> My little Madness: Friendship is Blood Justice > by Heesman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn rose on the once before pitch black sky to announce that a new day has begun. A day that, for most ponies, was just like any other day. Not much was happening at this very moment. The sun had to climb they sky high enough to completely reveal itself above the horizon before the rooster over at the Sweet Apple Acres began its crow that ignited the soon-to-bustle community of Ponyville to awaken from its nightly slumber. However, there still wasn't much movement in the quiet little village. Mostly the only ponies to come outside of their houses were ponies that had gardens to tend to, such as Lily, Rose and Daisy. Other ponies to awaken were those who had pets to feed, among them were Fluttershy and Applejack. The sun kept climbing the now clear blue sky. Brightly, the sun shone down on the completely awakened village with busy ponies wandering around from house to house on their varying errands. At the edge of the village, several ponies of different colors had gathered around a huge apple tree. There was a blue pegasus pony who rapidly flew around the area, performing various stunts and tricks. Another pegasus pony, this one yellow, stood on the ground bellow with several smaller animals and watched in awe at the blue pony's daring tricks. A purple unicorn pony was laying down in the shadow of the tree, using magic to hold a book which she was reading. A picnic had been prepared not too far away from the purple unicorn pony by an orange earth pony who was busy gobbling up a freshly baked apple pie she had made herself. The final of the ponies was a white unicorn who sat on the opposite side of the huge red and white checkered blanket as the orange pony and was sipping on a small cup of punch as she enjoyed the bright and warm sunshine that made her dazzling coat shine even more than usual. The joyous moment was soon to be interrupted by a pink earth pony quickly bouncing to join her friends by the giant apple tree. - Look! Here comes Pinkie Pie. The blue pony shouted. - Oh my, how lovely, I'm so glad she could make it. The yellow pony expressed in delight. All of the ponies stopped with whatever they were doing to greet their newly arrived friend. - Hwdy Phingie Phie. The orange earth pony said with a mouthful of apple pie before she swallowed it down with a sigh of relief. - It's a delight to see you here darling. The white unicorn pony said with a smile before turning her head to the orange earth pony. - However, it is still awfully rude for somepony to be talking with her mouth full of food, don't you agree Applejack? - Hmmm... Applejack put her hoof to her chin as if thinking but quickly shrugged. - Guess not! Pinkie Pie replied before anyone got to say anything. Applejack bowed down to fill her mouth, this time, overfull with pie and purposely leaned towards Rarity while loudly chewing. Rarity quickly got up to all four hooves with a disgusted grunt and walked into the shadow of the apple tree. - Pinkie Pie? The purple unicorn said while lowering her book. - I thought you said that you had something important to do so that you wouldn't be able to make it in time for our picnic. - Don't worry your head about it Twilight. Pinkie Pie replied with a smile. - I finished early, in fact, so early I even had time to make cupcakes to all of you for this picnic. The pink earth pony began bouncing around her friends in happiness but was suddenly interrupted. - But you didn't bring them with you? Rainbow Dash asked while flying behind Pinkie Pie. - Don't be silly. Pinkie Pie happily said. - Of course I brought... Pinkie Pie turned around only to see the awful truth. No cupcakes were to be found on her back. She turned her head back with an awkward expression. - Oopsie, I forgot I left them next to the window at Sugar Cube Corner to cool down. - I'll go get them! Rainbow Dash was just about to take off but Applejack grabbed her tail and gave it a yank, making Rainbow Dash fall to the ground. - Simmer down, ya ain't goin' nowhere. Applejack put one of her front hooves on Rainbows back to make it look like she is pinning her down. - Remember the last time ya said ya were goin' to get sumthin' for all of us? Ya never returned with 'em while we waited forever for ya. When we finally found ya, ya had eatn' all o' the baked goods and was layin' with a swollen belly dozed off at the floor in yer own room. Rainbow Dash only grumbled and put her hooves in front of her eyes in shame, knowing it was true. After a little while of more mumbling to herself, she quickly flapped her wings to get herself free from the faked pinned down state. She flew over to Pinkie Pie and pointed her hooves at the pink pony. - I-i... it wasn't my fault that Pinkie made them smell so delicious, not to mention LOOK delicious... Rainbow Dash trailed out at the end, mumbling the rest to herself. - But none of us, your friends, got to taste them, Dash. Twilight walked out of the shadow from the apple tree to join the conversation. - And you know that it isn't right either. Rainbow Dash crossed her front hooves, flying a small distance away, continuing to mumble. - Uhm... excuse me, I'm so sorry to interrupt but... Fluttershy carefully walked towards her friends as she, too, wanted to join the conversation. - Yes, what is on your mind deary. Rarity asked with an questioning look in her eyes. - Well.. uhm... Fluttershy started. - How about... we all would go to Sugar Cube Corner? Together, that is. Rainbow Dash shone up. - Great idea, race you there! She quickly dashed but was soon taken down yet again by Applejack who almost impulsively jumped at Rainbow Dash, tightly holding her wings to prevent them from flapping, making the two of them crash into some nearby bushes. This time, Applejack roughly pinned down Rainbow Dash to the ground. - Huff... huff... ah reckon she said we'll go, TOGETHER. Applejack pushed her front hooves hard into Dash' back, making her groan a little in slight pain. - Ugh... fine! Just let me go already! Rainbow Dash stopped struggling to show she was sincere. When Applejack noticed Rainbow Dash no longer was fighting, she slowly let go of the bruised pegasus. - Ya know, try runnin' ahead of the rest of us a million times and I'll be takin' ya down just as many times. Rainbow Dash