Attraction and Repulsion

by Dream Whisper

First published

As Twilight finds herself unable to save her dearest friend, she tries to bring her back with dramatic consequences. - Sensual content -

A story filled with sensual content for everybrony to enjoy! A bit of transformation makes all the difference in the enjoyment of the story :P

Have fun reading about Twilight and Pinkie Pie and a bit of private action.

Be careful though, the beginning might catch you off guard - Skip ahead to "THE MEETING" if you'd like to skip the introduction.

Attraction and Repulsion

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Most forces repel or attract, depending on the object in question. An electron will always be repelled by another electron and attracted by a proton. Gravity however, behaves differently. While everything with matter attracts each other, the part of repulsion seems to be missing. Gravity is what keeps the universe together in its entirety, stars and galaxies attracted to their cores. Yet what we can perceive in the universe is a mere fraction of what is really there. Mystical things that some call dark energy and dark matter, some call vibrations in the membranes of multiple dimensions, and some use a very simple, yet beautiful word for it: Magic. It seems as if magic has a way of attraction that is not innate to any other force, not even gravity.

As the experiment was conducted, not a single sentient being had calculated the effects it would have. Not a single being had realized the catastrophic interference that the inevitably caused wave of magic could bring to another dimension… and how should they? Like small bacteria they are not able to see beyond their petri dish. It is still surprising, however, how strongly one single being could actually influence what lies beyond their grasp. To be quite honest though, this single being is one of the most magically powerful beings of its entire kind. So, what happens if a magically experienced alicorn tries to bring one of her friends back from death with a disproportionate amount of magic born from fear and grief? When on a single point in the euclidean space the amount of magic is as great, a cascade of constructive self-interference is inevitable. As such magic inherently has energy and energy is mass and mass bends space, it requires no genius to predict that there has to be a problematic consequence.

However, what no one could have expected or predicted is what exactly the consequences would be. One could only describe it as temporal interference of multiple worlds which definitely should not belong together. Our little story starts with a particular sentient being interacting with his environment. His species is the kind of species that has such a short evolutionary lifespan that it would be completely unreasonable for it to be advanced beyond their primal instincts, and yet this particular genus has. From a long row of coincidences and moments of bravery and smartness, this species has lifted itself beyond imaginable standards, understanding the world around it just as well or even better than the most ancient beings ever to roam this young universe. It has reached the limits of its understanding and even surpassed what was thought possible of such animals.

Now, whereas this kind may be smart and learning so incredibly fast, the greatest and most wonderful part of our universe it has not yet understood. It does not see the greatness beyond its own home planet, and even though it watches with millions of eyes, it does not see beyond the boundaries of its world. The big question that arises from an event like this is how both sides would react. On the one side we have the ancient species with innate magic living in their world almost since the beginning, and on the other side we have our hairless apes, young and inexperienced, yet smart and evolving quicker than any other before them.

“The greatest party of all time” had been the sign hung up high above the entrance to sugarcube corner, where Pinkie Pie had already prepared everything for a party that could very well deserve such title. In this year, Pinkie Pie had made very clear that she would personally care for her birthday party, because she couldn’t allow the last year to repeat. Although Pinkie Pie had never told that story, Rainbow Dash had leaked enough information for Twilight to guess that Pinkie had snapped a bit. When finally treading through the small door, Twilight was even more overwhelmed than before: The entire house was filled with balloons, confetti, streamers, small games, dancing ponies, sweet smells, rhythmic music and a general feeling of genuine happiness.

“Oh, you're there! Great, I have prepared everything! The dance floor is over there,” Pinkie pointed out while starting to spin Twilight around “and the games are there, and the cider is there and the quiet corner is there and the candy is there but you can’t take it yet because you have to wait for my party speech which I prepared just for this party and wouldn’t it be sad if-”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie stopped spinning her dizzy alicorn friend, whose vision had started to turn into a blurred overlay of multiple copies of the room, and then simply disappeared into the masses. Twilight looked around, searching for her other friends who were buried somewhere in the massive crowd. It seemed as if every single pony of Ponyville had assembled here to celebrate with their favorite pink party pony. Right over in the corner she found Fluttershy cowering a bit as the masses of ponies even daunted her, although as a princess she was much more used to a multitude of ponies trying to talk to her. As Twilight slowly pushed herself through the crowd, she was interrupted half way by the pink mare standing now high upon a podium covered with streamers.

