Fight or Flight

by Zarius9998

First published

Luna gets caught-up in some Royal business, and Rarity doesn't seem to be acting quite right.

Luna's off on her Royal business, Twilight's feeling lonely, Rarity's losing her mind, and where the hay in Rainbow Dash!? Why is love so difficult for these poor mares...

Fight or Flight

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Desc- Rarity Dash? Lunalight? Not the most stereotypical of couples, but couples none the less! But what about Rarity and her career? Won't it get in the way of Dash's ever-growing need to train and improve? Or how about Luna's royal duties? Now that she's more accepted by society (kinda...), she's always busy with royal business! Will everyone be happy in the end...?


"Oh relax, Twi, I know you miss her, Dearie, but she is a princess and goddess after all. You can't always have her all to yourself, you know."

Twilight laid sullenly at bed, just like she had been doing the entire day. She awoke that morning to find that Luna was gone, and that she had to take care of "boring business stuff" (as written by Luna herself in the note she left) pertaining to her place in the monarchy, as well as duties to the ponies and creatures of Equestria.

"I know, but..." Twilight was bit too embarrassed to say it out loud, but she felt like she finally found somepony special, and that, not even a week after finding her, she wad already losing her, " do you deal with Dash's constant training? Or your constant, and ever busy career?"

Rarity shrugged curtly, "Oh...well, we manage what we can, when we can...ever since my designs reached the edges of Equestria, I've been busy almost all the time...always a new dress, always a new customer..." she suddenly stiffened, realizing that she was currently swamped in commissions, "Oh, knitting-needles! I need to get back to work!" she started at a trot for the door, "I'm sorry to run off when you're down, Dearie, but it just cannot be helped!"

Twilight raised her head ad watched Rarity leave, then she turned and looked out the window to watch her run, full speed, back to her shop to continue working. After that spectacle was done with, Twilight used her magic to levitate the new book she received from Princess Celestia about the history of depression, "I can't tell if she sent this to cheer me up, or to put me down..." Twilight groaned, tossing it aside for later...well, probably not, in all actuality.

Twilight just didn't know what to do with herself. After she and Luna had become close, she never wanted to be away from her. Luna had filled the gap constant studying and seclusion once held, but now that Luna was unable to completely hold that spot, and Twilight didn't enjoy the idea of going back to extreme studiousness, all she could do was either mope around like a bump on a log, or seek her friends for guidance and solace.

"Guess I could see what Rainbow Dash has so say on all this..." she suggested to herself, slowly getting up off her bed and making her way to the door, "Spiiiike! I'm out to lunch! Keep the place clean and tell Luna what I'm doing if she comes back!"

"Yeah! Okay! Will do, Twi!" came the young dragon's response from the basement.

Twilight was almost curious enough to peek down there to see what he was doing, but decided that it didn't really matter and kept on heading for the door, "I wonder how Luna's doing right now...?"


"Ohhhwww...pfff...I wonder what Twi's doing right now...?"

Coincidentally (and in no way a cliché, comedic manner! Ô~Ô), Luna was thinking the same thing. As much as she didn't want to do it, Luna found herself, chin resting on the edge of the table she sat beside, subconsciously listening to some kind of royal lawyer, or something of the like, drone on and on about the responsibilities that she, as Goddess of the Moon and second Princess of Equestria, must undertake and adhere to. Celestia clearly noticed her younger sister's disdain for the meeting and tried to coerce the pony speaking to hurry along, but was unable to really do anything as he was too wrapped-up in his constant recitation of the official document he held up.

After about four hours of this, Celestia figured that he wouldn't notice if Luna just slipped away. In fact, she figured a bomb could go off right next to him and he wouldn't even flinch, so...

"Luna...Luna, Sister." Celestia nudged her sister with her snout, causing her to almost jump out of her trance-like state, "I know this really isn't your thing, and I can tell you'd rather be back in Ponyville..."

'Bet your Sun, I do...' Luna grumbled angrily in her head, "No,'s fine...I-"

"Sister..." Celestia said, putting on a mock commanding tone, "As your older sister and guiding Princess, I command you to leave and I will give you the short version later."

Luna gave her older sis a thankful nod and smile before slowly creeping backwards out of the meeting room, "I owe you, sis..." she whispered on her way out, receiving a wink from the Princess as she was dashing around the corner.

Luna cheered to herself, glad to finally be out of that dreadful meeting and on her way back to Ponyville, "Hope I won't have to do anything like that again anytime soon!"


