> Champion of Equestria > by Buddy Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Down the rabbit hole > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beeep Beep Beeep Beep Beeep Beep Beeep Beep Bee-- Click I groaned as I hit the snooze alarm a few too many times and was late for work once again. Who wouldn't hit the snooze to get another ten minutes of sleep? No one, that's who. Needless to say, I almost always overslept. Stupid snooze button. I didn't have time for breakfast. Instead, I munched down a pair of chocolate Pop Tarts while waiting for the bus. Mmmm.... chocolate. I loved those things but a nutritionist would have smacked me upside the head for my poor diet choice. As things stood now, I've started to pack a few pounds and was now sporting a little bit of chub. The bus was, of course, late. You gotta love the Columbus Transit system. Six buses for a population area of a quarter million. When they weren't late, they were early- I'd lost count of the number of times I'd stepped outside only to see my bus disappearing down the street. Schedule? What schedule? When the bus, late again I might add, finally did lumber into sight, I climbed on and sat down.... in gum. At a nine A.M. meeting (to which I arrived at 9: 25) I found my supervisor at Subway waiting to hit me right between the eyes with bad news: I had been laid off. Not unexpected, seeing how the economy has been in the crapper for well over eight years now. I had started working there after high school, in a mad hope that I could work my way through college. Although my hopes for college was shattered a few years later, I still worked there hoping something else would turned up. I wasn't too upset by the news, but it hurt just the same. Losing a job is the worst. You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that somebody doesn't want you. Doesn't matter if the reasons are personal, financial, or practical. They just don't want you. With this cheerful thought, I gathered my belongings, ignored the way my coworkers were avoiding looking at me, and slumpt home. I consoled myself by stopping at Dairy Queen for a chocolate milkshake. Signs of spring: Robins, new grass, new season of American Pickers and Dairy Queen opening for the season. As I walked through my apartment door, still slurping my shake, I saw my answering machine light winking at me like a small black dragon. The message was from my friend Ben, and from the racket in the background, he was calling from a bar: "Sorry Mark. But I won't be able to make it to your party tonight... I'm sure we'll be able to continue the game next week." Ben and I had been friends since high school, and after which, we'd always tried to hang out on our days off. Our favorite thing to do was get a group together and play Dungeons & Dragons. It was always something I'd look forward to all week. But lately, we haven't been able to play more and more. It had now been a solid two months since we've been able to play. With the way this week had been It didn't surprise me, and with today's shit storm I suppose it was just as well. I went into the kitchen to fix myself some microwave burritos, and that's when I noticed I was low on food. That's what I get for putting off going to the store. As it turned into early evening, the cold air of April blew hard against me. It had been a long day and I didn't feel like going out. The Mall of America is a terrific place, but I've got to be in the mood for overpriced retail merchandise, rowdy weekend crowds, and six-dollar drinks. So I figured I'd cut across the park that was a few blocks from my apartment, and just stop in a local gas-stop for a few things. As things were now, I'd have to watch my spending for awhile as I started looking for a new job. Good thing I was starting to save up for one of the new game systems. Yep, that's me in a nutshell: Mark Stevens, Single, dead-end job (well, not anymore), lives alone and spends most of my free time playing video games and D&D. Yeah, I'm so dull, my fucking friends keep calling off our hangout plans ever chance they get. Needless to say, I was having a bad day and was NOT in a good mood. I continued to walk through the park, my mind deep in thought, until something shining caught my eye. Stopping in my tracks, I looked over into the near by bush, and found myself looking at strange looking crystal sticking out of it. I couldn't help but stare it. It was huge! At least big enough to hold onto with two hands. Walking over to the bush, I looked down at it in almost a trance. What do we have here? I thought as bent down to get a better look at it. Where did this come from? I paused to look around to see if anyone else was around before reaching my hand out to grab it. A small smirk crossed my face as grabbed hold of it. It's mine now! Standing back up straight, I looked my new prize with a hint of hope. If this thing is real, it should be worth quite a bit. Maybe this will help me out until I get back on my feet. I couldn't believe my luck. I was never one of those people to find money just laying around, hell, I was lucky just to find loose change in a vending machine. But there I was, holding a strange crystal in my hand as it shined in the evening sun. I was about to rush back to my apartment to put it in a safe spot, when a strange tingling feeling ran up my arm. I froze in horror to see the crystal was glowing brightly in my hand. In shock, my hand released the crystal and my eyes widened as it just continued to glow. Hovering in the air in front of me. I was so traumatized by what was happening, that I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I could feel a strange energy being giving off by the crystal as it glowed, making my arm hair stand on end and my whole body feel warm. "What the hell is..." was all I had to say before I was hit by a blinding flash of light. I handled it badly, I admit. When I saw the crystal hovering in the air like that, I froze like a deer in headlights. A big, dumb, brown haired deer who should have bolted as soon as shit got weird. But I couldn't move, not even to save my life. The flash of light didn't hurt, but I felt a tremendous pressure all over my body. I heard things pop. I felt my skull stretch- it sounded like someone was pouring milk into a bowl of Rice Krispies in my ears. I felt my body go numb, as the blight light continued to blind my vision, even with my eyes closed tight. The last thing I thought I saw before the light died out, was a figure of a unicorn with a strange horn on it's head. It looked like it's eyes were glowing green as it's mane blew freely in the air. The last thing I heard was a wicked laughter as It continued to stare at me with snake like eyes. Then everything went dark and numb. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up my whole body felt strange. My toes and fingers felt dead and swear I felt something wiggling from behind my rear. As I opened my eyes, I saw that it was now night time. However, I was not in the same place I was before. As I raised my head off the ground, I saw that I wasn't in the park anymore but was now smack dab in the middle of some forest. While I waited for my head to clear, I started looking at my surroundings. The forest I now found myself in was huge, with trees and bushes all around me. It reminded me of the one time me and my uncle Walt went camping, and how scared I was to sleep in the tent with the sounds of wildlife just outside it. I remembered how I didn't get any sleep that night, and ended up with poison ivy all across my arms and legs. After that little misadventure, I never been camping since. That, and the fact that I lived near a big city didn't help to my camping skills. Now that my head was starting to clear, terror started to creep inside my head. If I don't find a way out of here soon, I'm going to be in real shit! Trying not to freak out about what happened, and trying to ignore that weird feeling between my butt cheeks, I shook my head. As I looked up, I noticed the night sky behind the trees. It was a clear dark blue, almost purple, with thousands of stars spread across it. Like I said before, I'm more used to the city, so the night sky there NEVER looked like this. But this, this sky was beautiful! I stared up at the sky for I don't remember how long, enjoying the seer beauty of it all, before I decided it was time to get off my ass and get out of there. As I used my arms to push myself up into a sitting position, I once again became aware that I could not feel my fingers or toes. As soon as I was sitting up, I brought my left arm into view and my eyes bulged in shock. Instead of my normal, human hand shaking infront of me.... it was a blue hoof. "What the hell?!" I shouted as I stared at my now blue colored "Arm". I looked down at the rest of my body to find that my whole body was now covered in the short blue fur. "OH MY GOD! I'VE TURNED INTO A ANIMAL!!" I tried to calm myself down as I tried to think things out. Okay, let me think. I thought as I looked up into the clear star filled night sky. Okay. So I remember finding that wierd crystal. Then there was that blinding light. And now I find myself in some forest turned into some kind of equine! I concluded as I began to try to stand on my tw....err, four legs. I wanted to believe that it was all just a crazy dream, and that I'd wake up any second. But the breeze against my now blue fur and the hunger in my belly told me that it was no dream. It was all too real. After standing up, I began to study myself more to see what I was now turned into. I don't think I'm a deer, and I doubt a jackass would be blue... I thought as I turned my head around to look at my body. I then spotted a brown tail, same color as my hair, swaying back and forth. Could I be some kind of blue horse? As I concluded what I now was turned into, I then began to count my blessings. "Well... at least I can still speak!" With my head still spininng with questions, I figured I should try to figure out where I now was. I started to take a few steps forward, but with my balance thrown off, plus the fact that I now had four legs instead of two, I quickly found myself falling back down on the ground. "Ouch. This is going to be harder then I thought." I grumbled as I slowly picked myself back off the ground. After trying a few more times, I was able to start walking without falling face first. "Heh. Not so bad once you get used to it." I said to myself as I began to walk deeper into the forest. Now, I'll tell you right now that I never liked the dark. Even after growing up, I still slept better knowing the hall light was on. So needless to say that finding myself alone at night in the middle of some unknown forest had me a little bit on edge. As I continued to walk, I heard the sound of chirping bugs, hooting owls, and howls of wolfs. But it was when I noticed the sound of those howls getting closer to me, did I freeze in my tracks. shaking with fear, I looked around me, studying the nearby trees and bushes. I heard some growling as I noticed the bushes began rustling and the growling in the bushes were beginning to get closer and closer. It was when something finally emerged did I find myself stunned. There, staring at me with yellow eyes, was a wolf made of wood. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was quite a bit bigger than me, with sharp wooden teeth and claws. It was made mostly of thick timber, sticks and leafs that gave it a solid shape. Timber wolf... I thought to myself as it looked at me with those yellow glowing eyes, growling at me. The thing would have been funny looking, if it wasn't for the fact that it looked like it wanted to eat me. I was just about to try to think of a way to deal with it, when two more showed up beside it. One of those things would have been enough for me to deal with, even with my new found body. But with three of those things facing me down, I knew I was screwed. "Oh shit..." was all I said before I turned around and ran in a mad dash for freedom. I didn't look back, but I knew those things were hot on my heels. I tried not to think about that as I continued to look on ahead, focusing on what was in front of me. I was never really a fast runner. In gym I was always near the last when it came to track. But in my new body I found myself to be quite fast. Not enough to out run those things, but fast enough to stay ahead of them. As long as I didn't trip on something, I'd stay that way. I ran. I ran as my lungs burned and my heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. My eyes watered and nostrils burned as I continued to run for my life, my hair and tail flowing behind me. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuck! I cursed to myself as I continued to run deeper and deeper into the forest, dodging between tree limbs and thorn bushes. I had to keep running. I had to get away from those creatures. As I burst past the last few trees and bushes, I saw a small clearing straight ahead. But quickly found myself coming to a dead stop, as I found myself staring over a huge cliff. Looking over, I saw a rapid river flowing far down below me. As I turned around, I found the three wood wolfs there, blocking my only exit. Knowing that I was completely trapped, those things slowly began to advance toward me. I had no place to go. I found myself with only two options: Jump off the huge cliff and into the river below, or stay and get ripped to shreds by those things. With only a few feet away from me and their hungry mouths, I found myself acting before I had a chance to think. "Oh fuck me!" I shouted as I jump off the cliff and down to the river below. I was falling fast, but it was still a long drop. I had only a few seconds to regret my choice before my body made contact with the cold water of the river. I felt myself sink like a rock from the force of the fall. I felt my head hit something hard, my vision flashed white. Before everything went black. > Chapter 2: Not in Kansas anymore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groaned in pain as I slowly began to once again join the living. As my hearing came more in focus, I heard what sounded like hooves walking on a wooden surface. It stopped near me, and was followed by a kind, but foreign female voice. "I'm glad to see that you are awake. For I was beginning to worry about your fate." The voice spoke in a sort of rhymes. I opened my eyes to get a look at her, but everything was too blurry to make out. I started to sit up from what felt like a bed, but was stopped by a hoof placed on my chest. "Whoa, there! Take it easy there, my friend. For your still too weak as your body mends." She said as she gently pushed me back against the bed, so I was in more of a sitting position. "Who....who are you?" I asked as my eyes came back into focus. Standing next to me was a zebra. She had a exotic look about her. Two golden hoop ear rings, a ring like type necklace and golden loop armbands were on her body. Her hair was in a type of mohawk, which fit perfectly with her strips. She had what looked like a strange looking brand mark on her flank, that seemed to follow a sort of pattern. She looked at me with kind blue eyes. "Where am I?" "My name is Zecora, if you must know." She stated as she leaned in close and began to check the bandage wrapped around my head. I must be more hurt then I thought. "And you are currently staying in my home." "How did I get here?" I asked as she finished checking my head wrap. "I found you wash up along the the river bed. If I hadn't found you, you'd be dead." She said as she walk over to what looked like a huge pot on an opened flame. She picked up a huge wooden spoon and began to stir. "Not many ponies like you would venter into the Everfree Forest alone. Especially so deep in the timberwolf's home." I stared at her as I focused on what she had said. Does she always have to try to rhyme everything she says? I thought as I began looking around the room. As I looked, I noticed strange tribe masks on the wall and little vials of stuff on shelves. Yep. She was totally one of those foreign voodoo ladies that lived alone in the wilderness."Thank you for the help." I stated as my eyes danced around the room. "My name's Mark by the way. Mark Stevens." "It is no problem at all, Mark Stevens." She said with a smile, before giving me a puzzeled look. "I don't mean to pry, but what were you doing out in the forest all alone?" I let out a defeated sigh as I tried to collect my thoughts in my throbing head. "It's hard to explain." I began as I rubbed the back of my head with a ha...er, hoof. "Last night I was going on with my dull life, when I found this strange crystal in the middle of the park. I remember picking it up before I was zapped with a bright light, and when I came too, I found myself in the forest running for my life!" As I finished my little recap, Zecora took a bowl and filled it with the green liquid she was stirring in the pot. "A strange tale indeed. For I fear strange magic must be behind this deed." She plainly said as she walked over to the bed and handed me the bowl. I took it with both hoofs, careful not to spill it, and gave her a puzzeled look. "Drink. It is a special brew to help your wounds. So you'll be at yourself soon." I just rolled my eyes at her as I took a small zip from the bowl. The brew had a taste almost like soup. It was sweet, smooth and was doing wonders for my empty belly. "I can't thank you enough for your help, Zecora. But I still don't know where I am or how I'm going to get back home." I told her as I finished the brew and handed her the bowl. "Don't worry my friend. Tomorrow I'm headed to town for supplies. You can join me, if you've recovered your might, and I'll introduce you to my friend twilight. If dark magic is behind you plight, she will surely make it right." As she walked back to the pot and placed the bowl on a nearby table, I suddenly found my eye lids growing heavy. I shook my head, but found my head filling more fuzzy by the second. "The brew is starting to take effect, I see." Zecora said as she walked to the door on the other side of the room. "I'll go ahead and let you be. Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Once she closed the door behind her, I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes. I maybe stuck in a strange land as a talking pony, but at least I was safe. I'll go to town with Zecora, and talk to this Twilight tomorrow. Hopefully she can shed some light on all this crazy...ness... I thought before sleep finally took me. I stood surrounded in darkness. A strange feeling surged throught me as I tried to focus my thoughts. As I tried to get my bearings, a strange laugh came from the darkness. "Who's there? Come out and show yourself!" I boldly stated as I tried not to show how scared I really was. "Foolish boy! The crystal is wasted on you." A voice said from the darkness. It seemed to be coming from all around me."Soon it's power shall be mine and I will return." It boomed as the darkness seemed to be moving around me. Suddenly I found myself staring at a pair of green glowing red eyes. I screamed as I woke with a start. Sweat was pouring from me and my body trembled. It took a few minutes for me to calm down and realize I was still in Zecora's home. It was just a dream, Mark. Nothing to be scared of. I retold myself a few more times before trying to lay back down. I laid there for I don't know how long, thinking about that strange dream and how real it felt. But finally I was able to drift back into the land of dreams. I awoke again the next morning feeling better then I did before. My body no longer hurt and my head felt cleared. I hopped out of bed and streatched my limbs. As I fought back a huge yawn, I saw Zecora walking into the room. "Good Morning my friend. I see you're feeling much better." She chuckled as she began to put some things from the shelves into a bag she had strapped around her side. "Yeah. That stuff you gave me really did the trick! I feel great." I stated as I rotated my neck until it popped. An old habit I had since I was little. Zecora gave me a curious look before walking over to me and checking my head wound. "Could be. Or you seem to heal quicker then most." She said as she began taking off my bandage. "Either way, I am most pleased." After placing the bandage in what looked like a garbage bin, she gave me a warm smile. "Now what do you say we eat some breakfast? For I would like something most yummy, to fill my empty tummy." "Sounds like a plan to me." Ponies eat grass. I mean, duhh, I knew that. But when Zecora handed me a sandwitch with flowers in it, did it dawn on me. I guess I have to get used to being a veggie lover. Oh man. I'm so going to miss meat! I thought as I bit into the sandwitch. It didn't taste bad, far from it. It had a plain taste, as if I was eating a salad on bread. But the human side of my mind missed the taste of cheese, boloney, ham and jalapenos with katsup and mustard. Thankfully she also had a fruit basket, so I was able to fill up on that too. Once we had finished breakfast, we left Zecora's home (Which I found out to be a nicely sized hut deep inside the Everfree forest.) and began making our way to the local town. We followed a dirt trail that Zecora said was safe as we made our way out of the forest, but I was still jumpy. Being chased by living lumber that thought it was a wolf will do that to you. We walked for what felt like an hour before we finally reached the edge of the forest. Now, I want to go ahead and throw this out there: I was never much of a walker. I was always an inside type person, and never did much travel. Hell, just walking in the Mall for an hour was enough to make my feet hurt. But now that I had hooves, they didn't bother me. Anyway, as we continued to walk, I couldn't help but be dumb-founded by the beauty of the place. Clear sky, clean air, and nature all around. No buildings, no cars, no smog, nothing like that in the city I lived in. Hell, even country roads back home never looked this good. I think I might be a country boy at heart. I chuckled to myself as we continued to walk down the dirt road. The land was plain, with small hill bumps here or there. But for the most part it was smooth. "Once we past this hill, we will soon find ourselfs in Ponyville." Zecora said as she pointed a hoof in front of us. The road took a bump up a small hill, before smoothing back out like the rest of the land. As we made our way over the hill, nothing could prepare me for the site I saw before me. Ahead of us, down the dirt road and smack dab in the middle of the plains stood Ponyville. A humble but big village of houses of many shapes and sizes, some even had strange color schemes that made them look like they were from a cartoon. Some trees popped out here of there in the town, mostly giving the place a simple but welcoming feel. A few places I saw from the hill had me amazed. A house that looked to be made of candy, a house that looked like it was trying to be some type of dress, a clock tower and building in the middle of town. But the one that took the cake was a strange but huge looking type castle that seemed to be made out of crystals. It's amazing glory could be seen clear from the other side of town. And then there was the ponies. Ponies of every shape and size were buzzing around the village, going about their happy little lifes. Some ponies looked normal (for them), some had horns sticking out of their heads and others had wings, flying around in the air. Business owners happily welcomed costumers in their store or around their stalls. Little children, fillies and colts, ran around the place having fun. Other ponies walked around going to or from places while others tended their gardens. And the ones with wings, pagasi, were in the air sitting, walking on, or moving the clouds above. I'm not joking! They were moving the cloulds like it was their jobs or something. The whole thing made my head spin. "I take it you've never been to town quite like this here, judging by the expression you bear." Zecora giggled at me as I continued to stare wide eyed at the place with my jaw hanging. "It's not that..." I quickly lied. "It's just that I've never seen one so.... QUAINT before." Taking all this in was going to make my head pop. The town, the land and ponies all ozzed syrupy sweet goodness. The whole thing reminded me of a Disney cartoon. It was like I died and awoke in a little girls image of heaven. "Let us continue on our way, before we stand here wasting the day. I still need to get ingredients for my brews, and still need to find help for you." She stated as she began walking down the hill and on toward Ponyville. I shook my head to snap myself back into reality, before running off to catch up. "Hey! Wait up!" As we walked into town, I began to notice just how different I seemed to the other ponies. It wasn't like I was a deformed monster or anything, just that even I could tell I stood out like a soar thumb. I could tell it had in part been because I was a newcomer in their town, staring like an idiot while I walked around with my zebra friend. But the big reason I noticed was that I was the only pony without a tatoo on my flank. Every pony seemed to have one, except a few little fillies I spotted running around. Even Zecora had one on her rump. I was starting to feel like the off worlder that I truely was. "Don't worry too much, Mark." Zecora reassured me as she noticed how out of place I was feeling. "These ponies mean us no harm. They are just a simple, curious bunch. Its part of their charm." "It's not that I care about that." I plainly stated as I waved a hoof in the air. Highschool had made me used to strange stares I got from people long ago. "It's just that I've noticed that I'm the only adult here without a mark on my butt. Why is that?" The way Zecora stopped in mid-step almost made me slam into her. She turned to look at me as if I had just asked her how babies are born. "You don't know about cutie marks?" She asked in amazment. "Yeah, well.... I guess I must have skipped that part of class." I stated nervously as I rubbed the back of my head. Zecora gave me a long, studing look, almost like I was a strange new bug to her or something. She then finally closed her eyes, and sighed as she shook her head. "You are truely a strange one my friend." Yeah, well I'm not the one trying to rhyme everything I say. I thought as we moved on. As we started to pass the house that looked like it was made out of ginger bread, a pink mare walked out of it's doors. She was light pink, with darker pink color for her poofy hair and tail. Her eyes were blue, and when she saw Zecora & me, her face beamed with a big old smile that went from ear to ear. I also couldn't help but notice she had balloons on her flank. Her "cutie mark", I guess. "Zecora!" She happily screamed before rushing over and giving her a big friendly hug. "I've missed you so much." "Pinkie, it's good to see you as well." Zecora smiled as she returned the hug before releasing the hold. "Who's your friend?" Pinkie ask as she pointed a hoof over to me. "Is he new here?' Zecora calmly nodded. "Indeed so. I found him washed up on the river bed deep in the Everfree, chased by some timberwolfs. To find and help him heal safely has filled me with much glee." After hearing this, Pinkie took one look at me befor jumping with joy and clapping her front hooves together. "That is so cool!" She proclaimed before rushing up near me. Her snout was only about a foot away from mine. "That must have been really scary. Not as bad as that time Tirek tried to steal all the magic of the world and then tried to take over..... but I bet it was still pertty bad. Hey! We can do a double party to welcome you to Ponyville and for not getting eaten by tiberwolfs. I'm Pinkie Pie. What's you're name?" I just stared at her for a second, trying to take everything she just said, before I shook my head and answered. "I'm Mark." "Hi Mark. Oh, wow! You don't have a cutie mark. Does that mean you're full name is Mark Less? I'll have to introduce you to the cutie mark crusaders, they'll get a kick out you. Hey, I know! Why don't we all get together and have one big time party to welcome you?! We can welcome you to Ponyville, have you meet everypony, have thanks for not get eaten, and...." At that point she began to ramble on and on about a ton of things, all at once. Dear Lord! She's a motor mouth! She's worse then I was when I was a kid. I thought as I just watched her in amazment. How can she talk this long without needing air?! I spotted Zecora in the corner of my eye, smiling away as her friend talked on a word a minute. She was loving my reaction to all of this. "....and then we can go bowling on tuesday!" Pinkie finally finished. "Pinkie my friend," Zecora began slowly. "If it's not to to much trouble, I ask that Mark go with you. For I am busy and need to buy ingredients for my brews." She asked Pinkie. I looked at her with pleading eyes, begging, hoping, that she didn't leave me with this pink crazy pony. "Not at all, Zecora." Pinkie happily answered. "Anything for a friend of mine." Zecora nodded. "Thank you Pinkie Pie. For Mark is new to our land, and is in need of Princess Twilight's help. Now I must be off. Goodbye my friends, till we meet again." And with that, she waved a hoof goodbye before continuing on her way. Leaving me all alone with Pinkie Pie. Oh lord, help me. I thought in horror as Pinkie just smiled at me happily, unaware just how afraid her hyper-happy additude was making me feel. > Chapter 3: Welcome to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie maybe a motor mouth, but there is knowledge inside that noggin of hers. Through her rambles, I was able to piece together many things as we talked inside Sugarcube Corner. Like how I was now in the magical land of Equestria, which is filled with loads of creatures straight out of a D&D monster Manual, and was ruled by the now four alicorn princesses. Ponies were the dominate race of the land, and came in three types, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies. Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna Ruled up in Canterlot Castle, which could be seen even from Ponyville, on the side of the mountain. Their magic is so powerful that they could raise and lower the sun & moon. No joke! Apparently the laws of physics and reality worked differently then back on earth. Hell, even the pegasi controlled the weather! And the two princesses have been doing so for well over thousand years, which makes me wonder if all alicorns were ageless. Anyway, there was also Princess Cadance who ruled the Crystal Empire far to the north, which was literary just as it sounded. She had the power of love (ignoring the Back to the Future joke there) and was married to Twilight's brother. And then there was Twilight Sparkle herself, the new alicorn princess and resident of Ponyville. The huge crystal/castle/tree was her new home, after a battle against some evil lord named Tirek. Apparently, ever since Twilight moved from Canterlot to Ponyville, she's done nothing but fight one evil villian to the next. Defeating Nightmare Moon and saving Princess Luna from darkness. Stopping Discord, the draconequus creature of chaos, who was now their friend. Stopping Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changelings, from invading Canterlot during Princess Cadance's wedding. Helping Princess Cadance save the Crystal Empire from the evil lord Sombra, becoming an alicorn princess, and now saving Equestria from Tirek. If there is one thing I learned while listening to Pinkie Pie, it was DON'T FUCK WITH TWILIGHT! Or the other Princesses for that matter. Alicorn magic was not to be messed with, and I had no intention of testing their magical powers. "....And then I said, 'Oatmeal, are you crazy!'" Pinkie finished another one of her rambles before eatting a cupcake in one bite. I myself, was drinking a chocolate milkshake and enjoying a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies. It was Pinkie's treat. Apparently, she worked in the bakery with the owners of the Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. As I finished the last of my shake, Mrs. Cake walked out from the back of the kitchen and headed to the table where me and Pinkie was sitting. "Would you like another milkshake, dear?" She asked me as she took the now empty glass. I just shook my head no and finished eating one last cookie. I love sweets just as much as the next guy, but two shakes and a plate and a half of cookies was more then enough to fill my empty belly. Oh! Speaking of bellies, I found out the different types of things these ponies ate. Fruit and veggies were a must, no getting around that. But they also ate grains, nuts, dairy and some fish. Which meant I could eat bread, peanut butter, cheeses and fried fish sandwitches. But what made me the most happy was the fact I could still eat katsup, mustard, and hot sause! Now, to most people this might not seem like much, but back on earth I used to put katsup on almost everything. So being able to continue eating foods like I did back on earth made me giddy. "I gotta say, Mark. You sure have been through one heck of a trip. So how are you enjoying yourself in Equestria so far?" "Not bad, Pinkie." I calmly said. I had lied a little and said I was from another land, but everything else I said was straight forward. And to be honest, I was scared at first by being zapped into another world of talking ponies, but now it wasn't looking to bad. Everybody I saw or talked to seemed to be very nice, and they didn't even care about me not having a cutie mark. Mostly. It was when a little filly walked into the shop did anyone else noticed my blank rump. She was a cute little unicorn with a white coat, purple mane and tail with a pink streak, and cute green eyes. She saw Pinkie Pie sitting at a table with me, smiled at us, and walked over to where we were. "Hi Pinkie." she said, stopping beside us. "Hi Sweetie Belle. You here for your usual?" Pinkie asked almost matter of factly as she took a sip from her shake. "Yeah..." Sweetie sighed before reaching over and taking one of the last chocolate chip cookies that were on the plate. "Rarity's working on a new line. So she wanted me to pick up some snacks while she worked. You know how she is sometimes...." she trailed off as she began to take a bite of the cookie. But it was when she took a good look at me did she freeze in her tracks. "Who is that?" She pointed at me with wide eyes, which for some reason was focused on my butt. "Oh, this is Mark Less Stevens." Pinkie pointed out happily, unaware of how the little filly was staring at me. "He's new to Equestria, and is looking for Twilight for some help." "Why?" The little filly asked. That seemed to have thrown her off for the moment. "Seems he was zapped here by some strange crystal, and is trying to find a way home." Pinkie answered for me. "You don't have a cutie mark." Sweetie said. It wasn't a question, but a statement. "You got me there." I sheepishly answered. "Guess I never got around to getting it." Sweetie looked at me as if I was a strange new type of bug, (seemed to be going around lately) before rushing over to the counter to grab a box from Mrs. Cake. "Well, I gotta run. See you!" She yelled before bolting out of the shop like there was a bomb about to go off or something. "What was all that about?" I asked, puzzeled by the little filly's actions. "I don't know." Pinkie said between gulps of her shake. "Maybe she's got gas." After Letting my stomach settle, we decided to continue our tour across Ponyville. Pinkie showed me lots of different shops, including her friend Rarity's Carousel Boutique. But why there was a shop for only quills & sofas i'll never know. Anyway, as we made our way through the center of town, we came upon some food stalls selling many types of fruits and veggies. But when Pinkie saw an apple stall, she almost hopped right on over to it happily. Working at the stall was a light orange earth pony with a yellow mane, which was tied into a ponytail and yellow tail. I also noticed she had frickles on her cheeks, a cowboy hat on her head and pretty green eyes I couldn't help but look at. "Hey Applejack! How's it going?" Pinkie asked as she stopped hopping right next to her. "Hi, Pinkie. not too bad today." Applejack answered with a small smile, her voice sound like it had a country twang to it. "Everypony has been stocking up for the next celebration, so sells have been good." She then took a moment to remove an empty tray off the cart before gazing over at me. "Who's your coltfriend?" "This is Mark Less Stevens. he's new to Equestria." Pinkie told her as she took an apple from the cart and began eatting it. How can she still be hungry after eatting all those sweets? Applejack paid no mind to Pinkie. Instead, she walked over to were I was standing and held out her hoof for me to shake. "Howdy partner. My name's Applejack, pleassure ta meet ya!" "Likewise." I replied as I shook her hoof. Boy, she had a strong grip. "So... How ya all enjoying your stay so far?" She asked. "Good. This place sure is quite nice." I answered. It was true, I was enjoying my stay so far. And if it wasn't for being turned into a talking pony trapped in a magical world full of monsters, or the fact that I was worried about my folks back home, I wouldn't mind staying for a bit. Well, that and the fact that I couldn't eat any meat except for fish, may have been a small factor. "So what'cha all doing, Pinkie?" Applejack asked. "We're going to the tree castle to speak with Twilight. Care to join us?" "Nah, afraid ah can't. Ah got ta finish up here first." "Oh, okey dokey lokey. We still up for next week's party?" "Of course, Pinkie. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Applejack replied. "See you later, AJ." Pinkie waved goodbye as she starting walking on. "Bye Pinkie." AJ called back as returned back to her stall. I gave AJ one last look before heading off to catch up with Pinkie Pie. From what I understood from her rambling, she and her six friends were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Which from all I heard from, was pretty much one of the most powerful type of magic in this world. They used it many several times to defeat their foes, and could now summon it almost at will. Which made them some of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. I just met two of them, and heard about two others. Which meant two down and four to go, with Princess Twilight being the final meeting. As we started to get near the Castle-tree, we spotted a curious sight. Standing next to a near by tree, was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. She appeared to be talking to a group of squirrels in a quite, sweet voice as they gathered around her. "Okay little ones, be sure to gather as many nuts for your families as you can." While the mare was busy talking to the critters, Pinkie Pie walked up from behind her in an almost quite manner. For a second, I thought she was trying not to spook them, but that bubble popped as soon as she opened her mouth. "Hey Fluttershy! What cha doing?" She asked loudly, spooking the yellow mare and the critters with a start. While the mare jumped, turning around and relaxing as soon as she spotted Pinkie, the squirrels all scattered and ran in different directions. Some dropped a few acorns as they ran away from the area. "Oh, hi Pinkie." The mare, Fluttershy, said in a soft voice. "I was just helping the squirrels gather nuts for the year." While the statement she said flew over my head, I couldn't help but stare at the pretty mare with the gentle voice. Her long, flowing pink mane ran down the side of her face, covering her beautiful blue eyes. Now, I've never been much for the mushy stuff. I was always the type of guy who was more likely to go to the movies to watch action flicks then romance ones. But looking at that cute yellow mare just made my heart flutter( ha! Get it?) and my head all fuzzy, as it took all my willpower not to run over to her and give her a big old hug. She was just so damn cute! "Umm... so who's you friend, Pinkie?" She asked as she glanced over at me, before looking down at thr floor. It was then I noticed I had been staring right at her the entire time. No wonder she she must have seemed uncomfortable, there was a strange stallion just looking at her with a big dumb look on his face. "I'm Mark." I practically squicked trying to save face, but only succeeded in digging myself a bigger hole. "It's... nice to meet you." We both shared a glance before we turned our gazes to the ground. We both stayed that way for several moments. "Mark here is new to Equestria..." Pinkie began, cutting the awkward silence. "He's from another land, and was zapped here when he found a strange crystal, by some type of magic." "Oh my!" Fluttershy blurtered out as she looked at me with a look of concern on her face. "That must have been awful. Are you alright? You weren't hurt were you?" "Nahh...." I exhaled. I was only able to look into her eyes for a moment, before turning my gaze back to the ground. "He appeared in the middle of the Everfree Forest, and was chased over a waterfall by a pack of timberwolfs. Then Zecora found him and brought him here." Pinkie said in almost one breath, taking a hoof and patting me on the back. I was over a cliff, not a waterfall. I thought to myself. But before I could voice that fact to Pinkie, we was interrupted when three little fillies came running over to where we was. I noticed two things about them; one, they were the same blank flanked fillies I spotted earlier, and two, they were being lead by Sweetie Belle. "Here he is!" Sweetie Belle proclaimed as she pointed a hoof over at me. "Ooooooooooooooooo" the other two looked me over like I was the second coming of Jesus or something. I noticed one was a yellow earth pony with a red mane & tail, and a cute pink bow on the back of her head. The other was a orange pegasus with a purple mane & tail, and little wings on her side, that seemed to flutter at a crazy speed. "Hi girls, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy was the first to respond. I was too busy being dumb strucked and surrounded by the three fillies, as they looked me over from head to foot. "Hi Fluttershy." The yellow one with the pink bow answered her with a smile. "Sweetie Belle was telling us about an adult stallion without a cutie mark, and we just had ta see if it was true." "girls, I'd like you to meet Mark Less Stevens." Pinkie said, waving a hoof in my direction. "So it's true..." the orange pegasus said as she walked around me before stopping right infront of me, looking right at me with a puzzled expression. "You really don't have a cutie mark. Why is that, mister?" "I guess I never got a chance to earn one." I replied calmly. Hoping I didn't say the wrong thing. "But, didn't that bother ya growing up?" The one with the bow asked. "Didn't the other kids make make fun of ya alot for it?" The way she was asking me, I could tell these fillies have been through some bullying before. Probably because they still didn't have their cutie marks yet ethier. "Sometimes." I answered honestly. Remembering how it was for me growing up. "Sure they made fun of me, but I'd never let it get to me. I'd either block it out or confront them about it. I never let them push me around too much, but I'd never tried to stoop to their level." The three fillies looked at me in wonder, taking everything I had said to heart. "Besides, I had some pretty awesome friends growing up, so I never it let it get me down." I finished with a small smile. The three fillies looked at each other as they pondered on what I had just said. I noticed that both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy smiled at me wramly, giving me an approving nod. "Girls, why don't you introduce yourself." Fluttershy stated to the fillies, drawing their attention. The three fillies gave each other a nod before drawing a breath all at once. "WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" They all yelled in perfect union. The sheer volume of their voices made me cringe. "I'm Applebloom." The one with the pink bow went first. "And I'm Scootaloo." The little pegasus decleared proudly. "Well, it's nice to meet you all." I said with a smile. Well, at least they ain't as bad as some of the kids I know back home. I thought to myself. I had babysitted for a few kids in my day, and let me tell you, it was hell! "So, are you still going to go see Twilight?" Sweetie Belle asked meekly. "Yep. We sure are." Pinkie replied happily. "Say, would you girls like to come as well?" "Uh huh." They all nodded at once. " If it's alright with you, that is." Sweetie shyly stated. "Of course we don't mind. The more the merrier." Pinkie stated as she patted her on top of her head. "Come on girls, let's go." But as we all began to continue to walk on, we was interrupted by the sounds of screams and the sight of ponies running in all directions. Most of the ponies seemed to be running away from the center of town, where we just came from not too long ago. It was when a grey pegasus started to fly by us, did the girls begin respond. I however, was taken back by the scene. "Ditzy Doo!" Pinkie screamed at the pegasus, getting her attention and getting her to stop in place. She hovered there for a few seconds before landing beside us. "Ditzy, what's happening?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. "It's horrible! A huge rock monster is attacking Ponyville!" Oh crap. > Chapter 4: A rude visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What?!" Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, the CMC and me all almost said in perfect harmony. The sudden news of Ponyville being attacked by a monster threw us all off guard. "It just seemed to have appeared out of nowhere! It's been stomping through town and is destroying anything in it's way!" Ditzy Doo confirmed as she pointed towards the center of town. Without a word, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy bolted toward the chaos, followed by Ditzy Doo and the CMC. It only took me a second to realize I had been left behind. Normally people run AWAY from danger, not toward it. These ponies are crazy. I thought before running after them inorder to catch up. "Hey......wait up!" It didn't take us long to catch up to the scene of destruction. A trail of debris stretched from the outside of town and ran clear into the smack dab in the middle. Huge footprints followed the path, and seemed to be going in a straight line. Anything that was in the path was lefted in ruins. Flower gardens, sides of some houses and even a few food stalls where smatched into bits as the monsters trail of destruction continued to grow, bit by bit. And at the end of the trail, standing tall in the middle of town was a huge rock monster. it's whole body was made of rock and stones, as it's form resembled almost that of a human. While it didn't have a mouth to speak of, it did have two eye holes, which were glowing a dark green glow that almost gave it a look of evil. My past knowledge as a D&D player pointed out that this could be a golem, but I wasn't too sure about that. Whatever it was though, it sure looked pissed. "Put that down ya big old pile of rocks!" A country voice yelled, snapping our attention near the 'golem'. Nearby the monster was Applejack who was fuming as it picked up her apple stall and raised it high over it's head. "You better put that down right now!" AJ demanded. But the monster just turned it's head toward her, before throwing the stall at her in full force. Applejack barely managed to jump out of the way, before the stall smatched into pieces on the ground were she just was. "APPLEJACK!" Applebloom screamed, before trying to run to where her sister was. Fluttershy reached out in time to hold her back, keeping her from getting into danger. "Stay back, Applebloom! It's too dangerous." Fluttershy commanded, as she did her best to hold the filly back. "But.....but my sister..." Applebloom said between sobs, tears beginning to form in her eyes. While that was going on, Applejack was already back on her hooves and was glearing up at the monster with a determination in her eyes. "So, ya want ta play like that, do ya?!" AJ stated before pulling out a lasso from her side. Where did she pull that from? I wondered. She held the rope by her mouth and began to swing it around over her head. Then with a quick flick of her head, she sent the lasso flying, wrapping it around a near by barrel. She then gave the rope a quick snap and sent the barrel flying toward the golem. However, the monster swung it's arm wildly, hitting the barrel and smashing it in on impact. Pickles flew everywhere. "Aww.... applesause!" AJ cursed in frustration, as the golem turned to face her, and began walking at her with quaking steps. But before it could reach AJ, a steak of rainbow flew by it, circling around it a few times before stopping above it. There, just out of reach, hovered a pegasus. She was blue, with a rainbow streak colored mane & tail, starring the monster down with her purple colored eyes (well, it looked like a purple color to me). Her whole body stroke a pose of determination, making it obvious that she had attitude. "It's Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo proclaimed happily, making it clear she held her in high regard. "She'll deal with that stupid monster." I hope your right Scootaloo. I thought as I gave the filly a quick look, before turning my gaze back to the action. "You picked the wrong town to mess with ugly!" Rainbow Dash yelled at the golem, her arms folded infront of her. "You better turn around and leave before I put a hurting on you." The golem had other plans though, as it began waving it's arms around trying to swat Rainbow Dash out of the air. Dash was able to advoid it's blows easily enough, keeping out of reach as she flew around it. She Reminded me of a fly bothering a sweaty person on a hot summer day. While that was going on, Applejack used the distraction from Rainbow dash to throw her lasso around it's neck, pulling it tight. The golem stopped swinging it's arms at Dash and placed it's stone hands around it's neck, trying in vain to rip the lasso off. "Alright, they got it!" Pinkie cheered as AJ and Dash used the moment to try to tame the monster. AJ used the lasso to hold the golem in place with seer strength, while Dash used her speed to fly around and hit it with each pass. With each hit the golem staggered back, until it fell on one knee to keep from falling backwords. Everyone started cheering in delight as the battle looked to be in the ponies favor, even I couldn't help but look on in awe. I can't believe they're holding their own against a rock monster! I thought in surprise. Even without the Elements of Harmony, these girls are a force to be reckoned with. As the golem's arms fell to the side and it's body began to sag, AJ started walking closer to it while Dash lowered down some. Judging from the looks of it, they planned on tying the monster up and dragging it out of town. And that's when everything went to hell. Before anyone could react, the golem shot it's arm out to grab hold of the rope, and wanked it back with all it's strength. Applejack went sailing into the air, before slamming head first into one of the only stalls left intact. Cabbage and wood flew everywhere from the sheer force of the impact. "APPLEJACK!" Everyone yelled in horror, afraid for their fallen friend. From the small movements she made, it was clear she was still alive, however it was clear she was out of the fight. "Now you've done it!" Rainbow Dash yelled out before flying at the monster in full force, spinning around and around it in a rainbow streak. Faster and faster she flew, until the rainbow around the golem began to form into a whirlwind. Wind from it was so strong that some loose pieces of debris and veggies began to fly around in the air. All of a sudden, I was hit by a fly-by cabbage. "Ouch!" I yelped as I held the side of my head. The golem wasn't empressed by Dash's moves however, and waited for the right moment before throwing it's arm straight out into the whirlwind. The wind and whirlwind dissipated as Rainbow Dash slammed right into the golem's fist, stopping dead in her tracks. She fell to the ground infront of the monster, completely stunned by the blow. But before she could even shake the cobwebs out of her head, the golem raised it's foot high in the air, before bringing it down on top of her with a thunderous boom. "RAINBOW DASH!" Everyone, including me, screamed in horror. At this point, the fillies were crying for there fallen friends, while Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo wrapped their arms around them. Trying their best to comforting the children, as well as themselves. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead... I chanted to myself, almost pleading. The whole event had me biting nails... er, hooves. The golem pulled it's foot away to study it's work, a footprint about a foot deep in the ground, with Rainbow Dash embedded in the middle of it. Her soft moans let us know she was still alive, but she too was defeated. Thank god for that! I sighed, glad to know the mare was still breathing. But my relief was short lived however, as the golem turned it's attention straight at us and began to slowly step toward us. But before anyone could react, Pinkie Pie rushed right for the monster. "Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy & I both yelled, surprised by our friend's action. Wait, did I just call Pinkie my friend? Pinkie stopped to meet the golem halfway, before reaching off to the side and pulling a cannon straight out of nowhere. How the hell did she do that?! "Hey you big meanie!" Pinkie yelled up at the monster, before aiming the cannon right at it. "You leave my friends alone!" She then pulled a cord in the back, firing the cannon and releasing a burst of confetti and streamers right out of it. But a bowling ball was also shot out of the cannon, hitting the golem square in the chest, and almost knocked it on it's ass. It was able to straighten itself up, but the blow had left a serious dent in the middle of it's chest. "Alright! Way to go Pinkie Pie, keep it up!" I yelled with excitement. Pinkie turned to give me a quick nod, before pulling the cord over and over again. Wave after wave of confetti, streamers and random objects flew out of the cannon, hitting the golem. As this was going on, a white unicorn ran up to us. She had a well combed purple mane & tail, which curled at the end. She had very pretty blue eyes and...wait a minute, is she wearing makeup?! Anyway, one thing was for sure, she was B-E-A-UTIFUL! If not for the pressing matter at hand, I would have been taken by the cute mare. "Sweetie Belle!" The white unicorn cried out as she ran to the little filly and embraced her in a warm hug. "Rarity..." Sweetie Bell replied between sobs as she returned the hug. "I heard screaming outside, and went to find you as fast as I...." Rarity trailed off as she looked up and noticed the destruction infront of us. "Oh my... what happened?!" "It's horrible!" Applebloom sobbed as she pointed toward the golem, still being shot at by Pinkie's strange cannon. "That huge rock monster is destroying everything! It... it..." "It already took out Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and now it's after Pinkie Pie!" Scootaloo exclaimed, fear plan as day on her face. Rarity released Sweetie Belle from her hold and looked on to the battle. It was at that time that Pinkie's luck ran out.... she was out of ammo. "Uhhh....can I have a time out?" Pinkie sheepishly asked the golem, but seeing as it was beginning to move toward her, the answer was no. Rarity quickly turned to face us, with a stern look of determination on her face. "Ditzy Doo, dear, look after the girls. Fluttershy, check on Applejack and Dash." She ordered, before rushing off toward Pinkie and the golem. Fluttershy gave a small whimper, before spreading her wings and flying off toward her injured friends. "Don't worry girls, everything will be alright." Ditzy Doo reassured the girls as she wrapped her arms around them. The girls said nothing but sniffed as they looked on to the action ahead. I hope you're right Ditzy. I thought to myself, trying my best not to freak out with worry. I hope your right... The golem stopped walking toward Pinkie, before reaching down at the ground and slamming it's fist deep into the earth below. Using all it's strength, it pulled out a huge hunk of rock. Holding the boulder in it's hand, it threw it hard like a pitcher with a baseball, straight at Pinkie Pie. She let out a small Eeepp, before cowering in fear, as the the rock raced at her at neckbreacking speeds. But all of a sudden, the boulder stopped just a few feet infront of Pinkie, held in the air by a strange blue aura. Pinkie relaxed as she looked around to find the cause of her rescue and spotted Rarity, her horn glowing the same color as she trotted toward her. "Rarity!" Pinkie happily proclaimed, thankful to see her friend. The boulder landed on the ground, before transforming into a small pony statue in a flash of light. "Pinkie, darling, don't you know better then to play catch with roughians like him?" She asked as she walked up to her friend. "They always play too rough." "Yeah, tell me about it." Pinkie replied. "If Maud was here, she'd give this mean old rock a good spanking." Before the two could continue talking, however, the golem continued it's attack as it charged the two mares. They ran out of the way, stopping on either side of the monster, before pressing their own attack. While Pinkie Pie zig-zagged around the golem, keeping it distracted, Rarity used her magic to throw loose debris at it's head. While it proved to do nothing more then piss the golem off, it did give Fluttershy a chance to check on her friends. Applejack was easy to wake, looking to only have a few cuts and scraps on her body, but as they walked over to Rainbow Dash it became clear she was favoring a limp on one of her legs. Rainbow Dash didn't wake up when they tried to stir her, however, forcing them to place her on AJ's back before walking away from the fight and over toward us. "Applejack!" Applebloom cried as she hugged her sister, after she placed Dash on the ground beside her. "Ah was so worried!" "It's okay, sugarcube. I'm alright." She said as she returned the hug. "Will she be okay?" Scootaloo asked as she walked over to the unconscious Dash, before looking up to the others with teary, pleading eyes. "She's pretty banged up, but I think she'll pull through." Fluttershy answered as she gave Dash a quick look over. "Shoot, ah can't believe how freakin' tough that thing is!" Applejack cursed as she kicked the dirt below her hooves. "How are we going to stop this thing?" I asked the others, earning a questioning look from them. "I mean, can't you girls just blast it with your harmony beam or something?!" "No can do partner." AJ answered as she shook her head with a sigh. "With Dash down for the count and Twilight not here, we can't use the power of the elements." "Great..." I muttered. Why is it that all the powerful deus ex machina powers always have a catch to them?! Meanwhile, the golem had grew tired of Pinkie Pie & Rarity's actions, taking both it's fists and slamming them into the ground. There was a rumble as the ground shook a little, before rock hands appeared beside both mares, holding them in place. The golem's arms moved and reformed, until they were back to normal as he held the girls both infront of him. He shook them afew times before he chucked them, sending them both sailing into the air. but before they could slam into a nearby house, they were both enveloped in a purple aura. They slowly moved across the air, before landing next to a puprle unicorn. As I got a better look, I saw that she also had wings on her sides and a crown on her head. I didn't have to guess to know who she was. "Twilight!" Pinkie and Rarity exclaimed as they gave their friend a quick group hug. Once they released their hold, Twilight began walking toward the golem, a mean snarl on her face. "No one hurts my friends!" She proclaimed, earning the golem's full attention. "This ends now!" Unfolding her wings, she took off to the air, soaring high above the monster. She hovered there few a few seconds as her horn glowed with a bright purple light, before shooting a magical energy beam straight at it. The golem flinched in pain as the beam hit, making it fall to one knee. Twilight pressed on the attack, flying around the monster as she continued to fire beam after beam at it. Each hit took it's toll, as it's body began to crack in someplaces while chips crumbled off it's sides. The golem tried to fight back, reaching for the nearest chunks of debris and throwing them at Twilight. She avoided them easily enough, swerving and diving in the air before firing more magic beams at him. When a direct hit made one of the golem's arms crumble apart, everyone began to cheer with excitement. Twilight landed near the golem, while it slumped to the ground, using it's knees and one good arm to keep upright. It was clear the battle was almost over. Thank god! "It's over." Twilight stated as she slowly walked closer to it. As the Golem began to shake violently, a green glow filling it's cracks, she stopped and watched it curiously. "What the...." Suddenly it's head shot up, it's eyes burning with a green light, before shooting green energy beams out of it's eyes and straight at Twilight. Catching her off guard, the beams hit Twilight with full force, Causing her to scream in pain. The force from the blast caused her to fly back, landing on the ground with a small thud. "TWILIGHT!!" The girls screamed, as Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and AJ rushed to their fallen friend. They stopped in horror, however, as the golem stood back up, the green energy around it began healing it's wounds. Though it's busted arm remained as a stubble. "Great, now what are we going to do?" Pinkie asked in frustration, while the others looked between the monster and Twilight. Twilight was still alive, but that hit she took left her out cold. It was then that the golem turned it's attention towards Ditzy, the kids and me. It's green glowing eyes bore down at us as it began making it's way towards us with thunderous stomps. "Run!" Applejack yelled over at us, trying to get the girls to run for cover. But fear held them in place, as they stared at the golem in horror while holding each other. As the monster started getting closer, it's eyes never left us. As I looked up in it's eyes, I could swear the thing was staring at me, almost as if..... And then it hit me, It's after me! The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Why?! Why would it be after me? I'm just a nobody, an average joe. I'm not even a real pony, just.... And then the pieces began to fall into place. Of course! It's not really after me, but the crystal. Wait a minute, where is the crystal anyway?! I mean, it's not like I have any pockets. I thought to myself as I tried to figure out what to do. As I glanced between the oncoming golem and the girls next to me, I felt a fire ignite inside my belly. I can't let this thing hurt the girls! But what am I supposed to do? I'm no hero! If this thing could take out Twilight and the others like they was nothing, then what chance do I have?! With the golem only a moment away from reaching us, the decision was already made out for me. Oh fuck me! "Hey you big ass ugly pile of rocks!" I shouted as I dashed out infornt of the thing. "You want me? Come and get me!" I declared before running out of it's reach. Sure enough, the golem's attention was now focused squarely on me. Looks like I was right. Dammit... All I had to do was lead this thing away from the girls and out of the city, giving the others a chance to recover and hopefully save my ass. The golem had other plans though, as it shot it's arm into the ground and then grabbing me before I had a chance to even dodge the attack. Reforming's it's arm as it pulled me close to it, I tried to struggle free myself from it's grasp but to no avail. As it pulled me infront of it's face to stare at me, I could swear I thought I heard an evil laughter inside my head. Then with a flick of it's arm, it threw me into the wall of a nearby house. I slammed hard against the wall, the force knocking the wind right out of me, before I fell to the ground in pain. My whole body was paralyzed as it throbbed with pain, my senses were shattered. My vision was blurry, my head was spinning, and I thought I heard Pinkie and the other girls hollered my name, but I couldn't tell past the ringing in my ears. It took me a moment to snap out of it and gather my thoughts, but by then the golem was right on top of me. I looked on in horror as the golem raised it's arm, ready to finish me off. Holy shit, I'm going to die! In the corner of my eyes I saw Ditzy shielding the kids from the carnage about to happen, as tears flowed down her face. To the other side, I saw the other girls waking Twilight in the hopes she could reach me in time, but I doubted it. I just couldn't believe this was going to be how I was going to die, in a magical world of talking ponies! The whole thing made me angry. If someone else had been in my shoes, this world would have been all sunshine and lollipops. But me, I get to be chased, attacked and then killed by fucking monsters! Rage filled my thoughts as the burning in my stomach began to grow and grow. Fucking monster, in a fucking world of FUCKING PONIES!! I thought, almost seeing red, as I watched helplessly as the golem was about to strike. "DAMMIT!!!!" I screamed as it started to bring it's fist down on me. Then I felt something inside me snap. Suddenly a blinding flash of light erupted from my body, covering everything in a white light. My senses were gone, my body went numb as light continued to pour from me. My head went fuzzy before everything suddenly went black. > Chapter 5: In Twilight's Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groaned as I finally woke up, my body feeling like I had worked for three days straight. I found myself laying on a silk sheet bed, looking up at a ceiling in an unknown room. Sitting up, I started to get a good look at my new found surroundings. The place looked high end and well keeped, filled with everything a bedroom could have. Closets, cabinets, a table with a mirror, a book shelf filled with books and hat rack was all over the room. As I got a better looked, I noticed that the walls looked to be made out of a shiny, solid looking type of crystal. It didn't take me long to figure out that I was now in Twilight's castle-tree, which meant the girls must have brought me here. But where are the girls? I thought as my worried mind began to replay the events in in head. What happened to the golem? Is everyone okay? What the hell happeneed to me?! "Who?