“Hey, everypony! I know you are all super-duper-nervoucited for the best party of all time and I am really really sorry for interrupting your Pinkieparty greattime, but there is one teeny tiny thing I have to tell you all. I know it might make you all super-duper sad, but I had to say it at some time and I knew I would probably have no other option. Before you all become sad and grumpy, though, remember that this is a great and awesome party, so I only want to see you smiling.”
With that, a huge grin spread over Pinkie’s face. Yet there was still a certain sadness in her voice that wasn’t quite consistent with it.

“This is not only a super-duper great partytime because it is my birthday, but because it is my last party. I have a fatal illness and have had it for a long time now…”

Suddenly the whole room was quiet and everypony looked up to Pinkie Pie, even those who had not really paid attention before.

“Please, please do not stop the party. It is hard enough to bring you these dolorous news already.”

No, this couldn’t be, could it? Pinkie had never shown any sign of an illness before. The mere thought of losing her friend made it impossible for Twilight to keep herself straight up. With a slight thud she dropped onto the nearest pillow seat that Pinkie had prepared.

“Please… All I wanted for you was to be happy and you would make me the happiest pony in Equestria if you would please all stay cheerful… even when I am gone.”

This… This didn’t make sense… or did it? The more Twilight thought about it, the more sense it made. How could Pinkie possibly tell anypony if that would make them miserable?

“Just… Always remember to smile.” With a last grin, Pinkie stepped down from the podium, never losing the ability to smile even when facing the thought of her own death. For how long? For how long had Pinkie Pie beared this terrible secret? For how long had she smiled even though every other pony had frowned? No, this wasn’t even real. Pinkie probably just had the flu and was exaggerating a bit… Then again... Not even Pinkie Pie would exaggerate on such a serious topic. There had to be a way to rescue her.

As Pinkie Pie left the stage, Twilight could no longer sit idly around, she just had to do something. With the firm urge to help, the alicorn finally galloped off to find Pinkie Pie. After squeezing through between a couple of guests of this now quiet assembly, Twilight caught a glimpse of Pinkie Pie rushing towards her private room. When Twilight finally burst the door open she found her friend lying on the ground slowly crying into her mane.


Twilight had thought of so many things to say, but nothing seemed to be adequate now. Twilight slowly approached her crying friend and got down next to her. Words… Should she really let out words to tell her feelings? Words, creating worlds of wonder in which one could lose themselves, suddenly felt too shallow and empty to describe everything she wanted to say. Instead, Twilight just comforted Pinkie as well as she could. Yet she could not stop her own sobs from shuddering through her body.

“Pinkie… Oh Pinkie… I… I am going to find a way…”

Yes, yes she would. Oh, by Celestia she would find a way to save her friend. No matter how much she would have to do, she would manage to save her friend.

“No, silly.”

Pinkie’s voice seemed so fragile, and each time her body started shivering again, Twilight wished to be able to hug her even closer without squeezing her.

“You can’t… You won’t. And Twilight, please always remember this: It’s not your fault.”

Pinkie Pie stared at her, that unbearable sadness in her eyes which so desperately asked for more consolation than Twilight could give.

With a sudden jolt Pinkie Pie stood up, causing Twilight to finally open her eyes again, staring down at the tombstone freshly erected in the graveyard. Twilight once again let her gaze slowly glide over the white letters engraved into it:

”Have fun while I am gone”

Just some simple words, but Pinkie Pie had never been the pony for long speeches. She loved the simple.