Pinkie burst her head out of her windowsill, holding a fresh pan of pies and cupcakes with a cheery smile to match the delightful smell a delicious colors. After taking a big whiff of her fresh goodies, Pinkie noticed Twilight walking by somewhat sullenly, "Hey Twilight! What's got your mane in a mingle?" she asked, hopping out of the window and giddily bouncing beside her magician friend.

"Oh...just trying to find a way to distract myself while Luna's gone..." she answered, looking up to Pinkie hopefully, deciding that if anyone could pick her spirits up, it would be the perpetually giddy party pony herself.

"Oh, I heard she was doing some Princess-y stuff, hmm?" Pinkie stated somewhat sullenly, "How boring! Tell you what? I'll throw you and Luna a super-awesome heartwarming party! Whadd'ya say?" she bounced in front of Twilight with a super "SAY YES, PLEASE!!!" smile that no pony could ever hope to resist.

"Well, I guess that'd be great, but-"

"Super! I better start now!" Pinkie quickly dashed-off to start the party preparations.

"...but what am I supposed to do until then...?" Twilight sighed, "Ugh...guess I'll continue to look for Rainbow Dash."

Twilight thought the best place to find Miss Dash would be at Rarity's shop first. It was the easiest to get to, and it was one of her most frequent hang-spots throughout the day.

"Rarity...? Hey if you're not busy, could I come in?" Twilight asked, knocking on the door a few times.

She paused upon hearing sounds of shuffling and scuffling on the other side, followed by a, "One moment Dearie!" which was obviously Rarity. Twilight waited for a few more seconds until the dress-maker finally opened the door, "Uh, yes? What is it, dear?" she asked.

Twilight was unable to answer immediately due to the shock of seeing Rarity in such an unkempt state, "Uuhhhmm, Rarity...? You okay?" Rarity's hair was frizzed and scraggly, appearing to be a shade or two dimmer and duller than normal. On top of that, her eyes were bloodshot and her normally perfectly clean and almost shinning coat was matted and dull as well. The look in Rarity's eye was of pure desperation and despair.

"Okay?...okay!? Oh! Okay! Yes! I-I a-I am-of course I'm okay!" she stammered back giddily, one of her eyes twitching a few times before she let out a manic laugh, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Twilight started to worry for her friend. She remembered what happened the last time she became swamped in complicated orders. Thanks to that jealous griffon, Rarity was rocking back and forth in a corner muttering random nonsense about supposedly nothing, "Rarity...why don't you come rest at my place for a bit? You need some rest..." Twilight spoke softly, not wanting to excite her, "Okay?"

"Rest!? I can't rest! I have SO MANY ORDERS TO FILL!" Rarity suddenly shouted before rearing back and slamming the door shut, locking it immediately after.

Twilight sighed as she heard Rarity's muffled voice laugh manically then fade away as she walked away from the door, "I'll have to get Fluttershy to come visit her's probably safe to bet Rainbow Dash isn't in there either, so I guess I'll move on."


Since she was technically supposed to be in a very important meeting, Luna donned her cloak and placed the hood low so as to not be recognized by anyone. She just wanted to get home as fast as possible, with no interruptions, AT ALL.

"Hmph...home..." Luna muttered quietly, "First it was the palace...then it was the moon..." she closed her eyes as she walked, rain starting to drizzle on apparently what suddenly became an overcast day...maybe the weather pegasi got lazy? "Now it's a Treehouse Library with a socially awkward foal. Lovely." Luna, in her state of absentmindedness, walked head-on into somepony in front of her, "Uff, oh! I'm sorry, uh...cud..." Luna had the misfortune of walking into one of the royal guard, of all ponies. She quickly pulled her hood down even further before the golden-armor clad pony turned around to see what bumped into him.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asked, turning around fully to examen the cloaked pony before him.

Luckily, the rain hadn't created much mud yet, so Luna stood back to her feet with just an easily removable patch of mud on the edge of the cloak, "Oh, ermm...just a messenger, leaving to go back." she said, making her voice a but deeper than normal and making sure to keep her gaze low.

"I see..." the guard said slowly, contemplating what he should do with the stranger. After a couple moments of silence, the guard shook his head with a shrug and stepped by to let Luna pass, "Alrighty miss, you might want to hurry home. Looks like things might get real bad later."

