> Dreams and Nightmares > by Sythax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1-Out of body experience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The spell had started out simple enough. Twilight just didn't know what went wrong. Teleportation spells were a breeze to her now so why had this one failed? She had felt the familiar surge of magic, the power preparing to move her. But it didn't. Instead it had broken free of her control and had spilled out in all directions, slamming her friends against the walls of the library. Twilight herself had been left unharmed which she thought was odd but the thought was quickly overrun as she hurried to check on her now unconscious friends. She placed a hoof on Rarity's chest, sighing when she felt the gentle rise and fall of a sleeper. After checking that all the others were also alright she hurried out of the door, rushing to find the Nurse. *** Nurse Redheart observed closely as each of the five comatose ponies was loaded onto stretchers and carried away. "Will they be alright?" asked Twilight worriedly. "I'm not sure" replied Redheart "Being an Earth pony I've never really had to deal with magical injuries, the Doctors in Canterlot on the other hoof will probably be able to tell us more." "When are they coming?" "We've already sent word to them but it will be a couple of days till one of them is free to visit." sighed Redheart "All we can do is make them comfortable" "This is all my fault" sobbed Twilight, tears beginning to stream down her face. Nurse Redheart place a hoof round her shoulders. "There, there deary, we all know you never meant for this to happen, it's just one of those things" Twilight's sobs continued to rack her body. "I'll leave you alone, feel free to come and visit them when ever you need to" Twilight's crying stopped long enough for her to watch a body of pink carried out the door. "Twilight!!!!" The voice was so faint she almost missed it. "Pinkie?" she whispered No reply came and Twilight went back to her crying. Despite being alone, her head had never felt so crowded. *** The night came swiftly and Twilight, exhausted with guilt, gladly slipped under the covers of her bed and closed her eyes. Sleep took her seconds later, her mind spinning the beginning of a dream. She was standing on a field of clouds, as far she the eye could see. In front of her towered a colossal castle of white marble, it's multiple turrets at precarious angles on the bed of clouds. It was calm and peaceful, the castle and clouds themselves seeming to emit their own glow and warmth.She sighed, happy to be free of guilt for a period of time. That is until she saw Rainbow Dash. She glided towards her over the cloud hills. Twilight frowned. She wasn't alone, there were four others with her. It wasn't unusual for a friend to appear in her dreams, sometimes even two of them. But never had all five been present. As they approached Twilight looked them over. They seemed normal enough. Too normal in fact. Rarely did her dreams construct her friends to such a level of detail. "Twilight!" cried Applejack "We've been wandering this place for hours! Where are we?" "What an odd thing for you to ask" said Twilight "You don't normally show any acknowledgement of our location" "How is that question odd?" asked Rarity "We're standing in a field of clouds in the shadow of a marvelous castle, it is a bit strange my dear" Twilight looked around "This place seem pretty normal to me considering the context" "And what context is that?" asked Applejack Twilight frowned again "This really is strange. Apparitions are never this curious, has my guilt triggered a vivid dream cycle?" "Dream Cycle?" puzzled Rainbow "You think your dreaming?" "Of course I'm dreaming since none of you can be hear" "Why can't we be here? quizzed Applejack "You should know, since you are all creations of my mind you have access to my memories." Rainbow placed a hoof to her head. "Just tell us Twi." "You can't be here because your all laying comatose in Ponyville Hospital." Five jaws dropped simultaneously. "Comatose?" "Hospital?" "How?" asked Pinkie "This must be the guilt trip" sighed Twilight "My mind making me face what I have done" "Twilight, just tel-" Applejack's sentence was cut short as Twilight jerked awake, covered in a cold sweat. She looked over and saw Spike asleep in his bed, oblivious to the specters haunting her. "Just a dream" she chanted "Just a dream" "Aw, Spike is so adorable when he's asleep!" crooned Rarity. Twilight stifled a scream. The voice