grunted while rolling her eyes but before she could answer, Pinkie Pie bounced in between the two arguing ponies. - Come on now you silly fillies, let's go and have some CUPCAKEEEES. Pinkie bounced ahead of the rest of her friends who all slowly began walking towards Sugar Cube Corner. Except for Rainbow Dash who flew just a few hoof lengths above the ground in front of Applejack so that she could keep and eye on the rash pegasus pony. -*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*- Once the six ponies arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie held up the doors as a good gesture. When all of them had entered, Rainbow Dash being the last one, Pinkie Pie shut the door and locked it. Dash heard the door click when the lock sealed the door, she wondered why but pretended not to notice. Just as Pinkie Pie told her friends, there was a tray with six cupcakes standing on a table close to a window. The color of the frosting on each of the of cupcakes resembled who they were meant for; white for Rarity, purple for Twilight Sparkle, orange for Applejack, yellow for Fluttershy, blue for Rainbow Dash and finally pink for Pinkie Pie. - Oh, they look delicious Pinkie Pie. Twilight stated as she gleamed on the purple cupcake. - How charming of you to make the frosting the same as the color of our coats. Rarity said while licking her lips on the thought of eating the white cupcake. - Simply wonderful. Fluttershy pronounced as she wiped off a drop of drool coming from the corner of her mouth. - Ah and this cupcake here are meant for one another, we both share the same color, and now ah'm gonna be able to keep buckin' apples with this goodie in mah belly. Applejack stated while holding the orange cupcake in her front hooves. - Pink cupcake for the pink pony. Pinkie Pie said with half of the pink cupcake in her mouth. Rainbow Dash however, was not as excited as her friends. She had taken the blue cupcake from the tray, but she had not eaten it yet, just stared at if for a long while, mumbling to herself. - Something isn't right. Dash said to herself. - I just know it... but what.. WHAT could it be? It looks the same as the last batch... She exhaled as much as she could before leaning above the cupcake to take a long whiff of the cupcake. - That's it! I can't feel that super faint smell anymore... that smell that just made me desperate for those cupcakes. She lowered her head to closely examine the base of the cupcake. - I can't remember the other cupcakes having that faint taint of red. Also, I can't rememb... Rainbow Dash snapped out of her focusing as she realized that five sets of eyes were watching her just sitting there and staring at a cupcake with blue frosting. - What's the matter Dash, ah thought ya were in a hurry to get that cupcake of yers. Applejack said with a smug face. - Oh my, aren't you feeling well? Fluttershy sounded worried. Rainbow Dash lifted her focus from the cupcake to look at Fluttershy. - I'm fine, it's just.... just. Dash lowered her focus once again to the cupcake in front of her. - Aw... c'mon Dashie, don't you wanna try my cupcake that has my new special ingredient? Pinkie had changed her face into a very sad one. Rainbow Dash felt ashamed and licked off almost all of the frosting from the cupcake. She tumbled it around in her mouth to find out if the taste was the same. It was. Almost, apart from a faint taste of blood. Rainbow Dash was confused by this sensation. She began thinking if she had bitten herself in the tongue or something. But as she rummaged through her memory, the other of her friends, except for Pinkie Pie, started to act strangely. - My, my, why does my head suddenly feel so heavy? Rarity placed her hooves under her chin as if to hold her head up. Moments after, she collapsed. - R-r-rarity..? Wh-why are you taking... ugh.. taking a nap now all of a s-s-sudden..? Fluttershy was sounding heavily intoxicated as she, too, collapsed. - What in tarnation's the room spinnin' 'round so much for? Applejack was looking cross eyed as her body gave away and fell down to the floor with a loud thud. Shortly after, Twilight also fainted without a single word. Rainbow Dash, still with the frosting in her mouth began to sweat cascades as she looked at Pinkie Pie who just seemed to be sitting on the floor and laughing loudly at her friends fainting around her. - Pinkie! What did you put in these cupcakes? Rainbow Dash had a touch of panic in her voice. Pinkie Pie abruptly stopped her laughing and with a violent twitch surging through her body as her hair deflated and fell straight down she looked right into Dash' eyes with an expression that showed her one thing; true insanity. - Heh... heheh... it's just something we call... PONY SURPRISE! At this moment, Dash spit out the frosting that was heavily mixed with her saliva, creating a blue puddle of goo. Dash stared in panic at the cupcake in front of her. To her worst fears, she sees a bloody eyeball looking straight back at her. At this stage, Rainbow Dash was terrified, only to be further panicked by the wicked laughter that came from Pinkie Pie. Dash turned tails and flew as fast as she could towards the door, which she had forgotten was locked. With a very loud bang Rainbow Dash flew into the unbudging door that knocked her unconscious. -*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*- Rainbow Dash' head was pounding heavily on the spot where she hit the door. She opened her eyes but she still couldn't see anything. As she realized she was blindfolded she tried to talk, but rendered useless due to the rag quenching all her efforts to communicate. Rainbow Dash felt panic surging through her spine as she began thrashing. She quickly realized that her body was strapped to a table standing almost upright but still leaning a bit backwards so that her back was pressing against the cold metal surface. Rainbow Dash suddenly heard the clopping of hooves slowly but louder with each step coming towards her. - Oh, goodie! Finally you are awake. A familiar voice talked to Rainbow Dash right in front of her. But before Rainbow Dash had the time to think who it was, her blindfolding was yanked away from her eyes rapidly along with a few straws of hair from her mane. But due to the sharp lights, Rainbow Dash still couldn't see anything. Shortly after, the cloth silencing her speech was untied