with the Third, and the enemy was being routed. "I-I..." Twilight stammered, her eyes streaming as tears poured down her face. "I don't..." "Calm down, kid. It's fine." Trip assured her, nodding to Xiphos as he came over and took Twilight's hand. Trip relaxed a little and her expression took on a softer edge when the large stallion pulled the purple mare into a hug as she started to bawl like a filly. The eastern mare smiled at the sight, turning at the sound of armour but relaxing her sword arm as Captain Crichton lumbered over with a positively feral smile on his face, his helm under an arm and his bastard sword in the other. "Ais done, tha enemy's en full retreat now. What's left es bein' mopped up, an' we even have onna thar Night-Guard." He intoned, noting the unfolding scene he was walking toward as Trip trudged over to meet him. "Report, Corporal, as both Sergeants are currently indisposed." Trip's eyes glanced across to Rivet who was already being seen to by a medic, and Xiphos who was still reassuring a sobbing Twilight, nodding to the Captain and standing straight. "Ser. The Third was flanked by the enemy from the North, they assaulted the area with several waves of volley fire before breaking through our frontline with a flashspike, but the Guard rallied and held off the advance." She cleared her throat and her hand went to one of her wounds that was starting to get to her. "Then Xiphos, Rivet, Twilight, and I were set upon by three Night-Guard. Rivet was injured protecting Twilight from a fatal blow... He selflessly risked himself to save her, Ser." Captain Crichton nodded, planting his sword in the ground. "Continue, Trip." "Ser... I got too focused on fighting and failed to protect Twilight adequately enough, to where Rivet was dealt a serious blow defending her." Trip sighed, angry at herself. "That's on me, if I'd kept the line between us even Rivet wouldn't have had to put himself in harm's way." "She was engaged with the enemy, Ser." Rivet spoke up, limping over while the medic fussed over his wounds as he moved. "Two Night-Guard were on her and Xiphos, she couldn't have crossed the distance to block the strike, I couldn't raise my sword quick enough, best option was to put myself in front of the newbie." "That's not-" Trip began. "Stop blaming yourself for shit you can't prevent." Rivet smiled, nodding his head to Twilight as she sat down with Xiphos, and another medic who was seeing to her hand. "You missed it, but the girl stopped that Night-Guard from killing me, she jumped in and blocked his downswing." "She did?" Trip asked with surprise. "Yep. Granted, I wouldn't have had to jump in the way of the thrust if she didn't try to help me, but I also would have been dead." He smiled, looking away from Twilight and back to the Captain. "So really, we just helped one another." "Well, I still should have-" Trip started again. Rivet lightly punched her in the chest with his good arm, causing the medic to jump and scold him as she continued to patch up his shoulder. Trip rolled her eyes but took the hint, turning her attention back to the Captain, who was patiently waiting. "Ser. We killed the three Night-Guard and a few more soldiers, the Third pushed the enemy back successfully with the First and Second reinforcing us." Trip then grinned, looking very overjoyed as she thumbed at Twilight. "And Twilight got a kill on one of those overgrown bat fucks, quite a first to have." Captain Crichton eyed the distraught purple mare that was shaking like a leaf. She still hadn't removed her helm, which was good because the enemy could still be watching them from a distance. He watched as the medic finished wrapping up her hand in bandages, then gently washing the blood off of her as she stared at the earth. "Trip." He said, putting a heavy hand on the eastern mare's shoulder. "Take et easy on tha talk 'round her, alright? She's gaun tae be troubled fer a while." Trip firmly nodded. "Of course, Ser." "Alright then." Captain Crichton looked around at the clearing and breathed out. "Les' get tae burying tha dead, we cannae take 'em wi' us. Doubt tha enemy'll attack again wi' tha remainin' force, so we'll take tha time ta bury theirs an' all." "Honourable bastard..." Trip whispered under her breath as she gave him a nod. "Wi' was tha, Corporal?" He frowned. "Nothing, Ser. I'll gather some Guard and get started." She quickly followed up, giving a last look to Twilight as she left to do the work and waved the Captain goodbye. "Xiphos!" He shouted over to the Sergeant, the stallion looking over his shoulder to the Captain. "After yer sorted here, I've got a special job fer ya." "Ser." Xiphos confirmed, turning his attention back to Twilight. The captured Night-Guard he'd mentioned to Trip was the same one that he'd spared, he'd found him again during the battle but the Bat-pony hadn't taken up his sword against the Captain a second time, knowing he was greatly outmatched. Instead he'd opted to knock the soldier out and drag him into a bush so his comrades would pass him by. Having him as a hostage was not exactly an honourable thing to do, they didn't usually capture soldiers as Princess Celestia suspected Lady Luna wished to do with Twilight, but having him meant they could know Lady Luna's plan of attack, or deployment locations of their troops so as to avoid them. He marched back to the area he'd left him. It was reaching dawn by the time they'd finished burying the dead on both sides and regathered the tents and supplies, moving onward in their journey. Thankfully the incredibly precious love-supply hadn't been discovered and damaged or stolen during the battle, the cargo securely packed away separately from the food just in case Lady Luna's forces had raided their stores. Buried in a quickly dug mass-grave with their armour and weapons, the dead were encased in preservation spells and the gravesite marked. When they linked up with the Cloudsdale reinforcements they'd relay the coordinates to them so the bodies could be recovered and each soldier given a proper burial service for their families. Lady Luna's forces had been buried not far from the Guard's own area, and Crichton hoped that when the war was over, their bodies could also be given the same respect. Many of the Guard didn't feel the same, instead wanting to just pile the enemy's corpses onto a pyre and be done with it, but the thought disgusted him. Now more than ever after all these years of peace and honour, they couldn't allow themselves to descend back into the barbaric customs of the old wars. Twilight was understandably still in shock, she was a civilian that hadn't been trained to the idea of taking another pony's life. She still hadn't really spoken to anypony since the battle and she'd collapsed shortly after it ended, only having woken up in the past hour with only a few words mumbled here or there. Trip lacked empathy and didn't see how harshly it could affect the sheltered mare, but Xiphos was a kinder soul, he was currently marching alongside the one of the carts carrying the wounded too hurt to walk, where she sat with the same medic that had bandaged her hand up. With any luck they'd be able to reach the large swathes of farmland and stop before noon to rest for a while, by now it was a possibility the enemy had regrouped in their own territory and were already sending out another scouting force to engage them again, so relocating was an absolute necessity. Once they were resettled he could talk to Twilight himself, he felt he would be able to help her along with Xiphos, and get her back on her feet. The Night-Guard they'd abducted was currently gagged and secured in one of the carts with the least wounded, Trip sitting across from him with her sword in her lap in case he tried to run or do any harm to anyone, not that the Captain figured him for the type; he seemed broken from his capture. But it could have been a ruse, so Trip was alert. Xiphos had lightly plied him with questions, and so far he'd not been forthcoming with any important information beyond how large their force had been, which the Captain hadn't felt the Bat-pony to be lying about. If his words rang true then they'd all but decimated the only scouting party currently in the Princess's territory. He sighed, looking out from the trees as the sun rose between them, hopefully they'd reach the Changelings before encountering anypony else other than their own.