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to look around the room for it's source. There, sitting perched on the hat rack was an owl, looking at me with unblinking eyes. "Who, who?" "Uhhhh.... Hey there." I sheepishly said to the owl, unsure how to handle the situation. The owl just stared at me, blinking once, before hopping off the rack and flying out of the opened door. Okay, that was weird. I thought. I took a minute to pull my arms out and stretch, giving my back a much needed pop. My body was still stiff and soar, but at least I was still alive. After making sure nothing was broken, I then began to slide off the bed and stand up. Just as I was about to figure out what to do next, a voice came from the door. "So, you're finally awake I see." Twilight said as she walked into the room. Following her in was Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. As well as a small looking purple lizard that was walking on two legs, staying close behind. As I looked at them, I noticed that both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were both wrapped in bandages. While AJ only had one on the injured leg she had, Dash had bandages almost covering her whole body. And judging by the look she had, she wasn't too pleased about it. The girls all looked happy to see me, especially Pinkie and Fluttershy, who's faces almost looked like they were concerned about me. Pinkie bounced past the group before giving me a big hug . "Mark! I'm so glad to see that you're okay!" Pinkie exclaimed, tighting her hold on me and causing me to yelp alittle. "Whoa, easy there Pinkie." I said getting her to loosen her hold. "I still ache all over." "We was so worried about you." Fluttershy said as she walked up closer to me. "You were asleep for almost two days." Two days?! I thought with a surprised look plastered on my face. "That was an awfully brave thing ya did, trying ta take on that monster all by your lonesome." AJ said as she took a hoof to tip her hat. "Stupid, but brave." "Indeed. We can't think you enough for keeping that horrible brute from attacking our sisters." Rarity said with a nod. "That was so cool how you blasted that thing away!" Rainbow Dash said looking at me with amazment. "I never seen anything like that before. Let alone from an earth pony." "Exactly!" Twilight exclaimed as she began to slowly walk toward me. "No earth pony should be able to cast magic. And yet you was able to use one of the most powerful spells I have ever seen, effortlessly, to defeat a rock golem." She stated as she stopped infront of me, giving me a studing look. "I find it a little hard to believe that some strange new earth pony, who can use magic, just happens to show up the same day our town is attacked." While I was a little shocked that she was giving me an interrogation, I was even MORE surprised with what she had just said. "I... I used magic?" I asked, totally blown away by it all. "You mean you don't remember?" Twilight asked, surprised by my question. I just shook my head no to reply. "When the golem tried to finish you off, you exploded in a massive ball of magical energy, completely disintegrating it. You were then hovering in the air for several minutes, engulfed in a magical green aura, with your eyes filled with a solid green glow. Then you suddenly returned to normal, falling to the ground completely unconscious." "You also had a cutie mark." Pinkie chimed in. "It was in a shape of a crystal. But it disappeared when you stopped glowing." She finished, almost apologeticly. I just stood there staring at nothing, as the wheels in my head turned to try to go through everything. Magic... I still can't believe I used magic. But how? Could it be because of that damn crystal? Did it give me some unknown power? Questions filled my head as I tried to make sense of it all, earning a throbbing headache for my trouble. While this was going on, the girls were giving each other puzzeled looks, almost as if they were trying to figure out what to make of me. The silence was broken when Twilight finally spoke. "So... Mark was it? The others tell me you were seeking my help earlier in order to get back home, something about being teleported in Equestria?" She asked, pausing to look me straight in the eyes. I sheepishly nodded before she continued. "And then a golem shows up to attack Ponyville right at the same time you happen to be in town. While the girls tell me you weren't the one controlling the golem, I still believe it was connected to you in someway." she stated, confirming out loud what I was thinking myself. "Somepony must have sent that golem after you. But why? Could it be because of your strange magic?" She asked, as she started pacing back and forth in front of me, pondering the questions she had just asked. "In any case, this matter will have to be looked into further." She said as she stopped pacing to look straight at me. "I have already sent word to Princess Celestia about these matters, and she should be here soon to help us make sense of all this. In the mean time, take some time to relax and look around the castle. My assistant Spike will help you with anything you might need." She said as she pointed at the purple lizard. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we must prepare for the princesses arrival. Come on girls." And with that, she and the others began walking out of the room. Some gave me a quick glance, their eyes full of concern, before exiting through the door. Soon it was just me and the purple lizard standing in the room. "So..... your Twilight's assistant?" I asked Spike. "Number ONE assistant!" Spike corrected. "I've been with Twilight ever since I was just an egg. She's like a big sister to me." "Huh." I replied. "Uhh, Spike, I'd hate to ask, but what type of lizard are you?" I had to ask. "I'm not a lizard, I'm a dragon!" He answered, looking almost offended by my question. "Haven't you ever seen a baby dragon before?" He asked, I just shook my head. "Wow. You really aren't from Equestria then." "Tell me about it. Say, you don't know where the kitchen is do you? And this isn't a slur on your ethnicity in any way...." "Come on, then." He rolled his eyes, before he bebopped down the hall. I practically had to run to keep up with him. "It this a race?" I asked. "Oh, sorry." He slowed his pace a fraction. "So do you guys live here?" "Yep. Well, me and Twilight do anyway. The others only come here to spend the night ever now and then, or visit when something big happens." "Do you like it here?" He looked at me, surprised. "What's not to like? Have you seen this place?" "Fair enough." I relied as we continued our trip to the kitchen. The place sure was big. As we pasted several halls and went down a flight of stairs, I became aware of two things. One, this place could house almost a hundred, and two, we weren't the only people here. About every hall we turned, we saw guards standing watch, each wearing a type of gleaming metal armor. Spike informed me that they were sent at Princess Celestia's request, to guard the castle and the new princess. Twilight wasn't too pleased by it, but knew better then to argue with Celestia. As we passed a few opened doors, I noticed some maids go to and fro, cleaning and touching the place up. One thing was clear, Twilight sure was living the high life as a princess. We went down a couple more hallways and through a swinging door, and lo! Unto us a kitchen appeared. "Jeez, finally," I complained. "If I was starving and thirsty, I'd have died by now!" Spike cleared his throat. "About, that. Umm.... Do you need.... I mean, what can I fix for you?" "Buddy, the only thing I need you to get me is a teapot." He jumped toward a tower of cabinets, rooting around in one, and then finally emerged with a bright gold pot, the kind that shrieked bloody murder when the water boiled. "Thanks." I walked about ten feet to the sink after taking the teapot from Spike--- Twilight's kitchen was bigger then my living room--- and began to fill it. "Want some?" I asked. "Nahh." he answered as he sat on a chair by a nearby counter. "Suit yourself." I said, as I rooted some cupboards looking for some tea bags. I was soon able to find a box of those, as well as a bag of chips. 'Nacho Flavor' they said. "Score!" I said, walking back over to the now filled pot while opening the bag of chips. "Boy, you must have really been hungry." Spike watched as I devoured the bag of chips before continuing to make myself a pot of tea. "Well I am! It's been two days since I ate anything and my body is still recovering after becoming a living bomb! I just need something to help coat my stomach while I heal up." I took the teapot, which I had been swinging around in agitation--- don't ask me how I was able to hold things in my hoof--- and went to the smallest stove. The one with only eight burners. "Calm down before you need your blood pressure checked." He said anxiously. "Sorry, I'm still just trying to get used to everything." I sighed as I walked over to the counter that Spike was sitting by, which was long enough to slaughter a cow on and took a seat next to him. "Man, I still can't get over what I can and can't eat now. I mean, it's cool I can still eat just about everything else that I used to eat back home, but I sure am going to miss everything else that I can't." "What are you talking about?" Spike looked at me puzzled. "Meat!" I proclaimed, trying not to cry at the thought. "No more hot dogs, no more cheeseburgers, or grilled steaks. Chicken Patties, chicken nuggets, sausage biscuits and bacon! Oh man, I'm gonna cry right now." There was a clang behind Spike as he jumped off the seat, knocking it to the floor. "You...... you eat meat?!" Was he....? He was! He was actually backing away from me. "But you're not.... you're a pony! You shouldn't be eatting meat. I... I can't stay in here with you, I'm sorry. You seem rather nice and all, but I...." "QUIT IT!" I snapped. "All that stammering is making me nervous. I'm not going to bite you. I'm not hungry. Okay, well I am, but I ain't going to attack you or anything. Back home I was an omnivore, so I ate both meat and other things. Besides, I have to cook my food first, and your scales look too tough to skin off." Spike was squished up against the far wall. I could barely see him. Stupid industrial-sized kitchen. "Well.... I suppose.... and you are interesting." He forced a smile. At least he was slowly pulling away from the corner. "Don't worry little dude, I'm not going to hurt you. Hell, I don't even think I can." "You really aren't form Equestria are you?" "Haven't we been over this already? Your attention span is as tiny as your claws. What can I say? I'm an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, drenched with..." "None of that! Who are you?" He was very close now--- crossed the kitchen floor pretty quick!--- and was staring into my face. I shrugged. "I'm just... me, I guess. Just Mark. At least, that's who I've always been." "Hmm.... Well, I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Spike the dragon." He gingerly stuck his hand out in a closed fist, doubtlessly expecting me to try to bite it. Instead I just gave it a small bump with my hoof. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise.... I guess." While I laughed at that, he walked over to the fallen chair, picking it back up and putting it back next to the counter before sitting back down on it. All while keeping move than a casual eye on me. "Well, it's certainly been interesting meeting you. It's been awfully quite around here lately. Your the most unique thing that's happened around here since...er...." he trailed off. "Pretty quite place to live, huh?" "Oh, yes. Thank Celestia!" He exclaimed, before he lowered his head. "Sorry about that." "Jeez, relax will you? I thought assistants were supposed to be cool and collective most of the time." "Not on days like today," he said dryly. After tea, Spike lead me into what I took to be the throne room. In the center of the room was six thrones, all in a huge circle. All they needed was a big table and it would remind me something out of King Arthur & the knights of the round table. In those six thrones sat the girls, each one had a symbol the same as their cutie marks. As we made our way closer to the center, I noticed that standing in the center stood two Alicorn princesses. alicorns were bigger then ponies, I noticed. Twilight was only a few inches taller then the others, but these ones were almost a foot or so bigger then her. One was white, with a long flowing mane and tail, that had different streaks of colors in them. The other one was a dark blue, almost purple, that also had a long flowing mane and tail, but they were dark like the night sky. Complete with what looked like stars inside them. Both wore jewelry on their necks, hoofs, and a crown on their head. You could tell they were royalty by how they stood and presented themselfs. This must be Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I concluded to myself as we stopped a few feet away from them. Spike parted from me and stood next to Twilight. "So, you must be the stallion the girls have been talking about." The white one said as she looked me over. "Mark Less Stevens, wasn't it?' "Y...yes your Majesty!" I stammered, as I gave her a bow like nod. I couldn't help but be nervous as I stood infront of these Two princesses. She gave me a confirming nod. "I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Luna." She stated, saying what I had just figured out. "They tell me you were looking for help after you were supposably teleported here from your land after finding a strange magic crystal." "And when you showed up in Ponyville, a rock golem attacked, controlled by an unknown force. It was then you defeated it with a blast of magic, which no earth pony should be able to do." Princess Luna stated coldly, giving me an almost icey stare. "It's clear this all must have something to do with that crystal, but we won't know for sure until we have more information." Celestia said in a calm voice, giving me a kind look. "Please, tell us who you are. What land and kingdom are you from? And who could possably be after you?" I stood there as everyone looked at me intensely, awaiting my answer. I could feel the sweat bead down my face as I continued to look at the two alicorn princesses nervously. I couldn't lie to them. I need their help in order to get back home. Plus, I didn't want to piss them off. I had to tell them the truth. But what will they think of me? Will they even believe me, or will they be horrified to learn what I really am? Hell, Spike was afraid just to learn I was a meat eater. Who knows how they'll act when they findout I'm really a human. "Well, we are waiting...." Luna stated at me, clearly not pleased that I was taken so long to answer. "I'm sorry your majesties! It's just so hard to explain it all." I began. Working the courage to drop this bombshell of news on them. "I'm afraid I lied just a little. I'm not really from another land..." "Y...you lied?" Pinkie mummered, a look of sadness on her face. "I'm not even really a pony!" I tried to continue. "That's funny. You sure look like a pony to me." Rainbow Dash said sacasticly at me, rolling her eyes. "It's TRUE!! I'm not even from this planet. I'm a human from the planet Earth! I was turn into a pony when I was sent here by that stupid crystal!" I exclaimed. "A HUMAN?!!" They all asked in surprised, completely shocked at what I had just said. I knew that would happen. "But you can't be a human!" Twilight protested at me. "I thought humans were all extinct." "Indeed. They were all wiped out ages ago. Long before me and sister were born." Luna added with a nod. "You say your from a planet called Earth. Please, tell us more about it." Celestia requested. At least they was handling it better then I hoped. "Well...." It took me about an hour just to explain the basics about Earth and humanity, twice. The girls just couldn't get past the fact that my planet, or any planet for that matter, was ruled by humans. What even shocked them more was the fact that magic to my race was just make believe, and we used technology for almost everything. "A world were magic doen't exist...." Twilight trailed off, unable to grasp the concept. "And the weather, sun and moon move all by themselfs!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, clearly shocked by the news. "And everpony uses techno-phooey ta do all their work." Applejack stated shaking her head. "How lazy." "A world full of clothes and fashion. Just think of all the possibilities!" Rarity almost drooled at the thought. Everyone just gave her a strange look. "Anyway...." Luna steped in. "It still doesn't explain how you were able to use magic, or why someone would be after you." "Indeed. While it is clear some magical energy was past on to you during to journey, it is unclear how much you now possess. The only logical thing is to wait for this unknown enemy to make their next move." Celestia said. "But when can you send me back?" I asked, earning a confused look from the three princesses. "I thought you girls were just going to zap me back home. I mean, you are powerfully magical creatures!" "I'm afraid it isn't that simple." Celestia said as she shook her head. "A powerful spell like that takes a long time and alot of magic to prepare. It would be hard even for us four alicorns to pull off." "Plus, we have to know where we're sending something before we can cast the spell." Twilight stated, trying to explain it to me. "Without knowledge of where Earth is or how far it is from here, I'm afraid that we'd....we might..." "What are you saying?" I asked, but I didn't want to hear the answer. "I'm sorry." Luna said calmly. "But I'm afraid you're stuck here." > Chapter 6: One way ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just stood there, shocked, as Luna's words hit me to the core. Stuck here? I'm stuck here? I just repeated those words over and over in my head, hoping that it wasn't true. As I was lost in thought, staring straight at nothing, the girls all looked at me with concerned looks. While the alicorn sisters looked at me with both sympathy and regret, the other six girls hopped off their thrones and started to slowly make their way to me. But I didn't care. The world around me was gone, only the cold dark abyss remained in it's place. I'll never see my home again. The realization threated to keep my mind locked a cage of depression. My friends, my parents. I'll never see them again. The thought started make tears well up in my eyes, and my heart burned with both saddness and rage. "No!" I screamed, shaking my head furiously with my eyes closed tight, trying to fight back tears. "I can't be stuck here. I can't!" "I'm sorry little one, but there is nothing we can do." Celestia said saddly. "You don't understand, I need to get back home! My family needs me!" I proclaimed, looking Celestia straight in the face. "My parents, they're all I got. My Mother, she's worked herself to the bone raising me, and now she's a tired old woman." It was true, my mother had burnt herself out working her whole life. A few years ago she took a fell and hit her head at work. And she's never been the same ever since. "And my father..." I began, tears were now rolling down my eyes. The girls all looked at me with sympathic looks on their faces. Applejack especially looked to be focused on what I was saying, her eyes almost looked like tears were forming in her eyes. "Father has been in poor shape for years. He was injured at work when a roof fell on top of him, crushing his legs. He's been in a wheelchair ever since. My parents have been getting by on well-fair, money given to injured or disabled people by the government." I explained, just incase the princesses didn't know what I was talking about. "But my dad's health has been worse lately. The doctors think he's got cancer, but he won't go to get checked out. If something was to happen while I was gone.... If he was to die and I wasn't there.... I...." At that point the dam inside me had broke. Now, not to sound like a macho asshole or anything, but I hardly ever cried. It took alot for me to break out crying. Sure, a strong wind could make my eyes water at the drop at a hat, but it seemed hard for me to cry during other times. Even if I wanted to! But now, here in Equestria surrounded by these mares and talking about my dad's health had me crying like a baby. Everything inside me went numb as tears poured down my face, I didn't have the energy to fight it anymore. I felt a hoof be placed on my shoulder--- Applejack was beside me, tears rolling down her cheeks as well. Her arms were around me and she was stroking my back, as she hugged me tightly. "It's okay, sugarcube. Everything will be alright." She cooed between sobs. I just wailed into her shoulder. The other girls quickly wrapped their arms around us, huddling us in one big group hug. We held each other like that for a long time. Not that I minded, the comforting feeling these girls were giving me helped easied some of the pain in my heart. I know it seems mushy to say that, but don't give a damn! 'Crying's good for the soul', they always say, and I've been holding back for years. Crying's good while it lasts, but you can only do it for so long. Towards the end, you always feel a little silly, like, 'Am I still making this noise?' Anyway, eventually you're done, and you have to figure out what to do next. We all pulled away from each other, though the girls kept a hoof placed on me for reassurance. I tried to wipe the tears from my hoof, while I looked up at Applejack with content. She was giving me a warm, comforting smile as the last of her tears rolled down her cheeks. "Now don't ya give up, sugarcube. Ya all might still be able ta see your family again." She said. "R.. really? You think so?" "It might be possible." Twilight said as she moved so we faced each other. "If we can figure out the distance and location of Earth from Equestria, we might be able to send you back home. But it won't be easy. It'll take alot of time and research." "Yeah, but don't worry. Will help you out until then." Dash said as she patted my back with her hoof. "Yes, it's the least we can do after you helped us stop that golem. Our sisters are safe because of you, after all." Rarity said. "And besides, your our friend! And friends help each other out!" Pinkie yelled as she wrapped her arms around me again for a quick hug. "We... we're friends?" I asked, surprised by the statement. "Oh course, Darling." Rarity answered, almost shocked by the question. " You're a brave and kind pony who risked his life to help us. We're very grateful to you for your help." "And, umm, you looked really great out there. Trying to save the girls." Fluttershy softly said, and for a moment, I thought she was blushing. "Yeah! That was awesome how you blasted that pile of rocks. You're a hero!" Dash proclaimed. "Darn right!" AJ said. " Our sisters have done nothing but ask about and worry about ya ever since you passed out. They really look up to ya." "And while you wait to go back home, we'll help you adjust to living here. It'll be fun!" Pinkie said giddily. "And as you wait, you can stay here in Ponyville in Twilight's castle." Celestia stated as her and her sister moved a little closer to me. Her statement caused both Twilight and me to give her a look of complete surprise. "It's clear whoever is after you will strike again, soon. Until then, we will do everything in our power prepare for that time. Being here with Twilight will help ensure your safety." "And perhaps during that time, maybe you can learn to control the strange magic you now possess." Luna said as she gave me a calm but studing look. "Spike." Celestia ordered, causing him to step away from his place next to Twilight's throne. "Could you take Mark back to his room while we discuss our next move? For the day draws late, and we still have much to do." "Yes your highness!" Spike said as he walked up to me. The girls gave me one more hug before saying their goodbyes to me. "You ready to go, Mark?" Spike asked. "Yeah." I said with a nod. "Let's go." "Sorry you won't be able to return home." Spike finally said as we made our way back up the flight of stairs. We had been quite almost the entire time after leaving the throne room. I was deep in thought, thinking about everything that had happened. While Spike was quite because he probably didn't want to say anything to upset me. "It's okay, Spike." I lied as I forced a smile. "It's not your fault I'm stuck here. I just wish I never found that stupid crystal!" He just gave me a small nod, before continuing to make his way up the stairs. "Anyway, Ponyville's not so bad after you get used to it. The ponies here are really nice, and the food's not too bad either. Just a shame they don't have a restaurant that sells fine craved gems." "Wait a second, you eat gems?" I asked in surprised. "Well, yeah. What did you think we eat?" "Ummm.... do you really want to know?" I asked, afraid I might say the wrong thing. Seeing how he reacted when he found out that I ate meat. "I guess not." He paused before answering. I didn't want to press the topic anymore. As we continued making our way back to the room I woke up in, I shuffled through some more of my thoughts. Those girls sure were nice. I couldn't help but think back at all the kind things they said. They barely even know me, yet they were willing to help me out. Hell, they even called me their friend! I still couldn't even believe how trusting they had been about the whole thing. But what was up with Applejack earlier? The way she acted, made it seem she almost related to my problems. I decided to file that thought in the folder for later. "So.... I guess we're house mates now, huh?" I asked Spike, hoping to keep the conversation light. "I guess so." He replied, turning to give me a quick look. "Hopefully now that you're here, the castle won't be so quite anymore. Just between you & me the place can get pretty boring most of the time." "It'll be our little secret." I chuckled. We passed one more hallway and a few rooms before we finally stopped at a door, which I tooked to be my now room. "We're here." Spike proclaimed as he pointed at the door with his claw. "Guess I'll let you relax now. See ya." And with that, he started to slowly make his way down the hall. "Thanks Spike. I guess i'll see you tomorrow." "Oh, that reminds me!" He said as he stopped to turn around to face me again. "Just a heads up, Twilight likes to wake real early in the mornings. Just figured I'd give you the heads up." "Thanks." I said with a small smile as I watched the small dragon disappear behind the hallway's corner. I then opened the door and step through the threshold. As I walked into the room, I took another look around. The place sure was nice, no denying that. Far better then any other place I've ever stayed at before. If I was forced to live in a magical world as a talking pony, then I was glad it was someplace nice like this. Better then sleeping in the wilderness or some cave. I flopped belly down on the bed, limp as a noodle and completely exhausted. I was spent, mentally, physically and emotionally. I was just going to lay here and recover from it all. I had no choice now but to move forword and await until Twilight and the other princesses came up with a way to send me home. I'll just have to get used to being a pony in Equestria with my new friends. My friends.... And with that little thought in my head, I fell asleep. > Chapter 7: A day to relax & learn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mark, time to wake up!" My eyes flew open as a voice boomed in the room, jarring me wake. I sat up from my bed and found Twilight & Spike by the door, waiting for me to respond. Twilight had a big goofy grin on her face, eager to start her day. Spike, however, looked a little less happy to start the day, but he kept himself busy with a scroll and quill in his claws. "What time is it?" i grumbled as I rubbed the gunk out of my eyes, taking a look out the window. Outside I saw it was still early, the sun had barely begun to rise as the sky was still colored a night shade. "It's not even sun up yet!" I complained as I laid back down in the bed. "Come on, Mark. Get up. The early bird gets the worm!" Twilight whined as she watched me try to go back to sleep. "Just give me another hour." I mumbled as I already sunk back in a comfy position. "Uhh-Unh, no can do buddy!" Twilight said as she used her magic to lift the covers off my bed, forcing me to sit back up to look at her. "We have a lot to do today, and I want to make sure we cover everything we can on the schedule today. And the first order of business is for you to get out of bed!" "Fine. Fine! I'm up, I'm up. Okay?!" I complained as I hopped off the bed, giving a long, stiff yawn. "Happy now?" "Yes." twilight answered with a nod, clearly ignoring my objection on the matter. "Now go take a shower, then meet us in the kitchen for some breakfast. Then we can get started for the day." I watched as Twilight trotted out of the door, humming happily as she did. I just shook my head at the sight, completely taken back by her pep. She reminded me of a eager schoolgirl, the one that woke up early and was ready to start the day. I remembered when I was a kid, getting up in the morning for school. It always took me an hour, a hot shower, two cups of coffee, and the local weather channel to wake me up all the way. Not Twilight apparently! As I made my way to the door, I saw Spike standing by the doorframe, a smirk clear on his face. "I told you so." He said matter of factly. "Just show me where the bathroom is!" I snapped. A nice, hot shower was just what I needed to make me feel like a zillion bucks--- or bits, as it were. All the worries, all the troubles in my mind, washed away as the warm water poured over my body. It took me awhile to figure out how to work the shower head, things were different yet similar to things back on earth. But after a few trails and errors, I was able to take a shower without water spaying everywhere in the room. Don't ask. After I was done, I hopped out of the shower, dried off with a nearby towel, as well as make sure the room wasn't completely wet, and left the bathroom to make my way to the kitchen. As I made my way down the halls, I couldn't help but marvel at how fantastic the place looked. What could I say, I'm just a simple poor boy at heart. And the fact that I was now staying inside a crystal castle, that happened to be coming out of a tree, was bllowing my mind. Wait a minute, where is kitchen again? It took me a few minutes and a few wrong turns down a few hallways, but I soon found my way to the kitchen. Inside, I found Twilight and Spike sitting at a table, waiting for me. Twilight was eatting a slice of toast along with a glass of orange juice, while Spike was chomping away at a bowl of cereal. There was nothing wrong with what they was having, it was a quick small meal to start the day. But THAT was the problem! We were in a castle, that had a kitchen so big that could feed over fifty people! "What are you guys eatting?" I asked, shocked by such a simple breakfast. "Breakfast." Twilight simply stated. "Want some?" Spike asked as he pointed his spoon toward the cereal box on the table. "You call this breakfast?" "What do you mean?" Twilight asked, giving me an enquisitive look. "I mean that you have a huge kitchen, packed to the gills with anything you want to eat..." I waved my hoof around, pointing at the cupboards and pantries to make my point. "And here you guys are eatting a tiny breakfast! What's up with that?!" Twilight and Spike gave each other a quick look, before returning their attention back to me. "Well, the truth of the matter is..." Twilight began, giving me a small shrug of her shoulders. "We have almost a dozen cooks in this castle that could fix us a big meal anytime we wanted. But we choose to fix our own meals, instead of being pampered." "Maybe so..." I held up a hoof while I shook my head. "But you shouldn't have to settle for such a small breakfast when you could fix something better." I finished, before making my way to the cupboards and rummaging through it for some pots and pans. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked, giving me a puzzeled look. I just turned my head before giving her a smirk. "Fixing us a proper breakfast!" "That was delicious!" Spike exclaimed as he patted his full belly. "I must admit, this was a great meal. Thank you, Mark." Twilight said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. True to my word, I had a fixed them a 'proper' breakfast. It was a little hard at first, what with hooves and all, but once I had things going, it proved to be no challenge at all. I was able to fix a batch of fried taters, scrambled eggs (Funny how the ponies won't eat meat, but eat unborn chicken eggs), and some biscuits. It took about half an hour to fix, and I dirtied quite a few pots and pans, but it was worth it. The pleased look that Twilight and Spike gave me a gave me a much needed boost of confidence, which made my heart fill with pride. Seriously, I always thought my food tasted like shit, but they actually liked it. Who knew. "Thanks. I didn't think my cooking skills were ever really that good." I stated honestly, rubbing the back of my head with a hoof. "Are you kidding me? It was one of the best breakfasts I ever had!" Spike proclaimed, earning a stern look from Twilight. "Uhh.... besides YOURS of course. He he...." He corrected, giving her a sheepish smile. "Anyway..." Twilight began, looking at me. "Now that breakfast is finished, we can finally get started for the day." She stood up from the chair before taking our empty plates with her magic, and placing them into the sink. "Our first order of business it to run some tests, to try to figure out the type of magic you possess. Then, if we can, we'll teach you to control that magic. That way, you'll be ready for whoever it is that's after you." "You really think I can learn magic?" I asked Twilight. "We're going to try." She said with a smile. "Now let's go." "Wait, what about the dirty dishes?" "Don't worry about that. The maids will take care of that." Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. "Heh. I guess it gives them something to do, right?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Exactly." She said with smirk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You don't have any magic." I blinked. "Errr.... sorry, wasn't listening. Did you just say I don't have any magic?" "Pay attention. The charts and readings say that no type of magic is inside you." "Then what did I defeat that golem with? My farts?" I asked sarcastically. "No, not remotely like that." Twilight stated, a look of disgust on her face at my question. "Just that whatever magic you used to defeat it isn't there anymore." "Are the readings off?" "No, I don't think so. I checked the readings multiple times, and they're not wrong. I even used my magic to check your body for any magical energy, but I could hardly find anything worth mentioning. A small trace of magic is inside every living thing, but unicorns are able to use it with there horns." "And alicorns." I added. "Yes. Especially alicorns." She said soberly. "From what I can tell from my scans, your aura of magic is quite a bit stronger then any earth pony's, but still nowhere near the level of an unicorn." "So what does that a mean?" "It means that whatever magic you used is now dormant inside you, barely able to be read by any scanners or detection spells." Twilight concluded. We had been inside what Twilight called her 'laboratory', a room filled to the brim machines and do-dads, for well over two hours. Technology in Equestria flew completely over my head. It made no sense! They had stoves, fridges, washers and dryers, lightbulbs....but not T.V's, microwaves, phones, computers or any other form of house hold entertainment. And their mode of transportation was even crazier! They had trains, air balloons, ships, scooters, carriages.... but not cars, subways, blimps, planes or bikes. Their choice for weapons were even more backwords. They wore armor and used weapons like spears, tridents and double bladed staffs, which they used in their mouths or used magic to carry them. It was like they were stuck between the medevil times and the late 1800's. And how everything worked was beyond my intelligence. they used magic to run just about ever machine they had. 'How does the fridge work?', magic. 'How does the stove work?', magic. 'How does the lights in the house work?', magic. Magic was starting to seem like the ponies answer for everything. It was so weird, they had technology, but used magic to power and run them. If only earth could use magic as well, then they wouldn't need to worry about high gas prices and low fossil fuels. I thought to myself. "So now what do we do?" I asked, giving up my trail of thought on Equestria tech. "Well, not much we can do for now." Twilight said, as she took the stack of chart papers in her magical grip, and placed them on top of a nearby table. "We'll have to do some more test later, but for now, the only thing we can is wait. Maybe your magic is still waiting to be unlocked, and will develop over time." "Then I guess the magic lesson is cancelled, then?" "Not necessarily." She shook her head with a smile. "Just because you can't use magic right now, doesn't mean you can't learn it. While you wait to unlock your magical abilities, you can study about magic and it's properties. That why when you can use magic, you'll know how to control it a little better." She then turned and began to make way to the door. "Come on, let's go." "Where are we going?" "The library!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight studied on me like a guinea pig, we made our way to the library. Color me a geek, but I wanted to see the sort of books Twilight had lying around. And if she had any history books, I wanted to learn as much as I could about Equestria's past. How the kingdom was formed, how ponies came to be the dominant species in the land. Who their enemies where, and what type of wars they fought. Everything! Back home, I was always a history buff, watching every documentary and WW2 special they aired on History channel. And now that I was in a brand spanking new world, I wanted to cram all the info I could into my noggin. Surprise, surprise, the library was right out of a nineteenth century catalog. Huge walls, lush wine-colored carpet which I sunk up to my ankles, mahogany furniture, and shelves of books. As far as the eye can see. The desk was big enough for three people to work at comfortably without them ever brushing elbows. Ridiculous! Spike told me that Twilight was a bookworm earlier, but I didn't think she was THIS bad! On the wall behind the desk was a framed photo. It was big and well framed, full of color and life. It was of Twilight and the other girls standing in the center of Ponyville. They were all smiling and looked happy as they all huddled together for the shot. They sure look so happy. I thought. This must have been taken when Twilight first moved to Ponyville. She doesn't have her wings yet. I wonder if she thought she'd ever become as important as she is now when they took this little snapshot? It was the only photo in the room. While Twilight left me alone in room to study, going off to handle her royal duties, I started looking through the books. The entire encyclopedia collection, no surprise there. Books of poems, which WAS a surprise. I hadn't pegged Twilight as a girl who ate up that poem mush. On the other hoof, she was a female. That doesn't mean that every girl loved poetry, but for a loser like me, it was a better foot in the door. Not that I was thinking of wooing Twilight or anything. Anyway.... One entire wall was filled with educational books, or how to do it yourself books. I didn't bother to look at any of them, seeing how most of the titles seemed silly or I already knew about the subject. Who needs a book to learn about slumber parties?! I looked at another shelf. There were some science book of every type, from bio-chemistry to environmental. Atlases. 'The Geography of the World' in thirty-two volumes..... And what do we have here? The middle shelf had it's own unique genre: Creatures of Equestria; History of Equestria; Facts about Changelings; Harmony and Chaos; Fall of the Crystal Empire; Myths and Legends of Bat Ponies. "Bingo!" I said as pulled a few of the books off the shelf and ran to the desk to place them down. Getting comfy in the chair, I grabbed the book on the top, figuring I'd work my way from top to bottom, and flipped the book open. Time to learn what I can about this place. I slammed the book shut, my head was throbbing. I was able to skim throught some of the books, reading what I could while trying not to read every book from cover to cover. I was tired, but I had learned quite a bit about several things in Equestria. Celestia and Luna rise to power happened over a thousand years ago, when they used the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord's reign of terror. Sealing him in stone. Then they defeated Lord Sombra to stop his enslaving of the crystal ponies of the Crystal Empire. Phew... say that three times fast! Anyway, They stopped him, but at the cost of the Crystal Empire disappearing until now. And then there was the event of Nightmare Moon, when Celestia had to banish her sister to moon inorder to stop her from throwing Equestria in enternal Darkness. That must have been so hard for her to do that. I hope they've made up since then. Then there was the book about changelings. A bug-type pony that could shapeshift into anyone, using stealth to capture their pray and feed of their love. While that thought seemed a little silly, the fact was they left their victims as an empty husk, which they used to make them willing slaves, and that they could even turn those victims into changelings if giving enough time. They reminded me of a combo between the xenomorphs and vampires. They coccoon their victims in green slime, keeping them weak, while they feed off of, or even mated with their victims. The thought of that made my skin crawl. I was just starting on the book about 'bat ponies', when I decided to take a much needed break. As I rested my eyes and gave my brain a rest, I saw Spike enter the room. "Hey Spike." I said to him smile. "Whoa..." He looked at me in surprise, seeing the books next to me on the desk. "You've been here reading the whole time? You're almost as big of a bookworm as Twilight." "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "How long HAVE I been in here?" "Just about four hours." He replied. "Four hours?!" I asked stunned by how long it truely had been. "Time sure does fly!" I chuckled. "I don't how you guys can stand reading books without pictures for so long." Spike said as he shook his head. "Give me a comic book any day!" "I hear you. Comics are so much cooler. The action, the art, and the story.... if done right. What's not to love?" "Wait.... You read comics?" He asked totally stunned as he looked up at me. "Of course! Back home, I was a big time comic nerd." I stated. Recalling my huge stack of Spider-man, The Avengers, Superman and Batman collections. "Do you want to see some of my comics?" He asked eagerly, his eyes almost seemed to sparkle. "Sure." I said with a smile. "Lead the way." And with that, I spend about the rest of the day hanging out with Spike. > Chapter 8: Books, friends and muffins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed with a start, waking up in cold sweat. That was the second time I had that nightmare here in Equestria. Just like last time, I was surrounded by a living darkness. It had green glowing eyes with red pupils, along with a sharp toothed mouth. It cackled an evil laugh at me, before the darkness grew, trying to consume me. I've had bad dreams before, when I was a kid I dreamt of being stalked by Chucky, Freddy, the cryptkeeper from Tales from the Crypt, zombies and even aliens. But the difference between those dreams, besides the fact that I grew up and now loved those horror stuff, was the fact that this dream felt real. I could feel the wind gushing around me, my fur standing up from the darkness and it's evil laugh, even the warm breath coming from that thing. It was just too CREEPY! It took me a few minutes to calm my nerves. I looked out the window, the moon was just now beginning to set to make way for the morning sun. Rather then trying to lay back down, which was pointless for two reasons now, I decided to get up for the morning. There was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep after a dream like that, and besides Twilight would be coming to wake me up in a little bit anyway. After a quick stretch and a yawn, I made my way out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. It didn't take me too long to arrive there, and now that I knew how to run the shower, it was a piece of cake. After the refreshing shower, I then decided to make my way down to the kitchen for some breakfast. Then I'd figured I would head back to the library to do some more reading. I still hadn't read any books on magic or spells yet, so I was curious to see what that was all about. I only made two wrong turns this time while making my way to the kitchen, which I took as an improvement. Hopefully before too long I'll know my way around this place without getting lost. As I entered the kitchen, I saw that there was a pony already inside, reordering things inside the shelves. She was a maid, which I could tell by the outfit she was wearing. Why ponies only wear clothes some of times, but not during the other times? Must have something to do with events or their jobs? I thought as I studed her. She was a pink pony with blonde mane & tail, blue eyes and a cute little mole under her right eye. I couldn't tell what her cutie mark was, because of the maid outfit she was wearing. As I crossed the room to get a glass to pour myself some OJ, she noticed me. Turning to give me a friendly smile as she bowed her head. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry sir. I didn't hear you come in." She apologized nervously. "Do you want me to get that for you?" "No thank you." I said as I walked over to the fridge with my glass in hoof. As I retrieved the jucie from the fridge and headed over to the table, I looked at the maid with an a inquisitive look. "What'cha doing?" I asked as I poured myself a drink. "The princess wants us to make sure the kitchen is stocked and organized every morning for her." She answered as she finished looking through the shelves. She pulled out a notepad and began to write down a few things. Heh... That sounds like Twilight. I thought, shaking my head with a smirk. I had only known Twilight for a few days now, but I already learned that she was the type to keep everything neat, orginized and done by a checklist. I think she might have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. "So, what's your name?" I asked her with a smile. "Oh, I'm Rosebud sir." She answered nervousily. "Every time you say sir, I keep looking around for my father." I laughed. "Just call me Mark. None of that sir stuff." She simply replied with a nod before continuing to write her list. Once she was finished with it, she put it back into the pocket in her uniform. I guess she was done checking the stock. "So... how are you enjoying working in a castle?" I asked, starting small talk. "Oh, it's great!" She answered excititedly. "The princess has been very kind, and the work pays really well. With this job I've been able to save up enough to move into a suite in Fillydelphia." Fillydelphia... I thought with a chuckle. The ponies sure liked to play with words. Manehattan and Las Pegasus were other cities in Equestria that resembled the ones back home. It was funny how different yet similar this place was from earth. Minus the talking ponies and magical creatures of course. "Do you guys have any frozen waffels around here?" I asked Rosebud. I was craving some waffles for breakfast today. "Frozen? Why would you want frozen waffles for?" She asked me as she gave me a curious look. "I thought they were supposed to be hot and fresh?" "They are." I replied, clearly disappointed that they didn't have easy to make waffles like Eggos. "It's just that back home they had frozen waffles that anyone could make whenever they wanted." "I never heard of that before." She said surprised. "Where are you from?" "From another land far from here." I lied. The princesses, Twilight and her friends may have knew I was really a human from earth, but everyone else didn't. Twilight informed me to keep up the lie of being from another land to keep other ponies from freaking out, or thinking I was crazy. "Guess I'll have to fix something else." I said with a sigh. "Why's that?" Rosebud asked. "I don't know how to fix waffles from scratch." I stated, cursing myself for not paying attention to mom when she was making them. I learned to cook alot of things from her, but waffles were NOT one of them. "Well don't worry about it." She said with a smile. "I'll fix some for you." "Umm.... Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but aren't you just a maid. I mean, I thought this castle had like at least a dozen cooks." I asked. It wasn't that I wanted to sound mean, but I didn't want her to have to do any extra work. "It's okay." She said with a giggle. "I'm also a part of the kitchen staff. Most of the maids and staff do double jobs here in the castle by choice. We're paid the extra amount for the other jobs we do." "Huh." I said, as I was surprised by the statement. Rosebud just gave me a warm smile before walking back over to the cabinets to fish for a pan and the ingredients. While Rosebud worked away on fixing me some waffles, humming the whoile time, Spike & Twilight walked into the kitchen. Spike looked like he was still fighting a little bit of his sleep, but Twilight looked up and ready to start the day. "There you are." Twilight said, as they both walked over to sit with me at the table. "I see you're already up for the day. Did you sleep well?" "Not really..." I said as I fought back a yawn. "Bad dreams." "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked kindly. "Naahh...." I waved a hoof as I answered. I figured it wasn't anything to really worry anyway. I mean, it was ONLY a dream after all. It's not like it could HURT me. I took a drink of juice as I tried to push the dream out of my head. "Oh, Hi Rosebud. What are you doing?" Twilight asked the maid as she finally noticed her over at the stove counter. "Good morning your majesty." Rosebud said as she turned to give Twilight a quick bow. "I'm fixing Mr. Mark here some waffles for breakfast. Would you care for some?" She asked. "I would!" Spike quickly answered. Twilight just gave me a curious look. I knew what she was going to ask. "I Don't know how to make any." I replied before she had a chance to ask. "Well..." She started to say while turning her attention to Rosebud. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd love some as well." "Yes your majesty!" Rosebud said in full attention, before returning back around to continue her work. "So Twilight, what's the plan for today?" I asked as we waited for our waffles to be fixed. "I'm afraid I'll be quite busy for today." She answered with a sigh. "Today's the day of the week were I have the ponies of Ponyville come in and air their problems and ask for requests." That didn't surprise me. Royal leaders always did things like that to keep the peace in the kingdom. Well, the good ones anyway. "And then I have a meeting with Mayor Mare to discuss plans on the upcoming festival next week in Ponyville." "I think I remember hearing something about it when I first arrived here." I said, thinking back on the day when the golem decided to use ponies as punching bags. "What's it for, anyway?" "It's to celebrate the month long time of peace after the defeat of Tirek. It's also to celebrate the arrival of my castle." "Oooooookay...." I said, as I thought it was a little silly to throw a party a month after defeating a dark tyrant. I mean, just a few days ago a monster attacked their town for crying out loud! "So how about you Spike?" "Spike will also be busy helping me with today's tasks." Twilight answered for the little dragon. Not that he cared, he was now fixing himself a glass of OJ as well. "What about you, Mark?" He asked while he poured the juice into his glass. "What are your plans today?" "Well, first I was thinking about reading some more in the library. You know, studing some about magic." I paused, letting Twilight give a nod of approval. "Then I was thinking of spending the rest of the day just looking around in the castle and taking it easy." "That sounds boring!" spike said flatly, unpleased by my plans for the day. "I hate to say it, but I agree with Spike." Twilight said, taking me completely by surprise. "While I approve of you spending some time learning more about magic, I don't approve of you spending all day in the castle." "Yeah, you been cooped up in this place for a couple of days now!" Spike proclaimed, as he placed the OJ back in the fridge before sitting back at the table. "You need to go outside and enjoy yourself!" "I agree. It would do you some good to spend some time in the town." Twilight nodded. "As you wish, your majesty." I said as I gave her a smirk. "Knock it off!" She stated, before giving me a warm smile. "Waffles are ready!" Rosebud proclaimed. "What would you like on them?" She asked us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After finishing breakfast, we all went our seperate ways. Twilight & Spike went to the throne room to start their business for the day, Rosebud went to continue her work, and I went to the library to continue reading. I was able to find the room easily enough, and without going down the hall. Yay, me! I thought as I made my way to the book shelves. I found a few books on magic after several minutes of looking around, and took only what seemed the most important ones back to the desk. Once I got comfy in the chair, I cracked open a book and started reading. "You gotta be fucking kidding me!" I muttered to myself as I slamed the book closed. It had been what felt like two hours since I started, and my head was already about to explode. How can this even make any sense?! I wondered, as I placed my head in my hooves. Trying to study about magic was more boring and frustrated then trying to learn science. It just flew over my head. What I was able to learn was magic was controlled by thoughts and emotions. Unicorns supposedly reached inside themselfs until they felt the magic inside them, then used their horns to concentrate until they could focus the energy and use it. It kind of reminded of the way they described magic in the book Eragon. Only with unicorns. Learning magic seemed hopeless at this point, as I tried to 'feel' inside myself, but all that came out was loose gas. Giving up, I decided to take Twilight & Spike's advice and spend some time in Ponyville. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I passed the entrance of the castle, I spotted the guards, well....guarding. Boy, they sure don't move or talk much. Reminds me of the british guards back home. Continuing my way further into the town, I saw the local ponies going on about their day. As I walked by, I noticed that a few ponies were taking notice of me. But they weren't giving me any dirty looks or anything, far from it. Most gave me friendly smiles or waved a hoof at me as I walked by them, while others looked on in awe or whispered to other ponies. What the hell is going on? I wondered, as I tried to figure out why every pony in town suddenly seemed so keen on me all of the sudden. Thankfully, as I neared the center of town, I spotted two familiar mares standing by an apple stall. "Applejack! Rainbow Dash!" I yelled, as I made my over to them. "Oh, hey Mark!" She exclaimed, as she gave me a friendly hug. "It's good ta see ya again." "Yeah." Rainbow Dash said, as she greeted me with a nod. "We haven't seen you in a few days. We were wondering what happened to you. What did you do, get lost in the castle?" She asked with a chuckle. "At first." I said honestly. "But I mostly been in the library reading." "Figures." Applejack said with smile, as she shook her head. "That's just like Twilight ta have ya reading this whole time. Must have been boring." "Actually, it wasn't that bad." I said with a smile. "I got to learn quite alot about Equestria's history, type of monsters, and a little about magic." Didn't get to learn how to use any, but still.... "Great. Another egghead!" Dash exclaimed, as she flumped her butt on the ground and crossed her arms. "Well, I think it's great you're taking such an interest in learning about all that stuff." Applejack said, as she gave me a big warm smile that almost seemed.... "Uhh...Anyway." I started, trying to repress THAT thought and as began my question. "What's with everybod.... I mean, everypony, acting so weird and friendly towards me?" "Didn't ya know, sugarcube? Everyone in Ponyville thinks your a hero now." AJ said, still smiling at me. "What?!" "Yeah, ever since that fight with the golem, Ditzy Doo and the CMC have been going around talking about how you defeated it." Dash said, seemingly upset by that fact. "And every other pony that saw the fight, have been going on about the new stallion who saved the town." She huffed angerly. "It's so stupid! All you did was finish it off, we did all the work!" "Now, now, Dash. Be fair. We may have done a lickin' to that walking pile of rocks, but we was still struggling. Mark here was able to destroy it in one big old blast!" AJ stated, as she put her arm around Dash's shoulders. "Besides, your just upset that ya'll have ta wait a few more days till ya can fly again." Dash said nothing as she turned her head away from her friend and grumbled. But while that little scene was playing out, I was suddenly hit by an unkown flying object, knocking me straight on the ground. As I recollected my thoughts, I suddenly became aware that arms were wrapped around me and something was hugging me tightly. I looked down to find a familiar grey pegasus holding me tightly as she sniffled onto my shoulder. "Mark! I'm so glad to see that you're okay! I was afraid something happened to you." She sobbed, she pulled away just enough to look me in the face. Her eyes were full of tears and concern. "Ditzy doo..." I said, while looking into her eyes. I couldn't help but notice she had a lazy eye, one that went the other way as the other one. But I was used to something like that. My cousin Nicky had a wife who had the same thing. Anyway, as I tried to pull her off me so I could stand up, I also tried to calm her down. "It's okay. I'm fine. See? Everything's cool now." "It's just that...." Ditzy began, as she got off me so we both could stand up. Although she remained close to me. "It's just that when I saw you exploded like that, I was so afraid you might not make it. I mean, they rushed you into the castle as soon as it happened, and I haven't seen from you since." She still sobbed. "Well, I'm okay now. I spent the last few days recovering and learning about Equestria." I assured her. Applejack gave me a sly smirk as I tried to calm Ditzy Doo, while Dash just rolled her eyes. "Twilight's even let me stay in the castle." "Oh, that's good." Ditzy smiled as she wiped her teary eyes. "Say, I just got done with my deliveries for today and was heading to Sugercube Corner for some muffins. Would you like to come with me?" She asked with a shy smile, the blush on her cheeks were clearly visible. "Sure, why not." I replied with a smile. Some muffins did sound good. I wonder if they have blueberry ones? "Hey Applejack, would you or Dash like to come with us?" "Well...." AJ paused. Giving the question some thought. "Ah should finish up here on the stall...." "Count me out." Dash cut her off. "I got to watch my figure while I wait to heal." "Oh, okay. I'll see you girls la..." "WAIT!" AJ stopped me before I could say goodbye and leave with Ditzy. "Ya know what, ah could use a break. Ah think ah'll join ya." She said as she placed lids over the crates in the stall, before hanging a 'Out for lunch' sign on it. Judging by Dash's expression, I took it AJ didn't do this often. "Well ladies, shell we be off?" I asked the two mares beside me. "Yes. Onwords, to muffins!" Ditzy announced, as she pointed a hoof forword. We all laughed, before heading to Sugercube Corner. Leaving a shocked Rainbow Dash to scratch her head. "Hi girls! Hi Mark! Great to see you again." Pinkie almost shouted with joy as she burst from behind the counter. "Hi Pinkie. Running the counter today?" AJ asked. "Yep. Mr. & Mrs. Cake had to take the twins for their check up today, so I get to run the store until they return." Pinkie said happily. Almost like it was no trouble to run a bakery store all by herself. "So, what can I get you guys today?" "Muffins!" Ditzy said in an almost a serious tone. "Ahh.... the usual. No problem at all." Pinkie answered with a smile. "How about you two?" "The same." AJ answered calmly. "I hate to ask, but do you guys make Blueberry or chocolate chip muffins?" I asked Pinkie. "Of course, silly. What did you think we made them out of, mud?" "Ha, I guess so..." I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my head. "Some of those please." "Okay. Be with you guys in a minute!" Pinkie decleared, before zooming through the door behind the counter. While we waited for our muffins to finish baking, we took a seat at a nearby table. As I looked around, I noticed there were just a few other ponies in the shop as well. A few were eating their treats or chatting with each other, while others were drinking their coffee and reading the morning paper. Thankfully, none of the other ponies noticed us as we sat at our table. The last thing I needed was for them to call me a hero. "So, Ditzy. You said you were done with your deliveries for today. What is it you do?" I asked, curious of the mare's job. "I'm a mailpony." She stated proudly. "Ah. So, you like your job?" "It's okay." She said with a sigh. "But I don't get to run alot of mail because of my.... problem." Her head slumped down as she stared at the table. "Problem? What Problem?" I asked, concerned. "Poor Ditzy here has a lazy eye." AJ answered for her. "She means well, and all, but her poor vison causes her ta have accidents." "But they wasn't my fault!" Ditzy proclaimed. "I don't mean for it to happen, it's just hard to tell distances sometimes." "Because of that, she's only allowed ta deliver a small amount of mail at a time." AJ finished, as she patted Ditzy gently on the back. "Anymore accidents happen, and they dock her pay." "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" I yelled, causing the girls as well as a few ponies to look at me in surprise. "Just because you're a little handicapped, doesn't mean you can't do something just as good as other people!" I stated, furious at how Ditzy's boss for treating her like a moron. "Y..you really think so?" Ditzy asked, her eyes sparkled at me as see looked at me in wonder. "Of course! I know a few handicapped pe... err, ponies back home. And they could do regular tasks and live just like any normal pony could. Just because you have a little something like a lazy eye, doesn't make you retarded." Applejack and Ditzy Doo looked at me in amazment at what I just said, both giving me warm smiles and blushing a little. I could tell I made Ditzy feel better, because she reached around the table to give me a hug. "Thank you, Mark. You're so kind." She said, as she tighten her hold for a second before letting go. "I have ta say sugarcube, those were some honest and kind words ya'll said." AJ said, as she gave me a light tap in the arm with her hoof. "If everypony thought like you, Equestria would be a better place." "Nahh...." I blushed. Unable to take such complements, especially from two females. Back on earth, I was a bit of a loser when it came to the girl department. They hardly gave me the time of day, let alone go out with me. I've only had four girlfriends in my life, and everyone of those relationships ended badly for me. In elementery, my first girlfriend went out with me as a joke, then got me to fight one of my friends when she dumped me for him. In middle school, my second girlfriend went out with me on a bet, pretending to care for me and write me love notes. I found out about the scam when I overheared her & her friends talk about me behind my back. the third one in highschool, went out with me because my dad bribed her by having her car worked on for free. She dumped me when she ditched my ass at the fair grounds to hang with her ex, forcing me to wait almost all night for a ride home. And the fouth one, well, after school my friends tried to hook me up with this one girl. But she used me for my money and didn't bother to talk to me again after the second date. Needless to say, I wasn't much of a ladies man. And now, as a pony, finding myself with all these female friends, made me a little nervous. "Muffins are ready!" Pinkie said, coming to our table with a big bowl full of fresh muffins. Thankfully this got the girls away from me, and towards Pinkie, as she sat the bowl on the table. "Let's eat!" Ditzy proclaimed, before taking a warm muffin and taking a huge bite out of it. "Mmmmmmm..... muffins." After we finished eating, we made our way outside. While me and AJ only had about three or four muffins each, Ditzy ate all the rest. That mare really loved her muffins. As I looked around us, I noticed the sun was straight over head, letting us know it was now about noon. "Well ya'll, it's been fun, but I have to get back to my stall." "That's cool, AJ. We understand." I said with a nod. "Maybe I'll come visit Sweet Apple Acres some time." "That'll be nice." AJ said, tilting her hat as she smiled. "Maybe I'll have Granny Smith make you some of her famous apple pie." "I'd like that." I Replied, giving her a hug goobye. "See you later, AJ." "Bye ya'll." She waved to us, before walking away to head back to her apple stall. "Well, I guess I better get going as well." Ditzy said sheepishly, looking down at the ground. "You know, errands to run and stuff..." "That's cool. Maybe I'll run into you again." I said, smiling at Ditzy's nervousness. "If nothing else, you could come visit me at the castle. I'm sure Twilight wouldn't mind." "Thanks, Mark. Maybe I will." Ditzy looked up at me, eyes gleaming with happiness. She leaned close to me, and before I could react, she planted a kiss on my cheek. Catching me completely off guard. "..........." "You're a sweet stallion, Mark. Thank you for your kind words earlier." She said to me happily, after planting the kiss. I however, was still in shock. "Bye Mark." She waved to me before flying off. D...Did she just kiss me?! I asked myself as I tried to reboot my brain. She did. She kissed me on the cheek! I thought in amazment, holding a hoof on my still warm cheek. I couln't believe it. Now, to anybody else, a kiss on the cheek might not seem like a big deal, but to me, it was the world! I already said that I sucked with the ladies, so it comes to no surprise to say that I've only been kissed ONCE in my life. I know, I know. Pretty pathetic, but believe me, it wasn't by choice. I grew up longing for a true girlfriend, and dreamed of being kissed by her. So, any kiss to me was a big deal. As I recovered from the moment, three little fillies came running up to me. It was Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, the cutie mark crusaders. But as they ran up to me, I noticed that they had something tied around their necks. It was a cape, a nice shade of red, with a gold trim that went around on it's other side. In the middle of the cape, was a blue symbol with a yellow pony in the middle of it. "MARK!" They said in unison, swarming around me as they gave me a huge group hug. "Uhhh....Hey girls. What's up?" I asked trying to pry them off me. It didn't work thought. They just looked up at me with eyes full of concern. "We were so glad to see you again. We haven't seen you since that mean old monster attacked." Sweetie Belle said. "Our sisters told us that ya was in the castle recovering, but we was still worried." Applebloom said. "It was so awesome how you whipped that rock monster in one huge blast." Scootaloo Proclaimed, her eyes gleaming. "You're so cool!" "Uhhhh.... Thanks girls." I paused. "I'm okay now. I've just been taking it easy these last few days." Reassuring them. "Oh, that's good." They all sighed as they finally released me. "So girls, what's with the capes?" I asked. "Oh, these are our cutie mark crusader capes." Sweetie Belle answered. "Yeah, they're part of our group uniforms." Applebloom said. "Plus, they're cool!" Scootaloo chimed in. "Oh......kay." I replied. "We've been doing some talking, about how you also don't have a cutie mark. And.... we was wondering if...." Sweetie belle started, but froze as she stared down at the ground blushing. "We was wondering if ya'd like ta join the cutie mark crusaders. Please? It would really mean alot ta us!" Applebloom finished, giving me the classic puppy dog look. Any man's kryptonite. "Sure." I answered, not wanting to disappoint the girls. The all cheered and jumped for joy at my answer. "Alright! Now we have the coolest pony on our team." Scootaloo decleared. "Thanks you, Mark. Ya won't regret it." Applebloom said. "Here." Sweetie Belle said as she walked up to me and handed me a cape. "We made this for you." It was the same type of cape the girls had, but just a pinch bigger. "Thanks." I said as I held the cape infront of me, studying it. "It looks great." "We need ta head back to the clubhouse to plan for our next adventure!" Applebloom decleared. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS AWAY!!" They yelled in unison, before dashing away to god knows where. What a strange day. I thought as I began to make my way back to the castle. > Chapter 9: Surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Were are we going again?" I asked for the second time. "I already told you, we're heading to Sugarcube Corner to pick up a special package." Twilight answered, trying to remain calm. It was earlier this morning, Twilight informed me that there was something important she wanted me to do with her today. When I asked what it was, all she said was 'Wait and see.' I didn't bother trying to press her about, since we haven't had much time to hang out. I had been in Equestria for a solid week now, and Twilight & me haven't had much time to talk. Sure, I saw her in the morning for breakfast, passing by the halls during the day, and she would come to my room tell me goodnight, but we never really got to know each other yet. At this point, me & Spike were almost best buds by now, but Twilight was just a room mate. Or castle mate. I guess being a princess didn't give you much free time. Now it was the afternoon, and Twilight, Spike, & me were walking through Ponyville, making our way to Sugarcube Corner. I knew something was up, but I decided to go ahead and play along with it. In a world without T.V, Internet, phones or video games, you got your jollies anyway you could. Besides, we were heading to Sugarcube Corner, we were bound to run into Pinkie Pie at some point. She maybe a crazy, motor mouthed pony, but she was a blast to hang out with. Actually, all the mares I've been hanging out with were great to be around. They were smart, kind, funny, and cute. Yes, CUTE. At first I thought was the type of cute you'd think when being around a bunch of puppies or something, but now I think it was going into something a little more. I don't know if it has something to do with being turned into a pony, but I was starting to grow an affection towards these ponies. I hope I'm not becoming attracted to them or something. "We're here." Twilight said, snapping me out of my trail of thought. She opened the door and looked at me with a smile. As I looked through the door, I saw the place was completely dark. Which meant two things, ethier it was a surprise party awaiting me, or killers waiting for me to walk in to kill me and make food out of me. God, I hope it's the first one. "Uhh... Twilight, why is the light's out? Is the shop closed or something?" I asked nervously, hoping for her to answer. "Just go in." Twilight said as she rolled her eyes at me. Well, here I go. I thought, before walking throught the threshold. I walked a few feet in, before stopping to turn around behind me. Twilight & Spike also walking in, closing the door behind me. Now we were in complete darkness. As my eyes tried to adjust to the change, I squinted my eyes trying to make out my surroundings. I could faintly see the forms of other ponies in the room, as well as hear them breathing. I couldn't help but start to panic alittle. Why are there ponies wanting for us in the dark? Is something going on? Do the princesses not trust me anymore? What if... FWOOM! A sudden blinding flash of light exploded everywhere, completely taking me by surprise as my senses went nuts. "SURPRISE!!!" Everypony in the room screamed, as confetti, streamers, and the sound of party whistles filled the room. I however, I was too busy to be surprised. As I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the flash behind my eyelids to go away. "Pinkie, you turned the light on too quickly." I heard Rainbow Dash say. "You blinded the poor guy!" "It's, okay. Just give me a minute..." I answered, earning a few giggles from the room. As I rapidly blinked my eyes, getting my eyes to refocus, I started to look around the room. And was totally surprised by the sight! It seemed like over half of Ponyville was crammed into the bakery. As I looked around, I saw quite a few number of ponies I already knew, plus alot of ones I didn't. Twilight & Spike was here, duhh, they were the ones to lead me here. There was Also Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity here. As well the CMC and several other kids, each had their own look that made them standout as cute. Ditzy Doo was also standing in the group, next to a filly unicorn that looked similar to her. She was light pink, with a yellow mane & tail, as well as adorable yellow eyes. She's so damn cute! I thought with a smile. Looking around, I saw everypony's eyes were on me, giving me big smiles and looks of contentment. "I don't get it, what's all this for?" I Asked Twilight, turning to give her a confused look. "It's you're surprise party." She stated, rolling her eyes. "Can't you tell?" "Yeah, but why?" "Because silly-billy." Pinkie said, as she bounced over next to me. "You've been long overdue for one. I told you I'd throw you a big party to welcome you to Ponyville, and now I get to throw you one for saving the town as well. Think of it as a big 'Welecome to Ponyville and thanks for being a super cool hero', party." Pinkie finished with a giggle. "I'm no hero..." I muttered. I could feel my cheeks becoming hot, the tell-tale sign I was starting to blush. "I didn't even do that much." "That's not true darling." Rarity spoke up, walking up to us with AJ and Fluttershy. "You lead that awful brute away from our sisters and helped defeat it in one blast. That makes you a hero in my book." "Yeah, don't sell yourself short, sugarcube." AJ said, as she put her arm around my shoulder. Now I knew my face was beat red! "Ya helped us take down that thing when we were struggling against it. You're alot more then ya give yourself credit for." "Yeah. Applejack's right." Fluttershy said in her soft tone. "You're kind and brave. And smart and handsome, and..." She trailed off, hiding face behind her hair. I could tell that she was blushing just as much as I was at this point. "They're right, Mark! Your the best!" Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo yelled as they rushed me. Covering me in a group hug. I noticed that Ditzy Doo and the little unicorn were close behind them. "Your the coolest stallion we've ever met!" sweetie belle said. "Next ta my brother, of course." Applebloom corrected. "Oh come on, Applebloom!" Scottaloo said, rolling her eyes. "How many earth ponies do you know that can explode in an awesome ball of magical energy?!" "He doesn't look so special to me." A voice suddenly said out in the crowd of other ponies. The CMC quickly released me and turned their attention to some fillies in the crowd, giving them venomous looks. As I looked, I noticed two fillies that look like spoiled brats. One was pink, with blue eyes and a purple mane & tail with a white streak in it. She had a tiara on her head and a picture of one as her cutie mark. The other filly was grey, with a white mane & tail. I couldn't tell what color her eyes were through the blue framed glasses, but I think they were grey, hard to tell. She also wore a blue bead necklace and had a silverspoon on her flank. One look at them, and I knew they were the stuck up girls. There was always some in every group. "He just looks like a normal earth pony to me." The pink one said, her nose pointing up in disgust. "Yeah. What's so great about him?" The grey one asked, giving the CMC a unpleased look. I'm so starting to not like these two. I thought, getting a little peed at their unkind words. Judging by the looks by everyone else, I wasn't the only one. "Your wrong, Diamond Tiara!" Sweetie Belle yelled. Ha! i knew her name was something like that. What's the other one, Silverspoon?! "He is special! So you and Silverspoon lay off him!" Yep, called it. "Yeah, Mark here did all of that without even a cutie mark!" Applebloom spoke out. "And he's more brave then some of the other stallions I know. Ex...except for my brother." She corrected. "Besides, he's now a member of the cutie mark crusaders! That makes him even more awesome!" Scootaloo finished, acting as if that would stop those two's comments. Sadly it didn't. "So, all that means is he's an adult stallion without a cutie mark." Diamond Tiara said rudely. "Yeah, not so special looking to me." Silverspoon also commented. Alright, that's it! I thought, getting tired of the two brats. I knew that I couldn't physically punish them for being so rude, or use harsh language at them. But I grew up dealing with bullies and prissy bitches all through school, and I knew the best way to get back at them was to make them feel dumb and small in the crowd. Beat them with words. And If I learned anything from my father, it was running my mouth. Time to put these little stuck up brats in their place! "Your right girls, I"m not special! I'm just your average Joe." I said, walking toward them. I could tell my words caught them by surprised. Now I had them. "I'm just as surprised as anypony else how I was able to defeat that golem the way I did. Heck, I doubt I'll be able to cast magic like that ever again." I stated. This caused all the girls to look at me curiously or with concerned, while the two brats smirked at me. Almost like I confirmed what they thought. "However..." I began, pointing up a hoof as I prepared to drop a bomb at them. "Just because someone seems normal or not as talented as others, doesn't make them useless. Anypony is capable of acts of greatness, even during times of great stress or danger. That's what makes a hero! Normal ponies never giving up and fighting for what they believe in. We see it all the times from the firefighters who risked their lifes to rush into a burning building, or the guard who risks his life to protect his kingdom. But even normal everyday ponies like me can do great things to protect the ones they love, if pushed hard enough. Cutie mark or not!" Finished, giving the two fillies a smirk. Suddenly, everpony in the room was cheering and stomping their hoofs on the floor. Without even realizing it, I just gave a huge speech like I was Captain America or something. But it worked, I had embarrassed the two brats while everypony else cheered. Take that, you little bitches! I thought, as I watched them worm their way back into the crowd. "That was one heck of a speech, sugarcube!" Applejack said, slapping my back with her hoof. "I agree, darling. That was so moving." Rarity said, with a gleamer in her eyes. "I couldn't have giving one as inspiring as you did." Twilight said with a smile. "You sure you're not a hero?" "Okay, okay. Enough of the mushy stuff, already!" Rainbow dash proclaimed, hovering in the air. Looks like she was healed. "Okay everypony, let's party!" Pinkie yelled, pointing off toward the crowd. "Hit it, Vinyl!" Looking off to were she had pointed, I saw off to the side of the crowd, a mare standing behind what looked like a giant DJ mixing table. The mare was white, with a wild looking blue mane & tail. Her eyes were hidden behind some cool looking purple glasses. She held her arm up for a moment, almost like she was about to declear something, before bringing it down and turning on the boom box. The speakers boomed with what sound like dubstep (A different type of techno, if you didn't know), as she banged her head to the beat of the music. Everypony in the room started moving their bodies and dancing to the music, even Twilight seemed to be enjoying herself. I just shrugged my shoulder at the sight, before deciding to join in the fun. When in Rome..... I thought, banging my head and moving my rear and tail to the tune. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, Dinky Doo is your daughter?" I asked Ditzy Doo. We were both standing by the snack table. "Yep." She answered, taking a bite out of her muffin. "She's my pride and joy." The party had been in full swing for well over two hours. While several ponies soon left the party to go do their own thing, most remained to have good time. The party had been quite a blast, I have to say. There was great food, fun games and great ponies to hang out with. Twilight was with Mayor Mare and Rarity, talking about design plans for the coming festival, while the other girls were off talking and laughing with each other. Pinkie was over by Vinyl Scratch, shaking her groove thing and making song requests. Spike & the CMC were off with the other kids playing 'Pin the tail on the Pony', among them was Dinky Doo. It was clear just by looking at her she was a little younger then the others, but they didn't care. They treated her just like a part of the group. It was nice to see. "She's as cute as a button." I said with a smile, watching the kids play. "Thank you." Ditzy replied. "It must be so hard for you, being a young single mother." "I won't lie, it hasn't been easy raising Dinky all by myself." Ditzy said as she stared at her daughter for moment, before looking at me with a smile. "But I've had alot of help from my friends and family." "What about her father?" I asked. During the whole time we've been talking about Dinky Doo, I only heard a little about her father. I only learned that he was some type of doctor, who she met several years ago when he came to Ponyville. "I don't mean to pry, but where has he been during this whole time?" "Traveling." She answered simply, staring off in the distance. She had told me that he had been traveling for years, off doing his job. What ever that was. "Will he ever return?" I asked, curiously. "Someday." She said with a smile. "I know that someday my Doctor will come back for us. He said he would." Before I could ponder upon what she had said, I was interrupted by a wave of childern running up to us. Lead by Spike and the CMC. "Hey Mark, we're going to play 'Hit the Pinata'. Come join us" Spike said, pointed off to the pinata already set up in the room. "Yeah, Mark. Come play with us. It'll be fun!" Applebloom said. "I don't know..." I began. "I've never played it before." "Oh come on. I bet you'll like it." Sweetie Belle said. "What's not to like? You hit something made out of paper with a stick, and get free candy!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Well..." I hesitated. "Please uncle Mark?" Dinky Doo walked up and ask. That did it. No way I could say no to cute eyes like that. Awww, it's just so damn cute! Can't.... resist.... "Okay, okay. you win. I'll play." I answered. They all cheered, before grabbing me by the hoof and leading me toward the pinata. Ditzy was giggling at me the whole time. Help! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash watched with amusment as Mark was being lead around by the children. The girls placed a cloth over his eyes before spinning him around and placing a stick in his hooves. They laughed as they watched him wobble around, trying to find the pinata so he could hit it. "He sure has a way with kids." Applejack said with a smile, watching Mark swinging wildly in the air, only to fall on his rump. "The kids sure do like him." Fluttershy said, blushing as she watch Mark. Suddenly, her wings flew open, sticking straight in the air. "Looks like they ain't the only ones!" Rainbow Dash stated, before busting up laughing at the sight. Fluttershy gave a small Eeeep! before trying to recompose herself, pushing her wings back to her sides. Though the blush remained heavy on her face. "Aww, lay off her Dash." Applejack said, giving her a look. "Ah'm not surprised she finds him attractive. Mark is a nice stallion, after all." "You should talk, AJ!" Rainbow Dash said with a sly smirk. "What was with you closing your stall the other day so suddenly, just to get a chance to hang out with him?" "Hey, mind your own business!" Applejack snapped at her. "Besides, it was lunch time and ah figured ah could use the break." "Uhh-huh." Rainbow Dash replied, rolling her eyes unconvinced. "Face it, you both got it BAD!" "Got what bad?" Twilight asked. Her and Rarity were now walking up to them, after having discussed the final details for the upcoming festival. "What are you girls talking about?" "AJ and Fluttershy have a crush on Mark!" Dash proclaimed, causing the two girls to blush with embarrassment. "Well, honestly darling, could you blame them?" Rarity asked, poofing her hair with her hoof. "He is quite a catch." "What?" Dash asked, blown away by Rarity's words. "Oh come on, Dash. You have to admit he is quite good looking." Rarity said, glancing over to mark playing with the kids. "He's kind, shy, brave, great with kids, and from what Twilight said, knows how to cook. A girl would be stupid to let a stallion like that slip by her." "But that's the thing! He's not really a stallion, he a blasted alien!" Dash protested. "He breaths and bleeds the same as us." Twilight said. "From the tests I was able to do on him, I was able to confirmed that everything about him is the same as a normal pony." She stated to her friends. Though she left out that his magic aura was quite a bit stronger then the average earth ponies. "Whatever he was, where ever he was from, he's a pony now." Dash just puffed as she rolled her eyes as she looked off to the side. "Besides, did you hear that speech he gave earlier? He's clearly an intelligent pony who knows how to inspire others. Just imagine what he must have been like before coming to Equestria." Twilight said with a sigh, smiling as she looked over to Mark. "I don't believe it. You all are going all mushy over an alien!" Dash proclaimed, shocked by her friends feelings toward Mark. "Oh, don't act like ya don't feel anything for him as well, Dash." Applejack said, giving the pegasus a look. "Ever since he's been here, ya've been acting a little funny yourself." "Wh...what do you mean?" Dash asked surprised. "Oh come on, sugarcube. Ever since Mark helped save us from that golem, ya've been going on and on about him. Ya may act like your jealous about it, but deep down, you're just as smitten with him as we are." "I am not!" Dash yelled, turning her head off to the side. But her rosey cheeks told on her. "Darling, it's alright if you are. You are a mare after all." Rarity said, trying to reasure her friend. "Whatever guys." Dash said before using her wings to hover in the air. "I'm out of here!" And with that, she flew out of Sugarcube Corner. "Where's Dash going?" Pinkie asked, walking over to were here friends were. "She's just off to think about what it means to be a girl." Rarity stated. "But why would she have to think about that? She is one." Pinkie Pie stated, causing the other girls to bust out laughing. > Chapter 10: Cutie Mark Crusaders Assemble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uuhhhggh! Come on you on you stupid knot!" I cursed, as I tried to tie my CMC cape around my neck. Using hoofs were harder then it looked. How the hell do stallions put ties around their necks? I thought in frustration, as I was finally able to finish. It was the day after the big party Pinkie & the others threw, and the start of a brand new week. It was a Monday, and I had been in Equestria for a whole week now. I was starting to get used to being a pony, and Ponyville was starting to feel like home. Even Twilight's castle was starting to feel homey, and I was no longer wondering around the halls lost. I'd call that progress! Anyway, today the CMC were on their way to pick me up soon, to take me to their to clubhouse. It's located just on the outskirts of Sweet Apple acres, in what Applebloom called a secluded part of the farm. Apparently, it used to be Applejack's when she was a little filly, and had giving it to her sister for her and her friends to play in. That's cool. I remember when I was a kid, how I'd always visit my cousin Eric every summer to spend a few weekends at his house. His family lived in the country area, away from the city, so it was always a blast hanging out with him. We'd do lots of stuff together: From playing video games inside, or watching scary movies at night. To swimming in his pool or hanging out in his clubhouse. His dad built it for him when he turned ten, on an old tree just behind their house. It might not have been the best looking clubhouse in the world, but to us, it was the world. Ahh.... those were good times! Hopefully I'd have just as much fun hanging out in their clubhouse. If anything else, I'd just enjoy going to Sweet Apple acres. I haven't been there yet, and I did promise Applejack that I'd stop by sometime to meet her family. So far in Equestria, I had only been to two locations so far, Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. There were still many places on my travel list to check off yet, and Sweet Apple acres was first. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. "Sir, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the entrance hall, waiting for you." One of the maids said through my door. "Coming!" I answered, checking myself one last time in the mirror before giving my reflection an approving nod. Let's get this show on the road! I thought to myself, as I exited my room and made my way down stairs to greet the CMC. As I rounded the hall and prepared to head down said stairs, I saw a sight that I couldn't help but laugh at. Down the stairs, in the main hall, was the girls. Having a grand old time at the expense of Rosebud, who was trying to keep them from trashing the place. Scootaloo was running up the stairs, only to jump on the top rail and slide down. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were running around playing tag, and bumping into vases and other rich breakable looking things. Poor Rosebud looked like she was at a cross between wanting to pull her hair out, or break down and cry. I better step in. I thought with a smile, before clearing my thought. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, ATTEN HUT!" I yelled, in my best military sounding voice. As soon as the girls heard me, they stopped what they was doing, looked up the stairs at me, and ran to the front of the bottom stairs. Forming in a single file line. "Cutie Mark Crusaders reporting for duty!" They all said at once, giving me a salute. As I made my way down the stairs to them, they smiled up at me, eager to start the day. Rosebud let out a sigh of relief, as she straighten the vases and looked up at me. "Oh, thank Celestia!" She said, before turning her gaze at the girls. "They don't pay me enough to deal with a force of nature like them!" I couldn't help but chuckle at that. I guess even some ponies can't tolerate kids. I thought before turning my attention back at the girls. "Okay girls, you ready for our day of fun?" I asked them. "Yeah!!" They all screamed, hopping in the air with glee. "Okay, okay. Let's get outta here before you girls run poor Rosebud here up the walls." I stated, before walking towards the front door. The girls were soon right behind me. "Thank you." Rosebud said to me as I walked by. "No problem. Just make me some grilled cheese sandwiches when I get back, and I'll call us even." "Done." She replied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This going to be so awesome! You're totally going to dig it!" Scootaloo proclaimed as she hopped around us, fluttering her wings. "Yeah, our clubhouse is the best! Just wait, ya'll see." Applebloom said, looking up at me excitedly. "We even cleaned the place up for you. I hope you'll like it." Said Sweetie Belle, staying close to my side the whole time. "Don't worry girls. I'm sure I'll love it." I replied. We had left Ponyville and were now on a dirt road, as we made our way to Sweet Apple acres. As I looked around us, I noticed today was another beautiful sunny day. The grass was lush, the birds were chirping, and everything looked so peaceful. It was the kind of peace you'd never find in the city, and could only experience out in the country. I loved it. Another thing I noticed was that it hardly ever rained, as only a few clouds were in the sky. Twilight explained that the pegasi controlled the weather, and only had it rain every now and then to help crops grow and help the environment. I wish earth could do that. "We're almost here." Applebloom said as we neared a area that had a white fence around it. "Welcome to Sweet Apple acres, Mark." As we walked near the entrance of the fence, I noticed an archway, it had bushes on it with apples in it. Hanging under the arch, was a wooden sign with an apple on it. But as we started to pass the archway, I couldnt help but stop and marvel at the sight before me. Off to the left of us, near the entrance archway, was an old style well, comeplete with a bucket and rope on it. Barrels were stacked next to it, and I assumed they werre filled with water. Over to the right of us, was a chicken house, which I could tell not just from the sounds of chickens inside, but a sign with a picture of a nest and egg was hanging above it's door. Everywhere around us I saw crop fields of every type stretching all around the place. Way ahead of us stood what looked like a combo between a red barn & red house, as it was huge, about three floors high, complete with windows and barn doors. Off to the right of it was little red pens type houses that looked like it was meant to house pigs, sheeps, and a few cows. Surrounding it was a white fence with loads of hay behind them. Far off to the right I saw another Red building, but this time I could tell it was a normal type barn, as it only had a few barn doors and no windows. Off not far from it was a weird looking orange type building that had a carrot looking thing on top of it. But behind all that, was apple trees. Apple trees as far as the eye could see. Starting from behind the red house/barn, and going clear over to the hills behind the place. Now, I had seen a few farms on my way out of town before, small simple ones that were always next to the roads. Hell, even when I was a kid our school took us to a dairy farm as a field trip, but it was nowhere near as big as this place. This place is huge! I thought to myself, as my jaw almost hit the ground in awe. How do they gather all those apples from those trees? It must take them forever just to cover only half of them. "Come on, the clubhouse is this way." Applebloom said, before her and the other girls started moving forward. I just nodded my head in response, before trailing behind. I was still blown away by the sheer size of the place. As we made our way though the fields, I noticed far of to the side was a big red stallion with a blonde mane & tail plowing the fields with a rack type thing strapped behind him. As he used nothing but his seer strenght to drag it behind him. "Who is that?" I asked in amazement. "Oh, that's my big brother, Big Macintosh. But we all just call him Big Mac. He's really strong, but he doesn't talk much." Applebloom answered. Note to self, don't piss this guy off! I thought as we continued to walk past him. He only looked up at us for small moment to smile, at Applebloom I assumed, before continuing his work. We soon, passed the crop fields and were making our way to the house/barn to head through the apple tree forest, when I heard a familiar voice yell out. It was also followed the sounds of bahhing sheep and the barking of a small little dog. "Yeeeeeehah! Come on Winona, let's round up these critters!" Applejack yelled, as she herded a group of sheep over the hill and towards the animal pens. A small brown and white dog with a red collar followed right beside her. I watched her an amazement as she and her dog herded the sheep, keeping them all bunched together and from running off in the wrong direction, as they lead them to the pen. If one of them did get start to break from the group, Applejack would just bump into that one and get it to move back into the herd. The dog happily barked as it also keeped the sheep in the line, running on the other side to keep them in order. The way she and the dog herded the sheep in a type of pincer attack, told me she had done that type of thing at least a million times before. Like clockwork, the sheep ran into the pen without any trouble, and once the last one was inside Applejack closed the pen door. She then turned to place her right front hoof across her left one as she gave a smug smile, pleased with her work. "That was awesome!" I said out load, as I walked up to her. The girls had long since stopped walking forword when we saw Applejack herd the sheep, and now that I was walking over to where she was, they decided to follow behind me. "Mark, fancy seeing ya here. So what'cha doing, spending time with the girls?" She asked with a smile, as she pointed at my CMC cape. "Yep. I told the kids I'd hang out with them today." I replied. "Oh, is that so?" AJ asked with a friendly smirk. "Yeah sis." Applebloom answered, as her and the other girls walked up to us. "We're showing him our clubhouse so he can become an official member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" "Oh, well then. I'd better not keep ya waiting." AJ said with a giggle. Just then, the dog came up to me, and started sniffing at my leg. Which I must admit, was a little unsettling. Not because I was afraid of dogs or anything, but usually when a dog sniffs around on somepony like that, it only meant two things. Either it was going to pee on my leg, start humping my leg, neither outcome was not good. So it came as a big surprise to me when the dog jumped up on me, knocking me on my back, and starting licking me in the face. The whole scene reminded me of the Flintstones, when Dino knocked Fred down and licked him. "It seems Winona sure has taken a liking to ya, Mark." Applejack laughed. The other girls busted up laughing at the sight of me trying in vain to pull the dog off me. "Yay for me." I said sarcasticly, as the dog continued to lick my face happily. Back on earth, I was always a dog lover, as it seemed dogs were more friendlier to me then girls. But here....well.... "Okay Winona, get off him. He has someplace to go, and we still have work to do." Applejack told the dog. Winona gave me one last lick, before hopping off me and standing next to Applejack. Giving a happy bark. Thank god for that. I thought, as I whiped the dog saliva from my face. "Ya'll have fun now." AJ called out before her and Winona run off. "Come on, Mark." Scootaloo said eagerly. "We're wasting daylight!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, it sure seems.... cozy." I said, looking up at the clubhouse in a big old apple tree. It was a nice sized clubhouse, with a ramp on it's side for ponies to walk up on. Which was good, because I didn't know how to climb up ladders as a pony yet. I also notice on the top of the clubhouse, above the leaves and branches was a lookout post. They sure have this place decked out. I thought as I studied it's outsides. "Come on up, Mark." Sweetie Belle said as she started making her way up the ramp. "Yeah. It gets even cooler on the inside." Scootaloo explained, as she and Applebloom also began walking up the ramp. Following the girls up to the inside of the clubhouse, I started walking up the ramp as well. But as I made it halfway up, I stopped at a wonderous sight. Down the hill and past all the apple trees, I could see Ponyville in the far distance. What a view! I thought, looking at the town from my spot on the ramp. No wonder the girls like coming here. The view is great, it's nice and quite, and the place is like a small fortress! Once inside, I got a good look at the place. Pictures and crayon drawn maps covered the walls. The place had a few chairs, a table, and a speaking stand all inside it. I also noticed off to the sides were a small table with a chemical set, a shelf with several books on magic, and a workbench with a scooter and it's parts on top of it. And there, standing in the middle of the clubhouse was the CMC, looking up at me for approval. "Well, what do you think?" Sweetie Belle asked eagerly. "It's pretty snazzy, girls. You really did a great job to the place." I said truthfully. "You orginized this place better then some of the adults I know that try to decorate their houses." "Ya really think so?" Applebloom asked, her eyes gleaming with hope. "Yep." I nodded. "Oh yeah!" Scottaloo shouted excitedly. "I told you he'd dig the place." "So..." I began, as I walked over to the chemistry set to give it a look. "Now that we're here, what do you girls plan to do?" "Figure out a way for us to get our cutie marks!" Scootaloo decleared. "What?" "That's why we founded the cutie mark crusaders in the first place." Sweetie Belle said. "For us to figure out how we can get our cutie marks so we won't feel different from everypony else." "Yeah, and now that your here, we can come up with a way ta get our cutie marks for sure." Applebloom said, as they all looked up at me with hope. "You're an adult who doesn't have a cutie mark. But look at all ya done!" "Yeah! If someone as talented as you doesn't have his cutie mark yet, then it gives us hope that we might get ours someday." Sweetie Bell said with a smile. "Uhh....how so?" "Because, you defeated a monster in a single blast, not only that, but when you did, you had a cutie mark for a few seconds before it disappeared." Scootaloo exclaimed. "If you came that close to getting your cutie mark, then chances are we all might be able to get ours as well!" "Okay..... So how does a pony earn their cutie mark?" I asked, still not understanding where they were going with all this. "Simple. By finding out your special talent. Duhh." Sweetie Belle said, rolling her eyes. "And we have a plan on how we can all get ours!" Applebloom said. Before they all began to explain their many plans to me. Well, at least this is better then having me play tea party with them. I take it back, this is far WORSE then that! I thought as I listened to the girls nineteenth crazy plan they had for us to earn our cutie marks. They made no sense and over half of the them were WAY too dangerous. Bungee jumping off a cliff, shooting ourselfs out of canons, starting a salon to trim the fur off a manticore. Hell, there WAS even a plan to throw a tea party. That one was Sweetie Belle's idea, while all the ones that could kill us came from Scootaloo. Applebloom's was no better. Having a dog slid race, become painters, starting a company that made cheese flavored syrup, the list when on and on. I just hung my head as I was hit with one crazy scheme to the next. "Let me get this straight." I began, trying not to have my head pop by all the crazy plans the girls were coming up with. "The best way for a pony to get their cutie mark, is for them to find their special talent, right?" I asked. They all nodded their heads. "Okay, then why are you coming up with all these crazy ideas when you could be focusing on your special talents?!" I asked, trying to hold back my frustration to keep from slamming my hoof onto my forehead. The girls glanced at each other before hanging their heads low in shame. "We don't know what that is." Applebloom answered. "What?" I blinked at them in surprised. "We don't know what o..." Sweetie Belle started to repeat. "I heard what you said. My question is how do you NOT know what your talents are by now?" I asked, totally amazed by that fact. "What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked, curiously. "I mean, everypony I've met so far has had a talent related to their names!" I began to explain, surprised they haven't figured it out by now. "Think about it. Pinkie Pie's is having fun and throwing parties. Fluttershy's is caring for animals and being... well, shy. Rarity's is designing clothes and looking pretty. Rainbow Dash's is being a fast flyer and brave pegasus. And Twilight's is freaking magic! Do you get what I'm trying to say here?" "We get that, but how does that help us?" Applebloom asked, puzzled by my words. "Yeah? What do our names have to do with our talents?" Scootaloo asked, completely not getting it. "EVERYTHING!" I yelled, causing them to look up at me in surprised. I then started pointing a hoof at each of them as I made my point. "Scootaloo, you're always going on how you want to be like Rainbow Dash and fly someday, right? And you're always zipping around on that scooter of yours. Well, THAT is your special talent! Your skill at riding scooters and need for speed is the key to unlocking it. Sweetie Belle, you tell me how much you like music and putting together little plays, right? Well, yours is preforming in plays, singing and shining in the spotlight. Applebloom, you told me how you like to go over to Zecora's and help her gather herbs and brew potions, right? Well, I bet yours has something to do with that. See girls, It has everything to do with your names!" I finally finished, feeling triumphant at what I just said. "Then what about you?" Applebloom asked me, catching me off guard. "Huh?" "Yeah, if our talents are related to our names, then what would yours be?" Sweetie Belle ask. I sat there and pondered on that for more then a few minutes. My now pony name was Mark Less Stevens. So what did that say about me? Was I destined to be a pony without a cutie mark because I was really from another world?! The whole thing was making my head wanting to explode, "Nahhhhh....It can't be that easy." Scootaloo dismessed my theory with a wave of her hoof. "If it was that easy for us, we'd have our cutie marks by now." I couldn't hold it back anymore. The topic had put a stretch on my brain, and the fact that these girls just didn't get it was too much. I face hoofed. "Hey ya'll!" Applejack's voice called from the outside, causing us to walk over to the nearby window. She was standing there giving us a friendly smirk while she used a cloth to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Ya'll been up there for a few hours. Why don't ya come down and we'll go have lunch?" She asked as she looked up at us. "Not right now, sis." Applebloom answered. "We're trying ta figure out how to get our cutie marks." "Well... okay then." She said as she started to turn around. "Hey, wait!" I called out. No way I was sticking around and listening to another one of their hair-brained ideas. "Some food would sound great right now." I said as I all but jumped off the ramp to get to her. "Alright then." AJ said with a smirk. And with that, we left the girls to their plans as we made our way back to the farm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Would ya like another slice of apple pie, youngin?" Granny Smith, as she took my empty plate. "No thanks, Ma'am." I answered as I patted my full belly. "Just call me Granny, youngin. Everypony else does." She said with a smile, walking over to the sink. "Your coltfriend sure is nice, AppleJack." "He's not my coltfriend!" AJ protested, as she crossed her arms. She was trying to hide it, but she was blushing a little. "He's just a friend." We where inside the kitchen, sitting at the table and talking as we ate fresh baked apple pies. Granny Smith was quite a funny old mare, as she had been talking my ear off ever since we came into the house. She was a light green, with silver-gray mane & tail that came from age. Her face was covered with wrinkles, and the way she walked said that she had a bad hip, but her heart was young. I never knew my grandparents, so it was kinda cool getting to know Applejack's. I asked her tons of questions about her past, and in return, she asked me questions as well. Mostly about Applejack and me! "I don't see what problem is, hon. He's your friend, and he's a colt, so that makes him your coltfriend." She said with a smirk, as she sat back down at the table with us. AJ was using her hat to hide her face from being embarassment. "So, Mark was it?" Granny Smith asked. I nodded yes. "Applejack told me you're from another land far from here. Tell me, what's it like?" "Well..." I began. "It's pretty much alot like Equestria. Except instead of ponies being the main race, it's more of a mixing pot of different species." I lied. "Like what?" She aked curiously. "Ummm, well, Zebras, griffins, minotaurs and goats." I said. Using the creatures as a substitutes for the different human races back home. "I see." Granny Smith said, buying my explanation. "So, I've being hearing all about how ya stopped that rock monster from destroying Ponyville and saving my girls. Ya must be very brave." "Nahh, I just did what I could to help." I replied. Having heard praises like that for the last several days now was starting to get a little old. Honestly, All I really did was get lucky! "Just think how Romantic it is ta be rescued by a stunning stallion like that, Applejack." She said elbowing AJ in the arm. "Just think how you'll be able ta tell ya'lls little ones about it." "WHAT?!" Me and AJ both yelled in surprise. Now both of faces were beat red. "Reminds me of how my folks met each other long ago. Say, would ya'll like ta see our family photos? I got some cute pictures of Applejack as a filly." Granny Smith said with an almost sly smirk. "Uhhh......No thanks, Granny!" AJ said as she shot up and grabbed me by the arm. "Me and Mark here have ta get going to Ponyville ta....run a few errands!" Before I could even say anything, Applejack pulled my up from my chair, ran me out the door and had us running down the field. Her hoof never let go of my arm. "What was all that about?" I asked in confusion. "Trust me, ya don't want to know!" AJ answered, never looking back. > Chapter 11: Lessons with Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright Mark. Let's begin." Twilight said, as she began to slowily circled me. "Magic is all about concentration and willpower. A unicorn must focus their magic from within inorder to unleash it with their horn. It takes time for us to learn how to use magic, and most only ever really learn more then the basics." "Yeah, but that's because they 're unicorns. I'm just an earth pony. I don't think I can use magic." I said bluntly, not enjoying this magic lesson. Twilight just stayed quite for a moment, looking like she was trying her best not to face hoof. We where in the study room, trying to have me learn how to use magic. Today started out like any other normal morning, I woke up, took a shower and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. But that's when everything changed. Twilight told me she had some free time today, and wanted to help me with learning how to use magic. I told her that it would be impossible for me to learn how to control magic, and that defeating the golem was really just a fluke. But Twilight wasn't having it. So, needless to say, after breakfast, she dragged me into the library to reread the basics on learning magic, with a book meant for young unicorns, and proceeded to give me lectures on magic like she was my teacher or something. Now, it was almost noon, and we were now in here so I could practice magic. "Of course you can, Mark." Twilight assured me. "Other wise, you wouldn't have been able to use it on the golem. The magical blast you unleashed was one on the strongest one's I've seen. And I should know, I had the magic of four alicorns inside me!" "I don't know Twilight. I mean, you are the princess of magic. So using magic comes easy to you. But I'm just a guy from another world without magic who got zapped here and turned into a pony. Magic is unknown to me. It would be like a fish being able to breathe on the surface, and then asked to walk. I just don't know how!" "But you're not just a normal guy!" Twilight sighed, as she put her hoof to her chest before she released the air. "Your magic aura is much stronger then normal earth ponies, a dead give way that you posses magical talent. We just need to figure out how to get you to channel it. Do you remember anything before you defeated the golem? Any type of feeling or emotions that might have triggered your magic?" "Not really." I began, rubbing the back of my head. "I mean, when that thing was on top of me, ready to smash me into paste, alot of things were going on. I was in pain, I was scared, I was pissed I was going to die and neve...." And then it hit me. "I remember now. When that thing knocked you out, and was making it's way the kids and me, I felt a fire ignited inside my belly, like a wave of emotions hit me in the gut!" "Go on." Twilight said, looking intrigued. "I remember thinking, 'I can't let that thing hurt the childern.' And that's why I rushed out to meet that thing head on." "See, you are a hero." Twilight said with a smirk. "Only a brave pony would risk their life to save others." "Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, when it was about to squash me like a bug, I remember that feeling in my gut boil over. As fear turned into rage as the thought of dieing was so not on my to do list. And then, well, I snapped." "That's it!