Once again Twilight was unsure whether she really wanted to do this or whether she should just go home. If she would fail, it would forever plague her mind… but if she didn’t even try the regret would drive her insane. Slowly and carefully, she opened her saddlebags with her magic and pulled out the thick black book. Twilight knew that what she had in her magic grip was forbidden and banned from Equestria, written in ancient hieroglyphs on which Twilight had spent the last year in a desperate attempt to decipher. Now that she had finally deciphered them it was already too late for her friend… except for this one last chance. ”The Chronicles of Death” was the grim inscription for this ancient manuscript.

Twilight looked around one last time: Nothing but the cold darkness of the night under the new moon. Nothing but hundreds of gravestones lined up and no pony around to grief for the dead. Nothing but the creeping shadows that played tricks with her mind. Now was the time. She slowly placed the book down right in front of the grave, eerily misplaced in this forgotten field, and started to turn the pages gently.

The absence from our loved ones is the real threat of death.

With enough effort, immortality is just a hoof away.

Some describe death as a journey to another world beyond ours.

Death itself is nothing but the absence of life, and as shadows can be purged with light, so can be death with life.

Very slowly, Twilight began to repeat the ancient lines: The complex instructions on the exact order of magical spells she had learned throughout the book. The glow of magic warmed her whole body as the soft glow started emanating from her horn. As her spell unfolded, a magic overglow started to surround her horn until it finally turned into a black and purple blistering of concentrated energy. This time it wasn’t as in her foolish days where she simply unleashed the energy, but instead she captured it and made it grow. With each second ticking by, she could feel herself getting weaker, the warmth leaving her body, but she could also see the black ball starting to bulge in front of her. Whenever something in the air came into contact with it, it turned into a purple blistering on the otherwise smooth surface. Twilight closed her eyes once again and remembered…


The sound almost destroyed his eardrums and the pressure almost broke his bones. Every sound and every bit of reality seemed to fade away and released him into a world of darkness. There was only one light, just a tiny star in the distance, and yet the only point of orientation; an anchor in this nothingness. He was scared down to his bones. No nightmare before had been so strangely unsettling. With nothing else around, he wandered towards the light like a lost wanderer in a thick forest in the deepest night. As he came ever closer, schemes started to play around in what seemed to be an orb of light, or maybe some kind of portal. On the other side… was... Twilight? This dream definitely just got upgraded from a strange nightmare to a liquid pony dream. Now, all the fear was gone and replaced with that certain excitement of seeing everypony now. Slowly but steadily he got closer and closer to the big round orb of light, yet it seemed to perpetually get dimmer and dimmer. As he got close enough to see the outlines of Twilight, it was already darkest night in the portal. Just a couple of more steps and he could hear her quiet mumbling. It seemed as if she was using the strange dark magic to… create this… portal?

When he tried to step through into the world before him, however, it was like walking into a steel wall. Somewhere before him was an invisible barrier. Instead of just being a flat surface however, the surface of the wall was bent smoothly like an orb. The transparent surface had a strange warmth to it almost like skin. He pressed a bit harder and suddenly the entire thing burst like a bubble. There it was again: The ear-wrecking sound and the intense pressure. It sounded almost as if thousands of people were screaming at the same time, trying to rip him apart. Then, everything went dark once again, before the colors exploded. Red and blue and green schemes rushed in front of his eyes, chasing each other around and around and around. A brown incline before him, the smell of burnt ground in the air and a loud ringing in his ears.

“Pinkie? Have I…”

Twilight’s sweet voice rang from up above, seeming so incredibly real to him. He looked up and stared directly into the face of Twilight Sparkle looking down at him.

“Nonononono. The spell must have gone wrong… What have I done?! I… I didn’t want to… I have to fix this… Let me just… Let me fix this please… Let me... I can fix it… I swear!”