had sounded like Rarity was right next to her, speaking into her ear. Pinkie's giggle echoed through her head. "Your so funny when your scared Twilight!" "Pinkie?" thought Twilight. "Duh" Pinkie's voice replied "Who else would it be?" "It could have been any one of us" came Applejack's country tones. "OK this is just weird" thought Twilight "Your telling us" replied Rainbow sarcastically. "Where are you guys?" "Still in the field of clouds with that there crazy castle" said Applejack "Do you think whoever lives there has cake?" inquired Pinkie "Cake is the least of our problems" said Rainbow "She has a point" murmured Fluttershy "I know!" cried Pinkie "We need cake!" "I think she means checking out that palace" said Rarity "Hold on a minute, I'll join you." thought Twilight She jumped back into bed and swiftly fell back into the dream that her friends seemed to be occupying. The fact that Twilight had to be asleep to access it was also interesting. With a pop her mind's eye once again displayed her friend among the clouds. "So, who do you think lives there?" asked Applejack, nodding towards the towering marble structure ahead. "If my suspicions are correct, no one." said Twilight "But if i'm right this whole thing becomes a lot more complicated." All six ponies started walking steadily. The castle was a good half a mile away. Then it wasn't. They were standing right at the castle door, its heavy wood in pristine condition. "Um, anypony else see that?" asked Rainbow "What happen Twilight dear?" "I don't know" gulped Twilight "But I've got a bad feeling about this." Applejack placed a hoof on the door and pushed. The heavy wood didn't budge, standing resilient. "Don't worry" said Rainbow "I'll fly in through a window and open it from the inside." She looked up at the towers, scanning them for a window. But there was none to be found. "I swear this thing had windows before!" Applejack's brow furrowed in thought. "I...I can't remember. We were looking the thing for long enough! Why can't I remember?!" "I think I know" said Twilight. She approached the door and pushed upon the dark grain. It swung open without a sound. Looking round at the others, she stepped inside. The interior was as impressive as the exterior. Bookshelves towered high above her, arches of stone supported a roof so impossibly high she was sure there was no way it could be standing. But the architecture was not what made Twilight's breath catch in her throat. It was the tapestries hanging from every available place. All displaying a single symbol. A large purple star with six white stars around it. Her cutie mark. She spun around to stop the others entering but it was too late. Applejack stepped across the threshold and as she did so a spear of pain pierced Twilight's mind. She cried out loud, drawing the attention of the others who rushed forwards to help. Each of their passing's brought a new stab of pain. "Twilight dear, whats wrong?" asked a concerned Rarity "I know where we are" she stuttered, the pain slowly ebbing from her mind. She gestured to the tapestries on the walls. "This is me" "What are you on about Twilight?" said Rainbow "This palace is a visual representation of me. My thoughts and soul. Dreams and ideas" she sighed "That's where you are. Not in the hospital. Your in my mind." > Chapter 2-Intruders of the Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But how?" puzzled Applejack "When the spell exploded it must have created a weak mental bond among us," explained Twilight "When your minds fell into the comas they saw the bond as an escape from their collapsing hosts. Since I was the only one to be left conscious they could only go to me." "And your mind created this place for us to stay?" asked Rainbow "I suppose, a dream landscape, without it you would be mere thoughts in a void. My mind must have compensated for that." "So can you control this place?" asked Pinkie "Can you conjure cake?!" "Yes she can" said a silky voice. The six ponies spun around to face the speaker. A dark orb spluttered into life, growing in size. Once it reached a meter wide it stopped and began to fade revealing the shape of a tall alicorn. "Princess Luna!" cried Twilight as the dark blue mare stepped from the shadowy orb. "What are you doing here?" "I was scanning the dreams of the young, protecting them as I always do." she began "When all of a sudden a dream calleth to me. A cry for help. So I found the dream and so I am here." "Why did the dream call to you?" asked Twilight "Of that I am not sure. However I do