> Asylum Function: Secrets of Equestria > by SulliedInk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Moving In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was still early in the morning; the sun hadn't even risen yet, but I was already up and ready to go. To think that just yesterday, I was still living with my parents down in some boring little town a few ways south of Ponyville; starting today, I get to live amongst the big shots from this part of Equestria and beyond. I'd already packed my book-bag and eaten breakfast. After I'd done the dishes, the clock in my rather cramped apartment rang six times. School didn't open until 8:30, and the earliest of my classes was scheduled for 9:45; needless to say, I let my excitement get the best of me. Nonetheless, I still had over two hours left to kill; that said, having just move in, unpacking should be pretty high on my priority list right about now. A few boxes and suitcases later, I came across the official school uniform I'd been sent a few days back. To my surprise, the attire consisted of a white polo, a black jacket, a red tie marked with bright-yellow stripes, and dark-grey dress pants. Granted, it looked pretty cool on its own, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The details of my previous visit to Celestia's Royal-Academy-place-thing, blurry as they were, appeared to clash against the information that lay before my eyes; it bothered me more than it should have, but part of me could have sworn black was not the color of the uniforms donned by the students. Oh well, such a minute can surely be cast aside for now. At first, I felt somewhat hesitant towards undressing here in my living room. Though I lived alone and away from prying eyes, changing in the literal middle of my house simply came off as "wrong" in my head. Besides, my room was too much of a mess unsuited for new threads such as these. I had no clue why something so trivial obscured my thoughts like dark storm clouds; it just did. In the end, I decided it was best simply to head to my bedroom. First, though, some cleaning had to be done. For the time being, I cast aside my uniform by placing it neatly on the table and exactly five centimeters left and down from my computer and desk-lamp. Shortly thereafter, I rearranged the papers on my desk from three separate piles into a single, neatly organized stack labeled "old papers". Then, I moved my mug two centimeters northeast from the upper-right corner of my computer. I stared at the vacant space between the points of reference and calculated each one's mathematical and cardinal bearings. North 15 East and South 15 West; both points' cardinal directions are exactly parallel and perpendicular to each other in accordance to their direction. Afterwards, I pulled out my old vacuum from one of the boxes outside in the living room and proceeded to vacuum the carpet floor in my bedroom. 30 minutes passed until I was finally done with both bedrooms and toilets; the living room and rest of the apartment were hardwood floor, so I let it slide for now. Alright, it seems I've stalled long enough now; time to put on that uniform. After I slipped on my new set of daily clothing, I walked over to the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. Hmm... The symmetry between my shoulders is not quite right... This jacket feels slightly too small on the left shoulder by 4.72 millimeters, and on the right, it... "Ah, damn it! They didn't even spell my name right!" Indeed they didn't; for some strange reason, whoever sowed the letters onto this dark fabric threw in a letter "O" between the "L" and "U" of Salutem. Regardless, it was only my first name, and the embroidering was barely noticeable in the first place. "Still, just because it's a tiny inscription on the cuff of my right sleeve does not mean I shall let this error go uncorrected." I marched out the bathroom door, grabbed my keys, and swiftly made my way down the hallway leading to the elevator. Last night, I remembered setting the front door to "auto-lock". Despite the potential drawbacks, it didn't matter much anyways; I didn't regard myself as the type to let such simple idiocy as "forgetting my keys" get the best of me... "Hey, wait a minute..." I glanced down at my palm and subsequently let out a cry of realization and frustration. "Crap! Wrong keys!" > Outside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For such an early hour on a Friday morning, I found the streets to be far more bustling than I had previously imagined. Already, I noticed a group of students roughly my age rushing towards the nearest bus station. In their hands, they carried several standard-issue curriculum books regarding general education, social psychology, historical and literary analysis, and the science behind esper powers. Of course, I expected nothing less from Canterlot City; the sad part is, they were part of the city's public school system. Granted, judging by their clothing, it looked like they originated from a more affluent area, but even money cannot spit in the face of the generally flawed structure of public schooling. Still, part of me was surprised esper development was even taught in public schools. "Then again," I muttered to myself, "where do I think I am?" The morning sun finally revealed its shining brow the instant I stared up at the highest peak of the castle. I smiled out of instinct, as I glanced up at the darkened sky and admired the beauty of the fading stars, vanquished by the rising sun. Residing in the highest tower was Oracle Celestia, one of the two deity-like sisters who had taken up residency in our world and served as humanity's advisers and guides for countless millenniums. Nobody really knows where the duo originated from; whoever or whatever they were, their existence proved to humanity the presence of greater beings out there: a higher plane of existence right inside our reach. Gods amongst men, I thought to myself and sighed. No matter how much warmth and compassion they express towards us "commoners", none of it will ever lessen the divide between our realms. The two appeared to us as literal angels one day and have since educated and progressed humanity's knowledge about its kind and the world around it. With their aid, we were able to harness our ESP: extrasensory powers, powers hidden within the human mind. By understanding the human mind and body, we