> The Question > by Zanem-Ji > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > So...where DO they come from?? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mommy? Daddy?" "Yeah squirt?" "Where do foals come from?" Dash snorted in surprise while Fluttershy choked on her cup of jasmine tea. Angel and Tank snickered. Both mares turned to look at their daughter. She was a young filly, her coat a soft shade of milky blue. Her pink mane had a prismatic colored strip in it, and her tail was long and flowing, with red blue, and yellow tips at the end. She was a beautiful and sweet Pegasus, and her parents always told her this. But all they could do right now, was stare dumbfoundedly into her curious, cherry pinkish orbs. "Go to your room." Dash ordered. "But Daddy-" "Now, Shimmer Blitz!" Shimmer stomped a hoof, "Mommy!!" "Now dear, listen to your father." Fluttershy agreed. "Take Angel and Tank with you and go play." Shimmer huffed before scooping up the old rabbit and taking him upstairs, with Tank following suit. They waited until the door clicked before Dash freaked out. "Omigoshomigoshomigosh!!" Dash shrieked as she collided into Fluttershy."What are we gonna tell her?! She's gonna be soooo confused! We're both MARES!! How are we gonna explain how WE made HER?! We're gonna be monsters to her. She's gonna hate- *SMACK!* Dash only had a moment to rub her stinging cheek before Fluttershy gripped her shoulders, "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" the yellow Pegasus shouted. They heard a door click open from upstairs. "Is everything okay?" Shimmer quipped. "Yes, dear. Close the door please." Fluttershy replied in a motherly tone. "Okay Mommy." *click* "What the hell are we gonna tell her?" Dash questioned. "Let's just call up the girls and meet up at Sweet Apple Acres. I'm sure they could help us with this." -MLP- "MAMA!!!! Twist keeps hittin' me!!" A filly's voice whined from the living room. Applejack rolled her eyes, "SKYE!! APPLETWIST!! Get yer flanks down here!!" Appletwist was the first to get into the dining room. She was a somewhat lanky, yellow furred Earth Pony filly, with a reddish brown mane and tail, and she wore a yolk around her neck. Her sister, a young Pegasus, had strawberry colored fur, with a light blue mane and tail. She hovered over her sister as she began to protest. "Mama, she keeps pickin' on me, and won't leave me alone!" Skye whined as she pointed a hoof at the taller filly. Twist stomped a hoof, "Nuh-uh!! It ain't mah fault she keeps gettin' caught in mah lasso! We were playin 'Rodeo Show'!" "Ah told ya Ah didn't wanna play three hours ago!!" Applejack rubbed her temples, "Stop messin' with each other right now, ya hear? Ah don't wanna hear no more fussin' from ya two, or Ah'ma make ya holler mahself!! Ya understand?!" "Yes ma'am!" Bot fillies nodded, before fleeing to their rooms. AJ sighed before turning back to the Pegasi couple. "Now, why are we all here, Sugarcubes?" "Shimmer asked us 'The Question'." Dash answered. The group turned wide eyed. "Well, why don't you use 'The Birds and The Bees' thing?" Pinkie suggested. "That's what I told my kids!" Rarity scoffed, "Those poor little darlings are probably still confused on such an age inappropriate topic. Split told me that a 'bee stings a bird', to which Cherry finished by telling me 'a bird lays eggs in a flower, foals come out, and it starts all over again.'" "Hey, and they believe that shit!" "Language! There are still colts and fillies around!" Twilight chided."Besides, this is an opportunity for her to learn, and you're never too young to learn." "That's right Mom!!" Twilight jumped and spun around. An extremely light orange unicorn filly with light blue eyes, and a light blue mane and tail had suddenly popped up behind her. "Sweet Celestia, Bright Eyes, you scared me!" Twilight spoke as she gripped her chest. "I've been catching up in my book called 'How To Be A Ninja'. It's quite intriguing!!" "Excuse yerself, lil' filly. Grown folks talkin' right now." Applejack ordered. Bright Eyes' ears