know that this dream is in danger of collapse." "And what happens when a dream collapses?" "The dreamer awakes. Normally this is not a problem so it puzzles me as to why this dream collapsing is such a threat." "Pardon me ya' highness but I believe it may be because of us" Applejack said, gesturing to the four ponies behind her. Luna frowned "But you are merely apparitions are you not? How could you pose a threat to this dream?" "Their not apparitions Princess, it's actually them." Luna's frown deepened "They are sharing your mind? Explain how this has occurred." Twilight quickly told her the events leading up to their current situation. Luna sighed heavily. "Tis' much clearer now the problem you face." She turned to the anxious ponies. "There are two things that threaten the structure of this dream. Firstly is that there are six of you trying to inhabit the mind of one, Twilight's mind simply cannot cope. Secondly is her guilt, it is eating away at the edges of this dream at an accelerating pace." "And what happens to us if the dream collapses?" stuttered Rarity, her usual composure failing. "If the dream collapses Twilight will wake up if she is not already. As for you, you minds will have no where to go, your only safe sanctuary in Twilight's mind will be gone and you with it" She looked down sadly. "If you cannot return to your own bodies before the dream fails you will be lost. "So what can we do?" asked Twilight, trying to stay calm. "The doctors from Canterlot will not be hear for days. You must go to them and seek their advice, this phenomenon is very rare indeed. They should be able to tell you more about what to do" "Ok, i'll leave as so...ooon a..s..." "Twilight? You ok?" asked Rainbow "She is waking up!" exclaimed Luna "Remember Twilight, go to Canterlot, I will stay with you friends and help them. While you are fully awake you will not be able to communicate with the dream. Good luck." Twilight nodded groggily and with a poof of white she was gone. *** Twilight's eyes opened slowly, her mind reeling from the crazy dream she had been in. The dream. She sat bold right up, her mind now fully awake and disconnected from the dream. "Spike!" she cried, waking a very disgruntled dragon from his sleep. "What is it Twilight? Celestia has barely raised the sun!" "We must leave for Canterlot immediately!" she said, jumping out of bed and running down the stairs to pack some basic things for the trip. "Will you at least explain whats going on?" grumbled Spike. "The others, they're in my head!" she cried "I have to get them out!" Spike, now concerned, ran down the stairs after her. "What are you on about?!" "The girls have been trapped in my head by the explosion but their in danger!" "Look" said Spike "I know you feel guilty but you need to-" He was cut short by a look from Twilight. "I'll...uh...go and get us some train tickets" he stammered, scampering out the door. *** "So what do we do now?" asked Rainbow as she flew a slow circle around the main chamber of the castle. "There is nothing you can do from here" said Luna who was sitting in a circle with the others. "Have faith in Twilight, she knows what she is doing" Applejack's brow was furrowed with concentration. "Princess Luna, our minds were transferred to Twilight's right?" "Yes" the Princess replied "Does that mean everything like our hopes?" "Yes" "Our dreams?" "Yes" "Our nightmares?" Luna eyes widened as she realised what Applejack was saying. "Oh my...could it?" She jumped to her hooves and began galloping across the hall to the grand stair case at the other end, the other five ponies in hot pursuit. They climbed several flights of steps till they reached the battlements on the lowest tower, looking out across the pure white landscape. Except now it wasn't pure white. Patches of black were spreading from various points into the distance, oozing out a tar like substance across the clouds. "Oh my!" cried Rarity as she saw the corruption of the landscape before her. "What is that?" "Twilight's grief is eating away at the base of the dream" grimaced Luna " Where it breaks through, the nightmares seep in. Not just Twilight's nightmares, all of yours as well." She looked upon the darkness as it began to collect into forms, mutilated mounds of black. "Prepare yourselves girls." The six ponies watched in horror as the landscape of Twilight's mind was slowly consumed. "Here comes the darkness." > Chapter 3-Both Sides of the Veil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat patiently on the floor, her travelling