Finding South Dakota

by Daylight Storm

First published

A plot set in motion by an ancient foe will rewrite equestria as we know it. Can what is broken be undone?

"I've only known the company of myself for years since my grandfather's passing. But one night a message in a chat room would change everything. Soon after that I met my new best friends and the trouble that follows them around. My body and soul belongs to mother now and as long as I live so will she. And try as I might I can't bring about my own end to put a stop to her. Someone save me from myself."
-Daylight Storm

An ex human becomes the living vessel for a recently defeated Nightmare moon. Through her power his broken body adjusted to survive in the magical land of Equestria he does her bidding along with his fellow slave another Ex human who takes the pony name of Lyra Heartstrings. The short time spent with his close friends is a distant memory and he is tortured by the fact that he is so close to them but so far away as he helps Nightmare moon plot to reclaim Luna as her true vessel. Breaking free will not be easy as the queen of darkness knows his every thought. Will he and Lyra escape? Or will they help bring about the true return of Nightmare moon and her cohorts?

"Tragedy begets the best comedy"
-Nightmare moon

The chat room

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Middle of no where USA. That is my home town one could say. I live on in a old house by a dirt road, the only road for miles and the nearest town is at least 50 miles away. There is an old gas pump outside my house that folks are free to fill up I get paid just to maintain the station and it's enough to keep me going. Food trucks coming to and from the far off town drop off food and supplies I am free to live on my own. Loneliness doesn't bother me I got the internet it's all you really need to survive on your own after all. I created a chat room yet no one ever seems to enter it. So my life isn't exactly an interesting one obviously. However late one night...

I sighed while tapping on the flat part of the mouse so as to not click the button.

"Still nothing it's been 3 weeks." I muttered.

With a sigh of defeat I got up and reached to turn off the computer when the screen finally dinged.

Star angel had joined the chatroom

Star angel: hello?

Excited I signed in and began typing back. My username was relevant at the time so I left that part out.

Me: Hello there your my first visitor.

Star angel: I am? Oh thank goodness I'm not to late.

Me: Huh?

Star angel: This may sound a little strange but please tell me now what do you desire more then anything?

Me: What I desire? *rubs head* that's a bit out of left field. But... I'd have to say that I don't want to be alone anymore.

Star angel: Good good can you wish for it?

Me: What? Uh... okay I wish I wasn't alone anymore.

Star angel: No no no in reality please wish to not be alone anymore say your full name too hurry!

I was bewildered but I let go of the mouse and nodded my head.

"Okay then. I Anthony Chaotic Silverwind wish that I was never alone again. I want to find my paradise and share it with those I care about." I said then slapped my forehead I felt like an idiot.

Star angel: Thank you I will grant your wish. Tomorrow night at midnight return to this chatroom I will keep my promise to you. I must go now good luck!

Star angel has left the chat room

10 minutes to midnight... It was just as Star angel claimed the next night at midnight 6 people joined the chat room. Once a week they returned at midnight and I quickly became friends with all of them. They shared their lives and adventures they claimed to be creatures called ponies in a magical land called Equestria. I knew it was a lie but I didn't care I had wonderful and imaginative friends this continued on for months then one night everything changed. I was sitting in my room watching TV keeping an eye on my computer screen. My chat room was open and I just had to wait a little longer. Gods the clock couldn't go any slower tonight but I waited. Finally at 11:59 I turned my TV off and hopped on my computer. I waited just 60 seconds more and grinned as a name popped up.

20%Cooler has joined the chatroom

20%Cooler: Hello?

Me: Hey there you are.

20%Cooler: Oh it's you! Good I'm the first one here tonight.

Me: Huh that's a twist.

20%Cooler: S-shut up! Anyway did you get it?

Me: You bet I did.

20%Cooler: *squees* Awesome!

Me: Oh my... did you just type in that you squeed?

20%Cooler: If you tell anyone I swear to the sky I'll-

J's Apples has entered the chat room

J's Apples: Howdy ya'll what's going on?

20%Cooler: Ah what? I didn't even get to talk for 2 minutes so not cool.

Me: Hey J what's up?

J's Apples: *groans* please don't call me that ah hate this new user name there was nothing wrong with my old one.

20%Cooler: Besides the fact it is your real name come on no one on the internet uses their real name!

Me: I use my real name.

20%Cooler: Yeah but your name is awesome you don't need a fake one.

J's Apples: Huh I wonder where the others are.

Glory to fashion has logged on

Glory to fashion: I have arrived!

20%Cooler and J's apples: Great.

Me: *snickers*

Glory fashion: Well I never. Goodness I'm the third on here? How is that possible I'm always fashionably late!

20%Cooler: What fashion this is a chat room!

Glory to fashion: I got a new font style and color can't you tell?

Me: Not on this monitor.

Glory to fashion: Honestly darling when will you upgrade that disgraceful thing?

Me: When one of you gives me the 300 bits it would take to replace it.

Glory to fashion: Ah... I see anyhoo who wants to my newest design?

She threw up a few pictures of her newest outfits.

J's apple: What in tarnation are those?

Me: *slaps forehead* Cosplay.

Glory to fashion: Oh come on now you promised.

Me: Fine. *I look them over* No no no the skirt is a bit shorter and it's a diamond on the forehead not a cube.

Glory to fashion: Goodness, it this would be so much easier if I could contact you more then once a week.

Me: You think I like only being able to spend time with my friends only once a week? I hate it I want to be with you guys I hate it over here.

Bunnyluv has entered the chat room

Bunnyluv: H-hi everyone what's going on?

20%Cooler: Oh nothing special Anthony's Sovantchi'd his fate again.

J's apples: Ah knew ah shouldn't have let Lele Cele teach you a new word you use it wrong all the time.

20%Cooler: It's the perfect word! Sovantchi! See how cool that sounds?

Me: It's fine Bunnyluv I'm just depressed we only got an hour and a third of it's gone already.

Bunnyluv: Oh you poor thing I'm sorry can I do anything?

all: No!

Me: No... no thank you Bunnyluv the last time you tried to help it dodn't end well.

Bunnluv: Oh? I've offered to help before.

Glory to fashion: Yes darling on new years.

Me: When I sent each of you some sake...

20%Cooler: Best worst night ever.

Bunnyluv: Oh I see well can I do anything?

Live2party has logged in

Live2party: Hi hi hi everyone what's up?

Me: Ah there you are where is Cele?

Live2party: Not sure she hasn't come home yet.

J's apples: She still in canterlot?

Live2party: Yeah I think so. Oh wait she just came home I'll turn her computer on for her.

Bunnyluv: It was really nice of her to put you up while the bakery is being rebuilt.

Me: Party when I told you how to make soda rockets I should have mentioned to never... ever start them up inside. I take full responsiblity for that one.

Live2party: Nah the cakes are greetful actually this has given them the chance to rebuild the bakery I almost forgot to tell you guys but Mrs C is pregnant they got the news the other day!

J's apples: Land sakes that's something special right there I'll have to congradulate her when the bakery reopens.

Live2party: Ah here comes Lil Cele now. Aww spiky is already asleep poor thing didn't even make it to his bed I'll take care of that.

Lil Cele has logged in

Lil Cele: Ah finally hey everyone man what a trip that was.

Me: How are things back home?

Lil Cele: Not as good as I'd like Shining armor left looking for a kidnap victim it's someone really important to the royal family my parents are really distraught over it. Honestly this scrupulous course of events has me most vexed and disturbed.

20%Cooler: Gah big words hurt poor Cooler's head! Make her stop Tony!

Me: Don't whine and Cele please you know how she gets.

Lil cele: *giggles* alright so what's up?

Me: Not much just depressed we only got 20 minutes left tonight.

Lil cele: Oh my your right I'm sorry I should have hurried.

Me: IT's no one's fault but... I can't take this anymore and I really mean it this time. I don't belong here I belogn with you. You girls are my world I don't have a purpose outside of this house.

Lil cele: Oh that's right I wanted to talk to you about that. I've been talking to the princess and she has agreed to let us stay with you for a few days.

20%Cooler: No fooling!?

Lil cele: Yes and if all goes well we might just able to bring you back with us Tony but we have to test the portal first it is much safer for us to use it then you your body rejects magic after all but if we can set it up right you can come back with us.

J's apples: Who cares about that we get ta finally met Tony!

Live2pary: Whee this is going to be so awesome!

Glory to fashion: I shall prepare right away!

Bunnyluv: This is so sudden! I... I'd love to go anything for Tony.

Lil cele: We'll be there tomorrow at midnight that should give you enough time to set up Tony. Well it's almost 1 we should get to bed we got a big day tomorrow.

Me: Night girls I better get started.

With that we all logged off at once and I turned around the house was a cesspool of bachelorism.

"Hmm... I might actually need to use more then the hose to clean this up." I thought I got to work.

House guests are magic

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Chapter 1

house guests are magic

I decided to play a video game that night while I waited for the girls, normally I'm anxious but I had spent the last 23 hours being anxious so I gave myself a break and fired up Twilight princess. While I didn't talk to another of their friend's called Luna directly, Twilight has told her about the series and Twilight princess struck a similar cord with her so she loved hearing about the lore. I had a feeling about this Luna and I would be good friends someday if she ever came online. Midnight came and went and I hadn't even noticed I wasn't to surprised this wasn't the first time Twilight had tried to reach this "world" as she claimed and I wasn't going to get my hopes up again. Something always came up so I just indulged the fantasy earlier. After awhile I shut off the game I was tired and it was getting late even for me. I yawned and headed for my room flicking the light on I heard groaning.