The alicorn started to use her magic and the glowing aura seemed so real. It wasn’t like watching the show at all; Instead of looking into their world through a window, he was really there and everything had dimension to it. Yet it was not the same as SFM on youtube or anything. Instead, the bodies had these outlines that seemed to always surround the body, no matter from what point he looked at it, creating a weird mixture of reality and cartoon. The best part about it all however, was how it felt and smelled and reacted to his movement. He pressed his hands against the cold muddy ground, but even though it should feel terrible, it actually was a welcome... yet strange sensation; Everything felt warmer and softer and especially flatter than it should be, almost as if someone had taken away the detail of all texture and thus flatness was the only thing that was left to feel.

There! I found something! Just hold still for a second!”

Now, remember when I described the way the world looked and felt weird? What followed dwarfed even the definition of weirdness as much as a day in an adventure park dwarfs a day spent bored in school. To describe it is going to be hard, but I am going to try to give you the best possible image of how he felt:

The first thing he noticed were his limbs suddenly becoming stiff, a warm sensation of immobility slowly spreading throughout his lower body and chest and finally up to his head. If he had not been so utterly shocked by this, he could have probably enjoyed the feeling, but now he tried to struggle against the invisible ropes binding him. He would have screamed if his lungs had not been filled with a thick liquid the moment he tried to inhale. Something pushed him to the ground, forcing him to catch his body with his hands. Instead of allowing him to freely look around however, his head was instantly frozen so he could do nothing but stare down at his own hands… and that is where it started. The black magic slowly rinsed out of every single opening in the ground, and like a black fluid it filled small puddles. These puddles however didn’t stay still and started to move towards him, slowly starting to cover up his hands, crawling up his arms and through his clothes onto his body. The liquid was warm, almost hot, making the whole situation even more frightening. He should NOT be enjoying even a bit of this, but it started to feel more and more just like a warm bath. Within seconds, his entire body was covered and it seemed as if gravity itself had stopped working.

At first he felt his feet going numb, losing any sense of having them in a matter of a heartbeat. Instead of stopping there though, the feeling spread slowly further. It felt as if the liquid itself was flowing through his skin and just erasing his body. It already had reached his knees and he couldn’t run from it, he couldn’t scream for help. It was just him and … it, eating up his very body. Suddenly his feeling returned in his feet, almost as if they had been asleep. He tried to move his head to see what was going on but he couldn’t move. He could just stare down at his unmoving hands covered in the black liquid. The feeling of erasure had reached his thighs in the meanwhile, yet it now felt much more like a numbness moving through him than an omnivorous devourer. When it reached his lower parts, he had to admit that it slightly aroused him, the sensation much rather tingling him in privacy - for just a second. Then it was all gone, replaced by nothingness.

It moved further up his belly, for a moment tingling and then vanishing. In the meanwhile, he could also feel his knees and thighs returning in the tingly sleepy state. Now, as the … nothingness started to reach his chest, a weird sensation started to spread throughout his mind. Instead of the calm dark lingering fear, it was a hot angst of whatever might happen, a primal instinct of his inner self, trying to escape from whatever was consuming him. Then the nothingness suddenly stopped… and turned. It turned down towards his arms, flowing and dripping down. He could also feel his lower parts returning but so vaguely and tingly that his whole body still seemed to be a bit mixed up. Maybe the … nothingness was messing with his nerves or something, jamming all signals trying to reach his brain. And then finally, he could see it:

The nothingness was actually a purple and green-ish blistering wave of magic running down the black liquid on his arms, slowly moving towards his hands. Below the blistering, he lost all feeling of what should be there. When it finally reached his very fingertips, it started to move up again, leaving behind the same black liquid surrounding his hands, that tingled like nothing else. The blistering magic moved up further and reached his chest again, where it then proceeded to crawl up his throat. His whole body had started to tingle now except for his head. His mind was screaming, thoughts of fear and angst whizzing through it, screaming in a cacophony of voices and giving him no clear thought. It moved. His ears were already covered and now his mouth and it was everywhere and everything was gone and it got further and further - and suddenly he woke up. Yet, when he opened his eyes he immediately knew that he had only fallen unconscious for seconds or minutes. His whole body was now a tingly field of warmth … and pleasure. Without the will to enjoy or even recognize this feeling, it still was there… and felt good. Undeniably and disgustingly and unwillingly and disturbingly and wonderfully. Another wave of pleasure suddenly flowed through his body, causing him to moan lightly, yet his mouth was still closed and impossible to move.

