Smile HD

by werewolfhunter

First published

Pinkie is always happy to show her freinds that she loves to make them smile

Based on the Smile HD video by Misterdavie and uploaded by his permission.This is the video for those that never seen it I love this video!

Pinkie loves to make her friends smile and always willing to show it

Smile Smile Die

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Pinkie Pie galloped from the Evergreen Forest, with one mind set. ‘I’m going to make my friends smile!’ followed by a high pitched evil giggle in her mind. Pinkie’s mind had been corrupted. With a weird smirk plastered onto her face, she broke through the forest and her friends came into her line of sight. AppleJack, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. They were having a picnic by a tree in a vast field.

Earlier that day, three of the six friends planned a picnic by the Evergreen Forest as it was bright and sunny that day. Twilight heard the soft clop of hooves running in their direction and she looked up from her book. She smiled at the sight of her friend, the curly maned pony. The unicorn raised a hoof at Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie!” Twilight Sparkle called out.

Upon hearing her name, the curly maned pony slid her lips back, showing her friends a smile as she galloped faster at them. The party loving pony jumped as she reached the blanket, delivering a punch to Twilight’s jaw. Her eyes snapped open in shock and before she could scorn Pinkie Pie, her head was ripped from her body with a sickening rip noise. Blood showered on the two friends as they watched with panic stricken eyes. The purple unicorn’s spinal cord and headless body goes flying and lands with a lifeless thud. Twilight Sparkle’s decapitated head, looked up at her two friends with expressionless eyes. Pinkie stood in the blood that pooled from her dead friend.

She turned her head, pulled her lips back, smiling at the other two ponies. The cowboy hat wearing yokel of a pony and Rarity sat there, shocked and stunned with the scene that had unfolded in front of them. They were so stricken with fear that it occurred to neither of them to gallop away. “Sugar cube...what in tarnation has gotten into ya?” squeaked AppleJack.

She got no response from Pinkie Pie. No real surprise there. Pinkie jumped into the air, aiming downwards at Rarity. Her twisted smile not leaving. Not once. Rarity began to sob. With a thick squish, Rarity fell over, with her rich blood splattering all around.

The blonde pony stood in shock, watching Rarity’s brain as if it’d do a trick. What in tarnation did get into her? Maybe ah can escape and git some help! With that racing thought, AppleJack started to back up to gallop away. Too late. The curly maned pony’s head snapped up as she started to sing a crazy little diddy, one that she was going to make her smile.

The earth pony’s blood ran cold and her eyes laid back in fear. Before AppleJack could even mutter the phrase, oh buck, she was kicked back against the tree behind her. Her cowboy hat was knocked down on to the grass. Blood trickled forth from the cowboy hatless pony’s nose. Pinkie Pie pinned AppleJack’s arm against the tree, as her smile and eyes got wider and bigger. Her eyes, on the other hoof, got smaller. Above them, however, Rainbow Dash was flying about.

Rainbow’s ears picked up a thud, thud, thud from below her. Dash glanced down and stopped in midair. Shocked beyond all sane reason. Pinkie was punching the blonde pony over and over and over and over again. “Sugar cube, stop!” wailed a double black eyed Applejack. “Why? Why are ya doin this!?”

The rainbow maned pony felt her blood beginning to boil. Rainbow Dash flew up, even higher and dove straight down, at terrifying speeds. A rainboom in other terms. “Hey! Pinkie Pie!” yells Rainbow.

Dash’s hoof met with Pinkie’s face before she could give the blonde pony the final punch. The force from the kick was so intense that the pink pony flew across the grass. AppleJack gasped for air. “Thank ya, sugar cube!” she gasped. “I dunno what got into Pinkie Pie!”

Rainbow Dash nodded as the cowboy hat wearing pony pointed to Twilight Sparkle’s head. Judging by Rainbow’s expression, she had not seen it. “We were just layin here and just like a bat outta Hell, Pinkie kills Twilight and Rarity!”

“That is weird...” hummed Dash. “Maybe we should tell Celestia or somepony...maybe they could explain...whatever this is...”

The party loving pony stood up, a pink flash surrounds her and a boom comes forth. From all around Pinkie Pie. As the smoke cleared, Pinkie appeared, standing on two legs. “Sugar cube...what is goin on!?” cried Applejack.

She looked up, that same murderous, creepy smile across her face. Pink lightning seemed to dance around Pinkie Pie. Pinkie summoned a ball of energy between her two hooves. She released the ball and watched it with gleeful eyes as it chased down the two ponies. The sky blue pegasus was able to hover to safety but the blonde maned pony couldn’t. She was quite literally gone. Vanished!

A feeling of dread sunk onto Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had just seen her friend get wiped off the face of Equestria. Dash stared at the big hole in what was left of the tree where her friend had been just mere moments ago. She wanted to break down and cry but the images of Applebloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac came flooding into her mind. The rainbow maned pony turned to curse at the pink pony and go fly off to Apple Acres. Too late! Pinkie Pie lunged at Rainbow Dash and knocked Rainbow in the air, sending her twirling into the great blue sky.

Dancing with her own blood. Pinkie jumped after her and kicked Dash back down to the Earth. Upon the impact, her innards came forth from her mouth. In other terms, the pegasus threw up her internal organs. Rainbow Dash’s eyes rolled back into her skull. Deader than a doornail. There was a gasp.

The blood splattered pony turned to see the last of her friends standing there: Fluttershy. Sweet, little Fluttershy. The pink maned pony stood there in horror. “”

“I did it because they wouldn’t smile!” cackled Pinkie Pie as she shot a pink energy blast towards the shy, yellow pony.

Fluttershy stood there, wide eyed. She didn’t move, only quiver and close her eyes as the blast hit her. Smoke was all that was left. The curly maned pony’s head turned to the sky as tears started to pool in her eyes. She realized what she had done. Pinkie Pie didn’t notice the yellow lightning coming from a very much alive pink maned pony. With a roaring cry, Fluttershy flew at Pinkie.

Punching the murderous pony in the face over and over and over and over and over and over and over again before tackling Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy launched Pinkie into the air and she quickly leapt up at her. Giving the curly maned pony a kick downward, the pink pony fell at insane speeds back to the Earth. Pinkie Pie whacked Fluttershy back, allowing a spray of crimson to fly from the pink maned pony’s nose. Pinkie seemed to teleport above Fluttershy. With a powerful kick, the yellow pony fell to the ground, opening up a crater all around her, leaving her dazed beyond words. The party loving pony summoned a pink ball of energy between her hooves.

This was what Pinkie Pie dubbed as the smile bomb. The shy pony below in the crater opened her eyes slowly and saw a blurry outline of Pinkie and the energy ball. She was in too much pain to move and to flee. The curly maned pony’s smile grew even wider and the pink maned pony’s eyes grew wide. Fluttershy’s ears laid back as she could only accept her fate. “SMILE!” screamed Pinkie Pie as she launched the planet sized bomb towards her friend.

“PIIIIIINKIEEEEEEE!” screamed Fluttershy. Pinkie’s smile only grew wide as she watched as the energy melt away at her friend’s flesh, leaving behind the muscles. The hit was so powerful that Equestria was left as nothing but rubble. .