"Turn off that light." a purple unicorn groaned.

There was another one a cyan pegasus who covered her head with her pillow.

"Come on turn it off." She begged and turned over away from the light.

"Oh sorry" I said and flipped the light switch off.

I walked a few steps down the hall way when I came to stop.

"Wait a..." I said and turned back flipping the light back on.

They all got up wide awake as they looked at me.

Next thing I knew I was buried alive in a six way glomp.

"Oh my gosh it worked! I can't believe it!" Twilight cheered.

I was knocked for a loop and I looked around the room at the rest of them. There were 6 of them all together just like they claimed. Each was a different color and had a distinct look to them. The first one Twilight of course which meant she was Lil Cele was a purple unicorn with a north star cutiemark. I didn't pay much attention to her explanation of them at the time, it just sounded to weird. After all she claimed that everyone in the place she lived had a tattoo on their butt er I mean flank that signified what they were good at. Heck if we had that here almost 12% of the nation probably won't be unemployed!

"What happened?" I asked as another pony a yellow pegasus helped me up Bunnyluv most likely from how delicately she seemed to be.

"Twilight cast the teleport spell but nothing happened so we went to bed." She said so softly I could barely hear her.

Twilight checked her book and bonks her forehead using her horn's aura to see in the dark.

"Oh duh it's a dream spell it didn't activate until we were asleep!" She exclaimed.

"No wonder it never worked we tried it during the day every time." Said a white unicorn with a purple mane Glory2fashion was my guess.

Fluttershy nuzzled my arm her muzzle, it was soft almost silky in texture. I've been to a farm before the horse I knew didn't have muzzles that soft plus they didn't talk either.

"We were so worried about you we were so disappointed when it didn't work." Fluttershy said and sat next to me.

I rubbed her head gently she flinched a little but liked the affection and leaned into it. A magical talking horse, the funny farm would have had a field day had I actually told anyone about this.

"Before we just thought it was because the princess didn't want us to teleport this far away. But it was just egghead messing up as usual she never thinks her plans through." Rainbow dash said shrugging ah 20%Cooler no doubt about it now I could guess the rest at this point.

It was simple really the pink one bouncing about was clearly Live2party. That would explain why she has the most spelling errors for her this was holding still most likely. Which left... J's Apples heh I already knew her name ahead of time, kind down to earth Applejack. Every bit as southern and the living embodiment of the life I am now ashamed to think was a lie this whole time.

"Wait... why is it still dark? Oh no I've gone blind!" Pinkie screamed and tripped over her own tail.

"Hold on I flipped the switch back off in surprise when you glomped me." I said.

I reached back and flipped the switch back on the girls gasped and moved away from me Twilight and Rarity actually light their horns up to cast spells in a natural reaction to what they say before them.

"W-what the hay are you?" Applejack yelped.

"Uh... I'm human I told you that." Was my response.

"We though you were role playing you taught us that remember?" Rarity muttered and started to play with her mane in her nervousness.

"Yeah I did but I told you flat out I was a human before we started roleplaying."

"W-what do we do?" Rainbow dash asked looking at Twilight.

"He's... handsome."

That was not the response I was expecting to hear let alone from Fluttershy the one so shy it was literally in her name!

"Yeah... you are. But regardless that doesn't matter, after all your still our friend right girls?" Twilight said.

They all agreed in unison it brought a smile to my face.

"Still though... ya'll are a human wow ya'll look so different then I thought." The cowgirl said with a smile.

I picked Applejack she couldn't have weighed more than 40 pounds or so.

"You're one to talk look at how little you all are. I mean I know that your little ponies, But come on you're not much bigger than my dog." I laughed then set AJ down.

"Goodness you're taller then the princess." Twilight realized as she trotted around me to get a better look.

I didn't wear anything special just a white shirt that had Never soft in marker on it, a pair of faded blue jeans and a old Nintendo 64 cap I got from a cereal box when I was 9 or so.

"Hmm... not by much her horn makes her taller." Rainbow dash said flying up to my height.

"Still doesn't matter I'm the tallest so I'm in charge that's how it works right?" I asked.

"No it's not!" Twilight counted.

"Celestia is the tallest being in your kingdom. And I am the tallest person in this house there for Twilight Sparkle I am your leader." I said pointing at myself with a grin.

The unicorn stuttered for a moment trying to think of some way to prove me wrong that's when it hit her... as advanced as their law system is when you really boil it down it really was that simple.

"Damn it he's right."

"Come on Twilight I'm just messing with you." I said rubbing her head she growled softly but didn't move her head away looks like this is something ponies do enjoy, makes sense as they don't have hands to rub just right.

"Ooo... that does feel good." Twilight submitted humming as I kept going.

"I want my head rubbed too!" Pinkie said and pushed Twilight out of the way and rubbed her head against my hand... yeah that works.

"We can sort all that out tomorrow come on I got your beds all set up downstairs." I said lifting my hand away from Pinkie's head.

"But can't we stay with you? I want to talk more." Pinkie said latching onto my leg.

"Now now darling don't make a fuss." Rarity smiled pulling her free from my leg.

"We can talk more in the morning." I stated and looked them all over.

"My gods I can't believe it. Your real, all of you are real it's breathtaking.

"Come on Romeo you can sweet talk us later." Rainbow dash said and pushed me out the door.

I showed them to the guest room I had set up ahead of time. It was out in the pool house the reflecting water from the pool looked like an ocean I often slept out here on warm nights. I couldn't actually swim so I kept the pool at only 4 feet deep which was still more then enough for the girls should they decide to swim.

"It's beautiful thank you." Twilight said her eyes glittering along with the water as she smiled at me.

"Okay breakfast is whenever I wake up so I hope you're hungry night." I said leaving.

They all waved goodbye and chatted with each other I watched for a moment then headed to my room. Inside I picked my camera and put a new roll of film in. I develop my own film I had the free time after all. Time... yeah that's one thing I have to much off. My life has always been like this as long as I can remember. But I'm not here to drag on about my life right now. I went down stairs and back to the pool room. The girls had already fallen asleep I wound my camera and took a picture of each of them then one of me in the middle with them.

"Just to prove to myself I wasn't crazy." I thought and headed to bed.

I returned to my room for the last time that night and went to sleep. If this was a dream I finally had one to be proud of for a change.

An everyday life

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The next morning I woke up and yawned. Man that was a wonderful dream last night so what If I'd never really met the girls I'd always have the chat room. I picked up my camera and checked it over the pictures i took were gone the back had popped off again as usual. I still smiled though and got up and went downstairs I started cooking myself breakfast when I heard noises behind me. Turning around I dropped the frying pan startling the girls.

"Whoa Tony you okay?" Rainbow dash asked eating a piece of toast.

"W-what the!?" I half screamed.

"Are you okay Tony? You look so frightened." Fluttershy said looking back at me.

"W-what are you doing here!?" I demanded pointing at Fluttershy.

Twilight looked at me with a bewildered look on her face.

"Ya'll invited us remember?" Applejack said.

"No I didn't! Did I?" I pondered.

Clever as always Twilight soon figured out the problem.

"Oh I know what's going on." She said then rolled up the newspaper she was reading and slapped me across the face with it a few times then unfolds it and resumes reading again.


I rubbed my jaw and nodded my head having finally calmed down.

"Good so how is breakfast coming AJ?" She asked.

I turned around as well and saw AJ had seized the frying pan I had dropped and was cooking eggs with it.

"Almost done ya'll like scrambled eggs Tony?" She asked me.

"Blech that must be my sister's doing I hate eggs I don't even keep them in the house." I waved her off and sat at the table.

"You have a sister?" Rarity asked brushing her mane to finish getting it how she liked it for the rest of the day.

"Yeah she's a pony like you girls." I answered taking a sip of the apple juice in front of me funny I don't remember buying this either, amazing flavor though.

"Wait... if she's a pony why did you freak out when you saw us?" Twilight asked putting the paper down it was mostly in defeat as she couldn't read it anyway.

"And how? I mean we had to use a royal level spell to get her that doesn't explain your sister at all." Came Fluttershy's response.

"Well... She's not really my sister I found her in the basement one day there was a sigil on the floor she was teleported here somehow. As for why i was so shocked to see you girls she... is very different from how you look."

I drank more of the juice and sighed.

"Very different."

"Can we meet her?" AJ asked as she served up everypony and myself.

"No she never comes out of the basement to afraid to let anyone find out she isn't a human. Oh which reminds me you girls can't go outside unless it's in the backyard. That means no flying Rainbow dash sorry." I said and tucked into the pancakes she had made to go with them.

They had a hint of apple to them amazing but still where did she get them? She wasn't really a farmer... was she? Well needless to say Rainbow dash was not happy about the no flying rule.

"If anyone see's you it's all over I've told you all this if you're seen we're screwed." I finished after she had finally calmed down.

"True... I mean it would be the same thing if we took him home it would be big trouble." Twilight said backing me up.

"Yeah I may live in the middle of scenic no where but there is a road and people do drive down it now and then."

"Tch so what am I going to do for 3 days?" Dash grumbled folding her forehooves.