bag next to her. Spike had been gone a full ten minutes and she was just considering to go and look for him when he stumbled through the door gasping. "Twilight..." he wheezed "No trains...to Canterlot...today" "What?!" screamed Twilight "What do you mean no trains?!" "There's something blocking the track, it's being removed tomorrow" he said, his breathing returning to normal. "But that's too late! I have to get there today!" "But we can't take the train and it's too far to walk, how will we get there in time?" Twilight frowned, deep in thought. "It's too far for me to teleport. But there might be someone who can help." "Great! Who?" "Your not gonna like it." Spike's eyes widened. "You can't mean...?" "He's our only hope of getting to Canterlot in time" "But can you trust him Twi?" he asked "Fluttershy and Celestia do but I sure don't." "I don't like it any more than you do Spike but we have no choice" replied Twilight "This will not end well." *** "What in the hay are they doin'?" asked Applejack as they looked at the growing mass. The darkness was moving slowly towards the fortress, slowly reforming itself as it went till it was a multitude of individuals. Claws and tentacles, fangs and wings. "They are preparing to attack" stated Luna matter of factly. "Attack?! Attack what?" " These creatures consist of nightmares. Pure concentrated fear. But fear cannot persist when one is logical about said fear." "What does that mean?!" said Rainbow. "Logic and reason allow one to see fear for what it really is. An illusion." said Luna "For these monsters to thrive they must first remove the logic from this place." Rarity's eyes widen as she understood. "Twilight rarely thinks with anything but logic." Luna nodded. "Twilight's mind is a logical hot spot in the dreamscape. These creatures cannot stand it so they seek to destroy it." "What happens if they do?" asked Fluttershy shakily. Luna's head dropped. "Her mind would be consumed, driving her to insanity. All rational though would be dislodged from her mind and replaced with fear. A never ending stream of nightmares." The ponies fell silent as they watched the darkness expanding. "What can we do to stop it?" asked Pinkie, her eyes filled with concern. "Normally Twilight's own mind would fight this threat. But she is awake and not connected to the dream consciously." She looked at the six ponies before her. "We must defend this fortress at all costs. Twilight is your only hope of escape. We must buy her more time!" Her words were met with a cheer from the others as they rushed off to prepare their defences. Luna looked over at the approaching shadows, a vast army that she knew the five ponies were no match for, no matter the strength of their friendship. It was David verses Goliath. But this time David would lose. *** "Discord!" yelled Twilight, her voice bouncing of the library walls. They waited a moment but nothing happened. There was no sign of the trickster. "Maybe he can't hear you? suggested Spike. "He's an omnipotent Lord of Chaos, of course he can hear me!" said Twilight "Right you are Twilight! Although you really don't have to shout that loud" came a disembodied voice. "Where are you Discord?" "In plain sight" said Discord as he appeared on the bridge of the muzzle with a flash. He was supporting a pair of ridiculously over sized sunglasses and was laying on a sun lounger despite still being indoors. Twilight tipped her head forward, sending the miniature Discord plummeting. He clicked his fingers and with a flash was standing full sized in front of them. "Really Twilight, Is that any way to treat your friend?" he smirked. "I haven't got time for your games Discord, I need your help." "You need my help?!" gasped Discord in mock suprise. With a flash he stood before them in a waiter's outfit and bowed deeply. "How may I be of service mi'lady?" "I need to get to Canterlot as soon as possible." Discord's face dropped. "That's all?! You call one of the most powerful beings in Equestria and all you want is to go to Canterlot?!" "I need the doctors there immediately!" Discord clicked again and Twilight was laying on a surgical table. Discord stood next to her in surgeons swabs. "Discord!" yelled Twilight "I'm not fooling around!" "That's a shame because I am" he said smugly. "My friends are in danger!" Discord stopped and looked at her. "Even Fluttershy?" Twilight nodded gravely. "Well why didn't you say so?" he cried "Let's go!" He grabbed Twilight and Spike in one arm and click his fingers.With a flash of light the three of