
by Vinyl_Wubs

First published

The Elements of Harmony create peace and love around those they meet and care for. But what happens when they are brought together in a whole new kind of way...

WARNING: Contains unbirthing and F/F

The Elements of Harmony create peace and love around those they meet and care for. But what happens when they are brought together in a whole new kind of way... Luna has formed a plan to unite the elements in a way no one has thought possible. Will her plans succeed, or will it backfire?

Together Forever

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"Twilight! You have a letter." Spike shouted. I heard the pitter patter of his footsteps as he ran up the stairs. The door to my room opened and he peeked in, extending his hand through the cracked door. I glanced at the letter and my horn lit up, lifting the letter from his and over to my desk.

"Who's it from?" I asked.

"It says it's from the princess." Spike said.

"Oh! She must have gotten my last letter. I'm so excited to see her answer." I said. My heart was racing, a smile wider than normal slid onto my face. If anyone was looking at me they would probably think I'm insane. I tore the letter open quickly and opened it. I squinted at the page. Something seemed off... This didn't seem like her handwriting. "Um... Spike?" I called. I looked back to the door and noticed he was gone. Maybe... She's just having an off day? Something effecting her hands or... Maybe she's sick? Got the shakes... So many things running through my head that could be wrong with her, I hadn't even considered the possibility that she didn't write it. "Hm..." I mumbled. I realized with all my overthinking... I never actually read the letter.

"Dear my faithful student Twilight Sparkle.
I urgently require you and your friends in Canterlot.
There is something important we must speak about."

I scratched my head. What's so important she couldn't just tell me in this letter? Something's wrong... Worry started flooding through me. I had no idea what this was about. Was she angry at us? I don't think we did anything wrong. I'm probably just overreacting but... It's just odd. I'd better go round everyone up. I hate keeping Celestia waiting.

Train: On Route To Canterlot.

"She didn't say what it was about?" Rarity asked, a twinge of curiosity in her voice as she crossed a leg over the other.

"No... I don't understand either." I shrugged.

"I wanna know! The suspense is killing me!" Pinkie said. Her tone was as bubbly as always as she excitedly bounced up and down the halls on the train.

"Pinkie sit down... You're going to get us in trouble." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"How can you just sit there like that without exploding glitter and confetti?!" Pinkie said in utter shock. Her eyes were wide and looked as if Dash had spiders crawling all over her.

"Because we're sane?" Dash said, rolling her eyes.

"Just let her do her thing... Not like we can do much to stop it." Applejack laughed.

Fluttershy giggled slightly. "At least she's having fun." She said, criss-crossing her legs on her seat and smiling.

I sighed, giving a small smile as I leaned back and stared out the window at the passing fields.

"Oh stop worrying dear..." Rarity said. She placed a hand on my arm. I looked at her and saw she wasn't worried at all, my own fears slowly fading with the smile pasted on her face.

"You're right. I just need to relax." I said, placing my hand on hers.

"That's the spirit! Now maybe we should restrain Pinkie before she finds-" Rarity was interrupted by a loud crash outside our room. "The... Dessert cart." Rarity sighed. I started to laugh almost immediately.


I stepped through the doors to the castle. My friends were right behind me. The first thing I noticed was that the throne room was empty. I glanced around confused, not seeing Celestia anywhere.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"I dunno." Dash shrugged, lazily floating through the air in a reclined position. She didn't seem too excited, considering the princess summoned us all to Canterlot...

"Maybe something came up?" Fluttershy suggested, looking at me with a hint of confusion in her voice. I looked at her, then everyone else. They all were looking at me as if I had the answer.

"Maybe she's in her chambers?" I suggested hesitantly. A bout of anxiety struck me as thoughts raced through me. What if she didn't send me the letter? Maybe it was a prank or... I don't know! The worst part of all of this is that if it was fake... I pulled my friends out of their daily routines for nothing. I should have sent a reply through Spike... Stupid Twilight! So stupid...

"Twilight Sparkle?" A guard said, tapping me on the shoulder. I nearly jumped a foot in the air as I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I said quickly. My heart pounding rapidly.

"The princess is waiting for you in her chambers." The guard said.

My shoulders slumped down and a wave of relief washed through me. So she did send the letter...