I grinned and reached under the table pulling out a box inside it was every movie Harrison ford was ever in. I put this collection together after listening to Dash go on and on about the wonderbolts. Harrison while he wasn't personally one of my favorite action stars was still legendary and the indiana jones series enough was sure to satisfy even Dash. Before you ask I left the need for speed series out on purpose that's one train wreck I didn't want going on in my house.

"Eee so awesome!" Dash said snatching the box from me and flew into the other room to watch them.

"Wow she already knows how to work the DVD player." Twilight said watching her.

"She insisted I teach her how if she ever got here." I said with a smile.

"What can I do?" Fluttershy asked.

"Hmm... there is a forest behind my house if you promise not to go too far you can see if there are any animals nearby. I'm not sure if the animals around here are friendly to ponies but you can try your luck if you want." I said pointing it out to her.

With a triumphant look on her face Fluttershy excused herself from the table and headed for the forest humming to herself.

"What in tarnation happened to your backyard!?" AJ screamed when she say it.

I looked out the window. The backyard was like something you see outside of a hermit's place abandoned neglected and the yellow grass was consuming all of it. Huh come to think of it I didn't even know I had a backyard.

"Dang nabbit Tony ya'll can't have yard like that you can't grow nothing!" she scolded then throws her napkin down, puts her hat on and heads outside as well.

Meanwhile Pinkie had found my pie plate and lifted the lid off but only to find crumbs to greet her.

"What no snacks that's a crime against nature!" She said in outrage and started cooking.

"Ugh darling your fashion sense is horrible I simply must do something about it." She said then leaves the room into the craft room belonging to my grandma and locks the door.

From behind it I could hear the old sewing machine coming to life just like when I was little once again. Once they had left I simply smiled at myself and finished the last of my apple juice.

"You clever boy."

"Hmm?" I said and looked at the only one left Miss Sparkle herself.

"You knew what we'd want to do when we got here. I can tell you let the backyard go bad on purpose, the pantry just happened to be stocked with a ton of cake and snack mixes ready to bake, and you're wearing that nasty shirt and shorts Rarity hates those colors and that marker is bleeding a little you made that eyesore last night didn't you?" She said.

"I have no idea what your talking about Twilight." I said placing a picture book of the english alphabet on the table.

Twilight snatched it up and brought out one of her own and set to work translating the letters so she could read the books in the house in a matter of hours leaving the room to find a quiet place to do so.

"No idea at all." I smirked and kicked back in my chair quite pleased with how well my planning had actually gone off.

However elsewhere as I'd later discover my new found happiness came with a price and the debters were already in action to collect payment from me. Far away on the other side of the portal deep in the heart of the largest forest in the world the Everfree 4 dark souls had come together for a meeting beyond time and space. Though you now their names well my friends by the time you read this at the time none of us did and in respect of that the mystery shall be written here as well. Each of the 4 came into the light of a small campfire one by one. The first a creature that seemed to be made of the stars themselves each step kicked up stardust as she moved close to the flames. The next was a travasty of nature. The creature could not be classified it was created from the limbs of various creatures so simply slapped together as if in a rush to create... anything. This foul one snicked as if remembering a funny joke as he glided up to the flames as well.

The next creature another girl was as elegant as she was sinful. Even in something as simple as her movements moving up to the flames she gave off a devilish air and her tiny guardians reflected that same nature. While devoid of her elegance they shared her malice and her burning desires as well as the insect like appearance of this close but so far away race. The last to approach the flame could been far off into the distance as he moved toward the fire. He walked with pride and nobility and the shining red horn on his head glittered with very little light. But his eyes are what drew the most attention. A sinister green and red with teeth sharper then blades. By the time he reached the flames all had known well who he was without needing to see the crown on his head or the regal cape that covered his flank.

"So the spell worked I see." The star monster spoke her voice displaced and distorted.

Unlike the other 3 who had solid bodies her's was literally made of the stars as if a great tragedy had struck her and this was all that was left.

"Indeed the imprinting was a perfect success. As we speak those silly girls have already passed on our little gift to him." The animal monster laughed floating just off the ground.

"In just 3 days time the coming storm the enchantress foresaw will provide the power needed to drag him to this world and into our clutches." Said the insect creature licking her lips teasing her fangs on imaginary sustenance at the thought of it.

"Indeed how fortunate we find ourselves working together after all. I had my doubts but anything to avoid the fates we have suffered in the past and recent present." The dark one spoke looking at the star monster.

"Unlike the rest of you I wasn't given much time to plan and my defeat was needed in order to bring about their downfall. If they don't come together then driving them apart won't be revenge enough." She spoke a shooting star passing from the tip of her mane and across her face.

"We have been given a chance few ever will. Our minds have been sent back in time to set right our defeats at the hooves of those so called Mane 6. Even in your defeat you have indeed laid the way as promised. Now it is our turns to do the rest." The insect queen spoke.

"It is rather difficult doing much of anything in my state what with my body petrified still but being out of that stone prison is good enough I didn't escape just to be sent back in on the same day." The animal monster growed and clenched his paw.

"I too am more sluggish then I'd like with my body locked away but being out early has allowed me to venture in and out of the dimension I sealed my empire in I will begin my side of things as soon as he is here." The dark one noted.

"Then we shall regroup in 3 days. Keep your power in check at this point all of us could be easily defeated by Celestia no we will act carefully in a few short years we will all be back at full power and hopefully even more so. Don't abandon the plan working alone is what causes us to fail in the past once this is over then we can kill each other for who gets to rule got it?" The star monster asked.

They all agreed and went on their separate ways. What possible plan could 4 of Equestria's greatest villains have in store for me? And why do they need an average joe to do it? Well my friends that is what you are reading... to find out.

A river of dreams

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A river of dreams

That night I had an interesting dream. I was walking down a long corridor built from white stone. Taking a closer look I found it to be made out of Marble pure white marble. My body seemed to move on it's own though and below my feet was a blue carpet with gold trimming. The corridor went on endlessly but soon I noticed statues along the trail. They were curious, none of them had faces and none were of humans but rather of ponies just like the girls. The statues soon began to end as well but one of the statues was destroyed it laid in a heap. I was able to stop for a moment and I felt compelled to fix it. When I did a name appeared on the face plate below as the statue seamlessly fixed it's self. "Dalis Silverwind" The face plate read and I walked on as the dream soon came to an end.

"What... was that about?" I thought rubbing my head. I heard the TV going and checked the clock.

"6 am... time to go kick Dash off the TV." I yawned and went to do so.

The visit was going well I was proud to say. The girls each found something to do and became enthralled in it, I spent the next day hanging out with each of them when I could. Fluttershy loved the forest and I... was surprised to see how many animals were in there even more so because I often hunted in those woods. The surviving animals didn't seem to be scared of me either. I only hunt now and again anyway but now, maybe I'll start hunting in the forest across the way or something. Meat is to expensive to get in town so I catch most of my own. Teaching myself to hunt wasn't fun either thankfully dressing I already knew how to do thanks to my grandpa but yeah. Rainbow dash loved the Harrison ford movies but when she noticed my DVD series of Full metal alchemist well lets just say if Dash's 20% cooler phrase hadn't already been invented she would had made it up after that. Apple Jack transformed the Garden back to the way it was before I "wrecked it" honestly you don't water for a day or two in summer and it goes to hell heh.

Rarity came up with the perfect outfit for me. A black Denim short sleeve jacket white shirt with Never soft on it black pants and white shoes with green soles brought together by white fingerless gloves and a black bandanna with a dragon necklace. Don't get me wrong despite it being a completely black outfit it went perfectly she said she even made a blue version and a casual one to give me some variety sweet girl way to much free time on her hooves though. Pinkie baked everything I had supplies for, and I mean everything. Going to be eating cakes and cookie for the next month good thing I have a high metabolism and immunity to sugar. Twilight as already torn through half of my library after mastering English she just translated them all into equestrian for ease. Jeez it's a good thing they are only staying a few days. That night at dinner which AJ prepared (boiled apples with cinnamon it was tastier then I thought it would be.) I got the night saving idea.

"Pool party." I said flatly after swallowing the bite I was on.

"Pool party?" Twilight asked.

"Oh yeah definitely that is what we have to do tonight. Only problem is what to wear." I said holding my finger up then rubbing my chin to think.

"What do you mean what to wear? we don't wear anything anyway." Dash said.

"I have to wear something though only I got nothing to swim in which really sucks." I sighed.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Well shoot partner what you so afraid off it's just us just swim naked." She said and both Rarity and I nearly choked on our next mouthful.

"Yeah it may be acceptable in your culture to walk around naked. But I wear clothes all the time and if I had my say you girls would too I don't care if your horses or not I don't need to see... that all the time. "I said pointing at nothing in particular on Dash's body.

Okay I'll admit it I was embarrassed by how freely they walked around like that. Not like I could see much of anything their tails took care of that but still it just felt weird to me.

"Hmm I suppose I could make you some swim trunks I could make us all some swimming clothes while I'm at it that craft room is stocked with all kinds of fabric. I have always wanted to make a swimsuit line but only Nobles bother to wear clothes all the time so it was always such a small market and to hit or miss for my reputation right now." Rarity said measuring my waist.

"Well if it won't bog you down Rarity I say go for it after all we are guests in his home and we should respect his wishes my parents made me wear clothes whenever I came home and around company." Twilight said.

From her reaction I wasn't completely sure if she liked clothes enough but she seemed accepting enough.