drooped, "Yes, Miss Jackie..." The young filly pulled a small black ball from thin air and threw it down, causing a blinding smog to fill the room. The Mane Six wheezed as Applejack popped the window open. Fluttershy and Dash flapped their wings to clear the smoke out. "That kid of yers, Twi." Applejack hacked, "She's somethin' else." "She's definitely a smart little one, isn't she?" Rarity pointed out as she looked around for Bright Eyes, who had vanished. "Like Mother like Daughter!" Twilight waved a hoof dismissively, "Oh no, that impulsiveness to learn things like that came from Flash." "Can we get back to the problem at hoof, please?" Fluttershy asked. The mares nodded and settled back down. "Rares, your kids are older than ours. When and what did you tell them?" Dash questioned. Rarity blinked a few times. "Tell them what?" "How did you answer 'The Question'?" The marshmellow colored unicorn chuckled, "Oh darling, I haven't told them yet!" "Why not? Isn't it about time they knew?!" Rarity suddenly looked up at the clock on the wall. 1:03 pm. She turned to Dash and Shy and mouthed a countdown. 3...2...1... "Mother!!" a filly's voice rang out. "Yes, Darling? What is it?" "Silver is being simply awful! He's a crude little ruffian and you should punish him!" "Diamond's just upset because I called her a fillyfooler!" "That's not nice! You're calling me that because I'm simply good friends with Quartz!" Rarity sighed, "Silver, you leave your sister be and let her explore what she wishes to explore." "But Mother! I am not a fillyfooler!!" "Darling, please, I can hear you both when she sleeps over." Silver snickered,"Fillyfooler..." "What in tarnation is a fillyfooler?" Skye asked. Applejack's eyes widened. "Well," Bright Eyes began. "It's actually a somewhat derogatory term, meanin-" Twilight and Applejack jumped up in unison, "BRIGHT EYES, NO!!" they shouted as they disappeared into the next room. There were sounds of crashing and kids' giggling screams. After a few minutes of 'Shh'ing and children whining, the Earth Pony and the Alicorn came back into the room. "Now..." Twilight took a couple seconds to regain her composure, "Why are you so afraid to tell her? It's a perfectly normal question for a filly or colt to ask, especially for her age group." "There's just so much to try to explain..."Fluttershy replied. "Including some things that Dashie and I don't have." "An' the fact that Twi used one of them 'ladyboy' spells on RD don't really make things easier to explain." Pinkie raised a hoof, "I'll talk to her if you want me to!" "NO PINKIE." the group said unanimously. "But Mom gives the best explanations ever!" A colt popped up from behind Pinkie's shoulder. His fur was dark orange, and he had a curly red mane and tail. Pinkie patted his head, "Why thank you, Split! Where's your sister?" "SURPRISE!!" A white coated filly with a curly blonde mane and tail leaped from behind Fluttershy and landing into her lap. The Pegasus smiled as the filly used one of her yellow wings to cover her tiny body. "Hi Miss Fluttershy!!" the filly greeted. "Well hello, Cherry. Nice to see you're doing well." "You should let Mom talk to whoever needs to be talked to!" Cherry agreed. "She even told us where foals come from! Do you know where they come from?" Split leapt to the floor and began bouncing, "Ooh, OOH!! I know where they come from!! Can I say something Cher- CHERRY PIE I WANNA TELL THEM!!" "Shhh, Split!! It's for Mom's friends!!" "They come from bird eggs!!" "BANANA SPLIT!!" Cherry pouted."You weren't supposed to say anything!!" "Sorry!!" "Alright now kids. Scoot along. Mom's talking." Pinkie said as she lightly patted their flanks. They nodded and trotted out, only for a light blue crystal Unicorn filly to trot in, "What is it now, Diamond Dust?" Rarity spoke as she turned to the filly. "Mother," Diamond spoke as she flicked her sparkly violet mane. "I request permission to have have Quartz Heart over for dinner." "Yeah, she wants to have a DINNER DATE!!" a white Earth Pony walked in. His mane and tail were a