> Pinkie stuck on earth > by Human hybrid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Saturday morning. I was sitting on the couch with a bowl of dry cereal, watching my little pony, of course.There is never anything else I willing to do. It wasn't a new episode I knew, but for some reason I never remembered seeing this one. It was feeling pinkie keen but when Twilight set herself on fire, Pinkie pie, looked at me. winking she made the motion as if to approach the screen. I had to be hallucinating a distortion of my vision. Pinkie was half way out my T.V when I rose from my spot and backed up hiding behind he couch. She had done it, Pinkie pie had broken through the forth wall.I heard the sounds of her hooves on my hardwood floor my heart raced as it became louder and more definite. "Hiya. I'm Pinkie pie. But I'm sure you already knew that since your always here watching me and my friends, they never seem to notice." Her face saddened for a moment but then cheered up. " I was thinking we could be friends you don't seem all that mean. In fact I think that you and I could play a few games or maybe even be, Best Friends Forever. I slapped myself and shook my head trying to cling to what was obviously my sanity slipping away from me. "Your not real. Your not supposed to be here what about Twilight ,the dosey, the hydra ,the twitching. I looked over the couch at my T.V Pinkie was still inside of it but for an instant I saw the faint green luminescence of green flames. "It's a changeling!" I shouted unaware that the pink pony had now left and my brother stood where she just was. "No. that's pinkie pie, Fred. See shes the pink one in the umbrella hat." "I know who pinkie pie is its the fact that she just came out the T.V and said we could be best friends forever." He looked at me his eyes still red from deprived sleep,"Smoke much today?" "I don't smoke." Smoking is bad I have smoke problems I knew, but a little something every once in a while always was acceptable. "Well I'm not a addict." We heard the sounds of pots and pans clashing to the ground in the kitchen and quickly ran to see what it was.Pinkie pie was face deep in a box of trix. The cereal was spilled all over the floor but she didn't mind, quickly licking up what little was left of it she sat down, turning over the now empty box "You got anymore of these crunchy stuff there alot sweeter than the ones we have in ponyville. It was now my brothers turn to slap him self,"maybe I'm the one who smoked to much. Are you seeing this to, Roy?. I shook my head. "nope not a thing" thankfully for me he turned and left murmuring something under his breath as he did so "pinkie what are you doing." The pink mare still licking remains of the rainbow colored crumbs of her face smiled at me."eating duh. It's not like you get to eat this stuff everyday.can I have some more? I turned toward the end credits as my little pony started coming off. "I really shouldn't, but alright.I'll get you some more." I tried to match her smile but even after devouring a full box of trix the pink party pony, still had the whitest smile. "How am I going to explain this to my parents?" The kitchen was a mess of hoof prints and pots on the ground. She looked around and found out why I looked concerned,"Don't worry about the mess I;ll have it cleaned up i a jiffy." I grabbed my keys "supposing that you never rode in a car before I'm scared to ask If you want to come, but I'm still trying to figure out how you would sit. "Assuming that cars are like a carriages I say that I'll sit down like I always do." The pink pony hoped up she pushed me toward the door." come on I ain't got all day." I opened the door and a green Nissan sat in the drive way its hood had been removed and the parts inside had somewhat rusted."This is my baby." "Your baby is a car?!" the pink pony's, mouth was hung open. "No.I'm just saying that I love this piece of junk.Hop on in."I opened the door for pinkie and closed it as she climbed in "Pinkie pies in my car." I said to my self amazed at the fact that she even noticed me watching her.unaware that I was already well on my way to the corner store she had been turning the radio stations listing to the different types of songs we had to offer but every so often I had to change it so she wouldn't learn a new word. Ok pinkie.before we go in here you need to know every thing is a fair set price try not to draw attention to yourself you can pick any type of cereal you like but don't open them.Then we need to get you back to where you belong." "Okey Dokey Lokey." opening the door for her she ran into he store. It was at that moment I realized my mistake of deciding to bring pinkie pie of all ponies, to a store. I heard a scream from from a aisle.I little girl had grabbed onto pinkie pie thinking that she was a large plushie of some sort. "Mommy can I have it."the girl put on her best pouting face so I snatched pinkie from her "sorry shes with me." As I turned and firm hand grabbed me. "The little girl said that she wanted the doll. So let her have it." The older man was alot bigger than I was but I knew things would turn in my favor. "I'm not some toy." pinkie snapped "I'm pinkie pie." The man's hand let go of me and the little girl let out a scream f terror as Pinkie pie and I left out the store with the two boxes of cereal and several debbie cakes that I thought she might like. Pulling up the drive way I noticed that the house was emptier than when I left.I turned on the T.v and rewinded it to where pinkie had hopped out. It pained me slightly to see her go but it felt awkward to have her around in the first place."Bye pinkie pie." She gave me a hug and waved good by as she prepared to jump into my T.V "Bye pinkie I'll be watching you." "I know you always do." she jumped up and the T.V shattered Pinkie's mane was shocked black her she panted heavily her eyes were filled with shock "What happened? This never happened before."Her puffy hair flattened "I'm stuck." She turned to me and hugged my legs on the floor."What are we going to do?" I looked down at her "we?" "Of course we" she latched onto my leg "You know i don't like you right now" Very short chapter got tired of typing so ~mesh meh