"Well what are we waiting for?!" Pinkie shouted. She quickly zoomed past me, disappearing down the halls. I smiled, shaking my head slowly. The rest of us made our way down the hall. When we entered her chambers, I instantly noticed Celestia sitting on the edge of her bed. Pinkie was on her shoulders giggling uncontrollably. Celestia seemed absolutely unphased by it, a smile on her face.

"Princess!" I said happily, quickly bowing to her.

"Hello Twilight. It's good to see you and your friends again." Celestia said. Her horn lit up and Pinkie was lifted off her and back to her feet.

"Why did you call us here anyways?" Dash asked

"Rainbow Dash!" I snapped.

"It's fine Twilight." Celestia said reassuringly.

"What may I ask is the problem?" Rarity asked, taking a seat next to the princess.

"There is no problem. Far from it actually." Celestia said in her usual soothing tone, seeming to uplift everyone in the room from an invisible sense of worry.

"Then... What is it?" I asked.

"Well... It's about you actually."

"Me? Why am I so special?"

"Well... You and your friends specifically"

"What about us? Did you need us to do something?" Applejack asked.

"In a matter of speaking. It will be of your own free will of course. I wouldn't dream of forcing you to do something." Celestia said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You all represent the Elements of Harmony." Celestia started.

"Yeah... What about it?" Dash questioned.

"Well... My sister and I have devised a way to bring the six of you even closer. It would unite the elements permanently." Celestia said with a slight bit of uncertainty in her voice. She seemed a little unsure of what she was saying, not only by her tone, but by her stance. The way she slouched. She barely made eye contact with any of us, and I seemed to be the only one to notice it.

"Sounds exciting!" Pinkie said, continuing to bounce around the room in utter glee as she heard Celestia's suggestion.

"We don't even know what we have to do yet..." Dash said.

"That's the exciting part." Pinkie whispered, her eyes darting around the room as if it was a secret she didn't want anyone to hear. Dash rolled her eyes.

"What exactly do we have to do?" I asked.

"Well... The Elements will be transferred from you into a suitable vessel for awhile." Celestia said.

"How ya gonna pull that off?" Applejack questioned.

"The details are a bit unclear to me... As I will not be the one performing it, nor will I be the vessel." Celestia said.

"Then who is?" Rarity asked.

"My sister Luna." Celestia said. As she said that, her face twitches slightly, seeming like it pained her to say it.

"It's... Not going to hurt her is it?" I asked.

Celestia paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "I don't know Twilight. But she wants to do it, and I trust she knows what she is doing." She sighed.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get it over with." Dash said. Her voice had changed slightly, showing a little interest in what she had suggested now. I supposed I was a little curious too.

"It has to be one at a time. Rainbow Dash you can go first if you want." Celestia nodded. "My sister is waiting in her chambers."

"Finally." Dash said before bolting out of the room and around the corner. We waited there for about ten minutes. Waiting for some sign or something that would tell us when someone else should go. Suddenly there was a scream from down the hall.

"That sounded like Rainbow Dash!" I said in a panic. I jumped up to my feet, the others seemed to be just as attentive, following closely behind.

"Wait!" Celestia said quickly as the five of us ran out and burst into Luna's room. The five of us stared in horror at Luna. She was lying on the bed naked and there was a large bulge in her stomach. Rainbow Dash's hand was sticking out of her pussy, slowly being sucked in as Luna moaned loudly.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed. My eyes widened in terror. I was about to run over and try to pull her out when a hand quickly grabbed my shoulder.

"No! You must let her finish." Celestia said quickly. I looked up at her, surprise and confusion flooding my face. "If she doesn't... Rainbow Dash could die."

"I... I don't..." I stammered, my eyes darting between Celestia and Luna.

"This is how it must happen... You will all be fine... But if the rest of you don't do it, then Rainbow Dash..." Celestia said in a stern but shaky tone as she stared down at the rest of us.

"I... O... Okay..." I said hesitantly. My eyes shifting back to Luna, who was panting heavily as she swayed around erotically on the bed.

"Okie dokie!" Pinkie said excitedly, diving towards Luna and pressing her face to Luna's dripping maw.

"Pinkie..." I stammered.

Pinkie shoved her face harder, trying to push herself inside.