"Oh fine just make sure mine is cool I don't want it slowing me down." Dash said flexing her wings.

"You all can swim right?" Applejack asked.

"Like a rock!" Pinkie grinned.

That wasn't a very encouraging thought but as I'd come to know soon enough when it came to pinkie sense belonged outside with reason.

"Oh no swimming is much to dangerous." Fluttershy declined.

"Dangerous!? Ah saw you giving a shark a bath before we came here!" Applejack shouted as Rarity left to get started.

"Oh that's much different I was in the shallows the whole time and I had my life jacket on." she responded.

"Disturbing to say the least." I said and left to get the pool ready while the others tried to talk sense into Fluttershy.

While Rarity was busy and the girls tried to point out that many of the things Fluttershy did for her animals was very dangerous but she felt otherwise I got on my computer and decided to make a mix bag of songs for the pool party. While my MP3 player was downloading my choices from my library I got a pop up.

"What the?" I thought.

I couldn't fathom it I mean first of all my computer wasn't even plugged into the internet I had to unhook it before the girls showed up to prevent any... "accidents", and second I don't get pop ups my firewall is unstoppable. But I was curious I mean a pop up? In 2013? I was curious to say the least to curious for my own good so I clicked on it expecting a virus. But what I got was interesting even after what I went through over the last 3 days. On the screen a unicorn mare with wings. Now why I said that instead of pegasus was she had dragon wings and her hooves were claws. Her eyes were a sharp yet caring pink along with a white flank and hair so red I could have sworn it was ablaze she spoke to me with pride while swishing her dragon like tail.

"Hello and welcome to Is-it-scary?.com I want to ask you a few questions." She said and a few prompts showed up on the screen.

"To begin are you afraid of blood?"

"Blood as if." I thought and hit no.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" She asked next.

"What am I 4?" I said out loud and clicked on no.

"Huh... no on both interesting okay lets try something a bit more serious then shall we? Do you fear the unknown?" She asked after tapping on her chin with her claw.

"Well... um... shoot." I thought and clicked on maybe.

I had 6 magical talking horses just in the other room but did I fear the unknown? I wasn't sure I mean who knows what else is in their world?

"Ah I see now then are you afraid of strangers?" She asked next more confidently.

"Well... yeah I am I mean that's why I live all the way out here by myself." I said and clicked yes.

The questions rolled on and on I was confessing my biggest fears to this program. It asked me everything some things I don't even remember answering. It wanted my entire life. Who I was how big was my family why I lived all alone and yet forgetting that I had clearly lied to my friends about my sister who didn't even exist in the first place. I just didn't want to appear helpless. And then finally the biggest question of all.

"Are you afraid of dying?" The dragon mare asked with a concerned tone.

I hesitated this was again something I don't remember did I say yes? Did I say no? I don't know for sure and doubt I ever will but it was finally over as she folds her fore hooves and nodded her head pleased.

"Thank you very much we shall contact your shortly have a nice day." She grinned flashing some wicked looking teeth they were nothing like the girls these were meant to tear flesh.

The pop up closed it's self and I heard Rarity calling me the swimsuits were done. Getting up I looked back at the computer for a moment before I turned it off.

"Was that Star angel?" I thought but shook it off and went to find Rarity. I had a pool party to get to after all.

Each of the girls had swim suits that suited them I felt. Twilight's was a simple one piece a light color then her flank with constellations on it. Rainbow dash's was more of a wet suit then a swim suit but like she asked it was designed not to slow her down and she didn't care there was nothing special about it and was first in the water. Rarity's of course had the most effort put into it looking more like a run way item then something she could wear in the pool and judging from the make up she was still wearing I had a feeling she wasn't going in any time soon, if at all. Applejack's would have caused a nose bleed if A I did get those and B these girls weren't my friends. Her's was a imitation set of a Daisy duke like bikini bottom and top. Finally I got a pair of black flame swim trunks which I changed into and met them at the pool. Pinkie had joined Rainbow dash in the water as Twilight was doing a safety check on herself and everything else in the room of course. Rarity was busy showing her's off AJ was using my blender to whip up a few drinks (Which scares me as I never taught her how and she assured me she's never seen such a "bizarre contraption" before. Fluttershy meanwhile had a bath robe on clearly to embarrassed to be seen in what was most likely a bikini. I hooked up my MP3 player and the music started up.

"Come on Tony come play with us!" Rainbow dash waved.

"Alright I'm coming heads up!" I said dashing toward the pool.

I run to the edge but before I jump I slip luckily my head just barely missed the edge of the pool as I crashed into the water.

"Ah phew that could have sucked." I said rubbing the back of my head to be sure I hadn't hit it.

"Please be more careful oh I knew this was a bad idea!" Fluttershy said checking my head from the edge of the pool.

"Sugarcube ya'll think everything is a bad idea." Applejack said as she holds down the lid to blend a big piece of apple

But it is he could have gotten badly hurt! Look he's bleeding!" She said pointing my head towards her.

"I'm fine Fluttershy you worry to much. Besides that's a piece of apple." I said taking the red flake of skin that had landed on me from the blender.

"Oh no you can never worry to much." She said giving me a life jacket.

"I see..." I was able to say before Rainbow dash pulls me backwards and under the water making me drop the life jacket.

Dash's wings made her pretty zippy under the water it was hard to catch her but I knew this pool better then she did. I braced my legs against the nearby wall and launched myself at her she swam away but got caught in a current that helped circulate the pool water and I tackled her holding her down tight as I rose up above the water.

"No way how did you catch me!?" She said in shock.

"Heh it's my pool I know where the water flows." I said poking her nose making her blush slightly.

"Nicely done." She stuttered then splashed water in my face to make me let her go.

"Bet ya can't do it again!" She said taking off.

"Try me!" I said and dove after her.

I chased her again meanwhile Twilight had finished her safety check cast a quick spell on herself to keep her fur from getting and jumped in too. Rarity finished showing off carefully climbed into the pool by the stairs casting a the same spell as Pinkie floated in an inner tube nearby.

"There these are done ya'll one?" AJ announced.

"Come swim with us AJ we can have them when we're done!" Pinkie said.

"Alrighty then." She said putting her hat on the table and uses the diving board.


The splash was enormous for such a tiny thing it was so big it splashed Fluttershy and the rope fell off. I was right about the Bikini it had butterfly motifs all over it. Fluttershy screamed and covered herself with her wings her face was redder then mine was when I walked in on Twilight showering the night before. I've lived alone for years I'm not used to people being in my house yet.

"Honestly Fluttershy you look magnificent stop being so shy darling." Rarity said ignoring a splash from Rainbow dash that just slipped down her barrier spell, much to her dismay.

"Yeah we're all friends here come on." I said and we all cheered her on.

"W-well... okay. She squeaked and lowered her wings.

"Atta girl come on Fluttershy swim with us! I promise I won't splash you again!" Rainbow said.

"B-but I don't know how."

"I'll teach ya." I said wading up to her and held out my arms.

So reluctantly Fluttershy came over and jumped into my outstretched arms. I carefully lowered her into the water (After she put on a life jacket of course) and started teaching her how to swim. Now teaching a pony how to swim was trickier then I thought but she trusted me and I just watched the others. Being the uber tall one is very useful at times.

"D-don't let go." She whined holding onto my arm tightly with her left wing as she did what I told her too.

"Who me? Never." I promised.

The panicked look on her face soon disappeared as she actually started having fun as she started to learn the basics I head on the whole time of course. After awhile we sat on the steps and Twilight floated the drinks AJ made to each of us.

"To new friends." Twilight toasted.

"To new friends." The rest of us replied.

"I am going to start working on a way to take you with us Anthony we had no idea it was this lonely out here." She said sadly.

"What do you do when we're not around?" Fluttershy asked as she relaxed in my lap.

"I think a lot, read books just wait mostly. I work on my grampa's old car too I have no idea what I'm doing but it passes the time." I responded.

"What do you think about?" Pinkie asked.

"Well I often dream I am a knight a powerful protector of Equestria you know that one I often am in our RPs? From what you've told and shown me you girls could use more knights and a strong one to lead the rest if half the stories about the royal guard are true that is." I chuckled.

"We can handle things." Rainbow dash boosted.

"Handle is not good enough maintain and prevent is what you really need." I countered.

"What makes you think you'd be a good knight?" Twilight asked seriously.

"I'm not sure but I know I got the drive and the desire to protect and serve others. I'd be a cop most likely if I didn't have a 50 mile commuted every day." I shrugged.

The girls chatted to themselves each considering the idea of me being a good knight or not having no clue what a cop is.

"Why would I tell them that? That's odd I do think about being a knight but... still what is going on with me lately?" I thought my mind was swimming with thoughts yet again.

The beautiful nightmare

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The party was going great about an hour had passed when we decided to play water polo chicken style. Fluttershy was on my shoulders while AJ had Rarity on her shoulders Dash flew over head for our team to act as goalie and Twilight floated herself with her magic. Pinkie as the referee was in hindsight, a bad idea.

"Foul, double bogey, offside!" Pinkie yelled blowing on a whistle she had.

"What's a bogey?" Fluttershy asked catching the ball with her wings.

"That's Basket ball, Golf and Football Pinkie not polo." I said lifting Fluttershy up higher to score past Twilight.

"I don't know what to call it you stepped over the line AJ!" Pinkie called.