and fell to the floor in front of her. Clutching her eyes shut from the strong light she gasped for air but soon began coughing due to the putrid air in the area she was tied up in. Slowly Rainbow Dash forced her eyes open only to be confronted by the indescribable panic and fear her eyes picked up. Large sheets of metal made the walls of the basement-like room she was in. Which was unusual, not to mention basements were unusual enough, but normal basements had at least boarded walls and some kind of tile floor to make them seem more luxurious that they actually were. But not this basement, metal walls, metal floor, metal ceiling, creating one huge metal box. The walls were stained with blood smears with a few exceptions of words being written. Words like ''Party'', ''Cupcakes'', ''Friends'' ''Death'' and ''Fun''. At some seemingly random spots on the floor of the room, long steel rods with skewered organs and painted skulls were stuck to the floor. The rods had signs hanging on them as well. One sign read ''Trixie'' another one said ''Golden Harvest''. But the third rod in Rainbow Dash' field of vision was the most heartbreaking of them all. The rod had pierced a brown painted eagle-like skull and one large brown feathered wing. The sign hanging on it said ''Gilda''. Lifting her focus from the rods, Rainbow Dash saw that all of her friends were also tied up to similar tables as herself, except for Fluttershy who was hanging from a set of chains that forced the dangling mare to stand somewhat upright on her hind legs. In the corned furthest from Rainbow Dash where one would except another victim was just something covered up by a huge blood-stained brown blanket of fabric. There was yet another exception, one of her friends was not tied up at all, but was sitting in front of Rainbow Dash and seemingly daydreaming while making random humming and noises. It was Pinkie Pie who had tricked her friends to eat poisoned cupcakes. It was Pinkie Pie who had tied up her friends rendering them unable to see, talk or even move the slightest. It was Pinkie Pie who now got up to her hooves and slowly walked to some sort of machine in the middle of the room surrounded by smaller carts with various surgeon tools and butcher knives. Unable to process the horrid scene, Rainbow Dash called out to her friends. - G-guys? GUYS! Please, say something, ANYTHING! Do something if you can hear me! Rainbow Dash yelled as loud as she could with tears flooding down her cheeks. To some slight relief, all of her tied up friends began more or less thrashing while making muzzled noises. Even the brown blood-stained fabric seemed to react to Rainbow Dash' voice. - Of course they can hear you, Dashie. You were the last one to wake up. Yes, they are OK, for now, I just wanted everypony to witness the fun we are about to have. Pinkie Pie peeked at Rainbow Dash from behind the machine in the middle of the room that now looked more like some sort of control panel. Tears continued to pour from Rainbow Dash' eyes as she tried to talk sense into the pink pony. - P-pinkie, why are you doing this to us? I thought we were your friends. If this is because I ate all the cupcakes from the last batch you made for all of us, I am truly sorry about it, just, PLEASE let them go, I'm the one who should be punished, not them. Rainbow Dash lowered her head while sobbing loudly. - Don't worry, silly. I'm not mad at you. Pinkie Pie began circling around the room, removing the blindfolds the rest of her friends had along with the cloth covering their mouths. - However, you two! Pinkie Pie stopped in front of Twilight and Rarity. - If I catch you using your horns to get yourselves free or anything else I don't want you to do... then I would just have to... Pinkie Pie twitched once again. - Then I'd have to spill your guts and rub them into your faces! Pinkie Pie rushed to the butcher cart and picked up a bloody hacksaw and was about to dash to her helpless victims but was stopped by yet another twitch. - Calm down sister Pinkamina. Pinkie gently tapped her hoof holding the hacksaw which then fell to the floor. - You said that I would get to start the fun this time. The five tied up ponies were greatly confused by the pink pony arguing as if she was talking to another pony. - Who's she talkin' to over there? Applejack shouted across the room to Rarity. But Rarity was to frightened to answer, focusing on the hacksaw that could have been her death sentence. Pinkie shone up with a twitch. She ran up close to Applejack and stared into the orange mares trembling eyes. - Can't you see? I'm right here! Do I have to cut away your eyelids too? Pinkie Pie turned around and twitched. - There, there sister, calm down. They don't know you the way I know you. Pinkie Pie pat herself on the back. - Perhaps we should properly introduce you to my friends. Pinkie walked towards the middle of the room and climbed up on the empty cart in the very center and cleared her throat. - Hello, I'm Pinkie Pie, I can't wait for all the fun we are gonna have. Pinkie Pie bounced a few times before the familiar twitch-surge went through her body. - And I'm Pinkamina Diane Pie, but that’s Ms. Pinkamina for you, you worthless animals, I can't wait to devour your twitching flesh! With a maniacal laughter Pinkamina started to throw the knives on the butcher cart all around the room, one almost cutting off Twilight Sparkles left ear. Another went flying and hit Fluttershy in her left hind leg. The knife went deep into her flesh until it came to a halt as it was stopped by the bone. Fluttershys back arched in pain as she let out multiple super high pitched screeches. She only stopped her screams as she started to cough up blood that erupted from her aching lungs. Pinkie walked up to Fluttershy and gently tried pushing the knife further into her bone. She leaned close to Fluttershys ear and whispered. - Does it hurt? Pinkie giggled as she was enjoying her friends painful sobering. - Do you want me to remove it from you? Fluttershy managed a weak pitiful nod which was barely noticeable. Pinkie Pie grabbed the knife with both her front hooves, giving it a rough push inwards before pulling it out, however, with a slight downward angle. The razor sharp knife made the wound even bigger, making a lot of blood to dripple out from the new part of her severe wound. Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves in excitements as she bent down to lick up all the blood that came out of the wound. Fluttershy was struggling as she no longer could scream due to her blood-shot lungs. - Stop it Pinkie Pie, you are hurting her. Twilight shouted across the room. Pinkie Pie stopped and turned around to look at Twilight. Pinkie Pies snout was covered in blood which she was continually trying to lick away. - I know! Pinkie Pie replied with excitement in her voice. She turned around again and bent down to the wound and bit the flesh next to the wound and gave it a violent tug which made the skin rip open quite a bit only to further increase Fluttershys pain and blood loss as Pinkie Pie now muzzled her snout into the wound and, as if possessed, repeatedly licked the large wound to savor the yellow pegasus pony's precious blood. - Pinkie! Stop this cannibalism this instant and listen to your friends! Please! Rarity shouted with despair in her voice. Pinkie snapped out of her semi-trance and backed away from Fluttershy whose cheeks were soaked in tears and her left hind leg was soaked in her own blood. - Mm! That was a good drink! Pinkie Pie wiped off some of the blood on her face and licked her hoof as yet another twitch went through her body. - Indeed, but now I want something to bury my teeth in! Pinkamina jumped across the doorway from Fluttershy over to the brown fabric blanket. As she pulled it away, all of the ponies gasped in disgust to what the blood-stained blanket had hidden. It was Princess Luna hanging from a similar looking set of chains as Fluttershy. However, her body was badly damaged as her cutie marks were missing, huge chunks of flesh was missing from around her body and, as it was obvious to the ponies positioned to see the horror, one of her eyeballs was missing. - THIS! This is why I couldn't attend your pathetic picnic before. Pinkamina looked at the dangling alicorn with insanity pasted in her face and with drool dripping from her mouth. I was having a feast myself. Pinkamina twitched - Look Dashie, can you SEE where I got the eyeball from that you found in your cupcake? Pinkie lifted Lunas head slightly. - Ugh... s-stop this... this torture... Pinkie... Rainbow Dash said as she began belching and all of a sudden got an unwilling exercise of her throw-up reflex. The vomit covered the blue pegasus pony's chest and slowly began traversing downwards as it slowly dripped to the floor. Pinkie fell to the floor as well, rolling around in a pool of Lunas blood as she laughed at how Dash reacted to her little confession. In the meantime, Rainbow Dash struggled to recover from the sudden emptying of her stomach. After a while she forced words from her mouth. - P-pinkie... how could you... how could you do something like this? How could you poison your best friends? What else have you put in your cupcakes that we should be aware of? Pinkie Pie stood up on all four hooves and shook off some blood from her coat like a dog shrugs of water from its fur, making blood splatter on the walls and on Twilight Sparkle and Rarity who was closest to the grizzly scene of insanity that was Pinkie Pies blood-bath. - Ugh! I can't remember you guys having such a bad memory. Pinkie Pie looked at Rainbow Dash across the room with a disturbed face. - It was so that we all could have some fun at a Pinkie Pie party! Pinkie dipped her front hooves in the blood pool bellow Luna and pretended it was confetti. The blood splattered all over the center of the room, including the three carts, the control panel and a major part of the ceiling. - However... Pinkie continued. - I actually did get somewhat upset when you had taken all the hormone spiked, sleep inducing cupcakes I made for you guys the first time, Rainbow Dash. Pinkie looked at Rainbow Dash with a pouty face. - Hold it right there, Pink. Applejack interrupted. - Whadda ya meant by ''hormone spiked'' - Oh, it's just something I got from Zecora. I only needed to make a teeny tiny little lie that I was interested in a stallion and wanted a hormone booster, and presto, there I got it. Pinkie Pie bounced around as she told about her dreadful deed. - I figured that if I was to continue to have this type of fun, I needed a way to ensure I got more ponies to party with when I wanted to. If I wanted a colt or a stallion to play with, I simply put the hormone booster thingie on myself, walk out the doors of Sugar Cube Corner and simply wait for one to pass by. - But that is insane Pinkie! Twilight shouted. Ignoring her friend, Pinkie Pie continued. - But if I wanted a filly or a mare to play with I had to think a bit different... Pinkie Pie twitched. - That's when blood red Big Macintosh walked by. Pinkamina grinned widely. Applejack frowned. - What in tarnation, what the hay has mah brother to do with all this? Applejack had a sight of anger in her eyes. - Oh, he played quite a big part in all this. Pinkamina turned her insane eyes towards the cart on the backside of the control panel. - Zecora told us that the hormone booster amplifies the first hormone it comes in contact with. So all we needed was a donor. Applejack was struck my fear. - NO! No, no, no, no, NOOO!! Don't tell meh! Applejack's eyes started to flood. Pinkamina lifted the sheet that covered the bottom of the cart and picked up a red painted horse skull. - BEHOLD! The remains of the once hard working stallion from the Pitiful Apple acres. Tears bursted from Applejacks eyes as she shouted; - NOOO! BIG MACINTOSH! MAH BROTHER! Applejack became desperate and began struggling in the metal cuffs as much as she could muster, but in vain. She sank her head in defeat and cried loudly. - Why... why...? Mah own brother... why...? Pinkamina laughed at Applejack's sorrow as she put the red skull on the floor in front of Applejack. - Hehehe... yes... finally... FINALLY, the mood has started to turn to my liking in this room. Pinkamina twitched, and her hair exploded back into it's original fluffy state. - I know sis, this is so much fun. Pinkie Pie was once again bouncing around happily but suddenly stopped behind the control panel and turned to the cart. - I think it is time we introduce our second secret guest, don't you think Pinkamina? - Yes... yes... YES! I've been looking forward to this sooo much, little sister! - Ugh... why keep this menace a secret to us