"It... Doesn't work like that." Celestia said. "You have to make her orgasm."

"Oh... Well why didn't you just say so!" Pinkie said, her tongue shooting out and forcing it's way into Luna, dragging itself up and down the walls of her pussy. Luna started to moan again, gripping the sheets tightly.

"Um..." I mumbled. My face was turning bright red as I stared at Pinkie. She was giggling uncontrollably, half muffled by Luna's quivering nethers.

"S... So close... Keep going..." Luna grunted. Her eyes were squeezed shut tightly. It seemed like she was being strained, looking half in pain along with pleasure. Her moans grew louder and I could tell she was nearing her next orgasm.

"Oh my goodness..." Fluttershy said quietly. She was blushing brightly, her hands covering her eyes.

"Is...There anything we need to do?" Applejack asked. I couldn't believe it, but I could tell she was being turned on. It was by the way she shifted occasionally. The way she gave that short pause after every other word. "I'm... I'm just askin cu-" Applejack's eyes shot open as she was silenced by Rarity's lips. Applejack's eyes darted around in a confused manner and her blush grew brighter. After a few second her eyes closed slowly and she melted into the kiss. The two of them started to take off their clothes immediately.

I looked back at Pinkie, who's clothes had mysteriously vanished. "H... How did..." I said.

"You're still questioning Pinkie?" Applejack pulled away to say before quickly being yanked back by Rarity. The two of them fell to the floor, their hands all over each other.

I was startled by a tap on the shoulder. I turned and saw Celestia looking down at me. She motioned towards Fluttershy. I looked at Fluttershy and saw she was shaking, still covering her eyes. I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She immediately tensed up. "Fluttershy..." I said reassuringly.

"I..." She mumbled. Her body seemed warmer than normal.

"Fluttershy everything is going to be okay. Let's just get through this and get it over wi-" I said as she kissed me. I stared blankly at her for a moment before she pulled away.

"I'm... I'm sorry." She said quickly. Her gaze was quickly shifting around the room.

"N... No it's... Okay. Whatever makes you comfortable..." I stammered. I looked back at Celestia, who was staring at me, her smile growing. My own smile returned to my face. I put a hand on Fluttershy's cheek and turned her head back to me. Her face was growing hotter as her attention snapped back to me.

"I... I don't..." She mumbled nervously.

"Fluttershy... Just kiss me." I said softly. I slowly pulled her back into a kiss, and this time she fell into it. Her eyes shut and her hands moved down to my hips. My own body started to feel warm. The two of us started to take each other's clothes off, giggling slightly after every piece removed.

"C...Could I..." Fluttershy mumbled quietly.

"Do whatever you want. Whatever makes you comfortable." I said as soothingly as possible. She pushed me slightly, motioning me to lie down. I nodded and got on my back. She got to her knees and leaned down, pressing her face to my pussy. I let out a small moan and the sounds her tongue running along my wetting lips was starting to turn me on even more. My attention was snapped away as I heard a muffled moan. I looked over to Pinkie and noticed she was being pulled inside Luna slowly. Her head was fully taken by Luna's gaping maw as the rest of her started to slide in.

"Is... She going to b- AH!" I screamed as Fluttershy pushed a finger into my pussy, just under her tongue. I closed my eyes and my head fell back to the floor. Each lick I felt electricity surge through me. My legs spread out further and I was nearing my climax when it suddenly stopped. My eyes shot open and Fluttershy was looking up at Celestia, who was motioning her over to Luna. Pinkie had disappeared completely.

"Oh... Okay." Fluttershy said quietly. She got up and started to walk towards Luna. I was a little disappointed... I didn't get my orgasm. I was about to get up when Celestia knelt down and ran her tongue across my labia. I gritted my teeth, barely able to hold back a scream as I felt Celestia's soft skin running against my own, her hands sliding up to my hips. Her finger pressed against my clit and a constant stream of pleasure started flowing through me. I grabbed my breasts and started to squeeze, a small trickle of milk dripping from them. I gasped loudly from a sudden heat flowing into me. I looked down at Celestia and her horn as glowing brightly. A small flow of magic was forcing it's way into me, massaging the inside of my pussy. The feel of her magic pushed me over the edge, my walls spasming and rippling around the flow of magic.