sparkling grey, and his hooves were made of silver. "Silver Trot, what did I tell you earlier?" Rarity scolded. "And I know your father spoke to you as well." "I'll repeat it for you." Diamond stated. "You told him to leave me alone." she shot him a glare, "Unfortunately, it appears that he is not the most...polished piece of silver." Silver snorted, "Did you just insult me or something?!" Diamond rolled her eyes, "Let me make this a bit clearer." she cleared her throat. "You are nothing but a silver-plated buffoon." "C'mere you sparkly fillyfooler!" Silver snarled before leaping towards his sister. She turned her hind legs to him, reared up, and bucked him square in the jaw. He rolled out and Diamond charged after him. Rarity turned back to the group, "To answer your previous question, THAT, is why I haven't told them. They are still immature, and don't need to worry about that." Applejack smirked, "The girl's smart though. Now Ah see why she was always gettin' apple buckin' lessons from Applebloom." "Girls, back to the topic!" Twilight stated. She looked over at Dash and Shy."What do you say to me just taking Shimmer today, and telling her myself." Fluttershy shook her head, "No...we still have to be the ones to tell her...we just need to know how to say it." Dash turned to her, "Babe, we gotta figure something out." As the group continued pondering, a Wonderbolt holding a happy Shimmer tapped on the window. Applejack trotted over and opened it, letting them fly in. A quick tug off of her goggles revealed it to be Scootaloo. "Sup' Dash! Fluttershy!" She spoked as she bounced Shimmer on her back, causing the filly to giggle. "The show was a success.You guys missed it." Shimmer leapt into the air, "It was AWESOME!! She was all like 'VROOM'!!" they smiled as the small Pegasus zoomed around the room. She was caught in mid air by Dash. "Slow your roll, squirt." Dash chuckled. "I'm gonna be just as fast as you, Daddy! The fastest Wonderbolt in the world!!" Dash smiled as the filly nuzzled into her chest, "And then I'll be a teacher at flight school!!" Dash nodded. "And the fillies and colts will come to me for anything. And ask me anything..." Dash nodded again. "Like 'where do foals come from?'!" Dash's eyes bugged out. "And I won't get mad and I'll tell them!!" "Shimmer Blitz!!-" "Where do foals come from?!?!" "Go to your room!!" "Daddy, we're at Miss Jackie's farm!!" "Then go play or something!!" "BUT DAAAAADDYYYYY!!!" Pinkie snatched Shimmer up, "Soar Mode, Activate!!" She launched the light blue filly into the air. Her wings instinctively shot open, and she glided out of the room, whining as her wings led her away. Dash wiped her brow, "Thanks Pinks. It's a good thing she still hasn't got her turns down yet." "Your welcome!" she bounced back into her seat. "Now, what's the plan?" "Why dontcha just be honest an tell her?" Applejack suggested. Dash put hoof to her forehead, "Easy for you to say..." "She's still just a filly, Applejack." Fluttershy pointed out. "At the same time, she's an incredibly smart filly." Twilight argued. "We've all seen her grades in school. Maybe she won't act like such a 'giggly filly' when you talk to her." "We just need more time to figure this out." Fluttershy stated. As if her wish was granted, Scootaloo trotted back into the dining room. "Hey, so Shimmer asked me if she could spend the night. I don't have a problem setting a bed up for my fave filly, and AB and Sweetie are already crashing at my place, so it'll be like a slumber party. I'll take her to school in the morning too. I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it first." Fluttershy and Dash nodded eagerly. "Cool, I'm gonna go ahead and take her back to my place. It's getting kinda late." The group turned to see the sun setting behind the west apple orchard. "Don't worry, we will figure something out, and we're not leaving until we do!" Twilight declared. The others nodded in agreement, and got to work. -MLP- The next day... A very disappointed Fluttershy and an somewhat upset Rainbow Dash slowly made