> The Perfect Fire > by ZenBrony265 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Embers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A glowing sunset sends its last rays of golden light pouring into Ponyville, caressing the red roofed buildings as it gave way to a perfect, white full moon; symbolising the last night of the lunar cycle. A Science twilight was only too familiar with. But this evening something was different. She'd sat reading through her books studying the stars and the sun and the moon ready to impress Princess Celestia at their next meeting, but something had been occupying her busy mind all day. Twilight loved all her friends but, the one closest to her, the one she'd always been closest to, was moving away. It hurt inside to think of her and twilight decided to put her books away and go to bed so as not to think about the pale blue coat and Technicolor tail, the bubbly ecstatic personality; the voice that made her knees weak whenever she heard it. Then there was a knock at the door. ‘Who could that be at this late hour?' Twilight asked herself as she made her way to the door timidly. She lifted the latch and opened the door to reveal a pony with a Technicolor mane and in her mouth a single flower. "R- Rainbow dash? So good to see you! It was my understanding you were leaving!" "I couldn't leave without saying bye, silly!" Twilight didn't know what to say. Dumbstruck she stood in the doorway for what seemed like forever. All of her fantasies and thoughts of the day filling her up. Turning the purple mare’s face an embarrassed red. Images flashing through her head, fantasies that Twilight could only wish for. "Are you just gonna keep staring?" She was dropped back into reality and let out an internal sigh, as she remembered her fantasies were reserved for her dreams, and could never truly become reality. “No! No! How silly of me! Come in!" she muttered sheepishly. Rainbow fluttered in and laid out by the fire making herself comfortable. "I’m really sad to be leaving Twi but you know Clowdsdale needs me to fill in as weather pony" "Don't remind me" Twilight whispered to herself. "I thought we could maybe play chess one last time, I know it's your favourite!" she said, doing a small spin. But twilight was simply mesmerised by rainbow’s magnificent mane that seemed to glimmer in the fading light and sat in awe of her friend who was basking in the warm glow and heat from the fireplace. The purple mare managed to snap out of her trance, pull a smile and stand up to find her chess board. The cyan mare leaned her head from the fire to see Twilight walking out of the door. She couldn’t help but be transfixed by the way her rear end swung rhythmically from side to side, flicking her tail with each step, showing off her beautiful nethers in such an innocent way. ~~♥~~ After a few games it had begun to grow dark and condensation from Luna’s peaceful night began to accumulate on the window panes. It was evident from the two ponies faces they were tired but neither wanted to end the night just yet. "Have you ever thought about finding a stallion?" rainbow said, breaking the silence. Twilight’s heart sank and her face must have become solemn because rainbow dash quickly added: "I take that as a no then?" Subconsciously the two friends had become closer and the heat of the embers in the fireplace warmed their hooves. ”It's so nice here" Rainbow whispered into twilights ear softly lowering her head onto twilight's shoulder. The purple mare became immediately tense and butterflies began circling her stomach wildly. As though by instinct, twilight then rested her arm around her friends neck and shoulder gently caressing as she did so. "What are you doing?" Asked the cyan mare with a giggle in her voice. "Oh...Erm... “ Uttered a now embarrassed twilight moving her arm quickly to her side "I like it" Rainbow whispered quietly with a sly grin. Thinking back to what she had drooled over when Twilight was leaving the room she carefully added ”Oh come on twilight, you know you've wanted this" and with that the cyan mare began moving towards Twilight and slowly their heads grew closer together and both closed their eyes as Rainbow placed a gentle warm kiss on Twilight's rosy cheek. The purple mare adjusted her stance and planted her smooth lips around rainbows and gave a small moan of pleasure. "I don’t want you to go" Twilight whispered longingly. The purple mare realized this would be her last chance of doing something like this with the mare of her dreams, so she decided to make it count. Slowly, she lowered her purple hoof from resting on Rainbows shoulder down to stroking her belly, causing Rainbow to flinch slightly. “Ticklish?” Twilight giggled Rainbows failure to answer was a sure sign Twilight had found a sweet spot. The cyan mare leaned back, chin in the air with a look of satisfaction and gave a sigh of relief as the purple hoof moved ever closer towards her pulsating sex. After caressing and rubbing her area with frequent groans of pleasure and contentment from the cyan mare, the pony began to writhe and shudder with pleasure… “T..Twi.. I’m gonna c.. I’m gonna cum!” She whispered frantically At this news Twilight spun around and started muzzling her mare friend in the nethers. The smell of pungent juices pouring down Rainbows back leg making her fur and tail strands sticky and wet. She extended her tongue and licked around Rainbows clit in a circular motion, still rubbing the rest with her nose and hoof. The cyan mare, now panting with excitement, felt her wings extend uncontrollably. This is it thought Twilight and started stroking rainbows whole slit with her tongue delving as deeply as she could. “MMMPPHH” as the cyan mare came to a wondrous climax, and soon after her juices were all over Twilights face and her cyan back legs. The purple mare carried on licking and tried to get as much as she could out of Rainbows creamy pussy. “My turn” Breathed Twilight To Be Continued