Untitled II Star Catchers (Angel)

by TimeRarity64

First published

Fluttershy and her mother spend time together staring up into the beautiful night sky, while dealing with an occuring problem that had affected the small filly from birth.

'Sometimes, it's alright to fall onto the ground in front of others. All you have to do is learn how to get back up. It's a part of life.

Fluttershy and her mother spend time together staring up into the beautiful night sky, while dealing with an occuring problem that had affected the Fluttershy since birth.

My Little Pony is own by Hasbro and I take no credit in their profit whatsoever. This is a work of free fiction and should be treated that way. I also do not own the image and the source of its location is provided. Thank you very much and enjoy.

Untitled II

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“Tell me…what do you see, my dear?”

Fluttershy looked up into the night sky, admiring the sparkling stars that glittered all around. The young foal kept her back pressed against her mother, unable to comprehend the situation so far in what her mother was trying to have her see. It had not been the first time her mother told her strange things about the world around her. When the filly was taken on long strolls from cloud to cloud, before being carried off to the earthly grounds, learning about the forest scenery, her mother had always spoke to her about the strange wonders of Equestria and the outskirts of the massive country.

“Stars, mother,” She answered, “stars everywhere.”

That was the only answer so far, listening closely to her mother’s light chuckle, before turning her head to her in further confusion. Why did she chuckle? Fluttershy was too young, that was one of the reasons why she did not understand her mother most of the time, but for some reason, she began slowly understanding about the lands around her. That was…until she would later on forget it.

“Do you remember the stars, and the ones we’ve named?” She asked, smiling down at her daughter calmly, keeping her coat against her back so the cold air would not freeze her gentle and timid body.

“Names…I don’t get it,” She stated, “before looking back up at the stars.”

“We named a few stars still up here two days ago then we had to name them again a week ago. The one, shining so brightly is Opal, and the one shining the dimmest is sapphire.”

“Sorry, mother, but I don’t remember that.” Fluttershy said, frowning at her mother with disappointment, but her mother did show any sign of disappointment, shame, or anger. She was still smiling softly before nuzzling her lightly to show affection.

“It’s alright, my dear. You do not have to worry about it. It’s not your fault or anypony’s fault. Instead, it is a procedure we must work with over and over so that you may learn how to coop with it and soon fix it.”

Fluttershy did not understand why her mother always said that most of the time, but she never questioned her. The young filly giggled lightly from the continuous nuzzling her mother gave to her, before looking back up at the night sky once the mare ceased and stared up too. The filly felt that it was better off not to ask her mother what she meant, but to just listen and learn from whatever lesson she was giving.

“Mother, they are beautiful, do you ever think we can fly high enough to touch them?” She asked.

Her mother began thinking about that question, before shaking her head lightly, releasing a soft chuckle. “My dear, it is highly impossible for us to reach that high. We’re not like Princess Celestia, so it would be physically impossible, however…” She paused, leaning down next to her daughter’s right ear, “we could wish upon them.”

“W-wish?” The young filly muttered, trying to figure out what her mother meant.

“Yes, my dear, wish; we could wish upon some shooting star and wait till it comes true.”

“But how does that work?” The filly questioned, looking at her mother shocked.

Her mother chuckled again, causing Fluttershy to grow even more confuse to her mother’s continuing chuckles. What did she found so funny? The young filly titled her head in confusion before closing her eyes quickly once her mother leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“You must not remember, but…you just shut your eyes after looking at your star flying by…and wish.” She spoke softly, against her daughter, watching the young filly look back up into the umbra blanket sky. It was a fascinating sight for her, though; it had been plenty of times. However, something felt different for the young filly.


“Yes, dear?”

“I,” she began, “wanted to know what I can wish for if I see a flying star?”

Her mother tapped her chin for a moment before looking back down at her daughter and said, “Whatever the imagination may take you, wish to the star whatever you really want in your life.”

Fluttershy stood there, remaining quiet as her eyes were focused into the sky. The abysmal depths where the glittering suns sparkled were so distracting for her. But then, like a fleeting instant, she spotted a shooting star just passing by. She gasped, before shutting her eyes quickly. The young mare held in her breath, beginning to shake as if she was putting thought into her head. Her mother gasped before shaking her lightly to stop.