anymore, Pinkie Pie? Rarity rolled her eyes. Pinkamina didn't listen. Instead, she pulled off the sheet covering the seemingly empty cart, only to reveal a cage with a white bunny in it, trembling in fear by all the horrific sounds it had heard. Fluttershy gasped at the sight of her very own pet bunny trembling before the twisted insane gesture that was her friend Pinkie Pie. - A-angel? Fluttershy tried to talk but it was very hard due to her painful throat as she coughed up a little more blood. The little bunny began going wild in the cage at the sight of her owner, desperate to get free from his prison. Pinkamena kept laughing at the little bunny's futile attempts of an escape as she picked up a syringe from a doctors bag from beneath the cart. - Hehehe... hold still you pathetic little rodent! With those words, Pinkamina shoved the tip of the syringe into the back of the bunny which made it thrash about even more than earlier. It was a heartbreaking scene to watch as all of the ponies shed many tears, but no one shed as many as Fluttershy. - What did you do to the poor little thing? Rarity forced her tears back. Pinkamina didn't listen this time either, it was if she was in her own world, talking to herself. - It shouldn't be long now until we can have some fun with the adorable little bunny. Pinkie clapped her hooves in anticipation. - Mwahahaha! Pinkamina raised her front hooves into the air and let out a soul chilling laughter when she watched Angel move slower and slower as the drug took effect. - Please, Pinkie, tell us what you did to him. Please! Rarity pleaded to the insane pink pony. - D-did... did you.. kill him? Rarity froze as she finished the sentence and saw that Fluttershy reacted badly to her question. Pinkamina emptied out Angels rag doll-like body from the cage onto the cart with a loud thump. - No, the little pest is till alive, however, we've only... well... you could say, numbed him. He can still feel pain though, such as this. Pinkamina raised her hooves into the air and slammed them down at the the defenseless little bunny which let out a wheeze-like sound as she emptied his lungs at the impact. - NOOOO!!!! Fluttershy screamed at the sight of Pinkamina assaulting her pet. Her words were very hard to understand but it was obvious she had built up a huge amount of anger through Pinkaminas sadistic actions. - Oh... I'm sorry Fluttershy, I forgot you might miss your little pet. I'll just... Pinkie walked up to the wall behind her and picked up an axe that was leaning against the wall. - ...I'll just give him a little headcut! Pinkamina raised the axe as high as she could and before anyone understood what was happening, she jammed the axe into the cart with a sloppy sound, beheading the white bunny. No one said anything as they were stunned by the chocking scene that was their old friend chopping of the head of a little bunny and pour the blood from its body into her mouth with a gurgling sound. - Aah! Yet another lovely drink. Pinkie Pie was laying on the floor in a pool of blood she was unable to swallow. After a short moment of rubbing her back against the blood soaked floor she rose again to a standing position, slowly walking towards Fluttershy with one of her hooves behind her back. - Here Fluttershy, I brought you a friend. Pinkie smiled her normal cheering smile at the broken pegasus. - Where is Angel? Wheeere is Angel? Pinkie twitched. - HERE HE IS! Pinkamina put her hoof in front of Fluttershys face. On top of her hoof was Angels blood-soaked head. Fluttershy instantly yanked her body away from the dead head of her pet which made her nudge Pinkaminas hoof so that Angels head fell to the floor with a plopping sound. Pinkamina could do nothing more than fall to the ground herself, rolling back and forth on her back as she laughter hysterically. Once she calmed down, she twitched. - I think it is time we demonstrate the power of the hormone booster we talked about earlier. Pinkie Pie bent down at the cart where she had slaughtered Angel and carefully lifted up two small bottles and an empty glass container. - Let's see... hormone booster, check. Pinkie talked to herself while emptying one of the bottles into the blood stained container. - ...sample from Big Mac, check. While she poured the liquid from the other bottle she giggled at the thought of how she had ''harvested'' the sample from the now dead stallion. - ...and lastly, carefully stir it all together. She picked up a scalpel from the surgeon cart to her left and slowly mixed the two liquids. - Wuh- what the hay is that smell? Applejack strongly reacted to the smell from the glass container in Pinkie Pies hoof. She was extremely disgusted by the smell, yet, slightly curious of it. As if a part of her brain wanted to just drink it all up without a second thought. But there still was a part of her brain that desperately tried to resist it because she new that a part of that mixture contained the genes of one of her own family members. - No, no.... NO! Not... that smell... again! Rainbow Dash began thrashing wildly since her brain remembered the scent from the cupcakes she ate. - Oh, so THAT'S why you stole the cupcakes from me, you silly filly. Can't handle your instincts, can you? Pinkie Pie had a naughty smirk on her face. - What are you talking about Rainbow dear... oh... OH! OH MY! Pinkie Pie quickly waved the class container in front Rarity's face which made the white unicorn breath intensively and slightly drool. - Your turn, Twilight, get a great whiff of this. Pinkie Pie held the class container under Twilight Sparkle's nose. She tried to hold her breath, but it was a futile resistance as she quickly had to inhale which also made her inhale fumes from the container. All this made her groan and moan as her hind legs suddenly twitched several times. - I think that is quite enough teasing, lets show them how to REALLY use this incredible potion. Pinkie Pie put down the class jar in front of Luna's dangling body and went back to the cart with the doctors bag and picked up a new syringe. - Wakey wakey, Princess! Pinkie jabbed the syringe into the heart of Luna's body. With a loud gasp the blue Alicorn woke up. - Hunghh... pinka... mina... stop... this... tor... torture... please... please... Princess Luna could barely speak due to her lack of strength from the massive amount of blood