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly. Almost like she had just solved the world's greatest mystery or something. "That feeling in your stomach you had was the magic inside you! And it was your emotions and desperation that allowed you to unlock it's power!" "Say what?" I asked, getting it but not understanding it. "It means, that the key for you to unlocking your magic is to use your emotions and channel that feeling in your stomach you had, then you'll be able to use it whenever you want!" Twilight explained. "Twilight, not to sound like a negitive nanny, but that just sounds like a bunch of guano." I said, rolling my eyes at the whole thing. "Just be quiet and listen to my instruction!" She said, with just a hint of frustration. "Now, clear all your thoughts and emotions and relex." She instructed. I let out a huge breathe and did as I was told. I relaxed myself and tried not to focus on anything, keeping my mind as clear as I could make it. "Now, close your eyes and search deep inside yourself until you feel a strange force of energy, like a small ball of light deep inside the darkness." Twilight instructed. I just rolled my eyes behind my eyelids, before doing what she said. Keeping my eyes closed, I tried searching in the darkness behind my eyes for something, anything for me to find. I thought this whole thing was a waste of time, but I continued with it anyway. as I stood their trying to 'feel' this energy inside me, I became aware of the sounds around me as I listened. I could hear the sound of Twilight and me breathing, as well the sound of my own heart beat. Bump bump, Bump bump. I listened as I heard my heart beat in a rhythm. The only thing I could hear or feel was the sound of my heart beating. Bump bump, Bump bump, Bump bump. I could feel it pump inside me, flowing the blood through my body and filling my body with the energy it needs to live. "Concentrate Mark. Focus on nothing else but the feelings deep inside you, as you push everything else out out of your mind." Twilight instructed, as I continued to stand there playing as a statue. I kept searching inside for any hint of the energy that burned inside me the week before. But the results were the same as I felt was my heatbeat and all I saw was the darkness behind my eyelids. I started to sweat with frustrated as nothing was happening. How am I supposed to do this? Finally, I just crossed my arms as I opened my eyes to snap, "This is impossible!" "No it isn't." Twilight sighed. "Don't give up so easily. Fight for it! Try again." Frowning, I closed my eyes again, setting aside all distracting thoughts and doubts. I took another deep breathe and reached into the farthest corners of my consciousness, trying to find this stupid ass power. Searching, I found only thoughts and memories until I felt something..... Different.... a small ball of thought and energy that was a part of me, yet not. Excited, I tried to dig into it, seeking what it hid. But I felt resistance, a barrier in my mind, and I knew that the power lay on the other side of the barrier. Growing angry, I drove into the barrier, ramming against it with all my might, hoping to break the dam of energy behind it. But the barrier didn't even budge, only managing to produce a small crack in it. But I knew I was making progress as a light of energy poured from the crack, and I could feel the energy as it slowly pour through me. It wasn't much, but I knew I was close to unlocking it's full power. "That it, Mark! You're doing it!" Twilight said excitedly. I opened my eyes to find that Twilight and the floor was much lower then I last saw it. It was then that I noticed that I was glowing a faint green as I hovered about ten feet in the air. I couldn't contain my excitement as I realized I had just figured out how to use magic finally. "Holy muffins on Tuesday!" I said faster then I could think. "I can't believe it, I'm flying. I'm flying! I'M FLY..." But before I could finish, I felt the little wave of magic flowing in me slipped away and faded back behind the barrier. The green aura around me quickly dissipated, and I soon found myself greeting the floor in a loud thump. I grunted in pain. I felt tired as hell from the effort, but I grinned from the success. "Not bad for your first time." Twilight said. "Aww man, I wasn't able to keep ahold of it." I grumbled as I picked myself up on shaky legs. That sure took out alot of energy from me. "Don't feel bad, Mark." Twilight said as she gave me a reassuring smile. "It was hard for my first time as well." "Really?" I asked, I just couldn't believe Twilight could EVER struggle with magic. "Of course. I remember when I was a little filly, and had to pass an entrance exam to inroll in Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. I had to use my magic to hatch a dragon egg." "Spike's?" "Yep. But I was still just learning magic, and was no where near strong enough to preform spells that big. I was about to blow it, but then a shockwave from outside broke my concentration and all the magic poured out from me. Everything in the room was effected from my magic, the egg, my parents, even the exam teachers. I couldn't stop, until Celestia walked in the room and put her hoof on my shoulder." "Whoa. And then what happened?" "She was empressed with my raw talent and made me her apprentice. It was also the day I got my cutie mark." Twilight said happily, almost getting all giddy by the memory. No surprise there, I already knew her talent and cutie mark was related to magic. Duhh! I mean, she became the princess of magic for crying out loud! "Uhhh.... not really the same thing there, Twi. But I get what you're saying. It took time for you to master your skills, right?" "That's right. Canterlot wasn't built in in a day, you know." "Still, I can't believe I was able to use a little magic to hover in the air." I said excited. "I bet with some practice, I'll be able to master my powers in no time!" I closed my eyes again, and with only a little searching I was able to find the ball of power again. But before I could try to break the barrier to use the energy again, a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me hard. I weakly moaned as all the strength in my body left me and I started to fall back onto the floor. "Whoa! Easy there, Mark. I think that's enough practice for today." Twilight said, as she quickly used her magic to cover me with her purple aura, and kept me from falling. She then lift me up in the air, and hovered me so I was facing her. "You did great, but don't push it. We can try it again later." I just weakly nodded with a small smile as I didn't even have the strength to respond. Just to use a small pinch of the power hidden deep inside me had left me ready to collapse, so who knew what would happen If I tried to go all out just yet. I could feel my eyes lids growing heavy as I just floated in the air. "I think I'll take a little n...." And then I was out like a light. Dear Princess Celestia, I am happy to report that Mark Less Stevens is adjusting to his new life as a pony very well. He spent the week getting used to Ponyville and making many friends. He's spent most of his free time in the castle library, learning as much as he could about our history and the creatures in our world. He seems very eager to learn, which I must admit, is a breathe of fresh air. He's still struggling to learn about magic, as he says it's because he comes from a world without it. Today I had him practice trying to focus his magic, and I was quite pleased with the results. He was able to channel a small portion of it and lift himself in the air for a few seconds, before he came crashing down. The event left him drained, but he was excited that he was finally able to use even such a small amount. It will still take some time before he can even hope to channel half the power he used before, but I'm sure he'll soon become a powerful ally. Still no signs of anything out of the ordinary since the golem attack, but I'm still being cautious for another attack. Especially since the festival is tomorrow. I've talked it over with Mayor Mare, and decided to place guards around the town just encase Mark's unknown attacker decided to make another move. With any luck, the day will go on without incident and everypony will have a great time. I'll be sure to keep you posted on any updates, since you and Princess Luna are busy with things in Canterlot. Your former apprentice, and friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle. > Chapter 12: Festival fun with friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spike, are you almost ready?" Twilight asked, her patience was wearing thin. "Just a minute!" He hollered back, from behind their door. Today was the big festival. The one they were having to celebrate peace in Equestria, especially after the events since Tirek tried to take over. From what I heard from Twilight, not just Ponyville was celebrating today, but every major city and Kingdom, which included Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. So while Twilight was handling everything here in Ponyville, the other princesses where back at their kingdoms handling things as well. At first, they thought nopony would be crazy enough to try anything during the festival, but after the event with the golem and my arrival in Equestria, the princesses were being cautious. Which is why they were at their kingdoms while Twilight was here. But they weren't too worried about twilight's safety, seeing how the other elements of harmony were in Ponyville and guards were posted to protect her and the castle. "Okay, I'm coming." Spike yelled as he finally started coming out of the room. "That's it? That's what took you so long to get ready?" I asked, confused. even by Twilight's expression, I could tell she agreed with me. Spike looked just the same as he did half an hour ago. Nothing had changed. "You didn't even shine your scales or fixed your spikes, Spike." Twilight said to him, almost the same way a mother would complain to their kid for not fixing their hair or wearing proper clothes for church or something. "It wasn't for me." Spike exclaimed, holding up a small box in his claws for us to see. "It's for THIS!" Holding it on the top of one of his hands, he used his other hand to grab the the top of the lid. Slowly pulling the lid off the box, he tilted the box slightly so we could get a better look inside. In the box, was a Purple jewel shaped liked a diamond, connected on a small gold chain. "Ohhhh.... Spike, it's so pretty!" Twilight, said, as she used her magic to lift it out of the box and hold it up infront of us. "So this is that secret project you've been working on." "Yep. This is my gift for Rarity. You think she'll like it?" He asked nerviously. "I'm sure she'll love it." She said with a smile. She then placed the jewelry back into the box, and Spike placed the lid back on top of it. "Alright guys, now let's get going." It was about ten in the morning when we finally started making our way out of the castle to head into Ponyville. Twilight was up at the crack of dawn, getting ready and trying to wake me and Spike up to get ready as well. I don't know about Spike, but it took me about two hours to get up, take a shower, get some breakfast and get woke up enough to get ready for the day. After wearing myself out yesterday by trying to use magic for the first time, my body was still feeling a little weak. So I decided to take it easy for today. No way I was going to try to use magic again any time soon. Now that we was finally ready for the day, Twilight wanted to get to Ponyville as early as possible to make sure everything was running smoothly. As we exited the castle, a small group of guards were waiting for us outside. The leader, a pegasus in gold armor was standing in the front, clearly he was the leader of this little squad. He was a light orange color, with blue eyes. His mane, tail and the pomfy thing that was sticking out of his helmet (Which reminded me of a Roman helmet) was all blue. From the look of him, he almost seemed like one of those guys that tried to act cool, like a trend following bro, but he stood at us attentively. So at least he looked like he took his job seriously. "My lady, everything is going just as you have asked." He said, his chest all puffed out like he was trying to act all tough. "My men are posted at different points of the town and ready for anything. I'm happy to report that no suspicious activity has been spotted yet." "Good job, Flash. Keep me posted on any new updates." Twilight said with a smile. "As you wish, my lady." He said, and I could swear I saw a quick smirk on his face. "Come men. Let's move out!" He command to the other guards. They turned around before walking off in a military type formation. "What..... was that all about?" I asked, puzzled by what I had just seen. "I had the guards posted across town to keep an eye on things." Twilight said matter of factly. "That way we'll be ready incase another monster decides to attack." "I..... see." I said hesitantly. I understood that, but that wasn't what I was focused on. No, I was reading between the lines. That Flash guy had a thing for Twilight. I could tell, by his body movement, and the little smirks he gave. But what surprised me even more was that Twilight blushed a little when we first came up to him. She was able to brush it off, and acted normal afterword, but I could still tell. "Alright guys, let's get going." Twilight said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We have alot of things to cover, and I want to make sure everythings going smoothly before everypony shows up." "Sure twilight." Spike answered, as he walked beside her as she walked off. I just rolled my eyes, before walking off after them. Twilight was thorough, if anything else. Since her & Mayor Mare was running everything today, she wanted to check and make sure everything was ready for today. First she wanted to check the food section. Yes, the food section. Mr & Mrs cake had several long tables together, filled to the brim with baked goods. Even the apple family was working with them today, sending out some of their apple dishes for them to put on the table as well. The thing that surprised me though, was the fact that all this food was free to all. Back on earth, stalls of food during festival was always charging you for some. Especially in big towns. But here, it only cost a few bits or was free. Another thing I loved about Equestria. As we walked up to the tables of food we saw Mr & Mrs cake busy placing trays of food on the table. We also saw Pinkie Pie there, playing happily with two little babies by the table while they were working. "Hi guys!" pinkie said as she waved at us. "Hi Pinkie." I said as I walked up to her. While I did that, Twilight and Spike walked up to Mr & Mrs Cake. "Everything okay on your end?" Twilight asked as she looked at the food trays on the table. "Yes your highness." Mr Cake said with a reassuring nod. "Everything's running smoothly and we've got even more ready to display when we start to run low." "That's great to hear." Twilight said with a smile. "But please, just call me Twilight. You knew me long before I became a princess." "So these are Mr & Mrs Cakes' kids?" I asked, while Twilight was talking to them. "Yep. This is Pound Cake & Pumpkin Cake." Pinkie said as she pointed at the two babies sitting on the ground. "They sure are cute." I said with a smile. I couldn't deny that they were cute beyond belief, as I watched Pinkie play with them. One was a light cream color with a brown mane & tail, and was a pegasus. This one was Pound Cake, the boy. The other one was a light yellow with a orange mane & tail, as well as a small horn on it's head. This unicorn was Pumpkin Cake, the girl. How could two earth ponies give birth to a pegasus and unicorn? I thought as I watched the small foals pile on Pinkie Pie. "So, have the Apple family already brought their goods for the festival?" Twilight asked as she studied the tables. Sure enough, off on it's own side of the table was apple type snacks. "Oh yes." Mrs Cake said as she finished arranging some trays on the table. "Applejack and her brother Big Mac already brought a big wagon full of apple made goods for us to place on the table." "I see. So where are they now?" Twilight asked curiously. "Big Mac already went to get ready for the preformance for later today." Mr Cake said. "What about Applejack?" I asked, now joining their conversation. "She and her sister Applebloom went to go enjoy themselves for today." Mrs Cake said, nodding at how the tables were full of tasty goods. "We don't mind, though. They brought plenty of treats to help out for the day, and we always do business with them." I thought for a second on that, but then realized they must have bought apples from them to use. "That's good to hear. Spike?" Twilight asked, with a hint of a command to her tone. "Right." He replied before taking a quill and checking off a list. "Alright, well you guys keep up the great work. Bye." Twilight said, before she turned around and started walking away. Spike right behind her. "Bye. Have fun at the festival today!" The Cakes called out before returning to work. Before dashing off to catch up to them, I took a cookie from one of the trays and ate it greedily. As I started to try to catch up to Twilight & Spike, I heard Pinkie Pie call out, "Bye Mark! Have fun!" Followed by a "OUCH" and the sound of little foals laughing. As we walked further into town, we soon came upon a small preforming type stage not far in the main part of town. It was big, easily able to fit at least ten or twelve ponies on it no problem. It had big blue curtains and a light purple backdrop curtain on it. I don't know what that thing is really called, so I'm just going with that. Anyway, as we neared the stage, we saw a group of ponies talking just in front of it. There was a female earth pony with a cream color coat but red/purple mane & tail in buns, she was a little chunky, but damn if she wasn't pretty. There was also a male earth pony that was all blue, and he was tall and skinny. I noticed that both of them were wearing green type sweaters. I also noticed that among them was Rarity, Big Mac and Fluttershy. While Fluttershy didn't wear one of those green sweaters, Rarity & Big Mac did, which made me realize they must be part of today's proformance. "Hi guys. Is everything ready for the show?" Twilight asked as we walked up to them. "Of course darling." Rarity said as she brushed her hair with a hoof. "We were just rehearsing our songs for today." "You look stunning today Rarity." Spike said, in an almost tranced like state. I've seen that look before. "Thank you Spike. Although I must admit I feel a touch tacky in this thing." She said in an almost snuddy tone. "Hi Mark. Nice to see you today." Fluttershy said to me in her cute shy voice. "Hi Fluttershy. It's good to see you too." I replied. "So what's with the get ups? You guys a band or something?" "Why, as a matter of fact, we are." Rarity answered me. "Yep." Big Mac simply said. "This is the Ponytones." Twilight said, pointing at the group. "Their an acapella type band that's really starting to get famous across Equestria. They just formed this year, and already have done proformaces for big events and charities." "There's even been offers for us to make a record deal!" Rarity said, almost excitedly. But a quick glance from Fluttershy & Big Mac made her clam back down. "but, of course we're not worried about the money or fame. It's about the music, and helping ponies in needs." She stated, earning an aproving nod from the group. "Well, anyway, I'm glad to hear everything's good on your end." Twilight smiled. "We'll go ahead and let you rehearse. We still got other things to check on." She said, giving Spike a quick look. Without a word, he pulled out the quill & scroll to check off the list. But before we started to moved on, a sudden look of realization hit Spike all at once. "Wait!" He cried out, earning a look from all of us. He then walked over to Rarity and pulled out the small jewelry box. Seriously, how do they keep doing that?! They have no pockets! "Here Rarity, I got this for you." Using her magic, she opened the lid and pulled the gift out of the box. Her eyes gleamed as she looked at the custom necklace in awe. Happy at the gift. "Why.... thank you Spike! This is positively beautiful!" "Aww, your welecome Rarity." Spike said bashfully. "You're so sweet, Spikey-wikey." She said before leaning over and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. The kid just melted. Hell, so would have I! "You're a good friend." OUCH! That hurt! In my many times of being rejected by girls in highschool, the one thing i've heard many times was the classic "Let's just be friends" line. Followed by "I like you like a brother" or "I'm not ready for a relationship right now". In extreme cases, I even heard "You must be joking" or "Get away from me you freak". Needless to say, after almost asking out half the girls in my school and getting shot down, I decided to not ask another girl out ever again. But Spike didn't seem to care what Rarity had said. If anything, he looked happy as hell. That, or he was still enjoying the kiss. "Spike, hurry up! We still have things to do." Twilight called back at him, as she was further away from the group then we were. "Coming!" He yelled back. "Bye Rarity. See you later." "Bye Spike." She chuckled, as she placed the necklace on her neck with her magic. "Good luck you guys." I waved at the others before joining Twilight & Spike. "Bye Mark." Fluttershy and Rarity said as they and the others waved back. As we continued down our way, I noticed that me and Spike was further behind Twilight. So I figured I use the chance to talk to him, and find out what his thought were about Rarity's reaction to the gift. He seemed pleased about the whole deal, but I wasn't sure. Being hit by the friend status would have upseted me, even after a kiss on the cheek. "So what do you think?" I asked Spike, keeping my voice low enough so it was just between the two of us. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, the way Rarity reacted to your gift." I explained. "What are you talking about? She loved it!" He exclaimed. "See?" He pointed at his cheek which still had a kiss mark on it. "Loved it." "Okay, I get that. But what about her just saying your a good friend? I mean, you worked on that gift for awhile and was hoping for a big payoff. Sure you got a kiss on the cheek, but don't you want something more? Pretty obvious to me that you think of her more then just a friend." He paused for a moment, thinking hard on what I just said. then he finally looked up at me. "Okay, it's true. I DO like Rarity more then just a friend." He said reluctantly, keeping his head hung low. "Then why don't you tell her how you feel?" "Because I'm afraid of what she might say!" Spike exclaimed, loud enough for Twilight to glance back at us for a second. Once she turned her head away from us, he continued. "I mean, get it. I'm a dragon and she's a pony. Not to mention I'm still a baby dragon. I know it could never work out." "Do you love her?" "Well, she's my best friend and..." "Do. You. Love. Her?" I asked again more seriously. "Of course I do!" He answered. "Then tell you how you feel." I said with a smile. "But how?" Spike asked. "Don't worry. I might have an idea." I told him with a smirk. "We'll talk more about it later." While Twilight & Spike finished talking with Rainbow Dash and some other pegasi about weather, before heading to city hall to check things over with Mayor Mare, I decided to hang back and relax for a bit. Not only was I still worn out from my magic stunt yesterday, but all this checking things out stuff was WAY boring. I mean, this was supposed to be a festival! Just because Twilight was a princess and had to check everything and make sure everything was just so, didn't mean I had to as well. So with that, I decided to park my butt on a nearby bench. Sitting there, I decided to take some time to enjoy the view and bask in the warmth of sure a great day. As Noon approached, I noticed more and more ponies were now buzzing around town, enjoying the festival. Parents and children walked happily together as they decided which game stall they wanted to go to. Kids ran happily up and down the street as they took everything in. I even saw the CMC running with them, having a blast. I smiled at that. Couples walked close together as they enjoyed the day and each other's company. Even elder looking ponies looked to be having the time of their life. Ponyville still amazed me. It was such a friendly and great place to live, that I almost started to think ponies might be one step ahead of us humans. We were hardwired with hatred and a lust for war, while they were a kind and more peaceful race. As I thought about the differences between humans & ponies, I noticed I was being watched out of the corner of my eye. Two mares were standing there, staring at me like I was the alien that I really was. Yeah.... I think I worded that right. Well, to be honest, one was staring, while the other was trying to get her friend to stop. The one staring was a unicorn with a green colored coat with a green mane & tail that had a white streak running down it. The other mare was an earth pony with a cream colored coat and swirling mane & tail that was half purple and pink. As I watched them, I tried to figure out why they were acting the way they were. Maybe my mane is messy or something. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra Just stared in awe as she watched the blue stallion sit on the bench, enjoying the day. He was the new pony who moved to Ponyville last week and saved the town from a rock golem. Mark Less Stevens, was his name, at least from what she had heard at Pinkie's surprise party the other day. She also heard that he was from a land far from Equestria, and was now staying with princess Twilight in the new castle in Ponyville. She had to admit, she found him a little curious, being an earth pony who was able to cast magic. But based on looks, he didn't seem like nothing special. That was, until today. For today, she saw him sitting on a bench, just like a human would. The same way she always sat on them. "Bon Bon, come here. You have to come see this." Lyra called over to her friend, never taking her eyes off of Mark. "What is it, Lyra?" Bon Bon asked as she walked over to her friend. After playing a quick game of throwing a ball in some small cups. "Look right there!" Lyra said as she pointed over at the bench. It was at this point that Mark turned his head just enough to look at her with one eye. "Yeah, I see him. It's that new pony, Mark." Bon Bon said plainly, clearly not seeing what her friend was. "No, not just that!" Lyra exclaimed, waving her arms frantically. "See the way he's sitting on the bench?" "Yeah.... it's the same way you do. What about it?" "Don't you see? He's sitting just like a human!" Lyra concluded. "Oh Lyra, not this again." Bon Bon said, as she rolled her eyes. As long as she knew her friend, Lyra was always going on and on about humans, the extinct species that were wiped out ages ago and now lived only in stories & legends. "Come on, Bon Bon! He might know something about humans!" "Lyra, please. Just because he's from another land, doesn't mean he'd know anything about humans." "But...." "Come on. Let's go before you make another scene." Bon Bon said, before trying to pull her friend away before she got herself in trouble again. Lyra's obsession with humans have gotten her in big trouble before, even to the point of being put in a clinic for a few weeks. Bon Bon didn't want that to happen to her friend again. "But Bon Bon! You don't understand!" Lyra protested as she tried to fight her way over to the stallion. As Bon Bon continued to pull her friend away, while she fought madly to pull herself free, Mark just sat there watching them. A confused look plastered on his face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey there, Mark!" A familiar country toned voice pulled me away from the two mares acting strangely. "Applejack!" I said happily, as she walked over to me. "Great to see you." "Same ta you as well." She said with a smile. "How ya enjoying the fair so far?" "It's okay..." I began. "But so far I was following Twilight around while her & Spike walked around checking things off and making sure everything's running smooth." I explained while rolling my eyes. AJ just giggled at me. "I understand that's her job, and it's very important and it's part of her role and all.... but it's so LAME!" "So I see." She laughed. "Just walking around and not enjoying everything a festival has ta offer, is no way to have fun." "I agree." I said, as I crossed my arms. So far the day was slow and not very festive. "Say Mark, how would ya like ta hang out and enjoy the fair today?" Applejack asked. Thoughts of being left at the fair by my ex flashed in my head. "I don't know..." "Oh come on. It'll be fun!" She said as she grabbed both my arms and pulled me off the bench. "Okay. But if you leave me, I'm drowning my sorrows in cotton candy and milkshakes." I said, honest about it since that's what I did with my ex. "Mark.... you're so random!" She laughed, before taking a hoof and tapping my forehead lightly. "Come on, let's go enjoy ourselfs." And with that, I began my spend the day with Applejack. This is the best festival ever! I thought as I walked next to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, the CMC, Ditzy & Dinky, Zecora and Pinkie Pie. We was now making our way to the stage to watch the Ponytones begin their proformance. Applejack and me had enjoyed the last two hours doing and seeing everything the Festival had to offer. First we just walked around and talked, about everything and nothing as we watched other ponies going about their business. Apparently my visit at Sweet Apple acres the other day had made quite an impact on the Apple family. Granny Smith went on and on about how glad she was that AJ had landed herself such a fine catch, much to mine and Applejack's embarrassment. Big Mac remained silent on the subject, but Applebloom was happy with the idea of her sister being with me. Applejack tried to explain that we were just friends, but Granny and Applebloom teased he by calling me her 'special somepony'. Continuing to enjoy the festival, we soon made our way to the game stalls were we spotted the CMC playing. AJ suggested we play some games, and once she explained they were free to play, I quickly agreed. There were tons of games to play, from bobbing for apples to throwing a ball at a pile of empty milk bottles. The CMC watched as we played a few games, betting who could beat who in what game. While I struggled on a few games, and bombed on others (much to the CMC's amusement), Applejack smoked me. She scored so high in one game that the pony running the game gave her a stuffed bear. She just smiled and gave me the stuffed animal, calling it my second place prize. I thanked her, but had no intention of keeping it, so I gave it to applebloom. We (by which I mean AJ, me & the CMC) then made our way to the food section for some snacks. It was then we ran into Ditzy Doo & Dinky Doo, eating muffins while talking to Pinkie Pie. We joined them and had a great time. Talking, laughing and just having a good old time. With Pinkie Pie now free to enjoy the festival herself, she decided to spend the rest of the day hanging with her friends. And since the more the marrier was the way with these ponies, I knew she would be hanging out with us as well. Not that minded, she was a blast to hang with. They all were. Not to sound all mushy, but I was glad I had friends like them. It was when we started to make our way to the stage did we run into Zecora. I was happy to see her again, and she was glad to know I was doing well. I explained the events since we parted ways, as we all continued to make our way to the stage. Rainbow Dash soon joined us as well as she dropped out of the sky and landed next to us, scaring the hell out of me. That got a few laughs outta everypony, myself included. As we finally arrived at the stage and made our way to the front of the crowd, we saw Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy waiting for us. We all made small talk until the Ponetones walked up the stage, then we all got quiet. "Welcome ever pony! Are you ready for a show?" Rarity asked the crowd. Earning applause, cheers and whistles from them. It stayed that way for a few seconds before the crowd died down, allowing the group to finally preform. Silence fell over the crowd before Big Mac cleared his voice. Best festival ever. I thought as they began to sing. Meanwhile, far off the north, just past Neighagra Falls and near the Crystal Mountains, three griffons flew high in the air. Staying in close formation, they circled around in the air a few times, before finally making a discent to the mountains. Landing near the top of one of the cold mountains, they found themselves standing in front of a massive, dark cave. "You sure this is the place?" One asked. Her eagle head was white, while the rest of her body was brown. "Positive. This is where he said to meet us." The bigger male of the group answered. His head was a light gray, while the rest of his body was pure black. On his face across his left cheek was a huge scar. "Don't worry guys. He said he'd even pay us up front." "Man it's cold up here." The other male, all white, said with a shiver. "I'm gonna freeze my feathers off out here. "Don't worry, there's a cave right there for us to keep warm." The female said. "So, is he supposed to be in there?" "Yeah. Wanted to make sure we weren't spotted either. This guys paraniod if you ask me." The black male said. "In t-there?" The white one asked. "I don't know. Seems a liitle spooky, if you ask me." "Aww, quit being a baby, Snow Feather." The female said before walking into the cave without looking back. "Ha! See that? That's why Gilda here became my right hand." The black one said before following. "Keep this up, and I'll throw you out of the group like the last one!" "Y-y-yes sir!" Snow Feather gulped before dashing to catch up. They walked into the cave until it became too dark for them to see. They stopped as they looked around in the darkness, trying to find their employer. "Uhh.... you sure he's here Dark Claw? It's too dark to see anyone." Gilda said. "Trust me, he's here. This guy likes to stay in the dark. Gets off on it or something." Dark Claw answered. "Sounds a little creepy." Snow Feather replied. Well, well, well. What do we have here. Three little birdies ready to follow orders. A loud voice boomed out of the darkness. Causing the three griffons to jump in surprise. "Who is that?!" Snow Feather yelled, as he looked ready to fall from a heart attack. "Where is that coming from?" Gilda asked in surprise, looking all around. "That sounded like it came from everywhere!" Dark Claw kept his cool, as he glared in the shadows with look of purpose. "State your business." He demanded. To the point, I like that about you griffons. Always ready to see the job done, no matter what. And I heard many good things about you mercenaries. About how to get in and out in no time. Doing anything to achieve your goals. The voice said. "We're the best." Death Claw proclaimed, puffing his chest out proudly. "And we're also expensive. Do you have the bits we talked about?" He asked in a serious tone. Without a word, a large sack full of gold bits floated from the shadows in a green aura, before falling by their feet. This made the griffons smile greedily. "Good. Now then, on to business." Dark Claw said with a smirk. In Ponyville there is a blue stallion by the name of Mark Less Stevens. He has something of mine, and I want it back. Find and bring him back to me. The Voice ordered. A pair of fangs showed through the darkness. "No offense, but how are we supposed to find him in a hic town full of ponies?" Gilda asked. Don't worry. He'll be easy to spot. He's the only male adult stallion without a cutie mark. The voice chuckled. Now green glowing eyes appeared with the fangs, the irises of them blood red. "And what do you want us to do once we find him?" Dark Claw asked. Like I said, bring him back to me. Alive... or dead. > Chapter 13: Chaotic meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Boy, you sure live quite a ways from Ponyville." I said as we continued to walk down the dirt road. "Oh yes. The cute little animals don't like the noise from town or big crowds." Fluttershy said with a small smile. We were heading to her house, which was located just near the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Yesterday at the festival, she asked me to come over and help her with a few things. That, and she wanted me to meet Discord. Yes, Discord, the creature of chaos. The same one princess Celestia & Luna defeated a thousand years ago by turning into stone. The same one Twilight & her friends defeated a year ago when he broke free and tried to mess with Ponyville. The same one that betrayed them when Tirek showed up, only to end up being betrayed himself. The guy was a wild card, I'll give him that. Fluttershy still trusted him, even after everything he pulled, but I'm not sure I would have. I did read two and a half thick books about him, so I had an understanding of what to expect from him. That, and from what I heard about him from the girls. Chocolate rain, cotton candy clouds, missing with night & day, changing animals, and could even change the feeling of ponies. Yet, for all his powers, he didn't do anything truely evil. He was supposed to be a creature of chaos, not a creature of pranks. Maybe it was the dark human nature, or the fact that the Joker from Batman was my favorite villan, but I thought chaos was supposed to be.... well, chaotic. If pranks was all I had to expect from him, then I didn't have anything to worry about. At least until he runs into a former villain friend again. We soon reached Fluttershy's house, which to be honest, didn't really surprise me. It was less like a house, and more like a hobbit hut, as it looked like a hill bump made into a home. The dirt road went all the way to the door, and near the hill-hut was a small bridge that had a small stream running under it. All around the place was little animal houses spread acrossed everywhere. Bird houses hanging in trees, beaver dens in the stream, and other little houses that small creatures could use. I heard Fluttershy was an animal lover, (wait? Did I just call a pony an animal lover? That seems redundant!) but I didn't think she was this bad. Oh well. As we walked up near the door, I could have sworn I saw somepony looking at us through the window. But then there was a flash, and a strange looking creature was standing infront of us in a second. Fluttershy only slightly flinched at this, but it scared the hell out of me. "SWEET JESUS!!!" I yelled as I jump almost a foot off of the ground. I knew it was Discord, but he still scared me. Plus, I had never seen a draconequus before, so that may have been a factor in my sudden cry of fear. He was long like a snake, with the head of a goat, and limbs of a lion, falcon, dragon and house. Complete with wings of a bat and pegasus. "Hello Fluttershy, my dear." The freaky thing said with a smile. "Hello Discord. Did you finish you meal?" She asked. "Yes. It was quite delicious." He replied. It was then he noticed me. "Who do we have here?" "Discord, I'd like you to meet Mark Less Stevens." Fluttershy said as she pointed a hoof at me. "So, this is the human turned pony that I've heard so much about." He said as he studied me. "And you must be Discord, the creature of chaos." I said, arching my eyebrow at him. "The one and only." He said with a bow. "Mark here is going to help me feed the animals and pull some weeds today." Fluttershy told him. "I see." He said, pausing long enough to look at me with his eyebrow arched. "Well, you kids have fun." "Going somewhere?" She asked curiously. "Afraid so. Celestia wants me to head to Canterlot today and decuss some business. I shouldn't be long." He answered. "Oh, okay. Well you have fun. But try not cause too much trouble." She said, patting him on the side with her hoof. "Ohh.... alright. For you Fluttershy." He said as he smiled at her. "I swear, Tia can be such a stick in the mud." And as he said that, a small flash appeared beside him, and in it's place, was a pole in a mud puddle. The pole had a photo of princess Celestia. "Bye hon. See you at dinner." Fluttershy said as she hugged him. Hon?! "Bye sweetie." He said as he hugged her back. And as soon as he released her, he was gone in a flash. Even the stick in the mud disappeared in a small 'Poof'. "Hun?", "Sweetie?", just how close was their relationship anyway? Applejack told me that she was the first to become his friend, and that they had become close since then. Hell, they even lived with each other! But were they more the best friends, or was my gutter mind getting the best of me? "Umm.... Fluttershy. Can I you a question?" "Sure Mark." "Just how.... close is your friendship with Discord?" I asked. I HAD to ask, had to know that my thoughts were just running away from me. "Oh, well... Discord and I are the best of friends." She calmly answered. "He makes me smile and I make sure he stays in line." "Oh, okay." Whew. Glad I got that out of the way. I thought. No need to pry further. Who she was with was HER business. Though, I did find the thought of those two.... together.... a little shocking to say the least. "Well Mark, are you ready to get started?" She asked me with a smile. "Sure. Lead the way." I said as we first walked into the house to get the feed. Once we were inside, I got a better look at the place. The place was designed in wood, giving it a cabin type look. There was a red carpet in the middle of the floor, a green cabinet in the corner, and a chimney on the side of the wall. I would have noted the other types of furniture, but I was too busy freaking out at the fact THERE WAS A HUGE BEAR IN THE LIVING ROOM! "F-Fl-Fluttershy... there's a bear in your house!" I studdered, pointing a hoof at it and backing away to the front door. "Oh, don't worry about him. It's just Mr. Bubbles." She said, as she calmly walked over to the bear and started rubbing the fur on his side. "Did you have a nice nap, Mr. Bubbles?" The bear nodded at her. "All right everyone. Hold on while I get your food." Fluttershy said. At first, I was wondering who she was talking to, as it was just us and the bear. But then I noticed all the little houses and holes in the place, as animals of every type came running out of them. Ever see that scene on Ace Ventura, the part where all the animals are in his appartment? Yeah. It was just like that. "Wow. You sure do have alot of little friends." I chuckled, as I watched them all gather around them. "Mmm-hmmm. I love all my little friends. Mark, would you please go get the feed bag in the kitchen?" "Sure, one second." I said before walking into the kitchen. As I looked around, I noticed it was a nice looking little kitchen. One you'd expect in a small little house like this. Well, normal ones anyway. I soon spotted a large brown bag labeled pet food laying beside the kitchen counter. "Bingo!" I said to myself as I walked over and grabbed the bag. It was a little heavy, and was already opened. But years of feeding pet dogs gave me practice with halling around food bags. Granted, I was now a pony, so I didn't have thumbs to use, but that was no problem. I could use my mouth, and I could still use my hoofs to pick up some things. How? I didn't know. I just chalked it up to 'pony logic'. My answer for just about everything in Equestria. "Got it." I mumbled as I carried the bag in my mouth. "Thanks." Fluttershy giggled at me as she took ahold of the bag with both hooves. She then used her wings to hover in the air, go over to the side of the room, and pour the food in a big food pan. All the animals ran to the pan and started to chow down on the food. Even the bear. But then as Fluttershy landed and placed the bag beside the wall, I noticed a little white bunny was standing beside her. It had it's front paws crossed, and was thumping it's foot in a fast rhythem. I found the sight a little strange. A bunny with an attitude, who knew. "Don't worry, Angel. I didn't forget about you." She said as she walked over to a small table that had a bowl of fruit & veggies, and pulled out about three carrots before walking back to the bunny. "Here you go Angel. Two big juicey carrots." She said, placing them down in front of him. The bunny just looked down at the two carrots for a seconds, before looking back at Fluttershy and holding out his paw. Almost like he was saying "Give me more". "Okay... one more. But you better finish it all." She said as put the last carrot down. The bunny squeed with delight, before greedily eating all three carrots. "Angel, I'd like you to meet my friend, Mark." The bunny paid me no mind. As he waved a paw at me while he continued to eat, never looking away from his food. "Well, now that the ones in the inside are taken care of, let's move on to the outside." Fluttershy said. "Okay." I sighed. How many more animals did she have? Turns out she had quite a few more animals to feed on the outside. Ducks, squirrels & chipmunks, beavers, deers, birds and even a den of chickens. It took us well over half an hour to finish feeding them all, but I had to admit it was kind of fun. The animals were much friendlier then the ones back home, allowing me to even come up and pet most of them. It was so cool. I remember how in my teens, me and my mom would always walk in the park and feed the birds, watching the different type of birds fly down and eat it. After Fluttershy and me finished feeding the animals, we soon moved on to pulling weeds out from around her house. Which actually didn't turn out to be that hard. There were only a few wild weeds sticking out from her garden, and with a small pull, they were gone. That, and even some of the critters helped by eating the weeds. Soon, we were all done. "Well, that just about does it." Fluttershy said, as she examine her garden. When she was finished, she gave it a confirming nod. "Thank you again for coming and helping me today, Mark." "No problem. Happy to help." I answered her with a smile. "While, it's been fun, but I got to get going." "Already?" "Yep. I told the CMC that I'd hangout with them later today. And I don't want to keep those girls waiting." "Oh. Well, goodbye Mark." She said as she waved goodbye to me. "Laters." I said with a smile, before trotting down the dirt road on my way back to Ponyville. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra cursed to herself in frustration, as she past by Sugarcube corner for the tenth time. Her plan was to wake up early today, find that Mark fellow, follow him around, and learn all she could about him. Maybe, if she was lucky, she would learn what, if anything, he knew about humans. But from all her excitement from yesterday, she forgot to set her alarm clock. By the time she did wake up, it was well over ten. Mentally kicking herself for the error, she rushed through breakfast before heading out. As she did, her housemate and best friend, Bon Bon, questioned her for her fast paced actions. When she mumbled something about Mark, Bon Bon snapped at her, telling her not to do anything crazy. But when Lyra told her she was still going through with it, with or without her, Bon Bon had no choice but to tag along. "Darn it all! Where is he?!" Lyra almost screamed, angry that she had circled around Ponyville for almost an hour with no sign of Mark anywhere. "Maybe he's still in the castle." Bon Bon simply stated, as she just rested on a nearby bench. "Can't be." Lyra said, thinking hard on what do next. "From what I heard, he usually is out by now and walking around Ponyville to hang with his friends." "How do you know that?" "I asked Ditzy last night when the festival was winding down." Lyra said proudly. "Oh Lyra. Please, let's just stop this and go back home." Bon Bon pleaded to her friend. "No, not yet. Not until I know for sure if he knows anything about humans." Lyra decleared. "But what if he DOESN'T know anything thing about them?" "Then I move on. I'm only going to ask him." Lyra said, sitting down next to Bon Bon, her way. "Then why is your plan to stalk him?" Lyra didn't answer. Instead, she just looked around, trying to find any clue to where her mark could have gone. After about ten minutes of sitting on the bench and looking around, she spotted something that caught her eye. Three little fillies ran by before stopping near the bake shop. Lyra quickly recognized who they were. It was Applebloom, the sister of Applejack, Sweetie Belle, the sister of Rarity, and Scootaloo, the adopted sister of Rainbow Dash. They called themselfs the Cutie Mark Crusader, on the fact that they were still blank flanks. Mark had been hanging out with them lately, probably because he also didn't have a cutie mark. As she watched them, she heard Mark's name mentioned, and her ears automatically perked up. "Where is he?' Scootaloo said, folding her arms. "He's late." "Calm down Scootaloo, he'll be here." Sweetie Belle reassured her. "Yeah. Besides, we just got here ourselves, so just relax." Applebloom said. "Remember, he said he was going over to Fluttershy's to help her this morning, then play with us." Sweetie reminded her friend. "Yeah, yeah. I get it." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. "I hate waiting." Hearing all this, Lyra was filled with new hope. She still had a chance to learn what she could from Mark. "Did you hear all that Bon Bon?" She asked poking her friend in the arm. "Lyra... Don't tell me your going to stalk kids now?!" Bon Bon asked in surprise. "Shhhhh! Just listen." Lyra said, putting a hoof up to her lips. They remained quiet as they watched the three girls, as they waited for Mark to show up. It was about ten minutes in when Scootaloo's patience was wearing thin. "This is so LAME!" She yelled in frustration. "Chill Scootaloo. He'll be here." Sweetie said. "But when? We've been here waiting for like EVER!" "It's only been about ten minutes." Sweetie corrected her friend. "He's here!" Applebloom called out, pointing down the street. Sure enough, there was Mark. Running down a few blocks towards them, sweating as he tried to reach them as fast as he could. Once he was standing next to them, he took a moment to wipe the sweat from his face and catch his breath. After a few long pants, he finally started to speak. "Well.... I..... made it." He said between breaths. "Geez Mark, did ya run all the way from Fluttershy's?" Applebloom asked, surprised by Mark's looks. "Kinda." He said as he smiled at them. "Why did you do something silly like that?" Scootaloo asked, giving him a puzzeled look. "I didn't want to be late getting to you guys." Sweetie Belle just gave Scootaloo a look. "See?" She said with a small smirk. "Okay, okay." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes at her friend. "So Mark, what did you have plan for today?" "Yeah. Are we going ta try to get our cutie marks today?" Applebloom asked. "Nope. I've got something better planned for today." He said with a smirk. "Let's get your wagon and head on over to Sweet Apple acres. You girls are going to love this!" As Mark and the girls started to walk away, Lyra was already getting into motion. "Come on Bon Bon, let's go before they get away!" She said as she poked her friend's arm. "Fine." Bon Bon said as she got off the bench. "Just don't do anything stupid." Lyra just giggled to herself as she jumped off the bench and started tailing Mark and the girls. "This is going to be a loooooong day." Bon Bon sighed as she followed her friend. Celestia only knew what trouble Lyra would get into if she didn't keep an eye on her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Uhhh... Mark? I don't mean to ask, but this is your plan?" Sweetie Belle ask me as she looked between me and the bottom of the hill we was on. "Yep." I replied as I pulled an empty barrel out of the red wagon and placed it near us. "I don't know.... it seems kinda.... lame." Scootaloo said with an arched eyebrow as she looked at the barrel. "Actually girls, ah've heard of this before. Big Mac told me he used ta do something similar with his friends when he was a young colt." Applebloom explained. "You get into the barrel, and someone pushes ya over the edge of the hill. Then ya roll down the hill until it stops, making ya all dizzy." "Exactly!" I confirmed. "I also used to this with my cousin when I was younger. It was a blast!" I said as I recalled all the fun I had rolling down a hill in a barrel until I hit my uncle's garage. He was a little pissed at that, but I still recall the fun I had. Thankfully, here in Equestria, I didn't have to worry about anything like that happening. We were a good two or four miles from Ponyville, in the plains between Whitetail woods and Ghastly Gorge. That way, we could have all the fun we wanted, without having to worry about hitting anything important. "This is supposed to be fun?" Scootaloo asked as she eyed the barrel questionly. "Well, why don't you try it out and see?" I asked with a smirk. "Unless your chicken." "Nobody calls me chicken!" she huffed, before walking up to the empty barrel and snugging herself in. "Okay, Micheal J. Fox." I laughed as she got in the barrel. Once her body was in and her head was sticking out, she looked up at me. "Now what?" She asked me. "Now..." I began, smirking as I walked to the side of the barrel. "Now, just try not to vomit!" I yelled before I gave the barrel a good push, and watched as it rolled down the hill. Scootaloo was screaming the whole time as it rolled down the hill at lightning speed. Once it finally stopped at the bottom of the hill, Scootaloo crawled out of the barrel. She tried to stand up, but dizziness got the better of her and she fell backwords on the groud. It was at that point that me and the other girls walked down the hill to join their dizzy friend. "Are you alright?" Applebloom asked her. "I'm... fine." Scootaloo weakly said. "So, how was it?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's dizzying.... but fun." She answered with a smile. "Ah'm next!" Applebloom called out. "No way, I'm next." Sweetie Belle said. I laughed at the girls as the fought over who would try it next, all while Scootaloo tried to gain her balance back. "It's okay girls, everyone gets a turn." I told them as I began rolling the barrel back up the hill. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, not too far from the hill where Mark and the girls were playing, Lyra & Bon Bon was in a bush watching them. Lyra was studing them with a pair of binoculars, while Bon Bon just sat there impatiently. They had followed them for almost an hour, watching them from out of view. Bon Bon Stayed quiet for the most part, hoping her friend would give up her silly plan after a few minutes of watching them. But now here they were, hiding in a bush, as the watched Mark and the kids roll down the hill in a barrel. "Lyra, why are we even here?" Bon Bon asked, annoyed. "Studying." lyra simply answered. She never took her view off Mark, watching as he laughed as the girls took turns rolling down the hill in the empty barrel. He would walk up and down the hill to help them roll the barrel back up the hill so the next one would have a turn. "Studying what? All their doing is playing right now." Bon Bon said. "Don't worry, we'll watch for a few more minutes." Lyra said, as she moved her binoculars up to the top of the hill. Trying to get a better view of Mark, as he took his turn getting into the barrel. "Once they finish playing their game, I plan to walk over and... and.... What is that?!" Lyra suddenly asked as she pointed her binoculars up in the air. "What is it?" Bon Bon asked, as her friend looking up in the sky with worry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ready?" Applebloom asked me, as she and her friends stood next to the barrel I was now in. "Hit IT!" I told the girls, readying myself for the spinning that was about to happen. The girls grunted a little, as they pushed on the barrel off the side of the hill. The barrel started rolling down the hill, and everything started spinning as the barrel picked up speed. But before I reached the bottom of the hill, I felt the barrel come to a sudden stop as something pick it up. I felt myself being carried high in the air, as I heard the girls calling out to me with worry in their voice. But before I could question what was going on, whatever was holding the barrel suddenly let go of it, and now I was falling straight to the ground below. "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!" Was all I had time to say before me and the barrel came crashing to the ground. My vision went white as pain shot through my body. The barrel smashed on impact, as wood shattered and flew everywhere. I just layed there on my back for a long moment, as throbbing pain coursed through my body, keeping me from moving. I heard the girls call out to me as they tried to run up to where I was, But they stopped as something flying landed next to me. More wing flapping joined the first one as more landed around me, sounding like three of them were now surrounding me. "This is him?" A female voice asked, with a tone of discuss in her voice. "Don't look like much." "If this is all we have to deal with, then this job's going to be one easy job." A male voice said with a chuckle. I moaned as I opened my eyes and tried to at least sit up and see what was going on. But as I did, I was totally caught off guard. As three griffons were standing around me, staring at me with a look that sent a shiver down my spine. "Something tells me you guys aren't here to sell girl scout cookies." I weakly joked, as I tried not let fear get the better of me. "Mark Less Stevens, I presume." The black one said with a venomous tone. "We've been looking for you!" > Chapter 14: And I ran, I ran so far away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh shit. This can't be good. I thought as I sat on the ground, with three mean looking griffons standing around me. I was planning on spending the day hanging with the CMC and just having a good time, but oh no! These fuck-heads had to left the barrel that we was playing in the air, before letting it drop to the ground. And all while I was inside it. So yeah, saying that I was a little pissed was an understatement. That, and I was still hurting from the fall. The barrel took most of the impact, but it still left my body soar and throbbing in pain. From what I could tell from the looking at the griffons, there was one female and two males. The female had a white eagel head (well, I mean they ALL had eagel heads, but her's was white), while the rest of body was all brown, except for her front talons. I also notice that she had what almost looked like light purple eye shadow around her yellow eyes that gave her an attractive look, if she didn't look at me like she wanted to rip my face off. One of the other males was all white, head and all. I guess even griffons could be albinos. He stared at me with his pink eyes, trying to look tough, but I saw the nervousness in them. Must be the low leveled one. I thought to myself. One in every group. And then there was the other male. If whitey was the weak link, then that made this one the leader. He sure looked like it, cause he was a little bigger and more built then the others. He was all black, with a gray eagel head to match. His eyes were yellow, and he had a nasty scar on his cheek under his left eye. One look at him, and I knew he meant business. Not that I cared at the moment. I was pissed at being tossed around like a rag doll, and I wasn't going to stand for it! "What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at them as I got myself to stand up. "You say you've been looking for me and you choose now to show up? Wrecking mine and the kids fun by smashing our barrel, with ME IN IT?!" Next time..." I could actually see the white one lunged at me in a not-quite-slow motion, and I barely sidestepped out of the way. I guess my adrenaline was kicking into overtime. "Next time, make an appointment!" "Give it up, you lame-ass stupid pony." The girl one said from behind me. "Oh, that's nice," I snapped. "You don't even know me!" As I turned to face her, I had the strong urge to move again.... thank you, inner voice.... and this time I ducked as low as I could go. Just as she dove at me, sailing over my head and landing a few feet away. "Ohhh..... he's good." The black leader looking one said with a smirk. "This one should be fun." "Fun? What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled, as I turned to face him. "What did I ever do to you?" "Nothing." He simply replied. "But someone paid us quite a bit to find you. Our orders are to bring you in dead or alive." "What?" Move. Just then, the white one jumped at me again. I was able to dodge him, but not without one of his talons stratching me on my side. "OWWWWWW!!" I complained. Thankfully it was nothing more then small cuts, but they still hurt like hell. "Stand still, you dumb equine." He cursed at me, as he landed and turned to face me with an annoyed look. "Are you on drugs? Do I have Giant Moron written on my forehead or something?" "No." My would-be killer admitted. "And would you guys stop with trying to jump attack me? I'm sure we can talk this shit out like normal sane people." I tried to reason with them. Hopefully I can learn more about who ordered them to jump me, and why. "Who are you jerk offs, anyway?" "We're the Talon Warriors," the female one said from behind me. I rolled my eyes, and the leader circled around me before stopping right in front me, all while staring right at me. "We're the best mercenaries in all of Equestria." Talon Warriors? What are we, in a Fallout parody or something. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to. But I started to laugh and just couldn't stop. The other two griffons froze in place as they shifted their gazes from me and their leader. The leader just stared at me with an arched eyebrow and twisted his lips, but he didn't smile. It was more of a snarl, as he studied me with an icy gaze. "Stop it!" "I can't." I giggled. "The Talon Warriors? Seriously? You guys actually thought that up and said, 'yeah, that name doesn't blow, we'll go with that one'?" There was an embarrassed silence. "And as far as being mercenaries goes," I continued smugly, "you're sort of sucking at it. How many times did I dodge your attacks?" As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew I'd gone too far. He lunged for me, crossing the feet between us in a blink of an eye, his claws going to my throat, closing off my air. He raised me in the air until we were face to face, while my legs kicked wildly and my front hooves tried to grab his talons to relieve some pressure from my neck. "Not so cocky now, are you?" He said with a smirk. "GLLAAK!" I said, or something like it. He shook me like a maraca and, on cue, the other griffons came closer to us. Not that I cared, I was to busy trying not to pass out as he continued to squeeze my neck with a firm grip. "MARK!" the girls screamed, as they ran down the hill to join us. As they made it halfway down to us, the female griffon took a huge breath, faced them, and let loose a frightening lion sounding roar. The girls stopped in terror as they shrieked, huddling together in fear. "Nice work Gilda." The white griffon said. "Hey Dark Claw, what should we do about these little brats?" "Leave them be, Snow Feather." Dark Claw said to his friend before looking back up at me. "This annoying pony is the one we want. We don't need to waste our time on small fry." Thankfully, he let loose his grip just enough for me catch some much needed air. I gasped and coughed as I started to turn my head to face the girls. "Girls.....run....get outta here." I weakly yelled to them. "HA! That's rich, thinking that you can save your little friends." Gilda said, looking at me with a mean smile. "You can't even help yourself." "But... but Mark, we... we can't leave you like this." Applebloom weakly said, still filled with fear. They all were. Their cute colorful eyes were full of worry and tears. "You know," Dark Claw began, twisting me so we were facing each other again. "I was going to go easy on you. What with being a weak worthless pony and all. But now, I'm thinking of going with option TWO." He smiled, and his yellow eyes gleamed with excitment. "Maybe we'll even get a bonus for it. Cause shutting you up would be a huge favor." That's it! "Well..." I began, focusing on the little ball of magic in me and summoning all the strength I had in me. "I hope you enjoy the victory with ONE FUCKING EYE!!!" I yelled before taking a hoof and jabbing it into his eye as hard as I could. Dark Claw screamed in pain as he released me and grabbed hold of his eye. Managing to land on my hooves, I didn't waste any time. I spun around so my rear was facing him, and used all my strength to buck him as hard as I could. The blow casued him to fall flat on his back, knocking the wind out of him. The other griffons looked at me in surprise, unsure what to do next. "Girls, run as fast as you can back to Ponyville and find Twilight and the others!" I yelled at them. They no longer seemed as frighten as before, but were still unable to respond. The griffons, however, recovered much faster then the little fillies. They both jumped at me one after another, but this time I was ready for their attacks. Moving to the side, I let the female, Gilda, sail right by me as she flew straight at me. The other one, Snow Flake or whatever, I dropped to my back as he came at me, and used my hooves to grab him and give him an extra boost. The momentum sent him flying straight into a nearby tree, knocking him silly. Thank God Dad had me take Karate classes when I was younger. I thought As I quickly got back to my hooves as fast as I could. Sadly, All three griffons were also starting to recover to attack again. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M GOING TO TELL YOU!" I yelled at the girls, just a tad more meaner then I meant to. "Get outta here right now girls!" "R... right Mark." Scootaloo nodded, being the first to snap out of their fear trance. "Come on girls, let's go!" As she pulled her friends up the hill to make their escape, Sweetie Belle turned to look at me on last time. "Be careful, Mark. We'll send help as soon as we can!" I smiled. At least the girls were outta harms way. Which was good because all three griffons were on their feet and ready for action. If they didn't want my head on a stick before, then I sure gave them reason for it now. Trying to take on all three of them was suicide, so I figured it was time to get going before my luck ran out. Unluckly for me, however, we were in the plains. Only a few trees and bumpy hills around for miles, making it easy for them to swoop down and grab my ass. Not waiting for them to make the next move, I bolted as fast as I could the opposite way from the girls, which was towards Ghastly Gorge. "After him you fools!" I heard Dark Claw curse from behind me, and then I heard the flapping of wings as they all took to the sky. The chase was on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "That was incredible!" Lyra exclaimed as she watched the events from down below them from their hill. They had long since left the bush they were hiding in and was watching in plain sight. Thankfully, with everything that was going on, no one seemed to even notice them. "I... I can't believe he moved that fast." Bon Bon said, her mouth was hung open from watching all the action. "I never seen a pony able to best griffons like that, except for pegasi and a few skilled earth ponies. The way he moved was... was..." "Told you something wasn't right with him!" Lyra proudly stated. "But he's still in trouble!" Bon Bon turned to face her friend, worry was written on her face. "Mark maybe different, and fast, but it's still three against one! I don't think he can handle them on his own." Lyra paused as she pondered on that. "True. He wasn't able to avoid the big one, and fighting three at once would just be crazy." Lyra looked at her friend with a serious look Bon Bon had barely seen before. "You're right. Mark needs help!" "Then what do we do?" "Those fillies already ran off and are most likely on their way to get Twilight and the others. But I dought they'll make it in time to help." Lyra told her, with an almost determend look in her eyes.Just then, Mark took off in a mad dash with the griffons in hot persuit. "We have to follow them and help out anyway we can!" "Are you nuts? What good can we do?" Bon Bon asked in surprise. "Well we gotta do something! You heard those griffons, they mean business. If we don't help, Mark's gonna be in real trouble!" And with that, Lyra ran down the hill, as she tried to catch up to Mark and the griffons. Why do I always get myself into crazy things like this? Bon Bon thought to herself, before racing down the hill to join her friend in their mad quest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just my luck! As soon as I start to get comfy and used to living life as a pony, this happens. I thought, as I ran for all I was worth, all while those crazy ass griffons were flying right behind me. Can't I go more then a week without something trying to kill me?! I ran as fast as I could. I could feel my lungs burning, and breathe laboring as I pushed myself as hard as I could. I was never a fast runner before coming to Equestria, but now as a pony, I was alot more quick and fit. It also helped that I spent alot of my free time playing with the girls or walking around Ponyville. Still, as much as my fitness had improved here, I was still no match for three griffons flying at me like a bunch of bats out of hell! Everytime one would dive-bomb at me, probably in a adtempt to snatch me up, I'd swivel and swerve out of the way. A few times I had to stop and duck completely, barely able to miss as their claws missed me by mear centimeters. This is getting bad. I thought as I continued to avoid them as best I could. I kept running towards Ghastly Gorge as fast as I could. It was the only place close enough to where we were, plus I figured I could use the terrain to my advantage. Maybe I could climb down it and find a cave or something to hide. Because at this rate, I'd drop dead from exhaustion long before I got there. I don't know how long I ran, but I knew I was getting closer to were I wanted. As fewer and fewer trees were around us, and grass was giving way to dirt and rocks. Just ahead of me I saw what looked to be a huge cliff way ahead of me. Almost there. I thought as I panted, as I was still push for all I was worth. "This was you're plan? To lead us all the way out here?" Dark Claw asked from behind me, still flying in the air along with the other griffons. "Eat shit!" I yelled. I was too out of breathe to say much more. I gave myself one more push of energy, as the edge of the cliff was fast approaching. I skid to a falt as I reached the edge of the cliff, huffing and panting all the while. Whoa! this place is huge. I thought as I look at my surrounding. It reminded me alot of the Grand Canyon, except at the top, on either sides, some trees and bushes were still close to it. In fact, along some points of it, forest ran along it. Figures I come to the section that's all bare. I remarked to myself. The Ghastly Gorge was running along like an empty river, with the bottom being well over a hundred feet. But I didn't get anymore time to study the view, as the griffons landed just behind me. Come on! Where is? Where is it?! I cursed to myself as I frantically looked for a small path, bumpy formations, ANYTHING, to help me climb down. But all I saw was a straight drop below. With nothing for me to grab onto. Fuck me! "All outta places to run to now, little pony." Glida said in a mocking tone. "Not very smart, are you?" Snow Feather asked. "So this is the place you have chosen to die." Dark Claw said in a calm, evil tone. "So be it." I turned around to face them, still panting all the while. They had me against the ropes, and they knew it! The three of them blocked my path, and certain death awaited me if I tried to jump off the cliff. Plus, I wore myself out from all the running I did, which meant I'd be useless in a straight fight. It's the timberwolfs all over again. "Well.... shit...." I said between breathes. I was screwed. "Looks like ah win again, sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile. "No way! You just got lucky is all. 9 outta 10?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Whatever you say." AJ said with a giggle. They were at Sweet Apple acres, playing house shoes, and trying to see who the better mare was. For the tenth time today. It was a great day out, all the yard work was done and Applebloom was off playing with Mark and her friends today. Rainbow Dash showed up earlier, and before Applejack knew it, they were having one of their usual contests to see who could beat who in what. So far, she was winning, much to Rainbow Dash's dismay. "So... you looking forward to the Grand Galloping Gala?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over and grabbed the horse shoes so they could start the match again. "Of course. I'm hoping this will be better then what happened last year." Applejack said, remembering the events at the last Gala. "Hopefully Pinkie Pie won't run around scaring all those hordy-tordy rich folks there, and Fluttershy won't flip out like she did." She giggled at the thought. "Or you bringing the house down." Rainbow Dash laughed at the thought. "Hey, you don't have to worry about me this time. I'm done trying to impress the wonderbolts. Besides, now that I'm in the reserves, I'm a shoe in." She boasted proudly. "As far as the others go, Rarity loves high class parties like that, Twilight's a princess, Fluttershy won't do anything like that again, and Pinkie Pie... well..." "Pinkie Pie is just Pinkie Pie." Applejack finished. They both laughed. "So..." Rainbow Dash began, tossing her horse shoe first. It missed the metal pike by a few inches. "Shoot!" "So?" Applejack asked, getting her friend to continue. "You got anypony special in mind to take with you to the Gala?" Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk, arching her eyebrow at her. "Like Mark?" That threw Applejack off, as she released her horse shoe a little too soon. It flew into the air before smacking off the side of the barn. Rainbow Dash laughed while Applejack looked at her friend in complete shock. "Wh.. what do you mean?" Applejack asked, looking more then a little nervous. "Oh come on, AJ! We all know that you and Mark have a thing going on." Rainbow Dash stated. "N... no we don't. We're just close friends." Applejack tried to reassure her. "Close friends, huh? That's a bunch of bull, AJ! We both know that Mark has his eye on you." "He... he does?" Applejack asked surprised, her cheeks beginning to blush. "Oh give me a break. Do I have to spell it out to you?" Rainbow Dash sarcastically said, before holding up her hoof to count off her examples. "First off, you two have been spending alot of time together. He almost always seems to hanging around you more then anypony else." "No he doesn't. He j..." "Secondly, everytime he's around you, he's always got a big silly grin on his face. The writting's on the wall AJ, I think he likes you. And I KNOW you like him." Dash finished. Applejack knew she couldn't lie about it. After all, is was the element of honesty. She let out a sigh before hanging her head down and taking her hat off, a thing she did only rarely. "Okay, it's true. Ah do like Mark.... Alot. He's the best stallion ah've ever met. He's funny, nice, smart, gets along well with Applebloom, doesn't care to help out and is easy on the eyes. He's everything Ah ever wanted in a coltfriend." She addmitted outloud. Having said all that, she realized that she truely cared for Mark, maybe even loved him. "Then tell him how you feel. You both seem to like each other, so what's the problem?" Rainbow Dash asked. "My problem is that he's far away from his home. From his friends and family. You heard him when he first told us about where he was from, about his parents. They need him. Ah may care for him, but ah can't... Ah won't, keep him away from his family." Applejack stated seriously. Rainbow Dash knew what AJ was getting at. Family was important to her, and she cared about her farm and family more then anything else. Ever since her parents past away, Applejack has done everything she could to make sure her family was happy and well taken care of. They both stood there for a long moment, neither one daring to say anything else. Suddenly, the silence was broken as she heard a familiar voice call out. "APPLEJACK!!" They both turned around to see Applebloom, Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo running towards them as fast as they could. Applejack instantly knew something was wrong, because Mark wasn't with them and they looked scared. As they came to a falt next to them, they took a moment to catch their breathes. As Applejack and Rainbow Dash got a better look at them, they saw something had truely frightened them. Sweetie Belle was crying, Applebloom was shaking and Scootaloo looked like she was scared out of her mind. "What's wrong girls?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Why isn't Mark with you?" Applejack asked, now starting to worry a little herself. "It... it's Mark. He's in trouble!" Applebloom said before fresh tears rolled down her face. "It was horrible! We were playing with Mark when three mean griffons showed up." Sweetie Bell said between sobs. "Mark tried to hold them off, but there were too many. He told us to run and find you guys and Twilight!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a moment, before Dash went into the air. As she hovered above them, Applejack wrapped the three fillies in a warm hug, to help calm their nerves. "It'll alright girls." Applejack cooed, holding them tightly. "Where was they at last?" "In the fields between Whitetail woods and the Ghastly Gorge." Applebloom sobbed. "Rainbow Dash..." "On it!" She said with a small salute. "You go find Twilight and the others, and I'll go help out Mark!" And with that, Rainbow Dash took off in a flash, leaving a rainbow streak in the air as she took off towards the area the girls said Mark was at. "What have you gotten yourself into now, Mark?" She asked to herself as she tried to get to her friend before it was too late. > Chapter 15: Couldn't get away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ".... And so, Flithy Rich, I will allow you to have some of the area around the Everfree Forest as the site for your new store." Twilight said from her throne. "But NO more then ten acres." "Thank you, your majesty. You're very wise for your age." Filthy Rich said with a bow. "You won't regret this, I promise." You're only happy because you're getting your way with this. Twilight thought to herself, huffing as Filthy Rich left the throne room. Flithy Rich had plans to build a new super store, a "Mall" close to Ponyville where ponies could do their one stop shopping. Twilight was worried that it would effect the smaller shops in the town, but Filthy Rich assured her that alot of his products will come straight from them. He planned to make deals with all the shops and little stalls to supply him with their goods, and any money made on said items they would get a fair cut. Hearing that made Twilight feel better, knowing that all the shops would still be making money even if the new store opened up. She was even happier knowning that places like Sugarcube Corner or Sweet Apple acres would benefit the most from the deal, as the store planned to have a big food section. Once the room was empty except for her, Spike and the guards by the door, Twilight finally let out a long sigh. What a long day of work. She thought. She had been seen citizens of Ponyville all morning, and the crowd was finally winding down. "Guards, close the throne room up and tell everypony that I will not be seeing anypony else today." Twilight ordered to the guards. "At once, your majesty." They said before leaving the room to tell the other guards. "Uuuuunnnnghhh!" Twilight moaned, now that it was just her and Spike. "Busy day." Spike confirmed. "Ever since I became a princess in a shiney new castle, everypony and their mother have been coming to me and asking me for favors or to solve their problems." Twilight whined. "I don't know how princess Celestia does it." "Well, she has had a thousand years of practice with it." Spike pointed out. "True." Twilight giggled as she stood up from her throne. "What do you say we get outta here and go get some shakes?" "Sounds good to me." Spike said with a smile, following her as they walked out of the throne room. As they passed through the halls, they came upon Flash Sentry and some of the other guards. He was busy giving them orders and going through the procedures of how to protect Ponyville. Once he saw Twilight walking by, he ordered the guards to go to their post and walked over to her. "Afternoon my lady." He said with a smile, as he gave her a little bow. "Heading out to see your friends again?" "Yeah." Twilight replied with a smile. "I've had enough of being kooped up in this place." "I understand my lady." He said with a nod. "Do you need me to send an escort with you?" "That won't be necessary, Flash." She said, waving a hoof dismissively. "We're just walking around Ponyville. It's not like we have anything to w..." Just then the main hallway doors flew open as Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy rushed in, worry was on all their faces. They stopped infront of Twilight, Spike and Flash Sentry, and Twilight knew something wasn't right. "What is it girls?" She asked worried. "Mark's in trouble!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "What?" "It's true. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran to me and Rainbow Dash at the farm and told us he was." Applejack confirmed. "They said they were playing with Mark, when a group of griffons attacked him. He told the girls to find us while he held them off." "I can't believe it. A group of griffons?" Twilight asked. "We've been hearing reports of a small band of griffon mercenaries lately." Flash Sentry confirmed. "Where are the girls now?" "Ah left them back at the farm with Granny Smith." Applejack replied. "The poor things were scared outta their minds!" "I can't believe some griffons would wish to harm Mark." Fluttershy said. "He hasn't done anything wrong." "Griffons are mean meanie heads!" Pinkie Pie answered her. "I agree with Pinkie Pie." Rarity said. "That Gilda we met was completely rude." "Alright girls, no time to waste. Mark needs us!" Twilight proclaimed. The others gave her a confirming nod. "Flash, get a small band of your best guards together. If these griffon mercenaries are as tough as I think they are, I want to be ready." "Yes you highness!" He said, before flying down the hall. "Wait, where's Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked, as she looked around at her friends. "Ah sent her along to help Mark while Ah got us all together." Applejack said. "Good thinking, Applejack." Twilight confirmed. "Now let's hope we're not too late to make a difference!" "What's the matter little pony, run outta steam?" Snow Feather mocked as he and the other griffons surrounded me. "Not very bright, running all the way out here." Gilda said with a cocky smirk. "There's nowhere for you to go!" "Kiss my ass!" I yelled at them. Saddly, she was right. In my panic, I run to Ghastly Gorge, hoping that I could find a cave or something to hide in. What I didn't count on was the place being like the Grand Canyon, with no way to climb down. Now I was at standing over it's cliff, with three griffon assholes wanting me dead. "I'm going to enjoy watching you die." Dark Claw said as he flexed his claws, ready to mess me up. "You've been nothing but a pain in my feathers, and I can't wait to shut you up." After running my ass tired getting here, I had no chance to try to take them on in a straight fight. My only hope was to stall them and hope the girls got Twilight and the others. Or my ass was grass. Maybe I can trip them up into making a mistake, and give me a chance to get away. I thought. If there was one thing I was good at, it was pissing people off. And these fools had plenty of ammo for me to use against them. Just hope this works. "Some mercenaries you guys turned out to be," I began. "It takes three of you to take out one stallion? Not very effective if you ask me." That got their attention. Old blacky was fuming so bad he looked like he might blow a gasket. "We're the best at what we do!" Gilda exclaimed. "Yeah, you just got lucky is all." Snow Feather said. "Whatever! All this effort to bring in one pony to your boss. He must have really paid you quiet a bit to put up with all of this." I remarked. "That's not for you to know." Dark Claw said, giving me an icey stare. "Ooooooohhh! All secret-y! Big fucking deal. So what, are you this guy's retrievers or what? 'I want Mark, bring me Mark.... fetch!' Is it something like that? Or are you guys just such losers you don't have a life of your own, so you became his go-for-bitchs?" "Your getting on my last nerve!" Dark Claw yelled. "Oh boo fucking hoo! Like I give a shit! I thought griffons were a proud race of warriors and flyers, not a bunch of stupid ass pigieons!" I yelled at them. That did it. Dark Claw was so mad his whole face was red. "HOW DARE YOU?! YOU STUPID, WEAK, ANNOYING PONY!" He screamed. "I'm Dark Claw! Leader of the Talon Warriors, and son of the great warrior Deathbeak! I've won countless battles and have spilled mor..." Now's my chance! With Dark Claw droping his guard yacking, I took the opportunity to make my move. Using all my strength and speed, I ran straight at him, knocking him to the ground. With him out of the way, and the other griffons stunned by my action, I took the chance to bolt. Holy shit! I can't believe that just worked! Now I've just gotta get outta here and.. "Aaaaggghhh!" I cried out as Gilda tackled me to the ground. They recovered much faster then I thought. I was only able to run a good ten to twelve feet before she pinned me to the ground. Shit! That didn't work. I cursed to myself as Dark Claw got back up and him and Snow Feather walked towards us. "Hold him up." Dark Claw calmly commanded. Gilda and Snow Feather pulled me on my hooves, both holding me on each arm. "Arf, arf, good dogs." I muttered as Dark Claw walked up infront of me. Wham He punched me straight into the gut, knocking the wind right out of me. "Thought you could get away from us, did you?" He asked, giving me a wicked smile. Pow He punched me so hard in the face that my head snapped back. I tasted blood in my mouth and tears welled up in my eyes. "What's the matter? Got no more funny words to say anymore?" Bam "No more quick little quips?" Wack "Say something now, dammit!" Dark Claw screamed into my face. Holding my head up by digging his claws into my head and holding it up. Tears ran down my face, and blood was coming out of my mouth and nose. I was barely conscious. I had never taken a beating like this before. Back on earth, I had been in a few fights, sure. But usually I'd end up pushing my opponent, or tackling them to the ground before someone would come along to break up the fight. I've been hit in the face before, but only once or twice. And never so hard. But Dark Claw wanted me dead, and with the other griffons holding me, I was helpless. "Let him go." Dark Claw said coldly. The other ones let go of my arms and took a step back. It took all I had just to stay on my own hooves without falling over. Th-wham A hard right hook sent me face first on the floor. I moaned in pain as my vison flashed white and pain shoot all through me. My whole face filt numb, and whatever strength I had to escape was long gone. Too bad for me, he wasn't finished with me yet. Crack A hard kick connected into my ribs and sent me rolling a few times. I screamed in pain as I curled up into a ball, the pain was too much for me to take. My ribs.... I think he... cracked a rib.... I thought as I coughed up some blood. But before I could worry about if I had internal bleeding or whatever, Dark Claw was standing right next to me. "Don't die just yet. I'm not done with your sorry ass just yet." He said, before he started kicking me. "I'm going to make you pay!" He yelled at me as continued to stomp on me time after time. Time ceased to exist, as all I could think or feel was white hot pain. Ever time he'd bring his huge lion foot down on me, a new wave of pain shot through me. My vison blured and my head started spinning as all I could do was wimper as he kicked me. I... I just can't.... can't believe this is how.... how...I'm...going to.... Suddenly, Dark Claw stopped as he screamed in pain, and I heard a small 'thunk' land near us. I looked up with tear blurred eyes to see him holding his head in pain, as a pretty big rock was right next to us. Turning my head to the side, I quickly saw who was responsible throwing it. Two mares stood not far from us, looking at the griffons with determined looks. One was a light green unicorn, who's horn was glowing in magic as she hovered another rock near her. The other was a creamed colored earth pony with funky purple and pink hair. "Leave him alone!" the unicorn demanded. "Or I'll use a bigger rock next time." Hey... I remember...them. I weakly thought, my head still spinning from all the pain. It's those one crazy mares I saw at the festival. What are they doing here? "Run....get...outta here." I weakly muttered. Dark Claw quickly recovered from the little surprise attack. Sporting a nice little bump on the side of his head. He snarled as he stared right at them, with rage full in his eyes. "Don't just stand there you fools! GET THEM!!" Dark Claw yelled at the other two griffons. "Right!" Gilda said, before her and Snow Feather flew straight at the two mares. "Oh no..." The cream colored earth pony said before turning to bolt. However, she wasn't fast enough as Gilda flew right at her and scooped her up. Landing while holding her by her arms. Snow Feather had a little more difficulty getting his target. The green unicorn threw her rock right at him, hitting him right between the eyes. He fell onto the ground, and skided to a halt right next to her, knocked out cold. The unicorn turned and saw that her friend was already caught, sending a look of fear across her face. "Leave Bon Bon alone!" She cried, readying her magic to lift another rock at Gilda. "Good help is so far to find now a days." Dark Claw said, before he leaped into the air and was standing infront of the unicorn in a flash. She froze as he loomed over her, giving her an icey stare. "Lyra, run!" Her friend, Bon Bon, said while squirming in Gilda's grasp. "So... Lyra, was it? What made you come all you way out here?" Dark Claw asked, giving her an evil smirk. "We were trying to he..." Wham He smacked her so hard across the face that she fell to the ground. Seeing that filled me with rage, dispite my whole body throbing with pain. "Lyra!" Bon Bon cried out. Tears filling her eyes and worry covered her face as she saw her friend stricken down to the ground. "Lea.... Leave her alone." I weakly yelled at him as I moved myself around enough so I was at least sitting up. It took all I had just to do that, as my body was still throbing in pain. "What made you think you could come here and hit me with a rock?!" He yelled down at Lyra, as she looked up at him while holding her red cheek. "You were hurting our friend, Mark. We had to do something." Lyra said back at him. Tears may have filled her eyes, but she stared him down all the while. I respected her for that. "Oh, I see. You were helping your friend." He calmly said, before he grabbed her by the neck and held her at to his face. "Do you have any IDEA who we are?! We're mercenaries! We were hired to take this worthless stallion in, by any means necessary." "Let her go, asshole!" I yelled, trying to stand on wobbly legs. "This is between us. Leave the girls alone." Now I was pissed. Pain or no pain, nopony hurts a girl while I'm around. Growing up, I always hated hearing about wife beaters or men abusing women. It made me sick. I wanted to take those assholes in a field and shoot them all in the head! I could feel some of the pain die down as the famliar ball of magic inside me was flaring up. "No can do." He said, turning to glance at me before looking back over to her. "These mares interfered with our job, and must be taught a lesson." "You're a bully!" Bon Bon yelled, trying get herself free from Gilda. Snow Feather was still out of it as he layed on the ground, soft moans escaping his beak. At least it was one less griffon to deal with. "No, we're the superior race. Not you weakass ponies! If it wasn't for your stupid Princesses and lame magic, us griffons would have taken you over ages ago." "Yeah, you tell them boss." Gilda said with a smug look. "You ponies are nothing without your precious magic." Dark Claw laughed as he looked at Lyra's horn. "Eat Hydra shit." Lyra said before spitting right in his face. "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU DAMN PONIES!!!" He screamed before shooting straight up to the air and hovering over Ghastly Gorge. "You want to help your friend so much, you can share his fate!" No, don't tell me he plans on... "Don't do it!" I screamed. But it was no use. "let's see your magic help you now!" Dark Claw said to Lyra, before letting go of her neck. She screamed as she fell high from above, at a fast rate. "LYRA!!!!" Bon Bon screamed as tears flowed down her cheeks. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I felt a sudden wave of energy, as every fiber of my being screamed 'save her'. Jumping in the air, I soon found myself shooting straight in the air, the green glowing aura burning bright around me. Holy shit! I'm doing it, I'm flying! I thought to myself, excited at what I was doing. However, I didn't have time to bask in my little trick, as Lyra was falling faster and faster to the bottom of the gorge. Picking up speed, I pushed myself as hard as I could, trying to reach her before she hit the ground. Come on, come on... It was coming down to the wire as we were close to the ground, but I was a few inches from touching her. Almost there.... YES! At the last moment, I was able to grab ahold of her by her arm pits, and pulled up at the last second before we hit the ground. Flying back up from the gorge, we landed back on the side of the cliff, not far from the others. Gilda had long since let go of Bon Bon, and they both were watching us with opened jaws. Dark Claw was still in the same spot in the air, looking like he was about to have a meltdown at what he just saw. "Lyra!" Bon Bon yelled, as she raced to where we were and wrapped her arms around her friend as soon as I let go of her. "I thought I lost you forever! Thank you, Mark. Thank you!" She said, as she sobbed in Lyra's shoulders. Looking back up Dark Claw, rage and dark thoughts flooded my mind as I felt the energy around me burn brighter. That son of a bitch! I'm going to make him pay! I wanted to rip his head off and shove it up his ass! I wanted to rip him limb from limb and use his talons as back scratchers. I want to pound on this guy until he was nothing more then a red pile of mush. I couldn't help but grin as thought after evil thought filled my mind on what to do to him, and it was all the more pleasing because the magic inside me was kicked on at full throttle. "Time to go Kaioken on his sorry ass!" I said with a grin before jumping back into the air. "Kaio-what?!" Both girls said as they watched me fly into the air. After all the pain, all the fear and worry he caused me and my friends, I was going to pay him back ten fold! The look on his face was priceless as I charged at him at full speed, with out stretched arms, and slammed both my hooves right in his face. The blow knocked him back, as he tried flapping his wings in a mad attempt to stay in the air. As he got himself to hover back in place, I was already making a U-turn in the air and coming back for another attack. Just couldn't believe the power and speed I now had! It was like everything was in slow mode while I had about twenty Red Bulls, I was just so damn fast. Plus the fact that all the pain in body was gone now, so that was good seeing as I could still feel my wounds. Just couldn't feel the pain. Dark Claw was just starting to ready himself for another attack, when I slammed into him again. This time hitting him in the gut as I used my momentum to send him sailing into the air. Like a rocket, he went sailing straight down into the side of the gorge wall and hit it with a loud THOOM. He was embedded into the gorge wall, moaning in pain as he tried to shake the cobwebs from his head. While he grunted and tried to pull himself from the stone wall, I lowered myself down until I was hovering just infront of him. "How does it feel, fucker? Getting smacked round like the bitch you are?" I said with a wicked smirk. "You damn worthless pony! How are you able to fly? How could YOU be stronger then me?!" He yelled at me in anger. "You're nothing but a rude bully. And buddy, I got news for you. Sooner or later bullies always run into someone stronger then them!" I stated. "YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU'RE NOT STRONGER THEN ME!!!" He screamed at me. "I'm one of the most skilled griffon warrior and tracker in all of Equestria! You're nothing but a stupid stallion!" "And yet who's stuck on the canyon wall?" I asked with a laugh. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Filled with frustration and blinded by rage, he pulled himself out of the wall and flew right at me. Swinging wildly. But again, he seemed to be moving in slow-mo, so I just moved to the side, grabbed his punching arm, and flew straight up. Once we was above the canyon part of the gorge, I borrowed a page from Mario 64, and spinned around and around until slowing down just enough to control my throw. "So long big Bowser!" I mocked, as I let go and watch him sail in the air before slamming right into the ground near the others. He skidded a good ten feet before coming to a halt, dust kicking up everywhere. As everyone else looked on in amazment, I was already landing to prepare for my next attack. Once the dust cleared, Dark Claw was laying in the ground, moaning in pain, while the mares and Gilda looked on. Snow Feather was just now starting to stir again. "You.... little.... shit." Dark Claw grunted in pain, as he strained just to sit up right. "Oh how the tables have turned." I laughed as I slowly made my way to him. "Death is to good for you. No. I'm going to make you suffer. I'm gonna break your arms. I'm gonna break your legs. I'm going to break your wings! I'm gonna rip out your tongue and poke your eyes out! And then, you'll spend the rest of your life regreting the day you EVER CROSSED PATHS WITH ME!!!" At first, I reveled at the look of sear terror he was giving me. But then as I glanced to my side, I froze in place. Sure, Gilda and Snow Feather was looking at me in fear, I could handle that. They deserved to be afraid of me! But when I saw Lyra and Bon Bon a lump hit my throat. They were holding each other and shaking in fear, with tears rollong down their face. It's me. They're afraid of me! I realized. Blinded by my rage, I let my dark side take over me. And I realized what I said and what I was about to do in my anger. "I... I'm sorry girls." I said turning to face them with a look of regret. I could feel my rage and my magic energy dieing, but I didn't care. I made my point, and I wanting to let the girls know I wasn't gonna hurt them. "I didn't mean to scare you. My temper just got the better of me." That got them to relax a little, as they stopped shaking in fear and were slowly letting go of each other. Phew! That's good. The last thing I wanted them to think was that I was a bad guy. "Are you girls okay?" I asked. The both shook their head. "We... we're fine." Bon Bon said. "Good. I was afraid that I aAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain, falling to the floor and curling up in a ball. With the rush of power and adrenaline gone from my body, all the pain in my body came back with a vengence. My body was in such pain, I thought I was going into shock. "Mark!" The girls yelled before running over to me. They stood next to me, looking at me, worried. "What's wrong?" Lyra asked. "He's in pain. I think all that fighting really messed him up." Bon Bon stated. "Mark, say something." "Uuuunnngghhh!" I moaned in pain. I was hurting so bad that I couldn't even talk. Let alone get up from the ground. Unfortunately, this moment was all the time Dark Claw needed to get back to his feet. He took one good look at me and started busting up laughing. Great! I should have finished him when I had the chance. "Looks like our little 'Mega Mark' has ran out of steam!" He chuckled, as he now walked slowly towards me. "Not so tough now, are you?!" "Leave him alone!" Lyra yelled at him, standing ready to fend him off. Bon Bon wrapped herself around me, like a pony shield, to protect me from harm. This only made Dark Claw laugh more. "Gilda, Snow Feather. If you please." He said, pointing at the two mares. Gilda and Snow Feather was on them in a flash. Grabbing them by the arms, they lefted them off the ground and away from me. Now with nothing to block his path, Dark Claw continued walking towards me, and of course, straight out of the villian handbook, he starts monologuing! "I must say, Mark.... you are quiet the prey. Never had I faced anyone so annoying and yet so skillfull in all my life. Now I understand why our client wants you so badly. That strange power you have is amazing! And in the right hands, they could be used to take over all of Equestria!" So that's what this is all about, my powers from that crystal! I realized. Who ever sent these crazy fuckers must have also been the same one who sent that rock golem on Ponyville. Duhh! I all ready thought as much, but him saying it totally confirmed it. As he drew closer to me, a wicked smile formed on his face, the serial killer kind. Was this what I looked like a moment ago? He held up his arm and started flexing his claws. "You fought well in battle, but I'm afraid your skills are sadly lacking. Putting you down would be a favor to the world!" Stopping in front of me, he towered over me as he raised his arm high over his head, claws ready to strike me. "Time to make YOU suffer!" He yelled. "AAAAAHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as he brought his claws down on me again and again. Fresh pain shot through me as his claws sliced into my flesh and I could feel my blood running down my cuts. "Stop it! You're killing him!!" Lyra screamed. "That's the point!" He screamed at her. "First I put him out of his out of his misery, then I plan to deal with you two." "You monster!" Bon Bon cried. "P...ple.... please...." I begged, looking up at Death Claw. Trying my best not to pass out from all the pain. "Do... don't hurt.... the.... the girls." "Sorry, but no can do." He grinned. "The were dumb enough to get involved, so they can pay the price. Don't want to leave any witnesses." He said looking at them with an evil smirk, before looking back at me. "Now... to finish you off." He laughed as he raised his arm again, my blood dripping from his claws. "Say goodbye!!" Out of instinct, I raised my arm to block the fatal blow. But faster then my woozy and tired mind could compute, a small flash of energy flashed through me and a blast of green energy shot through my hoof. The energy hit him so hard and with enough force that he went sailing high in the air and fell right into the gorge. "Dark Claw!" Gilda and Snow Feather yelled as they released the mares and fell after their leader. That gave me some much needed time, seeing how everything started spinning. "And.....that's....all....I....g..." And everything went dark. "MARK!!!" Lyra and Bon Bon cried out, as they ran to him as fast as he could. Stopping infront of him, a look of worry and fear was on their faces as studied him. His body was covered in wounds. Claw marks ran all over his torso, blood ozzing from his wounds. They weren't too deep, but if left unchecked, he could bleed out. Scuff marks and bruises were also spread acrossed his body. As they looked at his face, they saw one of his eyes were starting to turn black and small traces of blood ran down his nose and mouth. "Is... is he dead?" Lyra asked, as Bon Bon examine Mark's body. "No, he's still breathing." Bon Bon sighed, looking at her friend. "But we have to get him outta here and get him to a hospital." "And fast! Before those griffons come back." Lyra confirmed. Just as Lyra began using her magic to gently pick Mark up and put him over Bon Bon's back, a scream of rage came from the gorge. Before they could think of running away, the three griffons flew out of the gorge and landed infront of them. The leader, Dark Claw, looked at them with a look of pure rage. "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" He screamed before jumping straight at them, claws out stretched. Just as he was about to reach Bon Bon and the unconscious Mark, a speeding rainbow blur slammed right into him. Knocking him into the ground. The streak of rainbow circled around in the air again, before stopping right above Lyra, Bon Bon and Mark. "It's Rainbow Dash!" Lyra said, smiling as she pointed up at Dash. Rainbow Dash gave her a quick nod before turning her attention back towards the griffons, a mean look on her face as she stared at them. "You leave my friends alone!" She yelled at them. As she looked at the griffons, a look of surprise shot across her face as she saw a famliar female one. "Gilda?" She asked. "Oh great! Another pony!" Snow Feather exclaimed, looking up at Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry guys, I got this." Gilda said before flying up into the air . As she hovered in the air, her and Dash exchanged words. Everybody on the ground wasn't able to hear them, but their body motions made it clear. They were NOT happy to see each other again. They both yelled something at each other, before Dash flew off, with Gilda hot on her hooves. While those two flew around Ghastly Gorge at lightning speeds, Dark Claw and Snow Feather turned their attention back to the two mares. "Looks like it's just us again." Dark Claw smirked, as they began making their way towards them. "Stay away!" Lyra screamed. Her horn glowed bright, as tons of pebbles and rocks hovered in the air around her. "Take this!" She cried out, before tossing them all the griffons. They yelped and screamed as rock after rock hit them all over their bodies. A few big ones landed good hits on their heads and guts, causing them to stumble and almost fall on the ground. The barrage of rocks lasted for afew minutes, but soon the ammo of rocks ran out. Lyra panted heavily as her legs wobbled a bit. She never had pushed her magic so hard before, and the effort had left incredibly tired. The grffons were stunned for a moment, as hundreds of cuts, scrapes, and bruises covered their bodies. But before Lyra and Bon Bon could plan what to do next, the griffons had already recovered. "Nice try." Dark Claw said, continuing to walk towards them. Snow Feather was busy rubbing his bruises on his body. "But now all you've done was insure that I start with you first." Lyra and Bon Bon could only shake in fear as he came closer to them. Bon Bon had Mark on her back, and wouldn't be able to out run the griffons, and Lyra was too tired to move. "And now you di..." Suddenly, a flash of light appeared off to the side of them, causing them all to stop in their tracks. When the flash died down, everyones jaws dropped to the ground. There, standing infront of them, was Princess Twilight. She was standing with her five mare friends, a baby dragon and four armoured stallion guards. "Just my luck..." Dark Claw muttered. "Griffons..." Twilight yelled, her tone hateful and her look furious. "You are under arrest!" > Chapter 16: Push it to the limit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's Rainbow Dash!" Lyra said, smiling as as she pointed up at Dash. Rainbow Dash gave her a quick nod before turning her attention back towards the griffons, a mean look on her face as she stared at them. "You leave my friends alone!" She yelled at them. As she looked at the griffons, a look of surprise shot across her face as she saw a famliar female one. "Gilda?!" She asked. "Oh great! Another pony!" Snow Feather exclaimed, looking up at Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry guys, I got this." Gilda said, before flying up into the air. "Rainbow Dash..." She began, a displeasing look on her face. "Long time no see." "Gilda... I learned you were a jerk when you flipped out at Pinkie's party last year, but I didn't think you'd stoop so low as to hang with thugs like them!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as as she pointed at the other griffons. "Yeah, well I haven't had it as easy as you have since we last met." Gilda huffed. "I haven't had it easy." Dash replied. "Whatever! I've heard ALL about your achievements since the last time we saw each other. Winning first place in the Young Flyer competition in Cloudsdale by doing a Sonic Rainboom. Getting accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy and even getting put into the reserves. Being a hero with your friends and saving Canterlot, the Crystal Empire and most of Equestria! All you've had was one easy ticket after another!" "Well at least I earned it!" Dash yelled back. Just as she was about to yell at her former-friend some more, her eyes wondered down to the ground below. Her jaw dropped as she saw the sight below her, as Lyra and Bon Bon tried to fend off the other two griffons. An injured Mark laid unconscious on Bon Bon's back, covered in bloody wounds. "What have you done to my friend?!" "Hey, that wasn't me." Gilda said with a wave of her claw. "That was all Dark Claw. He gets pretty violent when he gets angry." "And you think that makes it okay to hurt my friend?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, her anger rising. "Hey, it's his own damn fault!" Gilda cursed. "If he would have come quitly, we wouldn't have to rough him up so bad." "So that's what you've been doing this whole time? Working with a bunch of rude, petty thugs?!" Dash asked. She couldn't believe how low her old friend had sunk. "I knew you were a rude, cocky griffon, Gilda. But I NEVER thought you were dumb as well!" "SHUT UP! You don't know what I've been through this last year!" Gilda screamed. "While you've been living the easy life with your lame ass pony friends, I been struggling just to earn a living. Flying from town to town, working lame jobs just for a few bits. Sleeping in the wilderness because I didn't have enough to afford a room at a inn. It wasn't until I ran into Dark Claw did I found my calling." "Being a bully?" "Being a mercenary! Tracking down our prey and bring them in for a huge reward. Sure we've done things that have been a little extreme, but we do what we have to inorder to get the job done!" Gilda exclaimed. "You hurt ponies!" Dash yelled out. "They had it coming!" Gilda screamed. "You stupid ponies think your so special just because you have all your lame goody two-shoes princesses! If giving the chance, us griffons would mop the floor with you!" "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" "Prove it!" Dash said, giving Gilda a smug glance. "Oohhhhh..... I've been WAITING to get you back!" Gilda proclaimed. "Then let's see what you got, slow poke!" Rainbow Dash yelled, before flying down the gorge's path. Gilda flew after her, as they both raced the gorge at blinding speeds. Rainbow Dash was almost at her top speed, without doing a Sonic Rainboom. She whizzed past huge slags of stones as she hugged the tight turns of the gorge's walls. But with every air stunt, every skilled turn or trick she pulled off, Gilda was right behind her. Keeping up with everything Dash did. "Not bad Gilda!" Dash yelled. "Ha! This is nothing. Your time with your lame friends have made soft, Dash. You're still the slow pegasus I knew in flight camp!" Gilda yelled back. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" Dash said, giving a cocky smirk as she increased her speed some more. Rainbow Dash knew it would be hard for her to try to take on all three griffons at once. Her best bet was to keep Gilda busy, and hope that Lyra and Bon Bon could hold the other two off long enough for Twilight and the others to show. Besides, her and Gilda still had issues to work out between them and now was the perfect time for it. We're moments too late! Twilight thought as she viewed her surroundings. The griffon mercenaries stood infront of Lyra and Bon Bon, ready to attack them. But the sight that most shocked her was an unconscious Mark laying over Bon Bon's back, as blood dripped from deep cuts and scrapes all over his body. Which is why her and her friends were all so slow to react. They just couldn't believe their new friend could be so hurt and in trouble, especially when they just talked to him earlier that day. Twiight always thought the cavarlry always arrived in time, at least they did in the books. Applejack looked the most shocked, staring at Mark with tearful eyes. She had ran all over town, looking for the girls to round up and go help Mark. Rainbow Dash had already went to help, but it looked like she was already busy with one griffon. Flying throught the air and whizzing between the sky and the gorge. Pinkie Pie was working at Sugarcube Corner when AJ came to get her, and was completely blown away be the news of Mark being attacked. Fluttershy and Rarity was on their way to the spa when AJ found them. The news of Mark hit them hard, especially Fluttershy, who said Mark was just at her house earlier today helping her. When they all rushed to the castle to warn Twilight, she was quick to act upon hearing the news. She called for four of her best guards to come with her before using a powerful tracking spell to locate Mark before using a powerful teleport spell to get them all there. Twilight had never used a teleport spell to transport so many at once, but after her fight with Tirek, she felt she could pull it off. The important thing was, she was able to get them all to the Gastly Gorge. It didn't take them long to arrive, in terms of distance. In terms of time however, it took just a few moments too long. When the black griffon who was ordering the mercs to attack Mark saw them all arrive, it was like in that moment time went still. Everybody was so shocked, that nobody moved. And Mark was so still, barely moving except for his labored breathes as he hung over Bon Bon's back. "Oh thank Celestia you're here!" Bon Bon turned and said, being the first to break the silence. "It's them! They're the ones responsible for hurting Mark!" Lyra exclaimed as she pointed at the griffons. Twilight turned to look at Flash Sentry, head of the guards, who gave a quick nod before turning his attention fully on the griffons. "Your under arrest, griffon scum!" Flash yelled. "Just try to stop me you stupid pony!" Dark Claw snarled. "I'm the most skilled griffon warrior in all of Equestria!" "Men... ATTACK!" Flash ordered. In the span of a few seconds, everything sped back up. The Griffons and the pegasus guards took to the air. Claws scraped against metal as they flew around in the air, clashing against each other. While they battled in the air, Twilight and the girls rushed over to Lyra and Bon Bon, as they gently placed Mark off Bon Bon's back and on the ground. Bon Bon took a quick look at herself, small traces of blood stains were on her back, but she didn't care. They could be washed out, but Mark needed help soon or he might die. As the girls circled around him, Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy were the ones to get close to him. AJ knelt down and cradled him in her arms as she sank to the ground. "Please tell me you can do something, Twilight." Applejack said with pleading eyes. "Hold on, and I'll see what I can do." Twilight said. She closed her eyes and lowered her head down so her horn gently touched Mark's body. Focusing he magic, Twilight tried to use all the knowledge on healing magic she knew. Spending countless hours in a library seemed to be paying off, as once again the skills she learned from a books was helping her friends. As Twilight's horn glowed, the others watched in awe as the cuts on Mark's body slowly closed, and most of his bruises faded away. Twilight grunted as seconds turned to long minutes, but finally, she released the spell and studed her work. Although he still sported a few scuffs and blood stains on his coat, most of Mark's wounds were healed. "There.... that should.... do it." Twilight panted, as she stood on wobbly legs. She started to take a step backward, but her legs gave out and she almost tumbled to the ground. "Twilight!" The other girls cried as they rushed to catch their falling friend. A look of concern on all their faces. "Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and her stood next to Twilight. Keeping a hoof on her to keep her from falling on the ground. "I'm.... I'm okay." Twilight said with a small smile. "Just using all that magic to teleport us here and then using my magic to heal Mark has really worn me out. I just need a second to catch my breath." She explained as her friends eased her to the ground so she could sit and gather her strength. "Fluttershy, could you go over and check on Mark? I healed all the outside wounds, but...." "Don't worry, I'm on it." Fluttershy gave a serious nod, before hovering over to where Applejack was still holding an unconscious Mark. "Is Twilight okay?" Applejack looked up at her, concerned for her friend. "She's fine. Just a little worn out." Fluttershy smiled, as she reassured her friend. "Now then, let's see what other injuries he might still have." She said, bending down and giving a studying look as she gave Mark the once over. Years of raising and caring for animals have made Fluttershy a great nurse over the years, and she was now able to tend to some sick or hurt ponies. Nothing major, but still impressive. She ran a gently hoof over Mark's body, rubbing him down while she checked for anything like internal injuries. It was when she rubbed his belly and chest, did he let out a stiff grunt, earning a wincing look from her and AJ both. Once she was finished, she stepped back and gave a confriming nod. "So how is he?" Applejack asked. "He might have some bruised ribs. I didn't feel anything out of place, so they're not broken or anything. Still, I'd say he'll be hurting for a good week or two." Fluttershy confirmed. "Well.... that's good to hear." Applejack said with a sigh. Lowering her head to Mark, while Fluttershy walking back to where the others were, AJ began whispering to Mark. "You stupid, stupid stallion. Why did you do something foolish like this and get yourself hurt? Don't ya know that we... Ah, worry about you? Don't ya know that ya're our friend now and we cared deeply for you? If something was to happen to you..." She stopped herself as she nuzzled her cheek next to his, while tears rolled down them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, not far away, Rainbow Dash and Gilda were still flying high in the air around Ghastly Gorge. But race they were having had took a serious turn as insults and aerial attacks were exchanged between them. One would loop around and tackle the other, only to be countered with a kick or twist in the air, sending them sailing the other way. This back and forth last for several long moments, with each attack becoming more furious then the last one. Soon Both of them were hovering in the air, staring at each, while they both panted and took a moment to catch their breathe. "Not... bad Dash. Looks like.... you learned quite..... a bit since last time." Gilda said between breathes. "You're not... so bad yourself." Dash replied. "Looks like.... your time with these.... bullies.... helped kepted your skills sharp." "Oh.... they have." Gilda smirked. As Rainbow Dash looked around, trying to plan her next attack, she spotted something not far from where they were. Near the opening of the gorge, the two other griffons were busy fighting four pegasus guards. And on the ground near them was Twilight and the others, looking on as the battle raged overhead. A few even spotted and pointed up at her, filling Dash with a renewed feeling. looks like they made it in time after all. Dash thought with a smile. Now I just have to.... "Uuuunnngghhhh!" Rainbow Dash grunted as Gilda tackled her, hard. She then grabbed her by the by the legs and swung her straight towards the ground. "Never lower your eyes to an enemy!" Gilda called out to her. Laughing as she watched Dash fly like a bullet towards the ground and her friends. "Ohhhh...... IT... IS... ON!" Dash said to herself, before unfolding her wings again. Using her momentum to her advantage, she picked up more speed before pulling up. Sailing over her friends heads and soaring high into the air. But she didn't stop there. Sailing past Gilda, she went ever further into the air, passing the coulds and threating to touch the sun. She was quickly reaching the Danger Zone, as the air became thinner, her head felt lighter and her wing struggled to keep flapping. Feeling she was where she needed to be, she stopped there and hovered for a few seconds. Let's see you handle THIS! Dash thought, before see folded her wings and allowed herself to fall back down. Unfolding her wings, see continued to pick up speed as she angled herself so she was flying straight down towards Gilda. Faster and faster she flew, as tears welled up in her eyes and the air around her began to bend in a cone, as she continued to fly at a crazy speed. "What's she thinking?" Gilda said outloud. "Doesn't she know better then to fly straight at your opponent like that? By the time she reaches me, I'll have moved out of the way!" She stated, as she watched Dash sail straight for her. Just as she was drawing near, and Gilda was preparing to counter the move, and Rainbow Dash let out a little chuckle. Time to show her what I can really do! She thought as she gave one more push of speed. The air cone around her started to break as she flew for all she was worth. Until.... BOOM! A rainbow explosion formed from behind her, as Rainbow Dash flew so fast she did a Sonic Rainboom, catching Gilda completely off guard. Before she could even react, Dash flew straight into her, carrying straight down towards the ground with a spakling rainbow flowing right behind them. "Not so superior now, are you?!" Dash yelled, giving Gilda a quick smirk. The ground fast approaching them. Before reaching the ground, Dash let go of Gilda and pulled up, letting the force of the fall take over. Gilda hit the ground with a loud THOOM, causing the other girls to flinch as dust flew up from the crash site. Rainbow Dash did a small loop in the air and landing near the dust cloud, as the wind caused the dust to cover her from sight as well. A Moment pasted before the dust cleared, allowing the girls to see what happened. Their jaws dropped at amazment at they saw the sight, Rainbow Dash stood proud next to a small crater in the ground, with Gilda unconscious inside it. Before they could get a chance to walk over and ask how Dash was doing, they all turned as an excited Applejack hollored up at them. "HE'S AWAKE!!" I heard a loud THOOM, causing my eyes to flutter. I mouned as my head felt like grounded hamburger, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Letting me know I was still alive. In pain, and soar as hell, but alive. "Oowwwww!" I complained. "Did anyone get the number of that bus?" I said, opening eyes to look around. I suddenly became aware that Applejack was holding me, as she sat right next to me on the ground. "Mark! you're okay!" Applejack exclaimed. Looking down on me with a big grin on her face and tears in her eyes. "Yeah.... I'm fine. Just stiff as a board right now." I said. Grunting as I tried to move alittle. "HEY GUYS!" Applejack screamed at the top of her lungs. "HE'S AWAKE!!" "Uuunngh! AJ, watch the yelling. I still got a massive headache." I groaned. As Twilight and the other girls came running up to us, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head as AJ smacked me. "Ouch! What was that for?" I asked, rubbing my head. "Ah'll give ya a headache ya big lug!" Applejack said before giving me a tight hug. "Ah thought we lost you!" "Mark, you're okay!" the girls said as they all gave me a huge group hug. And I mean, HUGE. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Lyra, Bon Bon and Rainbow Dash hugged me all at once. I thought I would be crushed for a moment there, as the all wrapped around me tightly. But soon they broke away and gave me some much needed air. Though they still stayed huddled around me. "Whoa! Watch it you guys. Personal space." I said, fixing myself so I was sitting up better. "I'm still hurting everywhere. And what's with all the stares? You're freaking me out." And they were! I was looking up at a moon of faces, and everyone of them had this big looking grin on their faces. For a moment I thought I was the punchline to a stupid joke or something. "Buh...." Lyra said with her mouth hung open. "Mark! you're okay!