"It's a little hard to balance like this!" AJ yelled back her legs twitching trying to balance Rarity.

Rarity was completely above the water making it difficult for AJ to balance.

"Stop fidgeting so much darling I can't get this swim suit wet its dry clean only." She said catching Fluttershy's next throw and scored herself.

"What the... then why are you wearing it? I was only using my barrier spell to practice it." Twilight said getting splashed in the face by Pinkie who points at me.

"It's made out of the finest materials I could find you can't expect me to wear anything less now can you?" Rarity responded.

Applejack with a look on her face that said "To hell with this." dropped Rarity and she fell backwards into the pool.

"Apple Jack what have you done!? My swim suit it's ruined!" Rarity gasped her make up running.

"It's a swim suit ya swim it that thing an't no swim suit if ya don't!" She yelled back.

"Why you uncultured orge!"

Rarity loosing her feminine grace tackles Applejack and they start fighting in the pool.

"Girls don't fight! Pinkie call a time out!" Twilight yelled.

"Come on AJ go get her!" Pinkie cheered using a megaphone as Twilight face hoofed.

"Go get her Rarity!" Rainbow dash said throwing punches in midair.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy breathed as I pulled her off of my shoulders and set her next to the pool's edge.

"Once again it's up to me to save the day." I sighed.

I waded between the two of them, reached under the water and pull them up by their tails they were still fighting as I did so.

"Unhand me at once I must teach her a lesson!" Rarity demanded.

"Go ahead just don't do it in the pool I don't want you killing each other." I said back

Walking out of the pool I drop them into the over sized hamper where they keep going at which I then pushed away from the pool and got back in.

"There all better." I said and Fluttershy climbed back onto my shoulders.

"Celestia give me strength." Twilight muttered.

A moment later the lights go off and fluttershy screams.

"W-what happened!?" She yelped holding onto my head like a vice grip.

"Relax it's just a power outage it should be back on soon." I said trying to pull her off for she crushed my head.

Rarity and Twilight's horns started to glow and we notice we weren't in the pool house anymore. Applejack and Rarity hearing the commotion knock the bin over and tumble out where Applejack makes a discover.

"Grass... what the? Where are we?" She said.

A strange howl one kind of similar to a wolf is heard in the distance and the girls scream.

"Timber wolves!" Pinkie freaked and latched onto me as well.

"What's a timber wolf?" I said when something grabbed me and yanked me out of the water leaving Fluttershy and Pinkie behind.

"Tony!" Twilight screamed and sweeped her horn over the area I was but I was gone.

"He's gone we have to find him quickly!"

"I don't know where we are I know it's in the Everfree forest but I've never seen this area before. We're in deep where ever we are." she said trying to figure things out.

A quick look around and Twilight noticed items in that were in the beach house before we got sent to wherever this is.

"The things in the room that were with us got teleported as well and we are in a pond it seems. We need help I hope this spell works out here ponies have been studying the forest for years and we still are not sure how it effects magic truly yet.

Summoning up her magic she launces a magical flair high into the air and it goes off it started off as a bright green and turned a vibrant red before fading into a skull and cross bones.

"I hope some pony saw that SOS spell I'll send off a few more Fluttershy you, AJ, and Rainbow dash go find Tony Pinkie I don't care how but get some help." Twilight ordered throwing up another flare.

"On it!" Pinke said with a salute and bounced away while Rarity helped throw up flares too.

A short while later pinkie and the others returned but none had good news as to my fate or their own.

"It's no good it's to thick even I can't get out of here." Pinkie sighed.

"There is nothing but forest for miles I can't even see Mount Canterlot from here." Rainbow dash reported.

"Twilight... are you sure we are back home?" Rarity asked.

"We heard a timber wolf call didn't we? Besides my magic is stronger here it has to be Equestria it was a lot harder doing it in Tony's world."

"I found which way he went but it's much to dangerous to follow there is a massive colony of star spiders that way their bites are deadly." Fluttershy said starting to tear up.

"Star spiders? Great that's the last thing we right now." Rainbow dash complained.

"So we're trapped out here and we can't even get help?" The farmer inquired.

"I wrote a letter while trying to calm myself down but without spike I can't send it." Twilight said.

"The sun won't be up for another 9 hours too." Fluttershy added.

"All we can do now is wait huh? Well ah'll get a fire going then no point in freez'n" AJ said stacking logs together.

"No we can't draw that kind of attention we have no choice we have to hunker down and wait for the sun to come up maybe then Rainbow dash can fly up high enough to see where we are." Twilight said as the others groaned.

The girls huddled closely together using the towels from the hamper to dry themselves off then fend off the cold they were in a rough night though not as rough as I mine was about to be.

I came too feeling my body being dragged the ground. I couldn't speak as my mouth had been gagged nor could I move my body either. I was being dragged toward a fire around it where... ghosts it seemed. One was almost as dark as the night around it a very deep blue that's body seemed to be made up of stars. Another was a mish mash of different colors each with the head of a different animal it seems to be a snake like creature yet it's long neck and head made the silhouette of some kind of humanoid form. The next was a black cloud with a red horn made out of crystal and red and green eyes with a purple smoke rising from the edges.

"At last they have returned!" The dark one cheered.

I was dropped by the fire and the creatures that carried me moved out of sight all I could see where their glowing green eyes.

"So we are all here then?" Asked the star monster.

A new voice rang out it sounded distorted I couldn't tell if it was suppose to be male or female it didn't reveal it's self either all I saw of it was just a bit of it's wings they had holes in them and looked much like a bug's.

"Indeed we are we have successfully captured him without alerting those ponies to our plans. Once we finish here he will be perfect for our plans!" The voice cackled.

"Indeed I have failed already but with him serving out our new plan we'll wipe them out for good! The elements can't be used if their owners are dead after all!" the star monster laughed.

"Now now we don't need to kill them just break them up that will be much more fun besides if we kill them the elements will just pick new masters like they always do we have to break the bond. Now if we break the bodies in the process well." The animal monster trialed off and chuckled as well.

First we have to break this... human. He can't exist how he is that will ruin everything." The dark one grinned.

"Hmm that is a good point what can we do though? We can't control him it seems these human things are immune to magic that's why we had to drag him back here." The unknown voice said clearly some sort of insect the way it's wings looked and moved from what little I could see.

Star monster: Hmm... ah I know we'll use the same method I did to take over my last host though this will be much more... messy." She grinned.

Something behind me covers my eyes with a blind fold and I hear magic being charged up by all of them the magic would have revealed their true states to me. What happened next I can't describe, pain like I've never felt before I felt my body twisted and rearranging my jaw broke and realigned it's self my legs hyper extended then snapped and twisted themselves around and I felt something on my sides burn hot as something... grew there. My head was next I couldn't remember how that happened once my skull started to reshape I passed out. I woke up hours later still blindfolded but no longer bond. I tried to move and my body screamed in pain I felt something wet and sticky and my hands were bound in something I couldn't move my hand out of a fist meaning I couldn't take my blind fold off. I laid there for awhile as the pain my body in slowly but surely began to fade enough for me to attempt to move again.

Finally after what felt like hours I was unable to stand up but I dragged myself along the ground. I patted the ground as I moved along I was on something hard based on the sound it made it was most likely a rock I was still gagged so I couldn't call for help. Move forward I reached the edge of the rock and felt downward I couldn't feel what was below me so I waited on top of the rock for more of the pain to pass and I tried to pull on the blindfold. It was over my eyes to tight to be moved but I felt a loose rock nearby. I moved to the edge and slid it off I quickly heard a soft thunk the ground was very close. I bit the bullet and slipped off of it I was only 3 feet off the ground or so and I landed safely. my legs refused to work so I continued to drag myself sides with the pain I was in I couldn't do much else. After awhile I felt gravel I slid my arm over to confirm yes it was gravel alright I checked further on and found grass again this was indeed a trial I leaned against the nearby tree and waited resting.

After while I heard something then someone coming toward me. I felt something grab my head and take off my blind fold my right eye was swollen shut but I could make out the silhouette of something. My ears must have had blood or fluid in them because I couldn't make out what they were saying but from what little I did here it did indeed sound like English or Equestrian as Twilight put it. I felt myself being lifted into the air yet nothing was beneath me to hold me up so I deduced the girls had found me or another unicorn did. I was lowered gently into a cart and I felt a blanket be put under my head as a pony was starting to dress my wounds. 20 minutes later I felt my self be placed on a gurney it had to be as I saw lights above me zoom past I was facing up so I had to be in a hospital by now. I must have been dumped fairly close to a main road I figured. I flinched as something was cramped into my ear but soon after my ears finally popped and the sound started to come back in.

"Get me 30 cc's of blood now!" A voice yelled.

It was a female a doctor or nurse I deduced the gag was still around my mouth for whatever reason they hadn't removed it yet. I laid there and let them work on me my right eye was swollen shut and my left was so blurry it hurt trying to see out of it. I was safe at least. I know I fell asleep but when I woke up later I had a patch over my right eye and that dang gag was still there but I could see out of left eye clear as day actually if anything I could see better out of it as they hadn't replaced my glasses on my face. I looked at my hands they were still bandaged up which didn't look that good. I looked around the room off to the side on a small table was a large pile of bloody bandages, yikes just how badly was I hurt anyway? I looked in a nearby mirror I looked like a mummy all I could see was my eye. Christ they dilated the hell out of it now it was as big as a pony's. Still I was alive at least. By now the only pain I had was my sides my head and my butt for some reason. As I tried to get the bandages off my hands so I could flex them a nurse pony came in.