loss. - OH MY GOODNESS! Is she still alive? Twilight Sparkle snapped out from her previous state and tried to turn her head to Luna, but the leather strap on her forehead prevented the slightest movement. - Of course she is, I wasn't done playing with her just yet. Pinkie smiled at Twilight Sparkle who couldn't notice it due to prevention from turning her head. - No... no... more... pink... ie... A bloodied tear streamed down Luna's right cheek since she was missing her left eyeball. However, the insane pink pony ignored her victims pleads of mercy and picked up the glass jar as she dipped her hoof in it and wiped it off on Luna's cheeks. She kept dipping and wiping it off at different locations on the dangling alicorn's face and body until the glass container was empty. - I-i guess that should be enough. Pinkie had a hard time keeping her cool as the liquid also was having its effect on her. She excessively tried to wipe the sweat from her forehead and the drool from her lips. With trembling hooves, she careful put the glass jar down some distance away from Luna. The long exposure of the strange mixture took its toll on Pinkie Pie as she suddenly began snorting like crazy and bucking wildly in all directions. As she stopped with her bucking and snorting, she instead began moaning, drooling and shaking, just like if she was in the middle of a sexual act. - What's goin' on with ya, Pinkie? Applejack tried to communicate with the pink pony, but without result. - Rarity, do you think she will... you know... Twilight Sparkle whispered to her tied up friend. - OH GOODNESS, NO! She can't do... ''it''... Rarity gave an anxious reply. - What the hay are ya'll talkin' 'bout? What ''it''? Applejack tried to intervene in the conversation. - You know, Applejack, ''IT''. Rarity really thought her friend would get the hint by now. - Bees and birds, Applejack, bees and birds! Twilight shouted. Applejack mumbled it over to herself. - Bees and birds... bees and... Suddenly, Applejack realized what they were talking about. Her eyes widened quickly and she turned her attention to the pink pony who still was standing in front of Princess Luna, writhing to her own instincts. - PINKIE PIE! I know what yer 'bout to do! Please listen to meh! DON'T DO IT! Pinkie slowly turned her head around and looked at Applejack with blood-shot eyes and a waterfall of drool from her mouth. Her facial expression had gotten stuck somewhere between insanity, rampage and aroused. Her constant twitching made her speech very erratic. - Y-you... don't... know... anything... you.. silly... freak! The pink pony suddenly fell down to the floor, pressing her bloodied hooves to her face while making smooth grunts and other random noises. - P-pinkie Pie? A-a-are you OK? Rainbow Dash' voice was trembling as she had a tough time to recover from the fumes of the hormone booster. -*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*- Pinkie Pie quieted down upon hearing the question. An eerie silence grasped the mood in the room as the tension of what could happen next quickly spiked. Then, all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie began giggling. It was her normal cheerful giggle that just about anypony around her had heard if they ever saw her. But it very slowly turned to sarcastic laughter, then to angry laughing and lastly the very familiar maniacal laughter Pinkamina tended to fashion. Applejack was about to talk to the pink pony, but in the moment she opened her mouth, Pinkie Pie let out a blood-chilling roar and lunged at the dangling half-dead alicorn princess in front of her like a predator and began biting and tearing flesh from her on the many different spots Pinkie had wiped some of the hormone booster on. - NNNNGAAAHH! Who will gobble up who now, huh!? Pinkamina continued her frenzy on the poor blue alicorn. Everpony tried to close their eyes and ignore as much of the sounds coming from the pink scavenging pony who was too busy eating on the alicorn to notice that Rarity tried to seize this small opportunity and used her magic to carefully pick up the syringe Pinkie had used on Angel that still was half full. She used her last bit of strength to sneak it up behind Pinkie Pies back and turn it so that the needle was pointing at Pinkie Pie and Luna. With a loud grunt Rarity used her last bit of consciousness to drive the needle into the back of the pink pony. But due to Rarity's incapability to properly focus she didn't see that Pinkie was about to turn around as the syringe passed her eyes and hit Luna in the chest, not too far away from the heart which made the alicorn gurgle up her final breath of life as her body was entirely hanging in the blood stained chains, no more even standing on her hind legs. Pinkie Pie looked at the blue corpse as her left eye twitched in anger. - YOU! YOU USED MAGIC! YOU TRIED TO MAKE ME TAKE A NAP! I WARNED YOU! SAY GOOD-BYE TO YOUR HORN! Pinkie Pie was boiling with anger, more than ever before. She quickly ran to the axe she used to decapitate Angel and pulled it out of the cart and readied it in her hooves as she dashed at Luna's remains. - NO! PINKIE! NO! Twilight shouted all her lungs could muster, but too late. - DIIIIIIIIIIE!!! Pinkamina screamed as she aimed for Luna's horn, but due to her lack of height she instead hit Luna in the face, splitting the skull horizontally bellow the eyes. - Pinkie... what have you done? Twilight Sparkle was unable to keep her eyes open from all the tears that showered her cheeks. She kept her head as low as she could even thought her head was strapped tight to the table that held up her entire body. - What WE'VE done!? Pinkamina clenched her face with her front hooves and let out a roar in frustration. - GRRAAAAHHH! THAT'S IT! Now you've done it! Now we're so mad we don't wanna play with any of you ungrateful flank-holes anymore! Let me just get... this... Pinkamina jerked the axe out of Luna's cracked skull which made the two halves separate and fall down only to hit Pinkamina on the side of her own head which made her stumble to the control panel and hit the back of her head against the button that let Applejack free from her metal clamps. Unprepared for what happened she landed on her rump with a light thud. - Ow, wh-what happend? Ow, mah flank! Hay, mah flank! Ah can see mah flank! Ah'm free! Applejack was ecstatic at the sight