Luna nodded, continuing to keep her gaze low, as she passed the guard, thanking the moon for making that encounter a short one, "Now please, please, PLEASE just let me get by without another run-in...please!" she quietly scolded no one in particular as she continued down the road. She still had to go through the streets of a small village outlying the castle, then it was just a walk down the forest path, and she was home. Everything was going smoothly, until a young mare bumped into her leg by accident and landed on her rump. Luna stopped, caught by surprise, "Oh, excuse me litt-oh dear." Luna took an apprehensive step back as the young pony began to cry softly, her voice small, yet loud, "Oh, no-no...ah, please...calm down..." Luna pleaded leaning down close to the young no avail, "Ooohhh..."

Luna noticed that the crying was grabbing the attention of many passers, and to make matters worse, there was an angry looking mare approaching her from the back of the crowd, probably the kid's mother. Luna had two decisions, stand and explain what happened, which could go both good or bad, or run, which, also, could go both good or bad. After a few seconds of thought, she decided staying and explaining what happened would be the right choice.

"Um yes, hi. Is this your little one?" Luna asked sheepishly, trying to keep as much of her face covered while not being disrespectful.

"Why...yes, she is..." the mother mare said skeptically, looking Luna up and down. The mother was a tall and oddly powerful looking pony with a yellow coat and a long black mane. Her eyes showed distrust and contempt...she just didn't look happy at all, "Wait a moment..."

"Uh, you see, I was just walking along, here and your kid, there, bumped into me." Luna quickly explained starting to inch her way by while the kid continued to cry, gaining volume slowly, "So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get going, I have a long walk home and I don't want to be caught in the...storm."

The mother mare had suddenly put on an expression of sheer anger, glowering at Luna with malice as she leaned over the poor goddess, "I know who you are! Nightmare moon!" she shouted, causing Luna to flinch, then glare at the mother from under her hood. She hated it when they called her that, "It's too late to get out of the storm, because you're in one now!" the mother shouted, grabbing the attention of even more passers.

"No, this really isn't..." Luna tried to reason, but the mother pressed on.

"I knew you got off too easy. Receiving an unfair treatment because you're the Princess's 'little' sister!" the mother reared back then stomped her hooves angrily.

"H-hey now, isn't that a bit out of nowh-?" Luna tried to interject again, only to be cut off, yet again, by the enraged mare. All the while, the crowd was growing larger, their murmurs spreading while the young pony cried even louder.

"And now that you've had your magic taken away, you decide to bully our CHILDREN!?" the mare screamed, eliciting a glare from Luna as she stopped, altogether, trying to hide her face and expression of annoyance, "You are truly a Nightmare in every sense of the word! You are a MONSTER!"

Luna opened her mouth to retort, but cut herself short when most of the crowd sided behind the angry mare, raising up on their hind legs and shouting their agreements. All this anger and hatred, plus the complete ear shattering cry of the young foal was not only giving Luna a headache, it was sending her negative metal energy...and boy was it piling up inside her quite fast. Luna recalled a chat she had with Twilight a few days ago while they were...ahem...cuddling on her bed, about the effects of emotion and mental energy on unicorns and other magic users. Luna could still hear everything, all the noise, but it was pushed into the back of her head...


"Twi, have you noticed any major improvements on your magic since arriving at Ponyville all that time ago?" Luna asked, nuzzling the purple unicorn's mane and neck lovingly.

"Actually, yeah I's not like I've been practicing, though, so I don't really know why I've gotten better..." she answered shivering in delight when Luna suddenly kissed her cheek.

"You see, my little pony, magic users are very sensitive to the emotional and mental energy given off by those around them, and their own state of mind." Luna started, looking out past Twilight into empty space, "For example...when you defeated me during the celebration of the Moon festival, all of your friends felt the immense positive feelings of friendship and comradeship you had portrayed, then returned it to you. Of course, being the elements of harmony increased the effects several fold, as you are well aware..." Luna paused, looking to Twilight and laughing at her excitement and attentiveness to learn something new, "While I, due to only feeling the immense negative and malicious energy that I gave off myself, was transformed into the war-like figure aptly named Nightmare Moon." Luna paused again, shivering at the dreadful thought. Luckily, Twilight tenderly nuzzled Luna's neck and cheek to cheer her up so she could continued, "Thank you...and as I was saying...and from there all of the positivity I received from you, your friends, and my sister brought me back to my senses."

Luna gave Twilight a few moments to soak it all in, " come I haven't found that information in any books?"

"Well, it's supposed to be a family secret, but..." Luna smiled sheepishly, "I figured I'd make an exception, but you can't tell anyone..." Luna smirked and pushed Twilight back, pinning her to the bed like she always does, "Or I'll have to punish you." she joked, giving her little pony (indeed) a wry grin.