them teleported. To Twilight's bedroom. Twilight frowned at Discord who just smiled back mischievously. He clicked again. The cold air hit them as they began to fall from the sky. Twilight looked up to see the bottom of Cloudsdale above her. Another click. Everfree Forest Click Crystal Empire Click Appleoosa Click Canterlot Gardens Click Manehatten "Discord stop!" cried Twilight "We don't have time!" Discord sighed and mumbled something about no sense of humor. He clicked again and they appeared once again in Canterlot Gardens. Discord let them go and they fell to the grass, their heads spinning. "There we go!" said Discord "Here without a hitch!" Twilight stood up slowly, her legs wobbling. Spike made no attempt to lift himself, his face looking rather green. "That wasn't funny Discord!" scowled Twilight. "Oh I don't know, I thought it was pretty funny." said Discord "Anyway, we're here aren't we?" "I suppose...Thank you, I guess" Discord clicked, appearing dressed in a suit. "Anytime at all" he said, handing her a business card. He laughed at the unamused expression on Twilight's face and with a flash he was gone, leaving a shower of chocolate rain in his wake. Spike, now partially recovered from the trip, stumbled over to Twilight. "We are never, EVER doing that again." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Alright Spike lets go, I don't know how long the girls have." With Spike sat on her back Twilight galloped off towards the quarters of the Royal Physician and her only hope of saving her friends and, unbeknownst to her, her own sanity. > Chapter 4-Here comes the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main hall was a hive of conversation as Luna descended the stairs. All five ponies were sitting around debating the best course of action to defend Twilight's mind. "We've got all these bookcases here!" said Rarity "Just barricade the door, it's the only way in!" "But what if they get through that?" cried Rainbow Dash "We have to keep them out, I say we go out there and fight them face to face!" "I agree" nodded Applejack "Offence is the best defence an' all that" "I don't know. When did violence solve anything?" said Fluttershy quietly. "Fluttershy! This is no time to be the diplomat!" said Rainbow "But what chance do we stand against an army? Let along an army of nightmares."said Rarity. "Well, I got these." said Applejack, kicking the air with her powerful back legs. "And I've got these!" said Rainbow as she beat her wings. "And I've got this!" cried Pinkie as she pulled her trusty Party Cannon out of nowhere. "No offence, but you can't beat an army with hooves and party decorations!" said Rarity "So what are we gonna do?!" cried Rainbow "Sit here and wait for them to come knocking?! I say we attack!" "Defend!" retorted Rarity "Attack!" screamed Applejack. "Um, I don't mind defending if that's ok." whimpered Fluttershy. Luna had heard enough. "Girls! Very soon I will not matter if you attack or defend! The army is almost upon us and both yours and Twilight's lives are at risk. Will you really fall to petty squabbling?!" The five ponies looked down, ashamed. "Your right Rarity" sighed Rainbow "We could never hold out against them." "There just isn't enough of us" said Pinkie "We could totally use a Mirror Pool right now!" Luna thought deeply, trying to see some way out of this predicament. A light in the dark. A light. A plan burst into Luna's head. A plan that just might work. "Girls, I have an idea but it will require some time. Do what you must. Fight them off, barricade the door, just keep them out till I return." "Where are you going?!" cried Applejack. Luna turned from the dream portal that she had opened and smiled. "It's time to bring the dawn." And with that she disappeared. The others sat confused but determined. With a plan to help them on its way they set about with renewed vigor to defend their sanctuary. *** Twilight burst through the doors of the Royal Physician's Institute, gasping for breath. Her entrance was met with wide eyed stares from several patients covered in a assortment of bandages and casts. She ignored them and strode up to the receptionist's desk who was eyeing her warily. " How may help you?" asked the concerned mare behind the desk, peering over her glasses at Twilight. "I'm hear to see a doctor urgently" said Twilight "One of them was set to travel to Ponyville in a few days but the matter couldn't wait." The mare frowned as she looked at one of her lists. "Ah yes, Doctor Galvani. He's seeing someone at the