“Not like that, dear.” She chuckled again.

“W-what do you mean, mother?” Fluttershy asked, staring at her confused.

“What I mean dear, is to remain calm, think, and wish upon the shooting star you see coming by. It would then know what you really want in life and give it to you happily.” Fluttershy’s mother said, smiling at her daughter that stared at her shock with bewilderment, just before looking back at the night sky and doing what her mother explained.

Her mother watch, as her daughter kept her body calm and focused in the sky while her small wings fluttered lightly. Time strolled by for minutes before the young filly opened up her eyes and scanned the area.

“M-mother, I have a question?” Fluttershy asked turning to her mother all the way around, staring up until their eyes met.

“What is it, dear?” Her mother asked, awaiting her daughter’s question with patience and love.

“I already wished, though, I should have asked, but…is it bad that I wished to have better memory and not be so…s-shy?”

Her mother chuckled once again, causing the filly to frown. Fluttershy felt like she was being taunted or made fun of by her mother without explanation, but she paused once her mother stopped laughing and smiled at her with a warm smile that always brought happiness into her ears. The next thing, Fluttershy, did not see coming was the hug. Her mother hugged her, kept her warm, and gently kissed her forehead before looking at her small orbs.

“My dear, you do not any permission granting a wish, dear. Once you make it, it happens, though be careful in what you wish for. Now, about you being shy; there’s nothing wrong being shy dear, it’s just a part of you that you must accept. So don’t worry, my dear, it’s alright to feel shy most of the time, but you still have the heart and courage to make friends or speak up when you feel like nopony is listening to what you have to say or put your own word in.”

“M-mother, I’m a small filly…I don’t know if that will work for me like it does for Dash. Rainbow Dash is always strong and brave, while I am weak and timid.”

“Nice choice of word, somepony’s been reading the dictionary like their father told her to. But do not worry, Fluttershy, you’re perfect the way you are and just have to accept that.”

“O-oh, okay.” She responded, smiling at her mother shyly. Her smile soon faded into a frown however, when she then spoke out, “what about my problems with remembering things every day?” Her mother remained silent for a bit, before closing her eyes and smiling softly.

“That’s not your fault, my dear. Someponies have a trouble time remembering things most of the time.”

“B-but I can’t remember anything once a day passes or two. The only things I remember is you, father, and everything else, except our activities together. M-most of the time, at school, ponies pick on me for that and I kind of forget to coop with it, becoming confuse all of a sudden why I was being made fun of. I even forgot Rainbow Dash before, and she was shocked for a whole day.” The small filly said, beginning to sniffle. She was soon halted from shedding a single tear once her mother hugged her.

The young filly did not protest or question, but instead returned it with delight and warmth. She needed that hug for a very long time, but always had trouble admitting it. It was good thing her mother knew about her daughter’s neurological condition and managed to make sure her daughter’s life…was not so stressful because of it. That was her mission, to teacher her how to remember, and help her remember things just in case she had forgets.

“No matter what, my dear, do not let anypony bring you down for your problem. It’s not your fault, so do not feel bad. Instead, feel as it is your responsibility to work with it. Keep tabs for yourself just in case you forget again. Just remember this, that no matter what, I will always love you, especially your father.”

“W-what about Rainbow Dash, she’s my only friend?”

“Of course her too. She’s still your friend after all and I am sure she clearly understands your problem with remembering things and has taken up the responsibility to reminding you, right?” Her mother asked.


“Good, so do not worry. It’s alright. You’re going to always be helped when you need it the most, my dear.” Her mother said, nuzzling her daughter’s fur before setting her down on the ground, allowing her to face up at her mother with teary eyes and a smile.

“O-okay,” she said, “I-I will try working with it and do my best to remember more things than forget them, I p-promise.”

“That’s my dear; now tell me…what do you see in the sky?” She asked after Fluttershy turned back around, facing the starry night.

“I see Opal, Sapphire, and my most favourited star of them all.” She said.

“And what is it, Fluttershy?”

“The one, father named after you…Angel.”




I Do Not Own The Credits. Rights Go To Sigur Ros, All Rights Reserved without the special symbol! So don't think of sueing me, I got me my Mary Sue as one of my great lawyers! >3>