It was only after a minute of pleasure, too short for his opinion, that he started to regain feelings. At first it were his feet clearing up from the tingling, leaving him with weirdness. His foot seemed so long and his leg actually very short in comparison, his upper thigh being pressed right next to his body. It didn’t end there even though he would have hoped it would just leave him with the pleasure forever. Instead, the clearance started to run up his legs and finally arrived at his pelvis, arching through his legs and around his bottom and up his hips. What it left behind was never before experienced by him - or should I change my pronouns here?

Even though the feeling was strange and weird and wrong and forbidden, how could you not enjoy it if it comes with such pleasure and such excitement? Her entire body was screaming for more and more as what was missing felt so much better than what had been there. Now her moan wasn’t even quiet anymore and even though she could not open her mouth, she could still let the feeling of pleasure overwhelm her. It was right there, inside of her, sending wave after wave of forbidden enjoyment and mysterious excitement and unknown arousal. Please do not make it stop. Again her body was electrified and she could not stop herself from indulging in this most sensual agitation of her entire body, but especially her female part. Suddenly another part of her body started giving her satisfaction: Right above her bottom she felt something tingling and petting down her cheeks. Yet her mind was too overwhelmed with pleasure to really notice it. Once again a wave rushed up through her stomach and through her chest and through her entire body, causing her to moan again. This was just better than anything she had experienced before.

The clearness started rising up her lower body and up to her chest and down her arms. Now, she could finally see what the clearness was. Where once had been her arms and hands below the black liquid was now a pink leg and a hoof. It had a surreality to it, almost as if he was watching from a different person’s … or pony’s eyes. Before any kind of shock or fear could arise, another wave of pleasure started swelling up between her legs and spread through the legs and through the torso and up her chest and to her mind where it exploded, while the next wave already came over her to reap her mind of all thoughts but pure and ecstatic enjoyment of her situation. Even when her head cleared up she could not stop giving in to it. Even as her mind started to conjure up images from the show and mixed with images from her home and her vision blurred, revisiting familiar faces, her only feeling was the overwhelming pressure numbing out everything else. Even as she noticed the weirdness of her ears and eyes and mouth, she could only think of the intense pleasure streaming so very hot through her body. So hot and exciting that she could feel her lower part becoming wet. Forbidden pleasure is still pleasure…

Then all of the sudden, it was all over. She dropped to the ground, hardly able to breath, while her body was still reverbing with the hot pressure slowly ebbing down. Right now, she just wanted to bath in the memory of pleasure, while her body slowly cooled down. The electricity was gone and her body felt weak and frail. She just collapsed to the ground and let the darkness take her and blow her through time and space to wherever or whenever she would wake up again.

When she finally opened her eyes again, her body felt drained of all power. Something about that was wrong, but her mind seemed to also be slow and sleepy. A soft bed was below her, an even softer blanket covering her, shun upon by the low evening sun. This was obviously Twilight’s library as she could easily guess from… Wait a moment… This… she… SHE? The dream had somehow managed to stick around longer than should be allowed for any dream. What had been forgiven through pleasure before was now a frightening strangeness. Her own body was foreign territory. At first she kept her eyes closed, trying to think of a logical explanation for this all, but as time went on she couldn’t keep her curiosity from overwhelming her angst of acceptance.