Celestia smiled, filling me with a sense of happiness. I glanced at Fluttershy to see her body slowly being dragged into Luna, the princess' stomach bulging outward even further as the last of Fluttershy disappearing into her. Applejack stood up and made her way to Luna, starting to eat her out as Rarity positioned herself under Applejack. AJ took the opportunity and sat down onto Rarity's face, moaning loudly as her own muff was licked.

My attention was stolen by Celestia, who was lying on her back with her legs open, waiting for me. I was drawn in between them like a dog to a bone. I pushed my face to her wet lips, quickly shoving my tongue into her. She started to moan and I could see her face slightly twisting into a pleasureful bliss.

My head shifted slightly as I heard a muffled cry. Applejack was being pulled into Luna rapidly. Rarity's mouth was still glued to AJ's pussy, and as the last of her was pulled in, Rarity was slowly dragged in too. Her legs were kicking frantically until her upper body was fully inside Luna. Her kicking slowed until she accepted it and was fully inside her. I looked back up a Celestia, who was staring at me with a smile.

"It's time." She said calmly. My heart started to pound rapidly as I stood up. I walked over to Luna slowly and knelt down.

"I... I'm scared." I said quietly. Celestia placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Everything will be alright." Celestia said, her tone calm and reassuring. I slowly leaned forward, pressing my face against Luna's entrance. I could taste everyone else on her lips as my tongue slowly traced the surface of her labia. I felt her legs wrap around my head and hold me there. I felt her pussy start to get hot, twitching more and more as my tongue pierced its way into her. She gasped as her orgasm neared. I couldn't see her face over her bloated stomach, but I could tell by the way she was panting that she was still recovering from her previous one. Her pussy started to ripple, making swallowing motions as I felt my tongue being pulled further into her. My eyes widened as my face started to press harder and harder into her growing heat until It started to stretch, pulling my head in. I felt a hand on my back, and just by the gentleness of it I could tell it was Celestia. I immediately started to relax and allowed myself to be pulled in. I felt the heat around me growing and I closed my eyes, waiting for whatever it is that's supposed to happen.


My eyes snapped open. I looked around, I was floating in an endless black void. I heard laughter. I twisted my head around and saw Pinkie floating behind me.

"Weeeee!" She said, doing summersaults as she floated through the air.

"Pinkie?" I said curiously.

"Yes dear, we're all here." Rarity said, floating by me.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash said, hovering in place in a reclined position.

"Yep." Applejack said.

"Hi..." Fluttershy said quietly, waving to me. I smiled and waved back.

"So... What now?" I asked.

"I 'unno. We've just kinda been sittin here." Applejack shrugged.

"You mean floating." Dash corrected.

"Whatever..." Applejack mumbled.

"Are we in space?" I asked, looking around at the empty void around us.


"Space usually has stars doesn't it?" Fluttershy asked, looking around with the same curious expression as me.

Pinkie was about to fly past me again when I grabbed her. The second my hand grabbed hers there was a white glow that sparked to life. My eyes widened and everyone stared at the two of us.

"Ooo... Shiny!" Pinkie said.

"I think... We're all supposed to join hands?" I stammered, sounding a little unsure of myself as I looked back at everyone's fascinated gazes.

The six of us gathered around, forming a circle and looking at each other. I grabbed Pinkie's hand, who grabbed Applejack, who grabbed Rarity, who grabbed Rainbow Dash, who grabbed Fluttershy. I stared down at Fluttershy's hand for a moment before gazing up at the others. They were all looking at me, smiling. A smile was drawn to my face as I took Fluttershy's hand. The glow formed a full circle around us and started to shrink, collapsing into a small ball of light that formed in the center of the circle. It started to grow slowly, the pace of which it was growing was increasing.

Pinkie started to giggle. "It tickles!" She laughed.

I stared at the ball of light for a few seconds before glancing back up at the others. They were all staring at it too. My smile grew. I didn't know what was going to happen... I was kind of scared... But the fact that we were all together... The fact that the others weren't worried in the slightest made me start to feel safe. The ball of light grew to massive sizes, about to engulf the six of us in it's brilliant luminescence. I couldn't see over the horizon, I didn't know where we were going, but I knew whatever was waiting for us, whatever was over the next hill... We would meet it together.