"Of course, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight responded laughing.


Luna came back, her eyes opening and her senses switching back on just in time to witness the angry mother rear up on her hind legs again, her eyes determined as she prepared to basically "punch" Luna across the face, "-nd it's high time something was done about your evil presence, you...evil...w..."

Luna didn't even flinch as the mare began her strike. She didn't have to, for Luna decided that she had had enough of this farce and used a spell which she was sure would make every magical being within all of Canterlot shiver upon it's detection: She slowed time to a near crawl. Luna stared at the triumphant-looking attacker with disdain, her eyes flashing a dark blue as she prepared to just obliterate the problem...literally.

"I've had enough of this. ALL of this..." she grumbled, "From what I got from your little rant, I can clearly tell that I, personally, would not miss you one bit..." she twitched, a bolt of dark blue lightning sparking in the air as her rage built, "In fact, I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't miss you..." her hair began to sway about on it's own, shifting and writhing like a multitude of snakes, while the color faded back to what she had while Nightmare Moon: a star-filled night sky, "And you know what?" Luna grew a wide grin, her head hanging low, "I'm...I' just let you...punch me across the face..." she sighed the electricity in the air fading along with her starry hair. She braced herself for impact and brought her head back up to where it was before, "Not for you..." she added, "Not for your kid, not for my sister, not even for me...for..."


Luna felt her eyes roll in her skull, stars dancing around her vision while the world spun. She felt her body sway, a searing pain making her cheek swell while the ground quickly raced-up to meet her. Every sound was gone, every sight following suit. Even the pain suddenly disappeared. All that Luna heard, saw, felt, and even smelled at that one moment was her little pony...her cute, awkward, studious, purple, and lovely little pony, with her warm body against hers as she said the most delight-inducing thing Luna had heard in her entire, long, life...

The crowd instantly went silent, even the previously crying foal had stopped, staring at Luna with confused and curious, watery eyes. The mare who had punched her landed back on all fours, then looked between her hoof and Luna in total shock and realization at what she just did. On top of that, she felt like she had missed something important, as if Luna had ALLOWED that to happen.

The entire crowd, suddenly feeling as though a fog of awkward had fallen, along with the increasingly heavy rain, decided that it was best if they all went on with their business. Most went home, others went to the bar. Luna just laid there, the bruised side of her face resting in the fresh mud. She would move, but she just realized how much energy it took to hold the time-hold spell for so long.

She laid there for about two minutes before the sounds of tiny hooves splashing in the mud beside her. Soon enough, the same little, crying foal stepped beside her face.

"Sowwy." she whispered before giving Luna a quick peck on the end of her snout, then quickly dashing off after her mother again.

Luna sighed and sat up, rubbing her cheek of the mud as best she could. She flinched upon each movement, her cheek already sore. She looked down at her mud stained coat, taking a few breaths before forcing herself back onto all fours. She was wobbly, but she would manage. She just really wanted to get home.


Twilight groaned, slamming the door closed before shaking her entire body to whip all of the water off of her. Her search for Rainbow Dash was a total failure, and according to Fluttershy, Rarity had a mental breakdown BECAUSE of the failed search. Apparently Rarity wasn't freaking out because of her job, but because she found-out that Rainbow Dash left on a tour with the recruiters of the Thunder Bolts without a formal goodbye. Twilight had to admit that it didn't sound like Dash to just leave without saying goodbye, but, according to Rarity, she recognized Rainbow Dash's unkempt writing anywhere.

The purple unicorn hung her head low. She wanted so badly to complain to someone about the cruddy day she had, but it was late, and she figured Spike was already asleep, "I guess love is just too...I don't know...too good for us?" she groaned again, flicking her tail in disdain, "Better get to bed..." she was about to head for the stairs when a small noise caught her attention, "What was...? Nevermind..." she started off for the stairs again, but stopped YET again upon hearing the noise again. She perked her ears up, "Sounds like...knocking...? Wait..." she heard the knock again, "Oh cud it is!" Twilight turned tail and ran to the door, flinging it open with her magic. She instantly froze upon seeing the horrible sight before her, "L...Luna...?" she stammered, gasping as her eyes started watering.

Luna looked like anything BUT her usual, regal and beautiful self. Her coat was soiled in mud and rain, matted almost everywhere, especially on her right side. Her hooves were totally caked in mud, and worst of all...Twilight just could not stand seeing Luna like this...worst of all, a decently large welt below her right eye had forced that eye almost completely closed.