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little soar." I said. With a loud grunt, I worked my way back onto my hooves. Applejack stayed right next to me, keeping her hooves on me to make sure I was steady. Not that I minded or anything. With how I was feeling, I thought I'd drop if a strong gust of wind hit me. "Where's that no good butthole, Dark Claw? Ooooohhh, that turd is toast!" Twilight pointed up in the air. "The griffons are currently being dealt with." She said, causing me to look up. Sure enough, Dark Claw and Snow Feather was around battling four pegasus guards. I also noticed that Flash Sentry was leading the fight. They were both pretty evenly matched, as for ever good swing one of the griffons would land on a guard, another one would fly in his place. Giving them enough time to shake the attack and land one of their own. The numbers game was not in the griffons favor, and the fact that the guards armor protected them from their claw also didn't help them. Damn! I wish I had some of that armor earlier. I thought. As the fight dragged on, I noticed that the pegasi were winning. Herding them in one spot as they landed blow after blow. Soon they had the two trapped as the circled around them. When one of them tried to fly out of the circle, one of the guards were ready to knock them back into place. But as I watched this go on, I soon realized something. It's only the two males! "where's Gilda?" I asked, looking back down at the girls. "Oh don't worry about her." Rainbow Dash said as she walked closer to me. "I already dealt with her. She ain't going nowhere anytime soon." She pointed towards a crater in the ground. "Good. One less problem to deal with." I said with a smile. Just One of those guys was enough for me. "Just who are these roughians anyway?" Rarity asked, while glancing back up into the sky. "They call themselfs the Talon Warriors." I said, while rolling my eyes at that name. "They were hired to track me down and bring me back to their boss by any means necessary." "Ya mean the same guy who hired them is the same one who sent that rock golem ta attack Ponyville?" Applejack asked. "Yep." "Good. Then as soon as we defeat them, we make them tell us who their boss is and where to find him!" Dash exclaimed, pounding her hooves together. "Easy, Dash. First we have to defeat them, and then get Mark back to the castle to get checked out." Twilight explained. "Hey, I'm alright!" I said as I tried to move forward, but a shoot of pain caused me to wince. "Kinda." "Hey, wait a minute!" Bon Bon said, causing all of us to look at her and Lyra. "What are you guys talking about?! You mean someone is after Mark?" She asked. "Yeah. And what's with Mark and the strange powers?" Lyra asked. "When he fought them, he was glowing all green and flying around and kicked major butt!" She exclaimed. "No normal earth pony could do the things he did! I have to know. Is he.... Is Mark a human?" The girls all looked at each other for a moment, not sure what to say. But I figured after everything I been through with Lyra and Bon Bon, I felt they at least deserved to know the truth. "It's okay girls." I said, holding up my hoof. "They're cool. They helped me out and the least I could do is pay them back by telling them the truth." But before I could begin, a loud scream came from the air, causing us all to look up. It was Dark Claw, screaming in frustration as the pegasus guards circled around him. This isn't good. I thought to myself, as we watched the scene play out. "RRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You damn ponies! You haven't beaten me!!" "Give it up, scum! We have you surrounded." Flash said in a serious tone. "Oh do you now?" Dark Claw said with a chuckle. "Let's just see about that." In a flash, Dark Claw dropped down and began soaring towards the inside of the gorge. A guard flew after him, but he was ready this time, looping in the air and drop kicking him in the back before the pegasus could react. Reaching the inside of the gorge, he hovered in the air for a moment, before releasing an ear-spliting lion type roar that threw everybody off. It was suddenly followed with a strange shriek followed by the ground starting to rumble under our hooves. "Ohh no, this can't be good." I said outloud. "Let's see you stop THIS!!" Dark Claw starting laughing, as huge long red snake type monsters burst from the side of the gorge walls. "It's quarry eels!" Twilight said, pointing towards the many heads popping out of gorge. I read up on quarry eels in the 'Creatures of Equestria' book I found in the libarary. The were a type of monster that dug holes in the side of the gorge's wall to build their nest. They mostly didn't bother ponies unless they got too close to their nest. They also seemed to attack anything near their nest more during mating season or if a momma just laid her eggs. And judging by how anger they seemed, looked like it might be the last two options. Thankfully, the eels were attacking the griffons as well as the guards. Snapping hard as they tried to snap them up in one bite. "To me!" Flash screamed, as the guards flew in formation trying avoid the eels jaws. The griffons flew around maddly, trying hard to also not become a meal. "We need to get outta of here!" Dark Claw yelled at Snow Feather, dodging snapping jaws as he zipped around. "But what about Gilda?" Snow Feather asked, flying around one trying not to get snapped at. "Forget her! She knew what she was getting into. If she's weak enough to be defeated, then she can pay the price!" Dark Claw stated coldly. "What?!" Snow Feather asked, stopping to hover in place while looking up at him in surprise. "But you said she was you're new right hand. You said she showed promise when we found her. You two have grew close after you two slee..." CRUNCH!!! Faster then anyone could react, a eel came up from behind Snow Feather chomped down on him in one bite. We all winced as we heard muffled moans come from inside the eel's mouth, letting us know he was still alive inside. But then the eel started making wet chewing noises, Snow Feather was gurgling, and then the wet noises continued. But Snow Feather wasn't making any more noise. Tough to do, when you're in pieces. "Awww man! That's sick!" I yelled. Nobody said anything. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack just hung their heads down, a look of saddness and disgust on their faces. Fluttershy and Rarity, and Lyra and Bon Bon held onto each other, tears rolling down their faces as they hugged each other for comfort. poor Pinkie Pie just stared at the monster, tears rolling down her face as her poofy hair deflated and was hanging straight down. I think they all took it pretty hard. Hell, even I felt like crying for the guy. Sure, he and his partners tried to kill me, but wouldn't have wished that on him. Now Dark Claw however, was a different case. As he was a total asshole and had caused the most damage. Speaking of that motherfucker, He took one look at the eel while it ate his parnter, snarled, and said, "Fool." He then flew away with even looking back! That fucker! I thought, furious at what I just saw. He doesn't even care about his team mates! He just uses them as he sees fit, and the moment they're in trouble, he bolts! I could feel my anger and a little bit (not much) of my magic building back up. But before anyone could do anything to stop him, we felt another rumble in the ground, causing us all to focus on not falling on are asses. And before we knew it, a hole appeared near us and a huge eel popped up from it. This one was even bigger then the other ones the guards were dodging. "It's the eel mother!" Twilight cried out, as we all looked up at it in horror. The thing turned it's head towards us before letting out a loud roar. "Quick Twilight! Do something!" Rarity yelled with desperation. "I can't!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'm still recovering from all the magic I used up earlier!" "Aww, horse apples!" Applejack cursed. Rainbow Dash stepped infront of everyone, ready to defend us. But I knew that alone, she stood on chance against it. None of us did. Not with Twilight worn out and her guards busy fighting off the other eels. Damn it! There must be something I can do. I thought in frustration. I had all this stupid power, so surely I'd be able to use it to protect my friends. I felt deep inside for the ball of magic inside me, but a wave of exhaustion hit me hard. My body was already tired from the fighting earlier, and I was luck to even be alive right now. But I had to use the magic again or me and all my friends are dead! Come on, you fucking powers! Come on! I cursed to myself as I fought the exhuastion and pushed on for all I was worth. I quickly found the ball of energy, but when I tried to break the wall around it, nothing happened. I was still too tired to focus right to break the defenses so I could unleash the magic. The eel growled before it started lunging straight at us. Some of the girls flinch, fear keeping them from moving, while the others got themself ready to act. It was now or never! Giving everything I had left, I pushed on the wall around the energy, grunting outload as I did so. In a shattering blow, the defenses broke and the well of energy flowed through me once again. "KAIOKEN!!" I screamed as the green aura flowed around me. Now, I want to make this prefectly clear. I'm trapped in a magical world with talking ponies and crazy monsters. With incredible powers I have yet to understand or fully control. So of course I was going to name some of my powers and magical attacks that I did after one of my favorite animes. Hell, if I was still a human with a double barrel shotgun here, I'd be calling it my 'boomstick' and be running around saying groovy. That's from Army of Darkness for those playing the home game. Anyway, with my powers back on, I flew right up at it and hit it in the bottom jaw. Knocking it's head back, stunned, while the girls looked on in awe. Keeping up with the attack, I landed right in front of the girls, putting my front hooves together and pointing right up at the eel. Focusing everything I had into my hooves to preform another one of my favorite DBZ moves. If I was going to run around using these powers to help ponies, then what better way then to use them like one of my anime heroes. "KA....ME...." I yelled, putting my hooves to my side and still focusing all my magic into them. "Mark, what are ya doing?!" Applejack asked me. Her voice had a tone of surprise in it. "HA....ME..." The power was now glowing in my hooves as it look like I was holding a green ball of energy. "Look! He's about to do some type of magic attack!" I heard Twilight say behind me. I could tell she was amazed by what I was about to do. Not surprising, seeing how I bet they never watched Dragonball Z. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed, pushing my hooves back out towards the eel as I released the full force of a kamehameha straight at it. In the show, they hardly ever told you how hard it was to control the attack, let alone keep focus as you felt the energy pour right out of your body and be used as energy for the attack. It was draining. But it worked. The eel shrieked in pain as the attack hit home, and smoke shot up from where the beam hit it. I could only keep the attack up for a few moments before I had to release the attack, the energy drain from the beam was too much for me. I fell on my knees, panting like I had ran for three days straight. I felt like falling over and dieing. But thankfully, the attack worked, as a nasty burnt wound was left on the eel, causing it to whine in pain. It sunk back into it's hole, and in a span of a few seconds, the other ones joined it. The threat was over. "Good. I.... did...." I tried to say, but soon colapsed completely on the floor. My eyes fluttering betwen opened and closed. I was totally spent. "Oh no! Not again." I heard one of the girls yell, as they ran towards me. And before I knew it, I passed out once again. Somewhere between the Neighagra Falls and the Crystal Mountains, high near the snowy peaks, flew Dark Claw. Landing on a mountain peak with a huge cave in it, he stormed into the cave, furious by his lost and even more furious that took the job without getting proper info. Heading deep inside the dark cave, his rage continued to build, until he stopped in his tracks a let it all flow out. "WHERE ARE YOU DAMMIT! COME OUT AND FACE ME!! Dark Claw screamed into the darkness. A low growl came from the darkness, before glowing green eyes shown through the darkness. Looking right down at him with a displeased look. I see you've came back empty handed. The voice boomed from the dark. "Why didn't you tell me he could use strange magic like that?!" Cark Claw demanded. Because I wanted to see how much control he had over it. The voice plainly stated. That, and you said you could handle it. You did boast that you were the best mercs in Equestria. "I AM!!" Dark Claw screamed. And yet you return alone without the target or your team mates. "I almost had him!" Dark Claw explained. "If it wasn't for that new purple princess and her guards I would have finished him off and brought you his corpse!" Yesssss.... Those ponies do like to stay in a nice herd. Making it hard to pick them off. The voice said the a tone of displeasure. "Just give me one more chance! I know I can take him next time." Dark Claw stated. Don't worry, you'll get your chance. Those ponies have a nack for throwing little pointless parties and events, and a important one is coming up. That will be our chance. The voice claimed. "Good. then I can sneak in, and take out...." No. You have another part to play next time. For next time.... the voice began, as thunderous steps boomed in the cave and a huge figure of a black dragon began to emerge from the darkness. It's mouth opened to show a sharp toothed grin as green fire burned in it's eyes. I'll go myself. > Chapter 17: Bad Omens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Unnnnggghhhh..." I moaned as I began to wake up once again. "I've got to quit ending up like this!" I complained as I opened my eyes. I was back inside my room in Twilight's castle, laying on my bed wrapped in my covers. As I sat up and began to look around, I saw that Lyra was in the room as well. She was sitting in a chair on the side of the room reading a book from the small book shelf that was in the room. The moment she heard me stir, she looked up at me, closed the book and began to wake over to the bed. "Finally awake I see." She said with a smile, as she stood beside the bed. "They said it would be awhile before you recovered from using so much energy at once." I assumed she meant that Twilight told her that this wasn't the first time I passed out like this after using that crazy magic. I was hoping I'd get used to using it soon, cause I was getting real tired of the whole pass out thing pretty quick. "How long?" I asked. "What?" Lyra looked at me in confusion. "How long was I out for?" "Counting today.... I'd say about two and a half days." Lyra stated. I looked up at her a little shocked by that, but really I was expecting to hear that. Like I said, wasn't the first time. "We was pretty worried about you," Lyra continued. "Even Applejack was afraid something might have happened to you. But Twilight scanned you with her magic multiple times, and told us that all you needed was rest. Even the princesses looked you over and said you'd be alright after some sleep." "Wait, the princesses are here?" "Yes. They arrived the day after all that crazy stuff happened." Lyra explained. "They and the others have been in the throne room going over things ever since." "What else did I miss?" I asked as I sat up so I was sitting on the side of the bed looking at Lyra. I didn't feel weak and I didn't hurt anywhere. I was just totally thirsty and hungry. Like I hadn't ate in days.... which I haven't. "What happened to Gilda?" "After the princesses showed up, they all had a meeting in throne room over what to do with Gilda." Lyra stated. "Bon Bon and me wasn't able to go in to hear the trial, but Twilight told us about it afterwords. Although Gilda was working for those evil mercs and doing acts against Equestria, Dash wanted to show her a little mercy because of their past friendship." "Her and Dash were friends?" I asked surprised. "Yes. She came over to Ponyville a few years back, but at a party they both had a falling out. Something about lameness and being a jerk.... I only heard part of the arguement that day." Lyra said, rubbing her chin while thinking back on the event. "And what happened next?" "Well, Gilda went on a big rant saying that her group were the best and they'd come to rescue her any day." Lyra stopped for a moment and shock her head. "But when they told her how their leader left them and what happened to her team mate, all the fight went right out of her. She said she didn't care what they did to her, cause nopony else cared about her." "Man, that must have been heart breaking for her." I said. Although I did hate her and her partners for trying to kill me, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Having your partner die and your leader abandon you must have been rough on her. Espeically when you feel all alone and like the world is gonna crash on your head. "So what happened?" "The princesses said that although no harm would come to her, she was still going to be punished for her crimes. They sent her to the Canterlot dungeons to await her punishment." Lyra concluded. "Well, that's good to hear. One less problem to deal with." I said. I was glad to hear they wouldn't do anything to bad to her, but I also couldn't help but feel happy to hear her suffer some form of punishment. That'll teach her to fuck with me. I thought with a smile. But all my real venom and rage was for her former boss, Dark Claw. The next time I saw him, there was going to be hell to pay. And then I think I'll enjoy me some Kentucky Fried Griffon! We stood silent for a long moment, me with my thoughts on revenge, and her with a strange look on her face as she glance between me and the floor. I knew what was coming... she was going to ask about were I came from and If was really a human. She had asked the girls and me during the battle, but when the mother eel showed up, everything was thrown to the wayside. Now, alone in this room, with nothing to get in her way, she wanted to know the truth about me. I couldn't blame her. She had seen some crazy shit and I did promise I'd tell her later. Guess now is later... I thought with a sigh. "Alright. I know what you're going to ask..." I began, cutting the silence. "But before we begin, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. What is said behind these walls must stay between us. Nopony else can know the truth about me." "What about Twilight and the others?" She asked in surprise. She relaxed for a moment, but when I told her to keep everything on the down low she looked confused. "Twilight, the other girls and even the princesses know, but that's it. Promise me that what I'm about to tell you, you won't tell anypony else." "I promise." She replied with a firm nod. "Okay. You see, I'm really a human from..." "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT YOU!! IF ONLY BON BON COULD SEE ME NOW! I'M STANDING HERE TALKING T....." "You want to keep it down?!" I snapped, cutting of her rant. "I don't think the ponies in Canterlot heard you yet." "Oh, sorry." she replied. "still.... a human. I can't believe it. How did you turn into a pony?" "If you'll quit interupting me, I might be able to tell you. I'm not from here, I come from the planet Earth." I explained. "Earth? You mean another planet? Full of humans?!" She asked, her eyes beginning to sparkle. When I nodded yes, she squeed with joy before rushing up to me, inches from my face. As close as we were to each other, it looked like we was about to make out. That, and the fact that she had a strange look in her eyes, made me a little nervous. "Tell me everthing." I won't bore you with the details, but needless to say, I told her the origin of how I got here. Which was again followed by a massive wave of questions about Earth and human society, which she asked before I even got to how I got to the crystal. I swear she asked more questions then the girls did when I told them. When she said she wanted to know everything, she really wanted to know EVERYTHING! I told her as much as I could remember, as I found it was geting hard to recall everything about back home. Some part of my memories were blurry, while others were just blank. It was almost as if someone was taking white out and going through my noggin. Must be from all the stress I had during the fight. I thought, brushing off the worried feeling trying to creep into my brain. It took almost two hours to tell her, but I finally was reaching the end of my story. "....And after I found the crystal, I was teleported here and turned into a pony. And now I'm a Teenage Mutant Ninja Pony!" I finished with my own little humor. A smile on my face at the thought of me with a red bandana and a katana running around fighting ninja ponies. "And you know the rest." "So that's why somepony is after you? Because of that crystal?" Lyra asked, amazed by my story. "Yep. All the magic mojo that was in that crystal went to me, which is how I'm able to use magic and shoot energy beams of awesomeness." I said, thinking back to when I fired a Kamehameha at that mother eel. If I could use that attack, then what other types of anime attacks could I use? I couldn't help but grin as I thought of all my favorite anime attacks. If I can pull off what I think I can pull off, I'm gonna become one badass pony! Thought she long since moved away from my face, she remained close to me, sitting beside me on the bed. Her eyes still gleamed when she looked at me, and I noticed she was grinning alot while she did. "You've made me so happy." She said with a smile. "Why is that?" I asked. "Because thanks to you, I now know I'm NOT crazy. That humans DO exist." She said as she scooted closer to me and looked into my eyes. "Every since I was a foal, I've been trying to find proof of humans still existing. But everypony just laughed at me and called me crazy, saying I was going on about a fantasy. Even Bon Bon thinks I'm wasting my time! And I was even thrown into a mental ward a few times because of it!" Tears filled Lyra's eyes as she explained her troubled past. "I'm... I'm sorry to hear that." I honestly said. Not sure how else how to respond. "But now, I finally have proof that I was right, and... and..." At that point she began balling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her as she continued to sob into me. The poor thing! To have everypony else think your crazy because you think a certain way. That's worse then trolls on Facebook. I thought, as I continued to hold her. "There, there. Everything's going to be alright. I don't think your crazy." I said, as I rubbed the back of her head. Stroking her mane. As I continued to hold her, I began to feel a warm familiar feeling rush through me, causing me to blush a little. It had been happening more and more lately, especially during my times hanging around Applejack. I didn't want to believe it, but holding Lyra, I knew it's true. I'm starting to find these ponies attractive. At first, I thought it was gross, seeing as I was once a human. But now that I've spent some time as a pony, I wasn't finding the thought so gross now. It made sense! I'm a pony, the girls are ponies, there wasn't anything wrong with us being together. Lyra must have sensed my thoughts or something, because she managed to quit sobbing and looked up at me. As she stared at me with those big, teary yellow eyes, my whole body froze in place as my head felt fuzzy. We we're so close together, one move forword, and we'd be kissing. Which is what was making me nervous! It's not that I didn't mind kissing a cute mare like her, it was the fact that I just met her and to be honest, I think I had feelings for another mare. GRUMBLE! The sudden noise made us pull away and look down at my stomach. The pain of hungry was growing more noticeable, as I again became aware that I haven't had anything to eat for a few days. I welcomed the break, as I didn't want things to get weird between us. No way I'd be able to explain things if one of the girls walked in on us. "Ha ha.... I guess my belly is telling me that my battery is low." I chuckled before getting up off the bed and walking to the door. "Care to join me in the kitchen?" I turned to ask Lyra. "Uhhhh.... sure." She paused, taking a moment to wipe her face before following me as we exited the room and and made our way to the kitchen for some major grub. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My word! I can't believe you ate all that food!" Lyra said as she looked at me in amazment. Once inside the kitchen, I had the cooks whip up a few different meals to fill my belly. Grilled cheese sandwitches, a plate of fried taters and scrambled eggs, and a few apples and grapes. Like I said, I was hunger. "Ahhh..... I feel much better now!" I said with a smile, as I rubbed my full belly. "So Lyra, where's Bon Bon at?" "Oh, she's back home doing some chores. She was here during the meeting and all, but after words she said she'd just wait to hear anymore updates from me." Lyra explained. "Makes sense. I mean, she does have a life to live and all." I agreed. Reaching over the table, I grabbed my glass of iced tea and took another drink." "Thank you, Mark." Lyra suddenly said. "For everything." "No problem." I simply replied. "Happy to help out." I said with a smile. Lyra giggled at that. Looking at me with a big grin on her face. I guess I must have answered that funny or something, cause she kept looking at me with that strange grin. Thankfully at that moment, Spike walked in through the doorway. A relieved look on his face as he saw us in the kitchen, sitting at the table just chilling. "There you are, Mark! I was looking all over for you." Spike sighed as he walked over to the table we was sitting at. "Oh, hey Spike!" I said as I waved at him. "Sorry about that. I guess I just woke up hungry." "It's okay. I'm just glad to see that your up and doing alright. You had us a little worried." "Yeah. Couldn't be helped." I said as I took another grape from the bowl and popped it in my mouth. "I had to use my powers to take out that mother eel, or else we were all going to end up monster chow." "I heard about that. Twilight said that you fired a magic blast almost a powerful as when she fought Tirek." Spike said. "I would have loved to have seen that. It sounded like it looked really cool." "A little." I said, rubbing the back of my head. The anime fan in me was still beaming at being able to shoot a Kamehameha, and jumping with joy at the thought of pulling off more energy attacks. "It was pretty cool." "Oh! I just remembered..." Spike said suddenly, looking a little shocked. "Twilight wanted me to check on you and see if you were up yet. And if you were, she wanted you to head to the throne room." "Ahh, to talk business no doubt. Understandable." I said, standing up from my chair. "Care to join us Lyra?" "Nahh, that's okay." She said as she too raised up. "I got things to take care of back home. But I'm glad that you're doing alright." "Okay. I hope to see you again, Lyra." "Oh, you better believe it big guy." She said as she walked over to me, leaned in, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Catch you later.... Mega Mark." And with that, she was out the door and gone. Leaving me with a surprised look on my face while Spike chuckled at the scene. "Come on, Casanova. Let's go join the others." He snickered. "I found him." Spike proclaimed as we walked into the throne room. "He was in the kitchen eatting like a starved stallion." "MARK!" The girls all exclaimed as they got off their thrones and ran over to where we were, before we even got halfway over to them. They all covered me in a huge group hug, while Spike just rolled his eyes at me. I noticed that princess Celestia and Luna watching from where they were, with small smiles on their faces. "I'm so glad you're okay, Mark!" Fluttershy said, giving me a quick nuzzle before her and all the girls released their hold of me. "I argee, dear. You had us all so worried." Rarity replied. "What in tarnation were ya thinking?!" Applejack said as she lightly smacked me on the side of the head. "Putting yourself in danger like that? Ya could have been killed!" "Hey, I didn't have choice." I answered as I rubbed my head. "I had to help my friends. Besides, those jerks needed a good ass whooping." "Yeah! Besides, did you see the those moves he pulled off? It was so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said while hovering in the air. "Mark is so cool! He's like a superhero now." Pinkie Pie said as she hopped in place. "Mega Mark. Think of all the merchandise!" "Right....." Twilight rolled her eyes as she walked past her to face me. "Anyway. One's thing's for sure, your magic has gotten much stronger then last time to take out a mother eel." "Indeed." Princess Celestia said as she and Luna walked towards us. Their faces displaying a serious tone. "It appears we much to talk about. For things have come to our attention as of late that we think are related to all this." "What kind of things?" Twilight asked. "Dark magic." Luna replied. "What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled by the statement. "I believe I can answer that...." a familiar voice chuckled. We all looked around the room for moment before a flash of light showed Discord leaning on the side of the wall, wearing a orange Hawaii shirt and wearing a pair of shades. "Discord!" Fluttershy said as she ran over and gave him a quick hug. "Hey Flutters. Good to see you again." He replied as he returned her hug. He then snapped his fingers and the shades & shirt disappeared. He and Fluttershy walked over to where we was standing, while giving Celestia a little nod. "Tia." "Right. Anyway, we sent Discord a few days ago to investigate strange magic readings coming from the mountains between Neighagra Falls and the Crystal Mountains." Celestia explained. "So that's where you went the other day." Fluttershy said, putting the pieces together. "Indeed. After Leaving Canterlot, I headed towards the mountains to inspect the magic readings. The energy was much like dark magic, which had me quite curious. But as I was drawing closer to the source, I suddenly felt surge of strange magic coming from Ghastly Gorge." "That must have been me." I said. "Yes. The sheer force of your energy could even be felt by us at Canterlot. Even as short as it was." Luna stated. "To say that it surprised us all, would be an understatement." Celestia said. "It wasn't until about an hour later did we get a letter from Twilight telling us what happened." "So I returned to Canterlot to learn what was going on. And learning that such a force of power came from the human turned pony was surprising to say the least." Discord explained, giving me a strange look. "But by the time I returned to investigate the mountains, the dark energy readings there went cold. Which could only mean one thing...." "That whoever is behind all this must have went into hiding." I finished. "I'm afraid so. And until he makes his next move, I fear all we'll be doing will be swinging in the dark." Celestia stated. > Chapter 18: Taking it easy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mark! Spike! Hurry up guys, we're going to be late." Twilight yelled from the main hall of the castle. "Just a second!" I yelled back from the top of the stairs. Spike and me were well over an hour preparing for today, hatching out a plan for us for the day. For the last couple of days, I have been taking it easy by staying inside the castle. I didn't want to, but Twilight insisted that I stay where they could keep an eye on me. At least until they were sure nothing else was going to happen to me. It took many conversations and a note from Celestia to change her mind about my lockdown. I'm so glad I had Spike write and send that letter telling Celestia about my predicament, because the look on Twilight's face as she read the response letter was priceless. Dear Twilight Sparkle, While I agree that precautions SHOULD be set in place so no pony else can try anything against Mark, I don't approve of keeping him locked up in the castle. Remember that he did defeat his opponents twice, and seems to be learning how to use his strange powers better. I recommend giving him some advanced magic lessons, so he'll be more ready to defend himself the next time. I don't mean to tell you how to run things, I'm just giving you some ideas. Let me know of any updates. I look forword to the next time we met. Your friend, Princess Celestia. So now that my iron bars were taken off, we all decided to spend today with the others near Sweet Apple Arces and have a nice picnic. From what I heard, it seemed like everybody we knew was coming with us. Rarity, Sweetie belle, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Plus Applejack and Apple Bloom was going to be there, seeing how it was in their acre we were meeting at. Which brings us to right now. "Okay, we're ready." I said as Spike and me headed down the stairs. "About time!" Twilight exclaimed. "What took you boys so long?" She asked. "Just a little something for the picnic, today." Spike boasted. "Oh really. And what would that be?" "Afraid you'll just have to wait and see." I smirked. "Whatever..." Twilight sighed, rolling her eyes. "Come on boys! Or we're going to be late." We then began to make our way out of the castle, with me and Spike snickering from behind Twilight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on, boys. Don't fall behind!" Twilight said from infront of us. "Yes. And darlings, please be careful with the things." Rarity said. Spike nodded and did his best to look strong as we pressed on, while I just grunted in frustration. We had stopped at the Carousel Boutique first, to pick up Rarity and Sweetie Belle. When the girls exited the shop/house, I noticed the load of bags behind them. "Hello Rarity, hello Sweetie Belle." Twilight greeted the girls. "Why, hello Twilight, darling." Said Rarity as she used a hoof to fluff her mane. "And hello, Mark. How are you doing?" "Ehh.... alright." I answered. Not that I was being rude, but my mind was elsewhere at the moment. Thinking about Dark Claw, his mysterious boss and why they were after me. ".... just a few necessities." Rarity said, which snapped me back into the moment. While I was stomped over the amount of lady bags, Spike was swooning over Rarity and her beauty. After saying our "hi's", the girls asked if we would help carry the bags. Of course, because we were gentlemen, we agreed to help. I should have known better. We then made our way to Sugarcube Corner to pick up Pinkie Pie. Getting there was a sigh of relief for Spike and me, cause we got to set the bags down for awhile. Heading inside, we found Pinkie and Fluttershy sitting at at table with Ditzy and Dinky. "Hi Twilight, hi Spike. Hi Mark." Pinkie greeted us with a smile & wave. The others heard my name and I swear everyone's ears perked up. "MARK!" everypony yelled before walking up to us. "It's good to see you again." Fluttershy said in her ever-so-soft way. "We were all worried about you." "Yeah, sorry about that. I would have let everypony known I was okay, if SOMEPONY didn't try to keep me locked up in the castle." I stated, giving Twilight a quick look. "Hey, I was trying to look out for you. We still don't know when Dark Claw and his boss might strike again." Twilight huffed, looking a little upset. "I'm sorry 'mommy'. I promise I won't hangout with strange friends and get into trouble again." I mocked. That earned a glare from Twilight, but laughs from everypony else. Even Rarity & Fluttershy held a hoof to their mouths to muffle themselfs. Twilight was about to say something back at me, when Dinky walked up to me and gave me a sudden hug. "Hello uncle Mark." That earned a 'dawww' from me. "Hey squirt." I smiled, hugging her back before rubbing the top of her mane with my hoof. "Pinkie Pie was telling us about the picnic you guys have planned today. We was wondering if we could join you." Ditzy said as she walked up to us. "I don't see why not." Twilight said. "Of course, dear. The girls would love somepony else to play with." Rarity said. "Thank you." Ditzy smiled up at us warmly. "OH! One second, I almost forgot something!" Pinkie blurted out before running behind the counter. Pinkie then brought out a few picnic baskets filled with sweets & treats. One look from the girls and I knew we'd be the ones to pack them. Great! We went in with a load of stuff to carry, and we left with more stuff to pack. I thought with a sigh, not enjoying being a pack mule. One thing's for sure, I sure am getting my workout today. I thought as we all continued walking down town, with Spike & me still carrying the load of crap. We pasted the main part of town and was coming to the last section of houses and buildings. It was then we spotted Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo standing in the middle of the street, talking to Lyra & Bon Bon. "....and then I used my magic to throw a rocks at them." Lyra finished whatever she was talking about. "Heh. I'll give you this, you got some real guts taking on a group of griffons like that." Dash said with a smile. "Yeah, well..." Lyra turned her head, about to say something else. But then she spotted us. "Mark!" "Hey Lyra. Hey Bon Bon." I greeted them as we walked up to them. "How's it going?" I asked before they could. "Been great. But somepony's been going on non-stop about what happened." Bon Bon said, jabbing Lyra in the side. "What?! Can you blame me?" Lyra protested. While those two went on, Dash and scootaloo walked up to us. Dash was talking to us while Scoots was chatting with the foals, no doubt talking about what they were going to do today. Oh, to be young again. "So, you about ready, Dash?" Twilight asked. "Sure. We was just chatting with Lyra and Bon Bon about how we kicked those griffons' butts." Dash boasted. "Wow, that sure is alot of stuff." Lyra pointed at the load me and Spike was holding. "Yeah... tell me about it." I grunted. "Ohh, come on, Mark. It's not....that....uunngh!" Spike tried to say, but had to focus on not dropping the bags and baskets. "Looks like you guys plan on having a picnic." Bon Bon said. "We sure are." Pinkie answered with a hop. "Would you like to come along?" Fluttershy softly asked. "We'd love to!" Lyra answered with just alittle too much eagerness. "Oookay then. Then let's be off." Twilight stated. "Hey Mark, do you need help with that?" Bon Bon asked. "SWEET BABY JESUS, YESS!!!" And then I was buried under a pile of bags and baskets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rarity, don't ya think ya brought alittle too much?" Applejack asked. "Of course not, darling. One can never be too prepared." Rarity answered back before taking a sip from her drink. "Ah suppose..." AJ rolled her eyes, choosing to drop the subject all together. After about half an hour, we finally arrived at Sweet Apple Arces, thankfully, we had some help carrying the stuff. Lyra used her magic to carry a few bags, while Fluttershy, Ditzy and Bon Bon carried some others. Pinkie Pie carried the baskets and even the kids helped by using a wagon attached to Scootaloo's scooter to carry some bags as well. The only ones who didn't carry anything was Twilight and Rarity. Spike still carried most of his load, still trying to impress Rarity. Poor guy. We soon set up our spot in the clear fields near Sweet Apple Acres, which was a perfect place for a picnic. Clear skies, clear fields, plenty of room for the kids to play while we ate and talked. It was great! With the blankets laid out, and the food placed out, we all gathered around for a meal while the kids ran around playing. As I took another bite of my sandwitch, I admired the view. I never had a picnic before, what with living in a city and all. "This is nice." I blurted out. "What is, sugarcube?" AJ asked, after taking a bite of her snack. "This. ALL of this. Being at a picnic with you girls, staying in the castle with Twilight. Hell, being friends with all of you girls. Even Twilight trying to keep me in the castle, which I understand because she was trying to help me. My point is... I'm just glad I'm here and with you girls." I finished. That earned a few 'awww's' from them. "We understand, Mark. We're glad to be with you, too." Fluttershy said. "Yeah silly-willy. We're your friends! And friends always help eachother." Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "I know... It's just that looking back at it all, I'm glad I ended up here. I mean, two weeks ago, when I first got here, being chased by timberwolfs in the Everfree Forest, that could have gone down so MANY ways. I could have ended up as monster chow, I could have ended up lost forever in that forest, I could have ended up driven mad by what happen to me, I coul...." "You could have been found by the one who's after you." Twilight finished my trail of thought. "Well, it's best NOT to think about things like that." Bon Bon said. "Yeah, the important thing is your safe here and surrounded by friends." Lyra chimmed in. "Heh...Thanks girls." I chuckled. "My word, could you imagine being trap in the Everfree for more the a few days? Why, your mane would be a frighting mess!" Rarity declared. We all just looked at her and laughed. "What did I say?" About half an hour later, the girls were talking about some kinda Gala coming up. But didn't pay any attention, seeing how the kids were done playing and were walking towards me. I guess I should have expected something from them. I mean, I did leave the CMC last running for my life a few days ago. It would be understandable if they were upset or had a few questions. I owed them that much. "Hi uncle Mark!" Dinky greeted me. "Hi Squirt. Having fun?" "Yep!" She happily nodded. "I'm sorry about the other day, girls." I addressed Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "I would have let you all known I was okay, but... 'precautions' were in place at the time." "We understand." Sweetie Belle said. "You do?" "Yeah. Our sisters told us about everthing that happened when they got back." Apple Bloom explained. "They were just glad ya all was okay." "Is it true you fired an energy blast so powerful that it took out a mother eel?" Scootaloo asked with sparkling eyes. "Well, I didn't 'take it out', more like stunned it. But, yeah." I answered them. "COOOOOOOL!!!!" They all said looking up at me with wonder and excitement. "Yeah, and for a few seconds, he flew at it and did an awesome uppercut move." Dash suddenly said, catching me off guard. I turned to see that all the girls had now joined our conversation, looking at us with a look of almost wonder. "You have to admit, that was pretty cool." Lyra said. "Yes, well.... I do admit that Mark was able to pull off moves that even an alicorn would be jealous of." Twilight said with huff. "But until he's able to learn how to control his magic, I suggest that he...." "Can ya show us your moves?" Apple Bloom asked me with tinkling eyes. "Yeah! Show us how you were able to whip that eel." Scootaloo yelled with excitement. "Please, Mark?" Sweetie Belle asked, giving me the puppy dog look. The other two soon joined their friend. "Absolutely not!" Twilight protested. "Every time Mark has used his magic, it has left him terribly weak. There's no way he's just going to use his..." "It's okay, Twi." I interrupted her by raising my hoof. "But..." "Watch this..." I smirked. I took a few steps back, so the others wouldn't be in the way. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breathe and then began looking for that little ball of magic in my mind. Finding it was becoming more and more easy, but breaking the barrier around the magic was pretty taxing. But what Twilight didn't know, was that while I was being held inside the castle I was reading advanced magic books and practicing alone in my room. Nothing as big or as powerful as a Kamehameha, but just enough so I could start getting used to using magic. Giving a small push, I was able to gather just enough energy so I could pull what I wanted to do. Opening me eyes, I gave a small smirk before jumping into the air, and hovered in place, causing everypony to look up at me in complete surprise. I LOVED IT! Ever since I was a little colt, I always dreamed of flying in the air like Goku or Superman, free as a bird and without wings. I started off by doing a few loops in the air, followed by circling around the others as they watched in awe. After one more big loop, I hovered high in the air as I stopped to check my surroundings. Seeing that no other pony was in the air, I then spotted a mountain off in the distance. Now that I found the perfect target, I smirked as I pointed my hoof straight at the mountain. Gathering all my energy into one point, I focused as my hoof started to glow a faint green light. Twilight must have sensed what I was about to do, because she looked up at me with a look of concern and worry. But I just didn't pay attention as I finished charging up my move. "Spirit Gun." BLAM! Releasing a small blast of magical energy, we all watched as my blast sailed through the air straight toward the mountain. Thankfully it saw a small blast, so barely left a dent on the rocky surface. Which was good, because I'd hate to explain to the princesses why there's a huge hole in one of the mountains. I could just see it in my head, some poor mountain goat going up the mountain, me firing my energy blast, and him watching helplessly as death sails right for him. His last words something along the lines of.... "ReeeecooollllaaaAAAHHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Yeah, that would be hard to explain. Anyway, after doing yet another anime move, I lowered myself down back down to the ground. Landing a few feet away from the others. Once all my hooves were back on the ground, I looked up at them with a big old grin on my face. The look on their faces was priceless. "So... what do you think?" "THAT WAS AWESOME!!" The kids all screamed. Stomping their hooves and cheering with excitement at me. "That was totally amazing, Mark! I can't believe how great you were at flying!" Dash said. The look on her face said it all. "Ah have ta admit, that was pretty impressive sugarcube." AJ said as she walked up to me and placed a hoof over my shoulder. "Ya sure know how to put on one heck of a show." "Wow, Mark. Just.... wow." Lyra said. She, Bon Bon, Fluttershy and Ditzy were still awe strucked. "That was SUPERLY AMAZINGLY SPECTACULARLY GREAT!!!" Pinkie yelled with excitement. "Yes. I must say, darling, that was quite a display of talent." Rarity smiled. "You could put on a show with your feats." "Mark, are you okay?" Twilight asked as she walked up infront of me. "You didn't overexert yourself, did you?" "Of course not." I boasted. "It hardly took any energy to fly around, and I only made sure I..." Suddenly felt a wave of dizziness hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to wobble abit, but AJ a firm hoof on me to keep me in place. After getting my balance back, I gave her a small smile. "Are ya alright, sugarcube?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Like I was saying, flying is easy. But shooting energy blasts still takes alot out of me." I stated. Twilight just gave me a look. The "I told you so" look. "What?" I asked. She just sighed and rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at her, cause she reminded me of an older sister. I guess that made sense, seeing as I was staying in her castle and all. GRUMBLE! "Uh, Pinkie? Do you still have some more treats in the baskets?" "Of course silly. Why?" "Because doing all those moves made me built up on heck of an appetite." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I filled my belly with Pinkie's baked goods, we all sat around and talked about the little things. Even the kids sat by us and talked about how to get their cutie marks and what they wanted to be when they grew up. It was now the middle of the afternoon, maybe around four, and the day had been a great one so far. At least I thought so, but Spike looked like he was nervous about something. Then I remembered what we had planned for today, and I realized what he was worried about. As he looked up at me, I gave him a questioning look. He returned the look with one that looked like he was afraid he'd wet himself in public or something. Finally he got up from were he was sitting with the kids and came up to me. The others looked up at him, and I swear he looked like a deer in headlights. "What is it Spike?" I asked, snapping him out of whatever he was in. "What about that thing we planned?" He whispered, making sure the others didn't here him. "I thought you were just going to lead her to a secluded spot and do it yourself." I whispered back. "I... I can't do it, Mark. I'm too nervous." "But I thought that was the whole point of the whole thing, was to go and woo her." "I know, but.... could you do it with me? That way I won't feel so nervous about it?" "ME?! But why would I..." "Ahem!" Twilight made noise to get our attention. We quickly realised everypony was looking at us confused. "Uhh, guys? What in the hay are ya'll going on about?" AJ asked. "You two have been acting weird all morning. What are you up too?" Twilight asked, giving us a stern type look. "Please Mark? Please?" Spike pleaded. "Fine. But you owe my one buster!" I sighed. Spike was jumping for joy while everypony else gave us strange looks. How did I get myself into this? Standing up from where I was sitting, I walked to were I was standing in front of everypony, including the kids. Spike quickly joined my side. "Do you still remember the lines?" I asked. "Yes." He nodded. "Good, because your singing the main part." I huffed. Spike just grunted at that. Not that I blamed him. Singing infront of a crowd was nerve-racking, especially infront of a bunch of girls! Everypony's ears perked up at the word "singing", and were curious at to what we were going to do next. Giving a fake cough to get their attention, I then decided to get the show on the road. Might as well get this train wreck over with. "Okay girls, looks like we got a show for you today." I began. "Me & Spike will be singing a song from my wo..er, land, for Rarity." "M...Me?" She asked, completely surprised. "Spike was supposed to sing this by himself fo-OUCH!" Spike gave me a quick punch in the side. "But we decided to share it for all of you instead. You ready, Spike?" "Ready!" "And with out further adew, I give you your featured presentation!" We paused for a moment, taking a deep breathe before we began. I started off by singing the opening beat of the song, to get things rolling. "Bump, bump, bump.... dah dah... bump, bump, bump....dah dah... bump, bump, bump...." Then Spike started singing. "When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be.... I'm going be the man who wakes up next to you." "When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you." Then I joined in. "When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you." "And if I haver, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who's havering next to you." "But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door." Then Spike went back to solo. "When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you." Then I joined back in. "And when the money comes in for the work I do, I'll pass almost every penny onto you." "When I come home..." "When I come home..." "Oh I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's comes back home to you." "And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who growing old with you." "But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah." We pause to get our breathe. "When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be...I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you." "When I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream... I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you." "When I go out..." "When I go out..." "Well i know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you." "And when I come home.." "When I come home..." "Yes I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you." "I'm be the man who's coming home to you." "And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah." "Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah!" "And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your doooooorrrrr!" We finished the song gasping for air as we stood there for a moment, awaiting for a reaction. The girls just stared at us wide eyed, and sweat poured down our face. Then suddenly everypony started cheering at us wildly. Some even stood up and stomped their hooves while others whistled and wooed at us. We just stood there amazed by their reaction. Then Spike nudged me just enough for me to look at him. "Thank you." He said with glossy eyes. "Any time." I replied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now dusk, as sun begun to set to make way for Luna's stars. Ditzy Doo and Dinky Doo decided to head on home, the same with Lyra and Bon Bon. The CMC were running around playing tag, Spike and Rarity went to go talk, Twilight was off to the side star gazing while the rest of us sat at the picnic spot. "This was a pretty fun day." I said to the others. "It was the best!" Pinkie exclaimed, before taking a gulping down her wholew slice of cake. "Mmmmm-hmmmm." Fluttershy nodded. "Well Ah know Ah had a blast. We should do this again sometime." AJ said. "Hey Mark, is it true it doesn't wear you out flying like you did earlier?" Dash asked. "Pretty much. I have yet to push how long I can keep it up, but with practice, I should be able to fly around everywhere soon." I stated. "Sweet! You and I should totally have a race sometime. Test out your limits" Dash suggested. "Prehaps.." I replied, before eating another blueberry muffin. "Hey girls! Come over and check this out." Twilight hollered over at us. We all got up and went to where she was sitting. Up above us, it seemed like millions of stars covered the night sky. We all marveled at the beauty of the stars, as we even spotted a few shooting stars in the distance. Not long after words, Rarity & Spike walked over to join us. As I got a good look at them, I noticed that Rarity was blushing alittle and Spike had a few kiss marks on his face. Way to go, little guy. At some point Applejack placed her head on my shoulder as we continued watching the stars. Not sure what I should be doing at that moment, I lightly placed my arm around her. That must have been the right thing to do, because she nuggled closer next to me with a happy sigh. I blushed as I continued looking up, not wanting the moment to end for as long as it could. Best night ever. I thought with a smile. > Chapter 19: Fitting in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was yet another sunny and peaceful day in Ponyville, and I was enjoying every minute of it. Seriously, back on Earth, it would rain almost every other week. But here, the pegasi controlled and planned out what the weather was gonna be. It was still a strange concept to get behind, but I wasn't going to complain. Fluttershy told me that the pegasi took great pride in what they did, and nopony was more filled with pride and confidence then Rainbow Dash. She was Ponyville's local weather pony and adventure junkie, always the first to jump in when danger's a brewing. I heard she even had her own fan club, if you could believe that. Today I was hanging out with Rainbow Dash, as she practiced her aerial moves just outside of Ponyville. Twilight and Spike were off to the train station to wait for the arrival of her sister in-law, Princess Cadence. A letter arrived at the castle the other day, telling us that she was planning on spending some time off to spend time in Ponyville. Twilight squeed with joy the moment she read the letter, and had been busy making plans for Princess Cadence's arrival ever since. Not wanting to get in the way, I jumped at the offer to hang out with Dash today. After explaining to Twilight that I'd meet up with Cadence later, I left the castle and met up with Dash. "I call this one the Buccaneer Blaze!" Dash yelled in the sky, before she started doing yet another air trick. I watched in amazement as she started to pull off complex turns and twists in the air, zipping between clouds. I must admit, I was dumb-founded by how wonderful she was in the sky. She's like an aerial Goddess! I thought as I watched her with my jaw hanging open. No wonder she was able to defeat Gilda in the sky. She flys in the air like a pro! "So, what do you think?" Dash asked as she landed near me. "Like a BOSS!" I answered with a big grin. "Thanks." She cooly replied, but I could tell she was beaming. "With moves that good, I don't see why the Wonderbolts just make you a member already!" "Well, I'm good.... but not that good. Yet." She chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head. "Still, my talent has gotten me recognized by the Wonderbolts, and even helped me become a member of their reserves. Someday though, I'll become a full fledged member of the team." "Yeah, well... keep it up and I bet that it'll happen sooner rather then later." I replied. She looked away for a second, but I think she was blushing a little. Could she be..... Nahhh! She couldn't have been though, seeing as I pegged her as a hard, tomboy type mare. "So, Dash...." I started to change the topic. "You said you wanted to speak to me about something?" "Yeah, I did." She said, snapping out of whatever she was thinking about and focusing on the subject now. "Lyra and Bon Bon said that before they showed up you tried to hold the griffons off. And later, when you used some of your powers, you whipped up on them almost without effort." "Yeah. Only for a few minutes. Most of the fight, I was having my butt handed to me." I thought back on how they ganged up on me three to one. "Damn dirty birds! Too chicken to face me one on one." I spewed, as the thought made me alittle angry. "Ha! Chicken. That's a good one." Dash laughed at my statement. "Thanks. I'll be sure to use it next time." I smirked. "So Mark, you know how to fight?" She asked. "Alittle. I was bullied alot in school as a colt, so my dad had me take some karate lessons." "You know karate?" She asked, surprised. "Not much. I only trained for a year. But most of the basics stuck with me." I answered. "Wow! I can't believe that your world has Martial Arts as well." Dash said, amazed at the concept. "I guess it's pretty funny how alot of things about our worlds are the same." "Yeah, I guess so." She chuckled. Then her face went serious as she gave a strange glare. "Show me." "What?" "You heard me. Show me your fighting skill." She demanded as she took what looked like a fighting pose. Hard to tell, as I'm more used to human poses then ponies. "You mean, like sparring?" I asked. She nodded with a small smirk. "I don't know Dash..." "Oh come on, Mark! It's the only way for you to get better." She protested. "Twilight maybe teaching you how to get better on how to use that magic of yours, but it won't matter if you can't hit your opponent." She had a point. "Plus, your an earth pony. Your suppost to rely more on your strenght anyway." She said as she pointed at me. "Unicorns are the ones that rely on their magic, us pegasi rely on our wings and speed, and earth ponies on strenght." I remain silent, but pondered on that. "Besides, you want to pay back that merc leader, right? Think of how cool it'll be to whip him without having to use your magic to bail you out." "I guess your right." I sighed. "I could use the practice, and it might be fun." "That's the spirit!" Dash smirked. "Let's set out some ground rules. One, no hitting too hard. This is just practice after all." Dash nodded. "Two, keep the fight on the ground. No using your wings to just fly the whole time." "Fine." She huffed. "But you can't use magic either. No magic blasts." "Deal." And with that, we both looked at each other with serious expressions as we took our fighting stances. I hated this part: gauging your opponent by studing their stance, face expressions and body language. In karate class, I was always pitted against small and younger colts then me, so I never learned how to read people. Plus, I sucked at poker and did I mention that I've hardly ever fought? As a kid, I didn't have to fight until I was in 5th grade. The worst school year of my life. Seriously, I was made fun of almost ever week there. That was when my dad had me take up karate. But in karate, you're taught not to start the fight, but finish it. At least I was. So that being said, I hardly ever got into fights. Trying to read Rainbow Dash was like trying to read a mountain lion. You know the damn thing's going to attack, but you don't know when. Plus she had a small smirk on her face, which gave her an air of confidence. I tried to keep a calm mind and expression as we faced off. She looked like she was loving this and couldn't wait to get started. But maybe I could use that to my advantage. Her friends where always going on that she could get too cocky for her own good, and cocky people make mistakes. Maybe I could get her to slip up and.... Whoosh A sudden hoof flying towards my face broke me out of my train of thought, and I was barely able to dodge the blow. Looks like we started! I thought as I took a defensive pose. She then sent out a flurry of punches at me that were so fast that I couldn't do anything but block. She was fast! Every hit made me step back, and quite a few broke through my defenses. After one good hit to the face caused me to stumble, she backed off. Taking a pose as I tried not to fall flat on my face. "Oh, come on Mark! You can do better then that!" She said while I gained back my footing. Or whould it be hoofing? Not saying anything, I re-took my fighting pose as I glared at her. She's toying with me. I thought as I watched her grin at me. Fuck it! You only live once.... I then gave a small yell before charging straight at her. At least that wiped the grin off her face. I released a flurry of punches at her as fast and furious as I could, trying to break her defenses. She was able to block every one of my attacks as we danced around the field, blocking out everything around us as we fought. The only thing that mattered at that moment was the fight. Swatting away one of my strikes, Dash then began to take the offensive once again. As I blocked her attacks I couldn't help but smirk, as I was beginning to get into this. A thought of Mortal Kombat popped into my head, and I suddenly had an idea. Ducking as low as I could, I out stretched my leg as I did a leg sweep. That caught Dash off guard as she was forced to jump back to avoid my attack, leaving her open for a counter attack. Jumping back on my hooves, I once again charged at her. She must have seen my attack coming, because as I threw the first punch she twisted with it, grabbing my arm. With her back infront of me and my arm over her shoulder, she tossed me over her with a wicked grapple throw. I landed on my back with a a huge thud, knocking the wind right out of my lungs. By the time I recovered, Dash was on top of me, as she had her hooves on my arms pinning me to the ground. She looked down at me with a smirk on her face. "Looks like I win this one." She said, getting off of me. "Guess so." I replied, getting myself off the ground. "You're really good." "Thanks. I'm not as good as some ponies out there, but I'm still pretty high up there." "What belt color are you?" I asked. "Black. What about you?" "I only made it to yellow belt before I dropped out." "Huh... you wouldn't think that with the way you fight. You really got some awesome moves on you." "You really think so?" "Totally. With my help, you could become one of the most skilled fighters in all of Equestria." Dash boasted. "We should train more like this every week." I gulped at that. "Right.... well, look at the time! I promised Twilight I'd meet her and Cadence at town later, and I don't want to be late." "Okay. See you later Mark." Dash waved at me as I took off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "......And then I told him that he could worry about that later." Princess Cadence said. "That sounds like something my brother would do." Twilight giggled. About half an hour later, I found Twilight and Cadence walking around Ponyville. Talking about current events in the Crystal Empire and about boring daily stuff. After joining them, I mostly stuck in the back and kept quiet and listened to them. Only answering questions asks towards me, and just nodded or gave short answers. I'd liked to think I was channeling Silent Bob, and couldn't help but laugh at the image of Jay and Silent Bob in Equestria. That would be one movie I'd pay to see. We were now at a restaurant that had tables and stuff on the outside, so customers could enjoy the beautiful day. I have to admit the hayfries were really good, and the place had a real relaxing enviroment. Even if the waiter came off as a bit of a snoot. I found it funny how most of the other ponies didn't pay us much attention. Some would look our way, and some even waved or said hello, but most just went on with their business. I guess they were used to two princesses just chilling out in the open. Not Earth, though. "So Mark, Twilight was telling me all about you." Cadence began. I looked up at her after taking a bite of my fish sandwitch. Yes, I said fish. With extra katsup. "Is it true that you got strange magic powers from a crystal?" "Eeeyep." I answered after swallowing my bite, before taking a drink of my carrot juice. Strange, but tastey. "And a strange pony is sending out threats to capture and take your magic. Hmmmm....." Cadence pondered as she spinned the spork in her hooves. "Twilight, you don't think it's Sombra.... do you?" "That was Celestia's first guess." Twilight answered. "However, there has been little to prove that he IS behind it. There has been no sign of any armies in the land, and any reports of dark magic have all but vanished." "Hopefully, they went into hiding, and won't shop up again for some time." Cadence said, being optimistic about it. "With any luck, they won't try anything until after the Gala next week." Twilight replied. "But just in case, Celestia has been making sure things run smoothly this year." "Speaking of which.... Mark, are you planning on going?" Cadence asked me, taking me completely by surprise. "What?" I asked, dumbfounded. "The Grand Galloping Gala. It's an annual royal ball to celebrate Canterlot begin completed after the founding of Equestria." Twilight explained. "It's attended every year by high class ponies and celebrities. And in order to attend one must posses a golden ticket, which are very rare and very expensive." I chuckled at that. I got a golden ticket! I sung in my head, thinking back to that classic film, and not the shitty re-make. "So will you be there, Mark?" Cadence re-asked. "Will you?" I countered. "I can't go this year because of my duties in the Crystal Empires." "No..... I don't think I will." "What? Why not?!" Both mares looked up at me in complete shock. "Because I don't think I'd fit in." I answered. "I mean, it's just a fancy party for rich folk. And besides, I don't have one of those golden tickets." "Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Twilight reassured me. "Because I'm a princess, I get in for free. Plus I get to invite whoever I what there as well." "Yeah, but..." "Trust me Mark. You're one of my friends. And I think it'll be fun if you come with us!" "Ohhh.... alright." I caved in. I hate how these mares knew how to push my buttons. Both mares smiled at me, excited I agreed to go as well. Twilight continued finishing her meal, while Cadence looked at me with a studing look. "So, what does your suit look like?" Cadence asked. "I bet you'd look like quite the stud." "Actually, I don't have one yet." I replied before taking another drink. "That's right! I forgot you haven't had a chance to get one made yet." Twilight said as she looked at me with realization. "You should go to Rarity's and have her make you one." "But I don't have any money." "Don't worry about it. Just have her put it on my tab." Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. "Okay, okay. After I eat, I'll go down to the Carousel Boutique and get one fitted." I sighed. Twilight gave me a confirming nod. "So Mark, tell me more about these game shows." Cadence inquired. I just rolled my eyes. This is going to be a long day. In the throne room of Caterlot Castle, Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, wait patiently as they wait for their guest to arrive. Luna gaze was feeled with angry, as she was unhappy that they were waiting so long. While Celestia kept a cool, but firm, expression on her face, masking her true feeling on the matter. Suddenly, Discord appeared infront of them in a flash of light, holding a bag of popcorn and humming to himself. "What took you so long?" Luna shouted. "How dare you keep us waiting for so long!" Discord just stared blankly at her. "Easy sister." Celestia whispered. She then cleared her voice before beginning. "Yes, well... so glad you could finally join us, Discord. We were beginning to wonder when you'd show." "Sorry Tia. Fluttershy was praticing singing to the animals, and then I couldn't help but mess with angel alittle." He explained with a chuckle. "That bunny just makes it too easy." "Anyway, I trust you remember why you were called here." Luna glared at the draconequus. Just because she had to work with him, didn't mean that she trusted him. Especialy after the events with Tirek. "Yes. Yes. That Mark Less fellow." He waved his paw dismissively. "Indeed. While I believe he doesn't mean anypony harm, and that the element bearers have grown close to him.... I can't deny the events that surround him." Celestia said. "The strange powers he posseses, the golem and the griffons sent after him, the dark magic signature we felt hiding in the mountains." "Which is why we believe the culprit behind it all may try something during the Grand Galloping Gala." Luna Stated. "So we've made sure to place extra defenses during the event." "I'm already aware this. Surely, that isn't the thing you wanted to speak with me about." Discord quipped, earning a hateful look from Luna. "No. The main reason we summoned you was to discuss something that I prey I'm wrong about, and to plan for it in case I'm right." Celestia said with a sigh. This caused Luna to look at her with a hint of worry, while Discord raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "As we all know, Mark's powers and ability to control them are becoming stronger and stronger." "Yes. Fluttershy was telling me about his display at the picnic the other day." Discord nodded. "But what the elements don't know, is that his release of power at the Ghastly Gorge had a hint of dark magic to it as well." Luna nodded her head. "It was so faint, not even Twilight would have picked it up." "I noticed that." Discord stroked his beard. "The fact that all this came from a crystal has me worried. Only one pony with dark magic would use crystals for his evil plans." Celestia stated. "Sister, you don't think..." "I'm afraid it is. I don't know how. I don't know why. But Sombra might have returned." > Chapter 20: Matters of the heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness. I once again found myself surrounded by darkness after going to sleep for the night. This was the third time I had this dream since coming to Equestria, and each one was just as bad as the last one. Everything felt so real, and to make things creepier, there was a strange dark energy around me. I knew it was a dream, so I could try to control my fears and use that to my advantage. Still didn't stop me from feeling nervous as hell, though. "Oh man... not again!" I complained with a sigh. The darkness continued to surround me, closing me into a small circle. I stood firm, ready to face whatever nightmare hide behind the darkness. I once again heard an evil laugh as green glowing red eyes appeared behind it. Mark Stevens..... you don't deserve the power of the crystal! A voice boomed, sounded like it came from every direction. "Show yourself coward! Come out and face me!" I demanded, trying to call out whatever it was. Foolish boy. You may have learned how to use a small portion of the crystal's power, but you don't know what true power truely is. The voice laughed. "Oh yeah?! We'll see about that!" I said, before getting ready to attack. If this was just a nightmare, now that I knew I was dreaming, I could control what I did. "Ka... me... ha... me...." I called as I powered up the blast, aiming straight at the glowing big eyes. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The blast shot straight through the darkness, cutting a opening right through it like a hot knife through butter, and I heard the voice give a small grunt. Once the blast was finished, I took a look around my surroundings trying to see what was up. The darkness around me had backed away some, and the hole I made from the blast was still there. It was like a long stretch of hallway with the darkness as the walls. After a minute or two of nothing happening, I decided to press on and see what else the nightmare had in store for me. Taking a deep breathe, I dared to walk down the opening I had cut through the darkness. Once I was sure the darkness wouldn't collapse in on me like a parted sea, I began to relax a little. As I walked further down the opening, I thought I saw something moving through the darkness. That made me stop in my tracks as I waited for something, anything, to happen next. But instead of an ambush, I watched in amazment as something began to form from the darkness, and I found myself looking at myself. It was an image of me as a kid, as I stood in the playground while the other kids laughed at me. I remember those days. It was when I was in 5th grade, and was being made fun of every week. It got so bad that year that many times during recess I thought of running away from school and heading home. And on the worst days..... I thought of suicide. Such anger behind those young eyes. The voice once again boomed from the darkness. But that rage made you strong. Made you learn to take control, to use it as power! "What is this? The villian version of 'This is you life'?!" I questioned as I looked around me, expecting something to jump out at me. But nothing happened as the image continued to play in the darkness and the voice chuckled. That's what I love about you humans. So quick to distrust, to suspect the worst of things. As the voice talked, the image changed with many quick flashes. You humans understand what true power really is! What it means to take control and do what everypony else is too afraid to do. Unlike those soft hearted ponies, you humans aren't afraid to get your hands dirty. To embrace your darker side. I gasped as the images showned war, dictators, nukes and death. All the worst parts of humanity flashed before my eyes. But the sad thing was, he was right. "We're not all like that." I stated. So you say. But you and I both know that darkness exists deep inside all of humanity. Even inside of your precious family. Even you! The images flashed again, this time showing me as a little kid hiding in my room while my parents argued. The memories flooded my mind as I remembered those horrible fights. Mom was an alcoholic back then, and would drink while dad was gone on long business trips. When he came home, she would always accuse him of sleeping with some woman and they would fight. While some of the times it was just words being said, other times the fights would get violent. A few times she took a butcher knife to his car and stabbed holes in it, even cut his arm with it. She also threw a brick at the garage window, a microwave out of the house and phones across the hall. I remembered how helpless I felt back then, unable to stop them or try to make things better. I even remember my dad sitting on my bed crying one night while mom cried on the porch, talking about leaving each other. I remembered how much that worried me, thinking they would break up and get a divorce like everypony else. I remembered how my friends at school talked about how their moms and dads got divorces, and that always made me feel alittle sad, but glad that mine didn't. Even if they always fought, even if they didn't seem happy, they stayed together and tried to work it out. I remember all the fighting stopped the day dad got hurt at work. But it would be years later before mom had her injury at work, causing her to quit drinking. If anything, I was always greatful for that. Face it, Mark, your damaged. Deep down you have a dark place in your heart as well. The voice chuckled. A fire burns inside you. An anger to take control of your life and punish those that wrong you. "Stop it!" I shouted at the darkness as all around me more visions of the worst parts of my childhood looped over and over. You could make that happen. I could show you how to use your powers to control this world and make it your own. "No! I'd never do that! Celestia and the others are my friends, I'd never do that!" I screamed. Oh, you poor naive boy! The voice laughed. They trust you now, but wait until you have full control of the crystal's power. They'll see you as a threat! "You're lieing! They'll help me find a way home!" And you really believe that?! Fool. Let's say they do help you find a way back to your world, do you really believe you can just go back to the way things were? You've been gone now for almost a month now. Your parents will assume you dead by now. I froze on that. He had a point. By now I would have been missing for about four weeks now, almost a full month. With no body, or word of my whereabouts, my family wouldn't know if I was dead or not. Even if they believed I was still alive somewhere, they would start to lose hope at this point. Another image started to form in the darkness, this time all the images merged into one huge one, and I found myself looking at something I thought I'd never see. My own funeral. Family members stood around a coffin as a priest read from a bible. My mother cried into my father's shoulder, as tears rolled down his face as well. All my cousins, uncles and aunts were there as well, all with sad expressions. My jaw dropped and my eyes began to water at the sight. "No.... it can't be true. It can't." I repeated over and and over as I watched them lower the coffin into the ground. Face it, Mark. Your family thinks your dead. There's nothing left for you there. The voice said smuggly. "But... but how would they think I was dead? They don't even have a body!" I almost screamed. Trying to make sense of this nightmare. Your clothes. When you were teleported to Equestria, your clothes and a pile of ashes were found in the park. At first they didn't know what to make of it, but soon they decided that whatever happened to you... you weren't coming back from. The voice explained. Closing my eyes to fight back the tears, I grented my teeth as I hung my head down. He was right. "Damn it...." I sobbed. Join me, Mark. I can teach you to control your power to it's fullest and crush all who oppose you. You could have anything you want. Equestria would be yours! The voice went in an almost typical villan speech. Suddenly, things began to click in place in my mind. "YOU! You're the one who.... who's after me! You're the one who sent the griffons and golem after me and my friends!" I screamed, jumping into a defensive position. This was the fucker behind everything! Cleaver child. The voice said before the glowing eyes reappeared from the darkness. Then I'll make things very clear for you. Join me, or you and your friends will die. As the voice boomed, one final vision formed in the dark. It showed what looked like Canterlot, in ruins and burning. Ponies laid dead on the floor as far as the eye could see. As I got a better look, I saw the princesses, Twilight and her friends scattered across the ground. Not moving. Not breathing... "NOOOOO!!!" I screamed at the sight. This is your only warning. He said as the darkness around the glowing eyes began to take shape. I suddenly found myself standing infront of a huge black dragon as it looked at me with hungry eyes. Before I could say anything, the thing opened it's mouth and red hot fire shot towards me. As the fire began to lick my body, I screamed. I awoke with a scream, jumping up into a sitting postion on the bed, with sweat pouring down my face. Yes. Sweat. You would think because of our soft fur, we would pant out our sweat through our mouths. But nope, we sweat just like people would. Anyway, I sat there shaking like a leaf in the wind as my heart pounded a hundred beeps a minute and my mind raced to process the nightmare I had. That was really... too real. I thought, trying to calm myself while putting the pieces together. How could that have been a simple nightmare? That, that.... thing, was the very thing that's been after me since I first got here! I couldn't have thought up a nightmare like that. No way.... I took a few, long deep breathes, holding my head in my hooves as I tried calming down. At least I wasn't shaking anymore, and my heart was beginning to slow down. But as more of the nightmare flashed into my head, the more things seemed so weird. It doesn't make any sense! If that really was the thing after me, why would he come into my dreams to try to recruit me, and then boast to me? That thought puzzled me for another moment, before the part where it turned into a dragon enter my mind. Ohh... that's why. He thinks he's unbeatable. Damn, if that thing is really the thing after me, I'm screwed! No way I can beat that thing, powers or no powers. But then my mind rewinded to the part where he was showing me images of my pasts. How was he able to know so much about my past and my world? And that vision.... The vison of my own funeral played over and over in my mind. Thoughts flew around my head as I tried to keep myself from freaking out. That couldn't have been real. It couldn't! Even if all they found of me was my clothes, my wallet, and a pile of burnt ashes, they still wouldn't have enough to claim me as dead. I had at this point, hopped off my bed and had started pacing my room. Even so, my family wouldn't give up looking for me so soon.... would they? That part worried me the most. I loved my family, and I knew they cared for me, but I knew we weren't perfect. Noponies were. But even if my parents tried to hold onto hope of me returning, a month of nothing about what happened to me would be a bad sign. What if they did give up the search? What if they did think I was dead by now? Then that means any attempt of me returning back home would be for nothing. The more I thought about it, the more things seemed hopeless. "What if.... what if I..." So many thoughts and doubts ran through my that I thought it would explode. Stopping in my tracks, from pacing around in my room, I let out a long sigh. I needed some air. I need a place to sit down, alone, with my thoughts, and ponder on things. I need something to calm my nerves. I need... "I need a drink!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was about 3 in the morning, and not a soul seemed to be awake in the castle. Well, except the guards posted around the place, but you know what I mean. I made my way in the kitchen and helped myself to an unopened bottle of red cooking wine. Normally, I was against drinking any alcohol. You see, after I turned 18, I had the chance to do some drinking during family weddings or get togethers. But it was about a year ago when I drunk a whole bottle of Jim Bean(Yes! I'm saying it wrong on purpose.) with my friends, passed out, and woke up puking. And once you spend a whole night dry heaving and crying, you tead to stay away from any alcohol what so ever! However, now was a different matter all together. I had spent a good hour and a half taking sips from the bottle of wine, (No need to use fancy glasses!) and was more then a little tipsy. Guess my tolerance to alcohol would be as useless as shit, seeing how I've only drunk a few time in my life. Twilight and the others would be up and about in about another half an hour, and I was in no shape to be around them for the morning. At least the wine did it's job! I was feeling good and wasn't worried about some crazy nightmare that scared the shit out of me. As I sat at the kitchen bar, I waved the almost empty bottle of wine in my hoof as I sang the intro to one of my favorites cartoon intros. "Living here in Jersey, fighting villains from afar! We gotta find first gear, in your giant robot caaaaar! You dig giant robots! I dig giant robots! We dig giant robots! Chicks dig giant robots!" Suddenly I heard soft giggles coming behind me from the door. I turned my head to see a bemused Cadence looking at me, a big smile on her face. "Nice." She laughed as she walked into the kitchen and took a seat next to me on the bar. "Is that another song from your world?" She asked. "Kinda." I said, before giving her and the fuzzy room a puzzled look. "Wwaaaiit aaa minute.... why youuu up so earrrrlee?" "Well...." She raised an eyebrow at me before answering. "When you spend your time ruling over a kingdom, you tend to make a habit of waking up early." "Ohhhhh.... that makesss sssense." "I'd ask why you woke up early for, but it looks like I see the reason why." She pointed at the bottle of wine I was holding. I just waved my hoof dismissively at her. "Ahh, thissh isshn't the real reasshon I'm up." I explained to her. "Thissh ish just to take the edge off after waking up from a bad dream." "That must have been on heck of a dream." She said, giving me a look over. "Do you want to talk about it?" Normally I would have said 'no' and just brushed the subject away. I don't know if it was because of the wine, or the fact that the nightmare had really shook me up, but at the moment, somepony to talk to would have been nice. "Ya know what? Yesh. Yesh I would." I nodded alittle too hard, and almost fell off the bar stool. "I'll make some coffee." Cadence said before standing up and walking over to the counter. "Looks like you need some." About a pot of coffee and a few bathroom breaks later, I was starting to sobber up. I was feeling alittle tired and was getting a small headache, but I was starting to feel much better then I was. Alot better then waking up dry heaving, I'll tell you that right now! As I was fighting off the effects of the wine, Cadence and I sat at the bar while I explained that horrible nightmare. I told her everything. About how this was the third time I had that nightmare since coming to Equestria, how that damn creature was behind everything, how he knew about my past and the fact that he showed me my own funeral. Through all of it, Cadence listened with a calm expression. Though some of time, she had a look of horror or worry on her face while I spoke. Guess some of the things I grew up through must have been shocking to her. Hell, it was still shocking to me! "My word!" She exclaimed after I finally finished. "Now I see what had you so worked up this morning that you decided to pertake in a morning drink." "Yeah, tell me about it. To tell you the truth, I don't even like the taste of alcohol." I admitted with a chuckle. Give me a can of Cola any day! "But what I don't understand, is that you said you had that dream three times now. Am I right?" I nodded. "Then why hasn't auntie Luna been able to sense them or use her powers to stop them?" "Wait, she can do that?" I asked, surprised. "Yes. As princess of the night, it's her duty to watch over her subjects while they sleep." She explained. "She's able to use her powers to enter the dream realm and protect ponies from horrible nightmares. But it doesn't make any sense. Why hasn't she been able to detect yours yet?" "Hmmm..." I pondered on that for a moment. "Maybe he's able to block her somehow. Like a cloak mode or something." "I don't like that." Cadence said with a worried expression. "Me neither." We sat there for a moment in silence, as we both tried to think upon what it all meant. After a few minutes, I placed my head in my hooves as I sighed in frustration. "Aaaahhhhggg!!! As if I didn't have enough to worry about with that silly Gala coming up. Now I have to worry about another attack, from what maybe a giant dragon?!" I paused before voicing my own opinion on that. "Man, this sucks!" "I don't understand, Mark. What do you have to be worried about going to the Gala?" Cadence asked with a confused expression on her face. Thoughts of my highschool prom flashed in my head. I had wanted to go, but didn't have a ride there, nor girl to take to it. My childhood friend Alex, who was always somewhat of a loner, didn't want to go because of similar reasons. I tried to get him to go with me, but he said it would look gay to have two guys going alone. That was, until I got a date for the prom and talked him into being my ride. You see, one of the popular girls in school, Tara, thought it was a good idea to hook me up with this pretty little freashmen(I forgot her name.) So on the night of the prom, we pick her up, and she has us tag along with a group of her freshmen friends in a van, all while me and Alex follow alone in his car. So anyway, first we go to this bar/restaurant, and spend most of our time there, all while me and Alex sit at the side table. Then they finally decide to go to the prom(again, with me and him tagging behind), and the stupid little girl wouldn't even let me dance with her! It was at that point, Alex and me had enough of there shit and left the prom to go back to his house. The next day, we went to the movies to watch Spider-man to make up for it. "Well, it's a fancy rich pony party, for one thing. And I've never been to a fancy party before." I stated. "And second, I've never been very lucky with the ladies, especially during parties. But now I have six of them going with me to this Gala! And to top it all off, now I have to worry about their safety because some crazy, power hungry butthole is after me." "I'm sure everything will be alright." She said while patting a hoof on my back to comfort me. "My aunts will make preparations to make sure nothing will happen during the Gala. And if it does, they'll do everything in they're power to keep you safe." "I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about girls." I replied. "I know they'll try to protect me if something does happen, and that's what worries me. I don't care if anything happens to me, but if something happened to them, I'd never be able to forgive myself!" She looked at me for a few seconds, before a soft smile formed on her face. "Spoken like a true hero." "I'm no real hero." "Not from what I heard! You've only been here for almost a month and you've rushed in to save Twilight and her friends not once, but twice now. And all without a second thought or expecting a reward afterwords." She stated, all while looking at me with a warm smile. I didn't say anything, but thought on that. Maybe I am a hero, then. I never thought of myself as one. I was always the weakest at gym, and the last guy to run up to check on things after a car wreck. I was always a bit of a loner, and hated being in large crowds. But one thing I was always complimented for, was being a good friend. And here in Equestria, I had proven that already in spades. Maybe that Hercules movie was right after all... 'A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strenght, but the size of his heart.' "Huh. Maybe your right." I said with a small smile. "You really like those girls, don't you?" She asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "Anypony in particular?" "Well..." I started to blush alittle at that. "There is one." "And?" "And what?" "Does she know how you feel?" She asked. "No." I admitted. "That won't do." She shook her head. "You simply must tell her how you feel. Maybe ask her out to the Gala, and tell her your feelings then." "But what if she says no? What If I tell her, but she doesn't feel the same way. What if I make a complete ass outta myself and she never wants anything to do with me again?!" I asked, starting to freak out. "Calm down, Mark. It won't be like that. Just tell her. If she cares for you as well, then you have nothing to worry about. And if she doesn't, it won't mean that you won't be friends anymore. Just try it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain." She explained. "Love is funny like that. And trust me, I know about love!" I guess she did, seeing as she was the alicorn of love and all. I pondered on what she said, wondering if I really should try my luck. In the past, the end result always turned out bad for me when I tried to ask out a girl. But then, I thought of something. I'm not on Earth anymore. Which was true. And the mares here were much nicer and fun to be around then the girls back home. Maybe it could work. "You know what, you're right! I should give it a try. In fact, I'll go ask her out today! Thanks Cadence, I feel much better now!" I said as I leaned in and gave her a quick hug. "No problem, Mark. Happy to help." She replied, then returned the hug. I hopped off the bar stool and made a mad dash straight for the kitchen door. As I did, I saw that Twilight & Spike were starting to walk into the kitchen for some breakfast. As usual, Spike was still alittle sleepy looking, while Twilight was up and ready to face the day. They saw me as I ran by them at the door. "Morning, Mark. What's...." Twilight started to ask, but I was already running down the hall past them. "Sorry guys, can't talk. I'll see you later!" I hollered back. The last thing I thought I heard Spike ask was, "I wonder what that was about?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About a few hours and a long journey later, I finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. I was finding it funny that I sung 500 miles a few days ago, and now I felt like I've ran 500 miles. I looked up at the postion of the sun in the sky, from my guess, it looked to be about 8 o'clock by now. Which meant that the Apple family would be up by now and just starting on their daily chores. Walking past the farm's fence, I slowly began to make my way to the barn/house of theirs. As I did, I noticed that Big Mac was already out and about, plowing the fields so as to plant a new garden. "Hi, Big Mac." I greeted him as I walked closer to where he was. He looked at me, gave me a small smile and nodded. Apple Bloom was right, he really didn't talk very much. "Is Applejack here by any chance?" "Eeeeyep." He answered, before pointing over at their house. "Her and Apple Bloom are helping granny with baking right now." "Thanks Big Mac." I nodded, before making my way to the front door of the house. Good. She's still in the house. I thought. You can do this Mark! You can do this! I won't lie, my heart was racing and head was alittle fuzzy where I was feeling nervous. I've asked out many girls in my short life, and always got shot down or placed in the dreaded 'friend zone'. So working off my previous attempts, my mind was a wreck with worry that this was just going to be another failure on my part. "Please don't be another one..." I whispered, before finally knocking at the front door. As I stood there, I heard a faint "I'll get it!" come from inside. That was Applebloom. I thought with a smile. Her and her friends were such good kids, you couldn't help but admire how cute they were. As she opened the door, I readied myself for what was about to happen. Well, looks like it's now or never. "Mark!" Apple Bloom said in surprise as she opened the door. "What'cha doing here?" She asked. "Hi, Apple Bloom. Is Applejack available?" She paused at that for a moment, as she just blinked at me with a confused look. But then the gears in her head finally started to click, and she realized what I was asking. "Ohhhh......" She finally replied. "Hold on just a sec." She then turned her head towards the inside before announcing, "SIS, IT'S FOR YOU!!" As I tried to keep my ear drums from busting in on me, she turned back towards me with a smile. "She'll be right with ya." She said before walking further inside. While she did, I couldn't help but laugh alittle at that display. I remember when I was a kid, I'd always answer the door like that too. Easier to just yell, I guess. Applejack finally came to the door, a suprised look on her face as well. That didn't surprise me, seeing how was still early and I did run straight over here. I perpared myself for however this little scene was going to play out. "Mark. Fancy seeing you here this early in the morning." She said with a smile. "Morning AJ. I was hoping to talk to you for a moment." "Sure, sugar cube. What'cha need?" "Well I... you see..." I started to fumble my words. Man was I nervous! Taking a deep breathe, I started over. "You know how the Grand Galaping Gala is coming up in a few days?" "Sure Ah do. We all plan ta go together just like we did last year." AJ answered. "Right. Except I'll be there too." I stated. "What'cha getting at, Mark?" She gave my a curious look. "Well, I was hoping.... if you didn't mind.... that you'd go with me to the Gala." I finally said. Applejack rolled her eyes as she chuckled at me. "Of course ah will, silly. We're all going ta it together." "Yeah..... I mean, with me. As in, together.... as a couple." I blushed. Applejack's eyes grew wider as she realized what I was asking. And she was blushing just as hard as I was. "Mark.... Are ya.... asking me out?" She asked almost dumbfounded. Looking down at the ground, I just nodded. This was a stupid idea! Why did I ever think about trying something this dumb?! Fearing that this was turning up like every other time I've done this, I decided to bow out. "I understand if you don't want to. It was stupid of me." I chuckled as I turned to leave. "I'm sorry to waste your time." "Mark, wait." Applejack said as she reached out to stop me from walking away. Turning around, I looked at her with a worried expression, but found her looking at me with a warm smile. "Ya really what to go out with me?" "Yes, AJ. Will you go out with me?" I asked. "I understand if you don't. I mean, we've only know each other for a month, and I'm from another world. And I..." I was cut short as she wraped her arms around my neck, giving me a big hug. "Yes, Mark. Of course Ah'll go out with you, ya big silly!" She said over my shoulder. We stayed like that for a good minute, just me and her. Nothing else mattered to me at that moment except holding her in my arms. We could have been sucked into a black hole, for all I cared, just as long as we were together. As we held each other, I couldn't help but have that Aerosmith song, 'Don't want to miss a thing' play in my head. I smelled her scent as we held each other in our embrace. Cinnamon. I smiled at that. Suddenly, a loud rumble from my belly broke us from our embrace as we looked down at my stomach. "Heh. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning." I laughed. "Come on in, Mark. Ah'll have Granny Smith whip ya up some grub." > Chapter 21: At the Gala! Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (Special shout out to Maximus_Reborn & MadMaxtheblack for their stories! They were what inspired me to write my story, plus if not for their Gala chapters, I wouldn't know how to start my chapter.) * Canterlot. Truely a kingdom of beauty, as it stood like a beacon of luminous light in the night. Ponies had gathered from all around Equestria and were making their way into the castle. Just outside of the main gate, our carriages arrived, each towed by four stallions. We had to decided to meet up outside the castle, and were going to arrive by carriages. Ours was the first one to arrive, as it came to a complete stop. The side door flew open and out bounced Pinkie Pie, in a white candy themed dress and a bright smile on her face. "It's even prettier than I remember!" She cheered, bouncing in place. Twilight emered from the carriage with a beautiful blue star-patterned dress. "Calm down, Pinkie. We just got here." She calmly stated, unaware her grin was just as wide as her friend's. Right behind her, Spike rushed out, wearing a black tux top with a red bow tie snapped perfectly below his chin. As he held the door open in a chivalrous manner, Rarity emerged, sporting a crimson dress that had several diamonds within it's seems. She closed her eyes and giggled, listening to Twilight's statement. Rarity stepped out, and stood with beauty and grace as she always had, but something seemed off. Her expression turning blank, she poked her head back inside of the carriage. "Mark, dear, please stop worrying and come out." I was adjusting the cuff of my sleeve, fidgeting with the material as I just sat inside the carriage. Rarity had exceeded expections when it came to my outfit for this Grand Galaping Gala thing everypony was so excited about. She had made me a jet black overcoat with a white button-up shirt underneath and a crimson tie. The suit was not loose on my frame nor was it too tight. It hugged my body just right enough to allow easy movememt and it made me look somewhat fit. Rarity really knew her stuff. But it wasn't the only reason I was taking my sweet time getting out of the carriage. No, it was because I had many thoughts and emotions running through my head at the moment. I was nervous about this being my first date as a pony, as well as being my first with Applejack. I was slightly embarrassed being surrounded by so many pretty girls all at once like this. And the big one, I was worried about whoever was after me was going to try something tonight. So to say that my mind was wondering would be a bit of an understatement. When I didn't respond, Rarity exhaled before she hopped back inside the carriage, causing the others to stare at the opened door with question. "Look, I don't know what you're so worried about, but it's really getting out of hoof." Rarity said with a hint of frustration. "The Gala's about to start, and we're wasting time out here!" Giving her a gestured wave of surrender, Rarity gave a confirming nod before hopping back out of the carriage. Letting out a defeated sigh, I slowly gathered my nerve and stepped into the bright lights of the castle, allowing everypony at the Gala to see Rarity's work at last. "What took you so long, Mark?" Pinkie asked with a questioning look. "Believe it or not, Mark's quite self-conscious and shy." Rarity giggled softly. "He could give Fluttershy a run for her money." "Well, I think you look quite dashing." Twilight smiled at me. "Yeah, you look like a spy!" Pinkie said with a happy bounce. "Bond. James Bond." I murmured before I bust out laughing, earning befuddled looks from the girls and Spike. But before I could explain the reference, the door to the second carriage opened, causing everypony's gaze to shift in it's direction. The first to step out of the carriage was Rainbow Dash, who's dress had a rainbow type theme that matched her mane, as well as wearing a golden roman type leaf thing on her head. Shit! Forgot what they're called. The next to step out was Fluttershy, who was wearing a green type dress that had a nature theme to it. She looked like a pony version of posion Ivy, or a wood elf. And the cute little blush she had while she hide her face behind her mane was too cute! And then Applejack stepped out, and my jaw almost hit the floor. She looked beautiful! She was wearing a cute green cowgirl type dress that went great with her hat and beautiful green irises. Her blonde mane was in a cute Lara Croft type braid, and.... was she wearing makeup?! She was! A beautiful blue shade of eyeshadow and red lipgloss. It was then I noticed that all the girls were also wearing eyeshadow and lipgloss. I guess they all wanted to look their best for tonight. I thought. But my attention was still focused on Applejack, seeing as she was me date for tonight and all. However, I stopped in my tracks at an unusual sight. Applejack's gaze was purely centered on me, but juding from the distant stare in her green irises, combined with her partly-opened mouth, it was clear the mare was blissfully unaware of her own staring. A chuckle escaped my mouth, though I hated to admit it to myself, these mares were becoming more attractive by the day, especially the cute cowgirl one I was currently dating. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I waved my hoof across Applejack's face, awaiting for any reaction from her. After a moment, she gasped aloud and shook her head madly. Her entire face turned apple red, though mine was already like that the second I walked out of the carriage. Thankfully, Applejack recollected her senses and placed her hoof to her mouth to clear her throat. However, the persistent blush refused to leave her cheeks and the flushed expression was still in her eyes. "Well, I don't look too bad, right?" I asked half-heartedly, as my smile grew in width. She's really cute. "You look fantastic by the way." I added softly, and her eyes grew wide. "Y...ya look nice too." She finally whispered. Applejack shook head once more, managing to break free from her trance. "Ah mean, ya clean up nicely, sugarcube." "Alright you two, that's enough of that!" Rainbow dash said, jabbing an elbow into my side. "Save all that mushy stuff for inside." I just rolled my eyes at that. Our attention returned back to the castle, as the bells began chiming in the distance, tolling out eight o' clock. "Well, looks like it's almost time." Twilight said as she walked up infront of our group. She ran a hoof over her purple mane, making sure that it was still done up in a bun. Satisfied it wasn't messed up, she gave a pleased nod to herself before turning to us. "We better go, girls. We have a schedule to keep, after all." "As you wish, your highness." I said with a smirk. "Shut up." She snapped. Everypony else giggled. As we walked down the castle's hallway, the entire castle was like a beehive of activity, the entire staff was working hard to make sure everything ran perfectly at the Gala for tonight. Decorations littered the hall, banners and streamers of dark blues and violets as well as midnight black were hung practically everywhere. It could only be described as organized chaos. I glanced out the window as traveled down the hall. It was a beautiful night, with a thin layer of clouds hung in the sky. Through the holes in the cloud cover, tens of thousands of stars shined down upon the castle. Even the moon seemed bigger and brighter than usual. "You excited for tonight, big guy?" Dash asked as we walked. "Not so much excited, as nervous." I replied. This earned a chuckle from the pegasus. "There's nothing to be nervous about." She said, bumping me with her flank. "It's a party, try relax and have fun!" "That's easy for you say..." I sighed, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I dropped the topic, however, and we walked in silence up the remainder of the stairs. Wandering down the corridor, Twilight lead us towards the main ballroom where the Gala was being held. Turning around the last corner, I spotted other ponies walking through the side entrance doors. "Well everypony, looks like we're allowed to enter now. The princess has declared that the Gala has officially started." This earned a cheer from everypony present, and they began moving towards the door. As her friends filed forward, handing the door guard their golden tickets and slipping into the ballroom, Applejack turned to look up at me. She had a beautiful smile on her face. "Thanks for coming here with me, Mark." She said quietly. "Hey, I should be thanking you." I smiled back at her. "I was the one who asked you out, remember?" "Yeah, ah know. Just wanted ta thank you for being such a good friend." She blushed alittle. "Hey, no problem. Besides, the real reason I ask you out was so you could be my bodyguard for tonight. Any uptight noble gives me trouble, and you can just lasso them up for me!" I joked. Applejack chuckled before turning and heading towards the door to the ballroom. One last tug on my tie, and I followed behind her. After handing the guard our tickets, the doors swung open, and me and my date stepped into the ballroom. As we stepped through the doorway, I couldn't help but feel like we had stepped into a different world entirely. Dark blue banners hung from the high ceiling, Emblazoned with Luna's cutie mark. Lanterns floated high in the air, flickering slightly, looking almost like stars glowing in the darkness. Blue torches dotted the giving the entire room a cool, goth vibe to it all. A thin layer of fog covered the floor, giving the whole room a supernatural feel. The ballroom was full of ponies clad in elegant dresses and suits. The other girls had already merged with the crowd, heading off to do what they wanted. A gentle murmur filled the air as ponies talked with each other. They were all dressed in clothing, although I wasn't as classy looking as they were. One white unicorn nearby gave me a curious look before returning his attention back to the buffet table, but did seem to stick his nose up in the air. Asshole. "Ya know, ah think the decorations turned out wonderfully." AJ said, standing beside me. "Twilight said princess Luna was worried that it would be too much. But ah think th..." She glanced at me, smiling until she saw my face. "Are ya alright, sugarcube?" I nodded, swallowing thickly as I looked down at her. "I'm fine." I sighed, my legs trembling slightly. "No, ya ain't." AJ replied, frowning slightly. "Mark, what's wrong? You can tell me." Taking a deep breathe, I tried to calm myself down. "Sorry, AJ. Just nervous is all." I explained. "I never been to a high class party before. I'm just afraid of of making a fool of myself and upsetting you girls." "Shucks... Ya don't have ta worry about something like that, Mark." AJ said, giving me a pat on the back. "Just be yourself and remember to just have fun, alright?" "Yeah, alright." "Tell ya what, let's do something calming first ta get ya all comfortable." She said. "What do you have in mind?" I asked. She looked away, her ears splaying backwords as a blush spread across her face. She whispered something, but I didn't hear her. She reminded me of Fluttershy at that moment. "What was that?" I asked. She bit her bottom lip before looking up at me, her small blush growing darker. Clearing her throat, she swallowed nervously before she spoke again. "We... we could always dance." She said, giving me a nervous smile. "Ah... ah mean, if ya want ta." "You want to dance... with?" I blinked, surprised. "Only... only if ya want ta." Taking a cue from one of my favorite 80's movies, I bowed my head at her, grabbed her hoof in mine and gave her the biggest smile I could muster. "As you wish." I said. And holding each other's hoofs, we made our way onto the dance floor. Making her way past the crowd of rich and noble ponies, Twilight made her way to the royal section where VIPs, celebraties and the princesses were. Under normal circumstances, Twilight would just have to say that she was Celestia's student in order to be allowed into something like the upper class section. But now that she herself was now a princess, she could get into any part of the party or anything for that matter, that she wanted. One of the many perks that she now tried not to let go to her head now. After all, she was the same unicorn she was before becoming a alicorn. She soon stood at the roped gate of VIP section, with the guard standing watch. He took one look at Twilight, realized who she was, and quickly opened the way for her. "Your Majesty." She said with a bow. Giving him a small nod, she smiled as she walked by. Once inside, she dropped the high act, and began looking for her true objective: Finding Princess Celestia! Walking around the crowd, she looked for her mentor past the all the other ponies. The room was filled with chatter from everypony else, making it hard to try to hear her through the crowd. But thankfully, she had her own way to find the princess through this massive crowd. Firing up her horn just enough, she was able to sense Celestia's solar magic signature and pin point where she was. Pushing past nobles and other ponies, she soon found Celestia standing off to the side of the crowd talking to her sister Luna. "Ah, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia greeted with a small smile. "How good it is to see you again. I trust that you and your friends are enjoying themselves so far?" "Of course." Twilight said as she joined the two princesses standing off in the side of the crowd. "Everything looks so great. You did a great job with the design." She nodded to Luna. "Thank you, Twilight. I was worried it wouldn't turn out how I imagined. But so far, everyponies seems to be enjoying themselves." "Luna, dear. You must not worry so much about simple things like that." Celestia said as she took a sip from her glass. "Your my sister, and their princess. They'll love you no matter what type of Gala you want to plan." "If you say so, sis." Luna smiled before looking off to the crowd. "Something the matter?" Twilight asked, sensing Luna's tensions. "Don't worry, Twilight. It's nothing to worry about." Luna said without looking at her. "Luna has been sensing some strange nightmares lately, but hasn't been able to find their dreamer just yet." Celestia explained. "And what bothers me the most is that the nightmares have only happened three times now. But each time, it's like a barrier is blocking me from finding the source." Luna stated with a serious expression. Twilight said nothing as she pondered on what Luna just told her. Something able to block Luna from dreamwalking was serious indeed, for she was the princess of the night. Watcher of dreams. Whatever was blocking her was clearly keeping her from seeing something or somepony important. But who? But then a sudden shot of realization hit Twilight all at once, as she remembered something Cadence said the other day before returning to the Crystal Empire. At the train station she mentioned something about Mark having some bad nightmares, but she didn't think anything of it at the time. Now it was all fitting together. "I think I know who's been having nightmares lately." Twilight squeaked. Celestia and Luna both looked at her with an surprised expression. Then Luna was the first to snap out of it, and looked at Twilight with a calm, yet stern pose. "Please, explain." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie walked through the crowd, taking everything in with a big grin on her face. Last time she was here, she didn't understand that this type of party was a slow, formal and quite one. Not to mention dull! But after talking with Rarity, and a few party pointers from Cheese Sandwitch, she was able to understand and even admire it. Though she still prefered her types of parties, were she could dance, sing and have much more fun with. As she looked at the decerations and look of the Gala, she noticed it had a dark, yet calm tone to it. If not for all the high class nobles standing around, it almost reminded her of Nightmare Night. She almost wished it was, so she could eat some yummy candy. Looking around, she spotted the stage where the band was playing their music. It might not have been her type of music, but it still sounded pretty. She spotted a familiar mare standing by the stage listening to the band play their soft, slow music. It was her close friend and DJ for most of her parties, DJ Pon-3, otherwise known as Vinyl Scratch. Hey, maybe she'll know how spice things up here. She thought to herself. Moving past the crowd, Pinkie began making her way towards the front of the stage where Vinyl was. Vinyl was best friends and roommates with Octavia, one of the musicians currently playing on the stage. Of course she'd be here at the Gala, to watch her best friend play on stage. Pinkie figured maybe she'd walk over and talk with her a bit. It had to be much more fun then just standing around at a boring old..... THUD Pinkie almost fell over when she accidently ran into somepony standing near the stage. Looking up, she saw a big griffon looking down at her with a mean expression. He was a black coated griffon, wearing a white dress shirt with a red tie. What stood out the most about him was a scar on the side of his face. "I'm sorry. I..." "Watch where you're going!" He snapped at her, before storming off in another direction. Pinkie just stood there for a moment, completely blow away by how mean he was. "Gosh.... Rude much?" A voice from behind her made her turn her head. Standing behind her was Vinyl Scratch. "I'll say! Why do griffons always got to be big old meanie heads, anyway?" Pinkie asked, surprised by the event. "Ah, forget about him. Hey, I know! Why don't we make our way over to the snack stand?" Vinyl countered. "Sure." But as her and Vinyl made their way to the food court, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of Pinkie's mind. Why do I feel like I've seen him before? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you enjoying yourself so far?" Spike asked, as he and Rarity walked around. Taking in all the sights of the Gala. "Of course, darling." Rarity answered with a smile. "After all, how can I not be? I'm here with here with my Spikey-wikey, after all." That caused Spike to blush a little. He felt so lucky to be here at the Gala with Rarity as his date. He had Mark to thank for that. After all, it was his advice and little plan at the picnic that got him and Rarity closer together. Sure, he was a dragon and she was a pony, but that couldn't stop him from having feelings for her. And at the picnic, her learned she cared just as much for him as he did her. He maybe a baby dragon, but he was already over ten years old, making him much more than a baby in her eyes. He was kind, brave, funny and cared for her deeply. He even went as far as the moon to save her from darkness for pony's sake! The least she could do was to return some of that affection that he always showed her. So when the Grand Galaing Gala came near, she asked if he would come with her. Spike almost passed out when he heard her ask him out, but was quick to answer her. Now, here they were at the Gala, enjoying each other's company. And Spike was loving ever second of it. "Why, if it isn't my dear friend, Rarity. How have you been?" They both turned to see who had said that, and were both surprised with the results. It was Fancy Pants, Canterlot's most well known and respected unicorn in all of high class society. He was wearing his classic black tux with a purple bow tie. Standing next to him was his beautiful unicorn lady friend, who Rarity never did learn what her name was. "Fancy Pants. It wonderful to see you again." Rarity answered with a polite nod. "I'm doing fine great. How about you?" "I'm fine, dear." He answered with a smile. "I've been hearing nothing but good things about you, lately. Your amazing designs at the Manehattan, your little singing group, and saving all of Equestria from that Terik fellow. I must say, you're one impressive mare." Rarity said nothing as she blushed a little. "Say, who's your companion here?" He asked, pointing at Spike. "This is Spike. He's my..." Rarity paused. Unsure how to answer that. "I'm her best friend and assistant." He answered for her. "Yes. Spike here has helped me make many of my clothes designs." Rarity confirmed, as it was true. "Simply amazing!" Fancy Pants exclaimed as he studied Spike. "A young dragon with a heart of gold and eye for fashion? I always knew dragon's were a noble and powerful race, but I never knew they were so diversed." "Ha, ha.... thanks." Spike chuckled nervously. Unsure how to respond. "So Rarity, dear, we've been hearing rumors of a young stallion who moved to Ponyville recently. Is it true that even as an earth pony, he's able to cast magic?" Fancy Pants asked. "Yeah, that's our friend Mark." Spike answered before Rarity. "He's already used his magic three times to whip a rock golem, a pack of griffon mercs and a quarry eel mother." "Amazing!" Fancy Pants said, an eager look on his face. "You simply must tell us more about him." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This is nice." Fluttershy said as she watched the ponies dance on the opened floor. "Eh, it's okay." Rainbow Dash said as she just folded her arms. "Still not my type of scene, though." Her and Fluttershy stood off to the side, watching the other ponies as they danced, talked and just stood around. Fluttershy didn't mingle with the crowd because of her shy nature, and the fact that she'd much rather be trying to charm the cute animals outside in the garden. Rainbow Dash didn't join the crowd for several reasons. One, she didn't like the whole silly high and mighty attitude from all the noble ponies. And two, because the Wonderbolts weren't at the Gala this year, and cause she didn't have to worry about impressing them this time. So the two of them just watched as the other ponies danced on the open floor. "Look, there's Mark and Applejack." Fluttershy pointed out in the crowd of dancing ponies. Sure enough, there they were, dancing happily together. As they moved to the slow paced music, they held each other close as they waltzed around. They both never took there eyes off each other as they smiled, talked and laughed with each other. Watching them, you could tell how happy they were just being together. "They sure do look happy, together." Fluttershy said as she watched them. "Yeah.... I guess so." Dash admitted. She couldn't help but smile as she watched her friend enjoying herself. "They do make a cute couple." "I know. Applejack seems almost more happier then I've ever seen her." Fluttershy observed. "And look at Mark's face." Dash chuckled. "He's trying to act cool and calm, but you can so see that he's totally nervous." As they danced, Applejack rested her head on Mark's shoulders. As they slowly moved around, Mark spotted Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy watching from the side. They both waved at him, he smiled at them before turning his attention to what he was doing. "Awww.... how cute." Fluttershy gushed. "What a goof!" Dash chuckled. Suddenly, a familiar voice snapped Dash's attention away from the couple. "Care for a drink, sir?" Dash's jaw almost hit the floor as she turned to see who it was. Standing in the crowd, holding a serving trey of drinks, and wearing a servent's outfit, was Gilda. Fluttershy was also surprised as she saw what Dash was staring at. Shaking her head to come back to reality, Dash began walking over to where Gilda was standing. Fluttershy followed close behind her. "Gilda?" Dash asked, unsure how to begin. Gilda turned, and almost dropped her trey in complete surprise as she jumped. "Dash! W...what are you doing here?" She asked, dumbfounded. "I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Dash said. Sighing, Gilda hung her head in defeat. "Its part of my punishment, okay? They have me working in the castle, cleaning and doing stupid things like this." "Huh..." Dash just said. She was completely surprised by the whole thing. "D..didn't you spend some time in the dungeon?" Fluttershy asked, but flinched when Gilda looked at her. "If...if you don't mind me asking.....that is." "Yeah." She sighed again. "They had me in there for about four days before the princesses came down to talk with me. They told me that I could work off my sentence by doing community service." Gilda explained. "Oh, that's nice." Fluttershy commented. "Yeah, I agree." Gilda nodded. "Alot better then wasting away in some dungeon." She then turned to look at Dash with serious look. At first, she thought she was going to stare her down, but then was surprised as Gilda's expression changed. She had a sad look of regret on her face. "Dash... I... I just want to say....." She paused before trying to continue. "I'm sorry. For everything. I was being such a jerk that I pushed everyone I cared and knew away from me. And I ended up with an even bigger jerk who ended up leaving me." "I understand." Dash said with small smile. "And I'm sorry too. I should have talked things out with you, but I didn't. So I feel partly to blame you ended up like you did." "That wasn't your fault, Dash. That was mine and nobody else's." Gilda admitted. "Friends?" Dash asked as she held her hoof out. Gilda just looked at her in complete shock. "You.... you want to still be friends with me? Even after all I've done?" "Sure. Why not? Every pony deserves a second chance." Dash replied. "You... you stupid.... soft hearted ponies." Gilda said with watering eyes. Lifting her free claw up, she bumped it at Dash's raised hoof. "Friends." "Cool." As I stared into that beautiful mare's eyes, nothing else mattered. I never opened myself up this way to a girl before. I felt like I was dancing on clouds as we held each other. In her hooves, I felt like anything was possible, like life was ours and we could live it anyway we wanted. I've never been so happy being with a girl like this. Scratch that! I've never been with a girl, period! And I'm not just saying that. For years I've been looking for the perfect girl to finally open my heart up to, and trust with my feelings. And with Applejack I finally felt like I found somepony to trust. We then became aware that the music stopped playing as the crowd cheered and stomped at their perfomance. Applejack and me just stood there as we continued to look at each other for several more minutes, before we finally broke apart. Applejack had a cute blush on her face, while I felt like I was sweating up a storm. "Whoo-boy! that was some dance." AJ said as she fanned herself with her hoof. "You dance beautifully." I said to her. "Thanks, sugarcube. But I was mostly just following your lead." I chuckled at that. When we started dancing, I pulled her close to me and began waltzing. She was surprised at first, but soon relaxed as we moved around the dance floor. I'm just glad those dancing lessions with my aunt came of use. "Well, I don't know about you, but I could really go for a drink about now." AJ said. "Sounds good. Let's head over to the snack stand for some fancy grub." I nodded. We then began to make our way to the tables filled with snacks and punch, for a much needed break. We was having a blast though, spending time together just me and her. I wonder how the other girls are doing? I wondered. I thought I saw Pinkie walk by us, but she looked busy talking to somepony so I decided to leave her alone. Finally arriving at the tables, AJ got her a glass of punch to drink while I looked at the finger food. Or would that be hoof food? Looking at the different dishes, I was quite surprised with the display they had out. Their was a few bowls of fruits, a salad bowl, a trey with crackers with little slices of cheese on top. There was even a trey with different cheeses and another with shrimp on it. "Oh sweet! Check out the snacks!" I said as I grabbed a few cheese crackers and munched on them. "I don't see what the big deal is. They're just little bite sized snacks." AJ commented. "True. But at least it's free." I replied, grabbing a few shimps and chomping down on them. "Hmmm.... needs katsup." AJ just rolled her eyes at that. I was just starting to try the different type of Equestrian cheeses when Rarity and Spike walked up to us, with what looked like a few nobles following behind them. "Mark, darling, there's somepony you simply must meet." She said as they all gathered around us. "Uhhhh.....ok." I replied, unsure how to react to the situation. "Rarity, what the hay is going on?" AJ asked, given her friend a questioning look as to why ponies were flocking to us. But then one of them stepped forword and spoke up. "Rarity here was telling us about your amazing acts of heroism." He said. He was a white unicorn with blue hair and a rich man type look. But at least he looked like he was a nice fellow. "Ahem....yes, well...." Rarity began, a slight blush on her face. "Mark, this is Fancy Pants." "Umm... nice to meet you?" I said as I held my hoof out nervously. "Likewise." He said, bumping his hoof with mine. "Let me just say it's an honor to meet a brave stallion such as yourself. Canterlot could use someone like you." And that's when the other ponies pelted me with a stream of questions. "Is it true your from another land?" "Is it true you can use magic like an alicorn?" "Did you really defeat a quarray eel mother in one magic blast?" "What was it like fighting griffon mercenaries?" "Are you single?" "Uhhhh......" I just stood there. Unsure how to begin or what to say. "Rarity, what were ya thinking bring all these folks on Mark like that?" I heard AJ whisper to her. "I'm sorry, dear. Things just kinda got out of hoof." She answered. "Hey Mark, why don't you show them a trick?" Spike asked me excitedly. "Yes. Why don't you show us a display of your amazing talents?" Fancy Pants asked. "I... uhhh....that is....ummmm....." "He can't because he's nothing more then a low class commoner!" A voice yelled from behind the gathered crowd. As if on que, the other ponies gasped before parting a path, allowing this jerk to move forward. This said jerk was a white unicorn with a blonde mane and tail. He wore a purple bow tie, which was only on what looked like just the neck part of a tux, while the rest of him was bare. Well, as us ponies normally were, anyway. I also noticed his cutie mark was that of a map compass, only without the N,S,E or W on it. As he walked up to us I noticed angry glares from Rarity and AJ, as well as some of the other ponies standing around us. Which told me this guy wasn't so well liked. "Prince Blueblood." Rarity muttered under grinding teeth. "So this is the Mark fellow I've heard about?" Blueblood asked as he looked me over. "Indeed." Fancy Pants nodded. "Rarity here was just telling us...." "He doesn't even have a cutie mark!" Blueblood exclaimed, cutting off Fancy Pants off. "And just look at him. His mane is a mess, his suit is tacky, he looks out of shape and not to mention unintelligent." Why, that no good mother fu... "Now you see here! Mark here is more of a stallion then you'll ever be!" Rarity yelled as she stood near me, almost taking a defensive position. "That's right! Mark here is our friend, and we won't let ya talk about him like that!" AJ said, also standing beside me protectively. "Yeah!" Spike also yelled, puffing his chest out to look tough. Blueblood took one look at them and laughed. "Foolish mares! Who do you think they are, talking to me like that! I'm prince Blueblood. Nephew to princess Celestia and noble heir of Canterlot!" He snorted, raising his muzzle high in the air. "Their the bearers of the Elements of Harmony!" Spike answered the jerk. "And they saved Equestria more times then..." "I know that!" Blueblood snapped at him. "Tell me something, why aren't they well known through out all of Equestria as heroes yet? I'll tell you why, it's because my aunt only uses their help when she doesn't want to get her hooves dirty. Face it, without the elements, you're all nothing more then mere peasants!" Spike said nothing as he just lowered his head. The girls stared at Blueblood, but I could tell what he said had hit them hard. And all the while, that bastard just kept laughing at us. That's it! I don't mind this uptight asshole saying things about me.... but nopony, and I MEAN NOPONY TALKS ABOUT MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT! I didn't have to think about it, didn't even need to focus on the ball of magic inside me. I just felt a rush of anger, and I began glowing green with magic like I just went Kaioken times ten! Everypony near us gasped in surprise and took a few steps back. Even Spike and the girls looked at me completely shocked. But I didn't care. I just focused on the unicorn standing right infront of me, looking at me like a deer caught in headlights. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!!" I yelled as I walked up to him. His eyes widened in terror as our faces got closer together. "The ponies you call peasants are the same ponies you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we deliver your mail, and work in your hospitals." I explained while staring him down. "We guard you while you sleep! DO NOT FUCK WITH US!!" Blueblood just nodded to me before he turned around and bolted. I smiled at that. As the aura around me began to die down, the ponies around us started to cheer and stomp their hooves on the ground. But I didn't care. My mind was going a hundred miles a minutes. I said nothing as I kept my back facing them, staring at the spot Blueblood was standing in. "I say, dear fellow. Good show!" Fancy Pants said. "Ha! did you see the look on his face?!" Spike laughed, enjoying the show. "Thank you, Mark." Rarity said. "I honestly don't know what I ever saw in him before." I remained silent. "Mark? Sugarcube, is everything alright?" AJ asked, getting closer to me. I don't know why I didn't answer her. But at that moment all I knew was I needed some air. I ran past everypony before they had a chance to even say anything else. Pinkie Pie stopped in her tracks as she started to shake violently as if there was an earthquake. Vinyl Scratch watched in complete shock as her friend continued to do so for several long moments. Then, as quickly as it began, the shakes stopped. Leaving both mares looking at each other in complete confusion. "Pinkie, was that your Pinkie sense?" Vinyl asked. Pinkie just nodded, still surprised by the action. "What do you think it means?" "I don't know. But whatever it is, it's a doozy!" She answered. Suddenly, as if a light switch was turned on in her head, Pinkie Pie jumped at a sudden realization. "Now I know who that mean griffon was! He was the leader of that Black Talon group that was after Mark!" I found my way outside, into the Canterlot garden, Marveling at the numerous animals that lived there. Most avoided me as I walked deeper into the gardens, but considering I was seeking peace, that worked in my favor. This place is huge. I thought to myself as looked around, amazed by the beauty of the place. I wonder how much it costs Celestia a year just in gardening? Finding a bench near a neat looking water fountain, I decided to sit down and collect my thoughts. Man, that guy was a total dick! I thought as I sat on the bench, looking at the night sky. I'm glad he ran off when he did, otherwise I was afraid I what I might have done to him. I chuckled at that. Don't think Celestia would have been happy to hear of me beating the shit out of her nephew. Even if he's a complete asshole. I looked up at the stars tinkling in the night sky, and wondered if one of those stars was earth. And tonight was going so well, too! But then that fucker had to ruin it by being a rich, stuck up fu... "There ya are, Mark!" I turned to see that Applejack had followed me outside. Of course she would. "Sorry about that, AJ." I sighed. "Just needed to get away from the crowd." "Ah understand." she said as she sat next to me on the bench. "That snob was being a complete jerk." "I just didn't like the way he was talking about you girls. I mean, from all I've heard he should be thankful for all you've done!" "Aww, don't worry about that sour puss." She smiled at me. "Ah don't care what folks like him think of me, I'm just happy knowing ah can make a difference." "That's what I love about you, AJ. You have such a great look on things." I laughed. We both sat there quitely for a moment, niether one of looking at each other. Here we was, finally alone with her, and I couldn't think of what I wanted to tell her. Part of me wanted to tell her that I loved her, that I thought the world of her and wanted to be with her. But then thoughts of my past failers with girls flashed in my mind, and I was afraid of what she might say. From the way she was fidgeting on the bench, she must have been thinking as well. But then I remembered how I helped Spike build himself up to admit his feeling to Rarity, and a ping of hope filled my heart. If Spike can do it, then so can I! The set up was perfect for it, moonlight, a beautiful garden and faint music from inside.... I just needed to grow a pair of balls! It's now or never. "Applejack?" "Yeah, Mark?" She asked, looking up at me. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you lately.... but I was afraid of what you might think." "What is it, sugarcube?" "Well..." I sighed. I needed to just plow on through. "I know I'm from another world, and we've only know each other for almost a month.... But, being with you has been some of the most happiest times I've ever had." As I paused to perpare for what I was going to say next, I saw Applejack looking at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers. "Applejack.... I love you." Silence. Neither of us said anything for a moment, as we both looked into each other's eyes. Her eyes showed a hint of shock, with what I hoped looked like a pinch of wonder, while I'm sure mine was filled with concern and terror. Seconds ticked by as we just stared at each other, as I waited for her to reply. "Ah love ya too, Mark." She finally said with a smile. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Ta be honest, I've felt the same way about you, but ah was afraid to say anything." She admitted. "Why's that?" I asked. "Because of your family. Ah was afraid that if ah told ya how ah feeled, I'd come between you and your chance at going back home." "But Applejack.... there's a good chance I might never get home." I admitted. "But ain't ya afraid ya'll never see your family again?" "Of course! I'm afraid they'll think I'm dead and forget about me." I thought back on that nightmare I had. "So even IF I make it home, they'll probably have moved on with their lifes." Applejack started to say something, but I put my hoof on her shoulder, catching her off guard. "But being with you girls these past few weeks have really helped me adjust to everything. Sure, I might never get back home again... but it's not the end of the world! I can move on and live my life here now." Applejack said nothing as she slowly leaned a little closer to me, and I found myself moving closer to her as well. As our muzzles inched closer together, she closed her eyes. Oh man, I can't believe this is happening! We're gonna kiss! Closing my eyes as well, I began moving closer so our lips could touch, and I could finally say I kissed more then one girl in my life. Sure, AJ maybe a pony, but I am too now, so there's nothing wrong with it. Only a few inches away from her, I could feel her warm breathe and smelled her sweet scent. RRRROOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!! And just my luck, something has to come along and fuck this up! > Chapter 22: At the Gala Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*Special shout out to MadMaxtheBlack for his story, for it was what inspired my Gala chapters*) The roar was still echoing around the gardens as we both leapt to our hooves and glanced back towards the palace. A huge shadow covered the palace and garden, which caused my heart to skip a beat. Please don't be what I think that is. I thought, my eyes widened. I looked over at AJ to see she had the same surprised expression as she stared up at the palace. Another scream filled the air, followed by even more screams, all coming from inside the palace. Whatever was going on in there, it wasn't good. Then, outside and above the palace, through the screaming of ponies, another roar came from terrifying thing. The very sound sent shivers running down my spine. I immediately realized what the creature was. It was dragon. "Come on, Mark!" AJ yelled to me. And with that, she was off up the path, heading back towards the double doors that led back into the palace. With a gulp, I took off after her. Why did something have to happen now? I thought, trying to fight back my frustration and fear. My ears splayed back against my head as I ran. I was this close to kissing her! Shaking my head, I hurried to catch up with AJ. "Given the track record of things, shouldn't we be running away from the screams?" I asked as I caught up with her. "Shouldn't ah be asking you that? It seems like whenever there's trouble, you get hurt." She glanced at me as we continued running down the path. "No I don't." "Timberwolves, that rock monster, the griffon mercs..." She shot me a glare. "Face it Mark, when there's trouble, you get hurt. It's like ya have bad luck or something." "Our friends might be in trouble." I replied, not slowing down. "That's reason enough for me to take that risk!" "Okay, but don't say ah didn't warn you." She smiled slighty as she shook her head. As we approached the doors, the sound of screams and shrieks grew louder. What the hell is going on in there? Doing a quick turn, AJ bucked the door and flung them open. The screaming instantly grew louder, causing my ears to splay backwards as I winced in pain. As we both stumbled in, looking for the source of the screams, we paused, shocked at what we saw. The entire ballroom was in chaos, ponies running to and fro, terrified looks on their faces. Nobles were shoving and pushing each other, trying to be the first ones to get out of the doors that lead to the main part of the castle. Royal guards were trying to keep order, but were having a hard time making themselves heard over the shouts and screams. Luna's Lunar guards, who I noticed was sporting bat-like wings, were also mixed in with the royal guards, their lavender armor standing out against the golden ones. I could see the girls and Spike all grouped around Princess Celestia, trying their hardest to get the nobles to calm down, but to no avail. Rainbow Dash looked ready to buck somepony's lights out, but was restraining herself. Fluttershy and Spike was hiding behind Twilight and Rarity, who were using their magic to keep the nobles from trampling them in their panic. Pinkie Pie just looked hurt and confused, her normally poofy mane hanging limp. Princess Luna was hovering near the center of the room, shouting at the nobles to calm down, but even with her Royal Canterlot voice she could barely be heard above the wailing. "What the hay is going on?" AJ asked as we ran up to join the girls. "Applejack, Mark!" Twilight yelled excitedly as saw us. "Are you guys okay?" "Yeah. We was just outside in the garden when we saw a dragon fly over the palace." I said, looking around as the guards were working on getting the nobles out in a orderly fashion. "Sister! We must deal with the creature before it has a chance to destroy Canterlot!" Luna yelled to Celestia as she lowered herself closer to us. "Not yet, Luna. We must ensure that the citizens are evacuated safely first, then we shall deal with this rude dragon." Celestia replied to her sister as it roared once again. Causing us all to wince. "Mark, is this just like that dream you had with a dragon?" Twilight suddenly turned and asked me. "What?!" I asked in complete surprise. "How did you know about that?" "Cadence told me about your nightmares." She answered sheepishly. "Sorry." "So it was true." Celestia turned to look at me. "Then you did predict a dragon attacking." I suddenly found everypony looking at me with questioning looks. "You dreamed this would happen?" Dash asked, amazed by the concept. "Whoa.... do you have a thing like my Pinkie sense?" Pinkie asked. "A Mark sense." "Ummmm.... I..." I stammered. It was so strange to see everypony looking at me for answer. "So you were the one having the nightmares I couldn't observe." Luna landed in front of me, giving me a look that was making me feel very nervous. I need an adult... By now all the nobles had cleared out of the ballroom, leaving only us and the guards. But then a cackling laugh boomed across the ballroom, causing us all to turn our head towards it's source. Who we saw standing there infront of us made the fur stand up. I stared in both surprise and in excitement, because I was waiting for the chance to run into asshole again. "Dark Claw!" "Ahh....At last, we meet again, Mega Mark!" He grinned wickedly at me, while I was still battling between trying to look shocked and looked pissed. Thankfully, that's when the girls all gathered around me like a protective barrier while Celestia and Luna took point infront of me. "You've made a grave mistake coming here looking for trouble." Celestia said with ice in her voice. On cue, all the guards that were still with us stormed around him, trapping him in a circle of armored stallions. "I don't know what possessed you to attack the palace during the Grand Galloping Gala, but know that you will NOT be getting away with it." Dark Claw looked at her for a second, before busting out laughing. "Ha ha ha ha ho ho hooooooh..... that is rich." He continued to grin at us. That earned glares from just about everypony in the room. "I'm not here to attack the palace. I'm here for that worthless piece of stallion cowering behind you!" "Hey!" I yelled. "Then if your not here to attack the palace, explain the dragon flying around outside!" Luna demanded. As if to answer her, a another roar came from outside, followed by a booming voice. "RRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!! CELESTIA! LUNA! COME OUT HERE AND FACE ME!!! "Maybe you should deal with him instead of worrying about me." Dark Claw replied after the booming voice. That got the sisters attention, as they stared at each other for moment before focusing at the emergency at hand. "Guards! I want a few of you to fly around Canterlot and made sure the civilians are safe at all cost! The rest of you, follow us!" Princess Luna yelled at the circle of guards surrounding Dark Claw. "Twilight, you and your friends stay here and deal with our "friend", while Luna and I deal with the dragon." Celestia said, turning to look at Twilight. "You can count on us, princess!" She nodded. "Yeah! We'll handle this jerk no problem!" Dash boasted, puffing her chest out. Celestia gave us all a small smile and confirming nod, before turning back into serious mode. "Come my sister, we have much to do." She said. With a quick nod between the two, the sisters spread their wings before taking to the air and flying outside throught the opened garden doors. The guards with wings followed suit, flying after the princesses, while the rest stormed out of the ballroom to follow their orders. Leaving the girls and me all alone with Dark Claw. "Phew! I thought those two would never leave." He said as he watched the last of the guards left the room. Turning his attention back at us, he began to slowly walk towards us. "Hold it right there!" Twilight warned, her wings spreading and her horn glowing. "Yeah! You ain't going anywhere!" Dash said taking to hovering in the air above us. The others re-doubled their defensive position next to me. "Unngh.... out of my way, you stupid ponies." Dark Claw scuffed in frustration. "I'm after him, not you girls." "No can do! If you think you're gonna lay your stinkin claws on Mark, ya got another thing comin!" AJ exclaimed. "Yeah, you big meanie! Mark is our friend!" Pinkie bounced in place. "And friends help each other no matter what." Rairty finished. I couldn't help but feel my heart fill with pride as I heard the girls. I'm so glad their my friends. Too bad Dark Claw didn't share my appreciation for their bravery. "Fine! You want to be part of the action?! I'll give you action!" He said as he snapped his claws. As if on cue, two green flashes of light erupted in the room, blinding us for a few seconds. When the light cleared and are eyes got back into focus, we all gasped in total surprise. There, standing beside Dark Claw was two rock golems. "Oh man! Not again!" Pinkie sighed. The others said nothing, but took defensive positions infront of me. Dark Claw just grinned as he looked pasted the girls, straight at me. "Now.....Mark! While the girls play with their new dance partners, what do you say we finish where we left off?" Well.....SHIT! > Chapter 23-30: Explaination > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to start and re-explain myself before I get this started. My dad had heart problems in mid September, and was in the hospital till October. I put a post -blog thing on here to let everyone know why I was going to be late putting chapters up, seeing as I was too worried about my dad to get time to write. Then, on October 30th, my dad passed away on us. So, needless to say, any mo-mint-tom I had to work on this story was stopped dead in it's tracks. So I've been thinking of cancelling this story all through November, but I really didn't want to cause I was so close to the end of the story arc. So.... I decided that I'll at least explain the last few chapters to you guys, as I was going to wrap things up by chapter 30. So please forgive me for not writing the last of this like a normal chapter, but I wanted to at least give this story an ending. As I hate to leave things unfinished! So without further adoo..... the last chapters of Champion of Equestria! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 23: At the Gala part 3 The chapter starts outside the palace as the royal guards and the two sister alicorns fly toward the rampaging dragon. A small unit of guards charge the dragon, but it swats them away like they were nothing more then flies. The alicorn sisters shot up towards the dark dragon, using their magic to catch the stunned guards, then ordering the others to stay back as they handle the dragon themselves. As they finally came within range, they were treated to a surprise when a very familiar, yet dreaded voice roared in mailicious laughter. Well, well.... If it isn't my DEAR friends Celestia and Luna. Oh, How I've waited such a long time for this day. You may have stopped me a thousand years ago, but not this time. I Guarantee this day shall end very differently. The sisters gasped in recognition of the dark voice. Celestia spoke for both of them. "What are you planning, Sombra!?" She demanded angrily. Why, dear Celestia! I thought you would have figured it out by now. He exclaimed mockingly. Very well, Allow me to explain my master plan before your demise. After all, not even your precious Mark can stop me. You see, before our fateful confrontation, a thousand years ago, I was able to find a way to preserve myself. Using dark magic long since forgotten, I was able to split my spirit into two magical crystals. Incase something was to happen to me, which my efforts proved worth it, when Princess Cadence obliterated my body. As I waited for my revenge, the two crystals were separated when they were sent away with a teleporting spell. The first crystal landed in a dragon's den, buried in it's pile of treasure. One of the dragon's foolishly consumed my crystal, thus allowing me to posses it. The other, I lost contact of it and I presumed it was gone forever. "Then Mark...." Luna muttered, as both sisters connected the dots. That's right, princess! Our dear friend Mark has found my lost crystal, and has foolishly been using it's powers. You see, Princess Cadence my have destroyed what was left of my body and took control of the Crystal Kingdom, but I was able to live on! Once someone, or something touches the crystals, I'm able to possess them and use them as my new body. As you can see, this is why I'm now a dragon. "Oh buck..." Celestia swore as she realized the severity of the situation. Sombra laughed at her distress. And now you see. Fight hard, puny ponies! For not even your best efforts will be enough to stop me now! Celestia and Luna looked at each other with clenched jaws and nodded. Their horns lit up with magic, as they got into battle ready stances. Sombra just laughed as he watched them. The battle had begun. Meanwhile, inside the palace, the mane six scramble as they try to take on two rock golems. As they do, Mark and Dark Claw square off. Mark starts by trying to rush him, but Dark Claw easily evades his attack and counters with some sick combos, knocking Mark on his rump. Getting back up, Dark Claw again mocks Mark, calling him "Mega Mark". Mark gets an idea from this and decides to channel his magic to fire small energy shots at Dark Claw, like Mega Man. Firing shot after shot, Mark tries to hit Dark claw for all he is worth, but he takes to the air and is easily able to dodge Mark's attack. Looping around the room a few times, Dark Claw flys straight at Mark, catching him with a hard strike in the gut, before being followed with an uppercut. Knocking Mark backwards into the air. But Mark is able to twist himself at the last second, and catches Dark Claw with a shot to one of his wings. With Dark Claw now grounded, Mark uses the time to stand back up and start charging up for a KAMEHAMEHA As the energy wave sails at the surprised griffon, one of the golems rush infront him, taking the full blast for him. Even though one of the golems is destroyed, the confusion from it's actions is enough for Dark Claw to rush Mark and slam him to the ground. With Mark pinned to the ground, Dark Claw raises his claw up, ready to finish him off. Chapter 24: At the Gala part 4 Just as Dark Claw is ready to finish Mark off, he is suddenlly tackled by someone. After shacking off the attack, Dack Claw is surprised to see Gilda standing infront of him. He demands her to back off, but she refuses, telling him off for leaving her to die. When he tells her that it's just business, Gilda gets enraged and attacks him. As the two griffons fight, Mark gets back on his hooves and uses this time to charge up his magic for a new attack, based on a Naruto character. But unsure how long the attack will take to charge up, Mark can only watch as Gilda and Dark Claw trade blows. While that's going on, Twilight and the others are busy taking on the remaining golem. Twilight and Rarity are firing magic blasts at it, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were taking it on close quarters, Pinkie was throwing (and eating) what was left of the Gala's food, and Fluttershy and Spike just watch while everything was going on. Using her lasso, AJ roped the golem to keep it at bay, while Dash kicked loose some chanderliers. With the monster dazed by the blow, Twilight and Rarity are able to charge up their horns and release a blast that blew the golems head, as well as other chunks of him, into dust. With the golem defeated, the girls can finally turn their attention to Dark Claw. The girls are surprised to see both Gilda and Dark Claw standing infront of each other, both sporting claw marks and bleeding wounds. Dash and the others are about to rush to Gilda's aid, but a firm "Stay back!" from Gilda stops them cold. She explains that it's her fight, and something about a griffon's honor, so the girls are forced to just watch as the fight continues. The fight continues, with Gilda pulling slightly ahead due to the fact Dark Claw's wing was injured by Mark's blast earlier. Gilda stands over the downed Dark Claw, ready to finish her former leader once and for all, but a look back at Rainbow Dash and a quick breathe she stops herself. "No.... you don't deserve to die. I'd rather see you rot in prison." Gilda says. "Then you've become as weak as these stupid ponies!" Dark Claw exclaims before grabbing a plate off the floor and throwing it in her face. With Gilda momently distracted, he counters with some savage blows that leave her knocked out cold on the ground. As Dash and the others rush to help her, Dark Claw grabs her and holds his claws near her face. "STAY BACK! Or I rip her eyes out!" As the ponies look on in horror, helpless to help Gilda out, Dark Claw laughs evilly at them. "HEY ASSHOLE! FORGET ABOUT SOMEPONY?!" Everyone turns to see Mark standing up with his left arm held off to the side. He was glowing a bright blue color and in his left hoof, he held a blue ball of electric energy. "Let's see you dodge this! KAIOKEN!!" Before anyone could do anything, Mark charges straight at Dark Claw in a blue blurr almost faster then Rainbow Dash could even move. The energy hits Dark Claw dead center as Mark screams something before a huge explosion follows.... "CHIDORI!!" Chapter 25: At the Gala Part 5 "CHIDORI!!!" Mark screams as an explosion of electric energy hits Dark Claw hard, sending him flying out the ballroom windows and falling down the mountain. As the girls rush to the window to get a look at what just happened, Mark stands there panting. "Damn, guess he won't be in the sequel." Mark jokes to himself. Meanwhile, outside in the air, the princesses and the Sombra possessed dragon watch as the griffon falls to his death. "It appears your lackies have failed you, Sombra." Luna boasts. "Give up, Sombra! Your plans are doomed to fail." Celestia demands. But Sombra ignores them as he looks at the window were the main six are at. Smiling evilly, Sombra gets a wonderfully evil idea. "Good help is so hard to find nowadays." He rolls his eyes. Sombra looks at the sisters and says, "Hold on just a second." He then shots a massive blast of fire toward the window where the girls are at, before looking back at the sisters. "Now, where were we?" As the girls look on in horror at the massive fireball heading towards them, Twilight prepares to use her magic to throw a forcefield to protect them. But before she finishes, Mark screams "KAIOKEN!" As he flies infront of them and uses a small force of energy to knock them out out of the way, as he takes the fire blast head on. The girls are horrified as they hear Mark scream in pain and see him fall on the floor as a burnt crisp. They rush to his and Gilda's aid, fearing the worst, but are thankfully surprised to see that both are still alive and breathing. Although Mark is badly burnt and Gilda has some nasty wounds. Watching from the sky, dragon Sombra laughs at the sight of the damage he just caused. Enraged by this, Celestia and Luna charge into battle, firing magic blast at him. Although Sombra's able to shield himself from the blasts, the royal guards take that moment to charge into battle as well. The pegasi fly around him throwing spears and keeping him distracted, while the unicorns on castle grounds cast magic blasts at him. A few are able to get in some lucky hits, before Sombra swats them away. But for ever soldier that falls, the princesses catch with their magic before getting their shots in as well. And as all this goes on, the girls watch from the ballroom windows. Angry at Sombra for ruining the Gala, as well as for hurting their friends, the mane six decide it's time to take the fight to Sombra. Gathering together, the girls summon their Elements of Harmony, glowing with a bright glow of energy, complete with longer hair and flashy sparkles. Using their magic powers, all six lift in the air and fly out of the ballroom windows, heading straight for the Sombra possessed dragon. Once they get in front of him, they hover in place, ready to fight. "It's over, Sombra! Get ready to feel the power of the Elements of Harmony." Twilight shouts to Sombra. "Ah yes, if it isn't Celestia's student and her little friends. I must say, I'm surprised to see you again, but even more surprised to see you controlling the Elements of Harmony." Sombra says with a small smile. "Enough talking, Sombra! You'll pay for hurting our friend, Mark." Twilight said in anger. The other girls stare at him with fire in their eyes, especially Applejack. "Ah.... the human." Sombra says with disgust, as he glances over to the ballroom windows. "I must admit, I'm disappointed to see that he hasn't used his dark powers to their fullest. Even MORE that he would take a full burst of dragon fire head on to protect you girls." "SHUT UP, MONSTER!" Applejack screams. "Well, I see you girls are really upset about me hurting your poor, stupid, human friend. No doubt you wish to punish me for it by finishing me off." And then, a wicked grin formed on Sombra's face, which caused Twilight to shiver a bit. "So go ahead. Kill me." "What?!" The girls asked in surprise. "Come on then, do it! Finish me off like you did at the Crystal Empire. Come on.... DO IT!!!" "The girls, puzzled by this, look at each other. "Something doesn't feel right." Twilight said out loud. "Indeed." Celestia commented as her and Luna helped get the wounded to safety. "I'm afraid the crystal that Mark found was part of Sombra's sick plans." She explained. "We heard some of it during the fight." Twilight replied. "Then did you also hear that part of my soul was stored inside, and that whoever touches it becomes my new body?" "WHAT?!!" The girls exclaimed. "That's right. Mark is on stand-by to become my new vessel." Sombra laughed. "And if you somehow kill me in this dragon's body, then I'll be able to take full control of Mark!" "No... No! It just can't be true! IT CAN'T!!" AJ cried in desperation, while the other girls look on in shock and horror. "We WILL find a way to defeat you!" Celestia proclaimed, as her and Luna looked at Sombra with daggers in their eyes. "Face it princesses, you lost! You can't defeat me, unless you want to hurt the poor little human turned pony. This time, I've thought of everything!" Sombra laughed. Celestia didn't want to admit it, but Sombra was right! If they did defeat Sombra, he would just possess Mark and the fight will just start all over again. And she doubted they could pull Sombra's spirit out of Mark without harming him. Unable to do anything, The princess of the sun, hung her head in defeat. "And now..." Sombra spoke, as his body started to glow in a sickly green energy. ".... you DIE!!!" And then the sky exploded. Chapter 26: At the Gala part 6 Gilda slowly began to wake up, feeling ever bruise and cut she got from her fight with Dark Claw. Still woozy, she was able to stand up before coming to her senses. looking out from the windows, she saw the princesses, Dash and her friends( who were glowing as they hovered in the air) as they all faced off against the huge dragon. But as she brought her eyes down, she saw Mark laying on the floor, looking very badly burnt. Gilda still had mixed feeling about Mark, seeing as she was once hired to hunt him down, but she couldn't but feel sorry to see him like that. She slowly made her way next to him to check and see he was still alive. "Hey.... hey! You still alive?" Gilda asked, not risking to touch his burnt flesh. A faint moan escaped his lips as he slowly stirred. "Thank the Maker!" Gilda exclaimed. "I was afraid you were cooked too well done. Mark tried to sit up, but cried in pain as his burnt flesh touched the marble floor as well as being moved. "Hey now, take it easy! You're hurt pretty badly there." She said to him as he finally got himself to at least sit up. "Whe.... where's Applejack?" He weakly asked as he looked around. "Are the... COFF COFF!!! Hunghh.... is the girls okay?" "They're up there!" Gilda pointed up through the windows. It was then they saw the massive explosion. The force of the blast flung everyone, except Sombra, from the sky and falling straight for the ground below. Most of the guards were able to right themselves at the last moment, and landed safely. Others hit the ground, hard, and hurt badly, but were still alive. Celestia and Luna righted themselves in the air, and were able to stop from falling. Twilight and the others, however, were stunned by the blast, and were falling at a fast rate. Rushing to their aid, the princesses caught the girls in a magic force field, and was able to land them safely on the ground. The girls moaned in pain, as the blast had done a toll on them. Even the princesses felt the effects from the blast. And from the air, Sombra laughed as he hovered over them. "Face it, princesses! I WIN!" He boomed over them, loud enough for most of Canterlot to hear him. "Kneel before me, and I may spear your worthless lifes!" Hearing all of this, Mark and Gilda watched from the ballroom windows. Who does he think he is? General Zod? Mark thought as he wondered what to do next. "How are we going to stop him?" Gilda asked with panic in her voice. "If the princesses couldn't stop him, what chance do we have?!" "I... I don't know. But we gotta do something." Mark replied. Outside of the castle, Celestia and Luna stood their ground as the looked up at Sombra, too tired to try to battle him in the air. Twilight and the girls were still awake, but too weak to try to use the Elements of Harmony again. Leaving them unable to do anything other then look on helplessly. "We WILL find a way to defeat you, Sombra." Celestia said as she gave him an icey stare. "And how do you plan on doing that, dear Celestia? You know that if you know that if you kill me in this body, my spirit will move on into Mark's." Sombra boomed down at them. WHAT?!! Mark thought, surprised at what he heard. Then all this time.... the magic powers I've been using, were all Sombra's! The realization hit Mark like a sack of bricks. "Face it, princess. You and your little ponies are doomed. Either way, in this body or Mark's, I WILL rule all of Equestria!" Sombra boosted as he laughed. "No! I won't let that son of a bitch win like that!" Mark cursed out loud. Closing his eyes as he stood up, he began to focus on summoning all the energy he had left in his body. "Kaioken.... times 2!" He screamed, as his body once again began to glow a blue aura. "What are you doing?!" Gilda asked, as she watched Mark start to slowly lift off the ground. "Whatever I can." He turned to tell her. Then began flying off. "Hey, wait!" Gilda called out, but Mark didn't respond. She tried to flex her wings, but hissed in pain. "Shit. I'm too hurt to fly." Unable to help, Gilda could do nothing else but watch from the windows. Slowly flying in the air, grunting as the air stung his burns, Mark made his way to Sombra possessed dragon. Once he was hovering in front of him, Mark hovered in place. "Hey asshole!" Mark screamed, getting Sombra's, as well as everyone else's attention. "I'm not done with you yet!" Sombra just blinked in total surprise at what he saw. "What does he think he's doing?" Twilight asked in surprise. "Oh no.... please Mark. Don't do it." AJ gasped as she watched on. Holding his arms out to the side, Mark screamed as he focused all the energy and magic he had in his body. His body twitched, his burns hurt from the pain, and he felt like his organs were going to give out. But he pushed on, screaming as the blue aura around him glowed brighter and brighter. Once he felt that he charged up enough, he brought his arms together as he pointed his hooves straight at Sombra. "You can't be serious." Sombra chuckled. "Look at you! You look like a burnt chicken. How do you expect to defeat me?" "Then if you REALLY want to test your strength..... stay right were you are!" Mark screamed as his hooves began to form a glowing ball of energy. "So that's his plan. He's trying to bluff Sombra into challenging his attack." Luna said as she watched what was going on in the air. "That's part of it, my dear sister. But I fear that's not all he's planning." Celestia replied. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked as she and the other girls walked next to her. "I'm afraid, dear Twilight, that Mark maybe planning to take his own life in order to stop Sombra." Celestia sighed. "Oh dear....." Fluttershy whimpered. "But why would he do such a thing?" Rarity asked. "Because he'd rather die then let that monster take control of him." Luna answered. Thinking back on her experience becoming Nightmare Moon. "H... he must be bluffing." Pinkie half laughed, as her hair began to deflate. "He wouldn't do something that crazy.... would he?" But another scream from Mark drew their attention back, as the energy ball at Mark's hooves grew bigger. Laughing, Sombra just hovered where he was as he took a defensive position. "MARK! YOU GOTTA STOP THIS!!!" AJ screamed. Suddenly, Pinkie's Pinkie Pie senses kicked into overdrive as she began to shiver and bounce in place. "Uh-oh.... that can't be good." Dash said, as everyone stared in surprise at Pinkie. "Everypony! Get down!" Twilight shouted as she realized something bad was about to happen. "FINAL FLASH!" A huge blast of energy shot out of Mark's hooves faster then Sombra could react. He barely had time to say, "What the..." before the blast hit him head on. His screams were drown out by the force of the blast, as his body burned in ashes. The blast continued to sail through the sky as it continued to travel until it hit a nearby mountain, blowing it into nothing more then a crater. When the attack was finished, whatever was left of Sombra blew away in the wind. Mark continued to float in the air, though his body was twitching madly and he was panting for air. "There! it's.... over." Mark panted. He heard cheering below him as it seemed all of Canterlot was celebrating his victory. That earned him a small smile. "And that..... ladies and..... gentlecolts.... was the... last fart of.... the weasel...." Mark's head started spinning as his body final gave out. The last thing he remembered was falling to the ground as everything went black. Chapter 27: Running down a dream. Darkness. Mark awoke to find himself surrounded in pure darkness. At first, he thought he might have been dead, but the many questions of limbo and the afterlife made him not dwell on the subject too long. He tried to stand up, but quickly realized that he was floating, thus giving him the impression he might be dreaming. Suddenly, dim lights, almost like stars, began to fill the darkness around him. Brighter and brighter the stars became, until Mark thought he looked like he was hovering in space. The stars then started swirling around him, increasing in speed like a tornado. A flood of images suddenly engulfed him, rushing through his consciousness. Sombra as a young colt living as a noble with his parents in the Crystal Empire. Other nobles respected them and had high hopes for Sombra. Only it wasn't the Sombra Mark knew, but a regular unicorn..... a happy young colt resting next to his mother as she hummed while combing his hair.... Mark reeled wildly, face twisting in pain. He tried to control the torrent of memories, but the force of them was too overwhelming. Standing on a hill over the graves of his parents, weeping over their deaths and vowing to make something of himself. Then truning and stumbling blindly away, Back to the Crystal Empire.... Tears filled his eyes as Mark thought of his own parents. Grinding teeth, he struggled to seal his mind from the assault. How impressed the old stallion was when Sombra passed as the head of his class in magic school. The days and nights Sombra spent reading every book on magic he could find, eager to learn everything he could. His heart filled with pride when even the princesses of the sun and moon took notice of his skills. Mark tried everything he could to stop the memories from rushing in, but they were too strong. Slowly, his strength and will to fight them was failing...... The days he spent training his skills inside the study room, only stopping to eat and sleep. How his powers slowly grew, giving him great pride and confidence. The weeks spent trying to find a way to break all bars of knowledge, to become the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria. Mark couldn't fight back anymore..... the memories were too strong.... too powerful.... During the night, he decides to study the most dangerous, yet powerful magic forbidden to all unicorns.... Dark Magic! The power Sombra felt as he mastered many spells and could hear dark voices whispering to him. Encouraging him. But then, one spell went wrong, the force of the dark energy was stronger than he expected. The spell turned on him, possessing mind and body. He had screamed. He was changed. He was stronger. He was.... SOMBRA! Snatches of the unicorn's memories continued to flash through Mark's mind. A whirlwind of dark events and emotions overwhelmed him, making it impossible to think. Submerged in the maelstrom, he knew neither who nor where he was. He was too weak to cleanse himself of the alien presence that clouded him mind. Violent, cruel images from Sombra's past exploded behind his eyes until his very spirit cried out in anguish at the bloody sights. A pile of bodies rose before him.... innocents slaughtered by the unicorn's orders. Those he didn't kill, he would make them his slaves. All of the Crystal Empire taken over by the evil ruler's hoof or word. There was no escape from the carnage that surrounded him. He wavered like a candle in the wind, unable to withstand the tide of evil. He prayed for someone to lift him out of this nightmare, but there was no one to guide him. If only he could remember what he was supposed to be: man or stallion, hero or villain, unicorn or earth pony; all was jumbled together in a meaningless frenzy. He was lost, completely and utterly, in the swirling mass. Suddenly a cluster of his own memories burst through the dismal clouds left by Sombra's malevolent mind. All the events since he had arrived in Equestria came to him in the cold light of revelation. His accomplishments and failures were displayed equally. He had lost much that was dear to him, yet fate had given him rare and great gifts; for the first time, he was proud of simply who he was. As if in reponse to his brief self-confidence, Sombra's smothering blackness assaulted him anew. His identity trailed into the void as uncertainty and fear consumed his preceptions. How was he supposed to fight such a dark force like this? He fought against Sombra's sinister thoughts, weakly at first, then more strongly. He whispered words from the lord's prayer and found they gave him enough strength to withstand the shadow blurring his mind. Though his defenses faltered dangerously, he slowly began to draw his shattered consciousness into a small bright shell around his core. Outside his mind he was aware of pain so great it threatened to blot out his very life, but something.... or someone.... seemed to keep it at bay. He was still too weak to clear his mind completely, but he was lucid enough to remember his experiences in Canterlot. Did he really defeat Sombra? Were the girls okay? Will Sombra take control of his body.... or did he die, and was now hovering in limbo? He didn't know the answers. Mark... Stay strong, Mark. He recoiled at the touch of another consciousness.... one so vast and powerful it was like a mountain looming over him. This was the one who was blocking the pain, he realized. Slowly, a large orb burned through the darkness like a full moon in the sky. A better look, he realized it was in fact the moon he was seeing... with a dark winged figure flying out from it. Pr... princess Luna? He finally asked. Indeed, my young friend. With a flicker of an unspoken though, the last of Sombra's influence was brushed away like an unwanted cobweb. Freed from the oppressive weight, Mark let his mind relax as the vast darkness was replaced with the night sky in an opened field. I have protected you as best as I could, but you were so greatly wounded that I could do nothing more than shield your sanity from the pain. A mix of joy and concern washed over Mark all at once. What happened?! Is Sombra defeated? Are the others okay? What happened to me, am I dead? Ca.... Easy young warrior, everything is alright. Although you won, you suffered horrible wounds. Luna replied, cutting him off. She hung her head low, as if she was ashamed of what she was about to say next. Sombra was a wicked soul. Even in defeat, he refused to go peacefully. Realization hit Mark on what Luna was talking about. Then that wasn't a nightmare I was having... that no good bastard did try to possess me! I'm afraid so. But fear not, the other princesses and I used our combined magic to free you of his evil spirit. But... She paused. But, your afraid that the damage may have already been done. Luna simply nodded. How bad is it? You will learn when you awaken. But for now, it is time for you to rest, Mark. When you wake, you'll find yourself save inside Canterlot. Now sleep. She raised a hoof, as if in benediction, and peace crept through Mark. His last though was that of Applejack's smiling face. Chapter 28: A time to heal "....waking up!" He heard an excited voice. Pinkie Pie. "Good, the guy's been sleeping long enough." That voice was Rainbow Dash. Mark stirred unwillingly, loathing to listen. The warmth that surrounded him was too comfortable to leave. Another voice sounded again. "Mark? Mark, you okay?" That one got his attention. It was Applejack. He reluctantly forced his eyes opened and found himself on comfy bed, covered in blankets. All around him, was Twilight and the other girls, staring at him intently. "How do you feel?" Twilight asked. Disoriented and confused, he let his eyes roam over the room. "I.... I don't know." He said, his mouth dry and sore. "Then don't move. You should conserve your strength, Mark." Fluttershy said, running over to a nearby table. Why was that? A coughing fit made him dizzy, lightheaded, and ache all over. His limbs felt feverish and heavy. Fluttershy lifted a cup from the table and held it to his lips. "Here, drink." Cool liquid ran down his throat, refreshing him. Warmth flowed in his belly and rose in his cheeks. He coughed again, which worsened his throbbing head. "Are you.... all okay?" He asked. "Sure are, sugarcube. Thanks to you." Applejack smiled, as she stood closer beside Mark's bed. "You're a hero, darling. You saved all of Canterlot." Rarity said, excited. "The princesses are talking about having you knighted for your actions. All of Canterlot is talking about it." AJ said, placing a hoof over Mark's shoulders. Mark smiled weakly, still confused, but happy it was finally all over. Looking over to Twilight, he asked "What happened?" Twilight looked a little sad. But Rainbow Dash cut in, "We WON! It was awesome! When you fired that huge blast, it turned Sombra into nothing more then ashes!" "And for a dragon's body to be burnt like that, would require a great deal of power. Seeing as dragon scales can withstand lava." Twilight explained. "right... anyway, the blast was so powerful that it completely destroyed a near by mountain." Dash finished. "So he's dead?" Twilight shook her head. "Yes... and no. When his physical body was destroyed, his spirit moved into your body. (Just like he said would happened.)" "You were in a bad way, sugercube. With your burns, exhaustion and Sombra trying to possess your body... we didn't think you would survive." AJ said sadly. "The guards caught you as you were falling from the sky. You were then rushed into the medical bay of the castle. The princesses and I tried to heal your wounds as well as expel Sombra's spirit from you." Twilight explained. "But...." "But you guys ran into a few problems." Mark finished for her. "Yeah, princess Luna was telling me about it. So, how bad is it? Did I grow another head or something?" He chuckled nervously. Everyone just stared at him, not saying a word. "Ooooooookay..... well, how long was I out for?" "About a week." Pinkie piped up before anyone else. "A WHOLE WEEK?!" Mark exclaimed, as he went to hit his head with his hoof. But before it connected to his forehead, it touched something else.... something hard. "What the..." As he brought his hoof down, he was shocked to see that the color of his fur was no longer blue.... but a dark grey. Alarmed, Mark pushed the blankets off his torso and looked in shock as he saw all of his fur now that color. "Mark...." Twilight began, getting his attention. Worry reflected in her eyes. "You have to understand, removing a spirit from a body is a very tricky thing to do. If not done right, it can harm or even kill the victim the spirit has possessed. We did all we could, but there were limits we couldn't pass while doing it..... Especially with the injuries you had." Rarity, using her magic, lifted a small mirror and floated it infront of him. Mark just sat there as he looked at his own reflection, dumbfounded at what he was seeing. He was no longer an earth pony, but a unicorn. I... I look just like Sombra. He thought. It was true, his features now strongly reflected Sombra's. The grey fur, the black hair, the only thing still normal was his eyes and horn. His brush with death and possession had left him changed. Pity showed on all the girl's faces as Twilight murmured, "You have paid a terrible price for your victory, Mark." "It doesn't look so bad, darling." Rarity tried to reassure him. "Yeah, now you look like a kinder Sombra!" Pinkie happily piped in. "Pinkie!" Dash exclaimed. "It's okay." Mark reassured them. He turned to face Twilight, "Just answer me one question. Did you guys get all of Sombra's spirit out of me?" "Yes." Twilight nodded. "I.... I won't turn into him, will I?" Mark started to tremble. "I... couldn't live with myself if I lose control and hurt one of you girls." "Hey now! You don't have to worry about that sug." AJ said as she hugged him. "She's right. As far as we found out, the only thing to change was just your features." Twilight explained, as she joined in the hug. "Besides darling, you look postively smashing as a unicorn now." Rarity added as she joined in. "You're still our friend Mark. And we'll be there for you no matter what." Fluttershy joined in. "And if you do start to act funny, we'll be right there for you." Dash boosted, before joining as well. "Yeah!" Pinkie jumped in. Mark's face beamed as a lone tear rolled down his cheek. "Thank you girls. You mean the world to me." And they all continued to stay a group hug for several long minutes. Chapter 29: We are the Champions After Mark was healed enough for it, Celestia decides to hold a ceremony for Mark in Canterlot. It seemed like all of Equestria showed up, as the streets full of ponies from every city. Ponies from Ponyville cheered there local hero, and even Shining Armor and princess Cadence came down from the Crystal Empire to be there. Princess Celestia and Luna handled the ceremony, as Twilight and the other girls watched close to Mark. For his action to save Canterlot from Sombra, as well as the time he saved Ponyville from the golem, Mark is knighted, and giving the title of Champion of Equestria. Even Prince Blueblood had no choice but to honor the title now. With a burning sense of pride and happiness, Mark promises to use his magic powers for good. To protect his new home, freinds, and his marefriend, Applejack. The En... Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it! You can't finish the story like that! Pinkie?! How did you get here? Through the front door, duh! ........... Anyway, you can't finish the story that way, silly-billy. It's too short and doesn't have any detail. Okay then.... How do YOU think I should end it, then? Like this.... Chapter 30: Epilogue Rising out of his bed with the rising sun, the young earth pony colt exited his room and made his way downstairs into the kitchen. There, he found his aunt, Apple Bloom just finishing breakfast. "Good morning, Applescotch." She said with a smile, as she handed him a plate of food. "Good morning auntie." He replied before digging into his breakfast. "After ya finish your grub, your mom and pop wanted ya to help with today's chores." She told him. "Okay..." he sighed, before continued his meal. Apple Bloom smiled at him. Ahh.... I remember being young and full of energy like that. After finishing his breakfast, Applescotch made his way outside. It was a bright and beautiful day on the farm, perfect for apple bucking. As he walked closer to the apple trees, he spotted Uncle Big Mac plowing the garden. After sharing a quick wave hello, he continued making his way towards his mother and father. Soon enough, he saw them talking together as they gathered apples from the trees. ".....it much more easier for you, honey." He heard his unicorn father say. "Now come on, sugercube, ya know I can handle it just fine on my own." His mother replied. "I know, AJ. I just worry about you, though." The father smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "I know, I know. That's why I love ya, you big silly goof." She said before giving him a loving kiss. "Ewwwww....... mushy stuff." Applescotch broke his silence, and the moment. Earning a giggle from his mother. "Someday you won't mind it so much." His Father said. "All right boys. I got to get a move on finishing with feeding the critters. Can I trust you two to handle the apple bucking till I get back?" Applescotch's mother asked them. "Eeeeeeeeyep." His father jokeingly replied. That earned a laugh from Applescotch, while the mother just rolled her eyes before continueing her chores. "Well big guy, you ready to buck some apples?" "Yeah!" Applescotch answered excited. "Do you think we can practice some magic as well?" "Now Scott, you know your mother doesn't like it when you do magic on the farm. You remember last time." His father answered. "Awww....." Applescotch pouted. "Okay, tell you what.... you do a good job today and I promise we'll practice some later tonight." He smirked. "Alright!" "But I expect you to do three Kamehamehas." "Okay dad." ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` There, better? Yes. That's much better. I love a happy ending! Me too, Pinkie. Me too. The End!