their way to the principle's office. They were at Shimmer's school, and apparently she, she had gotten into deep trouble. "A fight? Our little Shimmer Blitz got into a flight?" Fluttershy asked her wife. "How does that happen? Where did we go wrong? Even if somepony else starts it, she knows she's suppose to go tell an adult." Dash shook her head, "The only place where we went wrong, is if she didn't kick the other little brat's ass hard enough." "Rainbow!!" "Oh c'mon babe, it's not that serious. Yeah, she got in a fight. All kids do. You ain't had a real childhood if you haven't went hoof to hoof with another pony in school!" *SMACK!* Dash rubbed the back of her head, "Babe, you're not setting a good example right now." "Don't start with me, mare." Dash chuckled, but it was cut short when they reached the principles' office. They both sighed and walked inside. Shimmer Blitz was sitting on the other side of a oak desk, across from Cherilee. The old mare stared down at the young filly, who was slowly shrinking to get away from the gaze. Fluttershy and Dash sat on each side of Shimmer, and she nearly became one with her chair, desperately trying to avoid her parents gaze. "Sup Cherilee." Dash cooly greeted. "Good afternoon, Miss Dash." Cherilee responded, keeping her greeting as formal as possible. "I'm going to get straight to the point. Shimmer Blitz got in a fight on the playground with one of the other fillies at school. While the other pony is in a severe amount of trouble, Shimmer nearly put her in the hospital. Rainbow Dash inwardly beamed, and her all knowing wife shot her a quick glare. Why don't you tell them what happened, Shimmer Blitz?" Cherilee directed. Shimmer looked up at her parents. "Well, we were all talking about where foals come from..." They teach that in school now??" "Yes Daddy...anyway, I asked because I always felt like I was different. Not in a bad way, but I felt it. Now I know why." Fluttershy and Dash cringed. "Because, I have two mommies." Fluttershy pit a hoof on her shoulder, "Honey..." Shimmer beamed, "It's okay though! You're still Mommy, and-" Shimmer grasped Dash's hoof, "you're still Daddy." The mares smiled. "But Gold Gleam said I was a freak!" Shimmer turned back to her principal. "She said that she heard about my parents,and that there was no way two mares could have me, and asked me how I got made." "What did you tell her?" Dash asked. " I didn't really know the answer....so I told her that I was made from you and Mommy's love." Fluttershy's eyes got glassy, and Dash patted their daughter's back. "That's my girl." "But she then pushed me and called you guys 'monsters'. I couldn't let her get away with saying that, so I fought back." "And you won?" "Yes Daddy." "THAT'S MY GIRL!!" "RAINBOW DASH!!" Both Dash and Shimmer flinched at the tone in Fluttershy's voice. Dash cleared her throat. "So what's the course of action, Principal Cherilee?" Cherilee shifted some papers on her desk, "Ten days of Out Of School Suspension, and an essay on why we don't use the 'Face Crumbler' not only in school, but ANYWHERE!!" Dash stood up and scooped Shimmer up into her forelegs, "We'll get on that right now." "I would like to apologize on Shimmer's behavior." Fluttershy stated."It won't happen again." "I would hope so, Miss Fluttershy." With that, the three ponies left her office and made their way out of the school. "So you've known all this time...huh squirt?" Shimmer nodded. "Yes Daddy. I didn't care though. You are the best Mommy and Daddy and pony could ask for." Fluttershy nuzzled Shimmer's head, "Thank you, honey." "Your welcome, Mommy." "But you're still grounded." "BUT MOMMY-!!" "No 'buts'. You got in trouble and got temporarily kicked out of school. I can't look the other way on that." Shimmer's head dropped as Dash leaned into her, "Don't worry, squirt. I'll talk to your mother." Shimmer looked up at Dash, but knew better than to smile. They walked in silence for a few minutes before Shimmer spoke again. "So...if foals come from mares and stallions, where DID I come from?"