broke through previously unbreakable barriers in medical science, advanced our technology on an exponential scale, etc.. In a way, one can argue that as time went on, the Oracles have led us closer and closer to them; perhaps they even intend to take us beyond their reach. If so, would it be wrong for me to press on ahead first? "Once upon a time, a foolish man named Icarus flew too close to the sun," I recited aloud to myself and the crowds of people, too preoccupied to either listen or care. "As penance for his idiocy and sin, the wax that bound his wings together caught fire and burned to a crisp mid-flight." Had the fool not concentrated his efforts on soaring higher rather than further, I wonder if fate would have granted him a different outcome? At last, the clarity of day consumed away the final fragments of the fading night; I stared up at the light of dawn and admired the Royal Castle with envious eyes. I fear, for your sake, that my wings are not bound by wax. Though you sisters may reign high and mighty right now, know that you are still within the reach of man... I clenched my fist, as I felt a roaring passion sear through me. Daybreak lit my heart afire; a mysterious might filled my being, as I continue to set almost impossible goals for myself. Almost. Oracle sisters... The knowledge and wisdom you possess is something all great minds should strive to reach. Around then, I saw an empty bench in the middle of a small park. The school was not too far away from where I decided to sit down. I checked my watch and noticed that the angles between the small hand and the large hand were 144 degrees on the interior, while the measure of the exterior angle was 216 degrees. "It's 7:12," I muttered to myself. When I snapped out of my daze, I noticed that two additional minutes went by. Hmm... Processing has taken longer than expected... Am I slipping? As I pushed myself off the wooden bench, still damp from the morning dew, a girl roughly my height knocked me over. I only caught a vague glimpse of her face, but I knew this cloaked figure was female just by the vague outline of her body. Under her tan hood, I saw long, purple locks highlighted by a single magenta stripe. Dark sunglasses covered her eyes; even though it was still early morning. "Excuse me!" I cried out. No response; she kept running in a straight line unfazed. "Guess she didn't hear me, huh. Still, why can't I shake this feeling?" I shrugged. "I feel like I've seen her face before." > Black Coat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediately, the grandeur of the place struck me with awe. The great castle doors parted sideways and unmasked the massive expanse hidden between these white stone walls. A diamond chandelier hung above the heart of the floral patterns that traversed the marble floor; the brilliance of the crystal structure's light seemed powerful enough to serve as a sun on its own. To my left, I heard the rustling of water; outside, there stood a pool from which the mountain's overflowing tears could escape and cascade on towards the heart of the world. As if I stood by the river itself, I saw my reflection stare back at me through the floor beneath my feet. That devious grin of mine put out certain inexplicable worries brewing inside my very being. I had entered a goddess' domain not as a stranger but as a scholar under her guidance. I, the boy who just a few days ago had all the troubles in the world being recognized by those around me, was personally selected to be here. Between my pride and disbelief, a single question of the utmost importance arose inside my head: why? I rubbed my eyes, still trying to collect myself; I felt my heart bang furiously against my chest. What in the world could I possibly be nervous for? By now, I should be used to transferring from school to school. I never left anything significant behind, yet I expected nothing great in the days to come. If such a statement was true, then why am I making such a big deal out of this? Am I feeling... Nervous? My hands... They shake like trees in the middle of a powerful storm... A few early-bird students, cloaked in denim blue apparels, brushed by my side silent as shadows. I turned around, a little surprised by the color of their uniforms; they had the same overall proportion, design, and school insignia, but for some reason, my clothes were black instead. I surveyed my surroundings to check and see if this was perhaps some sort of unique exception; it turns out, everyone else in the lobby also had blue uniforms. Huh? Why are they all wearing blue? On that note, why are my threads black then? "May I help you, sir?" I heard a soft, gentle voice ask from behind me. I looked over my shoulder at the person who spoke just now; it was a middle-aged woman dressed in a rather tight blouse and skirt. She fixed her long, chestnut hair and adjusted her glasses, as I turned to face her properly. "Sorry, I was just looking for some sort of administrative personnel. You see, I wished to address a little error regarding the spelling of my name on my uniform, but now that I'm standing here, I'm not quite sure I have the right uniform at all!" "Oh, uniform colors vary depending on the grade and house of our students." Shortly after finishing her sentence, she walked over until we both stood less than a foot apart; then, the strange secretary-woman started inspecting me from head to toe. "Hmm... Although, if the color of your uniform is indeed not a mistake..." "Umm... May I ask why you're examining me like that? I feel like I'm being strip-searched right now..." "Sir, may I ask your name?" "...M-My... N-name?" "Yes, indeed; your name?" "S-Salutem C-C-Clavis." She extracted from underneath her blouse what looked like a scroll; when she unfolded it however, a holographic display appeared between the two rolled-up ends of the document. Oh, it's a holographic tablet. I see they have some rather exquisite technology here. "Let me see... Hmm... Salutem Clavis: registered as a Black Coat under the guidance of the Oracle herself. Interesting indeed." She folded up her tablet and stored it away. "My name is Katelyn," she introduced herself with her hand held out towards me. "Formally, I serve as the secretary of the Oracle Sisters' seventh Apostle, Allison; however, I am also the assistant supervisor of the Black Coats: Celestia's carefully selected elite from across Equestria."