She was… Pinkie Pie. The fluffy hair that smelled like cotton candy, the pink coat on her entire body - Something that she should have been able to ignore but just couldn’t. Instead of being hair as every human got, it was soft and fluffy and made it impossible to resist the reoccuring urge to let her hooves glide over it - Hooves she should not have in the first place. Even though it was creepy to be stuck in a pony’s body, she couldn’t help but to explore herself further. Her ears were big and pointy and could hear even the slightest ticking of Twilight’s clock somewhere below. Her muzzle however, was one of the weirder parts, just how it stuck out of her face and yet it felt like a normal mouth. Really, what had she expected? The different anatomy of a pony’s body was rather interesting. Instead of really being legs, what seemed to be her legs were actually rather her feet. She tried to get herself up and it eerily reminded her of tip-toeing through this house, even though her four feet gave her a firm stand. To walk on four legs felt weird at first, but really it wasn’t all that strange. There is much weirder stuff as for example the tail on her back wiggling wildly as she moved around the room. In the end, she had to do what she had tried to avoid throughout the whole time. You can lie to others, but you can’t really lie to yourself very well. You can try, but at some point it comes back and then you lie down on the bed again and let her thick hoof glide onto her soft skin once again. This time, she allowed herself to take time and slowly approach where once had been her manly parts. Premature waves of excitement already rushed through her body and her arousal slowly grew.

That was, until the door downstairs burst open. A whistling Twilight came through the door and from what she could hear with her new ears was heading upstairs… to her. She quickly pushed the blanket over herself once again in the desperate attempt to hide her naked body. It was unreasonable, wasn’t it? Here she was, in the body of a pony and in the world of her dreams and yet all she did was hiding her body almost as if it was unnatural in this world. However, as hard as it might seem, being human meant more than just looking a certain way. Being human also comes with a certain way of behaving and acting whether you’d like it that way or not. You cannot hide the urge to hide your naked body and you cannot hide the fear deep inside and you cannot hide the excitement and arousal in the situation.

“I am back Pinkie!” Twilight yelled, now about half way up the stairs.

Did Twilight know she was awake? Had the blanket given her away or her short trip from before? How should she react? Should she just play the role? Twilight now approached the bed. Should she play asleep or should she burst out in joy? Could she even do that? She could not possibly imitate the amount of happiness - and randomness - radiating from Pinkie at all time. Why was she even thinking about impersonating Pinkie? She should just be blunt about it all. She sh-
Soft lips on her own stopped her rambling mind. Within a single heartbeat, the storm of arousal and joy was back. She closed her eyes, now only concentrating on the wonderful feeling of Twilight’s sweet lips on her own. Her mind suddenly went through images that she had seen but never really taken too seriously until now. Now, all these images of Twilight in arousing poses started playing out in her inner mind vividly. As Twilight’s lips slowly pulled back, she couldn’t stop her mouth from demanding more.

“Pinkie… I… We…”

Those purple eyes suddenly seemed so strangely calming and sensitive and sensual. There had never been any clue in the show but why would a children’s show depict such things anyway? It wouldn’t have mattered as those eyes drew her in without the ability to resist. Twilight must have read her like a book as she asked:

“Right here and now? Well, since this is your first day, I think it’s going to be okay…”

The words! The words alone opened a world of pleasure, soothing and exciting in themselves, conveying emotion and sensuality. She couldn’t stop herself from whispering:

“Right here. Right now.”

It was probably all wrong, but it didn’t matter. As long as those lips would be hers again. When the cold hoof touched her belly, she was shocked for a second. As it moved downwards however, the shock turned into excitement and the excitement electrified her. Twilight was direct and didn’t waste a single second before pushing a little further and causing her to moan loudly - the first time of many to come this evening. Twilight leaned towards her ear, pushing a little further:
“Easy to get going today? I am going to show you a whole new world.”

Again, just the words themselves burnt so hot in her mind. The words themselves caused a wave of pleasure to rush down to her female parts. Suddenly something exploded in her womanhood and every thought was replaced with the sudden pleasure streaming through her entire body, electrifying her every muscle and causing her to moan loudly.

“Now, now, we haven’t even started yet.” whispered Twilight, each word pounding with arousal. She could hardly take it as her mind started going wild with images of Twilight and her repeating and pleasure building up even more.