of her own cutie mark as she began giggling out of pure happiness. - C'mon Applejack, snap out of it, let the rest of us free before she recovers. Twilight Sparkle semi-shouted at the celebrating earth pony who immediately heard her friend and ran up to the front of the control panel before pushing away Pinkie Pie who had fallen unconscious over the panel. A large amount of buttons and gauges revealed themselves as Pinkie Pie's body fell the floor with a bang. - Hurry! She might wake up any second! Twilight began sounding desperate. Applejack suddenly froze a little at all the blinking buttons and gauges. - ''How could Pinkie know what to press and what not to press?'' Applejack thought to herself as she swallowed down hard. - Okay then, here we go, ah think this one here should let ya free Fluttershy. Applejack turned her head to look at Fluttershy who seemed to have given up everything and just hung there by the chains that prevented her to fall to the floor. Applejack swallowed again and randomly pressed a button. With a loud click the metal holders that had Rarity stuck in place let go of the unconscious unicorn who immediately woke up upon touching the floor. - Ow... my head. You are SO not gonna believe the dream I... EEK! As Rarity opened her eyes she saw that what she thought was a dream was the very reality that grasped her with fear as she curled up slightly at the floor with a quiet whimper. - Oops, sorry 'bout that Rarity! Applejack scratched the back of her head with her hoof and gave Rarity a nervous smile. - Well then, this one here should let ya free Twili'. Applejack once again pressed a random button, this time releasing Rainbow Dash who immediately began flying around the small room. - YES! HAHA! WOHO! Rainbow Dash was overjoyed at finally being able to fly. - Aw, hayseed! Can't ah do nuthin' right... Applejack sank down with her head on the control panel and, by a mistake, pressed the button that let Twilight Sparkle free. - Oof! Ow... HEY! Applejack, you did it! We are all free. Twilight Sparkle walked over to Applejack and gave a hug to the blushing orange mare. She was about to talk as she looked over Applejack's shoulder to see Fluttershy look back at her with huge teary eyes. - Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Fluttershy, we need to get you to a hospital so they can take a look at your wound. She didn't bother to manually click open the chains holding Fluttershy. Instead she cast a spell that completely chattered the blood-stained metal cuffs holding up Fluttershy. Upon touching the floor with her front hooves she instantly hugged Twilight Sparkle in front of her and began crying, this time out of happiness and gratefulness. - OH! Twilight, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for saving me. Fluttershy whispered with a sore voice as she tried to walk closer to Twilight but was unable to due to her left hind leg refusing to do as she wanted. Amids all the cheerful happiness, Pinkie Pie suddenly began moving. - Ow ow ow, my head! Pinkie Pie sat up while scratching the side of her head. - Pinkamina, have you spiked the punch again? Pinkie Pie twitched as she opened her eyes. - Y-you! H-h-how could you all get free? For the first time, a glance of fear could be seen in Pinkamina's eyes. As if from nowhere, Fluttershy brushed up. - YOU! Fluttershy shouted with an unusually deep echoing voice as she ran up to Pinkie Pie and bucked the pink pony so hard that she almost hit the ceiling. After Pinkie hit the floor again Fluttershy began stomping and kicking the pink pony who could do nothing more than just lie there and receive every blow, each more painful than the last. - YOU! YOU KILLED MY PET! YOU KILLED ANGEL! NOW, I'M GONNA KILL YOU! Fluttershy rose up on her hind legs, prepared to squash the skull of her pet's killer but was interrupted as Twilight pushed her aside which made the yellow pegasus trip and fall to the floor. - No Fluttershy, don't sink down to her level! Twilight stood between the beaten pink pony and the raging pegasus pony being forced back by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Twilight scanned the room with her eyes for something. After a while she locked her eyes on the table Rainbow Dash earlier had been stuck to. Her eyes gleamed as she loudly spoke. - I have a MUCH better idea. I changed my mind, I think it is time for some ''eye-for-an-eye'' payback. Twilight used her magic to levitate the pink pony over to the cold table. The pink pony did nothing to resist as she was too drained of energy to fight back. With a clicking sound, Pinkie Pie was now the one to be strapped up, unable to do move. - Ugh... hah... hahahah... bring your worst... you don't have.. argh... the guts to do anything... heh... heh... heh... Pinkamina tried to laugh at her captors but her bruises kept her from breathing properly. Fluttershy was about to hit Pinkie Pie with another hoof, but Rarity stopped her, shoving the angered pegasus to the side. - Allow me to be first. Well then, let's see what we have here. Rarity turned her head slightly just so she could see the little scalpel on the cart behind her which she then used magic on to levitate next to her head. - Mweh... heh... heh... a scalpel... is that all... it can hardly to any damage... Pinkamina gave Rarity a smug grin. - Perhaps not, but it still may help me express myself. Rarity made a pouty face while pondering on what she should do. - Aha! This should suffice. Rarity let the scalpel each cut a shallow but long wound across Pinkaminas four limbs only to bury the scalpel bellow Pinkamina's right shoulder. - That was for torturing my friends and ruining my lovely coat. Rarity tried to wipe off some of the dried blood from her coat. Pinkamina kept laughing. - Hargh... heh... heh.. I can't even feel that petty scratching... Pinkamina tried to hide an expression that showed that the scalpel continually brought her wave after wave of pain. - OH, OH, my turn! Rainbow Dash pulled out a knife that was stuck high up on the wall behind where Twilight earlier was tied. She landed in front of Pinkamina and put the tip of the knife to Pinkaminas left thigh and gave it a slight push, causing it to barely penetrate the skin. - This is for poisoning my friends! Rainbow Dash gave the knife another push making the knife cut almost halfway through her thigh. Pinkamina