moment, would you care to take a seat and I'll put you on his list." "How many patient's does he have?" "Oh only eighty or so, it's quiet today." "Eighty?!" cried Twilight, drawing more stares. "That's too long!" "I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait your turn, everyone else here is just as anxious to see him as you are." Twilight opened her mouth to argue but decided better of it. With a stony glare at the receptionist she spun around and made her way back towards the exit, her mind whirling away to find a new course of action. "What are we gonna do Twilight?" asked Spike "You might not get seen to tomorrow!" "I know Spike I'm thinking." replied Twilight "Maybe we ca-ow!" Twilight flinched as a brief flash of fire filled her head. "You ok Twilight? What's wrong?" fretted Spike "It's fine, just a twinge" she winced, she took two more paces until she was driven to her knees by an even more intense burst. "Spike..." she said weakly "We need to get-" She doubled over in pain, falling to her side. The other patients had taken notice and were beginning to crowd around them. She heard shouts and hurrying hoofsteps. Spike took her hoof in his claws, trying to keep her calm. "Hold in there Twi, for the others." "Spike, I'm scared..." she whispered The last thing she saw was Spike worried face as the pain seared up again, obscuring her vision. All she could hear before she passed out was her own blood-curdling scream. *** The ponies were ready when the first one reached the castle. A mass of tentacles dragging itself along at a surprising pace. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood guard outside, hooves, wings and Party Cannons at the ready. Rarity and Fluttershy stood just inside the door, eyes wide. As the thing approached Applejack nodded to Rainbow Dash who took off to intercept it. She circled round, planning her attack when suddenly a tentacle snapped out, causing her to roll to avoid it. Despite having no visible eyes the creature could still see them. She came around again, swerving to dodge the attacking appendages, jabbing with her own hooves in return to little effect. Applejack ran forward to help but quickly jumped back when a tentacle slammed down in front of her, sending puffs of cloud into the air. "Rainbow, send it up!" cried Applejack Rainbow nodded and began to accelerate, the wind picking up speed. At first it seemed to have no effect, the thing continued it perilous advance. But as the wind grew it slowly began to lift, it numerous limbs leaving the ground one by one. Soon it was 50 feet in the air, its feelers waving wildly in the gale. Rainbow span out of the tornado, leaving the mass temporarily suspended. Then it began to plummet, hitting the ground with a meaty thwack! A single tentacle lifted from the pile then fell limp and with a whoosh! it disappeared in a cloud of inky black smoke. The ponies cheered. All except Applejack who was looking towards peak of the hill nearby. "Don't you go celebratin' just yet!" she cried More black shapes emerged over the peak, staring down at the now silent ponies. Claws clicked and teeth gnashed as they watched the crowd grow. The ponies readied themselves. Rainbow Dash geared up her wings. Applejack stomped the ground with her hind legs. Pinkie Pie aimed her cannon at the nearest foes. Rarity's horn lit up with magic. Fluttershy quivered silently. A moment of silence passed. then with an almighty roar the swarm descended. And the battle began. > Chapter 5-Darkest Before the Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight didn't know where she was. Her vision changed spasmodically, one moment she was looking over a brilliant white castle, the next several pair of hooves. The regular transitions disorientated her, sending her mind spinning. She could make out minor details in both views. She could see Spike next to a grey stallion with a black mane, both were peering at her. Above the castle she could see several coloured shapes moving amid a tide of black, one blue, one orange, one pink. They seemed familiar. It took several minutes for her to realise what was going on. "I must be in some sort of Limbo" she thought "Caught between consciousness and the dream." The situation in the dream as not looking good. She had no idea what the waves of black were doing surrounding her mind-castle but whatever they were it couldn't be good. Suddenly her vision was ripped from the scene below and thrust back into her eye sockets. She was no longer looking at hooves but at the ceiling. She could