"Oh my...Luna!?" Twilight whimpered, her tears beginning to flow.

Luna stared almost blankly into Twilight's eyes. It was hard for her to tell exactly what Twilight's expression was, as the bruise was impeding her vision, but from the sound of the unicorn's voice...she could assume that it was probably something similar to what it would be if she found Spike dying before her.

"I love you, too..." Luna abruptly blurted out before using the last of her strength to throw herself at Twilight.

The purple pony was caught off guard by this, but she held her up none the less, "Luna, what...? No! Not right now, I gatta get you cleaned and warmed-up!"

Luna moaned drearily, floating in and out of consciousness. She couldn't really tell what was going on, just catch a few glimpses of sound and sight here and there. All she could feel was the touch of Twilight's mane and coat as she tried to move her to the tub, "Twi..."

"Shush, Luna, please. You gatta retain as much energy as possible!" Luna obeyed and remained silent from then on.

Some squeaks, the sound of rushing water...white tiles? Luna started to put it all together and realized that she was in the bathroom, and Twilight was starting a bath. With a sudden splash, Luna gasped as the feeling of warm water surrounded her body, washing over her face. She remained underwater, the blurry and wavy figure of what she assumed to be Twilight peering down at her.

"-IT up, Luna!" Twilight shouted, reaching her hooves in and pulling Luna's head out from under the water.

Twilight finally relaxed, huffing a sigh beside the tub. Neither pony said a word for awhile after that. Twilight didn't know what to say, and Luna was just too tired. Eventually, Twilight felt the need to go and grab some kind of bandage for Luna's bruise, but just as she started to leave, Luna squeaked out in protest.

"T-Twi...please don't go..." she pleaded.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at Luna's sad, pleading face, and instantly made-up her mind. She turned back to the tub and slowly stepped inside beside her lover.

"Luna...don't ever go anywhere without me again...please..." Twilight whispered, sinking down beside the beaten mare, wrapping her hooves around her tightly and lovingly.

Luna didn't answer, she just nuzzled Twilight affectionately. Twilight responded by leaning in further and bringing her into a loving, long kiss.

"I love you...Twi..."

"I love you too, Luna...never leave again..."


Epilogue! :D

Celestia sighed, holding a glass of water with her magic by her face, "Luna, you...really took it a bit too far with that..." she muttered before taking a sip of the water, "Ahhhh...or Twilight? I had my suspicions that those two were sharing some very...intricate feelings, but I didn't think they'd go as far as to do...this!" Celestia peered around the curtain, grimacing at the uproarious crowd, "At least Twilight's friends seem to be taking it well..." she sighed in relief, noticing the five mares, plus Spike, minus Twilight, in the back, chatting.

Celestia had just calmed the crowd from a full-on riot, to...a small moshpit, "I'll have to do for now." she said, starting at a brisk pace through the halls in search of her two, very troublesome, little ponies, "I might have expected this from Luna, but Twilight!?..."

Luna, the star if the night, had walked out onto the spotlight balcony in a beautiful, starry, night gown to address the ponies she would soon be co-ruling with Celestia, and everything seemed to he going fine up until Luna abruptly paused in her speech, gaining a wry smirk...


"Come on, I think it's time to blow their minds."

Celestia's soft smile was wiped away by her little sister's words, fearful of what trick she had planned, so when Twilight Sparkle, wearing her special dress made by Rarity for the Gala a while back, walked out beside the Moon Goddess, Celestia could only stare on in confusion.

Murmurs spread through the crowd as to what surprise was about to be unveiled, when suddenly, Luna, after winking to Twilight, swept the purple unicorn into a tight embrace where the two magic users locked into a heated, sloppy, kiss...


"Ever since her return, Luna has always had a knack for surprises and unexpected shocks..." Celestia sighed, "And now she's...'corrupted' poor little Twilight...we're all doomed if the Elements of Harmony are needed again." Celestia laughed to herself a bit upon seeing the two ponies' dresses crumpled together in a small pile out in front of the royal bedchamber, "I can only guess what's going on behind there..." Celestia was tempted to peek in, both in curiosity, and in a bit of perversion, but she caught herself and turned around, "One of us has be the restrained one, little sister." she laughed, going back to the main hall.


"Hmmm...hehe...ah, oh-oh! Oh, LUUUNAAA!~ <3"


End notes /-\'d I do? :3 Tell me if you'd like to see even MORE of this pairing, or really almost any pairing, cuz I'll be willing to do so...usually, anyway.