“So, you like this?” Twilight gently said as she pushed her hoof a little further into her womanhood, causing another explosion of pleasure to take any and all thoughts on a journey of immense pleasure. Another loud moan escaped her mouth, but then Twilight pulled back. Almost involuntarily she pushed towards Twilight in a desperate attempt to keep the pleasure. Her last thought was the image of Twilight’s horn starting to glow, which then got washed away along with everything else down to the river of delight. Now, she lost the last bits of control she had over the movement of her body and just let Twilight play her like an instrument.

The pleasure was beyond everything she had ever experienced. Wave after wave rushed through her body, not wasting a second without pure enjoyment and arousal. And even her moaning could only relief her so much. The pressure was just building up and building up. Twilight was pleasuring her from her very core. Each time she moaned the pressure just got more intense and even more arousing and even though her body had little pearls of sweat all over it, nothing could relieve the heat she was feeling and nothing should. It just kept giving her orgasm after orgasm and nothing could stop it and nothing should. Pinkie couldn’t help but to groan and moan and kiss and feel the pressure in her womanhood. The pressure that was pleasure and the pleasure that kept on growing.

Pinkie couldn’t help but to submit to anything that Twilight wanted to do and Twilight wanted to do many things. Twilight wanted to try something with her mouth and it was incredible. Twilight wanted to try something with her horn and Pinkie couldn’t help but to scream in joy and indulgence. Twilight wanted to go deeper with her magic and Pinkie could not even open her mouth anymore as the pleasure kept on growing and there was just no end to it. Instead, another wave flowed through her mind, blending time itself together with the sensual sensation that was her closest friend. Her thoughts merged into one bundle of pleasure and even before the last wave ebbed down, another one spread through her groin, into her hips and spreading the heat throughout her body. One last explosion burst away any thought she had had and then there was silence. Her body was still shivering from the pleasure ebbing through her. It could have been just a moment, it could have been a couple of hours. Guessing by the darkness outside it was the latter. Twilight’s onslaught had finally stopped and Pinkie’s fragile body needed peace. Everything was still in tension, that only slowly ebbed away. Her mind was still caught in the memories of Twilight’s maneuvers, playing them over and over again. Pinkie could not stop, it was like an addictive drug… And who could blame her?

Pinkie woke up in the late morning hours. It was still the same bed, now slightly moist from last night’s activities. Slowly, she pulled herself out of the bed, still feeling exhausted and fragile. The last night didn’t even leave her mind now, scenes playing again and again as if her brain was stuck on repeat. Now Pinkie really had to prepare her welcome back party… Wait… No! He wasn’t Pinkie Pie and would have to find a way out of this dream somehow. The feeling of Twilight’s horn in her private parts didn’t help her will to escape very much. If she could have just stayed a little longer and had another night like that - but Twilight would of course demand the special treatment that Pinkie knew all too well how to give. Twilight loved it when … No. Twilight loved nothing because she was a cartoon character. Except of course when there was a cake cannon involved… Just pixels on a screen, yet as real to her as everypony she had ever met. Everyone. Couldn’t she just turn around and have some more fun with Twilight? No, no. She had to get away, NOW… or maybe she would never get away. Suddenly her tail twitched.

“Pinkie!!” A flying rainbow came crashing down onto her, taking her with it for a couple of spins. “When I heard what Twilight did I couldn’t come fast enough.”

“I know, right? I plan to do a super-duper welcome back party, but I need your help with it: You need to invite everyone in Ponyville so it becomes the best party we could have!”
Had she just said that? No. Yes. Maybe…
“And we are going to need a looooot of streamers… and party cannons and balloons and cake and music and -”

“Yeah, I am just glad to see you back.”
With that, she received a very close hug.
“Now, I got to be going real quick, catch you later.”
And with that, Rainbow Dash was off to the sky again.