Nurse: ah what are you doing!? Don't take off your bandages!

She ran up to me and held my hands down.

Nurse: Your stitches haven't been removed yet your body is covered in them please you need to hold still.

"Mmph!" Was all I could manage to say.

"I can't take the bandages on your face you have a very deep cut in your throat we have to keep it on until it heals your very lucky to be alive the cut didn't hit your major artery plus we had to wire your mouth shut because your jaw was disconnected on both sides. It's like it was ripped free but left connected at the same time!" She said in both amazement and horror.

So that explains why I was still gagged my mouth was wired shut and I had a cut in my throat! Christ how was I even alive? I sighed and laid back on the bed I was not happy about this I couldn't even ask if my friends were okay.

"Good good. I will alert the ponies that found you that you are okay please wait here." She said and left.

Ahe leaves and after awhile 3 ponies show up. One had a white flank lighting blue mane and wore purple sunglasses she was listening to what looked like an I pod. The next was massive he was a bright red with an orange mane and a yolk around his neck. The last was pegasus she had a gray flank blonde mane and a wonky eye it was kinda cute actually.

"This is Vinyl Scratch, Big Macintosh and Ditzy doo they are the ones that found you." The nurse said and left us alone.

"You were a nasty sight bro I was poking you with a stick when Big mac came by he's the one that loaded you up in his cart after I put you down in it." The unicorn said.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said with a nod.

"I was on my mail run when I saw what was going on I got the pegasus medics and they got you here in the nick of time you feeling any better?" The grey mare asked her saddle bag had what looked like muffins in it.

I nodded my head the best I could and flinched It felt like I had a metal road in my back.

"Your body is healing quickly but you won't be only anywhere for at least another 3 days. Wow that your awake your body should heal much faster." the nurse said coming back with fresh bandages.

"Cool we'll be back in 3 days to check up on yah." Vinyl said waving goodbye.

With that they left and the nurse gave me some medicine to help me sleep again. I was lucky to be alive. 3 days later as promised my bandages were ready to come off. I didn't care about the fact I was only in the hospital for 3 days maybe they fixed me with magic or something. Whatever I didn't care at the time because I could finally flex my hands again ponies are insane keeping my hands curled up like this so long I feel like my fingers are going to fall off. My saviors were there as she started to take off my bandages.

"Mmph!" I said again while the nurse worked quickly.

"Hold on I have to unwrap your head first I've already started." She said.

I growled softly mostly in frustration as she slowly undid the bandages on my head. When she finished something felt weird my ears were flat had they been cut off? I felt the side of my head they weren't there! Sliding my hoof up I found them on top of my head!

"Grmph!?" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I rubbed my ears to indicate that is what I was upset about.

"Don't worry your ears are just fine your hearing will come in fully in a moment." She said trying to calm me down.

She was right a few seconds later my hearing dramatically improved so much so that I covered them I could hear every little sound around them and it hurt!

"Oh dear hyper sensitivity." She said concerned.

She grabbed my hat off a coat rack nearby and placed it on my head I sighed in relief it dulled the sound just enough to be comfortable again.

"We best leave your eye tell later it should have more time first now then what next your legs or your mouth? Your vocal cords were damaged and won't heal for at least another month or so."

With that option gone I just held up my arms as she started cutting the casts they were in off then she unwrapped them. I... was stunned silent. The tips of my hands... were gone my fingers all 10 of them had been cut off! I had a faint scar on the back of my left hand that was still there but my fingers... were gone no wonder I couldn't flex them! I was crippled! The nurse didn't even seem phased as she started to remove the lower body brace I was in with a saw. I moved my ex hands as a tear came to my eye. What kind of monster cuts off a guy's fingers? I need those! As she unbandaged my legs I felt her bump them and I looked down in horror my legs had been bent backwards! And they casted me up like that! Oh gods what madness was this!? I couldn't believe it when she finished my toes were gone too they had been chopped off as well! This was like a horror movie!

"Hey not bad aside from the stich marks you look great buddy." Vinyl said.

"Eeyup." Big mac agreed.

"Wow your really lucky frew people survive timberwolf attacks!" Ditzy added in.

I just looked at all of them. Had I gone crazy... or was I just Frankenstein into becoming a pony!?

You belong to me

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You belong to me

The nurse was busy telling me what to be careful about but I didn't hear a thing I couldn't if I tried. As she spoke I heard a bell tolling in the distance. As the bell tolled sound started to become distorted around me and time slowed down.

"What is going on?" I thought and then air around me grew cold.

Before long the others stopped moving all together and the world tinted orange. I looked at the sky it was moving really quickly and what clouds I could see were red.

"That's weird even for Equestria." I said and covered my mouth.

My throat! It... it didn't hurt at all come to think of it none of my body did but at a glance it was clear as I dragged my "hoof" along my arm and smeared the blood there that I wasn't better but there was no pain at least. I tried to get out of the bed but couldn't move, looking again I noticed that I could move but not any object other than myself or what was on me, meaning the blanket was trapping me. Sliding backwards and out from the covers I sat on the bed and looked backwards. The blanket was still in the same spot in the shape of me under it that was when I tested my new body.

"Yeah they ponized me alright." I said outloud flexing my new left forehoof.

It was weird how it bent like that same with my legs. I dared to stand upright and was met with a face full of nearby dresser.


I felt blood dripping off my face I must have broken my nose with that attack of stupidity but again no pain. Trying again I managed to stand up shaky but I got used to it though I could tell that my new legs would not like this normally. Leaving the room and using the wall to brace myself I walked down the corridor and checked the other rooms. Everypony was frozen nothing was moving but me.

"Well clearly whatever is going on has something to do with me. Grandpa's always said I had the devil's luck but so far I have yet to see the good part of that luck." I grumbled.

My new ears flicked knocking my hat over my eyes smearing it with blood.

"Ah damn it." I said and tried to wipe it off.

"Hello?" A voice called out.

What the?

"Hey is anyone there?" I called out.


It was a voice I moved down the hallway and down the stairs I heard the calls for help echoing up ahead.

"Get away from me!" The voice called out again now clearer and I finally was able to see who was calling for help.

It was a mint green unicorn strapped down to a table. There was strange presence wrapping around her hind legs that she was kicking at.

"Help!" She called out again it was starting to get a hold on her.

I got to the door but couldn't open the door it was a knob designed to be open by the unicorn doctor most likely.

"What the? Damn it!" I said fumbling with the knob.

"What are you doing!?" She said finally hearing me.

"I can't open the door!" I said still trying.

"Just turn the handle it's not rocket science!"

"I don't have fingers anymore the damn doctor cut mine off!

"Then bite it you still got teeth don't you?"

She was right. I grabbed the knob with my mouth and turned it bursting into the room. When I threw the doors open I rattled the nearby desk and a lamp fell over blasting the presence with light. It screeched in pain and withered away from her and into the darkness nearby. Seeing this I grabbed the lamp and shined it directly on the presence. It screeched again and slide into the air duct nearby.

"That was close." I sighed putting the lamp down.

"Hey great job and all but can you cut me loose before that thing comes back?" She asked.

I moved up to the table and put my hooves on it. Looking around I noticed release buttons and pushed them and she sat up rubbing her horn.

"Gah this thing has been itching like crazy since I got it." She said and sighed in relief as she finally scratched it.

"What do you mean since you got it?" I asked and hit the button for her legs but it got stuck I started to bite at the leather strap to cut her free, after all I wasn't about to try to wield a knife in my mouth at the moment.

"Some weird... smokey thing slammed this into my forehead awhile ago." She said and watched me work.

Finally I bite through it and she rubbed her leg.

"Smokey thing... did it have a red horn?" I asked.

"Yeah it did and green eyes."

That was one of the monsters that did this to me...

"Were you in a forest?" I asked next but she shook her head.

"No I woke up on this table last thing I remember was a thunderstorm going on then I woke up here a few hours ago. I've been strapped to this table the whole time. Then that thing came into the room and slammed this... thing into my head and after that I was attacked by that thing you saved me from. I thought I was going to die to tell you the truth." She said leaning toward me and I screamed.

"You did." Was all I could say pointing at her face.

Her left eye... was gone just a gaping hole and I could see a clear wound all the way through her head as if something had been slammed through it.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

That's right the pain thing... I couldn't feel pain either so how could she even know? She must think her eye is simply bandaged as save for the hole most of her face was bandaged.

"It doesn't matter... I'm beginning to think you and I have passed on." I said and I grabbed my jaw and pulled on it making her scream.

My jaw nearly broke away from my face as I pulled on it making the wire come undone no way I could be alive and do that.

"W-we can't be dead!" She denied.

"Your strapped to a morgue exam table." I said and she looked down with a scream there was a drainage sink under her still filled with the blood that didn't drain out.

"No... no no no I can't be dead!" She sobbed.

I looked at my left fore hoof at the scars of my missing fingers.

"I'm amazed I lasted as long as I did." I thought.

After awhile she calmed down though I'm not sure how long awhile was really with no time flowing it could have been days or minutes. Plus you know we were underground. I took this time to think back on last night in the forest. I remember the camp fire and the 4 monsters that did this to me. It was hazy but I remembered part of the conversation. I had woken up once before they left me there but didn't remember until now as my mind had a chance to process with the pain gone.