vaguely feel a bed beneath her and sounds coming from nearby. The grey stallion from earlier popped into view. His mouth formed the letters of her name but the sound was delayed. "Twilight!" came his muffled voice "Can you hear me? What do you see?" Twilight tried to get control of her lips, barely forming one word. "Dream..." she muttered Spike appeared to her right and the Doctor turned to him. What Spike said was lost in the transition as she once again returned to the dreamworld. The scene was the same as before, her friends fighting vigorously against the dark. She heard a faint explosion and a cloud of streamers flew into the air. "They need help!" she thought A movement to her right caught her attention. She struggled to make it out through the haze. She gasped in horror. Barely a mile from the fortress there was nothing. The dream world ended abruptly, falling into a dark void from which the continuous waves of black emerged. She watched as a large chunk of cloud cracked and fell, dissolving into shadows instantly. "I have to get down there!" She focused the thoughts on the castle, willing the enter the dream. She felt herself being pulled in, falling towards the ground. Then she stopped as her vision once again returned to the hospital. "No..." mumbled Twilight, drawing the attention of the Doctor. "Twilight?" he called "Stay with me! I need you conscious for the Mind Transfer Spell." His words bounced off Twilight's fuzzy mind as she tried to return to the dream, her mind becoming clearer the further from reality she got. Finally with a push she broke into the dream, once again falling towards the castle and her friends. *** Creature after creature erupted into black smoke as hooves and wings pummeled them down. Explosions of confetti went off regularly as Pinkie pelted the monsters with her cannon, blasting them back with each powerful shot. But no matter how many fell more took their place, crawling over each other to get at the castle doors. The ponies stood resilient but still they were pushed back, step by step they retreated up the castle steps. Rarity stood at the door, flinging the horrors away with her magic while Fluttershy stood at the door, ready to close it if needed. "Pinkie!" screamed Applejack as her legs connected with another beast "Get back!" Pinkie nodded and with another blast from her cannon retreated up the steps. Rainbow and Applejack stood side by side as the backed up, surrounded on all sides by a seething mass of evil. "Fluttershy! Now!" scream Rainbow as the pair darted inside. Fluttershy jumped into action as she flung herself at the open door. Pinkie ran to help and between them they slammed the doors shut just as the abominations collided with the other side. "Rarity, your turn!" Rarity's horn buzzed as she grappled one of the bookcases, sending it toppling in front of the door, scattering books everywhere. The door shuddered and buckled but stayed shut, screeches of frustration coming from outside. The five ponies sat together as they watched their last line of defence, their breath coming rapidly. "We did our darn best" sighed Applejack "Now we wait" They sat in silence, flinching whenever the bookcase moved. A loud pop! came from behind them and they all screamed. They whipped around, only to come face to face with Twilight. "Twilight!" screamed Pinkie, jumping over to cuddle her. "Hi Pinkie" smiled Twilight "What happened here?" she asked the others. The others filled Twilight in on what had happened since she'd left. When they had finished Twilight sighed. "We better hope Luna gets here quick" A stream of dust fell past Twilight's face. Then another. The floor began to shake as the dream nearby collapsed. Victorious cries came from outside as the fiends outside realised the end was near. Twilight raised her hooves to her face and began to cry. "I'm sorry girls!" she sobbed The others looked at her confused. "Sorry for what?" asked Rainbow "For getting us all in this mess, It's all my fault!" "This was not your fault" said Applejack fiercely "It was an accident an' that's that!" "We never blamed you dear!" cooed Rarity Twilight looked at her friends. "Really?" "Of course!" said Pinkie "What kind of friends would we be if we did?" smiled Fluttershy Twilight sniffed as she smiled at her friends. The six ponies moved closer and smiled as they embraced, preparing to meet the end together. "Goodbye everypony" whispered Twilight as the ground shook even more violently, dislodging stone from above and sending it crashing down. They all