began to struggle slightly. - Hnnnnghh! Is that it? You are so pathet... Rainbow Dash interrupted Pinkamina. - THIS! Is for poisoning ME! Rainbow Dash bucked the knife as hard as she could which made the knife fully penetrate Pinkamina's thigh and get stuck into the metal table behind it. - GGYYAAAAHH!!! Pinkamina couldn't help but scream at the extreme pain not from just one, but two kinds of knives penetrating her flesh. Tears could be seen welling up in her eyes. - P-p-please... Pinkamina mumbled. - What was that again? Rainbow Dash teased Pinkamina and lifted her head to get her full attention. Pinkamina gasped a few times at the pain while making a second attempt at talking. - Phu... pl-plea-ease s-s-top... Rainbow Dash let go of her head and turned around. - Pffth... NOW you're sorry, huh? - Well, a might late for that now, ain't it? Applejack grinned in front of Pinkamina's sobbing face holding a knife in each of her front hooves. - Rarity, could ya please hold these two for meh for just a sec? Here and here! Applejack cut a small cross at where she wanted Rarity to levitate the two knifes, one at Pinkamina's right thigh and the other bellow her left shoulder. - Of course deary. Rarity giggled at the punishment Pinkamina was soon to receive. Applejack turned around and bucked in the higher positioned knife which barely penetrated all the way through making the tip of the knife peek out at the back of Pinkamina's shoulder. - For seducing Big Macintosh before ya... be-before ya... Applejack's eyes flooded at the thought of what she was about to say. She quickly bucked in the other knife making the knife penetrate the same way as Rainbow Dash' knife. She then quickly hugged Rarity and cried out loudly. - ...before ya ki-ki... kill... Applejack's words were stuck in her throat until Rarity pounded her hoof on Applejack's back, making Applejack cry even louder. - ...before YA KILLED HIM! WHY? WHY? WHAT HAD HE EVER DONE TO DESERVE... Rarity interrupted the heartbroken orange mare. - Shh, shh, there, there... Rarity tried to comfort her friend. - Everything will be alright dear Applejack. Everything will be... Applejack shoved away Rarity, wiping her tears with her hoof. - No, it isn't gonna be alright. He's gone, and there's nuthin' anypony can do 'bout it. Applejack walked to the other side of the room while sobbing to herself. - Uhm... I-i suppose it is my turn now... Fluttershy carefully limped in front of Pinkamina who was too busy trying to fight the huge amount of pain surging through her very being by each of her rapid heartbeats. Fluttershy lowered her head until her hair covered her face to go through her mind what had happened in the past hours. - Uh, Fluttershy? Are you gonna do something or just let her bleed out? Rainbow Dash was about to give Fluttershy a little nudge in her side but quickly took a few steps back as Fluttershy spread her wings as much as she could while raising her head with anger burning throughout her eyes! - No! I have something way less merciful in mind! Fluttershy sadisticly laughed as she turned around and went for the hacksaw Pinkamina had dropped earlier. She jumped at Pinkamina and pretended to hold her down with her left hoof on Pinkamina's right shoulder as she slowly began grinding the hacksaw through Pinkamina's left collarbone with the other hoof. Fluttershy stopped halfway through the bone and turned around, only to buck with her wounded leg right at the open wound she had just made. The only thing that could be heard was the bone snapping as Pinkamina began to writhe at this new source of pain and coughing up blood that also found its way out through her nostrils. Pinkamina's life was slowly fading away from her eyes as Twilight Sparkle lifted her head from the doctors bag she had rummaged through while using her magic to lift a syringe with a label on it saying ''ADRENALINE''. - Oh no, you are not allowed to go! I haven't had my turn yet! Twilight quickly shoved the syringe into Pinkamina's heart which made the pink severely wounded pony gasp for air with her eyes widened at their maximum capability. Twilight untied the leather strap holding Pinkamina's head so that she could lock eyes with the wide awake, blood-drooling, pink pony. Twilight once again used her magic to lift up a rusty knife conveniently laying next to her left front hoof, lifting it all the way up, turning the knife so that it pointed between Pinkamina's eyes - This is not only for me, this is not only for my friends! Twilight inhaled as much as she could. - THIS! IS! FOR EVERY! SINGLE! CREATURE that you have caused even the slightest pain to. Twilight was just about to make for the stab when Pinkamina coughed as she was about to talk. - Y-you... wouldn't... h-hurt... your... friend, would you? Pinkamina coughed some more between her words. Twilight lowered her head along with the knife. - No... you are right, I would never hurt my friends... Twilight once again locked eyes with the crying pony in front of her. - But after what you have done here today, I speak for everypony when I say; YOU ARE NO LONGER OUR FRIEND! Twilight plunged the knife up and into Pinkamina's chin causing the knife to penetrate her tongue shortly followed by her brain, ending the life of the twisted pink pony. -*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*--*-*- After a few seconds of gurgling and twitching, Pinkie Pie's body stopped moving, her heart stopped beating, her lunges stopped breathing, everything just shut down, ending all the misery. - So, what are we gonna do know? Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight Sparkle as she flew past her head. - We've gotta tell somepony about this. Twilight yanked Rainbow Dash' tail, making her come to a halt. - NO! We are not going to tell a soul about what we have seen today. Twilight looked determined, yet angry. - You three are gonna get Fluttershy to a hospital while I get home and write a letter to Princess Celestia, letting her at least know her sister has passed away. The five friends nodded and began traversing out of the basement they've been holed up in for so many hours only to their surprise emerge from a hidden staircase inside the Sugar Cube Corner. As the last of the ponies left the room, a soft and oh-so-faint moan could be heard from the pink pony as a twitch surged through her body. THE END?