That night

"Hmm... I'm not satisfied with the results." The star monster said.

"Well it was our first try after all I think we did a splendid job." spoke the animal monster.

"A good job? This monstrosity will never pass as one of them it has no mane fur or tail and a single examination will prove it doesn't have magic either!" The dark one yelled.

"But we have learned something very important we don't need the body it's self simply the soul. One of my children has informed me of a terrible accident and the victim is hanging by a thread. She will be for our next test subject a fully functioning body and thanks to my efforts we have a soul to practice with." The insect monster said holding up a lantern with it's magic.

A mint green will o wisp with a lyre in the center was visible.

"Better yet this soul is highly compatible with the existing body the wavelengths are surprisingly compatible." She grinned.

"Do as you see fit I will be taking this one as agreed upon. It's flame is almost snuffed out and it will be a perfect vessel for me. After all it belongs to me now." The star monster said and forced it's way into my body the pain overloaded my senses and I passed out again to wake up when I thought I originally did.


"That thing is inside me." I realized.

"Correct." A voice rang out and we both gasped.

The star monster rose up from my shadow and I slide away from it but she followed.

"What is that!?" The unicorn screamed.

"Silence!" the star monster commanded and she whimpered softly.

She curled around my body and I felt it growing colder then before as her face moved in front of my own.

"Hello Son." She said plainly.

"Son?" I asked.

"Indeed you are my son. You are also my Vassel and Vessel from now on."

She caressed my face with a soft but sinister smile.

"It is thanks to me that you are still on this plane after all. Without me the collector would have dragged you to Tartarus by now." She claimed.

"Tartarus... Hell?" I asked.

"Well it's very similar to your so called hell but unlike yours ours is quite real indeed and far more woeful. You see Anthony that is your name right? Ugh such a ugly thing I'll have to take care of that later. Tartarus is both the origin and end of all things. Ponies dragons monsters we all crawled out of Tartarus and we will all return to it. I myself however am the exception. I wasn't born of tartarus no no I was born of the moon. I am the living embodiment of the moon's darkness as well as the nightmares it creates. They feed me they strengthen me and until quite recently they held me against my will." She growled.

Celestia... even I knew this tale very well by now.

"But my son you don't know the whole tale." She said interrupting my thinking.

"Wait how did you know I was thinking about that?" I asked.

"I am apart of you now everything you know I know as well~" She hummed.

"But that doesn't make sense how can you be the incarnation of the moon?" I asked.

"You know the answer but you dare not speak my name." the monster spoke.

"I'm afraid too." I admitted.

"You have no choice say the name of your savior! Say the name that will pluck you from purgatory away from the vile beast that stalks the halls, gathering weak and helpless souls and dragging them to their doom. Say the name of one that will heal you enough to let you awaken and that of your sister too. I am bound to you but she knows to much I will not let these secrets escape into Tartarus I will link your souls together and control you both now say it boy say the name of your mistress, your mother, your queen!" She commanded.

I gulped as I felt time begin to start back up my pain returning, and my heart starting to race once more. Before my eyes the gaping wound in the unicorn's head healed over as she shook her head pleading quietly not to speak her unholy name.

"Nightmare moon."

A prison called home

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A prison to call home

I awoke still upright in my hospital bed. The pain had been replaced by something else. Though the room was empty I felt my skin begin to burn I soon realized it wasn't burning but rather it was changing. Countless hairs grew from my skin becoming a fine coat along with a mane on my head. I felt a few of my bones rearrange and I soon sprouted a tail forcing me to lay down on the bed as it came in. I checked the mirror once more. Now I had a light almost caramel brown flank a green mane and a blue eye. I wasn't sure about the right one but I looked better. The nurse had put simple bandages of my hooves instead of a cast allowing me to stand up right easier. No wonder I had trouble walking in that place. I then realized and checked my nose it was not bleeding.

"So my new wounds are gone that's good at least." I thought.

I didn't dare speak a throbbing pain in my throat proved otherwise that it was safe to do that again. I hit the button to call a nurse but nothing happened. I stood on my hind legs and balanced on them properly good at least I can walk now. Though I still needed the wall to keep me upright I moved down the hallway. It was then I noticed what I didn't before there fire alarm was going off and the hospital was empty. I then saw why there was a fire! I followed the fire and saw it was coming from the basement.

"Why is there a fire down here?" I thought and started to head away my curiosity quenched when I heard it...

"Help!" called a voice.

Son of a... it was that girl again she was still down there! With a groan I hobbled down the stairs and to the morgue. She was still stuck on the table trying to get free as a small fire in a waste bin nearby roared. It won't catch the hospital on fire but the smoke in the room was going to kill her soon. Whoever set the fire wanted her to stay dead. learning quickly from last time I used my mouth to open the door and I hit the release buttons and helped her stand. Her missing eye from before had glazed over meaning she couldn't see out of it but being up right was all she cared about right now.

"You heard me again. Thank you." She said.

I pointed at the door and she nodded her head. I helped her stand as well and we helped each other walk on our hind legs out of the hospital. The outside area had been set up and we both collapsed on the same bed.

"Where you two still in there!?" A nurse asked horrified.

"Yeah thanks for nothing." the green mare said.

The nurse ran off to tell a doctor as she sat up exhausted and looked at me.

"I guess I should tell you my name now since I know you weren't just a dream. My name is Laurie Gordon but I got a feeling that name is not going to work here so... Call me Lyra Heartstrings. That's what the damn smoke monster said the owner of this body was called. I'm going to get him for this I bet he killed that poor girl just to use this body." She growled and sighed her ears dropping.

"Damn it this is so unfair I just graduated from high school like 2 weeks ago! I had my whole life head of me."

She tucked her legs in close to herself as best as she could strangely as a pony she could pull her feet right up to her chin which seemed to work for her though as she got lost in thought. So fresh outta high school. She'd have to be between 17 to 19 depending where she went to school. Little more than a child like I was. Had I actually gone to high school I mean. We waited for awhile and a nurse and doctor examined both of us. The doctor used his magic to sweep both of us and gasped softly.

"Doctor what is it?" the nurse asked and he pulled her away.

Lyra not feeling good laid down we were on separate beds by now. I took my hat off to rub some of the dried blood off my new mane when I over heard them talking. My hearing was still hyper sensitive but only with my hat off.

"The asylum!? A-are you sure?" the nurse said in alarm but the doctor hushed her.

"Yes they must be taken care of. Both of them are lost ones they should both be dead. I just got her medical results." He said showing them to her she screamed but he used his magic to muffle her.

"T-that can't be the object when clean through her head!" the nurse said.

"Yes... they slipped out somehow who knows what monsters inhabit those bodies now. Powerful ones to revive the bodies. If we don't take care of them anything could happen." He said.

"Alright... I'll take his body cast off and send him out." She said and came back over to us.

"I will contact Celestia at once she must be informed as always.

I put my hat back on and looked at her curiously like I didn't hear here. They knew... they knew we escaped from that place and want to get rid of us. Not happening, not on my watch. When she got close enough I grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed jumping off at the same time. I wrapped her up in the blanket then kicked the wheel locks off the bed Lyra was off and pushed it away quickly.

"Ah what's going on!?" she said startled.

"Get them their lost ones!" The doctor shouted

Orderlies chased us down I kicked one away as he got close another however tackled me to the ground and Lyra jumped off the bed. She ran off sensing the trouble we were in and I broke free of the hold I was in and ran off as well to the nearby market place.

Everyone in town saw me running I was still wearing a hospital gown after all and covered in bloody bandages I needed to hide somewhere anywhere get this stuff off of me! I bolted into a open market and slipped into a tent. I waited they came and ran past me then it was quiet. Soon as it was quiet for sure I took off the hospital gown as as many of the bandages as I could figure out how to. When I finished I looked in a nearby mirror good I looked hurt but not like I just escaped from a hospital I wanted to remove the bandages on my face but I wasn't about to risk choking to death on my blood. Though Nightmare moon had fixed me she couldn't fix all of me as most of her energy went to restoring Lyra. It was then I realized I was in a clothing booth for a group of performers doing a small show for cash. I grabbed a hoodie and put it on the hood plus that cap covered up everything that was showing. I was still wearing my swim trunks I guess they didn't have time to take it off properly, glad I had those abomination or not I was still man er stallion of modesty and it was summer after all the hoodie was a bit much I realized so I switched it for a Hawaiian shirt and a bandanna. I had no idea how I tired that thing around my neck but I managed to pull it off and checked myself over.

It would do the mask made me look like I was sick and the cast underneath was covered by the baggy shirt perfect cover. I grabbed some sunglasses to cover up my patched eye and left the tent. There were still ponies zipping around looking for me and Christ now there were some in golden armor on the loose. I sat on a bench nearby with another pony and just blended in. The search lasted for a half hour then things seemed to return to normal. I took this chance to leave the bench and set out. All I knew was that I couldn't stay here I needed to blend in for a bit longer first. I've played many a stealth game in my day and the first rule is to remove all possible suspicion I couldn't just leave town I might get spotted so I went into tourist mode. I walked to different parts of the town listened to music being played in the park relaxed near the lake for awhile and even sat in a cafe. It worked I didn't notice anyone at all looking for me after awhile and then I took my chance to leave. I took the quietest road I could find out of town one that headed into the forest I was sure to find some help in another town no way was I going to stay here I'd have to regroup with Lyra later.