closed their eyes and waited. *** But the end never came. They stayed still for several minutes as the shaking subsided and the screams outside turned to ones of dismay. They disentangled themselves from each other and looked quizzically at Twilight. What happened Twi'?" asked Applejack. "I don't know" said Twilight "The dream should have collapsed by now" "We can think about that later" said Rarity "We still have those things out there to deal with." As if in response the bookcase screeched along the floor, allowing the door open enough for a single tentacle to slip through. It felt around till it located the obstruction and began to push. Slowly the bookcase moved away from the door. The 6 friends rushed to push against it but it was no use, they couldn't keep them back much longer. A flash from behind them drew their attention from the slowly opening door. A dream portal had opened opposite them. Through it stepped Princess Luna. She moved to the side to make way for the other pony coming through. She emerged from the portal, her mane flowing from below her golden crown. "Princess Luna!" cried Twilight "And Princess Celestia!" "I told you I was bringing the dawn." she smiled The two alicorns strode towards the doors. "Step aside my little ponies" said Celestia. The friends moved away from the bookcase. "Your have been plagued by these nightmare long enough" she annouced as she enveloped the bookcase in her magic's golden glow. "It's time wake up" she smiled as she shifted the bookcase. The doors flung open and the two princess marched out, horns blazing. Streaks of sunlight flew from Celestia's horn as Luna threw bolt after bolt of lightning. Soon the air was filled with black smoke as the creatures dissipated. While some threw themselves at the alicorns, only to disintegrate instantly, some of the shadows realised they stood no chance against the figures wading towards them. The tide reversed, streaming back towards the edge of the dream and jumping back into the void from whence they came. *** Many hours later, after the last nightmarish creature had been dispatched in a puff of smoke the eight of them gathered in the main hall. "The nightmare have been pushed back and the dream is no longer threatened by Twilight's guilt" announced Luna "But there is still the problem of there being too many of you here." said Celestia. "While at a much slower rate the dream is still threatened" The six ponies looked at each other nervously. "Don't worry my little ponies!" laughed Celestia "We have already made arrangements. Four of you will come with me and Luna. We will shelter you in our own minds till you can be returned to your bodies." "So who will accompany me?" asked Luna. Fluttershy raised her hoof quietly. I'll go with you Princess" she whispered "Very well, Rainbow Dash, will you join her?" Rainbow nodded. "Very good, Now who will join me?" questioned Celestia. "Oh, me! Pick me!" cried Pinkie, jumping up and down on the spot. "Staying inside the mind of a princess?" said Rarity "One does not get much classier!" "It is settled then. Applejack will stay with Twilight." Luna walked forward and with a flash of her horn created a glowing portal in the centre. "Girls, If you please" beckoned Luna The four ponies walked towards the portal, disappearing one by one. Luna went next and with one final smile at Twilight, so did Celestia. The portal closed with a snap, leaving the two friends alone. "I better wake up" said Twilight "Spike will be getting worried" "Don't worry" replied Applejack "I'll be fine here" Twilight focused hard till she felt herself rising up. She accelerated faster and faster, leaving the mangled dream behind. *** Twilight's eyes shot open, the bright lights blinding her momentarily. When her vision settled she saw Spike looking over her anxiously. "Twilight? you there?" "I'm here Spike" she chuckled, sitting herself up slowly. "What happened? Are the girls safe?" paniced Spike "The girls are fine" said Twilight, embracing Spike. "Everything is fine" *** Laughter echoed through the library as the friends sat around the fire. It was just over a week since five comatose ponies had woken up in Ponyville Hospital. "By the way Twilight" said Rainbow Dash "I finished the Daring Do book you lent me, could I have the next one?" "Sure" replied Twilight. She stood up and began charging her horn for a teleport spell. Then she stopped and instead she walked over to the bookshelf and pulled the next Daring Do off the shelf. The six friends looked at each other. And laughed.