Now, she started galloping, trying to avoid anypony on her way, which proved to be rather difficult. She met about a dozen ponies on her way, but even if they started talking, she strictly kept her mouth shut and didn’t stop galloping, although more than one time she involuntarily slowed her pace. Only when she finally started to lose herself in the thick forest, she stopped her march and looked around with a pounding heart. In the middle of nowhere; just the right place to be right now. She sat down, while the images in her mind were still playing over and over and over again. Who had she become? Was she really herself? And what did that even mean? As far as her body was concerned, she felt as much herself as ever, but her mind knew that everything was wrong. She shouldn’t like Twilight, she shouldn’t be female, she shouldn’t be a pony and she should not be here. But Twilight’s eyes were deep and sensual. This was a cartoon place, no place for a human. But a place for a pony to have lots of fun with her friends. She would lose herself. She would just be somepony she had always wanted to be. She… It wasn’t fair to Twilight and her friends. They would notice the difference. What difference? The one Twilight noticed yesterday? The kind of nonexistent one?” ...but being a pony was weird, especially a fe- don’t deny that you really enjoyed it! … what about those who I leave behind? Life isn’t about staying in one place for your entire life. Sometimes you have to move on. For everyone you leave behind, there is somepony waiting here for you! Now there was just unbearable silence, until she finally proclaimed: I know I should… but I can’t. I can’t just leave everything behind…

“Pinkie?” That… that was Twilight’s voice. “Are you trying to play with me?”

The tone of Twilight’s voice was so incredibly soft and sensual and even though she tried to resist, the mere sound lulled her in already. No. Snap out. If you get away now, maybe we have a chance. She slowly turned away and started sneaking through the thick underbrush, trying to get rid of her pursuer. A sudden pleasure burst through her entire body as a purple shadow jumped out before her, stealing a quick kiss before vanishing again. Now, as long as she could make it out, there was still - This time it wasn’t just a mere kiss, but Twilight jumped Pinkie down from behind and with a devilish smile erected over her very, very special somepony.

“Oh, you wanted to play the chasing game? Well, let me show you what defeat means.”

She would have screamed if the pleasure had not overwhelmed her. She probably could have screamed nonetheless. She probably should have screamed. Instead, she gave in to it, indulging herself into the pleasure of Twilight’s sudden attack. As her womanhood was gently squeezed and pressured from the inside, Pinkie couldn’t help but moan in pleasure and gave in even more. Her whole body was filled with heat as Twilight kissed her on her lips and then on her lower lips. Wave after wave spread through her body, making it impossible to resist. She didn’t want to resist, she didn’t want to go back, she didn’t want to become herself again, because nothing was better than being Pinkie Pie right now. Somehow Twilight had the ability to make this even more pleasurable than last time. Pinkie moaned and Twilight pushed deeper. Pinkie’s womanhood streamed in heat and excitement and got wet from all the arousal and Twilight pushed deeper. Pinkie moaned once again, this time from her lungs, trying to relieve herself from the pressure and Twilight pushed deeper. Pinkie pushed her lips gently against Twilight’s lips and Twilight just pushed deeper.

As Twilight started to rhythmically push and pull with her magic, Pinkie couldn’t help but to answer with rhythmic moans and groans and Twilight pushed even harder and deeper. As Twilight pushed again, the wave of pleasure swept over Pinkie Pie and there was just no end to it, nowhere it could go. The heat was burning through her body as it found nowhere to go. Her body was electrified and tense and warm and soft and wet and Twilight pushed even deeper, until Pinkie closed her eyes and not a single sound came from her mouth as the pleasure made everything seem so irrelevant, even opening your mouth to relieve the pressure deep inside. Her next memories blurred together. There was pleasure, so much pleasure, heat, and it just grew and grew. At some point there must have been a cake as she could remember licking the soft cream from her friend’s skin.

At that point, what had once been two souls, was now one. Love has a strange way of attraction, one that is not even innate to gravity, the force of attraction. Love can do wonderful things… and strange things. Sometimes it is not about being human or being a pony, sometimes it is just about the things we feel.

[End of Story]