No more then 10 minutes after I set out for that forest road 6 very tired very hungry ponies dragged themselves out of it.

"Ah... finally." Twilight sighed in relief as she plopped on the ground.

"Worst Road trip ever." Pinkie said her mane was flat and filthy.

Rainbow Dash barely able to stay aloft was flapping her wings extra hard just to hover.

"3 days... 3 days! Sweet Celestia had does Zecora survive in that thing!?" She complained.

"I don't know and I don't care, all I want to do is go to the spa order the biggest cake the bakery has to offer eat that and go into a sugar induced coma!" Rarity proclaimed her hooves were bandages blisters most likely... somehow.

"I hope the animals are okay the last time I left them alone they ate my furniture." Fluttershy said worried.

Applejack however seemed to be the only one okay.

"Ah come on it wasn't that bad everypony." She said trying to help.

"Shut up AJ!" The others roared.

Grumbling the friends split up no one wanted anything to do with the other until they had a chance to rest up a 3 day odyssey with no supplies and no clue where your going can be trying on any friendship but deep down all were glad they were safe and sound back in ponyville once more. But before the group fully split up they noticed a stallion walk past them caked in their dirt and mud he didn't notice who they were as he walked into the forest.

"Wait... was he wearing... swim trunks?" Rarity asked.

"Those looked like Tony's..." Twilight realized.

"Nope don't care I'm taking a bath." Rainbow dash said flatly and flew off but AJ lassoed her for she could get away.

"Come on sugar cube we have to know for sure." She said and drags her into the woods.

As for me it didn't take long for it to get so dark I could barely see a thing I had to lift up the sun glasses to see. Man it was pitch black out there and the road was disappearing maybe this wasn't a good direction to go down after all. I couldn't exactly go back either though if those hospital guys were going to put me in an asylum of all things just for being alive. Even if I could talk who would believe what I've been turned into? Hell I went through all of that and even I don't believe it!

Before I turned around I heard a bush rushing nearby. I moved away from it carefully but it rustled again and something burst out of it! It was... I think it was a chicken but it had a snake like lower body. I put my sunglasses back over my eyes so this thing couldn't see how freaked out I was it hissed and moved toward me staring at me. I felt my body grow heavy I was freaking out but I backed up against a tree. It inched closer and closer and suddenly it's eyes glowed a bright red as it gave off a loud hiss. I flinched but I felt nothing the creature was bewildered and tried it again. Nothing... it looked worried but lunged forward to bite me. I held up my hooves and felt my sides warm up. I thrust my left hoof fore hoof like I was throwing a punch and knocked it for a loop as it slammed into a tree behind it. This scared the thing and it ran off making clucking noises. I slumped to the ground whatever the hell I just did I saved myself. I panted the best I could my mouth was still wired shut after all. That kinda sucked how am I going to eat like this? It was then I heard footsteps approaching I hid again. I saw... the girls! They had finally found me! I tried to stand up but felt something pull me down back down keeping me from being scene.

"Where did that pony go?" Twilight said looking around.

"No sign of him anywhere." Applejack said and Fluttershy noticed a small bit of green blood.

"This is Cockatrice blood." She said and I looked at my hoof.

It was covered in the green blood and it felt numb.

"You think that guy got attacked by the Cockatrice?" Rainbow dash said.

"It seems likely if he was still around here he escaped and ran off." Fluttershy said.

"Good he's safe at least come on girls lets head back." Twilight said.

I struggled to stand but couldn't move a voice hushed me and the girls left. After it was quiet I saw who it was. It was Lyra and since I couldn't exactly ask her how she found me or question it I made a question mark with my tail.

"Nightmare moon lead me to you she couldn't get a hold of both of us at once and she made me find you." She said.

The darkness around us compacted together where the darkness was grew brighter but in black in white as she appeared before us connected to both of our shadows.

"It seems I can't leave you alone for even a brief moment now can I?" She said and I felt a freezing sensation through my body like my blood was starting to freeze as I fell to the ground Lyra was fine however.

"You are to not make any contact with them nor in anyway alert them to who and what you are now. In a short time your remains will be found and you will be pronounced dead. Lyra already knows her place none know she is even here and her new body will be her perfect cover you will do as you are told understand?" She asked me.

I nodded my head what else could I do? Once I did the pain stopped and I climbed to my feet.

"Good I have prepared a home for you to live in. The house belongs to a worshiper of my old order. It has been abandoned for many years so it's dark wards and influence must be restored for me to manifest there. Until that time when I need you two you shall come here where the darkness of this forest will allow me to manifest you will come when summoned no matter what understood?" She stated.

We both nodded our heads.

"Good now then I have a gift for you two."

Spreading her wings as she cast a spell on both of us. A magical chain appeared between us then vanished from sight.

"I have linked your minds together allowing you to speak to each other at all times using your new psychic connection. Since you are unable to speak your mind boy she will do it for you any objections?"

We both said nothing.

"Good you learn quickly. I want you two to return to town and to the house it's location is now revealed in your minds. Get settled in and return to the forest tonight. It is a full moon and I will be able to manifest myself longer. Disobey me and she will die. Her life force is tied to your own it's the only way to keep her alive. If you die so will she. My magic will instantly be purged and her wound will kill her. Now be gone."

With that she left and we looked at each other.

"So... can you hear me?" Lyra asked.

I cocked my eyebrow.

"Oh right of course um let me try." she said embarrassed and asked me again with her thoughts.

"Yes I can." I responded.

"There we go good we can talk to each other at least. You accent... are you from California?" She said as we started walking back to town.

"Nope Utah."

"Utah? There is like nothing there."

"What part of I'm from the middle of nowhere don't you get?"

"You never said that."

"Huh funny I could have sworn I did."

We chatted all the way back to town and we stopped in front of the house.

"She can't be serious..." Lyra said out loud.

The house was right out of a horror movie. Old decaying broken windows dusty and a window banging in a non existent breeze it was massive though probably to scary to tear down is my guess ponies around here seemed to be skittish after all..

"Look at it this way no rent at least." I replied and opened the door going inside.

The inside was in much better shape. While it hadn't been tended to in years it was clear that the inside of the house at least had been kept in fine repair. The foyer was made from the black wood trees of the forest and a shrine with a small statue of Nightmare moon was in the middle of a small fountain of black water. Lyra moved up to the fountain and smelled it.

"This water... it smells strange." She spoke.

I smelled the water too. It didn't smell like water it smelled... it's hard to describe I couldn't put my finger er hoof on it.

We split up to look around. There wasn't a kitchen not on the ground floor anyway but there was a massive dinning room able to sit 20 ponies or at the very least one very tall goddess. A large room in the basement seemed to be for training and summoning rituals a much of old scroll scraps and alchemic circle remains were present. I joined Lyra upstairs there was what appeared to be various sterile rooms by sterile I mean a bed, dresser, and candle that's about it. At the end of the hallway however was an elegant room made of black marble with a massive bed with red blankets and a canopy with stars and constellations on it as well as a armor stand. On the armor stand was Nightmare moon's armor it was fractured and pieces were missing from it that must have been all that survived the girl's attack on her a few months ago.

"this room is amazing!" Lyra said in awe looking around.

"This must have been for Nightmare moon if she had even gotten back to earth." I said looking around as well.

"She must have at some point or she won't have been able to reclaim the armor we see here." Lyra said moving up to it.

"Makes sense knowing Celestia she had it destroyed to keep her presence away from Luna this must have been what she was able to rebuild from the remains." I said and moved up to it as well.

The only intact piece left was her breast plate and we saw our reflections in it.

"So... are we going to be okay?" Lyra asked me.

I shrugged.

"If you call what we are okay then yes if not likely." I said and looked around the room again as she watched me.

"We are in another dimension no one knows your missing my friends will find out I'm "dead" soon and we are enslaved by the one creature with the power to conquer an entire kingdom. Death can stop her and we are her pawns. We are the furthest from okay we could be."

"But we are alive at least." Lyra said moving up to me.

"And as long as we are alive we can find away out of this someday for now we just do what we can. Plus it's clear she doesn't know how intelligence humans really are. We can do this we can find a way out. We aren't skidish like other ponies we aren't afraid of most of the things they are. We are stronger we can find a way. You fought a half snake chicken monster that tried to turn you to stone and got out just fine!

I looked at my hoof.

"It was trying to turn me to stone? Then how did I survive I didn't have my shades on.

"See what I mean? We are tougher we are stronger we can do this somehow we can't give up now! Oh that reminds me what is your name? I forgot to ask in all the chaos." She asked.

"It's Anthony but like you I need a new name as well obviously." I said.

"Hmm... What about... Silent Knight? You can't speak and you are a knight now in away for Nightmare moon." She suggested.

"That's a pony name alright okay that will do for now just call me Knight for short." I smiled and flinched my mouth was killing me.

"Well it's not much but we got a little going for us at least. Lets pick some rooms and get some sleep I doubt she'll let us have this room.

I nodded my head and picked the nearest room nearby I sat on the bed and thought to myself.

"So this isn't a dream this is my reality." I thought and looked at my hooves.

"My body this is what they did to me turned me into this and dragged another into this as well to keep me in line. I will find a way out of this somehow.

I made fists with my no existence hands.

"And they will pay for this count on it."