Touch To Start...

by Said Words

First published

Twilight invents touchscreen technology, and everypony is thrilled to finally have some advancement in Equestrian technology. But, are everypony's new devices distracting them from each other?

Twilight invents touchscreen technology, and everypony is thrilled to finally have some advancement in Equestrian technology. Everypony is happy with their new devices, though Twilight begins to notice everypony acting a little different. Less ponies fill the streets, businesses are dying, and Twilight and her friends are seeing each other less and less, and their friendship begins to weaken. Will their friendship be ruined, and what will be the effects of technology in Equestria be?


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"Finally!" exclaimed Twilight Sparkle as she wiped her forehead with a forehoof. Twilight had been working on a huge project, one that would change Equestria forever. She was calling it; "Hoof-touch technology!" Twilight then decided to check her work, as was an absolute requirement for a workaholic such as herself. It was brilliant, a frame made of a compound of non-magnetic metals dyed with help from a few of Rose's flowers, a screen made to react only to the texture of a pony's hoof, complex wiring, and she had even put a game on the industrial wonder. Mental note, thought Twilight, add programs other than 'Whack a Parasprite.' "Okay," Twilight said to herself, "time to turn it on." she took a couple of deep breaths first, she really didn't want to have to make another one. "Purple decency." and the screen came to life. Twilight was logical, and she knew that ponies other than Unicorns and Alicorns would have to be able to use the device too. So, instead of having some unnecessary button on the side, she had made it voice activated. Now, all the ponies would have to say was the unique voice password they would set once they got their devices. It's genius, Twilight thought once again nothing can possibly go wrong with this one!

After Twilight casted Star Swirl the Bearded's one-hundred and twenty-third spell, or the duplicate spell, Twilight had five new devices to hand out, one to each of her friends of course. Normally the devices would be forty bits, a rather cheap price for such an invention, but these were her friends and they would get them for free. Twilight then told all of her friends to meet her for a picnic that afternoon. After the hours ticked by, Twilight gathered the devices, food, and Spike. Well, maybe not Spike. "Spike!" shouted Twilight, "I'm off to meet the others, wanna come?" After a few long seconds of silence, Twilight walked up the steps to find a very sleepy dragon. "I'll take that as a no." said Twilight with a smile.

As Twilight arrived at their normal picnic area, Twilight noticed a certain pink pony missing. "Hey girls!" said Twilight as she walked up to her friends. "Hey...anyone seen Pinkie?" and then, as if on cue, the pink pony came bouncing happily towards the group.

"Hey girls! I'm super sorry I'm late! The Cakes and I had a bit of an icing problem." said an icing-covered Pinkie Pie. Right as Twilight was about to suggest that she should clean up before a meal, Pinkie Pie ate all the icing of her with an enormous lick. "Mmm, icingy!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

Twilight rolled her eyes "Anyway," she began, "I've called you all here for more than just a picnic." Her friends all gave her questioning looks. Twilight then opened her picnic basket with her magic and then levitated the five hoof-touch devices out, giving one to each of her friends. Twilight stood proud.

"Uh, darling, what exactly are these?" Asked Rarity as she examined the device.

"Yea, what are we looking at Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight put on her lecture voice, and explained. "The devices you have in your hooves are called hoof-touch technology. They serve as entertainment for ponies whenever they have nothing to do. They only respond whenever you touch the screen with your hoof. Go ahead, try them!" and with that, the five ponies tapped the screen with their hooves. Instantly, the screens lit up with life.

"Eep!" said Fluttershy, startled by the screen's quickness to light up. After she realized there was nothing to worry about, she blushed and studied it. Soon after, everypony's devices said in Twilight's voice:

"Please set your voice password." Twilight nearly screamed at how well her new invention worked.

"All you girls need to do now is set a voice password. This is so you can turn it on without having to even touch it!" Twilight beamed. "Genius!"

"Uh," said Applejack, "Apples."

Shortly after, the voice said "Password 'Apples' set." Twilight nearly facehoofed, but a password was a password. The other ponies did the same.

"Flying." said Rainbow Dash.

"Angel." said Fluttershy.

"Ribbons." said Rarity.

And then of course, Pinkie Pie. "Cake is the best thing ever!" After the devices finished their responses, Twilight spoke.

"Those are some...well, they certainly match your personality, I guess. Go ahead and try them, if you say your password correctly, they should turn on!" After the ponies said their passwords, (including Pinkie Pie, who said her's a little too enthusiastically) their devices turned on and popped up with a screen that had a huge button with word "Start" on it. Curious, Pinkie Pie was the first to tap it. Instantly, animated parasprites came flying towards the screen, leaving an "X" if they hit it. "Pinkie Pie, tap the parasprites! The object of the game is to see how long you can last without having three parasprites hit the screen." So, Pinkie did.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she watched the parasprite disappear when she tapped it. The other friends soon did the same. Twilight looked at her friends. All their faces were suddenly focused only on the screen, and nothing else. I am so happy they like them so much! thought Twilight. I can't wait to- Her thoughts were interrupted when all of her friends began to leave, eyes still glued to their new devices.

"Where are you all going?" asked Twilight. "We haven't even eaten yet!"

"Oh duty!" said Rainbow Dash as she flew off into the clouds.

"Angel probably misses me..." said Fluttershy as she walked towards her cottage.

"Customers to attend to!" said Rarity as she began to leave as well.

"The Cakes will need me!" said Pinkie Pie as she bolted.

"You're all welcome!" shouted an annoyed Twilight after her friends. She glanced over at the picnic basket. "Fine." she said to herself. "I can eat alone." Twilight was angry. She had spent many long days making those devices, and her friends take them and leave without even saying thank you. Also, she and her friends always finished their picnics. Except this one... said Twilight as she began her own walk home, knowing that she'd at least have Spike to talk to. Oh...right... she thought, he's asleep. and with that, Twilight reached her home. Twilight climbed in her bed too, even though it was still afternoon. It's not like my friends wanted to talk to me right now anyway.